The Julia Express |
Bogumił Kami ´nski |
December 31, 2022 |
Contents |
1 Introduction |
2 Getting around |
3 Basic literals and types |
4 Special literals and types |
4.1 Tuples and NamedTuples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
4.2 Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
4.3 Composite types |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
4.4 Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
5 Strings |
6 Programming constructs |
7 Variable scoping |
8 Modules |
9 Operators |
10 Essential general usage functions |
11 Reading and writing data |
12 Random numbers |
13 Statistics and machine learning |
14 Macros |
15 Plotting |
16 Working with tabular data |
17 The Joy of Julia |
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The Julia Express |
1 Introduction |
2 |
The purpose of this document is to introduce programmers to the Julia programming by example. This is a simplified |
exposition of the language.1 |
It is simplest to execute these examples by copy-pasting to the Julia REPL (https://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/ |
stdlib/REPL/) or copying them to a file and next running them using include function. The difference is that copy- |
paste approach will echo output of each instruction to the terminal. |
If some package is missing on your system switch to the package manager mode by pressing ] in the Julia REPL, and |
then write add [package name] to require installing it. |
Over the years of using Julia I have learned that for each project you have it is best to have a separate project environ- |
ment that keeps track of its dependencies. You can check out this blog post https://bkamins.github.io/julialang/ |
2020/05/18/project-workflow.html to read more about it. |
This is an introductory document. Important topics that a person learning the Julia should be aware of, that are not |
covered are: |
1) parametric types; |
2) parallel and distributed processing; |
3) advanced I/O operations; |
4) advanced package management; |
5) interaction with system shell; see run; |
6) exception handling; see try; |
7) creation of coroutines; |
8) integration with C, Fortran, Python and R. |
You can read about them in the latest Julia documentation at http://julia.readthedocs.org/en/latest/manual/. |
The Julia Express was tested using the following 64-bit Julia version (you can check your version by calling running |
versioninfo() in your Julia session): |
Julia Version 1.8.4 |
Commit 00177ebc4f (2022-12-23 21:32 UTC) |
Platform Info: |
OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32) |
CPU: 12 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10850H CPU @ 2.70GHz |
LIBM: libopenlibm |
LLVM: libLLVM-13.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake) |
Threads: 1 on 12 virtual cores |
If you prefer to read this document in a different format than PDF then the simplest approach to do it is to clone the |
project repository https://github.com/bkamins/The-Julia-Express to your local folder and use Pandoc to perform an |
appropriate conversion. For instance running the command |
pandoc -i julia_express.tex -f latex -t html5 -s -o julia_express.html |
will produce you a HTML output. |
All suggestions how this guide can be improved are welcomed. Please contact me at [email protected]. |
2 Getting around |
Running julia invokes an interactive (REPL) mode. In this mode some useful commands are: |
1) ^D (exits Julia); |
2) ^C (interrupts computations); |
3) ? (enters help mode); |
4) ; (enters system shell mode); |
5) ] (enters package manager mode); |
6) Ctrl-l clears screen; |
7) putting ; after the expression will disable showing its value in REPL (not needed in scripts). |
Examples of some essential functions in the Julia REPL (they can be also invoked in scripts): |
@edit max(1,2) |
# show the definition of max function when invoked with arguments 1 and 2 |
varinfo() |
# list of global variables and their types |
1The rocket ship clip is free for download at http://www.clipartlord.com/free-cartoon-rocketship-clip-art-2/. |
The Julia Express |
3 |
cd("D:/") |
pwd() |
# change working directory to D:/ (on Windows you can use /) |
# get current working directory |
include("file.jl") # execute source file |
exit(1) |
# exit Julia with code 1 (exit code 0 is used by default) |
clipboard([1,2]) |
# copy data to system clipboard |
clipboard() |
# load data from system clipboard as a string |
You can execute a Julia script from OS shell by running julia script.jl. |
Try saving the following example script to a file and run it (more examples of all the constructs used are given in |
following sections): |
"""Sieve of Eratosthenes function docstring""" |
function es(n::Int) # accepts one integer argument |
isprime = trues(n) # n-element vector of true-s |
isprime[1] = false # 1 is not a prime |
for i in 2:isqrt(n) # loop integers less or equal than sqrt(n) |
if isprime[i] # conditional evaluation |
for j in i^2:i:n # sequence with step i |
isprime[j] = false |
end |
end |
end |
return filter(x -> isprime[x], 1:n) # filter using an anonymous function |
end |
println(es(100)) |
# print all primes less or equal than 100 |
@time length(es(10^6)) |
# check function execution time and memory usage |
3 Basic literals and types |
Basic scalar literals are the following: |
1::Int |
# 64 bit integer on 64 bit Julia, no overflow warnings |
1.0::Float64 # 64 bit float, defines NaN, -Inf, Inf |
true::Bool |
# boolean, allows "true" and "false" |
'c'::Char |
# character, allows Unicode |
"s"::String # strings, allows Unicode, see also Strings below |
The syntax x::Type is a literal x with type Type assertion. In practice the type assertion is not needed. Here we use it |
only to show the type of each kind of a literal. All basic types listed above are immutable. |
Type assertions for variables are made in the same way and they can be useful to catch bugs in your code. |
An important feature of integers in Julia is that by default they are 64 bit on 64 bit Julia and 32 bit on 32 bit Julia. This |
means that 1::Int32 assertion will fail on 64-bit Julia. |
Notably Int is a constant whose value is either Int64 or Int32 depending on version (the same with unsigned integer |
UInt). |
There is no automatic type conversion, unless some function explicitly performs it. This is especially important in |
function calls. The simplest, and preferred, way to perform the construction of a value x to type T by writing T(x), for |
example: |
Int64('a') |
# character to integer |
Int64(2.0) |
# float to integer |
Int64(1.3) |
# inexact error |
Int64("a") |
# error no conversion possible |
Float64(1) |
# integer to float |
Bool(1) |
Bool(0) |
Bool(2) |
# constructs to boolean true |
# constructs to boolean false |
# construction error |
Char(89) |
# integer to char |
string(true) |
# cast Bool to string (works with other types, note small caps) |
string(1, true) # string can take more than one argument and concatenate them |
zero(10.0) |
# zero of type of 10.0 |
The Julia Express |
4 |
Number |
Complex{T<:Real} |
Real |
Irrational{sym} |
Rational{T<:Integer} |
Integer |
AbstractFloat |
Float16 |
Float32 |
Float64 |
Bool |
Signed |
Unsigned |
BigFloat |
BigInt |
Int8 |
Int16 |
Int32 |
Int64 |
UInt8 |
UInt16 |
UInt32 |
UInt64 |
Int128 |
UInt128 |
Figure 1: Hierarchy of numeric types |
one(Int64) |
# one of type Int64 |
Conversion can be done using convert(Type, x) (typically convert will not perform a copy if x already has type Type; |
for this reason it is typically preferable to perform construction, as it was explained above, rather than conversion): |
convert(Int64, 1.0) # convert float to integer |
Julia is throwing an inexact conversion error, if it cannot perform it exactly. |
convert(Int64, 1.3) # convert float to integer -> throws inexact conversion error |
Use floor(Int64, 1.3), ceil(Int64, 1.3) or round(Int64, 1.3) to perform rounding. |
Parsing strings can be done using parse(Type, str): |
parse(Int64, "1") # parse "1" string as Int64 |
Automatic promotion of many arguments to common type (if any exists) can be achieved using promote (typically you |
will not need to perform such promotion yourself): |
promote(true, BigInt(1) // 3, 1.0) # tuple (see Tuples) of BigFloats, true promoted to 1.0 |
promote("a", 1) |
# error, promotion to a common type is not possible |
Many operations (arithmetic, assignment) are defined in a way that performs automatic type promotion (so this is a |
way to work around no automatic type conversion rule in Julia). |
One can verify type of a value in the following way: |
typeof("abc") |
# String returned which is a AbstractString subtype |
isa("abc", AbstractString) # true |
isa(1, Float64) |
# false, integer is not a float |
isa(1.0, Float64) |
# true |
1.0 isa Number |
# an alternative syntax; true, Number is abstract type |
supertype(Int64) |
# supertype of Int64 |
subtypes(Real) |
Int <: Real |
# subtypes of abstract type Real |
# true, <: checks if type is subtype of other type |
It is possible to perform calculations using arbitrary precision arithmetic, complex and rational numbers: |
BigInt(10) ^ 1000 |
# big integer |
BigFloat(10) ^ 1000 # big float, see documentation how to change default precision |
big(1.5) |
1 + 1im |
# value of big type chosen appropriately, in this case BigFloat |
# a complex number |
123 // 456 |
# rational numbers are created using // operator |
Type hierarchy of all standard numeric types is given in Figure 1. |
An important feature is that Bool is considered to be Integer. This is useful for performing arithmetic operations, but |
sometimes can be surprising. |
The Julia Express |
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4 Special literals and types |
Any |
# all objects are of this type |
Union{} # subtype of all types, no object can have this type |
Nothing # type indicating nothing (absence of a value), a subtype of Any |
nothing # only instance of Nothing |
Missing # type indicating missing value (a value exists but is unknown), a subtype of Any |
missing # only instance of Missing |
Additionally #undef indicates an incompletely initialized object element (see documentation for details). |
4.1 Tuples and NamedTuples |
Tuples are immutable sequences indexed from 1: |
() |
(1,) |
# an empty tuple |
# a one element tuple |
("a", 1) |
# a two element tuple |
('a', false)::Tuple{Char, Bool} # tuple type assertion |
x = (1, 2, 3) |
x[1] |
x[1:2] |
x[4] |
x[1] = 1 |
a, b = x |
# 1 (element) |
# (1, 2) (tuple) |
# bounds error |
# error - a tuple is not mutable |
# tuple unpacking a == 1, b == 2 |
Additionally you can add names to tuple entries (via named tuples): |
NamedTuple() # an empty named tuple |
(a=1,) |
# a one element named tuple |
(x="a", y=1) # a two element named tuple |
x = (p=1, q=2, r=3) |
x.p |
# access to element p of a tuple |
typeof(x) |
# NamedTuple{(:p, :q, :r),Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64}}, field names are part of type |
a, b, c = x |
# NamedTuple also supports unpacking; here we define a, b, and c variables |
(; a, b, c) |
# a convenience syntax to create a named tuple with a, b, c fields from variables |
NamedTuple can be thought of as an anonymous struct — see composite types below (so they behave in a different way |
than tuples when testing for subtyping). This is an advanced topic that we do not cover in this introduction, see the |
Julia manual for the details https://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/types/). |
4.2 Arrays |
Arrays are mutable and passed by reference. |
Useful array creation functions are the following: |
Array{Char}(undef, 2, 3, 4) # uninitialized 2x3x4 array of Chars |
Array{Int64}(undef, 0, 0) |
# degenerate 0x0 array of Int64 |
zeros(5) |
ones(5) |
# vector of Float64 zeros |
# vector of Float64 ones |
ones(Int64, 2, 1) |
# 2x1 array of Int64 ones |
trues(3), falses(3) # a tuple of a vector of trues and a vector of falses |
Matrix(I, 3, 3) |
# 3x3 Bool identity matrix, requires to run first: using LinearAlgebra |
x = range(0, stop=1, length=11) # an iterator having 11 equally spaced elements |
collect(x) |
# converts an iterator to vector |
1:10 |
1:2:10 |
# iterable from 1 to 10 |
# iterable from 1 to 9 with 2 skip |
reshape(1:12, 3, 4) # a 3x4 matrix like object filled columnwise with values from 1 to 12 |
fill("a", 2, 2) |
# a 2x2 array filled with "a" |
repeat(rand(2,2), 3, 2) # a 2x2 random matrix repeated 3x2 times |
x = [1, 2] |
# a two element vector |
resize!(x, 5) |
# resize x in place to hold 5 values (filled with garbage) |
The Julia Express |
6 |
[1] |
[1;;] |
# a vector with one element (not a scalar) |
# a matrix with one element (not a scalar) |
[x * y for x in 1:2, y in 1:3] # a comprehension generating 2x3 array |
Float64[x^2 for x in 1:4] # casting comprehension result element type to Float64 |
[1 2] |
[1 2]' |
# 1x2 matrix (hcat function) |
# 2x1 Adjoint matrix (reuses memory) |
permutedims([1 2]) |
# 2x1 matrix (permuted dimensions, new memory) |
[1, 2] |
[1; 2] |
# vector (concatenation) |
# vector (vcat function) |
[1 2 3; 1 2 3] |
# 2x3 matrix (hvcat function) |
[1; 2] == [1 2]' |
# false, different array dimensions |
hcat(1:2)==[1 2]' |
# true, dimensions match |
[(1, 2)] |
# 1-element vector |
collect((1, 2)) |
# 2-element vector by tuple unpacking |
[[1 2] 3] |
[[1; 2]; 3] |
# concatenate along rows (hcat) |
# concatenate along columns (vcat) |
tuple([1,2,3]) |
# a 1-element tuple containing a vector |
Tuple([1,2,3]) |
# a 3-element tuple unpacking a vector |
Vectors (1D arrays) are treated as column vectors. |
Most of the functionality for working with matrices are in LinearAlgebra module. Additionally Julia offers sparse and |
distributed matrices (see the documentation for details). |
Commonly needed array utility functions: |
a = [x * y for x in 1:2, y in 1, z in 1:3] # 2x3 array of Int64; a singleton dimension is dropped |
a = [x * y for x in 1:2, y in 1:1, z in 1:3] # 2x1x3 array of Int64; a singleton dimension is not dropped |
ndims(a) |
# number of dimensions in a |
eltype(a) |
length(a) |
size(a) |
axes(a) |
# type of elements in a |
# number of elements in a |
# a tuple containing dimension sizes of a |
# a tuple of ranges specifying array axes |
eachindex(a) |
# each index to an array a |
CartesianIndices(a) # a lazy iterator over Cartesian indices into a |
LinearIndices(a) |
# a lazy iterator over linear indices into a |
vec(a) |
# cast an array to vector (single dimension); reuses memory |
dropdims(a, dims=2) # remove the 2nd dimension as it has length 1 |
sum(a, dims=3) |
# calculate sums for 3rd dimensions, similarly: mean, std, |
# prod, minimum, maximum, any, all; |
# using Statistics is required for statistical functions |
count(>(0), a) |
# count number of times a predicate is true, similar: all, any |
# note that we create an anonymous function with >(0) here |
Access functions: |
a = 0:0.01:1 |
# range with step 0.01 |
a[1] |
a[begin] |
a[end] |
# get scalar 0.0 |
# get scalar 0.0 (first position) |
# get scalar 1.0 (last position) |
a[begin:2:end] |
# every second element from range |
view(a, 1:2:101) |
# a view into a (a subarray of a) |
a[[1, 3, 6]] |
lastindex(a) |
# 1st, 3rd and 6th element of a, Array{Float64,1} |
# last index of the collection a; similarly firstindex |
Observe the treatment of singleton dimensions: |
a = reshape(1:12, 3, 4) |
a[:, 1:2] |
# 3x2 matrix |
a[:, 1] |
a[1, :] |
# 3 element vector |
# 4 element vector |
a[1:1, :] |
# 1x4 matrix |
a[:, :, 1, 1] |
# works 3x4 matrix |
a[:, :, :, [true]] # works 3x4x1x1 matrix |
a[1, 1, [false]] |
# works 0-element Array{Int64,1} |
7 |
The Julia Express |
Array assignment: |
x = collect(reshape(1:8, 2, 4)) |
x[:,2:3] = [1 2] |
# error; size mismatch |
x[:,2:3] .= [1 2] |
# OK, broadcasting with . |
x[:,2:3] = repeat([1 2], 2) # OK |
x[:,2:3] .= 3 |
# OK, need to use broadcast with . |
Arrays are assigned and passed by reference. Therefore copying is provided: |
x = Array{Any}(undef, 2) |
x[1] = ones(2) |
x[2] = trues(3) |
a = x |
b = copy(x) |
# shallow copy |
c = deepcopy(x) # deep copy |
x[1] = "Bang" |
x[2][1] = false |
a |
b |
c |
# identical as x |
# only x[2][1] changed from the original x |
# contents of the original x |
Array types syntax examples: |
[1 2]::Array{Int64, 2} |
# 2 dimensional array of Int64 |
[true; false]::Vector{Bool} # vector of Bool |
[1 2; 3 4]::Matrix{Int64} |
# matrix of Int64 |
Numbers are treated as 0-dimensional containers: |
x = 10 |
# an integer |
x[] |
# returns 10 |
x[1, 1] |
# also returns 10, as trailing 1-s are ignored by Julia |
size(x) |
# an empty tuple |
x = [10] # a one element array can be also indexed with [] |
x[] |
# gets you 10, this will only work for arrays with exactly 1 element |
only(x) |
# returns the one and only element of x, otherwise errors |
Ref is a special 0-dimensional container that can store any value: |
x = Ref("a") # an 0-dimensional containers storing "a" string |
x[] |
# returns "a" |
4.3 Composite types |
You can define and access composite types. Here is an example of a mutable composite type: |
mutable struct Point |
x::Int64 |
y::Float64 |
meta |
end |
p = Point(0, 0.0, "Origin") |
p.x |
p.meta = 2 |
p.x = 1.5 |
p.z = 1 |
# access field |
# change field value |
# error, wrong data type |
# error - no such field |
fieldnames(Point) # get names of type fields |
Similarly you can define some type to be immutable by removing mutable keyword (named tuples are anonymous |
immutable structs). |
There are also union types (see documentation of Type Unions in the Julia manual for details). |
Finally you can define that your type is a subtype of an abstract type to properly position it in the type hierarchy, or |
even define your own abstract types (see documentation of Abstract Types in the Julia manual for details). |
The Julia Express |
4.4 Dictionaries |
8 |
Associative collections (key-value dictionaries): |
x = Dict{Float64, Int64}() |
# an empty dictionary mapping floats to integers |
y = Dict("a"=>1, "b"=>2) |
# a filled dictionary |
y["a"] |
y["c"] |
y["c"] = 3 |
haskey(y, "b") |
keys(y), values(y) |
delete!(y, "b") |
# element retrieval |
# error |
# added element |
# check if y contains key "b" |
# tuple of collections returning keys and values in y |
# delete a key from a collection, see also: pop! |
get(y, "c", "default") |
# return y["c"] or "default" if not haskey(y,"c") |
Julia also supports operations on sets, created similarly with Set constructor (please refer to the documentation for |
details). |
5 Strings |
String operations: |
"Hi " * "there!" |
"Ho " ^ 3 |
# string concatenation |
# repeat string |
string("a = ", 123.3) # create using print function |
repr(123.3) |
# fetch value of show function to a string |
occursin("CD", "ABCD") # check if the second string contains the first |
"\"\n\t\$" |
x = 123 |
# C-like escaping in strings, new \$ escape |
"$x + 3 = $(x+3)" |
# unescaped $ is used for interpolation |
"\$199" |
# to get a $ symbol you must escape it |
raw"D:\path" |
# a raw string literal; useful for paths under Windows |
s = "abc" |
chop(s) |
# a string of type String |
# remove last character from s, returns a SubString |
Both String and SubString are subtypes of AbstractString. The SubString type is used to avoid copying of strings. |
Usually, when writing your own code, it is best to assume that the user will pass an arbitrary AbstractString. |
PCRE regular expressions handling: |
r = r"A|B" |
# create new regexp |
occursin(r, "CD") |
# false, no match found |
m = match(r, "ACBD") # find first regexp match, see the documentation for details |
There is a vast number of string functions — please refer to the documentation. |
Warning! Note that you can index-into a string, e.g. "abc"[1] will return you a character 'a'. However, in general |
Julia encodes standard strings using UTF-8 and indexing is based on bytes not characters, so correct string indexing |
requires you to understand how UTF-8 encoding works. See the documentation for details. |
6 Programming constructs |
The simplest way to bind a value to a new variable is by an assignment: |
x = 1.0 |
x = 1 |
# x is bound to Float64 value |
# now x is bound to value Int32 on 32 bit machine and Int64 on 64 bit machine |
Expressions can be compound using ; or begin end block: |
x = (a = 1; 2 * a) # after: x = 2; a = 1 |
y = begin |
b = 3 |
3 * b |
end |
# after: y = 9; b = 3 |
There are standard programming constructs: |
The Julia Express |
9 |
if false |
# if clause requires Bool test |
z = 1 |
elseif 1 == 2 |
z = 2 |
else |
a = 3 |
end |
# after this a = 3 and z is undefined |
1==2 ? "A" : "B" # standard ternary operator |
i = 1 |
while true |
global i += 1 |
if i > 10 |
break |
end |
end |
for x in 1:10 |
# x in collection, can also use = here instead of in |
if 3 < x < 6 |
continue # skip one iteration |
end |
println(x) |
end |
# x is defined in the inner scope of the loop |
You can define your own functions: |
f(x, y = 10) = x + y |
# one line definition of a new function f with y defaulting to 10 |
function f(x, y=10) |
# the same as above but allowing multiple expressions |
# last expression result returned |
x + y |
end |
f(3, 2) |
f(3) |
(x -> x^2)(3) |
() -> 0 |
# in the body of the function |
# a simple call, 5 returned |
# 13 returned |
# an anonymous function with a call example |
# an anonymous function with no arguments |
h(x...) = sum(x)/length(x) - mean(x) # a vararg function; x is a tuple; call first: using Statistics |
h(1, 2, 3) |
x = (2, 3) |
f(x) |
f(x...) |
# the result is 0 |
# a tuple |
# error - we try to add 10 to (2,3) |
# OK - tuple unpacking |
s(x; a = 1, b = 1) = x * a / b # function with keyword arguments a and b |
s(3, b = 2) |
q(f::Function, x) = 2 * f(x) |
q(x -> 2x, 10) |
# call with a keyword argument |
# a function can be passed around; here we require that f is a Function |
# 40 returned, no need to use * in 2x (means 2*x) |
# creation of an anonymous function by do construct, useful eg. in IO |
q(10) do x |
2 * x |
end |
m = reshape(1:12, 3, 4) |
map(x -> x ^ 2, m) |
# 3x4 array returned with transformed data |
filter(x -> bitstring(x)[end] == '0', 1:12) # a fancy way to choose even integers from the range |
==(1) |
# returns a function that tests for equality to 1 |
findall(==(1), 1:10) |
# find indices of all elements equal to 1, similar: findfirst, findlast |
As a convention functions with name ending with ! change their arguments in-place. See for example resize! in this |
document. |
Default function arguments are evaluated left to right: |
y = 10 |
f1(x=y) = x; f1() |
# 10 |
f2(x=y,y=1) = x; f2() # 10 |
f3(y=1,x=y) = x; f3() # 1 |
f4(;x=y) = x; f4() |
# 10 |
The Julia Express |
10 |
f5(;x=y,y=1) = x; f5() # 10 |
f6(;y=1,x=y) = x; f6() # 1 |
There is an important part of Julia terminology is that a function can have multiple methods. Each method specifies a |
behavior of a function for a given set of argument types. This behavior is called multiple dispatch and works only for |
positional arguments. Here are some short examples. More details are given in Methods section of the Julia manual. |
g(x, y) = println("all accepted") # method for g function accepting any type of x and y |
function g(x::Int, y::Int) |
# method called when both x and y are Int |
y, x |
end |
g(x::Int, y::Bool) = x * y |
g(1.0, 1) |
g(1, 1) |
g(1, true) |
methods(g) |
# this will be called when x is Int and y is Bool |
# the first definition is invoked |
# the second definition is invoked |
# the third definition is invoked |
# list all methods defined for g |
t(; x::Int64 = 2) = x |
# a single keyword argument |
t() |
# 2 returned |
t(; x::Bool = true) = x |
# no multiple dispatch for keyword arguments; function overwritten |
t() |
# true; old function was overwritten |
7 Variable scoping |
The following constructs introduce a new variable scope: function, while, for, try/catch, let, struct, mutable struct. |
Additionally you can define variables as: |
• global: use variable from a global scope of the current module; |
• local: define a new variable in a current scope (useful to avoid variable name conflicts, or to make sure variable |
is present in outer scope; see examples below); |
• const: signal to the compiler that variable type is constant (global only). |
Special cases: |
t |
# error, a variable t does not exist |
f() = global t = 1 |
f() |
# after the call t is defined globally |
function f1(n) |
x = 0 |
for i = 1:n |
x = i |
end |
x |
end |
f1(10) |
function f2(n) |
x = 0 |
for i = 1:n |
local x |
x = i |
end |
x |
end |
f2(10) |
function f3(n) |
for i = 1:n |
h = i |
end |
# 10; inside the loop we use the outer local variable |
# 0; inside loop we use new local variable |
The Julia Express |
11 |
h |
end |
f3(10) |
function f4(n) |
local h |
for i = 1:n |
h = i |
end |
h |
end |
f4(10) |
const x = 2 |
# error; h not defined in outer scope |
# 10; h is defined in outer scope |
x = 3 # warning, value changed; but you should never do this as it might break compiled code |
x = 3.0 # error, wrong type |
function f() |
x::Int = 1 # this is a way to specify a required type of a variable |
x = 2.5 # error will be thrown when f() is called as x has to have type Int |
end |
Global constants speed up code execution as the compiler knows their type. |
Loops and comprehensions rebind variables on each iteration, so they are safe to use then creating closures in itera- |
tion: |
Fs = Array{Any}(undef, 2) |
for i in 1:2 |
Fs[i] = () -> i |
end |
Fs[1](), Fs[2]() # (1, 2) |
Note that for, while, try, and struct use a so called soft local scope. Simplifying a bit this means that if they are used in |
a top level (global) scope they overwrite existing global variables if you are in an interactive mode (REPL, notebook): |
julia> x = 5 |
5 |
julia> for i in 1:10 |
x = i |
end |
julia> x |
10 |
However, the same code passed in an non-interactive session prints a warning and does not overwrite a global vari- |
able: |
| Warning: Assignment to |
~$ julia -e "x=5; for i in 1:10 x = i end; println(x)" |
‘ |
‘ |
x |
‘ |
‘ |
x |
by the same name exists: |
‘ |
‘ |
local x |
to suppress this warning or |
‘ |
‘ |
global x |
in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable |
will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using |
to assign to the existing global variable. |
| @ none:1 |
5 |
8 Modules |
Modules encapsulate code and each module has its own global name space (module name of Julia REPL is Main). |
module M # module name |
export x # what module exposes for the world |
x = 1 |
The Julia Express |
12 |
y = 2 # hidden variable |
end |
varinfo(M) # list exported variables |
x |
M.y |
# not found in global scope |
# direct variable access possible |
# import all exported variables |
# also load standard packages this way, but without . prefix |
using .M |
#import variable y to global scope (even if not exported) |
import .M.y |
Rebinding values of variables defined in other modules is not allowed. Here is a short typical example that often |
surprises people: |
sin(1) # works |
sin = 1 # fails in module Main you cannot rebind a value defined in module Base |
cos = 1 # works, as cos was not called yet so it was not imported from Base into Main |
cos # gives 1 |
cos(1) # fails - cos is bound to 1 in the module Main |
Base.cos(1) # works |
9 Operators |
Julia follows standard operators with the following quirks: |
true || false |
# binary or operator (singletons only), || and && use short-circuit evaluation |
[1 2] .& [2 1] |
# bitwise and operator (vectorized by .) |
[true, false] .&& [true false] # logical and operator (vectorized by .); the syntax creates truth table |
1 < 2 < 3 |
# chaining conditions is OK (singletons only without .) |
[1 2] .< [2 1] |
# for vectorized operators need to add '.' in front |
x = [1 2 3] |
2x + 2(x .+ 1) |
# multiplication can be omitted between a literal and a variable or a left parenthesis |
y = [1, 2, 3] |
x + y # an error - dimensions do not match |
x .+ y # a 3x3 matrix, dimension broadcasting |
x + y' # a 1x3 matrix |
x * y # array multiplication, a 1-element vector (not scalar) |
x .* y # element-wise multiplication, a 3x3 array |
x == [1 2 3] # true, object looks the same |
x === [1 2 3] # false, objects not identical |
z = reshape(1:9, 3, 3) |
z + x # error - dimensions do not match |
z .+ x # x broadcasted vertically |
z .+ y # y broadcasted horizontally |
# an explicit broadcast of singleton dimensions |
# function + is called for each array element |
broadcast(+, [1 2], [1; 2]) |
# broadcasting using . operator |
using Random |
length([randstring(10) for i in 1:5]) # 5 - length of an array |
length.([randstring(10) for i in 1:5]) # 5-element array of 10s - lengths of strings |
Function broadcasting examples: |
t(x::Float64, y::Float64 = 1.0) = x * y |
t(1.0, 2.0) |
# OK |
The Julia Express |
13 |
t([1.0 2.0]) |
t.([1.0 2.0]) |
t([1.0 2.0], 2.0) |
t.([1.0 2.0], 2.0) |
t.(2.0, [1.0 2.0]) |
# error |
# OK |
# error |
# OK |
# OK |
t.([1.0 2.0], [1.0 2.0]) # OK |
t.([1.0, 2.0], [1.0 2.0]) # OK |
10 Essential general usage functions |
show(collect(1:100)) # show text representation of an object |
eps() |
# distance from 1.0 to next representable Float64 |
nextfloat(2.0) |
# next float representable, similarly provided prevfloat |
isequal(NaN, NaN) # true |
NaN == NaN |
NaN === NaN |
# false |
# true |
isequal(1, 1.0) |
# true |
1 == 1.0 |
1 === 1.0 |
0.0 == -0.0 |
0.0 === -0.0 |
# true |
# false |
# true |
# false |
isfinite(Inf) |
# false, similarly provided: isinf, isnan |
fld(-5, 3), mod(-5, 3) # (-2, 1), division towards minus infinity |
div(-5, 3), rem(-5, 3) # (-1, -2), division towards zero |
findall(x -> mod(x, 2) == 0, 1:8) # find indices for which function returns true |
x = [1 2]; identity(x) === x # true, identity function |
@info "Info" |
# print information, similarly @warn and @error (see Logging module) |
ntuple(x->2x, 3) # create tuple by calling x->2x with values 1, 2 and 3 |
@isdefined x |
# if variable x is defined |
y = Array{Any}(undef,2); isassigned(y, 3) # is 3 in array is assigned (not out of bounds or #undef) |
fieldtype(typeof(1:2),:start) # get type of the field in composite type (passed as symbol) |
fieldnames(typeof(1:2)) # get field names of a type |
zip(1:3, 1:3) |> collect # convert iterables to iterable tuple and pass it to collect |
enumerate("abc") # create iterator of tuples (index, collection element) |
collect(enumerate("abc")) # and materialize it |
isempty("abc") |
# check if a collection is empty; strings are treated as collections of characters |
'b' in "abc" |
# check if element is in a collection |
indexin(collect("abc"), collect("abrakadabra")) # [1, 2, nothing] ('c' not found), needs arrays |
findall(in("abrakadabra"), "abc") # [1, 2] ('c' was not found) |
unique("abrakadabra") # return unique elements |
issubset("abc", "abcd") # check if every element in the first collection is in the second |
argmax("abrakadabra") # an index of maximal element (3 - 'r' in this case) |
findmax("abrakadabra") # tuple: a maximal element and its index |
filter(x->mod(x,2)==0, 1:10) # retain elements of a collection that meet predicate |
dump(1:2:5) |
# show all user-visible structure of an object |
sort(rand(10)) |
# sort 10 uniform random values, sort! for in-place operation |
11 Reading and writing data |
For I/O details refer documentation. There are numerous packages providing this functionality. Basic operations from |
DelimitedFiles module: |
• readdlm: read from file |
• writedlm: write to a file |
Warning! Trailing spaces are not discarded if delim=' ' in file reading. |
The Julia Express |
14 |
12 Random numbers |
Basic random numbers: |
Random.seed!(1) # set random number generator seed to 1; needs calling first: using Random |
rand() |
# generate random number from U[0,1) |
rand(3, 4) |
# generate 3x4 matrix of random numbers from U[0,1] |
rand(2:5, 10) |
# generate vector of 10 random integer numbers in range form 2 to 5 |
randn(10) |
# generate vector of 10 random numbers from standard normal distribution |
Advanced randomness form Distributions.jl package (version 0.25.79): |
using Distributions # load package |
sample(1:10, 10) |
# single bootstrap sample from set 1-10 |
b = Beta(0.4, 0.8) # Beta distribution with parameters 0.4 and 0.8 |
# see documentation for supported distributions |
mean(b) |
# expected value of distribution b |
rand(b, 100) |
# 100 independent random samples from distribution b |
# see documentation for other supported statistics |
13 Statistics and machine learning |
Visit http://juliastats.github.io/ for the details (in particular R-like data frames). |
There is a core language construct Missing that allows to represent missing value. |
missing # Missing value |
ismissing(missing) # true |
coalesce(missing, 1, 2) # return first non-missing value, or missing if all are missing |
Here are some most basic statistical functions shipped with Julia: |
using Statistics # module defining the statistical functions |
mean([1, 2, 3]) # mean |
var([1, 2, 3]) # variance |
std([1, 2, 3]) # standard deviation |
quantile(1:100, 0.05) # quantiles |
median(1:100) # median |
cov(1:5, 5:-1:1) # covariance |
cor(1:5, 5:-1:1) # Pearson's correlation |
14 Macros |
You can define macros (see documentation for details). Useful standard macros. |
Assertions: |
@assert 1 == 2 "ERROR" |
# 2 macro arguments; error raised |
using Test |
# load Test package |
@test 1 == 2 |
@test_throws DomainError sqrt(-1) # passed, sqrt(-1) is not possible |
# similar to assert; error |
Benchmarking: |
@time [x for x in 1:10^6]; |
# print time and memory |
@timed [x for x in 1:10^6]; |
# return value, time and memory |
@elapsed [x for x in 1:10^6] |
# return time |
@allocated [x for x in 1:10^6] # return memory |
Use BenchmarkTools.jl package (version 1.3.2) for a more powerful benchmarking functionality. |
The Julia Express |
15 Plotting |
15 |
There are several plotting packages for Julia like Plots.jl (which is an umbrella packages for several plotting backends). |
Here we show how to use it (version 1.38.0): |
using Plots |
using Random |
Random.seed!(1) # make the plot reproducible |
x, y = 1:100, randn(100) |
plot(x, y) # line plot |
scatter(x, y) # scatter plot |
histogram(y) # histogram |
bar(y) # barplot |
An example reproducing https://matplotlib.org/1.2.1/examples/pylab_examples/histogram_demo.html in which we |
also use StatsPlots.jl package (version 0.15.4): |
using Distributions |
using Plots |
using Random |
using StatsPlots |
Random.seed!(1234) |
mu, sigma = 100, 15 |
x = mu .+ sigma * randn(10000) |
histogram(x, |
title="Histogram of IQ: \\mu=100, \\sigma=15", |
label=nothing, |
xlabel="Smarts", |
ylabel="Probability", |
color="green", |
normalize=true) |
plot!(Normal(mu, sigma), |
color="red", |
label=nothing, |
linestyle=:dash) |
savefig("hist.pdf") |
producing: |
16 Working with tabular data |
There are multiple packages supporting tabular data for the Julia language. |
Here we will show how DataFrames.jl (version 1.4.4) and CSV.jl (version 0.10.8) packages can be used. |
Loading a CSV file: |
16 |
The Julia Express |
using DataFrames |
using CSV |
path = joinpath(dirname(pathof(DataFrames)), "../docs/src/assets/iris.csv") |
df = CSV.read(path, DataFrame); |
first(df, 5) # print first 5 rows of a data frame; use the last function for last rows |
produces the following output: |
5x5 DataFrame |
Row | SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth Species |
| Float64 |
Float64 |
Float64 |
Float64 |
String |
--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
5.1 |
4.9 |
4.7 |
4.6 |
5.0 |
3.5 |
3.0 |
3.2 |
3.1 |
3.6 |
1.4 |
1.4 |
1.3 |
1.5 |
1.4 |
0.2 Iris-setosa |
0.2 Iris-setosa |
0.2 Iris-setosa |
0.2 Iris-setosa |
0.2 Iris-setosa |
Here is a limited list of most useful operations on a DataFrame we have just read in: |
DataFrame(a=1:10, b=rand(10)) # manual creation of a DataFrame from a list of columns |
describe(df) # get a summary information about a data frame |
df.Species # get a column Species from a data frame without copying |
df[!, :Species] # the same as above |
df[:, :Species] # the same as above, but perform a copy |
df[1, 5] # get a value from row 1 and column 5 (Species again) from a DataFrame |
df[1:2, 1:2] # subset a data frame getting two first rows and two first columns |
Matrix(df[:, 1:4]) # convert columns 1 to 4 to a matrix |
names(df) # get column names in the data frame as strings |
nrow(df), ncol(df) # number of rows and columns in a data frame |
sort(df, :SepalWidth) # return a new data frame that is sorted by SepalWidth column |
filter(:SepalWidth => >(3), df) # return a new data frame with only rows that meet the predicate |
push!(df, (1, 2, 3, 4, "Some species")) # add a new row at the end of the data frame |
df.key = axes(df, 1) # add a new variable named key to a data frame |
# calculate sum of SepalLength column by Species column and store it in x column |
combine(groupby(df, :Species), :SepalLength => sum) |
# transform df to long format taking SepalLength as values and key and Species as id variable |
df2 = stack(df, :SepalLength, [:key, :Species]) |
unstack(df2, [:key, :variable], :Species, :value) # a reverse operation - wide to long format |
17 The Joy of Julia |
The Julia language is so flexible that it allows you to transform |
this |
to this |
You can fully appreciate it (actually it is an animation of revolving hearts) when you run the code yourself. You can |
find it here https://github.com/maxbennedich/code-golf/tree/cea06287689868f2342959f9c12f0b629a1d0cf4/hearts. |
Please make sure that you run the code on a fast terminal with font that supports Unicode. |