Analyzing and Visualizing |
Data with F# |
Tomas Petricek |
Analyzing and Visualizing Data with F# |
by Tomas Petricek |
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October 2015: |
First Edition |
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2015-10-15: First Release |
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Table of Contents |
Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix |
1. Accessing Data with Type Providers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
1 |
Data Science Workflow 2 |
Why Choose F# for Data Science? 3 |
Getting Data from the World Bank 4 |
Calling the Open Weather Map REST API 7 |
Plotting Temperatures Around the World 10 |
Conclusions 13 |
2. Analyzing Data Using F# and Deedle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
15 |
Downloading Data Using an XML Provider 16 |
Visualizing CO2 Emissions Change 18 |
Aligning and Summarizing Data with Frames 20 |
Summarizing Data Using the R Provider 21 |
Normalizing the World Data Set 24 |
Conclusions 26 |
3. |
Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 |
How k-Means Clustering Works 30 |
Clustering 2D Points 31 |
Initializing Centroids and Clusters 33 |
Updating Clusters Recursively 35 |
Writing a Reusable Clustering Function 36 |
Clustering Countries 39 |
Scaling to the Cloud with MBrace 41 |
vii |
Conclusions 42 |
4. Conclusions and Next Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 |
Adding F# to Your Project 45 |
Resources for Learning More 46 |
viii |
| |
Table of Contents |
Acknowledgements |
This report would never exist without the amazing F# open source |
community that creates and maintains many of the libraries used in |
the report. It is impossible to list all the contributors, but let me say |
thanks to Gustavo Guerra, Howard Mansell, and Taha Hachana for |
their work on F# Data, R type provider, and XPlot, and to Steffen |
Forkmann for his work on the projects that power much of the F# |
open source infrastructure. Many thanks to companies that support |
the F# projects, including Microsoft and BlueMountain Capital. |
I would also like to thank Mathias Brandewinder who wrote many |
great examples using F# for machine learning and whose blog post |
about clustering with F# inspired the example in Chapter 4. Last but |
not least, I’m thankful to Brian MacDonald, Heather Scherer from |
O’Reilly, and the technical reviewers for useful feedback on early |
drafts of the report. |
ix |
Accessing Data with Type |
Providers |
Working with data was not always as easy as nowadays. For exam‐ |
ple, processing the data from the decennial 1880 US Census took |
eight years. For the 1890 census, the United States Census Bureau |
hired Herman Hollerith, who invented a number of devices to auto‐ |
mate the process. A pantograph punch was used to punch the data |
on punch cards, which were then fed to the tabulator that counted |
cards with certain properties, or to the sorter for filtering. The cen‐ |
sus still required a large amount of clerical work, but Hollerith’s |
machines sped up the process eight times to just one year.1 |
These days, filtering and calculating sums over hundreds of millions |
of rows (the number of forms received in the 2010 US Census) can |
take seconds. Much of the data from the US Census, various Open |
Government Data initiatives, and from international organizations |
like the World Bank is available online and can be analyzed by any‐ |
one. Hollerith’s tabulator and sorter have become standard library |
functions in many programming languages and data analytics libra‐ |
ries. |
1 Hollerith’s company later merged with three other companies to form a company that |
was renamed International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) in 1924. You can |
find more about Hollerith’s machines in Mark Priestley’s excellent book, A Science of |
Operations (Springer). |
1 |
Making data analytics easier no longer involves building new physi‐ |
cal devices, but instead involves creating better software tools and |
programming languages. So, let’s see how the F# language and its |
unique features like type providers make the task of modern data |
analysis even easier! |
Data Science Workflow |
Data science is an umbrella term for a wide range of fields and disci‐ |
plines that are needed to extract knowledge from data. The typical |
data science workflow is an iterative process. You start with an initial |
idea or research question, get some data, do a quick analysis, and |
make a visualization to show the results. This shapes your original |
idea, so you can go back and adapt your code. On the technical side, |
the three steps include a number of activities: |
• Accessing data. The first step involves connecting to various |
data sources, downloading CSV files, or calling REST services. |
Then we need to combine data from different sources, align the |
data correctly, clean possible errors, and fill in missing values. |
• Analyzing data. Once we have the data, we can calculate basic |
statistics about it, run machine learning algorithms, or write our |
own algorithms that help us explain what the data means. |
• Visualizing data. Finally, we need to present the results. We |
may build a chart, create interactive visualization that can be |
published, or write a report that represents the results of our |
analysis. |
If you ask any data scientist, she’ll tell you that accessing data is the |
most frustrating part of the workflow. You need to download CSV |
files, figure out what columns contain what values, then determine |
how missing values are represented and parse them. When calling |
REST-based services, you need to understand the structure of the |
returned JSON and extract the values you care about. As you’ll see |
in this chapter, the data access part is largely simplified in F# thanks |
to type providers that integrate external data sources directly into the |
language. |
2 |
| |
Chapter 1: Accessing Data with Type Providers |
Why Choose F# for Data Science? |
There are a lot of languages and tools that can be used for data sci‐ |
ence. Why should you choose F#? A two-word answer to the ques‐ |
tion is type providers. However, there are other reasons. You’ll see all |
of them in this report, but here is a quick summary: |
• Data access. With type providers, you’ll never need to look up |
column names in CSV files or country codes again. Type pro‐ |
viders can be used with many common formats like CSV, JSON, |
and XML, but they can also be built for a specific data source |
like Wikipedia. You will see type providers in this and the next |
chapter. |
• Correctness. As a functional-first language, F# is excellent at |
expressing algorithms and solving complex problems in areas |
like machine learning. As you’ll see in Chapter 3, the F# type |
system not only prevents bugs, but also helps us understand our |
code. |
• Efficiency and scaling. F# combines the simplicity of Python |
with the efficiency of a JIT-based compiled language, so you do |
not have to call external libraries to write fast code. You can also |
run F# code in the cloud with the MBrace project. We won’t go |
into details, but I’ll show you the idea in Chapter 3. |
• Integration. In Chapter 4, we see how type providers let us |
easily call functions from R (a statistical software with rich |
libraries). F# can also integrate with other ecosystems. You get |
access to a large number of .NET and Mono libraries, and you |
can easily interoperate with FORTRAN and C. |
Enough talking, let’s look at some code! To set the theme for this |
chapter, let’s look at the forecasted temperatures around the world. |
To do this, we combine data from two sources. We use the World |
Bank2 to access information about countries, and we use the Open |
Weather Map3 to get the forecasted temperature in all the capitals of |
all the countries in the world. |
2 The World Bank is an international organization that provides loans to developing |
countries. To do so effectively, it also collects large numbers of development and finan‐ |
cial indicators that are available through a REST API at http://data.worldbank.org/. |
3 See http://openweathermap.org/. |
Why Choose F# for Data Science? |
| |
3 |
Getting Data from the World Bank |
To access information about countries, we use the World Bank type |
provider. This is a type provider for a specific data source that makes |
accessing data as easy as possible, and it is a good example to start |
with. Even if you do not need to access data from the World Bank, |
this is worth exploring because it shows how simple F# data access |
can be. If you frequently work with another data source, you can |
create your own type provider and get the same level of simplicity. |
The World Bank type provider is available as part of the F# Data |
library.4 We could start by referencing just F# Data, but we will also |
need a charting library later, so it is better to start by referencing |
FsLab, which is a collection of .NET and F# data science libraries. |
The easiest way to get started is to download the FsLab basic tem‐ |
plate from http://fslab.org/download. |
The FsLab template comes with a sample script file (a file with |
the .fsx extension) and a project file. To download the dependen‐ |
cies, you can either build the project in Visual Studio or Xamarin |
Studio, or you can invoke the Paket package manager directly. To do |
this, run the Paket bootstrapper to download Paket itself, and then |
invoke Paket to install the packages (on Windows, drop the mono |
prefix): |
mono .paket\paket.bootstrapper.exe |
mono .paket\paket.exe install |
NuGet Packages and Paket |
In the F# ecosystem, most packages are available from the NuGet |
gallery. NuGet is also the name of the most common package man‐ |
ager that comes with typical .NET distributions. However, the |
FsLab templates use an alternative called Paket instead. |
Paket has a number of benefits that make it easier to use with data |
science projects in F#. It uses a single paket.lock file to keep ver‐ |
sion numbers of all packages (making updates to new versions eas‐ |
ier), and it does not put the version number in the name of the |
4 See http://fslab.org/FSharp.Data. |
4 |
| |
Chapter 1: Accessing Data with Type Providers |
folder that contains the packages. This works nicely with F# and the |
#load command, as you can see in the snippet below. |
Once you have all the packages, you can replace the sample script |
file with the following simple code snippet: |
#load "packages/FsLab/FsLab.fsx" |
open FSharp.Data |
let wb = WorldBankData.GetDataContext() |
The first line loads the FsLab.fsx file, which comes from the FsLab |
package, and loads all the libraries that are a part of FsLab, so you do |
not have to reference them one by one. The last line uses GetData |
Context to to create an instance that we’ll need in the next step to |
fetch some data. |
The next step is to use the World Bank type provider to get some |
data. Assuming everything is set up in your editor, you should be |
able to type wb.Countries followed by . (a period) and get auto- |
completion on the country names as shown in Figure 1-1. This is |
not a magic! The country names, are just ordinary properties. The |
trick is that they are generated on the fly by the type provider based |
on the schema retrieved from the World Bank. |
Figure 1-1. Atom editor providing auto-completion on countries |
Getting Data from the World Bank |
| |
5 |
Feel free to explore the World Bank data on your own! The follow‐ |
ing snippet shows two simple things you can do to get the capital |
city and the total population of the Czech Republic: |
wb.Countries.``Czech Republic``.CapitalCity |
wb.Countries.``Czech Republic``.Indicators |
.`` CO2 emissions (kt)``.[2010] |
On the first line, we pick a country from the World Bank and look at |
one of the basic properties that are available directly on the country |
object. The World Bank also collects numerous indicators about the |
countries, such as GDP, school enrollment, total population, CO2 |
emissions, and thousands of others. In the second example, we |
access the CO2 emissions using the Indicators property of a coun‐ |
try. This returns a provided object that is generated based on the |
indicators that are available in the World Bank database. Many of |
the properties contain characters that are not valid identifiers in F# |
and are wrapped in ``. As you can see in the example, the names are |
quite complex. Fortunately, you are not expected to figure out and |
remember the names of the properties because the F# editors pro‐ |
vide auto-completion based on the type information. |
A World Bank indicator is returned as an object that can be turned |
into a list using List.ofSeq. This list contains values for all of the |
years for which a value is available. As demonstrated in the example, |
we can also invoke the indexer of the object using .[2010] to find a |
value for a specific year. |
F# Editors and Auto-complete |
F# is a statically typed language and the editors have access to a lot |
of information that is used to provide advanced IDE features like |
auto-complete and tooltips. Type providers also heavily rely on |
auto-complete; if you want to use them, you’ll need an editor with |
good F# support. |
Fortunately, a number of popular editors have good F# support. If |
you prefer editors, you can use Atom from GitHub (install the |
language-fsharp and atom-fsharp packages) or Emacs with |
fsharp-mode. If you prefer a full IDE, you can use Visual Studio |
(including the free edition) on Windows, or MonoDevelop (a free |
version of Xamarin Studio) on Mac, Linux, or Windows. For more |
6 |
| |
Chapter 1: Accessing Data with Type Providers |
information about getting started with F# and up-to-date editor |
information, see the “Use” pages on http://fsharp.org. |
The typical data science workflow requires a quick feedback loop. In |
F#, you get this by using F# Interactive, which is the F# REPL. In |
most F# editors, you can select a part of the source code and press |
Alt+Enter (or Ctrl+Enter) to evaluate it in F# Interactive and see the |
results immediately. |
The one thing to be careful about is that you need to load all depen‐ |
dencies first, so in this example, you first need to evaluate the con‐ |
tents of the first snippet (with #load, open, and let wb = ...), and |
then you can evaluate the two commands from the above snippets |
to see the results. Now, let’s see how we can combine the World |
Bank data with another data source. |
Calling the Open Weather Map REST API |
For most data sources, because F# does not have a specialized type |
provider like for the World Bank, we need to call a REST API that |
returns data as JSON or XML. |
Working with JSON or XML data in most statically typed languages |
is not very elegant. You either have to access fields by name and |
write obj.GetField<int>("id"), or you have to define a class that |
corresponds to the JSON object and then use a reflection-based |
library that loads data into that class. In any case, there is a lot of |
boilerplate code involved! |
Dynamically typed languages like JavaScript just let you write |
obj.id, but the downside is that you lose all compile-time checking. |
Is it possible to get the simplicity of dynamically typed languages, |
but with the static checking of statically typed languages? As you’ll |
see in this section, the answer is yes! |
To get the weather forecast, we’ll use the Open Weather Map service. |
It provides a daily weather forecast endpoint that returns weather |
information based on a city name. For example, if we request http:// |
api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?q=Cambridge, |
we |
get a JSON document that contains the following information. I |
omitted some of the information and included the forecast just for |
two days, but it shows the structure: |
Calling the Open Weather Map REST API |
| |
7 |
{ "city": |
{ "id": 2653941, |
"name": "Cambridge", |
"coord": { "lon": 0.11667, "lat": 52.200001 }, |
"country": "GB" }, |
"list": |
[ { "dt": 1439380800, |
"temp": { "min": 14.12, "max": 15.04 } }, |
{ "dt": 1439467200, |
"temp": { "min": 15.71, "max": 22.44 } } ] } |
As mentioned before, we could parse the JSON and then write |
something like json.GetField("list").AsList() to access the list |
with temperatures, but we can do much better than that with type |
providers. |
The F# Data library comes with JsonProvider, which is a parame‐ |
terized type provider that takes a sample JSON. It infers the type of |
the sample document and generates a type that can be used for |
working with documents that have the same structure. The sample |
can be specified as a URL, so we can get a type for calling the |
weather forecast endpoint as follows: |
type Weather = JsonProvider<"http://api.openweathermap |
.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?units=metric&q=Prague"> |
Because of the width limitations, we have to split the |
URL into multiple lines in the report. This won’t |
actually work, so make sure to keep the sample URL |
on a single line when typing the code! |
The parameter of a type provider has to be a constant. In order to |
generate the Weather type, the F# compiler needs to be able to get |
the value of the parameter at compile-time without running any |
code. This is also the reason why we are not allowed to use string |
concatenation with a + here, because that would be an expression, |
albeit a simple one, rather than a constant. |
Now that we have the Weather type, let’s see how we can use it: |
let w = Weather.GetSample() |
printfn "%s" w.City.Country |
for day in w.List do |
printfn "%f" day.Temp.Max |
The first line calls the GetSample method to obtain the forecast |
using the sample URL—in our case, the temperature in Prague in |
8 |
| |
Chapter 1: Accessing Data with Type Providers |
metric units. We then use the F# printfn function to output the |
country (just to check that we got the correct city!) and a for loop to |
iterate over the seven days that the forecast service returns. |
As with the World Bank type provider, you get auto-completion |
when accessing. For example, if you type day.Temp and ., you will |
see that the service the returns forecasted temperature for morning, |
day, evening, and night, as well as maximal and minimal tempera‐ |
tures during the day. This is because Weather is a type provided |
based on the sample JSON document that we specified. |
When you use the JSON type provider to call a REST- |
based service, you do not even need to look at the doc‐ |
umentation or sample response. The type provider |
brings this directly into your editor. |
In this example, we use GetSample to request the weather forecast |
based on the sample URL, which has to be constant. But we can also |
use the Weather type to get data for other cities. The following snip‐ |
pet defines a getTomorrowTemp function that returns the maximal |
temperature for tomorrow: |
let baseUrl = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5" |
let forecastUrl = baseUrl + "/forecast/daily?units=metric&q=" |
let getTomorrowTemp place = |
let w = Weather.Load(forecastUrl + place) |
let tomorrow = Seq.head w.List |
tomorrow.Temp.Max |
getTomorrowTemp "Prague" |
getTomorrowTemp "Cambridge,UK" |
The Open Weather Map returns the JSON document with the same |
structure for all cities. This means that we can use the Load method |
to load data from a different URL, because it will still have the same |
properties. Once we have the document, we call Seq.head to get the |
forecast for the first day in the list. |
As mentioned before, F# is statically typed, but we did not have to |
write any type annotations for the getTomorrowTemp function. That’s |
because the F# compiler is smart enough to infer that place has to |
be a string (because we are appending it to another string) and that |
Calling the Open Weather Map REST API |
| |
9 |
the result is float (because the type provider infers that based on |
the values for the max field in the sample JSON document). |
A common question is, what happens when the schema of the |
returned JSON changes? For example, what if the service stops |
returning the Max temperature as part of the forecast? If you specify |
the sample via a live URL (like we did here), then your code will no |
longer compile. The JSON type provider will generate type based on |
the response returned by the latest version of the API, and the type |
will not expose the Max member. This is a good thing though, |
because we will catch the error during development and not later at |
runtime. |
If you use type providers in a compiled and deployed code and the |
schema changes, then the behavior is the same as with any other |
data access technology—you’ll get a runtime exception that you |
have to handle. Finally, it is worth noting that you can also pass a |
local file as a sample, which is useful when you’re working offline. |
Plotting Temperatures Around the World |
Now that we’ve seen how to use the World Bank type provider to get |
information about countries and the JSON type provider to get the |
weather forecast, we can combine the two and visualize the temper‐ |
atures around the world! |
To do this, we iterate over all the countries in the world and call |
getTomorrowTemp to get the maximal temperature in the capital cit‐ |
ies: |
let worldTemps = |
[ for c in wb.Countries -> |
let place = c.CapitalCity + "," + c.Name |
printfn "Getting temperature in: %s" place |
c.Name, getTomorrowTemp place ] |
If you are new to F#, there is a number of new constructs in this |
snippet: |
• [ for .. in .. -> .. ] is a list expression that generates a list |
of values. For every item in the input sequence wb.Countries, |
we return one element of the resulting list. |
10 |
| |
Chapter 1: Accessing Data with Type Providers |
• c.Name, getTomorrowTemp place creates a pair with two ele‐ |
ments. The first is the name of the country and the second is the |
temperature in the capital. |
• We use printf in the list expression to print the place that we |
are processing. Downloading all data takes a bit of time, so this |
is useful for tracking progress. |
To better understand the code, you can look at the type of the world |
Temps value that we are defining. This is printed in F# Interactive |
when you run the code, and most F# editors also show a tooltip |
when you place the mouse pointer over the identifier. The type of |
the value is (string * float) list, which means that we get a list |
of pairs with two elements: the first is a string (country name) and |
the second is a floating-point number (temperature).5 |
After you run the code and download the temperatures, you’re ready |
to plot the temperatures on a map. To do this, we use the XPlot |
library, which is a lightweight F# wrapper for Google Charts: |
open XPlot.GoogleCharts |
Chart.Geo(worldTemps) |
The Chart.Geo function expects a collection of pairs where the first |
element is a country name or country code and the second element |
is the value, so we can directly call this with worldTemps as an argu‐ |
ment. When you select the second line and run it in F# Interactive, |
XPlot creates the chart and opens it in your default web browser. |
To make the chart nicer, we’ll need to use the F# pipeline operator |
|>. The operator lets you use the fluent programming style when |
applying a chain of operations or transformations. Rather than call‐ |
ing Chart.Geo with worldTemps as an argument, we can get the data |
and pass it to the charting function as worldTemps |> Chart.Geo. |
Under the cover, the |> operator is very simple. It takes a value on |
the left, a function on the right, and calls the function with the value |
as an argument. So, v |> f is just shorthand for f v. This becomes |
more useful when we need to apply a number of operations, because |
we can write g (f v) as v |> f |> g. |
5 If you are coming from a C# background, you can also read this as |
List<Tuple<string, float>>. |
Plotting Temperatures Around the World |
| |
11 |
The following snippet creates a ColorAxis object to specify how to |
map temperatures to colors (for more information on the options, |
see the XPlot documentation). Note that XPlot accepts parameters |
as .NET arrays, so we use the notation [| .. |] rather than using a |
plain list expression written as [ .. ]: |
let colors = [| "#80E000";"#E0C000";"#E07B00";"#E02800" |] |
let values = [| 0;+15;+30;+45 |] |
let axis = ColorAxis(values=values, colors=colors) |
worldTemps |
|> Chart.Geo |
|> Chart.WithOptions(Options(colorAxis=axis)) |
|> Chart.WithLabel "Temp" |
The Chart.Geo function returns a chart object. The various |
Chart.With functions then transform the chart object. We use With |
Options to set the color axis and WithLabel to specify the label for |
the values. Thanks to the static typing, you can explore the various |
available options using code completion in your editor. |
Figure 1-2. Forecasted temperatures for tomorrow with label and cus‐ |
tom color scale |
The resulting chart should look like the one in Figure 1-2. Just be |
careful, if you are running the code in the winter, you might need to |
tweak the scale! |
12 |
| |
Chapter 1: Accessing Data with Type Providers |
Conclusions |
The example in this chapter focused on the access part of the data |
science workflow. In most languages, this is typically the most frus‐ |
trating part of the access, analyze, visualize loop. In F#, type provid‐ |
ers come to the rescue! |
As you could see in this chapter, type providers make data access |
simpler in a number of ways. Type providers integrate external data |
sources directly into the language, and you can explore external data |
inside your editor. You could see this with the specialized World |
Bank type provider (where you can choose countries and indicators |
in the completion list), and also with the general-purpose JSON type |
provider (which maps JSON object fields into F# types). However, |
type providers are not useful only for data access. As we’ll see in the |
next chapter, they can also be useful for calling external non-F# |
libraries. |
To build the visualization in this chapter, we needed to write just a |
couple of lines of F# code. In the next chapter, we download larger |
amounts of data using the World Bank REST service and preprocess |
it to get ready for the simple clustering algorithm implemented in |
Chapter 3. |
Conclusions |
| |
13 |
Analyzing Data Using F# and |
Deedle |
In the previous chapter, we carefully picked a straightforward exam‐ |
ple that does not require too much data preprocessing and too much |
fiddling to find an interesting visualization to build. Life is typically |
not that easy, so this chapter looks at a more realistic case study. |
Along the way, we will add one more library to our toolbox. We will |
look at Deedle,1 which is a .NET library for data and time series |
manipulation that is great for interactive data exploration, data |
alignment, and handling missing values. |
In this chapter, we download a number of interesting indicators |
about countries of the world from the World Bank, but we do so |
efficiently by calling the REST service directly using an XML type |
provider. We align multiple data sets, fill missing values, and build |
two visualizations looking at CO2 emissions and the correlation |
between GDP and life expectancy. |
We’ll use the two libraries covered in the previous chapter (F# Data |
and XPlot) together with Deedle. If you’re referencing the libraries |
using the FsLab package as before, you’ll need the following open |
declarations: |
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll" |
#load "packages/FsLab/FsLab.fsx" |
1 See http://fslab.org/Deedle/. |
15 |
open Deedle |
open FSharp.Data |
open XPlot.GoogleCharts |
open XPlot.GoogleCharts.Deedle |
There are two new things here. First, we need to reference the |
System.Xml.Linq library, which is required by the XML type pro‐ |
vider. Next, we open the Deedle namespace together with extensions |
that let us pass data from the Deedle series directly to XPlot for visu‐ |
alization. |
Downloading Data Using an XML Provider |
Using the World Bank type provider, we can easily access data for a |
specific indicator and country over all years. However, here we are |
interested in an indicator for a specific year, but over all countries. |
We could download this from the World Bank type provider too, but |
to make the download more efficient, we can use the underlying |
API directly and get data for all countries with just a single request. |
This is also a good opportunity to look at how the XML type pro‐ |
vider works. |
As with the JSON type provider, we give the XML type provider a |
sample URL. You can find more information about this query in the |
World Bank API documentation. The code NY.GDP.PCAP.CD is a |
sample indicator returning GDP growth per capita: |
type WorldData = XmlProvider<"http://api.worldbank |
.org/countries/indicators/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?date=2010:2010"> |
As in the last chapter, we had to split this into two lines, but you |
should have the sample URL on a single line in your source code. |
You can now call WorldData.GetSample() to download the data |
from the sample URL, but with type providers, you don’t even need |
to do that. You can start using the generated type to see what mem‐ |
bers are available and find the data in your F# editor. |
is a |
In the last chapter, we loaded data into a list of type (string*float) |
list. This |
list of pairs that can also be written as |
list<string*float>. In the following example, we create a Deedle |
series Series<string, float>. The series type is parameterized by |
the type of keys and the type of values, and builds an index based on |
the keys. As we’ll see later, this can be used to align data from multi‐ |
ple series. |
16 |
| |
Chapter 2: Analyzing Data Using F# and Deedle |
We write a function getData that takes a year and an indicator code, |
then downloads and parses the XML response. Processing the data |
is similar to the JSON type provider example from the previous |
chapter: |
let indUrl = "http://api.worldbank.org/countries/indicators/" |
let getData year indicator = |
let query = |
[("per_page","1000"); |
("date",sprintf "%d:%d" year year)] |
let data = Http.RequestString(indUrl + indicator, query) |
let xml = WorldData.Parse(data) |
let orNaN value = |
defaultArg (Option.map float value) nan |
series [ for d in xml.Datas -> |
d.Country.Value, orNaN d.Value ] |
To call the service, we need to provide the per_page and date query |
parameters. Those are specified as a list of pairs. The first parameter |
has a constant value of "1000". The second parameter needs to be a |
date range written as "2015:2015", so we use sprintf to format the |
string. |
The function then downloads the data using the Http.Request |
String helper which takes the URL and a list of query parameters. |
Then we use WorldData.Parse to read the data using our provided |
type. We could also use WorkldData.Load, but by using the Http |
helper we do not have to concatenate the URL by hand (the helper is |
also useful if you need to specify an HTTP method or provide |
HTTP headers). |
Next we define a helper function orNaN. This deserves some explan‐ |
ation. The type provider correctly infers that data for some countries |
may be missing and gives us option<decimal> as the value. This is a |
high-precision decimal number wrapped in an option to indicate |
that it may be missing. For convenience, we want to treat missing |
values as nan. To do this, we first convert the value into float (if it is |
available) using Option.map float value. Then we use defaultArg |
to return either the value (if it is available) or nan (if it is not avail‐ |
able). |
Finally, the last line creates a series with country names as keys and |
the World Bank data as values. This is similar to what we did in the |
Downloading Data Using an XML Provider |
| |
17 |
last chapter. The list expression creates a list with tuples, which is |
then passed to the series function to create a Deedle series. |
The two examples of using the JSON and XML type providers |
demonstrate the general pattern. When accessing data, you just need |
a sample document, and then you can use the type providers to load |
different data in the same format. This approach works well for any |
REST-based service, and it means that you do not need to study the |
response in much detail. Aside from XML and JSON, you can also |
access CSV files in the same way using CsvProvider. |
Visualizing CO2 Emissions Change |
Now that we can load an indicator for all countries into a series, we |
can use it to explore the World Bank data. As a quick example, let’s |
see how the CO2 emissions have been changing over the last 10 |
years. We can still use the World Bank type provider to get the indi‐ |
cator code instead of looking up the code on the World Bank web |
page: |
let wb = WorldBankData.GetDataContext() |
let inds = wb.Countries.World.Indicators |
let code = inds.``CO2 emissions (kt)``.IndicatorCode |
let co2000 = getData 2000 code |
let co2010 = getData 2010 code |
At the beginning of the chapter, we opened Deedle extensions for |
XPlot. Now you can directly pass co2000 or co2010 to Chart.Geo |
and write, for example, Chart.Geo(co2010) to display the total car‐ |
bon emissions of countries across the world. This shows the |
expected results (with China and the US being the largest polluters). |
More interesting numbers appear when we calculate the relative |
change over the last 10 years: |
let change = (co2010 - co2000) / co2000 * 100.0 |
The snippet calculates the difference, divides it by the 2000 values to |
get a relative change, and multiplies the result by 100 to get a per‐ |
centage. But the whole calculation is done over a series rather than |
over individual values! This is possible because a Deedle series sup‐ |
ports numerical operators and automatically aligns data based on |
the keys (so, if we got the countries in a different order, it will still |
work). The operations also propagate missing values correctly. If the |
18 |
| |
Chapter 2: Analyzing Data Using F# and Deedle |
value for one of the years is missing, it will be marked as missing in |
the resulting series, too. |
As before, you can call Chart.Geo(change) to produce a map with |
the changes. If you tweak the color scale as we did in the last chap‐ |
ter, you’ll get a visualization similar to the one in Figure 2-1 (you |
can get the complete source code from http://fslab.org/report). |
Figure 2-1. Change in CO2 emissions between 2000 and 2010 |
As you can see in Figure 2-1, we got data for most countries of the |
world, but not for all of them. The range of the values is between |
-70% to +1200%, but emissions in most countries are growing more |
slowly. To see this, we specify a green color for -10%, yellow for 0%, |
orange for +100, red for +200%, and very dark red for +1200%. |
In this example, we used Deedle to align two series with country |
names as indices. This kind of operation is useful all the time when |
combining data from multiple sources, no matter whether your keys |
are product IDs, email addresses, or stock tickers. If you’re working |
with a time series, Deedle offers even more. For example, for every |
key from one time-series, you can find a value from another series |
whose key is the closest to the time of the value in the first series. |
You can find a detailed overview in the Deedle page about working |
with time series. |
Visualizing CO2 Emissions Change |
| |
19 |
Aligning and Summarizing Data with Frames |
The getData function that we wrote in the previous section is a per‐ |
fect starting point for loading more indicators about the world. We’ll |
do exactly this as the next step, and we’ll also look at simple ways to |
summarize the obtained data. |
Downloading more data is easy now. We just need to pick a number |
of indicators that we are interested in from the World Bank type |
provider and call getData for each indicator. We download all data |
for 2010 below, but feel free to experiment and choose different |
indicators and different years: |
let codes = |
[ "CO2", inds.``CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)`` |
"Univ", inds.``School enrollment, tertiary (% gross)`` |
"Life", inds.``Life expectancy at birth, total (years)`` |
"Growth", inds.``GDP per capita growth (annual %)`` |
"Pop", inds.``Population growth (annual %)`` |
"GDP", inds.``GDP per capita (current US$)`` ] |
let world = |
frame [ for name, ind in codes -> |
name, getData 2010 ind.IndicatorCode ] |
The code snippet defines a list with pairs consisting of a short indi‐ |
cator name and the code from the World Bank. You can run it and |
see what the codes look like—choosing an indicator from an auto- |
complete list is much easier than finding it in the API documenta‐ |
tion! |
The last line does all the actual work. It creates a list of key value |
pairs using a sequence expression [ ... ], but this time, the value |
is a series with data for all countries. So, we create a list with an indi‐ |
cator name and data series. This is then passed to the frame func‐ |
tion, which creates a data frame. |
A data frame is a Deedle data structure that stores multiple series. |
You can think of it as a table with multiple columns and rows (simi‐ |
lar to a data table or spreadsheet). When creating a data frame, Dee‐ |
dle again makes sure that the values are correctly aligned based on |
their keys. |
20 |
| |
Chapter 2: Analyzing Data Using F# and Deedle |
Table 2-1. Data frame with information about the world |
CO2 |
Univ |
Life |
Growth Pop |
Afghanistan 0.30 N/A |
59.60 5.80 |
2.46 |
561.20 |
Albania |
1.52 43.56 76.98 4.22 |
-0.49 4094.36 |
Algeria |
3.22 28.76 70.62 1.70 |
1.85 |
4349.57 |
: |
… |
Yemen, Rep. 1.13 10.87 62.53 0.90 |
2.37 |
1357.76 |
Zambia |
0.20 N/A |
54.53 7.03 |
3.01 |
1533.30 |
Zimbabwe |
0.69 6.21 |
53.59 9.77 |
1.45 |
723.16 |
Data frames are useful for interactive data exploration. When you |
create a data frame, F# Interactive formats it nicely so you can get a |
quick idea about the data. For example, in Table 2-1 you can see the |
ranges of the values and which values are frequently missing. |
Data frames are also useful for interoperability. You can easily save |
data frames to CSV files. If you want to use F# for data access and |
cleanup, but then load the data in another language or tool such as |
R, Mathematica, or Python, data frames give you an easy way to do |
that. However, if you are interested in calling R, this is even easier |
with the F# R type provider. |
Summarizing Data Using the R Provider |
When using F# for data analytics, you can access a number of useful |
libraries: Math.NET Numerics for statistical and numerical comput‐ |
ing, Accord.NET for machine learning, and others. However, F# can |
also integrate with libraries from other ecosystems. We already saw |
Summarizing Data Using the R Provider |
| |
21 |
this with XPlot, which is an F# wrapper for the Google Charts visu‐ |
alization library. Another good example is the R type provider.2 |
The R Project and R Type Provider |
R is a popular programming language and software environment |
for statistical computing. One of the main reasons for the popular‐ |
ity of R is its comprehensive archive of statistical packages (CRAN), |
providing libraries for advanced charting, statistics, machine learn‐ |
ing, financial computing, bioinformatics, and more. The R type |
provider makes the packages available to F#. |
The R type provider is cross-platform, but it requires a 64-bit ver‐ |
sion of Mono on Mac and Linux. The documentation explains the |
required setup in details. Also, the R provider uses your local instal‐ |
lation of R, so you need to have R on your machine in order to use |
it! You can get R from http://www.r-project.org. |
In R, functionality is organized as functions in packages. The R type |
provider discovers R packages that are installed on your machine |
and makes them available as F# modules. R functions then become |
F# functions that you can call. As with type providers for accessing |
data, the modules and functions become normal F# entities, and you |
can discover them through auto-complete. |
The R type provider is also included in the FsLab package, so no |
additional installation is needed. If you have R installed, you can run |
the plot function from the graphics package to get a quick visuali‐ |
zation of correlations in the world data frame: |
open RProvider |
open RProvider.graphics |
R.plot(world) |
If you are typing the code in your editor, you can use auto- |
completion in two places. First, after typing RProvider and . (dot), |
you can see a list with all available packages. Second, after typing R |
and . (dot), you can see functions in all the packages you opened. |
Also note that we are calling the R function with a Deedle data |
frame as an argument. This is possible because the R provider |
2 See http://fslab.org/RProvider. |
22 |
| |
Chapter 2: Analyzing Data Using F# and Deedle |
knows how to convert Deedle frames to R data frames. The call then |
invokes the R runtime, which opens a new window with the chart |
displayed in Figure 2-2. |
Figure 2-2. R plot showing correlations between indicators |
The plot function creates a scatter plot for each combination of |
rows in our input data, so we can quickly check if there are any cor‐ |
relations. For example, if you look at the intersection of the Life row |
and GDP column, you can see that there might be some correlation |
between life expectancy and GDP per capita (but not a linear one). |
We’ll see this better after normalizing the data in the next section. |
The plot function is possibly the most primitive function from R we |
can call, but it shows the idea. However, R offers a number of pow‐ |
erful packages that you can access from F# thanks to the R provider. |
For example, you can use ggplot2 for producing print-ready charts, |
nnet for neural networks, and numerous other packages for regres‐ |
sions, clustering, and other statistical analyses. |
Summarizing Data Using the R Provider |
| |
23 |
Normalizing the World Data Set |
As the last step in this chapter, we write a simple computation to |
normalize the data in the world data frame. As you could see in |
Table 2-1, the data set contains quite diverse numbers, so we rescale |
the values to a scale from 0 to 1. This prepares the data for the clus‐ |
tering algorithm implemented in the next chapter, and also lets us |
explore the correlation between GDP and life expectancy. |
To normalize the values, we need the minimal and maximal value |
for each indicator. Then we can transform a value v by calculating |
(v-min)/(max-min). With Deedle, we do not have to do this for |
individual values, but we can instead express this as a computation |
over the whole frame. |
As part of the normalization, we also fill missing values with the |
average value for the indicator. This is simple, but works well |
enough for us: |
let lo = Stats.min world |
let hi = Stats.max world |
let avg = Stats.mean world |
let filled = |
world |
|> Frame.transpose |
|> Frame.fillMissingUsing (fun _ ind -> avg.[ind]) |
let norm = |
(filled - lo) / (hi - lo) |
|> Frame.transpose |
The normalization is done in three steps: |
1. First, we use functions from the Stats module to get the small‐ |
est, largest, and average values. When applied on a frame, the |
functions return series with one number for each column, so we |
get aggregates for all indicators. |
2. Second, we fill the missing values. The fillMissingUsing oper‐ |
ation iterates over all columns and then fills the missing value |
for each item in the column by calling the function we provide. |
To use it, we first transpose the frame (to switch rows and col‐ |
umns). Then fillMissingUsing iterates over all countries, gives |
us the indicator name ind, and we look up the average value for |
the indicator using avg.[ind]. We do not need the value of the |
24 |
| |
Chapter 2: Analyzing Data Using F# and Deedle |
first parameter, and rather than assigning it to an unused vari‐ |
able, we use the _ pattern which ignores the value. |
3. Third, we perform the normalization. Deedle defines numerical |
operators between frame and series, such that filled - lo sub‐ |
tracts the lo series point-wise from each column of the filled |
frame, and we subtract minimal indicator values for each coun‐ |
try. Finally, we transpose the frame again into the original shape |
with indicators as columns and countries as rows. |
The fact that the explanation here is much longer than the code |
shows just how much you can do with just a couple of lines of code |
with F# and Deedle. The library provides functions for joining |
frames, grouping, and aggregation, as well as windowing and sam‐ |
pling (which are especially useful for time-indexed data). For more |
information about the available functions, check out the documen‐ |
tation for the Stats module and the documentation for the Frame |
module on the Deedle website. |
To finish the chapter with an interesting visualization, let’s use the |
normalized data to build a scatter plot that shows the correlation |
between GDP and life expectancy. As suggested earlier, the growth is |
not linear so we take the logarithm of GDP: |
let gdp = log norm.["GDP"] |> Series.values |
let life = norm.["Life"] |> Series.values |
let options = Options(pointSize=3, colors=[|"#3B8FCC"|], |
trendlines=[|Trendline(opacity=0.5,lineWidth=10)|], |
hAxis=Axis(title="Log of scaled GDP (per capita)"), |
vAxis=Axis(title="Life expectancy (scaled)")) |
Chart.Scatter(Seq.zip gdp life) |
|> Chart.WithOptions(options) |
The norm.["GDP"] notation is used to get a specified column from |
the data frame. This returns a series, which supports basic numerical |
operators (as used in “Visualizing CO2 Emissions Change” on page |
18) as well as basic numerical functions, so we can directly call log |
on the series. |
For the purpose of the visualization, we need just the values and not |
the country names, so we call Series.values to get a plain F# |
sequence with the raw values. We then combine the values for the X |
and Y axes using Seq.zip to get a sequence of pairs representing the |
two indicators for each country. To get the chart in Figure 2-3, we |
Normalizing the World Data Set |
| |
25 |
also specify visual properties, titles, and most importantly, add a lin‐ |
ear trend line. |
Figure 2-3. Correlation between logarithm of GDP and life expectancy |
If we denormalize the numbers, we can roughly say that countries |
with a life expectancy greater by 10 years have 10 times larger GDP |
per capita. That said, to prove this point more convincingly, we |
would have to test the statistical significance of the hypothesis, and |
we’d have to go back to the R type provider! |
Conclusions |
In this chapter, we looked at a more realistic case study of doing data |
science with F#. We still used World Bank as our data source, but |
this time we called it using the XML provider directly. This demon‐ |
strates a general approach that would work with any REST-based |
service. |
Next, we looked at the data in two different ways. We used Deedle to |
print a data frame showing the numerical values. This showed us |
that some values are missing and that different indicators have very |
different ranges, and we later normalized the values for further pro‐ |
cessing. Next, we used the R type provider to get a quick overview of |
correlations. Here, we really just scratched the surface of what is |
26 |
| |
Chapter 2: Analyzing Data Using F# and Deedle |
possible. The R provider provides access to over 5000 statistical |
packages which are invaluable when doing more complex data anal‐ |
ysis. |
In the first two chapters, we used a number of external libraries (all |
of them available conveniently through the FsLab package). In the |
next chapter, we shift our focus from using to creating, and we’ll look |
at how to use F# to implement a simple clustering algorithm. |
Conclusions |
| |
27 |
Implementing Machine Learning |
Algorithms |
All of the analysis that we discussed so far in this report was manual. |
We looked at some data, we had some idea what we wanted to find |
or highlight, we transformed the data, and we built a visualization. |
Machine learning aims to make the process more automated. In |
general, machine learning is the process of building models automat‐ |
ically from data. There are two basic kinds of algorithms. Supervised |
algorithms learn to generalize from data with known answers, while |
unsupervised algorithms automatically learn to model data without |
known structure. |
In this chapter, we implement a basic, unsupervised machine learn‐ |
ing algorithm called k-means clustering that automatically splits |
inputs into a specified number of groups. We’ll use it to group coun‐ |
tries based on the indicators obtained in the previous chapter. |
This chapter also shows the F# language from a different perspec‐ |
tive. So far, we did not need to implement any complicated logic and |
mostly relied on existing libraries. In contrast, this chapter uses just |
the standard F# library, and you’ll see a number of ways in which F# |
makes it very easy to implement new algorithms—the primary way |
is type inference which lets us write efficient and correct code while |
keeping it very short and readable. |
29 |
How k-Means Clustering Works |
The k-means clustering algorithm takes input data, together with |
the number k that specifies how many clusters we want to obtain, |
and automatically assigns the individual inputs to one of the clus‐ |
ters. It is iterative, meaning that it runs in a loop until it reaches the |
final result or a maximal number of steps. |
The idea of the algorithm is that it creates a number of centroids that |
represent the centers of the clusters. As it runs, it keeps adjusting the |
centroids so that they better cluster the input data. It is an unsuper‐ |
vised algorithm, which means that we do not need to know any |
information about the clusters (say, sample inputs that belong |
there). |
To demonstrate how the algorithm works, we look at an example |
that can be easily drawn in a diagram. Let’s say that we have a num‐ |
ber of points with X and Y coordinates and we want to group them |
in clusters. Figure 3-1 shows the points (as circles) and current cent‐ |
roids (as stars). Colors illustrate the current clustering that we are |
trying to improve. This is very simple, but it is sufficient to get |
started. |
Figure 3-1. Clustering three groups of circles with stars showing k- |
means centroids |
The algorithm runs in three simple steps: |
1. First, we randomly generate initial centroids. This can be done |
by randomly choosing some of the inputs as centroids, or by |
generating random values. In the figure, we placed three stars at |
random X and Y locations. |
30 |
| |
Chapter 3: Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms |
2. Second, we update the clusters. For every input, we find the |
nearest centroid, which determines the cluster to which the |
input belongs. In the figure, we show this using color—each |
input has the color of the nearest centroid. If this step does not |
change the inputs in any of the clusters, we are done and can |
return them as the final result. |
3. Third, we update the centroids. For each cluster (group of |
inputs with the same color), we calculate the center and move |
the centroid into this new location. Next, we jump back to the |
second step and update the clusters again, based on the new |
centroids. |
The example in Figure 3-1 shows the state before and after one iter‐ |
ation of the loop. In “Before,” we randomly generated the location of |
the centroids (shown as stars) and assigned all of the inputs to the |
correct cluster (shown as different colors). In “After,” we see the new |
state after running steps 3 and 2. In step 3, we move the green cent‐ |
roid to the right (the leftmost green circle becomes blue), and we |
move the orange centroid to the bottom and a bit to the left (the |
rightmost blue circle becomes orange). |
To run the algorithm, we do not need any classified samples, but we |
do need two things. We need to be able to measure the distance (to |
find the nearest centroid), and we need to be able to aggregate the |
inputs (to calculate a new centroid). As we’ll see in “Writing a Reus‐ |
able Clustering Function” on page 36, this information will be nicely |
reflected in the F# type information at the end of the chapter, so it’s |
worth remembering. |
Clustering 2D Points |
Rather than getting directly to the full problem and clustering coun‐ |
tries, we start with a simpler example. Once we know that the code |
works on the basic sample, we’ll turn it into a reusable F# function |
and use it on the full data set. |
Our sample data set consists of just six points. Assuming 0.0, 0.0 |
is the bottom left corner, we have two points in the bottom left, two |
in the bottom right, and two in the top left corner: |
let data = |
[ (0.0, 1.0); (1.0, 1.0); |
Clustering 2D Points |
| |
31 |
(10.0, 1.0); (13.0, 3.0); |
(4.0, 10.0); (5.0, 8.0) ] |
The notation [ ... ] is the list expression (which we’ve seen in pre‐ |
vious chapters), but this time we’re creating a list of explicitly given |
tuples. |
If you run the code in F# Interactive, you’ll see that the type of the |
data value is list<float * float>,1 so the tuple float * float is |
the type of individual input. As discussed before, we need the dis‐ |
tance and aggregate functions for the inputs: |
let distance (x1, y1) (x2, y2) : float = |
sqrt ((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2)) |
let aggregate points : float * float = |
(List.averageBy fst points, List.averageBy snd points) |
The distance function takes two points and produces a single num‐ |
ber. Note that in F#, function parameters are separated by spaces, |
and so (x1, y1) is the first parameter and (x2, y2) is the second. |
However, both parameters are bound to patterns that decompose the |
tuple into individual components, and we get access to the X and Y |
coordinates for both points. We also included the type annotation |
specifying that the result is float. This is needed here because the |
F# compiler would not know what numerical type we intend to use. |
The body then simply calculates the distance between the two |
points. |
The aggregate function takes a list of inputs and calculates their |
centers. This is done using the List.averageBy function, which |
takes two arguments. The second argument is the input list, and the |
first argument is a projection function that specifies what value |
(from the input) should be averaged. The fst and snd functions |
return the first and second element of a tuple, respectively, and this |
averages the X and Y coordinates. |
1 The F# compiler also reports this as (float * float) list, which is just a different |
way of writing the same type. |
32 |
| |
Chapter 3: Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms |
Initializing Centroids and Clusters |
The first step of the k-means algorithm is to initialize the centroids. |
For our sample, we use three clusters. We initialize the centroids by |
randomly picking three of the inputs: |
let clusterCount = 3 |
let centroids = |
let random = System.Random() |
[ for i in 1 .. clusterCount -> |
List.nth data (random.Next(data.Length)) ] |
The code snippet uses the List.nth function to access the element |
at the random offset (in F# 4.0, List.nth is deprecated, and you can |
use the new List.item instead). We also define the random value as |
part of the definition of centroids—this makes it accessible only |
inside the definition of centroids and we keep it local to the initial‐ |
ization code. |
Our logic here is not perfect, because we could accidentally pick the |
same input twice and two clusters would fully overlap. This is some‐ |
thing we should improve in a proper implementation, but it works |
well enough for our demo. |
The next step is to find the closest centroid for each input. To do |
this, we write a function closest that takes all centroids and the |
input we want to classify: |
let closest centroids input = |
centroids |
|> List.mapi (fun i v -> i, v) |
|> List.minBy (fun (_, cent) -> distance cent input) |
|> fst |
The function works in three steps that are composed in a sequence |
using the pipeline |> operator that we’ve seen in the first chapter. |
Here, we start with centroids, which is a list, and apply a number of |
transformations on the list: |
1. We use List.mapi, which calls the specified function for each |
element of the input list and collects the results into an output |
list.2 The mapi function gives us the value v, and also the index i |
2 If you are familiar with LINQ, then this is the Select extension method. |
Initializing Centroids and Clusters |
| |
33 |
(hence mapi and not just map), and we construct a tuple with the |
index and the value. Now we have a list with centroids together |
with their index. |
2. Next, we use List.minBy to find the smallest element of the list |
according to the specified criteria—in our case, this is the dis‐ |
tance from the input. Note that we get the element of the previ‐ |
ous list as an input. This is a pair with index and centroid, and |
we use pattern (_, cent) to extract the second element (cent‐ |
roid) and assign it to a variable while ignoring the index of the |
centroid (which is useful in the next step). |
3. The List.minBy function returns the element of the list for |
which the function given as a parameter returned the smallest |
value. In our case, this is a value of type int * (float * |
float) consisting of the index together with the centroid itself. |
The last step then uses fst to get the first element of the tuple, |
that is, the index of the centroid. |
The one new piece of F# syntax used in this snippet is an anony‐ |
mous function that is created using fun v1 .. vn -> e, where |
v1 .. vn are the input variables (or patterns) and e is the body of |
the function. |
Now that we have a function to classify one input, we can easily use |
List.map to classify all inputs: |
data |> List.map (fun point -> |
closest centroids point) |
Try running the above in F# Interactive to see how your random |
centroids are generated! If you are lucky, you might get a result [0; |
0; 1; 1; 2; 2] which would mean that you already have the per‐ |
fect clusters. But this is not likely the case, so we’ll need to run the |
next step. |
Before we continue, it is worth noting that we could also write data |
|> List.map (closest centroids). This uses an F# feature called |
partial function application and means the exact same thing: F# |
automatically creates a function that takes point and passes it as the |
next argument to closest centroids. |
34 |
| |
Chapter 3: Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms |
Updating Clusters Recursively |
The last part of the algorithm that we need to implement is updating |
the centroids (based on the assignments to clusters) and looping |
until the cluster assignment stops changing. To do this, we write a |
recursive function update that takes the current assignment to clus‐ |
ters and produces the final assignment (after the looping converges). |
The assignments to clusters is just a list (as in the previous section) |
that has the same length as our data and contains the index of a |
cluster (between 0 and clusterCount-1). |
To get all inputs for a given cluster, we need to filter the data based |
on the assignments. We will use the List.zip function which aligns |
elements in two lists and returns a list of tuples. For example: |
List.zip [1; 2; 3; 4] ['A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'] = |
[(1,'A'); (2,'B'); (3,'C'); (4,'D')] |
Aside from List.zip, the only new F# construct in the following |
snippet is let rec, which is the same as let, but it explicitly marks |
the function as recursive (meaning that it is allowed to call itself): |
let rec update assignment = |
let centroids = |
[ for i in 0 .. clusterCount-1 -> |
let items = |
List.zip assignment data |
|> List.filter (fun (c, data) -> c = i) |
|> List.map snd |
aggregate items ] |
let next = List.map (closest centroids) data |
if next = assignment then assignment |
else update next |
let assignment = |
update (List.map (closest centroids) data) |
The function first calculates new centroids. To do this, it iterates |
over the centroid indices. For each centroid, it finds all items from |
data that are currently assigned to the centroid. Here, we use |
List.zip to create a list containing items from data together with |
their assignments. We then use the aggregate function (defined ear‐ |
lier) to calculate the center of the items. |
Once we have new centroids, we calculate new assignments based |
on the updated clusters (using List.map (closest centroids) |
data, as in the previous section). |
Updating Clusters Recursively |
| |
35 |
The last two lines of the function implement the looping. If the new |
assignment next is the same as the previous assignment, then we |
are done and we return the assignment as the result. Otherwise, we |
call update recursively with the new assignment (and it updates the |
centroids again, leading to a new assignment, etc.). |
It is worth noting that F# allows us to use next = assignment to |
compare two arrays. It implements structural equality by comparing |
the arrays based on their contents instead of their reference (or posi‐ |
tion in the .NET memory). |
Finally, we call update with the initial assignments to cluster our |
sample points. If everything worked well, you should get a list such |
as [1;1;2;2;0;0] with the three clusters as the result. However, |
there are two things that could go wrong and would be worth |
improving in the full implementation: |
• Empty clusters. If the random initialization picks the same |
point twice as a centroid, we will end up with an empty cluster |
(because List.minBy always returns the first value if there are |
multiple values with the same minimum). This currently causes |
an exception because the aggregate function does not work on |
empty lists. We could fix this either by dropping empty clusters, |
or by adding the original center as another parameter of |
aggregate (and keeping the centroid where it was before). |
• Termination condition. The other potential issue is that the |
looping could take too long. We might want to stop it not just |
when the clusters stop changing, but also after a fixed number |
of iterations. To do this, we would add the iters parameter to |
our update function, increment it with every recursive call, and |
modify the termination condition. |
Even though we did all the work using an extremely simple special |
case, we now have everything in place to turn the code into a reusa‐ |
ble function. This nicely shows the typical F# development process. |
Writing a Reusable Clustering Function |
A nice aspect of how we were writing code so far is that we did it in |
small chunks and we could immediately test the code interactively |
to see that it works on our small example. This makes it easy to |
avoid silly mistakes and makes the software development process |
36 |
| |
Chapter 3: Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms |
much more pleasant, especially when writing machine learning |
algorithms where many little details could go wrong that would be |
hard to discover later! |
The last step is to take the code and turn it into a function that we |
can call on different inputs. This turns out to be extremely easy with |
F#. The following snippet is exactly the same as the previous code— |
the only difference is that we added a function header (first line), |
indented the body further, and changed the last line to return the |
result: |
let kmeans distance aggregate clusterCount data = |
let centroids = |
let rnd = System.Random() |
[ for i in 1 .. clusterCount -> |
List.nth data (rnd.Next(data.Length)) ] |
let closest centroids input = |
centroids |
|> List.mapi (fun i v -> i, v) |
|> List.minBy (fun (_, cent) -> distance cent input) |
|> fst |
let rec update assignment = |
let centroids = |
[ for i in 0 .. clusterCount-1 -> |
let items = |
List.zip assignment data |
|> List.filter (fun (c, data) -> c = i) |
|> List.map snd |
aggregate items ] |
let next = List.map (closest centroids) data |
if next = assignment then assignment |
else update next |
update (List.map (closest centroids) data) |
The most interesting aspect of the change we did is that we turned |
all the inputs for the k-means algorithm into function parameters. |
This includes not just data and clusterCount, but also the func‐ |
tions for calculating the distance and aggregating the items. The |
function does not rely on any values defined earlier, and you can |
extract it into a separate file and could turn it into a library, too. |
An interesting thing happened during this change. We turned the |
code that worked on just 2D points into a function that can work on |
any inputs. You can see this when you look at the type of the func‐ |
Writing a Reusable Clustering Function |
| |
37 |
tion (either in a tooltip or by sending it to F# Interactive). The type |
signature of the function looks as follows: |
val kmeans : |
distance : ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> |
aggregate : ('a list -> 'a) -> |
clusterCount : int -> |
data : 'a list |
-> int list |
(when 'b : comparison) |
In F#, the 'a notation in a type signature represents a type parame‐ |
ter. This is a variable that can be substituted for any actual type |
when the function is called. This means that the data parameter can |
be a list containing any values, but only if we also provide a |
distance function that works on the same values, and aggregate |
function that turns a list of those values into a single value. The |
clusterCount parameter is just a number, and the result is |
int list, representing the assignments to clusters. |
The distance function takes two 'a values and produces a distance |
of type 'b. Surprisingly, the distance does not have to return a float‐ |
ing point number. It can be any value that supports the comparison |
constraint (as specified on the last line). For instance, we could |
return int, but not string. If you think about this, it makes sense— |
we do not do any calculations with the distance. We just need to find |
the smallest value (using List.minBy), so we only need to compare |
them. This can be done on float or int; there is no way to compare |
two string values. |
The compiler is not just checking the types to detect |
errors, but also helps you understand what your code |
does by inferring the type. |
Learning to read the type signatures takes some time, but it quickly |
becomes an invaluable tool of every F# programmer. You can look at |
the inferred type and verify whether it matches your intuition. In |
the case of k-means clustering, the type signature matches the intro‐ |
duction discussed earlier in “How k-Means Clustering Works” on |
page 30. |
To experiment with the type inference, try removing one of the |
parameters from the signature of the kmeans function. When you |
38 |
| |
Chapter 3: Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms |
do, the function might still compile (for example, if you have data in |
scope), but it will restrict the type from generic parameter 'a to |
float, suggesting that something in the code is making it too speci‐ |
alized. This is often a hint that there is something wrong with the |
code! |
Clustering Countries |
Now that we have a reusable kmeans function, there is one step left: |
run it on the information about the countries that we downloaded at |
the end of the previous chapter. Recall that we previously defined |
norm, which is a data frame of type Frame<string, string> that has |
countries as rows and a number of indicators as columns. For call‐ |
ing kmeans, we need a list of values, so we get the rows of the frame |
(representing individual countries) and turn them into a list using |
List.ofSeq: |
let data = |
norm.GetRows<float>().Values |> List.ofSeq |
The type of data is list<Series<string, float>>. Every series in |
the list represents one country with a number of different indicators. |
The fact that we are using a Deedle series means that we do not have |
to worry about missing values and also makes calculations easier. |
The two functions we need for kmeans are just a few lines of code: |
let distance |
(s1:Series<string,float>) |
(s2:Series<string, float>) = |
(s1 - s2) * (s1 - s2) |> Stats.sum |
let aggregate items = |
items |
|> Frame.ofRowsOrdinal |
|> Stats.mean |
The distance function takes two series and uses the point-wise * |
and - operators to calculate the squares of differences for each col‐ |
umn, then sums them to get a single distance metric. We need to |
provide type annotations, written as (s1:Series<string,float>), |
to tell the F# compiler that the parameter is a series and that it |
should use the overloaded numerical operators provided by Deedle |
(rather than treating them as operators on integers). |
Clustering Countries |
| |
39 |
The aggregate takes a list of series (countries in a cluster) of type |
list<Series<string,float>>. It should return the averaged value |
that represents the center of the cluster. To do this, we use a simple |
trick: we turn the series into a frame and then use Stats.mean from |
Deedle to calculate averages over all columns of the frame. This |
gives us a series where each indicator is the average of all input indi‐ |
cators. Deedle also conveniently skips over missing values. |
Now we just need to call the kmeans function and draw a chart |
showing the clusters: |
let clrs = ColorAxis(colors=[|"red";"blue";"orange"|]) |
let countryClusters = |
kmeans distance aggregate 3 data |
Seq.zip norm.RowKeys countryClusters |
|> Chart.Geo |
|> Chart.WithOptions(Options(colorAxis=clrs)) |
The snippet is not showing anything new. We call kmeans with our |
new data and the distance and aggregate functions. Then we |
combine the country names (norm.RowKeys) with their cluster |
assignments and draw a geo chart that uses red, blue, and orange for |
the three clusters. The result is the map in Figure 3-2. |
Figure 3-2. Clustering countries of the world based on World Bank |
indicators |
40 |
| |
Chapter 3: Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms |
Looking at the image, it seems that the clustering algorithm does |
identify some categories of countries that we would expect. The next |
interesting step would be to try understand why. To do this, we |
could look at the final centroids and find which of the indicators |
contribute the most to the distance between them. |
Scaling to the Cloud with MBrace |
The quality of the results you get from k-means clustering partly |
depends on the initialization of the centroids, so you can run the |
algorithm a number of times with different initial centroids and see |
which result is better. You can easily do this locally, but what if we |
were looking not at hundreds of countries, but at millions of prod‐ |
ucts or customers in our database? |
In that case, the next step of our journey would be to use the cloud. |
In F#, you can use the MBrace library,3 which lets you take existing |
F# code, wrap the body of a function in the cloud computation, and |
run it in the cloud. You can download a complete example as part of |
the accompanying source code download, but the following code |
snippet shows the required changes to the kmeans function: |
let kmeans |
distance aggregate clusterCount |
(remoteData:CloudValue<'T[]>) = cloud { |
let! data = CloudValue.Read remoteData |
// The rest of the function is the same as before |
} |
kmeans distance aggregator 3 cloudCountries |
|> cluster.CreateProcess |
In the sample, we are using two key concepts from the MBrace |
library: |
• Cloud computation. By wrapping the body of the function in |
cloud, we created a cloud computation. This is a block of F# |
code that can be serialized, transferred to a cluster in the cloud, |
and executed remotely. Cloud computations can spawn multiple |
parallel workflows that are then distributed cross the cluster. To |
start a cloud computation, we use the CreateProcess method, |
3 Available at http://www.m-brace.net/. |
Scaling to the Cloud with MBrace |
| |
41 |
which starts the work and returns information about the pro‐ |
cess running in the cluster. |
• Cloud values. When running the algorithm on a large number |
of inputs, we cannot copy the data from the local machine to the |
cloud every time. The CloudValue type lets us create a value |
(here, containing an array of inputs) that is stored in the cluster, |
so we can use it to avoid data copying. The CloudValue.Read |
method is used to read the data from the cloud storage into |
memory. |
Using MBrace requires more F# background than we can provide in |
a brief report, but it is an extremely powerful programming model |
that lets you take your machine learning algorithms to the next |
level. Just by adding cloud computations and cloud values, you can |
turn a simple local implementation into one that runs over hun‐ |
dreds of machines. If you want to learn more about MBrace, the |
project documentation has all the details and also an extensive col‐ |
lection of samples.4 |
Conclusions |
In this chapter, we completed our brief tour by using the F# lan‐ |
guage to implement the k-means clustering algorithm. This illustra‐ |
ted two aspects of F# that make it nice for writing algorithms: |
• First, we wrote the code iteratively. We started by running indi‐ |
vidual parts of the code on sample input and we could quickly |
verify that it works. Then we refactored the code into a reusable |
function. By then, we already knew that the code works. |
• Second, the F# type inference helped us along the way. In F#, |
you do not write types explicitly, so the language is not verbose, |
but you still get the safety guarantees that come with static typ‐ |
ing. The type inference also helps us understand our code, |
because it finds the most general type. If this does not match |
your expectations about the algorithm, you know that there is |
something suspicious going on! |
4 Available at http://www.m-brace.net/programming-model.html. |
42 |
| |
Chapter 3: Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms |
Interactive development and type inference will help you when writ‐ |
ing any machine learning algorithms. To learn more, you can |
explore other existing F# projects like the decision tree by Mathias |
Brandewinder,5 or the Ariadne project,6 which implements Gaussian |
process regression. Writing your own machine learning algorithms |
is not just a great way to learn the concepts; it is useful when explor‐ |
ing the problem domain. It often turns out that a simple algorithm |
like k-means clustering works surprisingly well. Often, you can also |
use an existing F# or .NET library. The next chapter will give you a |
couple of pointers. |
5 Available at http://bit.ly/decisiontreeblog. |
6 Available at http://evelinag.com/Ariadne/. |
Conclusions |
| |
43 |
Conclusions and Next Steps |
This brief report shows just a few examples of what you can do with |
F#, but we used it to demonstrate many of the key features of the |
language that make it a great tool for data science and machine |
learning. With type providers, you can elegantly access data. We |
used the XPlot library for visualization, but F# also gives you access |
to the ggplot2 package from R and numerous other tools. As for |
analysis, we used the Deedle library and R type provider, but we also |
implemented our own clustering algorithm. |
Adding F# to Your Project |
I hope this report piqued your interest in F# and showed some good |
reasons why you might want to use it in your projects. So, what are |
the best first steps? First of all, you probably should not immediately |
switch all your code to F# and become the only person in your com‐ |
pany who understands it! |
A large part of any machine learning and data science is experimen‐ |
tation. Even if your final implementation needs to be in C# (or any |
other language), you can still use F# to explore the data and proto‐ |
type different algorithms (using plain F#, R type provider, and the |
machine learning libraries discussed below). |
F# integrates well with .NET and Xamarin applications, so you can |
write your data access code or a machine learning algorithm in F# |
and use it in a larger C# application. There are also many libraries |
45 |
for wrapping F# code as a web application or a web service;1 and so |
you can expose the functionality as a simple REST service and host |
it on Heroku, AWS, or Azure. |
Resources for Learning More |
If you want to learn more about using F# for data science and |
machine learning, a number of excellent resources are worth check‐ |
ing out now that you have finished the quick overview in this report. |
Report Source Code (fslab.org/report) |
The best way to learn anything is to try it on your own, so |
download the full source code for the examples from this report |
and try modifying them to learn other interesting things about |
the data we’ve been using, or change the code to load other data |
relevant to your work! |
F# User Groups and Coding Dojos (c4fsharp.net) |
The F# community is very active, and there is likely an F# user |
group not far from where you live. The Community for F# web‐ |
site is the best place to find more information. It also hosts cod‐ |
ing Dojos that you can try completing on your own. |
F# Software Foundation (fsharp.org) |
The F# Foundation website is the home of the F# language and |
is a great starting point if you want to learn more about the lan‐ |
guage and find resources like books and online tutorials. It also |
provides up-to-date installation instructions for all platforms. |
FsLab Project (fslab.org) |
FsLab is a package that brings together many of the popular |
data science libraries for F#. We used F# Data (for data access), |
Deedle and R provider (for data analysis), and XPlot (for visual‐ |
ization). The FsLab website hosts their documentation and |
other useful resources. |
Accord.NET Framework (accord-framework.net) |
Accord.NET is a machine learning library for .NET that works |
well with F#. In this report, we implemented k-means clustering |
to demonstrate interesting F# language features, but when solv‐ |
1 See the web guide on the F# Foundation website: http://fsharp.org/guides/web. |
46 |
| |
Chapter 4: Conclusions and Next Steps |
ing simple machine learning problems, you can often just use |
an existing library! |
MBrace Project (http://www.m-brace.net/) |
MBrace is a simple library for scalable data scripting and pro‐ |
gramming with F# and C#. It lets you run F# computations in |
the cloud directly from your F# Interactive with the same rapid |
feedback that you get when running your F# code locally. Check |
out MBrace if you are looking at implementing scalable |
machine learning with F#. |
Machine Learning Projects for .NET Developers (Mathias Brande‐ |
winder, Apress) |
Finally, if you enjoyed Chapter 3, then Mathias Brandewinder’s |
book is a great resource. It implements a number of machine |
learning algorithms using F# and also provides more details for |
some of the libraries used in this report, like the R type provider |
and F# Data. |
Resources for Learning More |
| |
47 |
About the Author |
Tomas Petricek is a computer scientist, book author, and open |
source developer. He wrote a popular book called Real-World Func‐ |
tional Programming (Manning) and is a lead developer of several F# |
open source libraries. He also contributed to the design of the F# |
language as an intern and consultant at Microsoft Research. He is a |
partner at fsharpWorks (http://fsharpworks.com/) where he provides |
training and consulting services. |
Tomas recently submitted his PhD thesis at the University of Cam‐ |
bridge, focused on types for understanding context usage in pro‐ |
gramming languages. His most recent work also includes two essays |
that attempt to understand programming through the perspective of |
philosophy of science. |