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[0.000 --> 15.120] Some people think that there's a TED Talk formula. [15.120 --> 17.280] Give a talk on a round red rug. [17.280 --> 23.480] Share a childhood story, divulge a personal secret, end with an inspiring, core to action. [23.480 --> 24.480] No. [24.480 --> 26.840] That's not how to think of a TED Talk. [26.840 --> 31.340] In fact, if you overuse those devices, you're just going to come across as cliched or [31.340 --> 33.120] emotionally manipulative. [33.120 --> 37.880] But there is one thing that all great TED Talks have in common, and I would like to share [37.880 --> 39.760] that thing with you. [39.760 --> 44.160] Because over the past 12 years, I've had a ringside seat listening to many hundreds [44.160 --> 47.080] of amazing TED speakers like these. [47.080 --> 50.880] I've helped them prepare their talks for prime time and learned directly from them their [50.880 --> 53.400] secrets of what makes for a great talk. [53.400 --> 57.720] And even though these speakers and their topics all seem completely different, they actually [57.720 --> 61.520] do have one key common ingredient. [61.520 --> 63.600] And it's this. [63.600 --> 69.440] Your number one task as a speaker is to transfer into your listeners' minds an extraordinary [69.440 --> 76.240] gift, a strange and beautiful object that we call an idea. [76.240 --> 77.240] Let me show you what I mean. [77.240 --> 78.240] Here's Haley. [78.240 --> 82.480] She is about to give a TED Talk, and frankly, she's terrified. [82.480 --> 83.960] Haley, stand up. [83.960 --> 84.960] CHEERING AND APPLAUSE [90.560 --> 96.360] Over the course of 18 minutes, 1200 people, many of whom have never seen each other before, [96.360 --> 101.680] are finding that their brains are starting to sink with Haley's brain and with each other. [101.680 --> 105.240] They're literally beginning to exhibit the same brain wave patterns. [105.240 --> 108.920] And I don't just mean that they're feeling the same emotions, there's something even [108.920 --> 110.400] more startling happening. [110.400 --> 114.360] Let's take a look inside Haley's brain for a moment. [114.360 --> 118.560] There are billions of inter-connected neurons in an impossible tangle. [118.560 --> 123.520] But look, here, right here, a few million of them are linked to each other in a way [123.520 --> 126.640] which represents a single idea. [126.640 --> 132.160] And incredibly, this exact pattern is being recreated in real time inside the minds of [132.160 --> 133.160] everyone listening. [133.160 --> 134.920] That's right. [134.920 --> 139.880] And just a few minutes, a pattern involving millions of neurons is being teleported into [139.880 --> 144.520] 1200 minds just by people listening to a voice and watching a face. [144.520 --> 147.600] But wait, what is an idea anyway? [147.600 --> 153.880] Well, you can think of it as a pattern of information that helps you understand and navigate the [153.880 --> 154.880] world. [154.880 --> 160.040] Ideas come in all shapes and sizes from the complex and analytical to the simple and aesthetic. [160.040 --> 164.320] And here are just a few examples shared from the TED stage. [164.320 --> 165.920] I can Robinson. [165.920 --> 167.720] Creativity is key to our kids' future. [167.720 --> 173.840] My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy. [173.840 --> 176.240] And we should treat it with the same status. [176.240 --> 179.480] Elora Hardy, building from Bamboo, is beautiful. [179.480 --> 181.480] It is growing all around us. [181.480 --> 182.480] It's strong. [182.480 --> 183.480] It's elegant. [183.480 --> 185.480] It's earthquake resistant. [185.480 --> 189.800] Chimamanda Aditi, people are more than a single identity. [189.800 --> 192.880] The single story creates stereotypes. [192.880 --> 199.840] And the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. [199.840 --> 204.400] Your mind is teaming with ideas, and not just randomly, but they're carefully linked [204.400 --> 205.400] together. [205.400 --> 210.320] Collectively, they form an amazingly complex structure that is your personal world view. [210.320 --> 213.080] It's your brain's operating system. [213.080 --> 214.440] It's how you navigate the world. [214.440 --> 218.720] And it is built up out of millions of individual ideas. [218.720 --> 223.720] So for example, if one little component of your world view is the idea that kittens [223.720 --> 229.080] are adorable, then when you see this, you'll react like this. [229.080 --> 233.560] But if another component of your world view is the idea that leopards are dangerous, then [233.560 --> 237.720] when you see this, you'll react a little bit differently. [237.720 --> 243.240] So it's pretty obvious why the ideas that make up your world view are crucial. [243.240 --> 248.920] You need them to be as reliable as possible a guide to the scary but wonderful real world [248.920 --> 249.920] out there. [249.920 --> 254.560] Now, different people's world views can be dramatically different. [254.560 --> 260.080] For example, how does your world view react when you see this image? [260.080 --> 262.960] What do you think when you look at me? [262.960 --> 273.200] A woman of faith, an expert, maybe even a sister, or oppressed, brainwashed, a terrorist, [274.040 --> 278.560] whatever your answer, there are millions of people out there who would react very differently. [278.560 --> 281.080] So that's why ideas really matter. [281.080 --> 285.760] If communicated properly, they're capable of changing forever how someone thinks about [285.760 --> 292.080] the world and shaping their actions both now and well into the future. [292.080 --> 295.680] Ideas are the most powerful force shaping human culture. [295.680 --> 299.880] So if you accept that your number one task as a speaker is to build an idea inside the [299.880 --> 305.160] minds of your audience, here are four guidelines for how you should go about that task. [305.160 --> 309.560] One, limit your talk to just one major idea. [309.560 --> 311.160] Ideas are complex things. [311.160 --> 315.720] You need to slash back your content so that you can focus on the single idea you're [315.720 --> 321.000] most passionate about and give yourself a chance to explain that one thing properly. [321.000 --> 326.400] You have to give context, share examples, make it vivid, so pick one idea and make it [326.400 --> 331.240] the through line, running through your entire talk so that everything you say links back [331.240 --> 333.200] to it in some way. [333.200 --> 337.800] Two, give your listeners a reason to care. [337.800 --> 342.080] Before you can start building things inside the minds of your audience, you have to get [342.080 --> 344.080] their permission to welcome you in. [344.080 --> 346.280] And the main tool to achieve that? [346.280 --> 347.680] Curiosity. [347.680 --> 350.040] Stir your audience's curiosity. [350.040 --> 355.000] Use intriguing provocative questions to identify why something doesn't make sense and [355.000 --> 356.920] needs explaining. [356.920 --> 362.240] If you can reveal a disconnection in someone's worldview, they'll feel the need to bridge [362.240 --> 364.160] that knowledge gap. [364.160 --> 368.560] And once you've sparked that desire, it will be so much easier to start building your [368.560 --> 369.560] idea. [369.560 --> 372.360] Three, build your idea. [372.360 --> 373.600] Piece by piece. [373.600 --> 379.080] Out of concepts that your audience already understands, you use the power of language to [379.080 --> 383.040] weave together concepts that already exist in your listeners' minds. [383.040 --> 385.920] But not your language, their language. [385.920 --> 387.360] You start where they are. [387.360 --> 391.680] But speakers often forget that many of the terms and concepts they live with are completely [391.680 --> 393.760] unfamiliar to their audiences. [393.760 --> 400.000] Now metaphors can play a crucial role in showing how the pieces fit together, because they reveal [400.000 --> 406.280] the desired shape of the pattern based on an idea that the listener already understands. [406.280 --> 410.640] For example, when Jennifer Khan wanted to explain the incredible new biotechnology called [410.640 --> 417.160] CRISPR, she said, it's as if for the first time you had a word processor to edit DNA. [417.160 --> 422.360] CRISPR allows you to cut and paste genetic information really easily. [422.360 --> 427.680] Now a vivid explanation like that delivers a satisfying aha moment as it snaps into [427.680 --> 429.000] place in our minds. [429.000 --> 433.840] It's important therefore to test your talk on trusted friends and find out which parts [433.840 --> 435.640] they get confused by. [435.640 --> 438.080] Four, here's the final tip. [438.080 --> 441.440] Make your idea worth sharing. [441.440 --> 446.840] By that I mean ask yourself the question, who does this idea benefit? [446.840 --> 449.760] And I need you to be honest with the answer. [449.760 --> 454.560] If the idea only serves you or your organisation, then I'm sorry to say it's probably not [454.560 --> 455.880] worth sharing. [455.880 --> 458.080] The audience will see right through you. [458.080 --> 462.920] But if you believe that the idea has the potential to brighten up someone else's day or change [462.920 --> 468.400] someone else's perspective for the better or inspire someone to do something differently, [468.400 --> 473.680] then you have the core ingredient to a truly great talk, one that can be a gift to them [473.680 --> 474.640] and to all of us. |