coldfusion |
#coldfusion |
Table of Contents |
About |
Chapter 1: Getting started with coldfusion |
Remarks |
Versions |
Examples |
Installation or Setup |
Linux (Ubuntu) Installation |
Lucee (Open Source) |
ColdFusion / CFML Interpretor |
Nginx |
Adobe (Closed Source) |
ColdFusion / CFML Interpretor |
Nginx |
Hello World |
Chapter 2: CFLOOP How-To |
Remarks |
Examples |
Looping through a collection using CFML tags. |
Looping through a collection using CFSCRIPT. |
Index |
Parameters |
Basic index loop |
Increase step to 2 |
Decrement step by 1 |
CFLoop in a Function |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
Condition |
Tag syntax |
Parameters |
Generated HTML |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
8 |
8 |
9 |
9 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
CFScript |
Previous to ColdFusion 8 |
ColdFusion 8 through current |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
Generated HTML |
Date or time range |
Query |
Parameters |
Example query |
Tag syntax |
Generated HTML |
Limiting output to specific rows |
Grouping Output |
CFScript |
ColdFusion 6 (MX) though current |
ColdFusion 8 though current |
ColdFusion 10 though current |
ColdFusion 11 though current |
List |
Tag syntax |
Parameters |
Generated HTML |
CFScript |
Previous to ColdFusion 8 |
ColdFusion 8 through current |
ColdFusion 9 through current |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
Generated HTML |
Array |
Tag syntax |
ColdFusion 8 through current |
10 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
11 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
13 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
16 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
Parameters |
Generated HTML |
ColdFusion 2016 through current |
Parameters |
Generated HTML |
CFScript |
Previous to ColdFusion 8 |
ColdFusion 8 through current |
ColdFusion 9 through current |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
Generated HTML |
File |
Structure |
Tag syntax |
Parameters |
Using Structure Functions |
Implicit Structure Syntax |
Generated HTML |
CFScript |
Output the structure's keys |
Generated HTML |
Output the value of the structure's keys |
Using Structure Functions |
Implicit Structure Syntax |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
Generated HTML |
Index Loop |
Conditional Loop |
Query Loop |
List Loop |
File Loop |
COM Collection/Structure Loops |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
19 |
19 |
19 |
19 |
19 |
19 |
19 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
22 |
22 |
22 |
22 |
22 |
23 |
23 |
23 |
Chapter 3: cfquery |
Parameters |
Examples |
Using cfquery within a Function |
Query of Query |
Function Calls |
User.cfc |
Chapter 4: ColdFusion Arrays |
Syntax |
Parameters |
Remarks |
Examples |
Creating Arrays |
Creating arrays explicitly using ArrayNew() |
History |
Declaration |
Using ArrayAppend() |
Creating 1-D Array Implicitly |
Create 2-D Array Implicitly |
Array in CFScript |
Similarly, for 2 Dimension Array: |
General information |
Chapter 5: Creating REST APIs in coldfusion |
Introduction |
Examples |
Creating backend |
The interface |
Chapter 6: Database Queries |
Examples |
Working with databases |
Basic Example |
24 |
24 |
24 |
24 |
24 |
24 |
24 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
31 |
32 |
32 |
32 |
32 |
32 |
33 |
33 |
33 |
33 |
Authentication |
Cached Queries |
Limiting the Number of Records Returned |
Timeouts |
Chapter 7: How to invoke a private method dynamically |
Remarks |
Examples |
Chapter 8: Scopes in Coldfusion |
Introduction |
Examples |
Request Scopes |
Global Scopes |
Components and functions |
Custom tags |
Common scopes |
Overview |
Chapter 9: Variables |
Parameters |
Examples |
Using cfset |
Using cfparam |
Checking if a Variable Exists |
Setting a variable scope |
Chapter 10: Working with RegExp Replace callbacks |
Introduction |
Parameters |
Remarks |
Examples |
User defined REReplaceCallback function |
Using REReplaceCallback function |
34 |
34 |
35 |
35 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
37 |
37 |
37 |
37 |
37 |
37 |
37 |
38 |
38 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
40 |
40 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
43 |
43 |
Credits |
44 |
About |
You can share this PDF with anyone you feel could benefit from it, downloaded the latest version |
from: coldfusion |
It is an unofficial and free coldfusion ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is |
extracted from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at |
Stack Overflow. It is neither affiliated with Stack Overflow nor official coldfusion. |
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, and the list of contributors to each |
chapter are provided in the credits section at the end of this book. Images may be copyright of |
their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All trademarks and registered trademarks are |
the property of their respective company owners. |
Use the content presented in this book at your own risk; it is not guaranteed to be correct nor |
accurate, please send your feedback and corrections to [email protected] |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
1 |
Chapter 1: Getting started with coldfusion |
Remarks |
This section provides an overview of what coldfusion is, and why a developer might want to use it. |
It should also mention any large subjects within coldfusion, and link out to the related topics. Since |
the Documentation for coldfusion is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related |
topics. |
Versions |
Version |
Release Date |
Cold Fusion version 1.0 |
1995-07-02 |
Cold Fusion version 1.5 |
1996-01-01 |
Cold Fusion version 2.0 |
1996-10-01 |
Cold Fusion version 3.0 |
1997-06-01 |
Cold Fusion version 3.1 |
1998-01-01 |
ColdFusion version 4.0 |
1998-11-01 |
ColdFusion version 4.5.1 |
1999-11-01 |
ColdFusion version 5.0 |
2001-06-01 |
ColdFusion MX version 6.0 2002-05-01 |
ColdFusion MX version 6.1 2003-07-01 |
ColdFusion MX 7 |
2005-02-07 |
ColdFusion 8 |
ColdFusion 9 |
2007-07-30 |
2009-10-05 |
ColdFusion 10 |
2012-05-15 |
ColdFusion 11 |
2014-04-29 |
ColdFusion 2016 |
2016-02-16 |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
2 |
Examples |
Installation or Setup |
Linux (Ubuntu) Installation |
Lucee (Open Source) |
ColdFusion / CFML Interpretor |
Download the appropriate file from their site (http://lucee.org/downloads.html) and execute their |
installer |
wget http://cdn.lucee.org/downloader.cfm/id/155/file/lucee- |
installer.run |
sudo chmod +x lucee- |
sudo ./lucee- |
Step through installer. |
Nginx |
Install Nginx on your server |
sudo apt-get install nginx |
Edit your /etc/nginx/sites-available/default |
server { |
listen 80; |
server_name _; |
root /opt/lucee/tomcat/webapps/ROOT; |
index index.cfm index.html index.htm; |
#Lucee Admin should always proxy to Lucee |
location /lucee { |
include lucee.conf; |
} |
#Pretty URLs |
location / { |
try_files $uri /index.cfm$uri?$is_args$args; |
include lucee.conf; |
} |
location ~ \.cfm { |
include lucee.conf; |
} |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
3 |
location ~ \.cfc { |
include lucee.conf; |
} |
} |
Edit /etc/nginx/lucee.conf |
proxy_pass; |
proxy_set_header Host $http_host; |
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; |
Reload nginx |
sudo service nginx reload |
Access the Lucee Server admin here: |
| |
or |
| |
Your root web directory lives here: |
/opt/lucee/tomcat/webapps/ROOT |
Adobe (Closed Source) |
ColdFusion / CFML Interpretor |
Download the appropriate file from their site ( |
https://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion/download-trial/try.html) and execute their installer |
wget <URL>/ColdFusion_2016_WWEJ_linux64.bin |
sudo chmod +x ColdFusion_2016_WWEJ_linux64.bin |
sudo ./ColdFusion_2016_WWEJ_linux64.bin |
Step through installer. Make sure you select the internal web server (port 8500) |
Nginx |
Install Nginx on your server |
sudo apt-get install nginx |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
4 |
Edit your /etc/nginx/sites-available/default |
server { |
listen 80; |
server_name _; |
root /opt/coldfusion2016/cfusion/wwwroot; |
index index.cfm index.html index.htm; |
location / { |
try_files $uri $uri/ =404; |
} |
location ^~ /CFIDE/administrator { |
deny all; |
} |
location ~* \.(cfm|cfml|cfc|html)$ { |
include /etc/nginx/conf/dc_tomcat_connector.conf; |
} |
location ^~ /rest { |
include tomcatconf; |
} |
} |
Edit /etc/nginx/tomcat.conf |
proxy_pass; |
proxy_set_header Host $host; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $http_x_forwarded_for; |
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; |
Reload nginx |
sudo service nginx reload |
Access the Adobe ColdFusion Server admin here: |
| |
Your root web directory lives here: |
/opt/coldfusion2016/cfusion/wwwroot |
Hello World |
File: test.cfm |
Tag Implementation |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
5 |
<cfoutput>Hello World!</cfoutput> |
CFScript Implementation |
<cfscript> |
writeOutput("Hello World!"); |
</cfscript> |
Read Getting started with coldfusion online: https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/913/getting- |
started-with-coldfusion |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
6 |
Chapter 2: CFLOOP How-To |
Remarks |
Big thanks to |
• |
• |
Pete Freitag for his CFScript Cheat Sheet |
Adam Cameron for CF 11: CFLOOP in CFScript is Very Broken (and it still is in CF 2016). |
Examples |
Looping through a collection using CFML tags. |
<!--- Define collection ---> |
<cfset attributes = { |
"name": "Sales", |
"type": "text", |
"value": "Connection" |
}> |
<!--- |
cfloop tag with attribute collection can be used to |
loop through the elements of a structure |
---> |
<cfloop collection=#attributes# item="attribute"> |
<cfoutput> |
Key : #attribute#, Value : #attributes[attribute]# |
</cfoutput> |
</cfloop> |
Looping through a collection using CFSCRIPT. |
<cfscript> |
/*define collection*/ |
attributes = { |
"name": "Sales", |
"type": "text", |
"value": "Connection" |
}; |
for(attribute in attributes){ |
/* attribute variable will contain the key name of each key value pair in loop */ |
WriteOutput('Key : ' & attribute & ', Value : ' & attributes[attribute] & '<br/>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
Index |
Parameters |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
7 |
Attribute Required Type |
Default Description |
index |
true |
string |
Variable name for the loop's index. Defaults to |
the variables scope. |
from |
to |
true |
true |
numeric |
numeric |
Starting value for the index. |
Ending value for the index. |
step |
false |
numeric 1 |
Value by which to increase or decrease the |
index per iteration. |
Basic index loop |
Final value of x is 10. |
<!--- Tags ---> |
<cfoutput> |
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="10"> |
<li>#x#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</cfoutput> |
<!--- cfscript ---> |
<cfscript> |
for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++) { |
writeOutput('<li>' & x & '</li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
<!--- HTML Output ---> |
- 1 |
- 2 |
- 3 |
- 4 |
- 5 |
- 6 |
- 7 |
- 8 |
- 9 |
- 10 |
Increase step to 2 |
Final value of x is 11. |
<!--- Tags ---> |
<cfoutput> |
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="10" step="2"> |
<li>#x#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</cfoutput> |
<!--- cfscript ---> |
<cfscript> |
for (x = 1; x <= 10; x += 2) { |
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8 |
writeOutput('<li>' & x & '</li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
<!--- HTML Output ---> |
- 1 |
- 3 |
- 5 |
- 7 |
- 9 |
Decrement step by 1 |
Final value of x is 0. |
<!--- Tags ---> |
<cfoutput> |
<cfloop index="x" from="10" to="1" step="-1"> |
<li>#x#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</cfoutput> |
<!--- cfscript ---> |
<cfscript> |
for (x = 10; x > 0; x--) { |
writeOutput('<li>' & x & '</li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
<!--- HTML Output ---> |
- 10 |
- 9 |
- 8 |
- 7 |
- 6 |
- 5 |
- 4 |
- 3 |
- 2 |
- 1 |
CFLoop in a Function |
Make sure to var or local scope the index inside a function. Foo() returns 11. |
<!--- var scope ---> |
<cffunction name="foo" access="public" output="false" returntype="numeric"> |
<cfset var x = 0 /> |
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="10" step="1"> |
<cfset x++ /> |
</cfloop> |
<cfreturn x /> |
</cffunction> |
<!--- Local scope ---> |
<cffunction name="foo" access="public" output="false" returntype="numeric"> |
<cfloop index="local.x" from="1" to="10" step="1"> |
<cfset local.x++ /> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
9 |
</cfloop> |
<cfreturn local.x /> |
</cffunction> |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
The cfscript function cfloop has no support for index as a stand alone counter |
mechanism. |
Condition |
Tag syntax |
Parameters |
Attribute Required Type Default Description |
Condition that manages the loop. Cannot contain |
math symbols like <, > or =. Must use ColdFusion |
text implementations like less than, lt, greater than |
, gt, equals or eq. |
condition |
true |
string |
Final value of x is 5. |
<cfset x = 0 /> |
<cfoutput> |
<cfloop condition="x LT 5"> |
<cfset x++ /> |
<li>#x#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</cfoutput> |
Generated HTML |
This will also have a line break between each line of HTML. |
<li>1</li> |
<li>2</li> |
<li>3</li> |
<li>4</li> |
<li>5</li> |
CFScript |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
10 |
Previous to ColdFusion 8 |
<cfscript> |
x = 0; |
while (x LT 5) { |
x = x + 1; |
writeOutput('<li>' & x & '</li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 8 through current |
<cfscript> |
x = 0; |
while (x LT 5) { |
x = x++; |
writeOutput('<li>' & x & '</li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
The cfscript function cfloop has no support for condition. |
Generated HTML |
Notice that the cfscript output is all on one line. |
<li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li><li>four</li> |
Date or time range |
Example for date or time range. |
Query |
Consider the table dbo.state_zip, which contains the columns city, statecode and zipcode and has |
over 80,000 records. |
Parameters |
Attribute Required Type |
Default Description |
query |
true |
string |
The variable name of a query object. |
startrow |
false |
numeric |
The starting row index of the query object. |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
11 |
Attribute Required Type |
Default Description |
endrow |
false |
numeric |
The ending row index of the query object. |
group |
false |
string |
The query column name on which to group |
records. |
Example query |
<cfquery name="geo" datasource="reotrans-dev"> |
SELECT city, stateCode, zipCode |
FROM dbo.state_zip |
</cfquery> |
Tag syntax |
Using the query object geo as the source for cfloop. Since the table dbo.state_zip has so many |
records, the HTML generated will take quite some time. This example shows only the first 20 |
records' worth of HTML. |
<cfoutput> |
<ul> |
<cfloop query="geo"> |
<!--- Scope the column names with the query name. ---> |
<li>#geo.city# | #geo.stateCode# | #geo.zipCode#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</ul> |
</cfoutput> |
Generated HTML |
<ul> |
<li>100 PALMS | CA | 92274</li> |
<li>1000 PALMS | CA | 92276</li> |
<li>12 MILE | IN | 46988</li> |
<li>1ST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA | NE | 68197</li> |
<li>29 PALMS | CA | 92277</li> |
<li>29 PALMS | CA | 92278</li> |
<li>3 STATE FARM PLAZA | IL | 61710</li> |
<li>3 STATE FARM PLAZA | IL | 61791</li> |
<li>30TH STREET | PA | 19104</li> |
<li>3M CORP | MN | 55144</li> |
<li>65TH INFANTRY | PR | 00923</li> |
<li>65TH INFANTRY | PR | 00924</li> |
<li>65TH INFANTRY | PR | 00929</li> |
<li>65TH INFANTRY | PR | 00936</li> |
<li>7 CORNERS | VA | 22044</li> |
<li>88 | KY | 42130</li> |
<li>9 MILE POINT | LA | 70094</li> |
<li>A A R P INS | PA | 19187</li> |
<li>A A R P PHARMACY | CT | 06167</li> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
12 |
<li>A H MCCOY FEDERAL BLDG | MS | 39269</li> |
</ul> |
Limiting output to specific rows |
To limit the query's output to a specific range of rows, specify startrow and endrow. |
<cfloop query="geo" startrow="100" endrow="150"> |
<li>#geo.city# | #geo.stateCode# | #geo.zipCode#</li> |
</cfloop> |
Grouping Output |
In the example data, the same state listed multiple times in relation to the multiple cities that are |
associated to each state. You can also see the same city listed multiple times in relation to the |
multiple zip codes associated to each city. |
Let's group the output by state first. Notice the 2nd instance of cfloop wrapped around the content |
that will be output under the stateCode grouped content. |
<cfoutput> |
<ul> |
<cfloop query="geo" group="stateCode"> |
<!--- Scope the column names with the query name. ---> |
<li>#geo.stateCode# |
<ul> |
<cfloop> |
<li>#geo.city# | #geo.zipCode#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</ul> |
</li> |
</cfloop> |
</ul> |
</cfoutput> |
Generated HTML (extract) from one grouped cfloop tag. |
<ul> |
<li>AK |
<ul> |
<li>KONGIGANAK | 99545</li> |
<li>ADAK | 99546</li> |
<li>ATKA | 99547</li> |
<!-- etc. --> |
</ul> |
</li> |
<li>AL |
<ul> |
<li>ALEX CITY | 35010</li> |
<li>ALEXANDER CITY | 35010</li> |
<li>ALEX CITY | 35011</li> |
<!-- etc. --> |
</ul> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
13 |
</li> |
<!-- etc. --> |
</ul> |
Finally, let's group the output by stateCode, then by city in order to see all the zipCode entries per |
city. Notice the 2nd cfloop is now grouped by city and a 3rd cfloop exists to output the zipCode |
data. |
<cfoutput> |
<ul> |
<cfloop query="geo" group="stateCode"> |
<li>#geo.stateCode# |
<ul> |
<cfloop group="city"> |
<li>#geo.city# |
<ul> |
<cfloop> |
<li>#geo.zipCode#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</ul> |
</li> |
</cfloop> |
</ul> |
</li> |
</cfloop> |
</ul> |
</cfoutput> |
Generated HTML (extract) from two grouped cfloop tags. |
<ul> |
<li>AK |
<ul> |
<li>ADAK |
<ul> |
<li>99546</li> |
<li>99571</li> |
</ul> |
</li> |
<li>AKHIOK |
<ul> |
<li>99615</li> |
</ul> |
</li> |
<!--- etc. ---> |
<li>BARROW |
<ul> |
<li>99723</li> |
<li>99759</li> |
<li>99789</li> |
<li>99791</li> |
</ul> |
</li> |
<!--- etc. ---> |
</ul> |
</li> |
<!--- stateCodes etc. ---> |
</ul> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
14 |
CFScript |
ColdFusion 6 (MX) though current |
<cfscript> |
for (x = 1; x LTE geo.recordcount; x = x + 1) { |
writeOutput( '<li>' & geo.city[x] & ' | ' & |
geo.stateCode[x] & ' | ' & geo.zipCode[x] & '</li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 8 though current |
<cfscript> |
for (x = 1; x <= geo.recordcount; x++) { |
writeOutput( '<li>' & geo.city[x] & ' | ' & |
geo.stateCode[x] & ' | ' & geo.zipCode[x] & '</li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 10 though current |
With the FOR IN syntax, x is a query row object, not the row index. |
<cfscript> |
for (x in geo) { |
writeOutput( '<li>' & x.city & ' | ' & |
x.stateCode & ' | ' & x.zipCode & '</li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 11 though current |
ColdFusion 11 allows most tags to be written as cfscript. |
<cfscript> |
cfloop(query: geo, startrow: 1, endrow: 2) { |
writeOutput( '<li>' & geo.city & ' | ' & |
geo.stateCode & ' | ' & geo.zipCode & '</li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
With group. |
<cfscript> |
cfloop(query: geo, group: 'city') { |
writeOutput( '<li>' & geo.city & '<ul>'); |
cfloop() { // no arguments, just as in the tag syntax. |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
15 |
writeOutput('<li>' & geo.zipCode & '</li>'); |
} |
writeOutput('</ul></li>'); |
} |
</cfscript> |
List |
Consider this list: |
<cfset foo = "one,two,three,four" /> |
Tag syntax |
Parameters |
Attribute Required Default Description |
list |
true |
A list object. The variable must be evaluated (wrapped with |
##) |
index |
true |
The current element of the list. |
<cfoutput> |
<cfloop list="#foo#" index="x"> |
<li>#x#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</cfoutput> |
Generated HTML |
This will also have a line break between each line of HTML. |
<li>one</li> |
<li>two</li> |
<li>three</li> |
<li>four</li> |
CFScript |
Previous to ColdFusion 8 |
<cfscript> |
for (x = 1; x LTE listLen(foo); x = x + 1) { |
writeOutput("<li>" & listGetAt(foo, x) & "</li>"); |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
16 |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 8 through current |
<cfscript> |
for (x = 1; x <= listLen(foo); x++) { |
writeOutput("<li>" & listGetAt(foo, x) & "</li>"); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 9 through current |
<cfscript> |
for (x in foo) { |
writeOutput("<li>" & x & "</li>"); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
The cfscript function cfloop has no support for list. |
Generated HTML |
Notice that the cfscript output is all on one line. |
<li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li><li>four</li> |
Array |
The ability to directly use an array object with cfloop was added in ColdFusion 8. |
Consider this array; |
<cfset aFoo = [ |
"one" |
, "two" |
, "three" |
, "four" |
] /> |
Tag syntax |
ColdFusion 8 through current |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
17 |
Using the attribute index by itself. |
Parameters |
Attribute Required Default Description |
array |
true |
An array object. The variable must be evaluated (wrapped |
with ##) |
index |
true |
The current element of the array. |
<cfoutput> |
<cfloop array="#aFoo#" index="x"> |
<li>#x#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</cfoutput> |
Generated HTML |
This will also have a line break between each line of HTML. |
<li>one</li> |
<li>two</li> |
<li>three</li> |
<li>four</li> |
ColdFusion 2016 through current |
The attribute item changes the behavior of cfloop as of Coldfusion 2016. |
Using the attribute item instead of or in addition to index. |
Parameters |
Attribute Required Default Description |
array |
true |
An array object. The variable must be evaluated (wrapped |
with ##) |
item |
true |
The current element of the array. |
index |
false |
The current index of the array. |
<cfoutput> |
<cfloop array="#aFoo#" item="x" index="y"> |
<li>#x# | #y#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</cfoutput> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
18 |
Generated HTML |
This will also have a line break between each line of HTML. |
<li>one | 1</li> |
<li>two | 2</li> |
<li>three | 3</li> |
<li>four | 4</li> |
CFScript |
Previous to ColdFusion 8 |
<cfscript> |
for (i = 1; x LTE arrayLen(aFoo); i = i + 1) { |
writeOutput("<li>" & aFoo[i] & "</li>"); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 8 through current |
<cfscript> |
for (i = 1; i <= arrayLen(aFoo); i = i++) { |
writeOutput("<li>" & aFoo[i] & "</li>"); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 9 through current |
With the FOR IN syntax, x is the current array element, not the array index. |
<cfscript> |
for (x in aFoo) { |
writeOutput("<li>" & x & "</li>"); |
} |
</cfscript> |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
The cfscript function cfloop has no support for array. |
Generated HTML |
Notice that the cfscript output is all on one line. |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
19 |
<li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li><li>four</li> |
File |
<cfloop list="#myFile#" index="FileItem" delimiters="#chr(10)##chr(13)#"> |
<cfoutput> |
#FileItem#<br /> |
</cfoutput> |
</cfloop> |
Structure |
Consider this structure: |
<cfset stFoo = { |
a = "one" |
, b = "two" |
, c = "three" |
, d = "foue" |
} /> |
Tag syntax |
Parameters |
Notice the use of the attribute item instead of index. |
Attribute Required Type |
Default Description |
collection true |
structure |
A struct object. The variable must be evaluated |
(wrapped with ##). |
item |
true |
string |
The current structure key, |
Using Structure Functions |
<cfoutput> |
<cfloop collection="#stFoo#" item="x"> |
<li>#structFind(stFoo, x)#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</cfoutput> |
Implicit Structure Syntax |
<cfoutput> |
<cfloop collection="#stFoo#" item="x"> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
20 |
<li>#stFoo[x]#</li> |
</cfloop> |
</cfoutput> |
Generated HTML |
This will also have a line break between each line of HTML. |
<li>one</li> |
<li>two</li> |
<li>three</li> |
<li>four</li> |
CFScript |
With the FOR IN syntax, x is a key of the structure object. |
Output the structure's keys |
<cfscript> |
for (x in stFoo) { |
writeOutput("<li>" & x & "</li>"); |
} |
</cfscript> |
Generated HTML |
<li>A</li><li>B</li><li>C</li><li>D</li> |
Output the value of the structure's keys |
Using Structure Functions |
<cfscript> |
for (x in stFoo) { |
writeOutput("<li>" & structFind(stFoo, x) & "</li>"); |
} |
</cfscript> |
Implicit Structure Syntax |
<cfscript> |
for (x in stFoo) { |
writeOutput("<li>" & stFoo[x] & "</li>"); |
} |
</cfscript> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
21 |
ColdFusion 11 through current |
The cfscript function cfloop has no support for collection. |
Generated HTML |
Notice that the cfscript output is all on one line. |
<li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li><li>four</li> |
Index Loop |
Use the from and to attributes to specify how many iterations should occur. The (optional) step |
attribute allows you to determine how big the increments will be. |
<cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i" step="2"> |
<cfoutput> |
#i#<br /> |
</cfoutput> |
</cfloop> |
Conditional Loop |
You use the condition attribute to specify the condition to use. |
<cfset myVar=false> |
<cfloop condition="myVar eq false"> |
<cfoutput> |
myVar = <b>#myVar#</b> (still in loop)<br /> |
</cfoutput> |
<cfif RandRange(1,10) eq 10> |
<cfset myVar="true"> |
</cfif> |
</cfloop> |
<cfoutput> |
myVar = <b>#myVar#</b> (loop has finished) |
</cfoutput> |
Query Loop |
You can loop over the results of a ColdFusion query. |
<cfquery name="getMovies" datasource="Entertainment"> |
select top 4 movieName |
from Movies |
</cfquery> |
<cfloop query="getMovies"> |
#movieName# |
</cfloop> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
22 |
List Loop |
You can use the (optional) delimiters attribute to specify which characters are used as separators |
in the list. |
<cfloop list="ColdFusion,HTML;XML" index="ListItem" delimiters=",;"> |
<cfoutput> |
#ListItem#<br /> |
</cfoutput> |
</cfloop> |
File Loop |
You can loop over a file. |
<cfloop file="#myFile#" index="line"> |
<cfoutput> |
#line#<br /> |
</cfoutput> |
</cfloop> |
COM Collection/Structure Loops |
You can loop over a Structure or COM collection. |
<cfset myBooks = StructNew()> |
<cfset myVariable = StructInsert(myBooks,"ColdFusion","ColdFusion MX Bible")> |
<cfset myVariable = StructInsert(myBooks,"HTML","HTML Visual QuickStart")> |
<cfset myVariable = StructInsert(myBooks,"XML","Inside XML")> |
<cfloop collection="#myBooks#" item="subject"> |
<cfoutput> |
<b>#subject#:</b> #StructFind(myBooks,subject)#<br /> |
</cfoutput> |
</cfloop> |
Read CFLOOP How-To online: https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/3035/cfloop-how-to |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
23 |
Chapter 3: cfquery |
Parameters |
Parameter Details |
name |
Value: string, Default: yes |
dbtype |
Value: query/hql, Default: no, Remarks: when left blank, it's a normal query |
datasource Default: no, Remarks: database |
params |
Value: structure, Default: no, Remarks: cfscript syntax only! In cfml they are |
written inside SLQ stament using <cfqueryparam /> |
Examples |
Using cfquery within a Function |
<cffunction name="getUserById" access="public" returntype="query"> |
<cfargument name="userId" type="numeric" required="yes" hint="The ID of the user"> |
<cfquery name="local.qryGetUser" datasource="DATABASE_NAME"> |
SELECT id, |
name |
FROM user |
WHERE id = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.userId#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"> |
</cfquery> |
<cfreturn local.qryGetUser> |
</cffunction> |
Query of Query |
Function Calls |
<!--- Load the user object based on the component path. ---> |
<cfset local.user = new com.User() /> |
<cfset local.allUsers = user.getAllUsers()> |
<cfset local.specificUser = user.getUserIdFromQry(qry = local.allUsers, userId = 1)> |
User.cfc |
<cfcomponent> |
<cffunction name="getAllUsers" access="public" returntype="query"> |
<cfquery name="local.qryGetAllUsers" datasource="DATABASE_NAME"> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
24 |
SELECT id, |
name |
FROM user |
</cfquery> |
<cfreturn local.qryGetAllUsers> |
</cffunction> |
<cffunction name="getUserIdFromQry" access="public" returntype="query"> |
<cfargument name="qry" type="query" required="Yes" hint="Query to fetch from"> |
<cfargument name="userId" type="numeric" required="Yes" hint="The ID of the user"> |
<cfquery name="local.qryGetUserIdFromQry" dbtype="query"> |
SELECT id, |
name |
FROM arguments.qry |
WHERE id = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.userId#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"> |
</cfquery> |
<cfreturn local.qryGetUserIdFromQry> |
</cffunction> |
</component> |
Read cfquery online: https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/6452/cfquery |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
25 |
Chapter 4: ColdFusion Arrays |
Syntax |
• |
ArrayNew(dimension, isSynchronized) |
Parameters |
Name |
Description |
Dimension |
Number of dimensions in new array: 1, 2, or 3 |
isSynchronized |
When false, creates an unsynchronized array, When true, the function |
returns a synchronized array. |
Remarks |
In a synchronized array, more than two threads cannot access the array simultaneously. Other |
threads has to wait until the active thread completes its job, resulting in significant performance. |
In 2016 ColdFusion release, you can use an unsynchronized array and let multiple threads access |
the same array object simultaneously. |
Examples |
Creating Arrays |
Creating arrays explicitly using ArrayNew() |
Declare an array with the ArrayNew function. Specify the number of dimensions as an argument. |
• |
• |
• |
ArrayNew(dimension) creates an array of 1–3 dimensions. |
ColdFusion arrays expand dynamically as data is added. |
ArrayNew() returns an array. |
History |
Introduced in ColdFusion MX 6 |
Declaration |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
26 |
<!--- One Dimension Array---> |
<cfset oneDimensionArray = ArrayNew(1)> |
CFScript Note that inside a function you should use var scoping. Earlier versions of CF required |
var scoping to be the first thing in a function; later versions allow it anywhere in a function. |
<cfscript> |
oneDimensionArray = ArrayNew(1); |
public void function myFunc() { |
var oneDimensionArray = ArrayNew(1); |
} |
</cfscript> |
After creating the array, add elements by using the element indexes. The Coldfusion Array index |
starts from 1: |
<cfset oneDimensionArray[1] = 1> |
<cfset oneDimensionArray[2] = 'one'> |
<cfset oneDimensionArray[3] = '1'> |
CFScript |
<cfscript> |
oneDimensionArray[1] = 1; |
oneDimensionArray[2] = 'one'; |
oneDimensionArray[3] = '1'; |
</cfscript> |
Using ArrayAppend() |
You can add elements to an array using the function ArrayAppend(array, value). |
<cfscript> |
ArrayAppend(oneDimensionArray, 1); |
ArrayAppend(oneDimensionArray, 'one'); |
ArrayAppend(oneDimensionArray, '1'); |
</cfscript> |
Output the array contents using <cfdump>: |
<cfdump var="#oneDimensionArray#"> |
Results: |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
27 |
<!--- Two Dimension Array---> |
<cfset twoDimensionArray = ArrayNew(2)> |
<cfset twoDimensionArray[1][1] = 1> |
<cfset twoDimensionArray[1][2] = 2> |
<cfset twoDimensionArray[2][1] = 3> |
<cfset twoDimensionArray[2][2] = 4> |
CFScript |
<cfscript> |
twoDimensionArray = ArrayNew(2); |
twoDimensionArray[1][1] = 1; |
twoDimensionArray[1][2] = 2; |
twoDimensionArray[2][1] = 3; |
twoDimensionArray[2][2] = 4; |
</cfscript> |
Outputting the contents of array using <cfdump> |
<cfdump var="#twoDimensionArray#"> |
Result: |
Each element contains another Array, which will store the values. |
Creating 1-D Array Implicitly |
When creating an array implicitly, brackets ([]) surround the array contents with comma |
separators. |
<cfset oneDimensionArrayImplicit = [ 1 ,'one','1' ]> |
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28 |
This statement is equivalent to the four statements used to create the above oneDimensionArray. |
The result are the same when using: |
<cfdump var="#oneDimensionArrayImplicit#"> |
Create 2-D Array Implicitly |
<cfset twoDimensionArrayImplicit = [[ 1 , 2 ],[ 3 , 4 ],[ 5 , 6 ]]> |
Or: |
<cfset firstElement = ["1", "2"]> |
<cfset secondElement= ["3", "4"]> |
<cfset thirdElement = ["5", "6"]> |
<cfset twoDimensionArrayImplicit = [firstElement , secondElement, thirdElement]> |
Outputting the content using |
<cfdump var="#twoDimensionArrayImplicit#"> |
Alternative Explicit Declaration |
Also you can declare 1 Dimension Array as |
<cfset oneDimensionArray = []> |
<cfscript> |
oneDimensionArray = []; |
</cfscript> |
This declaration is same as that of using ArrayNew(1). |
But if you try declaring 2 Dimension Array as |
<cfset twoDimensionArray =[][]> //Invalid CFML construct |
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29 |
an error will occur while processing this request. |
Following statement will process the request: |
<cfset twoDimensionArray =[]> |
but variable twoDimensionArray will not actually an Array within Array (or 2-Dimension Array). It |
actually contains structure within Array. |
<cfset twoDimensionArray =[]> |
<cfset twoDimensionArray[1][1] = 1> |
<cfset twoDimensionArray[1][2] = 2> |
<cfset twoDimensionArray[2][1] = 3> |
<cfset twoDimensionArray[2][2] = 4> |
<cfdump var="#twoDimensionArray#"> |
Result: |
Array in CFScript |
<cfscript> |
oneDimensionArray = ArrayNew(1); |
oneDimensionArray[1] = 1; |
oneDimensionArray[2] = 'one'; |
oneDimensionArray[3] = '1'; |
</cfscript> |
<cfif IsDefined("oneDimensionArray")> |
<cfdump var="#oneDimensionArray#"> |
</cfif> |
Result: |
Also, we can declare an one Dimension Array as: |
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30 |
oneDimensionArray = []; |
Alternatively, CF introduced WriteDump() from CF9 as a function equivalent to the <cfdump> tag |
which can be used in <cfscript>. |
<cfscript> |
WriteDump(oneDimensionArray); |
</cfscript> |
Similarly, for 2 Dimension Array: |
<cfscript> |
twoDimensionArray = ArrayNew(2); |
twoDimensionArray[1][1] = 1; |
twoDimensionArray[1][2] = 2; |
twoDimensionArray[2][1] = 3; |
twoDimensionArray[2][2] = 4; |
</cfscript> |
<cfdump var="#twoDimensionArray#"> |
Result: |
General information |
First some general information about how arrays behave in Coldfusion as compared to other |
programming languages. |
• |
• |
• |
Arrays can have numeric indexes only (if you want to have a string index use structs |
instead) |
Arrays begin at index [1] |
Arrays can have one ore more dimensions |
Read ColdFusion Arrays online: https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/6896/coldfusion-arrays |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
31 |
Chapter 5: Creating REST APIs in coldfusion |
Introduction |
REST APIs are interesting when data should be accessed from everywhere including different |
languages (server and client side). That requires separation from data and processing. |
Examples |
Creating backend |
<cfcomponent displayname="myAPI" output="false"> |
<cffunction name="init" access="public" output="no"> |
<!--- do some basic stuff ---> |
<cfreturn this> |
</cffunction> |
<cffunction name="welcome"> |
<cfreturn "Hello World!"> |
</cffunction> |
</cfcomponent> |
The interface |
<cfscript> |
api_request = GetHttpRequestData(); |
api = createObject("component","myAPI").init(); |
</cfscript> |
<cfif api_request.method is 'GET'> |
<cfoutput>#api.welcome()#</cfoutput> |
<cfelseif api_request.method is 'POST'> |
<cfheader statuscode="500" statustext="Internal Server Error" /> |
</cfif> |
Read Creating REST APIs in coldfusion online: |
https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/10698/creating-rest-apis-in-coldfusion |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
32 |
Chapter 6: Database Queries |
Examples |
Working with databases |
One of ColdFusion's strengths is how easy it is to work with databases. And of course, query |
inputs can and should be parameterized. |
Tag Implementation |
<cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="myDatasource" result="myResult"> |
select firstName, lastName |
from users |
where lastName = <cfqueryparam value="Allaire" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"> |
</cfquery> |
CFScript Implementation |
// ColdFusion 9+ |
var queryService = new query(name="myQuery", datasource="myDatasource"); |
queryService.addParam(name="lName", value="Allaire", cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"); |
var result = queryService.execute(sql="select firstName, lastName from users where lastName = |
:lName"); |
var myQuery = result.getResult(); |
var myResult = result.getPrefix(); |
// ColdFusion 11+ |
var queryParams = {lName = {value="Allaire", cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"}}; |
var queryOptions = {datasource="myDatasource", result="myResult"}; |
var myQuery = queryExecute("select firstName, lastName from users", queryParams, |
queryOptions); |
Inserting values is just as easy: |
queryExecute(" |
insert into user( firstname, lastname ) |
values( :firstname, :lastname ) |
",{ |
firstname: { cfsqltype: "cf_sql_varchar", value: "Dwayne" } |
,lastname: { cfsqltype: "cf_sql_varchar", value: "Camacho" } |
},{ |
result: "local.insertResult" |
}); |
return local.insertResult.generated_key; |
Basic Example |
Database connections are set up using the CF Administrator tool. See Database Connections for |
how to connect a datasource. |
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33 |
To execute queries all you need is the <cfquery> tag. The <cfquery> tag connects to and opens the |
database for you, all you need to do is supply it with the name of the datasource. |
<cfquery name="Movies" datasource="Entertainment"> |
SELECT title |
FROM Movies |
</cfquery> |
To display the query results: |
<cfoutput query="Movies"> |
#title#<BR> |
</cfoutput> |
Authentication |
Many database configurations require authentication (in the form of a username and password) |
before you can query the database. You can supply these using the username and password |
attributes. |
Note: the username and password can also be configured against the datasource in the |
ColdFusion Administrator. Supplying these details in your query overrides the username and |
password in the ColdFusion Administrator. |
<cfquery datasource="Entertainment" username="webuser" password="letmein"> |
select * |
from Movies |
</cfquery> |
Cached Queries |
A cached query is a query that has its results stored in the server's memory. The results are |
stored when the query is first run. From then on, whenever that query is requested again, |
ColdFusion will retrieve the results from memory. |
You can cache a query using the cachedAfter attribute. If the query was last run after the supplied |
date, cached data is used. Otherwise the query is re-run. |
<cfquery datasource="Entertainment" cachedAfter="July 20, 2016"> |
select * |
from Movies |
</cfquery> |
In order for the cache to be used, and multiple calls to the database be avoided the current query |
must use the same SQL statement, data source, query name, user name, and password as the |
cached query used. This includes whitespace in the query. |
As such the following queries create different caches, even though the trimmed characters are the |
same and the query results are identical: |
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34 |
<cfquery datasource="Entertainment" cachedAfter="July 20, 2016"> |
select * |
from Movies |
<cfif false> |
where 1 = 1 |
</cfif> |
<cfif true> |
where 1 = 1 |
</cfif> |
</cfquery> |
<cfquery datasource="Entertainment" cachedAfter="July 20, 2016"> |
select * |
from Movies |
<cfif true> |
where 1 = 1 |
</cfif> |
<cfif false> |
where 1 = 1 |
</cfif> |
</cfquery> |
Limiting the Number of Records Returned |
You can limit the number of rows to be returned by using the maxrows attribute. |
<cfquery datasource="Entertainment" maxrows="50"> |
select * |
from Movies |
</cfquery> |
Timeouts |
You can set a timeout limit using the timeout attribute. This can be useful in preventing requests |
running far longer than they should and impacting on the whole application as a result. |
The timeout attribute sets the maximum number of seconds that each action of a query is allowed |
to execute before returning an error. |
<cfquery datasource="Entertainment" timeout="30"> |
select * |
from Movies |
</cfquery> |
Read Database Queries online: https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/4582/database-queries |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
35 |
Chapter 7: How to invoke a private method |
dynamically |
Remarks |
Use of <cfinvoke> or invoke() should be faster than evaluate() |
Examples |
<cfinvoke method="#somePrivateMethodName#"> |
<cfinvokeargument name="argument1" value="one"> |
</cfinvoke> |
invoke("", somePrivateMethodName, {argument1='one'}); |
Read How to invoke a private method dynamically online: |
https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/6110/how-to-invoke-a-private-method-dynamically |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
36 |
Chapter 8: Scopes in Coldfusion |
Introduction |
A scope is "the range in which a variable can be referenced". ColdFusion knows — as well as |
most other programming and script languages — several scopes. The following text deals with |
these types and trys to bring clarity about them, their differences and their characteristics. |
Examples |
Request Scopes |
request |
variables |
form |
url |
cgi |
Global Scopes |
Server |
Application |
Session |
Components and functions |
variables |
this |
local |
arguments |
Custom tags |
attributes |
thisTag |
caller |
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37 |
Common scopes |
Mostly you're probably working with these scopes: |
• |
• |
• |
• |
• |
• |
Variables scopeis the scope where all variables are assigned to when nothing else is |
intentionally declared (like the window scope in JavaScript). |
Form scopeWhen you send a form to your server, all the form fields which can be identified |
(by setting the name/id property) are accessible in this scope for further server-side |
processing. |
URL scopeAll url query params are stored in that scope |
this scopeInside a component the this refers to the component itself |
local scopeVariables declared inside a function using the local statement are encapsulated |
and only accessible inside that specific function (this is made to avoid pollution of other |
sopes) |
Arguments scopeArguments passed to a function inside a component declared by the |
cfargument tag are accessible with that scope |
Overview |
• |
Components and functions |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
variables |
this |
local |
arguments |
• |
Custom tags |
○ |
○ |
○ |
attributes |
thisTag |
caller |
• |
Global Scopes |
○ |
○ |
○ |
Server |
Application |
Session |
• |
Request Scopes |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
request |
variables |
form |
url |
cgi |
Read Scopes in Coldfusion online: https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/7864/scopes-in- |
coldfusion |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
38 |
Chapter 9: Variables |
Parameters |
Attribute Description |
name |
(Required) Name of the parameter/variable. |
default |
(Optional) Value to set parameter to if it does not exist. |
max |
min |
(Optional) The maximum valid value; used only for range validation. |
(Optional) The minimum valid value; used only for range validation. |
pattern |
(Optional) A JavaScript regular expression that the parameter must match; used |
only for regex or regular_expression validation. |
type |
(Optional) The valid format for the data. |
Examples |
Using cfset |
You can set a ColdFusion variable using the <cfset> tag. To output the variable, you need to |
surround the variable name with hash # symbols and enclose it within <cfoutput> tags. |
<cfset variablename="World!"> |
<cfoutput> |
Hello #variablename# |
</cfoutput> |
Using cfparam |
The <cfparam> tag creates a variable if it does not already exist. You can assign a default value |
using the default attribute. This can be used if you want to create a variable, but don't want to |
overwrite it if it has been previously created elsewhere. |
Here the variable hasn't been set previously, so it will be assigned with the <cfparam> tag. |
<cfparam name="firstName" default="Justin"> |
<cfoutput> |
Hello #firstName# |
</cfoutput> |
Here the variable has already been assigned using the <cfset> tag, so this value will override the |
default value in the <cfparam> tag. |
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39 |
<cfset firstname="Justin"> |
<cfparam name="firstName" default="Barney"> |
<cfoutput> |
Hello #firstName# |
</cfoutput> |
Checking if a Variable Exists |
You can check if a variable has been defined in a scope by using ColdFusion's built in |
StructKeyExists() function. This can be used inside a <cfif> tag to prevent error messages in the |
event you attempt to refer to a variable that does not exist. You can also use this function to |
determine whether a user has performed a certain action or not. The syntax for the function is |
StructKeyExists(structure, "key") |
The following example checks if the variable firstName exists in the variables scope. |
<cfif StructKeyExists(variables, "firstName")> |
Hello #variables.firstname#! |
<cfelse> |
Hello stranger! |
</cfif> |
Alternatively, you may use the function: |
isDefined("scopeName.varName") |
To avoid ambiguity, it is recommended to declare the scope. For example, If you have a variable |
in the scope test |
<cfset test.name = "Tracy" /> |
and you test for name in the global scope, you will get a result of true. |
isDefined("name") <!--- true ---> |
isDefined("x.name") <!--- false---> |
isDefined("test.name") <!--- true ---> |
Setting a variable scope |
It is a common practice to set application variables to an object scope. This keeps them easy to |
identify and distinguish from variables in other scopes. |
The Variables scope in a CFC is private to the CFC. When you set variables in this scope, they |
cannot be seen by pages that invoke the CFC. |
<cfparam name="variables.firstName" default="Timmy"> |
<cfset variables.firstName="Justin"> |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
40 |
Scopes shared with the calling page include: Form, URL, Request, CGI, Cookie, Client, Session, |
Application, Server, and Flash. Variables in these scopes are also available to all pages that are |
included by a CFC. |
CFC: |
<cfset url.sessionId="23b5ly17"> |
<cfinclude template="check_session.cfm"> |
check_session.cfm |
<cfif url.sessionId eq "23b5ly17"> |
<p>Welcome back!</p> |
</cfif> |
Read Variables online: https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/4904/variables |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
41 |
Chapter 10: Working with RegExp Replace |
callbacks |
Introduction |
If you want more than a simple string replacement with common regular expressions you certainly |
run into trouble and hit the wall when discovering the limits of the regex functions Coldfusion has. |
There is no build-in function like php's preg_replace_callback. |
Parameters |
Parameter Details |
re |
str |
The regular expression |
The string which should be applyed the the regex |
callback |
The function where the captured grouped will be passed in if a match was |
found. There the matches can be processed |
Remarks |
Because Coldfusion itself does not offer what we want, we make recourse to the variety of Java, |
which is — as we all know — on top of Coldfusion. Java offers us java.util.regex.Pattern. |
So here is what we actually do: |
1. |
2. |
3. |
Invoke the Compile method from the Pattern Class object and passing the regex pattern to it |
(which probably deposits the regex pattern for later use). |
Invoke the Matcher method on what the Compile method returned and passing the string |
where the pattern should be executed. |
Test if matching was successfull by invoking the find method on what the Matcher method |
returned. |
If matcher.find() returns true, we could say "That's it", but there is one little thing we have to |
consider: Java's Pattern object stores the groups and gives us access via another function, which |
is not always the best way for further processing and not that consistent regarding how other |
programming languages handle this case. Therefore we loop over matcher.group() so that we can |
pass an array containing the captured groups to the callback function. And now we can say: |
"That's it!" |
Examples |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
42 |
User defined REReplaceCallback function |
function REReplaceCallback(re,str,callback) { |
/* |
Thanks to Ben Nadel |
"Learning ColdFusion 8: REMatch() For Regular Expression Matching" |
from 2007-06-13 |
https://www.bennadel.com/blog/769-learning-coldfusion-8-rematch-for-regular- |
expression-matching.htm |
*/ |
pattern = CreateObject("java","java.util.regex.Pattern").Compile(Arguments.re); |
matcher = pattern.Matcher(Arguments.str); |
if(matcher.find()) { |
groups = []; |
for(var i = 1; i lte matcher.groupCount(); i++) { |
ArrayAppend(groups,matcher.group(Val(i))); |
} |
return Arguments.callback(groups); |
} |
else { |
return Arguments.callback(false); |
} |
} |
Using REReplaceCallback function |
REReplaceCallback('YOUR REGEX GOES HERE','AND YOUR STRING HERE',function(groups) { |
//now you can access the 'groups' array containing all the captured groups |
return result; //return whatever you've processed inside |
}); |
Read Working with RegExp Replace callbacks online: |
https://riptutorial.com/coldfusion/topic/10655/working-with-regexp-replace-callbacks |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
43 |
Credits |
S. |
No |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Chapters |
Contributors |
Getting started with |
coldfusion |
Adam Tuttle, Adrian J. Moreno, Community, Justin Duhaime, |
mhatch, RamenChef, shaedrich, Steven Benjamin, |
user3071284, William Giles |
Adrian J. Moreno, Bonanza, mhatch, RRK |
cfquery |
Bubblesphere, shaedrich |
ColdFusion Arrays |
4444, Justin Duhaime, mhatch, Mishra Shreyanshu, shaedrich |
Creating REST APIs |
in coldfusion |
shaedrich |
Database Queries |
Adam Tuttle, Leigh, mhatch, nosilleg, shaedrich, user3071284 |
How to invoke a |
private method |
dynamically |
Henry |
Scopes in Coldfusion |
James A Mohler, shaedrich |
Variables |
mhatch |
10 |
Working with |
RegExp Replace |
callbacks |
shaedrich |
https://riptutorial.com/ |
44 |