Julanta J Carriere, Nia A Davies, Margaret R Cunningham, Melisa J Wallace, Aidan Seeley
Co-created in vivo pharmacology practical classes using the novel organism Lumbriculus variegatus
Pharmacology research & perspectives
women disproportionately impacted osteoarthritis oa less likely men access oa care particularly racialized women one way reduce inequities policies influence healthcare services examined oarelevant policies canada address equitable personcentred oa care women used content analysis extract data englishlanguage oarelevant documents referred policies synonymous terms published 2000 later identified searching governmental web sites used summary statistics describe policy characteristics personcentred care using mccormacks sixdomain framework mention oa prevalence barriers strategies improve equitable access oa care among women included 14 policies developed 2004 2021 none comprehensively addressed personcentred care domains addressed individual domains enable selfmanagement 50 share decisions 43 exchange information 29 respond emotions 14 foster healing relationship 0 manage uncertainty 0 even mentioned content offered little guidance achieve personcentred oa care policies acknowledged greater prevalence oa among women 36 older 29 indigenous persons 29 lower socioeconomic status 14 barriers oa care among lower socioeconomic status 50 rural areas 43 older age 37 ethnocultural groups 21 women 21 four 29 policies recommended strategies improving access oa care patient selfmanagement education material different languages tailored cultural norms clinician healthcare professional education system level evaluate oa service equity engage lay health leaders delivering selfmanagement programs offer selfmanagement programs variety formats five 36 policies recommended research improve oa care equityseeking groups canadian oarelevant policies lack guidance overcome disparities access personcentred oa care equityseeking groups including women study identified several ways strengthen policies ongoing research must identify needs preferences equityseeking persons oa evaluate impact various models service delivery knowledge needed influence oarelevant policy
Kelly Burgoyne, Emma Pagnamenta, Kirstie Hartwell, Vesna Stojanovik
Protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial of parent-delivered early language intervention for children with Down syndrome (PACT-DS)
Pilot and feasibility studies
women underrepresented science technology engineering mathematics stem majors careers industrialized countries around world paper explores broad array explanations absence women stem put forth literature last 30 years argued proposed explanations without merit fact dangerous others play part complex interaction factors suggested nature science may contribute removal women pipeline recommendations reform science education address problem also provided
Naïm Ouldali, Enora Le Roux, Albert Faye, Claire Leblanc, François Angoulvant, Diane Korb, Clémence Delcour, Caroline Caula, Delphine Wohrer, Alexis Rybak, Manon Delafoy, Claire Carrié, Marion Strullu, Mehdi Oualha, Romain Levy, Camille Mimoun, Lucie Griffon, Alexandre Nuzzo, Clara Eyraud, Michael Levy, Pierre Ellul
Early formative objective structured clinical examinations for students in the pre-clinical years of medical education: A non-randomized controlled prospective pilot study
PloS one
women underrepresented academic radiation oncology ro particularly leadership positions study sought better understand characteristics individuals currently serve academic ro chairpersons institutions associated accreditation council graduate medical educationaccredited ro residency training program created database academic ro chairpersons united states using publicly available sources including residency training program websites hospitalinstitutional websites doximity linkedin american society radiation oncology astro website american college radiation oncology website national plan provider enumeration system national provider identifier registry used 2 goodness fit test mannwhitney u test fisher exact test via r version 411 evaluate statistical significance among categorical variables medians proportions respectively identified 85 90 chairpersons 944 currently serving institutions accreditation council graduate medical educationaccredited ro residency training program 5 hold interim positions thus excluded analyses remaining 80 chairpersons 9 113 women 71 888 men p 01 seventysix chairpersons 950 full professors 19 238 hold dual md phd degrees thirtytwo chairpersons 400 hold official leadership role cancer center affiliated current institution 437 men vs 111 women p 08 seventythree chairpersons 913 secured current positions median 16 years range 633 years completing ro residency thirtyfive chairpersons 438 promoted chair positions within current institutions 408 men vs 667 women p 17 majority chairpersons astro fellows 625 notably fewer astro 50 american college radiation oncology 25 gold medalists eight ro residency programs trained half current chairpersons significantly men women currently serve ro chairpersons future interventions promote recruitment retention promotion talented women academic ro considered
Mohammad-Amin Nasiri, Mahdieh Sabery, Mahboubeh Rezaei, Hamidreza Gilasi
The effects of mentorship and educational videos on nursing students' physical examination skills: a clinical audit
BMC nursing
women diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus often rely internetbased health information managing condition study aims investigate present state electronic health literacy among women gestational diabetes mellitus analyze influencing factors explore experiences regarding accessing comprehending evaluating applying online health information pertinent gestational diabetes mellitus sequential explanatory mixed methods research design adopted study initially 235 women gestational diabetes mellitus participated crosssectional survey research tools included general information chinese version electronic health literacy scale eheals descriptive analyses conducted describe characteristics sample multiple linear regression analyses used explore factors influencing electronic health literacy among women gestational diabetes mellitus secondly 11 women gestational diabetes mellitus joined semistructured indepth interviews obtain perceptions online health information data analyzed using inductive content analysis develop themes median score eheals chinese version among 235 women diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus 29 interquartile range iqr 26 32 factors influencing electronic health literacy among women included accessing health information medical professionals 0137 p 0029 utilizing health information applications 0159 p 0013 qualitative phase study four thematic categories emerged reasons basis accessing health information internet address barriers accessing applying online health information desires higher level online health information services outcomes accessing applying online health information electronic health literacy women diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus remains suboptimal warrants improvement sources access health information affect electronic health literacy women gestational diabetes mellitus moreover women facing gestational diabetes encounter numerous impediments attempting access healthrelated information online underscoring necessity enhanced online health information services meet needs
Mashael Alowais, Georgina Rudd, Victoria Besa, Hamde Nazar, Tejal Shah, Clare Tolley
Digital literacy in undergraduate pharmacy education: a scoping review
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA
women entrepreneurs innovate initiate engage run business enterprises contribute domestic development women entrepreneurs think start taking risks operating enterprises combine various factors involved production deal uncertain business environment entrepreneurship technological innovation play crucial role developing economy creating job opportunities improving skills executing new ideas significant impact income household study focused investigating role womens entrepreneurship innovation technologies contributing household income challenging situation pandemic covid19 paper emphasized identifying determinants female entrepreneurial contribution toward household income study collected data selected rural urban areas district faisalabad selfadministered questionnaire investigators interviewed female entrepreneurs chose snowball sampling technique population purposively selected femalerun businesses interviews conducted women entrepreneurs gather relevant information survey investigation workplaces home effects various factors including age education family size income sources time allocated entrepreneurial activity firm size location ruralurban estimated empirically using ordered logit model study findings exhibited positive significant role respondents education family size time allocated entrepreneurial activities firm size survey outcomes also indicated contribution entrepreneurial income household income rural areas significantly higher urban areas study signifies regulations gender discrimination public private institutions helpful besides encouraging environment entrepreneurial culture among women country would increase family income studys findings policy implications directly link sustainable development goal sdgs 5 gender equality ge sdg 8 related decent work economic growth
Riya Singla, Pratik Chatterjee, Prasanna Mithra
Impact of COVID-19 on Academic and Psychological Aspects in Students of Medicine: A Cross-Sectional Study
women low middleincome countries face challenges accessing utilising quality healthcare technologies aid overcoming challenges present scoping review aimed summarising range technologies used women assessing role enabling indian women learn access healthcare services conducted comprehensive search date inception database till 2022 pubmed google scholar data extracted 43 studies thematically analysed range technologies used indian women included integrated voice response system short message services audiovisual aids telephone calls mobile applications operated health workers majority studies communitybased 791 five states 605 done rural settings 581 interventional design 488 maternal child health major focus studies lesser representation domains noncommunicable communicable diseases review also summarised barriers related using technology health system participant perspective technologybased interventions enabling women improve awareness accessibility healthcare india imparting digital literacy scaling technology use potential solutions scaleup healthcare access among women india
Oqba Alkuran, Lama Al-Mehaisen, Ismaiel Abu Mahfouz, Lena Al-Kuran, Fida Asali, Almu'atasim Khamees, Tariq Al-Shatanawi, Hatim Jaber
Distance Electronic Learning Strategy in Medical Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Survey Study
JMIR medical education
women refugee backgrounds poorer health outcomes host country populations people myanmar karen ethnic minority constitute one largest groups humanitarian visa entrants australia since 2015 barriers enablers preventive sexual reproductive health srh group women poorly understood objective establish preventive srh care needs experiences karen women refugee backgrounds living australia qualitative study using semistructured interviews conducted purposive sample karen women bicultural worker assisted recruitment interpreting data collection interviews conducted karen language bicultural worker interpreting english interview audio recordings english dialogue transcribed verbatim thematic analysis used analyse report data thirteen women interviewed five major themes identified 1 prevention awareness including lack access education knowledge services prearrival appreciation new health system limited vaccination knowledge 2 perceived need prevention including consequences screening health care provider hcp attendance 3 health information seeking including providing comprehensive approach information delivery trusted sources information 4 barriers including missed opportunities communication language illiteracy lack continuity care 5 enablers including hcp characteristics peer support individual responsibility findings study indicate improve access preventive srh services multicomponent strategy needed provision preventive srh information using multipronged approach peer community support interventions hcps offering services information opportunistically would benefit karen women unfamiliar preventive srh care primary prevention services education codesigned community members may effective improving karen womens access srh care
Roxane Carrière, Christiane Trottier, Vicky Drapeau, Éric Frenette, Claude Goulet, Charlotte Brochu, Martin Camiré, Pierre-Nicolas Lemyre
Winner for Life: A three-year study of student-athletes' life skills development in a training programme for coaches and teachers
Psychology of sport and exercise
women historically underrepresented cardiology subspecialties however limited research done examine trends representation women cardiology subspecialties time study aims examine trends compare internal medicine subspecialties used data accreditation council graduate medical education acgme conduct retrospective analysis gender trends cardiology subspecialties decade 2013 2023 chisquare statistical testing used compare representation percentages across groups pvalue 005 considered statistically significant compared internal medicine subspecialties cardiology subspecialties continues remain least represented women found statistically significant increase womens representation cardiovascular disease interventional cardiology however statistically significant changes representation women electrophysiology advanced heart failure found last decade positive trend overall women fellows choosing cardiology subspecialties especially since 2018 strides made increasing number female fellows cardiology still lags compared internal medicine subspecialties celebrate minor milestone crucial emphasize importance persistently overcoming obstacles fostering supportive environment throughout training phases attract retain mentor female trainees
Min Jian, Dongxue Jin, Xiaopeng Wu
Research hotspots and development trends of international learning cycle model:Bibliometric analysis based on CiteSpace
women made less progress toward gender equality middle east region many observers claim due regions islamic traditions suggest oil islam fault oil production also explains women lag behind many countries oil production reduces number women labor force turn reduces political influence result oilproducing states left atypically strong patriarchal norms laws political institutions support argument global data oil production female work patterns female political representation comparing oilrich algeria oilpoor morocco tunisia argument implications study middle east islamic culture resource curse
Lisa Gonzalez, Ann Nielsen
An integrative review of teaching strategies to support clinical judgment development in clinical education for nurses
Nurse education today
women unique health concerns context chronic illness although health literacy linked healthrelated quality life pathway factors mediate relationship well examined among saudi women chronic disease study designed examine relationship health literacy healthrelated quality life determine mediating roles healthy lifestyle patientcentered care explaining relationship crosssectional study used random sample 20 primary healthcare centers saudi arabia selected convenience sample 300 women diagnosed chronic illness recruited centers structural equation modeling used test proposed relationships controlling womens age education hypothesized model adequately fit data health literacy dimensions found positively directly affect patientcentered care 0614 b 0189 p 001 healthy lifestyle behaviors 0550 b 1211 p 001 furthermore patientcentered care 0390 b 1301 p 001 healthy lifestyle behaviors 0322 b 0150 p 001 found positively directly affect healthrelated quality life whereas health literacy significant direct 0285 b 0292 p 001 indirect 0417 b 0428 p 001 effects healthrelated quality life patientcentered care healthy lifestyle behaviors special consideration given health literacy patientcentered care healthy lifestyle behaviors enhance healthrelated quality life women chronic illness genderspecific health services interventions needed improve womens health literacy
Mahmoud Kohan, Tahereh Changiz, Nikoo Yamani
A systematic review of faculty development programs based on the Harden teacher's role framework model
BMC medical education
women living highquality healthcare systems likely use oral contraceptives point lives research findings sparked controversial discussions contraception scientific community media potentially leading higher rates method discontinuation understanding underlying motives method discontinuation crucial reproductive health equity future programming interventions address question study aims explore womens experiences oral contraceptive use discontinuation youtube concurrent explanatory mixedmethods design used conduct content analysis german youtube videos information 175 videos 158 individuals extracted quantitative descriptive content analysis twentyone individuals included qualitative content analysis body recurring theme pill biographies women described example bodily sensations reasons taking stopping pill also described positive negative side effects taking pill stopping common side effects taking pill mentioned youtubers mood swings 76158 weight gain 45158 headaches 33158 depressed mood 45158 symptoms discontinuation reported facial skin impurities 108158 decreased mood swings 47158 hair loss 42158 weight loss 36158 overall women overwhelmingly rated discontinuation experience positive 8791 study identified key symptoms oral contraceptive initiation discontinuation portraying experiences female youtubers adding valuable insights understanding method initiation discontinuation research needed explore womens personal experiences method discontinuation beyond youtube platform
William S Yi, Armaun D Rouhi, Caoimhe C Duffy, Yazid K Ghanem, Noel N Williams, Kristoffel R Dumon
A Systematic Review of Immersive Virtual Reality for Nontechnical Skills Training in Surgery
Journal of surgical education
women living metastatic breast cancer mbc risk significantly impaired quality life qol symptom burden distress fear progression unmet needs yet face barriers accessing evidencebased psychosocial treatments group therefore developed finding wayadvanced fmwa webbased selfguided psychosocial program women mbc study aims assess efficacy improving mental qol domains distress fear progression unmet needs health service utilisation multisite randomised controlled trial rct enrol 370 australian participants eligible participants adult 18 years women diagnosed mbc life expectancy 6 months sufficient englishlanguage literacy provide informed consent participants identified screened referred one 10 australian sites via selfreferral response advertisements participants complete four online questionnaires prior accessing program baseline 6 weeks later postintervention 3 months 6 months postintervention consenting participants randomised either fmwa intervention breast cancer network australias bcna onlineapp resource journey minimal intervention attentioncontrol singleblind study randomisation computergenerated stratified site fmwa 6module program addressing common issues experienced women mbc bcna control resources integrated within resources section modules immediately accessible additional booster module released 10 weeks later primary outcome mental qol statistical criteria superiority defined 4point difference groups posttreatment secondary outcomes include qol domains distress fear progression health service use intervention adherence user satisfaction first adequately powered rct selfdirected online intervention women mbc efficacious fmwa help address two national key priorities management mbc enhancing qol reducing symptom burden fmwa potential address unmet needs overcome access barriers overlooked population reducing health system burden study registered prospectively anzctr 29102021 trial id actrn12621001482853p httpsanzctrorgautrialregistrationtrialreviewaspxid382714isreviewtrue
Emma Johnson Smith, Nicola Morrell-Scott, Debbie Roberts, Ian Jones
Research in action-developing and evaluating a student research placement experience
Nurse education today
women childbearing age feel great giving birth pain could excruciating depending pain tolerances midwives requires obstetrical knowledge skills pain management labour safety explored midwives perspectives utilisation pharmacological pain alleviation interventions labour selected hospitals matjhabeng municipality free state province south africa qualitative study undertaken involving sample ten midwives using semistructured interview guide interviews audiorecorded transcribed verbatim teschs open coding data analysis method applied analyse data midwives restricted use pethidine phenergan prescribed doctors labour pain relief disrupted labour pain management obliged either wait physician follow telephone instructions according midwives women taking pethidine phenergan encountered adverse effects discomfort midwives identified high workload inadequate personnel lack skill knowledge lack medication availability lack infrastructure primary challenges administering pharmacological methods women labour lack standing orders delays administration medications pending physicians prescription constituted additional difficulty instance pethidine phenergan unavailable ineffective women midwives recommended women administered alternative pharmacological pain relievers also advocated institutionalization pharmacological guidelines allowing use discretion treating labour pain midwives utilise standardised regulated pharmacological medications labour pain management midwives ability administer pharmacological pain relief labour hampered high workload burden insufficient staff lack skill understanding drug unavailability inadequate infrastructure midwives advocated supported guidelines would allow treat labour pain discretion intersectoral stakeholders required improve midwife skills attitudes health facilities need train supply analgesics midwives midwives ought familiar pharmacological pain relievers
Najwa Aljaber, Jamilah Alsaidan, Nada Shebl, Mona Almanasef
Flipped classrooms in pharmacy education: A systematic review
Saudi pharmaceutical journal : SPJ : the official publication of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society
women reproductive age lowincome countries especially nutritionally vulnerable given strain pregnancy lactation places body aim study identify dietary diversity associated factors among mothers young children crosssectional study conducted ampefy madagascar 1 november 2022 31 march 2023 dietary diversity determined using minimum dietary diversity women reproductive age tool data collected facetoface interviews using validated structured questionnaires anthropometric status examined frequencies percentages calculated comparison variables performed mothers acceptable unacceptable dietary diversity using chisquare test qualitative variables logistic regression analysis also conducted total 437 mothers young children participated study resulting response rate 950 mean age participants 2584 years sd 630 study revealed 3295 participants unacceptable dietary diversity scores associated profile included low education transport homebirth personal choice breastfeeding within first hour birth breastfeed exclusively 6 months dietary changes pregnancy lactation use folic acid supplements studys findings underscore importance providing nutrition information women order improve dietary diversity overall maternal child health
Barbara Nuetzel
Coping strategies for handling stress and providing mental health in elite athletes: a systematic review
Frontiers in sports and active living
women undergoing adjuvant therapy breast cancer diverse information needs remain unfulfilled extensive research shown access relevant information condition significantly enhance quality life women making essential part cancer care however various clinical socioeconomic factors influence information needs women hence primary aim study identify predictors information needs women undergoing adjuvant therapy breast cancer addition study also describe preferred sources information optimal timing acquisition facilitybased crosssectional study undertaken tikur anbessa specialty hospital enlisting cohort comprising 121 women undergoing adjuvant therapy breast cancer trained interviewers administered amharictranslated toronto information needs questionnaire specifically designed breast cancer assess information needs study participants statistical analysis executed using sophisticated software spss version 25 descriptive statistics employed summarize variables study linear regression analyses carried identify notable predictors significantly influenced information needs women total mean score overall information needs current study 19430 2801 range scale 142260 standardized mean score 374 054 disease treatment domains highest information needs standardized mean scores standard deviation 400 054 377 059 respectively 95 participants sought information healthcare professionals 677 women needed information beginning treatments predictors information needs following single treatment option 1268 95 ci 068 2468 p 0039 joining higher education 171 95 ci 147 3414 p 0033 women exhibited substantial demand information healthcare professionals need consider womens educational background treatment status delivering needed information
Nena Lundgreen Mason, Rebecca Thomas, Chad Skidmore, Bosten Loveless, Maxton Muir, Abigail Limov, Alexa Fritsch, Taylor Yancey, Isain Zapata, Andrew Nigh
Comparing the Utility of Landmark-Palpation Guided to Ultrasound-Guided Teaching Methodologies for Subclavian Central Venous Access Using a Formalin-Embalmed Cadaver Model
Advances in medical education and practice
women undergoing postmastectomy breast reconstruction face many complex choices myriad online patient education materials exist assist decision making understanding materials termed health literacy affects surgical decision making outcomes national institutes health recommends writing patient education materials sixth seventhgrade reading level primary goal study assess readability online breast reconstruction materials resources collected every academic hospital plastic surgery residency program 97 total data compared top nonacademic web sites ranked search engine results 14 total materials analyzed using 3 validated readability assessment scales colemanliau index smog simplified measure gobbledygook readability formula fleschkincaid grade level average readability analyzed results compared using 1way analysis variance assess significance different tools 2sided test assess significance academic nonacademic readability results mean readability scores across academic programs colemanliau index 1338 standard deviation sd 281 13th 14th grade fleschkincaid grade level 1304 sd 39 13th grade smog readability 1364 sd 299 13th 14th grade 14 nonacademic sites results showed colemanliau index 1193 sd 114 12th grade fleschkincaid 1182 sd 233 11th 12th grade smog readability 1091 sd 179 11th grade oneway analysis variance demonstrated significant differences mean readability scores across 3 readability tools used academic f 27804 p 006 nonacademic f 114 p 033 twotailed test results demonstrated statistical significance readability academic comparison nonacademic search engine results 204 p 004 average readability across web sites much higher recommended reading level 13th 14th grade reading level academic institutions 11th 12th grade nonacademic web sites plastic surgeons may contribute improving patient understanding perioperative outcomes revising patient education materials
Ali Hashemi, Fatemeh Mahdavirad
A cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary, and cross-gender study on Appraisal resources in PhD dissertation abstracts: Martin & White's (2005) Appraisal Theory in focus
women fail initiate contraceptive use within first year childbirth face increased likelihood experiencing unintended pregnancies close succession regions limited resources use postpartum contraceptives particularly longacting reversible contraceptives remains notably low consequently study sought assess prevalence determinants postpartum long acting reversible contraceptives extended postpartum period shashago district central ethiopia study employed communitybased crosssectional design conducted march 1 2021 april 15 2021 involving total 617 women reproductive age selection study participants performed using multistage stratified sampling technique data collection carried use structured intervieweradministered questionnaire subsequently collected data entered epidata version 31 exported spss version 25 analysis bivariate multivariable logistic regression analyses conducted statistical significance determined using p value 005 along adjusted odds ratios aors corresponding 95 confidence interval ci total 224363 women used longacting contraceptives giving birth among women 311 used implanon 52 used intrauterine device iud factors significantly associated use longacting contraceptives childbirth included age 2529 years aor 18 95 ci 1130 age 35 years aor 87 95 ci 36215 primary education aor 33 95 ci 1667 secondary education aor 35 95 ci 1583 history abortion aor 27 95 ci 1354 additionally good knowledge longacting contraceptives childbirth aor 24 95 ci 1539 significantly associated use study revealed small number women opt longacting contraceptives childbirth implanon popular iuds factors age education level abortion history pregnancy counseling knowledge longacting contraceptives linked usage integrating contraceptive counseling routine antenatal postnatal care essential ensuring access postpartum contraception tailored interventions based age education level could also help promote longacting contraceptive use research targeted interventions needed overcome barriers improve access methods postpartum women
Ashraf Jehad Abuejheisheh, Jafar Alasad Alshraideh, Nawwaf Amro, Salam Bani Hani, Muhamamd Waleed Darawad
Effectiveness of blended learning basic life support module on knowledge and skills: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
women autoimmune rheumatic disease ards experience difficulties bf addition concerning disease aim study identify impact factors infant feeding attitude level bf knowledge bf selfefficacy sociodemographic intention bf women ards performed observational retrospective analytical study reproductiveage women 1850 years old ards prior pregnancy history filled selfreported bf surveys part rheumatology integral care program included sociodemographic clinical characteristics retrieved medical charts analyzed three validated bf questionnaires sixtyfive participants mean age 4132 748 evaluated 63 97 women agreed bf first 6 months prevalent infant feeding attitude neutral 42 646 women common level bf knowledge poor 45 692 patients significant correlations bf knowledge education years p 0001 r 0464 age p 0049 r0245 significant correlation found bf selfefficacy age p 0039 r 0257 attitude toward bf significantly associated education level 9 years 3400 95 ci 109110593 history miscarriage 3670 95 ci 105112813 although women ards agreed bf identified poor level bf knowledge neutral infant feeding attitude predominant identifying data women ards bf practices may improved
Andrea L Porter, Olivia Kim, Olufunmilola Abraham
Evaluation of a Patient Education Game Design Activity
Innovations in pharmacy
women intellectual developmental disabilities idd less likely receive cervical cancer screening ccs relative women without disabilities primary care providers pcps play key roles recommending ccs purpose study identify factors pcps consider recommending performing ccs women idd using qualitative approach indepth semistructured interviews n 13 conducted majority family medicinetrained pcps inductive data analysis found pcps reported recommending ccs however followthrough performing ccs varied pcps attempted align ccs recommendations national guidelines provided counseling education families patients ccs taking individualized riskbenefit approach despite pcps reporting lack knowledge training related providing iddspecific care pcps attempted draw upon experiences similar populations recommend perform ccs opportunity improve knowledge pcps related performing ccs women idd
Kevin Kai Wai Chan, Timothy Xianyi Yang, Albert Kam Ming Chan
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Training of Anesthesiologists in Hong Kong: Overcoming the Challenge
Journal of medical education and curricular development
women substanceuse issues overrepresented prison research womens recidivism often focuses offending behaviour rather health social circumstances women experiencing reimprisonment occurs study examines relationship social determinants health sdoh mental health substanceuse recidivism among women exiting prison histories substanceuse retrospective cohort study women exiting prison completed transitional support programme connections 2008 2018 recidivism measured two years postrelease womens support needs measured baseline 4 weeks prerelease followup four weeks postrelease ongoing needs relation wellestablished sdoh calculated 1 baseline women identified reentry need housing employment finances education domestic violence childcustody social support 2 followup women reported still needing help area womens selfreported substanceuse mental health since release captured followup descriptive statistics calculated measures associations sdoh mental health substanceuse recidivism estimated multiple logistic regression adjusting potential confounders also evaluated mediating effects mental health relationship sdoh substanceuse substanceuse associated increased odds recidivism adjusted odds ratio aor 18 95 confidence interval ci 1129 p 002 poor mental health aor 29 95 ci 1946 p 001 ongoing social support aor 30 95 ci 1950 p 001 childcustody aor 19 95 ci 1033 p 004 financial aor 20 95 ci 1332 p 001 housing aor 18 95 ci 1129 p 002 needs individually associated increased odds substanceuse mediation analysis found mental health fully mediated effects ongoing housing beta efficiency b 033 standard error se 001 p 005 financial b 015 se 007 p 005 childcustody b 018 se 001 p 005 social support b 036 se 01 p 005 needs onto substanceuse partially mediated effects domestic violence b 057 se 023 p 005 onto substanceuse study underscores critical importance addressing interplay sdoh mental health substanceuse recidivism approach targets sdoh holds potential reducing mental distress substanceuse related recidivism
Masoomeh Imanipour, Farshid Mirzaeipour, Mahsa Hazaryan
Effectiveness of feedback type on performance quality and satisfaction of nursing student: A comparative interventional study
Journal of education and health promotion
women type 2 diabetes t2dm likely experience adverse reproductive outcomes yet preconception care significantly reduce risks women t2dm preconception care includes reproductive planning patient education 1 importance achieving glycaemic control pregnancy 2 using effective contraception pregnancy desired 3 discontinuing teratogenic medications pregnancy could occur 4 taking folic acid 5 managing cardiovascular risks despite importance women t2dm receive recommended preconception care conducting twoarm clinicrandomised trial 51 primary care practices chicago illinois evaluate technologybased strategy hardwire preconception care women reproductive age t2dm prepared promoting reproductive planning readiness diabetes strategy versus usual care prepared leverages electronic health record ehr technology primary care visits 1 promote medication safety 2 prompt preconception counselling reproductive planning 3 deliver patientfriendly educational tools reinforce counselling postvisit text messaging used 4 encourage healthy lifestyle behaviours english spanishspeaking women aged 1844 years t2dm enrolled n840 n420 per arm receive either prepared usual care based clinics assignment data collected patient interviews ehr outcomes include haemoglobin a1c primary reproductive knowledge selfmanagement behaviours use generalised linear mixedeffects models glmms evaluate impact prepared outcomes glmms include fixed effect treatment assignment prepared vs usual care random clinic effects study approved northwestern university institutional review board stu00214604 study results published journals summaries shared online participants upon request clinicaltrialsgov registry nct04976881
Basil George, Kerry Hampton, Malcolm Elliott
Effectiveness of an educational intervention on first-year nursing students' knowledge and confidence to perform basic life support: a quasi-experimental study
Contemporary nurse
womens ability negotiate safer sexual practices particularly condom use vital component hivstd prevention strategies genderbased power imbalances may constrain womens negotiation ability yet empirical studies tested hypothesis sexual relationship power constitutes key factor condom use negotiation investigation new measure sexual relationship power scale srps applied data collected 388 mostly latina women urban community health centre massachusetts women high levels relationship power five times likely women low levels report consistent condom use controlling sociodemographic psychosocial variables p 005 population attributable risk estimates indicate 52 lack consistent condom use among women attributed low sexual relationship power strong association sexual relationship power scale consistent condom use supports hypothesis relationship power plays key role safer sex decision making findings underscore importance including issue relationship power design implementation programmes promote sexual reproductive health well research investigating condom use hiv risk
Baojian Wei, Haoyu Wang, Feng Li, Yan Long, Qi Zhang, Hang Liu, Xiujun Tang, Mingjun Rao
Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning on Development of Nursing Students' Critical Thinking Skills: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Nurse educator
womens empowerment important policy agenda critical developing countries like bangladesh achieve sustainable development goals sdgs prime objective paper examine whether community savings groups truly improve economic conditions women turns womens empowerment fishing communities propensity score matching psm logistic regression technique incorporated required data collected community savings groups csg interventions noncsg villages coastal bangladesh quantitative data collected 615 women comprising 306 csg participants treatment group 309 nonparticipants control group results affirm csg group members economically solvent less dependent borrowed money noncsg group members improved economic indicators savings income expenditure csg households make foundation attaining womens empowerment intervened group findings revealed csg women performed better various dimensions leadership capacity noncsg women econometric analysis confirmed positive impacts csg interventions savings gross household income earning catching fish alternative incomegenerating activities aigas expenditure womens empowerment initiatives csg generate economic wellbeing also contribute womens empowerment financial access improved literacy enabling environment productive engagement women reduce gender inequality fishing communities sustain benefits csg establishing institutional linkages advisory financial legalityregistration csgs government authority facilitation alternative igas crucial
Renee Rostolis, Hugo C Temperley, Kirsten Larkins, Adele Burgess, David Proud, Helen Mohan
Exploring the educational value of the general surgical outpatient clinic: a systematic review
Global surgical education : journal of the Association for Surgical Education
womens health concerns generally underrepresented basic translational research reproductive health particular hampered lack understanding basic uterine menstrual physiology menstrual health integral part overall health menarche menopause women menstruate yet tens millions women around world menstruation regularly often catastrophically disrupts physical mental social wellbeing enhancing understanding underlying phenomena involved menstruation abnormal uterine bleeding menstruationrelated disorders move us closer goal personalized care furthermore deeper mechanistic understanding menstruationa fast scarless healing process healthy individualswill likely yield insights myriad diseases involving regulation vascular function locally systemically also recognize many women delay pregnancy increasing desire fertility uterine preservation september 2018 gynecologic health disease branch eunice kennedy shriver national institute child health human development convened 2day meeting menstruation science society aim identify gaps opportunities menstruation science raise awareness need research field experts fields ranging evolutionary role menstruation basic endometrial biology including omic analysis endometrium stem cells tissue engineering endometrium endometrial microbiome abnormal uterine bleeding fibroids translational medicine imaging sampling modalities patientfocused analysis menstrual disorders including abnormal uterine bleeding smart technologies applications mobile health platforms societal challenges health literacy dissemination frameworks across different economic cultural landscapes shared current stateoftheart future vision incorporating patient voice launch meeting provide enhanced meeting report extensive uptodate submission context capturing spectrum basic processes menstruation commence response progesterone withdrawal role tissueresident circulating stem progenitor cells monthly regenerationand current gaps knowledge dysregulation leads abnormal uterine bleeding menstruationrelated disorders adenomyosis endometriosis fibroidsto clinical challenges diagnostics treatment patient societal education conclude overview global agenda concerning menstruation specifically menstrual health hygiene gaining momentum ranging increasing investment addressing menstruationrelated barriers facing girls schools low middleincome countries recent menstrual equity period poverty movements spreading across highincome countries
Graham Cate, C Lowry Barnes, Karen J Dickinson
Simulation training to retool practicing orthopedic surgeons is rare
Global surgical education : journal of the Association for Surgical Education
wooden cultural heritage wch represents significant portion worlds historical artistic heritage consisting immovable movable artefacts despite expertise developed since ancient times enhance durability wooden artefacts inevitably prone degradation fungi play pivotal role deterioration wch terrestrial ecosystems accelerating decay leading alterations color strength reviewing literature last 25 years aimed provide comprehensive overview fungal diversity affecting wch biochemical processes involved wood decay diagnostic tools available fungal identification damage evaluation climatic conditions influence occurrence fungal species threatened wch characterized prevalence woodrot fungi eg serpula lacrymans coniophora puteana architectural heritage temperate continental climates ascomycota indoor harsh environments efforts needed address knowledge fragmentation concerning biodiversity biology fungi involved succession degradative process frequently centered solely main actors multidisciplinary collaboration among engineers restorers life sciences scientists vital tackling challenges posed climate change increased awareness traditional microbiology culture collections fundamental laying solid foundations comprehensive interpretation big data
Jessica Reszel, Olivia Daub, Jenny Leese, Hanna Augustsson, Danielle Moeske Bellows, Christine E Cassidy, Beth E Crowner, Sandra I Dunn, Lisa B Goodwin, Alison M Hoens, Sarah C Hunter, Elizabeth A Lynch, Jennifer L Moore, Miriam R Rafferty, Wendy Romney, Dawn Stacey, Ian D Graham
Essential content for teaching implementation practice in healthcare: a mixed-methods study of teams offering capacity-building initiatives
Implementation science communications
word pseudoword reading related abilities fundamental reading development alphabetic orthographies respectively assumed index childrens orthographic representations words turn acquired underlying selfteaching mechanism alphabetic pseudoword decoding little known concurrent growth trajectories skills early grades among children learning different alphabetic orthographies present study withingroup latent growth models word pseudoword reading efficiency tested data spanning grades 1 2 learners inconsistent english consistent czech slovak orthographies several languagegeneral patterns emerged significant growth observed skills languages growth faster word pseudoword reading efficiency strong lexicality effects increased time obtained across languages languagespecific patterns also found line predictions costs learning lowerconsistency orthographies readers english experienced relatively slower growth reading skills however lag smaller evident latter two time points word reading contrast pseudoword reading english group performed considerably less well czech slovak peers every time point thus weaker decoding skills main contributor larger lexicality effects english group findings considered within frame recent theorizing effect orthographic consistency decoding selfteaching mechanism alphabetic reading acquisition
Farkhondeh Asadi, Shokoofeh Afkhami, Farideh Asadi
Promotion of training course on ICD-10 Poisoning coding : necessity to adopt preventive strategies
BMC medical education
word problems wps belong difficult complex problem types pupils encounter elementarylevel mathematical development classroom setting often viewed merely arithmetic tasks however recent research shows number linguistic verbal components directly related arithmetic contribute greatly difficulty review distinguish three components wp difficulty linguistic complexity problem text ii numerical complexity arithmetic problem iii relation linguistic numerical complexity problem discuss impact factors wp difficulty motivate need high degree control stimuli design experiments manipulate wp difficulty given age group
Katie Fisher, Alison Fielding, Anna Ralston, Elizabeth Holliday, Jean Ball, Michael Tran, Andrew Davey, Amanda Tapley, Parker Magin
Exam prediction and the general Practice Registrar Competency Assessment Grid (GPR-CAG)
Education for primary care : an official publication of the Association of Course Organisers, National Association of GP Tutors, World Organisation of Family Doctors
words essence communication building blocks language learning meaning words thus one important aspects language acquisition children must first learn words combine complex utterances many theories developed explain impressive efficiency young children acquiring vocabulary language well developmental patterns observed course lexical acquisition major source disagreement among different theories whether children equipped special mechanisms biases word learning general cognitive abilities adequate task present novel computational model early word learning shed light mechanisms might work process model learns word meanings probabilistic associations words semantic elements using incremental probabilistic learning mechanism drawing general cognitive abilities results presented demonstrate much word meanings learned naturally occurring childdirected utterances paired meaning representations without using special biases constraints without explicit developmental changes underlying learning mechanism furthermore model provides explanations occasionally contradictory child experimental data offers predictions behavior young word learners novel situations
Davorina Petek, Irena Zakarija-Grković, Aleksandar Stepanović, Marion Tomičić, Zlata Ožvačić Adžić, Venija Cerovečki, Igor Švab, Vesna Homar
Transitioning from face-to-face to distance education. Part 2: A qualitative study in the former Yugoslavia during COVID-19
The European journal of general practice
work interruption disturbs nurses flow thinking diminishes work efficiency induces burnout causes errors threaten patients lives therefore important identify causes measure extent work interruption study developed selfreport scale established validity reliability use hospital settings literature review indepth interviews nurses identified two components developed 25 preliminary items items reviewed nursing experts content validity pilot tested among 20 hospital nurses subsequently 16item preliminary instrument finalized total 359 questionnaires included final analysis exploratory factor analysis efa confirmatory factor analysis cfa performed two factors 12 items derived two rounds efa cumulative percentage variance 5573 construct validity established cfa predictive validity internal consistency reliability developed scale also established thus 12item work interruption measurement scale nurses comprising two domains human environmental factors developed scale useful assessing work interruption experienced nurses developing assessing effectiveness interventions pertaining nurses work interruption
Irena Zakarija-Grković, Aleksandar Stepanović, Davorina Petek, Marion Tomičić, Zlata Ožvačić, Venija Cerovecki, Igor Švab, Vesna Homar
Transitioning from face-to-face to distance education. Part 1: A cross-sectional study in the former Yugoslavia during COVID-19
The European journal of general practice
work central social inclusion people longterm psychiatric hospitalizations context mental health care reform argentina important produce local knowledge work inclusion people discharged psychiatric hospitals objective study describe meanings practices women longterm psychiatric hospitalizations jos estves hospital province buenos aires argentina regarding inclusion labor market return live community descriptive mixedmethods study case assisted discharge rehabilitation program jos estves hospital accompanied 69 women year 2018 analyzed quantitative analysis data 69 women analyzed qualitative analysis sample nine women interviewed 74 women work discharge although moment study 33 working jobs carried corresponded elementary lowcompetence occupational levels mostly supported work program psychiatric hospitalization jobs obtained less qualified informal less exposed public held hospitalization prolonged psychiatric hospitalization significant break peoples work trajectories despite value work experiences psychiatric hospitalization experiences mainly correspond informal sector economy
Chrissie Rashidi Hussein, Masumbuko Baluwa, Thokozani Bvumbwe
Clinical teaching practices in maternal mental health care: An integrated review
Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing
work deceased human bodies enhance anatomical education first documented 3rd century bce however development body donation programs provided many new opportunities medical education aim study investigate work supported human body donors academic institutions united states evaluate ethical oversight process preparation methods used questionnaire developed using qualtrics sent 125 body donation programs united states representatives total 69 institutions completed questionnaire data showed human body donations across united states used teaching clinical skills training research educational outreach institutions worked hardfixed donors teaching softpreserved unembalmed donors clinical skills training among participating programs 33 representatives reported ethical approval process conducting research involving human body donors findings raise ethical concerns related operation body donation programs due lack oversight furthermore institutions allowed faculty staff take photographs donated bodies educational purposes often disclosed consent form data also showed need discussion anatomical legacy collections housed institutions united states
Chia-Hui Chou, Hui-Chen Tai, Shu-Ling Chen
The effects of introducing virtual reality communication simulation in students' learning in a fundamentals of nursing practicum: A pragmatic randomized control trials
Nurse education in practice
workintegrated learning wil widely accepted necessary attain essential competencies healthcare students need future workplaces yet competencybased education cbe remains complex often focus daily practice wil hereby continuous competency development stake moreover fact competencies need continuously develop often neglected ultimately contribute optimization cbe healthcare education study aimed examining competency development wil healthcare education could optimized graduation fourteen semistructured interviews 16 experts competency development wil carried eight healthcare disciplines included namely associate degree nursing audiology family medicine nursing bachelor occupational therapy podiatry pediatrics speech therapy moreover two independent experts outside healthcare domain included broaden perspectives competency development qualitative research approach used based inductive thematic analysis using nvivo12 vivo codes clustered subthemes themes analysis revealed eight types requirements effective continuous competency development namely requirements context 1 competency frameworks 2 reflection feedback 3 assessment 4 continuity competency development 5 mentor involvement 6 eportfolios 7 competency development visualizations 8 competency development graduation noteworthy certain requirements fulfilled one educational program whereas absent another emphasizes large differences competencebased education taking shape different educational programs internship contexts nevertheless educational programs seemed recognize importance ongoing competency development results study indicate identifying meeting requirements effective continuous competency development essential optimize competency development practice healthcare education
Natalia Anosova, Aleksandra Dashkina, Aleksandra Kobicheva, Ekaterina Shostak, Dmitriy Tarkhov
Evaluation of Linguistics Students' Learning Outcomes in Peer Teaching Courses: The Effect of Altruistic and Egoistic Behaviors
European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education
workrelated burnout wrb degree physical psychological fatigue exhaustion perceived individuals related work even though condition widespread across various occupations teachers inevitably experience high levels burnout work longterm effects health wellbeing however developing countries ethiopia lack reliable data psychosocial hazards including workrelated burnout often encumbers officials planning preventive measures study investigated prevalence contributing factors workrelated burnout among public secondary school teachers gondar city northwestern ethiopia institutionbased crosssectional study conducted may june 2022 sample 588 teachers recruited using simple random sampling workrelated burnout assessed using standardized sevenitem copenhagen burnout inventory cbi data collected selfadministered questionnaire collected data entered epidata analyzed using spss multivariable logistic regression analysis used identify factors associated workrelated burnout overall response rate 9405 n 553 majority participants 356 644 male mean sd age participants 3874 765 years study demonstrated prevalence workrelated burnout among school teachers past 12 months 374 n 207 high job demands job stress job dissatisfaction low role clarity student demotivation found psychosocial work factors significantly influenced prevalence workrelated burnout among school teachers study highlights high prevalence workrelated burnout among public secondary school teachers psychosocial work factors job demands job stress job satisfaction role clarity student demotivation significant factors influencing workrelated burnout reduce condition recommended take measures cope high job demands improve stress management skills promote job satisfaction strategies clarify teachers responsibilities use effective teaching practices motivate students general addressing psychosocial work factors needs central efforts prevent teacher burnout
Yahaya Yaqub, Zainab Lamido Tanko, Aliyu Aminu, Usman Yahya Umar, Joan Ejembi
An intervention study investigating the effectiveness of contextualizing multimodal strategy on improving hand hygiene at a tertiary hospital in Nigeria
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
workrelated pain among neurosurgeons remains understudied yet longterm consequences affect operative efficiency efficacy career longevity life outside work study provides insight extent pain experienced neurosurgeons effect ergonomics training pain online survey pertaining ergonomics pain sent neurosurgeons council state neurosurgical societies csns email distribution list statistical comparisons age groups pain levels ergonomics training pain levels well multivariate linear regression demographics training operating factors pain levels performed one hundred thirtyfour neurosurgeons responded survey mean average severity pain across respondents 3310 mean peak severity pain 5110 among reported peak pain severity scores neurosurgeons 2130 years operating experience significantly higher pain scores 1120 years experience mean 62 vs 42 p 005 neurosurgeons 30 years experience significantly less pain 2130 years experience mean 44 vs 62 p 0005 training ergonomics significantly improve respondents reported peak mean pain severities 179 reported ergonomics training ergonomics training appear make difference neurosurgeons pain severities may signify need optimize ergonomics pedagogy achieve observable benefits
Baris Sezer, Tufan Asli Sezer, Gulsen Tasdelen Teker, Melih Elcin
Developing a virtual patient: design, usability, and learning effect in communication skills training
BMC medical education
workers wide variety jobs paid based performance commonly seen enhancing effort productivity relative noncontingent pay schemes however psychological research suggests excessive rewards cases result decline performance test whether high monetary rewards decrease performance conducted set experiments us india subjects worked different tasks received performancecontingent payments varied amount small large relative typical levels pay important exceptions high reward levels detrimental effect performance
Eustathios Kenanidis, Panagiotis Boutos, Grigorios Voulgaris, Aikaterini Zgouridou, Eleni Gkoura, Zakareya Gamie, George Papagiannakis, Eleftherios Tsiridis
Effectiveness of virtual reality compared to video training on acetabular cup and femoral stem implantation accuracy in total hip arthroplasty among medical students: a randomised controlled trial
International orthopaedics
workers chronic illness higher risk unemployment article investigated worker workplace characteristics associated labour market inclusion workers diagnosed chronic illness linked employeremployee register data covering norwegian employers employees month february 2015 december 2019 merged patient data specialist healthcare 136 196 observations job spells 70 923 individual workers survival analysis used estimate risk employment exit age gender chronic illness fulltimeparttime employment skill level marital status children household branch share chronically ill workers firm size unemployment rate covariates 85 study population employed december 2019 58 remain employed throughout followup period mental illness male gender young age parttime employment lower skill levels workerlevel predictors labour market exit employments secondary industries firms high shares chronically ill workers extent larger firms significant workplacelevel determinants minority sample workers chronic illness experienced labour market exclusion targeted measures considered towards workers poor mental health andor low formal skills chronically ill workers within public administration best labour market prospects workplaces within education branch unfulfilled potential
Lucas Moura Yamamoto, Matheus Landi Pavin, Giordano Bruno Duarte de Souza, Julio Lamartine Hayne Bastos de Oliveira, Raphael Raniere de Oliveira Costa, Adriano Yacubian Fernandes, Alessandra Mazzo
Cognitive abilities and medical students' practice of physical exams: A quasi-experimental study
Sao Paulo medical journal = Revista paulista de medicina
working despite feeling ill presenteeism widespread behavioral phenomenon previous research shown presenteeism influenced various workrelated personal factors illness behavior leading range negative also positive consequences due coronavirus disease 2019 covid19 pandemic remote work become new normal many employees far little known presenteeism remote work study aims investigate presenteeism remote work looking extent remote presenteeism differences presenteeism onsite work associated factors nationwide crosssectional online survey conducted germany n 233 participants data analyzed using descriptive statistics ttests correlation analysis results reveal presenteeism prevalent remote work x 413 days md 3 2 495 low ability detach work r 17 p 005 low supervisor support r 14 p 02 associated remote presenteeism days remote working conditions seem facilitate presenteeism study provides empirical insights subject area great societal relevance results show awareness raised presenteeism remote work regarded behavior functional dysfunctional depending individual situation supervisor support detachment fostered help reduce dysfunctional presenteeism promotion health literacy might help remote workers decide healthoriented illness behavior research vital analyze extent circumstances presenteeism remote work dysfunctional derive clear recommendations
Megan E L Brown, Neha Ahuja, Vanessa Sivam, Alisha Khanna, Ravi Parekh
A qualitative evaluation of the impact of a medical student school outreach project on both medical students and school pupils
BMJ open
working culturally diverse environment entails moral professional responsibility provide culturally competent care recognised important measure reduce health inequalities improve quality care increase patient satisfaction aim study assess level cultural competence nursing students decade introduction transcultural nursing content nursing curriculum slovenia descriptive crosssectional design 180 syear nursing students convenience sample used cultural competence assessed using cultural competence assessment tool ccatool via online survey ibm spss facilitated statistical analysis using descriptive statistics inferential methods including chisquare test nonparametric tests mann whitney u kruskalwallis h wilcoxon signedrank used nonnormally distributed data shapirowilk test p 005 significance set p 005 results indicate students demonstrate high level cultural competence although room improvement terms cultural sensitivity determined coding ccatool results also show remarkable contrast selfassessed scores objective scores obtained ccatool coding statements subscale p 0005 addition significant differences p 0002 found subscale cultural knowledge particularly students lived abroad 6 months latter group higher score ccatool indicating greater cultural knowledge study suggests presence transcultural elements slovenian nursing curriculum associated higher selfreported levels cultural competence among nursing students although present research design allow causal interpretations competence immense importance preparing students future professional environment however crucial refine nursing curriculum especially greater integration transcultural content health disciplines addition introduction innovative teaching learning approaches better prepare students deal diverse cultural experiences encounter nursing careers
Anita Cheng, Monica Molinaro, Mary Ott, Sayra Cristancho, Kori A LaDonna
Set Up to Fail? Barriers Impeding Resident Communication Training in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
working stem cell laboratory necessitates thorough understanding complex cell culture protocols operation sensitive scientific equipment adherence safety standards general laboratory etiquette novice student researchers acquiring necessary specialized knowledge initial laboratory experience formidable task similarly experienced laboratory personnel efficiently uniformly training new trainees rigorous standard presents significant challenge response issues developed educational interactive virtual cell culture environment interactive virtual lab aims equip students foundational knowledge maintaining cortical brain organoids instill understanding pertinent safety procedures laboratory etiquette gamification training process seeks provide laboratory supervisors highly specialized fields effective tool integrate students work environments rapidly safely
Marta Fonseca, Pedro Marvão, Beatriz Oliveira, Bruno Heleno, Pedro Carreiro-Martins, Nuno Neuparth, António Rendas
The effectiveness of concept mapping as a tool for developing critical thinking in undergraduate medical education - a BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 81
Medical teacher
working memory wm inhibitory control ic play crucial role learning early childhood literature suggests nonlinear developmental trajectory executive functions efs varied results according gender usually attributed environmental factors however insufficient inconclusive data whether pattern reproduced latin american preschool population since studies conducted englishspeaking european asian environments thus objectively comparing childrens executive performance across diverse international geographical contexts becomes challenging study aimed conduct crosssectional analysis performance wm ic 982 ecuadorian preschoolers aged 42 65 months 5371 sd 5714 belonging mediumhigh medium lowmedium socioeconomic strata participants consisted 496 boys 5377 sd 5598 486 girls 5365 sd 5834 representing nine cities ecuador assess effect age gender performance two domains sample divided four 6month age intervals two tests administered participants survey conducted 799 usual caregivers viewing crosssectional mean scores wm ic tests temporal continuum reveals upward trend age interval studied girls outperformed boys ic test showing statistically significant differences earliest age interval gender differences executive performance reported literature emphasize need explore modulating effect environmental variables early childhood development information could offer valuable insights adapting optimizing cognitive didactic strategies early childhood tailored characteristics needs preschool population
L D Gómez-Rocha, A M Ospina-Romero
Promotion of self-efficacy in mothers with infants discharged from neonatal intensive care units
Enfermeria intensiva
working memory wm capacity highly correlated general cognitive ability proven excellent predictor academic success given wm improved training aim test whether wm training benefited academic abilities elementaryschool children examined 28 participants mean age 83 years sd 04 pretesttrainingposttestfollowup design 14 training sessions children either performed adaptive wm training training group n 14 nonadaptive lowlevel training active control group n 14 tasks pretest posttest followup 3 months posttest included neurocognitive test battery wm task switching inhibition standardized tests math reading abilities adaptive wm training resulted larger training gains nonadaptive lowlevel training benefits induced adaptive training transferred untrained wm task standardized test reading ability task switching inhibition performance standardized math test transfer untrained wm task maintained 3 months analysis individual differences revealed compensatory effects larger gains children lower wm reading scores pretest training transfer effects discussed background cognitive processing resulting wm span training nature intervention
Ellen Tullo, Luisa Wakeling, Rachel Pearse, Tien Kheng Khoo, Andrew Teodorczuk
Lost in translation: how can education about dementia be effectively integrated into medical school contexts? A realist synthesis
BMJ open
working memory important skill school success involves holding information memory using solve complex problems time autistic children often difficulty working memory working memory development easily influenced many factors young age important find factors help autistic childrens development study tested factors related autistic childrens working memory start kindergarten factors help rapid improvement throughout elementary school used nationally representative data set followed group children kindergarten fifth grade found autistic students backgrounds resources students advanced learning approaches organized excited learn paying careful attention work started school strong working memory autistic students advanced learning approaches continued make rapid improvements first 3 years growth slowed last 3 years autistic students good relationship teachers made rapid improvements last 3 years elementary school addition autistic children struggled working memory upon school entry likely receive special education services school findings suggest need effective ways teach young autistic children important learningrelated behaviors young age school system teachers must prioritize building positive relationships students
Sakine Yılmaz, Demet Aktaş
Midwifery students' perceptions of clinical learning experiences and midwifery preceptors in Turkey
Nurse education in practice
working memory skills positively associated academic performance contrast high levels trait anxiety linked educational underachievement based eysenck calvos 1992 processing efficiency theory pet present study investigated whether associations anxiety educational achievement mediated via poor working memory performance fifty children aged 1112 years completed verbal backwards digit span tapping phonological storecentral executive spatial corsi blocks tapping visuospatial sketchpadcentral executive working memory tasks trait anxiety measured using statetrait anxiety inventory children academic performance assessed using school administered tests reasoning cognitive abilities test attainment standard assessment tests results showed association trait anxiety academic performance significantly mediated verbal working memory three six academic performance measures math quantitative nonverbal reasoning spatial working memory significantly mediate relationship trait anxiety academic performance average verbal working memory accounted 51 association trait anxiety academic performance spatial working memory accounted 9 findings indicate pet useful framework assess impact childrens anxiety educational achievement
Bharat Gurnani, Kirandeep Kaur
Leveraging ChatGPT for ophthalmic education: A critical appraisal
European journal of ophthalmology
working memory training may help children attention learning difficulties robust evidence populationlevel randomized controlled clinical trials lackingto test whether computerized adaptive working memory intervention program improves longterm academic outcomes children 6 7 years age low working memory compared usual classroom teachingpopulationbased randomized controlled clinical trial first graders 44 schools melbourne australia underwent verbal visuospatial working memory screening children classified low working memory scores 15th percentile either backward digit recall mister x subtest automated working memory assessment scores 25th percentile children randomly assigned independent statistician either intervention control arm using concealed computerized random number sequence researchers blinded group assignment time screening conducted trial march 1 2012 february 1 2015 final analysis october 30 2015 used intentiontotreat analysescogmed working memory training comprising 20 25 training sessions 45 minutes duration schooldirectly assessed 12 24 months academic outcomes reading math spelling scores primary outcomes working memory also assessed 6 months parent teacher childreported behavioral socialemotional functioning quality life intervention costsof 1723 children screened mean sd age 69 04 years 226 randomized arm 452 total 90 retention 1 year 88 retention 2 years 903 children intervention arm completed least 20 sessions 4 shortterm working memory outcomes 1 outcome visuospatial shortterm memory benefited children 6 months effect size 043 95 ci 025062 12 months effect size 049 95 ci 028070 24 months benefits outcomes fact math scores children intervention arm worse 2 years mean difference 30 95 ci 54 07 p 01 intervention costs a1035 per childworking memory screening children 6 7 years age feasible adaptive working memory training program may temporarily improve visuospatial shortterm memory given loss classroom time cost lack lasting benefit cannot recommend populationbased delivery cogmed within screening paradigmanzctrorgau identifier actrn12610000486022
Reem Alansari, Pei-Wen Lim, Subha Ramani, Janice C Palaganas
What do you think of when you hear the word 'feedback'? A reflective thematic analysis study of interviews
The clinical teacher
working ehealth requires health care organizations make structural changes way work organizational structure process must adjusted provide highquality care study followup study systematic literature review optimally organizing hybrid health care ehealth face face using donabedian structureprocessoutcome spo framework translate findings modus operandi health care organizations study aimed develop spobased quality assessment model organizing hybrid health care using accompanying selfassessment questionnaire health care organizations use model questionnaire manage improve hybrid health care concept mapping used enrich validate evidencebased knowledge literature review using practicebased knowledge experts first brainstorming conducted participants listed factors contributed effective organization hybrid health care associated outcomes data brainstorming phase combined data literature study duplicates removed next participants rated factors importance measurability grouped clusters finally using multivariate statistical analysis multidimensional scaling hierarchical cluster analysis group interpretation spobased quality management model accompanying questionnaire constructed participants n39 familiar ehealth health care professionals managers researchers patients ehealth suppliers brainstorming literature review resulted list 314 factors removing duplicates 78 factors remained using multivariate statistical analyses group interpretations quality management model questionnaire incorporating 8 clusters 33 factors developed 8 clusters included following vision strategy organization quality information technology infrastructure systems quality ehealth application providing support health care professionals skills knowledge attitude health care professionals attentiveness patient patient outcomes learning system spo categories positioned overarching themes emphasize interrelations clusters finally proposal made use selfassessment questionnaire practice allowing measurement quality factor quality hybrid care determined organizational technological process personal factors 33 important factors clustered quality management model selfassessment questionnaire called hybrid health care quality assessment model visualizes interrelations factors using questionnaire factor assessed determine effectively organized developed time health care organizations use hybrid health care quality assessment identify improvement opportunities solid sustainable hybrid health care
Ben Smith, Christopher Paton, Prashanth Ramaraj
Teaching Basic Surgical Skills Using a More Frugal, Near-Peer, and Environmentally Sustainable Way: Mixed Methods Study
JMIR perioperative medicine
workingclass firstgeneration fg college students underrepresented higher education stem using longitudinal quasiexperiment tested impacts living learning community llc biological sciences fg students first year college semester 1 n 243 semester 2 n 199 across three cohorts 20182019 20192020 20202021 participation llc enhanced fg students belonging confidence motivation grades knowledge social relevance biology reduced stem anxiety compared control group fg students llc llc participation also increased retention biological science majors oneyear postintervention compared control fg group moreover llc participation closed academic gap fg students llc honors students collegeeducated families separate honors llc benefits llc intervention remained stable despite covid19 pandemic living together became impossible producing positive effects across cohorts prepandemic inpandemic results suggest affinitybased learning communitieswith without shared housingin transition college enhance academic thriving persistence reduce social class driven achievement gaps stem
Maureen McGlinchey Ford, Cyle D Rogotzke, Sherrie L Bencik, Joseph R Billian, Jeffrey L Young, Cambrie D Bencik, Joshua D Mastenbrook
Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to Later Elementary School Students
Annals of emergency medicine
workplace bullying violence wbv welldocumented issues midwifery profession negative workplace culture conflict bullying common forms workplace violence experienced midwives workplace violence increases risk midwives experiencing burnout compassion fatigue psychological trauma poor mental health absenteeism loss passion midwifery profession job dissatisfaction poor job retention midwifery students describe workplace violence form physical emotional verbal abuse bullying therefore justification develop conflict resolution strategies resilience midwifery students prior graduation aim develop facilitate bespoke education program south australian midwifery students enable develop skills conflict resolution build resilience identify selfcare strategies study undertake preparatory phase summarizing body literature midwifery students knowledge understanding experiences wbv following 3phase sequential mixed methods research design study undertaken phase 1 quantitative data collected via semistructured questionnaire validated conflict measurement tool attending education workshop analyzed using descriptive inferential statistics results phase 1 inform guide development interview schedule phase 2 phase 2 qualitative data gathered facilitating onetoone interviews thematic analysis undertaken gain deeper understanding midwifery students experiences wbv phase 3 data integration using triangulation undertaken metainferences developed via integration results findings phases 1 2 preparatory phase commence october 2021 phase 1 commence 2022 analysis pre posteducation results anticipated completed december 2022 phase 2 developed findings preparatory phase results phase 1 interpretation verbatim interview transcripts estimated undertaken april 2023 phase 3 study expected commence may 2023 involve analysis collective evidence gathered phases 1 2 anticipated completion date study december 2023 outcomes research provide insights prevalence impact wbv experienced midwifery students findings research report levels knowledge skills confidence assess impact bespoke conflict resolution resilience education workshop midwifery students managing wbv prr110219635558
Justin Fontenot, Michael Hebert, Hung-Chu Lin, Arun K Kulshreshth
Examining the Perceptions Among Undergraduate Nursing Students Using Virtual Reality in a Community Course: A Mixed-Methods Explanatory Study
Journal of community health nursing
workplace diversity recently gained increasing significance urgency business organizations promotion may stem information processing specifically information elaboration information elaboration leverages diverse taskrelated information skills possessed members fostering exchange diverse perspectives elaborate discussions achieving high team performance context cognitive diversity encompassing members knowledge skills perspectives may positive impact however previous studies suggest cognitive diversity lead affective conflict impede information processing organizations highly homogeneous social cultural backgrounds cognitive diversity may effectively utilized information elaboration process potentially yielding negative effects authentic leadership recognized significant contributor facilitating team processes including information processing various studies demonstrating effectiveness study hypothesized cognitive diversity negatively affects information elaboration process authentic leadership positive effect test hypotheses employed multilevel structural equation modeling analysis based data collected 375 respondents 90 teams across various industries japan results showed cognitive diversity negatively affects information elaboration individual level contrast authentic leadership positively affects information elaboration individual team levels findings suggest effect cognitive diversity information processing workplace may always positive particularly sociocultural context values homogeneity observed japanese organizations study advances literature authentic leadership validating effect information elaboration provides practical implications diversity management additionally underscores effectiveness authentic leadership leveraging team members cognitive diversity facilitate information elaboration
Jiraporn Suvamat, Arpaporn Powwattana, Weena Thaingtham, Panan Pichayapinyo, Surapon Boonlue
Effectiveness of Program to Slow Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease Among T2DM With HT With CKD 3 in the Community: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of primary care & community health
workplace mental health important global health concern unblinded phaseiii waitlisted cluster randomized controlled trial aimed examine effectiveness mobile health mhealth psychoeducation program using spaced education approach mental health literacy mhl workplace main interest paper immediate 3month mediumterm effect program mhl workers purposely built mhealth platform also evaluated healthrelated app mhealth platform designed using principle spaced education psychoeducation intervention program various modules webbased mobile materials presented participant progressive manner short quizzes end module ensured adequate learning successful completion qualified learner progress next level trial recruited 456 employees specific industries high levels workrelated stress participants nested different offices units allocated intervention waitlisted control groups using block randomization process office unit cluster separate sample 70 individual raters used evaluation mhealth platform australian national mhl stigma survey mobile apps rating scale completed webbased selfreported survey assess mhl evaluate app trial followup data analyzed generalized linear latent mixed model adjustments clustering effect work sites repeated measures 456 participants trial 236 518 responded followup survey mhl outcomes obtained significant results immediately intervention across time adjusting clustering effect postintervention weighted mean scores significantly higher intervention group control group correct recognition mental health problem help seeking stigmatization 02 se 01 p003 09 se 02 p001 18 se 04 p001 respectively adjusting clustering effect significant differences across time found helpseeking intention p01 stigmatization p001 social distancing p001 evaluation mhealth program resulted average scores 4 major domains ranging 38 42 engagement lowest score mhealth psychoeducation intervention program using platform immediate 3month mediumterm effects retaining improving mhl platform evaluated satisfactory performance terms functionality aesthetics information content utility enhancing mhl anticipated ongoing development digital health provide great benefits improving mental health global population
Afsary Jahan Khan, Mas Suryalis Ahmad, Budi Aslinie Md Sabri
The implications of oral health education interventions in providing oral hygiene care for individuals with visual impairment: A systematic review
Special care in dentistry : official publication of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped, and the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry
workplace microaggressions longstanding understudied problem surgical specialties microaggressions health care linked negative emotional physical health outcomes contribute burnout suboptimal delivery patient care also negatively impact recruitment retention promotion often results attrition attrition time impending surgical workforce shortage risks compromising delivery health care diverse us population may jeopardize financial stability health care organizations date studies microaggressions consisted small focus groups comprising women faculty trainees single institution knowledge large multiorganizational genderinclusive studies microaggressions experienced practicing surgeons study aimed examine demographic occupational characteristics surgeons report experiencing workplace microaggressions whether experiences would influence decision pursue career surgery developed internally validated webbased survey assess surgeon experiences microaggressions associated sequelae survey distributed convenience sample 9 american college surgeons online communities november 2022 january 2023 american college surgeons communities comprised members completed residency fellowship training experience surgical workforce survey contained demographic occupational validated microaggression items analyses include descriptive chisquare statistics tests bivariable multivariable logistic regression survey completed 377 american college surgeons members following characteristics working surgeon 809 nonhispanic white 718 general surgeons 710 aged 50 years 674 fellowshiptrained 610 women 584 total 254 674 respondents reported experiencing microaggressions younger surgeons p002 women p001 fellowshiptrained surgeons p001 likely report experiencing microaggressions counterparts surgeons working academic medical centers health care systems teaching responsibilities likely experience microaggressions private practice p01 surgeons currently working surgeon unable work reported experience microaggressions p003 difference microaggressions experienced among respondents based surgical specialty raceethnicity whether surgeons reported disability multivariable logistic regression women higher odds experiencing microaggressions compared men adjusted odds ratio 159 95 confidence interval 77328 surgeons private practice significantly lower odds experiencing microaggressions compared surgeons academic medicine adjusted odds ratio 03 95 confidence interval 0108 health care systems teaching responsibilities adjusted odds ratio 02 95 confidence interval 0106 among surgeons responding online survey respondents reporting microaggressions less likely say would choose career surgery p001 surgeons reporting experience microaggressions represent diverse range surgical specialties subspecialties continued expansion surgeon gender raceethnicity representation deliberate efforts address eliminate workplace microaggressions could broad implications improving recruitment retention surgeons
Tracey Simes, Ellie Cutmore, Danielle Le Lagadec, Tracey Bell, Julie Bradshaw, Lisa Wirihana
Preparing nursing students for clinical placement using synchronous role-play telesimulation: A descriptive survey study
Nurse education today
workplace violence healthcare settings significant public concern profoundly impacts healthcare workers however dearth knowledge regarding prevalence workplace violence correlation suicidal ideation among undergraduate medical students china clinical training objective study evaluate prevalence workplace violence inflicted patients family membersvisitors assess association suicidal ideation among undergraduate medical students snowballing sampling technique used recruit chinese medical students question designed research team used ask medical students encounters workplace violence students basic demographic information mental distresses learning burnout depression symptoms anxiety symptoms alcohol abusedependence excessive daytime sleepiness history mental disorders also assessed appropriate data analysed using descriptive statistics chisquare tests independentsample ttests multiple logistic regression 1402 undergraduate medical students participated 493 352 reported experienced workplace violence inflicted patients family membersvisitors 394 281 verbal abuse 14 10 physical aggression 85 61 suffered verbal abuse physical aggression furthermore students exposed workplace violence likely report suicidal ideation higher prevalence learning burnout depression symptoms anxiety symptoms alcohol abusedependence excessive daytime sleepiness depression symptoms history mental disorders learning burnout partner significantly associated suicidal ideation population prevalence workplace violence inflicted patients family membersvisitors high among undergraduate medical students china may associated mental distress suicidal ideation consequently crucial strengthen workplace safety measures promptly implement interventions mitigate potentially serious consequences
Jinshui Wang, Pengchen Lin, Zhengyi Tang, Shuguang Chen
How problem difficulty and order influence programming education outcomes in online judge systems
workplace violence global problem health sector especially hospitals affecting healthcare works job satisfaction performance workplace violence wpv present different forms associated various factors nurses affected study aimed explore wpv among nurses working selected university teaching hospital rwanda research approach used quantitative descriptive crosssectional design stratified random sampling used recruit 195 participants among 379 nurses data collected using structured validated selfadministered questionnaire adapted international labor organization international council nurses world health organization public services international descriptive statistics used analyzing frequencies percentages chisquare test used evaluating association variables findings revealed 585 n114 nurses experienced types wpv twelve months preceding study among 446 n108 nurses verbally abused nurses providing emergency care nurses working emergency department nurses working vulnerable patients like hivaids patients associated wpv chisquare 1 n195 p0001 psychological problems found first consequences wpv based study findings concluded hospital management needs aware wpv develop implement appropriate policies strategies strengthen nurses concentration towards result service delivery improvement
Yoke-Yee Samantha Tai, Yu Hui Foo, Jeanette Ignacio
Effectiveness of educational interventions for nurses caring for patients with chronic kidney disease in improving nurse outcomes: A systematic review
Journal of clinical nursing
workplace violence prevalent phenomenon hospital settings critical care nurses particularly exposed aim study research abuse critical care nurses five european countries association impact healthy work environments multinational crosssectional study 1183 participants nurses working intensive care units five european countries croatia cyprus poland spain romania participants selected convenience sampling method 1 january 2021 april 2022 1033 critical care nurses answered questions abuse 646 reported least one incident previous year highest number incidents came patients 2050 followed another nurse 1453 physicians 1039 although nurses icus aware healthy working environment benefits daily work still face form abuse organizations must take realistic approach prevent abuse educate nurses nurse managers implementing standards healthy work environments
Ayşe Gül Aydin, Serpil Ince
The effect of Jigsaw technique on nursing students' psychomotor skill levels and academic achievement: A quasi-experimental study
Nurse education in practice
world health organization warns antimicrobial resistance amr considered serious threats global health food security development various efforts elimination serious issue efforts include education individuals new policies development new antimicrobials new materials effective delivery novel drug delivery systems ability local ondemand delivery one promising approaches prevention amr regard phresponsive antibiotic delivery system based phresponsive polyamino ester pbae enzyme responsive hyaluronic acid ha polymeric nanocomplexes obtained via electrostatic complexation pbae ha presence model antibiotics colistin vancomycin particle sizes ph 74 determined range 131730 nm 120400 nm dls stem respectively ph switched 74 55 hydrodynamic diameter increased 2532 fold drug release performances tested using fitclabeled antibiotics via fluorescence spectroscopy nanocomplexes released drugs ph 55 compared ph 74 antibacterial activity system evaluated various bacteria nanocomplex loaded antibiotics exhibited significantly greater efficacy e coli aureus
Kirsten G Engel, Lucia R I Millham, Irene M Yeh, Patrick W Malecha, Kate Brizzi, Andrea Wershof Schwartz, Dorothy W Tolchin
Assessing the Impact of a Hospice and Palliative Medicine Mentored Clinical Shadowing Experience for First-Year Medical and Dental Students: A Pilot Study
The American journal of hospice & palliative care
world health organization recommended enhanced adherence counselling eac people living hiv plhiv virological failure study aimed assess outcomes eac associated factors among plhiv virological failure data collected march 2020 february 2022 viral load vl testing antiretroviral therapy art centre pune india reviewed plhiv viral load 1000 copiesml followed three eac sessions repeat viral load test included multivariate logistic regression analysis used assess factors associated virological suppression 1000 copiesml 170 plhiv 81 476 showed virological suppression literate p 0027 females p 0021 secondline art regimen p 0020 eac initiation within month p 0016 significantly associated virological suppression association found reported barriers treatment adherence virological suppression early initiation eac crucial virological suppression among plhiv high viral load important highlight significance treatment adherence among individuals firstline art regimen use effective visual tools eac sessions may help achieving virological suppression among low literacy
Cathrine Baungaard, Katie E Lane, Lucinda Richardson
Understanding nutrition students' knowledge, perceived barriers and their views on the future role of nutritionists regarding sustainable diets
Nutrition bulletin
worldwide cancer statistics indicated 20 million new cancer cases 10 million deaths 2022 according data international agency research cancer one leading cancer treatment strategies chemotherapy using innovative drug delivery systems ddss selfimmolative domino dendrimers sidendr triggered anticancer drugs appear promising type ddss present review provides uptodate survey contemporary advancements field sidendrbased anticancer drug delivery systems sidendracddss exhaustive analysis discovery application materials improving pharmacological effectiveness novel old drugs addition article discusses designing chemical structure targeting techniques well properties several sidendrbased ddss approaches type targeted ddss anticancer drug release range stimuli also explored
N Morrish, S Choudhury, A Medina-Lara
What works in interventions targeting loneliness: a systematic review of intervention characteristics
BMC public health
worldwide participation higher education includes onethird age cohort growing unprecedented rate tendency rapid growth leading towards high participation systems hps spread middleincome lowincome countries though expansion higher education requires threshold development state middle class primarily powered economic growth ambitions families advance maintain social position however expansion mostly accompanied equal social access elite institutions quality mass higher education often problematic societies vary extent upward social mobility lowsocioeconomicstatus backgrounds paper explores intersection stratified social backgrounds stratifying structures hps differentiating structures include publicprivate distinctions schooling higher education different fields study binary systems tiered hierarchies institutions vertical stretching stratification competitive hps unequalising effects tuition larger social inequalities set limits education achieve countries high mobility sustain consensus social equality value rigorous autonomous systems learning assessment selection education
Lauren Banko, Ruchit V Patel, Noah Nawabi, Marcelle Altshuler, Lila Medeiros, G Rees Cosgrove, Wenya Linda Bi
Strategies to improve surgical technical competency: a systematic review
Acta neurochirurgica
worldwide ranking hivaids tuberculosis continues significant effect public health leading cause death due high progression hiv objective current study identify joint clinical determinants affecting bivariate hematological parameter among tbhiv coinfected adults tbhiv treatment university gondar comprehensive specialized hospital result study conducted university gondar comprehensive specialized hospital gondar ethiopia using retrospective cohort follow study september 2015march 2022 gc source data study secondary data obtained patients chart bayesian approach longitudinal linear mixed effect sub model used panel data set get wide range information tbhiv coinfected patients 148 coinfected participants half patients 561 527 accounted cpt inh non users 108 103 outcome mortality respectively random intercept slope model selected repeated measure hemoglobin level hematocrit based deviance information criteria dic probability direction pd full model current study revealed clinical predictors red blood cell count platelet cell count fair good treatment adherence art regiment ipt drug users viral load count 10000 copiesml associated high hemoglobin level concentration lymphocyte count clinical stageiv1e art regiment patients ois results low hemoglobin level concentration likewise red blood cell count platelet cell count fair good treatment adherence ipt drug users viral load count 10000 copiesml coinfected patients high hematocrit lymphocyte count clinical stageiii1c art regiment patients ois significantly leads low hematocrit health professionals give attention important predictors reduce progression disease coinfected patients come back hospital addition health staff conduct health related education individuals examine continuous checkup coinfected patients
Roy J M Claessen, Annelies E van Ede, Merel van Gils, Rob P B Reuzel, Tamara E T van Woezik, Petra J M van Gurp
Co-learning and co-teaching in a newly introduced research learning community
The clinical teacher
worldwide increasing demand hospital home alternative hospital admission although growing evidence base effectiveness costeffectiveness hospital home health service managers health professionals policy makers require evidence implement sustain services wider scale 1 identify appraise synthesise qualitative research evidence factors influence implementation admission avoidance hospital home early discharge hospital home perspective multiple stakeholders including policy makers health service managers health professionals patients patients caregivers 2 explore synthesis findings relate help explain findings cochrane intervention reviews admission avoidance hospital home early discharge hospital home services searched medline cinahl global index medicus scopus 17 november 2022 also applied reference checking citation searching identify additional studies searched studies language included qualitative studies mixedmethods studies qualitative data collection analysis methods examining implementation new existing hospital home services perspective different stakeholders two authors independently selected studies extracted study characteristics intervention components assessed methodological limitations using critical appraisal skills checklist casp assessed confidence findings using gradecerqual confidence evidence reviews qualitative research applied thematic synthesis synthesise data across studies identify factors may influence implementation hospital home 7535 records identified database searches one identified citation tracking included 52 qualitative studies exploring implementation hospital home services 31 early discharge 16 admission avoidance 5 combined services across 13 countries perspectives 662 servicelevel staff clinicians managers eight systemslevel staff commissioners insurers 900 patients 417 caregivers overall judged 40 studies minor methodological concerns judged 12 studies major concerns main concerns included data collection methods eg reporting topic guide data analysis methods eg insufficient data support findings reporting ethical approval following synthesis identified 12 findings graded high n 10 moderate n 2 confidence classified four themes 1 development stakeholder relationships systems prior implementation 2 processes resources skills required safe effective implementation 3 acceptability caregiver impacts 4 sustainability services implementing admission avoidance early discharge hospital home services requires early development policies stakeholder engagement efficient admission processes effective communication skilled workforce safely effectively implement personcentred hospital home achieve acceptance staff refer patients services ensure sustainability future research focus lowerincome country rural settings perspectives systemslevel stakeholders explore potential negative impact caregivers especially admission avoidance hospital home service may become increasingly utilised manage rising visits emergency departments
Grant R Martsolf, Kristin Gigli, Brendan Case, Janette Dill, Andrew Dierkes
Describing the male registered nursing workforce toward increasing male representation in professional nursing
Nursing outlook
worldwide 654 million children live regions soiltransmitted helminth sth infections endemic parasites cause variety symptoms including anemia may 2023 fecal blood samples collected children aged 6 11 years attending government run public elementary schools simanindo ronggur nihuta subdistricts samosir island indonesia twice year mass drug administration mda program currently place questionnaire administered students parents adult family members possible risk factors sth infections qualitative data collected indepth interviews focus group discussions total 187 221 children simanindo ronggur nihuta provided samples respectively sth infection prevalence simanindo 48 9187 infection prevalence ronggur nihuta 59 13221 simanindo infections caused trichuris trichiura n 9 ronggur nihuta infections caused ascaris lumbricoides n 6 trichuris trichiura n 5 lumbricoides trichiura n 2 three children anemia negative sth infections results parentadult questionnaires indicated access generally safe water supply septic system information indepth interviews focus groups revealed local water supply becomes greatly diminished dry season mda shown effectively control roundworms hookworms additional measures control trichuriasis needed also need government invest improving public water supply infrastructure
Sophie-Caroline Schwarzkopf, Marius Distler, Thilo Welsch, Grit Krause-Jüttler, Jürgen Weitz, Fiona R Kolbinger
Case-Based Serious Gaming for Complication Management in Colorectal and Pancreatic Surgery: Prospective Observational Study
JMIR serious games
worldwide large number infants toddlers preschoolers enroled formal nonparental early childhood education care ecec theoretically lower adultchild ratios fewer children per adult smaller group sizes hypothesised associated positive child outcomes ecec lower adultchild ratio smaller group size may increase extent quality adultchild interactions day objective review synthesise data studies assess impact adultchild ratio group size ecec measures process characteristics quality care child outcomes relevant studies identified electronic searches bibliographic databases governmental grey literature repositories internet search engines hand search specific targeted journals citation tracking contact experts primary searches carried september 2020 additional searches carried february 2022 intervention changes adultchild ratio group size ecec children aged 05 years old study designs used welldefined control group eligible inclusion total number potential relevant studies constituted 14060 hits total 31 studies met inclusion criteria critically appraised review authors 31 studies analysed 26 different populations 12 studies analysing 8 different populations n 4300 could used data synthesis included studies published 1968 2019 average publication year 1992 used randomeffects metaanalysis applying robustvariance estimation restricted maximum likelihood procedures synthesise effect sizes conducted separate analyses process quality measures language literacy measures metaanalysis using measures process quality outcome included 84 effect sizes 5 studies 6256 observations weighted average effect size positive statistically significant effect size es 010 95 confidence interval ci 007 027 using robustvariance estimation adjusted degrees freedom 4 df 15 meaning results unreliable similarly low number studies made estimation heterogeneity statistics difficult i2 2 estimates 0 qstatistic 23 p 069 found similar statistically significant weighted average effect size using restricted maximum likelihood procedure es 010 95 ci 0004 020 similar low levels heterogeneity q 07 i2 0 2 0 metaanalysis language literacy outcomes based three studies exploring different changes group size andor adultchild ratio ecec metaanalysis language literacy measures included 12 effect sizes 3 studies 14625 observations weighted average effect size negative statistically significant es 004 95 ci 061 053 using robust variance estimation procedure adjusted degrees freedom 4 df 19 results unreliable heterogeneity statistics indicated substantial heterogeneity q 93 i2 785 2 007 restricted maximum likelihood procedure yielded similar results es 006 95 ci 057 046 q 61 i2 643 2 003 main finding present review surprisingly quantitative studies exploring effects changes adultchild ratio group size ecec measures process quality child outcomes overall quality included studies low two randomised studies used metaanalysis risk bias majority included studies high also studies used metaanalysis due limited number studies could used data synthesis unable explore effects adultchild ratio group size separately study examined effects changes adultchildratio andor group size socioemotional child outcomes could included metaanalysis high quality study examined effects large changes adultchild ratio group size measures process quality explored effects children younger 2 years included studies 3 metaanalysis investigated measures language literacy results outcomes inconclusive one specification found small statistically significant effect process quality suggesting fewer children per adult smaller group sizes increase process quality ecec caution regarding interpretation must exerted due heterogeneity study designs limited number studies generally high risk bias within included studies results present review implications research practice first findings present review tentatively support theoretical hypothesis lower adultchild ratios fewer children per adult smaller group sizes beneficially influence process quality ecec hypothesis reflected existence standards regulation minimum requirements regarding adultchild ratios maximum group size ecec however research literature date provides little guidance appropriate adultchild ratios group sizes second findings present review may seen testimony urgent need contemporary highquality research exploring effects changes adultchild ratio group size ecec measures process quality child developmental socioemotional outcomes
Boukje M Dijkstra, Paul J T Rood, Steven Teerenstra, Anne M F Rutten, Crista Leerentveld, Dominique C Burgers-Bonthuis, Barbara Festen-Spanjer, Toine Klarenbeek, Mark Van Den Boogaard, Esther Ewalds, Lisette Schoonhoven, Johannes G Van Der Hoeven, Lilian C M Vloet
Effect of a Standardized Family Participation Program in the ICU: A Multicenter Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Critical care medicine
worldwide minority disordered childrenadolescents receives mental health assistance order improve service access important investigate factors influence process leading receiving care data frequency barriers mental health service use mhsu among brazilian childrenadolescents extremely scarce needed guide public policy establish frequency mhsu among 6to16yearold psychiatric disorders four brazilian regions identify structuralpsychosocialdemographic barriers associated childadolescent mhsu multicenter crosssectionalstudy involving four towns four five brazilian regions town representative sample elementary public school students randomly selected sample 1721 childadolescent mhsu defined seen psychologistpsychiatristneurologist previous 12 months standardized instruments measured 1 childrenadolescent characteristics 11 schedule affective disorders schizophrenia schoolage children ksadsplpsychiatric disorders 12 ten questions screenneurodevelopment problems 13 two subtests wisciiiestimated iq 14 academic performance testschool performance 2 factors related mothersmain caregivers selfreporting questionnaireanxietydepression 3 family brazilian researchcompaniesassociations questionnaireses 198 childrenadolescents psychiatric disorder used mental health services previous 12 months multiple logistic regression modeling identified five factors associated lower rates mhsu female gender adequate school performance mothermain caregiver living partner lower ses residing deprived brazilian regions regardless presence psychiatric disordersneurodevelopmental problems small proportion childrenadolescents psychiatric disorders seen mental health specialist previous 12 months structuralpsychosocialdemographic factors associated uneven access service certain groups childrenadolescents results call attention urgent need implement programs help reduce large unmet mental health need inequalities must considered policy makers planning strategies address barriers care
Olivia B Baloyi
Development of higher-order thinking skills in nursing students through online problem-based assessment
Health SA = SA Gesondheid
worldwide acute leukemia common type childhood cancer particularly common hispanic populations residing united states costa rica mexico city objective study determine incidence acute leukemia children diagnosed treated public hospitals mexico cityincluded study children 15 years age residents mexico city diagnosed 2006 2007 leukemia determined using international classification childhood cancer average annual incidence rates aair standardized average annual incidence rates saair per million children calculated calculated crude age sexspecific incidence rates adjusted age direct method world population standard determined correlation incidence acute leukemias various boroughs mexico city either number agricultural hectares average number persons per household municipal human development index mexico used reference socioeconomic levelalthough total 610 new cases leukemia registered 20062007 228 fit criteria inclusion study overall saair 576 per million children 95 ci 469683 acute lymphoblastic leukemia frequent type leukemia constituting 851 cases saair 495 per million followed acute myeloblastic leukemia 123 saair 69 per million chronic myeloid leukemia 17 saair 09 per million 14 years age group highest saair 777 per million cases 732 precursor bcell immunophenotype saair 358 per million 124 tcell immunophenotype saair 63 per million peak ages 26 years 810 years half children 588 classified high risk positive correlation average number persons per household incidence preb immunophenotype pearsons r 0789 p 002the frequency mexico city among highest world similar found hispanics united states costa rica
Eman Elsheikh, Nurah Alkhteeb, Aisha Alamer, Maryam O Alarfaj, Ghaida AlQarni, Jumana Alsultan
Medical Students' Competency and Confidence in Interpreting Electrocardiograms at King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa
worldwide estimated 48 million couples 186 million individuals infertile according estimates world health organization ethiopia higher rate infertility world health organization estimated entire world though research issue infertility growing globally ethiopia much studied therefore main objective study explore psychological coping strategies infertile women bichena town ethiopia study followed qualitative research approach descriptive phenomenological design data collected indepth interviews 15 infertile women using purposesampling technique thematic analysis method data analysis findings study indicated stress anxiety depression low selfesteem sexual dissatisfaction main psychological challenges infertile women experience infertile women also used variety coping strategies religious strategies traditional strategies medical strategies strategies marital separation acceptance study concluded infertile women study area challenged psychological factors used different coping strategies manage ongoing problems study also theoretical implications current literature practical implications infertile women nongovernmental organizations community health professionals
Reza Nemati-Vakilabad, Mohammad Reza Mojebi, Pouya Mostafazadeh, Mohammad Javad Jafari, Ali Jabraeelzadeh Kamblash, Aidin Shafaghat, Anahita Seyed Abbasi, Alireza Mirzaei
Factors associated with the critical thinking ability among nursing students: An exploratory study in Iran
Nurse education in practice
worldwide bystander cpr rates low one effective way increase rates train schoolchildren however effective way train currently unknown systematic review metaanalysis randomized controlled trials rcts observational studies evaluated whether cpr training schoolchildren using innovative teaching modalities nonpractical self peertraining versus standard instructorled training resulted higher quality cpr selfconfidence shortterm 3 months posttraining longterm 3 months posttraining retention cpr skills 9793 citations 96 studies published 1975 2022 44 rcts 52 beforeafter studies included 43754 students average age 115 09 range 59176 492 male 13 rcts compared practical vs nonpractical training n 5 self vs instructorled training n 7 peer vs instructorled training n 5 observed statistically significant differences mean depth rate compressions children handson practical training without clinically relevant regardless training modality compression depth consistently suboptimal differences observed cpr skills immediately 3 months posttraining children self peertrained vs instructorled due lack data unable evaluate impact novel training modalities student selfconfidence although innovative training modalities equally effective instructorled training teaching schoolchildren cpr compression depth frequently suboptimal recommendations standardized training evaluation methods necessary understand best ways train children
Gianluca Bertoni, Valentina Conti, Marco Testa, Ilaria Coppola, Stefania Costi, Simone Battista
Physiotherapists' training in oncology rehabilitation from entry-level to advanced education: A qualitative study
Physiotherapy research international : the journal for researchers and clinicians in physical therapy
worldwide dental schools employ varying approaches teaching vital pulp therapy vpt primary teeth however little known vpt techniques taught dental schools saudi arabia therefore study aimed describe approaches vpt primary teeth taught undergraduate dental schools saudi arabia nationwide crosssectional study conducted january june 2022 using online questionnaire distributed pediatric dentistry faculty members dental schools saudi arabia questionnaire collected information sociodemographic characteristics educational background work setting vpt teaching approaches descriptive statistics logistic regression models assessed association participants characteristics vpt techniques taught seventyseven faculty members 17 27 dental colleges saudi arabia participated study respondents reported teaching indirect pulp capping 95 glass ionomer cement calcium hydroxide popular materials 11 participants 14 taught direct pulp capping mineral trioxide aggregate calcium hydroxide commonly used materials pulpotomy procedures taught dental schools formocresol commonly used medicament 84 significant associations found faculty member characteristics likelihood teaching indirect pulp capping however older age categories significantly higher chance teaching direct pulp capping trend odds ratio 227 p 002 conclusion faculty members 95 reported teaching indirect pulp capping using glass ionomer cement calcium hydroxide primary teeth 14 respondents taught direct pulp capping use mineral trioxide aggregate direct pulp capping appears increasing formocresol commonly used pulpotomy medicament research needed investigate factors influence teaching vpt primary teeth saudi arabia
Rebecca A Raciborski, Kyra K Hamerling-Potts, Emily L Mitchell, Sarah R Sullivan, Nidhi Kapil-Pair, Sara J Landes, Shari Jager-Hyman, Marianne Goodman
Cost comparison of in-person and telehealth modalities for a suicide safety planning group intervention: interim results from the "Project Life Force" randomized clinical trial
Frontiers in psychiatry
worldwide millions suffer cataracts impair vision quality life cataract education improves outcomes satisfaction treatment adherence lack health literacy language cultural barriers personal preferences limited resources may impede effective communication ai improve patient education providing personalised interactive accessible information tailored patient understanding interest motivation ai chatbots humanlike conversations give advice numerous topics study investigated efficacy chatbots cataract patient education relative traditional resources like aao website focusing information accuracyunderstandability actionability readability descriptive comparative design used analyse quantitative data frequently asked questions cataracts answered chatgpt bard bing ai aao website solo taxonomy pemat fleschkincaid ease score used collect analyse data chatbots scored higher aao website cataractrelated questions terms accuracy mean solo score chatgpt 31 031 bard 29 072 bing ai 265 049 aao website 24 06 p 0001 understandability mean pematu score aao website 089 004 chatgpt 084 002 bard 084 002 bing ai 081 002 p 0001 actionability mean pemata score chatgpt 086 003 bard 085 006 bing ai 081 005 aao website 081 006 p 0001 aao website scored better chatbots fleschkincaid readability ease analysis showed bard 555 848 highest mean score followed aao website 5196 1246 bing ai 4177 953 chatgpt 3438 975 p 0001 chatbots potential provide detailed accurate data aao website hand aao website advantage providing information understandable practical patient preferences taken account generalised biased information decrease reliability
James L Meisel, Daniel C R Chen, Gail March Cohen, Sheilah A Bernard, Hugo Carmona, Emil R Petrusa, Isaac O Opole, Deborah Navedo, Vladimir I Valtchinov, Ahmed H Nahas, Carly M Eiduson, Nick Papps
Listen Before You Auscultate: An Active-Learning Approach to Bedside Cardiac Assessment
MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources
worldwide children survive preterm birth preterm birth affect longterm cognitive outcomes aim study investigate association preterm birth academic performance intelligence youth cohort study included liveborn children denmark 1978 2000 used uni multivariable logistic linear regressions analyze associations gestational age school graduation grade point average gpa attending conscription male intelligence scores conscription adjusted priori defined potential confounders study included 1 450 681 children found association preterm birth lower academic performance children born extremely preterm lowest odds graduating lower upper secondary education lse use appearing conscription board odds ratios 045 038054 052 046059 047 039056 lse use conscription respectively compared term group statistically significant differences observed lse total gpa core subject gpa higher gpas term group considered clinically relevant mathematics 071 higher grade point term compared extremely preterm conversely use differences less evident linear regression models found preterm birth associated higher gpas adjusted analyses however statistically significant demonstrated statistically significant differences intelligence scores conscription lower scores three preterm groups 513 273 076 respectively compared term group low gestational age birth associated graduating lse use achieving lower gpas lse attending conscription lower intelligence scores young adulthood findings remained significant adjusting potential confounders
Arnaud Delafontaine, Gabriel Saiydoun, Jérôme Frigout, Laurent Fabeck, Olivier Degrenne, François-Régis Sarhan
Pedagogical impact of integration of musculoskeletal anatomy blended learning on physiotherapy education
Frontiers in medicine
worldwide skin cancer prevalence necessitates accurate diagnosis alleviate public health burdens although application artificial intelligence image analysis pattern recognition improved accuracy efficiency early skin cancer diagnosis existing supervised learning methods limited due reliance large amount labeled data overcome limitations data labeling enhance performance diagnostic models study proposes semisupervised skin cancer diagnostic model based selffeedback threshold focal learning stfl capable utilizing partial labeled large scale unlabeled medical images training models unseen scenarios proposed model dynamically adjusts selection threshold unlabeled samples training effectively filtering reliable unlabeled samples using focal learning mitigate impact class imbalance training study experimentally validated ham10000 dataset includes images various types skin lesions experiments conducted across different scales labeled samples 500 annotated samples model demonstrates robust performance 077 accuracy 06408 kappa 077 recall 07426 precision 07462 f1score showcasing efficiency limited labeled data comprehensive testing validates semisupervised models significant advancements diagnostic accuracy efficiency underscoring value integrating unlabeled data model offers new perspective medical image processing contributes robust scientific support early diagnosis treatment skin cancer
Yan Ma
Exploration of flipped classroom approach to enhance critical thinking skills
worldwide covid19 pandemic disruptive effect daily routines especially university students study aimed compare prepandemic domains students mental health pandemic lockdown one crosssectional study conducted two waves academic students 20 portuguese universities march 2020 covid19 pandemic n 3579 2 months first lockdown may 2020 n 1228 positive mental health questionnaire pmhq mental health knowledge questionnaire mental healthpromoting knowledge psychological vulnerability scale used statistical analyses performed bivariate associations multiple linear regression models students mostly women 79 average age 232 years sd 66 displaced family environment 43 outofhome 43 scholarship holders 37 higher scores found pvs associated decreased pmhq moments p 001 crosssectional studies showed slight variation mental health variables studied period covid19 outbreak woman younger outofhome scholarship p 001 seem increase susceptibility mental health variation pandemic universities develop strategies promote students mental health
Ruhann Botha, Danyca S Breedt, Dylan Barnard, Ian Couper
Lessons from innovation in medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: student perspectives on distributed training
Rural and remote health
worldwide number people parkinsons disease pd predicted double years 2005 2030 chronic care management requires active collaboration knowledge exchange patients health care professionals hcps best possible health outcomes describe cocare ehealth services potential support realization cocare people pd pwp hcps study aimed explore cocare could operationalized pd care supported ehealth specifically study explores pwps hcps expectations desired ehealth functionalities achieve cocare principles participatory design used enable identification cocare needs design ideas series 4 halfday codesign workshops sample included 7 4 women pwp 9 4 women hcps including 4 neurologists 3 nurses 2 physiotherapists codesign process resulted functional prototype evaluated codesign participants last workshop data collected note cards produced participants first 3 workshops focus group discussions 3rd 4th workshops data analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis workshop series prototype demonstrated mini fair ongoing pd research evaluated using selfdeveloped questionnaire 37 respondents 31 pwp 14 women 6 informal caregivers 3 women descriptive statistics reported qualitative analysis data resulted 2 main themes first theme core ehealth functionalities expected values describes 6 desired ehealth functionalities supporting pd cocare pwp hcps 1 selftracking 2 previsit forms 3 graphical visualization 4 clinical decision support 5 selfcare recommendations 6 asynchronous communication second theme individual organizational constraints describes constraints need addressed succeed ehealth service cocare individual constraints include ehealth literacy acceptance organizational constraints include teamwork administrative workload majority questionnaire respondents 3137 84 perceived would benefit ehealth service similar demonstrated prototype prototype functionalities rated important important majority respondents ranging 86 97 per functionality study adds knowledge pd cocare could operationalized cocare implies shift episodic routinedriven care flexible care management driven mutual needs patients hcps supported active information exchange well automated information processing generate patientspecific advice research needed explore concept cocare chronic care management means selfcare health care rr210219611278
Varun Anand, Chandan K Dey, Arvind Shukla, Murugan Tp, Pugazhenthan T, Santosh K Rathia, Sandeep Barman, Anil Kumar Goel, Niraj K Srivastava, Harish Meena
Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding of Pediatric Triage Among Nursing Officers in India: A Multicenter Study
worldwide alert due increase seroprevalence hepatitis b virus hbv cause 35 chronic diseases 40 present secondary complications early death determine seroprevalence hbv pregnant women time delivery observational descriptive crosssectional study crossassociation 2018 2019 hospital carlos van buren hcvb valparaiso chile pregnant women admitted delivery care immediate newborn hbv surface antigen study included data collected pregnant woman age nationality education level parity type delivery peripartum hivsyphilis serology newborn gestational age weight apgar score inferential multivariate analysis performed using stata software 1355 pregnant women analyzed 877 chilean 55 haitian 42 venezuelan 26 nationalities 03 positive hbv prevalence hbv chileans 008 haitians 4 haitian nationality higher risk hbv 83 vs chilean nationality p 00001 none presented coinfection hiv andor syphilis hbv seroprevalence hcvb pregnant women 03 similar described general population chile coinfection sexually transmitted diseases predictor hbv infection haitian nationality
Ji Sun Lee, Hae Kyoung Son
Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Simulation to Improve Problem-Based Learning for Neurologic Examination in Nursing Students
Iranian journal of public health
worry intuitive sense goes beyond logical reasoning valuable situations patients conditions rapidly changing objective data may fully capture complexity patients situation nurse anesthetists subjective reasons worry quite vague valued inconsistently accurately expressed study aimed identify factors playing role emergence worry anesthesia practice clarify concept mixedmethods design consisting quantitative online surveys followed qualitative focus group interviews including dutch nurse anesthetists quantitative qualitative thematic analyses performed followed data methodological triangulation enhance validity credibility findings mitigate presence bias surveys n 102 analyzed 14 nurse anesthetists participated focus group interviews total 89 survey respondents reported least feeling worry 92 use worry clinical anesthesia practice worry mentioned vital element anesthesia practice makes possible take precautionary actions change anesthetic care plan changing situation patient deterioration clear definition worry could given valuable element anesthesia practice serves catalyst critical thinking problemsolving clinical reasoning decisionmaking use feeling worry alongside technological systems make informed decision crucial technology significantly improved ability health care providers detect respond patient deterioration promptly crucial nurse anesthetists use feeling worry intuition alongside technological systems evidencebased practice ensure quick assessments judgments based experience knowledge observations clinical practice
Holly Krelle, Michael Martinez, Kira Garry, Leora I Horwitz
Perceptions of Factors Associated With Sustainability of Health Care Innovation Centers
JAMA network open
worry rumination obsessive thinking theorized differ temporal orientation positive perceived function degree intrusiveness discordance ones selfconcept however prior findings respect differences may due method variance measures used andor inclusion items confounded diagnostic symptoms accurately capturing differences types perseverative thought linked psychopathology understanding whether aspects common across disorders specific may important designing effective treatments two studies presented detailing development validation perseverative cognitions questionnaire pcq pcq 45item selfreport measure assesses six dimensional characteristics worry rumination obsessive thinking previously found discriminate thought styles lack controllability preparing future expecting worst searching causesmeaning dwelling past thinking discordant ideal self factor structure pcq established using principal components exploratory factor confirmatory factor analyses pcq scales exhibited differential convergence measures perseverative thought psychopathology pcq also demonstrated acceptable retest correlations across 1 2week periods incremental validity predicting symptoms anxiety depression obsessive compulsive disorder
Tomas Amare Abraha, Kidisti Tesfay W/Tensay, Merhawi Birhane Gebre, Birhanu Abadi Abrha, Gebrhud Berihu Haile
Opportunities and challenges in clinical learning of midwifery students in public Universities of Tigray Region, Ethiopia, 2020: a qualitative study
BMC medical education
worsening adolescent mental health exacerbated health inequalities covid19 pandemic calls universal preventative strategies mental health foundations schoolbased peer education project seeks improve students mental health literacy peer educators aged 1418 years teaching peer learners aged 1113 years recognise good bad mental health identify risk protective factors seek help accordingly although previous quantitative assessments found intervention effective realist evaluation aimed qualitatively develop theory change exploring mechanisms played different contexts achieve desired outcomes initial programme theory developed following expert stakeholder consultation reviewing literature divided mechanisms resources reasoning explain intervention components ie resources experienced within specific contexts engendered responses participants ie reasoning produce observable outcomes data collected six purposively recruited schools england comprised staff interviews n11 student focus groups n15 observations n5 deductive inductive analysis undertaken using nvivoinformed multiple causal statements represented contextmechanismoutcome configurations cmocs test refine programme theory created several distinct cmocs example learners accustomed didactic teaching methods context conversing educators similar life experience mechanism resource endorsed destigmatised helpseeking behaviour mechanism reasoning facilitated realisation seeking help appropriate acceptable outcome mechanisms included following learners perceiving information tailored relevant educators feeling empowered cultural shift percolating across school findings show peer education work improve mental health literacy inform changes intervention maximise effectiveness different operational contexts future research could test theory change randomised controlled trial examine impacts inequalities diverse sample national institute health care research school public health research
Aziz U R Asghar, Murat Aksoy, Alison I Graham, Heidi A Baseler
Developing research skills in medical students online using an active research study
BMC medical education
wound healing competence implied nursing profession standardized content regulation wound care university curricula primary objective study identify barriers acquisition knowledge skin integrity impairment quasiexperimental pretest posttest study ad hoc questionnaire involved 304 students control 165 intervention 139 june july 2023 10h educational intervention focused skin integrity assessment treatment conducted control group scoring 17 022 maximum 61 achieved significantly lower final test score p 0001 compared wound care educational intervention group pretest group scoring 30 076 posttest group scoring 43 061 educational intervention wound care program improved nursing students knowledge prevention assessmentdiagnosis treatment lower limb wounds wound bed preparation replacing number dont know answers posttest group correct answers barriers identified acquisition knowledge skin integrity impairment nursing studies following transversality teaching teaching evaluation system variability training professionals teachers charge education educational intervention used consolidate knowledge enhance students selfconfidence caring patients wounds
Matthieu Dagenais, Aleksandra Krajnovic, Sarah Galway, Kimberley Gammage
Instructors' Perceptions and Experiences of Teaching Online Exercise Classes to Older Adults: A Qualitative Study
Journal of aging and physical activity
wrist fractures involving distal radius common fractures children buckle fractures stable fractures unlike greenstick usually displaced fractures considerable variation practice extent immobilisation buckle fractures use surgery seriously displaced fractures assess effects benefits harms interventions common distal radius fractures children including skeletally immature adolescents searched cochrane bone joint muscle trauma groups specialised register cochrane central register controlled trials medline embase trial registries reference lists may 2018 included randomised controlled trials rcts quasircts comparing interventions treating distal radius fractures children sought data physical function treatment failure adverse events time return normal activities recovery time wrist pain child parent satisfaction least two review authors independently performed study screening selection risk bias assessment data extraction pooled data appropriate used grade assessing quality evidence outcome 30 included studies 21 rcts seven quasircts two describe randomisation method overall 2930 children recruited typically trials included male children reported mean ages 8 10 years eight studies recruited buckle fractures five recruited buckle stable fractures three recruited minimally displaced fractures 14 recruited displaced fractures typically requiring closed reduction typically requiring closed reduction studies high risk bias mainly reflecting lack blinding studies made 14 comparisons consider five prespecified comparisonsremovable splint versus belowelbow cast predominantly buckle fractures 6 studies 695 childrenone study 66 children reported similar modified activities scale kids performance scores 0 100 disability four weeks median scores splint 9904 cast 9911 lowquality evidence thirteen children needed change reapplication device splint 5225 cast 8219 4 studies lowquality evidence one study 87 children reported refractures six months one study 50 children found betweengroup difference pain treatment lowquality evidence evidence absent recovery time insufficient children minor complications contradictory child parent satisfaction two studies estimated lower healthcare costs removable splintssoft elasticated bandage versus belowelbow cast buckle similar fractures 4 studies 273 childrenone study 53 children reported children limited disability four weeks bandage group lowquality evidence eight children changed device extended immobilisation delayed union bandage 590 cast 391 3 studies lowquality evidence two studies 139 children reported serious adverse events four weeks evidence absent insufficient contradictory recovery time wrist pain children minor complications child parent satisfaction bandagegroup participants found treatment convenient 39 childrenremoval casts home parents versus hospital fracture clinic clinicians 2 studies 404 children mainly buckle fracturesone study 233 children found full restoration physical function four weeks lowquality evidence five treatment changes home 4197 hospital 1200 2 studies lowquality evidence one study found serious adverse effects six months 288 children recovery time number children minor complications reported evidence difference pain four weeks 233 children lowquality evidence one study 80 children found greater parental satisfaction home group lowquality evidence one uk study found lower healthcare costs home removalbelowelbow versus aboveelbow casts displaced unstable bothbone fractures 4 studies 399 childrenshortterm physical function data unavailable lowquality evidence indicated less dependency using belowelbow casts one study 66 children minimally displaced bothbone fractures found little difference abilhandkids scores 0 42 problems mean scores belowelbow 407 aboveelbow 418 lowquality evidence overall treatment failure data unavailable nine 11 remanipulations secondary reductions 366 children 4 studies aboveelbow group lowquality evidence refracture compartment syndrome six months 215 children 2 studies recovery time overall numbers children minor complications reported little difference requiring physiotherapy stiffness 179 children 2 studies lowquality evidence one study 85 children found less pain one week belowelbow casts lowquality evidence one study found treatment aboveelbow cast cost three times nepalsurgical fixation percutaneous wiring cast immobilisation versus cast immobilisation alone closed reduction displaced fractures 5 studies 323 childrenwhere reported aboveelbow casts used shortterm functional outcome data unavailable one study 123 children reported similar abilhandkids scores indicating normal physical function six months mean scores surgery 419 cast 414 lowquality evidence fewer treatment failures defined early problematic removal wires remanipulation early loss position surgery surgery 20124 cast 41129 4 studies lowquality evidence similarly fewer serious advents surgery surgery 28124 cast 43129 4 studies lowquality evidence recovery time wrist pain satisfaction reported lower referral physiotherapy stiffness surgery 1 study lowquality evidence one usa study found similar treatment costs groups available quality rctbased evidence interventions treating wrist fractures children low low however reassuring evidence full return previous function serious adverse events including refracture correctlydiagnosed buckle fractures whatever treatment used review findings consistent move away cast immobilisation injuries highquality evidence needed address key treatment uncertainties notably priority topics already tested ongoing multicentre trials force
Laura García-Durán, Silvia Claros, Pablo Zamorano-González, Marta González-García, Laura Carrillo-Franco, Marina Ponce-Velasco, Belén Gago, María García-Fernández, Manuel Víctor López-González, Ana Aiastui
Teaching the physiology of the human body in non-formal spaces: pilot experience of a Service-Learning methodology and the interaction between students of different educational levels
Frontiers in physiology
wristworn activity monitors seen widespread adoption recent times particularly young sportoriented cohorts usage among older adults remained relatively low main limitations regards lack medical insights current mainstream activity trackers provide older subjects one important research areas investigation currently possibility extrapolating clinical information wearable devices research question study understanding whether accelerometry data collected 7days freeliving environments using consumerbased wristband device conjunction datadriven machine learning algorithms able predict hand grip strength possible conditions categorized hand grip strength general population consisting middleaged older adults results regression analysis reveal performance developed models notably superior simple meanpredicting dummy regressor improvement absolute terms may appear modest mean absolute error 632 kg males 453 kg females falls within range considered sufficiently accurate grip strength estimation classification models instead excel categorizing individuals frailprefrail healthy depending tscore levels applied frailtyprefrailty definition cutoff values frailty vary results suggest models moderately detect characteristics associated frailty aucroc 070 males 076 females viably detect characteristics associated frailtyprefrailty aucroc 086 males 087 females results study enable adoption wearable devices efficient tool clinical assessment older adults multimorbidities improving advancing integrated care diagnosis early screening number widespread diseases
Sandra Weigel, Joy Backhaus, Jan-Peter Grunz, Andreas Steven Kunz, Thorsten Alexander Bley, Sarah König
Tablet-based versus presentation-based seminars in radiology: Effects of student digital affinity and teacher charisma on didactic quality
GMS journal for medical education
writers cramp taskspecific focal hand dystonia diagnosed clinically quantification defect wc done using clinical scales digitized platforms lacking design test platform differentiate quantify abnormal kinematics writing using software interface validate adultonset isolated writers cramp wc native platform designed using java wacom intuos pro tablet data analyzed using matlabbased platform called large databased evaluation kinematics handwriting lekh standardized new platform comparing handwriting patients wc age gender educationmatched healthy controls using standard tasks assess kinematics comparison writing righthanded wc patients n 21 39 healthy controls n 39 showed patients differed controls frequency strokes p 0001 number inversions velocity p 0001 number breaks p 002 air time paper time p 0001 using lekh platform kinematic profile patients wc could differentiated healthy controls studies larger samples needed derive statistical models differentiate flexion extension types wc help muscle selection quantify effects treatment
Ting Zheng, Huihong Xie, Fei Gao, Cansheng Gong, Wei Lin, Peng Ye, Yuqing Liu, Bingwei He, Xiaochun Zheng
Research and application of a teaching platform for combined spinal-epidural anesthesia based on virtual reality and haptic feedback technology
BMC medical education
writing bachelor thesis central role nursing education nursing students require information academic literacy order write theses expectation skills contribute putting knowledge practice describe students perceptions student supervisor roles investigate students experienced selfefficacy supervision bachelor thesis crosssectional prepost design four universities included four bachelor thesis courses organized group supervision process student active approach nursing students met together one hour prior meeting supervisor order discuss concerns try solve upcoming problems plan agenda upcoming supervision session total 472 undergraduate nursing students invited participate webbased questionnaire used incorporating supervision thesis questionnaire general selfefficacy scale data collected two points thesis course descriptive statistics frequencies calculated independent ttest mannwhitney u test used analytic analysis response rate 39 160472 precourse 28 130472 postcourse nursing students high expectations supervision time points students reporting high selfefficacy higher expectations supervisors knowledge subject methods compared reporting lower selfefficacy nursing students reported high expectations supervision process supervisor entering ending bachelor thesis course selfefficacy may contribute expectations active learning group ie collaborative learning may contribute nursing students commitment group supervision process bachelor thesis course studies warranted optimal group composition support learning bachelor thesis courses
Yihan Yang, Arian Schulze, Amenuve M Bekui, Sadie Elisseou, Stephanie W Sun, Seonaid Hay, John P Moriarty, Stephen R Holt
Chief resident behaviors that lead to effective morning reports, a multisite qualitative study
BMC medical education
writing portfolio activities provided context examining relations classroom contexts young childrens selfregulated learning srl data collection spanned 6 months included weekly visits grade 2 3 classrooms regularly scheduled writing portfolio activities data included teacher questionnaires observations student questionnaires observations interviews young children deliberated regulate writing demonstrated either mastery performance orientations function classroomspecific tasks authority structures evaluation practices findings support sociocognitive models learning regarding classroom contexts affect students beliefs values expectations actions also challenge assumptions young children lack cognitive sophistication required srl adopt motivational orientations undermine
David Herdman, Hena Ahmad, George Antoniades, Gokul Bailur, Arun Pajaniappane, Phil Moss
Developing an implementation intervention for managing acute vertigo in the emergency department
Emergency medicine journal : EMJ
writing difficulties frequently manifest comorbidly reading challenges reading implicated particular acts writing reviewing editing despite known however remain significant barriers understanding nature readingwriting relations studies comprehensive number types literacy skills evaluated study consists secondary data analysis two studies employing structural equation modeling sem evaluate relations among reading writing components skills independently using direct inferential mediation model dime reading comprehension notsosimple view writing nsvw theoretical frameworks examine relations reading writing components models sample upper elementary students withatrisk learning disabilities n 405 lowerorder components included word reading vocabulary handwriting spelling higherorder components included background knowledge reading strategies inferencing planning editing revision literacy outcomes oral silent reading fluency reading comprehension writing quality productivity systematically build readingtowriting mediation rwm model first merging dime nsvw components direct effects model aim 1 expanding joint model include reading writing fluency aim 2 evaluating indirect effects dime nsvw component skills aim 3 finally evaluating indirect effects reading writing fluency aim 4 findings suggest higher order fluency comprehension skills differentially related writing activities products pattern results helps elucidate mechanisms various reading writing skills transfer relate results implications targeted implicit instruction multicomponent interventions use screeners identify areas risk
Huayan Lin, Mengting Yan, Yan Fang, Ying Wang
Barriers to the completion of bachelor thesis for bachelor nursing students during their internship: A qualitative study from dual student and faculty perspectives
Nurse education today
written mathematical physicist son surgeon article provides partly historical partly substantive introduction concepts chance probability occasional side trip medicine history medicine chance probability means compliments dealing correctly make successful comeback evidence based medicine example essential thinking chance many different meanings negatively defined ie polar opposite mathematical concept probability also several interpretations main question whether probability event contained event exists head person assigns probability deeper understanding matter hopefully help physician patient understand diagnosis administrators budgeting
Justin L Hess, Alison J Kerr, Athena Lin, Andrew Chung
A Systematic Review of the 2016 National Academy of Engineering Exemplary Ethics Programs: Revisions to a Coding Framework
Science and engineering ethics
written communication ideas carried basis statistical probability writer chooses level subject specificity combination words feels convey meaning since process varies among individuals since similar ideas therefore relayed different levels specificity means different words problem literature searching machines still presents major difficulties statistical approach problem outlined various steps system based approach described steps include statistical analysis collection documents field interest establishment set notions vocabulary expressed compilation thesaurustype dictionary index automatic encoding documents machine aid dictionary encoding topological notations branched structures recording coded information establishment searching pattern finding pertinent information programming appropriate machines carry search
Jonathan Lio, H Barrett Fromme, Hongmei Dong, Ivy Jiang, Renslow Sherer
When educators are locked down: transitioning an international faculty development program from in-person to online during the COVID-19 pandemic in China
MedEdPublish (2016)
written sarscov2 pandemic recognition andy grieve polymath article looks eclectic mix topics statistical thinking practices transcend typical dividing lineswith particular focus areas drug development public health social science case made embedding experimental quasiexperimental framework within clinical practice vaccines treatments following marketing authorisation similar case made public health interventionsfacilitated prespecification effect size greater use data standards number recommendations made whilst noting progress made areas
Ying Wang, Fakhra Yasmin, Ahsan Akbar
Impact of the internet on English language learning among university students: mediating role of academic self-efficacy
Frontiers in psychology
xray computed tomography dose levels varying among modalities scanning body regions due absence incessant routine followup thus study aimed compute dose index discrepancies ethiopia recurring scan protocols head chest abdomen pelvis purposive sampling method employed select hospitals due rare existence functional ct scanners ethiopia selected hospitals total 1385 249 heads 804 chests 132 abdomens 200 pelvis collected terms standard dose metric values period december 2019march 2020 patients dlp computed mean value using ibm spss statistics 20 software mean dlp compute effective dose patients dose level disparity observed study though icrp standard level body regions except pelvis dlp 59337 mgycm black lion dose level head chest computed within recommended level hospitals effective doses pelvis four hospitals teklehaimanot black lion alert pauls ayder hospitals computed 645 890 508 654 684 msv respectively effective doses abdomen ayder hospital obtained 890 msv recommended value xray ct scanners somewhat properly functioning although sort justification optimization pelvis abdomen examinations strongly recommended implement low reasonably achievable principle
Chun-Chih Lin, Chin-Yen Han, Li-Chin Chen, Ya-Ling Huang, Su-Lun Hwang
Undergraduate nurses' reflections on visual thinking learning to construct inductive reasoning through situated patient pictures: A mixed-method study
Nurse education today
xray phase contrast tomography xpct based wavefield propagation established high resolution threedimensional 3d imaging modality suitable reconstruct intricate structure soft tissues corresponding pathological alterations however biomedical research needed 3d visualisation rendering cytoarchitecture selected cases first throughput needs increased cover statistically relevant number samples second cytoarchitecture quantified terms morphometric parameters independent visual impression third dimensionality reduction classification required identification effects interpretation results address challenges design implement novel integrated high throughput xpct imaging analysis workflow 3d histology pathohistology drug testing approach uses semiautomated data acquisition reconstruction statistical quantification demonstrate capability example lung pathohistology covid19 using small animal model different covid19 drug candidates administered infection tested view restoration physiological cytoarchitecture specifically alveolar morphology end use morphometric parameter determination followed dimensionality reduction classification based optimal transport approach allows efficient discrimination physiological pathological lung structure thereby providing quantitative insights pathological progression partial recovery due drug treatment finally stress xpct image chain implemented used synchrotron radiation validation data used analysis recorded laboratory ct radiation easily accessible preclinical research
Karine Angélica Cintra, Marcos Carvalho Borges, Maria Paula Panúncio-Pinto, Luiz Ernesto de Almeida Troncon, Valdes Roberto Bollela
The impact and the challenges of implementing a faculty development program on health professions education in a Brazilian Medical School: a case study with mixed methods
BMC medical education
yanan city typical squeezed city china faces challenge limited living space adoption mountain excavation city construction mecc program poised elevate citys livability despite importance megacity construction projects studies examined impact urban livability study aims fill gap analyzing effects mecc satisfaction characteristics urban livability yanan city based survey data old new urban areas employing factor analysis multiple linear regression paper assesses influence mecc urban livability across different demographic groups including age educational background occupation empirical findings demonstrate significant positive effect mecc project urban livability however categorization discussions respondents expressed concerns negative impact results multiple linear regression indicate factors career prospects residential satisfaction interpersonal relationships transportation level significantly influence livability r2 0607 nd r2 0609 od
Victoria L Murphy, Phillip Chao, Jonathan Koea, Sanket Srinivasa
Systematic review of the efficacy and purpose of student surgical interest groups
ANZ journal of surgery
yellow fever yf mosquitoborne viral hemorrhagic fever endemic uganda causes frequent outbreaks total 16 million people vaccinated emergency mass immunization campaigns 2011 2016 study explored local perceptions yf emergency mass immunization among vulnerable groups inform future vaccination campaigns qualitative study conducted 43 semistructured interviews 4 focus group discussions 10 expert interviews 76 participants data collected six affected districts emergency mass vaccination included vulnerable groups people 65 years pregnant women typically excluded yf vaccination except mass immunization data analysis conducted using grounded theory inductive coding utilized progressing open axial selective coding participants relied community sources information yf mass vaccination information disseminated doortodoor community spaces religious gatherings radio however respondents knowledge vaccine unclear whether booster dose required addition simultaneous presidential election mass vaccination campaign led suspicion resistance vaccination lack reliable trustworthy information politicization vaccination campaigns reinforced mistrust yf vaccines people remote areas affected yf outbreaks rely community sources information therefore recommend improving health education communication engagement respected trusted community members vaccination campaigns never seen detached political systems power relations
Boonyapat Shatpattananunt, Wongchan Petpichetchian, Soifah Pinsuwan, Tanyawut Chaloempong, Sineenat Waraphok, Charoenchai Wongwatkit
Development and evaluation of a virtual reality basic life support for undergraduate students in Thailand: a project by Mae Fah Luang University (MFU BLiS VR)
BMC medical education
young adult caregivers experience reduced wellbeing combination family care educational program becomes demanding aim clarify role views competences needs lecturers regarding identification support students prevent negative mental health consequences mixedmethods explanatory sequential design used collected quantitative data using survey lecturers teaching bachelor education programs netherlands n 208 conducted indepth interviews n 13 descriptive statistics deductive thematic analyses performed participants 702 thought supporting young adult caregivers responsibility educational institution 49 agreed responsibility lecturer 668 indicated feel competent however 452 indicated needed training expertise identify support students interviewees felt responsible students wellbeing highlighted lack clarity regarding role fulfillment practice ability identify support students depended available time level expertise lecturers required agreements responsibility procedures referral well information support referral opportunities communication skills courses peertopeer coaching
Daisy Wiggin, Benjamin Penič, Outi Sulopuisto, Annalisa Setti, Jana Mali, Andrea Stitzel, Raija Kuisma, Fátima Baptista, Tuula Kukkonen, Olympia Konstantakopolou, Liisa Timonen, Filomena Carnide, Venetia-Sofia Velanoki, Daniela Elisabeth Ströckl, Vera Zymbal, Graça Cardadeiro, Elina Nevala, Daphne Kaitelidou, Panayota Sourtzi, Valentina Hlebec, Maša Filipovič Hrast, Suzanne Timmons
Postgraduate education in healthy and active ageing: learning needs, curriculum and expected outcomes: a scoping review protocol
HRB open research
young adults attempting quit vaping many accessing smoking cessation programs lack reported efficacy highlighting need targeted vaping cessation support young people report seeing health professionals potential sources support quitting process additionally current changing regulatory landscape around vaping australia potentially increases numbers seeking health professional help cessation however limited research exists health professionals views preparedness assist young adults vaping cessation thus exploratory study aimed gain insights readiness support young adults quitting vaping data gathered via eight codesign workshops two groups two hours duration six semistructured interviews 1 hour duration facilitated online 12 health professionals data underwent thematic analysis health professionals expressed need information supporting young adults quit vaping presently relying informal pathways support information practice participants reported lack evidencebased guidelines reluctance prescribe nicotine vapes expressing conflict changing regulatory landscape australia findings identify significant gap health professional preparedness supporting vaping cessation health professionals working within rapidly evolving regulatory environment feeling unprepared address widely spread issue vaping especially among young people demonstrate critical need guidelines training health professionals enable better support young people quitting vaping qualitative study offers unique insights views readiness australian health professionals support young people quit vaping specifically context recent regulatory reforms results highlight need evidencebased guidance training health professionals inform vaping cessation support practice
Geeda Maddaleni, Eric Ardolino, Amy R Weinstein
Transitions curriculum impact on students and care
The clinical teacher
young adults face many significant challenges financial wellbeing rising cost living unstable economies impacted consume manage save monthly income maintain standard living hence exploring financial wellbeing young adults malaysia intriguing relevant research topic deserves examination multiple perspectives study aims investigate three factors namely financial knowledge locus control financial behaviour mediator correlated financial wellbeing lowincome young adults malaysia total 520 young adults north central south east zones peninsular malaysia east malaysia randomly chosen using multistage sampling technique sample study data study obtained using set questionnairebased survey crosssectional study scrutinized using ibm spss statistical package social science study discovered financial knowledge internal external locus control financial behaviour significantly correlated financial wellbeing lowincome young adults findings also demonstrate financial behaviour mediates correlation financial knowledge internal external locus control financial wellbeing study one important studies explore link financial literacy locus control financial behaviour financial wellbeing among lowincome young adults study also found interesting noteworthy fact regarding impact minimum monthly wage policy highly educated young adults malaysia worth discussing needs alerted policymakers leaders country therefore findings study utilized starting point policymakers government organizations nongovernmental organizations create new initiatives aimed raising financial wellbeing among younger generation
Paola Ferri, Chiara Vivarelli, Fausta Lui, Sara Alberti, Sergio Rovesti, Alice Serafini, Rosaria Di Lorenzo, Gabriele Amati, Maria Stella Padula
Evaluation of an interprofessional education intervention in partnership with patient educators
Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis
young adults neither employment education training neet risk adverse labour market outcomes earlier studies often measured neet status one time point compared persistent neets nonneets neglecting patterns neet status evidence early life factors associated neet patterns lacking study aims identify patterns neet status time ii examine whether factors childhood adolescence associated patterns data used 1499 participants tracking adolescents individual lives survey trails dutch prospective cohort study 15year followup neet status assessed ages 19 22 26 socioeconomic status parents ses intelligence negative life events measured age 11 educational attainment age 26 mental health problems ages 11 135 16 data analyzed using multinomial logistic regression analysis four neet patterns identified nonneets 852 ii early neets 45 iii late neets 57 iv persistent neets 45 reporting internalizing problems age 11 risk factor early late neets odds ratio 277 95 confidence interval ci 116662 500 95 ci 222113 respectively low parental ses lower intelligence scores negative life events 3 risk factors persistent neets 445 95 ci 200991 096 95 ci 094098 442 95 ci 1621208 respectively results highlight importance timing duration neet status emphasize need tailored interventions prevent specific neet patterns
Suseela Thiyagarajan, Prakash R M Saldanha, Radhakrishnan Govindan, K C Leena, Prathyusha P Vasuki
Effectiveness of agile methodology on metacognitive ability, and clinical performance among nursing students-An interventional study
Journal of education and health promotion
young adults chronic pain symptoms experience disruptions social emotional physical vocational functioning interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation programs pediatric adult populations designed specifically address developmental needs young adults article describes development novel intensive interdisciplinary outpatient rehabilitation program tailored unique needs young adults chronic pain symptoms tailored content included vocational assessment consultation financial literacy education sexual health education outcome data demonstrate treatment gains reductions pain interference pain severity pain catastrophizing depressive symptoms well improvements mental physical quality life perceived performance perceived satisfaction performance objective measures physical functioning article concludes clinical recommendations management chronic pain symptoms young adults applicable across multiple treatment settings
Jennifer E May, Elizabeth Anderson, Dan Clark, Jonathon Hull
Gamification in Biomedical Science Education: The Successful Implementation of Resimion, a Scenario-Based Learning Tool
British journal of biomedical science
young middleaged people bangladesh increasingly eating paper examines consumer demand characteristics associated consumption expenditure patterns toward eating using nationally representative bangladesh integrated household survey 201819 dataset conducted international food policy research institute 64 districts bangladesh data 5604 sample households 20717 individuals within households analysed study descriptive statistics highlight gender education employment status occupation significant individuallevel characteristics related prepared outside food people generally eat snacks sample readymade foods local shops haatbazar market empirical evidence based craggs doublehurdle model assesses secondary higher school education family size annual food expenditure important determinants likelihood household participation consumption spending eating past week contrast raising livestock noticeably reduces expenditures eating outside meals study therefore recommends educated households aware adverse health effects eating food prepared outside addition livestock raising could complement diet outside home decrease expenses eating
Tammie Choi, Mahbub Sarkar, Maxine Bonham, Tina Brock, Ingrid Ann Brooks, Basia Diug, Dragan Ilic, Arunaz Kumar, Wee-Ming Lau, Jennifer Lindley, Julia Morphet, Margaret Simmons, Evelyn Volders, Paul J White, Caroline Wright, Claire Palermo
Using contribution analysis to evaluate health professions and health sciences programs
Frontiers in medicine
young breast cancer ybc patients often face poor prognosis hence necessary construct model accurately predict longterm survival early stage realize goal utilized data surveillance epidemiology end results seer databases january 2010 december 2020 meanwhile enrolled independent external cohort tianjin medical university cancer institute hospital study aimed develop validate prediction model constructed using random survival forest rsf machine learning algorithm applying least absolute shrinkage selection operator lasso regression analysis pinpointed key prognostic factors ybc patients used create prediction model capable forecasting 3year 5year 7year 10year survival rates ybc patients rsf model constructed study demonstrated exceptional performance achieving cindex values 0920 training set 0789 internal validation set 0701 external validation set outperforming cox regression model models calibration confirmed brier scores various time points showcasing excellent accuracy prediction decision curve analysis dca underscored models importance clinical application shapley additive explanations shap plots highlighted importance key variables rsf model also proved valuable risk stratification effectively categorized patients based survival risks summary study constructed wellperformed prediction model evaluation prognostic factors influencing longterm survival earlystage ybc patients significant risk stratification physicians handle ybc patients clinical settings
Matthias J Witti, Jan M Zottmann, Birgit Wershofen, Jill E Thistlethwaite, Frank Fischer, Martin R Fischer
FINCA - a conceptual framework to improve interprofessional collaboration in health education and care
Frontiers in medicine
young children often accompanied parentcaregiver attending primary healthcare visits clinical procedures anthropometric measurements conducted parents typically involved childs anthropometric measurement collection recommendations parental involvement visits objective study describe parents experiences involved childs anthropometric measurements 10question survey comprised scaled openended questions selfadministered participants child anthropometric measurement collection including lengthheight weight head arm waist circumference survey data analyzed using general inductive approach thematic analysis surveys collected participating target kids primary care practice sites toronto canada survey respondents included 30 parents children 2 years age 30 parents children 25 years age 76 parents children aged 2 years 93 children aged 25 years rated overall experience involved childs anthropometric measurement enjoyable thoroughly enjoyable analysis openended survey questions revealed five themes 1 parent interest child growth 2 ease anthropometric measurement 3 extended clinic visit 4 child discomfort 5 interest participating research parents reported high degree enjoyment involved childs anthropometric measurements parent participation anthropometric measurement may improve parental satisfaction childrens primary healthcare future research may include assessing reliability measurements taken support parentcaregiver
Hung-Fu Lee, Pei-Hung Liao
The development and impact of an app for a smart drug interaction reminder system
Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine
young children possess fundamental deductive reasoning skills solving upcoming problems daily lives skills great importance school readiness academic development therefore study aimed explore age differences predictive variables deductive reasoning skills young hungarian children aged 48 years old reside hungary slovakia facetoface data collected 3050 participants instrument deductive reasoning skills assessment extracted school readiness test difer diagnostic system assessing development utilizing various statistical analyses r amos mplus8 packages found significant differences young childrens deductive reasoning skills across countries age groups parents education levels significant positive relationships childrens deductive reasoning skills development variables country age identified significant predictors childrens deductive reasoning skills childrens family background variables parental education played significant role predicting childrens deductive reasoning skills hungary implications study emphasize importance educational contexts parental involvement crosscultural exchange research potential enhance young childrens educational experiences prospects hungary slovakia beyond
Kelly R Ylitalo, Kathryn M Janda, Reanna Clavon, Sheri Raleigh-Yearby, Catherine Kaliszewski, Jade Rumminger, Burritt Hess, Katie Walter, Wendy Cox
Cross-Sector Partnerships for Improved Cooking Skills, Dietary Behaviors, and Belonging: Findings from a Produce Prescription and Cooking Education Pilot Program at a Federally Qualified Health Center
young children overweight increased risk becoming obese developing type 2 diabetes cardiovascular disease later life therefore early intervention critical paper describes rationale design methodology sample characteristics 5year cluster randomized controlled trial conducted eight elementary schools rural north carolina united states first aim trial examine effects twophased intervention weight status adiposity nutrition exercise health behaviors selfefficacy overweight obese 2nd 3 rd 4th grade children overweight obese parents primary outcome children stabilization bmi percentile trajectory baseline 18 months primary outcome parents decrease bmi baseline 18 months secondary outcomes children parents include adiposity nutrition exercise health behaviors selfefficacy baseline 18 months secondary aim trial examine experimental group relationships parents childrens changes weight status adiposity nutrition exercise health behaviors selfefficacy exploratory aim determine whether african american hispanic nonhispanic white children parents experimental group benefit differently intervention weight status adiposity health behaviors selfefficacya total 358 african american nonhispanic white bilingual hispanic children bmi 85th percentile 358 parents bmi 25 kgm inducted 3 12 years randomized cohort either experimental waitlisted control group experimental group receives 12week intensive intervention nutrition exercise education coping skills training exercise phase 9 months continued monthly contact phase ii 6 months followup safety endpoints include adverse event reporting intentiontotreat analysis applied data findings trial may lead effective intervention assist children parents work together improve nutrition exercise patterns making small lifestyle pattern changes nct01378806
Juana Elvira Suárez Conejero, Gabriel Listovsky, Laura Magaña Valladares, María Isabel Duré, José Francisco García Gutiérrez, Marcela van Olphen
[Core competencies for public health teaching: regional framework for the AmericasCompetências essenciais para a docência em saúde pública: um marco regional para as Américas]
Revista panamericana de salud publica = Pan American journal of public health
young children enjoy reading often tend become skilled poor readers contrast often display low motivation read one possible explanation reading skill reading motivation influence 15 studies reviewed addressing relationship young childrens reading competency beliefs goal orientations results indicate reading skills motivation correlate albeit moderately support possibility bidirectional relationship two researchers practitioners parents may need target reading skill motivation best help poor readers become proficient