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Awas! Diet Viral Belum Tentu Berhasil karena Bisa Membahayakan Tubuh | 400 | 210 | 0.277043 | id | 0.434479 | 0.027051 | The viral diet is not sure to work because it can harm the body. | 4.874546 |
Ombudsman: Polisi Tak Gunakan Senjata Api Kawal Demo di DPR | 270 | 152 | 0.313329 | id | 0.126832 | 0.000112 | Ombudsman: Police do not use firearms to control demos in the DPR | 5.028337 |
http://i3.cpcache.com/product/8281910/armed_dangerous_mugs.jpg?side=Back&width=225&height=225&Filters=%5b%7b%22name%22%3a%22background%22%2c%22value%22%3a%22F2F2F2%22%2c%22sequence%22%3a2%7d%5d | Armed & Dangerous Mugs | 225 | 225 | 0.352149 | id | 0.33108 | 0.000043 | Armed & Dangerous Mugs | 4.050009 |
ASOS Flat Lock Shoulder Bag | 150 | 150 | 0.271905 | id | 0.077272 | 0.052049 | Flat Lock Shoulder Bag | 4.925703 |
Sepanjang 2020, KPK Terima 1.748 Laporan Gratifikasi Senilai Rp 24 M | 300 | 200 | 0.27515 | id | 0.294368 | 0.001022 | Over the course of 2020, KPK received 1,748 gratification reports worth Rp 24 M | 4.457348 |
Meshuggah [Demo] | 100 | 100 | 0.306971 | id | 0.272218 | 0.000684 | Tagged with [Demo] | 3.754669 |
Memorial Day Crab Boil at Sou'Wester | 120 | 120 | 0.274106 | id | 0.039275 | 0.000443 | Memorial Day Crab Boil at Sou'Wester | 4.915549 |
Mobil Kecil E260 4 Inch Mobil HUD Yang Mengepalai Tampilan OBD II Engine AlarmFault Penghapusan Kode Hitam (Warna: Hitam)-Intl | 233 | 233 | 0.280311 | id | 0.199995 | 0.000181 | Small Car E260 4 Inch Car HUD Head Display OBD II Engine AlarmFault Black Code Removal (Color | 4.786254 |
http://static1.fashionbeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/topselfmain-300x200.jpg | Men's Self Clothing at Topman | 300 | 200 | 0.275761 | id | 0.226238 | 0.007651 | Men's Self Clothing at Topman | 5.21336 |
Berdasarkan draf RUU Pemilu dan Pilkada, yang masuk dalam Prolegnas prioritas DPR 2021, mengatur tentang rencana pemilihan kepala daerah atau Pilkada serentak selanjutnya, termasuk di Jambi dan beberapa daerah lainnya di Indonesia. | 136 | 102 | 0.281906 | id | 0.135647 | 0.007565 | Based on the draft of the Election and Pilkada Bill, which is part of the Prolegnas priorities of the | 4.007808 |
Gayatri statue | 160 | 160 | 0.279172 | id | 0.175917 | 0.000066 | Gayatri statue | 4.413566 |
Tape Drum Samples WAV-DECiBEL | 450 | 450 | 0.334766 | id | 0.530326 | 0.000002 | Tape Drum Samples WAV-DECIBEL | 4.325278 |
Amankah Diet Keto Saat Hamil dan Menyusui? | 312 | 224 | 0.277315 | id | 0.045019 | 0.000014 | Is it possible to use the keto diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding? | 5.783839 |
http://www.concertodaibalconi.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ALE3713-1-400x250.jpg | Murales | 400 | 250 | 0.260671 | id | 0.200014 | 0.000468 | Murales | 4.790145 |
Rip Curl Tepan Weld Flexfit Cap Grey | 250 | 250 | 0.278445 | id | 0.256118 | 0.000005 | Rip Curl Side Weld Flexfit Cap | 4.891096 |
Captain America Civil War Poster | 640 | 949 | 0.34915 | id | 0.744717 | 0.000172 | Captain America Civil War Poster | 4.91771 |
Mr. Met (Mascot) | 338 | 498 | 0.27418 | id | 0.404804 | 0.000087 | Mr. Met (Mascot) | 5.075741 |
Senso Ji tempel in Tokyo | 341 | 273 | 0.316614 | id | 0.044543 | 0.002931 | Senso Ji Temple in Tokyo | 4.933177 |
Star Wars Rebels 2016: Season 3 - Full (1/11) | 427 | 640 | 0.267581 | id | 0.18694 | 0.000197 | Star Wars Rebels 2016: Season 3 - Full (1/11) | 5.431747 |
http://slideplayer.info/slide/3648382/12/images/33/Sistem+Numerik+dan+Konversi.jpg | Sistem Numerik dan Konversi | 960 | 720 | 0.292804 | id | 0.356811 | 0.000386 | Numerical Systems and Conversions | 3.784619 |
Pandemi Covid-19 SDN 1 Boroko Buat Pelindung Meja Untuk Aktivitas Belajar Mengajar | 335 | 198 | 0.288454 | id | 0.06689 | 0.005865 | Pandemic Covid-19 SDN 1 Boroko Makes Table Protector for Teaching Activity | 4.036452 |
Diy Bikepacking Handlebar Bag | 1,192 | 994 | 0.306345 | id | 0.143699 | 0.000542 | Bikepacking Handlebar Bag | 4.803439 |
Sistem informasi pelaporan keuangan UMKM-Toko dg Ms.EXCEL di BALI | 241 | 303 | 0.261759 | id | 0.344256 | 0.162417 | Financial reporting system UMKM-Toro dg Ms.EXCEL in BALI | 5.034717 |
Horloge murale | Ø 34*4 cm... | 250 | 250 | 0.273506 | id | 0.236409 | 0.000146 | Wall clock Ø 34*4 cm | 5.119433 |
Miris, Tak Mampu Bayar Biaya Persalinan di RS Medan, Ibu Muda di Aceh Utara Dipolisikan | 700 | 393 | 0.334755 | id | 0.05385 | 0.232977 | Miris, unable to pay birth costs in the field hospital, young mother in northern Aceh | 4.539573 |
Cara Menentukan Nilai Rata Rata Di Excel F37aa | 560 | 207 | 0.283663 | id | 0.263422 | 0.000062 | How to Calculate Average Value in Excel F37aa | 4.284781 |
Model Air - Brown Grey | 214 | 236 | 0.267888 | id | 0.251894 | 0.00004 | Air Model - Brown Grey | 4.042926 |
https://imgv2-2-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/85443791/149x198/64d27c026d/1621571194?v=1 | Formulir BOS K-2 ( 8 Standar ) | 149 | 198 | 0.281135 | id | 0.518765 | 0.001079 | Form of BOSS K-2 ( 8 Standard ) | 3.777513 |
FOTO: Kasus Positif Covid-19 di Jakarta Masih Tinggi | 375 | 208 | 0.321212 | id | 0.561148 | 0.004848 | Covid-19 positive cases still high in Jakarta | 4.545337 |
Pantai Losari Sulawesi Selatan | 888 | 500 | 0.304464 | id | 0.783982 | 0.000127 | The beach of South Sulawesi | 4.216927 |
http://i3.cpcache.com/product/1419276222/funny_goat_rodeo_job_humor_mugs.jpg?side=Back&width=550&height=550&Filters=%5b%7b%22name%22%3a%22background%22%2c%22value%22%3a%22F2F2F2%22%2c%22sequence%22%3a2%7d%5d | Funny Goat Rodeo Job Humor Mugs | 550 | 550 | 0.32681 | id | 0.231486 | 0.000205 | Funny Goat Rodeo Job Humor Mugs | 4.322353 |
http://cdn.metrotvnews.com/dynamic/content/2017/07/15/729719/PfqyzctF8w.jpeg?w=650 | Kemenkes Meluncurkan Kartu Kesehatan Jemaah Haji Elektronik | 650 | 311 | 0.283813 | id | 0.599254 | 0.000465 | Kemenkes launches electronic health card | 4.494335 |
FasaPay Layanan Pembayaran Online Indonesia Cepat dan Aman | 300 | 173 | 0.335981 | id | 0.504412 | 0.000509 | FasaPay online payment services are fast and secure | 4.019264 |
Rumah makan Handayani | 730 | 430 | 0.271791 | id | 0.09166 | 0.000249 | Dining house | 4.521857 |
Mandela Tote Bag | 180 | 180 | 0.278585 | id | 0.199862 | 0.00004 | Mandela tote bag | 3.966673 |
Ketchikan Harbor Greeting Card | 646 | 470 | 0.267083 | id | 0.144441 | 0.00002 | The Harbor Greeting Card | 5.360091 |
http://www.lemoot.com/engine/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Cara-Mudah-Mengubah-Font-Android-Tanpa-Root-640x330.jpg | Cara Mudah Mengubah Font Android Tanpa Root | 640 | 330 | 0.2904 | id | 0.719006 | 0.000008 | How to easily change Android font without root | 3.72464 |
Umuh Ungkap Kriteria Penyerang Baru Persib Bandung di Putaran Kedua Liga 1 | 320 | 183 | 0.304282 | id | 0.398738 | 0.003862 | Umuh revealed the criteria of the new attacker Persib Bandung in the second round of the League 1 | 4.080984 |
MAHKAMAH KONSITUSI DALAM SISTEM KETATANEGARAAN INDONESIA | 300 | 300 | 0.311589 | id | 0.304518 | 0.42093 | Conclusions of the Indonesian Civil System | 3.455037 |
6 Info Resmi Lowongan CPNS Tahun 2017 | 640 | 284 | 0.262572 | id | 0.185684 | 0.011537 | Official information about CPNS in 2017 | 4.301745 |
http://pgri-jateng.info/img/upload/APKS2.JPG | PGRI Prioritaskan Pemberdayaan KKG, MGMP dan MKKS | 652 | 406 | 0.261259 | id | 0.211893 | 0.017488 | PGRI Prioritises Enhancement of KKG, MGMP and MKKS | 4.115095 |
http://blog-imgs-98.fc2.com/a/z/u/azukisaku/20161125114941d71.jpg | s-himawari161124-1ーIMG_4043 | 500 | 334 | 0.268702 | id | 1 | 0.036989 | s-himawari161124-1ーIMG_4043 | 4.700729 |
buah yang harus dibatasi konsumsinya | 200 | 125 | 0.298311 | id | 0.111076 | 0.000231 | Fruits that should be limited | 4.722719 |
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/q8GtdBM6Lma7oRBJ23E8TNuSTDrK14DlzNdTxvSvy-kyDUwk_9yCXLouxMeFUALM1zTUc1nS175w4Kdae-IhwUZehxj447UI_dprHveSQgb-EUUKP_75LaVzR7eTN88Kdqs=s0-d | Desain Rumah Minimalis Type 21 1 2 Lantai Sederhana | 1,600 | 1,036 | 0.298002 | id | 0.024731 | 0.000208 | Minimalistic Home Design Type 21 1 2 Floor | 4.937303 |
Banyak Juga Konflik Lahan di Jambi, Tersebar di 29 Desa - JPNN.com | 225 | 150 | 0.281077 | id | 0.135955 | 0.018598 | There are also many land conflicts in Jambi, spread across 29 villages - JPNN.com | 3.903644 |
Dickies Pants - Men | 320 | 320 | 0.266637 | id | 1 | 0.000026 | Dickies Pants - Men | 4.792191 |
KULINER, Mi Viral karena Porsi Besarnya di Bandung, Wajib Anda Coba! | 700 | 393 | 0.276331 | id | 0.51317 | 0.000858 | Culinary, my viral because of its large portion in Bandung, you must try it! | 4.74377 |
https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/socialembed/https://twitter.com/_TNIAU/status/950706476623933446~/indonesia/trensosial-42631760 | Twitter pesan oleh @_TNIAU: Ooohhh, tidak bisa 😱😱😱Saat seleksi ada tes kesehatan jiwa, LGBT termasuk kelainan jiwa. Kalau msh banyak calon prajurit yg sehat jiwanya kenapa harus menerima yg tidak sehat? 🤔💂 | 465 | 290 | 0.299295 | id | 0.431754 | 0.000266 | Twitter message by @_TNIAU: Ooohhh, can’t 🏻When there is a mental health | 4.178038 |
2018/2019/2020 Daftar Lengkap Skuad Nomor Punggung Kewarganegaraan Nama Pemain Klub Nakhon Pathom United Thailand Terbaru 2017-2018 | 315 | 315 | 0.329642 | id | 0.161945 | 0.008733 | 2018/2019/2020 Full List Squad Numbers Nationality Nationality Nakhon Pathom United Thailand Football Club Player Names | 4.488647 |
https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ultra/images/6/61/Powered_Gomorasaurus.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20131109085054 | File:Powered Gomorasaurus.png | 640 | 435 | 0.315068 | id | 0.440253 | 0.000043 | File:Powered Gomorasaurus.png | 3.409949 |
https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.LDdxv2gGgdhKnYna1Qr36QHaFC&pid=15.1 | arapaima biggest freshwater fish tropical fish | 474 | 322 | 0.342904 | id | 0.019246 | 0.00041 | Biggest freshwater fish tropical fish | 4.670879 |
Dituding Rusak Ideologi Negara, SBY: Nggak Benar Itu | 300 | 180 | 0.299535 | id | 0.118509 | 0.002731 | Accused of corrupting state ideology, SBY: It is not true | 4.407054 |
Barcelona akan segera memulai musim 2020/21 dengan permasalahan signifikan di luar lapangan. Keinginan Lionel Messi untuk meninggalkan Camp Nou mendapatkan... | 314 | 178 | 0.30613 | id | 0.487289 | 0.001137 | Barcelona will soon start the 2020/21 season with significant problems outside the pitch. Lionel Messi’s desire to leave Camp Nou | 4.512633 |
inspirasi membangun rumah | 640 | 466 | 0.264008 | id | 1 | 0.004174 | Inspiration for building a home | 6.033029 |
http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/l/o/n/longseasonplushome/lamp.jpg | lamp.jpg | 300 | 300 | 0.269753 | id | 0.120681 | 0.00001 | by lamp.jpg | 4.352473 |
Olympus Pen-D Professional Camera Original User's Manual | 225 | 169 | 0.333038 | id | 0.174829 | 0.000001 | Olympus Pen-D Professional Camera Original User's Manual | 4.135367 |
Seleniumを もっと知るための本の話 @第2回 Selenium勉強会 玉川竜司@大阪 | 638 | 359 | 0.357393 | id | 0.639861 | 0.014955 | Selenium もっと知るための本の話 @第2回 Selenium勉強会 玉川竜司@大阪 | 3.764606 |
IHSG Tenggelam ke 6.425, Bursa Asia Ditutup Beragam | 620 | 413 | 0.299057 | id | 0.305371 | 0.003339 | IHSG dropped to 6,425, Asian stock exchanges closed | 4.559483 |
Red Brown Samurai Pants - BIG TREE | 600 | 600 | 0.277922 | id | 0.883835 | 0.001116 | Red Brown Samurai Pants - Big Tree | 4.284905 |
Jasa SEO Aceh Bergaransi 100% Uang Kembali | 300 | 200 | 0.296833 | id | 0.217367 | 0.000035 | SEO offers 100% money back guarantee. | 4.731831 |
Robert Pattinson Batal Kawin karena Selingkuh dengan Katy Perry? | 300 | 169 | 0.274777 | id | 0.204611 | 0.004696 | Robert Pattinson was fired for cheating on Katy Perry. | 5.539225 |
Dijual Kavling Lokasi Bagus Dekat Perbatasan Bogor dan Tangerang 17119732 | 620 | 412 | 0.282453 | id | 0.944302 | 0.022423 | Good location near the border of Bogor and Tangerang 17119732 | 3.468083 |
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-EVCX-8EX42Y/UMJq6hLq9JI/AAAAAAAAADw/Ba8CQ4yax1U/s400/Daftar+Alamat+Rumah+Sakit+Di+Semarang.jpg | Daftar Alamat dan Nomor Telepon Rumah Sakit Semarang | 400 | 268 | 0.31076 | id | 0.078843 | 0.001213 | Address and phone number of the hospital. | 4.366311 |
[Success Stories] The Pantjing Aparel, Saat Kejujuran Buahkan Kesuksesan | 771 | 150 | 0.29161 | id | 0.884694 | 0.00416 | [Success Stories] The Pantjing Aparel, When Honesty Brings Success | 5.056843 |
Gambar sepatu boot BIS 115 | 300 | 187 | 0.286587 | id | 0.1183 | 0.000599 | Boot shoes from BIS 115 | 5.207433 |
_IGP9056-Edit sailboat-water | 100 | 100 | 0.272424 | id | 0.168306 | 0.002162 | IGP9056 - Edit sailboat-water | 4.740527 |
https://oss.mommyasia.id/photo/5d1282f37fcfaf02c3cbb390?x-oss-process=style/_m | Anmum Materna | 400 | 400 | 0.283245 | id | 0.135067 | 0.000702 | Motherhood | 3.624078 |
11 Langkah Mudah Jadi Family Goals bagi Keluarga Milenial | 600 | 401 | 0.284306 | id | 0.232528 | 0.325594 | 11 Easy Steps to Becoming Family Goals for Millennials | 5.130467 |
https://www.knjigaimena.com/image/?img=Katija.jpg | Ime Katija | 314 | 201 | 0.299432 | id | 0.835235 | 0.001215 | Name of Katja | 3.788724 |
Cabochon Embroidery Brooch / Level : Basic Cabochon Emboirdery adalah teknik menyulam dengan payet pasir Jepang diatas batu. Teknik ini menyulap batu polos menjadi aksesoris bros yang unik dan menarik Durasi belajar : 2 kali pertemuan @ (4 - 5 jam) Jumlah project : 2 Biaya : Rp 450.000 Biaya mencakupi : 1. 5 botol payet ( 4 x 11o + 1 x 15o) 2. Alas payet / beading mat 3. 2 batu cabochon 4. Stiff stuff, suede 5. Peniti dan jarum 6. Benang sono | 216 | 146 | 0.264445 | id | 0.11232 | 0.002388 | Cabochon Embroidery Brooch/Level: Basic Cabochon Emboirdery is a grinding technique | 4.422684 |
Jam Tangan Seperti Rolex - Jual Produk Terbaru Maret 2019 20ec0577e9 | 380 | 380 | 0.28133 | id | 0.289127 | 0.000001 | Watch Like Rolex - Sale Latest Products March 2019 20ec0577e9 | 5.473794 |
Belajar nyetir mobil toyota rush di Bagoes gresik (7) | 246 | 138 | 0.274696 | id | 0.5 | 0.000468 | Learn to drive a Toyota Rush car in Bagoes Greek | 3.86346 |
Pemkab Meningkatan Pengawasan Penggunaan SILPA Dana Desa Di Kabupaten Blitar | 1,002 | 1,000 | 0.262269 | id | 0.304029 | 0.148206 | Supervise the use of silpa funds in the village of Blitar | 3.272483 |
http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.lgURSKhy1mxXzc4QG5cgYgHaFj | Harga Nike Glow In The jual harga sepatu futsal nike original baru sepatu | 474 | 355 | 0.292002 | id | 0.160687 | 0.000071 | Nike Futsal Shoes Nike Futsal Shoes Nike Futsal Shoes | 4.24287 |
Review Rooms For Rent Sites Atlanta Ga | 400 | 600 | 0.269945 | id | 0.562424 | 0.001387 | Review Rooms For Rent Sites Atlanta Ga | 5.28464 |
Film Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? 2 | 1,024 | 659 | 0.263844 | id | 0.166715 | 0.274492 | What is the movie about love? | 3.881472 |
http://images.detik.com/content/2015/06/13/228/090022_jazzgunungfx.jpg | Jazz Gunung 2015 Hari Pertama Ditutup Oleh Penampilan Tulus | 1,000 | 750 | 0.27887 | id | 0.138115 | 0.003657 | Jazz Mountain 2015 first day closed by sincere appearance | 4.976431 |
dual boot system android ubuntu lubuntu | 1,372 | 544 | 0.312404 | id | 0.748214 | 0.000053 | Dual boot system for Android Ubuntu | 4.445137 |
Rhonda Fleming | 300 | 450 | 0.272598 | id | 0.078271 | 0.389671 | Rhonda Fleming | 5.365748 |
Presiden Jokowi Resmikan Tol Terpanjang di Lampung | 751 | 500 | 0.290884 | id | 0.179774 | 0.002656 | President Jokowi officially announced the longest toll in Lampung | 4.258737 |
Spesifikasi dan Harga Tablet Samsung Ativ Tab 3 Terbaru 2013 | 200 | 150 | 0.358333 | id | 0.321509 | 0.001009 | Samsung Ativ Tab 3 Tablets for 2013 | 4.382115 |
Menyesal, Pria yang Menganiaya Perawat RS Siloam Palembang Minta Maaf: Saya Emosi Sesaat | 700 | 393 | 0.328023 | id | 0.05362 | 0.285422 | Sorry, the man who harassed the nurse of the hospital Siloam Palembang apologizes: I am emotionally | 4.237288 |
Enam pembalap diganjar penalti grid di GP Italia | 135 | 90 | 0.295073 | id | 0.094634 | 0.003749 | Six riders in penalty grid at Italian GP | 3.849912 |
Caroline Museum Mural | 1,024 | 678 | 0.269414 | id | 0.088575 | 0.000022 | Caroline Museum Mural | 5.070181 |
http://slideplayer.info/slide/2688111/10/images/11/Subjek+penerima+fasilitas+:+Instansi+Pemerintah.jpg | Subjek penerima fasilitas : Instansi Pemerintah | 960 | 720 | 0.264261 | id | 0.42916 | 0.021965 | Subject of the facility: Government agency | 3.73457 |
18. Dangan Castle | 366 | 274 | 0.294114 | id | 0.040546 | 0.000076 | Dangan Castle | 5.147028 |
http://assets.kompasiana.com/items/album/2021/01/19/b5018c3f806d9ee343cf8ac3e5ee70a2-6006a80c8ede485a334742a2.jpg?t=o&v=770 | BJ Habibie Dengan Mimpinya Membangun Pesawat . Sumber Klikbabel.com | 650 | 372 | 0.310054 | id | 0.35781 | 0.00047 | BJ Habibie with her dream of building a plane. source Klikbabel.com | 5.40677 |
https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/0/00/Hurl%21.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20140821062705 | Hurl! | 250 | 186 | 0.281213 | id | 0.575195 | 0.000528 | Hurl! | 4.09757 |
Lukisan yang menggambarkan Frederick II (kiri) bertemu Al-Kamil (kanan). (Wikipedia.org) | 281 | 187 | 0.296374 | id | 0.218341 | 0.000017 | A painting depicting Frederick II (left) meeting Al-Kamil (right). | 4.778132 |
http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/2071/71562440.jpg | Asus X44C-VX024R - Tela 14 | 888 | 455 | 0.282843 | id | 1 | 0.000009 | The Asus X44C-VX024R | 3.937961 |
Cosmetic Bag | 498 | 498 | 0.26071 | id | 0.160501 | 0.00019 | Cosmetic Bag | 5.346393 |
lamp-01.png | 2,400 | 1,617 | 0.282528 | id | 0.107457 | 0.000017 | Laminated Laminated Laminated Laminated Laminated Laminated | 4.583112 |
【LLBEAN】ポリエステル素材トートバッグHunter'sToteBag,Zip-Topハンターズ・トート・バッグ、ジップ・トップ | 160 | 160 | 0.267017 | id | 0.024079 | 0.00006 | 【LLBEAN】Polyester materialトートバッグHunter'sToteBag,Zip-TopH | 4.403394 |
Curi Ide Tampil Keren saat Memakai Celana Jeans Putih | 736 | 1,104 | 0.284912 | id | 0.398382 | 0.025145 | Stolen ideas of looking cool while wearing white jeans | 5.465874 |
http://ak2.cdn.9appsdownloading.com/group1/M00/08/B4/pYYBAFT_Sw-AZb2gAAENKpDVrr4885.jpg | Spheres screenshot 4 | 320 | 512 | 0.295818 | id | 0.332496 | 0.000102 | Spheres screenshot 4 | 4.353681 |
Kampa Brean 3 tent | 415 | 415 | 0.268202 | id | 0.003 | 0.000025 | Campa Brean 3 tents | 5.150508 |
Ormas Islam Dukung Langkah Pemerintah Larang Organisasi Pengasong Khilafah di Indonesia | 800 | 600 | 0.305811 | id | 0.064581 | 0.001562 | Ormas Islam Supports Government Steps to Ban Khilafah Persecutors Organizations in Indonesia | 5.036755 |
Renault Alaskan 2 | 330 | 250 | 0.319019 | id | 0.846894 | 0.000036 | The Renault Alaskan 2 | 4.916615 |
https://res-2.cloudinary.com/cre/image/fetch/w_167,h_120,c_fill,f_auto,q_auto,d_placeholder_viubzx.png/https%3A%2F%2Frimh2.domain.com.au%2Fc5Jx3RXsk6w14Y806AhC3kHffUA%3D%2Ffit-in%2F800x600%2Ffilters%3Aformat(jpeg)%2F2016109246_1_1_200720_083112-w800-h533 | Mechanical Repair Business in Blackburn | 167 | 120 | 0.274986 | id | 0.14733 | 0.013418 | Mechanical Repair Business in Blackburn | 4.786469 |
Ikut-Ikutan AS, Brazil Ancam Keluar dari WHO | 200 | 112 | 0.262626 | id | 0.051364 | 0.004788 | Brazil threatens withdrawal from WHO | 4.497119 |