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Table of Contents
Your first application
Get the SDK
Hello World in C#
Create an ASP.NET Core project
MVC basics
Create a controller
Create models
Create a view
Add a service class
Use dependency injection
Finish the controller
Update the layout
Add external packages
Use a database
Connect to a database
Update the context
Create a migration
Create a new service class
Add more features
Add new to-do items
Complete items with a checkbox
Security and identity
Require authentication
Using identity in the application
Authorization with roles
More resources
Automated testing
Unit testing
Integration testing
Deploy the application
Deploy to Azure
Deploy with Docker
The Little ASP.NET Core Book
by Nate Barbettini
Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-387-75615-5
Released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. You are
free to share, copy, and redistribute this book in any format, or remix and
transform it for any purpose (even commercially). You must give
appropriate credit and provide a link to the license.
For more information, visit
Thanks for picking up The Little ASP.NET Core Book! I wrote this short
book to help developers and people interested in web programming
learn about ASP.NET Core, a new framework for building web
applications and APIs.
The Little ASP.NET Core Book is structured as a tutorial. You'll build an
application from start to finish and learn:
The basics of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern
How front-end code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) works together with
back-end code
What dependency injection is and why it's useful
How to read and write data to a database
How to add log-in, registration, and security
How to deploy the application to the web
Don't worry, you don't need to know anything about ASP.NET Core (or
any of the above) to get started.
Before you begin
The code for the finished version of the application you'll build is
available on GitHub:
Feel free to download it if you want to see the finished product, or
compare as you write your own code.
The book itself is updated frequently with bug fixes and new content. If
you're reading a PDF, e-book, or print version, check the official website
( to see if there's an updated version available. The
very last page of the book contains version information and a changelog.
Reading in your own language
Thanks to some fantastic multilingual contributors, the Little ASP.NET
Core Book has been translated into other languages:
Who this book is for
If you're new to programming, this book will introduce you to the
patterns and concepts used to build modern web applications. You'll
learn how to build a web app (and how the big pieces fit together) by
building something from scratch! While this little book won't be able to
cover absolutely everything you need to know about programming, it'll
give you a starting point so you can learn more advanced topics.
If you already code in a backend language like Node, Python, Ruby, Go,
or Java, you'll notice a lot of familiar ideas like MVC, view templates, and
dependency injection. The code will be in C#, but it won't look too
different from what you already know.
If you're an ASP.NET MVC developer, you'll feel right at home! ASP.NET
Core adds some new tools and reuses (and simplifies) the things you
already know. I'll point out some of the differences below.
No matter what your previous experience with web programming, this
book will teach you everything you need to create a simple and useful
web application in ASP.NET Core. You'll learn how to build functionality
using backend and frontend code, how to interact with a database, and
how to deploy the app to the world.
What is ASP.NET Core?
ASP.NET Core is a web framework created by Microsoft for building web
applications, APIs, and microservices. It uses common patterns like MVC
(Model-View-Controller), dependency injection, and a request pipeline
comprised of middleware. It's open-source under the Apache 2.0 license,
which means the source code is freely available, and the community is
encouraged to contribute bug fixes and new features.
ASP.NET Core runs on top of Microsoft's .NET runtime, similar to the
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or the Ruby interpreter. You can write
ASP.NET Core applications in a number of languages (C#, Visual Basic,
F#). C# is the most popular choice, and it's what I'll use in this book. You
can build and run ASP.NET Core applications on Windows, Mac, and
Why do we need another web
There are a lot of great web frameworks to choose from already:
Node/Express, Spring, Ruby on Rails, Django, Laravel, and many more.
What advantages does ASP.NET Core have?
Speed. ASP.NET Core is fast. Because .NET code is compiled, it
executes much faster than code in interpreted languages like
JavaScript or Ruby. ASP.NET Core is also optimized for
multithreading and asynchronous tasks. It's common to see a 5-10x
speed improvement over code written in Node.js.
Ecosystem. ASP.NET Core may be new, but .NET has been around
for a long time. There are thousands of packages available on NuGet
(the .NET package manager; think npm, Ruby gems, or Maven).
There are already packages available for JSON deserialization,
database connectors, PDF generation, or almost anything else you
can think of.
Security. The team at Microsoft takes security seriously, and
ASP.NET Core is built to be secure from the ground up. It handles
things like sanitizing input data and preventing cross-site request
forgery (CSRF) attacks, so you don't have to. You also get the
benefit of static typing with the .NET compiler, which is like having a
very paranoid linter turned on at all times. This makes it harder to do
something you didn't intend with a variable or chunk of data.
.NET Core and .NET Standard
Throughout this book, you'll be learning about ASP.NET Core (the web
framework). I'll occasionally mention the .NET runtime, the supporting
library that runs .NET code. If this already sounds like Greek to you, just
skip to the next chapter!
You may also hear about .NET Core and .NET Standard. The naming gets
confusing, so here's a simple explanation:
.NET Standard is a platform-agnostic interface that defines features and
APIs. It's important to note that .NET Standard doesn't represent any
actual code or functionality, just the API definition. There are different
"versions" or levels of .NET Standard that reflect how many APIs are
available (or how wide the API surface area is). For example, .NET
Standard 2.0 has more APIs available than .NET Standard 1.5, which has
more APIs than .NET Standard 1.0.
.NET Core is the .NET runtime that can be installed on Windows, Mac, or
Linux. It implements the APIs defined in the .NET Standard interface with
the appropriate platform-specific code on each operating system. This is
what you'll install on your own machine to build and run ASP.NET Core
And just for good measure, .NET Framework is a different
implementation of .NET Standard that is Windows-only. This was the
only .NET runtime until .NET Core came along and brought .NET to Mac
and Linux. ASP.NET Core can also run on Windows-only .NET
Framework, but I won't touch on this too much.
If you're confused by all this naming, no worries! We'll get to some real
code in a bit.
A note to ASP.NET 4 developers
If you haven't used a previous version of ASP.NET, skip ahead to the
next chapter.
ASP.NET Core is a complete ground-up rewrite of ASP.NET, with a focus
on modernizing the framework and finally decoupling it from
System.Web, IIS, and Windows. If you remember all the OWIN/Katana
stuff from ASP.NET 4, you're already halfway there: the Katana project
became ASP.NET 5 which was ultimately renamed to ASP.NET Core.
Because of the Katana legacy, the Startup class is front and center, and
there's no more Application_Start or Global.asax . The entire pipeline
is driven by middleware, and there's no longer a split between MVC and
Web API: controllers can simply return views, status codes, or data.
Dependency injection comes baked in, so you don't need to install and
configure a container like StructureMap or Ninject if you don't want to.
And the entire framework has been optimized for speed and runtime
Alright, enough introduction. Let's dive in to ASP.NET Core!
Your first application
Your first application
Ready to build your first web app with ASP.NET Core? You'll need to
gather a few things first:
Your favorite code editor. You can use Atom, Sublime, Notepad, or
whatever editor you prefer writing code in. If you don't have a favorite,
give Visual Studio Code a try. It's a free, cross-platform code editor that
has rich support for writing C#, JavaScript, HTML, and more. Just search
for "download visual studio code" and follow the instructions.
If you're on Windows, you can also use Visual Studio to build ASP.NET
Core applications. You'll need Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 or later
(the free Community Edition is fine). Visual Studio has great code
completion and refactoring support for C#, although Visual Studio Code
is close behind.
The .NET Core SDK. Regardless of the editor or platform you're using,
you'll need to install the .NET Core SDK, which includes the runtime,
base libraries, and command line tools you need for building ASP.NET
Core applications. The SDK can be installed on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
Once you've decided on an editor, you'll need to get the SDK.
Get the SDK
Get the SDK
Search for "download .net core" and follow the instructions on
Microsoft's download page to get the .NET Core SDK. After the SDK has
finished installing, open up the Terminal (or PowerShell on Windows) and
use the dotnet command line tool (also called a CLI) to make sure
everything is working:
dotnet --version
You can get more information about your platform with the --info flag:
dotnet --info
.NET Command Line Tools (2.1.104)
Product Information:
Version: 2.1.104
Commit SHA-1 hash: 48ec687460
Runtime Environment:
OS Name: Mac OS X
OS Version: 10.13
(more details...)
If you see output like the above, you're ready to go!
Hello World in C#
Hello World in C#
Before you dive into ASP.NET Core, try creating and running a simple C#
You can do this all from the command line. First, open up the Terminal
(or PowerShell on Windows). Navigate to the location you want to store
your projects, such as your Documents directory:
cd Documents
Use the dotnet command to create a new project:
dotnet new console -o CsharpHelloWorld
The dotnet new command creates a new .NET project in C# by default.
The console parameter selects a template for a console application (a
program that outputs text to the screen). The -o CsharpHelloWorld
parameter tells dotnet new to create a new directory called
CsharpHelloWorld for all the project files. Move into this new directory:
cd CsharpHelloWorld
dotnet new console creates a basic C# program that writes the text
Hello World! to the screen. The program is comprised of two files: a
project file (with a .csproj extension) and a C# code file (with a .cs
extension). If you open the former in a text or code editor, you'll see this:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
Hello World in C#
The project file is XML-based and defines some metadata about the
project. Later, when you reference other packages, those will be listed
here (similar to a package.json file for npm). You won't have to edit this
file by hand very often.
using System;
namespace CsharpHelloWorld
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
static void Main is the entry point method of a C# program, and by
convention it's placed in a class (a type of code structure or module)
called Program . The using statement at the top imports the built-in
System classes from .NET and makes them available to the code in your
From inside the project directory, use dotnet run to run the program.
You'll see the output written to the console after the code compiles:
dotnet run
Hello World in C#
Hello World!
That's all it takes to scaffold and run a .NET program! Next, you'll do the
same thing for an ASP.NET Core application.
Create an ASP.NET Core project
Create an ASP.NET Core project
If you're still in the directory you created for the Hello World sample,
move back up to your Documents or home directory:
cd ..
Next, create a new directory to store your entire project, and move into
mkdir AspNetCoreTodo
cd AspNetCoreTodo
Next, create a new project with dotnet new , this time with some extra
dotnet new mvc --auth Individual -o AspNetCoreTodo
cd AspNetCoreTodo
This creates a new project from the mvc template, and adds some
additional authentication and security bits to the project. (I'll cover
security in the Security and identity chapter.)
You might be wondering why you have a directory called
AspNetCoreTodo inside another directory called AspNetCoreTodo .
The top-level or "root" directory can contain one or more project
directories. The root directory is sometimes called a solution
directory. Later, you'll add more project directories side-by-side
with the AspNetCoreTodo project directory, all within a single root
solution directory.
Create an ASP.NET Core project
You'll see quite a few files show up in the new project directory. Once
you cd into the new directory, all you have to do is run the project:
dotnet run
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
Instead of printing to the console and exiting, this program starts a web
server and waits for requests on port 5000.
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 . You'll
see the default ASP.NET Core splash page, which means your project is
working! When you're done, press Ctrl-C in the terminal window to stop
the server.
The parts of an ASP.NET Core project
The dotnet new mvc template generates a number of files and
directories for you. Here are the most important things you get out of
the box:
The Program.cs and Startup.cs files set up the web server and
ASP.NET Core pipeline. The Startup class is where you can add
middleware that handles and modifies incoming requests, and serves
things like static content or error pages. It's also where you add your
own services to the dependency injection container (more on this
The Models, Views, and Controllers directories contain the
components of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
You'll explore all three in the next chapter.
Create an ASP.NET Core project
The wwwroot directory contains static assets like CSS, JavaScript,
and image files. Files in wwwroot will be served as static content,
and can be bundled and minified automatically.
The appsettings.json file contains configuration settings ASP.NET
Core will load on startup. You can use this to store database
connection strings or other things that you don't want to hard-code.
Tips for Visual Studio Code
If you're using Visual Studio Code for the first time, here are a couple of
helpful tips to get you started:
Open the project root folder: In Visual Studio Code, choose File -
Open or File - Open Folder. Open the AspNetCoreTodo folder (the
root directory), not the inner project directory. If Visual Studio Code
prompts you to install missing files, click Yes to add them.
F5 to run (and debug breakpoints): With your project open, press F5
to run the project in debug mode. This is the same as dotnet run
on the command line, but you have the benefit of setting
breakpoints in your code by clicking on the left margin:
Lightbulb to fix problems: If your code contains red squiggles
(compiler errors), put your cursor on the code that's red and look for
the lightbulb icon on the left margin. The lightbulb menu will suggest
Create an ASP.NET Core project
common fixes, like adding a missing using statement to your code:
Compile quickly: Use the shortcut Command-Shift-B or Control-
Shift-B to run the Build task, which does the same thing as dotnet
build .
These tips apply to Visual Studio (not Code) on Windows too. If
you're using Visual Studio, you'll need to open the .csproj
project file directly. Visual Studio will later prompt you to save the
Solution file, which you should save in the root directory (the first
AspNetCoreTodo folder). You can also create an ASP.NET Core
project directly within Visual Studio using the templates in File -
New Project.
A note about Git
If you use Git or GitHub to manage your source code, now is a good time
to do git init and initialize a Git repository in the project root
cd ..
git init
Make sure you add a .gitignore file that ignores the bin and obj
directories. The Visual Studio template on GitHub's gitignore template
repo ( works great.
Create an ASP.NET Core project
There's plenty more to explore, so let's dive in and start building an
MVC basics
MVC basics
In this chapter, you'll explore the MVC system in ASP.NET Core. MVC
(Model-View-Controller) is a pattern for building web applications that's
used in almost every web framework (Ruby on Rails and Express are
popular examples), plus frontend JavaScript frameworks like Angular.
Mobile apps on iOS and Android use a variation of MVC as well.
As the name suggests, MVC has three components: models, views, and
controllers. Controllers handle incoming requests from a client or web
browser and make decisions about what code to run. Views are
templates (usually HTML plus a templating language like Handlebars,
Pug, or Razor) that get data added to them and then are displayed to the
user. Models hold the data that is added to views, or data that is entered
by the user.
A common pattern for MVC code is:
The controller receives a request and looks up some information in a
The controller creates a model with the information and attaches it
to a view
The view is rendered and displayed in the user's browser
The user clicks a button or submits a form, which sends a new
request to the controller, and the cycle repeats
If you've worked with MVC in other languages, you'll feel right at home
in ASP.NET Core MVC. If you're new to MVC, this chapter will teach you
the basics and will help get you started.
What you'll build
MVC basics
The "Hello World" exercise of MVC is building a to-do list application. It's
a great project since it's small and simple in scope, but it touches each
part of MVC and covers many of the concepts you'd use in a larger
In this book, you'll build a to-do app that lets the user add items to their
to-do list and check them off once complete. More specifically, you'll be
A web application server (sometimes called the "backend") using
ASP.NET Core, C#, and the MVC pattern
A database to store the user's to-do items using the SQLite database
engine and a system called Entity Framework Core
Web pages and an interface that the user will interact with via their
browser, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (called the "frontend")
A login form and security checks so each user's to-do list is kept
Sound good? Let's built it! If you haven't already created a new ASP.NET
Core project using dotnet new mvc , follow the steps in the previous
chapter. You should be able to build and run the project and see the
default welcome screen.
Create a controller
Create a controller
There are already a few controllers in the project's Controllers directory,
including the HomeController that renders the default welcome screen
you see when you visit http://localhost:5000 . You can ignore these
controllers for now.
Create a new controller for the to-do list functionality, called
TodoController , and add the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.Controllers
public class TodoController : Controller
// Actions go here
Routes that are handled by controllers are called actions, and are
represented by methods in the controller class. For example, the
HomeController includes three action methods ( Index , About , and
Contact ) which are mapped by ASP.NET Core to these route URLs:
localhost:5000/Home -> Index()
localhost:5000/Home/About -> About()
localhost:5000/Home/Contact -> Contact()
Create a controller
There are a number of conventions (common patterns) used by ASP.NET
Core, such as the pattern that FooController becomes /Foo , and the
Index action name can be left out of the URL. You can customize this
behavior if you'd like, but for now, we'll stick to the default conventions.
Add a new action called Index to the TodoController , replacing the //
Actions go here comment:
public class TodoController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
// Get to-do items from database
// Put items into a model
// Render view using the model
Action methods can return views, JSON data, or HTTP status codes like
200 OK and 404 Not Found . The IActionResult return type gives you
the flexibility to return any of these from the action.
It's a best practice to keep controllers as lightweight as possible. In this
case, the controller will be responsible for getting the to-do items from
the database, putting those items into a model the view can understand,
and sending the view back to the user's browser.
Before you can write the rest of the controller code, you need to create a
model and a view.
Create models
Create models
There are two separate model classes that need to be created: a model
that represents a to-do item stored in the database (sometimes called an
entity), and the model that will be combined with a view (the MV in
MVC) and sent back to the user's browser. Because both of them can be
referred to as "models", I'll refer to the latter as a view model.
First, create a class called TodoItem in the Models directory:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.Models
public class TodoItem
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public bool IsDone { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public DateTimeOffset? DueAt { get; set; }
This class defines what the database will need to store for each to-do
item: an ID, a title or name, whether the item is complete, and what the
due date is. Each line defines a property of the class:
Create models
The Id property is a guid, or a globally unique identifier. Guids (or
GUIDs) are long strings of letters and numbers, like 43ec09f2-7f70-
4f4b-9559-65011d5781bb . Because guids are random and are
extremely unlikely to be accidentally duplicated, they are commonly
used as unique IDs. You could also use a number (integer) as a
database entity ID, but you'd need to configure your database to
always increment the number when new rows are added to the
database. Guids are generated randomly, so you don't have to worry
about auto-incrementing.
The IsDone property is a boolean (true/false value). By default, it
will be false for all new items. Later you'll use write code to switch
this property to true when the user clicks an item's checkbox in
the view.
The Title property is a string (text value). This will hold the name or
description of the to-do item. The [Required] attribute tells
ASP.NET Core that this string can't be null or empty.
The DueAt property is a DateTimeOffset , which is a C# type that
stores a date/time stamp along with a timezone offset from UTC.
Storing the date, time, and timezone offset together makes it easy to
render dates accurately on systems in different timezones.
Notice the ? question mark after the DateTimeOffset type? That marks
the DueAt property as nullable, or optional. If the ? wasn't included,
every to-do item would need to have a due date. The Id and IsDone
properties aren't marked as nullable, so they are required and will always
have a value (or a default value).
Strings in C# are always nullable, so there's no need to mark the
Title property as nullable. C# strings can be null, empty, or contain
Create models
Each property is followed by get; set; , which is a shorthand way of
saying the property is read/write (or, more technically, it has a getter and
setter methods).
At this point, it doesn't matter what the underlying database technology
is. It could be SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, or something more
exotic. This model defines what the database row or entry will look like
in C# so you don't have to worry about the low-level database stuff in
your code. This simple style of model is sometimes called a "plain old C#
object" or POCO.
The view model
Often, the model (entity) you store in the database is similar but not
exactly the same as the model you want to use in MVC (the view model).
In this case, the TodoItem model represents a single item in the
database, but the view might need to display two, ten, or a hundred to-
do items (depending on how badly the user is procrastinating).
Because of this, the view model should be a separate class that holds an
array of TodoItem s:
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.Models
public class TodoViewModel
public TodoItem[] Items { get; set; }
Now that you have some models, it's time to create a view that will take
a TodoViewModel and render the right HTML to show the user their to-
do list.
Create models
Create a view
Create a view
Views in ASP.NET Core are built using the Razor templating language,
which combines HTML and C# code. (If you've written pages using
Handlebars moustaches, ERB in Ruby on Rails, or Thymeleaf in Java,
you've already got the basic idea.)
Most view code is just HTML, with the occasional C# statement added in
to pull data out of the view model and turn it into text or HTML. The C#
statements are prefixed with the @ symbol.
The view rendered by the Index action of the TodoController needs to
take the data in the view model (a sequence of to-do items) and display it
in a nice table for the user. By convention, views are placed in the
Views directory, in a subdirectory corresponding to the controller name.
The file name of the view is the name of the action with a .cshtml
Create a Todo directory inside the Views directory, and add this file:
@model TodoViewModel
ViewData["Title"] = "Manage your todo list";
<div class="panel panel-default todo-panel">
<div class="panel-heading">@ViewData["Title"]</div>
<table class="table table-hover">
Create a view
@foreach (var item in Model.Items)
<input type="checkbox" class="done-checkbox">
<div class="panel-footer add-item-form">
<!-- TODO: Add item form -->
At the very top of the file, the @model directive tells Razor which model
to expect this view to be bound to. The model is accessed through the
Model property.
Assuming there are any to-do items in Model.Items , the foreach
statement will loop over each to-do item and render a table row ( <tr>
element) containing the item's name and due date. A checkbox is also
rendered that will let the user mark the item as complete.
The layout file
You might be wondering where the rest of the HTML is: what about the
<body> tag, or the header and footer of the page? ASP.NET Core uses a
layout view that defines the base structure that every other view is
rendered inside of. It's stored in Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml .
Create a view
The default ASP.NET Core template includes Bootstrap and jQuery in
this layout file, so you can quickly create a web application. Of course,
you can use your own CSS and JavaScript libraries if you'd like.
Customizing the stylesheet
The default template also includes a stylesheet with some basic CSS
rules. The stylesheet is stored in the wwwroot/css directory. Add a few
new CSS style rules to the bottom of the site.css file:
div.todo-panel {
margin-top: 15px;
table tr.done {
text-decoration: line-through;
color: #888;
You can use CSS rules like these to completely customize how your
pages look and feel.
ASP.NET Core and Razor can do much more, such as partial views and
server-rendered view components, but a simple layout and view is all
you need for now. The official ASP.NET Core documentation (at contains a number of examples if you'd like to learn
Add a service class
Add a service class
You've created a model, a view, and a controller. Before you use the
model and view in the controller, you also need to write code that will
get the user's to-do items from a database.
You could write this database code directly in the controller, but it's a
better practice to keep your code separate. Why? In a big, real-world
application, you'll have to juggle many concerns:
Rendering views and handling incoming data: this is what your
controller already does.
Performing business logic, or code and logic that's related to the
purpose and "business" of your application. In a to-do list
application, business logic means decisions like setting a default due
date on new tasks, or only displaying tasks that are incomplete.
Other examples of business logic include calculating a total cost
based on product prices and tax rates, or checking whether a player
has enough points to level up in a game.
Saving and retrieving items from a database.
Again, it's possible to do all of these things in a single, massive controller,
but that quickly becomes too hard to manage and test. Instead, it's
common to see applications split up into two, three, or more "layers" or
tiers that each handle one (and only one) concern. This helps keep the
controllers as simple as possible, and makes it easier to test and change
the business logic and database code later.
Separating your application this way is sometimes called a multi-tier or
n-tier architecture. In some cases, the tiers (layers) are isolated in
completely separate projects, but other times it just refers to how the
Add a service class
classes are organized and used. The important thing is thinking about
how to split your application into manageable pieces, and avoid having
controllers or bloated classes that try to do everything.
For this project, you'll use two application layers: a presentation layer
made up of the controllers and views that interact with the user, and a
service layer that contains business logic and database code. The
presentation layer already exists, so the next step is to build a service
that handles to-do business logic and saves to-do items to a database.
Most larger projects use a 3-tier architecture: a presentation layer,
a service logic layer, and a data repository layer. A repository is a
class that's only focused on database code (no business logic). In
this application, you'll combine these into a single service layer for
simplicity, but feel free to experiment with different ways of
architecting the code.
Create an interface
The C# language includes the concept of interfaces, where the definition
of an object's methods and properties is separate from the class that
actually contains the code for those methods and properties. Interfaces
make it easy to keep your classes decoupled and easy to test, as you'll
see here (and later in the Automated testing chapter). You'll use an
interface to represent the service that can interact with to-do items in
the database.
By convention, interfaces are prefixed with "I". Create a new file in the
Services directory:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Models;
Add a service class
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.Services
public interface ITodoItemService
Task<TodoItem[]> GetIncompleteItemsAsync();
Note that the namespace of this file is AspNetCoreTodo.Services .
Namespaces are a way to organize .NET code files, and it's customary for
the namespace to follow the directory the file is stored in
( AspNetCoreTodo.Services for files in the Services directory, and so on).
Because this file (in the AspNetCoreTodo.Services namespace) references
the TodoItem class (in the AspNetCoreTodo.Models namespace), it needs
to include a using statement at the top of the file to import that
namespace. Without the using statement, you'll see an error like:
The type or namespace name 'TodoItem' could not be found (are you
missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Since this is an interface, there isn't any actual code here, just the
definition (or method signature) of the GetIncompleteItemsAsync
method. This method requires no parameters and returns a
Task<TodoItem[]> .
If this syntax looks confusing, think: "a Task that contains an array
of TodoItems".
The Task type is similar to a future or a promise, and it's used here
because this method will be asynchronous. In other words, the method
may not be able to return the list of to-do items right away because it
needs to go talk to the database first. (More on this later.)
Create the service class
Add a service class
Now that the interface is defined, you're ready to create the actual
service class. I'll cover database code in depth in the Use a database
chapter, so for now you'll just fake it and always return two hard-coded
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Models;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.Services
public class FakeTodoItemService : ITodoItemService
public Task<TodoItem[]> GetIncompleteItemsAsync()
var item1 = new TodoItem
Title = "Learn ASP.NET Core",
DueAt = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(1)
var item2 = new TodoItem
Title = "Build awesome apps",
DueAt = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(2)
return Task.FromResult(new[] { item1, item2 });
This FakeTodoItemService implements the ITodoItemService interface
but always returns the same array of two TodoItem s. You'll use this to
test the controller and view, and then add real database code in Use a
Add a service class
Use dependency injection
Use dependency injection
Back in the TodoController , add some code to work with the
ITodoItemService :
public class TodoController : Controller
private readonly ITodoItemService _todoItemService;
public TodoController(ITodoItemService todoItemService)
_todoItemService = todoItemService;
public IActionResult Index()
// Get to-do items from database
// Put items into a model
// Pass the view to a model and render
Since ITodoItemService is in the Services namespace, you'll also need
to add a using statement at the top:
using AspNetCoreTodo.Services;
The first line of the class declares a private variable to hold a reference to
the ITodoItemService . This variable lets you use the service from the
Index action method later (you'll see how in a minute).
The public TodoController(ITodoItemService todoItemService) line
defines a constructor for the class. The constructor is a special method
that is called when you want to create a new instance of a class (the
Use dependency injection
TodoController class, in this case). By adding an ITodoItemService
parameter to the constructor, you've declared that in order to create the
TodoController , you'll need to provide an object that matches the
ITodoItemService interface.
Interfaces are awesome because they help decouple (separate) the
logic of your application. Since the controller depends on the
ITodoItemService interface, and not on any specific class, it
doesn't know or care which class it's actually given. It could be the
FakeTodoItemService , a different one that talks to a live database,
or something else! As long as it matches the interface, the
controller can use it. This makes it really easy to test parts of your
application separately. I'll cover testing in detail in the Automated
testing chapter.
Now you can finally use the ITodoItemService (via the private variable
you declared) in your action method to get to-do items from the service
public IActionResult Index()
var items = await _todoItemService.GetIncompleteItemsAsync();
// ...
Remember that the GetIncompleteItemsAsync method returned a
Task<TodoItem[]> ? Returning a Task means that the method won't
necessarily have a result right away, but you can use the await keyword
to make sure your code waits until the result is ready before continuing
The Task pattern is common when your code calls out to a database or
an API service, because it won't be able to return a real result until the
database (or network) responds. If you've used promises or callbacks in
Use dependency injection
JavaScript or other languages, Task is the same idea: the promise that
there will be a result - sometime in the future.
If you've had to deal with "callback hell" in older JavaScript code,
you're in luck. Dealing with asynchronous code in .NET is much
easier thanks to the magic of the await keyword! await lets
your code pause on an async operation, and then pick up where it
left off when the underlying database or network request finishes.
In the meantime, your application isn't blocked, because it can
process other requests as needed. This pattern is simple but takes
a little getting used to, so don't worry if this doesn't make sense
right away. Just keep following along!
The only catch is that you need to update the Index method signature
to return a Task<IActionResult> instead of just IActionResult , and
mark it as async :
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
var items = await _todoItemService.GetIncompleteItemsAsync();
// Put items into a model
// Pass the view to a model and render
You're almost there! You've made the TodoController depend on the
ITodoItemService interface, but you haven't yet told ASP.NET Core that
you want the FakeTodoItemService to be the actual service that's used
under the hood. It might seem obvious right now since you only have
one class that implements ITodoItemService , but later you'll have
multiple classes that implement the same interface, so being explicit is
Use dependency injection
Declaring (or "wiring up") which concrete class to use for each interface
is done in the ConfigureServices method of the Startup class. Right
now, it looks something like this:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// (... some code)
The job of the ConfigureServices method is adding things to the service
container, or the collection of services that ASP.NET Core knows about.
The services.AddMvc line adds the services that the internal ASP.NET
Core systems need (as an experiment, try commenting out this line). Any
other services you want to use in your application must be added to the
service container here in ConfigureServices .
Add the following line anywhere inside the ConfigureServices method:
services.AddSingleton<ITodoItemService, FakeTodoItemService>();
This line tells ASP.NET Core to use the FakeTodoItemService whenever
the ITodoItemService interface is requested in a constructor (or
anywhere else).
AddSingleton adds your service to the service container as a singleton.
This means that only one copy of the FakeTodoItemService is created,
and it's reused whenever the service is requested. Later, when you write
a different service class that talks to a database, you'll use a different
approach (called scoped) instead. I'll explain why in the Use a database
Use dependency injection
That's it! When a request comes in and is routed to the TodoController ,
ASP.NET Core will look at the available services and automatically supply
the FakeTodoItemService when the controller asks for an
ITodoItemService . Because the services are "injected" from the service
container, this pattern is called dependency injection.
Finish the controller
Finish the controller
The last step is to finish the controller code. The controller now has a list
of to-do items from the service layer, and it needs to put those items into
a TodoViewModel and bind that model to the view you created earlier:
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
var items = await _todoItemService.GetIncompleteItemsAsync();
var model = new TodoViewModel()
Items = items
return View(model);
If you haven't already, make sure these using statements are at the top
of the file:
using AspNetCoreTodo.Services;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Models;
If you're using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, the editor will suggest
these using statements when you put your cursor on a red squiggly
Test it out
Finish the controller
To start the application, press F5 (if you're using Visual Studio or Visual
Studio Code), or just type dotnet run in the terminal. If the code
compiles without errors, the server will start up on port 5000 by default.
If your web browser didn't open automatically, open it and navigate to
http://localhost:5000/todo. You'll see the view you created, with the
data pulled from your fake database (for now).
Although it's possible to go directly to http://localhost:5000/todo , it
would be nicer to add an item called My to-dos to the navbar. To do this,
you can edit the shared layout file.
Update the layout
Update the layout
The layout file at Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml contains the "base"
HTML for each view. This includes the navbar, which is rendered at the
top of each page.
To add a new item to the navbar, find the HTML code for the existing
navbar items:
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index">
<li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="About">
<li><a asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Contact">
Add your own item that points to the Todo controller instead of Home :
<a asp-controller="Todo" asp-action="Index">My to-dos</a>
The asp-controller and asp-action attributes on the <a> element
are called tag helpers. Before the view is rendered, ASP.NET Core
replaces these tag helpers with real HTML attributes. In this case, a URL
to the /Todo/Index route is generated and added to the <a> element
Update the layout
as an href attribute. This means you don't have to hard-code the route
to the TodoController . Instead, ASP.NET Core generates it for you
If you've used Razor in ASP.NET 4.x, you'll notice some syntax
changes. Instead of using @Html.ActionLink() to generate a link
to an action, tag helpers are now the recommended way to create
links in your views. Tag helpers are useful for forms, too (you'll see
why in a later chapter). You can learn about other tag helpers in
the documentation at
Add external packages
Add external packages
One of the big advantages of using a mature ecosystem like .NET is that
the number of third-party packages and plugins is huge. Just like other
package systems, you can download and install .NET packages that help
with almost any task or problem you can imagine.
NuGet is both the package manager tool and the official package
repository (at You can search for NuGet
packages on the web, and install them from your local machine through
the terminal (or the GUI, if you're using Visual Studio).
Install the Humanizer package
At the end of the last chapter, the to-do application displayed to-do
items like this:
The due date column is displaying dates in a format that's good for
machines (called ISO 8601), but clunky for humans. Wouldn't it be nicer
if it simply read "X days from now"?
You could write code yourself that converted an ISO 8601 date into a
human-friendly string, but fortunately, there's a faster way.
The Humanizer package on NuGet solves this problem by providing
methods that can "humanize" or rewrite almost anything: dates, times,
durations, numbers, and so on. It's a fantastic and useful open-source
Add external packages
project that's published under the permissive MIT license.
To add it to your project, run this command in the terminal:
dotnet add package Humanizer
If you peek at the AspNetCoreTodo.csproj project file, you'll see a new
PackageReference line that references Humanizer .
Use Humanizer in the view
To use a package in your code, you usually need to add a using
statement that imports the package at the top of the file.
Since Humanizer will be used to rewrite dates rendered in the view, you
can use it directly in the view itself. First, add a @using statement at the
top of the view:
@model TodoViewModel
@using Humanizer
// ...
Then, update the line that writes the DueAt property to use Humanizer's
Humanize method:
Now the dates are much more readable:
Add external packages
There are packages available on NuGet for everything from parsing XML
to machine learning to posting to Twitter. ASP.NET Core itself, under the
hood, is nothing more than a collection of NuGet packages that are
added to your project.
The project file created by dotnet new mvc includes a single
reference to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.All package, which is a
convenient "metapackage" that references all of the other
ASP.NET Core packages you need for a typical project. That way,
you don't need to have hundreds of package references in your
project file.
In the next chapter, you'll use another set of NuGet packages (a system
called Entity Framework Core) to write code that interacts with a
Use a database
Use a database
Writing database code can be tricky. Unless you really know what you're
doing, it's a bad idea to paste raw SQL query strings into your application
code. An object-relational mapper (ORM) makes it easier to write code
that interacts with a database by adding a layer of abstraction between
your code and the database itself. Hibernate in Java and ActiveRecord in
Ruby are two well-known ORMs.
There are a number of ORMs for .NET, including one built by Microsoft
and included in ASP.NET Core by default: Entity Framework Core. Entity
Framework Core makes it easy to connect to a number of different
database types, and lets you use C# code to create database queries that
are mapped back into C# models (POCOs).
Remember how creating a service interface decoupled the
controller code from the actual service class? Entity Framework
Core is like a big interface over your database. Your C# code can
stay database-agnostic, and you can swap out different providers
depending on the underlying database technology.
Entity Framework Core can connect to relational databases like SQL
Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL, and also works with NoSQL (document)
databases like Mongo. During development, you'll use SQLite in this
project to make things easy to set up.
Connect to a database
Connect to a database
There are a few things you need to use Entity Framework Core to
connect to a database. Since you used dotnet new and the MVC +
Individual Auth template to set your project, you've already got them:
The Entity Framework Core packages. These are included by default
in all ASP.NET Core projects.
A database (naturally). The app.db file in the project root directory
is a small SQLite database created for you by dotnet new . SQLite is
a lightweight database engine that can run without requiring you to
install any extra tools on your machine, so it's easy and quick to use
in development.
A database context class. The database context is a C# class that
provides an entry point into the database. It's how your code will
interact with the database to read and save items. A basic context
class already exists in the Data/ApplicationDbContext.cs file.
A connection string. Whether you are connecting to a local file
database (like SQLite) or a database hosted elsewhere, you'll define
a string that contains the name or address of the database to
connect to. This is already set up for you in the appsettings.json
file: the connection string for the SQLite database is
DataSource=app.db .
Entity Framework Core uses the database context, together with the
connection string, to establish a connection to the database. You need to
tell Entity Framework Core which context, connection string, and
database provider to use in the ConfigureServices method of the
Startup class. Here's what's defined for you, thanks to the template:
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
Connect to a database
This code adds the ApplicationDbContext to the service container, and
tells Entity Framework Core to use the SQLite database provider, with
the connection string from configuration ( appsettings.json ).
As you can see, dotnet new creates a lot of stuff for you! The database
is set up and ready to be used. However, it doesn't have any tables for
storing to-do items. In order to store your TodoItem entities, you'll need
to update the context and migrate the database.
Update the context
Update the context
There's not a whole lot going on in the database context yet:
public class ApplicationDbContext
: IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
public ApplicationDbContext(
DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext> options)
: base(options)
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
// ...
Add a DbSet property to the ApplicationDbContext , right below the
public ApplicationDbContext(
DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext> options)
: base(options)
public DbSet<TodoItem> Items { get; set; }
// ...
Update the context
A DbSet represents a table or collection in the database. By creating a
DbSet<TodoItem> property called Items , you're telling Entity
Framework Core that you want to store TodoItem entities in a table
called Items .
You've updated the context class, but now there's one small problem: the
context and database are now out of sync, because there isn't actually an
Items table in the database. (Just updating the code of the context class
doesn't change the database itself.)
In order to update the database to reflect the change you just made to
the context, you need to create a migration.
If you already have an existing database, search the web for
"scaffold-dbcontext existing database" and read Microsoft's
documentation on using the Scaffold-DbContext tool to reverse-
engineer your database structure into the proper DbContext and
model classes automatically.
Create a migration
Create a migration
Migrations keep track of changes to the database structure over time.
They make it possible to undo (roll back) a set of changes, or create a
second database with the same structure as the first. With migrations,
you have a full history of modifications like adding or removing columns
(and entire tables).
In the previous chapter, you added an Items set to the context. Since
the context now includes a set (or table) that doesn't exist in the
database, you need to create a migration to update the database:
dotnet ef migrations add AddItems
This creates a new migration called AddItems by examining any changes
you've made to the context.
If you get an error like No executable found matching command
"dotnet-ef" , make sure you're in the right directory. These
commands must be run from the project root directory (where the
Program.cs file is).
If you open up the Data/Migrations directory, you'll see a few files:
Create a migration
The first migration file (with a name like 00_CreateIdentitySchema.cs )
was created and applied for you way back when you ran dotnet new .
Your new AddItem migration is prefixed with a timestamp when you
create it.
You can see a list of migrations with dotnet ef migrations list .
If you open your migration file, you'll see two methods called Up and
Down :
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
// (... some code)
name: "Items",
columns: table => new
Id = table.Column<Guid>(nullable: false),
DueAt = table.Column<DateTimeOffset>(nullable: true),
IsDone = table.Column<bool>(nullable: false),
Title = table.Column<string>(nullable: true)
constraints: table =>
table.PrimaryKey("PK_Items", x => x.Id);
// (some code...)
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
// (... some code)
name: "Items");
// (some code...)
Create a migration
The Up method runs when you apply the migration to the database.
Since you added a DbSet<TodoItem> to the database context, Entity
Framework Core will create an Items table (with columns that match a
TodoItem ) when you apply the migration.
The Down method does the opposite: if you need to undo (roll back) the
migration, the Items table will be dropped.
Workaround for SQLite limitations
There are some limitations of SQLite that get in the way if you try to run
the migration as-is. Until this problem is fixed, use this workaround:
Comment out or remove the migrationBuilder.AddForeignKey lines
in the Up method.
Comment out or remove any migrationBuilder.DropForeignKey lines
in the Down method.
If you use a full-fledged SQL database, like SQL Server or MySQL, this
won't be an issue and you won't need to do this (admittedly hackish)
Apply the migration
The final step after creating one (or more) migrations is to actually apply
them to the database:
dotnet ef database update
This command will cause Entity Framework Core to create the Items
table in the database.
Create a migration
If you want to roll back the database, you can provide the name of
the previous migration: dotnet ef database update
CreateIdentitySchema This will run the Down methods of any
migrations newer than the migration you specify.
If you need to completely erase the database and start over, run
dotnet ef database drop followed by dotnet ef database update
to re-scaffold the database and bring it up to the current
That's it! Both the database and the context are ready to go. Next, you'll
use the context in your service layer.
Create a new service class
Create a new service class
Back in the MVC basics chapter, you created a FakeTodoItemService that
contained hard-coded to-do items. Now that you have a database
context, you can create a new service class that will use Entity
Framework Core to get the real items from the database.
Delete the FakeTodoItemService.cs file, and create a new file:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Data;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Models;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.Services
public class TodoItemService : ITodoItemService
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
public TodoItemService(ApplicationDbContext context)
_context = context;
public async Task<TodoItem[]> GetIncompleteItemsAsync()
return await _context.Items
.Where(x => x.IsDone == false)
Create a new service class
You'll notice the same dependency injection pattern here that you saw in
the MVC basics chapter, except this time it's the ApplicationDbContext
that's getting injected. The ApplicationDbContext is already being added
to the service container in the ConfigureServices method, so it's
available for injection here.
Let's take a closer look at the code of the GetIncompleteItemsAsync
method. First, it uses the Items property of the context to access all the
to-do items in the DbSet :
var items = await _context.Items
Then, the Where method is used to filter only the items that are not
.Where(x => x.IsDone == false)
The Where method is a feature of C# called LINQ (language integrated
query), which takes inspiration from functional programming and makes
it easy to express database queries in code. Under the hood, Entity
Framework Core translates the Where method into a statement like
SELECT * FROM Items WHERE IsDone = 0 , or an equivalent query document
in a NoSQL database.
Finally, the ToArrayAsync method tells Entity Framework Core to get all
the entities that matched the filter and return them as an array. The
ToArrayAsync method is asynchronous (it returns a Task ), so it must be
await ed to get its value.
To make the method a little shorter, you can remove the intermediate
items variable and just return the result of the query directly (which
does the same thing):
public async Task<TodoItem[]> GetIncompleteItemsAsync()
Create a new service class
return await _context.Items
.Where(x => x.IsDone == false)
Update the service container
Because you deleted the FakeTodoItemService class, you'll need to
update the line in ConfigureServices that is wiring up the
ITodoItemService interface:
services.AddScoped<ITodoItemService, TodoItemService>();
AddScoped adds your service to the service container using the scoped
lifecycle. This means that a new instance of the TodoItemService class
will be created during each web request. This is required for service
classes that interact with a database.
Adding a service class that interacts with Entity Framework Core
(and your database) with the singleton lifecycle (or other lifecycles)
can cause problems, because of how Entity Framework Core
manages database connections per request under the hood. To
avoid that, always use the scoped lifecycle for services that
interact with Entity Framework Core.
The TodoController that depends on an injected ITodoItemService will
be blissfully unaware of the change in services classes, but under the
hood it'll be using Entity Framework Core and talking to a real database!
Test it out
Start up the application and navigate to http://localhost:5000/todo .
The fake items are gone, and your application is making real queries to
the database. There doesn't happen to be any saved to-do items, so it's
Create a new service class
blank for now.
In the next chapter, you'll add more features to the application, starting
with the ability to create new to-do items.
Add more features
Add more features
Now that you've connected to a database using Entity Framework Core,
you're ready to add some more features to the application. First, you'll
make it possible to add new to-do items using a form.
Add new to-do items
Add new to-do items
The user will add new to-do items with a simple form below the list:
Adding this feature requires a few steps:
Adding a form to the view
Creating a new action on the controller to handle the form
Adding code to the service layer to update the database
Add a form
The Views/Todo/Index.cshtml view has a placeholder for the Add Item
<div class="panel-footer add-item-form">
<!-- TODO: Add item form -->
To keep things separate and organized, you'll create the form as a partial
view. A partial view is a small piece of a larger view that lives in a
separate file.
Create an AddItemPartial.cshtml view:
Add new to-do items
@model TodoItem
<form asp-action="AddItem" method="POST">
<label asp-for="Title">Add a new item:</label>
<input asp-for="Title">
<button type="submit">Add</button>
The asp-action tag helper can generate a URL for the form, just like
when you use it on an <a> element. In this case, the asp-action helper
gets replaced with the real path to the AddItem route you'll create:
<form action="/Todo/AddItem" method="POST">
Adding an asp- tag helper to the <form> element also adds a hidden
field to the form containing a verification token. This verification token
can be used to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. You'll
verify the token when you write the action.
That takes care of creating the partial view. Now, reference it from the
main Todo view:
<div class="panel-footer add-item-form">
@await Html.PartialAsync("AddItemPartial", new TodoItem())
Add an action
When a user clicks Add on the form you just created, their browser will
construct a POST request to /Todo/AddItem on your application. That
won't work right now, because there isn't any action that can handle the
/Todo/AddItem route. If you try it now, ASP.NET Core will return a 404
Not Found error.
Add new to-do items
You'll need to create a new action called AddItem on the
TodoController :
public async Task<IActionResult> AddItem(TodoItem newItem)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
var successful = await _todoItemService.AddItemAsync(newItem);
if (!successful)
return BadRequest("Could not add item.");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Notice how the new AddItem action accepts a TodoItem parameter?
This is the same TodoItem model you created in the MVC basics chapter
to store information about a to-do item. When it's used here as an action
parameter, ASP.NET Core will automatically perform a process called
model binding.
Model binding looks at the data in a request and tries to intelligently
match the incoming fields with properties on the model. In other words,
when the user submits this form and their browser POSTs to this action,
ASP.NET Core will grab the information from the form and place it in the
newItem variable.
The [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute before the action tells
ASP.NET Core that it should look for (and verify) the hidden verification
token that was added to the form by the asp-action tag helper. This is
an important security measure to prevent cross-site request forgery
Add new to-do items
(CSRF) attacks, where your users could be tricked into submitting data
from a malicious site. The verification token ensures that your application
is actually the one that rendered and submitted the form.
Take a look at the AddItemPartial.cshtml view once more. The @model
TodoItem line at the top of the file tells ASP.NET Core that the view
should expect to be paired with the TodoItem model. This makes it
possible to use asp-for="Title" on the <input> tag to let ASP.NET
Core know that this input element is for the Title property.
Because of the @model line, the partial view will expect to be passed a
TodoItem object when it's rendered. Passing it a new TodoItem via
Html.PartialAsync initializes the form with an empty item. (Try
appending { Title = "hello" } and see what happens!)
During model binding, any model properties that can't be matched up
with fields in the request are ignored. Since the form only includes a
Title input element, you can expect that the other properties on
TodoItem (the IsDone flag, the DueAt date) will be empty or contain
default values.
Instead of reusing the TodoItem model, another approach would
be to create a separate model (like NewTodoItem ) that's only used
for this action and only has the specific properties (Title) you need
for adding a new to-do item. Model binding is still used, but this
way you've separated the model that's used for storing a to-do
item in the database from the model that's used for binding
incoming request data. This is sometimes called a binding model or
a data transfer object (DTO). This pattern is common in larger,
more complex projects.
After binding the request data to the model, ASP.NET Core also
performs model validation. Validation checks whether the data bound to
the model from the incoming request makes sense or is valid. You can
Add new to-do items
add attributes to the model to tell ASP.NET Core how it should be
The [Required] attribute on the Title property tells ASP.NET Core's
model validator to consider the title invalid if it is missing or blank. Take a
look at the code of the AddItem action: the first block checks whether
the ModelState (the model validation result) is valid. It's customary to do
this validation check right at the beginning of the action:
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
If the ModelState is invalid for any reason, the browser will be
redirected to the /Todo/Index route, which refreshes the page.
Next, the controller calls into the service layer to do the actual database
operation of saving the new to-do item:
var successful = await _todoItemService.AddItemAsync(newItem);
if (!successful)
return BadRequest(new { error = "Could not add item." });
The AddItemAsync method will return true or false depending on
whether the item was successfully added to the database. If it fails for
some reason, the action will return an HTTP 400 Bad Request error
along with an object that contains an error message.
Finally, if everything completed without errors, the action redirects the
browser to the /Todo/Index route, which refreshes the page and
displays the new, updated list of to-do items to the user.
Add a service method
Add new to-do items
If you're using a code editor that understands C#, you'll see red squiggely
lines under AddItemAsync because the method doesn't exist yet.
As a last step, you need to add a method to the service layer. First, add it
to the interface definition in ITodoItemService :
public interface ITodoItemService
Task<TodoItem[]> GetIncompleteItemsAsync();
Task<bool> AddItemAsync(TodoItem newItem);
Then, the actual implementation in TodoItemService :
public async Task<bool> AddItemAsync(TodoItem newItem)
newItem.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
newItem.IsDone = false;
newItem.DueAt = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(3);
var saveResult = await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return saveResult == 1;
The newItem.Title property has already been set by ASP.NET Core's
model binder, so this method only needs to assign an ID and set the
default values for the other properties. Then, the new item is added to
the database context. It isn't actually saved until you call
SaveChangesAsync() . If the save operation was successful,
SaveChangesAsync() will return 1.
Try it out
Add new to-do items
Run the application and add some items to your to-do list with the form.
Since the items are being stored in the database, they'll still be there
even after you stop and start the application again.
As an extra challenge, try adding a date picker using HTML and
JavaScript, and let the user choose an (optional) date for the
DueAt property. Then, use that date instead of always making
new tasks that are due in 3 days.
Complete items with a checkbox
Complete items with a checkbox
Adding items to your to-do list is great, but eventually you'll need to get
things done, too. In the Views/Todo/Index.cshtml view, a checkbox is
rendered for each to-do item:
<input type="checkbox" class="done-checkbox">
Clicking the checkbox doesn't do anything (yet). Just like the last chapter,
you'll add this behavior using forms and actions. In this case, you'll also
need a tiny bit of JavaScript code.
Add form elements to the view
First, update the view and wrap each checkbox with a <form> element.
Then, add a hidden element containing the item's ID:
<form asp-action="MarkDone" method="POST">
<input type="checkbox" class="done-checkbox">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="@item.Id">
When the foreach loop runs in the view and prints a row for each to-do
item, a copy of this form will exist in each row. The hidden input
containing the to-do item's ID makes it possible for your controller code
to tell which box was checked. (Without it, you'd be able to tell that some
box was checked, but not which one.)
Complete items with a checkbox
If you run your application right now, the checkboxes still won't do
anything, because there's no submit button to tell the browser to create
a POST request with the form's data. You could add a submit button
under each checkbox, but that would be a silly user experience. Ideally,
clicking the checkbox should automatically submit the form. You can
achieve that by adding some JavaScript.
Add JavaScript code
Find the site.js file in the wwwroot/js directory and add this code:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Wire up all of the checkboxes to run markCompleted()
$('.done-checkbox').on('click', function(e) {
function markCompleted(checkbox) {
checkbox.disabled = true;
var row = checkbox.closest('tr');
var form = checkbox.closest('form');
This code first uses jQuery (a JavaScript helper library) to attach some
code to the click even of all the checkboxes on the page with the CSS
class done-checkbox . When a checkbox is clicked, the markCompleted()
function is run.
The markCompleted() function does a few things:
Complete items with a checkbox
Adds the disabled attribute to the checkbox so it can't be clicked
Adds the done CSS class to the parent row that contains the
checkbox, which changes the way the row looks based on the CSS
rules in style.css
Submits the form
That takes care of the view and frontend code. Now it's time to add a
new action!
Add an action to the controller
As you've probably guessed, you need to add an action called MarkDone
in the TodoController :
public async Task<IActionResult> MarkDone(Guid id)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
var successful = await _todoItemService.MarkDoneAsync(id);
if (!successful)
return BadRequest("Could not mark item as done.");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Let's step through each line of this action method. First, the method
accepts a Guid parameter called id in the method signature. Unlike
the AddItem action, which used a model and model binding/validation,
the id parameter is very simple. If the incoming request data includes a
Complete items with a checkbox
field called id , ASP.NET Core will try to parse it as a guid. This works
because the hidden element you added to the checkbox form is named
id .
Since you aren't using model binding, there's no ModelState to check for
validity. Instead, you can check the guid value directly to make sure it's
valid. If for some reason the id parameter in the request was missing or
couldn't be parsed as a guid, id will have a value of Guid.Empty . If
that's the case, the action tells the browser to redirect to /Todo/Index
and refresh the page.
Next, the controller needs to call the service layer to update the
database. This will be handled by a new method called MarkDoneAsync
on the ITodoItemService interface, which will return true or false
depending on whether the update succeeded:
var successful = await _todoItemService.MarkDoneAsync(id);
if (!successful)
return BadRequest("Could not mark item as done.");
Finally, if everything looks good, the browser is redirected to the
/Todo/Index action and the page is refreshed.
With the view and controller updated, all that's left is adding the missing
service method.
Add a service method
First, add MarkDoneAsync to the interface definition:
Task<bool> MarkDoneAsync(Guid id);
Complete items with a checkbox
Then, add the concrete implementation to the TodoItemService :
public async Task<bool> MarkDoneAsync(Guid id)
var item = await _context.Items
.Where(x => x.Id == id)
if (item == null) return false;
item.IsDone = true;
var saveResult = await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return saveResult == 1; // One entity should have been updated
This method uses Entity Framework Core and Where() to find an item
by ID in the database. The SingleOrDefaultAsync() method will either
return the item or null if it couldn't be found.
Once you're sure that item isn't null, it's a simple matter of setting the
IsDone property:
item.IsDone = true;
Changing the property only affects the local copy of the item until
SaveChangesAsync() is called to persist the change back to the database.
SaveChangesAsync() returns a number that indicates how many entities
were updated during the save operation. In this case, it'll either be 1 (the
item was updated) or 0 (something went wrong).
Try it out
Complete items with a checkbox
Run the application and try checking some items off the list. Refresh the
page and they'll disappear completely, because of the Where() filter in
the GetIncompleteItemsAsync() method.
Right now, the application contains a single, shared to-do list. It'd be
even more useful if it kept track of individual to-do lists for each user. In
the next chapter, you'll add login and security features to the project.
Security and identity
Security and identity
Security is a major concern of any modern web application or API. It's
important to keep your user or customer data safe and out of the hands
of attackers. This is a very broad topic, involving things like:
Sanitizing data input to prevent SQL injection attacks
Preventing cross-domain (CSRF) attacks in forms
Using HTTPS (connection encryption) so data can't be intercepted as
it travels over the Internet
Giving users a way to securely sign in with a password or other
Designing password reset, account recovery, and multi-factor
authentication flows
ASP.NET Core can help make all of this easier to implement. The first
two (protection against SQL injection and cross-domain attacks) are
already built-in, and you can add a few lines of code to enable HTTPS
support. This chapter will mainly focus on the identity aspects of
security: handling user accounts, authenticating (logging in) your users
securely, and making authorization decisions once they are
Authentication and authorization are distinct ideas that are often
confused. Authentication deals with whether a user is logged in,
while authorization deals with what they are allowed to do after
they log in. You can think of authentication as asking the question,
"Do I know who this user is?" While authorization asks, "Does this
user have permission to do X?"
Security and identity
The MVC + Individual Authentication template you used to scaffold the
project includes a number of classes built on top of ASP.NET Core
Identity, an authentication and identity system that's part of ASP.NET
Core. Out of the box, this adds the ability to log in with an email and
What is ASP.NET Core Identity?
ASP.NET Core Identity is the identity system that ships with ASP.NET
Core. Like everything else in the ASP.NET Core ecosystem, it's a set of
NuGet packages that can be installed in any project (and are already
included if you use the default template).
ASP.NET Core Identity takes care of storing user accounts, hashing and
storing passwords, and managing roles for users. It supports
email/password login, multi-factor authentication, social login with
providers like Google and Facebook, as well as connecting to other
services using protocols like OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
The Register and Login views that ship with the MVC + Individual
Authentication template already take advantage of ASP.NET Core
Identity, and they already work! Try registering for an account and
logging in.
Require authentication
Require authentication
Often you'll want to require the user to log in before they can access
certain parts of your application. For example, it makes sense to show
the home page to everyone (whether you're logged in or not), but only
show your to-do list after you've logged in.
You can use the [Authorize] attribute in ASP.NET Core to require a
logged-in user for a particular action, or an entire controller. To require
authentication for all actions of the TodoController , add the attribute
above the first line of the controller:
public class TodoController : Controller
// ...
Add this using statement at the top of the file:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
Try running the application and accessing /todo without being logged
in. You'll be redirected to the login page automatically.
The [Authorize] attribute is actually doing an authentication
check here, not an authorization check (despite the name of the
attribute). Later, you'll use the attribute to check both
authentication and authorization.
Require authentication
Using identity in the application
Using identity in the application
The to-do list items themselves are still shared between all users,
because the stored to-do entities aren't tied to a particular user. Now
that the [Authorize] attribute ensures that you must be logged in to
see the to-do view, you can filter the database query based on who is
logged in.
First, inject a UserManager<ApplicationUser> into the TodoController :
public class TodoController : Controller
private readonly ITodoItemService _todoItemService;
private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
public TodoController(ITodoItemService todoItemService,
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
_todoItemService = todoItemService;
_userManager = userManager;
// ...
You'll need to add a new using statement at the top:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
The UserManager class is part of ASP.NET Core Identity. You can use it
to get the current user in the Index action:
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
Using identity in the application
var currentUser = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);
if (currentUser == null) return Challenge();
var items = await _todoItemService
var model = new TodoViewModel()
Items = items
return View(model);
The new code at the top of the action method uses the UserManager to
look up the current user from the User property available in the action:
var currentUser = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);
If there is a logged-in user, the User property contains a lightweight
object with some (but not all) of the user's information. The UserManager
uses this to look up the full user details in the database via the
GetUserAsync() method.
The value of currentUser should never be null, because the
[Authorize] attribute is present on the controller. However, it's a good
idea to do a sanity check, just in case. You can use the Challenge()
method to force the user to log in again if their information is missing:
if (currentUser == null) return Challenge();
Since you're now passing an ApplicationUser parameter to
GetIncompleteItemsAsync() , you'll need to update the ITodoItemService
Using identity in the application
public interface ITodoItemService
Task<TodoItem[]> GetIncompleteItemsAsync(
ApplicationUser user);
// ...
Since you changed the ITodoItemService interface, you also need to
update the signature of the GetIncompleteItemsAsync() method in the
TodoItemService :
public async Task<TodoItem[]> GetIncompleteItemsAsync(
ApplicationUser user)
The next step is to update the database query and add a filter to show
only the items created by the current user. Before you can do that, you
need to add a new property to the database.
Update the database
You'll need to add a new property to the TodoItem entity model so each
item can "remember" the user that owns it:
public string UserId { get; set; }
Since you updated the entity model used by the database context, you
also need to migrate the database. Create a new migration using dotnet
ef in the terminal:
dotnet ef migrations add AddItemUserId
Using identity in the application
This creates a new migration called AddItemUserId which will add a new
column to the Items table, mirroring the change you made to the
TodoItem model.
Use dotnet ef again to apply it to the database:
dotnet ef database update
Update the service class
With the database and the database context updated, you can now
update the GetIncompleteItemsAsync() method in the TodoItemService
and add another clause to the Where statement:
public async Task<TodoItem[]> GetIncompleteItemsAsync(
ApplicationUser user)
return await _context.Items
.Where(x => x.IsDone == false && x.UserId == user.Id)
If you run the application and register or log in, you'll see an empty to-do
list once again. Unfortunately, any items you try to add disappear into
the ether, because you haven't updated the AddItem action to be user-
aware yet.
Update the AddItem and MarkDone actions
You'll need to use the UserManager to get the current user in the
AddItem and MarkDone action methods, just like you did in Index .
Here are both updated methods:
Using identity in the application
public async Task<IActionResult> AddItem(TodoItem newItem)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
var currentUser = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);
if (currentUser == null) return Challenge();
var successful = await _todoItemService
.AddItemAsync(newItem, currentUser);
if (!successful)
return BadRequest("Could not add item.");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
public async Task<IActionResult> MarkDone(Guid id)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
var currentUser = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);
if (currentUser == null) return Challenge();
var successful = await _todoItemService
.MarkDoneAsync(id, currentUser);
if (!successful)
return BadRequest("Could not mark item as done.");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Using identity in the application
Both service methods must now accept an ApplicationUser parameter.
Update the interface definition in ITodoItemService :
Task<bool> AddItemAsync(TodoItem newItem, ApplicationUser user);
Task<bool> MarkDoneAsync(Guid id, ApplicationUser user);
And finally, update the service method implementations in the
TodoItemService . In AddItemAsync method, set the UserId property
when you construct a new TodoItem :
public async Task<bool> AddItemAsync(
TodoItem newItem, ApplicationUser user)
newItem.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
newItem.IsDone = false;
newItem.DueAt = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(3);
newItem.UserId = user.Id;
// ...
The Where clause in the MarkDoneAsync method also needs to check for
the user's ID, so a rogue user can't complete someone else's items by
guessing their IDs:
public async Task<bool> MarkDoneAsync(
Guid id, ApplicationUser user)
var item = await _context.Items
.Where(x => x.Id == id && x.UserId == user.Id)
// ...
Using identity in the application
All done! Try using the application with two different user accounts. The
to-do items stay private for each account.
Authorization with roles
Authorization with roles
Roles are a common approach to handling authorization and permissions
in a web application. For example, it's common to create an
Administrator role that gives admin users more permissions or power
than normal users.
In this project, you'll add a Manage Users page that only administrators
can see. If normal users try to access it, they'll see an error.
Add a Manage Users page
First, create a new controller:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Models;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.Controllers
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public class ManageUsersController : Controller
private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser>
public ManageUsersController(
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
_userManager = userManager;
Authorization with roles
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
var admins = (await _userManager
var everyone = await _userManager.Users
var model = new ManageUsersViewModel
Administrators = admins,
Everyone = everyone
return View(model);
Setting the Roles property on the [Authorize] attribute will ensure
that the user must be logged in and assigned the Administrator role in
order to view the page.
Next, create a view model:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Models;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.Models
public class ManageUsersViewModel
public ApplicationUser[] Administrators { get; set; }
public ApplicationUser[] Everyone { get; set;}
Authorization with roles
Finally, create a Views/ManageUsers folder and a view for the Index
@model ManageUsersViewModel
ViewData["Title"] = "Manage users";
<table class="table">
@foreach (var user in Model.Administrators)
<table class="table">
@foreach (var user in Model.Everyone)
Authorization with roles
Start up the application and try to access the /ManageUsers route while
logged in as a normal user. You'll see this access denied page:
That's because users aren't assigned the Administrator role
Create a test administrator account
For obvious security reasons, it isn't possible for anyone to register a
new administrator account themselves. In fact, the Administrator role
doesn't even exist in the database yet!
You can add the Administrator role plus a test administrator account to
the database the first time the application starts up. Adding first-time
data to the database is called initializing or seeding the database.
Create a new class in the root of the project called SeedData :
Authorization with roles
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo
public static class SeedData
public static async Task InitializeAsync(
IServiceProvider services)
var roleManager = services
await EnsureRolesAsync(roleManager);
var userManager = services
await EnsureTestAdminAsync(userManager);
The InitializeAsync() method uses an IServiceProvider (the
collection of services that is set up in the Startup.ConfigureServices()
method) to get the RoleManager and UserManager from ASP.NET Core
Add two more methods below the InitializeAsync() method. First, the
EnsureRolesAsync() method:
private static async Task EnsureRolesAsync(
RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager)
var alreadyExists = await roleManager
Authorization with roles
if (alreadyExists) return;
await roleManager.CreateAsync(
new IdentityRole(Constants.AdministratorRole));
This method checks to see if an Administrator role exists in the
database. If not, it creates one. Instead of repeatedly typing the string
"Administrator" , create a small class called Constants to hold the
namespace AspNetCoreTodo
public static class Constants
public const string AdministratorRole = "Administrator";
If you want, you can update the ManageUsersController to use
this constant value as well.
Next, write the EnsureTestAdminAsync() method:
private static async Task EnsureTestAdminAsync(
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
var testAdmin = await userManager.Users
.Where(x => x.UserName == "[email protected]")
if (testAdmin != null) return;
testAdmin = new ApplicationUser
Authorization with roles
UserName = "[email protected]",
Email = "[email protected]"
await userManager.CreateAsync(
testAdmin, "NotSecure123!!");
await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(
testAdmin, Constants.AdministratorRole);
If there isn't already a user with the username [email protected] in the
database, this method will create one and assign a temporary password.
After you log in for the first time, you should change the account's
password to something secure!
Next, you need to tell your application to run this logic when it starts up.
Modify Program.cs and update Main() to call a new method,
InitializeDatabase() :
public static void Main(string[] args)
var host = BuildWebHost(args);
Then, add the new method to the class below Main() :
private static void InitializeDatabase(IWebHost host)
using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
var services = scope.ServiceProvider;
Authorization with roles
catch (Exception ex)
var logger = services
logger.LogError(ex, "Error occurred seeding the DB.");
Add this using statement to the top of the file:
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
This method gets the service collection that SeedData.InitializeAsync()
needs and then runs the method to seed the database. If something goes
wrong, an error is logged.
Because InitializeAsync() returns a Task , the Wait() method
must be used to make sure it finishes before the application starts
up. You'd normally use await for this, but for technical reasons
you can't use await in the Program class. This is a rare
exception. You should use await everywhere else!
When you start the application next, the [email protected] account will
be created and assigned the Administrator role. Try logging in with this
account, and navigating to http://localhost:5000/ManageUsers . You'll
see a list of all users registered for the application.
As an extra challenge, try adding more administration features to
this page. For example, you could add a button that gives an
administrator the ability to delete a user account.
Check for authorization in a view
Authorization with roles
The [Authorize] attribute makes it easy to perform an authorization
check in a controller or action method, but what if you need to check
authorization in a view? For example, it would be nice to display a
"Manage users" link in the navigation bar if the logged-in user is an
You can inject the UserManager directly into a view to do these types of
authorization checks. To keep your views clean and organized, create a
new partial view that will add an item to the navbar in the layout:
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity
@using AspNetCoreTodo.Models
@inject SignInManager<ApplicationUser> signInManager
@inject UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager
@if (signInManager.IsSignedIn(User))
var currentUser = await UserManager.GetUserAsync(User);
var isAdmin = currentUser != null
&& await userManager.IsInRoleAsync(
if (isAdmin)
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<a asp-controller="ManageUsers"
Manage Users
Authorization with roles
It's conventional to name shared partial views starting with an _
underscore, but it's not required.
This partial view first uses the SignInManager to quickly determine
whether the user is logged in. If they aren't, the rest of the view code can
be skipped. If there is a logged-in user, the UserManager is used to look
up their details and perform an authorization check with
IsInRoleAsync() . If all checks succeed and the user is an adminstrator, a
Manage users link is added to the navbar.
To include this partial in the main layout, edit _Layout.cshtml and add it
in the navbar section:
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<!-- existing code here -->
@await Html.PartialAsync("_LoginPartial")
@await Html.PartialAsync("_AdminActionsPartial")
When you log in with an administrator account, you'll now see a new
item on the top right:
More resources
More resources
ASP.NET Core Identity helps you add security and identity features like
login and registration to your application. The dotnet new templates
give you pre-built views and controllers that handle these common
scenarios so you can get up and running quickly.
There's much more that ASP.NET Core Identity can do, such as password
reset and social login. The documentation available at
is a fantastic resource for learning how to add these features.
Alternatives to ASP.NET Core Identity
ASP.NET Core Identity isn't the only way to add identity functionality.
Another approach is to use a cloud-hosted identity service like Azure
Active Directory B2C or Okta to handle identity for your application. You
can think of these options as part of a progression:
Do-it-yourself security: Not recommended, unless you are a
security expert!
ASP.NET Core Identity: You get a lot of code for free with the
templates, which makes it pretty easy to get started. You'll still need
to write some code for more advanced scenarios, and maintain a
database to store user information.
Cloud-hosted identity services. The service handles both simple and
advanced scenarios (multi-factor authentication, account recovery,
federation), and significantly reduces the amount of code you need
to write and maintain in your application. Plus, sensitive user data
isn't stored in your own database.
More resources
For this project, ASP.NET Core Identity is a great fit. For more complex
projects, I'd recommend doing some research and experimenting with
both options to understand which is best for your use case.
Automated testing
Automated testing
Writing tests is an important part of building any application. Testing
your code helps you find and avoid bugs, and makes it easier to refactor
your code later without breaking functionality or introducing new
In this chapter you'll learn how to write both unit tests and integration
tests that exercise your ASP.NET Core application. Unit tests are small
tests that make sure a single method or chunk of logic works properly.
Integration tests (sometimes called functional tests) are larger tests that
simulate real-world scenarios and test multiple layers or parts of your
Unit testing
Unit testing
Unit tests are small, short tests that check the behavior of a single
method or class. When the code you're testing relies on other methods
or classes, unit tests rely on mocking those other classes so that the test
only focuses on one thing at a time.
For example, the TodoController class has two dependencies: an
ITodoItemService and the UserManager . The TodoItemService , in turn,
depends on the ApplicationDbContext . (The idea that you can draw a
line from TodoController > TodoItemService > ApplicationDbContext is
called a dependency graph).
When the application runs normally, the ASP.NET Core service container
and dependency injection system injects each of those objects into the
dependency graph when the TodoController or the TodoItemService is
When you write a unit test, on the other hand, you have to handle the
dependency graph yourself. It's typical to provide test-only or "mocked"
versions of those dependencies. This means you can isolate just the logic
in the class or method you are testing. (This is important! If you're testing
a service, you don't want to also be accidentally writing to your
Create a test project
It's a best practice to create a separate project for your tests, so they are
kept separate from your application code. The new test project should
live in a directory that's next to (not inside) your main project's directory.
Unit testing
If you're currently in your project directory, cd up one level. (This root
directory will also be called AspNetCoreTodo ). Then use this command to
scaffold a new test project:
dotnet new xunit -o AspNetCoreTodo.UnitTests
xUnit.NET is a popular test framework for .NET code that can be used to
write both unit and integration tests. Like everything else, it's a set of
NuGet packages that can be installed in any project. The dotnet new
xunit template already includes everything you need.
Your directory structure should now look like this:
Since the test project will use the classes defined in your main project,
you'll need to add a reference to the AspNetCoreTodo project:
dotnet add reference ../AspNetCoreTodo/AspNetCoreTodo.csproj
Delete the UnitTest1.cs file that's automatically created. You're ready
to write your first test.
If you're using Visual Studio Code, you may need to close and
reopen the Visual Studio Code window to get code completion
working in the new project.
Write a service test
Unit testing
Take a look at the logic in the AddItemAsync() method of the
TodoItemService :
public async Task<bool> AddItemAsync(
TodoItem newItem, ApplicationUser user)
newItem.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
newItem.IsDone = false;
newItem.DueAt = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(3);
newItem.UserId = user.Id;
var saveResult = await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return saveResult == 1;
This method makes a number of decisions or assumptions about the new
item (in other words, performs business logic on the new item) before it
actually saves it to the database:
The UserId property should be set to the user's ID
New items should always be incomplete ( IsDone = false )
The title of the new item should be copied from newItem.Title
New items should always be due 3 days from now
Imagine if you or someone else refactored the AddItemAsync() method
and forgot about part of this business logic. The behavior of your
application could change without you realizing it! You can prevent this by
writing a test that double-checks that this business logic hasn't changed
(even if the method's internal implementation changes).
It might seem unlikely now that you could introduce a change in
business logic without realizing it, but it becomes much harder to
keep track of decisions and assumptions in a large, complex
project. The larger your project is, the more important it is to have
automated checks that make sure nothing has changed!
Unit testing
To write a unit test that will verify the logic in the TodoItemService ,
create a new class in your test project:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Data;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Models;
using AspNetCoreTodo.Services;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Xunit;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.UnitTests
public class TodoItemServiceShould
public async Task AddNewItemAsIncompleteWithDueDate()
// ...
There are many different ways of naming and organizing tests, all
with different pros and cons. I like postfixing my test classes with
Should to create a readable sentence with the test method name,
but feel free to use your own style!
The [Fact] attribute comes from the xUnit.NET package, and it marks
this method as a test method.
The TodoItemService requires an ApplicationDbContext , which is
normally connected to your database. You won't want to use that for
tests. Instead, you can use Entity Framework Core's in-memory database
provider in your test code. Since the entire database exists in memory,
Unit testing
it's wiped out every time the test is restarted. And, since it's a proper
Entity Framework Core provider, the TodoItemService won't know the
Use a DbContextOptionsBuilder to configure the in-memory database
provider, and then make a call to AddItemAsync() :
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test_AddNewItem").Options;
// Set up a context (connection to the "DB") for writing
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
var service = new TodoItemService(context);
var fakeUser = new ApplicationUser
Id = "fake-000",
UserName = "[email protected]"
await service.AddItemAsync(new TodoItem
Title = "Testing?"
}, fakeUser);
The last line creates a new to-do item called Testing? , and tells the
service to save it to the (in-memory) database.
To verify that the business logic ran correctly, write some more code
below the existing using block:
// Use a separate context to read data back from the "DB"
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
var itemsInDatabase = await context
Assert.Equal(1, itemsInDatabase);
Unit testing
var item = await context.Items.FirstAsync();
Assert.Equal("Testing?", item.Title);
Assert.Equal(false, item.IsDone);
// Item should be due 3 days from now (give or take a second)
var difference = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(3) - item.DueAt;
Assert.True(difference < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
The first assertion is a sanity check: there should never be more than one
item saved to the in-memory database. Assuming that's true, the test
retrieves the saved item with FirstAsync and then asserts that the
properties are set to the expected values.
Both unit and integration tests typically follow the AAA (Arrange-
Act-Assert) pattern: objects and data are set up first, then some
action is performed, and finally the test checks (asserts) that the
expected behavior occurred.
Asserting a datetime value is a little tricky, since comparing two dates for
equality will fail if even the millisecond components are different.
Instead, the test checks that the DueAt value is less than a second away
from the expected value.
Run the test
On the terminal, run this command (make sure you're still in the
AspNetCoreTodo.UnitTests directory):
dotnet test
The test command scans the current project for tests (marked with
[Fact] attributes in this case), and runs all the tests it finds. You'll see
output similar to:
Starting test execution, please wait...
Unit testing
Discovering: AspNetCoreTodo.UnitTests
Discovered: AspNetCoreTodo.UnitTests
Starting: AspNetCoreTodo.UnitTests
Finished: AspNetCoreTodo.UnitTests
Total tests: 1. Passed: 1. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test Run Successful.
Test execution time: 1.9074 Seconds
You now have one test providing test coverage of the TodoItemService .
As an extra challenge, try writing unit tests that ensure:
The MarkDoneAsync() method returns false if it's passed an ID that
doesn't exist
The MarkDoneAsync() method returns true when it makes a valid
item as complete
The GetIncompleteItemsAsync() method returns only the items
owned by a particular user
Integration testing
Integration testing
Compared to unit tests, integration tests are much larger in scope.
exercise the whole application stack. Instead of isolating one class or
method, integration tests ensure that all of the components of your
application are working together properly: routing, controllers, services,
database code, and so on.
Integration tests are slower and more involved than unit tests, so it's
common for a project to have lots of small unit tests but only a handful
of integration tests.
In order to test the whole stack (including controller routing), integration
tests typically make HTTP calls to your application just like a web
browser would.
To write integration tests that make HTTP requests, you could manually
start your application and tests at the same time, and write your tests to
make requests to http://localhost:5000 . ASP.NET Core provides a
nicer way to host your application for testing, however: the TestServer
class. TestServer can host your application for the duration of the test,
and then stop it automatically when the test is complete.
Create a test project
If you're currently in your project directory, cd up one level to the root
AspNetCoreTodo directory. Use this command to scaffold a new test
dotnet new xunit -o AspNetCoreTodo.IntegrationTests
Your directory structure should now look like this:
Integration testing
If you prefer, you can keep your unit tests and integration tests in
the same project. For large projects, it's common to split them up
so it's easy to run them separately.
Since the test project will use the classes defined in your main project,
you'll need to add a reference to the main project:
dotnet add reference ../AspNetCoreTodo/AspNetCoreTodo.csproj
You'll also need to add the Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost NuGet
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost
Delete the UnitTest1.cs file that's created by dotnet new . You're ready
to write an integration test.
Write an integration test
There are a few things that need to be configured on the test server
before each test. Instead of cluttering the test with this setup code, you
can keep this setup in a separate class. Create a new class called
TestFixture :
Integration testing
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.IntegrationTests
public class TestFixture : IDisposable
private readonly TestServer _server;
public HttpClient Client { get; }
public TestFixture()
var builder = new WebHostBuilder()
.ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, config) =>
_server = new TestServer(builder);
Client = _server.CreateClient();
Client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8888");
public void Dispose()
Integration testing
This class takes care of setting up a TestServer , and will help keep the
tests themselves clean and tidy.
Now you're (really) ready to write an integration test. Create a new class
called TodoRouteShould :
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
namespace AspNetCoreTodo.IntegrationTests
public class TodoRouteShould : IClassFixture<TestFixture>
private readonly HttpClient _client;
public TodoRouteShould(TestFixture fixture)
_client = fixture.Client;
public async Task ChallengeAnonymousUser()
// Arrange
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(
HttpMethod.Get, "/todo");
// Act: request the /todo route
var response = await _client.SendAsync(request);
// Assert: the user is sent to the login page
"http://localhost:8888/Account" +
Integration testing
This test makes an anonymous (not-logged-in) request to the /todo
route and verifies that the browser is redirected to the login page.
This scenario is a good candidate for an integration test, because it
involves multiple components of the application: the routing system, the
controller, the fact that the controller is marked with [Authorize] , and
so on. It's also a good test because it ensures you won't ever accidentally
remove the [Authorize] attribute and make the to-do view accessible
to everyone.
Run the test
Run the test in the terminal with dotnet test . If everything's working
right, you'll see a success message:
Starting test execution, please wait...
Discovering: AspNetCoreTodo.IntegrationTests
Discovered: AspNetCoreTodo.IntegrationTests
Starting: AspNetCoreTodo.IntegrationTests
Finished: AspNetCoreTodo.IntegrationTests
Total tests: 1. Passed: 1. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test Run Successful.
Test execution time: 2.0588 Seconds
Wrap up
Integration testing
Testing is a broad topic, and there's much more to learn. This chapter
doesn't touch on UI testing or testing frontend (JavaScript) code, which
probably deserve entire books of their own. You should, however, have
the skills and base knowledge you need to learn more about testing and
to practice writing tests for your own applications.
The ASP.NET Core documentation ( and Stack
Overflow are great resources for learning more and finding answers
when you get stuck.
Deploy the application
Deploy the application
You've come a long way, but you're not quite done yet. Once you've
created a great application, you need to share it with the world!
Because ASP.NET Core applications can run on Windows, Mac, or Linux,
there are a number of different ways you can deploy your application. In
this chapter, I'll show you the most common (and easiest) ways to go live.
Deployment options
ASP.NET Core applications are typically deployed to one of these
A Docker host. Any machine capable of hosting Docker containers
can be used to host an ASP.NET Core application. Creating a Docker
image is a very quick way to get your application deployed,
especially if you're familiar with Docker. (If you're not, don't worry!
I'll cover the steps later.)
Azure. Microsoft Azure has native support for ASP.NET Core
applications. If you have an Azure subscription, you just need to
create a Web App and upload your project files. I'll cover how to do
this with the Azure CLI in the next section.
Linux (with Nginx). If you don't want to go the Docker route, you
can still host your application on any Linux server (this includes
Amazon EC2 and DigitalOcean virtual machines). It's typical to pair
ASP.NET Core with the Nginx reverse proxy. (More about Nginx
Deploy the application
Windows. You can use the IIS web server on Windows to host
ASP.NET Core applications. It's usually easier (and cheaper) to just
deploy to Azure, but if you prefer managing Windows servers
yourself, it'll work just fine.
Kestrel and reverse proxies
If you don't care about the guts of hosting ASP.NET Core
applications and just want the step-by-step instructions, feel free
to skip to one of the next two sections.
ASP.NET Core includes a fast, lightweight web server called Kestrel. It's
the server you've been using every time you ran dotnet run and
browsed to http://localhost:5000 . When you deploy your application
to a production environment, it'll still use Kestrel behind the scenes.
However, it's recommended that you put a reverse proxy in front of
Kestrel, because Kestrel doesn't yet have load balancing and other
features that more mature web servers have.
On Linux (and in Docker containers), you can use Nginx or the Apache
web server to receive incoming requests from the internet and route
them to your application hosted with Kestrel. If you're on Windows, IIS
does the same thing.
If you're using Azure to host your application, this is all done for you
automatically. I'll cover setting up Nginx as a reverse proxy in the Docker
Deploy to Azure
Deploy to Azure
Deploying your ASP.NET Core application to Azure only takes a few
steps. You can do it through the Azure web portal, or on the command
line using the Azure CLI. I'll cover the latter.
What you'll need
Git (use git --version to make sure it's installed)
The Azure CLI (follow the install instructions at
An Azure subscription (the free subscription is fine)
A deployment configuration file in your project root
Create a deployment configuration file
Since there are multiple projects in your directory structure (the web
application, and two test projects), Azure won't know which one to
publish. To fix this, create a file called .deployment at the very top of
your directory structure:
project = AspNetCoreTodo/AspNetCoreTodo.csproj
Make sure you save the file as .deployment with no other parts to the
name. (On Windows, you may need to put quotes around the filename,
like ".deployment" , to prevent a .txt extension from being added.)
If you ls or dir in your top-level directory, you should see these
Deploy to Azure
Set up the Azure resources
If you just installed the Azure CLI for the first time, run
az login
and follow the prompts to log in on your machine. Then, create a new
Resource Group for this application:
az group create -l westus -n AspNetCoreTodoGroup
This creates a Resource Group in the West US region. If you're located
far away from the western US, use az account list-locations to get a
list of locations and find one closer to you.
Next, create an App Service plan in the group you just created:
az appservice plan create -g AspNetCoreTodoGroup -n AspNetCoreTodo
Plan --sku F1
F1 is the free app plan. If you want to use a custom domain name
with your app, use the D1 ($10/month) plan or higher.
Now create a Web App in the App Service plan:
az webapp create -g AspNetCoreTodoGroup -p AspNetCoreTodoPlan -n M
Deploy to Azure
The name of the app ( MyTodoApp above) must be globally unique in
Azure. Once the app is created, it will have a default URL in the format:
Deploy your project files to Azure
You can use Git to push your application files up to the Azure Web App.
If your local directory isn't already tracked as a Git repo, run these
commands to set it up:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "First commit!"
Next, create an Azure username and password for deployment:
az webapp deployment user set --user-name nate
Follow the instructions to create a password. Then use config-local-
git to spit out a Git URL:
az webapp deployment source config-local-git -g AspNetCoreTodoGrou
p -n MyTodoApp --out tsv
https://[email protected]/MyTodoApp.git
Copy the URL to the clipboard, and use it to add a Git remote to your
local repository:
git remote add azure <paste>
You only need to do these steps once. Now, whenever you want to push
your application files to Azure, check them in with Git and run
Deploy to Azure
git push azure master
You'll see a stream of log messages as the application is deployed to
When it's complete, browse to to
check out the app!
Deploy with Docker
Deploy with Docker
If you aren't using a platform like Azure, containerization technologies
like Docker can make it easy to deploy web applications to your own
servers. Instead of spending time configuring a server with the
dependencies it needs to run your app, copying files, and restarting
processes, you can simply create a Docker image that describes
everything your app needs to run, and spin it up as a container on any
Docker host.
Docker can make scaling your app across multiple servers easier, too.
Once you have an image, using it to create 1 container is the same
process as creating 100 containers.
Before you start, you need the Docker CLI installed on your
development machine. Search for "get docker for (mac/windows/linux)"
and follow the instructions on the official Docker website. You can verify
that it's installed correctly with
docker version
Add a Dockerfile
The first thing you'll need is a Dockerfile, which is like a recipe that tells
Docker what your application needs to build and run.
Create a file called Dockerfile (no extension) in the root, top-level
AspNetCoreTodo folder. Open it in your favorite editor. Write the
following line:
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.0-sdk AS build
Deploy with Docker
This tells Docker to use the microsoft/dotnet:2.0-sdk image as a
starting point. This image is published by Microsoft and contains the
tools and dependencies you need to execute dotnet build and compile
your application. By using this pre-built image as a starting point, Docker
can optimize the image produced for your app and keep it small.
Next, add this line:
COPY AspNetCoreTodo/*.csproj ./app/AspNetCoreTodo/
The COPY command copies the .csproj project file into the image at
the path /app/AspNetCoreTodo/ . Note that none of the actual code ( .cs
files) have been copied into the image yet. You'll see why in a minute.
WORKDIR /app/AspNetCoreTodo
RUN dotnet restore
WORKDIR is the Docker equivalent of cd . This means any commands
executed next will run from inside the /app/AspNetCoreTodo directory
that the COPY command created in the last step.
Running the dotnet restore command restores the NuGet packages
that the application needs, defined in the .csproj file. By restoring
packages inside the image before adding the rest of the code, Docker is
able to cache the restored packages. Then, if you make code changes
(but don't change the packages defined in the project file), rebuilding the
Docker image will be super fast.
Now it's time to copy the rest of the code and compile the application:
COPY AspNetCoreTodo/. ./AspNetCoreTodo/
RUN dotnet publish -o out /p:PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest="
Deploy with Docker
The dotnet publish command compiles the project, and the -o out
flag puts the compiled files in a directory called out .
These compiled files will be used to run the application with the final few
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.0-runtime AS runtime
COPY --from=build /app/AspNetCoreTodo/out ./
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "AspNetCoreTodo.dll"]
The FROM command is used again to select a smaller image that only has
the dependencies needed to run the application. The ENV command is
used to set environment variables in the container, and the
ASPNETCORE_URLS environment variable tells ASP.NET Core which
network interface and port it should bind to (in this case, port 80).
The ENTRYPOINT command lets Docker know that the container should
be started as an executable by running dotnet AspNetCoreTodo.dll . This
tells dotnet to start up your application from the compiled file created
by dotnet publish earlier. (When you do dotnet run during
development, you're accomplishing the same thing in one step.)
The full Dockerfile looks like this:
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.0-sdk AS build
COPY AspNetCoreTodo/*.csproj ./app/AspNetCoreTodo/
WORKDIR /app/AspNetCoreTodo
RUN dotnet restore
COPY AspNetCoreTodo/. ./
RUN dotnet publish -o out /p:PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest="
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.0-runtime AS runtime
Deploy with Docker
COPY --from=build /app/AspNetCoreTodo/out ./
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "AspNetCoreTodo.dll"]
Create an image
Make sure the Dockerfile is saved, and then use docker build to create
an image:
docker build -t aspnetcoretodo .
Don't miss the trailing period! That tells Docker to look for a Dockerfile
in the current directory.
Once the image is created, you can run docker images to to list all the
images available on your local machine. To test it out in a container, run
docker run --name aspnetcoretodo_sample --rm -it -p 8080:80 aspnet
The -it flag tells Docker to run the container in interactive mode
(outputting to the terminal, as opposed to running in the background).
When you want to stop the container, press Control-C.
Remember the ASPNETCORE_URLS variable that told ASP.NET Core to
listen on port 80? The -p 8080:80 option tells Docker to map port 8080
on your machine to the container's port 80. Open up your browser and
navigate to http://localhost:8080 to see the application running in the
Set up Nginx
Deploy with Docker
At the beginning of this chapter, I mentioned that you should use a
reverse proxy like Nginx to proxy requests to Kestrel. You can use
Docker for this, too.
The overall architecture will consist of two containers: an Nginx
container listening on port 80, forwarding requests to the container you
just built that hosts your application with Kestrel.
The Nginx container needs its own Dockerfile. To keep it from
conflicting with the Dockerfile you just created, make a new directory in
the web application root:
mkdir nginx
Create a new Dockerfile and add these lines:
FROM nginx
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Next, create an nginx.conf file:
events { worker_connections 1024; }
http {
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://kestrel:80;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'keep-alive';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
Deploy with Docker
This configuration file tells Nginx to proxy incoming requests to
http://kestrel:80 . (You'll see why kestrel works as a hostname in a
When you make deploy your application to a production
environment, you should add the server_name directive and
validate and restrict the host header to known good values. For
more information, see:
Set up Docker Compose
There's one more file to create. Up in the root directory, create docker-
compose.yml :
build: ./nginx
- kestrel:kestrel
- "80:80"
build: .
- "80"
Docker Compose is a tool that helps you create and run multi-container
applications. This configuration file defines two containers: nginx from
the ./nginx/Dockerfile recipe, and kestrel from the ./Dockerfile
recipe. The containers are explicitly linked together so they can
Deploy with Docker
You can try spinning up the entire multi-container application by running:
docker-compose up
Try opening a browser and navigating to http://localhost (port 80, not
8080!). Nginx is listening on port 80 (the default HTTP port) and proxying
requests to your ASP.NET Core application hosted by Kestrel.
Set up a Docker server
Specific setup instructions are outside the scope of this book, but any
modern flavor of Linux (like Ubuntu) can be used to set up a Docker host.
For example, you could create a virtual machine with Amazon EC2, and
install the Docker service. You can search for "amazon ec2 set up
docker" (for example) for instructions.
I like using DigitalOcean because they've made it really easy to get
started. DigitalOcean has both a pre-built Docker virtual machine, and in-
depth tutorials for getting Docker up and running (search for
"digitalocean docker").
Thanks for making it to the end of the Little ASP.NET Core Book! If this
book was helpful (or not), I'd love to hear your thoughts. Send me your
comments via Twitter:
How to learn more
There's a lot more that ASP.NET Core can do that couldn't fit in this
short book, including
Building RESTful APIs and microservices
Using ASP.NET Core with single-page apps like Angular and React
Razor Pages
Bundling and minifying static assets
WebSockets and SignalR
There are a number of ways you can learn more:
The ASP.NET Core documentation. The official ASP.NET Core
documentation at contains a number of in-depth
tutorials covering many of these topics. I'd highly recommend it!
ASP.NET Core in Action. This book by Andrew Lock is a
comprehensive, deep dive into ASP.NET Core. You can get it from
Amazon or a local bookstore.
Courses on LinkedIn Learning and Pluralsight. If you learn best from
videos, there are fantastic courses available on Pluralsight and
LinkedIn Learning (including some by yours truly). If you don't have
an account and need a coupon, send me an email:
[email protected].
Nate's blog. I also write about ASP.NET Core and more on my blog
Happy coding!
About the author
Hey, I'm Nate! I wrote the Little ASP.NET Core Book in a long, caffeine-
fueled weekend because I love the .NET community and wanted to give
back in my own little way. I hope it helped you learn something new!
You can stay in touch with me on Twitter (@nbarbettini) or on my blog
( You can also reach me via email at
[email protected].
Special thanks
To Jennifer, who always supports my crazy ideas.
To the following contributors who improved the Little ASP.NET Core
Matt Welke
To these amazing polyglot programmers who translated the Little
ASP.NET Core Book:
sahinyanlik (Turkish)
windsting, yuyi (Simplified Chinese)
The full, detailed changelog is always available here:
1.1.0 (2018-05-03): Significantly reworked the Add more features chapter
to use MVC thorough the whole stack and remove the AJAX pattern.
Removed Facebook login to simplify the security chapter and streamline
testing and deployment. Updated the Docker instructions to reflect the
latest best practices. Fixed typos and added suggestions from readers.
The book also sports a new, improved cover design!
1.0.4 (2018-01-15): Added explanation of service container lifecycles,
clarified server ports and the -o flag, and removed semicolons after Razor
directives. Corrected Chinese translation author credit. Fixed other small
typos and issues noticed by readers.
1.0.3 (2017-11-13): Typo fixes and small improvements suggested by
1.0.2 (2017-10-20): More bug fixes and small improvements. Added link
to translations.
1.0.1 (2017-09-23): Bug fixes and small improvements.
1.0.0 (2017-09-18): Initial release.