CoolAid: The Cool Reference Manual∗ |
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Introduction |
This manual describes the programming language Cool: the Classroom Object-Oriented Language. Cool |
is a small language that can be implemented with reasonable effort in a one semester course. Still, Cool |
retains many of the features of modern programming languages including objects, static typing, and |
automatic memory management. |
Cool programs are sets of classes. A class encapsulates the variables and procedures of a data type. |
Instances of a class are objects. In Cool, classes and types are identified; i.e., every class defines a type. |
Classes permit programmers to define new types and associated procedures (or methods) specific to those |
types. Inheritance allows new types to extend the behavior of existing types. |
Cool is an expression language. Most Cool constructs are expressions, and every expression has a |
value and a type. Cool is type safe: procedures are guaranteed to be applied to data of the correct type. |
While static typing imposes a strong discipline on programming in Cool, it guarantees that no runtime |
type errors can arise in the execution of Cool programs. |
This manual is divided into informal and formal components. For a short, informal overview, the first |
12 pages (through Section 9) suffices. The formal description begins with Section 10. |
2 Getting Started |
The reader who wants to get a sense for Cool at the outset should begin by reading, and then write their |
own cool-programs and run them. Cool source files have extension .cl and Cool assembly files have |
extension .s. The Cool compiler is coolc (note that cool is a Linux-binary file). To compile a program: |
coolc [ -o fileout ] file1.cl file2.cl ... filen.cl |
The compiler compiles the files file1.cl through filen.cl as if they were concatenated together. |
Each file must define a set of complete classes—class definitions may not be split across files. The -o |
option specifies an optional name to use for the output assembly code. If fileout is not supplied, the |
output assembly is named file1.s. |
The coolc compiler generates MIPS assembly code. Because not all of the machines the course is |
using are MIPS-based, Cool programs are run on a MIPS simulator called spim. To run a cool program, |
type |
% spim |
(spim) load "file.s" |
(spim) run |
∗Copyright c(cid:176)1995-2000 by Alex Aiken. All rights reserved. |
1 |
To run a different program during the same spim session, it is necessary to reinitialize the state of the |
simulator before loading the new assembly file: |
(spim) reinit |
An alternative—and faster—way to invoke spim is with a file: |
spim -file file.s |
This form loads the file, runs the program, and exits spim when the program terminates. Be sure that |
the spim we provided is actually used. There may be another version of spim installed in on some |
systems, but it will not execute Cool programs. The spim manual is available in the resources folder of |
the repository. |
The following is a complete transcript of the compilation and execution of list.cl. This program is |
very silly, but it does serve to illustrate many of the features of Cool. |
% coolc list.cl |
% spim |
SPIM Version 5.4 of Jan. 17, 1994 |
Copyright 1990-1994 by James R. Larus ([email protected]). |
All Rights Reserved. |
See the file README a full copyright notice. |
Loaded: /usa/pollock/public/cool02/lib/trap.handler |
(spim) load "list.s" |
(spim) run |
How many numbers to sort?5 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
COOL program successfully executed |
(spim) exit |
% |
3 Classes |
All code in Cool is organized into classes. Each class definition must be contained in a single source file, |
but multiple classes may be defined in the same file. Class definitions have the form: |
class <type> [ inherits <type> ] { |
<feature_list> |
}; |
The notation [ ...] denotes an optional construct. All class names are globally visible. Class names |
begin with an uppercase letter. Classes may not be redefined. |
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3.1 Features |
The body of a class definition consists of a list of feature definitions. A feature is either an attribute or |
a method. An attribute of class A specifies a variable that is part of the state of objects of class A. A |
method of class A is a procedure that may manipulate the variables and objects of class A. |
One of the major themes of modern programming languages is information hiding, which is the idea |
that certain aspects of a data type’s implementation should be abstract and hidden from users of the |
data type. Cool supports information hiding through a simple mechanism: all attributes have scope local |
to the class, and all methods have global scope. Thus, the only way to provide access to object state in |
Cool is through methods. |
Feature names must begin with a lowercase letter. No method name may be defined multiple times in |
a class, and no attribute name may be defined multiple times in a class, but a method and an attribute |
may have the same name. |
A fragment from list.cl illustrates simple cases of both attributes and methods: |
class Cons inherits List { |
xcar : Int; |
xcdr : List; |
isNil() : Bool { false }; |
init(hd : Int, tl : List) : Cons { |
xcar <- hd; |
xcdr <- tl; |
self; |
{ |
} |
} |
... |
}; |
In this example, the class Cons has two attributes xcar and xcdr and two methods isNil and init. |
Note that the types of attributes, as well as the types of formal parameters and return types of methods, |
are explicitly declared by the programmer. |
Given object c of class Cons and object l of class List, we can set the xcar and xcdr fields by using |
the method init: |
c.init(1,l) |
This notation is object-oriented dispatch. There may be many definitions of init methods in many |
different classes. The dispatch looks up the class of the object c to decide which init method to invoke. |
Because the class of c is Cons, the init method in the Cons class is invoked. Within the invocation, the |
variables xcar and xcdr refer to c’s attributes. The special variable self refers to the object on which |
the method was dispatched, which, in the example, is c itself. |
There is a special form new C that generates a fresh object of class C. An object can be thought of as |
a record that has a slot for each of the attributes of the class as well as pointers to the methods of the |
class. A typical dispatch for the init method is: |
3 |
(new Cons).init(1,new Nil) |
This example creates a new cons cell and initializes the “car” of the cons cell to be 1 and the “cdr” to |
be new Nil.1 There is no mechanism in Cool for programmers to deallocate objects. Cool has automatic |
memory management; objects that cannot be used by the program are deallocated by a runtime garbage |
collector. |
Attributes are discussed further in Section 5 and methods are discussed further in Section 6. |
3.2 Inheritance |
If a class definition has the form |
class A inherits B { ... }; |
then class A inherits the features of B. In this case B is the parent class of A and A is a child class of B. |
The semantics of A inherits B is that A has all of the features defined in B in addition to its own |
features. In the case that a parent and child both define the same method name, then the definition |
given in the child class takes precedence. It is illegal to redefine attribute names. Furthermore, for type |
safety, it is necessary to place some restrictions on how methods may be redefined (see Section 6). |
There is a distinguished class Object. If a class definition does not specify a parent class, then the |
class inherits from Object by default. A class may inherit only from a single class; this is aptly called |
“single inheritance.”2 The parent-child relation on classes defines a graph. This graph may not contain |
cycles. For example, if A inherits from B, then B must not inherit from A. Furthermore, if A inherits from |
B, then B must have a class definition somewhere in the program. Because Cool has single inheritance, it |
follows that if both of these restrictions are satisfied, then the inheritance graph forms a tree with Object |
as the root. |
In addition to Object, Cool has four other basic classes: Int, String, Bool, and IO. The basic classes |
are discussed in Section 8. |
4 Types |
In Cool, every class name is also a type. In addition, there is a type SELF TYPE that can be used in |
special circumstances. |
A type declaration has the form x:C, where x is a variable and C is a type. Every variable must have a |
type declaration at the point it is introduced, whether that is in a let, case, or as the formal parameter |
of a method. The types of all attributes must also be declared. |
The basic type rule in Cool is that if a method or variable expects a value of type A, then any value |
of type B may be used instead, provided that A is an ancestor of B in the class hierarchy. In other words, |
if B inherits from A, either directly or indirectly, then a B can be used wherever an A would suffice. |
When an object of class B may be used in place of an object of class A, we say that B conforms to A |
or that B ≤ A. As discussed above, conformance is defined in terms of the inheritance graph. |
Definition 4.1 (Conformance) Let A, B, and C be types. |
• A ≤ A for all types A |
1In this example, Nil is assumed to be a subtype of List. |
2Some object-oriented languages allow a class to inherit from multiple classes, which is equally aptly called “multiple |
inheritance.” |
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• if A inherits from B, then A ≤ B |
• if A ≤ B and B ≤ C then A ≤ C |
Because Object is the root of the class hierarchy, it follows that A ≤ Object for all types A. |
The type SELF TYPE is used to refer to the type of the self variable. This is useful in classes that will |
be inherited by other classes, because it allows the programmer to avoid specifying a fixed final type at |
the time the class is written. For example, the program |
class Silly { |
copy() : SELF_TYPE { self }; |
}; |
class Sally inherits Silly { }; |
class Main { |
x : Sally <- (new Sally).copy(); |
main() : Sally { x }; |
}; |
Because SELF TYPE is used in the definition of the copy method, we know that the result of copy is the |
same as the type of the self parameter. Thus, it follows that (new Sally).copy() has type Sally, |
which conforms to the declaration of attribute x. |
Note that the meaning of SELF TYPE is not fixed, but depends on the class in which it is used. In |
general, SELF TYPE may refer to the class C in which it appears, or any class that conforms to C. When it |
is useful to make explicit what SELF TYPE may refer to, we use the name of the class C in which SELF TYPE |
appears as an index SELF TYPEC. This subscript notation is not part of Cool syntax—it is used merely |
to make clear in what class a particular occurrence of SELF TYPE appears. |
From Definition 4.1, it follows that SELF TYPEX ≤ SELF TYPEX. There is also a special conformance |
rule for SELF TYPE: |
SELF TYPEC ≤ B if C ≤ B |
Finally, SELF TYPE may be used in the following places: new SELF TYPE, as the return type of a |
method, as the declared type of a let variable, or as the declared type of an attribute. No other uses of |
SELF TYPE are permitted. |
4.2 Type Checking |
The Cool type system guarantees at compile time that execution of a program cannot result in runtime |
type errors. Using the type declarations for identifiers supplied by the programmer, the type checker |
infers a type for every expression in the program. |
It is important to distinguish between the type assigned by the type checker to an expression at compile |
time, which we shall call the static type of the expression, and the type(s) to which the expression may |
evaluate during execution, which we shall call the dynamic types. |
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The distinction between static and dynamic types is needed because the type checker cannot, at |
compile time, have perfect information about what values will be computed at runtime. Thus, in general, |
the static and dynamic types may be different. What we require, however, is that the type checker’s |
static types be sound with respect to the dynamic types. |
Definition 4.2 For any expression e, let De be a dynamic type of e and let Se be the static type inferred |
by the type checker. Then the type checker is sound if for all expressions e it is the case that De ≤ Se. |
Put another way, we require that the type checker err on the side of overestimating the type of an |
expression in those cases where perfect accuracy is not possible. Such a type checker will never accept |
a program that contains type errors. However, the price paid is that the type checker will reject some |
programs that would actually execute without runtime errors. |
5 Attributes |
An attribute definition has the form |
<id> : <type> [ <- <expr> ]; |
The expression is optional initialization that is executed when a new object is created. The static type |
of the expression must conform to the declared type of the attribute. If no initialization is supplied, then |
the default initialization is used (see below). |
When a new object of a class is created, all of the inherited and local attributes must be initialized. |
Inherited attributes are initialized first in inheritance order beginning with the attributes of the greatest |
ancestor class. Within a given class, attributes are initialized in the order they appear in the source text. |
Attributes are local to the class in which they are defined or inherited. Inherited attributes cannot |
be redefined. |
5.1 Void |
All variables in Cool are initialized to contain values of the appropriate type. The special value void |
is a member of all types and is used as the default initialization for variables where no initialization is |
supplied by the user. Note that there is no name for void in Cool; the only way to create a void value |
is to declare a variable of some class other than Int, String, or Bool and allow the default initialization |
to occur. |
There is a special form isvoid expr that tests whether a value is void (see Section 7.11). In addition, |
void values may be tested for equality. A void value may be passed as an argument, assigned to a variable, |
or otherwise used in any context where any value is legitimate, except that a dispatch to or case on void |
generates a runtime error. |
Variables of the basic classes Int, Bool, and String are initialized specially; see Section 8. |
6 Methods |
A method definition has the form |
<id>(<id> : <type>,...,<id> : <type>): <type> { <expr> }; |
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There may be zero or more formal parameters. The identifiers used in the formal parameter list must |
be distinct. The type of the method body must conform to the declared return type. When a method is |
invoked, the formal parameters are bound to the actual arguments and the expression is evaluated; the |
resulting value is the meaning of the method invocation. A formal parameter hides any definition of an |
attribute of the same name. |
To ensure type safety, there are restrictions on the redefinition of inherited methods. The rule is |
simple: If a class A inherits a method f from an ancestor class B, then A may override the inherited |
definition of f provided the number of arguments, the types of the formal parameters, and the return |
type are exactly the same in both definitions. |
To see why some restriction is necessary on the redefinition of inherited methods, consider the following |
example: |
class A { |
f(): Int { 1 }; |
}; |
class B inherits A { |
f(): String { "1" }; |
}; |
Let a be an object with dynamic type A. Then |
a.f() + 1 |
is a well-formed expression with value 2. However, we cannot substitute a value of type B for a, as it would |
result in adding a string to a number. Thus, if methods can be redefined arbitrarily, then subclasses may |
not simply extend the behavior of their parents, and much of the usefulness of inheritance, as well as |
type safety, is lost. |
7 Expressions |
Expressions are the largest syntactic category in Cool. |
7.1 Constants |
The simplest expressions are constants. The boolean constants are true and false. Integer constants are |
unsigned strings of digits such as 0, 123, and 007. String constants are sequences of characters enclosed |
in double quotes, such as "This is a string." String constants may be at most 1024 characters long. |
There are other restrictions on strings; see Section 10. |
The constants belong to the basic classes Bool, Int, and String. The value of a constant is an object |
of the appropriate basic class. |
7.2 Identifiers |
The names of local variables, formal parameters of methods, self, and class attributes are all expressions. |
The identifier self may be referenced, but it is an error to assign to self or to bind self in a let, a |
case, or as a formal parameter. It is also illegal to have attributes named self. |
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Local variables and formal parameters have lexical scope. Attributes are visible throughout a class in |
which they are declared or inherited, although they may be hidden by local declarations within expres- |
sions. The binding of an identifier reference is the innermost scope that contains a declaration for that |
identifier, or to the attribute of the same name if there is no other declaration. The exception to this |
rule is the identifier self, which is implicitly bound in every class. |
7.3 Assignment |
An assignment has the form |
<id> <- <expr> |
The static type of the expression must conform to the declared type of the identifier. The value is the |
value of the expression. The static type of an assignment is the static type of <expr>. |
7.4 Dispatch |
There are three forms of dispatch in Cool. The three forms differ only in how the called method is |
selected. The most commonly used form of dispatch is |
<expr>.<id>(<expr>,...,<expr>) |
Consider the dispatch e0.f(e1, . . . , en). To evaluate this expression, the arguments are evaluated in left- |
to-right order, from e1 to en. Next, e0 is evaluated and its class C noted (if e0 is void a runtime error is |
generated). Finally, the method f in class C is invoked, with the value of e0 bound to self in the body |
of f and the actual arguments bound to the formals as usual. The value of the expression is the value |
returned by the method invocation. |
Type checking a dispatch involves several steps. Assume e0 has static type A. (Recall that this type |
is not necessarily the same as the type C above. A is the type inferred by the type checker; C is the class |
of the object computed at runtime, which is potentially any subclass of A.) Class A must have a method |
f, the dispatch and the definition of f must have the same number of arguments, and the static type of |
the ith actual parameter must conform to the declared type of the ith formal parameter. |
If f has return type B and B is a class name, then the static type of the dispatch is B. Otherwise, if f |
has return type SELF TYPE, then the static type of the dispatch is A. To see why this is sound, note that |
the self parameter of the method f conforms to type A. Therefore, because f returns SELF TYPE, we can |
infer that the result must also conform to A. Inferring accurate static types for dispatch expressions is |
what justifies including SELF TYPE in the Cool type system. |
The other forms of dispatch are: |
<id>(<expr>,...,<expr>) |
<expr>@<type>.id(<expr>,...,<expr>) |
The first form is shorthand for self.<id>(<expr>,...,<expr>). |
The second form provides a way of accessing methods of parent classes that have been hidden by |
redefinitions in child classes. |
Instead of using the class of the leftmost expression to determine the |
method, the method of the class explicitly specified is used. For example, [email protected]() invokes the method |
f in class B on the object that is the value of e. For this form of dispatch, the static type to the left of |
“@”must conform to the type specified to the right of “@”. |
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7.5 Conditionals |
A conditional has the form |
if <expr> then <expr> else <expr> fi |
The semantics of conditionals is standard. The predicate is evaluated first. If the predicate is true, |
then the then branch is evaluated. If the predicate is false, then the else branch is evaluated. The |
value of the conditional is the value of the evaluated branch. |
The predicate must have static type Bool. The branches may have any static types. To specify the |
static type of the conditional, we define an operation (cid:116) (pronounced “join”) on types as follows. Let |
A,B,D be any types other than SELF TYPE. The least type of a set of types means the least element with |
respect to the conformance relation ≤. |
A (cid:116) B = the least type C such that A ≤ C and B ≤ C |
SELF TYPED (cid:116) A = D (cid:116) A |
A (cid:116) SELF TYPED = A (cid:116) D |
Let T and F be the static types of the branches of the conditional. Then the static type of the |
conditional is T (cid:116) F. |
7.6 Loops |
A loop has the form |
while <expr> loop <expr> pool |
The predicate is evaluated before each iteration of the loop. If the predicate is false, the loop terminates |
and void is returned. If the predicate is true, the body of the loop is evaluated and the process repeats. |
The predicate must have static type Bool. The body may have any static type. The static type of a |
loop expression is Object. |
7.7 Blocks |
A block has the form |
{ <expr>; ... <expr>; } |
The expressions are evaluated in left-to-right order. Every block has at least one expression; the value |
of a block is the value of the last expression. The expressions of a block may have any static types. The |
static type of a block is the static type of the last expression. |
An occasional source of confusion in Cool is the use of semi-colons. Semi-colons are used as terminators |
in lists of expressions (e.g., the block syntax above) and not as expression separators. Semi-colons also |
terminate other Cool constructs, see Section 11 for details. |
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7.8 Let |
A let expression has the form |
let <id1> : <type1> [ <- <expr1> ], ..., <idn> : <typen> [ <- <exprn> ] in <expr> |
The optional expressions are initialization; the other expression is the body. A let is evaluated as |
follows. First <expr1> is evaluated and the result bound to <id1>. Then <expr2> is evaluated and the |
result bound to <id2>, and so on, until all of the variables in the let are initialized. (If the initialization |
of <idk> is omitted, the default initialization of type <typek> is used.) Next the body of the let is |
evaluated. The value of the let is the value of the body. |
The let identifiers <id1>,...,<idn> are visible in the body of the let. Furthermore, identifiers |
<id1>,...,<idk> are visible in the initialization of <idm> for any m > k. |
If an identifier is defined multiple times in a let, later bindings hide earlier ones. Identifiers introduced |
by let also hide any definitions for the same names in containing scopes. Every let expression must |
introduce at least one identifier. |
The type of an initialization expression must conform to the declared type of the identifier. The type |
of let is the type of the body. |
The scope of a let extends as far (encompasses as many tokens) as possible. |
7.9 Case |
A case expression has the form |
case <expr0> of |
<id1> : <type1> => <expr1>; |
. . . |
<idn> : <typen> => <exprn>; |
esac |
Case expressions provide runtime type tests on objects. First, expr0 is evaluated and its dynamic type |
C noted (if expr0 evaluates to void a run-time error is produced). Next, from among the branches the |
branch with the least type <typek> such that C ≤ <typek> is selected. The identifier <idk> is bound |
to the value of <expr0> and the expression <exprk> is evaluated. The result of the case is the value |
of <exprk>. |
If no branch can be selected for evaluation, a run-time error is generated. Every case |
expression must have at least one branch. |
For each branch, let Ti be the static type of <expri>. The static type of a case expression is |
1≤i≤n Ti. |
The identifier id introduced by a branch of a case hides any variable or attribute definition for id visible |
in the containing scope. |
(cid:70) |
The case expression has no special construct for a “default” or “otherwise” branch. The same affect |
is achieved by including a branch |
x : Object => ... |
because every type is ≤ to Object. |
The case expression provides programmers a way to insert explicit runtime type checks in situa- |
tions where static types inferred by the type checker are too conservative. A typical situation is that |
a programmer writes an expression e and type checking infers that e has static type A. However, the |
programmer may know that, in fact, the dynamic type of e is always B for some B ≤ A. This information |
can be captured using a case expression: |
10 |
case e of x : B => ... |
In the branch the variable x is bound to the value of e but has the more specific static type B. |
7.10 New |
A new expression has the form |
new <type> |
The value is a fresh object of the appropriate class. If the type is SELF TYPE, then the value is a fresh |
object of the class of self in the current scope. The static type is <type>. |
7.11 Isvoid |
The expression |
isvoid expr |
evaluates to true if expr is void and evaluates to false if expr is not void. |
7.12 Arithmetic and Comparison Operations |
Cool has four binary arithmetic operations: +, -, *, /. The syntax is |
expr1 <op> expr2 |
To evaluate such an expression first expr1 is evaluated and then expr2. The result of the operation is |
the result of the expression. |
The static types of the two sub-expressions must be Int. The static type of the expression is Int. |
Cool has only integer division. |
Cool has three comparison operations: <, <=, =. For < and <= the rules are exactly the same as |
for the binary arithmetic operations, except that the result is a Bool. The comparison = is a special |
case. If either <expr1> or <expr2> has static type Int, Bool, or String, then the other must have the |
same static type. Any other types, including SELF TYPE, may be freely compared. On non-basic objects, |
equality simply checks for pointer equality (i.e., whether the memory addresses of the objects are the |
same). Equality is defined for void. |
In principle, there is nothing wrong with permitting equality tests between, for example, Bool and |
Int. However, such a test must always be false and almost certainly indicates some sort of programming |
error. The Cool type checking rules catch such errors at compile-time instead of waiting until runtime. |
Finally, there is one arithmetic and one logical unary operator. The expression ~<expr> is the integer |
complement of <expr>. The expression <expr> must have static type Int and the entire expression |
has static type Int. The expression not <expr> is the boolean complement of <expr>. The expression |
<expr> must have static type Bool and the entire expression has static type Bool. |
11 |
8 Basic Classes |
8.1 Object |
The Object class is the root of the inheritance graph. Methods with the following declarations are |
defined: |
abort() : Object |
type_name() : String |
copy() : SELF_TYPE |
The method abort halts program execution with an error message. The method type name returns a |
string with the name of the class of the object. The method copy produces a shallow copy of the object.3 |
8.2 IO |
The IO class provides the following methods for performing simple input and output operations: |
out_string(x : String) : SELF_TYPE |
out_int(x : Int) : SELF_TYPE |
in_string() : String |
in_int() : Int |
The methods out string and out int print their argument and return their self parameter. The |
method in string reads a string from the standard input, up to but not including a newline character. |
The method in int reads a single integer, which may be preceded by whitespace. Any characters following |
the integer, up to and including the next newline, are discarded by in int. |
A class can make use of the methods in the IO class by inheriting from IO. It is an error to redefine |
the IO class. |
8.3 Int |
The Int class provides integers. There are no methods special to Int. The default initialization for |
variables of type Int is 0 (not void). It is an error to inherit from or redefine Int. |
8.4 String |
The String class provides strings. The following methods are defined: |
length() : Int |
concat(s : String) : String |
substr(i : Int, l : Int) : String |
The method length returns the length of the self parameter. The method concat returns the string |
formed by concatenating s after self. The method substr returns the substring of its self parameter |
beginning at position i with length l; string positions are numbered beginning at 0. A runtime error is |
generated if the specified substring is out of range. |
The default initialization for variables of type String is "" (not void). It is an error to inherit from |
or redefine String. |
3A shallow copy of a copies a itself, but does not recursively copy objects that a points to. |
12 |
8.5 Bool |
The Bool class provides true and false. The default initialization for variables of type Bool is false |
(not void). It is an error to inherit from or redefine Bool. |
9 Main Class |
Every program must have a class Main. Furthermore, the Main class must have a method main that |
takes no formal parameters. The main method must be defined in class Main (not inherited from another |
class). A program is executed by evaluating (new Main).main(). |
The remaining sections of this manual provide a more formal definition of Cool. There are four sections |
covering lexical structure (Section 10), grammar (Section 11), type rules (Section 12), and operational |
semantics (Section 13). |
10 Lexical Structure |
The lexical units of Cool are integers, type identifiers, object identifiers, special notation, strings, key- |
words, and white space. |
10.1 Integers, Identifiers, and Special Notation |
Integers are non-empty strings of digits 0-9. Identifiers are strings (other than keywords) consisting of |
letters, digits, and the underscore character. Type identifiers begin with a capital letter; object identifiers |
begin with a lower case letter. There are two other identifiers, self and SELF TYPE that are treated |
specially by Cool but are not treated as keywords. The special syntactic symbols (e.g., parentheses, |
assignment operator, etc.) are given in Figure 1. |
10.2 Strings |
Strings are enclosed in double quotes "...". Within a string, a sequence ‘\c’ denotes the character ‘c’, |
with the exception of the following: |
\b backspace |
tab |
\t |
\n newline |
\f |
formfeed |
A non-escaped newline character may not appear in a string: |
"This is not |
OK" |
A string may not contain EOF. A string may not contain the null (character \0). Any other character |
may be included in a string. Strings cannot cross file boundaries. |
13 |
There are two forms of comments in Cool. Any characters between two dashes “ – –” and the next |
newline (or EOF, if there is no next newline) are treated as comments. Comments may also be written |
by enclosing text in (∗ . . . ∗). The latter form of comment may be nested. Comments cannot cross file |
boundaries. |
10.4 Keywords |
The keywords of cool are: class, else, false, fi, if, in, inherits, isvoid, let, loop, pool, then, while, |
case, esac, new, of, not, true. Except for the constants true and false, keywords are case insensitive. |
To conform to the rules for other objects, the first letter of true and false must be lowercase; the trailing |
letters may be upper or lower case. |
10.5 White Space |
White space consists of any sequence of the characters: blank, newline, \f, \r, \t, \v. |
11 Cool Syntax |
Figure 1 provides a specification of Cool syntax. The specification is not context-free; for convenience, |
we also use some regular expression notation. Specifically, A∗ means zero or more A’s in succession; A+ |
means one or more A’s. The special notation A;∗ means zero or more A’s terminated by semicolons. The |
special notation A,∗ means zero or more A’s separated by commas. Separators differ from terminators |
in that the terminator always appears at the end of the list; a separator is never included at the end of |
a list. In Cool, semicolons are always terminators and commas are always separators. Items in square |
brackets [. . .] are optional. Double braces [[ ]] are not part of Cool; they are used in the grammar as a |
meta-symbol to show association of grammar operations. |
11.1 Precedence |
The precedence of infix binary and prefix unary operations, from highest to lowest, is given by the |
following table: |
. |
@ |
~ |
isvoid |
* / |
+ - |
<= |
not |
<- |
< = |
All binary operations are left-associative, with the exception of assignment, which is right-associative, |
and the three comparison operations, which do not associate. |
14 |
program ::= class;+ |
class |
::= class TYPE [inherits TYPE] { feature;∗ } |
feature ::= ID(formal,∗ ) : TYPE { expr } |
| |
ID : TYPE [ <- expr ] |
formal |
::= ID : TYPE |
expr |
::= ID <- expr |
| |
| |
| |
expr[@TYPE].ID(expr,∗ ) |
ID(expr,∗ ) |
if expr then expr else expr fi |
| while expr loop expr pool |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
{ expr;+ } |
let [[ID : TYPE [ <- expr ], ]]+ in expr |
case expr of [[ID : TYPE => expr; ]]+esac |
new TYPE |
isvoid expr |
expr + expr |
expr − expr |
expr ∗ expr |
expr / expr |
˜expr |
expr < expr |
expr <= expr |
expr = expr |
not expr |
(expr) |
ID |
integer |
string |
true |
false |
Figure 1: Cool syntax. |
15 |
12 Type Rules |
This section formally defines the type rules of Cool. The type rules define the type of every Cool expression |
in a given context. The context is the type environment, which describes the type of every unbound |
identifier appearing in an expression. The type environment is described in Section 12.1. Section 12.2 |
gives the type rules. |
12.1 Type Environments |
To a first approximation, type checking in Cool can be thought of as a bottom-up algorithm: the type of |
an expression e is computed from the (previously computed) types of e’s subexpressions. For example, |
an integer 1 has type Int; there are no subexpressions in this case. As another example, if en has type |
X, then the expression { e1; . . . ; en; } has type X. |
A complication arises in the case of an expression v, where v is an object identifier. It is not possible |
to say what the type of v is in a strictly bottom-up algorithm; we need to know the type declared for v |
in the larger expression. Such a declaration must exist for every object identifier in valid Cool programs. |
To capture information about the types of identifiers, we use a type environment. The environment |
consists of three parts: a method environment M , an object environment O, and the name of the |
current class in which the expression appears. The method environment and object environment are |
both functions (also called mappings). The object environment is a function of the form |
O(v) = T |
which assigns the type T to object identifier v. The method environment is more complex; it is a function |
of the form |
M (C, f ) = (T1, . . . , Tn−1, Tn) |
where C is a class name (a type), f is a method name, and t1, . . . , tn are types. The tuple of types is |
the signature of the method. The interpretation of signatures is that in class C the method f has formal |
parameters of types (t1, . . . , tn−1)—in that order—and a return type tn. |
Two mappings are required instead of one because object names and method names do not clash—i.e., |
there may be a method and an object identifier of the same name. |
The third component of the type environment is the name of the current class, which is needed for |
type rules involving SELF TYPE. |
Every expression e is type checked in a type environment; the subexpressions of e may be type |
checked in the same environment or, if e introduces a new object identifier, in a modified environment. |
For example, consider the expression |
let c : Int <- 33 in |
... |
The let expression introduces a new variable c with type Int. Let O be the object component of the |
type environment for the let. Then the body of the let is type checked in the object type environment |
where the notation O[T /c] is defined as follows: |
O[Int/c] |
O[T /c](c) = T |
O[T /c](d) = O(d) if d (cid:54)= c |
16 |
12.2 Type Checking Rules |
The general form a type checking rule is: |
... |
O, M, C (cid:96) e : T |
The rule should be read: In the type environment for objects O, methods M , and containing class C, the |
expression e has type T . The dots above the horizontal bar stand for other statements about the types |
of sub-expressions of e. These other statements are hypotheses of the rule; if the hypotheses are satisfied, |
then the statement below the bar is true. |
The rule for object identifiers is simply that if the environment assigns an identifier Id type T , then |
Id has type T . |
The rule for assignment to a variable is more complex: |
O(Id) = T |
O, M, C (cid:96) Id : T |
O(Id) = T |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : T (cid:48) |
T (cid:48) ≤ T |
O, M, C (cid:96) Id ← e1 : T (cid:48) |
[Var] |
Note that this type rule—as well as others—use the conformance relation ≤ (see Section 3.2). The rule |
says that the assigned expression e1 must have a type T (cid:48) that conforms to the type T of the identifier Id |
in the type environment. The type of the whole expression is T (cid:48). |
The type rules for constants are all easy: |
O, M, C (cid:96) true : Bool |
O, M, C (cid:96) f alse : Bool |
i is an integer constant |
O, M, C (cid:96) i : Int |
s is a string constant |
O, M, C (cid:96) s : String |
There are two cases for new, one for new SELF TYPE and one for any other form: |
(cid:40) |
T (cid:48) = |
T otherwise |
O, M, C (cid:96) new T : T (cid:48) |
[True] |
[False] |
[Int] |
[String] |
[New] |
17 |
Dispatch expressions are the most complex to type check. |
O, M, C (cid:96) e0 : T0 |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : T1 |
... |
O, M, C (cid:96) en : Tn |
(cid:40) |
T (cid:48) |
0 = |
C if T0 = SELF TYPEC |
T0 otherwise |
1, . . . , T (cid:48) |
n, T (cid:48) |
n+1) |
M (T (cid:48) |
Ti ≤ T (cid:48) |
i |
0, f ) = (T (cid:48) |
(cid:40) |
Tn+1 = |
1 ≤ i ≤ n |
if T (cid:48) |
T0 |
T (cid:48) |
n+1 otherwise |
O, M, C (cid:96) e0.f (e1, . . . , en) : Tn+1 |
n+1 = SELF TYPE |
O, M, C (cid:96) e0 : T0 |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : T1 |
... |
O, M, C (cid:96) en : Tn |
T0 ≤ T |
M (T, f ) = (T (cid:48) |
Ti ≤ T (cid:48) |
i |
1, . . . , T (cid:48) |
n, T (cid:48) |
n+1) |
Tn+1 = |
(cid:40) |
1 ≤ i ≤ n |
if T (cid:48) |
T0 |
T (cid:48) |
n+1 otherwise |
O, M, C (cid:96) [email protected] (e1, . . . , en) : Tn+1 |
n+1 = SELF TYPE |
[Dispatch] |
[StaticDispatch] |
To type check a dispatch, each of the subexpressions must first be type checked. The type T0 of e0 |
determines the which declaration of the method f is used. The argument types of the dispatch must |
conform to the declared argument types. Note that the type of the result of the dispatch is either the |
declared return type or T0 in the case that the declared return type is SELF TYPE. The only difference in |
type checking a static dispatch is that the class T of the method f is given in the dispatch, and the type |
T0 must conform to T . |
The type checking rules for if and {-} expressions are straightforward. See Section 7.5 for the |
definition of the (cid:116) operation. |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : Bool |
O, M, C (cid:96) e2 : T2 |
O, M, C (cid:96) e3 : T3 |
O, M, C (cid:96) if e1 then e2 else e3 fi : T2 (cid:116) T3 |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : T1 |
O, M, C (cid:96) e2 : T2 |
... |
O, M, C (cid:96) en : Tn |
O, M, C (cid:96) { e1; e2; . . . en; } : Tn |
18 |
[If] |
[Sequence] |
The let rule has some interesting aspects. |
(cid:40) |
T (cid:48) |
0 = |
T0 otherwise |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : T1 |
T1 ≤ T (cid:48) |
0 |
O[T (cid:48) |
0/x], M, C (cid:96) e2 : T2 |
O, M, C (cid:96) let x : T0 ← e1 in e2 : T2 |
First, the initialization e1 is type checked in an environment without a definition for x. Thus, the variable |
x cannot be used in e1 unless it already has a definition in an outer scope. Second, the body e2 is type |
checked in the environment O extended with the typing x : T (cid:48) |
0. Third, note that the type of x may be |
[Let-Init] |
(cid:40) |
T (cid:48) |
0 = |
T0 otherwise |
O[T (cid:48) |
0/x], M, C (cid:96) e1 : T1 |
O, M, C (cid:96) let x : T0 in e1 : T1 |
The rule for let with no initialization simply omits the conformance requirement. We give type rules |
only for a let with a single variable. Typing a multiple let |
[Let-No-Init] |
let x1 : T1 [← e1], x2 : T2 [← e2], . . . , xn : Tn [← en] in e |
is defined to be the same as typing |
let x1 : T1 [← e1] in (let x2 : T2 [← e2], . . . , xn : Tn [← en] in e ) |
O, M, C (cid:96) e0 : T0 |
O[T1/x1], M, C (cid:96) e1 : T (cid:48) |
1 |
... |
O[Tn/xn], M, C (cid:96) en : T (cid:48) |
n |
O, M, C (cid:96) case e0 of x1 : T1 ⇒ e1; . . . xn : Tn ⇒ en; esac : |
(cid:70) |
1≤i≤n T (cid:48) |
i |
[Case] |
Each branch of a case is type checked in an environment where variable xi has type Ti. The type of |
the entire case is the join of the types of its branches. The variables declared on each branch of a case |
must all have distinct types. |
O, M, C (cid:96) while e1 loop e2 pool : Object |
The predicate of a loop must have type Bool; the type of the entire loop is always Object. An isvoid |
test has type Bool: |
[Loop] |
[Isvoid] |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : Bool |
O, M, C (cid:96) e2 : T2 |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : T1 |
O, M, C (cid:96) isvoid e1 : Bool |
With the exception of the rule for equality, the type checking rules for the primitive logical, compar- |
ison, and arithmetic operations are easy. |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : Bool |
O, M, C (cid:96) ¬e1 : Bool |
19 |
[Not] |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : Int |
O, M, C (cid:96) e2 : Int |
op ∈ {<, ≤} |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 op e2 : Bool |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : Int |
O, M, C (cid:96) ˜e1 : Int |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : Int |
O, M, C (cid:96) e2 : Int |
op ∈ {∗, +, −, /} |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 op e2 : Int |
[Compare] |
[Neg] |
[Arith] |
The wrinkle in the rule for equality is that any types may be freely compared except Int, String |
and Bool, which may only be compared with objects of the same type. |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 : T1 |
O, M, C (cid:96) e2 : T2 |
T1 ∈ {Int, String, Bool} ∨ T2 ∈ {Int, String, Bool} ⇒ T1 = T2 |
O, M, C (cid:96) e1 = e2 : Bool |
[Equal] |
The final cases are type checking rules for attributes and methods. For a class C, let the object |
environment OC give the types of all attributes of C (including any inherited attributes). More formally, |
if x is an attribute (inherited or not) of C, and the declaration of x is x : T , then |
(cid:40) |
OC(x) = |
T otherwise |
The method environment M is global to the entire program and defines for every class C the signatures |
of all of the methods of C (including any inherited methods). |
The two rules for type checking attribute defininitions are similar the rules for let. The essential |
difference is that attributes are visible within their initialization expressions. Note that self is bound in |
the initialization. |
OC(x) = T0 |
OC[SELF TYPEC/self], M, C (cid:96) e1 : T1 |
T1 ≤ T0 |
OC, M, C (cid:96) x : T0 ← e1; |
OC(x) = T |
OC, M, C (cid:96) x : T ; |
[Attr-Init] |
[Attr-No-Init] |
The rule for typing methods checks the body of the method in an environment where OC is extended |
with bindings for the formal parameters and self. The type of the method body must conform to the |
declared return type. |
M (C, f ) = (T1, . . . , Tn, T0) |
OC[SELF TYPEC/self][T1/x1] . . . [Tn/xn], M, C (cid:96) e : T (cid:48) |
0 |
(cid:40) |
T (cid:48) |
0 ≤ |
T0 otherwise |
OC, M, C (cid:96) f (x1 : T1, . . . , xn : Tn) : T0 { e }; |
20 |
[Method] |
13 Operational Semantics |
This section contains a mostly formal presentation of the operational semantics for the Cool language. The |
operational semantics define for every Cool expression what value it should produce in a given context. |
The context has three components: an environment, a store, and a self object. These components are |
described in the next section. Section 13.2 defines the syntax used to refer to Cool objects, and Section |
13.3 defines the syntax used to refer to class definitions. |
Keep in mind that a formal semantics is a specification only—it does not describe an implementation. |
The purpose of presenting the formal semantics is to make clear all the details of the behavior of Cool |
expressions. How this behavior is implemented is another matter. |
13.1 Environment and the Store |
Before we can present a semantics for Cool we need a number of concepts and a considerable amount of |
notation. An environment is a mapping of variable identifiers to locations. Intuitively, an environment |
tells us for a given identifier the address of the memory location where that identifier’s value is stored. |
For a given expression, the environment must assign a location to all identifiers to which the expression |
may refer. For the expression, e.g., a + b, we need an environment that maps a to some location and b |
to some location. We’ll use the following syntax to describe environments, which is very similar to the |
syntax of type assumptions used in Section 12. |
E = [a : l1, b : l2] |
This environment maps a to location l1, and b to location l2. |
The second component of the context for the evaluation of an expression is the store. The store maps |
locations to values, where values in Cool are just objects. Intuitively, a store tells us what value is stored |
in a given memory location. For the moment, assume all values are integers. A store is similar to an |
environment: |
S = [l1 → 55, l2 → 77] |
This store maps location l1 to value 55 and location l2 to value 77. |
Given an environment and a store, the value of an identifier can be found by first looking up the |
location that the identifier maps to in the environment and then looking up the location in the store. |
E(a) = l1 |
S(l1) = 55 |
Together, the environment and the store define the execution state at a particular step of the evaluation |
of a Cool expression. The double indirection from identifiers to locations to values allows us to model |
variables. Consider what happens if the value 99 is assigned variable a in the environment and store |
defined above. Assigning to a variable means changing the value to which it refers but not its location. |
To perform the assignment, we look up the location for a in the environment E and then change the |
mapping for the obtained location to the new value, giving a new store S(cid:48). |
E(a) = l1 |
S(cid:48) = S[99/l1] |
The syntax S[v/l] denotes a new store that is identical to the store S, except that S(cid:48) maps location l to |
value v. For all locations l(cid:48) where l(cid:48) (cid:54)= l, we still have S(cid:48)(l(cid:48)) = S(l(cid:48)). |
21 |
The store models the contents of memory of the computer during program execution. Assigning to a |
variable modifies the store. |
There are also situations in which the environment is modified. Consider the following Cool fragment: |
let c : Int <- 33 in |
c |
When evaluating this expression, we must introduce the new identifier c into the environment before |
evaluating the body of the let. If the current environment and state are E and S, then we create a new |
environment E(cid:48) and a new store S(cid:48) defined by: |
lc = newloc(S) |
E(cid:48) = E[lc/c] |
S(cid:48) = S[33/lc] |
The first step is to allocate a location for the variable c. The location should be fresh, meaning that the |
current store does not have a mapping for it. The function newloc() applied to a store gives us an unused |
location in that store. We then create a new environment E(cid:48), which maps c to lc but also contains all |
of the mappings of E for identifiers other than c. Note that if c already has a mapping in E, the new |
environment E(cid:48) hides this old mapping. We must also update the store to map the new location to a |
value. In this case lc maps to the value 33, which is the initial value for c as defined by the let-expression. |
The example in this subsection oversimplifies Cool environments and stores a bit, because simple |
integers are not Cool values. Even integers are full-fledged objects in Cool. |
13.2 Syntax for Cool Objects |
Every Cool value is an object. Objects contain a list of named attributes, a bit like records in C. In |
addition, each object belongs to a class. We use the following syntax for values in Cool: |
v = X(a1 = l1, a2 = l2, . . . , an = ln) |
Read the syntax as follows: The value v is a member of class X containing the attributes a1, . . . , an whose |
locations are l1, . . . , ln. Note that the attributes have an associated location. Intuitively this means that |
there is some space in memory reserved for each attribute. |
For base objects of Cool (i.e., Ints, Strings, and Bools) we use a special case of the above syntax. |
Base objects have a class name, but their attributes are not like attributes of normal classes, because |
they cannot be modified. Therefore, we describe base objects using the following syntax: |
Int(5) |
Bool(true) |
String(4, "Cool") |
For Ints and Bools, the meaning is obvious. Strings contain two parts, the length and the actual |
sequence of ASCII characters. |
13.3 Class definitions |
In the rules presented in the next section, we need a way to refer to the definitions of attributes and |
methods for classes. Suppose we have the following Cool class definition: |
22 |
class B { |
s : String <- "Hello"; |
g (y:String) : Int { |
y.concat(s) |
}; |
f (x:Int) : Int { |
x+1 |
}; |
}; |
class A inherits B { |
a : Int; |
b : B <- new B; |
f(x:Int) : Int { |
x+a |
}; |
}; |
Two mappings, called class and implementation, are associated with class definitions. The class |
mapping is used to get the attributes, as well as their types and initializations, of a particular class: |
class(A) = (s : String ← "Hello", a : Int ← 0, b : B ← new B) |
Note that the information for class A contains everything that it inherited from class B, as well as its own |
definitions. If B had inherited other attributes, those attributes would also appear in the information for |
A. The attributes are listed in the order they are inherited and then in source order: all the attributes |
from the greatest ancestor are listed first in the order in which they textually appear, then the attributes |
of the next greatest ancestor, and so on, on down to the attributes defined in the particular class. We |
rely on this order in describing how new objects are initialized. |
The general form of a class mapping is: |
class(X) = (a1 : T1 ← e1, . . . , an : Tn ← en) |
Note that every attribute has an initializing expression, even if the Cool program does not specify one for |
each attribute. The default initialization for a variable or attribute is the default of its type. The default |
of Int is 0, the default of String is "", the default of Bool is false, and the default of any other type |
is void.4 The default of type T is written DT . |
The implementation mapping gives information about the methods of a class. For the above example, |
implementation of A is defined as follows: |
implementation(A, f ) = (x, x + a) |
implementation(A, g) = (y, y.concat(s)) |
In general, for a class X and a method m, |
implementation(X, m) = (x1, x2, . . . , xn, ebody) |
specifies that method m when invoked from class X, has formal parameters x1, . . . , xn, and the body of |
the method is expression ebody. |
4A tiny point: We are allowing void to be used as an expression here. There is no expression for void available to Cool |
programmers. |
23 |
13.4 Operational Rules |
Equipped with environments, stores, objects, and class definitions, we can now attack the operational |
semantics for Cool. The operational semantics is described by rules similar to the rules used in type |
checking. The general form of the rules is: |
... |
so, S, E (cid:96) e1 : v, S(cid:48) |
The rule should be read as: In the context where self is the object so, the store is S, and the environment |
is E, the expression e1 evaluates to object v and the new store is S(cid:48). The dots above the horizontal bar |
stand for other statements about the evaluation of sub-expressions of e1. |
Besides an environment and a store, the evaluation context contains a self object so. The self object |
is just the object to which the identifier self refers if self appears in the expression. We do not place |
self in the environment and store because self is not a variable—it cannot be assigned to. Note that |
the rules specify a new store after the evaluation of an expression. The new store contains all changes to |
memory resulting as side effects of evaluating expression e1. |
The rest of this section presents and briefly discusses each of the operational rules. A few cases are |
not covered; these are discussed at the end of the section. |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : v1, S2 |
E(Id) = l1 |
S3 = S2[v1/l1] |
so, S1, E (cid:96) Id ← e1 : v1, S3 |
[Assign] |
An assignment first evaluates the expression on the right-hand side, yielding a value v1. This value is |
stored in memory at the address for the identifier. |
The rules for identifier references, self, and constants are straightforward: |
E(Id) = l |
S(l) = v |
so, S, E (cid:96) Id : v, S |
so, S, E (cid:96) self : so, S |
so, S, E (cid:96) true : Bool(true), S |
so, S, E (cid:96) false : Bool(f alse), S |
i is an integer constant |
so, S, E (cid:96) i : Int(i), S |
s is a string constant |
l = length(s) |
so, S, E (cid:96) s : String(l, s), S |
24 |
[Var] |
[Self] |
[True] |
[False] |
[Int] |
[String] |
A new expression is more complicated than one might expect: |
(cid:40) |
T0 = |
X if T = SELF TYPE and so = X(. . .) |
T otherwise |
class(T0) = (a1 : T1 ← e1, . . . , an : Tn ← en) |
li = newloc(S1), for i = 1 . . . n and each li is diistinct |
v1 = T0(a1 = l1, . . . , an = ln) |
S2 = S1[DT1/l1, . . . , DTn/ln] |
v1, S2, [a1 : l1, . . . , an : ln] (cid:96) {a1 ← e1; . . . ; an ← en; } : v2, S3 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) new T : v1, S3 |
[New] |
The tricky thing in a new expression is to initialize the attributes in the right order. Note also that, |
during initialization, attributes are bound to the default of the appropriate class. |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : v1, S2 |
so, S2, E (cid:96) e2 : v2, S3 |
... |
so, Sn, E (cid:96) en : vn, Sn+1 |
so, Sn+1, E (cid:96) e0 : v0, Sn+2 |
v0 = X(a1 = la1, . . . , am = lam) |
implementation(X, f ) = (x1, . . . , xn, en+1) |
lxi = newloc(Sn+2), for i = 1 . . . n and each lxi is distinct |
Sn+3 = Sn+2[v1/lx1, . . . , vn/lxn] |
v0, Sn+3, [a1 : la1, . . . , am : lam, x1 : lx1, . . . , xn : lxn] (cid:96) en+1 : vn+1, Sn+4 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e0.f (e1, . . . , en) : vn+1, Sn+4 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : v1, S2 |
so, S2, E (cid:96) e2 : v2, S3 |
... |
so, Sn, E (cid:96) en : vn, Sn+1 |
so, Sn+1, E (cid:96) e0 : v0, Sn+2 |
v0 = X(a1 = la1, . . . , am = lam) |
implementation(T, f ) = (x1, . . . , xn, en+1) |
lxi = newloc(Sn+2), for i = 1 . . . n and each lxi is distinct |
Sn+3 = Sn+2[v1/lx1, . . . , vn/lxn] |
v0, Sn+3, [a1 : la1, . . . , am : lam, x1 : lx1, . . . , xn : lxn] (cid:96) en+1 : vn+1, Sn+4 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) [email protected] (e1, . . . , en) : vn+1, Sn+4 |
[Dispatch] |
[StaticDispatch] |
The two dispatch rules do what one would expect. The arguments are evaluated and saved. Next, the |
expression on the left-hand side of the “.” is evaluated. In a normal dispatch, the class of this expression |
is used to determine the method to invoke; otherwise the class is specified in the dispatch itself. |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : Bool(true), S2 |
so, S2, E (cid:96) e2 : v2, S3 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) if e1 then e2 else e3 fi : v2, S3 |
[If-True] |
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so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : Bool(f alse), S2 |
so, S2, E (cid:96) e3 : v3, S3 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) if e1 then e2 else e3 fi : v3, S3 |
There are no surprises in the if-then-else rules. Note that value of the predicate is a Bool object, not a |
boolean. |
[If-False] |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : v1, S2 |
so, S2, E (cid:96) e2 : v2, S3 |
... |
so, Sn, E (cid:96) en : vn, Sn+1 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) { e1; e2; . . . ; en; } : vn, Sn+1 |
Blocks are evaluated from the first expression to the last expression, in order. The result is the result of |
the last expression. |
[Sequence] |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : v1, S2 |
l1 = newloc(S2) |
S3 = S2[v1/l1] |
E(cid:48) = E[l1/Id] |
so, S3, E(cid:48) (cid:96) e2 : v2, S4 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) let Id : T1 ← e1 in e2 : v2, S4 |
A let evaluates any initialization code, assigns the result to the variable at a fresh location, and evaluates |
the body of the let. (If there is no initialization, the variable is initialized to the default value of T1.) |
We give the operational semantics only for the case of let with a single variable. The semantics of a |
multiple let |
[Let] |
let x1 : T1 ← e1, x2 : T2 ← e2, . . . , xn : Tn ← en in e |
is defined to be the same as |
let x1 : T1 ← e1 in (let x2 : T2 ← e2, . . . , xn : Tn ← en in e ) |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e0 : v0, S2 |
v0 = X(. . .) |
Ti = closest ancestor of X in {T1, . . . , Tn} |
l0 = newloc(S2) |
S3 = S2[v0/l0] |
E(cid:48) = E[l0/Idi] |
so, S3, E(cid:48) (cid:96) ei : v1, S4 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) case e0 of Id1 : T1 ⇒ e1; . . . ; Idn : Tn ⇒ en; esac : v1, S4 |
Note that the case rule requires that the class hierarchy be available in some form at runtime, so that |
the correct branch of the case can be selected. This rule is otherwise straightforward. |
[Case] |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : Bool(true), S2 |
so, S2, E (cid:96) e2 : v2, S3 |
so, S3, E (cid:96) while e1 loop e2 pool : void, S4 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) while e1 loop e2 pool : void, S4 |
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[Loop-True] |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : Bool(f alse), S2 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) while e1 loop e2 pool : void, S2 |
There are two rules for while: one for the case where the predicate is true and one for the case where the |
predicate is false. Both cases are straightforward. The two rules for isvoid are also straightforward: |
[Loop-False] |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : void, S2 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) isvoid e1 : Bool(true), S2 |
[IsVoid-True] |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : X(. . .), S2 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) isvoid e1 : Bool(f alse), S2 |
The remainder of the rules are for the primitive arithmetic, logical, and comparison operations except |
equality. These are all easy rules. |
[IsVoid-False] |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : Bool(b), S2 |
v1 = Bool(¬b) |
so, S1, E (cid:96) not e1 : v1, S2 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : Int(i1), S2 |
so, S2, E (cid:96) e2 : Int(i2), S3 |
op ∈ {≤, <} |
(cid:40) |
v1 = |
Bool(true), if i1 op i2 |
Bool(f alse), otherwise |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 op e2 : v1, S3 |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : Int(i1), S2 |
v1 = Int(−i1) |
so, S1, E (cid:96) ˜e1 : v1, S2 |
[Not] |
[Comp] |
[Neg] |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 : Int(i1), S2 |
so, S2, E (cid:96) e2 : Int(i2), S3 |
op ∈ {∗, +, −, /} |
v1 = Int(i1 op i2) |
so, S1, E (cid:96) e1 op e2 : v1, S3 |
Cool Ints are 32-bit two’s complement signed integers; the arithmetic operations are defined accordingly. |
The notation and rules given above are not powerful enough to describe how objects are tested for |
[Arith] |
equality, or how runtime exceptions are handled. For these cases we resort to an English description. |
In e1 = e2, first e1 is evaluated and then e2 is evaluated. The two objects are compared for equality |
by first comparing their pointers (addresses). If they are the same, the objects are equal. The value |
void is not equal to any object except itself. If the two objects are of type String, Bool, or Int, their |
respective contents are compared. |
In addition, the operational rules do not specify what happens in the event of a runtime error. |
Execution aborts when a runtime error occurs. The following list specifies all possible runtime errors. |
1. A dispatch (static or dynamic) on void. |
2. A case on void. |
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3. Execution of a case statement without a matching branch. |
4. Division by zero. |
5. Substring out of range. |
6. Heap overflow. |
Finally, the rules given above do not explain the execution behaviour for dispatches to primitive |
methods defined in the Object, IO, or String classes. Descriptions of these primitive methods are given |
in Sections 8.3-8.5. |
14 Acknowledgements |
Cool is based on Sather164, which is itself based on the language Sather. Portions of this document |
were cribbed from the Sather164 manual; in turn, portions of the Sather164 manual are based on Sather |
documentation written by Stephen M. Omohundro. |
A number people have contributed to the design and implementation of Cool, including Manuel |
F¨ahndrich, David Gay, Douglas Hauge, Megan Jacoby, Tendo Kayiira, Carleton Miyamoto, and Michael |
Stoddart. Joe Darcy updated Cool to the current version. |
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