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ARTIKEL PERTAMA DI INTERNET | 442 | 152 | 0.274822 | id | 0.558432 | 0.108316 | The first article on the internet | 3.468443 |
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vr7XLVthErw/VF2LyJ9eYfI/AAAAAAAAA3c/JaqVForsQTc/s1600/halaman.png | Membuat halaman pertama tidak ada nomor halamannya | 641 | 143 | 0.269527 | id | 0.552206 | 0.000004 | The first page has no page number. | 3.993774 |
10 Rekomendasi Tempat Makan Soto Paling Legendaris di Surabaya | 1,000 | 1,000 | 0.264493 | id | 0.020784 | 0.000181 | 10 Most Legendary Soto Dining Places in Surabaya | 5.105941 |
Berinvestasi Yang Amanah Melalui Pasar Modal Syariah Indonesia | 700 | 393 | 0.283537 | id | 0.343939 | 0.01093 | Investing Trustworthy Through Indonesia’s Sharia Capital Market | 4.082292 |
Duca pipe Barone (B) arenada - Cherrywood | 500 | 500 | 0.286231 | id | 0.288812 | 0.000015 | Duca Pipe Barone (B) Arena - Cherrywood | 4.799604 |
Balsamina di Balfour, Impatiens balfourii (Balsaminaceae) Origine: Himalaya | 1,000 | 662 | 0.281549 | id | 0.076543 | 0.000007 | Balfour, Impatiens balfourii (Balsaminaceae) Origin: Himalayas | 4.32392 |
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Pesan Prabowo Ini yang Disampaikan Sandiaga Uno Saat Sambang ke Rumah Anggota KPPS yang Meninggal | 700 | 393 | 0.321422 | id | 0.073345 | 0.002262 | This Prabowo message was delivered by Sandiaga Uno when he went to the house of a member of the KPPS who | 5.093836 |
lamp german | 1,812 | 1,200 | 0.299986 | id | 0.163928 | 0.000003 | German Lamp | 5.120261 |
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Pearl Jam Binaural Promo Poster | 150 | 150 | 0.367964 | id | 0.192847 | 0.00007 | Pearl Jam Binaural Promo Poster | 3.603347 |
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Tanda Gangguan Pendengaran Anak | 348 | 215 | 0.283998 | id | 0.35045 | 0.012428 | Signs of child hearing impairment | 4.893864 |
bisnis dalam dunia musik - sekolah kursus | 780 | 520 | 0.277365 | id | 0.109887 | 0.010728 | Business in the Music World - School Course | 5.552656 |
Rp1,15mily Apartemen Dijual | 618 | 412 | 0.262834 | id | 0.017731 | 0.001699 | 1.5 million apartments for sale | 4.248512 |
http://www.graveldoctornb.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/gravel_driveway_repair_moncton_nb-185-400x284.jpg | gravel_driveway_repair_moncton_nb (185) | 400 | 284 | 0.280801 | id | 0.025857 | 0.000506 | gravel_driveway_repair_moncton_nb (185) | 4.549567 |
Efek Buruk Kecanduan Ponsel untuk Kulit, Begini Solusinya | 200 | 133 | 0.263649 | id | 0.589355 | 0.000293 | Bad effects of cell phone addiction on skin, this is the solution | 4.652368 |
Daftar Lengkap Pemenang Indonesian Movie Actors Awards 2019 Rano Karno, Nirina Aktor Aktris Terbaik | 700 | 393 | 0.398535 | id | 0.145147 | 0.000184 | Indonesian Movie Actors Awards 2019 Rano Karno, Nirina Best Actress | 3.730844 |
banner for NIH virtual seminar 2020 | 1,408 | 622 | 0.379585 | id | 0.51515 | 0.000048 | Banner for NIH Virtual Seminar 2020 | 4.806554 |
Cantiknya Pantai Obak pada saat surut dengan batuan karang yang menyebar | 600 | 400 | 0.284002 | id | 0.068848 | 0.003334 | The beauty of Obak Beach at the time of the rise with the coral rocks that spread | 5.106293 |
ABUniverse 17 Diapers Sample Pack Medium ABDL | 400 | 300 | 0.332622 | id | 0.088678 | 0.001116 | ABUniverse 17 Diapers Sample Pack | 4.669937 |
Karmod membangun fasilitas militer di Nigeria | 250 | 164 | 0.279544 | id | 0.236471 | 0.000012 | Karmod to build military facilities in Nigeria | 4.537854 |
fake news megaphone label loudspeaker vector image | 238 | 250 | 0.310698 | id | 0.805464 | 0.000126 | fake news megaphone label loudspeaker vector image | 4.475458 |
Pantai Morib | 1,280 | 960 | 0.28553 | id | 0.046188 | 0.000084 | The Morib Beach | 4.89268 |
Airbag di Samping Mobil Cegah Risiko Cedera | 250 | 186 | 0.285173 | id | 0.50917 | 0.000094 | Airbag on the side of the car prevents injury | 4.805931 |
Indosport - Pelatih Timnas Indonesia, Simon McMenemy saat konferensi pers usai pertandingan Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2022 menghadapi Vietnam, Selasa (15/10/19) malam WIB. | 240 | 135 | 0.270921 | id | 0.875914 | 0.006662 | Indosport - Indonesian team coach Simon McMenemy during a press conference after the 2022 World Cup qualifying match against Vietnam, Tuesday (15/10/19) night WIB. | 3.469967 |
Selamat! Rudi Setiawan Dipromosikan Jadi Jenderal Bintang Satu | 302 | 200 | 0.288176 | id | 0.245357 | 0.000268 | Rudi Stereo promoted to General Star One | 5.031176 |
Enam dari MCA dan Gerakan dilantik menteri kabinet baru | 350 | 233 | 0.263331 | id | 0.600597 | 0.000281 | Six of MCA and Movement appointed new cabinet ministers | 5.639978 |
Pasang Internet Rumah dan Kantor | 400 | 280 | 0.272978 | id | 0.416962 | 0.000488 | Internet at home and office. | 5.324497 |
Ini Perbedaan Daging Sapi dan Daging Babi ketika Dimasak | 250 | 186 | 0.297723 | id | 0.121234 | 0.000036 | This is the difference between beef and pork when cooked. | 4.634523 |
11 Rumah di Makassar Terbakar, Petugas Sulit Jangkau TKP karena Jalan Sempit | 790 | 444 | 0.321778 | id | 0.067748 | 0.005212 | 11 houses in Makassar burned, officers difficult to reach TKP because of the narrow road | 4.658826 |
YG Entertainment Angkat Bicara atas Kasus Penipuan yang Menimpa Lisa Blackpink | 335 | 198 | 0.284367 | id | 0.285828 | 0.002702 | YG Entertainment raises speech on Lisa Blackpink’s fraud case | 4.557134 |
NARU ナル フランネル起毛チェックロングスカート (品番636805) | 1,080 | 1,080 | 0.276633 | id | 0.204428 | 0.136572 | NARU ナル フランネル起毛チェックlongスカート (品番636805) | 4.857019 |
Grey Deer Mascot Costume | 600 | 600 | 0.336705 | id | 0.388666 | 0.000102 | Grey Deer Mascot Costume | 3.950056 |
http://rumah-yatim.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Rumah-Yatim-Batam-Bantu-Proses-Renovasi-Masjid-Al-Haud-150x120.jpg | Rumah Yatim Batam Bantu Proses Renovasi Masjid Al-Haud | 150 | 120 | 0.269884 | id | 0.118414 | 0.000671 | The Batam Orphanage Helps with the Renovation of Al-Haud Mosque | 4.079179 |
Diagram17-1di-DK | 1,417 | 886 | 0.264134 | id | 0.606645 | 0.013335 | Diagram17-1in-DK | 4.916701 |
http://images.twinkl.co.uk/image/private/t_630/image_repo/b7/2e/T-T-239-diwali-display-banners_ver_4.jpg | Diwali Display Banner - Banner, display, Diwali, religion, hindu, hanoman, rangoli, sita, ravana, pooja thali, rama, lakshmi, golden deer, diva lamp, sweets, new year, mendhi, fireworks, party, food, divali, divalli | 630 | 315 | 0.334146 | id | 0.37467 | 0.000383 | Diwali Display Banner - Banner, display, Diwali, religion, Hindu, hanoman, rangoli, sita, rav | 3.683338 |
599405-004 Nike Air Max 90 Premium Comfort EM | 335 | 251 | 0.275067 | id | 0.77214 | 0.000059 | 599405-004 Nike Air Max 90 Premium Comfort EM | 4.816417 |
Rekomendasi Laptop 2-in-1 Terbaik dengan Harga Dibawah Rp 5 Juta per Oktober 2021 | 700 | 393 | 0.298234 | id | 0.043424 | 0.000026 | Recommendation of the best 2-in-1 laptops with a price below Rp 5 million by October 2021 | 4.828666 |
http://5.imimg.com/data5/FO/IE/MY-5551405/pressure-sensors-abp-series-250x250.png | Basic Board Mount Pressure Sensors- ABP Series | 250 | 250 | 0.285711 | id | 0.12613 | 0.000016 | Basic Board Mount Pressure Sensors - ABP Series | 5.041585 |
Foto udara proses pencarian korban banjir bandang di Adonara Timur, Kabupaten Flores Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Selasa (6/4/2021). (Antara-Aditya Pradana Putra) | 555 | 370 | 0.297208 | id | 0.158502 | 0.001358 | Air photo of the process of searching for flood victims in Adonara East, East Flores District, Nusa Tenggara | 4.86958 |
Burger King Promo King Of The Week, Makan Enak Mulai Rp. 5 Ribuan Gengs! | 1,080 | 1,080 | 0.374363 | id | 0.226106 | 0.000093 | Burger King Promo King Of The Week, Eat Enough Starting with Rp. 5 Thousand Gengs! | 4.339343 |
http://asset.telunjuk.co.id/s/images/blog/vans-header.jpg | 5 Model Sepatu Vans yang Bisa Jadi Pilihan Gaul Kamu! | 972 | 320 | 0.271903 | id | 0.878046 | 0.112416 | 5 Vans Shoes That Can Be Your Choice! | 3.873503 |
Başbakan'dan gençlerle tekne turu | 200 | 150 | 0.2851 | id | 0.252038 | 0.004949 | President and youths go on tour | 4.453323 |
http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/48232/ss_4640bcd9aa5b5be548e380d524eee62adef7f7f3.jpg | Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Danse Macabre Adventure Pack screenshot | 1,920 | 1,080 | 0.288651 | id | 0.076371 | 0.002571 | Might & Magic: Heroes VI - Danse Macabre Adventure Pack screenshot | 6.209323 |
River Cetina in Omis | 300 | 213 | 0.274813 | id | 0.159718 | 0.000091 | River Cetina in Omis | 5.269319 |
Presiden Jokowi Nilai PPKM Tak Efektif, Ini yang Dilakukan Wali Kota Malang | 300 | 300 | 0.282751 | id | 0.209213 | 0.010877 | President Jokowi’s value of PPKM is ineffective, this is what the Mayor of the City has done | 4.593961 |
Sergio Ramos paling banyak menerima kartu dibandingkan pemain lain di Spanyol, Copa del Rey dan LIga Champions. | 324 | 160 | 0.304607 | id | 0.160742 | 0.018847 | Sergio Ramos receives the most cards compared to other players in Spain, Copa del Rey and the Champions League. | 4.336098 |
Dokter Maulana saat menggelar pengobatan gratis di RT 17 Kenali Asam, Minggu (11/3/2018) | 660 | 495 | 0.276604 | id | 0.054628 | 0.007444 | Dr. Maulana during a free treatment at RT 17 Kenali Asam, Sunday (11/3/2018) | 5.060098 |
http://cdn.metrotvnews.com/dynamic/videos/2018/09/19/930509/XihJPvTfnO.jpg?w=600 | Indonesia Kirim Pecatur Muda ke Olimpiade Dunia | 600 | 338 | 0.316151 | id | 0.532714 | 0.026149 | Indonesia sends young workers to the World Olympics | 4.369103 |
Pakai Hanbok Blacpink Jennie Rose Jisoo Dan Lisa Terlihat Seperti | 640 | 640 | 0.293355 | id | 0.003157 | 0.006586 | Dress Hanbok Blacpink Jennie Rose Jisoo And Lisa Look Like | 5.579605 |
Kisah Supit Urang, Strategi Soedirman Menangkan Pertempuran Ambarawa | 300 | 199 | 0.262426 | id | 0.015564 | 0.000051 | The story of Supit Urang, Soedirman's strategy won the battle of Ambarawa | 4.741417 |
Momen yang menangkan di kompleks candi Enryaku-ji | 600 | 400 | 0.269625 | id | 0.349038 | 0.000284 | Winning moments at the Enryaku-ji temple complex | 5.477884 |
https://www.jpnn.com/timthumb.php?src=https://photo.jpnn.com/arsip/normal/2019/07/16/bridgestone-one-stop-service-depok-foto-ist.jpg&w=232&h=150&zc=1 | Depok Punya Bridgestone One Stop Service Berfasilitas Lengkap - JPNN.com | 232 | 150 | 0.341029 | id | 0.101256 | 0.000273 | Depok Has Bridgestone One Stop Service Completely Facilitated - JPNN.com | 4.025205 |
https://d1gij4u04nulni.cloudfront.net/pics/property/354502202/17/IDX_17/v13//crop/362,241/ | 27070 Flossmoor DR BONITA SPRINGS, FL 34135 - Image 18 | 362 | 241 | 0.281068 | id | 0.747344 | 0.049458 | 27070 Flossmoor DR BONITA SPRINGS, FL 34135 - Image 18 | 3.88794 |
dehidrasi bisa menimbulkan jerawat yang tak ringan via www.mtlblog.com | 630 | 419 | 0.300972 | id | 0.375313 | 0.027 | Dehydration can cause acne that is not mild via www.mtlblog.com | 5.239843 |
http://www.recyclart.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/tas1-350x350.jpg | Fish bag | 350 | 350 | 0.274567 | id | 0.145082 | 0.00004 | Fish bag | 4.528939 |
App in the Air Screenshot | 392 | 696 | 0.274334 | id | 0.177081 | 0.000265 | App in the Air Screenshot | 4.728544 |
5500 Modifikasi Jok Mobil Calya HD Terbaru | 640 | 384 | 0.280872 | id | 0.116441 | 0.000056 | 5500 Modification of the new Calya HD Car Jok | 4.295914 |
LG 11145 dancing crab 1 | 600 | 600 | 0.288123 | id | 0.164881 | 0.000136 | LG 11145 Dancing Crab | 4.976917 |
Foto 10 - Eksterior di Sunda Prasmanan Cikajang oleh Tirta Lie | 312 | 234 | 0.272853 | id | 0.842484 | 0.000592 | Photo 10 - Exterior in Sunda Prasmanan Cikajang by Tirta Lie | 3.938905 |
http://images2.b-static.com/imageserver/s1/370150974-200-200-5-0/85zt751-mizuno-s.jpg | 【85ZT751】MIZUNO(ミズノ) セームタオル(Sサイズ)[セーム/スイミング/水泳/スイムタオル] | 200 | 200 | 0.28074 | id | 0.395857 | 0.006983 | 【85ZT751】MIZUNO(ミズノ) セームタオル(Size)[セーム/ | 4.486756 |
http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/f/f2/Dalan_artwork.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/336?cb=20100506014101 | File:Dalan artwork.jpg | 336 | 480 | 0.262794 | id | 0.122295 | 0.005183 | Filed to:Artwork.jpg | 4.669186 |
10 Contoh CSS Framework Yang Sering Digunakan untuk Website | 1,001 | 601 | 0.280416 | id | 0.657741 | 0.000837 | 10 Examples of CSS Frameworks Used for Websites | 4.076582 |
Audi S4 2000 [Pantone Yellow 012 C] para BeamNG Drive | 468 | 256 | 0.302023 | id | 0.115668 | 0.00002 | Audi S4 2000 [Pantone Yellow 012 C] to BeamNG Drive | 4.259559 |
perangkat lunak sumber terbuka | 720 | 480 | 0.331655 | id | 0.394188 | 0.000556 | Open Source Software | 4.570765 |
https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sims/images/4/45/Niles_and_Patricia_dancing.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130709102439 | File:Niles and Patricia dancing.jpg | 600 | 450 | 0.28902 | id | 0.148526 | 0.005061 | File: Niles and Patricia dancing.jpg | 4.353596 |
Aplikasi Penghasil Uang Terbukti Membayar 2019 | 303 | 640 | 0.283281 | id | 0.742864 | 0.000199 | Proved Money Maker Applications Pay 2019 | 4.256596 |
electric generator motor. China Electric Motor Low Rpm Petrol Genreator, AC Generator For Sale - Generator, Portable | 1,000 | 1,000 | 0.347432 | id | 0.809223 | 0.000009 | China Electric Motor Low Rpm Petroleum Generator, AC Generator For Sale - Generator, Portable | 4.386116 |
Honda meluncurkan skutik baru di kelas premium 150 cc, yakni SH150i. | 750 | 500 | 0.299463 | id | 0.217537 | 0.021534 | Honda has unveiled a new scooter in the 150 cc premium class, the SH150i. | 4.914831 |
Meeting agenda menu | 720 | 540 | 0.329861 | id | 0.230836 | 0.00148 | Meeting agenda menu | 4.624514 |
Star Master Lampu Proyektor Bintang Auto-Rotating dengan Musik - ZK33300 - Black - 3 | 279 | 279 | 0.319895 | id | 0.067348 | 0.000005 | Star Master Light Projector with Music - ZK33300 - Black - 3 | 3.86953 |
life ruiner | 720 | 538 | 0.294637 | id | 0.288573 | 0.000714 | Life Ruiner | 4.752283 |
Model rumah minimalis terbaru | 640 | 490 | 0.296209 | id | 0.096095 | 0.000226 | The newest minimalist house | 4.936558 |
http://www.ihdn.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Studium-General-KKNI-IHDN-409x258.jpg | Meningkatkan Kualitas SDM Hindu Melalui Pembelajaran Ilmu Agama Berbasis KKNI | 409 | 258 | 0.262096 | id | 0.067427 | 0.012063 | Improve the quality of Hindu SDM through the learning of religious science based on KKNI | 3.998266 |
Renault Laguna 2 для GTA San Andreas вид изнутри | 468 | 281 | 0.294253 | id | 0.930853 | 0.000553 | Renault Laguna 2 for GTA San Andreas | 3.885444 |
Cara Transfer File Menggunakan TeamViewer | 320 | 251 | 0.26527 | id | 0.32476 | 0.003462 | How to Transfer Files with TeamViewer | 4.651852 |
Free Bilingual January Math Worksheets- Kindergarten (Gratis Matematicas) | 125 | 162 | 0.363529 | id | 0.409472 | 0.000981 | Free Bilingual January Math Worksheets- Kindergarten (Free Mathematicas) | 4.785219 |
Panda d'origami image stock | 162 | 160 | 0.323581 | id | 0.625375 | 0.000019 | Panda d'origami image stock | 5.459085 |
Press Telegram, April 29, 1959, p. 17 | 240 | 300 | 0.28288 | id | 0.220812 | 0.000067 | Press Telegram, April 29, 1959, p. | 5.022486 |
http://ih1.redbubble.net/image.13128564.8960/tb,220x200,flat-pad,220x200,ffffff.2u1.jpg | Tote Bag | 220 | 200 | 0.263679 | id | 0.313236 | 0.002234 | Tote Bag | 3.872398 |
Kisah Kakek Samirin Pungut Getah Karet Seharga Rp 17.000 di Perkebunan, Divonis 2 Bulan Penjara | 490 | 326 | 0.30159 | id | 0.107041 | 0.004365 | Grandfather Samirin Pungut Getah Karet Seharga Rp 17,000 in Farming, Divonis 2 Months Pr | 5.193675 |
Focus Group Discussion Prospek Pengembangan Industri Smart Card & Perangkat BTS di Indonesia | 840 | 320 | 0.344987 | id | 0.661896 | 0.015816 | Focus Group Discussion Prospects for the Development of the BTS Smart Card & Device Industry in Indonesia | 4.034842 |
Santer Nama Bursa Calon Gubernur, Namun Masih Malu-Malu Nyatakan Siap Maju Pemilihan Gubernur 2020. | 700 | 393 | 0.265942 | id | 0.2863 | 0.000601 | Santer named the stock exchange candidate for governor, but still embarrassed to announce that he is ready to advance the 2020 governor election. | 4.540327 |
Beluga Pearls Ring | 600 | 600 | 0.308569 | id | 0.575353 | 0.016321 | Beluga Pearls Ring | 5.048709 |
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Barcelona Bakal Rebut Posisi Real Madrid Di Puncak Klasemen | 640 | 427 | 0.288619 | id | 0.643315 | 0.254977 | Barcelona to beat Real Madrid at the top of the list | 4.04782 |
https://s1.dmcdn.net/v/K3f8h1VtGBIWFCDhJ/x240 | Debate With Nasir – 30th April 2017 | 426 | 240 | 0.281725 | id | 0.253454 | 0.000008 | Debate with Nasir – 30th April 2017 | 4.103386 |
Sesuai Rekomendasi WHO, Mulai Hari ini Semua Warga Harus Pakai Masker | 700 | 467 | 0.282669 | id | 0.109151 | 0.000471 | The WHO recommends that all citizens wear masks from today. | 5.44709 |
10 Warna Paling Mempengaruhi Marketing - Blue-Brands-Warna-Biru-pada-Web-Desain-dan-Grafis-10-warna-yang-mempengaruhi-sales-dan-marketing | 279 | 373 | 0.320393 | id | 0.261063 | 0.000019 | 10 Most Influential Colors in Marketing - Blue-Brands-Colors-On-Web-Design-and-G | 4.626071 |
Kite coloring #3, Download drawings | 685 | 886 | 0.303222 | id | 0.40393 | 0.000017 | Kite coloring #3, Download drawings | 4.083395 |
Garis polisi (Foto: Pantau.com/Adryan Novandia) | 400 | 210 | 0.262999 | id | 0.443408 | 0.006592 | Police line (Photo: Pantau.com/Adryan Novandia) | 4.072565 |
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Berber Carpet Seam Repair for Pet Damaged Doorway. Atlanta Carpet Repair Expert | 480 | 360 | 0.284615 | id | 0.5 | 0.000016 | Berber Carpet Seam Repair for Pet Damaged Doorway. Atlanta Carpet Repair Expert | 3.825574 |
Brilian Ide Desain Wallpaper Dinding Ruang Tamu Minimalis Pink Motif Garis Garis Vertikal Elegan Mempesona Cantik Mewah | 600 | 600 | 0.357238 | id | 0.090045 | 0.114714 | Brilliant Wallpaper Design Ideas Minimalistic Guest Room Pink Motif Lines Vertical Lines Elegance Enchanting | 5.63398 |
7 Cara Mengubah File Png Ke Jpg Di Laptop Android Iphone | 800 | 371 | 0.271903 | id | 0.296924 | 0.000077 | 7 Ways to Convert Png Files to Jpg on Android Laptop iPhone | 3.964139 |
5 Cara Mengatasi Sayangnya Layanan Google Play Telah Berhenti | 185 | 320 | 0.281255 | id | 0.207733 | 0.000295 | 5 Ways to Fix the Unfortunate Google Play Service Has Stopped | 3.472522 |