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<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: Headache
HPI: Ms Maddon is a 20 year old female who presents with a headache that began suddenly yesterday morning. It is unlike any headache she has previously experienced that she describes as "the worst headache of her life." She tried sleep, tylenol, and ibuprofen and found no relief. She endorses photophobia, nausea, and 3 episodes of vomiting. She may have had a subjective fever this moroning. She denies any recent illness and sick contacts. She denies phonophobia, aura preceeding the headache onsent, and cannot think of anything the alleviates the pain. She reports no trauma.
Meds: OCP
PMH: none
PSH: none
SH lives with roommate, works at sporting good store, no tobacco, 3-4 EtOH on weekends, marijuana use 3-4 times per week.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]tylenol no relief, ibuprofen no relief, 20 year old, yesterday, vomiting, nausea, lives with roommate, female, photophobia, denies any recent illness and sick contacts, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo F presented for headache of 1 day duration. Pain is 8/10 in intensity and it is the first episode of such pain. Pain is contant and alleviated by dimming the light and lying in the bed. It is aggravated by light and walking. There weren't any associated aura, weakness, numbness. there wear mild runny nose during the episode. The patient has a family history of her mother who suffers from migraine. there is associated decreased appetite as well. the patient feel warm but didn't measure the fever. No chills, night sweats. there is asssociated nausea and the patient vomitted 3 time since yesterday. the patient tried ibuprofen but the pain didnt go away.
ROS: negative except as above
Allergies: NKDA
Medications: OCPs since 2 yrs, ibuprofen
PMH: negative
PSH: negative
FH: mother has migraine
SH: marjuana 3-4 times a week, no tobbaco, alcohol occasionally.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen pain didnt go away, 20 yo, 1 day duration, vomitted, nausea, runny nose, mother migraine, family history migraine, mother migraine, FH migraine, F, aggravated by light, feel warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20 yo African american female with no PMH that presents with 1 day complaint of headache
- located throughout head
- Constant in duration
- Dull in characteristic, achy
- Alleviated by nothing, tried ibuprofen and tylenol with no effect
- Aggravated by movement
- Nonradiating
- constant in timing
- 9-10/10 on pain scaleAssociated with malaise, mylagias, nausea, and vomiting
ROS: denied fevers, chills, head trauma, double or blurry vision, discharge from ear or ringing in ear, throat pain, SOB, dyspnea, chest pain, palpitations, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, rashes, pain in joints or bones, dizziness or loss of consciousness
PMH: denied
Surgical hx: denied
MEdication: generic birth control pill
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen no effect, tylenol with no effect, 20 yo, 1 day, mylagias, headache located throughout head, vomiting, denied rashes, nausea, female</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Stephanie Madden is a 20 year old female pressening for a headache that started yesterday morning. States she woke up with heachache
-Descrbed as dull, constant ache, all over. Worst headache of life. Endorses photohobia. Also states she feels warm all over and nausease and vomiting.
-No CP, SOB, numbess/tingling.
-No relief with Ibuprofen, tylenol, or sleep.
-Denies any sick contacts or recent travel.
PMHx: None
PSHx: none
Meds: Birth control-the pill
Allergies: None
Social: Never smoker. Drinks 2-3 beers on weekends. Smokes marijuana. Lives in apartment with roomate..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No relief with Ibuprofen, No relief with tylenol, 20 year old, yesterday, headache all over, vomiting, nausease, Lives in apartment with roomate, Ms, female, photohobia, Denies any sick contacts, feels warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20y/o F presents with c/o headache sx 1 day, sudden onset, woke up from sleep, sates its dull psychadelic HA, diffuse over head, associated with neck stiffness, 8/10 intensity, worsens with bending forward and tying shoes, tylemnol didnt help,. Had associated vomiting yesterday 3 episodes, initially food then green material. Has photophobia no phonophobia, feels mildly warm, body aches.
ROS None except as above.
PMH PSH Hosp None
FH Mother migraine Father High CHOL
SH works as sales person, lives with friend, no sick contacts.
denies smoking but uses alcohol 3-4beers/wines/week. CAGE negative. Uses marijauna 3-4times /week.
Menstrual cycles regular..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]tylemnol didnt help, 20y/o, 1 day, body aches, headache diffuse, neck stiffness, vomiting, lives with friend, Mother migraine, FH migraine, F, photophobia, no sick contacts, feels warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 y/o female presents with c/o 2 days of constant global HA associated with photophobia, nausea and 3 episodes of vomiting. She woke up with the headache 2 days ago and states it is now 8/10 and makes her tired and sleepy. She has used Ibuprofen and tylenol without relief. She usually gets one or two headches a year, but she usually just needs to sleep and they go away. She also notes she has felt warm, and has a scratchy throat and has had a decreased appetite, but denies sore throat, fever , sick contacts, abdominal pain, CP, SOB< focal wekness, or numbness, visual chnages, or problems hearing.
Medical history: none
Surgical history: none
Social history: THC smoker 3-4 times a week, Alcohol, 2-3 drinks a wekend, sexually active with one partner and uses barrier protection consistently..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]used tylenol without relief, used Ibuprofen without relief, 20 y/o, 2 days, 2 days, global HA, vomiting, nausea, scratchy throat, female, photophobia, denies sick contacts, felt warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo F with c/o Headache for 1 day. She states this head ache is nthing like her usual headaches that she gets 1-2x a year. This one has been associated with nausea and vomiting. she has vomited 3x yesterday food then green liquid (no blood). today she has had no new episodes. She has subjective fevers, and has had a runny nose since yesterday. The headache is located all over the ghead and she describes it as a dull constant HA that has woserned. Ibuprofen/ tylenol provided little relief. Walking and bending forward made it worse. She states light hurts her eyes but doesnt hurt her haead. Noise does not worsen it
ROS: as per HPI
PMH: none
PSH: none
Meds: birth control pills for 2 years.
Social: single, Sports store employee, non smoker, ocasional EtOH on weekends. 2-3 joints of marihuana no other drugs
Sexual: LMP 1 week ago, normal, uses condoms and BC.
FH: mom has migarine HA, Dad HLD.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]tylenol provided little relief, Ibuprofen provided little relief, 20 yo, 1 day, headache is located all over, vomiting, vomited, nausea, runny nose, mom has migarine, FH migarine, F, light hurts her eyes, subjective fevers</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 YO F C/O severe constant ache headace that started suddenly after she woke up 1 day ago. The headache is 8/10, and is persistent despite tylenol, ibuprofen, and sleep, and increases with walking and bending forward, and is associated with photophobia. She also c/o subjective fever, nasal congestion, rihnorrhea, and scratchy throat, and she vomited digested food and green fluid 3 times since yesterday, denies blood in vomit. Denies changes in vision, seizures, head trauma, dizziness, LOC.
ROS negative except above
MED oral contraceptive pill, NKDA
ILL contacts NONE
OBGYN LMP 2 WEEKS ago, q 28 days, last 4-5 days, moderate flow, G0P0A0.
SH denies smoking, drinks 2-3 beers/week, smokes marijuana 2-3 times/week. Sexually active with 1 partner, uses condoms consistently..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]persistent despite tylenol, persistent despite ibuprofen, 20 YO, started 1 day ago, vomited, nasal congestion, rihnorrhea, scratchy throat, F, photophobia, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Stephanie Madden is a 20 year old female who presents for the evaluation of a headache. Stephanie reports the headache as progressively worsening, bilateral, 8/10, and as an achy pain not relieved by tylenol, ibuprofen, or sleep. She report rhinorrhea and sore throat that began yesterday as well as three episodes of emesis today. She reports neck stiffness and photophobia. She denies any confusion or exposure to sick contacts. She has headaches in the past but this is the worst she has felt. She denies visual or auras and denies any motor weakness or numbness.
Past Medical History: None
Meidcations: Oral Contraceptives, Tylenol, Ibuprofen
Surgeries; None
Hospitalizations None
Never pregnant before
Family History Migraines in mother, High cholesterol in father
Social History: 3-4 marijuana cigarettes/week, 2-3 glasses of alcohol on weekend outings, sexually active with one partner, uses barrier contraception, works in retail.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]not relieved tylenol, not relieved ibuprofen, 20 year old, yesterday, neck stiffness, emesis, rhinorrhea, sore throat, Migraines mother, Family History Migraines, female, photophobia, denies exposure to sick contacts</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo F c/o headache since she woke up yesterday, holocranial, 8/10, dull, constant, worsen when walking and bending over, took Tylenol and Ibuprofen without any improvement. Patient reports this it the first time shes had a headache like this. Associated with nause and vomiting, #3 times since yesterday. Reports fever since this morning and feeling fatigued and achy. Disturbed by light and loud noises. Denies rash, recent travel, ill contacts, cough, chest pain, SOB, recent URI, changes in bowel movements, changes in urinary frequency.
ROS: as per HPI. PMH: None. PSH: None. Allergies: NKA. Medications: OCP for the past 2y. FH: Father had hypercholesterolemia; mother has migraines. SH: Works in a sporting good store. Sexually active with boyfriend, uses condoms consistently. Drinks 2-3 drinks/weekend. Smokes 3-4 ciggarettes of marijuana/week. Patient eats a healthy diet and exercises regularly..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Tylenol without improvement, Ibuprofen without improvement, 20 yo, yesterday, yesterday, achy, headache holocranial, vomiting, Denies rash, nause, mother migraines, FH migraines, F, Disturbed by light, Denies ill contacts, fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20YO female
CC: Headache
HPI: pt reports waking up yesterday morning with a severe headache that has worsened. She states her head hurts all over. She has nausea and vomiting that began yesterday with the headache. She also has a rhinorrhea that began at the same time as the headache. The headache is worse when walking or bending over. She denies vision changes or hearing changes but she does have photophobia. She states she occasionally has headaches, but never this severe.
ROS: negative except as noted above
PmHx: none
Meds: birth control pills
FH: dad: high cholesterol; mom: migraines
Social: works at a sporting good store, does not use tobacco products, occasional alcohol use on the weekends; smokes marijuana 3-4x per week, last use a few days before headache began; sexually active with one male partner, uses condoms.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20YO, yesterday, yesterday, headache all over, vomiting, nausea, rhinorrhea, mom: migraines, FH migraines, female, photophobia</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20yo female patient comes to the clinic with complains of headcahe for 2 days, the pain is dull and achy and its very severe, she has sensitivity to light it affected her job, and doesnt radiates, nothing improves it even with tylenol and it gets worse with walking and bending forward, no history of head trauam, she felt nauseated and vomited 3 times, no blood in vomitous, it is her first episode
ROS: negative except as above
PMH: none
PSH: none
Med: none
FH: mom had migraines, dad has cholestrol
SH: works in a sport store, no smoking, drinks 2-3 beers a week, sexually active with BF of 1y, they use comdoms, no std history
GYN: lmp was2 weeks ago and it is regular and she uses 3-4 pads.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nothing improves it even with tylenol, 20yo, 2 days, vomited, vomitous, nauseated, mom migraines, FH migraines, female, sensitivity to light</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 y/o female presents with headache for the past day. She states she woke up with a headache yesterday morning and denies any precipitating factors. Pain is dull and achy, constant, but gradually getting worse. States she also felt warm this morning, fatigued, and has full body aches. Vomitted 3 times since yesterday, not bloody. States emesis was mostly food and last 2 were green. Eye pain, worse with bright lights. Denies any numbness, tingling, weakness, dizziness, lightheadness.
ROS: Denies any vision or hearing loss.
Pmhx: none
Surgical history: none
Medications: OCP x 2 years
Allergies None
Fmhx: Mother has migraines, father has hyperlipidemia.
Social history: Balanced diet, exercises 2-3 times a week, smokes marijuana 3-4x a week, no tobacco use, drinks 2-3 beers/glass of wine on the weekend. Normal caffeine intake. Works at a sports store. Sexually active with one partner. Never been tested for STDs. Uses condoms..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 y/o, past day, yesterday, body aches, Vomitted, emesis, Mother migraines, Fmhx migraines, female, worse with bright lights, felt warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20 y/o F who presents with a headache of 1 day. Started yesterday AM, has been constant since then. It is all over, a dull constant ache. She has tried ibuprofen and tylenol which have not helped, and it is worse with walking and bending over. It does not radiate, but she does describe neck pain/tightness. She describes warmth, but no fever, a runny nose, severe nausea accompanied by vomiting, body aches, and the light hurts her eyes. She denies vision changes, hearing changes, ringing in her ears, and focal neurologic deficit, SOB, cough, chest pain, trouble swallowing, change in bowel or bladder habits, denies any numbness in extremities.
PMH: no
Psurgery: no
Meds: OCPs
Allergies: NKDA
FH: F - hypercholesterol, M - migraines
Soc: never tobacco use, drinks 2-3 drinks on weekends, smokes marijuana 3-4 joints/week, is sexually active with one partner, no STDS, no pregnancies.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen not helped, tylenol not helped, 20 y/o, 1 day, yesterday, body aches, headache all over, neck pain, neck tightness, vomiting, nausea, runny nose, FH migraines, M migraines, F, light hurts her eyes, warmth</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo female with complaints of severe HA. No hx of headaches previously. Described as dull, throbbing, bilateral constant ache. She woke up with it yesterday morning and has take 4 ibuprofen, 2 tylenol, and slept without resolution. Sensative to light, not to sound. No changes in vision or aura. Denies ringing in ears or dizziness. Associated with vomitting, denies abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea.
PMH: denies
PSH: denies
Meds: OCP for 2 years.
All: denies
Fam: dad HLD, mom migraines
Soc: denies tobacco, 2-3 alcoholic drinks on the weekends, smokes 3-4 marijuana joints per week.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen without resolution, tylenol without resolution, 20 yo, yesterday, vomitting, female, Sensative to light</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Stephanie Madden is a 20 year-old woman presenting with the chief complaint of headache. The headache started yesterday morning. She has associated nausea, vomiting x1, subjective fever, and photophobia. She has never had a headache like this before. She has tried over the counter pain relievers and these did not help. Moving around worsens her headache, and bright lights hurt her eyes. The pain is all over her head and is constant.
PMH: none
Surgical history: none
Meds: birth control pills
FH: Mother has migraine headaches. Father has dyslipidemia..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]over the counter pain relievers did not help, 20 year-old, yesterday, pain is all over her head, headache over her head, vomiting, nausea, FH migraine, Mother has migraine, woman, photophobia, bright lights hurt her eyes, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: Headache
HPI: 20 yo F presents with a headache described as a dull, constant ache that started yesterday morning. She has had nausea and vomiting with the headache. She reports it is the "worst headache of her life" and it is all over. She has photophobia and reports the pain is worse when bending forward or walking. She feels achy and has nuchal rigidity. Felt like she had a fever but did not check it. Tried Tylenol, ibuprofen and sleep all without help. She gets rare headaches in the past but nothing this bad.
PMH: None, Meds: OCP. NKDA
PSH: None
FH: Mother with migraine headaches. Father with high cholesterol. Others healthy.
SH: Lives at home with a roommate, works as a salesperson in a sport store. Does not smoke, drinks 2-3 cups of wine on weekends. Smokes 3-4 joints a week..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Tylenol without help, ibuprofen without help, 20 yo, yesterday, achy, headache all over, headache all over, nuchal rigidity, vomiting, nausea, Lives at home with a roommate, Mother with migraine, FH migraine, F, photophobia, Felt like she had a fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20 y/o F presenting for headache since yesterday morning. Episode occurred suddenly w/ no premonition, aura, visual changes. Pain is dull, constant ache that has worsened since yesterday. Pain is equal on both sides of the head. Patient has never experienced this before. No changes in health except the patient felt more tired than normal. She has vomited 3x since onset, kept down down fluids but no food. Patient felt warm but did not take her temperature. Patient has photophobia and pain with flex/extension of neck. Patient is achy all over, has scratchy throat, no rash or cough. No numbness/tingling, no focal deficits. No prior medical history, patient takes oral contraceptives. Has tried Tylenol and Ibuprofen for headache, no relief. Fhx of migraines in mother. Patient reports no worsening stressors lately. LMP 2 weeks ago, no pain w/ menses. Drinks 2-3 drinks on weekends, smokes marijuana 3-4 times/week..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Tylenol no relief, Ibuprofen no relief, 20 y/o, yesterday, achy all over, pain neck, vomited, no rash, scratchy throat, Fhx of migraines, migraines in mother, F, photophobia, felt warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: pt is a 20 yr female with 1 day of head ache of entire head and neck stiffness. positive subjective fevers, nausea, and vomiting. feels achy all over. lethargic. pain is dull ache and 8/10. no vision change. sensetive to light. worse with walking and bending over. tried ibuprofen, tylenol, and sleep that did not work. No aura. nosicik.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen did not work, tylenol did not work, 20 yr, achy all over, head ache of entire head, neck stiffness, vomiting, nausea, female, sensetive to light, subjective fevers</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo F presenting to clinic with complain to headache. Patient describes that the headache "hurts all over" and began yesterday morning. It has been a constant dull/aching pain. She states that the pain hurts "really bad" and is very worried. She reports trying Tylenol, ibuprofen, and sleeping it off without any improvement in the pain. Walking and bending forward makes the pain worse. She endorses associated photophobia, subjective fever, and N/V. She also recently experienced rhinorrhea and sore throat. She denies any chills, dizziness, vision changes, cough, SOB, chest pain, numbness/tingling, or changes in urination/bowel movements.
Denies any sick contact or recent travel.
Denies PMH.
Denies any PSH.
Meds: Birth control pill.
Fam Hx: Mom - migraines. Dad - HLD.
Soc Hx: Lives with roommate in apt. Works in sales. Drinks 2-3 beers/weekend. Denies smoking. Uses MJ 3-4x/wk. Sexually active with males.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Tylenol without any improvement, ibuprofen without any improvement, 20 yo, yesterday, headache all over, V, N, rhinorrhea, sore throat, Lives with roommate in apt, Mom - migraines, migraines Fam Hx, F, photophobia, Denies any sick contact, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI:a 20 yr old F pt c/o headache , generalised, x 1day, worsening with walking and bending forward, fever x1 day, vomiting x3 ep with food particles, h/o runny nose and sorethroat
no tearing eye, asso with discomfort to briht lights
ROS:-ve except above
ALL: none
MEds: none
PMH/PSH: none
FH: migraine in mother, hpercholesterolemia in father
SH:marijuana on weekends, sexuallly active with boyfriend.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yr old, 1day, headache , generalised, vomiting, runny nose, sorethroat, migraine in mother, FH migraine, discomfort to briht lights, fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Stephanie Madden is a 20 yo f who woke up yesterday morning with a headache. She says it is dull, non-pulsatile and constant. It was a level 2/10 at first but has risen to a 8/10 currently. This is the first time this has happened. Walking and bending over make it worse. She has tried ibuprofen, Tylenol, and sleeping with no improvement. She also has photophobia, nausea, vomiting, neck pain with movement, and feels warm. Denies changes in vision, aura, confusion. Denies trauma.
ROS: denies diarrhea, numbness, tingling, lightheadedness, dizziness, or syncope
PMH: none
Meds: OCPs (2 yrs)
Allergies: none
FH: mother with migraines, dad with HLD, sister is healthy
SH: drinks 2-3 beers/weekend, 3-4 joints per month, no tobacco use, sexually active with boyfriend (uses condoms and OCPs), works at a sporting good store
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen no improvement, Tylenol no improvement, 20 yo, yesterday, neck pain, vomiting, nausea, mother migraines, FH migraines, f, photophobia, feels warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 Y/O F pt attending with headache, one day Hx, 8/10 in severity , no similar episodes before, not radiating, all over the head, no increased lacrimation.
+ve Temperatures, +ve photophobia, +ve Vomiting,+ve Neck stiffness. No night sweats. No weakness or numbness or blurring of vision. No weight loss. No recent travel or camping.
Recent history of runny nose and sore throat. Generalized body aches.
ROS: Nil
PMH : nil
PSH: nil
No allergies.
Meds: OCP for 2 years.
SH : works in sports shop, non smoker, ETOH socially. sexually active with men.
Gyn Hx: LMP 2/52, no reecent pap smear, no pregnancies.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 Y/O, one day Hx, Generalized body aches, headache all over the head, +ve Neck stiffness, +ve Vomiting, Recent runny nose, Recent sore throat, F, +ve photophobia, +ve Temperatures</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden 20yoF w/ HA of 1d duration. "Really bad" hurts all over, dull ache, getting worse, not relieved by sleep, tylenol, ibuprofen. Worsened with walking. Sensitive to light and neck stiffness. Vomitusx3 yesterday. No prior episodes. No sick contacts. NKDA. On OCP, no other Rx. Non-contributory PMHx. No hospitalizations, UTD immunizations, no trauma, no surgeries. ROS: + subjective fever, + nausea, - syncope, - dizziness, - abd pain, - rashes, - discharge, -dysuria. FamHx: Migraines, HLD. Ob: G0. Sex: Active with 1 male, never been treated for STD, consistent condom use. Soc: Denies tobacco, drinks 2-3 beers on weekends, frequent marijuana use, counselled..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]not relieved tylenol, not relieved ibuprofen, 20yo, 1d duration, HA all over, neck stiffness, Vomitus, - rashes, nausea, FamHx: Migraines, F, Sensitive to light, No sick contacts, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: a 20 year old F with a 2 day history of the worst headache shes every had. She reports taht is started yesterday when she woke up at 3/10 and has steadily progressed to 8/10. The pain is all over her head and she describes it as a dull ache. The headache gets worse with walking or bending over and has not been improved by ibuprofen, tylenol, or sleep. She has had headaches before but this is much worse. She endorses photophobia and nausea with 3 episodes of emesis yesterday. She denies any aura and endorses a subjective fever. She endorses general fatigue and soreness in neck and shoulders.
ROS: negative except as above
PMH: negative
PSH: negative
Medications: oral contraception
Allergies: NKDA
Family Hx: mother has migraines, father has hyperlipidemia
Social Hx: denies Tb use, endorses EtOH 2-3 drinks on weekend, endorse marijuana use 2-3 smoking it 2-3 times per week, she is sexually active with one male partner.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]not been improved by ibuprofen, not been improved by tylenol, 20 year old, 2 day, yesterday, yesterday, headache all over her head, emesis, nausea, mother migraines, Family Hx migraines, F, photophobia, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 YEAR OLD FEMALE WITH A HISTORY OF HEADACHE SINCE YESTERDAY MORNING ACCOMPANIED WITH NECK STIFFNESS. Tylenol and motrin did not help, pain worsened with walking and bending forward. Endorses nausea, vomtiing, warm to the touch, photophobia. Denies blurred visions, vision changes, sick contacts, head trauma, urinary symptoms, bowel movements changes, palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, weight changes, or eye discharge. There is no previous medical or family history or previous surgeries. Mom has a history of migraines, dad has high cholesterol. Takes oral contraceptives for the last two years. Patient smokes 3-4 joints of marijuana every week, no tobacco use. Works as a sales person.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]motrin did not help, Tylenol did not help, 20 YEAR OLD, YESTERDAY, NECK STIFFNESS, vomtiing, nausea, Mom migraines, FEMALE, photophobia, Denies sick contacts, warm to the touch</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 y o F c/o sudden onset of severe headache when she woke up from sleep, the worst of her life like a bad hangover since yesterday, dull constant, worsened by walking and bending , not relieved with Ibuprogen, Tylenol not providing much relief. She has associated photosensitivity, and has had 3 episodes of vomiting since yesterday. A/w runny nose. She feels achy all over, feels warm but hasnt mesaured her temperature. She denies ill contacts, LOC, seizures, weakness, numbness, tingling, rash or drowsiness. ROS is otherwise neg
PMH / PSh - nil
Meds - OCP x 2 years
FH - migraine in mother, Dyslipidemia in fatehr
Obs / Gyn NC
SH - NO smoking, No EtOH, 4 joints / week
Sexually active with bf.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]not relieved with Ibuprogen, Tylenol not providing much relief, 20 y o, yesterday, achy, vomiting, denies rash, runny nose, migraine in mother, FH - migraine, F, photosensitivity, denies ill contacts, feels warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Patient is a 20 year olf female with no past medical history who presents with headache
- Reports global headache described as dull and constant rated a 8/10 in severity
- Assocaited photophobia vomiting, with an episode of bilious emesis
- Assocaited neck and shoulder stiffness
- Reports Subjective fever
- LMP 2 weeks ago
-ROS: headache, vomiting, photophobia. Denies phonophobia, changes in vision, weakness, numbness or tingling sensation.
Medical History: None
Family History: Mother-migraines, father-hyperlipidemia
Social History: Seuxally active with boyfriend uses contraception, smokes marijuana 2-3 times per week, denies tobacco use, 2-3 drinks of alochol on the weekends
Surgical History: None
Medications: Birth Control.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 year olf, global headache, neck stiffness, vomiting, vomiting, emesis, Mother-migraines, Family History migraines, female, photophobia, photophobia, Subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Stephanie Madden is a 20 year old F with a 2 day history of dull, aching headache. It was present on waking yesterday morning and has been constant, progressively worsenign. She reports feeling feverish, photophobia, and exacerbation with walking, bending over. +n/v with 3 episodes of greenish vomitus. No relief with ibuprofen or tylenol. PMH of headaches which last minutes and are much less severe. PSH none. 2-3 beers on weekends. non-smoker. 3-4 joints marijuana weekly. monogaous with boyfriend and uses condoms and OCPs..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No relief with ibuprofen, No relief with tylenol, 20 year old, yesterday, v, n, F, photophobia, feverish</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a previously healthy 20 y/o female presenting for headache. Pt says this is the worst headache she has ever had, and describes pain as dull and constant. Pain started yesterday morning, and has progressively worsened to an 8/10. She has had associated nausea and vomiting (3x yesterday). Pain is worse with bending forward and walking, and ibuprofen and sleep have not helped with improving pain. She has been achy all over, with neck pain and runny nose as well. She endorses photophobia, but denies phonophobia. She has not taken her temperature, but says she has felt warm. She denies any head trauma.
ROS: negative except as stated above
PMhx: none, PShx: none
Meds: birth control, ibuprofen as needed
Allergies: NKDA
Fam hx: mom migraines, dad HLD
Social: lives with roomate, works at sporting goods store, no smoking, drinks 2-3 beers every weekend, smokes 3-4 joints per week, sexually active with boyfriend, uses condoms.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen have not helped, 20 y/o, yesterday, achy, neck pain, vomiting, nausea, runny nose, lives with roomate, mom migraines, Fam hx migraines, female, photophobia, felt warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: headache
HPI: Mrs Madden is a 20 yo F presenting with 1 day hx of headache and states "I have never felt this bad". Headache is diffuse, dull ache in quality, and constant for past 24 hrs. No provoking factors/settings noted. She endorses photophobia, feeling "warm" this morning, nausea, and 3 episodes of vomittus without blood. She denies loss of consciousness. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and sleep have not alleviated the pain.
ROS: negative except as stated above
Meds: Ibuprofen and Tylenol as needed, regular OCP
Allergies: NKDA, no other allergies
PMH: none
PSH: none
Social: lives with roomate who is not sick, no tobaccuse use, 2-3 glasses of wine per weekend, 3-4 marjuana joints per week (counseled on cessatino)
OBGYN: LMP 2 wks ago, regrular periods, staes she is not pregnante
Sex: sexually active with 1 male partner.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Tylenol not alleviated the pain, Ibuprofen not alleviated the pain, 20 yo, 1 day, Headache is diffuse, headache diffuse, vomittus, nausea, lives with roomate, F, photophobia, roomate who is not sick, feeling "warm"</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Sephanie madden is a 20 yo female presenting with headache. Pain began 1d ago. Pain is diffuse over head. Has been worsening since onset. Described as a dull ache. Pain is not relieved with ibuprofen or sleep. Worsend with walking, bending over. Eye pain is reported with bright light. Patient endorses subjective fever and fatigue. 3x vomiting and nausea since onset of headache. Denies weight changes, numbness, tinghling, vision changes, hoarsenenss. muscle weakness, abdonminal pain, chest pain. no head trauma
PMH: none
Allergy; None
medications: taking Oral contraceptive pill daily Surgery: None
No recentillness or hospitalizztion. No recent travel
Family: Mother sufferes from migraines. Father hypercholesteroemia
Social;Alcohol 2-3 drinks on weekends. Smokes 3-4 joints of marajuana weekly. No tobacco use. Lives with roomate works at sport store. Sexually active with men, uses condoms. No sexual transmitted infec tions in past..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]not relieved with ibuprofen, 20 yo, 1d, headache diffuse, vomiting, nausea, Mother migraines, Family migraines, female, Eye pain bright light, fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Mrs. Madden is a 20 y/o F complaining of Headaches.
HPI: She woke up yesterday morning with a headache 8/10 in severity. She reports it hurting all over. She has tried tylenol, ibuprofen, and sleep but no relief. It seems to be worse when she is ambulating, or bending forward. She preferred the room light to be turned off in the exam room. She had nausea/vomiting yesterday which was non-bloody.
ROS: WNL except as above
PMH: None
PSH: none
FH: Migraine headache in mother, high cholesterol in father
SH: No Tobacco use, Drinks 2-3 cups of wine on the weekends, smokes 3-4 joints of marijuana per week. Is sexually active with a male partner. She takes birth control and he uses condoms every time. She has never been pregnant.
Medications: Ibuprofen, Tylenol
Allergies: NKDA.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen no relief, tylenol no relief, 20 y/o, yesterday, yesterday, Headaches all over, vomiting, nausea, Migraine mother, FH: Migraine, Mrs, F, preferred the room light to be turned off</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI - 20 y/o F c/o headache
- Patient reports dull, constant, ache, 8/10 headache that began yesterday morning. Patient notes that headache is worsening.
- Patient was woken from sleep due to headache.
- Aggravating factors include light, bending over, along with walking
- Patient notes no relieving factors after using tyelenol, ibuprofen and sleeping
- Affirms fever, vomiting and feeling sick
- Denies nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, bowel or urinary complaints, visual field changes, hearing changes, gait imbalance
- LMP 2 weeks ago, regular 28-30 day cycles, not related to headache
ROS - as per HPI.
MEDs - OCPs for birth control
PMHx - Noncontributory
PSH - Noncontributory
FM - Mother has h/o migraines. Father has high cholesterol
SH - Drinks 2-3x on the weekend, denies tobacco usage, affirms marijuana usage 3-4 times per week.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no relieving tyelenol, no relieving ibuprofen, 20 y/o, yesterday, vomiting, FM migraines, Mother has h/o migraines, F, Aggravating factors include light, fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20-year-old female, has come to the doctor's office complaining of a headache of one day hx. Pian on all head, 8/10 pain scale, dull type, pegressive , constand, and no past episodes. Aggravating by walk and bending over, only minimal relieve with Ibuprofen an tylenol. Also present nauseas, vomiting, nasal discharge, general malayse, and ST. LMP 2 weeks ago. G0P0A0. no trauma. Use a OCP for birht control.
ROS: negative exept as above
PMH: none
Allergies: NKDA
FH; father hight cholestreol mother migrane
SH: marihuana occationally.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20-year-old, one day, headache all head, vomiting, nauseas, nasal discharge, ST, mother migrane, FH migrane, female</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Stephanie Madden is a 20 year old female who presents with a severe headache. She awoke yesterday morning with the headache, and it has been constant since then. It is now an 8/10 in pain, and feels dull. She has thrown up three times since then, and it has not improved with over the counter medications. She says that the headache is worse with bright lights, and denies any changes in vision. She denies any recent trauma, liquid running out of her nose with leaning forward, and denies sick contacts. She is unsure of whether she has had a meningitis shot. She has had headaches in the past, but never any of this severity.
Medications - Daily oral contraceptive pill use
PMH - None
Surgical history - None
FHx - Mother has migraine disorder, dad has hyperlipidemia
Social - Smokes 3-4 joints weekly, no tobacco, 2-3 beers or wine on weekends, uses condoms consistently with boyfriend.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]not improved with over the counter medications, 20 year old, yesterday, thrown up, unsure of meningitis shot, Mother migraine, FHx migraine, female, worse with bright lights, denies sick contacts</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 Y OLD F C/O HEADACHE X 2 DAYS
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 Y OLD, HEADACHE ALL OVER THE HEAD, VOMITING, NAUSEA, SCRACHY THROAT, RUNNY NOS, MOTHER HAS MAGRAINE, FH MAGRAINE, F, FEELING WARM</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20y/o F c/o headaches
started when she woke yesterday and is dull and constant, described as the worst headache she has felt and diffuse throughout the head
ibuprofen and tylenol does not make it better, worse with bending and walking
+ve neck pain, fever, nausea and vomiting of food contents and greenish substance,
+ve hx of photophobia
no hx of visual changes, nasal or ear discharge, cough, chest pain or weight changes, no weakness, tingling or numbness in body parts
no past hx of similar complaints, no HTN, DM or high cholesterol
NKA, no medication use besides ibuprofen and tylenol
mother had migraines and father has high cholesterol
LMP was 2wks ago, regular at 28 days and lasts 5-6days, no dysmenorrhea
no tobacco use, 2-3 beers on weekends and marijuana 3/4 times a week
works at a sporting goods store.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]tylenol does not make it better, ibuprofen does not make it better, 20y/o, yesterday, headaches diffuse, neck pain, vomiting, nausea, mother migraines, F, photophobia</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: "ive been having a headache since yesterday"
HPI: Patient is a 20 yo female presenting to the office with fever, aches, and headache since yesterday. She endorses sever neck/head pain when moving her neck from side to side. She also endorses nausea and vomiting. She also admits feeling warm. The pain is severe but she is unable to rate it on a 1-10 scale. She does not have any sick contacts. She endorses photophobia but does not have any worsening with sound. She beleives her vaccines are up to date.
ROS: see above HPI
Allergies: NKDA
MedS: OCP for 2 years
PMHx: none
FMHX: dad has HLD, mother has migraines
SHX: lives with room mate, blanced diet, runs 3x /wk, 2-3 drinks on weekend, no smoking, marijuana 3x/wl, sexually active with oone partner condoms
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yo, yesterday, yesterday, aches, neck pain, vomiting, nausea, lives with room mate, FMHX migraines, mother migraines, female, photophobia, does not sick contacts, fever, feeling warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20yo F with no PMH who presents with headache starting yesterday morning. Pt had flu-like symptoms of muscle/joint aches, subjective fever, runny nose, throat soreness. Developed a gradually worsening to 10/10 holocephalic headache associated with neck stiffness. Sleep, NSAIDs, and tylenol have not helped. In the past 24hr patient has vomited gastric contents 3 times. She denies recent travel or sick contacts. Pt reports living in an apartment with a roommate.
ROS: No weakness, numbness. Otherwise negative.
PMH: none
PSH: no surgeries
Rx: Patient takes OCPs. OTC analgesics as above. No other meds.
Allergies: none
Social: living in apartment. no sick contacts
Family: Mother with migraines, father with HLD
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]NSAIDs have not helped, tylenol have not helped, 20yo, yesterday, muscle/joint aches, holocephalic headache, neck stiffness, vomited, flu-like symptoms, runny nose, throat soreness, living in an apartment with a roommate, Family migraines, Mother with migraines, F, denies sick contacts, no sick contacts, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: Ms. Madden, a 20 yo F, presents to the office with c/o headade:
-started yesterday morning and progressively worse
-never had this headache before
-generalized 8/10 headache without improvement when taking tylenol or ibuprofen
-pain increased with walking, bending forward
-no relieving factor, dull, constant pain, no radiation, bright light can elicit pain, nause and vomiting nonbloody emesis X2 yesterday
ROS: negative except the above
PMHx: none
PSHx: none
FHx: mom with migraine, dad with hypercholesterolemia
Meds: OCPs for 2 years
Allergies: none
SHx: sale peronnel at local store, lives with a roomate in an apartment, drinkes 2-3 beers/ wine over the weekend, no tobacco use, 3-4 marijuana uses/ week, last use was few days ago
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]without improvement when taking tylenol, without improvement when taking ibuprofen, 20 yo, yesterday, yesterday, generalized headache, vomiting, emesis, nause, lives with a roomate in an apartment, mom migraine, FHx migraine, Ms, F, bright light can elicit pain</s> |
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 YO, YESTERDAY, VOMITING, NAUSEA, MOTHER HAS MIGRANE, FH MIGRANE, F, FEVER</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Pt is a 20 yo F with c/o "worst headache ever" since she woke up yesterday morning. The pain has been a constant 8/10, dull, constant ache in her entire head. She also reports neck stiffness. The pain has not responded to tylenol, ibuprofen, or sleep, and is worse with walking, bending forward. Pt also reports some photophobia but denies phonophobia. She denies any history of headaches, but reports her mother gets migraines. Denies sick contacts. Pt works in sales at a sports store. Pt reports feeling warm and achy but denies fevers. Denies PMhx, Surgical history. Reports OCP use x 2years. Denies tobacco use. EtOH: 2-3 drinks on weekends. Marijunana use: 3-4 joints/day x few years. ROS otherwise negative. Denies any recent trauma. LMP 2 weeks ago..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]has not responded to tylenol, has not responded to ibuprofen, 20 yo, yesterday, achy, headache entire head, neck stiffness, mother migraines, F, photophobia, Denies sick contacts, feeling warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yr old f c/o headache since yesterday morning.It started suddenly,is continous and progressively worsening,dull/aching pain,8/10,radiate to neck,exacerbated by light,leaning and bending forward,associated with nausea and 3 episodes of non bloody vomiting.She has been fever since yesterday morning,had runny nose and scratchy throat.She has been using oral conntraceptives pills for birth control.
She denies sick contacts,rash,trauma,change in sleep/weight
ROS:Negative except as hpi
fh:mother had migraine and father had HLD
SSH:Denies smoking,drinks alcohol 2 -3 glasses on weekends cage 1/4,smoke weed,sexually active,protected intercourse.
PMH/PSH/MEDS:oral contraceptives pills for birth control.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yr old, yesterday, yesterday, vomiting, denies rash, nausea, runny nose, scratchy throat, mother migraine, fh migraine, f, exacerbated by light, denies sick contacts</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Pt is a 20 yo F presenting with 1 day of headache as well as upper respiratory symtpoms including sore thraot, body aches, and rhinorrhea. This started yesterday and is bilateral. She rates it an 8/10 and describes a dull and constant ache. She also reports having nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Sleeping and NSAIDs has not helped the pain. She denies any fevers, SOB, CP, diarrhea, blurry vision, weakness, or numbness. She has never had this before
ROS: negative except as in HPI
PMH: none
PSH: none
Meds: OCPs, NSAIDs
FH: Dad with HLD, mom with migraines
SH: Does not smoke, drinks 2/3 beers on weekends. smokes 2/3 marijuana cigarrettes per week. Sexually active with boyfriend and use condoms consistently
OBGYN: LMP 2 weeks ago, nml menstrual periods no irregularities
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]NSAIDs has not helped, 20 yo, 1 day, yesterday, body aches, vomiting, nausea, upper respiratory symtpoms, sore thraot, rhinorrhea, FH migraines, mom migraines, F, sensitivity to light</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: This is a 20 year old woman that presents with new onset HA 1 day ago that is dull and constant in nature. It is an 8/10 on severity that worsens with light, walking, and bending over. She did not experience any aura prior to her headace. She states that she has associated nausea and vomiting, and she is unable to keep down any food. She denies back pain, change of bowel symptoms, or urinary symptmos. She has not had any viual changes or changes to her hearing. She states that she's had headaches before but never this bad. Worse with movement and bending. Denies: chest pain, chortness of breath, endorses congestion and sore throat. no changes to urinary or bowel symptoms. no lightheadedness or weakness. Mild fever.
Med History: noncontributory
Family history: mother has migrains, father has HLD
Soc: lives in an apartment with roomate. no tobacco. Drinks 2-3 times per week. Regular marijuana user.
No surgical history..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 year old, 1 day, vomiting, nausea, congestion, sore throat, lives in an apartment with roomate, migrains Family history, mother has migrains, woman, worsens with light, fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: patient is a 20 y/o FM who complains of bilateral dull, constant headache which woke her up in the morning yesterday. She denies any past history of headaches and also denies stress in her life. She furthermore denies preceeding ssx consistant with an aura. She reports neck stiffness with her headache and cannot rate the pain; stating that she "feels really bad". She reports feeling "warm" recently. She denies any recent travel or sick contacts and is sexually active with protection during intercourse.
ROS: denies abdominal pain, weakness, numbness, blood in her stools.
PMH: denies
Meds OCP history for 2 years
FH: mother had migraines, father has high cholesterol.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 y/o, yesterday, neck stiffness, mother migraines, FH migraines, F, denies sick contacts, feeling "warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. MAdden is a 20yo previously healthy female presenting with headache for 1 day. The headache started yesterday and she states she has never felt this bad before. She has also been experiencing nause, vomiting, rhinorrhea, and full-body aches. Has had subjective fevers but not taken her temp. Also reports neck stiffness and pain. She tried tylenol and ibuprofen but neither helped. Nothing makes it better. Bending over, walking, and bright light makes it worse. Vomit is nonbloody, but she reports it has been green. Unable to keep down food. Denies diarrhea or constipation, no visual disturbances, no phonophobia. Denies sick contacts.
ROS: negative except otherwise stated in HPI
PMH: none
Medications: combined oral contraceptive pill
FHx: mother with migraines.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen neither helped, tylenol neither helped, 20yo, 1 day, yesterday, body aches, neck stiffness, neck pain, vomiting, Vomit, Unable to keep down food, nause, rhinorrhea, mother migraines, FHx migraines, Ms, female, bright light makes it worse, Denies sick contacts, subjective fevers</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo F complains of HA that started yesterday morning. This is the first time she has ever experienced this. She describes the pain as all her whole head, dull in nature, 8/10 in severity and constant since yesterday. There were no precipitating factors, and nothing makes it better despite trying ibuprofen. Patients reports HA is worse when waking up and bending over to tie her shoes. She says shes felt warm yesterday, and experienced nausea and vomiting with onset of the HA. She denies any chills, sweating, SOB, dizziness, or ill contacts.
ROS: negative except for above.
PmHX: none
Allergies: NKDA, NKFA
Meds: Birth controll pills for the last two years
FMhx: mom - migraines; Dad -high cholesterol
SoHx: patient is sexually active with boyfriend of 1 year and tested negative for STDs; + EtOH - 2-3 beers or wine on weekends; - smoking tobacco product; + marijuana - smokes 3 to 4 joints weekly, but hasn't since onset of HA.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]nothing makes it better ibuprofen, 20 yo, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, HA whole head, vomiting, nausea, mom migraines, FMhx migraines, F, denies ill contacts, felt warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Stephanie Madden is a 20 year old female with a two day history of a headache.
- Headache since yesterday morning upon waking.
- Nausea and vomited three times with greenish vomitus.
- Photophobia.
- Feels hungover.
- Minimal improvement with tylenol and ibuprofen.
- Pain is worse with bending over.
- No dizziness, vision problems, or problems with balance.
- Subjective fever no chills. No diarrhea/constipation.
ROS: negative except for as stated above.
PMH: none.OBGYN: G0, sexually active with one partner, always uses condoms.
Medications: oral contraception pills.PSH: none.Allergies: none.Sochx: no tobacco, drugs, alcohol 2-3 times on weekends. lives with roomate feels safe at home.FamHx: father hypercholesterolemia, mother with migrains..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 year old, two day, yesterday, vomited, vomitus, Nausea, lives with roomate, mother migrains, FamHx migrains, female, Photophobia, Subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20yo F presents with 1 day history of headache. Patient describes headache as "really severe," all around her head and into her neck, with accompanying nausea, 3x emesis, and photophobia. Patient has never had a similar headache. Patient has tried sleeping/ibuprofen/tylenol with no relief. Pain increases with bending over or flexing neck Headache is getting worse. Patient states she was febrile yesterday, but did not record her temperature. Patient has a dry cough that she attributes to a perfume in the waiting room, as well as a scratchy throat and post nasal drainage. Patient's only med is combination OCP. Family history positive for maternal migraines and paternal hyperlipidemia. Patient is otherwise healthy, and has had no surgeries or allergies. No exacerbation with teethbrushing, no tearing. No sick contacts. ROS otherwise negative. Marijuana use 3x wek.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen with no relief, tylenol with no relief, 20yo, 1 day, headache all around her head, Pain neck, emesis, nausea, scratchy throat, nasal drainage, maternal migraines, Family history migraines, F, photophobia, No sick contacts, febrile</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20yoF with no significant PMHx presents with headache. Dull achy quality all over head. Started yesterday in the AM and has been constant since. Pain level is 8/10, no alleviated by OTC pain meds. Better when in a dark room resting. Sleep has not helped. Worse when walking or leaning forward. No radiation of pain. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting (3x since yesterday, food and then bilious). Did not get meningococcal vaccinations, has felt subjective fevers at home. Reports neck pain/stiffness. First headache. No association with new foods, meds, or menstrual cycle.
PMHx - none, no surgeries
Meds - OCPs, no allergies
FHx - mother with migraine headaches
Social - taking online classes, no tobacco, ETOH or other drug use..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no alleviated by OTC pain meds, 20yo, yesterday, headache all over head, neck pain, vomiting, nausea, Did not get meningococcal vaccinations, FHx migraine, mother with migraine, F, subjective fevers</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 Yo F c/o Bl headache . Onset > yesterday morning after waking up . Feels like the worst hang over. constant . 8/10. no radiation. aggravated by walking around , bending down . Tried ibuprofen sleep and tylenol , not getting better. ROS : POS : feeling of tiredness PHOTOPHOBIA , n/ vomittng x 3 . food and green voit.. rhinorrhea ,
no hematuria sensitivity to sound, aura, loss of consiousness , eye pain , NO PMH , ALLERGIES , using OCP x 2 years. no hospitalizations, trauma . FH ; MIGRAINES
lmp : 2 weeks ago , menarche 13 . period 4-5days Q month . works as sporting goods. no smoking , drinks alchohol 2-3 drinks / week .Cage . does not need it as eye opener . marijauna . 2-4 / week . 1 sexual partner.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen not better, tylenol , not better, 20 Yo, yesterday, vomittng, n, rhinorrhea, FH ; MIGRAINES, F, PHOTOPHOBIA</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: This is a 20 Female with a headache that started yesterday when she woke up. She describes the headache as severe, 8/10 in severity. It isa dull, constant ache that is all over her head, but it does not radiate anywhere else. Walking and bending over and bright lights make it worse. She has some nausea and vomiting. She vomited 3 times since yesterday. There is no bllod in the vomit.
PMH: none
PSH: none
Meds: birth control
Allergies NKDA
Family history: migranes mother
ETOH minimal, no smoking marijuana 3-4 times per
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20, yesterday, headache all over her head, vomiting, vomited, nausea, migranes mother, Family history migranes, Female, lights make it worse</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Stephanie Madden is a 20 yo F with a CC of heacahe. It started yesterday AM, waking her up. Worse headache of her life. Pain is located all over her head. It is dull, constant, achy. Progressed from 2-3/10 to 8/10. She has photophobia, nausea, vomitting (three times yesterday). Nothing improves the pain. Walking and bending over make the pain worse. Also has neck stiffness, and aches in her neck and shoulders. No recent travel or sick contacts. Has felt warm. Also reports runny nose and scratchy throat. No current life stressors.
ROS: denies chills, night sweats, vision changes, sound sensitivity, lacrimation, chest pain, shortness of breath, numbness, tingling.
PMH: none
PSH: none
Meds: OCP (alesse generic)
FH: Mom - migraines
Dad - Hypercholesterolemia
SoH: sales in sporting goods, has BF, sexually active, uses condoms, 2-3 drinks per week. Denies Tob. Smokes 3-4 MMJ joins per week..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yo, yesterday, heacahe over her head, neck stiffness, aches in her neck, vomitting, nausea, runny nose, scratchy throat, FH migraines, Mom migraines, F, Ms, photophobia, No sick contacts, Has felt warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo F presents with "head hurting" all over. Pain began yesterday morning suddenly and has progressively worsened. The pain is dull and constant and bending over exacerbates the pain. The pt has tried ibuprofen and sleeping with no alleviation. She has also experienced subjective fevers, Nausea and vomiting yesterday, but the vomiting has ceased. She also has had scant rhinorrhea that began with the headache. She denies any headache like this before, stress at work, and trauma. Not associated with menstruation.
ROS: denies ear pain, sore throat, weakness, LOC.
Pmhx: none
Med: OCP for 2 y
Allergies: none
SH: none
OBgyn: LMP 2 weeks ago, no issues
SH: never smoked, 2-3 beers on weekend, no drug use. sexually active with bf of 1 year.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen no alleviation, 20 yo, yesterday, "head hurting" all over, vomiting, Nausea, rhinorrhea, F, subjective fevers</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 20 y/o F complaines of progressive headache that started yesterday morning and is getting worse. She describes the pain as all over her head and dull constant ache in nature. Rated 8/10 w/ no radiation. Walking, bending over and lights make the headache worse. She has tried Ibuprofen, tylenol and sleeping by they have not improved the pain. She also reports being achy all over since yesterday. She reports significant nausea with her headaches. She reports a subjective feeling of warmth and an achy neck.
ROS: Denies travel, recent illnesses, previous episodes, cough, sick contacts, rashes, urinary or bowel changes
Meds: Birth control pill
FH: Mother with migraines, dad w/ high cholesterol
Social: 2-3 beers on weekend, 3-4 joints per week, sexually active w/ boyriend and use condoms
GyN: LMP 2 weeks ago with 28 day regular cycles.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Ibuprofen not improved the pain, tylenol not improved the pain, 20 y/o, yesterday, achy, headache all over her head, achy neck, Denies rashes, nausea, FH migraines, Mother with migraines, F, lights make the headache worse, Denies sick contacts, subjective feeling of warmth</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo f present with vomiting that while she was a sleep yesterday has progressive gotten worse and it a constant headache.the pain is a dull 8/10 and iit is associated with vomiting and the vomit dosesnt have blood in or foul smell.he tried taking ibrubrofen which produced minimal relive . she also dscribe photophobia
PMH none
PSH none
MED ibuprofen for headcahe
SH she has been taking OCP for the past 2 years
FH mother had migrane headche.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yo, vomiting, vomiting, FH migrane, mother had migrane, f, photophobia</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Mrs. Madden Is a 20 y/o patient who c/o of headache since yesterday morning which started yesterday morning at 2/10 and has progressed to 8/10. Pain is exacerabted by bending forward, and lights. It was not alleviated with tylenol, ibuprofen or sleeping. She reports photophobia and 3 episodes of vomiting and generalized myalgias but denies auras. Patient also reports runny nose and sore throat and generalized fatigue for the past few days. She deniess episodes of diarrhea, recent travel or sick contcts.
Past Med Hx: None
Gyn: LMP 2 weeks ago, regular cycles, last 4-5 days without pain
Allergies: NKDA
Medications: oral contraceptives.
Sugeries: None
Family History: mother has migraines, father as hyperlipidemia
Social: salesperson, lives in apartment with roommate, sexually active with boyfriend only-they use condoms regularly, no tobacco, 2-3 glasses wine on weekend CAGE 0/4, 3-2 joints marihuana throughout the week.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]not alleviated with tylenol, not alleviated with ibuprofen, 20 y/o, yesterday, yesterday, myalgias, vomiting, runny nose, sore throat, lives in apartment with roommate, Family History migraines, mother has migraines, exacerabted by lights, photophobia, deniess sick contcts</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo female c/o headache since yesterday morning. She states that it started when she awoke in the morning, did not wake her from sleep. She states tht it is a dull constant ache throughout her head, 8/10 in severity. She describes it as "the worst headache of my life." She denies head trauma. She endorses nausea and emesis since teh headache began. She denies blurred vision or visual changes, she denies pressure behind her eyes. She endorses photophobia, and states that walking or bending over makes her headache worse. She does endorse subjective fever, denies chills. She denies any past episodes similar to this. She took ibuprofen and tylenol with no relief.
PMH: none
PSH: none
Meds: OCP, ibuprofen, tylenol; allergies: NKDA
FH: mom: migaraines
SH: 2-3 drinkes on weekends, nonsmoker, smokes 3-4 joints of marijuana per week, works at sporting goods store.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen no relief, tylenol with no relief, 20 yo, yesterday, headache throughout her head, emesis, nausea, mom: migaraines, FH migaraines, female, photophobia, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo F complaing of severe headache x1 day. Previously would have 2-3 mild headaches per year. Pain is dull and constant, and felt throughout her head. No associated aura. Endorses photophobia, nausea, and vomiting. NSAIDS are not improving pain. PAin was worse when patient woke up this AM, and does not worsen with sitting up. Was able to get full night's sleep last night , no issues with falling asleep. Endorses rhinorrhea and sore throat x1day. Endorses subjective fever. Denies nightsweats. No increased lacrimation.
PMH: none; no surgicl hx; Family hx: mother with migraines, father with hyperlipidemia; Meds: OCPs;
NKDA; Social: lives with roomate, drinks 2-3 ETOH drinks per week, denies tobacco use, smokes 2-3 marijuana cigarettes per week
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]NSAIDS are not improving pain, 20 yo, 1 day, 1day, headache throughout her head, vomiting, nausea, rhinorrhea, sore throat, lives with roomate, mother migraines, Family hx migraines, F, photophobia, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20yo F,C/O SUDDEN BILATERAL HEADACHE, PROGRESIVELY WORSENING,X1DAY,DULL,AND CONSTANT ,USED TYLENOL BUT NO RELIEVE. ASS NECK PAIN AND FEVER, RUNNING NOSE ,PHOTOPHOBIA,,SCRATHY THROAT
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]TYLENOL BUT NO RELIEVE, 20yo, NECK PAIN, VOMITTED, RUNNING NOSE, SCRATHY THROAT, MOTHER MIGRAINE, FH MIGRAINE, F, PHOTOPHOBIA, FEVER</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: stephanie madden is a 20 year old female presents today with sever headache of 2 days duration. Never had this pain before and has nausea and vomitting, vomitting 3 times yesterday. Pain is 8/10, constant dull ache that is all over and is worse with bending over, walking and lights. tried taking ibuprofen and sleeping but did not help. She says she felt feverish but did not check her tempertare.
ROS: none except above
PMH: none
allergies: none
meds: ibuprofen and OCPS
FH: father has high chol and mother has hx of migraines
SH: sexually active with 1 partner, drinks 2-3 alcoholic drinks on the weekend, smokes marijuana 3-4 times a week.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen but did not help, 20 year old, 2 days duration, headache all over, vomitting, nausea, mother migraines, female, worse lights, feverish</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20 year old female who presents with headache x 1 day. She states that it is a dull constant pain that involves the whole head, associated with fever, neck stiffness, photosensitivity and vomiting x 3 episodes.
ROS: Positive for generalized muscle aches, but no blurry vision, red eyes, strange smelling sensations or generalized body weakness, coughing, SOB, chest pain
PMH: non-contributory
Meds: Oral contraceptive pills
Allergies: None known
FH: Mother has migraine headaches, father has hypercholesterolemia
SH: She doesn't smoke and uses EtOH occasionally. In a monogamous relationship with her boyfriend and uses condoms.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 year old, muscle aches, headache whole head, neck stiffness, vomiting, Mother has migraine, FH migraine, female, photosensitivity, fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: A 20 year old female patient presented complaining of a headache, that started yesterday morning, sudden in onset, continuous, and getting worse. It is localized to the entire of head, with 8-9/10 intensity, dull in quality, not radiated or shifted. Not relieved by ibuprofen, aggravated when walking around or with bright light. She also felt warm yesterday, and had 3 episodes of vomiting, the vomitus was food, and green in color, with no blood. She has runny nose since yesterday. Her headache is not related to menses. No similar pain episodes in the past. No history of weakness, or numbness
ROS: negative except as above
Allergy: NKDFA
Medications: OCPs, and ibuprofen
PMH and PSH: none
Family hx: her mother has migraine headaches
Ob/GYN: LMP was 2 weeks ago, regular cycles every 30 days with 4-5 days of bleeding
SH: does not smoke, drinks 2-3 glasses of alcohol on weekends, smokes week 3-4 times/week, working at a store.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Not relieved by ibuprofen, 20 year old, yesterday, headache entire of head, vomiting, vomitus, runny nose, Family hx migraine, mother has migraine, female, aggravated with bright light, felt warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Stephanie Madden 20 y/o F with CC of headache
HPI: work up yesterday morning with HA. 2/10 onset, progressed to 8/10. Constant. Describes as dull/aching, b/l and diffuse. Also endorses radiation to neck. No relief from ibuprofen, Tylenol or sleeping. Exacerbated by walking, bright lights. Denies halos. Has vomitted 3x, bilious, no blood. Endorses cough, sore throat, diffuse achiness. No influenza vaccine this year. Denies sick contacts.
ROS: as above, also "feels warm." No changes in appetite, no changes in vision/hearing, no changes in memory/speech, denies palpitations, chest pain, denies SOB, abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, changes in urinary frequency.
PMH: none. PSH: none. Meds: OCP. Allerg: none. FH: dad has high cholesterol, mom migraines. SH: takes online classes and works at sporting goods store, denies cigs, 4-5 marijuana joints/week, 2-3 drinks every weekend, sexually active with boyfriend, always uses condoms..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No relief from ibuprofen, No relief from Tylenol, 20 y/o, yesterday, diffuse achiness, HA diffuse, headache diffuse, radiation to neck, vomitted, cough, sore throat, mom migraines, FH migraines, F, Exacerbated by bright lights, Denies sick contacts, feels warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo female who presents with headache. Pain is reported to be "all over". Pt awoke with it yesterday morning and it has progressively worsened since that time. Pain desribed as dull ache. Associated with n/v and URI symptoms which began at same time. Walking around or bending forward worsen the discomfort. Pt tried ibuprofen and tylenol which did not relieve the pain. No known recent sick contacts. No history of similar symptoms. Pain 8/10 at this time.
PMH: negative
Medications: oral contraception used for past 2 years. ibuprofen and tylenol for headache occassionally.
No drug allergies.
FH significant for mother with headache migrains.
Social history: neg for tobacco use. Pt does report smoking 3-4 joints during the week. Pt was advised to discontinue. Drinks 2-3 glasses of wine on weekends..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]tylenol did not relieve, ibuprofen did not relieve, 20 yo, yesterday, headache all over, v, n, URI symptoms, mother migrains, FH migrains, female, No sick contacts</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20 year old female who presents today with sudden onset holocranial headache that started yesterday morning. She states that she was awoken with intense pain. She states that the pain is dull and constant. There is not a specific area of the head that hurts the most. She does state she has some neck stiffness and pain. She has photophonia, nausea, decreased appetite, 3 episoes of vomiting. Denies phonophobia, diarrhea, constipation. States that she has had body aches since yesterday as well. She has not experienced anything like this before. She does get about 2 headaches a year, but are different than the one she is experiencing now. She does not recall any sick contacts. She has been taking birth control pills for 2 years. NKDA. No significant medical history. Mom has a history of migraine headaches that are well controlled with medications. Does use marijuana occasionally, but denis injection drug use..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 year old, yesterday, body aches, holocranial headache, neck stiffness, neck pain, vomiting, nausea, Mom migraine, female, photophonia, does not recall any sick contacts</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Patient is a 20yo F presents for evaluation for HA. HA has been present for 1 day in duration. Unable to define to to single lobe, notes it is present in front, back, and on sides of head. It has been worseing since onset, and has been constant. Has tried ibuprofen and tylenol to abate discomfort but to no avail. Sleep did not abort HA. Pain is worsened with walking and bending over to tie shoes. Denies photophobia, sensitivity to sound, and aura. She notes nausea with nonbloody vomiting. She has been unable to work due to the pain.
ROS: no D, CP, SOB, Abd pain, weight changes, night sweats
PH: none
Meds: OCP (2years)
FH: F - HLD. M - Migraines
SurgH: none
SocH: works as sporting goods store. ETOH 2-3x week. Tob - none. Majijuana - 3-4x week.
Allergies: none.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen to no avail, tylenol to no avail, 20yo, 1 day in duration, HA front, back, and on sides of head, vomiting, nausea, M - Migraines, FH Migraines, F</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 20 yo F c/o headache since yesterday. it is severe throbbing in nature, not localized, associated w/ 3 episodes of vomiting and nausea. no relation to menstrual cycle. it is aggravated w/ bright light. and relieved in a dark room. no relief from tylenol ibuprofen or sleep. there is also associated runny nose and itchy throat. denies any ear pain. ROS: negative except as above PMH&PSH: none FH: mother has migranes. SH: no tobacco use. drinks 2-3 beers on weekend, uses marijuana 2-3 times a week. sexually active w/ boyfriend. uses condoms and is on OCP's since 2 years..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]no relief from tylenol, no relief from ibuprofen, 20 yo, yesterday, vomiting, nausea, runny nose, itchy throat, mother migranes, FH migranes, F, aggravated bright light</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 y/o F with headache by 2 days in the context of rhinorrhea and "scratchy throat" as well as generalized malaise, HA began yesterday morning, no head trauma or LOC, not worsened by laying down but also not relieved, began at a 2/10, pain all throughout head, has been a constant dull ache which has worsened to an 8/10 today, worsened by movement, photophobia present, n/v present, not experiencing much relief with tyenol or ibuprofen, slept but this did not relieve the headache
ROS: as above, endorses subjective fever today, no abdominal pain, no headaches brought on by sneezing, coughing or bm, no focal neuro symptoms
PMHx: none
Medications: as above, OCP
PSHX: none
FHx: mom with migraine dad with HLD
SHx: smokes 3-4 joints of marijuana/day, no other recreational drug use, no smoking tobacco, 2-3 wine/beer drinks on weekends, sexually active with 1 partner, uses protection, LMP 2 weeks ago.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]not experiencing much relief with tyenol, not experiencing much relief with ibuprofen, 20 y/o, yesterday, v, n, rhinorrhea, scratchy throat, FHx migraine, mom with migraine, F, photophobia, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Stephanie Madden is a 20 yo female with no significant PNH reporting to clinic with a headache. The headache began yesterday morning a few minutes after she woke up (but was not the cause of her awakening). Since then the pain has increased from a 3 to a 10/10, currently feeling like the "worst pain in my life". She has never had anything like this before. She has tried ibuprofen and tylenol and bed rest without improvement; pain is worsed by lights, bending over and walking around. She has intense nausea/vomiting (3x) but denies visual problems like blurriness or double vision. She has no concerns about incontinence of urine or stool. Denies recent changes in weight. Patient reports feeling mildly warm recently. vaccines up to date
FH: father high cholesterol, mother migraines
Medical: no other history
Social: alcohol 3 drinks weekly, no smoking, occasional marijuana, sexually active with men on BC and condoms, no hx of STIs.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen without improvement, tylenol without improvement, 20 yo, yesterday, vomiting, nausea, mother migraines, migraines FH, female, pain is worsed by lights, feeling mildly warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20 yof female with a 2 day history of worst headache of her life. Her headache began 2 days ago when she woke up. She reports that it has worsened in intensity to the point where is feels like an 8/10. The pain is global throughout her head and is described as dull, throbbing, and constant. She endorses photophobia, nausea, vomiting with 3 episodes yesterday. She denies any hematemesis, weakness, numbness, tingling, or diarrhea. She denies any chils, or night sweat. She does endorse rhinorrea, sore throat. Denies LOC or falls..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yo, 2 day, 2 days, headache globa, headache throughout her head, vomiting, nausea, rhinorrea, sore throat, f, photophobia</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo F complaining of severe headache starting yesterday morning when she awoke from sleep. It is progressive, dull, and constant. Worse with bending forward and walking. No relief with ibuprofen, tylenol, sleep changes. Assoicated with nausea and vomiting, achiness especially in neck and shoulders, photophobia, runny nose, scratchy throat. Feels slightly warm but has not measured temperature. Denies visual changes, aura, numbness, weakness. No stresNo sick contacts. Last menstrual period 2 weeks ago and has regular periods. Never been pregnant
PMHx: none
Med: OCP, ibuprofen, tylenol
PSHx: none
FHx: Mom- migraine
SHx: 2-3 beers on weekends. Never smoker. Smoke 3-4 joints of marijuana a week. Sexually active with boyfriend and they use condoms. Works at sporting good store..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]No relief with ibuprofen, No relief with tylenol, 20 yo, yesterday, achiness neck, vomiting, nausea, runny nose, scratchy throat, Mom- migraine, FHx migraine, F, photophobia, No sick contacts, Feels warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 22 yo F with sudden onset severe persistent headache since yesterday morning, woke her up. Worse with leaning forward, achy, diffuse covering whole head. Reports 3 episodes of nonbloody nonbilious vomiting and nausea, photophobia, myalgias. No sick contacts, no rash, no arm weakness or sensory changes. Does have scratchy throat and rhinorrhea, no nasal congestion. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, sleeping has not helped. Felt warm at home, no temp taken. On OCPs. Gets tension type headaches occasionally but this is unlike those. No hx of migraines although mother has migraines. No scik contacts, no recent travel.
ROS: no chest pain, SOB, cough, abd pain, diarrhea, constipation, leg swelling, urinary symptoms
PMH: none
Meds: OCPs; no allergies
FH: mom migraine, dad HLD
Surg; None
Soc: no smoking, occasional alcohol, smokes marijuna 3x week; sexually active with 1 male partner, uses condoms consistently
OB: LMP 2 weeks ago, 4-5 days flow.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Ibuprofen has not helped, Tylenol has not helped, 22 yo, yesterday, myalgias, headache whole head, vomiting, no rash, nausea, scratchy throat, rhinorrhea, mother has migraines, FH migraine, mom migraine, F, photophobia, No sick contacts, No scik contacts, Felt warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20y/o F who presents with headache. Reports that dull, constant aching headache all over that began yesterday morning. She has never had pain like this before. Rated as 8/10. Has tried ibuprofen, tylenol and sleep with no relief. Pain is worst with walking and bending over. Associated with nasuea and vomiting, had green emesis x 3 yesterday. Eyes are sensitive to bright lights, but not vision changes or blurred vision. Reports body aches, but no rashes. Recently had running nose, congestion and scratchy throat. No recent falls. No warning of headache, no eye pain or tearing. Denies fever, chills, weight loss. Reports decreased appeitite since yesterday. Denies numbess, tingling, weakness, changes in bowels, changing in urination.
PMH: none
PSH: none
FH: dad - high cholesterol, Mom - migrained
SH: non smoker, drinks on weekends, smokes 3-4 joints, wokrs at sporting goods, sexually active with 1 partner, on pill.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen no relief, tylenol no relief, 20y/o, yesterday, body aches, headache all over, vomiting, emesis, no rashes, nasuea, running nose, scratchy throat, Mom - migrained, FH migrained, F, sensitive to bright lights</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Stephanie Madden, a 20-year-old female presenting with headache.
-started yesterday morning
-all over, constant, dull ache
-hast trried ibuprofen,k tylenol, and sleep without improvment
-walking and bending over worsen the apin
the pain wwas worse this mroning
she has a history of mild headaches 1-2 times per year, but nothing htis bad
says this si the worse headache of her life
ROS: Nausea and vomiting, light hurts eyes, sick to stomach, overall body aches
no chest pain, shortness of breath, congestion, constipation or diarrhea, weakness, or irine changes
PMHx: healthy, only takes oral contraceptive pill
PSHx: none
FHx: Mom- migraines
Social Hx: drinks 2-3 beers on weekends, smokes marijuana 3-4 times per week, lives with roommate.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen without improvment, tylenol without improvment, 20-year-old, yesterday, body aches, vomiting, Nausea, lives with roommate, FHx migraines, Mom- migraines, female, light hurts eyes</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Pt is a 20 yo female with chief complaint of headaches. She reports it began yesterday morning with a dull, constant , achy pain that progresses since then. She reports neck and shoulder pain, sensitivity to light, and hurts when she bends or walks. She also endorses vomiting and feeling warm. She denies abdominal pain, weakness or numbness of extremities. She denies any sick contacts however reports having a runny nose and scratchy throat that started yesterday morning.
pmh: none, states she is healthy
psh: none
pfh: mother with history of migraines and father with hypercholesteremia
Obgyn: she reports her menstrual cycles is regular and normal flow
soc: works at sporting good store, lives at an appartment with her roommate.
Meds: ocp use
Allergies: nka.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yo, yesterday, neck pain, vomiting, runny nose, scratchy throat, lives at an appartment with her roommate, pfh migraines, mother migraines, female, sensitivity to light, denies any sick contacts, feeling warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Female patient of 20 yo, that comes to the office c/o headache since yesterday. Patient refers that the headache is still the same episode and that is getting worse. Also refers that is present all the time, and is the 1st time that have an episode like this. No alleviates w/AINES and sleep. Get worse when patient bends her head foward and when walks. Also refers nausea and vomiting in 3 ocasions, of food content at first an that now is a greenish sluid. Patient also refers that does not have appetite, decrease in elergy level, and that takes OCP's for the past 2 years. ROS: dneied except as above mentioned. no PMHx, no surgeries, no hospitalizations. Meds: OCP's for the past 2y. FH: mother has migraine and dad high cholesterol levels. Shx: takes alcohol 2-3 beers on weekends, no tabacco use and use marihuana for the past years, being the last time 4 days ago. LMP: 2 weeks ago, and work in a sport store..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yo, yesterday, vomiting, nausea, mother migraine, FH migraine, Female</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 y female here in the clinic with c/o headache since yesterday , she states pain stated in the morning when she woke up , pain is getting progreesively worse , took tylenol and ibuprofen which didn't help with the pain , pain she describes aas all over the head and never had thia type of pain before , she also vomited x 3 , denies any blood in the vomit , she has no appetite , walking and bending over making the pain worse, photophobia + ,
ros ; NEG except mentioned in HPI
PMH : None PSH : None
All : Nka Meds : OCP
SH : works at sporting goods , no smoking , occasional beer use , uses joints 3-4 times a week ,.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]"ibuprofen didnt help", "tylenol didnt help", 20 y, yesterday, stated in the morning when she woke up, headache all over the head, vomited, vomit, female, photophobia</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 year old female. Complains of headache today, worst she has ever experienced. Described as dull and constant, worsened by walking around and bright light. Also has nausea and vomiting 3 episodes- food at first, now bilious. She also has fever today with myalgia. Previous episodes of headache but never this severe. No weaknes or numbness. No decrease in visual acuity or double vision noted.
ROS- negative except above
Allergies- NKDA
Medications- Oral contraceptive pills for 2 years. Took ibuprofen, tylenol but no improvement
PMH/PSH- non contributory
FH: father has hyperlipidemia. Mother has history of migraines
SH: non smoker. Drinks alcohol 2-3 times a week. Lives with room mate.Works in sporting goods store.
Sexually active and uses condoms
OG: regular menstrual cycles.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen no improvement, tylenol but no improvement, 20 year old, myalgia, vomiting, nausea, Lives with room mate, Mother migraines, female, worsened by light, fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI : Pt presents with headache with photophobia. complains of a stiff neck and body aches. Hurts all over her head. NO Weakness. numbness or tingling. No recent ill contact, flu or ear infectionm no recent travel , no Trauma and no stress. She complains of severe N/V and no weight losss
PMH : none
ALlergy NKDA
Medication - Oral Contraceptive
Family Health : kMOm has migranes and dad has hypercholestrolemia
OBGYN : LMP 2 weeks ago and regular
Social and sexual : No smoking 2- 3Etoh per week
3-4 joinjts of marijyuanna a week
active iwth BF.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]body aches, headache all over her head, stiff neck, V, N, MOm has migranes, Family Health migranes, photophobia, No recent ill contact</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 20 yo F headache from yesterday norning with vomiting and nausea, photophobi, 8/10 no radiation, worse with time and bending forward lending, neck pain , nofever,
pmh:no admiton in hospital, no weakness and numbnesss
FH: father hyperlipidemia , mother migrine headach
SH, sexually active with boyfriend for 1 year use OCP
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yo, yesterday, neck pain, vomiting, nausea, mother migrine, FH migrine, F, photophobi</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: The patient is a 20 year old female who presents with a severe headache. She has no PMH. She states that the headache started yesterday morning and has since been worsened. She reports that she has severe photophobia. She has never had a headache this bad in the past. She reports that nothing is helping her severe pain. She has tried "ibuprofen, tylenol, and trying to get some sleep, but none of those helped." She takes birth control pills. She states that she has been nauseas for the past day, and she has vomited 3 times yesterday. Feels feverish. No night sweats. She denies any diarrhea, constipation, chest pain, abdominal pain.
PMH: No allergies. Her only medication is birth control.
PSH: no surgeries. No trauma. No pregnancies
Social hx: No tobacco use. She drinks 2-3 drinks every other weekend. She reports that she has not thought about cutting back. No travel history. Does not live in close quarters
FMH: Mother had migraines.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]ibuprofen none of those helped, tylenol none of those helped, 20 year old, yesterday, vomited, nauseas, Mother had migraines, FMH migraines, female, photophobia, feverish</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: CC: headache
HPI: Ms. Madden is a 20yo F who presents to the clinic with 1 day hx of dull constant headache that has gotten progressively worse and ranks it 8/10 pain. She has tried taking tylenol, ibuprofen, resting and sleeping, but has had little relief. She has also experienced nausea, vomitting, and subjective fevers and chills. Has been vomiting mostly food and also green sputum, denies any blood. Also complains of scratchy throat, runny nose, body aches, photophobia, and phonophobia. Denies any exposure to anyone with recent illness.
PMH: none
Meds: OCPs x2 years
PSH: none
SH: lives at home with roommate, works as salesperson at sporting goods store. denies tobacco, ethanol, or drugs.
FH: mother with migraines, father with hyperlipidemia.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]tylenol little relief, ibuprofen little relief, 20yo, 1 day, body aches, vomitting, vomiting, nausea, scratchy throat, runny nose, lives at home with roommate, mother with migraines, FH migraines, F, photophobia, Denies any exposure to anyone with recent illness, subjective fevers</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo f with h/o headache since waking yesterday. Headache is dull and constant without radiation. No previous episodes. Symptoms are progressive. Patient unable to quantify headache intensity. Headache is associated with nausea and vomiting (3X yesterday, green, nonblood), as well as decreased appetitie and URI symptoms including sore throat, fever and running nose. Denies sick contacts, urinary or bowel changes, photophobia, cough, dyspnea and chest pain.
ROS negative except as above.
PMH/Surgeries: none, no surgeries/hospitalizations
Allergies: NKDA
Meds: OCPs
FH: migraines (mom)
SH: works at sporting goods store, lives with roomate, no tobaco or illicit drug use, drinks 2-3 beers/week, smokes marijuana 3-4 times/week, runs 1x/week for exercise, balanced diet.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yo, yesterday, vomiting, nausea, URI symptoms, sore throat, running nose, lives with roomate, FH: migraines, migraines (mom), f, Denies sick contacts, fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20yo F who presents for 1 day of severe headache which she describes as the "worst hangover of her life" (without alcohol use). The pain is generalized in her head and is dull, 8/10 intensity. Ibuprofen and tylenol have not relived the pain. The pain is worse while walking and while bending over. She has nausea for the past 2 days and vomited 3x (food, then green on subsequent vomit, no blood). No changes in stool. She notices no weakness or loss of sensation during this time. No known sick contacts
PMH: None
MEDS: OCPs x 2 years, no side effects
PSH: None, no prior hospitalizations
FH: Mother has migraines, Dad has high cholesterol
Social: Lives with roommate, smokes marijuana 2-3x/week (discussed reduction), drinks 2-3 alcoholic beverages per day on weekend (CAGE 0/4), sexually active with men, monogamous with 1 boyfriend, uses OCPs and condoms. Works at sporting store..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]tylenol have not relived, Ibuprofen have not relived, 20yo, 1 day, headache generalized in her hea, vomited, nausea, Lives with roommate, Mother migraines, FH migraines, F, No known sick contacts</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20 yo woman with a c/o of headache. The headache came on suddently, and was present when she awoke 1 day ago. She has body aches all over. Not improved with ibuprofen or tylenonl. It is worse when tying her shoes. She has vomitted 3x, non bloody non bilioius. No other bleeding. Endorses photophobia. No hx of migraines. This is the worst headache of her life. Denies loss of conciousness. Pain is 'bad' did not provide a number on 1-10. Up to date on vaccinations. Denies sick contacts.
ROS: no chest pain, no ringing in ears, no SOB, no problems walking. No skin changes or hair changes
PMH: none
Past Surg Hx: none
Fam hx: Mom migranies, dad high cholesterol
Social: Denies smoking, no concern for etoh abuse. monogamous with one male. Uses condoms.
Meds: In addition to above, uses oral contraceptive pills.
Gyn: No changes to menstural cycle
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Not improved with ibuprofen, Not improved with tylenonl, 20 yo, 1 day, body aches, vomitted, Fam hx migranies, Mom migranies, woman, photophobia, Denies sick contacts</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI: 20yo F complains of intense headache for the past day
- Had previous headaches before but nothing like this
- Headache is all over the head and constant
- Associated with nause and vomit x 3 of gastric contents with no blood
- Today she has photophobia and feels hyperthermia
ROS: Denies vision or Hearing changes, no tinnitus, double vision or vertigo, no chest pain or palpitations, no changes in weight or appetite, slept normal through the night.
PMH: Denied
Surgeries: Denied
Allergies: Denied
Medications: Birth control pill
OBGyn: Regular menses, with normal flow (3-4 towels on heaviest day) G0, LMP 2 weeks
SH: Sales person, lives with roomate, drinks 2-3 beers or wine on weekends, doesnt smoke, smokes 3-4 marihuana per week. Sexually active with boyfriend uses condoms.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20yo, past day, Headache is all over, vomit, nause, lives with roomate, F, photophobia</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: HPI:20yo c/o headach which started 1 day ago, its all over the head, constant and progressively worsen, associated nausea, no vomitting. family hx of migraine. patient says these is the worse headach in her life.hx of OCP used. she is on Ibuprofen.
ROS:as above
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20yo, 1 day ago, headach all over the head, nausea, family hx of migraine</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20yo female came in with constant headache started yesterday morning. It involves the whole head and it is dull pain. It gets worse with walking and bending over. It is associated with 3 vomiting episodes. the vomitus was in green color. She complains of photophobia and neckstiffness. Denies of fatigue, weight loss but she noticed poor appetite. She has whole bodyache started yesterday. She feels warm. Denies of trauma, changes in bowel/urinary habits
ROS none except the above
PMH none
current medications OCPs for 2yrs
PSH : none
SOCIAL hx : denies smoking, 2-3 beer or wine on the weekends, marijuana for 3-4 times a week last marijuana was 4 days ago and she used marijuana for few years.
Sexual hx.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20yo, yesterday, bodyache, headache whole head, neckstiffness, vomiting, female, photophobia, feels warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms Madden is a 20yr old female who presents today with a chief complaint of headache x1 day duration. She describes the pain feels "like the worst hangover" she's ever had, however she has not been drinking. She first noticed the headache when she first woke up yesterday morning. Associated symptoms include nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and "feeling warm". She denies noticing any preceeding symptoms such as blurred vision. She tried Ibuprofen and tylenol which failed to improve her symptoms. Walking and bending over makes her headache worse. Denies sick contacts. PMHx is unremarkable. She is on combination OCPs. NKDA, no hx of surgeries. LMP was 2 weeks ago. She is sexually active with one partner and uses condoms consistently. Denies tobacco use, drinks 2-3 glasses of wine/week. FHx is positive for mother with a hx of migraine headaches..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Ibuprofen failed to improve, tylenol failed to improve, 20yr old, x1 day, yesterday, vomiting, nausea, mother migraine, FHx migraine, female, photophobia, Denies sick contacts, feeling warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 yo f c/o bilateral Headache in all the head (the worst of her life) graded 8/10 constant since yesterday morning, the pain radiates to the neck and shoulder. the pain does not improve with acetaminophen and ibuprophen. the pain worsen when movement of the neck and limited neck movility. Associated vomits in 3 episodes since yesterday with food and green content. Denies rash in the skin, recent travel or contact with sick person, change in urine or bowel movements.
ROS: none except as above.\
PMH/PSH: none.
Meds: acetaminophen and ibuprofen. oral contraceptives. NKA
SH: Alcohol 2-3 glasses of wine on weekends. Marijuana ocassional on weekends. Denies tobacco use. Sexually active with boyfriend use condoms
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]pain does not improve with acetaminophen, pain does not improve with ibuprophen, 20 yo, yesterday, Headache in all the head, pain radiates to the neck, vomits, Denies rash, f, Denies contact with sick person</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 year odl female c/o headaches x few hrs. Headches is dull in nature with associated fever and vomiting. Headache is worse in the morning and on bending over. Ibuprofen does not make it better. She also complains of neck pain when she moves the neck.She takes oral contraceptives for contraception. Feels better with the light turnes out. Positive history of migranes in mother
LMP 2 weeks ago
ROS: no change in bowel or urinary habits. No cough, breathlessness or palpitations. No abdominal pain. no numbnes or weakness
allergies: none
PMH: none
PSH: none
FH: history of migraines in the mother. Father has high blood cholesterol
SH: works in a gym goods store. No tobacco. Takes marijuana 3-4 times a week . Last use was 3 days ago
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Ibuprofen does not make it better, 20 year odl, neck pain, vomiting, migranes in mother, migraines mother, FH: history of migraines, female, Feels better with the light turnes out</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Pt is 20 yo F w headache since yesterday morning. Pt states that she woke up w a dull headache of her entire heard, that is progressively getthing worse. Has neck pain, subjective fever. Tried ibuprofen, tylenol, sleeping with little relief. Walking , bending over makes it worse. Has had nausea, vomitting x3 of food and green colored. Sensitive to light, not sound, no auras. States "this is the worst headache of my life"
PMH: none
Meds: OCP
PSH: none
Allergies: none
Family: mother migraines, father high cholesterol
SH: in high school, 2-3 glasses of wine per week, smokes 3-4 joints of cannabis/wk
ROS: denies weight change, appetitie change, recent travel, sick contacts, cough, bowel/urinary changes.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20 yo, yesterday, headache entire heard, neck pain, vomitting, nausea, mother migraines, Family migraines, F, Sensitive to light, denies sick contacts, subjective fever</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 F no PMH, lives w/ roommate in apartment has severe headache and photosensitivity x2 days. URI symptoms x2 days, as well. No sick contacts. UTD on vaccines. No hx spinal Surgery or instrumentation..
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]20, 2 days, 2 days, URI symptoms, lives w/ roommate in apartment, F, photosensitivity, No sick contacts</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: 20 y/o F with no PMH is presenting with 1 day history of headache. Patient said is started yesterday morning as a dull headache that has been constant since then. Patient also has had some nausea, and 3 episodes of vomiting with no blood in the vomit. Patient is also sensitive to the light. Patient has tried tylenol and ibuprofen which has not helped. Patient says that she feels warm but denies chills, chest pain, or neck pain.
ROS: NEgative except for above.
NEgative PMH, Surgical Hx.
PAtient is on OCP
Patient's Mom has a Hx of migraines.
She smokes 3 joints of marijuana every week.
EtOH use soical.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]tylenol has not helped, ibuprofen which has not helped, 20 y/o, 1 day, vomiting, nausea, Mom has a Hx of migraines, F, sensitive to the light, feels warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Ms. Madden is a 20 yo female presenting w/ the worst HA of her life, unlike anything that she has had before. It is a dull + constant pain, it has gotten progressively worse, started yesterday morn. It is a diffuse pain felt around her head and is nonpulsating. She has photophobia but no phonophobia, has nausea, and vomited 3x yesterday. No sick contacts. Felt warm earlier. No chills, fatigue, CP, SOB, abd pain, or rashes. No sx before the onset of this HA. Ibuprofen, tylenol, sleep have not helped. Walking + bending over makes the pain worse. She has had HA before once or twice a yr but they are usually very mild.
Meds: OCPs
FH: mother w/ migraines, dad w/ HPL
Social alcohol use, 3 or 4 marijuana joints per week, no tobacco use
PMH: none significant.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]tylenol not helped, Ibuprofen not helped, 20 yo, yesterday, HA around her head, HA diffuse, vomited, No rashes, nausea, mother migraines, FH migraines, Ms, female, photophobia, No sick contacts, Felt warm</s> |
<s>[INST]<<SYS>>You are a resourceful medical assistant. Please ensure your answers are unbiased. Make sure the answers are from the text provided.<</SYS>>Patient Note: Stephanie madden is a 20 year old woman complaining of headache. Pain began yesterday morning and has been getting worse. Dull constant ache bilaterally, worse with walking, bending over, no alleviating factors. Did not respond to ibuprofen, Tylenol, or sleep. Complains of photobia, but not phonophobia, no aura. Subjective fever today. Neck stiffness. Nausea and vomiting. No dizzyness or lightheadedness, no weakness, no sick contacts.
ROS: otherwise negative
PMH: none
PSH: none
Hosp: none
Med: Birth control pill
Allergies: none
Soc: works at sporting good store, lives with roomate, no tobacoo, etoh 2-3 drinks on weekends, marijuna 3-4 joints a week, sexually active and uses condoms.
Extract phrases from this text which may help understand the patient's medical condition.[/INST]Did not respond to ibuprofen, Did not respond to Tylenol, 20 year old, yesterday, Neck stiffness, vomiting, Nausea, lives with roomate, photobia, no sick contacts, Subjective fever</s> |