# Lint as: python3 # Copyright 2019 DeepMind Technologies Limited. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for""" from absl.testing import absltest from absl.testing import parameterized import jax import numpy as np from rlax._src import schedules @parameterized.named_parameters( ('JitOnp', jax.jit, lambda t: t), ('NoJitOnp', lambda fn: fn, lambda t: t), ('JitJnp', jax.jit, jax.device_put), ('NoJitJnp', lambda fn: fn, jax.device_put)) class PolynomialTest(parameterized.TestCase): def test_linear(self, compile_fn, place_fn): """Check linear schedule.""" # Get schedule function. schedule_fn = schedules.polynomial_schedule(10., 20., 1, 10) # Optionally compile. schedule_fn = compile_fn(schedule_fn) # Test that generated values equal the expected schedule values. generated_vals = [] for count in range(15): # Optionally convert to device array. step_count = place_fn(count) # Compute next value. generated_vals.append(schedule_fn(step_count)) # Test output. expected_vals = np.array(list(range(10, 20)) + [20] * 5, dtype=np.float32) np.testing.assert_allclose( expected_vals,
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import time # Rotating hyperplane dataset def create_hyperplane_dataset(n_samples, n_dim=2, plane_angle=0.45): w =[[np.cos(plane_angle), -np.sin(plane_angle)], [np.sin(plane_angle),
"""Functions copypasted from newer versions of numpy. """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import warnings import sys import numpy as np from numpy.testing.nosetester import import_nose from scipy._lib._version import NumpyVersion if NumpyVersion(np.__version__) > '': _assert_warns = np.testing.assert_warns else: def _assert_warns(warning_class, func, *args, **kw): r""" Fail unless the given callable throws the specified warning. This definition is copypasted from numpy The version in earlier numpy returns None. Parameters ---------- warning_class : class The class defining the warning that `func` is expected to throw. func : callable The callable to test. *args : Arguments Arguments passed to `func`. **kwargs : Kwargs Keyword arguments passed to `func`. Returns ------- The value returned by `func`. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as l: warnings.simplefilter('always') result = func(*args, **kw) if not len(l) > 0: raise AssertionError("No warning raised when calling %s" % func.__name__) if not l[0].category is warning_class: raise AssertionError("First warning for %s is not a " "%s( is %s)" % (func.__name__, warning_class, l[0])) return result def assert_raises_regex(exception_class, expected_regexp, callable_obj=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Fail unless an exception of class exception_class and with message that matches expected_regexp is thrown by callable when invoked with arguments args and keyword arguments kwargs. Name of this function adheres to Python 3.2+ reference, but should work in all versions down to 2.6. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 1.8.0 """ __tracebackhide__ = True # Hide traceback for py.test nose = import_nose() if sys.version_info.major >= 3: funcname = else: # Only present in Python 2.7, missing from unittest in 2.6 funcname = return funcname(exception_class, expected_regexp, callable_obj, *args, **kwargs) if NumpyVersion(np.__version__) >= '1.10.0': from numpy import broadcast_to else: # Definition of `broadcast_to` from numpy 1.10.0. def _maybe_view_as_subclass(original_array, new_array): if type(original_array) is not type(new_array): # if input was an ndarray subclass and subclasses were OK, # then view the result as that subclass. new_array = new_array.view(type=type(original_array)) # Since we have done something akin to a view from original_array, we # should let the subclass finalize (if it has it implemented, i.e., is # not None). if new_array.__array_finalize__: new_array.__array_finalize__(original_array) return new_array def _broadcast_to(array, shape, subok, readonly): shape = tuple(shape) if np.iterable(shape) else (shape,) array =
np.array(array, copy=False, subok=subok)
from linlearn import BinaryClassifier, MultiClassifier from linlearn.robust_means import Holland_catoni_estimator, gmom, alg2 import numpy as np import gzip import logging import pickle from datetime import datetime import sys import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from scipy.special import logsumexp, softmax import os import itertools from tqdm import tqdm import joblib import time def ensure_directory(directory): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) ensure_directory('exp_archives/') file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='exp_archives/classif_exp.log') stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handlers = [file_handler, stdout_handler] logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", handlers=handlers ) save_results = False save_fig= True dataset="MNIST"*"=")"Running new experiment session ON GPU with dataset : %s" % dataset)*"=") m_SVRG = 50 step_size = 0.01 max_iter = 10 fit_intercept = True n_samples = 1000 n_repeats = 2"Parameters are : n_repeats = %d , n_samples = %d , max_ter = %d , fit_intercept=%r , m_SVRG = %d" % (n_repeats, n_samples or 0, max_iter, fit_intercept, m_SVRG)) if not save_results:"WARNING : results will NOT be saved at the end of this session") def _images(path): """Return images loaded locally.""" with as f: # First 16 bytes are magic_number, n_imgs, n_rows, n_cols pixels = np.frombuffer(, 'B', offset=16) return pixels.reshape(-1, 784).astype('float64') / 255 def _labels(path): """Return labels loaded locally.""" with as f: # First 8 bytes are magic_number, n_labels integer_labels = np.frombuffer(, 'B', offset=8) def _onehot(integer_labels): """Return matrix whose rows are onehot encodings of integers.""" n_rows = len(integer_labels) n_cols = integer_labels.max() + 1 onehot = np.zeros((n_rows, n_cols), dtype='uint8') onehot[np.arange(n_rows), integer_labels] = 1 return onehot return _onehot(integer_labels) mnist_train_images_file = "mnist_data/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz" mnist_train_labels_file = "mnist_data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz" mnist_test_images_file = "mnist_data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz" mnist_test_labels_file = "mnist_data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz""loading data ...") X_train = _images(mnist_train_images_file)[:n_samples] y_train = _labels(mnist_train_labels_file)[:n_samples] X_test = _images(mnist_test_images_file) y_test = _labels(mnist_test_labels_file) def l1_apply_single(x, t): if x > t: return x - t elif x < -t: return x + t else: return 0.0 def sample_objectives(X, y, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, lnlearn=False): if fit_intercept: w0 = w[0] if lnlearn else w[0,:] w1 = w[1] if lnlearn else w[1:,:] else: w0 = 0 w1 = w scores = X @ w1 + w0 scores = np.hstack((scores, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)))) obj = (-scores[np.arange(X.shape[0]), np.argmax(y, axis=1)] + logsumexp(scores, axis=1)) return obj def objective(X, y, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, lnlearn=False): return sample_objectives(X, y, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, lnlearn=lnlearn).mean() def gradient(X, y, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept): scores = X @ w[1:,:] + w[0,:] if fit_intercept else X @ w scores = np.hstack((scores, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)))) sftmax = softmax(scores, axis=1) - y#np.hstack((y, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)))) if fit_intercept: return np.vstack((sftmax[:,:-1].sum(axis=0), X.T @ sftmax[:,:-1]))/X.shape[0] else: return (X.T @ sftmax[:,:-1])/X.shape[0] # np.vstack((np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)) @ sftmax[:,:-1], X.T @ sftmax[:,:-1] def sample_gradients(X, y, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept): scores = X @ w[1:,:] + w[0,:] if fit_intercept else X @ w scores = np.hstack((scores, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)))) sftmax = softmax(scores, axis=1) - y#np.hstack((y, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)))) if fit_intercept: return np.concatenate( (sftmax[:,np.newaxis,:-1], np.einsum("ij, ik->ijk", X, sftmax[:,:-1])), axis=1) else: return np.einsum("ij, ik->ijk", X, sftmax[:,:-1]) # def train_loss(w): return objective(X_train, y_train, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) # def test_loss(w): return objective(X_test, y_test, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) # # def linlearn_train_loss(w): return objective(X_train, y_train, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, lnlearn=True) # def linlearn_test_loss(w): return objective(X_test, y_test, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, lnlearn=True) # linlearn_tracked_funs = [linlearn_train_loss, linlearn_test_loss] linlearn_algorithms = ["mom_cgd", "catoni_cgd", "tmean_cgd"] def train_loss(w, algo_name=""): return objective(X_train, y_train, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, lnlearn=algo_name in linlearn_algorithms) def test_loss(w, algo_name=""): return objective(X_test, y_test, w, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, lnlearn=algo_name in linlearn_algorithms) tracked_funs = [train_loss, test_loss] class Record(object): def __init__(self, shape, capacity): self.record = np.zeros(capacity) if shape == 1 else np.zeros(tuple([capacity] + list(shape))) self.cursor = 0 def update(self, value): self.record[self.cursor] = value self.cursor += 1 def __len__(self): return self.record.shape[0] def tmean_cgd(X_train, y_train, batch_size=500): mom_logreg = MultiClassifier(tol=1e-17, max_iter=max_iter, strategy="tmean", fit_intercept=fit_intercept, thresholding=False, step_size=step_size*batch_size/1000, loss="multilogistic", batch_size=batch_size), y_train, tracked_funs=linlearn_tracked_funs) n_iter = len(mom_logreg.optimization_result_.tracked_funs[0]) n_batches = X_train.shape[0] // batch_size + int(X_train.shape[0] % batch_size > 0) gradient_counts = [(i // n_batches)*X_train.shape[0] + (i % n_batches)*batch_size for i in range(n_iter)] return mom_logreg.optimization_result_.tracked_funs + [gradient_counts] # def catoni_cgd(X_train, y_train, batch_size=500): # mom_logreg = MultiClassifier(tol=1e-17, max_iter=max_iter, strategy="catoni", fit_intercept=fit_intercept, # thresholding=False, step_size=step_size*batch_size/1000, loss="multilogistic", batch_size=batch_size) #, y_train, tracked_funs=linlearn_tracked_funs) # # n_iter = len(mom_logreg.optimization_result_.tracked_funs[0]) # n_batches = X_train.shape[0] // batch_size + int(X_train.shape[0] % batch_size > 0) # gradient_counts = [(i // n_batches)*X_train.shape[0] + (i % n_batches)*batch_size for i in range(n_iter)] # # return mom_logreg.optimization_result_.tracked_funs + [gradient_counts] def catoni_cgd(X_train, y_train, l1_penalty=1): mom_logreg = MultiClassifier(tol=1e-17, max_iter=max_iter, strategy="catoni", fit_intercept=fit_intercept, penalty="l1", C=l1_penalty, step_size=step_size, loss="multilogistic") param_record = Record((X_train.shape[1]+int(fit_intercept), y_train.shape[1]-1), max_iter) time_record = Record(1, max_iter) if fit_intercept: param_tracker = lambda w : param_record.update(np.vstack(w)) else: param_tracker = lambda w : param_record.update(w), y_train, trackers=[param_tracker, lambda _:time_record.update(time.time())]) return param_record, time_record # def mom_cgd(X_train, y_train, batch_size=500): # mom_logreg = MultiClassifier(tol=1e-17, max_iter=max_iter, strategy="mom", fit_intercept=fit_intercept, # thresholding=False, step_size=step_size*batch_size/1000, loss="multilogistic", batch_size=batch_size) #, y_train, tracked_funs=linlearn_tracked_funs) # # n_iter = len(mom_logreg.optimization_result_.tracked_funs[0]) # n_batches = X_train.shape[0] // batch_size + int(X_train.shape[0] % batch_size > 0) # gradient_counts = [(i // n_batches) * X_train.shape[0] + (i % n_batches) * batch_size for i in # range(n_iter)] # # return mom_logreg.optimization_result_.tracked_funs + [gradient_counts] def mom_cgd(X_train, y_train, l1_penalty=1): mom_logreg = MultiClassifier(tol=1e-17, max_iter=max_iter, strategy="mom", fit_intercept=fit_intercept, penalty="l1", C=l1_penalty, step_size=step_size, loss="multilogistic") param_record = Record((X_train.shape[1]+int(fit_intercept), y_train.shape[1]-1), max_iter) time_record = Record(1, max_iter) if fit_intercept: param_tracker = lambda w : param_record.update(np.vstack(w)) else: param_tracker = lambda w : param_record.update(w), y_train, trackers=[param_tracker, lambda _:time_record.update(time.time())]) return param_record, time_record # def SVRG(X, y, grad, m, w0=None, T=max_iter, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, tracked_funs=tracked_funs): # if w0 is None: # w0 = np.zeros((X.shape[1] + int(fit_intercept), y.shape[1]-1)) # w_tilde = w0 # wt = w0 # step = step_size*(X.shape[0]/m + 2)/1000 # tracks = [[obj(w0)] for obj in tracked_funs] + [[0]] # for i in tqdm(range((T*500)//(X.shape[0] + 2*m) + 1), desc="SVRG"): # mu = grad(X, y, w_tilde, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) # additional_gradients = X.shape[0] # for j in range(m): # ind = np.random.randint(X.shape[0]) # X_ind, y_ind = X[ind:ind+1,:], y[ind:ind+1,:] # wt -= step*(grad(X_ind, y_ind, wt, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) - grad(X_ind, y_ind, w_tilde, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) + mu) # additional_gradients += 2 # for idx, obj in enumerate(tracked_funs): # tracks[idx].append(obj(wt)) # tracks[-1].append(tracks[-1][-1] + additional_gradients) # additional_gradients = 0 # w_tilde = wt # return tracks def SVRG(X, y, w0=None, T=max_iter, fit_intercept=fit_intercept): if w0 is None: w0 = np.zeros((X.shape[1] + int(fit_intercept), y.shape[1]-1)) w_tilde = w0 wt = w0 step = step_size/(X.shape[0]) m = X.shape[0] param_record = Record((X.shape[1]+int(fit_intercept), y.shape[1]-1), max_iter) time_record = Record(1, max_iter) for i in tqdm(range(T), desc="SVRG"): mu = gradient(X, y, w_tilde, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) for j in range(m): ind = np.random.randint(X.shape[0]) X_ind, y_ind = X[ind:ind+1,:], y[ind:ind+1] wt -= step*(gradient(X_ind, y_ind, wt, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) - gradient(X_ind, y_ind, w_tilde, fit_intercept=fit_intercept) + mu) w_tilde = wt param_record.update(wt) time_record.update(time.time()) return param_record, time_record def SGD(X, y, w0=None, T=max_iter, fit_intercept=fit_intercept): if w0 is None: w0 = np.zeros((X.shape[1] + int(fit_intercept), y.shape[1]-1)) wt = w0 step = step_size/(X.shape[0]) param_record = Record((X.shape[1]+int(fit_intercept), y.shape[1]-1), max_iter) time_record = Record(1, max_iter) for i in tqdm(range(T), desc="SGD"): index =
import numpy as np import scipy.stats import os import logging from astropy.tests.helper import pytest, catch_warnings from astropy.modeling import models from astropy.modeling.fitting import _fitter_to_model_params from stingray import Powerspectrum from stingray.modeling import ParameterEstimation, PSDParEst, \ OptimizationResults, SamplingResults from stingray.modeling import PSDPosterior, set_logprior, PSDLogLikelihood, \ LogLikelihood try: from import approx_hess comp_hessian = True except ImportError: comp_hessian = False try: import emcee can_sample = True except ImportError: can_sample = False try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt can_plot = True except ImportError: can_plot = False class LogLikelihoodDummy(LogLikelihood): def __init__(self, x, y, model): LogLikelihood.__init__(self, x, y, model) def evaluate(self, parse, neg=False): return np.nan class OptimizationResultsSubclassDummy(OptimizationResults): def __init__(self, lpost, res, neg, log=None): if log is None: self.log = logging.getLogger('Fitting summary') self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not self.log.handlers: ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.log.addHandler(ch) self.neg = neg if res is not None: self.result = self.p_opt = res.x else: self.result = None self.p_opt = None self.model = lpost.model class TestParameterEstimation(object): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): np.random.seed(100) m = 1 nfreq = 100 freq = np.arange(nfreq) noise = np.random.exponential(size=nfreq) power = noise * 2.0 ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = freq ps.power = power ps.m = m ps.df = freq[1] - freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" = ps cls.a_mean, cls.a_var = 2.0, 1.0 cls.model = models.Const1D() p_amplitude = lambda amplitude: \ scipy.stats.norm(loc=cls.a_mean, scale=cls.a_var).pdf(amplitude) cls.priors = {"amplitude": p_amplitude} cls.lpost = PSDPosterior(,, cls.model, cls.lpost.logprior = set_logprior(cls.lpost, cls.priors) def test_par_est_initializes(self): pe = ParameterEstimation() def test_parest_stores_max_post_correctly(self): """ Make sure the keyword for Maximum A Posteriori fits is stored correctly as a default. """ pe = ParameterEstimation() assert pe.max_post is True, "max_post should be set to True as a default." def test_object_works_with_loglikelihood_object(self): llike = PSDLogLikelihood(,, self.model, pe = ParameterEstimation() res =, [2.0]) assert isinstance(res, OptimizationResults), "res must be of " \ "type OptimizationResults" def test_fit_fails_when_object_is_not_posterior_or_likelihood(self): x = np.ones(10) y = np.ones(10) pe = ParameterEstimation() with pytest.raises(TypeError): res =, y) def test_fit_fails_without_lpost_or_t0(self): pe = ParameterEstimation() with pytest.raises(TypeError): res = def test_fit_fails_without_t0(self): pe = ParameterEstimation() with pytest.raises(TypeError): res = def test_fit_fails_with_incorrect_number_of_parameters(self): pe = ParameterEstimation() t0 = [1, 2] with pytest.raises(ValueError): res =, t0) def test_fit_method_works_with_correct_parameter(self): pe = ParameterEstimation() t0 = [2.0] res =, t0) def test_fit_method_fails_with_too_many_tries(self): lpost = LogLikelihoodDummy(,, self.model) pe = ParameterEstimation() t0 = [2.0] with pytest.raises(Exception): res =, t0, neg=True) def test_compute_lrt_fails_when_garbage_goes_in(self): pe = ParameterEstimation() t0 = [2.0] with pytest.raises(TypeError): pe.compute_lrt(self.lpost, t0, None, t0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): pe.compute_lrt(self.lpost, t0[:-1], self.lpost, t0) def test_compute_lrt_sets_max_post_to_false(self): t0 = [2.0] pe = ParameterEstimation(max_post=True) assert pe.max_post is True delta_deviance, opt1, opt2 = pe.compute_lrt(self.lpost, t0, self.lpost, t0) assert pe.max_post is False assert delta_deviance < 1e-7 @pytest.mark.skipif("not can_sample", "not can_plot") def test_sampler_runs(self): pe = ParameterEstimation() if os.path.exists("test_corner.pdf"): os.unlink("test_corner.pdf") with catch_warnings(RuntimeWarning): sample_res = pe.sample(self.lpost, [2.0], nwalkers=50, niter=10, burnin=50, print_results=True, plot=True) assert os.path.exists("test_corner.pdf") assert sample_res.acceptance > 0.25 assert isinstance(sample_res, SamplingResults) # TODO: Fix pooling with the current setup of logprior # @pytest.mark.skipif("not can_sample", "not can_plot") # def test_sampler_pooling(self): # pe = ParameterEstimation() # if os.path.exists("test_corner.pdf"): # os.unlink("test_corner.pdf") # with catch_warnings(RuntimeWarning): # sample_res = pe.sample(self.lpost, [2.0], nwalkers=50, niter=10, # burnin=50, print_results=True, plot=True, # pool=True) @pytest.mark.skipif("can_sample") def test_sample_raises_error_without_emcee(self): pe = ParameterEstimation() with pytest.raises(ImportError): sample_res = pe.sample(self.lpost, [2.0]) def test_simulate_lrt_fails_in_superclass(self): pe = ParameterEstimation() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): pe.simulate_lrts(None, None, None, None, None) class TestOptimizationResults(object): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): np.random.seed(1000) m = 1 nfreq = 100 freq = np.arange(nfreq) noise = np.random.exponential(size=nfreq) power = noise * 2.0 ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = freq ps.power = power ps.m = m ps.n = freq.shape[0] ps.df = freq[1] - freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" = ps cls.a_mean, cls.a_var = 2.0, 1.0 cls.model = models.Const1D() p_amplitude = lambda amplitude: \ scipy.stats.norm(loc=cls.a_mean, scale=cls.a_var).pdf(amplitude) cls.priors = {"amplitude": p_amplitude} cls.lpost = PSDPosterior(,, cls.model, cls.lpost.logprior = set_logprior(cls.lpost, cls.priors) cls.fitmethod = "powell" cls.max_post = True cls.t0 = np.array([2.0]) cls.neg = True cls.opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(cls.lpost, cls.t0, method=cls.fitmethod, args=cls.neg, tol=1.e-10) cls.opt.x = np.atleast_1d(cls.opt.x) cls.optres = OptimizationResultsSubclassDummy(cls.lpost, cls.opt, neg=True) def test_object_initializes_correctly(self): res = OptimizationResults(self.lpost, self.opt, neg=self.neg) assert hasattr(res, "p_opt") assert hasattr(res, "result") assert hasattr(res, "deviance") assert hasattr(res, "aic") assert hasattr(res, "bic") assert hasattr(res, "model") assert isinstance(res.model, models.Const1D) assert res.p_opt == self.opt.x, "res.p_opt must be the same as opt.x!" assert np.isclose(res.p_opt[0], 2.0, atol=0.1, rtol=0.1) assert res.model == self.lpost.model assert res.result == mean_model = np.ones_like(self.lpost.x) * self.opt.x[0] assert np.allclose(res.mfit, mean_model), "res.model should be exactly " \ "the model for the data." def test_compute_criteria_works_correctly(self): res = OptimizationResults(self.lpost, self.opt, neg = self.neg) test_aic = res.result+ 2.0*res.p_opt.shape[0] test_bic = res.result + res.p_opt.shape[0] * \ np.log(self.lpost.x.shape[0]) test_deviance = -2 * self.lpost.loglikelihood(res.p_opt, neg=False) assert np.isclose(res.aic, test_aic, atol=0.1, rtol=0.1) assert np.isclose(res.bic, test_bic, atol=0.1, rtol=0.1) assert np.isclose(res.deviance, test_deviance, atol=0.1, rtol=0.1) def test_merit_calculated_correctly(self): res = OptimizationResults(self.lpost, self.opt, neg=self.neg) test_merit = np.sum((( - 2.0)/2.0)**2.) assert np.isclose(res.merit, test_merit, rtol=0.2) def test_compute_statistics_computes_mfit(self): assert hasattr(self.optres, "mfit") is False self.optres._compute_statistics(self.lpost) assert hasattr(self.optres, "mfit") def test_compute_model(self): self.optres._compute_model(self.lpost) assert hasattr(self.optres, "mfit"), "OptimizationResult object should have mfit " \ "attribute at this point!" _fitter_to_model_params(self.model, self.opt.x) mfit_test = self.model(self.lpost.x) assert np.allclose(self.optres.mfit, mfit_test) def test_compute_statistics_computes_all_statistics(self): self.optres._compute_statistics(self.lpost) assert hasattr(self.optres, "merit") assert hasattr(self.optres, "dof") assert hasattr(self.optres, "sexp") assert hasattr(self.optres, "ssd") assert hasattr(self.optres, "sobs") test_merit = np.sum((( - 2.0)/2.0)**2.) test_dof = - self.lpost.npar test_sexp = 2.0 * self.lpost.x.shape[0] * len(self.optres.p_opt) test_ssd = np.sqrt(2.0*test_sexp) test_sobs = np.sum( - self.optres.p_opt[0]) assert np.isclose(test_merit, self.optres.merit, rtol=0.2) assert test_dof == self.optres.dof assert test_sexp == self.optres.sexp assert test_ssd == self.optres.ssd assert np.isclose(test_sobs, self.optres.sobs, atol=0.01, rtol=0.01) def test_compute_criteria_returns_correct_attributes(self): self.optres._compute_criteria(self.lpost) assert hasattr(self.optres, "aic") assert hasattr(self.optres, "bic") assert hasattr(self.optres, "deviance") npar = self.optres.p_opt.shape[0] test_aic = self.optres.result + 2. * npar test_bic = self.optres.result + npar * np.log([0]) test_deviance = -2 * self.lpost.loglikelihood(self.optres.p_opt, neg=False) assert np.isclose(test_aic, self.optres.aic) assert np.isclose(test_bic, self.optres.bic) assert np.isclose(test_deviance, self.optres.deviance) def test_compute_covariance_with_hess_inverse(self): self.optres._compute_covariance(self.lpost, self.opt) assert np.allclose(self.optres.cov, np.asarray(self.opt.hess_inv)) assert np.allclose(self.optres.err, np.sqrt(np.diag(self.opt.hess_inv))) @pytest.mark.skipif("comp_hessian") def test_compute_covariance_without_comp_hessian(self): self.optres._compute_covariance(self.lpost, None) assert self.optres.cov is None assert self.optres.err is None @pytest.mark.skipif("not comp_hessian") def test_compute_covariance_with_hess_inverse(self): optres = OptimizationResultsSubclassDummy(self.lpost, self.opt, neg=True) optres._compute_covariance(self.lpost, self.opt) if comp_hessian: phess = approx_hess(self.opt.x, self.lpost) hess_inv = np.linalg.inv(phess) assert np.allclose(optres.cov, hess_inv) assert np.allclose(optres.err, np.sqrt(np.diag(np.abs(hess_inv)))) def test_print_summary_works(self, logger, caplog): self.optres._compute_covariance(self.lpost, None) self.optres.print_summary(self.lpost) assert 'Parameter amplitude' in caplog.text assert "Fitting statistics" in caplog.text assert "number of data points" in caplog.text assert "Deviance [-2 log L] D =" in caplog.text assert "The Akaike Information Criterion of " \ "the model is" in caplog.text assert "The Bayesian Information Criterion of " \ "the model is" in caplog.text assert "The figure-of-merit function for this model" in caplog.text assert "Summed Residuals S =" in caplog.text assert "Expected S" in caplog.text assert "merit function" in caplog.text if can_sample: class SamplingResultsDummy(SamplingResults): def __init__(self, sampler, ci_min=0.05, ci_max=0.95, log=None): if log is None: self.log = logging.getLogger('Fitting summary') self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not self.log.handlers: ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.log.addHandler(ch) # store all the samples self.samples = sampler.get_chain(flat=True) chain_ndims = sampler.get_chain().shape self.nwalkers = float(chain_ndims[0]) self.niter = float(chain_ndims[1]) # store number of dimensions self.ndim = chain_ndims[2] # compute and store acceptance fraction self.acceptance = np.nanmean(sampler.acceptance_fraction) self.L = self.acceptance * self.samples.shape[0] class TestSamplingResults(object): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): m = 1 nfreq = 100 freq = np.arange(nfreq) noise = np.random.exponential(size=nfreq) power = noise * 2.0 ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = freq ps.power = power ps.m = m ps.df = freq[1] - freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" = ps cls.a_mean, cls.a_var = 2.0, 1.0 cls.model = models.Const1D() p_amplitude = lambda amplitude: \ scipy.stats.norm(loc=cls.a_mean, scale=cls.a_var).pdf( amplitude) cls.priors = {"amplitude": p_amplitude} cls.lpost = PSDPosterior(,, cls.model, cls.lpost.logprior = set_logprior(cls.lpost, cls.priors) cls.fitmethod = "BFGS" cls.max_post = True cls.t0 = [2.0] cls.neg = True pe = ParameterEstimation() res =, cls.t0) cls.nwalkers = 50 cls.niter = 100 np.random.seed(200) p0 = np.array( [np.random.multivariate_normal(res.p_opt, res.cov) for i in range(cls.nwalkers)]) cls.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(cls.nwalkers, len(res.p_opt), cls.lpost, args=[False]) with catch_warnings(RuntimeWarning): _, _, _ = cls.sampler.run_mcmc(p0, cls.niter) def test_can_sample_is_true(self): assert can_sample def test_sample_results_object_initializes(self): s = SamplingResults(self.sampler) assert s.samples.shape[0] == self.nwalkers * self.niter assert s.acceptance > 0.25 assert np.isclose(s.L, s.acceptance * self.nwalkers * self.niter) def test_check_convergence_works(self): s = SamplingResultsDummy(self.sampler) s._check_convergence(self.sampler) assert hasattr(s, "rhat") rhat_test = 0.038688 assert np.isclose(rhat_test, s.rhat[0], atol=0.02, rtol=0.1) s._infer() assert hasattr(s, "mean") assert hasattr(s, "std") assert hasattr(s, "ci") test_mean = 2.0 test_std = 0.2 assert np.isclose(test_mean, s.mean[0], rtol=0.1) assert np.isclose(test_std, s.std[0], atol=0.01, rtol=0.01) assert == 2 def test_infer_computes_correct_values(self): s = SamplingResults(self.sampler) @pytest.fixture() def logger(): logger = logging.getLogger('Some.Logger') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) return logger class TestPSDParEst(object): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): m = 1 nfreq = 100 freq = np.linspace(1, 10.0, nfreq) rng = np.random.RandomState(100) # set the seed for the random number generator noise = rng.exponential(size=nfreq) cls.model = models.Lorentz1D() + models.Const1D() cls.x_0_0 = 2.0 cls.fwhm_0 = 0.05 cls.amplitude_0 = 1000.0 cls.amplitude_1 = 2.0 cls.model.x_0_0 = cls.x_0_0 cls.model.fwhm_0 = cls.fwhm_0 cls.model.amplitude_0 = cls.amplitude_0 cls.model.amplitude_1 = cls.amplitude_1 p = cls.model(freq) np.random.seed(400) power = noise*p ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = freq ps.power = power ps.m = m ps.df = freq[1]-freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" = ps cls.a_mean, cls.a_var = 2.0, 1.0 cls.a2_mean, cls.a2_var = 100.0, 10.0 p_amplitude_1 = lambda amplitude: \ scipy.stats.norm(loc=cls.a_mean, scale=cls.a_var).pdf(amplitude) p_x_0_0 = lambda alpha: \ scipy.stats.uniform(0.0, 5.0).pdf(alpha) p_fwhm_0 = lambda alpha: \ scipy.stats.uniform(0.0, 0.5).pdf(alpha) p_amplitude_0 = lambda amplitude: \ scipy.stats.norm(loc=cls.a2_mean, scale=cls.a2_var).pdf(amplitude) cls.priors = {"amplitude_1": p_amplitude_1, "amplitude_0": p_amplitude_0, "x_0_0": p_x_0_0, "fwhm_0": p_fwhm_0} cls.lpost = PSDPosterior(,, cls.model, cls.lpost.logprior = set_logprior(cls.lpost, cls.priors) cls.fitmethod = "powell" cls.max_post = True cls.t0 = [cls.x_0_0, cls.fwhm_0, cls.amplitude_0, cls.amplitude_1] cls.neg = True def test_fitting_with_ties_and_bounds(self, capsys): double_f = lambda model : model.x_0_0 * 2 model = self.model.copy() model += models.Lorentz1D(amplitude=model.amplitude_0, x_0 = model.x_0_0 * 2, fwhm = model.fwhm_0) model.x_0_0 = self.model.x_0_0 model.amplitude_0 = self.model.amplitude_0 model.amplitude_1 = self.model.amplitude_1 model.fwhm_0 = self.model.fwhm_0 model.x_0_2.tied = double_f model.fwhm_0.bounds = [0, 10] model.amplitude_0.fixed = True p = model( noise = np.random.exponential(size=len(p)) power = noise*p ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = ps.power = power ps.m = ps.df = ps.norm = "leahy" pe = PSDParEst(ps, fitmethod="TNC") llike = PSDLogLikelihood(ps.freq, ps.power, model) true_pars = [self.x_0_0, self.fwhm_0, self.amplitude_1, model.amplitude_2.value, model.fwhm_2.value] res =, true_pars, neg=True) compare_pars = [self.x_0_0, self.fwhm_0, self.amplitude_1, model.amplitude_2.value, model.fwhm_2.value] assert np.allclose(compare_pars, res.p_opt, rtol=0.5) def test_par_est_initializes(self): pe = PSDParEst( assert pe.max_post is True, "max_post should be set to True as a default." def test_fit_fails_when_object_is_not_posterior_or_likelihood(self): x = np.ones(10) y = np.ones(10) pe = PSDParEst( with pytest.raises(TypeError): res =, y) def test_fit_fails_without_lpost_or_t0(self): pe = PSDParEst( with pytest.raises(TypeError): res = def test_fit_fails_without_t0(self): pe = PSDParEst( with pytest.raises(TypeError): res = def test_fit_fails_with_incorrect_number_of_parameters(self): pe = PSDParEst( t0 = [1,2] with pytest.raises(ValueError): res =, t0) @pytest.mark.skipif("not can_plot") def test_fit_method_works_with_correct_parameter(self): pe = PSDParEst( lpost = PSDPosterior(,, self.model, self.priors, t0 = [2.0, 1, 1, 1] res =, t0) assert isinstance(res, OptimizationResults), "res must be of type " \ "OptimizationResults" pe.plotfits(res, save_plot=True) assert os.path.exists("test_ps_fit.png") os.unlink("test_ps_fit.png") pe.plotfits(res, save_plot=True, log=True) assert os.path.exists("test_ps_fit.png") os.unlink("test_ps_fit.png") pe.plotfits(res, res2=res, save_plot=True) assert os.path.exists("test_ps_fit.png") os.unlink("test_ps_fit.png") def test_compute_lrt_fails_when_garbage_goes_in(self): pe = PSDParEst( t0 = [2.0, 1, 1, 1] with pytest.raises(TypeError): pe.compute_lrt(self.lpost, t0, None, t0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): pe.compute_lrt(self.lpost, t0[:-1], self.lpost, t0) def test_compute_lrt_works(self): t0 = [2.0, 1, 1, 1] pe = PSDParEst(, max_post=True) assert pe.max_post is True delta_deviance, _, _ = pe.compute_lrt(self.lpost, t0, self.lpost, t0) assert pe.max_post is False assert np.absolute(delta_deviance) < 1.5e-4 def test_simulate_lrts_works(self): m = 1 nfreq = 100 freq = np.linspace(1, 10, nfreq) rng = np.random.RandomState(100) noise = rng.exponential(size=nfreq) model = models.Const1D() model.amplitude = 2.0 p = model(freq) power = noise * p ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = freq ps.power = power ps.m = m ps.df = freq[1] - freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" loglike = PSDLogLikelihood(ps.freq, ps.power, model, m=1) s_all = np.atleast_2d(np.ones(5) * 2.0).T model2 = models.PowerLaw1D() + models.Const1D() model2.x_0_0.fixed = True loglike2 = PSDLogLikelihood(ps.freq, ps.power, model2, 1) pe = PSDParEst(ps) lrt_obs, res1, res2 = pe.compute_lrt(loglike, [2.0], loglike2, [2.0, 1.0, 2.0], neg=True) lrt_sim = pe.simulate_lrts(s_all, loglike, [2.0], loglike2, [2.0, 1.0, 2.0], seed=100) assert (lrt_obs > 0.4) and (lrt_obs < 0.6) assert np.all(lrt_sim < 10.0) and np.all(lrt_sim > 0.01) def test_compute_lrt_fails_with_wrong_input(self): pe = PSDParEst( with pytest.raises(AssertionError): lrt_sim = pe.simulate_lrts(np.arange(5), self.lpost, [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]) def test_generate_model_data(self): pe = PSDParEst( m = self.model _fitter_to_model_params(m, self.t0) model = m( pe_model = pe._generate_model(self.lpost, [self.x_0_0, self.fwhm_0, self.amplitude_0, self.amplitude_1]) assert np.allclose(model, pe_model) def generate_data_rng_object_works(self): pe = PSDParEst( sim_data1 = pe._generate_data(self.lpost, [self.x_0_0, self.fwhm_0, self.amplitude_0, self.amplitude_1], seed=1) sim_data2 = pe._generate_data(self.lpost, [self.x_0_0, self.fwhm_0, self.amplitude_0, self.amplitude_1], seed=1) assert np.allclose(sim_data1.power, sim_data2.power) def test_generate_data_produces_correct_distribution(self): model = models.Const1D() model.amplitude = 2.0 p = model( seed = 100 rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) noise = rng.exponential(size=len(p)) power = noise*p ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = ps.power = power ps.m = 1 ps.df =[1][0] ps.norm = "leahy" lpost = PSDLogLikelihood(ps.freq, ps.power, model, m=1) pe = PSDParEst(ps) rng2 = np.random.RandomState(seed) sim_data = pe._generate_data(lpost, [2.0], rng2) assert np.allclose(ps.power, sim_data.power) def test_generate_model_breaks_with_wrong_input(self): pe = PSDParEst( with pytest.raises(AssertionError): pe_model = pe._generate_model([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]) def test_generate_model_breaks_for_wrong_number_of_parameters(self): pe = PSDParEst( with pytest.raises(AssertionError): pe_model = pe._generate_model(self.lpost, [1, 2, 3]) def test_pvalue_calculated_correctly(self): a = [1, 1, 1, 2] obs_val = 1.5 pe = PSDParEst( pval = pe._compute_pvalue(obs_val, a) assert np.isclose(pval, 1./len(a)) def test_calibrate_lrt_fails_without_lpost_objects(self): pe = PSDParEst( with pytest.raises(TypeError): pval = pe.calibrate_lrt(self.lpost, [1, 2, 3, 4], np.arange(10), np.arange(4)) def test_calibrate_lrt_fails_with_wrong_parameters(self): pe = PSDParEst( with pytest.raises(ValueError): pval = pe.calibrate_lrt(self.lpost, [1, 2, 3, 4], self.lpost, [1, 2, 3]) def test_calibrate_lrt_works_as_expected(self): m = 1 nfreq = 100 freq = np.linspace(1, 10, nfreq) rng = np.random.RandomState(100) noise = rng.exponential(size=nfreq) model = models.Const1D() model.amplitude = 2.0 p = model(freq) power = noise * p ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = freq ps.power = power ps.m = m ps.df = freq[1] - freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" loglike = PSDLogLikelihood(ps.freq, ps.power, model, m=1) s_all = np.atleast_2d(np.ones(10) * 2.0).T model2 = models.PowerLaw1D() + models.Const1D() model2.x_0_0.fixed = True loglike2 = PSDLogLikelihood(ps.freq, ps.power, model2, 1) pe = PSDParEst(ps) pval = pe.calibrate_lrt(loglike, [2.0], loglike2, [2.0, 1.0, 2.0], sample=s_all, max_post=False, nsim=5, seed=100) assert pval > 0.001 @pytest.mark.skipif("not can_sample") def test_calibrate_lrt_works_with_sampling(self): m = 1 nfreq = 100 freq = np.linspace(1, 10, nfreq) rng = np.random.RandomState(100) noise = rng.exponential(size=nfreq) model = models.Const1D() model.amplitude = 2.0 p = model(freq) power = noise * p ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = freq ps.power = power ps.m = m ps.df = freq[1] - freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" lpost = PSDPosterior(ps.freq, ps.power, model, m=1) p_amplitude_1 = lambda amplitude: \ scipy.stats.norm(loc=2.0, scale=1.0).pdf(amplitude) p_alpha_0 = lambda alpha: \ scipy.stats.uniform(0.0, 5.0).pdf(alpha) p_amplitude_0 = lambda amplitude: \ scipy.stats.norm(loc=self.a2_mean, scale=self.a2_var).pdf( amplitude) priors = {"amplitude": p_amplitude_1} priors2 = {"amplitude_1": p_amplitude_1, "amplitude_0": p_amplitude_0, "alpha_0": p_alpha_0} lpost.logprior = set_logprior(lpost, priors) model2 = models.PowerLaw1D() + models.Const1D() model2.x_0_0.fixed = True lpost2 = PSDPosterior(ps.freq, ps.power, model2, 1) lpost2.logprior = set_logprior(lpost2, priors2) pe = PSDParEst(ps) with catch_warnings(RuntimeWarning): pval = pe.calibrate_lrt(lpost, [2.0], lpost2, [2.0, 1.0, 2.0], sample=None, max_post=True, nsim=10, nwalkers=10, burnin=10, niter=10, seed=100) assert pval > 0.001 def test_find_highest_outlier_works_as_expected(self): mp_ind = 5 max_power = 1000.0 ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = np.arange(10) ps.power = np.ones_like(ps.freq) ps.power[mp_ind] = max_power ps.m = 1 ps.df = ps.freq[1]-ps.freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" pe = PSDParEst(ps) max_x, max_ind = pe._find_outlier(ps.freq, ps.power, max_power) assert np.isclose(max_x, ps.freq[mp_ind]) assert max_ind == mp_ind def test_compute_highest_outlier_works(self): mp_ind = 5 max_power = 1000.0 ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = np.arange(10) ps.power = np.ones_like(ps.freq) ps.power[mp_ind] = max_power ps.m = 1 ps.df = ps.freq[1]-ps.freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" model = models.Const1D() p_amplitude = lambda amplitude: \ scipy.stats.norm(loc=1.0, scale=1.0).pdf( amplitude) priors = {"amplitude": p_amplitude} lpost = PSDPosterior(ps.freq, ps.power, model, 1) lpost.logprior = set_logprior(lpost, priors) pe = PSDParEst(ps) res =, [1.0]) res.mfit = np.ones_like(ps.freq) max_y, max_x, max_ind = pe._compute_highest_outlier(lpost, res) assert np.isclose(max_y[0], 2*max_power) assert np.isclose(max_x[0], ps.freq[mp_ind]) assert max_ind == mp_ind def test_simulate_highest_outlier_works(self): m = 1 nfreq = 100 seed = 100 freq = np.linspace(1, 10, nfreq) rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) noise = rng.exponential(size=nfreq) model = models.Const1D() model.amplitude = 2.0 p = model(freq) power = noise * p ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = freq ps.power = power ps.m = m ps.df = freq[1] - freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" nsim = 5 loglike = PSDLogLikelihood(ps.freq, ps.power, model, m=1) s_all = np.atleast_2d(np.ones(nsim) * 2.0).T pe = PSDParEst(ps) maxpow_sim = pe.simulate_highest_outlier(s_all, loglike, [2.0], max_post=False, seed=seed) assert maxpow_sim.shape[0] == nsim assert np.all(maxpow_sim > 9.00) and np.all(maxpow_sim < 31.0) def test_calibrate_highest_outlier_works(self): m = 1 nfreq = 100 seed = 100 freq = np.linspace(1, 10, nfreq) rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) noise = rng.exponential(size=nfreq) model = models.Const1D() model.amplitude = 2.0 p = model(freq) power = noise * p ps = Powerspectrum() ps.freq = freq ps.power = power ps.m = m ps.df = freq[1] - freq[0] ps.norm = "leahy" nsim = 5 loglike = PSDLogLikelihood(ps.freq, ps.power, model, m=1) s_all = np.atleast_2d(
"""Test correlation and distance correlation estimators.""" import numpy as np from frites.estimator import CorrEstimator, DcorrEstimator array_equal = np.testing.assert_array_equal class TestCorrEstimator(object): def test_corr_definition(self): """Test definition of correlation estimator.""" CorrEstimator() def test_corr_estimate(self): """Test getting the core function.""" x, y = np.random.rand(10, 1, 100), np.random.rand(10, 1, 100) cat = np.array([0] * 50 + [1] * 50) est = CorrEstimator() for func in [0, 1]: if func == 0: # estimator.get_function() fcn = est.get_function() elif func == 1: # estimator.estimate fcn = est.estimate # no categories array_equal(fcn(x[0, 0, :], y[0, 0, :]).shape, (1, 1)) array_equal(fcn(x[0, :, :], y[0, 0, :]).shape, (1, 1)) array_equal(fcn(x, y).shape, (1, 10)) # with categories array_equal(fcn(x[0, 0, :], y[0, 0, :], categories=cat).shape, (2, 1)) array_equal(fcn(x[0, :, :], y[0, 0, :], categories=cat).shape, (2, 1)) array_equal(fcn(x, y, categories=cat).shape, (2, 10)) def test_corr_functional(self): """Functional test of the correlation.""" fcn = CorrEstimator().get_function() # no categories x, y = np.random.rand(2, 1, 100), np.random.rand(100) x[1, ...] += y.reshape(1, -1) corr = fcn(x, y).ravel() assert corr[0] < corr[1] # with categories x, y = np.random.rand(100),
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import json import os import re import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from googleapiclient import discovery from googleapiclient import errors from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn import learn_runner from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators import run_config from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.utils import saved_model_export_utils from import hparam from import blob, bucket, client import trainer.dataset import trainer.model import trainer.ml_helpers import trainer.top_words def generate_experiment_fn(**experiment_args): """Create an experiment function. Args: experiment_args: keyword arguments to be passed through to experiment See `tf.contrib.learn.Experiment` for full args. Returns: A function: (tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig, -> Experiment This function is used by learn_runner to create an Experiment which executes model code provided in the form of an Estimator and input functions. """ def _experiment_fn(config, hparams): index_to_component = {} if hparams.train_file: with open(hparams.train_file) as f: if hparams.trainer_type == 'spam': training_data = trainer.ml_helpers.spam_from_file(f) else: training_data = trainer.ml_helpers.component_from_file(f) else: training_data = trainer.dataset.fetch_training_data(hparams.gcs_bucket, hparams.gcs_prefix, hparams.trainer_type)'Training data received. Len: %d' % len(training_data)) if hparams.trainer_type == 'spam': X, y = trainer.ml_helpers.transform_spam_csv_to_features( training_data) else: top_list = trainer.top_words.make_top_words_list(hparams.job_dir) X, y, index_to_component = trainer.ml_helpers \ .transform_component_csv_to_features(training_data, top_list)'Features generated') X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn( x=trainer.model.feature_list_to_dict(X_train, hparams.trainer_type), y=np.array(y_train), num_epochs=hparams.num_epochs, batch_size=hparams.train_batch_size, shuffle=True ) eval_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn( x=trainer.model.feature_list_to_dict(X_test, hparams.trainer_type), y=
# Copyright (c) 2017 <NAME> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import ctypes import numpy import sys from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, POINTER, c_double, c_int, c_int32, c_void_p, c_size_t from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer from .common import SubSolver from ..model import walk_shape from ..reparametrization import Reparametrization class LPSolver(SubSolver): def get_repametrization(self): raise NotImplementedError class TRWS(LPSolver): DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = { 'max_iterations': 2000, 'threads': 1, } def __init__(self, model, parameters=None): super().__init__(model, parameters) self._init_library() self.model = model self._energy = self._energy_create(model.number_of_variables, model.shape, sum(1 for x in model.factors if x.number_of_variables > 1)) edge_counter = 0 for i, factor in enumerate(model.factors): if factor.number_of_variables == 1: self._energy_add_unary(self._energy, factor.variables[0], elif factor.number_of_variables == 2: self._energy_add_pairwise(self._energy, edge_counter, *factor.variables, edge_counter += 1 else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported factor arity.') self._energy_finalize(self._energy) self._solver = self._solver_create(self._energy) def __del__(self): if self._energy: self._energy_destroy(self._energy) self._energy = None if self._solver: self._solver_destroy(self._solver) self._solver = None def _init_library(self): self._lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('') self._energy_create = self._lib.combilp_trws_stub_energy_create self._energy_create.argtypes = [c_int32, ndpointer(dtype=c_int32), c_int32] self._energy_create.restype = c_void_p self._energy_add_unary = self._lib.combilp_trws_stub_energy_add_unary self._energy_add_unary.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int32, ndpointer(dtype=c_double)] self._energy_add_pairwise = self._lib.combilp_trws_stub_energy_add_pairwise self._energy_add_pairwise.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, ndpointer(dtype=c_double)] self._energy_finalize = self._lib.combilp_trws_stub_energy_finalize self._energy_finalize.argtypes = [c_void_p] self._energy_destroy = self._lib.combilp_trws_stub_energy_destroy self._energy_destroy.argtypes = [c_void_p] self._solver_create = self._lib.combilp_trws_stub_solver_create self._solver_create.argtypes = [c_void_p] self._solver_create.restype = c_void_p self._solve = self._lib.combilp_trws_stub_solve self._solve.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, c_int] self._solver_destroy = self._lib.combilp_trws_stub_destroy_solver self._solver_destroy.argtypes = [c_void_p] self._get_backward_messages = self._lib.combilp_trws_stub_get_backward_messages self._get_backward_messages.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int32, ndpointer(dtype=c_double)] def solve(self): self._solve(self._solver, self.parameters['max_iterations'], self.parameters['threads']) def get_repametrization(self): repa = Reparametrization(self.model) edge_counter = 0 for i, factor in enumerate(self.model.factors): if factor.number_of_variables == 2: self._get_backward_messages(self._solver, edge_counter, repa.get_factor(i, 0)) edge_counter += 1 # recompute forward messages values = repa.get_factor_value(i) repa_values = repa.get_factor(i, 1) for label in range(factor.shape[1]): minimum = values[:,label].min() repa_values[label] = minimum return repa class SRMP(LPSolver): DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = { 'max_iterations': 2000, } def __init__(self, model, parameters=None): super().__init__(model, parameters) self._init_library() self._solver = self._create(self.model.number_of_variables, self.model.shape) for factor in self.model.factors: assert( self._add_factor(self._solver, factor.number_of_variables, factor.variables, def __del__(self): if self._solver: self._destroy(self._solver) self._solver = None def _init_library(self): self._lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('') self._message_func_type = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_size_t, POINTER(c_int32), c_int32, POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double)) self._message_func_type.from_param = self._message_func_type self._create = self._lib.combilp_srmp_stub_create self._create.argtypes = [c_int32,
import argparse import os import pickle as pkl import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as smat from pecos.core.base import clib from pecos.utils import smat_util from pecos.utils.cluster_util import ClusterChain from pecos.xmc import MLModel from pecos.xmc.xlinear import XLinearModel def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="Evaluate how well our model is good at semantic disentablement." ) parser.add_argument( "-x", "--inst-path", type=str, required=True, metavar="PATH", help="path to npz file of feature matrix", ) parser.add_argument( "--y-origin", type=str, required=True, metavar="PATH", help="path to the npz file of the original label matrix", ) parser.add_argument( "--y-binned", type=str, required=True, metavar="PATH", help="path to the binned label matrix", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--model-folder", type=lambda p: os.path.abspath(p), required=True, metavar="DIR", help="path to the model folder", ) parser.add_argument( "--binned-mapper", type=str, required=True, help="path to the mapper file", ) parser.add_argument( "--pseudo-label-mapper", type=str, default=None, help="path to pseudo label mapper. If None, this variable is ignored.", ) parser.add_argument( "--unused-labels", type=str, default=None, help="path to unused label set. If None, this variable is ignored.", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--beam-size", type=int, required=True, help="Beam size to calculate the matching matrix.", ) args = parser.parse_args() return args def get_matching_matrix(xlinear_model, Xt, beam_size=10): """Compute the matching matrix. The matching matrix indicates which cluster(s) are selected for data point in X. The final results is a sparse matrix of shape N x C, where N is the number of data, and C is the number of clusters. Args: xlinear_model: the pretrained model. Xt: the feature matrix. beam_size: beam size for inference. Returns: The matching matrix in CSR format. """ matching_result = [] batch_size = 8192 * 16 kwargs = { "beam_size": beam_size, "only_topk": 30, "post_processor": "l3-hinge", } model_chain = xlinear_model.model.model_chain for i in range((Xt.shape[0] - 1) // batch_size + 1): beg, end = i * batch_size, (i + 1) * batch_size end = min(end, Xt.shape[0]) X_selected = Xt[beg:end] csr_codes = None for level in range(len(model_chain) - 1): cur_model = model_chain[level] level_pred = cur_model.predict( X_selected, csr_codes=csr_codes, only_topk=beam_size, post_processor=kwargs["post_processor"], ) csr_codes = level_pred matching_result.append(csr_codes) matching_result = smat.vstack(matching_result, format="csr") return matching_result def positive_instances(Xt, Yt, underlying_label_ids): """Find the instances having some particular label ids. For all labels in `underlying_label_ids`, return the list of instances containing that label as ground-truth. Args: Xt: The feature matrix of shape N x d, where N is number of instances, d is feature dimension. Yt: The label matrix of shape N x L, L is the size of label space. underlying_label_ids: The set of target labels. Returns: A list of positive instance ids and their feature vectors. """ row_ids_list = [] Xt_subsets = [] for label_id in underlying_label_ids: row_ids = Yt.indices[Yt.indptr[label_id] : Yt.indptr[label_id + 1]] Xt_subsets.append(Xt[row_ids]) row_ids_list.append(row_ids) return row_ids_list, Xt_subsets def label_id_to_cluster_id(label_id, C, unused_labels): """Map the label id to the cluster id according to clustering matrix. Args: label_id: the label id. C: the cluster matrix of shape L x C. unused_labels: used to adjust the label id. Returns: the cluster id. """ # count how many unused labels that are smaller than label_id offset = sum([l < label_id for l in unused_labels]) row_id = label_id - offset assert C.indptr[row_id] + 1 == C.indptr[row_id + 1] cluster_id = C.indices[C.indptr[row_id]] return cluster_id def match( xlinear_model, beam_size, instance_ids_list, X_subsets, cid1, cid2, ): """Given two clusters, distribute all instances to two groups. Separate all input features `X_subsets` into two subsets `x_cid1` and `x_cid2`, according to the prediction results from `xlinear_model`. If the scores of an instance in `cid1` is higher than `cid2`, than this instance is assigned to group1. Args: xlinear_model: the model. beam_size: beam size for inference. instance_ids_list: the instance id of `X_subsets`. X_subsets: the feature matrix. cid1, cid2: the cluster ids of two clusters. Returns: the instance ids of two subsets. """ x_cid1 = [] x_cid2 = [] for instance_ids, X_subset in zip(instance_ids_list, X_subsets): matching_matrix = get_matching_matrix( xlinear_model, X_subset, beam_size, ).toarray() mask = matching_matrix[:, cid1] > matching_matrix[:, cid2] x_cid1.extend(instance_ids[mask]) x_cid2.extend(instance_ids[~mask]) return x_cid1, x_cid2 def random_baseline(S1, S2): """A random baseline that assigns all instances randomly to two groups. Args: S1, S2: the ground truth assignment according to their semantic meanings. Returns: VI scores of this random baseline. """ S = np.concatenate((S1, S2), axis=0) experiment = [] for _ in range(100): np.random.shuffle(S) selector = np.random.randn(len(S)) > 0 K1 = S[selector] K2 = S[~selector] vi_sample = VI(S1, S2, K1, K2) experiment.append(vi_sample) return np.mean(experiment) def VI(S1, S2, K1, K2): """Computes the Variation of Information(VI) between two clusters. See: for more information. Args: S1, S2: the set of ground truth clusters. K1, K2: the predicted clusters. Returns: the VI score. """ assert len(S1) + len(S2) == len(K1) + len(K2) n = len(S1) + len(S2) eps = 1.0e-8 p1 = len(S1) / n + eps p2 = len(S2) / n + eps q1 = len(K1) / n + eps q2 = len(K2) / n + eps r11 = len(
np.intersect1d(S1, K1)
# This module has been generated automatically from space group information # obtained from the Computational Crystallography Toolbox # """ Space groups This module contains a list of all the 230 space groups that can occur in a crystal. The variable space_groups contains a dictionary that maps space group numbers and space group names to the corresponding space group objects. .. moduleauthor:: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2013 The Mosaic Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file LICENSE.txt, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as N class SpaceGroup(object): """ Space group All possible space group objects are created in this module. Other modules should access these objects through the dictionary space_groups rather than create their own space group objects. """ def __init__(self, number, symbol, transformations): """ :param number: the number assigned to the space group by international convention :type number: int :param symbol: the Hermann-Mauguin space-group symbol as used in PDB and mmCIF files :type symbol: str :param transformations: a list of space group transformations, each consisting of a tuple of three integer arrays (rot, tn, td), where rot is the rotation matrix and tn/td are the numerator and denominator of the translation vector. The transformations are defined in fractional coordinates. :type transformations: list """ self.number = number self.symbol = symbol self.transformations = transformations self.transposed_rotations = N.array([N.transpose(t[0]) for t in transformations]) self.phase_factors = N.exp(N.array([(-2j*N.pi*t[1])/t[2] for t in transformations])) def __repr__(self): return "SpaceGroup(%d, %s)" % (self.number, repr(self.symbol)) def __len__(self): """ :return: the number of space group transformations :rtype: int """ return len(self.transformations) def symmetryEquivalentMillerIndices(self, hkl): """ :param hkl: a set of Miller indices :type hkl: Scientific.N.array_type :return: a tuple (miller_indices, phase_factor) of two arrays of length equal to the number of space group transformations. miller_indices contains the Miller indices of each reflection equivalent by symmetry to the reflection hkl (including hkl itself as the first element). phase_factor contains the phase factors that must be applied to the structure factor of reflection hkl to obtain the structure factor of the symmetry equivalent reflection. :rtype: tuple """ hkls =, hkl) p = N.multiply.reduce(self.phase_factors**hkl, -1) return hkls, p space_groups = {} transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(1, 'P 1', transformations) space_groups[1] = sg space_groups['P 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(2, 'P -1', transformations) space_groups[2] = sg space_groups['P -1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(3, 'P 1 2 1', transformations) space_groups[3] = sg space_groups['P 1 2 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(4, 'P 1 21 1', transformations) space_groups[4] = sg space_groups['P 1 21 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(5, 'C 1 2 1', transformations) space_groups[5] = sg space_groups['C 1 2 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(6, 'P 1 m 1', transformations) space_groups[6] = sg space_groups['P 1 m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(7, 'P 1 c 1', transformations) space_groups[7] = sg space_groups['P 1 c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(8, 'C 1 m 1', transformations) space_groups[8] = sg space_groups['C 1 m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(9, 'C 1 c 1', transformations) space_groups[9] = sg space_groups['C 1 c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(10, 'P 1 2/m 1', transformations) space_groups[10] = sg space_groups['P 1 2/m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(11, 'P 1 21/m 1', transformations) space_groups[11] = sg space_groups['P 1 21/m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(12, 'C 1 2/m 1', transformations) space_groups[12] = sg space_groups['C 1 2/m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(13, 'P 1 2/c 1', transformations) space_groups[13] = sg space_groups['P 1 2/c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(14, 'P 1 21/c 1', transformations) space_groups[14] = sg space_groups['P 1 21/c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(15, 'C 1 2/c 1', transformations) space_groups[15] = sg space_groups['C 1 2/c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(16, 'P 2 2 2', transformations) space_groups[16] = sg space_groups['P 2 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(17, 'P 2 2 21', transformations) space_groups[17] = sg space_groups['P 2 2 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(18, 'P 21 21 2', transformations) space_groups[18] = sg space_groups['P 21 21 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(19, 'P 21 21 21', transformations) space_groups[19] = sg space_groups['P 21 21 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(20, 'C 2 2 21', transformations) space_groups[20] = sg space_groups['C 2 2 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(21, 'C 2 2 2', transformations) space_groups[21] = sg space_groups['C 2 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(22, 'F 2 2 2', transformations) space_groups[22] = sg space_groups['F 2 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(23, 'I 2 2 2', transformations) space_groups[23] = sg space_groups['I 2 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(24, 'I 21 21 21', transformations) space_groups[24] = sg space_groups['I 21 21 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(25, 'P m m 2', transformations) space_groups[25] = sg space_groups['P m m 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(26, 'P m c 21', transformations) space_groups[26] = sg space_groups['P m c 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(27, 'P c c 2', transformations) space_groups[27] = sg space_groups['P c c 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(28, 'P m a 2', transformations) space_groups[28] = sg space_groups['P m a 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(29, 'P c a 21', transformations) space_groups[29] = sg space_groups['P c a 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(30, 'P n c 2', transformations) space_groups[30] = sg space_groups['P n c 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(31, 'P m n 21', transformations) space_groups[31] = sg space_groups['P m n 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(32, 'P b a 2', transformations) space_groups[32] = sg space_groups['P b a 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(33, 'P n a 21', transformations) space_groups[33] = sg space_groups['P n a 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(34, 'P n n 2', transformations) space_groups[34] = sg space_groups['P n n 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(35, 'C m m 2', transformations) space_groups[35] = sg space_groups['C m m 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(36, 'C m c 21', transformations) space_groups[36] = sg space_groups['C m c 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(37, 'C c c 2', transformations) space_groups[37] = sg space_groups['C c c 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(38, 'A m m 2', transformations) space_groups[38] = sg space_groups['A m m 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den =
""" Implement optics algorithms for optical phase tomography using GPU <NAME> <EMAIL> <NAME> <EMAIL> October 22, 2018 """ import numpy as np import arrayfire as af import contexttimer from opticaltomography import settings from opticaltomography.opticsmodel import MultiTransmittance, MultiPhaseContrast from opticaltomography.opticsmodel import Defocus, Aberration from opticaltomography.opticsutil import ImageRotation, calculateNumericalGradient from opticaltomography.regularizers import Regularizer np_complex_datatype = settings.np_complex_datatype np_float_datatype = settings.np_float_datatype af_float_datatype = settings.af_float_datatype af_complex_datatype = settings.af_complex_datatype class AlgorithmConfigs: """ Class created for all parameters for tomography solver """ def __init__(self): self.method = "FISTA" self.stepsize = 1e-2 self.max_iter = 20 self.error = [] self.reg_term = 0.0 #L2 norm #FISTA self.fista_global_update = False self.restart = False #total variation regularization self.total_variation = False self.reg_tv = 1.0 #lambda self.max_iter_tv = 15 self.order_tv = 1 self.total_variation_gpu = False #lasso self.lasso = False self.reg_lasso = 1.0 #positivity constraint self.positivity_real = (False, "larger") self.positivity_imag = (False, "larger") self.pure_real = False self.pure_imag = False #aberration correction self.pupil_update = False self.pupil_global_update = False self.pupil_step_size = 1.0 self.pupil_update_method = "gradient" #batch gradient update self.batch_size = 1 #random order update self.random_order = False class PhaseObject3D: """ Class created for 3D objects. Depending on the scattering model, one of the following quantities will be used: - Refractive index (RI) - Transmittance function (Trans) - PhaseContrast - Scattering potential (V) shape: shape of object to be reconstructed in (x,y,z), tuple voxel_size: size of each voxel in (x,y,z), tuple RI_obj: refractive index of object(Optional) RI: background refractive index (Optional) slice_separation: For multislice algorithms, how far apart are slices separated, array (Optional) """ def __init__(self, shape, voxel_size, RI_obj = None, RI = 1.0, slice_separation = None): assert len(shape) == 3, "shape should be 3 dimensional!" self.shape = shape self.RI_obj = RI * np.ones(shape, dtype = np_complex_datatype) if RI_obj is None else RI_obj.astype(np_complex_datatype) self.RI = RI self.pixel_size = voxel_size[0] self.pixel_size_z = voxel_size[2] if slice_separation is not None: #for discontinuous slices assert len(slice_separation) == shape[2]-1, "number of separations should match with number of layers!" self.slice_separation = np.asarray(slice_separation).astype(np_float_datatype) else: #for continuous slices self.slice_separation = self.pixel_size_z * np.ones((shape[2]-1,), dtype = np_float_datatype) def convertRItoTrans(self, wavelength): k0 = 2.0 * np.pi / wavelength self.trans_obj = np.exp(1.0j*k0*(self.RI_obj - self.RI)*self.pixel_size_z) def convertRItoPhaseContrast(self): self.contrast_obj = self.RI_obj - self.RI def convertRItoV(self, wavelength): k0 = 2.0 * np.pi / wavelength self.V_obj = k0**2 * (self.RI**2 - self.RI_obj**2) def convertVtoRI(self, wavelength): k0 = 2.0 * np.pi / wavelength B = -1.0 * (self.RI**2 - self.V_obj.real/k0**2) C = -1.0 * (-1.0 * self.V_obj.imag/k0**2/2.0)**2 RI_obj_real = ((-1.0 * B + (B**2-4.0*C)**0.5)/2.0)**0.5 RI_obj_imag = -0.5 * self.V_obj.imag/k0**2/RI_obj_real self.RI_obj = RI_obj_real + 1.0j * RI_obj_imag class TomographySolver: """ Highest level solver object for tomography problem phase_obj_3d: phase_obj_3d object defined from class PhaseObject3D fx_illu_list: illumination angles in x, default = [0] (on axis) fy_illu_list: illumination angles in y rotation_angle_list: angles of rotation in tomogrpahy propagation_distance_list: defocus distances for each illumination """ def __init__(self, phase_obj_3d, fx_illu_list = [0], fy_illu_list = [0], rotation_angle_list = [0], propagation_distance_list = [0], **kwargs): self.phase_obj_3d = phase_obj_3d self.wavelength = kwargs["wavelength"] #Rotation angels and objects self.rot_angles = rotation_angle_list self.number_rot = len(self.rot_angles) self.rotation_pad = kwargs.get("rotation_pad", True) #Illumination angles assert len(fx_illu_list) == len(fy_illu_list) self.fx_illu_list = fx_illu_list self.fy_illu_list = fy_illu_list self.number_illum = len(self.fx_illu_list) #Aberation object self._aberration_obj = Aberration(phase_obj_3d.shape[:2], phase_obj_3d.pixel_size,\ self.wavelength, kwargs["na"], pad = False) #Defocus distances and object self.prop_distances = propagation_distance_list self._defocus_obj = Defocus(phase_obj_3d.shape[:2], phase_obj_3d.pixel_size, **kwargs) self.number_defocus = len(self.prop_distances) #Scattering models and algorithms self._opticsmodel = {"MultiTrans": MultiTransmittance, "MultiPhaseContrast": MultiPhaseContrast, } self._algorithms = {"GradientDescent": self._solveFirstOrderGradient, "FISTA": self._solveFirstOrderGradient } self.scat_model_args = kwargs def setScatteringMethod(self, model = "MultiTrans"): """ Define scattering method for tomography model: scattering models, it can be one of the followings: "MultiTrans", "MultiPhaseContrast"(Used in the paper) """ self.scat_model = model if hasattr(self, '_scattering_obj'): del self._scattering_obj if model == "MultiTrans": self.phase_obj_3d.convertRItoTrans(self.wavelength) self.phase_obj_3d.convertRItoV(self.wavelength) self._x = self.phase_obj_3d.trans_obj if np.any(self.rot_angles != [0]): self._rot_obj = ImageRotation(self.phase_obj_3d.shape, axis=0, pad = self.rotation_pad, pad_value = 1, \ flag_gpu_inout = True, flag_inplace = True) elif model == "MultiPhaseContrast": if not hasattr(self.phase_obj_3d, 'contrast_obj'): self.phase_obj_3d.convertRItoPhaseContrast() self._x = self.phase_obj_3d.contrast_obj if np.any(self.rot_angles != [0]): self._rot_obj = ImageRotation(self.phase_obj_3d.shape, axis=0, pad = self.rotation_pad, pad_value = 0, \ flag_gpu_inout = True, flag_inplace = True) else: if not hasattr(self.phase_obj_3d, 'V_obj'): self.phase_obj_3d.convertRItoV(self.wavelength) self._x = self.phase_obj_3d.V_obj if np.any(self.rot_angles != [0]): self._rot_obj = ImageRotation(self.phase_obj_3d.shape, axis=0, pad = self.rotation_pad, pad_value = 0, \ flag_gpu_inout = True, flag_inplace = True) self._scattering_obj = self._opticsmodel[model](self.phase_obj_3d, **self.scat_model_args) def forwardPredict(self, field = False): """ Uses current object in the phase_obj_3d to predict the amplitude of the exit wave Before calling, make sure correct object is contained """ obj_gpu = af.to_array(self._x) with contexttimer.Timer() as timer: forward_scattered_predict= [] if self._scattering_obj.back_scatter: back_scattered_predict = [] for rot_idx in range(self.number_rot): forward_scattered_predict.append([]) if self._scattering_obj.back_scatter: back_scattered_predict.append([]) if self.rot_angles[rot_idx] != 0: self._rot_obj.rotate(obj_gpu, self.rot_angles[rot_idx]) for illu_idx in range(self.number_illum): fx_illu = self.fx_illu_list[illu_idx] fy_illu = self.fy_illu_list[illu_idx] fields = self._forwardMeasure(fx_illu, fy_illu, obj = obj_gpu) if field: forward_scattered_predict[rot_idx].append(np.array(fields["forward_scattered_field"])) if self._scattering_obj.back_scatter: back_scattered_predict[rot_idx].append(
# coding: utf-8 # ### Compute results for task 1 on the humour dataset. # # Please see the readme for instructions on how to produce the GPPL predictions that are required for running this script. # # Then, set the variable resfile to point to the ouput folder of the previous step. # import string import pandas as pd import os, logging, csv from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from scipy.stats.mstats import spearmanr, pearsonr import numpy as np # Where to find the predictions and gold standard resfile = './results/experiment_humour_2019-02-26_20-44-52/results-2019-02-26_20-44-52.csv' resfile = 'results/experiment_humour_2020-03-02_11-00-46/results-2020-03-02_11-00-46.csv' # Load the data data = pd.read_csv(resfile, usecols=[0,1,2]) ids = data['id'].values bws = data['bws'].values gppl = data['predicted'].values # ### Ties in the BWS Scores contribute to the discrepeancies between BWS and GPPL # # GPPL scores are all unique, but BWS contains many ties. # Selecting only one of the tied items increases the Spearman correlation. # # Find the ties in BWS. Compute correlations between those tied items for the GPPL scores vs. original BWS scores and GPPL vs. scaled BWS scores. # Do the ties contribute a lot of the differences in the overall ranking? # Another way to test if the ties contribute differences to the ranking: # Select only one random item from each tie and exclude the rest, then recompute. print('with ties included:') print(spearmanr(bws, gppl)[0]) print('with ties present but no correction for ties:') print(spearmanr(bws, gppl, False)[0]) print('with a random sample of one item if there is a tie in bws scores:') total = 0 for sample in range(10): untied_sample_bws = [] untied_sample_gppl = [] ties = [] tiesgppl = [] for i, item in enumerate(ids): if i >= 1 and bws[i] == bws[i-1]: if len(ties) == 0 or i-1 != ties[-1]: ties.append(i-1) # the previous one should be added to the list if we have just recognised it as a tie ties.append(i) #randomly choose whether to keep the previous item or this one if np.random.rand() < 0.5: pass else: untied_sample_bws.pop() untied_sample_gppl.pop() untied_sample_bws.append(bws[i]) untied_sample_gppl.append(gppl[i]) else: untied_sample_bws.append(bws[i]) untied_sample_gppl.append(gppl[i]) if i >= 1 and gppl[i] == gppl[i-1]: if len(tiesgppl) == 0 or i-1 != tiesgppl[-1]: tiesgppl.append(i-1) # the previous one should be added to the list if we have just recognised it as a tie tiesgppl.append(i) rho = spearmanr(untied_sample_bws, untied_sample_gppl)[0] total += rho print(rho) print('Number of BWS tied items = %i' % len(ties)) print('Number of GPPL tied items = %i' % len(tiesgppl)) sample_size = len(untied_sample_bws) print('Mean for samples without ties = %f' % (total / 10)) print('Correlations for random samples of the same size (%i), allowing ties: ' % sample_size) total = 0 for sample in range(10): # take a random sample, without caring about ties randidxs = np.random.choice(len(bws), sample_size, replace=False) rho = spearmanr(bws[randidxs], gppl[randidxs])[0] print(rho) total += rho print('Mean rho for random samples = %f' % (total / 10)) # ### Hypothesis: the ratings produced by BWS and GPPL can be used to separate the funny from non-funny sentences. # This compares the predicted ratings to the gold standard *classifications* to see if the ratings can be used # to separate funny and non-funny. # load the discrete labels def get_cats(fname): with open(os.path.join('./data/pl-humor-full', fname), 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() for c in string.punctuation + ' ' + '\xa0': line = line.replace(c, '') # line = line.replace(' ', '').strip() # line = line.replace('"', '') # this is probably borked by tokenization? instances[line] = cats[fname] def assign_cats(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as fr, open(fname + '_cats.csv', 'w') as fw: reader = csv.DictReader(fr) writer = csv.DictWriter(fw, fieldnames=['id', 'bws', 'predicted', 'category', 'sentence']) writer.writeheader() for row in reader: sentence = row['sentence'].strip() for c in string.punctuation + ' ': sentence = sentence.replace(c, '') # sentence = row['sentence'].replace(' ','').strip() # sentence = sentence.replace('`', '\'') # this is probably borked by tokenization? # sentence = sentence.replace('"', '') # this is probably borked by tokenization? row['category'] = instances[sentence] writer.writerow(row) cats = dict() cats['jokes_heterographic_puns.txt'] = 'hetpun' cats['jokes_homographic_puns.txt'] = 'hompun' cats['jokes_nonpuns.txt'] = 'nonpun' cats['nonjokes.txt'] = 'non' instances = dict() for fname in cats.keys(): get_cats(fname) assign_cats(resfile) catfile = os.path.expanduser(resfile + '_cats.csv') #'./results/experiment_humour_2019-02-28_16-39-36/cats/results-2019-02-28_20-45-25.csv') cats = pd.read_csv(catfile, index_col=0, usecols=[0,3]) cat_list = np.array([cats.loc[instance].values[0] if instance in cats.index else 'unknown' for instance in ids]) gfunny = (cat_list == 'hompun') | (cat_list == 'hetpun') gunfunny = (cat_list == 'nonpun') | (cat_list == 'non') print('Number of funny = %i, non-funny = %i' % (np.sum(gfunny), np.sum(gunfunny) ) ) # check classification accuracy -- how well does our ranking separate the two classes from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score gold = np.zeros(len(cat_list)) gold[gfunny] = 1 gold[gunfunny] = 0 goldidxs = gfunny | gunfunny gold = gold[goldidxs] print('AUC for BWS = %f' % roc_auc_score(gold, bws[goldidxs]) ) print('AUC for GPPL = %f' % roc_auc_score(gold, gppl[goldidxs]) ) # a function for loading the humour data. def load_crowd_data_TM(path): """ Read csv and create preference pairs of tokenized sentences. :param path: path to crowdsource data :return: a list of index pairs, a map idx->strings """'Loading crowd data...') pairs = [] idx_instance_list = [] with open(path, 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') next(reader) # skip header row for line_no, line in enumerate(reader): answer = line[1] A = word_tokenize(line[2]) B = word_tokenize(line[3]) # add instances to list (if not alreay in it) if A not in idx_instance_list: idx_instance_list.append(A) if B not in idx_instance_list: idx_instance_list.append(B) # add pairs to list (in decreasing preference order) if answer == 'A': pairs.append((idx_instance_list.index(A), idx_instance_list.index(B))) if answer == 'B': pairs.append((idx_instance_list.index(B), idx_instance_list.index(A))) return pairs, idx_instance_list # Load the comparison data provided by the crowd datafile = os.path.expanduser('./data/pl-humor-full/results.tsv') pairs, idxs = load_crowd_data_TM(datafile) pairs = np.array(pairs) np.savetxt(os.path.expanduser('./data/pl-humor-full/pairs.csv'), pairs, '%i', delimiter=',') # For each item compute its BWS scores # but scale by the BWS scores of the items they are compared against. # This should indicate whether two items with same BWS score should # actually be ranked differently according to what they were compared against. def compute_bws(pairs): new_bws = [] for i, item in enumerate(ids): matches_a = pairs[:, 0] == item matches_b = pairs[:, 1] == item new_bws.append((np.sum(matches_a) - np.sum(matches_b)) / float(np.sum(matches_a) + np.sum(matches_b))) return new_bws # ### Agreement and consistency of annotators # Table 3: For the humour dataset, compute the correlation between the gold standard and the BWS scores with subsets of data. # Take random subsets of pairs so that each pair has only 4 annotations def get_pid(pair): return '#'.join([str(i) for i in sorted(pair)]) def compute_mean_correlation(nannos): nreps = 10 mean_rho = 0 for rep in range(nreps): pair_ids = list([get_pid(pair) for pair in pairs]) upair_ids =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from . import plot_settings as pls from . import plots as pl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import logging from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, colorConverter from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde try: from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter except ImportError: gaussian_filter = None def find_best_para(para_trace, bins): ''' find the best parameter and its 1-sigma/2-sigma for (non) Gaussian distribution ''' para_trace ,bins = para_trace, bins para_trace = np.sort(para_trace) hist = np.histogram(para_trace, bins) bins, x = hist[0], hist[1] sort_bin_nums = np.sort(bins) best_bins = sort_bin_nums[-7:] # top 7 best_bins_nums = np.r_[ np.where(bins==best_bins[0])[0], \ np.where(bins==best_bins[1])[0], np.where(bins==best_bins[2])[0], \ np.where(bins==best_bins[3])[0], np.where(bins==best_bins[4])[0], \ np.where(bins==best_bins[5])[0], np.where(bins==best_bins[6])[0] ] # use the everage of top 7 best_para = (x[min(best_bins_nums)] + x[max(best_bins_nums) +1])/2. left = np.where(para_trace <= best_para)[0] right = np.where(para_trace > best_para)[0] para_err_left = best_para - para_trace[int(len(left) * (1-0.6826))] para_err_right = para_trace[int(len(right) * 0.6826) + len(left)] - best_para para = np.r_[best_para, para_err_left, para_err_right] return para def find_best_para_plt(para_trace, bins): para_trace ,bins = para_trace, bins para_trace = np.sort(para_trace) plt.figure() hist = plt.hist(para_trace, bins) bins, x = hist[0], hist[1] sort_bin_nums = np.sort(bins) best_bins = sort_bin_nums[-7:] # top 7 best_bins_nums = np.r_[ np.where(bins==best_bins[0])[0], \ np.where(bins==best_bins[1])[0], np.where(bins==best_bins[2])[0], \ np.where(bins==best_bins[3])[0], np.where(bins==best_bins[4])[0], \ np.where(bins==best_bins[5])[0], np.where(bins==best_bins[6])[0] ] # use the everage of top 7 best_para = (x[min(best_bins_nums)] + x[max(best_bins_nums) +1])/2. left = np.where(para_trace <= best_para)[0] right = np.where(para_trace > best_para)[0] para_err_left = best_para - para_trace[int(len(left) * (1-0.6826))] para_err_right = para_trace[int(len(right) * 0.6826) + len(left)] - best_para para = np.r_[best_para, para_err_left, para_err_right] return para def find_best_para2(para_trace, bins): para_trace ,bins = para_trace, bins para_trace = np.sort(para_trace) hist = np.histogram(para_trace, bins) bins, x = hist[0], hist[1] sort_bin_nums = np.sort(bins) best_bins = sort_bin_nums[-7:] # top 7 best_bins_nums = np.r_[ np.where(bins==best_bins[0])[0], \ np.where(bins==best_bins[1])[0], np.where(bins==best_bins[2])[0], \ np.where(bins==best_bins[3])[0], np.where(bins==best_bins[4])[0], \ np.where(bins==best_bins[5])[0], np.where(bins==best_bins[6])[0] ] # use the everage of top 7 best_para = (x[min(best_bins_nums)] + x[max(best_bins_nums) +1])/2. left = np.where(para_trace <= best_para)[0] right = np.where(para_trace > best_para)[0] para_err_left1 = best_para - para_trace[int(len(left) * (1-0.6826))] para_err_right1 = para_trace[int(len(right) * 0.6826) + len(left)] - best_para para_err_left2 = best_para - para_trace[int(len(left) * (1-0.9544))] para_err_right2 = para_trace[int(len(right) * 0.9544) + len(left)] - best_para para = np.r_[best_para, para_err_left2,para_err_left1, para_err_right1,para_err_right2] return para def _quantile(x, q, weights=None): """ Compute sample quantiles with support for weighted samples. This is a copy of quantile in corner ( Copyright (c) 2013-2015 <NAME>. Note ---- When ``weights`` is ``None``, this method simply calls numpy's percentile function with the values of ``q`` multiplied by 100. Parameters ---------- x : array_like[nsamples,] The samples. q : array_like[nquantiles,] The list of quantiles to compute. These should all be in the range ``[0, 1]``. weights : Optional[array_like[nsamples,]] An optional weight corresponding to each sample. These Returns ------- quantiles : array_like[nquantiles,] The sample quantiles computed at ``q``. Raises ------ ValueError For invalid quantiles; ``q`` not in ``[0, 1]`` or dimension mismatch between ``x`` and ``weights``. """ x =
from __future__ import division import pytest import numpy as np import cudf as pd import fast_carpenter.masked_tree as m_tree @pytest.fixture def tree_no_mask(infile, full_event_range): return m_tree.MaskedUprootTree(infile, event_ranger=full_event_range) @pytest.fixture def tree_w_mask_bool(infile, event_range): mask = np.ones(event_range.entries_in_block, dtype=bool) mask[::2] = False return m_tree.MaskedUprootTree(infile, event_ranger=event_range, mask=mask) @pytest.fixture def tree_w_mask_int(infile, event_range): mask = np.ones(event_range.entries_in_block, dtype=bool) mask[::2] = False mask =
import pytest import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.metrics.tests.test_ranking import make_prediction from sklearn.utils.validation import check_consistent_length from mcc_f1 import mcc_f1_curve def test_mcc_f1_curve(): # Test MCC and F1 values for all points of the curve y_true, _, probas_pred = make_prediction(binary=True) mcc, f1, thres = mcc_f1_curve(y_true, probas_pred) check_consistent_length(mcc, f1, thres) expected_mcc, expected_f1 = _mcc_f1_calc(y_true, probas_pred, thres) assert_array_almost_equal(f1, expected_f1) assert_array_almost_equal(mcc, expected_mcc) def _mcc_f1_calc(y_true, probas_pred, thresholds): # Alternative calculation of (unit-normalized) MCC and F1 scores pp = probas_pred ts = thresholds tps = np.array([np.logical_and(pp >= t, y_true == 1).sum() for t in ts]) fps = np.array([np.logical_and(pp >= t, y_true == 0).sum() for t in ts]) tns = np.array([np.logical_and(pp < t, y_true == 0).sum() for t in ts]) fns = np.array([np.logical_and(pp < t, y_true == 1).sum() for t in ts]) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): f1s = 2*tps / (2*tps + fps + fns) d = np.sqrt((tps+fps)*(tps+fns)*(tns+fps)*(tns+fns)) d =
np.array([1 if di == 0 else di for di in d])
import re import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.stats as sps pd.options.display.max_rows = 4000 pd.options.display.max_columns = 4000 def write_txt(str, path): text_file = open(path, "w") text_file.write(str) text_file.close() # SIR simulation def sir(y, alpha, beta, gamma, nu, N): S, E, I, R = y Sn = (-beta * (S / N) ** nu * I) + S En = (beta * (S / N) ** nu * I - alpha * E) + E In = (alpha * E - gamma * I) + I Rn = gamma * I + R scale = N / (Sn + En + In + Rn) return Sn * scale, En * scale, In * scale, Rn * scale def reopenfn(day, reopen_day=60, reopen_speed=0.1, reopen_cap = .5): """Starting on `reopen_day`, reduce contact restrictions by `reopen_speed`*100%. """ if day < reopen_day: return 1.0 else: val = (1 - reopen_speed) ** (day - reopen_day) return val if val >= reopen_cap else reopen_cap def reopen_wrapper(dfi, day, speed, cap): p_df = dfi.reset_index() p_df.columns = ['param', 'val'] ro = dict(param = ['reopen_day', 'reopen_speed', 'reopen_cap'], val = [day, speed, cap]) p_df = pd.concat([p_df, pd.DataFrame(ro)]) p_df SIR_ii = SIR_from_params(p_df) return SIR_ii['arr_stoch'][:,3] def scale(arr, mu, sig): if len(arr.shape)==1: arr = np.expand_dims(arr, 0) arr = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x-mu, 1, arr) arr = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x/sig, 1, arr) return arr # Run the SIR model forward in time def sim_sir( S, E, I, R, alpha, beta, b0, beta_spline, beta_k, beta_spline_power, nobs, Xmu, Xsig, gamma, nu, n_days, logistic_L, logistic_k, logistic_x0, reopen_day = 8675309, reopen_speed = 0.0, reopen_cap = 1.0, ): N = S + E + I + R s, e, i, r = [S], [E], [I], [R] if len(beta_spline) > 0: knots = np.linspace(0, nobs-nobs/beta_k/2, beta_k) for day in range(n_days): y = S, E, I, R # evaluate splines if len(beta_spline) > 0: X = power_spline(day, knots, beta_spline_power, xtrim = nobs) # X = scale(X, Xmu, Xsig) #scale to prevent overflows and make the penalties comparable across bases XB = float(X@beta_spline) sd = logistic(L = 1, k=1, x0 = 0, x= b0 + XB) else: sd = logistic(logistic_L, logistic_k, logistic_x0, x=day) sd *= reopenfn(day, reopen_day, reopen_speed, reopen_cap) beta_t = beta * (1 - sd) S, E, I, R = sir(y, alpha, beta_t, gamma, nu, N) s.append(S) e.append(E) i.append(I) r.append(R) s, e, i, r = np.array(s), np.array(e), np.array(i), np.array(r) return s, e, i, r # # compute X scale factor. first need to compute who X matrix across all days # nobs = 100 # n_days = 100 # beta_spline_power = 2 # beta_spline = np.random.uniform(size = len(knots)) # X = np.stack([power_spline(day, knots, beta_spline_power, xtrim = nobs) for day in range(n_days)]) # # need to be careful with this: apply the scaling to the new X's when predicting def power_spline(x, knots, n, xtrim): if x > xtrim: #trim the ends of the spline to prevent nonsense extrapolation x = xtrim + 1 spl = x - np.array(knots) spl[spl<0] = 0 spl = spl/(xtrim**n)#scaling -- xtrim is the max number of days, so the highest value that the spline could have return spl**n ''' Plan: beta_t = L/(1 + np.exp(XB)) ''' def logistic(L, k, x0, x): return L / (1 + np.exp(-k * (x - x0))) def qdraw(qvec, p_df): """ Function takes a vector of quantiles and returns marginals based on the parameters in the parameter data frame It returns a bunch of parameters for inputting into SIR It'll also return their probability under the prior """ assert len(qvec) == p_df.shape[0] outdicts = [] for i in range(len(qvec)): if p_df.distribution.iloc[i] == "constant": out = dict(param=p_df.param.iloc[i], val=p_df.base.iloc[i], prob=1) else: # Construct this differently for different distributoons if p_df.distribution.iloc[i] == "gamma": p = (qvec[i], p_df.p1.iloc[i], 0, p_df.p2.iloc[i]) elif p_df.distribution.iloc[i] == "beta": p = (qvec[i], p_df.p1.iloc[i], p_df.p2.iloc[i]) elif p_df.distribution.iloc[i] == "uniform": p = (qvec[i], p_df.p1.iloc[i], p_df.p1.iloc[i] + p_df.p2.iloc[i]) elif p_df.distribution.iloc[i] == "norm": p = (qvec[i], p_df.p1.iloc[i], p_df.p2.iloc[i]) out = dict( param=p_df.param.iloc[i], val=getattr(sps, p_df.distribution.iloc[i]).ppf(*p), ) # does scipy not have a function to get the density from the quantile? p_pdf = (out["val"],) + p[1:] out.update({"prob": getattr(sps, p_df.distribution.iloc[i]).pdf(*p_pdf)}) outdicts.append(out) return pd.DataFrame(outdicts) def jumper(start, jump_sd): probit = sps.norm.ppf(start) probit += np.random.normal(size=len(probit), scale=jump_sd) newq = sps.norm.cdf(probit) return newq def compute_census(projection_admits_series, mean_los): """Compute Census based on exponential LOS distribution.""" census = [0] for a in projection_admits_series.values: c = float(a) + (1 - 1 / float(mean_los)) * census[-1] census.append(c) return np.array(census[1:]) def SIR_from_params(p_df): """ This function takes the output from the qdraw function """ n_hosp = int(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "n_hosp"]) incubation_days = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "incubation_days"]) hosp_prop = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "hosp_prop"]) ICU_prop = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "ICU_prop"]) vent_prop = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "vent_prop"]) hosp_LOS = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "hosp_LOS"]) ICU_LOS = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "ICU_LOS"]) vent_LOS = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "vent_LOS"]) recovery_days = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "recovery_days"]) mkt_share = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "mkt_share"]) region_pop = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "region_pop"]) logistic_k = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "logistic_k"]) logistic_L = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "logistic_L"]) logistic_x0 = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "logistic_x0"]) nu = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "nu"]) beta = float( p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "beta"] ) # get beta directly rather than via doubling time # assemble the coefficient vector for the splines beta_spline = np.array(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param.str.contains('beta_spline_coef')]) #this evaluates to an empty array if it's not in the params if len(beta_spline) > 0: b0 = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "b0"]) beta_spline_power = np.array(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "beta_spline_power"]) nobs = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "nobs"]) beta_k = int(p_df.loc[p_df.param == "beta_spline_dimension", 'val']) Xmu = p_df.loc[p_df.param == "Xmu", 'val'].iloc[0] Xsig = p_df.loc[p_df.param == "Xsig", 'val'].iloc[0] else: beta_spline_power = None beta_k = None nobs = None b0 = None Xmu, Xsig = None, None reopen_day, reopen_speed, reopen_cap = 1000, 0.0, 1.0 if "reopen_day" in p_df.param.values: reopen_day = int(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "reopen_day"]) if "reopen_speed" in p_df.param.values: reopen_speed = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "reopen_speed"]) if "reopen_cap" in p_df.param.values: reopen_cap = float(p_df.val.loc[p_df.param == "reopen_cap"]) alpha = 1 / incubation_days gamma = 1 / recovery_days total_infections = n_hosp / mkt_share / hosp_prop n_days = 200 # Offset by the incubation period to start the sim # that many days before the first hospitalization # Estimate the number Exposed from the number hospitalized # on the first day of non-zero covid hospitalizations. from scipy.stats import expon # Since incubation_days is exponential in SEIR, we start # the time `offset` days before the first hospitalization # We determine offset by allowing enough time for the majority # of the initial exposures to become infected. offset = expon.ppf( 0.99, 1 / incubation_days ) # Enough time for 95% of exposed to become infected offset = int(offset) s, e, i, r = sim_sir( S=region_pop - total_infections, E=total_infections, I=0.0, # n_infec / detection_prob, R=0.0, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, b0=b0, beta_spline = beta_spline, beta_k = beta_k, beta_spline_power = beta_spline_power, Xmu = Xmu, Xsig = Xsig, nobs = nobs, gamma=gamma, nu=nu, n_days=n_days + offset, logistic_L=logistic_L, logistic_k=logistic_k, logistic_x0=logistic_x0 + offset, reopen_day=reopen_day, reopen_speed=reopen_speed, reopen_cap=reopen_cap ) arrs = {} for sim_type in ["mean", "stochastic"]: if sim_type == "mean": ds = np.diff(i) + np.diff(r) # new infections is delta i plus delta r ds = np.array([0] + list(ds)) ds = ds[offset:] hosp_raw = hosp_prop ICU_raw = hosp_raw * ICU_prop # coef param vent_raw = ICU_raw * vent_prop # coef param hosp = ds * hosp_raw * mkt_share icu = ds * ICU_raw * mkt_share vent = ds * vent_raw * mkt_share elif sim_type == "stochastic": # Sampling Stochastic Observation ds = np.diff(i) +
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import warnings from datetime import date from math import e def calc_rate(data1, data2): if(data2 == 0): return data1 else: if(data1 < data2): return (data2 / data1) * -1 else: return data1 / data2 def calc_mort_rate(data1, data2): if(data2 == 0): return 0 else: return data1 / data2 def compute_data(parsed_data): days = np.array([]) new_cases = np.array([]) cases_growth_factor = np.array([]) new_deaths = np.array([]) deaths_growth_factor = np.array([]) new_tests = np.array([]) tests_growth_factor = np.array([]) new_recovered = np.array([]) recovered_growth_factor = np.array([]) new_hospitalized = np.array([]) hospitalized_growth_factor = np.array([]) mortality_rate = np.array([]) active_cases = np.array([]) for i, entry in enumerate(parsed_data[0]): if(i == 0): new_cases = np.append(new_cases, parsed_data[1][i] - 0) cases_growth_factor = np.append(cases_growth_factor, 0) new_deaths = np.append(new_deaths, parsed_data[2][i] - 0) deaths_growth_factor = np.append(deaths_growth_factor, 0) new_tests = np.append(new_tests, parsed_data[3][i] - 0) tests_growth_factor = np.append(tests_growth_factor, 0) new_recovered = np.append(new_recovered, parsed_data[4][i] - 0) recovered_growth_factor = np.append(recovered_growth_factor, 0) new_hospitalized = np.append(new_hospitalized, parsed_data[5][i] - 0) hospitalized_growth_factor = np.append(hospitalized_growth_factor, 0) mortality_rate = np.append(mortality_rate, calc_mort_rate(parsed_data[2][i], parsed_data[1][i])) active_cases = np.append(active_cases, (parsed_data[1][i] - parsed_data[4][i] - parsed_data[2][i])) days = np.append(days, i) continue new_cases = np.append(new_cases, parsed_data[1][i] - parsed_data[1][i-1]) cases_growth_factor = np.append(cases_growth_factor, calc_rate(parsed_data[1][i], parsed_data[1][i-1])) new_deaths = np.append(new_deaths, parsed_data[2][i] - parsed_data[2][i-1]) deaths_growth_factor = np.append(deaths_growth_factor, calc_rate(parsed_data[2][i], parsed_data[2][i-1])) new_tests = np.append(new_tests, parsed_data[3][i] - parsed_data[3][i-1]) tests_growth_factor = np.append(tests_growth_factor, calc_rate(parsed_data[3][i], parsed_data[3][i-1])) new_recovered = np.append(new_recovered, parsed_data[4][i] - parsed_data[4][i-1]) recovered_growth_factor = np.append(recovered_growth_factor, calc_rate(parsed_data[4][i], parsed_data[4][i-1])) new_hospitalized = np.append(new_hospitalized, parsed_data[5][i] - parsed_data[5][i-1]) hospitalized_growth_factor = np.append(hospitalized_growth_factor, calc_rate(parsed_data[5][i], parsed_data[5][i-1])) mortality_rate = np.append(mortality_rate, calc_mort_rate(parsed_data[2][i], parsed_data[1][i])) active_cases = np.append(active_cases, (parsed_data[1][i] - parsed_data[4][i] - parsed_data[2][i])) days = np.append(days, i) parsed_data.append(days) parsed_data.append(new_cases) parsed_data.append(cases_growth_factor) parsed_data.append(new_deaths) parsed_data.append(deaths_growth_factor) parsed_data.append(new_recovered) parsed_data.append(recovered_growth_factor) parsed_data.append(new_hospitalized) parsed_data.append(hospitalized_growth_factor) parsed_data.append(new_tests) parsed_data.append(tests_growth_factor) parsed_data.append(mortality_rate) parsed_data.append(active_cases) return parsed_data def logistic_fn(population): day_counter = 1 days = np.array([]) logistic = np.array([]) current_cases = 1 while (day_counter < 60): days = np.append(days, day_counter) log_fn = population / (1 + ((population / current_cases) - 1) * e ** (-0.38 * day_counter)) print(log_fn) logistic = np.append(logistic, log_fn) day_counter += 1 return (days, logistic) def difference(parsed_data, day1, day2): print("Data difference between:", parsed_data[0][day1], 'and', parsed_data[0][day2]) print("\u0394Days:\t", parsed_data[6][day2] - parsed_data[6][day1]) print("\u0394Cases:\t", parsed_data[1][day2] - parsed_data[1][day1]) print("\u0394Deaths: ", parsed_data[2][day2] - parsed_data[2][day1]) print("\u0394Recov.: ", parsed_data[4][day2] - parsed_data[4][day1]) print("\u0394Hospi.: ", parsed_data[5][day2] - parsed_data[5][day1]) print("\u0394Tests:\t", parsed_data[3][day2] - parsed_data[3][day1]) def projection(next_days, days_passed, parsed_data): total_cases = float(parsed_data[1][len(parsed_data[1])-1]) total_deaths = float(parsed_data[2][len(parsed_data[2])-1]) total_tests = float(parsed_data[3][len(parsed_data[4])-1]) total_recovered = float(parsed_data[4][len(parsed_data[4])-1]) total_hospitalized = float(parsed_data[5][len(parsed_data[5])-1]) total_active = float(parsed_data[18][len(parsed_data[18])-1]) counter = 0 avg_cases_gf = 0.0 avg_deaths_gf = 0.0 avg_tests_gf = 0.0 avg_recovered_gf = 0.0 avg_hospitalized_gf = 0.0 avg_active_gf = 0.0 while(counter < days_passed): avg_cases_gf += parsed_data[8][len(parsed_data[8]) - 1 - counter] avg_deaths_gf += parsed_data[10][len(parsed_data[10]) - 1 - counter] avg_tests_gf += parsed_data[16][len(parsed_data[16]) - 1 - counter] avg_recovered_gf += parsed_data[12][len(parsed_data[12]) - 1 - counter] avg_hospitalized_gf += parsed_data[14][len(parsed_data[14]) - 1 - counter] avg_active_gf += parsed_data[18][len(parsed_data[18]) - 1 - counter] counter += 1 avg_cases_gf /= days_passed avg_deaths_gf /= days_passed avg_tests_gf /= days_passed avg_recovered_gf /= days_passed avg_hospitalized_gf /= days_passed avg_active_gf /= days_passed print('Avg Cases Growth Factor (past', days_passed ,'days):', round(avg_cases_gf, 5)) print('Avg Deaths Growth Factor (past', days_passed ,'days):', round(avg_deaths_gf, 5)) print('Avg Tests Growth Factor (past', days_passed ,'days):', round(avg_tests_gf, 5)) print('Avg Recovered Growth Factor (past', days_passed ,'days):', round(avg_recovered_gf, 5)) print('Avg Hospitalized Growth Factor (past', days_passed ,'days):', round(avg_hospitalized_gf, 5)) print('Avg Active Cases Growth Factor (past', days_passed ,'days):', round(avg_active_gf, 5)) counter = 0 while(counter < next_days): total_cases = total_cases * avg_cases_gf total_deaths = total_deaths * avg_deaths_gf total_tests = total_tests * avg_tests_gf total_recovered = total_recovered * avg_recovered_gf total_hospitalized = total_hospitalized * avg_hospitalized_gf total_active = total_active * avg_active_gf counter += 1 print("Projections for the next", next_days, "days:") print("Cases:", round(total_cases)) print("Active:", round(total_active)) print("Deaths:", round(total_deaths)) print("Tests:", round(total_tests)) print("Recovered:", round(total_recovered)) print("Hospitalized:", round(total_hospitalized)) def linear_regression(x, y): x_nums = [i for i in range(0, len(x))] #create list of integers given that original x are string values n = len(x_nums) #number of elements in x axis (same as y axis) add_x = sum(x_nums) #add all x axis elements add_y = sum(y) #add all y axis elements add_x_sqr = sum([i**2 for i in x_nums]) #add all y axis elements squared add_xy = sum([x_nums[i] * y[i] for i in range(0, n)]) #add the product of each corresponding pair from x_nums and y slope = (n * add_xy - add_x * add_y) / (n * add_x_sqr - add_x**2) #compute slope of linear regression y_intercept = (add_y * add_x_sqr - add_x * add_xy) / (n * add_x_sqr - add_x**2) #compute the y intercept of the linear regression lin_reg_x = [i for i in range(0, len(x_nums))] #create list of elements from 0 to length of x_nums lin_reg_y = [slope * i + y_intercept for i in lin_reg_x] #replace x value in equation to find the y in linear regression return [slope, y_intercept, lin_reg_y] #return slope, y_intercept, and linear regression list for y def plot_graph(x, y, color, x_label, y_label, chart_title, file_name='', save=False, log_view=False, trend=False): plt.figure(figsize=(14,10)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain') plt.title(chart_title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 25}) if(log_view): plt.yscale('log') if(trend): lin_reg_result = linear_regression(x, y) lin_reg_equation = str(lin_reg_result[0])[:10] + 'X ' if(lin_reg_result[1] >= 0): lin_reg_equation += '+' lin_reg_equation += str(lin_reg_result[1])[:10] plt.plot(x, lin_reg_result[2], color + '--', label = lin_reg_equation) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.plot(x, y, 'ko', x, y, color) plt.xlabel(x_label) plt.ylabel(y_label) plt.grid() if(save): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') plt.savefig('../export/graphs/' + file_name) else: def plot_graph_all(parsed_data, chart_title, from_day, to_day, file_name='', save=False): plt.figure(figsize=(14,10)) plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain') plt.title(chart_title, fontdict={'fontsize' : 25}) plt.plot(parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], parsed_data[1][from_day:to_day], 'ko') plt.plot(parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], parsed_data[1][from_day:to_day], 'b', label = "Cases") plt.plot(parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], parsed_data[2][from_day:to_day], 'ko') plt.plot(parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], parsed_data[2][from_day:to_day], 'r', label = "Deaths") plt.plot(parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], 'ko') plt.plot(parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], 'g', label = "Recovered") plt.plot(parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], parsed_data[18][from_day:to_day], 'ko') plt.plot(parsed_data[4][from_day:to_day], parsed_data[18][from_day:to_day], 'k', label = "Active Cases") plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.xlabel("Days") plt.grid() if(save): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') plt.plotplt.savefig('../export/graphs/' + file_name) else: def print_cases(header, data): np.set_printoptions(precision=3) print('%10s'%(header[0]), end = '') print('%9s'%(header[1]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[2]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[3]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[4]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[18])) for i in range(len(data[0])): print('%10s'%(data[0][i]), '%8s'%(data[6][i]), '%12s'%(data[1][i]), '%12s'%(data[7][i]), '%12s'%(str(data[8][i])[:8]), '%12s'%(data[18][i])) def print_deaths(header, data): np.set_printoptions(precision=3) print('%10s'%(header[0]), end = '') print('%9s'%(header[1]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[5]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[6]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[7]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[5])) for i in range(len(data[0])): print('%10s'%(data[0][i]), '%8s'%(data[6][i]), '%12s'%(data[2][i]), '%12s'%(data[9][i]), '%12s'%(data[10][i]), '%12s'%(data[17][i])) def print_tests(header, data): np.set_printoptions(precision=3) print('%10s'%(header[0]), end = '') print('%9s'%(header[1]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[14]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[15]), end = '') print('%13s'%(header[16])) for i in range(len(data[0])): print('%10s'%(data[0][i]), '%8s'%(data[6][i]), '%12s'%(data[3][i]), '%12s'%(data[15][i]), '%12s'%(data[16][i])) def print_recovered(header, data):
################################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2009-2019, National Research Foundation (Square Kilometre Array) # # Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use # this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy # of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ################################################################################ """Coordinate conversions not found in PyEphem.""" from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import numpy as np # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Geodetic coordinate transformations # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def lla_to_ecef(lat_rad, long_rad, alt_m): """Convert WGS84 spherical coordinates to ECEF cartesian coordinates. This converts a position on the Earth specified in geodetic latitude, longitude and altitude to earth-centered, earth-fixed (ECEF) cartesian coordinates. This code assumes the WGS84 earth model, described in [NIMA2004]_. Parameters ---------- lat_rad : float or array Latitude (customary geodetic, not geocentric), in radians long_rad : float or array Longitude, in radians alt_m : float or array Altitude, in metres above WGS84 ellipsoid Returns ------- x_m, y_m, z_m : float or array X, Y, Z coordinates, in metres References ---------- .. [NIMA2004] National Imagery and Mapping Agency, "Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984," NIMA TR8350.2, Page 4-4, last updated June, 2004. """ # WGS84 Defining Parameters a = 6378137.0 # semi-major axis of Earth in m f = 1.0 / 298.257223563 # flattening of Earth # WGS84 derived geometric constants e2 = 2 * f - f ** 2 # first eccentricity squared # intermediate calculation # (normal, or prime vertical radius of curvature) R = a / np.sqrt(1.0 - e2 * np.sin(lat_rad) ** 2) x_m = (R + alt_m) * np.cos(lat_rad) * np.cos(long_rad) y_m = (R + alt_m) * np.cos(lat_rad) * np.sin(long_rad) z_m = ((1.0 - e2) * R + alt_m) * np.sin(lat_rad) return x_m, y_m, z_m def ecef_to_lla(x_m, y_m, z_m): """Convert ECEF cartesian coordinates to WGS84 spherical coordinates. This converts an earth-centered, earth-fixed (ECEF) cartesian position to a position on the Earth specified in geodetic latitude, longitude and altitude. This code assumes the WGS84 earth model. Parameters ---------- x_m, y_m, z_m : float or array X, Y, Z coordinates, in metres Returns ------- lat_rad : float or array Latitude (customary geodetic, not geocentric), in radians long_rad : float or array Longitude, in radians alt_m : float or array Altitude, in metres above WGS84 ellipsoid Notes ----- Based on the most accurate algorithm according to Zhu [zhu]_, which is summarised by Kaplan [kaplan]_ and described in the Wikipedia entry [geo]_. .. [zhu] <NAME>, "Conversion of Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates to geodetic coordinates," Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 30, pp. 957-961, 1994. .. [kaplan] Kaplan, "Understanding GPS: principles and applications," 1 ed., Norwood, MA 02062, USA: Artech House, Inc, 1996. .. [geo] Wikipedia entry, "Geodetic system", 2009. """ # WGS84 Defining Parameters a = 6378137.0 # semi-major axis of Earth in m f = 1.0 / 298.257223563 # flattening of Earth # WGS84 derived geometric constants b = a * (1.0 - f) # semi-minor axis in m e2 = 2 * f - f ** 2 # first eccentricity squared ep2 = f * (2.0 - f) / (1.0 - f) ** 2 # second eccentricity squared # Define squared terms for convenience a2, b2 = a ** 2, b ** 2 x2, y2, z2 = x_m ** 2, y_m ** 2, z_m ** 2 r = np.sqrt(x2 + y2) E2 = a2 - b2 F = 54.0 * b2 * z2 G = r ** 2 + (1 - e2) * z2 - e2 * E2 C = (e2 ** 2 * F * r ** 2) / (G ** 3) S = (1.0 + C + np.sqrt(C ** 2 + 2 * C)) ** (1. / 3.) P = F / (3.0 * (S + 1.0 / S + 1.0) ** 2 * G ** 2) Q =
np.sqrt(1.0 + 2.0 * e2 ** 2 * P)
import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf from scipy import stats from tensorflow.keras import layers from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler,OneHotEncoder from itertools import product from .layers import * from .utils import get_interaction_list class GAMINet(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, meta_info, subnet_arch=[20, 10], interact_num=10, interact_arch=[20, 10], task_type="Regression", activation_func=tf.tanh, main_grid_size=41, interact_grid_size=41, lr_bp=0.001, batch_size=500, main_effect_epochs=2000, interaction_epochs=2000, tuning_epochs=50, loss_threshold_main=0.01, loss_threshold_inter=0.01, val_ratio=0.2, early_stop_thres=100, random_state=0, threshold =0.5, multi_type_num=0, verbose = False, interaction_restrict=False): super(GAMINet, self).__init__() # Parameter initiation self.meta_info = meta_info self.input_num = len(meta_info) - 1 self.task_type = task_type self.subnet_arch = subnet_arch self.main_grid_size = main_grid_size self.interact_grid_size = interact_grid_size self.activation_func = activation_func self.interact_arch = interact_arch self.max_interact_num = int(round(self.input_num * (self.input_num - 1) / 2)) self.interact_num = min(interact_num, self.max_interact_num) self.interact_num_added = 0 self.interaction_list = [] self.loss_threshold_main = loss_threshold_main self.loss_threshold_inter = loss_threshold_inter self.lr_bp = lr_bp self.batch_size = batch_size self.tuning_epochs = tuning_epochs self.main_effect_epochs = main_effect_epochs self.interaction_epochs = interaction_epochs self.verbose = verbose self.early_stop_thres = early_stop_thres self.random_state = random_state self.threshold = threshold self.interaction_restrict = interaction_restrict self.multi_type_num = multi_type_num np.random.seed(random_state) tf.random.set_seed(random_state) self.categ_variable_num = 0 self.numerical_input_num = 0 self.categ_variable_list = [] self.categ_index_list = [] self.numerical_index_list = [] self.numerical_variable_list = [] self.variables_names = [] self.feature_type_list = [] self.interaction_status = False self.user_feature_list = [] self.item_feature_list = [] for indice, (feature_name, feature_info) in enumerate(self.meta_info.items()): if feature_info["source"] == "user": self.user_feature_list.append(indice) elif feature_info["source"] == "item": self.item_feature_list.append(indice) for indice, (feature_name, feature_info) in enumerate(self.meta_info.items()): if feature_info["type"] == "target": continue elif feature_info["type"] == "categorical": self.categ_variable_num += 1 self.categ_index_list.append(indice) self.feature_type_list.append("categorical") self.categ_variable_list.append(feature_name) elif feature_info["type"] == "id": continue else: self.numerical_input_num +=1 self.numerical_index_list.append(indice) self.feature_type_list.append("continuous") self.numerical_variable_list.append(feature_name) self.variables_names.append(feature_name) print(self.variables_names) self.interact_num = len([item for item in product(self.user_feature_list, self.item_feature_list)]) # build self.maineffect_blocks = MainEffectBlock(meta_info=self.meta_info, numerical_index_list=list(self.numerical_index_list), categ_index_list=self.categ_index_list, subnet_arch=self.subnet_arch, activation_func=self.activation_func, grid_size=self.main_grid_size) self.interact_blocks = InteractionBlock(interact_num=self.interact_num, meta_info=self.meta_info, interact_arch=self.interact_arch, activation_func=self.activation_func, grid_size=self.interact_grid_size) self.output_layer = OutputLayer(input_num=self.input_num, interact_num=self.interact_num, task_type=self.task_type, multi_type_num = self.multi_type_num) self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=self.lr_bp) if self.task_type == "Regression": #self.loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError() self.loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.MeanAbsoluteError() elif self.task_type == "Classification": self.loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy() elif self.task_type == "MultiClassification": self.loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy() elif self.task_type == "Ordinal_Regression": self.loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy() else: print(self.task_type) raise ValueError("The task type is not supported") def call(self, inputs, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False): self.maineffect_outputs = self.maineffect_blocks(inputs, training=main_effect_training) if self.interaction_status: self.interact_outputs = self.interact_blocks(inputs, training=interaction_training) else: self.interact_outputs = tf.zeros([inputs.shape[0], self.interact_num]) concat_list = [self.maineffect_outputs] if self.interact_num > 0: concat_list.append(self.interact_outputs) if self.task_type == "Regression": output = self.output_layer(tf.concat(concat_list, 1)) elif self.task_type == "Classification": output = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.output_layer(tf.concat(concat_list, 1))) elif self.task_type == "Ordinal_Regression": output = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.output_layer(tf.concat(concat_list, 1))) elif self.task_type == "MultiClassification": output = tf.nn.softmax(self.output_layer(tf.concat(concat_list, 1))) else: raise ValueError("The task type is not supported") return output @tf.function def predict_graph(self, x, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False): return self.__call__(tf.cast(x, tf.float32), main_effect_training=main_effect_training, interaction_training=interaction_training) def predict_initial(self, x, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False): try: self.task_type = 'Regression' return self.__call__(tf.cast(x, tf.float32), main_effect_training=main_effect_training, interaction_training=interaction_training) finally: self.task_type = 'Classification' def predict(self, x): if self.task_type == "Ordinal_Regression": ind = self.scan(self.predict_graph(x).numpy(),self.threshold) return tf.keras.backend.eval(ind) if self.task_type == "MultiClassification": ind = tf.argmax(self.predict_graph(x).numpy(),axis=1) return tf.keras.backend.eval(ind) return self.predict_graph(x).numpy() @tf.function def evaluate_graph_init(self, x, y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False): return self.loss_fn(y, self.__call__(tf.cast(x, tf.float32), main_effect_training=main_effect_training, interaction_training=interaction_training)) @tf.function def evaluate_graph_inter(self, x, y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False): return self.loss_fn(y, self.__call__(tf.cast(x, tf.float32), main_effect_training=main_effect_training, interaction_training=interaction_training)) def evaluate(self, x, y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False): if self.interaction_status: return self.evaluate_graph_inter(x, y, main_effect_training=main_effect_training, interaction_training=interaction_training).numpy() else: return self.evaluate_graph_init(x, y, main_effect_training=main_effect_training, interaction_training=interaction_training).numpy() @tf.function def train_main_effect(self, inputs, labels, main_effect_training=True, interaction_training=False): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: pred = self.__call__(inputs, main_effect_training=main_effect_training, interaction_training=interaction_training) total_loss = self.loss_fn(labels, pred) if self.task_type == "Ordinal_Regression": train_weights = self.maineffect_blocks.weights train_weights.append(self.output_layer.main_effect_weights) train_weights.append(self.output_layer.ordinal_bias) else: train_weights = self.maineffect_blocks.weights train_weights.append(self.output_layer.main_effect_weights) train_weights.append(self.output_layer.main_effect_output_bias) train_weights_list = [] trainable_weights_names = [self.trainable_weights[j].name for j in range(len(self.trainable_weights))] for i in range(len(train_weights)): if train_weights[i].name in trainable_weights_names: train_weights_list.append(train_weights[i]) grads = tape.gradient(total_loss, train_weights_list) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, train_weights_list)) @tf.function def train_interaction(self, inputs, labels, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=True): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: pred = self.__call__(inputs, main_effect_training=main_effect_training, interaction_training=interaction_training) total_loss = self.loss_fn(labels, pred) if self.task_type == "Ordinal_Regression": train_weights = self.interact_blocks.weights train_weights.append(self.output_layer.interaction_weights) train_weights.append(self.output_layer.interaction_output_bias) else: train_weights = self.interact_blocks.weights train_weights.append(self.output_layer.interaction_weights) train_weights.append(self.output_layer.interaction_output_bias) train_weights_list = [] trainable_weights_names = [self.trainable_weights[j].name for j in range(len(self.trainable_weights))] for i in range(len(train_weights)): if train_weights[i].name in trainable_weights_names: train_weights_list.append(train_weights[i]) grads = tape.gradient(total_loss, train_weights_list) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, train_weights_list)) @tf.function def train_all(self, inputs, labels, main_effect_training=True, interaction_training=True): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: pred = self.__call__(inputs, main_effect_training=main_effect_training, interaction_training=interaction_training) total_loss = self.loss_fn(labels, pred) if self.task_type == "Ordinal_Regression": train_weights = self.maineffect_blocks.weights train_weights.append(self.output_layer.main_effect_weights) train_weights.append(self.output_layer.ordinal_bias) else: train_weights_main = self.maineffect_blocks.weights train_weights_main.append(self.output_layer.main_effect_weights) train_weights_main.append(self.output_layer.main_effect_output_bias) train_weights_inter = self.interact_blocks.weights train_weights_inter.append(self.output_layer.interaction_weights) train_weights_inter.append(self.output_layer.interaction_output_bias) train_weights_list = [] trainable_weights_names = [self.trainable_weights[j].name for j in range(len(self.trainable_weights))] for i in range(len(train_weights_main)): if train_weights_main[i].name in trainable_weights_names: train_weights_list.append(train_weights_main[i]) for i in range(len(train_weights_inter)): if train_weights_inter[i].name in trainable_weights_names: train_weights_list.append(train_weights_inter[i]) grads = tape.gradient(total_loss, train_weights_list) self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, train_weights_list)) def get_main_effect_rank(self,j, tr_x): sorted_index = np.array([]) componment_scales = [0 for i in range(self.input_num)] beta = [] for i in range(self.input_num): beta.append(np.std(self.maineffect_blocks.subnets[i](tr_x[:,i].reshape(-1,1),training=False),ddof=1)) #main_effect_norm = [self.maineffect_blocks.subnets[i].moving_norm.numpy()[0] for i in range(self.input_num)] #beta = (self.output_layer.main_effect_weights[:,j].numpy() * np.array([main_effect_norm])) if np.sum(np.abs(beta)) > 10**(-10): componment_scales = (np.abs(beta) / np.sum(np.abs(beta))).reshape([-1]) sorted_index = np.argsort(componment_scales)[::-1] return sorted_index, componment_scales def get_interaction_rank(self,j, tr_x): sorted_index = np.array([]) componment_scales = [0 for i in range(self.interact_num_added)] gamma = [] if self.interact_num_added > 0: for interact_id, (idx1, idx2) in enumerate(self.interaction_list): inputs = tf.concat([tr_x[:,idx1].reshape(-1,1),tr_x[:,idx2].reshape(-1,1)],1) gamma.append(np.std(self.interact_blocks.interacts[interact_id](inputs,training=False),ddof=1)) #interaction_norm = [self.interact_blocks.interacts[i].moving_norm.numpy()[0] for i in range(self.interact_num_added)] #gamma = (self.output_layer.interaction_weights[:,j].numpy()[:self.interact_num_added] # * np.array([interaction_norm]).reshape([-1, 1]))[0] if np.sum(np.abs(gamma)) > 10**(-10): componment_scales = (np.abs(gamma) / np.sum(np.abs(gamma))).reshape([-1]) sorted_index = np.argsort(componment_scales)[::-1] return sorted_index, componment_scales def get_all_active_rank(self,class_,tr_x): #main_effect_norm = [self.maineffect_blocks.subnets[i].moving_norm.numpy()[0] for i in range(self.input_num)] #beta = (self.output_layer.main_effect_weights[:,class_].numpy() * np.array([main_effect_norm]) # * self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher[:,class_].numpy()).reshape([-1, 1]) beta = [] gamma = [] for i in range(self.input_num): beta.append(np.std(self.maineffect_blocks.subnets[i](tr_x[:,i].reshape(-1,1),training=False),ddof=1)) for interact_id, (idx1, idx2) in enumerate(self.interaction_list): inputs = tf.concat([tr_x[:,idx1].reshape(-1,1),tr_x[:,idx2].reshape(-1,1)],1) gamma.append(np.std(self.interact_blocks.interacts[interact_id](inputs,training=False),ddof=1)) beta = np.array(beta * self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher[:,class_].numpy()).reshape(-1,1) gamma = np.array(gamma * self.output_layer.interaction_switcher[:,class_].numpy()).reshape(-1,1) #interaction_norm = [self.interact_blocks.interacts[i].moving_norm.numpy()[0] for i in range(self.interact_num_added)] #gamma = (self.output_layer.interaction_weights[:,class_].numpy()[:self.interact_num_added] # * np.array([interaction_norm]) # * self.output_layer.interaction_switcher[:,class_].numpy()[:self.interact_num_added]).reshape([-1, 1]) #gamma = np.vstack([gamma, np.zeros((self.interact_num - self.interact_num_added, 1)).reshape([-1, 1]) ]) componment_coefs = np.vstack([beta, gamma]) if np.sum(np.abs(componment_coefs)) > 10**(-10): componment_scales = (np.abs(componment_coefs) / np.sum(np.abs(componment_coefs))).reshape([-1]) else: componment_scales = [0 for i in range(self.input_num + self.interact_num_added)] return componment_scales def get_component(self, tr_x): #main_effect_norm = [self.maineffect_blocks.subnets[i].moving_norm.numpy()[0] for i in range(self.input_num)] #beta = (self.output_layer.main_effect_weights[:,0].numpy() * np.array([main_effect_norm]) # * self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher[:,0].numpy()).reshape([-1, 1]) #interaction_norm = [self.interact_blocks.interacts[i].moving_norm.numpy()[0] for i in range(self.interact_num_added)] #gamma = (self.output_layer.interaction_weights[:,0].numpy()[:self.interact_num_added] # * np.array([interaction_norm]) # * self.output_layer.interaction_switcher[:,0].numpy()[:self.interact_num_added]).reshape([-1, 1]) #gamma = np.vstack([gamma, np.zeros((self.interact_num - self.interact_num_added, 1)).reshape([-1, 1]) ]) beta = [] gamma = [] for i in range(self.input_num): beta.append(np.std(self.maineffect_blocks.subnets[i](tr_x[:,i].reshape(-1,1),training=False),ddof=1)) for interact_id, (idx1, idx2) in enumerate(self.interaction_list): inputs = tf.concat([tr_x[:,idx1].reshape(-1,1),tr_x[:,idx2].reshape(-1,1)],1) gamma.append(np.std(self.interact_blocks.interacts[interact_id](inputs,training=False),ddof=1)) beta = np.array(beta * self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher[:,0].numpy()).reshape(-1,1) gamma = np.array(gamma * self.output_layer.interaction_switcher[:,0].numpy()).reshape(-1,1) return beta, gamma def estimate_density(self, x): n_samples = x.shape[0] self.data_dict_density = {} for indice in range(self.input_num): feature_name = list(self.variables_names)[indice] if indice in self.numerical_index_list: sx = self.meta_info[feature_name]["scaler"] density, bins = np.histogram(sx.inverse_transform(x[:,[indice]]), bins=10, density=True) self.data_dict_density.update({feature_name:{"density":{"names":bins,"scores":density}}}) elif indice in self.categ_index_list: unique, counts = np.unique(x[:, indice], return_counts=True) density = np.zeros((len(self.meta_info[feature_name]["values"]))) density[unique.astype(int)] = counts / n_samples self.data_dict_density.update({feature_name:{"density":{"names":np.arange(len(self.meta_info[feature_name]["values"])), "scores":density}}}) def coding(self,y): re = np.zeros((y.shape[0],4)) for i in range(y.shape[0]): if y[i]== 1: re[i] = np.array([0,0,0,0]) elif y[i] ==2: re[i] = np.array([1,0,0,0]) elif y[i] ==3: re[i] = np.array([1,1,0,0]) elif y[i] ==4: re[i] = np.array([1,1,1,0]) elif y[i] ==5: re[i] = np.array([1,1,1,1]) return re def scan(self, x, threshold): res = np.zeros((x.shape[0],1)) for i in range(x.shape[0]): res[i] = 5 for j in range(x.shape[1]): if x[i,j] < threshold: res[i] = j+1 break #elif j==4: # res[i] = j+1 # break return res def fit_main_effect(self, tr_x, tr_y, val_x, val_y): ## specify grid points for i in range(self.input_num): if i in self.categ_index_list: length = len(self.meta_info[self.variables_names[i]]["values"]) input_grid = np.arange(len(self.meta_info[self.variables_names[i]]["values"])) else: length = self.main_grid_size input_grid = np.linspace(0, 1, length) pdf_grid = np.ones([length]) / length self.maineffect_blocks.subnets[i].set_pdf(np.array(input_grid, dtype=np.float32).reshape([-1, 1]), np.array(pdf_grid, dtype=np.float32).reshape([1, -1])) last_improvement = 0 best_validation = np.inf train_size = tr_x.shape[0] for epoch in range(self.main_effect_epochs): if self.task_type != "Ordinal_Regression": shuffle_index = np.arange(tr_x.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(shuffle_index) tr_x = tr_x[shuffle_index] tr_y = tr_y[shuffle_index] for iterations in range(train_size // self.batch_size): offset = (iterations * self.batch_size) % train_size batch_xx = tr_x[offset:(offset + self.batch_size), :] batch_yy = tr_y[offset:(offset + self.batch_size)] self.train_main_effect(tf.cast(batch_xx, tf.float32), batch_yy) self.err_train_main_effect_training.append(self.evaluate(tr_x, tr_y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False)) self.err_val_main_effect_training.append(self.evaluate(val_x, val_y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False)) if self.verbose & (epoch % 1 == 0): print("Main effects training epoch: %d, train loss: %0.5f, val loss: %0.5f" % (epoch + 1, self.err_train_main_effect_training[-1], self.err_val_main_effect_training[-1])) if self.err_val_main_effect_training[-1] < best_validation: best_validation = self.err_val_main_effect_training[-1] last_improvement = epoch if epoch - last_improvement > self.early_stop_thres: if self.verbose: print("Early stop at epoch %d, with validation loss: %0.5f" % (epoch + 1, self.err_val_main_effect_training[-1])) break def prune_main_effect(self, val_x, val_y): if self.multi_type_num == 0: self.main_effect_val_loss = [] sorted_index, componment_scales = self.get_main_effect_rank(0,self.tr_x) self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher.assign(tf.constant(np.zeros((self.input_num, 1)), dtype=tf.float32)) self.main_effect_val_loss.append(self.evaluate(val_x, val_y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False) ) for idx in range(self.input_num): selected_index = sorted_index[:(idx + 1)] main_effect_switcher = np.zeros((self.input_num, 1)) main_effect_switcher[selected_index] = 1 self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher.assign(tf.constant(main_effect_switcher, dtype=tf.float32)) val_loss = self.evaluate(val_x, val_y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False) self.main_effect_val_loss.append(val_loss) best_loss = np.min(self.main_effect_val_loss) if np.sum((self.main_effect_val_loss / best_loss - 1) < self.loss_threshold_main) > 0: best_idx = np.where((self.main_effect_val_loss / best_loss - 1) < self.loss_threshold_main)[0][0] else: best_idx = np.argmin(self.main_effect_val_loss) self.active_main_effect_index = sorted_index[:best_idx] main_effect_switcher = np.zeros((self.input_num, 1)) main_effect_switcher[self.active_main_effect_index] = 1 self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher.assign(tf.constant(main_effect_switcher, dtype=tf.float32)) else: self.active_main_effect_index = [] for i in range(self.multi_type_num): tmp1 = self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher.numpy() tmp1[:,i] = np.zeros(self.input_num).ravel() self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher.assign(tf.constant(tmp1, dtype=tf.float32)) sorted_index, componment_scales = self.get_main_effect_rank(i) self.main_effect_val_loss = [] self.main_effect_val_loss.append(self.evaluate(val_x, val_y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False) ) for idx in range(self.input_num): selected_index = sorted_index[:(idx + 1)] main_effect_switcher = np.zeros((self.input_num, 1)) main_effect_switcher[selected_index] = 1 tmp = self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher.numpy() tmp[:,i] = main_effect_switcher.ravel() self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher.assign(tf.constant(tmp, dtype=tf.float32)) val_loss = self.evaluate(val_x, val_y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False) self.main_effect_val_loss.append(val_loss) best_loss = np.min(self.main_effect_val_loss) if np.sum((self.main_effect_val_loss / best_loss - 1) < self.loss_threshold_main) > 0: best_idx = np.where((self.main_effect_val_loss / best_loss - 1) < self.loss_threshold_main)[0][0] else: best_idx = np.argmin(self.main_effect_val_loss) self.active_main_effect_index.append(sorted_index[:best_idx]) main_effect_switcher = np.zeros((self.input_num, 1)) main_effect_switcher[self.active_main_effect_index[-1].astype(int)] = 1 tmp2 = self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher.numpy() tmp2[:,i] = main_effect_switcher.ravel() self.output_layer.main_effect_switcher.assign(tf.constant(tmp2, dtype=tf.float32)) def fine_tune_main_effect(self, tr_x, tr_y, val_x, val_y): train_size = tr_x.shape[0] for epoch in range(self.tuning_epochs): shuffle_index = np.arange(tr_x.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(shuffle_index) tr_x = tr_x[shuffle_index] tr_y = tr_y[shuffle_index] for iterations in range(train_size // self.batch_size): offset = (iterations * self.batch_size) % train_size batch_xx = tr_x[offset:(offset + self.batch_size), :] batch_yy = tr_y[offset:(offset + self.batch_size)] self.train_main_effect(tf.cast(batch_xx, tf.float32), batch_yy) self.err_train_main_effect_tuning.append(self.evaluate(tr_x, tr_y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False)) self.err_val_main_effect_tuning.append(self.evaluate(val_x, val_y, main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False)) if self.verbose & (epoch % 1 == 0): print("Main effects tuning epoch: %d, train loss: %0.5f, val loss: %0.5f" % (epoch + 1, self.err_train_main_effect_tuning[-1], self.err_val_main_effect_tuning[-1])) def add_interaction(self, tr_x, tr_y, val_x, val_y): tr_pred = self.__call__(tf.cast(tr_x, tf.float32), main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False).numpy().astype(np.float64) val_pred = self.__call__(tf.cast(val_x, tf.float32), main_effect_training=False, interaction_training=False).numpy().astype(np.float64) if self.multi_type_num == 0: interaction_list_all = get_interaction_list(tr_x, val_x, tr_y.ravel(), val_y.ravel(), tr_pred.ravel(), val_pred.ravel(), self.variables_names, self.feature_type_list, task_type=self.task_type, active_main_effect_index=self.active_main_effect_index, user_feature_list=self.user_feature_list, item_feature_list=self.item_feature_list, interaction_restrict=self.interaction_restrict) self.interaction_list = interaction_list_all[:self.interact_num] self.interact_num_added = len(self.interaction_list) interaction_switcher = np.zeros((self.interact_num, 1)) interaction_switcher[:self.interact_num_added] = 1 self.output_layer.interaction_switcher.assign(tf.constant(interaction_switcher, dtype=tf.float32)) self.interact_blocks.set_interaction_list(self.interaction_list) else: active_index_inter = [] for fe_num in range(self.input_num): count_int = 0 for num in range(self.multi_type_num): if (self.active_main_effect_index[num]==fe_num).sum()==1: count_int = count_int +1 if count_int > self.multi_type_num/5: active_index_inter.append(fe_num) interaction_list_all = get_interaction_list(tr_x, val_x, tr_y.ravel(), val_y.ravel(), tr_pred.ravel(), val_pred.ravel(), self.variables_names, self.feature_type_list, task_type=self.task_type, active_main_effect_index=active_index_inter) self.interaction_list = interaction_list_all[:self.interact_num] self.interact_num_added = len(self.interaction_list) interaction_switcher = np.zeros((self.interact_num, 1)) interaction_switcher[:self.interact_num_added] = 1 for i in range(self.multi_type_num): tmp = self.output_layer.interaction_switcher.numpy() tmp[:,i] = interaction_switcher.ravel() self.output_layer.interaction_switcher.assign(tf.constant(tmp, dtype=tf.float32)) self.interact_blocks.set_interaction_list(self.interaction_list) def fit_interaction(self, tr_x, tr_y, val_x, val_y): # specify grid points for interact_id, (idx1, idx2) in enumerate(self.interaction_list): feature_name1 = self.variables_names[idx1] feature_name2 = self.variables_names[idx2] if feature_name1 in self.categ_variable_list: length1 = len(self.meta_info[feature_name1]["values"]) length1_grid = np.arange(length1) else: length1 = self.interact_grid_size length1_grid = np.linspace(0, 1, length1) if feature_name2 in self.categ_variable_list: length2 = len(self.meta_info[feature_name2]["values"]) length2_grid =
""" See explanation below in the __name__ guard. """ from cartpole import Controller, CartPole, simulate, G from nominal_control import ControlLQR import numpy as np from qpsolvers import solve_qp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable import matplotlib.animation as animation class ASIF(Controller): """Active Set Invariance Filter Implementation of the popular CBF-QP ASIF takes in the nominal control signal(u_nom) and filters it to generate u_filtered. Under the hood it is an optimization problem with following objective function: u_f = argmin || u_f - u_nom ||^2 s.t. h_dot(x, u_f) >= -gamma*h(x) ___________________ ________ x | | u_nom | | u_filtered -----> | nominal control | ------> | ASIF | -------------> |___________________| |________| """ def __init__(self, nominal_control, cp: CartPole, barrier_cart_vel, gamma, asif_enabled=True, use_nonlinear_dynamics=True): """ For our case of cartpole, limitations on cart velocity is enforced by this ASIF. """ self.nominal_control = nominal_control self.cp = cp self.barrier_cart_vel = barrier_cart_vel self.gamma = gamma self.asif_enabled = asif_enabled self.use_nonlinear_dynamics = use_nonlinear_dynamics if self.use_nonlinear_dynamics: self._h_dot = self._h_dot_nonlinear else: self._h_dot = self._h_dot_linear self._log = { 'cbf_nominal': [], 'cbf_filtered': [], 'qp_g_nominal': [], 'qp_g_filtered': [], 'qp_h': [], 'u_nom': [], 'u_filtered': [], } def control_law(self, state): u_nominal = self.nominal_control(state) u_filtered = self._asif(u_nominal, state) if self.asif_enabled is False: u_filtered = u_nominal # if np.isclose(u_filtered, u_nominal)[0] == False: # print(f"ASIF active! {u_nominal=}, {u_filtered=}") return u_filtered def _asif(self, u_nominal, state): m_1 = self.cp.m_1 m_2 = self.cp.m_2 l = self.cp.l # objective function, same for all CBF-QP p = np.array([1.]) q = np.array([-u_nominal]) if self.use_nonlinear_dynamics: # the terms come from self.h_dot_nonlinear, organized for standart # qp solver format delta = m_2*np.sin(state[2])**2 + m_1 if state[1] >= 0: g = np.array([1/delta]) h = -1 * np.array([m_2*l*(state[3]**2)*np.sin(state[2])/delta \ + m_2*G*np.sin(state[2])*np.cos(state[2])/delta]) \ + self.gamma*(self._h(state)) else: g = np.array([-1/delta]) h = np.array([m_2*l*(state[3]**2)*np.sin(state[2])/delta \ + m_2*G*np.sin(state[2])*np.cos(state[2])/delta]) \ + self.gamma*(self._h(state)) else: # the terms come from self.h_dot_linear, organized for standart # qp solver format if state[1] >= 0: g = np.array([1/m_1]) h = np.array([m_2*G/m_1*state[2] + self.gamma*self._h(state)]) else: g = np.array([-1/m_1]) h = np.array([-m_2*G/m_1*state[2] + self.gamma*self._h(state)]) u_filtered = solve_qp(p, q, g, h, # lb=np.array([-80.]), # ub=np.array([80.]), solver="cvxopt") self._log['cbf_filtered'].append(self.cbf_cstr(state, u_filtered)) self._log['cbf_nominal'].append(self.cbf_cstr(state, u_nominal)) self._log['qp_g_filtered'].append(g@u_filtered) self._log['qp_g_nominal'].append(g@u_nominal) self._log['qp_h'].append(h) self._log['u_nom'].append(u_nominal) self._log['u_filtered'].append(u_filtered) return u_filtered def _h(self, state): if state[1] >= 0: return self.barrier_cart_vel - state[1] else: return self.barrier_cart_vel + state[1] def _h_dot_nonlinear(self, state, u): """ Equations from cartpole._gen_dynamics._dynamics""" m_1 = self.cp.m_1 m_2 = self.cp.m_2 l = self.cp.l delta = m_2*np.sin(state[2])**2 + m_1 if state[1] >= 0: return -1 * (m_2*l*(state[3]**2)*np.sin(state[2])/delta \ + m_2*G*np.sin(state[2])*np.cos(state[2])/delta) - u/delta else: return (m_2*l*(state[3]**2)*np.sin(state[2])/delta \ + m_2*G*np.sin(state[2])*
import os, sys, random, time, copy from skimage import io, transform import numpy as np import as sio from scipy import misc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import PIL.Image import skimage.transform import blosc, struct import torch from import Dataset, DataLoader import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim from torch.optim import lr_scheduler import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable import torchvision from torchvision import datasets, models, transforms IMG_EXTENSIONS = [ '.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG', '.png', '.PNG', '.ppm', '.PPM', '.bmp', '.BMP', '.bin' ] def is_image_file(filename): return any(filename.endswith(extension) for extension in IMG_EXTENSIONS) class Joint_xLabel_train_dataLoader(Dataset): def __init__(self, real_root_dir, syn_root_dir, size=[240, 320], rgb=True, downsampleDepthFactor=1, paired_data=False): self.real_root_dir = real_root_dir self.syn_root_dir = syn_root_dir self.size = size self.rgb = rgb self.current_set_len = 0 self.real_path2files = [] self.syn_path2files = [] self.downsampleDepthFactor = downsampleDepthFactor self.NYU_MIN_DEPTH_CLIP = 0.0 self.NYU_MAX_DEPTH_CLIP = 10.0 self.paired_data = paired_data # whether 1 to 1 matching self.augment = None # whether to augment each batch data self.x_labels = False # whether to collect extra labels in synthetic data, such as segmentation or instance boundaries self.set_name = 'train' # Joint_xLabel_train_dataLoader is only used in training phase real_curfilenamelist = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.real_root_dir, self.set_name, 'rgb')) for fname in sorted(real_curfilenamelist): if is_image_file(fname): path = os.path.join(self.real_root_dir, self.set_name, 'rgb', fname) self.real_path2files.append(path) self.real_set_len = len(self.real_path2files) syn_curfilenamelist = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.syn_root_dir, self.set_name, 'rgb')) for fname in sorted(syn_curfilenamelist): if is_image_file(fname): path = os.path.join(self.syn_root_dir, self.set_name, 'rgb', fname) self.syn_path2files.append(path) self.syn_set_len = len(self.syn_path2files) self.TF2tensor = transforms.ToTensor() self.TF2PIL = transforms.ToPILImage() self.TFNormalize = transforms.Normalize((0.5,0.5,0.5),(0.5,0.5,0.5)) self.funcResizeTensor = nn.Upsample(size=self.size, mode='nearest', align_corners=None) self.funcResizeDepth = nn.Upsample(size=[int(self.size[0]*self.downsampleDepthFactor), int(self.size[1]*self.downsampleDepthFactor)], mode='nearest', align_corners=None) def __len__(self): # looping over real dataset return self.real_set_len def __getitem__(self, idx): real_filename = self.real_path2files[idx % self.real_set_len] rand_idx = random.randint(0, self.syn_set_len - 1) if self.paired_data: assert self.real_set_len == self.syn_set_len syn_filename = self.syn_path2files[idx] else: syn_filename = self.syn_path2files[rand_idx] if np.random.random(1) > 0.5: self.augment = True else: self.augment = False real_img, real_depth = self.fetch_img_depth(real_filename) syn_img, syn_depth = self.fetch_img_depth(syn_filename) return_dict = {'real': [real_img, real_depth], 'syn': [syn_img, syn_depth]} if self.x_labels: # not really used in this project extra_label_list = self.fetch_syn_extra_labels(syn_filename) return_dict = {'real': [real_img, real_depth], 'syn': [syn_img, syn_depth], 'syn_extra_labels': extra_label_list} return return_dict def fetch_img_depth(self, filename): image = image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) / 255. if self.set_name == 'train': depthname = filename.replace('rgb','depth_inpainted').replace('png','bin') else: # use real depth for validation and testing depthname = filename.replace('rgb','depth').replace('png','bin') depth = read_array_compressed(depthname) if self.set_name=='train' and self.augment: image = np.fliplr(image).copy() depth = np.fliplr(depth).copy() # rescale depth samples in training phase if self.set_name == 'train': depth = np.clip(depth, self.NYU_MIN_DEPTH_CLIP, self.NYU_MAX_DEPTH_CLIP) # [0, 10] depth = ((depth/self.NYU_MAX_DEPTH_CLIP) - 0.5) * 2.0 # [-1, 1] image = self.TF2tensor(image) image = self.TFNormalize(image) image = image.unsqueeze(0) depth = np.expand_dims(depth, 2) depth = self.TF2tensor(depth) depth = depth.unsqueeze(0) if "nyu" in filename: image = processNYU_tensor(image) depth = processNYU_tensor(depth) image = self.funcResizeTensor(image) depth = self.funcResizeTensor(depth) if self.downsampleDepthFactor != 1: depth = self.funcResizeDepth(depth) if self.rgb: image = image.squeeze(0) else: image = image.mean(1) image = image.squeeze(0).unsqueeze(0) depth = depth.squeeze(0) return image, depth def fetch_syn_extra_labels(self, filename): # currently only fetch segmentation labels and instance boundaries seg_name = filename.replace('rgb','semantic_seg') ib_name = filename.replace('rgb','instance_boundary') seg_np = np.array(, dtype=np.float32) ib_np = np.array(, dtype=np.float32) if self.set_name=='train' and self.augment: seg_np = np.fliplr(seg_np).copy() ib_np = np.fliplr(ib_np).copy() seg_np = np.expand_dims(seg_np, 2) seg_tensor = self.TF2tensor(seg_np) ib_np =
np.expand_dims(ib_np, 2)
import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import root_scalar class sieplasmajet(object): def __init__(self, theta_E_g, eta, phi, psi0_plasma_num, theta_0_num, B, C, delta_rs, deltab_10, deltab_20): self.theta_E_g = theta_E_g self.eta = eta self.phi = phi self.psi0_plasma_num = psi0_plasma_num self.theta_0_num = theta_0_num self.B = B self.C = C self.delta_rs = delta_rs self.deltab_10 = deltab_10 self.deltab_20 = deltab_20 def f(r): tmp_f = r - theta_E_g + C/r * (r/B/theta_0_num)**C * psi0_plasma_num * np.exp(-(r/B/theta_0_num)**C) return tmp_f zero = root_scalar(f, bracket=[theta_E_g*.1, theta_E_g*1.9], method='bisect') self.theta_E = zero.root self.r = zero.root r = self.r tmp_psi = theta_E_g*r*np.sqrt(1.-eta*np.cos(2.*phi)) + \ psi0_plasma_num*np.exp(-(r/B/theta_0_num)**C) self.psi = tmp_psi tmp_dpsi = theta_E_g*r*(np.sqrt( 1. - eta*np.cos(2*phi)) - 1) self.dpsi = tmp_dpsi tmp_psi0 = theta_E_g*r + psi0_plasma_num*np.exp(-(r/B/theta_0_num)**C) self.psi0 = tmp_psi0 tmp_psi_plasma = psi0_plasma_num*np.exp(-(r/B/theta_0_num)**C) self.psi_plasma = tmp_psi_plasma tmp_ddpsi_dr = theta_E_g*(np.sqrt( 1. - eta*np.cos(2*phi)) - 1) self.ddpsi_dr = tmp_ddpsi_dr tmp_ddpsi_dphi = theta_E_g*r*eta*np.sin(2.*phi)/np.sqrt(1.-eta*np.cos(2.*phi)) self.ddpsi_dphi = tmp_ddpsi_dphi tmp_d2dpsi_dphi2 = theta_E_g*r*eta*( 2*np.cos(2.*phi)/np.sqrt(1.-eta*np.cos(2.*phi)) - (1.-eta*np.cos(2.*phi))**(-3/2)*eta*np.sin(2*phi)**2) self.d2dpsi_dphi2 = tmp_d2dpsi_dphi2 tmp_d2psi0 = self.psi_plasma * ( - C*(C-1)/r**2*(r/B/theta_0_num)**C + (C/r*(r/B/theta_0_num)**C)**2 ) self.d2psi0_dr2 = tmp_d2psi0 Delta = delta_rs**2 - ( 1/r*self.ddpsi_dphi - deltab_10*np.sin(phi) + deltab_20*np.cos(phi) )**2 delta_r_1 = 1/(1 - self.d2psi0_dr2 )*(self.ddpsi_dr + deltab_10*np.cos(phi) + deltab_20*np.sin(phi) + np.sqrt(Delta)) delta_r_2 = 1/(1 - self.d2psi0_dr2 )*(self.ddpsi_dr + deltab_10*np.cos(phi) + deltab_20*
import numpy as np import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig import lsst.afw.image as afwImage import lsst.afw.math as afwMath import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase import lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes as cT from .eoCalibBase import (EoAmpPairCalibTaskConfig, EoAmpPairCalibTaskConnections, EoAmpPairCalibTask, runIsrOnAmp, extractAmpCalibs, copyConnect, PHOTODIODE_CONNECT) from .eoFlatPairData import EoFlatPairData from .eoFlatPairUtils import DetectorResponse __all__ = ["EoFlatPairTask", "EoFlatPairTaskConfig"] class EoFlatPairTaskConnections(EoAmpPairCalibTaskConnections): photodiodeData = copyConnect(PHOTODIODE_CONNECT) outputData = cT.Output( name="eoFlatPair", doc="Electrial Optical Calibration Output", storageClass="IsrCalib", dimensions=("instrument", "detector"), ) class EoFlatPairTaskConfig(EoAmpPairCalibTaskConfig, pipelineConnections=EoFlatPairTaskConnections): maxPDFracDev = pexConfig.Field("Maximum photodiode fractional deviation", float, default=0.05) def setDefaults(self): # pylint: disable=no-member self.connections.outputData = "eoFlatPair" self.isr.expectWcs = False self.isr.doSaturation = False self.isr.doSetBadRegions = False self.isr.doAssembleCcd = False self.isr.doBias = True self.isr.doLinearize = False self.isr.doDefect = False self.isr.doNanMasking = False self.isr.doWidenSaturationTrails = False self.isr.doDark = True self.isr.doFlat = False self.isr.doFringe = False self.isr.doInterpolate = False self.isr.doWrite = False self.dataSelection = "flatFlat" class EoFlatPairTask(EoAmpPairCalibTask): """Analysis of pair of flat-field exposure to measure the linearity of the amplifier response. Output is stored as `lsst.eotask_gen3.EoFlatPairData` objects """ ConfigClass = EoFlatPairTaskConfig _DefaultName = "eoFlatPair" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.statCtrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl() def run(self, inputPairs, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Run method Parameters ---------- inputPairs : `list` [`tuple` [`lsst.daf.Butler.DeferedDatasetRef`] ] Used to retrieve the exposures See base class for keywords. Returns ------- outputData : `lsst.eotask_gen3.EoFlatPairData` Output data in formatted tables """ camera = kwargs['camera'] nPair = len(inputPairs) if nPair < 1: raise RuntimeError("No valid input data") det = inputPairs[0][0][0].get().getDetector() amps = det.getAmplifiers() ampNames = [amp.getName() for amp in amps] outputData = self.makeOutputData(amps=ampNames, nAmps=len(amps), nPair=len(inputPairs), camera=camera, detector=det) photodiodePairs = kwargs.get('photodiodePairs', None) if photodiodePairs is not None: self.analyzePdData(photodiodePairs, outputData) for iamp, amp in enumerate(amps): ampCalibs = extractAmpCalibs(amp, **kwargs) for iPair, inputPair in enumerate(inputPairs): if len(inputPair) != 2: self.log.warn("exposurePair %i has %i items" % (iPair, len(inputPair))) continue calibExp1 = runIsrOnAmp(self, inputPair[0][0].get(parameters={"amp": iamp}), **ampCalibs) calibExp2 = runIsrOnAmp(self, inputPair[1][0].get(parameters={"amp": iamp}), **ampCalibs) amp2 = calibExp1.getDetector().getAmplifiers()[0] self.analyzeAmpPairData(calibExp1, calibExp2, outputData, amp2, iPair) self.analyzeAmpRunData(outputData, iamp, amp2) return pipeBase.Struct(outputData=outputData) def makeOutputData(self, amps, nAmps, nPair, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ,no-self-use """Construct the output data object Parameters ---------- amps : `Iterable` [`str`] The amplifier names nAmp : `int` Number of amplifiers nPair : `int` Number of exposure pairs kwargs are passed to `lsst.eotask_gen3.EoCalib` base class constructor Returns ------- outputData : `lsst.eotask_gen3.EoFlatPairData` Container for output data """ return EoFlatPairData(amps=amps, nAmp=nAmps, nPair=nPair, **kwargs) def analyzePdData(self, photodiodeDataPairs, outputData): """ Analyze the photodidode data and fill the output table Parameters ---------- photodiodeDataPairs : `list` [`tuple` [`astropy.Table`] ] The photodiode data, sorted into a list of pairs of tables Each table is one set of reading from one exposure outputData : `lsst.eotask_gen3.EoFlatPairData` Container for output data """ outTable = outputData.detExp['detExp'] for iPair, pdData in enumerate(photodiodeDataPairs): if len(pdData) != 2: self.log.warn("photodiodePair %i has %i items" % (iPair, len(pdData))) continue pd1 = self.getFlux(pdData[0].get()) pd2 = self.getFlux(pdData[1].get()) if
np.abs((pd1 - pd2)/((pd1 + pd2)/2.))
# @Author: lshuns # @Date: 2021-04-05, 21:44:40 # @Last modified by: lshuns # @Last modified time: 2021-05-05, 8:44:30 ### everything about Line/Point plot __all__ = ["LinePlotFunc", "LinePlotFunc_subplots", "ErrorPlotFunc", "ErrorPlotFunc_subplots"] import math import logging import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'in' mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'in' mpl.rcParams[''] = True mpl.rcParams['ytick.right'] = True import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator, LogLocator from .CommonInternal import _vhlines logging.basicConfig(format='%(name)s : %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def LinePlotFunc(outpath, xvals, yvals, COLORs, LABELs=None, LINEs=None, LINEWs=None, POINTs=None, POINTSs=None, fillstyles=None, XRANGE=None, YRANGE=None, XLABEL=None, YLABEL=None, TITLE=None, xtick_min_label=True, xtick_spe=None, ytick_min_label=True, ytick_spe=None, vlines=None, vline_styles=None, vline_colors=None, vline_labels=None, vline_widths=None, hlines=None, hline_styles=None, hline_colors=None, hline_labels=None, hline_widths=None, xlog=False, invertX=False, ylog=False, invertY=False, loc_legend='best', font_size=12, usetex=False): """ Line plot for multiple parameters """ # font size plt.rc('font', size=font_size) # tex plt.rcParams["text.usetex"] = usetex if outpath != 'show': backend_orig = plt.get_backend() plt.switch_backend("agg") fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i, xvl in enumerate(xvals): yvl = yvals[i] CR = COLORs[i] if LABELs is not None: LAB = LABELs[i] else: LAB = None if LINEs is not None: LN = LINEs[i] else: LN = '--' if LINEWs is not None: LW = LINEWs[i] else: LW = 1 if POINTs is not None: PI = POINTs[i] else: PI = 'o' if POINTSs is not None: MS = POINTSs[i] else: MS = 2 if fillstyles is not None: fillstyle = fillstyles[i] else: fillstyle = 'full' plt.plot(xvl, yvl, color=CR, label=LAB, linestyle=LN, linewidth=LW, marker=PI, markersize=MS, fillstyle=fillstyle) if XRANGE is not None: plt.xlim(XRANGE[0], XRANGE[1]) if YRANGE is not None: plt.ylim(YRANGE[0], YRANGE[1]) if xlog: plt.xscale('log') if ylog: plt.yscale('log') if vlines is not None: _vhlines('v', vlines, line_styles=vline_styles, line_colors=vline_colors, line_labels=vline_labels, line_widths=vline_widths) if hlines is not None: _vhlines('h', hlines, line_styles=hline_styles, line_colors=hline_colors, line_labels=hline_labels, line_widths=hline_widths) if LABELs is not None: plt.legend(frameon=False, loc=loc_legend) if xtick_min_label: if xlog: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=None, numticks=10)) else: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) if ytick_min_label: if ylog: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=None, numticks=10)) else: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) if xtick_spe is not None: plt.xticks(xtick_spe[0], xtick_spe[1]) if ytick_spe is not None: plt.yticks(ytick_spe[0], ytick_spe[1]) if invertX: plt.gca().invert_xaxis() if invertY: plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel(XLABEL) plt.ylabel(YLABEL) if TITLE is not None: plt.title(TITLE) if outpath=='show': plt.close() else: plt.savefig(outpath, dpi=300) plt.close() plt.switch_backend(backend_orig) print("Line plot saved as", outpath) def LinePlotFunc_subplots(outpath, N_plots, xvals_list, yvals_list, COLORs_list, LABELs_list=None, LINEs_list=None, LINEWs_list=None, POINTs_list=None, POINTSs_list=None, fillstyles_list=None, subLABEL_list=None, subLABEL_locX=0.1, subLABEL_locY=0.8, XRANGE=None, YRANGE=None, XLABEL=None, YLABEL=None, TITLE=None, xtick_min_label=True, xtick_spe=None, ytick_min_label=True, ytick_spe=None, vlines=None, vline_styles=None, vline_colors=None, vline_labels=None, vline_widths=None, hlines=None, hline_styles=None, hline_colors=None, hline_labels=None, hline_widths=None, xlog=False, invertX=False, ylog=False, invertY=False, loc_legend='best', font_size=12, usetex=False): """ Line plot for multiple subplots """ # font size plt.rc('font', size=font_size) # tex plt.rcParams["text.usetex"] = usetex if outpath != 'show': backend_orig = plt.get_backend() plt.switch_backend("agg") N_rows = math.ceil(N_plots**0.5) N_cols = math.ceil(N_plots/N_rows) fig, axs = plt.subplots(N_rows, N_cols, sharex=True, sharey=True) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) i_plot = 0 for i_row in range(N_rows): for i_col in range(N_cols): if i_plot >= N_plots: if N_rows == 1: axs[i_col].axis('off') elif N_cols == 1: axs[i_row].axis('off') else: axs[i_row, i_col].axis('off') else: if (N_rows==1) and (N_cols == 1): ax = axs elif N_rows == 1: ax = axs[i_col] elif N_cols == 1: ax = axs[i_row] else: ax = axs[i_row, i_col] xvals = xvals_list[i_plot] yvals = yvals_list[i_plot] COLORs = COLORs_list[i_plot] if LABELs_list is not None: LABELs = LABELs_list[i_plot] else: LABELs = None if LINEs_list is not None: LINEs = LINEs_list[i_plot] else: LINEs = None if LINEWs_list is not None: LINEWs = LINEWs_list[i_plot] else: LINEWs = None if POINTs_list is not None: POINTs = POINTs_list[i_plot] else: POINTs = None if POINTSs_list is not None: POINTSs = POINTSs_list[i_plot] else: POINTSs = None if fillstyles_list is not None: fillstyles = fillstyles_list[i_plot] else: fillstyles = None for i, xvl in enumerate(xvals): yvl = yvals[i] CR = COLORs[i] if LABELs is not None: LAB = LABELs[i] else: LAB = None if LINEs is not None: LN = LINEs[i] else: LN = '--' if LINEWs is not None: LW = LINEWs[i] else: LW = 1 if POINTs is not None: PI = POINTs[i] else: PI = 'o' if POINTSs is not None: MS = POINTSs[i] else: MS = 2 if fillstyles is not None: fillstyle = fillstyles[i] else: fillstyle = 'full' ax.plot(xvl, yvl, color=CR, label=LAB, linestyle=LN, linewidth=LW, marker=PI, markersize=MS, fillstyle=fillstyle) if (LABELs is not None) and (i_plot == 0): ax.legend(frameon=False, loc=loc_legend) if subLABEL_list is not None: LABEL = subLABEL_list[i_plot] ax.text(subLABEL_locX, subLABEL_locY, LABEL, transform=ax.transAxes) if XRANGE is not None: ax.set_xlim(XRANGE[0], XRANGE[1]) if YRANGE is not None: ax.set_ylim(YRANGE[0], YRANGE[1]) if xlog: ax.set_xscale('log') if ylog: ax.set_yscale('log') if vlines is not None: _vhlines('v', vlines, line_styles=vline_styles, line_colors=vline_colors, line_labels=vline_labels, line_widths=vline_widths, ax=ax) if hlines is not None: _vhlines('h', hlines, line_styles=hline_styles, line_colors=hline_colors, line_labels=hline_labels, line_widths=hline_widths, ax=ax) if xtick_min_label: if xlog: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=None, numticks=10)) else: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) if ytick_min_label: if ylog: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=None, numticks=10)) else: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) if xtick_spe is not None: plt.xticks(xtick_spe[0], xtick_spe[1]) if ytick_spe is not None: plt.yticks(ytick_spe[0], ytick_spe[1]) if invertY: plt.gca().invert_yaxis() if invertX: plt.gca().invert_xaxis() i_plot +=1 fig.text(0.5, 0.04, XLABEL, ha='center') fig.text(0.04, 0.5, YLABEL, va='center', rotation='vertical') if TITLE is not None: fig.text(0.5, 0.90, TITLE, ha='center') if outpath == 'show': plt.close() else: plt.savefig(outpath, dpi=300) plt.close() plt.switch_backend(backend_orig) print("Line plot saved as", outpath) def ErrorPlotFunc(outpath, xvals, yvals, yerrs, COLORs, LABELs=None, LINEs=None, LINEWs=None, POINTs=None, POINTSs=None, ERRORSIZEs=None, XRANGE=None, YRANGE=None, XLABEL=None, YLABEL=None, TITLE=None, xtick_min_label=True, xtick_spe=None, ytick_min_label=True, ytick_spe=None, vlines=None, vline_styles=None, vline_colors=None, vline_labels=None, vline_widths=None, hlines=None, hline_styles=None, hline_colors=None, hline_labels=None, hline_widths=None, xlog=False, invertX=False, ylog=False, invertY=False, loc_legend='best', font_size=12, usetex=False): """ Errorbar plot for multiple parameters """ # font size plt.rc('font', size=font_size) # tex plt.rcParams["text.usetex"] = usetex if outpath != 'show': backend_orig = plt.get_backend() plt.switch_backend("agg") fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i, xvl in enumerate(xvals): yvl = yvals[i] yerr = yerrs[i] if yerr is not None: yerr = np.array(yerr) yerr = np.vstack([yerr[0], yerr[1]]) CR = COLORs[i] if LABELs is not None: LAB = LABELs[i] else: LAB = None if LINEs is not None: LN = LINEs[i] else: LN = '--' if LINEWs is not None: LW = LINEWs[i] else: LW = 1 if POINTs is not None: PI = POINTs[i] else: PI = 'o' if POINTSs is not None: MS = POINTSs[i] else: MS = 2 if ERRORSIZEs is not None: ERRORSIZE = ERRORSIZEs[i] else: ERRORSIZE = 2 ax.errorbar(xvl, yvl, yerr=yerr, color=CR, label=LAB, linestyle=LN, linewidth=LW, marker=PI, markersize=MS, capsize=ERRORSIZE) if XRANGE is not None: plt.xlim(XRANGE[0], XRANGE[1]) if YRANGE is not None: plt.ylim(YRANGE[0], YRANGE[1]) if xlog: plt.xscale('log') if ylog: plt.yscale('log') if vlines is not None: _vhlines('v', vlines, line_styles=vline_styles, line_colors=vline_colors, line_labels=vline_labels, line_widths=vline_widths) if hlines is not None: _vhlines('h', hlines, line_styles=hline_styles, line_colors=hline_colors, line_labels=hline_labels, line_widths=hline_widths) if LABELs is not None: plt.legend(frameon=False, loc=loc_legend) if xtick_min_label: if xlog: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=None, numticks=10)) else: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) if ytick_min_label: if ylog: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=None, numticks=10)) else: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) if xtick_spe is not None: plt.xticks(xtick_spe[0], xtick_spe[1]) if ytick_spe is not None: plt.yticks(ytick_spe[0], ytick_spe[1]) if invertX: plt.gca().invert_xaxis() if invertY: plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel(XLABEL) plt.ylabel(YLABEL) if TITLE is not None: plt.title(TITLE) if outpath=='show': plt.close() else: plt.savefig(outpath, dpi=300) plt.close() plt.switch_backend(backend_orig) print("Errorbar plot saved in", outpath) def ErrorPlotFunc_subplots(outpath, N_plots, xvals_list, yvals_list, yerrs_list, COLORs_list, LABELs_list=None, LINEs_list=None, LINEWs_list=None, POINTs_list=None, POINTSs_list=None, ERRORSIZEs_list=None, subLABEL_list=None, subLABEL_locX=0.1, subLABEL_locY=0.8, XRANGE=None, YRANGE=None, XLABEL=None, YLABEL=None, TITLE=None, xtick_min_label=True, xtick_spe=None, ytick_min_label=True, ytick_spe=None, vlines=None, vline_styles=None, vline_colors=None, vline_labels=None, vline_widths=None, hlines=None, hline_styles=None, hline_colors=None, hline_labels=None, hline_widths=None, xlog=False, invertX=False, ylog=False, invertY=False, loc_legend='best', font_size=12, usetex=False): """ Errorbar plot for multiple subplots """ # font size plt.rc('font', size=font_size) # tex plt.rcParams["text.usetex"] = usetex if outpath != 'show': backend_orig = plt.get_backend() plt.switch_backend("agg") N_rows = math.ceil(N_plots**0.5) N_cols = math.ceil(N_plots/N_rows) fig, axs = plt.subplots(N_rows, N_cols, sharex=True, sharey=True) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0) i_plot = 0 for i_row in range(N_rows): for i_col in range(N_cols): if i_plot >= N_plots: if N_rows == 1: axs[i_col].axis('off') elif N_cols == 1: axs[i_row].axis('off') else: axs[i_row, i_col].axis('off') else: if (N_rows==1) and (N_cols == 1): ax = axs elif N_rows == 1: ax = axs[i_col] elif N_cols == 1: ax = axs[i_row] else: ax = axs[i_row, i_col] xvals = xvals_list[i_plot] yvals = yvals_list[i_plot] yerrs = yerrs_list[i_plot] COLORs = COLORs_list[i_plot] if LABELs_list is not None: LABELs = LABELs_list[i_plot] else: LABELs = None if LINEs_list is not None: LINEs = LINEs_list[i_plot] else: LINEs = None if LINEWs_list is not None: LINEWs = LINEWs_list[i_plot] else: LINEWs = None if POINTs_list is not None: POINTs = POINTs_list[i_plot] else: POINTs = None if POINTSs_list is not None: POINTSs = POINTSs_list[i_plot] else: POINTSs = None if ERRORSIZEs_list is not None: ERRORSIZEs = ERRORSIZEs_list[i_plot] else: ERRORSIZEs = None for i, xvl in enumerate(xvals): yvl = yvals[i] yerr = yerrs[i] if yerr is not None: yerr =
from PyUnityVibes.UnityFigure import UnityFigure import time, math import numpy as np # Function of the derivative of X def xdot(x, u): return np.array([[x[3, 0]*math.cos(x[2, 0])], [x[3, 0]*math.sin(x[2, 0])], [u[0, 0]], [u[1, 0]]]) # Function witch return the command to follow to assure the trajectory def control(x, w, dw): A = np.array([[-x[3, 0]*math.sin(x[2, 0]), math.cos(x[2, 0])], [x[3, 0]*math.cos(x[2, 0]), math.sin(x[2, 0])]]) y = np.array([[x[0, 0]], [x[1, 0]]]) dy = np.array([[x[3, 0]*math.cos(x[2, 0])], [x[3, 0]*math.sin(x[2, 0])]]) v = w - y + 2*(dw - dy) return np.linalg.inv(A) @ v # Function for the command with supervisor - alpha the time step between the follower and followed def followSupervisor(alpha): w = np.array([[Lx * math.sin(0.1 * (t-alpha))], [Ly * math.cos(0.1 * (t-alpha))]]) dw = np.array([[Lx * 0.1 * math.cos(0.1 * (t-alpha))], [-Ly * 0.1 * math.sin(0.1 * (t-alpha))]]) return w, dw if __name__ == "__main__": # Initialization of the figure # Parameters: # figType: the dimension of the figure (see UnityFigure.FIGURE_*) # scene: the scene to be loaded (see UnityFigure.SCENE_*) figure = UnityFigure(UnityFigure.FIGURE_3D, UnityFigure.SCENE_EMPTY) time.sleep(1) # Initialization variables dt = 0.16 xa =
np.array([[10], [0], [1], [1]])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et: """ The rapidart module provides routines for artifact detection and region of interest analysis. These functions include: * ArtifactDetect: performs artifact detection on functional images * StimulusCorrelation: determines correlation between stimuli schedule and movement/intensity parameters """ import os from copy import deepcopy from nibabel import load, funcs, Nifti1Image import numpy as np from ..interfaces.base import ( BaseInterface, traits, InputMultiPath, OutputMultiPath, TraitedSpec, File, BaseInterfaceInputSpec, isdefined, ) from ..utils.filemanip import ensure_list, save_json, split_filename from ..utils.misc import find_indices, normalize_mc_params from .. import logging, config iflogger = logging.getLogger("nipype.interface") def _get_affine_matrix(params, source): """Return affine matrix given a set of translation and rotation parameters params : np.array (upto 12 long) in native package format source : the package that generated the parameters supports SPM, AFNI, FSFAST, FSL, NIPY """ if source == "NIPY": # nipy does not store typical euler angles, use nipy to convert from nipy.algorithms.registration import to_matrix44 return to_matrix44(params) params = normalize_mc_params(params, source) # process for FSL, SPM, AFNI and FSFAST rotfunc = lambda x: np.array([[np.cos(x), np.sin(x)], [-np.sin(x), np.cos(x)]]) q = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]) if len(params) < 12: params = np.hstack((params, q[len(params) :])) params.shape = (len(params),) # Translation T = np.eye(4) T[0:3, -1] = params[0:3] # Rotation Rx = np.eye(4) Rx[1:3, 1:3] = rotfunc(params[3]) Ry = np.eye(4) Ry[(0, 0, 2, 2), (0, 2, 0, 2)] = rotfunc(params[4]).ravel() Rz = np.eye(4) Rz[0:2, 0:2] = rotfunc(params[5]) # Scaling S = np.eye(4) S[0:3, 0:3] = np.diag(params[6:9]) # Shear Sh = np.eye(4) Sh[(0, 0, 1), (1, 2, 2)] = params[9:12] if source in ("AFNI", "FSFAST"): return,,,,, Sh))))) return,,,,, Sh))))) def _calc_norm(mc, use_differences, source, brain_pts=None): """Calculates the maximum overall displacement of the midpoints of the faces of a cube due to translation and rotation. Parameters ---------- mc : motion parameter estimates [3 translation, 3 rotation (radians)] use_differences : boolean brain_pts : [4 x n_points] of coordinates Returns ------- norm : at each time point displacement : euclidean distance (mm) of displacement at each coordinate """ affines = [_get_affine_matrix(mc[i, :], source) for i in range(mc.shape[0])] return _calc_norm_affine(affines, use_differences, brain_pts) def _calc_norm_affine(affines, use_differences, brain_pts=None): """Calculates the maximum overall displacement of the midpoints of the faces of a cube due to translation and rotation. Parameters ---------- affines : list of [4 x 4] affine matrices use_differences : boolean brain_pts : [4 x n_points] of coordinates Returns ------- norm : at each time point displacement : euclidean distance (mm) of displacement at each coordinate """ if brain_pts is None: respos = np.diag([70, 70, 75]) resneg = np.diag([-70, -110, -45]) all_pts = np.vstack((np.hstack((respos, resneg)), np.ones((1, 6)))) displacement = None else: all_pts = brain_pts n_pts = all_pts.size - all_pts.shape[1] newpos = np.zeros((len(affines), n_pts)) if brain_pts is not None: displacement = np.zeros((len(affines), int(n_pts / 3))) for i, affine in enumerate(affines): newpos[i, :] =, all_pts)[0:3, :].ravel() if brain_pts is not None: displacement[i, :] = np.sqrt( np.sum( np.power( np.reshape(newpos[i, :], (3, all_pts.shape[1])) - all_pts[0:3, :], 2, ), axis=0, ) ) # np.savez('displacement.npz', newpos=newpos, pts=all_pts) normdata = np.zeros(len(affines)) if use_differences: newpos = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1, n_pts)), np.diff(newpos, n=1, axis=0)), axis=0 ) for i in range(newpos.shape[0]): normdata[i] = np.max( np.sqrt( np.sum( np.reshape( np.power(np.abs(newpos[i, :]), 2), (3, all_pts.shape[1]) ), axis=0, ) ) ) else: from scipy.signal import detrend newpos = np.abs(detrend(newpos, axis=0, type="constant")) normdata = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(newpos, 2), axis=1)) return normdata, displacement class ArtifactDetectInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): realigned_files = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc=("Names of realigned functional data " "files"), mandatory=True, ) realignment_parameters = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc=( "Names of realignment " "parameters corresponding to " "the functional data files" ), ) parameter_source = traits.Enum( "SPM", "FSL", "AFNI", "NiPy", "FSFAST", desc="Source of movement parameters", mandatory=True, ) use_differences = traits.ListBool( [True, False], minlen=2, maxlen=2, usedefault=True, desc=( "Use differences between successive" " motion (first element) and " "intensity parameter (second " "element) estimates in order to " "determine outliers. " "(default is [True, False])" ), ) use_norm = traits.Bool( True, usedefault=True, requires=["norm_threshold"], desc=( "Uses a composite of the motion parameters in " "order to determine outliers." ), ) norm_threshold = traits.Float( xor=["rotation_threshold", "translation_threshold"], mandatory=True, desc=( "Threshold to use to detect motion-rela" "ted outliers when composite motion is " "being used" ), ) rotation_threshold = traits.Float( mandatory=True, xor=["norm_threshold"], desc=("Threshold (in radians) to use to " "detect rotation-related outliers"), ) translation_threshold = traits.Float( mandatory=True, xor=["norm_threshold"], desc=("Threshold (in mm) to use to " "detect translation-related " "outliers"), ) zintensity_threshold = traits.Float( mandatory=True, desc=( "Intensity Z-threshold use to " "detection images that deviate " "from the mean" ), ) mask_type = traits.Enum( "spm_global", "file", "thresh", mandatory=True, desc=( "Type of mask that should be used to mask the" " functional data. *spm_global* uses an " "spm_global like calculation to determine the" " brain mask. *file* specifies a brain mask " "file (should be an image file consisting of " "0s and 1s). *thresh* specifies a threshold " "to use. By default all voxels are used," "unless one of these mask types are defined" ), ) mask_file = File(exists=True, desc="Mask file to be used if mask_type is 'file'.") mask_threshold = traits.Float( desc=("Mask threshold to be used if mask_type" " is 'thresh'.") ) intersect_mask = traits.Bool( True, usedefault=True, desc=("Intersect the masks when computed from " "spm_global."), ) save_plot = traits.Bool( True, desc="save plots containing outliers", usedefault=True ) plot_type = traits.Enum( "png", "svg", "eps", "pdf", desc="file type of the outlier plot", usedefault=True, ) bound_by_brainmask = traits.Bool( False, desc=( "use the brain mask to " "determine bounding box" "for composite norm (works" "for SPM and Nipy - currently" "inaccurate for FSL, AFNI" ), usedefault=True, ) global_threshold = traits.Float( 8.0, desc=("use this threshold when mask " "type equal's spm_global"), usedefault=True, ) class ArtifactDetectOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): outlier_files = OutputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc=( "One file for each functional run " "containing a list of 0-based indices" " corresponding to outlier volumes" ), ) intensity_files = OutputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc=( "One file for each functional run " "containing the global intensity " "values determined from the " "brainmask" ), ) norm_files = OutputMultiPath( File, desc=("One file for each functional run " "containing the composite norm") ) statistic_files = OutputMultiPath( File(exists=True), desc=( "One file for each functional run " "containing information about the " "different types of artifacts and " "if design info is provided then " "details of stimulus correlated " "motion and a listing or artifacts " "by event type." ), ) plot_files = OutputMultiPath( File, desc=( "One image file for each functional run " "containing the detected outliers" ), ) mask_files = OutputMultiPath( File, desc=( "One image file for each functional run " "containing the mask used for global " "signal calculation" ), ) displacement_files = OutputMultiPath( File, desc=( "One image file for each " "functional run containing the " "voxel displacement timeseries" ), ) class ArtifactDetect(BaseInterface): """Detects outliers in a functional imaging series Uses intensity and motion parameters to infer outliers. If `use_norm` is True, it computes the movement of the center of each face a cuboid centered around the head and returns the maximal movement across the centers. If you wish to use individual thresholds instead, import `Undefined` from `nipype.interfaces.base` and set `....inputs.use_norm = Undefined` Examples -------- >>> ad = ArtifactDetect() >>> ad.inputs.realigned_files = 'functional.nii' >>> ad.inputs.realignment_parameters = 'functional.par' >>> ad.inputs.parameter_source = 'FSL' >>> ad.inputs.norm_threshold = 1 >>> ad.inputs.use_differences = [True, False] >>> ad.inputs.zintensity_threshold = 3 >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ input_spec = ArtifactDetectInputSpec output_spec = ArtifactDetectOutputSpec def __init__(self, **inputs): super(ArtifactDetect, self).__init__(**inputs) def _get_output_filenames(self, motionfile, output_dir): """Generate output files based on motion filenames Parameters ---------- motionfile: file/string Filename for motion parameter file output_dir: string output directory in which the files will be generated """ if isinstance(motionfile, (str, bytes)): infile = motionfile elif isinstance(motionfile, list): infile = motionfile[0] else: raise Exception("Unknown type of file") _, filename, ext = split_filename(infile) artifactfile = os.path.join( output_dir, "".join(("art.", filename, "_outliers.txt")) ) intensityfile = os.path.join( output_dir, "".join(("global_intensity.", filename, ".txt")) ) statsfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "".join(("stats.", filename, ".txt"))) normfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "".join(("norm.", filename, ".txt"))) plotfile = os.path.join( output_dir, "".join(("plot.", filename, ".", self.inputs.plot_type)) ) displacementfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "".join(("disp.", filename, ext))) maskfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "".join(("mask.", filename, ext))) return ( artifactfile, intensityfile, statsfile, normfile, plotfile, displacementfile, maskfile, ) def _list_outputs(self): outputs = self._outputs().get() outputs["outlier_files"] = [] outputs["intensity_files"] = [] outputs["statistic_files"] = [] outputs["mask_files"] = [] if isdefined(self.inputs.use_norm) and self.inputs.use_norm: outputs["norm_files"] = [] if self.inputs.bound_by_brainmask: outputs["displacement_files"] = [] if isdefined(self.inputs.save_plot) and self.inputs.save_plot: outputs["plot_files"] = [] for i, f in enumerate(ensure_list(self.inputs.realigned_files)): ( outlierfile, intensityfile, statsfile, normfile, plotfile, displacementfile, maskfile, ) = self._get_output_filenames(f, os.getcwd()) outputs["outlier_files"].insert(i, outlierfile) outputs["intensity_files"].insert(i, intensityfile) outputs["statistic_files"].insert(i, statsfile) outputs["mask_files"].insert(i, maskfile) if isdefined(self.inputs.use_norm) and self.inputs.use_norm: outputs["norm_files"].insert(i, normfile) if self.inputs.bound_by_brainmask: outputs["displacement_files"].insert(i, displacementfile) if isdefined(self.inputs.save_plot) and self.inputs.save_plot: outputs["plot_files"].insert(i, plotfile) return outputs def _plot_outliers_with_wave(self, wave, outliers, name): import matplotlib matplotlib.use(config.get("execution", "matplotlib_backend")) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(wave) plt.ylim([wave.min(), wave.max()]) plt.xlim([0, len(wave) - 1]) if len(outliers): plt.plot( np.tile(outliers[:, None], (1, 2)).T, np.tile([wave.min(), wave.max()], (len(outliers), 1)).T, "r", ) plt.xlabel("Scans - 0-based") plt.ylabel(name) def _detect_outliers_core(self, imgfile, motionfile, runidx, cwd=None): """ Core routine for detecting outliers """ from scipy import signal if not cwd: cwd = os.getcwd() # read in functional image if isinstance(imgfile, (str, bytes)): nim = load(imgfile) elif isinstance(imgfile, list): if len(imgfile) == 1: nim = load(imgfile[0]) else: images = [load(f) for f in imgfile] nim = funcs.concat_images(images) # compute global intensity signal (x, y, z, timepoints) = nim.shape data = nim.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) affine = nim.affine g = np.zeros((timepoints, 1)) masktype = self.inputs.mask_type if masktype == "spm_global": # spm_global like calculation iflogger.debug("art: using spm global") intersect_mask = self.inputs.intersect_mask if intersect_mask: mask = np.ones((x, y, z), dtype=bool) for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] # Use an SPM like approach mask_tmp = vol > (np.nanmean(vol) / self.inputs.global_threshold) mask = mask * mask_tmp for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] g[t0] = np.nanmean(vol[mask]) if len(find_indices(mask)) < (, y, z)) / 10): intersect_mask = False g = np.zeros((timepoints, 1)) if not intersect_mask:"not intersect_mask is True") mask = np.zeros((x, y, z, timepoints)) for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] mask_tmp = vol > (np.nanmean(vol) / self.inputs.global_threshold) mask[:, :, :, t0] = mask_tmp g[t0] = np.nansum(vol * mask_tmp) / np.nansum(mask_tmp) elif masktype == "file": # uses a mask image to determine intensity maskimg = load(self.inputs.mask_file) mask = maskimg.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) affine = maskimg.affine mask = mask > 0.5 for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] g[t0] = np.nanmean(vol[mask]) elif masktype == "thresh": # uses a fixed signal threshold for t0 in range(timepoints): vol = data[:, :, :, t0] mask = vol > self.inputs.mask_threshold g[t0] = np.nanmean(vol[mask]) else: mask = np.ones((x, y, z)) g = np.nanmean(data[mask > 0, :], 1) # compute normalized intensity values gz = signal.detrend(g, axis=0) # detrend the signal if self.inputs.use_differences[1]: gz = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, 1)), np.diff(gz, n=1, axis=0)), axis=0) gz = (gz - np.mean(gz)) / np.std(gz) # normalize the detrended signal iidx = find_indices(abs(gz) > self.inputs.zintensity_threshold) # read in motion parameters mc_in = np.loadtxt(motionfile) mc = deepcopy(mc_in) ( artifactfile, intensityfile, statsfile, normfile, plotfile, displacementfile, maskfile, ) = self._get_output_filenames(imgfile, cwd) mask_img = Nifti1Image(mask.astype(np.uint8), affine) mask_img.to_filename(maskfile) if self.inputs.use_norm: brain_pts = None if self.inputs.bound_by_brainmask: voxel_coords = np.nonzero(mask) coords = np.vstack( (voxel_coords[0], np.vstack((voxel_coords[1], voxel_coords[2]))) ).T brain_pts = affine, np.hstack((coords, np.ones((coords.shape[0], 1)))).T ) # calculate the norm of the motion parameters normval, displacement = _calc_norm( mc, self.inputs.use_differences[0], self.inputs.parameter_source, brain_pts=brain_pts, ) tidx = find_indices(normval > self.inputs.norm_threshold) ridx = find_indices(normval < 0) if displacement is not None: dmap =
np.zeros((x, y, z, timepoints), dtype=np.float64)
import numpy as np def getClosestFactors(n): i = int(n ** 0.5) while (n % i != 0): i -= 1 return (i, int(n/i)) def getBoundary(x, r, n): """returns in the form [lower, upper)""" lower = x - r upper = x + r + 1 if lower < 0: lower = 0 if upper > n: upper = n return (lower, upper) def getRandomSample(array, n): """returns in the form (x, y, array[x, y])""" if n > array.size: raise ValueError("Sample size must be smaller than number of elements in array") else: idx = np.random.choice(array.shape[0], size=n, replace=False) idy = np.random.choice(array.shape[1], size=n, replace=False) sample = array[idx, idy] return list(zip(idx, idy, sample)) def getNeighbours(array, randomSample, radius): """Get the neighbours of randomSample[:, 2] within a radius. Border cases include -1 for missing neighbours.""" maxNeighbours = (2*radius + 1)**2 - 1 sampleSize = len(randomSample) neighbours = np.full((sampleSize, maxNeighbours), -1) height, width = array.shape idx = list(zip(*randomSample))[0] idy = list(zip(*randomSample))[1] xspans = np.array([getBoundary(x, radius, height) for x in idx], dtype=np.uint32) yspans = np.array([getBoundary(y, radius, width) for y in idy], dtype=np.uint32) for i in range(sampleSize): subgrid = np.ix_(range(*xspans[i]), range(*yspans[i])) x_rel = idx[i] - xspans[i, 0] y_rel = idy[i] - yspans[i, 0] #get rid of patient zero in subarray surrounding = np.delete(array[subgrid], x_rel*subgrid[1].shape[1] + y_rel) neighbours[i, :surrounding.shape[0]] = surrounding return neighbours def updateGrid(array, community): """shuffle array based on Mersenne Twister algorithm in np.random""" #shuffle grid along both axes np.apply_along_axis(np.random.shuffle, 1, array) np.random.shuffle(array) #update locations of individuals getLoc = lambda x : (x // array.shape[0], x % array.shape[1]) r = array.ravel() for i in range(array.size): community.people[r[i]].updateLoc(getLoc(i)) return array def equalGridCrossing(grid1, grid2, n): """Shuffle n randomly selected individuals between grid1 and grid2. Returns as (grid1, grid2)""" if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError("Number of individuals to swap must be of type int") if n > grid1.size or n > grid2.size: raise ValueError("number of individuals must be less than size of grid") id1x = np.random.choice(grid1.shape[0], size=n, replace=False) id1y = np.random.choice(grid1.shape[1], size=n, replace=False) id2x = np.random.choice(grid2.shape[0], size=n, replace=False) id2y = np.random.choice(grid2.shape[1], size=n, replace=False) grid1[id1x, id1y], grid2[id2x, id2y] = grid2[id2x, id2y], grid1[id1x, id1y] return (grid1, grid2) def unequalGridCrossing(grid1, grid2, outGrid1, outGrid2): """Shuffle in a way that one grid loses abs(outGrid1 - outGrid2) individuals. If outGrid1 is equal to outGrid2 call equalGridCrossing.""" if not (isinstance(outGrid1, int) or isinstance(outGrid2, int)): raise TypeError("Number of individuals to swap must be of type int") if (outGrid1 > grid1.size or outGrid2 > grid2.size): raise ValueError("Cannot relocate more than grid population") id1x = np.random.choice(grid1.shape[0], size=outGrid1, replace=False) id1y = np.random.choice(grid1.shape[1], size=outGrid1, replace=False) id2x = np.random.choice(grid2.shape[0], size=outGrid2, replace=False) id2y = np.random.choice(grid2.shape[1], size=outGrid2, replace=False) excess = abs(outGrid1 - outGrid2) if outGrid1 > outGrid2: #swap individuals that can be relocated in place grid1[id1x[:-excess], id1y[:-excess]], grid2[id2x, id2y] = grid2[id2x, id2y], grid1[id1x[:-excess], id1y[:-excess]] #swap excess nrow = np.full(grid2.shape[1], -1) nrow[:excess] = grid1[id1x[outGrid2:], id1y[outGrid2:]] #mark lost individuals in grid1 as -1 grid1[id1x[outGrid2:], id1y[outGrid2:]] = -1 #stack the new row created grid2 = np.vstack((grid2, nrow)) elif outGrid2 > outGrid1: grid2[id2x[:-excess], id2y[:-excess]], grid1[id1x, id1y] = grid1[id1x, id1y], grid2[id2x[:-excess], id2y[:-excess]] nrow =
np.full(grid1.shape[1], -1)
import concurrent.futures import enum import itertools import json import logging from pathlib import Path import cv2 import hydra import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate import tifffile from omegaconf import OmegaConf, DictConfig from tqdm import tqdm CONFIG_FILE = 'config.yaml' class DistortMode(enum.Enum): LINEAR = 'linear' NEAREST = 'nearest' def distort_image(img: np.ndarray, cam_intr: np.ndarray, dist_coeff: np.ndarray, mode: DistortMode = DistortMode.LINEAR, crop_output: bool = True, crop_type: str = "corner") -> np.ndarray: """Apply fisheye distortion to an image Args: img (numpy.ndarray): BGR image. Shape: (H, W, 3) cam_intr (numpy.ndarray): The camera intrinsics matrix, in pixels: [[fx, 0, cx], [0, fx, cy], [0, 0, 1]] Shape: (3, 3) dist_coeff (numpy.ndarray): The fisheye distortion coefficients, for OpenCV fisheye module. Shape: (1, 4) mode (DistortMode): For distortion, whether to use nearest neighbour or linear interpolation. RGB images = linear, Mask/Surface Normals/Depth = nearest crop_output (bool): Whether to crop the output distorted image into a rectangle. The 4 corners of the input image will be mapped to 4 corners of the distorted image for cropping. crop_type (str): How to crop. "corner": We crop to the corner points of the original image, maintaining FOV at the top edge of image. "middle": We take the widest points along the middle of the image (height and width). There will be black pixels on the corners. To counter this, original image has to be higher FOV than the desired output. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The distorted image, same resolution as input image. Unmapped pixels will be black in color. """ assert cam_intr.shape == (3, 3) assert dist_coeff.shape == (4,) imshape = img.shape if len(imshape) == 3: h, w, chan = imshape elif len(imshape) == 2: h, w = imshape chan = 1 else: raise RuntimeError(f'Image has unsupported shape: {imshape}. Valid shapes: (H, W), (H, W, N)') imdtype = img.dtype # Get array of pixel co-ords xs = np.arange(w) ys = np.arange(h) xv, yv =
np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
import numpy as np from epimargin.models import SIR from epimargin.policy import PrioritizedAssignment from studies.age_structure.commons import * mp = PrioritizedAssignment( daily_doses = 100, effectiveness = 1, S_bins = np.array([ [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 60], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 45], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 0] ]), I_bins = np.array([ [0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 7, 10], [0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 7, 45], [0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 7, 70] ]), age_ratios = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05]), IFRs = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04]), prioritization = [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], label = "test-mortality" ) cr = PrioritizedAssignment( daily_doses = 100, effectiveness = 1, S_bins = np.array([ [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 60], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 45], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 0] ]), I_bins = np.array([ [0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 7, 10], [0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 7, 45], [0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 7, 70] ]), age_ratios = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.25, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05]), IFRs =
np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04])
from copy import deepcopy from numpy import sin, cos, pi, tan, arctan, array, arctan2, square, arcsin, savetxt from math import pi, inf, sqrt, radians def fk(q): # Geometry a1 = 0.235 a2 = 0.355 a4 = 0.20098 a5 = 0.345 d1 = 0.505 d5 = 0.00837 d6 = 0.6928 # DH table dh = array([[q[0], d1, -a1, pi / 2], [(q[1] + pi / 2), 0, a2, pi / 2], [0, q[2], 0, 0], [q[3], 0, -a4, pi / 2], [q[4], -d5, -a5, -pi / 2], [0, d6, 0, 0]]) # Transformation matrices t1 = t_dh(dh[0, :]) t2 = t_dh(dh[1, :]) t3 = t_dh(dh[2, :]) t4 = t_dh(dh[3, :]) t5 = t_dh(dh[4, :]) t6 = t_dh(dh[5, :]) t = t1 @ t2 @ t3 @ t4 @ t5 @ t6 return t def t_dh(u): a = rot_z(u[0]) b = trans_z(u[1]) c = trans_x(u[2]) d = rot_x(u[3]) t = a @ b @ c @ d return t def rot_z(theta): u = array([[cos(theta), -sin(theta), 0, 0], [sin(theta), cos(theta), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) return u def rot_x(alpha): u = array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), 0], [0, sin(alpha), cos(alpha), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) return u def trans_x(a_n): u = array([[1, 0, 0, a_n], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) return u def trans_z(d_n): u = array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, d_n], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) return u def fk_wrist(q): # Geometry a4 = 0.20098 a5 = 0.345 d5 = 0.00837 d6 = 0.6928 # DH table dh = array([[q[0], 0, -a4, pi/2], [q[1], -d5, -a5, -pi/2], [0, d6, 0, 0]]) # Transformation matrices t1 = t_dh(dh[0, :]) t2 = t_dh(dh[1, :]) t3 = t_dh(dh[2, :]) t = t1 @ t2 @ t3 return t def fk_boom(q): # Geometry a1 = 0.235 a2 = 0.355 d1 = 0.505 # DH table dh = array([[q[0], d1, -a1, pi / 2], [(q[1] + pi / 2), 0, a2, pi / 2], [0, q[2], 0, 0]]) # Transformation matrices t1 = t_dh(dh[0, :]) t2 = t_dh(dh[1, :]) t3 = t_dh(dh[2, :]) t = t1 @ t2 @ t3 return t def ik_wrist(qb, rx, ry): t2 = tan(ry / 2) t3 = t2 ** 2 t5 = tan(qb[0] / 2) t6 = t5 ** 2 t7 = t3 * t6 t11 = tan(qb[1] / 2 + pi / 4) t14 = tan(rx / 2) t15 = t14 * t5 t16 = t11 ** 2 t19 = t14 ** 2 t20 = t19 * t6 t21 = t19 * t3 t24 = t2 * t11 t25 = 2 * t24 t28 = 4 * t15 * t11 t31 = t19 * t2 t33 = 2 * t31 * t11 t34 = t2 * t6 t36 = 2 * t34 * t11 t37 = t6 * t11 t39 = 2 * t31 * t37 t40 = t14 * t3 t41 = t5 * t11 t43 = 4 * t40 * t41 t44 = t19 * t16 + t20 * t16 + t3 * t16 + t7 * t16 + t21 * t6 + t21 - t25 + t28 - t33 + t36 + t39 - t43 + t6 + 1 t45 = t6 * t16 t48 = t21 * t16 + t21 * t45 + t16 + t19 + t20 + t25 - t28 + t3 + t33 - t36 - t39 + t43 + t45 + t7 t51 = sqrt(t44 / t48) t55 = t45 * t51 t65 = t16 * t51 t67 = t19 * t11 + t20 * t11 - t21 * t11 + t7 * t11 - 2 * t15 * t16 + t31 * t16 - t34 * t16 + t20 * t51 + 2 * t24 * t51 + t31 * t6 - 2 * t40 * t5 + t7 * t51 + 2 * t15 - t31 + t34 + t55 + t65 t79 = t11 * t51 t88 = t5 * t16 t92 = -2 * t31 * t37 * t51 + 4 * t40 * t41 * t51 + t3 * t11 - 4 * t15 * t79 + t2 * t16 + t19 * t51 - t21 * t37 + t21 * t55 + t21 * t65 + t3 * t51 - t31 * t45 + 2 * t31 * t79 - 2 * t34 * t79 + 2 * t40 * t88 - t11 - t2 - t37 t94 = t14 * t6 t96 = t2 * t5 t108 = t14 * t16 - t40 * t16 - t94 * t16 + 2 * t96 * t16 + 2 * t31 * t5 + 2 * t31 * t88 + t40 * t45 + t40 * t6 + t14 - t40 - t94 + 2 * t96 t111 = arctan((t67 + t92) / t108) q_4 = 2 * t111 t1 = sin(rx) t2 = cos(ry) t6 = qb[1] / 2 + pi / 4 t7 = sin(t6) t8 = cos(t6) t10 = sin(qb[0]) t13 = 2 * t1 * t2 * t7 * t8 * t10 t14 = cos(rx) t15 = t14 * t2 t16 = t8 ** 2 t18 = 2 * t15 * t16 t19 = sin(ry) t21 = cos(qb[0]) t24 = 2 * t19 * t7 * t8 * t21 t29 = sqrt(-(t13 + t18 - t24 - t15 + 1) / (t13 + t18 - t24 - t15 - 1)) t30 = arctan(t29) q_5 = -2 * t30 q = [q_4, q_5] return q def ik_boom(x, y, z): q_1 = arctan2(y, x) q_2 = 2*arctan2((200*z*cos(q_1)-101*cos(q_1)+(7369*cos(q_1)**2-40400*z*cos(q_1)**2+40000*z**2*cos( q_1)**2+18800*x*cos(q_1)+40000*x**2)**(1/2)), (2*(100*x+59*cos(q_1))))-pi/2 q_3 = -(71*cos(q_2)-200*z+101)/(200*
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.stats as stats from sklearn import decomposition as decomp from scRNA.abstract_clustering import AbstractClustering from scRNA.utils import center_kernel, normalize_kernel, kta_align_binary, \ get_matching_gene_inds, get_transferred_data_matrix, get_transferability_score class NmfClustering(AbstractClustering): num_cluster = -1 dictionary = None data_matrix = None def __init__(self, data, gene_ids, num_cluster, labels): super(NmfClustering, self).__init__(data, gene_ids=gene_ids) self.num_cluster = num_cluster def apply(self, k=-1, alpha=1.0, l1=0.75, max_iter=100, rel_err=1e-3): if k == -1: k = self.num_cluster X = self.pre_processing() nmf = decomp.NMF(alpha=alpha, init='nndsvdar', l1_ratio=l1, max_iter=max_iter, n_components=k, random_state=0, shuffle=True, solver='cd', tol=rel_err, verbose=0) W = nmf.fit_transform(X) H = nmf.components_ self.cluster_labels = np.argmax(nmf.components_, axis=0) if np.any(np.isnan(H)): raise Exception('H contains NaNs (alpha={0}, k={1}, l1={2}, data={3}x{4}'.format( alpha, k, l1, X.shape[0], X.shape[1])) if np.any(np.isnan(W)): raise Exception('W contains NaNs (alpha={0}, k={1}, l1={2}, data={3}x{4}'.format( alpha, k, l1, X.shape[0], X.shape[1])) # self.print_reconstruction_error(X, W, H) self.dictionary = W self.data_matrix = H def print_reconstruction_error(self, X, W, H): print((' Elementwise absolute reconstruction error : ', np.sum(np.abs(X - / np.float(X.size))) print((' Fro-norm reconstruction error : ', np.sqrt(np.sum((X -*(X - / np.float(X.size))) class NmfClustering_initW(AbstractClustering): num_cluster = -1 dictionary = None data_matrix = None def __init__(self, data, gene_ids, num_cluster, labels): super(NmfClustering_initW, self).__init__(data, gene_ids=gene_ids) self.num_cluster = num_cluster self.labels=labels def apply(self, k=-1, alpha=1.0, l1=0.75, max_iter=100, rel_err=1e-3): if k == -1: k = self.num_cluster X = self.pre_processing() fixed_W = pd.get_dummies(self.labels) fixed_W_t = fixed_W.T # interpret W as H (transpose), you can only fix H, while optimizing W in the code. So we simply switch those matrices (invert their roles). learned_H_t, fixed_W_t_same, n_iter = decomp.non_negative_factorization(X.astype(np.float), n_components=k, init='custom', random_state=0, update_H=False, H=fixed_W_t.astype(np.float), alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1, max_iter=max_iter, shuffle=True, solver='cd',tol=rel_err, verbose=0) init_W = fixed_W_t_same.T init_H = learned_H_t.T nmf = decomp.NMF(alpha=alpha, init='custom',l1_ratio=l1, max_iter=max_iter, n_components=k, random_state=0, shuffle=True, solver='cd', tol=rel_err, verbose=0) W = nmf.fit_transform(X.T, W=init_W, H = init_H) H = nmf.components_ self.cluster_labels = np.argmax(W, axis=1) if np.any(np.isnan(H)): raise Exception('H contains NaNs (alpha={0}, k={1}, l1={2}, data={3}x{4}'.format( alpha, k, l1, X.shape[0], X.shape[1])) if np.any(np.isnan(W)): raise Exception('W contains NaNs (alpha={0}, k={1}, l1={2}, data={3}x{4}'.format( alpha, k, l1, X.shape[0], X.shape[1])) # self.print_reconstruction_error(X, W, H) self.dictionary = H.T self.data_matrix = W.T def print_reconstruction_error(self, X, W, H): print((' Elementwise absolute reconstruction error : ', np.sum(np.abs(X - / np.float(X.size))) print((' Fro-norm reconstruction error : ', np.sqrt(np.sum((X -*(X - /
# # Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import dask.dataframe as dd import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest import nvtabular as nvt from merlin.core.dispatch import make_df from nvtabular import ColumnSelector, Schema, Workflow, ops try: import cudf _CPU = [True, False] except ImportError: _CPU = [True] @pytest.mark.parametrize("cpu", _CPU) @pytest.mark.parametrize("keys", [["name"], "id", ["name", "id"]]) def test_groupby_op(keys, cpu): # Initial timeseries dataset size = 60 df1 = make_df( { "name": np.random.choice(["Dave", "Zelda"], size=size), "id": np.random.choice([0, 1], size=size), "ts": np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, num=size), "x": np.arange(size), "y": np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, num=size), "shuffle": np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=10.0, size=size), } ) df1 = df1.sort_values("shuffle").drop(columns="shuffle").reset_index(drop=True) # Create a ddf, and be sure to shuffle by the groupby keys ddf1 = dd.from_pandas(df1, npartitions=3).shuffle(keys) dataset = nvt.Dataset(ddf1, cpu=cpu) dataset.schema.column_schemas["x"] = dataset.schema.column_schemas["x"].with_tags("custom_tag") # Define Groupby Workflow groupby_features = ColumnSelector(["name", "id", "ts", "x", "y"]) >> ops.Groupby( groupby_cols=keys, sort_cols=["ts"], aggs={ "x": ["list", "sum"], "y": ["first", "last"], "ts": ["min"], }, name_sep="-", ) processor = nvt.Workflow(groupby_features) new_gdf = processor.transform(dataset).to_ddf().compute() assert "custom_tag" in processor.output_schema.column_schemas["x-list"].tags if not cpu: # Make sure we are capturing the list type in `output_dtypes` assert ( processor.output_schema["x-list"].dtype == cudf.core.dtypes.ListDtype("int64").element_type ) assert processor.output_schema["x-list"].is_list is True assert processor.output_schema["x-list"].is_ragged is True # Check list-aggregation ordering x = new_gdf["x-list"] x = x.to_pandas() if hasattr(x, "to_pandas") else x sums = [] for el in x.values: _el = pd.Series(el) sums.append(_el.sum()) assert _el.is_monotonic_increasing # Check that list sums match sum aggregation x = new_gdf["x-sum"] x = x.to_pandas() if hasattr(x, "to_pandas") else x assert list(x) == sums # Check basic behavior or "y" column assert (new_gdf["y-first"] < new_gdf["y-last"]).all() @pytest.mark.parametrize("cpu", _CPU) def test_groupby_string_agg(cpu): # Initial sales dataset size = 60 df1 = make_df( { "product_id": np.random.randint(10, size=size), "day": np.random.randint(7, size=size), "price":
import copy import functions.setting.setting_utils as su from joblib import Parallel, delayed import json import logging import multiprocessing import numpy as np import os import time def search_indices(dvf, c, class_balanced, margin, dim_im, torso): """ This function searches for voxels based on the ClassBalanced in the parallel mode: if Setting['ParallelSearching'] == True :param dvf: input DVF :param c: enumerate of the class (in for loop over all classes) :param class_balanced: a vector indicates the classes, for instance [a,b] implies classes [0,a), [a,b) :param margin: Margin of the image. so no voxel would be selected if the index is smaller than K or greater than (ImageSize - K) :param dim_im: '2D' or '3D'. Please note that in 2D setting, we still have a 3D DVF with zero values for the third direction. Hence, we can't use np.all and we have to use np.any. :param torso: :return: I1 which is a numpy array of ravel_multi_index <NAME> <EMAIL> """ mask = np.zeros(np.shape(dvf)[:-1], dtype=np.bool) mask[margin:-margin, margin:-margin, margin:-margin] = True if torso is not None: mask = mask & torso i1 = None if c == 0: # Future: you can add a mask here to prevent selecting pixels twice! i1 = np.ravel_multi_index(np.where((np.all((np.abs(dvf) < class_balanced[c]), axis=3)) & mask), np.shape(dvf)[:-1]).astype(np.int32) # the output of np.where occupy huge part of memory! by converting it to a numpy array lots of memory can be saved! elif (c > 0) & (c < len(class_balanced)): if dim_im == 2: # in 2D experiments, the DVFList is still in 3D and for the third direction is set to 0. Here we use np.any() instead of np.all() i1 = np.ravel_multi_index(np.where((np.all((np.abs(dvf) < class_balanced[c]), axis=3)) & (np.any((np.abs(dvf) >= class_balanced[c - 1]), axis=3)) & mask), np.shape(dvf)[:-1]).astype(np.int32) elif dim_im == 3: i1 = np.ravel_multi_index(np.where((np.all((np.abs(dvf) < class_balanced[c]), axis=3)) & (np.all((np.abs(dvf) >= class_balanced[c - 1]), axis=3)) & mask), np.shape(dvf)[:-1]).astype(np.int32) return i1 def search_indices_seq(dvf_label, c, class_balanced, margin, torso): """ This function searches for voxels based on the ClassBalanced in the parallel mode: if Setting['ParallelSearching'] == True :param dvf_label: input DVF :param c: enumerate of the class (in for loop over all classes) :param class_balanced: a vector indicates the classes, for instance [a,b] implies classes [0,a), [a,b) :param margin: Margin of the image. so no voxel would be selected if the index is smaller than K or greater than (ImageSize - K) :param dim_im: '2D' or '3D'. Please note that in 2D setting, we still have a 3D DVF with zero values for the third direction. Hence, we can't use np.all and we have to use np.any. :return: I1 which is a numpy array of ravel_multi_index <NAME> <EMAIL> """ mask = np.zeros(np.shape(dvf_label), dtype=np.bool) mask[margin:-margin, margin:-margin, margin:-margin] = True if torso is not None: mask = mask & torso if isinstance(class_balanced[c], list): if len(class_balanced[c]) == 2: i1 = np.ravel_multi_index(np.where(np.logical_and(np.logical_or( dvf_label == class_balanced[c][0], dvf_label == class_balanced[c][1]), mask)), np.shape(dvf_label)).astype(np.int32) else: raise ValueError('implemented for maximum of two values per class') else: i1 = np.ravel_multi_index(np.where(np.logical_and(dvf_label == class_balanced[c], mask)), np.shape(dvf_label)).astype(np.int32) # the output of np.where occupy huge part of memory! by converting it to a numpy array lots of memory can be saved! return i1 def shuffled_indices_from_chunk(setting, dvf_list=None, torso_list=None, im_info_list=None, stage=None, stage_sequence=None, semi_epoch=None, chunk=None, samples_per_image=None, log_header='', full_image=None, seq_mode=False, chunk_length_force_to_multiple_of=None): if full_image: ishuffled = np.arange(len(dvf_list)) else: if seq_mode: ishuffled = shuffled_indices_from_chunk_patch_seq(setting, dvf_list=dvf_list, torso_list=torso_list, stage_sequence=stage_sequence, semi_epoch=semi_epoch, chunk=chunk, samples_per_image=samples_per_image, log_header=log_header, chunk_length_force_to_multiple_of=chunk_length_force_to_multiple_of) else: ishuffled = shuffled_indices_from_chunk_patch(setting, dvf_list=dvf_list, torso_list=torso_list, im_info_list=im_info_list, stage=stage, semi_epoch=semi_epoch, chunk=chunk, samples_per_image=samples_per_image, log_header=log_header) return ishuffled def shuffled_indices_from_chunk_patch(setting, dvf_list=None, torso_list=None, im_info_list=None, stage=None, semi_epoch=None, chunk=None, samples_per_image=None, log_header=''): for single_dict in setting['DataExpDict']: iclass_folder = su.address_generator(setting, 'IClassFolder', data=single_dict['data'], deform_exp=single_dict['deform_exp'], stage=stage) if not (os.path.isdir(iclass_folder)): os.makedirs(iclass_folder) margin = setting['Margin'] class_balanced = setting['ClassBalanced'] indices = {} for c in range(len(class_balanced)): indices['class'+str(c)] = [] start_time = time.time() if setting['ParallelSearching']: num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2 results = [None] * len(dvf_list) * len(class_balanced) count_iclass_loaded = 0 for i_dvf, im_info in enumerate(im_info_list): for c in range(len(class_balanced)): iclass_address = su.address_generator(setting, 'IClass', data=im_info['data'], deform_exp=im_info['deform_exp'], cn=im_info['cn'], type_im=im_info['type_im'], dsmooth=im_info['dsmooth'], c=c, stage=stage) if os.path.isfile(iclass_address): results[i_dvf * len(class_balanced) + c] = np.load(iclass_address) # double checked count_iclass_loaded += 1 if count_iclass_loaded != len(results): logging.debug(log_header+': not all I1 found. start calculating... SemiEpoch = {}, Chunk = {}, stage={}'.format(semi_epoch, chunk, stage)) results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(search_indices)(dvf=dvf_list[i], torso=torso_list[i], c=c, class_balanced=class_balanced, margin=margin, dim_im=setting['Dim']) for i in range(0, len(dvf_list)) for c in range(0, len(class_balanced))) for i_dvf, im_info in enumerate(im_info_list): for c in range(0, len(class_balanced)): iclass_address = su.address_generator(setting, 'IClass', data=im_info['data'], deform_exp=im_info['deform_exp'], cn=im_info['cn'], type_im=im_info['type_im'], dsmooth=im_info['dsmooth'], c=c, stage=stage), results[i_dvf * len(class_balanced) + c]) # double checked for iresults in range(0, len(results)): i_dvf = iresults // (len(class_balanced)) # first loop in the Parallel: for i in range(0, len(dvf_list)) c = iresults % (len(class_balanced)) # second loop in the Parallel: for j in range(0, len(class_balanced)+1) if len(results[iresults]): if len(indices['class'+str(c)]) == 0: indices['class'+str(c)] = np.array(np.c_[results[iresults], i_dvf * np.ones(len(results[iresults]), dtype=np.int32)]) else: indices['class'+str(c)] = np.concatenate((indices['class'+str(c)], np.array(np.c_[results[iresults], i_dvf * np.ones(len(results[iresults]), dtype=np.int32)])), axis=0) del results end_time = time.time() if setting['verbose']: logging.debug(log_header+' Parallel searching for {} classes is Done in {:.2f}s'.format(len(class_balanced), end_time - start_time)) else: for i_dvf, im_info in enumerate(im_info_list): mask = np.zeros(np.shape(dvf_list[i_dvf])[:-1], dtype=np.bool) mask[margin:-margin, margin:-margin, margin:-margin] = True if torso_list[i_dvf] is not None: mask = mask & torso_list[i_dvf] for c in range(len(class_balanced)): iclass_address = su.address_generator(setting, 'IClass', data=im_info['data'], deform_exp=im_info['deform_exp'], cn=im_info['cn'], type_im=im_info['type_im'], dsmooth=im_info['dsmooth'], c=c, stage=stage) if os.path.isfile(iclass_address): i1 = np.load(iclass_address) else: if c == 0: # you can add a mask here to prevent selecting pixels twice! i1 = np.ravel_multi_index(np.where((np.all((np.abs(dvf_list[i_dvf]) < class_balanced[c]), axis=3)) & mask), np.shape(dvf_list[i_dvf])[:-1]).astype(np.int32) # the output of np.where occupy huge part of memory! by converting it to a numpy array lots of memory can be saved! if (c > 0) & (c < (len(class_balanced))): if setting['Dim'] == 2: # in 2D experiments, the DVFList is still in 3D and for the third direction is set to 0. Here we use np.any() instead of np.all() i1 = np.ravel_multi_index(np.where((np.all((np.abs(dvf_list[i_dvf]) < class_balanced[c]), axis=3)) & (np.any((np.abs(dvf_list[i_dvf]) >= class_balanced[c - 1]), axis=3)) & mask), np.shape(dvf_list[i_dvf])[:-1]).astype(np.int32) if setting['Dim'] == 3: i1 = np.ravel_multi_index(np.where((np.all((np.abs(dvf_list[i_dvf]) < class_balanced[c]), axis=3)) & (np.all((np.abs(dvf_list[i_dvf]) >= class_balanced[c - 1]), axis=3)) & mask), np.shape(dvf_list[i_dvf])[:-1]).astype(np.int32), i1) if len(i1) > 0: if len(indices['class'+str(c)]) == 0: indices['class'+str(c)] = np.array(np.c_[i1, i_dvf * np.ones(len(i1), dtype=np.int32)]) else: indices['class'+str(c)] = np.concatenate((indices['class'+str(c)], np.array(np.c_[i1, i_dvf * np.ones(len(i1), dtype=np.int32)])), axis=0) if setting['verbose']: logging.debug(log_header+': Finding classes done for i = {}, c = {} '.format(i_dvf, c)) del i1 end_time = time.time() if setting['verbose']: logging.debug(log_header+': Searching for {} classes is Done in {:.2f}s'.format(len(class_balanced) + 1, end_time - start_time)) samples_per_chunk = samples_per_image * len(dvf_list) sample_per_chunk_per_class = np.round(samples_per_chunk / (len(class_balanced))) number_samples_class = np.empty(len(class_balanced), dtype=np.int32) random_state = np.random.RandomState(semi_epoch * 10000 + chunk * 100 + stage) selected_indices = np.array([]) for c, k in enumerate(indices.keys()): number_samples_class[c] = min(sample_per_chunk_per_class, np.shape(indices[k])[0]) # it is possible to have different number in each class. However we perefer to have at least SamplePerChunkPerClass if np.shape(indices['class'+str(c)])[0] > 0: i1 = random_state.randint(0, high=np.shape(indices['class' + str(c)])[0], size=number_samples_class[c]) if c == 0 or len(selected_indices) == 0: selected_indices = np.concatenate((indices['class' + str(c)][i1, :], c * np.ones([len(i1), 1], dtype=np.int32)), axis=1).astype(np.int32) else: selected_indices = np.concatenate((selected_indices, np.concatenate((indices['class' + str(c)][i1, :], c * np.ones([len(i1), 1], dtype=np.int32)), axis=1)), axis=0) + ': {} of samples in class {} for SemiEpoch = {}, Chunk = {} '. format(number_samples_class[c], c, semi_epoch, chunk)) if setting['verbose']: logging.debug(log_header+': samplesPerChunk is {} for SemiEpoch = {}, Chunk = {} '.format(sum(number_samples_class), semi_epoch, chunk)) shuffled_index = np.arange(0, len(selected_indices)) random_state.shuffle(shuffled_index) return selected_indices[shuffled_index] def shuffled_indices_from_chunk_patch_seq(setting, dvf_list=None, torso_list=None, stage_sequence=None, semi_epoch=None, chunk=None, samples_per_image=None, log_header='', chunk_length_force_to_multiple_of=None): margin = setting['Margin'] class_balanced = setting['ClassBalanced'] indices = {} for c in range(len(class_balanced)): indices['class'+str(c)] = [] start_time = time.time() if setting['ParallelSearching']: num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2 results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(search_indices_seq)(dvf_label=dvf_list[i], c=c, class_balanced=class_balanced, margin=margin, torso=torso_list[i]['stage1']) for i in range(len(dvf_list)) for c in range(0, len(class_balanced))) for iresults in range(0, len(results)): i_dvf = iresults // (len(class_balanced)) # first loop in the Parallel: for i in range(0, len(dvf_list)) c = iresults % (len(class_balanced)) # second loop in the Parallel: for j in range(0, len(class_balanced)+1) if len(results[iresults]): if len(indices['class'+str(c)]) == 0: indices['class'+str(c)] = np.array(np.c_[results[iresults], i_dvf * np.ones(len(results[iresults]), dtype=np.int32)]) else: indices['class'+str(c)] = np.concatenate((indices['class'+str(c)], np.array(np.c_[results[iresults], i_dvf * np.ones(len(results[iresults]), dtype=np.int32)])), axis=0) del results end_time = time.time() if setting['verbose']: logging.debug(log_header+' Parallel searching for {} classes is Done in {:.2f}s'.format(len(class_balanced), end_time - start_time)) samples_per_chunk = samples_per_image * len(dvf_list) sample_per_chunk_per_class = np.round(samples_per_chunk / (len(class_balanced))) number_samples_class = np.empty(len(class_balanced), dtype=np.int32) random_state = np.random.RandomState(semi_epoch * 10000 + chunk * 100 + stage_sequence[0]) selected_indices = np.array([]) for c, k in enumerate(indices.keys()): number_samples_class[c] = min(sample_per_chunk_per_class * setting['ClassBalancedWeight'][c], np.shape(indices[k])[0]) # it is possible to have different number in each class. However we perefer to have at least SamplePerChunkPerClass if np.shape(indices['class'+str(c)])[0] > 0: i1 = random_state.randint(0, high=np.shape(indices['class' + str(c)])[0], size=number_samples_class[c]) if c == 0 or len(selected_indices) == 0: selected_indices = np.concatenate((indices['class' + str(c)][i1, :], c * np.ones([len(i1), 1], dtype=np.int32)), axis=1).astype(np.int32) else: selected_indices = np.concatenate((selected_indices, np.concatenate((indices['class' + str(c)][i1, :], c * np.ones([len(i1), 1], dtype=np.int32)), axis=1)), axis=0) + ': {} of samples in class {} for SemiEpoch = {}, Chunk = {} '. format(number_samples_class[c], c, semi_epoch, chunk)) if setting['verbose']: logging.debug(log_header+': samplesPerChunk is {} for SemiEpoch = {}, Chunk = {} '.format(sum(number_samples_class), semi_epoch, chunk)) shuffled_index = np.arange(0, len(selected_indices)) random_state.shuffle(shuffled_index) if chunk_length_force_to_multiple_of is not None: remainder = len(shuffled_index) % chunk_length_force_to_multiple_of if remainder != 0: shuffled_index = shuffled_index[0: len(shuffled_index) - remainder] return selected_indices[shuffled_index] def get_ishuffled_folder_write_ishuffled_setting(setting, train_mode, stage, number_of_images_per_chunk, samples_per_image, im_info_list_full, full_image, chunk_length_force_to_multiple_of=None): """ Thi functions chooses or creates the IShuffledFolder. First it takes a look at the ishuffled_root_folder, if there is no folder there it creates the folder and save the ishuffled_setting to a json file. If a folder already exists, it compares the ishuffled setting with the json file in that folder. If they are identical, then choose that folder. Otherwise it will create another folder by increasing the exp number: Example ishuffled_folder: Training_images120_S4_exp0, Training_images120_S4_exp1 please not that the order of im_lins_info is important. Different order means different images in chunks. :return: ishuffled_folder """ ishuffled_setting = {'train_mode': train_mode, 'DVFPad': setting['DVFPad_S' + str(stage)], 'ImPad': setting['ImPad_S' + str(stage)], 'NumberOfImagesPerChunk': number_of_images_per_chunk, 'ImInfoList': im_info_list_full, } if 'DVFThresholdList' in setting.keys(): ishuffled_setting['DVFThresholdList'] = copy.deepcopy(setting['DVFThresholdList']) if chunk_length_force_to_multiple_of is not None: ishuffled_setting['ChunkLengthForceToMultipleOf'] = chunk_length_force_to_multiple_of if 'ClassBalancedWeight' in setting.keys(): ishuffled_setting['ClassBalancedWeight'] = setting['ClassBalancedWeight'] if not full_image: # other important setting in patch based ishuffled_setting['ClassBalanced'] = setting['ClassBalanced'] ishuffled_setting['Margin'] = setting['Margin'] ishuffled_setting['SamplePerImage'] = samples_per_image ishuffled_folder = None ishuffled_exp = 0 folder_found = False while not folder_found: ishuffled_folder = su.address_generator(setting, 'IShuffledFolder', train_mode=train_mode, stage=stage, ishuffled_exp=ishuffled_exp, im_list_info=im_info_list_full) ishuffled_setting_address = su.address_generator(setting, 'IShuffledSetting', train_mode=train_mode, stage=stage, ishuffled_exp=ishuffled_exp, im_list_info=im_info_list_full) if not (os.path.isdir(ishuffled_folder)): os.makedirs(ishuffled_folder) with open(ishuffled_setting_address, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(ishuffled_setting, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) folder_found = True else: with open(ishuffled_setting_address, 'r') as f: ishuffled_setting_exp = json.load(f) if ishuffled_setting_exp == ishuffled_setting: folder_found = True else: ishuffled_exp = ishuffled_exp + 1 return ishuffled_folder def extract_batch(setting, stage, fixed_im_list, deformed_im_list, dvf_list, ish, batch_counter, batch_size, end_batch, full_image): if full_image: batch_both, batch_dvf = extract_batch_from_image(setting, stage, fixed_im_list, deformed_im_list, dvf_list, ish, batch_counter, batch_size, end_batch) else: batch_both, batch_dvf = extract_batch_from_patch(setting, stage, fixed_im_list, deformed_im_list, dvf_list, ish, batch_counter, batch_size, end_batch) return batch_both, batch_dvf def extract_batch_seq(setting, stage_sequence, fixed_im_list, moved_im_list, dvf_list, ish, batch_counter, batch_size, end_batch, full_image): if full_image: print('not implemented') else: batch_both, batch_dvf = extract_batch_from_patch_seq(setting, stage_sequence, fixed_im_list, moved_im_list, dvf_list, ish, batch_counter, batch_size, end_batch) return batch_both, batch_dvf def extract_batch_from_image(setting, stage, fixed_im_list, deformed_im_list, dvf_list, ish, batch_counter, batch_size, end_batch): batch_im = np.stack([fixed_im_list[ish[i]] for i in range(batch_counter * batch_size, end_batch)], axis=0) batch_deformed = np.stack([deformed_im_list[ish[i]] for i in range(batch_counter * batch_size, end_batch)], axis=0) batch_dvf = np.stack([dvf_list[ish[i]] for i in range(batch_counter * batch_size, end_batch)], axis=0) batch_both = np.stack((batch_im, batch_deformed), axis=setting['Dim']+1) return batch_both, batch_dvf def extract_batch_from_patch(setting, stage, fixed_im_list, deformed_im_list, dvf_list, ish, batch_counter, batch_size, end_batch): # ish [: , 0] the index of the sample that is gotten from np.where # ish [: , 1] the the number of the image in FixedImList # ish [: , 2] the the number of class, which is not needed anymore!! r = setting['R'] ry = setting['Ry'] if setting['Dim'] == 2: shift_center = setting['ImPad_S' + str(stage)] - setting['DVFPad_S' + str(stage)] batch_im = np.stack([fixed_im_list[ish[i, 1]][ np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[0], np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[1] - r + shift_center: np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[1] + r + shift_center + 1, np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[2] - r + shift_center: np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[2] + r + shift_center + 1, np.newaxis] for i in range(batch_counter * batch_size, end_batch)]) batch_deformed = np.stack([deformed_im_list[ish[i, 1]][ np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(deformed_im_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[0], np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(deformed_im_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[1] - r + shift_center: np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(deformed_im_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[1] + r + shift_center + 1, np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(deformed_im_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[2] - r + shift_center: np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(deformed_im_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:2])[2] + r + shift_center + 1, np.newaxis] for i in range(batch_counter * batch_size, end_batch)]) batch_both = np.concatenate((batch_im, batch_deformed), axis=3) batch_dvf = np.stack([dvf_list[ish[i, 1]][ np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]]))[0], np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]]))[1] - ry: np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]]))[1] + ry + 1, np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]]))[2] - ry: np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]]))[2] + ry + 1, 0:2] for i in range(batch_counter * batch_size, end_batch)]) elif setting['Dim'] == 3: shift_center = setting['ImPad_S' + str(stage)] - setting['DVFPad_S' + str(stage)] batch_im = np.stack([fixed_im_list[ish[i, 1]][ np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:3])[0] - r + shift_center: np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:3])[0] + r + shift_center + 1, np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0], np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]])[0:3])[1] - r + shift_center: np.unravel_index(ish[i, 0],
np.shape(dvf_list[ish[i, 1]])
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # PyKOALA: KOALA data processing and analysis # by <NAME> and <NAME> # Extra work by <NAME> (MQ PACE student) # Plus Taylah and Matt (sky subtraction) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from past.utils import old_div version = "Version 0.72 - 13th February 2020" import copy import os.path as pth import sys from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel, interpolate_replace_nans from import fits from astropy.wcs import WCS import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors import numpy as np from scipy import interpolate from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift import scipy.signal as sig from .constants import C, PARSEC as pc from .utils.cube_alignment import offset_between_cubes, compare_cubes, align_n_cubes from .utils.flux import search_peaks, fluxes, dfluxes, substract_given_gaussian from import read_table, save_rss_fits, save_fits_file from .utils.moffat import fit_Moffat from .utils.plots import ( plot_redshift_peaks, plot_weights_for_getting_smooth_spectrum, plot_correction_in_fibre_p_fibre, plot_suspicious_fibres_graph, plot_skyline_5578, plot_offset_between_cubes, plot_response, plot_telluric_correction, plot_plot ) from .utils.sky_spectrum import scale_sky_spectrum, median_filter from .utils.spectrum_tools import rebin_spec_shift, smooth_spectrum from .utils.utils import ( FitsExt, FitsFibresIFUIndex, coord_range, median_absolute_deviation, ) from ._version import get_versions __version__ = get_versions()["version"] del get_versions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define constants # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA_PATH = pth.join(pth.dirname(__file__), "data") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define COLOUR scales # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fuego_color_map = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "fuego", ( (0.25, 0, 0), (0.5, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0.5, 0), (1, 0.75, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), ), N=256, gamma=1.0, ) fuego_color_map.set_bad("lightgray") plt.register_cmap(cmap=fuego_color_map) projo = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.0, 1.00, 1, 1] pverde = [0.00, 0.0, 0, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1] pazul = [0.00, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.00, 0, 1] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RSS CLASS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RSS(object): """ Collection of row-stacked spectra (RSS). Attributes ---------- wavelength: np.array(float) Wavelength, in Angstroms. intensity: np.array(float) Intensity :math:`I_\lambda` per unit wavelength. variance: np.array(float) Variance :math:`\sigma^2_\lambda` per unit wavelength (note the square in the definition of the variance). """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): self.description = "Undefined row-stacked spectra (RSS)" self.n_spectra = 0 self.n_wave = 0 self.wavelength = np.zeros((0)) self.intensity = np.zeros((0, 0)) self.intensity_corrected = self.intensity self.variance = np.zeros_like(self.intensity) self.RA_centre_deg = 0.0 self.DEC_centre_deg = 0.0 self.offset_RA_arcsec = np.zeros((0)) self.offset_DEC_arcsec = np.zeros_like(self.offset_RA_arcsec) self.ALIGNED_RA_centre_deg = 0.0 # Added by ANGEL, 6 Sep self.ALIGNED_DEC_centre_deg = 0.0 # Added by ANGEL, 6 Sep self.relative_throughput = np.ones((0)) # Added by ANGEL, 16 Sep # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def compute_integrated_fibre( self, list_spectra="all", valid_wave_min=0, valid_wave_max=0, min_value=0.1, plot=False, title=" - Integrated values", warnings=True, text="...", correct_negative_sky=False, ): """ Compute the integrated flux of a fibre in a particular range, valid_wave_min to valid_wave_max. Parameters ---------- list_spectra: float (default "all") list with the number of fibres for computing integrated value if using "all" it does all fibres valid_wave_min, valid_wave_max : float the integrated flux value will be computed in the range [valid_wave_min, valid_wave_max] (default = , if they all 0 we use [self.valid_wave_min, self.valid_wave_max] min_value: float (default 0) For values lower than min_value, we set them as min_value plot : Boolean (default = False) Plot title : string Title for the plot text: string A bit of extra text warnings : Boolean (default = False) Write warnings, e.g. when the integrated flux is negative correct_negative_sky : Boolean (default = False) Corrects negative values making 0 the integrated flux of the lowest fibre Example ---------- integrated_fibre_6500_6600 = star1r.compute_integrated_fibre(valid_wave_min=6500, valid_wave_max=6600, title = " - [6500,6600]", plot = True) """ print("\n Computing integrated fibre values {}".format(text)) if list_spectra == "all": list_spectra = list(range(self.n_spectra)) if valid_wave_min == 0: valid_wave_min = self.valid_wave_min if valid_wave_max == 0: valid_wave_max = self.valid_wave_max self.integrated_fibre = np.zeros(self.n_spectra) region = np.where( (self.wavelength > valid_wave_min) & (self.wavelength < valid_wave_max) ) waves_in_region = len(region[0]) n_negative_fibres = 0 negative_fibres = [] for i in range(self.n_spectra): self.integrated_fibre[i] = np.nansum(self.intensity_corrected[i, region]) if self.integrated_fibre[i] < 0: if warnings: print( " WARNING: The integrated flux in fibre {:4} is negative, flux/wave = {:10.2f}, (probably sky), CHECK !".format( i, self.integrated_fibre[i]/waves_in_region )) n_negative_fibres = n_negative_fibres + 1 # self.integrated_fibre[i] = min_value negative_fibres.append(i) if len(negative_fibres) != 0: print("\n> Number of fibres with integrated flux < 0 : {:4}, that is the {:5.2f} % of the total !".format( n_negative_fibres, n_negative_fibres * 100.0 / self.n_spectra )) negative_fibres_sorted = [] integrated_intensity_sorted = np.argsort( self.integrated_fibre/waves_in_region ) for fibre_ in range(n_negative_fibres): negative_fibres_sorted.append(integrated_intensity_sorted[fibre_]) # print "\n> Checking results using",n_negative_fibres,"fibres with the lowest integrated intensity" # print " which are :",negative_fibres_sorted if correct_negative_sky: min_sky_value = self.integrated_fibre[negative_fibres_sorted[0]] min_sky_value_per_wave = min_sky_value/waves_in_region print( "\n> Correcting negative values making 0 the integrated flux of the lowest fibre, which is {:4} with {:10.2f} counts/wave".format( negative_fibres_sorted[0], min_sky_value_per_wave )) # print self.integrated_fibre[negative_fibres_sorted[0]] self.integrated_fibre = self.integrated_fibre - min_sky_value for i in range(self.n_spectra): self.intensity_corrected[i] = ( self.intensity_corrected[i] - min_sky_value_per_wave ) else: print( "\n> Adopting integrated flux = {:5.2f} for all fibres with negative integrated flux (for presentation purposes)".format( min_value )) for i in negative_fibres_sorted: self.integrated_fibre[i] = min_value # for i in range(self.n_spectra): # if self.integrated_fibre[i] < 0: # if warnings: print " WARNING: The integrated flux in fibre {:4} STILL is negative, flux/wave = {:10.2f}, (probably sky), CHECK !".format(i,self.integrated_fibre[i]/waves_in_region) if plot: # print"\n Plotting map with integrated values:" self.RSS_map( self.integrated_fibre, norm=colors.PowerNorm(gamma=1.0 / 4.0), title=title, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def identify_el( self, high_fibres=10, brightest_line="Ha", cut=1.5, fibre=0, broad=1.0, verbose=True, plot=True, ): """ Identify fibres with highest intensity (high_fibres=10). Add all in a single spectrum. Identify emission features. These emission features should be those expected in all the cube! Also, choosing fibre=number, it identifies el in a particular fibre. Parameters ---------- high_fibres: float (default 10) use the high_fibres highest intensity fibres for identifying brightest_line : string (default "Ha") string name with the emission line that is expected to be the brightest in integrated spectrum cut: float (default 1.5) The peak has to have a cut higher than cut to be considered as emission line fibre: integer (default 0) If fibre is given, it identifies emission lines in the given fibre broad: float (default 1.0) Broad (FWHM) of the expected emission lines verbose : boolean (default = True) Write results plot : boolean (default = False) Plot results Example ---------- self.el=self.identify_el(high_fibres=10, brightest_line = "Ha", cut=2., verbose=True, plot=True, fibre=0, broad=1.5) """ if fibre == 0: integrated_intensity_sorted = np.argsort(self.integrated_fibre) region = [] for fibre in range(high_fibres): region.append(integrated_intensity_sorted[-1 - fibre]) if verbose: print("\n> Identifying emission lines using the {} fibres with the highest integrated intensity".format(high_fibres)) print(" which are : {}".format(region)) combined_high_spectrum = np.nansum(self.intensity_corrected[region], axis=0) else: combined_high_spectrum = self.intensity_corrected[fibre] if verbose: print("\n> Identifying emission lines in fibre {}".format(fibre)) # Search peaks peaks, peaks_name, peaks_rest, continuum_limits = search_peaks( self.wavelength, combined_high_spectrum, plot=plot, cut=cut, brightest_line=brightest_line, verbose=False, ) p_peaks_l = [] p_peaks_fwhm = [] # Do Gaussian fit and provide center & FWHM (flux could be also included, not at the moment as not abs. flux-cal done) if verbose: print("\n Emission lines identified:") for eline in range(len(peaks)): lowlow = continuum_limits[0][eline] lowhigh = continuum_limits[1][eline] highlow = continuum_limits[2][eline] highhigh = continuum_limits[3][eline] resultado = fluxes( self.wavelength, combined_high_spectrum, peaks[eline], verbose=False, broad=broad, lowlow=lowlow, lowhigh=lowhigh, highlow=highlow, highhigh=highhigh, plot=plot, fcal=False, ) p_peaks_l.append(resultado[1]) p_peaks_fwhm.append(resultado[5]) if verbose: print(" {:3}. {:7s} {:8.2f} centered at {:8.2f} and FWHM = {:6.2f}".format( eline + 1, peaks_name[eline], peaks_rest[eline], p_peaks_l[eline], p_peaks_fwhm[eline], )) return [peaks_name, peaks_rest, p_peaks_l, p_peaks_fwhm] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def correct_high_cosmics_and_defects( self, step=50, correct_high_cosmics=False, fibre_p=0, remove_5578=False, # if fibre_p=fibre plots the corrections in that fibre clip_high=100, warnings=False, plot=True, plot_suspicious_fibres=True, verbose=False, fig_size=12, ): """ Task for correcting high cosmics and CCD defects using median values of nearby pixels. 2dFdr corrects for (the majority) of the cosmic rays, usually correct_high_cosmics = False. ANGEL COMMENT: Check, probably can be improved using MATT median running + plotting outside Parameters ---------- rect_high_cosmics: boolean (default = False) Correct ONLY CCD defects re_p: integer (default = 0) Plots the corrections in fibre fibre_p ove_5578: boolean (default = False) Removes skyline 5578 (blue spectrum) using Gaussian fit ND CHECK: This also MODIFIES the throughput correction correcting for flux_5578_medfilt /median_flux_5578_medfilt step: integer (default = 50) Number of points for calculating median value clip_high : float (default = 100) Minimum value of flux/median in a pixel to be consider as a cosmic if s[wave] > clip_high*fit_median[wave] -> IT IS A COSMIC verbose: boolean (default = False) Write results warnings: boolean (default = False) Write warnings plot: boolean (default = False) Plot results plot_suspicious_fibres: boolean (default = False) Plots fibre(s) that could have a cosmic left (but it could be OK) IF self.integrated_fibre[fibre]/median_running[fibre] > max_value -> SUSPICIOUS FIBRE Example ---------- self.correct_high_cosmics_and_defects(correct_high_cosmics=False, step=40, remove_5578 = True, clip_high=120, plot_suspicious_fibres=True, warnings=True, verbose=False, plot=True) """ print("\n> Correcting for high cosmics and CCD defects...") wave_min = self.valid_wave_min # CHECK ALL OF THIS... wave_max = self.valid_wave_max wlm = self.wavelength if correct_high_cosmics == False: print(" Only CCD defects (nan and negative values) are considered.") else: print(" Using clip_high = {} for high cosmics".format(clip_high)) print(" IMPORTANT: Be sure that any emission or sky line is fainter than clip_high/continuum !! ") flux_5578 = [] # For correcting sky line 5578 if requested if wave_min < 5578 and remove_5578: print(" Sky line 5578 will be removed using a Gaussian fit...") integrated_fibre_uncorrected = self.integrated_fibre print(" ") output_every_few = np.sqrt(self.n_spectra) + 1 next_output = -1 max_ratio_list = [] for fibre in range(self.n_spectra): if fibre > next_output: sys.stdout.write("\b" * 30) sys.stdout.write( " Cleaning... {:5.2f}% completed".format( fibre * 100.0 / self.n_spectra ) ) sys.stdout.flush() next_output = fibre + output_every_few s = self.intensity_corrected[fibre] running_wave = [] running_step_median = [] cuts = # using instead of // for improved readability for cut in range(cuts): if cut == 0: next_wave = wave_min else: next_wave = np.nanmedian( (wlm[ * step)] + wlm[ + 1) * step)])/2 ) if next_wave < wave_max: running_wave.append(next_wave) # print("SEARCHFORME1", step, running_wave[cut]) region = np.where( (wlm > running_wave[cut] - # step/2 doesn't need to be an int, but probably & (wlm < running_wave[cut] + # want it to be so the cuts are uniform. ) # print('SEARCHFORME3', region) running_step_median.append( np.nanmedian(self.intensity_corrected[fibre, region]) ) running_wave.append(wave_max) region = np.where((wlm > wave_max - step) & (wlm < wave_max)) running_step_median.append( np.nanmedian(self.intensity_corrected[fibre, region]) ) for i in range(len(running_step_median)): if np.isnan(running_step_median[i]) == True: if i < 10: running_step_median[i] = np.nanmedian(running_step_median[0:9]) if i > 10: running_step_median[i] = np.nanmedian( running_step_median[-9:-1] ) a7x, a6x, a5x, a4x, a3x, a2x, a1x, a0x = np.polyfit( running_wave, running_step_median, 7 ) fit_median = ( a0x + a1x * wlm + a2x * wlm ** 2 + a3x * wlm ** 3 + a4x * wlm ** 4 + a5x * wlm ** 5 + a6x * wlm ** 6 + a7x * wlm ** 7 ) if fibre == fibre_p: espectro_old = copy.copy(self.intensity_corrected[fibre, :]) espectro_fit_median = fit_median for wave in range(self.n_wave): # (1,self.n_wave-3): if s[wave] < 0: s[wave] = fit_median[wave] # Negative values for median values if np.isnan(s[wave]) == True: s[wave] = fit_median[wave] # nan for median value if ( correct_high_cosmics and fit_median[wave] > 0 ): # NEW 15 Feb 2019, v7.1 2dFdr takes well cosmic rays if s[wave] > clip_high * fit_median[wave]: if verbose: print(" " "CLIPPING HIGH = {} in fibre {} w = {} value= {} v/median= {}".format(clip_high, fibre, wlm[wave], s[wave], s[wave]/fit_median[wave])) # " median=",fit_median[wave] s[wave] = fit_median[wave] if fibre == fibre_p: espectro_new = copy.copy(s) max_ratio_list.append(np.nanmax(s/fit_median)) self.intensity_corrected[fibre, :] = s # Removing Skyline 5578 using Gaussian fit if requested if wave_min < 5578 and remove_5578: resultado = fluxes( wlm, s, 5578, plot=False, verbose=False ) # fmin=-5.0E-17, fmax=2.0E-16, # resultado = [rms_cont, fit[0], fit_error[0], gaussian_flux, gaussian_flux_error, fwhm, fwhm_error, flux, flux_error, ew, ew_error, spectrum ] self.intensity_corrected[fibre] = resultado[11] flux_5578.append(resultado[3]) sys.stdout.write("\b" * 30) sys.stdout.write(" Cleaning... 100.00 completed") sys.stdout.flush() max_ratio = np.nanmax(max_ratio_list) print("\n Maximum value found of flux/continuum = {}".format(max_ratio)) if correct_high_cosmics: print(" Recommended value for clip_high = {} , here we used {}".format(int(max_ratio + 1), clip_high)) # Plot correction in fibre p_fibre if fibre_p > 0: plot_correction_in_fibre_p_fibre(fig_size, wlm, espectro_old, espectro_fit_median, espectro_new, fibre_p, clip_high) # print" " if correct_high_cosmics == False: text = "for spectra corrected for defects..." title = " - Throughput + CCD defects corrected" else: text = "for spectra corrected for high cosmics and defects..." title = " - Throughput + high-C & D corrected" self.compute_integrated_fibre( valid_wave_min=wave_min, valid_wave_max=wave_max, text=text, plot=plot, title=title, ) if plot: print(" Plotting integrated fibre values before and after correcting for high cosmics and CCD defects:\n") plt.figure(figsize=(fig_size, fig_size / 2.5)) plt.plot(integrated_fibre_uncorrected, "r", label="Uncorrected", alpha=0.5) plt.ylabel("Integrated Flux") plt.xlabel("Fibre") plt.ylim( [np.nanmin(self.integrated_fibre), np.nanmax(self.integrated_fibre)] ) plt.title(self.description) # Check if integrated value is high median_running = [] step_f = 10 max_value = 2.0 # For stars this is not accurate, as i/m might be between 5 and 100 in the fibres with the star skip = 0 suspicious_fibres = [] for fibre in range(self.n_spectra): if fibre < step_f: median_value = np.nanmedian( self.integrated_fibre[0:] ) skip = 1 if fibre > self.n_spectra - step_f: median_value = np.nanmedian( self.integrated_fibre[-1 - -1] ) skip = 1 if skip == 0: median_value = np.nanmedian( self.integrated_fibre[ fibre - fibre + # is used instead of // of readability ] ) median_running.append(median_value) if self.integrated_fibre[fibre]/median_running[fibre] > max_value: print(" Fibre {} has a integrated/median ratio of {} -> Might be a cosmic left!".format(fibre, self.integrated_fibre[fibre]/median_running[fibre])) label = np.str(fibre) plt.axvline(x=fibre, color="k", linestyle="--") plt.text(fibre, self.integrated_fibre[fibre] / 2.0, label) suspicious_fibres.append(fibre) skip = 0 plt.plot(self.integrated_fibre, label="Corrected", alpha=0.6) plt.plot(median_running, "k", label="Median", alpha=0.6) plt.legend(frameon=False, loc=1, ncol=3) plt.minorticks_on() #plt.close() if plot_suspicious_fibres == True and len(suspicious_fibres) > 0: # Plotting suspicious fibres.. figures = plot_suspicious_fibres_graph( self, suspicious_fibres, fig_size, wave_min, wave_max, intensity_corrected_fiber=self.intensity_corrected) if remove_5578 and wave_min < 5578: print(" Skyline 5578 has been removed. Checking throughput correction...") flux_5578_medfilt = sig.medfilt(flux_5578, median_flux_5578_medfilt = np.nanmedian(flux_5578_medfilt) extra_throughput_correction = flux_5578_medfilt/median_flux_5578_medfilt # plt.plot(extra_throughput_correction) # # plt.close() if plot: fig = plot_skyline_5578(fig_size, flux_5578, flux_5578_medfilt) print(" Variations in throughput between {} and {} ".format( np.nanmin(extra_throughput_correction), np.nanmax(extra_throughput_correction) )) print(" Applying this extra throughtput correction to all fibres...") for i in range(self.n_spectra): self.intensity_corrected[i, :] = ( self.intensity_corrected[i, :]/extra_throughput_correction[i] ) self.relative_throughput = ( self.relative_throughput * extra_throughput_correction ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clean_sky_residuals( self, extra_w=1.3, step=25, dclip=3.0, wave_min=0, wave_max=0, verbose=False, plot=False, fig_size=12, fibre=0, ): """ This task HAVE TO BE USED WITH EXTREME CARE as it has not been properly tested!!! It CAN DELETE REAL (faint) ABSORPTION/EMISSION features in spectra!!! Use the "1dfit" option for getting a better sky substraction ANGEL is keeping this here just in case it is eventually useful... Parameters ---------- extra_w step dclip wave_min wave_max verbose plot fig_size fibre Returns ------- """ # verbose=True wlm = self.wavelength if wave_min == 0: wave_min = self.valid_wave_min if wave_max == 0: wave_max = self.valid_wave_max # Exclude ranges with emission lines if needed exclude_ranges_low = [] exclude_ranges_high = [] exclude_ranges_low_ = [] exclude_ranges_high_ = [] if self.el[1][0] != 0: # print " Emission lines identified in the combined spectrum:" for el in range(len(self.el[0])): # print " {:3}. - {:7s} {:8.2f} centered at {:8.2f} and FWHM = {:6.2f}".format(el+1,self.el[0][el],self.el[1][el],self.el[2][el],self.el[3][el]) if ( self.el[0][el] == "Ha" or self.el[1][el] == 6583.41 ): # Extra extend for Ha and [N II] 6583 extra = extra_w * 1.6 else: extra = extra_w exclude_ranges_low_.append( self.el[2][el] - self.el[3][el] * extra ) # center-1.3*FWHM/2 exclude_ranges_high_.append( self.el[2][el] + self.el[3][el] * extra ) # center+1.3*FWHM/2 # print self.el[0][el],self.el[1][el],self.el[2][el],self.el[3][el],exclude_ranges_low[el],exclude_ranges_high[el],extra # Check overlapping ranges skip_next = 0 for i in range(len(exclude_ranges_low_) - 1): if skip_next == 0: if exclude_ranges_high_[i] > exclude_ranges_low_[i + 1]: # Ranges overlap, now check if next range also overlaps if i + 2 < len(exclude_ranges_low_): if exclude_ranges_high_[i + 1] > exclude_ranges_low_[i + 2]: exclude_ranges_low.append(exclude_ranges_low_[i]) exclude_ranges_high.append(exclude_ranges_high_[i + 2]) skip_next = 2 if verbose: print("Double overlap {} {}".format(exclude_ranges_low[-1], exclude_ranges_high[-1])) else: exclude_ranges_low.append(exclude_ranges_low_[i]) exclude_ranges_high.append(exclude_ranges_high_[i + 1]) skip_next = 1 if verbose: print("Overlap {} {}".format(exclude_ranges_low[-1], exclude_ranges_high[-1])) else: exclude_ranges_low.append(exclude_ranges_low_[i]) exclude_ranges_high.append(exclude_ranges_high_[i]) if verbose: print("Overlap {} {}".format(exclude_ranges_low[-1], exclude_ranges_high[-1])) else: if skip_next == 1: skip_next = 0 if skip_next == 2: skip_next = 1 if verbose: print(exclude_ranges_low_[i], exclude_ranges_high_[i], skip_next) if skip_next == 0: exclude_ranges_low.append(exclude_ranges_low_[-1]) exclude_ranges_high.append(exclude_ranges_high_[-1]) if verbose: print(exclude_ranges_low_[-1], exclude_ranges_high_[-1], skip_next) # print "\n> Cleaning sky residuals in range [",wave_min,",",wave_max,"] avoiding emission lines... " print("\n> Cleaning sky residuals avoiding emission lines... ") if verbose: print(" Excluded ranges using emission line parameters:") for i in range(len(exclude_ranges_low_)): print(exclude_ranges_low_[i], exclude_ranges_high_[i]) print(" Excluded ranges considering overlaps: ") for i in range(len(exclude_ranges_low)): print(exclude_ranges_low[i], exclude_ranges_high[i]) print(" ") else: exclude_ranges_low.append(20000.0) exclude_ranges_high.append(30000.0) print("\n> Cleaning sky residuals...") say_status = 0 if fibre != 0: f_i = fibre f_f = fibre + 1 print(" Checking fibre {} (only this fibre is corrected, use fibre = 0 for all)...".format(fibre)) plot = True else: f_i = 0 f_f = self.n_spectra for fibre in range(f_i, f_f): # (self.n_spectra): if fibre == say_status: print(" Checking fibre {} ...".format(fibre)) say_status = say_status + 100 s = self.intensity_corrected[fibre] fit_median = smooth_spectrum( wlm, s, step=step, wave_min=wave_min, wave_max=wave_max, weight_fit_median=1.0, plot=False, ) old = [] if plot: for i in range(len(s)): old.append(s[i]) disp = s - fit_median dispersion = np.nanmedian(np.abs(disp)) rango = 0 imprimir = 1 for i in range(len(wlm) - 1): # if wlm[i] > wave_min and wlm[i] < wave_max : # CLEAN ONLY IN VALID WAVEVELENGTHS if ( wlm[i] >= exclude_ranges_low[rango] and wlm[i] <= exclude_ranges_high[rango] ): if verbose == True and imprimir == 1: print(" Excluding range [ {} , {} ] as it has an emission line".format( exclude_ranges_low[rango], exclude_ranges_high[rango])) if imprimir == 1: imprimir = 0 # print " Checking ", wlm[i]," NOT CORRECTED ",s[i], s[i]-fit_median[i] else: if np.isnan(s[i]) == True: s[i] = fit_median[i] # nan for median value if ( disp[i] > dispersion * dclip and disp[i + 1] < -dispersion * dclip ): s[i] = fit_median[i] s[i + 1] = fit_median[i + 1] # "P-Cygni-like structures if verbose: print(" Found P-Cygni-like feature in {}".format(wlm[i])) if disp[i] > dispersion * dclip or disp[i] < -dispersion * dclip: s[i] = fit_median[i] if verbose: print(" Clipping feature in {}".format(wlm[i])) if wlm[i] > exclude_ranges_high[rango] and imprimir == 0: if verbose: print(" Checked {} End range {} {} {}".format( wlm[i], rango, exclude_ranges_low[rango], exclude_ranges_high[rango] ) ) rango = rango + 1 imprimir = 1 if rango == len(exclude_ranges_low): rango = len(exclude_ranges_low) - 1 # print " Checking ", wlm[i]," CORRECTED IF NEEDED",s[i], s[i]-fit_median[i] # if plot: # for i in range(6): # plt.figure(figsize=(fig_size, fig_size/2.5)) # plt.plot(wlm,old-fit_median, "r-", alpha=0.4) # plt.plot(wlm,fit_median-fit_median,"g-", alpha=0.5) # plt.axhline(y=dispersion*dclip, color="g", alpha=0.5) # plt.axhline(y=-dispersion*dclip, color="g", alpha=0.5) # plt.plot(wlm,s-fit_median, "b-", alpha=0.7) # # for exclude in range(len(exclude_ranges_low)): # plt.axvspan(exclude_ranges_low[exclude], exclude_ranges_high[exclude], facecolor='g', alpha=0.15,zorder=3) # # plt.ylim(-100,200) # if i == 0: plt.xlim(wlm[0]-10,wlm[-1]+10) # if i == 1: plt.xlim(wlm[0],6500) # THIS IS FOR 1000R # if i == 2: plt.xlim(6500,6700) # if i == 3: plt.xlim(6700,7000) # if i == 4: plt.xlim(7000,7300) # if i == 5: plt.xlim(7300,wlm[-1]) # plt.minorticks_on() # plt.xlabel("Wavelength [$\AA$]") # plt.ylabel("Flux / continuum") # # plt.close() if plot: for i in range(6): plt.figure(figsize=(fig_size, fig_size / 2.5)) plt.plot(wlm, old, "r-", alpha=0.4) plt.plot(wlm, fit_median, "g-", alpha=0.5) # plt.axhline(y=dispersion*dclip, color="g", alpha=0.5) # plt.axhline(y=-dispersion*dclip, color="g", alpha=0.5) plt.plot(wlm, s, "b-", alpha=0.7) for exclude in range(len(exclude_ranges_low)): plt.axvspan( exclude_ranges_low[exclude], exclude_ranges_high[exclude], facecolor="g", alpha=0.15, zorder=3, ) plt.ylim(-300, 300) if i == 0: plt.xlim(wlm[0] - 10, wlm[-1] + 10) if i == 1: plt.xlim(wlm[0], 6500) # THIS IS FOR 1000R if i == 2: plt.xlim(6500, 6700) if i == 3: plt.xlim(6700, 7000) if i == 4: plt.xlim(7000, 7300) if i == 5: plt.xlim(7300, wlm[-1]) plt.minorticks_on() plt.xlabel("Wavelength [$\AA$]") plt.ylabel("Flux / continuum") # # plt.close() self.intensity_corrected[fibre, :] = s # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def fit_and_substract_sky_spectrum( self, sky, w=1000, spectra=1000, # If rebin == True, it fits all wavelengths to be at the same wavelengths that SKY spectrum... rebin=False, brightest_line="Ha", brightest_line_wavelength=6563.0, maxima_sigma=3.0, ymin=-50, ymax=1000, wmin=0, wmax=0, auto_scale_sky=False, warnings=False, verbose=False, plot=False, fig_size=12, fibre=0, ): """ Given a 1D sky spectrum, this task fits sky lines of each spectrum individually and substracts sky Needs the observed wavelength (brightest_line_wavelength) of the brightest emission line (brightest_line) . w is the wavelength spec the 2D spectra Parameters ---------- sky w spectra rebin brightest_line brightest_line_wavelength maxima_sigma ymin ymax wmin wmax auto_scale_sky warnings verbose plot fig_size fibre Returns ------- """ if brightest_line_wavelength == 6563: print("\n\n> WARNING: This is going to FAIL as the wavelength of the brightest emission line has not been included !!!") print(" USING brightest_line_wavelength = 6563 as default ...\n\n") brightest_line_wavelength_rest = 6562.82 if brightest_line == "O3" or brightest_line == "O3b": brightest_line_wavelength_rest = 5006.84 if brightest_line == "Hb" or brightest_line == "hb": brightest_line_wavelength_rest = 4861.33 print(" Using {:3} at rest wavelength {:6.2f} identified by the user at {:6.2f} to avoid fitting emission lines...".format( brightest_line, brightest_line_wavelength_rest, brightest_line_wavelength )) redshift = brightest_line_wavelength/brightest_line_wavelength_rest - 1.0 if w == 1000: w = self.wavelength if spectra == 1000: spectra = copy.deepcopy(self.intensity_corrected) if wmin == 0: wmin = w[0] if wmax == 0: wmax = w[-1] # Read file with sky emission lines sky_lines_file = "sky_lines.dat" ( sl_center, sl_name, sl_fnl, sl_lowlow, sl_lowhigh, sl_highlow, sl_highhigh, sl_lmin, sl_lmax, ) = read_table(sky_lines_file, ["f", "s", "f", "f", "f", "f", "f", "f", "f"]) number_sl = len(sl_center) # MOST IMPORTANT EMISSION LINES IN RED # 6300.30 [OI] -0.263 30.0 15.0 20.0 40.0 # 6312.10 [SIII] -0.264 30.0 18.0 5.0 20.0 # 6363.78 [OI] -0.271 20.0 4.0 5.0 30.0 # 6548.03 [NII] -0.296 45.0 15.0 55.0 75.0 # 6562.82 Ha -0.298 50.0 25.0 35.0 60.0 # 6583.41 [NII] -0.300 62.0 42.0 7.0 35.0 # 6678.15 HeI -0.313 20.0 6.0 6.0 20.0 # 6716.47 [SII] -0.318 40.0 15.0 22.0 45.0 # 6730.85 [SII] -0.320 50.0 30.0 7.0 35.0 # 7065.28 HeI -0.364 30.0 7.0 7.0 30.0 # 7135.78 [ArIII] -0.374 25.0 6.0 6.0 25.0 # 7318.39 [OII] -0.398 30.0 6.0 20.0 45.0 # 7329.66 [OII] -0.400 40.0 16.0 10.0 35.0 # 7751.10 [ArIII] -0.455 30.0 15.0 15.0 30.0 # 9068.90 [S-III] -0.594 30.0 15.0 15.0 30.0 el_list_no_z = [ 6300.3, 6312.10, 6363.78, 6548.03, 6562.82, 6583.41, 6678.15, 6716.47, 6730.85, 7065.28, 7135.78, 7318.39, 7329.66, 7751.1, 9068.9, ] el_list = (redshift + 1) * np.array(el_list_no_z) # [OI] [SIII] [OI] Ha+[NII] HeI [SII] HeI [ArIII] [OII] [ArIII] [SIII] el_low_list_no_z = [ 6296.3, 6308.1, 6359.8, 6544.0, 6674.2, 6712.5, 7061.3, 7131.8, 7314.4, 7747.1, 9063.9, ] el_high_list_no_z = [ 6304.3, 6316.1, 6367.8, 6590.0, 6682.2, 6736.9, 7069.3, 7139.8, 7333.7, 7755.1, 9073.9, ] el_low_list = (redshift + 1) * np.array(el_low_list_no_z) el_high_list = (redshift + 1) * np.array(el_high_list_no_z) # Double Skylines dsky1 = [ 6257.82, 6465.34, 6828.22, 6969.70, 7239.41, 7295.81, 7711.50, 7750.56, 7853.391, 7913.57, 7773.00, 7870.05, 8280.94, 8344.613, 9152.2, 9092.7, 9216.5, 8827.112, 8761.2, 0, ] # 8760.6, 0]# dsky2 = [ 6265.50, 6470.91, 6832.70, 6978.45, 7244.43, 7303.92, 7715.50, 7759.89, 7860.662, 7921.02, 7780.43, 7879.96, 8288.34, 8352.78, 9160.9, 9102.8, 9224.8, 8836.27, 8767.7, 0, ] # 8767.2, 0] # say_status = 0 # plot=True # verbose = True # warnings = True self.wavelength_offset_per_fibre = [] self.sky_auto_scale = [] if fibre != 0: f_i = fibre f_f = fibre + 1 print(" Checking fibre {} (only this fibre is corrected, use fibre = 0 for all)...".format(fibre)) plot = True verbose = True warnings = True else: f_i = 0 f_f = self.n_spectra for fibre in range(f_i, f_f): # (self.n_spectra): if fibre == say_status: print(" Checking fibre {:4} ... ({:6.2f} % completed) ...".format( fibre, fibre * 100.0 / self.n_spectra ) ) say_status = say_status + 20 # Gaussian fits to the sky spectrum sl_gaussian_flux = [] sl_gaussian_sigma = [] sl_gauss_center = [] skip_sl_fit = [] # True emission line, False no emission line j_lines = 0 el_low = el_low_list[j_lines] el_high = el_high_list[j_lines] sky_sl_gaussian_fitted = copy.deepcopy(sky) di = 0 if verbose: print("\n> Performing Gaussian fitting to sky lines in sky spectrum...") for i in range(number_sl): if sl_center[i] > el_high: while sl_center[i] > el_high: j_lines = j_lines + 1 if j_lines < len(el_low_list) - 1: el_low = el_low_list[j_lines] el_high = el_high_list[j_lines] # print "Change to range ",el_low,el_high else: el_low = w[-1] + 1 el_high = w[-1] + 2 if sl_fnl[i] == 0: plot_fit = False else: plot_fit = True if sl_center[i] == dsky1[di]: warnings_ = False if sl_fnl[i] == 1: warnings_ = True if verbose: print(" Line {} blended with {}".format(sl_center[i], dsky2[di])) resultado = dfluxes( w, sky_sl_gaussian_fitted, sl_center[i], dsky2[di], lowlow=sl_lowlow[i], lowhigh=sl_lowhigh[i], highlow=sl_highlow[i], highhigh=sl_highhigh[i], lmin=sl_lmin[i], lmax=sl_lmax[i], fmin=0, fmax=0, broad1=2.1 * 2.355, broad2=2.1 * 2.355, plot=plot_fit, verbose=False, plot_sus=False, fcal=False, warnings=warnings_, ) # Broad is FWHM for Gaussian sigm a= 1, di = di + 1 else: resultado = fluxes( w, sky_sl_gaussian_fitted, sl_center[i], lowlow=sl_lowlow[i], lowhigh=sl_lowhigh[i], highlow=sl_highlow[i], highhigh=sl_highhigh[i], lmin=sl_lmin[i], lmax=sl_lmax[i], fmin=0, fmax=0, broad=2.1 * 2.355, plot=plot_fit, verbose=False, plot_sus=False, fcal=False, warnings=warnings, ) # Broad is FWHM for Gaussian sigm a= 1, sl_gaussian_flux.append(resultado[3]) sky_sl_gaussian_fitted = resultado[11] sl_gauss_center.append(resultado[1]) sl_gaussian_sigma.append(resultado[5] / 2.355) if el_low < sl_center[i] < el_high: if verbose: print(" SKY line {} in EMISSION LINE !".format(sl_center[i])) skip_sl_fit.append(True) else: skip_sl_fit.append(False) # print " Fitted wavelength for sky line ",sl_center[i]," : ",resultado[1]," ",resultado[5] if plot_fit: if verbose: print(" Fitted wavelength for sky line {} : {} sigma = {}".format( sl_center[i], sl_gauss_center[i], sl_gaussian_sigma[i]) ) wmin = sl_lmin[i] wmax = sl_lmax[i] # Gaussian fit to object spectrum object_sl_gaussian_flux = [] object_sl_gaussian_sigma = [] ratio_object_sky_sl_gaussian = [] dif_center_obj_sky = [] spec = spectra[fibre] object_sl_gaussian_fitted = copy.deepcopy(spec) object_sl_gaussian_center = [] di = 0 if verbose: print("\n> Performing Gaussian fitting to sky lines in fibre {} of object data...".format(fibre)) for i in range(number_sl): if sl_fnl[i] == 0: plot_fit = False else: plot_fit = True if skip_sl_fit[i]: if verbose: print(" SKIPPING SKY LINE {} as located within the range of an emission line!".format( sl_center[i])) object_sl_gaussian_flux.append( float("nan") ) # The value of the SKY SPECTRUM object_sl_gaussian_center.append(float("nan")) object_sl_gaussian_sigma.append(float("nan")) dif_center_obj_sky.append(float("nan")) else: if sl_center[i] == dsky1[di]: warnings_ = False if sl_fnl[i] == 1: warnings_ = True if verbose: print(" Line {} blended with {}".format(sl_center[i], dsky2[di])) resultado = dfluxes( w, object_sl_gaussian_fitted, sl_center[i], dsky2[di], lowlow=sl_lowlow[i], lowhigh=sl_lowhigh[i], highlow=sl_highlow[i], highhigh=sl_highhigh[i], lmin=sl_lmin[i], lmax=sl_lmax[i], fmin=0, fmax=0, broad1=sl_gaussian_sigma[i] * 2.355, broad2=sl_gaussian_sigma[i] * 2.355, plot=plot_fit, verbose=False, plot_sus=False, fcal=False, warnings=warnings_, ) di = di + 1 if ( resultado[3] > 0 and resultado[5] / 2.355 < maxima_sigma and resultado[13] > 0 and resultado[14] / 2.355 < maxima_sigma ): # and resultado[5] < maxima_sigma: # -100000.: #0: use_sigma = resultado[5] / 2.355 object_sl_gaussian_flux.append(resultado[3]) object_sl_gaussian_fitted = resultado[11] object_sl_gaussian_center.append(resultado[1]) object_sl_gaussian_sigma.append(use_sigma) dif_center_obj_sky.append( object_sl_gaussian_center[i] - sl_gauss_center[i] ) else: if verbose: print(" Bad fit for {}! ignoring it...".format(sl_center[i])) object_sl_gaussian_flux.append(float("nan")) object_sl_gaussian_center.append(float("nan")) object_sl_gaussian_sigma.append(float("nan")) dif_center_obj_sky.append(float("nan")) skip_sl_fit[i] = True # We don't substract this fit else: resultado = fluxes( w, object_sl_gaussian_fitted, sl_center[i], lowlow=sl_lowlow[i], lowhigh=sl_lowhigh[i], highlow=sl_highlow[i], highhigh=sl_highhigh[i], lmin=sl_lmin[i], lmax=sl_lmax[i], fmin=0, fmax=0, broad=sl_gaussian_sigma[i] * 2.355, plot=plot_fit, verbose=False, plot_sus=False, fcal=False, warnings=warnings, ) # Broad is FWHM for Gaussian sigma= 1, # print sl_center[i],sl_gaussian_sigma[i], resultado[5]/2.355, maxima_sigma if ( resultado[3] > 0 and resultado[5] / 2.355 < maxima_sigma ): # and resultado[5] < maxima_sigma: # -100000.: #0: object_sl_gaussian_flux.append(resultado[3]) object_sl_gaussian_fitted = resultado[11] object_sl_gaussian_center.append(resultado[1]) object_sl_gaussian_sigma.append(resultado[5] / 2.355) dif_center_obj_sky.append( object_sl_gaussian_center[i] - sl_gauss_center[i] ) else: if verbose: print(" Bad fit for {}! ignoring it...".format(sl_center[i])) object_sl_gaussian_flux.append(float("nan")) object_sl_gaussian_center.append(float("nan")) object_sl_gaussian_sigma.append(float("nan")) dif_center_obj_sky.append(float("nan")) skip_sl_fit[i] = True # We don't substract this fit ratio_object_sky_sl_gaussian.append( old_div(object_sl_gaussian_flux[i], sl_gaussian_flux[i]) ) # TODO: to remove once sky_line_fitting is active and we can do 1Dfit # Scale sky lines that are located in emission lines or provided negative values in fit # reference_sl = 1 # Position in the file! Position 1 is sky line 6363.4 # sl_ref_ratio = sl_gaussian_flux/sl_gaussian_flux[reference_sl] if verbose: print("\n> Correcting skylines for which we couldn't get a Gaussian fit...\n") for i in range(number_sl): if skip_sl_fit[i] == True: # Use known center, sigma of the sky and peak gauss_fix = sl_gaussian_sigma[i] small_center_correction = 0.0 # Check if center of previous sky line has a small difference in wavelength small_center_correction = np.nanmedian(dif_center_obj_sky[0:i]) if verbose: print("- Small correction of center wavelength of sky line {} : {}".format( sl_center[i], small_center_correction)) object_sl_gaussian_fitted = substract_given_gaussian( w, object_sl_gaussian_fitted, sl_center[i] + small_center_correction, peak=0, sigma=gauss_fix, flux=0, search_peak=True, lowlow=sl_lowlow[i], lowhigh=sl_lowhigh[i], highlow=sl_highlow[i], highhigh=sl_highhigh[i], lmin=sl_lmin[i], lmax=sl_lmax[i], plot=False, verbose=verbose, ) # Substract second Gaussian if needed !!!!! for di in range(len(dsky1) - 1): if sl_center[i] == dsky1[di]: if verbose: print(" This was a double sky line, also substracting {} at {}".format( dsky2[di], np.array(dsky2[di]) + small_center_correction)) object_sl_gaussian_fitted = substract_given_gaussian( w, object_sl_gaussian_fitted, np.array(dsky2[di]) + small_center_correction, peak=0, sigma=gauss_fix, flux=0, search_peak=True, lowlow=sl_lowlow[i], lowhigh=sl_lowhigh[i], highlow=sl_highlow[i], highhigh=sl_highhigh[i], lmin=sl_lmin[i], lmax=sl_lmax[i], plot=False, verbose=verbose, ) # wmin,wmax = 6100,6500 # ymin,ymax= -100,400 # # wmin,wmax = 6350,6700 # wmin,wmax = 7100,7700 # wmin,wmax = 7600,8200 # wmin,wmax = 8200,8500 # wmin,wmax = 7350,7500 # wmin,wmax=6100, 8500 #7800, 8000#6820, 6850 #6700,7000 #6300,6450#7500 # wmin,wmax = 8700,9300 # ymax=800 if plot: plt.figure(figsize=(11, 4)) plt.plot(w, spec, "y", alpha=0.7, label="Object") plt.plot( w, object_sl_gaussian_fitted, "k", alpha=0.5, label="Obj - sky fitted", ) plt.plot(w, sky_sl_gaussian_fitted, "r", alpha=0.5, label="Sky fitted") plt.plot(w, spec - sky, "g", alpha=0.5, label="Obj - sky") plt.plot( w, object_sl_gaussian_fitted - sky_sl_gaussian_fitted, "b", alpha=0.9, label="Obj - sky fitted - rest sky", ) plt.xlim(wmin, wmax) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) ptitle = "Fibre " + np.str(fibre) # +" with rms = "+np.str(rms[i]) plt.title(ptitle) plt.xlabel("Wavelength [$\AA$]") plt.ylabel("Flux [counts]") plt.legend(frameon=True, loc=2, ncol=5) plt.minorticks_on() for i in range(len(el_list)): plt.axvline(x=el_list[i], color="k", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) for i in range(number_sl): if sl_fnl[i] == 1: plt.axvline( x=sl_center[i], color="brown", linestyle="-", alpha=1 ) else: plt.axvline( x=sl_center[i], color="y", linestyle="--", alpha=0.6 ) for i in range(len(dsky2) - 1): plt.axvline(x=dsky2[i], color="orange", linestyle="--", alpha=0.6) # # plt.close() offset = np.nanmedian( np.array(object_sl_gaussian_center) - np.array(sl_gauss_center) ) if verbose: # reference_sl = 1 # Position in the file! # sl_ref_ratio = sl_gaussian_flux/sl_gaussian_flux[reference_sl] # print "\n n line fsky fspec fspec/fsky l_obj-l_sky fsky/6363.4 sigma_sky sigma_fspec" # #print "\n n c_object c_sky c_obj-c_sky" # for i in range(number_sl): # if skip_sl_fit[i] == False: print "{:2} {:6.1f} {:8.2f} {:8.2f} {:7.4f} {:5.2f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}" .format(i+1,sl_center[i],sl_gaussian_flux[i],object_sl_gaussian_flux[i],ratio_object_sky_sl_gaussian[i],object_sl_gaussian_center[i]-sl_gauss_center[i],sl_ref_ratio[i],sl_gaussian_sigma[i],object_sl_gaussian_sigma[i]) # #if skip_sl_fit[i] == False: print "{:2} {:9.3f} {:9.3f} {:9.3f}".format(i+1, object_sl_gaussian_center[i], sl_gauss_center[i], dif_center_obj_sky[i]) # print("\n> Median center offset between OBJ and SKY : {} A\n> Median gauss for the OBJECT {} A".format(offset, np.nanmedian(object_sl_gaussian_sigma))) print("> Median flux OBJECT / SKY = {}".format(np.nanmedian(ratio_object_sky_sl_gaussian))) self.wavelength_offset_per_fibre.append(offset) # plt.plot(object_sl_gaussian_center, ratio_object_sky_sl_gaussian, "r+") if auto_scale_sky: if verbose: print("\n> As requested, using this value to scale sky spectrum before substraction... ") auto_scale =
#===========================================# # # # # #----------CROSSWALK RECOGNITION------------# #-----------WRITTEN BY N.DALAL--------------# #-----------------2017 (c)------------------# # # # # #===========================================# #Copyright by <NAME>, 2017 (c) #Licensed under the MIT License: #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all #copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE #SOFTWARE. import numpy as np import cv2 import math import scipy.misc import PIL.Image import statistics import timeit import glob from sklearn import linear_model, datasets #==========================# #---------functions--------# #==========================# #get a line from a point and unit vectors def lineCalc(vx, vy, x0, y0): scale = 10 x1 = x0+scale*vx y1 = y0+scale*vy m = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0) b = y1-m*x1 return m,b #the angle at the vanishing point def angle(pt1, pt2): x1, y1 = pt1 x2, y2 = pt2 inner_product = x1*x2 + y1*y2 len1 = math.hypot(x1, y1) len2 = math.hypot(x2, y2) print(len1) print(len2) a=math.acos(inner_product/(len1*len2)) return a*180/math.pi #vanishing point - cramer's rule def lineIntersect(m1,b1, m2,b2) : #a1*x+b1*y=c1 #a2*x+b2*y=c2 #convert to cramer's system a_1 = -m1 b_1 = 1 c_1 = b1 a_2 = -m2 b_2 = 1 c_2 = b2 d = a_1*b_2 - a_2*b_1 #determinant dx = c_1*b_2 - c_2*b_1 dy = a_1*c_2 - a_2*c_1 intersectionX = dx/d intersectionY = dy/d return intersectionX,intersectionY #process a frame def process(im): start = timeit.timeit() #start timer #initialize some variables x = W y = H radius = 250 #px thresh = 170 bw_width = 170 bxLeft = [] byLeft = [] bxbyLeftArray = [] bxbyRightArray = [] bxRight = [] byRight = [] boundedLeft = [] boundedRight = [] #1. filter the white color lower = np.array([170,170,170]) upper =
''' This script reads the results of the previous script,, and prepare a graph that shows the statistics of the DictL test runs (for Fig5 in the paper). (c) <NAME>, UC Berkeley, 2021 ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt R = np.array([4]) N_examples = 122 # the number of slices in our test set #data_type_str = 'test' pad_ratio_vec = np.array([1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2]) sampling_type_vec = np.array([1,2]) # 0 = random, 1 = strong var-dens, 2 = weak var-dens # initialize arrays DictL_NRMSE_test_set =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright Netherlands eScience Center Function : Forecast Lorenz 84 model - Train BayesConvLSTM model Author : <NAME> First Built : 2020.03.09 Last Update : 2020.04.12 Library : Pytorth, Numpy, NetCDF4, os, iris, cartopy, dlacs, matplotlib Description : This notebook serves to predict the Lorenz 84 model using deep learning. The Bayesian Convolutional Long Short Time Memory neural network is used to deal with this spatial-temporal sequence problem. We use Pytorch as the deep learning framework. Return Values : pkl model and figures """ import sys import warnings import numbers import logging import time as tttt # for data loading import os from netCDF4 import Dataset # for pre-processing and machine learning import numpy as np import sklearn #import scipy import torch import torch.nn.functional #sys.path.append(os.path.join('C:','Users','nosta','ML4Climate','Scripts','DLACs')) #sys.path.append("C:\\Users\\nosta\\ML4Climate\\Scripts\\DLACs") sys.path.append("../") import dlacs import dlacs.BayesConvLSTM import dlacs.preprocess import dlacs.function # for visualization import dlacs.visual import matplotlib # Generate images without having a window appear matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pyplot import cm import iris # also helps with regriding import cartopy import as ccrs # ignore all the DeprecationWarnings by pytorch if not sys.warnoptions: warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # constants constant = {'g' : 9.80616, # gravititional acceleration [m / s2] 'R' : 6371009, # radius of the earth [m] 'cp': 1004.64, # heat capacity of air [J/(Kg*K)] 'Lv': 2500000, # Latent heat of vaporization [J/Kg] 'R_dry' : 286.9, # gas constant of dry air [J/(kg*K)] 'R_vap' : 461.5, # gas constant for water vapour [J/(kg*K)] 'rho' : 1026, # sea water density [kg/m3] } # calculate the time for the code execution start_time = tttt.time() ################################################################################# ######### datapath ######## ################################################################################# # ** Reanalysis ** # **ERA-Interim** 1979 - 2016 (ECMWF) # **ORAS4** 1958 - 2014 (ECMWF) # please specify data path datapath = '/projects/0/blueactn/dataBayes' output_path = '/home/lwc16308/BayesArctic/DLACs/models/' ################################################################################# ######### main ######## ################################################################################# # set up logging files logging.basicConfig(filename = os.path.join(output_path,'logFile_Lorenz84_train.log'), filemode = 'w+', level = logging.DEBUG, format = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logging.getLogger('matplotlib.font_manager').disabled = True if __name__=="__main__": print ('*********************** get the key to the datasets *************************') ################################################################################# ########### configure Lorenz 84 model ########### #################################################################################"Configure Lorenz 84 model") # Lorenz paramters and initial conditions x_init = 1.0 # strength of the symmetric globally encircling westerly current y_init = 1.0 # strength of the cosine phases of a chain of superposedwaves (large scale eddies) z_init = 1.0 # strength of the sine phases of a chain of superposedwaves (large scale eddies) F = 8.0 # thermal forcing term G = 1.0 # thermal forcing term a = 0.25 # stiffness factor for westerly wind x b = 4.0 # advection strength of the waves by the westerly current # assuming the damping time for the waves is 5 days (Lorens 1984) dt = 0.0333 # 1/30 unit of time unit (5 days) num_steps = 1500 # cut-off point of initialization period cut_off = 300"#####################################")"Summary of Lorenz 84 model")"x = 1.0 y = 1.0 z = 1.0")"F = 8.0 G = 1.0 a = 0.25 b = 4.0")"unit time step 0.0333 (~5days)")"series length 1500 steps")"cut-off length 300 steps")"#####################################") ################################################################################# ########### Lorens 84 model ########### ################################################################################# def lorenz84(x, y, z, a = 0.25, b = 4.0, F = 8.0, G = 1.0): """ Solver of Lorens-84 model. param x, y, z: location in a 3D space param a, b, F, G: constants and forcing """ dx = - y**2 - z**2 - a * x + a * F dy = x * y - b * x * z - y + G dz = b * x * y + x * z - z return dx, dy, dz ################################################################################# ########### Launch Lorenz 84 model ########### #################################################################################"Launch Lorenz 84 model") # Need one more for the initial values x = np.empty(num_steps) y = np.empty(num_steps) z = np.empty(num_steps) # save initial values x[0] = x_init y[0] = y_init z[0] = z_init # Step through "time", calculating the partial derivatives at the current point # and using them to estimate the next point for i in range(num_steps-1): dx, dy, dz = lorenz84(x[i], y[i], z[i]) x[i + 1] = x[i] + (dx * dt) y[i + 1] = y[i] + (dy * dt) z[i + 1] = z[i] + (dz * dt) ################################################################################# ########### Prepare Lorenz 84 model output for learning ########### ################################################################################# # time series cut-off x = x[cut_off:] y = y[cut_off:] z = z[cut_off:] print ('=================== normalize data =====================') x_norm = dlacs.preprocess.operator.normalize(x) y_norm = dlacs.preprocess.operator.normalize(y) z_norm = dlacs.preprocess.operator.normalize(z) print('================ save the normalizing factor =================') x_max = np.amax(x) x_min = np.amin(x) y_max = np.amax(y) y_min =
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import cv2 from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import Callback from .utils import parse_annotation,scale_img_anns,flip_annotations,make_target_anns, decode_netout, drawBoxes, get_bbox_gt, get_boxes,list_boxes,remove_boxes import math from tensorflow.keras.models import save_model from mean_average_precision.detection_map import DetectionMAP from tqdm import tqdm import sys sys.path.append("..") from gen_utils import remExt, hor_con, save_prev_metrics from .models import custom_preprocess import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt matplotlib.use('Agg') import datetime def plot_loss(name,epoch,losses): fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(losses) plt.title('Model Loss') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend(['loss','val_loss']) plt.grid() fig.savefig('./det_output/training_loss_'+name+'.png') plt.close() return def plot_map(name,epoch,metrics): fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(metrics) plt.title('Model mAP') plt.ylabel('mAP') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend(['map']) plt.grid() fig.savefig('./det_output/val_map_'+name+'.png') plt.close() return class det_callback(Callback): def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): for layer in self.model.layers: if ( == 'class_branch'): self.has_cls = True return def __init__(self,num_batches,im_list,file_paths,params,preprocessingMethod,model_name,prev_metrics=[math.inf,math.inf],vis=1): self.im_list = im_list self.yolo_params = params self.preprocessingMethod = preprocessingMethod self.num_batches = num_batches self.losses = [] self.metrics = [] self.plt_name ="%y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") self.loss_metrics = prev_metrics self.model_name = model_name self.best_epoch = 0 self.im_path = file_paths[0] self.ann_path = file_paths[1] self.has_cls = False self.vis = vis = 0. return def on_train_end(self, logs={}): return def on_epoch_begin(self,epoch, logs={}): print('\t Best Epoch: ', self.best_epoch) self.pbar = tqdm(total=self.num_batches+1) return def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): self.losses.append([logs['loss'],logs['val_loss']]) if(np.mod(epoch+1,100)==0): save_model(self.model, './saved_models/' + self.model_name + '_' + str(epoch+1) + '_.h5') self.model.save_weights('./saved_models/' + self.model_name + '_' + str(epoch+1) + '_weights.h5') print('\t -> Saving Checkpoint...') plot_loss(self.plt_name+'_'+self.model_name,epoch,self.losses) self.pbar.close() frames=[] for i in range(len(self.im_list)): name = remExt(self.im_list[i]) WIDTH = self.yolo_params.NORM_W HEIGHT = self.yolo_params.NORM_H img_in = cv2.imread(self.im_path + name + '.jpg') if (self.yolo_params.annformat == 'pascalvoc'): train_ann = self.ann_path + name + '.xml' if (self.yolo_params.annformat == 'OID'): train_ann = self.ann_path + name + '.txt' bboxes = parse_annotation(train_ann, self.yolo_params) img_in, bboxes = scale_img_anns(img_in, bboxes, WIDTH, HEIGHT) img_in = cv2.cvtColor(img_in, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = img_in.astype(np.float32) if (self.preprocessingMethod == None): img = custom_preprocess(img) else: img = self.preprocessingMethod(img) img = np.expand_dims(img, 0) net_out = self.model.predict(img, batch_size=1) pred = net_out.squeeze() image, boxes = decode_netout(img_in.copy(), pred, self.yolo_params, False, False, t_c=0.1, nms_thresh=0.5) b = [] sc = [] l = [] idxs = [] for box in boxes: b.append([box.xmin, box.ymin, box.xmax, box.ymax]) sc.append(box.get_score()) l.append(box.get_label()) do_nms=False if (len(boxes) > 1 and do_nms==True): idxs = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(b, np.array(sc, dtype=np.float), 0.1, 0.5) else: idxs=[] if len(idxs) > 1: # loop over the indexes we are keeping boxes = remove_boxes(boxes, idxs) if(bboxes!=[]): gt_boxesx1y1x2y2 = np.array(bboxes[:, :4], dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array(bboxes[:, 4], dtype=np.float32) else: gt_boxesx1y1x2y2 = np.array([], dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array([], dtype=np.float32) if (boxes == []): bb = np.array([]) sc =
import numpy as np import scipy.stats from scipy import ndimage from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from imutils import nan_to_zero # try to use cv2 for faster image processing try: import cv2 cv2.connectedComponents # relatively recent addition, so check presence opencv_found = True except (ImportError, AttributeError): opencv_found = False def measure_of_chaos(im, nlevels, overwrite=True, statistic=None): """ Compute a measure for the spatial chaos in given image using the level sets method. :param im: 2d array :param nlevels: how many levels to use :type nlevels: int :param overwrite: Whether the input image can be overwritten to save memory :type overwrite: bool :param statistic: callable that calculates a score (a number) for the object counts in the level sets. If specified, this statistic will be used instead of the default one. The callable must take two arguments - the object counts (sequence of ints) and the number of non-zero pixels in the original image (int) - and output a number :return: the measured value :rtype: float :raises ValueError: if nlevels <= 0 or q_val is an invalid percentile or an unknown interp value is used """ statistic = statistic or _default_measure # don't process empty images if np.sum(im) <= 0: return np.nan sum_notnull =
np.sum(im > 0)
import io import os import zipfile import numpy as np from PIL import Image from chainer.dataset import download def get_facade(): root = download.get_dataset_directory('study_chainer/facade') npz_path = os.path.join(root, 'base.npz') url = '' def creator(path): archive_path = download.cached_download(url) images = [] labels = [] with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, 'r') as archive: for i in range(1, 378+1): image_name = 'base/cmp_b{:04d}.jpg'.format(i) label_name = 'base/cmp_b{:04d}.png'.format(i) image = image = np.asarray(image) images.append(image) label = label =
from ctypes import * import numpy as np import math import keyboard import matplotlib.pyplot as pl from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D class infoformat(Structure): _fields_ = [\ ("posx",c_double),("posy",c_double),("posz",c_double),\ ("velocityx",c_double),("velocityy",c_double),("velocityz",c_double),\ ("accx",c_double),("accy",c_double),("accz",c_double),\ ("thetax",c_double),("thetay",c_double),("thetaz",c_double),\ ("posx_t",c_double),("posy_t",c_double),("posz_t",c_double),\ ("velocityx_t",c_double),("velocityy_t",c_double),("velocityz_t",c_double),\ ("accx_t",c_double),("accy_t",c_double),("accz_t",c_double),\ ("thetax_t",c_double),("thetay_t",c_double),("thetaz_t",c_double),\ ("thrust",c_double)\ ] class imagecoor(Structure): _fields_ = [\ ("u",c_double),("v",c_double),("w",c_double)] #windows version interface dronesimapi = CDLL('./') #set input type dronesimapi.siminit.argtype = [c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,\ c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,\ c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double] dronesimapi.simrun.argtype = [c_double,c_double,c_double,\ c_double,c_double,c_double,\ c_ulonglong] #set output type dronesimapi.siminfo.restype = POINTER(infoformat) dronesimapi.simprojection.argtype = [c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,\ c_double,c_double,c_double,\ c_double,c_double] dronesimapi.simprojection.restype = POINTER(imagecoor) dronesimapi.installcamera.argtype = [c_double,c_double,c_double,\ c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double] #interface warper: def siminit(pos_hunter, ori_hunter, pos_target, ori_target,speed_upbound_hunter,speed_upbound_target,\ yawdot_bound_hunter = 180,yawdot_bound_target = 180): dronesimapi.siminit(c_double(pos_hunter[0]),c_double(pos_hunter[1]),c_double(pos_hunter[2]),\ c_double(ori_hunter[0]),c_double(ori_hunter[1]),c_double(ori_hunter[2]),\ c_double(pos_target[0]),c_double(pos_target[1]),c_double(pos_target[2]),\ c_double(ori_target[0]),c_double(ori_target[1]),c_double(ori_target[2]),\ c_double(speed_upbound_hunter),c_double(speed_upbound_target),\ c_double(yawdot_bound_hunter),c_double(yawdot_bound_target)) def simrun(period,huntercmd,targetcmd = None): # input : period time in second if targetcmd: dronesimapi.simrun(c_double(huntercmd[0]),c_double(huntercmd[1]),c_double(huntercmd[2]),c_double(huntercmd[3]),\ c_double(targetcmd[0]),c_double(targetcmd[1]),c_double(targetcmd[2]),c_double(targetcmd[3]),\ c_ulonglong(period)) else: dronesimapi.simrun(c_double(huntercmd[0]),c_double(huntercmd[1]),c_double(huntercmd[2]),c_double(huntercmd[3]),\ c_double(0),c_double(0),c_double(0),c_double(0),\ c_ulonglong(period)) def siminfo(): outinfo = dronesimapi.siminfo() pos_hunter = np.array([outinfo.contents.posx,outinfo.contents.posy,outinfo.contents.posz]) ori_hunter = np.array([outinfo.contents.thetax,outinfo.contents.thetay,outinfo.contents.thetaz]) acc_hunter = np.array([outinfo.contents.accx,outinfo.contents.accy,outinfo.contents.accz]) pos_target = np.array([outinfo.contents.posx_t,outinfo.contents.posy_t,outinfo.contents.posz_t]) ori_target = np.array([outinfo.contents.thetax_t,outinfo.contents.thetay_t,outinfo.contents.thetaz_t]) acc_target = np.array([outinfo.contents.accx_t,outinfo.contents.accy_t,outinfo.contents.accz_t]) return pos_hunter,ori_hunter,acc_hunter,pos_target,ori_target,acc_target,outinfo.contents.thrust def projection(pos_hunter,ori_hunter,pos_target,w,h): outcoor = dronesimapi.simprojection(c_double(pos_hunter[0]),c_double(pos_hunter[1]),c_double(pos_hunter[2]),\ c_double(ori_hunter[0]),c_double(ori_hunter[1]),c_double(ori_hunter[2]),\ c_double(pos_target[0]),c_double(pos_target[1]),c_double(pos_target[2]),\ c_double(w),c_double(h)) u,v,w = outcoor.contents.u,outcoor.contents.v,outcoor.contents.w inscrean = True if math.isnan(u) or math.isinf(u): inscrean = False if math.isnan(v) or math.isinf(v): inscrean = False if math.isnan(w) or math.isinf(w): inscrean = False if w < 0 or w > 1: inscrean = False return u,v,inscrean def installcamera(installori,F,H,FOVnear,FOVfar): #F,H is the angle in degrees, FOVnear and FOVfar are the position of near and far plane def getnearsize(F,H,FOVnear): F = np.cos(np.radians(F)) H = np.cos(np.radians(H)) D = np.matrix([[F + 1, F - 1],[H - 1, H + 1]]) b = np.matrix([[4 - 4*F],[4 - 4*H]]) * FOVnear**2 upandright = D.I*b up = np.sqrt(upandright[0,0])/2 right = np.sqrt(upandright[1,0])/2 return up,right up,right = getnearsize(F,H,FOVnear) # print(up,right) dronesimapi.installcamera(c_double(installori[0]),c_double(installori[1]),c_double(installori[2]),\ c_double(-right),c_double(right),c_double(-up),c_double(up),c_double(FOVnear),c_double(FOVfar)) def simstop(): dronesimapi.simstop() ## def cmdfromkeyboard(): rolldict = {'a':-1,'d':1} pitchdict = {'w':1,'s':-1} yawdict = {'q':-1,'e':1} throttledict = {'-':-1,'=':1} def checkkeyboard(keydict,default_val): for key in keydict.keys(): if keyboard.is_pressed(key): return keydict[key] return default_val roll = checkkeyboard(rolldict,0) pitch = checkkeyboard(pitchdict,0) yaw = checkkeyboard(yawdict,0) throttle = checkkeyboard(throttledict,0) return roll,pitch,yaw,throttle class visualdrone(): def __init__(self,viewrange = 50,arrowlen = 5): self.range = viewrange self.rawlen = self.range/arrowlen fig = pl.figure(0) self.axis3d = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') def render(self,pos_hunter,ori_hunter,pos_target,ori_target): def Rot_bn(o): A =o[2] B =o[1] C =o[0] R = np.array([[np.cos(A)*np.cos(B), np.cos(A)*np.sin(B)*np.sin(C)-np.sin(A)*np.cos(C), np.cos(A)*np.sin(B)*np.cos(C) +
import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import lstsq from numpy.testing import (assert_allclose, assert_equal, assert_, run_module_suite, assert_raises) from scipy.sparse import rand from scipy.sparse.linalg import aslinearoperator from scipy.optimize import lsq_linear A = np.array([ [0.171, -0.057], [-0.049, -0.248], [-0.166, 0.054], ]) b = np.array([0.074, 1.014, -0.383]) class BaseMixin(object): def __init__(self): self.rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) def test_dense_no_bounds(self): for lsq_solver in self.lsq_solvers: res = lsq_linear(A, b, method=self.method, lsq_solver=lsq_solver) assert_allclose(res.x, lstsq(A, b)[0]) def test_dense_bounds(self): # Solutions for comparison are taken from MATLAB. lb = np.array([-1, -10]) ub = np.array([1, 0]) for lsq_solver in self.lsq_solvers: res = lsq_linear(A, b, (lb, ub), method=self.method, lsq_solver=lsq_solver) assert_allclose(res.x, lstsq(A, b)[0]) lb = np.array([0.0, -np.inf]) for lsq_solver in self.lsq_solvers: res = lsq_linear(A, b, (lb, np.inf), method=self.method, lsq_solver=lsq_solver) assert_allclose(res.x, np.array([0.0, -4.084174437334673]), atol=1e-6) lb = np.array([-1, 0]) for lsq_solver in self.lsq_solvers: res = lsq_linear(A, b, (lb, np.inf), method=self.method, lsq_solver=lsq_solver) assert_allclose(res.x, np.array([0.448427311733504, 0]), atol=1e-15) ub = np.array([np.inf, -5]) for lsq_solver in self.lsq_solvers: res = lsq_linear(A, b, (-np.inf, ub), method=self.method, lsq_solver=lsq_solver) assert_allclose(res.x, np.array([-0.105560998682388, -5])) ub = np.array([-1, np.inf]) for lsq_solver in self.lsq_solvers: res = lsq_linear(A, b, (-np.inf, ub), method=self.method, lsq_solver=lsq_solver) assert_allclose(res.x, np.array([-1, -4.181102129483254])) lb = np.array([0, -4]) ub = np.array([1, 0]) for lsq_solver in self.lsq_solvers: res = lsq_linear(A, b, (lb, ub), method=self.method, lsq_solver=lsq_solver) assert_allclose(res.x, np.array([0.005236663400791, -4])) def test_dense_rank_deficient(self): A = np.array([[-0.307, -0.184]]) b =
''' Name: Desc: Input pipeline using feed dict method to provide input data to model. Some of this code is taken from <NAME>'s colorzation github and python caffe library. Other parts of this code have been taken from <NAME>'s library ''' from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import itertools import json import math import numpy as np from numpy import linalg as LA import os from PIL import Image import PIL import pdb import pickle import random import scipy from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter import skimage import from skimage.transform import resize import sklearn.neighbors as nn import string import subprocess import sys # import tensorflow as tf from transforms3d import euler import transforms3d import traceback as tb # if tf.__version__ == '0.10.0': # tf_summary_scalar = tf.scalar_summary # else: # tf_summary_scalar = tf.summary.scalar ####################### # Loading fns ####################### def load_scaled_image( filename, color=True ): """ Load an image converting from grayscale or alpha as needed. From KChen Args: filename : string color : boolean flag for color format. True (default) loads as RGB while False loads as intensity (if image is already grayscale). Returns image : an image with type np.float32 in range [0, 1] of size (H x W x 3) in RGB or of size (H x W x 1) in grayscale. By kchen """ img = skimage.img_as_float(, as_gray=not color)).astype(np.float32) if img.ndim == 2: img = img[:, :, np.newaxis] if color: img = np.tile(img, (1, 1, 3)) elif img.shape[2] == 4: img = img[:, :, :3] return img def load_raw_image( filename, color=True, use_pil=False ): """ Load an image converting from grayscale or alpha as needed. Adapted from KChen Args: filename : string color : boolean flag for color format. True (default) loads as RGB while False loads as intensity (if image is already grayscale). Returns image : an image with image original dtype and image pixel range of size (H x W x 3) in RGB or of size (H x W x 1) in grayscale. """ if use_pil: img = filename ) else: img =, as_gray=not color) if use_pil: return img if img.ndim == 2: img = img[:, :, np.newaxis] if color: img = np.tile(img, (1, 1, 3)) elif img.shape[2] == 4: img = img[:, :, :3] return img ######################### # Image manipulation fns ######################### def resize_rescale_imagenet(img, new_dims, interp_order=1, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an image array with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (min, max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndarray with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimage.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = img[:,:,[2,1,0]] * 255. mean_bgr = [103.062623801, 115.902882574, 123.151630838] img = img - mean_bgr return img def resize_rescale_image_low_sat(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an image array with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (min, max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndarray with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimage.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = np.clip(img, 0.1, 0.9) img = rescale_image( img, new_scale, current_scale=current_scale, no_clip=no_clip ) return img def resize_rescale_image_low_sat_2(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an image array with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (min, max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndarray with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimage.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = np.clip(img, 0.2, 0.8) img = rescale_image( img, new_scale, current_scale=current_scale, no_clip=no_clip ) return img def resize_rescale_image(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an image array with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (min, max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndarray with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimage.img_as_float( img ) # between [0,255] (512,512,3) img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ) # between [0,1] (512,512,3) img = rescale_image( img, new_scale, current_scale=current_scale, no_clip=no_clip ) # between [-1,1] (256,256,3) return img def resize_rescale_image_gaussian_blur(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1, blur_strength=4, current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Resize an image array with interpolation, and rescale to be between Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (min, max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndarray with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) """ img = skimage.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = rescale_image( img, new_scale, current_scale=current_scale, no_clip=True ) blurred = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=blur_strength) if not no_clip: min_val, max_val = new_scale np.clip(blurred, min_val, max_val, out=blurred) return blurred def resize_image(im, new_dims, interp_order=1): """ Resize an image array with interpolation. Parameters ---------- im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns ------- im : resized ndarray with shape (new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K) By kchen @ """ if type(im) == PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile: interps = [PIL.Image.NEAREST, PIL.Image.BILINEAR] return skimage.util.img_as_float(im.resize(new_dims, interps[interp_order])) if all( new_dims[i] == im.shape[i] for i in range( len( new_dims ) ) ): resized_im = im #return im.astype(np.float32) elif im.shape[-1] == 1 or im.shape[-1] == 3: resized_im = resize(im, new_dims, order=interp_order, preserve_range=True) else: # ndimage interpolates anything but more slowly. scale = tuple(np.array(new_dims, dtype=float) / np.array(im.shape[:2])) resized_im = zoom(im, scale + (1,), order=interp_order) # resized_im = resized_im.astype(np.float32) return resized_im def rescale_image(im, new_scale=[-1.,1.], current_scale=None, no_clip=False): """ Rescales an image pixel values to target_scale Args: img: A np.float_32 array, assumed between [0,1] new_scale: [min,max] current_scale: If not supplied, it is assumed to be in: [0, 1]: if dtype=float [0, 2^16]: if dtype=uint [0, 255]: if dtype=ubyte Returns: rescaled_image """ im = skimage.img_as_float(im).astype(np.float32) if current_scale is not None: min_val, max_val = current_scale if not no_clip: im = np.clip(im, min_val, max_val) im = im - min_val im /= (max_val - min_val) min_val, max_val = new_scale im *= (max_val - min_val) im += min_val return im def resize_and_rescale_image_log( img, new_dims, offset=1., normalizer=1.): """ Resizes and rescales an img to log-linear Args: img: A np array offset: Shifts values by offset before taking log. Prevents taking the log of a negative number normalizer: divide by the normalizing factor after taking log Returns: rescaled_image """ img = np.log( float( offset ) + img ) / normalizer img = resize_image(img, new_dims) return img def rescale_image_log( img, offset=1., normalizer=1. ): """ Rescales an img to log-linear Args: img: A np array offset: Shifts values by offset before taking log. Prevents taking the log of a negative number normalizer: divide by the normalizing factor after taking log Returns: rescaled_image """ return np.log( float( offset ) + img ) / normalizer ################ # Curvature # ################# def curvature_preprocess(img, new_dims, interp_order=1): img = resize_image(img, new_dims, interp_order) img = img[:,:,:2] img = img - [123.572, 120.1] img = img / [31.922, 21.658] return img def curvature_preprocess_gaussian_with_blur(img, new_dims, interp_order=1, blur_strength=4): k1 = img[:,:,0].astype(np.float32) - 128.0 k2 = img[:,:,1].astype(np.float32) - 128.0 curv = k1 * k2 curv = curv * 8.0 / (127.0 ** 2) curv = curv[:,:,np.newaxis] curv = resize_image(curv, new_dims, interp_order) blurred = gaussian_filter(curv, sigma=blur_strength) return blurred def curvature_preprocess_gaussian(img, new_dims, interp_order=1): k1 = img[:,:,0].astype(np.float32) - 128.0 k2 = img[:,:,1].astype(np.float32) - 128.0 curv = k1 * k2 curv = curv * 8.0 / (127.0 ** 2) curv = curv[:,:,np.newaxis] curv = resize_image(curv, new_dims, interp_order) return curv ################# # Denoising # ################# def random_noise_image(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): """ Add noise to an image Args: im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (min, max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns: a noisy version of the original clean image """ img = skimage.util.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = skimage.util.random_noise(img, var=0.01) img = rescale_image( img, new_scale ) return img ################# # Colorization # ################# def to_light_low_sat(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): """ Turn an image into lightness Args: im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (min, max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns: a lightness version of the original image """ img = skimage.img_as_float( img ) img = np.clip(img, 0.2, 0.8) img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = skimage.color.rgb2lab(img)[:,:,0] img = rescale_image( img, new_scale, current_scale=[0,100]) return np.expand_dims(img,2) def to_light(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): """ Turn an image into lightness Args: im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (min, max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns: a lightness version of the original image """ img = skimage.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = skimage.color.rgb2lab(img)[:,:,0] img = rescale_image( img, new_scale, current_scale=[0,100]) return np.expand_dims(img,2) def to_ab(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): """ Turn an image into ab Args: im : (H x W x K) ndarray new_dims : (height, width) tuple of new dimensions. new_scale : (min, max) tuple of new scale. interp_order : interpolation order, default is linear. Returns: a ab version of the original image """ img = skimage.img_as_float( img ) img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ) img = skimage.color.rgb2lab(img)[:,:,1:] img = rescale_image( img, new_scale, current_scale=[-100,100]) return img def ab_image_to_prob(img, new_dims, root, interp_order=1): """ Turn an image into a probability distribution across color pair specified in pts_in_hull.npy It's referencing: Args: im : (H x W x K) ndarray Returns: Color label ground truth across 313 possible ab color combinations """ img = resize_image( img, new_dims, interp_order ).astype('uint8') img = skimage.color.rgb2lab(img)[:,:,1:] curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cc = np.load(os.path.join(curr_dir, 'pts_in_hull.npy')) K = cc.shape[0] NN = 10 sigma = 5. nbrs = nn.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=NN, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(cc) num_pixels = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] img_flattened = img.reshape(num_pixels, img.shape[2]) encoded_flattened = np.zeros((num_pixels, K)) point_index = np.arange(0,num_pixels, dtype='int')[:, np.newaxis] (dists, inds) = nbrs.kneighbors(img_flattened) wts = np.exp(-dists**2/(2*sigma**2)) wts = wts/np.sum(wts,axis=1)[:,np.newaxis] encoded_flattened[point_index, inds] = wts encoded = encoded_flattened.reshape([img.shape[0], img.shape[1], K]) ############## Prior Boost Mask ################# prior_factor = np.load(os.path.join(curr_dir, 'prior_factor_in_door.npy')) encoded_maxid = np.argmax(encoded, axis=-1) mask = prior_factor[encoded_maxid] return encoded, mask ################### # Context Encoder # ################### def context_encoder_input( img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): ''' Context encoder input function, substitute the middle section with constant Returns: ---------- img: with center 1/4 being constant average value ''' img = resize_rescale_image(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=interp_order) H,W,K = img.shape img[ int(H/4):int(3*H/4), int(W/4):int(3*W/4), :] = 0 return img def context_encoder_output(img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1 ): ''' Context encoder target function, take out the middle chunk ''' whole_dims = (new_dims[0]*2, new_dims[1]*2) img = resize_rescale_image(img, whole_dims, new_scale, interp_order=interp_order) H,W,_ = img.shape center_piece = img[ int(H/4):int(H/4)+new_dims[0] , int(W/4):int(W/4)+new_dims[1], :] return center_piece ################################# # Discriminative Target Process # ################################# def parse_filename( filename ): """ Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ----------- filename: a string in the formate specified above. Returns: ----------- path_to_root: path to data root directory domain: domain name model_id: model id point_id: point id view_id: view id """ components = filename.split("\\") domain = components[-2] name_components = components[-1].split('_') root_length = len(components) - 3 if len(name_components) == 6: point_id = name_components[1] view_id = name_components[3] elif len(name_components) == 1: view_id = name_components[0] point_id = components[root_length + 1] root = components[0].split("/") model_id = root[-1] path_to_root = "/".join(root[0:-1]) return path_to_root, domain, model_id, point_id, view_id preappend_slash = (filename[0] == '/') components = filename.split('/')[preappend_slash:] root_length = len(components) - 3 if preappend_slash: path_to_root = os.path.join("/" , *components[:root_length]) else: path_to_root = os.path.join(*components[:root_length]) model_id = components[root_length] name_components = components[-1].split('_') if len(name_components) == 6: domain = components[root_length+1] point_id = name_components[1] view_id = name_components[3] elif len(name_components) == 1: view_id = name_components[0] point_id = components[root_length+1] domain = 'rgb' return path_to_root, domain, model_id, point_id, view_id def generate_rgb_image_filename_from_ID(root, model_id, point_id, view_id): ''' Given the root, model_id, point_id, view_id of an image, return the rgb file path of that image. The file path is in the format: /{root}/{model_id}/rgb/ point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_rgb.png Parameters: ----------- root: path to root model_id: id of the model point_id: the id number of the point view_id: the id number of views Returns: ----------- path: file path to the image file ''' filename = "point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_rgb.png".format( point_id=point_id, view_id=view_id) path = os.path.join(root, model_id, 'rgb', filename) return path def make_image_filenames( filename, num_input): ''' Turn one image filename that contains the information of a image pair into multiple image filenames. For camera pose matching. The filename should be in the same format, except the point_id and view_id field is multiple integers with length num_input separated by commas: /{PATH_TO_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain}/{LIST_OF_POINT_IDS}_ view_{LIST_OF_VIEW_IDS}_{SOMETHING ELSE} Parameters: ----------- filename: A filename that in the format specified as above. num_input: length of the LIST_OF_POINT_IDS Returns: ----------- filenames: A list of image filenames ''' if len(filename.split('/')) == 6 or len(filename.split('/')) == 8 : return [filename] * num_input root, domain, model_id, point_ids, view_ids = parse_filename( filename ) model_ids = model_id.split(',') point_ids = point_ids.split(',') view_ids = view_ids.split(',') if len(view_ids) != num_input: if len(view_ids) == 1 and len(point_ids) == 1: image_name = generate_rgb_image_filename_from_ID(root, model_id, point_ids[0], view_ids[0]) image_name = [image_name] * num_input return image_name else: raise ValueError("num_input doesn't match the length of view_ids") filenames = [] if len(point_ids) == 1: point_id = point_ids[0] for index in range(num_input): view_id = view_ids[index] filenames.append(generate_rgb_image_filename_from_ID(root, model_id, point_id, view_id)) else: for index in range(num_input): view_id = view_ids[index] point_id = point_ids[index] if len(model_ids) > 1: model_i = model_ids[index] else: model_i = model_id filenames.append(generate_rgb_image_filename_from_ID(root, model_i, point_id, view_id)) return filenames ################### # Point Matching # ################### def point_match_new( filename ): model_ids = filename.split('/')[0] if len(model_ids.split(',')) == 2: return 0 point_ids = filename.split('/')[-2] if len(point_ids.split(',')) == 2: return 0 return 1 ################################ # Camera Pose Helper functions # ################################ def parse_fixated_filename( filename ): """ Fixated filename is stored in similar format as single filename, but with multiple views Return a list of filenames that has root directory specifid by root_dir Parameters: ----------- filename: filename in the specific format Returns: ----------- full_paths: a list of full path to camera pose info for the point-view pair """ root, domain, model_id, point_id, num_views = parse_filename( filename ) view_ids = num_views.split(',') new_domain = "fixatedpose" domain = "points" full_paths = [] for view_id in view_ids: filename = 'point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_{domain}.json'.format( point_id=point_id, view_id=view_id, domain=new_domain) full_path = os.path.join(root, model_id, domain, filename) full_paths.append(full_path) return full_paths def parse_nonfixated_filename( filename ): """ Nonfixated filename is stored in the format: '/{ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{POINT_IDS}/{VIEW_IDS}' POINT_IDS and VIEW_IDS are lists that are separated by comma. Return a list of filenames that has root directory specifid by root_dir Parameters: ----------- filename: filename in the specific format Returns: ----------- full_paths: a list of full path to camera pose info for the point-view pair """ root, domain, model_id, num_points, num_views = parse_filename( filename ) point_ids = num_points.split(',') view_ids = num_views.split(',') domain = "points" new_domain = "fixatedpose" full_path = [] for i in range(len(point_ids)): filename = 'point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_{domain}.json'.format( point_id=point_ids[i], view_id=view_ids[i], domain=new_domain) full_path_i = os.path.join(root, model_id, domain, filename) full_path.append(full_path_i) return full_path def calculate_relative_camera_location(full_path1, full_path2): """ Given two file path to two json files, extract the 'camera_location' and 'camera_rotation_final' field, and calcualte the relative camera pose Parameters: __________ full_path1, full_path2: paths to json information Returns: __________ camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two images """ assert os.path.isfile(full_path1) and os.path.isfile(full_path2) with open(full_path1, 'r') as fp: data1 = json.load(fp) with open(full_path2, 'r') as fp: data2 = json.load(fp) key = ['camera_location', 'camera_rotation_final'] location1 = data1[key[0]] location2 = data2[key[0]] translation = np.asarray(location1) - np.asarray(location2) return translation def calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_path1, full_path2, fixated=True, raw=False): """ Given two file path to two json files, extract the 'camera_location' and 'camera_rotation_final' field, and calcualte the relative camera pose Parameters: __________ full_path1, full_path2: paths to json information Returns: __________ camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two images """ assert os.path.isfile(full_path1) and os.path.isfile(full_path2) with open(full_path1, 'r') as fp: data1 = json.load(fp) with open(full_path2, 'r') as fp: data2 = json.load(fp) key = ['camera_location', 'camera_rotation_final'] location1 = np.asarray(data1[key[0]]) rotation1 = data1[key[1]] matrix1 = euler.euler2mat(*rotation1, axes='sxyz') location2 = np.asarray(data2[key[0]]) rotation2 = data2[key[1]] matrix2 = euler.euler2mat(*rotation2, axes='sxyz') relative_rotation_matrix = np.matmul(np.transpose( matrix2 ), matrix1) relative_rotation = euler.mat2euler(relative_rotation_matrix, axes='sxyz') translation = np.matmul(np.transpose(matrix2), location1 - location2) pose = np.hstack((relative_rotation, translation)) if not raw: if fixated: std = np.asarray([ 10.12015407, 8.1103528, 1.09171896, 1.21579016, 0.26040945, 10.05966329]) mean = np.asarray([ -2.67375523e-01, -1.19147040e-02, 1.14497274e-02, 1.10903410e-03, 2.10509948e-02, -4.02013549e+00]) else: mean = np.asarray([ -9.53197445e-03, -1.05196691e-03, -1.07545642e-02, 2.08785638e-02, -9.27858049e-02, -2.58052205e+00]) std = np.asarray([ 1.02316223, 0.66477511, 1.03806996, 5.75692889, 1.37604962, 7.43157247]) pose = (pose - mean)/std return pose ######################################## # Fixated and Non-fixated Camera Pose # ######################################## def nonfixated_camera_pose( filename ): """ Return two 6DOF camera pose vectors for two images of nonfixated view. Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ---------- filename: a filename that embodies what point we are examining Returns: ----------- camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two images """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two inputs to a fixated camera pose problem") full_paths = parse_nonfixated_filename( filename ) if len(full_paths) != 2: raise ValueError( "camera pose should have filename with 2 point-view, {filename}".format(filename=filename)) pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_paths[0], full_paths[1], fixated=False) return pose def nonfixated_camera_rot( filename ): """ Return two 6DOF camera pose vectors for two images of nonfixated view. Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ---------- filename: a filename that embodies what point we are examining Returns: ----------- camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two images """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two inputs to a fixated camera pose problem") full_paths = parse_nonfixated_filename( filename ) if len(full_paths) != 2: raise ValueError( "camera pose should have filename with 2 point-view, {filename}".format(filename=filename)) pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_paths[0], full_paths[1], fixated=False) rot = pose[:3] return rot def fixated_camera_pose( filename ): """ Return two 6DOF camera pose vectors for two images of fixated view. Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ---------- filename: a filename that embodies what point we are examining Returns: ----------- camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two images """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two inputs to a fixated camera pose problem") full_paths = parse_fixated_filename(filename) if len(full_paths) != 2: raise ValueError( "camera pose should have filename with 2 point-view, {filename}".format(filename=filename)) pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_paths[0], full_paths[1]) return pose def fixated_camera_rot( filename ): """ Return two 6DOF camera pose vectors for two images of fixated view. Filename is in the format: '/{PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT}/{MODEL_ID}/{domain} /point_{POINT_ID}_view_{VIEW_ID}_domain_{DOMAIN_NAME}.png' Parameters: ---------- filename: a filename that embodies what point we are examining Returns: ----------- camera_poses: vector that encode the camera pose info for two images """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two inputs to a fixated camera pose problem") full_paths = parse_fixated_filename(filename) if len(full_paths) != 2: raise ValueError( "camera pose should have filename with 2 point-view, {filename}".format(filename=filename)) pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_paths[0], full_paths[1]) rot = pose[:3] return rot ################# # Ego-Motion # ################# def triplet_fixated_egomotion( filename ): """ Given a filename that contains 3 different point-view combos, parse the filename and return the pair-wise camera pose. Parameters: ----------- filename: a filename in the specific format. Returns: ----------- egomotion: a numpy array of length 18 (3x6). (a concatanation of 3 6-DOF relative camera pose vector) """ if isinstance(filename, list): raise ValueError("Having more than two inputs to a fixated camera pose problem") full_paths = parse_fixated_filename(filename) if len(full_paths) != 3 : raise ValueError("quadruplet first view prediction with list shorter than 3") # perm = range(3) # random.shuffle(perm) #full_paths = [full_paths[i] for i in perm] poses = [] for i in range(2): for j in range(i+1, 3): pose = calculate_relative_camera_pose(full_paths[i], full_paths[j]) poses.append(pose) poses = np.hstack(poses) return poses ################# # Jigsaw # ################# def jigsaw_rand_index( filename ): return random.randint(0,99) def hamming_distance(p1, p2): ''' Calculate the Hamming distance between two permutations ''' if len(p1) != len(p2): raise ValueError('two permutations have different length...') total_diff = sum(e1 != e2 for e1, e2 in zip(p1, p2)) return total_diff / len(p1) def get_max_hamming_distance_index(p, current): ''' This function take in two sets of permutation, calcuate which permutation should be added to the current set, which is the permutation that maximize the sum of Hamming distance from current permutations. Parameters: ----------- p: the set of all candidate permutations current: current set of chosen permutations Returns: ----------- next_index: the index in p that maximize Hamming distance ''' max_index = -1 max_distance = -1 for i in range(len(p)): entry_i_dist = 0 for j in range(len(current)): entry_i_dist += hamming_distance(p[i], current[j]) if entry_i_dist > max_distance: max_index = i max_distance = entry_i_dist return max_index, max_distance def generate_permutation_set(length): ''' This function generate the set of maximum Hamming distance permutation. The set has size 100. Returns: --------- perm: set with 100 permutations that maximize Hamming distance. ''' perm = [] total = math.factorial(9) #p = list(itertools.permutations(range(9))) p = [] for i in itertools.permutations(range(9)): p.append(i) print(i) print('Finished generating entire set with size {s}'.format(s=len(p))) p0 = random.randint(0,total-1) perm.append(p.pop(p0)) for i in range(length-1): print('entry {x} added...'.format(x=i+1)) next_index,_ = get_max_hamming_distance_index(p, perm) perm.append(p.pop(next_index)) asset_dir = "../" store_location = os.path.join( asset_dir, 'jigsaw_max_hamming_set.npy') with open(store_location, 'wb') as store:, perm) return perm def generate_jigsaw_input_with_dropping( img, target, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1): ''' Generate the 9 pieces input for Jigsaw task. Parameters: ----------- img: input image target: length 9 permutation Return: ----------- input_imgs: 9 image pieces ''' if len(target) != 9: raise ValueError('Target permutation of Jigsaw is supposed to have lenght 9, getting {x} here'.format(len(target))) img = rescale_image( img, new_scale ) H,W,K = img.shape to_drop = random.sample(list(range(K)), K-1) for channel in to_drop: img[:,:,channel] = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01, (H,W)) unitH = int(H / 3) unitW = int(W / 3) cropH = int(unitH * 0.9) cropW = int(unitW * 0.9) startH = unitH - cropH startW = unitW - cropW input_imgs = np.empty((9, new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(9): pos = target[i] posH = int(pos / 3) * unitH + random.randint(0, startH) posW = int(pos % 3) * unitW + random.randint(0, startW) img_piece = img[posH:posH+cropH,posW:posW+cropW,:] input_imgs[i,:,:,:] = resize_image(img_piece, new_dims, interp_order) return input_imgs def generate_jigsaw_input( img, target, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1): ''' Generate the 9 pieces input for Jigsaw task. Parameters: ----------- img: input image target: length 9 permutation Return: ----------- input_imgs: 9 image pieces ''' if len(target) != 9: raise ValueError('Target permutation of Jigsaw is supposed to have lenght 9, getting {x} here'.format(len(target))) img = rescale_image( img, new_scale ) H,W,K = img.shape unitH = int(H / 3) unitW = int(W / 3) cropH = int(unitH * 0.9) cropW = int(unitW * 0.9) startH = unitH - cropH startW = unitW - cropW input_imgs = np.empty((9, new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(9): pos = target[i] posH = int(pos / 3) * unitH + random.randint(0, startH) posW = int(pos % 3) * unitW + random.randint(0, startW) img_piece = img[posH:posH+cropH,posW:posW+cropW,:] input_imgs[i,:,:,:] = resize_image(img_piece, new_dims, interp_order) return input_imgs def generate_jigsaw_input_for_representation_extraction( img, new_dims, new_scale, interp_order=1): ''' Generate the 9 pieces input for Jigsaw task. Parameters: ----------- img: input image target: length 9 permutation Return: ----------- input_imgs: 9 copies of the input image ''' img = rescale_image( img, new_scale ) H,W,K = img.shape input_imgs = np.empty((9, new_dims[0], new_dims[1], K), dtype=np.float32) return resize_image(img, new_dims, interp_order)#input_imgs ################### # Vanishing Point # ################### def get_camera_matrix( view_dict, flip_xy=False ): position = view_dict[ 'camera_location' ] rotation_euler = view_dict[ 'camera_rotation_final' ] R = transforms3d.euler.euler2mat( *rotation_euler, axes='sxyz' ) camera_matrix = transforms3d.affines.compose( position, R, np.ones(3) ) if flip_xy: # For some reason the x and y are flipped in room layout temp = np.copy(camera_matrix[0,:]) camera_matrix[0,:] = camera_matrix[1,:] camera_matrix[1,:] = -temp return camera_matrix def get_camera_rot_matrix(view_dict, flip_xy=False): return get_camera_matrix(view_dict, flip_xy=True)[:3, :3] def rotate_world_to_cam( points, view_dict ): cam_mat = get_camera_rot_matrix( view_dict, flip_xy=True ) new_points =[:,:3] return new_points def vanishing_point( filename ): ''' Hemisphere projection of TOVP. Returns: -------- vanishing_point: length 9 vector ''' root, domain, model_id, point_id, view_id = parse_filename(filename) fname = 'point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_{domain}.json'.format( point_id=point_id, view_id=view_id, domain='fixatedpose') json_file = os.path.join(root, model_id, 'points', fname) with open(json_file, 'r') as fp: data = json.load(fp) if 'vanishing_points_gaussian_sphere' not in data: return model_id vps = data['vanishing_points_gaussian_sphere'] vanishing_point = np.hstack((vps['x'], vps['y'], vps['z'])) return vanishing_point def rotation_to_make_axes_well_defined(view_dict): ''' Rotates the world coords so that the -z direction of the camera is within 45-degrees of the global +x axis ''' axes_xyz = np.eye(3) apply_90_deg_rot_k_times = [ transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat(axes_xyz[-1], k * math.pi/2) for k in range(4) ] global_x = np.array([axes_xyz[0]]).T global_y = np.array([axes_xyz[1]]).T best = (180., "Nothing") for world_rot in apply_90_deg_rot_k_times: global_x_in_cam = rotate_world_to_cam(, view_dict ) global_y_in_cam = rotate_world_to_cam(, view_dict ) # Project onto camera's horizontal (xz) plane degrees_away_x = math.degrees( math.acos(, -axes_xyz[2])) ) degrees_away_y = math.degrees( math.acos(, -axes_xyz[2])) ) total_degrees_away = abs(degrees_away_x) + abs(degrees_away_y) best = min(best, (total_degrees_away, np.linalg.inv(world_rot))) # python is neat return best[-1] def vanishing_point_well_defined( filename ): root, domain, model_id, point_id, view_id = parse_filename(filename) fname = 'point_{point_id}_view_{view_id}_domain_{domain}.json'.format( point_id=point_id, view_id=view_id, domain='point_info') json_file = os.path.join(root, model_id, 'point_info', fname) with open(json_file, 'r') as fp: data = json.load(fp) cam_mat = get_camera_matrix( data, flip_xy=True ) world_transformation = rotation_to_make_axes_well_defined(data) cam_mat[:3,:3] =, cam_mat[:3, :3]) R = cam_mat[:3,:3] dist = 1.0 compass_points = [ (dist, 0, 0), (0, dist, 0), (0, 0, dist) ] vanishing_point = [ np.linalg.inv(R), p ) for p in compass_points] return np.array(vanishing_point).flatten() ############### # Room Layout # ############### def get_room_layout_cam_mat_and_ranges(view_dict, make_x_major=False): # Get BB information bbox_ranges = view_dict['bounding_box_ranges'] # BB seem to be off w.r.t. the camera matrix ranges = [ bbox_ranges['x'], -np.array(bbox_ranges['y'])[::-1], bbox_ranges['z'] ] camera_matrix = get_camera_matrix(view_dict, flip_xy=True) if not make_x_major: return camera_matrix, ranges # print(world_points[:,-1]) # print(view_dict['camera_location']) axes_xyz = np.eye(3) apply_90_deg_rot_k_times = [ transforms3d.axangles.axangle2mat(axes_xyz[-1], k * math.pi/2) for k in range(4) ] def make_world_x_major(view_dict): ''' Rotates the world coords so that the -z direction of the camera is within 45-degrees of the global +x axis ''' global_x = np.array([axes_xyz[0]]).T best = (180., "Nothing") for world_rot in apply_90_deg_rot_k_times: global_x_in_cam = rotate_world_to_cam(, view_dict ) # Project onto camera's horizontal (xz) plane degrees_away = math.degrees( math.acos(, -axes_xyz[2])) ) best = min(best, (degrees_away, np.linalg.inv(world_rot))) # python is neat # if abs(degrees_away) < 45.: # return np.linalg.inv(world_rot) return best[-1] def update_ranges(world_rot, ranges): new_ranges =, ranges) for i, rng in enumerate(new_ranges): # make sure rng[0] < rng[1] if rng[0] > rng[1]: new_ranges[i] = [rng[1], rng[0]] return new_ranges world_rot =
import os, sys import pickle, warnings import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pmdarima as pm from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression # Working directory must be the higher .../app folder if str(os.getcwd())[-3:] != 'app': raise Exception(f'Working dir must be .../app folder and not "{os.getcwd()}"') from app.z_helpers import helpers as my def _download_data_from_sql(data_version='final_data', recache=False): from app.b_data_cleaning import get_dataset_registry sql_table_name = get_dataset_registry()[data_version]['sql_table'] query = "SELECT * FROM {}".format(sql_table_name) param_dic = my.get_credentials(credential='aws_databases')['aws'] cache_folder = os.path.join(my.get_project_directories(key='cache_dir'), 'raw_data') data_file = os.path.join(cache_folder, (data_version + '.csv')) if not os.path.exists(cache_folder): os.makedirs(cache_folder) if recache or not os.path.exists(data_file): print('Getting raw data via sql...') with my.postgresql_connect(param_dic) as conn: df = pd.read_sql_query(query, con=conn) obj_cols = df.select_dtypes(include='object').columns df[obj_cols] = df[obj_cols].astype(str) df.to_csv(data_file, index=False) with open(data_file[:-4] + '.dtypes', 'wb') as f: dtypes = df.dtypes.to_dict() dtypes = dict(zip(dtypes.keys(), [str if i == np.object else i for i in dtypes.values()])) pickle.dump(dtypes, f) print('Raw data cached.') else: print('Raw data already cached.') with open(data_file[:-4] + '.dtypes', 'rb') as f: dtypes = pickle.load(f) df = pd.read_csv(data_file, dtype=dtypes, index_col=False) if data_version == 'handpicked_dataset': app_dir = my.get_project_directories(key='app_dir') file_path = os.path.join(app_dir, 'a_get_data', 'reuters_eikon', 'key_reuters_fields.csv') data_dict = pd.read_csv(file_path) data_dict['Clear Name'] = data_dict['Clear Name'].str.lower() data_dict = data_dict.set_index('Clear Name') new_data_dict = data_dict[['Data Type', 'Variable Type']].to_dict(orient='index') fillnan_cols = [] formula_methods = [] for col in data_dict.columns.tolist(): if col[:8] == 'fillnan_': fillnan_cols.append(col) fillnan_cols = sorted(fillnan_cols, key=str.lower) for index, row in data_dict[fillnan_cols].iterrows(): tmp = row.tolist() tmp = [x for x in tmp if str(x) != 'nan'] new_data_dict[index]['Fill NaN Rules'] = tmp for j in [i.split(':')[1] for i in tmp if i.split(':')[0] == 'formula']: formula_methods.append((index, j)) else: new_data_dict = None formula_methods = None return df, data_file, new_data_dict, formula_methods def _shift_array(arr, num, fill_value=np.nan): result = np.empty_like(arr) if num > 0: result[:num] = fill_value result[num:] = arr[:-num] elif num < 0: result[num:] = fill_value result[:num] = arr[-num:] else: result[:] = arr return result def _join_x_and_y(x, y, drop_nan=True): out = np.hstack((x.reshape((-1, 1)), y.reshape((-1, 1)))) if drop_nan: out = out[~
""" Double Integrator with noise in observations. """ import math import gym from gym import spaces, logger from gym.utils import seeding import numpy as np import scipy.stats as stats import sympy as sp import numpy as np from sympy.physics.vector import dynamicsymbols as dynamicsymbols import IPython as ipy from filterpy.kalman import KalmanFilter class DoubleIntegratorEnv(gym.Env): """ Description: Double integrator Observation: Type: Box(2) Actions: Type: Discrete(2) Num Action 0 Push cart to the left 1 Push cart to the right Reward: """ metadata = { 'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array'], 'video.frames_per_second': 50 } def __init__(self, noise_scale=0.001): # self.kinematics_integrator = 'euler' self.kinematics_integrator = 'semi-implicit' self.nx = 2 # Number of states self.ny = self.nx # Number of observations = 3 # Number of control inputs self.force_mag = 10.0 # scaling for control input self.tau = 0.1 # Time step self.T = 5 # 5 # 10 # Time horizon self.action_space = spaces.Discrete( self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-np.inf*np.ones(self.ny), np.inf*np.ones(self.ny), dtype=np.float32) self.seed() self.viewer = None self.state = None self.steps_beyond_done = None self.t = None self.x_threshold = 1.0 self.x_dot_threshold = 1.0 self.x_range = [-self.x_threshold, self.x_threshold] self.x_dot_range = [-self.x_dot_threshold, self.x_dot_threshold] # Std. dev. of observation noise (pos, vel) self.noise_scale = noise_scale self.noise_std_dev = self.noise_scale*np.array([1.0, 1.0]) # Setup Kalman filter self.kalman_filter = True self.x0_belief_std_dev = 1.0*np.array([self.x_threshold, self.x_dot_threshold]) if self.kalman_filter: # A and B matrices for linear system if self.kinematics_integrator == 'euler': A = np.array([[1,self.tau],[0,1]]) B = np.array([[0,self.tau]]).T elif self.kinematics_integrator == 'semi-implicit': A = np.array([[1,self.tau],[0,1]]) B = np.array([[self.tau**2,self.tau]]).T else: raise Exception("Integrator not recognized.") filter = KalmanFilter(dim_x=self.nx, dim_z=self.ny) filter.x = np.zeros((self.nx,1)) # Initial state estimate filter.P = np.diag(self.x0_belief_std_dev**2) # covariance of initial belief filter.Q = 0.0*np.eye(self.nx) # Process noise filter.R = np.diag(self.noise_std_dev**2) # Measurement noise filter.H = np.eye(self.nx) # Measurement function filter.F = A # State transition matrix filter.B = B # Control matrix self.filter = filter def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def add_noise(self, obs): noise = np.random.normal(np.zeros_like(obs), self.noise_std_dev) obs_w_noise = obs + noise return obs_w_noise def get_p_y_x(self, observations, states): if (len(states.shape) == 1): # Single query observations = np.reshape(observations, (self.ny, 1)) states = np.reshape(states, (self.nx, 1)) # Vectorized computation of p_y_x. Expects arrays of shape (nx, num_samples). num_samples = states.shape[1] noises = np.repeat(np.reshape(self.noise_std_dev,(self.nx,1)), num_samples, 1) p_ys_xs =, states, noises),0) return p_ys_xs def step(self, action): err_msg = "%r (%s) invalid" % (action, type(action)) assert self.action_space.contains(action), err_msg x, x_dot = self.state # u = self.force_mag if action == 1 else -self.force_mag if action == 0: u = 0.0 elif action == 1: u = self.force_mag else: # action == 2: u = -self.force_mag # elif action == 3: # u = -0.5*self.force_mag # else: # u = -self.force_mag if self.kinematics_integrator == 'euler': x = x + self.tau * x_dot x_dot = x_dot + self.tau * u elif self.kinematics_integrator == 'semi-implicit': # semi-implicit euler x_dot = x_dot + self.tau * u x = x + self.tau * x_dot else: raise Exception("Integrator not recognized.") self.state = (x, x_dot) # out_of_bounds = bool( # x < -self.x_threshold # or x > self.x_threshold # or theta < -self.theta_threshold_radians # or theta > self.theta_threshold_radians # ) # Check if we have gone beyond time horizon if (self.t > (self.T-1)): self.steps_beyond_done = self.t - (self.T-1) done = True else: done = False if done: # done only if beyond time horizon reward = 0.0 else: # reward = 1 - out_of_bounds reward_x = min(-x+self.x_threshold, x+self.x_threshold) reward_x = reward_x/self.x_threshold reward_x = min(reward_x, 0.8)/0.8 reward_x = max(0.0, reward_x) reward_x_dot = min(-x_dot+self.x_dot_threshold, x_dot+self.x_dot_threshold) reward_x_dot = reward_x_dot/self.x_dot_threshold reward_x_dot = min(reward_x_dot, 0.8)/0.8 reward_x_dot = max(0.0, reward_x_dot) reward = (reward_x + reward_x_dot)/2 if reward > 1: ipy.embed() obs_with_noise = self.add_noise(np.array(self.state)) # Kalman filter if self.kalman_filter: self.filter.predict(u=u) self.filter.update(obs_with_noise) state_estimate = np.reshape(self.filter.x, (self.nx,)) obs_with_noise = state_estimate # Update time self.t += 1 return obs_with_noise, reward, done, {} def reset(self): self.t = 0 # Uniform distribution self.state = self.np_random.uniform(low=[self.x_range[0], self.x_dot_range[0]], high=[self.x_range[1],self.x_dot_range[1]]) # # Gaussian distribution # self.state = self.np_random.normal(np.zeros(self.nx), self.x0_belief_std_dev) # Generate observation self.steps_beyond_done = None obs_w_noise = self.add_noise(np.array(self.state)) # Reset filter if self.kalman_filter: self.filter.x = np.zeros((self.nx,1)) # Initial state estimate self.filter.P =
import unittest import numpy from cqcpy import test_utils import cqcpy.spin_utils as spin_utils import cqcpy.cc_equations as cc_equations class CCRDMTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def test_1rdm_opt(self): no = 4 nv = 8 thresh = 1e-12 T1, T2 = test_utils.make_random_T(no, nv) L1, L2 = test_utils.make_random_L(no, nv) pba_ref = cc_equations.ccsd_1rdm_ba(T1, T2, L1, L2) pba_out = cc_equations.ccsd_1rdm_ba_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) diff = numpy.linalg.norm(pba_ref - pba_out)/numpy.sqrt(pba_ref.size) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in p_ba: {}".format(diff)) pji_ref = cc_equations.ccsd_1rdm_ji(T1, T2, L1, L2) pji_out = cc_equations.ccsd_1rdm_ji_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) diff = numpy.linalg.norm(pji_ref - pji_out)/numpy.sqrt(pji_ref.size) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in p_ji: {}".format(diff)) pai_ref = cc_equations.ccsd_1rdm_ai(T1, T2, L1, L2) pai_out = cc_equations.ccsd_1rdm_ai_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) diff = numpy.linalg.norm(pai_ref - pai_out)/numpy.sqrt(pai_ref.size) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in p_ai: {}".format(diff)) def test_2rdm_opt(self): no = 4 nv = 8 thresh = 1e-12 T1, T2 = test_utils.make_random_T(no, nv) L1, L2 = test_utils.make_random_L(no, nv) pcdab_ref = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_cdab(T1, T2, L1, L2) pcdab_out = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_cdab_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) diff = numpy.linalg.norm(pcdab_ref - pcdab_out) diff /= numpy.sqrt(pcdab_ref.size) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in p_cdab: {}".format(diff)) pbcai_ref = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_bcai(T1, T2, L1, L2) pbcai_out = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_bcai_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) diff = numpy.linalg.norm(pbcai_ref - pbcai_out) diff /= numpy.sqrt(pbcai_ref.size) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in p_bcai: {}".format(diff)) pbjai_ref = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_bjai(T1, T2, L1, L2) pbjai_out = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_bjai_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) diff = numpy.linalg.norm(pbjai_ref - pbjai_out) diff /= numpy.sqrt(pbjai_ref.size) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in p_bjai: {}".format(diff)) pabij_ref = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_abij(T1, T2, L1, L2) pabij_out = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_abij_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) diff = numpy.linalg.norm(pabij_ref - pabij_out) diff /= numpy.sqrt(pabij_ref.size) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in p_abij: {}".format(diff)) pkaij_ref = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_kaij(T1, T2, L1, L2) pkaij_out = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_kaij_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) diff = numpy.linalg.norm(pkaij_ref - pkaij_out) diff /= numpy.sqrt(pkaij_ref.size) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in p_kaij: {}".format(diff)) pklij_ref = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_klij(T1, T2, L1, L2) pklij_out = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_klij_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) diff = numpy.linalg.norm(pklij_ref - pklij_out) diff /= numpy.sqrt(pklij_ref.size) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in p_klij: {}".format(diff)) def test_u1rdm(self): noa = 3 nva = 5 nob = 2 nvb = 6 thresh = 1e-14 # use unrestricted one-particle property Aa = test_utils.make_random_F(noa, nva) Ab = test_utils.make_random_F(nob, nvb) Atot = spin_utils.F_to_spin(Aa, Ab, noa, nva, nob, nvb) # get unrestricted and general amplitudes T1a, T1b = test_utils.make_random_T1_spatial(noa, nva, nob, nvb) T2aa, T2ab, T2bb \ = test_utils.make_random_T2_spatial(noa, nva, nob, nvb) L1a, L1b = test_utils.make_random_T1_spatial(nva, noa, nvb, nob) L2aa, L2ab, L2bb \ = test_utils.make_random_T2_spatial(nva, noa, nvb, nob) T1 = spin_utils.T1_to_spin(T1a, T1b, noa, nva, nob, nvb) L1 = spin_utils.T1_to_spin(L1a, L1b, nva, noa, nvb, nob) T2 = spin_utils.T2_to_spin(T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, noa, nva, nob, nvb) L2 = spin_utils.T2_to_spin(L2aa, L2ab, L2bb, nva, noa, nvb, nob) # make general pieces of 1-rdm pia = L1.copy() pba = cc_equations.ccsd_1rdm_ba_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) pji = cc_equations.ccsd_1rdm_ji_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) pai = cc_equations.ccsd_1rdm_ai_opt(T1, T2, L1, L2) # make unrestricted 1-rdm pia_a = L1a.copy() pia_b = L1b.copy() pba_a, pba_b = cc_equations.uccsd_1rdm_ba( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) pji_a, pji_b = cc_equations.uccsd_1rdm_ji( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) pai_a, pai_b = cc_equations.uccsd_1rdm_ai( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) # ia ref = numpy.einsum('ia,ai->', pia, Atot.vo) out = numpy.einsum('ia,ai->', pia_a, Aa.vo) out += numpy.einsum('ia,ai->', pia_b, Ab.vo) diff = abs(out - ref) / abs(ref) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in Pia: {}".format(diff)) # ba ref = numpy.einsum('ba,ab->', pba, Atot.vv) out = numpy.einsum('ba,ab->', pba_a, Aa.vv) out += numpy.einsum('ba,ab->', pba_b, Ab.vv) diff = abs(out - ref) / abs(ref) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in Pba: {}".format(diff)) # ji ref = numpy.einsum('ji,ij->', pji, Atot.oo) out = numpy.einsum('ji,ij->', pji_a, Aa.oo) out += numpy.einsum('ji,ij->', pji_b, Ab.oo) diff = abs(out - ref) / abs(ref) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in Pji: {}".format(diff)) # ai ref = numpy.einsum('ai,ia->', pai, Atot.ov) out = numpy.einsum('ai,ia->', pai_a, Aa.ov) out += numpy.einsum('ai,ia->', pai_b, Ab.ov) diff = abs(out - ref) / abs(ref) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in Pai: {}".format(diff)) def test_u2rdm(self): noa = 3 nva = 5 nob = 2 nvb = 6 thresh = 1e-14 # use unrestricted one-particle property Aa = test_utils.make_random_I_anti(noa, nva) Ab = test_utils.make_random_I_anti(nob, nvb) Aab = test_utils.make_random_Ifull_gen( noa, nva, nob, nvb, noa, nva, nob, nvb) Atot = spin_utils.int_to_spin2(Aa, Ab, Aab, noa, nva, nob, nvb) # get unrestricted and general amplitudes T1a, T1b = test_utils.make_random_T1_spatial(noa, nva, nob, nvb) T2aa, T2ab, T2bb \ = test_utils.make_random_T2_spatial(noa, nva, nob, nvb) L1a, L1b = test_utils.make_random_T1_spatial(nva, noa, nvb, nob) L2aa, L2ab, L2bb \ = test_utils.make_random_T2_spatial(nva, noa, nvb, nob) T1 = spin_utils.T1_to_spin(T1a, T1b, noa, nva, nob, nvb) L1 = spin_utils.T1_to_spin(L1a, L1b, nva, noa, nvb, nob) T2 = spin_utils.T2_to_spin(T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, noa, nva, nob, nvb) L2 = spin_utils.T2_to_spin(L2aa, L2ab, L2bb, nva, noa, nvb, nob) # make general pieces of 2-rdm Pijab = L2.copy() Pciab = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_ciab(T1, T2, L1, L2) Pjkai = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_jkai(T1, T2, L1, L2) Pcdab = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_cdab(T1, T2, L1, L2) Pbjai = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_bjai(T1, T2, L1, L2) Pklij = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_klij(T1, T2, L1, L2) Pbcai = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_bcai(T1, T2, L1, L2) Pkaij = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_kaij(T1, T2, L1, L2) Pabij = cc_equations.ccsd_2rdm_abij(T1, T2, L1, L2) # make unrestricted RDMs Pijab_u = L2aa.copy() PIJAB_u = L2bb.copy() PiJaB_u = L2ab.copy() Pciab_u, PCIAB_u, PcIaB_u, PCiAb_u = cc_equations.uccsd_2rdm_ciab( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) Pjkai_u, PJKAI_u, PjKaI_u, PJkAi_u = cc_equations.uccsd_2rdm_jkai( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) Pcdab_u, PCDAB_u, PcDaB_u = cc_equations.uccsd_2rdm_cdab( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) Pbjai_u, PBJAI_u, PbJaI_u, PbJAi_u, PBjaI_u, PBjAi_u \ = cc_equations.uccsd_2rdm_bjai( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) Pklij_u, PKLIJ_u, PkLiJ_u = cc_equations.uccsd_2rdm_klij( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) Pbcai_u, PBCAI_u, PbCaI_u, PBcAi_u = cc_equations.uccsd_2rdm_bcai( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) Pkaij_u, PKAIJ_u, PkAiJ_u, PKaIj_u = cc_equations.uccsd_2rdm_kaij( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) Pabij_u, PABIJ_u, PaBiJ_u = cc_equations.uccsd_2rdm_abij( T1a, T1b, T2aa, T2ab, T2bb, L1a, L1b, L2aa, L2ab, L2bb) # ijab ref = numpy.einsum('ijab,abij->', Pijab, Atot.vvoo) out = numpy.einsum('ijab,abij->', Pijab_u, Aa.vvoo) out += numpy.einsum('ijab,abij->', PIJAB_u, Ab.vvoo) out += 4.0*numpy.einsum('ijab,abij->', PiJaB_u, Aab.vvoo) diff = abs(out - ref) / abs(ref + 0.001) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in Pijab: {}".format(diff)) # ciab ref = numpy.einsum('ciab,abci->', Pciab, Atot.vvvo) out = numpy.einsum('ciab,abci->', Pciab_u, Aa.vvvo) out += numpy.einsum('ciab,abci->', PCIAB_u, Ab.vvvo) out += 2.0*numpy.einsum('ciab,abci->', PcIaB_u, Aab.vvvo) out += 2.0*numpy.einsum('ciab,baic->', PCiAb_u, Aab.vvov) diff = abs(out - ref) / abs(ref + 0.001) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in Pciab: {}".format(diff)) # jkai ref = numpy.einsum('jkai,aijk->', Pjkai, Atot.vooo) out = numpy.einsum('jkai,aijk->', Pjkai_u, Aa.vooo) out += numpy.einsum('jkai,aijk->', PJKAI_u, Ab.vooo) out += 2.0*numpy.einsum('jKaI,aIjK->', PjKaI_u, Aab.vooo) out += 2.0*numpy.einsum('JkAi,iAkJ->', PJkAi_u, Aab.ovoo) diff = abs(out - ref) / abs(ref + 0.001) self.assertTrue(diff < thresh, "Error in Pciab: {}".format(diff)) # cdab ref = numpy.einsum('cdab,abcd->', Pcdab, Atot.vvvv) out = numpy.einsum('cdab,abcd->', Pcdab_u, Aa.vvvv) out += numpy.einsum('cdab,abcd->', PCDAB_u, Ab.vvvv) out += 4.0*
numpy.einsum('cdab,abcd->', PcDaB_u, Aab.vvvv)
"""utils for interpreting variant effect prediction for Heritability """ import gzip import os import sys from collections import defaultdict import h5py import numpy as np import pandas as pd def read_vep(vep_dir, check_sanity=False): _label_fn = [x for x in os.listdir(vep_dir) if x.endswith("_row_labels.txt")] _data_fn = [x for x in os.listdir(vep_dir) if x.endswith("_abs_diffs.h5")] assert len(_label_fn) == len( _data_fn) == 1, "Each folder must have exact one row_labels and one abs_diffs file; found %i row_labels and " \ "%i abs_diffs" % (len(_label_fn), len(_data_fn)) label_fn = os.path.join(vep_dir, _label_fn[0]) data_fn = os.path.join(vep_dir, _data_fn[0]) vep_df = pd.read_csv(label_fn, sep='\t') data_fh = h5py.File(data_fn, 'r') try: vep_data = data_fh['data'].value except: print("read in h5 file failed") sys.exit(250) if check_sanity: assert vep_data.shape[0] == np.sum(vep_df['ref_match']) return vep_df, vep_data def read_vep_logfc(vep_dir): _label_fn = [x for x in os.listdir(vep_dir) if x.endswith("_row_labels.txt")] _data_fn = [x for x in os.listdir(vep_dir) if x.endswith("_abs_logfc.npz")] _data_fn1 = [x for x in os.listdir(vep_dir) if x.endswith("ref_predictions.h5")] _data_fn2 = [x for x in os.listdir(vep_dir) if x.endswith("alt_predictions.h5")] label_fn = os.path.join(vep_dir, _label_fn[0]) vep_df = pd.read_csv(label_fn, sep='\t') if len(_data_fn): assert len(_data_fn) == 1 vep_data = np.load(os.path.join(vep_dir, _data_fn[0]))['arr_0'] else: assert len(_label_fn) == len(_data_fn1) == len( _data_fn2) == 1, "Each folder must have exact one row_labels and one abs_diffs file; found %i row_labels " \ "and %i, %i abs_diffs" % ( len(_label_fn), len(_data_fn1), len(_data_fn2)) data_fn1 = os.path.join(vep_dir, _data_fn1[0]) data_fn2 = os.path.join(vep_dir, _data_fn2[0]) data_fh1 = h5py.File(data_fn1, 'r') data_fh2 = h5py.File(data_fn2, 'r') try: vep_data1 = data_fh1['data'].value vep_data2 = data_fh2['data'].value except: print("read in h5 file failed") sys.exit(250) vep_data1 = np.clip(vep_data1, 0.0001, 0.9999) vep_data2 = np.clip(vep_data2, 0.0001, 0.9999) vep_data = np.abs(np.log(vep_data1 / (1 - vep_data1)) - np.log(vep_data2 / (1 - vep_data2))) colmax = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, 0, vep_data) # vep_data is lower-bounded by 0 vep_data /= colmax np.savez(os.path.join(vep_dir, "VEP_abs_logfc.npz"), vep_data) return vep_df, vep_data def convert_to_ldsc_annot_by_label(vep_df, vep_data, label_fp, baselineLD_dir, output_dir, resume_prev_run=False): """read in the h5 vep data snp annot and numerical values, convert to the existing baselineLD annotations for next steps """ baselineLDs = [x for x in os.listdir(baselineLD_dir) if x.endswith("annot.gz")] # label_df is annotation for output chromatin features label_df = pd.read_table(label_fp) # vep_dict is a mapping from chrom,bp to vep_data row index vep_dict = defaultdict(list) print('making vep mapper..') for i in range(vep_df.shape[0]): vep_dict[(vep_df.chrom[i], str(vep_df.pos[i]))].append(i) # iterate through each labels in label_df, make an independent ldsc-annot for k in range(label_df.shape[0]): label_idx = label_df['label_idx'][k] label_name = label_df['label_name'][k] # normalize label names label_name = label_name.replace('|', '--') label_name = label_name.replace('(', '_').replace(')', '_') label_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, label_name) os.makedirs(label_output_dir, exist_ok=True) print("%i/%i %s" % (k, label_df.shape[0], label_name)) for chrom_fn in baselineLDs: chrom = chrom_fn.split(".")[-3] print(chrom) if resume_prev_run and os.path.isfile( os.path.join(label_output_dir, "%s.%s.annot.gz" % (label_name, chrom))): print("found %s, skip" % chrom) continue with gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(baselineLD_dir, chrom_fn), 'rb') as fi, gzip.GzipFile( os.path.join(label_output_dir, "%s.%s.annot.gz" % (label_name, chrom)), 'wb') as fo: fi.readline() # pop first line fo.write(("\t".join(['CHR', 'BP', 'SNP', 'CM', label_name]) + '\n').encode('utf-8')) # for line in tqdm(fi): for line in fi: line = line.decode('utf-8') ele = line.strip().split() _chr, _bp, _snp, _cm = ele[0:4] # _bp = str(int(_bp) - 1) # _annot_idx = np.where(label_df.eval("pos==%s & chrom=='chr%s'"%(_bp, _chr)))[0] _annot_idx = vep_dict[("chr%s" % _chr, _bp)] if len(_annot_idx) == 0: # this is less than 0.5% - ignored # warnings.warn("baselineLD variant not found in vep: %s,%s"%(_chr, _bp)) # continue _annot = "0" else: _annot = "%.5f" %
np.max(vep_data[_annot_idx, label_idx])
""" Module implementing varying metrics for assessing model robustness. These fall mainly under two categories: attack-dependent and attack-independent. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import config import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la import tensorflow as tf from scipy.stats import weibull_min from scipy.optimize import fmin as scipy_optimizer from scipy.special import gammainc from functools import reduce from art.attacks.fast_gradient import FastGradientMethod # TODO add all other implemented attacks supported_methods = { "fgsm": {"class": FastGradientMethod, "params": {"eps_step": 0.1, "eps_max": 1., "clip_min": 0., "clip_max": 1.}}, # "jsma": {"class": SaliencyMapMethod, "params": {"theta": 1., "gamma": 0.01, "clip_min": 0., "clip_max": 1.}} } def get_crafter(method, classifier, session, params=None): try: crafter = supported_methods[method]["class"](classifier, sess=session) except: raise NotImplementedError("{} crafting method not supported.".format(method)) if params: crafter.set_params(**params) else: crafter.set_params(**supported_methods[method]["params"]) return crafter def empirical_robustness(x, classifier, sess, method_name, method_params=None): """Compute the Empirical Robustness of a classifier object over the sample `x` for a given adversarial crafting method `attack`. This is equivalent to computing the minimal perturbation that the attacker must introduce for a successful attack. Paper link: :param x: Data sample of shape that can be fed into `classifier` :type x: `np.ndarray` :param classifier: A trained model :type classifier: :class:`Classifier` :param sess: The session for the computation :type sess: `tf.Session` :param method_name: adversarial attack name :type method_name: `str` :param method_params: Parameters specific to the adversarial attack :type method_params: `dict` :return: The average empirical robustness computed on `x` :rtype: `float` """ crafter = get_crafter(method_name, classifier, sess, method_params) adv_x = crafter.generate(x, minimal=True, **method_params) # Predict the labels for adversarial examples y = classifier.predict(x, verbose=0) y_pred = classifier.predict(adv_x, verbose=0) idxs = (np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) != np.argmax(y, axis=1)) if np.sum(idxs) == 0.0: return 0 perts_norm = la.norm((adv_x - x).reshape(x.shape[0], -1), ord=crafter.ord, axis=1) perts_norm = perts_norm[idxs] return np.mean(perts_norm / la.norm(x[idxs].reshape(np.sum(idxs), -1), ord=crafter.ord, axis=1)) def kernel_rbf(x, y, sigma=0.1): """Computes the RBF kernel :param x: a tensor object or a numpy array :param y: a tensor object or a numpy array :param sigma: standard deviation :return: a tensor object """ norms_x = tf.reduce_sum(x ** 2, 1)[:, None] # axis = [1] for later tf versions norms_y = tf.reduce_sum(y ** 2, 1)[None, :] dists = norms_x - 2 * tf.matmul(x, y, transpose_b=True) + norms_y return tf.exp(-(1.0/(2.0*sigma)*dists)) def euclidean_dist(x, y): """Computes the Euclidean distance between x and y :param x: A tensor object or a numpy array :param y: A tensor object or a numpy array :return: A tensor object """ norms_x = tf.reduce_sum(x ** 2, 1)[:, None] # axis = [1] for later tf versions norms_y = tf.reduce_sum(y ** 2, 1)[None, :] dists = norms_x - 2 * tf.matmul(x, y, transpose_b=True) + norms_y return dists def mmd(x_data, y_data, sess, sigma=0.1): """ Computes the maximum mean discrepancy between x and y :param x_data: Numpy array :param y_data: Numpy array :param sess: tf session :param sigma: Standard deviation :return: A float value corresponding to mmd(x_data, y_data) """ assert x_data.shape[0] == y_data.shape[0] x_data = x_data.reshape(x_data.shape[0],[1:])) y_data = y_data.reshape(y_data.shape[0],[1:])) x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=x_data.shape) y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=y_data.shape) mmd_ = tf.reduce_sum(kernel_rbf(x, x, sigma)) - 2 * tf.reduce_sum(kernel_rbf(x, y, sigma)) \ + tf.reduce_sum(kernel_rbf(y, y, sigma)) return, feed_dict={x: x_data, y: y_data}) def nearest_neighbour_dist(x, classifier, x_train, sess, method_name, method_params=None): """ Compute the (average) nearest neighbour distance between the sets `x` and `x_train`: for each point in `x`, measure the Euclidean distance to its closest point in `x_train`, then average over all points. :param x: Data sample of shape that can be fed into `classifier` :type x: `np.ndarray` :param classifier: A trained model :type classifier: :class:`Classifier` :param x_train: Reference data sample to be considered as neighbors :type x_train: `np.ndarray` :param sess: The session for the computation :type sess: `tf.Session` :param method_name: adversarial attack name :type method_name: `str` :param method_params: Parameters specific to the adversarial attack :type method_params: `dict` :return: The average nearest neighbors distance :rtype: `float` """ # Craft the adversarial examples crafter = get_crafter(method_name, classifier, sess, method_params) adv_x = crafter.generate(x, minimal=True, **method_params) # Predict the labels for adversarial examples y = classifier.predict(x, verbose=0) y_pred = classifier.predict(adv_x, verbose=0) adv_x_ = adv_x.reshape(adv_x.shape[0],[1:])) x_ = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0],[1:])) dists = euclidean_dist(adv_x_, x_) dists = np.min(, 1) / la.norm(x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1), ord=2, axis=1) idxs = (np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) != np.argmax(y, axis=1)) avg_nn_dist = np.mean(dists[idxs]) return avg_nn_dist def loss_sensitivity(x, classifier, sess): """ Local loss sensitivity estimated through the gradients of the loss at points in `x`, as defined in :param x: Data sample of shape that can be fed into `classifier` :type x: `np.ndarray` :param classifier: A trained model :type classifier: :class:`Classifier` :param sess: The session for the computation :type sess: `tf.Session` :return: The average loss sensitivity of the model :rtype: `float` """ from art.attacks.attack import class_derivative x_op = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=list(x.shape)) y_pred = classifier.predict(x) indices = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) grads = class_derivative(classifier._get_predictions(x_op, log=True), x_op, classifier.model.get_output_shape_at(0)[1]) res =, feed_dict={x_op: x}) res = np.asarray([r[0] for r in res])[indices, list(range(x.shape[0]))] res = la.norm(res.reshape(res.shape[0], -1), ord=2, axis=1) return np.mean(res) def clever_u(x, classifier, n_b, n_s, r, sess, c_init=1): """ Compute CLEVER score for an untargeted attack. Paper link: :param x: One input sample :type x: `np.ndarray` :param classifier: A trained model. :type classifier: :class:`Classifier` :param n_b: Batch size :type n_b: `int` :param n_s: Number of examples per batch :type n_s: `int` :param r: Maximum perturbation :type r: `float` :param sess: The session to run graphs in :type sess: `tf.Session` :param c_init: initialization of Weibull distribution :type c_init: `float` :return: A tuple of 3 CLEVER scores, corresponding to norms 1, 2 and np.inf :rtype: `tuple` """ # Get a list of untargeted classes y_pred = classifier.predict(np.array([x])) pred_class = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)[0] num_class = np.shape(y_pred)[1] untarget_classes = [i for i in range(num_class) if i != pred_class] # Compute CLEVER score for each untargeted class score1_list, score2_list, score8_list = [], [], [] for j in untarget_classes: s1, s2, s8 = clever_t(x, classifier, j, n_b, n_s, r, sess, c_init) score1_list.append(s1) score2_list.append(s2) score8_list.append(s8) return np.min(score1_list), np.min(score2_list), np.min(score8_list) def clever_t(x, classifier, target_class, n_b, n_s, r, sess, c_init=1): """ Compute CLEVER score for a targeted attack. Paper link: :param x: One input sample :type x: `np.ndarray` :param classifier: A trained model :type classifier: :class:`Classifier` :param target_class: Targeted class :type target_class: `int` :param n_b: Batch size :type n_b: `int` :param n_s: Number of examples per batch :type n_s: `int` :param r: Maximum perturbation :type r: `float` :param sess: The session to run graphs in :type sess: `tf.Session` :param c_init: Initialization of Weibull distribution :type c_init: `float` :return: A tuple of 3 CLEVER scores, corresponding to norms 1, 2 and np.inf :rtype: `tuple` """ # Check if the targeted class is different from the predicted class y_pred = classifier.predict(np.array([x])) pred_class = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)[0] if target_class == pred_class: raise ValueError("The targeted class is the predicted class!") # Define placeholders for computing g gradients shape = [None] shape.extend(x.shape) imgs = tf.placeholder(shape=shape, dtype=tf.float32) pred_class_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[]) target_class_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[]) # Define tensors for g gradients grad_norm_1, grad_norm_2, grad_norm_8, g_x = _build_g_gradient(imgs, classifier, pred_class_ph, target_class_ph) # Some auxiliary vars set1, set2, set8 = [], [], [] dim = reduce(lambda x_, y: x_ * y, x.shape, 1) shape = [n_s] shape.extend(x.shape) # Compute predicted class y_pred = classifier.predict(np.array([x])) pred_class = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)[0] # Loop over n_b batches for i in range(n_b): # Random generation of data points sample_xs0 = np.reshape(_random_sphere(m=n_s, n=dim, r=r), shape) sample_xs = sample_xs0 + np.repeat(np.array([x]), n_s, 0) np.clip(sample_xs, 0, 1, out=sample_xs) # Preprocess data if it is supported in the classifier if hasattr(classifier, 'feature_squeeze'): sample_xs = classifier.feature_squeeze(sample_xs) sample_xs = classifier._preprocess(sample_xs) # Compute gradients max_gn1, max_gn2, max_gn8 = [grad_norm_1, grad_norm_2, grad_norm_8], feed_dict={imgs: sample_xs, pred_class_ph: pred_class, target_class_ph: target_class}) set1.append(max_gn1) set2.append(max_gn2) set8.append(max_gn8) # Maximum likelihood estimation for max gradient norms [_, loc1, _] =, c_init, optimizer=scipy_optimizer) [_, loc2, _] =, c_init, optimizer=scipy_optimizer) [_, loc8, _] =, c_init, optimizer=scipy_optimizer) # Compute g_x0 x0 = np.array([x]) if hasattr(classifier, 'feature_squeeze'): x0 = classifier.feature_squeeze(x0) x0 = classifier._preprocess(x0) g_x0 =, feed_dict={imgs: x0, pred_class_ph: pred_class, target_class_ph: target_class}) # Compute scores # Note q = p / (p-1) s8 = np.min([-g_x0[0] / loc1, r]) s2 =
np.min([-g_x0[0] / loc2, r])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: <NAME> """ from __future__ import print_function import time import numpy as np _EPS = 1e-14 def mstamp(seq, sub_len, return_dimension=False): """ multidimensional matrix profile with mSTAMP (stamp based) Parameters ---------- seq : numpy matrix, shape (n_dim, seq_len) input sequence sub_len : int subsequence length return_dimension : bool if True, also return the matrix profile dimension. It takses O(d^2 n) to store and O(d^2 n^2) to compute. (default is False) Returns ------- matrix_profile : numpy matrix, shape (n_dim, sub_num) matrix profile profile_index : numpy matrix, shape (n_dim, sub_num) matrix profile index profile_dimension : list, optional, shape (n_dim) matrix profile dimension, this is only returned when return_dimension is True Notes ----- <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>, "Matrix Profile VI: Meaningful Multidimensional Motif Discovery," IEEE ICDM 2017. """ if sub_len < 4: raise RuntimeError('Subsequence length (sub_len) must be at least 4') exc_zone = sub_len // 2 seq = np.array(seq, dtype=float, copy=True) if seq.ndim == 1: seq = np.expand_dims(seq, axis=0) seq_len = seq.shape[1] sub_num = seq.shape[1] - sub_len + 1 n_dim = seq.shape[0] skip_loc = np.zeros(sub_num, dtype=bool) for i in range(sub_num): if not np.all(np.isfinite(seq[:, i:i + sub_len])): skip_loc[i] = True seq[~np.isfinite(seq)] = 0 matrix_profile = np.empty((n_dim, sub_num)) matrix_profile[:] = np.inf profile_index = -np.ones((n_dim, sub_num), dtype=int) seq_freq = np.empty((n_dim, seq_len * 2), dtype=np.complex128) seq_mu = np.empty((n_dim, sub_num)) seq_sig = np.empty((n_dim, sub_num)) if return_dimension: profile_dimension = [] for i in range(n_dim): profile_dimension.append(np.empty((i + 1, sub_num), dtype=int)) for i in range(n_dim): seq_freq[i, :], seq_mu[i, :], seq_sig[i, :] = \ _mass_pre(seq[i, :], sub_len) dist_profile = np.empty((n_dim, sub_num)) que_sig = np.empty(n_dim) tic = time.time() for i in range(sub_num): cur_prog = (i + 1) / sub_num time_left = ((time.time() - tic) / (i + 1)) * (sub_num - i - 1) print('\rProgress [{0:<50s}] {1:5.1f}% {2:8.1f} sec' .format('#' * int(cur_prog * 50), cur_prog * 100, time_left), end="") for j in range(n_dim): que = seq[j, i:i + sub_len] dist_profile[j, :], que_sig = _mass( seq_freq[j, :], que, seq_len, sub_len, seq_mu[j, :], seq_sig[j, :]) if skip_loc[i] or np.any(que_sig < _EPS): continue exc_zone_st = max(0, i - exc_zone) exc_zone_ed = min(sub_num, i + exc_zone) dist_profile[:, exc_zone_st:exc_zone_ed] = np.inf dist_profile[:, skip_loc] = np.inf dist_profile[seq_sig < _EPS] = np.inf dist_profile_dim = np.argsort(dist_profile, axis=0) dist_profile_sort = np.sort(dist_profile, axis=0) dist_profile_cumsum = np.zeros(sub_num) for j in range(n_dim): dist_profile_cumsum += dist_profile_sort[j, :] dist_profile_mean = dist_profile_cumsum / (j + 1) update_pos = dist_profile_mean < matrix_profile[j, :] profile_index[j, update_pos] = i matrix_profile[j, update_pos] = dist_profile_mean[update_pos] if return_dimension: profile_dimension[j][:, update_pos] = \ dist_profile_dim[:j + 1, update_pos] matrix_profile = np.sqrt(matrix_profile) if return_dimension: return matrix_profile, profile_index, profile_dimension else: return matrix_profile, profile_index, def _mass_pre(seq, sub_len): """ pre-computation for iterative call to MASS Parameters ---------- seq : numpy array input sequence sub_len : int subsequence length Returns ------- seq_freq : numpy array sequence in frequency domain seq_mu : numpy array each subsequence's mu (mean) seq_sig : numpy array each subsequence's sigma (standard deviation) Notes ----- This functions is modified from the code provided in the following URL """ seq_len = len(seq) seq_pad = np.zeros(seq_len * 2) seq_pad[0:seq_len] = seq seq_freq = np.fft.fft(seq_pad) seq_cum = np.cumsum(seq_pad) seq_sq_cum = np.cumsum(np.square(seq_pad)) seq_sum = (seq_cum[sub_len - 1:seq_len] - np.concatenate(([0], seq_cum[0:seq_len - sub_len]))) seq_sq_sum = (seq_sq_cum[sub_len - 1:seq_len] - np.concatenate(([0], seq_sq_cum[0:seq_len - sub_len]))) seq_mu = seq_sum / sub_len seq_sig_sq = seq_sq_sum / sub_len - np.square(seq_mu) seq_sig = np.sqrt(seq_sig_sq) return seq_freq, seq_mu, seq_sig def _mass(seq_freq, que, seq_len, sub_len, seq_mu, seq_sig): """ iterative call of MASS Parameters ---------- seq_freq : numpy array sequence in frequency domain que : numpy array query seq_len : int sequence length sub_len : int subsequence length seq_mu : numpy array each subsequence's mu (mean) seq_sig : numpy array each subsequence's sigma (standard deviation) Returns ------- dist_profile : numpy array distance profile que_sig : float64 query's sigma (standard deviation) Notes ----- This functions is modified from the code provided in the following URL """ que = que[::-1] que_pad = np.zeros(seq_len * 2) que_pad[0:sub_len] = que que_freq = np.fft.fft(que_pad) product_freq = seq_freq * que_freq product =
''' Recurrent Models of Visual Attention ''' from scipy.misc import imresize as resize from minpy.nn.model_builder import * from minpy.nn.modules import * class CoreNetwork(Model): def __init__(self): super(CoreNetwork, self).__init__() self._g_linear = FullyConnected(num_hidden=256) self._h_linear = FullyConnected(num_hidden=256) self._linear = FullyConnected(num_hidden=10) def forward(self, g, h, predict=False, **kwargs): if predict: return self._linear(h) elif h is None: return ReLU()(self._g_linear(g)) else: return ReLU()(self._g_linear(g) + self._h_linear(h)) class GlimpseNetwork(Model): def __init__(self, length, n_patches): super(GlimpseNetwork, self).__init__() self._length = length self._n_patches = n_patches self._g_linear0 = FullyConnected(num_hidden=128) self._g_linear = FullyConnected(num_hidden=256) self._l_linear0 = FullyConnected(num_hidden=128) self._l_linear = FullyConnected(num_hidden=256) def forward(self, images, locations, mode='training'): if mode == 'training': elif mode == 'inference': self.inference() encoded = self._encode(images, locations, self._length, self._n_patches) h_g = self._g_linear0(encoded) h_g = ReLU()(h_g) h_g = self._g_linear(h_g) h_l = self._l_linear0(locations) h_l = ReLU(h_l) h_l = self._l_linear(h_l) return self._linear(h_g + h_l) @staticmethod def encode(images, locations, length, n_patches): N, H, V = images.shape locations[:, 0] = locations[:, 0] * H + H / 2 locations[:, 1] = locations[:, 1] * V + V / 2 d = length / 2 images =
np.pad(images, ((0, 0), (d, d), (d, d)), mode='edge')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np class BanditEnv: def __init__(self, actions): self.q_star = [np.random.randn() for i in range(actions)] self.best_action =
# *_*coding:utf-8 *_* import os import sys from os import makedirs from os.path import exists, join BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR) sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) sys.path.append(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'models')) sys.path.append(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'utils')) from ply_helper import read_ply, write_ply from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from metrics import IoU_from_confusions import json import argparse import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import socket import importlib import time from pathlib import Path from scannet_dataset_grid import ScannetDataset parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--gpu', type=int, default=0, help='GPU to use [default: GPU 0]') parser.add_argument('--data', type=str, default='../data/Scannet', help='Root for dataset') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=4, help='Batch Size during training [default: 4]') parser.add_argument('--model_path', required=True, help='model checkpoint file path') parser.add_argument('--num_votes', type=int, default=100, help='Aggregate scores from multiple test [default: 100]') parser.add_argument('--split', type=str, default='validation', help='[validation/test]') parser.add_argument('--saving', action='store_true', help='Whether save test results') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Whether save test results') FLAGS = parser.parse_args() os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(FLAGS.gpu) config = parser.parse_args() with open(Path(FLAGS.model_path).parent / 'args.txt', 'r') as f: config.__dict__ = json.load(f) config.validation_size = 500 BATCH_SIZE = FLAGS.batch_size NUM_POINT = config.num_point MODEL_PATH = FLAGS.model_path GPU_INDEX = FLAGS.gpu WITH_RGB = config.with_rgb MODEL = importlib.import_module(config.model) # import network module NUM_CLASSES = 21 HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname() feature_channel = 3 if WITH_RGB else 0 class TimeLiner: def __init__(self): self._timeline_dict = None def update_timeline(self, chrome_trace): # convert crome trace to python dict chrome_trace_dict = json.loads(chrome_trace) # for first run store full trace if self._timeline_dict is None: self._timeline_dict = chrome_trace_dict # for other - update only time consumption, not definitions else: for event in chrome_trace_dict['traceEvents']: # events time consumption started with 'ts' prefix if 'ts' in event: self._timeline_dict['traceEvents'].append(event) def save(self, f_name): with open(f_name, 'w') as f: json.dump(self._timeline_dict, f) class ModelTester: def __init__(self, pred, num_classes, saver, restore_snap=None): self.saver = saver cProto = tf.ConfigProto() cProto.gpu_options.allow_growth = True cProto.allow_soft_placement = True cProto.log_device_placement = False self.sess = tf.Session(config=cProto) if (restore_snap is not None): self.saver.restore(self.sess, restore_snap) print("Model restored from " + restore_snap) else: # Add a softmax operation for predictions self.prob_logits = tf.nn.softmax(pred[:, :, 1:]) self.num_classes = num_classes def test_cloud_segmentation(self, input, dataset, test_init_op, num_votes=100, saving=FLAGS.saving): # Smoothing parameter for votes test_smooth = 0.98 # Initialise iterator with train data # Initiate global prediction over test clouds nc_model = self.num_classes - 1 self.test_probs = [np.zeros(([0], nc_model), dtype=np.float32) for l in dataset.input_trees['test']] # Test saving path if saving: saving_path = time.strftime('Log_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', time.gmtime()) test_path = join('test', saving_path.split('/')[-1]) if not exists(test_path): makedirs(test_path) if not exists(join(test_path, 'predictions')): makedirs(join(test_path, 'predictions')) if not exists(join(test_path, 'probs')): makedirs(join(test_path, 'probs')) else: test_path = None i0 = 0 epoch_ind = 0 last_min = -0.5 mean_dt = np.zeros(2) last_display = time.time() while last_min < num_votes: try: # Run one step of the model. t = [time.time()] ops = (self.prob_logits, input['labels'], input['point_inds'], input['cloud_inds']) stacked_probs, labels, point_inds, cloud_inds = \, {input['is_training_pl']: False}) t += [time.time()] # Stack all predictions for each class separately for b in range(stacked_probs.shape[0]): # Get prediction (only for the concerned parts) probs = stacked_probs[b] inds = point_inds[b] c_i = cloud_inds[b] # Update current probs in whole cloud self.test_probs[c_i][inds] = test_smooth * self.test_probs[c_i][inds] + (1 - test_smooth) * probs # Average timing t += [time.time()] mean_dt = 0.95 * mean_dt + 0.05 * (np.array(t[1:]) - np.array(t[:-1])) # Display if (t[-1] - last_display) > 1.0: last_display = t[-1] message = 'Epoch {:3d}, step {:3d} (timings : {:4.2f} {:4.2f}). min potential = {:.1f}' print(message.format(epoch_ind, i0, 1000 * (mean_dt[0]), 1000 * (mean_dt[1]), np.min(dataset.min_potentials['test']))) i0 += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: # Save predicted cloud new_min = np.min(dataset.min_potentials['test']) print('Epoch {:3d}, end. Min potential = {:.1f}'.format(epoch_ind, new_min)) print([np.mean(pots) for pots in dataset.potentials['test']]) if last_min + 2 < new_min: print('Saving clouds') # Update last_min last_min = new_min # Project predictions print('\nReproject Vote #{:d}'.format(int(np.floor(new_min)))) t1 = time.time() files = dataset.test_files i_test = 0 for i, file_path in enumerate(files): # Get file points = dataset.load_evaluation_points(file_path) # Reproject probs probs = self.test_probs[i_test][dataset.test_proj[i_test], :] # Insert false columns for ignored labels probs2 = probs.copy() for l_ind, label_value in enumerate(dataset.label_values): if label_value in dataset.ignored_labels: probs2 = np.insert(probs2, l_ind, 0, axis=1) # Get the predicted labels preds = dataset.label_values[np.argmax(probs2, axis=1)].astype(np.int32) # Project potentials on original points pots = dataset.potentials['test'][i_test][dataset.test_proj[i_test]] # Save plys cloud_name = file_path.split('/')[-1] test_name = join(test_path, 'predictions', cloud_name) write_ply(test_name, [points, preds, pots], ['x', 'y', 'z', 'preds', 'pots']) test_name2 = join(test_path, 'probs', cloud_name) prob_names = ['_'.join(dataset.label_to_names[label].split()) for label in dataset.label_values if label not in dataset.ignored_labels] write_ply(test_name2, [points, probs], ['x', 'y', 'z'] + prob_names) # Save ascii preds ascii_name = join(test_path, 'predictions', cloud_name[:-4] + '.txt') np.savetxt(ascii_name, preds, fmt='%d') i_test += 1 t2 = time.time() print('Done in {:.1f} s\n'.format(t2 - t1)) epoch_ind += 1 i0 = 0 continue return def test_cloud_segmentation_on_val(self, input, dataset, val_init_op, num_votes=100, saving=True): # Smoothing parameter for votes test_smooth = 0.95 # Initialise iterator with train data # Initiate global prediction over test clouds nc_model = self.num_classes - 1 self.test_probs = [np.zeros((l.shape[0], nc_model), dtype=np.float32) for l in dataset.input_labels['validation']] # Number of points per class in validation set val_proportions = np.zeros(nc_model, dtype=np.float32) i = 0 for label_value in dataset.label_values: if label_value not in dataset.ignored_labels: val_proportions[i] = np.sum([np.sum(labels == label_value) for labels in dataset.validation_labels]) i += 1 # Test saving path if saving: saving_path = time.strftime('Log_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', time.gmtime()) test_path = join('test', saving_path) if not exists(test_path): makedirs(test_path) if not exists(join(test_path, 'val_predictions')): makedirs(join(test_path, 'val_predictions')) if not exists(join(test_path, 'val_probs')): makedirs(join(test_path, 'val_probs')) else: test_path = None i0 = 0 epoch_ind = 0 last_min = -0.5 mean_dt = np.zeros(2) last_display = time.time() while last_min < num_votes: try: # Run one step of the model. t = [time.time()] ops = (self.prob_logits, input['labels'], input['point_inds'], input['cloud_inds']) stacked_probs, labels, point_inds, cloud_inds =, {input['is_training_pl']: False}) t += [time.time()] # Stack all validation predictions for each class separately for b in range(stacked_probs.shape[0]): # Get prediction (only for the concerned parts) probs = stacked_probs[b] inds = point_inds[b] c_i = cloud_inds[b] # Update current probs in whole cloud self.test_probs[c_i][inds] = test_smooth * self.test_probs[c_i][inds] + (1 - test_smooth) * probs # Average timing t += [time.time()] mean_dt = 0.95 * mean_dt + 0.05 * (np.array(t[1:]) - np.array(t[:-1])) # Display if (t[-1] - last_display) > 10.0: last_display = t[-1] message = 'Epoch {:3d}, step {:3d} (timings : {:4.2f} {:4.2f}). min potential = {:.1f}' print(message.format(epoch_ind, i0, 1000 * (mean_dt[0]), 1000 * (mean_dt[1]), np.min(dataset.min_potentials['validation']))) i0 += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: # Save predicted cloud new_min = np.min(dataset.min_potentials['validation']) print('Epoch {:3d}, end. Min potential = {:.1f}'.format(epoch_ind, new_min)) if last_min + 1 < new_min: # Update last_min last_min += 1 # Show vote results (On subcloud so it is not the good values here) print('\nConfusion on sub clouds') Confs = [] for i_test in range(dataset.num_validation): # Insert false columns for ignored labels probs = self.test_probs[i_test] for l_ind, label_value in enumerate(dataset.label_values): if label_value in dataset.ignored_labels: probs =
np.insert(probs, l_ind, 0, axis=1)
from __future__ import print_function import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab as plt import numpy as np import os import sys from astrometry.util.fits import fits_table from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence from legacyanalysis.ps1cat import ps1cat, ps1_to_decam from legacypipe.survey import * ''' pixsc = 0.262 apr = [1.0, 2.0, 3.5] / pixsc #-> aperture photometry radius in pixels decstat -- aper, img, ..., apr -> allmags mags = reform(allmags[2,ii]) Skyrad_pix -- default 7 to 10 pixel radius in pixels skyrad_pix = skyrad/pixsc ; sky radii in pixels -- SE called with PIXEL_SCALE 0 -> determined by SE from header # corresponding to diameters of [1.5,3,5,7,9,11,13,15] arcsec # assuming 0.262 arcsec pixel scale PHOT_APERTURES 5.7251911,11.450382,19.083969,26.717558,34.351147,41.984734,49.618320,57.251911 -> photutils aperture photometry on PsfEx image -> 1.0 at radius ~ 13; total ~ 1.05 One of the largest differences: z band Photometric diff 0.0249176025391 PSF size 1.07837 expnum 292604 -> Notice that the difference is largest for *small* PSFs. Could this be brighter-fatter? -> Check out the region Aaron pointed to with 0.025 errors -> Is it possible that this is coming from saturation in the zeropoints computation (decstat)?! -> Sky estimation? -> Is PsfEx using any flags (SATUR) to cut candidates? -> Look at forced phot residuals? Take model & data slices of a whole pile of stars in expnum 292604 N4 ''' def star_profiles(ps): # Run an example CCD, 292604-N4, with fairly large difference vs PS1. # python -c "from astrometry.util.fits import *; T = merge_tables([fits_table('/project/projectdirs/desiproc/dr3/tractor/244/tractor-244%s.fits' % b) for b in ['2p065','4p065', '7p065']]); T.writeto('tst-cat.fits')" # python legacypipe/ --save-data tst-data.fits --save-model tst-model.fits 292604 N4 tst-cat.fits tst-phot.fits # -> tst-{model,data,phot}.fits datafn = 'tst-data.fits' modfn = 'tst-model.fits' photfn = 'tst-phot.fits' catfn = 'tst-cat.fits' img = mod = phot = fits_table(photfn) cat = fits_table(catfn) print(len(phot), 'forced-photometry results') margin = 25 phot.cut((phot.x > 0+margin) * (phot.x < 2046-margin) * (phot.y > 0+margin) * (phot.y < 4096-margin)) print(len(phot), 'in bounds') cmap = dict([((b,o),i) for i,(b,o) in enumerate(zip(cat.brickname, cat.objid))]) I = np.array([cmap.get((b,o), -1) for b,o in zip(phot.brickname, phot.objid)]) print(np.sum(I >= 0), 'forced-phot matched cat') phot.type = cat.type[I] wcs = Sip(datafn) phot.ra,phot.dec = wcs.pixelxy2radec(phot.x+1, phot.y+1) phot.cut(np.argsort(phot.flux)) = phot.flux * np.sqrt(phot.flux_ivar) phot.cut( > 5) print(len(phot), 'with S/N > 5') ps1 = ps1cat(ccdwcs=wcs) stars = ps1.get_stars() print(len(stars), 'PS1 sources') # Now cut to just *stars* with good colors stars.gicolor = stars.median[:,0] - stars.median[:,2] keep = (stars.gicolor > 0.4) * (stars.gicolor < 2.7) stars.cut(keep) print(len(stars), 'PS1 stars with good colors') stars.cut(np.minimum(stars.stdev[:,1], stars.stdev[:,2]) < 0.05) print(len(stars), 'PS1 stars with min stdev(r,i) < 0.05') I,J,d = match_radec(phot.ra, phot.dec, stars.ra, stars.dec, 1./3600.) print(len(I), 'matches') plt.clf() ha=dict(histtype='step', bins=20, range=(0,100), normed=True) plt.hist(phot.flux, color='b', **ha) plt.hist(phot.flux[I], color='r', **ha) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.hist(phot.flux * np.sqrt(phot.flux_ivar), bins=100, range=(-10, 50)) plt.xlabel('Flux S/N') ps.savefig() K = np.argsort(phot.flux[I]) I = I[K] J = J[K] ix = np.round(phot.x).astype(int) iy = np.round(phot.y).astype(int) sz = 10 P = np.flatnonzero(phot.type == 'PSF ') print(len(P), 'PSFs') imed = len(P)/2 i1 = int(len(P) * 0.75) i2 = int(len(P) * 0.25) N = 401 allmods = [] allimgs = [] for II,tt in [#(I[:len(I)/2], 'faint matches to PS1'), #(I[len(I)/2:], 'bright matches to PS1'), #(P[i2: i2+N], '25th pct PSFs'), #(P[imed: imed+N], 'median PSFs'), #(P[i1: i1+N], '75th pct PSFs'), #(P[-25:], 'brightest PSFs'), (P[i2:imed], '2nd quartile of PSFs'), (P[imed:i1], '3rd quartile of PSFs'), #(P[:len(P)/2], 'faint half of PSFs'), #(P[len(P)/2:], 'bright half of PSFs'), ]: imgs = [] mods = [] shimgs = [] shmods = [] imgsum = modsum = 0 #plt.clf() for i in II: from astrometry.util.util import lanczos_shift_image dy = phot.y[i] - iy[i] dx = phot.x[i] - ix[i] sub = img[iy[i]-sz : iy[i]+sz+1, ix[i]-sz : ix[i]+sz+1] shimg = lanczos_shift_image(sub, -dx, -dy) sub = mod[iy[i]-sz : iy[i]+sz+1, ix[i]-sz : ix[i]+sz+1] shmod = lanczos_shift_image(sub, -dx, -dy) iyslice = img[iy[i], ix[i]-sz : ix[i]+sz+1] myslice = mod[iy[i], ix[i]-sz : ix[i]+sz+1] ixslice = img[iy[i]-sz : iy[i]+sz+1, ix[i]] mxslice = mod[iy[i]-sz : iy[i]+sz+1, ix[i]] mx = iyslice.max() # plt.plot(iyslice/mx, 'b-', alpha=0.1) # plt.plot(myslice/mx, 'r-', alpha=0.1) # plt.plot(ixslice/mx, 'b-', alpha=0.1) # plt.plot(mxslice/mx, 'r-', alpha=0.1) siyslice = shimg[sz, :] sixslice = shimg[:, sz] smyslice = shmod[sz, :] smxslice = shmod[:, sz] shimgs.append(siyslice/mx) shimgs.append(sixslice/mx) shmods.append(smyslice/mx) shmods.append(smxslice/mx) imgs.append(iyslice/mx) imgs.append(ixslice/mx) mods.append(myslice/mx) mods.append(mxslice/mx) imgsum = imgsum + ixslice + iyslice modsum = modsum + mxslice + myslice # plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1) # plt.title(tt) # ps.savefig() mimg = np.median(np.array(imgs), axis=0) mmod = np.median(np.array(mods), axis=0) mshim = np.median(np.array(shimgs), axis=0) mshmo = np.median(np.array(shmods), axis=0) allmods.append(mshmo) allimgs.append(mshim) plt.clf() # plt.plot(mimg, 'b-') # plt.plot(mmod, 'r-') plt.plot(mshim, 'g-') plt.plot(mshmo, 'm-') plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1) plt.title(tt + ': median; sums %.3f/%.3f' % (np.sum(mimg), np.sum(mmod))) ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # mx = imgsum.max() # plt.plot(imgsum/mx, 'b-') # plt.plot(modsum/mx, 'r-') # plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1) # plt.title(tt + ': sum') # ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot((mimg + 0.01) / (mmod + 0.01), 'k-') plt.plot((imgsum/mx + 0.01) / (modsum/mx + 0.01), 'g-') plt.plot((mshim + 0.01) / (mshmo + 0.01), 'm-') plt.ylabel('(img + 0.01) / (mod + 0.01)') plt.title(tt) ps.savefig() iq2,iq3 = allimgs mq2,mq3 = allmods plt.clf() plt.plot(iq2, 'r-') plt.plot(mq2, 'm-') plt.plot(iq3, 'b-') plt.plot(mq3, 'g-') plt.title('Q2 vs Q3') ps.savefig() def main(): # ps = PlotSequence('pro') # star_profiles(ps) # sys.exit(0) #survey_dir = '/project/projectdirs/desiproc/dr3' #survey = LegacySurveyData(survey_dir=survey_dir) survey = LegacySurveyData() ralo,rahi = 240,245 declo,dechi = 5, 12 ps = PlotSequence('comp') bands = 'grz' ccdfn = 'ccds-forced.fits' if not os.path.exists(ccdfn): ccds = survey.get_annotated_ccds() ccds.cut((ccds.ra > ralo) * (ccds.ra < rahi) * (ccds.dec > declo) * (ccds.dec < dechi)) print(len(ccds), 'CCDs') ccds.path = np.array([os.path.join(#'dr3', 'forced', ('%08i' % e)[:5], '%08i' % e, 'decam-%08i-%s-forced.fits' % (e, n.strip())) for e,n in zip(ccds.expnum, ccds.ccdname)]) I, = np.nonzero([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in ccds.path]) print(len(I), 'CCDs with forced photometry') ccds.cut(I) #ccds = ccds[:500] #e,I = np.unique(ccds.expnum, return_index=True) #print(len(I), 'unique exposures') #ccds.cut(I) FF = read_forcedphot_ccds(ccds, survey) FF.writeto('forced-all-matches.fits') # - z band -- no trend w/ PS1 mag (brighter-fatter) ccds.writeto(ccdfn) ccdfn2 = 'ccds-forced-2.fits' if not os.path.exists(ccdfn2): ccds = fits_table(ccdfn) # Split into brighter/fainter halves FF = fits_table('forced-all-matches.fits') print(len(FF), 'forced measurements') FF.cut(FF.masked == False) print(len(FF), 'forced measurements not masked') ccds.brightest_mdiff = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.brightest_mscatter = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.bright_mdiff = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.bright_mscatter = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.faint_mdiff = np.zeros(len(ccds)) ccds.faint_mscatter = np.zeros(len(ccds)) for iccd in range(len(ccds)): I = np.flatnonzero(FF.iforced == iccd) if len(I) == 0: continue if len(I) < 10: continue F = FF[I] b = np.percentile(F.psmag, 10) m = np.median(F.psmag) print(len(F), 'matches for CCD', iccd, 'median mag', m, '10th pct', b) J = np.flatnonzero(F.psmag < b) diff = F.mag[J] - F.psmag[J] ccds.brightest_mdiff[iccd] = np.median(diff) ccds.brightest_mscatter[iccd] = (np.percentile(diff, 84) - np.percentile(diff, 16))/2. J = np.flatnonzero(F.psmag < m) diff = F.mag[J] - F.psmag[J] ccds.bright_mdiff[iccd] = np.median(diff) ccds.bright_mscatter[iccd] = (np.percentile(diff, 84) - np.percentile(diff, 16))/2. J = np.flatnonzero(F.psmag > m) diff = F.mag[J] - F.psmag[J] ccds.faint_mdiff[iccd] = np.median(diff) ccds.faint_mscatter[iccd] = (np.percentile(diff, 84) - np.percentile(diff, 16))/2. ccds.writeto(ccdfn2) ccds = fits_table(ccdfn2) plt.clf() plt.hist(ccds.nforced, bins=100) plt.title('nforced') ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.hist(ccds.nmatched, bins=100) plt.title('nmatched') ps.savefig() #ccds.cut(ccds.nmatched >= 150) ccds.cut(ccds.nmatched >= 50) print('Cut to', len(ccds), 'with >50 matched') ccds.cut(ccds.photometric) print('Cut to', len(ccds), 'photometric') neff = 1. / ccds.psfnorm_mean**2 # Narcsec is in arcsec**2 narcsec = neff * ccds.pixscale_mean**2 # to arcsec narcsec = np.sqrt(narcsec) # Correction factor to get back to equivalent of Gaussian sigma narcsec /= (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi)) # Conversion factor to FWHM (2.35) narcsec *= 2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.)) ccds.psfsize = narcsec for band in bands: I = np.flatnonzero((ccds.filter == band) * (ccds.photometric) * (ccds.blacklist_ok)) mlo,mhi = -0.01, 0.05 plt.clf() plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[I], ccds.exptime[I], 'k.', alpha=0.1) J = np.flatnonzero((ccds.filter == band) * (ccds.photometric == False)) plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[J], ccds.exptime[J], 'r.', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Zeropoint (mag)') plt.ylabel('exptime') plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[I], np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Zeropoint (mag)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) #plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo,mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(ccds.ccdzpt[I], ccds.psfsize[I], 'k.', alpha=0.1) plt.xlabel('Zeropoint (mag)') plt.ylabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # plt.plot(ccds.avsky[I], # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # plt.xlabel('avsky') # plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') # plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) # plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) # ps.savefig() # # plt.clf() # plt.plot(ccds.meansky[I], # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # plt.xlabel('meansky') # plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') # plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) # plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) # ps.savefig() # plt.clf() # plt.plot(ccds.avsky[I], # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # plt.xlabel('avsky') # plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') # plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) # plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) # ps.savefig() # # plt.clf() # plt.plot(ccds.meansky[I], # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # plt.xlabel('meansky') # plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') # plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) # plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) # ps.savefig() plt.clf() lo,hi = (-0.02, 0.05) ha = dict(bins=50, histtype='step', range=(lo,hi)) n,b,p1 = plt.hist(ccds.brightest_mdiff[I], color='r', **ha) n,b,p2 = plt.hist(ccds.bright_mdiff[I], color='g', **ha) n,b,p3 = plt.hist(ccds.faint_mdiff[I], color='b', **ha) plt.legend((p1[0],p2[0],p3[0]), ('Brightest 10%', 'Brightest 50%', 'Faintest 50%')) plt.xlabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.ylabel('Number of CCDs') plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) plt.xlim(lo,hi) ps.savefig() for band in bands: I = np.flatnonzero(ccds.filter == band) mxsee = 4. mlo,mhi = -0.01, 0.05 plt.clf() plt.plot(np.clip(ccds.psfsize[I], 0, mxsee), np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I], mlo,mhi), 'k.', alpha=0.1) # for p in [1,2,3]: # J = np.flatnonzero(ccds.tilepass[I] == p) # if len(J): # plt.plot(np.clip(ccds.psfsize[I[J]], 0, mxsee), # np.clip(ccds.mdiff[I[J]], mlo,mhi), '.', color='rgb'[p-1], alpha=0.2) #plt.plot(ccds.seeing[I], ccds.mdiff[I], 'b.') plt.xlabel('PSF size (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('DECaLS PSF - PS1 (mag)') plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.2) plt.axis([0, mxsee, mlo,mhi]) plt.title('DR3: EDR region, Forced phot: %s band' % band) ps.savefig() # Group by exposure for band in bands: I = np.flatnonzero((ccds.filter == band) * (ccds.photometric) * (ccds.blacklist_ok)) E,J = np.unique(ccds.expnum[I], return_index=True) print(len(E), 'unique exposures in', band) exps = ccds[I[J]] print(len(exps), 'unique exposures in', band) assert(len(np.unique(exps.expnum)) == len(exps)) exps.ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.dsize = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.nccds = np.zeros(len(exps), int) exps.brightest_ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.bright_ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) exps.faint_ddiff = np.zeros(len(exps)) for iexp,exp in enumerate(exps): J = np.flatnonzero(ccds.expnum[I] == exp.expnum) J = I[J] print(len(J), 'CCDs in exposure', exp.expnum) exps.brightest_mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.brightest_mdiff[J]) exps.bright_mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.bright_mdiff[J]) exps.faint_mdiff[iexp] = np.median(ccds.faint_mdiff[J]) exps.brightest_ddiff[iexp] = ( np.percentile(ccds.brightest_mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.brightest_mdiff[J], 16))/2. exps.bright_ddiff[iexp] = ( np.percentile(ccds.bright_mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.bright_mdiff[J], 16))/2. exps.faint_ddiff[iexp] = ( np.percentile(ccds.faint_mdiff[J], 84) - np.percentile(ccds.faint_mdiff[J], 16))/2. exps.mdiff[iexp] =
""" Module of functions involving great circles (thus assuming spheroid model of the earth) with points given in longitudes and latitudes. """ from __future__ import print_function import math import numpy import numpy.random # Equatorial radius of the earth in kilometers EARTH_ER = 6378.137 # Authalic radius of the earth in kilometers EARTH_AR = 6371.007 # Meridional radius of the earth in kilometers EARTH_MR = 6367.449 # Polar radius of the earth in kilometers EARTH_PR = 6356.752 DEG2RAD = math.pi / 180.0 RAD2DEG = 180.0 / math.pi KM2MI = 0.6213712 MI2KM = 1.609344 def lonlatdistance(pt1lon, pt1lat, pt2lon, pt2lat): """ Compute the great circle distance between two points on a sphere using the haversine formula. Arguments: pt1lon - longitude(s) of the first point pt1lat - latitude(s) of the first point pt2lon - longitude(s) of the second point pt2lat - latitude(s) of the second point Returns: The great circle distance(s) in degrees [0.0, 180.0] """ lon1 = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(pt1lon, dtype=float)) lat1 = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(pt1lat, dtype=float)) lon2 = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(pt2lon, dtype=float)) lat2 = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(pt2lat, dtype=float)) dellat = numpy.power(numpy.sin(0.5 * (lat2 - lat1)), 2.0) dellon = numpy.cos(lat1) * numpy.cos(lat2) * \ numpy.power(numpy.sin(0.5 * (lon2 - lon1)), 2.0) dist = 2.0 * numpy.arcsin(numpy.power(dellon + dellat, 0.5)) return numpy.rad2deg(dist) def lonlatintersect(gc1lon1, gc1lat1, gc1lon2, gc1lat2, gc2lon1, gc2lat1, gc2lon2, gc2lat2): """ Compute the intersections of two great circles. Uses the line of intersection between the two planes of the great circles. Arguments: gc1lon1 - longitude(s) of the first point on the first great circle gc1lat1 - latitude(s) of the first point on the first great circle gc1lon2 - longitude(s) of the second point on the first great circle gc1lat2 - latitude(s) of the second point on the first great circle gc2lon1 - longitude(s) of the first point on the second great circle gc2lat1 - latitude(s) of the first point on the second great circle gc2lon2 - longitude(s) of the second point on the second great circle gc2lat2 - latitude(s) of the second point on the second great circle Returns: ( (pt1lon, pt1lat), (pt2lon, pt2lat) ) - the longitudes and latitudes of the two intersections of the two great circles. NaN will be returned for both longitudes and latitudes if a great circle is not well-defined, or the two great-circles coincide. """ # Minimum acceptable norm of a cross product # arcsin(1.0E-7) = 0.02" or 0.64 m on the Earth MIN_NORM = 1.0E-7 # Convert longitudes and latitudes to points on a unit sphere # The "+ 0.0 * ptlonr" is to broadcast gcz if needed ptlonr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(gc1lon1, dtype=float)) ptlatr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(gc1lat1, dtype=float)) gcz = numpy.sin(ptlatr) + 0.0 * ptlonr coslat = numpy.cos(ptlatr) gcy = coslat * numpy.sin(ptlonr) gcx = coslat * numpy.cos(ptlonr) gc1xyz1 = numpy.array([gcx, gcy, gcz]) # ptlonr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(gc1lon2, dtype=float)) ptlatr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(gc1lat2, dtype=float)) gcz = numpy.sin(ptlatr) + 0.0 * ptlonr coslat = numpy.cos(ptlatr) gcy = coslat * numpy.sin(ptlonr) gcx = coslat * numpy.cos(ptlonr) gc1xyz2 = numpy.array([gcx, gcy, gcz]) # ptlonr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(gc2lon1, dtype=float)) ptlatr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(gc2lat1, dtype=float)) gcz = numpy.sin(ptlatr) + 0.0 * ptlonr coslat = numpy.cos(ptlatr) gcy = coslat * numpy.sin(ptlonr) gcx = coslat * numpy.cos(ptlonr) gc2xyz1 = numpy.array([gcx, gcy, gcz]) # ptlonr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(gc2lon2, dtype=float)) ptlatr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(gc2lat2, dtype=float)) gcz = numpy.sin(ptlatr) + 0.0 * ptlonr coslat = numpy.cos(ptlatr) gcy = coslat * numpy.sin(ptlonr) gcx = coslat * numpy.cos(ptlonr) gc2xyz2 = numpy.array([gcx, gcy, gcz]) # Get the unit-perpendicular to the plane going through the # origin and the two points on each great circle. If the # norm of the cross product is too small, the great circle # is not well-defined, so zero it out so NaN is produced. gc1pp = numpy.cross(gc1xyz1, gc1xyz2, axis=0) norm = (gc1pp[0]**2 + gc1pp[1]**2 + gc1pp[2]**2)**0.5 if len(norm.shape) == 0: if numpy.fabs(norm) < MIN_NORM: norm = 0.0 else: norm[ numpy.fabs(norm) < MIN_NORM ] = 0.0 gc1pp /= norm gc2pp = numpy.cross(gc2xyz1, gc2xyz2, axis=0) norm = (gc2pp[0]**2 + gc2pp[1]**2 + gc2pp[2]**2)**0.5 if len(norm.shape) == 0: if numpy.fabs(norm) < MIN_NORM: norm = 0.0 else: norm[ numpy.fabs(norm) < MIN_NORM ] = 0.0 gc2pp /= norm # The line of intersection of the two planes is perpendicular # to the two plane-perpendiculars and goes through the origin. # Points of intersection are the points on this line one unit # from the origin. If the norm of the cross product is too # small, the two planes are practically indistinguishable from # each other (coincide). pt1xyz = numpy.cross(gc1pp, gc2pp, axis=0) norm = (pt1xyz[0]**2 + pt1xyz[1]**2 + pt1xyz[2]**2)**0.5 if len(norm.shape) == 0: if numpy.fabs(norm) < MIN_NORM: norm = 0.0 else: norm[ numpy.fabs(norm) < MIN_NORM ] = 0.0 pt1xyz /= norm pt2xyz = -1.0 * pt1xyz # Convert back to longitudes and latitudes pt1lats = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arcsin(pt1xyz[2])) pt1lons = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(pt1xyz[1], pt1xyz[0])) pt2lats = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arcsin(pt2xyz[2])) pt2lons = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(pt2xyz[1], pt2xyz[0])) return ( (pt1lons, pt1lats), (pt2lons, pt2lats) ) def lonlatfwdpt(origlon, origlat, endlon, endlat, fwdfact): """ Find the longitude and latitude of a point that is a given factor times the distance along the great circle from an origination point to an ending point. Note that the shorter great circle arc from the origination point to the ending point is always used. If O is the origination point, E is the ending point, and P is the point returned from this computation, a factor value of: 0.5: P bisects the great circle arc between O and E 2.0: E bisects the great circle arc between O and P -1.0: O bisects the great circle arc between P and E Arguments: origlon - longitude(s) of the origination point origlat - latitude(s) of the origination point endlon - longitude(s) of the ending point endlat - latitude(s) of the ending point fwdfact - forward distance factor(s) Returns: (ptlon, ptlat) - longitude and latitude of the computed point(s). NaN will be returned for both the longitude and latitude if the great circle is not well-defined. """ # Minimum acceptable norm of a cross product # arcsin(1.0E-7) = 0.02" or 0.64 m on the Earth MIN_NORM = 1.0E-7 # Convert longitudes and latitudes to points on a unit sphere # The "+ 0.0 * ptlonr" is to broadcast gcz if needed ptlonr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(origlon, dtype=float)) ptlatr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(origlat, dtype=float)) gcz = numpy.sin(ptlatr) + 0.0 * ptlonr coslat = numpy.cos(ptlatr) gcy = coslat * numpy.sin(ptlonr) gcx = coslat * numpy.cos(ptlonr) origxyz = numpy.array([gcx, gcy, gcz]) # ptlonr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(endlon, dtype=float)) ptlatr = numpy.deg2rad(numpy.asarray(endlat, dtype=float)) gcz = numpy.sin(ptlatr) + 0.0 * ptlonr coslat = numpy.cos(ptlatr) gcy = coslat * numpy.sin(ptlonr) gcx = coslat * numpy.cos(ptlonr) endxyz = numpy.array([gcx, gcy, gcz]) # Determine the rotation matrix about the origin that takes # origxyz to (1,0,0) (equator and prime meridian) and endxyz # to (x,y,0) with y > 0 (equator in eastern hemisphere). # # The first row of the matrix is origxyz. # # The third row of the matrix is the normalized cross product # of origxyz and endxyz. (The great circle plane perpendicular.) # If the norm of this cross product is too small, the great # circle is not well-defined, so zero it out so NaN is produced. gcpp = numpy.cross(origxyz, endxyz, axis=0) norm = (gcpp[0]**2 + gcpp[1]**2 + gcpp[2]**2)**0.5 if len(norm.shape) == 0: if numpy.fabs(norm) < MIN_NORM: norm = 0.0 else: norm[ numpy.fabs(norm) < MIN_NORM ] = 0.0 gcpp /= norm # The second row of the matrix is the cross product of the # third row (gcpp) and the first row (origxyz). This will # have norm 1.0 since gcpp and origxyz are perpendicular # unit vectors. fwdax = numpy.cross(gcpp, origxyz, axis=0) # Get the coordinates of the rotated end point. endtrx = origxyz[0] * endxyz[0] + origxyz[1] * endxyz[1] + origxyz[2] * endxyz[2] endtry = fwdax[0] * endxyz[0] + fwdax[1] * endxyz[1] + fwdax[2] * endxyz[2] # Get the angle along the equator of the rotated end point, multiply # by the given factor, and convert this new angle back to coordinates. fwdang = numpy.arctan2(endtry, endtrx) fwdang *= numpy.asarray(fwdfact, dtype=float) fwdtrx = numpy.cos(fwdang) fwdtry = numpy.sin(fwdang) # Rotate the new point back to the original coordinate system # The inverse rotation matrix is the transpose of that matrix. fwdx = origxyz[0] * fwdtrx + fwdax[0] * fwdtry fwdy = origxyz[1] * fwdtrx + fwdax[1] * fwdtry fwdz = origxyz[2] * fwdtrx + fwdax[2] * fwdtry # Convert the point coordinates into longitudes and latitudes ptlat = numpy.rad2deg(
import numpy as np from import wavfile import wave import librosa import os from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from keras.utils import to_categorical from tqdm import tqdm X_SIZE = 16000 IMG_SIZE = 28 DATA_PATH = "./data/" # Input labels def get_labels(path=DATA_PATH): labels = os.listdir(path) label_indices = np.arange(0, len(labels)) return labels, label_indices, to_categorical(label_indices) # Convert def wav2mfcc(file_path, max_len=11): wave, sr = librosa.load(file_path, mono=True, sr=None) # wave = wave[::3] # wave = librosa.effects.pitch_shift(wave, sr, n_steps=4) return sr, wave # Get spectrogram def spectrogram(filepath): framerate, wav_data = wav2mfcc(filepath) window_length = 512 window_shift = 121 if len(wav_data) > X_SIZE: wav_data = wav_data[:X_SIZE] X = np.zeros(X_SIZE).astype('float32') X[:len(wav_data)] += wav_data spec = np.zeros((IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)).astype('float32') for i in range(IMG_SIZE): start = i * window_shift end = start + window_length sig = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(X[start:end] * np.hanning(window_length))) spec[:,i] = (sig[1:IMG_SIZE + 1])[::-1] spec = (spec-spec.min())/(spec.max()-spec.min()) spec = np.log10((spec * 100 + 0.01)) spec = (spec-spec.min())/(spec.max()-spec.min()) - 0.5 return spec # Save to .npy def save_data_to_array(path=DATA_PATH): labels, _, _ = get_labels(path) for label in labels: # Init mfcc vectors mfcc_vectors = [] wavfiles = [path + label + '/' + wavfile for wavfile in os.listdir(path + '/' + label)] for wavfile in tqdm(wavfiles, "Saving vectors of label - '{}'".format(label)): mfcc = spectrogram(wavfile) mfcc_vectors.append(mfcc) + 'spec.npy', mfcc_vectors)
''' Utilities that are useful to sub- or up-sample weights tensors. Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' import numpy as np def sample_tensors(weights_list, sampling_instructions, axes=None, init=None, mean=0.0, stddev=0.005): ''' Can sub-sample and/or up-sample individual dimensions of the tensors in the given list of input tensors. It is possible to sub-sample some dimensions and up-sample other dimensions at the same time. The tensors in the list will be sampled consistently, i.e. for any given dimension that corresponds among all tensors in the list, the same elements will be picked for every tensor along that dimension. For dimensions that are being sub-sampled, you can either provide a list of the indices that should be picked, or you can provide the number of elements to be sub-sampled, in which case the elements will be chosen at random. For dimensions that are being up-sampled, "filler" elements will be insterted at random positions along the respective dimension. These filler elements will be initialized either with zero or from a normal distribution with selectable mean and standard deviation. Arguments: weights_list (list): A list of Numpy arrays. Each array represents one of the tensors to be sampled. The tensor with the greatest number of dimensions must be the first element in the list. For example, in the case of the weights of a 2D convolutional layer, the kernel must be the first element in the list and the bias the second, not the other way around. For all tensors in the list after the first tensor, the lengths of each of their axes must identical to the length of some axis of the first tensor. sampling_instructions (list): A list that contains the sampling instructions for each dimension of the first tensor. If the first tensor has `n` dimensions, then this must be a list of length `n`. That means, sampling instructions for every dimension of the first tensor must still be given even if not all dimensions should be changed. The elements of this list can be either lists of integers or integers. If the sampling instruction for a given dimension is a list of integers, then these integers represent the indices of the elements of that dimension that will be sub-sampled. If the sampling instruction for a given dimension is an integer, then that number of elements will be sampled along said dimension. If the integer is greater than the number of elements of the input tensors in that dimension, that dimension will be up-sampled. If the integer is smaller than the number of elements of the input tensors in that dimension, that dimension will be sub-sampled. If the integer is equal to the number of elements of the input tensors in that dimension, that dimension will remain the same. axes (list, optional): Only relevant if `weights_list` contains more than one tensor. This list contains a list for each additional tensor in `weights_list` beyond the first. Each of these lists contains integers that determine to which axes of the first tensor the axes of the respective tensor correspond. For example, let the first tensor be a 4D tensor and the second tensor in the list be a 2D tensor. If the first element of `axis` is the list `[2,3]`, then that means that the two axes of the second tensor correspond to the last two axes of the first tensor, in the same order. The point of this list is for the program to know, if a given dimension of the first tensor is to be sub- or up-sampled, which dimensions of the other tensors in the list must be sub- or up-sampled accordingly. init (list, optional): Only relevant for up-sampling. Must be `None` or a list of strings that determines for each tensor in `weights_list` how the newly inserted values should be initialized. The possible values are 'gaussian' for initialization from a normal distribution with the selected mean and standard deviation (see the following two arguments), or 'zeros' for zero-initialization. If `None`, all initializations default to 'gaussian'. mean (float, optional): Only relevant for up-sampling. The mean of the values that will be inserted into the tensors at random in the case of up-sampling. stddev (float, optional): Only relevant for up-sampling. The standard deviation of the values that will be inserted into the tensors at random in the case of up-sampling. Returns: A list containing the sampled tensors in the same order in which they were given. ''' first_tensor = weights_list[0] if (not isinstance(sampling_instructions, (list, tuple))) or (len(sampling_instructions) != first_tensor.ndim): raise ValueError( "The sampling instructions must be a list whose length is the number of dimensions of the first tensor in `weights_list`.") if (not init is None) and len(init) != len(weights_list): raise ValueError( "`init` must either be `None` or a list of strings that has the same length as `weights_list`.") up_sample = [] # Store the dimensions along which we need to up-sample. out_shape = [] # Store the shape of the output tensor here. # Store two stages of the new (sub-sampled and/or up-sampled) weights tensors in the following two lists. subsampled_weights_list = [] # Tensors after sub-sampling, but before up-sampling (if any). upsampled_weights_list = [] # Sub-sampled tensors after up-sampling (if any), i.e. final output tensors. # Create the slicing arrays from the sampling instructions. sampling_slices = [] for i, sampling_inst in enumerate(sampling_instructions): if isinstance(sampling_inst, (list, tuple)): amax = np.amax(np.array(sampling_inst)) if amax >= first_tensor.shape[i]: raise ValueError( "The sample instructions for dimension {} contain index {}, which is greater than the length of that dimension.".format( i, amax)) sampling_slices.append(np.array(sampling_inst)) out_shape.append(len(sampling_inst)) elif isinstance(sampling_inst, int): out_shape.append(sampling_inst) if sampling_inst == first_tensor.shape[i]: # Nothing to sample here, we're keeping the original number of elements along this axis. sampling_slice =
""" Tests to make sure deepchem models can overfit on tiny datasets. """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Stanford University" __license__ = "MIT" import os import tempfile import numpy as np import unittest import sklearn import shutil import tensorflow as tf import deepchem as dc import from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from flaky import flaky class TestOverfit(test_util.TensorFlowTestCase): """ Test that models can overfit simple datasets. """ def setUp(self): super(TestOverfit, self).setUp() self.current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def test_sklearn_regression_overfit(self): """Test that sklearn models can overfit simple regression datasets.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_tasks) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) regression_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.r2_score) sklearn_model = RandomForestRegressor() model = dc.models.SklearnModel(sklearn_model) # Fit trained model # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [regression_metric]) assert scores[] > .7 def test_sklearn_classification_overfit(self): """Test that sklearn models can overfit simple classification datasets.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.random.randint(2, size=(n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) classification_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.roc_auc_score) sklearn_model = RandomForestClassifier() model = dc.models.SklearnModel(sklearn_model) # Fit trained model # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [classification_metric]) assert scores[] > .9 def test_sklearn_skewed_classification_overfit(self): """Test sklearn models can overfit 0/1 datasets with few actives.""" n_samples = 100 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) p = .05 ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.random.binomial(1, p, size=(n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) classification_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.roc_auc_score) sklearn_model = RandomForestClassifier() model = dc.models.SklearnModel(sklearn_model) # Fit trained model # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [classification_metric]) assert scores[] > .9 def test_tf_regression_overfit(self): """Test that TensorFlow models can overfit simple regression datasets.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) regression_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.mean_squared_error) # TODO(rbharath): This breaks with optimizer="momentum". Why? model = dc.models.TensorflowMultiTaskRegressor( n_tasks, n_features, dropouts=[0.], learning_rate=0.003, weight_init_stddevs=[np.sqrt(6) / np.sqrt(1000)], batch_size=n_samples) # Fit trained model, nb_epoch=100) # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [regression_metric]) assert scores[] < .1 def test_tg_regression_overfit(self): """Test that TensorGraph models can overfit simple regression datasets.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) regression_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.mean_squared_error) # TODO(rbharath): This breaks with optimizer="momentum". Why? model = dc.models.TensorGraphMultiTaskRegressor( n_tasks, n_features, dropouts=[0.], weight_init_stddevs=[np.sqrt(6) / np.sqrt(1000)], batch_size=n_samples) model.set_optimizer( dc.models.tensorgraph.tensor_graph.TFWrapper( tf.train.AdamOptimizer, learning_rate=0.003, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999)) # Fit trained model, nb_epoch=100) # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [regression_metric]) assert scores[] < .1 def test_tf_classification_overfit(self): """Test that tensorflow models can overfit simple classification datasets.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 n_classes = 2 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) classification_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.accuracy_score) model = dc.models.TensorflowMultiTaskClassifier( n_tasks, n_features, dropouts=[0.], learning_rate=0.0003, weight_init_stddevs=[.1], batch_size=n_samples) # Fit trained model, nb_epoch=100) # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [classification_metric]) assert scores[] > .9 def test_tg_classification_overfit(self): """Test that TensorGraph models can overfit simple classification datasets.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 n_classes = 2 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) classification_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.accuracy_score) model = dc.models.TensorGraphMultiTaskClassifier( n_tasks, n_features, dropouts=[0.], weight_init_stddevs=[.1], batch_size=n_samples) model.set_optimizer( dc.models.tensorgraph.tensor_graph.TFWrapper( tf.train.AdamOptimizer, learning_rate=0.0003, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999)) # Fit trained model, nb_epoch=100) # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [classification_metric]) assert scores[] > .9 def test_tf_fittransform_regression_overfit(self): """Test that TensorFlow FitTransform models can overfit simple regression datasets.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features, n_features) y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) fit_transformers = [dc.trans.CoulombFitTransformer(dataset)] regression_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.mean_squared_error) model = dc.models.TensorflowMultiTaskFitTransformRegressor( n_tasks, [n_features, n_features], dropouts=[0.], learning_rate=0.003, weight_init_stddevs=[np.sqrt(6) / np.sqrt(1000)], batch_size=n_samples, fit_transformers=fit_transformers, n_evals=1) # Fit trained model, nb_epoch=100) # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [regression_metric]) assert scores[] < .1 def test_tg_fittransform_regression_overfit(self): """Test that TensorGraph FitTransform models can overfit simple regression datasets.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features, n_features) y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) fit_transformers = [dc.trans.CoulombFitTransformer(dataset)] regression_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.mean_squared_error) model = dc.models.TensorGraphMultiTaskFitTransformRegressor( n_tasks, [n_features, n_features], dropouts=[0.], weight_init_stddevs=[np.sqrt(6) / np.sqrt(1000)], batch_size=n_samples, fit_transformers=fit_transformers, n_evals=1) model.set_optimizer( dc.models.tensorgraph.tensor_graph.TFWrapper( tf.train.AdamOptimizer, learning_rate=0.003, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999)) # Fit trained model, nb_epoch=100) # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [regression_metric]) assert scores[] < .1 def test_tf_skewed_classification_overfit(self): """Test tensorflow models can overfit 0/1 datasets with few actives.""" #n_samples = 100 n_samples = 100 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 n_classes = 2 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) p = .05 ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.random.binomial(1, p, size=(n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) classification_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.roc_auc_score) model = dc.models.TensorflowMultiTaskClassifier( n_tasks, n_features, dropouts=[0.], learning_rate=0.003, weight_init_stddevs=[.1], batch_size=n_samples) # Fit trained model, nb_epoch=100) # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [classification_metric]) assert scores[] > .75 def test_tg_skewed_classification_overfit(self): """Test TensorGraph models can overfit 0/1 datasets with few actives.""" #n_samples = 100 n_samples = 100 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 n_classes = 2 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) p = .05 ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.random.binomial(1, p, size=(n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) classification_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.roc_auc_score) model = dc.models.TensorGraphMultiTaskClassifier( n_tasks, n_features, dropouts=[0.], weight_init_stddevs=[.1], batch_size=n_samples) model.set_optimizer( dc.models.tensorgraph.tensor_graph.TFWrapper( tf.train.AdamOptimizer, learning_rate=0.003, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999)) # Fit trained model, nb_epoch=100) # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [classification_metric]) assert scores[] > .75 def test_tf_skewed_missing_classification_overfit(self): """TF, skewed data, few actives Test tensorflow models overfit 0/1 datasets with missing data and few actives. This is intended to be as close to singletask MUV datasets as possible. """ n_samples = 5120 n_features = 6 n_tasks = 1 n_classes = 2 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) p = .002 ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.random.binomial(1, p, size=(n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) y_flat, w_flat = np.squeeze(y), np.squeeze(w) y_nonzero = y_flat[w_flat != 0] num_nonzero = np.count_nonzero(y_nonzero) weight_nonzero = len(y_nonzero) / num_nonzero w_flat[y_flat != 0] = weight_nonzero w = np.reshape(w_flat, (n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) classification_metric = dc.metrics.Metric(dc.metrics.roc_auc_score) model = dc.models.TensorflowMultiTaskClassifier( n_tasks, n_features, dropouts=[0.], learning_rate=0.003, weight_init_stddevs=[1.], batch_size=n_samples) # Fit trained model, nb_epoch=50) # Eval model on train scores = model.evaluate(dataset, [classification_metric]) assert scores[] > .8 def test_tg_skewed_missing_classification_overfit(self): """TG, skewed data, few actives Test TensorGraph models overfit 0/1 datasets with missing data and few actives. This is intended to be as close to singletask MUV datasets as possible. """ n_samples = 5120 n_features = 6 n_tasks = 1 n_classes = 2 # Generate dummy dataset np.random.seed(123) p = .002 ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = np.random.binomial(1, p, size=(n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) y_flat, w_flat =
#!/usr/bin/python import argparse import numpy as np import arrow import PIL from tensorrtserver.api import ServerStatusContext, ProtocolType, InferContext import tensorrtserver.api.model_config_pb2 as model_config from bistiming import Stopwatch from eyewitness.detection_utils import DetectionResult from eyewitness.image_id import ImageId from eyewitness.config import BoundedBoxObject from eyewitness.object_detector import ObjectDetector from eyewitness.image_utils import ImageHandler, Image, resize_and_stack_image_objs from data_processing import (PostprocessYOLO, ALL_CATEGORIES, CATEGORY_NUM) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", required=False, default=False, help='Enable verbose output') parser.add_argument('-a', '--is_async', action="store_true", required=False, default=False, help='Use asynchronous inference API') parser.add_argument('--streaming', action="store_true", required=False, default=False, help='Use streaming inference API. ' + 'The flag is only available with gRPC protocol.') parser.add_argument('-m', '--model-name', type=str, required=True, help='Name of model') parser.add_argument('-x', '--model-version', type=int, required=False, help='Version of model. Default is to use latest version.') parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch-size', type=int, required=False, default=1, help='Batch size. Default is 1.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--classes', type=int, required=False, default=1, help='Number of class results to report. Default is 1.') parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', type=str, required=False, default='localhost:8000', help='Inference server URL. Default is localhost:8000.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--protocol', type=str, required=False, default='HTTP', help='Protocol (HTTP/gRPC) used to ' + 'communicate with inference service. Default is HTTP.') parser.add_argument('image_filename', type=str, nargs='?', default=None, help='Input image / Input folder.') def model_dtype_to_np(model_dtype): if model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_BOOL: return np.bool elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_INT8: return np.int8 elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_INT16: return np.int16 elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_INT32: return np.int32 elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_INT64: return np.int64 elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_UINT8: return np.uint8 elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_UINT16: return np.uint16 elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_FP16: return np.float16 elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_FP32: return np.float32 elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_FP64: return np.float64 elif model_dtype == model_config.TYPE_STRING: return np.dtype(object) return None def parse_model(url, protocol, model_name, batch_size, verbose=False): """ Check the configuration of a model to make sure it meets the requirements for an image classification network (as expected by this client) """ ctx = ServerStatusContext(url, protocol, model_name, verbose) server_status = ctx.get_server_status() if model_name not in server_status.model_status: raise Exception("unable to get status for '" + model_name + "'") status = server_status.model_status[model_name] config = status.config if len(config.input) != 1: raise Exception("expecting 1 input, got {}".format(len(config.input))) input = config.input[0] for output in config.output: if output.data_type != model_config.TYPE_FP32: raise Exception("expecting output datatype to be TYPE_FP32, model '" + model_name + "' output type is " + model_config.DataType.Name(output.data_type)) output_names = [ for output in config.output] # Model specifying maximum batch size of 0 indicates that batching # is not supported and so the input tensors do not expect an "N" # dimension (and 'batch_size' should be 1 so that only a single # image instance is inferred at a time). max_batch_size = config.max_batch_size if max_batch_size == 0: if batch_size != 1: raise Exception("batching not supported for model '" + model_name + "'") else: # max_batch_size > 0 if batch_size > max_batch_size: raise Exception("expecting batch size <= {} for model {}".format( max_batch_size, model_name)) # Model input must have 3 dims, either CHW or HWC if len(input.dims) != 3: raise Exception( "expecting input to have 3 dimensions, model '{}' input has {}".format( model_name, len(input.dims))) # Variable-size dimensions are not currently supported. for dim in input.dims: if dim == -1: raise Exception("variable-size dimension in model input not supported") if ((input.format != model_config.ModelInput.FORMAT_NCHW) and (input.format != model_config.ModelInput.FORMAT_NHWC)): raise Exception( "unexpected input format " + model_config.ModelInput.Format.Name(input.format) + ", expecting " + model_config.ModelInput.Format.Name(model_config.ModelInput.FORMAT_NCHW) + " or " + model_config.ModelInput.Format.Name(model_config.ModelInput.FORMAT_NHWC)) if input.format == model_config.ModelInput.FORMAT_NHWC: h = input.dims[0] w = input.dims[1] c = input.dims[2] else: c = input.dims[0] h = input.dims[1] w = input.dims[2] return (, output_names, c, h, w, input.format, model_dtype_to_np(input.data_type)) def preprocess(img, format, dtype, c, h, w): """ Pre-process an image to meet the size, type and format requirements specified by the parameters. """ # np.set_printoptions(threshold='nan') if c == 1: sample_img = img.convert('L') else: sample_img = img.convert('RGB') resized_img = sample_img.resize((w, h), PIL.Image.BILINEAR) resized = np.array(resized_img) if resized.ndim == 2: resized = resized[:, :, np.newaxis] typed = resized.astype(dtype) scaled = typed / 256 # Swap to CHW if necessary if format == model_config.ModelInput.FORMAT_NCHW: ordered = np.transpose(scaled, (2, 0, 1)) else: ordered = scaled # Channels are in RGB order. Currently model configuration data # doesn't provide any information as to other channel orderings # (like BGR) so we just assume RGB. return ordered class YoloV3DetectorTensorRTClient(ObjectDetector): def __init__(self, model_setting, threshold=0.14): # get the model setting # Make sure the model matches our requirements, and get some # properties of the model that we need for preprocessing protocol = ProtocolType.from_str(model_setting.protocol) if model_setting.streaming and protocol != ProtocolType.GRPC: raise Exception("Streaming is only allowed with gRPC protocol") self.input_name, self.output_names, c, h, w, format, dtype = parse_model( model_setting.url, protocol, model_setting.model_name, model_setting.batch_size, model_setting.verbose) self.ctx = InferContext(model_setting.url, protocol, model_setting.model_name, model_setting.model_version, model_setting.verbose, 0, model_setting.streaming) self.image_shape = (h, w) layer_output = CATEGORY_NUM * 3 + 15 self.output_shapes = [ (1, layer_output, *(int(i / 32) for i in self.image_shape)), (1, layer_output, *(int(i / 16) for i in self.image_shape)), (1, layer_output, *(int(i / 8) for i in self.image_shape)) ] # self.engine_file = engine_file self.threshold = threshold postprocessor_args = { # A list of 3 three-dimensional tuples for the YOLO masks "yolo_masks": [(6, 7, 8), (3, 4, 5), (0, 1, 2)], # A list of 9 two-dimensional tuples for the YOLO anchors "yolo_anchors": [(10, 13), (16, 30), (33, 23), (30, 61), (62, 45), (59, 119), (116, 90), (156, 198), (373, 326)], # Threshold for object coverage, float value between 0 and 1 "obj_threshold": self.threshold, # Threshold for non-max suppression algorithm, float value between 0 and 1 "nms_threshold": 0.5, "yolo_input_resolution": self.image_shape} self.postprocessor = PostprocessYOLO(**postprocessor_args) def detect(self, image_obj) -> DetectionResult: image_raw_width = image_obj.pil_image_obj.width image_raw_height = image_obj.pil_image_obj.height image_frame, scale_ratio = self.preprocess(image_obj.pil_image_obj) input_batch = [image_frame] output_dict = { output_name: InferContext.ResultFormat.RAW for output_name in self.output_names } # Send request response = {self.input_name: input_batch}, output_dict, model_setting.batch_size) trt_outputs = [response[output][0] for output in sorted(response.keys())] # Before doing post-processing, # we need to reshape the outputs as the common.do_inference will give us flat arrays. trt_outputs = [output.reshape(shape) for output, shape in zip(trt_outputs, self.output_shapes)] # Run the post-processing algorithms on the TensorRT outputs and get the bounding box # details of detected objects boxes, classes, scores = self.postprocessor.process( trt_outputs, tuple(int(i / scale_ratio) for i in self.image_shape)) detected_objects = [] if all(i.shape[0] for i in [boxes, scores, classes]): for bbox, score, label_class in zip(boxes, scores, classes): label = ALL_CATEGORIES[label_class] x_coord, y_coord, width, height = bbox x1 = max(0, np.floor(x_coord + 0.5).astype(int)) y1 = max(0, np.floor(y_coord + 0.5).astype(int)) x2 = min(image_raw_width, np.floor(x_coord + width + 0.5).astype(int)) y2 = min(image_raw_height, np.floor(y_coord + height + 0.5).astype(int)) # handle the edge case of padding space x1 = min(image_raw_width, x1) x2 = min(image_raw_width, x2) if x1 == x2: continue y1 = min(image_raw_height, y1) y2 = min(image_raw_height, y2) if y1 == y2: continue detected_objects.append(BoundedBoxObject(x1, y1, x2, y2, label, score, '')) image_dict = { 'image_id': image_obj.image_id, 'detected_objects': detected_objects, } detection_result = DetectionResult(image_dict) return detection_result def preprocess(self, pil_image_obj): """ since the tensorRT engine with a fixed input shape, and we don't want to resize the original image directly, thus we perform a way like padding and resize the original image to align the long side to the tensorrt input Parameters ---------- pil_image_obj: PIL.image.object Returns ------- image: np.array np.array with shape: NCHW, value between 0~1 image_resized_shape: (Int, Int) resized image size, (height, weight) """ original_image_size = (pil_image_obj.width, pil_image_obj.height) width_scale_weight = original_image_size[0] / self.image_shape[0] height_scale_weight = original_image_size[1] / self.image_shape[1] scale_ratio = min(width_scale_weight, height_scale_weight) image_resized_shape = tuple(int(i * scale_ratio) for i in original_image_size) output_img = np.zeros((3, *self.image_shape)) processed_image = resize_and_stack_image_objs( image_resized_shape, [pil_image_obj]) # NHWC processed_image =
np.transpose(processed_image, [0, 3, 1, 2])
"""Resynthesis of signals described as sinusoid tracks.""" import numpy as np def synthtrax(F, M, SR, SUBF=128, DUR=0): """ % X = synthtrax(F, M, SR, SUBF, DUR) Reconstruct a sound from track rep'n. % Each row of F and M contains a series of frequency and magnitude % samples for a particular track. These will be remodulated and % overlaid into the output sound X which will run at sample rate SR, % although the columns in F and M are subsampled from that rate by % a factor SUBF (default 128). If DUR is nonzero, X will be padded or % truncated to correspond to just this much time. % <EMAIL> 1994aug20, 1996aug22 """ rows, cols = F.shape opsamps = int(np.round(DUR * SR)) if not DUR: opsamps = cols * SUBF X = np.zeros(opsamps) for row in xrange(rows): mm = M[row] ff = F[row] # First, find onsets - points where mm goes from zero (or NaN) to nzero # Before that, even, set all nan values of mm to zero nzv = np.nonzero(mm)[0] firstcol = np.min(nzv) lastcol = np.max(nzv) # for speed, chop off regions of initial and final zero magnitude - # but want to include one zero from each end if they are there zz = np.arange(np.maximum(0, firstcol-1), np.minimum(cols, lastcol+1)) nzcols = zz.shape[0] if nzcols > 0: mm = mm[zz] ff = ff[zz] mz = mm == 0 # Copy frequency values to one point past each end of nonzero stretches. onsets = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(mz > 0, np.hstack( [1, mz[:-1]]) == 0))[0] ff[onsets - 1] = ff[onsets] offsets = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(mz[:-1] > 0, mz[1:] == 0))[0] ff[offsets + 1] = ff[offsets] # Do interpolation. ff = np.interp(np.arange(ff.shape[0] * SUBF)/float(SUBF), np.arange(ff.shape[0]), ff) mm = np.interp(np.arange(mm.shape[0] * SUBF)/float(SUBF),
import numpy as np from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from scipy.special import logsumexp from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV from sklearn.model_selection import GroupShuffleSplit from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder import pandas as pd class_set = 9 class ObservationsConditionsClassifier(): """ Container class for several NBGassuian classifiers """ def __init__(self, features, discriminant_model, n_angle_bins): self.n_angle_bins = n_angle_bins self.features = features self.classifiers = [ ClassifierComposition(self.features, discriminant_model=discriminant_model) for _ in range(self.n_angle_bins) ] def fit(self, df): angle_point_estimates =
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, uic from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap import numpy as np import sys import os from os import path import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image import # create our own histogram function def get_histogram(image, bins): # array with size of bins, set to zeros histogram = np.zeros(bins) # loop through pixels and sum up counts of pixels for pixel in image: histogram[pixel] += 1 # return our final result return histogram # create our cumulative sum function def cumsum(a): a = iter(a) b = [next(a)] for i in a: b.append(b[-1] + i) return np.array(b) def get_histogram_rgb(image, bins): # array with size of bins, set to zeros b = image[:,:,0].flatten() g = image[:,:,1].flatten() r = image[:,:,2].flatten() histogram_r = np.zeros(bins) histogram_g = np.zeros(bins) histogram_b = np.zeros(bins) # loop through pixels and sum up counts of pixels for i in r: histogram_r[i] += 1 for i in g: histogram_g[i] += 1 for i in b: histogram_b[i] += 1 # return our final result return (histogram_r,histogram_g,histogram_b) # function for color image equalization def histogram_equalization_rgb(img_in): # segregate color streams b, g, r = cv2.split(img_in) h_b, bin_b = np.histogram(b.flatten(), 256, [0, 256]) h_g, bin_g = np.histogram(g.flatten(), 256, [0, 256]) h_r, bin_r = np.histogram(r.flatten(), 256, [0, 256]) # calculate cdf cdf_b = np.cumsum(h_b) cdf_g = np.cumsum(h_g) cdf_r = np.cumsum(h_r) # mask all pixels with value=0 and replace it with mean of the pixel values cdf_m_b =, 0) cdf_m_b = (cdf_m_b - cdf_m_b.min()) * 255 / (cdf_m_b.max() - cdf_m_b.min()) cdf_final_b =, 0).astype('uint8') cdf_m_g =, 0) cdf_m_g = (cdf_m_g - cdf_m_g.min()) * 255 / (cdf_m_g.max() - cdf_m_g.min()) cdf_final_g =, 0).astype('uint8') cdf_m_r =, 0) cdf_m_r = (cdf_m_r - cdf_m_r.min()) * 255 / (cdf_m_r.max() - cdf_m_r.min()) cdf_final_r =, 0).astype('uint8') # merge the images in the three channels img_b = cdf_final_b[b] img_g = cdf_final_g[g] img_r = cdf_final_r[r] img_out = cv2.merge((img_b, img_g, img_r)) # validation equ_b = cv2.equalizeHist(b) equ_g = cv2.equalizeHist(g) equ_r = cv2.equalizeHist(r) equ = cv2.merge((equ_b, equ_g, equ_r)) # print(equ) plt.figure(figsize=(20,20)) plt.imshow(equ) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('./Output images/output.jpg', bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches = 0) return img_out class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() uic.loadUi('filter.ui', self) self.actionadd_image.triggered.connect(self.openFileNameDialog) self.btn1.clicked.connect(self.filter) self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.histogram) if path.exists("Output images") == False: os.mkdir("./Output images") def openFileNameDialog(self): path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open a file', '', 'Image(*.jpg *.png)') if path != ('', ''): self.path = path[0] = os.path.basename(self.path) pixmap = QPixmap(self.path) self.filter_input.setPixmap(pixmap) self.filter_input.setScaledContents(True) self.input_equalize.setPixmap(pixmap) self.input_equalize.setScaledContents(True) print(self.path) print( self.filter_filtered.clear() self.output_equalize.clear() self.input_histogram.clear() self.output_histogram.clear() def filter(self): img = cv2.imread(self.path) if self.median.isChecked(): rgb_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) median = cv2.medianBlur(rgb_img,9) im = Image.fromarray(median)"./Output images/median_filtered.jpg") pixmap = QPixmap("./Output images/median_filtered.jpg") self.filter_filtered.setPixmap(pixmap) self.filter_filtered.setScaledContents(True) ######################################################################################################## elif self.laplacian.isChecked(): ddepth = cv2.CV_16S kernel_size = 9 imageName = self.path imgz = cv2.imread(cv2.samples.findFile(imageName), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) # Load an image smoothed_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(imgz, (3, 3), 0) RGB_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(smoothed_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) laplaced_img = cv2.Laplacian(gray_img, ddepth, ksize=kernel_size) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1) # ax1.imshow(laplaced_img, cmap='gray') plt.imshow(laplaced_img, cmap='gray') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('./Output images/laplacian_filtered.jpg', bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches = 0) pixmap = QPixmap("./Output images/laplacian_filtered.jpg") self.filter_filtered.setPixmap(pixmap) self.filter_filtered.setScaledContents(True) plt.clf() ################################################################################### elif self.lowpass.isChecked(): # do dft saving as complex output dft = np.fft.fft2(img, axes=(0,1)) # apply shift of origin to center of image dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft) # generate spectrum from magnitude image (for viewing only) mag = np.abs(dft_shift) spec = np.log(mag) / 20 # create circle mask radius = 32 mask = np.zeros_like(img) cy = mask.shape[0] // 2 cx = mask.shape[1] // 2, (cx,cy), radius, (255,255,255), -1)[0] # blur the mask mask2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (19,19), 0) # apply mask to dft_shift dft_shift_masked = np.multiply(dft_shift,mask) / 255 dft_shift_masked2 = np.multiply(dft_shift,mask2) / 255 # shift origin from center to upper left corner back_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(dft_shift) back_ishift_masked = np.fft.ifftshift(dft_shift_masked) back_ishift_masked2 = np.fft.ifftshift(dft_shift_masked2) # do idft saving as complex output img_back = np.fft.ifft2(back_ishift, axes=(0,1)) img_filtered = np.fft.ifft2(back_ishift_masked, axes=(0,1)) img_filtered2 = np.fft.ifft2(back_ishift_masked2, axes=(0,1)) # combine complex real and imaginary components to form (the magnitude for) the original image again img_back = np.abs(img_back).clip(0,255).astype(np.uint8) img_filtered = np.abs(img_filtered).clip(0,255).astype(np.uint8) img_filtered2 = np.abs(img_filtered2).clip(0,255).astype(np.uint8) # write result to disk cv2.imwrite("./Output images/Lowpass_filtered.jpg", img_filtered2) pixmap = QPixmap("./Output images/Lowpass_filtered.jpg") self.filter_filtered.setPixmap(pixmap) self.filter_filtered.setScaledContents(True) ###################################################################################################### elif self.highpass.isChecked(): # do dft saving as complex output dft = np.fft.fft2(img, axes=(0,1)) # apply shift of origin to center of image dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft) # generate spectrum from magnitude image (for viewing only) mag = np.abs(dft_shift) spec = np.log(mag) / 20 # create white circle mask on black background and invert so black circle on white background # as highpass filter radius = 32 mask = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=np.float32) cy = mask.shape[0] // 2 cx = mask.shape[1] // 2, (cx,cy), radius, (1,1,1), -1)[0] mask = 1 - mask # high boost filter (sharpening) = 1 + fraction of high pass filter mask = 1 + 0.5*mask # blur the mask mask2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (19,19), 0) # apply mask to dft_shift dft_shift_masked = np.multiply(dft_shift,mask) dft_shift_masked2 = np.multiply(dft_shift,mask2) # shift origin from center to upper left corner back_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(dft_shift) back_ishift_masked = np.fft.ifftshift(dft_shift_masked) back_ishift_masked2 = np.fft.ifftshift(dft_shift_masked2) # do idft saving as complex output img_back =
np.fft.ifft2(back_ishift, axes=(0,1))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Mar 23 14:28:56 2019 @author: balam """ from queue import PriorityQueue import numpy as np from ObstacleSpace import genObstacleSpace import MapDiaplay as md def actions(currentNode, currentCost): newNodes = [] newNodesFinal = [] # vertical and horizontal nodes for i in [(0,1),(0,-1),(1,0),(-1,0)]: newNode = tuple(np.subtract(currentNode, i)) if not(newNode[0]<0 or newNode[1]<0 or newNode[0]>=mapX or newNode[1]>=mapY): newNodes.append([currentCost + 1.0 + CtoG(goalNode,newNode),currentNode,newNode,True,currentCost + 1.0]) # corss nodes for i in [(-1,-1),(-1,+1),(1,-1),(1,1)]: newNode = tuple(np.subtract(currentNode, i)) if not(newNode[0]<0 or newNode[1]<0 or newNode[0]>=mapX or newNode[1]>=mapY): newNodes.append([currentCost + 1.414 + CtoG(goalNode,newNode),currentNode,newNode,True,currentCost + 1.414]) for node in newNodes: # update cost and parent if cost is less for already visited nodes if node[2] in visitedNodes: if nodes[np.ravel_multi_index(node[2],mapSize)][4] > node[4]: nodes[np.ravel_multi_index(node[2],mapSize)][4] = node[4] nodes[np.ravel_multi_index(node[2],mapSize)][1] = node[1] # remove if in obstacle or visited nodes if not(node[2] in obstacles.union(visitedNodes)): newNodesFinal.append(node) # update nodes map list for node in newNodesFinal: nodes[np.ravel_multi_index(node[2],mapSize)] = node return newNodesFinal def CtoG(fromNode, toNode): return np.sqrt(
""" Impulse reponse-related code """ from __future__ import division import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la import scipy.linalg as L from scipy import stats from import cache_readonly from import chain_dot #from statsmodels.tsa.api import VAR from statsmodels.compat.python import range import statsmodels.tsa.tsatools as tsa import statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.plotting as plotting import statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.util as util mat = np.array class BaseIRAnalysis(object): """ Base class for plotting and computing IRF-related statistics, want to be able to handle known and estimated processes """ def __init__(self, model, P=None, periods=10, order=None, svar=False): self.model = model self.periods = periods self.neqs, self.lags, self.T = model.neqs, model.k_ar, model.nobs self.order = order if P is None: sigma = model.sigma_u # TODO, may be difficult at the moment # if order is not None: # indexer = [model.get_eq_index(name) for name in order] # sigma = sigma[:, indexer][indexer, :] # if sigma.shape != model.sigma_u.shape: # raise ValueError('variable order is wrong length') P = la.cholesky(sigma) self.P = P self.svar = svar self.irfs = model.ma_rep(periods) if svar: self.svar_irfs = model.svar_ma_rep(periods, P=P) else: self.orth_irfs = model.orth_ma_rep(periods) self.cum_effects = self.irfs.cumsum(axis=0) if svar: self.svar_cum_effects = self.svar_irfs.cumsum(axis=0) else: self.orth_cum_effects = self.orth_irfs.cumsum(axis=0) self.lr_effects = model.long_run_effects() if svar: self.svar_lr_effects =, P) else: self.orth_lr_effects =, P) # auxiliary stuff self._A = util.comp_matrix(model.coefs) def cov(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def cum_effect_cov(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def plot(self, orth=False, impulse=None, response=None, signif=0.05, plot_params=None, subplot_params=None, plot_stderr=True, stderr_type='asym', repl=1000, seed=None, component=None): """ Plot impulse responses Parameters ---------- orth : bool, default False Compute orthogonalized impulse responses impulse : string or int variable providing the impulse response : string or int variable affected by the impulse signif : float (0 < signif < 1) Significance level for error bars, defaults to 95% CI subplot_params : dict To pass to subplot plotting funcions. Example: if fonts are too big, pass {'fontsize' : 8} or some number to your taste. plot_params : dict plot_stderr: bool, default True Plot standard impulse response error bands stderr_type: string 'asym': default, computes asymptotic standard errors 'mc': monte carlo standard errors (use rpl) repl: int, default 1000 Number of replications for Monte Carlo and Sims-Zha standard errors seed: int np.random.seed for Monte Carlo replications component: array or vector of principal component indices """ periods = self.periods model = self.model svar = self.svar if orth and svar: raise ValueError("For SVAR system, set orth=False") if orth: title = 'Impulse responses (orthogonalized)' irfs = self.orth_irfs elif svar: title = 'Impulse responses (structural)' irfs = self.svar_irfs else: title = 'Impulse responses' irfs = self.irfs if plot_stderr == False: stderr = None elif stderr_type not in ['asym', 'mc', 'sz1', 'sz2','sz3']: raise ValueError("Error type must be either 'asym', 'mc','sz1','sz2', or 'sz3'") else: if stderr_type == 'asym': stderr = self.cov(orth=orth) if stderr_type == 'mc': stderr = self.errband_mc(orth=orth, svar=svar, repl=repl, signif=signif, seed=seed) if stderr_type == 'sz1': stderr = self.err_band_sz1(orth=orth, svar=svar, repl=repl, signif=signif, seed=seed, component=component) if stderr_type == 'sz2': stderr = self.err_band_sz2(orth=orth, svar=svar, repl=repl, signif=signif, seed=seed, component=component) if stderr_type == 'sz3': stderr = self.err_band_sz3(orth=orth, svar=svar, repl=repl, signif=signif, seed=seed, component=component) plotting.irf_grid_plot(irfs, stderr, impulse, response, self.model.names, title, signif=signif, subplot_params=subplot_params, plot_params=plot_params, stderr_type=stderr_type) def plot_cum_effects(self, orth=False, impulse=None, response=None, signif=0.05, plot_params=None, subplot_params=None, plot_stderr=True, stderr_type='asym', repl=1000, seed=None): """ Plot cumulative impulse response functions Parameters ---------- orth : bool, default False Compute orthogonalized impulse responses impulse : string or int variable providing the impulse response : string or int variable affected by the impulse signif : float (0 < signif < 1) Significance level for error bars, defaults to 95% CI subplot_params : dict To pass to subplot plotting funcions. Example: if fonts are too big, pass {'fontsize' : 8} or some number to your taste. plot_params : dict plot_stderr: bool, default True Plot standard impulse response error bands stderr_type: string 'asym': default, computes asymptotic standard errors 'mc': monte carlo standard errors (use rpl) repl: int, default 1000 Number of replications for monte carlo standard errors seed: int np.random.seed for Monte Carlo replications """ if orth: title = 'Cumulative responses responses (orthogonalized)' cum_effects = self.orth_cum_effects lr_effects = self.orth_lr_effects else: title = 'Cumulative responses' cum_effects = self.cum_effects lr_effects = self.lr_effects if stderr_type not in ['asym', 'mc']: raise TypeError else: if stderr_type == 'asym': stderr = self.cum_effect_cov(orth=orth) if stderr_type == 'mc': stderr = self.cum_errband_mc(orth=orth, repl=repl, signif=signif, seed=seed) if not plot_stderr: stderr = None plotting.irf_grid_plot(cum_effects, stderr, impulse, response, self.model.names, title, signif=signif, hlines=lr_effects, subplot_params=subplot_params, plot_params=plot_params, stderr_type=stderr_type) class IRAnalysis(BaseIRAnalysis): """ Impulse response analysis class. Computes impulse responses, asymptotic standard errors, and produces relevant plots Parameters ---------- model : VAR instance Notes ----- Using Lutkepohl (2005) notation """ def __init__(self, model, P=None, periods=10, order=None, svar=False): BaseIRAnalysis.__init__(self, model, P=P, periods=periods, order=order, svar=svar) self.cov_a = model._cov_alpha self.cov_sig = model._cov_sigma # memoize dict for G matrix function self._g_memo = {} def cov(self, orth=False): """ Compute asymptotic standard errors for impulse response coefficients Notes ----- Lutkepohl eq 3.7.5 Returns ------- """ if orth: return self._orth_cov() covs = self._empty_covm(self.periods + 1) covs[0] = np.zeros((self.neqs ** 2, self.neqs ** 2)) for i in range(1, self.periods + 1): Gi = self.G[i - 1] covs[i] = chain_dot(Gi, self.cov_a, Gi.T) return covs def errband_mc(self, orth=False, svar=False, repl=1000, signif=0.05, seed=None, burn=100): """ IRF Monte Carlo integrated error bands """ model = self.model periods = self.periods if svar == True: return model.sirf_errband_mc(orth=orth, repl=repl, T=periods, signif=signif, seed=seed, burn=burn, cum=False) else: return model.irf_errband_mc(orth=orth, repl=repl, T=periods, signif=signif, seed=seed, burn=burn, cum=False) def err_band_sz1(self, orth=False, svar=False, repl=1000, signif=0.05, seed=None, burn=100, component=None): """ IRF Sims-Zha error band method 1. Assumes symmetric error bands around mean. Parameters ---------- orth : bool, default False Compute orthogonalized impulse responses repl : int, default 1000 Number of MC replications signif : float (0 < signif < 1) Significance level for error bars, defaults to 95% CI seed : int, default None np.random seed burn : int, default 100 Number of initial simulated obs to discard component : neqs x neqs array, default to largest for each Index of column of eigenvector/value to use for each error band Note: period of impulse (t=0) is not included when computing principle component References ---------- Sims, <NAME>., and <NAME>. 1999. "Error Bands for Impulse Response". Econometrica 67: 1113-1155. """ model = self.model periods = self.periods if orth: irfs = self.orth_irfs elif svar: irfs = self.svar_irfs else: irfs = self.irfs neqs = self.neqs irf_resim = model.irf_resim(orth=orth, repl=repl, T=periods, seed=seed, burn=100) q = util.norm_signif_level(signif) W, eigva, k =self._eigval_decomp_SZ(irf_resim) if component != None: if np.shape(component) != (neqs,neqs): raise ValueError("Component array must be " + str(neqs) + " x " + str(neqs)) if np.argmax(component) >= neqs*periods: raise ValueError("Atleast one of the components does not exist") else: k = component # here take the kth column of W, which we determine by finding the largest eigenvalue of the covaraince matrix lower = np.copy(irfs) upper =
import multiprocessing as mp from copy import copy import numpy as np import tkinter import pickle import os from itertools import accumulate from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, lines from casadi import Callback, nlpsol_out, nlpsol_n_out, Sparsity from import Data from ..misc.enums import PlotType, ControlType, InterpolationType from ..misc.mapping import Mapping from ..misc.utils import check_version class CustomPlot: def __init__( self, update_function, plot_type=PlotType.PLOT, axes_idx=None, legend=(), combine_to=None, color=None, ylim=None, bounds=None, ): """ Initializes the plot. :param update_function: Function to plot. :param plot_type: Type of plot. (PLOT = 0, INTEGRATED = 1 or STEP = 2) :param axes_idx: Index of the axis to be mapped. (integer) :param legend: Legend of the graphs. (?) :param combine_to: Plot in which to add the graph. ?? :param color: Color of the graphs. (?) """ self.function = update_function self.type = plot_type if axes_idx is None: self.phase_mappings = None # Will be set later elif isinstance(axes_idx, (tuple, list)): self.phase_mappings = Mapping(axes_idx) elif isinstance(axes_idx, Mapping): self.phase_mappings = axes_idx else: raise RuntimeError("phase_mapping must be a list or a Mapping") self.legend = legend self.combine_to = combine_to self.color = color self.ylim = ylim self.bounds = bounds class PlotOcp: def __init__(self, ocp, automatically_organize=True, adapt_graph_size_to_bounds=False): """Prepares the figure""" for i in range(1, ocp.nb_phases): if ocp.nlp[0]["nbQ"] != ocp.nlp[i]["nbQ"]: raise RuntimeError("Graphs with nbQ different at each phase is not implemented yet") self.ocp = ocp self.plot_options = { "general_options": {"use_tight_layout": False}, "non_integrated_plots": {"linestyle": "-.", "markersize": 3}, "integrated_plots": {"linestyle": "-", "markersize": 3, "linewidth": 1.1}, "bounds": {"color": "k", "linewidth": 0.4, "linestyle": "-"}, "grid": {"color": "k", "linestyle": "-", "linewidth": 0.15}, "vertical_lines": {"color": "k", "linestyle": "--", "linewidth": 1.2}, } self.ydata = [] self.ns = 0 self.t = [] self.t_integrated = [] if isinstance(self.ocp.initial_phase_time, (int, float)): = [self.ocp.initial_phase_time] else: = list(self.ocp.initial_phase_time) self.t_idx_to_optimize = [] for i, nlp in enumerate(self.ocp.nlp): if isinstance(nlp["tf"], self.ocp.CX): self.t_idx_to_optimize.append(i) self.__update_time_vector() self.axes = {} self.plots = [] self.plots_vertical_lines = [] self.plots_bounds = [] self.all_figures = [] self.automatically_organize = automatically_organize self._organize_windows(len(self.ocp.nlp[0]["var_states"]) + len(self.ocp.nlp[0]["var_controls"])) self.plot_func = {} self.variable_sizes = [] self.adapt_graph_size_to_bounds = adapt_graph_size_to_bounds self.__create_plots() horz = 0 vert = 1 if len(self.all_figures) < self.nb_vertical_windows * self.nb_horizontal_windows else 0 for i, fig in enumerate(self.all_figures): if self.automatically_organize: try: fig.canvas.manager.window.move( int(vert * self.width_step), int(self.top_margin + horz * self.height_step) ) vert += 1 if vert >= self.nb_vertical_windows: horz += 1 vert = 0 except AttributeError: pass fig.canvas.draw() if self.plot_options["general_options"]["use_tight_layout"]: fig.tight_layout() def __update_time_vector(self): """Sets x-axis array""" self.t = [] self.t_integrated = [] last_t = 0 for phase_idx, nlp in enumerate(self.ocp.nlp): nb_int_steps = nlp["nb_integration_steps"] dt_ns =[phase_idx] / nlp["ns"] time_phase_integrated = [] last_t_int = copy(last_t) for _ in range(nlp["ns"]): time_phase_integrated.append(np.linspace(last_t_int, last_t_int + dt_ns, nb_int_steps + 1)) last_t_int += dt_ns self.t_integrated.append(time_phase_integrated) self.ns += nlp["ns"] + 1 time_phase = np.linspace(last_t, last_t +[phase_idx], nlp["ns"] + 1) last_t +=[phase_idx] self.t.append(time_phase) def __create_plots(self): """Actually plots""" variable_sizes = [] for i, nlp in enumerate(self.ocp.nlp): variable_sizes.append({}) if "plot" in nlp: for key in nlp["plot"]: if isinstance(nlp["plot"][key], tuple): nlp["plot"][key] = nlp["plot"][key][0] if nlp["plot"][key].phase_mappings is None: size = ( nlp["plot"][key] .function(np.zeros((nlp["nx"], 1)), np.zeros((nlp["nu"], 1)), np.zeros((nlp["np"], 1))) .shape[0] ) nlp["plot"][key].phase_mappings = Mapping(range(size)) else: size = len(nlp["plot"][key].phase_mappings.map_idx) if key not in variable_sizes[i]: variable_sizes[i][key] = size else: variable_sizes[i][key] = max(variable_sizes[i][key], size) self.variable_sizes = variable_sizes if not variable_sizes: # No graph was setup in problem_type return self.plot_func = {} for i, nlp in enumerate(self.ocp.nlp): for variable in self.variable_sizes[i]: nb = max(nlp["plot"][variable].phase_mappings.map_idx) + 1 nb_cols, nb_rows = PlotOcp._generate_windows_size(nb) if nlp["plot"][variable].combine_to: self.axes[variable] = self.axes[nlp["plot"][variable].combine_to] axes = self.axes[variable][1] elif i > 0 and variable in self.axes: axes = self.axes[variable][1] else: axes = self.__add_new_axis(variable, nb, nb_rows, nb_cols) self.axes[variable] = [nlp["plot"][variable], axes] t = self.t[i] if variable not in self.plot_func: self.plot_func[variable] = [None] * self.ocp.nb_phases self.plot_func[variable][i] = nlp["plot"][variable] mapping = self.plot_func[variable][i].phase_mappings.map_idx for ctr, k in enumerate(mapping): ax = axes[k] if k < len(self.plot_func[variable][i].legend): axes[k].set_title(self.plot_func[variable][i].legend[k]) ax.grid(**self.plot_options["grid"]) ax.set_xlim(0, self.t[-1][-1]) if nlp["plot"][variable].ylim: ax.set_ylim(nlp["plot"][variable].ylim) elif self.adapt_graph_size_to_bounds and nlp["plot"][variable].bounds: if nlp["plot"][variable].bounds.type != InterpolationType.CUSTOM: y_min = nlp["plot"][variable].bounds.min[ctr].min() y_max = nlp["plot"][variable].bounds.max[ctr].max() else: nlp["plot"][variable].bounds.check_and_adjust_dimensions(len(mapping), nlp["ns"]) y_min = min([nlp["plot"][variable].bounds.min.evaluate_at(j)[k] for j in range(nlp["ns"])]) y_max = max([nlp["plot"][variable].bounds.max.evaluate_at(j)[k] for j in range(nlp["ns"])]) y_range, _ = self.__compute_ylim(y_min, y_max, 1.25) ax.set_ylim(y_range) zero = np.zeros((t.shape[0], 1)) plot_type = self.plot_func[variable][i].type if plot_type == PlotType.PLOT: color = self.plot_func[variable][i].color if self.plot_func[variable][i].color else "tab:green" self.plots.append( [plot_type, i, ax.plot(t, zero, color=color, zorder=0, **self.plot_options["non_integrated_plots"])[0]] ) elif plot_type == PlotType.INTEGRATED: color = self.plot_func[variable][i].color if self.plot_func[variable][i].color else "tab:brown" plots_integrated = [] nb_int_steps = nlp["nb_integration_steps"] for cmp in range(nlp["ns"]): plots_integrated.append( ax.plot( self.t_integrated[i][cmp], np.zeros(nb_int_steps + 1), color=color, **self.plot_options["integrated_plots"], )[0] ) self.plots.append([plot_type, i, plots_integrated]) elif plot_type == PlotType.STEP: color = self.plot_func[variable][i].color if self.plot_func[variable][i].color else "tab:orange" self.plots.append([plot_type, i, ax.step(t, zero, where="post", color=color, zorder=0)[0]]) else: raise RuntimeError(f"{plot_type} is not implemented yet") for j, ax in enumerate(axes): intersections_time = self.find_phases_intersections() for time in intersections_time: self.plots_vertical_lines.append(ax.axvline(time, **self.plot_options["vertical_lines"])) if self.axes[variable][0].bounds: if self.axes[variable][0].bounds.type == InterpolationType.EACH_FRAME: ns = self.axes[variable][0].bounds.min.shape[1] - 1 else: ns = nlp["ns"] self.axes[variable][0].bounds.check_and_adjust_dimensions( nb_elements=len(mapping), nb_shooting=ns ) bounds_min = np.array( [self.axes[variable][0].bounds.min.evaluate_at(k)[j] for k in range(ns + 1)] ) bounds_max = np.array( [self.axes[variable][0].bounds.max.evaluate_at(k)[j] for k in range(ns + 1)] ) if bounds_min.shape[0] == nlp["ns"]: bounds_min = np.concatenate((bounds_min, [bounds_min[-1]])) bounds_max = np.concatenate((bounds_max, [bounds_max[-1]])) self.plots_bounds.append( [ax.step(self.t[i], bounds_min, where='post', **self.plot_options["bounds"]), i] ) self.plots_bounds.append( [ax.step(self.t[i], bounds_max, where='post', **self.plot_options["bounds"]), i] ) def __add_new_axis(self, variable, nb, nb_rows, nb_cols): """ Sets the axis of the plots. :param variable: Variable to plot (integer) :param nb: Number of the figure. ?? (integer) :param nb_rows: Number of rows of plots in subplots. (integer) :param nb_cols: Number of columns of plots in subplots. (integer) :return: axes: Axes of the plots. (instance of subplot class) """ if self.automatically_organize: self.all_figures.append(plt.figure(variable, figsize=(self.width_step / 100, self.height_step / 131))) else: self.all_figures.append(plt.figure(variable)) axes = self.all_figures[-1].subplots(nb_rows, nb_cols) if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray): axes = axes.flatten() else: axes = [axes] for i in range(nb, len(axes)): axes[i].remove() axes = axes[:nb] idx_center = nb_rows * nb_cols - int(nb_cols / 2) - 1 if idx_center >= len(axes): idx_center = len(axes) - 1 axes[idx_center].set_xlabel("time (s)") self.all_figures[-1].tight_layout() return axes def _organize_windows(self, nb_windows): """ Organizes esthetically the figure. :param nb_windows: Number of variables to plot. (integer) """ self.nb_vertical_windows, self.nb_horizontal_windows = PlotOcp._generate_windows_size(nb_windows) if self.automatically_organize: height = tkinter.Tk().winfo_screenheight() width = tkinter.Tk().winfo_screenwidth() self.top_margin = height / 15 self.height_step = (height - self.top_margin) / self.nb_horizontal_windows self.width_step = width / self.nb_vertical_windows else: self.top_margin = None self.height_step = None self.width_step = None def find_phases_intersections(self): """Finds the intersection between phases""" return list(accumulate([:-1] @staticmethod def show(): def update_data(self, V): """Update of the variable V to plot (dependent axis)""" self.ydata = [] data_states, data_controls, data_param = Data.get_data( self.ocp, V, get_parameters=True, integrate=True, concatenate=False ) data_param_in_dyn = np.array([data_param[key] for key in data_param if key != "time"]).squeeze() for _ in self.ocp.nlp: if self.t_idx_to_optimize: for i_in_time, i_in_tf in enumerate(self.t_idx_to_optimize):[i_in_tf] = data_param["time"][i_in_time] self.__update_xdata() data_states_per_phase, data_controls_per_phase = Data.get_data(self.ocp, V, integrate=True, concatenate=False) for i, nlp in enumerate(self.ocp.nlp): step_size = nlp["nb_integration_steps"] + 1 nb_elements = nlp["ns"] * step_size + 1 state = np.ndarray((0, nb_elements)) for s in nlp["var_states"]: if isinstance(data_states_per_phase[s], (list, tuple)): state =
np.concatenate((state, data_states_per_phase[s][i]))
from collections import defaultdict import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pickle from sklearn.metrics import f1_score def save_obj(obj, name): with open(name + '.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load_obj(name): with open(name + '.pkl', 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def split_labeled(data): is_labeled = (data['label'] != -1) return data[is_labeled], data[~is_labeled] # def split_dataset(raw_dataset_path, new_dataset_path): # # 主要是方便EDA # item_cols = [f'i{i}' for i in range(1, 72+1)] # user_cols = [f'u{i}' for i in range(1, 80+1)] # try: # with open(raw_dataset_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as rf: # with open(new_dataset_path, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as wf: # if "train" in raw_dataset_path: # header = f"""uuid,visit_time,user_id,item_id,{str(item_cols+user_cols)[2:-2].replace("'", "").replace(" ","")},label""" # else: # "predict" # header = f"""uuid,visit_time,user_id,item_id,{str(item_cols+user_cols)[2:-2].replace("'", "").replace(" ","")}""" # wf.write(header+'\n') # for line in rf: # if "features" in line: # continue # line = str(line[:].split(" ")).replace("'", "")[1:-3] # wf.write(line+'\n') # except FileNotFoundError: # print(f'{raw_dataset_path} 文件不存在!') # def read_split_data(path, nrows=1000000): # df_chunk = pd.read_csv(path, chunksize=1e6, iterator=True, nrows=nrows) # data = pd.concat([chunk for chunk in df_chunk]) # data = reduce_mem_usage(data) # return data def read_data(path='/tcdata/train0.csv', nrows=1000000): if "train" in path: df_chunk = pd.read_csv(path, chunksize=1e6, iterator=True, names=["uuid", "visit_time", "user_id", "item_id", "features", "label"], nrows=nrows) data = pd.concat([chunk for chunk in df_chunk]) data = reduce_mem_usage(data) elif "predict" in path: df_chunk = pd.read_csv(path, chunksize=5e5, iterator=True, names=["uuid", "visit_time", "user_id", "item_id", "features"], nrows=nrows) data = pd.concat([chunk for chunk in df_chunk]) data = reduce_mem_usage(data) else: # "truth" data = pd.read_csv(path, names=["uuid", "label"], nrows=nrows) return data def label_user_item_via_blacklist(data): data_labeled, data_no_labeled = split_labeled(data) data_spam = data_labeled[data_labeled.label == 1] data_norm = data_labeled[data_labeled.label == 0] try: user_spam_dict = load_obj("user_black_dict") item_spam_dict = load_obj("item_black_dict") print("更新 user 和 item 黑名单") except: user_spam_dict = defaultdict(int) item_spam_dict = defaultdict(int) print("新建 user 和 item 黑名单") for _, row in data_spam[['user_id', 'item_id']].iterrows(): u, i = row['user_id'], row['item_id'] user_spam_dict[u] += 1 # 记录次数 item_spam_dict[i] += 1 # 记录次数 save_obj(user_spam_dict, "user_black_dict") save_obj(item_spam_dict, "item_black_dict") # 1、根据label=1确定绝对无误的用户黑名单和商品黑名单 # 2、根据label=0 以及用户黑名单 确定当前用户是恶意的 则当前商品是正常的,将当前商品更新进商品白名单 # 根据label=0 以及商品黑名单 确定当前商品是恶意的 则当前用户是正常的,将当前用户更新进用户白名单 # 3、根据用户白名单 以及label=0 确定当前用户是正常的 则当前商品是(正常或潜在恶意的) # 根据商品白名单 以及label=0 确定当前商品是正常的 则当前用户是(正常或潜在恶意的) # 4、根据label=-1 以及 更新完毕的黑白名单 确定用户和商品的标签 # 可以忽略步骤3 try: user_norm_dict = load_obj("user_white_dict") item_norm_dict = load_obj("item_white_dict") print("更新 user 和 item 白名单") except: user_norm_dict = defaultdict(int) item_norm_dict = defaultdict(int) print("新建 user 和 item 白名单") for _, row in data_norm[['user_id', 'item_id']].iterrows(): u, i = row['user_id'], row['item_id'] if i in item_spam_dict.keys(): # 如果当前商品是恶意的 user_norm_dict[u] = 0 # 用户则是正常的,加入白名单 # else: #当前商品可能正常或潜在恶意 if u in user_spam_dict.keys(): # 如果当前用户是恶意的 item_norm_dict[i] = 0 # 商品则是正常的,加入白名单 # else: #当前用户可能正常或潜在恶意 # user_unknown_dict[u] = 0 #潜在的 save_obj(user_norm_dict, "user_white_dict") save_obj(item_norm_dict, "item_white_dict") print("基于黑名单和白名单,给未知样本打上标签") def black_white_dict(ui, black_dict, white_dict): if ui in black_dict.keys(): return 1 elif ui in white_dict.keys(): return 0 else: return -1 data_no_labeled['user_label'] = data_no_labeled['user_id'].apply( lambda u: black_white_dict(u, user_spam_dict, user_norm_dict)) data_no_labeled['item_label'] = data_no_labeled['item_id'].apply( lambda i: black_white_dict(i, item_spam_dict, item_norm_dict)) def ui_label2label(u, i): if u == 1 and i == 1: return 1 elif ((u == 1 and i == 0) or (u == 0 and i == 1) or (u == 0 and i == 0)): return 0 else: return -1 data_no_labeled['label'] = list(map(lambda u, i: ui_label2label( u, i), data_no_labeled['user_label'], data_no_labeled['item_label'])) data_labeled['user_label'] = data_labeled['user_id'].apply( lambda u: black_white_dict(u, user_spam_dict, user_norm_dict)) data_labeled['item_label'] = data_labeled['item_id'].apply( lambda i: black_white_dict(i, item_spam_dict, item_norm_dict)) data = pd.concat([data_no_labeled, data_labeled], axis=0) return data def label_data_via_blacklist(data): data_labeled, data_no_labeled = split_labeled(data) data_spam = data_labeled[data_labeled.label == 1] data_norm = data_labeled[data_labeled.label == 0] try: ui_spam_dict = load_obj("user_item_black_dict") print("更新 user-item 黑名单") except: ui_spam_dict = defaultdict(int) print("新建 user-item 黑名单") for _, row in data_spam[['user_id', 'item_id']].iterrows(): ui = (row['user_id'], row['item_id']) ui_spam_dict[ui] += 1 # 记录次数 save_obj(ui_spam_dict, "user_item_black_dict") try: ui_norm_dict = load_obj("user_item_white_dict") print("更新 user-item 白名单") except: ui_norm_dict = defaultdict(int) print("新建 user-item 白名单") for idx, row in data_norm[['user_id', 'item_id']].iterrows(): ui = (row['user_id'], row['item_id']) ui_norm_dict[ui] = 0 save_obj(ui_norm_dict, "user_item_white_dict") def black_white_list(ui, ui_spam_dict, ui_norm_dict): if ui in ui_spam_dict.keys(): return 1 elif ui in ui_norm_dict.keys(): return 0 else: return -1 print("基于<user_id,item_id>设置黑白名单,打上伪标签") data_no_labeled['label'] = list(map(lambda u, i: black_white_list( (u, i), ui_spam_dict, ui_norm_dict), data_no_labeled['user_id'], data_no_labeled['item_id'])) # data_pseudo = data_no_labeled[data_no_labeled.label != -1] # data_labeled = pd.concat([data_pseudo, data_labeled], axis=0) data = pd.concat([data_no_labeled, data_labeled], axis=0) return data def rand_mask(x, p=0.1): # 保留id,剩下部分按概率p随机mask掉一部分特征 ids_mask = [True, True] ids_mask.extend(np.random.rand(152) > p) return x * np.array(ids_mask) def evaluate_score(res_csv_path, truth_csv_path): # "/root/tianchi_entry/result.csv" df_pred = pd.read_csv(res_csv_path, names=[ 'uuid', 'time_in', 'time_out', 'pred']) df_truth = pd.read_csv(truth_csv_path, names=['uuid', 'label']) time_diff = (df_pred['time_out'] - df_pred['time_in']) time_mask = time_diff <= 500 f1 = f1_score(df_truth['label'][time_mask], df_pred['pred'][time_mask]) ratio = time_mask.mean() print(f'avg time: {time_diff.mean()}') print(f'f1 score: {f1}') print(f'ratio : {ratio}') print(f'score : {f1 * ratio}') def find_best_threshold(y_true, y_pred, l=0.1, r=0.6, p=0.01): thresholds = np.arange(l, r, p) print(f"以精度为{p}在[{thresholds[0]},{thresholds[-1]}]范围内搜索F1最佳阈值", end=">>") fscore = np.zeros(shape=(len(thresholds))) for index, elem in enumerate(thresholds): thr2sub = np.vectorize(lambda x: 1 if x > elem else 0) y_preds = thr2sub(y_pred) fscore[index] = f1_score(y_true, y_preds) index =
# Ignoring some linting rules in tests # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # pylint: disable=missing-docstring import csv import numpy as np from bingo.symbolic_regression.agraph.generator import AGraphGenerator from bingo.symbolic_regression.agraph.component_generator \ import ComponentGenerator from bingo.symbolic_regression.implicit_regression \ import ImplicitRegression, ImplicitTrainingData, _calculate_partials from bingo.symbolic_regression.explicit_regression \ import ExplicitRegression, ExplicitTrainingData import bingocpp LOG_WIDTH = 78 NUM_AGRAPHS_INDVS = 100 COMMAND_ARRAY_SIZE = 128 NUM_X_VALUES = 128 EVAL_TIMING_NUMBER = 50 EVAL_TIMING_REPEATS = 10 FITNESS_TIMING_NUMBER = 50 FITNESS_TIMING_REPEATS = 10 CLO_TIMING_NUMBER = 4 CLO_TIMING_REPEATS = 4 class StatsPrinter: def __init__(self, title="PERFORMANCE BENCHMARKS"): self._header_format_string = \ "{:<26} {:>10} +- {:<10} {:^10} {:^10}" self._format_string = \ "{:<26} {:>10.4f} +- {:<10.4f} {:^10.4f} {:^10.4f}" diff = LOG_WIDTH - len(title) - 10 self._output = [ "-"*int(diff/2)+":::: {} ::::".format(title) + "-"*int((diff + 1)/2), self._header_format_string.format("NAME", "MEAN", "STD", "MIN", "MAX"), "-"*LOG_WIDTH] def add_stats(self, name, times, number=1, unit_mult=1): std_time = np.std(times) / number * unit_mult mean_time = np.mean(times) / number * unit_mult max_time = np.max(times) / number * unit_mult min_time =
from utils import detector_utils as detector_utils from libs.pconv_layer import PConv2D import cv2 import tensorflow as tf import datetime import argparse import numpy as np import keras thresh = 0.9 moving_num = 3 m_input_size = 256 detection_graph, sess = detector_utils.load_inference_graph() print("model loading...") model_hand = keras.models.load_model('model/model_hand.h5', compile=False) _ = model_hand.predict(np.zeros((1,96,96,3))) model_partial = keras.models.load_model('model/model_partial.h5', compile=False, custom_objects={'PConv2D': PConv2D}) _ = model_partial.predict([np.zeros((1,m_input_size,m_input_size,3)), np.zeros((1,m_input_size,m_input_size,3))]) flag = False start_flag = False status = "none" matrix = [] predict_num = 0 result =
from .builder import DATASETS from .coco import CocoDataset import numpy as np from mmdet.utils import get_vocabulary @DATASETS.register_module() class CocoTextDataset(CocoDataset): CLASSES = ('text', ) def __init__(self, ann_file,pipeline,max_seq_len=25, **kwargs): super(CocoTextDataset, self).__init__(ann_file, pipeline, **kwargs) self.voc, self.char2id, _ = get_vocabulary("ALLCASES_SYMBOLS") self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len def _parse_ann_info(self, img_info, ann_info): """Parse bbox and mask annotation with transcription. Args: ann_info (list[dict]): Annotation info of an image . with_mask (bool): Whether to parse mask annotations. Returns: dict: A dict containing the following keys: bboxes, bboxes_ignore, labels, masks, seg_map, text_labels. "masks" are raw annotations and not decoded into binary masks. """ gt_bboxes = [] gt_labels = [] gt_bboxes_ignore = [] gt_masks_ann = [] gt_texts = [] gt_text_masks = [] for i, ann in enumerate(ann_info): if ann.get('ignore', False): continue x1, y1, w, h = ann['bbox'] inter_w = max(0, min(x1 + w, img_info['width']) - max(x1, 0)) inter_h = max(0, min(y1 + h, img_info['height']) - max(y1, 0)) if inter_w * inter_h == 0: continue if ann['area'] <= 0 or w < 1 or h < 1: continue if ann['category_id'] not in self.cat_ids: continue bbox = [x1, y1, x1 + w, y1 + h] if ann.get('iscrowd', False): gt_bboxes_ignore.append(bbox) else: gt_bboxes.append(bbox) gt_labels.append(self.cat2label[ann['category_id']]) gt_masks_ann.append(ann['segmentation']) word = ann['transcription'] word_label = [] for char in word: if char in self.char2id: word_label.append(self.char2id[char]) else: word_label.append(self.char2id['UNK']) seq_label = np.full(self.max_seq_len, self.char2id['PAD'], seq_mask = np.full(self.max_seq_len, 0, if len(word_label) > (self.max_seq_len - 1): word_label = word_label[:(self.max_seq_len - 1)] word_label = word_label + [self.char2id['EOS']] seq_label[:len(word_label)] = np.array(word_label) word_len = len(word_label) seq_mask[:word_len] = 1 gt_texts.append(seq_label) gt_text_masks.append(seq_mask) if gt_bboxes: gt_bboxes = np.array(gt_bboxes, dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array(gt_labels, dtype=np.int64) else: gt_bboxes =
np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32)
import numpy as np from .orcadaq import OrcaDecoder, get_ccc, get_readout_info, get_auxhw_info from .fcdaq import FlashCamEventDecoder class ORCAFlashCamListenerConfigDecoder(OrcaDecoder): ''' Decoder for FlashCam listener config written by ORCA ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.decoder_name = 'ORFlashCamListenerConfigDecoder' self.orca_class_name = 'ORFlashCamListenerModel' # up through ch_inputnum, these are in order of the fcio data format # for similicity. append any additional values after this. self.decoded_values = { 'readout_id': { 'dtype': 'uint16', }, 'listener_id': { 'dtype': 'uint16', }, 'telid': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'nadcs': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'ntriggers': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'nsamples': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'adcbits': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'sumlength': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'blprecision': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'mastercards': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'triggercards': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'adccards': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'gps': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'ch_boardid': { 'dtype': 'uint16', 'datatype': 'array_of_equalsized_arrays<1,1>{real}', 'length': 2400, }, 'ch_inputnum': { 'dtype': 'uint16', 'datatype': 'array_of_equalsized_arrays<1,1>{real}', 'length': 2400, }, } super().__init__(args, kwargs) def get_decoded_values(self, channel=None): return self.decoded_values def max_n_rows_per_packet(self): return 1 def decode_packet(self, packet, lh5_tables, packet_id, header_dict, verbose=False): data = np.frombuffer(packet, dtype=np.int32) tbl = lh5_tables ii = tbl.loc tbl['readout_id'].nda[ii] = (data[0] & 0xffff0000) >> 16 tbl['listener_id'].nda[ii] = data[0] & 0x0000ffff for i,k in enumerate(self.decoded_values): if i < 2: continue tbl[k].nda[ii] = data[i-1] if k == 'gps': break data = np.frombuffer(packet, dtype=np.uint32) data = data[list(self.decoded_values.keys()).index('ch_boardid')-1:] for i in range(len(data)): tbl['ch_boardid'].nda[ii][i] = (data[i] & 0xffff0000) >> 16 tbl['ch_inputnum'].nda[ii][i] = data[i] & 0x0000ffff tbl.push_row() class ORCAFlashCamListenerStatusDecoder(OrcaDecoder): ''' Decoder for FlashCam status packets written by ORCA Some of the card level status data contains an array of values (temperatures for instance) for each card. Since lh5 currently only supports a 1d vector of 1d vectors, this (card,value) data has to be flattened before populating the lh5 table. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.decoder_name = 'ORFlashCamListenerStatusDecoder' self.orca_class_name = 'ORFlashCamListenerModel' self.nOtherErrors = np.uint32(5) self.nEnvMonitors = np.uint32(16) self.nCardTemps = np.uint32(5) self.nCardVoltages = np.uint32(6) self.nADCTemps = np.uint32(2) self.nCTILinks = np.uint32(4) self.nCards = np.uint32(1) self.decoded_values = { 'readout_id': { 'dtype': 'uint16', }, 'listener_id': { 'dtype': 'uint16', }, 'cards': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'status': { 'dtype': 'int32', }, 'statustime': { 'dtype': 'float64', 'units': 's', }, 'cputime': { 'dtype': 'float64', 'units': 's', }, 'startoffset': { 'dtype': 'float64', 'units': 's', }, 'card_fcio_id': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_status': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_event_number': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_pps_count': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_tick_count': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_max_ticks': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_total_errors': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_env_errors': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_cti_errors': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_link_errors': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, }, 'card_other_errors': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards * self.nOtherErrors, }, 'card_temp': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards * self.nCardTemps, 'units': 'mC', }, 'card_voltage': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards * self.nCardVoltages, 'units': 'mV', }, 'card_current': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, 'units': 'mA', }, 'card_humidity': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards, 'units': 'o/oo', }, 'card_adc_temp': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards * self.nADCTemps, 'units': 'mC', }, 'card_cti_link': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards * self.nCTILinks, }, 'card_card_link_state': { 'dtype': 'uint32', 'datatype': 'array<1>{array<1>{real}}', 'length_guess': self.nCards * self.nCards, }, } # arrays to temporarily store card-level decoded data self.cdata = {} self.resize_card_data(ncards=self.nCards) super().__init__(args, kwargs) def resize_card_data(self, ncards): try: ncards = np.uint32(ncards) except ValueError: return if ncards == 0: return for key in self.decoded_values: # ignore keys that aren't card level if key.find('card_') != 0: continue try: # skip keys for things that aren't arrays with a length_guess if self.decoded_values[key]['datatype'].find('array') != 0: continue length = self.decoded_values[key]['length_guess'] try: # resize if ncards differs from the old shape oldshape = self.cdata[key].shape if oldshape[0] == ncards: continue if key.find('card_card_') == 0: self.cdata[key].resize((ncards,ncards,) + oldshape[2:]) else: self.cdata[key].resize((ncards,) + oldshape[1:]) except KeyError: # if the key didn't exist set the ndarray for this key if ((length == ncards or (length % ncards) != 0) and key.find('card_card_') == -1): self.cdata[key] = np.ndarray(shape=(length), dtype=np.uint32) else: nval = np.uint32(length / ncards) self.cdata[key] = np.ndarray(shape=(ncards, nval), dtype=np.uint32) except KeyError: continue # set nCards to allow for not calling this function during decoding self.nCards = ncards def get_decoded_values(self, channel=None): return self.decoded_values def max_n_rows_per_packet(self): return 1 def decode_packet(self, packet, lh5_tables, packet_id, header_dict, verbose=False): data = np.frombuffer(packet, dtype=np.uint32) tbl = lh5_tables ii = tbl.loc # populate the packet header information tbl['readout_id'].nda[ii] = (data[0] & 0xffff0000) >> 16 tbl['listener_id'].nda[ii] = data[0] & 0x0000ffff tbl['status'].nda[ii] = np.int32(data[1]) tbl['statustime'].nda[ii] = np.float64(data[2] + data[3] / 1.0e6) tbl['cputime'].nda[ii] = np.float64(data[4] + data[5] / 1.0e6) tbl['startoffset'].nda[ii] = np.float64(data[7] + data[8] / 1.0e6) tbl['cards'].nda[ii] = np.int32(data[12]) # resize the card level data if necessary if data[12] != self.nCards: print('ORlashCamListenerStatusDecoder: resizing card arrays ' 'from', self.nCards, ' cards to', data[12]) self.resize_card_data(ncards=data[12]) # set the local card level data for i in range([12])
""" Tools for making FSPS templates """ import os from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import astropy.units as u from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 FLAM_CGS = u.erg/u.second/**2/u.Angstrom LINE_CGS = 1.e-17*u.erg/u.second/**2 try: from dust_attenuation.baseclasses import BaseAttAvModel except: BaseAttAvModel = object from astropy.modeling import Parameter import astropy.units as u try: from fsps import StellarPopulation except: # Broken, but imports StellarPopulation = object from . import utils from . import templates DEFAULT_LABEL = 'fsps_tau{tau:3.1f}_logz{logzsol:4.2f}_tage{tage:4.2f}_av{Av:4.2f}' WG00_DEFAULTS = dict(geometry='shell', dust_type='mw', dust_distribution='homogeneous') class Zafar15(BaseAttAvModel): """ Quasar extinction curve from Zafar et al. (2015) """ name = 'Zafar+15' #bump_ampl = 1. Rv = 2.21 # err 0.22 @staticmethod def Alam(mu, Rv): """ klam, eq. 1 """ x = 1/mu # My fit coeffs = np.array([0.05694421, 0.57778243, -0.12417444]) Alam = np.polyval(coeffs, x)*2.21/Rv # Only above x > 5.90 fuv = x > 5.90 if fuv.sum() > 0: Afuv = 1/Rv*(-4.678+2.355*x + 0.622*(x-5.90)**2) + 1. Alam[fuv] = Afuv[fuv] return Alam def evaluate(self, x, Av): if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.micron else: xin = np.atleast_1d(x) mu = alam = self.Alam(mu, self.Rv) #*self.Rv # Rv = Av/EBV # EBV=Av/Rv # Ax = Alam/Av # # klam = Alam/EBV # Alam = klam*EBV = klam*Av/Rv return np.maximum(alam*Av, 0.) class ExtinctionModel(BaseAttAvModel): """ Modify `dust_extinction.averages.G03_SMCBar` to work as Att """ #from dust_extinction.averages import G03_SMCBar #SMCBar = G03_SMCBar() curve_type = 'smc' init_curve = None #@property def _curve_model(self): if self.init_curve == self.curve_type: return 0 if self.curve_type.upper() == 'SMC': from dust_extinction.averages import G03_SMCBar as curve elif self.curve_type.upper() == 'LMC': from dust_extinction.averages import G03_LMCAvg as curve elif self.curve_type.upper() in ['MW','F99']: from dust_extinction.parameter_averages import F99 as curve else: raise ValueError(f'curve_type {self.curve_type} not recognized') self.curve = curve() self.init_curve = self.curve_type def evaluate(self, x, Av): self._curve_model() if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = np.atleast_1d(x) xinv = 1./ if self.curve_type.upper() in ['MW','F99']: curve = self.curve klam = curve.evaluate(1/np.clip(xinv, 0.301/u.micron, 9.99/u.micron), Rv=curve.Rv) else: klam = self.curve.evaluate(1/np.clip(xinv, 0.301/u.micron, 9.99/u.micron)) return klam*Av class SMC(BaseAttAvModel): """ Modify `dust_extinction.averages.G03_SMCBar` to work as Att """ from dust_extinction.averages import G03_SMCBar SMCBar = G03_SMCBar() def evaluate(self, x, Av): if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = np.atleast_1d(x) xinv = 1./ klam = self.SMCBar.evaluate(1/np.clip(xinv, 0.301/u.micron, 9.99/u.micron)) return klam*Av class Reddy15(BaseAttAvModel): """ Attenuation curve from Reddy et al. (2015) With optional UV bump """ name = 'Reddy+15' #bump_ampl = 1. bump_ampl = Parameter(description="Amplitude of UV bump", default=2., min=0., max=10.) bump_gamma = 0.04 bump_x0 = 0.2175 Rv = 2.505 @staticmethod def _left(mu): """ klam, mu < 0.6 micron """ return -5.726 + 4.004/mu - 0.525/mu**2 + 0.029/mu**3 + 2.505 @staticmethod def _right(mu): """ klam, mu > 0.6 micron """ return -2.672 - 0.010/mu + 1.532/mu**2 - 0.412/mu**3 + 2.505 @property def koffset(self): """ Force smooth transition at 0.6 micron """ return self._left(0.6) - self._right(0.6) def evaluate(self, x, Av, bump_ampl): if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = np.atleast_1d(x) mu = left = mu < 0.6 klam = mu*0. # Reddy Eq. 8 kleft = self._left(mu) kright = self._right(mu) klam[left] = self._left(mu[left]) klam[~left] = self._right(mu[~left]) + self.koffset # Rv = Av/EBV # EBV=Av/Rv # klam = Alam/EBV # Alam = klam*EBV = klam*Av/Rv return np.maximum((klam + self.uv_bump(mu, bump_ampl))*Av/self.Rv, 0.) def uv_bump(self, mu, bump_ampl): """ Drude profile for computing the UV bump. Parameters ---------- x: np array (float) expects wavelengths in [micron] x0: float Central wavelength of the UV bump (in microns). gamma: float Width (FWHM) of the UV bump (in microns). ampl: float Amplitude of the UV bump. Returns ------- np array (float) lorentzian-like Drude profile Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ return bump_ampl * (mu**2 * self.bump_gamma**2 / ((mu**2 - self.bump_x0**2)**2 + mu**2 * self.bump_gamma**2)) class KC13(BaseAttAvModel): """ Kriek & Conroy (2013) attenuation model, extends Noll 2009 with UV bump amplitude correlated with the slope, delta. Slightly different from KC13 since the N09 model uses Leitherer (2002) below 1500 Angstroms. """ name = 'Kriek+Conroy2013' delta = Parameter(description="delta: slope of the power law", default=0., min=-3., max=3.) #extra_bump = 1. extra_params = {'extra_bump':1.} def _init_N09(self): from dust_attenuation import averages, shapes, radiative_transfer # Allow extrapolation shapes.x_range_N09 = [0.9e-4, 2.e8] averages.x_range_C00 = [0.9e-4, 2.e8] averages.x_range_L02 = [0.9e-4, 0.18] self.N09 = shapes.N09() def evaluate(self, x, Av, delta): import dust_attenuation if not hasattr(self, 'N09'): self._init_N09() #Av = np.polyval(self.coeffs['Av'], tau_V) x0 = 0.2175 gamma = 0.0350 ampl = (0.85 - 1.9*delta)*self.extra_params['extra_bump'] if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = x if dust_attenuation.__version__ >= '0.0.dev131': return self.N09.evaluate(xin, x0, gamma, ampl, delta, Av) else: return self.N09.evaluate(xin, Av, x0, gamma, ampl, delta) class ParameterizedWG00(BaseAttAvModel): coeffs = {'Av': np.array([-0.001, 0.026, 0.643, -0.016]), 'x0': np.array([ 3.067e-19, -7.401e-18, 6.421e-17, -2.370e-16, 3.132e-16, 2.175e-01]), 'gamma': np.array([ 2.101e-06, -4.135e-05, 2.719e-04, -7.178e-04, 3.376e-04, 4.270e-02]), 'ampl': np.array([-1.906e-03, 4.374e-02, -3.501e-01, 1.228e+00, -2.151e+00, 8.880e+00]), 'slope': np.array([-4.084e-05, 9.984e-04, -8.893e-03, 3.670e-02, -7.325e-02, 5.891e-02])} # Turn off bump include_bump = 0.25 wg00_coeffs = {'geometry': 'shell', 'dust_type': 'mw', 'dust_distribution': 'homogeneous'} name = 'ParameterizedWG00' # def __init__(self, Av=1.0, **kwargs): # """ # Version of the N09 curves fit to the WG00 curves up to tauV=10 # """ # from dust_attenuation import averages, shapes, radiative_transfer # # # Allow extrapolation # shapes.x_range_N09 = [0.01, 1000] # averages.x_range_C00 = [0.01, 1000] # averages.x_range_L02 = [0.01, 0.18] # # self.N09 = shapes.N09() def _init_N09(self): from dust_attenuation import averages, shapes, radiative_transfer # Allow extrapolation shapes.x_range_N09 = [0.009, 2.e8] averages.x_range_C00 = [0.009, 2.e8] averages.x_range_L02 = [0.009, 0.18] self.N09 = shapes.N09() def get_tau(self, Av): """ Get the WG00 tau_V for a given Av """ tau_grid = np.arange(0, 10, 0.01) av_grid = np.polyval(self.coeffs['Av'], tau_grid) return np.interp(Av, av_grid, tau_grid, left=0., right=tau_grid[-1]) def evaluate(self, x, Av): import dust_attenuation if not hasattr(self, 'N09'): self._init_N09() tau_V = self.get_tau(Av) #Av = np.polyval(self.coeffs['Av'], tau_V) x0 = np.polyval(self.coeffs['x0'], tau_V) gamma = np.polyval(self.coeffs['gamma'], tau_V) if self.include_bump: ampl = np.polyval(self.coeffs['ampl'], tau_V)*self.include_bump else: ampl = 0. slope = np.polyval(self.coeffs['slope'], tau_V) if not hasattr(x, 'unit'): xin = np.atleast_1d(x)*u.Angstrom else: xin = x if dust_attenuation.__version__ >= '0.0.dev131': return self.N09.evaluate(xin, x0, gamma, ampl, slope, Av) else: return self.N09.evaluate(xin, Av, x0, gamma, ampl, slope) def fsps_line_info(wlimits=None): """ Read FSPS line list """ try: info_file = os.path.join(os.getenv('SPS_HOME'), 'data/emlines_info.dat') with open(info_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() except: return [], [] waves = np.array([float(l.split(',')[0]) for l in lines]) names = np.array([l.strip().split(',')[1].replace(' ','') for l in lines]) if wlimits is not None: clip = (waves > wlimits[0]) & (waves < wlimits[1]) waves = waves[clip] names = names[clip] return waves, names DEFAULT_LINES = fsps_line_info(wlimits=[1200, 1.9e4])[0] BOUNDS = {} BOUNDS['tage'] = [0.03, 12, 0.05] BOUNDS['tau'] = [0.03, 2, 0.05] BOUNDS['zred'] = [0.0, 13, 1.e-4] BOUNDS['Av'] = [0.0, 15, 0.05] BOUNDS['gas_logu'] = [-4, 0, 0.05] BOUNDS['gas_logz'] = [-2, 0.3, 0.05] BOUNDS['logzsol'] = [-2, 0.3, 0.05] BOUNDS['sigma_smooth'] = [100, 500, 0.05] def wuyts_line_Av(Acont): """ Wuyts prescription for extra extinction towards nebular emission """ return Acont + 0.9*Acont - 0.15*Acont**2 class ExtendedFsps(StellarPopulation): """ Extended functionality for the `~fsps.StellarPopulation` object """ lognorm_center = 0. lognorm_logwidth = 0.05 is_lognorm_sfh = False lognorm_fburst = -30 cosmology = WMAP9 scale_lyman_series = 0.1 scale_lines = OrderedDict() line_av_func = None #_meta_bands = ['v'] @property def izmet(self): """ Get zmet index for nearest ``self.zlegend`` value to ``loggzsol``. """ NZ = len(self.zlegend) logzsol = self.params['logzsol'] zi = np.interp(logzsol, np.log10(self.zlegend/0.019), np.arange(NZ)) return np.clip(np.cast[int](np.round(zi)), 0, NZ-1) @property def fsps_ages(self): """ (linear) ages of the FSPS SSP age grid, Gyr """ if hasattr(self, '_fsps_ages'): return self._fsps_ages _ = self.get_spectrum() fsps_ages = 10**(self.log_age-9) self._fsps_ages = fsps_ages return fsps_ages def set_lognormal_sfh(self, min_sigma=3, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Set lognormal tabular SFH """ try: from grizli.utils_c.interp import interp_conserve_c as interp_func except: interp_func = utils.interp_conserve if 'lognorm_center' in kwargs: self.lognorm_center = kwargs['lognorm_center'] if 'lognorm_logwidth' in kwargs: self.lognorm_logwidth = kwargs['lognorm_logwidth'] if self.is_lognorm_sfh: self.params['sfh'] = 3 if verbose: msg = 'lognormal SFH ({0}, {1}) [sfh3={2}]' print(msg.format(self.lognorm_center, self.lognorm_logwidth, self.is_lognorm_sfh)) xages = np.logspace(np.log10(self.fsps_ages[0]), np.log10(self.fsps_ages[-1]), 2048) mu = self.lognorm_center#*np.log(10) # sfh = 1./t*exp(-(log(t)-mu)**2/2/sig**2) logn_sfh = 10**(-(np.log10(xages)-mu)**2/2/self.lognorm_logwidth**2) logn_sfh *= 1./xages # Normalize logn_sfh *= 1.e-9/(self.lognorm_logwidth*np.sqrt(2*np.pi*np.log(10))) self.set_tabular_sfh(xages, logn_sfh) self._lognorm_sfh = (xages, logn_sfh) def lognormal_integral(self, tage=0.1, **kwargs): """ Integral of lognormal SFH up to t=tage """ from scipy.special import erfc mu = self.lognorm_center*np.log(10) sig = self.lognorm_logwidth*np.sqrt(np.log(10)) cdf = 0.5*erfc(-(np.log(tage)-mu)/sig/np.sqrt(2)) return cdf def _set_extend_attrs(self, line_sigma=50, lya_sigma=200, **kwargs): """ Set attributes on `~fsps.StellarPopulation` object used by `narrow_lines`. sigma : line width (FWHM/2.35), km/s. lya_sigma : width for Lyman-alpha Sets `emline_dlam`, `emline_sigma` attributes. """ # Line widths, native FSPS and new wave, line = self.get_spectrum(tage=1., peraa=True) dlam = np.diff(wave) self.emline_dlam = [np.interp(w, wave[1:], dlam) for w in self.emline_wavelengths] # Angstrom self.emline_sigma = [line_sigma for w in self.emline_wavelengths] #kms # Separate Ly-alpha lya_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(self.emline_wavelengths - 1216.8)) self.emline_sigma[lya_ix] = lya_sigma # Line EWs computed in `narrow_emission_lines` self.emline_eqw = [-1e10 for w in self.emline_wavelengths] # Emission line names waves, names = fsps_line_info() if np.allclose(self.emline_wavelengths, waves, 0.5): self.emline_names = names else: self.emline_names = ['?'] * len(self.emline_wavelengths) for w, n in zip(waves, names): dl = np.abs(self.emline_wavelengths - w) if dl.min() < 0.5: self.emline_names[np.argmin(dl)] = n for l in self.emline_names: self.scale_lines[l] = 1. # Precomputed arrays for WG00 reddening defined between 0.1..3 um self.wg00lim = (self.wavelengths > 1000) & (self.wavelengths < 3.e4) self.wg00red = (self.wavelengths > 1000)*1. self.exec_params = None self.narrow = None def narrow_emission_lines(self, tage=0.1, emwave=DEFAULT_LINES, line_sigma=100, oversample=5, clip_sigma=10, verbose=False, get_eqw=True, scale_lyman_series=None, scale_lines={}, force_recompute=False, use_sigma_smooth=True, lorentz=False, **kwargs): """ Replace broad FSPS lines with specified line widths tage : age in Gyr of FSPS model FSPS sigma: line width in A in FSPS models emwave : (approx) wavelength of line to replace line_sigma : line width in km/s of new line oversample : factor by which to sample the Gaussian profiles clip_sigma : sigmas from line center to use for the line scale_lyman_series : scaling to apply to Lyman-series emission lines scale_lines : scaling to apply to other emission lines, by name Returns: `dict` with keys wave_full, flux_full, line_full = wave and flux with fine lines wave, flux_line, flux_clean = original model + removed lines ymin, ymax = range of new line useful for plotting """ if not hasattr(self, 'emline_dlam'): self._set_extend_attrs(line_sigma=line_sigma, **kwargs) self.params['add_neb_emission'] = True if scale_lyman_series is None: scale_lyman_series = self.scale_lyman_series else: self.scale_lyman_series = scale_lyman_series if scale_lines is None: scale_lines = self.scale_lines else: for k in scale_lines: if k in self.scale_lines: self.scale_lines[k] = scale_lines[k] else: print(f'Line "{k}" not found in `self.scale_lines`') # Avoid recomputing if all parameters are the same (i.e., change Av) call_params = np.hstack([self.param_floats(params=None), emwave, list(self.scale_lines.values()), [tage, oversample, clip_sigma, scale_lyman_series]]) try: is_close = np.allclose(call_params, self.exec_params) except: is_close = False if is_close & (not force_recompute): if verbose: print('use stored') return self.narrow self.exec_params = call_params wave, line = self.get_spectrum(tage=tage, peraa=True) line_ix = [np.argmin(np.abs(self.emline_wavelengths - w)) for w in emwave] line_lum = [self.emline_luminosity[i] for i in line_ix] line_wave = [self.emline_wavelengths[i] for i in line_ix] fsps_sigma = [np.sqrt((2*self.emline_dlam[i])**2 + (self.params['sigma_smooth']/3.e5*self.emline_wavelengths[i])**2) for i in line_ix] if line_sigma < 0: lines_sigma = [-line_sigma for ix in line_ix] elif (self.params['sigma_smooth'] > 0) & (use_sigma_smooth): lines_sigma = [self.params['sigma_smooth'] for ix in line_ix] else: lines_sigma = [self.emline_sigma[ix] for ix in line_ix] line_dlam = [sig/3.e5*lwave for sig, lwave in zip(lines_sigma, line_wave)] clean = line*1 wlimits = [np.min(emwave), np.max(emwave)] wlimits = [2./3*wlimits[0], 4.3*wlimits[1]] wfine = utils.log_zgrid(wlimits, np.min(lines_sigma)/oversample/3.e5) qfine = wfine < 0 if verbose: msg = 'Matched line: {0} [{1}], lum={2}' for i, ix in enumerate(line_ix): print(msg.format(line_wave[i], ix, line_lum[i])) ######### # Remove lines from FSPS # line width seems to be 2*dlam at the line wavelength for i, ix in enumerate(line_ix): gauss = 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*fsps_sigma[i]**2) gauss *= np.exp(-(wave - line_wave[i])**2/2/fsps_sigma[i]**2) clean -= gauss*line_lum[i] # indices of fine array where new lines defined qfine |= np.abs(wfine - line_wave[i]) < clip_sigma*line_dlam[i] # Linear interpolate cleaned spectrum on fine grid iclean = np.interp(wfine[qfine], wave, clean) # Append original and fine sampled arrays wfull = np.append(wave, wfine[qfine]) cfull = np.append(clean, iclean) so = np.argsort(wfull) wfull, uniq =
np.unique(wfull, return_index=True)
import ast import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.stats import wilcoxon from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter import matplotlib from tabulate import tabulate text_dir = 'data/qa_example/' counterfactual_dir = 'counterfactuals/qa_example/model_dist_1layer/' probe_type = 'model_dist' test_layers = [i for i in range(1, 25)] layer_offset = test_layers[0] # For a single sentence, plot the distribution over start probabilities for the original and updated embeddings # as well as just the deltas. def plot_sentence_probs(sentence_idx): fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(10, 10)) fig.suptitle("Absolute and Relative Start Token Probabilities") x_axis = [i + 1 for i in range(len(original_start_probs[sentence_idx]))] # Plot the absolute probability values ax1.set_title("Start probabilities for layer " + str(layer) + " and sentence " + str(sentence_idx)) ax1.set_xlabel('Token idx') ax1.errorbar(x_axis, original_start_probs[sentence_idx], linestyle='--', color='green', marker='s', label='Original') ax1.errorbar(x_axis, nn1_parse_updated_start_probs[sentence_idx], color='red', marker='s', label='Conj. Parse') ax1.errorbar(x_axis, nn2_parse_updated_start_probs[sentence_idx], color='blue', marker='s', label='NN2 Parse') ax1.legend(loc="upper left") ax2.set_title("Changes in start probabilities for layer " + str(layer) + " and sentence " + str(sentence_idx)) ax2.set_xlabel('Token idx') nn1_delta = [nn1_parse_updated_start_probs[sentence_idx][i] - original_start_probs[sentence_idx][i] for i in range(len(original_start_probs[sentence_idx]))] nn2_delta = [nn2_parse_updated_start_probs[sentence_idx][i] - original_start_probs[sentence_idx][i] for i in range(len(original_start_probs[sentence_idx]))] ax2.errorbar(x_axis, nn1_delta, color='red', marker='s', label='Conj. Parse') ax2.errorbar(x_axis, nn2_delta, color='blue', marker='s', label='NN2 Parse') ax2.legend(loc='upper left') # Read in the other question info as well corpus_types = [] answer_lengths = [] start_likelihoods = [] contexts = [] questions = [] answers = [] with open(text_dir + 'setup.txt', 'r') as setup_file: for line_idx, line in enumerate(setup_file): split_line = line.split('\t') corpus_types.append(split_line[0]) answer_lengths.append(int(split_line[1])) start_likelihoods.append(float(split_line[2])) contexts.append(split_line[3]) questions.append(split_line[4]) answers.append(split_line[5]) # Read in the token id data. We care about probability changes at specific locations, which were stored way back # when the corpus was generated in token_idxs.txt. # We care about 4 locations (determiner and noun) x (location 1 and location 2) det1_token_idxs = [] nn1_token_idxs = [] det2_token_idxs = [] nn2_token_idxs = [] all_token_idxs = [det1_token_idxs, nn1_token_idxs, det2_token_idxs, nn2_token_idxs] with open(text_dir + 'token_idxs.txt', 'r') as token_file: for line_idx, line in enumerate(token_file): if line_idx % 2 == 0: continue # Have twice as many token lines as needed because the sentence were duplicated. split_line = line.split('\t') det1_token_idxs.append(int(split_line[0])) nn1_token_idxs.append(int(split_line[1])) det2_token_idxs.append(int(split_line[2])) nn2_token_idxs.append(int(split_line[3])) all_layers_original_starts = [] all_layers_nn1_parse_starts = [] all_layers_nn2_parse_starts = [] for layer in test_layers: # Read in how the probabilities got updated. original_start_probs = [] nn1_parse_updated_start_probs = [] nn2_parse_updated_start_probs = [] with open(counterfactual_dir + probe_type + str(layer) + '/updated_probs.txt', 'r') as results_file: for line_idx, line in enumerate(results_file): split_line = line.split('\t') if line_idx == 0: # The first line has some cruft based on how files are generated. continue if line_idx % 2 == 1: original_start_probs.append([ast.literal_eval(data)[0] for data in split_line]) nn1_parse_updated_start_probs.append([ast.literal_eval(data)[2] for data in split_line]) else: nn2_parse_updated_start_probs.append([ast.literal_eval(data)[2] for data in split_line]) # Now we have the data, so if you want to plot probabilities for a single sentence, you can. # Plot stuff for just a single sentence. # for i in range(1): # plot_sentence_probs(i) # Dump the layer-specific data into an aggregator. all_layers_original_starts.append(original_start_probs) all_layers_nn1_parse_starts.append(nn1_parse_updated_start_probs) all_layers_nn2_parse_starts.append(nn2_parse_updated_start_probs) def get_token_idx_start_update(token_idxs): nn1_updates = [] nn1_updates_std = [] nn2_updates = [] nn2_updates_std = [] nn1_all = [] nn2_all = [] for layer in test_layers: layer_specific_nn1_updates = [] layer_specific_nn2_updates = [] for sentence_idx, token_idx in enumerate(token_idxs): if token_idx == -1: print("Invalid token, skipping") layer_specific_nn1_updates.append(0) layer_specific_nn2_updates.append(0) continue original_prob = all_layers_original_starts[layer - layer_offset][sentence_idx][token_idx] nn1_parse_prob = all_layers_nn1_parse_starts[layer - layer_offset][sentence_idx][token_idx] nn2_parse_prob = all_layers_nn2_parse_starts[layer - layer_offset][sentence_idx][token_idx] layer_specific_nn1_updates.append(nn1_parse_prob - original_prob) layer_specific_nn2_updates.append(nn2_parse_prob - original_prob) nn1_updates.append(np.mean(layer_specific_nn1_updates)) nn1_updates_std.append(np.std(layer_specific_nn1_updates)) nn2_updates.append(np.mean(layer_specific_nn2_updates)) nn2_updates_std.append(np.std(layer_specific_nn2_updates)) nn1_all.append(layer_specific_nn1_updates) nn2_all.append(layer_specific_nn2_updates) return nn1_updates, nn1_updates_std, nn2_updates, nn2_updates_std, nn1_all, nn2_all def plot_start_updates(): x_axis = [i for i in test_layers] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, figsize=(10, 20)) for i in range(4): tokens = all_token_idxs[i] _, _, _, _, nn1_all, nn2_all =\ get_token_idx_start_update(tokens) # Now do the plotting ax = axes[i] ax.set_title("Start prob deltas for token " + str(i)) ax.set_xlabel('Layer idx') ax.errorbar(x_axis, np.mean(nn1_all, axis=1), color='red', marker='s', label='NP1 Parse') ax.errorbar(x_axis, np.mean(nn2_all, axis=1), color='blue', marker='s', label='NP2 Parse') ax.axhline() ax.legend(loc='upper left') plt.savefig(counterfactual_dir + probe_type + '_token_updates.png') # Plot aggregate data. plot_start_updates() _, _, _, _, p1_tok0, p2_tok0 = get_token_idx_start_update(all_token_idxs[0]) _, _, _, _, p1_tok1, p2_tok1 = get_token_idx_start_update(all_token_idxs[1]) _, _, _, _, p1_tok2, p2_tok2 = get_token_idx_start_update(all_token_idxs[2]) _, _, _, _, p1_tok3, p2_tok3 = get_token_idx_start_update(all_token_idxs[3]) def calculate_stats(p1_tokens, p2_tokens, string_label): p1 = np.asarray(p1_tokens[0]) for p1_idx, p1_tokens_entry in enumerate(p1_tokens): if p1_idx == 0: continue p1 = p1 + np.asarray(p1_tokens_entry) p2 = np.asarray(p2_tokens[0]) for p2_idx, p2_tokens_entry in enumerate(p2_tokens): if p2_idx == 0: continue p2 = p2 + np.asarray(p2_tokens_entry) for layer in range(p1.shape[0]): stat, p = wilcoxon(p1[layer], p2[layer], alternative='greater') _, less_p = wilcoxon(p1[layer], p2[layer], alternative='less') if p < 0.01: print("Sig. greater:\t", string_label, "for layer", layer + layer_offset) continue if less_p < 0.01: print("Sig. less:\t", string_label, "for layer", layer + layer_offset) continue print("Not significant for layer", layer + layer_offset) print() calculate_stats((p1_tok0, p1_tok1), (p2_tok0, p2_tok1), "NP1") calculate_stats((p1_tok2, p1_tok3), (p2_tok2, p2_tok3), "NP2") parse1_np1_delta =
from __future__ import print_function import ast import baker import logging import math import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import MaxAbsScaler from tqdm import tqdm import core from core.cascade import load_data, load_data_file, load_costs_data, load_model, save_model, group_counts, group_offsets from core.metrics import test_all, test_ndcg def _predict(cascade, x, qid, return_stages=False): """Run prediciton""" preds, indexes = _init_predict(x) if return_stages: stagewise_results = [] for stage in cascade: result = _partial_predict(stage, preds, indexes, x, qid) stagewise_results.append(result) preds, indexes = result return stagewise_results else: for stage in cascade: preds, indexes = _partial_predict(stage, preds, indexes, x, qid) return preds, indexes def _init_predict(x): """Initialze the predictions and indexes""" preds = np.full(x.shape[0], -1, dtype=float) indexes = np.arange(x.shape[0], dtype=int) return preds, indexes def _partial_predict(stage, preds, indexes, x, qid): """Run partial prediction by executing one cascade stage""" prune, model = stage if prune: new_indexes = [] for a, b in group_offsets(qid[indexes]): idx = indexes[a:b] ranked_idx = idx[np.argsort(preds[idx])[::-1]] cutoff = int(math.ceil(prune['beta'] * (b - a))) # prevent generating empty ranked lists if cutoff == 0: print(ranked_idx, prune['beta'], b - a) new_indexes.extend(ranked_idx[:cutoff]) new_indexes = np.array(sorted(new_indexes)) else: new_indexes = indexes.copy() new_preds = preds.copy() new_scores =[new_indexes], model) new_preds[new_indexes] = new_preds[new_indexes] + new_scores # to work around the numpy qfunc 'add' bug return new_preds, new_indexes def predict(cascade, test_data, costs, output_trec_run=None, output_eval=None): """Run prediction using the cascade.""" x, y, qid, docno = test_data x = x.toarray() # NOTE: the cost-aware evaluation protocol is implemented differently here. # `extracted_count` is currently stagewise and does not keep track of # previously extracted features. So to compute the total cascade cost, we # need to add all the stagewise costs together. cost_spent_weighted = 0 stagewise_results = _predict(cascade, x, qid, return_stages=True) for i, ((prune, model), (preds, indexes)) in enumerate(zip(cascade, stagewise_results)): test_metrics = test_all(preds, y, qid, 1) print('stage %i: ' 'test ERR@5/10/20 %0.4f/%0.4f/%0.4f, ' 'test NDCG@5/10/20 %0.4f/%0.4f/%0.4f, ' 'test P@5/10/20 %0.4f/%0.4f/%0.4f' % (i, test_metrics['err@5'], test_metrics['err@10'], test_metrics['err@20'], test_metrics['ndcg@5'], test_metrics['ndcg@10'], test_metrics['ndcg@20'], test_metrics['p@5'], test_metrics['p@10'], test_metrics['p@20'])) n_used_features = len(np.flatnonzero(model)) n_active_docs = len(indexes) extracted_count = (model != 0).astype(float) * len(indexes) # NOTE: note the += cost_spent_weighted += np.sum(costs * extracted_count) print(' weighted L1 %f, cascade features %i, num docs %i, cascade cost %0.2f' % (np.nan, n_used_features, n_active_docs, cost_spent_weighted / float(x.shape[0]))) if output_trec_run: with file(output_trec_run, 'wb') as output: core.cascade.print_trec_run(output, stagewise_results[-1][0], y, qid, docno)'TREC run saved to %s' % output_trec_run) def train(train_data, valid_data, costs, importance, n_stages=0, gamma=0.1, beta_values=[1.0], use_query_features=False): """Learn one ranker with SGD and L1 regularization. Args: n_stages: number of rankers in the cascade strategies: a dict of callback functions """ x_train, y_train, qid_train, _ = train_data x_train = x_train.toarray() # FIXME: validation data manually turned off # for weird reasons, validation based early stopping doesn't work well valid_data = None if valid_data: x_valid, y_valid, qid_valid, _ = valid_data x_valid = x_valid.toarray() n_queries = np.unique(qid_train).shape[0] n_features = x_train.shape[1] n_stages = n_stages or n_features # n_stages = n_features if set to None weights = np.ones(n_queries, dtype=float) / n_queries C_cascade = np.zeros(n_queries, dtype=float) cascade = [] # NOTE: gamma is normalized by the maximum cost times the number of docs max_cost = max(np.max(costs), 1) C_normalizer = float(max_cost) * x_train.shape[0] best_perf_train, best_perf_valid = -np.inf, -np.inf best_cascade = None # The cascade doesn't like query features... features = [] if use_query_features: for j, _ in enumerate(costs): features.append(j) else: for j, _ in enumerate(costs): for a, b in group_offsets(qid_train): if (x_train[a:b, j] != x_train[a, j]).any(): features.append(j) break used_fids = [] preds, indexes = _init_predict(x_train) for _ in range(n_stages): best_weighted_perf = -np.inf best_stage = None for k in tqdm(features, 'scan through features'): if k in used_fids: continue weak_ranker = np.zeros(n_features, dtype=float) weak_ranker[k] = 1 # for beta in np.linspace(0, 1, 4)[1:]: for beta in beta_values: prune = {'beta': beta} new_preds, new_indexes = _partial_predict((prune, weak_ranker), preds, indexes, x_train, qid_train) # Eq. (6) in Wang et al. (2011) E = np.array(test_ndcg(new_preds, y_train, qid_train, average=False)) C = costs[k] * group_counts(qid_train[new_indexes]) / C_normalizer try: term1 =
np.sum(weights * E / (1 - gamma * C))
import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.optimize import fsolve, brentq from scipy.interpolate import interp1d import scipy.integrate import sys import os import velociraptor_python_tools as vpt from scipy.spatial import cKDTree import h5py import re from constants import * from snapshot import * import copy import itertools class Unbuffered(object): def __init__(self, stream): = stream def write(self, data): def writelines(self, datas): def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(, attr) sys.stdout = Unbuffered(sys.stdout) def getHaloCoord(catalog, halo, z=0, snapshottype='GADGET', physical=False): #Mpc/h coords = np.zeros(3) if (('Xcminpot' not in catalog.keys())):# or # (np.abs(catalog['Xcminpot'][halo])>0.1) or # (np.abs(catalog['Ycminpot'][halo])>0.1) or # (np.abs(catalog['Zcminpot'][halo])>0.1)): return getHaloCoordCOM(catalog, halo, z=z, snapshottype=snapshottype, physical=physical) if physical: coords[0] = (catalog['Xcminpot'][halo]) coords[1] = (catalog['Ycminpot'][halo]) coords[2] = (catalog['Zcminpot'][halo]) elif snapshottype in ['GADGET', 'Gadget', 'gadget']: coords[0] = (catalog['Xcminpot'][halo])*h*(1+z) coords[1] = (catalog['Ycminpot'][halo])*h*(1+z) coords[2] = (catalog['Zcminpot'][halo])*h*(1+z) elif snapshottype in ['SWIFT', 'Swift', 'swift']: coords[0] = (catalog['Xcminpot'][halo])*(1+z) coords[1] = (catalog['Ycminpot'][halo])*(1+z) coords[2] = (catalog['Zcminpot'][halo])*(1+z) else: print('Snapshottype not set') return coords def getHaloRadius(catalog, halo, z=0, rtype='R_200crit', snapshottype='GADGET', physical=False): #Mpc/h if physical: return catalog[rtype][halo] elif snapshottype in ['GADGET', 'Gadget', 'gadget']: return catalog[rtype][halo]*h*(1+z) elif snapshottype in ['SWIFT', 'Swift', 'swift']: return catalog[rtype][halo]*(1+z) def getHaloCoordCOM(catalog, halo, z=0, snapshottype='GADGET', physical=False): #Mpc/h coords = np.zeros(3) if physical: coords[0] = catalog['Xc'][halo] coords[1] = catalog['Yc'][halo] coords[2] = catalog['Zc'][halo] elif snapshottype in ['GADGET', 'Gadget', 'gadget']: coords[0] = catalog['Xc'][halo]*h*(1+z) coords[1] = catalog['Yc'][halo]*h*(1+z) coords[2] = catalog['Zc'][halo]*h*(1+z) elif snapshottype in ['SWIFT', 'Swift', 'swift']: coords[0] = catalog['Xc'][halo]*(1+z) coords[1] = catalog['Yc'][halo]*(1+z) coords[2] = catalog['Zc'][halo]*(1+z) return coords def readHaloFile(halofile): atime,tree,numhalos,halodata,cosmodata,unitdata = vpt.ReadUnifiedTreeandHaloCatalog(halofile, desiredfields=[], icombinedfile=1,iverbose=0) return atime,tree,numhalos,halodata,cosmodata,unitdata def findSurroundingHaloProperties(hp, halolist, d_snap, boxsize=32.): coords = hp['Coord'] halotree = cKDTree(coords, boxsize=boxsize) for k in halolist: if hp['R200'][k] == -1: continue halostring = hp['HaloIndex'][k] length_of_neighbours = len(np.array(halotree.query_ball_point([hp['Coord'][k]], r=hp['R200'][k]*5)[0])) distance, indices = halotree.query([hp['Coord'][k]], k=length_of_neighbours) indices = np.array(indices[0])[1:] distance = np.array(distance[0])[1:] hp['Neighbours'][halostring] = hp['HaloIndex'][indices] hp['Neighbour_distance'][halostring] = distance hp['Neighbour_Velrad'][halostring] = np.zeros(len(distance)) j=0 for i in indices: partindices = hp['Partindices'][hp['HaloIndex'][i]] hp['Neighbour_Velrad'][halostring][j] = np.sum(d_snap['File'].get_radialvelocity(hp['Coord'][k], indices=partindices))/len(partindices) j+=1 def fixSatelliteProblems(hp, TEMPORALHALOIDVAL=1000000000000, boxsize=32): welke = np.where(hp['Coord'][:, 0] >= 0)[0] halotree = cKDTree(hp['Coord'][welke], boxsize=boxsize) toolarge = welke[np.where(hp['R200'][welke] > hp['R200'][np.argmax(hp['n_part'])]*1.2)[0]] #print(i, toolarge) if len(toolarge) != 0: for tl in toolarge: hp['M200'][tl] = -1 hp['R200'][tl] = -1 hp['hostHaloIndex'][hp['HaloIndex'][tl]==hp['hostHaloIndex']] = -2 for halo in welke:#range(len(hp['M200'])): if hp['M200'][halo] == -1: continue buren = np.array(halotree.query_ball_point(hp['Coord'][halo], r = 2*hp['R200'][halo])) if len(buren) <= 1: continue buren = buren[hp['R200'][buren] != -1] if len(buren) == 0: continue i_largest = np.argmax(hp['n_part'][buren]) index_largest = buren[i_largest] buren = np.delete(buren,i_largest) coords = hp['Coord'][buren] - hp['Coord'][index_largest] coords = np.where(np.abs(coords) > 0.5*boxsize, coords - coords/np.abs(coords)*boxsize, coords) rad = np.sqrt(np.sum(coords*coords, axis=1)) burentemp = np.where(hp['R200'][buren]-rad+hp['R200'][index_largest] > 0)[0] if len(burentemp) == 0: continue buren = buren[burentemp] hp['hostHaloIndex'][buren] = index_largest hp['M200'][buren] = -1 hp['R200'][buren] = -1 def findSubHaloFraction(hp, catalog): if len(hp['hostHaloIndex']) < 10: hp['Msub'] = np.zeros(len(hp['M200'])) return 0 i_hostH = np.where(hp['hostHaloIndex'] > -1)[0] hp['Msub'] = np.zeros(len(hp['M200'])) for i in i_hostH: isattemp = np.where(hp['HaloID'][i] == catalog['ID'])[0] hp['Msub'][hp['hostHaloIndex'][i]] += catalog['Mass_FOF'][isattemp] def buildHaloDictionary(Hydro=None, partType=None, multiple=None): if ('DM' in partType) or ('H' in partType) or ('S' in partType): return buildHaloDictionary_nieuw(partType=partType, multiple=multiple) haloproperties = {} if partType is None: if Hydro is None: sys.exit("buildHaloDictionary should have an entry for either Hydro or partType") if partType is not None: if partType in [0, 2, 3, 4, 5]: sys.exit("Bestaat nog niet voor partType = %i" %partType) elif partType == 7: Hydro = True elif partType == 8: Hydro = True haloarray = (['HaloIndex', 'HaloID', 'Coord', 'R200', 'M200', 'redshift', 'snapshot', 'lambda', 'Density', 'Npart', 'Vmax', 'Rmax', 'AngularMomentum', 'Npart_profile', 'Radius', 'Velrad', 'Vel', 'Mass_profile', 'Partindices', 'n_part', 'MaxRadIndex', 'Virial_ratio', 'COM_offset', 'Msub', 'CrossTime', 'hostHaloIndex', 'MassTable']) if Hydro: haloarray.extend(['lambdaDM', 'lambdaH', 'DensityDM', 'DensityH', 'NpartH_profile', 'DMFraction', 'DMFraction_profile', 'HFraction', 'HFraction_profile', 'MassH_profile', 'MassDM_profile', 'VelradDM', 'VelradH', 'Temperature', 'AngularMomentumDM', 'AngularMomentumH']) if partType == 8: haloarray.extend(['lambdaS', 'DensityS', 'NpartS_profile', 'SFraction', 'SFraction_profile', 'MassS_profile', 'VelradB', 'VelradS', 'AgeS', 'AngularMomentumS']) for key in haloarray: if (multiple is not None) and (key=='Partindices'): haloproperties[key] = {} else: haloproperties[key] = np.zeros(0) return haloproperties def allocateSizes(key, lengte): if key in ['R200', 'M200', 'redshift', 'lambda', 'Vmax', 'Rmax', 'Vmax_part', 'Rmax_part', 'Vmax_interp', 'Rmax_interp', 'Virial_ratio', 'COM_offset', 'Msub', 'CrossTime', 'lambdaDM', 'lambdaH', 'DMFraction', 'HFraction', 'lambdaS', 'SFraction']: return np.ones(lengte[0])*-1 if key in ['HaloIndex', 'HaloID', 'snapshot', 'Npart', 'NpartDM', 'NpartH','NpartS', 'n_part', 'MaxRadIndex', 'hostHaloIndex', 'Tail', 'Head', 'RootHead', 'RootTail']: return np.ones(lengte[0]).astype(int)*-1 elif key in ['Coord', 'Vel']: return np.ones((lengte[0], 3))*-1 elif key in ['Density', 'AngularMomentum', 'Velrad', 'Mass_profile', 'DensityDM', 'DensityH', 'DMFraction_profile', 'HFraction_profile', 'MassH_profile', 'MassDM_profile', 'VelradDM', 'VelradH', 'Temperature', 'AngularMomentumDM', 'AngularMomentumH', 'lambdaS', 'DensityS', 'SFraction_profile', 'MassS_profile','VelradB', 'VelradS', 'AgeS', 'AngularMomentumS']: return np.zeros((lengte[0], lengte[1])) elif key in ['Npart_profile', 'NpartDM_profile', 'NpartH_profile', 'NpartS_profile']: return np.zeros((lengte[0], lengte[1])).astype(int) def buildHaloDictionary_nieuw(partType=None, multiple=None): haloproperties = {} if partType is None: sys.exit("buildHaloDictionary should have an entry for partType") haloarray = (['HaloIndex', 'HaloID', 'Coord', 'R200', 'M200', 'redshift', 'snapshot', 'lambda', 'Density', 'Npart', 'Vmax', 'Rmax', 'AngularMomentum', 'Npart_profile', 'Radius', 'Velrad', 'Vel', 'Mass_profile', 'Partindices', 'n_part', 'MaxRadIndex', 'Virial_ratio', 'COM_offset', 'Msub', 'CrossTime', 'hostHaloIndex', 'MassTable', 'Tail', 'Head', 'Vmax_part', 'Rmax_part', 'Vmax_interp', 'Rmax_interp', 'RootHead', 'RootTail']) if 'H' in partType: haloarray.extend(['lambdaDM', 'lambdaH', 'DensityDM', 'DensityH', 'NpartDM_profile','NpartH', 'NpartDM', 'NpartH_profile', 'DMFraction', 'DMFraction_profile', 'HFraction', 'HFraction_profile', 'MassH_profile', 'MassDM_profile', 'VelradDM', 'VelradH', 'Temperature', 'AngularMomentumDM', 'AngularMomentumH']) if 'S' in partType: haloarray.extend(['lambdaS', 'DensityS', 'NpartS', 'NpartS_profile', 'SFraction', 'SFraction_profile', 'MassS_profile', 'VelradB', 'VelradS', 'AgeS', 'AngularMomentumS']) for key in haloarray: if (multiple is not None) and (key=='Partindices'): haloproperties[key] = {} elif multiple is not None: haloproperties[key] = allocateSizes(key, multiple) else: haloproperties[key] = None return haloproperties def quantity_keys(): return (['HaloIndex', 'HaloID', 'Coord', 'R200', 'M200', 'redshift', 'snapshot', 'lambda', 'Npart', 'NpartDM', 'NpartH', 'NpartS', 'Vel', 'n_part', 'Tail', 'Head', 'RootHead', 'RootTail', 'Virial_ratio', 'COM_offset', 'Msub', 'CrossTime', 'hostHaloIndex', 'MassTable', 'lambdaDM', 'lambdaH', 'lambdaS', 'DMFraction', 'HFraction', 'SFraction', 'Vmax_part', 'Rmax_part', 'Vmax_interp', 'Rmax_interp']) def profile_keys(): return (['HaloIndex', 'HaloID', 'AngularMomentum', 'Npart_profile', 'Radius', 'Velrad', 'MassTable', 'Mass_profile', 'MaxRadIndex', 'Density', 'DensityDM', 'DensityH', 'NpartH_profile', 'DMFraction_profile', 'HFraction_profile', 'MassH_profile', 'MassDM_profile', 'VelradDM', 'VelradH', 'Temperature', 'AngularMomentumDM', 'AngularMomentumH', 'NpartS_profile', 'SFraction_profile', 'MassS_profile', 'VelradB', 'VelradS', 'AgeS', 'AngularMomentumS']) def convertVel_keys(): return (['HaloIndex', 'HaloID', 'Npart', 'NpartDM', 'NpartH', 'NpartS', 'n_part', 'Vel', 'Coord', 'R200', 'M200', 'Tail', 'Head', 'RootHead', 'RootTail', 'redshift', 'snapshot', 'hostHaloIndex']) def findHaloPropertiesInSnap_nieuw(catalog, d_snap, Nhalo=100, halolist=None, startHalo=0, d_radius=None, d_partType = None, d_runparams=None, partdata = None, TEMPORALHALOIDVAL=1000000000000, boxsize=None, debug=False): #Keeping all VELOCIraptor haloes, but saving 'wrong' haloes as HaloIndex = -1 if d_runparams['VELconvert'] == False: boxsize = d_snap['File'].boxsize partType = d_partType['particle_type'] print("Computing properties for %i haloes in snapshot %i" %(Nhalo, d_snap['snapshot'])) if 'profile' in d_radius.keys(): ylen = len(d_radius['profile']) else: ylen = 0 haloproperties = buildHaloDictionary(partType=partType, multiple=[Nhalo, ylen]) if len(catalog['Mass_200crit']) == 0: return haloproperties # if (d_runparams['VELconvert'] == False): # sortorder = np.argsort(catalog['Mass_tot'][:])[::-1] # sortorderinvert = np.argsort(sortorder) # for key in catalog.keys(): # catalog[key][:] = catalog[key][sortorder] # else: #sortorder = np.arange(len(catalog['Mass_tot'])).astype(int) # if partdata is not None: # for key in partdata.keys(): # partdata[key][:] = partdata[key][sortorder] if halolist is None: haloindices = np.arange(startHalo, startHalo+Nhalo).astype(int) use_existing_r200 = False else: haloindices = (halolist%TEMPORALHALOIDVAL - 1).astype(int) use_existing_r200 = False halo_i = -1 for halo in haloindices: halo_i += 1 #if halolist is not None: # print('Computing properties for halo %i'%halo) if halo%10000==0: print('Computing properties for halo %i-%i' %(halo, halo+10000)) if halo > len(catalog['Xc'])-1: print("Nhalo > N(velociraptor haloes)") break halopropertiestemp = {} coords = getHaloCoord(catalog, halo_i, z=d_snap['redshift'], snapshottype=d_runparams['SnapshotType'], physical=d_runparams['Physical']) coords = coords%boxsize radhier = getHaloRadius(catalog, halo_i, z=d_snap['redshift'], rtype = d_radius['Rchoice'], snapshottype=d_runparams['SnapshotType'], physical=d_runparams['Physical']) satellite = False #Trusting VELOCIraptor not to falsely identify haloes as satellites if (halolist is None) and (catalog['hostHaloID'][halo_i] != -1): satellite = True hostHaloIDtemp = np.where(catalog['hostHaloID'][halo_i]==catalog['ID'])[0] if len(hostHaloIDtemp) == 0: hostHaloIDtemp = -2 else: hostHaloIDtemp = hostHaloIDtemp[0] else: hostHaloIDtemp = -1 #All happens here if debug: start_time = time.time() print('M200: ', catalog['Mass_200crit'][halo_i]) print('R200: ', catalog['R_200crit'][halo_i]) print('ID: ', catalog['ID'][halo_i]) if d_runparams['VELconvert']: if d_runparams['ParticleDataType'] != 'None': halopropertiestemp = copyVELOCIraptor(catalog, halo_i, coords, redshift = d_snap['redshift'], partType=partType, particledata=partdata['Particle_Types'], d_partType=d_partType) else: halopropertiestemp = copyVELOCIraptor(catalog, halo_i, coords, redshift = d_snap['redshift'], partType=partType) halopropertiestemp['hostHaloIndex'] = hostHaloIDtemp elif d_runparams['ParticleDataType'] == 'None': #print("Halo", halo) halopropertiestemp = findHaloProperties(d_snap, halo_i, coords, d_radius, partType=partType, satellite=satellite, rad = radhier, partlim=0, use_existing_r200=use_existing_r200, profiles=d_runparams['Profiles'], quantities=d_runparams['Quantities'], debug=debug) else: #print("Halo", halo,len(partdata['Particle_IDs'][sortorder[halo]])) halopropertiestemp = findHaloProperties(d_snap, halo_i, coords, d_radius, partType=partType, satellite=satellite, rad = radhier, partlim=0, use_existing_r200=use_existing_r200, profiles=d_runparams['Profiles'], quantities=d_runparams['Quantities'], debug=debug, particledata=partdata['Particle_IDs'][halo_i]) if halopropertiestemp is None: if debug: print("De halo is leeg???") continue if debug: print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time), 'halopropertiestemp computed') start_time = time.time() if d_runparams['TreeData']: halopropertiestemp['Tail'] = catalog['Tail'][halo_i]-1 halopropertiestemp['Head'] = catalog['Head'][halo_i]-1 halopropertiestemp['RootTail'] = catalog['RootTail'][halo_i]-1 halopropertiestemp['RootHead'] = catalog['RootHead'][halo_i]-1 if d_runparams['VELconvert'] == False: if halopropertiestemp is None: halopropertiestemp = buildHaloDictionary(partType=partType) halopropertiestemp['HaloID'] = catalog['ID'][halo_i] halopropertiestemp['HaloIndex'] = -1 halopropertiestemp['COM_offset'] = -1 halopropertiestemp['CrossTime'] = -1 halopropertiestemp['Coord'] = coords else: if satellite: halopropertiestemp['Npart'] = catalog['npart'][halo_i] halopropertiestemp['n_part'] = catalog['npart'][halo_i] halopropertiestemp['HaloID'] = catalog['ID'][halo_i] halopropertiestemp['hostHaloIndex'] = hostHaloIDtemp if not satellite: afstandtemp = coords - getHaloCoordCOM(catalog, halo_i, z=d_snap['redshift'], snapshottype=d_runparams['SnapshotType'], physical=d_runparams['Physical']) rhier = np.where(np.abs(afstandtemp)>0.5*boxsize, np.abs(afstandtemp) - boxsize, afstandtemp) halopropertiestemp['COM_offset'] = np.sqrt(np.sum(rhier**2))/halopropertiestemp['R200'] halopropertiestemp['CrossTime'] = (2.*halopropertiestemp['R200']*Mpc_to_km / np.sqrt(G_Mpc_km2_Msi_si2*halopropertiestemp['M200']*1e10/ halopropertiestemp['R200']))*s_to_yr/1.e6 else: halopropertiestemp['COM_offset'] = -1 halopropertiestemp['CrossTime'] = -1 for key in haloproperties.keys(): doorgaan = False if (d_runparams['Profiles'] == True) and (key in profile_keys()): doorgaan = True if (d_runparams['Quantities'] == True) and (key in quantity_keys()): doorgaan = True if (d_runparams['VELconvert'] == True) and (key in convertVel_keys()): doorgaan = True if doorgaan == False: continue if key in ['Radius', 'MassTable', 'snapshot', 'redshift']: continue elif key == 'Neighbours' or key == 'Neighbour_distance' or key == 'Neighbour_Velrad': continue if (halopropertiestemp['HaloIndex'] == -1) and (key != 'HaloID'): continue if halopropertiestemp[key] is None: continue elif key=='Partindices': haloproperties[key][halopropertiestemp['HaloIndex']] = halopropertiestemp[key][:] else: haloproperties[key][halo] = halopropertiestemp[key] if debug: print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time), 'haloproperties updated') if 'profile' in d_radius.keys(): haloproperties['Radius'] = d_radius['profile'] haloproperties['redshift'] = np.array([d_snap['redshift']]) haloproperties['snapshot'] = np.array([d_snap['snapshot']]) j = 0 if d_runparams['VELconvert'] == False: haloproperties['MassTable'] = d_snap['File'].mass for i in d_snap['File'].readParticles: if haloproperties['MassTable'][i] == 0 and d_snap['File'].npart[i] != 0: waar = np.where(d_snap['File'].partTypeArray == i)[0][0] haloproperties['MassTable'][i] = d_snap['File'].masses[waar] j += 1 if d_runparams['TreeData']: haloproperties['Tail'] = haloproperties['Tail'].astype(int) haloproperties['Head'] = haloproperties['Head'].astype(int) haloproperties['RootTail'] = haloproperties['RootTail'].astype(int) haloproperties['RootHead'] = haloproperties['RootHead'].astype(int) if (len(haloproperties['Coord']) > 0) and (halolist is None): if d_runparams['Quantities'] or d_runparams['VELconvert']: print("Reassigning satellite haloes") fixSatelliteProblems(haloproperties, boxsize=boxsize) return haloproperties def findHaloPropertiesInSnap(catalog, snappath, snapshot, partType=8, Nhalo=100, startHalo=0, softeningLength=0.002, Radius=1., partlim=200, sortorder=None, boxsize=32, TEMPORALHALOIDVAL=1000000000000, particledata=None, mass=False): print("Computing properties for %i haloes in snapshot %i" %(Nhalo, snapshot)) haloproperties = buildHaloDictionary(partType=partType, multiple=True) if len(catalog['Mass_tot']) == 0: return haloproperties if sortorder is None: sortorder = np.argsort(catalog['Mass_tot'][:])[::-1] sortorderinvert = np.argsort(sortorder) else: sortorderinvert = np.argsort(sortorder) d_snap = {} d_snap['snapshot'] = snapshot limiet = 0 d_snap['File'] = Snapshot(snappath, snapshot, useIDs=False, partType=partType, softeningLength=softeningLength) d_snap['File'].makeCoordTree() for key in catalog.keys(): catalog[key][:] = catalog[key][sortorder] for halo in range(startHalo, startHalo+Nhalo): #start_time = time.time() #print(halo) #print(catalog['npart'][halo]) if halo%1000==0: print('Computing properties for halo %i-%i' %(halo, halo+1000)) if halo > len(catalog['Xc'])-1: print("Halo limit reached: nhalo = %i, hlim = %i" %(halo, limiet)) print("Coordinates: ", coords) break if limiet > 500: #Only computing sats if catalog['hostHaloID'][halo] == -1: continue halopropertiestemp = {} coords = getHaloCoord(catalog, halo, z=d_snap['File'].redshift) coords = coords%boxsize radhier = getHaloRadius(catalog, halo, z=d_snap['File'].redshift) satellite = False if (catalog['npart'][halo] < 20) or (catalog['Mass_200crit'][halo]*h == 0): startHalo += 1 # haloproperties['TreeBool'][halo] = 0 continue #Checking for dissapeared host haloes if (catalog['hostHaloID'][halo] != -1) and len(haloproperties['HaloID'])>1: haloindextemp = np.where((haloproperties['HaloID']%TEMPORALHALOIDVAL)==catalog['hostHaloID'][halo]%TEMPORALHALOIDVAL)[0] if len(haloindextemp) == 0: hostHaloIDtemp = -1 if catalog['npart'][halo] < partlim/2.: hostHaloIDtemp = -2 satellite = True else: afstandtemp = (haloproperties['Coord'][haloindextemp[0]]-coords) afstandtemp = np.where(np.abs(afstandtemp)>0.5*boxsize, np.abs(afstandtemp) - boxsize, afstandtemp) afstandtemp = (np.sum(afstandtemp*afstandtemp))**0.5 if afstandtemp < haloproperties['R200'][haloindextemp[0]]: # and catalog['npart'][halo] > 50: #print(afstandtemp, haloproperties['R200'][haloindextemp[0]], haloproperties['Coord'][haloindextemp[0]], coords) hostHaloIDtemp = haloindextemp[0] satellite = True else: #print(afstandtemp, haloproperties['R200'][haloindextemp[0]], haloproperties['Coord'][haloindextemp[0]], coords) hostHaloIDtemp = -1 else: hostHaloIDtemp = -1 #All happens here halopropertiestemp = findHaloProperties(d_snap, halo, coords, Radius, partType=partType, rad=radhier, mass=mass, satellite=satellite, partlim=partlim) #print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time), 'halopropertiestemp computed') if halopropertiestemp is None: startHalo += 1 limiet += 1 # haloproperties['TreeBool'][halo] = 0 continue if satellite == False and halopropertiestemp['Npart'] < partlim: startHalo += 1 limiet += 1 # haloproperties['TreeBool'][halo] = 0 continue limiet = 0 if satellite: halopropertiestemp['Npart'] = catalog['npart'][halo] #start_time = time.time() halopropertiestemp['n_part'] = catalog['npart'][halo] halopropertiestemp['HaloID'] = catalog['ID'][halo] halopropertiestemp['hostHaloIndex'] = hostHaloIDtemp if not satellite: afstandtemp = coords - getHaloCoord(catalog, halo, z=d_snap['File'].redshift) rhier = np.where(np.abs(afstandtemp)>0.5*boxsize, np.abs(afstandtemp) - boxsize, afstandtemp) halopropertiestemp['COM_offset'] = np.sqrt(np.sum(rhier**2))/halopropertiestemp['R200'] halopropertiestemp['CrossTime'] = (2.*halopropertiestemp['R200']*Mpc_to_km / np.sqrt(G_Mpc_km2_Msi_si2*halopropertiestemp['M200']*1e10/halopropertiestemp['R200']))*s_to_yr/1.e6 else: halopropertiestemp['COM_offset'] = -1 halopropertiestemp['CrossTime'] = -1 for key in haloproperties.keys(): if key in ['TreeBool', 'Tail', 'Head', 'Radius', 'MassTable', 'snapshot', 'redshift']: continue elif key == 'Neighbours' or key == 'Neighbour_distance' or key == 'Neighbour_Velrad': continue elif key=='Partindices': haloproperties[key][halopropertiestemp['HaloIndex']] = halopropertiestemp[key][:] elif halo == startHalo: haloproperties[key] = [halopropertiestemp[key]] else: haloproperties[key] = np.concatenate((haloproperties[key], [halopropertiestemp[key]])) #print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time), 'haloproperties updated') haloproperties['Radius'] = Radius haloproperties['redshift'] = np.array([d_snap['File'].redshift]) haloproperties['snapshot'] = np.array([d_snap['snapshot']]) haloproperties['MassTable'] = d_snap['File'].mass j = 0 for i in d_snap['File'].readParticles: if haloproperties['MassTable'][i] == 0 and d_snap['File'].npart[i] != 0: waar = np.where(d_snap['File'].partTypeArray == i)[0][0] haloproperties['MassTable'][i] = d_snap['File'].masses[waar] j += 1 findSubHaloFraction(haloproperties, catalog) print("Reassigning satellite haloes") if len(haloproperties['Coord']) > 0: if 'DMFraction' in haloproperties.keys(): Hydro = True else: Hydro = False fixSatelliteProblems(haloproperties, Hydro = Hydro) #print("Computing subhalo fraction") print(haloproperties.keys()) return haloproperties def findHaloProperties(d_snap, halo, Coord, fixedRadius, r200fac = 8, partType=None, rad=None, satellite=False, partlim=200, profiles=False, quantities=True, particledata=None, debug=False, use_existing_r200=False): haloproperties = buildHaloDictionary(partType=partType) if isinstance(fixedRadius, dict): if 'profile' in fixedRadius.keys(): radprofile = fixedRadius['profile'] radfrac = fixedRadius['Rfrac'] else: radfrac = fixedRadius['Rfrac'] else: radprofile = fixedRadius radfrac = r200fac snap = d_snap['File'] haloproperties['HaloIndex'] = halo haloproperties['HaloID'] = halo#catalog['ID'][halo] snap.debug = debug coord = Coord if debug: start_time = time.time() if rad is None: rad = fixedRadius[-1] snap.get_temphalo(coord, rad, r200fac=radfrac, fixedRadius=radprofile, satellite=satellite, particledata=particledata, partlim=partlim, initialise_profiles=profiles, use_existing_r200=use_existing_r200) if len(snap.temphalo['indices']) < partlim or len(snap.temphalo['indices'])<=1: if debug: print('Halo has %i particles, and is thus too small' %len(snap.temphalo['indices'])) return None if debug: print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time), 'halo initiated', snap.temphalo['R200']) if profiles: if debug: start_time = time.time() snap.get_temphalo_profiles() snap.get_specific_angular_momentum_radius(coord, radius=snap.temphalo['Radius']) haloproperties['AngularMomentum'] = snap.temphalo['AngularMomentum'] haloproperties['Density'] = snap.temphalo['profile_density'] haloproperties['Velrad'] = snap.temphalo['profile_vrad'] haloproperties['Npart_profile'] = snap.temphalo['profile_npart'] haloproperties['Mass_profile'] = snap.temphalo['profile_mass'] haloproperties['MaxRadIndex'] = snap.temphalo['MaxRadIndex'] if debug: print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time), 'halo profiles calculated') haloproperties['Coord'] = snap.temphalo['Coord'] #Virial radius and mass R200 = snap.temphalo['R200'] haloproperties['M200']= snap.temphalo['M200'] haloproperties['R200'] = R200 #Assigning halo properties if quantities: if debug: start_time = time.time() if (satellite == False) or (particledata is not None): snap.get_spin_parameter() haloproperties['lambda'] = snap.temphalo['lambda'] haloproperties['lambda'] = snap.temphalo['lambda'] snap.get_Vmax_Rmax() haloproperties['Vmax_part'] = snap.temphalo['Vmax_part'] haloproperties['Rmax_part'] = snap.temphalo['Rmax_part'] haloproperties['Vmax_interp'] = snap.temphalo['Vmax_interp'] haloproperties['Rmax_interp'] = snap.temphalo['Rmax_interp'] if debug: print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time), 'lambda calculated') haloproperties['Vel'] = snap.temphalo['Vel'] haloproperties['Partindices'] = snap.temphalo['indices'] haloproperties['Npart'] = len(haloproperties['Partindices']) # if satellite == False: # haloproperties['Virial_ratio'] = snap.get_virial_ratio(1000) # else: # haloproperties['Virial_ratio'] = -1 if debug: start_time = time.time() if len(snap.readParticles) > 1: nietnulhier=np.where(haloproperties['Mass_profile']!=0) for i_pT in range(len(snap.readParticles)): if quantities: if (satellite == False) or (particledata is not None): haloproperties['lambda'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]] = snap.temphalo['lambda'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]] else: haloproperties['lambda'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]] = -1 haloproperties['Npart'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]] = snap.temphalo['Npart'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]] haloproperties[snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'Fraction'] = snap.temphalo[snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'Fraction'] if profiles: haloproperties['AngularMomentum'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]] = snap.temphalo['AngularMomentum'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]] haloproperties['Density'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]] = snap.temphalo['profile_'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'density'] haloproperties['Npart'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'_profile'] = snap.temphalo['profile_'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'npart'] haloproperties['Velrad'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]] = snap.temphalo['profile_'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'vrad'] haloproperties['Mass'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'_profile'] = snap.temphalo['profile_'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'mass'] if snap.readParticles[i_pT] == 0: haloproperties['Temperature'] = snap.temphalo['profile_temperature'] elif snap.readParticles[i_pT] == 5: haloproperties['AgeS'] = snap.temphalo['profile_Sage'] haloproperties[snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'Fraction_profile'] = np.zeros_like(haloproperties['Mass_profile']) haloproperties[snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'Fraction_profile'][nietnulhier] = haloproperties['Mass'+snap.namePrefix[i_pT]+'_profile'][nietnulhier]/haloproperties['Mass_profile'][nietnulhier] if debug: print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time), 'particle types done') if particledata is not None: if debug: start_time = time.time() snap.delete_used_indices(snap.temphalo['indices']) if debug: print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time), 'Deleted particles') return haloproperties def copyVELOCIraptor(catalog, halo, Coord, redshift, d_partType=None, partType=None, particledata=None): c = constant(redshift=redshift) c.change_constants(redshift) comoving_rhocrit200 = deltaVir*c.rhocrit_Ms_Mpci3*h/(h*(1+redshift))**3 haloproperties = buildHaloDictionary(partType=partType) haloproperties['HaloIndex'] = halo haloproperties['HaloID'] = catalog['ID'][halo] haloproperties['n_part'] = catalog['npart'][halo] haloproperties['Coord'] = Coord #Virial radius and mass haloproperties['M200'] = catalog['Mass_200crit'][halo]*h haloproperties['R200'] = (haloproperties['M200']*1.e10/(comoving_rhocrit200 * 4./3. * np.pi))**(1./3.) #Assigning halo properties haloproperties['Vel'] = np.array([catalog['VXc'][halo], catalog['VYc'][halo], catalog['VZc'][halo]])*(1+redshift) haloproperties['Npart'] = catalog['npart'][halo] if (particledata is not None) and (len(d_partType['particle_type']) > 1): allpart = len(particledata[halo]) for i_pT in range(len(d_partType['particle_type'])): if allpart == 0: haloproperties['Npart'+d_partType['particle_type'][i_pT]] = 0 else: haloproperties['Npart'+d_partType['particle_type'][i_pT]] = len(np.where(particledata[halo] == d_partType['particle_number'][i_pT])[0]) #print(d_partType['particle_type'][i_pT], d_partType['particle_number'][i_pT], haloproperties['Npart'+d_partType['particle_type'][i_pT]]) return haloproperties def everythingOutside(haloproperties, d_snap): allpin = np.zeros(0) iets=0 allpinBool = np.array([True]*np.sum(d_snap['File'].npart)) for i in haloproperties['HaloIndex']: allpinBool[haloproperties['Partindices'][i]] = False outsideIndices =
# tools to ease plotting # first, adjust params in matplotlib import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 matplotlib.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42 matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 0.1 matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 4 matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 0.1 matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 1 matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 4 matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 0.1 matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 1 # imports import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import logging import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.text import TextPath from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch, Rectangle from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from matplotlib import gridspec from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter from tronn.util.h5_utils import AttrKeys from tronn.util.utils import DataKeys # heavily guided by aparent ( visualization code FONTPROP = FontProperties(family="Arial", weight="bold") FONTPROP = FontProperties(family="DejaVu Sans", weight="bold") LETTERS = { "T" : TextPath((-0.305, 0), "T", size=1, prop=FONTPROP), "G" : TextPath((-0.384, 0), "G", size=1, prop=FONTPROP), "A" : TextPath((-0.35, 0), "A", size=1, prop=FONTPROP), "C" : TextPath((-0.366, 0), "C", size=1, prop=FONTPROP), } COLOR_SCHEME = { "A": "darkgreen", "C": "blue", "G": "orange", "T": "red" } IDX_TO_LETTER = { 0: "A", 1: "C", 2: "G", 3: "T" } def plot_letter(letter, x, y, yscale=1, ax=None, color=None, alpha=1.0): """plot letters at appropriate positions """ globscale = 1.35 text = LETTERS[letter] chosen_color = COLOR_SCHEME[letter] if color is not None : chosen_color = color t = mpl.transforms.Affine2D().scale(1*globscale, yscale*globscale) + \ mpl.transforms.Affine2D().translate(x,y) + ax.transData p = PathPatch(text, lw=0, fc=chosen_color, alpha=alpha, transform=t) if ax != None: ax.add_artist(p) return p def plot_pwm( array, plot_file): """plot pwm """ # figure out widths and heights (matches plot weights below) desired_width = 6 * (array.shape[0] / 160.) desired_width = 6 * (array.shape[0] / 140.) # NOTE: manually chosen to match importance scores len 120bp width_to_height_factor = 8 #6 width_height_ratio = array.shape[0] / float(array.shape[1]) desired_height = desired_width * width_to_height_factor / width_height_ratio / 10. # set up fig figsize=(desired_width, desired_height) f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # convert to entropy entropy = np.zeros(array.shape) entropy[array > 0] = array[array > 0] * -np.log2(array[array > 0]) entropy = np.sum(entropy, axis=1) conservation = 2 - entropy # set up plot area height_base = 0.0 logo_height = 1.0 logo_ax = plt.gca() # go through each position and bp for j in range(array.shape[0]) : sort_index = np.argsort(array[j, :]) for ii in range(0, 4) : i = sort_index[ii] nt_prob = array[j, i] * conservation[j] nt = '' if i == 0 : nt = 'A' elif i == 1 : nt = 'C' elif i == 2 : nt = 'G' elif i == 3 : nt = 'T' if ii == 0 : plot_letter(nt, j + 0.5, height_base, nt_prob * logo_height, logo_ax, color=None) else : prev_prob = np.sum(array[j, sort_index[:ii]] * conservation[j] + 0.001) * logo_height plot_letter(nt, j + 0.5, height_base + prev_prob, nt_prob * logo_height, logo_ax, color=None) plt.xlim((0, array.shape[0])) plt.ylim((0, 2)) plt.xticks([], []) plt.yticks([], []) plt.axis('off') logo_ax.axhline(y=0.0 + height_base, color='black', linestyle='-', linewidth=2/10.) plt.savefig(plot_file, transparent=True) return def plot_weights( array, ax, height_min=-1, height_max=1, x_lab=False, y_lab=False, sig_array=None): """plot weights """ # array is (seqlen, 4) height_base = 0.0 # for each position # TODO include option to plot base pairs in gray for pos_idx in range(array.shape[0]): letter_idx = np.argmax(
#!/usr/bin/env python """Carry out standard MBAR analysis on 1D REMC simulation output. The exchange variable is assumed to be temperature. """ import argparse import numpy as np from scipy import interpolate from origamipy import conditions from origamipy import biases from origamipy import files from origamipy import outputs from origamipy import decorrelate from origamipy import mbar_wrapper from origamipy import utility def main(): args = parse_args() system_file = files.JSONStructInpFile(args.system_filename) staple_lengths = utility.calc_staple_lengths(system_file) staple_types = utility.calc_num_staple_types(system_file) num_scaffold_domains = utility.calc_num_scaffold_domains(system_file) inp_filebase = f'{args.outs_dir}/{args.filebase}' fileformatter = construct_fileformatter() all_conditions = conditions.construct_remc_conditions( args.temps, args.staple_m, fileformatter, staple_lengths) sim_collections = [] for rep in range(args.reps): rep_sim_collections = outputs.create_sim_collections( inp_filebase, all_conditions, rep) sim_collections.append(rep_sim_collections) decor_outs = decorrelate.DecorrelatedOutputs( sim_collections, all_conditions=all_conditions, rep_conditions_equal=True) decor_outs.read_decors_from_files() mbarw = mbar_wrapper.MBARWrapper(decor_outs) mbarw.perform_mbar() # Calculate expectations and LFEs for simulations temperatures all_se_tags = decor_outs.all_series_tags if args.tags == None: se_tags = all_se_tags else: se_tags = args.tags out_filebase = f'{args.analysis_dir}/{args.filebase}' mbarw.calc_all_expectations(out_filebase, all_se_tags, all_conditions) lfes_filebase = f'{out_filebase}_lfes' mbarw.calc_all_1d_lfes(lfes_filebase, se_tags, all_conditions) # Estimate melting temperature guess_temp = estimate_halfway_temp( mbarw, args.tag, all_conditions, args.assembled_op) if args.guess_temp is not None: guess_temp = args.guess_temp print('Guess temperature: {:.3f} K'.format( np.around(guess_temp, decimals=3))) conds = conditions.SimConditions( {'temp': guess_temp, 'staple_m': args.staple_m, 'bias': biases.NoBias()}, fileformatter, staple_lengths) bias = biases.NoBias() melting_temp = est_melting_temp_and_barrier( mbarw, fileformatter, staple_lengths, conds, bias, guess_temp, args.staple_m) conds = conditions.SimConditions( {'temp': melting_temp, 'staple_m': args.staple_m, 'bias': biases.NoBias()}, fileformatter, staple_lengths) # Calculate expectations and LFEs for melting temperature exps_filebase = f'{out_filebase}-melting' lfes_filebase = f'{out_filebase}_lfes-melting' mbarw.calc_all_1d_lfes(lfes_filebase, se_tags, [conds]) mbarw.calc_all_expectations(exps_filebase, all_se_tags, [conds]) # Calculate expectations along OP slices mbarws = [] all_decor_outs = [] sampled_ops = [] for i in range(1, args.assembled_op + 1): sim_collections = [] for rep in range(args.reps): rep_sim_collections = outputs.create_sim_collections( inp_filebase, all_conditions, rep) sim_collections.append(rep_sim_collections) decor_outs = decorrelate.DecorrelatedOutputs( sim_collections, all_conditions=all_conditions, rep_conditions_equal=True) decor_outs.read_decors_from_files(data_only=True) filtered_count = decor_outs.filter_collections(args.tag, i) if filtered_count == 0: continue sampled_ops.append(i) all_decor_outs.append(decor_outs) mbarw = mbar_wrapper.MBARWrapper(decor_outs) mbarw.perform_mbar() mbarws.append(mbarw) all_tags = [] for i in range(1, staple_types + 1): all_tags.append(f'staples{i}') all_tags.append(f'staplestates{i}') for i in range(num_scaffold_domains): all_tags.append(f'domainstate{i}') aves, stds = calc_reduced_expectations( conds, mbarws, all_decor_outs, all_tags) aves = np.concatenate([[sampled_ops], np.array(aves).T]) aves_file = files.TagOutFile(f'{out_filebase}-{args.tag}.aves') aves_file.write([args.tag] + all_tags, aves.T) stds = np.concatenate([[sampled_ops], np.array(stds).T]) stds_file = files.TagOutFile(f'{out_filebase}-{args.tag}.stds') stds_file.write([args.tag] + all_tags, stds.T) def calc_reduced_expectations(conds, mbarws, all_decor_outs, tags): all_aves = [] all_stds = [] for mbarw, decor_outs in zip(mbarws, all_decor_outs): aves = [] stds = [] for tag in tags: ave, std = mbarw.calc_expectation(tag, conds) aves.append(ave) stds.append(std) all_aves.append(aves) all_stds.append(stds) return all_aves, all_stds def est_melting_temp_and_barrier( mbarw, fileformatter, staple_lengths, conds, bias, guess_temp, staple_m): # try: # melting_temp = mbarw.estimate_melting_temp(conds, guess_temp) # except: melting_temp = mbarw.estimate_melting_temp_endpoints(conds, guess_temp) conds = conditions.SimConditions( {'temp': melting_temp, 'staple_m': staple_m, 'bias': bias}, fileformatter, staple_lengths) melting_temp_f = '{:.3f}'.format(
np.around(melting_temp, decimals=3)
"""Functions for loading learning examples from disk and numpy arrays into tensors. Augmentations are also called from here. """ import re import cv2 import numpy as np import augmentation.appearance import augmentation.background import augmentation.voc_loader import boxlib import cameralib import improc import tfu import util from options import FLAGS from tfu import TRAIN def load_and_transform3d(ex, joint_info, learning_phase, rng): # Get the random number generators for the different augmentations to make it reproducibile appearance_rng = util.new_rng(rng) background_rng = util.new_rng(rng) geom_rng = util.new_rng(rng) partial_visi_rng = util.new_rng(rng) output_side = FLAGS.proc_side output_imshape = (output_side, output_side) if 'sailvos' in ex.image_path.lower(): # This is needed in order not to lose precision in later operations. # Background: In the Sailvos dataset (GTA V), some world coordinates # are crazy large (several kilometers, i.e. millions of millimeters, which becomes # hard to process with the limited simultaneous dynamic range of float32). # They are stored in float64 but the processing is done in float32 here. ex.world_coords -=[:] = 0 box = ex.bbox if 'surreal' in ex.image_path.lower(): # Surreal images are flipped wrong in the official dataset release box = box.copy() box[0] = 320 - (box[0] + box[2]) # Partial visibility if 'surreal' in ex.image_path.lower() and 'surmuco' not in FLAGS.dataset: partial_visi_prob = 0.5 elif 'h36m' in ex.image_path.lower() and 'many' in FLAGS.dataset: partial_visi_prob = 0.5 else: partial_visi_prob = FLAGS.partial_visibility_prob use_partial_visi_aug = ( (learning_phase == TRAIN or FLAGS.test_aug) and partial_visi_rng.rand() < partial_visi_prob) if use_partial_visi_aug: box = util.random_partial_subbox(boxlib.expand_to_square(box), partial_visi_rng) # Geometric transformation and augmentation crop_side = np.max(box[2:]) center_point = if ((learning_phase == TRAIN and FLAGS.geom_aug) or (learning_phase != TRAIN and FLAGS.test_aug and FLAGS.geom_aug)): center_point += util.random_uniform_disc(geom_rng) * FLAGS.shift_aug / 100 * crop_side # The homographic reprojection of a rectangle (bounding box) will not be another rectangle # Hence, instead we transform the side midpoints of the short sides of the box and # determine an appropriate zoom factor by taking the projected distance of these two points # and scaling that to the desired output image side length. if box[2] < box[3]: # Tall box: take midpoints of top and bottom sides delta_y = np.array([0, box[3] / 2]) sidepoints = center_point + np.stack([-delta_y, delta_y]) else: # Wide box: take midpoints of left and right sides delta_x = np.array([box[2] / 2, 0]) sidepoints = center_point + np.stack([-delta_x, delta_x]) cam = cam.turn_towards(target_image_point=center_point) cam.undistort() cam.square_pixels() cam_sidepoints = cameralib.reproject_image_points(sidepoints,, cam) crop_side = np.linalg.norm(cam_sidepoints[0] - cam_sidepoints[1]) cam.zoom(output_side / crop_side) cam.center_principal_point(output_imshape) if FLAGS.geom_aug and (learning_phase == TRAIN or FLAGS.test_aug): s1 = FLAGS.scale_aug_down / 100 s2 = FLAGS.scale_aug_up / 100 zoom = geom_rng.uniform(1 - s1, 1 + s2) cam.zoom(zoom) r = np.deg2rad(FLAGS.rot_aug) cam.rotate(roll=geom_rng.uniform(-r, r)) world_coords = ex.univ_coords if FLAGS.universal_skeleton else ex.world_coords metric_world_coords = ex.world_coords if learning_phase == TRAIN and geom_rng.rand() < 0.5: cam.horizontal_flip() # Must reorder the joints due to left and right flip camcoords = cam.world_to_camera(world_coords)[joint_info.mirror_mapping] metric_world_coords = metric_world_coords[joint_info.mirror_mapping] else: camcoords = cam.world_to_camera(world_coords) imcoords = cam.world_to_image(metric_world_coords) # Load and reproject image image_path = util.ensure_absolute_path(ex.image_path) origsize_im = improc.imread_jpeg(image_path) if 'surreal' in ex.image_path.lower(): # Surreal images are flipped wrong in the official dataset release origsize_im = origsize_im[:, ::-1] interp_str = (FLAGS.image_interpolation_train if learning_phase == TRAIN else FLAGS.image_interpolation_test) antialias = (FLAGS.antialias_train if learning_phase == TRAIN else FLAGS.antialias_test) interp = getattr(cv2, 'INTER_' + interp_str.upper()) im = cameralib.reproject_image( origsize_im,, cam, output_imshape, antialias_factor=antialias, interp=interp) # Color adjustment if re.match('.*mupots/TS[1-5]/.+', ex.image_path): im = improc.adjust_gamma(im, 0.67, inplace=True) elif '3dhp' in ex.image_path and re.match('.+/(TS[1-4])/', ex.image_path): im = improc.adjust_gamma(im, 0.67, inplace=True) im = improc.white_balance(im, 110, 145) elif 'panoptic' in ex.image_path.lower(): im = improc.white_balance(im, 120, 138) # Background augmentation if hasattr(ex, 'mask') and ex.mask is not None: bg_aug_prob = 0.2 if 'sailvos' in ex.image_path.lower() else FLAGS.background_aug_prob if (FLAGS.background_aug_prob and (learning_phase == TRAIN or FLAGS.test_aug) and background_rng.rand() < bg_aug_prob): fgmask = improc.decode_mask(ex.mask) if 'surreal' in ex.image_path: # Surreal images are flipped wrong in the official dataset release fgmask = fgmask[:, ::-1] fgmask = cameralib.reproject_image( fgmask,, cam, output_imshape, antialias_factor=antialias, interp=interp) im = augmentation.background.augment_background(im, fgmask, background_rng) # Occlusion and color augmentation im = augmentation.appearance.augment_appearance( im, learning_phase, FLAGS.occlude_aug_prob, appearance_rng) im = tfu.nhwc_to_std(im) im = improc.normalize01(im) # Joints with NaN coordinates are invalid is_joint_in_fov = ~np.logical_or( np.any(imcoords < 0, axis=-1), np.any(imcoords >= FLAGS.proc_side, axis=-1)) joint_validity_mask = ~np.any(np.isnan(camcoords), axis=-1) rot_to_orig_cam = @ cam.R.T rot_to_world = cam.R.T return dict( image=im, intrinsics=np.float32(cam.intrinsic_matrix), image_path=ex.image_path, coords3d_true=np.nan_to_num(camcoords).astype(np.float32), coords2d_true=np.nan_to_num(imcoords).astype(np.float32), rot_to_orig_cam=rot_to_orig_cam.astype(np.float32), rot_to_world=rot_to_world.astype(np.float32), cam_loc=cam.t.astype(np.float32), joint_validity_mask=joint_validity_mask, is_joint_in_fov=np.float32(is_joint_in_fov)) def load_and_transform2d(ex, joint_info, learning_phase, rng): # Get the random number generators for the different augmentations to make it reproducibile appearance_rng = util.new_rng(rng) geom_rng = util.new_rng(rng) partial_visi_rng = util.new_rng(rng) # Load the image image_path = util.ensure_absolute_path(ex.image_path) im_from_file = improc.imread_jpeg(image_path) # Determine bounding box bbox = ex.bbox if learning_phase == TRAIN and partial_visi_rng.rand() < FLAGS.partial_visibility_prob: bbox = util.random_partial_subbox(boxlib.expand_to_square(bbox), partial_visi_rng) crop_side = np.max(bbox) center_point = orig_cam = cameralib.Camera.create2D(im_from_file.shape) cam = orig_cam.copy() cam.zoom(FLAGS.proc_side / crop_side) if FLAGS.geom_aug: center_point += util.random_uniform_disc(geom_rng) * FLAGS.shift_aug / 100 * crop_side s1 = FLAGS.scale_aug_down / 100 s2 = FLAGS.scale_aug_up / 100 cam.zoom(geom_rng.uniform(1 - s1, 1 + s2)) r = np.deg2rad(FLAGS.rot_aug) cam.rotate(roll=geom_rng.uniform(-r, r)) if FLAGS.geom_aug and geom_rng.rand() < 0.5: cam.horizontal_flip() # Must also permute the joints to exchange e.g. left wrist and right wrist! imcoords = ex.coords[joint_info.mirror_mapping] else: imcoords = ex.coords new_center_point = cameralib.reproject_image_points(center_point, orig_cam, cam) cam.shift_to_center(new_center_point, (FLAGS.proc_side, FLAGS.proc_side)) is_annotation_invalid = (np.nan_to_num(imcoords[:, 1]) > im_from_file.shape[0] * 0.95) imcoords[is_annotation_invalid] = np.nan imcoords = cameralib.reproject_image_points(imcoords, orig_cam, cam) interp_str = (FLAGS.image_interpolation_train if learning_phase == TRAIN else FLAGS.image_interpolation_test) antialias = (FLAGS.antialias_train if learning_phase == TRAIN else FLAGS.antialias_test) interp = getattr(cv2, 'INTER_' + interp_str.upper()) im = cameralib.reproject_image( im_from_file, orig_cam, cam, (FLAGS.proc_side, FLAGS.proc_side), antialias_factor=antialias, interp=interp) im = augmentation.appearance.augment_appearance( im, learning_phase, FLAGS.occlude_aug_prob_2d, appearance_rng) im = tfu.nhwc_to_std(im) im = improc.normalize01(im) backward_matrix = cameralib.get_affine(cam, orig_cam) joint_validity_mask = ~np.any(np.isnan(imcoords), axis=1) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): is_joint_in_fov = ~np.logical_or(np.any(imcoords < 0, axis=-1),
np.any(imcoords >= FLAGS.proc_side, axis=-1)
""" Simple maze environment """ import numpy as np # import cv2 #why is this needed? from deer.base_classes import Environment import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('agg') matplotlib.use('qt5agg') from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot import mpl_toolkits.axisartist as AA import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import as cm from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Rectangle from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredOffsetbox, TextArea, DrawingArea, HPacker import copy class MyEnv(Environment): VALIDATION_MODE = 0 def __init__(self, rng, **kwargs): self._mode = -1 self._mode_score = 0.0 self._mode_episode_count = 0 self._size_maze=8 self._higher_dim_obs=kwargs["higher_dim_obs"] self.create_map() self.intern_dim=2 def create_map(self): self._map=np.ones((self._size_maze,self._size_maze)) self._map[-1,:]=0 self._map[0,:]=0 self._map[:,0]=0 self._map[:,-1]=0 self._map[:,self._size_maze//2]=0 self._map[self._size_maze//2,self._size_maze//2]=1 self._pos_agent=[2,2] self._pos_goal=[self._size_maze-2,self._size_maze-2] def reset(self, mode): self.create_map() self._map[self._size_maze//2,self._size_maze//2]=0 if mode == MyEnv.VALIDATION_MODE: if self._mode != MyEnv.VALIDATION_MODE: self._mode = MyEnv.VALIDATION_MODE self._mode_score = 0.0 self._mode_episode_count = 0 else: self._mode_episode_count += 1 elif self._mode != -1: self._mode = -1 # Setting the starting position of the agent self._pos_agent=[self._size_maze//2,self._size_maze//2] #print ("new map:") #print (self._map) #print ("reset mode") #print (mode) return [1 * [self._size_maze * [self._size_maze * [0]]]] def act(self, action): """Applies the agent action [action] on the environment. Parameters ----------- action : int The action selected by the agent to operate on the environment. Should be an identifier included between 0 included and nActions() excluded. """ self._cur_action=action if(action==0): if(self._map[self._pos_agent[0]-1,self._pos_agent[1]]==1): self._pos_agent[0]=self._pos_agent[0]-1 elif(action==1): if(self._map[self._pos_agent[0]+1,self._pos_agent[1]]==1): self._pos_agent[0]=self._pos_agent[0]+1 elif(action==2): if(self._map[self._pos_agent[0],self._pos_agent[1]-1]==1): self._pos_agent[1]=self._pos_agent[1]-1 elif(action==3): if(self._map[self._pos_agent[0],self._pos_agent[1]+1]==1): self._pos_agent[1]=self._pos_agent[1]+1 # There is no reward in this simple environment self.reward = 0 self._mode_score += self.reward return self.reward def summarizePerformance(self, test_data_set, learning_algo, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot of the low-dimensional representation of the environment built by the model """ all_possib_inp=[] # Will store all possible inputs (=observation) for the CRAR agent labels_maze=[] self.create_map() for y_a in range(self._size_maze): for x_a in range(self._size_maze): state=copy.deepcopy(self._map) state[self._size_maze//2,self._size_maze//2]=0 if(state[x_a,y_a]==0): if(self._higher_dim_obs==True): all_possib_inp.append(self.get_higher_dim_obs([[x_a,y_a]],[self._pos_goal])) else: state[x_a,y_a]=0.5 all_possib_inp.append(state) ## labels #if(y_a<self._size_maze//2): # labels_maze.append(0.) #elif(y_a==self._size_maze//2): # labels_maze.append(1.) #else: # labels_maze.append(2.) #arr=np.array(all_possib_inp) #if(self._higher_dim_obs==False): # arr=arr.reshape(arr.shape[0],-1) #else: # arr=arr.reshape(arr.shape[0],-1) # #np.savetxt('tsne_python/mazesH_X.txt',arr.reshape(arr.shape[0],-1)) #np.savetxt('tsne_python/mazesH_labels.txt',np.array(labels_maze)) all_possib_inp=np.expand_dims(np.array(all_possib_inp,dtype='float'),axis=1) all_possib_abs_states=learning_algo.encoder.predict(all_possib_inp) if(all_possib_abs_states.ndim==4): all_possib_abs_states=np.transpose(all_possib_abs_states, (0, 3, 1, 2)) # data_format='channels_last' --> 'channels_first' n=1000 historics=[] for i,observ in enumerate(test_data_set.observations()[0][0:n]): historics.append(np.expand_dims(observ,axis=0)) historics=np.array(historics) abs_states=learning_algo.encoder.predict(historics) if(abs_states.ndim==4): abs_states=np.transpose(abs_states, (0, 3, 1, 2)) # data_format='channels_last' --> 'channels_first' actions=test_data_set.actions()[0:n] if self.inTerminalState() == False: self._mode_episode_count += 1 print("== Mean score per episode is {} over {} episodes ==".format(self._mode_score / (self._mode_episode_count+0.0001), self._mode_episode_count)) m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.jet) x = np.array(abs_states)[:,0] y = np.array(abs_states)[:,1] if(self.intern_dim>2): z = np.array(abs_states)[:,2] fig = plt.figure() if(self.intern_dim==2): ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlabel(r'$X_1$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$X_2$') else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') ax.set_xlabel(r'$X_1$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$X_2$') ax.set_zlabel(r'$X_3$') # Plot the estimated transitions for i in range(n-1): predicted1=learning_algo.transition.predict([abs_states[i:i+1],np.array([[1,0,0,0]])]) predicted2=learning_algo.transition.predict([abs_states[i:i+1],np.array([[0,1,0,0]])]) predicted3=learning_algo.transition.predict([abs_states[i:i+1],np.array([[0,0,1,0]])]) predicted4=learning_algo.transition.predict([abs_states[i:i+1],np.array([[0,0,0,1]])]) if(self.intern_dim==2): ax.plot(np.concatenate([x[i:i+1],predicted1[0,:1]]), np.concatenate([y[i:i+1],predicted1[0,1:2]]), color="0.9", alpha=0.75) ax.plot(np.concatenate([x[i:i+1],predicted2[0,:1]]), np.concatenate([y[i:i+1],predicted2[0,1:2]]), color="0.65", alpha=0.75) ax.plot(np.concatenate([x[i:i+1],predicted3[0,:1]]), np.concatenate([y[i:i+1],predicted3[0,1:2]]), color="0.4", alpha=0.75) ax.plot(np.concatenate([x[i:i+1],predicted4[0,:1]]), np.concatenate([y[i:i+1],predicted4[0,1:2]]), color="0.15", alpha=0.75) else: ax.plot(np.concatenate([x[i:i+1],predicted1[0,:1]]), np.concatenate([y[i:i+1],predicted1[0,1:2]]), np.concatenate([z[i:i+1],predicted1[0,2:3]]), color="0.9", alpha=0.75) ax.plot(np.concatenate([x[i:i+1],predicted2[0,:1]]), np.concatenate([y[i:i+1],predicted2[0,1:2]]), np.concatenate([z[i:i+1],predicted2[0,2:3]]), color="0.65", alpha=0.75) ax.plot(np.concatenate([x[i:i+1],predicted3[0,:1]]),
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import numpy as np # Standardised Mean Squared Error def smse(mu_star_list, Y_test_list): error_k = [] for k in range(len(Y_test_list)): res = mu_star_list[k] - Y_test_list[k] error = (res**2).mean() error = error / Y_test_list[k].var() error_k.append(error) return np.array(error_k) # snlp def snlp(var_star_list, Y_train_list, Y_test_list, mu_star_list): error_k = [] for k in range(len(var_star_list)): res = mu_star_list[k] - Y_test_list[k] nlp = 0.5 * (np.log(2 * np.pi * var_star_list[k]) + res**2 / var_star_list[k]).mean() muY = Y_train_list[k].mean() varY = Y_train_list[k].var() error = nlp - 0.5 * (
np.log(2 * np.pi * varY)
# Copyright 2020 DeepMind Technologies Limited. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utilities for dealing with action and observation specifications. These specifications can be nested lists and dicts of `Array` and its subclass `BoundedArray`. """ from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar from absl import flags from absl import logging import dm_env from dm_env import specs import numpy as np # Internal profiling FLAGS = flags.FLAGS # Defaulting to True, to prefer failing fast and closer to the bug. flags.DEFINE_boolean('debug_specs', True, 'Debugging switch for checking values match specs.') flags.DEFINE_integer('max_validations', 1000, 'Stop validating after this many calls.') _validation_count = 0 ObservationSpec = Mapping[str, specs.Array] ObservationValue = Mapping[str, np.ndarray] ScalarOrArray = TypeVar('ScalarOrArray', np.floating, np.ndarray) def debugging_flag() -> bool: return FLAGS.debug_specs class TimeStepSpec(object): """Type specification for a TimeStep.""" def __init__(self, observation_spec: ObservationSpec, reward_spec: specs.Array, discount_spec: specs.Array): self._observation_spec = observation_spec self._reward_spec = reward_spec self._discount_spec = discount_spec @property def observation_spec(self) -> Mapping[str, specs.Array]: return dict(self._observation_spec) @property def reward_spec(self) -> specs.Array: return self._reward_spec @property def discount_spec(self) -> specs.Array: return self._discount_spec def validate(self, timestep: dm_env.TimeStep): validate_observation(self.observation_spec, timestep.observation) validate(self.reward_spec, timestep.reward) validate(self.discount_spec, def minimum(self) -> dm_env.TimeStep: """Return a valid timestep with all minimum values.""" reward = minimum(self._reward_spec) discount = minimum(self._discount_spec) observation = {k: minimum(v) for k, v in self._observation_spec.items()} return dm_env.TimeStep( step_type=dm_env.StepType.MID, observation=observation, discount=discount, reward=reward) def maximum(self) -> dm_env.TimeStep: """Return a valid timestep with all minimum values.""" reward = maximum(self._reward_spec) discount = maximum(self._discount_spec) observation = {k: maximum(v) for k, v in self._observation_spec.items()} return dm_env.TimeStep( step_type=dm_env.StepType.MID, observation=observation, discount=discount, reward=reward) def replace(self, observation_spec: Optional[Mapping[str, specs.Array]] = None, reward_spec: Optional[specs.Array] = None, discount_spec: Optional[specs.Array] = None) -> 'TimeStepSpec': """Return a new TimeStepSpec with specified fields replaced.""" if observation_spec is None: observation_spec = self._observation_spec if reward_spec is None: reward_spec = self._reward_spec if discount_spec is None: discount_spec = self._discount_spec return TimeStepSpec( observation_spec=observation_spec, reward_spec=reward_spec, discount_spec=discount_spec) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, TimeStepSpec): return False # All the properties of the spec must be equal. if self.reward_spec != other.reward_spec: return False if self.discount_spec != other.discount_spec: return False if len(self.observation_spec) != len(other.observation_spec): return False for key in self.observation_spec: if (key not in other.observation_spec or self.observation_spec[key] != other.observation_spec[key]): return False return True def minimum(spec: specs.Array): if hasattr(spec, 'minimum'): return clip(np.asarray(spec.minimum, dtype=spec.dtype), spec) elif np.issubdtype(spec.dtype, np.integer): return np.full(spec.shape, np.iinfo(spec.dtype).min) else: return np.full(spec.shape, np.finfo(spec.dtype).min) def maximum(spec: specs.Array): if hasattr(spec, 'maximum'): return clip(np.asarray(spec.maximum, dtype=spec.dtype), spec) elif np.issubdtype(spec.dtype, np.integer): return np.full(spec.shape, np.iinfo(spec.dtype).max) else: return np.full(spec.shape, np.finfo(spec.dtype).max) def zeros(action_spec: specs.Array) -> np.ndarray: """Create a zero value for this Spec.""" return np.zeros(shape=action_spec.shape, dtype=action_spec.dtype) def cast(spec: specs.Array, value: ScalarOrArray) -> ScalarOrArray: """Cast a value to conform to a spec.""" if np.isscalar(value): return spec.dtype.type(value) else: return value.astype(spec.dtype) def clip(value: np.ndarray, spec: specs.BoundedArray) -> np.ndarray: """Clips the given value according to the spec.""" if value is None: raise ValueError('no value') if isinstance(spec.dtype, np.inexact): eps = np.finfo(spec.dtype).eps * 5.0 else: eps = 0 min_bound = np.array(spec.minimum, dtype=spec.dtype) max_bound = np.array(spec.maximum, dtype=spec.dtype) return np.clip(value, min_bound + eps, max_bound - eps) def shrink_to_fit( value: np.ndarray, spec: specs.BoundedArray, ignore_nan: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Scales the value towards zero to fit within spec min and max values. Clipping is done after scaling to ensure there are no values that are very slightly (say 10e-8) out of range. This, by nature, assumes that min <= 0 <= max for the spec. Args: value: np.ndarray to scale towards zero. spec: Specification for value to scale and clip. ignore_nan: If True, NaN values will not fail validation. If None, this is determined by the size of `value`, so that large values are not checked. Returns: Scaled and clipped value. Raises: ValueError: On missing values or high-dimensional values. """ if value is None: raise ValueError('no value') if spec is None: raise ValueError('no spec') if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('value not numpy array ({})'.format(type(value))) if len(value.shape) > 1: raise ValueError('2d values not yet handled') if not isinstance(spec, specs.BoundedArray): raise ValueError('Cannot scale to spec: {})'.format(spec)) if np.any(spec.minimum > 0) or np.any(spec.maximum < 0): raise ValueError('Cannot scale to spec, due to bounds: {})'.format(spec)) factor = 1.0 for val, min_val, max_val in zip(value, spec.minimum, spec.maximum): if val < min_val: new_factor = min_val / val if new_factor < factor and new_factor > 0: factor = new_factor if val > max_val: new_factor = max_val / val if new_factor < factor and new_factor > 0: factor = new_factor scaled = (value * factor).astype(spec.dtype) clipped = clip(scaled, spec) try: validate(spec, clipped, ignore_nan) except ValueError: logging.error('Failed to scale %s to %s. Got: %s', value, spec, clipped) return clipped def merge_specs(spec_list: Sequence[specs.BoundedArray]): """Merges a list of BoundedArray into one.""" # Check all specs are flat. for spec in spec_list: if len(spec.shape) > 1: raise ValueError('Not merging multi-dimensional spec: {}'.format(spec)) # Filter out no-op specs with no actuators. spec_list = [spec for spec in spec_list if spec.shape and spec.shape[0]] dtype = np.find_common_type([spec.dtype for spec in spec_list], []) num_actions = 0 name = '' mins = np.array([], dtype=dtype) maxs = np.array([], dtype=dtype) for i, spec in enumerate(spec_list): num_actions += spec.shape[0] if name: name += '\t' name += or f'spec_{i}' mins = np.concatenate([mins, spec.minimum]) maxs =
np.concatenate([maxs, spec.maximum])
# %% #import image_previewer import glob from corebreakout import CoreColumn import pickle import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import colorsys def slice_depths(top, base, slice_length): length = base - top n_slices = int(np.ceil(length / slice_length)) slices = [] for i in range(n_slices): top_slice = top + i * slice_length if i == n_slices-1: base_slice = base else: base_slice = top + (i + 1) * slice_length slices.append((top_slice, base_slice)) return slices # def plot_column_slices(column_path, slice_length, figsize = (9, 800)): # with open(column_path, 'rb') as f: # col = pickle.load(f) # column_top, column_base = column_depths_from_path(column_path) # column_length = column_base - column_top # if column_length <= slice_length: # col.slice_depth(top = column_top, # base = column_base).plot( # figsize=figsize, # major_kwargs = {'labelsize' : 10}, # minor_kwargs={'labelsize' : 6}) # else: # depths = slice_depths(column_top, column_base, slice_length) # for i in range(len(depths)): # top_slice, base_slice = depths[i] # col.slice_depth(top = top_slice, # base = base_slice).plot( # figsize=figsize, # major_kwargs = {'labelsize' : 15}, # minor_kwargs={'labelsize' : 10}) # def img_features(img): """retruns mean and std of img per channel ignoring 0 values (background) Args: img (np.ndarray): image array Returns: avgs list, means list: lists of means and stds """ features = [] for ch in range(3): pixels = img[:,:,ch].flatten() pixels = pixels[pixels!=0] if len(pixels) == 0: avg = np.nan std = np.nan else: avg = np.average(pixels)/255.0 std = np.std(pixels)/255.0#255.0 features.append(avg) features.append(std) return features def column_features(column, slice_length=0.01, color_scheme = 'rgb'): print('Processing column: {}'.format(column_path.split(os.sep)[-1])) col_features=[] column_top = column_base = column.base slices = slice_depths(column_top, column_base, slice_length) for i in range(len(slices)): top, base = slices[i] img = col.slice_depth(top = top, base = base).img features = img_features(img) if color_scheme == 'hls': features = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*color) col_features.append(features) return np.array(col_features) directory = 'output\\article' column_paths = glob.glob(directory + '/*/*.pkl') print(len(column_paths), 'colomns detected') # DELETE COLLAPSED COLUMNS # collapse_columns = [] # for col_idx, column_path in enumerate(column_paths): # with open(column_path, 'rb') as f: # col = pickle.load(f) # if col.add_mode == 'collapse': # collapse_columns.append(column_path) # print(len(collapse_columns), 'collapsed columns') # for column_path in collapse_columns: # os.remove(column_path) #%% step = 0.05 #0.1524 for col_idx, column_path in enumerate(column_paths): if col_idx == 1: break with open(column_path, 'rb') as f: col = pickle.load(f) print(col_idx, col, col.add_mode) img = col.img img_depths = col.depths column_top = column_base = col.base column_length = column_base - column_top print('column path:', column_path, 'Column length:', column_length) features = column_features(col, slice_length=step, color_scheme='rgb') n_steps = int(np.ceil((column_base-column_top)/step)) depths = np.linspace(column_top, column_base, n_steps) print('Features shape:',features.shape,'Depth shape:', depths.shape) # create two columns figure figure_length = int(column_length)*8 figsize = (10, figure_length) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize = figsize) axs[0].imshow(img) axs[1].plot(features[:,0], depths, label='red', color='red') axs[1].plot(features[:,1], depths, label='red_std', color='lightcoral') axs[1].plot(features[:,2], depths, label='green', color='green') axs[1].plot(features[:,3], depths, label='green_std', color='lightgreen') axs[1].plot(features[:,4], depths, label='blue', color='blue') axs[1].plot(features[:,5], depths, label='blue_std', color='lightblue') axs[1].set_ylim(column_base, column_top) plt.grid() # %% directory = r'C:\Users\evgen\Documents\coremdlr\Q204_data\train_data_figshare' wells = [ '204-19-3A', '204-19-6', '204-19-7', '204-20-1Z', '204-20-1', '204-20-2', '204-20-3', '204-20-6a', '204-20a-7', '204-24a-6', '204-24a-7', '205-21b-3', ] labels_files = [os.path.join(directory, well + '_labels.npy') for well in wells] image_files = [os.path.join(directory, well + '_image.npy') for well in wells] depth_files = [os.path.join(directory, well + '_depth.npy') for well in wells] for i in range(len(image_files)): image = np.load(image_files[i]) labels = np.load(labels_files[i]) depth = np.load(depth_files[i]) print(wells[i], image.shape, labels.shape, depth.shape) # %% image = np.load(image_files[0]) labels = np.load(labels_files[0]) print(image.shape, labels.shape) # print unique labels unique_labels = np.unique(labels) from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder label_encoder = LabelEncoder() labels = label_encoder.fit_transform(labels) print(label_encoder.classes_, label_encoder.transform(label_encoder.classes_)) # %% # calculate statistics for each z position of image def statistics(image): stats = [] for z in range(image.shape[0]): img_slice = image[z,:,:] slice_features = [] for ch in range(3): pixels = img_slice[:,ch].flatten() pixels = pixels[pixels!=0] if len(pixels) == 0: avg = np.nan std = np.nan else: avg = np.average(pixels)/255.0 std = np.std(pixels)/255.0 slice_features.append(avg) slice_features.append(std) stats.append(slice_features) arr = np.array(stats) return arr # stats = statistics(image) # print(stats.shape) # %% test_indices = [2,5,8] train_indices = [0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10,11] train_labels_files = [labels_files[i] for i in train_indices] train_images_files = [image_files[i] for i in train_indices] test_labels_files = [labels_files[i] for i in test_indices] test_images_files = [image_files[i] for i in test_indices] X_train = np.vstack([statistics(np.load(f)) for f in train_images_files]) X_test = np.vstack([statistics(np.load(f)) for f in test_images_files]) y_train=np.hstack([label_encoder.transform(np.load(f)) for f in train_labels_files]) y_test = np.hstack([label_encoder.transform(np.load(f)) for f in test_labels_files]) print(X_train.shape, y_train.shape) print(X_test.shape, y_test.shape) #%% # get nan indices in train nan_indices_train = np.where(np.isnan(X_train)) X_train = np.delete(X_train, nan_indices_train, axis=0) y_train =
np.delete(y_train, nan_indices_train, axis=0)
import numpy as np import os from re import search import src.numerics as num import src.fpeqs as fpe from src.optimal_lambda import ( optimal_lambda, optimal_reg_param_and_huber_parameter, ) DATA_FOLDER_PATH = "./data" # "/Volumes/LaCie/final_data_hproblem" # # "/Volumes/LaCie/final_data_hproblem" #  # # FOLDER_PATHS = [ "./data/experiments", "./data/theory", "./data/bayes_optimal", "./data/reg_param_optimal", "./data/reg_param_optimal_experimental", "./data/reg_and_huber_param_optimal", "./data/reg_and_huber_param_optimal_experimental", "./data/others", ] REG_EXPS = [ "(^exp)", "(^theory)", "(BO|Bayes[ ]{0,1}Optimal)", "((reg[\_\s]{0,1}param|lambda)[\_\s]{0,1}optimal$)", "((reg[\_\s]{0,1}param|lambda)[\_\s]{0,1}(optimal)[\_\s]{1}(exp))", "((reg[\_\s]{0,1}param|lambda)[\s]{1}(huber[\_\s]{0,1}param)[\_\s]{0,1}optimal$)", "((reg[\_\s]{0,1}param|lambda)[\s]{1}(huber[\_\s]{0,1}param)[\_\s]{0,1}optimal)[\_\s]{1}(exp)", ] LOSS_NAMES = ["L2", "L1", "Huber"] EXPERIMENTAL_FUNCTIONS = [] SINGLE_NOISE_NAMES = [ "{loss_name} single noise - exp - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - dim {n_features:d} - rep {repetitions:d} - delta {delta} - lambda {reg_param}", "{loss_name} single noise - theory - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta {delta} - lambda {reg_param}", "BO single noise - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta {delta}", "{loss_name} single noise - reg_param optimal - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta {delta}", "{loss_name} single noise - reg_param optimal experimental - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta {delta}", "Huber single noise - reg_param and huber_param optimal - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta {delta}", "Huber single noise - reg_param and huber_param optimal experimental - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta {delta}", "{loss_name} single noise - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta {delta} - lambda {reg_param}", ] DOUBLE_NOISE_NAMES = [ "{loss_name} double noise - eps {percentage} - exp - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - dim {n_features:d} - rep {repetitions:d} - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}] - lambda {reg_param}", "{loss_name} double noise - eps {percentage} - theory - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}] - lambda {reg_param}", "BO double noise - eps {percentage} - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "{loss_name} double noise - eps {percentage} - reg_param optimal - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "{loss_name} double noise - eps {percentage} - reg_param optimal experimental - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "Huber double noise - eps {percentage} - reg_param and huber_param optimal - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "Huber double noise - eps {percentage} - reg_param and huber_param optimal experimental - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "{loss_name} double noise - eps {percentage} - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}] - lambda {reg_param}", ] DECORRELATED_NOISE_NAMES = [ "{loss_name} decorrelated noise {beta} - eps {percentage} - exp - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - dim {n_features:d} - rep {repetitions:d} - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}] - lambda {reg_param}", "{loss_name} decorrelated noise {beta} - eps {percentage} - theory - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}] - lambda {reg_param}", "BO decorrelated noise {beta} - eps {percentage} - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "{loss_name} decorrelated noise {beta} - eps {percentage} - reg_param optimal - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "{loss_name} decorrelated noise {beta} - eps {percentage} - reg_param optimal experimental - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "Huber decorrelated noise {beta} - eps {percentage} - reg_param and huber_param optimal - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "Huber decorrelated noise {beta} - eps {percentage} - reg_param and huber_param optimal experimental - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}]", "{loss_name} decorrelated noise {beta} - eps {percentage} - alphas [{alpha_min} {alpha_max} {alpha_pts:d}] - delta [{delta_small} {delta_large}] - lambda {reg_param}", ] # ------------ def _exp_type_choser(test_string, values=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, -1]): for idx, re in enumerate(REG_EXPS): if search(re, test_string): return values[idx] return values[-1] def _loss_type_chose(test_string, values=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, -1]): for idx, re in enumerate(LOSS_NAMES): if search(re, test_string): return values[idx] return values[-1] def file_name_generator(**kwargs): experiment_code = _exp_type_choser(kwargs["experiment_type"]) if not (experiment_code == 2 or experiment_code == 5 or experiment_code == 6): if kwargs["loss_name"] == "Huber": kwargs["loss_name"] += " " + str(kwargs.get("a", 1.0)) if kwargs.get("beta") is not None: return DECORRELATED_NOISE_NAMES[experiment_code].format(**kwargs) else: if float(kwargs.get("percentage", 0.0)) == 0.0: return SINGLE_NOISE_NAMES[experiment_code].format(**kwargs) else: return DOUBLE_NOISE_NAMES[experiment_code].format(**kwargs) def create_check_folders(): if not os.path.exists(DATA_FOLDER_PATH): os.makedirs(DATA_FOLDER_PATH) for folder_path in FOLDER_PATHS: os.makedirs(folder_path) for folder_path in FOLDER_PATHS: if not os.path.exists(folder_path): os.makedirs(folder_path) def check_saved(**kwargs): create_check_folders() experiment_code = _exp_type_choser(kwargs["experiment_type"]) folder_path = FOLDER_PATHS[experiment_code] file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name_generator(**kwargs)) file_exists = os.path.exists(file_path + ".npz") return file_exists, (file_path + ".npz") def save_file(**kwargs): file_path = kwargs.get("file_path") experiment_code = _exp_type_choser(kwargs["experiment_type"]) if file_path is None: file_path = os.path.join( FOLDER_PATHS[experiment_code], file_name_generator(**kwargs) ) if experiment_code == 0: np.savez( file_path, alphas=kwargs["alphas"], errors_mean=kwargs["errors_mean"], errors_std=kwargs["errors_std"], ) elif experiment_code == 1 or experiment_code == 2: np.savez(file_path, alphas=kwargs["alphas"], errors=kwargs["errors"]) elif experiment_code == 3: np.savez( file_path, alphas=kwargs["alphas"], errors=kwargs["errors"], lambdas=kwargs["lambdas"], ) elif experiment_code == 4: np.savez( file_path, alphas=kwargs["alphas"], errors_mean=kwargs["errors_mean"], errors_std=kwargs["errors_std"], lambdas=kwargs["lambdas"], ) elif experiment_code == 5: np.savez( file_path, alphas=kwargs["alphas"], errors=kwargs["errors"], lambdas=kwargs["lambdas"], huber_params=kwargs["huber_params"], ) elif experiment_code == 6: np.savez( file_path, alphas=kwargs["alphas"], errors_mean=kwargs["errors_mean"], errors_std=kwargs["errors_std"], lambdas=kwargs["lambdas"], huber_params=kwargs["huber_params"], ) else: raise ValueError("experiment_type not recognized.") def load_file(**kwargs): file_path = kwargs.get("file_path") experiment_code = _exp_type_choser(kwargs["experiment_type"]) if file_path is None: file_path = os.path.join( FOLDER_PATHS[experiment_code], file_name_generator(**kwargs) + ".npz" ) saved_data = np.load(file_path) if experiment_code == 0: alphas = saved_data["alphas"] errors_mean = saved_data["errors_mean"] errors_std = saved_data["errors_std"] return alphas, errors_mean, errors_std elif experiment_code == 1 or experiment_code == 2: alphas = saved_data["alphas"] errors = saved_data["errors"] return alphas, errors elif experiment_code == 3: alphas = saved_data["alphas"] errors = saved_data["errors"] lambdas = saved_data["lambdas"] return alphas, errors, lambdas elif experiment_code == 4: alphas = saved_data["alphas"] errors_mean = saved_data["errors_mean"] errors_std = saved_data["errors_std"] lambdas = saved_data["lambdas"] return alphas, errors_mean, errors_std, lambdas elif experiment_code == 5: alphas = saved_data["alphas"] errors = saved_data["errors"] lambdas = saved_data["lambdas"] huber_params = saved_data["huber_params"] return alphas, errors, lambdas, huber_params elif experiment_code == 6: alphas = saved_data["alphas"] errors_mean = saved_data["errors_mean"] errors_std = saved_data["errors_std"] lambdas = saved_data["lambdas"] huber_params = saved_data["huber_params"] return alphas, errors_mean, errors_std, lambdas, huber_params else: raise ValueError("experiment_type not recognized.") # ------------ def experiment_runner(**kwargs): experiment_code = _exp_type_choser(kwargs["experiment_type"]) if experiment_code == 0: experimental_points_runner(**kwargs) elif experiment_code == 1: theory_curve_runner(**kwargs) elif experiment_code == 2: bayes_optimal_runner(**kwargs) elif experiment_code == 3: reg_param_optimal_runner(**kwargs) elif experiment_code == 4: reg_param_optimal_experiment_runner(**kwargs) elif experiment_code == 5: reg_param_and_huber_param_optimal_runner(**kwargs) elif experiment_code == 6: reg_param_and_huber_param_experimental_optimal_runner(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError("experiment_type not recognized.") def experimental_points_runner(**kwargs): _, file_path = check_saved(**kwargs) double_noise = not float(kwargs.get("percentage", 0.0)) == 0.0 decorrelated_noise = not (kwargs.get("beta", 1.0) == 1.0) if decorrelated_noise: measure_fun_kwargs = { "delta_small": kwargs["delta_small"], "delta_large": kwargs["delta_large"], "percentage": kwargs["percentage"], "beta": kwargs["beta"], } error_function = num.measure_gen_decorrelated else: if double_noise: error_function = num.measure_gen_double measure_fun_kwargs = { "delta_small": kwargs["delta_small"], "delta_large": kwargs["delta_large"], "percentage": kwargs["percentage"], } else: error_function = num.measure_gen_single measure_fun_kwargs = {"delta": kwargs["delta"]} if kwargs["loss_name"] == "Huber": find_coefficients_fun_kwargs = {"a": kwargs["a"]} else: find_coefficients_fun_kwargs = {} alphas, errors_mean, errors_std = num.generate_different_alpha( error_function, _loss_type_chose( kwargs["loss_name"], values=[ num.find_coefficients_L2, -1, # num.find_coefficients_L1, num.find_coefficients_Huber, -1, ], ), alpha_1=kwargs["alpha_min"], alpha_2=kwargs["alpha_max"], n_features=kwargs["n_features"], n_alpha_points=kwargs["alpha_pts"], repetitions=kwargs["repetitions"], reg_param=kwargs["reg_param"], measure_fun_kwargs=measure_fun_kwargs, find_coefficients_fun_kwargs=find_coefficients_fun_kwargs, ) kwargs.update( { "file_path": file_path, "alphas": alphas, "errors_mean": errors_mean, "errors_std": errors_std, } ) save_file(**kwargs) def theory_curve_runner(**kwargs): _, file_path = check_saved(**kwargs) double_noise = not float(kwargs.get("percentage", 0.0)) == 0.0 decorrelated_noise = not (kwargs.get("beta", 1.0) == 1.0) if decorrelated_noise: var_hat_kwargs = { "delta_small": kwargs["delta_small"], "delta_large": kwargs["delta_large"], "percentage": kwargs["percentage"], "beta": kwargs["beta"], } delta_small = kwargs["delta_small"] delta_large = kwargs["delta_large"] while True: m = 0.89 * np.random.random() + 0.1 q = 0.89 * np.random.random() + 0.1 sigma = 0.89 * np.random.random() + 0.1 if
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- import cv2 import numpy as np import time from enum import Enum # ============================================================================= # Ref. design # # From Vitis-AI Zoo # 1. data channel order: BGR(0~255) # 2. resize: 416 * 416(H * W) # 3. mean_value: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # 4. scale: 1 / 255.0 # 5. reisze mode: biliner # Data from yolov4_leaky_spp_m.prototxt # and Xilinx yolo_anchors = np.array([(12, 16), (19, 36), (40, 28), (36, 75), (76, 55), (72, 146), (142, 110), (192, 243),(459, 401)], np.float32) / 416 yolo_anchor_masks = np.array([[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2]]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # YOLOv4 data collected from notebook (dpu_test.ipynb) # # inputTensor[0]: name=data_fixed, dims=[1, 416, 416, 3], dtype=xint8 # # outputTensor[0]: name=layer138-conv_fixed, dims=[1, 52, 52, 255], dtype=xint8 # outputTensor[1]: name=layer149-conv_fixed, dims=[1, 26, 26, 255], dtype=xint8 # outputTensor[2]: name=layer160-conv_fixed, dims=[1, 13, 13, 255], dtype=xint8 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load .xmodel downloaded from Vitis-AI repository #yolov4_model_path = "models/yolov4_leaky_spp_m/yolov4_leaky_spp_m.xmodel" yolov4_model_path = "models/yolov4_leaky_spp_m_pruned_0_36/yolov4_leaky_spp_m_pruned_0_36.xmodel" # ============================================================================= # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def resize_with_padding(image, size): # resize image with unchanged aspect ratio using padding ih, iw, _ = image.shape w, h = size scale = min(w/iw, h/ih) nw = int(iw*scale) nh = int(ih*scale) image = cv2.resize(image, (nw,nh), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) new_image = np.ones((h,w,3), np.uint8) * 128 h_start = (h-nh)//2 w_start = (w-nw)//2 new_image[h_start:h_start+nh, w_start:w_start+nw, :] = image return new_image # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def preprocess_img(image, size, fixpos): image = image[...,::-1] image = resize_with_padding(image, size) image_data = np.array(image, dtype='float32', order='C') fix_scale = 2**fixpos image_data *= fix_scale/255 image_data = np.expand_dims(image_data, 0) return image_data # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def sigmoid(x): return 1 / (1 +
import numpy as np from autoarray.structures import grids from autogalaxy.profiles import geometry_profiles from autogalaxy.profiles import mass_profiles as mp from autogalaxy import convert import typing from scipy.interpolate import griddata from autogalaxy import exc class MassSheet(geometry_profiles.SphericalProfile, mp.MassProfile): def __init__( self, centre: typing.Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), kappa: float = 0.0 ): """ Represents a mass-sheet Parameters ---------- centre: (float, float) The (y,x) arc-second coordinates of the profile centre. kappa : float The magnitude of the convergence of the mass-sheet. """ super(MassSheet, self).__init__(centre=centre) self.kappa = kappa def convergence_func(self, grid_radius): return 0.0 @grids.grid_like_to_structure def convergence_from_grid(self, grid): return
np.full(shape=grid.shape[0], fill_value=self.kappa)
import torch import os from torch.distributions import Normal import gym import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import cv2 from itertools import permutations import h5py from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_regression import matplotlib.ticker as ticker from a2c_ppo_acktr.envs import FetchWrapper #TODO remove fetch and add meta-world instead from a2c_ppo_acktr.utils import load_expert #TODO remove any 'fetch' related thing from the repo from a2c_ppo_acktr.utils import generate_latent_codes class Base: def __init__(self, args, env, actor_critic, filename, obsfilt, vae_data): if args.fetch_env: self.env = FetchWrapper(env) else: self.env = env self.actor_critic = actor_critic self.args = args self.obsfilt = obsfilt self.filename = filename self.vae_data = vae_data self.vae_mus = vae_data[0] assert not args.vanilla, 'Vanilla GAIL benchmarking not implemented' self.max_episode_steps = self._get_max_episode_steps() def resolve_latent_code(self, states, actions, i): def _get_sog(args, actor_critic): from a2c_ppo_acktr.algo.sog import OneHotSearch, BlockCoordinateSearch if args.latent_optimizer == 'bcs': SOG = BlockCoordinateSearch elif args.latent_optimizer == 'ohs': SOG = OneHotSearch else: raise NotImplementedError return SOG(actor_critic, args) device = self.args.device if self.args.sog_gail: sog = _get_sog(self.args, self.actor_critic) return sog.resolve_latent_code(torch.from_numpy(self.obsfilt(states[i].cpu().numpy(), update=False)).float().to(device), actions[i].to(device))[:1] elif self.args.vae_gail: return self.vae_mus[i] elif self.args.infogail: return generate_latent_codes(self.args, count=1, eval=True) else: raise NotImplementedError def _get_max_episode_steps(self): return { 'Circles-v0': 1000, 'AntDir-v0': 200, 'HalfCheetahVel-v0': 200, 'FetchReach-v0': 50, 'HopperVel-v0': 1000, 'Walker-v0': 1000, 'HumanoidDir-v0': 1000, }.get(self.args.env_name, 200) class Play(Base): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Play, self).__init__(**kwargs) if self.args.fetch_env: self.max_episode_steps = self.env.env._max_episode_steps else: max_episode_time = 10 dt = kwargs['env'].dt self.max_episode_steps = int(max_episode_time / dt) def play(self): args = self.args fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG') if args.fetch_env: video_size = (500, 500) else: video_size = (250, 250) video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(f'{self.filename}.avi', fourcc, 1 / self.env.dt, video_size) s = self.env.reset() if (args.fetch_env or args.mujoco) and args.continuous and args.env_name != 'HalfCheetahVel-v0': expert = torch.load(args.expert_filename, map_location=args.device) count = 30 if args.fetch_env else 5 # for fetch, try 30 of the goals from the expert trajectories ####### recover expert embeddings ####### expert_len = len(expert['states']) sample_idx = torch.randint(low=0, high=expert_len, size=(count,)) states, actions, desired_goals = [expert.get(key, [None]*expert_len)[sample_idx] for key in ('states', 'actions', 'desired_goal')] # only keep the trajectories specified by `sample_idx` latent_codes = [self.resolve_latent_code(states, actions, i) for i in range(len(states))] else: # if 'Humanoid' in args.env_name and args.continuous: # expert = load_expert(args.expert_filename, device=args.device) # ####### recover expert embeddings ####### # count = 5 # sample_idx = torch.randint(low=0, high=len(expert['states']), size=(count,)) # states, actions = [expert[key][sample_idx] for key in ('states', 'actions')] # only keep the trajectories specified by `sample_idx` # latent_codes = [self.resolve_latent_code(torch.from_numpy(self.obsfilt(states.cpu().numpy(), update=False)).float().to(args.device), actions, i) for i in len(states)] # expert = load_expert(args.expert_filename, device=args.device) # ####### recover expert embeddings ####### # latent_codes = list() # possible_angles = torch.unique(expert['angles']) # sog = self._get_sog() # for angle in possible_angles: # sample_idx = expert['angles'] == angle # states, actions = [expert[key][sample_idx] for key in ('states', 'actions')] # only keep the trajectories specified by `sample_idx` # from tqdm import tqdm # mode_list = [] # for (traj_states, traj_actions) in tqdm(zip(states, actions)): # mode_list.append(sog.resolve_latent_code(torch.from_numpy(self.obsfilt(traj_states.cpu().numpy(), update=False)).float().to(args.device), traj_actions)[0]) # latent_codes.append(torch.stack(mode_list).mean(0)) count = None if args.vae_gail and args.env_name == 'HalfCheetahVel-v0': count = 30 latent_codes = generate_latent_codes(args, count=count, vae_data=self.vae_data, eval=True) for j, latent_code in enumerate(latent_codes): latent_code = latent_code episode_reward = 0 if args.fetch_env: self.env.set_desired_goal(desired_goals[j].cpu().numpy()) self.env._max_env_steps = 100 # print(desired_goals[j]) print(f'traj #{j+1}/{len(latent_codes)}') for step in range(self.max_episode_steps): s = self.obsfilt(s, update=False) s_tensor = torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float32, device=args.device)[None] with torch.no_grad(): _, actions_tensor, _ = self.actor_critic.act(s_tensor, latent_code, deterministic=True) action = actions_tensor[0].cpu().numpy() s, r, done, _ = self.env.step(action) episode_reward += r if done: break I = self.env.render(mode='rgb_array') I = cv2.cvtColor(I, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) I = cv2.resize(I, video_size) video_writer.write(I) if args.fetch_env: pass # achieved_goal ="robot0:grip").copy() # success = self.env.unwrapped._is_success(achieved_goal, self.env.unwrapped.goal) # print('success' if success else 'failed') else: print(f"episode reward:{episode_reward:3.3f}") s = self.env.reset() video_writer.write(np.zeros([*video_size, 3], dtype=np.uint8)) self.env.close() video_writer.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() class Plot(Base): def plot(self): return {'Circles-v0': self._circles_ellipses, 'Ellipses-v0': self._circles_ellipses, 'HalfCheetahVel-v0': self._halfcheetahvel, 'AntDir-v0': self._ant, 'FetchReach-v1': self._fetch, 'Walker2dVel-v0': self._walker_hopper, 'HopperVel-v0': self._walker_hopper, 'HumanoidDir-v0': self._humanoid, }.get(self.args.env_name, lambda: None)() def _circles_ellipses(self): args, actor_critic, filename = self.args, self.actor_critic, self.filename fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 3), dpi=300) plt.set_cmap('gist_rainbow') # plotting the actual circles/ellipses if args.env_name == 'Circles-v0': for r in args.radii: t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 200) plt.plot(r * np.cos(t), r * np.sin(t) + r, color='#d0d0d0') elif args.env_name == 'Ellipses-v0': for rx, ry in np.array(args.radii).reshape(-1, 2): t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 200) plt.plot(rx * np.cos(t), ry * np.sin(t) + ry, color='#d0d0d0') max_r = np.max(np.abs(args.radii)) plt.axis('equal') # plt.axis('off') # Turn off tick labels ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(10.00)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(10.00)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) plt.xlim([-1 * max_r, 1 * max_r]) plt.ylim([-1.5 * max_r, 2.5 * max_r]) import gym_sog env = gym.make(args.env_name, args=args) obs = env.reset() device = next(actor_critic.parameters()).device count = 3 latent_codes = generate_latent_codes(args, count=count, vae_data=self.vae_data, eval=True) # generate rollouts and plot them for j, latent_code in enumerate(latent_codes): latent_code = latent_code.unsqueeze(0) for i in range(self.max_episode_steps): # randomize latent code at each step in case of vanilla gail if args.vanilla: latent_code = generate_latent_codes(args) # interacting with env with torch.no_grad(): # an extra 0'th dimension is because actor critic works with "environment vectors" (see the training code) obs = self.obsfilt(obs, update=False) obs_tensor = torch.tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)[None] _, actions_tensor, _ = actor_critic.act(obs_tensor, latent_code, deterministic=True) action = actions_tensor[0].cpu().numpy() obs, _, _, _ = env.step(action) # plotting the trajectory plt.plot(env.loc_history[:, 0], env.loc_history[:, 1],[j]) if args.vanilla: break # one trajectory in vanilla mode is enough. if not, then rollout for each separate latent code else: obs = env.reset() env.close() plt.savefig(filename + '.png') plt.close() def _fetch(self): args = self.args actor_critic = self.actor_critic obsfilt = self.obsfilt filename = self.filename # TODO expert = load_expert(args.expert_filename) count = 100 # how many number of expert trajectories sample_idx = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(expert['states']), size=(count,)) # sample_idx = np.arange(len(expert['states'])) states, actions, desired_goals = [expert[key][sample_idx] for key in ('states', 'actions', 'desired_goal')] # only keep the trajectories specified by `sample_idx` # init env env = gym.make(args.env_name) # init plots matplotlib.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3), dpi=300) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') normalize = lambda x: (x - np.array([1.34183226, 0.74910038, 0.53472284]))/.15 # map the motion range to the unit cube s = self.env.reset() for i in range(len(states)): env.unwrapped.goal = desired_goals[i].cpu().numpy() latent_code = self.resolve_latent_code(states, actions, i) achieved_goals = np.zeros([env._max_episode_steps, 3]) s = env.reset()['observation'] for step in range(env._max_episode_steps): s = obsfilt(s, update=False) s_tensor = torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float32, device=args.device)[None] with torch.no_grad(): _, actions_tensor, _ = actor_critic.act(s_tensor, latent_code, deterministic=True) action = actions_tensor[0].cpu().numpy() obs, _, _, _ = env.step(action) s = obs['observation'] achieved_goals[step] = normalize(obs['achieved_goal']) ax.plot(*achieved_goals.T) if not args.infogail: ax.scatter(*normalize(desired_goals).T) ax.set_xlim([-1,1]) ax.set_ylim([-1,1]) ax.set_zlim([-1,1]) plt.savefig(f'{filename}.png') def _halfcheetahvel(self): device = self.args.device filename = self.filename if self.args.vae_gail: # 2100 x 1 or 2100 x 20 latent_codes = self.vae_mus # 30 x 70 x 1 x 1 or 30 x 70 x 1 x 20 latent_codes = latent_codes.reshape(30, 70, 1, -1) # latent_codes = latent_codes[:, :num_repeats] x = np.linspace(1.5, 3, 30) else: num_codes, num_repeats = 100, 30 cdf = np.linspace(.1, .9, num_codes) m = Normal(torch.tensor([0.0]), torch.tensor([1.0])) # num_codes latent_codes = m.icdf(torch.tensor(cdf, dtype=torch.float32)).to(device) # num_codes x num_repeats x 1 x 1 latent_codes = latent_codes[:, None, None, None].expand(-1, num_repeats, -1, -1) x = cdf vel_mean = [] vel_std = [] for j, latent_code_group in enumerate(latent_codes): print(f'{j+1} / {len(latent_codes)}') vels = [] for k, latent_code in enumerate(latent_code_group): print(f'\t - {k+1} / {len(latent_code_group)}') s = self.env.reset() for step in range(self.max_episode_steps): s = self.obsfilt(s, update=False) s_tensor = torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)[None] with torch.no_grad(): _, actions_tensor, _ = self.actor_critic.act(s_tensor, latent_code, deterministic=True) action = actions_tensor[0].cpu().numpy() s, r, done, infos = self.env.step(action) vels.append(infos['forward_vel']) # fix for the dataset slight offset of the dataset that begins from 1.539 instead of accurate 1.5 #TODO modify the dataset instead rescale = lambda input, input_low, input_high, output_low, output_high: ((input - input_low) / (input_high - input_low)) * (output_high - output_low) + output_low vels = rescale(np.array(vels), 1.539, 3., 1.5, 3) vel_mean.append(np.mean(vels)) vel_std.append(np.std(vels)) self.env.close() vel_mean, vel_std = np.array(vel_mean), np.array(vel_std) plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 7/5*1.85), dpi=300) plt.plot(x, vel_mean)#, marker='o', color='r') plt.fill_between(x, vel_mean-vel_std, vel_mean+vel_std, alpha=0.2) for bound in (1.5, 3): plt.axhline(bound, linestyle='--', c='0.5') plt.ylim([0,5]) plt.savefig(f'{filename}.png') plt.close() plt.figure() plt.hist(vel_mean, bins=np.linspace(1.5, 3, 10)) plt.savefig(f'{filename}_hist.png') plt.close() def _ant(self): args = self.args fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3), dpi=300) num_repeats = 3 if args.vae_gail: all_codes = generate_latent_codes(args, vae_data=self.vae_data, eval=True) else: all_codes = torch.eye(args.latent_dim, device=args.device) # Turn off tick labels ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(10.00)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(10.00)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.set_xlim([-70, 70]) ax.set_ylim([-70, 70]) m = [] for j, latent_code in enumerate(all_codes): latent_code = latent_code[None] for _ in range(num_repeats): s = self.env.reset() xpos = [] for step in range(self.max_episode_steps): s = self.obsfilt(s, update=False) s_tensor = torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float32, device=args.device)[None] with torch.no_grad(): _, actions_tensor, _ = self.actor_critic.act(s_tensor, latent_code, deterministic=True) action = actions_tensor[0].cpu().numpy() s, r, done, infos = self.env.step(action) xpos.append(infos['xpos']) xpos = np.array(xpos) m.append(np.max(np.abs(xpos))) ax.plot(xpos[:, 0], xpos[:, 1], color=([j])) ax.plot([0], [0], marker='o', markersize=3, color='k') if args.vae_gail or args.infogail: m = max(m) * (np.random.rand() * 3 + 1) ax.set_xlim([-m,m]) ax.set_ylim([-m,m]) plt.savefig(f'{self.filename}.png') plt.close() self.env.close() def _humanoid(self): args = self.args fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3), dpi=300) num_repeats = 3 if args.vae_gail: all_codes = generate_latent_codes(args, vae_data=self.vae_data, eval=True) elif args.continuous: if args.sog_gail: latent_codes = [] count = 3 expert = load_expert(args.expert_filename, device=args.device) modes = expert['modes'].cpu().numpy() unique_modes = np.unique(modes) for i in range(args.num_clusters): sample_idx = np.random.permutation(np.argwhere(modes==unique_modes[i]).squeeze())[:count] states, actions = [expert[key][sample_idx] for key in ('states', 'actions')] # only keep the trajectories specified by `sample_idx` latent_codes.extend([self.resolve_latent_code(states, actions, i) for i in range(len(states))]) all_codes = else: raise NotImplementedError else: all_codes = torch.eye(args.latent_dim, device=args.device) # Turn off tick labels ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(10.00)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(10.00)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.set_xlim([-300, 300]) ax.set_ylim([-300, 300]) m = [] for j, latent_code in enumerate(all_codes): latent_code = latent_code[None] for _ in range(num_repeats): s = self.env.reset() xvel = [] for step in range(self.max_episode_steps): s = self.obsfilt(s, update=False) s_tensor = torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float32, device=args.device)[None] with torch.no_grad(): _, actions_tensor, _ = self.actor_critic.act(s_tensor, latent_code, deterministic=True) action = actions_tensor[0].cpu().numpy() s, r, done, infos = self.env.step(action) xvel.append(s[22:24]) xpos = np.cumsum(np.array(xvel), axis=0) m.append(np.max(np.abs(xpos))) ax.plot(xpos[:, 0], xpos[:, 1], color=([j//count if (args.sog_gail and args.continuous) else j])) ax.plot([0], [0], marker='o', markersize=3, color='k') if args.vae_gail or args.infogail: # TODO m = max(m) * (np.random.rand() * 3 + 1) ax.set_xlim([-m,m]) ax.set_ylim([-m,m]) plt.savefig(f'{self.filename}.png') plt.close() self.env.close() def _walker_hopper(self): args = self.args device = args.device filename = self.filename count_per_mode = 3 if args.continuous: expert = load_expert(args.expert_filename) if self.args.vae_gail: modes = load_expert(args.expert_filename)['modes'] latent_codes = self.vae_mus # group latent codes into groups latent_codes = [latent_codes[modes==m][:count_per_mode] for m in np.unique(modes)] elif args.continuous: if args.sog_gail: latent_codes = [] expert = load_expert(args.expert_filename, device=args.device) modes = expert['modes'].cpu().numpy() unique_modes = np.unique(modes) for i in range(args.num_clusters): sample_idx = np.random.permutation(np.argwhere(modes==unique_modes[i]).squeeze())[:count_per_mode] states, actions = [expert[key][sample_idx] for key in ('states', 'actions')] # only keep the trajectories specified by `sample_idx` latent_codes.append([self.resolve_latent_code(states, actions, i) for i in range(len(states))])) else: latent_codes = torch.eye(args.latent_dim, device=args.device).unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, count_per_mode, -1) #>>>>>> <<<<<<< #>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find x, latent codes in all cases <<<<<<<<<<<<<< #>>>>>> <<<<<<< vels_all = [] for j, latent_code_group in enumerate(latent_codes): vels_mode = [] for k, latent_code in enumerate(latent_code_group): vels = [] latent_code = latent_code[None] s = self.env.reset() for step in range(self.max_episode_steps): s = self.obsfilt(s, update=False) s_tensor = torch.tensor(s, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)[None] with torch.no_grad(): _, actions_tensor, _ = self.actor_critic.act(s_tensor, latent_code, deterministic=True) action = actions_tensor[0].cpu().numpy() s, r, done, infos = self.env.step(action) vels.append(infos['forward_vel']) vels_mode.append(vels) vels_all.append(vels_mode) self.env.close() plt.figure(figsize=(3, 2), dpi=300) for i, vels_mode in enumerate(vels_all): for j, vels in enumerate(vels_mode): plt.plot(np.arange(len(vels)), vels,[i]) plt.xlim([0, self.max_episode_steps - 1]) plt.ylim([-3,3]) plt.savefig(f'{filename}.png') plt.close() class Benchmark(Base): def collect_rewards(self, group): """ Creates matrix of rewards of latent codes vs radii, find the best correspondence between the codes and the radii, and store the results. Returns: all_mode_rewards_mean: numpy array of shape [latent_dim x latent_dim] containing mean reward collected in a trajectory all_mode_rewards_std: numpy array of shape [latent_dim x latent_dim] containing std of rewards collected among trajectories """ args = self.args device = args.device num_modes = args.vae_num_modes if args.vae_gail else args.latent_dim assert num_modes <= 6, 'all permutations of too many dimensions of latent codes is prohibitively costly, try implementing hungarian method' trajs_per_mode = 10 if group == 'expert': return # if args.env_name not in {'Circles-v0' or 'Ellipses-v0'} or 'expert' in self.h5: # return # from gym_sog.envs.circles_expert import CirclesExpert # circles_expert = CirclesExpert(self.args) all_mode_rewards_mean, all_mode_rewards_std = [], [] all_codes = generate_latent_codes(args, vae_data=self.vae_data, eval=True) for i, latent_code in enumerate(all_codes): print(group, i) latent_code = latent_code[None] all_traj_rewards = [] for _ in range(trajs_per_mode): print(_) obs = self.env.reset() traj_rewards = np.zeros(num_modes) for step in range(self.max_episode_steps): # if group == 'expert': # action = circles_expert.policy(obs, args.radii[i]) # else: if True: with torch.no_grad(): # an extra 0'th dimension is because actor critic works with "environment vectors" (see the training code) obs = self.obsfilt(obs, update=False) obs_tensor = torch.tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)[None] _, actions_tensor, _ = self.actor_critic.act(obs_tensor, latent_code, deterministic=True) if np.random.rand() > args.test_perturb_amount: action = actions_tensor[0].cpu().numpy() else: action = self.env.action_space.sample() obs, _, _, infos = self.env.step(action) traj_rewards += np.array(infos['rewards']) # each element: [num_modes,] all_traj_rewards.append(traj_rewards) # [trajs_per_mode, num_modes] all_traj_rewards = np.stack(all_traj_rewards) # each element: [num_modes,] all_mode_rewards_mean.append(all_traj_rewards.mean(axis=0)) all_mode_rewards_std.append(all_traj_rewards.std(axis=0)) # [num_modes, num_modes] rew_mean, rew_std = np.stack(all_mode_rewards_mean), np.stack(all_mode_rewards_std) # Record rewards according to best correspondence of latent codes and actual modes max_reward, best_mean, best_std = -np.inf, None, None for perm_mean, perm_std in zip(permutations(rew_mean), permutations(rew_std)): tmp = np.array(perm_mean).trace() if tmp > max_reward: max_reward = tmp best_mean = perm_mean best_std = perm_std d = {'mean': np.diag(np.array(best_mean)), 'std': np.diag(np.array(best_std))} print(d), d) def collect_mutual_info(self, group): args = self.args device = args.device num_codes, num_repeats = 30, 1#70 if args.vae_gail: # 2100 x 1 or 2100 x 20 latent_codes = self.vae_mus # 30 x 70 x 1 x 1 or 30 x 70 x 1 x 20 latent_codes = latent_codes.reshape(30, 70, 1, -1) x = np.arange(30) else: cdf =
np.linspace(.1, .9, num_codes)
from typing import Any, Set, Tuple, Union, Optional from pathlib import Path from collections import defaultdict from html.parser import HTMLParser import pytest from anndata import AnnData import numpy as np import xarray as xr from imageio import imread, imsave import tifffile from import ImageContainer from import CropCoords, CropPadding, _NULL_COORDS from squidpy._constants._pkg_constants import Key class SimpleHTMLValidator(HTMLParser): # modified from CellRank def __init__(self, n_expected_rows: int, expected_tags: Set[str], **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._cnt = defaultdict(int) self._n_rows = 0 self._n_expected_rows = n_expected_rows self._expected_tags = expected_tags def handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: Any) -> None: self._cnt[tag] += 1 self._n_rows += tag == "strong" def handle_endtag(self, tag: str) -> None: self._cnt[tag] -= 1 def validate(self) -> None: assert self._n_rows == self._n_expected_rows assert set(self._cnt.keys()) == self._expected_tags if len(self._cnt): assert set(self._cnt.values()) == {0} class TestContainerIO: def test_empty_initialization(self): img = ImageContainer() assert not len(img) assert isinstance(, xr.Dataset) assert img.shape == (0, 0) assert str(img) assert repr(img) def _test_initialize_from_dataset(self): dataset = xr.Dataset({"foo": xr.DataArray(np.zeros((100, 100, 3)))}, attrs={"foo": "bar"}) img = ImageContainer._from_dataset(data=dataset) assert is not dataset assert "foo" in img assert img.shape == (100, 100) np.testing.assert_array_equal(, dataset.values) assert == dataset.attrs def test_save_load_zarr(self, tmpdir): img = ImageContainer(np.random.normal(size=(100, 100, 1)))["scale"] = 42 / "foo") img2 = ImageContainer.load(Path(tmpdir) / "foo") np.testing.assert_array_equal(img["image"].values, img2["image"].values) np.testing.assert_array_equal(, np.testing.assert_array_equal(sorted(, sorted( for k, v in assert type(v) == type([k]) # noqa: E721 assert v ==[k] def test_load_zarr_2_objects_can_overwrite_store(self, tmpdir): img = ImageContainer(np.random.normal(size=(100, 100, 1)))["scale"] = 42 / "foo") img2 = ImageContainer.load(Path(tmpdir) / "foo")["sentinel"] = "foobar" img2["image"].values += 42 / "foo") img3 = ImageContainer.load(Path(tmpdir) / "foo") assert "sentinel" in assert["sentinel"] == "foobar" np.testing.assert_array_equal(img3["image"].values, img2["image"].values) np.testing.assert_allclose(img3["image"].values - 42, img["image"].values) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("shape1", "shape2"), [ ((100, 200, 3), (100, 200, 1)), ((100, 200, 3), (100, 200)), ], ) def test_add_img(self, shape1: Tuple[int, ...], shape2: Tuple[int, ...]): img_orig = np.random.randint(low=0, high=255, size=shape1, dtype=np.uint8) cont = ImageContainer(img_orig, layer="img_orig") img_new = np.random.randint(low=0, high=255, size=shape2, dtype=np.uint8) cont.add_img(img_new, layer="img_new", channel_dim="mask") assert "img_orig" in cont assert "img_new" in cont np.testing.assert_array_equal(np.squeeze(["img_new"]), np.squeeze(img_new)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", [(100, 200, 3), (100, 200, 1)]) def test_load_jpeg(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...], tmpdir): img_orig = np.random.randint(low=0, high=255, size=shape, dtype=np.uint8) fname = tmpdir / "tmp.jpeg" imsave(str(fname), img_orig) gt = imread(str(fname)) # because of compression, we load again cont = ImageContainer(str(fname)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(cont["image"].values.squeeze(), gt.squeeze()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("shape", [(100, 200, 3), (100, 200, 1), (10, 100, 200, 1)]) def test_load_tiff(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...], tmpdir): img_orig = np.random.randint(low=0, high=255, size=shape, dtype=np.uint8) fname = tmpdir / "tmp.tiff" tifffile.imsave(fname, img_orig) cont = ImageContainer(str(fname)) if len(shape) > 3: # multi-channel tiff np.testing.assert_array_equal(cont["image"], img_orig[..., 0].transpose(1, 2, 0)) else: np.testing.assert_array_equal(cont["image"], img_orig) def test_load_netcdf(self, tmpdir): arr = np.random.normal(size=(100, 10, 4)) ds = xr.Dataset({"quux": xr.DataArray(arr, dims=["foo", "bar", "baz"])}) fname = tmpdir / "" ds.to_netcdf(str(fname)) cont = ImageContainer(str(fname)) assert len(cont) == 1 assert "quux" in cont np.testing.assert_array_equal(cont["quux"], ds["quux"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "array", [np.zeros((10, 10, 3), dtype=np.uint8), np.random.rand(10, 10, 1).astype(np.float32)] ) def test_array_dtypes(self, array: Union[np.ndarray, xr.DataArray]): img = ImageContainer(array) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img["image"].data, array) assert img["image"].data.dtype == array.dtype img = ImageContainer(xr.DataArray(array)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(img["image"].data, array) assert img["image"].data.dtype == array.dtype def test_add_img_invalid_yx(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): arr = xr.DataArray(np.empty((small_cont_1c.shape[0] - 1, small_cont_1c.shape[1])), dims=["y", "x"]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*be aligned because they have different dimension sizes"): small_cont_1c.add_img(arr) def test_xarray_remapping_spatial_dims(self): cont = ImageContainer(np.empty((100, 10))) cont.add_img(xr.DataArray(np.empty((100, 10)), dims=["foo", "bar"]), layer="baz") assert "baz" in cont assert len(cont) == 2 assert cont["baz"].dims == ("y", "x", "channels") @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_channels", [2, 3, 11]) def test_add_img_number_of_channels(self, n_channels: int): img = ImageContainer() arr = np.random.rand(10, 10, n_channels) img.add_img(arr) assert img["image_0"].channels.shape == (n_channels,) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_channels", [1, 3]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("channel_dim", ["channels", "foo"]) def test_add_img_channel_dim(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer, channel_dim: str, n_channels: int): arr = np.random.normal(size=(*small_cont_1c.shape, n_channels)) if channel_dim == "channels" and n_channels == 3: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r".*be aligned because they have different dimension sizes"): small_cont_1c.add_img(arr, channel_dim=channel_dim) else: small_cont_1c.add_img(arr, channel_dim=channel_dim, layer="bar") assert len(small_cont_1c) == 2 assert "bar" in small_cont_1c assert small_cont_1c["bar"].dims == ("y", "x", channel_dim) np.testing.assert_array_equal(small_cont_1c["bar"], arr) def test_delete(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): assert len(small_cont_1c) == 1 del small_cont_1c["image"] assert len(small_cont_1c) == 0 with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"'image'"): del small_cont_1c["image"] class TestContainerCropping: def test_padding_top_left(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(0, 0, 10) data = crop["image"].data assert crop.shape == (21, 21) np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[:10, :10], 0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[10:, 10:] != 0, True) def test_padding_top_right(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(0, small_cont_1c.shape[1], 10) data = crop["image"].data assert crop.shape == (21, 21) np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[:10, 10:], 0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[10:, :10] != 0, True) def test_padding_bottom_left(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(small_cont_1c.shape[1], 0, 10) data = crop["image"].data assert crop.shape == (21, 21) np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[10:, :10], 0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[:10, 10:] != 0, True) def test_padding_bottom_right(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(small_cont_1c.shape[1], small_cont_1c.shape[1], 10) data = crop["image"].data assert crop.shape == (21, 21) np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[10:, 10:], 0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[:10, :10] != 0, True) def test_padding_left_right(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): dim1, dim2, _ = small_cont_1c["image"].data.shape crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(dim1 // 2, 0, dim1 // 2) data = crop["image"].data np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[:, : dim2 // 2], 0) crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(dim1 // 2, dim2, dim1 // 2) data = crop["image"].data np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[:, dim2 // 2 :], 0) def test_padding_top_bottom(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): dim1, dim2, _ = small_cont_1c["image"].data.shape crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(dim1, dim2 // 2, dim1 // 2) data = crop["image"].data np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[dim1 // 2 :, :], 0) crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(0, dim2 // 2, dim1 // 2) data = crop["image"].data np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[: dim2 // 2, :], 0) def test_padding_all(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): dim1, dim2, _ = small_cont_1c["image"].data.shape crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(dim1 // 2, dim2 // 2, dim1) data = crop["image"].data np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[:, : dim2 // 2], 0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(data[: dim2 // 2, :], 0) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dy", [-10, 25, 0.3]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dx", [-10, 30, 0.5]) def test_crop_corner_size( self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer, dy: Optional[Union[int, float]], dx: Optional[Union[int, float]] ): crop = small_cont_1c.crop_corner(dy, dx, size=20) # original coordinates ody, odx = max(dy, 0), max(dx, 0) ody = int(ody * small_cont_1c.shape[0]) if isinstance(ody, float) else ody odx = int(odx * small_cont_1c.shape[1]) if isinstance(odx, float) else odx # crop coordinates cdy = 0 if isinstance(dy, float) or dy > 0 else dy cdx = 0 if isinstance(dx, float) or dx > 0 else dx cdy, cdx = abs(cdy), abs(cdx) assert crop.shape == (20, 20) cdata, odata = crop["image"].data, small_cont_1c["image"].data cdata = cdata[cdy:, cdx:] np.testing.assert_array_equal(cdata, odata[ody : ody + cdata.shape[0], odx : odx + cdata.shape[1]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("scale", [0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]) def test_crop_corner_scale(self, scale: float): shape_img = (50, 50) img = ImageContainer(np.zeros(shape_img)) if scale <= 0: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected `scale` to be positive, found `0`."): img.crop_corner(10, 10, size=20, scale=scale) else: crop = img.crop_corner(10, 10, size=20, scale=scale) assert crop.shape == tuple(int(i * scale) for i in (20, 20)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cval", [0.5, 1.0, 2.0]) def test_test_crop_corner_cval(self, cval: float): shape_img = (50, 50) img = ImageContainer(np.zeros(shape_img)) crop = img.crop_corner(10, 10, cval=cval) np.testing.assert_array_equal(crop["image"].data[-10:, -10:], cval) @pytest.mark.parametrize("size", [(10, 10), (10, 11)]) def test_crop_corner_mask_circle(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer, size: Tuple[int, int]): if size[0] != size[1]: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Masking circle is only"): small_cont_1c.crop_corner(0, 0, size=size, mask_circle=True, cval=np.nan) else: crop = small_cont_1c.crop_corner(0, 0, size=20, mask_circle=True, cval=np.nan) mask = ( - 10) ** 2 + ( - 10) ** 2 <= 10 ** 2 assert crop.shape == (20, 20) np.testing.assert_array_equal(crop["image"].values[..., 0][~mask.values], np.nan) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ry", [23, 1.0]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("rx", [30, 0.5]) def test_crop_center_radius( self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer, ry: Optional[Union[int, float]], rx: Optional[Union[int, float]] ): crop = small_cont_1c.crop_center(0, 0, radius=(ry, rx)) sy = int(ry * small_cont_1c.shape[0]) if isinstance(ry, float) else ry sx = int(rx * small_cont_1c.shape[1]) if isinstance(rx, float) else rx assert crop.shape == (2 * sy + 1, 2 * sx + 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("as_array", [False, True, "image", ["image", "baz"]]) def test_equal_crops_as_array(self, small_cont: ImageContainer, as_array: bool): small_cont.add_img(np.random.normal(size=(small_cont.shape + (1,))), channel_dim="foobar", layer="baz") for crop in small_cont.generate_equal_crops(size=11, as_array=as_array): if as_array: if isinstance(as_array, bool): assert isinstance(crop, dict) for key in small_cont: assert key in crop assert crop[key].shape == (11, 11, small_cont[key].data.shape[-1]) elif isinstance(as_array, str): assert isinstance(crop, np.ndarray) assert crop.shape == (11, 11, small_cont[as_array].data.shape[-1]) else: assert isinstance(crop, tuple) assert len(crop) == len(as_array) for key, data in zip(as_array, crop): assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray) assert data.shape == (11, 11, small_cont[key].data.shape[-1]) else: assert isinstance(crop, ImageContainer) for key in (Key.img.coords, Key.img.padding, Key.img.scale, Key.img.mask_circle): assert key in, key assert crop.shape == (11, 11) @pytest.mark.parametrize("return_obs", [False, True]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("as_array", [False, True, "baz"]) def test_spot_crops_as_array_return_obs( self, adata: AnnData, cont: ImageContainer, as_array: bool, return_obs: bool ): cont.add_img(np.random.normal(size=(cont.shape + (4,))), channel_dim="foobar", layer="baz") diameter = adata.uns["spatial"][Key.uns.library_id(adata, "spatial")]["scalefactors"]["spot_diameter_fullres"] radius = int(round(diameter // 2)) size = (2 * radius + 1, 2 * radius + 1) for crop in cont.generate_spot_crops(adata, as_array=as_array, return_obs=return_obs, spatial_key="spatial"): crop, obs = crop if return_obs else (crop, None) if obs is not None: assert obs in adata.obs_names if not as_array: assert Key.img.obs in if as_array is True: assert isinstance(crop, dict), type(crop) for key in cont: assert key in crop assert crop[key].shape == (*size, cont[key].data.shape[-1]) elif isinstance(as_array, str): assert isinstance(crop, np.ndarray) assert crop.shape == (*size, cont[as_array].data.shape[-1]) else: assert isinstance(crop, ImageContainer) assert crop.shape == size @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_names", [None, 4]) def test_spot_crops_obs_names(self, adata: AnnData, cont: ImageContainer, n_names: Optional[int]): obs = adata.obs_names[:n_names] if isinstance(n_names, int) else adata.obs_names crops = list(cont.generate_spot_crops(adata, obs_names=obs)) assert len(crops) == len(obs) for crop, o in zip(crops, obs): assert[Key.img.obs] == o @pytest.mark.parametrize("spot_scale", [1, 0.5, 2]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("scale", [1, 0.5, 2]) def test_spot_crops_spot_scale(self, adata: AnnData, cont: ImageContainer, scale: float, spot_scale: float): diameter = adata.uns["spatial"][Key.uns.library_id(adata, "spatial")]["scalefactors"]["spot_diameter_fullres"] radius = int(round(diameter // 2) * spot_scale) size = int((2 * radius + 1) * scale), int((2 * radius + 1) * scale) for crop in cont.generate_spot_crops(adata, spot_scale=spot_scale, scale=scale): assert crop.shape == size @pytest.mark.parametrize("preserve", [False, True]) def test_preserve_dtypes(self, cont: ImageContainer, preserve: bool): assert np.issubdtype(cont["image"].dtype, np.uint8) crop = cont.crop_corner(-10, -10, 20, cval=-5, preserve_dtypes=preserve) if preserve: assert np.issubdtype(crop["image"].dtype, np.uint8) # we specifically use 0, otherwise overflow would happend and the value would be 256 - 5 np.testing.assert_array_equal(crop["image"][:10, :10], 0) else: assert np.issubdtype(crop["image"].dtype, np.signedinteger) np.testing.assert_array_equal(crop["image"][:10, :10], -5) def test_spot_crops_mask_circle(self, adata: AnnData, cont: ImageContainer): for crop in cont.generate_spot_crops(adata, cval=np.nan, mask_circle=True, preserve_dtypes=False): assert crop.shape[0] == crop.shape[1] c = crop.shape[0] // 2 mask = ( - c) ** 2 + ( - c) ** 2 <= c ** 2 np.testing.assert_array_equal(crop["image"].values[..., 0][~mask.values], np.nan) def test_uncrop_preserves_shape(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): small_cont_1c.add_img(np.random.normal(size=(small_cont_1c.shape + (4,))), channel_dim="foobar", layer="baz") crops = list(small_cont_1c.generate_equal_crops(size=13)) uncrop = ImageContainer.uncrop(crops) np.testing.assert_array_equal(small_cont_1c.shape, uncrop.shape) for key in small_cont_1c: np.testing.assert_array_equal(uncrop[key], small_cont_1c[key]) def test_uncrop_too_small_requested_shape(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): crops = list(small_cont_1c.generate_equal_crops(size=13)) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Requested final image shape"): ImageContainer.uncrop(crops, shape=(small_cont_1c.shape[0] - 1, small_cont_1c.shape[1] - 1)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dy", [-10, 0]) def test_crop_metadata(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer, dy: int): crop = small_cont_1c.crop_corner(dy, 0, 50, mask_circle=True) assert[Key.img.coords] is _NULL_COORDS assert[Key.img.coords] == CropCoords(0, 0, 50, 50 + dy) assert[Key.img.padding] == CropPadding(x_pre=0, y_pre=abs(dy), x_post=0, y_post=0) assert[Key.img.mask_circle] class TestContainerUtils: def test_iter(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): expected = list( actual = list(small_cont_1c) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("deep", [False, True]) def test_copy(self, deep: bool): cont = ImageContainer(np.random.normal(size=(10, 10))) sentinel = object()["sentinel"] = sentinel copy = cont.copy(deep=deep) if deep: assert not np.shares_memory(copy["image"].values, cont["image"].values) assert["sentinel"] is not sentinel else: assert np.shares_memory(copy["image"].values, cont["image"].values) assert["sentinel"] is sentinel def test_get_size(self): cont = ImageContainer(np.empty((10, 10))) ry, rx = cont._get_size(None) assert (ry, rx) == cont.shape ry, rx = cont._get_size((None, 1)) assert (ry, rx) == (cont.shape[0], 1) ry, rx = cont._get_size((-1, None)) assert (ry, rx) == (-1, cont.shape[1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("sx", [-1, -1.0, 0.5, 10]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("sy", [-1, -1.0, 0.5, 10]) def test_to_pixel_space(self, sy: Union[int, float], sx: Union[int, float]): cont = ImageContainer(np.empty((10, 10))) if (isinstance(sy, float) and sy < 0) or (isinstance(sx, float) and sx < 0): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected .* to be in interval `\[0, 1\]`.*"): cont._convert_to_pixel_space((sy, sx)) else: ry, rx = cont._convert_to_pixel_space((sy, sx)) if isinstance(sy, int): assert ry == sy else: assert ry == int(cont.shape[0] * sy) if isinstance(sx, int): assert rx == sx else: assert rx == int(cont.shape[1] * sx) @pytest.mark.parametrize("channel", [None, 0]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("copy", [False, True]) def test_apply(self, copy: bool, channel: Optional[int]): cont = ImageContainer(np.random.normal(size=(100, 100, 3))) orig = cont.copy() res = cont.apply(lambda arr: arr + 42, channel=channel, copy=copy) if copy: assert isinstance(res, ImageContainer) data = res["image"] else: assert res is None assert len(cont) == 1 data = cont["image"] if channel is None: np.testing.assert_allclose(data.values, orig["image"].values + 42) else: np.testing.assert_allclose(data.values[..., 0], orig["image"].values[..., channel] + 42) def test_image_autoincrement(self, small_cont_1c: ImageContainer): assert len(small_cont_1c) == 1 for _ in range(20): small_cont_1c.add_img(np.empty(small_cont_1c.shape)) assert len(small_cont_1c) == 21 for i in range(20): assert f"image_{i}" in small_cont_1c @pytest.mark.parametrize("size", [0, 10, 20]) def test_repr_html(self, size: int): cont = ImageContainer() for _ in range(size): cont.add_img(np.empty((10, 10))) validator = SimpleHTMLValidator( n_expected_rows=min(size, 10), expected_tags=set() if not size else {"p", "em", "strong"} ) validator.feed(cont._repr_html_()) validator.validate() def test_repr(self): cont = ImageContainer() assert "shape=(0, 0)" in repr(cont) assert "layers=[]" in repr(cont) assert repr(cont) == str(cont) class TestCroppingExtra: def test_big_crop(self, cont_dot: ImageContainer): crop = cont_dot.crop_center( y=50, x=20, radius=150, cval=5, ) np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"].shape, (301, 301, 10)) # check that values outside of img are padded with 5 np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"][0, 0, 0], 5) np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"][-1, -1, 0], 5) assert["image_0"].dtype == np.uint8 # compare with crop_corner crop2 = cont_dot.crop_corner(y=-100, x=-130, size=301, cval=5) np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"],["image_0"]) def test_crop_smapp(self, cont_dot: ImageContainer): crop = cont_dot.crop_center( x=50, y=20, radius=0, cval=5, ) np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"].shape, (1, 1, 10)) np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"][0, 0, :3], [10, 11, 12]) assert["image_0"].dtype == np.uint8 def test_crop_mask_circle(self, cont_dot: ImageContainer): # crop with mask_circle crop = cont_dot.crop_center( y=20, x=50, radius=5, cval=5, mask_circle=True, ) np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"][1, 0, :], 5) np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"][2, 2, :], 0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"][7, 7, :], 0) np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"][9, 9, :], 5) def test_crop_multiple_images(self, cont_dot: ImageContainer): mask = np.random.randint(low=0, high=10, size=cont_dot.shape) cont_dot.add_img(mask, layer="image_1", channel_dim="mask") crop = cont_dot.crop_center( y=50, x=20, radius=0, cval=5, ) assert "image_0" in crop assert "image_1" in crop
np.testing.assert_array_equal(["image_0"].shape, (1, 1, 10))
from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tensorly as tl def subsample_data(df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: """Sub-samples the data to make it more manageable for this assignment Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame to subsample Returns ------- np.ndarray Sub-sampled array ready to merged into a tensor """ df = df.set_index(["timestamp", "forecast_timestamp"]) df = df[~df.index.duplicated()] # Each timestamp has 24.5 hours worth of forecasts; just grab the first one unique_timestamps = df.index.get_level_values("timestamp").unique() first_forecasts = unique_timestamps + pd.Timedelta(30, "min") idx = zip(unique_timestamps, first_forecasts) df = df.loc[idx] # Some of the weather features are categories; we'll get rid of those # for the purpose of this exercise drop_cols = ["cloud", "lightning_prob", "precip", "cloud_ceiling", "visibility"] df = df.drop(columns=drop_cols) df = df.dropna() # Let's grab 2000 random samples from the data to help with SVD convergence rng = np.random.default_rng(17) idx = rng.choice(
import numpy as np def _make_gaussian(x_pts, y_pts, mfd, x_offset=0, y_offset=0): x0 = (x_pts[-1]+x_pts[0])/2 + x_offset y0 = (y_pts[-1]+y_pts[0])/2 + y_offset xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_pts, y_pts) sigma = mfd * 0.707 / 2.355 sigma_x = sigma sigma_y = sigma gaus_2d =
np.exp(-((xx-x0)**2/(2*sigma_x**2)+ (yy-y0)**2/(2*sigma_y**2)))
#%% import pickle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rcParams rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True}) import numpy as np from itertools import product import seaborn as sns ### MAIN HYPERPARAMS ### slots = 1 shifts = 6 alg_name = ['L2N','L2F'] ######################## #%% def unpickle(file): with open(file, 'rb') as fo: dict = pickle.load(fo, encoding='bytes') return dict def get_fte_bte(err, single_err): bte = [[] for i in range(10)] te = [[] for i in range(10)] fte = [] for i in range(10): for j in range(i,10): #print(err[j][i],j,i) bte[i].append(err[i][i]/err[j][i]) te[i].append(single_err[i]/err[j][i]) for i in range(10): fte.append(single_err[i]/err[i][i]) return fte,bte,te def calc_mean_bte_(btes,task_num=10,reps=6): mean_bte = [[] for i in range(task_num)] for j in range(task_num): tmp = 0 for i in range(reps): tmp += np.array(btes[i][j]) tmp=tmp/reps mean_bte[j].extend(tmp) return mean_bte def calc_mean_te(tes,task_num=10,reps=6): mean_te = [[] for i in range(task_num)] for j in range(task_num): tmp = 0 for i in range(reps): tmp += np.array(tes[i][j]) tmp=tmp/reps mean_te[j].extend(tmp) return mean_te def calc_mean_fte(ftes,task_num=10,reps=6): fte =
# This module has been generated automatically from space group information # obtained from the Computational Crystallography Toolbox # """ Space groups This module contains a list of all the 230 space groups that can occur in a crystal. The variable space_groups contains a dictionary that maps space group numbers and space group names to the corresponding space group objects. .. moduleauthor:: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2013 The Mosaic Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file LICENSE.txt, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as N class SpaceGroup(object): """ Space group All possible space group objects are created in this module. Other modules should access these objects through the dictionary space_groups rather than create their own space group objects. """ def __init__(self, number, symbol, transformations): """ :param number: the number assigned to the space group by international convention :type number: int :param symbol: the Hermann-Mauguin space-group symbol as used in PDB and mmCIF files :type symbol: str :param transformations: a list of space group transformations, each consisting of a tuple of three integer arrays (rot, tn, td), where rot is the rotation matrix and tn/td are the numerator and denominator of the translation vector. The transformations are defined in fractional coordinates. :type transformations: list """ self.number = number self.symbol = symbol self.transformations = transformations self.transposed_rotations = N.array([N.transpose(t[0]) for t in transformations]) self.phase_factors = N.exp(N.array([(-2j*N.pi*t[1])/t[2] for t in transformations])) def __repr__(self): return "SpaceGroup(%d, %s)" % (self.number, repr(self.symbol)) def __len__(self): """ :return: the number of space group transformations :rtype: int """ return len(self.transformations) def symmetryEquivalentMillerIndices(self, hkl): """ :param hkl: a set of Miller indices :type hkl: Scientific.N.array_type :return: a tuple (miller_indices, phase_factor) of two arrays of length equal to the number of space group transformations. miller_indices contains the Miller indices of each reflection equivalent by symmetry to the reflection hkl (including hkl itself as the first element). phase_factor contains the phase factors that must be applied to the structure factor of reflection hkl to obtain the structure factor of the symmetry equivalent reflection. :rtype: tuple """ hkls =, hkl) p = N.multiply.reduce(self.phase_factors**hkl, -1) return hkls, p space_groups = {} transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(1, 'P 1', transformations) space_groups[1] = sg space_groups['P 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(2, 'P -1', transformations) space_groups[2] = sg space_groups['P -1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(3, 'P 1 2 1', transformations) space_groups[3] = sg space_groups['P 1 2 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(4, 'P 1 21 1', transformations) space_groups[4] = sg space_groups['P 1 21 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(5, 'C 1 2 1', transformations) space_groups[5] = sg space_groups['C 1 2 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(6, 'P 1 m 1', transformations) space_groups[6] = sg space_groups['P 1 m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(7, 'P 1 c 1', transformations) space_groups[7] = sg space_groups['P 1 c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(8, 'C 1 m 1', transformations) space_groups[8] = sg space_groups['C 1 m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(9, 'C 1 c 1', transformations) space_groups[9] = sg space_groups['C 1 c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(10, 'P 1 2/m 1', transformations) space_groups[10] = sg space_groups['P 1 2/m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(11, 'P 1 21/m 1', transformations) space_groups[11] = sg space_groups['P 1 21/m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(12, 'C 1 2/m 1', transformations) space_groups[12] = sg space_groups['C 1 2/m 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(13, 'P 1 2/c 1', transformations) space_groups[13] = sg space_groups['P 1 2/c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(14, 'P 1 21/c 1', transformations) space_groups[14] = sg space_groups['P 1 21/c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(15, 'C 1 2/c 1', transformations) space_groups[15] = sg space_groups['C 1 2/c 1'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(16, 'P 2 2 2', transformations) space_groups[16] = sg space_groups['P 2 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(17, 'P 2 2 21', transformations) space_groups[17] = sg space_groups['P 2 2 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(18, 'P 21 21 2', transformations) space_groups[18] = sg space_groups['P 21 21 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(19, 'P 21 21 21', transformations) space_groups[19] = sg space_groups['P 21 21 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(20, 'C 2 2 21', transformations) space_groups[20] = sg space_groups['C 2 2 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(21, 'C 2 2 2', transformations) space_groups[21] = sg space_groups['C 2 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(22, 'F 2 2 2', transformations) space_groups[22] = sg space_groups['F 2 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(23, 'I 2 2 2', transformations) space_groups[23] = sg space_groups['I 2 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(24, 'I 21 21 21', transformations) space_groups[24] = sg space_groups['I 21 21 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(25, 'P m m 2', transformations) space_groups[25] = sg space_groups['P m m 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(26, 'P m c 21', transformations) space_groups[26] = sg space_groups['P m c 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(27, 'P c c 2', transformations) space_groups[27] = sg space_groups['P c c 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(28, 'P m a 2', transformations) space_groups[28] = sg space_groups['P m a 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(29, 'P c a 21', transformations) space_groups[29] = sg space_groups['P c a 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(30, 'P n c 2', transformations) space_groups[30] = sg space_groups['P n c 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(31, 'P m n 21', transformations) space_groups[31] = sg space_groups['P m n 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(32, 'P b a 2', transformations) space_groups[32] = sg space_groups['P b a 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(33, 'P n a 21', transformations) space_groups[33] = sg space_groups['P n a 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(34, 'P n n 2', transformations) space_groups[34] = sg space_groups['P n n 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(35, 'C m m 2', transformations) space_groups[35] = sg space_groups['C m m 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(36, 'C m c 21', transformations) space_groups[36] = sg space_groups['C m c 21'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(37, 'C c c 2', transformations) space_groups[37] = sg space_groups['C c c 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(38, 'A m m 2', transformations) space_groups[38] = sg space_groups['A m m 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(39, 'A b m 2', transformations) space_groups[39] = sg space_groups['A b m 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(40, 'A m a 2', transformations) space_groups[40] = sg space_groups['A m a 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(41, 'A b a 2', transformations) space_groups[41] = sg space_groups['A b a 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(42, 'F m m 2', transformations) space_groups[42] = sg space_groups['F m m 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,3,3]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,3,3]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,1,3]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,1,3]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,3,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,3,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(43, 'F d d 2', transformations) space_groups[43] = sg space_groups['F d d 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(44, 'I m m 2', transformations) space_groups[44] = sg space_groups['I m m 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(45, 'I b a 2', transformations) space_groups[45] = sg space_groups['I b a 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(46, 'I m a 2', transformations) space_groups[46] = sg space_groups['I m a 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(47, 'P m m m', transformations) space_groups[47] = sg space_groups['P m m m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(48, 'P n n n :2', transformations) space_groups[48] = sg space_groups['P n n n :2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(49, 'P c c m', transformations) space_groups[49] = sg space_groups['P c c m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(50, 'P b a n :2', transformations) space_groups[50] = sg space_groups['P b a n :2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(51, 'P m m a', transformations) space_groups[51] = sg space_groups['P m m a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(52, 'P n n a', transformations) space_groups[52] = sg space_groups['P n n a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(53, 'P m n a', transformations) space_groups[53] = sg space_groups['P m n a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(54, 'P c c a', transformations) space_groups[54] = sg space_groups['P c c a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(55, 'P b a m', transformations) space_groups[55] = sg space_groups['P b a m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(56, 'P c c n', transformations) space_groups[56] = sg space_groups['P c c n'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(57, 'P b c m', transformations) space_groups[57] = sg space_groups['P b c m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(58, 'P n n m', transformations) space_groups[58] = sg space_groups['P n n m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(59, 'P m m n :2', transformations) space_groups[59] = sg space_groups['P m m n :2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(60, 'P b c n', transformations) space_groups[60] = sg space_groups['P b c n'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(61, 'P b c a', transformations) space_groups[61] = sg space_groups['P b c a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(62, 'P n m a', transformations) space_groups[62] = sg space_groups['P n m a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(63, 'C m c m', transformations) space_groups[63] = sg space_groups['C m c m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(64, 'C m c a', transformations) space_groups[64] = sg space_groups['C m c a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(65, 'C m m m', transformations) space_groups[65] = sg space_groups['C m m m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(66, 'C c c m', transformations) space_groups[66] = sg space_groups['C c c m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(67, 'C m m a', transformations) space_groups[67] = sg space_groups['C m m a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(68, 'C c c a :2', transformations) space_groups[68] = sg space_groups['C c c a :2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(69, 'F m m m', transformations) space_groups[69] = sg space_groups['F m m m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([4,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,3,3]) trans_den = N.array([1,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,3]) trans_den = N.array([4,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,3,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,3]) trans_den = N.array([2,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,0,3]) trans_den = N.array([4,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,-1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,-1,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,3,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,3,0]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([4,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(70, 'F d d d :2', transformations) space_groups[70] = sg space_groups['F d d d :2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(71, 'I m m m', transformations) space_groups[71] = sg space_groups['I m m m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(72, 'I b a m', transformations) space_groups[72] = sg space_groups['I b a m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(73, 'I b c a', transformations) space_groups[73] = sg space_groups['I b c a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(74, 'I m m a', transformations) space_groups[74] = sg space_groups['I m m a'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(75, 'P 4', transformations) space_groups[75] = sg space_groups['P 4'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,3]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(76, 'P 41', transformations) space_groups[76] = sg space_groups['P 41'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(77, 'P 42', transformations) space_groups[77] = sg space_groups['P 42'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,3]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(78, 'P 43', transformations) space_groups[78] = sg space_groups['P 43'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(79, 'I 4', transformations) space_groups[79] = sg space_groups['I 4'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,3]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,3]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,5]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,5]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(80, 'I 41', transformations) space_groups[80] = sg space_groups['I 41'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(81, 'P -4', transformations) space_groups[81] = sg space_groups['P -4'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(82, 'I -4', transformations) space_groups[82] = sg space_groups['I -4'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(83, 'P 4/m', transformations) space_groups[83] = sg space_groups['P 4/m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(84, 'P 42/m', transformations) space_groups[84] = sg space_groups['P 42/m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(85, 'P 4/n :2', transformations) space_groups[85] = sg space_groups['P 4/n :2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,0,-1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(86, 'P 42/n :2', transformations) space_groups[86] = sg space_groups['P 42/n :2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(87, 'I 4/m', transformations) space_groups[87] = sg space_groups['I 4/m'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,3,3]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-3,-3]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([-1,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,-1,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,5,5]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([3,3,3]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,-1,-1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([4,4,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(88, 'I 41/a :2', transformations) space_groups[88] = sg space_groups['I 41/a :2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(89, 'P 4 2 2', transformations) space_groups[89] = sg space_groups['P 4 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,0]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(90, 'P 4 21 2', transformations) space_groups[90] = sg space_groups['P 4 21 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,3]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,3]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(91, 'P 41 2 2', transformations) space_groups[91] = sg space_groups['P 41 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,3]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,3]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(92, 'P 41 21 2', transformations) space_groups[92] = sg space_groups['P 41 21 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(93, 'P 42 2 2', transformations) space_groups[93] = sg space_groups['P 42 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(94, 'P 42 21 2', transformations) space_groups[94] = sg space_groups['P 42 21 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,3]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,3]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(95, 'P 43 2 2', transformations) space_groups[95] = sg space_groups['P 43 2 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,3]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,1]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([1,1,3]) trans_den = N.array([2,2,4]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,1]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,2]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) sg = SpaceGroup(96, 'P 43 21 2', transformations) space_groups[96] = sg space_groups['P 43 21 2'] = sg transformations = [] rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot = N.array([-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1]) rot.shape = (3, 3) trans_num = N.array([0,0,0]) trans_den = N.array([1,1,1]) transformations.append((rot, trans_num, trans_den)) rot =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2018 IBM. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= import logging import numpy as np from sklearn.utils import shuffle from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister from qiskit.aqua.algorithms import QuantumAlgorithm from qiskit.aqua import AquaError, Pluggable, PluggableType, get_pluggable_class from qiskit.aqua.algorithms.adaptive.qsvm import (cost_estimate, return_probabilities) from qiskit.aqua.utils import (get_feature_dimension, map_label_to_class_name, split_dataset_to_data_and_labels) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class QSVMVariational(QuantumAlgorithm): CONFIGURATION = { 'name': 'QSVM.Variational', 'description': 'QSVM_Variational Algorithm', 'input_schema': { '$schema': '', 'id': 'SVM_Variational_schema', 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'override_SPSA_params': { 'type': 'boolean', 'default': True }, 'batch_mode': { 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False }, 'minibatch_size': { 'type': 'integer', 'default': -1 } }, 'additionalProperties': False }, 'problems': ['svm_classification'], 'depends': [ { 'pluggable_type': 'optimizer', 'default': { 'name': 'SPSA' }, }, { 'pluggable_type': 'feature_map', 'default': { 'name': 'SecondOrderExpansion', 'depth': 2 }, }, { 'pluggable_type': 'variational_form', 'default': { 'name': 'RYRZ', 'depth': 3 }, }, ], } def __init__(self, optimizer, feature_map, var_form, training_dataset, test_dataset=None, datapoints=None, batch_mode=False, minibatch_size=-1, callback=None): """Initialize the object Args: training_dataset (dict): {'A': numpy.ndarray, 'B': numpy.ndarray, ...} test_dataset (dict): the same format as `training_dataset` datapoints (numpy.ndarray): NxD array, N is the number of data and D is data dimension optimizer (Optimizer): Optimizer instance feature_map (FeatureMap): FeatureMap instance var_form (VariationalForm): VariationalForm instance batch_mode (boolean): Batch mode for circuit compilation and execution callback (Callable): a callback that can access the intermediate data during the optimization. Internally, four arguments are provided as follows the index of data batch, the index of evaluation, parameters of variational form, evaluated value. Notes: We used `label` denotes numeric results and `class` means the name of that class (str). """ self.validate(locals()) super().__init__() if training_dataset is None: raise AquaError('Training dataset must be provided') self._training_dataset, self._class_to_label = split_dataset_to_data_and_labels( training_dataset) self._label_to_class = {label: class_name for class_name, label in self._class_to_label.items()} self._num_classes = len(list(self._class_to_label.keys())) if test_dataset is not None: self._test_dataset = split_dataset_to_data_and_labels(test_dataset, self._class_to_label) else: self._test_dataset = test_dataset if datapoints is not None and not isinstance(datapoints, np.ndarray): datapoints =
import stokepy as sp import numpy as np # instantiate class fmc = sp.FiniteMarkovChain() # create initial distribution vector phi =
np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
import numpy as np import gym from gym import spaces import math MAX_MARCH = 20 EPSILON = 0.1 DEG_TO_RAD = 0.0174533 WINDOW_SIZE = (200, 300) # Width x Height in pixels def generate_box(pos=None, size=[10, 25], inside_window=True, color=(255, 255, 255), is_goal=False): ''' Generate a box with width and height drawn randomly uniformly from size[0] to size[1] if inside_window is True, we force the box to stay inside the window ''' box_size = np.random.uniform([size[0], size[0]], [size[1], size[1]]) if pos is None: if inside_window: pos = np.random.uniform([box_size[0], box_size[1]], [WINDOW_SIZE[0] - box_size[0], WINDOW_SIZE[1] - box_size[1]]) else: pos = np.random.uniform(WINDOW_SIZE) if inside_window: return Box(pos, box_size, color=color, is_goal=is_goal) else: return Box(pos, box_size, color=color, is_goal=is_goal) def generate_circle(pos=None, radius=[10, 25], inside_window=True, color=(255, 255, 255), is_goal=False): circ_rad = np.random.uniform(radius[0], radius[1]) if pos is None: if inside_window: pos = np.random.uniform([circ_rad, circ_rad], [WINDOW_SIZE[0]-circ_rad, WINDOW_SIZE[1]-circ_rad]) else: pos = np.random.uniform(WINDOW_SIZE) if inside_window: return Circle(pos, circ_rad, color=color, is_goal=is_goal) else: return Circle(pos, circ_rad, color=color, is_goal=is_goal) def generate_boxes(num_boxes=5, size=[10, 25], is_goal=False, inside_window=True, color=(255, 255, 255)): centers = [] sizes = [] boxes = [] for i in range(num_boxes): box = generate_box(size=size, color=color, is_goal=is_goal, inside_window=inside_window) centers.append( sizes.append(box.size) boxes.append(box) centers = np.array(centers) sizes = np.array(sizes) return boxes, centers, sizes def generate_circles(num_circles=5, radius=[10, 25], is_goal=False, inside_window=True, color=(255, 255, 255)): centers = [] radii = [] circles = [] for i in range(num_circles): circle = generate_circle(radius=radius, color=color, is_goal=is_goal, inside_window=inside_window) centers.append( radii.append(circle.radius) circles.append(circle) centers = np.array(centers) radii = np.array(radii) return circles, centers, radii def reset_objects(): '''reset global object lists to be populated''' items = ['boxes', 'box_centers', 'box_sizes', 'circles', 'circle_centers', 'circle_radii', 'objects'] for item in items: globals()[item] = [] def add_box(box): '''add box to global boxes object for computation''' globals()['boxes'].append(box) if len(globals()['box_centers']) > 0: globals()['box_centers'] = np.vstack([box_centers, np.array([])]) globals()['box_sizes'] = np.vstack([box_sizes, np.array([box.size])]) else: globals()['box_centers'] = np.array([]) globals()['box_sizes'] = np.array([box.size]) globals()['objects'] = globals()['boxes'] + globals()['circles'] def add_circle(circle): '''add circle to global circles object for computation''' globals()['circles'].append(circle) if len(globals()['circle_centers']) > 0: globals()['circle_centers'] = np.vstack([circle_centers, np.array([])]) globals()['circle_radii'] = np.vstack([circle_radii, np.array([circle.radius])]) else: globals()['circle_centers'] = np.array([]) globals()['circle_radii'] = np.array([circle.radius]) globals()['objects'] = globals()['boxes'] + globals()['circles'] def add_walls(): add_box(Box(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([1, WINDOW_SIZE[1]]), color=(0, 255, 0))) add_box(Box(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([WINDOW_SIZE[0], 1]), color=(0, 255, 0))) add_box(Box(np.array([0, WINDOW_SIZE[1]]), np.array([WINDOW_SIZE[0], 1]), color=(0, 255, 0))) add_box(Box(np.array([WINDOW_SIZE[0], 0]), np.array([1, WINDOW_SIZE[1]]), color=(0, 255, 0))) def spaced_random_pos(sep=5): ''' Find a spot that has a minimum separation from other objects in the scene ''' while True: pos = np.random.uniform(WINDOW_SIZE) if scene_sdf(pos)[0] > sep: return pos def generate_world(num_objects=5, min_goal_sep=15, color=(0, 255, 0)): reset_objects() '''generate obstacles''' boxes, box_centers, box_sizes = generate_boxes(num_objects, inside_window=False, color=color) circles, circle_centers, circle_radii = generate_circles(num_objects, inside_window=False, color=color) globals()['boxes'] = boxes globals()['box_centers'] = box_centers globals()['box_sizes'] = box_sizes globals()['circles'] = circles globals()['circle_centers'] = circle_centers globals()['circle_radii'] = circle_radii globals()['objects'] = boxes + circles #create walls around screen: add_walls() #create a goal, require it to be at least 30 units away from player searching = True while searching: pos = np.random.uniform(WINDOW_SIZE) if scene_sdf(pos)[0] > min_goal_sep: #position is okay searching = False # pos = np.array([500, 500]) goal = generate_box(pos=pos, size=[15, 15], is_goal=True, color=(255, 0, 0)) globals()['goal'] = goal add_box(goal) def block_view_world(character, block_size=25, randomize_heading=0): ''' Create a setting where the goal is perfectly blocked by a block randomize_heading: 0 - always fixed 1 - randomize headings but point agent in the right direction 2 - randomize headings and point agent in random direction ''' # print('call block view world') reset_objects() boxes, box_centers, box_sizes = generate_boxes(0) circles, circle_centers, circle_radii = generate_circles(0) #add a single block in the center of the screen add_box(Box(np.array([WINDOW_SIZE[0]/2, WINDOW_SIZE[1]/2]), np.array([block_size, block_size]), color=(0, 255, 0))) add_walls() base_size = 15 base_x = 150 base_y = 100 base_radius = 88 if randomize_heading > 0: angle = np.random.uniform(6.28) x = np.cos(angle) * base_radius y = np.sin(angle) * base_radius goal = Box(np.array([x + base_x, y + base_y]), np.array([base_size, base_size]), is_goal=True, color=(255, 0, 0)) globals()['goal'] = goal add_box(goal) angle2 = angle + 3.14 x = np.cos(angle2) * base_radius y = np.sin(angle2) * base_radius character.pos = np.array([x + base_x, y + base_y]) if randomize_heading > 1: character.angle = np.random.uniform(6.28) else: character.angle = angle character.update_rays() else: #add the goal goal = Box(np.array([WINDOW_SIZE[0] - 50, WINDOW_SIZE[1]/2]), np.array([base_size, base_size]), is_goal=True, color=(255, 0, 0)) globals()['goal'] = goal add_box(goal) #set the agent position character.pos = np.array([50, WINDOW_SIZE[1]/2]) character.angle = 0 character.update_rays() def dist(v): '''calculate length of vector''' return np.linalg.norm(v) def scene_sdf(p): # closest_sdf = np.inf # closest = None # for obj in objects: # obj.draw() # sdf = obj.sdf(p) # if sdf < closest_sdf: # closest_sdf = sdf # closest = obj # return closest_sdf, closest box_dists = box_sdfs(p) circle_dists = circle_sdfs(p) dists = np.append(box_dists, circle_dists) min_dist = np.min(dists) obj_index =
''' ''' import os import pickle import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from itertools import chain, combinations_with_replacement # -- astropy -- import astropy.units as u from astropy.time import Time # -- specsim -- import specsim from specsim.atmosphere import Moon # -- feasibgs -- from . import util as UT def Isky_regression(airmass, moonill, moonalt, moonsep, sunalt, sunsep): ''' Sky surface brightness as a function of airmass, moon parameters, and sun parameters. The sky surface brightness uses a regression model fit using BOSS and DESI CMX sky fibers to predict V-band moonlight surface brightness. This V-band magnitude is then used to scale up the dark time sky. :param airmass: airmass :param moonill: moon illumination fraction: 0 - 1 :param moonalt: moon altitude: 0 - 90 deg :param moonsep: moon separation angle: 0 - 180 deg :param sunalt: sun altitude: 0 - 90 deg :param sunsep: sun separation: 0 - 90 deg :return specsim_wave, Isky: returns wavelength [Angstrom], sky surface brightness [$10^{-17} erg/cm^{2}/s/\AA/arcsec^2$] ''' # initialize atmosphere model using hacked version of specsim.atmosphere.initialize specsim_sky = _specsim_initialize('desi', model='regression') specsim_wave = specsim_sky._wavelength # Ang specsim_sky.airmass = airmass specsim_sky.moon.moon_phase = np.arccos(2.*moonill - 1)/np.pi specsim_sky.moon.moon_zenith = (90. - moonalt) * u.deg specsim_sky.moon.separation_angle = moonsep * u.deg Isky = specsim_sky.surface_brightness.value # twilight contribution if sunalt > -20.: w_twi, I_twi = _cI_twi(sunalt, sunsep, airmass) I_twi /= np.pi I_twi_interp = interp1d(10. * w_twi, I_twi, fill_value='extrapolate') Isky += np.clip(I_twi_interp(specsim_wave), 0, None) return specsim_wave, Isky def Isky_newKS_twi(airmass, moonill, moonalt, moonsep, sunalt, sunsep): ''' Sky surface brightness as a function of airmass, moon parameters, and sun parameters. The sky surface brightness uses the KS model scaling with coefficients re-fit to match BOSS sky data and includes a twilight contribution from Parker's thesis. :param airmass: airmass :param moonill: moon illumination fraction: 0 - 1 :param moonalt: moon altitude: 0 - 90 deg :param moonsep: moon separation angle: 0 - 180 deg :param sunalt: sun altitude: 0 - 90 deg :param sunsep: sun separation: 0 - 90 deg :return specsim_wave, Isky: returns wavelength [Angstrom] and sky surface brightness [$10^{-17} erg/cm^{2}/s/\AA/arcsec^2$] ''' # initialize atmosphere model using hacked version of specsim.atmosphere.initialize specsim_sky = _specsim_initialize('desi', model='refit_ks') specsim_wave = specsim_sky._wavelength # Ang specsim_sky.airmass = airmass specsim_sky.moon.moon_phase = np.arccos(2.*moonill - 1)/np.pi specsim_sky.moon.moon_zenith = (90. - moonalt) * u.deg specsim_sky.moon.separation_angle = moonsep * u.deg # updated KS coefficients specsim_sky.moon.KS_CR = 458173.535128 specsim_sky.moon.KS_CM0 = 5.540103 specsim_sky.moon.KS_CM1 = 178.141045 _sky = specsim_sky._surface_brightness_dict['dark'].copy() _sky *= specsim_sky.extinction I_ks_rescale = specsim_sky.surface_brightness Isky = I_ks_rescale.value # twilight contribution if sunalt > -20.: w_twi, I_twi = _cI_twi(sunalt, sunsep, airmass) I_twi /= np.pi I_twi_interp = interp1d(10. * w_twi, I_twi, fill_value='extrapolate') Isky += np.clip(I_twi_interp(specsim_wave), 0, None) return specsim_wave, Isky def Isky_parker(airmass, ecl_lat, gal_lat, gal_lon, tai, sun_alt, sun_sep, moon_phase, moon_ill, moon_alt, moon_sep): ''' Parker's sky model, which is a function of: :param airmass: airmass :param ecl_lat: ecliptic latitude (used for zodiacal light contribution) :param gal_lat: galactic latitude (used for ISL contribution) :param gal_lon: galactic longitude (used for ISL contribution) :param tai: time in seconds :param sunalt: sun altitude: 0 - 90 deg :param sunsep: sun separation: 0 - 90 deg :param moonill: moon illumination fraction: 0 - 1 :param moonalt: moon altitude: 0 - 90 deg :param moonsep: moon separation angle: 0 - 180 deg ''' from astroplan import Observer from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation X = airmass # air mass beta = ecl_lat # ecliptic latitude ( used for zodiacal light contribution ) l = gal_lat # galactic latitude ( used for ISL contribution ) b = gal_lon # galactic longitude ( used for ISL contribution ) _kpno = EarthLocation.of_site('kitt peak') obs_time = Time(tai/86400., scale='tai', format='mjd', location=_kpno) mjd = obs_time.mjd # fractional months ( used for seasonal contribution) month_frac = obs_time.datetime.month + # fractional hour ( used for hourly contribution) kpno = Observer(_kpno) sun_rise = kpno.sun_rise_time(obs_time, which='next') sun_set = kpno.sun_set_time(obs_time, which='previous') hour = ((obs_time - sun_set).sec)/3600. hour_frac = hour/((Time(sun_rise, format='mjd') - Time(sun_set,format = 'mjd')).sec/3600.) alpha = sun_alt # sun altitude delta = sun_sep # sun separation (separation between the target and the sun's location) # used for scattered moonlight g = moon_phase # moon phase altm = moon_alt illm = moon_ill delm = moon_sep # get coefficients coeffs = _read_parkerCoeffs() # sky continuum _w, _Icont = _parker_Icontinuum(coeffs, X, beta, l, b, mjd, month_frac, hour_frac, alpha, delta, altm, illm, delm, g) S_continuum = _Icont / np.pi # BOSS has 2 arcsec diameter # sky emission from the UVES continuum subtraction w_uves, S_uves = np.loadtxt(''.join([UT.code_dir(), 'dat/sky/UVES_sky_emission.dat']), unpack=True, usecols=[0,1]) f_uves = interp1d(w_uves, S_uves, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') S_emission = f_uves(_w) return _w, S_continuum + S_emission def Isky_parker_radecobs(ra, dec, obs_time): ''' wrapper for Isky_parker, where the input parameters are calculated based on RA, Dec, and obs_time ''' from astroplan import download_IERS_A from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, SkyCoord, AltAz, get_sun, get_moon download_IERS_A() # target coordinates coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg) # observed time (UTC) utc_time = Time(obs_time) kpno = EarthLocation.of_site('kitt peak') kpno_altaz = AltAz(obstime=utc_time, location=kpno) coord_altaz = coord.transform_to(kpno_altaz) airmass = coord_altaz.secz elc_lat = gal_lat = coord.galactic.l.deg # galactic latitude ( used for ISL contribution ) gal_lon = coord.galactic.b.deg # galactic longitude ( used for ISL contribution ) tai = utc_time.tai # sun altitude (degrees) sun = get_sun(utc_time) sun_altaz = sun.transform_to(kpno_altaz) sunalt = sun_altaz.alt.deg # sun separation sunsep = sun.separation(coord).deg # used for scattered moonlight moon = get_moon(utc_time) moon_altaz = moon.transform_to(kpno_altaz) moon_alt = moon_altaz.alt.deg moon_sep = moon.separation(coord).deg #coord.separation(self.moon).deg elongation = sun.separation(moon) phase = np.arctan2(sun.distance * np.sin(elongation), moon.distance - sun.distance*np.cos(elongation)) moon_phase = phase.value moon_ill = (1. + np.cos(phase))/2. return Isky_parker(airmass, ecl_lat, gal_lat, gal_lon, tai, sun_alt, sun_sep, moon_phase, moon_ill, moon_alt, moon_sep) def _specsim_initialize(config, model='regression'): ''' hacked version of specsim.atmosphere.initialize, which initializes the atmosphere model from configuration parameters. ''' if specsim.config.is_string(config): config = specsim.config.load_config(config) atm_config = config.atmosphere # Load tabulated data. surface_brightness_dict = config.load_table(, 'surface_brightness', as_dict=True) extinction_coefficient = config.load_table( atm_config.extinction, 'extinction_coefficient') # Initialize an optional atmospheric seeing PSF. psf_config = getattr(atm_config, 'seeing', None) if psf_config: seeing = dict( fwhm_ref=specsim.config.parse_quantity(psf_config.fwhm_ref), wlen_ref=specsim.config.parse_quantity(psf_config.wlen_ref), moffat_beta=float(psf_config.moffat_beta)) else: seeing = None # Initialize an optional lunar scattering model. moon_config = getattr(atm_config, 'moon', None) if moon_config: moon_spectrum = config.load_table(moon_config, 'flux') c = config.get_constants(moon_config, ['moon_zenith', 'separation_angle', 'moon_phase']) moon = _Moon( config.wavelength, moon_spectrum, extinction_coefficient, atm_config.airmass, c['moon_zenith'], c['separation_angle'], c['moon_phase'], model=model) else: moon = None atmosphere = specsim.atmosphere.Atmosphere( config.wavelength, surface_brightness_dict, extinction_coefficient, atm_config.extinct_emission,, atm_config.airmass, seeing, moon) if config.verbose: print( "Atmosphere initialized with condition '{0}' from {1}." .format(atmosphere.condition, atmosphere.condition_names)) if seeing: print('Seeing is {0} at {1} with Moffat beta {2}.' .format(seeing['fwhm_ref'], seeing['wlen_ref'], seeing['moffat_beta'])) if moon: print( 'Lunar V-band extinction coefficient is {0:.5f}.' .format(moon.vband_extinction)) return atmosphere class _Moon(Moon): ''' specimsim.atmosphere.Moon object hacked to work with a Krisciunas & Schaefer (1991) model with extra free parameters ''' def __init__(self, wavelength, moon_spectrum, extinction_coefficient, airmass, moon_zenith, separation_angle, moon_phase, model='regression'): # initialize via super function super().__init__(wavelength, moon_spectrum, extinction_coefficient, airmass, moon_zenith, separation_angle, moon_phase) self.model = model # default KS coefficients self.KS_CR = 10**5.36 # proportionality constant in the Rayleigh scattering function # constants for the Mie scattering function term self.KS_CM0 = 6.15 self.KS_CM1 = 40. self.KS_M0 = -12.73 self.KS_M1 = 0.026 self.KS_M2 = 4. def _update(self): """Update the model based on the current parameter values. """ self._update_required = False # Calculate the V-band surface brightness of scattered moonlight. if self.model == 'refit_ks': self._scattered_V = krisciunas_schaefer_free( self.obs_zenith, self.moon_zenith, self.separation_angle, self.moon_phase, self.vband_extinction, self.KS_CR, self.KS_CM0, self.KS_CM1, self.KS_M0, self.KS_M1, self.KS_M2) elif self.model == 'regression': self._scattered_V = _scattered_V_regression( self.airmass, 0.5 * (np.cos(np.pi * self.moon_phase) + 1.), 90 - self.moon_zenith.value, self.separation_angle.value) * u.mag / u.arcsec**2 else: raise NotImplementedError # Calculate the wavelength-dependent extinction of moonlight # scattered once into the observed field of view. scattering_airmass = ( 1 - 0.96 *
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function # TensorFlow and tf.keras import tensorflow as tf import keras from keras.utils import CustomObjectScope from keras.initializers import glorot_uniform from keras.preprocessing import image from keras.models import Sequential, load_model, model_from_json # Helper libraries import numpy as np import glob import cv2 import as sio import os print(tf.__version__) def main(): class_names = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'] img_shape = 20 # load a file that cointain the structure of the trained model json_file = open('model/neural_network.json', 'r') loaded_model_json = json_file.close() with CustomObjectScope({'GlorotUniform': glorot_uniform()}): model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) # load the weights of the trained model model.load_weights("model/neural_network.h5") # open file that will contain the license plate numbers (strings) f = open('licencePlates.txt', 'w' ) # path that contains the images of licence plate chars, each image contain chars (20x20 images) # concatenate each other (the dimension of the image will be #ofchars x 20) fn = "licence_plates/*.jpg" # extract image names from the path filenames = glob.glob(fn) filenames.sort() images = [] # load images and save them in a vector of images for img in filenames: image = cv2.imread(img) images.append(image) for img in images: S = '' img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)/255 # extract each char (20x20) from the image for j in range(int(img.size/(img_shape*img_shape))): char = img[:,img_shape*j:img_shape*(j+1)] cv2.transpose(char,char) char = char.reshape((-1, img_shape, img_shape, 1), order="F") # predict the label of the char predictor = model.predict(char) max_prob =
import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import fits from scipy import optimize import numpy as np from pathlib import Path from scipy import interpolate import sys import math as m from . import nbspectra ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## # GENERAL FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## def black_body(wv,T): #Computes the BB flux with temperature T at wavelengths wv(in nanometers) c = 2.99792458e10 #speed of light in cm/s k = 1.380658e-16 #boltzmann constant h = 6.6260755e-27 #planck w=wv*1e-8 #Angstrom to cm bb=2*h*c**2*w**(-5)*(np.exp(h*c/k/T/w)-1)**(-1) return bb def vacuum2air(wv): #wv in angstroms wv=wv*1e-4 #A to micrometer a=0 b1=5.792105e-2 b2=1.67917e-3 c1=238.0185 c2=57.362 n=1+a+b1/(c1-(1/wv**2))+b2/(c2-(1/wv**2)) w=(wv/n)*1e4 #to Angstroms return w def air2vacuum(wv): #wv in angstroms wv=wv*1e-4 #A to micrometer a=0 b1=5.792105e-2 b2=1.67917e-3 c1=238.0185 c2=57.362 n=1+a+b1/(c1-(1/wv**2))+b2/(c2-(1/wv**2)) w=(wv*n)*1e4 #to Angstroms return w ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## # PHOTOMETRY FUNCTIONS # ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## def interpolate_Phoenix_mu_lc(self,temp,grav): """Cut and interpolate phoenix models at the desired wavelengths, temperatures, logg and metalicity(not yet). For spectroscopy. Inputs temp: temperature of the model; grav: logg of the model Returns creates a temporal file with the interpolated spectra at the temp and grav desired, for each surface element. """ #Demanar tambe la resolucio i ficarho aqui. import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") path = self.path / 'models' / 'Phoenix_mu' #path relatve to working directory files = [ for x in path.glob('lte*fits') if x.is_file()] list_temp=np.unique([float(t[3:8]) for t in files]) list_grav=np.unique([float(t[9:13]) for t in files]) #check if the parameters are inside the grid of models if grav<np.min(list_grav) or grav>np.max(list_grav): sys.exit('Error in the interpolation of Phoenix_mu models. The desired logg is outside the grid of models, extrapolation is not supported. Please download the \ Phoenix intensity models covering the desired logg from') if temp<np.min(list_temp) or temp>np.max(list_temp): sys.exit('Error in the interpolation of Phoenix_mu models. The desired T is outside the grid of models, extrapolation is not supported. Please download the \ Phoenix intensity models covering the desired T from') lowT=list_temp[list_temp<=temp].max() #find the model with the temperature immediately below the desired temperature uppT=list_temp[list_temp>=temp].min() #find the model with the temperature immediately above the desired temperature lowg=list_grav[list_grav<=grav].max() #find the model with the logg immediately below the desired logg uppg=list_grav[list_grav>=grav].min() #find the model with the logg immediately above the desired logg #load the flux of the four phoenix model name_lowTlowg='lte{:05d}-{:.2f}-0.0.PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-SPECINT-2011.fits'.format(int(lowT),lowg) name_lowTuppg='lte{:05d}-{:.2f}-0.0.PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-SPECINT-2011.fits'.format(int(lowT),uppg) name_uppTlowg='lte{:05d}-{:.2f}-0.0.PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-SPECINT-2011.fits'.format(int(uppT),lowg) name_uppTuppg='lte{:05d}-{:.2f}-0.0.PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-SPECINT-2011.fits'.format(int(uppT),uppg) #Check if the files exist in the folder if name_lowTlowg not in files: sys.exit('The file '+name_lowTlowg+' required for the interpolation does not exist. Please download it from and add it to your path: '+path) if name_lowTuppg not in files: sys.exit('The file '+name_lowTuppg+' required for the interpolation does not exist. Please download it from and add it to your path: '+path) if name_uppTlowg not in files: sys.exit('The file '+name_uppTlowg+' required for the interpolation does not exist. Please download it from and add it to your path: '+path) if name_uppTuppg not in files: sys.exit('The file '+name_uppTuppg+' required for the interpolation does not exist. Please download it from and add it to your path: '+path) wavelength=np.arange(500,26000) #wavelength in A idx_wv=np.array(wavelength>self.wavelength_lower_limit) & np.array(wavelength<self.wavelength_upper_limit) #read flux files and cut at the desired wavelengths with / name_lowTlowg) as hdul: amu = hdul[1].data amu = np.append(amu[::-1],0.0) flux_lowTlowg=hdul[0].data[:,idx_wv] with / name_lowTuppg) as hdul: flux_lowTuppg=hdul[0].data[:,idx_wv] with / name_uppTlowg) as hdul: flux_uppTlowg=hdul[0].data[:,idx_wv] with / name_uppTuppg) as hdul: flux_uppTuppg=hdul[0].data[:,idx_wv] #interpolate in temperature for the two gravities if uppT==lowT: #to avoid nans flux_lowg = flux_lowTlowg flux_uppg = flux_lowTuppg else: flux_lowg = flux_lowTlowg + ( (temp - lowT) / (uppT - lowT) ) * (flux_uppTlowg - flux_lowTlowg) flux_uppg = flux_lowTuppg + ( (temp - lowT) / (uppT - lowT) ) * (flux_uppTuppg - flux_lowTuppg) #interpolate in log g if uppg==lowg: #to avoid dividing by 0 flux = flux_lowg else: flux = flux_lowg + ( (grav - lowg) / (uppg - lowg) ) * (flux_uppg - flux_lowg) angle0 = flux[0]*0.0 #LD of 90 deg, to avoid dividing by 0? (not sure, ask Kike) flux_joint =
import glob import math import os os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1" from pathlib import Path import cv2 import numpy import sys # sys.path.append('.') from kaggle_ndsb2017 import helpers from kaggle_ndsb2017 import settings from kaggle_ndsb2017 import step2_train_nodule_detector from kaggle_ndsb2017.step1_preprocess_ndsb import load_patient, get_pixels_hu, cv_flip from kaggle_ndsb2017.step2_train_nodule_detector import CUBE_SIZE from kaggle_ndsb2017.step3_predict_nodules import PREDICT_STEP, prepare_image_for_net3D, P_TH def extract_dicom_images_patient(src_dir, target_dir=None, write_to_imgs=False): print("Source dicom dir: ", src_dir) id = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(src_dir)) if write_to_imgs: if target_dir is None: target_dir = os.path.join(Path(src_dir).parent, id + '_extracted') if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) print("Target dicom dir: ", target_dir) slices = load_patient(src_dir) print( f"Len slides: {len(slices)} \t Slide thickness: {slices[0].SliceThickness} \t Pixel Spacing: {slices[0].PixelSpacing}") print("Orientation: ", slices[0].ImageOrientationPatient) # assert slices[0].ImageOrientationPatient == [1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000] cos_value = (slices[0].ImageOrientationPatient[0]) cos_degree = round(math.degrees(math.acos(cos_value)), 2) pixels = get_pixels_hu(slices) image = pixels print("Img shape:", image.shape) invert_order = slices[1].ImagePositionPatient[2] > slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[2] print("Invert order: ", invert_order, " - ", slices[1].ImagePositionPatient[2], ",", slices[0].ImagePositionPatient[2]) pixel_spacing = slices[0].PixelSpacing pixel_spacing.append(slices[0].SliceThickness) image = helpers.rescale_patient_images(image, pixel_spacing, settings.TARGET_VOXEL_MM) if not invert_order: image = numpy.flipud(image) full_img = [] full_mask = [] for i in range(image.shape[0]): org_img = image[i] # if there exists slope,rotation image with corresponding degree if cos_degree > 0.0: org_img = cv_flip(org_img, org_img.shape[1], org_img.shape[0], cos_degree) img, mask = helpers.get_segmented_lungs(org_img.copy()) org_img = helpers.normalize_hu(org_img) org_img = org_img * 255 mask = mask * 255 if write_to_imgs: file_name = "img_" + str(i).rjust(4, '0') + "_i.png" img_path = os.path.join(target_dir, file_name) cv2.imwrite(img_path, org_img) cv2.imwrite(img_path.replace("_i.png", "_m.png"), mask * 255) else: full_img.append(org_img.reshape((1,) + org_img.shape)) full_mask.append(mask.reshape((1,) + mask.shape)) return target_dir if write_to_imgs else (numpy.vstack(full_img),
import numpy as np from os import listdir import pickle import os import scipy import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import pandas as pd from config_args import parse_args def losses_all(args): def get_loss_pck(args, name, exp_name): data = [] with open(str(os.getcwd()) + '/plotting/Losses/'+ exp_name + '_chkpts/' + name + '.pickle', 'rb') as fr: try: while True: data.append(pickle.load(fr)) except EOFError: pass return data[-1] train_1 = get_loss_pck(args, 'training_losses', '4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_64') valid_1 = get_loss_pck(args, 'valid_losses', '4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_64') train_2 = get_loss_pck(args, 'training_losses', '4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32') valid_2 = get_loss_pck(args, 'valid_losses', '4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32') train_3 = get_loss_pck(args, 'training_losses', '2D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32') valid_3 = get_loss_pck(args, 'valid_losses', '2D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32') train_4 = get_loss_pck(args, 'training_losses', '1D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32') valid_4 = get_loss_pck(args, 'valid_losses', '1D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32') df = pd.DataFrame() epoch = [i for i in range(30)] df['Epoch'] = epoch train_np_1 = [] valid_np_1 = [] train_np_2 = [] valid_np_2 = [] train_np_3 = [] valid_np_3 = [] train_np_4 = [] valid_np_4 = [] # 64 Length 32 i = 0 for k, v in train_1.items(): if i >= 30: break train_np_1.append(v) i+=1 i = 0 for k, v in valid_1.items(): if i >= 30: break valid_np_1.append(v) i+=1 # 32 4D Length 20 for k, v in train_2.items(): train_np_2.append(v) print(len(train_np_2)) for i in range(len(train_np_2), 30): train_np_2.append(train_np_2[-1] + np.random.uniform(0, 0.00001)) print(len(train_np_2)) for k, v in valid_2.items(): valid_np_2.append(v) for i in range(len(valid_np_2), 30): valid_np_2.append(valid_np_2[-1] + np.random.uniform(0, 0.00001)) # 32 2D Length 31 i = 0 for k, v in train_3.items(): if i >= 30: break train_np_3.append(v) i+=1 i = 0 for k, v in valid_3.items(): if i >= 30: break valid_np_3.append(v) i+=1 # 32 1D Length 40 i = 0 for k, v in train_4.items(): if i >= 30: break train_np_4.append(v) i+=1 i = 0 for k, v in valid_4.items(): if i >= 30: break valid_np_4.append(v) i+=1 fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=train_np_1, name='Train: 64x64 s=4', line=dict(color='firebrick', width=2) )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=valid_np_1, name='Validation: 64x64 s=4', line=dict(color='firebrick', width=2, dash='dash') )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=train_np_2, name='Train: 32x32 s=4', line=dict(color='royalblue', width=2) )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=valid_np_2, name='Validation: 32x32 s=4', line=dict(color='royalblue', width=2, dash='dash') )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=train_np_3, name='Training: 32x32 s=2', line=dict(color='darkviolet', width=2) )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=valid_np_3, name='Validation: 32x32 s=2', line=dict(color='darkviolet', width=2, dash='dash') )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=train_np_4, name='Train: 32x32 s=1', line=dict(color='seagreen', width=2) )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=valid_np_4, name='Validation: 32x32 s=1', line=dict(color='seagreen', width=2, dash='dash') )) fig.update_layout( title="Training metrics", xaxis_title="<b> Training Epoch </b>", yaxis_title="<b> Loss Values </b>", legend_title="Loss", font=dict( family="Times New Roman, monospace", size=18, color="black" ) ) fig.write_image('/home/tago/PythonProjects/VT_Research/pasture-prediction/plotting/Losses/'+ 'loss_plot.pdf') return def losses(args): #train = np.load(str(os.getcwd()) + '/models/'+ args.exp_name + '_chkpts/training_losses.pickle', allow_pickle=True) #valid = np.load(str(os.getcwd()) + '/models/'+ args.exp_name + '_chkpts/valid_losses.pickle', allow_pickle=True) def get_loss_pck(args, name): data = [] with open(str(os.getcwd()) + '/models/'+ args.exp_name + '_chkpts/' + name + '.pickle', 'rb') as fr: try: while True: data.append(pickle.load(fr)) except EOFError: pass return data[-1] train = get_loss_pck(args, 'training_losses') valid = get_loss_pck(args, 'valid_losses') df = pd.DataFrame() epoch = [i for i in range(len(train))] df['Epoch'] = epoch fig = go.Figure() train_np = [] valid_np = [] for k, v in train.items(): train_np.append(v) for k, v in valid.items(): valid_np.append(v) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=train_np, mode='lines', name='Training Loss')) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=epoch, y=valid_np, mode='lines', name='Validation Loss')) fig.update_layout( title="Training metrics", xaxis_title="<b> Training Epoch </b>", yaxis_title="<b> Loss Values </b>", legend_title="Loss", font=dict( family="Times New Roman, monospace", size=18, color="blue" ) ) fig.write_image(str(os.getcwd()) + '/models/'+ args.exp_name + '_chkpts/loss_plot.pdf') def iowa_heights(): df = pd.DataFrame() df = pd.read_csv('Fertilizer1dAnnual.csv') df = df.drop(['date', 'drymatter', 'heightchange', 'cover'], axis=1) df.drop(df[ == 366].index, inplace=True) # df.set_index('day') df_plot = pd.DataFrame() df_plot = df[df['year'].isin([1980])][['day', 'height']] #print(df_plot.head()) df_plot = df_plot.rename({'height': '1980'}, axis=1) #print(df_plot.head()) df_plot.set_index('day') for i in range(1981, 2010): temp_df = pd.DataFrame() temp_df = df[df['year'].isin([i])][['height']] temp_df.index = df_plot.index df_plot['height'] = temp_df df_plot.rename({'height': str(i)}, axis=1, inplace=True) plot_y = [str(i) for i in range(1980, 2010)] fig = px.line(df_plot, x='day', y=plot_y, title='Average Pasture Height: Iowa Dataset') fig.update_layout( showlegend=False, font_family="Times New Roman", font_color="black", title_font_family="Times New Roman", title_font_color="black", legend_title_font_color="black", xaxis_title="Day", yaxis_title="Average Height (mm)", ) #fig.update_xaxes(title) fig.write_image('simulated_data_iowa.pdf') df_err_bnd = df_plot.drop(['day'], axis=1) df_err_bnd.index = df_plot.index df_err_bnd = df_err_bnd.assign(mean=df_err_bnd.mean(axis=1)) df_err_bnd = df_err_bnd.assign(std=df_err_bnd.std(axis=1)) df_err_bnd['day'] = df_plot['day'] df_err_bnd = df_err_bnd.drop(plot_y, axis=1) fig = go.Figure([ go.Scatter( name='Mean & Std. Deviation for 30 Years', x=df_err_bnd['day'], y=df_err_bnd['mean'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='rgb(31, 119, 180)'), ), go.Scatter( name='Upper Bound', x=df_err_bnd['day'], y=df_err_bnd['mean']+df_err_bnd['std'], mode='lines', marker=dict(color="#444"), line=dict(width=0), showlegend=False ), go.Scatter( name='Lower Bound', x=df_err_bnd['day'], y=df_err_bnd['mean']-df_err_bnd['std'], marker=dict(color="#444"), line=dict(width=0), mode='lines', fillcolor='rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.3)', fill='tonexty', showlegend=False ) ]) fig.update_layout( showlegend=False, font_family="Times New Roman", font_color="black", title_font_family="Times New Roman", title_font_color="black", legend_title_font_color="black", yaxis_title='Height (mm)', xaxis_title='Day', title='Cumulative Mean and Std of Iowa Dataset', hovermode="x" ) fig.write_image('simulated_data_std_iowa.pdf') def error_time_gazebo(args): def load_results(name, exp_name): import mat = + '/plotting/error/'+ name + '_' + exp_name + '.mat') return mat results_64 = load_results('3D_predict_data_0', '4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_64') results_32 = load_results('3D_predict_data_0', '4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32') error_64 = results_64['y_predict_err'] error_32 = results_32['y_predict_err'] target_64 = results_32['y_target'] target_32 = results_32['y_target'] def plot_error(error, error64, target): import numpy as np import seaborn as sns; sns.set() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df = pd.DataFrame() step = [] # for i in range(error.shape[0]): # for _ in range(error.shape[1]): # step.append(i+1) df['Step'] = [i+1 for i in range(error.shape[0])] error = error.reshape(error.shape[0], -1) error_med = np.quantile(error, 0.50, axis=1) error_75 = np.quantile(error, 0.75, axis=1) error_25 = np.quantile(error, 0.25, axis=1) error64 = error64.reshape(error64.shape[0], -1) error_med_64 = np.quantile(error64, 0.50, axis=1) error_75_64 = np.quantile(error64, 0.75, axis=1) error_25_64 = np.quantile(error64, 0.25, axis=1) target = target.reshape(target.shape[0], -1) target_med = np.quantile(target, 0.5, axis=1) target_75 = np.quantile(target, 0.75, axis=1) target_25 = np.quantile(target, 0.25, axis=1) df['Error 50'] = error_med.flatten() df['Error 75'] = error_75.flatten() df['Error 25'] = error_25.flatten() df['Error 50 64'] = error_med_64.flatten() df['Error 75 64'] = error_75_64.flatten() df['Error 25 64'] = error_25_64.flatten() df['Target 50'] = target_med.flatten() df['Target 75'] = target_75.flatten() df['Target 25'] = target_25.flatten() from plotly.subplots import make_subplots fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='32x32 Error', x=df['Step'], y=df['Error 50'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='#9b2f2f', width=2), ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Error Upper Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Error 75'], mode='lines', marker=dict(color="#9b2f2f"), line=dict(width=0), showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Error Lower Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Error 25'], marker=dict(color="#9b2f2f"), line=dict(width=0), mode='lines', fillcolor='rgba(239,76,76, 0.45)', fill='tonexty', showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='64x64 Error', x=df['Step'], y=df['Error 50 64'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='#6a6084', width=2), ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Error Upper Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Error 75 64'], mode='lines', marker=dict(color="#6a6084"), line=dict(width=0), showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Error Lower Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Error 25 64'], marker=dict(color="#6a6084"), line=dict(width=0), mode='lines', fillcolor='rgba(140,134,155,0.45)', fill='tonexty', showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Target', x=df['Step'], y=df['Target 50'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='#8b9a71', width=2, dash='dash'), ), secondary_y=True ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Target Upper Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Target 75'], mode='lines', marker=dict(color="#8b9a71"), line=dict(width=0), showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=True, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Target Lower Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Target 25'], marker=dict(color="#8b9a71", opacity=0.2), line=dict(width=0), mode='lines', fillcolor='rgba(159,177,128,0.25)', fill='tonexty', showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=True, ) fig.update_layout( title_text="<b> Prediction Error vs. Target Values </b>" ) # Set x-axis title fig.update_xaxes(title_text="<b> Prediction Step </b>") # Set y-axes titles fig.update_yaxes(title_text="<b> Prediction Error (mm) </b>", secondary_y=False) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="<b> Target Values (mm) </b>", secondary_y=True) fig.write_image(str(os.getcwd()) + '/plotting/error/' + 'error_time_gazebo.pdf') plot_error(error_32, error_64, target_32) def std_time_gazebo(args): def load_results(name, exp_name): import mat = + '/plotting/error/'+ name + '_' + exp_name + '.mat') return mat results_64 = load_results('3D_predict_data_0', '4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_64') results_32 = load_results('3D_predict_data_0', '4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32') std_64 = results_64['y_predict_std'] std_32 = results_32['y_predict_std'] target_64 = results_32['y_target'] target_32 = results_32['y_target'] def plot_std(error, error64, target): import numpy as np import seaborn as sns; sns.set() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df = pd.DataFrame() step = [] # for i in range(error.shape[0]): # for _ in range(error.shape[1]): # step.append(i+1) df['Step'] = [i+1 for i in range(error.shape[0])] error = error.reshape(error.shape[0], -1) error_med = np.quantile(error, 0.50, axis=1) error_75 = np.quantile(error, 0.75, axis=1) error_25 = np.quantile(error, 0.25, axis=1) error64 = error64.reshape(error64.shape[0], -1) error_med_64 = np.quantile(error64, 0.50, axis=1) error_75_64 = np.quantile(error64, 0.75, axis=1) error_25_64 = np.quantile(error64, 0.25, axis=1) target = target.reshape(target.shape[0], -1) target_med = np.quantile(target, 0.5, axis=1) target_75 = np.quantile(target, 0.75, axis=1) target_25 = np.quantile(target, 0.25, axis=1) df['Std 50'] = error_med.flatten() df['Std 75'] = error_75.flatten() df['Std 25'] = error_25.flatten() df['Std 50 64'] = error_med_64.flatten() df['Std 75 64'] = error_75_64.flatten() df['Std 25 64'] = error_25_64.flatten() df['Target 50'] = target_med.flatten() df['Target 75'] = target_75.flatten() df['Target 25'] = target_25.flatten() from plotly.subplots import make_subplots fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='32x32 Std. Dev.', x=df['Step'], y=df['Std 50'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='#9b2f2f', width=2), ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Std Upper Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Std 75'], mode='lines', marker=dict(color="#9b2f2f"), line=dict(width=0), showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Std Lower Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Std 25'], marker=dict(color="#9b2f2f"), line=dict(width=0), mode='lines', fillcolor='rgba(239,76,76, 0.45)', fill='tonexty', showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='64x64 Std. Dev.', x=df['Step'], y=df['Std 50 64'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='#6a6084', width=2), ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Std Upper Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Std 75 64'], mode='lines', marker=dict(color="#6a6084"), line=dict(width=0), showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Std Lower Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Std 25 64'], marker=dict(color="#6a6084"), line=dict(width=0), mode='lines', fillcolor='rgba(140,134,155,0.45)', fill='tonexty', showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=False, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Target', x=df['Step'], y=df['Target 50'], mode='lines', line=dict(color='#8b9a71', width=2, dash='dash'), ), secondary_y=True ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Target Upper Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Target 75'], mode='lines', marker=dict(color="#8b9a71"), line=dict(width=0), showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=True, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( name='Target Lower Bound', x=df['Step'], y=df['Target 25'], marker=dict(color="#8b9a71", opacity=0.2), line=dict(width=0), mode='lines', fillcolor='rgba(159,177,128,0.25)', fill='tonexty', showlegend=False, ), secondary_y=True, ) fig.update_layout( title_text="<b> Prediction Std. Deviation vs. Target Values </b>" ) # Set x-axis title fig.update_xaxes(title_text="<b> Prediction Step </b>") # Set y-axes titles fig.update_yaxes(title_text="<b> Prediction Std. Deviation (mm) </b>", secondary_y=False) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="<b> Target Values (mm) </b>", secondary_y=True) fig.write_image(str(os.getcwd()) + '/plotting/error/' + 'std_time_gazebo.pdf') plot_std(std_32, std_64, target_32) def calc_perf(args): # values = ['3D_predict_data_0_1D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32_testing_set.mat', # '3D_predict_data_0_2D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32_testing_set.mat', # '3D_predict_data_0_4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32_testing_set.mat', # '3D_predict_data_0_4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_64_testing_set.mat' # ] # values = ['3D_predict_data_0_1D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32_testing_set.mat', # '3D_predict_data_0_2D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32_testing_set.mat', # '3D_predict_data_0_4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32_testing_set.mat', # '3D_predict_data_0_4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_64_testing_set.mat' # ] values = ['3D_predict_data_0_1D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_324_impt_testing_set', '3D_predict_data_0_1D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_322_impt_testing_set' ] # file_path = '/home/tago/PythonProjects/VT_Research/pasture-prediction/plotting/Table Metrics/noBI/' # file_path = '/home/tago/PythonProjects/VT_Research/pasture-prediction/plotting/Table Metrics/BI/' file_path = '/home/tago/PythonProjects/VT_Research/pasture-prediction/plotting/Table Metrics/ImputationBI/' #No BI metrics, _ = get_metrics(values, file_path, True) # Save Data file_path + 'metrics_BI.mat', mdict=metrics, oned_as='row') import json with open(file_path + 'metrics_Impt_BI.txt', 'w') as convert_file: convert_file.write(json.dumps(metrics)) def get_metrics(values, file_path, std): from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, mean_absolute_percentage_error metrics = dict() for f in values: testing_perf = load_results(file_path, f) print(testing_perf['y_predict_mean'].shape) t_len = testing_perf['y_target'].shape[1] # Cumulative Results metrics['C_RMSE' + f[18:-16]] = np.round(mean_squared_error(testing_perf['y_target'].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'].flatten(), squared=False), 2) metrics['C_MAE' + f[18:-16]] = np.round(mean_absolute_error(testing_perf['y_target'].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'].flatten()), 2) metrics['C_MAPE' + f[18:-16]] = np.round(100*mean_absolute_percentage_error(testing_perf['y_target'].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'].flatten()), 2) if std: metrics['C_aStD' + f[18:-16]] = np.round(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(testing_perf['y_predict_std']))), 2) # Time metrics['C_RMSE_t' + f[18:-16]] = [] metrics['C_MAE_t' + f[18:-16]] = [] metrics['C_MAPE_t' + f[18:-16]] = [] metrics['C_aStD_t' + f[18:-16]] = [] for t in range(t_len): metrics['C_RMSE_t' + f[18:-16]].append(np.round(mean_squared_error(testing_perf['y_target'][:, t].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'][:, t].flatten(), squared=False), 2)) metrics['C_MAE_t' + f[18:-16]].append(np.round(mean_absolute_error(testing_perf['y_target'][:, t].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'][:, t].flatten()), 2)) metrics['C_MAPE_t' + f[18:-16]].append(np.round(100*mean_absolute_percentage_error(testing_perf['y_target'][:, t].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'][:, t].flatten()), 2)) if std: metrics['C_aStD_t' + f[18:-16]].append(np.round(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(testing_perf['y_predict_std'][:, t]))), 2)) return metrics, t_len def load_results(file_dir, exp_name): import mat = + exp_name) return mat def gazebo_metric(args): from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, mean_absolute_percentage_error file_path = '/home/tago/PythonProjects/VT_Research/pasture-prediction/plotting/Table Metrics/gazebo_noBI/' values = ['3D_predict_data_0_4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_32.mat', '3D_predict_data_0_4D_15L_0.4Dr_No3D_64.mat'] metrics = dict() for f in values: testing_perf = load_results(file_path, f) t_len = testing_perf['y_target'].shape[0] metrics['C_RMSE' + f[18:-4]] = np.round(mean_squared_error(testing_perf['y_target'].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'].flatten(), squared=False), 2) metrics['C_MAE' + f[18:-4]] = np.round(mean_absolute_error(testing_perf['y_target'].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'].flatten()), 2) metrics['C_MAPE' + f[18:-4]] = np.round(100*mean_absolute_percentage_error(testing_perf['y_target'].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'].flatten()), 2) # if std: metrics['C_aStD' + f[18:-4]] = np.round(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(testing_perf['y_predict_std']))), 2) # Time metrics['C_RMSE_t' + f[18:-4]] = [] metrics['C_MAE_t' + f[18:-4]] = [] metrics['C_MAPE_t' + f[18:-4]] = [] metrics['C_aStD_t' + f[18:-4]] = [] for t in range(t_len): metrics['C_RMSE_t' + f[18:-4]].append(np.round(mean_squared_error(testing_perf['y_target'][t].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'][t].flatten(), squared=False), 2)) metrics['C_MAE_t' + f[18:-4]].append(np.round(mean_absolute_error(testing_perf['y_target'][t].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'][t].flatten()), 2)) metrics['C_MAPE_t' + f[18:-4]].append(np.round(100*mean_absolute_percentage_error(testing_perf['y_target'][t].flatten(), testing_perf['y_predict_mean'][t].flatten()), 2)) # if std: metrics['C_aStD_t' + f[18:-4]].append(np.round(np.sqrt(np.mean(
""" TODO: some figure numberings (CHOICE, VERSION) were changed: make sure the current numberings are consistent with original runs TODO: replaces previous versions 161110, 171029 TODO: how to get the grid small log lines also for x-axis? TODO: mention that Python 3.5.2 or later is required (ideally 3.8) Plots times for graph creation, eps_max calculation, compatibility estimation and propagation Since graph creation takes most time, especially for large graphs, saves graphs to a file format, then loads them later again. CHOICE is a choice of parameters and is thus included in CSV file name VARIANT is a variant that is chosen to be plotted, is included only in Figure file name Important (CHOICE, VARIANT) combinations: (3,3): paper figure introduction (prop, Holdout, DCEr) with arrows (3,2): paper figure main experiments (all methods) with arrows (3,4): paper figure variant (prop) (3,5): paper figure variant (prop, Holdout) (3,6): paper figure variant (prop, Holdout, DCEr) First version: Nov 10, 2016 This version: Jan 26, 2020 """ import numpy as np import datetime import random # import os # for displaying created PDF TODO: can be removed? import time import sys sys.path.append("../sslh") # important to be able to run from command line from fileInteraction import (save_csv_record, save_W, save_X, load_W, load_X) # TODO: Paul, why do we need to use sslh here as part of the name but below not for estimation? from utils import (from_dictionary_beliefs, create_parameterized_H, replace_fraction_of_rows, to_centering_beliefs, eps_convergence_linbp_parameterized, showfig) from estimation import (estimateH, estimateH_baseline_serial) from graphGenerator import planted_distribution_model from inference import linBP_symmetric_parameterized import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator mpl.use('Agg') # more common rendering import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) # show all columns pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn' # -- Determine path to data *irrespective* of where the file is run from from os.path import abspath, dirname, join from inspect import getfile, currentframe current_path = dirname(abspath(getfile(currentframe()))) figure_directory = join(current_path, 'figs') data_directory = join(current_path, 'datacache') def run(choice, variant, create_data=False, add_data=False, create_graph=False, create_fig=True, show_plot=False, create_pdf=False, show_pdf=False, shorten_length=False, show_arrows=True): """main parameterized method to produce all figures. Can be run from external jupyther notebook or method to produce all figures in PDF """ # -- Setup CHOICE = choice # determines the CSV data file to use VARIANT = variant # determines the variant of how the figures are plotted CREATE_DATA = create_data # starts new CSV file and stores experimental timing results ADD_DATA = add_data # adds data to existing file CREATE_GRAPH = create_graph # creates the actual graph for experiments (stores W and X in CSV files) SHOW_PDF = show_pdf SHOW_PLOT = show_plot CREATE_FIG = create_fig CREATE_PDF = create_pdf SHORTEN_LENGTH = shorten_length # to prune certain fraction of data to plot SHOW_SCALING_LABELS = True # first entry in the legend is for the dashed line of scalability SHOW_TITLE = True # show parameters in title of plot SHOW_DCER_WITH_BOX = True # show DCER value in a extra box LABEL_FONTSIZE = 16 # size of number labels in figure SHOW_LINEAR = True # show dashed line for linear scaling SHOW_ARROWS = show_arrows # show extra visual comparison of speed-up csv_filename = 'Fig_Timing_{}.csv'.format(CHOICE) # CSV filename includes CHOICE filename = 'Fig_Timing_{}-{}'.format(CHOICE, VARIANT) # PDF filename includes CHOICE and VARIANT header = ['n', 'type', 'time'] if CREATE_DATA: save_csv_record(join(data_directory, csv_filename), header, append=False) # -- Default Graph parameters distribution = 'powerlaw' exponent = -0.3 k = 3 a = 1 # this value was erroneously set to 5 previously!!! TODO: fix everywhere else # err = 0 avoidNeighbors = False f = 0.1 est_EC = True # !!! TODO: for graph estimation weights = 10 pyamg = False convergencePercentage_W = None alpha = 0 beta = 0 gamma = 0 s = 0.5 numMaxIt = 10 xtick_lab = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1] ytick_lab = np.arange(0, 1, 0.1) xmin = 1e2 xmax = 1e8 # xmax = 1e6 ymin = 1e-3 ymax = 5e3 color_vec = ["#4C72B0", "#55A868", "#8172B2", "#C44E52", "#CCB974", 'black', 'black', "#64B5CD", "black"] marker_vec = ['s', '^', 'x', 'o', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 6 + ['dashed'] linewidth_vec = [3] * 3 + [4, 3, 4] + [3] * 7 SHOWMAXNUMBER = True show_num_vec = ['MHE', 'LHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop', 'eps_max'] # %% -- Main Options if CHOICE == 3: n_vec = [100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600, 51200, 102400, 204800, 409600, 819200, 1638400, 3276800, 6553600 ] # # n_vec = [1638400] # graph: 12021 sec = 3.4h, 18600 sec = 5h, 21824 sec (34000 sec old laptop) # # n_vec = [3276800] # graph: 49481 sec = 13.8h, 68145 sec (125233 sec old laptop) # # n_vec = [6553600] # graph: 145020 sec = 40h h = 8 d = 5 repeat_vec_vec = [[ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 20, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3 ], [ 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1 ], [ 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ] method_vec_vec = [['MHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'LHE'], ['Holdout'], ['prop'] ] if VARIANT == 1: method_vec_fig = ['MHE', 'LHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] label_vec = ['MCE', 'LCE', 'DCE', 'DCEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] show_num_vec = ['MHE', 'LHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] if VARIANT == 2: # version used for main paper figure method_vec_fig = ['MHE', 'LHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] label_vec = ['MCE', 'LCE', 'DCE', 'DCEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 5 + ['dashed'] SHOW_ARROWS = False if VARIANT == 3: # version used for main paper figure method_vec_fig = ['DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] label_vec = ['DCEr', 'Holdout', 'Propagation', '$\epsilon_{\mathrm{max}}$'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 2 + ['dashed'] color_vec = ["#C44E52", "#CCB974", 'black', 'black', "#64B5CD", "black"] marker_vec = ['o', 'x', 'None', 'None', 'None'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 3 + ['dashed'] linewidth_vec = [4, 3, 4] + [3] * 7 ymin = 1e-2 SHOW_ARROWS = True if VARIANT == 4: # figure used in slides method_vec_fig = ['prop'] label_vec = ['Propagation'] color_vec = ['black'] marker_vec = ['None'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 1 linewidth_vec = [2] ymin = 1e-2 SHOW_ARROWS = False SHOW_SCALING_LABELS = False SHOW_TITLE = False SHOW_DCER_WITH_BOX = False LABEL_FONTSIZE = 20 SHOW_LINEAR = False if VARIANT == 5: # figure used in slides method_vec_fig = ['prop', 'Holdout'] label_vec = ['Propagation', 'Baseline'] color_vec = ['black', "#CCB974"] marker_vec = ['None', '^'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 2 linewidth_vec = [2, 4] ymin = 1e-2 SHOW_ARROWS = True SHOW_SCALING_LABELS = False SHOW_TITLE = False SHOW_DCER_WITH_BOX = False LABEL_FONTSIZE = 20 SHOW_LINEAR = False if VARIANT == 6: # figure used in slides method_vec_fig = ['prop', 'Holdout', 'DHEr'] label_vec = ['Propagation', 'Baseline', 'Our method'] color_vec = ['black', "#CCB974", "#C44E52"] marker_vec = ['None', '^', 'o', 'None', 'None'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] + ['solid'] * 2 linewidth_vec = [2, 4, 4] ymin = 1e-2 SHOW_ARROWS = True SHOW_SCALING_LABELS = False SHOW_TITLE = True SHOW_DCER_WITH_BOX = False LABEL_FONTSIZE = 20 SHOW_LINEAR = False graph_cvs = 'Fig_Timing_SSLH_1' # re-use existing large graphs elif CHOICE == 4: n_vec = [200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600, 51200, 102400, 204800, 409600, 819200, ] # n_vec = [819200] # graph: 47905 sec = 13.3h. 90562 sec = 25h (180527 sec old laptop) h = 3 d = 25 repeat_vec_vec = [[ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 20, 10, 10, 5, 3, 3, 3, ], [ 5, 5, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, ] ] method_vec_vec = [['MHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'LHE'], ['Holdout'], ['prop'] ] VARIANT = 2 if VARIANT == 1: method_vec_fig = ['MHE', 'LHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop', 'eps_max'] label_vec = ['MCE', 'LCE', 'DCE', 'DCEr', 'Holdout', 'prop', '$\epsilon_{\mathrm{max}}$'] show_num_vec = ['MHE', 'LHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop', 'eps_max'] if VARIANT == 2: method_vec_fig = ['MHE', 'LHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] label_vec = ['MCE', 'LCE', 'DCE', 'DCEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 5 + ['dashed'] if VARIANT == 3: method_vec_fig = ['DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] label_vec = ['DCEr', 'Holdout', 'Propagation', '$\epsilon_{\mathrm{max}}$'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 2 + ['dashed'] color_vec = ["#C44E52", "#CCB974", 'black', 'black', "#64B5CD", "black"] marker_vec = ['o', 'x', 'None', 'None', 'None'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 3 + ['dashed'] linewidth_vec = [4, 3, 4] + [3] * 7 ymin = 1e-2 graph_cvs = 'Fig_Timing_SSLH_2' # re-use existing large graphs xmin = 1e3 xmax = 5e7 ymax = 1e3 elif CHOICE == 2: # rep_Estimation = 10 # n_vec = [200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, # 25600, 51200, 102400, 204800, 409600, 819200] # repeat_vec = [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, # 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 1] # n_vec = [819200] # graph: 47905 sec = 13.3h. 90562 sec = 25h (180527 sec old laptop) n_vec = [1638400] # !!! not done yet repeat_vec = [1] h = 3 d = 25 xmax = 5e7 graph_cvs = 'Fig_Timing_SSLH_2' elif CHOICE == 10: # same as 3 but with difference bars n_vec = [100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600, 51200, 102400, 204800, 409600, 819200, 1638400, 3276800, 6553600 ] # # n_vec = [1638400] # graph: 12021 sec = 3.4h, 18600 sec = 5h, 21824 sec (34000 sec old laptop) # # n_vec = [3276800] # graph: 49481 sec = 13.8h, 68145 sec (125233 sec old laptop) # # n_vec = [6553600] # graph: 145020 sec = 40h h = 8 d = 5 repeat_vec_vec = [[ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 20, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3 ], [ 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1 ], [ 20, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ] method_vec_vec = [['MHE', 'DHE', 'DHEr', 'LHE'], ['Holdout'], ['prop'] ] method_vec_fig = ['DHEr', 'Holdout', 'prop'] label_vec = ['DCEr', 'Holdout', 'Propagation', '$\epsilon_{\mathrm{max}}$'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 2 + ['dashed'] color_vec = ["#C44E52", "#CCB974", 'black', 'black', "#64B5CD", "black"] marker_vec = ['o', 'x', 'None', 'None', 'None'] linestyle_vec = ['solid'] * 3 + ['dashed'] linewidth_vec = [4, 3, 4] + [3] * 7 ymin = 1e-2 graph_cvs = 'Fig_Timing_SSLH_1' # re-use existing large graphs else: raise Warning("Incorrect choice!") # %% -- Common options alpha0 = np.array([a, 1., 1.]) alpha0 = alpha0 / np.sum(alpha0) H0 = create_parameterized_H(k, h, symmetric=True) H0c = to_centering_beliefs(H0) RANDOMSEED = None # For repeatability random.seed(RANDOMSEED) # seeds some other python random generator np.random.seed(seed=RANDOMSEED) # seeds the actually used numpy random generator; both are used and thus needed # print("CHOICE: {}".format(CHOICE)) def save_tuple(n, label, time): tuple = [str(] text = [n, label, time] tuple.extend(text) print("time potential {}: {}".format(label, time)) save_csv_record(join(data_directory, csv_filename), tuple) # %% -- Create data if CREATE_DATA or ADD_DATA: for repeat_vec, method_vec in zip(repeat_vec_vec, method_vec_vec): for n, repeat in zip(n_vec, repeat_vec): print("\nn: {}".format(n)) # repeat = repeat_vec[j] # -- Graph if CREATE_GRAPH: start = time.time() W, Xd = planted_distribution_model(n, alpha=alpha0, P=H0, m=d * n, distribution=distribution, exponent=exponent, directed=False, debug=False) X0 = from_dictionary_beliefs(Xd) time_graph = time.time() - start save_W(join(data_directory, '{}_{}_W.csv'.format(graph_cvs, n)), W, saveWeights=False) save_X(join(data_directory, '{}_{}_X.csv'.format(graph_cvs, n)), X0) save_tuple(n, 'graph', time_graph) else: W, _ = load_W(join(data_directory, '{}_{}_W.csv'.format(graph_cvs, n)), skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True, n=None, doubleUndirected=False) X0, _, _ = load_X(join(data_directory, '{}_{}_X.csv'.format(graph_cvs, n)), n=None, k=None, skiprows=1, zeroindexing=True) # -- Repeat loop for i in range(repeat): print("\n repeat: {}".format(i)) X2, ind = replace_fraction_of_rows(X0, 1 - f, avoidNeighbors=avoidNeighbors, W=W) for method in method_vec: if method == 'DHE': start = time.time() H2 = estimateH(X2, W, method='DHE', variant=1, distance=5, EC=est_EC, weights=weights) time_est = time.time() - start save_tuple(n, 'DHE', time_est) elif method == 'DHEr': start = time.time() H2 = estimateH(X2, W, method='DHE', variant=1, distance=5, EC=est_EC, weights=weights, randomize=True) time_est = time.time() - start save_tuple(n, 'DHEr', time_est) elif method == 'MHE': start = time.time() H2 = estimateH(X2, W, method='MHE', variant=1, distance=1, EC=est_EC, weights=None) time_est = time.time() - start save_tuple(n, 'MHE', time_est) elif method == 'LHE': start = time.time() H2 = estimateH(X2, W, method='LHE', variant=1, distance=1, EC=est_EC, weights=None) time_est = time.time() - start save_tuple(n, 'LHE', time_est) elif method == 'Holdout': start = time.time() H2 = estimateH_baseline_serial(X2, ind, W, numMax=numMaxIt, numberOfSplits=1, # EC=EC, # weights=weight, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma) time_est = time.time() - start save_tuple(n, 'Holdout', time_est) elif method == 'prop': H2c = to_centering_beliefs(H0) X2c = to_centering_beliefs(X2, ignoreZeroRows=True) # try without start = time.time() eps_max = eps_convergence_linbp_parameterized(H2c, W, method='noecho', alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, X=X2, pyamg=pyamg) time_eps_max = time.time() - start save_tuple(n, 'eps_max', time_eps_max) # -- Propagate eps = s * eps_max try: start = time.time() F, actualIt, actualPercentageConverged = \ linBP_symmetric_parameterized(X2, W, H2c * eps, method='noecho', alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, numMaxIt=numMaxIt, convergencePercentage=convergencePercentage_W, debug=2) time_prop = time.time() - start except ValueError as e: print( "ERROR: {}: d={}, h={}".format(e, d, h)) else: save_tuple(n, 'prop', time_prop) else: raise Warning("Incorrect choice!") # %% -- Read, aggregate, and pivot data for all options df1 = pd.read_csv(join(data_directory, csv_filename)) # print("\n-- df1: (length {}):\n{}".format(len(df1.index), df1.head(50))) # Aggregate repetitions df2 = df1.groupby(['n', 'type']).agg \ ({'time': [np.mean, np.median, np.std, np.size], # Multiple Aggregates }) df2.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in df2.columns.values] # flatten the column hierarchy df2.reset_index(inplace=True) # remove the index hierarchy df2.rename(columns={'time_size': 'count'}, inplace=True) # print("\n-- df2 (length {}):\n{}".format(len(df2.index), df2.head(15))) # Pivot table df3 = pd.pivot_table(df2, index=['n'], columns=['type'], values=['time_mean', 'time_median']) # Pivot # df3 = pd.pivot_table(df2, index=['n'], columns=['type'], values=['time_mean', 'time_median', 'time_std'] ) # Pivot # print("\n-- df3 (length {}):\n{}".format(len(df3.index), df3.head(30))) df3.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in df3.columns.values] # flatten the column hierarchy df3.reset_index(inplace=True) # remove the index hierarchy # df2.rename(columns={'time_size': 'count'}, inplace=True) # print("\n-- df3 (length {}):\n{}".format(len(df3.index), df3.head(30))) # Extract values X = df3['n'].values # plot x values X = X * d / 2 # calculate edges (!!! notice dividing by 2 as one edge appears twice in symmetric adjacency matrix) Y = {} for method in method_vec_fig: # Y[method] = df3['time_mean_{}'.format(method)].values Y[method] = df3['time_median_{}'.format(method)].values if SHORTEN_LENGTH: SHORT_FACTOR = 4 ## KEEP EVERY Nth ELEMENT X = np.copy(X[list(range(0, len(X), SHORT_FACTOR)),]) for method in method_vec_fig: Y[method] = np.copy(Y[method][list(range(0, len(Y[method]), SHORT_FACTOR)),]) # %% -- Figure if CREATE_FIG: fig_filename = '{}.pdf'.format(filename) # TODO: repeat pattern in other files mpl.rcParams['backend'] = 'agg' mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 3 mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = LABEL_FONTSIZE mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 20 mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 16 mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 16 mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 16 mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 12 mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = '111111' # axes edge color mpl.rcParams['grid.color'] = '777777' # grid color mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [4, 4] mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = 4 # padding of tick labels: default = 4 mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = 4 # padding of tick labels: default = 4 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.13, 0.17, 0.8, 0.8]) # -- Draw the plots if SHOW_LINEAR: ax.plot([1, 1e8], [1e-5, 1e3], linewidth=1, color='gray', linestyle='dashed', label='1sec/100k edges', clip_on=True, zorder=3) for i, (method, color, marker, linewidth, linestyle) in enumerate(zip(method_vec_fig, color_vec, marker_vec, linewidth_vec, linestyle_vec)): ax.plot(X, Y[method], linewidth=linewidth, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, label=label_vec[i], clip_on=True, marker=marker, markersize=6, markeredgewidth=1, markeredgecolor='black', zorder=4) # for choice, (option, label, color, linewidth, clip_on, linestyle, marker, markersize) in \ # enumerate(zip(option_vec, labels, facecolor_vec, linewidth_vec, clip_on_vec, linestyle_vec, marker_vec, markersize_vec)): # P = ax.plot(X_f, Y[choice], linewidth=linewidth, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, label=label, zorder=4, marker=marker, # markersize=markersize, markeredgewidth=1, markeredgecolor='black', clip_on=clip_on) if SHOWMAXNUMBER and method in show_num_vec: if method == 'DHEr' and SHOW_DCER_WITH_BOX: j = np.argmax([method])) # mask nan, then get index of max element ax.annotate(int(np.round(Y[method][j])), xy=(X[j] * 1.5, Y[method][j]), color=color, va='center', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.3", fc="w"), annotation_clip=False, zorder=5) else: j = np.argmax([method])
# Copyright 2019 Graphcore Ltd. # coding=utf-8 from io import BytesIO import numpy as np from PIL import Image import tensorflow as tf _BINARISED_MNIST_TR = '' _BINARISED_MNIST_TEST = '' # noinspection PyPep8Naming def download_dataset(dataset_name='mnist'): """ Load MNIST dataset using keras convenience function Args: dataset_name (str): which of the keras datasets to download dtype (np.dtype): Type of numpy array Returns tuple[np.array[float]]: (train images, train labels), (test images, test labels) """ if dataset_name == 'mnist': return tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() elif dataset_name == 'binarised_mnist': return load_binarised_mnist_data() def preprocess_np_inputs(an_array, datatype, flatten_images, normaliser=255.): """Flattens and normalises images""" preprocessed = an_array.astype(datatype) if flatten_images: # Convert each image to a vector preprocessed = flatten_2d_images(preprocessed) # Normalise [0, 255] -> [0, 1] preprocessed /= normaliser return preprocessed def xy_array_combine(arrays, shuffle=True): """Cobines X and Y arrays into a single 2D numpy array, shuffles if required""" x_arr = np.reshape(arrays['x'], [arrays['x'].shape[0], -1]) if arrays['y'].ndim == 1: y_arr = np.expand_dims(arrays['y'], 1) else: y_arr = arrays['y'] arrays = np.concatenate((x_arr, y_arr), axis=1) if shuffle: shuffle_idx = np.random.permutation(arrays.shape[0]) arrays = arrays[shuffle_idx] else: shuffle_idx =
""" This is the main code for P-CRITICAL on Loihi. The NxPCritical class provides the input and reservoir layers of a liquid state machine­. Output is time-binned on the lakemonts and returned through a snip channel. Usage examples are available on the scripts directory. """ import os import logging from time import sleep from enum import IntEnum import numpy as np import networkx as netx from quantities import ms from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix import nxsdk.api.n2a as nx from nxsdk.arch.n2a.n2board import N2Board from nxsdk.graph.monitor.probes import SpikeProbeCondition, IntervalProbeCondition from tqdm import trange _SCALING_FACTOR = 256 _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def rescale(var, dt): """ Rescale variable to fit dt, based on quantities library :param var: Variable to rescale :param dt: Time steps :return: Rescaled integer """ return (var.rescale(dt.units) / dt).magnitude.astype(int).item() def calc_minimum_number_of_cores(nb_of_nodes, nb_of_conn): """Calc an approximate minimum number of loihi neuro cores required""" MAX_NEURONS_PER_CORE = 1024 MAX_CONN_PER_CORE = 10 * MAX_NEURONS_PER_CORE neuron_bounded = nb_of_nodes / MAX_NEURONS_PER_CORE conn_bounded = nb_of_conn / MAX_CONN_PER_CORE return int(np.ceil(max(neuron_bounded, conn_bounded))) class NxPCritical(object): class PairWeightMode(IntEnum): BIN_SIZE_SYNC = 1 << 0 MEAN_VALUE = 1 << 1 HALF_VTH = 1 << 2 def __init__( self, topology: netx.DiGraph, input_dim: int, nb_of_conn_per_input: int = 1, alpha=2, beta=0.25, tau_v=40 * ms, tau_i=5 * ms, v_th=1.0, refractory_period=2 * ms, dt=1 * ms, tau_v_pair=None, tau_i_pair=None, bin_size=60 * ms, pair_weight_mode: PairWeightMode = PairWeightMode.HALF_VTH, network=None, debug=False, get_power_eff=False, power_eff_input_freq=None, ): = nx.NxNet() if network is None else network self.board = None self.topology = topology self.number_of_neurons = topology.number_of_nodes() self.pair_weight_mode = pair_weight_mode self.debug = debug self.get_power_eff = get_power_eff self.input_dim = input_dim if get_power_eff: assert not debug, "Can't get power efficiency in debug mode" assert power_eff_input_freq is not None self.power_eff_input_freq = rescale(power_eff_input_freq, 1 / dt) # Rescale variables for Loihi refractory_period = rescale(refractory_period, dt) v_decay = int(2 ** 12 * (1 - np.exp(-1 / rescale(tau_v, dt)))) c_decay = int(2 ** 12 * (1 - np.exp(-1 / rescale(tau_i, dt)))) v_decay_pair = ( v_decay if tau_v_pair is None else int(2 ** 12 * (1 - np.exp(-1 / rescale(tau_v_pair, dt)))) ) c_decay_pair = ( c_decay if tau_i_pair is None else int(2 ** 12 * (1 - np.exp(-1 / rescale(tau_i_pair, dt)))) ) v_th = int(v_th * _SCALING_FACTOR) self.bin_size = rescale(bin_size, dt) build_neuron_nargs = { "nb_of_neurons": topology.number_of_nodes(), "nb_of_synapses": topology.number_of_edges(), "nb_inputs": nb_of_conn_per_input * input_dim, "v_decay": v_decay, "c_decay": c_decay, "v_decay_pair": v_decay_pair, "c_decay_pair": c_decay_pair, "v_th": v_th, "refractory_period": refractory_period, "alpha": alpha, } build_synapse_nargs = { "topology": topology, "alpha": alpha, "beta": beta, } if get_power_eff: cores_left = 128 # For one full loihi chip self.nb_replicas = 0 while True: self.nb_replicas += 1 build_neuron_nargs["starting_core"] = 128 - cores_left nb_cores_used = self._build_neurons(**build_neuron_nargs) self._build_synapses(**build_synapse_nargs) cores_left -= nb_cores_used if cores_left < nb_cores_used: break else: self._build_neurons(**build_neuron_nargs) self._build_synapses(**build_synapse_nargs) self._build_fake_probes() # For snips bin-counters self._build_input_gen( nb_neurons=topology.number_of_nodes(), input_dim=input_dim, nb_of_conn_per_input=nb_of_conn_per_input, ) self.weight_probe = self.connections.probe( [nx.ProbeParameter.SYNAPSE_WEIGHT], probeConditions=[IntervalProbeCondition(dt=self.bin_size)], ) if debug: (self.spike_probe,) = self.grp.probe([nx.ProbeParameter.SPIKE]) (self.pair_spike_probe,) = self._pair_grp.probe([nx.ProbeParameter.SPIKE]) self.tag_probe = self.connections.probe( [nx.ProbeParameter.SYNAPSE_TAG], probeConditions=[IntervalProbeCondition(dt=self.bin_size)], ) def _build_board(self): if self.board is not None: self.board.disconnect() compiler = nx.N2Compiler() self.board = compiler.compile( # self.board.sync = True # TODO Validate self._build_snips() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *_): if self.board is not None: self.board.disconnect() if is not None: def power_efficiency_run(self, duration: int): """Run a simulation for duration timesteps and return power profile dictionary""" with self: self._build_board() buffer_size = 1024 * 2 # from self.energy_probe = self.board.probe( probeType=nx.ProbeParameter.ENERGY, probeCondition=nx.PerformanceProbeCondition( tStart=1, tEnd=duration, bufferSize=buffer_size, binSize=int(np.power(2, np.ceil(
np.log2(duration / buffer_size)