Doctor,English |
po,by mouth |
htn,hypertension |
qd,daily |
s/p,status post |
nl,normal |
l,avL |
l,left |
l,liter |
l,lymphocytes |
ed,emergency department |
neg,negative |
cp,chest pain |
cp,costophrenic |
sob,shortness of breath |
yo,years old |
etoh,ethanol (aka alcohol) |
r,not an acronym |
r,respirations |
r,right |
wbc,white blood cells |
h/o,history of |
ct,computed tomography |
hpi,history of present illness |
iv,intravenous |
iv,roman numeral 4 |
nkda,no known drug allergies |
er,emergency room |
er,estrogen receptor |
er,extended release |
asa,aspirin |
m,male |
m,monday |
m,monocytes |
m,mother |
m,murmur |
hx,history |
am,morning |
rrr,regular rate and rhythm |
f,aVF |
f,father |
f,female |
f,fever |
cad,coronary artery disease |
nad,no acute disease |
nad,no apparent distress |
jvd,jugular venous distention |
ekg,electrocardiogram |
abd,abdomen |
bp,blood pressure |
nt,nontender |
chf,congestive heart failure |
bs,blood sugar |
bs,bowel sounds |
bs,breath sounds |
cbc,complete blood count |
cr,creatinine |
meds,medications |
nd,nondistended |
nd,not an acronym |
gi,gastroenterology |
gi,gastrointestinal |
nsr,normal sinus rhythm |
wnl,within normal limits |
tte,transthoracic echocardiography |
cta,clear to auscultation |
cta,computed tomography angiography |
hct,hematocrit |
b/l,baseline |
b/l,bilateral |
cxr,chest x-ray |
s1,not an acronym |
s2,not an acronym |
cva,cerebral vascular accident |
cva,costovertebral angle |
cont,continue |
eomi,extraocular movements intact |
pmd,primary medical doctor |
f/u,follow up |
lfts,liver function tests |
ncat,normocephalic/atraumatic |
hr,heart rate |
hr,hour |
p/w,presents with |
ef,ejection fraction |
bun,blood urea nitrogen |
k,first initial of physician |
k,not an acronym |
k,potassium |
k,thousand |
c/c/e,"cyanosis, clubbing or edema" |
x2,B x2 means 2 brothers |
x2,bilaterally |
x2,two times |
inr,international normalized ratio |
t,not an acronym |
t,temperature |
t,tobacco |
t,total |
t,type |
dvt,deep vein thrombosis |
s1s2,not an acronym |
plt,platelets |
mmm,moist mucous membanes |
wt,physician initials |
wt,weight |
yrs,years |
cv,cardiovascular |
cv,costovertebral |
rr,not an acronym |
rr,regular rate |
rr,respiratory rate |
ua,urinalysis |
na,initials of a physician |
na,normal axis |
na,not an acronym |
na,not applicable |
na,sodium |
pmh,past medical history |
cath,catheter |
cath,catheterization |
d/c,deceased |
d/c,diarrhea/constipation |
d/c,discharge |
d/c,discontinue |
hha,home health aide |
nc,nasal canula |
nc,non-contributory |
nc,normocephalic |
lvh,left ventricular hypertrophy |
dm2,diabetes mellitus type 2 |
cx,circumflex |
cx,culture |
pna,pneumonia |
qhs,at bedtime |
copd,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
c/o,complains of |
c/w,consistent with |
c/w,continue with |
tob,tobacco |
ems,emergency medical service |
n/v,nausea/vomiting |
phos,phosphorus |
abx,antibiotics |
r/o,rule out |
o2,oxygen |
afib,atrial fibrillation |
sx,surgery |
sx,symptoms |
cce,"cyanosis, clubbing or edema" |
bid,twice a day |
mcv,mean corpuscular volume |
ctab,clear to auscultation bilaterlly |
mri,magnetic resonance imaging |
ivf,intravenous fluid |
pnd,paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea |
ha,headache |
ha,health aide |
fs,fingerstick |
fs,physician's initials |
iii,roman numeral for the number 3 |
chem,chemistry |
cri,chornic renal insufficiency |
ck,check |
ck,creatine kinase |
ck,initials of physician |
st,not an acronym |
st,saint |
st,street |
twi,T-wave inversions |
uti,urinary tract infection |
ast,aspartate aminotransferase |
pulm,pulmonary |
aim,associates in internal medicine |
hiv,human immunodeficiency virus |
cl,chloride |
cl,clearance |
cl,consult liason |
dr,Domican Republic |
dr,doctor |
vs,versus |
vs,vital signs |
alt,alanine aminotransferase |
alt,alternalte |
alt,alternans |
perrl,"pupils equal, round, reactive to light" |
id,identification |
id,infectious disease |
hctz,hydrochlorothiazide |
ns,nasal spray |
ns,neurosurgery |
ns,night sweats |
ns,nonspecific |
ns,normal saline |
gerd,gastroesophageal reflux disease |
x3,A&Ox3 means alert and oriented to person/place/time |
x3,for 3 |
x3,three times |
hsm,hepatosplenomegaly |
hsm,holosystolic murmur |
cvat,costovertebral angle tenderness |
m/r/g,murmurs/rubs/gallops |
p,pain |
p,parasites |
p,pending |
p,physical |
p,pulse |
rbc,red blood cell |
nebs,nebulizers |
bmp,basic metabolic panel |
sxs,symptoms |
op,opening pressure |
op,operation |
op,oropharynx |
op,outpatient |
mm,millimeter |
mm,moist membranes |
mm,multiple myeloma |
mm,physician initials |
b,basophils |
b,beeper |
b,bilaterally |
b,brain |
b,brother |
lft,left |
lft,liver function tests |
ii,roman numeral for the number 2 |
pta,prior to admission |
ppd,Purified Protein Derivative |
w/o,without |
w/u,work-up |
sw,social work |
y/o,years old |
heme,hematology |
heme,heme (not an acronym) |
f/c,fevers/chills |
diff,differential |
diff,differentiated |
diff,difficile |
diff,diffuse |
cabg,coronary artery bypass graft |
x1,A&O x 1 means alert and oriented to one identifier |
x1,for one |
x1,once |
c,caesarean |
c,cellular phone |
c,clostridium |
c,constipation |
c,curettage |
c,cyanosis or clubbing |
c,not an abbreviation |
c,with |
ptt,partial thromboplastin time |
egd,esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
dx,diagnosis |
dx,disease |
n,first initial of physician |
n,nausea |
n,neutrophils |
n,north |
cn,cranial nerves |
ett,endotracheal tube |
ett,exercise tolerance |
ett,exercise tolerance test |
ecg,electrocardiogram |
dp,dorsalis pedis |
w,week |
w,well |
w,west |
w,white blood cells |
w,with |
w,woman |
w,work |
doe,dyspnea on exertion |
pcn,penicillin |
gluc,gluconate |
gluc,glucose |
dz,disease |
bili,bilirubin |
mvi,multivitamin |
eval,evaluate |
eval,evaluation |
esrd,end-stage renal disease |
wwp,warm and well-perfused |
pmhx,past medical history |
dl,deciliter |
cpmc,columbia presbyterian medical center |
c/b,complicated by |
lle,left lower extremity |
mr,mister |
mr,mitral regurgitation |
mr,murmurs/rubs |
bl,baseline |
bl,bilateral |
bl,physician's initials |
utox,urine toxicology |
peg,percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
sq,subcutaneous |
d,day |
d,diarrhea |
d,disorder |
lv,left ventricle |
lv,leucovorin |
u,unit |
u,upper |
u,urine |
dispo,disposition |
bpm,beats per minute |
hgb,hemoglobin |
hgb,physician's initials |
tb,total bilirubin |
tb,tuberculosis |
c7,chemistry 7 |
hco3,bicarbonate |
uri,upper respiratory tract infection |
md,medical doctor |
occ,occasional |
osh,outside hospital |
ivdu,intravenous drug use |
ntnd,nontender/nondistended |
ms,Miss |
ms,mental status |
ms,milliseconds |
ms,morphine sulfate |
ms,multiple sclerosis |
ms,muscle strength |
ap,abdomen and pelvis |
ap,alkaline phosphatase |
ap,allen pavilion |
ap,anterior-posterior |
ap,assessment and plan |
ap,physician's initials |
usoh,usual state of health |
mcg,micrograms |
co2,bicarbonate |
co2,carbon dioxide |
at,not an abbreviation |
ext,extension |
ext,external |
ext,extremities |
et,and others |
et,endotracheal |
et,exercise tolerance |
loc,loss of consciousness |
bb,bedbound |
bb,beta blocker |
pvc,premature ventricular contraction |
pvc,pulmonary vascular congestion |
rx,prescription |
rx,treatment |
mmhg,millimeters of mercury |
hrs,hours |
acs,acute coronary syndrome |
acs,administration for child services |
pos,by mouth |
pos,positive |
brbpr,bright red blood per rectum |
mrg,"murmumrs, rubs, gallops" |
nabs,normoactive bowel sounds |
nh,nursing home |
nh,physician initials |
bnp,brain natriuretic peptide |
ucx,urine culture |
ttp,tenderness to palpation |
ttp,thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura |
rle,right lower extremity |
ppi,proton pump inhibitor |
sscp,substernal chest pain |
jvp,jugular venous pressure |
alk,alkaline |
sbp,spontaneous bacterial peritonitis |
sbp,systolic blood pressure |
micu,medical intensive care unit |
pud,peptic ulcer disease |
cumc,columbia university medical center |
min,minimal |
min,minutes |
ruq,right upper quadrant |
rca,right coronary artery |
pa,pennsylvania |
pa,physician assistant |
pa,posterior-anterior |
pa,pulmonary artery |
pvd,peripheral vascular disease |
af,afebrile |
af,atrial fibrillation |
lan,lymphadenopathy |
dnr,do not resuscitate |
afeb,afebrile |
npo,nothing by mouth |
tab,not an abbreviation |
tr,trace |
tr,tricuspid regurgitation |
us,not an abbreviation |
us,ultrasound |
us,united states |
n/v/d,"nause, vomiting, diarrhea" |
bph,benign prostatic hypertrophy |
rv,right ventricle |
tid,three times a day |
wk,week |
ecasa,enteric coated acetylsalicylic acid |
ppm,pacemaker |
b12,not an abbreviation |
b12,vitamin b12 |
endo,endocrinology |
endo,endoscopy |
nph,NPH insulin |
nph,normal pressure hydrocephalus |
o,not an abbreviation |
o,old |
o,oriented |
o,ova |
o,physician initials |
adls,activities of daily living |
prot,protein |
qam,every morning |
sr,senior |
sr,sinus rhythm |
sr,sustained release |
d/w,discussed with |
oa,osteoarthritis |
rf,renal failure |
rf,rheumatoid factor |
rf,risk factors |
bx,biopsy |
bx,blood culture |
bx,bronx |
q,every |
q,not an abbreviation |
q,subq = subcutaneous |
ntg,nitroglycerin |
pm,afternoon |
pm,pacemaker |
avf,arteriovenous fistula |
avf,not an abbreviation |
mod,moderate |
ldl,low-density lipoprotein |
neuro,neurologic |
neuro,neurology |
resp,respirations |
resp,respiratory |
fsg,finger stick glucose |
chol,cholesterol |
e,Enterococcus |
e,Escherichia |
e,east |
e,edema |
e,eosin |
e,eosinophils |
e,ethanol (alcohol) |
e,exempli gratia (for example) |
e,id est (for example) |
e,not an abbreviation |
e,physician initial |
twf,T wave flattening |
vss,vital signs stable |
acei,angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor |
u/s,ultrasound |
abg,arterial blood gas |
tp,posterior tibial |
tp,toilet paper |
tp,total protein |
dtr,daughter |
dtr,deep tendon reflex |
hcv,hepatitis C virus |
fx,family history |
fx,fracture |
fx,function |
a1c,not an abbreviation (all of it is hemoglobin A1C) |
reg,regimen |
reg,regular |
reg,regular insulin |
lae,left atrial enlargement |
ue,upper extremity |
t/e/d,"tobacco, ethanol, drugs" |
glu,glucose |
wks,weeks |
aicd,Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator |
q6,every 6 |
q6,every 6 hours |
av,aortic valve |
av,arteriovenous |
av,atrioventricular |
g/dl,grams per deciliter |
rbbb,right bundle branch block |
d/o,died of |
d/o,disorder |
lee,lower extremitiy edema |
lee,not an abbreviation |
xrt,radiation therapy |
sl,?typo (?ls) |
sl,physician initials |
sl,slight |
sl,sublingual |
xray,not an abbreviation |
tw,T wave |
dni,do not intubate |
arf,acute renal failure |
gib,gastrointestinal bleed |
ddx,differential diagnosis |
h,H&H is hemoglobin and hematocrit |
h,helicobacter |
h,high |
h,home |
h,hours |
psa,polysubstance abuse |
psa,prostate specific antigen |
hba1c,hemoglobin A1c |
v1,not an abbreviation |
m/g/r,"murmurs, gallops, rubs" |
esr,erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
sem,systolic ejection murmur |
coag,coagulation |
psh,past surgical history |
cap,capillary |
cap,captain |
cap,community-acquired pneumonia |
cap,not an abbreviation |
vns,visiting nurse services |
sz,seizure |
sz,size |
nml,normal |
plts,platelets |
s,intitial of physician |
s,not an abbreviation |
s,s&s = swish and swallow |
s,smear |
s,soft |
s,staphylococcus |
ccu,cardiac care unit |
b/c,b and c |
b/c,because |
romi,rule out myocardial infarction |
lbp,low back pain |
v,5 |
v,initial of person |
v,ventricular |
v,versus |
v,vessel |
v,vomiting |
vit,vitamin |
snf,skilled nursing facility |
rt,radiation therapy |
rt,rebound tenderness |
rt,right |
ent,ear nose throat |
onc,oncology |
pcp,phencyclidine |
pcp,pneumocystis pneumonia |
pcp,primary care physician |
pcp,proximal carpal phalanx |
djd,degenerative joint disease |
djd,physician initials |
bcx,blood culture |
ldh,lactate dehydrogenase |
cd4,cluster of differentiation 4 (but never spelled out...) |
q6h,every 6 hours |
lat,lateral |
gu,genitourinary |
int,internal |
int,interval |
hdl,high-density lipoprotein |
lbbb,left bundle branch block |
hcp,health care proxy |
hb,heart block |
hb,hemoglobin |
avl,not an abbreviation |
llq,left lower quadrant |
dmii,diabetes mellitus type 2 |
sm,senior medicine |
sm,small |
sm,smith |
sm,smooth muscle |
sm,systolic murmur |
pfts,pulmonary function tests |
rdw,red cell distribution width |
h/h,hemoglobin and hematocrit |
ox3,oriented times 3 |
tm,maximum temperature |
tm,thyromegaly |
tm,tympanic membrane |
icu,intensive care unit |
qday,everyday |
lue,left upper extremity |
wdwn,"well-developed, well-nourished" |
thal,thalassemia |
thal,thalium |
jc,initials of physician |
jc,not an abbreviation |
sb,sinus bradycardia |
sb,small bowel |
sb,sternal border |
kg,kilogram |
kg,physician initials |
ace,angiontensin converting enzyme inhibitor |
ace,angiotensin converting enzyme |
ace,not an abbreviaion |
la,left atrium |
la,lymphadenopathy |
la,not an abbreviation |
la,physician initials |
s3,not an abbreviation |
bld,blood |
picc,partnership for innovative comprehensive care |
picc,peripherally inserted central catheter |
ros,review of systems |
lvef,left ventricular ejection fraction |
yof,year old female |
ph,not an abbreviation |
ph,phone |
mdi,metered-dose inhaler |
v2,not an abbreviation |
ivda,intravenous drug abuse |
ii-xii,cranial nerves 2-12 |
ii-xii,numbers 2-12 (ii and xii are roman numerals) |
lp,lumbar puncture |
pr,not an abbreviation |
pr,per |
pr,per rectum |
pr,progesterone receptor |
pr,puerto rico |
pr,pulmonic regurgitation |
pr,"typo, should be PT" |
vi,6 |
vi,not an abbreviation |
inh,inhaler |
inh,isabella nursing home |
inh,isoniazid |
tdc,tunnel dialysis catheter |
mult,multiple |
tg,anti-tissue transglutaminase |
tg,triglycerides |
u/l,units per liter |
u/l,upper and lower |
rll,right lower lobe |
dka,diabetic ketoacidosis |
haart,highly active antiretroviral therapy |
afvss,afebrile vital signs stable |
as,not an abbreviation |
qpm,every afternoon |
d/t,direct and total |
d/t,due to |
pmi,point of maximal impulse |
ir,?typo (ER?) |
ir,?typo (or?) |
ir,intermediate release |
ir,interventional radiology |
ir,irregular |
hi,high |
hi,homicidal ideation |
hi,not an abbreviation |
appt,appointment |
q12,every 12 hours |
st-t,not an abbreviation |
tah,total abdominal hysterectomy |
ivc,inverior vena cava |
lll,left lower lobe |
cigs,cigarettes |
ekgs,electrocardiogram |
hep,heparin |
hep,hepatic panel |
hep,hepatitis |
from,full range of motion |
from,not an abbreviation |
o/p,oropharynx |
o/p,outpatient |
o/p,ova and parasites |
fen,fluid electrolytes nutrition |
paf,paroxysmal atrial fibrillation |
axr,abdominal x-ray |
lt,left |
lt,light touch |
lt,"typo, should be ALT" |
aptt,activated partial thromboplastin time |
glc,glucose |
rue,right upper extremity |
mra,magnetic resonance angiogram |
nf,night float |
nf,nonfocal |
ot,occupational therapy |
ot,"typo, should be to" |
ot,"typo, shouled be or" |
rusb,right upper sternal border |
abnl,abnormal |
abnl,abnormality |
yom,year old male |
qac,every morning |
rvr,rapid ventricular response |
s/f,significant for |
tol,tolerance |
tol,tolerated |
aids,acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
aids,not an abbreviation |
vl,viral load |
osa,obstructive sleep apnea |
derm,dermatology |
ln,lupus nephritis |
ln,lymph node |
ln,natural logarithm |
mos,months |
sle,systemic lupus erythematosus |
si,sign |
si,suicidal ideation |
si,suicide |
bm,bone marrow |
bm,bowel movement |
ls,lumbosacral |
ls,lung sounds |
ss,Hemoglobin SS |
ss,initials of a doctor |
ss,single strength |
ss,sliding scale |
ss,social security |
ss,substernal |
tia,transient ischemic attack |
icd,implantable cardioverter defibrillator |
itp,idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
ad,Alzheimer's disease |
ad,adenosine |
ad,advertisement |
hs,Hudson South |
hs,at bedtime |
hs,heart sounds |
hs,high school |
hs,history |
tsh,thyroid stimulating hormone |
ag,Name Initials |
ag,anion gap |
ag,antigen |
gtt,drip |
gtt,drop |
mrsa,Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
med,medication |
med,medicine |
cc,chief complaint |
cc,"clubbing, cyanosis" |
cc,cubic centimeter |
mg,magnesium |
mg,milligram |
cm,cardiomegaly |
cm,cardiomyopathy |
cm,centimeter |
cm,"initials of the doctor James Brust, MD" |
mi,myocardial infarction |
lad,anterior descending branch of left coronary artery |
lad,left atrial dilation |
lad,left axis deviation |
lad,lymphadenopathy |
dm,diabetes mellitus |
dm,initials of a doctor |
pe,physical exam |
pe,pulmonary embolism |
le,leukocyte esterase |
le,lower extremity |
ra,rheumatoid arthritis |
ra,right atrium |
ra,room air |
pt,patient |
pt,physical therapy |
pt,prothrombin time |
ca,calcium |
ca,carcinoma |
hd,heart disease |
hd,hemodialysis |
hd,hemodynamic |