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The Code Challenge Book |
How to Ace the Coding Bootcamp |
Technical Interview |
By |
Daniel Borowski |
Coderbyte |
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Written by: Daniel Borowski | Coderbyte |
Last updated: October 10th, 2016 |
Cover image: By R. A. Nonenmacher (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC |
BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0)], via |
Wikimedia Commons [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3APascal's_Triangle_4_paths.svg] |
1. Introduction |
1.1. What is a coding bootcamp? |
1.2. What is the purpose of a coding challenge? |
1.3. Difference in coding challenges for coding bootcamps vs. job interviews |
1.4. How are coding challenges related to engineering problems? |
1.5. What you’ll learn in this book |
1.6. |
Skill level required for these challenges |
2. Basics |
2.1. |
2.2. |
Fundamental data structures you’ll need |
Big-O: How to analyze your algorithms |
Fizzbuzz |
Two sum problem |
Sum nested arrays |
Calculate angle on clock |
Is N a prime number |
Implement map and filter |
Remove characters from array from string |
Check if valid number of parenthesis |
First non-repeating character |
3. Practice |
3.1. |
3.2. |
3.3. |
3.4. |
3.5. |
3.6. |
3.7. |
3.8. |
3.9. |
3.10. Count words that have at least 3 continuous vowels |
3.11. Remove all adjacent matching characters |
3.12. Find majority element (element that appears more than n/2 times) |
3.13. Switching light bulbs problem |
3.14. List of integers that overlap in two ranges |
3.15. Return mean, median, and mode of array |
3.16. Encode consonants within a string |
3.17. Convert array of strings into an object |
3.18. Three sum problem |
4. Resources |
4.1. |
4.2. |
Personal help |
Interview preparation articles |
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PART 1 |
“Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like |
measuring aircraft building progress by weight.” |
- Bill Gates |
CHAPTER 1: Introduction |
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1.1. What is a coding bootcamp? |
A coding bootcamp is an intensive training program that teaches students computer programming |
over the span of several weeks. The goal of these bootcamps is to condense the concepts taught in a |
standard college computer science program into a crash course that focuses explicitly on the practical |
skills and knowledge they offer. That way, students are prepared for software engineering jobs |
immediately after they finish the program. There are close to one hundred coding bootcamps in the |
United States alone that focus on teaching software development, data science, and mobile |
application development.[1] And it’s not just the U.S. -- bootcamps are sprouting up all over the world, |
in countries like Portugal, Poland, France, and the U.K.[2] You can read more about bootcamps here: |
http://bit.ly/2eb7Xzf |
During the bootcamp, students follow a rigorous schedule that typically runs over the course of 8- |
12 weeks. It includes learning to code in a specific language, learning new software tools and |
methodology, studying algorithms, creating projects, working in groups, and other activities that are |
designed to prepare the student for the world of software engineering. On average, these bootcamps |
cost about $12,000 for the whole experience.[3] Their steep tuition costs are justified by the promise |
that graduates will be able to find exciting jobs with high salaries once they’re done. It can be a great |
option for someone with little to no coding experience who is looking to broaden their skills and |
transition into a new job. Once someone decides that this is the route they want to take, the first step |
is to complete an application online. One of the first challenges that person (you!) will face is the |
coding challenge. |
1.2. What is the purpose of a coding challenge? |
When applying for a software engineering position at a company, the employer is typically going to |
do more than look at your resume and schedule a short interview. They may ask you to solve a few |
technical challenges, either online or on a whiteboard. This is done in order to: |
1. Determine how well you can code. |
2. Gauge your problem-solving abilities when faced with a novel challenge. |
3. Figure out if you can work through a difficult problem under a time limit. |
4. See how you handle a situation if you are stuck or confused. |
Coding bootcamps follow the same model and typically ask their applicants to solve a few coding |
challenges at some point in the interview process. Below are a couple of sample bootcamp coding |
challenges: |
[1] Course Report Market Sizing Report 2016: http://bit.ly/296nHFr |
[2] Quora question about international coding bootcamps: http://bit.ly/2cRX0Em |
[3] Course Report Market Sizing Report 2016: http://bit.ly/296nHFr |
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You have been given a list of words. Write a program that will take this list and return a new list with |
all duplicate words removed. |
You have been given a number. Write a program that will determine if this number is a prime number |
or not. |
During the interview, you will most likely have the option of asking questions to clarify your |
understanding of the problem. You will then be asked to give a high-level explanation of how you will |
work through the problem followed by writing a solution on the whiteboard or in a Word document. |
Afterwards, you will most likely discuss your code with the interviewer who may ask questions like |
why you wrote it in such a way, whether it will work for a given input, or how it might be made more |
efficient. |
In the end, you will (hopefully) have written a program that does what it’s supposed to and the |
interviewer will (hopefully) have gained an understanding of how you think when presented with a |
challenging problem, how you react to any issues that may arise, and whether you are adept at |
explaining your thought processes. |
1.3. |
Coding bootcamp interviews vs. job interviews |
As mentioned, most coding bootcamps follow the same model for interviews as companies looking to |
recruitcandidates for coding jobs. These positions usually go by one of the following names: |
• Software Engineer |
• Software Developer |
• Front-end Developer/Engineer |
• Back-end Developer/Engineer |
• Web Developer |
• Programmer |
• |
(Insert programming language here) developer |
While the interview models may be similar, the questions asked in bootcamp interviews are going |
to be very different than those asked in interviews for engineering positions at companies like |
Google, for instance. When applying to a coding job at a company, the questions will typically be |
more complex. They may require knowledge in several domains of computer science, including data |
structures, algorithms, systems design, mathematical optimization, and statistics. They may also |
require much more code to actually solve the problem. |
Below are some examples of challenges you may encounter at large technology companies like |
Google or Microsoft: |
Find the largest common subtree within two binary search trees. Solve this problem in linear time if |
you can. |
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How would you sort a 1 terabyte file of people’s names if your RAM is limited to 4 gigabytes? What |
data structures would you use? |
You may be asking yourself: does the ability to solve these challenges mean someone is a good |
programmer? What if they can solve the problems but don’t work great under the pressure of a time |
constraint? What if they just studied the solutions to a hundred coding challenges a few days before |
the interview but couldn’t actually solve them on their own? Some members of the programming |
community are very critical of the “the technical interview,” and there are plenty of articles, blog |
posts, and sites online that explain why these types of challenges may be flawed for determing |
whether someone is actually a good programmer.[1] Feel free to read the resources listed in the |
footnote on this topic, but know that as of now, you will most likely encounter coding challenges |
when applying to coding bootcamps and companies for engineering positions. |
1.4. How are coding challenges related to engineering problems? |
Coding challenges are meant to be representative of real software engineering tasks that may arise in |
everyday programming. While coding challenges in interviews are meant to be solved within a few |
minutes and with limited code, they can still be related to solutions for real engineering issues. Here |
are some examples of how interview questions can be related to real engineering and development |
problems: |
• You may be asked to write a program that sorts a list of objects by name or age. In a real- |
world situation, you may have an application that presents user data to an admin that must |
then be filtered and sorted in different ways. |
• You may be asked to write a program that quickly determines what object in a list was created |
last and then removes it. This can be related to an application that presents events happening |
in real-time and needs to quickly change or remove the latest event. |
• You may be asked to write a program that removes duplicate elements from a list. This can be |
related to a program that stores a birthday wishlist and prevents duplicate entries from being |
displayed if an original entry for an item already exists in the list. |
As mentioned, coding challenges for bootcamp interviews are generally easier than coding |
challenges you may get in a job interview. For a bootcamp, knowledge of basic logic, simple looping, |
data structures such as arrays and objects, and an understanding of functional programming may be |
enough to pass. The challenges may be presented in a way that requires you to make use of different |
data structures and then combine them, along with several different lines of logical statements. This |
is to see if you have a basic grasp of programming, problem solving, and logical thinking. |
[1] Google search for programmers and coding interviews: http://bit.ly/2dNSJ7j |
In a job interview however, the coding challenges can be a bit harder and they may require use of |
more advanced data structures, complex algorithms, and clever insights to solve. We will cover some |
questions that can be asked in job interviews later on in the book, and you will see how they differ |
from coding challenges typically asked in coding bootcamp admissions. Understanding and being able |
to solve both types of coding challenges will prove to be incredibly useful in your coding education. |
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1.5. What you’ll learn in this book |
From here on in, this book will provide you with some basic code examples and explanations. It will |
then list several different coding challenges that are a combination of the following topics: |
• Fundamental data structures |
• Working with hashtables |
• Looping through arrays |
• Functional programming |
Every question will have an explanation detailing how to approach the problem and figure out a |
high-level solution, followed by the presentation of a working code solution. Some of the challenges |
will begin with a brute-force solution and then will slowly be modified towards a more efficient |
program. All of the challenges will have working solutions in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. |
My ultimate goal is not for you to memorize a bunch of solutions to common challenges. Instead, |
my goal is for you to learn how to approach coding challenges so that you can figure out what they |
are asking and what data structures and algorithms you need to solve them. Actually learning to code |
the solutions to problems takes time, practice, and a good grasp of the programming language you |
are using. In this book I hope to teach you common themes between most coding challenges and |
show you how specific data structures and algorithms can be used to solve almost every single |
challenge. |
1.6. |
Skill level required for these challenges |
This book is intended for people who understand the basic syntax of JavaScript, Python, and/or Ruby, |
and have done some coding in one of those langauges. It will be easier to understand the challenge |
solutions if you have an understanding of the following topics: |
• Loops |
• Arrays |
• String manipulation |
• Objects and accessing different properties |
• Hash tables |
• Basic math functions (e.g. ceiling, floor, modulo) |
If you still need to brush up on these topics in any of the three languages listed above, below are |
some resources you may find helpful: |
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JavaScript |
1. http://eloquentjavascript.net (especially chapters 1, 3, 4 and 5) |
2. https://coderbyte.com/course/learn-javascript-in-one-week (refresher in JavaScript basics) |
3. https://www.codecademy.com/learn/javascript (if you’re brand new to JavaScript) |
4. https://teamtreehouse.com/library/javascript-basics |
Python |
1. https://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ |
2. https://coderbyte.com/course/learn-python-in-one-week |
3. https://www.codecademy.com/learn/python (if you’re brand new to Python) |
4. http://www.learnpython.org/ (small tutorials with code samples you can run online) |
Ruby |
1. http://tryruby.org/levels/1/ (fun interactive site to learn Ruby) |
2. https://coderbyte.com/course/learn-ruby-in-one-week |
3. https://www.codecademy.com/learn/ruby (if you’re brand new to Ruby) |
4. https://learnrubythehardway.org/book/ |
All of the challenges in Chapter 3 will be on a scale similar to the easy and medium challenges on |
Coderbyte (https://coderbyte.com/challenges). The only exception is the last challenge, or the “Three |
sum” problem. This one is a bit harder than the rest, but is a good challenge to study for a couple of |
reasons. It’s an example of a challenge where a basic solution is easy to see at first (i.e., writing a few |
nested loops) but which can be improved by some clever manipulation of data structures and inputs |
to produce a much faster solution. |
CHAPTER 2: Basics |
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2.1. |
Fundamental data structures you’ll need for the bootcamp coding challenge |
Array |
A data structure is a way of organizing data in a computer. A simple example of a data structure you |
may be familiar with already is the array. An array allows you to create and store a list of elements in |
some specific order for access later on. In some languages, the elements all have to be of the same |
type (e.g., string, integers, etc.), but in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby, you can have an array that stores |
elements of different types. |
Hash Table |
The second most important data structure for coding challenges may very well be the hash table (also |
known as an ‘associate array’ or ‘hash map’). It is a data structure that maps keys to values in an |
efficient way. Elements in hash tables are not necessarily stored in the order they are added; instead, |
they are accessed by their given keys. If you were checking for the existence of a certain item within |
an array, you would have to write a loop that checks every element in it and stops once the desired |
element was found. Even the built-in functions (e.g., indexOf in JavaScript, in in Python, include? in |
Ruby) that do this for us are written in a way that actually loops through the array. A hash table on |
the other hand does not need to loop to check if an element exists because the values are associated |
with given keys.[1] This means that a hash table lookup and insertion will run in constant time (more |
on this later).[2] |
Object |
An object allows you to group together properties such as variables, arrays, and even other data |
structures and keep all of them in a sort of “container.” In Python and Ruby, you first create a class |
which acts as a blueprint, and then you can instantiate objects based on the class. For example, you |
can create a Car class which will list all possible properties of a car, and then you can create several |
different Car objects. In JavaScript, this process is very similar except you do not create a class and |
then instantiate objects; rather, one object will act as the “root” (or prototype) object and then you |
can make copies of that object. |
2.2. What is Big-O? |
One main aspect of computer science and programming is analyzing the speed at which our programs |
run given certain inputs. For example, imagine you wrote a program that reads in an array of names, |
sorts the array into alphabetical order, and then returns the result. If your program is given an array |
of 10 names, it most likely runs in less than half a second. But how long would it take for your |
program to run with 100,000 names, or even 1 million names? This is where the analysis of |
[1] What is a HashTable Data Structure Youtube Video: http://bit.ly/2dZ5Q3E |
[2] Stack Overflow posts about hash tables and running time: http://bit.ly/2dxFHFF and http://bit.ly/2dm1mD5 |
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algorithms and Big-O comes into play. There are a ton of great resources out there that explain in |
rigorous detail how Big-O works both theoretically and practically, but I’ll provide a short explanation |
so that later on you can have an understanding of the difference between a code solution that runs in |
O(n2) vs. O(n). |
Big-O is basically a tool that allows us to measure how algorithms respond to changes in input. |
In other words, how does the algorithm perform if the input n is very small versus if n is extremely |
large? The syntax for using Big-O is to use a variable (usually the letter n) which represents the length |
of the input, and place it within parentheses. Given that O(n) means that the algorithms grows |
linearly with the input, you can imagine that we must perform a computational “step” for every |
element in the input. So if n represents an array with 100 elements, then our algorithm will perform |
about 100 steps. If n now grows to 100,000 elements, our algorithm will perform 100,000 steps. |
Now imagine we have an algorithm that runs in O(n2). If n represents an array with 100 |
elements, our algorithm will perform about 10,000 steps before finishing (1002 = 10,000). If n now |
grows to 100,000 elements, our algorithm will need to perform about 10,000,000,000 steps before |
finishing! Now you can see the extreme difference between O(n) and O(n2) when n is equal to |
100,000 elements. Now let’s say that each computational “step” takes about 1 millisecond to run (in |
reality, the time it takes to perform a simple computation is much faster than 1 millisecond on a |
modern computer). If the input n is equal to an array with 100,000 elements, the O(n) time algorithm |
will finishing running in about 100 seconds (1 millisecond * 100,000), while the O(n2) algorithm will |
need about 115 days before it finishes running. Given the option to choose an algorithm that runs in |
O(n) or O(n 2), we should absolutely always choose O(n). |
You can see a table of commonly used Big-O expressions here: http://bit.ly/2e2YlpC, and here |
is a good introductory article on the basics of Big-O: http://bit.ly/1PzbnX4. |
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PART 2 |
“One of my most productive days was throwing |
away 1,000 lines of code.” |
- Ken Thompson |
CHAPTER 3: Practice |
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3.1. |
Fizz buzz |
We will start off with the infamous Fizz buzz challenge. This challenge has been used frequently in the |
past as an initial coding challenge to filter out people who cannot write a simple solution. The general |
problem is: |
Print out all the numbers from 1 to 100. But for every number divisible by 3 print replace it with the |
word “Fizz,” for any number divisible by 5 replace it with the word “Buzz” and for a number divisible |
by both 3 and 5 replace it with the word “FizzBuzz.” |
So your program should output: |
1 |
2 |
Fizz |
4 |
Buzz |
Fizz |
7 |
. |
. |
. |
Let us examine how we can solve this problem. The first thing we notice is that we will definitely need |
to write a loop because the problem asks us to print numbers within a range. Then we need to check |
every number we encounter whether it is divisible by 3, 5, or 3 and 5. This means we’ll most likely |
need at least 3 conditional statements. To check if a number is divisible by some number X we will be |
using the modulo operator.[1] Then we need to either directly print the numbers, or we can store all |
of the numbers in an array and then return the final array. Below is a sample solution with some |
comments: |
[1] Stack Overflow post explaining how to use the modulo operator: http://bit.ly/2dxq9Ss |
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JavaScript |
function fizzbuzz(n) { |
// we will store the resulting numbers within an array |
let result = []; |
// loop from 1 to n |
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) { |
let add = ''; |
// check if there is a remainder when dividing by 3, if not |
// then we know this number is divisible by 3 |
if (i % 3 === 0) { add += 'Fizz'; } |
// check if divisible by 5 |
if (i % 5 === 0) { add += 'Buzz'; } |
// not divisible by either 3 or 5 |
if (add === '') { result.push(i); } |
else { result.push(add); } |
} |
return result; |
} |
Python |
def fizzbuzz(n): |
# we will store the resulting numbers within an array |
result = [] |
# loop from 1 to n |
for i in range(1, n + 1): |
add = '' |
# check if there is a remainder when dividing by 3, if not |
# then we know this number is divisible by 3 |
if i % 3 == 0: |
add += 'Fizz' |
# check if divisible by 5 |
if i % 5 == 0: |
add += 'Buzz' |
# not divisible by either 3 or 5 |
if add == '': |
result.append(i) |
else: |
result.append(add) |
return result |
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Ruby |
def fizzbuzz(n) |
# we will store the resulting numbers within an array |
result = [] |
# loop from 1 to n |
(1..n).each do |i| |
add = '' |
# check if there is a remainder when dividing by 3, if not |
# then we know this number is divisible by 3 |
if i % 3 == 0 |
add += 'Fizz' |
end |
# check if divisible by 5 |
if i % 5 == 0 |
add += 'Buzz' |
end |
# not divisible by either 3 or 5 |
if add == '' |
result.push(i) |
else |
result.push(add) |
end |
end |
return result |
end |
3.2. |
Two sum problem |
The two sum problem is a classic coding interview question asked at both coding bootcamps and job |
interviews. The problem is as follows: |
You are given an array and some number S. Determine if any two numbers within the array sum to S. |
We’ll first cover the most intuitive way to solve this problem. That is to simply loop through the array |
and for each element check if there is a second element that when both are summed are equal to S. |
This will require us to write a nested loop.[1] This solution will run in O(n2) time though because of the |
nested loop. We can actually do better and write an algorithm that runs only in O(n) time but uses |
some extra space. |
[1] Post on “Why are nested loops considered bad practice?” http://bit.ly/2dL7w08 |
We will use a hash table where insertion and lookup run in constant O(1) time. As we loop through |
the array we add each element into a hash table. Then we check to see if S minus the current |
elements exists in the hash table as we are looping. |
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JavaScript |
function twoSum(arr, S) { |
let hashTable = {}; |
// check each element in array |
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { |
// calculate S - current element |
let sumMinusElement = S - arr[i]; |
// check if this number exists in hash table |
if (hashTable[sumMinusElement] !== undefined) { |
return true; |
} |
// add the current number to the hash table |
hashTable[arr[i]] = true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
Python |
def twoSum(arr, S): |
hashTable = {} |
# check each element in array |
for i in range(0, len(arr)): |
# calculate S minus current element |
sumMinusElement = S - arr[i] |
# check if this number exists in hash table |
if sumMinusElement in hashTable: |
return True |
# add the current number to the hash table |
hashTable[arr[i]] = True |
return False |
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Ruby |
def twoSum(arr, s) |
hashTable = Hash.new |
# check each element in array |
arr.each_with_index do |v, i| |
# calculate s minus current element |
sumMinusElement = s - arr[i] |
# check if this number exists in hash table |
if hashTable.key?(sumMinusElement) |
return true |
end |
# add the current number to the hash table |
hashTable[arr[i]] = true |
end |
return false |
end |
3.3. |
Calculcate the sum of nested arrays |
This problem asks you to sum up all of the numbers within an array, but the array may also contains |
other arrays with numbers. This is what we call a nested array. For example: |
[1, 1, 1, [3, 4, [8]], [5]] |
is a nested array and summing all the elements should produce 23. We will solve this problem by |
implementing a recursive function where if an array is encountered within an array, we simply sum all |
of the inner arrays elements and then add that to the final result. For example, with the code solution |
below applied to the above array, the following steps would take place: |
1. result = 1 |
2. result = 1 + 1 = 2 |
3. result = 2 + 1 = 3 |
4. result = 3 + sumNested([3, 4, [8]]) |
4.1. |
4.2. |
4.3. |
result = 3 |
result = 3 + 4 |
result = 7 + sumNested([8]) |
4.3.1. result = 8 |
5. result = 3 + 15 = 18 |
6. result = 18 + sumNested([5]) |
result = 5 |
6.1. |
7. result = 18 + 5 = 23 |
The algorithm below simply loops through the entire array, and if a nested array is encounterd, it |
loops through all of its elements as well. The running time of this algorithm is therefore O(n) where n |
is the length of the entire list of elements. |
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JavaScript |
function sumNested(arr) { |
let result = 0; |
// sum up all the numbers in array |
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { |
// if element is a nested array, sum all of its elements |
if (typeof arr[i] !== 'number') { |
result += sumNested(arr[i]); |
} else { |
result += arr[i]; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
Python |
def sumNested(arr): |
result = 0 |
# sum up all the numbers in array |
for i in range(0, len(arr)): |
# if element is a nested array, sum all of its elements |
if type(arr[i]) is not int: |
result += sumNested(arr[i]) |
else: |
result += arr[i] |
return result |
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Ruby |
def sumNested(arr) |
result = 0 |
# sum up all the numbers in array |
arr.each_with_index do |val, i| |
# if element is a nested array, sum all of its elements |
if !val.instance_of? Fixnum |
result += sumNested(val) |
else |
result += val |
end |
end |
return result |
end |
3.4. |
Calculcate the angle on a clock |
This problem asks you to determine the angle between the to hands on a clock. For example, if the |
minute hand is on the 3 and the hour hand is on the 12, then this forms a 90 degree angle. If the hour |
hand is slightly past the 2 and the minute hand is on the 4, then the angle formed between the hands |
is 50 degrees (image below for reference [Clock angle problem on Wikipedia: http://bit.ly/2dxFmmt]). |
We will solve this problem by first calculating the angles for the hour hand and minute hand |
separately. The minute hand is the easiest and that is simply: |
Minute hand angle = 6 * minutes |
because there are 360 degrees total on the clock and there are a total of 60 minutes, so 360 / 60 = 6 |
degrees per minute. The hour hand is a bit trickier because it moves slightly every time the minute |
hand moves. Therefore, to calculate the angle of the hour hand we need to take into account how |
much the minute hand has moved. |
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First, we can perform the same calculcation we did above but with different values. The hour hand |
moves around the entire clock after 12 hours, of 720 minutes, which gives us 360 / 720 = 0.5 per |
minute. We also need to account for how much the minute hand has moved. The full equation is |
below: |
Hour hand angle = 0.5 * change in minutes = 0.5 * (60 * hour + minutes) |
The angle between these two hands will therefore be the absolute value of the hour hand angle |
minus the minute hand angle. But one caveat, and that is if the number is greater than 180 degrees |
we actually need to subtract the value from 360 because the hands are on the opposite side of the |
clock. |
JavaScript |
function clockAngle(hour, min) { |
var h = 0.5 * (60 * hour + min); |
var m = 6 * min; |
var angle = Math.abs(h - m); |
return (angle > 180) ? 360 - angle : angle; |
} |
Python |
def clockAngle(hour, mins): |
h = 0.5 * (60 * hour + mins) |
m = 6 * mins |
angle = abs(h - m) |
if angle > 180: |
return 360 - angle |
else: |
return angle |
Ruby |
def clockAngle(hour, min) |
h = 0.5 * (60 * hour + min) |
m = 6 * min |
angle = (h - m).abs |
if angle > 180 |
return 360 - angle |
else |
return angle |
end |
end |
21 |
3.5. Determine if N is a prime number |
This is a classic coding questins that asks you to write a program to determine whether or not some |
input N is a prime number. A prime number is a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself. The first |
few prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, … |
The simplest way to solve this challenge is to first see that the only way for a number to be a |
prime is for it to have no divisors between 2 and itself. For example, to check if 9 is prime you would |
check if 9 is divisible by 2, if 9 is divisible by 3, etc. To check if a number is exactly divisible by some |
other number we are going to using the modulo operation to see if there is a remainder after the |
divison. For example, 9 modulo 2 gives us 1, but then 9 % 3 is 0 so we know that 9 is not a prime |
number because it is divisble by 3. |
The solution for this problem would therefore be structured the following way: Write a loop |
from 2 to N to check if (N modulo x), where x is every number we are checking, is equal to 0. If so, |
then the number is prime, otherwise it is not. But there is a tiny detail we can implement to make the |
algorithm run a bit faster. The detail is that if N is not a prime number, then there are two numbers |
when multipled give N: a * b = N. The detail is that one of the numbers, a or b, will always be less |
than the square root of N.[1] With this detail in mind, we don’t need to loop from 2 to N now, we can |
simply loop from 2 to the square root of N. The running time will therefore be O(√n). |
JavaScript |
function isprime(n) { |
// all numbers less than 2 are not primes |
if (n < 2) { return false; } |
// loop from 2 to sqrt(n) |
for (let i = 2; i <= Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(n)); i++) { |
// check if (n mod i) is equal to 0, if so then there are |
// two numbers, a and b, that can multiply to give n |
if (n % i === 0) { return false; } |
} |
return true; |
} |
[1] Stack Overflow post and comment on “Calculcating and printing the Nth prime number” http://bit.ly/2e7gzLi |
22 |
Python |
import math |
def isprime(n): |
# all numbers less than 2 are not primes |
if n < 2: |
return False |
# loop from 2 to sqrt(n) |
for i in range(2, int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(n)))): |
# check if (n mod i) is equal to 0, if so then there are |
# two numbers, a and b, that can multiply to give n |
if n % i == 0: |
return False |
return True |
Ruby |
def isprime(n) |
# all numbers less than 2 are not primes |
return false if n < 2 |
# loop from 2 to sqrt(n) |
(2..Math.sqrt(n).round).each do |i| |
# check if (n mod i) is equal to 0, if so then there are |
# two numbers, a and b, that can multiply to give n |
return false if n % i == 0 |
end |
return true |
end |
23 |
3.6. |
Implement map and filter |
Map and filter are common functional programming methods that you’ve most likely used when |
coding. They are both functions that take in a list, perform some operation on that list without |
changing the original list, and then return a new lists. The functions do not change any other variables |
and do not touch anything else except those lists they were given. JavaScript, Python, and Ruby all |
have their own built-in versions of these functions, but we are going to impement our own. |
Map works by taking a list and a function, and it applies the function to each element in the list and |
returns a new list. For example, you may want to square every number in an array or append a string |
to every element in an array. We want an implementation where we can pass in two parameters, one |
being the array and the second being some function that will be mapped onto every element. |
Filter works by taking a list and a conditional statement, and it returns a new list where every |
element in the original list passes the conditional (returns true). For example, you may have a list of |
ages and you want a new list of ages where each one is between 21 and 35. We want an |
implementation where, similar to the map function, we pass in a list and a function that contains |
within it a conditional statement. |
Some extra resources on functional methods are listed below: |
JavaScript |
http://cryto.net/~joepie91/blog/2015/05/04/functional-programming-in-javascript-map-filter- |
reduce/ |
Python |
http://blog.lerner.co.il/implementing-map-reduce/ |
Ruby |
https://mauricio.github.io/2015/01/12/implementing-enumerable-in-ruby.html |
http://augustl.com/blog/2008/procs_blocks_and_anonymous_functions/ |
24 |
JavaScript |
function map(arr, fn) { |
let result = []; |
// apply the function to each element and store the result |
for (let i of arr) { |
let applied = fn(i); |
result.push(applied); |
} |
return result; |
} |
// usage |
let square = (x) => x * x; |
let addZeros = (x) => parseInt(x += '00'); |
map([1, 2, 3, 4], square); // => [1, 4, 9, 16] |
map([1, 2, 3, 4], addZeros); // => [100, 200, 300, 400] |
function filter(arr, fn) { |
let result = []; |
// pass the element to the function and check |
// if the result comes back true |
for (let i of arr) { |
let check = fn(i); |
if (check) { result.push(i); } |
} |
return result; |
} |
// usage |
let isPositive = (x) => x > 0; |
filter([-2, 4, 5, 8, -44, -6], isPositive); // => [4, 5, 8] |
25 |
Python |
def map(arr, fn): |
result = [] |
# apply the function to each element and store the result |
for i in arr: |
applied = fn(i) |
result.append(applied) |
return result |
# usage |
square = lambda x: x * x |
addZeros = lambda x: int(str(x) + '00') |
map([1, 2, 3, 4], square) # => [1, 4, 9, 16] |
map([1, 2, 3, 4], addZeros) # => [100, 200, 300, 400] |
def filter(arr, fn): |
result = [] |
# pass the element to the function and check |
# if the result comes back true |
for i in arr: |
check = fn(i) |
if check: |
result.append(i) |
return result |
# usage |
isPositive = lambda x: x > 0 |
filter([-2, 4, 5, 8, -44, -6], isPositive); # => [4, 5, 8] |
26 |
Ruby |
def map(arr, fn) |
result = [] |
# apply the function to each element and store the result |
arr.each do |i| |
applied = fn.call(i) |
result.push(applied) |
end |
return result |
end |
square = lambda { |x| x * x } |
addZeros = lambda { |x| x.to_s + '00' } |
p map([1, 2, 3, 4], square) # => [1, 4, 9, 16] |
p map([1, 2, 3, 4], addZeros) # => [100, 200, 300, 400] |
def filter(arr, fn) |
result = [] |
# pass the element to the function and check |
# if the result comes back true |
arr.each do |i| |
check = fn.call(i) |
if check |
result.push(i) |
end |
end |
return result |
end |
# usage |
isPositive = lambda { |x| x > 0 } |
p filter([-2, 4, 5, 8, -44, -6], isPositive); # => [4, 5, 8] |
27 |
3.7. |
Remove set of characters from a string |
These types of challenges are very common for people learning to code. The problem description is: |
You are given an array of characters and a string S. Write a function to return the string S with all the |
characters from the array removed. |
The first thing to notice is that we’ll need to loop through the entire string S and loop through the |
array of characters because we’ll need to find the characters to actually remove from the string. |
There are two ways to construct the loops: |
1. Loop through the array of characters and for each chracter, find all of the occurences in S and |
remove them. |
2. Loop through the string S and if the current character exists in the array of characters |
somewhere, remove it. |
We’re going to go with the second option because we can improve the algorithm by actually storing |
all of the characters in the array in a hash table. This will allow us to loop through the string S and |
determine if the current character needs to be removed by checking if it exists in the hash table. |
Remember from before, checking if an element exists in a hash table is done in constant time so the |
running time of our algorithm will be O(n) where n is the length of the string S plus some |
preprocessing where we loop through the array of characters and store them in a hash table. |
JavaScript |
function removeChars(arr, string) { |
// store characters of arr in a hash table |
var hashTable = {}; |
for (let c of arr) { |
hashTable[c] = true; |
} |
// loop through the string and check if the character exists in |
// the hash table, if so, do not add it to the result string |
let result = ''; |
for (let c of string) { |
if (hashTable[c] === undefined) { |
result += c; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
// usage |
removeChars(['h', 'e', 'w', 'o'], "hello world"); // => "ll rld" |
28 |
Python |
def removeChars(arr, string): |
# store characters of arr in a hash table |
hashTable = {} |
for c in arr: |
hashTable[c] = True |
# loop through the string and check if the character exists in |
# the hash table, if so, do not add it to the result string |
result = '' |
for c in string: |
if c not in hashTable: |
result += c |
return result |
# usage |
print removeChars(['h', 'e', 'w', 'o'], 'hello world') # => "ll rld" |
Ruby |
def removeChars(arr, string) |
# store characters of arr in a hash table |
hashTable = Hash.new |
arr.each { |c| hashTable[c] = true } |
# loop through the string and check if the character exists in |
# the hash table, if so, do not add it to the result string |
result = '' |
string.split('').each do |c| |
if !hashTable.key?(c) |
result += c |
end |
end |
return result |
end |
# usage |
puts removeChars(['h', 'e', 'w', 'o'], 'hello world') # => "ll rld" |
3.8. |
Check if valid number of parenthesis |
This problem asks you to determine if there is a valid number of matching parenthsis in a string, or |
more formally: |
You are given a string with the symbols ( and ) and you need to write a function that will determine if |
the parenthsis are correctly nested in the string which means every opening ( has a closing ) |
There are countless ways to actually nest parenthsis and have them be valid, for example: |
29 |
() |
(()) |
()()() |
((()())) |
Below are examples of some invalid matchings: |
(() |
(((( |
())() |
()()()) |
The first thing to notice is that it doesn’t matter how many parenthesis we actually have, what |
matters is that every single opening parenthsis “(“ at some point has a closing parenthesis “).” What |
we can do to solve this challenge is to maintain a counter and every single time we encounter an |
opening symbol we add 1 to it. Then every time we encounter a closing symbol we remove 1. If all |
opening symbols have a matching symbol at some point in the string, the end result of the counter |
should be 0. If it is more or less we’ll know that all parenthesis aren’t properly matched. You can see |
that for the first 4 examples above, if we maintain a counter we will end up at 0 once we reach the |
end of the string. |
JavaScript |
function matchingParens(string) { |
let counter = 0; |
for (let c of string) { |
if (c === '(') { counter += 1; } |
if (c === ')') { counter -= 1; } |
} |
return (counter === 0) ? true : false; |
} |
30 |
Python |
def matchingParens(string): |
counter = 0 |
for c in string: |
if c == '(': |
counter += 1r |
elif c == ')': |
counter -= 1 |
if counter == 0: |
return True |
else: |
return False |
Ruby |
def matchingParens(string) |
counter = 0 |
string.split('').each do |c| |
if c == '(' |
counter += 1 |
elsif c == ')' |
counter -= 1 |
end |
end |
if counter == 0 |
return true |
else |
return false |
end |
end |
31 |
3.9. |
First non-repeating character |
For this challenge you are given a string and you should return the first character that is unique in the |
entire string. For example: |
• |
If string is “hello henry” then the first non-repeating character is the letter “o” because |
the first three characters in the string appear multiple times. |
A simple solution to this challenge is to loop through the string, and for each character, loop |
through the rest of the string and check if that character appears somewhere else. Then return the |
first character that does not appear anywhere in the string except the current location. This solution |
will run in O(n2) though because of the nested loop, so there is definitely room for improvement. |
We need to somehow store the letters and their frequencies in a data structure that’ll allow |
us to check how many times a specific character occurred. To solve this challenge, we’ll first loop |
through the string once and maintain a hash table that stores the count of each character. Then we’ll |
loop through the string again and return the first character we encounter that has a count of 1 in the |
hash table, meaning it occurs only once in the string. This algorithm will run in O(2n) because we are |
looping through the string twice, and this reduces to O(n) because we drop the constant,[1] which is |
much faster than the nested loop algorithm from above. |
JavaScript |
function firstNonrepChar(string) { |
let hashTable = {}; |
// store each character in the hash table with |
// the frequency of times it occurs |
for (let c of string) { |
if (hashTable[c] === undefined) { |
hashTable[c] = 1; |
} else { |
hashTable[c] += 1; |
} |
} |
// loop through string and return the first character |
// with a count of 1 in the hash table |
for (let c of string) { |
if (hashTable[c] === 1) { |
return c; |
} |
} |
// return -1 if no unique character exists |
return -1; |
} |
[1] Stack Overflow post on “Why is the constant always dropped from Big-O analysis?” http://bit.ly/2dNSM2X |
32 |
Python |
def firstNonrepChar(string): |
hashTable = {} |
# store each character in the hash table with |
# the frequency of times it occurs |
for c in string: |
if c not in hashTable: |
hashTable[c] = 1 |
else: |
hashTable[c] += 1 |
# loop through string and return the first character |
# with a count of 1 in the hash table |
for c in string: |
if hashTable[c] == 1: |
return c |
# return -1 if no unique character exists |
return -1 |
Ruby |
def firstNonrepChar(string) |
hashTable = {} |
# store each character in the hash table with |
# the frequency of times it occurs |
string.split('').each do |c| |
if !hashTable.key?(c) |
hashTable[c] = 1 |
else |
hashTable[c] += 1 |
end |
end |
# loop through string and return the first character |
# with a count of 1 in the hash table |
string.split('').each do |c| |
if hashTable[c] == 1 |
return c |
end |
end |
# return -1 if no unique character exists |
return -1 |
end |
3.10. Count words that have at least 3 continuous vowels |
This challenge will require us to take a string, separate it into words, and then loop through the words |
and count how many words have at least 3 vowels. This will require us to first convert a string into an |
array of words, then loop through that array and for each word loop through its characters and |
determine how many vowels exist in it and whether or not they are all adjacent to each other. There |
are two ways we can count the number or vowels within a word: |
33 |
1. Loop through the string and maintain a counter. |
2. Perform a regular expression search that counts the vowels. |
We are going to go with the second method of using a regular expression (regex) to count the vowels |
in a word and determine whether they are continuous. I’ll leave solving this challenge via the first |
method as an exercise for the reader. The solution below splits the string into an array of words and |
then loops through that array applying a regex search on each word. A regex search words by trying |
to find a search pattern within a string.[1] The search pattern we will be using is to search for a set of |
characters, the vowes in this case, and check whether at least 3 of them occur next to each other. |
JavaScript |
function threeVowels(string) { |
// split string into array of words |
let arr = string.split(' '); |
let count = 0; |
// this is the pattern we will be searching for |
// more on regex patterns here: https://mzl.la/1bMbpXP |
const pattern = /[aeiou]{3,}/gi; |
// loop through array of words |
for (let word of arr) { |
if (word.match(pattern) !== null) { |
count += 1; |
} |
} |
return count; |
} |
[1] What is a Regular Expression? http://bit.ly/2dL7WUh |
34 |
Python |
import re |
def threeVowels(string): |
# split string into array of words |
arr = string.split(' ') |
count = 0 |
# this is the pattern we will be searching for |
# more on regex patterns here: http://bit.ly/RGnLh4 |
# loop through array of words |
for word in arr: |
if re.search(r'[aeiou]{3,}', word) != None: |
count += 1 |
return count |
Ruby |
def threeVowels(string) |
# split string into array of words |
arr = string.split(' ') |
count = 0 |
# this is the pattern we will be searching for |
# more on regex patterns here: http://bit.ly/2dAvCZl |
pattern = /[aeiou]{3,}/ |
# loop through array of words |
arr.each do |word| |
if pattern.match(word) != nil |
count += 1 |
end |
end |
return count |
end |
35 |
3.11. Remove all adjacent matching characters |
This challenge asks you to remove all matching adjacent pairs of letters from a string and return the |
modified string. For example, if the string is “aaagykkok” then your program would return |
“agyok” because “aa” and “kk” had been removed. |
The first thing to notice is that we can create a simple loop that checks each character in the |
string and checks if it is equal to the character right after it, if so, it skips both characters. It does this |
for every character with a special case added to check if the end of the string has been reached |
(because at the last character, we cannot check if it is equal to the next character because there is no |
next character once it reaches the end of the string). |
JavaScript |
function removePairs(string) { |
// new string that will be returned |
let result = ''; |
// loop through entire string |
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { |
// if on last character |
if (i === string.length - 1) { |
result += string[i]; |
} |
// characters are not equal then add to new string |
else if (string[i] !== string[i + 1]) { |
result += string[i]; |
} |
// if adjacent characters are equal to each other |
// skip the next character entirely |
else { |
i += 1; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
36 |
Python |
def removePairs(string): |
# new string that will be returned |
result = '' |
i = 0 |
# loop through entire string |
while i < len(string): |
# if on last character |
if i == len(string) - 1: |
result += string[i] |
# characters are not equal then add to new string |
elif string[i] != string[i + 1]: |
result += string[i] |
# if adjacent characters are equal to each other |
# skip the next character entirely |
else: |
i += 1 |
i += 1 |
return result |
Ruby |
def removePairs(string) |
# new string that will be returned |
result = '' |
i = 0 |
# loop through entire string |
while i < string.length do |
# if on last character |
if i == string.length - 1 |
result += string[i] |
# characters are not equal then add to new string |
elsif string[i] != string[i + 1] |
result += string[i] |
# if adjacent characters are equal to each other |
# skip the next character entirely |
else |
i += 1 |
end |
i += 1 |
end |
return result |
end |
37 |
3.12. Find the majority element (element that appears more than n/2 times) |
Finding the majority element in an array involves finding an element that appears strictly more than |
n/2 times where n is the size of the array. For example, in the array [1, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5] the |
element 5 appears 4 times and n/2 = 6/2 = 3, so the element 5 is the majority element. If on the other |
hand the array was [1, 4, 4, 5, 5] then the element 5 is not the majority element. There |
actually is no majority element because no element appears more than n/2 = 5/2 = 2 times. |
To solve this challenge we can create a nested loop and in the outer loop go through each |
element, and then in the inner loop check all the other elements in the array and count the |
occurences of the current element. This would make the code very compact but the algorithm would |
run in O(n2) time because of the nested loop checking each of the n elements, and then in the inner |
loop checking them again: n * n = n2. There is a faster way to solve this problem and that is to use the |
Majority Vote Algorithm (http://bit.ly/1KVeJTk). It works the following way: |
1. Start with a candidate element that is empty and a count that is set to 0. |
2. For each element in the array we check it against the candidate element. |
• |
• |
• |
If the candidate element is blank or the count is equal to 0, set the current element to be |
the candidate element and set the count to 1. |
If the current element equals the candidate element, increase the count by 1. |
If the current element does not equal the candidate element, decrease the count by 1. |
This algorithm will run in linear time, O(n), because it only loops through the whole array a single |
time maintaining two variables as it passes through. |
38 |
JavaScript |
function majorityElement(arr) { |
let candidate = null; |
var count = 0; |
// 1. if candidate is null or count = 0 set candidate to the current element |
// 2. if candidate matches current element we increase the count |
// 3. if candidate does not match current element, decrease the count by 1 |
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { |
if (candidate === null || count === 0) { |
candidate = arr[i]; |
count = 1; |
} else if (arr[i] === candidate) { |
count += 1; |
} else { |
count -= 1; |
} |
} |
// once we have a majority element we check |
// to make sure it occurs more than n/2 times |
count = 0; |
for (let el of arr) { |
if (el === candidate) { |
count += 1; |
} |
} |
return (count > Math.floor(arr.length / 2)) ? candidate : null; |
} |
39 |
Python |
import math |
def majorityElement(arr): |
candidate = None |
count = 0 |
# 1. if candidate is None or count = 0 set candidate to the current element |
# 2. if candidate matches current element we increase the count |
# 3. if candidate does not match current element, decrease the count by 1 |
for i in range(0, len(arr)): |
if candidate is None or count == 0: |
candidate = arr[i] |
count = 1 |
elif arr[i] == candidate: |
count += 1 |
else: |
count -= 1 |
# once we have a majority element we check |
# to make sure it occurs more than n/2 times |
count = 0 |
for el in arr: |
if el == candidate: |
count += 1 |
if count > math.floor(len(arr) / 2): |
return candidate |
else: |
return None |
40 |
Ruby |
def majorityElement(arr) |
candidate = nil |
count = 0 |
# 1. if candidate is nil or count = 0 set candidate to the current element |
# 2. if candidate matches current element we increase the count |
# 3. if candidate does not match current element, decrease the count by 1 |
arr.each do |i| |
if candidate == nil || count == 0 |
candidate = i |
count = 1 |
elsif i == candidate |
count += 1 |
else |
count -= 1 |
end |
end |
# once we have a majority element we check |
# to make sure it occurs more than n/2 times |
count = 0 |
arr.each do |el| |
if el == candidate |
count += 1 |
end |
end |
if count > (arr.length / 2).floor |
return candidate |
else |
return nil |
end |
end |
3.13. Switching light bulbs problem |
This problem has a lot of different variations, but the one we will cover here is the following: Imagine |
there are 100 light bulbs, labeled from 1 to 100, lined up all set to off initially. There are also 100 |
people each numbered 1 to 100 as well. Person 1 will go through all the light bulbs and flip the switch |
turning all of them on. Then person number 2 will go through all the light bulbs and flip the switch on |
each 2nd element turning them off, namely: light bulbs #2, #4, #6, #8, etc. Then person 3 will go and |
do the same for the 3rd ligh bulb, 6th, 9th, etc. Then questions are usually asked about the light bulbs, |
for example: |
• How many light bulbs will be on after 100 people have gone through them? |
• What is the status of the Nth light bulb (34th, 62nd, etc.)? Is it on or off? |
• How many people need to go through the line of light bulbs until exactly K light bulbs are set |
to on? |
To answer any of these questions, we’ll write a function that goes through all N light bulbs and |
performs each operation for every person labeled from 1 to N. What we’ll do for this problem is |
setup an array of N elements all set to false, which will represent a light bulb in the off position. Then |
we will loop through every person from 1 to N, and within that loop create another loop that will |
multiply each person’s number by a number each time to change the following light bulbs: |
41 |
• For i = 1, change 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. |
• For i = 2, change 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. |
• For i = 3, change 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. |
JavaScript |
function lightBulbs(N) { |
// create N lightbulbs and set them to off |
let lightbulbs = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { |
lightbulbs.push(false); |
} |
// each person i labeled from 1 to N sets each kth |
// lightbulb on or off where k = 2*i, 3*i, etc. |
for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) { |
let w = 1; |
let k = w * i; |
while (k <= N) { |
lightbulbs[k - 1] = !lightbulbs[k - 1]; |
w += 1; |
k = w * i; |
} |
} |
return lightbulbs; |
} |
Python |
def lightBulbs(N): |
# create N lightbulbs and set them to off |
lightbulbs = [False for i in range(0, N)] |
# each person i labeled from 1 to N sets each kth |
# lightbulb on or off where k = 2*i, 3*i, etc. |
for i in range(1, N + 1): |
w = 1 |
k = w * i |
while k <= N: |
lightbulbs[k - 1] = not lightbulbs[k - 1] |
w += 1 |
k = w * i |
return lightbulbs |
42 |
Ruby |
def lightBulbs(n) |
# create N lightbulbs and set them to off |
lightbulbs = Array.new(n, false) |
# each person i labeled from 1 to N sets each kth |
# lightbulb on or off where k = 2*i, 3*i, etc. |
(1..n).each do |i| |
w = 1 |
k = w * i |
while k <= n do |
lightbulbs[k - 1] = !lightbulbs[k - 1] |
w += 1 |
k = w * i |
end |
end |
return lightbulbs |
end |
3.14. List of integers that overlap in two ranges |
For this problem you’ll need to find all the numbers that overlap between two ranges, for example: |
between the two ranges of [5, 20] and [17, 21] the overlapping integers are [17, 18, 19, 20, 21]. One |
way to solve this problem would be to create a list for each range and store each number within the |
respective lists. So for the above example, you would create two lists: |
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] |
[17, 18, 19, 20, 21] |
Then you would just loop through one of the lists, and for each element check if it exists |
somewhere in the second list using a built in array search function. This solution would work and |
require little code, but it is not an efficient way to solve this problem. One reason is because there |
isn’t really any point in actually creating the lists and taking up space with them, and the second |
reason is the running time of this algorithm would be about O(n2) because this function would have a |
nested loop. We can solve this problem in a more efficient way. |
We will simply loop from the start of range 1 to the end of range 1. Then we will check if each |
of the numbers within that range are greater than the beginning of range 2 and lesser than the end of |
range 2. This algorithm will therefore run in O(n) time where n represents the length of one of the |
ranges. This algorithm only performs a simple check within the loop, namely, whether some element |
is smaller and greater than some other number – no searching required which is what speeds up the |
algorithm. |
43 |
JavaScript |
function overlapping(range1, range2) { |
let overlap = []; |
// check whether each number within range 1 |
// is within the numbers in range 2 |
for (let i = range1[0]; i <= range1[1]; i++) { |
if (i >= range2[0] && i <= range2[1]) { |
overlap.push(i); |
} |
} |
return overlap; |
} |
Python |
def overlapping(range1, range2): |
overlap = [] |
# check whether each number within range 1 |
# is within the numbers in range 2 |
for i in range(range1[0], range1[1] + 1): |
if i >= range2[0] and i <= range2[1]: |
overlap.append(i) |
return overlap |
Ruby |
def overlapping(range1, range2) |
overlap = [] |
# check whether each number within range 1 |
# is within the numbers in range 2 |
(range1[0]..range1[1]).each do |i| |
if i >= range2[0] && i <= range2[1] |
overlap.push(i) |
end |
end |
return overlap |
end |
44 |
3.15. Return mean, median, and mode of an array |
This is more of a simpler question that doesn’t require too much complex code to solve. It simply |
requires you to do 3 things, calculcate the mean which is the average of all the numbers, the median |
which is the middle number when the array is sorted, and the mode which is the number that |
appears the most. |
To calculcate the average we will simply add up all the numbers and divide by the length of |
the array. To calculcate the median we will first sort the array and then return the middle number. |
Finally, the mode will require some extra work, but to find the number that appears most often we |
will use a hash table to store the number of times each number occurs and we will return the one |
with the highest occurences. |
JavaScript |
function meanMedianMode(arr) { |
// to calculcate the mean we add up all the numbers |
// and divide by the length |
let mean = arr.reduce((prev, cur) => prev + cur) / arr.length; |
// to calculcate the median we need to sort the array |
// and return the middle element |
arr = arr.sort(); |
let median = arr[Math.floor(arr.length / 2)]; |
// to get the mode we will store all the elements in a hash table |
// and keep a count and also always maintain the largest count |
let mode = undefined; |
let hashTable = {}; |
for (let i of arr) { |
hashTable[i] === undefined ? hashTable[i] = 1 : hashTable[i] += 1; |
if (mode === undefined || hashTable[i] > mode) { |
mode = i; |
} |
} |
return { 'mean': mean, 'median': median, 'mode': mode }; |
} |
45 |
Python |
def meanMedianMode(arr): |
# to calculcate the mean we add up all the numbers |
# and divide by the length |
mean = sum(arr) / float(len(arr)) |
# to calculcate the median we need to sort the array |
# and return the middle element |
arr = sorted(arr) |
median = arr[int(len(arr) / 2)] |
# to get the mode we will store all the elements in a hash table |
# and keep a count and also always maintain the largest count |
mode = None |
hashTable = {} |
for i in arr: |
if i in hashTable: |
hashTable[i] += 1 |
else: |
hashTable[i] = 1 |
if mode is None or hashTable[i] > mode: |
mode = i |
return { 'mean': mean, 'median': median, 'mode': mode } |
Ruby |
def meanMedianMode(arr) |
# to calculcate the mean we add up all the numbers |
# and divide by the length |
mean = arr.inject(:+) / arr.length.to_f |
# to calculcate the median we need to sort the array |
# and return the middle element |
arr = arr.sort |
median = arr[(arr.length / 2).floor] |
# to get the mode we will store all the elements in a hash table |
# and keep a count and also always maintain the largest count |
mode = nil |
hashTable = {} |
arr.each do |i| |
if hashTable.key?(i) |
hashTable[i] += 1 |
else |
hashTable[i] = 1 |
end |
if mode == nil or hashTable[i] > mode |
mode = i |
end |
end |
return { :mean => mean, :median => median, :mode => mode } |
end |
46 |
3.16. Encode consonants within a string |
This challenge asks you to take a string composed of only lowercase letters and space characters, for |
example “hello world” and replace every consonant in the string with the next consontant in the |
alphabet. So in the above example, the output should be “jemmo xosmf” and you can see that we |
left every vowel in place and only changed the consonants. You should notice that the last letter |
changed was from d to f and not from d to e because e is a vowel. |
The first thing that would be helpful for this challenge is some sort of listing of all the |
consonants which would allow us to easily change one letter to the other by just moving one place |
over in the array. Then to solve the challenge we would just loop through the string, and if a letter is |
not a vowel we would find that letter in the array of consonants, move one place over and replace |
the letter in the string with that new letter. This would be a solution to the challenge, but the running |
time involves both the length of the string n and the length of the consonant array m because we are |
looping through the string while also searching for a letter in the array each time. The running time |
still reduces to O(n) because the consonant array stays constant meaning it will never get shorter or |
longer because there is a set amount of constants in the alphabet. So this solution is pretty good, but |
we can actually do a bit better. |
To make this solution a bit faster we can actualy get rid of the consonant array altogether. |
This is because we can convert each letter as we go to its character code number, add 1 to it, and |
then convert this number back to a letter to get the next letter in the alphabet. Then we simply |
perform an extra check to make sure the new letter is not a vowel, but if so, simply add 1 more to its |
character code to get the next letter. |
Note: You can actually perform a modulo operation at some point in the code and therefore |
there will be no need for the special “z” character conditional at the beginning of the loop. I’ll leave |
this as an exercise for the reader. |
47 |
JavaScript |
function encodeConsonants(string) { |
let result = ''; |
// store an array of vowels for use later |
const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']; |
// loop through entire string |
for (let i of string) { |
// special case for z |
if (i === 'z') { |
result += 'b'; |
break; |
} |
// if letter is not a vowel or a space |
else if (vowels.indexOf(i) === -1 && i !== ' ') { |
// convert each letter to its character code |
let newCode = i.charCodeAt(0) + 1; |
// perform check to make sure new letter is not a vowel by seeing if |
// the new letter exists in an array of vowels |
if (vowels.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(newCode)) !== -1) { |
newCode += 1; |
} |
// get new letter and add to new string |
result += String.fromCharCode(newCode); |
} |
// otherwise character is a vowel or a space |
else { |
result += i; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
48 |
Python |
def encodeConsonants(string): |
result = '' |
# store an array of vowels for use later |
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] |
# loop through entire string |
for i in string: |
# special case for z |
if i == 'z': |
result += 'b' |
break |
# if letter is not a vowel or a space |
elif i not in vowels and i != ' ': |
# convert each letter to its character code |
newCode = ord(i) + 1 |
# perform check to make sure new letter is not a vowel by seeing if |
# the new letter exists in an array of vowels |
if chr(newCode) in vowels: |
newCode += 1 |
# get new letter and add to new string |
result += chr(newCode) |
# otherwise character is a vowel or a space |
else: |
result += i |
return result |
49 |
Ruby |
def encodeConsonants(string) |
result = '' |
# store an array of vowels for use later |
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] |
# loop through entire string |
string.chars.each do |i| |
# special case for z |
if i == 'z' |
result += 'b' |
break |
# if letter is not a vowel or a space |
elsif vowels.include?(i) == false and i != ' ' |
# convert each letter to its character code |
newCode = i.ord + 1 |
# perform check to make sure new letter is not a vowel by seeing if |
# the new letter exists in an array of vowels |
if vowels.include?(newCode.chr) |
newCode += 1 |
end |
# get new letter and add to new string |
result += newCode.chr |
# otherwise character is a vowel or a space |
else |
result += i |
end |
end |
return result |
end |
50 |
3.17. Convert an array of strings into an object |
This challenge doesn’t strictly have a single output like the previous challenges, rather this challenge |
focuses on you using certain data structures correctly. Imagine you have several users entering |
information through a form, and on the back-end you get the information as a comma separated |
string of information. The information the user will enter in the form is: Name, Email, Age, and |
Occupation all in that order. Each user’s piece of information will be separated by a comma, and each |
user will be separated by a space, but some pieces of information can be blank for a user (excluding |
the name), for example: |
“Daniel,[email protected],56,Coder John,,,Teacher Michael,[email protected],,” |
You can see above that all the information exists for Daniel, but email and age are missing for |
John, and age and occupation are missing for Michael. You should write a function that will take in |
this string of user information, and create an object (key-value mapping) where the key is the |
person’s name and the value will also be an object that stores the information of each user: email, |
age, and occupation. You can assume people’s names will be unique. |
To solve this challenge, we’ll split the string (at the space character) into an array of different |
people, and then for each person we’ll split the information (at the comma character). Then we will |
create a new user object and throw it into the global object that will store all the users. |
51 |
JavaScript |
function convert(string) { |
// create empty object |
let obj = {}; |
// split the string at each person |
const people = string.split(' '); |
// loop through all people |
for (let p of people) { |
// split information for each person |
const info = p.split(','); |
// store this information in the user object |
let userObj = { |
'email': info[1] || null, |
'age': parseInt(info[2]) || null, |
'occupation': info[3] || null |
}; |
// store key-value in object of users now |
obj[info[0]] = userObj; |
} |
return obj; |
} |
// usage |
let s = "Daniel,[email protected],56,Coder John,,,Teacher Michael,[email protected],,"; |
let people = convert(s); |
// testing |
people['Daniel']['age']; // => 56 |
people['Michael']['occupation'] // => null |
52 |
Python |
def convert(string): |
# create empty object |
obj = {} |
# split the string at each person |
people = string.split(' ') |
# loop through all people |
for p in people: |
# split information for each person |
info = p.split(',') |
# store this information in the user object |
userObj = { |
'email': info[1] or None, |
'age': int(info[2]) if info[2] else None, |
'occupation': info[3] or None |
} |
# store key-value in object of users now |
obj[info[0]] = userObj |
return obj |
# usage |
s = "Daniel,[email protected],56,Coder John,,,Teacher Michael,[email protected],," |
people = convert(s) |
# testing |
people['Daniel']['age'] # => 56 |
people['Michael']['occupation'] # => None |
53 |
Ruby |
def convert(string) |
# create empty object |
obj = {} |
# split the string at each person |
people = string.split(' ') |
# loop through all people |
people.each do |p| |
# split information for each person |
info = p.split(',') |
# store this information in the user object |
userObj = { |
'email' => info[1] || nil, |
'age' => info[2].to_i || nil, |
'occupation' => info[3] || nil |
} |
# store key-value in object of users now |
obj[info[0]] = userObj |
end |
return obj |
end |
# usage |
s = "Daniel,[email protected],56,Coder John,,,Teacher Michael,[email protected],," |
people = convert(s) |
# testing |
p people['Daniel']['age'] # => 56 |
p people['Michael']['occupation'] # => None |
54 |
3.18. Three sum problem |
The three sum problem is very similar to the two sum problem we covered at the beginning of the |
chapter, except the problem statement now naturally changes to 3 elements instead of two: |
You are given an array and some number S. Determine if any three numbers within the array sum to S. |
As with the nested loop solution to the two sum problem, we can create a set of three nested loops |
that checks if any three elements in the array sum to S. The running time of this algorithm is O(n3) |
because of the nested loops. We can solve this problem more efficiently though with some |
modifications. |
First we sort the array into ascending order. We can use a built-in sort function which will run in |
O(nlogn).[1] Then we loop through each element in the array and for each of the elements we |
maintain two pointers (or indices), one from the (current position + 1) and the second pointer starting |
from the end of the array. Then we check to see if these 3 elements sum to S. One of 3 things will be |
true: |
1. If the current element plus the 2 other elements is greater than S, we decrease the pointer at |
the end of the array at 1. |
2. If the current element plus the other 2 elements is less than S, we increase the pointer at the |
beginning by 1. |
3. If the pointers end up meeting, then we know we cannot add 2 elements plus the current |
element to sum to S. We move on to the next element in the array and reset the pointers. |
This algorithm needs to loop through every single element in the array, and for each element in the |
worst case we will loop through all the other elements until the pointers end up at the same point. |
This algorithm therefore runs in O(nlogn) + O(n2) which reduces to O(n2). |
[1] The built-in sorting functions in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby use either mergesort, quicksort, or some |
combination of them to create a fast sorting algorithm that runs in O(nlogn) time. |
55 |
JavaScript |
function threeSum(arr, S) { |
// sort the array |
var arr = arr.sort(); |
// loop and check each element |
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 2; i++) { |
// start two pointers, one from the current position + 1 |
// and the other at the end of the array |
let ptr_start = i + 1; |
let ptr_end = arr.length - 1; |
// check all other elements |
while (ptr_start < ptr_end) { |
let add = arr[i] + arr[ptr_start] + arr[ptr_end]; |
// if we find a sum |
if (add === S) { return true; } |
// if the sum is < S |
else if (add < S) { ptr_start += 1; } |
// otherwise the sum is > S |
else { ptr_end -= 1; } |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
56 |
Python |
def threeSum(arr, S): |
arr = sorted(arr) |
for i in range(0, len(arr) - 2): |
# start two pointers, one from the current position + 1 |
# and the other at the end of the array |
ptr_start, ptr_end = i + 1, len(arr) - 1 |
while ptr_start < ptr_end: |
add = arr[i] + arr[ptr_start] + arr[ptr_end] |
# if we find a sum |
if add == S: |
return True |
# if the sum < S |
elif add < S: |
ptr_start += 1 |
# if the sum > S |
else: |
ptr_end -= 1 |
return False |
Ruby |
def threeSum(arr, S) |
arr = arr.sort() |
(0..arr.length - 2).each do |i| |
# start two pointers, one from the current position + 1 |
# and the other at the end of the array |
ptr_start = i + 1 |
ptr_end = arr.length - 1 |
while ptr_start < ptr_end |
add = arr[i] + arr[ptr_start] + arr[ptr_end] |
# if we find a sum |
if add == S |
return true |
# if the sum < S |
elsif add < S |
ptr_start += 1 |
# if the sum > S |
else |
ptr_end -= 1 |
end |
end |
end |
return false |
end |
57 |
PART 3 |
“Computer science is no more about computers |
than astronomy is about telescopes.” |
- Edsger Dijkstra |
CHAPTER 4: Resources |
58 |
Staying calm in a coding interview and also being able to solve the challenge within a time limit is a |
skill that can be mastered with enough practice and some general tips. In the bulk of this book we’ve |
discussed over a dozen common coding questions asked in a coding bootcamp interview, and we also |
covered some background on coding bootcamps and algorithms. Below we’ll provide some extra |
resources where you can learn about how to stay calm during a stressful coding question, what |
questions to ask the interviewer, how to answer certain questions effectively, etc. |
4.1. |
Personal help |
For personal help, Coderbyte offers the Personalized Study Plan (https://coderbyte.com/study-plan) |
that will help create a personal step-by-step guide for you to help prepare for a coding interview to a |
bootcamp or job. It contains article, resources, challenges, and videos tailored to your goals and skill |
level and it’s the best way to prepare for an upcoming coding interview at a top company or elite |
coding bootcamp such as Hack Reactor, Fullstack Acadaemy, Flatiron School, Grace Hopper, |
Codesmith, etc. |
We provide access to an online community with our own Coderbyte Slack channel. As part of |
the Study Plan mentioned above, you will get access to the channel and you’ll be able to ask |
questions and chat with fellow coders preparing for upcoming interviews. |
Aside from these features, one of the best ways to prepare for any type of coding interview is |
to simply practice solving coding challenges, practice, and then practice some more. Coderbyte offers |
more than 160 coding challenges (https://coderbyte.com/challenges) that you can solve directly |
online. Then you can look at thousands of user solutions to see how others solved the same |
challenges. |
4.2. |
Interview preparation articles |
• Technical Interview Questions, Prep and More by Hack Reactor: http://bit.ly/2e9niPs |
• 10 Must-Asks in a Bootcamp Interview by Course Report: http://bit.ly/2etZKcp |
• How to Ace the Web Developer Job Interview by Coding Dojo: http://bit.ly/21y4UBd |
• 5 Tips to Prepare You for a Coding Bootcamp by Galvanize: http://bit.ly/2dNTuxi |
• From Zero to Hack Reactor in 5 months blog post by Jennie Eldon: http://bit.ly/2dMjhT7 |
• What I Studied Before Applying to Hack Reactor post by Amira Anuar: http://bit.ly/2d8MJ7F |
• |
Inside the Mind of Hackbright’s Director of Admissions by Hackbright: http://bit.ly/2dNTwp4 |
• Compare top coding bootcamps tool by Thinkful: http://bit.ly/2dxFhiI |