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2015-04-18-#ubuntu-for-all | [21:01] <narfje> hellowha | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:10:59.983519 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-for-all"
} |
2015-04-18-#maas | [05:55] <mup> Bug #1445717 was opened: 180b3 - mark broken is broken <uosci> <MAAS:New> <> | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:10:59.985014 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#maas"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-fi | [09:40] <marsupapu> Morjesta. Meinasin asentaa tollaseen melko ankeaan miniläppäriin Ubuntun serveriversion tai Debianin ilman mitään työpöytää
[09:40] <marsupapu> Joskus kuitenkin saatan tarvita jotain yksittäistä graafista sovellusta. Mikä on tähän yksinkertaisin tapa?
[09:41] <Echramath> Haluatko ajaa niitä sen vehkeen näytöllä?
[09:42] <marsupapu> Framebuffer-hommeleita on kokeiltu mutta sovellusvalikoiman rajallisuus muodostuu ongelmaksi. Sitten taas Openboxit ja muut tuntuu vähän liioittelulta. Periaatteessa en tarvitsisi kun X:ssä pyörivän terminaalin, josta aukoa sovelluksia.
[09:42] <marsupapu> juu kyllä.
[09:42] <Echramath> Ratpoison?
[09:45] <marsupapu> Mahdollisesti. Oon vaan antanut ymmärtää, että se on tarpeettoman monimutkainen.
[09:47] <Echramath> Monimutkainen konfata?
[09:53] <marsupapu> No ehkä sekin, mutta ymmärtämäni mukaan monimutkainen käyttää, ts. perustoimintojen käyttäminen vaatii suuren määrän painalluksia
[09:54] <marsupapu> Tässä asiassa saa minua oikaista, koska en ole koskaan käyttänyt ko. ikkunointiohjelmaa.
[09:56] <Echramath> En määkään, mutta en olekaan omistanut jotain miniläppäriä
[09:57] <Echramath> Oletan sellainen se olevan siinä mielessä mobiililaite, että kaikkea ajetaan kuitenkin kokoruudulla
[09:57] <marsupapu> No se on kyllä totta. 800x600 on aika onneton millekään muulle.
[09:58] <Iltsu> SIIS
[09:58] <Iltsu> oho caps
[09:58] <Iltsu> miks sä tarviit äksäs pyörivän terminaalin?
[10:00] <ninnnu_> no yks wanha ja hyvä "failsafe"-sessio on ollu ihan vain xterm
[10:00] <Iltsu> ite jos tarvii ajaa nassilla graaffista softaa niin oon ajanu ne ssh:n yli toisel koneel
[10:00] <ninnnu_> joka on ns. "WM"
[10:01] <Iltsu> Windowsille löytyy semmone hyvä ku xming, mäkille x:n saamine taas oli aika taval nihkeempää
[10:04] <marsupapu> No ei sen terminaalin oo välttämätöntä pyöriä X:ssä
[10:05] <Iltsu> en ymmärrä et mihin sitä terminaalia tarvii, kun on pääsee suoraa komentorivillekki käsiks :D
[10:06] <marsupapu> Meinasin vaan ajaa muutamia graafisia ohjelmia ja ehkä joitain DOS-pelejä koneessa, joka täyttää muuten vaatimuksensa ilman X:ää (irkkaus ja sähköposti)
[10:29] <marsupapu> Joo, ratpoison vaikuttaa välttävältä. Conffin alkuun vielä toive xtermin avaamisesta. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:10:59.991638 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-fi"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntustudio | [12:25] <Yako1605> hello everybody ^^
[12:29] <syrako> hi
[12:33] <syrako> how do i do install intel graphic driver for my netbook? i've a packardbell dot s2, and i saw that the driver por graphic accelerator exist, but i don't know how i installthis
[12:33] <cfhowlett> syrako, ubuntu version???
[12:34] <syrako> 14.04.2
[12:37] <syrako> ''Distribution not supported'' this is the error message that intel give me
[12:38] <cfhowlett> syrako, right. intel no longer supports 14.04. upgrade to 14.10
[12:40] <syrako> but i can update ubuntu studio whitout the new installation?
[12:40] <syrako> like in windows?
[12:40] <cfhowlett> syrako, intel offers 14.04 NO graphics support. NONE
[12:41] <cfhowlett> syrako, ???
[12:41] <syrako> but i can update ubuntu studio?
[12:41] <syrako> to 14.10
[12:42] <cfhowlett> syrako, sudo do-release-upgrade IIRC
[12:42] <syrako> ok tkns
[12:43] <syrako> no new relase
[12:45] <cfhowlett> syrako, you have your settings on LTS on, don't you
[12:46] <cfhowlett> syrako, if your update settings are LTS only, you will NOT see a new release until 16.04
[12:46] <syrako> ok
[12:47] <syrako> tnks | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:10:59.995068 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntustudio"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-us-pa | [12:10] <rmg51> Morning
[12:10] <rmg51> off to PACS
[12:10] <rmg51> chat with the bear
[12:56] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples, critters and anything else that's around | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:10:59.996962 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-gr | [08:27] <yakamoto> geia sas paidia
[08:32] <Anoniem4l> hell
[08:32] <Anoniem4l> hello*
[08:35] <yakamoto> mporei kapios na me boithisei na peraso tous ellinikous xaraktires sto kinito mou?
[08:49] <Anoniem4l> sorry file den asxoloume me kinita
[16:13] <salih-emin> καλησπέρα
[16:13] <kerato> hi
[19:03] <harispc> Hi
[19:29] <vagelis> πρόβλημα με το λεξικό ελληνικών στο libre | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.001258 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-gr"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-hr | [05:35] <Mmike> beeeeh
[07:49] <vileni> morgen
[07:57] <SilverSpace> jutro
[08:01] <SilverSpace> ha u ova dva dana sto sam zbricko mob naucio sam vise o androidu nego sto imam tulifon
[08:01] <SilverSpace> sa androidom
[08:46] <Vlado9A3CY> lol
[08:46] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro
[08:46] <Vlado9A3CY> svima :)
[08:48] <SilverSpace> i tebi
[13:07] <m_> pozdrav, može li mi milim netko provjeriti što ne valja s ovim debian source package? ...mozda i valja ali ja to ne znam ;)
[13:13] <SilverSpace> uu kojem smislu
[13:25] <SilverSpace> ??
[13:31] <m_> dali sam to ispravno zapakirani..može li se instalirati?
[13:38] <Vlado9A3CY> dobar dan :)
[13:41] <jelly> m_: odakle dolazi taj source?
[13:47] <jelly> ha, u .orig.tar.xz uopce nema sourcea, nego prekompajlirani .jar
[13:48] <Mmike> SilverSpace, kad su kvalushe?
[13:55] <m_> znaci to ne valja?
[13:56] <jelly> m_: rekao bi da nista ne valja...
[13:57] <jelly> m_: u kojoj distri/releaseu si to probao buildati?
[13:57] <SilverSpace> Mmike: u 17
[13:58] <Mmike> SilverSpace, a vidim
[13:58] <Mmike> demit
[13:58] <SilverSpace> kaj
[13:59] <m_> e to me i pati dpkg-genchanges: error: badly formed line in files list file, line 1
[13:59] <jelly> m_: izgleda kao da je sadrzaj debian/ samo template a zapravo nije nigdje specificirano koje datoteke idu u koji paket
[13:59] <m_> ma to je moj projekt s kojim se patim 12 mjeseci
[14:00] <SilverSpace> vratio xpiriu i sad radi jedino kaj ne mobu otkljucat boollouder tj ne mogu uci u fastboot
[14:00] <jelly> mozda se s javom patis 12 mjeseci, ali src package izgleda kao da je neko potrosio 2 minute
[14:01] <m_> s javom nema problema...
[14:01] <m_> sa srcom se patim toliko...
[14:03] * jelly ni ne zna kak source treba izgledat ovih dana
[14:15] <m_> nije mi ovo jasno...kada je DEBIAN stampanim slovima ja uredno builda deb i to uredno radi..kada zelim naoraviti sa dpkg-buildpackage sourc onda me trazi debian malim slovima...
[14:18] <jelly> source package se sastoji od sourcea, skripte koja iz sourca iskompajlira i pripremi datoteke, postavi ih na pravo mjesto i onda iz toga zapakira .deb
[14:19] <jelly> ovo sa velikim DEBIAN/ nije source package, nego samo otpakirani binary .deb
[14:19] <jelly> source package izgleda sasvim drukcije
[14:20] <jelly> u principu source package je source + hrpa uputa kako se iz sourca dodje do stabla u kojem imas ./usr/lib i ./usr/bin i ./DEBIAN
[14:20] * infy- se misli kako dumap firmware s tcomovog routera
[14:21] <infy-> dumpat*
[14:21] <infy-> SilverSpace: jos ne radi fastboot?
[14:39] <SilverSpace> ne
[14:39] <SilverSpace> nece uc nikako
[14:40] <SilverSpace> ni ubuntu ni win
[14:40] <SilverSpace> nisam jedini i nikako to rijesiti
[14:41] <SilverSpace> infy-: treba svijetlit plava ledica a ja to ne mogu dobiti
[14:42] <m_> jelly jel rules datoteka u kojoj treba pisati gdje sto ide... meni u deb datoteci bude samo share..nema lib i bin..kako da to natjeram da udje unutra
[14:45] <SilverSpace> Your phone led should glow in blue color
[14:46] * SilverSpace iskopat ce tu ledicu
[16:15] <SilverSpace> majke ti citavi xda-developers sam procitao
[16:33] <markosejic> d vecer
[20:11] <Mmike>
[20:11] <Mmike> lol
[20:11] <Mmike> nije bash nego batch
[20:11] <Mmike> :D
[20:24] <markosejic> d vecer | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.018221 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-hr"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-my | [04:58] <excalibr> hai | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.019176 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-my"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-discuss | [04:18] <lotuspsychje>
[04:20] <hopefullythisnic> hey psycho?
[04:20] <lotuspsychje> yep
[04:20] <lotuspsychje> wb
[04:21] <hopefullythisnic> ty, i havent used irc in FOREVER so i couldnt remember the damn command to connect to another channel
[04:21] <lotuspsychje> hopefullythisnic: did you see this one :
[04:21] <lotuspsychje> i like xchat for irc
[04:21] <hopefullythisnic> yea i have hexchat on my windows os lol
[04:22] <lotuspsychje> :p
[04:22] <hopefullythisnic> what kind of machine are you running?
[04:22] <lotuspsychje> im currently on an acer netbook ubuntu 14.04.2 64bit with samsung evo 840
[04:22] <lotuspsychje> (sec boot/3sec halt
[04:23] <hopefullythisnic> cool
[04:23] <lotuspsychje> but im gonna open an ubuntu computer shop in my country soon
[04:23] <hopefullythisnic> whereabouts are you located?
[04:23] <lotuspsychje> belgium
[04:23] <hopefullythisnic> oh, interesting
[04:24] <lotuspsychje> not many shops do ubuntu here
[04:24] <hopefullythisnic> i bet you could work out some sort of deal with sys76
[04:24] <lotuspsychje> yes but better lol
[04:24] <hopefullythisnic> yea
[04:24] <lotuspsychje> laptops/desktops/tablets/phones all with ubuntu
[04:24] <hopefullythisnic> oh nice
[04:24] <hopefullythisnic> is the full phone os out yet?
[04:24] <lotuspsychje> i got myself nexus7 with touch works smooth
[04:24] <lotuspsychje> yes
[04:24] <hopefullythisnic> oh
[04:24] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu touch
[04:24] <hopefullythisnic> nice
[04:25] <lotuspsychje> and 2 phone brands are out
[04:25] <hopefullythisnic> orly?
[04:25] <lotuspsychje> BQ and meizu will follow soon
[04:25] <hopefullythisnic> im in the market for a new phone
[04:25] <hopefullythisnic> should i wait?
[04:25] <lotuspsychje> you can buy a Bq right now
[04:25] <hopefullythisnic> Gonna look that up, se
[04:25] <hopefullythisnic> '*sec
[04:26] <lotuspsychje>
[04:26] <lotuspsychje> 169 euro
[04:27] <hopefullythisnic> im in the us tho
[04:27] <lotuspsychje> oh
[04:27] <lotuspsychje> then you cant order
[04:27] <hopefullythisnic> yea
[04:27] <lotuspsychje> youll have to wait the meizu then
[04:27] <hopefullythisnic> cant i put it on android hardware myself?
[04:28] <lotuspsychje> only nexus devices yes
[04:28] <hopefullythisnic> damn
[04:28] <lotuspsychje> i hear nexus 4 and 5 run pretty smooth
[04:28] <lotuspsychje> and one guy have a project on oneplusone phone
[04:28] <hopefullythisnic> ohh
[04:28] <hopefullythisnic> nice
[04:28] <hopefullythisnic> i was looking at that anyway
[04:28] <lotuspsychje> he recently got wifi working on it
[04:29] <hopefullythisnic> oh, he must be a ways off then lol
[04:29] <lotuspsychje> you can idle in #ubuntu-touch for that
[04:29] <hopefullythisnic> alrighty
[04:29] <lotuspsychje> the guy is mariogrip, if you got questions
[04:29] <hopefullythisnic> brb, just gonna go find a spare hdd and reinstall windows while im talking to you
[04:30] <lotuspsychje> kk
[04:30] <hopefullythisnic> its okay if i use a usb hdd right?
[04:30] <hopefullythisnic> i dont feel like takin it apart again lol
[04:30] <lotuspsychje> to dualboot with ubuntu?
[04:30] <hopefullythisnic> actually
[04:30] <hopefullythisnic> that
[04:30] <hopefullythisnic> that's dumb
[04:30] <hopefullythisnic> ill just grab a real hdd\
[04:31] <hopefullythisnic> sec
[04:31] <lotuspsychje> !dualboot | hopefullythisnic
[04:39] <hopefullythisnic> disassembling now, sorry for bein antisocial lol
[04:40] <lotuspsychje> dont worry im afk and idle alot too
[04:59] <hopefullythisnic> k whew
[04:59] <hopefullythisnic> thats done
[05:00] <hopefullythisnic> its hot as hell rn
[05:01] <hopefullythisnic> somehow i manged to slice my fingers open on a stick of ram :(
[05:14] <daftykins> ouch!
[05:14] <daftykins> i did that once building a PC for my brother
[05:14] <daftykins> "erm, sorry about the blood covered RAM..."
[05:15] <daftykins> hilariously the blood went in finger print patterns too
[05:15] <daftykins> definitely not one of my crowning moments in hardware ;)
[05:17] <hopefullythisnic> lol
[05:17] <hopefullythisnic> okay why wont this boot into the windows installation disk anymore
[05:17] <hopefullythisnic> ugh
[05:19] <lotuspsychje> set cdrom as first boot
[05:19] <lotuspsychje> or maybe uefi settings in bios
[05:19] <daftykins> boot priority is a waste of time really, one-time boot menus make more sense
[05:19] <daftykins> (if available)
[05:23] <hopefullythisnic> yea but i dont see it in uefi bios rn
[05:26] <daftykins> optical or flash drive?
[05:31] <hopefullythisnic> optical
[05:34] <daftykins> hmm, reduce it back to the minimal configuration without any HDDs or SSDs plugged in
[05:35] <daftykins> and see if it auto goes to the optical to boot
[05:35] <daftykins> and ensure the optical (if SATA presumably) is connected to motherboard chipset based SATA and not a third party controller chip such as lots often have to provide more ports
[06:55] <ki7mt> Bob, try: sudo lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL .. that should list them all.
[06:55] <ki7mt> Whoops, sorry wrong channel
[06:55] <daftykins> :D
[06:56] <ki7mt> Post in the channel pse Bob, try: sudo lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL .. that should list them all
[06:57] <ki7mt> It did it again !!! I think my IRC client is FUBAR :-)
[06:58] <ki7mt> re-launch time me thinks
[09:06] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:07] <daftykins> o/
[09:07] <daftykins> how are you, lordievader ?
[09:08] <lordievader> Hey daftykins, doing good here. How are you?
[09:09] <daftykins> also good here thanks :)
[09:09] <daftykins> a fine morning it is
[11:58] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[12:45] <BluesKaj> 'Morning lotuspsychje
[12:46] <OerHeks> \o/
[12:46] <OerHeks> My dogs think it is too hot outside
[12:46] <BluesKaj> hey OerHeks
[12:46] <OerHeks> hi BluesKaj
[12:47] <BluesKaj> maybe your dogs are right :)
[12:49] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: hello mate
[12:49] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: hi
[12:49] <BluesKaj> think I'm going to do a clean install of Kubuntu 15.04 after the official release , my version is mucked up with diiferent colours as default depending on which Qt version they're using
[12:50] <OerHeks> 22 april openstach seminar, 23 april install 15.04, 24 april find a 4th leg for my large computertable.
[12:50] <BluesKaj> plasma5 intehration doen't seem to work on my desktop install, the laptop version is fine
[12:50] <OerHeks> openstack*
[12:51] <OerHeks> oh, i forget, 20 april payday, so i have 1 day off this week
[12:51] <BluesKaj> plsama 5 integration of plasma 4 depenent apps l;ike dolphin
[12:51] <lordievader> Have you guys played with Dracut?
[12:51] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: whats dracut?
[12:51] <lordievader> Counterpart of initramfs-tools.
[12:52] <lotuspsychje> didnt test myself
[12:53] <BluesKaj> I'm tempted to reinstall the latest daily
[12:54] <lordievader> It fails to boot my luks + lvm :(
[12:54] <lordievader> Or it is systemd who fails, not really sure.
[12:54] <BluesKaj> sddm ?
[12:55] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Was that to me?
[12:56] <BluesKaj> lordievader, yes
[12:57] <lordievader> This is at the mounting of the root fs stage. It is a really bare system. Just wanted to see if it boots.
[12:58] <BluesKaj> ok, so you're chrooting
[12:58] <lordievader> No.
[12:59] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: keep us up to date on the openstack if it was interesting ok :p
[12:59] <lordievader> Dracut or systemd is trying to mount the luks partition but fails or something, I don't know what it is doing. Anyhow was wondering if someone had experience with a dracut + luks + lvm + systemd setup.
[12:59] <OerHeks> Sure, ticketsale is closed now
[12:59] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: wow thats fast
[13:00] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: how much did you pay?
[13:00] <OerHeks> Nothing. i don't know if there is any fee.
[13:00] <lotuspsychje> kk
[13:01] <OerHeks> I just want a pic with Mark :-D
[13:01] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: the snappy part will be interesting for sure
[13:01] <BluesKaj> oh , luks and lvm, stuff I don't fool around with ...lvm was ok , but I didn't need it
[13:02] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: maybe that bootchart package can help you see whats going wrong?
[13:02] <BluesKaj> OerHeks, why , he's a traitor
[13:02] <lotuspsychje> !info bootchart | lordievader
[13:02] <OerHeks> no, Dictator :-D
[13:03] <lordievader> lotuspsychje: It is a Gentoo system :P
[13:03] <lordievader> lotuspsychje: And I do not have a filesystem ;) Well an initramfs I suppose, but no real filesystem.
[13:03] <lotuspsychje> oh right
[13:04] <lordievader> From what I gather bootchart is included in Dracut.
[13:04] <lotuspsychje> cool
[13:05] <lordievader> That is if you enable the USE flag.
[13:08] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: set it to favs if you want
[13:09] <lotuspsychje> and if you dont want also :p
[13:09] * cfhowlett salutes the room with a tip of his tasty beverage
[13:09] <lordievader> Hey cfhowlett
[13:09] <cfhowlett> lordievader, greetings
[13:10] * BluesKaj goes to the kitchen for another coffee
[13:10] <lotuspsychje> check this one:
[13:11] <lotuspsychje> 16gig ram lol
[13:12] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, if I were in the state and needed a desktop:
[13:12] <lotuspsychje> yeah saw that one
[13:13] <lotuspsychje> pretty nice
[13:13] <cfhowlett> definitely has the cool look factor
[13:13] <BluesKaj> it can handle 16G RAM, a la carte options ...749 is pretty expensive for a pc with a free OS , especially with those specs
[13:14] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: but i would rather choose wich ssd to plugin myself
[13:14] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: well i guess system76, is the shop for those who cant install ubuntu themselfs on hardware
[13:14] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, yeah, custom builds are the way to go if possible
[13:15] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: those intel NUC seems nice too
[13:15] <BluesKaj> one must remember windows machines are $100 more due to the OS
[13:15] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: true
[13:16] <lotuspsychje> so the ubuntu machine must get lower prices
[13:16] <lotuspsychje> but they might wanna profit a little also
[13:16] <lotuspsychje> this machine will run for years
[13:16] <BluesKaj> it's cool looking etc, but a bit pricey for what you gety IMO
[13:16] <lotuspsychje> true
[13:16] <cfhowlett> Profit? in F/Loss?! HERETIC!
[13:16] <lotuspsychje> :p
[13:17] * lotuspsychje hopes more barebone companys rise in the future, no Os, no Hd
[13:17] <OerHeks> maas
[13:18] <BluesKaj> nothing with profit , but this verges on the MAC philosophy , charge like hell and ppl will think their getting something special
[13:18] <BluesKaj> wrong
[13:18] <cfhowlett> BluesKaj, and yet ...
[13:19] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: indeed, mac is way overrated
[13:19] <BluesKaj> my daughter's Imac HDD died , it take 16 steps in the tuorial to replace it
[13:20] <BluesKaj> so she bought a lenovo :)
[13:20] <lotuspsychje> and the myth it has no virusses is long outdated..
[13:21] <lotuspsychje> im playing with telegram on nexus7 tablet with ubuntu touch and it rocks!
[13:22] <lotuspsychje> free chat over wifi
[13:22] <lotuspsychje> and opensource
[13:22] <lotuspsychje> installed the webogram unity icon for desktop also, and works fast n nice
[13:23] <lotuspsychje>
[13:28] <BluesKaj> looks like a browser that integrates social media
[13:29] <lotuspsychje> no its just to chat with contacts
[13:29] <lotuspsychje> add your cell number and add contacts
[13:29] <BluesKaj> ok
[13:29] <lotuspsychje> and can send files to each other
[13:30] <lotuspsychje> its a whatsapp alternative, but more secure
[13:31] <Daekdroom> And it has an open API
[13:31] <BluesKaj> I'm a smartphone luddite ..still use an old flip phone
[13:31] <lotuspsychje> Daekdroom: you also use it?
[13:31] <Daekdroom> The android app is far superior to Whatsapp's. It's a shame people don't use Telegram as much, though.
[13:31] <Daekdroom> lotuspsychje, I rarely get the chance, but yes.
[13:31] <lotuspsychje> nice
[13:32] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: i dont have smartphone yet either, but i like it on my nexus7 tablet and works with my cell nr
[13:40] <BluesKaj> lotuspsychje, I'm old and grumpy , and to me smartphones are mostly just gadgets that I'll never need
[13:40] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: well with ubuntu touch you might like it :p
[13:40] <lotuspsychje> i wouldnt buy an android myself
[13:41] <lotuspsychje> playstore is like a malware nightmare
[13:41] <BluesKaj> I don't even like Ubuntu, I'm a KDE guy :-)
[13:42] <lotuspsychje> ah, there was a kde tablet project, cant remember its name :p
[13:43] <BluesKaj> it doesn't matter, my cell phone is turned off even when it's in my pocket :)
[13:44] <lotuspsychje> i also use a cellphone as a regular one
[13:44] <lotuspsychje> leave it at home all the time :p
[13:44] <lotuspsychje> oldskool behaviour :p
[14:09] <OerHeks> Sometimes i feel like a microbiologist, determination to the real question in #ubuntu
[14:09] <lotuspsychje> lol
[14:10] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: users dont look it 'our' way to investigate
[14:10] <lotuspsychje> they only want a quick fix :p
[14:10] <OerHeks> They sure have the brains to create issues.
[14:11] <lotuspsychje> lol
[14:11] <lotuspsychje> one physical issue, and one mental issue to supporters to decipher :p
[14:12] <cfhowlett> "just tell me what button to click!"
[14:12] <lotuspsychje> :p:p
[14:12] <lotuspsychje> the dd zero button | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.027887 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-discuss"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu | [00:00] <lzkill> just a minute Jordan_U
[00:02] <lzkill> [10760.940811] usb 3-2: new SuperSpeed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd
[00:02] <lzkill> [10760.957151] usb 3-2: New USB device found, idVendor=0781, idProduct=5580
[00:02] <lzkill> [10760.957155] usb 3-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[00:02] <lzkill> [10760.957157] usb 3-2: Product: Extreme
[00:02] <lzkill> [10760.957159] usb 3-2: Manufacturer: SanDisk
[00:02] <lzkill> [10760.957161] usb 3-2: SerialNumber: AA011202140957272407
[00:03] <Jordan_U> !pastebin | lzkill
[00:05] <lzkill> !pastebin | lzkill
[00:05] <demonspork> Hey, I have a question about LVM volumes. I know you can have parity in an LVM volume group, but can you make an LVM volume group without parity, then add it later?
[00:06] <Jordan_U> lzkill: Go to , copy and paste the complete output of "dmesg" into that page, submit it, then copy the URL of that submission and post just the URL here.
[00:07] <rich_> yo
[00:07] <bekks> demonspork: you are referring to mirroring a LVM volume?
[00:07] <rich_> anyone running sparky linux?
[00:07] <Jordan_U> rich_: This is #ubuntu, a channel for Ubuntu support only.
[00:07] <demonspork> bekks: is there not a way to have parity (similar to RAID 5) in an LVM volume? Forgive me if I am mis-remembering, I have been out of the linux world for a few years now
[00:08] <rich_> ahh so would that be under debian then?
[00:08] <wxl> rich_: i think there's a #ubuntu-offtopic or you could try ##linux
[00:08] <rich_> on the join line?
[00:08] <lzkill>
[00:08] <Jordan_U> rich_: No, it would be in whatever channel exists (if any) for "sparky linux".
[00:08] <wxl> rich_: yeppers
[00:08] <bekks> demonspork: No, there is no RAID5-comparable functionality in LVM. What you could do is this: you can create a LVM volume and specify the number of copies (for a data block) to be available.
[00:08] <rich_> alright thanks am new to this chat thing wasnt sure if anyone used it
[00:09] <Jordan_U> rich_: You can also ask in ##linux, which supports any distribution.
[00:09] <demonspork> bekks: but that doesn't protect against drive failures?
[00:09] <bekks> demonspork: Thats handy when having a disk spanning LV, for having more than one copy of the data block.
[00:10] <bekks> demonspork: LVM isnt designed for protecting you against drive failures, RAID is.
[00:10] <demonspork> ok
[00:11] <demonspork> What is the route to go for this scenario: Currently have 2 drives, and I don't care about parity. Later on I will add more drives and I want the ability to add parity to the array at that point. Is there any technology in the linux world that allows for that to happen?
[00:11] <bekks> Use a software RAID.
[00:11] <bekks> And convert the RAID1 into a RAID5 later on.
[00:12] <demonspork> what software raid options are there in Linux?
[00:13] <bekks>
[00:13] <glendha> oi
[00:26] <Pinkamena_D> I have been using viber desktop and seemingly everytime I do a suspend/resume the client vanishes. I can see pop ups if I get messages but otherwise it seems impossible to bring the main window back. I have to send out a SIGKILL and restart it to get it back.
[00:27] <Pinkamena_D> Any idea what I can do about this? Google is not helping.
[00:51] <jayjo> What would * */4 * * * convert to as a time in a cron job?
[00:53] <jester_0> I installed my graphics driver by using a sh script from NVIDIA's website, how can I uninstall it?
[00:53] <lzkill> my brand new sandisk extreme pen drive makes the network access goes down whenever it's inserted... it's NTFS formatted and contains a folder encrypted with EFS... any clues?
[00:55] <jester_0> Sorry, I installed by graphics driver using a .run file, how can I uninstall it? I'm trying to upgrade my graphics card
[00:57] <Bashing-om> jester_0: Try: Find the .run file for the uninstall operation: -> sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" <- ; you have to run the .run file again with --uninstall: -> ./ --uninstall (must be cd'd to the directory/location) ; as in -> sudo --uninstall <- .
[00:58] <Bashing-om> jester_0: IF it is an upgrade, the Nvidia installed used to have an upgrader as part of the package .. maybe still does ?
[01:01] <jester_0> Bashing-om, thanks I still have the .run file, I used it once to install the drivers for the 1st time so I assume it isn't an upgrade
[01:05] <Bashing-om> jester_0: From my notes : -> instructions for upgrading aree buried in it's readme file . -> nvidia-installer --upgrade <- . But may be real old info .. check it out to be sure .
[01:06] <jayjo> n a crontab line I have * */4 * * * ... what does that come out to be?
[01:06] <jayjo> Every minute, what is hour, every of the rest of them?
[01:08] <jester_0> Bashing-om, thanks I would use --upgrade only if I am trying to upgrade the driver, correct? Right now I want to remove the driver, because I bought a new graphics card, so I should use --uninstall?
[01:22] <sko> asl
[01:30] <Bashing-om> jester_0: Yes, if changing the card, remove the driver prior to booting up with a diffrent card, Sorry for the slow response; I was elsewhere for a bit .
[01:40] <mjollnerd1> can someone explain why if I have two files (filea.txt and fileb.txt) and I run the following command it doesn't list either file?: ls -l | grep {filea,fileb}*
[01:41] <umarzuki> mjollnerd1: "|"?
[01:41] <mjollnerd1> pipe
[01:41] <EriC^^> mjollnerd1: are you trying to list both?
[01:42] <mjollnerd1> yes. I'm trying to understand why grep doesn't use the { } symbols like I would expect it to
[01:43] <jason__> that's not a proper regular expression (at least not to my knowledge)
[01:43] <EriC^^> mjollnerd1: you could use ls -l | grep "filea\|fileb"
[01:44] <mjollnerd1> so grep uses regular expressions (I'll look into that). What would be the name given when using symbols such as [ ] and { }?
[01:45] <EriC^^> bash expansions? dunno
[01:45] <jason__> nah those are regular expression things completely separate from bash stuff
[01:46] <jester_0> Bashing-om, thanks a lot man!
[01:48] <jason__> man grep has a section on regular expression syntax
[01:49] <mjollnerd1> thanks. reading into it now
[02:03] <lampini> hi
[02:03] <lampini> hihi
[02:03] <cfhowlett> lampini, ask your ubuntu question
[02:10] <[n0mad]> if i cannot start nautilus from a command prompt and there is no error and i've tried different options i've found on the net, is there any other way to find out what's happening?
[02:11] <[n0mad]> i can only start it as root or from /usr/share/applications
[02:11] <[n0mad]> and other applications can start it
[02:11] <ford_> anyone been able to try the Unreal 4 Engine demo?
[02:12] <ford_> under LINUX?
[02:12] <ford_> i've tried a few times and given up.
[02:12] <ford_> Now I wonder if there is anything to see anyway or just the editor with blank nothing...?
[02:26] <JinjaNinja> Hello, I'm having problems with HDMI sound output via Ubuntu sound drop down menu.
[02:26] <JinjaNinja> ive used it before, and it was an available option to choose from and it worked fine. Now it's gone from the options.
[02:29] <JinjaNinja> can anyone help me out? HDMI isn't an option, it seems, for the sound drop down menu on Ubuntu settings.
[03:06] <pc-moon> hello , i wanna make hostname for my laptop
[03:23] <bulka> I am trying to login on a ubuntu server it asks me password , after supplying password it shows Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 2.6.32-042stab104.1 i686)
[03:23] <bulka> * Documentation:
[03:23] <bulka> Last login: Fri Apr 17 23:22:20 2015 from
[03:23] <bulka> Connection to closed.
[03:25] <l4l13n> sooo what is the problem?
[03:25] <rypervenche> bulka: Check your /etc/ssh/sshd_config > Do you have AllowUsers set?
[03:27] <bulka> rypervenche: it is case for user A, but user B can login with and his connection is not closed
[03:28] <rypervenche> bulka: Also check to see what the default shell is for that user. It seems the user is able to log in, but something is kicking him/her out. It could also be your pam modules.
[03:28] <bulka> rypervenche: how to check default shell?
[03:29] <rypervenche> bulka: grep username /etc/passwd
[03:30] <bulka> rypervenche: sorry, it is /bin/false, it means it is a system user without login
[03:30] <bulka> rypervenche: thanks
[03:31] <bulka> rypervenche: so I did set password for this user , will it make any difference?
[03:40] <zzxc> Hey, I have a situation where I have userA and userB both belong to the same group. I have an issue where they are both share a directory that is owned but a group. If userA creates a directory or file then userB can't write in it and viceVersa because the premissions for the new directory are 755. Anyone know a way to fix this?
[03:42] <rypervenche> zzxc: You need to set the umask.
[03:42] <Fugs> hi
[03:42] <rypervenche> zzxc:
[03:46] <zzxc> rypervenche: Alright I'll try that both users a deamons though
[03:59] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all
[04:02] <max_> Hey
[04:03] <Guest53976> Anyone here have experience with sys76 machines?
[04:03] <Guest53976> hello
[04:03] <Guest53976> dont know if my msgs went thru before, cuz nickserv didnt like my id, but was wondering if anyone had experience with system76 machines
[04:04] <lotuspsychje> !ask | Guest53976
[04:07] <Guest53976> I put the HDDs from my windows pc into my wild dog performance sytem76 machine running ubuntu, simply dc-ing the drives w/ ubuntu on em, but now windows has system errors that sytem repair cant fix. How can I fix this?
[04:07] <Guest53976> the error code i got was 0x570
[04:08] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: are you trying to dualboot windows/ubuntu on your system76 machine?
[04:09] <umarzuki> Guest53976: connecting it back to ubuntu?
[04:09] <umarzuki> did ou have any problem?
[04:09] <Guest53976> well atm i was just testing out my gfx card and stuff with the hardware on this. it was a dev's computer who used to work for my dad
[04:09] <Guest53976> but eventually yea, ill dual-boot
[04:10] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: you cant just drag n drop a hd into a machine to make it work, youll have to reinstall windows and dualboot with ubuntu
[04:11] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: and why do you need windows on such beast machine as system76?
[04:11] <Guest53976> *sigh* i was worried about that. hoped i could avoid it tho
[04:11] <Guest53976> lol to play games tbh
[04:11] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: steam on ubuntu, playonlinux and wine
[04:11] <Guest53976> I am absolutely loving ubuntu on my sys76 laptop tho
[04:12] <lotuspsychje> !info playonlinux | Guest53976
[04:12] <Guest53976> i wanna run gta v lol
[04:12] <Guest53976> could i do that
[04:12] <Guest53976> with wine i mean
[04:12] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: no gta is too heavy for that
[04:12] <Guest53976> yea figured
[04:12] <Guest53976> well ill grab another hdd and install windows on that
[04:13] <Guest53976> so i dont have to write over my current installation
[04:13] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: what you can do is, put the win hd in your sys76 and get data back with photorec, then use it as an ubuntu hd
[04:13] <Guest53976> cause the files and stuff are still readable
[04:13] <Guest53976> okay
[04:13] <Guest53976> ill look into that
[04:13] <lotuspsychje> !info photorec | Guest53976
[04:14] <lotuspsychje> !info testdisk | Guest53976
[04:14] <Guest53976> i do actually have a usb bootdisk for 14.10 or something right here tho
[04:14] <Guest53976> so that's convenient i guess
[04:14] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: i would install 14.04 or wait for 15.04 (next week)
[04:15] <Guest53976> i have 14.04 on my laptop that im using right now
[04:15] <lotuspsychje> cool
[04:15] <Guest53976> for some reason my dad spoiled the shit outta his devs and bought em all the sys76 machines they wanted
[04:15] <Guest53976> but now i got em, so im happy with that lol
[04:16] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: you should be, such a monster :p
[04:16] <lotuspsychje> i would never dualboot on those myself :p
[04:16] <Guest53976> yea, disappointed the dev didnt hold out for a titan as well tho
[04:16] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: does it have an ssd inside?
[04:16] <Guest53976> yea lol
[04:17] <Guest53976> actually
[04:17] <lotuspsychje> Guest53976: wich brand?
[04:17] <Guest53976> all the ubuntu os drives are just dc-ed
[04:17] <Guest53976> uh
[04:17] <Guest53976> intel
[04:17] <lotuspsychje> ok
[04:17] <Guest53976> there
[04:17] <Guest53976> there's another ubuntu desktop sitting behind me
[04:18] <Guest53976> lot more powerful than the wild dog performance tho lol
[04:18] <Guest53976> not a system76 tho
[04:18] <lotuspsychje> !discuss | Guest53976 lets talk there
[04:18] <ijpirela> hi.
[04:18] <Guest53976> okay, be right there. ill probs change my nick
[04:19] <lotuspsychje> okay
[04:19] <lotuspsychje> ijpirela: welcome what can we do for you?
[04:22] <ijpirela> nothing just happened to greet :).
[04:22] <ijpirela> nothing just happened to greet :)
[04:23] <ijpirela> Greetings from Venezuela.
[04:24] <rakeshGunderi> what is the use of refresh in windows?
[04:24] <rakeshGunderi> why it is not in ubuntu? will it use full?
[04:25] <dasexec> Hi, I'm using VirtualBox VM on a mac to run Ubuntu. It;s working fine, however, the screen real estate is distorted. I've installed a additional pack recommended, switched to both scaled and fullscreen. Scaled is still shrunk, full scale just expands the background and not the actual OS screen. Any suggestions?
[04:29] <daftykins> dasexec: are you changing the resolution from within system settings?
[04:31] <AndChat|312500> dasexec, Its not scaled that you should select from list. Another one gives full screen can't remember off hand which.
[04:32] <rakeshGunderi> i think u have to change resolution from system settings.
[04:36] <rakeshGunderi> have to change ubuntu interface font, help me
[04:45] <maziar> why this pgp script dont work on my UBUNTU :
[04:47] <maziar> why this pgp script dont work on my UBUNTU :
[04:47] <[n0mad]> can someone help with a DE issue?
[04:47] <[n0mad]> i'm so done screwing with different DEs after this
[04:47] <[n0mad]> i installed xubuntu-desktop and xfce4-goodies from the software center
[04:47] <[n0mad]> i have now uninstalled them and they're still there!
[04:50] <backbox> salut
[04:50] <luaboy> apt-get package management has encounted problem
[04:50] <luaboy> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[04:50] <luaboy> samba : Depends: python-dnspython but it is not going to be installed
[04:50] <luaboy> Depends: python-ntdb but it is not going to be installed
[04:50] <luaboy> how to fix this?
[04:51] <backbox> i can install cs go on linux ?
[04:52] <backbox> or steam software
[04:53] <backbox> join #ubuntu
[04:53] <backbox> j #ubuntu
[04:54] <dasexec> backbox, you can download steam and install cs go
[04:55] <dasexec> Steams website will autodetect you are on linux and give you the correct download
[04:56] <ACE> hi all
[05:07] <athan> Hi everyone. I'm having some trouble finding 32-bit graphics libraries on 14.10 (gamez through wine). Any tips? I'm running Intel gfx hardware :\
[05:07] <lotuspsychje> !info playonlinux | athan
[05:08] <athan> lotuspsychje: It always breaks during install for me :\
[05:09] <Guest70847> list /curitiba
[05:10] <Guest70847> #brasil
[05:13] <pc-moon_> hello , i wanna easy way to change ip to text or domain , my target is open is computer by domain no ip
[05:16] <daftykins> pc-moon_: sorry that doesn't make sense
[05:17] <daftykins> pc-moon_: you want to use a domain to connect to a PC on your home network?
[05:17] <pc-moon_> yes
[05:17] <daftykins> pc-moon_: so edit /etc/hosts to add an IP and a domain - but bear in mind if you use a *real* domain, the internet-based one won't work anymore
[05:18] <pc-moon_> ok
[05:18] <pc-moon_> can you give me an code example
[05:19] <daftykins> pc-moon_: it'll be pretty obvious, you're adding two things... an IP, and a domain
[05:20] <pc-moon_> like is : ?
[05:20] <daftykins> yep, although technically
[05:20] <pc-moon_> ok
[05:20] <pc-moon_> ill try
[05:22] <pc-moon_> Server not found
[05:23] <daftykins> when trying to do what?
[05:23] <pc-moon_> computer can replay pings but another computer cant found
[05:23] <daftykins> yes these changes only work on *your* computer
[05:23] <daftykins> because /etc/hosts is only a local file
[05:24] <pc-moon_> ok i wanna make it work in my inter net
[05:24] <daftykins> your home network, you mean
[05:24] <pc-moon_> yes
[05:24] <daftykins> then you'd have to set it on all the PCs
[05:24] <pc-moon_> how
[05:24] <daftykins> like you just did, but per computer
[05:25] <pc-moon_> you mean like : server
[05:25] <pc-moon_> in hosts file
[05:26] <daftykins> well i don't think that's your home LAN IP but yes
[05:26] <daftykins> more likely 192.168.x.x
[05:26] <pc-moon_> yes i know its just example
[05:26] <daftykins> just checking
[05:27] <pc-moon_> its imposable to make domain name in my home
[05:27] <pc-moon_> or in router
[05:27] <daftykins> what is the general objective here? you want to play with hosting a website internally only?
[05:28] <pc-moon_> im web developer
[05:29] <daftykins> so this is for an office?
[05:29] <axighi> hi
[05:29] <daftykins> pc-moon_: the proper way to do this is to learn how to run your own in-house DNS server, but that is beyond the scope of this support channel
[05:29] <maziar> why this pgp script dont work on my UBUNTU :
[05:30] <maziar> i get this error PHP Warning: fopen(log.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in
[05:30] <pc-moon_> ok then ill go to learn dns
[05:30] <pc-moon_> its ok
[05:30] <pc-moon_> thank you
[05:30] <daftykins> pc-moon_: BIND9 might be the ticket
[05:30] <pc-moon_> bind9 is DNS
[05:30] <daftykins> sure is
[05:31] <pc-moon_> ok well job
[05:31] <pc-moon_> thank you in advance
[05:41] <ACE> who to upgrade adobe flsh player help
[05:41] <daftykins> firefox? you can't
[05:42] <ACE> i have fairefox
[05:42] <daftykins> if you are wanting to use a website which offers a flash player for say, video, only... your best option is to install chrome with pepperflash and use that
[05:42] <daftykins> but as it goes for firefox right now, flash is game over
[05:43] <ACE> fiarefox say: this plugin is vulnerable and should be updated
[05:44] <daftykins> ACE: yes there are no updates, it is dead - and the truth is as i have described it above
[05:45] <luaboy> what is py3clean?
[05:45] <luaboy> and py3compile
[05:46] <sammy_> adobe isn't officially supporting linux for flash anymore, only providing security backports, you will need to move to a browser such as chrome which has it by default
[05:46] <luaboy> I have broken python and now can not do anything
[05:46] <daftykins> !info py3clean
[05:46] <daftykins> luaboy: best ask a python channel i'd expect
[05:54] <ghost_> hiii guys., ?
[05:55] <daftykins> hi
[05:56] <ghost_> daftykins : where a U from ?
[05:56] <daftykins> that's not really relevant here, do you have an ubuntu support question for us?
[05:57] <daftykins> if not, chat is over in #ubuntu-offtopic :)
[05:57] <ghost_> daftykins : where are you from ?
[05:57] <ACE> root@backbox:/tmp# apt-get install google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
[05:57] <ACE> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
[05:57] <ACE> root@backbox:/tmp# sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
[05:57] <ACE> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
[05:57] <ACE> root@backbox:/tmp#
[05:57] <ACE> ??
[05:57] <daftykins> like i said. not relevant here, please read the topic.
[05:57] <daftykins> ACE: that's not how you install a .deb, "dpkg -i file.deb"
[06:02] <ACE> chrome installed but who to start?
[06:04] <daftykins> ACE: type "chrom" into the dash top left?
[06:05] <ACE> root@backbox:/tmp# sudo chrom
[06:05] <ACE> sudo: chrom: command not found
[06:07] <daftykins> ACE: you do not run things with sudo when you are root, and you do not run browsers as root
[06:07] <daftykins> i'm saying click the 'dash' icon on the launcher top left, if this is unity on standard ubuntu
[06:07] <theuser> you should use root only when neccessary
[06:08] <daftykins> !paste | ACE
[06:08] <ACE> ok sorry
[06:09] <daftykins> np
[06:09] <daftykins> ACE: so if you read your paste, it didn't successfully install because it ran out of space. are you in a live session right now?
[06:10] <ACE> yes
[06:10] <ACE> stik usb 8gb
[06:11] <daftykins> ACE: yeah you need to make a full install to start playing with some programs, they're just not usable from a live session
[06:11] <daftykins> chrome for one is too big
[06:12] <ACE> understand
[06:14] <ACE> I could get the game on steam cs go on ubuntu?
[06:15] <daftykins> if you browse the steam store, there is a little icon to show whether a game is available on Linux
[06:17] <ACE> fps is better or worse (fps : frame per second)
[06:18] <theuser> i think csgo is on ubuntu
[06:18] <daftykins> if the game is native to Ubuntu, hard to say - but if it only works under Wine, it'd be worse for sure
[06:18] <daftykins> *native to Linux i should say
[06:18] <theuser> its native
[06:19] <shafa> hiii
[06:19] <daftykins>
[06:19] <daftykins> sure is, penguin icon indeed
[06:20] <ACE> yes i see thx
[06:23] <boogie> Anyone awake that could help me with what I believe is a simple issue?
[06:24] <daftykins> once you ask it, possibly :)
[06:24] <boogie> Had Dropbox hang while installing, found a terminal command that could fix the dpkg issue I was having, where it was locked, but the command yields "dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process"
[06:25] <daftykins> !aptlock
[06:25] <daftykins> try that
[06:26] <boogie> sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a USER PID ACCESS COMMAND /var/lib/dpkg/lock: root 2803 F.... dpkg Kill process 2803 ? (y/N) y dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process
[06:26] <daftykins> reboot first, you could sit and try to find and kill software manager processes but this would be easiest i think
[06:26] <boogie> I was trying to install from the ubuntu software center,if that makes a difference
[06:26] <boogie> I tried a reboot
[06:27] <boogie> That's what causes the issue.
[06:27] <boogie> I couldn't do the previous method untill I rebooted.
[06:27] <daftykins> hrmm
[06:27] <boogie> I've been googling my fingers off lol
[06:27] <daftykins> ok hang on
[06:27] <daftykins> i sense there might be a PID file somewhere that needs nuking
[06:28] <boogie> It was running very quick beofre the db hang
[06:29] <daftykins> can you use to share to me the terminal output of "ps -ef | grep dpkg" ?
[06:29] <daftykins> ah...
[06:29] <daftykins> boogie: how about "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a" ?
[06:29] <boogie> So I should copy/paste ps -ef | grep dpkg in terminal
[06:29] <boogie> ?
[06:30] <daftykins> you can ignore and skip straight to the above
[06:30] <boogie> ok
[06:31] <boogie> did nothing after first command. Second didnt do anything but is acting as if it is
[06:31] <boogie> Now I think terminal froze. Sheesh
[06:32] <daftykins> yeah first should've completed fine
[06:32] <boogie> I can try again.
[06:32] <daftykins> nah hit space if it's sat on a new line with nothing
[06:32] <daftykins> it'll move if it's busy but still alive
[06:32] <boogie> it moved
[06:32] <boogie> so its busy?
[06:33] <boogie> I really need to get fluent in ubuntu's language. I love tinkering with it.
[06:33] <daftykins> :D
[06:33] <boogie> \What language is it? PPython?
[06:33] <daftykins> might be yeah, i'd let it run if i were you
[06:33] <boogie> ok
[06:33] <daftykins> well these are command line commands at the BASH shell
[06:33] <boogie> ok
[06:34] <boogie> I've been learning HTML and CSS, but this is totally different.
[06:34] <daftykins> yeah, web languages are more markup than programming - and shell commands are more, commands than programming :D
[06:35] <boogie> Is there cool commands in this chat like\
[06:35] <boogie> !ping
[06:35] <boogie> \lol
[06:35] <boogie> !rekt
[06:35] <boogie> :/
[06:35] <daftykins> yeah, although we tend to be pretty strict on keeping things about the support, so you can feel free to abuse ubottu in PM
[06:35] <boogie> I was just wondering.
[06:36] <boogie> Terminal is still sitting.
[06:36] <daftykins> should be some clues like the system hard disk LED as to whether it's working away much
[06:37] <daftykins> or you could run the system monitor app, which is kinda like the task manager if you've used Windows before
[06:37] <boogie> Yep, it's flashing away.
[06:37] <boogie> I have.
[06:37] <boogie> I have this installed on an external, but that shouldn't matter.
[06:37] <boogie> Ok, it finished
[06:37] <boogie> Did nothing tho.
[06:37] <daftykins> may very well be slowing it down if that's over USB then
[06:37] <daftykins> typically in Linux land, no output means "yep that was fine, all is well"
[06:38] <daftykins> so remind me what you were installing again?
[06:38] <boogie> Good lol
[06:38] <boogie> Dropbox
[06:38] <daftykins> ah yes
[06:38] <boogie> Thousands of people have had this problem.
[06:38] <daftykins> what does this do? "dpkg -l | grep dropbox"
[06:38] <boogie> but all were fixed by my initial fix attempt
[06:39] <boogie> iF nautilus-dropbox 0.7.1-2 Dropbox integration for Nautilus
[06:39] <daftykins> hrmm
[06:39] <daftykins> one sec
[06:39] <boogie> I originally tried sudo dpkg -r nautilus-dropbox
[06:39] <daftykins> ah right
[06:40] <boogie> Can we not just purge dropbox?
[06:40] <daftykins> i was just checking if that was the only package needed
[06:40] <boogie> Or will it fail because the dpkg is locked?
[06:40] <daftykins> "sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus-dropbox"
[06:40] <boogie> ok
[06:41] <boogie> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
[06:41] <boogie> If you fix this, you, at the least, deserve gold.
[06:42] <daftykins> ah looks like i had a very similar but not quite right version of that command, above
[06:42] <daftykins> so yeah just run what it suggests there
[06:42] <daftykins> gold at the ubuntu olympics \o/
[06:43] <boogie> So I should run
[06:43] <boogie> sudo dpkg --configure -a
[06:43] <boogie> ?
[06:44] <boogie> Just want to be sure.
[06:44] <daftykins> yip
[06:44] <boogie> I believe it is redownloading it.
[06:45] <boogie> Yep.
[06:45] <boogie> Almost finished
[06:46] <boogie> It bhit 100% and is stalled. I assume it is installing it.
[06:47] <boogie> My bottle of brandy is almost finished too. :(
[06:48] <daftykins> that's no good!
[06:48] <daftykins> although it's 8am here so perhaps that's a good bed time if you're stateside :D
[06:51] <boogie> Yeah, it's still hung up.
[06:52] <boogie> I didn't notice you replied, sorry. My browser didn't auto scroll. lol
[06:52] <daftykins> :D
[06:52] <daftykins> ah the perils of webchat
[06:52] <boogie> I am in the states too. 2am here.
[06:53] <boogie> Damn dropbox. I only needed it for a moment. I could have just used the browser version. lol
[06:54] <daftykins> oh i'm not, near England and France here
[06:54] <daftykins> XD
[06:54] <daftykins> but this'll be easier past-boogie said!
[06:54] <boogie> Ah, I would love to visit the place.
[06:54] <boogie> My gf would not leave, I'm sure of it.
[06:55] <daftykins> she must like rain
[06:55] <boogie> Ha.
[06:55] <boogie> She does, actually.
[06:56] <JohnnyL> I'm getting 'There was a problem connecting to the CUPS server'. It prints fine, i just can't get to printer properties from the GUI anymore?!
[06:56] <boogie> I would need to brush up on my French. I took 3 years of French in High School.
[06:58] <daftykins> JohnnyL: tried opening http://localhost:631 in your browser?
[06:59] <daftykins> boogie: they kinda forced it upon us, but i switched to German 'cause i found it way easier :P
[06:59] <boogie> Wonder why I'm still hung up? Same problem I originally had except that I'm in terminal and not the software center.
[06:59] <boogie> German does sound easy to learn
[07:00] <JohnnyL> daftykins: looks good, but what is the acct/pw for cups?
[07:00] <boogie> French isn't bad, I just can't get the masculine and feminine differences locked down.
[07:00] <daftykins> JohnnyL: your username + pass i think
[07:01] <daftykins> boogie: disk light still going?
[07:01] <Meerkat> will ubuntu still use unity in 15.04?
[07:02] <boogie> Yep, but my cpu isn't being dragged down any longer. Everything is fast again.
[07:02] <cfhowlett> Meerkat, yes
[07:02] <boogie> That was my main problem. lol I don't really need to download anything else on this external. I just like using Ubuntu. lol
[07:02] <cfhowlett> Meerkat, unity is going to be with us for some time. deal with it.
[07:03] <cfhowlett> :)
[07:03] <JohnnyL> daftykins: nope, no acct/pws work.
[07:03] <boogie> but if I close the terminal, it may return. sigh
[07:03] <ki7mt> I like Unity .. once I got used to it.
[07:03] <boogie> I'lll just leave it open all night. ha
[07:04] <daftykins> JohnnyL: hrmm i'd only be googling then i'm afraid
[07:04] <daftykins> ki7mt: stockholm syndrome :)
[07:04] <ki7mt> daftykins, indeed :-)
[07:06] <boogie> Think I should just close the termina?
[07:06] <daftykins> nah, see if it'll play out
[07:06] <boogie> LED is still flashing tho.
[07:06] <boogie> k
[07:07] <boogie> Will do. If in the morning it is the same, I'll stop in again. Night for you. lol
[07:07] <boogie> Goodnight/day guys. Thank you for the help.
[07:08] <daftykins> np, cya :)
[07:09] <JohnnyL> wow this really sucks dick.
[07:09] <daftykins> language, please
[07:11] <cfhowlett> JohnnyL, stop now.
[07:12] <cfhowlett> !guidelines | JohnnyL
[07:14] <ki7mt> I don't see allot of activity in #ubuntu-motu, is there a more active channel they hang out in ?
[07:14] <daftykins> i think official types are more caught via other means, ki7mt
[07:15] <oranjuice> hey. I'm trying to connect to a VPN on Ubuntu 14.04. After a create a new connection and click on the network (or Wifi) button on top (next to time, volume, etc.), and hover over "VPN connections", I see my new VPN connection, but I can't click on it because it's disabled.
[07:15] <oranjuice> any idea why this might be happening?
[07:15] <JohnnyL> hours of guessing because some open source programmer decided to do a politcal move.
[07:15] <JohnnyL> sorry about the lanugage.
[07:15] <ki7mt> daftykins, Yeah, they must be, there's 130+ in there but hardly ever any traffic.
[07:15] <JohnnyL> but i am pissed.
[07:16] <oranjuice> None of the guides I used addressed this. The same steps work for anyone else.
[07:16] <`hypermist`> Hmm i need to install mono but its not installing :s
[07:20] <JohnnyL> ft
[07:20] <`hypermist`> Someone able to help me
[07:20] <Ben64> `hypermist`: you've been here enough to know how this works. give details
[07:21] <`hypermist`> I follow steps and nothing i get no log thats it ben
[07:21] <Ben64> "steps" ?
[07:21] <daftykins> must be that pop band from the early 2000s
[07:22] <`hypermist`> The steps on their website at
[07:22] <Ben64> why not "sudo apt-get install mono-runtime"
[07:22] <`hypermist`> Did i know i could to that ? Nope, Cause i was just following what things tell me to do
[07:23] <Ben64> stop following random webpages
[07:23] <Ben64> look in the software center first
[07:23] <`hypermist`> How do i look at that
[07:23] <`hypermist`> with only a terminal
[07:24] <daftykins> apt-cache search <thing to search for>
[07:24] <daftykins> after a friendly "apt-get update"
[07:24] <Ben64> you should undo whatever you did following those steps though
[07:24] <Nothing_Much> Uhhhh
[07:24] <Nothing_Much> I saw a cool thing on G+ and it involved .debs being converted to snappy packages
[07:25] <Nothing_Much> .... Can there exist a .deb to a ... .click package?
[07:25] <Ben64> you should ask #snappy
[07:32] <`hypermist`> I need to install mozroots and xbuild can i have which is apart of Mono may i have some help (Yes i ask to many god damn questions that you guys probably want to slap me but i need help)
[07:33] <cfhowlett> !details | `hypermist`, ask questions ... AFTER providing details! no detailz = no helpz
[07:33] <daftykins> have you even tried the advice you've just received?
[07:34] <`hypermist`> i did provide as much detial as i know cfhowlett i said it comes with mono but idk what else
[07:34] <ANJ7> !ping
[07:36] <`hypermist`> i need to know the package for the xbuild and mozroots
[07:37] <daftykins> `hypermist`: i told you the command of how to search for packages, use it.
[07:38] <`hypermist`> daftykins, yep i did that but that still doesnt help im mostly a noob with this stuff
[07:38] <`hypermist`> cause i do mozroots but it returns nothing
[07:39] <afshin> hey
[07:39] <cfhowlett> `hypermist`, "do" mozroots? what exactly is "do"???
[07:39] <cfhowlett> afshin, ask your ubuntu question
[07:40] <afshin> hey guys. you are awesome
[07:40] <`hypermist`> cfhowlett, i do apt-cache search mozroots and nothing is returned i will try one more step and see if it works but if not i will come back
[07:41] <`hypermist`> !pastebin
[07:42] <`hypermist`> i get this when i do the command for the software im trying to install yes i know it says missing dll at the bottom but i need those other two to be fixed haha xD but idk what to do
[07:43] <Ben64> `hypermist`: you'll have to contact the developer for help building whatever that is
[07:43] <`hypermist`> Its apart of mono
[07:44] <Ben64> have you tried typing 'mozroots' on the terminal
[07:44] <guideX> ubuntu phone in the us soon?
[07:44] <daftykins> `hypermist`: well sadly it's quite apparent you want things handed to you, some thought is required on your part i'm afraid :)
[07:44] <daftykins> !touch | guideX
[07:44] <cfhowlett> !phone guideX
[07:45] <cfhowlett>
[07:45] <`hypermist`> oh Ben64 i didnt know, that
[07:46] <guideX> thanks for the site, but does anyone know when I can get ubuntu phone in the us soon?
[07:46] <guideX> or like target dates etc
[07:46] <cfhowlett> guideX, info is on θe site
[07:47] <`hypermist`> well that cleared up the issue thanks Ben64
[07:47] <guideX> well there's a lot on the site... I was hopeing to get the answer in here, I don't exactly see it on the root of the site
[07:47] <daftykins> guideX: please visit the appropriate channel
[07:47] <cfhowlett> guideX, exactly. when announced it will ʃow θe info
[07:48] <guideX> daftykins: oh, is there a ubuntu touch channel
[07:51] <daftykins> guideX: see above
[07:57] <JohnnyL> Why am I getting Forrbidden in cups browser interface?
[07:57] <cfhowlett> JohnnyL, permissions
[08:01] <JohnnyL> cfhowlett: thanks
[08:02] <cfhowlett> happy2help! johnnyL
[08:03] <Notimik> hi all, any one more than me that got problems with the screensaver dont kicking in in unity?
[08:04] <cfhowlett> Notimik, unity HAS no screensaver. what are you doing?
[08:04] <Notimik> well call it screen turn off then same thing for me
[08:05] <Notimik> it dont lock screen either
[08:27] <[Saint]> is the "lock screen after: N" setting non-zero perhaps??
[08:28] <[Saint]> Settings - Brightness & Lock - Turn screen off when inactive for: N
[08:28] <[Saint]> and
[08:29] <[Saint]> Settings - Brightness & Lock - Lock screen after: N
[08:29] <daftykins> sadly the user did not hang around long enough to see those
[08:30] <[Saint]> Argh - bums. I scanned the joins and parts since he spoke but I missed it.
[08:30] <[Saint]> meh, such is life.
[08:31] <daftykins> i tend to like to go with nickname tab completes to confirm
[08:31] <daftykins> also has the benefit of attracting their attention
[08:31] <[Saint]> yeah, good point. I should have done so.
[08:32] * [Saint] goes back to watching leaked game of thrones and ruining it for himself because he'll watch them all in one night and then have to wait until the 12th or March for the next episode
[08:32] <[Saint]> *12th of
[08:49] <toshiba_> hi, I can essporre my problem , I would like smartphones acquarius 4.5 ubuntu ontouh sincronizarlo with nautilus , how should I do ? thanks
[08:50] <cfhowlett> !it | toshiba_
[08:53] <toshiba_> copy files from notebook to nautilis 4.5E
[08:53] <toshiba_> help me
[08:56] <bryan> hello
[09:01] <ND> Hello all. Sorry, english isn't my native. Can someone help me with LXC? I got var/lib/cache files from SLES 11 SP3, so what steps should I do for creation container using sles rootfs files? Or it's not possible? I am using 14.04 LTS
[09:02] <bekks> ND: It isnt possible with that files only. Download an installation CD.
[09:03] <ND> Yes, I have SLES iso file
[09:03] <ND> What steps should i do? Or maybe some documentation exists in internet? I tried find something, but any luck
[09:04] <bekks> :)
[09:04] <ND> But Ubuntu doesn't have SLES template
[09:05] <bekks> Create your own container, install whatever OS in it.
[09:05] <ND> Hmmm
[09:05] <ND> You mean "empty" container ?
[09:05] <bekks> Sure.
[09:05] <ND> hmm, thanks, I will try :)
[09:35] <ivan_> hi
[09:36] <daftykins> hello
[09:38] <daftykins> !pm | Guest59017
[09:46] <ND> According documentation I should use something like "lxc-create -n empty -t none", but perhaps some bug exists - lxc_create.c: main: 274 error creating container empty
[10:04] <wade_> hi
[10:04] <daftykins> hi
[10:07] <Luyin> good morning, I'm having trouble reaching a network printer from my Xubuntu 14.04. I tried setting it up via the printer config, then via the CUPS web interface. every time I send a test page job, I get an "could not locate printer". what could I do?
[10:09] <daftykins> are you entering the correct IP address?
[10:12] <Luyin> daftykins: I haven't seen any IP addresses so far. the printer was automatically discovered both by the web interface and by the printerconfig
[10:12] <daftykins> try ditching that adding manually perhaps
[10:12] <daftykins> or look up in the printer documentation whether it requires a non-standard LPR queue name or RAW port number
[10:15] <phraktle> Hi! I have created a PPA and uploaded a package a few hours ago (using backportpackage), but it's still not showing up... How long is this supposed to take?
[10:15] <daftykins> created a PPA where?
[10:15] <phraktle>
[10:16] <daftykins> launchpad might have a channel, i don't think it's directly related to ubuntu
[10:16] <daftykins> oh ok maybe it is - big fat copyright Canonical XD
[10:16] <wizard_A> i am having sound issues in ubuntu.. :(
[10:17] <dtcs> Hi, how do I store a 50-digit number in C++?
[10:17] <wizard_A> i tried pulseaudio, but in vain
[10:17] <daftykins> dtcs: step 1, is go to a C++ channel - and ask them.
[10:18] <phraktle> daftykins: yes, and the package was uploaded via backportpackage tool from the ubuntu-dev-tools package, so I would say it's ubuntu related ;)
[10:18] <daftykins> meh, still a web service.
[10:18] <phraktle> daftykins: but i'll check if there's a launchpad channel...
[10:18] <daftykins> and you still might be able to find a more relevant channel :)
[10:18] <daftykins> good stuff!
[10:18] <daftykins> !alis | phraktle this might be useful
[10:19] <daftykins> dtcs: you too ^
[10:19] <dtcs> daftykins: tried joining the ##c++ and posted, got response from my IRC client that I can not post in that channel.
[10:19] <Luyin> daftykins: is it possible that the IP address looks like ""? I have only seen something like "192.168.[1 digit].[up to 3 digits]"
[10:19] <daftykins> dtcs: you probably have to be registered and recognised, #freenode can help you with that.
[10:37] <froyo> Hello
[10:37] <daftykins> hi
[10:38] <froyo> How can I view qmlscene version?
[10:38] <froyo> I don't find any manpage for qmlscene
[10:39] <daftykins> installed from a package?
[10:39] <froyo> repos
[10:40] <daftykins> apt-cache showpkg <package> ?
[10:40] <froyo> it just showing dependencies
[10:42] <daftykins> er "apt-cache policy <package>" ?
[10:42] <daftykins> i always forget which of those two does what :>
[10:43] <Trigo> Hello, just wanna ask...can I develop ubuntu touch app without the device?
[10:43] <daftykins> !touch
[10:43] <Trigo> owh...thanks
[10:46] <Trigo> tanks for that
[10:46] <Trigo> thanks*
[10:46] <daftykins> np (:
[10:46] <Luyin> ok fixed it by choosing AppSocket/HP JetDirect and entering the IP address manually. thanks for your help
[11:06] <lluisos> hola
[11:07] <lluisos> hola
[11:07] <lluisos> hola
[11:07] <lluisos> ???????¿?¿¿
[11:07] <cfhowlett> lluisos, ask your ubuntu question
[11:07] <vitimiti> !es | lluisos
[11:13] <afshinme1> ?
[11:18] <saurabhdare> Hi, I'm using 14.04.2 on a x86_64 bit system. I want to install ubuntu-sdk.
[11:18] <saurabhdare> However,
[11:18] <saurabhdare> This does not fix my installation
[11:18] <saurabhdare> I have qtcreator installed already not the sdk.
[11:19] <Trigo> saura....why you can't?
[11:20] <saurabhdare> Trigo, it installs but I cannot launch it. Only qtcreator starts.
[11:20] <saurabhdare> I've all the upgrades and updates done.
[11:20] <Trigo> Actually, Ubuntu-SDK is based of Qt creator.
[11:20] <saurabhdare> I don't have any PPA installed.
[11:21] <vitimiti> saurabhdare, have you tried launching ubuntu-sdk from the terminal and see what happens?
[11:21] <saurabhdare> vitimiti, lemme see.
[11:21] <vitimiti> saurabhdare, from my experience some times the programs won't appear in the dash until you do that (it always happens to me with latexila)
[11:22] <vitimiti> idk why
[11:22] <saurabhdare> vitimiti, the icon appears; however, only qtcreator starts. Not the modified Ubuntu-sdk with its plugins and all.
[11:22] <vitimiti> hm
[11:22] <Trigo> install it from repos?
[11:22] <Metaqueer> salut
[11:23] <Metaqueer> je suis pede
[11:23] <saurabhdare> yeah from repo not PPA
[11:23] <cfhowlett> !fr | Metacity
[11:23] <kevinde> How is it possible after the kernel upgrade i'm stuck on the login screen? If I use a older kernel to login it works fine. The login screen pretty much goes into a loop if I use the newest kernel after filling in my password it flashes and brings me to the login screen again
[11:23] <cfhowlett> !fr | Metaqueer sorry metacity
[11:23] <Trigo> Last time, I installed it from PPA, and worked.
[11:23] <MonkeyDust> cfhowlett he was scolding
[11:23] <cfhowlett> MonkeyDust, mon dieu!
[11:23] <saurabhdare> Trigo, hmm. I am too afraid to have any PPA
[11:23] <Metaqueer> haha way to go
[11:23] <Metaqueer> you pinged the wrong guy
[11:23] <Metaqueer> twice
[11:23] <vitimiti> saurabhdare, I can't try to reproduce the bug, I'm on 15.04
[11:24] <cfhowlett> Metaqueer, torette's. sorry.
[11:24] <saurabhdare> maybe It has dependency on any new libs or mesa
[11:24] <saurabhdare> I want to stay on 14.04
[11:25] <vitimiti> saurabhdare, you can just follow this guide and use the ppa:
[11:25] <Trigo>
[11:25] <Metaqueer> oh you want tourrette's?
[11:25] <Metaqueer> ill show you tourettes
[11:26] <Metaqueer> TROLOLOLOLOLO
[11:26] <Metaqueer> IM GAY EVERYONE
[11:26] <saurabhdare> vitimiti, Trigo : okay
[11:26] <Metaqueer> I have no clue how to catalyse a channel
[11:26] <Trigo> the official webpage encourage us to download from ppa
[11:26] <saurabhdare> Metaqueer, congratulations
[11:26] <Metaqueer> I set g+
[11:26] <cfhowlett> Metaqueer, knock it off.
[11:26] <Trigo> it's easy as install from repos.
[11:26] <Metaqueer> cfhowlett YOU FUCK
[11:26] <Metaqueer> TROLOLOLOLOLO
[11:26] <Metaqueer> mmmmmmmmmm
[11:26] * Metaqueer cums all over channel
[11:26] <kevinde> if I'm logged in on kernel .48, Can I remove kernel .49 safely,
[11:26] <cfhowlett> !ops | Metaqueer
[11:26] <bekks> kevinde: Why dont you reboot to kernel .49 and remove .48? :)
[11:27] <kevinde> bekks: if you scroll abit up, I explained my problem there. Maybe reinstalling the newest kernel would help,
[11:28] <bekks> kevinde: With the new kernel, can you login into a terminal?
[11:29] <kevinde> I haven't tried that yet, but I suppose that should be no problem
[11:29] <kevinde> was that alt + F2 or something,
[11:29] <vitimiti> CTRL + ALT + F1
[11:29] <vitimiti> For example
[11:30] <kevinde> I will attempt to login trough terminal and come back
[11:30] <kevinde> brb
[11:37] <kevinde> bekks: I can login into the terminal with no problems
[11:37] <saurabhdare> vitimiti,
[11:37] <saurabhdare> works :)
[11:37] <saurabhdare> brb
[11:37] <vitimiti> saurabhdare, nice
[11:49] <htqp> Hello, since the latest chromium-browser update, if I switch workspaces, it fails to display the browser. It gets redrawn element by element after hovering with the mouse
[11:49] <htqp> any idea?
[11:54] <htqp> (xubutnu 14.04)
[11:58] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[11:59] <gr33n7007h> Howdy BluesKaj :)
[12:03] <BluesKaj> hi gr33n7007h
[12:06] <Ramona> /msg NickServ confirm JcQCknIML
[12:06] <Ramona> lel
[12:07] <MonkeyDust> change your password!
[12:07] <Aamit> hi <Ramona, how r u?
[12:09] <gr33n7007h> I've come to the conclusion, of all the nicks on #ubuntu this take first prize [0__0] :) sorry for otopic
[12:11] <Ramona> MonkeyDust: i did lel
[12:12] <Ramona> Aamit: good other than freenode unregistered my nick somehow
[12:13] <Aamit> :( just look the reasons on google... It will help you.
[12:14] <gr33n7007h> Ramona: ask in #freenode for possible reasons
[12:14] <Aamit> gr33n7007h, yes correct
[12:19] <htqp> ok for those interested, here's the bug report
[12:27] <hidden> i did rm -rf bitcoin-abe but it didn't free up diskspace
[12:28] <syrako> hi
[12:33] <audreeliss> how to delete the remaining files in KDE? The main kde-full've deleted, but the program remained, how to remove them all at once?
[12:36] <MrElendig> audreeliss: how did you delete them?
[12:36] * MrElendig smell a xyproblem
[12:36] <MrElendig> hidden: if it is still running or kept open by some process then it won't be freed until those processes terminates or frees the handle
[12:37] <audreeliss> apt-get autoremove
[12:37] * afshinmeh
[12:37] <audreeliss> but remained to kde
[12:38] <EriC^^> audreeliss: apt doesn't remove the programs, you have to manually remove them
[12:38] <EriC^^> there's a website with a list of the stuff for each de, or something
[12:39] <audreeliss> EriC^^: thx :)
[12:39] <EriC^^>
[12:39] <EriC^^> make sure you have the same ubuntu version
[12:39] <OerHeks> I think after removal, logout and login again ?
[12:41] <EriC^^> somebody should write a program that checks if everything that gets pulled in by the metapackage is a dependency of the de a person wants to keep and if not remove it
[12:43] <Luyin> EriC^^: feel free to do so? :D
[12:43] <OerHeks> EriC^^, a DE is such a huge collection, i wonder if that could be done.
[12:43] <Darryl> o/
[12:44] <EriC^^> Luyin: i wrote a part of it, somebody once needed all the dependencies of a package recursively, feel free to continue it? :D
[12:47] <EriC^^> OerHeks: i think it would work, i don't know how pacman in arch does it, but it has a recursive removal feature which removes everything that de brought in
[12:49] <OerHeks> EriC^^, if there is a launchpad team, i'd like to join it.
[12:49] <Luyin> EriC^^: github? ;)
[12:50] <EriC^^> i dont have a launchpad account even or github..
[12:51] <lotuspsychje> EriC^^: set discuss to your favs :p
[12:51] <EriC^^> lotuspsychje: hehe
[12:53] <Luyin> EriC^^: some other way to share code, then?
[12:56] <EriC^^> Luyin: ok, i'll make a github account i guess
[12:57] <Luyin> EriC^^: good idea ;)
[13:07] <oleg_> Hi
[13:07] <oleg_> Do you spek rusian?
[13:07] <lotuspsychje> !ru | oleg_
[13:07] <cfhowlett> !ru | oleg_
[13:08] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: come in discuss mate :p
[13:08] <oleg_> !ru
[13:10] <waxasky> hi
[13:11] <oleg_> Fankyou
[13:24] <hkrrsx> morning
[13:24] <lotuspsychje> hkrrsx: hello mate
[13:32] <sheer> hi. how do I make a partition without root access? for safe day to day use?
[13:33] <Luyin> sheer: what do you mean, without root access?
[13:33] <Luyin> you cannot create a partition as non-root. full stop.
[13:33] <MonkehParade> Hey..
[13:33] <lotuspsychje> MonkehParade: welcome
[13:33] <MonkehParade> May I ask a question?
[13:34] <lotuspsychje> MonkehParade: shoot
[13:34] <sheer> someone suggested that I do that, I guess I misunderstood
[13:34] <MonkehParade> Well, it's not technically ubuntu related, but more or less debian.
[13:34] <lotuspsychje> !debian | MonkehParade
[13:34] <Luyin> !meta | MonkehParade
[13:34] <Luyin> oh again
[13:34] <Luyin> can someone give ubottu a meta command, please? :D
[13:35] <Luyin> sheer: I guess so too ;)
[13:35] <lotuspsychje> Luyin: for what purpose?
[13:35] <Luyin> to stop people from asking meta questions
[13:35] <MonkehParade> I need to get a few package for my raspi, but it doesn't have an internet connection, so I thought of getting them from my laptop, which runs (a heavilu modified xubuntu).
[13:36] <MonkehParade> .. but the packages on my laptop are 64bit.
[13:36] <lotuspsychje> Luyin: you will have to join #ubuntu-ops for such sugestions
[13:36] <MonkehParade> .. how can I get the same packages for the arm architecture? :/
[13:36] <pixel6692> MonkehParade: is it impossible to give connection to raspi?
[13:37] <MonkehParade> I don't have a router, only a direct connection, and the raspi has a static ip.
[13:37] <pixel6692> direct connection as you are connected by ethernet?
[13:37] <MonkehParade> Yes, pixel6692
[13:38] <MonkehParade> I hope my question isn't off-topic, stupid or noobish :/
[13:38] <Luyin> thx lotuspsychje
[13:38] <lotuspsychje> Luyin: np, there is also a trigger add command if you like
[13:39] <pixel6692> MonkehParade: maybe someone else can respond how to download packaged for other architecture but to gain connection to your raspberry you may consider buying WifiDongle for Raspi, USB->Ethernet for laptop and then you can easily tether connection form laptop to raspi
[13:40] <DazPetty> I decided to return to ubuntu, from arch linux
[13:40] <lotuspsychje> DazPetty: good choice mate
[13:40] <DazPetty> because I know that I can download allmost anything from the official repositories without it breaking my comp
[13:40] <shafa_> i dont knw anything
[13:40] <shafa_> plzz help me
[13:40] <shafa_> eloooo
[13:40] <MonkehParade> DazPetty, what version of ubuntu do you use?
[13:41] <DazPetty> 14.04
[13:41] <MonkehParade> Has anyone here tried the new 15 something Ubuntu?
[13:41] <lotuspsychje> shafa_: please ask a real question
[13:41] <lotuspsychje> MonkehParade: vivid releases next week
[13:42] <MonkehParade> I thought they already released it .__>
[13:42] <shafa> i didt get u
[13:42] <lotuspsychje> !15.04 | MonkehParade
[13:42] <MonkehParade> I saw so many posts about it on OMG UBUNTU
[13:42] <pixel6692> is there spin with pure Gnome Ubuntu?
[13:42] <Luyin> MonkehParade: alpha/bta status images are available, if you're interested
[13:42] <lotuspsychje> MonkehParade: its in alpha stage
[13:42] <Luyin> pixel6692: you mean Ubuntu Gnome?
[13:42] <kokut> Hello, anyone knows how to add applications to cairo-dock without having to log out or to create a custom desktop entry or some other complicated/time consuming task?
[13:42] <cfhowlett> !ask |shafa,
[13:43] <shafa> k
[13:43] <lotuspsychje> kokut: you use docky as alternative if you like
[13:43] <kokut> also, what's the easiest way to add applications to cairo-dock?
[13:43] <shafa> got it...what type of question ?
[13:43] <MonkehParade> I still run Ubuntu 12.04.
[13:43] <MonkehParade> I still run Ubuntu 12.04.
[13:43] <MonkehParade> Double post. Sorry.
[13:44] <pixel6692> Luyin yes, it is not that i hate unity but i prefer gnome, is there official spin?
[13:44] <cfhowlett> shafa, this is ubuntu support. what do you want to know
[13:44] <lotuspsychje> kokut: normally if you start a program, you can right mouse click the icon on cairo to pin it
[13:44] <Luyin> pixel6692: did you read my reply? there is Ubuntu Gnome
[13:44] <kokut> lotuspsychje: but i want to add guake
[13:44] <MonkehParade> I prefer Gala, but it's still beta :/
[13:44] <pixel6692> Luyin my bad, i thought you were just repairing my word order. Thanks
[13:45] <kokut> i should be able to right click on the applications menu entry and "Add to cairo-dock bottom-dock" or something but its not like that
[13:45] <MonkehParade> Gala is gorgeous. Gala on Xubunu runs faster than Ubuntu or eOS.
[13:45] <shafa> i want to become an hacker
[13:45] <lotuspsychje> kokut: if you start guake it shows on cairo right?
[13:45] <Luyin> pixel6692: np
[13:45] <kokut> lotuspsychje: no
[13:45] <lotuspsychje> hmm
[13:45] <cfhowlett> shafa, wrong channel. we don't hack here. look elsewhere.
[13:46] <kokut> lotuspsychje: it would upset me if it did because the whole point is that it's invisible
[13:46] <kokut> tmux
[13:46] <kokut> too
[13:46] <pixel6692> this shafa is just trolling with you obviously, someone have too much free time on weekend rather than polishing his distro :)
[13:47] <cfhowlett> pixel6692, possibly, but still: let's not feed them.
[13:47] <MonkehParade> shafa, try Kali Linux.
[13:48] <lotuspsychje> kokut: you could add guake as autostart service
[13:48] <MonkehParade> I feel like most people who claim to use Kali Linux don't really know much about Linux.
[13:48] <kokut> lotuspsychje: yea i should
[13:49] <MonkehParade> Does anybody know of a web interface where I could download packages from? :/
[13:49] <kokut> lotuspsychje: but what if i have to add another application in the futuer?
[13:50] <hkrrsx> MonkehParade:
[13:50] <shafa> then what i get from here?
[13:50] <shafa> am first time in this app?
[13:50] <shafa> so how change the channel
[13:50] <lotuspsychje> kokut: normally adding icons to cairo dock must be easy mate
[13:51] <lotuspsychje> MonkehParade: you can also use apt-get download packagename
[13:51] <MonkehParade> No, i mean something similar to apt-web. but yeah, i'll try that too.
[13:51] <Luyin> shafa: perhaps you'd start with some online research about IRC, and if you want to learn hacking, learn a programming language. this channel is for ubuntu support. if you haven't got a support question, I suggest you hang around in #ubuntu-offtopic
[13:51] <kokut> lotuspsychje: well i added all my applications logging out and logging in with unity so i can use the dash to search for the application and drag-and-drop it in my cairo dock instance
[13:52] <kokut> then i log out and log back in with cairo-dock and without unity
[13:52] <kokut> that takes time and its just wrong
[13:53] <lotuspsychje> kokut: try docky, much easier
[13:53] <lotuspsychje> !info docky | kokut
[13:54] <kokut> lotuspsychje: k let me give it a try, i dont want to waste much time configuring it tho
[13:54] <kokut> lotuspsychje: i have all the cairo-dock set up as i want
[13:56] <lotuspsychje> kokut: maybe the #cairo-dock guys might know also
[13:56] <kokut> lotuspsychje: i know how it's done its just time consuming man, i have to look for the application file myself
[14:00] <howlymowly> hi everyone... short question: I want to use backintime to backup my files on a ssh server is this possible using only a password and no ssh-key?
[14:02] <Luyin> howlymowly: is it ever advisable to use ssh without an ssh-key? ;)
[14:02] <Luyin> howlymowly: and yes, backintime is just a gui backend for rsync. so everything you can do with rsync you can also do with backintime
[14:02] <MonkeyDust> howlymowly short questions rarely have short answers
[14:02] <OerHeks> howlymowly, that could be done, configure that ssh-service by reversing disable password ..
[14:03] <OerHeks> and make an user i guess.
[14:03] <marianne> hello, just installed 14.10 on my laptop and the software center took a dump, is it possible to reinstall without doing a complete reinstall (install over the top)
[14:03] <prima> haiii
[14:04] <lotuspsychje> marianne: if you wait one week, you could update to 15.04
[14:05] <marianne> lotuspsychje: kinda need it now... is it possible? and is 15.04 an LTS version?
[14:05] <lotuspsychje> marianne: no 14.10 and 15.04 are no LTS
[14:05] <cfhowlett> marianne, LTS? no. 14.04 is LTS
[14:06] <lotuspsychje> marianne: you could install your needed package with sudo apt-get install packagename
[14:06] <OerHeks> marianne, so what is your issue with softwarecenter?
[14:07] <marianne> OerHeks: I click on it and it maybe shows for a second and then goes away...known issue I guess
[14:07] <Rudde> Hello
[14:07] <lotuspsychje> marianne: goes away as in window gone?
[14:07] <DukeDrake> hi
[14:08] <marianne> lotuspsychje: yes, and I can't even get it to come up using terminal
[14:08] <Rudde> So I have a fresh instal of ubuntu server
[14:08] <Rudde> and when I boot I get two "Starting SMB/CIFS File and Active Directory Server" where one of them fail.
[14:08] <lotuspsychje> marianne: any errors when you start from terminal?
[14:09] <marianne> lotuspsychje: when I open terminal, it just sits at the prompt
[14:09] <Farmacevta> hi all
[14:09] <MonkeyDust> marianne i had that too, with other sudo apps too... make sure "policy kit" is checked in the startup programs (dash > startup)
[14:10] <Farmacevta> I know here is not the right place to ask. I want to remove my Windows, and install some Linux distribution like Ubuntu. But I want to be more same like Windows. Ubuntu isn't so good for me. I like something which will be like copy of windows but using Linux. Can you suggest any linux distribution which is like windows ?
[14:10] <hkrrsx> Farmacevta: Try Lubuntu ?
[14:11] <BluesKaj> Farmacevta, try Kubuntu, the KDE desktop looks very familiar to windows users
[14:11] <marianne> MonkeyDust: policy kit isn't listed
[14:11] <DukeDrake> how can I change the user to login at startup?
[14:12] <MonkeyDust> marianne there's atrick for that, moment...
[14:12] <DukeDrake> somehow it's using my screen name and not my login name in X
[14:12] <Farmacevta> hkeide i saw screenshots of it. Thanx I will try it now
[14:12] <OerHeks> Farmacevta, if linux is like windows, we would get lawsuits.
[14:12] <cfhowlett> OerHeks, unless you were north korea
[14:13] <BluesKaj> there's a windows 7 imitator linux distro called Zorin , Farmacevta
[14:13] <lotuspsychje> Farmacevta: you can also setup a theme on ubuntu, so it looks like windows
[14:13] <OerHeks> I cannot find their irc channel, cfhowlett
[14:14] <DukeDrake> i.e.: I can't login , as it's trying to login my screenname instead of my login
[14:14] <Farmacevta> okay and one more question: Which linux distribution is the best for playing games for windows ?
[14:14] <cfhowlett> OerHeks, red star OS? not sure they even have an IRC
[14:14] <Luyin> Farmacevta: ubuntu-based, any; gentoo works well, too
[14:15] <OerHeks> !wine
[14:15] <hkrrsx> cfhowlett: OerHeks:
[14:16] <MonkeyDust> marianne this command makes all startup modules visible (doesnt chan them) sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop
[14:16] <MonkeyDust> (doesnt change them)*
[14:17] <hkrrsx> cfhowlett: OerHeks: Disregard my link, I thought you couldn't find ZorinOS ..... reading comprehension fail
[14:18] <cortex> hi
[14:18] <OerHeks> hkrrsx :-)
[14:19] <cortex> i using weechat
[14:19] <cortex> its so nice
[14:19] <cortex> sorry for my poor english
[14:20] <marianne> MonkeyDust: no such file or directory
[14:21] <MonkeyDust> marianne when what? after entering that command, or after invoking startup programs?
[14:23] <DukeDrake> hm ... Ican login via terminal, but not on the graphical login
[14:23] <DukeDrake> is that possible at all?
[14:23] <marianne> MonkeyDust: entered the command (had a typo the first time) and I'm just back at the prompt
[14:24] <ioria> DukeDrake, ls -l ~/.Xautority ?
[14:24] <lotuspsychje> DukeDrake: ubuntu version?
[14:24] <marianne> MonkeyDust: ok opened up start up apps and there is a ton of stuff now
[14:25] <ioria> DukeDrake, ls -l ~/.Xauthority ? , sorry
[14:25] <geoffmcc> ls
[14:25] <DukeDrake> 14.02
[14:25] <marianne> MonkeyDust: PolicyKit does have a check in the box
[14:25] <DukeDrake> just updgraded --> can't login
[14:25] <MonkeyDust> marianne yes, look for Policy Kit, make sure it's checked
[14:25] <MonkeyDust> ok
[14:26] <DukeDrake> .Xauthority is present .... so ?
[14:26] <marianne> MonkeyDust: it is... what next?
[14:26] <DukeDrake> (14.04, sorry)
[14:26] <ioria> DukeDrake, sorry again hidden file ... ls -la ~/.Xauthority
[14:26] <DukeDrake> yes, it's present
[14:26] <DukeDrake> so?
[14:26] <MonkeyDust> marianne not sure
[14:26] <DukeDrake> it's there
[14:27] <ioria> DukeDrake, type ls -la ~/.Xauthority to check permissions
[14:27] <marianne> MonkeyDust: going to restart and see what happens
[14:27] <DukeDrake> permissions are owner: rw
[14:27] <ioria> DukeDrake, it shoden't be root:root but user:user
[14:27] <MonkeyDust> marianne that's "the Windows trick"
[14:27] <DukeDrake> it is user:user
[14:28] <marianne> MonkeyDust: hey you never know unless you try, but if that doesnt work, can i just install the same version over the top?
[14:28] <Farmacevta> fuckers
[14:28] <Farmacevta> Lubuntu rocks 1
[14:28] <lotuspsychje> !language | Farmacevta
[14:28] <Farmacevta> okay sorry
[14:28] <DukeDrake> ioria: next? ^
[14:29] <MonkeyDust> marianne my advice: use 15.04 (it's stable enough by now) and create a separate /home partition during install
[14:29] <DukeDrake> (should startx work at all from Terminal?)
[14:29] <marianne> MonkeyDust: brand new laptop, nothing installed on it yet, so redoing it isn't a big deal
[14:29] <lotuspsychje> marianne: also check your syslog and dmesg for errors on software-centre
[14:30] <Luyin> you could even replace software-center by something more performative... ;)
[14:30] <ioria> DukeDrake, and the home directory ls -l /home/user ?
[14:30] <DukeDrake> ioria: yes
[14:30] <marianne> lotuspsychje: package manager isn't there either... no way to update or install except terminal... error is unmet dependencies
[14:31] <OerHeks> DukeDrake, startx is old, use sudo service lightdm start
[14:31] <lotuspsychje> !aptlock | marianne try this maybe
[14:32] <DukeDrake> OerHeks: says "start: Rejected send message .... "
[14:33] <kokut> anyone knows a free and ad-free alternative to spotify?
[14:33] <MonkeyDust> kokut #ububntu-offtopic
[14:33] <MonkeyDust> kokut #ubuntu-offtopic
[14:33] <kokut> MonkeyDust: its kind of on-topic bro
[14:34] <cfhowlett> kokut, nope. please ask in the other channel.
[14:34] <Luyin> kokut: no it's not. this is a support channel. looking for an alternative package is not a "problem".
[14:35] <kokut> right
[14:35] <OerHeks> alternative spotify: make your own music.
[14:35] <DukeDrake> oh, sudo %)
[14:36] <OerHeks> * all songs you can play are included
[14:36] <marianne> lotuspsychje: not an event was the response
[14:36] <lotuspsychje> marianne: thats really weird, did you have same issue on 14.04?
[14:37] <marianne> lotuspsychje: nope 14 .04 was slick and easy...
[14:38] <MonkeyDust> marianne I agree, that's why i stick to it
[14:38] <lotuspsychje> marianne: maybe you should stick to LTS if you want a stable software centre :p
[14:38] <kokut> OerHeks: what u mean make my own music
[14:39] <lotuspsychje> marianne: wich package are you trying to install actually?
[14:39] <marianne> lotuspsychje: think my best bet at the moment is to reinstall... thinking of trying the 14.10 reinstalll and if not just see if 14.04 works... worse case is I do the install over a few times
[14:39] <marianne> lotuspsychje: flash
[14:39] <lotuspsychje> marianne: wich flash?
[14:39] <lotuspsychje> marianne: did you try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?
[14:40] <marianne> lotuspsychje: let me see if that does anything
[14:41] <marianne> lotuspsychje: ok thats installing
[14:41] <lotuspsychje> marianne: that should fix your flash
[14:42] <marianne> lotuspsychje: any way to reinstall software center? and package manager?
[14:43] <lotuspsychje> !info synaptic | marianne try this one
[14:43] <lotuspsychje> marianne: sudo apt-get install synaptic
[14:43] <saurabhdare> hi, I am trying to write my first Ubuntu app from the tutorial. I selected QML app with qmake.
[14:44] <lotuspsychje> saurabhdare: on ubuntu touch?
[14:44] <saurabhdare> However, I see error parsing line -- "import Ubuntu.Components 1.1
[14:44] <saurabhdare> "
[14:44] <saurabhdare> lotuspsychje, *for* ubuntu touch
[14:44] <lotuspsychje> !touch | saurabhdare please join here
[14:45] <francisco> ,
[14:46] <marianne> lotuspsychje: ok, installed synaptic... error occured -- malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse) the list could not be read
[14:47] <Guest66581> hi everyone. i need a command on terminal for logoff my session in ubuntu
[14:47] <lotuspsychje> marianne: did you add a ppa recently?
[14:47] <vlt> Hello. I’m using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. When encoding video to codec dnxhd with avconv version 9.18-6:9.18-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 I get blocky artefacts, especially in areas of high contrast. What can I do to prevent this?
[14:47] <marianne> lotuspsychje: yes... <hanging head in shame>
[14:48] <lotuspsychje> marianne: maybe the ppa add causes your issue?
[14:48] <lotuspsychje> !ppapurge | marianne
[14:48] <cfhowlett> vlt, gotta ask the avconv or ffmpeg channels about that
[14:49] <lotuspsychje> marianne: a sudo apt-get update might also do magic after removing ppa
[14:49] <vlt> cfhowlett: Ok, thanks.
[14:52] <marianne> lotuspsychje: can you provide me with the exact command... nothing I'm typing works
[14:53] <lotuspsychje> marianne: try removing your ppa manually from software sources
[14:53] <Farmacevta>
[14:53] <lotuspsychje> Farmacevta: please no links here
[14:54] <Farmacevta> ok
[14:54] <lotuspsychje> Farmacevta: you can chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic
[14:54] <Farmacevta> thanks
[14:56] <cortex> exit
[14:58] <marianne> lotuspsychje: still getting the error
[14:59] <marianne> lotuspsychje: i love ubuntu once i get it settled... but ugh this can be painful
[15:00] <lotuspsychje> marianne: go for the ubuntu 14.04.2
[15:01] <MonkeyDust> marianne should have stuck to 14.04
[15:01] <monty_hall> is there a way I can install 15 over 14?
[15:01] <SchrodingersScat> !15.04
[15:02] <monty_hall> I can't wait\
[15:02] <MonkeyDust> monty_hall how do you mean "over"?
[15:02] <monty_hall> I have kallithea scm and somehow I can't write a functioning init script
[15:02] <monty_hall> systemd is so much easier.
[15:02] <ioria> marianne do you have .list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?
[15:03] <monty_hall> april... well, I guess I can wait a few more days.
[15:04] <marianne> ioria: yes
[15:05] <ioria> marianne try to mv or delete if you wanna to get rid of it
[15:09] <marianne> ioria: no go, it won't let me delete it ... no idea why, I'm superuser
[15:09] <boabsta> hi folks, i'm running Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS but uname -r reports the kernel version as 3.8.0-29-generic? Is that correct? I was expecting 3.13+
[15:09] <compdoc> boabsta, youre right, thats the wrong kernel
[15:10] <boabsta> dist-upgrade says there's nothing to uograde? :( how could that have gone wrong, this is on a feshly installed VPS
[15:10] <ioria> marianne remember me... did you want flash player for firefox ?
[15:10] <marianne> ioria: yes
[15:10] <ki7mt> It's not technically wrong, he's just not upgraded .. should be about 3.13.0-49 or so now.
[15:10] <boabsta> is there a way to forcefully install the correct kernel?
[15:10] <OerHeks> boabsta, oh, you have upgraded your vps, ask your hosting for a fresh image.
[15:11] <compdoc> boabsta, did you use some program to create a bootable image?
[15:11] <ioria> marianne go to the web site and download the .tar file, unzip, and put in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins...
[15:11] <boabsta> boot, grub, etc all seem to have vmlinuz-3.13.0-49-generic
[15:12] <boabsta> compdoc: no, nothing fancy with the install
[15:12] <ioria> marianne
[15:12] <ioria> marianne .tar.gz
[15:14] <ki7mt> boabsta, the first thing I would try, before performing surgery is updating grub2 .. but 3.8 rings a beel from a PAE standpoint, is the box older hardware ?
[15:14] <ki7mt> .. rings a bell
[15:15] <boabsta> ki7mt: eeem not sure, just got it. cpu is Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690
[15:16] <asky> Please help , when I click in the icon to connect to xifi it gives me a message says networking disabled , and when i type ifconfig in terminal , doesnt show me my devices , only shows " lo " , I have two devices internal eth0 and external , wlan0 , No one is detected , but first why does it says networking disabled , please how to fix that ?????
[15:17] <asky> ?????
[15:17] <rgb-one> asky: on my machine f12 is the key to enable and disable network connections.
[15:17] <rgb-one> asky: click f12
am not in my ubuntu machine right now any other solutions I can try ???
[15:18] <ki7mt> boabsta, Well its not a PAE issue then,, try updating Grub first
[15:18] <OerHeks> ioria, do not suggest to install flash that way, see the !flash factoid
[15:18] <ioria> i know...
[15:19] <marianne> ioria: thank you for your help. but it won't go... going to reinstall
[15:19] <ioria> sorry, but i think was temporary
[15:19] <rgb-one> asky: When you get to your machine we can troubleshoot.
[15:20] <OerHeks> the user comes back and wants us to fix that.
[15:21] <boabsta> ki7mt: do you mean to do update-grub2?
[15:21] <OerHeks> pepperflash is the latest flash, not sure if firefox is able to use that.
[15:21] <ki7mt> boabsta, sudo update-grub watch as it runs see if it picks up the newer kernels
[15:22] <ioria> OerHeks, i suggested that because i did it ... but i'm sure you're right
[15:22] <boabsta> ki7mt: yeah it got it, but same thing - old kernel version
[15:22] <boabsta> ki7mt: there's only 2 entries in menu.lst - Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS, kernel 3.13.0-49-generic (and the recovery mode)
[15:22] <Korhonen> Is there any accepted practice to how to store a daemon in your home directory?
[15:22] <OerHeks> boabsta, ask you provider of that VPS for a fresh image, they tweak their images so this upgrade is useless, or see their docs howto upgrade.
[15:22] <boabsta> OerHeks: okay, cheers
[15:22] <Korhonen> Like, can something like "service <name> start" run something from your home directory?
[15:23] <ki7mt> boabsta, so are you selecting the 3,13 kernel to boot from?
[15:24] <iufdsfu> !search cbt nuggets
[15:24] <boabsta> it doesn't give me a chance to select anything because the crappy web console takes too long to load :) lsb_release reports 14.04 but uname has the old kernel
[15:24] <boabsta> i'm going to go bug the support guys
[15:25] <ali_> hi all
[15:25] <mp_se> hi. how can I change privileges for my usb flash? I have wdlxtv and I think that usb is not visible on the device only because of access privileges?
[15:25] <ki7mt> boabsta, first off .. There is no menu.lst any more with grub2, as of 12.04 I think, the config is in /boot/grub/grub.cfg .. but you should *not* edit that manually
[15:26] <mp_se> I've listed all mounted discs: sudo fdisk -l
[15:27] <ki7mt> boabsta, is your want to customize your entries, then go in custom entries or 40_custom
[15:27] <mp_se> and change permission on the right disc with: sudo chmod 666 /dev/sdb
[15:27] <boabsta> ki7mt: aah okay, it's been a while :)
[15:27] <ki7mt> boabsta, See info:
[15:28] <OerHeks> ki7mt, its a VPS
[15:29] <ki7mt> OerHeks, errr .. ok
[15:29] <ki7mt> What version of UB is the server running ?
[15:29] <boabsta> ki7mt: OerHeks I can only see 3.13 kernel images in /boot too
[15:30] <OerHeks> So he was going to do the right thing: contact support.
[15:31] <ki7mt> Is he the VPS Admin? he can mange the VPS if yes
[15:32] <boabsta> ki7mt: OerHeks aaaah ffs, just found a "Toggle bootloader" type option in the VPS providers control panel (which has just caused a HTTP 500 trying to change it to the VPS bootloader lol)
[15:33] <ki7mt> boabsta, I wsa just about to say, normally on Hosted servers they have a Control Panel for this.
[15:34] <boabsta> ki7mt: woohoo uname reports 3.13.0-49-generic
[15:34] <boabsta> ki7mt: everyday's a school day - thanks for the help mate
[15:34] <boabsta> and thanks OerHeks
[15:34] <ki7mt> I did not do anything .. you figured it out ,, nice one :-)
[15:34] <PSF> hi, I cannot boot my ubuntu after fresh install and installing updates. I'm sure i did not break anything. I'm using LVM on Dell xps 13. Any ideas?
[15:36] <PSF> Ubuntu is 14.04 LTS
[15:37] <rgb-one> PSF: maybe the update broke something with grub2
[15:37] <PSF> rgb-one: how do I fix it?
[15:37] <rgb-one> PSF: What happens when you try to boot?
[15:37] <mavek> #libgdx
[15:38] <PSF> I get a message: No bootable devices found
[15:38] <PSF> I know it installed new kernel and initrd stuff
[15:39] <PSF> I have root fs encrypted during install, could that be the problem
[15:39] <PSF> ?
[15:43] <_guest_> is there a good driver for the amd radeon 5400?
[15:44] <OerHeks> !ATI
[15:44] <OerHeks> _guest_, look in 'additional drivers'
[15:50] <PSF> Does anyone have experiences with installing Ubuntu on Dell XPS 13, I can't get sound to work
[15:53] <rgb-one> PSF: it boots now?
[15:53] <kokut> How come i can't rename/delete files when i'm selecting a file download location/file save location? is there a plugin or something i can install to add this functionality? It works in windows... :p
[15:54] <PSF> rgb-one: no, i had the sound issue before i restarted
[15:54] <rgb-one> kokut: you could always rename it after it is finished downloading
[15:54] <OerHeks> kokut, in windows you cannot either.
[15:54] <kokut> rgb-one: that's exactly the opposite of answering my question.
[15:55] <ki7mt> kokut, renaming should be automatic if you download 2x of the same file, it should stick a -(x) on the suffix.
[15:55] <kokut> OerHeks: yes you can, i do it all the time
[15:55] <OerHeks> you can alter the name that will be used to write, but not delete files and such.
[15:55] <kokut> ki7mt: it doesnt matter its not what i need (or everyone for that matter) its extremely useful to be able to rename files from the "select file download location" etc
[15:56] <boogie> Dropbox got hung up while installing. Now I'm getting dpkg errors when trying to do any updates, I can't install anything, and it is taking up 100% of my cpu. It says the dpkg is locked. Anyone know how to unlock it or kill the task?
[15:56] <kokut> OerHeks: yes you can delete files too
[15:56] <kokut> in windows 7 at least
[15:56] <ki7mt> kokut, the dl location is set in browser settings. what are you using to download these files
[15:56] <rgb-one> boogie: !lock
[15:57] <kokut> ki7mt: are u kidding m8 i'm not asking wheres the freaking download location
[15:57] <rgb-one> !lock
[15:57] <ki7mt> kokut, ok, good luck.
[15:57] <OerHeks> boogie, use alt+tab to see if dropbox is giving a message window
[15:57] <boogie> No, it is not.
[15:58] <kokut> ki7mt: i need to be able to delete/rename files when i'm selecting the download location or selecting the save location when using gimp, inkscape or any other software, understand?
[15:58] <boogie> I tried sudo dpkg --configure -a like it says to do, but it just reinstalls dropbox and hangs again.
[15:58] <rgb-one> boogie:
[15:58] <kokut> the file explorer that lets you choose the file name/extension doesn't allow you to rename/delete files
[15:59] <boogie> rgb which command do you think I should use first?
[15:59] <kokut> i don't know if i'm explaining myself correctly :\
[15:59] <boogie> In that list
[16:00] <boogie> sudo killall dpkg says no process found
[16:00] <rgb-one> use rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock
[16:00] <boogie> Just did, it did nothing.
[16:01] <rgb-one> boogie: it did do something
[16:01] <rgb-one> boogie: try to install dropbox again
[16:01] <boogie> I tried
[16:01] <boogie> ps afx|grep dpkg
[16:01] <boogie> It says this
[16:01] <boogie> 14779 ? S 0:00 /bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/nautilus-dropbox.postinst configure 16386 pts/1 S+ 0:00 \_ grep --color=auto dpkg
[16:02] <boogie> I don't even want dropbox anymore. lol I just want to remove it.
[16:02] <rgb-one> boogie: sudo dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq --remove nautilus-dropbox
[16:03] <boogie> ty
[16:04] <boogie> rgb this is the outcome.
[16:04] <boogie>
[16:05] <rgb-one> boogie: it is removed.
[16:06] <boogie> Pc is still running slow. hmmm
[16:06] <boogie> I'll close all open programs and see. Ty
[16:07] <rgb-one> boogie: I was incorrect it reinstalled it
[16:09] <rgb-one> rgb-one: just use dpkg -r to remove it completely I think. how did you install it? was it from the official repositories or was it the .deb file from
[16:10] <ki7mt> kokut, I would say not, your talking about downloading ( which is normally associated with browsers ), renaming of files ( normally associated with File Managers ), comparing behaviors to Windows without stating which application, then referring to specific functions in gimp and inscape, so yes, Id' say a bit of clarity is in order.
[16:11] <kokut> ki7mt: okay let me try again, its really simple
[16:12] <kokut> ki7mt: u know when you edit any file while on the ubuntu operating system? imagine you click "save as", a window comes up, and you want to rename a file that was saved before or a folder or delete a file, well, you can't but you can in windows. clear enough?
[16:13] <OerHeks> in windows7 i can't either.
[16:13] <kokut> OerHeks: yes, probably since windows 95 m8
[16:14] <rgb-one> kokut: so what application are you trying to "save as" with?
[16:14] <boogie> I'm back and my problem is fixed!!!!
[16:14] <OerHeks> kokut, it is not an option nor a plugin available, that is how linux works.
[16:15] <kokut> rgb-one: any application while using the ubuntu operating system man, its the same dialog
[16:15] <rgb-one> boogie: hey boogie im not sure it is removed completely.
[16:15] <boogie> oh, ok
[16:15] <kokut> i dont know the name of the freaking window but i used to call it from C# with openFileDialog();
[16:15] <rgb-one> boogie: I think it reinstalled the package
[16:15] <boogie> My cpu is fine now and it is running a lot faster.
[16:15] <boogie> Oh, ok.
[16:16] <ki7mt> kokut, first off, that behavior would be application specific, insofaras, "Files" for the Untiy destop, or Gedit or Gimp or whatever app, they may not all use the same functionality or configure it the behavior the same way.
[16:16] <rgb-one> you should be able to remove it with sudo apt-get purge nautilus-dropbox
[16:16] <boogie> k one sec
[16:17] <boogie> Purged
[16:17] <boogie> Thank you
[16:17] <gioankminh> hello
[16:17] <rgb-one> kokut: Ctrl-Shift-S for save as functionality.
[16:17] <gioankminh> i am a new ubuntu
[16:17] <kokut> ki7mt: no man i can guarantee its not application specific, its the same dialog, the "Save as" dialog that lets you browse to the save location and input a file name
[16:17] <rgb-one> kokut: or look in the file menu.
[16:17] <boogie> So when I want to uninstall a program, I should use the purge command?
[16:17] <kokut> rgb-one: you didnt even read the question bro
[16:18] <rgb-one> boogie: yea purge completely removes all files associated with the package from what I understand.
[16:18] <ioria> kokut: i think it's a security measure... if you want to save you don't want to delete
[16:18] <rgb-one> kokut: I did but it seems I do not understand.
[16:18] <kokut> ioria: well i can in windows
[16:18] <ki7mt> kokut, I can guarantee you it is not. But that's and for "files" the FM for Untiy, it does not carry this functionality as a user configurable item.
[16:19] <ioria> kokut: indeed :-P
[16:19] <kokut> ioria: its extremely useful for me, i use that functionality all the time
[16:19] <rgb-one> kokut: I see what you are saying.
[16:19] <ioria> kokut: you can do two actions in one move, i understand... but
[16:20] <kokut> used to use it when i was on windows, not anymore
[16:20] <OerHeks> kokut, open an extra filemanager for that purpose.
[16:20] <rgb-one> kokut: well most Ubuntu applications depend on the Gtk applications
[16:20] <rgb-one> kokut: so it is dependent on this that this functionality is not available.
[16:21] <xotelon> aesb
[16:21] <xotelon> aebbeabeadfbabdrtb
[16:21] <ki7mt> kokut, If you want to command line it, there are probably more that a dozen ways, if not more, to do what your asking, aside from that, those actions would be features to each application being used.
[16:21] <kokut> i just think ubuntu or any other linux distro for that matter should add this functionality
[16:22] <kokut> i used to use it all the freaking time man just cant do it and it drives me nuts
[16:22] <ki7mt> kokut, My recommendation this, is to file a bug as a feature request, but I would more pleasant in asking if you want them to consider it.
[16:22] <kokut> like, why do i have to open a new nautilus windows and navigate to who knows how many nested folders just to change a file name if i'm right there trying to save another file and i can see the file and click on it?
[16:23] <kokut> in windows i would even press F2 and rename it right there
[16:23] <kokut> or press del
[16:23] <rgb-one> kokut: I think qt or kde applications offer this functionality
[16:24] <kokut> rgb-one: i dont like the idea of having to switch to KDE just for this
[16:24] <seth-666> hello i want to replace the default sound applications installed. what is the best one? can you give me a tip ? somebody ?
[16:24] <ki7mt> kokut, the sooner you come to terms with, Linux is not Windows, the better off you'll be. It is not, and never will be Windows.
[16:24] <ioria> kokut: try some alternative file manager...
[16:25] <rgb-one> kokut: Im not certain it does but I think I have some memory of doing this before.
[16:25] <jParkton> or terminal
[16:25] <kokut> ki7mt: i know m8 i havent used windows for years now
[16:25] <jParkton> simple to rename in there
[16:25] <seth-666> any ideas ?
[16:26] <rgb-one> seth-666: there are numerous audio applications.
[16:26] <kokut> ioria: i like nautilus its just that thing, might try another one tho
[16:26] <ioria> kokut: dolphin, maybe, i don't really know
[16:26] <kokut> i just think its really silly that it doesnt provide this functionality
[16:26] <xotelon> hi
[16:26] <seth-666> tell me one
[16:26] <seth-666> that you think is good
[16:26] <seth-666> pls
[16:27] <ki7mt> kokut, The best I could suggest here is, research the available file managers for the functionality you looking for. I do not know, of one off the top of my head, any FM's that behave the way your describing, not to say it does not exist.
[16:27] <olegb> kokut: I bet that the GTK folks would be happy to look at a patch ... if you made one ..
[16:27] <rgb-one> kokut: it has nothing to do with nautilus I dont think. all gnome applictions use the default gnome2 dialog or the gtk3 dialog.
[16:28] <jParkton> desiring a feature attribute != ability to program and implement
[16:28] <kokut> olegb: k, might take a look into it if i have time
[16:28] <OerHeks> !media | seth-666
[16:28] <OerHeks> i use clementine
[16:28] <olegb> kokut: cool !
[16:28] <jParkton> there needs to be a feature suggestion on package sites in my opinion
[16:28] <ki7mt> kokut, here's four to start off with:
[16:29] <jParkton> OerHeks: I <3 clementine
[16:29] <seth-666> no no
[16:29] <ki7mt> kokut, and a few more:
[16:29] <seth-666> gnome app
[16:29] <seth-666> not codec
[16:30] <jParkton> seth-666: what? Like replace the default sound apps?
[16:30] <OerHeks> seth-666, yes yes it is there
[16:30] <kokut> ty guys i might try one o those or make a patch for GTK, i'm back to work
[16:31] <seth-666> yes
[16:31] <seth-666> replace
[16:31] <OerHeks> seth-666, after install, go to systemsettings > details > default applications and set it there
[16:32] <FrameFever> can I ask here about ubuntu smartphone?
[16:32] <OerHeks> FrameFever, better ask in #ubuntu-touch
[16:33] <TMavica> excuse me. i got a problem when install ubuntu, it said dont detect any operating system
[16:34] <TMavica> when installing
[16:34] <TMavica> I got windows 7
[16:34] <jParkton> ok?
[16:34] <jParkton> not anymore?
[16:34] <ki7mt> kokut, fare warning, even if you find a file manager that has the behavior your after, does not mean it will transcend to a particular application.
[16:34] <kokut> ki7mt: man stop it with that i already told you its the same dialog
[16:35] <kokut> in windows .NET C# is OpenFIleDIalog();
[16:35] <ki7mt> kokut, If that's what you believe, so be it, but it's not.
[16:35] <kokut> ki7mt: just prove it
[16:35] <kokut> its the "Save As" dialog i'm talking about
[16:36] <ki7mt> kokut, I've tried to be nice here, but I'm not going down the rat hole with you on this. We'll just have to agree to disagree .. ok ..
[16:37] <OerHeks> kokut, maybe it looks like the same filedialog, but it is not an ( i guess will not be) an option during save-file. i cannot do that it under windows 7 either.
[16:37] <kokut> OerHeks: holy **** man are u kidding me
[16:37] <kokut>
[16:38] <kokut> its not that one but its the same interface
[16:38] <kokut> this one
[16:39] <TMavica> any help of this?
[16:39] <allstarsnorks2> Hi. How do I upgrade my Linux kernel in Ubuntu 12.04.4 to 4.0?
[16:40] <deadmund> allstarsnorks2: Read this whole thing:
[16:40] <ki7mt> Or wait for 15.04 and upgrade :-)
[16:40] <OerHeks> allstarsnorks2, not, there is no version for 12.04
[16:41] <ioria> kokut : konqueror is also for win... so it "should" behave like explorer ... so you can try with it .. but it needs some kde libs... be warned
[16:41] <allstarsnorks2> then what is the latest kernel for 12.04
[16:41] <deadmund> allstarsnorks2: OerHeks: I'm sure you can compile your own kernel (or get a binary of the newer kernel) and try it out manually.
[16:41] <deadmund> allstarsnorks2: Maybe read the documentation in the link I sent you.
[16:42] <jp_hranice> Hallo. I miss persistence test in LiveSesion TestCase on Testing Tracker. What is wrong?
[16:42] <kokut> ioria: ty, i might try it but i'm a lil bit short on time atm so i will have to put it on hold for a while
[16:42] <OerHeks> TMavica, let windows make the freespace to install ubuntu.
[16:43] <OerHeks> !install
[16:43] <ki7mt> allstarsnorks2, a simple check for your distro: apt-cache search linux-headers- |tail -1
[16:43] <TMavica> OerHeks: you mean shrink a partition?
[16:43] <OerHeks> TMavica, yes
[16:43] <ki7mt> allstarsnorks2, That would list what's in the repo of course.
[16:44] <kristofers> Hi
[16:44] <ki7mt> allstarsnorks2, or better yet, use image rather than the headers: apt-cache search linux-image- |tail -1
[16:45] <TMavica> OerHeks: how much size i need mostly?
[16:45] <grill> hey. you need a key to perform an RSYNC between two computrons, right?
[16:46] <OerHeks> TMavica, 50 Gb would do, 100 is better when you want enough space for data and such
[16:46] <kristofers> Can anyone explain this
[16:46] <OerHeks> instgall takes +- 8 gb or so
[16:46] <ki7mt> grill, depends, but over SSH you'll need a UN/PW or use keys
[16:46] <OerHeks> *install
[16:46] <michcio> hi there!
[16:46] <TMavica> ok
[16:47] <grill> yeah. i thought so
[16:47] <ki7mt> grill, If it's an anonymous open server on the Inet or something, then no.
[16:47] <TMess_> hey guys... I needed some ideas for a CS(Computer Science) based project ... was tthinking of doing something in Ubuntu.... any ideas?
[16:48] <kristofers>
[16:48] <grill> ki7mt what would my rsync syntax need to look like to upload some data over rsync then?
[16:48] <OerHeks> TMess_, open softwarecenter and look in the science section
[16:48] <kristofers> This happens when installing some packages..
[16:48] <michcio> I have a bit of a problem with my Xorg+nvidia combination.
[16:49] <OerHeks>
[16:49] <kristofers> :(
[16:49] <ki7mt> grill, see man rsync .. but rsync -avr .. .. .. from Man: rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [DEST]
[16:49] <grill> no matching hostkey found
[16:49] <grill> ssh_keysign: no reply
[16:50] <grill> key_sign failed
[16:50] <grill> what gives
[16:50] <TMess_> aren't those implemented projects?
[16:50] <michcio> The problem is that *sometimes* my X goes to 100% (for some applications)... it's really frustrating
[16:50] <TMess_> something new would be better
[16:50] <michcio> anyways... I decided to give up on it and instead ask you this:
[16:50] <daly> hi!
[16:50] <TMess_> hi
[16:51] <grill> ki7mt permissions issue?
[16:51] <michcio> What graphics card do you have? I'll gladly buy a new one if someone can tell me that he got it working with no glitches under linux.
[16:51] <ki7mt> grill, Look into using ssh-keyscan
[16:52] <ki7mt> grill, something like: ssh-keyscan -t rsa client machine >> /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
[16:52] <michcio> anyone?
[16:52] <michcio> I have 'NVIDIA Corporation NV43 [Quadro NVS 440] (rev a2)'
[16:54] <rgb-one> TMess_: look for a problem in your university that Ubuntu could help solve
[16:54] <grill> ki7mt no dice
[16:54] <ki7mt> michcio, Quaddro is a bit overkill for most needs. I wont recommend a brand, but, something that is a year or two older is, IMHO, better as the driver support is more robust.
[16:55] <jParkton> my graphics card works perfectly
[16:55] <michcio> ki7mt: it is, indeed... I don't need quaddro... I just bought the whole box with it inside...
[16:55] <rgb-one> TMess_: I am looking to find some University projects myself for a final project.
[16:56] <ki7mt> grill, Here is a basic how too , have a read see what, if anything you've omitted:
[16:56] <michcio> ki7mt: that's why I thought of buying a different one... it's not expensive... but on the other hand, I'd rather not throw away money on something which will not solve my problem
[16:56] <michcio> jParkton: what do you have?
[16:56] <rgb-one> TMess_: I have Identified one but it is not ubuntu specific
[16:56] <jParkton> Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller
[16:56] <grill> ki7mt I know how to rsync when a key is in place. however, I don't have a key on this specific machine
[16:56] <jParkton> long name for "Who knows"
[16:57] <michcio> Don't get me wrong... it usually works OK. I'm not even sure it's graphics card that causes the problem. Although... I have no idea what else could make X go crazy
[16:57] <ki7mt> grill, well the key needs to be on the target box as well.
[16:57] <TMess_> @rgb-one.... I'm out of ideas.... actually i'm looking bith ways towards android and ubuntu.... but can't seem to find project possible enough for summer yet cool enough to be approved
[16:57] <grill> ki7mt I thought you said it was possible to rsync files anonymously?
[16:57] <ki7mt> michcio, I would would go with last year or before model, and check the various supported hardware lists, there's lots of them.
[16:57] <rgb-one> TMess_: No worries with the right conditions the idea will arise :)
[16:57] <jParkton> I have been running this laptop for 3 years almost and never an issue
[16:58] <jParkton> although I run Kubuntu
[16:58] <ki7mt> grill, It is, if the server is setup to accept it, but most are not.
[16:58] <michcio> ki7mt: yeah... they all seem to indicate that there is no card which is fully supported ;)
[16:58] <grill> ki7mt and the output I'm receiving suggest this server is *NOT* set up to receive it, correcT?
[16:58] <ki7mt> grill, "If" being the operative term, they server admins need to allow / configure for it.
[16:58] <TMess_> @rgb-one only it has to in the next 2 weeks
[16:58] <jParkton> operative/conditional
[16:59] <misfit1> where would I go to ask questions about clementine music player?
[16:59] <jParkton> depends on the q
[16:59] <rgb-one> TMess_: Anything lacking at your university?
[16:59] <ki7mt> michcio, "Fully" is an absolute term and very subjective to the tests used, but for say Desktop use, or general gaming etc, many are "well" supported, but maybe not "fully" :-)
[17:00] <misfit1> jParkton, a question about the internet services it uses
[17:00] <allstarsnorks2> The newest Linux 4.0 is a tar.xz and the tutorials on the internet are for .tar.bz2 and .tar.gz. Need a little help here.
[17:00] <jParkton> ok
[17:00] <jParkton> go for it
[17:00] <ki7mt> grill, jsut a guess, but I would say not.
[17:00] <rgb-one> TMess_: anything that can be improved? Anything is the keyword here.
[17:00] <jParkton> allstarsnorks2: same thing really
[17:00] <jason__> TMess_ if possible, I would say try to find an existing project and add a cool (significant) feature to it rather than start from scratch.
[17:00] <OerHeks> allstarsnorks2, not supported for your version of ubuntu.
[17:00] <jParkton> same command tar -xvf
[17:00] <michcio> ki7mt: I'd go with: 'better supported than the one I have'... I mostly need a text editor ;)
[17:01] <rgb-one> jason__: good suggestion
[17:01] <misfit1> jParkton, is there way to add a service not included by default?
[17:01] <grill> ki7mt is there any way for me to verify this from my side of the fence?
[17:01] <michcio> I'm not doing any gaming or anything fancy
[17:02] <ki7mt> allstarsnorks2, UBuntu has a specific method of implementing Kernels, you may want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel, but here's the Linky:
[17:02] <TMess_> jason__ , rgb-one Have you ever worked on something... Maybe a reference would help
[17:02] <jParkton> misfit1: like what? Just a broadvcast stream or a login /password site
[17:02] <misfit1> jParkton, a broadcast stream
[17:02] <ki7mt> grill, It appears you just did. If your syntax is correct and it failed, most likely not.
[17:03] <ki7mt> michcio, Like I said, go with one of the Big-Box store brands, a year or two old, should be fairly stable.
[17:03] <jParkton> misfit1: mine says "Ctrl + O"
[17:03] <grill> ki7mt thanks mang
[17:03] <michcio> ki7mt: ok, thanks... will try :)
[17:03] <jParkton> open a stream
[17:04] <jason__> TMess_, I haven't really committed to any Ubuntu projects. But if you've used Ubuntu, maybe you've seen a feature that is lacking in a certain piece of software?
[17:05] <TMess_> hmm... true
[17:05] <OerHeks> !contribute
[17:07] <OerHeks> TMess_, start with a launchpad account to join teams and mailinglists.
[17:07] <misfit1> jParkton, well that suficed for adding the stream however attempting to use the stream generates quite a long list of "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in."
[17:07] <misfit1> jParkton, and only that
[17:07] <knojoko> How can some like me who only has A+, N+ and a passion for ubuntu be involved in Ubuntu projects and perhaps learn?
[17:08] <OerHeks> misfit1, known issue, WMA >
[17:08] <jParkton> misfit1: you need codecs
[17:08] <Dragonkeeper> hey guys, having a little trouble settign up nvidia drivers with cuda support
[17:08] <kristofers> Can anyone explain why the characters are changed in to so non sense ?
[17:08] <kristofers>
[17:08] <ki7mt> grill, here's quicky example of how the anon rsync would go:
[17:09] <kristofers> it happens when runnning apt-get
[17:09] <grill> thanks!
[17:09] <misfit1> jParkton, well that's an issue.
[17:09] <jParkton> kristofers: because you are attempting to read a compiled program?
[17:09] <OerHeks> kristofers, odd font for normale use
[17:09] <jParkton> misfit1: did you 'apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'
[17:09] <ki7mt> grill, note, the web-server and www/public
[17:10] <misfit1> jParkton, yep
[17:10] <kristofers> -.-
[17:10] <kristofers> not sure what to say lol
[17:10] <grill> ki7mt this seems to only mention anon downloads + password protected uploads
[17:11] <jParkton> misfit1: the only time that should happen is when trying to play wma
[17:11] <OerHeks> misfit1, jParkton wma is not included in restricted-extras
[17:11] <jParkton> is this a wma link?
[17:11] <jParkton> OerHeks: I am aware
[17:11] <ki7mt> grill, but the meaning is, the server msut be configured for Anon access, I'll find you a better example.
[17:11] <grill> ki7mt sure. i got you
[17:13] <misfit1> OerHeks, so how do I add wma support?
[17:13] <OerHeks> misfit1, scroll back please
[17:13] <grill> ki7mt don't worry about it for now. i'm just going to have the system admin give me ssh acces
[17:13] <ki7mt> grill, .. however, think about what your asking, anyone could rysnc anything .. that's a huge security risk, if the server is not jailed or the files isolated.
[17:13] <jParkton> misfit1: clementine will not play wmas, there are other players that will
[17:14] <misfit1> jParkton, oh ok. thanks
[17:14] <ki7mt> grill, SSH access is the best route, particularly for security
[17:14] <grill> ki7mt yeah i know. we're being lazy / are only doing this on a local network
[17:15] <ki7mt> grill, If its a local "isolated" LAN and you trust everyone on it, that's a bit different.
[17:15] <OerHeks> jParkton, wrong.
[17:15] <OerHeks> only vlc might do that, with its own codecs
[17:15] <jParkton> Thank you for that insight, might I require about what I was wrong or do you want to leave it there
[17:16] <ki7mt> grill, ALl you'd need to do is configure the server properly at that point, and give everyone the server url
[17:16] <ioria> with w32codecs you can't do that ?
[17:16] <grill> ye
[17:16] <Dragonkeeper> trying to build the nvidia cuda samples but i get this error
[17:16] <jParkton> I guess not
[17:16] <ioria> pity
[17:17] <jParkton> well thank you anyway for that bit of uselessness
[17:18] <jParkton> actually misfit1 run this and clementine should handle them "sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav"
[17:19] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, I would as the NV gurus, but .. recipe for target 'cudaDecodeGL' failed .. could be coused by any number of things, libs, configuration, compilers, their code etc.
[17:19] <ki7mt> .. ask ..
[17:19] <OerHeks> Dragonkeeper, last answer i think >>
[17:20] <Dragonkeeper> hmm ill try
[17:21] <ki7mt> OerHeks, Yes, but, that -lnvcuvid may be a lib that was supposed to be built with the package .. doesn't mean is a build-dep package
[17:23] <Dragonkeeper> OerHeks: ki7mt: that last answer didnt work , but the /usr/lib/nvidia-349 has the lib there . :S
[17:23] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, also note: ldconfig deals only with runtime libraries, whereas ld deals with build-time libraries .. so
[17:24] <Dragonkeeper> just running make , its there code
[17:24] <openhatch_0464> hi..
[17:24] <ki7mt> So -L option to gcc or ld in order to tell it where the build-time symlink is. this is why I say it may be a build script issue, but only guessing ehre.
[17:26] <misfit1> jParkton, doesn't do anything
[17:26] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, I'm assuming you have the CUDA SDK installed ? if not, may be a good place to start.
[17:26] <Dragonkeeper> ki7mt: i have the toolkit
[17:28] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, Have you went through this, starting at section (2):
[17:30] <jParkton> misfit1: try
[17:31] <jParkton> first link on google search "clementine play wma"
[17:31] <Dragonkeeper> ki7mt: looking
[17:32] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, It's a fare bit of configuration, and it's OS/ARCH specific, so, how-to's found elsewhere may yield unexpected results on varying machines.
[17:34] <OerHeks> sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg # and restart your mediaplayer
[17:34] <Dragonkeeper> ki7mt: yh pretty much , im basically at 6.2.1
[17:34] <misfit1> jParkton, installed but doesn't anything
[17:35] <ki7mt> YeeHaa .. Ubunty Snappy is Happy on my Pi2 .. just thought Is share that.
[17:35] * Dragonkeeper wants ubuntu snappy on his rpi2 lol
[17:35] <jParkton> misfit1: what is the link you are trying to add?
[17:36] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, I would go through it fully, as your clearly missing a lib link wiht the setup your using, why could be any number of reasons.
[17:37] <misfit1> jParkton, the solution provided in the first answer
[17:37] <fu_metaleer> in reference to metaleer:
he takes stuff on irc pretty personally, so he will actually feel legit upset over being targeted
[17:38] <fu_metaleer> hahahahahhah
[17:38] <jParkton> misfit1: I mean the stream link you are trying to add to clementine
[17:44] <Ricky_Rat5005> Trying to load Ubuntu on PC and getting ?????? when I try to install it (at the section where it's going to partition and format the drive. Any suggestions?
[17:45] <misfit1> jParkton,
[17:45] <Dragonkeeper> ki7mt: i might have fixed it ...
[17:46] <Dragonkeeper> ki7mt: i kept the lib path as /usr/local/cuda-7.0/ but in there i added a symlink to the /usr/lib/nvidia-349 dir for the lib i needed
[17:49] <jParkton> misfit1: that is not a wma file that is a radio station on iheart
[17:51] <q1aa> Is there a way I can change the double-click frequency of each mouse button separately? My middle-button keeps doing multiple clicks for each push, but my left and right mouse buttons are fine. Is there a way to keep the left and right mouse buttons exactly the same, while putting the middle-button double-click frequency down to 1ms so it'll never double click? Is there a command line trick?
[17:52] <Dragonkeeper> best internet radio :)
[17:52] <jParkton> clementine even better
[17:52] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, Ok, that's good, somewhere there is a mis stp though, shouldnt' have to do. Maybe, it just dawned on me, there is an update-alternates step missing you you have two locations for libs
[17:53] <alteregoa> hello ubuntuanians
[17:53] * Dragonkeeper nods
[17:53] <alteregoa> cq ubuntu
[17:53] <ki7mt> .-. .-.
[17:54] <alteregoa> .- ... .-.
[17:54] <ki7mt> - -, -,,-
[17:54] <alteregoa> .... . .-.. .-.. --- / ..- -... ..- -. - ..-
[17:54] <ki7mt> Ok, we better stop, or we'll get nailed for OT :-)
[17:55] <alteregoa> i need to know something about everything and everything about something
[17:55] <Dragonkeeper> ki7mt: there must be something wrong , it all compiled fine but i fails
[17:55] <alteregoa> someone tried to compile the kernel using -o3 with GCC 5?
[17:56] <misfit1> jParkton, which makes this issue all the weirder
[17:56] <alteregoa> well i want to run the flying spaghetti monster on my machine, i need a fast kernel
[17:57] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, we're probably OT on this one also, but what's the failure/
[17:57] <Dragonkeeper> cudaGetDeviceCount returned 38
[17:57] <Dragonkeeper> -> no CUDA-capable device is detected
[17:57] <Dragonkeeper> Result = FAIL
[18:00] <Dragonkeeper> ki7mt: NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 349.16 and lspci says Kernel driver in use: nvidia
[18:01] <CRPL> Hello. I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 (mate). I deleted the entire drive with Windows and replaced it with Ubuntu installation. The problem is that my other 2 hdds that are in hardware raid0, appear in Ubuntu as two separate drives, and Ubuntu gives the error of unable to mount them.
[18:02] <CRPL> Any ideas on how to fix the Raid0 drives ?
[18:02] <CRPL> (mounts)
[18:02] <nadrosima> hello friends!
[18:04] <alteregoa> yes
[18:04] <Ricky_Rat5005> Hi, what does it mean when I get an error with a buch of ? marks when trying to install Ubuntu?
[18:04] <alteregoa> CRPL do you use those two drives as raid0 under windows with proprietary drivers?
[18:05] <CRPL> I dont have windows anymore on the PC, but the drivers were the default ones ...
[18:05] <nadrosima> Ricky_Rat5005: which error
[18:05] <CRPL> It is a hardware raid, not a software one
[18:05] <alteregoa> you use the bios raid0 function?
[18:06] <CRPL> yes
[18:06] <alteregoa> CRPL, so do you use NTFS as filesystem in windows?
[18:06] <CRPL> And the raid interface of the mainboard tells me that the raid is up and ready
[18:07] <CRPL> alteregoa: I think that they were NTFS
[18:07] <CRPL> but the problem is that there are now two separate drives .. so Ubuntu does not even see the raid0
[18:07] <CRPL> - ss
[18:07] <alteregoa> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
[18:07] <alteregoa> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
[18:07] <alteregoa> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
[18:07] <alteregoa> do you have ntfs3g installed?
[18:07] <alteregoa> damn xchat sorry
[18:08] <CRPL> Ill check that out now
[18:08] <alteregoa> then you need to do: fdisk -l
[18:08] <nadrosima> or df -h
[18:09] <CRPL> I have ntfs-3g installed, I'm checking disks now
[18:09] <james71> ciao
[18:09] <CRPL>
[18:09] <james71> "!list"
[18:10] <Ricky_Rat5005> nadrosima - That's all I get is ? marks when it's time to partition and format. No other error, just ? marks.
[18:11] <alteregoa> CRPL, is there any drive in /dev/mapper
[18:11] <CRPL> just "control"
[18:11] <nadrosima> yor hard drive(s) is blank or not ?
[18:12] <nadrosima> yor = your
[18:12] <CRPL> No, they have some data
[18:12] <nadrosima> if not equal cant mount and use
[18:12] <Ricky_Rat5005> nadrosima - it was a Windows box prior but I put the drives into a raid 1 which should have erased everything.
[18:12] <james71> ciao
[18:12] <james71> !list
[18:13] <alteregoa> dmraid -ay -vvv -d
[18:13] <CRPL> nadrosima: the drives were made raid0 on windows
[18:13] <CRPL> and they worked as raid0
[18:13] <CRPL> so the raid0 is ok
[18:14] <CRPL> But a little info I forgot to tell you is that I installed Ubuntu with both drives removed
[18:14] <alteregoa> CRPL that doesnt' matter
[18:14] <nadrosima> Raid mode on first installation ! None if you want use raid mode change raid x for installation
[18:14] <nadrosima> otherwise cant read and write
[18:15] <nadrosima> some index and block bridged via motherbord
[18:15] <alteregoa> the raid0 is not the root partition nadrosima
[18:15] <CRPL> nadrosima: I don't understand what you are saying. The raid was raid0 on windows and worked, and now I plugged in the drivers after Ubuntu install
[18:15] <CRPL> I don't want to change anything on the drives.
[18:15] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, I dont a bunch of reading, but Im not seeing where this issue may be.
[18:15] <alteregoa> CRPL what chipset do you hav?
[18:15] <CRPL> oh ..
[18:16] <alteregoa> motherboard
[18:16] <CRPL> let me check that
[18:16] <nadrosima> CPL clear now undorstood
[18:16] <ki7mt> Dragonkeeper, done a bunch ..
[18:16] <nadrosima> can you see drivers on linux ?
[18:16] <CRPL> Intel® H97 Express Chipset
[18:17] <CRPL> Yes, the both drives appear as separate drives
[18:17] <CRPL> not as raid0
[18:17] <Dragonkeeper> ki7mt: starting again
[18:17] <CRPL> And when I double click on them I get > ~Unable to mount location. Can't mount file~
[18:17] <nadrosima> sfdisk -l
[18:18] <nadrosima> try
[18:18] <CRPL> nothing happend
[18:18] <nadrosima> se is disks alive on system
[18:18] <EriC^^> CRPL: type fdisk -l
[18:18] <CRPL> nothing echoed from terminal
[18:18] <nadrosima> sfdisk -l
[18:19] <Trindaz> What app can I use to check all directories on a volume to find out which ones are the biggest?
[18:19] <alteregoa> sudo fdisk -l
[18:19] <nadrosima> sfdisk -l show un munted
[18:19] <nadrosima> mounted
[18:19] <CRPL> Wait to pastebin it
[18:19] <Ricky_Rat5005> nadrosima - Did you see my response?
[18:19] <EriC^^> Trindaz: du -x /path/to/dir/* | sort -n
[18:19] <EriC^^> Trindaz: du -sx /path/to/dir/* | sort -n
[18:19] <Trindaz> thanks EriC^^
[18:20] <CRPL> nadrosima:
[18:21] <alteregoa> install dmraid package
[18:21] <andy__> Hola
[18:21] <andy__> Hola
[18:22] <alteregoa> sudo apt-get install dmraid
[18:22] <CRPL> Installed it
[18:22] <andy__> como añadir fondos de escritorio en xfce¿?
[18:22] <k1l> !es | andy__
[18:22] <alteregoa> sudo dmraid -s
[18:23] <Ricky_Rat5005> Hi, I am getting an error consisting of ONLY ? marks when I try to install Ubuntu. Any suggestions on what I can do to fix this please?
[18:23] <andy__> sorry..
[18:23] <CRPL> alteregoa:
[18:23] <andy__> :D
[18:23] <alteregoa> ok now mount that
[18:24] <CRPL> ... :)) .. how ? (sorry for being a noob)
[18:24] <nadrosima> CRPL: you want use raid mode ?
[18:25] <CRPL> It is allready configured as hardware raid0
[18:25] <alteregoa> sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/mapper/isw_bffdifadf_Volume1 /media/yourmountdir
[18:25] <nadrosima> if not : remove pair make dir and use fstab for manual mounting
[18:25] <CRPL> ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/mapper/isw_bffdifadf_Volume1': No such file or directory
[18:25] <nadrosima> mount first
[18:26] <CRPL> on ls /dev/mapper, is it still just ”control” directory
[18:26] <CRPL> That error is on mounting
[18:26] <nadrosima> you got 2 disk with raid mode
[18:26] <alteregoa> sudo dmraid -ay
[18:27] <nadrosima> some system files and sector types not equal Win to Linux
[18:27] <nadrosima> remove pair (so use only one) and mount manualy
[18:27] <CRPL> Volume dosent seem to be NTFS
[18:28] <CRPL> ( The device '/dev/mapper/isw_bffdifadf_Volume1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS. )
[18:28] <alteregoa> its ZFS? microsoft aquired oracle?
[18:28] <sharksforarms> Hey, so I changed my gnome-terminal background and now the output from grep with the --color=auto flag is unreadable... Is there a way to change this?
[18:28] <CRPL> alteregoa: no ... just hardware raid0
[18:28] <CRPL> on the motherboard's chipset
[18:29] <neldogz> Is there a way to enable file snapshots on Ubuntu 14 like on Windows 7 desktop and server platforms?
[18:29] <alteregoa> normally dmraid -ay starts dmraid, and the drives appear in /dev/mapper
[18:29] <CRPL> alteregoa: oh
[18:29] <CRPL> Now I see that ~New Volume~ is mounted
[18:29] <CRPL> And is my raid0
[18:29] <CRPL> It auto-mounted it
[18:29] <alteregoa> fascinating
[18:30] <q1aa> does anyone know how to change the double-click frequency of each button separately in ubuntu? I want to set my middle-button so low that it can never double click.
[18:30] <CRPL> alteregoa: thank you
[18:30] <CRPL> Now is there a way to hide the drives from ~Computer~ ?
[18:30] <CRPL> (the drives that are in raid0)
[18:32] <alteregoa> well CRPL i have the same problem with 18HDD running as BTRFS array in ubuntu, can't make them disappearing
[18:32] <CRPL> Oh, just deal with it >D
[18:32] <CRPL> :D
[18:33] <CRPL> Now the raid0 will auto-mount at each startup, right ?
[18:33] <alteregoa> no
[18:33] <alteregoa> not at all
[18:33] <alteregoa> but you can add it into the fstab
[18:33] <CRPL> And is there a way to make it auto-mount ?
[18:33] <nadrosima> ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ learn id create dir mount with fstab
[18:34] <EriC^^> CRPL: add the option auto
[18:34] <CRPL> I'm thinking that it auto-mounted it after ~sudo dmraid -ay~
[18:34] <EriC^^> at the end of the options
[18:35] <CRPL> I have a feeling that I will be coming back for mounting info, but untill than, thank you all for helping me.
[18:36] <CRPL> Wonderful community.
[18:36] <sharksforarms> nvm about my question, just modified the gnome-terminal profile
[18:36] <CRPL> *ultill then
[18:38] <CRPL> Oh, and a side question. Is there any way that the download on Ubuntu is a little bit slower than on Windows ?
[18:39] <ki7mt> neldogz, there are many ways to "snapshot" images, files folder, a simple, scriptable method is to use rsync. see: man rsync
[18:39] <OerHeks> CRPL, depends on the host i guess, i find ubuntu faster due to the lack of anoying antivirus
[18:40] <CRPL> I'm testing now on
[18:40] <neldogz> ki7mt, I am familiar with rsync but I guess I am more interested in some kind of versioning control system where I could right click on a file and select revert or restore previous file
[18:40] <OerHeks> use torrents if you can
[18:40] <nadrosima> dont jum release use stable
[18:40] <CRPL> And the speed is bouncing a little bit (from 10 mb/s to 50 mb/s .. back down .. etc.)
[18:40] <nadrosima> jum = jump
[18:41] <CRPL> No, I'm testing the download on that .iso
[18:41] <CRPL> I am no running that distro
[18:41] <ki7mt> neldogz, I was going to say, there is also a GUI for is, Grsync. VCS a fare bit different in nature, it works well for many things.
[18:47] <neldogz> So nothing really that uses a shadow copy style of storing versions of files equivalent for linux?
[18:47] <rypervenche> neldogz:
[18:48] <rypervenche> neldogz: I would recommend taking differential backups.
[18:48] <rypervenche> neldogz: I take a backup every night, then using rsync and hard links, I create a new backup the next night that creates hard links between each backup directory.
[18:49] <neldogz> rypervenche, I am currently doing the same. Followed this article:
[18:50] <neldogz> Was hoping there was something I could right-click on a file and restore.. i guess rsync and hardlinks will work for now
[18:51] <xrosnight> hello
[18:52] <ki7mt> neldogz, I guess it depends on what your looking for, true VCS with eh ability to revert / restore easily, or a true volume level snapshot tool.
[18:52] <specing> Hi, how can I get an ssh server running on an ubuntu live/install CD?
[18:52] <neldogz> ki7mt, yes, In the end what matters is that i can revert back to a specific version of a file
[18:52] <neldogz> matters most *
[18:52] <rypervenche> neldogz: That one is doesn't use hard links, so you're copying all of the data each time.
[18:53] <SchrodingersScat> !info openssh-server | specing, sudo apt-get install openssh-server
[18:53] <rypervenche> neldogz: Also, LVM snapshots may be the way you want to go. It will restore EVERYTHING.
[18:53] <Headknot> spacing:
[18:53] <Headknot> specing:
[18:53] <Jakey2> does anyone have any ideas for this problem
[18:53] <Jakey2>
[18:53] <ki7mt> neldogz, Well, maybe a VCS is a better route then, there are several VCS GUI based tools that could do the work, here is a brief overview of a few:
[18:54] <neldogz> rypervenche, doens't the cp -al create a hardlink or am I mistaken?
[18:54] <athan> Hey folks, System Monitor is telling me that Firefox's CPU usage is set to "disk sleep" - how do I wake it up? (it's currently frozen(
[18:54] <athan> )*
[18:54] <MonkeyDust> !details | Jakey2
[18:54] <xrosnight> hello i can not install ia32-libs in ubuntu 12.04 x64. here's the error log. many thanks! I want to install ia32-libs
[18:54] <neldogz> ki7mt, thanks for that!
[18:54] <rypervenche> neldogz: Oh, my apologies. I hadn't seen the cp command there.
[18:55] <athan> I would google it, but... you know?
[18:55] <athan> it's asleep ._.
[18:55] <neldogz> rypervenche, I have to agree with you this does work pretty well.. I think Ill just stick with it.
[18:55] <rypervenche> neldogz: Use what works best for you :)
[18:55] <ki7mt> neldogz, and yes, cp -rla should recursively cp hard-links
[18:56] <OerHeks> xrosnight, that is the old way, ubuntu is multiarch, just add <package.deb>:i386
[18:58] <xrosnight> OerHeks: I am still using ubuntu12.04 now. and i need ia32-libs. I added a PPA of gcc 4.9 but that make the ia32-libs on ubuntu 12.04 x64 be removed. I want 'ia32-libs' back.
[18:58] <TheNumb> xrosnight: ia32-libs are gone.
[18:59] <ki7mt> neldogz, Also, BZR Explorer for bzr based VCS
[18:59] <xrosnight> TheNumb: yeah but I am using ubuntu 12.04 x64 for now. there should be ia32-libs on 12.04
[19:00] <xrosnight> TheNumb: this is the error log
[19:00] <OerHeks> xrosnight, there isn't anymore,
[19:00] <ki7mt> xrosnight, No quite, that changed in 12.04, it's now: sudo apt-get install package-name:i386 and multi-lib is enabled by default I believe.
[19:01] <readwrite> how do i run a script at start up? i want to start an application on startup
[19:01] <ki7mt> readwrite, with upstart jobs or using the rc.local file
[19:01] <nadrosima> OerHeks: if install a 32 bit app already will be installed requred libs
[19:01] <readwrite> which rc.local fine
[19:01] <readwrite> file
[19:01] <readwrite> there are a few
[19:01] <bekks> !autostart | readwrite
[19:02] <bekks> The is only one /etc/rc.local file
[19:02] <OerHeks> nadrosima, i know
[19:02] <ki7mt> +1 was just typing that about AutoStart ..
[19:02] <neldogz> ki7mt, that looks like a good one!
[19:03] <nadrosima> update rc d "your app" defaults
[19:03] <nadrosima> so mean your app with parameters
[19:03] <ki7mt> neldogz, I like bzr as I dont have to swap things around for Launchpad work. But I use Git and SVN as well.
[19:03] <rypervenche> ki7mt: The -r is redundant in your "cp -rla" command.
[19:03] <ki7mt> Ok
[19:03] <xrosnight> nadrosima: i was trying to install a x86_something.deb on ubuntu12.04 but failed. because lack of i386 dependency
[19:04] <nadrosima> if use system cant install
[19:04] <ki7mt> rypervenche, it was just an example, not ment to be a replacement for reading the man page.
[19:04] <nadrosima> way : instaling 32bit a program you collected 32 bit emulators
[19:05] <OerHeks> x86_something.deb:i386 should work
[19:05] <neldogz> rypervenche, the biggest problem I face with the hard linking is handling virtual machine files.
[19:06] <rypervenche> neldogz: Different with each backup I'm guessing?
[19:06] <neldogz> rypervenche, correct
[19:06] <rypervenche> neldogz: You're going to have that problem with any backup solution you choose.
[19:07] <ki7mt> neldogz, create shares (Samba, SSHFS, etc), somewhere you can access from your main dev box.
[19:07] <neldogz> rypervenche, i was thinking of leaving the VM's out of the backups and backing up only the snapshots
[19:07] <bekks> neldogz: Which gives you nothing. You cannot restore the vms without having them backed up first.
[19:08] <bekks> neldogz: You need to backups your vms too for restoring them.
[19:08] <bekks> -s
[19:08] <neldogz> rypervenche, back them up once.. then only snapshots going forward.. making sure to store all the data on the network which is being backed up using hardlinks
[19:08] <nadrosima> good nigth friends!
[19:09] <bekks> rypervenche: Are you talking about virtualbox snapshots?
[19:09] <neldogz> bekks, yes
[19:10] <bekks> I've implemented a backup solution for my vms, just a few days ago.
[19:10] <neldogz> bekks, what did you use?
[19:10] <bekks> bash, VBoxManage, rsync, rm :)
[19:11] <ki7mt> Originally, the question was about easy revision of / revovery of specific files, not so much complete disk images or VM's
[19:11] <xrosnight> OerHeks: even though when i was trying to install wine , it showed broken packages.. ki7mt I did upgrade GCC from PPA before but I removed the latest GCC/PPA ,cleaned the apt cache.
[19:11] <bekks> I'm snapshotting my vms regurlarly, and then running rsync to back them up. Once a week, I merge all snapshots older than 14 days.
[19:12] <xrosnight> i mean later
[19:12] <neldogz> bekks, you merge everything older than 14 days back into the original VM correct?
[19:12] <bekks> Correct. So once a week I am syncing a new base vdi.
[19:13] <specing> Apparently half the maverick repos are 404ing
[19:13] <specing> no ssh server for me.
[19:13] <neldogz> bekks, nice.. you just gave me something to do
[19:13] <bekks> !maverick | specing
[19:13] <ki7mt> xrosnight, one method may be: sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get remove wine ; sudo dpkg -p Wine ;sudo apt-get install wine
[19:13] <OerHeks> xrosnight, "Depends: wine1.4" seems like an old exe
[19:13] <OerHeks> :-D
[19:13] <bekks> !eolupgrade | specing
[19:14] <specing> bekks: well... I found this liveCD burried in my drawer
[19:14] <specing> it is amazing, it has rsync but no openssh-server
[19:14] <specing> also apt-cdrom add -d /cdrom
[19:14] <bekks> neldogz: The most interesting part is implementing the creation of snapshots for all vms of all users.
[19:14] <xrosnight> ki7mt: doesnt work :(
[19:15] <ki7mt> xrosnight, can you be more specific, what doesn't work
[19:15] <xrosnight> OerHeks: Yeah. It's old on ubuntu 12.04
[19:15] <BlackHorn> Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone knows of a way I can create a keyboard shortcut for CTRL+CapsLock to make it trigger enter?
[19:15] <xrosnight> ki7mt: it shows wine : Depends: wine1.4 but it is not going to be installed
[19:15] <xrosnight> ki7mt: and E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
[19:15] <ki7mt> xrosnight, the the install after removal .. ok ..
[19:16] <OerHeks> xrosnight, why did you leave out the line what you are trying to install?
[19:16] <xrosnight> ki7mt: i did remove wine many times
[19:17] <ki7mt> xrosnight, well what's being held would be a good place to start: dpkg --get-selections | grep hold
[19:17] <neldogz> bekks, those snapshots must take a long time to merge back in
[19:17] <bekks> neldogz: No, why?
[19:18] <xrosnight> ki7mt: it shows nothing here
[19:18] <xrosnight> ki7mt: but i saw some 'deinstall' there
[19:19] <neldogz> bekks, they took a while for me when I was playing with them. 30 minutes for 1 snapshot
[19:19] <bekks> neldogz: I just started my script, hold on :)
[19:20] <ki7mt> xrosnight, well, I not a wine expert, at least the emulation type :-) .. so was looking at the package a bit at the moment.
[19:20] <neldogz> bekks, cool
[19:21] <xrosnight> ki7mt: thank you anyway! the same problem with 'ia32-libs' here on ubuntu 12.04
[19:22] <ki7mt> xrosnight, only other thign I coauls suggest, before gettign int the /var/lib stuff is to do ; sudo apt-get autoclean $$ apt-get clear cache
[19:23] <ki7mt> xrosnight, I already responded to your issue about ia32-libs on 12.04
[19:23] <OerHeks> maybe 'sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386' causes that wine error
[19:24] <xrosnight> OerHeks: dpkg --version shows (amd64). and that dpkg does not have the option '--add-architecture'....
[19:25] <ki7mt> ia21-libs-multiarch is in 12.04 .. but I suspect there's arch / lib conflicts between them and Wine somewhere, or busted source / cache files
[19:26] <bekks> nobrak: Done. Merged snapshots older than 21 days for 6 vms, took 7 minutes.
[19:26] <neldogz> bekks, nice :)
[19:26] <ki7mt> he could try clean ; autoclean ; update ; upgrade then try and get ride of Wine and --reinstall
[19:27] <xrosnight> ki7mt: i think so. there would be some broken packages. i am following this
[19:27] <xrosnight> ki7mt: i did that. but that did not work.
[19:27] <vagelis> προβλημα με το λεξικο ελληνικων στο libre
[19:27] <bekks> !gr | vagelis
[19:27] <ki7mt> xrosnight, Yes, you need to use some pinning as well, but I dont want to fubar you box so wont go there.
[19:28] <xrosnight> ki7mt: damn .. i tried this command... sudo dpkg --purge `dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | cut -f1`
[19:28] <xrosnight> my PC nearly got screwed...
[19:30] <ki7mt> xrosnight, be careful using --puge especially if you dont know what it's gonna purge beforehand
[19:30] <ki7mt> .. --purge ..
[19:32] <xrosnight> ki7mt: i believe my computer gonna crash soon... i used --purge a moment ago
[19:34] <ki7mt> xrosnight, well, I'd recommend you make sure your backup is current :-)
[19:35] <xrosnight> ki7mt: data will not be lost. probably i need to upgrade my PC to ubuntu 14.04 or your suggestions
[19:36] <ki7mt> xrosnight, I like to run the latest LTS, but I still have a 12.04 image for regression testing.
[19:38] <xrosnight> ki7mt: that's nice
[19:39] <xrosnight> ki7mt: the reason why i stay with the 12.04 is that i've compiled so many software which ubuntu did not ship.
[19:39] <ki7mt> xrosnight, yeah, but not helping much though .. I really don't have another suggest at the moment.
[19:39] <ki7mt> .. suggestion ..
[19:40] <seth-666> who is playing steam cs 1.6 on ubuntu ?
[19:40] <xrosnight> ki7mt: it's alright. is the 14.04 working well there? I mean stable? the ubuntu 12.04 is more like the stable debian 7.
[19:41] <ki7mt> xrosnight, works great for me.
[19:41] <xrosnight> but recently i tried and found that only a server with kernel upper than 3.10 is compatible with 'docker'
[19:42] <xrosnight> so i was using the kernel from 14.04 on 12.04 which is little odd.
[19:43] <stacks88> just curious - what makes you guys want to run ubuntu instead of debian? im using ubuntu myself so im just getting opinions is all
[19:44] <xrosnight> stacks88: for desktop . ubuntu's good. for server debian and ubuntu. for new feature, ubutnu.
[19:44] <xrosnight> for stablity i would say debian
[19:45] <stacks88> ah
[19:45] <ki7mt> stacks88, that's like asking why folks by Ferrari v s Lamborghini .. everyone has their on preference .. that's the goodness of Linux
[19:45] <ki7mt> .. own ..
[19:45] <bekks> xrosnight: You mean age, not stability, do you? :)
[19:47] <xrosnight> bekks: debian's releasing patches are very fast
[19:47] <ki7mt> It's well know, Debian is focused on stability and security, but with that comes a price, very slow releases for those that always want the latest and greatest of x,y,z
[19:47] <bekks> xrosnight: As fast as Ubuntu, since Ubuntu uses thedebian upstream.
[19:51] <xrosnight> ki7mt: i agree. one of my project needs postgresql. and we need some extension of it. but the postgresql debian provides is too out of date. we had to compile from source. then we gave that up. it's because the libc of debian wheezy is born out of date. if you replace the libc of debian, you are not taking the advantage of debian. in the end, we chose ubuntu 12.04 for instead. and we are going to migrate to ubuntu 14.04 soon for all
[19:52] <rypervenche> xrosnight: You can get the latest version of postgres from their website. They have repos:
[19:53] <alteregoa> darmok and jalad at tanagra
[19:53] <rypervenche> I haven't heard that in a while...
[19:53] <IdleOne> alteregoa: Please control your randomness
[19:54] <alteregoa> /dev/urandom
[19:56] <xrosnight> rypervenche: but if you need some postgresql extensions as well, those extensions must be compiled and sticked with a certain verion of postgresql. even the latest postgresql is not supported. extensions usually be late
[19:56] <IdleOne> Do we really have to go through this every time you join here? Being helpful does not grant you points for being off topic/disruptive.
[19:57] <rypervenche> xrosnight: What version of postgres do you need?
[19:57] <xrosnight> rypervenche: at least 9.1+
[19:58] <xrosnight> but we need the postgis
[19:58] <rypervenche> xrosnight: Ok, so what is the problem then?
[19:59] <xrosnight> rypervenche:
[20:00] <rypervenche> xrosnight: I still don't see what your problem is. Could you please explain?
[20:01] <xrosnight> rypervenche: we tried to deploy on debian but the postgis on debian is out of date. so we took ubuntu for instead.
[20:02] <rypervenche> xrosnight: You can compile it from source, as shown on that page you linked.
[20:03] <xrosnight> rypervenche: we did. but the libc of debian is bit out of date for compiling postgis
[20:05] <rypervenche> xrosnight: I won't argue with that. I know it works with version 2.0, but yeah.
[20:08] <TheBigDeal> Hi
[20:09] <TheBigDeal> Where can i find the 'cernlib' documentation?
[20:09] <IdleOne>
[20:11] <Seveas> TheBigDeal: packages usually install their documentation in /usr/share/doc/<packagename> and as manpages in /usr/share/man
[20:11] <ki7mt> It's in the Cern sources tar.gz also
[20:11] <TheBigDeal> hmm
[20:25] <hexafraction> Hi, I am looking for a software recommendation. I am trying to transition to using CAD on Linux, and am looking for something similar to Autodesk Inventor, that supports constraint-based parametric modeling. Could someone recommend a libre application that is similar?
[20:26] <hexafraction> I am already using Blender, but it isn't really ideal for precise mechanical design due to the lack of constraint based modeling as it is designed more for artists
[20:26] <EriC^^> isn't inventor not that good cause it was based on autocad 2d?
[20:27] <bazhang> !equivalents
[20:27] <EriC^^> a coworker used to rant about it all the time
[20:28] <hexafraction> EriC^^: Unfortunately due to the choice and content of classes at my school, Inventor is what I am adept with. I would be glad to learn, if it is not too dissimilar and supports common formats like STL. I'll look at the links right now
[20:28] <ray_> hello everyone
[20:28] <ray_> is this the official mint chanel?
[20:28] <EriC^^> !mint | ray
[20:29] <ray_> I changed channel in xchat and I can't remember what was the default one
[20:30] <EriC^^> ray_: you have to change the server to spotchat and then /join #linuxmint-help
[20:30] <hexafraction> EriC^^: I found Creo, but it's not libre so it's not ideal. There *is* a student discount, however.
[20:30] <ray_> ah ok thanks ric
[20:30] <EriC^^> hexafraction: i see
[20:31] <hexafraction> Um, never mind. They discontinued Linux support forever ago
[20:31] <EriC^^> hexafraction: why don't you dual boot?
[20:32] <hexafraction> EriC^^: My goal is to stop using Windows. It has been vexingly unreliable on my machine after only a few months after a reinstall
[20:32] <EriC^^> which windows?
[20:32] <hexafraction> 7 Home Premium x64
[20:33] <EriC^^> that's pretty good i guess
[20:33] <EriC^^> do you have anti-malware programs?
[20:34] <hexafraction> First few reinstalls included them.
[20:34] <hexafraction> I ended up stopping, and just being vigilant (and relying on router-level firewall+built in windows firewall)
[20:34] <ray_> Sorry but I don't see #Spotchat in the list
[20:35] <EriC^^> ray_: type /server
[20:35] <ray_> will try thanks
[20:39] <EriC^^> hexafraction: check here might be worth a try
[20:39] <ray_> Thanks EriC got it
[20:39] <EriC^^> ray_: cool, no problem
[20:40] <ray_> :)
[20:46] <dave_> gggggggg
[20:51] <harris> hi
[20:53] <narf84> hi all
[20:54] <fcn> ATI Radeon driver problem here. during boot the screen turns off. what would be the problem? after X starts everything is fine. the resolution, compiz etc everything is fine.
[21:00] <narf84> what version are you using fcn ?
[21:00] <OerHeks> fcn so you see login?
[21:00] <fcn> OerHeks: yeah I can login and all VTs have correct res.
[21:01] <fcn> 12,04 LTS
[21:05] <jasabella> hi :)
[21:05] <OerHeks> fcn, well, nothing to worrie about, it isn't beautifull, nor harmfull.
[21:06] <jasabella> how complete is the hardware support for the raspberry pi2 if i install the lts release of ubuntu on it?
[21:07] <jester_0> How can you know if a ppa is trustable?
[21:07] <TheNumb> jester_0: only when you check the build scripts.
[21:07] <bekks> jester_0: You cant.
[21:07] <TheNumb> Or you know the maintainer is also the developer.
[21:08] <TheNumb> ;p
[21:08] <bekks> TheNumb: Which codesnt make it more trustable.
[21:08] <bekks> *doesnt
[21:08] <TheNumb> jester_0: but the thing is, you can never be sure
[21:08] <TheNumb> unless you build the software yourself
[21:09] <jester_0> bekks, TheNumb, thanks, I was thinking of using mamarley ppa to install an nvidia driver, I think I'll just manually install
[21:09] <Giora> Is there any way to restore systray for ubuntu 14.04?
[21:09] <bekks> jester_0: Just use the xorg-edgers ppa instead.
[21:10] <OerHeks> *if* you really need newer nvidia drivers, use xorg edgers
[21:10] <lasindi> Hi all, I know Super + W does "expose" for all windows, but is there a shortcut to do it for just windows from the same app? I specifically mean the same action as when I click on, say, the Firefox icon in the launcher (shows all Firefox windows).
[21:10] <jester_0> bekks, OerHeks, so how can I know if xorg edgers is trustable ;)
[21:11] <OerHeks> jester_0, no 1000% guarantee, but that ppa is well known, at least by 2 of the volunteers.
[21:12] <OerHeks> lasindi, hold the windows key for a shortlist
[21:12] <jester_0> OerHeks, thanks I'll have to take a look into it
[21:13] <lasindi> OerHeks, yeah, I saw that but don't see a keyboard shortcut for it.
[21:15] <OerHeks> lasindi, in ubuntu 14.10 i can alt+tab .. and wait 3 sec to show all windows
[21:15] <OerHeks> not instant
[21:16] <lasindi> OerHeks, right, yeah, I was just hoping there was an instant thing.
[21:16] <lasindi> Alt + ` is the closest I've found, but not quite the same.
[21:18] <harris> hey OerHeks
[21:19] <axgb> Hi
[21:20] <r3m11> I'm trying to set up a simple NFS on my desktop computer (ubuntu 14.04) to access files from laptops (same distrib). I thought I did everything required but still, I cant mount the NFS directory from my laptop
[21:21] <bekks> So what did you do?
[21:22] <axgb> I am trying to transfer some files onto a memory stick, but when I do, it says that the memory stick is read only. What should I do?
[21:22] <mcc> Hello, I have a kubuntu I recently installed (I have had difficulty finding anyone who is responsive in #kubuntu). The kubuntu shows up in the boot menu but windows runs instead when i run it.
[21:22] <mcc> I have this theory that shimx64.efi / grub64.efi have been accidentally deleted from my EFI partition. I do not know how to test this theory, and I do not know how to fix it if this is true.
[21:22] <bekks> axgb: mount it writable.
[21:23] <mcc> I have a working copy of Windows 8.1 and also a USB stick with a Kubuntu 15.04 beta liveCD on it.
[21:23] <bekks> axgb: Which filesystem is it?
[21:23] <axgb> fat32 I need to transfer files to a windows computer so i cant do ext
[21:23] <bekks> axgb: And how did you mount it?
[21:26] <r3m11> bekks: here is a summary of what I did
[21:27] <r3m11> I had different options in /etc/export but I end but with *(ro) assuming it is the simplest
[21:28] <r3m11> bekks:
[21:32] <bekks> r3m11: your /etc/hosts.deny effectively denies everything. Delete those entries. And delte the entries in your /etc/hosts.allow as well. Restart the server.
[21:33] <axgb> bekks, how do I mount it so that it will work?
[21:35] <r3m11> bekks: nope
[21:35] <axgb> How do I mount the memory stick so it can be written to?
[21:35] <bekks> Nope what?
[21:35] <axgb> SOrry I am not very familliar with IRC
[21:35] <EriC^^> axgb: sudo mount -o remount,rw /mountpoint
[21:35] <EriC^^> type lsblk to get the mountpoint
[21:36] <r3m11> bekks: doesnt work if I delete the entry from hosts.deny and hosts.allow... even tried nothing in hosts.deny, and ALL: in hosts.allow
[21:36] <axgb> eric, what do you mean by the mountpoint, I think the memory stick is SDA2
[21:36] <bekks> "doesnt work" actually means nothing. What exactly are you trying (which command, etc.) and whats the full output you get?
[21:36] <EriC^^> axgb: type sudo mount -o rw /dev/sda2 /mnt
[21:37] <PSF> Hi, can you please recommend how to setup full disk encryption manually? Because during install it works only if entire disk is deleted and in that case it wont boot because of EFI
[21:37] <axgb> what does /mnt mean? I thought it was /media where removable media is mounted?
[21:37] <PSF> axgb: means mount
[21:37] <EriC^^> axgb: it's a default mountpoint
[21:38] <axgb> Hi, Eric, it says that I must specify a filesystem type
[21:39] <EriC^^> axgb: type sudo blkid | grep /dev/sda2
[21:39] <EriC^^> or just sudo blkid /dev/sda2
[21:40] <axgb> it still says the same thing "Error, you must specify the filesystem type"
[21:40] <EriC^^> axgb: did you type sudo blkid?
[21:40] <EriC^^> it should show something else
[21:40] <EriC^^> paste what it says
[21:42] <r3m11> bekks: I meant mount -t nfs does not work, with exactly the same output as in the paste I gave yout
[21:42] <r3m11> -t
[21:43] <bekks> r3m11: Your path contains whitespaces. Dont do that.
[21:44] <axgb> Eric, sorry, I said SDa2, when I meant SDA1. I have done what you said again but with the correct one
[21:44] <EriC^^> axgb: the mount command?
[21:44] <bekks> r3m11:O Or did I misread the mount command?
[21:44] <axgb> I think so
[21:44] <bekks> r3m11: Can you please give use the full command you are using?
[21:45] <r3m11> bekks: it doesnt, it's actually the mount point (read ./Images)
[21:45] <axgb> Eric,
[21:45] <r3m11> the full command is the one I pasted. What more ?
[21:46] <bekks> r3m11: You are trying to mount it as NFSv4, while the server provides a share for NFSv3 only.
[21:49] <axgb> Eric, Thank you so much for your help, I fiddled a bit and entered the command in again and I have got it to work now. Thank you so much for your help
[21:49] <arrrghhh> hello. I used the disk-to-disk option to replace a small disk with a larger disk on my ubuntu box... however I can't boot now with the new disk, and it seems clonezilla did not do this properly. what is the 'best' way to do this? dd I suppose would work, but is really slow
[21:49] <EriC^^> axgb: ok, i think it's /dev/sdb1 right?
[21:50] <axgb> I have got it to work now, but it seemed to have changed to /dev/sdc1 for some reason
[21:50] <bekks> arrrghhh: disk-to-disk option clonezilla?
[21:51] <axgb> So if I have any problems in the future, can I type that command you gave me in to the terminal, with the correct /dev/(whatever) in and it should work?
[21:51] <bvemu> #django-floppyforms
[21:51] <EriC^^> axgb: oh ok, sometimes it happens to me too when i put another usb and then remove it
[21:51] <arrrghhh> bekks, yes.
[21:51] <EriC^^> axgb: yeah, you can see a better view of the disks with the name and size with sudo parted -l
[21:52] <bekks> arrrghhh: Did you try booting a livecd and repair grub?
[21:52] <EriC^^> or lsblk if you need it quickly
[21:52] <Bashing-om> arrrghhh: Did you verify/change the UUIDs in /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/grub.cfg in accordance to what -> sudo blkid <- reveals ?
[21:52] <axgb> Ok thank you for your help eric
[21:52] <EriC^^> axgb: no problem
[21:53] <wowa_s_> hi
[21:53] <arrrghhh> bekks, I was going to try that but the partitions show 'unknown' in gparted for some reason...
[21:53] <arrrghhh> bekks, I have ext4 with LVM... does LVM cause issues with clonezilla?
[21:53] <crosse> hi
[21:54] <bekks> arrrghhh: No.
[21:54] <wowa_s> Finally got irc working on my iPhone!
[21:55] <crosse> pcsx2 in ubuntu
[21:55] <hexafraction> crosse: What is your question? Do you need help installing it? Configuring it? Running it?
[21:55] <arrrghhh> bekks, so I'm booted with a liveusb and the 'new' drive installed... gparted shows the filesystem as unknown for some reason...
[21:56] <crosse> yes
[21:56] <crosse> install
[21:57] <bvemu__> #django
[21:58] <crosse> how to install pcsx2 in ubuntu
[21:58] <wowa_s> Gdc by
[21:58] <wowa_s_> hi
[21:58] <wowa_s> Hi there
[21:59] <crosse> hi
[22:01] <arrrghhh> Bashing-om, maybe I'm missing some steps. I was hoping to just clone from one disk to the other as I have to use an 'interim' disk... there's only 1 s-ata and 1 p-ata port on this thing
[22:02] <zerowaitstate> crosse: they tend to not discuss game box emulators in here. patent and copyright litigation and all that.
[22:02] <r3m11> thanks bekks that was indeed nfs v3
[22:02] <Guest95844> hi guys is here a league of legends channel_
[22:03] <r3m11> how comes client tries to mount nfs v4 be default while server is nfsv3 using the same distrib ?
[22:03] <bazhang> !alis | Guest95844
[22:03] <crosse> ok i will go to hell thnx
[22:05] <zerowaitstate> crosse: not asking you to go there specifically, just letting you know the limitations of the venue.
[22:05] <Guest95844> isnt it easier to google that rather than asking here
[22:06] <zerowaitstate> Guest95844: frequently
[22:07] <OerHeks> zerowaitstate, pcsx2 is not offtopic, the games are. crosse see
[22:07] <Guest95844> i am trying to get league of legends working properly on my system, but there's noone at #playonlinux to help me out :(
[22:07] <bekks> Guest95844: So you have to wait then.
[22:08] <crosse> zerowaitstate : thnx thnx
[22:08] <Guest95844> okay
[22:09] <crosse> oerhek: thnx
[22:11] <r3m11> bye now
[22:12] <Guest71399> nic?
[22:12] <Guest71399> hello all
[22:12] <Guest71399> cls
[22:13] <Guest71399> Is there a Xubuntu chat room ?
[22:13] <SchrodingersScat> !xubuntu | Guest71399
[22:13] <Guest71399> thanks
[22:14] <ahmad> hoi
[22:16] <crosse> ahmad what is your question
[22:23] <wowa_s> hi
[22:23] <wowa_s> oioij
[22:25] <Blue1> !ask | wowa_s
[22:26] <Blue1> !ask | blue1
[22:27] <vitimiti> wowa_s_ is spamming somebody else?
[22:38] <arrrghhh> ddrescue seemed to work... oh well
[22:41] <mcc> Hello. I've reinstalled grub. It put me at a shell. I have *literally no idea* how to use this. I am trying to run this guide:
[22:41] <mcc> However when I type "normal" nothing happens, nothing at all, not even an error message.
[22:41] <EriC^^> mcc: type ls -l
[22:43] <mcc> How do I proceed?
[22:43] <mcc> eric, "invalid file name -l". to be clear i am not in bash. i am in grub.
[22:43] <EriC^^> yeah i know
[22:43] <EriC^^> i think you have uefi huh?
[22:43] <mcc> i have UEFI.
[22:43] <EriC^^> yeah, do you have a live usb?
[22:43] <mcc> oh wait
[22:43] <mcc> you said ls -1?
[22:44] <EriC^^> no -l
[22:44] <scuba323|afk> l
[22:44] <EriC^^> it won't work
[22:44] <mcc> neither -1 or -l work
[22:44] <mcc> is there a way to tell the grub prompt to boot the menu?
[22:44] <EriC^^> mcc: try guessing the partitions, type ls '(hd1,gpt1)'
[22:44] <mcc> which partition am i looking for?
[22:45] <mcc> the EFI partition is (hd1, gpt2). the linux partition is (hd1, gpt6).
[22:45] <EriC^^> you need the one with /boot
[22:45] <mcc> that will be (hd1, gpt6). what do i do with it?
[22:45] <EriC^^> ok type ls '(hd1,gpt6)'/boot/grub
[22:45] <ray_> Hi EriC
[22:45] <EriC^^> hi ray_ :)
[22:46] <mcc> ./ ../ x86_64-efi/ unicode.pf2 locale/ fonts/ i386-pc/ grubenv grub.fg
[22:46] <mcc> i mean grub.cfg
[22:46] <ray_> need help again :)
[22:46] <EriC^^> ray_: with what?
[22:46] <EriC^^> mcc: type configfile '(hd1,gpt6)'/boot/grub/grub.cfg
[22:47] <ray_> I thought I found the default server irc but I didn't :(
[22:47] <ray_> is it in Freenode server?
[22:47] <EriC^^> nope, it's on
[22:47] <mcc> huh
[22:47] <mcc> eric, that worked, thank you so much! :O
[22:47] <ray_> where do I have to insert that?
[22:47] <ray_> sorry I'm new
[22:48] <EriC^^> mcc: great, no problem
[22:48] <mcc> Eric, will I need to do that every time I boot up?
[22:48] <EriC^^> mcc: no, run sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sdX when you boot into ubuntu and then sudo update-grub
[22:48] <mcc> cool
[22:48] <EriC^^> get your disk with sudo parted -l and replace the sdX part
[22:49] <EriC^^> ray_: type /server then type /join #linuxmint-help
[22:49] <mcc> it was sda in the installer. will it still be sda or can i not assume that
[22:49] <EriC^^> !mint
[22:50] <EriC^^> yeah it's spotchat , not spotnet
[22:50] <ray_> in this box EriC or do I have to add a new server?
[22:50] <EriC^^> mcc: yeah, if you didn't put any hdd's in it most likely is, really easy to check though
[22:50] <BZWingZero> I'm having trouble with a samba share. I can create files in the share via another (windows) computer, but they're being created with the wrong permissions. They're being created as 0770 but need to be 0774
[22:50] <BZWingZero> I have set the correct masks in my samba config, but they seem to be ignored
[22:51] <EriC^^> ray_: as you wish, you can type it here or press ctrl+t and open a new server
[22:51] <ray_> will try that thanks :)
[22:51] <EriC^^> no problem :)
[22:52] <wowa_s> Hi
[22:52] <wowa_s> Can you see this?
[22:52] <EriC^^> BZWingZero: i don't know much about samba, but do you mount it in linux in fstab or so?
[22:52] <EriC^^> BZWingZero: maybe it's mounted with noexec or something?
[22:52] <BZWingZero> the share is on my linux server, I'm mapping it from my windows desktop, EriC^^
[22:52] <EriC^^> BZWingZero: nevermind
[22:53] <EriC^^> i somehow thought the last 4 was for exec :D
[22:53] <BZWingZero> read :)
[22:53] <EriC^^> yeah also for others
[22:53] <wowa_s> Can anyone see what I'm saying?
[22:53] <EriC^^> i missed it by a football field :D
[22:53] <BZWingZero> wowa_s, good comm
[22:54] <mcc> Eric: I guess --recheck is what I didn't do before. The help said that did "delete device map if it already exists"-- is that a good thing then? What does it mean? :O
[22:54] <EriC^^> BZWingZero: maybe it has to do with the umask?
[22:56] <sssazzz> I am in Terminal and have accessed ~/.local/share/Trash/files. I would like to know if there is a shorthand for this long file path within terminal. Like nautilus &.
[22:56] <sssazzz> Where & = ~/.local/share/Trash/files.
[22:56] <bubbletea> hi
[22:57] <mah454> Hello
[22:57] <EriC^^> mcc: i think the device map was something used before, but it's not that common anymore
[22:58] <mah454> I have a laptop lenovo Z510 , and installed ubuntu 14.10 on it , but can not detect Geforce 740M Graphic card !!! please view this :
[22:58] <EriC^^> mcc: if it's a fresh install, sometimes people have to reinstall grub, it happens occasionally
[22:58] <mah454> How can fix this problem ?
[22:58] <EriC^^> i don't know why
[22:59] <edition> how can I boot from a USB from the grub command line?
[22:59] <EriC^^> edition: boot another installation that's on a usb? or a live usb?
[23:00] <edition> it contains windows 7, copied across using 'dd'.
[23:00] <bubbletea> so I'm trying to bootcamp ubuntu on my old mbc
[23:01] <bubbletea> if it's possible what version should I be getting? if it's too weak, is there an alternate ubuntu that is updated and can run on older machines? or like.. what? (linux noob)
[23:01] <EriC^^> edition: go to the possible workaround to boot windows 7 part
[23:02] <edition> thanks
[23:02] <EriC^^> edition: type ls -l in grub to get the partitions and then replace hd0,msdos1 with the windows one
[23:03] <EriC^^> edition: also try without the search line cause you need the uuid
[23:04] <bubbletea> should I use Lubuntu
[23:04] <SchrodingersScat> sssazzz: I wouldn't try to use &, that's already used to background processes. you can set variables though, var="~/foo/bar/" ; echo "$var"
[23:08] <guardian99> hello.... i am trying to get vsftpd running in ubuntu.... ive followed these instructions ** ** and made sure port 21 was unblocked, but i keep getting "Access denied" using both root and my user "admin" with WINSCP.... Filezilla says "Critical error: Could not connect to server"
[23:09] <BZWingZero> EriC^^, I tried adjusting the create mask to 777 as a sanity check, it then creates the file with rwxrwx-wx permissions.
[23:09] <BZWingZero> I'm not very confused
[23:09] <EriC^^> hehe
[23:09] <BZWingZero> err am very confused
[23:09] <hkrrsx> guardian99: Stupid question, is vsftpd running on the box? sudo netstat -ntlp | grep : 21
[23:11] <guardian99> grep: 21: No such file or directory
[23:12] <hkrrsx> Sorry .... sudo netstat -ntlp | grep :21
[23:12] <hkrrsx> There was an extra space between the : and 21
[23:12] <EriC^^> BZWingZero: it's pretty odd
[23:12] <guardian99> tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4342/vsftpd
[23:12] <hkrrsx> Can you FTP locally?
[23:13] <hkrrsx> As in, ftp localhost ?
[23:13] <EriC^^> then again, i don't know much about samba, there's a guide thought i think
[23:13] <EriC^^> !samba
[23:13] <EriC^^> *though
[23:13] <sssazzz> SchrodingersScat: But if I'm already inside a directory, isn't there a way for me to extract the path to said directory without copy + paste?
[23:13] <sssazzz> Or having to type it out?
[23:14] <SchrodingersScat> sssazzz: pwd? echo "$(pwd)" #for example
[23:14] <guardian99> hkrrsx: Name (localhost:admin): admin
[23:14] <guardian99> 331 Please specify the password.
[23:14] <guardian99> Password:
[23:14] <guardian99> 530 Login incorrect.
[23:14] <guardian99> Login failed.
[23:14] <guardian99> crap sorry
[23:15] <sssazzz> SchrodingersScat: Thank you
[23:15] <EriC^^> sssazzz: if you're in the dir all you have to do is type nautilus .
[23:15] <EriC^^> and it will open the current dir in nautilus
[23:16] <sssazzz> Thank you
[23:16] <hkrrsx> guardian99: Try resetting the password of the user ?
[23:16] <SchrodingersScat> sssazzz: welcome, there's also the bash wiki, and then #bash
[23:16] <hkrrsx> guardian99: Also, what about the permissions of the landing folder? Does it have read and execute permissions?
[23:17] <guardian99>
[23:18] <hkrrsx> guardian99: Perhaps add your admin user to the 'ftp' group ?
[23:19] <idenkov> Do you have local_enable=YES accounts in /etc/vsftp.conf?
[23:19] <hkrrsx> idenkov: +1
[23:20] <guardian99>
[23:20] <idenkov> What is it output from id admin
[23:21] <guardian99> -
[23:21] <guardian99>
[23:22] <hkrrsx> guardian99: Do you have a log file in /var/log/vsftpd.log that gives more details ?
[23:22] <Guest8736> que programa puedo utilizar para bajar videos de youtube
[23:23] <hkrrsx> guardian99: Can you log in to vsftpd with the account you're currently logged into Ubuntu with ?
[23:24] <idenkov> sudo usermod -a -G groupName userName
[23:24] <guardian99> - log file
[23:25] <hkrrsx> Looks like it was just recently working .... Sat Apr 18 18:25:54 2015 [pid 2192] [admin] OK LOGIN: Client "user.ip.address"
[23:25] <guardian99> ive never gotten in...
[23:25] <hkrrsx> Your log file says you did
[23:26] <hkrrsx> Did you not get the directory listing or something?
[23:26] <guardian99>
[23:26] <guardian99> it wont auth, WINSCP still says "Access Denied" and filezilla says "Critical error: Could not connect to server"
[23:26] <hkrrsx> Access denied is usually a username/password issue
[23:29] <guardian99> i just rebooted and logged in with the same user / pass that vsftpd wont let me use
[23:30] <hkrrsx> Ok, so the account you're logging into Ubuntu with ....... you can not log into vsftpd with that same account credentials ?
[23:30] <guardian99> right
[23:30] <hkrrsx> Pastebin your /etc/vsftpd.conf file, please
[23:31] <guardian99> any easy way to copy an entire file to the clipboard?
[23:31] <hkrrsx> cat /etc/vsftpd.conf | pastebinit
[23:31] <Nikke__> /leave
[23:31] <guardian99>
[23:33] <hkrrsx> Try uncommenting the #local_umask=022 part
[23:33] <hkrrsx> And then ' sudo service vsftpd restart '
[23:34] <hkrrsx> It wouldn't be a the end of the world to also un-comment the #xferlog_file=/var/log/vsftpd.log line
[23:35] <guardian99> ok done, restarted, cant login
[23:36] <guardian99> /var/log/vsftpd.log says im logging in, believe me im not
[23:36] <hkrrsx> Question, what made you choose vsftpd over proftpd ?
[23:36] <guardian99> Sat Apr 18 18:23:07 2015 [pid 24778] CONNECT: Client
[23:36] <guardian99> vsftpd was higher on the google hit list? :)
[23:37] <hkrrsx> lol ... I find proftpd MUCH easier to deal with, care to remove vsftpd and give proftpd a shot ?
[23:37] <idenkov> I don't even know why do people still use ftp software like this when you can use sshd for sftp
[23:37] <svetlana> why are we running an ftp daemon? sftp is more secure and easier to use
[23:37] <svetlana> haha the timing :)
[23:37] <idenkov> :D
[23:38] <guardian99> well for me im trying to install plugins for wordpress
[23:39] <idenkov> can't you do it from the wordpress backend?
[23:39] <hkrrsx> idenkov: svetlana: I can SFTP to proftpd without error or latency
Yeah I just don't see the point another service running when I can use existing one
[23:40] <idenkov> *running
[23:40] <idenkov> lol can't type
[23:41] <hkrrsx> idenkov: The idea is not to run 2 FTP services (would fail to bind to port 21 anyways), I'm trying to replace one for another
[23:41] <blargg> I did a package update for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS yesterday and yet again it's enabled a 5-minute screensaver, even though Brightness and Lock shows Never for screensaver, xset s off has been executed by me, and gnome-screensaver-command --exit has been executed. How do I disable the screensaver? It puts my monitor to sleep after 5 minutes.
[23:43] <Trinity> hi i'm working with a 3rd party HTTPServer and i'm able to get consistent responses if I run the httpserver manually, if I run it with Java ProcessBuilder even if I append nohup and & (i'm using linux) it will stop responding after 465 requests everytime
[23:43] <guardian99> hkrrsx: and that works instantly
[23:43] <guardian99> sigh
[23:43] <Trinity> from this i know that it must be an implementation issue, is there a specific linux command I can run to have the process run with all of it's resources?
[23:43] <guardian99> tyvm, amazing how much easier that was
[23:43] <hkrrsx> guardian99: I'm sorry and congratulations :)
[23:51] <banchu> ls
[23:51] <banchu> list
[23:51] <banchu> hi
[23:51] <dongerino> hi there
[23:52] <banchu> hi dongerino
[23:52] <kostkon> !list
[23:52] <banchu> hi qsaq
[23:53] <banchu> hi Iap
[23:53] <banchu> exit | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.062298 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-cn | [00:00] <^k^> 新 内核及嵌入式开发 • 命令行不能打开mcu8051ide 在命令行输入sudo mcu8051ide时出现如图所示的现象,等好久都没反应,直接在系统点击图标打开mcu8051ide就正常。 Ubuntu 14.04LTS。 MCU 8051 IDE版本为1.4.10。 zz: collbe — 2015-04-17 23:35
[00:45] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 如何拿空余的笔记本当显示器? 我有两个笔记本 我在一个笔记本上写程序 但是我想用另一个笔记本当显示器,这样我可以用鼠标把terminal或者浏览器从主笔记本中拖到那个笔记本上 有啥好方法? zz: esolve — 2015-04-18 8:45
[00:53] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout
[02:23] <^k^> 新 因特网相关软件 • mldonkey怎么才能脸上 国内的verycd服务器 我的只能连一个服务器,就是下面这个 捕获.PNG 服务器列表里有verycd的服务器,但就是始终连不上啊,ipblock里我没有任何东西 捕获1.PNG zz: yiyepianzhou — 2015-04-18 10:22
[02:51] <^k^> 新 软件推荐 • 推荐离线文档浏览器稳定 这个是模仿 os x 上的 Dash 的,虽然看起来有点丑,但是真的非常非常好用,用了就离不开了。 或者大家可以试试在线版的。 zz: ChiangDi — 2015-04-18 10:50
[03:30] <jiero> 人生好失败
[04:40] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 最高指示 : 有位朋友去韶山游览,欲参观毛主席纪念馆,问票价如何,门房答曰:"五元! ""那么贵!! ""你看主席的塑像。"只见主席左手背在身后,右手五指分开,作挥手状(主席的特有动作,还比如说挥帽子是前后挥…)。"便宜点吧……"……"你可够能缠的,好好好,咱们
[05:23] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • 请教Ubuntu Kylin 14.04的启动问题及其他疑难杂症 我的笔记本装了双系统, 笔记本硬盘装的是win7 64位,Ubuntu Kylin 14.04 64位安装在一块移动硬盘上,grub也装在移动硬盘上。 大概几个星期前,ubuntu先出问题,最开始的症状,我在编译ope
[05:23] <^k^> ─> nssl,编译了大概几十分钟,以前装其他的从来没有make过这么久。后来有一天,我用chromiu …
[05:31] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 关于WINE1.7.4(最新版)的问题 新手一枚,老师们不要笑话! 用的sudo apt-get install wine1.7 安装的 然后在 winecfg配置的时候发现无法连接挂载(无法映射驱动器) 选区_001.png zz: loveofmaria — 2015-04-18 13:30
[05:56] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • python写的死循环结果报错。请大家给看看。哪里语法错了。 Code: def function(): while(true){ print "I don't..." } 错误信息如下: Code: jackness@ubuntu:~/tjh$ python File "", line 2 while(true){ ^ S
[05:56] <^k^> ─> yntaxError: invalid syntax zz: jackness — 2015-04-18 13:55
[06:51] <MeaCu1pa> .
[07:32] <gebjgd> XwinX, 你又回红旗了?
[08:07] <jusss> 建行的用户名是什么东西,身份证 手机号 卡号全不行,擦擦
[08:07] <jusss> 广发安装了控件还是输入不了密码,擦擦
[08:08] <jusss> 还有招行,个人网银那丑的不能再丑的查询页面,还有那跟你要好几个密码的优盾,
[08:09] <jusss> 现在银行怎么都这么的奇葩,我都理解不了,都不会用
[08:14] <gebjgd> jusss,
[08:14] <alvin_rxg> Title: 哪些网上银行(bank)兼容 Firefox(火狐) / Linux, Safari / Mac OS (苹果) 等平台 (@
[08:31] <jackness> 现在的网银都很麻烦的
[08:31] <jackness> 没办法的事情
[08:35] <gebjgd> 浦发 渣打
[08:36] <gebjgd> 表示网银很简单
[08:36] <jackness> gebjgd: 说明国外的金融搞得好
[08:37] <jackness> gebjgd: 中国还在发展
[08:37] <gebjgd> jack77213, 浦发 渣打
[08:40] <jusss`> 现在感觉卡有点多,就是没钱,擦
[08:46] <jackness> jusss`: 你不是刚面试了个好工作吗?
[09:05] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • ubuntu14.04,开机长达20余分钟,最后能成功开机 如题,以前是正常启动,不知何时就这样 文字界面最后几句话 Info task:gpu-manager:881 blocked for 120 seconds not tainted 3.16.0-30-generic#40-14.04.1-ubuntu "echo 0"> /proc/sys/kernel/hung-task-timeout-secs" disabled t
[09:05] <^k^> ─> his message 重复个大概12次最后才会开机, 但我去找/etc/init/gpu-manager也就十来行,没那么多 …
[09:17] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 求助:安装14.10到移动硬盘,各项挂载后,提示“分配到/的分区/dev/sdc1开始于3584字节,使用磁盘的最小对齐 通过U盘装,移动硬盘是全新无数据的,提示“分配到/的分区/dev/sdc1开始于3584字节,使用磁盘的最小对齐,这可能造成非常差
[09:17] <^k^> ─> 的性能..." 重新分区挂载,还是不行,求大神指教! zz: liujingdream — 2015-04-18 16:34
[09:25] <^k^> 新 新立得和软件源 • 求一个13.04 好用的源 现在源什么都安装不上,求一个好用的 谢谢 zz: [email protected] — 2015-04-18 17:24
[09:30] <^k^> 新 新闻和通知 • 河南又出大事了 我的那个心呀 (原文地址) 河南又出事了 呼吁—当执法人员找点事干,受苦的便是百姓(良心的传播) 农民百姓花半生积蓄,建黄山栾林,半生积蓄毁于一旦,罪魁祸首竟是。。。望
[09:30] <^k^> ─> 借网络力量传播,让农民的倾述让更多人看到。 亲爱的各位网民: 大家好!我今天以一 …
[09:36] <sennn> hi
[09:36] <^k^> sennn:点点点. 17:36
[10:28] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • grep? cat /var/log/ufw.log | nl | grep SRC 上面命令,用不同颜色,显示输出2个或以上关键字。 如:SRC 与 DPT。 命令怎写? zz: Naopas — 2015-04-18 18:28
[10:53] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 想更新源,gedit /etc/apt/sources.list但是gedit:command not found. 我的机子是校园网通过客户端上去的,虚机里面还木有联网。我是在vmware上装了虚机,里面安装的系统是从官网上下载的14.10的ubuntu server。具体代码如下,求大神指教:
[10:53] <^k^> ─> victoria@victoria:~$ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list/etc/apt/sources.list.backup cp:missing destination file operand af …
[11:45] <jusss> test
[11:45] <^k^> jusss:点点点. 19:45
[11:46] <jusss> kandu: 以前记得你说smalltalk不好,给我讲讲吧, oop的python看不懂到底面向对象是啥
[12:27] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 一秒变兔纸
[12:56] <Nian> 凡事有个开端发展高潮结局,叙述者只讲一部分是怎么个意思?有偏向性的舆论引导?
[12:56] <^k^> ⇪ ti: 水区水贴? Ubuntu中文论坛
[13:10] <iMadper> Nian: 这无聊文你还贴上irc来...
[13:15] <Nian> iMadper:是^k^贴上来的,我看了也觉着无聊
[13:15] <iMadper> Nian: 明明你又贴了一遍...
[13:16] <Nian> Nian: 好吧我错了
[14:11] <gebjgd> Nian, only sorry is not enough
[14:14] <Nian> gebjgd:还需要怎么样呢
[14:23] <gebjgd> Nian, 看看天下无贼就知道了
[14:25] <Nian> gebjgd, 不爱看电影。。。抽空看看
[14:32] <gfxmode> 我最近在转户口,还差最后一步就落户啦
[14:33] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 帝都?
[14:33] <gfxmode> gebjgd: 深圳
[14:34] <gfxmode> gebjgd: 落户帝都很困难,帝都对户口指标卡得很严
[14:35] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 幸好你没落户帝都
[14:36] <gfxmode> gebjgd: 是的。我就没打算来帝都生活
[14:36] <gfxmode> 清化紫光把H3C的股份买了么?
[14:36] <gfxmode> 清华
[14:36] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 深圳现在也够呛
[14:36] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 去年坐飞机去了那里
[14:37] <Nian> I'm taking my pills
[14:38] <gfxmode> gebjgd: 你来深圳算出国际差不?一天补贴多少?
[14:38] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 我是休假 回国探亲
[14:39] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 有标准 不知道多少 没出差过亚洲
[14:41] <gfxmode> gebjgd: Nice
[14:41] <gfxmode> 我前天买了台电视机
[14:41] <^k^> gfxmode: ⇪ 乐视电视S50 Air 全配版 2D/3D智能电视 - 乐视商城
[14:43] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 深圳现在堵车堵的厉害
[14:44] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 还有些小雾霾
[14:44] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 不过比上海北京广州强太多了
[14:44] <gfxmode> gebjgd: 是的,上下班高峰期不敢走深南大道,一堵就迟到
[14:45] <gfxmode> gebjgd: 你很了解深圳的哦,难道是深圳土著?
[14:45] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 哈哈 显然不是
[14:46] <gebjgd> gfxmode, 国外敌对势力更了解中国的情况 不是么
[23:43] <jusss> test
[23:43] <^k^> jusss:点点点. 07:42 | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.097774 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-cn"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-app-devel | [01:11] <jplatte> Hi, I'm trying to get the Ubuntu SDK to work on Arch Linux
[01:12] <jplatte> I've found the QtCreator Ubuntu plugin source, and the remotelinux plugin source which the former seems to depend on
[01:13] <jplatte> But I can't figure out how to build them. I can generate a makefile with qmake and run make or open the .pro file in qtcreator and try to build the project there, but the qtcreator source files are not found
[01:13] <jplatte> I have seen that when creating new plugin projects, you get to set the qtcreator source path, in a graphic dialog of course... how do I set this for the plugins I cloned from launchpad?
[10:02] <ogra_> hmm
[10:03] * ogra_ wonders if he could abuse the CameraRecorder from QtMultimedia with a video resolution of 0 and framerate of 0 to write an audio recorder :)
[11:55] <DF__> Hi, does some one know about databases??
[12:08] <DF__> HI
[12:41] <DF__> can some one help me out with a database problem??
[12:43] <jonny_> Hi anyone know why QT Designer fails to start with the error while reading typeinfo files ?
[12:43] <jplatte> DF__: You didn't specify what kind of problem you have. Also, it's early in the morning for most of the US, so maybe less people are online now than other times
[12:44] <jonny_> should I right now or should I wait ?
[12:45] <jplatte> jonny_: what?
[12:45] <DF__> ok so here is my problem
[12:45] <DF__>
[12:46] <DF__> i can't use the database that i specified
[12:48] <jplatte> DF__: I don't see any database specified there, also that's just some part of code, not an error message or description. Anyway, this doesn't seem to be about something Ubuntu SDK specific. Try to find a help channel about Qt or whatever database library you're using in that C++ code.
[12:48] <DF__> ok wait a sec, i send you the full code
[12:49] <DF__> here it's
[12:49] <DF__>
[12:54] <jplatte> I've never used Qt, I still don't see a database name or anything like that, and you still didn't specify how this code fails. Like I said before, you'll probably have more success asking about this on a Qt IRC or something similar; there should be more people online, and they should know more about Qt – ask here if you have problems with Ubuntu specific problems, like the Ubuntu Touch permission stuff, building Apps for and i
[15:41] <vitimiti> Can somebody point me to a translation guide? I've already activated the translations for my app on launchpad, but I really want to make the translation for es_ES myself
[15:49] <popey> vitimiti:
[15:49] <vitimiti> popey, thank you very much
[16:14] <vitimiti> popey, I've been able to do it, thank you very much :)
[16:14] <vitimiti> Now my program is in my native language, too
[17:55] <vitimiti> How do I know what framework I've got to use for the publishing? I've tried most of the available ones and all of them have that same problem
[18:18] <nik90|temp> vitimiti:for now use ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml for now
[18:18] <vitimiti> nik90|temp, thanks, I'll try
[18:19] <nik90|temp> that should work on bq phones
[18:19] <bzoltan_> vitimiti: as long you target the bq device you better stick to 14.10 fw, if you play with the 15.04 then 15.04 should be the fw
[18:20] <vitimiti> I can't do anything with the publishing, it says that there's an error in the securicy_policy_version_matches_framework every time
[18:20] <vitimiti> With 14.10, too
[18:20] <vitimiti> Also, it's a C++/QML app, not just a QML app
[18:25] <nik90|temp> vitimiti:
[18:25] <nik90|temp>
[18:26] <vitimiti> I'll check those
[18:32] <vitimiti> 14.10 did it for me, at last, thank you
[19:27] <nik90|temp> vitimiti:yw
[21:20] <vitimiti> For my app ( I need the youtube-dl binary to be shipped with the package. I'm testing by issuing the same commands in the .pro file as for qmldir, so that it is copied together with the .so library, in the same folder, but I still can't execute the binary file with QProcess, since I don't know where the application is being executed from or even where the click
[21:20] <vitimiti> package will install this binary. Can somebody help me with that?
[21:20] <vitimiti> Wow, that was a letter, sorry | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.114445 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-devel | [03:07] <happyaron> any core-dev around? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.115407 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-ops | [09:07] <daftykins> hi all, known spammer of a shifty website link is back - username "wwwBUKOLAYcom"
[09:38] <ikonia> @mark #ubuntu wwwBUKOLAYcom porn chat website in username, other channels have been spammed with this link from this user too
je suis pede
[11:27] <bazhang> gone
[13:39] <Luyin> hi, I'd like to request a "meta" command for ubottu. Its purpose should be to inform someone about meta questions
[13:39] <Luyin> (with the hope that they might be avoided in the future ;)
[13:41] <Luyin> I can help/ do it myself if you point me into the appropriate direction.
[18:24] <k1l> after some usual alteregoa stuff on the beginning he is now actually doing something helpful. i am surprised
[19:57] <bazhang> @random romulan HURD
[19:58] <IdleOne> jolantru bazhang
[19:58] <bazhang> kil jinxed it
[19:59] <IdleOne> alteregoa doesn't need help being a pain
[19:59] <IdleOne> but you may be right
[19:59] <IdleOne> I may be crazy
[19:59] <IdleOne> But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for
[20:00] <IdleOne> I even drove my motorcycle in the rain
[20:00] * IdleOne collects himself
[22:36] * valorie passes the pipe to IdleOne
[23:14] <IdleOne> valorie: pipe?
[23:15] <valorie> in thanks for the above ramble, which made me laugh
[23:29] <IdleOne> hehe, my pleasure | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.118137 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ops"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-qc | [10:59] <l4l13n> o/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.121226 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-qc"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-mythtv | [05:35] <qwebirc69329> I have something weird going on with my mythbuntu setup. I don't recall any changes made, but when I browse recordings from the frontend installed on my backend server it's all content form a year ago, while when I browse to the content via a web browser it's all correct. Lastly, when I try to connect a new frontend to it I receive this message 'this version of mythtv requires an updated database (schema is 18 versions b
[05:35] <qwebirc69329> continued: please run mythtv-setup or mythbackend to update your database.
[15:11] <tgm4883> qwebirc69329: odd
[15:11] <tgm4883> qwebirc69329: do you possibly have multiple backends in your environment?
[18:01] <qwebirc6739> I'm interested in setting up a mythbuntu server, but only want it to schedule, recorde and then export the video to a plex server so I'm loking for it to be as lightweight as possible would someone be able to help?
: Thanks for the reply. I only have one backend. I have my backend configured to get the latest mythtv updates in the control centre, so I ran apt-get update && upgrade. It seemed not to do anything after the update and a reboot, but this afternoon things appear to be working fine. Weird. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.126339 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-mythtv"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-no | [09:09] <Aeyoun> Vinn en Raspberry Pi 2 denne helgen.
[09:11] <RoyK> Aeyoun: en kollega prøvde å skrive ut ei webside med opera og oppdaga at den kom med fulle lenker der det bare var lenka til ting - er det mulig å skru av det?
[09:11] <Aeyoun> RoyK: Det er nettsiden som bruker denne teknikken,
[09:14] <RoyK> ah - takk
[09:15] <Aeyoun> Tror mine egne nettsider gjør det samme, men via fotnoter. Mener å ha implementert det på et tidspunkt.
[09:15] <Aeyoun> RoyK: kan fjernes via developer tools, men -- mye arbeid for lite gains (om ikke URLene dekker en hel side alene)
[09:16] <RoyK> s/gains/nytte/ ? ;)
[09:20] <Aeyoun> Print ut en webside å gi den til noen.
[09:20] <Aeyoun> How would they know where the blue one leads?
[09:23] <RoyK> er ikke alltid du trenger lenkene, da
[09:24] <RoyK> uansett fånyttig å trykke på papiret
[09:24] <Aeyoun> Neida, du kan oppsøke de om du vet hvor de peker.
[09:25] <RoyK> og hvor mange gjør det etter et møte? knaste inn lenka fra papiret?
[14:15] <Blueking> hva heter uekte ip6v versjonen 6rd ?
[14:30] <skandix> morn
[15:15] <RoyK> Blueking: det er ikke noe "uekte" med 6rd - det er bare en måte å kjøre ipv6 over ipv4-infrastruktur | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.131157 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-no"
} |
2015-04-18-#launchpad | [09:50] <GyrosGeier> hi
[09:51] <GyrosGeier> I'm trying to push changes to lp from the git bzr plugin, but it keeps saying that no such branch exists. That is basically correct, I'm trying to create one
[09:52] <GyrosGeier> is there anything special I have to do when I want to create a branch?
[10:19] <phraktle> Hi! I have created a PPA and uploaded a package a few hours ago (using backportpackage), but it's still not showing up... How long is this supposed to take?
[10:19] <phraktle> See
[14:10] <cjwatson> GyrosGeier: Nothing special. Exactly what command are you using?
[14:11] <GyrosGeier> "git push" -- I'm using the git bzr remote support
[14:11] <GyrosGeier> it worked by using bzr branch followed by bzr push to create the branch, and then pushing from git
[14:12] <GyrosGeier> using git::lp:kicad for pull, and git::lp:~sjr/kicad/master for push
[14:12] <cjwatson> Ah, you got it working eventually? OK.
[14:12] <GyrosGeier> erm
[14:13] <GyrosGeier> bzr:: instead of git::
[14:13] <GyrosGeier> yes
[14:13] <GyrosGeier> it's slightly suboptimal, but then again I don't submit via LP that often
[14:17] <cjwatson> We'll see if kicad will switch to git once we have it.
[15:48] <GyrosGeier> it is planned
[15:48] <GyrosGeier> almost everyone is using git, and all the related projects are on github
[15:49] <GyrosGeier> the plan, as I've understood it, is to fold everything together at some point
[15:50] <cjwatson> GyrosGeier: LP is weeks away from supporting git, too
[15:50] <cjwatson> (directly)
[15:51] <GyrosGeier> yes, the buttons already appeared for some people, I've heard :)
[15:52] <cjwatson> the backend only exists on qastaging
[15:52] <GyrosGeier> in general, there is no real preference between github and launchpad
[15:52] <cjwatson> but we'll fix that soon
[15:53] <GyrosGeier> both are external services to the project, and there is no real incentive to run a local copy of either so far
[15:53] <GyrosGeier> and there is a largely overlapping set of features we want
[15:54] <GyrosGeier> and neither can replace jenkins, which is bad because that is the first thing we'd like to get rid of | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.135426 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#launchpad"
} |
2015-04-18-#kubuntu | [03:14] <mcc> Hi... I don't know whether to ask about this in here or in #ubuntu... but... I installed ubuntu on my spare partition a few weeks back... I tried it out, it sorta worked... i rebooted into Windows... and now i can't boot back into ubuntu
[03:14] <mcc> I had a grub, now it's gone
[03:15] <mcc> or well it doesn't seem to boot anymore
[03:15] <mcc> i am running a windows 8 software called Visual BCD and i think i am in over my head
[03:52] <valorie> !grub | mcc
[03:52] <valorie> just running grub-repair in the command line might fix it
[03:55] <mcc> cool
[09:06] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:22] <MoonUnit`> morning
[09:22] <lordievader> Hey MoonUnit`
[09:23] <MoonUnit`> think i've sorted my logoff/shutdown problem.
[09:23] <MoonUnit`> ksmserver: Client "/usr/bin/hotot-qt" ( 10d9e9d775000142934056900000244580013 ) canceled shutdown.
[09:23] <MoonUnit`> changed to the gtk version now
[10:13] <chat> hi, supporting for Kubuntu 15.04?
[10:31] <lordievader> chat: Support for 15.04 is in #ubuntu+1
[10:34] <chat> thnx
[11:58] <MoonUnit`> hmm thought something was broke after yesterdays reinstall, might be wrong.
[11:58] <MoonUnit`>
[11:58] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[11:58] <MoonUnit`> hi BluesKaj
[11:58] <BluesKaj> Hi MoonUnit`
[12:01] <MoonUnit`> BluesKaj: found out it was a program stopping logout and shutdown, didn't need to reinstall yesterday :-/
[12:01] <MoonUnit`> ksmserver: Client "/usr/bin/hotot-qt" ( 10d9e9d775000142934056900000244580013 ) canceled shutdown.
[12:01] <lordievader> Hehe, how fun.
[12:01] <lordievader> qt-mpc is another who cancels logout/shutdown...
[12:02] <BluesKaj> MoonUnit`, cool , glad you found it :)
[12:02] <MoonUnit`> changed to the gtk version :)
[12:09] <BluesKaj> still can't figure out why some Qt4 apps like dolphin don't use the plasma 5 colour settings in system settings/systemsettings5, According to the devs the plasma 4 apps should integrate their settings with plasma 5, but dolphin doesn't here. it's still that default plasma 4 off brown colour when it should be marble (blue)
[14:05] <darthanubis> Thank goodness my dolphin is not broken like that
[15:17] <excalibr>
[15:17] <excalibr> which version of libqt 15.04 has?
[15:18] <excalibr> libqt5*
[16:01] <ubuntu_> когда все приложения переведут на новые кеды, а то дельфин то новый то старый и так все приложения
[16:04] <MoonUnit`>
[16:04] <ubuntu_> спасибо
[16:40] <Aristide> Hello :)
[16:40] <Aristide> I want to install all possible KF5 application (Eg : Konqueror5, Dolphin5 ...)
[16:40] <jp_hranice> Hallo. I miss persistence test in LiveSesion TestCase on Testing Tracker. What is wrong?
[16:40] <Aristide> I'm under Kubuntu vivid, do you have a repository for that ?
[16:41] <jp_hranice> Aristide: no experience
[16:41] <Aristide> Ok :)
[16:41] <Aristide> No problems :D
[16:42] <Aristide> i'm googling again for try to find a solution on Internet
[16:46] <MoonUnit`> many apps are still using kde 4 libs
[17:21] <NeuhNeuh> Hello (again ^^)
[17:21] <NeuhNeuh> I repeat my problem :
[17:21] <NeuhNeuh> I want to install all possible KF5 application (Eg : Konqueror5, Dolphin5 ...) I use Kubuntu vivid, but lot of app are stay in 4.x
[17:51] <excalibr> MoonUnit`, not so familiar with KDE, are those listing also include 3party apps or only apps officially made/maintained by KDE?
[17:52] <MoonUnit`> includes 3rd party i believe.
[18:57] <arulmagi> hi Everyone
[20:04] <mcc> Hello, my Kubuntu I installed no longer boots, my grub has somehow disappeared, I am trying to follow instructions someone in here passed me last night, I am hitting this barrier:
[20:04] <mcc> It seems to be saying I cannot install grub because I do not have a /boot partition, but I am confused, the original installer did not make a /boot partition. if /boot is needed why didn't the original installer make one?
[22:01] <lordievader> mcc: You need to point the --boot-directory options to your boot directory.
[22:01] <lordievader> I suppose you are not chrooted in?
[22:03] <mcc> i am not chrooted in.
[22:03] <mcc> okay. let me start over.
[22:03] <mcc> i do not have a boot partition. rather, i am using UEFI, and I am booting off of something called shimx64.efi/grubx64.efi on my EFI partition.
[22:04] <mcc> However, my EFI partition ran into some kind of problem where it was partially corrupted? I ran a program called dosfsck on it and it deleted the "ubuntu" directory.
[22:04] <mcc> So now I need to somehow install Grub/shimx64.efi onto my efi partition. I am on a kubuntu liveCD. The instructions I am finding on the Ubuntu website are specific to pre-UEFI systems and contain ereferences to things like the "separate boot partition", which I don't have.
[22:06] <lordievader> I have no experience with uefi I'm afraid.
[22:10] <mcc> *nods* thanks.
[22:21] <holounix> hello
[23:33] <manots> ?
[23:35] <dougl> manots,
[23:35] <manots> yea?
[23:35] <dougl> ?
[23:41] <dougl> manots> ?
[23:42] <dougl> thot I missed a question
[23:42] <manots> its fine | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.151163 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu"
} |
2015-04-18-#snappy | [07:26] <Nothing_Much> Is it possible that the deb2snappy thing can become deb2click or something??
[07:47] <Nothing_Much> Is it possible that the deb2snappy thing can become deb2click or something?? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.153642 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#snappy"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-za | [05:48] <Kilos> morning nlsthzn captine inetpro and you others that are awake
[08:25] <Kilos> loadshedding huh
[08:37] <Kilos> hi captine
[09:04] <captine> hi there
[09:24] <Squirm> Load shedding from 12 :/
[09:25] <Kilos> eish
[09:26] <Kilos> ive done my bit already
[09:32] <Squirm> 12 - 14h30
[09:32] <Squirm> Meh
[09:33] <Kilos> ai! and they are talking about making a schedule 4
[09:36] <Squirm> Cape Town sort of does that already
[09:36] <Squirm> We have a 3A and a 3B
[09:36] <Kilos> sjoe
[09:36] <Kilos> yeah they want to make the b thing into 4 now
[09:37] * Squirm shrugs
[09:37] <Squirm> The only way it seems to affect me now, is my commute time
[09:37] <Squirm> from 20min to 35min, so it doesn't bother me
[09:41] <Kilos> eish
[09:50] <MaNI> they anyway seem to invent new stages as they go along
[09:50] <Squirm> Maaz: ping
[09:50] <Maaz> Squirm: pong
[09:50] <MaNI> "now implementing partial stage 3b"
[09:50] <MaNI> etc.
[09:50] <Kilos> more painful by the day
[09:51] <MaNI> more stages than a dragonball z character
[09:53] <Kilos> lol
[10:14] <Kilos> MaNI you settling in here nicely
[10:15] <Squirm> :/
[10:15] <Squirm> Meh
[10:15] <Kilos> what now
[10:15] * Squirm wanders around
[10:16] <Kilos> you at work Squirm ?
[10:16] <Kilos> hi Tonberry
[10:16] <Tonberry> hi
[10:25] <MaNI> great, looks like the last power outage took my geyser with it or something
[10:25] <Kilos> eish
[10:28] <Squirm> Kilos: on a Saturday? Not a chance
[10:28] <Kilos> hahaha
[10:32] <Kilos> hi Private_User
[10:32] <Private_User> hi Kilos
[10:32] <Private_User> anybody else been load shedded?
[10:32] <Kilos> yes at 8 am already
[10:36] <Private_User> ah ok we just got the power back
[10:37] <Kilos> loadshedding has become a major topic nowadays
[10:38] <Private_User> yeah I heard on the news Eskom has a new CEO and he reckon his first agenda to resolve is Load Shedding so lets see what he does
[10:43] <Kilos> haha
[13:12] <Kilos> ohi superfly
[13:30] <Kilos> hmm... captine you came again back
[13:30] <Kilos> good man
[14:00] <MaNI> can feel the icy hand of eskom reaching out to take my power
[14:00] <Kilos> hehe
[14:01] <Kilos> where do i find the link for their schedule for west of pta
[14:02] <MaNI> < apparently thats pretty reliable
[14:02] <Kilos> ty MaNI
[14:24] <nlsthzn> hey uncle Kilos , think the Sharks will win this one?
[14:24] <Kilos> i dont know nlsthzn they been playing bad
[14:24] <Kilos> even the commentators say bulls
[14:27] <nlsthzn> never a good sign when the bulls become the favourites :p
[14:27] <Kilos> lol
[14:28] <Kilos> but the bulls have been improving all the time
[14:29] <Kilos> last game was great
[14:41] <nlsthzn> I was glad I got to see it and if baby bear plays along I might see this one too :p
[14:41] <Kilos> hehe
[15:05] <nlsthzn> well good luck for your team as long as they play a good game it doesn't matter ;)
[15:06] <Kilos> ty nlsthzn you too
[15:34] <gremble> o/
[15:38] <Kilos> hi gremble
[15:39] <Squirm> Maaz: sharks score
[15:39] <Maaz> Squirm: Huh?
[15:39] <Squirm> Maaz: google sharks score
[15:39] <Maaz> Squirm: "San Jose Sharks on Yahoo! Sports - News, Scores, Standings ..." :: "NHL Hockey Scores - NHL Scoreboard - ESPN - -" :: "San Jose Sharks: The Official Web Site" :: " - Scores" :: "Schedule - San Jose
[15:39] <Maaz> Sharks -" :: "San Jose Sharks - ScoreBig"…
[15:40] <Squirm> Kilos: echo $'Sharks vs. Blue Bulls score'
[15:40] <Squirm> Maaz: google sharks rugby live score
[15:40] <Maaz> Squirm: "Sport24 Live Scoring" :: "Live Scores - SuperSport" :: "SuperSport - Rugby" :: "Sharks Rugby" :: ":: MWEB :: Live Scores" :: "Super Rugby | Super 15 Rugby News,Results and Fixtures
[15:40] <Maaz> from ..." :: "Rugby Live Scores - Yahoo New Zealand Sport" https://n…
[15:41] <Kilos> 3/3
[15:41] <Squirm> 3-0
[15:41] <Squirm> Oh
[15:41] <Squirm> :/
[15:41] <Squirm>
[15:41] <Squirm> So much for live scoring
[15:41] <Kilos> lol
[15:42] * Squirm thinks he can stream the game
[15:46] <Squirm> Or not...
[15:46] <Squirm> Weird
[15:46] <Kilos> 3/8 to bulls
[15:51] <inetpro> Squirm:
[15:51] <Kilos> lo pro
[15:51] <inetpro> hello everyone
[15:51] <Kilos> half time
[15:51] <inetpro> hmm...
[15:51] * Kilos not everyone me Kilos
[15:52] <inetpro> uh...
[15:52] <nlsthzn> Squirm, I have a link for you if you want to stream the game
[15:53] <nlsthzn>
[16:00] <inetpro> nlsthzn: eush! that streams at up to 400kbps
[16:01] <inetpro> radio streams at less than 25kbps
[16:01] <inetpro> or less than 40kbps
[16:02] <nlsthzn> video != audio
[16:02] <nlsthzn> could stream one of the SA radio stations
[16:02] <Kilos> nlsthzn do you have DU TV channel 541
[16:02] <nlsthzn> they often cover the games
[16:02] <nlsthzn> Kilos, nope
[16:02] <nlsthzn> if I could watch this on TV I would :p
[16:02] <Kilos> aw
[16:02] <Squirm> Thanks nlsthzn
[16:02] <nlsthzn> now I mostly watch a slide show
[16:02] <Kilos> boet in dubai is watching it there
[16:03] <Squirm> I should be subscribed to DSTV website, but my parents smart card isn't being picked up.
[16:03] <nlsthzn> I could buy the "sports" package
[16:03] <Squirm> Says it's there and active though
[16:03] <Squirm> Very weird
[16:03] <nlsthzn> odd
[16:03] <Kilos> ai!
[16:04] <nlsthzn> and the sports package means all channels and lots of $
[16:04] <Kilos> ya he just told me the price
[16:04] <Kilos> sjoe
[16:05] <Kilos> 640 a month for full DU TV, uncapped wi fi, with router and landlines fone, free local calls
[16:06] <nlsthzn> I basically have that without all the channels
[16:06] <nlsthzn> so I pay less
[16:06] <nlsthzn> much less :p
[16:06] <Kilos> sjoe
[16:06] <Kilos> 10/8 t0 sharks
[16:06] <Kilos> go my banana boys
[16:09] <Kilos> eish 10/11
[16:38] <Squirm> Watching White Collar
[16:38] <Squirm> They just said if you want to reach anyone in the underground community
[16:38] <Squirm> best way to do it is post a message on IRC
[16:38] <Squirm> :D
[16:38] <Kilos> haha
[16:38] * Squirm must be hanging with the dubious sort
[16:38] <Kilos> nlsthzn you smiling?
[16:50] <nlsthzn> sorry uncle Kilos ... but the Sharks is in trouble...
[16:51] <nlsthzn> bulls not good but better than sharks
[16:51] <Kilos> yeah sharks got bad this year
[17:30] <inetpro> wb pieter2627
[17:30] <inetpro> guess if the sharks keep loosing we might as well focus our attention here
[17:30] <inetpro> Kilos: what's up doc?
[17:31] <Kilos> not much inetpro
[17:31] <inetpro> Squirm: underground on irc? ai!
[17:31] <Kilos> sis in law from dubai chatting on pidgin atm
[17:33] <inetpro> getting cold today
[17:33] <Squirm>
[17:33] <Squirm>
[17:33] <Kilos> yeah
[17:33] <Squirm> So cool
[17:36] <Kilos> ya winter is here
[17:37] <Kilos> 20 max in house today
[17:38] <Kilos> and im sure about 10°c at night here
[17:50] <Kilos> inetpro did you see this
[17:51] <inetpro> Kilos: you must be very desperate do go to that level
[18:17] <Kilos> oh
[18:18] <Kilos> i dont know man thats why i asked you
[18:18] <Kilos> the nsa can look here is they like but the point is why should they
[18:18] <Kilos> if they like
[18:20] <Kilos> my goed is my goed
[18:20] <Kilos> ill invite peeps to come view my pc
[18:21] <inetpro> Kilos: no point in doing all that if you're using cloud services like gmail and others
[18:21] <Kilos> oh inetpro i spent some hours seeing what i can learn from a inet+ study guide
[18:22] <Kilos> ya thats right
[18:23] <Kilos> i saw some stuff i understand like wan and lan and coax and cat cable etc
[18:24] <inetpro> btw, I think superfly is spending all the time watching super rugby with his boys
[18:24] <inetpro> no time for us any more
[18:24] <Kilos> lol
[18:24] <superfly> if only
[18:24] <inetpro> :-)
[18:25] <Kilos> hmm... geeks dont do sport
[18:25] <Kilos> oh inetpro have you been watching our launchpad members
[18:26] <Kilos> im sure we are one less than testerday
[18:26] <Kilos> yesterday
[18:26] <Kilos> i wonder who left
[18:26] <inetpro> Kilos: you chasing them away now?
[18:26] <Kilos> ya im sad
[18:27] <Kilos> but we are also more than2 weeks ago
[18:28] <inetpro> maybe better if you don't look too often
[18:28] <Kilos> there was something i wanted to ask you
[18:34] <inetpro> don't ask to ask, just ask
[18:34] <Kilos> i have forgotten man
[18:34] <inetpro> ai!
[18:35] <Kilos> i have been thinking of applying for a position on the council
[18:35] <Kilos> maybe they will give me another sjambok
[18:36] <Kilos> oh superfly was there a reason for going for the unity look?
[18:37] <superfly> nope, just playing around
[18:37] <Kilos> ah
[18:41] <inetpro> Kilos: you can put that sjambok away now
[18:41] <Kilos> i cant hibana has it
[18:42] <inetpro> we're live in a modern world now, no more corporal punishment
[18:42] <inetpro> we live*
[18:42] <Kilos> lol you sound like graeme
[18:42] <inetpro> he reminded me
[18:43] <Kilos> i was talking to a guy from the missing kenya loco
[18:43] <Kilos> he is now in switzerland and says even that loco is half dead
[18:44] <Kilos> FB and tweet place stole the irc star
[18:44] <Kilos> we gotta fix that
[18:45] <inetpro> no
[18:45] <Kilos> why
[18:45] <inetpro> that's not something to fix
[18:45] <Kilos> i wanna
[18:45] <inetpro> what you need to do is to adapt
[18:46] <Kilos> nono
[18:46] <Kilos> they can FB and Tweet to their hearts content but not at the cost of irc
[18:46] <inetpro> get peeps to play the community role for you on the different platforms
[18:46] <Kilos> eish i dont like FB man
[18:47] <inetpro> Kilos: you can not and should not do it all by yourself
[18:47] <Kilos> ya thats why im telling you so i have help
[18:47] * Kilos giggles
[18:49] <inetpro> that is why I'm helping by telling you to change attitudes
[18:49] <Kilos> haha
[18:49] <inetpro> Ubuntu works on all those platforms
[18:50] <Kilos> so who is gonna do the FB and Twitter side
[18:50] <Kilos> see im even using caps
[18:50] <inetpro> ah, nou vra hy die regte vraag
[18:51] <inetpro> Twitter and G+ is covered for now
[18:51] <inetpro> even if we can still improve
[18:51] <Kilos> oh ya thats what i wanted to ask
[18:52] <Kilos> where are the G+ reminders , meeting in 11 days i think
[18:52] <Kilos> have i messed up somewhere that i dont get them
[18:55] <Kilos> 10 days
[18:55] <inetpro> Kilos: don't worry about it
[18:55] <Kilos> oh ya
[18:56] <Kilos> with all your ss something stuffs will you remind me of board meetings please
[18:56] <Kilos> maybe a couple of days early
[18:57] <inetpro> ss something stuffs?
[18:57] <Kilos> oh ya
[18:57] <Kilos> wait
[18:57] <Kilos> hasnt TB got a place to see send mails
[18:58] <Kilos> those reminder things you get
[18:58] <inetpro> ss?
[18:58] <Kilos> its not ssh , i forget what
[18:58] <Kilos> the links to everything
[18:59] <Kilos> rss?
[19:00] <inetpro> uh...
[19:01] <inetpro> Kilos: Thunderbird: Under Tools->Account Settings->Copies & Folders make certain that you have selected "Place a copy in" and that you have chosen a folder to be the Sent folder for that account
[19:01] <Kilos> ah ty sir
[19:02] <inetpro> as for RSS, no... jy het die kat aan die stert beet oom
[19:02] <Kilos> ai!
[19:04] <inetpro> Kilos:
[19:09] <Kilos> i cant see all the writing
[19:09] <Kilos>
[19:09] <Kilos> wat doen ek nou verkeerd
[19:15] <Kilos> i think i must find me a girlfriend there to remind me
[19:16] <inetpro> ai!
[19:16] <Kilos> wat nou
[19:16] <inetpro> you really expect all that info to display on one screen?
[19:17] <Kilos> i dont expect anything but id like to be able to see whats there
[19:17] <Kilos> must i put 2 screens
[19:17] <Kilos> hehe
[19:17] <inetpro> have you even tried clicking on something like Week or Agenda?
[19:18] <Kilos> no
[19:18] <inetpro> or even a specific entry
[19:18] <Kilos> oh my thats wonderful
[19:19] * inetpro keeps quiet
[19:19] <Kilos> ty i can see each one individually
[19:19] <Kilos> ty my friend
[19:19] <Kilos> Maaz coffee on
[19:19] * Maaz flips the salt-timer
[19:19] <Kilos> Maaz coffee for all
[19:19] <Maaz> Come on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already
[19:20] <Kilos> all includes you inetpro
[19:23] <inetpro> Kilos: you can add that calendar to your local one on Lighning in Thunderbird
[19:23] <Kilos> sjoe
[19:23] <inetpro> Lightning*
[19:23] <Maaz> Coffee's ready for Kilos!
[19:23] <Kilos> Maaz ty
[19:23] <Maaz> You are welcome Kilos
[19:24] * Kilos sips cyber coffee alone
[19:25] * inetpro forgets about mentioning something
[19:25] <Kilos> im looking how man
[19:25] <inetpro> ask
[19:25] <Kilos> nag nag nag
[19:26] <Kilos> your poor family
[19:26] <inetpro> ai!
[19:26] <Kilos> hee hee
[19:27] <inetpro> you're most welcome to spend a few days googling it
[19:27] <Kilos> oh my goodness gracious
[19:28] <Kilos> inetpro please tell me how i make the lightning calender see the one in my browser
[19:28] <inetpro> lol
[19:28] <Kilos> im sure you are sitting there smirking
[19:28] <Kilos> hi captine
[19:28] <captine> hi
[19:29] <inetpro> hello Kilos
[19:29] <inetpro> oops captine
[19:29] <Kilos> hahaha
[19:29] <captine> lol
[19:29] <captine> hi inetpro
[19:29] <inetpro> wb
[19:29] <captine> thnx. about to fall asleep, so not back for long
[19:29] <Kilos> yes captine you are getting way too scarce
[19:29] <inetpro> Kilos: look on the left below the calendar at
[19:30] <inetpro> three little buttons, ICAL, XML and HTML
[19:30] <Kilos> oh ya
[19:31] <Kilos> go on
[19:31] <inetpro> in lightning you can take the link to the ICAL calendar and add that as another calendar on the network
[19:31] <inetpro> in other words, right-click and copy the link
[19:32] <inetpro> then go to Thunderbird and click File -> New -> Calendar...
[19:32] <inetpro> take it from there
[19:32] <inetpro> and ask if you get stuck
[19:33] <inetpro> or just go Google
[19:34] <Kilos> nono google doesnt explain nicely like you do
[19:34] <inetpro> uh... I already saved you a few days now
[19:35] <Kilos> ya but just think about all the days of links and rtfs that you didnt save me
[19:35] <Kilos> not nearly balanced out yet
[19:36] * inetpro demands all his money back
[19:36] <Kilos> hahaha all you taught me i still know nothing
[19:36] <Kilos> i cant find file anywhere
[19:36] <inetpro> I rest my case
[19:37] <inetpro> Kilos: RTFS
[19:38] <Kilos> ai!
[19:38] <inetpro> remember, I told you about the menu bar last time... but don't go have sleepless nights about it... there is another way... just RTFS
[19:39] <Kilos> i got it
[19:39] <inetpro> thank you
[19:39] <Kilos> i forgot that thing that goes to tools as well
[19:39] <Kilos> menu
[19:41] <captine> Kilos, I Know. rally bad.
[19:41] <captine> and thi s is with family here to help with little ones
[19:41] <Kilos> shocking captine
[19:41] <captine> got a massive project starting 4 may so 6 weeks of heavy work
[19:41] <captine> coming up to..
[19:41] <Kilos> oh my
[19:41] <captine> gotto run. night all
[19:41] <Kilos> sleep tight lad
[19:42] <Kilos> dont forget us
[19:42] <captine> on leave Monday and Tues, so may be online in the day a bit then
[19:42] <Kilos> ok
[19:42] <inetpro> good night captine
[19:43] <inetpro> wb SDCDev
[19:43] <inetpro> Kilos?
[19:43] <Kilos> yessir
[19:44] <Kilos> hi SDCDev
[19:44] <inetpro> you too quiet sir
[19:44] <Kilos> oh ye of many nicks
[19:44] <Kilos> i see file but no new in it
[19:44] <Kilos> grrr
[19:44] <inetpro> ai!
[19:44] <Kilos> so no new means no calender
[19:45] <inetpro> ok, let's go the other route then
[19:45] <inetpro> Kilos: switch to the calendar tab
[19:45] <Kilos> easier to bookmark that link man
[19:45] <SDCDev> ty inetpro :)
[19:45] <SDCDev> lol
[19:45] <SDCDev> hey :)
[19:45] <SDCDev> load shedding is a bitch
[19:45] <Kilos> yeah
[19:46] <inetpro> SDCDev: we don't talk about it
[19:46] <Kilos> do you have a tc SDCDev
[19:46] <Kilos> tv
[19:46] <inetpro> it's like mentioning the word rugby whn your team has lost
[19:46] <SDCDev> I have a tv, but its not connected
[19:46] <Kilos> inetpro did you see the advert about it
[19:47] <Kilos>
[19:47] <SDCDev> actually I don't know where my tv is
[19:47] <Kilos> i think its classic
[19:47] <inetpro> Kilos: have you switched to the calendar tab yet?
[19:47] <SDCDev> :/ could be in storage
[19:47] <Kilos> yessir
[19:48] <SDCDev> I've seen that.. my sister sent me a link on skype a few weeks ago
[19:48] <inetpro> Kilos: now on the left below the small monthly calendar, you see the word Calendar with a + or a - ?
[19:49] <Kilos> ya and home thats ticked under it
[19:49] <inetpro> mooi!
[19:50] <inetpro> now with your mouse in the open space below that, press the right-click button on your mouse
[19:50] <inetpro> with your mouse cursor*
[19:50] <Kilos> ya
[19:51] <inetpro> you see the option 'New Calendar' ?
[19:51] <Kilos> it shows on my pc and on the network
[19:51] <inetpro> ai!
[19:51] <inetpro> now go ahead from here
[19:52] <Kilos> ya i ticked new to see those
[19:52] <Kilos> must i choose network or what
[19:52] <Kilos> ai!
[19:52] <Kilos> when i do tick i shouldnt have and vice versa
[19:53] <inetpro> Kilos: just do RTFS and follow basic logic
[19:53] <Kilos> lol
[19:54] <inetpro> ok, I'll give you the tip, it's not on your computer, it's on the network
[19:54] <inetpro> but I've already said that
[19:55] <Kilos> ya i did that and chose icalender and then added the link from ical in browser but dont see it
[19:55] <Kilos> named it buntu
[19:56] <inetpro> serious?
[19:57] <Kilos> ya im going through it again
[19:57] <inetpro> Kilos: what do you see and what don't you see?
[19:57] <Kilos> i see only a blank calender
[19:57] <inetpro> what is the link that you pasted?
[19:58] <Kilos> yay it arrived
[19:58] <inetpro> mooi!
[19:58] <Kilos> the one from ical
[19:59] <Kilos> why it didnt work first time i dont know
[19:59] <Kilos> ty sir
[19:59] <inetpro> simple
[19:59] <Kilos> oh this is lekker
[19:59] <Kilos> just hovering mouse shows the whole event
[20:01] <inetpro> Kilos: no go right-click on the calendar again and set its Properties to Read Only
[20:01] <inetpro> because you don't have permissions to change the calendar online
[20:02] <Kilos> ok
[20:03] <Kilos> no such option
[20:04] <Kilos> right clicked in many places
[20:04] <inetpro> ai! YDIW
[20:04] <Kilos> ai!
[20:05] <inetpro> Kilos: are you still on the Calendar Tab?
[20:05] <Kilos> ya
[20:05] <inetpro> you see below Calendar there is Home with a tick?
[20:05] <inetpro> what is below that?
[20:05] <Kilos> ya
[20:06] <Kilos> basic with a tick
[20:06] <inetpro> basic?
[20:06] <inetpro> now right-click on basic
[20:06] <Kilos> ya it put that file name in so i left it
[20:06] <inetpro> what do you get?
[20:07] <inetpro> the last option should be Properties
[20:08] <Kilos> new delete export publish sync and properties and in properties was option for read only
[20:08] <inetpro> dankie tog!
[20:09] <Kilos> well you must say all the stuffs man not leave things out
[20:09] <inetpro> nou hoe sukkel ons dan nou so?
[20:09] <Kilos> its like saying go to desktop
[20:09] <inetpro> Kilos: no go right-click on the calendar again and set its Properties to Read Only
[20:09] <Kilos> but leaving out the /home/miles/Desktop
[20:09] <inetpro> does that ^^ not say enough?
[20:09] <Kilos> i have
[20:10] <inetpro> s/no/now/
[20:10] <Kilos> when i opened properties and saw read only i ticked it
[20:10] <inetpro> that is all I wanted sir
[20:11] <Kilos> ty so much for your patience my old friend
[20:11] <inetpro> Kilos: and you can even go back and rename it to Ubuntu or Fridge or something else
[20:11] <Kilos> i might even vote +1 for you
[20:11] <inetpro> and change it's color
[20:11] <Kilos> ya but now
[20:11] <inetpro> etc, etc, etc
[20:11] <Kilos> forget the colour man its working
[20:12] <Kilos> one question is
[20:12] <inetpro> ?
[20:12] <Kilos> if i next month hit syncronize will it automagically get next months
[20:13] <inetpro> no need to do that sir
[20:13] <Kilos> explain please
[20:13] <inetpro> the ICAL file lives online
[20:14] <Kilos> wow
[20:14] <inetpro> if they change the calendar your thunderbird picks up the changes
[20:14] <Kilos> die engelse is slim ne
[20:14] <Kilos> wow
[20:15] <inetpro> Kilos: you can download that link with wget and inspect it with kate
[20:15] <Kilos> you have been dying to make me do that hey
[20:15] <Kilos> nono dont add more now
[20:15] <inetpro> dying to do what?
[20:16] <Kilos> make me add an online calender to TB
[20:16] <Kilos> since you installed TB the other day you have been working this all out
[20:17] <Kilos> like change its colour
[20:17] <inetpro> Kilos: you asked
[20:18] <inetpro> 04/18 20:56:37 <Kilos> with all your ss something stuffs will you remind me of board meetings please
[20:18] <Kilos> lol yaya blame me
[20:18] <inetpro> lightning in thunderbird is not the only calendar that can read the ICAL format
[20:18] <Kilos> but well done sir that be very lekker now
[20:19] <inetpro> you can even do that with Outlook on Microsoft Windows
[20:19] <Kilos> oh should i go back to evo?
[20:20] <Kilos> oh superfly did you read the mail for the newsletter?
[20:21] <superfly> Kilos: the one about you becoming a board member?
[20:21] <Kilos> nono the one i want to send the weekly news about what we are doing
[20:22] <Kilos> oh my dont say i didnt send it
[20:22] <Kilos> or maybe a link to slexy or something
[20:58] <inetpro> hmm...
[21:07] <inetpro> Kilos: slaap jy?
[21:07] <Kilos> nee inetpro
[21:07] <inetpro> lyk so
[21:07] <Kilos> ohi hibana
[21:07] <Kilos> ek wag vir vlieg om te antwoord
[21:08] <inetpro> hy't al weer gaan slaap
[21:08] <Kilos> ai! shame
[21:08] <inetpro> en hibana het gaan visvang
[21:08] <Kilos> ai!
[21:09] <Kilos> ek sukkel met my volk
[21:19] <inetpro> good night
[21:20] <Kilos> night inetpro sleep tight
[21:55] <Kilos> night all. sleep tight
[23:22] <superfly> Maaz: tell Kilos Oh, that one. Yes I did. It looks fine to me.
[23:22] <Maaz> superfly: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.168326 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-za"
} |
2015-04-18-#kubuntu-devel | [04:56] <ahoneybun> hola
[05:32] <valorie> ahoneybun: did you mean 14.04 on your daddy's computer, or 15.04?
[09:06] <lordievader> Good morning.
[09:13] <Peace-> hey i got this error in kubuntu installing a new printer
[09:13] <Peace-> Riddell: ^
[09:36] <Riddell> Peace-: bug in hp printer stuff I guess
[09:37] <Peace-> Riddell: and it seems it's an old bug that has shown again
[10:42] <ovidiu-florin> on which channel can I find lydia?
[10:43] <ovidiu-florin> have you guys filled out the KDE survey?
[10:43] <Riddell> kde survey?
[10:44] <Riddell> nightrose is on #kde-devel
[10:44] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: ↑
[10:44] <ovidiu-florin>
[10:44] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: ^
[10:44] <ovidiu-florin> thank you
[10:45] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: in what country is she?
[10:46] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: what is a supporting member of KDE e.v.?
[10:46] <ovidiu-florin> what does that mean?
[10:47] <Riddell> she lives in germany
[10:48] <Riddell> a supporting member is someone who pays to be a member of e.v. as a donation
[10:48] <ovidiu-florin> aha
[10:49] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell:
[11:58] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[13:17] <Riddell> plasma 5.3 backports
[13:25] <santa_> great
[13:31] <santa_> Riddell: I presume the kwin FTBFS it's because the libkdecoractions2-dev build dependency version wasn't properly bumped to >= 5.2.95
[13:34] <santa_>
[13:35] <santa_> ... to avoid this kind of issues?
[13:35] <santa_> I have some scriptery to do that in a reliable way for siduction
[16:18] <ahoneybun> I have gotten the funds
[16:23] <ahoneybun> any advise in booking the plane?
[16:27] <ahoneybun> Riddell: valorie ^
[17:03] <ahoneybun> ticket booked
[17:04] <ahoneybun> "Skip the taxi line. 42 people booked rooms in La Coruna last week. "
[20:11] <ahoneybun> Riddell: Ticket booked
[21:38] <valorie> ooo, I got to get on the stick
[21:38] <valorie> ahoneybun beat us!
[22:05] <ahoneybun> lol
[22:06] <ahoneybun> I see that the nvidia prime bug is off the list
[22:47] <ahoneybun> soee: ^
[22:48] <soee> ahoneybun: yes liek week now
[22:49] <soee> ahoneybun:
[22:49] <ahoneybun> yay
[22:49] * ahoneybun installs
[23:26] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: ping
[23:38] <sgclark> valorie: I have not even heard back for funding..
[23:38] <valorie> eeek
[23:38] <valorie> actually, I've not applied yet
[23:39] <valorie> I will do so this weekend
[23:39] <valorie> gosh, how did time go so quickly?
[23:39] <sgclark> okies, I am starting to get concerned though
[23:39] <valorie> did you find your birth cert?
[23:39] <sgclark> yep, applied for nexus
[23:39] <valorie> oh cool
[23:39] <sgclark> just need that interview thingy
[23:39] <valorie> I got mine, but have not finished the application
[23:40] <valorie> will do that this weekend as well
[23:40] * ahoneybun is just waiting on his Passport
[23:40] <ahoneybun> kontact can't access KWallet... I swear I put in my password
[23:42] <sgclark> I just need funding.. and as much work as I have put in... I will not be a happy camper if denied.
[23:43] <valorie> I would like funding as well, but could possibly swing it without
[23:43] <valorie> you however, not only need it, you *deserve* it
[23:46] <valorie> anyway, GSoC comes first, I have a job to do this weekend, and that must be done
[23:47] <valorie> and I think I have to mow the lawn tomorrow before the rains come back
[23:47] <valorie> living alone is challenging!
[23:47] * valorie goes off to eat, fold laundry and visit the parental unit | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.186741 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-br | [00:00] <astroo-> ola
[00:00] <astroo-> da uns 15 minutos pela possivel resposta de alguem
[00:10] <lzkill> blz... o dmesg quando eu insiro o pen drive...
[00:15] <astroo-> se nao tiveres pressa repete a cada meia hora a duvida
[00:17] <lzkill> blz, vou tentar...
[00:18] <converge> lzkill: qual a duvida?
[00:19] <astroo-> lzkill
[00:19] <astroo-> blz... o dmesg quando eu insiro o pen drive...
[00:23] <lzkill> converge: meu novo pen drive faz o acesso à rede congelar... ele contém apenas uma partição ntfs e uma pasta com criptografia efs
[03:35] <astroo-> ciao pessoal
[13:02] <mirqui> bom dia :)
[13:05] <Rudolf> dia
[13:05] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :) ?
[13:07] <Rudolf> não para de chover por aqui
[13:07] <mirqui> ahaha aqui fez cara feia ontem
[13:08] <xGrind> bom dia
[13:08] <xGrind> mora onde Rudolf ?
[13:08] <mirqui> hoje estava marcando chuva , mas até agora nada
[13:08] <Rudolf> xGrind: Dourados - MS
[13:08] <mirqui> fala xgrind :)
[13:10] <xGrind> alguem manja de java?
[13:10] <mirqui> só sei instalar no pc
[13:10] <xGrind> ja vi o erro aqui kk
[13:10] <mirqui> que erro?
[13:12] <xGrind> criei um metodo pra adicionar uma String num indice do vetor, mas esqueci de mudar. o vetor estava como inteiro
[13:13] <mirqui> integer?
[13:14] <mirqui> mas string não é só para letras , sem usar números?
[13:15] <xGrind> sim. por isso deu erro. eu copiei o metodo q era inteiro pra mudar só onde era String e esqueci de mudar o vetor tb. mas era erro bobo
[13:16] <mirqui> deu mistmach error ,
[13:16] <mirqui> erro misto
[13:23] <Rudolf> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[13:24] <Rudolf> mismatch error == erro misto
[13:24] <Rudolf> essa foi boa
[13:24] <Rudolf> An unsuitable match or a lack of correspondence.
[13:25] <Rudolf> to match badly or unsuitably.
[13:25] <Rudolf> está mais para não correspondente mirqui
[13:28] <mirqui> ahaha calma
[13:28] <mirqui> estudei isto a muito tempo , ou seja , já me esquecí de muita coisa
[13:29] <mirqui> estudei em visual básic
[13:30] <xGrind> mirqui, erro de tipo. esperava int, foi encontrado String
[13:30] <mirqui> mas em todas linguagens a lógica quando se põe nas variáveis , números e letras dá este tipo de erro
[13:30] <mirqui> sim , é isso
[13:30] <mirqui> que vc estava fazendo?
[13:30] <xGrind> eu sei kk. é q tinha esquecido de mudar
[13:31] <mirqui> que vc estava programando?
[13:31] <xGrind> um exercicio de java com orientação a objeto. só nao sei como exibir os valores de um vetor usando um metodo
[13:32] <mirqui> xiii , fico te devendo , não entendo nada de java
[13:33] <mirqui> mas pega um exercício parecido que vc já tenha feito , lá pode te dar uma luz
[13:33] <Rudolf> xGrind: for (i=0;i++;i<tamanho_do_vetor)
[13:33] <xGrind> sem metodo é de boa, o problema é q em metodo tem o return
[13:34] <Rudolf> xGrind: printf("Valor do vetor %d",vetor[i])
[13:34] <Rudolf> xGrind: return(vetor[i])
[13:34] <mirqui> tipo 1+2 = 3 , retorna valor?
[13:34] <xGrind> nao da certo, pq o return tem q estar fora do laço
[13:34] <xGrind> isso q ta pegando
[13:35] <Rudolf> xGrind: ha
[13:35] <Rudolf> xGrind: então falta pouco para sair
[13:35] <Rudolf> xGrind: vc sabe fazer
[13:35] <Rudolf> xGrind: manda o resultado para uma variável de entrada
[13:35] <Rudolf> xGrind: e devolve A VARIÁVEL na saída
[13:35] <Rudolf> xGrind: para quem chama o método
[13:36] <xGrind> vdd. coloquei isso, vamos ver se funciona. vlw =)
[13:36] <Rudolf> xGrind: o problema é que se vc vai precisar fazer o loop no main
[13:36] <Rudolf> xGrind: se não a variável vai receber ou todo o vetor ou o último valor apenas
[13:36] <xGrind> o loop é na classe, fora do main
[13:37] <Rudolf> xGrind: vai ter que decidir o que você quer
[13:37] <xGrind> o main vai ser só pra chamar essa classe
[13:37] <mirqui> main é início
[13:37] <Rudolf> xGrind: e vc não pode chamar a método dentro do loop? está especificado?
[13:37] <mirqui> depois vem { tal , tal}
[13:37] <Rudolf> mirqui: main é principal
[13:38] <Rudolf> mirqui: não necessariamente "início"
[13:38] <mirqui> depois variavel
[13:38] <mirqui> depois {
[13:38] <Rudolf> xGrind: se vc quiser ter todo o vetor, sua variável tem que ser do tipo vet
[13:38] <mirqui> e ai começa a programação
[13:39] <xGrind> é assim: tenho que criar uma tv, e tem varios set e get: ligar tv, setar os canais num vetor de 63 posiçoes. exibir os canais que estão sintonizados
[13:39] <Rudolf> xGrind: tomando o cuidado para o tamanho da mesma ser o mesmo do vetor de retorno
[13:40] <xGrind> da uma olhada ai
[13:41] <mirqui> este é o seu projeto?
[13:42] <Rudolf> pelo menos o tamanho está fixo
[13:42] <Guest83786> bom dia
[13:43] <Guest83786> tou com duvida
[13:43] <mirqui> oi , fala?
[13:44] <Rudolf> Guest83786: não diga que está com dúvida
[13:44] <Rudolf> Guest83786: apenas pergunte
[13:44] <Guest83786> tenho instalado em uma das minha maquina o programa linux ubuntu mais com certo tempo o teclado não responder o mose funciona norma
[13:45] <Rudolf> corrigindo, linux não é UM programa, é um sistema operacional
[13:45] <Rudolf> Guest83786: tipo de teclado tem nesta máquina?
[13:45] <mirqui> é o teclado numérico?
[13:45] <Guest83786> sim
[13:45] <Guest83786> letras e numeros
[13:45] <mirqui> usa num look que funciona
[13:46] <Rudolf> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[13:46] <Guest83786> funciona normal liga e desliga
[13:46] <Guest83786> lock liga e desliga
[13:47] <Guest83786> não seria hibernação?
[13:47] <mirqui> num lock liga o teclado numérico
[13:47] <Guest83786> sim
[13:47] <mirqui> aquele da direita do teclado
[13:47] <Guest83786> da direita acima do numeral 7
[13:48] <mirqui> isso ,
[13:49] <Guest83786> mais as letras não funciona
[13:49] <mirqui> deve ser algo que vc está fazendo
[13:49] <Guest83786> tenho ficar todo tempo mexendo no mose para não parar o teclado
[13:50] <mirqui> xii , não faço a mínima idéia do que seja
[13:50] <Guest83786> tenho ficar todo tempo mexendo no mose para não parar o teclado
[13:50] <mirqui> tenta o rudolf e o xgrind , eles são avançados
[13:51] <Guest83786> eu acho que seja hibernação
[13:51] <mirqui> seu teclado está bem plugado?
[13:51] <Guest83786> sim
[13:51] <mirqui> não tem nada a ver uma coisa com outra
[13:51] <xGrind> Guest83786, qual a versao do ubuntu?
[13:52] <mirqui> hibernação é só um estado do pc
[13:52] <Guest83786> entrada do teclado ps2 não é usb
[13:52] <mirqui> preciso ir , boa sorte
[13:55] <Rudolf> um dmesg ajudaria
[13:55] <Rudolf> mas o cabra se foi
[13:55] <Rudolf> paciência
[13:55] <xGrind> kk
[14:01] <Dead_Thinker> Bom dia :)
[14:02] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: dia
[14:02] <Dead_Thinker> Uso o Ubuntu 14.10 ha algumas semanas, mas vez ou outra ele trava, nenhuma aplicaçao responde, o relogio para, como se a gui travasse, o teclado ainda responde (capslock), ainda consigo mudar para o CTRL+ALT+F5 por exemplo, mas ai trava total, e n responde mais nada
[14:03] <Dead_Thinker> ai tenho que forçar o reboot, alguem passou por isso com um dell inspiron?
[14:05] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: você tem conhecimento acerca de logs?
[14:06] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: qual a carga do sistema quando ocorre o travamento?
[14:06] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: você já tentou utilizar algum software de monitoramento?
[14:06] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: as causas de travamento em notebooks geralmente estão relacionadas a superaquecimento
[14:07] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: você já tentou monitorar a temperatura do seu sistema? na bios (se tiver como) tem a opção de reboot em caso de superaquicimento ativada?
[14:07] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, a última vez (alguns minutos atrás hehe), eu não tinha muita coisa aberta
[14:07] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: não depende do número, mas da carga
[14:07] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, acho que o monitoramento deve estar ligado sim, vou checar, quanto a logs, tenho xp, mas que logs recomenda checar?
[14:08] <Rudolf> XP ?
[14:08] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, hum, ok, obrigado
[14:08] <Rudolf> ???
[14:08] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, xp = experiência hehe
[14:08] <Rudolf> kkkkk
[14:08] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, coisa de gamer hehe
[14:08] <Rudolf> tava pensando no Windows Xuxa Park
[14:08] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: os logs estão em /var/log
[14:09] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, eu sei, mas recomenda algum específico?
[14:09] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: para os logs do X vc pode checar /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[14:09] <Dead_Thinker> syslog, etc
[14:09] <Dead_Thinker> hum, boa
[14:09] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: os logs do sistema /var/log/dmesg ajudam
[14:09] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: em relação a hardware, mas depende de como estão setados sua ACPI, lm_sensors etc
[14:09] <robson> Bom dia gostaria do seu auxilio tenho instalado em uma das minha maquina o Linux ubuntu 10 tenho problema com meu o teclado numerico com certo tempo ele para de funcionar tenho que ficar mexendo no mose o tempo todo para o teclado não trava obs: depois que trava o teclado o mose mesmo assim funciona o NUM LOCK teclado liga e desliga o CAPS LOCK liga e desliga eu acredito tem haver com a configuração do teclado o que faço?
[14:10] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: para monitoramente você pode usar htop, lm_sensors, acpi, glances, iotop, atop, etc
[14:10] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: lm_sensors seria fundamental para temperatura
[14:10] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, hum, muito obrigado cara
[14:10] <Rudolf> Adapter: ISA adapter
[14:10] <Rudolf> Core 0: +85.0°C (high = +95.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
[14:10] <Rudolf> Core 2: +89.0°C (high = +95.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
[14:10] <Rudolf> o meu está assim agora
[14:10] <Rudolf> to compilando uns pacotes pesados
[14:10] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, acho que vou instalar um daqueles widgets que mostram o monitoramente, assim se travar terei na tela a info
[14:11] <robson> Bom dia gostaria do seu auxilio tenho instalado em uma das minha maquina o Linux ubuntu 10 tenho problema com meu o teclado numerico com certo tempo ele para de funcionar tenho que ficar mexendo no mose o tempo todo para o teclado não trava obs: depois que trava o teclado o mose mesmo assim funciona o NUM LOCK teclado liga e desliga o CAPS LOCK liga e desliga eu acredito tem haver com a configuração do teclado o que faço?
[14:11] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: é, tem o conky e o gkrellm
[14:11] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: mas sem o suporte a sensores, dado pelo lm_sensors, vão pegar apenas o load do sistema (RAM/CPU)
[14:12] <Rudolf> robson: se for apenas configuração é só reconfigurar
[14:12] <xGrind> Rudolf, usou que programa pra ver a temperatura?
[14:12] <Rudolf> xGrind: lm_sensors
[14:12] <robson> a onde encontr
[14:12] <Rudolf> robson: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[14:12] <Rudolf> robson: mas parar do nada, eu não creio ser configuração
[14:13] <Rudolf> robson: tá mais para pau mesmo
[14:13] <Rudolf> robson: já checou seus logs?
[14:13] <xGrind> Adapter: ISA adapter
[14:13] <xGrind> Core 0: +18.0°C (crit = +100.0°C)
[14:13] <xGrind> Core 1: +18.0°C (crit = +100.0°C)
[14:13] <Rudolf> xGrind: congelado seu sistema hein
[14:13] <xGrind> ja tinha =)
[14:13] <Rudolf> pqp
[14:13] <robson> ok vou verifica depois retorno
[14:13] <Rudolf> xGrind: tu mora NO POLO NORTE?
[14:13] <xGrind> kkk
[14:14] <xGrind> processador de tablet. nao esquenta =)
[14:14] <Rudolf> robson: se precisar cole seus logs RELEVANTES no pastebin e coloque os links aqui
[14:14] <xGrind> isso pq a temperatura aqui ta 25º
[14:14] <Rudolf> xGrind: não esquentar é uma coisa, esfriar é outra
[14:14] <Rudolf> xGrind: tem algo errado aí não?
[14:14] <Rudolf> xGrind: certeza que está calibrado?
[14:14] <xGrind> Rudolf, nao esquenta mesmo. o cooler é quase do tamanho de uma moeda de 1 real kk
[14:15] <Rudolf> xGrind: que tablet é esse?
[14:15] <xGrind> é pc, mas o processador é de tablet. intel atom d525
[14:16] <Rudolf> netbook?
[14:16] <xGrind> nao
[14:17] <Rudolf> xGrind: vc usa alguma IDE para programar em java nesse "pc"?
[14:17] <xGrind> uso o geany
[14:18] <xGrind> Rudolf, olha a placa mae
[14:19] <Rudolf> xGrind: quanto de RAM?
[14:19] <xGrind> 4gb
[14:19] <xGrind> 2 pente de 2gb. usa memoria ram de notebook
[14:19] <Rudolf> rapaz, 18°
[14:20] <Dead_Thinker>
[14:20] <Dead_Thinker> :P
[14:20] <Rudolf> sinistro
[14:20] <Rudolf> temp ok
[14:20] <Rudolf> você pode usar o watch
[14:21] <xGrind> o dia que chegar a 54° aqui, eu fico louco kk
[14:21] <Rudolf> watch -n 1 sensors
[14:21] <Rudolf> e verificar variações
[14:21] <Dead_Thinker> vcs recomendam o conky ou o gkrellm ?
[14:21] <Rudolf> xGrind: vish, o meu aqui frita
[14:21] <xGrind> Rudolf, tipo, pra jogar não rola, eh fraco. mas pra programar, usar o libreoffice, firefox, ouvir musica, skype. essas coisas é de boa
[14:21] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: os dois
[14:22] <Dead_Thinker> hum, ok, obrigado
[14:22] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: vc escolhe
[14:22] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: alias, o conky configura na mão
[14:22] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: o gkrellm no mouse
[14:22] <Rudolf> xGrind: imagino
[14:22] <xGrind> pra manutenção tb é de boa. só abro e passo o pincel pra tirar poeira e ja era. nao usa pasta termica, pq o processador é direto na placa mãe
[14:23] <xGrind> Rudolf, esse watch mostra q fica variando entre 18 e 21. nao passa disso
[14:24] <Rudolf> xGrind: é, aqui tá entre 79/80
[14:24] <Rudolf> xGrind: é, aqui tá entre 79/90, alias
[14:24] <xGrind> kk
[14:24] <Rudolf> xGrind: mas tá acabando a compilção
[14:24] <Rudolf> xGrind: e olha que a carcaça do notebook é de aluminio
[14:24] <Rudolf> xGrind: já tinha fritado o cpu se fosse dessas comuns
[14:24] <xGrind> nao gosto de notebook nem tablet.
[14:24] <Rudolf> xGrind: tem suas vantagens
[14:25] <Rudolf> estou aqui deitado
[14:26] <Rudolf> acho que preciso passar um ar-comprimido no meu note aqui
[14:26] <Rudolf> a temp FRIA dele é 41°
[14:26] <xGrind> o loco
[14:26] <xGrind> lembro q o primeiro pc era um amd duron, esquentava muito. nao sei que temperatura chegava, mas era horrivel
[14:27] <Rudolf> xGrind: esse aqui é i5
[14:27] <xGrind> veio com windows 98, 128 de ram, 20gb de hd. todo dia dava tela azul
[14:27] <Rudolf> nuss
[14:27] <Rudolf> bons tempos k6-II
[14:27] <Rudolf> kkkkkkkkkkkk
[14:27] <xGrind> começava abrir varias janelas e tinha q reiniciar kk
[14:28] <xGrind> mulecada de hj não sabe a emoção q era usar essas coisas, internet discada. ficar ali esperando carregar a imagem do site
[14:28] <Rudolf> xGrind: eu tenho um modem/router da intel até hoje
[14:28] <Rudolf> xGrind: raridade
[14:28] <Rudolf> xGrind: modem com 4 portas de lan
[14:29] <Rudolf> xGrind: comprei no mercado livre para não ter que esquentar a cabeça com winmodem
[14:29] <Rudolf> xGrind: eu até tinha um conexant
[14:29] <Rudolf> xGrind: mas com a licensa free ele funcionava apenas na metade da capacidade
[14:31] <Dead_Thinker>
[14:32] <xGrind> caramba. qts nucleos tem ai?
[14:32] <Dead_Thinker> 8
[14:32] <xGrind> o.O
[14:32] <Dead_Thinker> Quando eu tinha windows nesse note, depois de atualizar os drivers de video, quando jogava por muito tempo ele esquentava pra kct, que desligava hhehe
[14:33] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: tu viu que vc pode customizar e juntar os graficos de CPU em um resumido único né?
[14:33] <Rudolf> o meu PC desligava por que o estabilizados não aguentava o tranco de energia da nvidia
[14:33] <Rudolf> bizarro
[14:33] <Rudolf> tive que comprar um nobreak
[14:34] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: é, a carga está baixa
[14:34] <xGrind> estabilizador serve pra nada. poe filtro de linha e ja era
[14:34] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: fora aquele 62° no final, está tudo ok
[14:34] <Rudolf> xGrind: já tinha filtro de linha
[14:34] <Rudolf> xGrind: pior que era um estabilizador com bateria da SMS
[14:34] <xGrind> mas poe só o filtro e tira o estabilizador.
[14:34] <Rudolf> xGrind: simplesmente não aguentava
[14:35] <Rudolf> xGrind: agora já tem o nobreak, jáelvis
[14:35] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, hum ok, vou ver, obrigado.
[14:35] <xGrind> tenho um estabilizador aqui, q desliga ou reinicia o pc qndo ligo o ventilador de teto. qndo ligo no filtro de linha, acontece nada. qualquer fonte consegue estabilizar mais rapido que o estabilizador , pq ele usa rele' q é bem mais lento
[14:36] <xGrind> qualquer coisa aquela tranqueira reinicia ou desliga
[14:36] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, estranho que as vezes to com vários apps abertos e n trava, programando etc, e as vezes to só com o Firefox/Skype e sublime e trava, mas é como tu falou
[14:48] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: e os logs? o que dizem?
[14:50] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, n vi nada legivel la, n tem timestamp hehe, coisa de newbie
[14:50] <Dead_Thinker> esperava ver algum crasshdump ou algo assim
[14:50] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: improvável
[14:50] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: principalmente se travar antes do sistema escrever
[14:50] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: crashdump em aplicação não trava tudo
[14:51] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: só a aplicação
[14:51] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: da um ls /var/log e cola no pastebin
[14:51] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: vou lhe dizer que arquivos podem nos ajudar
[14:52] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, pow, mto obrigado pela ajuda
[14:52] <Dead_Thinker>
[14:54] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: tu tem servidor web rodando nessa máquina?
[14:54] <Dead_Thinker> sim, tá no autostart, mas desligo as vezes
[14:54] <Dead_Thinker> ngin
[14:54] <Dead_Thinker> nginx
[14:55] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: ummmm
[14:55] <Dead_Thinker> removi o apache
[14:55] <Dead_Thinker> basicamente, nginx,php/php-fpm, mysql e postgresql
[14:57] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: coloca no pastebin (alternatives.log, pm*, apport.log, syslog, boot.log, bootstrap.log, udev, upstart, dmesg, Xorg.0.log, fsck, gpu-manager.log, kern.log, lightdm, )
[14:57] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: quando colocar o link aqui, coloca o nome do arquivo para eu não me perder
[15:00] <Dead_Thinker> alternatives.log -
[15:01] <Rudolf> nada neste
[15:01] <Dead_Thinker> pm-powersave.log -
[15:01] <Dead_Thinker> pm-suspend -
[15:01] <jonatas> boa tarde, comprei um computador com o linux ubuntu instalado,mais tudo que eu vo fazer pede uma senha do adm,que eu nao tenho,e a loja tambem nao tem,existe alguma senha que vai de fabrica?
[15:02] <Dead_Thinker> apport.log - ta vazio (mas já deu pau uma vez esse app)
[15:03] <Dead_Thinker> syslog -
[15:03] <Dead_Thinker> boot -
[15:03] <Rudolf> jonatas: sudo su -
[15:03] <Rudolf> jonatas: e coloca a senha
[15:03] <Rudolf> jonatas: que vc quiser
[15:04] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: exceto um I/O error no pm-powersave.log, nada
[15:04] <Dead_Thinker> bootstrap -
[15:04] <jonatas> ja tentei esse comando eu mudo a senha mais dae o pc para de funcionar.
[15:04] <Dead_Thinker> udev -
[15:05] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: nada no pm-suspend
[15:05] <Rudolf> jonatas: defina "para de funcionar"
[15:05] <Dead_Thinker> upstart tem vários logs no dir, qual deles tu precisa?
[15:05] <Dead_Thinker> dmesg -
[15:05] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: pula esse
[15:05] <jonatas> descupe, ele trava.
[15:06] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: o syslog apareceu que foi removido
[15:06] <Rudolf> jonatas: bom, então sugiro reinstalar
[15:06] <Rudolf> jonatas: não é o comportamento normal
[15:06] <Rudolf> jonatas: mudar senha e travar
[15:06] <Dead_Thinker> Xorg.9.log -
[15:07] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: nada no boot
[15:07] <jonatas> e quando reinicia, continua com a mesma senha do adm.
[15:07] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: Xorg.0.log apenas
[15:07] <Dead_Thinker> syslog -
[15:07] <Rudolf> jonatas: sudo su -
[15:07] <Rudolf> jonatas: passwd
[15:07] <Dead_Thinker> ops, o q mandei foi o 0
[15:07] <Rudolf> jonatas: é isso que vc faz?
[15:07] <jonatas> sim
[15:07] <Dead_Thinker> fsck - vazio
[15:08] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: nada no boostrap
[15:08] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: udev deu como privado
[15:08] <Dead_Thinker> gpu-manager.log -
[15:09] <Dead_Thinker> udev -
[15:09] <jonatas> sabe me dizer se tem alguma senha padrao?
[15:10] <Rudolf> jonatas: não tem senha padrão
[15:11] <Rudolf> 3
[15:11] <Rudolf> down vote
[15:11] <Rudolf>
[15:11] <Rudolf> By default root does not have a password and the root account is locked until you give it a password.
[15:11] <Rudolf> When you installed Ubuntu you were asked to create a user with a password. If you gave this user a password as requested then this is the password you need. If not, or you have forgotten it, then you need to set a password.
[15:11] <Dead_Thinker> kern -
[15:11] <jonatas> vlw pela ajuda,brigado.
[15:11] <Dead_Thinker> (pastebin já deu o limite free hehe)
[15:11] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: heuheiuheiuehiuehe
[15:12] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: achei duas coisas no dmesg ligado ao video
[15:12] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: pode ser o motivo
[15:12] <Rudolf> [ 4.576467] i915 0000:00:02.0: fb0: inteldrmfb frame buffer device
[15:12] <Rudolf> [ 4.576468] i915 0000:00:02.0: registered panic notifier
[15:12] <Rudolf> [ 4.593884] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI(PEGP) defines _DOD but not _DOS
[15:12] <Rudolf> [ 4.614156] ACPI: Video Device [PEGP] (multi-head: yes rom: no post: no)
[15:12] <Rudolf> [ 4.614205] input: Video Bus as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/device:29/LNXVIDEO:00/input/input10
[15:12] <Rudolf> [ 4.614282] [Firmware Bug]: Duplicate ACPI video bus devices for the same VGA controller, please try module parameter "video.allow_duplicates=1"if the current driver doesn't work.
[15:12] <Dead_Thinker> lightdm -
[15:12] <Rudolf> [ 7.974639] [drm:cpt_set_fifo_underrun_reporting] *ERROR* uncleared pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A
[15:12] <Dead_Thinker> hum...
[15:13] <Rudolf> [ 7.974647] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO underrun
[15:13] <Dead_Thinker> uma coisa q notei
[15:13] <Dead_Thinker> é que nos drivers adicionais, tem a opção de usar os proprietários
[15:13] <Dead_Thinker> vale a pena ou melhor usar o xorg?
[15:17] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: cara, pelos logs
[15:17] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: vale muito a pena você tentar
[15:18] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: mas se vc observar o seu /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[15:18] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: tem uma repetição bizarra ali
[15:18] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: pode ser um IRQ storm travando seu sistema
[15:18] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: o negócio é descobrir a origem
[15:18] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: mouse ou teclado
[15:19] <Rudolf> reporting 10 5 17 141
[15:19] <Rudolf> ehehehe
[15:19] <Rudolf> google mostra que é um problema conhecido
[15:20] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: vc tem o arquivo /etc/X11/xorg.conf ????
[15:21] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: bug
[15:21] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: duas conclusões
[15:22] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: 1) tu pode lascar seu sistema
[15:22] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: 2) tirar o /etc/X11/xorg.conf (se vc usar) e atualizar os drivers para os proprietários
[15:22] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: no caso da primeira conclusão, vc decide
[15:23] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: na segunda, decidindo
[15:23] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: a primeira parte é reversível facilmente
[15:23] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: cd /etc/X11/
[15:23] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: mv xorg.conf xorg.conf_bck
[15:23] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: e reinicia
[15:23] <Dead_Thinker> hum
[15:23] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: mas isso SE vc estiver usando o xorg.conf
[15:24] <Dead_Thinker> eu uso um mouse, sem fio com o conector usb
[15:24] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: a atualização do driver vem depois, caso retirar o xorg.conf resolver, vc faz se quiser
[15:24] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: se vc não estiver usando o xorg.conf, aí só lhe resta usar os drivers proprietários
[15:24] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: é possível remover os drivers proprietários depois? sim é
[15:25] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: marcando os pacotes que forem instalados, e removendo depois
[15:25] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: mas vai trampo de sua parte
[15:25] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: se eu tentaria? sim, com certeza
[15:25] <Dead_Thinker>
[15:25] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: é, vc não tem o xorg.conf
[15:26] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: significa que o udev está resolvendo tudo
[15:26] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: vc pode tentar usar o xorg.conf antes de colocar os drivers proprietários
[15:27] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: matar o X, e tentar X -configure
[15:27] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: ele vai criar um xorg.conf no /root
[15:27] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: aí vc move ele para o /etc/X11/
[15:27] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: mas eu não recomendo
[15:27] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: pelos erros no dmesg e no /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[15:27] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: acho que vale ir direto para colocar o driver proprietário
[15:28] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: você chegou a procurar sobre ubuntu no seu hardware?
[15:28] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: eu faria isso
[15:28] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: por exemplo
[15:28] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: meu notebook é um nvidia optimus (uma merda para linux)
[15:28] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: tem duas placas de video como o seu, mas só funciona a intel
[15:29] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: eu não sei te dizer, se o seu sistema é assim
[15:29] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: necessita do driver propietário para funcionar a ati
[15:30] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: pelo que li, seu problema não é aquecimento
[15:30] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, acho que o meu deve ser no mesmo jeito
[15:30] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: é bug no C mesmo
[15:30] <Rudolf> ops
[15:30] <Dead_Thinker> precisar dos drivers
[15:30] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: bug no X mesmo
[15:30] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: são paradas aleatórias, pelo que o povo escreve
[15:30] <Dead_Thinker> Hum, foda :/
[15:31] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: fora os drivers proprietários
[15:31] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: está tudo atualizado aí?
[15:31] <Dead_Thinker> sim, procuro atualização diária hehe, update freak
[15:31] <Dead_Thinker> primeira coisa q faço ao ligar o note é update/upgrade :P
[15:32] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: é nóis!
[15:32] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, recomenda instalar os drivers proprietários então?
[15:32] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: recomendo
[15:32] <Dead_Thinker> sem mover os arquivos xorg*
[15:32] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: masssssssssssss, conta e risco é sua
[15:32] <Dead_Thinker> ok
[15:32] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: é, o modo automático é o melhor
[15:32] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, cara, muito obrigado pela ajuda e paciência hehe
[15:32] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: usar o xorg.conf atualmente é deprecated
[15:32] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: e somente para casos muito especiais
[15:33] <Rudolf> Dead_Thinker: disponha, ajudar é um prazer quando o cara quer aprender/ser ajudado
[15:35] <Dead_Thinker> :)
[15:36] <Cyberworld> Bom dia
[15:36] <Dead_Thinker> bom dia
[15:37] <Dead_Thinker> Rudolf, uma última coisa, tem 2 opções aqui, a do updates seria melhor? deduzo que seja atualizada com mais frequencia hehe
[15:40] <Cyberworld> é instalar o drive da placa de video é ?
[15:40] <Dead_Thinker> Mudar do drive open pro proprietário.
[15:41] <Cyberworld> humm
[15:42] <Dead_Thinker> instalei o update, vou reiniciar
[16:01] <mirqui> boa tarde :)
[16:08] <Dead_Thinker> boa
[16:08] <mirqui> blza , tudo bem :) ?
[16:29] <Dead_Thinker> td
[18:41] <Dead_Thinker> To achando que meu note tá esquentando mais depois da mudança de driver hehe
[18:41] <Dead_Thinker> foda
[20:52] <astroo-> ola pessoal
[20:57] <PSKOL> iae
[20:57] <PSKOL> iae
[20:58] <astroo-> ola
[21:11] <sam__> boa noite nao consigo instalar minha impressora xero 3025 no ubuntu
[21:13] <astroo-> ola
[21:13] <astroo-> que erro da?
[21:14] <sam__> nao consigo abrir o setup do cd de instalação
[21:14] <sam__> ele nao roda automatico
[21:16] <astroo-> no site da marca nao tem driver?
[21:17] <sam__> só pra linux, win, mac e nao encontro ubuntu
[21:24] <sam__> ja consegui obrigada a todos
[21:25] <astroo-> ok
[22:26] <Rudolf_> huehieuhieuhe
[23:14] <claiton> oi
[23:15] <claiton> gostaria de saber como instalar o ubuntu em um pendrive
[23:21] <astroo-> claiton ola
[23:21] <claiton> gostaria de saber como instalar o ubuntu em um pendrive alguem sabe como
[23:22] <claiton> oi astroo
[23:23] <astroo->
[23:24] <claiton> ok obrigado astroo
[23:25] <astroo-> ok
[23:27] <claiton> sabe se precisa instalar swap | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.201666 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-br"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-rs | [15:31] <mp_se> zdravo
[15:31] <mp_se> imam uredjaj wdlxtv preko kojeg mogu da stream-ujem razne stvari na svoj tv
[15:32] <mp_se> radi mi streaming preko wi-fi
[15:32] <mp_se> ali, ima i mogucnost da cita sta se nalazi na usb-u
[15:32] <mp_se> medjutim, usb mi uopste ne vidi
[15:33] <mp_se> pretpostavljam da je zato sto sam filmove prebacio sa ubuntu-a
[15:33] <mp_se> i da mu fale privilegije
[15:33] <Atlantic777> nije do privilegija, pre će biti da je do particija
[15:33] <mp_se> kako mogu da promenim privilegije za pristup usb-u
[15:33] <Atlantic777> može ispis od: sudo fdisk -l
[15:34] <mp_se> da trenutak
[15:34] <mp_se> evo info-a za ovaj usb
[15:34] <mp_se> Disk /dev/sdb: 15.8 GB, 15826157568 bytes
[15:34] <mp_se> 256 heads, 18 sectors/track, 6708 cylinders, total 30910464 sectors
[15:34] <mp_se> Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
[15:34] <mp_se> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
[15:34] <mp_se> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
[15:34] <mp_se> Disk identifier: 0xc3072e18
[15:35] <Atlantic777> ajd kači ispise na
[15:36] <Atlantic777> može još ispis od: df -h
[15:36] <mp_se> ok, momenat
[15:37] <mp_se>
[15:40] <Atlantic777> hm, a ls -l /media/milos/Milos-USB/[folder-sa-filmovima]
[15:43] <mp_se>
[15:44] <mp_se> cudno mi da ga uopste ne vidi.. nemam predstavu sta moze da predstavlja problem
[15:44] <Atlantic777> nisam siguran koji je ovo file system
[15:44] <Atlantic777> verovatno je fat
[15:45] <Atlantic777> nebitno, ovde sve deluje ok
[15:45] <Atlantic777> i onda ovaj flash priključiš na windowsu i desi se ništa? :)
[15:45] <mp_se> nisam kacio na windows, nego na taj uredjaj wdlxtv
[15:46] <mp_se> sledece sto mi pada na pamet je da prebacim na neku "petu" flesku bilo sta ali sa windows-a
[15:46] <mp_se> i da proverim da li mi uredjaj vidi usb
[15:46] <mp_se> ako da - onda ubuntu ga nesto zezne..
[15:46] <Atlantic777> mislim da znam u čemu je problem
[15:47] <Atlantic777> ne znam kakav je to uređaj, ali moguće da nije baš navikao na svakakve organizacije particija
[15:47] <Atlantic777> predlažem ti da instaliraš i pokreneš gparted
[15:47] <Atlantic777> napravim u njemu ms dos partition table
[15:47] <Atlantic777> kreiraš fat32 particiju
[15:47] <Atlantic777> i onda snimiš film
[15:47] <Atlantic777> mislim da će ti to rešiti problem
[15:47] <Atlantic777> pošto u trenutnoj organizaciji nemaš partition table
[15:47] <Atlantic777> to može da radi, ali ne na svim uređajima
[15:48] <mp_se> aha, interesantno
[15:48] <mp_se> hocu, isprobacu kasnije, moram da idem
[15:48] <mp_se> hvala ti na posvecenom vremenu
[15:48] <mp_se> javicu ovde veceras kad isprobam
[15:49] <Atlantic777> ok :)
[15:49] <Atlantic777> pozdrav
[16:17] <Cvetan> drustvo jel moguce da na thrusty stavim precise riznice, tj. da i njih ukljucim nekako u software resorses?
[16:18] <Cvetan> postavio sam na forumu onu temu, za instalaciju starijeg compiza, ali tema je zamrla - nema odgovora. :D
[16:25] <Atlantic777> Cvetan: koje riznice?
[16:25] <Atlantic777> obrnuta varijanta postoji, to se zove backports
[16:25] <Atlantic777> ali da instaliraš stariji softver na novijoj distribuciji... nisam siguran da li je to na ubuntuu izvodljivo na neki kulturan način :)
[16:25] <Cvetan> pa hteo bih da instaliram verziju compiza iz precise u thrusty.
[16:25] <Cvetan> da tako sam i mislio. :)
[16:26] <Atlantic777> siguran si da želiš da instaliraš stariju verziju?
[16:27] <Cvetan> da.
[16:27] <Cvetan> sa njom nemam problema ona mi radi dobro.
[16:27] <Cvetan> zbog moje ocajne grafike.
[16:27] <Cvetan> sa novijim imam strasnih problema, lag pri prevlacenju prozora i 100 cuda.
[16:28] <Cvetan> vlasnicki drajver ne dolazi u obzir, jer je sa tim jos gore.
[16:28] <Cvetan> samo slobodni i samo ta verzija compiza mi radi. :(
[16:29] <Atlantic777> zanimljiv problem, nema šta :)
[16:30] <Cvetan> haha :D
[16:30] <Cvetan> meni nije! :P | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.219040 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-rs"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-locoteams | [06:36] <pankaj> hii
[06:36] <pankaj> Is anyone there??
[08:25] <Kilos> greetings all
[10:54] <Kilos> ha ubuntiste-msakni how am i supposed to recognise you with this funny nick?
[10:55] <Kilos> what happened to cheche?
[12:01] <ubuntiste-msakni> hey Kilos :D hahaha :D Nothing happened to the other ones, I have 3 registered nicknames.. When I login from an other computer my irc client uses one of the too others.. same thing in case of a network disconnection & connection
[12:01] <Kilos> you are forgiven
[12:16] <ubuntiste-msakni> :)
[12:16] <Kilos> hi PabloRubianes
[12:16] <PabloRubianes> hi Kilos | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.220939 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams"
} |
2015-04-18-#xubuntu-devel | [00:08] <krytarik> slickymaster: Just put "test: get-translations" in the first one too - I seem to have overlooked that, even though I checked then.
[06:42] <ochosi> jboul: hi! you were the one sending an email about testing to the ML?
[06:43] <jboul> yes actually that was me. Hi!
[06:43] <ochosi> welcome then :)
[06:43] <jboul> Thank you very much. glad to be here..
[06:44] <ochosi> if you wanna help out with testing, you'd ideally get in touch with elfy (he's the testing lead)
[06:44] <ochosi> but ofc oftentimes others in here will also be able to help you
[06:44] <ochosi> right now we're running ISO tests for the release candidate of 15.04
[06:45] <ochosi> if you wanna help with that, that would be 1) a good starting point, since it's not rocket science and 2) most welcome!
[06:45] <jboul> Ya I really wanted to get involved in the testing I have read and learned how to go about doing the testing
[06:46] <ochosi> this email summarizes things nicely:
[06:46] <jboul> ya i would love to help ;)
[06:46] <jboul> alright ill read it now
[06:46] <ochosi> reporting your results on the tracker is quite important btw, otherwise we have no way of knowing how your tests went
[06:46] <ochosi> cool
[06:47] <jboul> thank you so much for hthe help
[06:47] <ochosi> and as i said, if you have questions, always feel free to ask
[06:47] <ochosi> however, you might also have to be patient at times
[06:47] <ochosi> ppl aren't always around ;)
[06:47] <ochosi> (but your messages are read and get replied to later in that case)
[06:48] <jboul> Alright sounds awesome. It's really helpful to have actual people to ask for help instead of searching through guides for hours lol
[06:51] <jboul> One thing i was wondering was if went it came to testing for example a package and you see that someone already has tested it should i still test it again?
[06:52] <jboul> Actually now that i think about that it would make sense to test it on multiple systems
[06:55] <ochosi> yeah
[06:55] <ochosi> that's one aspect
[06:55] <ochosi> but generally speaking we rarely focus on single packages
[06:56] <ochosi> best way to test individual programmes is by using them, i.e. by installing the development version of xubuntu and using it on a daily basis. (but that's just my approach)
[06:57] <ochosi> anyway, gotta go, bbl
[06:57] <jboul> alright thanks ttyl
[07:42] <elfy> ochosi: thanks - that guy was someone who mailed me yesterday :)
[07:58] <knome> i guess a quick reply on the mailing list pointing to the general contribution urls (probably with a note that we already met this person so we wouldn't go into the details) would be good PR
[07:59] <knome> i can do that later when i actually sit down on a computer
[08:00] <knome> elfy, just checking that i've understood when watching it from afar so far -
[08:00] <elfy> knome: if you're able later - I just mailed list with details for Vivid Final - a bump on social stuff would be \o/
[08:00] <knome> is the reboot/shutdown issue existent only after the first occurrence after installing, or does it affect the installed system too?
[08:01] <knome> that i can do now
[08:01] <knome> well twitter, that is
[08:01] <elfy> ta :)
[08:01] <knome> want me to specifically link to the latest mail?
[08:01] <elfy> the reboot/shutdown issue is only about 'remove the install media and press Enter'
[08:02] <elfy> after it works
[08:02] <knome> ok
[08:02] <elfy> yep - 2 secs
[08:02] <knome> i have the link
[08:02] <elfy>
[08:02] <elfy> lol - ok :)
[08:02] <knome> thanks anyway ;)
[08:03] <elfy> I'll kncok up a general mail to the lists when I'm drinking the next cuppa :)
[08:03] <knome> ta
[08:03] <knome> i'll be off most of the day once i am off
[08:03] <knome> which is in the next 60 mins
[08:03] <elfy> I'm just chilling all day - not moving much further than up or downstairs :D
[08:04] <knome> hehe
[08:05] <knome>
[08:05] <knome> there we go
[08:05] <elfy> thanks :)
[08:06] <elfy> I'll ping pleia2 to bump the others - which is what I just did :D
[08:06] <knome> no problemo
[08:06] <knome> yep
[08:52] <ochosi> elfy: np, he sent the email to all admins of -testing, so i received it as well ;)
[08:55] <elfy> oh right - didn't know that :)
[08:55] <elfy> still - thanks :D
[10:22] <elfy> bug 1445622
[10:22] <elfy> gvfs or something ?
[10:22] <elfy> obviously not just Thunar
[10:36] <elfy> ochosi: other than the remove media bug and the above misplaced bug, looking good at the moment
[10:45] <brainwash> elfy: anything about gvfs in the logs?
[10:46] <brainwash> somehow ~/.local/share/Trash cannot be created
[10:46] <elfy> brainwash: not looked tbh
[10:46] <brainwash> or the gvfs trash process has crashed
[10:46] <elfy> I'll see if I can find something
[10:47] <elfy> just obviously NOT thunar if lubuntu and ubuntu have issues too
[10:47] <brainwash> ~/.cache/upstart/startxfce4.log I think
[10:47] <brainwash> and the dbus.log one too
[10:47] <elfy> k - ta
[10:48] <PaulW2U> elfy: but not a problem in kubuntu. strange
[10:48] <brainwash> gvfs is a gnome thingy
[10:48] <brainwash> most likely not used in KDE/Kubuntu
[10:48] <PaulW2U> brainwash: right
[10:49] <elfy> nothing showing in those 2 logs
[10:53] <ochosi> elfy: great! that's good to hear
[10:53] <brainwash> test with
[10:54] <brainwash> maybe it gives some helpful error message
[10:54] <elfy>
[10:54] <elfy> oops
[10:54] <elfy> not that for sure :D
[10:55] <elfy> Error trashing file: Unable to find or create trash directory
[10:56] <brainwash> so, blame the one who upgraded the gvfs package! :)
[10:56] <elfy> :)
[10:57] <elfy> if I sudo gvfs-trash file - it works
[10:58] <elfy> mostly this is about it not being a Thunar bug :D
[10:58] <brainwash> I cannot test it right now, would have to dl the ubuntu iso
[10:58] <elfy> I've got Ubuntu and Lubuntu images up to date
[10:59] <elfy> I'll check them both now
[10:59] <elfy> if I get the same - I'll change it to gvfs
[11:01] <elfy> lol so Lubuntu does not have gvfs-trash installed
[11:07] <elfy> brainwash: thanks for changing package, added another comment - including that deleting a folder works as expected
[12:09] <bluesabre> good morning everyone
[12:12] <bluesabre> elfy: on the tracker, why do the upgrade tests use 20150416 and not 20150417.1?
[12:45] <elfy> bluesabre: not a clue - but spoke out in -release
[12:46] <elfy> that said, no downloads are available from the upgrade tests - so you'd need to grab a copy elsewhere, which would be 20150417.1
[12:55] <GridCube> oh... well then P: i still need to upgrade to utopic to try so maybe on monday it will be available ?
[12:56] <bluesabre> thanks elfy :)
[13:06] <elfy> GridCube: hope so
[13:06] <elfy> bbl
[13:06] <bluesabre> elfy...
[13:06] <elfy> bluesabre: yep?
[13:06] <bluesabre> just messing with you, go on, bbl :P
[13:06] <elfy> LOL
[13:06] <elfy> hatez you
[13:06] <bluesabre> :D
[13:07] <elfy> still think you broke the remove media button somehow :p
[13:09] <bluesabre> probably did
[13:09] <bluesabre> somehow
[13:09] <elfy> ha ha ha
[13:10] <elfy> well - really off now - have a good day :)
[13:15] <bluesabre> you too, seeya
[14:21] <slickymaster> hey everybody
[14:24] <Luyin> hi slickymaster
[14:25] <slickymaster> o/
[14:26] <Luyin> slickymaster: I cannot but think of hitler when you write this :D
[14:27] <slickymaster> blaarrrgh for sending the wrong message then Luyin :P
[14:28] <Luyin> ;)
[14:29] <slickymaster> :)
[14:40] * drc is wondering which is more nerve wracking, release "when it's ready" and ready keeps slipping (debian, slackware) or "you WILL release on schedule" and then don't (cough, cough). :)
[16:13] <OvenWerks> Interesting bug in xfce as installed 14.04 (so it may be fixed by now) with regards to a second pannel on a two monitor setup.
[16:13] <OvenWerks> the second pannel is on the second (nonmaster) monitor.
[16:14] <OvenWerks> when choosing full screen for a window on the master screen, space is left for the pannel (that is not there) but on the second screen, part of it ends up under the pannel. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.236576 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#xubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-nl | [05:52] <mandje> mogguh. virtualbox zit op 4.1.12 onder ubuntu. is er een passende 'extension pack' voor om usb 2.0 aan de gang te krijgen?
[05:54] <mandje> de actuele pack zit op 4.3.26 en bij de oudere staat er niet 1 voor 4.1.12. :(
[06:00] <mandje> oh chips! er bestaat wel een 4.3.26 VB for linux binary. lekker dan. ik heb VB geinstalleerd vanuit Synaptic en die is 4.1.12. check je op updates binnen VB zegt ie dat je de meest recente hebt..
[06:01] <mandje> goed krom allemaal. thank you Synaptic.
[06:10] <mandje> sudo sh -c 'echo "deb precise contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list'
[06:12] <mandje> als ik deze ppa toevoeg ga je dan vanuit VB zelf de update mogelijkheid krijgen naar 4.3.26? werkt dat zo transparant?
[06:14] <Maikel> nee een ppa met je aptget updat apt-upgrade doen
[06:17] <mandje> ehhh.. ik doe mn best maar deze gaat me boven de pet Maikel.
[06:18] <Maikel> sudo apt-get update
[06:18] <Maikel> sudo apt-get upgrade
[06:18] <mandje> ok. en wat doe je dan in feite?
[06:20] <mandje> je verzoekt om verversing van de aangesloten ppa's ofzo?
[06:25] <mandje> apt-get upgrade actually installs newer versions of the packages you have. After updating the lists, the package manager knows about available updates for the software you have installed. This is why you first want to update.
[06:32] <mandje> harstikke leuk allemaal. 'sudo apt-get upgrade' gaat hier echter 0 pakketten upgraden.
[08:22] <marcoh> hallo ik heb sinds kort chromium maar kan geen filmpjes kijken flash geeft aan geinstalleerd en sinds xubuntu geen geluid meer uit speakers iemand een idee?
[08:43] <goudfazant3991> hallo alle
[08:45] <goudfazant3991> op welke wijze kan ik mijn franse taal Cd,s text uitspraak en dvd met video picture,s en text uitspraak via ubuntu draaien??
[09:07] <lordievader> Goede morgen.
[09:10] <goudfazant3991> Goede morgen lordievader
[09:10] <lordievader> o/
[09:11] <goudfazant3991> is er een program waar ik met ubuntu mijn cd en dvd van franse lessen kan draaien??
[09:12] <goudfazant3991> zowel text uitspraak als video foto,s
[09:13] <lordievader> Met een media player?
[09:14] <goudfazant3991> ja met een media player maar dan zal die wel een beetje uitgebreid moeten zijn
[09:15] <lordievader> Uitgebreid?
[09:15] <goudfazant3991> want ik heb vroeger dat wel gehad op de scholen maar ik ben nu een beetje met dat bezig aan het herhalen want ik heb
[09:16] <goudfazant3991> enkele lessen gekocht en wil die proberen via ubuntu te draaien
[09:17] <goudfazant3991> ja uitgebreid zoals speed snelheid regelbaar en zo
[09:18] <goudfazant3991> want je begrijpt wel zeker dat het mee en dan te snel gaat??
[09:19] <goudfazant3991> sommige programma,s hebben daar ook een optie voor
[09:19] <goudfazant3991> zoals aan windows media heb je niets
[09:20] <lordievader> Windows Media Player kan dat ook.
[09:20] <lordievader> Heel veel media players kunnen dat.
[09:20] <lordievader> Heb je er enig onderzoek naar gedaan?
[09:21] <goudfazant3991> nouw ik heb het geprobeerd maar ik kon het niet gevonden krijgen
[09:22] <goudfazant3991> en ik heb ook al andere geprobeerd waar het ook niet op zat
[09:22] <lordievader> Welke heb je geprobeerd?
[09:22] <goudfazant3991> en ik heb er een gevonden waar het wel op zit maar dan geeft Nod32 steeds een melding
[09:23] <goudfazant3991> NCH en Fixmusic etc,ect
[09:24] <goudfazant3991> en AVs4you
[09:25] <goudfazant3991> maar er is er een van >>>Free-audio-editor en die doet dat wel de speed daar van kun je hoger of lager zetten
[09:25] <lordievader> Nod32? Waarom krijg ik het gevoel dat je Windows gebruikt?
[09:26] <goudfazant3991> maar dan komt Nod32 steeds met dat die niet veilig is
[09:27] <goudfazant3991> ja dat is de vraag nou weer >>> ik weet nog niet welke program,s ik kan gebruiken voor Ubuntu
[09:27] <goudfazant3991> zoals nu
[09:27] <lordievader> Ten eerste dingen uit de repo. Maar wil je eerst mijn vraag beantwoorden?
[09:28] <goudfazant3991> dat heb ik nu toch gedaan
[09:29] <goudfazant3991> hoe weet ik nou wat voor program ik kan nemen voor ubuntu wat de taal betreft van de cd,s en de dvd,s waar ik het nu over heb
[09:30] <goudfazant3991> heet het programmatje >>> jan of piet of klaas ?????
[09:30] <lordievader> Jouw antwoord op de vraag "Waarom ik het gevoel krijg dat je Windows draait" is "maar dan komt Nod32 steeds met dat die niet veilig is", hoe beantwoord dat die vraag?
[09:32] <goudfazant3991> ja ik vraag u toch of u >>> weet <<< of er een programma is van ubuntu dan download ik dat dan kan ik daar mee werken als het
[09:32] <goudfazant3991> teminste voldoet
[09:33] <goudfazant3991> aan de vraagstelling
[09:35] <lordievader> Draai je Windows?
[09:35] <goudfazant3991> kijk je stelt je eigen de vraag of ik met windows werk of niet >>>>> maar daar gaat het niet om <<<< de vraag is of er een programma
[09:36] <goudfazant3991> is van ubuntu dat daar voor geschikt is
[09:37] <lordievader> Goed, als je geen vragen gaat beantwoorden kan ik je ook niet helpen.
[09:37] <lotuspsychje> oO
[09:37] <goudfazant3991> en dan komt u voor de dag met media player >>> ja heeft ubuntu een program dat aan die opties voldoet
[09:38] <trijntje> ik gebruik gewoon altijd vlc, dat kan voor zover ik weet alles afspelen
[09:38] <goudfazant3991> ja wat verlang je nu van mij
[09:38] <lordievader> Dat je vragen die jou worden gesteld beantwoord.
[09:38] <goudfazant3991> dat ik je vertel dat ik met windows werk of met ubuntu
[09:38] <lotuspsychje> goudfazant3991: je krijgt een antwoord, beetje respect voor degene die je helpt
[09:39] <goudfazant3991> je komt steed niet terug op de vraag stelling
[09:39] <lordievader> Omdat je verteld dat je Nod32 draait begin ik te twijfelen of je uberhaupt Ubuntu draait. Daar probeer ik achter te komen. Maar als jij ontzettend moeilijk daarin gaat doen hoef je van mij geen hulp te verwachten.
[09:40] <goudfazant3991> is er een program van ubuntu ja of nee >>>> dus een >> o ,<< of een >>> een <<
[09:41] <goudfazant3991> hoe wil je dat bewezen hebben
[09:42] <goudfazant3991> Nod 32 zit toch op die andere HD schijf dat heb ik je toch verteld
[09:43] <goudfazant3991> ik zit nu op de Ubuntu HD schijf
[09:43] <goudfazant3991> ben je al weer vergeten zeker
[09:45] <goudfazant3991> als ik op de ubuntu Hd schijf zit dan weet ik niet of er andere programs zijn die dat kunnen
[09:47] <goudfazant3991> ik draai op de ubuntu Hd natuurlijk geen Nod32
[09:48] <lotuspsychje> goudfazant3991: er is geen reden om hier ironisch te gaan doen, antivirussen bestaan ook voor linux
[09:50] <goudfazant3991> beste lotuspsychje dat heb ik ook helemaal niet gevraagt
[09:50] <lotuspsychje> goudfazant3991: trijntje heeft je al een antwoord gegeven, vlc player
[09:51] <goudfazant3991> mij simpele vraag was of ik mijn franse lessen cd, s en dvd ook op ubuntu kan draaien of daar een programma voor is
[09:52] <lotuspsychje> als dat een cdrom is die draait op windows, heb je wine nodig
[09:52] <lotuspsychje> en start je die .exe vanop je cdrom met wine
[09:53] <goudfazant3991> die komen van talendomein daar heb ik ze gekocht
[09:55] <goudfazant3991> wat trijntje aanhaald vlc kan ik dat gewoon via de terminal naar binnen halen??
[09:55] <trijntje> goudfazant3991: jahoor, als je wilt
[09:55] <goudfazant3991> ok trijntje
[09:57] <goudfazant3991> ja en sorry voor lordievader maar ik draai helemaal geen windows nu en dat weet lordie vader ook dus dat kwam bij mij een beetje vreemd over sorry
[09:59] <goudfazant3991> kijk het helemaal niet mijn bedoeling om mensen aan te vallen ik ben al bij genoeg dat ik door een van u geholpen wordt
[10:01] <goudfazant3991> ok bedankt all
[10:01] <goudfazant3991> Baye
[10:06] <marcoh> hallo lordivader kunt u me helpen dat ik weer filmpjes kan draaien in xubuntu?
[10:30] <lordievader> marcoh: Err, kun je iets meer details geven?
[10:38] <marcoh> hallo lordi vader ik heb sinds een week chromium ipv firefox en speelt geen filmpjes meer flash player staat bij software geinstalleerd
[10:39] <goudfazant3991> trijntje ik heb vlc uitgeprobeerd met die >> kegel oranje met wit<< maar ik kan daar niet het woord dat te snel wortdt uitgesproken
[10:40] <goudfazant3991> mee vertragen of versnellen
[10:40] <lordievader> marcoh: Wat voor een filmpjes?
[10:41] <goudfazant3991> verder is het wel te doen
[10:41] <Fermata> goudfazant3991: jawel.
[10:41] <lordievader> goudfazant3991: Hotkeys - en +.
[10:41] <Fermata> In het menu bovenaan bij Afspelen.
[10:41] <Fermata> Tweede menu van links.
[10:42] <goudfazant3991> ok bedank beide ga ik weer proberen
[10:42] <goudfazant3991> baye
[10:56] <marcoh> lordivader volgens mij kan ik geen cams bekijken
[10:58] <lordievader> marcoh: Ik heb geen flauw idee waar je het over hebt.
[10:58] <lordievader> marcoh: Welk bestandformaat speelt chromium niet af?
[11:10] <goudfazant3991> nou ik heb het program door genomen mij conclucie is het is wel goed geschikt voor gewoon cd , dvd maar niet voor deze lessen
[11:11] <goudfazant3991> bij deze lessen moet je via de rasterlijn een special woord er uit kunnen halen
[11:12] <goudfazant3991> en dat goed kunnen beluisteren wat ze zeggen
[11:13] <goudfazant3991> voor songs is dat natuurlijk anders
[11:14] <Fermata> Rasterlijn?
[11:16] <goudfazant3991> ja Fermata er zijn muziek programma,s zoals Adobe audio-edition daar kun je een rasterlijn instellen en dan exact vaststellen
[11:17] <goudfazant3991> waar de juiste klank valt
[11:18] <Fermata> Ah, oké
[11:18] <goudfazant3991> ja text in zang of text in uitspraak beiden liggen wel dicht tegen elkaar maar er zit tocht verschil in
[11:32] <goudfazant3991> mensen nog een fijne dag en een prettig weekend
[11:32] <goudfazant3991> baye
[11:32] <Fermata> o/
[12:03] <mvormeer> hoi, ondersteund ubuntu alle videosites?(youtube, netflix ed.)
[12:03] <Fermata> Flash Player is te installeren, dus in principe wel.
[12:05] <mvormeer> zijn er verder dingen waar ik rekening mee moet houden als ik ubuntu wil gaan gebruiken?
[12:05] <mvormeer> wat ik wel en niet meer kan zegmaar.
[12:06] <Fermata> Wat doe je nu zoal met je computer?
[12:07] <mvormeer> voornamelijk internet en data wisselen
[12:07] <Fermata> Data wisselen?
[12:09] <mvormeer> maar als ik een keer bijv. deamontools of andere programmas nodig heb, is dit dan lastig?
[12:09] <mvormeer> muziek downloaden en op usb`s en harddisks ed zetten.
[12:10] <Fermata> Dat kan prima in Ubuntu.
[12:10] <Fermata> Niet per se op de manier die je gewoon bent, maar het kan.
[12:14] <mvormeer> oke, ik sta dus voor de keuze om ubuntu te installeren. deze laptop is namelijk nogal traag. mede door windows 7 op een vista laptop.
[12:14] <mvormeer> en de software is niet legitiem
[12:15] <Fermata> Ik zou zeggen: installeer het eens naast Windows, gebruik het een tijdje, lees je wat in, en stel hier vragen.
[12:15] <lordievader> Ik wou het net voorstellen ;)
[12:16] <mvormeer> dus windows blijft ook wel op de laptop staan? is ubuntu eenvoudig te installeren?
[12:17] <Fermata> Wanneer je de installatie start, zal Ubuntu zeer waarschijnlijk de optie aanbieden het naast de bestaande Windowsinstallatie te zetten.
[12:18] <mvormeer> oke beter! zo kan ze hem eerst proberen idd. dat wist ik niet:) dan maar gewoon installeren ja. dankjulliewel! top
[12:18] <Fermata> Zorg voor back-ups, en veel plezier!
[12:20] <mvormeer> komt goed | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.253193 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-nl"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-us-mi | [14:39] <cmaloney> Good morning
[14:59] <_stink_> hello
[16:06] <cmaloney> Afternoon now. :)
[20:20] <cmaloney> Hanging out at the hospital for FIL
[20:26] <_stink_> scheduled or unscheduled?
[20:30] <cmaloney> unscheduled, of course. ;)
[20:47] <_stink_> ah bummer.
[20:48] <cmaloney> Yeah, no worries.
[20:49] <cmaloney> I'm in a waiting room with a computer and two folks that stormed in here, changed the channel and promptly fell asleep
[20:49] <cmaloney> Reminded me a lot of "Keeping Up Apperances" Onslow and his wife | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.256726 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi"
} |
2015-04-18-#ubuntu-pt | [02:42] <Guest9792> tantos portugueses
[02:42] <Guest9792> ooolll
[02:43] <astroo-> ola
[02:43] <Guest9792> pensei encontrar mais
[02:46] <Guest9792> é habitual este numero de pessoas no irc?
[02:48] <astroo-> sim
[03:12] <Nero_lux01> sao todos de portugal mesmo
[03:12] <Nero_lux01> ?
[03:13] <astroo-> eu sou
[03:14] <astroo-> 1 nao e pelo menos
[03:14] <Nero_lux01> eu também mas como as vezes há brasileiros
[03:15] <Nero_lux01> só customam estar voçes aqui no irc
[03:15] <astroo-> o principal sobre o ubuntu e #ubuntu-br
[03:15] <Nero_lux01> eu prefiro o pt
[03:15] <Nero_lux01> he eh eh eh
[03:16] <astroo-> aqui quase nunca tem conversa
[03:16] <Nero_lux01> pensei que houve-se mais gente
[03:16] <Nero_lux01> mais utilizadores de ubuntu a usar este irc
[03:16] <astroo-> as pessoas sao parvas e nao andam em chats de grandes grupos
[03:18] <astroo-> ve o privado
[03:35] <astroo-> ciao pessoal
[03:35] <Nero_lux01> xau
[03:37] <astroo-> ciao
[20:52] <astroo-> ola pessoal | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.261105 | 2015-04-18T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-pt"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-ir | [11:59] <jupiter> salam kasi hast
[16:24] <atg> Hi all | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.269634 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ir"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-us-or | [00:11] <wxl> oh man, lfnw rules.
[00:35] <wxl> sgclark: just a friendly reminder to send along that packaging info mentioned. hope you're resting. still on the bus here.
[05:40] <wxl> sgclark: look what i found: trying out snappy core and it's transactional updates using kvm | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.271279 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-or"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-se | [07:42] <HeMan> Morrn!
[08:14] <NeverW8> Goder morgon
[08:14] <NeverW8> Säger en annan som var på jobbet 6 imorse
[08:16] <HeMan> härligt! då får man gå hem tidigt med!
[08:16] <NeverW8> Mjo men visst är det så :)
[08:19] <HeMan> och så kan man ta luch kl 9 då man jobbat 3 h!
[08:21] <Laban> Fan är du byggjobbare eller?
[08:21] <NeverW8> Nä sysadmin
[08:23] <NeverW8> HeMan: tror jag kan dra och käka lite när jag vill, men klarar mig på snus och pepsimax
[08:23] <Barre> NeverW8: ta bort pepsimax så har du min kostcirkel
[08:23] <NeverW8> Barre: vad är din to-go snus?
[08:23] <Barre> möjligen några liter kaffe också..
[08:24] <Barre> NeverW8: generalen.
[08:24] <NeverW8> Jodå, kaffe har jag också
[08:24] <NeverW8> Barre: kör också general, men du borde pröva Jakobsson Winter Green
[08:24] <Barre> NeverW8: jag är 40+ och således geneteskt programmerad att avsky förändringar
[08:25] <NeverW8> :)
[12:04] <maxjezy> det är manligt att snusa
[12:29] <NeverW8> maxjezy: manligt möjligt, gott iaf
[12:30] <maxjezy> det är så få kvinnor som snusar
[12:30] <maxjezy> ungefär som att diska är typiskt kvinligt
[12:30] <madbear> va, jag diskar och snusar
[12:32] <larsemil> jag diskar men snusar inte.
[12:32] <madbear> utifrån den informationen och maxjezys logik så är du tant
[12:33] <larsemil> hellre tant än snusare. :)
[12:33] <Barre> om du varken diskar eller snusar så existerar du inte
[12:50] <HeMan> jag diskar också helt utan att snusa
[12:51] <HeMan> larsemil: +1
[13:12] <maxjezy> jag har både slutat diska och snusa
[13:12] <maxjezy> vill bli mer könsneutral
[13:37] <NeverW8> well... jag diskar inte, min diskmaskin gör det : )
[13:37] <NeverW8> På tal om det, diskmaskinen måste nog vara det bästa köpet jag någonsin gjort.
[13:37] <Barre> den stora frågan är då: snusar din diskmaskin NeverW8?
[13:38] * Barre försöker avgöra könet på diskmakinen ;P
[13:39] <Amoz> lol
[13:40] <NeverW8> Ja... jag.. jag vet inte.
[13:40] <NeverW8> Kanske ligger någon gammal rapé i den
[13:40] <NeverW8> who knows
[13:41] <NeverW8> snus-se > ubuntu-se
[13:44] <maxjezy> man kör en portionssnus i tvättmaskinen istället för sköljmedel!
[13:44] <maxjezy> ettan eller göttelaborgs rape
[13:47] <maxjezy> näe, om man ska ta och skaffa sig en blogg.
[13:48] <NeverW8> ettan är ju så äcklig, samma med vit kaliber.. USCH!
[13:48] <Amoz> snus(k)
[13:49] <NeverW8> Jakobsson strong > general > rapé > L > lös-snus > * | egrep -ve 'ettan|vit-kaliber*
[13:49] <maxjezy> ettan är en favorit för mig
[13:50] <maxjezy> den har det där gubbiga.
[13:50] <maxjezy> skonsam mot löständerna
[13:50] <NeverW8> Då borde du väl gilla general bättre :P
[13:50] <maxjezy> general ger mig rännskita
[13:50] <maxjezy> ungefär som plommonröra
[13:50] <Barre> du ska inte äta det
[13:50] <Barre> eller stoppa plommonröra under läppen
[13:51] <maxjezy> jag har skurat golven och damsugit
[13:51] <maxjezy> nu känns det rent i huset
[13:53] <NeverW8> maxjezy: har du eget hus eller bor du hos päronen? :P
[13:53] <maxjezy> eget
[13:53] <Amoz> maxjezy, typiskt kvinnligt att skura
[13:53] <Amoz> damsuga är en ny variant dock
[13:53] <maxjezy> jag har ju barn
[13:53] <maxjezy> så det är väl lite kvinna i mig
[13:54] <Amoz> jaså? var det du som tryckte ut dem?
[13:54] <maxjezy> näe
[13:54] <maxjezy> men in
[13:54] <maxjezy> om man nu ska vara noga
[13:54] <NeverW8> Du sitter ju på ircen 24/7, bara lite nyfiken på hur du får det att går runt :P men det är självklart inget jag ska bry mig om.
[13:54] <Amoz> tryckte du in barnen? O_O
[13:54] <maxjezy> Amoz, skolkade du på sexualundervisningen
[13:54] <maxjezy> what goes in must eventuelly go out in the sun
[13:55] <NeverW8> Amoz är ju sexualkunskapsläraren
[13:55] <NeverW8> ofc
[13:55] <Amoz> maxjezy, skolkade du hela tiden? ;)
[13:55] <maxjezy> Amoz, jopp
[13:55] <maxjezy> jag minns det som en halv lektion i skolan ba ra
[13:56] <Amoz> å där fick vi svaret till varför maxjezy sitter på irc:en 24/7
[13:56] <maxjezy> men matematik kändes ungefär samma
[13:56] <maxjezy> Amoz, JAG?
[13:56] <maxjezy> jag är nog minst aktiv, online och trollig.
[13:56] <Amoz> matte e nice ju
[13:56] <maxjezy> går ibland veckor innen jag loggar in
[13:56] <maxjezy> Linda^ däremot.
[13:56] <Amoz> mmm right, inga ursäkter nu
[13:57] <Amoz> du sitter å blendar hela dagarna, har nog allt sett dig!
[13:57] <maxjezy> online fastän hon är på jobbet
[13:57] <Amoz> rendera ditten å datten
[13:57] <NeverW8> vänta va, finns det en tjej härinne
[13:57] <NeverW8> maxjezy: dig ser jag alltid här p
[13:57] <NeverW8> Stammis ju! :D
[13:57] <maxjezy> nää.
[13:57] <maxjezy> jag har inte ens ubuntu eller linux
[13:57] <Amoz> maxjezy va här redan 2009 när jag började hänga här.
[13:57] <Amoz> så försök inte komma undan nu ;)
[13:58] <maxjezy> jag var här redan när ubuntu var barnet
[13:58] <Amoz> vi har ögonen på dig huehue
[13:58] <maxjezy> egentligen har jag alltid funnits här fast med olika nicknames
[13:59] <maxjezy> det är bara konstigt att inte fler här leker med blender
[14:00] <maxjezy> känns inte rätt
[14:01] <NeverW8> Jag var inne här runt 2011 tror jag, under ett helt annat nick
[14:01] <NeverW8> då kommer jag ihåg att jag pratade lite kort med dig maxjezy
[14:01] <maxjezy> 2011 det var ju som igår
[14:01] <NeverW8> Du hade väl kronisk huvudvärk eller något sådant om jag minns rätt
[14:01] <NeverW8> eller om jag kanske tänker på någon annan
[14:01] <maxjezy> Nää
[14:02] <maxjezy> kräktes lite ofta.
[14:02] <maxjezy> magsås i halsen
[14:02] <NeverW8> Finns det loggar från den tiden?
[14:02] <maxjezy> ja, tyvärr
[14:02] <NeverW8> vet inte hur länge de sparas
[14:02] <NeverW8> Ohhh
[14:02] <maxjezy> men jag har satt isis på det.
[14:03] <maxjezy> Nä, de var ett dåligt skämt
[14:03] <maxjezy> loggar är bra
[14:03] <maxjezy> jag förvarar mina i pärmar med plastfickor sorterade i kronologisk ordning
[14:04] <maxjezy> jag funderar på att utveckla en sadel med mp3 spelare inbyggt och så byter man låtar och spolar med skinkorna när man cyklar
[14:04] <maxjezy> vad tror ni?
[14:05] <maxjezy> eller kanske en sadel med nfc wifi till mobilen
[14:06] <Barre> NeverW8:
[14:06] <maxjezy> fett tråkigt att ens mest populära video på youtuben är en produktreview
[14:06] <maxjezy> eller ett test
[14:07] <maxjezy> kulturen är död
[14:07] <maxjezy> kapitalism byggd på hjärntvätt är här.
[14:07] <Amoz> maxjezy, review fö vilken produkt?
[14:07] <maxjezy> asus vivotab
[14:07] <maxjezy> note 8
[14:07] <Amoz> aha
[14:09] <maxjezy> visst är det koolt att blender finns på steam
[14:09] <maxjezy> finns säkert andra bra program men just blender känns härligt
[14:10] <Amoz> uh, repo > steam, för oss som kör Linux
[14:10] <Amoz> men i windows kan jag se fördelen
[14:12] <NeverW8> Barre: fan de här logsen kan jag ju underhålla mig tills servern är klar vid 6 tiden
[14:16] <NeverW8> Små guldgrejer från 2011: [22:30] <rolfblidborg> satam vad ful l ajag Ãr
[14:17] <maxjezy> Amoz, jag ser fördelen i spridningen det har med steam
[14:17] <maxjezy> annars finns ju
[14:18] <maxjezy> jag har det både i steam och i windows installerat
[14:19] <maxjezy> tydligen är det samma iaf
[14:19] <maxjezy> oavsätt vilken jag startar
[14:19] <maxjezy> min historik finns i båda
[14:21] <NeverW8> Klockan tidigt: 2011 [22:40] <Barre> morrsning
[14:22] <Barre> NeverW8: morr morr
[14:22] <Barre> NeverW8: jag var i staterna då :)
[14:28] <NeverW8> se där :P
[14:34] <maxjezy> NeverW8, make logs not read logs
[14:35] <NeverW8> That doesn't make any sense maxjezy
[14:35] <maxjezy> make peas not work
[14:36] <maxjezy> strålande väder idag
[14:37] <maxjezy> skönt att sitta inne och ta vara på det
[14:38] <Barre> här är det ~6 grader och regnar snett från vänster :/
[14:39] <Amoz> Barre, bor du i kiruna?
[14:39] <Barre> Amoz: nej, i stockholm
[14:39] <Barre> men det är inte där jag är :P
[14:40] <maxjezy> Barre, vart är du?
[14:40] <Barre> maxjezy: Grenoble
[14:41] <maxjezy> vad gör du där borta?
[14:41] <NeverW8> Wtf, jag sitter i kista, här regnar det inte, solsken och flygande rosa elefanter
[14:41] <Amoz> Barre, wut, här i Uppsala har vi typ 13 grader å sol :D
[14:41] <Barre> maxjezy: utbildning
[14:41] <maxjezy> här i sundsvall är det 21 grader och sol
[14:42] <maxjezy> Barre, aha.
[14:42] <NeverW8> Barre: vart i stockholm campar du?
[14:42] <maxjezy> perfekt studieväder
[14:43] <Barre> NeverW8: bor i huddinge, jobbar i frösunda
[14:43] <Barre> NeverW8: så majoriteten av min vakna tid sitter jag i en bil på essingeleden, så jag antar att det är där jag campar
[14:43] <NeverW8> se där, själv bor jag i sköndal och jobbar i kista. Ett helvete att ta sig till jobbet varje dag kan jag säga.
[14:57] * andol campar på pendelperronger, väntandes på SL:s pendeltåg ska vilja dyka upp.
[15:07] <madbear> NeverW8: jasså, vars i sköndal dårå?
[15:08] <madbear> ska vara hundvakt en vecka... i sköndal
[15:17] <maxjezy> madbear, finns det wifi?
[15:18] <maxjezy> vi kan ha ett lan hos dig där du är Hundvakt madbear
[15:18] <maxjezy> och dricka mjöd
[15:18] <madbear> det e typ 4g router...
[15:18] <madbear> blev ingen fiber där
[16:52] <maxjezy> snart fredag!
[18:53] <gkeen_> bra isp när inte ens deras hemsida funkar (bbb) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.285397 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-se"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-us-ca | [03:22] <nhaines> pleia2: you were too awesome; the others were all jealous.
[03:29] <elky> ^troofs | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.286941 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-ca"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-ru | [05:44] <rosner> обновил ядро до 4.0.999 понравилось, шустрее стабильнее но есть одно но с Nvidia не дружит при загрузке если ситема на драйвере то хер загрузится выдавать ошибку будет без конца
[05:45] <rosner> выход такой , выбитерать старую версию ядра что было до этого
[05:45] <rosner> эгрузится
[05:45] <rosner> ставить на прогу для видюхт по выбору
[05:45] <rosner> и только так загружается система
[05:47] <rosner> а ошибку выдает такую, что не может загрузить фашь графический интерфейс
[05:50] <red_shuhardt1> rosner: там торвальдс обявил о выпуске 4.1 rc - там как раз над совместимостью работают.
[05:51] <rosner> да я читал что над 4.1 крутятся вот бы было здорово если бы допилили ядро
[05:52] <rosner> 4.1 я вчера смотрел еще небыло на выкладке
[05:52] <rosner> надо будет глянуть
[05:55] <rosner> ничегосебе уже
[05:55] <rosner> вчера только смотрел
[05:55] <rosner> я последню устанавливал 4.0.999
[05:56] <rosner> а до этого 4.0.444 была
[05:56] <rosner> шустрят
[05:56] <rosner> прикрутить что ли сейчас
[05:58] <red_shuhardt1> rosner:
[06:07] <rosner> я уже почти установил
[06:07] <rosner> у меня есть сайт выкладки
[06:07] <rosner> каждый день поглядываю туда )
[06:08] <rosner> red_shuhardt1. не устанавливал ?
[06:09] <rosner> я вот не пойму они там что сутками что ли пашут
[06:10] <rosner> за ночь считай на единицу подняли
[06:10] <JohnDoe_71Rus> единой сменой. ментейнеры ж в разных поясах живут
[06:10] <red_shuhardt1> rosner: не, не ставил. Пока 3.19 работает нормально. А что, ребята там из всех часовых поясов, так что да, сутками ))
[06:11] <rosner> не ну молодцы конечно уважуха умным людям
[06:11] <rosner> вообще уважаю линукс команду кто ядро пилит
[06:12] <rosner> короче утсановил надо перезагрузиьь
[06:14] <JohnDoe_71Rus> когда уже ядро на лету менять будут
[06:39] <red_shuhardt1> да любой, кто хоть строчку кода написал под gnu, уже герой! Сделал вклад в общее дело!
[06:40] <red_shuhardt1> JohnDoe_71Rus: дык ведь с 4 уже на лету работает обновление (так писали, по крайней мере)
[06:48] <rosner> 4.1 так и не убрали этот баг я сейчас пробовал, все тоже сакмое(
[06:48] <rosner> печаль
[06:48] <rosner> ну ничего 4.0 тоже тема еще та
[06:49] <rosner> летает ласточка
[06:49] <rosner> а там гляди и допилят баги
[07:51] <rosner> Закатал я все таки ядро 4.1
[07:52] <red_shuhardt1> rosner: и как оно? Внешне что нибудь изменилось? Драйвера подружить удалось?
[07:54] <rosner> внешне нет это же ядро, а на работоспособность надо ее еще юзать а на счет драйвера бак не вылечили но я тему скачал она прячит на панеле нерезкозть
[07:56] <rosner> сейчас только усек что скрин от клафиши не пашет моргает и всё,
[07:56] <rosner> хотел скрин сделать не делает
[07:57] <rosner> *клавиши
[07:58] <red_shuhardt1> shutter'ом скринишь?
[08:00] <red_shuhardt1> rosner: у меня, пока сидел на kernel 3.16 то же не срабатывал - просто не были активны нужные кнопки. После обновления на 3.19 заработал.
[08:00] <rosner> ааа
[08:00] <rosner> может быть
[08:00] <red_shuhardt1> Да и внешне - контрастность увеличилась, оказывается у меня ранее немного блеклые цвета были.
[08:00] <rosner> я не смотрел еще
[08:01] <rosner> ну я сейчас тему зорина поставил ничего вроде
[08:01] <red_shuhardt1> А ещё, почему то системный монитор другим стал. Внешне изменился. Кнопки добавились - настройки.
[08:02] <rosner> надо щупать так сразу все незамечу
[08:02] <rosner> я же с 3.13 версии
[08:04] <rosner> но я всеравно доволен так как она грузится стала моментально и шустрит
[08:04] <rosner> а баги они уберут я уверен
[08:04] <rosner> если за ночь на единицу подняли
[08:06] <rosner> даже если не исправят мне грех жаловаться, система бесплатная а я с небольшой резкостью могу жить я замаскировал я и не вижу теперь а работает она хорошо
[08:08] <red_shuhardt1> rosner: какие у тебя приоритетные программы для работы? что используешь обычно? Браузер, плееры, понятно, а из специфических что?
[08:08] <rosner> фотошоп мне оченьнужен джими и офис пакеты
[08:09] <rosner> как то хотел севак ставить но потом забросил идею
[08:09] <red_shuhardt1> фотошоп под вайном что ли? или всё ж таки Гимп?
[08:09] <rosner> я его джим зову )
[08:10] <rosner> кстати джим не единый в минте большой выбор редакторов
[08:10] <JohnDoe_71Rus> джимии джиммии хаджа хаджа )
[08:10] <rosner> да да да )
[08:11] <red_shuhardt1> krita наиболее вменяемый, кроме джимми. Остальные ниочём.
[08:11] <red_shuhardt1> А darktable или rawtherapee юзаешь?
[08:11] <JohnDoe_71Rus> я пинту пользую, по быстрому скрины подрезать
[08:12] <rosner> юзал ее
[08:12] <rosner> я
[08:12] <red_shuhardt1> JohnDoe_71Rus: если просто кадрирование надо, то это скорее работа для вьювера, а не редактора.
[08:14] <red_shuhardt1> Столкнулся недавно с задачкой - кадрировать одну картинку на несколько произвольных областей. Такое даже в гимпе не нашел как делать.
[08:14] <red_shuhardt1> Приходится кадрировать - сохранять - отменять - кадрировать снова.
[08:14] <red_shuhardt1> Может знаете более оптимальную траекторию?
[08:14] <rosner> я vinem прогу завожу виновскую там кодир и норм все правда бывает иногда подтормаживает
[08:40] <rosner__> инет чет тупит
[08:40] <rosner__> вот скрин сделал
[08:41] <rosner__> тема ZorinOS
[08:43] <JohnDoe_71Rus> rosner__: почему 32?
[08:43] <rosner__> а смысл 64
[08:44] <rosner__> на нее прог меньше
[08:44] <JohnDoe_71Rus> почему нет? железо позволяет
[08:44] <rosner__> в игры я не играю
[08:45] <JohnDoe_71Rus> вот как раз с играми в 64 больше заморочек. особенно со старыми. либы доставлять приходится
[08:46] <rosner__> у меня есть стим и игры но я сейчас редко да и под линукс там мало игр
[08:47] <JohnDoe_71Rus> вот не могу запустить старушку unreal tournament. падает без информативного выхлопа
[08:48] <rosner__> я неиграл
[17:00] <vladimir> msg nickserv info vladimir076
[17:43] <rosner> Привет всем
[18:04] <edem1> ergerg
[19:06] <edem1> Моё почтение, господа! Есть ли среди Вас пользователи OpenBSD -нуждаюсь в помощи по работе apm и lidsuspend на ноуте acer aspire 4410?
[19:10] <Aldebaran> зайди на #freebsd там есть народ
[19:10] <Aldebaran> может подскажут
[19:19] <Sergey_IT> а может здесь светлее | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.300289 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ru"
} |
2015-04-28-#launchpad-dev | [07:00] <wgrant> blr: Evening.
[07:09] <blr> wgrant: morning!
[07:10] <wgrant> blr: I saw that your default clone_from thing landed, testing it now.
[07:10] <wgrant> Did you make any progress on the init with alternates?
[07:10] <blr> wgrant: merged your recent changes into the alternates branch as well now, which is much better - only change in the view is docstrings for repo:repo
[07:10] <wgrant> Great.
[07:11] <blr> the only thing I'm a little uncertain about is that there is now obvious place to cleanup the ephemeral repo - I've added a repo_cleanup() method to both diff functions, but it might be better to have a sweeper do this later
[07:11] <blr> s/now/no/
[07:12] <wgrant> I think that using a context manager makes sense.
[07:13] <wgrant> eg. "with open_repo(blahblah) as repo:" would ensure that it's always cleaned up at the end.
[07:45] <wgrant> The autocloning stuff works well, with one unforeseen issue.
[07:45] <wgrant> The connectivity check on push uses rev-list --not --all, but --all only looks in the local ref.
[07:45] <wgrant> s
[07:46] <wgrant> So my first push to ~wgrant/ubuntu/+source/linux took a bit over a minute, as it ended up walking the entire tree when it had no known-good refs.
[07:46] <wgrant> It may be worth patching git to let rev-list consider alternate refs as well.
[07:47] <wgrant> But it's just a bit slow on first push, not a serious problem.
[07:47] <wgrant> Particularly not for sensibly sized repos.
[07:50] <wgrant> blr: What d oyou think of the context manager approach to ensure the ephemeral repo is always cleaned up?
[07:56] <blr> wgrant: yep that sounds sensible, I'll have another pass
[07:57] <wgrant> Thanks.
[07:57] <wgrant> Let me know how it goes.
[10:14] <blr> wgrant: open_repo() is a contextmanager now, that should be ready for you
[10:15] <wgrant> blr: Let me see.
[10:16] <wgrant> lifeless: I think you can do away with repo.ephemeral and cleanup_repo now, since you only call cleanup_repo in the ephemeral case.
[10:17] <wgrant> Er
[10:17] <wgrant> blr: ^^
[10:17] <wgrant> This ssh latency is really awful for typing.
[10:19] <blr> wgrant: quite, that's a fairly useless function now.
[10:20] <blr> ok pushed
[10:22] <wgrant> blr: Couple of other trivial comments, then I think it's all good.
[10:24] <blr> wgrant: hmm actually, in get_commit repo=None is used to prevent us re-initialising repositories in get_commits
[10:24] <wgrant> Ah, that's right.
[10:24] <blr> not certain how to perserve that nicely in the context of the context manager
[10:25] <wgrant> blr: Maybe get_commits and get_commit should call a private method which just takes a repo that must already be open.
[10:27] <blr> that sounds reasonable, I'll sort that out in the morning, getting late
[10:27] <blr> thanks wgrant
[10:27] <wgrant> Night.
[10:35] <cjwatson> wgrant: if you get a minute, little bit of cleanup
[10:37] <cjwatson> wgrant: Creating MPs on the webservice now works, though will OOPS in the web UI for now.
[11:58] <wgrant> cjwatson: Nice, how's the testing of the remaining KLOC going?
[12:11] <cjwatson> wgrant: Making progress, just thinking about how to mangle TestRegisterBranchMergeProposalView suitably.
[12:11] <cjwatson> wgrant: Have you heard anything from IS?
[12:13] <wgrant> cjwatson: We're yellow.
[12:13] <cjwatson> Ah yes, thanks for the score bump.
[12:48] <cjwatson> wgrant: Is there any equivalent of SQLObjectVocabularyBase for Storm?
[12:55] <wgrant> cjwatson: I don't think so.
[12:57] <cjwatson> I wonder if I should write one. I just noticed that GitRepositoryVocabulary is wrong.
[12:58] <wgrant> It would not be a huge task.
[16:55] <cjwatson> are all the MP stuff I have so far, except for my in-progress stuff on preview diffs.
[16:56] <cjwatson> Should be (barely) enough to go live with.
[17:24] <xnox> cjwatson: did you see recent discussions about git / merge proposal workflows on debian-devel
[17:25] <xnox> cjwatson: it would be cool if launchpad would support emailing in git-bundle(1) to create mp just like one can with bzr bundles
[17:25] <cjwatson> xnox: I noticed the thread, but we have a fair bit still to do before getting to that kind of point
[17:26] <xnox> cjwatson: sure. plus i believe git-bundle has insufficient information as usual in the git world. E.g. bzr bundle encodes public/parent/submit branch locations, and git bundle does not as far as i remember....
[17:27] <wgrant> bzr bundle slso hasn't worked since 2009
[17:28] <xnox> wgrant: the email interface or the bundles themself?!
[17:29] <cjwatson> Yes, I wondered why I couldn't find any of this alleged-to-exist code
[17:29] <xnox> i sure used bundles as recent as 2013-2014 e.g. generate it somewhere throw into usb-stick or email and pull from it on the other end....
[17:29] <wgrant> bundles never worked with 2a
[17:29] <wgrant> so the LP side was removed
[17:34] <xnox> wgrant: just tested works here.... created --unchanged commit, branched, created --unchanged commit, bzr bundle ../first-branch, then branch first branch again and pulled from the bundle
[17:34] <xnox> got matching revision-ids out of it....
[17:34] * xnox is sad =(
[17:43] <wgrant> ah yes, the unchanged test :P
[17:43] <wgrant> that crestes little new 2a data
[18:15] <xnox> wgrant: well i did merges and the like... and it didn't fail me.
[18:16] <xnox> althoguht plenty of things are broken with ghost revisions
[18:24] <wgrant> hmmm
[18:30] <lifeless> wgrant: I can? thanks
[18:34] <wgrant> lifeless: 500ms sucks
[18:38] <lifeless> aye, where art thou?
[18:38] <wgrant> Malta
[18:38] <lifeless> nice
[18:38] <wgrant> after Austin and London
[18:38] <lifeless> I don't miss those trips
[18:39] <wgrant> it's certainly a new experimebt in blood caffeine content
[20:19] <blr> this looks like it might be useful
[20:39] <cjwatson> blr: I thought about backporting it, but reckoned I could probably just reuse the stuff in LP (actually bzrlib I think) for now and no rush to backport. But I might change my mind if that turns out to be non-trivial :)
[20:39] <cjwatson> (That is, it looked like it'd be less work to reuse)
[20:41] <blr> right
[20:42] <cjwatson> We'll see - I'm going to try to finish the LP side of preview diffs tomorrow
[22:51] <lifeless> wgrant: whats em1.rapid.c.c ?
[22:51] <lifeless> cjwatson: ^
[22:51] <lifeless> thomi: ^
[22:52] <lifeless> blr: ^
[22:52] <lifeless> any two-letter nicks around ?
[22:57] <cjwatson> lifeless: replacement for batuan, if you remember that
[22:57] <lifeless> cjwatson: no; I've just got hold of the ops VG so we're good
[22:57] <lifeless> cjwatson: thanks
[22:57] <cjwatson> VPN endpoint for misc crap
[23:01] <wgrant> lifeless: what was it spamming you with?
[23:01] <lifeless> wgrant: git requests. see #openstack-infra. blahdeblah is on it
[23:04] <thomi> hmmm?
[23:05] * thomi makes whooshing motion above his head
[23:05] <wgrant> hmm
[23:05] <lifeless> thomi: outbound NAT gateway for OIL it appears
[23:05] <cjwatson> not totally implausible
[23:06] <thomi> I know what some of those words mean, so yay!
[23:06] <wgrant> for moat of the weird non-IS-managee labs
[23:06] <thomi> wgrant: how's Malta? I'm surprised you're awake
[23:06] <wgrant> awake is pushing it
[23:07] <cjwatson> there's still a load of CI jenkins stuff behind rapid isn't there?
[23:07] <wgrant> the CI lab, all the ex-CTD stuff, servenab, hwcert
[23:07] <lifeless> contra-terrene devices?
[23:07] <wgrant> CTS, that is
[23:08] <cjwatson> right. not LP anyway :)
[23:08] <lifeless> no
[23:08] <lifeless> I was pinging clued up people in the most convenient channel :>
[23:08] <cjwatson> heh
[23:08] <wgrant> batuan has ll the stuff you don't want to think about
[23:08] <thomi> lol... and you pinged *me* :D
[23:09] <lifeless> thomi: penance for using the wrong channel :). Actually its the CI nature of it that led me to ping you
[23:09] <thomi> ahh
[23:09] <lifeless> non-CI doesn't need many many many accesses to the same git repos
[23:09] <wgrant> yep
[23:09] <thomi> blissfull ignornace is my motto...
[23:09] <lifeless> thomi: and I hear you've done some CI stuff
[23:09] <wgrant> anyway, night avain
[23:10] <lifeless> wgrant: night, thanks. cjwatson ditto | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.311812 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#launchpad-dev"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-il | [20:38] <sex> hey
[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa
[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa
[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa
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[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa
[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa
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[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa
[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa
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[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa
[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa
[20:38] <sex> sex cam skype : god.hefa | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.313833 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-il"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-on-air | [15:59] <dpm> o/
[15:59] <balloons> hello hello
[16:01] <akiva-thinkpad> hey
[16:01] <balloons> howdy
[16:01] <dpm> hi akiva-thinkpad
[16:01] <dpm> starting in a minute
[16:04] * ian-weisser yawns
[16:04] <akiva-thinkpad> zzzzzzzzzzz
[16:04] <balloons> we're live!
[16:05] <ahayzen> yey \o/
[16:05] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Any issues with SystemD so far?
[16:05] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Is systemD on the phone yet?
[16:07] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Has W been decided yet for 15.10? Do you have any ideas what it should be?
[16:07] <dragon77> QUESTION:When you switch to the snappy based ubuntu image,will there be some sort of legacy support for .deb and .click packages inside of that image?Do youhave any contingency plans for the applications that will not switch to snappy?
[16:08] <sassy_> can i know when will ubuntu phone be launched in india and how can i access ?
[16:08] <balloons> keep'em coming, we'll keep answering :-) thanks guys!
[16:08] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION sassy_ can i know when will ubuntu phone be launched in india and how can i access ?
[16:10] <veribaka> QUESTION: How do we handle the snappy packages in a command line? What is the aptitude/apt equivalent?
[16:10] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Can Balloons grow a curly mustache for the UOS?
[16:10] <davmor2> SHAHJEE: wubi is depreciated so there is no installer for inside windows anymore
[16:10] <akiva-thinkpad> Wobbly windows!
[16:11] <akiva-thinkpad> Wascally Wabit!
[16:11] <akiva-thinkpad> Worthless Wubi
[16:11] <PaulW2U> Wacky Wombat
[16:11] <akiva-thinkpad> Warty Walmart
[16:12] <SHAHJEE> OK. So then how to dual boot PC ?
[16:12] <jnxd> What Windows?
[16:12] <balloons>
[16:12] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Microsoft said it could see itself open sourcing windows in the future. Did hell freeze over?
[16:13] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Do either of you have the BQ phone? Any thoughts on it?
[16:14] <ian-weisser> QUESTION: When will Desktop Ubuntu finish converting to Python3?
[16:14] <akiva-thinkpad> ian-weisser, lol good question
[16:15] <ahayzen> QUESTION: Which session in UOS are you most looking forward to next week?
[16:15] <dpm>
[16:16] <dpm>
[16:16] <Whinocewos> hi all
[16:16] <dpm> thanks ahayzen :)
[16:16] <akiva-thinkpad> Whinocewos, hi!
[16:16] <akiva-thinkpad> Wascally whinocewos!
[16:16] <Whinocewos> Wibbly
[16:16] <ahayzen> dpm, :)
[16:16] <sassy_> this is my first session, how will i know if my question is answered?
[16:16] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Will Mark Shuttleworth be at the Ubuntu Online Summit for another Q&A?
[16:17] <akiva-thinkpad> sassy_, it was just answered :)
[16:17] <akiva-thinkpad> North America!
[16:18] <sassy_> i also asked when will the ubuntu phone be launched in india and how can i access ?
[16:18] <Whinocewos> Question: How will Ubuntu 15.10 be named?
[16:18] <akiva-thinkpad> sassy_, they answered, and its.... mmmmmmm you need to followup with meizu
[16:18] <akiva-thinkpad> Whinocewos, already been asked
[16:18] <sassy_> :)
[16:18] <balloons> veribaka, checkout out and
[16:18] <akiva-thinkpad> lol
[16:19] <dragon77> QUESTION:When will we be able to package snappy packages from the SDK?
[16:19] <Whinocewos> akiva-thinkpad: oh, i missed that :>>
[16:19] <akiva-thinkpad> Whinocewos, the answer was "Wobbly Windows"
[16:19] <Whinocewos> :))))
[16:19] <akiva-thinkpad> that is the name of the next release
[16:20] <akiva-thinkpad> curly!
[16:20] <akiva-thinkpad> Drats
[16:20] <akiva-thinkpad> \o/
[16:21] <Whinocewos> Question: when and how can we upgrade to Ubuntu 15.10? (i want to use Ubuntu 15.10 from the first day)
[16:21] <Nothing_Much> who said windows is going to be open sourced?
[16:22] <Nothing_Much> hope that doesn't happen, honestly
[16:22] <akiva-thinkpad> Nothing_Much, not going, but it is a possibility
[16:22] <Nothing_Much> it better not
[16:22] <akiva-thinkpad> Nothing_Much, lol why?
[16:22] <Nothing_Much> it's probably kill Linux if that happened
[16:22] <Nothing_Much> it'd*
[16:22] <ian-weisser> QUESTION: What is your single favorite feature of Snappy?
[16:22] <akiva-thinkpad> Nothing_Much, mmmmm their software kind of sucks
[16:22] <toddc> linux action show has a good interveiw with MS about MS open source direction
[16:22] <akiva-thinkpad> ever used powershell?
[16:23] <Nothing_Much> akiva-thinkpad: anything that Microsoft has ever made sucks
[16:23] <akiva-thinkpad> Nothing_Much, what about comic sans?
[16:23] <Nothing_Much> that's a font, right?
[16:23] <akiva-thinkpad> Nothing_Much, yeah, the best one
[16:23] <ian-weisser> QUESTION: What feature of Snappy do you worry people won't understand?
[16:24] <sassy_> can i install ubuntu on my htc one v > single core 512mb mobile?
[16:24] <Nothing_Much> akiva-thinkpad: any program that Microsoft has made is horrible
[16:24] <Nothing_Much> including their OS
[16:24] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Where did you get the 25 million users of ubuntu figure from?
[16:25] <dragon77> Windows is not going to be open source.However ever since their new boss took charge it is a talking topic.Windows is not even free of charge yet.And if windows goes open source,it does not mean Linux will die,but Linux and Windows would exchange a lot of features until someone made a fusion of windows and Linux.
[16:25] <Whinocewos> QUESTION: can we install multiple versions of the same app on snappy and run them in the same time?
[16:25] <Nothing_Much> QUESTION: Is there a possible .deb to .Click package program that exists?
[16:25] <sassy_> can i install ubuntu on my htc one v > single core 512mb mobile?
[16:26] <dragon77> QUESTION:Will there still be a version of Ubuntu with unity8 that has .deb and .click?
[16:26] <akiva-thinkpad> lol!
[16:26] <dpm> ian-weisser, :)
[16:27] <ian-weisser> QUESTION: Other than Snappy and Unity8, what other exciting changes are in store for aroud 16.04?
[16:27] <Whinocewos> QUESTION: are there any plan for a launchpad update? it's getting long in the foot
[16:27] <ian-weisser> dpm: Thanks. That wasn't there yesterday.
[16:27] <sassy_> well i was waiting for an answer on >can i install ubuntu on my htc one v > single core 512mb mobile?
[16:28] <balloons> ian-weisser, here's the session:
[16:28] <k1l_> QUESTION: is there a date for snappy packages to hit desktop-next iso?
[16:29] <akiva-thinkpad> Woot!
[16:31] <ian-weisser> balloons: Thanks. That wasn't there yesterday.
[16:31] <akiva-thinkpad> lol
[16:32] <balloons>
[16:32] <balloons>
[16:32] <dpm>
[16:33] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Who came up with the Origami Aesthetic? Its brilliant~
[16:33] <balloons> for those who might be new during UOS
[16:34] <dpm>
[16:34] <balloons> or by day:
[16:34] <dpm>
[16:35] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Is the HUD implimented in Unity8 yet? Are either of you running it full time yet?
[16:37] * ahayzen remembers balloons confusing apt on ahayzen's laptop at Malta ;)
[16:37] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Would you consider btrfs stable enough yet? Do either of you run it?
[16:37] <LukeWarmwater> QUESTION. Do you think using something as friendly as QML as the main language in Unity 8 will help increase the number of people who can help shape the Unity 8 shell itself compared to the Unity 7?
[16:38] <akiva-thinkpad> LukeWarmwater, good question, and yet
[16:38] <akiva-thinkpad> yes
[16:38] <jono> hey folks
[16:39] <akiva-thinkpad> jono, !!!!!
[16:39] <jono> hey akiva-thinkpad :-)
[16:39] <ahayzen> o/
[16:39] <jono> hey ahayzen :-)
[16:39] * jono listens to the dulcet tones of balloons
[16:39] <akiva-thinkpad> Whats new with xprize?
[16:40] <balloons> here's the snappy security model:
[16:40] <jono> akiva-thinkpad, trying to figure out the right path forward :-)
[16:40] <LukeWarmwater> The next bunch of ubuntu releases should be named after the most frequently asked question about it. 15.10 should be called Whatitcalled.
[16:40] <akiva-thinkpad> jono, very cool!
[16:41] <jono> akiva-thinkpad, it has been a ride :-)
[16:41] <jono> akiva-thinkpad, how are you?
[16:41] <akiva-thinkpad> LukeWarmwater, I like "Worthless Wubi"
[16:41] <akiva-thinkpad> given how many askubuntu questions revolve around failed installations with it
[16:41] <akiva-thinkpad> jono, delicious.
[16:41] <akiva-thinkpad> thanks!
[16:41] <ian-weisser> QUESTION: If you had to give advice to your Ubuntu-using Grandmother about all the changes with Snappy and Unity8 coming, what would you say?
[16:42] <akiva-thinkpad> jono, I liked your demo of the bq at the insider events.
[16:42] <jono> thanks akiva-thinkpad :-)
[16:42] <akiva-thinkpad> microsoft said ubuntu had millions with its cloud services
[16:43] <jono> QUESTION: I saw ScottK's blog post about UOS and in the comments there was a discussion about whether UOS has value bringing people together, or whether independent hangouts outside of UOS are better - what do you guys think?
[16:43] <alex02012> "weighty wallaby" should be the name for 16.04
[16:44] <akiva-thinkpad> alex02012, 15.10*
[16:44] <akiva-thinkpad> alex02012, 1604 is x
[16:44] <ian-weisser> jono: Oooh, that's a very good one.
[16:44] <jono> :-)
[16:45] <balloons> Nothing_Much,
[16:45] <alex02012> aktiva-thinkpad, you´re right :-)
[16:45] <akiva-thinkpad> :]
[16:48] <xuacu> QUESTION: Is Ubuntu i18n system left behind the general improvements in Ubuntu developement?
[16:50] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Which former community do you miss most, and wish would return someday?
[16:53] <balloons> o/ jono, didn't see you slip in here :-)
[16:53] <akiva-thinkpad> lol
[16:53] <jono> balloons, :-)
[16:56] <jono> :-)
[16:58] <chris___> I have a question What is the advantage of Ubuntu Phone over Android ?
[16:58] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION: Have either of you been progamming in golang yet? Thoughts?
[16:59] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION chris___ What is the advantage of Ubuntu Phone over Android ?
[17:00] <akiva-thinkpad> good question
[17:00] <Gigahurtz> Hi everybody
[17:01] <Gigahurtz> new aquaris e4.5 owner here
[17:01] <akiva-thinkpad> hi Gigahurtz !
[17:01] <balloons> hi Gigahurtz !
[17:01] <jono> thanks for the answer, dpm, balloons
[17:01] <akiva-thinkpad> QUESTION What irc client do you use?
[17:01] <jono> also, keep up the excellent work!
[17:01] <everybody> hello Gigahurtz
[17:02] <jono> the community is fortunate to have you leading the charge :-)
[17:02] <balloons> jono, do I sense a blog post from you?
[17:02] <balloons> jono, thanks for asking, good quesitons
[17:02] <akiva-thinkpad> former community member * dpm
[17:02] <jono> balloons, LOL, not this time around :-)
[17:02] <jono> balloons, I have enough bloody writing on my hands these days :-)
[17:02] <Gigahurtz> I undestand the os on the phone is very new
[17:02] <balloons> jono, yes, your new column has been interesting reading
[17:02] <jono> thanks balloons
[17:02] <jono> it has been fun to do
[17:02] <jono> just planning my next one
[17:03] <balloons> it suits you well
[17:03] <balloons> good fit :-)
[17:03] <jono> thanks!
[17:03] <Gigahurtz> how do users report bugs and suggestions?
[17:03] <jono> starting to do a Forbes one, this is more uncertain :-)
[17:03] <akiva-thinkpad> Gigahurtz, good question
[17:03] <dpm> thanks jono!
[17:04] <akiva-thinkpad> Gigahurtz, it depends. For specific apps, you go to the launchpad page for that project
[17:04] <Gigahurtz> the phone is lacking some very basic features that we need working to be taken seriously by even techie consumers
[17:04] <Gigahurtz> like me. Lol
[17:05] <akiva-thinkpad> Gigahurtz, are you interested in app development?
[17:05] <Gigahurtz> thx akiva
[17:05] <balloons> Gigahurtz, be sure to attend UOS next week and talk and share about these things
[17:05] <Gigahurtz> I plan to dabble in paps. I'm a noob
[17:05] <balloons> there's an entire app development track, and you can be involved!
[17:06] * dpm high-fives balloons
[17:06] <akiva-thinkpad> Gigahurtz, if you are interested in learning qml and helping the ubuntu core apps, come over to #ubuntu-app-devel
[17:06] <dpm> thanks all!
[17:06] <Gigahurtz> wish I could attend but duty calls at work. Grrrr
[17:06] <ahayzen> thanks balloons dpm :)
[17:06] <akiva-thinkpad> bye!!!!!
[17:06] * balloons high-fives dpm back
[17:06] <Gigahurtz> thx akiiva
[17:06] <balloons> this was most enjoyable. really nice questions everyone!
[17:07] <akiva-thinkpad> Gigahurtz, we also have the ubuntu online summit coming up. Come participate with a team and offer your feedback
[17:07] <akiva-thinkpad> help plan new features
[17:07] <ian-weisser> Good session. You guys are at your most persuasive when talking about stuff you really care about.
[17:07] <akiva-thinkpad> ^
[17:08] <Gigahurtz> sounds good I will keep my eye out for the online summit
[17:09] <Gigahurtz> I think a clear road plan of what needs fixing and implementing in the coming months.
[17:09] <Gigahurtz> is needed
[17:11] <akiva-thinkpad> Gigahurtz, :) i'm busy until then, but if you want an introduction to programming with ubuntu, let me know.
[17:11] <akiva-thinkpad> We also run a subreddit
[17:11] <akiva-thinkpad> /r/ubuntuappdev
[17:12] <Gigahurtz> Thank you
[17:12] <ian-weisser> Gigahurtz: A clear road plan is a tall order. See the Ubuntu Online Summit for that.
[17:12] <Gigahurtz> will check it out. Thx
[21:17] <fifty> hello, how do i upgrade 14.04 ubuntu to 15? it wont update
[21:18] <k1l> fifty: try #ubuntu for support
[21:19] <fifty> i figured someone here would have the answer which would save me time ha. thanks for your help anyway | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.331221 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-on-air"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-it | [07:03] <gigirock> ls
[08:54] <jester-> 'ngiorno
[08:56] <virtual_> buongiorno
[09:38] <ricky_> ciao a tutti qualcuno sa come installare skype sulla nuova 15.04? sto impazzendo dopo una clean install
[09:39] <ricky_> ho l'icona ma non lo apre in nessun modo
[09:39] <bip> ricky_: avvialo da terminale, cosa ti dice?
[09:39] <ricky_> bip, uhm da terminale va è con l'icona che nn lo lancia
[09:41] <bip> ricky_: da terminale, avviandolo non riscontri nessun tipo di problema? L'applicazione funziona senza problemi?
[09:41] <ricky_> bip SI PARE PROPRIO DI SI
[09:41] <ricky_> bip, scusate il caps
[09:41] <gigirock> ricky_, 1504 unity ?
[09:43] <ricky_> gigirock, si
[09:44] <gigirock> allora avvia la dashboard e scrivi sk... e apri dall'icona che appare li'
[09:46] <Tdk200> Salve a tutti
[09:46] <ricky_> gigirock, provo
[09:46] <iugin> Ciao ragazzi, qualcuno mi sa aiutare per quanto riguarda le docking station? Non ne trovo nessuna compatibile con ubuntu...
[09:47] <jester-> gigirock: the ghe dropbox?
[09:47] <ricky_> questa è la disto
[09:47] <ricky_> distro*
[09:47] <Tdk200> ho installato lubuntu su un vecchio portatile asus ma l-audio non funge. Come posso ovviare a questo inconveniente
[09:48] <cristian_c> iugin, ne devi acquistare una?
[09:48] <ricky_> gigirock, bip ora sembra ok
[09:49] <cristian_c> ricky_, di solito da dove lo lanciavi? Dal launcher?
[09:49] <ricky_> cristian_c, si ma era come se nn prendeva il doppio click
[09:49] <iugin> cristian_c: già, ma ne ho provata una (della Electricity) che diceva di avere i driver, invece non aveva nulla e aveva diversi problemi.
[09:49] <ricky_> ora l'ho rilanciato da shell e pare si sia sbloccato
[09:49] <cristian_c> ricky_, doppio clic? O.o
[09:49] <gigirock> jester si
[09:49] <cristian_c> ricky_, e mica sul launcher serve il doppio clic
[09:50] <ricky_> cristian_c, con il click scusa ho pensato una cosa e scritta un'altra sorry :D
[09:50] <cristian_c> ricky_, non funziona ora dal launcher?
[09:50] <cristian_c> iugin, ok
[09:51] <iugin> cristian_c: ne sai qualcosa te?
[09:51] <cristian_c> iugin, le info erano sulla pagina del sito ufficiale?
[09:51] <ricky_> cristian_c, si ora dopo il primo avvio diciamo si è sbloccato
[09:51] <cristian_c> di compatibilità
[09:51] <calimero_82> salve non riesco a installare hold em da lubuntu software center
[09:51] <calimero_82> dice dipendenze non soddisfatte
[09:51] <gigirock> !info holdem
[09:51] <ubot-it> Package holdem does not exist in trusty
[09:52] <iugin> cristian_c: intendi le specifiche della docking? Erano sulla pagina amazon, che linkava una pagina di un "loro" sito. Dove i driver sono aggiornati a parecchi anni fa e addirittura ho scoperto che funzionano solo per la versione USB 2.0
[09:52] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-get install pastebinit
[09:52] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-get update | pastebinit
[09:53] <cristian_c> iugin, intendo sul sito ufficiale electricity, ci sono informazioni su compatibilità linux?
[09:53] <ricky_> cristian_c, sto inoltre usando una doppia gtx 760 in sli, come mi assicuro che stiano andando entrambe?
[09:54] <ricky_> cristian_c, siccome ho messo osx e me ne vede solo una
[09:54] <ricky_> cristian_c, volevo essere certo che ubuntu le vedesse entrambe
[09:55] <calimero_82> krabador
[09:55] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-cache searchpkg holdem | pastebinit
[09:55] <iugin> cristian_c: Sinceramente non so se hanno un sito proprio del negozio, ma sulla pagina amazon avevano scritto: "Linux: Link display fornisce libreria open source. Driver è comunità scritta. ha i dettagli per utenti esperti e avventurosi ". Ma come ti dicevo quella pagina che linkano non ha i driver.
[09:55] <cristian_c> ricky_, macpro?
[09:56] <iugin> cristian_c: Comunque la marca è Etekcity (correggo quanto scritto prima)
[09:56] <jester-> ricky_: driver 346 in vivid + nvidia-cuda-toolkit dovrebbe andare
[09:56] <ricky_> cristian_c, no hackintosh
[09:56] <calimero_82> krabador: E: Operazione searchpkg non valida Si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto, in chiusura.
[09:56] <cristian_c> iugin, era una recensione di un utente?
[09:56] <jester-> o 331 nella 14.10
[09:56] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-cache search holdem | pastebinit
[09:57] <calimero_82> Si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto, in chiusura.
[09:57] <calimero_82> krabador
[09:57] <cristian_c> ricky_, tu pretendi che le cose vadano su os x taroccato?
[09:57] <ricky_> cristian_c, questa è la mia build
[09:57] <cristian_c> ricky_, per favore, niente warez
[09:57] <cristian_c> in canale
[09:57] <ricky_> cristian_c, l'hw è osx friendly perchè no
[09:58] <ricky_> k
[09:58] <jester-> ricky_: osx tarocco su pc è na strunzata
[09:58] <tdk200> scusate si è riavviato il pc
[09:58] <iugin> cristian_c: No, descrizione del prodotto, se posso linko la pagina amazon. Ma il prodotto sono riuscito a restituirlo, ora però ne volevo trovare uno compatibile con ubuntu
[09:58] <krabador> calimero_82, se sudo apt-cache search , non ha dato risutati, niente con holdem è nei repo
[09:58] <jester-> ricky_: e questo canale centra come i cavoli a merenda con osx
[09:58] <ricky_> jester-, per me che uso final cut pro invece di spendere 300 euro è una bomba invece
[09:58] <jester-> ricky_: eh ma non tutto funza
[09:58] <ricky_> jester-, era per dire se riuscivo in ubuntu a vedere la doppia gpu ;)
[09:58] <cristian_c> iugin, se devi essere sicuro, controlla sempre sul sito del produttore
[09:58] <calimero_82> non ho capito krabador
[09:58] <tdk200> cmq ho anche un problema all'avvio con un mp-bios bug:8254 timer not connected to io apic
[09:59] <cristian_c> iugin, se non ci sono informazioni sulla compatibilità con linux, allora devi fare ricerca sul web
[09:59] <jester-> ricky_: ti ho risposto sopra
[09:59] <calimero_82> è un problema del repository o mio?
[09:59] <cristian_c> sul modello specifico
[09:59] <ricky_> jester-, si si visto thanks provo subito!
[09:59] <cristian_c> che hai intenzione di acquistare
[09:59] <jester-> ricky_: il river invidia è quasi meglio che quello winz
[09:59] <ricky_> jester-, ottima news :)
[10:00] <iugin> cristian_c: Grazie, la prossima volta lo faccio, il punto è che in rete non trovo nulla. Nemmeno un prodotto che specifichi la compatibilità con linux
[10:00] <jester-> ricky_: ho detto quasi
[10:00] <ricky_> jester-, beh è gia qualcosa
[10:01] <cristian_c> ricky_, apri un terminale
[10:01] <ricky_> cristian_c, CI SONO
[10:01] <ricky_> ops ci sono*
[10:01] <cristian_c> iugin, non trovi modelli di docking acquistabili?
[10:01] <davegarath> tdk200: per il problema audio prova ad aprire un terminale e lanciare alsamixer. verifica che i volumi siano alti e che non siano in mute
[10:01] <cristian_c> iugin, a quali modelli pensavi?
[10:01] <jester-> invidia uno dei pochi costruttori che fornisci ottimi driver linux anche se inviso dalla comunità
[10:01] <krabador> calimero_82, 7
[10:01] <krabador> calimero_82,
[10:02] <cristian_c> ricky_, digita: sudo lshw -C video
[10:02] <cristian_c> ricky_, incolla il risultato su pastebin
[10:02] <cristian_c> !paste | ricky_
[10:02] <ubot-it> ricky_: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina
[10:02] <ricky_> cristian_c, k
[10:02] <calimero_82> nessuna applicazione trovata
[10:02] <iugin> cristian_c: cerco una qualunque docking station che come minimo mi fornisca porte usb 3.0, porta di rete e porte audio. Possibilmente anche uscita video. Non ho esigenze di alcun genere per il resto. In pratica mi va bene una qualunque docking station compatibile con linux
[10:03] <ricky_> cristian_c, eccolo
[10:03] <krabador> calimero_82, appunto
[10:03] <cristian_c> iugin, prima di tutto, tieni d'occhio una docking, e in secondo luogo fai una ricerca sulla compatibilità
[10:04] <iugin> cristian_c: te hai qualche marca da consigliarmi per stare sul sicuro?
[10:04] <cristian_c> ricky_, le vede tutte e due
[10:04] <cristian_c> le gtx 760
[10:05] <cristian_c> sli, con driver open
[10:05] <calimero_82> quindi è un prob del repository?
[10:05] <ricky_> cristian_c, ottimo quindi non mi serve installare altro?
[10:05] <cristian_c> ricky_, allora
[10:06] <cristian_c> ricky_, per attivare lo sli, devi prima di tutto installare i driver proprietari
[10:06] <cristian_c> ricky_, in secondo luogo, lanci: nvidia-xconfig
[10:06] <ricky_> cristian_c, è una scheda unica che integra due gpu in sli ma credo non faccia differenza
[10:07] <cristian_c> ricky_, dovresti poter impostare l'opzione sli dalla finestra di configurazione
[10:08] <cristian_c> ricky_, altrimenti puoi sempre mettere mano a xorg.conf aggiungendo Option "SLI" "AA" nella sezione Screen del file
[10:08] <krabador> calimero_82, quindi "è un prob" che non c'è niente a nome "holdem" tra i software ubuntu, verifica meglio il nome
[10:09] <calimero_82> si chiama pokerth krabador
[10:09] <cristian_c> calimero_82, l'ho appena cercato, e l'ho già trovato
[10:09] <cristian_c> calimero_82, basta che cerchi pokertk nel software center
[10:09] <calimero_82> non me lo fa installare
[10:09] <cristian_c> lsc
[10:09] <ricky_> cristian_c, in driver aggiuntivi dice questo dispositivo sta utilizzando un driver alternativo
[10:10] <calimero_82> neanche su sinaptic
[10:10] <calimero_82> synaptic
[10:10] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-get -y install pokerth | pastebinit
[10:10] <cristian_c> ricky_, sìì più specifico
[10:10] <ricky_> cristian_c, e la spunta è su in uso server X di X.Org....
[10:10] <jester-> c'è holdingnuts client for poker
[10:10] <calimero_82> E: Impossibile correggere i problemi, ci sono pacchetti danneggiati bloccati.
[10:10] <calimero_82>
[10:10] <cristian_c> ricky su quale ubuntu?
[10:10] <jester-> !info holdingnuts
[10:10] <ubot-it> holdingnuts (source: holdingnuts): poker client. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.5-4 (trusty), package size 1530 kB, installed size 2161 kB
[10:11] <cristian_c> ricky_, hai selezionato 'nvidia' dalla lista
[10:11] <cristian_c> ?
[10:12] <ricky_> cristian_c, ho questa situazione
[10:12] <cristian_c> calimero_82, 'non me lo fa installare' è diverso da 'non lo trovo nel software center'
[10:13] <calimero_82> cristian_c: ho sempre scritto che non lo riesco a installare
[10:13] <cristian_c> ricky_, seleziona il primo
[10:13] <cristian_c> 346, testato
[10:13] <ricky_> ok
[10:13] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-cache search libqt5gui5 | pastebinit
[10:14] <cristian_c> nvidia 346.59, non -updates
[10:14] <calimero_82> sudo apt-cache search libqt5gui5 | pastebinit
[10:14] <calimero_82> scusa
[10:14] <ricky_> cristian_c, ok sto facendo
[10:14] <calimero_82> krabador
[10:15] <ricky_> cristian_c, tutto ok andato e da pallino verde
[10:15] <cristian_c> ricky_, ok, apri nvidia-xconfig
[10:16] <ricky_> cristian_c, fatto
[10:16] <cristian_c> ricky_, hai controllato la presenza di opzione sli?
[10:17] <ricky_> cristian_c, non ne parla qui nel pannellino nvidia che si è aperto
[10:17] <cristian_c> ricky_, c'è un comando che ti dice se è abilitato: nvidia-settings -q all | grep SLIMode
[10:17] <cristian_c> ricky_, in ogni caso , riavvia il pc
[10:17] <cristian_c> e poi si ricontrolla
[10:17] <ricky_> cristian_c, ok riavvio e torno
[10:21] <krabador> calimero_82, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit
[10:21] <ricky_> cristian_c, tornato ora è ok ^^
[10:21] <cristian_c> ricky_, digita: sudo lshw -C video
[10:22] <cristian_c> ricky_, cioè?
[10:22] <ricky_> cristian_c, cioè nvidia x server setting mi da tutte le info delle gpu
[10:23] <cristian_c> ricky_, ok, anche sli?
[10:24] <cristian_c> ricky_ nvidia-settings -q all | grep SLIMode
[10:24] <ricky_> cristian_c, ecco il paset
[10:24] <calimero_82>
[10:24] <calimero_82> krabador
[10:24] <cristian_c> ok, anche l'altro
[10:25] <cristian_c> ricky_, cosa risponde?
[10:26] <ricky_> cristian_c, non vedo voci relative all' "sli"
[10:26] <ricky_> cristian_c, però in elenco ce ne sono due gpu quindi credo sia ok
[10:27] <cristian_c> ricky_, hai digitato il comando?
ricky_ nvidia-settings -q all | grep SLIMode
[10:28] <ricky_> cristian_c, si ma nn mi fa vedere nulla
[10:28] <ricky_> cristian_c,
[10:28] <calimero_82> mi da problemi pure quando devo smontare la penna usb
[10:28] <calimero_82> forse meglio che riformatto?
[10:28] <krabador> cristian_c, sudo apt-get -y install libqt5gui5 libqt5widgets5 | pastebinit
[10:29] <cristian_c> ricky_, il comando
[10:29] <cristian_c> ricky_, non l'hai digitato?
[10:29] <cristian_c> ricky_, ah, ok, quindi non esce nulla
[10:29] <calimero_82> è da pochi giorni che sto usando il nuovo hd, forse ho preso una iso non scaricata bene krabador??
[10:30] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-get -y install libqt5gui5 libqt5widgets5 | pastebinit
[10:30] <krabador> cristian_c, sorry
[10:34] <LoZioNe> buongiorno a tutti,ho un problema con Kubuntu 14.10 e la stampa di un file,la stampante da lsusb viene riconosciuta,ma tra le opzioni di stampa mi da solo:stampa su file (pdf) o stampa su file (PostScript)
[10:34] <cristian_c> calimero_82, ho regolarmente installato pokerth sulla 14.04, neessun problema
[10:34] <cristian_c> +nessun
[10:34] <calimero_82> allora cristian_c ho sbagliato con l installazione della iso di lubuntu?
[10:34] <calimero_82> magari è corrotta?
[10:34] <calimero_82> non riesco a smontare neanche le penne usb
[10:34] <calimero_82> mi da errore
[10:34] <calimero_82> krabador
[10:34] <cristian_c> ricky_, un attimo
[10:34] <krabador> calimero_82, hai installato 14.04.2 ?
[10:34] <calimero_82> si
[10:34] <calimero_82> lubuntu 14.04.2
[10:35] <cristian_c> LoZioNe, hai aggiunto la stampante alla lista?
[10:36] <cristian_c> LoZioNe, sai dove si trova il gestore stampanti di kubuntu?
[10:36] <LoZioNe> cristian c, la posizione la rileva: usb://Canon/MP160?serial=429AF3&interface=1
[10:37] <cristian_c> ricky_, un attimo ancora
[10:38] <LoZioNe> Risolto... evidentemente dovevo ricercarla ed è partita...boh?
[10:38] <LoZioNe> Errore 2 -.-"
[10:38] <calimero_82> Description: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS krabador
[10:38] <ricky_> cristian_c, sono qua no problem
[10:39] <cristian_c> ricky_, digita: nvidia-xconfig --busid= PCI:3:0:0--sli=AA
[10:39] <cristian_c> ricky_, digita: nvidia-xconfig --busid= PCI:3:0:0 --sli=AA
[10:39] <cristian_c> il secondo
[10:40] <cristian_c> ricky_, digita: nvidia-xconfig --busid=PCI:3:0:0 --sli=AA
[10:40] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-get -y install pokerth | pastebinit
[10:40] <cristian_c> ora è corretto :D
[10:40] <cristian_c> ricky_, avevo cannato gli spazi
[10:41] <ricky_> cristian_c, picche
[10:41] <cristian_c> ricky_, il terzo
ricky_, digita: nvidia-xconfig --busid=PCI:3:0:0 --sli=AA
[10:41] <cristian_c> avevo cannato anche il secondo
[10:41] <ricky_> eheh ok
[10:42] <calimero_82>
[10:42] <ricky_> cristian_c, unable to write provo con sudo
[10:42] <cristian_c> ricky_, sì
[10:42] <calimero_82> krabador: l'ha installato
[10:42] <calimero_82> e perchè prima non andava?
[10:42] <krabador> calimero_82, buon divertimento
[10:42] <cristian_c> lol
[10:42] <calimero_82> no chiedevo perchè non andasse?
[10:42] <ricky_> cristian_c,
[10:43] <krabador> calimero_82, la 14.04.2 ha qualche problema con la sincronia di alcuni pacchetti nel repo
[10:44] <cristian_c> calimero_82, la prossima volta, leggi i messaggi di errore, e fai una ricerca
[10:44] <cristian_c> prima di chiedere
[10:44] <calimero_82> krabador: è uscito un punto esclamativo vicino all orologio
[10:45] <calimero_82> cristian_c: li ho letti
[10:45] <calimero_82> parlava di dipendenze
[10:45] <calimero_82> non risolte
[10:45] <cristian_c> appunto
[10:45] <harrykar> buondi a tt :)
[10:46] <calimero_82> eh ma quando cerchi di installarlo da synap doveva automaticamente installare le suddette dipendenze scusami
[10:46] <krabador> harrykar, buongiorno
[10:47] <calimero_82> krabador: son successi problemi
[10:47] <calimero_82> è uscito un punto esclamativo
[10:48] <harrykar> ciao ragazzi!!
[10:48] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-get update | pastebinit
[10:48] <krabador> calimero_82, sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade | pastebinit
[10:49] <cristian_c> harrykar, ciao
[10:49] <krabador> calimero_82, cat /var/log/apport.log | pastebinit
[10:49] <cristian_c> ricky_, l'output ti sta dicendo che non hai un file xorg.conf
[10:49] <harrykar> ciao cristian_c , krabador , e a todos
[10:49] <krabador> :D
[10:49] <cristian_c> ricky_, ma con nvidia-xconfig, puoi generarlo
[10:50] <cristian_c> ricky_, sudo nvidia-xconfig
[10:50] <cristian_c> ricky_, generi xorg.conf e poi ripeti il comando di prima
[10:50] <calimero_82> i primi due krabador
<cristian_c> ricky_, digita: nvidia-xconfig --busid=PCI:3:0:0 --sli=AA
[10:51] <calimero_82> il cat invece mi da quest errore: cat: /var/log/apport.log: File o directory non esistente Si sta tentando di inviare un documento vuoto, in chiusura.
[10:54] <cristian_c> calimero_82, i primi due comandi non restituiscono messaggi di errore
[10:55] <calimero_82> no, il terzo l'ho scritto
[10:56] <cristian_c> ricky_, a che punto sei?
[10:58] <harrykar> krabador, dalla pagina nostrana (quell poject non piu in uso) ho scorto questa
[10:58] <cristian_c> calimero_82, allora significa che non hai ricevuto messaggi di ubuntu-bug
[10:59] <calimero_82> è uscito un punto esclamativo vicino all orario sulla barra
[10:59] <calimero_82> che me lo inventavo?
[10:59] <harrykar> pongo pur qui cmq la questione : oggetto trovare una macchina laptop con ubuntu preinstallato se qualcuno ha avuto esperienza diretta o indiretta fra marchi diversi dica pure
[11:00] <cristian_c> calimero_82, no, dico che magari comunque, non si tratta di problemi con apport
[11:00] <harrykar> magari partendo dalla rete distributiva italiana e poi via via andando piu lontano germania usa ecc
[11:00] <revoltjonh> Salve, vorrei un'informazione. ho un pc con processore pentium 32 bit, e sto appena scaricando l'ultima versione (15.04) di ubuntu. potrà girare su questo pc, o devo scaricare una versione precedente?
[11:00] <cristian_c> harrykar, facendo ricerche online, si trovano portatili con linux preinstallato, ubuntu non so
[11:01] <harrykar> e magari dando precendenza a prodoti locali aziende italiane
[11:01] <cristian_c> revoltjonh, se hai un pentium 4, un pentium D o un pentium M, puoi sperare di farlo girare soltanto con ubuntu
[11:01] <krabador> harrykar, sul preinstallato , linux, in italia, nella grande distribuizione c'è poco niente
[11:01] <cristian_c> revoltjonh, se è un pentium 3 o precedente, la vedo dura, ma dipende anche dalla ram
[11:01] <cristian_c> a bordo
[11:02] <harrykar> cristian_c, : finora(sono alle primissime battute) ho scorto da amazon ma loro sono dei soli Acer con del Linpus come OS
[11:02] <krabador> harrykar, quei link vanno presi con le pinze, e ci sono in italia piccole aziende che fanno notebook con ubuntu preinstallato
[11:02] <revoltjonh> ho un pentium M, 2 GB di ram
[11:02] <krabador> harrykar, il budget, in un discorso del genere, è rilevante
[11:02] <cristian_c> revoltjonh, vai comunque di lubuntu
[11:02] <cristian_c> !lubuntu | revoltjonh
[11:02] <ubot-it> revoltjonh:
[11:02] <calimero_82> cristian_c: ma tu hai abilitato i partner di canonical?
[11:02] <harrykar> diciamo sul migliaio di eurozzi
[11:02] <cristian_c> revoltjonh, e fai un giro prima in modalità live
[11:03] <harrykar> la persona ceh ne deve usufruire non e' un power user anzi
[11:03] <revoltjonh> il problema sussiste in quando è la prima volta che mi approccio a ubuntu.. non so proprio come operare :(
[11:03] <harrykar> e provviene da win XP
[11:04] <harrykar> quindi fra imprare Win 8 e ubuntu preferirei ubuntu
[11:04] <harrykar> segurooo!!
[11:04] <cristian_c> harrykar, a parte che queste domande non si fanno in -it
[11:04] <cristian_c> harrykar, le puoi tranquillamente porre in -chat
[11:04] <harrykar> ok crz cristian_c
[11:05] <cristian_c> revoltjonh, prima di tutto scarichi la .iso di lubuntu, poi la masterizzi su un cd, infine entri nel bios e imposti il boot da cd
[11:05] <harrykar> si me l'aveva detto krabador ma qu iscorgo una decina in piu di gente e non ci pensai al IT/OT (ceh son ognrant su ste cose )
[11:05] <harrykar> ok vado di la buona continuaz a voi
[11:06] <revoltjonh> ok perfetto..quindi annullo il download di ubuntu e vado al download di lubuntu.. posso avviare l'installazione tramite un hardisk esterno?
[11:06] <ricky_> cristian_c, eccomi provo
[11:07] <cristian_c> ricky_, ok
[11:07] <ricky_> cristian_c,
[11:07] <cristian_c> revoltjonh, puoi utilizzare anche una pendrive usb come supporto d'installazione live
[11:07] <cristian_c> revoltjonh, e quindi avviare l'installare su hard disk interno da supporto usb
[11:08] <cristian_c> ricky_, ottimo
[11:08] <cristian_c> ricky_, ora, ridigita il comando
[11:08] <cristian_c> e in ogni caso riavvia il pc
[11:08] <revoltjonh> ok ok.. procederò in tal senso. ritornerò non appena riuscirò a fare il tutto. grazie cristian_c
[11:08] <cristian_c> ricky_ nvidia-settings -q all | grep SLIMode
[11:09] <ricky_> cristian_c, non mi ha dato nulla a video lanciandolo comunque riavvio e riprovo
[11:14] <ricky_> cristian_c, riavviato mi si vedeva tutto allungato... :S
[11:15] <ricky_> cristian_c, ho risolto mettendo duplica nelle impostazioni monitor
[11:15] <cristian_c> ricky_, ok
[11:15] <cristian_c> ricky_ nvidia-settings -q all | grep SLIMode
[11:16] <ricky_> cristian_c, stessa cosa non compare nulla in risposta nella shell
[11:16] <cristian_c> ricky_, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[11:17] <LoZioNe> Promemoria: ricordare di torgliere i filtrini delle sigarette dal supporto carta,prima di stampare -.-"
[11:17] <calimero_82> krabador: mi da errore quando voglio smontare unità usb, è preferibile che rifaccio l installazione?
[11:18] <ricky_> cristian_c,
[11:18] <cristian_c> ricky_, l'opzione c'è
[11:19] <cristian_c> nella sezione Screen
[11:19] <ricky_> cristian_c, si stavo notando
[11:20] <ricky_> cristian_c, dovrebbe essere tutto ok
[11:21] <cristian_c> ricky_, ls -la /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ | pastebinit
[11:23] <ricky_> cristian_c,
[11:24] <cristian_c> ricky_, ls , non 1s
[11:25] <cristian_c> ah, ok , errato io
[11:25] <ricky_> eheh
[11:25] <cristian_c> ricky_, dunque, non c'è la directory
[11:25] <cristian_c> ricky_, quindi stai utilizzando xorg.conf
[11:26] <ricky_> cristian_c,
[11:26] <cristian_c> ricky_, in ogni caso, i driver potrebbero essere già stati caricati
[11:27] <cristian_c> ricky_, nvidia-settings -q all | grep SLI
[11:29] <ricky_> cristian_c, niente risponde con uno /n :D
[11:29] <ricky_> cristian_c, mi va a capo e basta
[11:34] <cristian_c> ricky_, controlla se è presente l'opzione in nvidia-xconfig
[11:38] <ricky_> cristian_c, controllo
[11:38] <krabador> ricky_, senza sudo , nvidia-settings -q all | grep SLIMode
[11:38] <krabador> l'hai mandato?
[11:41] <ricky_> cristian_c, nn vedo la voce qua...
[11:43] <krabador> ricky_, guarda in x server display configuration, e x server information
[11:45] <ricky_> cristian_c, niente
[11:46] <cristian_c> ricky_, è selezionata la prima gpu
[11:46] <cristian_c> ricky_, vai in nvidia-settings configuration
[11:47] <cristian_c> ricky_, ma controlla anche il menù a tendina Selection
[11:48] <cristian_c> ricky_, insomma, guardaci un po'
[11:48] <ricky_> cristian_c, si ho aperto tutto e nn vedo la voce sli ma non so se è corretto cosi o meno
[11:49] <ricky_> cristian_c, non sono molti ad usare sli mi sa
[11:52] <cristian_c> ricky_, ok, forse trovato
[11:52] <cristian_c> ricky_, OpenGL settings
[11:52] <cristian_c> Miscellaneous
[11:53] <ricky_> cristian_c, nemmeno li :S
[11:53] <ricky_> cristian_c, non vorrei che il sistema le veda entrambe le gpu ma non le sfrutti..
[11:53] <cristian_c> ricky_, puoi postare una schermata?
[11:54] <ricky_> cristian_c, yes arriva
[11:55] <tdk200> Ciao raga sto sistemando un asus a6t con lubuntu
[11:55] <tdk200> da questo link
[11:56] <ricky_> cristian_c,
[11:56] <tdk200> mi dice che dovrebbe funzionare quasi tutto, ma io ho problemi con l'audio
[11:56] <davegarath> tdk200: hai provato a lanciare alsamixer e vedere se i volumi sono ok e non muted ?
[11:56] <cristian_c> ricky_, non è spuntata
[11:56] <LoZioNe> tdk200:lancia alsamixer come comando,
[11:57] <cristian_c> 'Enable Multi-GPU Visual Indicator'
[11:57] <cristian_c> ricky_, hai lanciato con sudo?
[11:57] <gigirock> tdk200, quei 'cosi' avevano sempre un bios da aggiornare................
[11:57] <ricky_> yes
[11:57] <cristian_c> ricky_, allora spunta l'opzione che ho riportato
[11:57] <tdk200> gigirock: nn ti dico :D io il bios l'ho aggiornato e la ventola del pc va a palla
[11:57] <tdk200> sta sempre al massimo
[11:57] <tdk200> cmq ho aperto alsa mixer dal terminale
[11:58] <tdk200> come si alza il volume??
[11:58] <gigirock> tdk200, ci sono gli slider...
[11:58] <tdk200> ho master 00
[11:58] <davegarath> tdk200: selezioni il canale con le frecce sx e dx. con up e down alzi e abbassi
[11:58] <gigirock> eh regola.... #apppalla
[11:59] <tdk200> davegarath: sfortunatamente a master nn c'è la colonna per alzare ed abbassare
[11:59] <LoZioNe> gigirock, lol
[11:59] <tdk200> neanchea quelli che seguono maste
[11:59] <tdk200> r
[11:59] <tdk200> quello che posso regolare è solo pcm
[12:00] <gigirock> tdk200, con f qualche cosa scegli la sk audio......
[12:00] <tdk200> aspè
[12:00] <tdk200> sento ilvostro invio dei messaggi
[12:01] <tdk200> però in basso a dx non posso alzare dall'icona audio la stanghetta che regola il volume
[12:01] <LoZioNe> tdk200,controlla che tutte le colonnette orizzontali gialle segnalino 100 come valore
[12:01] <tdk200> sono su youtube e si sente tutto
[12:02] <tdk200> ma nn posso regolare l'audio dall'icona in basso a dx
[12:02] <tdk200> ho lubuntu 15
[12:02] <gigirock> tdk200, non ti preoccupare noi parliamo piano......
[12:03] <tdk200> :S
[12:03] <tdk200> sembrerebbe che solo il gestore del volume in basso a dx nn funga
[12:04] <gigirock> tdk200, e' la sk audio di default da impostare.....
[12:05] <LoZioNe> tdk200,controlla dal Controllo Volume se non è impostata la voce "silenzia"
[12:08] <tdk200> nn trovo nessun controllo volume :S
[12:09] <tdk200> come faccio impostazioni controllo volume mi apre il terminale
[12:09] <tdk200> possibile che nn lo tengo LoZioNe??
[12:10] <tdk200> gigirock: normale che parta il terminale?
[12:10] <gigirock> no
[12:11] <LoZioNe> tdk200, il comando alsamixer è lo stesso dell'icona controllo volume,prova a controllare da TastoDX del mouse sulla barra delle applicazioni e vedi se c'è l'opzione di controllo volume (mi sembra strano che non hai l'icona)
[12:11] <gigirock> tdk200, dai un bel sudo apt-get update&sudo apt-get upgrade;reboot
[12:11] <tdk200> rebot e si riavvia
[12:12] <tdk200> ma nn c'era un altro gestore dei volumi?
[12:13] <tdk200> poi sul terminale nn mi fa manco incollare porca la baldraccaccia zozza
[12:17] <tdk200> dopo il comando upgrade Eseguito
[12:18] <tdk200> 0 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.
[12:22] <LoZioNe> Grande Zoff che con uno script mi ha risolto 1000 problemi in risposta rapida!! ^^
[12:22] <tdk200> gigirock: LoZioNe nulla da fare
[12:22] <tdk200> apre sempre un terminale vuoto
[12:23] <tdk200> se installo pulse audio?'
[12:23] <LoZioNe> posta una schermata del terminale con lanciato il comando alsamixer da
[12:25] <tdk200>
[12:26] <LoZioNe> tdk200,seleziona Master con le frecce direzionali sx dx e alza il livello del volume a 100
[12:27] <tdk200> Grazie LoZioNe gia ho provato
[12:27] <LoZioNe> e non va?
[12:27] <tdk200> no
[12:28] <tdk200> gli unici che si alzano e abbassano sono quei 3 che hanno la colonna
[12:30] <tdk200> spè riavvio
[12:30] <LoZioNe> tdk200,
[12:32] <LoZioNe> tdk200, neanche dalla regolazione volume in basso a dx sulla barra riesci ad alzare?
[12:33] <tdk200> grrr
[12:34] <LoZioNe> tdk200, neanche dalla regolazione volume in basso a dx sulla barra riesci ad alzare?
[12:35] <tdk200> cmq LoZioNe cosa assurda prima di spegnere e riavviare ho installato pulse audio
[12:35] <tdk200> e il gestore in basso a dx si piò usare
[12:35] <tdk200> ma se vado a premere controllo volume nn apre nulla sempre il terminale vuoto mi apre
[12:35] <tdk200> bah
[12:36] <LoZioNe> vai sul Terminale con Alsamixer aperto e premi F6
[12:36] <LoZioNe> che opzioni hai come schede audio?
[12:37] <tdk200> predefinita, che è l'invidia che vedi nella foto che ho uppato, e sempre nvidia sotto
[12:37] <tdk200> te lo scrivo -(predefinita)
[12:37] <tdk200> sotto 0 nvidia
[12:38] <tdk200> sotto ancora inserisci il nome del device a piacere :D
[12:39] <LoZioNe> seleziona -(predefinita)
[12:39] <tdk200> fatto già
[12:40] <tdk200> cmq ho installato pulse audio e se lo voglio eseguire esce questro:
[12:40] <tdk200> niko@niko-A6Tc:~$ pulseaudio
[12:40] <tdk200> E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.
[12:40] <tdk200> E: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() non riuscita.
[12:40] <tdk200> io ricordo che dopo l'installazione usciva un'icona del programma nel menu ma manco c'è
[12:40] <tdk200> :S
[12:43] <dadexix86> tdk200, non è che stai cercando pavucontrol?
[12:44] <LoZioNe> tdk200, posta lspci | grep -i audio e anche aplay -l
[12:44] <tdk200> la verità come sta andrebbe anche bene Ma nn si apre il controllo volume dall'icona
[12:45] <tdk200> 00:10.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)
[12:46] <tdk200> !paste
[12:46] <ubot-it> servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina
[12:46] <tdk200>
[12:46] <LoZioNe> tdk200, e anche aplay -l
[12:48] <tdk200> LoZioNe: apri il link del paste sopra
[12:50] <LoZioNe> riprova F6 da alsamixer (nel Terminale) e ridai 0
[12:51] <LoZioNe> e riprova ad alzare i livelli volume
[12:51] <tdk200> ───────────────── Errore ─────────────────┐ │
[12:51] <tdk200> │ │Impossibile aprire il device "0" del mixer│ │
[12:51] <tdk200> │ │File o directory non esistente
[12:52] <tdk200> aspè riavvio un secondo
[13:00] <tdk200> LoZioNe: ciao :D ho fatto una prova
[13:00] <LoZioNe> e?
[13:01] <tdk200> ho rimosso pulse audio ed è ritornato come prima in poche parole nn posso muovere il regolatore di volume in masso a dx
[13:01] <tdk200> ma l'audio si sente
[13:01] <tdk200> volevo fare una domanda
[13:01] <LoZioNe> riprova a controllare il volume in alsamixer
[13:01] <tdk200> io posso togliere alsa mixer e sostituirlo con pulse audio?
[13:02] <tdk200> io ho le voci master headphone speaker che nn si possono alzare ne abbassare. se abbasso pcm l'audio scende
[13:03] <LoZioNe> se dai pulseaudio in un terminale cosa ti risponde?
[13:04] <tdk200> quel messaggio di errore di prima:S cercalo sopra io adesso ho rimosso pulse audio
[13:04] <tdk200> per vedere come si comportava
[13:04] <tdk200> in poche parole se installo pulse audio posso muovere il volume in basso a dx
[13:04] <tdk200> solo che rimane sempre alsa mixer il gestore audio,
[13:05] <tdk200> se però clicco dall'icona in basso a dx impostazioni di controllo volume apre un terminale vuoto :D
[13:05] <tdk200> adesso installo pulse audio da lubuntu software center e vedo
[13:07] <tdk200> so instalando solo pulse audio volume control
[13:09] <tdk200> sto
[13:15] <tdk200> LoZioNe: ho risolto
[13:15] <LoZioNe> lol
[13:15] <LoZioNe> l'audio va?
[13:16] <tdk200> adesso quando premo su controllo volume parte pulseaudio
[13:16] <tdk200> e va meglio
[13:16] <tdk200> ma se uno ha pulse audio può rimuovere alsamixer??
[13:17] <LoZioNe> puoi anche mantenerli entrambi
[13:17] <tdk200> ok
[13:17] <LoZioNe> se usi pulse ricordati solo di regolare i valori voluma da li
[13:17] <LoZioNe> *volumi
[13:17] <tdk200> LoZioNe: ultima domanda per il java io so che è uscita la versione 8
[13:18] <tdk200> sto facendo questo pc per una mia amica
[13:18] <tdk200> vorrei installargli tutti i programmi atti a far funzionare al meglio il pc
[13:19] <tdk200> java è uno di quelli :D alle volte su internet si trovano dei contenuti in java
[13:19] <tdk200> e se nn partono resterebbe senza
[13:19] <LoZioNe> tdk200,puoi installare l'8
[13:19] <tdk200> come fare ad installare e verificare il java 8?
[13:20] <LoZioNe> dai uno alla volta questi comandi:
[13:20] <LoZioNe> sudo apt-get purge openjdk*
[13:20] <LoZioNe> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
[13:20] <LoZioNe> sudo apt-get update
[13:20] <LoZioNe> sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
[13:21] <LoZioNe> Per verificare la versione installata, da Terminale:
[13:21] <LoZioNe> java -version
[13:21] <tdk200> aspè ma tu mi stai dando i ppa
[13:21] <tdk200> :S
[13:21] <tdk200> io vorrei evitare i ppa
[13:21] <tdk200> dicono che rompono i maroni
[13:23] <tdk200> sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre questo è meglio
[13:23] <tdk200> senza ppa va
[13:25] <LoZioNe> tdk200,
[13:26] <LoZioNe> oppure puoi anche installarlo dal loro sito
[13:27] <tdk200> java -version
[13:27] <tdk200> openjdk version "1.8.0_45-internal"
[13:27] <tdk200> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-internal-b14)
[13:27] <tdk200> OpenJDK Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)
[13:27] <tdk200> è andato a buon fine??
[13:29] <LoZioNe> tdk200,da Terminale vedi cosa risponde il comando java -version
[13:30] <LoZioNe> 1.8.0_45-internal
[13:32] <Linzo> ciao a tutti... tramite ubuntu tweak ho tolto i kernel vecchi e ogni tanto (specialmente oggi) fa il logoff da solo e prima che ritorna la possibilità di inserire la password fa schermata nera ma non riesco a capire cosa c'è scritto
[13:32] <tdk200> clicca sul link
[13:32] <Linzo> purtoppo la schermata nera nn riesco ad avere lo screen
[13:33] <Linzo> aggiungo.. da tweak non ho tolto nient'altro, cache di Apt e le configurazioni di pacchetto
[13:33] <Linzo> sono rimasti invariati
[14:05] <Tovanor> ciao a tutti
[14:06] <krabador> !ciao | Tovanor
[14:06] <ubot-it> Tovanor: Ciao! Benvenuto in #ubuntu-it
[14:06] <Tovanor> ragazzi una domanda al volo, stò per cambiare computer e prenderne uno nuovo con budget sui 400-500€ avete qualche consiglio da darmi?
[14:06] <Tovanor> pensavo HD un SSD da 256gb e un hd interno da 1 tb
[14:06] <Tovanor> per SO e storage
[14:07] <Tovanor> processore intel scheda madre gigabyte
[14:07] <Tovanor> e scheda video nvidia
[14:07] <krabador> per montarci dentro cosa?
[14:07] <krabador> come s.o. ?
[14:08] <Tovanor> Ubuntu 15
[14:08] <Tovanor> l'ultima versione
[14:08] <sardonico> a meno di non dover giocare io lascerei la scheda video intel
[14:08] <Tovanor> ho due schermi uno per scrittura l'altro per lettura
[14:08] <krabador> !chat | Tovanor
[14:08] <ubot-it> Tovanor: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat
[14:09] <krabador> Tovanor, questo canale è di assistenza, ed è loggato
[14:09] <krabador> di là , si puo' chiaccherare tranquillamente
[14:09] <Tovanor> pensavo fosse un problema tecnico scusate
[15:01] <Manuelito> Ciao,ogni volta che apro o browser o altri programmi ubuntu si blocca
[15:02] <Carlin0> bug nouveau
[15:02] <krabador> Carlin0, non te lo dirà mai
[15:03] <Carlin0> eh lo so magari gli si era impallato tutto
[15:04] <Carlin0> Manuelito, hai una scheda video nvidia ?
[15:04] <Manuelito> Sono con im cell ora... qualcuno sa cosa può aver creato il problema?
[15:04] <Manuelito> Si
[15:04] <Manuelito> Nvidia quadro
[15:04] <Carlin0> installa i driver proprietari
[15:04] <Manuelito> Ok...asp
[15:05] <Carlin0> no io devo scappare cmq ti seguirà qualcun altro
[15:05] <Manuelito> Ok.
[15:07] <Manuelito> E forse è anche per quello che sopra le finestre in generale e alcune tracce in scrivania vedo che crashano
[15:08] <krabador> Manuelito, per favore, apri un terminale
[15:08] <Manuelito> Nn so come spiegarlo
[15:08] <akis24> sera
[15:08] <krabador> sudo apt-get install pastebinit
[15:08] <Manuelito> Krabador, ok
[15:08] <krabador> sudo lshw -C video | pastebinit
[15:08] <krabador> lsb_release -a | pastebinit
[15:09] <krabador> questi 2 restituiranno 2 link, che ti invito ad incollare qui dentro
[15:09] <Manuelito> Ho un problema..come apro opera o firefox si blocca
[15:09] <krabador> Manuelito, ul terminale
[15:09] <krabador> solo quello devi aprire
[15:09] <Manuelito> Sono da cellulare ora
[15:09] <Manuelito> Ok
[15:09] <krabador> aspetta allora
[15:12] <Manuel> Krabador mi si è scollegato il cell sxusami...mi rimandi i sudo?
[15:13] <krabador> Manuel, sudo lshw -C video | curl -F 'sprunge=<-'
[15:13] <krabador> Manuel, lsb_release -a | curl -F 'sprunge=<-'
[15:13] <Manuel> E postebinit ?
[15:14] <krabador> non serve
[15:14] <Manuel> Ok
[15:16] <Manuel> Ho dovuto fare un rebbot sorry
[15:16] <Manuel> Reboot*
[15:17] <krabador> Manuel, per favore, serve l'output di quei 2 comandi
[15:17] <krabador> Manuel, altrimenti , appena accedi al pc, premi ctrl alt f2 , fai login testuale,
[15:17] <krabador> e fai tutto da li
[15:19] <Manuel> E se io nn avessi intastiera < .???
[15:20] <krabador> Manuel, e come impartisci i comandi?
[15:21] <Manuel> Asp...provo ad entrare tramite browser del portatile
[15:22] <Manu2> eccolo
[15:22] <Manu2> ci sono krabador
[15:22] <Manu2> scusami davvero
[15:24] <Manu2> cmq ora non si è bloccato, tramite "impostazioni di sistema/software e aggiornamenti/driver aggiuntivi" o cambiato driver e funzioan
[15:25] <Manu2> ma cmq ripeto, quel problema della visualizzazione delle cartelle in generale e file in scrivania continuano a non vedersi bene...
[15:27] <Manu2> e poi il classico problema di update
[15:29] <krabador> classico, se prendi a martellate il sistema
[15:29] <krabador> come il tuo
[15:31] <krabador> Manuel, hai decine di ppa
[15:31] <krabador> Manu2, hai "il classico" problema, di chi si sminchia il sistema da solo
[15:33] <Manu2> mooolto probabile
[15:33] <krabador> Manu2, non è probabile è scontato
[15:33] <Manu2> moolto scontato
[15:33] <krabador> "W: Impossibile recuperare 404 Not Found"
[15:34] <krabador> !ripristino | Manu2
[15:34] <ubot-it> Manu2: Per ripristinare un sistema danneggiato:
[15:34] <Manu2> vale per tutti i problemi similari a quello che hai postato a me?
[15:35] <krabador> si possono avere problemi con gli aggiornamenti, pressochè solo nel tuo caso
[15:35] <Manu2> ahah
[15:35] <Manu2> ahahahh
[15:35] <krabador> le alternative sarebbero problemi di rete
[15:35] <krabador> o quando di tanto in tanto , qualche repo è down
[15:36] <Manu2> procedura di ripristino "Alla schermata Tipo di installazione selezionare la voce Aggiorna Ubuntu XX.XX a Ubuntu XX.XX " devo mettere in entrambi i campi 14.04?
[15:37] <krabador> Manu2, devi usare il supporto di installazione della distro che stai usando
[15:37] <krabador> ed i campi saranno compilati
[15:37] <Manu2> ok...
[15:38] <Manu2> domanda, i dati personali verranno cancellati ?
[15:39] <Manu2> ho appena letto... non non vengono cancellati grazie
[15:42] <Luca1986> salve a tutti, due giorni fa ho installato ubuntu gnome 15.04 ma ho un problema con l'audio: non sento nulla
[16:02] <AntaresK> Salve, avrei bisogno di qualche informazione riguardante un notebook dell.
[16:02] <bjack> qualcuno può darmi una mano?
[16:03] <AntaresK> Premessa, il pc esce di con win 8.1, ed io ho installato ubuntu 14.04 in dual boot...
[16:04] <AntaresK> successivamente ubuntu mi è bloccato e non si avviava piu, ho cercato di reinstallarlo, ma per mio errore ho cancellato l'intero disco ed ora mi ritrovo solo ubuntu, come posso recuperare win?? c'è qualche soluzione?
[16:05] <Giorgio_P> Buongiorno, ho cambiato il modem. Ho preso un d-link DSL-2750B ma non riesco ad installarlo in mabiente Ubuntu.
[16:06] <Giorgio_P> Qualcuno può darmi qualche dritta? Grazie
[16:07] <bip> AntaresK: se hai cancellato l'intero HD mi sembra difficile recuperare windows.
[16:07] <bip> AntaresK: in ogni caso se l'assistenza non riguarda ubunto ti consiglio
[16:07] <bip> !chat | AntaresK
[16:07] <ubot-it> AntaresK: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat
[16:08] <AntaresK> ok grazie!!
[16:09] <bip> Giorgio_P: di solito i modem non devono essere installati. Basta collegare il PC con cavetto ethernet e/o collegarsi in Wifi. Eventuali configurazioni basta entrare nel router. Per questi argomenti, non strettamente inerenti ad ubuntu, ti consiglio #ubuntu-it-chat e vedere se ce qualcuno libero.
[16:09] <bip> !aiuto bjack
[16:09] <ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'aiuto bjack'
[16:09] <bip> !chiedi bjack
[16:09] <ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'chiedi bjack'
[16:10] <bip> !chiedi | bjack
[16:10] <ubot-it> bjack: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)
[16:10] <Giorgio_P> Grazie bip. ci provo
[16:11] <bjack> ok, grazie. ho installato ubuntu 15.04 ma non si sente niente
[16:13] <bip> !audio | bjack
[16:13] <ubot-it> bjack: e
[16:18] <b00k3r> sera
ok, do un'occhiata ai link. se non dovessi risolvere, riscrivo qui?
[16:19] <Giorgio_P> Ho bisogno di un supporto per la configurazione del mio nuovo modem in ambiente ubuntu. Mi hanno indirizzato qui. Qualcuno può aiutarmi? Grazie
[16:33] <bjack> ho letto, ma non ho risolto (tra l'altro quelle guide non devono essere recentissime: il comando "asoundconf" non lo trova più)
[16:45] <bjack> scusate, ragazzi, ma c'è qualcuno che possa aiutarmi. non mi va di aspettare 30 ore per una risposta che magari non arriverà
[17:14] <Riccardone> !image
[17:14] <ubot-it> Carica un'immagine su | (richiede registrazione) e metti un collegamento ad essa in canale.
[17:15] <Riccardone> !paste
[17:15] <ubot-it> servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina
[17:16] <Riccardone>
[17:16] <Riccardone> misono perso qualche chiave PGP ??
[17:20] <jester-> Riccardone: cambia il server che l'italico di defualt è bacato
[17:21] <Riccardone> jester-: edito a mano /etc/apt/sources.list ??
[17:21] <Riccardone> jester-: ho Xubuntu 14.04
[17:21] <jester-> Riccardone: nu usa srogenti software
[17:22] <Riccardone> jester-: ??
[17:22] <jester-> Riccardone: sudo software-properties-gtk
[17:23] <Riccardone> jester-: non esiste quel comando,esiste solo "sudo software-center"
[17:23] <jester-> Riccardone: che ubuntu usi
[17:23] <matadores> !chat
[17:23] <ubot-it> per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat
[17:24] <jester-> Riccardone: comunque ci arrivi anche da softwarre center
[17:24] <Riccardone> Xubuntu 14.04.2
[17:24] <jester-> Riccardone: sudo software-properties-gtk non apre u cazzo?
[17:24] <Riccardone> non ritrovo la paginetta doce impostavo i server, il tipo di software da mantenere etc etc
[17:25] <Riccardone> jester-: no
[17:25] <matadores> come mai non masterizza formato video per lettori dvd?
[17:25] <jester-> Riccardone: eh clicca su server altro srotola italia metti crazy
[17:26] <matadores> ho specato cd e un cd e stato permo per oltr 2 ore solo rovinandolo
[17:26] <Riccardone> jester-: sorgenti software é disabilitato!
[17:26] <Riccardone> jester-: mah!
[17:29] <jester-> Riccardone: sudo software-properties-gtk
[17:29] <Riccardone> jester-: quel comando non esiste :(
[17:30] <jester-> Riccardone: scrivi bene
[17:30] <Riccardone> jester-:
[17:31] <krabador> Riccardone, scrivi softw e mettiti a premere tab
[17:31] <jester-> Riccardone: sicuro di avere ubuntu?
[17:31] <Riccardone> jester-: utilizzo il completamento automatico (TAB) e dopo soft ...
[17:31] <jester-> se completa il comando esiste
[17:31] <Riccardone> krabador: esatto, e mi da solo -software-center e software-center-gtk3
[17:31] <Riccardone> jester-: infatti
[17:31] <krabador> ubuntu-gnome?
[17:32] <Riccardone> aspe che pasto lsb_release
[17:32] <jester-> Riccardone: fallo da sofware center
[17:33] <Riccardone> jester-:
[17:33] <jester-> Riccardone: sudo apt-get install software-properties-gtk
[17:33] <jester-> la 14.0.2 è un disastro
[17:33] <Riccardone> jester-: software center non me lo fare, ho editato a mano source.list ed ho risolto ...
[17:34] <krabador> Riccardone, ubuntu-gnome?
[17:34] <Riccardone> krabador:
[17:34] <krabador> oh, mi rispondi?
[17:34] <Riccardone> krabador: Xubuntu in teoria ...
[17:35] <Riccardone> krabador: vedi il link
[17:36] <jester-> Riccardone: la 14.04.2 è un disastro
[17:36] <krabador> Riccardone, lsb_release segnala ubuntu anche con mint
[17:37] <Riccardone> krabador: ok. allora ho una Xubuntu 14.04 upgradata qualche mese con apt-get dist-upgrade
[17:37] <Riccardone> jester-: io mi ci trovo abbastanza bene :)
[17:38] <jester-> è tutto un bug
[17:38] <Riccardone> jester-: conviene aggiornare ?
[17:38] <Riccardone> jester-: perdo la LTS però ...
[17:38] <jester-> Riccardone: dovresti fare 3 2 passaggi per avere la 15-04
[17:38] <jester-> 2 passaggi
[17:38] <Riccardone> jester-: semmai formatto il pc tanto è pressochè vuoto ...
[17:39] <Riccardone> jester-: ma la 15.04 non è LTS ...
[17:39] <jester-> Riccardone: spetterei un paio di mesi per la 15.04
[17:39] <jester-> no lts è 15.04
[17:39] <jester-> cioè 14.04
[17:39] <Riccardone> jester-: qundi mi tengo la mia 14.04 :(
[17:40] <krabador> software-center --- modifica --- sorgenti software
[17:40] <Riccardone> jester-: verso Settembre passerò a 15.04 :)
[17:45] <Riccardone> kittenberg: non è abilitato sorgenti software sotto al menu modifica ... aspe che posto una figura ...
[17:46] <jester-> Riccardone: sudo dpkg -l | grep software
[17:47] <Riccardone> mmm ... non mi funge nemmeno il printscreen .. ma che cavolo sta a succedere ...
[17:48] <jester-> secondo ti manca roba che dovrebbe essere installata di default
[17:49] <Riccardone> jester-:
[17:49] <jester-> Riccardone: infatti non è installato
[17:49] <jester-> e scommetto che manca pure il cazzillo per lo screen
[17:49] <Riccardone> jester-: quindi ? 1) avevo ragione io :) e 2)come lo installo ?
[17:50] <Riccardone> jester-: sicuro ...
[17:50] <jester-> sudo apt-get install software-properties-gtk
[17:50] <jester-> e non ricordo il nome del coso screen
[17:51] <Riccardone> jester-: ora va :)
[17:53] <Riccardone> jester-: ora va anche lo screen ... bah!
[17:53] <Riccardone> jester-: e davvero buggata la 14.04 mi sa...
[17:53] <jester-> .2 è buggata
[17:53] <jester-> la 1 no
[17:53] <blackwolf86> salve, ho installato ubuntu gnome 15.04 e non riesco a far andare l'audio. ho provato le varie guide ma non ho risolto
[17:54] <jester-> blackwolf86: impostazioni audio canale uscita
[17:55] <Riccardone> jester-: come faccio invece a sapere se ho una scheda video Nvidia o Radeon ?
[17:55] <jester-> Riccardone: lspci | grep -i vga
[17:56] <Riccardone> jester-: grazie
[17:57] <blackwolf86> scusa, non ho capito: vuoi sapere cosa ho impostato?
[17:58] <jester-> blackwolf86: controlla in ipostazioni audio nel canale uscita
[17:58] <jester-> se da alternative cambia
[17:59] <blackwolf86> no, nessuna alternativa. aspetta faccio uno screenshot e ti mostro
[18:00] <jester-> blackwolf86: terminale dai alsamixer e tira su tutti i volumi e che ci sia 00 sotto
[18:04] <blackwolf86> impossibile aprire il mixer: Nessun device corrisponde
[18:04] <jester-> blackwolf86: dando alsamixer?
[18:04] <blackwolf86> sì
[18:04] <jester-> blackwolf86: appena installato?
[18:05] <Riccardone> blackwolf86: sudo alsamixer
[18:05] <jester-> non è mai servito sudo
[18:06] <blackwolf86> l'ho installato un paio di giorni fa
[18:06] <jester-> se appena installato è venuta scrausa
[18:06] <jester-> blackwolf86: aluraa, controlla md5sum della iso, se giusto rifai il dvd o usb e provi se da live suona
[18:07] <jester-> !md5sum
[18:07] <ubot-it> Per una lista completa, si veda:
[18:07] <blackwolf86> non si sente nemmeno da live
[18:08] <jester-> blackwolf86: se la iso ha errori l'iinstallazione è vneuta a capocchia
[18:09] <blackwolf86> d'accordo ora controllo. pensavo fosse uno dei 10.000 bug
[18:26] <epizefiri> ciao bellerrimi
[18:58] <blackwolf86> jester, scusa il ritardo della risposta, hai ragione l'hash è completamente diverso
[18:59] <blackwolf86> 4fb3c08901409ad9e080d4c93258500f
[18:59] <jester-> blackwolf86: riscarica, ricontrolla e rifai la live
[19:01] <blackwolf86> ok. però, che tu sappia, la 15.04 ha bug audio?
[19:03] <jester-> blackwolf86: non mi risulta
[19:04] <jester-> blackwolf86: poi si sa che non tutto l'hw è linux digeribile, roba troppo vecchia o troppo nuova puo non avere completo supporto
[19:05] <krabador> non chiedetegli il nome
[19:05] <jester-> eh o P4 o una bestia ultimo grido
[19:06] <krabador> blackwolf86, facendo un supporto di installazione, che sia dvd o pendrive, puoi caricare la sessione di prova, "sessione live" e provare tu stesso
[19:07] <blackwolf86> ok, jester, grazie mille. casomai avessi ancora bisogno a che ora ti colleghi di solito?
[19:08] <jester-> blackwolf86: non ho orari precisi
[19:08] <jester-> dipende da come butta il lavoro
[19:08] <nome> xx
[19:09] <blackwolf86> d'accordo ;-) buon proseguimento e grazie ancora.
[19:44] <Nonnoweb> q
[19:45] <cristian_c> lol
[20:12] <Guest81854> salve, ho già cercato in rete quanto sto per chiedervi non risolvendo: ho appena installato ubuntu 15.04, installato gnome shell ed entrato nella sessione "gnome classic"
[20:13] <Guest81854> ho necessità di: 1) editare i pannelli (rimuovere, spostare, aggiungere)
[20:13] <Guest81854> 2) nella barra sotto poter spostare da una parte all'altra le miniature delle applicazioni aperte
[20:13] <Guest81854> potete darmi supporto?
[20:43] <Alfasus> salve a tutti
[20:47] <vittorio> salve a tutti. con chi posso parlare per avere un supporto tecnico?
[20:48] <Carlin0> !chiedi | vittorio
[20:48] <ubot-it> vittorio: per cortesia non chiedere il permesso di chiedere, semplicemente formula la domanda (tutta su una riga, in modo tale che gli altri possano leggerla e seguirla con facilità). Se qualcuno conosce la risposta ti risponderà :-)
[20:55] <vittorio> il pc si spegne improvvisamente usando ubuntu 14.04 lts
[20:56] <vittorio> qualcuno sa quale possa essere il motivo? le schede ram non sono danneggiate
[20:57] <Carlin0> vittorio, sinceramente escludo che possa dipendere dal sistema operativo
[20:58] <Carlin0> sembra + un problema di hardware
[20:59] <vittorio> il pc è "sano". ha avuto vista fino alla settimana scorsa e non m'ha dato mai questo problema, aveva anche ubuntu 12 lst e neanche lo faceva. ho controllato la compatibilità sul sito e doveva andare bene ma possiamo controllarla insieme se qualcuno può essermi d'aiuto
[21:00] <vittorio> windows vista
[21:01] <Alfasus> sto scrivendo da un altro kubuntu che è installato su un altro disco dello stesso pc
[21:06] <Alfasus> salve a tutti
[21:06] <Alfasus> uso kubuntu. in fase di avvio il sistema non riesce a montare la home che ho su una partizione distinta dalla root. non so come procedere. sto scrivendo da un altro kubuntu che è installato su un altro disco dello stesso pc.
[21:11] <krabador> Alfasus, quando hai installato quella kubuntu, hai indicato la home separata come punto di mount /home ?
[21:12] <krabador> da errori?
[21:13] <Alfasus> krabador, non ricordo come l'ho installata perchè l'ho fatto anni fa.
[21:14] <krabador> Alfasus, monta la root di quella kubuntu, apri /etc/fstab
[21:14] <krabador> e fa un pastebin qui
[21:14] <krabador> !pastebin | Alfasus
[21:14] <ubot-it> Alfasus: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina
[21:14] <Alfasus> krabador, non arrivo nemmeno a fare il login
[21:15] <krabador> Alfasus, riporta errori?
[21:16] <Alfasus> krabador, sì. mi dice che ci sono errori con /home e mi propone fra le altre cose di fare un mount manualmente. cosa che io non so fare.
[21:17] <krabador> Alfasus, allora, se adesso hai caricato un'altro sistema nello stesso disco
[21:17] <krabador> apri il terminale, manda sudo fsck /dev/sdxx
[21:17] <krabador> dove xx sono la lettera corrispondente al disco
[21:17] <krabador> ed il numero della partizione
[21:21] <Alfasus> krabador,
[21:22] <krabador> Alfasus, sudo apt-get install pastebinit
[21:23] <krabador> sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit
[21:23] <vittorio> il pc si spegne improvvisamente usando ubuntu 14.04 lts
[21:23] <vittorio> qualcuno sa quale possa essere il motivo? con altri sistemi operativi non fa questo problema
[21:23] <vittorio> salve a tutti
[21:25] <krabador> vittorio, scarica la iso di ubuntu 15.04, fa un supporto di installazione, mandalo in sessione di prova, e fa una prova per qualche ora
[21:26] <vittorio> ok kreabador. grazie
[21:26] <Alfasus> krabador,
[21:28] <krabador> Alfasus, ---> hai mandato sudo fsck sudo fsck /dev/sdb3
[21:28] <krabador> quanti ce ne metti ancora?
[21:28] <krabador> e ce la fai a mandare <krabador> sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit , delle 23:23 ?
[21:30] <Alfasus> krabador,
[21:31] <krabador> Alfasus, posso chiederti come mai
[21:31] <krabador> hai mandato il pastebin
[21:31] <krabador> di un comando che restituisce un link pastebin?
[21:34] <Alfasus> Krabador, ho seguito pedissequamente le tue istruzioni. così credo. non sto capendo cosa faccio. cerco di seguire le tue indicazioni.
[21:35] <krabador> Alfasus, allora rileggi "pedissequamente" i comandi indicati, e verificali con quelli che hai mandato
[21:35] <krabador> uno te l'ho anche segnalato
[21:43] <Alfasus> krabador, ho capito l'errore che ho commesso. ti chiedo scusa.
[21:44] <krabador> posta il pastebin del comando corretto
[21:44] <krabador> se puoi , prima dei prossimi 10 min
[21:46] <Alfasus> Krabador,
[21:47] <krabador> Alfasus, smonta la partizione
[21:48] <Alfasus> Krabador, per cortesia dimmi come si fa
[21:48] <krabador> Alfasus, non lo usi mai linux, vero?
[21:48] <krabador> sudo umount /dev/sdb3
[21:48] <krabador> ma si deve fare solo da live, o da un'altro sistema che non usa quella partzione
[21:50] <krabador> una volta smontata, rimanda il comando
[21:52] <Alfasus> krabador,
[21:53] <krabador> Alfasus, monta la root di quel sistema, apri con un editor di testo il file /etc/fstab , e fa un pastebin
[21:55] <Alfasus> krabador, scusami, ma non uso mai i comandi di linux, mi limito ad usare gli applicativi. come si monta la root? grazie
[21:56] <krabador> Alfasus, ti sta crescendo il naso
[21:56] <krabador> Alfasus, sudo mount /dev/sdxx /daqualcheparte
[22:00] <Alfasus> krabador, se ho capito bene devo montare la root del sistema che non va e nella root si trova il file /etc/fstab. è così?
[22:01] <krabador> Alfasus, leggi il messaggio delle 23:14
[22:02] <krabador> per ricevere assistenza su un sistema , servono informazioni su quel sistema, non su di un altro.
[22:09] <Alfasus> krabador,
[22:12] <krabador> Alfasus, ok, chiudi editor con fstab, smonta root, e riavvia
[22:25] <Alfasus> krabador, Risolto. GRAZIE. Buonanotte e scusa l'ignoranza. Si è presentato un altro problema: non riesco a fare gli aggiornamenti. Per stanotte basta così. Di nuovo grazie e buonanotte.
[22:25] <krabador> Alfasus, bene
[22:25] <krabador> Alfasus, apri un attimo il terminale
[22:25] <krabador> sudo apt-get update
[22:25] <krabador> pastebin del contenuto
[22:25] <krabador> e vediamo subito se ci sono problemi
[22:30] <Alfasus> krabador,
[22:32] <krabador> Alfasus, sudo dpkg --configure -a
[22:33] <Alfasus> Krabador,
[23:08] <bip> Ciao a tutti
[23:51] <matadores> salve
[23:51] <matadores> ho installato kubuntu
[23:52] <matadores> e audio non posso regolarlo e ne spehnerlo e schermo quando apro una qualsiasi finestra fa strano
[23:56] <bip> matadores: in che senso non puoi regolarlo ne spegnerlo?
[23:56] <matadores> l'audio
[23:57] <matadores> abbassare alzare e disattivare audio
[23:57] <bip> matadores: da terminale dai alsamixer | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.347639 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-it"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-meeting-2 | [16:02] <pitti> o/
[16:03] <mdeslaur> hi pitti
[16:06] <mdeslaur> pitti: not a big turnout, is everyone sprinting or what? :)
[16:06] <pitti> mdeslaur: yes, I figure quite a bunch of folks are on Malta
[16:07] <pitti> mdeslaur: nothing new on the ML or agenda, so I guess we'll just skip?
[16:07] <infinity> Erm, I seem to be late.
[16:07] <infinity> Unless we're skipping.
[16:08] <infinity> Them I'm just psychic.
[16:08] <mdeslaur> yeah, I guess we'll skip
[16:08] <mdeslaur> infinity: you on malta too?
[16:10] <infinity> mdeslaur: No, I'm home, but stunningly late to the meeting because I was talking to someone in Malta. :P
[16:10] <mdeslaur> ok, have a nice afternoon everyone, meeting cancelled
[16:14] * pitti waves | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.354487 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-meeting-2"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-es | [01:40] <nightLXDE2816228> hola gente
[01:41] <nightLXDE2816228> alguien puede ayudarme?
[01:43] <nightLXDE2816228> ????????????????
[01:52] <nightLXDE2816228> ?????????????????????????????
[01:52] <nightLXDE2816228> que pasa que no hay nadie
[01:52] <ghytr> si
[01:52] <nightLXDE2816228> bueno
[01:52] <nightLXDE2816228> hice una pregunta
[01:52] <nightLXDE2816228> y nadie me contesto
[01:52] <nightLXDE2816228> tenes un momento?
[01:53] <ghytr> si
[01:55] <nightLXDE2816228> bueno
[01:55] <nightLXDE2816228> tengo un dvd con ubuntu
[01:55] <nightLXDE2816228> y un pendrive con 16 gb
[01:55] <nightLXDE2816228> en puppy linux
[01:55] <nightLXDE2816228> si tenes un live dvd
[01:56] <nightLXDE2816228> podes copiar los archivos del dvd y pasarlo a un pendrive y ya tenes el sistema operativo
[01:56] <nightLXDE2816228> en el pendrive
[01:56] <nightLXDE2816228> quiero saber si puedo hacer lo mismo con el dvd de ubuntu a mi pendrive
[01:56] <nightLXDE2816228> de copiar los archivos del dvd donde se encuentra ubuntu a mi pendrive para asi arrancarlo con mi pendrive
[01:56] <nightLXDE2816228> se entiende?
[01:56] <ghytr> puede que funcionne si.
[01:57] <nightLXDE2816228> puede o no?
[01:57] <nightLXDE2816228> por que no quiero perder tiempo
[01:58] <ghytr> si elijes seguridad utuliza unetbootin
[01:59] <nightLXDE2816228> ahh
[01:59] <nightLXDE2816228> entonces bajo unetbootin
[01:59] <nightLXDE2816228> y elijo el dvd
[01:59] <ghytr> si
[01:59] <nightLXDE2816228> y se pasa a mi pendrive
[01:59] <nightLXDE2816228> no sabia
[01:59] <nightLXDE2816228> pensaba que tenia que ser iso para que funcione
[02:00] <nightLXDE2816228> pero como te dije en puppy linux copiando solo los archivos de un live cd con puppy ya podias arrancar el pendrive
[02:00] <ghytr> si tienes un iso en el dvd si
[02:00] <nightLXDE2816228> no man
[02:01] <nightLXDE2816228> no tengo iso
[02:01] <nightLXDE2816228> en el dvd
[02:01] <nightLXDE2816228> tengo ubuntu
[02:01] <nightLXDE2816228> yop no veo ninguna iso
[02:01] <nightLXDE2816228> veo carpetas y kas carpetas
[02:01] <ghytr> ya te di la informacion
[02:01] <nightLXDE2816228> funciona bien ubuntu en un pendrive?
[02:02] <nightLXDE2816228> por que tengo 1gb de ram
[02:02] <ghytr> si
[02:02] <nightLXDE2816228> ok voy a probar
[02:02] <nightLXDE2816228> gracias
[13:24] <rengo2> hola buenos dias
[13:25] <rengo2> alguien sabe algun paquete potente par recuprar informacion de un disco rigido forma intecional_ como se llama uno potente gatatice poder recuperar mas posible
[13:27] <GridCube> !photorec
[13:27] <GridCube> !disktest
[13:27] <GridCube> sheet
[13:28] <GridCube> rengo2:
[13:28] <GridCube> !testdisk
[13:28] <rengo2> amigo GridCube
[13:29] <rengo2> pero su interfaz es dificil enteder ademas esta ingles tengo miedo sea peor q hago
[13:43] <rengo2> GridCube: gracias
[15:56] * merrick buenas tardes.
[19:27] <successus> salud o/
[21:42] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.368592 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-es"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-dk-moede | [18:05] <Momsemor> Hej, der sker vist ikke meget her i aften?
[18:06] <Momsemor> Søren er desværre blevet forhindret, jeg skulle hilse fra ham :-)
[18:17] <Momsemor> Næste IRC møde: tirsdag d. 26. maj klokken 20.00. Håber der kommer flere, end i aften ;-) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.370952 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-dk-moede"
} |
2015-04-28-#juju | [07:58] <rogpeppe2> jog: hiya
[14:10] <jcastro_> marcoceppi,
[14:45] <jcastro>
[14:45] <jcastro> any help here would be appreciated!
[15:19] <mwak> Hi, Is it possible to add node app charm for trusty?
[15:23] <jrwren> mwak: yes. Also consider making a charm for your app. The ghost charm is a good example of a node app.
[17:45] <anacapa> hi folks, get problems while bootstrap JUJU
[17:45] <anacapa> the error msg is: WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed
[17:46] <anacapa> JUJU version: 1.22.1-trusty-amd64
[17:46] <anacapa> 2015-04-28 16:55:54 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:93 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can't get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)
[17:47] <anacapa> any suggestions? thx a lot
[19:34] <plars> Is the version of juju-deployer in ppa:juju/stable compatible with newer versions of juju? I'm hitting an error when I try to run juju-deployer:
[19:35] <plars> juju: 1.20.11-0ubuntu0.14.04.1
[19:35] <plars> juju-deployer: 0.4.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1
[19:35] <rick_h_> plars: try to install the python-jujuclient first? v 0.50 is in the ppa
[19:36] <rick_h_> plars: sudo apt-get install python-jujuclient and then try the deployer again?
[19:36] <plars> rick_h_: at some point in the past, it all used to work from this machine. I have things deployed already, but it's not one I have total control over, so I think landscape may have upgraded some things underneath me
[19:37] <plars> python-jujuclient: 0.17.5-0ubuntu2
[19:37] <plars> rick_h_: ^
[19:37] <plars> rick_h_: which also seems to be the newest
[19:37] <rick_h_> plars: right, but
[19:37] <rick_h_> plars: oh hmm, what version are you on?
[19:38] <rick_h_> plars: python-jujuclient 0.50.1-2
[19:38] <rick_h_> plars: what distro version that is?
[19:38] <plars> rick_h_: 14.04.2
[19:39] <plars> rick_h_: at some point in the past, we needed a newer juju-deployer but wanted to stick to an older juju version (I thought we had 1.18, but unfortunately it may have been upgraded). I know things worked after that, but when I tried to update our deployment with a current copy of the yaml file, it gave me that pastebinned error
[19:40] <rick_h_> plars: right, well what you're hitting is that you've got a deployer looking for the 0.50 jujuclient lib
[19:40] <rick_h_> plars: nothing to do with juju version tbh
[19:40] <plars> strange that it would now start looking for that?
[19:40] <rick_h_> plars: well if the deployer upgraded but the python-jujuclient didn't it might cause that
[19:41] <rick_h_> plars: ~/bin/tmux_split_custom -v
[19:41] <rick_h_> whoops
[19:41] <rick_h_> plars: so curious if you can upgrade the python-jujuclient package on your system at all
[19:41] <plars> I'm certain that it worked with this version of juju-deployer in the past, and I can't envision how jujuclient may have been downgraded
[19:41] <plars> rick_h_: I can't personally, but I can ask for it
[19:42] <rick_h_> plars: sorry, no idea about the history of it but just telling you the error in that traceback is the deployer python looking for the python-jujuclient python lib > 0.18 (which is the 0.50.1
[19:42] <plars> rick_h_: ack, thanks!
[23:43] <f2> does mramm hang out in #juju on occasion?
[23:45] <f2> jamespage: congrats on your prompt shipping of 0.94.1 — I was thrilled to see it in 15.04 | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.385473 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju"
} |
2015-04-28-#xubuntu | [00:00] <MisterMom> ok do i have to do anything extra or will installing them take care of things ?
[00:01] <MisterMom> i dont want to mess with a perfectly good system lol
[00:01] <Unit193> If you install xscreensaver, I'd remove light-locker. You can check preferences for xscreensaver for locking and screensaver options.
[00:01] <MisterMom> ok thanks
[00:02] <MisterMom> sounds easy enough
[00:32] <pjotter> Hello everybody. Does anybody know if there is a sollution yet for the problems with lightlocker in 14.04?
[00:33] <pjotter> I just did a clean install and noticed that the screen still blanks after 10 minutes or so, no matter how light locker is set. I used to completely remove lightlocker and install xscreensvaer instead. But maybe there is better fix for this
[04:38] <jetage> Since installing Xubuntu 15.04, shell scripts don't execute on a mouse click, instead opening in an editor. Any idea what adjustment needs made?
[05:23] <pragomer> how can I set up the keyboard layout of light-locker in xubuntu 14.04 ? it uses english although my system language is german
[06:09] <varaindemian> Is it safe to deactivate guest account on xubuntu 15.04?
[06:10] <cfhowlett> varaindemian, yes
[06:10] <varaindemian> cfhowlett: and how do I do that?
[06:11] <varaindemian> I tried gksu thunar /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/network.mount^C
[06:11] <cfhowlett> varaindemian, not like that ...
[06:11] <varaindemian> and modified AutoMount to false
[06:11] <varaindemian> cfhowlett: and it's not working
[06:11] <varaindemian> ye
[06:11] <varaindemian> is it in settings?
[06:12] <cfhowlett> varaindemian, I'm behind the great firewall, so my google is broken. search: xubuntu guest account disable
[06:12] <varaindemian> the great firewall?
[06:13] <cfhowlett> varaindemian, "china"
[06:13] <varaindemian> cfhowlett: I see
[06:14] <Unit193> varaindemian: Just set [SeatDefaults]\nallow-guest=false in the lightdm config.
[06:14] <Unit193> I personally have /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-noguest.conf installed with a custom package, but /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf may be easier.
[06:15] <varaindemian> what is that AutoMount?
[06:15] <varaindemian> shouldn't that be set on false?
[06:16] <Unit193> Are you also looking to edit settings in thunar-volman-settings ?
[06:19] <varaindemian> in 50-guest-wrapper.conf I have this: [SeatDefaults]
[06:19] <varaindemian> guest-wrapper=/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-guest-session
[06:20] <Unit193> Good for you?
[06:22] <varaindemian> I don t see any "allow-guest"
[06:22] <Unit193> You won't.
[06:22] <varaindemian> Do I need to add that line?
[06:23] <Unit193> echo allow-guest=false | sudo tee -a /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
[06:23] <varaindemian> like "allow-guest = false"
[06:24] <elfy> varaindemian: the above is a command to run in terminal which will do what you need
[06:26] <varaindemian> thank you guys for your patience, but I want to know where is that file I should edit
[06:26] <elfy> the file to edit IS in that command
[06:26] <Unit193> And mentioned before.
[06:27] <elfy> indeed
[06:27] <varaindemian> pasted /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf in file manger and nothing happened
[06:27] <elfy> why would it?
[06:27] <elfy> you need to edit it with a text editor
[06:30] <varaindemian> tried gksu thunar /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
[06:30] <varaindemian> and I got this
[06:31] <varaindemian> failed to open...
[06:31] <elfy> right
[06:31] <elfy> try with a text editor - like mousepad
[06:32] <varaindemian> elfy: worked and the file is empty :D
[06:32] <elfy> do you actually read what people tell you?
[06:32] <elfy> or just some of it?
[06:34] <varaindemian> elfy: I know echo... willdo the job but I'm trying to edit it manually
[06:34] <elfy> ok - so edit it - the information has been given to you
[06:35] <varaindemian> thank you
[06:36] <Unit193> Add [SeatDefaults] at the top.
[06:38] <varaindemian> Unit193: ok
[07:13] <thyphus_> hi. i tried xubuntu 15.04 with two displays. my problem is that the "primary display" option does not affect anything. i want to have the panel on the right display, but it's still on the left display (not the primary). in the panels options for the display "automaticly" is selected (i don't want to choose the right display as it's not working if i undock my notebook)
[07:47] <Luyin> thyphus_: screenshot of what you have?
[07:53] <ochosi> thyphus_: yeah, the xfce panel doesn't support that option (yet), however, other panels (like plank) do. the xfce panel always appears on the top left screen by default
[07:55] <pragomer> where is xubuntu's autmount option saved (autmount of drives) ?
[07:57] <thyphus_> ochosi: ouh, okay. is there a bugreport already open?
[07:58] <ochosi> pragomer: thunar > edit > preferences > advanced > volume management
[07:58] <ochosi> thyphus_: i think there already are bugreports for the various components that could support the primary display option
[07:59] <pragomer> do you know where this option is save in config-file?
[07:59] <thyphus_> ochosi: okay. thank you
[07:59] <ochosi> thyphus_: np
[08:00] <ochosi> pragomer: open xfce4-settings-editor, channel is thunar-volman
[08:00] <pragomer> oh I see.. its the file volmanrc I think
[08:00] <ochosi> no, it should be in xfconf
[08:00] <ochosi> unless you use a very old version of it
[08:06] <pragomer> ochosi you mean me ?
[08:06] <ochosi> well yes, there aren't so many other people here that i'm talking to right now :)
[08:08] <pragomer> mm.. yes.. you are right.. did not work (I want to use it inside a remastering script..)
[08:08] <pragomer> so you mean: /home/xubuntu/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/thunar-volman.xml ?
[08:08] <ochosi> yup
[08:09] <pragomer> ok, let me try..
[08:16] <HsAsMKMy> when i use gksu to open applications, the mouse cursor always show busy for a long time. it bothers me.
[08:20] <HsAsMKMy> is there a way to avoid this ?
[08:52] <pragomer> @ochosi... thunar-volman.xml is completly ignored when copying it to /etc/skel
[08:52] <pragomer> other things I copy to "skel" they work..
[09:25] <pragomer> thunar-volman.xml is always resettet
[09:30] <brainwash_> pragomer: do you manually edit it?
[09:35] <pragomer> I manually edit it on my host system... setting "true" to "false" (I dont want to automount media/drives/...) And I copy it with my remastering-script to /etc/skel/.config/..... or in a 2nd try I copy it to /etc/xdg/..... but when I look a live-users's "thunar-volman.xml" there is "TRUE"
[09:35] <pragomer> it is ignored...
[09:38] <brainwash_> you mean /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu ?
[09:41] <brainwash_> also, are other files copied and used correctly?
[09:44] <pragomer> No, I just copy this one file:
[09:46] <brainwash_> do you start the normal Xfce session?
[09:46] <brainwash_> files for the Xubuntu session are located in /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu
[09:50] <pragomer> Yes, its the normale xfce/xubuntu session.. I will try to copy it to /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu
[09:56] <pragomer> It did not work:
[09:57] <pragomer> Although I changed the target to /etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntu/.....
[09:57] <pragomer> it is still ignored..
[10:06] <brainwash_> pragomer: I have no idea then. sadly, I'm not familiar with the process of remastering the iso
[10:55] <pragomer> no problem. thank you
[11:34] <xubuntu04w> does anyone else have the problem that the "docky"-panel at the bottom stops rendering but still seems to be active and clickable?
[11:36] <xubuntu04w> Just when I start Xubuntu the panel is shown and the graphical rendering is working. Then I click a program, use a internet browser and pang it stops rendering
[11:48] <knob> Hello hello!
[12:04] <xubuntu782> Hello all, Its seems I have some problems with the pakcage .... avahi-daemon[1180]:
[12:04] <xubuntu782> sb could help me?
[12:05] <xubuntu782> xubuntu avahi-daemon[1180]: Invalid response packet from host fe80::6e3b:e5ff:fe05:292f
[12:05] <xubuntu782> Invalid response packet from host
[13:40] <holstein> xubuntu782: when doing what?
[14:30] <ed_> help please! toughbook running 14.04 and stable for ages. today networking went down and suspected nm-applet. removed it from bar, killed it off, ran from command line but just does nothing. have limited internet access via bluetooth but need wifi and wwan back asap. any thougts please?
[14:41] <ochosi> ed_: i presume you have tried rebooting already?
[14:42] <ochosi> or at least restarting the session
[14:47] <ed_> hi, i missed your message. yes tried the standard reboot, batt out, etc. killed nm-applet, ran from command line. shows in task man, but not having any effect
[14:48] <ed_> ifconfig lists network interfaces ok
[14:50] <koegs> so, lspci show the wifi-card?
[14:51] <ed_> yes all ok
[14:51] <koegs> whats the the output of "iwconfig" and "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan"?
[14:53] <ed_> interface doesnt support scanning: network is down
[14:54] <ed_> iwconfig gives expected if list
[14:55] <koegs> the wifi card is called wlan0?
[14:55] <ed_> yes
[14:55] <koegs> hm, what does "rfkill list" say?
[14:55] <bynarie> you guys know how touchy the windows are when resizing? like you have to have your cursor in the exact spot? anyway to change those settings?
[14:56] <ed_> softbocked yes hardblocked no
[14:57] <koegs> do you have a FN-Key to disable WiFi?
[14:58] <ed_> no, but i disabled it with nm-applet while diagnosing why ping was lost on wifi, now i have no nm-applet!
[14:58] <koegs> you can start it in a terminal with "nm-applet &"
[14:59] <ed_> yes that starts it in task manager but not added to task bar
[15:01] <ed_> tried to reinstall it with apt-get but not found
[15:01] <xubuntu06w> hello
[15:02] <xubuntu06w> how can i update xubuntu when i clicked away the update notice from my software updater
[15:02] <holstein> xubuntu782: in a terminal, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[15:04] <xubuntu06w> hmm, dist-upgrade does not find anything which is needed to be upgraded
[15:04] <ed_> got disconnected
[15:05] <TimeVirus> I used a program called MultibootUSB to put Linux Mint Xfce 64 on a 32 GB Flash drive - that live USB does not boot, so I want to remove all the files on that drive but I cannot - its telling me I do not have permission. When I try to chown -hR the Directory its telling me there is no such directory. What am I doing wrong. I want this brand new flash drive back!
[15:05] <ed_> koegs: still there?
[15:06] <TimeVirus> I cannot reformat, cannot remove, cannot install a new ISO
[15:08] <freiform> bynarie, hold <alt> and right-click a windows for easy resizing.
[15:09] <KW4HK> TimeVirus: does gparted do anything with it?
[15:09] <ed_> koegs: just installed wicd, network lists coming up now and connected to my router, but still no nm-applet and still no ping
[15:12] <bynarie> freiform, doesnt seem to work for me =[
[15:13] <freiform> bynarie, holding alt down while right-clicking and moving a window does not resize it?
[15:13] <bynarie> oh sorry i didnt right click, yes it does work
[15:13] <bynarie> thank you freiform
[15:13] <bynarie> =]
[15:14] <freiform> bynarie, you're welcome
[15:14] <bynarie> cant believe i never knew this lol
[15:14] <freiform> jupp, took me some time, too ;)
[15:15] <bynarie> well thanks for the tip!
[15:15] <TimeVirus> KW4HK, nope gparted says it has a GPT table
[15:15] <TimeVirus> and this is seems corrupted
[15:15] <TimeVirus> I'm going to have to learn dd I gues
[15:20] <xubuntu32w> hey removed the wifi icon from panel because they were duplicate and now don t know how to reinstall it
[15:20] <xubuntu32w> any ideeas?
nm-applet from the command line
[15:24] <ed_> i am having deeper issues with nm-applet at the moment. mine wont work at all
[15:26] <xubuntu32w> for me as well
[15:29] <xubuntu32w> it happened that i had double icons for wifi before, when updating xubuntu and then i found an article that was instructing not use of the terminal but it was from a folder similar with control panel *windos system* and i could see the icons and deselect. Am not talking about add a panel. Unfortunely i ve been looking alot on the internet but don t seem to find that article again, nor to remember the name of control panel xubuntu
[15:48] <rinki> help! my nm-applet has gone down
[16:00] <xubuntu848> hello
[16:01] <ed_> hello
[16:01] <lderan> hello :)
[16:01] <rinki> hi
[16:01] <xubuntu848> I'm installing xubuntu
[16:02] <rinki> i have a problem. nm-applet wont run and i can only use internet via bluetooth now. i cant access wlan or wwan
[16:02] <lderan> good to hear
[16:02] <lderan> rinki: oh dear
[16:03] <rinki> can you help me?
[16:03] <KW4HK> csn u run nm as root?
[16:04] <rinki> nm a.out :no such file
[16:06] <rinki> it does not do any help
[16:07] <rinki> oh, sudo nm-applet work but taskbar icon is blank. i can click and see my wwan, but not wifi
[16:10] <knome> you shouldn't run nm-applet as root
[16:14] <xubuntu41w> ok, after digging around, i have all the icons in the guest session, Talking especially about wifi, but how do i readd it in my session?
[16:21] <rinki> hi
[16:22] <rinki> xxxxx
[16:22] <ed_> hi rinki
[16:23] <rinki> does anyone here know how to fix nm-applet?
[16:23] <ed_> not me i have the same problem. its very quiet in here!
[16:23] <xubuntu41w> exactly the topic of the day
[16:24] <xubuntu41w> i have the icon in my guest session but not in my normal session
[16:24] <xubuntu41w> people can hack banks but nobody seems able to readd the icon in the panel
[16:24] <rinki> i can only run it as sudo but then my wifi is missing
[16:25] <xubuntu41w> my wifi is working is just the icon missing...
[16:25] <ed_> same here, only sudo, and no wifi. icon crashs with my user account
[16:26] <xubuntu41w> yup and the battery icon the same, but as soon as i switch to guest i can see them in the panel
[16:28] <ed_> yes my battery icon is also gone. never noticed till you said it
[16:31] <xubuntu41w> looked in so many sites and so many articles
[16:31] <xubuntu41w> and no solution
[16:31] <xubuntu41w> for something that should be sensible
[16:33] <ed_> mine has been fine for over a year, then pow!
[16:34] <xubuntu41w> happened when updating to 12 and now again, for f sake shouldn t be this hard
[16:34] <futurestack> I feel like I've ..always had nm-applet in .xinitrc or somesuch
[16:35] <brainwash> did you remove indicator plugin from the panel configuration?
[16:35] <knome> xubuntu41w, please remember this is a family-friendly channel
[16:36] <xubuntu41w> yup removed it from my session because was duplicate, but the battery icon dissapeared on it s own. i have everything in guest session,
[16:36] <ed_> i have removed and replaced icon in taskbar before, thats easy. this is different
[16:37] <xubuntu41w> how do you do that?
[16:37] <ed_> bug 1302462?
[16:38] <ed_> hope bits a fix i can click on!
[16:39] <brainwash> fixed in 15.04. you may need to change stuff manually in previous releases
[16:46] <xubuntu41w> anybody a solution?
[16:47] <brainwash> for which problem exactly?
[16:47] <xubuntu140> Hello all, I have some problems because the instalation of xubuntu never ends....
[16:48] <xubuntu140> Apr 28 16:45:00 xubuntu avahi-daemon[1180]: Invalid response packet from host fe80::7646:a0ff:fe4f:ddf. Apr 28 16:45:22 xubuntu avahi-daemon[1180]: Invalid response packet from host
[16:48] <brainwash> xubuntu140: how is this log message related to your problem?
[16:49] <xubuntu41w> deleted my wifi icon from my session and don t seem to find how to reinstall it
[16:49] <brainwash> how did you delete it?
[16:50] <xubuntu41w> after updating appeared two of them and battery icon dissapeared. clicked remove on one but both dissapeared
[16:51] <xubuntu41w> but internet still works and i have all icons on guest session
[16:52] <brainwash> sounds like you have removed the notification and/or indicator area
[16:52] <brainwash> readd add the to your panel
[16:52] <brainwash> -add
[16:52] <xubuntu41w> don t have the option anymore in the add new item to panel
[16:54] <brainwash> which elements does the item list contain?
[16:54] <xubuntu41w> asked if delete permanent and clicked yes, thinking deletes only one of them
[16:54] <brainwash> so, you should be able to readd them
[16:54] <xubuntu41w> launcher, action buttons, applications, clock
[16:54] <xubuntu41w> the option is not in there
[16:55] <xubuntu41w> have every option there, but not the battery icon nor the wifi icon to add
[16:56] <brainwash> no, you have to add the "notification area" and "indicator area"
[16:56] <xubuntu41w> i have notification area
[16:56] <xubuntu41w> but i can not add it
[16:57] <brainwash> what about indicator area?
[16:57] <xubuntu41w> only indicator plugin
[16:57] <brainwash> yes, that's the one
[16:59] <xubuntu41w> ok will switch session and see, so i go indicator plugging and the then the notification area will become active as well?
[17:02] <xubuntu41w> i ll try it. thank you very much hope will work
[17:02] <brainwash> hopefully it will work :)
[17:21] <matadores> italy?
[17:21] <matadores> hi
[17:22] <matadores> xubuntu italy?
[17:22] <krytarik> !it | matadores
[18:31] <aziz> what could be the reason that my loudspeaker icon disappeared from the system tray, since upgrading to 15.04?
[18:35] <r0n> Hi guys.
[18:35] <r0n> I just instaled xubuntu 15.04 on my laptop and now it's randomly shutting down.
[18:35] <r0n> Everything was fine with 14.04
[18:36] <r0n> Logs doesn't show anything as it's just shuts down like a power surge
[18:51] <s0d0m> my computer stopped again
[18:51] <s0d0m> don't know if anybody answered
[18:51] <s0d0m> i am now trying with upstart
[19:54] <pjotter> Does anybody know how to fix the issues with lightlocker? My Xubuntu 14.04 (clean install) blanks the screen no matter how lightlocker is set. It is as if the system is not reponding to any of the lightlocker setting at all.
[19:56] <mrkramps> pjotter, output of following command:$ xset q | grep -A 2 Screen
[19:56] <pjotter> Screen Saver:
[19:56] <pjotter> prefer blanking: yes allow exposures: yes
[19:56] <pjotter> timeout: 600 cycle: 600
[19:57] <mrkramps> XServer blanks screen with internal screen saver every 600 seconds
[19:57] <pjotter> I also tried this "xset s noblank; xset s 0 0; xset s off " But still the screens blanks after 10 minutes
[19:57] <pjotter> mrkramps: Where can I set it to "never". I already tried everything in light-locker and the power settings
[19:58] <pjotter> I
[19:58] <pjotter> I 'm about to completely get rid of light-locker altogether. Just hoping there might be a sollution to this persisting problem
[19:59] <mrkramps> pjotter, did you try to disable light-locker?
[20:00] <pjotter> Yes, it just doesn't respond at all
[20:00] <mrkramps> pjotter, when screen is locked?
[20:00] <pjotter> It is almost as if the system totally ignores the light-locker settings.
[20:02] <pjotter> Currently I disabled lightlocker, put blank screen to 'never' and switch of display to 'never'. Still the screen keeps blanking after 10 minutes
[20:02] <mrkramps> and xset s off?
[20:02] <mrkramps> altogether?
[20:03] <pjotter> Same thing for powersettings. I put both screenblanking slides to 'never'
[20:03] <pjotter> I tried xset s off. But still the screen keeps blanking after 10 minutes.
[20:04] <pjotter> In a recent install I had the same problems so I completely removed light-locker and installed xscreenaver instead. That worked.
[20:06] <mrkramps> pjotter, xscreensaver worked pretty well for quite some time before light-locker
[20:06] <mrkramps> there is no reason to no use ist
[20:06] <pjotter> I know. But at some point the Xubuntu community desided to replace it with this light-locker (that doesn't work)
[20:06] <mrkramps> or any other "light locker" like i3lock or slock
[20:07] <pjotter> Maybe a silly question: But what is light-locker anyway? Is it essential to the Xubuntu system?
[20:07] <mrkramps> no as far as i know
[20:08] <drc> pjotter: "The solution Xubuntu uses in 14.04 is called light-locker. The light-locker project is a fork of gnome-screensaver 3.6, but cut down to a bare minimum (so no gnome-dependencies), using LightDM’s greeter as the lock (and unlock) screen."
[20:08] <drc> from
[20:09] <pjotter> Hmm.. well I never use sessionlocking anyway
[20:09] <pjotter> I guess I could just purge it form the system?
[20:09] <mrkramps> yes
[20:09] <mrkramps> noticed no negative drawback on my system
[20:09] <pjotter> I'll just do that. I just can't seem to get the thing to work properly
[20:10] <pjotter> With every clean install on nearly every computer I install Xubuntu, this problem occurs.
[20:10] <krytarik> pjotter: light-locker doesn't do any *blanking* in the first place though.
[20:10] <pjotter> krytarik: Why does it have a "blank screen" option?
[20:11] <krytarik> pjotter: But, xscreensaver overrides the DPMS settings.
[20:11] <krytarik> That's used to control those too, by just adding an autostart file.
[20:12] <krytarik> pjotter: That'd be "~/.config/autostart/screensaver.desktop".
[20:12] <hTmlDP> hello
[20:13] <hTmlDP> i'm trying to hibernate my eeepc1201pn
[20:13] <hTmlDP> and it looks like it can't do it.
[20:13] <hTmlDP> well, the button does work, but it like gets stuck while trying to hibernate
[20:14] <hTmlDP> the screen goes black but the power button is still blue
[20:14] <hTmlDP> any idea?
[20:15] <pjotter> I also have an Eeepc 12-something. I only know that there are major issues with hibernating/sleeping/waking etc... I just avoid those situations
[20:15] <genii> ..maybe it's still plugged in ...?
[20:15] <hTmlDP> it used to work with Debian wheezy
[20:15] <hTmlDP> genni: what do you mean?
[20:15] <hTmlDP> genii* ^
[20:17] <genii> hTmlDP: For instance when my laptop is powered off but still on power cord charging, the poser button stays lit. It only goes out entirely when I pull the physical cord from it
[20:17] <genii> poser/power
[20:17] <hTmlDP> genii: i've tried without AC
[20:18] <mrkramps> encrypted drives?
[20:18] <hTmlDP> + the screen is powered on, but black
[20:19] <hTmlDP> mrkramps: what do you mean?
[20:19] <mrkramps> do you use disk encryption?
[20:19] <hTmlDP> mrkramps: i don't think so.
[20:19] <hTmlDP> i have win7 here too
[20:20] <mrkramps> swap parition big enough?
[20:21] <drc> hTmlDP: It might help if you let us know what version of Xubuntu you are using?
[20:24] <drc> hTmlDP: mrkramps might have a much RAM do you have and how big is your swap aprtition?
[20:31] <drc> hTmlDP: And are you sure you are trying "hibernation" and not "suspend" Suspend to RAM method cuts power to most parts of the machine aside from the RAM and Suspend to disk (Hibernation) method saves the machine's state into swap space and completely powers off the machine.
[20:32] <mrkramps> from what i've been reading now hibernation should be disabled by default ?!
[20:33] <drc> IIRC, correctly, but can be enabled (if one really wants it).
[20:36] <mrkramps> last but not least, it just might be buggy or not properly supporting this perticular netbook
[20:37] <drc> and/or version of Xubuntu (which he still hasn't told us)
[20:38] <drc> So, until we get more information from her/him, I'm out.
[21:28] <sleezio> hello, i know linux formats don't need defragging, but i have a USB 3TB HD formatted NTFS, whats a good defrag app?
[21:29] <mrkramps> sleezio, windows?
[21:29] <sleezio> mrkramps, linux app(if there is one)
[21:30] <mrkramps> sleezio, none of which i know
[21:30] <sleezio> thanks
[22:00] <oraydio> hi?
[22:00] <knome> hello.
[22:01] <oraydio> hi *nod*
[22:21] <oraydio> I installed Xubuntu by way of the mac version of Ubuntu 14.04. I removed Ubuntu Unity and such with some instructions I found, but now the buttons to change the backlight on my Macbook Pro keyboard don't work. Volume and display brightness buttons work. Does anyone know if that's something peculiar to Xubuntu or if I removed something that made that work? I haven't been able to find any recent complaints about that problem.
[22:22] <knome> you likely removed something that made it work
[22:23] <oraydio> any ideas on how I pin down what that was?
[22:23] <knome> technically, xubuntu isn't supported on macs, so unless somebody else on this channel has ventured and tried the same... not really
[22:23] <knome> you might be better asking on #ubuntu, since it shouldn't be related to the DE anyway
[22:24] <Unit193> You could try to install the task and see if it brings anything important in.
[22:24] <Unit193> !info pommed
[22:25] <oraydio> Ooh. okay.
[22:26] <Unit193> oraydio: Speaking as a person that's never used Linux on a mac, that looks like it! :P
[22:26] <Unit193> That'd not have been installed by default in Ubuntu though.
[22:26] <Unit193> There's also a graphical frontend.
[22:29] <oraydio> hm. okay. that'll probably do it. thank you. I'm trying to breathe life back into an old macbook pro, so I'm completely new to using Linux. I'm amazed how easy it is to break while I'm fiddling >_<
[22:29] <Unit193> :D
[22:30] <Unit193> Err, I mean. That's a bummer that you lost the backlight.
[22:30] <oraydio> haha. not really important, just irksome now
[22:32] <oraydio> I've broken stuff several times now and had to reinstall. "Learn by breaking," I always say. o_o
[23:01] <Reptilia> How can i know if a particular PPA is safe for usage? Are there methods of some kind to help me if a PPA is "legit"?
[23:01] <knome> Reptilia, the answer is the same though
[23:15] <Reptilia> knome:Is there a way to limit the laptop fan' RPM with a utility of some kind? I've installed the "PowerTOP" Utility and i see that when i will turn on a video on Youtube, the laptop is getting noisy, producing that high pitched whine. I am using a Thinkpad T410.
[23:15] <knome> i don't know (and you don't need to ping specific people, anybody here can help))
[23:15] <Reptilia> Yeah, sorry for that
[23:16] <knome> the problem with limiting the speed is that then your laptop will get hot and you likely don't want that either.
[23:16] <Unit193> Dust it out.
[23:16] <knome> that
[23:21] <Reptilia> knome:Yup, true.
[23:22] <Reptilia> Unit193:I doubt it's because of the dust, i think it's the "coil whine", which is a known problem in the T410, 420, 440p, etc...
[23:22] <Reptilia> Unit193:But if you say so, i will try that :)
[23:28] <MrSassyPants> how do I enable middle-mouse-click paste?
[23:31] <MrSassyPants> or alternatively, how do I enable "mark stuff and then it's copied" | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.401755 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#xubuntu"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-uk | [07:36] <MooDoo> morning all
[07:52] <TwistedLucidity> MooDoo: Indeed it is.
[07:52] <TwistedLucidity> And a good one too
[07:52] <TwistedLucidity> It's sunny, not a cloud in the sky and the last day of the grind for a while.
[07:52] <TwistedLucidity> Yay! \o/
[07:55] <MooDoo> bit cloudy here, but it's good although it was a bit cold this morning
[08:18] <davmor2> MartijnVdS: no idea what you mean
[08:25] <davmor2> MartijnVdS: why do you find our nicks confusing?
[08:26] <davmor2> Morning all
[08:36] <diplo> popey: You are very diplomatic I must say
[08:36] <popey> heh
[08:37] <diplo> Basically want to sell something but I can't be bothered to learn how to do it properly :/
[08:37] <popey> well, debian packaging isn't straightforward
[08:38] <diplo> Yeah but as you say, first hit when googling for it returns good results, he's just not trying
[08:38] <bashrc> debian package is not that hard, but has a lot of rules
[08:40] <ali1234> good results for how to make debian packages? no, they don't exist
[08:40] <diplo> :)
[08:42] <directhex> in the simplest case, debian packaging is really easy
[08:42] <directhex> but knowing how to handle anything beyond the simplest case is often learned knowledge, rather than googleable knowledge
[08:44] <diplo> yeah its what I mentioned in my emails, jot down what you do and learn by your mistakes until you find the correct way of doing things
[08:44] <ali1234> there is no way to even know if you are doing it correctly or not
[08:44] <directhex> that';s the problem
[08:44] <directhex> and causes people to propagate "the wrong way"
[08:44] <directhex> because the way they found works for them
[08:44] <ali1234> right, and there are a very large number of wrong ways to do it
[08:44] <directhex> i've been doing packaging since 2006, and am still making mistakes
[08:45] <ali1234> i still maintain that packaging is harder than writing the software in the first place
[08:45] <directhex> packaging apps is easy
[08:46] <directhex> 3 minute job
[08:46] <diplo> I packaged SQLite into an RPM a few months ago, that was an experience :) but a few clean vm's later and documents I got it to build and work
[08:46] <foobarry> packaging is easy on rhel distros
[08:46] <directhex> packaging libraries is much harder than apps
[08:46] <directhex> as you need to think much harder about how a library interacts with other packages
[08:47] <directhex> i also work full time on this stuff now, for both rpm and deb. i would say both have their highlights, but rpm is much more stupid on average
[08:47] <ali1234> packaging apps that are written in C/C++/something else native and have an autotools build script and don't have any dependencies that aren't already packaged - is just about as easy as it gets
[08:48] <ali1234> and it still isn't particularly easy
[08:48] <directhex> easy enough to fit the full instructions in a tweet
[08:52] <popey>
[08:52] <popey> why was everyone up in arms about paid mods?
[08:52] <popey> is it because there's the danger it would be like IAP on mobile?
[08:53] <ali1234> no
[08:53] <ali1234> it's because the split was ridiculous
[08:53] <ali1234> they should have launched it with someone willing to take a smaller cut
[08:55] <popey> oh, the mod maker only gets 25%?
[08:55] <ali1234> right
[08:55] <popey> I can see why then.
[08:55] <popey> that's bonkers.
[08:55] <ali1234> i mean it depends entirely on the mod
[08:55] <ali1234> that's the problem
[08:56] <popey> sure
[08:57] <ali1234> i mean say someone makes a skin for a weapon model in skyrim
[08:59] <ali1234> that's worth maybe $1 tops to the end user
[08:59] <ali1234> maybe not even that
[08:59] <TwistedLucidity> Silly question, why does Bethesda get a cut of someone else's work? Don't they make money from selling the game and running the severs?
[09:00] <ali1234> the split doesn't seem to bad in that case
[09:00] <TwistedLucidity> I guess they could claim they provide a service to the modders as well and need paid for that.
[09:00] <ali1234> but say someone makes a total conversion
[09:01] <ali1234> then the split is going to really inflate the price to the point it will cost twice as much as the original game
[09:01] <ali1234> so if anything it will discourage large mods, and have everyone making the mod equivalent of shovelware instead
[09:08] <TwistedLucidity> Well, that's easy. The first $0.50 plus 25% (or other figure) goes to Bethesda; the rest to the modder. Not sure what cut Steam wants.
[09:09] <ali1234> 35%
[09:09] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Cubicle Day! :-D
[09:10] <MooDoo> morning JamesTait
[09:10] <TwistedLucidity> ali1234: Steam wants 35%? For what, exactly?
[09:10] <TwistedLucidity> Even PayPal doesn't take that much!
[09:10] <ali1234> for running the store, handling payments, and downloads
[09:11] <foobarry> a la playstore/apple store
[09:11] <ali1234> the more important question is why does bethesda deserve 30%?
[09:11] <ali1234> sorry, 40%
[09:11] <TwistedLucidity> ali1234: For licensing the valuable IP. Or something.
[09:12] <ali1234> moddrs aren't distributing any IP
[09:12] <directhex> valve take 30% on all store transactions, as the vendor
[09:12] <directhex> every game, every bit of dlc
[09:12] <directhex> it's their standard rate
[09:12] <TwistedLucidity> Not sure what work Bethesda has to do to support modders.
[09:12] <TwistedLucidity> If any....
[09:12] <ali1234> directhex: except for mods, they wanted 35%, for no explainable reason
[09:12] <ali1234> unless i have been misinformed
[09:13] <TwistedLucidity> But they'll take whatever the market will stand, if the market will stand a 40% cut....then that's what Bethesda gets. Seems the market couldn't stand that.
[09:13] <directhex> ali1234: valve took 30%, beth took 45%
[09:13] <ali1234> okay
[09:13] <TwistedLucidity> And corrected.
[09:13] <directhex> as per
[09:14] <ali1234> in any case, i don't think people had anything against steam charging in the same ballpark that they always do, which is the same as every digital distributor anyway
[09:15] <ali1234> it was always ethesda's cut that people were unhappy with
[09:15] <TwistedLucidity> OK, so Bethesda created some kind of toolkit. How much that cost, how often it gets used....I dunno. 40% seems rather high, especially as the mod gets bigger and bigger.
[09:16] <TwistedLucidity> Flat fee + smaller cut would seem to make more sense. Or maybe the cut scales down as the cost of the mod scales up?
[09:16] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls
[09:16] <TwistedLucidity> The only one paying extra for large mods would appear to be Steam in terms of storage, transfer etc etc.
[09:18] <directhex> TwistedLucidity: the concern is that beth get paid to make a broken game
[09:19] <directhex> TwistedLucidity: e.g. "skyui" is considered essential by many skyrim players - it makes the inventory system mouse-friendly rather than just using the same inventory as the consoles (which is chunky, for TV viewing). skyUI went paid-only
[09:19] <directhex> so why should bethesda get paid 45% of the money people paid for skyui to fix bethesda's bad UI?
[09:21] <TwistedLucidity> directhex: I dunno, which was kinda my point. They should get a cut for making the modder-tooling (whatever that may be) but is 40% the right amount in all cases?
[09:21] <TwistedLucidity> Either way, if the market (i.e. the modders) will accept Bethesda taking a 40% cut, then a 40% cut Bethesda will take.
[09:22] <ali1234> but they won't, and they should have known that
[09:22] <ali1234> should have launched with a developer/publisher willing to take a 5% or less cut
[09:22] <ali1234> probably an indie
[09:26] <awilkins> 40% does seem like rent seeking
[09:27] <awilkins> I mean, they made those tools principally for authoring their own game content, so it's paid for. People who bought Skyrim already licensed all the IP in it. Modders are only adding to that, why should Bethesda take any cut at all?
[09:28] <awilkins> If they beavered away and made the mod for their own amusement, they'd pay Bethesda dick squat nothing
[09:28] <awilkins> But because they distribute it for cash, Bethesda should get a cut of the money from people who's money they already have?
[09:29] <awilkins> Pardon for slightly channel-inappropriate language
[09:29] <awilkins> Thought I was in the other channel I discuss gaming in.
[09:34] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: Do modders pay Betheda for the Skyrim tool-kit?
[09:36] <foobarry> people get so worked up about games
[09:36] <awilkins> TwistedLucidity, No, it's a free download if you already have the game... so I guess they paid for it in their game license.
[09:36] <awilkins> I would have strong suspicions that it's Bethesda's internal toolkit for making Skyrim content anyway
[09:36] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: Ah, gotcha. In that case I'd still expect to pay Bethesda a bit (for bug fixes etc etc) just not 40%.....
[09:37] <awilkins> Ok, they probably added things like Steam Workshop integration
[09:37] <awilkins> But the mod community is a large part of why Skyrim still sells
[09:38] <awilkins> The value they get from people making mods worth selling is that people will still want to buy Skyrim
[09:39] <TwistedLucidity> I see no issue with the software OEM taking a cut for writing the software (it's simpy a different payment model) but 40% does seem to be overvaluing the software, especially as it doesn't scale with the effort the software's user puts in.
[09:40] <TwistedLucidity> Same goes for Valve. 30% seems awfully high, but maybe they don't have the economies of scale yet (or maybe they do have genuinely high costs)
[09:41] <awilkins> Naah, I think Valve are printing money
[09:41] <awilkins> Have you seen the Valve employee manual?
[09:41] <TwistedLucidity> Well, clearly the market is accepting the rates they set.
[09:41] <TwistedLucidity> awilkins: Not working for Valve; no.
[09:41] <awilkins> Oh, it's been put up on the web
[09:42] <awilkins> By Valve!
[09:42] <awilkins> The section that came to mind is "How to enjoy the corporate vacation." They charter a jet, and take everyone off on holiday.
[09:43] * TwistedLucidity wishes he was good enough to work for Valve
[09:44] <awilkins> It sounds freaking awesome
[09:44] <awilkins> You decide what you work on.
[09:44] <awilkins> You decide how you work on it.
[09:44] <awilkins> You decide who you work with.
[09:44] <awilkins> Valve is kind of a snapshot into what work would be like with a Universal Basic Income
[09:45] <directhex> but
[09:45] <directhex> valve are not afraid to fire you if your performance figures don't look good
[09:46] <directhex> and they are happy if their recruitment process rejects 99% of people who would be perfect for the company, to avoid risking hiring someone who interviews well but isn't very good in real life
[09:46] <awilkins> "What if I screw up?
[09:46] <awilkins> Nobody has ever been fired at Valve for making a mistake.
[09:46] <awilkins> It wouldn’t make sense for us to operate that way. Providing
[09:46] <awilkins> the freedom to fail is an important trait of the company"
[09:47] <awilkins> But yes, they are happy to let people go if they are not good enough
[09:47] <awilkins> Again, in a world with Universal Basic Income, I like to think that i) That would be the norm and ii) no big deal
[09:48] <TwistedLucidity> I wish to restate my previous statement
[09:49] * TwistedLucidity wishes he was self-motivated enough to work for Valve
[09:49] <popey> i thought the woman (Anita?) who worked on controllers left under a cloud?
[09:50] <czajkowski> confusion ahead if you are hiring a car this summer
[09:51] <TwistedLucidity> czajkowski: Yeah, good old gubbermint. "What's the worst possible way we could do this?"
[09:52] <awilkins> czajkowski, I'm happy that they don't want paper counterparts any more
[09:52] <awilkins> czajkowski, I can never find the damn thing
[09:53] * awilkins would be entirely happy if it were all just apps on a smartcard
[09:53] <popey> I have never taken my paper counterpart
[09:53] <foobarry> mine is in a safe place
[09:53] <foobarry> which i have forgotten about
[09:53] <awilkins> Mine is somewhere in my house
[09:53] <czajkowski> I dont have one but thought it might be useful to share on here
[09:53] <czajkowski> :)
[09:53] <foobarry> somewhere with the photo albums of photos i took as a ten yr old
[09:53] <foobarry> can't find them anywhere
[09:54] <awilkins> The DVLA is one of the government IT success stories
[09:54] <TwistedLucidity> How odd....the DVLA can't seem to find my dirving license....
[09:54] <awilkins> You can get your car tax paid for online in less than 5 minutes. It's all integrated.
[09:54] <zmoylan-pi> did you change your middle name to drop table; TwistedLucidity? :-)
[09:58] <zmoylan-pi> though i do like that real names cause problems...
[09:58] <TwistedLucidity> AH, working now
[09:58] <popey> I'm going on holiday later in the year with the inlaws, both of them have thrown that bbc link at me
[09:59] <TwistedLucidity> Wonder how it works when I borrow my dad's car in the EU.
[09:59] <popey> who also both previously told me never to throw away the paper counterpart
[09:59] <popey> (I have hired way more cars than both of them put together, and have never used the paper counterpart)
[09:59] <popey> "Oh, ok mum!"
[10:00] <TwistedLucidity> And I most certainly will not be destorying the couterpart. I keep all documentation like that, I even have my original pass certificates
[10:01] <TwistedLucidity> I do not want to have to re-sit the test because the DVLA mess up (there was a spate about 5 years ago of them losing categories off peoples licenses).
[10:15] <directhex> argh
[10:16] <directhex> bloody rpm
[10:18] <Laney> ruddy rpm
[10:18] <Laney> cute rpm
[10:18] <Laney> ickle wickle rpm
[10:18] * Laney fluffles rpm
[10:20] <nigelb> Is that like code word for strangulate?
[10:23] <MooDoo> RPM? Really Pants Management?
[10:24] <jpds> deltarpm++
[10:26] <foobarry>
[11:03] <Myrtti_> I value Guardian app telling me of breaking news, sometimes I just wish I had the same cultural background or atleast knowledge than Britons of my age
[11:04] <Myrtti_> "Keith Harris has died. ... who's Keith Harris? Oh. Ok then."
[11:04] <zmoylan-pi> finland had moomins, uk had orville...
[11:05] <Myrtti> sure, apart from the fact that Moomins are more famous than Keith Harris... (because Japan)
[11:06] <foobarry> finaland had moomins, we had the flumps
[11:06] <Myrtti> the whats?
[11:07] <Myrtti> mmkay
[11:07] <foobarry>
[11:07] <bashrc> Keith harris I think was big in the late 1970s/early 1980s. Even as a kid I found his performances kind of nauseating
[11:08] <zmoylan-pi> it didn't have the same depth and social commentary as rod and emu :-D
[11:09] <bashrc> true
[11:09] <davmor2> foobarry: not true we had the moomins too
[11:10] <bashrc> I vaguely remember that the emu stuff was rather anarchic
[11:10] <penguin42> yeh, I don't think Orvill attacked as many people
[11:10] <bashrc> yes
[11:10] <davmor2> bashrc: Keith harris was 80's and 90's and not does panto seasons
[11:45] <foobarry> JamesTait: happy ed balls day!
[11:47] <JamesTait> Oo-er missus!
[11:53] <popey> Ed Balls
[11:54] <brobostigon> anyone happen to have a jolla going spare i can borrow, by chance?
[11:56] <zmoylan-pi> can i borrow a cup of nexus... :-)
[11:56] <popey> they're quite expensive for a loaner.
[11:56] * brobostigon has two nexii
[11:57] <brobostigon> that they are, it seems like an interesting concept, would be nice if they were cheaper.
[11:58] <popey> there is a discount code floating around that you could use
[11:58] <popey> I had a play with one for the first time last week.
[11:58] <popey> the UI is somewhat quirky
[11:58] * brobostigon goes on a search for the discount code.
[11:58] * popey asks friend who has one
[12:09] <brobostigon> oe on ebay for £122, not bad, next one up, £174.
[12:19] * brobostigon installs multirom on his nexus4, and finds a nexus 4 image by jolla to try out.
[12:52] <TwistedLucidity> brobostigon: Sailfish does look interesting, I just wonder how stable the Android emulation is
[12:53] <zmoylan-pi> worse than android running the app? :-)
[12:53] <brobostigon> android emu, ie alien dalvik is only licensed to work on the sailfish os version for the jolla phone.
[13:09] <popey> I win at lunch.
[13:10] <popey> left over roast chicken + curry paste + mayo + bagel = winning bagel
[13:10] <ne2k> nice
[13:12] <awilkins> Nom
[13:13] * awilkins drank pinkish beige sludge
[13:13] <zmoylan-pi> waffles, beans and sausages...
[13:21] <awilkins> I like those tins of beans + sausages cold
[13:21] <awilkins> Remove lid, apply spoon.
[13:22] <penguin42> yeuch
[13:22] <zmoylan-pi> it was on one of those tins... they're nice
[13:23] <zmoylan-pi> but zapped in microwave on waffles
[13:38] * brobostigon rages at fb killing off jabber/xmpp, :(
[13:47] <zmoylan-pi> are you paying fb for their service?
[14:01] <shauno> hm. well pants. that's the one bit of fb I actually use
[14:17] <brobostigon> zmoylan-pi: not a chance.
[14:18] <brobostigon> use their official app on IOS or android, otherwise your screwed.
[14:18] <zmoylan-pi> it's got to the point that i will use a service but i have no loyalty whatsoever anymore to them. i'll recommend if they're good and drop them like a shot when they aren't
[14:18] <foobarry> like amazon
[14:18] <foobarry> who are losing me rapidly
[14:18] <zmoylan-pi> i have never used facebook, amazon
[14:18] <foobarry> after their "exlusive to prime members" scam
[14:20] * penguin42 uses amazon when it's cheapest
[14:23] <diddledan> shauno: facebook cancelled something?
[14:26] <brobostigon> diddledan: yes, on the 30th fb will kill off jabber/xmpp for fb messenger
[14:26] <diddledan> aah yes
[14:26] <diddledan> grrr
[14:26] <diddledan> it's been written on the wall for a while but. sucky in the most.
[14:26] <bashrc> showing their commitment to open standards, no doubt
[14:27] * brobostigon agrees.
[14:27] <zmoylan-pi> it's like they want people to stop using them
[14:27] * brobostigon has found a potential bitlbee plugin which may work after shutdown.
[14:29] <bashrc> if they had xmpp they could maybe have people on facebook chatting with people on google, and then where would it end?
[14:29] <bashrc> obviously all communications should take place within the facebook fortress, overseen by a central committee
[14:30] <diddledan> bashrc: except google are also being very open-standards and suggesting they're gonna close their xmpp too
[14:30] <bashrc> yes
[14:30] <bashrc> google are doing the same
[14:31] <penguin42> have either of them got an alternate published protocol for accessing it?
[14:31] <penguin42> I've got some sympathy if they decide that xmpp is broken for one reason or another as long as they have something else
[14:43] <zmoylan-pi> they think they have a monopoly
[14:44] <zmoylan-pi> and a lot of people will sign up and use their new service
[15:01] <foobarry> i need some LED g9 bulbs
[15:02] <foobarry> some people say they strobe a bit though
[15:02] <foobarry> any suggestions?
[15:03] <foobarry>
[15:03] <foobarry> 8p each?
[15:28] <intrbiz> auto pricing alogorithm issues?
[15:31] <popey> what do g9 fit in?
[15:32] <davmor2> popey: look like my halogen spot or it's bigger brother at least
[15:39] <bashrc> are the BQ ubuntuphones still on sale?
[15:40] <davmor2> bashrc: I'm going to say yes
[15:40] <bashrc> cool
[15:40] <bashrc> I thought there was a flash sale which ran out
[15:41] <davmor2> bashrc: no flash sales finished
[15:41] <bashrc> ah
[15:42] <davmor2> bashrc: they were only on while they judged popularity and awaited the first batch arriving from the factory :)
[15:43] <bashrc> I see
[15:45] <ne2k> I have a GT-I9100 running Android 5.1. is it going to be worth trying Ubuntu phone on it, or is the experience just going to be so rubbish that there is no point?
[15:49] <davmor2> ne2k: no ubuntu doesn't yet support android 5.1 it would need to be on 4.X for ubuntu support
[15:49] <ne2k> davmor2, I thought it replaced android?
[15:49] <ne2k> isn't it meant to be a native linux OS, rather than android/java/bytecode/dalvik/slow/cack?
[15:49] <davmor2> ne2k: it depends on the drivers.
[15:49] <popey> we use certain kernel modules for access to devices ne2k
[15:50] <popey> like gps / radio / sensors
[15:50] <ne2k> davmor2, popey, so it uses the kernel from android, but nothing else?
[15:51] <popey> basically, yes.
[15:51] <popey> we don't have the "cack" as you call it :)
[15:55] * brobostigon has ubuntu touch installed on his nexus4 with multirom, dualboot, :)
[15:56] <intrbiz> popey: how much of Ubuntu touch is QML ?
[15:56] <brobostigon> loads of sw missing though, like pushover/pushbullet, IM client, etc.
[15:56] <popey> many of the core apps, much of the shell
[15:56] <popey> never needed an IM client on a phone, or indeed pushbullet
[15:57] <popey> everyone has different use cases
[15:57] <brobostigon> exactly. yes.
[15:57] <intrbiz> so it trades java/dalvik for Javascript/v8
[15:58] <popey> you dont _have_ to use qml :)
[15:58] <intrbiz> sure
[15:58] <popey> some of our stuff is written in C++
[15:58] <brobostigon> btw, there is a pushbullet client on ubuntu touch, however i filed a bug that its broken, so i am not considering it to be functional.
[15:58] <popey> camera and galery for example.
[16:01] <awilkins> I rather liked the unified IM client on the N900
[16:01] <awilkins> They managed to include Skype and all sorts as well as SMS
[16:02] <awilkins> I like that Hangouts tries the same thing but it needs to be more inclusive (or they need to re-enable XMPP federation)
[16:02] <awilkins> I use bitlbee on my desktop because I do like unifying my chats in one window
[16:02] <intrbiz> Palm Pre had the best messaging I've come across
[16:02] <awilkins> And the IRC support in Empathy is *terrible*
[16:03] * bashrc uses irssi
[16:03] <popey> "people" don't use IM anymore. they have silos.
[16:04] <popey> WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber etc.
[16:04] <popey> (I mean, generic IM apps)
[16:04] <diddledan> it's a worrying trend
[16:04] <davmor2> popey: you forgot the book of face
[16:05] <popey> "etc" covers that
[16:05] <diddledan> the openness of the internet is being subverted to be siloed
[16:05] <intrbiz> its been a growing trend of the last 5 - 10 years, internet is dominated by a few silos where people communicate
[16:05] <awilkins> Yeah
[16:05] <popey> I think the long term plan is for the Ubuntu messaging app (SMS) to also have IM features
[16:05] <davmor2> diddledan: is that not what unix is based on? Do 1 thing do it well, now everyone else is doing it you are complaining ;)
[16:05] <popey> so there's one app for "everything"
[16:05] <awilkins> You have Twitter people, Facebook people
[16:05] <popey> Also, RIP Keith Harris
[16:05] <awilkins> Although Facebook supports XMPP
[16:05] <popey> not for long
[16:05] <awilkins> Oh
[16:06] <awilkins> How aggravating
[16:06] <brobostigon> 30th is Dday
[16:06] <popey> 2 days in fact
[16:06] <diddledan> davmor2: no not at all - do one thing and do it well so that others can utilise it
[16:07] <diddledan> davmor2: unix supplies interoperability out of the box - the communications siloes aren't doing that
[16:07] <awilkins> Probably the reason Google was so keen on Wave
[16:07] <awilkins> And continue to push Inbox
[16:07] <shauno> hopefully we'll just end up with something that uses fb's native api in libpurple
[16:08] <brobostigon> the sailfish os messaging client does it well, combines sms/fb-messenger etc all in the same app.
[16:08] <awilkins> Yeah, sailfish is done by the chaps who did Maemo - same philosophy as that N900 IM client
[16:08] <popey> but it's evil proprietary software!
[16:08] <popey> etc
[16:09] * brobostigon has looked at ffos aswell, OSS, :). however lacks again so many areas, and where it does have the apps, they are badly broken and non-functional.
[16:11] <popey> didn't find them that broken
[16:11] <popey> FFOS seemed okay to me, on the Flame.
[16:11] <shauno> hah
[16:12] <brobostigon> ffos itself fine, the basic apps, email contacts etc, however some of the other apps on it, again pushbullet/pushover, IM etc.
[16:12] <shauno> I'm looking forward to ubuntu getting some actual apps, rather than just web wrappers
[16:13] <brobostigon> same issue with ffos.
[16:14] <popey> some people have created wishlists of apps people want to see
[16:15] <brobostigon> the whole discussion is mute anyway, because as of the 30th, to use FB messenger, i will have to use android.
[16:15] <popey>
[16:15] <popey> s/mute/moot/
[16:15] <popey> no you won't. you can use messenger in the webapp
[16:15] <brobostigon> moot, yes.
[16:15] <popey> you dont have to have the fb app installed, or the messenger app
[16:16] <brobostigon> it however wont notify me, when i get new messages from people.
[16:16] <shauno> all that, and they haven't thought of stuff like .. an email client?
[16:16] <popey> there is one already
[16:16] <popey> dekko
[16:16] <popey>
[16:16] <shauno> yeah, I have it installed. it's .. well I can't think of a nice way to put it
[16:16] * popey waves to DanChapman
[16:17] <popey> patches welcome
[16:17] <davmor2> \o/ Dekko
[16:20] * DanChapman waves back
[16:20] <popey> shauno: got any specific useful feedback?
[16:21] <shauno> well, one's OS-wide, in that leaving the message view seems to hinge around the smallest target on the screen - for the single most likely action
[16:21] <shauno> then hiding prev/next behind a submenu compounds to too
[16:22] <shauno> starring things and deleting things is all very accessible. actually reading one mail to the next is a chore. which is what I tend to do with my email
[16:23] <popey> DanChapman: did we ever talk about left/right swipe to/from next mail?
[16:23] <DanChapman> shauno: i agree with you on that one. I've brought prev/next up with one of the design guys before, but was suggested to stick it in that drawer where it is now.
[16:24] <DanChapman> popey: there was talks of it being vertical, so a slightly resisitive pull at the end of a message would bring up the next but oxide hasn't got an api yet for that kind of thing
[16:25] * DanChapman would like swipe left/right though.
[16:26] <popey> yeah
[16:26] <diddledan> I think the design guy might be considering aesthetics over usability
[16:27] <awilkins> Hmm, compose on my keyboard is not as documented
[16:27] <shauno> I think moving it to the drawer just leaves the same problem in a different place? swipe would be nice though (or scrolling off the bottom)
[16:27] <DanChapman> there's a bug for it if you want to add anything to it. would help give some weight to the change
[16:27] <diddledan> swipe left n right doens't impact aesthetics and it provides a simple usability
+'+e is not e acute but e circumflex ê
[16:27] <popey> we use swipe left/right for prev/next track in music
[16:27] <popey> so it has use elsewhere.
+;+e is a acute é
[16:27] <popey> ê
[16:28] <awilkins> See
[16:28] <popey> that was alt-gr + ' + e
[16:28] <popey> é that was with ;
[16:28] <awilkins> Yeah, docs all say that should be é not ê
[16:28] <ahayzen> popey, we should really animate that swipe as its not very discoverable :)
[16:28] <popey> +10000
[16:28] <shauno> one I did notice is that you can swipe the topbar in scopes, but nothing else. is it a different widget, or just not being used?
[16:28] <popey> Make it so, number one!
[16:29] <ahayzen> :)
[16:29] <ahayzen> should be easier when the new media-hub lands
[16:29] <popey> haha
[16:29] <popey> you always say that! :D
[16:29] <popey> i like that sturmflt wants ported :)
[16:29] <popey> internet two-player would be fun
[16:29] * brobostigon points out also, sailfishos is the forrunner, as it has support for his pebble.
[16:30] <diddledan> omg I remember that game!
[16:30] <diddledan> written in BASIC
[16:30] <popey> yeah, qbasic
[16:30] <diddledan> to play it I loaded the .bas in qbasic and used the "run" feature
[16:30] <popey> well done ㋛
[16:30] <popey> we don't have snake on ubuntu touch
[16:30] <popey> this is a terrible omission
[16:31] <diddledan> :-o
[16:31] <awilkins> Results of compose sequences differ from docs at
[16:31] <popey> oh, there is one
[16:31] <diddledan> looks a bit ugly to nme
[16:32] <awilkins> Although my settings say "compose key : disabled"
[16:32] <awilkins> So why it's composing at all is a mystery!
[16:33] <popey> yeah, I want one that looks like a nokia phone version
[16:33] * penguin42 burps a mug cake
[16:33] <popey> \o/
[16:33] <popey> I made one of those last week
[16:34] * penguin42 was out of orange marmalade though
[16:36] <shauno> the other one I'm still trying to figure out, is why some apps obey the setting to vibrate on tap, and others don't. I haven't found any rhyme or reason yet
[16:58] <popey> shauno: be good to list the broken ones. happy to file the bugs for you
[17:00] <shauno> that's what I've been trying to figure out .. I'm not sure if it's the apps themselves. eg, I have an app that was meant to read hackernews. in that, I get the buzz in the titlebar but not in the webview
[17:03] <popey> feel the need for
[17:04] <popey> month of standby :)
[17:04] <penguin42> haha
[17:05] <popey> 128x160 display.. _with_ snake!
[17:05] <diddledan> popey: that's awesome!
[18:05] <Knightwise> intereting project tonight. programming dmx interfaces
[18:05] <MartijnVdS> Knightwise: let there be light!
[18:06] <zmoylan-pi> except for those irritating blue leds hopefully
[18:09] <Knightwise> its a christmass display
[18:09] <zmoylan-pi> so just a few lasers pointing away from the tree to discourage cats...
[18:10] <Knightwise> no , a pretty massive one :)
[18:11] <zmoylan-pi> bigger lasers only encourage larger cats...
[18:11] <Knightwise> outdoors, about 40000lights
[18:11] <davmor2> popey: oh man you just peeked my interest with the _with_ snake! I mean wow
[18:15] <foobarry> piqued
[18:20] <davmor2> foobarry: that too
[18:22] <shauno> I was just looking at .. shiny
[18:25] <zmoylan-pi> my brand new shiny nokia dumbphone does *NOT* have snake :-(
[18:26] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: Man that is a dumb phone
[18:26] <davmor2> zmoylan-pi: is it big enough that it can prop open doors still though?
[18:26] <zmoylan-pi> it's like they wanted to show it's an ms nokia and not a real nokia...
[18:27] <shauno> does it have minesweeper?
[18:27] <diddledan> apparently solitaire is back in win10
[18:27] <zmoylan-pi> it's a dumb nokia. i could club a terminator 800 robot sent back from the future to death with it :-)
[18:28] <zmoylan-pi> it shipped with a bunch of demo games which i deleted
[18:28] <diddledan> brb, rebooting my router
[18:28] <shauno> just slightly concerned that if it doesn't have snake *or* minesweeper, you might have accidentally bought a charger instead of a phone
[18:28] <zmoylan-pi> i'll have to find a few good ones to add. i'd like rogue...
[18:29] <zmoylan-pi> and ms have killed the nokia store and opera's store now shows up for software instead.
[18:31] <shauno> doing dist-upgrade on my mailserver. what could possibly go wrong :)
[18:32] <penguin42> shauno: It's normally a good idea to stop and disable the incoming mail server before doing that
[18:33] <shauno> yeah, I shut off postfix before the backup, so stuff wouldn't be moving beneath me
[18:34] <shauno> I can't really stop it coming, but I can hope to be back before the sending server quits trying
[18:35] <shauno> (except debian's mail-lists, which have some really grumpy bounce handling)
[18:38] <popey>
[18:38] <popey> that thing has gone a bit crazy
[18:38] <popey> 2.6M USD
[18:39] <popey> back it now, get it in a year :S
[18:42] <penguin42> yeh that's a bit nutty
[18:42] <zmoylan-pi> are they printing them off? :-)
[18:47] <foobarry> does all4 work on linux?
[18:50] <foobarry> doesnt on mine
[18:52] <ali1234> "In most 3D printers, the most expensive (by far) item is the frame." no it isn't, it's the servos and electronics
[18:52] <ali1234> the frame is just some threaded bar that you can buy for £2/m
[18:54] * penguin42 thought enclosed 3d pritners got slapped with some patent fees from someone who'd managed to patent the idea of a box
[18:54] <zmoylan-pi> could they not just make it a parallelogram or trapezoid? :-P
[18:55] <popey> foobarry: works here
[18:55] <foobarry> oh
[18:55] <foobarry> chrome?
[18:57] <popey> yes
[18:57] <popey> well, i say that, one worked, one doesnt
[18:57] <popey> just spinning
[18:57] <popey> so no.
[19:00] <foobarry> yeah
[19:00] <foobarry> spinny
[19:00] <diddledan> you spin me round baby right round
[19:01] <penguin42> hmm
[19:03] <zmoylan-pi> start crushing their happiness young...
[19:03] <davmor2> baby like a record baby right round
[19:03] <foobarry> its the hal thing i thinkn
[19:08] <popey> foobarry:
[19:08] <popey> :)
[19:09] <foobarry> heh lies!
[19:11] <foobarry>
[19:11] <foobarry> spinny spinny
[19:12] <ahayzen> foobarry, install HAL from ppa:mjblenner/ppa-hal for 4od to work
[19:12] <foobarry> is that proven to still work in the advent of all4?
[19:13] <ahayzen> oh
[19:13] <ahayzen> foobarry, i clicked on that peep show link and its playing the advert
[19:13] <ali1234> i can't even sign in
[19:14] <foobarry> indeed, ad is now playing
[19:14] <foobarry> will find out in few mins if prg works
[19:14] <foobarry> that was another chestnut
[19:15] <popey> i dont even get adverts
[19:15] <popey> never mind though, all4 sucks on all platforms
[19:15] <popey> not just linux!
[19:15] <ali1234> no channel 4 i am not giving you my name address and phone number just to watch shows
[19:16] <ali1234> do they have a smart TV API that i can abuse to watch without signup?
[19:16] <ali1234> i bet they do
[19:16] <penguin42> the registration for the extended guarantee on my kettle (free extra eyar) wanted dob and marital status, two phone numbers etc
[19:17] <foobarry> just wiat till u watch a programme
[19:17] <foobarry> so many ads
[19:18] <foobarry> also no chromecast support
[19:18] <ahayzen> oo it says "Welcome, Andrew" before the program lol
[19:18] <ali1234> that's creepy
[19:19] <popey> stop watching...
[19:19] <foobarry> popey: after installing the hal from that ppa i get it
[19:19] <popey> you'll get an email later "Hey Andrew, if you want to carry on watching..."
[19:19] <popey> ok
[19:19] <ali1234> FFFFFF.....
[19:19] <ahayzen> lol popey but peep show <3
[19:19] <diddledan> that wasn't 4 who said that - it was gchq letting you know they're watching
[19:19] <popey> true enough
[19:20] <ali1234> i get those emails from ebay and amazon "hey you forgot to buy this thing you looked at" - no i didn't, go away
[19:21] <shauno> that's not always bad though. I went to buy some speakers from a store in limerick, but during the checkout it said they'd be delivered the next day.
[19:21] <foobarry> nathan barley is tisted but compelling
[19:21] <shauno> so I held off until I had a day free
[19:21] <shauno> they phoned me up and offered me a decent discount :)
[19:21] <popey> it's well weapon.
[19:22] <shauno> it would have been annoying, except I was going to finish the purchase in a few days anyway. so they knocked almost 100e off the price for no need
[19:28] <foobarry> strange, this notion of customer service
[19:29] <foobarry> i had stone slabs delivered in pieces and the company refused to replace them
[19:29] <foobarry> they were good only for rubble
[19:31] <ali1234> did anyone see that news story yesterday? apparently there is a shortage of bricks
[19:32] <zmoylan-pi> the riots for that will be strangely peaceful? :-P
[19:33] <zmoylan-pi> or will the invites go out byob...
[19:46] <shauno> is anyone else besides zmoylan-pi in ireland? trying to figure out who does a good rate on payg data
[19:47] <zmoylan-pi> only tesco mobile do payg in ireland now. all the rest are rolling contracts where the credit you buy is used up with in 2 weeks
[19:48] <zmoylan-pi> as someone who can make €5 of credit last 2-3 months this would put my mobile bill by at least 400% :-)
[19:49] <foobarry> hey giffgaff just upped the data onthe £7.50pm to 500MB !!!yay
[19:49] <foobarry> i was onthe verge of switching provider
[19:50] <zmoylan-pi> i use opera mini as browser and can last all day browsing the web, rss, twitter, email <50mb daily allowance
[20:04] <foobarry>
[20:04] <foobarry> weird
[20:06] <shauno> hm. vodafone don't let you pick what size sim you need. that seems a bit .. out of the loop
[20:08] <zmoylan-pi> isn't there a guillotine that cuts large sims to size?
[20:11] <shauno> I guess I'll have to wander into town and get them to chop it? I just ordered off their website
[20:11] <daftykins> shauno: unless you're handy with a knife yourself :>
[20:12] <shauno> still seems a bit backwards. I guess they've been out of the business for the last 5 years or something
[20:14] <daftykins> most ones i get these days are multi size and you just pop 'em out?
[20:14] <daftykins> biab
[20:17] <zmoylan-pi> tis ireland, we use flint sims :-)
[20:26] <ball> I've been to Ireland!
[20:26] <shauno> heh, I honestly don't know. o2/3 make you choose, and I don't really go through them that often
[20:29] <zmoylan-pi> well good news o2 and 3 are now one and the same. should we call them o5?
[20:30] <shauno> they don't seem to care what I call them lol
[20:36] <diddledan> surely o6, no?
[20:36] <diddledan> or o23
[20:36] <diddledan> and means multiply
[20:36] <diddledan> or means add
[20:40] <zmoylan-pi> or o2/3 which would be read as o two thirds... which does sound like what we'll end up with :-P
[20:40] <zmoylan-pi> the network has been down a few times since the takeover
[20:42] <diddledan> my honeypot found a new spamm0r:
[21:18] <intrbiz> has ofcom approved it yet?
[21:20] <bigcalm> Good morning peeps :)
[21:20] <shauno> it's already happened here
[21:20] <bigcalm> Finally sorted out the networking at home. My irssi proxy is back at last
[21:25] <Myrtti> I just hope O2 and Three joining up means that the reception gets better, not worse from what it is now
[21:26] <shauno> all I've noticed so far, is that my monthly call begging me to get a new contract, comes from a new number now - so I accidentally answered it
[21:28] <daftykins> :D | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.418408 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-uk"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-jp | [08:17] <Rintek> こんにちは
[13:04] <hito_jp> こんばんは(すごくひさしぶり
[13:04] <chonan> こんばんは
[13:04] <jkbys> こんばんは
[13:04] <mizuno> こんばんは。今日はまにあった
[13:05] <jkbys> このところ年齢的なものか22時ごろは眠い
[13:05] <hito_jp> 仰向けだときついわな……
[13:05] <jkbys> Ubuntu Japanese Teamのミーティングをはじめます。
[13:05] <jkbys> 発言は日本語もしくは英語(English)でお願いします。
[13:06] <hito_jp> (はんぶんねてる)
[13:08] <hito_jp> とりあえず報告として……
[13:08] <hito_jp> jp.archvieのports空間にdeb-srcを足しました
[13:08] <hito_jp> あとarm64もアクティブになりました
[13:08] <jkbys> ありがとうございます
[13:09] <jkbys> 富山大サーバの更改報告
[13:09] <jkbys> 2・3号機を更新した。
[13:09] <jkbys>
[13:09] <jkbys>
[13:09] <jkbys> 旧世代機比較でCPUスレッド数4倍、メモリ8倍、ストレージ2倍ぐらい
[13:09] <jkbys> おそらくほぼ全ての要求ファイルがメモリに載る
[13:09] <jkbys> ネットワークバンド幅も4倍(ただしまだ手加減しているので以前とおなじ)
[13:10] <jkbys> 2号機:ISOイメージ中
[13:10] <jkbys> 3号機:パッケージアーカイブ中心
[13:10] <jkbys> 幾つかアグレッシブな設定を入れているので相手によっては遅くなるかもしれない
[13:10] <jkbys> 特にhigh latencyで、かつlossの大きいネットワーク(物理的に遠いとかPHS経由とか)だと厳しい可能性がそれなりにある。
[13:10] <jkbys> どちらか片方ならたぶん大丈夫。
[13:10] <jkbys> [ ] 置き換えの前後で性能が劣化した報告はないか?
[13:10] <jkbys> [ ] それ以外にも、なにか問題は起きていないか?
[13:10] <jkbys> TOEとウインドウサイズの調整ぐらいなら(リリース前なら)随時行える
[13:10] <jkbys> リリースから4/末ぐらいまでは触りたくない
[13:10] <jkbys> 擬似負荷しかかけてないので、リリースを無事に乗り越えられるかどうかもやや不安なので落ちたらごめんなさい
[13:11] <hito_jp> えーとdeb-srcとarm64話に加えて、リリース負荷を使っていろいろ調整してわりといい感じになってるはずです。たぶん。
[13:11] <hito_jp> ただし本来の性能の数分の1ぐらいしか出してない状態。GW後にフルパワーにする予定はかわらず
[13:11] <jkbys> フルパワー!
[13:12] <jkbys> 他になにかありますか
[13:13] <hito_jp> 自分はないです
[13:13] <mizuno> 議題はないけど、そろそろ北海道の講演タイトルを決めねば
[13:13] <mizuno> 何がいいですかねー
[13:13] <hito_jp> ってこれだれか議事録取ってるんかな(ねむい……
[13:14] <hito_jp> snappyネタが鉄板な気はする
[13:14] <mizuno> snappyの紹介やりますか
[13:15] <hito_jp> node.jsなファイルはこれで簡単にsnapできます、は割と受けるんじゃないかなーと
[13:15] <mizuno> へー(まだやってない
[13:16] <mizuno> 用語的にはSnappy Ubuntuでええんかな
[13:17] <hito_jp> かなぁ。2年するとsnappy付けなくてよくなりそうですが
[13:17] <hito_jp> 今の予定を見る限りdesktop-nextがsnappyになるので
[13:17] <hito_jp> コア部分は事実上snappyで出す、っていう革命的なことになる予感がひしひしとしております
[13:17] <jkbys> ΩΩΩ
[13:18] <mizuno> 仕組み的には「snappy ubuntu」で、「snappy ubuntu core」だと、releasesで配布されてるubuntu coreのイメージの名前ってことでok?
[13:19] <hito_jp> yes
[13:19] <mizuno> なるほど。ではその方向で事務局に連絡しておきます
[13:19] <hito_jp> 説明的にはからそんなに変化してないっす
[13:19] <mizuno> はーい
[13:22] <jkbys> 他になにかありますか
[13:22] <mizuno> ないですー
[13:22] <hito_jp> ないですおやすみなさい
[13:23] <jkbys> では誰かできたら議事録やっておいてください
[13:23] <jkbys> 次回は火曜にあるかもしれないしないかもしれないということで
[13:23] <jkbys> お疲れ様でした
[13:23] <mizuno> 来週は連休中なのでおやすみかな……
[13:24] <jkbys> なんでや!
[13:24] <hito_jp> remixがでるまでは小林さんにだけはGWこないんやで
[13:24] <jkbys> Remixのことを忘れていた
[13:24] <mizuno> ああ、それもそうですね
[13:24] <jkbys> もうリリースしてもいいと信じてる
[13:25] <hito_jp> そんな気はしている(ねむねむテストをしながら
[13:26] <mizuno> あ、japanese teamサーバーのリプレースの件忘れてましたね
[13:26] <hito_jp> えーとなににたいして忘れてたんだろう
[13:27] <mizuno> そろそろリプレースしないとねーって話が少し前に出て、それっきりだった記憶が
[13:27] <hito_jp> どれだというか
[13:27] <jkbys> それもあったな
[13:27] <mizuno> ubuntulinux.jpですね
[13:29] <jkbys> どの業者のどのプランにするのがええのかな
[13:30] <mizuno>
[13:31] <hito_jp> 現状で分かってるのは従量課金を求めなければさくら最強
[13:31] <hito_jp> 従量課金にしたければ機能でAWS価格でAzure
[13:32] <hito_jp> とりあえず規模的にぬるくていいのでさくらの現行相当のプランを借りるでよさげっていう理解です
[13:33] <mizuno> そうですね。今のアカウントでもう1台追加で借りればいいんじゃないですかね
[13:34] <mizuno> 同等プランでお安くなってるはず
[15:32] <DarrenGao> jj | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.440497 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-jp"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-de | [00:11] <doc_gonzo> hi! ich habe ubuntu 14.04 installiert. Es läuft alles super, ausser dass die Tastatur auf englisch eingestellt ist und das System auch, obwohl ich unter system settings/language support alles auf deutsch eingestellt habe
[05:38] <doc_gonzo> welcher kopierbefehl kopiert ein / Verzeichnis 1:1 dateiweise schnell und einfach, rekursiv natürlich auch, ohne vorher Dateien zusammenzufassen? cp?
[05:57] <LetoThe2nd> doc_gonzo: rsync -av, so die richtung.
[06:39] <dreamon> ffmpeg -isync -i "concat:file1.mkv|file2.mkv" -c copy output.mkv -> could not found concat:file1.mkv|file2.mkv
[06:40] <dreamon> kann man dieses concat nachinstallieren?
[06:43] <LetoThe2nd> dreamon: das ist kein programm, sondern ein ffmpeg befehl. du hast ne 100%-chance dass dein befehl schlicht und ergreifend falsch ist.
[06:44] <LetoThe2nd> googlen nach "ffmpeg concat" sollte die richtige syntax zutage bringen. (und nein, ich werds nicht für dichzusammenbauen)
[06:48] <dreamon> ffmpeg -i "concat:input1.mpg|input2.mpg|input3.mpg" -c copy output.mpg → ist das beispiel. →
[06:48] <kubine> dreamon: Title: Concatenate – FFmpeg (at
[06:48] <dreamon> Könnte es sein, daß das concat nicht erkannt wird, ich mein soviel fehler kann man dabei ja wohl nicht machen.
[06:53] <LetoThe2nd> dreamon: verbosity hochdrehen, etc.
[09:17] <sued-ost-berlin> hi
[09:18] <dadrc> hu
[13:33] <KlaWa> Lüfterproblem mit Acer Aspire 5920G notebook + Ubuntu 14.04: Lüfter läuft IMMER --- ausbauen (*g*) oder gibt es andere Lösungen ?
[13:34] <dadrc> KlaWa, kennst du
[13:34] <kubine> dadrc: Title: Lüftersteuerung › Wiki › (at
[13:34] <KlaWa> dadrc, noch nicht ... danke
[13:42] <Lothenon> evtl. hilft schon eine innen-reinigung
[18:00] <ShiroNeko> hallo, was kann ich machen bei systemd dass ich etwas habe wie die rc.local um befehle beim boot auszuführen?
[18:06] <dadrc> Hätte ich ihm ja sagen können
[18:06] <dadrc> aber wer keine geduld hat
[19:47] <sued-ost-berlin> Nabend
[19:56] <doc_gonzo> abend: wie kann ich aus für mein ubuntu 12.04 tos es installieren?
[19:56] <kubine> doc_gonzo: Title: Index of /repositories/home:/garloff:/storage (at
[19:57] <k1l> doc_gonzo: was willst du installieren?
[19:58] <doc_gonzo>
[19:58] <kubine> doc_gonzo: Title: dd_rescue (at
[19:58] <k1l> warum nicht das dd_rescue von ubuntu nutzen?
[19:58] <doc_gonzo> also ubuntu hat die 0.9 version
[19:59] <k1l> nee
[19:59] <k1l> in 12.04 ist 1.14
[20:00] <k1l> ahnee, das war gddrescue. ddrescue ist sogar 1.23 in ubuntu 12.04
[20:00] <jokrebel> und das aktuelle LTS (14.04) hat vermutlich sogar eine noch höhere Version
[20:01] <k1l> naja, 12.04 hat ja noch einiges an support übrig. ist doch ok das einzusetzen
[20:02] <doc_gonzo> prima. ich bin wohl zu blöd, im terminal kriege ich das nicht hin ^^
[20:02] <kubine> doc_gonzo: Title: Rescue - (at
[20:02] <k1l> doc_gonzo: was sagt "lsb_release -d"?
[20:03] <k1l> achso, das paket zu "dd_rescue" heisst: ddrescue (und das paket zu ddrescue heisst gddrescue :X )
[20:04] <jokrebel> k1l: Wollt es nur de Vollständigkeit halber erwähnt haben, wenn es schon drum geht ein bestimmtes Paket in "neuer" haben zu wollen.
[20:12] <ring0> soweit ich mich erinnere will man eigentlich nutzen
[20:12] <kubine> ring0: Title: gddrescue › Wiki › (at
[20:12] <doc_gonzo> eigentlich wollte ich nur meine alte platte an mac mounten. jetzt habe ich ubuntu in einer vm installiert und kämpfe mich durch die ganzen downloadpakete
[20:13] <doc_gonzo> und evtl. noch ein fronten:
[20:13] <kubine> doc_gonzo: Title: Kalysto - /Utilities/dd_rhelp/Download - (Download Area) (at
[20:18] <ring0> mit gddrescue kannst du dir dd_rhelp für dd_rescue sparen
[20:19] <ring0> auch verlinkt im artikel von eben über gddrescue:
[20:19] <kubine> ring0: Title: Images erstellen mit ddrescue | (at
[20:24] <doc_gonzo> ich möchte mich hier nochmal bedanken, euch euch hier gibt und ihr noch nicht in die Tischkarte reingebissen habt
[20:27] <ring0> gerne | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.454925 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-de"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-uy | [02:28] <magu42> .
[04:05] <asterismo> hola
[19:37] <barbanegra> [27/04/15 14:01:26] --> nor (be8d3575@gateway/web/freenode/ip. se ha unido a este canal.
[19:37] <barbanegra> [27/04/15 14:01:51] <nor> barbanegra andate a la concha de tu hermana
[19:37] <barbanegra> [27/04/15 20:03:07] <-- victortyau ([email protected]) ha dejado este servidor (Quit: Leaving).
[19:37] <barbanegra> misma ip
[19:40] <barbanegra> | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.456445 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-uy"
} |
2015-04-28-#juju-gui | [19:47] <rick_h_> lazyPower: fyi unable to dupe it atm. We did a release last week and wonder if we accidently corrected something
[19:47] <mup> Bug #1446788: Build-a-bundle appears broken in firefox on <juju-gui:Invalid> <>
[19:47] <rick_h_> lazyPower: please let us know if you can still dupe and we can try to figure out what we're missing | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.459107 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju-gui"
} |
2015-04-28-#kubuntu-se | [20:15] <Flygisoft> Philip5: Jaså du har köpt ny telefonm
[20:16] <Flygisoft> Dyra grejer med ;D
[20:16] <Philip5> jupp
[20:16] <Philip5> so far så good
[20:17] <Philip5> är lite anti-samsung för jag tycker de är lite plastiga och blivit lite mycket svensson-lur
[20:17] <Philip5> s6 är väl bra och de har ryckt upp sig men valde m9 ändå
[20:17] <Flygisoft> Är det nice då?
[20:17] <Flygisoft> den*
[20:17] <Philip5> ja det tycker jag
[20:18] <Philip5> skärmen är nog lite bättre på s6 men den har sämre batteritider
[20:18] <Flygisoft> Ah okej
[20:19] <Flygisoft> Ja man får väl se vad Oneplus har att erbjuda sen om det kommer någon tvåa
[20:19] <Flygisoft> Inte för jag vet om jag kommer byta telefon så snabbt men
[20:25] <Philip5> hårdvarumässigt verkar de ju ha bra grejer
[20:43] <Flygisoft> Jorå, dock är dom lite sega med uppdateringar
[20:43] <Philip5> ajdå
[20:43] <Flygisoft> Men hänger väl på Cyanogenmod
[20:44] <Flygisoft> Är väl därför Oneplus har börjat utveckla deras egen rom antar jag
[20:44] <Philip5> nordiska htc är segare på uppdateringar än amerikanska
[20:44] <Flygisoft> Ah okej
[20:44] <Philip5> funderar på att köra deras
[20:44] <Philip5> kanske behöver modda radiofrekvenser
[20:45] <Flygisoft> Ah ja just det, sånt grejs
[20:45] <Flygisoft> Lär väl finnas någon som gjort något sånt redan?
[20:45] <Philip5> kanske
[20:46] <Philip5> rootade luren det första jag gjorde :)
[20:46] <Flygisoft> ;D
[20:46] <Flygisoft> Vad kör du för root grejer?
[20:47] <Philip5> appar eller för just root?
[20:47] <Flygisoft> Vilket som
[20:47] <Philip5> suroot för root
[20:48] <Philip5> men främst för att kunna köra adaway
[20:49] <Flygisoft> Funkar adaway bra? Testade adblock förut men fick det inte alls att fungera
[20:50] <Philip5> ja det tycker jag
[20:50] <Philip5> kan hända att den blockar något man vill ha som man får unblocka
[20:51] <Flygisoft> Ah jo så kan det ju vara
[20:51] <Philip5> skönt att oftast så ser man inte ens att det skulle vara någon add i apparna
[20:51] <Flygisoft> Sånt är ju trevligt
[20:52] <Flygisoft> Adaway finns inte på google play?
[20:55] <Philip5> nä de blev ju utkastade för de bröt mot googles policy kring att kringå reklam :)
[20:55] <Philip5> finns på xda
[20:57] <Flygisoft> Haha :D | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.465961 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu-se"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-bugs | [14:04] <decker-christian> /msg nickserv identify decker-christian $cd121%Irc
[14:04] <roadmr> decker-christian: you'll probably have to change your password :(
[14:05] <decker-christian> :D
[14:05] <decker-christian> I think so too...
[14:06] <penguin42> you can use 122
[14:06] <decker-christian> how can i change it?
[14:06] <penguin42> /msg nickserv help should tell you
[14:17] <decker-christian> I think Bug #1448924 can be triaged
[14:19] <penguin42> decker-christian: OK, and what do you think it should be set as for importance -
[14:21] <decker-christian> Medium or High
[14:21] <penguin42> now say why
[14:22] <penguin42> decker-christian: Looking at that Importance definition which one does it fit into based on those defs
[14:26] <decker-christian> I think it's necessary that the watchdog works as it used to be in a preview version. I think it is high because it is a problem with an essential hardware component.
[14:27] <decker-christian> previous
[14:30] <penguin42> decker-christian: So I was going to say Medium; because I'd classify a watchdog as a non-essential component - also if I understand his bug report it's got a simple workaround (I think he's just saying you have to reeenable the service?)
[14:31] <decker-christian> Okay.
[14:33] <penguin42> done, and I've added a suggestion; if the problem is only that it's not starting the service at each startup then a systemctl enable might fix that
[14:34] <decker-christian> I cannot change the Importance form Undecided to Medium? When I think a bug can be triaged. I came here and give an advice
[14:35] <penguin42> decker-christian: Yep, I've changed it, thanks
[14:35] <decker-christian> Okay. Thanks
[14:45] <decker-christian> Bug #1448913. I think it can be triaged and importance is high because the functionality of the application is broken. (Sending the picture in the wrong direction isn't good).
[14:48] <decker-christian> Bug #1448924 is just a missing feature so Importance is Wishlist
[14:55] <decker-christian> Sorry wrong number Bug #1449233
[14:55] <aikidouke> firewall-applet for vivid behavior when launched from dash is different than running sudo firewall-config from terminal, could this be a bug?
[15:08] <decker-christian> Bug #1449144 : Can be triaged. Importance is low, because it have an easy work-around
[15:13] <decker-christian> Bug #1449025 : Can be triaged. I think importance is low, because it have an easy work-around by remove and reinstall. But I'm not sure if it is a problem from skype
[16:45] <melodie> hi
[16:56] <melodie> has someone tested zram-config in Vivid lately?
[17:13] <ogra_> melodie, didrocks did the systemd switch for it ... perhaps there are still bugs ... whats wrong ß
[17:13] <ogra_> ?
[17:14] <ogra_>
[17:14] <melodie> hi ogra_
[17:15] <melodie> I have several issues with it and I am trying to see how to deal with the bug reports to do
[17:15] <melodie> ogra_ would you rather say systemctl should be used for start/stop restart, or better "service" or better swapon/swapoff?
[17:16] <ogra_> well, file them against the package and make didrocks aware of them
[17:16] <melodie> the first two fail to restar
[17:16] <melodie> t
[17:16] <melodie> to restart
[17:16] <ogra_> in the systemd world you want to use systemctl
[17:16] <melodie> the last fails to use the same priority as the main start script
[17:16] <ogra_> swapon/off wouldnt work if zram isnt properly set up first
[17:16] <melodie> ogra_ yes, that's what I thought so I will act consequently for the bug report :D
[17:17] <melodie> ogra_ it works more or less, but with errors
[17:17] <ogra_> right, he should fix that then :)
[17:17] <melodie> is didrocks coming here sometimes?
[17:18] <melodie> is he Adam Conrad, the man whose name is everywhere in the files?
[17:20] <penguin42> melodie:
[17:20] <penguin42> melodie:
[17:21] <penguin42> melodie: Generally searching for peoples launchpad account gets you their irc nick
[17:21] <melodie> thanks penguin42
[17:21] <melodie> I'll try to carve that in memory
[17:32] <decker-christian> hello, just a short question. If I write in here that a bug can be triaged, is it for sure that someone will look at them or is it better to wait until some response in here.
[17:32] <teward> decker-christian: either or, it also depends on the triager looking at it whether it qualifies.
[17:33] <teward> however i'm hesitant to touch any bug in the partner repos, especially since Skype has to fix the problem (that's not necessarily editable packaging)
[17:36] <decker-christian> Okay. But how to handle bugs like that one? Just ignore isn't the solution, or=
[17:36] <decker-christian> ?
[17:38] <penguin42> yeh it's OK to ignore a bug if you don't know what to do with it; although if you have a dozen that are absolutely certainly the same then I'd probably start duping them if I was really sure they were the same bug
[17:38] <penguin42> there are plenty of bugs in the sea
[17:42] <decker-christian> Okay.
[17:53] <teward> agreed with penguin42
[17:55] <melodie> ogra_ bug 1449665 bug 1449678
[18:39] <melodie> I am struggling with an error after an upgrade in a virtual machine: "invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/modemmanager not found."
[18:40] <melodie>
[18:40] <melodie> would someone have a suggest so I can fix it?
[18:43] <melodie> solved: touch is my friend
[18:52] <decker-christian> Bug #1448913. I think it can be triaged and importance is high because the functionality of the application is broken. (Sending the picture in the wrong direction isn't good).
[18:54] <teward> decker-christian: another restricted bug, and one which I don't think we should be messing with. I know there are devs who watch the fglrx bugs pretty closely. (Like partner repo items, I'm hesitant to just mark that "triaged" and change the importance if only because it's something that has more than just a 'bug' implications)
[19:11] <decker-christian> should i mark it then as invalid?
[19:12] <teward> decker-christian: no, leave it alone, is my suggestion
[19:13] <decker-christian> t
[19:14] <teward> decker-christian: I also don't think it's capable of 'triaged' yet - if it were me going at it i'd need more specific data, but i'm also not an fglrx expert
[19:14] <teward> (I leave that to the canonical people0
[19:17] <decker-christian> teward: I didn't get it. Why are there so much bugs which should be ignored? How can I (as amateur) know which ones are relvant and which ones are not. I see a bug an think someone should care about it.
[19:21] <teward> decker-christian: As I said before, some triagers are more comfortable changing things vs. others.
[19:21] <teward> Me, I prefer to leave the restricted stuff (drivers) and partner stuff (closed source) to people more familiar with triage for that
[19:23] <teward> decker-christian: especially since driver bugs may just be hardware related compared to actual bugs exploding (and fglrx issues are driver bugs, and in theory it could cause other issues if not handled right)
[19:23] <teward> the fact i'm around and commenting means nothing, others may choose to triage per your requests after me, however I tend to think that unless driver bugs are confirmed by you, you may want to tread lightly around them
[19:23] <teward> decker-christian: that's just my take on it.
[19:23] <teward> decker-christian: however, I would suggest, starting out, that you start by focusing on packages you have an interest in
[19:25] <teward> looking at the fglrx one, i'll maybe set it to "Medium" but I don't think it's triageable - i say Medium because neither Chrome or Spotify are actually in Ubuntu
[19:25] <teward> Especially since "all other apps are fine" per the description and original poster
[19:26] <decker-christian> okay. thanks for your advice. I just started yesterday so I'm still learning ;)
[19:27] <teward> decker-christian: i started in 2012 with bug triage as a part of bugsquad, with a special interest in bugs in certain packages, but also in bugs which impacted me regularly (rare but it does happen).
[19:27] <teward> kinda started taking over nginx bug triage (server package) due to my interest there, but that's a moot point at this point
[19:28] <teward> my point is even I still learn, too, it's a continual process
[19:28] <teward> my best advice is start with packages that interest you rather than a random selection/subset of bugs
[19:28] <teward> maybe even work with bugs that aren't special-hardware based, or such. Skype is an ehhhhh tossup in my opinion, because that's closed source...
[19:28] <teward> but the point still stands :0
[19:28] <teward> :) *
[19:29] <decker-christian> I think that is a good advice :).
[19:29] <teward> (it is ultimately up to the bugcontrol persons you reach whether to 'triaged' or not, either they may not be fluent enough in the package to make that judgement, or they may have reservations in messing with restricted or closed source stuff such as in partner, etc.
[19:30] <teward> decker-christian: you may also be interested in the Hundred Papercuts project -
[19:30] <teward> is the LP group. But it's still a nice 'getting started' point.
[19:31] <teward> but my best advice is to start with packages you like or have an interest in, rather than random-picking of bugs. Granted, I sometimes go after bugs that are likely feature request bugs, those're the easiest to triage xD
[19:34] <decker-christian> Okay. I think I will find my way to get involved :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.482237 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-bugs"
} |
2015-04-28-#cloud-init | [06:17] <jeffgus_> hi all,
[06:17] <jeffgus_> is anyone else having issues with cloud-init on rhel7.1?
[06:17] <jeffgus_> it doesn't seem to be processing the template correctly
[06:17] <jeffgus_> as in the chef template
[06:17] <jeffgus_> when i downgrade the version it works
[06:18] <jeffgus_> 0.7.5-6 works
[06:18] <jeffgus_> 0.7.6-2 doesn't work
[15:10] <smoser> claudiupopa, what was the c-i you were showoing me earlier?
[15:10] <smoser> link to github?
[15:12] <claudiupopa> smoser:
[15:12] <smoser> thansk
[15:12] <claudiupopa> develop branch is where the work goes atm.
[15:13] <claudiupopa> np.
[15:35] <smoser> JayF, on a OnMetal the smallest, what is the disk there?
[15:35] <smoser> where did you come up with a 32GB disk drive
[16:02] <JayF> it's a 32GB SATADOM
[16:02] <JayF> basically an SD card with a SATA port attached is the easiest way to describe it
[16:46] <nrezinorn> hello, is this a good channel to ask for some quick help? I wrote a cloud-config file that works on cent6, doesnt work on cent7 - and currently the cent7 partially works, but fails to run the 'runcmd:' section :(
[18:28] <plathrop> Is anyone here successfully using cloud-config for creating initial users on Ubuntu Trusty?
[18:49] <harlowja_> nrezinorn can u describe what u are seeing, and maybe get a /var/log/cloud-init.log (that doesn't contain sensitive info)
[18:50] <harlowja_> another option, get full debug log that we can use also
[18:50] <harlowja_> if u put the following in your yaml u should force on debugging
[18:50] <harlowja_> # Print debug output to console so that it is accessible from 'nova console-log'.
[18:50] <harlowja_> log_cfgs: []
[18:50] <harlowja_> something must be up :-P
[18:51] <nrezinorn> sure i can do that, let me upload all my configs to GHE or something :)
[18:51] <nrezinorn> i dont see anything logged after spinning things up (to verify cloud-init)
[18:51] <harlowja_> hmmm
[18:51] <harlowja_> ya, thats weird then :-/
[18:51] <harlowja_> if u see nothing, thats odd :-/
[18:51] <nrezinorn> the wierd thing to me, is it loads some parts of the config file
[18:52] <nrezinorn> it drops the SSH keys, etc
[18:52] <harlowja_> odd
[18:52] <nrezinorn> but simply fails to run the runcmd section and its failing to run the packages section
[18:52] <nrezinorn> it only fails on centos7, centos6 works perfectly!
[18:52] <harlowja_> weird
[18:52] <harlowja_> using that logging trick might help
[18:53] <nrezinorn> give me a few to do the logging trick, then i will share what i have so you can see
[18:53] <harlowja_> k
[18:55] <nrezinorn> your log_cfgs has given me a ton of debug info
[18:55] <nrezinorn> ill just look through it all , thanks :)
[18:57] <nrezinorn> it doesnt even try to load the modue for runcmd , it does try bootcmd though
[19:04] <harlowja_> so that makes me wondering if your /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg isn't listing runcmd
[19:04] <harlowja_> if thats so, then there's your problem :-P
[19:05] <nrezinorn> oh its in there :) like is why i said im confused because my centos6 cloud-config file *should* also work on centos7
[19:05] <harlowja_> k, odd
[19:05] <harlowja_> hopefully all the debug junk has something useful :)
[19:05] <nrezinorn> all i can glean from it is "it didnt try to parse runcmd"
[19:06] <harlowja_> hmmm, no idea then
[19:07] <nrezinorn> welcome to my last few days ;)
[19:09] <harlowja_> ha
[19:21] <nrezinorn> harlowja_: maybe you can spot some glaring syntax error between c6 and c7 cloud-config?
[19:22] <harlowja_> kk
[19:23] <harlowja_> soo the thing i do notice is that none of those logs are for the 'config' stage
[19:23] <harlowja_> but only for init and init-local stage
[19:23] <harlowja_> *there are 3 -4 stages of cloud-init
[19:23] <harlowja_> 1) init/init-local
[19:23] <harlowja_> 2) config
[19:23] <harlowja_> 3) final
[19:23] <harlowja_> runcmd is under (section 2)
[19:24] <harlowja_> stage/section
[19:24] <nrezinorn> those stages are set in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg for defaults?
[19:24] <harlowja_> ya, but i'm wondering why u don't have logs for those other stages
[19:24] <harlowja_> all of your log files end with cloud-init mode 'init'
[19:25] <nrezinorn> cloud init was intsall via rpm, default settings
[19:25] <harlowja_> or running 'init-local'
[19:25] <harlowja_> ya, so for some reason yours maybe isn't running the later stages, not sure why
[19:25] <harlowja_> who build that rpm :-P
[19:25] <nrezinorn> let me check my KS config to see if something is messing with those cfg files after install (i dont think they are, so its a stock rpm install)
[19:25] <harlowja_> redhat?
[19:25] <nrezinorn> i knew you'd ask!
[19:26] <nrezinorn> i can ask the centos mail list
[19:26] <harlowja_> ya, so centos folks i guess
[19:26] <harlowja_> ya, some reason its not really running the rest of the stages (it appears)
[19:26] <harlowja_> which may mean its misconfiguered (systemd issues?)
[19:26] <nrezinorn> this rpm was built last sept and i know our openstack has c7 images, and all the stuff works there
[19:26] <harlowja_> i think (those are the systemd scripts, but idk if they used that or something else)
[19:27] <harlowja_> ya, so maybe u need to investigate if its really running those stages (systemd i think has this info, not sure)
[19:27] <nrezinorn> is its nots runing the stages, that is an RPM issue or i need to fix it during kickstart
[19:28] <nrezinorn> i would think an rpm install would take care of all that is needed :P
[19:28] <harlowja_> ha
[19:28] <harlowja_> if only :-P
[19:29] <nrezinorn> im going to blame systemd here ;) that is what people do right?
[19:30] <harlowja_> :)
[19:30] * nrezinorn stumbles though using systemd
[19:30] <nrezinorn> i really should learn this stuff. i use arch @ home, but i never log into my system at home, pretty much ever!
[19:31] <nrezinorn> loos like cloud-config service is dead.
[19:53] <harlowja_> hmm, that might be the issue :-P
[19:54] <smoser> blaming systemd is always safe.
[19:54] <smoser> if runcmd didn't run, i'd suspect that cloud-final didnt run
[19:54] <smoser> (dont knwo if we saw that above or not).
[19:58] <nrezinorn> so i looked into this more and it looks like it is a self-inflicted wound :(
[20:09] <devicenull> so, before I go about re-inventing the wheel... I work for a cloud provider, and we're currently using cloud-init to handle all the provisioning required to handle machines off to customers
[20:10] <devicenull> however, some of our customers want to be able to provide their own user-data scripts, which is what we're currently using to configure instances
[20:10] <devicenull> is there a simple way to run multiple cloud-config scripts?
[20:12] <devicenull> atm it feels like I need to move all of 'our' provisioning outside of cloud-init, so I can leave it available for the users
[21:00] <smoser> devicenull, 2 options
[21:01] <smoser> a.) you could consume the users's user-data and stuff it into a mime-multipart message with your parts at the beginning or the end (later trumps earlier)
[21:01] <smoser> b.) vendor-data
[21:01] <smoser> vendor-data was designed exactly for "cloud provider" providing stuff to cloud-init, and not interfering with user-data.
[21:01] <smoser> vendor-data is supported in openstack.
[21:02] <smoser> for other datasources we may have to modify cloud-init, but if you're a public cloud and willing to work a bit, that can be achieved even back into stable ubuntu.
[21:03] <devicenull> ah
[21:03] <devicenull> we use the ec2 metadata source, but the openstack one looks fairly compatible
[21:04] <kwadronaut> it is
[21:05] <devicenull> that looks like it's a pretty good solution then
[21:05] <kwadronaut> (or rather openstack offers ec2-compatibility, haven't run in corner cases in quite a while) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.487746 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#cloud-init"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-nz | [20:05] <ibeardslee> morning
[20:21] <olly> morning
[20:43] <hads> morning | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.488776 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-nz"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-tn | [07:23] <Dro__> /whois elacheche elacheche
[07:24] <Dro__> bjr, tlm est inactif comme toujours? :P
[08:07] <elacheche> Bonjour Dro__
[08:07] <Dro__> ahla bik, ça va? :)
[08:08] <elacheche> You're always here that's how you can say if everybody are actif or not -_-
[08:08] <elacheche> Yep ça passe :)
[08:11] <Dro__> haha u're right, je peux pas juger si tlm est inactif car je suis pas toujours là.. je dois être présent pour la prochaine réunion 21/03/2014 pour pouvoir juger :D :D
[08:17] <elacheche> hahahaha :D Don't forget to mark that date in you calender :)
[08:19] <Dro__> elacheche, bech n9ollek baddel el topic rod'ha 2015, j'ai trouvé que 21/03/2015 fatet zeda :P
[08:20] <elacheche> hahahaha :) Stay here and it'll be replaced by something real soon → Not kidding :)
[08:28] <Dro__> elacheche, je peux te poser une question un peu stupide ? :D
[08:29] <elacheche> Never ask to ask.. Just ask x)
[08:30] <Dro__> j'ai installé le logiciel vdr, et il a crée un user vdr comme owner de ses fichiers
[08:30] <Dro__> alors je veux modifier ce fichier: -rw-r--r-- 1 vdr vdr 9199 avril 28 08:52 /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf
[08:30] <Dro__> j'arrive pas à le faire avec sudo !
[08:30] <Dro__> est ce que je dois me connecter en tant que vdr ? (j'ai essayé de le faire avec su vdr , il me demande un mot de passe!)
[08:31] <Dro__> sudo w_scan -fs -s S7W0 > /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf
[08:31] <Dro__> bash: /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf: Permission non accordée
[08:34] <elacheche> T'as deux solution.. Passe en mode root (sudo su) après su vdr, dans ce cas il demandera pas de pass.. puis essaie entant que vdr (supposant que vdr à déjà un bash associer).. Sinon si t'es pas capable de le modifier même entant que vdr, le fichier peut être proteger.. Dans ce cas tu utilise chattr pour changer ça
[08:34] <elacheche> Dro__, regarde ces examples →
[08:36] <Dro__> elacheche, merci! :D
[08:36] <elacheche> Any time :)
[08:40] <Dro__> elacheche, tu as essayé VDR ?
[08:40] <elacheche> Jamais
[08:42] <Dro__> oww, le topic va changer finalement ! :P
[08:42] <elacheche> :D
[08:43] <elacheche> lool.. mais sans la date.. :) Mais comme j'ai dis "Stay here and it'll be replaced by something real soon → Not kidding :)"
[08:45] <Dro__> sans date 5ir men date 9dima.. au moins qd qq1 entre dans le channel il n'aura pas l'impression que le chan est mort
[08:47] <elacheche> :)
[09:11] <Dro__> chey yfaded, sbe7 kamel nkasser fi rassi bech sabbit hel VDR w les plugins mta3ou w fele5r résultat: fenetre feha chaine ma na3rafch ech esmha.. lé menu lé des boutons lé tbadel chaine lé cheyyyy :/
[09:13] <Dro__>
[09:13] <Dro__> tabban :/
[09:23] <elacheche> Dro__, XBMC peut pas utilisé vdr?
[09:25] <Dro__> elacheche, oui mais je peux pas l'installer! paquet introuvable
[09:25] <Dro__> 3andekch fekra el commande "sudo xhost +" elle fait quoi ?
[09:25] <elacheche> Emm.. t'es sur Ubuntu 14.04 <= ?
[09:25] <Dro__> oui
[09:27] <Dro__> j'ai suivi un tutorial et j'ai tappé cette commande bêtement
[09:27] <Dro__> sudo xhost +
[09:27] <Dro__> access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
[09:27] <elacheche> utilise man xhost pour savoir elle fait quoi
[09:27] <Dro__> 7asha 3amlet msiba hethi :D
[09:28] <Dro__> ti j'ai rien compris, je sais pas de quel serveur ils parlent dans le help!
[09:28] <elacheche> X
[09:28] <elacheche> c'est le serveur graphique
[09:28] <elacheche> pour xbmc il faut uitiliser un ppa →
[09:28] <Dro__> ey ça veut dire quoi : les clients peuvent connecté de n'importe quel host sur le serveur X :o
[09:29] <Dro__> dari 5let ma3neha ? :P
[09:29] <elacheche>
[09:29] <elacheche> Emm... No idea.. J'ai une intervention urgente, je re dans 30 min
[09:29] * elacheche BRB
[09:30] <Dro__> ok
[09:30] <Dro__> tyt
[10:12] <elacheche> re
[10:16] <elacheche> Dro__, sallaktha?
[10:16] <Dro__> hani nbarbech :P
[10:17] <elacheche> Sa7it :)
[10:17] <Dro__> dhaharli f les version 14+ wella esmou KODI
[10:17] <Dro__> hani sabbitou ema 93ad el prob kifech norbtou m3a el DVR
[10:17] <elacheche> BTW, mé tlakinéch quelque part 9bal?
[10:17] <Dro__> maybe lol :D
[10:18] <elacheche> x)
[10:18] <elacheche>
[10:18] <Dro__> oui je suis déjà en train de le voir
[10:18] <elacheche> Yep.. It's kodi now.. didn't knew about this before today..
[10:18] <Dro__> partie VDR sayé
[10:19] <Dro__> tawa lenna
[10:19] <Dro__> 3 Connecting XBMC to VDR :P
[10:19] <Dro__> il y a un plugin à installer pour que Kodi se connecte à VDR
[10:19] <Dro__> mais le prob que ce plugin n'est pas compatible avec Kodi apparemment ken avec l'ancienne version xbmc
[10:20] <elacheche> Ah bon?
[10:20] <Dro__> oui, le premier lien heka VNSI
[10:20] <elacheche> Hack it to be compatible to kodi :) :D
[10:20] <Dro__> hani nchouf kifech n'instalih manuellement
[10:20] <Dro__> car coté Kodi il demande un fichier .zip w howa y'instali wa7dou
[10:21] <Dro__> quand je passe ce fichier il me dit "structure invalide"
[10:21] <elacheche>
[10:21] <Dro__> non sayé heka
[10:21] <Dro__> heka coté VDR
[10:21] <Dro__> tawa mizel coté Kodi :P
[10:21] <Dro__> le même VNSI
[10:22] <Dro__>
[10:24] <elacheche> davlefou,
[10:24] <Dro__> ta3ref apparemment l9it'ha :P
[10:24] <elacheche> Dro__, IRC #kodi -- General Kodi real-time chat and user support
[10:24] <elacheche> IRC #kodi-linux -- Linux specific Kodi real-time chat
[10:24] <Dro__> femma faza ma kontech faye9 beha : For Ubuntu clients click "SHOW" for PVR add-on install instructions
[10:24] <Dro__> un petit bouton show qui cache plein de choses :P
[10:24] <elacheche> awesome :)
[10:27] <Dro__> c'est résolu avec un ptit sudo apt-get install kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi
[10:28] <Dro__> finalement le PVR apparait sur Kodi ! next step: configuration
[20:48] <elacheche_anis> salut Saffister :)
[20:48] <elacheche_anis> Bonsoir les gars :)
[20:52] <Saffister> coucou elacheche_anis :) coucou les amis ^^
[20:53] <elacheche_anis> First time visiting us Saffister
[20:55] <Saffister> no elacheche_anis i come here since 2 years agoi just come for a short time to have a look if there's something new :D
[20:56] <elacheche_anis> I see.. Welcome back then..
[20:56] <Saffister> thanks :D how are you ^^
[20:57] <elacheche_anis> I'm ok :)
[20:57] <Saffister> will the comunity come the the ISIM techdays ?
[20:58] <elacheche_anis> We're not invited.. But maybe I'll come to take a look..
[20:59] <Saffister> nice^^ see you there
[20:59] <elacheche_anis> Inchallah.. Do I know you IRL? :D x)
[21:01] <Saffister> we met in some events but we dont know each others :D i live in Sousse and study at the ISSAT
[21:01] <elacheche_anis> Cool :) Next time you see me ping me x)
[21:01] <Saffister> sure :D
[21:02] <elacheche_anis> :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.502435 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-tn"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-gnome | [05:34] <mgedmin> gnome-shell just segfaulted on me
[05:34] <mgedmin> plugged in an external monitor, like usual; it wasn't detected, like usual, hit the brightness key to force it to be detected (hey, it works, don't ask me why)
[05:35] <mgedmin> saw gnome-shell misrendering on both screens, frozen for like 30 seconds and got an apport dialog with a sigsegv
[05:37] <mgedmin>
[05:38] <mgedmin> (yeah it's private)
[05:38] <mgedmin> (I wonder if server-side apport-retrace works now)
[05:49] <mgedmin> oops yesterday I linked x-Na to the wrong bug :(
[05:50] <mgedmin> I meant to link to
[06:25] <x-Na> Hmmh
[06:25] <x-Na> That one is marked incomplete
[06:26] <x-Na> But yeah, that affects me
[06:26] <x-Na> If you need help debugging that one, I can help as it is a bit annoying
[06:27] <x-Na> It leaves my monitor on too :(
[06:28] <mgedmin> did you see the workaround?
[06:33] <mgedmin> apport-retrace 💔 :(
[06:34] <mgedmin> apport-retrace --gdb --sandbox system --cache ~/.cache/apport-retrace /var/crash/_usr_bin_gnome-shell.1000.crash
[06:34] <mgedmin> "warning: .dynamic section for "/tmp/apport_sandbox_9J2FRV/usr/lib/" is not at the expected address (wrong library or version mismatch?)"
[06:34] <mgedmin> does it not handle PPAs?
[06:37] <mgedmin> (and the stack trace goes off the rails as soon as it reaches libmutter)
[07:26] <x-Na> mgedmin, what workaround?
[07:27] <mgedmin> x-Na:
[07:32] <x-Na> Ok, yeah, now I see it
[09:51] <JohnPoison> Hi folks! I want to use gnome-sushi in pantheon-files package, but gnome-sushi depends on nautilus for no good reason. What are options for me to solve this problem?
[09:51] <JohnPoison> Is this a right channel for such questions?
[10:33] <darkxst> JohnPoison, I am not sure that sushi even works outside of nautilus
[10:34] <JohnPoison> darkxst, it works
[10:35] <darkxst> JohnPoison, file a bug then
[10:36] <JohnPoison> darkxst: so that's the problem. I can't find where to file a bug
[10:36] <darkxst> ubuntu-bug gnome-sushi
[10:37] <darkxst> and bonus points if you can make a patch to fix the deps ;)
[10:37] <darkxst> I suppose you want nautilus | pantheon-files in there
[10:40] <JohnPoison> darkxst: I'm kinda new to the open-source. It's like a labyrinth for me now. I made a fix here for pantheon-files. But to complete a task I should integrate gnome-sushi to pantheon-files and get rid of dependency on nautilus. But I've got lost
[10:41] <JohnPoison> I don't understand where packages are building
[10:42] <JohnPoison> *are built
[10:42] <darkxst> they build with sbuild
[10:43] <darkxst> on both ppa's and the main archive builders
[10:45] <darkxst> John, I assume pantheon is an upstream project? in that case you should not directly patch the code, but use quilt patches
[10:46] <darkxst> and if its an upstream patch, don't comment out code, just delete it
[10:50] <JohnPoison> darkxst: where can I ready about workflow? E.g. how to create a quilt patch, where can I share it
[10:50] <JohnPoison> *read about
[10:52] <darkxst> google, its pretty simple, though a lot of the guides make it seem harder than it it is
[10:55] <JohnPoison> darkxst: Thanks, I'll try it
[13:11] <damascene> Hi, I have this problem that is really annoying. I have 3 languages to switch between. when I installed ubuntu-gnome trouble started to show. every time language switching keyboard shortcuts stop working after a while. I have to switch it manually from the the upper section. I've read +20 post about this but couldn't figure how to fix it or at least what the problem really is. could you please help me? GNOME Shell 3.12.2 Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
[14:48] <damascene> Hi, I have this problem that is really annoying. I have 3 languages to switch between. when I installed ubuntu-gnome trouble started to show. every time language switching keyboard shortcuts stop working after a while. I have to switch it manually from the the upper section. I've read +20 post about this but couldn't figure how to fix it or at least what the problem really is. could you please help me? GNOME Shell 3.12.2 Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
[17:27] <Guest32223> Hi scrollback. first i have to apologize for my english... I guess you want to stay on 14.04 ? If not, can you try the 15.04 release with Livecd or Liveusb (unetbootin liveusbcreator) and check if that problem appear. If time, i will take a look on ubuntu-fr and see if someone get this troube too
[19:27] <mitchdavis2792> Hi everyone, I just updated my Ubuntu Gnome 14.10 to 15.04 on my Dell XPS 8700 and since the upgrade I am no longer able to open my System Settings menu. Does anyone have any suggestions?
[19:36] <mitchdavis2792> anyone?
[20:03] <damascene> Hi, I have this problem that is really annoying. I have 3 languages to switch between. when I installed ubuntu-gnome trouble started to show. every time language switching keyboard shortcuts stop working after a while. I have to switch it manually from the the upper section. I've read +20 post about this but couldn't figure how to fix it or at least what the problem really is. could you please help me? GNOME Shell 3.12.2 Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
[20:04] <damascene> could this room provide any useful help to my issue or do you suggest somewhere else? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.519601 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-gnome"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-server | [01:04] <mojtaba> Hi, could you please tell me what is wrong with this config?
[01:09] <sarnold> seems fine, what issues are you having/
[01:10] <mojtaba> sarnold: content of the /etc/resolve.conf showing sth else.
[01:11] <mojtaba> also when I type sudo ifdown eth0, it says interface eth0 not configured
[01:11] <sarnold> mojtaba: how about /etc/resolv.conf?
[01:12] <mojtaba> sarnold:
[01:13] <mojtaba> sarnold: Do you know why I get that message after running sudo ifdown eth0 or sudo ifdown wlan0?
[01:13] <sarnold> mojtaba: do you have configured manually in /etc/resolvconf/ somewhere?
[01:13] <mojtaba> sarnold: No, I entered in via GUI, but I removed it.
[01:14] <sarnold> mojtaba: is network-manager installed on this machine?
[01:14] <mojtaba> sarnold: yes
[01:16] <sarnold> mojtaba: can you uninstall it? I suspect nothing will work quite right os long as you have NM installed. it's a crazy wrench to throw into any problem..
[01:16] <mojtaba> sarnold: can I disable it for a moment?
[01:17] <sarnold> mojtaba: no idea
[01:17] <teward> servers and network-manager don't get along very well :P
[01:17] <mojtaba> sarnold: what should I do after that?
[07:10] <linocisco> hi all
[07:10] <linocisco> root@ubuntuserver:/usr/local/src/noip-2.1.9-1# make install
[07:10] <linocisco> gcc -Wall -g -Dlinux -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local\" noip2.c -o noip2
[07:10] <linocisco> make: gcc: Command not found
[07:10] <linocisco> make: *** [noip2] Error 127
[07:10] <linocisco> root@ubuntuserver:/usr/local/src/noip-2.1.9-1#
[07:32] <OpenTokix> linocisco: apt-get install build-essential
[07:48] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:51] <Matsy> Hey everyone! I have a question regarding Landscape. Is it normal that I need to reboot my server for it to generate CPU/Memory graphs, and show the current process list?
[07:52] <OpenTokix> Matsy: throw that shit out the window and get a graphite/collectd-system going
[07:52] <Matsy> OpenTokix: I actually really like the looks / functionality of Landscape. Started a 'trial' today with a few of my non-important servers
[07:53] <OpenTokix> Matsy: I have tried it to - also tried obvservatorium, nagosgraphs, cacti and munin - and graphite/collectd - oh yes, so much win
[07:53] <Matsy> Well, I need something to replace my salt-environment
[07:54] <Matsy> So, it needs to do a bit more than collecting logs
[07:54] <OpenTokix> why are you moving away from salt?
[07:54] <Matsy> Company firewalls seem to have a lot of issues with salt
[07:54] <OpenTokix> Matsy: you think ladnscape will replace a fully fledged CM-system?
[07:54] <Matsy> OpenTokix: I don't.
[07:55] <Matsy> But, since Landscape also allows the instant deployment of custom scripts to an arbitrary amount of servers, it seems to do the job
[07:55] <jcastro> landscape shouldn't require reboots to generate those graphs
[07:56] <Matsy> jcastro: That's what I figured. But it didn't show anything, other than 'Virtual Environment: vmware'
[07:56] <Matsy> That's the only piece of information it seemed to gather
[07:56] <Matsy> Which is odd, because finding out in what kind of virtual environment the computer is without the tools installed is quite a bit more complicate than doing a ps for the list of running processes
[07:56] <jcastro> the landscape guys are in #landscape
[07:57] <jcastro> I don't know enough about landscape to help
[07:57] <Matsy> You guys have a channel for everything
[07:57] <jcastro> heh
[08:58] <linocisco>
[09:01] <Matsy> Yes?
[09:02] <Matsy> linocisco: Probably a DNS issue on your server.
[09:05] <linocisco> Matsy, so what do I do?
[09:05] <Matsy> linocisco: Fix the internet?
[09:05] <Matsy> linocisco: resolves to here.
[09:05] <Matsy> Do a simple ping, and see if that works
[09:06] <Matsy> If it doesn't, just set your nameservers to a proper DNS service ( / always work)
[09:07] <linocisco> Matsy, ping is blocked
[09:07] <Matsy> linocisco: Try adding dyn-update to your hostfile then
[09:10] <linocisco> Matsy, it is no-ip. not dyn
[09:10] <Matsy> linocisco: I know. See what hostname it tries to contact:
[09:11] <linocisco> command not found
[09:53] <xqcao> jpds: ping
[10:15] <kevinde> Does anyone use/still uses monit?
[10:16] <kevinde> As i'm running a Teamspeak server on my Ubuntu server and recently discovered monit, I wonder how effective this is to keep your server up and running in case something like a crash occurs
[10:52] <OpenTokix> kevyes
[11:02] <Teduardo> Is there an issue with Ubuntu 14.04 and disk performance?
[11:03] <lordievader> If there is I never noticed it.
[11:03] <Teduardo> okay, i am using rsync to copy some data from a RAID-5 array with 5 drives to an SSD and it's only copying at 134MB/s
[11:04] <Teduardo> and it's actually dipping down as low as 60MB/s
[11:06] <Walex> Teduardo: "performance" is not a property of a distribution, but of its configuration. If you are unhappy with the defaults (which are often not the best for anything in particular), perhaps you need a system administrator to configure your system for your applications.
[11:06] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: Sequential writes is not as fast on SSD:s
[11:07] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: What options are you using for your rsync? --whole-file ? - Are you doing something else on the machine? - What is the performance you expecting?
[11:07] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: 130M/sec from a raid5 on 5 sata-drives sounds resonable.
[11:07] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: hardware or software-raid?
[11:07] <Teduardo> hardware
[11:08] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: you have to remember rsync is doing hashing and stuff on the files you are copying - you can try --whole-file - that will generally be more consise
[11:10] <Teduardo> I guess I will just use bonnie++ to figure out if i can get it to go faster. I figured 5 drives each capable of 100MB/s seperately -1 drive for parity would be about 400MB/s
[11:10] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: it is not that simple
[11:10] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: it is not like the file is perfectly divided in four exactly the same size chunks
[11:11] <Teduardo> ah, im guessing the seek time is horrible on 4tb drives too
[11:11] <OpenTokix> The limit is not MB/sec, but operations per second, - while you are doing your rsync - do a iostat 3 to see how much ops, and how much time is spent on each operation
[11:11] <OpenTokix> Depends on the number of platters
[11:12] <OpenTokix> there ie 2 and 3 platter drives, 3 generally have better seek time than 2. - Also is it many small files, or few large files
[11:12] <Teduardo> its one gigantic file
[11:12] <OpenTokix> ok
[11:13] <OpenTokix> Then the absolutly fastest thing you can do is use dd
[11:13] <OpenTokix> or cp
[11:13] <OpenTokix> dd if=largefile of=/new/path/of/largefile bs=8M
[11:13] <OpenTokix> This will max out your machine, and you can check speed with kill -USR1 pid-of-dd
[11:14] <OpenTokix> Over 8M chunks, generally will not give better performance - but you can always try
[11:15] <OpenTokix> This will probably grind your machine to a halt, since it is doing only io more or less
[11:15] <OpenTokix> so careful if its a internet-system
[11:15] <OpenTokix> that does something =)
[11:15] <Teduardo> nah this is a t630 i have in a lab
[11:15] <OpenTokix> ok, dd at full speed
[11:15] <OpenTokix> then
[11:15] <OpenTokix> will be quickest
[11:16] <OpenTokix> dd > cp > scp > rsync > > > > > > > windows explorer > > > > > os x finder
[11:17] <lordievader> Hehe, osx ;)
[11:18] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: Tell me what you get in terms of performance (if you try dd)
[11:20] <Teduardo> 53141921792 bytes (53 GB) copied, 234.048 s, 227 MB/s
[11:20] <OpenTokix> nice
[11:20] <OpenTokix> only 53G =)
[11:21] <OpenTokix> I tought you said large file =)
[11:21] <Teduardo> he he he
[11:21] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: there you go, - and I guess you learned something in the process
[11:22] <Teduardo> okay, i will add 10 more drives to the array and see if the performance scales
[11:23] <Teduardo> i need to be able to restore 11TB of data in less than 10 days
[11:23] <Teduardo> which is why i'm going on this quest in the first place
[11:23] <OpenTokix> you are already doing it in 13 hours
[11:23] <OpenTokix> with 227M/sec
[11:24] <Teduardo> yea that's a DD not the restore process of this wacky backup software
[11:24] <OpenTokix> ok
[11:24] <Teduardo> i'm trying to make sure that the underlying system is capable of what i need before i yell at the sw vendor
[11:24] <OpenTokix> then I guess its a software issue more than actual hardware, but hardware helps
[11:24] <OpenTokix> What backup software is it?
[11:24] <Teduardo> server backup manager by idera
[11:25] <OpenTokix> ok
[11:25] <OpenTokix> bleh
[11:25] <OpenTokix> comercial backup...
[11:25] <OpenTokix> bleh
[11:25] <OpenTokix> Never used any that wasnt complete useless
[11:25] <OpenTokix> good luck!
[11:26] <Teduardo> it works flawlessly it just takes forever
[11:26] <Teduardo> it restored the 11tb of data
[11:26] <OpenTokix> So its always 0 or 11TB?
[11:29] <Teduardo> yeah it's just backed up data.. which i dont need until it needs to be restored
[11:31] <Teduardo> but i can't have it take 10 days to restore over 10Gbps ethernet
[11:31] <lordievader> But sometimes you only need a small part of the backup.
[11:32] <lordievader> Like one config file.
[11:32] <Teduardo> oh, yeah i'm kind of worst case scenario planning
[11:33] <Teduardo> but it could be that the software is poorly written but the restore I ran was bare metal and it was just bits sent to the block device rather than files
[11:34] <Teduardo> so there is no excuse for 10 days
[11:37] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: did you also tune your network-settings for 10GBps?
[11:37] <OpenTokix> ie. txqueue and such?
[11:38] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: do _NOT_ use jumboframes on LAN
[11:41] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: if its over 10Gbps, your limit is network - and not disk-speed, since your network will topout about 100MB/sec
[11:45] <Teduardo> 10Gbps = 1.25GB/s
[11:46] <OpenTokix> Yes you are correct, - I got a slight case of the dumb for a minute or two there.
[11:46] <Teduardo> no worries.
[11:47] <Patrickdk> why no jumboframes?
[11:47] <Patrickdk> I only use jumboframes
[11:47] <Teduardo> i dont think jumboframes actually hurts anything
[11:47] <Patrickdk> and amazon has changed to only using jumboframes also
[11:47] <Patrickdk> Teduardo, depends on your switch
[11:47] <Teduardo> unless the switch in between is set to 1500 =D
[11:48] <OpenTokix> Patrickdk: For a LAN jumboframes give no added benefit - more then increasing the complexity of your network.
[11:48] <OpenTokix> Patrickdk: jumboframes, is not faster on local network
[11:48] <Patrickdk> no, ifthe switch has a normal (small) packet buffer, you will overflow it quickly
[11:48] <Teduardo> but i'm not even worried about the network yet like i said i'm just trying to get the read performance of the volume on the server itself showing me a little life
[11:48] <OpenTokix> Patrickdk: Did a lab on this, with switches from different vendors, many different 10G cards, multiples OS:es - no difference
[11:49] <Patrickdk> jumboframes or not highly depends on the nic used
[11:49] <OpenTokix> Patrickdk: it is a networking myth, many believe - since it is annoying as hell to test
[11:49] <Patrickdk> I do see a increase in performance on my local network
[11:49] <Patrickdk> on the old nics, it was a huge improvement
[11:50] <Patrickdk> on newer nics it's down to like 10% or so
[11:50] <Patrickdk> but then, in vm's it goes up again
[11:50] <Patrickdk> it depends if you can take advantage of the nic's tso/lsr/gro/gso or not
[11:51] <Teduardo> so what should 5x4TB WD RE4s in RAID-5 do read wise in a bonnie++?
[11:51] <OpenTokix> ok, if youre running in vms - performance isnt a top issue anyway =) - so nevermind
[11:51] <Patrickdk> and since those only work for tcp
[11:52] <Matsy> OpenTokix: I only manage VM clusters
[11:52] <Patrickdk> do a crapload of udp stuff and rtp
[11:52] <OpenTokix> Patrickdk: About 350-450 ios/s
[11:52] <OpenTokix> iops*
[11:52] <OpenTokix> Matsy: ok
[11:52] <Matsy> OpenTokix: Performance is one of my highest priorities
[11:52] <OpenTokix> Matsy: ok
[11:52] <Patrickdk> and 3.5" 7k rpm disk is going max out around 80 iops per disk
[11:52] <Matsy> OpenTokix: How can you say that 'if you are running in vms, performance isn't a top issue'
[11:52] <OpenTokix> Matsy: its not
[11:53] <Patrickdk> a top, it is
[11:53] <Patrickdk> the top, no
[11:53] <Patrickdk> it's normally second to the top
[11:53] <Matsy> Yeah
[11:54] <Matsy> Availability is number one
[11:54] <Matsy> But performance is a very close one
[11:54] <Patrickdk> or simple of management
[11:54] <Patrickdk> ability to move to new hardware without it going nuts
[11:54] <OpenTokix> Matsy: Depends also if your traffic is counted in the hundreds, thousands or millions per second - or if your latency is in seconds, ms or us
[11:54] <Patrickdk> lots of single vm per machine
[11:55] <Matsy> Patrickdk: Oh, I never use single VM machines
[11:55] <Matsy> Patrickdk: A good hot-swappable environment takes care of the hardware changes
[11:58] <Teduardo> so if you add more disks to a raid-5 volume does that make the performance better or does it just mean that the seek time goes up?
[11:58] <Matsy> More disks to raid 5 does not mean more performance
[11:58] <Sling> you shouldn't run big raid5 sets :)
[11:59] <Matsy> ^
[11:59] <Sling> I'd consider 6 disks the max
[11:59] <Sling> beyond that the performance impact is big and much worse your rebuild times will be very long
[11:59] <Sling> during which your array has no fault-protection at all
[11:59] <OpenTokix> And will probably fail (the rebuild)
[11:59] <Teduardo> yeah the rebuild times and stuff arent that big of a deal given it's cold/backup storage
[12:00] <jpds> Deploy Ceph.
[12:00] <maswan> It depends on which performance though, read performance on a raid5 is roughly equivalent to the read performance of a n-1 raid0
[12:00] <Matsy> Why does performance matter on a cold storage
[12:00] <Sling> I'd say, use zfs
[12:00] <Teduardo> Matsy: restore not taking 10 days
[12:00] <maswan> Of course, for a parity raid, raid5 is very brave with modern disk sizes
[12:01] <Matsy> Teduardo: Go for 1+0 or something
[12:01] <Matsy> Should only take 5 days then
[12:01] <Sling> raid 6 would work as well, if your controller supports it
[12:01] <Sling> gives a bit more slack
[12:01] <Teduardo> r6 is slower than r5 right?
[12:01] <OpenTokix> Teduardo: yes
[12:01] <Sling> r6 tends to work on faster controllers
[12:01] <Sling> so in theory yes, in practice no
[12:01] <Sling> or 'hardly'
[12:02] <OpenTokix> raid5: 2 iops/write, 6 4/iops per write
[12:02] <Teduardo> ah, the controller in question is a 2GB PERC H730
[12:02] <Sling> but if you're doing many writes, r5/6 is not good anyway
[12:02] <Matsy> Which H730?
[12:03] <Teduardo> what do ya mean?
[12:03] <Sling> go for 1+0 if you want fast writes :)
[12:03] <maswan> it also depends on the size of the writes, if you do full stripe writes it is not so bad, as opposed to doing random small writes and getting a read-modify-write cycle int here
[12:04] <Teduardo> like i said i'm more concerned about how fast the data can be restored back to the client machine
[12:04] <Teduardo> it took 10 days for a 11TB restore in a DR test
[12:05] <Teduardo> trying to you know... make that.. not suck
[12:05] <Matsy> 10 days?!
[12:05] <Matsy> That's 700mb per minute
[12:05] <Matsy> That's very very slow :p
[12:05] <Teduardo> and like i said that was a bits to block device restore not a file restore
[12:05] <Teduardo> so it was hot garbage
[12:08] <Teduardo> anyway i will check out raid-10 and maybe enable ssd caching on the volume and see if that gets me anywhere
[12:08] <Matsy> Wait, you're using SSDs?
[12:08] <Teduardo> no
[12:09] <Teduardo> the controller can use SSDs as read cache
[12:09] <Teduardo> i will install some for that purpose
[12:09] <Teduardo> just to test around with
[12:09] <Teduardo> since i have pretty much unlimited hw
[12:10] <Teduardo> i imagine that i'm going to find that this is all limited by the software and then im going to be unhappy
[12:12] <Sling> so I have an init script with 'Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $syslog', but during bootup it fails to bind to the interfaces defined in /etc/network/interfaces, after booting is done I restart the service, and it works fine
[12:12] <Matsy> Unlimited hardware, I envy you
[12:12] <Sling> what could be causing the network service to report as up to init/upstart/whatever but the interface to be still unavailable for binding?
[12:12] <Sling> service in question is pdns-recursor
[12:13] <maswan> Teduardo: well, if you are not seeing lots of io-wait state, you're not waiting for the storag
[12:13] <Teduardo> Matsy: well, its the company's and not mine of course haha =)
[12:14] <Matsy> Teduardo: I work at a university. Unlimited hardware is still very rare.
[12:14] <Matsy> Every time I need to buy a new server, there's 200+ pages of bureaucracy
[12:14] <Teduardo> yeah, currently i am playing with a bunch of Intel NVMe PCI Express drives
[12:14] <Matsy> Sigh
[12:15] <Matsy> Those are such beasts
[12:15] <Teduardo> yeah, bios support for booting them is dodgy so have to use uefi and uefi + pxelinux is... errr.. wacky (for me anyway)
[12:16] <Teduardo> but they are monsters, yes
[12:16] <Matsy> Why do you boot them though?
[12:16] <Matsy> Seems overkill for just booting
[12:16] <Matsy> I mean, servers restarting in 0.1 second or 0.2 seconds
[12:16] <Matsy> I'd love to switch my mongo-disks to them though :p
[12:17] <Matsy> Maybe in the new fiscal year...
[12:17] <Teduardo> hehe yeah, it's kind of my job to make sure that we know all of the potential answers to all of the potential questions before hand, so i just test
[12:17] <Teduardo> im not sure i would boot from them
[12:34] <Teduardo> and now we wait for the background initialization..
[12:34] <Teduardo> woe
[13:38] <delinquentme> can rsynch used to jsut sync folders remote and local?
[13:40] <teward> delinquentme: rsync can be used to sync folders and files between two locations, yes, I believe, but depending on what you want to do you may have to provide additional arguments and options to it. You may wish to refer to 'man rsync' (without the ' characters) to read up on the various options.
[17:37] <rickbeldin> Hi. Not sure where to go with this. I'm having a landscape issue. When I login to landscape and attempt to select the 'Support' option at the top (I have valid entitlements), it takes me to a login screen instead of the Canonical support portal.
[17:39] <rickbeldin> The link is the 'Support' link here:
[17:41] <sarnold> rickbeldin: I think that's intentional; at least, when I go to the url you provided. I wind up at an Ubuntu SSO login prompt.. I login, see the landscape interface, hit my own "support" link, which brings me to -- which appears fully active and live..
[17:42] <rickbeldin> I was using the interface yesterday, and it logged me right in to where you could see cases.
[17:42] <sarnold> rickbeldin: I've heard some sso oddities can be poked in the eye by visiting first
[17:43] <rickbeldin> !!!
[17:43] <rickbeldin> +1 sarnold.
[17:44] <sarnold> rickbeldin: did that sort it?
[17:44] <rickbeldin> Not very intuitive. Sort of along the lines of ctrl-alt-delete or close your browser and restart. Yes, it fixed it. Thanks very much.
[17:44] <sarnold> no kidding...
[17:46] <sarnold> rickbeldin: I don't kno wmuch about the support / landscape end of things.. it feels like one of those support tickets there would be the place to report the bug, but if those cost you money, _maybe_ this is a better place to start: -- seems a bit empty there, but it might be worth a try
[17:46] <jazzorius> I have a question about ufw. The log files (small sample here: ) show many connection requests to port 80 being blocked.
[17:47] <rickbeldin> Thanks. This was the first time and now I know which way to hold my nose. : )
[17:47] <sarnold> rickbeldin: hehe :)
[17:47] <jazzorius> Port 80 is open because the server hosts a website. My nginx logs don't show any requests from these IPs. Is ufw blocking legitimate requests? The IP addresses seem like legit users, not server farms.
[18:36] <CompuChip> Hi. Can someone please help me replace a broken disk in a RAID1. I am getting really confused with the output of mdstat to the point where I am not even sure which disk is broken (it is showing 5 md12* disks, with inactive sdb2[0](S), active sdb5[0] [U_], active sdb1[0] [U_], active sda5[1] [_U] and active sda[2] [_U]).
[18:37] <CompuChip> I think it was sda that failed because for a bit I couldn't boot (no operating system) but that seems to have gone away. I get a login prompt but I can't login when booting from HDD, and now using a Server 14.04 rescue CD to get a prompt.
[18:39] <sarnold> CompuChip: I think it'll be easier for other sto help you debug the issue ifyou can pastebin status outputs or similar; the pastebinit package can be very helpful here
[18:39] <CompuChip> Thanks sarnold, can I install that from the rescue disk prompt?
[18:40] <sarnold> CompuChip: I hope so; apt-get update && apt-get install pastebinit to find out :)
[18:40] <CompuChip> apt-get not found :)
[18:41] <sarnold> dang :)
[18:41] <CompuChip> If I select that I want /dev/sda1 as root and open a shell there I get apt-get but no internet connection
[18:43] <CompuChip> Don't seem to have a DNS, I can ping but not
[18:44] <sarnold> CompuChip: try adding to your /etc/resolv.conf
[18:44] <sarnold> CompuChip: this might work for you once you've got dns up:
[18:48] <CompuChip> sarnold: thanks, got a bunch of error but think I installed astebinit
[18:49] <CompuChip> Yay it worked
[18:50] <sarnold> nice! now you get to solve your actual problem :)
[18:52] <CompuChip> Shall I ask the question again? :)
[18:55] <CompuChip> One of the disks in my RAID1 is broken. I am getting really confused with the output of mdstat to the point where I am not even sure which disk is broken -
[18:59] <CompuChip> What's even more confusing is that the Rescue Disk refuses to mount /dev/sdb1 as the root, even when I physically swap the connections.
[19:00] <CompuChip> I can only get a shell in /dev/sda1.
[19:52] <wk5h> been a while since I've run Ubuntu as a server, and getting back into it. seems like there used to be a post-install graphical command where you could change some of the settings, such as ip address, mount points, etc. that looked a lot like the install process. make sense?
[19:53] <patdk-wk> no idea
[19:54] <wk5h> thought it was a some tk scripts that was packaged with it... maybe I'm thinking of a different distro. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.525590 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-server"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-ci-eng | [00:11] <rsalveti> ToyKeeper: so in case you have some hands to help us with the silo, it's ready and tested now, silo 02
[00:13] <ToyKeeper> rsalveti: What's the bug for that one? I've mostly missed this issue.
[00:14] <rsalveti> ToyKeeper: 2 bugs, easy to reproduce:
[00:14] <rsalveti>
[00:14] <rsalveti>
[00:16] <rsalveti> ToyKeeper: can you ping me on telegram once you're done with it? @rsalveti
[00:16] <rsalveti> ToyKeeper: I'll grab some food, and will be back to build the image
[00:16] <ToyKeeper> I suppose that might require making a telegram account..
[00:16] <rsalveti> ToyKeeper: oh, then just email me, it's fine
[00:17] <rsalveti> thanks, bbl
[03:09] <rsalveti> ToyKeeper: hey, all good with the silo?
[03:11] <rsalveti> it seems so, from the trello card comments
[03:40] <imgbot> [03:41] <ToyKeeper> rsalveti: Sorry, I got a little sidetracked... yes, it seems like it should land.
[03:42] <ToyKeeper> I need to go find a way to tow a locked car with no keys. Probably won't be around again tonight. :(
[04:55] <imgbot> [04:55] <imgbot> [04:57] <Mirv> robru: thanks for 017! and yes, the overlay field was not yet set.
[06:34] <vila> Mirv: argh, silo 17 is empty already ?
[06:36] <vila> Mirv: I ran a test on it yesterday, no hang after 54 reboots so fix is good, but some weirdness nevertheless
[06:37] <vila> Mirv: but I had a power failure and lost the logs :-(
[06:39] <vila> Mirv: one thing I wanted to talk about with you (apart from validating the config process) is that openvpn was installed from the archive... quite unexpected
[06:44] <vila> Mirv: I'm about to wipe the phone for another test, except for /var/log/dpkg.log (which shows openvpn being installed but not much details about who triggered that), anything else interesting to preserve ?
[06:51] <Mirv> vila: yeah, QA signed it off during the night so it landed
[06:51] <vila> Mirv: and landing implies cleaning up the PPA automatically ?
[06:51] <Mirv> vila: yes, since the last step of landing is merging the change to trunk + cleaning PPA
[06:51] <Mirv> vila: openvpn, interesting..
[06:51] <vila> damn
[06:52] <Mirv> vila: so now it's part of the morning's new image already
[06:52] <vila> Mirv: sorry I lost those logs :-/
[06:52] <vila> openvpn:armhf 2.3.2-9ubuntu4 ?
[06:52] <Mirv> vila: well if openvpn gets installed as part of some test config it's interesting but not really that serious, as it doesn't affect the normal images setup
[06:53] <Mirv> I haven't seen it in my AP tests, but maybe some network manager recommends dependency or such
[06:53] <vila> Mirv: yup, my worries was about tainting silo tests instead, not the image
[06:53] <Mirv> right, well openvpn alone without setting it up doesn't do anything
[06:53] * vila nods
[06:53] <Mirv> vila: anyway, thanks a lot for the help yesterday parallizing the testing!
[06:54] <vila> Mirv: hehe, my pleasure, thanks for fixing that annoying bug that followed me from CI to QA ;)
[06:54] <vila> Mirv: oh
[06:55] <vila> The other thing I wanted to talk about: what's the story there, the fix stops sharing dbus connections, got that. But what's the explanation ? Some race between two dialogs over dbus deadlocking ?
[07:00] <Mirv> vila: my understanding is that the newly used function asks more nicely about getting a connection to dbus instead of sharing/using a pre-existing connection. which then helps to workaround the Qt bug.
[07:01] <Mirv> both should work but since the QDBus currently isn't completely bug free regarding threads, it's better this way
[07:04] <vila> Mirv: got it, thread safety
[08:25] <Mirv> thanks also pete-woods, tsdgeos for your yesterday's efforts! problem solved, for now.
[08:26] <sil2100> Mirv, pete-woods1, tvoss: thanks guys for fixing the big unity8 blocker \o/
[08:26] <pete-woods1> sil2100: :D
[08:26] <Mirv> oh and tvoss indeed :)
[08:27] <pete-woods1> it was tvoss really. I had no idea what I could be doing wrong
[08:27] <sil2100> Well, with those 3 powers combined a working solution has been formed ;p
[08:28] <tsdgeos> Mirv: i'll discard unity8's branch
[08:35] <Mirv> tsdgeos: ok
[08:36] <sil2100> jibel: hangout problems
[09:20] <tvoss> sil2100, oh, did the dbus thingy help?
[09:20] <sil2100> tvoss: indeed it did!
[09:20] <tvoss> great
[09:20] <sil2100> :)
[09:20] <sil2100> ...or we just had really really bad luck reproducing it
[09:21] <sil2100> But both me and Mirv ran like 400 boot-loops in total
[09:21] <sil2100> While usually it was reproducible in 10-50 loops
[09:49] <Mirv> tvoss: yes, a golden tip that was
[10:57] <popey> sil2100: who (from QA) is doing the validation of the arale image? (if anyone right now)?
[11:11] <davmor2> popey: how is sil2100 going to know :P
[11:12] <davmor2> popey: I'm sanity testing it now along with jibel then everyone will be regression testing it
[11:12] <popey> ok. well, bug 1449460 exists
[11:13] <popey> if you're tagging bugs for arale or whatever, that one should be on it.
[11:17] <davmor2> popey: and what happens when it works?
[11:18] <popey> eh?
[11:19] <davmor2> popey: I can fast forward and reverse in a play list and I can skip between tracks back and forward too
[11:20] <popey> the bug details what's wrong
[11:20] <popey> unplug it and let it advance itself
[11:20] * popey updates his arale to make sure he's not on old crack
[11:22] <davmor2> popey: trying it now
[11:25] <davmor2> popey: we need like 20second music clips for this :D
[11:26] <popey> good point :)
[11:26] <popey> Time to make a cup of tea while you listen
[12:53] <om26er> Kaleo, Hi!
[13:22] <greyback_> cihelp: hey, I'm seeing this error with CI for qtmir, any idea is it a jenkins issue:
[13:23] <fginther> greyback_, looking
[13:24] <greyback_> fginther: is that "mkdir" failure a fatal one, or jenkins can continue?
[13:26] <sil2100> jibel, robru, popey, rvr, davmor2, ogra_: since testing is in progress, if you guys don't mind we'll skip todays meeting as well, I'll use the occassion to drive for practice
[13:26] <popey> kk
[13:26] <fginther> greyback_, it's a fatal error. I'll have to repair that builder as it's been corrupted (it's a jenkins issue we've been trying to workaround). I've taken the node offline and re-triggered the two failed qtmir MPs.
[13:27] <davmor2> sil2100: whatever mr cancel cancel ;)
[13:27] <jibel> sil2100, I'm always fine with canceling meetings
[13:27] <greyback_> fgimenez: ack, thanks for handling it
[13:35] <ogra_> sil2100, yes, it is needed for making VPN work (still looking into it, that seems ot not be all) ... sorry for the late answer, got disconnected before seeing your reply
[13:55] <Saviq> sil2100, this should be a blocker for RC: bug #1449503
[13:56] <sil2100> jibel, Mirv, ogra_, popey, rvr, robru, davmor2: I'm actually thinking of modifying the meetings to only have 2 morning ones and 2 evening ones in the week
[13:56] <ogra_> sounds valid
[13:56] <sil2100> jibel, Mirv, ogra_, popey, rvr, robru, davmor2: this way everyone could plan their day better, and we don't need to have meetings daily as we already noticed, we have mail and IRC
[13:57] <sil2100> Saviq: lookinh
[13:57] <ogra_> +1
[13:58] <sil2100> Saviq: hm, is the icon size the only vivisble change? Or does this have more implications?
[13:59] <rsalveti> davmor2: hey, pmcgowan said you were having location issues with latest vivid image
[14:00] <Mirv> sil2100: no problem, and we can schedule more in times of special needs for example
[14:02] <davmor2> rsalveti: taking this elsewhere
[14:08] <sil2100> Mirv: exactly
[14:27] <kgunn> sil2100: so are we good to resume landing whatever into ppa overlay ?
[14:28] <sil2100> kgunn: not yet... QA is still running tests on the current images and well, there's risk that we'll need a re-spin with some fixes ;/
[14:29] <sil2100> Anyway, we'll know a bit more after the RTM status meeting
[14:29] * kgunn wonders if the irony is lost that i wanted a place to land, got it, then it froze too
[14:34] <Saviq> hmm does mako 186 boot for you guys? I'm getting "your device needs to be restored..." during flashing and then stuck on Google
[14:35] <pmcgowan> kgunn, NO
[14:35] <pmcgowan> we need the overlay overlay
[14:36] <sil2100> kgunn: sadly, freezes are needed if we don't want to have even more segmentation
[14:36] <sil2100> ;)
[14:40] <dbarth> o/ morning trainguards; looking for a silo for line 40; thanks
[14:40] <sil2100> dbarth: hey! Looking
[14:41] <sil2100> Mirv: remember always about setting the overlay ppa!
[14:56] <Mirv> sil2100: I was still in the habit of setting + reconfiguring it before publishing
[14:56] <sil2100> Mirv: ah ;)
[14:57] <sil2100> It's safer to configure it straight away, since then monkeys like me or robru just do button pressing and publish to vivid instead
[14:57] <sil2100> ;D
[15:01] <Mirv> sil2100: yes, noticed, and agree it's safer that way :)
[15:18] <sil2100> pstolowski: hey!
[15:20] <pstolowski> sil2100, hi!
[15:37] * sil2100 AFK, brb in ~2h - practice
[17:05] <bzoltan> trainguards: may I get a silo for an urgent fix? Line 41
[17:26] <robru> bzoltan: sorry about that, my irc client seems not to be beeping properly today. Got you silo 17
[17:41] <bzoltan> robru: pmcgowan: so the story is the next ... the silo17 has the MR what is the 1458 UITK (this is what was released last in the main Vivid) + 4 important bugfexes from loicm. _BUT_ and that is an important note. The trunk of the UITK is diverged so this MR should not land on trunk. Still it should land on the overlay PPA
[17:42] <bzoltan> robru: pmcgowan: hmmm... still it is wrong. The silo build tries to merge the branch to the trunk... crap it is all wrong :(
[17:43] <robru> bzoltan: train merges the mp with the mp target. If you don't want it merged in trunk, don't target the mp to trunk. Make a new branch to be the mp target.
[17:44] <robru> bzoltan: but I'm not sure how your can make a vivid release without targeting trunk, eg because then vivid will have a changelog entry not in trunk and then future builds against trunk will miss that and fail. Unless you mean you are permanently branching vivid and trunk stays for W devel
[17:45] <bzoltan> robru: actually what I want is to revert the trunk...
[17:48] <robru> bzoltan: the way to do that is to prepare new commits that revert the changes you don't want. You can't just build older commits because it will indeed merge in the latest trunk
[17:48] <bzoltan> robru: I want to land this MR on this
[17:49] <bzoltan> robru: so what should I do?
[17:49] <bzoltan> robru: the trunk 1172 is the staging 1458 ...
[17:50] <bzoltan> robru: how can I get the trunk back to the 1172 and land my MR what is based on 1458 staging?
[17:50] <robru> bzoltan: you need to make new committs that remove the stuff you don't want.
[17:51] <bzoltan> robru: how to do that?
[17:53] <robru> bzoltan: probably like
[17:53] <robru> If I'm understanding you correctly
[17:55] <bzoltan> robru: OK... so I can make a branch what simple rolls back the trunk to 1172... then I make an MP from it... we land and _then_ I can propose to land this MR what is now conflicting. Is that correct?
[17:57] <robru> bzoltan: well there's no reason not to do them both together. Do the reverse cherry pick to get rid of the commits you don't want, then merge in loic's commits, and build that as one big mp
[17:58] <bzoltan> robru: I see
[18:05] <robru> Brb
[18:30] <robru> bzoltan: does that make sense? do you need any more help? I'm nearing lunch
[18:31] <bzoltan> robru: it does, but we came up with a better solution... we simple drop the revisions we do want to get rid of ... ~200 lines of change only
[18:32] <bzoltan> robru: go and eat, dude :)
[18:32] <robru> heh, k
[18:54] <boiko> robru: hi, can I get a silo for row 42?
[19:07] <robru> boiko: silo 20
[19:07] <boiko> robru: nice! thanks!
[19:07] <robru> boiko: you're welcome
[20:08] <sil2100> bzoltan: hey! The header revert ready? :)
[20:56] <pmcgowan> sil2100, anyone testing the silos that are ready?
[20:56] <pmcgowan> sil2100, jibel we want silo 6 to land
[20:59] <jhodapp> robru, can I get a silo for line 46 please?
[21:02] <robru> jhodapp: silo 25
[21:02] <jhodapp> robru, thanks
[21:02] <robru> jhodapp: you're welcome
[21:04] <pmcgowan> silo 23 as well
[21:05] <pmcgowan> om26er, so for qa silos 6 and 23, anyone available?
[21:06] <om26er> pmcgowan, I can test 23 and ToyKeeper will be testing silo 6
[21:07] <ToyKeeper> I will be in a bit, anyway... need to finish something else first.
[21:14] <pmcgowan> om26er, we have a fix for video flicker in silo 21 as well, but we had not earlier agreed to land it
[21:15] <pmcgowan> but its one liner in the player
[21:25] <om26er> rsalveti, ping
[21:25] <om26er> rsalveti, these instructions don't seem to be working on arale
[21:35] <rsalveti> om26er: /me looks
[21:38] <rsalveti> om26er: even if you try the krillin side?
[21:38] <rsalveti> om26er: adb reboot recovery
[21:38] <rsalveti> should work
[21:38] <rsalveti> then
[21:38] <rsalveti> adb shell mount /system
[21:38] <rsalveti> then adb push lxc-android-config_*.deb /system/tmp
[21:38] <rsalveti> then adb shell chroot /system /usr/bin/env PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin sh -c 'dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb'
[21:38] <rsalveti> that should all work
[21:39] <om26er> rsalveti, chroot: can't execute '/usr/bin/env': No such file or directory
[21:39] <rsalveti> om26er: try the following
[21:40] <rsalveti> PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin chroot /system
[21:40] <rsalveti> actually
[21:40] <rsalveti> the following:
[21:40] <rsalveti> adb shell
[21:40] <rsalveti> PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin chroot /system /bin/bash
[21:40] <rsalveti> then dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb
[21:40] <om26er> rsalveti, can't execute '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
[21:41] <rsalveti> what
[21:41] <om26er> btw /system is empty is that normal ?
[21:41] <rsalveti> om26er: did you call 'mount /system' first?
[21:42] <om26er> rsalveti, yes, I did.
[21:42] <rsalveti> om26er: then you're not using the latest partitioning
[21:42] <om26er> rsalveti, that is correct, yes
[21:42] <rsalveti> so first thing would be flashing that
[21:43] <rsalveti> so you can use the supported path/partitioning we now have for arale
[21:44] <om26er> rsalveti, ok, doing that now.
[21:58] <popey> did we break something in vivid-proposed? I just flashed my flo and it's stuck at the google logo
[22:02] * popey re-flashes in case he busted it
[22:13] <om26er> rsalveti, except for the bug fix is there anything else to look for ?
[22:13] <om26er> the change seems pretty simple (and safe ?)
[22:17] <rsalveti> om26er: yeah, it's safe
[22:17] <rsalveti> om26er: just the bug fix, really
[22:17] <rsalveti> as location-service is the only service writing/reading that dir
[22:23] <oSoMoN> trainguards: can I have a silo for line 47, please?
[22:25] <robru> oSoMoN: silo 26
[22:26] <oSoMoN> robru, thanks! I’ll need a binary copy of oxide-qt 1.7.4 from into that silo, too
[22:27] <robru> oSoMoN: sure, one sec
[22:29] <robru> oSoMoN: ok copied, although apparently it's trying to build ppc64el. I guess that'll just fail? should be safe to run the build job now
[22:30] <oSoMoN> robru, yeah, that’s expected, it’ll fail but that’s ok
[22:30] <oSoMoN> robru, thanks
[22:30] <robru> oSoMoN: you're welcome
[22:55] <pat__> ToyKeeper, order of priority when ready - silo 6, 26, 20
[22:55] <ToyKeeper> Thanks!
[22:56] <ToyKeeper> Have already started on 6; had some flashing issues but now it's in progress.
[22:58] <pat__> great
[23:04] <sil2100> ToyKeeper: how much time do you think you need to sign it off?
[23:06] <sil2100> pmcgowan: I suppose we want silo 23 in as well?
[23:06] <sil2100> pmcgowan: same for 21?
[23:12] <pmcgowan> sil2100, yes, these are fairly simple fixes
[23:12] <pmcgowan> with good benefit
[23:12] <pmcgowan> sil2100, I updated the sheet to track all the available fixes
[23:13] <sil2100> ricmm, rsalveti: can we get approved?
[23:13] <pmcgowan> sil2100, we want 6 and 26 for sure
[23:13] <rsalveti> sil2100: yes
[23:13] <sil2100> pmcgowan: indeed, thanks :)
[23:13] <rsalveti> sil2100: doen
[23:20] <sil2100> queuebot went away again
[23:36] <ToyKeeper> Everything on the network is soooo sloooow today.
[23:39] <robru> sil2100: I pinged stgraber about it already, no response yet
[23:49] <ToyKeeper> Location works without ever having connected to a wifi network, but still not on the first boot. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.543436 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-si | [06:36] <pitastrudl> jutro
[06:36] <napsy> lp
[08:35] <slax0r> jutro
[08:35] <napsy> lp
[08:36] <pitastrudl> lp
[09:11] <kubanc> jov hellow, a makdo tuki izkusnje z openVPN?
[09:19] <pitastrudl> ima kdo kakšno mehansko tipkovnico za prodati? :)
[09:47] <Matthai> kubanc, da, precej
[09:47] <Matthai> reci
[09:57] <kubanc> naredil sem povezavo med klientom in serverjem pa ne morem pingat serverja, tudi http protokol mi na klientu ne deluje. Prav tako imam na klinetu public IP ki ni od VPN streznika
[09:58] <kubanc> sedaj probam preko VPN access Serverja skonfigurirati VPN server...
[10:01] <Matthai> čaki
[10:02] <Matthai>
[10:02] <Seniorita> Tehnično ozadje VPN strežnika |
[10:02] <Matthai> tole si preberi
[10:02] <Matthai> imaš tudi confige zraven
[10:10] <kubanc> bom prebral, hvala...
[10:12] <dz0ny> kubanc: al pa sam pritunl namesti
[10:12] <dz0ny> in si done
[10:48] <dz0ny> too fast
[10:52] <zdobersek> fastastastastastast
[10:53] <slax0r> pitastrudl: novo kup? :)
[11:13] <kubanc> dz0ny, tale pritunl a tuki lahko tudi nastaviš kakšen public IP bi rad določil poosameznim uporabnikom ki se povežejo na VPN strežnik?
[11:13] <dz0ny> to je od serverja odvisno
[11:13] <dz0ny> kakšen public ip bodo meli
[11:14] <dz0ny> default je na tist na katerga je on sam bindian
[11:14] <dz0ny> aka zna tud brez tega
[11:14] <dz0ny> samo penvpn
[11:14] <dz0ny> pritunl ti sam vodei userje pa serverje
[11:14] <dz0ny> da ti ni treba tega počet ročno
[11:21] <kubanc> jst bi v bistvu rabil VPN zato da se na njega povežejjo uporabniki in jim potem VPN strežnik vsakemu dodali public IP...
[11:23] <dz0ny> kubanc: po moje ne razumeš pojma public ip :)
[11:23] <dz0ny> vsak user bo dobil interni ip
[11:23] <dz0ny> na zunaj bodo imeli pa vsi isti public ip
[11:26] <kubanc> ok, kako je potem možmo če jst preko ponudnika pureVPN povežem več računalnikov na isti VPN strežnik v Sloveniji imajo klienti razlićen public IP...
[11:29] <dz0ny> simpl ima server več public ipjev
[11:33] <kubanc> ja no sej, torej je možno posledično vsakemu uporabniku dodeliti svoj public IP?
[11:34] <Sky[x]> lp
[11:34] <Sky[x]> dz0ny: here?
[12:00] <upd> kubanc, zato ker so več ipjev zakupili pri ispju
[12:00] <slax0r> LorD_DDooM: kak je tvoj upload?
[12:02] <LorD_DDooM> slax0r: a net misliš? 10/5
[12:02] <slax0r> ja
[12:02] <slax0r> potem nic kaj hitrej kt moj :/
[12:02] <idioterna> se prav 2?
[12:02] <slax0r> rabu bi nekoga k bi na twitch streamal, vsaj finale od ToB
[12:02] <slax0r> pa mamo usi bogi upload
[12:03] <LorD_DDooM> Teitch se capa pri 3 MBit, z 2 MBit dobiš pa že čist solidno sliko
[12:03] <LorD_DDooM> Twitch*
[12:03] <slax0r> res? moram probat potem z svojo linijo, ceprav dvomim
[12:04] <slax0r> k smo probal neki streamat umes, pa je slideshow
[12:04] <LorD_DDooM> Jaz sem enkrat streamal za test, okol 1.7 je delovalo. Pri meni je problem samo to, da smovsi na wireless
[12:05] <kubanc> upd, sej to želim jst doseči. Na voljo imam več IP-jev, sedaj bi pa rad na vsakega userja ki se poveže na VPN server dodelil drug public IP naslov.
[12:06] <LorD_DDooM> Jaz gledam samo en stream na Twitchu, tip strema 720p@60 FPS, neko medium kodiranje. 2.5 MBit porabi.
[12:06] <Seniorita> [Web Upd8] Andrew: Unsettings 0.10 Released With Ubuntu 15.04 Support
[12:08] <slax0r> moram se mal poigrat z tem streamom
[12:08] <slax0r> kolk pa kaj impacta FPS pa to?
[12:08] <slax0r> kubanc:
[12:08] <Seniorita> OpenVPN Support Forum • Multiple public IPs to different clients ??? : Server Administration
[12:09] <LorD_DDooM> slax0r: AA izklopiš (itaq se ne vidi streamu zarad kompresije) in je isto.
[12:10] <slax0r> AA mam ze zdaj izklopljen :P
[12:10] <slax0r> performance > quality :P
[12:18] <slax0r> LorD_DDooM: >:)
[12:18] <Seniorita> slax0rr comments on Need some help from the International Community!
[12:18] <Seniorita> »I was around 10 years old when I bought a PC Gamer magazine, and it contained a Demo copy of MechCommander. I played those 1 or 2 two missions...«
[12:19] <Seniorita> [] YoBe: Nadgradnja Ubuntu 14.10-15.04
[13:17] <Seniorita> [] CrazyLemon: RE: [15.04] Vlc - nerazrešene odvisnosti
[13:21] <Seniorita> [Web Upd8] Andrew: Vivaldi Browser Technical Preview 3 Adds Native Window Decorations For Linux, More
[13:40] <CrazyLemon>
[13:40] <Seniorita> Peru fishermen capture massive one-tonne stingray - YouTube
[13:40] <Seniorita> »NEWS 7 TAMIL facebook: twitter:«
[13:46] <yang-2> International humanitarian response
[13:47] <yang-2> Vatican City[edit] Pope Francis was offering prayers for the repose of the souls of the dead and for those injured as a result of the earthquake.[214][215]
[14:15] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2581-1: NetworkManager vulnerability
[14:16] <Seniorita> [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: KDE Plasma 5.3 Released, Here’s How To Upgrade in Kubuntu 15.04
[14:24] <CrazyLemon>
[14:24] <Seniorita> WordPress › WordPress 4.2.1 Security Release
[14:24] <Seniorita> »WordPress 4.2.1 is now available. This is a critical security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. A few hours ago, the WordPress team w...«
[14:25] <Seniorita> [] R33D3M33R: RE: Nadgradnja Ubuntu 14.10-15.04
[14:33] <dz0ny>
[14:33] <Seniorita> Angry mother beats son for participating in Baltimore riots - YouTube
[14:33] <Seniorita> »This mother didn't take kindly to her son participating in the Baltimore protests and riots that happened in response to the death of Freddie Gray.The angry ...«
[14:33] <zdobersek> haha, beep ga zmaga
[14:46] <slax0r> dz0ny: first comment :D
[15:00] <dz0ny> slax0r: Komentarji trenutno niso na voljo. :)
[15:02] <dz0ny> "mam chill..."
[15:07] <slax0r> dz0ny: "Moooooom stop, you're embarrassing meeeee..."
[15:10] <mkode> Če laufa php preko fastcgi, a to pomeni da v pomnilniku obstaja fiksna stevilka workerjev ne glede na incoming connections?
[15:22] <msev_> a je kšn performance penalty če več OS-ov bootaš?
[15:25] <lynxlynxlynx> napram čemu?
[15:25] <dz0ny> :D
[15:26] <msev_> tko mislu bi da ne ampak za zihr vprašam :)
[15:26] <msev_> ja tko če sam en OS bootaš
[15:37] <CrazyLemon>
[15:37] <Seniorita> Srednji sloj, srednja leta in vrhunski rezultati ne grejo skupaj. Štekate?
[15:37] <Seniorita> »Pomlad je bila čas ljubezni, zdaj je termin za trening. Ukradla jo je sekta poblaznelih rekreativcev. Novi zadihani red.«
[15:38] <dz0ny>
[15:38] <Seniorita> BREAKING: Russians scramble to restore cargo ship communications | Spaceflight Now
[15:42] <lynxlynxlynx> msev_: pri diskastih diskih je lahko zanemarljiva razlika, ker bo en moral biti zapisan dlje od začetka in ga bodo glave lih en pikič dlje iskale
[15:43] <lynxlynxlynx> nič kar bi bilo vredno upoštevat
[15:43] <msev_> kul kul
[15:44] <msev_> bom par distrotov sprobov :D
[15:45] <msev_> da ne bom sam nalagov desktop environmente k se pol kj zamešajo nastavitve k se iz enga v druzga kdaj prijaviš in podobne zadeve :)
[15:46] <msev_> ful bi blo zanimiv vidt screenshote vaših namizij :)
[15:46] <zdobersek> dz0ny: kolk je teh resupply missionov? na mesec, recimo?
[15:47] <dz0ny> Jun 19, 2015 Dragon C10(CRS-7)/Falcon 9 ISS CRS Flight 7
[15:47] <dz0ny> Aug 6, 2015 60P Progress M-28M/Soyuz 2.1a ISS Logistics Supply
[15:47] <dz0ny> Aug 17, 2015 HTV-5 HTV/H-IIB JAXA ISS HTV-5
[15:47] <dz0ny> Sep 2, 2015 Dragon C11(CRS-8)/Falcon 9 ISS CRS Flight 8
[15:47] <dz0ny> Oct 22, 2015 61P Progress MS-1/Soyuz U ISS Logistics Supply
[15:47] <dz0ny> Nov 19, 2015 Cygnus CRS-5 Orb-4/Antares ISS CRS Flight Orbital-4
[15:47] <dz0ny> Dec 9, 2015 Dragon C12(CRS-9)/Falcon 9 ISS CRS Flight 9
[15:47] <dz0ny> Cygnus in Progress odpadeta
[15:47] <dz0ny> vsaj avgustovski
[15:48] <zdobersek> dz0ny: a ni mel SpaceX ene posiljke pred kratkim, pa se NASA tale teden?
[15:48] <dz0ny> da
[15:48] <dz0ny> sam tist je sam za 2month
[15:48] <dz0ny> rezerve majo za4 ce bi zdej progres dostavil
[15:48] <dz0ny> rezerva se manjša
[15:48] <dz0ny> they eat a lot :>
[15:49] <dz0ny> highly dense food
[15:50] <msev_> liquid food all day all night, wtf
[15:50] <zdobersek> pa tinto za kulice
[15:58] <sasa84> ooo miškice ;)
[16:11] <lynxlynxlynx> o-oj
[16:20] <sasa84> oj lynxlynxlynx
[16:22] <lynxlynxlynx> kaj bo dobrega?
[16:25] <zdobersek> jaz!
[16:27] <jabuk> M 3.5 > V od KARLOVCA (HRVAŠKA) @28/04/2015 18:17:11,+16.02+E
[16:35] <sasa84> uuuu
[16:35] <sasa84> zdobersek: miši moj!
[17:42] <zdobersek>
[17:42] <Seniorita> Domačini v Domajincih brutalno pretepli zdravstvenega reševalca
[17:42] <Seniorita> »Kot je dejala direktorica ZD Murska Sobota, se še nikoli ni zgodilo, da bi ekipo »poskušali pretepsti tako do konca«.«
[17:42] <zdobersek> 'tako do konca'
[17:58] <yang-2> Tole je pa super posnet dokumentarec o Krajinskem Parku Strunjan
[17:58] <Seniorita> VIDEOKPSHD VIMEO on Vimeo
[18:01] <zdobersek> wat en promotor
[18:39] <Sky[x]> wtf jaoo
[18:39] <Sky[x]> zabil zdjle 1h zato, ker je v readme example napisano neki kar ne dela :>
[18:39] <Sky[x]> in seveda prijazno napisal issue :>
[18:40] <dz0ny> < never > trust the docs
[18:40] <Sky[x]> zgleda da so neki na novo nardil morm prov history se pogledat kdaj se je to spremenil :>
[18:41] <Sky[x]> ker je primer da definiras en array in notr ce das nove keye zadeva ne dela ce das pa string in locis z vejcami pa dela :>
[18:41] <dz0ny> jaz gulp pa en 4y old dependecy framework skup pacam
[18:41] <dz0ny> the joy
[18:42] <Sky[x]> :>
[18:42] <Sky[x]> in sploh ne bi najdu resitve ce ne bi vidu na enem forku komentar v readme :>
[18:49] <dz0ny> kaj pa delaš to?
[18:51] <Sky[x]> en php upload library sem uporabil ker se mi ne da vsega na roke delat :)
[18:51] <Seniorita> [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: Synfig Studio 1.0 — Open Source Animation Gets Serious
[19:37] <dz0ny> .yt image dragons blank space
[19:37] <jabuk> Imagine Dragons cover Taylor Swift's Blank Space in the Live Lounge
[20:15] <dz0ny> CrazyLemon: se dons še ni oglasu
[20:15] <dz0ny> zihr čeva je v kaki hosti
[20:16] <dz0ny> čepave
[20:16] <dz0ny> čevape*
[20:33] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny v soboto so bili čevapi
[20:33] <CrazyLemon> v nedeljo so bili čevapi
[20:33] <CrazyLemon> no more čevapi for me
[20:33] <CrazyLemon> for some time :)
[20:33] <dz0ny> that bad :)?
[20:34] <dz0ny> jaz pecem, drugim ne zaupam
[20:34] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny naah..v soboto sm js jih peku v nedeljo nism mogu niti jest
[20:34] <CrazyLemon> ker sm mel čez glavo vsega mesa :)
[20:47] <zdobersek> wat en pussy
[20:56] <Seniorita> [] RogergR: RE: [rešeno] [15.04] Vlc - nerazrešene odvisnosti | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.563881 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-si"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-africa | [06:13] <Kilos> hi philipballew nice to see you here
[06:26] <philipballew> Kilos, how goes it?
[06:28] <Kilos> good ty and you? just getting cold here
[06:28] <philipballew> Kilos, I see. Its about 20 C here currently in this part of America
[06:29] <philipballew> I keep reading bad things happening in South Africa lately. Hope all is not as bad as I hear.
[06:29] <Kilos> philipballew lovely, we are down to 10°c at night already but days reach 25
[06:30] <Kilos> its mainly groups of hooligans that mainly want to steal
[06:32] <philipballew> Kilos, Same is actually happening here today.
[06:32] <Kilos> the cover of being xenophobia is mainly a fancy name to cover thieving thugs
[06:32] <philipballew> Assholes Kilos ...
[06:33] <Kilos> i think the whole world has hassles when thugs gang up
[06:33] <Kilos> also the media blows things out of proportion always
[06:33] <philipballew> Today we had peaceful protests about race tensions break out into looting. You might see it on the news sooner or later.
[06:34] <Kilos> you in the states hey?
[06:34] <philipballew> Kilos, California
[06:35] <Kilos> some of our top guys work there now
[06:36] <philipballew> what company?
[06:36] <philipballew> I live on the California Mexico Border
[06:36] <Kilos> haha i read an article about za IT peeps making their mark in the world but they add they all drink a lot of coffee
[06:36] <Kilos> our guys are in silicon valley
[06:37] <philipballew> Kilos, yeah. I need to head up that way more often.
[06:38] <philipballew> I am either going to move there to find a job when I graduate, or get a job working remote and move to Mexicpo
[06:38] <philipballew> Mexico
[06:38] <philipballew> because living in America is way to much money.
[06:38] <Kilos> ah good luck
[06:39] <philipballew> Kilos, thanks man, I'm gonna need it.
[08:08] <Kilos> hi elacheche hows things
[08:08] <elacheche> Hi Kilos.. not that good, just ok
[08:09] <Kilos> i htink melodie will be away for a few days, she is giving a course to some mali peeps soon she said , i dont know if that started today
[08:09] <Kilos> why not that good? what did you break
[08:10] <elacheche> almost break my and my brother's legs 5 min ago x(
[08:11] <Kilos> wow how?
[08:11] <Kilos> car accident?
[08:12] <elacheche> Solo accident.. The front brake in my scooter hangs in actif mod while we're riding the scooter..
[08:13] <Kilos> ouch
[08:13] <Kilos> be careful man
[08:14] <Kilos> most likely the shoes are worn out
[08:14] <elacheche> x) Now I'll try to fix it by myself (after work) as the front wheel won't turn because of the brakes
[08:15] <Kilos> normally when the brake shoes wear too much then it goes over the point of return and locks up
[08:16] <Kilos> normally turning the wheel backwards releases them
[08:16] <Kilos> but they will keep locking till you replace the shoes
[08:16] <elacheche> I'll try that.. thx :)
[08:22] <Kilos> there should also be a cable from the handles to the wheel that fastens onto an arm, hit the arm with a rock in reversing doesnt help
[08:22] <Kilos> unles it hasa hydraulic breaks of course
[08:24] <elacheche> I think that they are hydraulic, I'll try play with the screw..
[08:24] <Kilos> if there is no cable then im sure the shoes are worn past their limit
[09:12] <lin_> Hey guys
[09:12] <lin_> Try loading
[09:12] <lin_> I'm getting access denied :-(
[09:17] <Kilos> where lin?
[09:17] <Kilos> oh
[09:18] <lin_> Yes
[09:18] <Kilos> try another mirror
[09:18] <lin_> Stuck on upgrading packages
[09:18] <lin_> lol
[09:18] <Kilos> maybe upgrading or broken
[09:19] <Kilos> stickyboy fixit
[09:20] <stickyboy> lol
[09:20] <stickyboy> Man, Symmetria's storage prolly derped again.
[09:20] <stickyboy> I'm fixing my own storage problems! Grrrrr.
[09:21] <stickyboy> "Welcome to Nairobi, BTW your servers fucking died while you were in Addis"
[09:21] <Kilos> is that symmetrias
[09:21] <stickyboy> :P
[09:22] <Kilos> ill try get him
[09:28] <Kilos> QA is down
[09:30] <Kilos> even the bot is battling to check
[09:31] <Kilos> wb SDCDev Jacques_Stry
[09:32] <Jacques_Stry> TY Kilos - Eskom left us in the dark, on generator
[09:32] <Kilos> oh my
[09:33] <Kilos> you in ptown hey
[09:34] <Jacques_Stry> Yes Rtb, but from eskom site they say no Load Shedding active so must be something else
[09:34] <Kilos> ai!
[09:35] <Kilos> power sub station kicked the bucket or someone hit a pole
[09:38] <SDCDev> ty Kilos :) Morning
[09:39] <Kilos> spotty_ is down
[09:40] <Kilos> ya must be down
[09:46] <Kilos> spotty_ ping
[09:46] <spotty_> Kilos: Error: unknown host
[14:59] <elacheche> Kilos, check your inbox
[15:00] <Kilos> ok
[15:02] <Kilos> cool ty for that so thats on the thursday night at our midnight
[15:02] <elacheche> yep..
[15:03] <Kilos> ty for the reminder. another one on the day will be appreciated too
[15:08] <elacheche> Sure!
[15:44] <melodie> hi
[15:45] <Kilos> hi melodie
[15:45] <Kilos> very busy atm excuse me for a bit please
[15:46] <melodie> Kilos sure. I've sent a mail back to you
[15:46] <Kilos> ty
[15:46] <Kilos> im not fast like you youngsters
[15:47] <melodie> Kilos I'm as old as you are
[15:47] <Kilos> nono
[15:47] <melodie> uou just need to practice tuxtype :D
[15:47] <melodie> sisi
[15:47] <Kilos> 11 years short
[15:47] <melodie> aha !
[15:47] <melodie> :o)
[15:48] <Kilos> :D
[15:48] <melodie> you know tuxtype?
[15:48] <melodie> ;D
[15:54] <Kilos> nope
[16:00] <melodie> it's fun and you practice typing
[16:00] <melodie> it's for children, but adults do well with it too
[16:00] <Kilos> lol melodie i will try that maybe tomorrow. we are having our monthly meeting tonight and our chairs are stuck at work
[16:01] <Kilos> i cant type like normal peeps, i use 2 fingers and have to see where the keys are
[16:01] <Kilos> hehe
[16:01] <melodie> 2 fingers ?
[16:01] <melodie> do you have 10 of them?
[16:02] <Kilos> they are old man and dont bend like young peeps or women
[16:02] <Kilos> stiff from years of manual work
[16:02] <melodie> if you do, I suggest you do the first 3 levels of klavaro to get you started
[16:03] <melodie> I also train with Klavaro once a while, incredible program!
[16:03] <Kilos> i will loom yes ty
[16:03] <melodie> and both are in the repos
[16:03] <melodie> have you received my mail about the sound bell.ogg ?
[16:03] <Kilos> but i have tried a few typing courses and hands are too stiff
[16:03] <Kilos> look
[16:04] <melodie> try harder! :D
[16:04] <melodie> don't give up, ever! :D
[16:04] <Kilos> lol you so cheeky with old peeps
[16:04] <melodie> you aren't old
[16:04] <Kilos> i do well with 2 fingers
[16:04] <melodie> there aren't old people on irc
[16:04] <Kilos> im in no rush
[16:05] <melodie> ,-)
[16:05] <melodie> ;D
[16:05] <Kilos> we have one guy 8 years older than me
[16:05] <melodie> neither am
[16:05] <melodie> I
[16:05] <melodie> just you said you aren't as fast as the young
[16:05] <melodie> but some young have not learned to use the keyboard either
[16:06] <Kilos> no i know some that do 160 words a min
[16:06] <melodie> and now I'm typing with a really hard one
[16:06] <melodie> I don't
[16:06] <Kilos> the guy that does the server for kenya is one
[16:06] <melodie> I just don't need to watch my fingers while typing, just what I write, and well that the practice with Klavaro
[16:06] <Kilos> types like a rocket
[16:06] <melodie> the practice with Tuxtype is to rest from Klavaro
[16:07] <Kilos> i go get gates
[16:07] <melodie> ok
[16:11] <Kilos> back
[16:13] <Kilos> melodie you just want to make me work more
[16:17] <melodie> Kilos I have worked for you and I'm waiting to know if the bell.ogg screenshot helps you?
[16:18] <Kilos> lol so cheeky
[16:19] <Kilos> oh yes girl i know setting xchat and hexchat and konversation well ty
[16:19] <Kilos> ive been using ubuntu since 9.04
[16:20] <melodie> Kilos but you would want the .ogg to be in the system? that was your point?
[16:20] <melodie> I have seen "oga" files
[16:20] <Kilos> but doing it that way gives me a lous sshhhh kinda of sound
[16:20] <melodie> not sure what format and container that is exactly
[16:21] <Kilos> bell.ogg must be a loud bloep
[16:21] <melodie> Kilos look better the screenshot I have put some marks
[16:21] <melodie> it is a loud blop if you set it up the way I show with the red arrows : I have written an explanation too
[16:21] <Kilos> i did
[16:21] <Kilos> but ill try again
[16:22] <Kilos> but not now
[16:22] <Kilos> trying to find a chair for tonights meeting
[16:22] <Kilos> guys are busy at work still
[16:24] <melodie> ok
[16:24] <Kilos> when is your course
[16:24] <melodie> just a question, which light music player do you use?
[16:24] <Kilos> vlc
[16:24] <melodie> whicy course?
[16:24] <melodie> this isn't light
[16:24] <melodie> you need something lighter
[16:24] <melodie> a very simple one
[16:24] <Kilos> i dont play much music
[16:25] <melodie> there is a ppa for deadbeef, or you could install audacious
[16:25] <melodie> you will play bell.ogg with xchat and an external music player, but a light one that runs fast !
[16:25] <melodie> this is how it works fine here.
[16:25] <melodie> else it does what you say, a strange noise
[16:25] <Kilos> thats an online player
[16:26] <Kilos> oh i also use mplayer
[16:26] <melodie> it needs the console to start
[16:26] <melodie> unless you use gmplayer or so
[16:26] <melodie> but once again, a light one is very very tiny and small on footprint
[16:26] <Kilos> i can do that
[16:27] <Kilos> but no online stuff that eat my data
[16:27] <melodie> right
[16:27] <melodie> I have kept the screenshot light and at same time not too small, so you can see the details. it's about 125kb
[16:28] <Kilos> i have to go eat girl
[16:28] <Kilos> wbb
[16:29] <Kilos> i can see it great ty
[16:38] <melodie> :)
[16:38] <melodie> ok
[17:00] <Kilos> tummy full now need to rest
[17:01] <Kilos> i even said night on #phillw
[17:01] <Kilos> can do many noisy channels when we have a meeting
[17:01] <Kilos> cant
[17:31] <Kilos> hmm...
[17:52] <superfly> Kilos: where is Maaz?
[17:53] <Kilos> lemme see
[17:53] <superfly> oh, no wonder, wrong channel!
[17:53] <Kilos> you in wrong channel superfly
[17:53] <Kilos> haha
[17:53] <superfly> Kilos: ek's te vinnig vir jou
[17:53] <Kilos> ek sien so
[18:05] <melodie> hi superfly
[18:05] <superfly> hi melodie
[18:05] <superfly> bonjour :-) (although that's all the French I know)
[18:06] <melodie> bonjour, comment ça va ? (How are you?)
[18:18] <superfly> -_- still sick, on day 4 of my migraine
[18:31] <melodie> superfly where does it come from?
[18:32] <superfly> melodie: I think I have influenza
[18:34] <Kilos> melodie you want to join our monthly meeting
[18:35] <Kilos> #ubuntu-za
[18:35] <melodie> Kilos is it very verbose?
[18:36] <Kilos> whats verbose
[18:36] <superfly> Kilos: you are verbose. you talk a lot
[18:36] <Kilos> hee hee
[18:36] <melodie> superfly you can get cured faster if you use "magnesium" (chlorure de magnésium)
[18:36] <superfly> melodie: yes, I'm taking magnesium :-)
[18:36] <melodie> superfly I bet you don't have much appetite?
[18:37] <melodie> you can eat light, chicken soup, fruit juices (not at same time though :D )
[18:37] <superfly> yeah, on Sunday I wasn't hungry
[18:47] <Kilos> arnaim good and you
[19:33] <melodie> Kilos how is the meeting going?
[19:35] <Kilos> just closing melodie
[19:35] <melodie> ok
[19:35] <melodie> I can ask a question there now then
[19:37] <Kilos> yes
[19:37] <Kilos> lol | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.582157 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-africa"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-vn | [08:56] <vubuntor722> alô
[08:56] <vubuntor722> có ai ở nhà ko ạ? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.585508 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-vn"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntustudio-devel | [01:53] <holstein> DalekSec: it wasnt that kind of show
[01:54] <holstein> more of a tux, sit around and wait.. play a 20's tune.. sit around.. play half a tune.. collect check.. leave, kind of deal
[07:30] <zequence> Going to do my last ever update to linux-lowlatency
[07:45] <DalekSec> Last? Though, that's got to be nice to get that off your hands.
[07:47] <zequence> DalekSec: Yep. I'm just doing factory work basically, and it's fine until I screw something up which just takes up unecessary time
[07:49] <zequence> ..and I did screw up my last update, which is why this one will take a bit more time :P
[16:54] <zequence> Apparently Xubuntu went EOL sunday, but it's not announced yet.
[16:54] <zequence> Precise, that is
[16:54] <zequence> I'll soon announce EOL for Studio Precise, and also linux-lowlatency
[20:14] <holstein> though, the repos will still be up
[20:14] <holstein> its a bit confusing.. but, its the nature of it, i suppose
[21:46] <zequence> It's not something we can control anyhow. Probably most people who still use precise do so on servers
[21:47] <zequence> What was the code name for 10.04? I kind of miss that release though not the Studio version as much. It was blazing fast. 9.04 was it, that was pretty awesome with an rt kernel?
[21:47] <zequence> 6 years! | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.588197 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntustudio-devel"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-us-fl | [22:20] <ahoneybun> mhall119: ping
[22:22] <mhall119> ahoneybun: pong, but I'm about to cook dinner, so leave me a message
[22:22] <ahoneybun> I want to talk about setting up translations for uBeginner
[22:23] <mhall119> ahoneybun: tutorial should be posted tomorrow morning, European time
[22:23] <ahoneybun> ok cool mhall119, I have the tags over everything so I should be good
[22:25] <ahoneybun> lol | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.589628 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-fl"
} |
2015-04-28-#juju-dev | [00:00] <menn0> wallyworld: thanks
[00:02] <wallyworld> menn0: actually, i don't have credentials for jujubot, i'll ask the qa guys
[00:05] <menn0> wallyworld: I would have thought you could do it with your own account?
[00:09] <wallyworld> menn0: that's don
[00:09] <wallyworld> e
[00:10] <wallyworld> menn0: yeah, i could, i didn't realise i could :-)
[00:14] <menn0> wallyworld: cheers :)
[00:14] <wallyworld> np
[00:19] <wallyworld> menn0: fyi, i'm working on the status 2.0 spec based on notes from the sprint; still very much wip
[00:23] <menn0> wallyworld: having a quick look
[00:28] <menn0> wallyworld: looking good so far
[00:28] <menn0> wallyworld: I made a few tiny typo corrections
[00:29] <wallyworld> menn0: oh ty, didn't mean to burden you just yet with corrections :-)
[00:29] <menn0> wallyworld: I couldn't help myself :)
[00:29] <wallyworld> :-)
[01:11] <sinzui> wallyworld, Do you have minute to review
[01:12] <wallyworld> sure
[01:12] <wallyworld> sinzui: you always give me the difficult ones
[01:13] <sinzui> wallyworld, its an opportunity for you to say STOP, I have another issue that needs fixing
[01:14] <wallyworld> sinzui: i left off the :-)
[01:14] <sinzui> :)
[01:25] <sinzui> wallyworld, shows that 1.23.2 Passed every test, even against adverse dirty substrates and flakey vivid
[01:26] <wallyworld> yay
[01:26] <sinzui> This is could be the highest score ever gotten
[01:26] <wallyworld> now all we need is for 1.24 to do the same
[01:28] <wallyworld> let's hope it's reproducable then
[01:41] <axw> wallyworld: reviewed your branch
[01:41] <wallyworld> ty
[01:47] <wallyworld> axw: with the client facade, william didn't want to bump that beyond 0. the only other alternative is to introduce a whole new facade and stick the method on that. I started going down that path but couldn't decide on a suitable facade so took the path of least resistence (the branch was already big enough and i was trying to get it done in time before branching). given we already have AddMachinesV2, any proper refactoring work would
[01:47] <wallyworld> have to sort out that stuff also, which is getting beyond the scope of removing a storage feature flag
[01:48] <axw> wallyworld: why does he not want to bump the version?
[01:50] <wallyworld> gets messy - we would need to fire up api servers for both 0 and the new version, and we want to ultimately move stuff off client anyway
[01:50] <wallyworld> we support uniter v 0, 1, 2, but that's a much smaller facade
[01:50] <wallyworld> i was trying to avoid depending on a charm repo change with the patching but i guess that's unavoidable :-(
[01:51] <wallyworld> and even with the uniter stuff, the tests are incomplete as it's hard to write common tests to cover all facade versions
[01:52] <wallyworld> s/hard/tedious due to code cut and paste
[01:55] <axw> wallyworld: can we at least hide this ugliness in api/client? so if the caller of AddMachines specifies storage, it calls AddMachinesV3 instead of V2
[02:25] <axw> wallyworld: not sure ify ou saw this before
wallyworld: can we at least hide this ugliness in api/client? so if the caller of AddMachines specifies storage, it calls AddMachinesV3 instead of V2
[03:10] <wallyworld> axw: here's a patch to the charm repo to allow juju to patch the NewCharmStore from any package
[03:11] <axw> wallyworld: ?! why?
[03:11] <axw> where is this needed?
[03:12] <wallyworld> axw: to allow core tests to run - stuff in the apiserver/service package calls into methods in apiserver/client and the apiserver/client code calls NewCharmRepo and this needs to be patched. the apiserver/client package patches NewCharmRepo but you objected to tha being exposed to apiserver/service package
[03:13] <axw> wallyworld: I object to patching across packages in general, not that one case
[03:14] * axw looks at code in question
[03:14] <wallyworld> so it's easier to just patch at the source of the charm repo creation instead of indirectly
[03:16] <wallyworld> axw: sadly we already patch charmrepo.CacheDir
[03:16] <wallyworld> so i'm at least lining up with what's done already
[03:17] <axw> yeah, I want to stop the sadness :) I'm looking if there's a better alternative..
[03:17] <wallyworld> and the client code patches across packages anyway to patch charmrepo.NewCharmRepo
[03:17] <wallyworld> longer term, agreed. but this is simply to remove a feature flag to get 1.24 out
[03:18] <wallyworld> it's not introducing new badness
[03:18] <axw> wallyworld: service doesn't call into client, client calls into service
[03:18] <wallyworld> service calls s.APIState.Client().AddCharmWithAuthorization(curl, nil)
[03:18] <axw> client previously *internally* patched that function, which isn't great but at least doesn't spread the hack around
[03:18] <wallyworld> to set up a test
[03:18] * axw looks again
[03:19] <axw> I see
[03:19] <wallyworld> yes it did, but any code can also patch cahrmrepo.CahedDir
[03:20] <wallyworld> this is a consequence of starting to move service apis off the client facade
[03:20] <wallyworld> and onto their own Service facade
[03:20] <wallyworld> there's a whole bunch of other service apis with todos to move
[03:21] <wallyworld> sadly, it we designed our code using inversion of control, this wouldn't be an issue, but we didn't :-(
[03:24] <axw> wallyworld: this can be fixed by changing apiserver/service to operate on interfaces rather than *state.State. getting out of scope, so please ditch the juju/charm change and use the original patch change and add a TODO(wallyworld)
[03:25] <axw> if we're adding hacks, let's at least confine them to juju/juju
[03:27] <anastasiamac> axw: wallyworld: on a different note, here is the start of dynamic add -
[03:49] <axw> anastasiamac: reviewing now
[03:49] <anastasiamac> axw: tyvm :D
[03:55] <axw> anastasiamac: done
[04:15] <wallyworld> axw: so, just to confirm you happy to retain the x-package patching as per what i submitted so that we don't have to modify charm.v5? that was my original thought and rationale also
[04:22] <wallyworld> axw: FFS, disconnected again, may have missed your reply
[04:48] <axw> wallyworld: sorry, was afk. yes.
[04:49] <axw> wallyworld: provided it gets replaced later with an interface and the cross-package patching removed
[04:51] <wallyworld> axw: yeah, there's a bit of work to do there. won't happen for 1.24 is suspect, best we can do is 1.25. i've updated the PR on RB
[04:51] <axw> looking
[05:28] <wallyworld> axw: i guess i should add a MachineManager facade and stuck the new AddMachine API on that. i was previously trying to avoid missing the 1.24 branching but given that's already happened, might be best not to introduce another lagacy API to have to support
[05:29] <axw> wallyworld: that would be ideal
[05:30] <wallyworld> yeah, agreed. sigh. branch already soo bg
[05:31] <axw> wallyworld: I already gave a shipit, you don't have to do it immediately
[05:31] <wallyworld> axw: ok, i'll land but then do an immediate followup
[05:31] <axw> cool
[05:39] <axw> wallyworld: is that a straight backport? do I need to review again?
[05:43] <mup> Bug #1449367 was opened: remove storage feature flag <juju-core:Triaged by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by wallyworld> <>
[05:49] <mup> Bug #1449367 changed: remove storage feature flag <juju-core:Triaged by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by wallyworld> <>
[05:55] <mup> Bug #1449367 was opened: remove storage feature flag <juju-core:Triaged by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by wallyworld> <>
[07:07] <mup> Bug #1449390 was opened: storage: charms must wait for storage to be attached before running "install" hook <storage> <juju-core:Triaged> <>
[09:02] <TheMue> voidspace: sorry for not being in hangout, have to help daughter
[09:03] <voidspace> TheMue: no problem
[09:03] <voidspace> TheMue: it's just you and me anyway :-)
[09:03] <voidspace> TheMue: I'm working on forward porting the addressable container feature flag to master
[09:03] <voidspace> TheMue: nearly done
[09:03] <voidspace> TheMue: hard work - just about none of the patch applied cleanly
[09:03] <voidspace> TheMue: only two more files to do though
[09:03] <voidspace> TheMue: that's my report :-)
[09:13] <mup> Bug #1449436 was opened: Environment variables are not propagated to jujud on vivid <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.23:New> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged by axwalk> <>
[09:14] <TheMue> voidspace: so, "first aid" done, daughter has troubles with her car on the highway and asked what to do. and the other daughter is ill at home. :(
[09:15] <TheMue> voidspace: I'm currently writing a little conference report about last week, the continue with the process changes with Katherine, and will then take a look in the list Dimiter sent
[09:22] <voidspace> TheMue: ok
[09:25] <mup> Bug #1449436 changed: Environment variables are not propagated to jujud on vivid <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.23:New> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged by axwalk> <>
[09:31] <mup> Bug #1449436 was opened: Environment variables are not propagated to jujud on vivid <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.23:New> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged by axwalk> <>
[10:19] <axw> jam: gotta go, fix up for review here FYI --
[10:19] <jam> axw: have a good night
[10:19] <jam> axw: I believe this should also go into 1.23, right?
[10:19] <jam> Since that is what we're actually releasing on V
[10:21] <Mmike> lads, when I bootstrap my env and then do 'juju ensure-availability', juju will fire up additional three units, set up replicaset for mongodb and all of that. Now when unit 0 dies (the initial bootstrap unit) I can't connect to my env any more. I need to manually change my environment.jenv file and remove references to machine 0 from there. Then juju works ok again. Now I want to remove machine 0 from juju, as it no longer exists, but juju won't let me
[10:21] <Mmike> do so, saying: "ERROR no machines were destroyed: machine 0 is required by the environment".
[10:21] <Mmike> Is this by design, or am I doing something wrong?
[10:21] <Mmike> Using juju 1.22 currently, but observed same behaviour on 1.23
[10:22] <natefinch> hooooly shit. just went to write a fake object to fulfill the CloudConfig interface, and umm.. it has over 60 functions :/
[10:29] <davecheney> that's no interface .... mother of god!
[10:29] <davecheney> Mmike: machine 0 is special, it cannot be removed
[10:30] <natefinch> luckily the function I need to mock it for only uses like 6 of those functions, so I can replace the interface with a more narrow one, but still, jeezus.
[10:31] <natefinch> davecheney, Mmike: you definitely should be able to kill machine 0 and have your environment still work fine.
[10:31] <natefinch> (when in HA)
[10:32] <natefinch> I don't know about actually tell juju to remove the phantom machine from its DB, but your environment should definitely still work.
[10:33] <jam> natefinch: seems a bit oversized. Though you can do ttype
[10:33] <jam> type MyFake struct { CloudConfig }
[10:33] <jam> and then only override the ones you actually want to
[10:33] <jam> (you'll get nil pointer dereference failures for anything that gets used that you didn't define)
[10:33] <jam> Mmike: so I'd like to walk through it a bit with you.
[10:33] <jam> After "juju ensure-availability" do you end up with 3 or 4 total machines?
[10:33] <jam> (I would expect 3)
[10:33] <jam> second, after those machines are up and running, you should be able to run "juju status", and connect to that env
[10:33] <jam> and then it will notice that there are more machines
[10:33] <jam> and record them as alternatives in your environments.jen
[10:33] <jam> It won't actually record new machines until they are up and running and connected (AIUI)
[10:33] <jam> but you shouldn't have to edit your JENV normally
[10:33] <jam> just you have to connect to the environment once the extra machines are running.
[10:33] <jam> Mmike: third, after machine-0 has died, you probably need to run "juju ensure-availability" again, where it should now notice that you have a dead machine, and try to take it out of official API server status
[10:33] <jam> (this is a bit of a wart, and we're looking at splitting up ensure-ha into more precise commands)
[10:33] <jam> and then you can "juju destroy-machine machine-0" (sp?)
[10:33] <jam> once it has lost its voting status
[10:34] <Mmike> jam: i see
[10:34] <Mmike> jam: let me try that
[10:35] <natefinch> jam: good idea embedding the interface in the struct
[10:50] <perrito666> morning all
[10:55] <Mmike> jam: where can I find the password jujud is using to connect to mongod?
[11:03] <jam> Mmike: you have to look on machine-0 for it, it should be in /var/lib/juju/agents/machine-0/agent.conf I think
[11:03] <jam> Mmike: sorry, looks like "/var/lib/juju/agents/machine-0.conf"
[11:05] <Mmike> jam: ack, thnx
[11:05] <perrito666> nope /var/lib/juju/agents/machine-0/agent.conf
[11:05] <perrito666> jam: unlest it changed
[11:05] <jam> perrito666: that's what I originally thought, but our backups test disagree
[11:06] <jam> perrito666: ./state/backups/files_test.go:114: filepath.Join(s.root, "/var/lib/juju/agents/machine-0.conf"),
[11:06] <Mmike> jam: actually on 1.22 it's in /var/lib/juju/agents/machine-0/agent.conf
[11:06] <Mmike> just verified
[11:06] <perrito666> jam: ill remember to ping eric on that one
[11:07] <jam> perrito666: k. That sounds suspiciously like its a bad test.
[11:08] <jam> perrito666: but "cmds/juju-restore" does use /var/lib/juju/agents/machine-0/agent.conf
[11:08] <perrito666> jam: it is
[11:08] <perrito666> jam: looking at the code that it is testing it does not really matter since that seems the result of faking a glob result
[11:08] <perrito666> but is missleading
[11:09] <jam> perrito666: yeah, I'm not saying the test doesn't pass, but we shouldn't have incorrect paths in a backup test :)
[11:09] <perrito666> I have opened and restored that files enought times to know it is named agent.conf :p
[11:09] * perrito666 makes a note for a less urgent time
[11:10] <jam> perrito666: :)
[11:10] <jam> yeah, I would guess you did
[11:17] <dimitern> voidspace, ping
[11:34] <jam> Mmike: did you get things to work?
[11:34] <Mmike> jam: nope, not yet, my openstack deploy is a bit slow as I'm testing some other stuff too, so it takes time...
[11:34] <jam> Mmike: np
[11:35] <jam> just curious
[11:35] <Mmike> jam: yup, have a case about that, so I need to know how it works
[11:35] <Mmike> and for convenience too :)
[11:37] <dimitern> fwereade,
[11:38] <jam> dimitern: is it actually allowed to start with - or _
[11:38] <jam> ?
[11:38] <dimitern> jam, it is in fact
[11:39] <dimitern> jam, rvba just confirmed that
[11:40] <jam> dimitern: is there any reason not to be slightly more restrictive than them?
[11:40] <jam> I think avoiding opening "-" is probably a good thing
[11:40] <dimitern> jam, apart from another critical blocker from OIL
[11:40] <dimitern> can't think of one :)
[11:41] <dimitern> in case they now decide to have names like "-my_NET"
[11:41] <fwereade> dimitern, jam: so the core of the problem is that we use provider ids as network names
[11:42] <fwereade> dimitern, jam, which means we need to come up with a regexp that matches every possible valid provider network id
[11:42] <dimitern> fwereade, jam, yeah, that's the crux of it; but it's much harder to fix it properly
[11:42] <fwereade> dimitern, jam, but is still somehow useful
[11:42] <dimitern> fwereade, jam, also, fwiw this only applies to maas anyway now
[11:44] <fwereade> dimitern, jam: with that patch, can we still transform name<->tag safely?
[11:44] <fwereade> dimitern, jam: and can we depend on correctly munging globallKeys?
[11:44] <dimitern> fwereade, jam, yes - there are tests for that in fact, which didn't stop passing, and we don't allow /
[11:44] <jam> or # right?
[11:44] <dimitern> yeah
[12:04] <Mmike> jam: so, here is what I did: juju bootstrap; juju ensure-availability. Then I did 'juju status' until I had all three machines with "state-server-member-status: has-vote". Then I deployed some service (percona-cluster, with 3 units).
[12:05] <Mmike> Waited for that service to settle down, verified all is ok.
[12:05] <Mmike> After that I killed the machine 0 (as this is openstack, I did nova delete $instance_id). Did juju status after that, waited for like 2-3 minutes, and then juju status returned status with machine0 being down.
[12:05] <Mmike> Also, some percona-cluster units where shown as 'agent-state: down'.
[12:05] <jam> Mmike: 2-3 minutes sounds odd to me
[12:06] <jam> Mmike: one option is to use "juju status --verbose" (-v) which should have it report what its trying to do
[12:06] <jam> is it still 2-3 min per status?
[12:06] <jam> or is status fast now?
[12:07] <Mmike> Then I did juju ensure-availability, juju instantiated another machine. Waited for that one to have 'state-server-member-status: has-vote'. Then did: "juju destroy-machine 0", but juju complained about 'machine 0 being needed for the env'
[12:07] <Mmike> no, it is fast now
[12:07] <Mmike> just the first run after I killed machine 0 was slow.
[12:08] <Mmike> ok, now all of my percona-cluster units are up, and marked ok (no more 'agent-state: down').
[12:08] <Mmike> But I still can't remove machine 0.
[12:09] <jam> Mmike: can you pastebin the "juju status" output ?
[12:09] <Mmike> sure
[12:10] <Mmike> jam:
[12:10] <Mmike> jam: I can paste whole termlog from the first bootstrap, if needed
[12:11] <jam> Mmike: so i *believe* that now that machine-0 has been removed from voting, you can do another "juju ensure-availability" and it will be removed as a state server entirely, and then you can "juju destroy-machine machine-0"
[12:12] * Mmike tries
[12:12] <jam> I think each transition needs another ensure-availability call. starts with has-vote, then goes to no-vote, then goes to no-longer-a-state-server
[12:13] <Mmike> jam: ack, confirmed.
[12:13] <Mmike> jam: excellent! :)
[12:13] <Mmike> jam: thank you very much
[12:13] <Mmike> just one more, though
[12:13] <Mmike> so let's say I had 3 state machines. One of them died. Then another died. Now mongodb on remaining unit is in readonly state.
[12:14] <Mmike> I don't have juju backup.
[12:14] <Mmike> I'm thinking, then, connecting to the remaining machine, and 'reseting' mongodb - forcing it to become primary again.
[12:14] <Mmike> Will that work? That is, will I be able to use juju afterwards?
[12:14] <Mmike> (Havent tried, just curious)
[12:15] <jam> Mmike: so if you manually poke the replicaset document in mongo
[12:15] <jam> you should be able to do anything you want :)
[12:15] <jam> just don't do it wrong.
[12:15] <jam> obviously with db surgery you can make anything work. I'm not 100% sure how much Juju would let you get away with, because it will likely try to write the replicaset document to match its own state
[12:16] <Mmike> well, obviously the 'right thing to do' is to have backups.
[12:17] <Mmike> But, there being only two kinds of people in the world... sooner or later I'll have to deal with 'we WILL be doing backups' kind of people :)
[12:17] <Mmike> jam: thnx for the inputs, will try breaking my env later again to verify if poking with mongo will bring it back to life
[12:18] <jam> Mmike: have you verified that Juju becomes completely unhappy with 2 machines down?
[12:18] <jam> It is *possible* that "juju ensure-availability" would rewrite things to try and get back into 3-man mode.
[12:18] <jam> but I can entirely believe that we didn't get there.
[12:18] <jam> And IIRC, we don't support "juju ensure-availability -n1" to get back out of HA mode
[12:19] <Mmike> jam: nop, tbh. But I know from previous mongodb experience that if two nodes go down the last remaining node is in read-only, as it has no quorum.
[12:19] <jam> Mmike: but being able to get a DB backup at that point seems *really useful*
[13:05] * perrito666 uses deployer for the first time ever
[14:02] <katco> natefinch: standup
[14:03] <aznashwan> natefinch: ping
[14:04] <natefinch> aznashwan: sup?
[14:13] <aznashwan> natefinch: sorros
[14:13] <aznashwan> natefinch: got distracted
[14:14] <aznashwan> natefinch: could give me an idiot's guide to using that perl script for syscalls on windows?
[14:15] <aznashwan> natefinch: (if you could exemplify on your npipe package what the result should be; that would be awesome)
[14:50] * perrito666 drops a bucket of debug messages onto deployer
[14:55] <natefinch> aznashwan: all I really did was look at the files in the syscall stdlib and copy what they did there. The zsyscall_* files give the command line to use, and show the input file, which contains the patterns that generate the syscalls in comments at the top of the file.
[14:55] <natefinch> aznashwan: I meant to write a blog post about how to do it back when I wrote npipe, but never got around to it. I should brush up on it and do so, it would be pretty useful, I think.
[14:59] <voidspace> dimitern: just FYI, I merged the tests as well
[14:59] <voidspace> dimitern: that was easier
[14:59] <voidspace> dimitern: I have a bunch of failing tests to fix now
[15:00] <voidspace> dimitern: not all obvious, but I'll work through them
[15:01] <dimitern> voidspace, sweet!
[15:05] <voidspace> dimitern: hey, we have a test "TestNewCloudInitConfigNoFeatureFlag"
[15:05] <voidspace> dimitern: testing maas config generation
[15:05] <voidspace>
[15:05] <mattyw> jam, are you around this week?
[15:05] <voidspace> (the first s.SetFeatureFlags() in that branch is spurious I assume - and I've removed it locally)
[15:06] <voidspace> dimitern: the intent of the test seems to be to test we get the same config with feature flag on and off
[15:06] <voidspace> dimitern: but we don't
[15:06] <voidspace> dimitern: we get the juju-br0 stuff when the flag is off
[15:06] <jam> mattyw: I'm around
[15:06] <voidspace> dimitern: so the test seems flawed (and is failing for this reason)
[15:06] <jam> though its EOD for me now
[15:07] <mgz_> dimitern: I failed to find you in person, but can I have a review please? :)
[15:07] <mgz_> dimitern:
[15:08] <mup> Bug #1449613 was opened: service/windows is missing unit tests. <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.23:New> <juju-core 1.24:New> <>
[15:20] <mgz_> katco: can I wave bug 1447841 at you?
[15:20] <mup> Bug #1447841: eu-central-1 AWS region V4 signing required and not supported <ec2-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <>
[15:24] <katco> mgz_: sure tal
[15:25] <katco> mgz_: should be an easy fix
[15:27] <natefinch> perrito666: review please?
[15:32] <mup> Bug #1449617 was opened: service.Service implementations are missing functional tests. <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.23:New> <juju-core 1.24:New> <>
[15:33] <perrito666> natefinch: reviewed, just one issue
[15:35] <dimitern> vo
[15:35] <katco> mgz_: very small review for that bug:
[15:35] <dimitern> voidspace, hey
[15:36] <mgz_> pants, we have in fact not yet switched to goose yet
[15:37] <dimitern> voidspace, why is that happening can be gnarlly - check basically jujuconnsuite's setupsuite and setuptest - there might be something overriding the set FF
[15:38] <mgz_> katco: change lgtm - no tests need updating? also, s3 auth works with the same auth object as ec2 okay?
[15:38] <mgz_> I'm confident our testing will fail fast if anything is wrong
[15:39] <katco> mgz_: yeah s3 defaults to v4, we deprecated v2 signing for s3
[15:39] <katco> mgz_: i haven't run tests, let me do that rq for just the ec2 provider package
[15:40] <katco> mgz_: those tests pass. i'll try and land and see what happens
[15:43] <alexisb> ericsnow, as always thank you!
[15:44] <mup> Bug #1449633 was opened: Cannot terminate/remove broken state server after ensure-availability <cts> <juju-core:New> <>
[15:46] <mgz_> should we be sorting external import alphanum-wise? what can I use to do that?
[15:47] <mgz_> hm, seems not, I have and both ways round
[15:49] <natefinch> mgz_: go fmt will alphabetize
[15:50] <natefinch> mgz_: it sorts each section independently (where a section is delimited by blank lines)
[15:55] <natefinch> perrito666: thanks
[15:55] <perrito666> np
[15:56] <mup> Bug #1449633 changed: Cannot terminate/remove broken state server after ensure-availability <cts> <juju-core:New> <>
[15:58] <mgz_> natefinch: yeah, I was wondering about sorting the blocks after that - which we seem not to do
[16:01] <natefinch> mgz_: go fmt definitely sorts all the blocks... try it out here: the blocks are intentionally out of order to start
[16:02] <mup> Bug #1449633 was opened: Cannot terminate/remove broken state server after ensure-availability <cts> <juju-core:New> <>
[16:02] <katco> perrito666: hey do you need any help with 1441826?
[16:03] <perrito666> katco: I think I just nailed it :)
[16:04] <katco> perrito666: course you did... bc you're AWESOME ;p
[16:04] <natefinch> perrito666: nice
[16:04] <perrito666> I am writing the patch now to see if it works, but apparently its a shim missing in the multiwatcher status
[16:16] <mgz_> ocr: can I request another review on
[16:17] <mgz_> I needed to bump goose version (and location) to add a test)
[16:21] <perrito666> mm, that is a nasty thing to read on reviewboard
[16:22] <mgz_> perrito666: blame Ian
[16:22] <perrito666> ok
[16:22] <perrito666> git blame ian
[16:22] <mgz_> it was a nice clean change till I had to update all the imports
[16:23] * perrito666 impatiently awaits for his stream to update
[16:23] * perrito666 reads in github and gets a pill for the headache
[16:24] <mgz_> perrito666: looking at each commit in turn may be more informative
[16:25] <perrito666> mgz_: do you arrange your tests in lexicographic order?
[16:29] <mgz_> perrito666: I arrange them in random walk order
[16:31] <perrito666> mgz_: brb, will review upon return, I promise
[16:32] <mgz_> perrito666: no problem
[16:32] <mgz_> I'm off for now at least
[16:34] <aznashwan> natefinch: sorry; got carried away again...
[16:34] <natefinch> aznashwan: did you see my prior responses?
[16:35] <aznashwan> natefinch: figured it out; it's quite handy
[16:35] <aznashwan> natefinch: yes I did
[16:35] <natefinch> aznashwan: ahh cool. Yeah. it's nice.
[16:35] <aznashwan> natefinch: I used the go one in the syscall package
[16:35] <aznashwan> natefinch: they should really raise awareness for it
[16:36] <natefinch> aznashwan: yeah, I remembered they added a go version finally... after I had to struggle with installing perl on windows ;)
[16:36] <aznashwan> natefinch: oh; it's yours?
[16:36] <aznashwan> natefinch: Windows salutes you :D
[16:37] <natefinch> aznashwan: no no... I was sorely tempted to port it, but never found the time. Not sure who did, but not me :)
[16:39] <aznashwan> natefinch: works great; but there was a lot a lot of guesswork involved in figuring out how to use it for procs' that weren't in kernel32
[19:10] <katco> perrito666: how is the bug coming?
[19:11] <perrito666> katco: fixed It looks, fixing the tests now
[19:11] <katco> perrito666: awesome :)
[19:14] <perrito666> mmpf I am pretty sure network manager indicator has less functions than before :( I dont seem to be able to priorize my connections
[19:59] <perrito666> talk about useful test failure errors
[19:59] <perrito666> Error: entity mismatch; got len 1; want 1
[20:05] <natefinch> perrito666: heh wow
[20:09] <katco> natefinch: hey is landed yet?
[20:09] <mup> Bug #1446871: Unit hooks fail on windows if PATH is uppercase <ci> <hooks> <windows> <juju-core:In Progress by natefinch> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by natefinch> <>
[20:11] <natefinch> katco: I hadn't thought it was targetted at 1.24-alpha1, so I just have a PR up against master, which is blocked... but I could easily put it on 1.24 instead
[20:11] <natefinch> katco: so, no :)
[20:12] <katco> Nate looks like it's just targeted against 1.24
[20:12] <katco> natefinch: mgz was working on but it's past his EoD... we're blocked until that is complete
[20:12] <mup> Bug #1441826: deployer and quickstart are broken in 1.24-alpha1 <api> <blocker> <ci> <deployer> <quickstart> <regression> <juju-ci-tools:Triaged> <juju-core:Triaged by hduran-8> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by hduran-8> <>
[20:13] <katco> natefinch: looks like you might have had some insight there, so if you are blocked, it would be a good thing to look into
[20:13] <natefinch> katco: I can certainly look at that one, though I thought perrito666 had that one handled
[20:14] <katco> natefinch: i thought he was looking at
[20:14] <mup> Bug #1441826: deployer and quickstart are broken in 1.24-alpha1 <api> <blocker> <ci> <deployer> <quickstart> <regression> <juju-ci-tools:Triaged> <juju-core:Triaged by hduran-8> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by hduran-8> <>
[20:14] <katco> gah... stupid copy/paste mistake
[20:14] <perrito666> katco: you have a problem with your pastebin?
[20:14] <katco> haha
[20:14] <perrito666> you sound just like the error I pasted a moment ago
[20:14] <katco> natefinch: i meant
[20:14] <mup> Bug #1440940: xml/marshal.go:10:2: cannot find package "encoding" <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:In Progress by gz> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <juju-release-tools:In Progress by gz> <>
[20:14] <natefinch> oh yeah that one
[20:14] <katco> natefinch: perrito666 is definitely working the other one
[20:15] <katco> natefinch: but mgz thought he had a fix, but apparently not
[20:15] <natefinch> katco: I'll look through what has been posted there since I last looked at the bug.
[20:15] <katco> natefinch: cool ty
[20:15] <katco> wwitzel3: are you blocked on 1326091?
[20:20] <natefinch> sinzui: you around?
[20:20] <sinzui> I am
[20:20] <natefinch> in the above bug about encoding, one of your recent messages contains a typo that makes it hard for me to understand: "The release tarfile but contain the encoding src or pkg, or we avoid using"
[20:21] <sinzui> natefinch, *must*
[20:21] <natefinch> sinzui: ahh, ok, I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be
[20:22] <sinzui> natefinch, mgz advised that including the encoding package in the source tree would ensure gccgo found the package. He reported it was fixed but is not. The packages don't build and I don't see the package, so I don't know what mgz changed to lead him to believe the issue was fixed
[20:22] <sinzui> damn, too many uses of the word packages
[20:23] <sinzui> We cannot make debs, and I don't see "encoding" in src/
[20:25] <natefinch> sinzui: it seems odd to me that we package up the standard library in our tarfile. shouldn't the standard library just be installed on the target machine, and we just tar-up what's outside the stdlib? I presume ubuntu doesn't build other languages by including the stdlib in the tar we give the builders.
[20:26] <natefinch> (and I'm using a very broad version of "installed" .... I don't actually care how it arrives on disk)
[20:27] <sinzui> natefinch, it seem odd to me we would fork xml and use it without checking it worked on all arcs
[20:27] <sinzui> regardless, *we* are obligated to deliver a tarball that Ubuntu and Lp can build ppc64el debs. so need to provide a version of encoding that work with that xml package
[20:29] <natefinch> sinzui: I guess my question would be... why isn't the entire go std library on the builder? Is it because there's no golang package we can apt-get install for PPC64el that we don't do it that way?
[20:30] <sinzui> natefinch, Ubuntu/debian uses shared lib and they are already built and distributed for Juju to link too
[20:30] <sinzui> natefinch, juju is *not* 100% static for ppc. it uses golib5
[20:30] <natefinch> sinzui: I don't know what that is, unfortunately.
[20:31] <sinzui> natefinch, a lib that doesn't have encoding in it, at least, not by that name
[20:32] <natefinch> sinzui: where do we get golib from? google isn't being very helpful for me there
[20:32] <sinzui> well I can see there is an encoding, but it doesn't match what the xml package wants :(
[20:32] <sinzui> natefinch, I think you are taking the wrong path here
[20:33] <sinzui> natefinch, We will not release any 1.24 version in the next month if we are trying to bet debian/ubuntu to change packages. mgz's solution is to include just what is needed to satisfy debian packaging rules
[20:34] <natefinch> sinzui: we're getting an error that should be impossible. The most likely reason is because we're doing things in weird ways to satisfy people's ideas of the way things should be built. I'm just trying to figure out how this builder differs from what happens when I run gccgo.
[20:34] <natefinch> sinzui: if I can't look at golib, I can't figure out why its encoding is different
[20:34] <natefinch> sinzui: or how to fix it
[20:35] <natefinch> (it/us/whatever)
[20:36] <sinzui> natefinch,
[20:37] <sinzui> natefinch, I think trusty used
[20:38] <sinzui> natefinch, but you are entering into packaging and linking in debian/gccgo which is not like golang
[20:40] <natefinch> sinzui: so, I do see the encoding directory and encoding.go under src/pkg:
[20:41] <sinzui> natefinch, yes, we established that a few weeks ago
[20:43] <sinzui> natefinch, the recent change here is that go build to make packages was working, now it doesn't So the hack to create a goroot on the test machines wont work in the clean-room env used by builders
[20:50] <natefinch> sinzui: I'm more than willing to help, and I'm sorry if I get frustrated. There's a lot of the packaging part, especially for gccgo, that I still don't know well, so trying to figure out why something is going wrong is difficult without preloading a lot of knowledge.
[20:50] <katco> natefinch: sinzui: it seems extraordinarily hazardous to me that we would patch the go stdlib to include an entire package
[20:50] <katco> natefinch: sinzui: seems like we could get unexpected behavior quite easily, doesn't it?
[20:51] <natefinch> katco: we forked the xml package. I would not say we were patching the std lib at all. we copied the xml package to and reference it as a normal 3rd party package
[20:51] <natefinch> katco: the problem seems to be that we're using any package that itself depends on the encoding package.
[20:51] <katco> natefinch: that doesn't have a dependency graph that spiders out into other parts of the go stdlib?
[20:52] <natefinch> katco: it should be exactly the same as if we just imported the xml package
[20:52] <sinzui> natefinch, I found 3 changes between the the time we could make packages and when we couldn't mgz made two of them
[20:52] <mup> Bug #1440940: xml/marshal.go:10:2: cannot find package "encoding" <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:In Progress by gz> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <juju-release-tools:In Progress by gz> <>
[20:53] <katco> natefinch: well, what i'm getting at is we're using version X of the xml package with version Y of the rest of the go stdlib
[20:53] <katco> natefinch: and i'm wondering if that might introduce unintended consequences
[20:54] <natefinch> katco: it shouldn't matter, because the only code using our XML package is code we specifically wrote to use it. It should either compile on all platforms or not.
[20:54] <katco> natefinch: compilation =/= proof of correctness
[20:54] <natefinch> katco: but if the problem is a compilation error....
[20:54] <katco> natefinch: this particular problem; i'm questioning the larger strategy
[20:55] <sinzui> natefinch, the xml package *did* compile a week ago. When only tests were broken I assumed it was test-double nonsense from gccgo
[20:55] <natefinch> katco: it's really conceptually no different than forking any other package and using it instead of the original. the stdlib isn't special, it's just normal go code.
[20:56] <katco> natefinch: correct, but the version of the xml package we've imported was written to depend on perhaps a different version of the go stdlib
[20:56] <katco> natefinch: what i'm getting at is: we're mucking with dependencies in a very non sustainable way
[20:57] <natefinch> katco: there's no version of the stdlib that doesn't have the encoding package, though
[20:57] <natefinch> katco: also, the stdlib is guaranteed backwards compatible to go1.0 and they're very strict about it
[20:58] <natefinch> I think looking at sinzui's list of commits that might have broken it is a good way to tackle the problem. IN theory, something should stand out.
[20:58] <katco> natefinch: from a signature perspective... not implementation
[20:58] <katco> natefinch: this line of questioning is probably irrelevant at this point, i'll drop it
[20:59] <natefinch> sinzui: is it possible to re-run the last test that worked? To rule out environmental / process changes?
[20:59] <katco> natefinch: but wow will this get messy fast
[21:00] <natefinch> sinzui, katco: unfortunately, I'm at EOD. I may be able to get online significantly later (9pm-ish eastern), but may not, depending on the state of my kids.
[21:00] <katco> natefinch: hope everyone feels better, and hope the appt. went well today
[21:00] <natefinch> I think it's worth going through the code changes to look for things that stand out ,and also doing a double check to make sure that the last run that worked still works.
[21:00] <natefinch> katco: thanks
[21:01] <sinzui> natefinch, not in CI since the job is publishing. But in this case, this is the actual packaging rules. anyone can take the release tarball, make a source package from the packaging branch, and then build it (on ppc
[21:01] <sinzui> )
[21:02] <sinzui> natefinch, note that building happens in fakeroot, so changes cannot just happen
[21:02] <natefinch> *nod*
[21:02] <natefinch> ok, gotta run, sorry. Will try to be back on later. I'll take a look at the changelists and possibly the tarballs themselves to see if I can figure out what's going on.
[21:04] <natefinch> oh, one hack to fix it might just be to do an unnecessary import "encoding" from somewhere under so we force that it gets included in the tarball
[21:23] <wwitzel3> katco: no, it isn't blocked
[21:24] <katco> wwitzel3: k ty
[21:36] <menn0> wallyworld: ping?
[22:48] <mup> Bug #1449277 changed: juju environment create fails on aws: invalid config <juju-core:Invalid by waigani> <juju-core 1.24:Invalid by waigani> <>
[22:57] <perrito666> so and Fix lp1441826 in 1.24 and master respectively, who would be so kind? wallyworld ?
[22:57] <perrito666> katco: ?
[22:57] <perrito666> ill go get some dinner and then come back
[23:23] <ericsnow> could I get a review on
[23:23] <ericsnow> it's the fix we talked about on the call (build constraints for vsphere provider)
[23:28] <ericsnow> it should be super easy to review
[23:29] <perrito666> famous last words
[23:41] <wallyworld> ericsnow: looks like there's additional unrelated changes in that diff
[23:42] <ericsnow> wallyworld: ah, that's just RB doing its thing (I'll fix)
[23:43] <ericsnow> fixed
[23:44] <wallyworld> looking again
[23:44] <wallyworld> ericsnow: what does the newly added init_gccgo do?
[23:45] <ericsnow> wallyworld: makes it so I don't have to touch provider/all/all.go :)
[23:46] <ericsnow> wallyworld: (allows import of "")
[23:46] <ericsnow> wallyworld: I'll add a note to that effect
[23:56] <ericsnow> wallyworld: good to go? (I'm going AFK in a minute)
[23:57] <wallyworld> ericsnow: bah, i got disconnected again, i asked a quesion - what does the newly added init_gccgo do?
[23:58] <ericsnow> wallyworld: yep, and I responded :) I've added a comment explaining (allows imports of the package to continue to work)
[23:58] <wallyworld> sorry, didn't see
[23:58] <ericsnow> np :)
[23:59] <wallyworld> ericsnow: lgtm, ty
[23:59] <ericsnow> wallyworld: thanks | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.599090 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#juju-dev"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-touch | [03:56] <guideX> how does my telecom co go about selling ubuntu phones?
[06:29] <messenjah> good morning world
[06:32] <guideX> good morning
[06:48] <dholbach> good morning
[08:30] <dednick> tedg: can you point me to the prompt splashscreen bug
[08:43] <cylonmath> guys is there any way to upload custom ringtones to the phone??
[08:53] <Saviq> tvoss, can you point me to media-hub logs?
[08:53] <Guest27706> hello, i'm trying install ubuntu touch to sony xperia t device. There is on page that it is possible and that device name is mint. But ro.product.device=LT30p and when trying command "ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=devel --bootstrap", it returns that there is no appropriate image. Is there way to specify that i want to use mint image? Thanks
[08:55] <Saviq> Guest27706, it's not a community-supported device, see for install instructions etc.
[08:58] <Guest27706> Saviq: ok, thank You.
[09:05] <Saviq> tvoss, unping, found them
[09:07] <tedg> dednick, bug 1352251
[09:08] <tedg> dednick, also bug 1398888
[09:10] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Cubicle Day! :-D
[09:20] <tvoss> Saviq, ack, anything else I can help with?
[13:20] <speck84> Is there soemone have a freetime to help me make it works the ubuntu sdk?
[13:21] <speck84> Nothing appire on my phone
[13:53] <speck84> Can someone help troubleshoot why my Ubuntu Touch phone doesn't do anything with laptop?
[13:53] <speck84> I test applicatoin doesn't running eighter
[13:59] <speck84> Does anyone got error massege like this?
[13:59] <speck84> Warnings while parsing QML type information of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity8/qml/Dash:
[13:59] <speck84> Failed to parse '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity8/qml/Dash/Dash.qmltypes'.
[13:59] <speck84> Error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity8/qml/Dash/Dash.qmltypes:102:19: Expected string literal to contain 'Package/Name major.minor' or 'Name major.minor'.
[13:59] <speck84> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity8/qml/Dash/Dash.qmltypes:103:36: Expected array literal with only number literal members.
[14:55] <bpierre> Hi, do you know how to uninstall a Click package installed with `pkcon install-local`?
[14:56] <mcphail> bpierre: i think you can uninstall in the same way you uninstall an app store package
[14:56] <bpierre> Yes it works if I do that, but I would like to do it from the CLI
[14:57] <davidcalle> bpierre, sudo click unregister <package>
[14:57] <bpierre> And `pkcon remove mypackagename` doesn’t work, nor `pkcon remove ./my-package-filename`
[14:58] <bpierre> Thanks davidcalle, it works!
[14:58] <davidcalle> bpierre, yw :)
[16:00] <peat-psuwit> rsalveti: Ping
[16:32] <Verc> Hi! How to update my Nexus 4 to the Ubuntu 15.04?
[16:48] <peat-psuwit> Verc: Enable developer mode in system settings > about the phone
[16:48] <Verc> i've tried to flash "stable" channel but it's still 14.10 ;/
[16:49] <Verc> r18
[16:49] <peat-psuwit> Verc: 14.10 doesn't land to stable yet.
[16:49] <Verc> 14.10 or 15.04?
[16:50] <peat-psuwit> Verc: Opps. I mean 15.04
[16:50] <peat-psuwit> Verc: Use vivid channel or, if you're on the bleeding-edge, vivid-proposed.
[16:51] <Verc> CHANNEL=vivid?
[16:53] <peat-psuwit> Verc: Yes.
[16:53] <Verc> mtp://[usb:003,006]/Nexus%204/Pictures/ mtp://[usb:003,006]/Nexus%204/Pictures/ mtp://[usb:003,006]/Nexus%204/Pictures/ mtp://[usb:003,006]/Nexus%204/Pictures/ mtp://[usb:003,006]/Nexus%204/Pictures/ mtp://[u
[16:54] <Verc> sorry
[16:54] <Verc> not this
[16:54] <Verc> Channel vivid not found on server
[16:54] <peat-psuwit> Verc: Opps. My fault again. Should be "ubuntu-touch/vivid".
[16:55] <Verc> yep
[16:55] <Verc> it works!
[16:56] <peat-psuwit> Verc: I'm not so sure how fresh is "ubuntu-touch/vivid". If you get very old image, try "ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed"
[16:57] <Verc> ok :)
[16:57] <Verc> thanks :)
[16:58] <kissiel> Mirv, Hiya! Got a second?
[17:04] <guideX> how does my telecom co go about selling ubuntu phones?
[17:05] <peat-psuwit> Anyone using supported device please tell me, when you enable bluetooth on the device and use another device to find Ubuntu touch device, if the device is seen as a phone?
[17:07] <popey> peat-psuwit: no, it shows as a computer
[17:08] * mcphail wonders if that is why his car can't see his phone
[17:09] <peat-psuwit> popey: Ok, then it's not unexpected. I tough it's problem on my port.
[17:10] * peat-psuwit wonders if there's the bug report.
[17:16] <mcphail> do any of the channels have debugging symbols installed by default?
[17:18] <ogra_> nope
[17:18] <mcphail> That's a shame. Is it possible to have one?
[17:18] <ogra_> if you would install all ddebs you wouldnt have enough diskspace i fear :)
[17:18] <mcphail> ogra_: libc and the qt libs would be nice, though
[17:19] <mcphail> ogra_: would give unbroken backtraces
[17:19] <ogra_> and then someone hits a bug in another lib and wants his ddebs too ... and the next one etc etc ...
[17:19] <ogra_> the reason we allow to make the images writable is that you can then install ddebs
[17:19] <mcphail> ogra_: surely that would be fine for a development channel?
[17:20] <ogra_> not really ... even developers dont like gigabyte big images
[17:20] <ogra_> just install the ddebs you need after making it writable
[17:20] <mcphail> ddeb?
[17:22] <ogra_>
[17:26] <mcphail> ogra_: that still requires either using apt-get on the device or downloading on the computer and dpkg -i, though, doesn't it?
[17:27] <ogra_> mcphail, yes
[17:27] <mcphail> ogra_: and how far can you go without breaking updates etc?
[17:27] <ogra_> having all ddebs in the image would make you end up with a 5-10G image i guess
[17:27] <ogra_> you shouldnt do that on a production device at all
[17:28] <mcphail> ogra_: so no debugging for me :(
[17:28] <ogra_> iirc there are ways to re-process the core dumps from errors.u.c
[17:28] <ogra_> on a device with the debug symbols added... dont ask me how though :)
[17:29] <mcphail> ogra_: I saw a steam youtube video once about running a symbols server. Would it be possible to run a symbols server on the development computer being used to remote debug?
[17:29] <mcphail> (I didn't really understand the process)
[17:29] <ogra_> thats beyond my knnowledge ... you should ask bdmurray (in #ubuntu-devel) or pitti
[17:30] <mcphail> ok - will do a bit of reading and ask later. Thanks
[17:31] * mcphail thinks gdbserver should be installed by default, even if the symbols aren;t
[17:57] <frankie_> hey guys
[17:58] <frankie_> are there any plans to port utouch to nexus 9?
[17:58] <frankie_> couldn't find anything online, and the good keyboard integration makes it the perfect device imo
[18:55] <ogra_> mpt, do we have a UI for VPN laid out already ?
[19:08] <lila-link> hi
[19:21] <mhall119> ChickenCutlass: can you register as attending on so I can make you a host for your session?
[19:22] <ChickenCutlass> mhall119, ok
[19:22] <mhall119> pmcgowan: ^^ you too please
[19:23] <mhall119> and bfiller
[19:24] <mhall119> and ogra_
[19:24] <ogra_> bah ... the auto-registration we had the last years made me lazy :P
[19:24] <mhall119> and finally rsalveti
[19:25] <mhall119> ogra_: we never had auto-registration
[19:25] <mhall119> you had to either register in launchpad or in summit, but it was always manual
[19:25] <ogra_> then i just had good managers that did it for me in the past i guess :)
[19:25] <mhall119> that could have been
[19:26] <nik90> jhodapp: ping
[19:26] <jhodapp> nik90, pong
[19:27] <nik90> jhodapp: hey, I just noticed that when podbird is running in the background playing a online stream, if you open a number of apps such that you hit the memory limit where podbird is killed by the system, the playback also stops..Shouldn't media-hub prevent that?
[19:28] <jhodapp> nik90, nope, when the client application goes away so does the media-hub playback session
[19:28] <jhodapp> nik90, we may do what you said in the future after we get some additional lifecycle additions into UT
[19:28] <nik90> jhodapp: there is never a way to ensure that the playback continues regardless of the state of the system.
[19:29] <tenleftfingers> nik90: I've noticed that problem. Playback will eventually stop when PodBird is in the background. Also, it doesn't resume playback from the right place (and sometimes it starts from the beginning again):
[19:29] <jhodapp> nik90, not at present, no
[19:29] <nik90> tenleftfingers: yes, I was able to confirm that after seeing your bug report and came here looking for the answer
[19:30] <cwayne_> tenleftfingers, ping
[19:30] <nik90> jhodapp: ok. I will add media-hub to that bug report .. is there any project that tracks the lifecycle rules that I shoudl mark as affected?
[19:31] <tenleftfingers> cwayne_: hi
[19:31] <cwayne_> tenleftfingers, hiya, was just looking at again, wondering if it goes away if you click 'skip and setup later'
[19:32] <tenleftfingers> cwayne_: let me check
[19:32] <jhodapp> nik90, add qtmir
[19:32] <popey> and assign it to tvoss :)
[19:32] <nik90> jhodapp: thnx
[19:32] <jhodapp> nik90, np
[19:32] <nik90> popey: I dont have permissions to do so ;)
[19:32] <ahayzen> jhodapp, nik90, i assume we'll need this when the music-app starts using the background playlists and the lifecycle exception has gone? ;)
[19:33] <tenleftfingers> cwayne_: I believe so. But I had the impression I was missing info on my Today scope then. In fact, I don't see anything google-related on it even now.
[19:33] <nik90> ahayzen: definitely
[19:33] <popey> well, i think it's reasonable that when the client app goes away, media stops
[19:33] <popey> how else will you stop the media otherwise?
[19:33] <nik90> ahayzen: I guess podbird is becoming your testbed
[19:33] <jhodapp> ahayzen, we don't *need* it then, but yes it would naturally be related
[19:33] <nik90> popey: well when the user returns to the app, they stop it
[19:33] <ahayzen> hang on i thought you meant when it was OOM'd...
[19:33] * ahayzen reads again
[19:33] <cwayne_> tenleftfingers, right, so we may need to change that a bit, google can be used to sync your calendar events, which would show up in the events section
[19:34] <nik90> ahayzen: we are indeed discussing when it gets OOM'd
[19:34] <jhodapp> or MPRIS control from indicator-sound
[19:34] <popey> ok, and what if I think "this app is rubbish, it died" and uninstall it
[19:34] <popey> the audio is still playing from an app that's removed
[19:34] <ahayzen> popey, so if i start playing music...browse the web browser open loads of gets OOM'd audio should stop?!
[19:34] <tenleftfingers> cwayne_: Ah, yes. The events. I'm pretty sure that you're right about it being dismissable.
[19:34] <ahayzen> popey, surely when you go back to the app from the spread it would be restored?
[19:34] <nik90> popey: well would you uninstall an app that is currently playing music?
[19:35] <popey> I would uninstall an app I thought was bad, sure
[19:35] <cwayne_> tenleftfingers, yeah, it should be
[19:35] <cwayne_> we need to do that better I think
[19:35] <nik90> the least I would expect is a user to close the app from the spread before prorceeding to uninstall it :P
[19:35] <popey> especially if I saw that the app had died and it was still playing
[19:35] <nik90> but yeah there are some edge cases like you mention
[19:35] <cwayne_> but anyway, I'm going to mark that specific bug invalid since dismissing it goes away
[19:35] <popey> I might thing "wow, this is terrible, I can still hear it even after it died, get rid!"
[19:35] <cwayne_> tenleftfingers, but thank you for logging it!
[19:35] <ahayzen> closing from the spread should stop the audio...but the app being OOM'd should not?
[19:35] <tenleftfingers> cwayne_: Sure, np. Thank you!
[19:35] * popey is somewhat playing devils advocate
[19:35] <popey> but we have enough of those so I'll stop now
[19:36] <nik90> ahayzen: well the thing is *all apps* get OOM'd and there is nothing to prevent it.
[19:36] <jhodapp> lol
[19:36] <ahayzen> nik90, music doesn't at the moment hehe ;)
[19:36] <nik90> right it kind of sucks for app devs that their music apps gets killed
[19:36] <nik90> ahayzen: well not for too long
[19:36] <nik90> :P
[19:36] <ahayzen> but yeah if the app is in the spread the audio stream should keep going then if it is killed it should be stopped..simple
[19:37] <ahayzen> jhodapp, is the plan to allow other apps to have their controls in the sound-indicator as well... eg podbird?
[19:37] <jhodapp> ahayzen, no, one global control...not like the desktop
[19:37] <tenleftfingers> ahayzen: amen. If the app stops playing when it's not in the foreground then it's pretty useless to the user given how productive they can be on this particular OS.
[19:38] <ahayzen> interesting... assuming you can only have 1 thing playing at a time then
[19:38] <ahayzen> tenleftfingers, exactly, when on the bus i have music in the background then i read emails/browser web/social media etc
[19:38] <nik90> ahayzen: well that is true though right? only one thing can play at a time..
[19:39] <jhodapp> ahayzen, yes indeed
[19:39] <ahayzen> nik90, yeah, could be fun when you have two apps open and you press pause...then play etc lol
[19:39] <Elleo> popey: under OOM circumstances the user shouldn't think the app has died, since under with the correct implementation the app should restore to its pre-killed state (and still appears in the app switcher all this time)
[19:39] <jhodapp> ahayzen, but I don't know all of the details yet, design is finishing up that UX plan
[19:39] <ahayzen> jhodapp, understood
[19:39] <Elleo> -under*
[19:40] <nik90> popey: ha there's your answer :)
[19:40] <ahayzen> yeah what Elleo said :) therefore the audio should keep going even under OOM
[19:40] <nik90> popey: in fact we have a branch where we use the SDK's statesaver to restore podbird state to what it was before it was OOM'd
[19:40] <bfiller> mhall119: done
[19:40] <popey> true
[19:41] <mhall119> thanks bfiller
[19:41] <ahayzen> nik90, you just saving the currenttab with the statesaver?
[19:42] * ahayzen has a branch for music that stores the whole stack so it is restorable, even after an app restart
[19:42] <nik90> ahayzen: for now yes...I am planning on other stuff like playback state to ensure that the bottom bar gets shown appropriately when it returns
[19:42] <nik90> ahayzen: do you store anything else?
[19:42] <ahayzen> we are just deciding if you would want you whole stack restored after an app restart
[19:43] <ahayzen> nik90, well i've done it in the Settings API not statesaver
[19:43] <nik90> ahayzen: why? I thought the SDK statesaver was built for this very purpose
[19:43] <ahayzen> nik90, playground here :)
[19:43] <Elleo> \
[19:43] <ahayzen> nik90, well i was thinking about restoring it even after the app has restarted
[19:43] <Elleo> oops
[19:43] <nik90> ahayzen: also statesavers comes into effect *only* when the app is OOM'd
[19:43] <nik90> ahayzen: ah ok
[19:43] <ahayzen> nik90, just to play about .. not sure if to go for it yet still playing about
[19:44] <nik90> ahayzen: well if you want the state restoration even after a normal exit, then settings api is the way to go. I guess there is a design decision involved then
[19:45] <ahayzen> nik90, yeah exactly
[21:28] <jhodapp> popey, ping
[21:28] <popey> jhodapp: pong
[21:28] <jhodapp> popey, can you give silo 25 a quick fix for this bug?
[21:29] <popey> hmmm
[21:29] <jhodapp> popey, on arale
[21:29] <popey> jhodapp: how do I install that?
[21:30] <jhodapp> popey, citrain device-upgrade 25 <device_passphrase> ubuntu
[21:32] <popey> ok
[21:35] <popey> jhodapp: yup, fixed
[21:36] <jhodapp> popey, yay awesome
[21:36] <jhodapp> thanks!
[21:36] <popey> np
[21:36] <popey> Thank you!
[21:36] <popey> ahayzen: ^
[21:36] <ahayzen> popey \o/ yey thanks for the quick fix jhodapp :D
[21:39] <jhodapp> np
[21:39] <jhodapp> it was a good bug to get fixed, would have shown up in other places
[22:05] <nik90> hmm this just happened and I am scarred to use UT as my daily phone a bit
[22:09] <dexteruk> Hi Everyone, just getting to know ubuntu-touch, there seems to be a lot of android stuff boot-loaders, browser etc in here, or have i got it wrong
[22:13] <dexteruk> I have just got the bq Ubuntu Phone, its really want to get to know the OS more, for example how are the drivers loaded as i see nothing in lsmod
[22:18] <Elleo> jdstrand: heya; from the perspective of apps accessing the SD card is there any reason why we apps couldn't have confined access to <SD_Card>/<app_id>? It'd be a massive benefit for apps like podbird or cutespotify, where they download lots of data for use internally to be able to save them direct to the SD card without needing special permissions
[22:19] <dexteruk> why webkit not gecko?
[22:19] <Elleo> -we*
[22:19] <Elleo> dexteruk: the browser uses oxide, which is our own chromium based rendering library
[22:20] <Elleo> dexteruk: and the android stuff is purely for device drivers
[22:20] <Elleo> dexteruk: they get loaded within an LXC container, but I don't know much in the way of details beyond that
[22:22] <dexteruk> Because to be honest im gettting really feed up with big business saying what people can and cannot do, i got the ubuntu phone because i want to have a say... I dont want to be told that videos cannot be played on mobile devices, or 3G dongles wont work in your tablet
[22:23] <dexteruk> Surely we should have control over what the outside world sees from us
[22:24] <dexteruk> if i want to be seen as a mobile device i will goto the mobile version of the site
[22:29] <dexteruk> So please any developers out there, please make ubuntu touch people centric, give us control, let us decide what we share with the outside world
[22:33] <alesage> ahayzen, ping, have a music app weirdness to report, referred by jhodapp
[22:33] <ahayzen> alesage, o/ define weirdness ;)
[22:33] <dexteruk> Elleo: Thanks for the info, sorry for the rant just a little pissed with Android and generally anything to do with big business, i love anything open source its the only way forward
[22:34] <alesage> ahayzen, song view, I seem to have a poisoned track which when tapped opens player-view but won't play, UI appears frozen briefly, later 'back' works, repeat
[22:35] <alesage> ahayzen, unfortunately it'd be hard to reproduce *all* of my actions leading to this point but I can get logs, etc.
[22:35] <ahayzen> alesage, sounds magical :) what format is the file?
[22:36] <alesage> ahayzen, plays otherwise, mp3 I think
[22:36] <ahayzen> alesage, are you able to send me that file that is having an issue... or is there anythign strange in the media-hub/music-app logs?
[22:37] <alesage> ahayzen, I'm tailing the music-app log, propose to send all, there are some error-ish items here
[22:37] <alesage> ahayzen, I'll open a bug?
[22:37] <ahayzen> alesage, could you pastebin them so i can see?
[22:40] <alesage> ahayzen, this'll be quite long
[22:40] <ahayzen> alesage, do you know what the track is called so i can find it?
[22:41] <ahayzen> alesage, 04- A Waste Land.mp3?
[22:41] <alesage> ahayzen, Gopacapulco :)
[22:42] <ahayzen> alesage, nothing unusual in the logs... can you pastebin the media-hub one as well?
[22:42] <alesage> ahayzen, one sec
[22:42] <ahayzen> alesage, also which device is this?
[22:42] <ahayzen> alesage, oh hang on...
[22:43] <alesage>
[22:43] <ahayzen> Caught runtime exception from mediascanner: Could not find media ///home/phablet/Music/music to test by/01 - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Gopacapulco.mp3
[22:43] <alesage> ahayzen, ^^
[22:43] <ahayzen> alesage, mediascanner2 log as well please :)
[22:43] <alesage> now my poor taste in music is exposed to the intarnetz
[22:44] <ahayzen> lol
[22:44] <alesage> ahayzen,
[22:44] <jhodapp> lol
[22:45] <jhodapp> ahayzen, that's normal
[22:45] <ahayzen> oh its not ms2 for once :) magic
[22:46] <ahayzen> its weird like the lookup in ms2 failed once...other than that when it has been attempted to be played music-app seems ok
[22:46] <jhodapp> ahayzen, I'll probably even be ripping out that code eventually once the tracklist stuff is complete
[22:46] <ahayzen> alesage, are you able to send me the track?
[22:47] <alesage> ahayzen, sure via e-mail maybe?
[22:47] <ahayzen> alesage, yeah or i can download via a cloud share?
[22:47] <melvster> hi guys ... ubuntu touch is awesome, I just bought a touch screen acer v11 and put ubuntu 15.10 on it ... it all works perfectly like a tablet, has this been true since 14.04 or is it new for 15.10? AMAZING!!
[22:47] <ahayzen> whichever is easiest
[22:48] <melvster> most of what I use is responsive web apps anyway, so it really is a tablet experience for me out of the box ...
[22:48] <ahayzen> jhodapp, you don't see anything odd in this media-hub log when playing "Gopacapulco" ?
[22:50] <ahayzen> alesage, is it bad if it plays on my device?
[22:51] <jhodapp> ahayzen, nope, looks good to me...someone played it, paused it and then stopped
[22:51] <ahayzen> alesage, are you on arale?
[22:51] <alesage> ahayzen, yessir
[22:51] <ahayzen> alesage, have you updated to the latest latest image? yesterdays one was a bit broken
[22:51] <alesage> again it plays under other scenarios, just found a blockage and wanted to report in case there's a real bug there
[22:51] <alesage> ahayzen, yes I'm fresh as of 30 min, image-testing as it happens
[22:52] <ahayzen> hmm
[22:52] <ahayzen> alesage, are you able to isolate the logs around a specific instance of the issue?
[22:52] <ahayzen> as there are lots of repeats and its difficult to tell which one may be the one that plays/doesn't play
[22:52] <jhodapp> melvster, glad you like it!
[22:52] <alesage> actually it's at the very end, ahayzen, stopped activity to report
[22:53] <alesage> I'll produce a fresh one if that helps
[22:53] <ahayzen> hmmm
[22:53] <melvster> jhodapp: I love it, been running ubuntu touch on the nexus4 for a year now, but this is a whole new level on a 11 inch screen, do you know which version of ubuntu this happened in, is it new for 15.10?
[22:53] <alesage> freaky, right?
[22:53] <ahayzen> alesage, so what exactly happens it just stops and doesn't play?
[22:54] <jhodapp> melvster, I don't, it's been in there for a while to my knowledge
[22:54] <melvster> awesome! great work all! :D
[22:54] <alesage> song view, songs listed => tap gopacapulco => player view opens, no sound, UI appears unresponsive
[22:54] <alesage> moments later, 'back' works, go back and repeat indefinitely
[22:55] <alesage> seems to be the same for other songs fwiw
[22:55] <alesage> my queue is in a weird state maybe
[22:55] <ahayzen> and does the sound ever work?
[22:55] <ahayzen> if you then say hit play?
[22:56] <alesage> ahayzen, no never
[22:56] <ahayzen> magic
[22:56] <alesage> ahayzen, actually exploring a little, e.g. through album view, same phenomenon from all when entering the player proper, no sound
[22:57] <ahayzen> alesage, jhodapp, this part sounds bad... Failed to start a new media-hub player session: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
[22:57] <ahayzen> Failed to create a new media player backend. Video playback will not function.
[22:57] <ahayzen> L1529 as the app is starting
[22:57] <ahayzen> alesage, has your media-hub-server crashed?
[22:58] <jhodapp> ahayzen, seems media-hub died
[22:58] <ahayzen> ...L1529 in this log
[22:58] <ahayzen> does that show up in the media-hub log though?
[22:58] <alesage> fwiw jhodapp ahayzen
[22:58] * ahayzen blames jhodapp ;)
[22:58] <jhodapp> alesage, it's set to auto restart, so it's probably a new media-hub-server process
[22:59] <alesage> pid looks low though . . .
[22:59] <alesage> if I bounce it and it works what does that mean?
[23:01] <alesage> nothing of interest in topo
[23:02] <alesage> I feel like we don't have quite enough infos for a real bug here, is there more to collect jhodapp ahayzen ?
[23:02] <alesage> s/topo/top/
[23:02] <jhodapp> alesage, not really, if you can reproduce this again and again then I'd say file a bug
[23:02] <jhodapp> might just be an edge case instance
[23:03] <alesage> jhodapp, ok we'll archive what we have and I'll start fresh
[23:03] <jhodapp> alesage, ok awesome
[23:12] <mcphail> Can anyone confirm a bug in the music app/ media player for me?
[23:12] <ahayzen> mcphail, i can in music.. which bug?
[23:13] <mcphail> ahayzen: music player/media app won't play a file in a subdirectory with a # symbol in the path
[23:13] <mcphail> ahayzen: e.g. not under "30 #1 hits"
[23:14] <mcphail> ahayzen: i _think_ this is what is causing my problem...
[23:14] <ahayzen> mcphail, interesting ... let me try
[23:15] <ahayzen> mcphail, yeah that breaks it
[23:15] <mcphail> ahayzen: is it the music player or media-hub which breaks?
[23:15] <ahayzen> mcphail, music
[23:15] <mcphail> ahayzen: ok, i'll file a bug
[23:16] <ahayzen> mcphail, hang on just want to check which project to file against...
[23:16] <mcphail> ok
[23:16] <ahayzen> jhodapp, i'm getting this back is this us or you?
[23:16] <jhodapp> all you ;)
[23:17] <jhodapp> haha, let me look
[23:17] * ahayzen spots ms2 mentioned
[23:17] <ahayzen> maybe its the third part of the triangle this time
[23:17] <jhodapp> ahayzen, that's an error that gstreamer couldn't decode the file
[23:17] <ahayzen> ah
[23:17] <ahayzen> jhodapp, #'s are allowed in uris right?
[23:18] <jhodapp> ahayzen, in theory, but try without it
[23:18] <ahayzen> jhodapp, well the bug mcphail is reporting is that if you have a # it breaks audio playback...i just added a # and now i can't play that track
[23:19] <ahayzen> jhodapp, just wondered if the bug should be against music/mh or?
[23:19] <jhodapp> ahayzen, seems it's gstreamer since it got down to the mh level, so file it against mh
[23:19] <ahayzen> ok mcphail ^^ against media-hub please
[23:20] <mcphail> ahayzen: will do
[23:20] <ahayzen> mcphail, and if you reference that pastebin it could be useful
[23:20] <mcphail> ahayzen: np
[23:20] <jhodapp> thanks mcphail
[23:20] <ahayzen> thanks
[23:29] <mcphail> bug 1449790 reported
[23:30] <ahayzen> mcphail, thanks :)
[23:31] <mcphail> ahayzen: my pleasure | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.626700 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-touch"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-mir | [03:29] <duflu> camako, tmpRAOF: Forgot to mention - vGEM (2.0?) in kernel 4.1 sounds interesting. Seems to solve the performance problems (and PRIME support) for generalized software rendering support
[03:45] <duflu> camako, RAOF: I suspect it doesn't solve the KMS bit though. But other projects do
[03:45] <RAOF> Yeah, you still need some way of modesetting.
[03:46] <duflu> Although I don't like saying "you need kernel 4.1", I do like that vGEM aims to solve performance issues that I had hoped to (and never expected to realistically) ever fix myself
[16:25] <alan_g> kdub: does this resolve the confusion?
[16:28] <kdub> alan_g, I guess a bit closer, maybe i'm just pointing out that if width_inc is not set, then its the same thing as setting it to 1
[16:29] <alan_g> kdub: yes, that's a possible server implementation.
[16:29] <kdub> alan_g, and in the comment, it says "(if set, otherwise 0)"
[16:30] <alan_g> in the comment it says "*min_width* (if set, otherwise 0)"
[16:31] <kdub> alan_g, ah, there's the source of the confusion
[16:32] <kdub> alan_g, okay then lgtm
[16:35] <alan_g> alf_: is this clearer?
[22:38] <robert_ancell> willcooke sent me a command for running Xmir on convergence devices "MIR_SOCKET=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/mir_socket Xmir --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/los.desktop". What provides /usr/bin/Xmir?
[22:43] <anpok> it used to be in here:
[22:47] <robert_ancell> anpok, interesting - that package provides /usr/bin/Xmir but the standard package in the archives does not | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.632769 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-mir"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-ko | [00:00] <Work^Seony> 흐... 마우스 하나에 3만원이면 쎄긴 하네요
[00:00] <AutoWiZ_znc> 뭔가 검색을 잘못한건가 ... 싶기도 하네요 갑자기 컴맹된 느낌 ㅠㅠ
[00:09] <jun__> 안녕하세요~
[00:09] <jun__> 맨날 인사만 하고 사라지는 아웃사이더의 등장입니다! ㅎㅎ
[00:12] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎ 안녕하세요
[00:13] <jun__> Seony님 오랫만 인사드려요~ ㅎㅎ
[00:14] <ready^T420> -0-
[00:14] <ready^T420> ㅠㅠ 저에 대한 환영이 아니었어
[00:14] <ready^T420> 저도 -0- 오랜만인데요.
[00:16] <jun__> ready^T420 안녕하세요~ ㅎㅎㅎ
[00:16] <ready^T420> (ㅡ_-..
[00:16] <AutoWiZ_znc> jun 님 ready 님 안녕하세요
[00:18] <jun__> AutoWiz_znc 님 안녕하세요~~ 오늘은 따듯한 인사가 오가는 훈훈한 화요일이네요
[00:18] <ready^T420> 우분투 서버가
[00:18] <ready^T420> =_= 돌아가신 건가요
[00:20] <jun__> 으흑????????? 서버 죽었었어요..?? 왜 전 몰랐지..?
[00:23] <ready^T420> 페북에서 보고 알았어요.
[00:29] <AutoWiZ_znc> 음...
[00:29] <AutoWiZ_znc> 자료만 안날아갔으면 싶네요 ㅋㅋ
[00:30] <AutoWiZ_znc> ㅋㅋ 는 잘못나갔습니다...
[00:30] <AutoWiZ_znc> 싶네요 ㅠㅠ
[00:32] <ready^T420> CTO 설득해서 서버 데려오는게 어떠냐고
[00:32] <ready^T420> 물어보는데 답이 없
[00:33] <ready^T420> 하긴.. 저희 회사와봐야 =_=.. 따로 전산실이 없어서..
[00:33] <ready^T420> 회선구성은 따로 할 수 있는데 UPS도 없고 뭐 -
[00:33] <ready^T420> 저희도 서버를 외부에서 쓰는 판에
[00:35] <ready^T420> 잠시~
[00:36] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저 아시는분 IDC 하시는데 좀 많이 친해서
[00:36] <AutoWiZ_znc> 거기 넣을까도 생각중이긴 합니다만.
[00:49] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ
[00:55] <jun__> 저희 회사는 서버실이 있긴한데.... 그리 큰편도 아니구;;;;
[00:57] <Work^Seony> 저도 그래봐야 랙 2개 관리합니다 ㅎㅎ
[00:59] <ujuc> 안녕하세요 :)
[00:59] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요
[00:59] <ujuc> :)
[01:01] <jun__> 안뇽하세요~
[01:04] <TaeheeJang> 안녕하세요
[01:04] <Work^Seony> 리그베다위키 참 아쉽네요. 무쟈게 사랑했는데 ㅋ
[01:04] <Work^Seony> 그래도 나무위키가 생겨났으니 다행입니다
[01:08] <jun__> ..? 리그베다위키? 나무위키?
[01:08] <jun__> 전 모르는게 너무 많네요;;;
[01:09] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저도 모르는거네요 ㅠㅠ
[01:09] <AutoWiZ_znc> 출장 갑니다 ~ ㅠㅠ
[01:10] <Work^Seony> 울나라 위키 사이트 중 이용자 방문율 3위를 자랑하는 곳이죠
[01:10] <Work^Seony> 일명 "오타쿠 위키"라고 해서, 오만가지 잡다한 지식들이 넘쳐납니다
[01:10] <ujuc> 두개로 나뉜것같던데..
[01:10] <ujuc> 나무위키로 가야겠군요..
[01:10] <Work^Seony> 두개로 나뉘긴 했는데, 나무위키가 제대로 포크된 곳이에요
[01:10] <ujuc> 리그베다위키가 무너지고 위키 세계에.. 춘추 전국시대가..
[01:11] <ujuc> 오홍~~
[01:12] <Work^Seony> jun__, 엔하위키 라고 하면 아실지도...
[01:27] <Dracokr> 음...엔하위키게 몇개 내용 추가 했었는데
[01:27] <Dracokr> 망했나요.
[01:29] <ujuc> 원소스그를 가지고 있던 사이트가 망했는데 모르겟네요..;;
[01:37] <HolyKnight> @sungmoon: Rails로 웹 개발 경험 있는 분 있으면 연락주세요. [email protected]
[01:42] <Dracokr> 아..미치겠다...
[01:42] <Dracokr> 저희회사가 온라인 쇼핑몰인데요
[01:44] <Dracokr> 1. 고객이 재고 2개 남은 상품을 2개 주문함. 2. 주문후 시스템이 당연히 재고 0으로 품절처리 해버림. 3. 이 고객은 그걸 보고 품절이니 주문이 진행이 안될거라 추측하고 주문취소함. 4. 시스템은 당연히 재고를 2로 복구함. 5. 재고가 다시 살아나자 고객이 다시 주문함. 6. 품절 처리됨. 7. 고객이 그걸 보고 다시 주문 취소. 8. 재고 2로 복구됨. 9. 고객
[01:44] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[01:57] <jun__> 어제 잠을 못자서 그런지... 굉장히 피곤하네요...
[01:57] <jun__> 생각보다 시간도 안가구...
[01:59] <Work^Seony> 몇시간 주무셨어요?
[02:00] <ujuc> ㅎㅎㅎ Dracokr, 힘드시겠네요..ㅋㅋㅋ
[02:01] <jun__> 3시간인가? 3시간 반이요.... 전 평소에도 8시간 가량은 자야하는데... 미달되니까 살짝 멍해요;;;
[02:02] <Work^Seony> 흐 3시간.... 어지럽겠는데요...
[02:03] <jun__> 평소에도 5시간 정도 주무시는분이면 저보고 뭘 그러냐고 하시겠지만.... 전 잠을 사랑한답니다~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[02:03] <jun__> 주말에는 해가 머리위에 떠 있지 않는한 일어나지 않죠 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:03] <Work^Seony> 저도 잠을 무쟈게 사랑하죠 ㅎㅎ
[02:03] <jun__> 음.. 이야기 하다보니 저도 굉장히 게으른거 같아요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:04] <ujuc> 헉...
[02:04] <ujuc> 3시간이면... 힘들죠..
[02:05] <jun__> 요새 느끼는건데요... 나이가 젊다고 다 체력이 좋은건 아닌거 같아요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:05] <ujuc> ㅎㅎㅎ :)
[02:05] <Work^Seony> 젊으면 좋습니다 ㅋ
[02:05] <jun__> 어쩔땐 20살때의 저의 모습보다 지금이 더 좋을때도 있는데
[02:05] <Work^Seony> 20대 후반까지만 해도 밤 샐 수 있었는데, 이젠 못새요...
[02:06] <jun__> 전 밤을 새라면 샐수 있는데요.. 대신 여파가 커요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:06] <jun__> 하루 밤새면 2일은 고생하는거 같아요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:07] <ujuc> 전 아직 1루면....
[02:07] <ujuc> 복구가..되긴해요.;;;
[02:07] <Work^Seony> 나혼자산다에 전현무 집에서 엑스박스원 잠깐 나온걸로 게임 커뮤니티가 시끄럽군요 ㅋ
[02:08] <jun__> 전 밤을 새면 낮에 잠들잖아요.. 그럼 밤에 잠을 못자요;; 하루만에 생활패턴이 깨져버려요
[02:08] <jun__> 엑박 원?
[02:08] <ujuc> 헠.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[02:08] <Work^Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ
[02:08] <Work^Seony>
[02:08] <jun__> 한국에 있는 저보다 한국소식을 더 많이 아시는 Seony님 ㅎㅎ
[02:08] <Work^Seony> 아마 전현무가 플스 사서 언차티드 플레이했으면 아마 커뮤니티가 폭발했을 거에요 ㅋㅋ
[02:09] <Work^Seony> jun__, 아무래도 외국에 살다보면 한국 소식을 접하는 유일한 방법이 인터넷 뉴스라, 더 많이 보게되거든요
[02:09] <ujuc> 엑원이 어디에있다는건지.ㅡ.ㅡ;; 게임을 하는것도 아닌데.;;;;
[02:09] <Work^Seony> 티비 아래 있잖아요
[02:09] <ujuc> 패드만본1인.;;
[02:09] <jun__> 티비 아래요 ㅎㅎ
[02:09] <Work^Seony> 키넥트랑 본체
[02:09] <ujuc> 아.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[02:09] <jun__> 저도 얼핏보면 그냥 스피커인줄 알겠는데요 ㅎㅎ
[02:09] <ujuc> 뉘어계시는 저분요?
[02:09] <Work^Seony> 전현무가 플스 사서 언차티드 플레이했으면 커뮤니티가 폭발했을듯 ㅎㅎ
[02:09] <ujuc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[02:10] <Work^Seony> 요즘 블러드본하는데, 무쟈게 재밌어요
[02:10] <Work^Seony> 조낸 재밌다는 말이 입에서 절로 나옵니다 ㅎㅎ
[02:12] <jun__> 전 키보드와 마우스에 익숙해서 콘솔은.....
[02:12] <jun__> 어렸을때부터 가난해서.. 콘솔 게임기를 사본적이 없어요...ㅜㅜ
[02:12] <Work^Seony> 저두 그래요. 나이 먹고 콘솔 샀죠. 콘솔 익숙해지시면 키보드 마우스 못써요 ㅎㅎ
[02:13] <jun__> 콘솔특유의 패드감이라 진동이 찌릿하다는데..
[02:13] <jun__> 요새 PS4나 엑박은 얼마해요?
[02:13] <jun__> 여자친구 생각하면 위를 사야하나..?
[02:14] <Work^Seony> 음... 한국 가격으로는 50만원 하지않나 싶은데요.
[02:14] <Work^Seony> 엑박은 마소가 운영을 개판으로해서 게임가격이 완전 폭락해버렸어요
[02:14] <Work^Seony> 어떻게 보면 싼값에 게임 할 수 있어서 좋긴하죠
[02:14] <Work^Seony> 여자라고 가벼운 게임만 할 거라는 편견을 버리라는 글을 어디서 본 거 같아요 ㅋ
[02:16] <jun__> 제 여자친구가 무거운 게임을... 잘 못해요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:17] <jun__> 지금도 한게임 윷놀이가 짱이야!! 이러면서 하고 있는데요 뭐 ㅎㅎ
[02:17] <Work^Seony> 무서운게임 아니더라도 많이 있어요... 예를 들면 호라이즌 같은 밝은 분위기의 레이싱 게임이나,
[02:17] <Work^Seony> 맥스, 네버얼론 같은 게임도 있꼬..
[02:17] <Work^Seony> GTA V도 무섭지 않구요... ㅎㅎ
[02:18] <Work^Seony> GTA V는 등장인물들의 대사 번역이 너무나도 끝내줘서....
[02:18] <jun__> 아뇨... 무거운 게임이요;;;;
[02:18] <Work^Seony> 아 무거운 게임... ㅎㅎ
[02:18] <jun__> 키 패드로 케릭터를 움직이는게....
[02:18] <jun__> 조금 힘들어 할지도..
[02:18] <Work^Seony> 사실 제 와이프도 패드를 잘 못다뤄요.
[02:18] <jun__> 일단 게임에 오랜시간 투자 하지를 않아요... 게임은 30분안에 끝나야 한대요;;;ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:18] <Work^Seony> 쌍욕하면서, 그래도 하긴 하더라구요 ㅋㅋ
[02:19] <jun__> 저도 Seony님처럼 하스스톤을 해보라고 할까도 생각중이요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:19] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:19] <Work^Seony> 밤 새실지도 몰라요
[02:19] <Work^Seony> 제 와이프 지금 하스스톤 폐인되가는 중이에요
[02:19] <jun__> 요샌 웹툰에 빠져가지고 2~3시까지 폰 잡고 있어요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:20] <Work^Seony> 어쩌면 제 와이프랑 비슷한 루트를 타시겠는데요.. 하스스톤=>웹툰=>하스스톤=>웹툰 무한 반복 ㅎㅎ
[02:20] <jun__> .................................
[02:20] <Work^Seony> 근데 여친께서 게임을 별로 안좋아하시면, 같이하는거 포기하세요
[02:21] <Work^Seony> 저도 제 와이프 계몽시킬려고 무쟈게 노력했는데, 안되더라구요
[02:21] <jun__> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 안되는건 안되더라구요 ㅎㅎ
[02:21] <jun__> 그저 타협점을 찾는게 방법인거 같아요 ㅎㅎ
[02:21] <Work^Seony> 제 와이프는 기본적으로, 찌르고 죽이고 하는걸 제일 싫어하는데, 게임이란게 온통 그런거 밖에 없잖아요
[02:22] <Work^Seony> 그래서 같이 게임할 생각은 포기했죠...
[02:22] <Work^Seony> 아마 블러드본 같은 게임은, 제가 하는거 옆에서 보기라도 하면 평생 잊지못할 트라우마가 남을지도 몰라요 ㅎㅎ
[02:22] <jun__> 헉;;;;;; 그정도인가요;;;;
[02:22] <jun__> 제 여자친구가 유일하게 RPG를 했던게 마비노기인데
[02:22] <Work^Seony> 마녀 할망구한테 잡히면 그자리에서 낫으로 모가지를 따거든요 ㅋㅋ
[02:22] <jun__> 마비노기는 따로 몬스터를 잡지 않아도 할게 많아서 했다고 하더라구요
[02:23] <jun__> 마녀 할망구가.. 목을.. 낫으로....
[02:23] <Work^Seony> 피가 분수처럼 솟구쳐요
[02:23] <jun__> 뭔가 슈퍼내츄럴 스러운;;;
[02:23] <Work^Seony> 근데 액션이 너무나도 화려해서 무쟈게 재밌습니다
[02:23] <Work^Seony> 플스4를 먹여살릴 대작게임이 나왔다고 할 정도에요
[02:24] <jun__> 으흠...
[02:24] <Work^Seony> 첨엔 좀 무서운데요, 계속 하다보면 무서운게 아니라 짜증이 나요 ㅎㅎ 몹들이 너무 쎄서..
[02:25] <jun__> 음... 저는 절대 하면 안되겠네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:26] <Work^Seony> 그런 분위기 싫어하시면 돈 버리시는 거죠 ㅎㅎ
[02:26] <Work^Seony> GTA V 안해보셨으면 꼭 해보세요...
[02:26] <Work^Seony> 정말 재밌어요
[02:26] <Work^Seony> 제 와이프도 옆에서 제가하는거 구경만 해도 재밌다고 할 정도였거든요
[02:26] <jun__> GTA V라... 일단 영상이라도 찾아봐야겠네요 ㅎㅎ
[02:29] <Work^Seony> 너무 많이 보진 마세요. 미리 내용을 알면 재미가 없어서... ㅎㅎ
[02:29] <jun__> 큭~ 피시 하나 새로 장만해야겠는데요 ㅎㅎㅎ
[02:29] <Work^Seony> GTA V는 플4랑 엑박용도 있어요
[02:30] <Work^Seony> 집에 갈 준비나 해야겠습니다
[02:30] <jun__> 음... 요번달 월급좀 세이브 해놓고... 다음달 월급 나오면...
[02:31] <jun__> Seony님 조심히 들어가세요~
[02:32] <Work^Seony> 넵 이따 뵈요
[03:40] <HolyKnight> @sooldog83: 될성부른 맥주는 병 딸 때부터 알아본다고. 병뚜껑 따자마자 커피, 초콜릿쪽 향 진동하기에 상서로운 조짐을 느꼈는데.. 커피, 바닐라가 찐한 무게감으로 빵빵 터짐. 그러면서도 질감은 부드럽고. 과연 100점맥주
[05:09] <imsu> 안녕하세요 ^^
[05:38] <bluedusk> AutoWiZ_znc, 전 이직합니다...
[05:49] <j-u404> bluedusk: 어디로?요...(농담이믄 주금) ㅋ
[05:50] <j-u404> 헐~
[05:59] <bluedusk> jason_kr__, kinx 요
[06:01] <jason_kr__> 위치?
[06:18] <bluedusk> 도곡역이에요
[06:47] <ready^T420> 혹시 고양이 분양받으실분
[06:47] <ready^T420> 계신가요 ..
[06:48] <bluedusk> 아 고양이 키우고 싶은데 ㅠㅠ
[06:48] <ready^T420> 길가에 있는놈을
[06:48] <ready^T420> =_= 회사 여직원이 데려왔습니다.
[06:48] <ready^T420> 아직 애기
[06:48] <ready^T420>
[06:49] <ready^T420> 인스타그램애 분양해가라고 올려놨떠니
[06:49] <ready^T420> 냅다 좋아요만 눌리는 상황
[06:49] <bluedusk> 저 근데
[06:49] <bluedusk> 그냥 회사 여직원을 분양받으면 안될까요?
[06:49] <ready^T420> ...
[06:49] <bluedusk> ......
[06:50] <ready^T420> 신고 당하실 수도..
[06:50] <bluedusk> 왜요?
[06:51] <ready^T420> 메세지를 여직원에게 보여줬거든요
[06:51] <ready^T420> =3=3=3
[06:51] <bluedusk> .....
[06:51] <ready^T420> 엇.. 좋아하네
[06:51] <bluedusk> 헐 그럼 여직원분이 절 뭐라 생각하시겠어요?
[06:51] <bluedusk> ....
[06:51] <ready^T420> -_-.. 둘 다 이상함.
[06:51] <ready^T420> .. 좋은가 봅니다.
[06:51] <ready^T420> 근데 너무 어려서
[06:51] <bluedusk> 그렇군요
[06:51] <ready^T420> ...
[06:51] <imsu> thunder mail 을 끄니까 irc 도 꺼지는 구나 ㅠㅠ
[06:51] <bluedusk> 괜찮아요
[06:51] <bluedusk> 저도 어려서
[06:52] <ready^T420> ...
[06:52] <bluedusk> 올해 겨우 35밖에
[06:52] <ready^T420> 벌써 열살차이짐
[06:52] <bluedusk> 딱 좋네요
[06:52] <bluedusk> 제 정신연령은 25일꺼에요
[06:52] <bluedusk> 하는짓은 것보다 더 어릴지도...
[06:53] <imsu> 응 무슨 좋은 일 있으세용? ㅎㅎ
[06:53] <ready^T420> imsu: 아마 곧 bluedusk 님 장가가실지도
[06:53] <bluedusk> imsu, 고양이 분양받으라는걸 제가 여직원 분양해달라고 했다가..
[06:53] <bluedusk> 뭐 여튼 중요한건 전 담달에 이직 합니다.
[06:53] <imsu> bluedusk: 오 ~~ 축하드려요 ~~
[06:53] <ready^T420> 축하드림다
[06:53] <ready^T420> 어디로 가시나요
[06:54] <imsu> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[06:54] <bluedusk> imsu, 감사합니다.. 아마 전에 이력서 들고 오셨으면 ...
[06:54] <bluedusk> 저 kinx 요
[06:54] <ready^T420> 엌
[06:54] <bluedusk> 엌 아세요?
[06:54] <imsu> bluedusk: 네 ?
[06:54] <ready^T420> 작년까지 서비스 이용했다가
[06:54] <ready^T420> 다른 곳으로 갈아탔습니다.
[06:54] <bluedusk> 했다가
[06:54] <imsu> kinx 는 뭐하는 곳?
[06:54] <ready^T420> CDN
[06:54] <bluedusk> 오 안좋나요?
[06:54] <bluedusk> 음
[06:54] <ready^T420> 아뇨 안좋아서가 아니라
[06:54] <imsu> bluedusk: 잘 다니시다가 갑자기 이직은 왜 ㅋㅋㅋ
[06:54] <bluedusk> 전 클라우드쪽으로 가는거라
[06:54] <ready^T420> 최종적으론 AWS 갈아타는거라서
[06:54] <bluedusk> imsu, 뭐 삶이 그렇죠
[06:55] <bluedusk> ready^T420, 저 aws 자격증 따야 하는데
[06:55] <bluedusk> 150$ 이라서 고민중이에요
[06:55] <ready^T420> 저희는 CDN 캐시 서비스 이용했어요
[06:55] <ready^T420> bluedusk: 돈만 있음 따는건가요 -0-.
[06:55] <bluedusk> solution architect 따서 알바 할까요?
[06:55] <bluedusk> ready^T420, 돈만 있음 시험 볼수 잇으니깐요
[06:55] <ready^T420> =_= 보는것과 붙는것은 별개..
[06:56] <bluedusk> 그렇군요
[06:56] <bluedusk> 뭐 여튼 여직원분 어디가셨나요?
[06:56] <bluedusk> 제 연락처 드리면 되나요?
[06:56] <ready^T420> -0-..
[06:56] <ready^T420> 회의갔나 봅니다
[06:56] <imsu> 여기 저기 여직원들만 찾는구나 ~ ㅋㅋㅋ
[06:56] <ready^T420> 답변이 없는 것을 보니
[06:57] <ready^T420> 박스에 가둬놓은 길냥이 좀 보고 오겠습니다.
[06:57] <bluedusk> 독일어나 배울까
[07:01] <imsu> 독일어? 구텐탁? ㅋㅋ
[07:05] <ready^T420> bluedusk: 아직 맘의 준비가 안됐다는군요
[07:06] <bluedusk> 안타깝군요
[10:02] <HolyKnight>
[10:25] <pchero_work> HolyKnight: 좋은 글 감사합니다. ㅎㅎㅎ 정독중이에요. :)
[10:25] <HolyKnight> 네 ㅎㅎ
[14:38] <Demonion> ㅎㅇㅇ
[14:49] <pchero_work> 하이욤
[20:30] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요
[23:55] <imsu> Work^Seony: 안녕하세요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
[23:56] <Work^Seony> imsu, hi
[23:56] <Work^Seony> 요즘 간간히 챗 하네 ㅎㅎ
[23:58] <imsu> Work^Seony: 그냥 갑자기 생각이 들더라고요 ㅎㅎㅎ 회사에서 혼자 우분투 설치해서 쓰고 있거든요 ㅋㅋㅋ
[23:58] <Work^Seony> 오... 그럼 다들 맥 아니면 윈도우? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.644725 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ko"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-release | [12:45] <tjaalton> infinity: so, lts-vivid.. got time for that today?
[12:46] <infinity> tjaalton: Xish bits? Yeah, I can find the time to start looking.
[12:47] <tjaalton> llvm-toolchain-3.6 needs to be acked/built before mesa (not uploaded yet), then xserver
[12:47] <tjaalton> and after these the rest
[12:47] <tjaalton> drivers
[12:47] <infinity> tjaalton: I see none of them in the queue.
[12:47] <tjaalton> hmm
[12:47] <tjaalton> should be
[12:48] <tjaalton> new queue
[12:48] <infinity> Derp.
[12:48] <tjaalton> libdrm too, for armhf
[12:48] <infinity> I also need to wake up.
[12:48] <tjaalton> heh
[12:50] <infinity> tjaalton: Going to strap on the ol' caffeine rifle and go hunt down a coffee, then I'll look at llvm. Feel free to upload more bits, just let me know the order in which they need love.
[12:50] <tjaalton> sure, I'll be back in 30 to fix mesa
[12:50] <tjaalton> the ppa version is older than what's in vivid
[12:51] <infinity> apw: Since we didn't finish reviewing the kernel at the release sprint, will you have time to sort us out this week?
[13:03] <apw> infinity, should do indeed
[13:12] <infinity> tjaalton: Oh nice, llvm is a straight backport with no changes? I like to see that.
[13:13] * infinity lets that build, then goes coffee hunting.
[13:17] <tjaalton> infinity: yeah indeed
[15:32] <tjaalton> infinity: llvm is still building on armhf, others are ready. uploaded mesa-lts-vivid just a moment ago
[20:58] * tumbleweed wonders if we'll ever have a name...
[21:08] <ogra_> we'll just call it the-w-thing
[21:09] <tumbleweed> warty2.0
[21:09] <cjwatson> infinity: when do you time out and call it wascally wabbit?
[21:09] <infinity> cjwatson: wascawwy.
[21:10] <cjwatson> of course.
[21:10] <infinity> cjwatson: And I dunno. I kinda like paying my rent.
[21:10] <teward> did W series get a name selected yet or no?
[21:10] * teward is curious :P
[21:10] <infinity> cjwatson: So, frustration level might have to get up there a bit.
[21:11] <infinity> teward: Yes, and no.
[21:11] <teward> mind.state() == imploded.
[21:14] <cjwatson> oh, is it one of those? that's annoying.
[21:17] <infinity> cjwatson: Quite.
[21:17] <infinity> cjwatson: The sabdfl giveth and the sabdfl taketh thy name. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.652892 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-release"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-motu | [05:48] <pipedream> mitya57: I think my symlink/directory packaging problem was due to the change from folder to symlink in an upgrade:
[06:43] <mitya57> pipedream: well, you said that symlink was replaced with a directory at build time, not at install time
[06:48] <varp> Hello, everyone! =)
[06:48] <varp> I have compiled snort package in my PPA
[06:48] <dholbach> good morning
[06:48] <varp> i've compiled the package from ubuntu upstream
[06:49] <varp> what i mean
[06:49] <varp> bzr branch ubuntu:snort
[06:49] <varp> the last version of snort in the ubuntu upstream is
[06:50] <varp> as may you know, new version of snort is out
[06:50] <varp> ohh sory
[06:50] <varp>
[06:51] <varp> i've made decision to update package in the snort package in my ppa
[06:51] <varp> sorry for a long prelude =)
[06:51] <varp> i've done following for building new version
[06:52] <varp> 1. bzr branch ubuntu:snort
[06:52] <varp> 2. download the snort latest tarball
[06:53] <varp> 3. bzr merege-upstream /path/to/latest/snort/tarball
[06:53] <varp> The question is
[06:53] <varp> Is that correct way of updating package to the new upstream ?
[06:57] <varp> Why i asking. When i did these steps I confront with that, I need to fix quilt patches manually
[06:59] <varp> Any suggestions ?
[07:14] <varp> Any help gents ?
[07:33] <varp> Guys how i can skip applying patches during bzr buildeb ?
[08:36] <pipedream> mitya57: no, it is an upgrade issue, I was wrong, it was not at build time
[08:37] <pipedream> mitya57: the deb says it contains a symlink
[08:37] <pipedream> so it was at install time
[08:37] <pipedream> (a new install would not show this problem, oly an upgrade)
[08:39] <mitya57> Then you need to remove the old directory in preinst
[15:10] <Rhonda> hmm
[15:10] <Rhonda> vivid released, but what's the new devel release?
[15:10] <Rhonda> Because "devel" still claims its codename is vivid?
[15:14] <Laney> unknown ...
[15:21] <Rhonda> unknown is a strange codename
[15:21] <Rhonda> unknown unicorn? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.656935 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-motu"
} |
2015-04-28-#lubuntu | [05:01] <stormey> part
[05:09] <Bob-> i downloaded lubuntu v15.04 , burned it to a dvd, and tried to boot up off the just burned cd, when i try, it either does not boot up off the cd/freezes during CD boot, or when it does boot, it gives the following error code: booting kernal failed: invalid argument. does anyone know about this issue?
[05:57] <gassho> Running 14.04.2 LXLE, IRC works, HTTP doesn't.
[05:58] <gassho> Synaptic doesn't have much success either for me at this moment.
[06:00] <Unit193> gassho: For LXLE support please use their support medium, or
[06:01] <gassho> Oh I thought that LXLE was based on Lubuntu...
[06:01] <Unit193> Last I knew it was.
[06:04] <wxl> someone needs to tell him that since LXDE is based on Lubuntu and Lubuntu is based on Ubuntu which is based on Debian, he
[06:04] <wxl> s' clearly in the wrong channel
[06:04] <wxl> :)
[06:05] <wxl> s/DE/LE/ | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.659163 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#lubuntu"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-pl | [05:01] <xz_> Cześć. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.659889 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-pl"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-kernel | [10:49] <henrix> dgadomski: i'm seeing a failure verifying bug #1124250 . could you please have a look?
[10:50] <henrix> dgadomski: the failure doesn't come from the original reporter, so it is possible the user is having a different issue
[11:31] <dgadomski> henrix: hey, I will ask the user about it, but I suspect that he didn't extend his key quota, I'll confirm that
[11:32] <henrix> dgadomski: awesome, thanks
[14:54] <jsalisbury> **
[14:54] <jsalisbury> ** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Canceled**
[19:25] <cristian_c> jsalisbury, hello
[19:28] <jsalisbury> cristian_c, hi
[19:30] <cristian_c> jsalisbury, sorry, I'd like to know if there any news about the kernel build
[19:31] <jsalisbury> cristian_c, I still haven't completely narrowed it down. I'll make time to take another look at it this week.
[19:33] <cristian_c> jsalisbury, ok, thanks | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.662265 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-kernel"
} |
2015-04-28-#lubuntu-devel | [00:17] * wxl waves
[00:19] <ianorlin> hi wxl
[00:20] <wxl> ianorlin: here's a quick and easy task: triage this bug 854261. looks like we even got a fix
[00:20] <wxl> i
[00:20] <wxl> 'm still on the bus home so not up to confirming and such XD
[00:23] <Unit193> wxl: You know about OFTC/#debian-lxqt and #lxde I'd presume/hope?
[00:23] <wxl> Unit193: nawt #debian-lxqt but thx
[01:04] <wxl> hey Unit193 do you know some rule somewhere that a major feature can't go into an LTS unless it's survived a cycle? i'm thinknig about whether or not it's concievable to get into 16.04 if we msis 15.10 with lxqt
[01:04] <Unit193> You can, if it's a good idea is another question.
[01:05] <wxl> true true
[01:06] <Unit193> First release with LXQt, needing to be supported for 3 years. Yep, sounds like fun.
[01:06] <wxl> hahahah
[01:06] <wxl> thanks for being ye olde voice of reason Unit193
[01:07] <Unit193> Heh, sure.
[01:07] <Unit193> ...Though normally I'm the insane one.
[01:07] <wxl> really?
[01:08] <Unit193> Ask bluesabre.
[01:08] <wxl> bluesabre: so i hear you're Unit193's psychiatrist?
[01:08] <wxl> ;)
[01:08] <wxl> afk
[01:08] <bluesabre> I don't charge him because I feel sorry for him
[01:17] <ianorlin> haha
[20:54] <rafaellaguna> ta dah!
[20:55] <wxl> good boy rafaellaguna :)
[20:55] <rafaellaguna> woof!
[20:55] <wxl> also rafaellaguna we talk about lubuntu admin kind of stuff here, too. so it's not just about development of code, but the general direction for the team as a whole
[20:55] <wxl> that's why e.g. ianorlin is here
[20:56] <rafaellaguna> oh hello ianorlin!
[20:56] <rafaellaguna> who is bluesabre?
[20:56] <wxl> rafaellaguna: bluesabre is apparently the guy providing psychiatric help to Unit193's tormented soul
[20:56] <rafaellaguna> O.O
[20:57] <wxl> see all the conversation's you've missed? :)
[20:57] <rafaellaguna> and what about MY needs? assign me one. now.
[20:57] * wxl hands rafaellaguna a cookie
[20:57] <rafaellaguna> no, I have no bounce for the past. this is "my first time" (omg, I said it)
[20:57] <wxl> hehe
[20:59] <rafaellaguna> and who is ochosi?
[20:59] <ochosi> ehm, me?
[20:59] <rafaellaguna> HELLO!
[20:59] <ochosi> no need to shout
[20:59] <rafaellaguna> :D
[21:00] <wxl> ochosi: rafaellaguna was merely inquiring as to who the strange face was
[21:00] <ochosi> right, i wasn't aware that my face was strange
[21:00] <rafaellaguna> not strictly his face, wxl. his hair is my concern
[21:01] <wxl> shhh, rafaellaguna, your orientation is starting to show :)
[21:01] <ochosi> either way, i'm xubuntu's project and artwork lead
[21:01] <rafaellaguna> what orientation?
[21:01] <wxl> oh cool! you just hanging out here for fun, ochosi ?
[21:01] <ochosi> yeah, mostly
[21:01] <wxl> rafaellaguna: the less straight one :)
[21:01] <rafaellaguna> oh that. yeah.
[21:01] <ochosi> used to hang out in #lubuntu, but then Unit193 told me about this channel
[21:01] <Unit193> ochosi: I've seen it. Yep.
[21:02] <wxl> ah cool so Unit193's been inviting all his friends then
[21:02] <rafaellaguna> an artwork colleague? nice!
[21:30] <gsilva> rafaellaguna, were you able to publish stuff using bzr?
[21:31] <wxl> gsilva: i think it makes sense to keep admin-level discussion here. offtopic really should be for OFFTOPIC matters :)
[21:31] <gsilva> Alright then. I'll use this one then
[21:31] <gsilva> Beforehand: Did you have time to read the email I sent this morning?
[21:31] <gsilva> Well, morning in my timezone :P
[21:31] <wxl> yes but i haven't managed a reply yet
[21:31] <wxl> and it likely will not come until way later
[21:32] <gsilva> Okay, do you have time to discuss the thread here? It seems you were the only one interested so let's try to plan something together
[21:32] <gsilva> I fear doing something terribly stupid that can hurt me in the future. Apologies for nagging you constantly, but you're the only one that likes my ideas :D
[21:33] <wxl> yeah i'd be happy to discuss
[21:33] <wxl> and no worries
[21:33] <wxl> and also i'm not the only one that likes your ideas :)
[21:33] <gsilva> Well, no one else replied to the email, so I'm assuming most of the guys called me a jerk, like "Who the hell is this guy?"
[21:33] <gsilva> Anyway, let's move on the topic then:
[21:34] <gsilva> There's a huge problem in the background that is related with how people perceive the open source world. In my perspective, only Canonical can change that but I am not seeing anything I can do to start something from there.
[21:34] <gsilva> Adjusting what we do, maybe will get more people interested - the objective, mission and goal thing I mentioned in the email.
[21:35] <gsilva> The UOS may be a good opportunity to openly talk about this, but I am not sure if I'm the right guy to do it since I am very critical about Canonical and the Community itself. Also, I'm not sure if we do organize (or try to) a dedicated thread or start from one of them
[21:36] <wxl> yes open source is a problem
[21:36] <wxl> it's hard to get people to volunteer, even for an animal shelter (to reference your example)
[21:36] <wxl> but the community needs nurturing
[21:36] <wxl> constantly
[21:36] <wxl> and recognition is very important
[21:36] <gsilva> I know, but the people that do it, they feel motivated to do it. And when they achieve something, they sleep better. Unfortunately, the open source world seems a copy monkey of what others do and that is so worng, specially when there's a lot more that we can do/achieve
[21:36] <wxl> this is why i tend do to try call out major accomplishments and attribute them to the people doing them
[21:36] <gsilva> I believe in that
[21:37] <gsilva> Yes, incentives also play a very important role here, indeed
[21:37] <wxl> people in open source do what they do because they love it
[21:37] <wxl> and they realize that they can actually participate where in the rest of the software industry, it's a walled palace
[21:38] <gsilva> I like the Open Source world because it is where I found most of the exciting people and talented ones too. Also, there's people that dedicates their free-time to animal shelters, feeding homeless people and such. We dedicate our spare time to improve our world
[21:38] <gsilva> isn't that it, in the end? Rather we are copying others or building new technologies, that's what we do!
[21:39] <gsilva> For instance: Scientific Workplace, the most common LaTeX interpreter in the academic community, costs $200 to a student. With two softwares, they can EASILY replace SWP - Lyx and Maxima
[21:39] <gsilva> and there's a huge load of information out there!
[21:39] <wxl> i guess i'm confused about where you're frustrated exactly. i know some things are lost in translation and that may be it
[21:39] <gsilva> I'm not frustrated :D
[21:39] <wxl> oh ok
[21:40] <gsilva> You're talking about incentives and I'm talking about how having a purpose helps people feeling performed in the end
[21:40] <wxl> ahhhh
[21:40] <wxl> yes
[21:40] <wxl> so here's what i've learned in management:
[21:40] <wxl> no one has the same motivator
[21:40] <gsilva> And I know we are not all equal, but that satisfies me when I accomplish something, regardless of the people's reactions
[21:40] <wxl> for some people, it's money or some sort of tangible compensation
[21:40] <gsilva> yes, that's true
[21:40] <wxl> for other people, it is accomplishing a purpose, making a difference in the world
[21:41] <wxl> for other people, it's an acknowledgement of ttheir efforts
[21:41] <wxl> so i'm not talking about incentives in a vacuum, but saying that's one of a bunch of things we should do
[21:41] <gsilva> Yes, agree. Then we should NOT focus on the first group of people, right?
[21:41] <gsilva> There are good, non-materialistic folks out there.
[21:41] <wxl> well, the shirts may be of value to them
[21:42] <gsilva> well, in the case of a design, I think that is sweet to do. Like, design our logo and we'll offer the winner a t-shirt with the brand-new logo
[21:42] <gsilva> that's cute, IMO
[21:42] <gsilva> that's one example: I confess I don't remember much about your plans
[21:42] <wxl> it's ok
[21:42] <wxl> i haven't been too specific
[21:42] <wxl> but my idea was essentially gamification
[21:43] <gsilva> like?
[21:43] <wxl> like a game
[21:43] <wxl> there's rules to the game
[21:43] <gsilva> winner has a prize, is that what you mean with gamification
[21:43] <gsilva> ?
[21:43] <wxl> and there is an advantage for new players
[21:43] <wxl> yep and it's point based
[21:44] <wxl> and for peopel that do more difficult moves
[21:44] <gsilva> I'm asking because there's the theory of games, so I thought you were referring to that
[21:44] <wxl> most points wins :)
[21:44] <wxl> yeah not that :)
[21:44] <gsilva> Yeah, I see. Well, I find it interesting indeed, but very difficult to achieve
[21:44] <wxl> i think i can do it
[21:44] <wxl> but that's only one of things we want to do
[21:45] <wxl> i think we should do a sort of marketing piece on the amazing things that people do with lubuntu
[21:45] <gsilva> What about this: What if we organize regular online summits where we organize interesting online conferences, TLs can communicate and show what they do and such?
[21:45] <wxl> like marc tremblay and his school system
[21:45] <gsilva> People may feel motivated to participate if they realize they can appear and have a digital record that they were there
[21:45] <wxl> well the online summits are regular, but if you mean we have regular meetings more often, yes!
[21:45] <gsilva> yes, I meant more often :)
[21:45] <wxl> phillw seemed like he was the primary person behind that and they haven't been done since
[21:45] <wxl> yeah we should do that again
[21:46] <wxl> gsilva: you want to take on the task of organizing them?
[21:46] <wxl> it's pretty easy really
[21:46] <gsilva> Okay, that's doable. But that's useful for further steps. We first need to find users. I'm guessing that phillw eventually got tired of trying to organize them and people didn't present contents to show
[21:46] <wxl> no, i think he got pissed at how the council treated him
[21:47] <gsilva> OH!, you mean the UOS sprints? No, I meant dedicated sessions to our community - unless other communities want to participate, of course!
[21:47] <wxl>
[21:48] <gsilva> Those kind, yes, but online
[21:48] <wxl> online means not irc?
[21:48] <gsilva> Interviewing TLs and do questions, interact with the community
[21:48] <gsilva> Sorry. Video stuff
[21:48] <wxl> one sec
[21:49] <gsilva> Record hangouts (or whatever) and post online. Take notes of the meeting and post them on pastebin or ubuntupad or something like that so that people can read
[21:49] <gsilva> Magazines like "OMGUbuntu" can pick specific parts and do another news from us. Raise our awareness, basically
[21:50] <gsilva> Do conferences like: How can Open Source change your country/life, specific tecnologies being developed under the hood
[21:50] <gsilva> Are you following the idea? I'm not sure if this was the kind of conferences you guys organized before
[22:16] <wxl> gsilva: sorry work meeting :(
[22:17] <gsilva> no problem. If this time is not suitable to you we can postpone this discussion
[22:17] <wxl> gsilva: no it's fine
[22:17] <wxl> gsilva: so my only concern about hangouts/skype/any other solution i've found is two fold:
[22:17] <gsilva> being -5 or -4 is complicated. It's like 11:20 pm xD
[22:18] <wxl> 1. there's a limit to how many people can join in and still have the audio/video function well
[22:18] <gsilva> I mention those two but I know there are some more suitable apps
[22:18] <wxl> 2. hangouts is not free and that will irk some people (though that's never bothered ubuntu and several other free software things i know of)
[22:18] <gsilva> Hangouts is not free? What? :o
[22:19] <wxl> gsilva: hey do you know where to download the code?
[22:19] <gsilva> I don't want to use Hangouts anyone since there a lot of people here that are really against Google
[22:19] <gsilva> You mean they are closed source then
[22:19] <wxl> in our world, when we say free we mean free as in freedom, not beer :)
[22:19] <wxl> yes
[22:19] <gsilva> ah, okay
[22:19] <wxl> if you have another solution, i'd be into checking it out
[22:19] <gsilva> Either way, I don't want to use Hangouts because there are a lot of people against hangouts
[22:19] <gsilva> Google*
[22:20] <wxl> yeah well i don't know another solution
[22:20] <wxl> i do know that our old irc meetings were just on irc
[22:20] <wxl> but very transparent and community folks would join
[22:20] <gsilva> hold on. Melodie once showed me a Hangout/Skype alternative because it is open source
[22:21] <gsilva> there y'a go:
[22:21] <gsilva> The goodness about Hangouts is that it has integration with YouTube, so one could immediately upload it to the web
[22:22] <wxl> yeah
[22:22] <wxl> and for the general community asking them to install software they don't have might not be ideal
[22:22] <gsilva> I don't know any other alternative, but we can arrange that if people are interested
[22:23] <wxl> gsilva: well let's not get hung up on the details. we can work on that later
[22:23] <gsilva> Throughout my life I learned I shouldn't applicate to stuff if people don't want it. Maybe it's my managerial insticts... I want to know if people are interested in this idea, wxl. And this idea is general all other communities - in fact, some might want to get involved too, right?
[22:23] <wxl> gsilva: i think for right now we need at least two things:
[22:23] <gsilva> So, do you think this is worthy to mention at UOS?
[22:23] <wxl> 1. get the team leaders together in one place to talk
[22:24] <wxl> 2. invite the community to join in
[22:24] <wxl> additionally we need to act in such a way that doesn't just maintain things or accomplish things, but grows thing
[22:24] <wxl> and for that, we need a clearly defined purpose and goal
[22:24] <wxl> this is something we could talk about at UOS
[22:24] <wxl> since i was hoping we'd have a general check in/planning session
[22:25] <gsilva> I really want to change people's mindset about Open Source and I think this is a start
[22:25] <gsilva> Indeed, agree
[22:25] <wxl> gsilva: part of the problem is not everyone's like me and you. they don't necessarily see that they should or even could contribute
[22:25] <wxl> i mean if someone gets really excited about windows, it's not like they're going to volunteer to help :)
[22:26] <gsilva> Let's change that. Let's motivate people and eventually Canonical will realize they need this as well
[22:26] <gsilva> Two completely different things, wxl. Windows is not open source and does not appreciate your contribution either.
[22:26] <gsilva> Linux/Open Source world is completely the opposite.
[22:26] <wxl> right but most of the open source world waits for contributors to happen
[22:27] <wxl> yyou're probably not around when i help people in #lubuntu but i almost always encourange them to contribute
[22:28] <gsilva> Right, what we are trying to do here is to get contributors and keep them motivated to contribute regularly, isn't it?
[22:28] <wxl> it's the advocacy that needs to happen
[22:28] <wxl> yes
[22:28] <wxl> but to be proactive about it
[22:28] <wxl> help guide them
[22:28] <wxl> and nurture them
[22:28] <gsilva> People may not be like me or you, but we want to inspire them to be
[22:29] <wxl> we need a "community manager" really
[22:29] <gsilva> Speaking of which, do we have a communication TL?
[22:29] <wxl> but i think there's too few of us to support a single person filling that role
[22:29] <wxl> not as far as i know :O
[22:29] <wxl> here's some videoconferencing solutions for us to check out:
[22:29] <wxl>
[22:30] <wxl>
[22:30] <wxl>
[22:31] <gsilva> Don't be afraid, wxl. That's the reason why I want to bring this idea to a lot of people simultaneously, either by emailing them or prepare a session at UOS, if it gets approved
[22:31] <wxl> no fear here :)
[22:31] <wxl> i will support the UOS session
[22:31] <gsilva> How to prepare all this for a UOS session?
[22:32] <gsilva> What to mention, what not to mention, what to propose, who to bring on board?
[22:32] <wxl> well i think we should have it under the guide of a lubuntu planning session
[22:32] <wxl> i think if we can develop it in our own system, we can then present it to other teams
[22:32] <wxl> and then if they can adopt it, perhaps we could all work together to share users
[22:32] <gsilva> What do mean?
[22:33] <gsilva> Didn't follow you there
[22:33] <wxl> sorry not guide, guise
[22:34] <gsilva> You mean bringing this up to brainstorm and prepare something out there?
[22:34] <wxl> gsilva: yes. we have several things that we, as admins, need to work on, this included
[22:35] <gsilva> Okay. When are those meetings held? How to apply/Propose new stuff then?
[22:35] <gsilva> We don't have much time...
[22:35] <wxl> gsilva: ummmmm hold on
[22:37] <wxl> gsilva:
[22:39] <gsilva> Wait, we're talking about different things
[22:39] <wxl> ?
[22:39] <gsilva> I misunderstood you before. You're meaning we should take this topic to a Lubuntu Planning Session (if they have one), right
[22:40] <wxl> kind of yes
[22:40] <wxl> they won't have one
[22:40] <wxl> uless we propose one
[22:40] <wxl> so we should :)
[22:40] <gsilva> Propose a Lubuntu Planning Session
[22:40] <gsilva> yea, I figured
[22:40] <gsilva> Who should create the session?
[22:42] <gsilva> And who should we invite?
[22:42] <wxl> everyone
[22:43] <wxl> the team leaders should be there no matter what
[22:43] <wxl> but we should definitely encourage the community to get involved
[22:43] <gsilva> I don't know her/his names
[22:43] <wxl> we don't do a direct invite
[22:43] <gsilva> I have to look for that
[22:43] <wxl> let me take care of that part :)
[22:44] <gsilva> I'd appreciate that
[22:44] <gsilva> Although since I never did it but another time will come
[22:45] <wxl> no rush, gsilva
[22:45] <wxl> there won't be much to prepare
[22:45] <wxl> it will be more of a roundtable than a presentation
[22:45] <gsilva> that's the point :)
[22:46] <wxl> gsilva: here's where we can start the web conferencing solution: (ignore the proprietary ones)
[22:46] <gsilva> I think they require an Hangout session
[22:47] <wxl> yes but this is more about discussing how to implement the REAL thing
[22:47] <wxl> make sure to drum up a blueprint that includes that link so we can work towards it
[22:47] <wxl> OOOOH
[22:47] <gsilva> But most of these are software-based
[22:47] <wxl> specifically says it's a good alternative to hangouts:
[22:47] <wxl> not actually. it's "web conferencing"
[22:48] <gsilva> telepresence works :)
[22:49] <gsilva> Who should create the blueprint on launchpad to get it written in the UOS session request?
[22:49] <wxl> any one of us can, so if you feel like it, that would be awesome
[22:49] <gsilva> I can take care of that, yes, although I'm unsecure on the type of content I should write over there
[22:49] <wxl> just a general idea
[22:50] <wxl> some bullet points
[22:50] <wxl> just say it's a roundtable
[22:50] <gsilva> Okay, I will take care of that soon and will send you the link
[22:50] <wxl> awesome
[22:50] <gsilva> before sending it to UOS 1505 sprint, I'll ask your opinion
[22:53] <gsilva> wxl, would this suffice?
[22:54] <wxl> gsilva: no, that serves a slightly differentg purpose, but that would be a good place to bring up the idea to the larger community
[23:00] <gsilva> wxl, who should I put as responsible to conduct the meeting, if we get an approval?
[23:01] <wxl> gsilva: um, you? :)
[23:02] * Kamilion reads up
[23:02] <Kamilion> oh, video conferencing? Tox is a winner there.
[23:03] <gsilva> wxl, final feedback: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss different plans and ideas to bring new contributors to the many different teams, since all distributions lack of regular contributors. How to motivate them and how to keep them motivated is the key of the discussion, in this round-table session.
[23:03] <gsilva> The Lubuntu admin team has also came up with some suggestions that would benefit all distributions, although we definitely appreciate everyone's contribution. This is an attempt to gather resources and knowledge to empower the Open Source world.
[23:04] <wxl> gsilva: well, i'd like it to be a general lubuntu planning meeting but that would be one of the points of discussion, or that could be a point of discussion within the community roundtable
[23:04] <Kamilion> tox also has a nice <-> IRC bridge
[23:04] <wxl> oooh that's nice
[23:04] <wxl> easy to record sessions Kamilion ?
[23:04] <Kamilion> yeah
[23:04] <wxl> within tox or what?
[23:04] <wxl> !info tox
[23:05] <Kamilion> yeah, both the video and the text.
[23:05] <wxl> oh WOW
[23:05] <Kamilion> I don't think it's packaged yet in debian or ubuntu though
[23:05] <wxl> Kamilion: want to package it? XD
[23:05] <gsilva> Added Draft two: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss different plans and ideas to bring new contributors to the many different teams, since Lubuntu lacks of regular contributors. How to motivate them and how to keep them motivated is the key of the discussion, in this round-table session. We then invite all team-leaders to join us and help us perfect this plan.
[23:05] <gsilva> The Admin team has also came up with some suggestions that would benefit all distributions, although we need to first, perfect our plan before introducing it to other people outside Lubuntu.
[23:05] <gsilva> This is an attempt to gather resources and knowledge to empower the Open Source world.
[23:05] <Kamilion> the tox guys are right here on freenode.
[23:05] <wxl> Kamilion: so go bug them ;)
[23:05] <Kamilion> well, depends what you want
[23:06] <Kamilion>
[23:06] <Kamilion> there's the toxic ncurses client
[23:06] <Kamilion> which has no video
[23:06] <wxl> gsilva: so it should include things like planning for lxqt, what other developments we want to do in 15.10, getting a communications leader, etc
[23:06] <Kamilion>
[23:06] <wxl> omg this thing is my freaking wet dream
[23:06] <Kamilion> qtox in qt on linux, freebsd and osx
[23:06] <wxl> we should have it allllllllll in the repos
[23:06] <wxl> then i could probably convince us to use that instead of google hangouts
[23:07] <Kamilion> utox, the micro C client
[23:07] <Kamilion> the one I use
[23:07] <Kamilion>
[23:07] <Kamilion> bunches of others too.
[23:07] <gsilva> OKay, added: We also want to use this session to plan LxQt, what we want to bring to Lubuntu 15.10, to discuss the need to find a communications manager, as well as a community manager and some other important topics that may arise.
[23:07] <wxl> gsilva: perfect :)
[23:07] <Kamilion> qtox would be a good addition to lxqt
[23:08] <gsilva> Alright, sent, wxl. I think they have to accept it now first
[23:08] <wxl> thx gsilva
[23:08] <gsilva> no problem :)
[23:10] <Kamilion> gsilva: one of the issues I have is a lack of a portal to discover more information on how to be an effective helper with lubuntu.
[23:11] <wxl> Kamilion: bring that to the uos session we're planning
[23:11] <gsilva> from here: you can go to here:
[23:11] <Kamilion> and in some cases, nobody but 1-2 people knows how a system works (EG, the ISO building system)
[23:12] <gsilva> As you know, most of each team planning goes on IRC and should be posted on Launchpad as well, unless the team leader isn't doing the coordinating part of the job
[23:12] <gsilva> OR the team is short and most of the stuff happens on IRC
[23:12] <gsilva> Even though I am alone on my team, I tend to post everything in LP, my blog and eventually on mailing lists, just to make sure everyone knows where to look for stuff to do if they want to
[23:12] <gsilva> But, my blog has 0 regular readers, so that's a start :D
[23:13] <Kamilion> likewise.
[23:13] <gsilva> Haha, it's part of the passion, I guess
[23:13] <Kamilion> hasn't seen updates in a long time because nobody reads it and all I got was spam comments from bots.
[23:14] <gsilva> Well, is good with that since it eliminates spam bots
[23:14] <gsilva> but I have 1-2 readers when I publish an article
[23:14] <gsilva> I believe that my english level doesn't help either. I don't write (nor speak) perfect english, so the attractiveness of the thing may not be desirable
[23:15] <Kamilion> wow, some real classics...
[23:16] <Kamilion> "here's how to stick ubuntu 8.04 onto a tweaked sandisk U3 stick"
[23:16] <gsilva> haha
[23:17] <wxl> Kamilion: tox is software based, not web based, right? like you need a client
[23:17] <Kamilion> correct. Required due to the heavy crypto going on.
[23:17] <Kamilion> not something you'd wanna do in javascript
[23:17] <wxl> do you know of a web based client that's maybe half as good?
[23:17] <Kamilion> There are no web clients at all.
[23:18] <Kamilion> it's a peer to peer network.
[23:18] <Kamilion> like skype used to be.
[23:18] <wxl> erm i mean a web based web conferencing client, not a softwa re based video conferencing client
[23:18] <Kamilion> however; as I said, there's an IRC gateway
[23:18] <wxl> i'm looking for a true alternative to hangouts
[23:18] <Kamilion> so if that exists, someone could easily write a similar tool to broadcast the webconference.
[23:19] <Kamilion> and you could, for example, stream to youtube or directly.
[23:20] <Kamilion> I'm sure you could probably spin up a tornado server to handle unencrypted video as well
[23:20] <Kamilion> lemme go ask notsecure
[23:22] <Kamilion> wxl: what is required of a web client?
[23:22] <Kamilion> just joining the video chat?
[23:22] <wxl> yeah so here's what uds uses hangouts for:
[23:22] <Kamilion> (as a viewer or as a speaking participant)
[23:22] <wxl> 1. having maybe 10 max peopel in the chat
[23:22] <Kamilion> I've used hangouts for cards against humanity
[23:22] <wxl> 2. recording
[23:22] <Kamilion> there's 15 max in hangouts, last I checked
[23:23] <wxl> 3. ability to watch anyone else
[23:23] <wxl> FOR anyone else
[23:23] <wxl> 4. recording and uploading to youtube
[23:27] <Kamilion> so you need up to 10 meeting participants, unlimited guests (initial capacity ~25), outgoing stream support for recording/youtube, and dump to disk support.
[23:27] <wxl> dump to disk not necessary if it goes to yt
[23:28] <wxl> or wherever
[23:33] <Kamilion> stream/dump is gonna be pretty close
[23:34] <Kamilion> if there's one, there's the other.
[23:41] <wxl> Kamilion: i now know who to direct that to. if we could whip up a prototype or demo, we can probably get it in the next ubuntu online summit which would make a lot of people happy
[23:48] <Kamilion> [16:44:03] <+Sqt> It'll be easier to have one party use twitch or youtube to stream the chat :)
[23:48] <wxl> Kamilion: how would that work exactly?
[23:50] <Kamilion> at this moment, I'm not exactly sure; I would suspect the same way one would videocast from a linux box generally, using obs
[23:50] <wxl> okie dokie
[23:50] <Kamilion> that would be the easiest prototype
[23:50] <wxl> so what we really need is a way to interact with it all on the web
[23:50] <wxl> so there eoulw have to be a client/server
[23:50] <wxl> the yt wouldn't be that huge
[23:50] <wxl> it cna be dealt with
[23:50] <Kamilion> tox is nice because it's two systems; toxcore and the application around it
[23:51] <Kamilion> it's not hard to wrap something around toxcore; and I believe it has python bindings already
[23:51] <Kamilion> so in theory, it would be possible to build a browser-centric client
[23:52] <Kamilion> but the easier setup would be setting up a single node as the 'streaming server' with obs, and toxcore dumping it's output into OBS directly. when you wish to begin to stream, you ^invite the client running on the streaming server to join a multiuser conference.
[23:53] <Kamilion> that would require the meeting participants to have the client
[23:53] <Kamilion> but nobody else would need it
[23:53] <wxl> yah that might be reasonable
[23:53] <Kamilion> it was mentioned the IRC gateway might need some love
[23:54] <Kamilion>
[23:54] <Kamilion> basically you can consider it like skype layered on top of IRC
[23:54] <wxl> cool
[23:55] <Kamilion> it has a very IRC like multiuser chat room, a bot that can join it and bridge it to IRC directly
[23:55] <Kamilion> and voice and video over the shared core protocol
[23:55] <Kamilion> vaguely similar to google's JINGLE protocol used for hangouts+gtalk
[23:55] <Kamilion> but not based on XMPP
[23:55] <Kamilion> as XML is now considered "that thing with the angle brackets and the pain"
[23:57] <Kamilion> the draw, however, is the pervasive crypto built into the core.
[23:58] <Kamilion> what we would be doing is adding an trusted crypto-to-cleartext peer that bridges the video out elsewhere.
[23:58] <Kamilion> the developers see no issue
[23:58] <Kamilion> and seem to be happy to accept contributions upstream | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.667355 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#lubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu+1 | [00:55] <Roey> hi
[07:48] <lordievader> Good morning.
[08:17] <tijnix> morning
[08:17] <lordievader> Hey tijnix
[12:24] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[12:24] <penguin42> hey BK
[12:44] <BluesKaj> hey penguin42
[12:46] <BluesKaj> any word on the15.10 yet?
[12:48] * penguin42 wouldn't know where to check
[12:49] * penguin42 would ask in ... oh, we're here
[12:51] <BluesKaj> yeah, i haven't seen a thing , not even the codename
[12:52] <penguin42> it looks like the next UDS is 5-7 May, so I guess stuff will happen then ?
[13:03] <BluesKaj> UDS?
[13:04] <k1l_> anyone knows when the snappy packages stuff will be activated in the desktop-next iso? i am curious to try that
[13:17] <penguin42> k1l_: Me to
[13:17] <penguin42> BluesKaj: The Developer Summit
[13:17] * penguin42 is hoping for Wiggly Worm, but I doubt it
[13:21] <BluesKaj> wonky wombat
[13:23] <BluesKaj> is snappy going to use the regular repos
[13:34] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Snappy is a way of creating packages.
[13:36] <BluesKaj> yes , I know that , was reading about it , but it's implementation is vague , as ususual, lordievader
[13:36] <BluesKaj> err usuual :)
[13:36] * BluesKaj finds his glasses
[15:29] <k1l_> it looks to me that they are not sure what snappy means in detail so far. i think we will be enlighted after UOS :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.672006 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu+1"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntukylin-devel | [03:52] <shuduo> 快盘在新装的15.04上因为依赖libboost-iostreams1.54.0包不存在装不上,有人注意到了吗? <-- jackyu ypwong
[03:54] <jackyu> 增强版今天上,到时候就可以了
[04:07] <shuduo> jackyu: OK. thanks.
[04:17] <ypwong> jackyu, 會更新 kuaipan?
[05:10] <jackyu> ypwong, 是的,我们争取解决。
[05:10] <ypwong> jackyu, 好的
[06:21] <zhangxin> huangzhiqiuan,... | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.676381 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntukylin-devel"
} |
2015-04-28-#maas | [04:24] <mup> Bug #1279310 changed: MAAS can't enlist/commission nodes using the current development series <m-i-p-f> <provisioning> <MAAS:Expired> <>
[04:24] <mup> Bug #1300879 changed: New import script dumps traceback for any config file errors <m-i-p-f> <MAAS:Expired> <>
[04:24] <mup> Bug #1424549 changed: enlisting of nodes: seed_random fails due to self signed certificate <MAAS:Expired> <>
[04:36] <mup> Bug #1279310 was opened: MAAS can't enlist/commission nodes using the current development series <m-i-p-f> <provisioning> <MAAS:Expired> <>
[04:37] <mup> Bug #1300879 was opened: New import script dumps traceback for any config file errors <m-i-p-f> <MAAS:Expired> <>
[04:37] <mup> Bug #1424549 was opened: enlisting of nodes: seed_random fails due to self signed certificate <MAAS:Expired> <>
[04:43] <mup> Bug #1279310 changed: MAAS can't enlist/commission nodes using the current development series <m-i-p-f> <provisioning> <MAAS:Expired> <>
[04:43] <mup> Bug #1300879 changed: New import script dumps traceback for any config file errors <m-i-p-f> <MAAS:Expired> <>
[04:43] <mup> Bug #1424549 changed: enlisting of nodes: seed_random fails due to self signed certificate <MAAS:Expired> <>
[07:07] <mup> Bug #1447583 changed: The background of the owner column on the node listing page stays grey <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> <>
[07:07] <mup> Bug #1449381 was opened: CSS highlighting of hovered over row missing on owner column <landscape> <ui> <ux> <MAAS:Triaged> <>
[07:07] <mup> Bug #1449384 was opened: Change label of the different IP assignment types on the devices page. <ui> <ux> <MAAS:Triaged> <>
[07:13] <mup> Bug #1449396 was opened: MAAS tries to power query a Device <MAAS:New> <>
[07:37] <mup> Bug #1449402 was opened: 1.8b4: 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT (Unexpected exception: TimeoutError) <oil> <MAAS:New> <>
[08:07] <mup> Bug #1294759 changed: There is no way to update tags from the UI <canonical-is> <cts> <tags> <ui> <ux> <MAAS:Triaged> <>
[08:41] <dosaboy> roaksoax: can you provide any help with
[08:42] <dosaboy> there are now two dhcp pools in maas but i'm not sure how we can get juju to use them properly such that we don;t end up with this isue
[10:49] <darknet> hello everyone someone can help me with MaaS
[10:55] <darknet> anyone?
[12:26] <mup> Bug #1449538 was opened: 1.8b4 in firefox node listing for network interface and storage misaligned <oil> <MAAS:New> <>
[13:08] <darknet> I want to add another Cluster Controller to my Region Controller but on its dashboard there is not in pending, I've also opened a post here "" anyone can hel me? please
[13:31] <darknet> anyone can help me?
[14:26] <mup> Bug #1449538 changed: 1.8b4 in firefox node listing for network interface and storage misaligned <oil> <MAAS:New> <>
[16:31] <capncrunch4me> in MAAS 1.7.1, are the preseed-master files no longer being used?
[17:00] <capncrunch4me> is there a way to force a maas curtin install to use the preseed_master?
[17:06] <capncrunch4me> nevermind, can specify “debian installer” instead of fast-path in MAAS. thanks
[18:55] <lesnet> Hi
[18:56] <lesnet> I have what is perhaps a silly question. I have a maas server setup, and 7 nodes commissioned and started. Can login to them and all that good stuff. I have installed a bunch of packages on a commissioned/started node, and have that software tested and running.
[18:57] <lesnet> Now I want to make some kind of snapshot of that node, and turn it into an image. So I can then commission other nodes with that newly modified image.
[20:09] <mup> Bug #1449729 was opened: Nodes fail to commission <MAAS:Triaged> <> | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.691900 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#maas"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-fi | [16:37] <puhuri> näköjään grive (google drive synkkatyökalu) lakannut toimimasta kun Google muuttanut jotain. Onko ehdotuksia vaihtoehdoksi?
[16:38] <inz> samaa itellä ollut hakusessa
[16:38] <puhuri> Kokeilin gsync:iä, joka koettaa olla vähän rsync-tyylinen työkalu, mutta ei vaikuttanut toimivan tai sitte EVOtin
[16:45] <Mikaela> ymmärtääkseni insync (suljettu, maksullinen) toimii
[16:47] <Mikaela>
[16:47] <Mikaela> tuota ennen oselotti on kirjoittanut jotakin joka voinee myös auttaa | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.695660 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-fi"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-unity | [08:38] <Mirv> tsdgeos: seems obvious, but just stating that dropping Always-remove-reply-from-replies-when-processing-can.patch while adding the Add-QQuickAsyncImageProvider.patch
[08:38] <tsdgeos> Mirv: correct, the QQuickAsyncProvider includes that one too
[10:57] <Mirv> jamesh: hey! the asyncprovider qtdeclarative is now in silo 002. do you want me to start landing it already or do you want your future thumbnailer branch go in at the same time?
[10:59] <Mirv> you can develop against the 002 anyway right now
[11:07] <tsdgeos> mzanetti:
[11:07] <mzanetti> anyone has the link to the strip-tags script? I lost it on the reinstall
[11:07] <tsdgeos> Mirv: he's not on his computer at the moment
[11:26] <tsdgeos> Saviq: i did some fixlets based on your comments on the screenshotting branc
[11:26] <tsdgeos> h
[11:39] <greyback> mzanetti:
[11:39] <mzanetti> greyback, thanks :)
[12:09] <seb128> Saviq, bug #1448716 ... settings are not involved in the indicators, or did you mean ubuntu-settings-component?
[13:11] <dandrader> mzanetti, so, what's the status on the shellRotation branch?
[13:11] <Mirv> jamesh: tsdgeos: I think I'll start landing testing for the qtdeclarative alone, since it should not hurt anything but is easier for QA signoff to not need to consider qtdeclarative as such later when the thumbnailer branch is ready
[13:12] <jamesh> Mirv: awesome. Thanks!
[13:12] <tsdgeos> ok
[13:17] <greyback_> dandrader: hey, I would appreciate a couple of reviews, have you time today?
[13:17] <dandrader> greyback_, sure
[13:17] <greyback_> dandrader: would be good to start
[13:34] <boiko> Saviq: hi, I am working on some dialer-app autopilot tests, and one of them triggers a libnotify notification that gets in the way of the subsequent tests
[13:35] <boiko> Saviq: I wrote code to mock the notification daemon, but on ubuntu touch the daemon is embedded in the unity process, right?
[13:36] <Saviq> boiko, yeah
[13:36] <Saviq> boiko, it'd likely be better if we gave you an emulator so that you could actually interact with the notification
[13:36] <boiko> Saviq: so, is there any way I could request from autopilot for the notification to be dismissed?
[13:37] <Saviq> boiko, right now there is none, elopio, have you guys been working on anything related ↑?
[13:37] <boiko> Saviq: yep, that would be perfect, but in case you don't have time for it, is there any fast workaround?
[13:39] <elopio> Saviq, boiko: no. But it shouldn't take a lot of time, and you can ping the vanguard in #ubuntu-quality for help.
[13:41] <elopio> however, a way of dismissing the notification without the UI sounds like a nice thing to have.
[13:43] <boiko> elopio: ok, I will ping you guys on #ubuntu-quality for help with that
[14:05] <mzanetti> dandrader|afk, hey, did you update the demo-stuff ppa?
[14:06] <Saviq> huuh
[14:07] <Saviq> pstolowski, do you have music on your phone?
[14:08] <pstolowski> Saviq, atm not, but i can have some when my phone finishes flashing
[14:08] <pstolowski> Saviq, what's up?
[14:08] <Saviq> pstolowski, I go to My Music, tap on an artist... and have no way out other than pulling down to refresh
[14:09] <pstolowski> uh, what happened..
[14:09] <Saviq> pstolowski, it's like the search query isn't populated
[14:12] <pstolowski> Saviq, uhm, ok, let me see if i can reproduce. i have a suspiction about what change might have introduced it
[14:12] <Saviq> ↑ <wristslap> ↑
[14:16] <dandrader> mzanetti, it should be up to date
[14:17] <dandrader> mzanetti, it's been a while since I last did any shellRotation work
[14:17] <pstolowski> Saviq, ok, i can repro, investigating..
[15:32] <dandrader> greyback_, this devicePixelRatio stuff is confusing. I would expect only QScreen to have it, as this is the only entity representing a physical device. But then also QWindow and QImage have devicePixelRatio()...
[15:32] <mhall119> tedg: ping when you're around
[15:34] <greyback_> dandrader: with devicePixelRatio=2, an qimage is scaled up x2 unless it also has devicePixelRatio 2
[15:35] <greyback_> dandrader: qwindow has the property mainly as convenience factor I believe, means you don't need to do QWindow::screen()->devicePixelRatio() all the time
[15:35] <greyback_> not sure why else
[15:35] <tedg> mhall119, Trick question? ;-)
[15:36] <tedg> mhall119, trick question? :-)
[15:36] <mhall119> tedg: nah, I'm asking for work instead of giving it :)
[15:36] <tedg> mhall119, I'm always available for that.
[15:37] <mhall119> tedg: you talked to me about the need for a symbols server last week, can you email the details of (A) the problem that needs solving and (B) the way to solve it, so that I can put together a plan for doing so
[15:37] <dandrader> greyback_, and a QImage with devcePixelRatio=2 on a regular QScreen (dpr=1) will have its size halved. so when you say a QImage has devcePixelRatio=2 you're saying it's a high-dpi image that will look huge on a low dpi screen unless you scale it down
[15:38] <greyback_> dandrader: pretty much
[15:40] <greyback_> dandrader: note I don't think that use-case you described will happen, as I think qt only looks for an image with devicePixelRatio=2 when DPR is set to 2
[15:40] <greyback_> and I think the parameter is mostly ignored if DPR=1
[15:41] <dandrader> oh, this is getting tricky
[15:42] <ted_> mhall119, Yeah, I can.
[15:43] <mhall119> thanks
[16:35] <tsdgeos> Whaat
[16:35] <tsdgeos> qmluitests has not been running some tests and not complaining
[16:35] <tsdgeos> booooo
[16:36] <tsdgeos> is marked as green
[16:36] <tsdgeos> but /usr/bin/xvfb-run: 184: /usr/bin/xvfb-run: dbus-launch: not found
[16:43] <pete-woods1> tsdgeos:
[16:43] <pete-woods1> there's also libqtdbustest (which I wrote, disclaimer, etc)
[16:43] <greyback_> tsdgeos: think need to ping someone on #ubuntu-ci-eng about that, could be the runner script we have will need to pull that dependency in explicitly (tho xvfb should depend on dbus-x11, no?)
[16:43] <tsdgeos> greyback_: or actually use dbus-test-runner which we're alredy depending on
[16:44] <tsdgeos> so we should probably be using it
[16:44] * tsdgeos prepares a patch
[16:44] <greyback_> tsdgeos: yeah, better
[16:44] <pete-woods1> if all you want is a private dbus instance, all you do is add dbusmock as a member variable, and you're done
[16:44] <greyback_> pete-woods1: quit pimping yo sh*t here daug!
[16:44] <pete-woods1> greyback_: :D
[16:51] <tsdgeos> ok, so worked on my machine, let's see if CI likes it
[17:49] <om26er> dandrader, Hello!
[17:49] <dandrader> om26er, hi
[17:50] <om26er> dandrader, during regression testing unity8 crashes for us while switching an app. Its not reproducible but these logs[1] seem to suggest something to do with libUbuntuGestures. [1]
[17:59] <dandrader> om26er, no bug report?
[18:01] <om26er> dandrader, first need to know if those logs are of any use
[18:01] <dandrader> om26er, the StacktraceTop gives some clues
[18:02] <om26er> dandrader, ok, I'll report a bug for that now.
[18:03] <dandrader> om26er, and you can assign me to it directly
[18:03] <om26er> dandrader, sure
[18:04] <dandrader> om26er, does the moment where the crash happens involve closing or stopping some app?
[18:06] <om26er> dandrader, might be, because dialer-app had hanged that time so after apport collected its logs it did vanish
[18:06] <om26er> and then this crash
[18:06] <om26er> bug 1449686
[18:15] <dandrader> om26er, so this happens while doing a drag from the right edge?
[18:17] <om26er> dandrader, yes, the original reporter said "I tried switching the app, right after dial-app freeze"
[18:23] <dandrader> om26er, is he on IRC?
[18:24] <om26er> dandrader, no he EOD'd quite a while ago. You can email/comment on the bug if you want to contact him | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.710752 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-unity"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntustudio | [17:15] <Leo___> wie weet welke audio interface (externe geluidskaart) goed werkt in ubuntu studio?
[18:33] * Captonjamason is away: im most likely doing school, on ask if you desperetly need help
[18:36] <Captonjamason> didnt mean to have away messages on, sorry | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.712403 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntustudio"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-us-pa | [09:27] <rmg51> Morning
[12:18] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples, critters, dumb birds and everything else
[12:19] <teddy-dbear> and a special shout out to all the "workship" peoples :-D
[12:27] <waltman> workship?
[12:29] <teddy-dbear> read jedijf email
[12:31] <waltman> ah!
[14:12] <jedijf> i corrected in reply
[14:12] <jedijf> all this fosscon at sea talk
[18:00] <JonathanD> Hi. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.713537 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-news | [00:52] <pleia2> publishing is still on my agenda today, but need a break from computer before my eyeballs fall out, will be back soon
[02:40] <pleia2> Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 414 for the week April 20 - 26, 2015
[02:46] * pleia2 drops 10.04 from template and adds 15.04 | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.714593 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-news"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-gr | [00:50] <geothom230> help
[00:50] <geothom230> sorry
[05:28] <Tassos> Καλημέρα! :)
[07:25] <salih-emin> Καλημέρες
[10:21] <Anoniem4l> guden morgen peoplen
[10:21] <Anoniem4l> :D
[10:21] <salih-emin> καλημέρα
[10:21] <salih-emin> Anoniem4l, θυμησε μου ασχολείσαι με Web devel ?
[10:22] <Anoniem4l> twra teleftea nai
[10:23] <salih-emin> α οκ μια χαρα... έχεις δοκιμάσει static site generators ?
[10:25] <Anoniem4l> nope, pote
[10:25] <Anoniem4l> twra to koitaw
[10:25] <salih-emin> έχω πάθει κολλημα
[10:25] <Anoniem4l> goustares poly dhladh?
[10:25] <salih-emin> τώρα εφτιαξα αυτό
[10:26] <salih-emin> η διαδικασία είναι
[10:26] <salih-emin> 1) γραφω σε ενα text editor (gedit)
[10:26] <salih-emin> 2) Αποθηκεύω και αυτό παράγει αυτόματα html
[10:26] <Anoniem4l> mhm i see
[10:26] <salih-emin> 3) δίνω git push
[10:27] <salih-emin> και το site είναι online :)
[10:27] <Anoniem4l> nice
[10:27] <salih-emin> NO DATABESE, NO PHP, NO Vulnerabillities
[10:27] <Anoniem4l> edaksi ta vulnerabilities einai sxetiko
[10:27] <salih-emin> Fast like Heeeelll
[10:27] <salih-emin> html ειναι ρε
[10:27] <salih-emin> τι θα κάνεις ?
[10:27] <Anoniem4l> nai
[10:27] <Anoniem4l> enow oti kai me php mporeis na eisai secure
[10:28] <salih-emin> φυσικά
[10:28] <Anoniem4l> opos to vlepw einai analogos ti thes na kaneis
[10:28] <salih-emin> εγώ λεω να είσαι ασφαλείς επειδή δεν χρειάζεται να κάνεις Τ Ι Π Ο Τ Α
[10:28] <Anoniem4l> yeah true
[10:28] <Anoniem4l> apla eisai limited panw sta web-apps pou thes na ftiakseis
[10:28] <salih-emin> έχω δουλέψει όλα τα CMS και ακόμα τα δουλεύω
[10:29] <salih-emin> για προσωπικό blog είναι ότι πρέπει τα static
[10:29] <Anoniem4l> yup
[10:29] <salih-emin> τώρα για κάτι ποιο προχωριμένο ναι... πας σε CMS
[10:29] <salih-emin> όταν θες κάτι π.χ. εππαγελματικό με χρήστες και dynamic
[10:30] <Anoniem4l> ^
[10:30] <salih-emin> αλλα για σημειωματάριο που το θέλω εγω είναι μούρλια
[10:30] <Anoniem4l> tamam
[10:30] <salih-emin> ετσι
[10:30] <Anoniem4l> kalh fash
[10:34] <Anoniem4l> mporeis na kaneis implementation gia comments etsi?
[10:34] <Anoniem4l> px disqus
[10:35] <Anoniem4l> hello NikTh
[10:35] <salih-emin> ναι κανονικά
[10:35] <salih-emin> και Google+ comments
[10:35] <salih-emin> απλά εγώ δεν εβαλα γιατι δεν με ενδιαφέρουν
[10:35] <salih-emin> τα σχόλια
[10:35] <Anoniem4l> yep
[10:36] <salih-emin> επειδη έχω πάντα δίκιο ... γιαυτό
[10:36] <salih-emin> χαχαχαχα
[10:36] <Anoniem4l> malista, kalh fash indeed
[10:36] <Anoniem4l> XAXAaxax
[10:36] <salih-emin> πλακα κάνω
[10:36] <Anoniem4l> em to afediko einai afediko
[10:36] <salih-emin> απλά επειδη ειναι σημειωματάριο
[10:36] <salih-emin> και θέλω να καταγράφω πραγματα που κάνω και μαθένω στην δουλεια πάνω
[10:36] <salih-emin> οπότε δεν έχει νοημα να έχω σχόλια
[10:36] <salih-emin> ειναι για μένα
[10:36] <Anoniem4l> fusika
[10:37] <salih-emin> και για όποιον θέλει απλά να τα δει
[10:37] <salih-emin> νομίζω στο about το διλώνω ξεκάθαρα :P
[10:38] <Anoniem4l> twra etoimazw ena login system pou tha einai secure se MITM attacks me aplo HTTP
[10:38] <Anoniem4l> h idea den einai dikia mou omws, enos filou:
[10:39] <salih-emin> cooooolll
[10:40] <Anoniem4l> yep, pisteuw osoi tha einai sto amfitheatro otan kanw tin parousiash tha niwsoun poly skoupidia
[10:40] <Anoniem4l> giati oute HTML den boroun na grapsoun swsta
[10:40] <salih-emin> XAXAXAXAXAXAXAX
[10:40] <Anoniem4l> axaxxaaxxa
[10:41] <salih-emin> #@^$^&%&#$@%$*&^*^$#^
[10:41] <Anoniem4l> :D
[10:41] <salih-emin> το μου κράσαρε τον firefox !!!!!!!!! *&%^$%&*^&(&**^&%7
[10:41] <salih-emin> ^&*$%&^&^&^%&^(
[10:41] <Anoniem4l> lol
[10:41] <Anoniem4l> >papaki
[10:41] <Anoniem4l>
[10:41] <salih-emin> ^&%^% τον κώδικα τους %$$$##@
[10:43] <salih-emin> πωωωωωωω
[10:43] <salih-emin> δεν παίζονται
[10:43] <salih-emin> ....
[10:43] <Anoniem4l> egw padws twra pou mphka me firefox den crashara :D
[10:44] <salih-emin> kane mia anazitisi gia domain
[10:44] <salih-emin> kai dew an pagwnei
[10:45] <Anoniem4l>
[10:45] <Anoniem4l> alla to kana apo winshit OS
[13:11] <diogenis> kalispera se olous xriazome tin voi8ia sas
[13:12] <diogenis> mpori kapios ,kapia na me voi8isi ?
[13:16] <diogenis> kanenas ?
[14:25] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntusecurity: USN-2581-1: NetworkManager vulnerability <>
[17:12] <talos-mintgr> Mint ρε!!!
[17:12] <talos-mintgr>
[18:17] <xeirwn> kalispera paides
[18:18] <kerato> hi
[18:19] <xeirwn> asxoleitai mipws kapoios apo edw me elementary os ?
[18:27] <talos-mintgr> το ειχα βάλει πριν 2(?) χρόνια
[18:54] <xeirwn> oups sorry talos-mintgr ....elipsa ligo
[18:55] <xeirwn> molis ex8es ema8a oti h nea version egine sta8erh
[19:08] <xeirwn> re paidia uparxei kapoios odhgos kapou, gia to pws douleuei akribws o Gala windows manager ?
[19:12] <adsioros> Geia sas
[19:12] <talos-mintgr> αωε
[19:12] <adsioros> sorry akoma den rithmisa tin glosa
[19:12] <adsioros> Γεια σας λοιπον
[19:13] <adsioros> εχω ενα θέμα με τα καινουργια ubuntu
[19:15] <adsioros> μπορει καποιοσ να με βοηθησει να εγκταταστησω το bumblebee η το prime?
[19:19] <adsioros> ?
[19:21] <adsioros> δεν μπορω να βρω κανενα tutorial για τα 15,04 | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.730922 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-gr"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-dk | [22:24] <krums> hej alle sammen | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.732303 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-dk"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-community-team | [06:48] <dholbach> good morning
[09:08] <popey> dholbach: dpm mhall119 balloons do we have anyone lined up for Q&A this week?
[09:09] <dholbach> not afaik
[09:23] <popey> maybe we could get jorge on to talk about cloud cloud cloud cloud?
[09:26] <dholbach> there are a bunch of unscheduled sessions in summit
[09:26] <dholbach> like 4678643456787654356789
[09:27] * dpm looks
[09:29] * dpm schedules sessions
[09:30] <dpm> I like this session: :)
[10:04] <dholbach> :)
[14:28] <balloons> howdy elfy . Did xubuntu get anywhere on deciding about the UOS session?
[15:13] <elfy> balloons: no - which tends to point towards us not ...
[15:23] <balloons> elfy, ack, fair enough
[15:30] <elfy> doesn't mean we won't - but people have been busy and missing
[15:47] <popey> balloons: mhall119 dpm dholbach - QA in 10 mins... (whose turn is it this week?) (was me and mhall119 last week, me and dholbach the week before, fyi)
[15:48] <dpm> balloons, shall you and I go for it?
[15:50] <balloons> I think I'm up for sure
[15:50] <dpm> ok, cool
[15:50] * dpm sets everything up
[15:51] <balloons> ohh awesome
[15:52] <popey> \o/
[15:52] <popey> thanks chaps
[15:53] <mhall119> thanks dpm, balloons
[15:54] <dholbach> dpm, balloons: enjoy
[15:56] <balloons> dholbach, let me know about the snappy show and tell sessions.. if you need help, etc
[15:56] <balloons> there is a little room left on the track, we'll probably need a second room mhall119
[15:57] <mhall119> balloons: that's a good problem to have :)
[15:57] <mhall119> balloons: just let me know when you need it and I'll add one
[15:59] <dholbach> balloons, yep
[17:07] <balloons> dpm, popey dholbach mhall119 so next week is UOS . Shall we have a Q and A session during UOS, or point people at UOS directly?
[17:07] <dpm> balloons, already scheduled :)
[17:08] <dholbach> :)
[17:09] <balloons> dpm, always a step ahead
[17:10] <dholbach> dpm, are there sessions on which aren't accepted yet?
[17:10] <dholbach> (looks like somebody removed me from uds-admins or whatever the team was called)
[17:11] <dpm> mhall119, ^^
[17:12] <dpm> nice blog post dholbach!
[17:14] <dpm> or rather: nice blog post dholbach_! :)
[17:14] <dholbach_> thanks dpm
[17:16] <mhall119> dpm: ah,right, forgot to add everyone
[17:23] <dholbach> go go go
[17:24] <dholbach> all right... I call it a day - have a great rest of yours!
[17:44] <dpm> ok, calling it a day for today. See you all tomorrow!
[18:09] <belkinsa> mhall119, can you also add me to the Community track leads along with Show and Tell?
[18:18] <mhall119> belkinsa: sure can :)
[18:18] <belkinsa> Thanks
[18:18] <mhall119> done
[18:18] <mhall119> nope, not done, added you again to Show and Tell :(
[18:19] <belkinsa> Okay
[18:20] <mhall119> belkinsa: ok, did it right this time :)
[18:20] <belkinsa> Thanks again | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.736572 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-community-team"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-hr | [04:33] <Vlado9A3CY> dobro jutro
[05:06] <Mmike> hoi
[05:58] <vileni> jutro
[06:02] <Mmike> oo
[06:40] <SilverSpace> jutro
[07:26] <SilverSpace> kisa lovi misa
[07:40] <BotaniCar> Kako je frajer pljunuo D.Kuljiša: Ah, dragi Kuljiš. Nikad neće dozvoliti da kontekst i potpune činjenice stanu na put odabranoj tezi. Koja god ona bila danas. Ali stil mu je jak, gotovo krležijanski. Uživam čitati njegove tekstove. Uopće, jedan mi je od omiljenih domaćih beletrista. Jedino što ste povremeno izdaje za novinara.
[07:42] <Mmike> pa jebemti
[07:42] <Mmike> susjedi pneumatskim cekicem rokaju
[08:13] <BotaniCar> Zakaj svi vele da je lakse s drugim djetetom ? Onaj dio kaj s prvim vise ne moras obavljati se samo prebacio na neke nove potrebe, a drugo trazi svoje. Uopce ne kuzim.
[08:20] <Mmike> mislim da ces morat napravit jos jedno dete da skuzis :)
[08:20] <Mmike> ja brijem da je lakse jer nisi u panici k'o s prvim
[08:21] <Mmike> i tonu si opusteniji
[08:21] <Mmike> i znas u kakvom si sranju
[08:21] <Mmike> pa nekak brze prodje
[08:21] <Mmike> sad kad luka ima preko godinu i pol fakat je puno lakse
[08:21] <Mmike> za pocetak, spava skoro svaku noc skoro cijelu noc :)
[08:21] <Mmike> al prva tri mjeseca, pa to je mucenje samo takvo
[08:22] <Mmike> prvi mjesec jos ne kuzis kaj ti se desava pa si sav u nekom oblaku cudnom :)
[08:22] <Mmike> onda skuzis di si i u kakvim si govnima (al' doslovno, govnima), i onda imas 2 mjeseca mucenja i patnje :)
[08:22] <Mmike> onda nakon 3ceg mjeseca se ovaj konacno malo pocne kesit nazad
[08:22] <Mmike> pa ti malo toplo oko srca
[08:22] <Mmike> taman da izdrzis jos 3 mjeseca agonije
[08:23] <Mmike> onda sa 6 mjeseci vec nekak to ide, iako ovaj jos ne spava, mama je potpuno iscijedjena od sisanja, ona UOPCE ne spava, luda je, ti si lud, svi su lud, svijet nema smisa i KOJI KUFER JE MENI OVO TREBALO
[08:23] <Mmike> smrt, velim ti
[08:23] <BotaniCar> I onda krene nizbrdo :D
[08:23] <Mmike> brijem da onda s drugim djetetom to sve nekak lakse prodjes jer manje/vise znas kaj te ceka
[08:23] <Mmike> BotaniCar: lol, da:)
[08:24] <Mmike> meni, ,osobno, je postalo lakse kad je luka navrsio recimo 15 mjeseci
[08:24] <Mmike> obicno ekipa onda popizdi jer deca prohodaju, al' meni to nije bilo nesh posebno naporno
[08:24] <Mmike> a sad je super
[08:24] <Mmike> lik kuzi sve
[08:24] <Mmike> komunikacija postoji
[08:24] <BotaniCar> Ma, meni je opce koncept lako/tesko sumnjiv, jel tu ljudi pricaju o objektivnom opterecenju ili nekom "osjecaju" ? Ako je ovo drugo, lakse mi moze biti samo utoliko sto mi stvari ( cjepljenje, proljev, kaj vec) vise nisu nove
[08:24] <BotaniCar> Al, posla moze biti samo vise
[08:24] <Mmike> mazilica je, sad tek obozavas dete :)
[08:25] <Mmike> meh
[08:25] <Mmike> ti si poseban :)
[08:25] <BotaniCar> I ti <3
[08:27] <Mmike> da sad dodje drugo dete, meni, reicmo, sad
[08:27] <Mmike> to bi bilo ok, nekak, recimo
[08:27] <Mmike> jer bi tihana bila na bolovanju
[08:27] <Mmike> i isli bi na more
[08:27] <Mmike> i bili tamo DOK SVIJET NE STANE :D
[08:27] <BotaniCar> :) i ne bi se vratili do zime, da
[08:28] <BotaniCar> al, ne pricam ja o tome, nego o kolicini posla koju roditelj ima s jedno/dvoje, ne vidim akk s dvoje moze biti manje/lakse. Je da mi Filip zna sam obrisati guzicu i to ja ne moram, ali moram tri druge stvari :D
[08:41] <obruT> ma sve je lako s djecom.... prve mjesece place samo pa nis ne spavas, onda pocne hodat, grabit stvari i razbijat po kuci, pa nece nista jesti, pa radi sranja u vrticu, pa nece da uci i radi sranja u skoli, pa pocne pusit, pa pocne pit, pa se pocne drogirat...
[08:42] <obruT> a da ne pricam da pocne slusat narodnjake
[08:42] <obruT> ovo sve prije je pickin d*m
[08:43] <SilverSpace> kaj?
[08:43] <jelly> Subject: Pozivnica za ispunjavanje Lenovo ankete zadovoljstva klijenata : Lenovo bih vas zamolio da pošaljete povratnu informaciju glede vašeg servisa: 01SKWPK
[08:44] <weshmashian> mornin'
[08:48] <jelly> Lenovo ima pomalo amaterske prijevode za razliku od prethodnog IBM-a
[08:53] <VjetarSaSunca> jelly: ipak su to kinezi preuzeli :)
[09:52] <SilverSpace> obruT: koji si ti ludjak :)
[10:17] <SilverSpace> cool je vani kad pada kiša kaže netjak
[10:34] <ruthr> dd
[10:37] <SilverSpace> dd /
[10:37] <SilverSpace> :)
[12:08] <infy-> dd
[12:09] <jelly> SilverSpace: svaki dan u 11:00 baytrail za $100
[12:37] <SilverSpace> jelly: nelose
[12:39] <SilverSpace> meni nepotrebno
[12:48] <jelly> ma znam da ti kupis svasta i potrebno i nepotrebno :--D
[12:53] <BotaniCar>
[12:53] <BotaniCar> obruT: to ti, kao glas konkretnog iskustva, jel :)
[12:54] <BotaniCar> obruT: doduse, znas sto pricas, i ti si bio dijete :D
[12:58] <obruT> BotaniCar: upravo to, bio sam dijete :)
[12:58] <obruT> a moglo bi se reci da sam jos uvijek :)
[12:59] <obruT> iako, nisam nikad sluso narodnjake :)
[13:39] <BotaniCar> Velike, tesko dokazive izjave ( nisam nikad slusao narodnjake , jel ) :) Danis' ti, momak, politicar ? :)
[13:43] <SilverSpace> BotaniCar: kaj slusas
[13:54] <BotaniCar> Joy Division, kad vec pitas
[13:54] <BotaniCar> (sad, jel )
[13:54] <BotaniCar> Inace, slusam starije :)
[13:57] <BotaniCar>
[13:57] <datase> YouTube: Joy Division - Atmosphere [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] - 0:04:50 - 1,044,243 views - 5924 likes / 92 dislikes
[15:39] <Mmike> jelly: jel' ti se kad desilo da ti virtualka baca greske poput:
[15:39] <Mmike> Apr 28 17:32:46 ubuntu kernel: [ 3859.881112] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 468339456
[15:39] <Mmike> a da vmware ispod radi ok
[15:39] <Mmike> i da nema bedova nikakvih s diskovima i svime
[15:39] <Mmike> esxi je u igri
[15:40] <jelly> Mmike: read ili write?
[15:41] <jelly> vidio sam io errore samo iz legitimnih razloga
[15:41] <jelly> (popunjen vmfs i thin-provisioned disk, i sl.)
[15:48] <Mmike> jelly: ovo je read
[15:48] <Mmike> oni koji 'ownaju' esxi vele da ispod nema nikakvih bedova
[15:49] <jelly> mmhmm
[15:49] <jelly> jel se ponavlja ako opet citas isti sektor?
[15:50] <Mmike> vjerojatno da
[15:50] <Mmike> trenutno silim kopiranje pg_datadira na drugi stroj
[15:52] <Mmike> jelly:
[15:52] <Mmike> tak to izgleda
[15:53] <jelly> vjerojatno provjeri, pa ih onda gnjavi da imaju bad sector
[15:53] <jelly> al pazi da citas bez cachea kad provjeravas, ili O_DIRECT ili drito sa hdparmom
[15:55] <Mmike> hm
[15:55] <Mmike> sad su mi rekli da im je crko disk
[15:55] <Mmike> al' da jer adi
[15:55] <Mmike> raid
[15:55] <Mmike> stavili novi i popravlja se
[15:55] <Mmike> svejedno mi nisu jasne ove greske
[15:56] <jelly> "nikakvih bedova" jeli
[15:58] <Mmike> da
[15:58] <Mmike> :)
[15:59] <jelly> ^_^
[15:59] <Mmike> al
[15:59] <Mmike> ak je radi
[15:59] <Mmike> i ak su zamijenili
[15:59] <Mmike> zakaj se meni greske jos desavaju? :)
[16:00] <jelly> 8[16:00] <Mmike> :D
[16:02] <hbogner> o/
[16:02] <jelly> \o
[16:03] <jelly> jes diplomiziro
[16:03] <vileni> hbogner!
[16:03] <hbogner> pisem diplomski :D
[16:03] <hbogner> i onda jos 4 ispita do magistra struke
[16:04] <hbogner> vileni !
[16:05] <hbogner> vileni, jel ti imas sta veze s ovim ?
[16:05] <vileni> haha, to je valjda najcesce pitanje koje dobijem
[16:05] <vileni> i ne, nemam :)
[16:05] <hbogner> frend se zeni tamo za mjesec i nesto sitno :D
[16:05] <hbogner> odmah se tebe sjetio :D
[16:05] <vileni> mi smo isto razmisljali o tome
[16:05] <vileni> sad su neke druge kombinacije u igri zbog stana
[16:06] <hbogner> pokrenut seoski turizam?
[16:06] <vileni> ne
[16:06] <vileni> :P
[16:06] <hbogner> :D
[16:06] <vileni> vjencat se tamo
[16:06] <hbogner> ma znam, prcam
[16:06] <vileni> nista ti to ne vrijedi, vise ni neznam kako izgledas :P
[16:07] <hbogner> ha ha ha
[16:11] <hbogner> uf, trebam ic uplatit osiguranje za auto
[16:11] <vileni> hbogner: sva sreca pa si star i dobijes popust
[16:11] <hbogner> nisam toliko star, samo 25% imam
[16:11] <Mmike> hbogner: si vidio dodobasa?
[16:12] <vileni> ako imas 31+ onda imas dodatno popusta
[16:12] <vileni> meni osiguranje ispalo ~1200kn
[16:12] <hbogner> Mmike, nisam, u subotu navecer dosao u rh, a od ponedljeka u uredu
[16:12] <Mmike> hbogner: ma tu na ircu! :)
[16:12] <hbogner> danas mi u jadranskom rekli 2200kn
[16:12] <hbogner> a hok mi rekao puuuno manje
[16:13] <Mmike> hbogner: obvezno?
[16:13] <hbogner> Mmike, ha ha ha, ma nisam ni na ircu bio tjednima, danas prvi put
[16:13] <Mmike> hbogner: dodobas: pozdravite se :)
[16:13] <hbogner> dodobas, pozdrav
[16:13] <Mmike> :)
[16:14] <hbogner> Mmike, evo, pozdravio sma ga
[16:14] <hbogner> Mmike, definiraj "obvezno"
[16:14] <hbogner> ja sam trazio samo ono osnovno osiguranje
[16:14] <Mmike> ono kaj zakon nalaze
[16:15] <Mmike> idem doma
[16:15] <hbogner> da, ono minimum kaj treba uplatit
[16:15] <hbogner> Mmike, danas sam se igrao na poslu :D
[16:15] <vileni> meni je obavezno i osiguranje putnika i besplatna vucna sluzba u cijeni
[16:16] <vileni> a 50% imam toliko dugo da je vec i legalno :)
[16:16] <hbogner> Mmike,
[16:16] <hbogner> ali preko daljinskog
[16:17] <hbogner> vileni, kod kog si osiguran?
[16:17] <vileni> hbogner: zadnje kod allianza
[16:17] <vileni> super za vlasnike franciskih i talijanskih vozila :)
[16:18] <hbogner> ja imam korejca
[16:18] <vileni> ja japanca
[16:18] <vileni> opet
[16:24] <Vlado9A3CY> dobra vecer :)
[16:49] <Vlado9A3CY> Bandić razgovara preko radioamaterske postaje držeći mikrofon na uhu :D ...
[16:53] <jelly>
[16:53] <datase> YouTube: Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home (7/10) Movie CLIP - The Miracle Worker (1986) HD - 0:02:36 - 190,451 views - 322 likes / 5 dislikes
[17:31] <Mmike> jelly,
[17:31] <Mmike> jelly, veli meni esxi baja da jos dobijam one greske jer se radi rebuilda :)
[17:50] <hbogner> jadransko danas trazilo 2200kn, euroherc 2300, hok 1600 kuna
[17:50] <hbogner> pa ti biraj
[17:51] <Mmike> meni osiguranje za auto + registracija oko 3500 kuna
[17:51] <Mmike> 3800 cak
[17:51] <hbogner> ovo samo osiguranje
[17:52] <hbogner> nije vise ona zelena masina kao prije?
[17:52] <hbogner> kaj sad vozis?
[17:52] <Mmike> zelena masina?
[17:53] <hbogner> pa vozio si neki zeleni autic prije 3-4 godine
[17:53] <hbogner> tamno zeleni
[17:53] <Mmike> zeleni?
[17:54] <Mmike> ne sjecam se
[17:54] <Mmike> sad imam mazdu6
[17:54] <Mmike> srebrnu
[17:54] <Mmike> prije sam imao mazdu demio
[17:54] <Mmike> crveno/ljubicastu
[17:54] <Mmike> prije toga sam imao sluzbeni golf
[17:54] <hbogner> mozda sam pomjesao boju
[17:54] <Mmike> srebrni isto :)
[17:54] <Mmike> i prije toga mazdu 323 crvenu :)
[17:54] <hbogner> onda mozda ovaj crveno/ljucibasti
[17:54] <hbogner> je da, mazda
[17:57] <SilverSpace> ke
[18:48] <vileni> Mmike: kako 3800? jel imas kakav popust?
[18:53] <Mmike> 25%
[18:53] <Mmike> bonusa
[18:53] <Mmike> imao sam 50%
[18:53] <Mmike> i onda sam vozio sluzbeni auto
[18:53] <Mmike> i nakon toga auto od bivse cure
[18:53] <Mmike> i ooooooode bonus
[18:53] <Mmike> debiliam
[18:53] <Mmike> debilizam
[19:06] <vileni> pa i meni je "otisao" jer nisam regao nista 3 godine
[19:06] <Mmike> ma debili
[19:06] <hbogner> pizde jedne lopovske
[19:06] <vileni> ali opet
[19:06] <Mmike> PICHKE
[19:06] <vileni> imam 50
[19:06] <Mmike> vileni, a jbg, ja sam krenuo od nule :)
[19:06] <vileni> kao sto imam 50% vec 14 godina :)
[19:07] <hbogner> ja sam prve godine imao 50% ali su onda te godine radili reviziju :(
[19:08] <vileni> a nista, treba kupiti nesto sa ~45ks ili manje
[19:27] <SilverSpace> gledam novu web kameru i ustanovio da su cijene na ebay i u nasim ducanima iste
[19:28] <vileni> mala je razlika u zadnje vrijeme
[19:28] <vileni> a i stvarima koje su znatno jeftinije online ne vjerujem bas :)
[19:30] <SilverSpace> gledao i neke stvari kaj mi trebaju iz chipoteke i kineza skoro da i nema razlike
[19:31] <SilverSpace> ha gnome terminal isti bug i na desktopu i na laptopu u 15.04
[19:42] <SilverSpace>
[19:42] <SilverSpace> super
[20:29] <VjetarSaSunca> SilverSpace: pitao si za native Android dev okruženje, to je bilo za Visual Studio, core M$ produkt
[20:29] <VjetarSaSunca> od nove verzije (još je u beti) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.751354 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-hr"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-discuss | [00:01] <lotuspsychje> nite nite ; )
[04:37] <lotuspsychje> morning to all
[07:48] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:59] <lotuspsychje> morning to all
[08:05] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: we had trolls here all night yesterday :p
[08:06] <cfhowlett> I love hexchat precisely because /ignore works
[08:06] <lotuspsychje> :p
[12:24] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[14:02] <MonkeyDust> still no name for 15.10?
[16:31] <PaulW2U> MonkeyDust: No. Could the second use of a name beginning with "W" be causing technical problems?
[17:05] <MonkeyDust> FF really eats the CPU
[17:06] <MonkeyDust> temperature increases immedtiately when I launch FF | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.754495 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-discuss"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu | [00:00] <aladiah> EriC^^ : But when i do ctrl+alt+L the effect is the contrary before you start helping me . curious doesnit ?
[00:00] <lotuspsychje> vempyre: backup your data and fresh install 14.04
[00:00] <EriC^^> aladiah: yeah, it is
[00:00] <aladiah> But i prefere like this! Thank you very much .
[00:00] <aladiah> i will reboot now
[00:00] <aladiah> to test if still working
[00:00] <vempyre> ok thank you everyone.
[00:00] <EriC^^> ok
[00:00] <aladiah> minute !
[00:08] <MichaelHabib_> Seveas: EriC^^ ty, I will look into ubiquity to see what it does on install.
[00:09] <MichaelHabib_> Seveas: EriC^^ My plan is to try and get the smallest ubuntu I can, may start with a server then add minimal GUI and basic apps I need. Wanted to see if just copying the .iso content amkes in a way like "installed" so I can make some adjusments and remove the default user and add my own users and software .
[00:09] <MichaelHabib_> Seveas: EriC^^ samllest ubuntu to be run from ram using Grub2 toram
[00:10] <EriC^^> MichaelHabib_: look into the minimalcd install if you want to select which packages get installed
[00:10] <EriC^^> !minicd
[00:10] <EriC^^> !mini
[00:11] <MichaelHabib_> EriC^^: ty, can i .iso boot like otherubuntu distros ?
[00:11] <acz32> you can't boot into a live environment if that's what you mean
[00:12] <acz32> it's minimal
[00:15] <EriC^^> MichaelHabib_: you can boot it with grub yeah
[00:18] <AmazonianDude> Ubuntu is not detecting my phone automatically. .-.
[00:18] <aladiah> EriC^^: It Work perfectly now. Thank you very much !
[00:18] <EriC^^> aladiah: great, no problem
[00:19] <aladiah> EriC^^: You cant imagine how important this is was to me. Because i need to receive calls to a voip Linuphone, and when iam not on laptop i wasnt able to hear it ring ! Now i can thank you very very mkuc
[00:19] <EriC^^> aladiah: that's great man, np :)
[00:20] <AmazonianDude> eriC^^ can you help me get ubuntu to detect my phone so I can transfer files
[00:21] <EriC^^> AmazonianDude: i don't know much about that
[00:21] <EriC^^> is it an iphone?
[00:21] <AmazonianDude> I'
[00:22] <AmazonianDude> I'd throw it at a wall if it was. I hate iPhones lol. No it's an Android.
[00:22] <kostkon> AmazonianDude, what version of Ubuntu?
[00:22] <AmazonianDude> 14.04c\
[00:22] <AmazonianDude> 14.04c*
[00:22] <EriC^^> obviously you want an iphone 5c or something
[00:22] <EriC^^> :P
[00:23] <EriC^^> i have an iphone btw
[00:23] <EriC^^> hehe
[00:23] <AmazonianDude> Don't you have to pay for app updates
[00:23] <EriC^^> nah the free apps get updated for free
[00:23] <EriC^^> and the ios too
[00:23] <kostkon> AmazonianDude, what happens when you connect it
[00:25] <AmazonianDude> Nothing at all .-.
[00:28] <EriC^^> !android
[00:29] <EriC^^> !find mtp
[00:30] <EriC^^> AmazonianDude: i think you need to install mtp-tools mtpfs
[00:30] <deeznutshahgotem> su
[00:30] * deeznutshahgotem ate pussy
[00:30] * deeznutshahgotem ate pussy
[00:30] * deeznutshahgotem ate pussy
[00:30] * deeznutshahgotem ate pussy
[00:30] * deeznutshahgotem ate pussy
[00:30] * deeznutshahgotem ate pussy
[00:31] <mojtaba> Hi, could you please tell me what is wrong with this config?
[00:31] <mojtaba>
[00:31] <AmazonianDude> Much thanks to you
[00:32] <EriC^^> AmazonianDude: try connecting it to the usb3 port, i read that sometimes that just does it
[00:34] <EriC^^> AmazonianDude: no problem
[00:37] <gp5st> hello. 14.04. `man pinentry` tells me to `info pinentry` but `info pinentry` just shows the man page
[00:37] <gp5st> long story short, I want it to cache credentials longer than it is and I'm not sure how to do that
[00:40] <Pici> ]/70
[00:41] <KittnesNRainbows> i have a question
[00:41] <KittnesNRainbows> why do you all suck?
[00:41] <KittnesNRainbows> these nuts
[00:41] * KittnesNRainbows ate ass
[00:41] * KittnesNRainbows ate ass for five nights at freddies
[00:42] * KittnesNRainbows ate these nuts
[00:42] * KittnesNRainbows got ready to eat these fat nuts in his mouth and swallowed them whole
[00:42] * KittnesNRainbows ate nuts
[00:42] * KittnesNRainbows killed Bashing-om in hardcore sex
[00:42] <aladiah> EriC^^: after reboot i found the problem. The problem is with locker. But i cant config locker for more then 60 minutes. After locker be in action all sound turns off. This is normal ?
[00:42] <KittnesNRainbows> aladiah:eat these nuts
[00:42] <KittnesNRainbows> faggot
[00:42] <KittnesNRainbows> eat these nuts
[00:43] <KittnesNRainbows> you are all faggots
[00:43] <aladiah> The channel is being HAcked or what ?
[00:43] <Flannel> aladiah: No, just a single spammer.
[00:44] <EriC^^> aladiah: i dont follow
[00:45] <EriC^^> aladiah: what do you mean after it's been locked for 60seconds the sound turns off?
[00:46] <aladiah> EriC^^: In Xfce manager, there is the folder Security to config after how many minutes we want locker be in action right ?
[00:46] <EriC^^> yeah
[00:46] <aladiah> EriC^^: It is possible to config 0 to 60 minutes max
[00:46] <aladiah> EriC^^: When this activates, sound turns offf. Is normal ?
[00:47] <EriC^^> i dont think so
[00:47] <EriC^^> in unity it continues
[00:48] <aladiah> EriC^^: So if i stay way from laptop for 3 hours, after an hour i will not hear the phone ring.
[00:48] <aladiah> EriC^^: If i deactivate this, then i will have less security or none at all doesnit ?
[00:49] <EriC^^> yeah
[00:49] <aladiah> EriC^^: Have you try this on your Unity ?
[00:49] <aladiah> Are you sure it doesnt happen on Unity ?
[00:50] <EriC^^> yeah i'm positive
[00:50] <aladiah> EriC^^: You dont have idea howw to fix this ?
[00:51] <EriC^^> aladiah: i thought it worked? no?
[00:51] <wafflejock> aladiah, search for audio
[00:51] <aladiah> wafflejock: lets try
[00:52] <genii> gp5st: I think instead you need to set in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf file a longer value for default-cache-ttl and max-cache-ttl
[00:54] <aladiah> EriC^^: iam readind this but iam not figuring out, how this will help
[00:55] <Roey> hi
[00:56] <Roey> Downloaded Kubuntu 15.04 CD. Did "try out Kubuntu" to get to the Live disc. It asks for a username and password. Does this happen with Ubuntu at all or is this just Kubuntu?
[00:56] <aladiah> EriC^^: do you have idea how to do this ?
[00:56] <Roey> and if so then what is the username/pw?
[00:56] <EriC^^> aladiah: it says that light-locker has that as a feature, and there are 3 workarounds
[00:56] <EriC^^> aladiah: type apt-cache policy light-locker
[00:57] <aladiah> EriC^^: ok
[00:58] <gp5st> genii: ah, OK. That file doesn't exist, so I'll make it and find some docs for it
[00:58] <EriC^^> aladiah: there's 1 workaround that will keep it playing until the screensaver is deactivated, but i think that wouldn't be optimum since somebody could touch the pc and deactivate it and leave and you wouldn't hear the phone ring after that for a while i guess
[00:58] <aladiah> EriC^^: results for apt-cache policy light-locker
[00:58] <Bashing-om> Roey: I have never seen the requirement in the "try ubuntu" mode for a username/password. Sure you did NOT do the install ? As then it is required.
[00:59] <EriC^^> i like the 3rd workaround that isn't recommended, which is adding the user to the audio group, but it means if you decide to log into another user while the first user is logged on and playing music, he won't be able to use the sound card, also the user in audio group can access the sound card without logging in and has control over it
[00:59] <EriC^^> aladiah: you could always use a different locker if you want
[01:00] <aladiah> What are de disavantages of 1st solution ?
[01:00] <aladiah> EriC^^: What are de disavantages of 1st solution ?
[01:00] <EriC^^> i explained above
[01:00] <EriC^^> if someone deactivates the screensaver you'll lose the sound until you login
[01:00] <EriC^^> i guess
[01:00] <aladiah> hoo sorrry
[01:00] <mzgnr> Guys, can someone help me with the curl https error ?
[01:01] <mojtaba> Hi, could you please tell me what is wrong with this config?
[01:01] <aladiah> EriC^^: And the second solution is what ?
[01:02] <EriC^^> use xscreensaver
[01:02] <aladiah> EriC^^: what it is swtich back to xscreensaver ?
[01:02] <mzgnr> Guys how can i fix this ? " curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate"
[01:02] <EriC^^> instead of light-locker, yes
[01:02] <aladiah> xscreensaver is the alternative program
[01:02] <EriC^^> yeah
[01:03] <aladiah> instead using XFce doesnit ?
[01:03] <EriC^^> aladiah: try gnome-screensaver i like it the best
[01:03] <EriC^^> sudo apt-get install gnome-screensaver
[01:04] <aladiah> EriC^^ It is graphical nas easy to use ?
[01:04] <EriC^^> yes
[01:04] <aladiah> Can you help me deactive this one and install that one ?
[01:04] <aladiah> EriC^^ : wich command i should type ?
[01:05] <EriC^^> yes, install it and type sudo nano /usr/bin/xflock4
[01:05] <EriC^^> install it first, then try gnome-screensaver-command -l
[01:06] <aladiah> install done, now: gnome-screensaver-command -l and then sudo nano /usr/bin/xflock4
[01:06] <EriC^^> ok try gnome-screensaver-command -l
[01:07] <EriC^^> nevermind the sudo nano /usr/bin/xflock4
[01:07] <aladiah> EriC^^ : I did it , screen switch off, and no sound then
[01:07] <aladiah> now i will do sudo nano /usr/bin/xflock4
[01:08] <EriC^^> no, nevermind that
[01:08] <aladiah> no
[01:08] <EriC^^> aladiah: did a different lock screen appear?
[01:08] <coolstar> anyone have experience with grub and ACPI? having some issues here
[01:09] <EriC^^> aladiah: try gnome-screensaver-preferences
[01:09] <coolstar> I need to override my DSDT (faulty BIOS) but grub says "couldn't find suitable spot in EBDA"
[01:09] <coolstar> I'm using the command "acpi /boot/dsdt.aml"
[01:09] <coolstar> (from grub shell)
[01:09] <aladiah> EriC^^ : when : I did it gnome-screensaver-command -l, screen switch off, and no sound , then locker appear when i move mouse
[01:09] <EriC^^> a different locker than before?
[01:10] <aladiah> humm it seems the same to me
[01:10] <aladiah> iam not sure
[01:10] <EriC^^> aladiah: try sudo apt-get purge light-locker
[01:10] <aladiah> can i do it again ?
[01:10] <aladiah> EriC^^ : when : but i didt do this yet gnome-screensaver-preferences
[01:10] <aladiah> never mind to ?
[01:11] <EriC^^> ok, try gnome-screensaver-preferences
[01:11] <EriC^^> hmm i think gnome-screensaver launches, then it launches light-locker when you move the mouse
[01:12] <EriC^^> i thought it was part of the package
[01:12] <EriC^^> i wonder what unity uses for locking
[01:12] <aladiah> EriC^^ it do nothing
[01:13] <EriC^^> aladiah: i think xscreensaver has a locker in it, but it's really ugly O.o
[01:14] <EriC^^> aladiah: oh, try gnome-screensaver and press tab a couple of times
[01:15] <aladiah> ok
[01:15] <EriC^^> aladiah: btw you have to log out and log back in it seems
[01:15] <aladiah> EriC^^: First i have to log out ?
[01:15] <aladiah> then gnome-screensaver and tab a couple time s?
[01:16] <EriC^^> try to logout and back in
[01:16] <aladiah> ok
[01:16] <EriC^^> nevermind the preferences i think it's deprecated
[01:18] <aladiah> EriC^^: iam back
[01:18] <EriC^^> wb
[01:18] <mzgnr> guys, is there any way to fix this ca-cert issue with curl ?????
[01:18] <EriC^^> aladiah: try gnome-screensaver-command
[01:18] <EriC^^> aladiah: try gnome-screensaver-command -l
[01:19] <aladiah> EriC^^: gnome-screensaver-command -l and then tab ?
[01:19] <aladiah> or just gnome-screensaver-command -l ??
[01:19] <EriC^^> aladiah: no, just gnome-screensaver-command -l
[01:20] <aladiah> EriC^^: Here whats up: the screen switch off, then sound off, then appear a screen locker
[01:21] <EriC^^> aladiah: try sudo apt-get purge light-locker
[01:22] <aladiah> EriC^^: Results for sudo apt-get purge light-locker :
[01:23] <EriC^^> aladiah: ok try gnome-screensaver-command -l
[01:24] <aladiah> EriC^^: Here whats up: the screen switch off, then sound off, then appear a screen locker
[01:24] <aladiah> when i moved mouse off course
[01:25] <EriC^^> aladiah: pastebin cat `which lxlock`
[01:26] <aladiah> cat `which lxlock` ??
[01:26] <EriC^^> yup
[01:26] <aladiah> this is a command line ?
[01:26] <aladiah> ok
[01:26] <EriC^^> yeah
[01:27] <aladiah> EriC^^: Results for cat `which lxlock` :
[01:28] <danileigh79> what's the cli command for release upgrading?
[01:28] <EriC^^> sudo do-release-upgrade
[01:28] <danileigh79> EriC^^: thanks
[01:28] <EriC^^> np
[01:29] <aladiah> EriC^^: i dont see the icon to start the aplication yet . .
[01:29] <EriC^^> aladiah: i wonder how it locked it
[01:30] <EriC^^> does which light-locker-command return anything?
[01:30] <cage_raphel> Hello!!
[01:30] <aladiah> light-locker-command
[01:30] <cage_raphel> need assistance on connecting to wifi on ubu 14.10
[01:30] <EriC^^> yeah, type which light-locker-command
[01:31] <cage_raphel> ubu 14.10 - internet works perfectly fine when connected hard wired.. but wifi does not connect.
[01:31] <aladiah> EriC^^: it did something scary, very fast nad close the console windows. this is normal ?
[01:31] <EriC^^> aladiah: not a problem
[01:31] <aladiah> i never seen this before happen
[01:31] <EriC^^> !find light-locker-command
[01:32] <aladiah> the console closed it self
[01:32] <cage_raphel> could anyone here pls help me with the ubu 14.10 wifi issue.. any help would be much appreciated.
[01:32] <EriC^^> aladiah: try typing which light-locker-command
[01:32] <EriC^^> aladiah: which light-locker-command
[01:32] <aladiah> wich is part of command ?
[01:32] <EriC^^> cage_raphel: type lspci -v | grep Network
[01:32] <EriC^^> aladiah: yes
[01:32] <aladiah> i didnt do that a while ago
[01:34] <aladiah> EriC^^: Results for which light-locker-command , do nothing
[01:34] <EriC^^> ok
[01:35] <aladiah> now i dont have the security folder on XFCE
[01:35] <aladiah> EriC^^: now i dont have the security folder on XFCE
[01:35] <cage_raphel> EriC^^, : lspci -v | grep Network
[01:35] <cage_raphel> 02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter (rev 01)
[01:36] <EriC^^> !wifi | cage_raphel check which module you need
[01:36] <EriC^^> aladiah: what security folder?
[01:36] <cage_raphel> !wifi
[01:36] <aladiah> That one we talk a moment ago, where we use to define how much minutes it will take to locker be in action
[01:37] <cage_raphel> EriC^^, : i have gone through the documentation online bro.. but i am not sure which part i am missing..
[01:37] <EriC^^> aladiah: ok i got it working here, on xfce4
[01:37] <aladiah> EriC^^: That one where we should do the 3rd solution
[01:37] <EriC^^> aladiah: gnome-screensaver has a locker in it
[01:37] <EriC^^> but the daemon needs to be running
[01:37] <cage_raphel> EriC^^, how do i exactly check if my wifi card is working alright or not ??
[01:38] <EriC^^> aladiah: type gnome-screensaver & disown
[01:38] <EriC^^> then press enter and type gnome-screensaver-command -l
[01:38] <EriC^^> i'll test it to see if sound continues hold on
[01:39] <EriC^^> yeah it continues
[01:39] <EriC^^> aladiah: i think when you restart the pc, the daemon will start by itself, and it should work fine
[01:39] <EriC^^> try restarting
[01:40] <Roey> hi. Does the LiveCD ask for a username/password? I thought it's a no-login cd..?
[01:40] <EriC^^> cage_raphel: is the module you need loaded?
[01:40] <aladiah> EriC^^: the sound stopped , i moved mouse and locker apear
[01:40] <EriC^^> Roey: no
[01:40] <aladiah> i should restart ?
[01:40] <EriC^^> aladiah: which locker?
[01:40] <nightLXDE2816228> hola
[01:40] <EriC^^> this is nuts..
[01:40] <EriC^^> try restarting why not
[01:40] <Roey> EriC^^: so it should not be asking for a username/password, is this correct?
[01:41] <EriC^^> Roey: correct
[01:41] <Finetundra> Roey: yip
[01:41] <gospodin> no it should not be asking for username/pass xD o.O
[01:41] <aladiah> EriC^^: after i did gnome-screensaver-command -l , screen switch off, sound stoped, login screen appear
[01:41] <cage_raphel> EriC^^,
[01:41] <aladiah> when i moved mouse
[01:41] <EriC^^> aladiah: the same login box you used to get? or a small white one?
[01:41] <Roey> Finetundra:, EriC^^ : thanks
[01:41] <cage_raphel> EriC^^, : i am a newbie with ubuntu.. so i am not quite sure what u mean by loading a module.
[01:41] <aladiah> i didnt note the difference to be sincerelly
[01:41] <nightLXDE2816228> i need help
[01:41] <gr33n7007h> it's like the hadron collider getting bombarded lol
[01:42] <nightLXDE2816228> please
[01:42] <aladiah> EriC^^ : i will reboot and back in a minute ok ?
[01:42] <EriC^^> ok
[01:42] <aladiah> EriC^^ : you need to explain me how to start this new app.
[01:42] <aladiah> i cant see the icon to start it
[01:43] <EriC^^> aladiah: the preferences?
[01:43] <EriC^^> you should manage it with power-manager in xfce
[01:43] <aladiah> hoo
[01:43] <EriC^^> the preferences app has been deprecated
[01:43] <EriC^^> cage_raphel: modules are like the drivers of the wifi card
[01:43] <aladiah> EriC^^ but it still missing on folder now
[01:44] <aladiah> that ones to config the locker
[01:44] <EriC^^> cage_raphel: the page should say which cards need which modules and which packages have them
[01:44] <aladiah> before we have 5 folders now its 4
[01:44] <EriC^^> cage_raphel: lsmod | grep <module> to see if it's loaded, modprobe <module> to load it
[01:45] <aladiah> EriC^^: i will reboot and back in a minute ok ?
[01:45] <EriC^^> ok
[01:46] <cage_raphel> EriC^^, : thank u bro.. lemme check
[01:46] <Bashing-om> !ask | nightLXDE2816228
[01:47] <nightLXDE2816228> I have ubuntu on a dvd,
[01:47] <nightLXDE2816228> If I copy the files from dvd
[01:48] <nightLXDE2816228> I can install it on dvd?
[01:48] <nightLXDE2816228> in puppy linux could
[01:48] <ClaudeRoy> .
[01:48] <EriC^^> are you trying to make a copy of a dvd?
[01:48] <EriC^^> nightLXDE2816228:
[01:49] <nightLXDE2816228> yeah
[01:49] <nightLXDE2816228> yes
[01:49] <nightLXDE2816228> of course
[01:49] <nightLXDE2816228> ¬¬
[01:50] <nightLXDE2816228> is possible?
[01:50] <Finetundra> nightLXDE2816228: all you should need to do is burn the iso to the dvd and you'll have a live bootable disc
[01:50] <Finetundra> unless the disc is already burnt
[01:51] <EriC^^> nightLXDE2816228: try and see
[01:51] <nightLXDE2816228> I do not want him in my dvd, I want the pendrive me wrong I walk my dvd reader
[01:52] <EriC^^> you walk your dvd reader?
[01:52] <Finetundra> nightLXDE2816228: if I understand you want a live usb then yes?
[01:53] <nightLXDE2816228> yeas
[01:53] <xangua> nightLXDE2816228: is english your first language? If not perhaps you should try any other of the non ubuntu english channels
[01:53] <nightLXDE2816228> copy the archives of dvd
[01:54] <xangua> (20:50:25) Finetundra: nightLXDE2816228: all you should need to do is burn the iso to the dvd - burn the ubuntu .iso as image
[01:54] <nightLXDE2816228> is english your first language? If not perhaps you should try any other of the non ubuntu english channels
[01:54] <nightLXDE2816228> if probe with # ubuntu-es but do not answer me Idiots
[01:54] <xangua> and that aproach won't give you better results here either
[01:54] <oats> troll alert
[01:55] <Finetundra> nightLXDE2816228: ok so grab a tool to make a live such as unetbootin(don't believe it's offically suggested but works well enough) and tell it to write it to your flash drive
[01:55] <nightLXDE2816228> bye
[01:55] <oats> o\
[01:56] <aladiah> EriC^^: Now it dont have security
[01:56] <cage_raphel> Eric__, : i have the output run for the wifi script....
[01:56] <EriC^^> where aladiah ?
[01:56] <aladiah> EriC^^: when screen switch off, i move the mouse and the login screen dont appear .
[01:57] <cage_raphel> Eric__, : i am quite not sure how to study the output.. but does it make any easier to find out what the wifi issue is ?
[01:57] <EriC^^> i don't use lubuntu usually so i dont know what you mean..
[01:57] <EriC^^> aladiah: ok, try typing gnome-screensaver-command -l
[01:58] <aladiah> now it appear
[01:58] <aladiah> how to config it ?
[01:58] <aladiah> EriC^^ i saw it for first time
[01:59] <EriC^^> cage_raphel: try sudo rfkill unblock all
[01:59] <mojtaba> Hi, Please help! Edit connections is disabled and also disconnect is disabled!
[01:59] <mojtaba> Do you know what should I do to fix this?
[01:59] <aladiah> EriC^^: but i dont see how to config it in energy manager. energy manager lose the security folder after our intervention
[01:59] <cage_raphel> EriC^^, : yes i have run the rfkill.. the cursor returns without any output
[01:59] <EriC^^> aladiah: i think lxlock should call it
[02:00] <mojtaba> I used this command: sudo stop network-manager
[02:00] <Finetundra> mojtaba: have you tried typing network-manager into terminal?
[02:00] <EriC^^> aladiah: try typing lxlock
[02:01] <aladiah> Eric^^ when i do lxlock, the locker login screen appear.
[02:01] <EriC^^> mojtaba: try sudo service network-manager restart
[02:01] <aladiah> I want it appear after x minutes . how to config this ?
[02:01] <Finetundra> mojtaba: what EriC^^ said
[02:02] <cage_raphel> EriC^^, : output after running rfkill unblock all..
[02:02] <EriC^^> yeah, that just happened
[02:02] <aladiah> Eric^^ I want it appear after x minutes . how to config this ?
[02:02] <mojtaba> EriC^^: It just restarted my connection. But still those are gray out
[02:02] <EriC^^> mojtaba: try pkill nm-applet && nm-applet & disown
[02:03] <EriC^^> pretty sure network-manager restarts that though..
[02:03] <mojtaba> EriC^^: What should I do after that? It might disconnect me.
[02:04] <EriC^^> mojtaba: nm-applet will run the notification in the corner
[02:04] <EriC^^> the thing you can click to get the connections
[02:04] <mojtaba> EriC^^: should I type nm-applet two times?
[02:04] <aladiah> Eric^^: after a minute the screen switch off, the sound still, i move the mouse, and it dont appear the locker screen !
[02:05] <aladiah> the energy manager now dont have the folder to control that function
[02:05] <EriC^^> aladiah: did you try typing lxlock alone?
[02:05] <aladiah> yes i did
[02:06] <EriC^^> ok, what happened?
[02:06] <aladiah> it appear the login screen
[02:06] <aladiah> But i need it appear alone by it self doesnit ?
[02:06] <EriC^^> ok, so lubuntu is running something else to lock the screen i guess
[02:06] <EriC^^> aladiah: yes, we're seeing if lxlock is running right
[02:06] <mojtaba> Eric^^: The command have 2 nm-applet? pkill nm-applet && nm-applet & disown
[02:07] <aladiah> Dont you think its better to revert to the point before,m and try 3rd solution ?
[02:07] <aladiah> Eric^^: Dont you think its better to revert to the point before,m and try 3rd solution ?
[02:08] <neldogz> Slamming my head into a wall for the last 2 hours. Trying to install Ubuntu 15.04 server and the installation keeps failing when trying to install grub to the master boot record. Unable to install GRUB in /dev/md0
[02:08] <neldogz> Using Software Raid 0 with LVM
[02:08] <bindi> does anyone have personal experience on installing ubuntu 14.04 to a macbook late 2006 model? i know there are guides and all, but i have to get this working at my school, on the first try really :P
[02:08] <EriC^^> aladiah: try settings > screensaver preferences
[02:09] <EriC^^> mojtaba: yes
[02:10] <EriC^^> aladiah: sorry, preferences > screensaver
[02:10] <mojtaba> EriC^^: the other problem is that, I had a vpn connection, but now when I click on it nothing happens. (Your command fixed the previous problem. thanks.)
[02:10] <trelool> aladiah: Are you using 'Light Locker Settings" from preferences? Do you see "enable light-locker" button? Is it on or off?
[02:10] <aeon-ltd> bindi: i've done ubuntu installs on a 2008 macbook. wifi may take some work, as well as the media keys, brightness possibly too. you can either dual boot by preparing a 'windows' install then not following through on the windows part (install ubuntu instead) or you add the rEFIt bootloader to have multiboot
[02:11] <bindi> aeon-ltd: i want to install ubuntu alone on it
[02:12] <bindi> it's a A1181 model but i'm not sure if that's 1,1 or 2,1 version :F
[02:12] <aladiah> trelool no i dont see that option in preferences
[02:12] <aladiah> EriC^^ : So now the security is with screensaver ?
[02:12] <EriC^^> aladiah: no
[02:12] <aeon-ltd> bindi: oh then if you don't want OSX you can just straight install, but there may be some work involved post install to get it to an acceptable level of usability. get ready to be disappointed with the trackpad
[02:12] <trelool> aladiah: I thought you were using lumbuntu 15.04?
[02:13] <EriC^^> aladiah: i'm trying to see how lubuntu runs the screensaver..
[02:13] <bindi> aeon-ltd: do i have to make the partitions mbr instead of gpt?
[02:13] <aeon-ltd> sorry i don't remember, but OSX defaults to gpt iirc
[02:14] <bindi> yeah, how does ubuntu 14.04 like that? some guides are from 2007 2008..
[02:14] <bindi> does editing xorg.conf still apply in newer versions?
[02:15] <bindi> this i mean
[02:15] <aeon-ltd> honestly no idea, but if trackpad usuage is not good then try it
[02:16] <bindi> and this guide tells me to redo the partitions as mbr
[02:18] <bindi> well that shouldn't be a problem anyway, i just want to know if i can just click next next next on the ubuntu installation, would save me time :P
[02:20] <aladiah> EriC^^: this dont work at all, screen saver dont , work, i have no security . please tell me how to revert this to the prior point ?
[02:21] <EriC^^> aladiah: ok, i couldn't find much about what calls lxlock
[02:22] <EriC^^> sudo apt-get purge gnome-screensaver +light-locker
[02:22] <aladiah> EriC^^: please can you simple tell me how to go back to
[02:22] <EriC^^> aladiah: type sudo apt-get purge gnome-screensaver
[02:22] <aladiah> EriC^^: error
[02:22] <aladiah> sudo apt-get purge gnome-screensaver +light-locker give me error
[02:22] <neldogz> Slamming my head into a wall for the last 2 hours. Trying to install Ubuntu 15.04 server and the installation keeps failing when trying to install grub to the master boot record. Unable to install GRUB in /dev/md0. Using software raid 0 and LVM
[02:23] <EriC^^> ok i think it has to be remove --purge for that
[02:23] <EriC^^> aladiah: anyways type sudo apt-get purge gnome-screensaver
[02:23] <EriC^^> then type sudo apt-get install light-locker then restart your pc
[02:23] <aladiah>
[02:25] <aladiah> EriC^^: Thanks for all anyway . i will reboot now
[02:26] <bindi> if i choose lubuntu, will i have less OOTB working features?
[02:27] <EriC^^> ootb?
[02:27] <bindi> out of the box
[02:28] <EriC^^> oh
[02:28] <bindi> for a macbook late 2006, that is
[02:29] <EriC^^> why not try xubuntu?
[02:31] <aladiah> EriC^^: now security folder is back on energy manager. I will choose the option automaticly block the session when screen saver is deactivaed
[02:32] <aladiah> I think none will touch my laptop
[02:32] <EriC^^> ok, you could try xscreensaver if you want, it might be less of a hassle than gnome-screensaver
[02:32] <EriC^^> anyways i'm off..
[02:32] <aladiah> Thanks for all
[02:33] <EriC^^> np
[02:33] <aladiah> At least my problem was solved anyway
[02:33] <aladiah> ;o)
[02:33] <pkircher> someone ext with ovs 2.3.1 and ubuntu 14.04 with just 1 nic?
[02:33] <pkircher> exp*
[02:33] <aladiah> I can now receive calls
[02:44] <DANtheBEASTman> does anybody know the appropriate way to install kde plasma 5 on 14.03? I see a couple ppas but not sure which to use
[02:44] <DANtheBEASTman> *14.04 sorry
[02:45] <EriC^^> DANtheBEASTman: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop i think
[02:45] <xangua> DANtheBEASTman: if there are PPA's you are mostly on your own
[02:45] <DANtheBEASTman> EriC^^: that would put me where I am now
[02:45] <EriC^^> oh ok
[02:45] <xangua> you can try them or not, your choice ;)
[02:46] <omarisrael> hi there
[02:46] <omarisrael> i need help
[02:47] <omarisrael> i want to get back my main sesion on ubuntu but when i was installing compiz i lose all my desktop
[02:47] <DANtheBEASTman> omarisrael: if you don't tell me what the problem is I can't help you
[02:47] <omarisrael> DANtheBEASTman, thats my problem
[02:48] <DANtheBEASTman> omarisrael: you lost your session state on log out?
[02:49] <omarisrael> i mean when i was installing compiz i was configuring compiz
[02:49] <omarisrael> and i dont know what i did
[02:49] <omarisrael> and then de desktop dissapear
[02:49] <omarisrael> only see the wallpaper
[02:49] <omarisrael> im working in a second user session
[02:50] <EriC^^> omarisrael: try rm -rf /.config/compiz or so
[02:51] <EriC^^> open a terminal and type dconf reset -f /org/compiz , also try removing ~/.compiz-1 i think
[02:51] <EriC^^> omarisrael: that was rm -rf ~/.config/compiz
[02:52] <omarisrael> in the second user session eric?
[02:54] <omarisrael> EriC^^, on the second user session?
[02:56] <EriC^^> omarisrael: no, use ctrl+alt+f1 to login to your user and run the commands
[02:57] <omarisrael> but not appears me nothing on the main session
[02:57] <neldogz> Slamming my head into a wall for the last 2 hours. Trying to install Ubuntu 15.04 server and the installation keeps failing when trying to install grub to the master boot record. Unable to install GRUB in /dev/md0. Using software raid 0 and LVM
[02:57] <omarisrael> i was trying to found the terminal
[02:57] <neldogz> solved this by installing Ubuntu in UEFI mode
[02:57] <omarisrael> but not appears
[02:57] <ilken> HALP! I upgraded from Wheezy to Jessie and now X wont start just a black screen, i can get tty up but no X how can i fix it?
[02:58] <kostkon> !debian
[02:58] <kostkon> hmm nope
[02:58] <xangua> ilken: /join #debian
[02:58] <ilken> oh Im in Debian too lol
[02:58] <omarisrael> what can i do :(
[02:59] <EriC^^> omarisrael: press ctrl+alt+f1
[03:06] <Xgndominoes> hey
[03:07] <xangua> Xgndominoes: not supported here
[03:09] <Xgndominoes> k
[03:19] <omarisrael> sorry
[03:19] <omarisrael> im back
[03:19] <omarisrael> EriC^^, im back what was the commands pls?
[03:20] <omarisrael> ctrl alt f1 and then?
[03:22] <Bashing-om> omarisrael: " EriC^^> omarisrael: try rm -rf /.config/compiz " .
[03:25] <excelsiora> hi!
[03:26] <excelsiora> anyone know what dpkg --configure -a does? Yes I'm looking at the man-page right now.
[03:28] <Bashing-om> exekias: Depends; what release ? as no longer supported per : .
[03:28] <Bashing-om> excelsiora: ^^ .
[03:29] <excelsiora> Yeah, that looked like it was to me, so I used it to be able to purge a guy's latest kernel, then his ubuntu seemed to be working fine, and he went home and later gave me a nice written recommendation on LinkedIn (TMI?) but I'd like to know he's ok.
[03:30] <excelsiora> and that was dpkg --configure -a not dpkg-reconfigure -a
[03:31] <excelsiora> yay for ubuntu though, I love you guys
[03:32] <excelsiora> ctr-alt-F1 is the only way to roll
[03:32] <excelsiora> if I could only browse from tty1...
[03:32] <excelsiora> nothing fancy, just github
[03:33] <Bashing-om> excelsiora: looks like the change was in release 14.10 .
[03:34] <excelsiora> ok, but are the commands the same?
[03:35] <excelsiora> just noticed that the man page suggests to try dpkg-reconfigure under --configure
[03:35] <Bashing-om> excelsiora: Yeah .. just I do not think with the -a option it does anything now ." Remove dpkg-reconfigure -a, which existed only to accumulate bug " .
[03:35] <cdidd> Is it possible to install Kubuntu 15.04 kde packages on ubuntu 14.04?
[03:36] <excelsiora> It's Linux, anything is possible
[03:36] <cdidd> I mean with ease
[03:36] <excelsiora> It's Linux, nothing is easy.
[03:36] <excelsiora> :)
[03:36] <somsip> cdidd: look for PPAs that backport those packages to 14.04
[03:36] <somsip> !ppa | cdidd
[03:37] <cdidd> somsip ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next has been deprecated
[03:37] <cdidd> And it's for 14.10 not 14.04
[03:37] <somsip> cdidd: <quote>Is it possible to install Kubuntu 15.04 kde packages on ubuntu 14.04?
[03:37] <Bashing-om> cdidd: Think in that event you will break a lot of supporting libararies and other dependencies .. will be a real chore to get it working .
[03:38] <somsip> cdidd:
[03:38] <Kion> My laptop does not seem to find eth0 or wlan0 but it does see the interfaces in ifconfig -a
[03:38] <Kion> help please
[03:38] <cdidd> :( It's kinda inconvenient I had to install whole new operating system to just test KDE plasma that supposedly compiles fine with few libraries on 14.04
[03:38] <Kion> meant does not see the interfaces in ifconfig -a but does see them with lspci
[03:40] <cdidd> somsip These are old packages.
[03:40] <somsip> cdidd: try searching yourself. The search link shows earlier.
[03:41] <cdidd> somsip Well if there is no established standard approach to doing this I won't risk messing with some third party untested stuff.
[03:41] <somsip> cdidd: that is safest
[03:45] <pavlos> Kion, can you pastebin the output of lspci
[03:46] <blueingress> /j linux
[03:47] <pavlos> blueingress, that should be "/join #linux" if you want to join that channel
[03:53] <Kion> pavlos: sorry i am on other computer because I have no internet but let my try and i will report
[03:54] <Kion> pavlos: lspci does indeed list a wireless network adaptor
[03:54] <omarisrael> hey im back
[03:55] <pavlos> Kion, and it should list an ethernet controller (your eth0, wired connection)
[03:56] <omarisrael> i have a cuestion
[03:56] <guideX> good evening
[03:56] <pavlos> guideX, good eve
[03:56] <omarisrael> after to use ctrl alt f1 and then the coomand should i restart the lap or what i should to do then
[03:57] <omarisrael> ?
[03:57] <Kion> pavlos: yes it does
[03:57] <pavlos> omarisrael, ctrl alt f1 takes you yo a tty, you can retun back to your gui with ctrl alt f7
[03:57] <omarisrael> ok
[03:58] <omarisrael> ok pavlos
[03:58] <pavlos> Kion, so your networking is not setup, which ubuntu 14.04?
[03:58] <omarisrael> so then to do that i should to try access to my main session?
[03:58] <Kion> pavlos: 14.04 lts
[03:58] <Kion> pavlos: it was working fine a couple of days ago
[03:59] <pavlos> Kion, what changed?
[03:59] <Kion> pavlos: so how do i set it up?
[03:59] <pavlos> omarisrael, what do you mean by 'main session'
[04:01] <pavlos> Kion,
[04:01] <Kion> pavlos: I am not aware of any change
[04:01] <omarisrael> mmm
[04:02] <omarisrael> i try the command to remove compiz but says that is not existing the directory
[04:02] <omarisrael> :(
[04:02] <Kion> pavlos: thanks for the link I will try
[04:02] <omarisrael> i want to get my main session .(
[04:02] <omarisrael> pavlos, can u help me pls?
[04:02] <pavlos> omarisrael, sudo apt-get purge compiz
[04:03] <pavlos> omarisrael, this will remove the compiz package
[04:03] <omarisrael> using ctrl alt f1?
[04:04] <pavlos> omarisrael, no, from your session you could open a terminal and type that command. To open a terminal, click on dash and type term
[04:04] <omarisrael> pavlos, when i install compiz i dont know what i press that i erase or hide the desktop and the task bar just appear the wallpapper
[04:06] <pavlos> omarisrael, if you reboot, do you still get JUST the wallpaper?
[04:07] <omarisrael> i try that and doesn't work
[04:07] <omarisrael> so is the same if use ctrl alt f1?
[04:07] <pavlos> omarisrael, so your compiz settings are messed up ... ctrl atl f1, issue that command to remove compiz and reboot
[04:08] <omarisrael> ok
[04:08] <omarisrael> ill try with the last command that u give me
[04:10] <omarisrael> ok i will try now to access to my main session
[04:28] <cage_raphel> hi.. i am using ubuntu 14.10 . for some reason my wifi has stopped working abruptly and i am not able to find much help. i have a ubu 14.10 live cd and i wanna completely reinsall ubu on my laptop.. when i try to boot from cd.. it doesnt seem to work.. how do i do it ?
[04:28] <guideX> xfce says "Invalid Operation"?
[04:29] <cyphase> whoa, i totally missed an ubuntu release. shows how busy i've been
[04:29] <cyphase> completely forgot about it
[04:30] <pavlos> cage_raphel, you should be able to boot off a CD. Have you set bios to boot from CD?
[04:31] <cage_raphel> pavlos, how do i check if the bios is set to boot from cd?
[04:31] <pavlos> cage_raphel, you reboot and hit whatever key to get into bios, then look at the boot sequence
[04:32] <cage_raphel> pavlos, lol, thanks!! which key should i be hitting to get into the bios?
[04:33] <pavlos> cage_raphel, what hardware do you have? during boot, it shows you on screen
[04:33] <cage_raphel> i have a compaq presario cd 57 laptop currently running ubuntu 14.10
[04:34] <roky> Looking to startup a couple web servers amongs some clients to use debian as a desktop. Would you guys recommend debian over ubuntu?
[04:34] <pavlos> cage_raphel, usually DEL or F2 would take you into bios
[04:35] <pavlos> cage_raphel, seems compaq presario looks for Esc key
[04:38] <cage_raphel> pavlos, pressing del or F2 during booting does not take me to the bios..
[04:38] <cage_raphel> pavlos, is it any way possible to run the ubuntu installer from the cd?
[04:39] <pavlos> cage_raphel, seems compaq presario looks for Esc key
[04:39] <cage_raphel> pavlos, ok leme try that bro
[05:10] <Guest46331> how to install sqlfairy
[05:10] <Guest46331> please help
[05:10] <Guest46331> how to install sqlfairy
[05:11] <Guest46331> how to install sqlfairy help
[05:11] <Zerkalerka> Guest46331: is it a .deb file or a .tar.gz file?
[05:12] <Guest46331> i dont know
[05:12] <aeon-ltd> Guest46331: in the future don't repeat yourself so frequently
[05:13] <ki7mt> Guest46331, for Vivid, try sudo apt-get install libsql-translator-perl .. that provides sqlfairy
[05:13] <Zerkalerka> Guest46331:
[05:14] <ki7mt> Actually, from 12.04 onward it looks like that should be used.
[05:14] <Guest46331> thank you Zerkalerka and ki7mt
[05:14] <Guest46331> bye
[05:36] <rosner> hi дайте на руский
[05:39] <cfhowlett> !ru | rosner
[05:40] <rosner> thanks
[05:40] <hiexpo> %
[05:40] <cfhowlett> rosner, happy2help!
[05:41] <rosner> sorry I no English
[05:41] <cfhowlett> :)
[06:13] <fmoo> Just updated to 15.04. Encrypted root fs console prompt no longer accepts input from my USB keyboard. I have to use a wired on.
[06:14] <fmoo> a wired one even. Let's google about
[06:15] <fmoo> says something about installing an "-extras" package?
[06:21] <fmoo> going to try adding crap to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules &c
[06:23] <fmoo> yeah, that did the trick.
[06:24] <bindibuntu> hey, just installed lubuntu 14.04 on a macbook late 2006, the touchpad is very weird
[06:24] <bindibuntu> i found something about a mactel ppa but thats not for 14.04
[06:24] <bindibuntu> also im on phone 3g connection and phone has 6% battery =D quick help appreciated. will have to find a better connection soon
[06:25] <cfhowlett> bindibuntu, recharge and return
[06:26] <bindibuntu> i dont have a charger with me, im at school, waiting for the teacher whose macbook im working on to return so he can move me somewhere with ethernet
[06:27] <bindibuntu> cant find anything useful on google for 14.04
[06:30] <bindibuntu> it has a dead spot i think
[06:31] <cfhowlett> bindibuntu, that would be a hardware problem not an Ubuntu problem ...
[06:31] <bindibuntu> i dont know if its hw or sw
[06:31] <bindibuntu> i didnt test it in os x :) i asked here 3 hours ago, someone said i would be disappointed in the touchpad
[06:32] <bindibuntu> it looks like a sw problem
[06:36] <soee> guys if i try sftp connection i have Cannot connect to Error 111. Connection refused
[06:36] <soee> how can i check what is wrong here, im using PHP script to do teh connection here
[06:38] <bobjr> hi im a noob here need a mentor
[06:39] <cfhowlett> bobjr, NOPE. better idea: educate yourself. get issue #0. read. get issue #1. read. repeat.
[06:42] <bobjr> cfhowlett, thanks anymore websites to learn
[06:44] <cfhowlett> !manual | bobjr,
[06:44] <cfhowlett> !wiki | bobjr
[06:44] <bobjr> thanks
[06:47] <anand_> hi
[06:47] <bobjr> hi
[07:01] <AmazinglyDumb> hello
[07:01] <AmazinglyDumb> I'm a newb and need some very basic help
[07:01] <hateball> !ask
[07:02] <AmazinglyDumb> could someone explain why ubuntu asks for root when I try to reboot it?
[07:02] <cfhowlett> AmazinglyDumb, you mean from terminal?
[07:02] <AmazinglyDumb> yes
[07:03] <AmazinglyDumb> also, while installing it, it asked for proxy addr:port, so I specified it, but it seems like the system doesn't use it
[07:03] <AmazinglyDumb> what an actual fuck?
[07:03] <cfhowlett> AmazinglyDumb, profanity. no. none.
[07:03] <cfhowlett> !english | AmazinglyDumb
[07:03] <AmazinglyDumb> sorry, that was a typo
[07:04] <AmazinglyDumb> how to force ubuntu use proxy settings?
[07:06] <AmazinglyDumb> all I need from ubuntu is make skype work on it. I'm not much familiar with linux, does it matter what DE I use or is it compatible with all of them?
[07:06] <hateball> !skype
[07:08] <AmazinglyDumb> hateball: thx for that link
[07:09] <AmazinglyDumb> d'u by chance know why proxy doesn't work or at least where to specify it?
[07:10] <Dro__> hello, i deleted /usr/bin/kde4-config by mistake, how can i get it back please ?
[07:10] <linocisco> hello
[07:11] <linocisco> root@ubuntuserver:/usr/local/src/noip-2.1.9-1# make install
[07:11] <linocisco> gcc -Wall -g -Dlinux -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local\" noip2.c -o noip2
[07:11] <linocisco> make: gcc: Command not found
[07:11] <linocisco> make: *** [noip2] Error 127
[07:11] <linocisco> root@ubuntuserver:/usr/local/src/noip-2.1.9-1#
[07:11] <cfhowlett> !paste | linocisco,
[07:12] <AmazinglyDumb> so I've added http_proxy, https_proxy and ftp_proxy
[07:12] <AmazinglyDumb> proxy still doesn't work
[07:13] <linocisco> AmazinglyDumb, where?
[07:14] <linocisco> AmazinglyDumb, for apt. please add them in apt.conf
[07:14] <AmazinglyDumb> oh
[07:14] <AmazinglyDumb> yeah, thx, turns out it works for, say, wget
[07:15] <noteness> linocisco: you sure that you have build-essential installed?
[07:15] <AmazinglyDumb> by mistake I've downloaded and installed ubuntu server instead of ubuntu desktop
[07:15] <linocisco> noteness, apt-get build-essential ?
[07:15] <AmazinglyDumb> and so I have no DE
[07:15] <AmazinglyDumb> I guess skype requires any DE to be installed
[07:15] <noteness> Apt-get install build-essential
[07:16] <noteness> linocisco
[07:16] <Dro__> i deleted /usr/bin/kde4-config by mistake, is it harmful for the system ?
[07:17] <AmazinglyDumb> linocisco: /etc/apt/apt.conf, right?
[07:18] <AmazinglyDumb> linocisco: I opened it with nano and it already has 1 line that seems to specify http proxy
[07:18] <AmazinglyDumb> how to transform it into http+https+ftp proxy?
[07:19] <Cdebryha> Hello everyone
[07:20] <lissyx> hello people
[07:20] <Cdebryha> I'd like to ask you something about my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. It freezes at the logging screen and in recovery mode.
[07:21] <lissyx> anyone aware of issues on latest linux-image-generic available on 14.10 ?
[07:21] <lissyx> 3.16.0-36 results in black screen for me
[07:21] <AmazinglyDumb> sudo apt-get update returns lots of warning that it failed to get some translations: Unable to initialize the connection with 4343:80 ( - connect (22: Invalid argument)
[07:21] <AmazinglyDumb> 4343 is my proxy's port
[07:21] <rais> msg Ms|software|00 xdcc send #75
[07:21] <AmazinglyDumb> seems like ubuntu is too stupid to understand that
[07:21] <lissyx> and I do see some BUG lines in syslog when booting this kernel, related to intel video driver
[07:22] <linocisco> AmazinglyDumb, yes
[07:22] <Qwertie> I was just wondering who thought this was a good idea for a checkbox?
[07:22] <linocisco> AmazinglyDumb, if you dont see, create
[07:22] <AmazinglyDumb> linocisco: I don't see it, but when I opened it with nano - there already was a 1 line
[07:22] <AmazinglyDumb> which is confusing
[07:22] <tijnix> morning
[07:22] <AmazinglyDumb> if the file existed - why it's path didn't get autofinalized by tab?
[07:23] <AmazinglyDumb> if it didn't exist - where that line came from?
[07:24] <AmazinglyDumb> how to scroll the damn terminal up?
[07:25] <AmazinglyDumb> freebsd-like approach (toggle scrolling mode by scrolllock) doesn't work
[07:26] <linocisco> AmazinglyDumb, what said that 1 line?
[07:27] <Cdebryha> Sorry guys, I have issues with my 14.04LTS. It freezes when I'm at the logging screen and when I'm on recovery mode. I can't even write a thing with my keyboard or move my mouse. Do you know what could be the problem?
[07:28] <lissyx> filed as
[07:28] <fairyface> what certificate is located in the system-wide SSL cert store?
[07:28] <fairyface> the CA's public key?
[07:29] <AmazinglyDumb> linocisco: Acquire::http::Proxy "";
[07:29] <Cdebryha> I can't access to anything. I only have an install key, but I can't reinstall my linux because of all the work on it.
[07:30] <fairyface> anyone know?
[07:32] <AmazinglyDumb> linocisco: here's the result of 'sudo apt-get update'
[07:32] <AmazinglyDumb> that 4343:80 makes me think that ubuntu can't work with proxies using non 80 port
[07:42] <fairyface> ?
[07:47] <AmazinglyDumb> ubuntu is hostile
[07:49] <AmazinglyDumb> how to increase screen size?
[07:49] <AmazinglyDumb> it seems to be running in VGA mode
[07:49] <Matsy> Hey everyone! Does anyone here manage their servers with Landscape?
[07:51] <cfhowlett> !server | Matsy
[07:51] <Matsy> cfhowlett: Found it already, hah. Sorry for bothering.
[07:51] <AmazinglyDumb> oh god
[07:52] <cfhowlett> :)
[07:52] <AmazinglyDumb> ubuntu is soooo lame compared to freebsd
[07:54] <tijnix> You are here to flame or to contribute something?
[07:54] <AmazinglyDumb> I came here for help
[07:55] <AmazinglyDumb> looking for help*
[07:55] <tijnix> *scolls back*
[07:56] <fmoo> Cdebryha: did you figure it out?
[07:56] <fmoo> Cdebryha: I've had similar issues with the update to 14.10 and 15.04
[07:56] <fmoo> I got my problems on both sorted out eventually though
[07:56] <AmazinglyDumb> how to forbid all traffic in ubuntu except the one required for skype?
[07:57] <AmazinglyDumb> I mean, Windows built-in services sometimes generate traffic
[07:57] <AmazinglyDumb> which is a problem to me
[07:58] <AmazinglyDumb> so I switched to ubuntu
[07:58] <AmazinglyDumb> why does ubuntu lag so hard?
[07:59] <Matsy> AmazinglyDumb: Because you seem to have a wrong attitude about this
[07:59] <faust> lol
[07:59] <tijnix> AmazinglyDumb: edit /etc/default/ufw and use ufw to open up the ports you need
[07:59] <AmazinglyDumb> thx tijnix
[07:59] <Matsy> AmazinglyDumb: Also, to block everything except Skype, just do a simple ufw default deny incoming / ufw default deny outgoing
[07:59] <Matsy> AmazinglyDumb: Skype uses port 80 / 443 / 1024+ for outbond
[08:00] <Matsy> AmazinglyDumb: And 1024+ for inbound
[08:00] <AmazinglyDumb> Matsy: I'm using a corp. proxy
[08:00] <AmazinglyDumb> to reach interwebs
[08:00] <Matsy> AmazinglyDumb: So?
[08:00] <AmazinglyDumb> the proxy is :4343 port
[08:00] <Matsy> AmazinglyDumb: You're using a HTTP proxy?
[08:00] <AmazinglyDumb> yeah
[08:01] <AmazinglyDumb> am I screwed?
[08:01] <Matsy> Just allow 4343 then, and hope that your HTTP proxy allows TCP over HTTP
[08:01] <AmazinglyDumb> it does
[08:01] <AmazinglyDumb> skype on windows works
[08:01] <Matsy> Well then, easy as pie
[08:02] <loganlee> hello my PC freezes randomly... how can i fix this? (PS it froze under windows too)
[08:02] <AmazinglyDumb> I followed the manual
[08:02] <AmazinglyDumb> and it now says "To start Skype, choose Applications->Internet->Skype."
[08:02] <AmazinglyDumb> I can't find that
[08:02] <Matsy> Type: 'skype'
[08:02] <Matsy> In the command line
[08:02] <AmazinglyDumb> where's 'Applications' at first?
[08:02] <sunstar> loganlee: first place to start would be to check your logs under /var/log
[08:03] <AmazinglyDumb> Matsy: thx, worked
[08:03] <sunstar> in Ubuntu it's that wierd looking symbol on the upper left of the screen
[08:03] <Matsy> 'Weird looking symbol', lol
[08:03] <Matsy> Canonical is not happy
[08:03] <loganlee> sunstar, what should i search for?
[08:03] <AmazinglyDumb> yeah, I already figured it out
[08:04] <AmazinglyDumb> looks like a torrent or a glory hole sucking everything
[08:04] <Matsy> Sounds more like a HD issue, to be fair
[08:04] <lotuspsychje> !language | AmazinglyDumb
[08:04] <AmazinglyDumb> lotuspsychje: what did I say?
[08:04] <Matsy> 'Glory hole sucking everything' - isn't really formal
[08:04] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, he's been warned. I vote for the ban hammer.
[08:05] <AmazinglyDumb> well, just like black holes in the space, except it's not black
[08:05] <tijnix> *gets popcorn and sits back*
[08:05] <AmazinglyDumb> wtf
[08:05] <loganlee> hello my PC freezes randomly... how can i fix this? (PS it froze under windows too)
[08:05] <srx> hi
[08:05] <AmazinglyDumb> they don't ban on FreeBSD channel
[08:05] <Matsy> AmazinglyDumb: It's probably because you are Russian
[08:06] <AmazinglyDumb> omg, freebsd is so > uduntu
[08:06] <AmazinglyDumb> Matsy: how's that related?
[08:06] <Matsy> AmazinglyDumb: Please leave the channel if you don't feel that this distro is appropriate for you.
[08:06] <linocisco>
[08:06] <AmazinglyDumb> it's not appropriate, but I have to use it
[08:06] <sunstar_> old woman on fixed income (Social Security) has laptop that is too underpowered to continue to run windows. the whole point of this machine is genealogy and facebook. is there something for ubuntu that can replace Family Tree Maker?
[08:06] <lotuspsychje> AmazinglyDumb: stop the offtopic chat please
[08:07] <AmazinglyDumb> lotuspsychje: start helping me then with the questions I ask
[08:07] <cfhowlett> sunstar, there is. wait one
[08:07] <AmazinglyDumb> or go patrol elsewhere
[08:07] <Zerkalerka> anyone know how to get the libgrcrypt11 libraries in 15.04?
[08:07] <Matsy> sunstar: I've used gramps for that
[08:07] <cfhowlett> sunstar, gramps +1
[08:07] <sunstar_> is that a person or a program?
[08:07] <sunstar_> (deja vu)
[08:07] <Matsy> Or well, GRAMPS: Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Program
[08:07] <srx> sdfsddfsdfsdf
[08:08] <sunstar_> okay
[08:08] <Matsy> sunstar: I also did use my grandpa for most of my research :p
[08:08] <sunstar_> hmm... now that i think about it. if all else fails, this will prolly run under wine
[08:08] <Matsy> sunstar_: Please try out GRAMPS. I think it works better than Family Tree Maker
[08:08] <AmazinglyDumb> oh god
[08:08] <sunstar_> i will look into it
[08:08] <AmazinglyDumb> why doesn't skype connect?
[08:09] <Matsy> AmazinglyDumb: Refer to your own name
[08:09] <AmazinglyDumb> so smart and funny of you
[08:09] <AmazinglyDumb> where did you read that joke?
[08:09] <loganlee> hello my PC freezes randomly... how can i fix this? (PS it froze under windows too)
[08:09] <Matsy> loganlee: It probably is a HD / Memory issue
[08:09] <sunstar_> loganlee: first place to start would be to check your logs under /var/log
[08:09] <AmazinglyDumb> loganlee: install freebsd/windows
[08:09] <Matsy> Can someone kick this guy?
[08:09] <loganlee> who?
[08:09] <lotuspsychje> !ops | AmazinglyDumb
[08:10] <sunstar_> that wont help if his HDD is failing or some other hardware issue
[08:10] <AmazinglyDumb> !ops | lotuspsychje
[08:10] <AmazinglyDumb> how to make skype connect?
[08:11] <lotuspsychje> Tm_T: tnx
[08:11] <Matsy> loganlee: Can you execute 'smartctl -a /dev/hdname >> uploadthis.log'
[08:11] <Matsy> Replace hdname with your hard disk identifier
[08:11] <Matsy> Probably sda or sdb
[08:11] <loganlee> Matsy, ok
[08:12] <loganlee> Matsy, i dont have smartctl
[08:12] <Matsy> Oh, and also copy the log to
[08:12] <Matsy> loganlee: apt-get install smartmontools
[08:12] <Matsy> I believe that's the package
[08:13] <Seveas> !find smartctl
[08:13] <loganlee> Matsy, yes installing now
[08:13] <lotuspsychje> !info smartmontools | loganlee tnx to Matsy
[08:14] <sunstar> yeah i suspect your hard drive is failing loganlee
[08:14] <Matsy> Now let's hope it supports S.M.A.R.T
[08:14] <tijnix> doesnt a simple 'dmesg' show anything related to that harddisk?
[08:15] <Matsy> tijnix: If it doesn't really 'fail' to read / write anything
[08:15] <Matsy> tijnix: But just takes long, it probably won't show up in dmesg
[08:15] <Seveas> lotuspsychje: please don't spam in PM
[08:15] <tijnix> Matsy: true true
[08:15] <lotuspsychje> Seveas: it not spam, its an invite
[08:15] <Seveas> unsollicited invites are spam
[08:15] <tijnix> For a party? i want an invite also then
[08:15] <maziar> please help me to config nginx on ubuntu
[08:16] <lotuspsychje> Seveas: like you wish
[08:16] <Seveas> tijnix: #ubuntu-offtopic is a party ;)
[08:16] <loganlee> Matsy,
[08:16] <researcher123> I have installed 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04. But how can I know whether 32 bit or 64 bit is good for my hardware?
[08:16] <Matsy> loganlee: sudo smartctl -s /dev/sda
[08:16] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: if you can run 64bit, then run it
[08:17] <cfhowlett> researcher123, if your system is 64 bit capable, go for it
[08:17] <Matsy> loganlee: It's not enabled currently. Then rerun the previous command
[08:17] <loganlee> Matsy, ok ill do it now
[08:17] <maziar> please help me to config nginx on ubuntu
[08:18] <loganlee> Matsy, shouldn't it smartctl -s on /dev/sda?
[08:18] <loganlee> Matsy, shouldn't it be smartctl -s on /dev/sda?
[08:18] <Matsy> Right, thanks
[08:18] <Matsy> Always forget that -s is 'set', not 'enable'
[08:19] <loganlee> Matsy,
[08:19] <Matsy> maziar: You can probably take this to #nginx, but I am assuming: expires 0; doesn't work?
[08:20] <loganlee> this is after smart support on
[08:20] <loganlee> Matsy, so... what to do now?
[08:20] <maziar> Maser, in nginx.conf ? or in "site-available/default" ?
[08:20] <Matsy> Let me read it
[08:20] <Seveas> maziar:
[08:21] <Matsy> maziar: Do it for /default first. Easier to backtrace.
[08:22] <Matsy> loganlee: 'smartctl --test=long /dev/sda'
[08:22] <loganlee> Matsy, ok
[08:22] <Matsy> Might take a bit for it to complete. After that, upload the results of 'smartctl -a /dev/sda'
[08:23] <loganlee> Matsy, Please wait 176 minutes for test to complete.
[08:23] <Matsy> I'll be here :p
[08:23] <loganlee> ok...
[08:23] <loganlee> what is this test?
[08:24] <Matsy> loganlee: It'll do an overal test of the health of the hard disk. So, a scan of bad sectors and the such
[08:24] <Matsy> loganlee: You might do --test=short first though
[08:24] <loganlee> ok
[08:24] <loganlee> Matsy, i already done long
[08:24] <Matsy> That'll probably be a lot faster
[08:24] <loganlee> Matsy, how to interrupt the test?
[08:24] <Matsy> CTRL+C
[08:24] <Matsy> loganlee: Let's take this to private chat
[08:25] <loganlee> ok
[08:27] <usa> \e q
[08:28] <jasabella> does ubuntu do any special tweaks to enhance laptop battery life compared to other distros? like their own kernel patches?
[08:28] <dangchienhsgs> \ping botcodemather
[08:29] <dangchienhsgs> \msg botcodemather PING
[08:29] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: it runs but is slow. Dont know why.I have 4 GB RAM
[08:30] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: what about your graphics card mate?
[08:30] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: How do I know info about hardware using command line. please advice then I will paste report
[08:31] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: sudo lshw -C video
[08:31] * usa waves
[08:31] <lotuspsychje> jasabella: can this help?
[08:32] <jasabella> yeah i found that via google, but i was curious if ubuntu does some things itself in-house
[08:33] <lotuspsychje> jasabella: maybe the #ubun tu-devel guys might know if thats inside kernel?
[08:33] <lotuspsychje> #ubuntu-devel
[08:33] <jasabella> prolly :)
[08:33] <Matsy> lotuspsychje: I thought 3.x solved most battery issues already
[08:33] <jasabella> trying to choose a distro for my laptop :D
[08:33] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: This is the output
[08:33] <Matsy> lotuspsychje: And that the linux kernel is far more important than the distro
[08:34] <lotuspsychje> jasabella: i would suggest 14.04
[08:35] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: your driver seems installed correctly, can you tell us whats going slow on your systeme xactly?
[08:35] <Matsy> jasabella: If you're really struggling after that, check out TLP
[08:35] <jasabella> i'm looking at lubuntu :)
[08:36] <maziar_> Maser, how can i set it to 5 second ?
[08:36] <Matsy> jasabella: Lubuntu is really really light
[08:36] <jasabella> yep
[08:36] <Matsy> Too light for my liking :p
[08:37] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: Mouse click response slow, internet surfing slow
[08:37] <Matsy> Looks like Windows 3.11
[08:37] <jasabella> but besides eye candy, anything else? :D
[08:37] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: and wich ubuntu version was that?
[08:37] <researcher123> 14.04
[08:37] <researcher123> trusty
[08:37] <lotuspsychje> kk
[08:38] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: hmm, 4 gigs ram and intel grafix should do the trick...
[08:38] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: How can the slow speed be improved
[08:39] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: you can try sudo apt-get install preload
[08:39] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: then tweak some grafix settings like active blur with unity-tweak-tools
[08:40] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: and tweak some unwanted services at startup, for faster boot
[08:40] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: doing 1st step
[08:40] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: done
[08:41] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: preload will load after next reboot
[08:41] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: surf the web with chromium can also feel lighter
[08:41] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: Installing unity tweaks tool
[08:42] <researcher123> hoping to improve
[08:42] <lotuspsychje> researcher123: well it surely will do something, but you might also investigate dmesg and syslogs, for other system bottlenecks, maybe we overlook something
[08:43] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: ok
[08:44] <researcher123> lotuspsychje: thanks.I will reboot .Bye for now.
[08:44] <Tangerine> so question: in the files, how do I go to a specific location by typing the address?
[08:45] <Tangerine> is there a way for an address bar to show up like in windows?
[08:45] <Seveas> Tangerine: in the file manager? ctrl+l
[08:45] <Tangerine> seveas is there a way to make it so that a file location exists?
[08:45] <Tangerine> If you had a file that you want a path to, how would you get said path?
[08:46] <Seveas> Tangerine: I'm afraid I don't understand that question
[08:46] <Tangerine> say I'm coding, and i write to some file "blah.txt"
[08:46] <sunstar> sounds like you want to create a symbolic link?
[08:46] <loganlee> i did smartctl -s on /dev/sda then rebooted then did smartctl -i /dev/sda and saw that smart is not enabled automatically when rebooted
[08:46] <Tangerine> now to write to that file, I'll need to get the file address
[08:46] <Tangerine> is there a way to click the object in a file browser and then get the link
[08:47] <sunstar> yup
[08:47] <Seveas> Tangerine: with 'file address' do you mean the full path?
[08:47] <sunstar> ctrl + c should be able to paste the path when pasted into a text input
[08:47] <Tangerine> yes
[08:47] <lotuspsychje> Tangerine: you can also use whereis blah.txt from terminal to find exact location
[08:48] <Seveas> Tangerine: rightclick, selecect properties. Combine the location and name information
[08:48] <Tangerine> that's annoying though, because I would have to CD all the way to the that's a pain
[08:48] <sunstar> ctrl + c should be able to paste the path when pasted into a text input
[08:49] <Tangerine> I think I've just deduced that Nautilus sucks
[08:49] <Tangerine> time to find a new file manager
[08:49] <loganlee> so do i enable smart in bios?
[08:49] <lotuspsychje> Tangerine: maybe you search more a midnight commander style one
[08:49] <sunstar> try it out. dont have ubuntu box around but ctrl + c in file manager does what you want (never tried it in unity though)
[08:50] <loganlee> how to enable smart permanently?
[08:50] <sunstar> loganlee: yes
[08:50] <loganlee> oh... brb
[08:50] <Tangerine> hmm thunar or pcman
[08:51] <sunstar> thunar and dolphin is where i've done it
[08:51] <Tangerine> the only functionalities I really want at this point is an address bar and "copy file location" button
[08:54] <rye> hi to all
[08:54] <sunstar> hi
[08:55] <loganlee> enabled smart in bios
[08:55] <loganlee> what is fast boot?
[08:56] <Tangerine> fast boot skips son bios things I think
[08:56] <loganlee> yeh
[08:56] <loganlee> just looked up
[08:56] <loganlee> shouldnt enable it in my case
[08:56] <Tangerine> Im pretty sure its Win8 specific though
[08:57] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: if you boot ubuntu only and no dualboot, fastboot must be disabled
[08:57] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, ok
[08:57] <loganlee> i hope my system doesnt crash any more
[08:58] <loganlee> smart hd just reports errors but cant fix them right?
[08:58] <loganlee> so my computer will still crash at random times
[08:58] <Tangerine> whats the difference between Pacman and apt-get really?
[08:58] <linocisco>
[08:59] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: if your hd has bad blocks, its bad news
[08:59] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: what brand is your hd?
[08:59] <Matsy> Tangerine: pacman is multi-platform
[08:59] <Tangerine> thanks Matsy
[09:00] <Matsy> Tangerine: See pacman as a standardized API for non-standardized package manager API's (homebrew for OSX, apt-get for debian, yum for CentOS)
[09:00] <Matsy> Tangerine: That said, I never use it. It's shitty as hell.
[09:00] <Tangerine> Matsy: Yeah, i used it while trying out arch, gave up on arch, went to ubuntu
[09:02] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, [email protected]
[09:02] <dvrr> how to install Ubuntu from tablet android please guide me
[09:02] <loganlee> oops
[09:02] <loganlee> Seagate Barracuda 7200.12
[09:03] <loganlee> lotuspsychje, Seagate Barracuda 7200.12
[09:04] <Tangerine> ook ubuntu suddenly got really slow... any way for me to figure out why?
[09:05] <lotuspsychje> Tangerine: ubuntu version? hardware specs?
[09:09] <lotuspsychje> dvrr: where do you want to install ubuntu on?
[09:10] <TinoDidriksen> How do I set X's module search path? The default configs don't mention it at all.
[09:14] <somsip> TinoDidriksen: man xorg.conf
[09:14] <loganlee> i dont know why my computer randomly freezes
[09:14] <loganlee> maybe because of dust?
[09:14] <TinoDidriksen> Yeah, I see I need to add a file, and add the default entry along with my additions...
[09:14] <lotuspsychje> loganlee: check your syslog and dmesg for errors
[09:15] <sunstar> ^
[09:15] <sunstar> you stated the hard drive has bad sectors. this is likely the culprit
[09:16] <sunstar> or im confusing you with some one else
[09:16] <auzty> what the ssh key management in ubuntu?
[09:17] <auzty> maybe i need some reconfigure, my ssh-agent didn't recognize some key (actually i place the configuration in .ssh/config files)
[09:18] <loganlee> ok ill suspend and wake again
[09:18] <loganlee> bye
[09:21] <loganlee> suspened then woke
[09:21] <loganlee> crossing my fingers
[09:23] <loganlee> im really impressed with ubuntu
[09:23] <loganlee> but some cool stuff disappeared from apt sources
[09:23] <loganlee> like scummvm
[09:23] <loganlee> :-(
[09:28] <ppf> can i change the mime-type of a file?
[09:29] <ppf> i'd like a .dot file to be recognized as text/vnd.graphviz, not application/msword-template
[09:32] <ppf> where are mimetypes stored?
[09:34] <loganlee> ppf, in html file
[09:35] <ppf> what html file
[09:35] <sunstar> you can define it in php
[09:36] <ppf> i'm not sure i follow
[09:37] <ppf> what's html/php got to do with my mime database?
[09:38] <pkug> hi there, what can i do to debug the LTS server freezing on startup during "Starting MySQL" (not related however since disabling MySQL results in freezing during OpenSSH startup..) ?
[09:38] <ppf> i think the real question should be: assume i hvae multiple mime types matching a file, how can i prioritize?
[09:42] <userofubuntu> Hi, how can I install gnome-shell on 15.04? Is it same as the how-to's for 14.10?
[09:42] <iugin> Hi! I'm looking for a docking station compatible with ubuntu, but I can't find anything. Can someone help me find one?
[09:45] <maziar_> whats meaning of "date" on this
[09:46] <loganlee> need caffeine brb
[09:49] <loganlee> back
[09:49] <loganlee> hello my ubuntu friends
[09:49] <loganlee> <3
[09:50] <cxuesong> Well, I'm only a passer-by...
[09:52] <loganlee> the coffee beans are all clogged up
[09:54] <loganlee> past expiry date
[09:54] <cxuesong> Maybe more water is needed XD
[09:54] <cxuesong> Hot water
[09:55] <amnesiak> did you steal the beans from starbucks?
[09:56] <greentux> make it iced
[09:56] <loganlee> amnesiak, starbucks sells outdated coffee?
[09:56] <Matsy> amnesiak: Starbucks really is my saviour today. Doing sysadmin work without more than 7 hours of sleep is impossible
[09:56] <ppf> what is the purpose of /etc/mime.types as opposed to /usr/share/mime ?
[09:56] <Matsy> *less than
[09:56] <loganlee> Matsy, my friend
[09:57] <loganlee> Matsy, i turned on smart from bios
[09:57] <Matsy> Great!
[09:57] <Matsy> I'm surprised it wasn't already on there
[09:57] <amnesiak> Matsy: you were right first time :)
[09:57] <userofubuntu> Hey, should i install gnome or ubuntu-gnome-desktop to try gnome-shell. I am using unity currently
[09:58] <Matsy> userofubuntu: Why not just use Ubuntu GNOME?
[09:59] <amnesiak> userofubuntu: if you install gnome with unity you might mess unity up if you start to play with gnomes settings
[10:00] <amnesiak> best to either dual boot or make it a vm
[10:00] <userofubuntu> Matsy: I have installed unity and installed everything I need. I really don't want to do a fresh install and reinstall everything. Also, if gnome desktop doesn't fit with my workflow, I'll have to switch back again
[10:01] <sunstar> install xfce with unity and break both
[10:01] <amnesiak> lol
[10:01] <userofubuntu> Installed 15.04 with unity*
[10:01] <amnesiak> sunstar: yes they dont mix well either
[10:02] <loganlee> userofubuntu, i use 14.04 LTS
[10:02] <userofubuntu> So I shouldn't try gnome?
[10:02] <loganlee> userofubuntu, any changes?
[10:03] <userofubuntu> loganlee: any changes to?
[10:03] <amnesiak> cant wait for the new packaging system...
[10:03] <amnesiak> goodbye apt :(
[10:04] <ws2k3> how you mean goodbye apt?
[10:05] <Zerkalerka> userofubuntu: try the new KDE
[10:06] <Zerkalerka> userofubuntu: or you could create a virtual machine and try out your different themes there
[10:06] <AmazinglyDumb> help please, how to forbid connections to specific IPs/subnets? what's default/built-in firewall in ubuntu?
[10:06] <amnesiak> ws2k3 google ubuntu snappy
[10:07] <userofubuntu> Zerkalerka: I'd have to go with kde desktop for that right? So there won't be any conflicts like they said with gnome
[10:08] <Zerkalerka> userofubuntu: just plasma, they seperated it into 3 parts, plasma is beautiful now imo.. I use to not really like it :P
[10:13] <anteater_sa> How can I disable cron jobs in rescue mode, I have edited the cron files in /var/spool/cron but when the machine reboots the cron jobs still run?
[10:23] <loganlee> hello
[10:24] <loganlee> my ubuntu friends <3
[10:24] <Eldunar> Hello guys. I can not login to facebook chat via Empathy. But it is possible with Pidgin. Is it such an possiblility to force Empaty to work with facebook?
[10:27] <loganlee> Eldunar, just use
[10:31] <loganlee> hello
[10:34] <Eldunar> Hello guys. I can not login to facebook chat via Empathy. But it is possible with Pidgin. Is it such an possiblility to force Empaty to work with facebook?
[10:40] <boomernang> hi. is there popular backup software for ubuntu? or is it just easier to transfer to an external drive then back onto a new installation?
[10:42] <loganlee> boomernang, rsync
[10:42] <loganlee> !rsync | boomernang
[10:42] <boomernang> loganlee: thanks
[10:42] <loganlee> np
[10:44] <loganlee> i think ill head home just after testing with forEach() in javascript...
[10:44] <loganlee> i meant.. head to bed
[10:44] <loganlee> agh
[10:48] <raviede> AT
[10:56] <loganlee> hello guys
[10:56] <loganlee>
[10:56] <loganlee> ;-)
[11:06] <lupo> !lista
[11:13] <piroux> hello
[11:13] <piroux> is it the real ubuntu channel or the unregistered one ?
[11:15] <svetlana> piroux, it's the real one
[11:15] <Sohail-Ahmed1> Does any body have any idea about how can I convert/build githhub mark down syntax(.md) files into html???
[11:16] <svetlana> they use jekyll for that; it's in ubuntu repos so go ahead and install it
[11:16] <piroux> I am stoned: a few years ago, the channel was a jungle, it was hard to read
[11:16] <svetlana> it's a little dead at this time of day
[11:17] <piroux> but still ...
[11:17] <svetlana> there is nothing we can do better than pay more attention to it either way
[11:17] <piroux> ubuntu USA is not the only one using this channnel ...
[11:17] <svetlana> correct; I'm not even in the USA
[11:17] <IronicBadger> i'm having a weird issue on 15.04. when running apt-get update it is filling up my rootfs with GBs worth (10+) of lists.
[11:18] <svetlana> could you pastebin what it says when it does that, please
[11:18] <IronicBadger> Get:16 vivid-security/main Translation-en [1 B]
[11:18] <IronicBadger> 100% [16 Translation-en 3,548 MB/3,548 MB 100%] [7 Packages 83.3 kB/83.3 kB 100%]^C
[11:18] <IronicBadger> svetlana: ^^
[11:18] <svetlana> not paste, i mean pastebin
[11:19] <svetlana> the whole thing
[11:19] <IronicBadger> yeah didnt seem worth it for two lines :p
[11:19] <IronicBadger> oh
[11:19] <IronicBadger> well that will take a few minutes
[11:19] <svetlana> take your time
[11:19] <IronicBadger> but i just ran apt-get update once and it was fine. then the next time through it downloaded the GBs worth of stuff
[11:20] <svetlana> that's not normal; update only updates the list of packages, it does not download the packages
[11:20] <loganlee> my skillz
[11:20] <loganlee>
[11:21] <Xiah> im looking to permenantly mount a ubuntu 14.04 server wp-content directory from my wordpress directory onto a samba server, can anyone point me in the direction of an instillation guide please? all of the ones i've found are pretty useless :/
[11:21] <IronicBadger> svetlana: agreed. it is a strange one, hence why i'm here!
[11:21] <svetlana> loganlee, nice stuff
[11:21] <loganlee> svetlana, ty.... im learning js
[11:21] <svetlana> IronicBadger, can't say what's going on before I read what it says
[11:21] <IronicBadger> svetlana:
[11:22] <IronicBadger> i cancelled that command once it got to 7gb
[11:22] <svetlana> what do you have in /etc/apt/sources.list ?
[11:23] <IronicBadger> svetlana:
[11:24] <IronicBadger> svetlana: this paste is of the first update which had a couple of 404s, but worked fine.
[11:25] <k1l_> IronicBadger: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" will list the PPAs.
[11:26] <k1l_> IronicBadger: are you sure its apt-get that loaded the GBs of data on your system?
[11:26] <IronicBadger> what else might it be?
[11:26] <k1l_> where were that GBs of data located then?
[11:26] <IronicBadger> /var/libs/apt/lists
[11:26] <svetlana> IronicBadger, may you install `ncdu' package and run it as root when in /.
[11:27] <svetlana> sorry. when in /var/libs/apt/lists.
[11:28] <k1l_> its /var/lib/apt/lists
[11:29] <IronicBadger> i deleted the files just now so will let it run again in order to fill up
[11:32] <IronicBadger>
[11:32] <IronicBadger> ncdu...
[11:33] <IronicBadger> k1l_:
[11:33] <svetlana> hrm
[11:34] <k1l_> what about those ppa list?
[11:34] <TrEz`U> hello
[11:34] <TrEz`U> how do u install hydra on ubuntu?/
[11:34] <comodo_dragon> xDD
[11:34] <k1l_> i would start with getting rid of those ansible and gnome3-next ppa
[11:35] <IronicBadger> k1l_:
[11:35] <comodo_dragon> apt-get install hydra
[11:35] <k1l_> !info hydra | TrEz`U
[11:36] <TrEz`U> what package does hydra needs to be installed?
[11:36] <svetlana> IronicBadger, tracked as .
[11:36] <svetlana> Should be importance High. I am not good at those things :)
[11:36] <IronicBadger> i see
[11:37] <IronicBadger> should i post?
[11:37] <svetlana> there used to be a 'this affects me too' button but I'm nearly blind so I don't see it
[11:37] <k1l_> click on "affects me too" at the top
[11:38] <k1l_> if you have additional informations put them in a comment.
[11:38] <k1l_> but i would start with disabling /removing those PPAs that bring errors
[11:42] <IronicBadger> seems like it's a PPA related issue.
[11:42] <chatango> Hi. is there a bash script to get all my wireless info to file a report? i cant find it
[11:43] <Matsy> chatango: All your wireless info?
[11:43] <chatango> Matsy, yes
[11:44] <Matsy> What do you mean? It's a pretty broad question
[11:44] <chatango> i keep geting disconected reason 3 in ubuntu 14 but works like charm in precise
[11:45] <chatango> Matsy, a script that reads all potencial infor from my wifi config and drivers so i can try compare with my precise configs
[11:46] <chatango> Maser, like lsusb, etc
[11:46] <logan_tab> hello
[11:46] <logan_tab> hi
[11:47] <logan_tab> hmmmm
[11:48] <k1l_> logan_tab: this channel is support only. for chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic
[11:49] <chatango> need to try extract all wireless configs , setups and drivers info(versions)
[11:50] <Charcoalcat> On April 24th, I ran this command in the terminal: "sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-4.5 g++-4.5 libxi-dev libxmu-dev freeglut3-dev". I got around to rebooting yesterday, and started getting graphics glitches like this: I can erase parts of the static-y black stuff by mousing over buttons. I rebooted again today in case it was just a random thing, and nothing changed,
[11:50] <Charcoalcat> so I think it's related to the things I installed. What can I do to fix it?
[11:51] <Charcoalcat> Oh, just in case it's relevant, I installed those from advice on a thread I found searching for the error "steam (openGL GLX extension not supported by display)" from Steam. And I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.
[11:53] <Charcoalcat> I'm not sure if I should just try uninstalling all of those because I can't remember if any of them were already installed.
[11:55] <mawok> hello, I installed gksu to use 'gksudo nautilus'. when I entered the latter command, nautilus opened but I got this message while it did:
[11:57] <Matsy> mawok: chown /root/.config/nautilus to the current user?
[11:57] <repent> hello can u instruct me on how to hack wireless network
[11:57] <Matsy> repent: no
[11:57] <repent> why
[11:58] <k1l_> repent: that is not in the focus of this channel
[11:58] <Matsy> repent: Join #aircrack-ng
[11:58] <Matsy> They can help you
[11:58] <repent> thanks
[11:59] <svetlana> repent, fyi
[12:00] <layke> How would I make a cronjob that uses espeak under the current logged in user to play something through speakers.
[12:00] <layke> (Yes this is a childish prank on a colleague)
[12:00] <layke> It seeems like the espeak runs but obviously isn't audible.
[12:01] <repent> do any body how to use terminal emulator
[12:02] <svetlana> yes
[12:02] <repent> s
[12:04] <saruji> 6:02 AM <saruji> Trying to copy a very large directory with a bunch of sub directories, some are apparently empty. Keep getting an error telling me that directly is empty. So freaken annoying. How can I just tell it to skip all empty folders without terminal. Also I'm currently copying and every time having to click skip. There is not skip all option. Thank
[12:04] <saruji> you.
[12:05] <saruji> Using Ubuntu 14 lts live
[12:05] <sd1001> Why don't you want to use the terminal?
[12:05] <mawok> Matsy, as additional info: I just closed nautilus, and normally the terminal process would then be ended, too, but it didn't..something seems to be not as usual
[12:05] <saruji> Dont want to sound rude but Because I shouldn't have to...
[12:06] <mawok> Matsy, oh, sorry, yes, it just did
[12:06] <sd1001> Hm. I don't know about that, but 'cp -r' works perfectly
[12:06] <k1l_> for large files/folders i would use rsync anyway
[12:06] <mawok> Matsy, I typed the chown command, but it says missing operand after it
[12:07] <sd1001> yeah, rsync does it as well, and can show progress and continue files too
[12:07] <saruji> cp-r would. But then I have to type in every single directory. It is a billion times easier in a gui.
[12:07] <svetlana> saruji: if `man cp` is useless, try using rsync
[12:07] <sd1001> No, you can just 'cp -r' the large directory
[12:07] <svetlana> I thought that should work too
[12:07] <chatango> omg finaly i found script
[12:08] <saruji> But I don't want to do that
[12:08] <svetlana> why
[12:08] <sd1001> …
[12:08] <saruji> I want to select individual files
[12:08] <saruji> Rather
[12:08] <saruji> Directories. That have sub directories.
[12:08] <saruji> Is there real no way to do this using a guy?
[12:08] <saruji> Gui
[12:08] <sd1001> Ok. In your first message it sounded like you said you wanted to copy a whole dir with subdirs
[12:09] <svetlana> saruji, so where you would copy a directory using `cp my/original/dir', use `cp -r my/original/dir'. of course you can select them still.
[12:09] <saruji> Yes. But with empty sub directories.
[12:09] <svetlana> saruji, a file manager would do the job.
[12:09] <Elfon__> bom dia
[12:09] <k1l_> saruji: what file manager do you use?
[12:09] <mawok> thank you anyway, I think I will leave it like that
[12:09] <Elfon__> Pessoal, alguem sabe como exportar somente uma planilha para pdf no libreoffice calc?
[12:09] <sd1001> You can delete all empty directories by using 'rmdir *' I think
[12:09] <svetlana> saruji, so they are not empty in the original but you want to copy them as empty? I don't understand
[12:09] <k1l_> !br | Elfon__
[12:09] <saruji> The default one that comes with Ubuntu 14
[12:09] <saruji> So nautilus
[12:09] <Elfon__> sorry
[12:10] <svetlana> saruji, any sane file manager will not skip or complain about empty subdirectories when copying.
[12:10] <saruji> Strange...
[12:10] <Elfon__> k1l_: sabe a resposta? :)
[12:10] <Elfon__> k1l_: sorry
[12:10] <k1l_> yeah, never saw that issue before with empty folders on nautilus
[12:11] <k1l_> Elfon__: click on the pdf button in calc
[12:11] <Elfon__> k1l_: I want export one plan
[12:11] <saruji> Svetlana why do you say that? Why is copying a simple directory with empty sub directories such a difficult task?
[12:12] <k1l_> saruji: i shouldnt.
[12:12] <k1l_> *it
[12:13] <Elfon__> k1l_: consegui. :)
[12:13] <Elfon__> thanks
[12:13] <svetlana> saruji: i understand your problem is 'my file manager is stupid and outputs a popup for each empty dir'. it is stupid, yes. which file manager is it?
[12:14] <saruji> Nautilus...
[12:15] <k1l_> saruji: both on the local computer? both destinations are ext4?
[12:15] <saruji> It is a live disk. Could this be the reason?
[12:15] <svetlana> saruji: ok try thunar
[12:15] <saruji> K1l no
[12:15] <k1l_> saruji: what are you copying from where to where?
[12:16] <k1l_> saruji: i never experienced that issue and i even cant find any bugs/complains about that. so there is something special on your usecase there.
[12:18] <sd1001> Can you give us the exact error message?
[12:18] <saruji> Ok so copying large directories from ext4 to ext4 via smb
[12:18] <saruji> That might be the problem. Lol.
[12:18] <ioria> here we are
[12:18] <ioria> yep
[12:18] <saruji> Crap
[12:19] <saruji> Ok. Sorry. Thank you for your help.
[12:23] <ztane> best alternative for s3cmd for uploading files to s3 with proper exit code?
[12:24] <Rory> ztane: aws cli tools
[12:24] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[12:25] <Rory> ztane: aws s3 cp myfolder s3://mybucket/myfolder --recursive
[12:36] <thms> if I were to "fork" ubuntu to make my branded OS for my own company (splash screen being mine, default screen saved branded by company, some changes in the system)
[12:40] <marcanuy> After I log in I receive a message in a window: "System program problem detected. Do you want to report the problem now?" How can I find out which problem is or what data is going to be send?
[12:40] <ioria> marcanuy, /var/crash
[12:40] <teward> marcanuy: there should be a "More details" button or some button to show the actual data, alternatively the data is in /var/crash most likely
[12:41] <marcanuy> ioria, teward nice, found it!
[12:42] <ertyu> hi there
[12:42] <ertyu> why gparted not reconizing ufs partion ?
[12:42] <ertyu> what package need to install ?
[12:43] <marcanuy> files in /var/crash belongs to whoopsie group, that makes sense ;)
[12:43] <Matsy> ertyu: None
[12:43] <Matsy> ertyu: It is not supported
[12:46] <ioria> ertyu, try this but decline every responsability :-P
[12:47] <ioria> ertyu, sorry, you were speaking about gparted
[12:49] <ioria> ertyu, gpart maybe
[12:51] <ertyu> not mounting i m looking for some package like apt-get install ufs
[12:51] <ertyu> or something else
[12:53] <mcphail> ertyu: this old debian box has a package calles ufsutils...
[12:53] <mcphail> !info ufsutils
[12:53] <mcphail> bah
[12:53] <ertyu> alors ?
[12:54] <mcphail> ertyu: there was a ufsutils package in debian (this box is running debian squeeze, so very out of date). It seems to have been lost to the world of modern Ubuntu
[12:56] <repent> can i install blue stack on Ubuntu
[12:57] <ioria> mcphail, can't find it
[13:04] <Highway95> how do I add the Mac OS X zoom in and out with (Control + Scroll up and down) in GNU/Linux?
[13:05] <Highway95> how do I add the Mac OS X zoom in and out with (Control + Scroll up and down) in GNU/Linux?
[13:05] <k1l_> which linux are you on exactly?
[13:05] <ioria> mcphail, i built the .deb and seems ok
[13:05] <Highway95> Ubuntu
[13:05] <Highway95> and trisquel
[13:06] <trijntje> Highway95: I think you can do that with the compiz config settings manager in ubuntu
[13:06] <ioria> mcphail, but don't have ufs to test it
[13:08] <Highway95> i don't exactly understand what you mean?
[13:09] <trijntje> Highway95: install the compiz config settings manager, and there you can set zoom
[13:09] <Highway95> oh k,
[13:09] <Highway95> i understand
[13:09] <k1l_> Highway95: what desktop do you use? for ubuntu you use unity. so that answer was to ubuntu. if you want to solve that task with trisquel ask the trisquel support
[13:10] <Highway95> ok, thanks
[13:16] <ztane> Rory: thanks will test
[13:17] <Rory> ztane: You're welcome but I think you meant that for someone else
[13:21] <ztane> Rory: awscli ...
[13:22] <bitnumus> hi, i 've mounted a device and now it shows in nautilus under the "devices" tree on the left. I cannot umount the device because its being used by another application, i think nautilus. How can i remove it from here?
[13:24] <Rory> ztane: Oh right yeah. Poke me if you have trouble with it. I'm also in ##aws
[13:26] <Highway95> emergency!! how do i re-enable unity plugin? I accidentally disabled it in compiz config settings manager
[13:29] <Highway95> is there a way to restore all settings to default?
[13:29] <Highway95> because of F-ing the settings using the compiz config settings manager
[13:30] <bobita> hi all. does anybody knows any good program with i can download and convert youtube music?
[13:31] <somsip> !illegal | bobita
[13:31] <Highway95> how is that illegal????
[13:31] <nillawafer> Highway95: It violates the terms of use for YouTube.
[13:32] <Matsy> Violating terms of use != illegal
[13:32] <Highway95> where??
[13:32] <Highway95> terms of use and the law are not the same thing
[13:32] <bobita> nvm. Highway95 eveyone here say that all that they take from net the actually buy it, music, games, movies and all. not even my 3 years son cannot belive that
[13:32] <Highway95> and as far as i am aware it isn't against the terms of use
[13:33] <Matsy> bobita: I actually am 100% legal
[13:33] <Matsy> Even bought Photoshop
[13:33] <Matsy> bobita: But that's besides the point: it's not illegal.
[13:34] <natedrake> hi all
[13:35] <ybon> Anyone having issues with python 2.7 after upgrade on Vivid: ?
[13:35] <Highway95> people should learn about a law, because Adobe and microsofts terms and conditions are not the law. They are the conditions of your use.
[13:36] <Garheade> ybon: have you tried running the 'apt-get -f install' command?
[13:37] <ybon> Garheade: yes I :)
[13:38] <Garheade> ybon: and what did it return?
[13:38] <ybon> Garheade: and dist-upgrade too, and also trid to specifically install the expected python or python-minimal, but without luck
[13:38] <ybon> Garheade:
[13:39] <julius> hi
[13:39] <somsip> bobita: Matsy: Highway95: a general overview by people who, one would hope know what they are talking about. Further discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic
[13:40] <ybon> And sudo dpkg --configure -a gives
[13:41] <Highway95> somsip, that link doesn't say anything about the law
[13:41] <julius> just searched for gary oldman on google but forgot the r :O
[13:43] <Garheade> ybon, I don't have any good options. It looks like it's hunting for older packages that can't be installed because of the newer packages. You *could* try running apt-get install --nodeps <package> and see if it fixes the issue but thats not something I would recommend if you don't have a backup of your system.
[13:44] <ybon> humm, I don't have a full one, but thanks for the suggestion :)
[13:46] <thms> How can I change the ubuntu splash screen ?
[13:48] <ybon> Garheade: "E: Command line option --nodeps is not understood" (when running sudo apt-get install -s --nodeps python)
[13:48] <mcphail> ybon: did you have PPAs installed?
[13:49] <ybon> you mean hand added ppas before upgrading to vivid? yes
[13:49] <mcphail> ybon: did you purge them with ppa-purge prior to update?
[13:49] <mcphail> *upgrade
[13:50] <ybon> no
[13:50] <ybon> but the upgrade has deactivated them, I think
[13:50] <mcphail> ybon: that's probably why you've got this mess, I'm afraid. PPAs and upgrades are not happy bedfellows. They need fully purged rather than deactivated
[13:51] <ybon> OK, I take note and will do before next upgrade :)
[13:51] <ybon> Any idea to move out from this messy situation?
[13:51] <mcphail> ybon: you will probably be able to get out of this by unintslling and reinstalling the python packages. I think you can run apt without python (iirc it only needs perl)
[13:52] <ybon> ok
[13:52] <mcphail> ybon: but take a full backup first :)
[13:52] <ybon> that was the option I was trying to avoid because I'm afraid of it, but let's go
[13:52] <ybon> yep :)
[13:53] <mcphail> ybon: (a full reinstall might be faster...)
[13:55] * mcphail knows this from bitter experience
[13:56] <r00trunner> hey guys, a friend wants to create a repository for me. therefore he needs me to send him an ssh key. do i need to generate those keys? do i already have them? sry if this question may seem dumb...
[13:57] <Rory> r00trunner: run the command: ssh-keygen
[13:57] <Rory> r00trunner: then send him the file ~/.ssh/
[13:57] <Rory> r00trunner: Don't send him the other file in there called id_rsa (no .pub extension) because that is your private key
[13:59] <r00trunner> Rory: thank you very much!!
[14:00] <tonyt> i tried using a distro called pupy linux. its based off 140.04. is there a place i can download the network manager that comes in ubuntu, so i can install it in another distro to use it?
[14:01] <teward> tonyt: puppy linux isn't supported here
[14:02] <cfhowlett> teward, he wants to frankenstein his puppy with ubuntu pieces.
[14:02] <frankenstein_> rawr
[14:04] <Rory> tonyt: You probably want at least the nm-applet package... you're looking to download a bunch of .deb files, and use dpkg to install those on the target system. You can get .deb packages from
[14:05] <tonyt> im not looking for support. im jsut wondering is there a place to download the network manager in ubuntu from
[14:05] <Rory> tonyt: It might be a hassle getting all the dependencies though
[14:05] <tonyt> k rory
[14:05] <wad> Hi guys. I just did "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" and it's been stuck for twelve hours on "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-35-generic". I'm frankly terrified.
[14:05] <Rory> tonyt: NetworkManager itsself, and the interface for managing it, are separate packages tonyt
[14:05] <cfhowlett> wad, break the process and try again. 12 hours for the img is bogus
[14:05] <tonyt> k. so shtere is no 1 place to get it from i take it?
[14:06] <wad> cfhowlett, I did CTRL-C and it doesn't affect it.
[14:06] <wad> I'll kill it I guess.
[14:06] <cfhowlett> wad, close the terminl
[14:06] <cfhowlett> *terminal
[14:07] <wad> cfhowlett, this is a critical machine, I'm terrified out of my mind that it won't boot.... what is safer, to close the terminal, or find it in ps and kill -3, then kill -9 it?
[14:08] <cfhowlett> wad, kill the process then. same outcome. this will not release the apt-lock, though.
[14:08] <cfhowlett> !aptlock | wad
[14:08] <wad> thanks
[14:10] <Skimmilk> howdy
[14:10] <darthanubis> hi
[14:10] <wad> cfhowlett, okay, I killed the process, then ran the unlock command you provided. It asked for confirmation, which I have it, then did: update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
[14:11] <Skimmilk> Oh, someone's awake. ;)
[14:11] <wad> Now it's sitting on this line again: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-35-generic
[14:11] <Skimmilk> .... that was unexpected
[14:11] <cfhowlett> wad, sitting as in not downloading?
[14:11] <wad> I think it's stuck trying to generate the initrd.img-3.13.0-35-generic
[14:11] <wad> :(
[14:12] <Dumle29> Should one upgrade to 15.04?
[14:12] <cfhowlett> wad, sounds right. sadly, I don't know the fix. continue booting to the current kernel for nowl.
[14:12] <cfhowlett> *now*
[14:12] <wad> ok
[14:12] <somsip> Dumle29: depends if you need cutting edge or stability (LTS)
[14:12] <wad> I'll ask the googles.
[14:12] <cfhowlett> Dumle29, 15.04 is bleeding edge. bleeding edge = bloody edge. your choice.
[14:13] <Dumle29> I'll wait then.
[14:13] <mcphail> Dumle29: if you are on 14.10, an upgrade is recommended. If you are on 14.04 you may prefer to stay where you are
[14:13] <Dumle29> I'm on 14.10
[14:13] <somsip> !14.10 | Dumle29
[14:13] <mcphail> Dumle29: that will go out of support soon
[14:13] <somsip> Dumle29: like ^^^ that soon
[14:14] <Dumle29> Hmm I'll have a look
[14:14] <Skimmilk> heyyyyyy
[14:14] <Skimmilk> does anyone know why i can't execute a file?
[14:14] <Skimmilk> ...that was an awfully open ended question.
[14:14] <somsip> Skimmilk: more details needed...
[14:14] <Skimmilk> The file exists, I have depended libraries, but when I run it, it "doesn't exist"
[14:14] <cfhowlett> !details | Skimmilk
[14:15] <somsip> Skimmilk: what is it, where is it, how are you running it
[14:15] <pbx> Skimmilk, share a paste of an attempt to run it that includes the error you are receiving
[14:16] <Skimmilk> It's called Journey, a blogging "platform". It's in a subdirectory of home
[14:17] <somsip> Skimmilk: try running ldd on it
[14:17] <Skimmilk> ldd reports nothing
[14:17] <Skimmilk> "not a dynamic executable"
[14:18] <ubuntu437> Is there anything i can do with my laptop who is running ubuntu 14.04 64-bit it has 7,2GB memory, prossessor is AMD A4-5000 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics × 4 graphics:Gallium 0.4 on AMD KABINI 64-bit It is so unbelivable slooow take ages to open firefox or a new tab, everything is slow
[14:19] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: grafix driver loaded?
[14:19] <somsip> Skimmilk: download link?
[14:19] <Skimmilk>
[14:20] <Skimmilk> I have linux-386
[14:20] <somsip> Skimmilk: uname -a ?
[14:20] <ubuntu437> lotuspsychje: not shure.. im a new ubuntu user. How do i load it?
[14:20] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: sudo lshw -C video from terminal
[14:20] <somsip> Skimmilk: nah - it's still alpha. Contact the author
[14:20] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: whats behind driver=
[14:21] <Skimmilk> Okay :) Thanks
[14:21] <wad> I ran "update-initramfs -u -v" and it shows it being stuck on "Calling hook cryptroot". The volume is encrypted. Any ideas what is wrong? (history: it got stuck with apt-get upgrade, on "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-35-generic"
[14:23] <cfhowlett> wad, encrypted! yes it does matter ...
[14:23] <ubuntu437> lotuspsychje: driver=radeon
[14:23] <wad> ah!
[14:23] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: ok, did you check your additional drivers section, if you can choose more drivers?
[14:23] <cfhowlett> wad, workaround: disable encryption, do the upgrade?
[14:23] <wad> hmm
[14:23] <ubuntu437> lotuspsychje: how can i do that?
[14:24] <mcphail> lotuspsychje: the radeon driver should work fine on that card. I've used something similar and it flew
[14:24] <wad> It's been working just fine for many months, and many upgrades.
[14:24] <lotuspsychje> mcphail: but 8gig ram and amd system..should work flawless on trusty
[14:24] <wad> I'll google how to disable the encryption.
[14:25] <mcphail> lotuspsychje: may need newer kernel. Most of the radeon improvements didn't come until 3.16 (iirc)
[14:25] * mcphail runs mainline kernels
[14:25] <lotuspsychje> mcphail: yeah he can try that
[14:25] <wad> cfhowlett, that's not going to work, looks like. This system is using full-disk encryption.
[14:26] <wad>
[14:26] <phre4k> can I already do-release-upgrade? Doesn't see to find 15.04
[14:26] <ubuntu437> mcphail: How can i do that?
[14:27] <mcphail> ubuntu437: with that spec of system, Ubuntu should run very well. The graphics part of your APU may not be fully supported in your current kernel version or your disk access may be slow. What is the output of "uname -a"?
[14:27] <ubuntu437> Linux mango 3.13.0-48-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 12 11:16:15 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[14:27] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: you can also check your dmesg and syslogs to see whats the bottleneck
[14:28] <ubuntu437> lotuspsychje: I have no idea how to do that :P
[14:28] <ubuntu437> dont even know what dmesg is :P
[14:29] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: the ubuntu start button left upper corner and find the logs icon
[14:29] <mcphail> ubuntu437: yes: check the logs. If they don't show anything scary, try booting a live USB of the current ubuntu release (15.04) to see if the newer kernel works better. If it does, come back and I'll show you how to upgrade the kernel without the hassle of upgrading the whole system
[14:30] <lotuspsychje> mcphail: good idea
[14:31] <ubuntu437> what shold i be looking for :D
[14:31] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: anything unusual like many same lines, driver errors,etc
[14:32] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: harddisk failures
[14:32] <ubuntu437> im getting an errormessage in the system log: /var/log/mail.log Error when getting information for file' /var/log/mail.log' No sutch file or directory
[14:32] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: or you can pastebin us your syslog / dmesg
[14:33] <lotuspsychje> !paste | ubuntu437
[14:33] <mcphail> ubuntu437: that error isn't a problem unless it is being repeated hundreds of times
[14:35] <ubuntu437> lotuspsychje: i can only see syslog, auth.log, dpkp.log and Xorg.0.log not any /dmesg
[14:35] <ed_> help please! toughbook running 14.04 and stable for ages. today networking went down and suspected nm-applet. removed it from bar, killed it off, ran from command line but just does nothing. have limited internet access via bluetooth but need wifi and wwan back asap. any thougts please?
[14:35] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: try dmesg from terminal
[14:36] <ubuntu437>
[14:36] <lotuspsychje> ed_: sudo lshw -C network still shows your network card driver loaded?
[14:37] <l9> ubuntu437 whats wrong?
[14:38] <lotuspsychje> l9: <ubuntu437> Is there anything i can do with my laptop who is running ubuntu 14.04 64-bit it has 7,2GB memory, prossessor is AMD A4-5000 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics × 4 graphics:Gallium 0.4 on AMD KABINI 64-bit It is so unbelivable slooow take ages to open firefox or a new tab, everything is slow
[14:39] <l9> lotuspsychje: what is your load?
yes, all looks good. the first symptoms were pinging 8888 ok from wwan but not wifi, neither could get a webpage to load
[14:39] <ubuntu437>
[14:39] <ubuntu437> is dmesg one of theme?
[14:40] <l9> ubuntu437: xterm
[14:40] <lotuspsychje> ubuntu437: no, search for 'terminal' first and type dmesg from there
[14:40] <ubuntu437> ahh :D
[14:41] <l9> lotuspsychje it might be a network issue that is causing your slow computer, but too know more you have too run top and see what it is eating your system
[14:41] <lotuspsychje> l9: its not me, its for ubuntu437
[14:42] <l9> aahh ubuntu437 run top from xterm
[14:42] <ph3n0> hey guys, is there a way to let Ubuntu know that I installed a package manually so it doesn't try to overwrite it when it builds dependencies?
[14:44] <somsip> !pinning | ph3n0
[14:44] <ubuntu437> is it possible to copy dsmeg to a text file...its to long to show the hole thing in the terminal :D
[14:44] <ubuntu437> after crolling at the top it just stops...
[14:44] <ubuntu437> scrolling
[14:45] <l9> dmesg >> file
[14:45] <that> ass do
[14:45] <that> hay
[14:45] <that> hay
[14:45] <that> hay
[14:45] <that> hya
[14:45] <EriC^^> ubuntu437: dmesg | less
[14:45] <somsip> ubuntu437: use "dmesg | less" then space to go fwds and backspace to go back
[14:45] <jayjo> is there a way to add jitter to specific cron jobs?
[14:45] <that> dezzs nuts boi
[14:45] <somsip> that: enough thank you
[14:45] <l9> EriC^^: dmesg | less dosent place the content into a file
[14:45] <that> who wants dezzs nuts
[14:45] <that> nut
[14:46] <EriC^^> l9: no shit?
[14:46] <somsip> jayjo: what exactly do you mean by jitter?
[14:46] <that> beezs nuts
[14:46] <l9> !ban that
[14:46] <ph3n0> thanks somsip
[14:46] <that> ???? i has 2 who wants to rent
[14:46] <jayjo> I want to add a bit of randomness to when it executes
[14:46] <rydzykje> Hey guys, I have a question. I have mysql installation from DEB file and installer is asking during the process for the password and acceptance of the password. Can I pass it as an parameter without prompt?
[14:46] <ioria> :-)
[14:46] <somsip> ph3n0: not sure if it works for manually installed. but seemed the first thing to read up on
[14:47] <somsip> jayjo: put a random sleep before the command. Cron jobs run *on time* :)
[14:47] <l9> urgh i need too reinstall a win8 too linux mint...
[14:47] <SchrodingersScat> jayjo: can add some $RANDOM%30 to a sleep, etc.
[14:47] <ph3n0> somsip: yeah, maybe i can install the library. then overwrite it with mine and pin it
[14:47] <jayjo> So I should probably have my script (python) be called by .sh and in that script do the rand sleep to start it?
[14:48] <somsip> jayjo: * 12 * * * sleep 10 && python /my/ (make it random though)
[14:48] <l9> jayjo: python should have .py not .sh
[14:49] <jayjo> Right, those work, but I was going to call the python script from within a shell script and only execute the .sh
[14:49] <somsip> !automate | rydzykje
[14:49] <somsip> jayjo: you can make it as complicated as you like
[14:49] <ubuntu437> mcphail: here is the output from dmesg im not able to see whats wrong
[14:49] <jayjo> :)
[14:49] <SchrodingersScat> jayjo: can't have the python sleep randomly?
[14:49] <rydzykje> somsip: The requested URL /12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html was not found on this server. any other ideas? :D
[14:50] <darren_> hi,all
[14:50] <jayjo> OK these solutions work great, I didn't know if there was a way to have cron do it, but it makes way more sense to just have the script delay
[14:50] <imagine> Bob Dylan -> like a rolling stone
[14:51] <sproc> If I submit a print job but the printer was turned off, and then I turn the printer on and can see the job waiting with 'lpstat', what is the proper way to 'retry' the job?
[14:51] <somsip> rydzykje: old but not 404
[14:51] <rydzykje> somsip: thanks! goin to read!
[14:51] <sproc> ^from the command line
[14:52] <mcphail> ubuntu437: can't see any obvious problem there on a quick scroll-through
[14:53] <somsip> sproc: maybe?
[14:53] <ubuntu437> mcphail: do you have any suggestion on what i can do ?
[14:53] <wad> Hey guys. Trying to fix my system. It broke when I did "apt-get upgrade". After some digging, I find that when I run "update-initramfs -u -v" it gets stuck on "Calling hook cryptroot". This machine's filesystem is encrypted. It's been working fine for about a year now. Ideas?
[14:54] <mcphail> ubuntu437: I think you should try a live USB of ubuntu 15.04 and see if the performace is better. If so, it narrows your problem down to kernel version or disk speed
[14:54] <l9> ubuntu437: what does top say
[14:54] <ed_> lotuspsychje: yes
[14:56] <Flugz> I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 with unity and I have a problem with Firefox completely freezing the whole system when a certain link is clicked. I can't use Ctrl+Alt+F2 or anything. Only option is to do a hard reset. Tried using a new profile in Firefox, but that didn't help. Don't know where to start really :-/
[14:56] <ubuntu437> l9: this is top
[14:57] <l9> try 15.04
[14:58] <l9> there is no reason why your computer is slow
[14:58] <l9> as far as i can see
[14:58] <ubuntu437> so i should download 1504 and reinstall the ubuntu?
[14:59] <mcphail> ubuntu437: no - just run the live USB session. Don't install anything. See if it runs better and report back
[14:59] <l9> are you running 32 or 64 bit version
[14:59] <ioria> ubuntu437, 15 is not lts
[14:59] <ubuntu437> im running 64 bit
[14:59] <ubuntu437> mcphail: ok ill try to see if i got a usb
[15:00] <l9> does everything slow down or just firefox?
[15:00] <ubuntu437> everything
[15:00] <l9> how is the boot fast or ultra slow
[15:01] <ubuntu437> it came preinstalled with win 8 but since i hate win 8 i installed ubuntu
[15:01] <ubuntu437> and now the whole system is super slow
[15:01] <l9> do a uname -a for me please :)
[15:01] <mcphail> l9: scroll up - he's posted that already :)
[15:01] <ubuntu437> Linux mango 3.13.0-48-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 12 11:16:15 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[15:03] <ubuntu437> mcphail: you want me to make a bootable USB stick right?
[15:03] <mcphail> ubuntu437: yes. That is the safest and easiest way to test
[15:03] <l9> his load average is 0.18, 0.24, 0.49 so there isnt any reason why it is slow, unless his hdd is shot
[15:03] <ioria> ubuntu437, what's your pc ?
[15:04] <ubuntu437> lenovo G505
[15:04] <l9> ubuntu437: sudo hdparm
[15:05] <ubuntu437> l9: im just getting the "menu"
[15:05] <l9> sorry sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda
[15:05] <mcphail> l9: the disk may be a problem. Running the USB will remove that from the equation
[15:06] <l9> mcphail: i know that is why i asked him too check the speed on it, and if this isnt clear he needs too boot up an live image
[15:06] <aikidouke> anyone using firewalld in 15.04? I think I found a bug, but am not sure if this is expected behavior?
[15:07] <mcphail> l9: can you take things from here? I've got a bit of work stacking up
[15:07] <ubuntu437> hmm
[15:07] <ubuntu437> Timing cached reads: 1430 MB in 2.00 seconds = 714.81 MB/sec
[15:07] <ubuntu437> Timing buffered disk reads: 322 MB in 3.01 seconds = 107.12 MB/sec
[15:07] <l9> Timing cached reads: 25362 MB in 1.99 seconds = 12737.16 MB/sec
[15:08] <l9> what kind of disk do you have ?
[15:08] <computercell> how to do hotspot
[15:08] <l9> aikidouke what bug ?
[15:08] <ubuntu437> the one that came with the pc..
[15:08] <computercell> how to do hotspot in ubuntu mate 15.04
[15:08] <aikidouke> l9: behavior is different if I launch firewall-applet from dash vs running sudo firewall-config
[15:09] <l9> aikidouke: might be that it is two diffrent progz
[15:09] <aikidouke> l9: running from dash I do not see my home network sources
[15:09] <ubuntu437> l9: is it the disk that is the problem?
[15:09] <aikidouke> l9: I will try to run firewall-config from dash real quick, good though
[15:10] <l9> ubuntu437: yes looks that way, it was slow if you ask me
[15:10] <ubuntu437> so if i change the disk the problem will be solved?
[15:11] <aikidouke> l9: ok, when running firewall-config from dash, I do now see sources, however there is another issue
[15:11] <aikidouke> l9: when i run sudo firewall-config from terminal, I can go to the options menu and changes default zones of connections
[15:12] <l9> ubuntu437 this is from my 3 terra drive the slowest of them Timing cached reads: 25596 MB in 1.99 seconds = 12854.99 MB/sec
[15:12] <ubuntu437> hmm
[15:12] <aikidouke> l9: when i launch firewall-config from dash, options->change zones of connections is blank
[15:12] <l9> aikidouke: when you do sudo you have root
[15:12] <aikidouke> l9: understood
[15:13] <aikidouke> but I do have to authenticate when launching from dash as well
[15:13] <l9> aikidouke and whitout the sudo you probally dont have the rights too see connection
[15:13] <ubuntu437> thanks for the help. Ill try to find a new hard drive and see it taht solve the problem
[15:13] <aikidouke> l9: if i look at the process owner, would that show me if there is a difference?
[15:14] <l9> ubuntu437: check disk ;) i think there might be errors and a warrenty issue
[15:14] <l9> aikidouke mmhm
[15:14] <l9> ubuntu437: sudo badblocks -sv /dev/sda
[15:15] <l9> or fsck
[15:15] <aikidouke> l9: so the one does run as root, and launching from dash is running as my regular user
[15:16] <aikidouke> l9: there isnt much use to running firewall-config without being root, so shouldnt authenticating allow me to make changes if i launch from dash?
[15:16] <l9> aikidouke: would explain the diffrence
[15:17] <l9> it should, but is it ?
[15:17] <ubuntu437> l9: Looks like it going to take some time. Tis only onm 1.35% now
[15:18] <l9> i know
[15:18] <aikidouke> l9: when you launch from dash, you first have to authenticate, even though I've authenticated, the process is still running as my regular user
[15:18] <aikidouke> l9: I think I will file a bug and see what happens
[15:18] <aikidouke> l9: thanks for your help
[15:19] <l9> n/p
[15:22] <l9> what is the terminal command for startup disk creator
[15:23] <Rory> l9: usb-creator-gtk
[15:23] <l9> Rory: thanks :)
[15:28] <l9> Error: You requested a partition from 1049kB to 2049MB.
[15:28] <l9> The closest location we can manage is 17.4kB to 306MB.
[15:29] <mIRC-ITA-by-mirc> !list
[15:32] <ubuntu-mate> i am a new ubuntu mate
[15:32] <Skimmilk> somsip, the problem was something to do with x64...
[15:32] <Skimmilk> "something"
[15:33] <ubuntu-mate> what the disferent ubuntu gnom and ubuntu mate ?
[15:33] <Skimmilk> is 14.04 good for x32? :x
[15:33] <Skimmilk> seems like a silly question, but... there's never a stupid question. ;)
[15:33] <ubuntu-mate> my system is 64X
[15:34] <ubuntu-mate> my system is x64
[15:34] <l9> Skimmilk: why do you wanna use x32
[15:34] <k1l_> ubuntu-mate: ubuntu gnome is gnome-shell (aka gnome3) ubuntu mate uses mate as desktop.
[15:34] <Rory> ubuntu-mate: Gnome and Mate are both desktop environments. You install one or the other (or both) depending on which you prefer, to be honest. Mate is a fork of an older version of Gnome aimed at people who prefer the more traditional desktop metaphor. Gnome 3 is the current version of Gnome
[15:34] <k1l_> Skimmilk: if your hardware is 64bit go for the 64bit ubuntu
[15:34] <Skimmilk> l9, a blogging platform I was trying to run would run on x64.
[15:35] <l9> fluxbox way cooler than mate and others
[15:35] <Skimmilk> "file doesn't exist" when I'm looking at it. Maybe a linker issue :s
[15:35] <Skimmilk> I'm using digitalocean
[15:35] <Rory> Skimmilk: You're trying to execute an x86 binary on an i686 installation of Ubuntu?
[15:35] <k1l_> Skimmilk: what is your issue? can you describe the setup and the error and provide errormessages etc?
[15:35] <ubuntu-mate> yeah, more a question! if i used mate, have peopleo help me, while my system error?
[15:36] <Skimmilk> is 386 x86?!
[15:36] <Skimmilk> Ah, now I know. ;)
[15:36] <l9> Rory: naw he is missing a file has nothing todo with 32 vs 64 issues
[15:36] <k1l_> ubuntu-mate: what is your ubuntu issue?
[15:36] <Rory> l9: You'd be surprised.
[15:37] <Rory> l9: That error is basically a catch all for "naa, not going to execute this today"
[15:37] <l9> Rory: didnt think any software didnt support 64 tho
[15:37] <somsip> Skimmilk: that's why I told you to uname -a, but I lost track what happened after that
[15:37] <Rory> l9: You need to ensure you have a 64 bit installation on your DigitalOcean droplet
[15:37] <Rory> Skimmilk: ^
[15:37] <l9> true
[15:37] <MonkeyDust> ubuntu-mate simply ask your question and wait
[15:38] <mirkooo> e
[15:38] <Skimmilk> Oh, you told me to contact the dev, so I assumed you were done. :p
[15:38] <ubuntu-mate> now i do not have problems
[15:38] <Skimmilk> sorry
[15:38] <mirkooo> !vciao
[15:38] <mirkooo> !list
[15:38] <MonkeyDust> ubuntu-mate ok, then hang around and watch how this channel works
[15:38] <mirkooo> !list
[15:38] <mirkooo> !list
[15:39] <mirkooo> Cc
[15:39] <mirkooo> c
[15:39] <mirkooo> c
[15:39] <k1l_> mirkooo: no warez in here
[15:39] <Skimmilk> somsip, i'll load it up again and let you know in 5. :3
[15:39] <ubuntu-mate> if in the future, i have issue, please help me
[15:40] <MonkeyDust> ubuntu-mate yes, that's the purpose of this channel, it's the help channel
[15:40] <k1l_> ubuntu-mate: yes, you can ask in here then. but please keep this channel clear for people with real issues so far. we have #ubuntu-offtopic for other chat
[15:40] <ubuntu-mate> ok! thanks
[15:41] <ubuntu-mate> LinuxMint vs Ubuntu, what is better ?
[15:42] <xangua> !ot | ubuntu-mate
[15:42] <Fuchs> ubuntu-mate: this here would be a support channel, such questions are better asked in the off-topic channel
[15:42] <xangua> also all ubuntu official flavors are ubuntu
[15:42] <Fuchs> ubuntu-mate: but then that seems to be a somewhat loaded question for an ubuntu channel, so I suggest asking that in a more neutral environment
[15:42] <DarrenGao> hi,all
[15:44] <ubuntu-mate> My laptop is Ram 4GB, HDD:750 GB: Chip I5- X2.4GHZ. what is the ubuntu version i should used ?
[15:44] <xangua> the one you preffer
[15:45] <l9> ubuntu-mate: 10.04 LTS
[15:45] <ubuntu-mate> can i used 14.04 ?
[15:45] <l9> whoops sorry 14.04 LTS
[15:45] <l9> yes
[15:45] <DarrenGao> yes
[15:45] <Rory> ubuntu-mate: Any of the versions will work fine on that hardware, performance-wise.
[15:45] <fate_> my fav 10.04 lucid
[15:45] <DarrenGao> 14.04 is LTS
[15:45] <Rory> fate_: Me too man, that's why we have Mate :D
[15:46] <l9> ubuntu-mate but it is easier installing openBSD
[15:46] <ubuntu-mate> i lived in Vietnam, and i used EngLish not very well
[15:46] <xangua> !ot
[15:46] <MonkeyDust> l9 don't confuse new users, please
[15:47] <l9> i will not :)
[15:47] <ioria> when you buy a pre-installed win8 pc it comes with uefi/gpt.... ok. So, you erase all and mbr the disk and install Ubu...ok. It can remain a backup gpt residue.... question: can it slow down your machine ?
[15:48] <ubuntu-mate> i want to know IT application of Ubuntu
[15:48] <MonkeyDust> ubuntu-mate type /j #ubuntu-offtopic please
[15:49] <ubuntu-mate> ok
[15:49] <ubuntu-mate> thanks!
[15:55] <Guest21254> hello everyone
[15:55] <DarrenGao> hi
[15:56] <Guest21254> how long have you learned ruby'?
[15:57] <DarrenGao> sorry, it is ZERO.
[15:58] <Guest21254> are you from china ?
[15:58] <Guest21254> gao xx
[15:58] <XenophonF> hey all is this channel logged? someone pointed me at the grub2 docs yesterday, and i want to review their configuration advice
[15:58] <SchrodingersScat> !log | XenophonF
[15:58] <XenophonF> thanks
[15:58] <ioria> XenophonF, you too shoul have the logs , i think
[15:58] <Guest21254> ths
[15:59] <EriC^^> XenophonF:
[16:00] <EriC^^> XenophonF: did you get it working?
[16:00] <kokut> hello, anyone knows how to add the default dialog of cairo-dock that has the "shut down", "suspend" etc options?
[16:01] <MonkeyDust> kokut is there no option to add widgets?
[16:03] <kokut> MonkeyDust: applets :) fount it, ty
[16:03] <MonkeyDust> cool
[16:06] <XenophonF> i'm installing using debootstrap, but i want to avoid downloading stuff
[16:06] <XenophonF> so can i just call debootstrap vivid /mnt file:///cdrom/dists/vivid ?
[16:06] <XenophonF> or will that not work the way i expect?
[16:08] <Guest46171> Hi
[16:09] <aaaaaaa> hi
[16:09] <XenophonF> never mind - i figured it out: debootstrap vivid /mnt file:///cdrom
[16:09] <Guest46171> Using Xubuntu
[16:09] <Guest46171> I am Saurabh
[16:10] <Guest46171> Firsttime on Xchat
[16:10] <mcphail> Guest46171: please ask your Ubuntu support question.
[16:10] <Guest46171> Help me
[16:10] <MonkeyDust> Guest46171 start with a question
[16:14] <Skimmilk> ping somsip
[16:15] <Skimmilk> somsip:
[16:24] <deunnero> Quick question... I have windows 10 installed on another hard drive. Ubuntu sees the volume but can't read it :(
[16:25] <deunnero> I'm looking it up now... was just wondering if anyboyd had the quickie instructions
[16:26] <oaulakh> how to mount drives in ubuntu, it's keep sayin like you have no privillege
[16:26] <k1l_> deunnero: what is the error?
[16:26] <deunnero> one sec
[16:27] <k1l_> deunnero: make sure you disable the "fast reboot" setting in windows, so it doesnt block the filesystem.
[16:27] <deunnero> k1l_: Hiberboot was disabled.
[16:27] <rinki> hi, who can solve issues with nm-applet? theres 3 of us in #xubuntu all with same problems
[16:27] <deunnero>
[16:27] <chat-ango> rinki, whats the problem?
[16:28] <chat-ango> i cant connect with wifi in ubuntu 14 but i can on precise lol
[16:28] <k1l_> deunnero: "Windows is hibernated, refused to mount."
[16:29] <deunnero> It was shut down properly, it's not in hibernate mode though :(
[16:29] <k1l_> deunnero: so again: make sure windows makes a clean shutdown, and not the "i block the filesystem to simulate a fast reboot" thing
[16:29] <rinki> can only get nm-applet to run as sudo, no icon in standard account and no battery indicator
[16:29] <oaulakh> how to mount drives in ubuntu, it's keep sayin like you have no privillege
[16:29] <k1l_> deunnero: uncheck the "fast boot" thing. ask the windows support how to do that on windows 10.
[16:30] <Akhil> Hi Guys, I need help in recovering Data., from Windows partition. Using Ubuntu Live CD with testdisk. I am getting message " Disk /dev/sda - 250 GB / 232 GiB - ST3250318AS Hidden sectors are present." Is Data still there hidden?
[16:30] <ioria> rinki, run nm-applet in terminal and see what happens
[16:30] <deunnero> k1l_: the fastboot is disabled... Unfortunately the option is greyed out so had to do a registry edit to get it to not do hibernate.
[16:30] <Akhil> Hi Guys, I need help in recovering Data., from Windows partition. Using Ubuntu Live CD with testdisk. I am getting message " Disk /dev/sda - 250 GB / 232 GiB - ST3250318AS Hidden sectors are present." Is Data still there hidden? Data is missed after installation of AV and reboot
[16:31] <rinki> it only runs as sudo. was ok until today. in user account it runs and comes up in task manager but no icon
[16:32] <brainwash> rinki: which desktop environment?
[16:32] <rinki> xubuntu 1404
[16:33] <deunnero> I think it's just a windows 10 issue.. Cause this kinda started with one of the newer builds.. Even though hiberboot is off and it was shutdown normally several times. :S
[16:33] <oaulakh> how to mount drives in ubuntu, it's keep sayin like you have no privillege
[16:33] <brainwash> rinki: that's bug 1302462
[16:33] <ioria> rinki, it'a an nm-applet problem or a xfce-panel problem ?
[16:34] <brainwash> rinki: please read comment #15
[16:34] <lamesa> I feel in need to install pbrun on my ubuntu for some tests. is this ok? how can I install this pbrun? I should be able to remove it later
[16:34] <oaulakh> how to mount drives in ubuntu, it's keep sayin like you have no privillege
[16:35] <ioria> oaulakh, what's on that drive ?
[16:35] <lamesa> oaulakh: use sudo?
[16:35] <oaulakh> its my files
[16:35] <Skimmilk> I'm trying to run a program, but I'm getting the response "No such file or directory" even thought it definitely exists. I also have all of the shared libraries necessary. Does anyone have any idea what's up? I'm running on x64 Ubuntu.
[16:35] <rinki> googling it now thanks
[16:35] <oaulakh> like i have done dual boot windows7 + ubuntu
[16:35] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: ./ would be my guess
[16:35] <deunnero> I'll figure this out later. lol.
[16:35] <oaulakh> its showing on windows but not on ubuntu
[16:35] <Skimmilk> I wish I hadn't done that Fuchs
[16:35] <Skimmilk> :p
[16:35] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: what is the program called, where is the binary / executable for it and in what directory are you?
[16:35] <k1l_> deunnero: see
[16:36] <Skimmilk> It's called journey, it's in ~/journey
[16:36] <Skimmilk> I am in that directory
[16:36] <k1l_> deunnero: you can force a mount but that is going to make issues to maybe data loss. i would really see if you can stop that "fastboot" trick from windows
[16:36] <oaulakh> lamesa: but how to sudo to mount drives which are not mounting? :/
[16:36] <mcphail> Skimmilk: please tell us the output of "ls -l /path/to/file"
[16:36] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: and ./journey doesn't work?
[16:36] <Skimmilk> It doesn't
[16:36] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: if not: is it marked as executable (chmod +x) and isn't the partition mounted with noexec or something like that?
[16:37] <lamesa> oaulakh: sudo is for privileges, has nothing to do with the command you are running
[16:37] <Fuchs> also note that it is case sensitive
[16:37] <oaulakh> oops
[16:37] <oaulakh> ok
[16:37] <oaulakh> gksudo right
[16:37] <deunnero> Thanks, I'll follow these steps this afternoon.
[16:37] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: could you put an ls -l in that directory in a pastebin, please?
[16:37] <deunnero> :)
[16:37] <Skimmilk> yep!
[16:38] <Skimmilk>
[16:38] <k1l_> oaulakh: first make sure windows doesnt use that "fast rebooting" feature. that is blocking other OSs to mount the windows partitions
[16:38] <ioria> oaulakh, sudo parted -l and see if it shows
[16:39] <mcphail> Skimmilk: output, please, of "file journey" in that directory
[16:39] <oaulakh> its opening with sudo nautilus but do i have to type this everytime to open my drives?
[16:39] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: well, it's somewhat interesting that all stuff there belongs as root, but it should still work. The file command indeed, and the output of mount
[16:40] <k1l_> oaulakh: you maybe already ruined the file permissions with "sudo nautilus"
[16:40] <oaulakh> how? :(
[16:40] <Skimmilk> both:
[16:40] <oaulakh> is it because restoring backup with tar?
[16:40] <oaulakh> do i miss permissions?
[16:41] <oaulakh> omg maybe i miss permission while restoring backup right?
[16:42] <oaulakh> do i?
[16:42] <SchrodingersScat> it is possible?
[16:42] <mcphail> Skimmilk: are you running a 32bit distribution?
[16:42] <Skimmilk> No, 64.
[16:43] <Skimmilk> It works on 32 bit.
[16:43] <mcphail> Skimmilk: you may just be missing the 32bit shared libs. What is the exact output when you run "./journey"?
[16:43] <marianne> hello, is it possible to upgrade to 14.04 right to 15.04?
[16:44] <Skimmilk> mcphail: -bash: ./journey: No such file or directory
[16:44] <mcphail> marianne: not directly
[16:44] <NetworkingPro> hey everyone
[16:44] <marianne> mcphail: have to 14.10 first?
[16:45] <NetworkingPro> Anyone know of a way to create an L2TP connection on start up?
[16:45] <mcphail> marianne: yes, afraid so
[16:46] <NetworkingPro> More specifically, I need to use ubuntu to generate a number of L2TP client connections to a remote L2TP server at once.
[16:46] <mcphail> Skimmilk: and the output of "ldd journey"?
[16:46] <NetworkingPro> Is that possible?
[16:46] <marianne> mcphail: ewww, maybe I'll wait a few weeks in case more bugs are identified
[16:46] <Skimmilk> not a dynamic executable
[16:47] <mcphail> marianne: you will be able to upgrade directly from 14.04 to 16.04 if you want to wait for the next LTS :)
[16:47] <marianne> mcphail: when is that set to roll out? haven't been to the page in a while
[16:47] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: meh, don't they have a 64 bit variant?
[16:48] <Skimmilk> nope :x
[16:48] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: else you probably hve to somehow feed it 32 bit libraries, if it comes with the own set you might even have to go via LD_PRELOAD hacks. Not fun.
[16:48] <Skimmilk> I'll just reroll a 32 bit OS :/
[16:48] <k1l_> marianne: if you want to go to 15.04 you need to make decisions. because support of 14.10 is going down in 3 months.
[16:48] <Skimmilk> won't take too long to put things back on :)
[16:48] <mcphail> Skimmilk: do you have the readelf package installed? If so, paste the output of "readelf -a journey"
[16:49] <Skimmilk> i do
[16:49] <mcphail> marianne: 16.04 with be out in April next year
[16:49] <Skimmilk> op, i don't now.
[16:49] <marianne> k1l_: i had to roll back from 14.10 to 14.04, too many crashes
[16:49] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: nah, not really needed,
[16:49] <Skimmilk> I ran it on it before I rerolled the distro, it just needed libc, pthread and something else.
[16:49] <Fuchs> Skimmilk: you could run an ldd on that binary, see what libraries it needs and install the 32 bit variants of them
[16:50] <Skimmilk> no libraries are needed.
[16:50] <Skimmilk> well...
[16:50] <Skimmilk> Fuchs: from lld I get not a dynamic executable
[16:50] <lamesa> whyyyyy :-(
[16:51] <marianne> mcphail: well that's not too bad... it's only a laptop so it shouldn't matter too much... I'm totally an LS only person
[16:51] <Fuchs> meh
[16:51] <mcphail> marianne: 15.04 "works for me" and unity is more stable than on LTS. I keep LTS on my other machine and it is stable there
[16:53] <marianne> mcphail: yes, my main box has 14.04 and has always been stable... laptop on 14.10, was a nightmare
[16:53] <Skimmilk> mcphail:
[16:53] <Thesaurus> I'm on Ubuntu gnome 14.04.2 I installed virtualbox from the repos but it would fail to start with a fatal error and now nothing at all happens when I try to start it. Is vbox in the repos broken? should I just get it from Oracle?
[16:54] <darthanubis> it's not broken
[16:54] <darthanubis> but I believe Oracle has a ppa
[16:54] <marianne> mcphail: thank you for the info, think I'll wait for 16.04...unless i get a wild hair :-)
[16:55] <mcphail> Skimmilk: ok, at the very least you're going to need the i386 version of glibc...
[16:55] <mcphail> marianne: enjoy!
[16:55] <Skimmilk> mcphail: I'm going to assume I can apt-get that
[16:55] <Skimmilk> can't*
[16:55] <mcphail> Skimmilk: oh yes you can :)
[16:56] * mcphail can't remember the name of the metapackage which brings in the 1386 libs as they get automatically installed when he installs steam...
[16:56] <Skimmilk> i'll google it ;)
[16:57] <EriC^^> mcphail: multiarch-support ?
[16:57] <ioria> ia32 something
[16:57] <mcphail> EriC^^: i think multiarch-support comes as default to allow you to install the libs
[16:58] <mcphail> !search ia32
[16:58] <Skimmilk> ia32-libs
[16:58] <Skimmilk> also
[16:58] <Skimmilk> libc6-i386
[16:58] <mcphail> !info ia32-libs
[16:58] <OerHeks> ia32-libs isn't in the repo's, as you just have to add :i386 to the package you need
[16:58] <Skimmilk> !info libc-i386
[16:59] <mcphail> OerHeks: wasn;t there a metapackage which pulled in all the common ones?
[16:59] <EriC^^> !info multiarch-support
[16:59] <OerHeks> mcphail, not that i know. and would be useless, all packages double on your system.
[16:59] <EriC^^> not sure if that's it, but steam pulls that one in
[16:59] <ioria> !info program:i386
[17:00] <ioria> !search program:i386
[17:00] <mcphail> OerHeks: not really useless. Stop people having to hunt-and-peck with ldd for 32 bit binaries.
[17:01] <Akhil> Hi Guys, I need help in recovering Data., from Windows partition. Using Ubuntu Live CD with testdisk. I am getting message " Disk /dev/sda - 250 GB / 232 GiB - ST3250318AS Hidden sectors are present." Is Data still there hidden?
[17:02] <Skimmilk> "multiarch-support is already the newest version." gr8
[17:02] <chat-ango> when coming 16 lts?
[17:02] <mcphail> Skimmilk: anyway - as mentioned above you can install shared libs from the i386 architecture by "apt-get install packagename:i386". You're going to need libc as a minimum
[17:02] <OerHeks> chat-ango, less than 12 months
[17:02] <chat-ango> omg
[17:03] <mcphail> Skimmilk: if you don't mind the bloat, installing steam will bring in just about every i386 library you'll ever need
[17:03] <Skimmilk> Thanks mcphail. I'm getting 404 of repo mirror though.
[17:03] <Thesaurus> is anyone here running virtualbox on 14.04.2 from the standard repos?
[17:03] <Skimmilk> on*
[17:03] <ioria> !info libc6:i386
[17:03] <mcphail> Skimmilk: not your day ;)
[17:03] <Thesaurus> It looks like the kmod was never updated for the new kernel
[17:03] <Skimmilk> Yeah. I'll just destroy it and roll a x86.
[17:03] <mcphail> ioria: the bot doesn't understand that synatx
[17:03] <Guest88740> !info libgfwdev
[17:03] <Skimmilk> Just a server.
[17:03] <mcphail> *syntax
[17:04] <Skimmilk> Thanks for all your help mcphail :^)
[17:04] <mcphail> Skimmilk: hope you get it sorted
[17:04] <Guest88740> !info libsdl
[17:04] <mcphail> Guest88740: you can poke the bot to your heart's content by private messages
[17:04] <OerHeks> try !find libsdl
[17:05] <Skimmilk> do people use SDL?
[17:05] <Guest88740> !find libsdl
[17:05] <Guest88740> thanks all
[17:06] <mcphail> Skimmilk: of course. SDL is very prevalent
[17:07] <Guest88740> why is the bot searching in 14.10? 15.04 is out
[17:07] <Skimmilk> I was heard it is used in TF2. I had to use it for a university assignment to graph equations. This belongs in -offtopic
[17:08] <brainwash> !ot
[17:08] <OerHeks> Guest88740, try !find libsdl vivid
[17:08] <OerHeks> ( in private msg)
[17:09] <Guest88740> OerHeks: thanks!
[17:10] <nbusrone> Which printer brand of driver support ubuntu 14.04 better on wireless printing ?
[17:10] <darthanubis> nbusrone, any HP
[17:11] <teward> nbusrone: HP works fine for me at home here
[17:11] <Garheade> nbusrone: canon's Pixma series works really well too
[17:12] <mcphail> Wow - canon used to have a very bad linux reputation
[17:12] <OerHeks> Canon isn't the best indeed, but they are changing.
[17:12] <Garheade> Canon still does... I have a Pixma MG series that works really well and an ImageCLASS that sucks really bad.
[17:12] <OerHeks> Epson, Samsung Hp, never had troubles with those.
[17:13] <YvesLevier> omarisrael: Are you able to access your desktop using "my computer"?
[17:13] <OerHeks> nbusrone, but to be really sure: check
[17:13] <mcphail> I have the non-wireless version of a cheap Samsung laser printer and the bundled drivers _claim_ to support the wireless version. I can't say if that is true
[17:13] <TylerElric> Would anybody here be willing to do a short informational interview with me? ( <= 30 minutes )
[17:13] <TylerElric> Primarily around communication within software development community. It's for an English assignment.
[17:14] <mcphail> TylerElric: no - that is offtopic here
[17:14] <OerHeks> TylerElric, wrong channel for interviews/polling, joint #ubuntu-offtopic for that.
[17:14] <TylerElric> thank you!
[17:17] <m4il> hello
[17:18] <darthanubis> hi
[17:20] <m4il> are there any guide to modify ubuntu before i install to my computer? say i want to install wine and multimedia codec
[17:20] <xangua> m4il: are you giving away a computer with ubuntu installed? try OEM install
[17:21] <brainwash> !remaster
[17:21] <m4il> so i can redistribute ubuntu it to my friend with wine and multimedia codec installed
[17:22] <m4il> thanks
[17:22] <Ziber> I have a bunch of servers that I want to run 'fdisk' on a bunch of servers, paritioning these disks exactly the same. Is there a way to do this en masse?
[17:23] <chat-ango> working wifi in precise (32 bits) and not working in 14.04 (64 bits)
[17:23] <MonkeyDust> Ziber cluserssh comes to mind, but better ask in #ubuntu-server
[17:23] <MonkeyDust> clusterssh*
[17:24] <chat-ango> for got link
[17:24] <chat-ango> same conditions and conputer
[17:24] <chat-ango> seems driver issues for disconect reason 3
[17:27] <nbusrone> darthanubis , teward , Garheade , OerHeks : Thank you , :D what about brother printer ?
[17:27] <chat-ango> brother printer i got 1
[17:27] <teward> nbusrone: I believe HP is still more supported for wireless printing and such
[17:27] <OerHeks> nbusrone, depends on the model, check it yourself @
[17:28] <teward> but it does depend on the model
[17:28] <chat-ango> there are drivers for linux from brother
[17:28] <isthisreallife> how to install Package lib32asound2 on ubuntu 15.04?
[17:29] <Helperx> i have an hp sleekbook 15-129wm the sound is so low and junkhy anyone know a fix??
[17:29] <chat-ango> ohh on debian whezzy my wifi works like charm too
[17:29] <ghc> ...
[17:30] <chat-ango> lol nobody cares about my wifi bug lol
[17:30] <OerHeks> !patience | chat-ango
[17:31] <OerHeks> isthisreallife, sudo apt-get install <package>
[17:31] <Helperx> please if anyone can help
[17:32] <OerHeks> Helperx, you might want to install a mediaplayer with equaliser, like Clementine.
[17:32] <Helperx> well i have used the puslseaudio eq but it doesnt help much
[17:32] <nbusrone> teward , OerHeks : Thanks will check on the model before purchasing :)
[17:32] <Helperx> ie for web players
[17:32] <isthisreallife> E: Package 'lib32asound2' has no installation candidate OerHeks
[17:33] <Shockwave> hi people!
[17:33] <Shockwave> i have a big problem in ubuntu server
[17:33] <darthanubis> !ask
[17:33] <Guest8460> upgrade ubuntu server 14.04.1 to 14.04.2 and now i canot see or entrace to open audit o owncloud
[17:34] <Guest8460> upgrade ubuntu server and have problems
[17:34] <isthisreallife> :>
[17:35] <OerHeks> isthisreallife, is this on a 64 bit system?
[17:43] <Guest8460> trashed
[17:43] <Guest8460> fucku up
[17:49] <Dro__> anyone have an idea about vdr / kodi ?
[17:49] <Dro__> i'm trying to connect kodi to vdr but i always get "connection lost" error :/
[17:50] <vlt> Dro__: There’s #kodi.
[17:50] <rookie1> Hello, room.
[17:50] <Dro__> vlt, no one there :(
[17:51] <al2o3-cr> /msg hostserv request
[17:51] <al2o3-cr> /msg hostserv request
[17:52] <al2o3-cr> oops
[17:52] <MonkeyDust> wrong window
[17:52] <Dro__> when starting vdr it does not show "vnsiserver" in plugins, is this normal ? does it mean that vdr don't detect the plugin ?
[17:52] <al2o3-cr> yep ;P
[17:52] <ponyofdeath> hi, is there a way to get the dependancies that will be downloaded for a certain pacakge
[17:52] <rookie1> Is there a good resource for troubleshooting nework issues when running 15.05 as a guest OS? (Unsure of the house rules/protocol, so please forgive toe stepping/accidental breakage.)
[17:53] <OerHeks> ponyofdeath, install synaptic, it has a feature to download the packages only.
[17:55] <ponyofdeath> i need from console
[17:55] <ponyofdeath> i just need the list of wget links
[17:55] <ponyofdeath> --print-uris
[17:55] <ponyofdeath> i think thats it
[17:56] <Garheade> ponyofdeath: I don't know of a way to get the wget links but you can use the '-s' switch with apt to see what dependencies would be installed.
[18:01] <Captonjamason> hey
[18:01] <Captonjamason> im having some trouble with spotify, it wont launch on 15.04
[18:02] <Captonjamason> i tryed running spotify %u but it gave me a error
[18:04] <Captonjamason>
[18:04] <Captonjamason> thats my terminal window
[18:04] <darthanubis> I use spotify from inside clementine
[18:05] <teward> Captonjamason: try installing `libgcrypt11`
[18:05] <Captonjamason> ill give it a shot
[18:05] <teward> Captonjamason: only guessing, though, because 14.04 has that, i can check the vivid repos as soon as my VM comes up
[18:05] <Captonjamason> i had to do this on a friends pc and i cant remeber how
[18:06] <Captonjamason> but i know that 14.04/14.10 comes with libgcrypt11
[18:06] <Captonjamason> unable to locate package libgcrypt11
[18:07] <teward> Captonjamason: yeah libgcrypt11 was dropped apparently. try libgcrypt20
[18:07] <darthanubis> Captonjamason,
[18:07] <teward> and also the item from darthanubis there might help
[18:07] <Captonjamason> libgcrypt20 is already the newest version.
[18:08] <darthanubis> Captonjamason,
[18:08] <Captonjamason> and darthanubis i already have those put in its just spotify refuses to launch
[18:08] <darthanubis> cool
[18:09] <k1l> Captonjamason: 15.04 got libgcrypt20
[18:09] <darthanubis>
[18:09] <Captonjamason> i found out how to fix it
[18:09] <Captonjamason> darthanubis: im running 15.04
[18:09] <darthanubis> Captonjamason, just that these links might reveal something you may have missed.....or not
[18:10] <darthanubis> there isn't that big a difference for it to matter
[18:10] <Captonjamason> 15.04 doesnt come with Libgcrypt11
[18:10] <Captonjamason> thats what i need for spotify to work
[18:10] <darthanubis> unless having systemd broke ubuntu, which I doubt
[18:10] <Captonjamason> no
[18:10] <Captonjamason> it didnt
[18:11] <Captonjamason> 15.04 uses libgcrypt20 and spotify uses libgcrypt11
[18:11] <darthanubis> Captonjamason,
[18:11] <k1l> Captonjamason: so ask your prop. software maker (spotify) to support modern systems
[18:11] <Captonjamason> i found how to fix it darthanubis
[18:12] <darthanubis> Yeah, the last lnk I just dropped has the fix
[18:12] <Captonjamason> i found the link that let me fix it before
[18:12] <darthanubis> but it still won't start?
[18:13] <vexoon> I had to switch back from 15 to 14.04 :( to many crashes of my usual programs and wifi was v unstable... :(
[18:13] <darthanubis> amzing
[18:14] <Captonjamason> dartanubis: no im working on installing libgcrypt11 now
[18:16] <Captonjamason> spotify works fine now
[18:24] <XenophonF> hey all - i'm running into a problem with debootstrap, where it returns the error "W: Failure trying to run: chroot /mnt mount -t proc proc /proc"
[18:25] <XenophonF> this is from the ubuntu 15.04 livecd (ubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64), and i'm trying to run the command "debootstrap vivid /mnt file:///cdrom"
[18:25] <Captonjamason> hmmm
[18:25] <XenophonF> well, "sudo debootstrap...", right?
[18:25] <Captonjamason> yep
[18:25] <EriC^^> XenophonF: what are you trying to do exactly?
[18:25] <Captonjamason> let me think a sec
[18:25] <XenophonF> I'm trying to install Ubuntu 15.04 onto an empty ZFS pool.
[18:26] <XenophonF> i'm following these instructions - and
[18:26] <Captonjamason> sorry XenophonF, i cant help you on this one
[18:26] <edem1> could anybody help me with apm on openbsd 5.6?
[18:26] <Captonjamason> apm?
[18:27] <CompuChip> Hi. Can someone please help me replace a broken disk in a RAID1. I am getting really confused with the output of mdstat to the point where I am not even sure which disk is broken (it is showing 5 md12* disks, with inactive sdb2[0](S), active sdb5[0] [U_], active sdb1[0] [U_], active sda5[1] [_U] and active sda[2] [_U]).
[18:27] <edem1> i am trying to configure lidsuspend on acer aspire 4410.
[18:27] <XenophonF> do i need to mount /cdrom in the chroot?
[18:27] <Captonjamason> im checking into it edem1
[18:27] <OerHeks> edem1, openbsd is not supported here, ubuntu only
[18:28] <XenophonF> hm
[18:28] <XenophonF> i've tried everything else - i'm going to try to run debootstrap without the file:///cdrom URI
[18:28] <edem1> I know i know dont blame for that
[18:28] <XenophonF> there are dpkg-deb errors in the debootstrap log file, saying that it can't find the mount command
[18:29] <Captonjamason> have to agree with OerHeks, ubuntu is only supported here, try going to possibly #openbsd?
[18:29] <Captonjamason> go to #openbsd edem1
[18:29] <r0n> Hi guys.
[18:29] <Captonjamason> hey r0n
[18:30] <r0n> I just instaled xubuntu 15.04 on my laptop and now it's randomly shutting down.
[18:30] <r0n> Everything was fine with 14.04
[18:30] <Captonjamason> hmmm
[18:30] <r0n> Logs doesn't show anything as it's just shuts down like power surge
[18:31] <Captonjamason> maybe try going to #xubuntu
[18:31] <Captonjamason> they could help you more im guessing
[18:31] <OerHeks> CompuChip, use smartmontools to identify the failed drive, or sudo smartctl -i /dev/sdX #where X is your suspicious drive
[18:31] <XenophonF> running debootstrap without the file:///cdrom URI seems to be working
[18:31] <r0n> oh sorry I thought it was #xubuntu
[18:32] <r0n> thanks anyway
[18:32] <CompuChip> OerHeks: I am using an Ubuntu Server CD in rescue mode from a command line. Does it have these tools?
[18:32] <ioria> r0n from grub - advanced - select upstart and see it happens anyway
[18:33] <OerHeks> CompuChip, not sure it does.
[18:33] * Captonjamason is away: im most likely doing school, on ask if you desperetly need help
[18:33] <XenophonF> now we're unpacking the base system...good progress
[18:34] <Seveas> Captonjamason: switch off away messages.
[18:34] <Captonjamason> sorry
[18:34] <Captonjamason> didnt mean to have it on Seaveas
[18:34] <r0n> ioria, so you think it might be related to systemd ?
[18:34] <Captonjamason> fixed Seaveas
[18:34] <Seveas> thanks :)
[18:34] <CompuChip> OerHeks it is also asking me if I want to activate the Intel/DDF RAID controller and then regardless what I select if I want to enable the Seral ATA Raid Devices. Not sure whether I should say yes or no.
[18:35] <ioria> r0n maybe
[18:35] <XenophonF> base system installed successfully!
[18:35] <OerHeks> CompuChip, not sure what to do there, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too
[18:36] <Seveas> XenophonF: are you literally using file:///cdrom? If so, try pointing it to the actual archive on the cdrom
[18:36] <CompuChip> Thanks OerHeks, heading over there.
[18:37] <XenophonF> Seveas: like /cdrom/dists/vivid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz?
[18:37] <Seveas> XenophonF: heh. if it's actually mounted as /cdrom, then nevermind, file:///cdrim *is* the correct path :)
[18:37] <XenophonF> oh good
[18:38] <XenophonF> well, i don't know what was going wrong, but leaving off the URI made it work, so whatever I guess
[18:41] <juliusn> Hi I am Iulian
[18:41] <juliusn> I need help about ubuntu server
[18:42] <Quantos> memo help
[18:43] <ubuntu437> l9: You still here?
[18:43] <k1l> !ask
[18:47] <XenophonF> apt-get install ubuntu-desktop should do the right thing, yes?
[18:47] <Captonjamason> should
[18:48] <XenophonF> does anyone remember the name of the package that you need to install to get it to scan for drivers like the b43 firmware or the nvidia graphics drivers?
[18:48] <XenophonF> (i can't believe i forgot to make a note of it the last time i installed ubuntu on this mac)
[18:49] <XenophonF> ah
[18:49] <XenophonF> ubuntu-drivers
[18:49] <XenophonF> duh
[18:50] <XenophonF> for future web searches
[18:53] <s0d0m> I'm trying with upstart now, keep you informed.
[18:54] <s0d0m> But fail to see why systemd would cause like that
[18:54] <Goose_> Can you run plasma 5 on 14.04?
[18:54] <ioria> s0d0m
[18:54] <Fuchs> Goose_: not in a sane way, no. There are ppas for 14.10 and it's officially in 15.04,
[18:55] <Fuchs> this said, I'd heavily advise against updating to plasma 5 at the moment, I consider it far from being productively usable
[18:55] <Goose_> Lame. Thanks. I upgraded to 15.04 and put plasma 5 on there but it made my system basically unusable so I went back down to 14.04
[18:55] <Goose_> I probably won't be leaving an LTS for awhile
[18:56] <MonkeyDust> Goose_ same here, be it in vmware, had to delete the VM
[18:56] <Goose_> I mean, plasma 5 looks AMAZING. But I'll wait for the next LTS, and for the bugs to get out of plasma 5 before upgrading.
[18:56] <Goose_> When is the next LTS coming out? 16.04?
[18:56] <MonkeyDust> yes
[18:57] <darthanubis> kubuntu 15.04 was rushed and released buggy
[18:57] <Goose_> WOOOOOO
[18:57] <Goose_> It seemed like it. I had nothing but problems
[18:57] <darthanubis> while I'm having , surprisingly, no issues with ubuntu 15.04
[18:57] <ioria> lubuntu 15 seems fine too
[18:57] <Goose_> Yeah my ubuntu 15.04 was fine. But putting kubunut changed my dm, and caused all kinds of issues
[18:58] <teward> darthanubis: then file bugs against the issues you see in Kubuntu. However, stating it's 'rushed' and 'buggy' gets you nowhere here, you have to either ask for help in solving the problem or report bugs. (Also, #kubuntu might be a resource for you)
[18:58] <Goose_> Ah well. I'll just wait.
[18:58] <MonkeyDust> Goose_ same story, problems began with sddm
[18:58] <Goose_> Login errors for you?
[18:58] <Goose_> I was like stuck at the K loading screen
[18:58] <Goose_> Then just black screen with cursor
[18:59] <MonkeyDust> Goose_ no froze completely, unable to restore
[18:59] <darthanubis> teward, you don't know what I did, or where I'm trying to go. Preach much?
[18:59] <Goose_> :(
[18:59] <Goose_> rekt
[18:59] <MonkeyDust> but it was no production machine
[18:59] <darthanubis> I stated my opinion to recent relevant context
[18:59] <Goose_> 15.04 was very underwhelming it seems
[18:59] <teward> darthanubis: this is a support channel, a discussion channel is what you need (that's not me preaching, that's the general policy in the channel)
[19:00] <darthanubis> teward, I was addressing support
[19:00] <Goose_> He was just adding relevant context
[19:00] <darthanubis> kubuntu needs more of it
[19:00] <teward> darthanubis: you gave no questions - just that 'it's rushed and buggy'. support starts asking for support... not saying it's buggy.
[19:00] <darthanubis> ubuntu not so much
[19:00] <darthanubis> teward, you don't know what you are talking about
[19:00] <Goose_> Relevant context, confirming what other people were unsure of. Seems like enough help for me
[19:00] <darthanubis> stalk someone else
[19:01] <Goose_> ^
[19:01] <darthanubis> Goose_, thank you
[19:01] <Goose_> Ah well. Thanks guys!
[19:04] <s0d0m> ioria, it doesn't seem related to my bug
[19:04] <seby> ciao a tutti
[19:05] <ioria> s0d0m maybe a new one
[19:05] <Seveas> !it | seby
[19:05] <lucidguy> I used to use nomachin/nx for remote desktop control. I believe in the newest version its more restricted, as in no longer ssh based etc. Any other recommendations?
[19:06] <bobita> can anybody tell me why do i get some ign files when i want to sudo apt-get update?
[19:07] <s0d0m> ok, thansk for the help, i'll be fixed after a few hours if it doesn't shutdown.
[19:07] <Pharao> hello
[19:07] <bobita> anybody can answer me pls?
[19:07] <darthanubis> !pastience
[19:07] <darthanubis> !patience
[19:08] <Seveas> bobita: because those files are not necessarily required so apt-get ignores the fact that they're absent.
[19:10] <bobita> Seveas, thx
[19:11] <bobita> and my 2nd question is how can i upgrade my ubuntu 14.04 LTS to the last version? and if that version is stable and worth an upgrade
[19:11] <teward> bobita: your second question's answer would mean you have to first upgrade to 14.10, then to 15.04.
[19:12] <teward> bobita: my advice is to stick to the LTS because more and more can go wrong with each distribution upgrade
[19:12] <teward> bobita: or do a fresh installation after backing up your data
[19:12] <xangua> bobita: stable releases are considered stable, but LTS are more stable of course
[19:12] <teward> bobita: my other bit of advice is you may want to stick to LTS if you want more stability
[19:12] <teward> if you need more 'recent' / cutting edge software versions then use the later releases
[19:13] <bobita> ohh ok thx. i hoped the new versions would be better :(
[19:14] <darthanubis> bobita,
[19:16] <teward> bobita: 'better' and 'more stable' don't go hand in hand
[19:16] <teward> bobita: while stable releases are considered "stable", there are cases where it doesn't appear that way for certain hardware or other bugs
[19:18] <bobita> teward, so this means i should stick 4ever with 14.04?
[19:19] <MonkeyDust> bobita or until the next LTS
[19:19] <MonkeyDust> like many of us do
[19:19] <bobita> MonkeyDust, any idea when it will be the next LTS? or there is no news about that yet
[19:20] <MonkeyDust> bobita 16.04
[19:20] <bios> guys
[19:20] <bobita> MonkeyDust, ohhh it will take a while
[19:20] <bios> any can help my with code writen in vala gtk+?
[19:21] <bios> nothing??
[19:21] <bobita> bios, sorry i'm new with linux i usualy need help too
[19:21] <r0n> ioria, so it just stopped again, not related to systemd then
[19:21] <darthanubis> !patience | bios
[19:22] <ioria> r0n hardware issue , fan, sensors ?
[19:22] <r0n> don't think so everything was ok yesterday under 14.04
[19:22] <r0n> temps are ok
[19:23] <bios> my question is about develop apps for ubuntu
[19:23] <bios> sorry
[19:23] <MonkeyDust> bios try #ubuntu-app-devel
[19:23] <ioria> r0n do you have a toshiba ?
[19:24] <r0n> asus
[19:24] <ioria> r0n try another kernel
[19:25] <ioria> r0n from grub
[19:25] <r0n> I think i've got only one since it's a fresh install
[19:25] <r0n> will check
[19:25] <ioria> r0n /boot
[19:26] <r0n> yeah just one
[19:28] <ioria> r0n dmesg | grep ACPI
[19:30] <r0n> ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20141107/nsarguments-95)
[19:30] <r0n> [ 26.189341] ACPI Error: Field [TMPB] at 274432 exceeds Buffer [ROM1] size 262144 (bits) (20141107/dsopcode-236)
[19:30] <r0n> [ 26.189344] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._ROM] (Node ffff88041f0fda00), AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT (20141107/psparse-536)
[19:32] <Guest89155> hello,anyone here?
[19:32] <Seveas> nope
[19:32] <Guest89155> :))
[19:32] <hellofriends22> Hello everyone, can anyone explain or link me on how to install software on a different drive? I have a SSD where I run Ubuntu on, but I do want to install my wine games to my HDD
[19:32] <MonkeyDust> not me
[19:33] <teward> !anyone | Guest89155
[19:33] <teward> BLAH that used to exist
[19:33] <teward> Guest89155: rather than asking if anyone is here, just ask your question to the channel.
[19:33] <teward> rather than asking if anyone is around
[19:33] <teward> then have patience
[19:33] <Guest89155> teward,this is my first time on XChat...
[19:33] <Seveas> hellofriends22: mount the drive somewhere, stick your wine games on it
[19:34] <ioria> r0n cat /var/log/kern.log
[19:34] <teward> Guest89155: s/XChat/IRC/. If you have an Ubuntu support question, please ask it to the channel generally. If you don't have one, then you may want to look at #ubuntu-offtopic or ##chat for social chat channels. :)
[19:34] <noobb> hi guys , This might not be the right place to ask this question, but seems general enough. I'm using 14.02 lts, trusty, trying to install a package (VirtualBox) which seems to require dkms , however, i have installed that multiple times. something about a makefile, but not sure where that is. Any help appreciated!
[19:35] <hellofriends22> Seveas, will wine/ubuntu still be able to find them when I move the folder somewhere else?
[19:35] <Seveas> hellofriends22: sure.
[19:35] <hellofriends22> well, thats easier than I originally thought, thanks a bunch
[19:36] <aikidouke> noobb: and do you have linux-headers-3.10.18 package installed as the error message suggests?
[19:36] <noobb> yes, i do as far as i know
[19:36] <r0n> ioria, same acpi errors and this comes up 2 times : vgaarb: this pci device is not a vga device
[19:36] <bekks> noobb: Just read the last line of your paste and install the kernel headers
[19:36] <noobb> i mean i went through the process
[19:37] <DrGrov> Who can I ask for hosting purposes for Ubuntu ISO's? Could someone PM me since I would like to contribute in some way.
[19:37] <noobb> i did install those
[19:37] <r0n> looks like it might be related to the nvidia driver
[19:37] <ioria> r0n driver issue
[19:37] <ioria> ?
[19:37] <r0n> it's different version than 14.04
[19:37] <r0n> probably
[19:38] <ioria> r0n if you got the 3.13 kernel we could try ...
[19:39] <aikidouke> noobb: can you run sudo dpkg -l linux* | grep ii
[19:39] <aikidouke> noobb: does the current kernel you are using match up with your header package?
[19:39] <noobb> minute
[19:39] <r0n> ioria, i'll download it to try. One thing different aswell is that i've got an unknow device in the aditional driver list
[19:40] <r0n> looks like its related to the proc
[19:40] <r0n> intel proc
[19:40] <noobb> no packages found matching linux-headers-3.10.30-031030-generic_3.10.30-031030.201402131735_amd64.deb
[19:40] <ioria> r0n proc or graphic card
[19:40] <ioria> r0n is embedded ?
[19:41] <r0n> embedded i think
[19:41] <noobb> Linux localhost 3.10.18
[19:41] <noobb> thats weird
[19:42] <r0n> ioria, it's i7 with nvidia card, got nvidia-prime to switch between both
[19:42] <aikidouke> noobb: try installing the headers package again, not what process you are following for installing vbox, but this one looks simple enough:
[19:43] <ioria> r0n you are so complicated, man :-P
[19:43] <aikidouke> noobb: sorry, meant to say Im not sure what process your are following
[19:43] <r0n> ioria, i know ! Sorry, first time for me too
[19:44] <r0n> it's so weird
[19:44] <ioria> r0n ok
I did this multiple times already : wget
[19:45] <Captonjamason> how may one use a neat portable scanner on ubuntu?
[19:45] <noobb> then i did this sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.10.30 etc
[19:47] <Captonjamason> hello?
[19:47] <aikidouke> noobb: can you cat /var/log/vbox-install.log
[19:47] <Captonjamason> how can i use a neat scanner on linux
[19:49] <aikidouke> Captonjamason: I have no idea what a neat scanner is, have you tried plugging it in and seeing if it shows up as a device?
[19:50] <Captonjamason> yes
[19:51] <Captonjamason>
[19:51] <Captonjamason> thats what scanner i have
[19:53] <terrasapien> Captonjamason, is it plugged in via USB?
[19:54] <aikidouke> Captonjamason: according to their website, they dont claim to support linux. If it has a usb plug on it, try plugging it in. If it doesnt work, you may need to write your own kernel module or something :)
[20:00] <genii> Hm, that scanner, according to their Mac page is compatible with Fujitsu models s300m,s1500m,s510m,s1100m,s1300m, HP OfficeJet j6480, Canon Pixma mp480 and mx310 ....probably can use one of those SANE backends for it
[20:02] <c_korn> how can I enable text file thumbnails in nautilus (Ubuntu 15.04)?
[20:03] <noobb> this is in regards to my attempt to get virtualbox install on 14.02 lts, but after installing linux-headers-3.10.18 package, etc, and installing virtual box from multiverse which seems to be handling dependencis , I still get this this error : The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing
[20:03] <rzeka> Hello. How long does Ubuntu keep logs (auth and syslog)?
[20:04] <k1l> noobb: what gives you "uname -a"?
[20:04] <noobb> also there is no /dev/vboxdrv
[20:05] <noobb> uname -a Linux localhost 3.10.18 #1
[20:06] <k1l> that kernel is out of support anyway
[20:06] <noobb> in?well shoulh kernal aga theange i cg
[20:06] <k1l> wait, you said its a 14.04. that should never have had 3.10 since it started with 3.13
[20:07] <k1l> what is "lsb_release -d"?
[20:07] <noobb> thats true , but it didnt work with 3.10 either so i followed some old threads i suppose
[20:08] <k1l> lets please make it clear what system that is now
what is "lsb_release -d"?
[20:09] <noobb> lsb_release -d Description: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
[20:10] <genii> rzeka: However long is specified in the main file /etc/logrotate.conf, or in specific files under /etc/logrotate.d/ directory. Usually it will just keep 4 weeks of auth.log for instance, then rotate that to auth.log.1.gz etc and just keep incrementing the numbers.
[20:10] <k1l> install "linux-generic" then please
[20:10] <noobb> using apt-get?
[20:11] <feodoran> i cannot run "amdcccle" (command not found), however apt-get tells me the package "fglrx-amdcccle" is installed and the fglrx driver in general should be installed as well. how is this possible?
[20:12] <k1l> noobb: yes.
[20:12] <k1l> noobb: 3.10 was never a official ubuntu kernel. so you manually did stuff there.
[20:13] <noobb> yes, i was following some thread on the web
[20:14] <k1l> install the package i named. then reboot to an actual usefull kernel.
[20:16] <hutch78> where is the best place to get started learning Ubuntu? i have a little experience with CentOS but I am ready to make the transition!
[20:17] <zykotick9> !manual | hutch78
[20:18] <zykotick9> hutch78: not sure that's "the best" but it's a start...
[20:18] <hutch78> thank you :)
[20:23] <maarhart> if I reboot my laptop with the lid closed, I cannot see anything. the external display goes to sleep at some point of the boot. and also the laptop display shuts down. I need to shut down the laptop by pressing the power button. the computer boots though
[20:24] <maarhart> any solution / suggestion?
[20:28] <EriC^^> maarhart: are you using unity?
[20:28] <maarhart> lubuntu desktop
[20:29] <EriC^^> try going to settings > power or something similar
[20:29] <hutch78> im using ubuntu for my first remote server today - what directory do rails apps typically live in?
[20:30] <maarhart> the problem occurs while I see the Ubuntu logo. I tried that already EriC^^
[20:30] <bobita> can anybody tell me if i can move the subtitle of a movie forward or backward in smplayer? cuz is not sync well
[20:30] <EriC^^> maarhart: in unity there's an option about closing the lid
[20:31] <EriC^^> maarhart: type gsettings list-recursively | grep lid-close
[20:31] <maarhart> ok
[20:32] <maarhart> I have tried ignoring handlelidswitch
[20:34] <maarhart> I am booting with the lid open to try that Eric__
[20:36] <maarhart> Eric__ : I am back in one second.
[20:37] <maarhart> Eric__: ok I am back. here comes a pastebin
[20:37] <EriC^^> ok
[20:38] <maarhart>
[20:38] <feodoran> can somebody help me to figure out why ubuntu can't run "amdcccle"? fglrx is installed (at least I think it is)
[20:38] <TiK> maarhart: what did you want it to do?
[20:39] <EriC^^> maarhart: it looks ok
[20:39] <k1l> feodoran: "apt-cache policy fglrx" in a pastebin please
[20:40] <maarhart> TiK: my issue is that if I reboot with the lid closed, at some point of the ubuntu logo my external display goes to sleep and the internal display turns off.. and there is no way to turn it back on
[20:40] <TiK> maarhart: you have an external monitor so on the laptop hit Fn and mine is f8 to turn the monitor on
[20:41] <maarhart> Tik: okay, I can try, but why would I need to to that
[20:42] <feodoran> k1l:
[20:42] <EriC^^> it resets when you restart the pc
[20:42] <EriC^^> nothing to do with ubuntu
[20:42] <k1l> feodoran: its not installed. "sudo apt-get install fglrx" will install it
[20:42] <maarhart> what resets when I restart?
[20:43] <EriC^^> maarhart: which display to use as output
[20:43] <maarhart> okay so which channel should I ask for help?
[20:43] <maarhart> it is during the ubuntu logo so I assume it has to do with systemd
[20:43] <feodoran> k1l: will it not be installed when you select fglrx in the settings?
[20:43] <EriC^^> maarhart: oh
[20:44] <EriC^^> maarhart: press esc and it should show the boot process
[20:44] <k1l> feodoran: obviously its not installed. i dont know what you selected anywhere else
[20:44] <maarhart> I can see grub in the external display for example
[20:44] <maarhart> Eric__: I tried but it does not
[20:45] <maarhart> the external display just goes to sleep. The laptop display goes off. Esc doesn't do anything
[20:45] <maarhart> I didn't try fn-f8
[20:46] <maarhart> but the computer seems to boot okay. at least the mythtv backend works :)
[20:46] <feodoran> k1l: i am not sure how exactly it is called in english, but there is this "additional drivers" dialog where I can select between, fglrx and fglrx-updates
[20:46] <maarhart> I just want to be able to close that stupid lid
[20:46] <bhdr> hi, i've used two os from 2 years at the same time and before once week, my computer has a one os that is ubuntu 14.04. However i didn't used it because of errors. Sometimes i saw fatal errors, sth i saw unnecessary grub (because there is a one os, no necessary grub), so my computer start slowly than slowly. After that i have 'KERNEL PANIC' and my computer never begin 2 days. it didn't neither flash-disc nor cd-dvd. Force i've done it but i obtained same situat
[20:46] <bhdr> ion. What can i do? What is the problem? Bios or boot or sshd or something like this. Please help me!
[20:47] <k1l> feodoran: what did you choose there then?
[20:47] <XenophonF> has anyone else run into configuration errors in 15.04 with the modemconfig package?
[20:47] <feodoran> k1l: fglrx of course
[20:47] <k1l> feodoran: use apt-get now like i said.
[20:47] <k1l> feodoran: i dont know what went wrong with your GUI setting
[20:47] <maarhart> Eric__, TiK: any other workarounds?
[20:48] <feodoran> k1l: amdcccle does still not work
[20:48] <feodoran>
[20:48] <lamesa> anybody uses augeas?
[20:48] <k1l> feodoran: you need to restart the xserver at least
[20:49] <k1l> feodoran: which means, logout.
[20:49] <obscura> hey guys
[20:49] <feodoran> i restarted the whole computer
[20:49] <maarhart> okay, I gave up. thanks anyway
[20:50] <obscura> I want to start learning about linux driver programming and already started reading the book "Linux Device Drivers" which is often recommended for this purpose
[20:50] <petrvs> hi
[20:50] <aikidouke> trying to understand vim config..if I (Ubuntu 15.04) run vim as my regular user, I don't have access to colorschemes or plugins in /usr/share/vim/vim74, which is owned by root/root and is 644 perms. If I run vim as root, I do have access. I do not have a .~/.vimrc file.
[20:50] <obscura> which devices are easy to program? I want to do more than just programming virtual devices as it is done in the book
[20:50] <obscura> they can also cost something (although hopefully not too much)
[20:50] <petrvs> aikidouke: you could make one
[20:50] <k1l> feodoran: was "fglrx-amdcccle" installed too?
[20:50] <bhdr> hi, i've used two os from 2 years at the same time and before once week, my computer has a one os that is ubuntu 14.04. However i didn't used it because of errors. Sometimes i saw fatal errors, sth i saw unnecessary grub (because there is a one os, no necessary grub), so my computer start slowly than slowly. After that i have 'KERNEL PANIC' and my computer never begin 2 days. it didn't neither flash-disc nor cd-dvd. Force i've done it but i obtained same situat
ion. What can i do? What is the problem? Bios or boot or sshd or something like this. Please help me
[20:50] <aikidouke> do I need to create my own ~/.vim directory?
[20:50] <obscura> I mean, which devices are easy to make drivers for
[20:51] <TiK> obscura: so copy that file to /root
[20:51] <aikidouke> with all of the colorschemes and plugins?
[20:51] <petrvs> aikidouke: ~/.vimrc, if you want
[20:51] <obscura> I don't want to program the device directly
[20:51] <petrvs> aikidouke: you can potentially copy root's
[20:51] <petrvs> obscura: might talk to #kernel
[20:51] <aikidouke> ok thank you
[20:52] <feodoran> k1l: it is available in /usr/lib/fglrx/bin and complaims about some problem, and that the drivers is maybe not installed (correctly)
[20:52] <k1l> feodoran: pastebin the logs/errors.
[20:53] <feodoran> k1l: do you mind if it is in german?
[20:53] <k1l> nope i dont mind. although there is #ubuntu-de
[20:54] <feodoran> k1l: i know, but I thought here are maybe more people
[20:55] <marianne> question - when you upgrade the OS through the software updater, do you lose all the things you have already installed like the flash player fix and and other codecs?
[20:55] <stacks88> nah you shouldnt
[20:55] <k1l> marianne: no
[20:56] <marianne> I'm going to need to do it twice...once to 14.10 and then to 15.04...
[20:56] <k1l> yes
[20:56] <marianne> so,I should be good ?
[20:56] <feodoran> k1l: running /usr/lib/fglrx/bin/amdcccle displays an error dialog ( ) and prints to the terminal: "sh: 1: gnome-session: not found" (I use XFCE in case it is important)
[20:56] <k1l> better have a backup when murphys law strikes back
[20:57] <stacks88> but yeah good point, make a backup of anything you feel is super important
[20:57] <k1l> feodoran: what card do you use at all?
[20:57] <marianne> k1l: nothing on it that i really need to keep, it's anew laptop
[20:57] <feodoran> k1l: HD 8750M
[20:58] <stacks88> these days, i have a remote server that is dedicated solely to storing a backup
[20:58] <stacks88> offsite backup essentially, im too paranoid
[20:58] <k1l> feodoran: and please show a "dpkg -l | grep fglrx"
[20:58] <stacks88> not sure how for years i went without an offsite backup
[20:58] <stacks88> how or why*
[20:59] <feodoran> k1l:
[21:01] <k1l> feodoran: see dmesg log and xorg log what is going on with that driver
[21:01] <feodoran> k1l: there is an integrated intel graphics as well
[21:03] <onemansubmarine> hello folks, I have a problem with my WLAN connection. If I close my lid and the laptop go to sleep, it won't reconnect when I reopen the lid
[21:03] <reborn> two week ago, i clean up dust in a tower desktop, because of loud fan, so it was so quiet, and then today, again loud my mom tell me, that, and i'm also deaf, but it can possible to caused by VLC Media Player, or not sure. any idea? i am running ubuntu mate 15.04
[21:04] <feodoran> k1l: dmesg xorg
[21:05] <k1l> feodoran: [ 28.193] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)
[21:05] <reborn> be right back.
[21:06] <feodoran> k1l: great ... or not. what can I do?
[21:06] <k1l> feodoran: make sure you have the kernel headers installed mathcing your kernel version
[21:07] <feodoran> k1l: what is the easiest way to check this?
[21:07] <k1l> "dpkg -l |grep linux-headers" and "uname -a" should match
[21:09] <feodoran> k1l: I have 3.16.0-34 and the corresponding headers
[21:09] <k1l> feodoran: are the headers prefaced with (ii) ?
[21:09] <feodoran> k1l: yes
[21:09] <reborn> hey
[21:10] <feodoran> well without the parenthesis at least
[21:11] <k1l> feodoran: please see the logs in /var/log/apt what did happen after the fglrx install.
[21:12] <feodoran> k1l: thats a directory, which file? history.log or term.log?
[21:13] <k1l> feodoran: term
[21:14] <reborn> my computer has again fan loud, after clean up dust, i'm suspect it caused from VLC media player, not sure. any idea?
[21:15] <feodoran> k1l:
[21:15] <k1l> reborn: see "htop" what is causing cpu load
[21:16] <reborn> red with font -11?
[21:17] <epx998> running an lsof on a nsf mount dir shows this (deleted) flag, activation.jar (deleted)
[21:17] <epx998> What does that flag mean?
[21:18] <reborn> here's link
[21:18] <k1l> reborn: sort after cpu load would be easier
[21:19] <reborn> what do you mean by that?
[21:20] <k1l> feodoran: are you sure you rebooted?
[21:21] <reborn> hey another picture, of sesnors.
[21:22] <feodoran> k1l: log file ends at 22:43, uptime is about 30 min:
[21:22] <feodoran> k1l: so, yes i am sure i rebooted
[21:26] <k1l> feodoran: "lsmod |grep fglrx"
[21:27] <feodoran> k1l:
[21:27] <darthanubis> fwiw, the oss ati/amd drivers are excellent
[21:28] <hadifarnoud> how do u comment in crontab? with #?
[21:28] <darthanubis> Could'nt run Google Earth with fglrx
[21:28] <vlt> hadifarnoud: Yes.
[21:28] <hadifarnoud> cheers
[21:29] <feodoran> darthanubis: afaik, the oss driver does not allow to switch easily between integrated and dedicated graphic
[21:29] <feodoran> darthanubis: and fglrx should result in better performance
[21:29] <darthanubis> ah, I'm on a desktop
[21:30] <darthanubis> as far as the performance that depends on the card
[21:30] <darthanubis> for 6450 it does not
[21:30] <reborn> which you running distro?
[21:30] <darthanubis> ubuntu
[21:31] <reborn> verison?
[21:31] <darthanubis> 15.04
[21:31] <k1l> feodoran: please show a "dpkg -l | grep linux-"
[21:31] <reborn> did you installed fglrx?
[21:31] <darthanubis> me?
[21:31] <reborn> yes?
[21:32] <darthanubis> yes
[21:32] <feodoran> k1l:
[21:32] <reborn> you were say, could not running on google earth, right?
[21:33] <k1l> feodoran: dont know then
[21:33] <darthanubis> yes
[21:33] <reborn> AMD Graphic 6450, yes?
[21:33] <feodoran> k1l: thats disappointing. but thx anyway
[21:34] <darthanubis> yes
[21:34] <reborn> i have same, let me see what's wrong went goes.
[21:37] <feodoran> what do i have to do to completely remove fglrx? maybe reinstalling afterwards helps
[21:37] <k1l> sudo apt-get purge fglrx
[21:37] <darthanubis> reborn,
[21:37] <feodoran> I did that, anything else?
[21:38] <darthanubis> reborn, that's what happened
[21:39] <daswebmastri> Anyone trying Ubuntu Mate?
[21:39] <reborn> that's weird, mine does good running, and perfect. that's weird, Did you reinstall fglrx?
[21:39] <reborn> i am running ubuntu mate
[21:39] <daswebmastri> Do you have any issues with your bluetooth?
[21:40] <reborn> hey how can i reply to username?
[21:40] <daswebmastri> Uhhh?
[21:40] <kostkon> !tab
[21:40] <darthanubis> It works with symlinking and mv, and a whole lot of nonsense with the OSS drivers. I have video hardware acceleration. I'm not new to this rodeo. This is why I dropped Nvidia. My Kodi box as another 6XXXX and again, OSS driver, with flawless hardware acceleration. I don't even have to run amdcccle or whatever to turn tearfree option. Tear free out the box. Even in Kubuntu. I can use EGL, since glx will be depreciated.
[21:40] <noobb> this is in regards to my effort to install virtualbox on 14.02. at some point in this fiasco i made the ill advised decision to install the 13.10 kernel, to get get my system back to normal, since that move didnt seem to help matters, i ran 'sudo apt-get install linux-generic' Unfortunately now the terminal window that i ran that n is now frozen with a purple text screen telling me sudo apt-get install linux-generic.
[21:41] <petrvs> noobb: 'reset'?
[21:41] <reborn> no bluebooth
[21:41] <reborn> no issue.
[21:41] <daswebmastri> It works, but it always boots turned off.
[21:41] <daswebmastri> I have to run rfkill unblock all
[21:42] <dtscode> hey guys... i ran dtscode@dtscode-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install visualboyadvance visualboyadvance-gtk but i cant find visual boy advance anywhere
[21:43] <noobb> yea, i can reset, but how do i get the original kernal back?
[21:43] <petrvs> noobb: 'reset' is a command
[21:44] <xangua> dtscode: did you run apt-get update¿
[21:44] <dtscode> xangua, no. let me try that
[21:45] <noobb> i ran reset, it didnt seem to do anything
[21:46] <dtscode> thanks xangua that worked
[22:08] <yuciyuar> is there a command forcing to overwrite files when installing via apt-get?
[22:08] <darthanubis> ?
[22:09] <yuciyuar> when i try to remove and reinstall applications, it doesnt make clean install
[22:10] <bekks> darthanubis: Whats the actual issue behind that question?
[22:10] <k1l> yuciyuar: use purge instead of remove
[22:11] <darthanubis> bekks, excuse me?
[22:11] <darthanubis> why is dash not showing my applications?
[22:11] <yuciyuar> k1l, purge doesnt clear all files that installed together
[22:12] <darthanubis> meaning, why can't I browse application without typing them in the search?
[22:12] <k1l> yuciyuar: the package manager can only remove files that are named in the package install scripts. what the program itself creates after the install is not the business of the package manager.
[22:12] <CuriousThinker> darthanubis; the world is a cruel place
[22:13] <k1l> darthanubis: you can
[22:13] <darthanubis> found it
[22:13] <CuriousThinker> darthanubis; and it's just as wonderful
[22:13] <bekks> darthanubis: fatally tabfailed, I'm sorry.
[22:14] <yuciyuar> k1l, right but it doesnt overwrite to this when reinstalling
[22:15] <yuciyuar> how can i know where it installed packages
[22:15] <k1l> yuciyuar: please lets switch from theoretical to the real issue. provide informations and logs/errormessages
[22:17] <nnoobb> hi, for various reasons i rebuilt my kernel into 3.10. Now i want to restore it back to 3.13. However, when i run apt-get install linux-generic,
[22:18] <nnoobb> the term window freezes up with a purple screen telling me its reconfiguring grub. Any te m? recover sy
[22:18] <nnoobb> any ideas to recover system?
[22:19] <k1l> what do the logs say? what was the issue?
[22:19] <nnoobb> where are the logs?
[22:20] <gryzor> distro layout
[22:20] <k1l> /var/log and then dmesg or syslog. they get renamed to .0 or .1 after reboot
[22:20] <CuriousThinker> k1l; do you use Ubuntu yourself?
[22:20] <k1l> CuriousThinker: yep
[22:20] <CuriousThinker> k1l; even when you could be using Arch?
[22:21] <k1l> CuriousThinker: i dont think that suits into the ubuntu support channel
[22:22] <k1l> CuriousThinker: if you want comparison of various linux distros you might better ask in ##linux
[22:24] <nnoobb> this is in dpkg.log: 2015-04-28 17:56:47 status half-configured grub-pc:amd64 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu1
[22:25] <netlar> Is Snappy a good thing?
[22:25] <nnoobb> apparently dpkg is running and i have to stop it
[22:25] <k1l> netlar: it is.
[22:25] <k1l> nnoobb: how long did you wait?
[22:25] <nnoobb> immediately
[22:26] <netlar> Is going to be a rolling release?
[22:26] <k1l> nnoobb: does mean how many minutes?
[22:26] <k1l> netlar: wait for the UOS for the dicsussions and decisions
[22:26] <karmaghia> hey, so is anyone else having issues installing mariadb from the servers?
[22:27] <nnoobb> what do you mean? wait for what?
[22:27] <karmaghia> I'm getting all kinds of errors and when I go the the website, it looks like OpenDNS has marked it as malware
[22:27] <netlar> k1l: Sorry the UOS?
[22:27] <k1l> nnoobb: how long did you let it run untill you "stopped dpkg"
[22:27] <k1l> nnoobb: some task can take some time depending on the power of the cpu
[22:28] <k1l> netlar: ubuntu online summit. where stuff like that gets dicsussed from developers and community
[22:28] <daftykins> karmaghia: not ubuntu repos? not really supported.
[22:28] <karmaghia> sure, but it's the main mariadb repository afaik...
[22:29] <nnoobb> i ran apt-get install linux-generic, then it eventually told me to run something else becaus eof dpkg, but i didnt wait to run it, howeverwhen the purple screen cam up a waited quite a bit
[22:29] <daftykins> karmaghia: would perhaps their channel be more useful then?
[22:29] <k1l> nnoobb: what system is that at all?
[22:29] <karmaghia> daftykins: ah, I may have a workaround...
[22:30] <nnoobb> 14.02
[22:30] <k1l> nnoobb: desktop? laptop? server?
[22:30] <nnoobb> its actually a chroot on a chromebook
[22:30] <k1l> oh well. that info would have made sense at the beginning.
[22:31] <nnoobb> sorry..
[22:31] <KYD> Need help with old Dell Lat CPi-A. are there any sensors you can monitor in Conky? if so, What do i use?
[22:31] <k1l> you will want to ask the chromebook guys on that. because thet chroot on a chromebook thing is a very hacky thing and differs from a regular ubuntu install.
[22:32] <nnoobb> ok
[22:32] <k1l> so there is a good chance you cant run regular ubuntu kernels on that.
[22:32] <nnoobb> hmm, maybe
[22:34] <nillawafer> If you are using a solution like crouton, then it simply uses the already booted ChromeOS kernel.
[22:34] <nnoobb> yea, i think i remember reading that
[22:34] <nillawafer> It is just chrooting into an Ubuntu-based environment.
[22:35] <nnoobb> i havent found much it cant do
[22:35] <sabayonweb8555> a friend of mine tells me ubuntu has lost its luster
[22:35] <petrvs> sabayonweb8555: you don't say
[22:36] <petrvs> nnoobb: what model is it?
[22:37] <nnoobb> its an acer cb3 - 111
[22:37] <nnoobb> its a beaut
[22:37] <petrvs> cb3-111?
[22:37] <sabayonweb8555> but fedora is picking up the torch and moving forward
[22:38] <nillawafer> There is no need to do anything with kernels if you are using a crouton set up. It is just using the already booted ChromeOS kernel.
[22:38] <k1l> sabayonweb8555: lets stick to ubuntu support in here, thanks
[22:38] <petrvs> doesn't look like that one comes with seabios
[22:38] <petrvs> not sure how much effort changing the OS would be, probably heaps of
[22:39] <nillawafer> Changing OS completely on that Acer would be pretty tough... you would probably have to flash the BIOS, etc.
[22:40] <daftykins> which is offtopic here :) (chromebook modding)
[22:41] <nillawafer> daftykins: exactly
[22:41] <sabayonweb8555> anyone tryed the chinese ubuntu version deepin?
[22:42] <petrvs> sabayonweb8555: probably someone
[22:43] <Ben64> sabayonweb8555: its not supported here
[22:43] <Jordan_U> sabayonweb8555: This channel only supports official flavors of Ubuntu. Deepin is not Ubuntu.
[22:43] <petrvs> you would probably have to make hardware modifications
[22:43] <petrvs> it's quite simple on some chromebooks, though
[22:43] <petrvs> gotta research before you purchase, alas
[22:43] <petrvs> or be wiling to return
[22:43] <sabayonweb8555> its ubuntu at heart
[22:44] <petrvs> sabayonweb8555: right, but, you're still taking a poll =)
[22:44] <Jordan_U> sabayonweb8555: Not supported here, period. Please stop trying to discuss things that are offtopic.
[22:44] <teward> sabayonweb8555: no, that's not a supported variant of Ubuntu. Discussion therein is offtopic, and I suggest you listen to Jordan_U
[22:45] <Jordan_U> sabayonweb8555: Or move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.
[22:45] <sabayonweb8555> lets all make 1m of silence then
[22:46] <teward> that works too :)
[22:47] <skinux> I'm wondering about ideas for an application that could be developed using Ubuntu SDK, which would have potential for hundreds to thousands of users and be commercial worthy?
[22:49] <MonkeyDust> skinux a GUI for NSF coonnections
[22:49] <daftykins> skinux: off topic
[22:49] <nillawafer> sklinux: #ubuntu-offtopic
[22:49] <skinux> MonkeyDust: Define NSF
[22:49] <Pandorian> is there a way to view a filtered log of the successfully executed terminal commands?
[22:52] <gzcwnk> hi, I just installed a gui on my server but it now boots to a gui, I odnt want that, how can i get it to go back to cli only ? looks like im in runlevel2 on ubuntu 14
[22:52] <daftykins> ubuntu doesn't use run levels afaik
[22:53] <ubuntu783> hi all is there a queu?
[22:53] <esde> nope
[22:53] <esde> just ask
[22:53] <esde> *e
[22:54] <petrvs> triage in yo face!
[22:54] <petrvs> gzcwnk: which GUI?
[22:54] <ubuntu783> cool thanks, anyone notice brightness jump (maybe gamma) in 15.04 and no brightness slider?
[22:54] <gzcwnk> gnome
[22:55] <k1l> !text | gzcwnk
[22:55] <gzcwnk> i did a apt-get install xinit gnome so i get startx
[22:57] <ubuntu783> is brightness slider missing in 15.04 gnome normal or just on my system?
[22:59] <gzcwnk> hmm messy
[22:59] <reborn> ubuntu783, did reinstall?
[22:59] <gzcwnk> no such thing as boot-repair
[22:59] <ubuntu783> did upgrade from 14.10
[22:59] <skinux> Curious...Given a amount of hacking going on these days, is it worth while to install a Network Intrusion system onto a single laptop, or do well configured firewalls such as IPTables suffice?
[23:00] <gzcwnk> that grub.conf is comlex
[23:00] <gzcwnk> complex
[23:00] <reborn> ubuntu783, no i mean, package reinstall.
[23:00] <gzcwnk> ie i cant tell which line to append "text" to
[23:01] <ubuntu783> no i dont think so?
[23:01] <Ben64> gzcwnk: you shouldn't be editing grub.conf directly
[23:01] <reborn> ubuntu783, what are you running on distro?
[23:01] <k1l> gzcwnk: no. you change the /etc/default/grub and let the grubscripts run again to create the .conf
[23:01] <Jordan_U> gzcwnk: You don't edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg, you edit /etc/default/grub. Specifically, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX
[23:03] <ubuntu783> on 2 different systems no brightness slider anymore, sorry dont know distro?
[23:03] <reborn> ubuntu 15.04?
[23:03] <petrvs> ubuntu783: cat /etc/*release* /etc/*version*
[23:04] <gzcwnk> that isnt waht the doc says
[23:04] <ubuntu783> yes 15.04
[23:04] <reborn> ubuntu783, try what petrvs say.
[23:05] <ubuntu783> DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=15.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=vivid DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 15.04" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="15.04 (Vivid Vervet)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 15.04" VERSION_ID="15.04" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" jessie/sid
[23:05] <gzcwnk> oh god how do i turn off colours in vi? lol
[23:05] <Finetundra> hello, can I have someone walk me through installing to a chrome book?
[23:06] <Jordan_U> gzcwnk: Yes, it is. What documentation are you looking at that says otherwise?
[23:06] <_war10ck_> gzcwnk: What happened with vi now?
[23:06] <gzcwnk>
[23:07] <k1l> gzcwnk: point 1. and keep in mind we have grub2 since ages
[23:07] <gzcwnk> man how to make something so basic, complex
[23:08] <ubuntu783> reborn yours still has brightness slider after upgrade?
[23:08] <gzcwnk> i want it to boot to cli permanantly
[23:08] <piotr_k> hello all
[23:08] <Jordan_U> gzcwnk: Nowhere on that page is editing of "grub.conf" mentioned. Please quote the exact sentence where it is suggested that you edit "grub.conf".
[23:08] <gzcwnk> it did before i installed a gui
[23:08] <gzcwnk> jordan its implying it as it doesnt say how to do it
[23:09] <DeezNutSinYoMout> whats sup faggots
[23:09] * DeezNutSinYoMout eat this dick
[23:09] <reborn> ubuntu783, did you tried control?
[23:09] <ubuntu783> sorry control?
[23:09] <reborn> optional control.
[23:10] <ubuntu783> dont know this
[23:10] * ILikelinuxAndMoe these nuts in yo mouth am i right?
[23:10] <gzcwnk> Ok, I'll keep googling
[23:10] <piotr_k> my friend have killed me with one question about ubuntu. When an app added to startup applications in ubuntu what is really happening behind sceens? systemd service is created?
[23:11] <piotr_k> I cannot track this one
[23:11] * IDKRandomIsbae i fucked bitches
[23:11] * IDKRandomIsbae i fucked bitches
[23:11] <IDKRandomIsbae> s
[23:11] <piotr_k> can anyone help?
[23:12] <bekks> !autostart | piotr_k
[23:12] <sneak> hi. i installed libname-dev to build a package. i build and installed a package that the package manager doesn't know about. i'd like to remove libname-dev via autoremove and keep libname. how do i tell the package manager that libname is a required dependency? do i just specify both when i install?
[23:12] <reborn> pior_k, give ue what you have got a problem.
[23:12] <Jordan_U> piotr_k: Which "startup applications"? Those started at login, or those started at boot?
[23:12] <Monkanamous> what's up with the random people coming in here with the trash talk? haha, are those bots?
[23:13] <k1l> Monkanamous: dont mind the trolls
[23:13] <Monkanamous> so those aren't bots? i see.
[23:14] <piotr_k> I think that those started at login added using "Startup Applications"
[23:15] <piotr_k> the utility which pops up when you are searching startup applications using unity dash
[23:15] <Monkanamous> this might be a good linux question, has anyone got the USB video adapters working with Ubuntu or any Linux Distro? asides from using there new neavou driver i believe.
[23:16] <piotr_k> I'm just wondering, how to reproduce the exact same thing using CLI, not the startup applications utility..
[23:18] <bluenemo> hi guys. I'm trying to setup a routed bridge on my Server. I have some config error somewhere, the kvm guest system using the bridge can send icmp requests out, but does not get any response: I disabled the firewall and set ip_forward to 1
[23:18] <bekks> bluenemo: Define "routed bridge".
[23:18] <bekks> A router and a bridge are operating on different OSI layers.
[23:18] <Jordan_U> piotr_k:
[23:19] <bluenemo> bekks, pretty much what is describing here
[23:19] <piotr_k> Jordan_U: Thank you ;)
[23:19] <Jordan_U> piotr_k: You're welcome.
[23:20] <Monkanamous> ...
[23:20] <piotr_k> bluenemo: you dont have to set ip_forward to 1 on the host machine to forward traffic from vm througout bridge
[23:21] <bluenemo> aho k
[23:21] <bluenemo> looks kinda strange
[23:21] <T3> hey! Is there an IRC channel where I can talk about ubuntu tomcat packages?
[23:22] <bluenemo> shouldnt interfaces be nothing on br0?
[23:22] <piotr_k> no
[23:23] <piotr_k> correct me if i'm wrong but you have the following scenario
[23:30] <someone235> Hi, I followed this tutorial: but when I try to connect to the ftp server it always say "530 Login incorrect."
[23:30] <someone235> Someone knows why?
[23:31] <petrvs> ftp is insecure, sure you want it?
[23:31] <daftykins> it does often get setup by people that come here for no good reason
[23:33] <someone235> petrvs, what is the alternative?
[23:33] <petrvs> someone235: ssh+ftp, usually
[23:33] <petrvs> you can call it sftp if you want, but also you can just call it ssh
[23:33] <tlt> you can point your ftpd to localhost and just use ssh on the way there also
[23:34] <ni638629> hello
[23:34] <petrvs> 'lo
[23:35] <petrvs> openssh is also miles simpler to configure
[23:35] <petrvs> basically it just works the moment you install it
[23:35] <petrvs> and it's already secure
[23:36] <someone235> petrvs, what is wrong with ftp?
[23:36] <Ben64> ancient, not secure, harder to set up, etc
[23:36] <petrvs> ^
[23:36] <petrvs> it's both insecure _and_ harder to set up
[23:36] <petrvs> it's all cons
[23:36] <tlt> all goes plaintext over the internet
[23:36] <tlt> that's never acceptable
[23:37] <petrvs> harder to set up is just a simple software problem
[23:37] <petrvs> insecure is a fundamental design flaw
[23:37] <Ben64> 'sudo apt-get install openssh-server' done, you got sftp
[23:37] <petrvs> it's sometimes acceptable, but not really ever worth doing more work for
[23:57] <daniel31> hello all. I have ubuntu 14.10 with an encrypted home directory and I'm looking forward to a fresh install of kubuntu as it happens on a new SSD i have bought specially. when I boot into my new OS, what will I need to do to access the encrypted files in my old encrypted home? (i.e. what should I do now, before I say goodbye to this edition of the distro?) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.772229 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-quality | [00:55] <wxl> elfy: kind of ot but do you have a link to the qa contest you did for stickers?
[04:10] <elopio> veebers: so, I don't fully understand. But to fall on the safe side, I can just make branches for those project to make everybody use the base from the toolkit.
[04:16] <veebers> elopio: I'm just trying something now which should hopefully clarify it for myself then I'll be able to explain it better
[04:52] <elopio> veebers: ok, so tomorrow I'll prepare the extra branches.
[04:52] <elopio> good thing we made this card.
[05:43] <elfy> wxl:
[05:48] <wxl> elfy: thx
[05:48] <wxl> yay just booted my raspberry 2 with snappy
[05:48] <wxl> squee
[06:30] <elfy> wxl: welcome
[10:44] <pitti> vila: so adt-run -d --- ssh -d works for me with an LXC target, so this looks phone specific
[10:45] <pitti> vila: -U should never be used on a phone in general, but I suppose you are doing this on purpose? did you set the phone to r/w before?
[10:45] <pitti> ah, apparently you do as apt-get update worked
[11:06] <pitti> vila: ok, I give up on bug 1449446 for now, I need more information
[11:51] <vila> pitti: yup, writable to test silos with citrain device-upgrade
[11:51] <vila> pitti: I haven't dig deeply to understand why I need -U though
[11:56] <vila> pitti: the log file is fine but lp fails to display it, I just downloaded it to check. Apart from a couple of ^M ... which may enough to trick lp ?
[12:06] <vila> pitti: and thanks for the shell advices ! I'll probably need more for some time ;)
[12:42] <pitti> vila: no, it's like 2 out of 3 messages are missing in the log, I'm not sure what happened there
[12:51] <vila> pitti: doh
[12:51] <vila> pitti: weirdly enough, I'm currently seeing an 'echo "Reboot #$X"' disappearing when X > 3 but still presents in the log !
[12:53] <vila> pitti: with qemu in that case
[12:54] <vila> pitti: ha ha ! Comparing my buffer with the log, I got:
[12:55] <vila> shell: tee: standard output: Resource temporarily unavailable
[12:55] <vila> log: Reboot #3
[12:55] <vila> yeah, that indeed, exactly ;)
[12:57] <vila> pitti: but anyway, when you say 2 out of 3, it is some big chunks (start/end) are missing or little chunks all over the place ?
[12:57] <pitti> vila: the latter; I really have no idea what happened there :/
[12:58] <vila> pitti: ok, I'll retry with a phone later and see, any hint on what should be there and isn't ?
[12:58] <pitti> vila: for example, "adt-run: DBG: testbed init" or "adt-run: DBG: $ vserver: adt-virt-ssh ..."
[12:59] <pitti> vila: oh wait! this log doesn't actually contain the debugging for adt-run
[13:00] <pitti> vila: so maybe it's just because the branch uses Depends: @, and that's somehow not satisfiable after the apt-get upgrade, or something strange like that
[13:00] <vila> pitti: err, as in I forgot adt-run -d or it's not supposed to end up htere ?
[13:01] <pitti> vila: it is supposed to end up there (I ran it here, and it's all in the log
[13:01] <vila> pitti: nope, it doesn't happen with the same command but without -d for adt-virt-ssh
[13:02] <vila> hmm, unless something weird happened at X: adt-run --- adt-virt-ssh (no -d) X; adt-run --- ssh -d ; adt-run --- ssh
[13:03] <vila> pitti: well, according to my own report, I didn't use adt-run -d /me blushes
[13:04] <vila> only adt-virt-ssh -d, will redo
[13:45] <boiko> vanguard: hi guys, I need some help with writing an emulator to interact with on-screen notifications in ubuntu touch
[14:12] <boiko> elopio: is vanguard working? or should I use ubuntu-qa?
[14:12] <elopio> boiko: ubuntu-qa please.
[14:12] <boiko> ubuntu-qa: hi guys, I need some help with writing an emulator to interact with on-screen notifications in ubuntu touch
[14:14] <Saviq> boiko, fwiw, this should get you on the right path
[14:14] <Saviq>
[14:20] <elopio> fgimenez: ^
[14:22] <fgimenez> Saviq, thx, elopio does contain also a good example?
[14:22] <elopio> fgimenez: of the helpers style, yes. But boiko needs to restart unity with testability if his tests are running on touch.
[14:23] <fgimenez> elopio, ok clear now :)
[14:23] <elopio> then wait for the notification to appear, and then swipe it away. This part is easy. I think it would be mostly to help him getting a nice base test class for unity integration.
[14:43] <boiko> elopio: so, some of the notifications are dialogs with multiple actions (snap decisions?), s not sure just swiping them away would work
[14:46] <elopio> boiko: I see. But the principle is the same, if the user in your tests needs to dismiss the notification, write a dismiss method with all the steps necessary.
[14:47] <boiko> elopio: yep, well, actually right now the dismissing of the notification is not part of the test, it is just to prevent the notification from getting in the way of the subsequent tests
[14:47] <elopio> boiko: fgimenez: it's worth analyzing that if the test is not testing the notifications, maybe we can stop the notification service or something like that.
[14:48] <elopio> but we'll need other tests that check the interaction with the notifications.
[14:49] <boiko> elopio: yep, FYI: the test I am working on is to check that dialer-app is doing the right thing on a valid USSD session, the dialog appearing is just a side effect
[14:52] <elopio> right, I guess that if there's no risk of the USSD session breaking the notifications, then you can split that test. Maybe even test the notification integration with lower level API tests.
[14:54] <boiko> elopio: still I need the dialog dismissed somehow at the end of the test :)
[14:56] <boiko> elopio: I was talking to tiagosh and he gave me the idea of killing the telephony-service-indicator process at the end of the test
[14:56] <boiko> elopio: that might be the easiest fix for now
[14:57] <elopio> boiko: I let you to discuss about it with fgimenez. Whatever solution you two come out with will be good for me.
[14:57] <boiko> elopio: thanks
[15:00] <fgimenez> boiko, i guess the notification doesn't have any control to interact with, right?
[15:01] <boiko> fgimenez: it has two buttons, "Ok" and "Cancel" but they both just dismiss the notification itself
[15:02] <boiko> fgimenez: in this particular case it is useless, but we have also tests for incoming calls that show the dialog to accept/reject the call
[15:03] <boiko> fgimenez: in that case it would be nice to be able to actually click the notification. Right now what we do is to trigger a dbus call to telephony-service-approver accepting/declining the call
[15:05] <fgimenez> boiko, you can create classes that expose methods for interacting with each kind of notification, for instance
[15:05] <boiko> fgimenez: the problem is: the notifications themselves are in unity (which is not running in testability mode by default) and dialer-app is in a different process
[15:06] <brendand_> boiko, you have to restart it in testability mode first
[15:07] <brendand_> boiko, then do your test
[15:08] <boiko> brendand_: ok
[15:09] <boiko> fgimenez: brendand_: thanks for the help, I will try to cook something in the next few days, let's see how it goes
[15:15] <fgimenez> boiko, you can ping the vanguard for review
[15:15] <boiko> fgimenez: nice! thanks
[15:23] <brendand_> ubuntu-qa - anyone can confirm this sanity suite regression? No scope found with id clickscope
[15:23] <rhuddie> brendand_, I've seen that one before
[15:25] <alesage> cking ping hey that rhymes :)
[15:25] <alesage> cking I'm wanting to persuade you to present some of you coverity findings during a UOS session next week, any interest?
[15:25] <brendand_> rhuddie, intermittently?
[15:26] <brendand_> rhuddie, it seems to be plaguing the whole suite now
[15:26] <brendand_> rhuddie, unless i did something wrong maybe
[15:26] <rhuddie> brendand_, when I saw it, it was intermittent and very hard to reproduce.
[15:27] <rhuddie> brendand_, so that sounds different
[15:27] <cking> alesage, don't you mean cppcheck findings?
[15:27] <alesage> cking exactly :)
[15:27] <alesage> cking, I'd like to do a "static analysis" topic
[15:28] <cking> alesage, actually, I was aiming to just use these findings to try and get leverage and a coverty scan license
[15:28] <alesage> cking, no better forum to publicize this work :)
[15:29] <alesage> cking, but you have worked with the coverity scanner, yes? or am I misremembering
[15:30] <cking> alesage, coverity scan is free and superior to cppcheck anyday, but it has big limitations to the number of times one can use it per week on large projects
[15:30] <alesage> cking, I'm very curious about the "onboarding" process for the free service
[15:30] <alesage> cking, I see
[15:31] <cking> alesage, it is limited, one has to either own the project or be a significant author to sign a project up to it
[15:31] <alesage> cking do you get access to their web console, etc.?
[15:31] <cking> alesage, yep, I get access to the webby front-end goodness
[15:31] <alesage> cking, anyway the session could literally be me asking you these questions :) and maybe us presenting a few interesting defects
[15:32] <cking> i use it for all projects I package into debian
[15:32] <alesage> cking, doesn't have to be longer than 15 min
[15:32] <alesage> cking, balloons and I trying to sort some QA-relevant sessions
[15:33] <elopio> projects-team: I'm breaking the rule of 2 because these cards are boooring.
[15:33] <cking> alesage, i'm more convinced we'll get better coverage if I blog about it, I get tens of K hits on my blog
[15:33] <elopio> I'm done, but waiting for three jenkins runs.
[15:33] <cking> alesage, and I'm bogged down with some critical work that needs attendind to at the mo
[15:34] <alesage> cking, whell that's fair, can't stand in the way of your work
[15:34] <alesage> cking, thanks for considering
[15:34] <alesage> cking I'll have more questions at some point, ok?
[15:35] <cking> alesage, ask anytime, I'm very happy to discuss it
[15:35] <cking> however, I really think the perfect solution is to get a coverity scan licence for devs and the QA process
[15:36] <balloons> cking, alesage thanks for considering
[15:36] <alesage> cking, we'll have to discuss that further--would you be willing to give me a tour of the free process at some point?
[15:38] <cking> alesage, sure, I can do that, it's very simple, here's a starter:
[15:39] <cking> alesage, sign yourself up, and I'll add you to a project so you can see what it looks like
[15:39] <alesage> cking, thanks
[15:44] <elopio> vila: are you ok with this one?
[15:44] <vila> elopio: I approved it long ago didn't I ?
[15:45] <vila> elopio: fixing the key exposure will require changing it anyway
[15:46] <elopio> I can't top-approve it :/
[15:46] <elopio> alesage: can you?
[15:46] <alesage> elopio, let me check
[15:47] <vila> elopio: hmm, I can't either, NeedsFixing ;-)
[15:52] <alesage> elopio I can't either :/
[15:53] <pitti> vila: oh, you figure the phone ran out of space and thus it couldn't create /tmp/ssh_askpass.XX any more?
[16:01] <alesage> elopio, vila, seeing the problem one sec
[16:05] <elopio> oSoMoN_: alex-abreu: returning to the issue killing the web container, is there something else you need from us?
[16:05] <oSoMoN_> elopio, not at this point, alex-abreu is debugging the issue
[16:06] <elopio> cool. The bug fix in autopilot is easy, but the release is painful so it will take some time.
[16:24] <elopio> thanks alesage. I suppose we don't have autolanding, right?
[16:25] <alesage> elopio, not sure if thomi set it up, assume no
[16:25] <alesage> elopio will look into
[16:30] <elfy> wxl: now I am awake enough to think about that - what you asked wasn;t at all offtopic for this channel :)
[17:12] <wxl> elfy: well, tangenital :)
[18:50] <teward> balloons: ping if you're still around, and don't mind a PM
[19:07] <balloons> teward, pong
[19:07] <teward> balloons: mind a PM?
[19:07] <balloons> go for it | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.794328 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-quality"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-cn | [00:43] <taozhijiang> 问一下,ubuntu怎么这么多bug呢
[00:46] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout
[01:58] <^k^> 新 内核及嵌入式开发 • IPC处理,POSIX和system v应该选哪个? 各位前辈,最近在处理消息队列和信号量时发现有两套标准,一个是POSIX,另一个是system v。在实际处理中选择的条件是什么,它们对比各有什么优缺点? 谢谢... zz: chenxitwo — 2015-04-28 9:55
[02:11] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 试骑过挑战者300么?
[02:11] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 嗯
[02:11] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 感觉如何
[02:11] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 不过说真的,我没体会出区别来...
[02:11] <archl> cherrot, 准备上好车了啊
[02:11] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 重量呢?
[02:11] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 就骑了几分种
[02:11] <cherrot> archl, 嗯哪
[02:11] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 没试啊
[02:11] <archl> cherrot, 果然是完美主义者。。。
[02:11] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 好吧
[02:11] <cherrot> archl, 没错 ~
[02:11] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 当时别人买,我就顺便感受了一下
[02:13] <archl> cherrot, 期待过几年你就会升级到人类飞行器了。
[02:21] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 在哪个车行入的
[02:21] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 西三旗
[02:21] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 不过那家比较小气,要是先付了钱,连个10块钱的码表都不给
[02:21] <archl> cherrot, 还准备上新?
[02:22] <O0XX|Qiong> cherrot: 买买买
[02:22] <archl> BuMangHuo, 买东西就要先砍价 - 商场买东西也要狂砍价要赠品。。。
[02:23] <archl> BuMangHuo, 在和我妈去买风扇之前,我都没想到超市竟然能要赠品的。。
[02:23] * HowIsItGoing snappy是个神马鬼
[02:24] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 80块钱上个无线码表
[02:24] <cherrot> archl, 有二手就入
[02:24] <pocmon> HowIsItGoing: ubuntu换了哈,我刚刚也在查,一种调整压缩
[02:24] <archl> cherrot, 你不是个买二手的人 - - -
[02:25] <archl> cherrot, 要坚定自己。
[02:25] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 挑三跟公爵真没差多少
[02:25] <cherrot> archl, 买二手方便
[02:25] <archl> cherrot, 恩。都配置好了?
[02:25] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 你不是说轻不少么
[02:25] <cherrot> archl, 嗯
[02:25] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 我说巨大车
[02:25] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 从来没看好过挑战者
[02:25] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, atx777 性价比最高咯?
[02:26] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, atx777我都觉得好重。。看来只能接受了
[02:26] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 性价比? 不知道。我只说重量
[02:26] <iMadper> cherrot: 买个钛架自己组一个吧
[02:27] <cherrot> iMadper, 那要是再丢了我心疼死
[02:27] <iMadper> cherrot: 一步到位然后车不离人
[02:27] <cherrot> iMadper, 把你的车出给我吧
[02:27] <iMadper> cherrot: 车不离人才是王道啊
[02:27] <iMadper> cherrot: 1600出给你
[02:27] <iMadper> cherrot: 不送锁
[02:27] <cherrot> iMadper, 你的是什么车型
[02:27] <archl> cherrot, 。。。你的心已经是钢铁了! 钢铁侠!
[02:27] <iMadper> cherrot: 闪电 650B
[02:27] <cherrot> iMadper, 不送锁差评 lol
[02:27] <archl> iMadper, 。。。这么快
[02:28] <iMadper> cherrot: 那送你个碟锁
[02:28] <iMadper> archl: .
[02:28] <archl> iMadper, 你这么快就后悔了!!!
[02:28] <cherrot> iMadper, 1000块
[02:28] <iMadper> cherrot: 不砍价.
[02:28] <iMadper> archl: 后悔啥?
[02:28] * archl 默默的默默地猜imadper的脚丫
[02:28] <cherrot> iMadper, 一百块都不给我
[02:28] <archl> iMadper, 刚买车子就要出
[02:29] <iMadper> archl: 这是生意.
[02:29] <cherrot> archl, 他就这价买的
[02:29] <archl> cherrot, 你的语调适合那个。
[02:29] <iMadper> cherrot: 毛, 我1500买的
[02:29] <archl> cherrot, 是生意啊。
[02:30] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 对啊,我试了几分种,也没上路,没发现啥区别
[02:30] <lainme> U坛速度越来越慢啊,各种504
[02:30] <BuMangHuo> cc cherrot
[02:30] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 本来也没啥区别
[02:30] <BuMangHuo> lol
[02:30] <archl> lainme, 我都忘了密码。。。
[02:30] <BuMangHuo> 贵 600 呢
[02:30] * HowIsItGoing 为毛都突然玩儿起自行车了……
[02:30] <HowIsItGoing> 我在的时候都没人一起出去骑
[02:30] <archl> HowIsItGoing, 因为都是吊死鬼
[02:30] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 强烈推理来个挡泥板
[02:30] <BuMangHuo> 推荐
[02:31] <archl> BuMangHuo, 随便买几个不就好了。壕
[02:31] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 根本没用啊
[02:31] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 昨天我刚穿上淘宝 9.9 买的纯白色T恤啊
[02:31] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 挡泥板风阻很大哦
[02:31] <BuMangHuo> 然后到家就发现背后一条分割线
[02:31] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 挡泥板根本没用 雨天就不该骑行
[02:31] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 屁股没湿? 小雨衣才是王道
[02:31] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 昨天我下班的时候雨停了啊
[02:31] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 当然重量可能也有关系,我的折叠装上挡泥板之后匀速能差3-5km/h
[02:32] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 但轮子过水了
[02:32] <BuMangHuo> 路上都没过积水
[02:32] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 有这么严重?
[02:32] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 没有,没有过水
[02:32] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 你可以自测
[02:32] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 就是路面有水啊
[02:32] <BuMangHuo> 只不过路不是完全干的而已
[02:32] <BuMangHuo> 那种水都能飞起来啊
[02:33] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 路上穿骑行服,脏了就洗呗
[02:33] <BuMangHuo> 不是谁算的 20km/h 以下不会溅泥么
[02:33] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 别担心衣服
[02:33] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你肯定过有一点积水的地儿了 放心吧 挡泥板挡不住 除非特别长
[02:33] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 看起来得背个包儿
[02:33] <archl> 你们骑车好快啊好快啦。/me的小破车速度都没超过 1km 3分钟。
[02:33] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 不溅泥是鬼扯
[02:33] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 骑行服照顾不到裤子 :(
[02:33] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 那种家用的包起来的那种吧
[02:33] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 骑行裤
[02:33] <archl> cherrot, 每天涂一层保护膜然后破掉就不脏了
[02:34] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 后面是小事,真的。前轮溅泥才要命
[02:34] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 从下往上溅,能飞进鼻孔里
[02:34] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 前轮只要不过弯 还好吧 都贱到梁上了
[02:35] <iMadper> cherrot:
[02:35] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ LYNSKEY PRO 26 钛合金山地车 林斯基车架 顶级钛架 行货 可议价-淘宝网 pp: 12000.00 - 13000.00
[02:35] <cherrot> iMadper, 京东28W的所罗门山地车
[02:35] <iMadper> cherrot: 那车好吗?
[02:35] <cherrot> iMadper, 索罗门这牌子听过么?
[02:35] <iMadper> cherrot: 我没听说过啊
[02:35] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 梁挡不住那么多……
[02:35] <cherrot> iMadper, 全碳纤维 估计是传说中小拇指可以抬起来的
[02:35] <iMadper> cherrot: 我一年工资都不够啊
[02:36] <cherrot> HowIsItGoing, 我还是尽量避免溅水的 所以那天挡住了
[02:36] <cherrot> iMadper, 同不够。。
[02:36] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 小拇指抬起来的估计够辆汽车了
[02:36] <HowIsItGoing> cherrot: 不过一般单手举起来无压力
[02:36] <iMadper> cherrot: 哥都24岁了, 连辆自行车都买不起, 这根本不是我想要的生活啊
[02:36] * iMadper 这就去练力量举
[02:36] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 擦,装毛。你们都是壕
[02:37] <cherrot> iMadper, 不举?
[02:37] <archl> iMadper, 哥都28岁了,什么都买不起。不是我想要的生活啊。
[02:37] <iMadper> cherrot: 你不举?
[02:37] <iMadper> archl: 你不用上班就能活下去, 已经超越99%的屌丝了
[02:37] <archl> cherrot, 你是不是比我瘦?
[02:37] <archl> iMadper, 你骗谁呢
[02:37] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 额,前轮? 那我倒没遇到
[02:38] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 请静待7月
[02:38] <BuMangHuo> 以后再下雨就不骑了
[02:38] <BuMangHuo> 昨天我以为没事儿呢
[02:38] <cherrot> archl, 没
[02:38] * cherrot 求二手山地车
[02:39] <archl> cherrot, 。。。很好啊。
[02:39] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 以前我也这么想,但是后来发现下雨的时候公交挤不上,出租打不着,还是得骑车
[02:39] * HowIsItGoing 不过不知道有专车了会不会好些
[02:40] <cherrot> 还是骑车快
[02:40] <BuMangHuo> 恩,速度倒是真快点儿
[02:40] <BuMangHuo> 比公交肯定快得多
[02:40] <BuMangHuo> 我地铁一站地的,比地铁都近
[02:40] <BuMangHuo> 快
[02:40] * HowIsItGoing 买摩托吧,少年们
[02:41] <HowIsItGoing> 趁着还能弄到京B牌
[02:41] <iMadper> cherrot:
[02:41] <cherrot> 比公共交通快 高峰期比打车也快~
[02:41] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 北京千佳厂家直销 残摩车棚 电动车遮阳棚 全封蓬 定做-淘宝网 pp: 1300.00 - 1800.00
[02:41] <iMadper> cherrot:
[02:41] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 电动三轮车 燃油三轮车 残疾助力车 残摩 宗申正品 包邮-淘宝网 pp: 6200.00
[02:42] <iMadper> 口亨!
[02:43] <cherrot> iMadper, 你真棒
[02:44] <O0XX|Qiong> iMadper, 你真棒
[02:44] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper, 你真棒
[02:47] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 下雨天骑车多不爽?
[02:47] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 挤公交更不爽啊
[02:48] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 虽然之前回家那趟车路过几个学校,车上各种学生妹纸
[02:48] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 还都是湿身的对吧?
[02:48] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 夏天,是个妹纸就会带伞的
[02:49] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 不挡雨也要遮阳啊
[02:49] <iMadper> ...
[02:49] <O0XX|Qiong> HowIsItGoing: 遮阳伞难道不是漏雨的?
[02:50] <HowIsItGoing> O0XX|Qiong: 有两用伞撒
[03:00] <xuan_> 有人吗
[03:00] <^k^> xuan_:点点点. 11:00
[03:11] <CQED> 大家好,我想问一下ssh shell.bshellz.net时,输入的密码正确了,为什么会显示permission denied
[03:17] <iMadper> CQED: 你用户名输入对了?
[03:20] <CQED> ssh [email protected] 和邮件给的用户名一样
[03:20] <CQED> 应该没错
[03:20] <iMadper> CQED: permission denied啊... 是禁止登录, 不是用户名密码错误...
[03:21] <CQED> 请问是什么原因啊,百度了一晚上也没得到合适的答案
[03:21] <CQED> 给了用户和密码应该就给了权限的啊。
[03:25] * O0XX|Qiong 饿
[03:27] <lainme> CQED: 不能去问问他们么。或许不允许密码登录呢
[03:30] <CQED> 因为是注册的他们的免费shell,所以只在irc上操作的。去他们频道问了,没回应
[03:30] <CQED> 刚才又出现Permission denied (publickey,password).
[03:30] <CQED> 估计是没权限了,难道要再重新注册一个
[03:35] <BuMangHuo> iMadper, 你真棒
[03:37] <BuMangHuo> 请教一下,这个页面,下面的 test3 和 test1 这两个链接,为什么会成了
[03:37] <BuMangHuo> cc cherrot O0XX|Qiong iMadper yunfan
[03:37] <^k^> ⇪ ti: test pelican
[03:37] <BuMangHuo> 是 nginx 配置的问题?
[03:37] <BuMangHuo> 页面源码里面是 <li><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to test1">test1</a></li> 啊
[03:37] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 因为是相对地址啊
[03:38] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 把www.imtxc.org去掉就是了
[03:38] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你用的相对路径
[03:38] <BuMangHuo> 哦,我应该改成 对吧
[03:38] <^k^> ⇪ ti: test1
[03:38] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 嗯 或者去掉前缀
[03:38] <alvin_rxg> Title: test pelican (@
[03:38] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 对, 刻意.
[03:38] <iMadper> 可以
[03:40] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: cherrot 那意思是生成页面的时候不对是吧,不是 nginx 配置的问题?
[03:41] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 嗯
[03:41] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: ://
[03:41] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: URL写 ://就行
[03:42] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: 不写就是相对路径
[03:42] <BuMangHuo> 哦啊
[03:42] <O0XX|Qiong> BuMangHuo: 你要搞个网站宣扬你的斩人事迹了?
[03:42] <BuMangHuo> O0XX|Qiong: 没有,我就是无聊
[03:44] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 无聊帮 iMadper 写ruby啊 我昨天还梦到了呢
[03:45] <BuMangHuo> 唉不对
[03:45] <BuMangHuo> 我昨天梦到啥了我想想
[03:48] <BuMangHuo> nnd, 原来这 pelican make html 和 publish 用的是两个配置文件
[03:52] <iMadper> cherrot: 现在遇到动态语言我就怕
[03:52] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 额,换pelican了啊,我也准备换呢
[03:53] <cherrot> iMadper, 为啥
[03:53] <iMadper> cherrot: 写不对啊...
[03:53] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 比 octopress 轻快多了呢
[03:54] <eexpss> BuMangHuo: 啥
[03:54] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 恩,octopress在我这总有包出问题,ruby一更新他就挂
[03:54] <BuMangHuo> eexpss: 啥
[03:56] <eexpss> 啥比octopress轻快?
[03:56] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 分享图片
[03:57] <eexpss> imtxc呢
[04:07] <eexpss> A5-V11 Mini Router Runs OpenWRT (Linux) For Just $8
[04:19] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: nginx的路径是相对的 跟apache差一点 你中坑了
[04:20] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 不是不是
[04:20] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 是生成的时候的错误
[04:20] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 既然你都知道了为毛还来坑我
[04:21] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 我是问了之后才解决的
[04:21] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 找泡友解决?
[04:29] <jiero> 谁记得文字切换左右方向的快捷键?
[04:30] <jiero> shit ctrl+shift+x
[04:30] <jiero> 我以前用过 x作为切换输入法的键位。。。
[04:30] <jiero> iMadper, 你的生命幸福吗?
[05:08] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout
[05:11] <wxhdubuntu> 在
[05:14] <jiero> iMadper, 不论怎么说基金也可怕。。。今天收益 ¥49.。。
[05:27] <eexpss> 啥基金,多少钱一天49
[05:43] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 大神求救。。。关于vlc与显卡的问题 我的笔记本是i5+geforce820m显卡 装了双系统后 一切正常但装了vlc后 打开视频后直接死机 装了mplayer后 直接点击启动图标后也死机 我猜想可能是显卡的问题 grep VGA 后显示 00:02.0 VGA compatible con
[05:43] <^k^> ─> troller: Intel Corporation Device 1616 (rev 09) 貌似只有核心显卡 没有独立显卡 之前也删除过驱动 …
[05:48] <^k^> 新 新闻和通知 • Ubuntu下一个桌面版本将默认使用Snappy打包 deb在另一分支使用 Quote: Canonical的Ubuntu Desktop经理Will Cooke证实,下一个桌面版本将使用Snappy Personal构建,基于.deb的桌面镜像将被Snappy版本取代。 Cano
[05:48] <^k^> ─> nical的 Michael Hall 称,未来所有的Ubuntu发行版都将使用Snappy打包。基于Mir和Unity 8的Ubuntu 16. …
[05:55] <QiongMangHuo> eexpss: 小e~
[06:05] <eexpss> momo 蛋蛋
[06:10] <jiero> eexpss 话说阿姨现在真忙
[06:13] <nyfair2012> circ好难用
[06:14] <nyfair2012> 牛牛们推荐个客户端
[06:14] <eexpss> jiero: 忙撒。问你问题也不答。
[06:14] <eexpss> nyfair
[06:14] <^k^> eexpss: ⇪ KiwiIRC - The webIRC client
[06:21] <QiongMangHuo> roylez: ping
[06:22] <eexpss>
[06:22] <eexpss> roylez: QiongMangHuo
[06:24] <QiongMangHuo> roylez: 找你有事儿啊
[06:24] <jiero> eexpss, 。。。我在乱。。。没注意啊。发现没有 桌面提示真不性
[06:25] <jiero> 丫的,有「不性」这个用法么?
[06:26] <eexpss> jiero: 回答问题。啥基金,多少钱一天49
[06:42] <jiero> eexpss, 嘉实沪深300ETF联接 ,风险大,就是跟随股市起伏
[06:45] <eexpss> 你投入多少钱。 jiero
[06:59] <roylez> eexpss: 一一你个渣渣
[07:00] <eexpss> 坏乐乐。赶紧想哦。
[07:00] <yunfan> roylez: 为毛不挂我频道
[07:00] <roylez> yunfan: .....
[07:00] <yunfan> roylez: 我在那边搞帽子大放送
[07:00] <roylez> yunfan: 说了不记得怎么加频道了...
[07:01] <yunfan> roylez: 前途不大 诶 难怪你官司老了不了
[07:01] <O0XX> eexpss: 一一你个渣渣
[07:01] <roylez> O0XX: 蛤蟆你个粑粑
[07:01] <O0XX> 坏乐乐
[07:01] <eexpss> 坏蛤蟆啊
[07:02] <roylez> eexpss:
[07:02] <^k^> ⇪ ti: roylez/yuncli · GitHub
[07:02] <roylez> eexpss: 你现在没事,可以大肆下片了
[07:03] <eexpss> 没啥值得下的
[07:03] <eexpss> 百度云,又没有查找资源的
[07:03] <roylez> eexpss:
[07:03] <alvin_rxg> Title:胖次网盘搜索引擎 (@
[07:04] <O0XX> roylez: 盘壕
[07:04] <eexpss> 不稳定吧。以前也有好多这种搜索的,都倒闭了。
[07:04] <roylez> O0XX: 愿你兴旺
[07:05] <roylez> eexpss: 还成...
[07:05] <roylez> eexpss: 不过有番号就不需要搜了
[07:05] <eexpss> 我想一个番号,试试。
[07:05] <eexpss> 咋不要,还是要
[07:06] <eexpss> 搜索不准确嘛
[07:06] <roylez> eexpss:
[07:07] <eexpss> 无法访问此网页
[07:08] <roylez> eexpss: 翻墙
[07:08] <eexpss> 推荐一个片子,我试试。
[07:08] <eexpss> 有需要,才翻
[07:08] <roylez> eexpss: 你这卢瑟思维
[07:09] <roylez> eexpss: 以后我做VPN服务商卖VPN给你们好了
[07:09] <eexpss> 最小列表维护啊。
[07:09] <eexpss> bs vpn
[07:09] <roylez> eexpss: Linux用户群太小,可以忽略不计,Mac和Windows用户VPN都没问题的
[07:10] <eexpss> 澳洲那网络,估计搞不赢其他地方的
[07:10] <roylez> eexpss: 没事,中国人人傻钱多
[07:11] <eexpss> 赶紧出去
[07:11] <roylez> eexpss: 赶紧来武汉请我吃饭啊
[07:11] <yunfan> roylez: 这4G网络还真不错 我现在在高铁上 走我的手机做代理的
[07:11] <yunfan> roylez: 刷web页面什么的都很快
[07:11] <roylez> yunfan:
[07:12] <yunfan> roylez: 嗯 我买了个几百块的通话平板测试我的4G 结果派上用场了
[07:12] <roylez> yunfan: 4G消费不起,我手机不支持4G
[07:12] <yunfan> 最狠的是我那个平板不知道怎么回事 最近续航叼到爆 上次我从杭州到帝都 全程开4G 结果6个小时才10%的电消耗
[07:13] <yunfan> roylez: 还好吧 我开的 28块一个月的流量
[07:13] <yunfan> roylez: 只是救急用
[07:13] <tryit> roylez, 请问下H1B签证是不是需要学位证书上的专业和从事的工作内容一致?
[07:14] <yunfan> roylez: 你还有几天出国?
[07:14] <eexpss> 百度云,现在在搞成迅雷的样子。居然11G的,直接就下载了。
[07:14] <roylez> yunfan: 不知道
[07:14] <roylez> tryit: 不知道
[07:14] <yunfan> eexpss: 是http chunk的 有什么好怕的
[07:15] <eexpss> tryit: 你想去哪里啊
[07:15] <eexpss> yunfan: 明显服务器备份了。
[07:15] <tryit> roylez, 壕,拜一个,你还有几天出国?
[07:15] <tryit> eexpss, 暂时哪也去不了
[07:15] <eexpss> 额。
[07:16] <tryit> eexpss, 辅修了个没学位证书的计算机专业真蛋疼……
[07:16] <yunfan> eexpss: 这不是很明显的么 难道你要服务器对相同资源每次都帮你去取一次 ?
[07:16] <eexpss> 你这专业,不适合出去。 tryit
[07:16] <yunfan> eexpss: 你现在才发现 真是
[07:16] <O0XX> tryit: 高管要H1B了?
[07:16] <eexpss> 人多
[07:16] <eexpss> yunfan: 平时没用过
[07:16] <tryit> O0XX, 没,聊聊天而已
[07:16] <tryit> eexpss, 啥专业适合出去?
[07:17] <eexpss> O0XX: 你删除了 telegram?
[07:17] <eexpss> tryit: 你问乐乐
[07:17] <O0XX> eexpss: 没, 我开会呢
[07:17] <eexpss> 坏蛤蟆
[07:17] <freeflying> HowIsItGoing: 推荐条外胎啊
[07:18] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 你换光头胎了么
[07:20] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 怎么在windows 10(企业版64位10061)下硬盘安装ubuntu 15.04 如题,请教高手指点........... zz: buwanyouxi — 2015-04-28 15:13
[07:21] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 电影票给我一张
[07:21] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 电影票给我一张吧
[07:21] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 电影票给我一张
[07:21] <O0XX> HowIsItGoing: 电影票给我一张吧
[07:22] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 去帮我一起领了吧
[07:22] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 正在忙
[07:23] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 你领的石猴给我领就好
[07:23] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 你咋这么懒...
[07:23] <O0XX> QiongMangHuo: 因为穷...T_T
[07:23] <QiongMangHuo> O0XX: 这有毛关系?
[07:25] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 看評論
[07:25] <^k^> huntxu: ⇪ 曼城3000万再挖枪手墙角 太子威失主力未来生变_网易体育
[07:26] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: ... 你们太薄情了, 威尔希尔受伤就被嫌弃成这样 =,=
[07:27] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 他受傷就一波八連勝啊
[07:27] <yunfan> eexpss: 这百度云才是利器 可惜没有inux客户端
[07:27] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: 我去劝劝曼城, 不要重蹈维尔马伦覆辙
[07:28] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 贵司还发电影票啊
[07:28] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 这么跟你形容吧
[07:29] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 团购9.9一张的2D票, Fesco三张成本150块的电影票还要再加10块钱才能换一张
[07:30] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 又把ctags弄回来了, echofunc还是很重要的, 求替代品
[07:31] <QiongMangHuo> roylez: 你来了? 找你有事儿
[07:31] <cch> 默认安装的grub-efi怎么才能换成grub-pc?
[07:31] <cch> 我的是SSD影潘
[07:31] <cch> 硬盘
[07:33] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 比较危险, 0, gpt分区的话保证硬盘开头有个reserved分区 1, 装grub-pc 2, 重启chroot进去install grub和update-grub
[07:34] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 为什么要换成legacy? 我刚换乘efi
[07:34] <cch> 我的BIOS安装grub-efi就进不去了...
[07:35] <QiongMangHuo> cch: efi没成功启动过?
[07:35] <cch> 启动了,
[07:35] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 然后呢? 说详细点
[07:36] <cch> 操作系统能启动,但是wifi默认就是硬件关闭状态,每次启动/待机后都要手工切换到打开状态,
[07:36] <cch> 开机按F2的时候,滴的一声过后就跳进grub界面了,对了:我的是debian testing
[07:37] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 然后呢?
[07:38] <cch> 没然后了,就是周末BIOS没电重置了配置,搞的Fx快捷键都的是按着Fn来用,
[07:39] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 哦, 你想进bios setup而不能?
[07:39] <cch> 用原来的硬盘,刷了BIOS才进去改了配置,又装回SSD,用U盘恢复grub,一通折腾...
[07:39] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 是的,
[07:39] <QiongMangHuo> cch: grub最后一个条目应该就是bios setup
[07:39] <cch> 最后一个条目?
[07:39] <cch> 我看看
[07:39] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 对
[07:40] <cch> 我去重启一下看看, QiongMangHuo 谢谢
[07:42] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 只有Debian的启动项,以及Advanced启动项,里面有:inisys recuse两个,
[07:42] <QiongMangHuo> cch: menuentry 'System setup' $menuentry_id_option 'uefi-firmware' { fwsetup
[07:42] <QiongMangHuo> }
[07:43] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 我有一个这个"System setup"
[07:43] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 另外你是什么电脑? 确定F2对的?
[07:43] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 我也有 /etc/grub.d/30_uefi-firmware
[07:43] <cch> gateway的笔记本,
[07:44] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 确定是F2,
[07:44] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 所以应该有fwsetup的条目啊
[07:44] <cch> 但是/boot/grub.cfg里面没有对应项
[07:44] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 我的thinkpad切换到efi也不会影响进入bios setup
[07:45] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 你自己写一个算了 =,=
[07:45] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 重新分区什么的, 太危险
[07:45] <jusss> roylez: 用google搜百度云盘的资源
[07:46] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 自己写一个?我去搜搜看怎么写
[07:46] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 随便一个entry, 内容是fwsetup 就对了
[07:47] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 把你的贴给我看看 :-)
[07:47] <QiongMangHuo> cch: OK
[07:48] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 看187行
[07:48] <BuMangHuo> test
[07:48] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 15:48
[07:48] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 好的,
[07:48] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 对啊,gtags 除了快一点也不顺手啊
[07:52] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 看了下你的配置,你现在是 ctags + gtags?
[07:52] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: .
[07:54] <BuMangHuo> ctags 有啥办法能快点不
[07:55] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 找不到 fwsetup,这个是谁提供的? 我看网上都是fwsetup.dll难道是windows么?
[07:58] <cch> bootrepair能帮我切换到grub-pc么?
[07:59] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 不过那个 echofunc 也不是用处很大吧,记得以前用的时候,被自动补全插件一打断,那个函数原型也就没了
[08:00] <QiongMangHuo> cch: dll明显是windows啊
[08:00] <cch> fwsetup到底是执行什么呢
[08:00] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 能切换, 但是很危险, 参考我刚开始跟你说的
[08:02] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 你说道的reserved分区是那个EFI文件系统么? 大小是512M那个?
[08:03] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 不是, 如果你要切换的话, 需要把那个efi分区变成未分配
[08:04] <HsAsMKMy> cch: I don't know what's the problem, but I think you should change the BIOS setting from UEFI to Legacy BIOS, and then reinstall the OS.
[08:04] <cch> HsAsMKMy: BIOS里面没有切换UEFI到Legacy BIOS的选项,
[08:05] <BuMangHuo> vim 里面的 markdown 插件比 emacs 里面的差多了....
[08:05] <cch> 你说的危险是文件被破坏?还是操作系统启动不了? 如果只是操作系统启动不了倒是好办,大不了重装,要是损坏文件,我就得考虑考虑了
[08:06] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 这是当前的硬盘分区
[08:07] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, H1B签证是不是需要学位证书上的专业和从事的工作内容一致?
[08:09] <gebjgd> tryit, 沒有這說吧
[08:09] <gebjgd> tryit, 給不給籤 看簽證官
[08:09] <QiongMangHuo> tryit: 我靠 h1b? 带我飞!
[08:09] <BuMangHuo> tryit: 高管好
[08:10] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 嗯, 你缺一个开头位置的未分配空间, 1MB足以
[08:10] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 话说为啥又吧 autochdir 弄回来了
[08:10] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: nerdtree...
[08:10] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 聽聞你的debian sid掛了 特地發賀電
[08:10] <QiongMangHuo> gebjgd: 啊? 怎么可能? 没挂啊
[08:10] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, btrfs还没挂?
[08:11] <QiongMangHuo> gebjgd: 没有啊, 为什么要挂?
[08:11] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 重启chroot进去 这个不是很明白,具体是怎么操作的?
[08:11] <gebjgd> QiongMangHuo, 做等着看挂
[08:11] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 刚改了一下, 现在smtpmail-send-it走proxy了可以.
[08:11] <BuMangHuo> nerdtree 跟这个没有关系吧 ? QiongMangHuo
[08:11] <O0XX_> iMadper: 糕手
[08:11] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 羔
[08:11] <iMadper> O0XX_: 糕手
[08:11] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 羔
[08:11] <QiongMangHuo> cch: 没法具体说了, 再具体说就会和很多东西相关, 你不懂道理的话就会很危险. 你懂得话就不用细说了...
[08:12] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 赞回答!
[08:12] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 确实如此
[08:12] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 不加这个在我这里的错误就是那个 loaddatabase 函数出错
[08:12] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 所以我赞你啊~
[08:12] <E022> BuMangHuo: 你已经换成vim了啊?
[08:12] <cch> QiongMangHuo: 用安装盘的recuse模式,后面是不是就是你说的chroot
[08:13] <BuMangHuo> E022: 我还没想起来我在 emacs 里面遇到啥不能解决的问题跑回来了
[08:13] <QiongMangHuo> cch: chroot是rescue中的一步
[08:13] <BuMangHuo> .....
[08:13] <E022> BuMangHuo: ... ... ...
[08:13] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我最近emacs遇到的问题都有解...
[08:13] <BuMangHuo> E022: 不过现在在 vim 里面也遇到不好解决的问题了
[08:13] <E022> BuMangHuo: 尤其是我今天封装了个p-smtpmail-send-it之后, 现在真心没啥问题了.
[08:13] <BuMangHuo> E022: 不过说真的, emacs 默认支持 markdown 的效果比 vim 里面的各种插件强多了啊
[08:14] <E022> BuMangHuo: 不知道, 只知道org的效果很赞.
[08:14] <E022> BuMangHuo: markdown的支持emacs也是一般吧?
[08:14] <BuMangHuo> E022: 那也比 vim 强
[08:14] <E022> BuMangHuo: 之前我用另外一个图形化的所见即所得的方法写markdown
[08:15] <BuMangHuo> markdown 还用啥所见即所得啊?
[08:15] <E022> BuMangHuo: 需要的.
[08:15] <E022> BuMangHuo: 毕竟有时候不知道用多大的标题看起来比较和谐
[08:15] <BuMangHuo> E022: 哦,那你看了也白看
[08:15] <BuMangHuo> E022: 不同的地方给你 css 解析不一样
[08:15] <E022> BuMangHuo: 因为css定的
[08:16] <BuMangHuo> 你看到是这样,别人打开就不一定是了吧
[08:16] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我都是生成pdf
[08:16] <E022> BuMangHuo: 大不了我生成png
[08:16] <BuMangHuo> 这倒没问题
[08:16] <BuMangHuo> wkhtmltopdf 赞到没朋友 E022
[08:17] <E022> BuMangHuo: 不过换成vim好. vimL比elisp好写多了.
[08:17] <E022> BuMangHuo: elisp真心反人类
[08:17] <E022> BuMangHuo: 是吗? 好, 我来试试
[08:17] <E022> BuMangHuo:
[08:17] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Emacs Stack Exchange
[08:17] <E022> BuMangHuo: 我刚知道还有这货
[08:18] <BuMangHuo> E022: 把 html 转成 pdf 我这里测试比在浏览器里面打印效果好得多
[08:18] <E022> BuMangHuo: 这么赞? 好!
[08:18] <E022> BuMangHuo: cc QiongMangHuo
[08:18] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Commits · neovim/neovim · GitHub
[08:18] <E022> BuMangHuo: 看起来neovim会merger那些vim的patch啊.
[08:19] <E022> BuMangHuo: 然后提供自己的新特性和功能.
[08:19] * O0XX|Qiong vim就是渣渣
[08:19] <E022> BuMangHuo: 那我打算试试看了
[08:19] <BuMangHuo> ...
[08:20] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: makrdown 插件哪家强
[08:20] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 看起来还可以的, neovim. 毕竟vim太多坑maintainer不让填, 现在有人愿意填了
[08:22] <cherrot> BuMangHuo, 哪家也不强
[08:23] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: vim党 or emacs党?
[08:23] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 一会儿我去把TCP_NODELAY给关了去
[08:23] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 这啥?
[08:23] <E022> QiongMangHuo: cherrot是vim老党员了
[08:23] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 握手
[08:24] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 握手
[08:24] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 就是, go默认创建的TCP开了TCP_NODELAY了
[08:24] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 这啥?
[08:24] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 然后数据不合并, 直接发送出来
[08:24] <E022> NoDelay吗
[08:24] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 这样难道不是更快?
[08:25] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 我也是vim老党员啊. 我用vim的时候只用vim, 不会emacs那会儿.
[08:25] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 这样延迟小
[08:25] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 但是meta data大
[08:25] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 延迟小不就是快?
[08:25] <QiongMangHuo>
[08:25] <QiongMangHuo> 观看中
[08:25] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 不啊.
[08:25] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: metadata的大小是固定的, 然后每个包的实际数据小了, 带宽就主要传的是meta data了嘛
[08:26] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 你说的是我要组成头部的头部?
[08:26] <QiongMangHuo> ^k^: 死啦?
[08:26] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 不是啊.
[08:27] <cherrot> QiongMangHuo, vim党 阿当阿当
[08:27] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 我的鞋子也没被睡, 正在发往北京
[08:27] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 以前, 有个write的请求出来, 然后如果只有3个字节, 配合nodelay的时候直接发出来.
[08:27] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 乖, 你是一个好人
[08:27] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 如果没nodelay, 就等接下来的数据, 填满一个tcp包才发送
[08:27] <cherrot> E022, 你咋又换名
[08:27] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 乖.
[08:27] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 那这就是我要组成头部的头部啊
[08:27] <E022> cherrot: 我叫这个名字很久了啊
[08:28] <E022> cherrot: 大家都知道
[08:28] <E022> cherrot: 不服?
[08:28] <E022> cherrot: 有本事你抢注?!
[08:28] <^k^> QiongMangHuo,
[08:28] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, BuMangHuo 问下而已……
[08:29] <QiongMangHuo> tryit: 妈dan, 看不惯你炫耀了
[08:29] <QiongMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 人呢? 电影票给我一张吧
[08:29] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, 我没炫耀啊,我只是看到一篇文章这么说的,然后上来问问各位大佬是不是这样……哪炫耀了……
[08:30] <tryit> QiongMangHuo, 实在不行还得去读个硕士研究生拿个学位,蛋疼
[08:31] <EO22> E022, 比你胖
[08:31] <tryit> EO22, E022 ...
[08:31] <E022> .. ....
[08:31] <QiongMangHuo> EO22: 你比他少了一点东西
[08:31] <QiongMangHuo> EO22: 你不完整啊...
[08:31] <EO22> QiongMangHuo, 少啥
[08:31] <QiongMangHuo> 大和太的区别
[08:31] <EO22> QiongMangHuo, 你才不完整。。。
[08:32] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 白老板, 电影票给你了. 你带你老婆看去吧
[08:32] <EQ22> QiongMangHuo, 明明是他少
[08:32] * O0XX|Qiong ...
[08:32] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 要不这次的我给你算了
[08:32] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 你带你妹纸去
[08:33] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 不用. 归你了
[08:35] <nyfair> neovim现在长啥样?
[09:01] <E022> QiongMangHuo:
[09:09] <yunfan> nyfair: pip install pyvim
[09:10] <yunfan> eo22 你居然在这个频道也有帽子
[09:13] <QiongMangHuo> E022: 查了一下 mutt有相应的patchset在queue list里头 XDD
[09:15] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 昂, 这种必备功能, 自然要有patch啊
[09:16] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 你竟然一直忍受这种功能的缺失...
[09:16] <E022> QiongMangHuo: 果然不能相信你选的工具
[09:16] <nyfair> yunfan: python已删,已入ruby+lua邪教
[09:17] <E022> nyfair: 赞! +1
[09:17] <E022> nyfair: lua好玩伐?
[09:17] <nyfair> 河南人的屎
[09:17] <nyfair> E022: 吼玩吼玩
[09:17] <E022> nyfair: 赞, 等我把ruby玩好了, 也去玩玩lua
[09:17] <nyfair> ruby写小黄油必备技能啊
[09:18] <nyfair> rpg maker大法好
[09:18] <nyfair> python那个ren'py简直是狗屎
[09:18] <palomino|working> ....
[09:18] <nyfair> 还不支持python3
[09:18] <nyfair> 还更臃肿
[09:18] <nyfair> 跑得又慢
[09:18] * palomino|working momo nyfair 的小黄油
[09:19] <nyfair> rpg maker除了不开源,所有方面都碾压ren'py
[09:19] <BuMangHuo> mutt 怎么了
[09:20] <nyfair> 最近没人跟我吵架了,不爽
[09:20] <nyfair> 我来开个地图炮
[09:20] <palomino|working> ......
[09:20] * palomino|working 躲避
[09:21] <nyfair> zsh这种垃圾,不及powershell的1/10,巨硬大法好
[09:21] <palomino|working> ...
[09:21] <palomino|working> 二者都没用过
[09:21] * palomino|working 成功躲过
[09:22] <palomino|working> -_-
[09:22] <palomino|working> 为何yahoo search经常被设置成我的默认搜索引擎,我明明每次都删除了它啊!!
[09:24] <nyfair> palomino|working: 是不是玩了yahoo的网页游戏了
[09:25] <palomino|working> 没有啊..
[09:25] <palomino|working> 就是重启了一下电脑
[09:26] <palomino|working> 它又回来了
[09:29] <BuMangHuo> palomino|working: 啥浏览器
[09:30] <palomino|working> firefox
[09:46] <yunfan> ruby现在前途黯淡啊
[09:55] <E022> O0XX|Qiong: 看了一下表, 感觉来不及吃这个橙子了
[09:56] <O0XX|Qiong> E022: 可以给我
[09:58] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 15.04 • 如何使用除了图形界面以外的方法来让ubuntu不待机 求指教!!!!!! zz: gaoshanv5 — 2015-04-28 17:49
[10:29] <sennn> omfg
[10:51] <sennn> 没人,omfg
[11:07] <theJian>
[11:07] <^k^> theJian: ⇪ image/jpeg
[11:08] <theJian> 如图, 中文字体被加粗导致很难辨识, 有什么好办法么? 我用的是chrome
[11:09] <theJian> 这是图
[12:51] <^k^> 新 Wine及其分支 • 为什么我的wime有毒tot /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/fakedlls/clock.exe PUA.Win32.Packer.PrivateExeProte-7 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/fakedlls/comctl32.dll PUA.Win32.Packer.PrivateExeProte-7 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/fakedlls/user32.dll PUA.Win32.Packer.PrivateExeProte-7 /usr/share/mime/mim
[12:51] <^k^> ─> e.cache PUA.Win.Exploit.CVE_2012_0110 交代一下前提,我这个是双系统,winxp在c里面。 我装第二次 …
[13:43] <^k^> 新 Python/Php/Perl • 这种情况下,用什么写GUI比较好? 1、程序功能部分非常简单,仅仅是分析一个网页里的链接,然后下载到本地。 2、在win和mac下都能跑,且不需要下载庞大的依赖库 3、要方便最后打包成可执行(比如用py2exe、cxfreeze什么的),且
[13:43] <^k^> ─> 文件体积较小 zz: Lavande — 2015-04-28 21:43
[13:50] <^k^> 新 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • fcitx 打不出拼音 安裝了fcitx,只能在左上角的搜索框里打出汉字,gedit,浏览器等其他软件都无法打出汉字。。。imconfig已设置,language support已设置为fcitx,求解决方法,谢谢! zz: zzyxxx — 2015-04-28 21:49
[14:54] <Niac> #clojure
[15:04] <theJian> 我的fcitx在所有编辑器中都打不出中文...
[15:05] <theJian> 只能在其他软件中输中文
[15:44] <ssf1> while(1){printf("...\n");}
[23:37] <hoxily> kandu: 早上好. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.814194 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-cn"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-app-devel | [06:07] <bzoltan> akiva-thinkpad: just ping me when you need me :)
[06:07] <akiva-thinkpad> bzoltan, heh sure
[06:09] <akiva-thinkpad> bzoltan, balloons tested out the latest branch yesterday. Seems to be doing well. I did a major rewrite making it resemble more of an api than it does a daisy chain of functions.
[06:09] <bzoltan> akiva-thinkpad: cool, We will check it with zbenjamin too
[06:48] <dholbach> good morning
[06:48] <akiva-thinkpad> dholbach, moring
[06:49] <dholbach> hi akiva-thinkpad
[08:02] <Saviq> popey, hey, are issues with music app on arale known? (play queue advancing is very flaky)
[08:17] <popey> Saviq: not that I'm aware of, can you file a bug if you can reproduce?
[08:17] <Saviq> popey, yeah, will try to gather as much data as possible
[08:17] <popey> thanks!
[09:05] <dholbach> popey, do you want me to schedule the help app blueprint/session?
[09:06] <popey> yes, I wasn't sure when you wanted that
[09:06] <dholbach> ok, no worries
[09:17] <dholbach> popey, I placed it on the schedule and pinged everyone involved - I might still move it around, but I guess that's OK still
[09:55] <Saviq> popey, fyi: bug #1449460
[09:57] <popey> thanks Saviq
[10:51] <akiva-thinkpad> bzoltan, I forget; what are targets again?
[10:52] <akiva-thinkpad> you got build configs, run configs, kits, and targets
[12:12] <dpm> popey,
[12:13] <popey> DanChapman: ^^ fyi :)
[12:21] <popey> dpm
[12:30] <om26er> Elleo, Hi! do you if Arthur will be working today ?
[13:03] <DS-McGuire> popey, Can we discuss the "Ubuntu Help App Planning"? I want to know if you think it's best I sit in the IRC or participate.
[13:05] <akiva-thinkpad> DS-McGuire, o/
[13:05] <DS-McGuire> akiva-thinkpad, o/ Hello! How are things?
[13:05] <akiva-thinkpad> DS-McGuire, you should definitely participate
[13:06] <akiva-thinkpad> its a lot of fun
[13:06] <akiva-thinkpad> DS-McGuire, oh just learned that !myBool() doesn't give false
[13:06] <DS-McGuire> akiva-thinkpad, ahah! Yeah I will, I just don't know if it's best for me to sit in the IRC instead of going on video or whatever. I don't want to get in the way haha!
[13:07] <DanChapman> popey thanks! :-)
[13:07] <akiva-thinkpad> DS-McGuire, the more the merrier, trust me
[13:07] <akiva-thinkpad> if you get a chance to be on with stuart, that guy is hilarious.
[13:07] <DS-McGuire> akiva-thinkpad, Probably haha! I will wait for a response from popey to see what's best
[13:08] <akiva-thinkpad> bah
[13:08] <akiva-thinkpad> I just sent "nick" my password
[13:08] <akiva-thinkpad> bloody nickserv
[13:09] <popey> DS-McGuire: any reason you think we wouldn't want you there?
[13:09] <popey> :)
[13:11] <DS-McGuire> popey, haha, well I will be there, I am just confused about how it works. Is it a G+ hangout with an IRC or is it just IRC?
[13:11] <popey> G+ hangout + irc for those who can't make the hangout
[13:14] <DS-McGuire> popey, Okay so I will join the hangout then I guess. I am going to put together what I need for the html classes so I design can be added so it might be best if I am in that, if that's okay with you.
[13:28] <Elleo> om26er: yep; we're all at the sprint in Austin at the moment, so we're just starting the day, he should be on soon
[13:34] <Saviq> popey, I'm trying with arale r26, and one wrong thing at least is track length (0:00) of the first track I played, was it correct for you?
[13:34] <popey> hm, i didnt notice
DS-McGuire, oh just learned that !myBool() doesn't give false -- rather it doesn't when I declare it locally and in the header
[13:34] <akiva-thinkpad> doh
[13:35] <DS-McGuire> akiva-thinkpad, Oh dear haha!
[13:35] <ahayzen> Saviq, was the track length 00:00 for the first track before/after you started playing it?
[13:37] <Saviq> ahayzen, where do I look?
[13:37] <Saviq> ahayzen, it started at 0:00 straight awa
[13:37] <Saviq> y
[13:38] <Saviq> nowhere else does it show time I think
[13:38] <ahayzen> What i see is when you start the app, it restores you queue, then if you tap the toolbar it displays 00:00 as the position *and* duration...then when you tap play it then gets the correct duration
[13:38] <Saviq> ahayzen, I launched the app, got to an album and went "play all"
[13:39] <Saviq> seems to reproduce reliably
[13:39] <ahayzen> that seems to work for me on mako
[13:39] <Saviq> but only the first time after launching the app
[13:39] <ahayzen> let me try again ... what exactly happens?
[13:41] <ahayzen> Saviq, seems to be fine for me .. but sounds a bit like bug 1438115 which randomly happens on mh2 i'm hoping mh3 has fixed this
[13:42] <ahayzen> popey, do you see what Saviq is describing on arale?
[13:43] <Saviq> ahayzen, popey,
[13:44] <popey> Saviq: what format is that file?
[13:44] <Saviq> popey, whatever Cheese records ;)
[13:44] <ahayzen> Saviq, magic :) that is like bug 1438115 ... but reproducible
[13:44] <popey> no, i mean the music
[13:44] <Saviq> popey, ah, mp3
[13:44] <popey> i never see that. can you send me the mp3 (or full album) ?
[13:45] <popey> or send it to ahayzen :)
[13:45] <ahayzen> yeah that would be useful
[13:46] * ahayzen wonders if the person who reported that bug would have been on arale as well ...
[13:50] <popey> its possible
[13:59] <Saviq> popey, ahayzen, put it under the same link, you can download the whole dir with a link on the right that shows on hover
[13:59] <ahayzen> thanks :)
[14:02] <ahayzen> seems to work for me on mako, popey can you try on arale ?
[14:02] <popey> ok
[14:03] <Saviq> it's likely a race
[14:03] <Saviq> but 100% reproducible here
[14:03] <Saviq> with different albums, too
[14:03] <ahayzen> weird
[14:03] <ahayzen> oooo
[14:03] <ahayzen> you guys have trunk music...i have a slightly 'newer' one ;)
[14:04] <Saviq> gimme
[14:04] <Saviq> ;)
[14:04] <popey> uh
[14:04] <popey> yeah, same here
[14:05] <mcphail> ahayzen: does the newer music app still hang if you feed it a faulty mp3 file? I was going to investigate further but won't bother if it is fixed already
[14:05] <ahayzen> haha no ;) ... i'm on the /refactor branch with some other prototype code...but i don't think that should affect this looking at the code as we backported fixes to that
[14:05] <popey> ahayzen:
[14:05] <ahayzen> popey, :(
[14:05] <ahayzen> mcphail, faulty mp3? it would probably be an issue in media-hub not the music-app .. have you reported this issue?
[14:05] <Saviq> launching a song from scope causes the same
[14:06] <ahayzen> to me sounds like a media-hub issue on arale ... maybe
[14:06] <mcphail> ahayzen: not yet. Was going to investigate/search bugs at the weekend to see if it has been reported already
[14:06] <ahayzen> mcphail, it could be bug 1436110
[14:07] <mcphail> ahayzen: I think the mp3 files are blank alotogether: mtp crashed during transfer. I'm not going to have access to a device to have a proper look until the weekend
[14:07] <ahayzen> mcphail, ah i see
[14:08] <mcphail> ahayzen: for a start, I'm going to have to hunt through a couple of thousand mp3s to find the dodgy ones :)
[14:08] <ahayzen> mcphail, hah ;) you may want to look at the mediascanner2 log and see if that helps
[14:09] <mcphail> ahayzen: good tip. thanks
[14:10] <ahayzen> popey, Saviq, i just tried trunk on mako and it is fine as well... can you try krillin/mako and see if you can get it?
[14:10] <Saviq> ahayzen, yeah, flashing mako now
[14:10] <ahayzen> thanks
[14:10] <popey> ok
[14:11] <popey> ahayzen: Saviq fine on a retail bq phone
[14:11] <popey>
[14:12] <Saviq> popey, yeah, likely a race that arale wins (or loses, depends how you define the target here)
[14:13] * ahayzen wonders if jhodapp has an arale to try/debug on ?
[14:13] <popey> also fine on vivid krillin 198
[14:13] <jhodapp> ahayzen, I do :)
[14:13] <jhodapp> ahayzen, what's up?
[14:13] * popey updates krillin as it's 3 days out
[14:13] <popey> nice song btw Saviq
[14:13] <ahayzen> jhodapp, basically the first track that is played ends up looking like the screenshot here
[14:13] <ahayzen> (no duration)
[14:14] <ahayzen> but is fine on mako/krillin
[14:15] <Saviq> popey, yeah, that album is real cool
[14:15] <jhodapp> ahayzen, local music?
[14:15] <ahayzen> jhodapp, yeah mp3s
[14:15] <Saviq> jhodapp, yeah, you can grab the album from the same link
[14:15] <jhodapp> ahayzen, ok I can take a look
[14:16] <popey> yeah, i can't reproduce on vivid proposed on krillin, only on vivid-proposed on arale
[14:16] <ahayzen> thanks jhodapp
[14:17] <jhodapp> ahayzen, who's arale is that in the video?
[14:17] <ahayzen> jhodapp, Saviq's
[14:17] <jhodapp> cool
[14:36] <jhodapp> Saviq, popey were you using the latest image one Arale, the one from today?
[14:37] <Saviq> jhodapp, #26 yes
[14:37] <jhodapp> Saviq, thanks
[14:38] <popey> yes
[15:05] <mhall119> bzoltan: beuno: is the new APP_ID format developer.project or project.developer?
[15:07] <mhall119> because on a new project, manifest.json uses project.developer, but the Makefile uses developer.project
[15:09] <beuno> mhall119, package.developer
[15:10] <mhall119> then the Makefile from the template is wrong
[15:10] <mhall119> bzoltan: zbenjamin: what's the correct project for filing bugs against hte SDK templates?
[15:18] <zbenjamin> mhall119: qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu
[15:18] <mhall119> thanks zbenjamin
[15:21] <zbenjamin> mhall119: whats the problem?
[15:25] <mhall119> zbenjamin: APP_ID in the Makefile is backwards
[15:25] <zbenjamin> mhall119: what project type?
[15:27] <mhall119> qmlproject
[15:27] <zbenjamin> mhall119: ah in the Makefile, that should be fixed already
[15:27] <mhall119> zbenjamin:
[15:27] <zbenjamin> mhall119: are you sure you have the most recent version
[15:27] <mhall119> no
[15:27] <mhall119> I'm upgrading everything now and will try agian
[15:36] <zyrox> Is a scope similar to a daemon, like running in the background as long as the phone is on?
[15:42] <balloons> morning akiva-thinkpad :-)
[16:00] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, morning
[16:00] <akiva-thinkpad> I tossed the runconfig in, its sort of working
[16:00] <balloons> it's live q and a time, but then I have an idea to chat about with you
[16:00] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, ^
[16:00] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, well do
[17:12] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, you said you wanted a quick discussion?
[17:13] <balloons> akiva-thinkpad, yea let's/
[17:13] <akiva-thinkpad> i'll create a todo list on the lp page
[17:13] <balloons> so, is it possible to not lock the UI when you spawn a test now? (since you use the sandbox)
[17:13] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, needs more testing, but it appears that way
[17:14] <balloons> 2) Did you give adt a try?
[17:14] <akiva-thinkpad> was busy
[17:14] <akiva-thinkpad> so no
[17:14] <balloons> 3) Could we have a separate 'testing' tab on the sidebar, like debug and projects?
[17:14] <akiva-thinkpad> A mode... needs discussion with bzoltan and zbenjamin
[17:15] <balloons> inside the page, it would be nice to have a dashboard of what tests passed / failed
[17:15] <akiva-thinkpad> that might be what the Run Configuration should be for
[17:15] <akiva-thinkpad> balloons, yes agreed
[17:15] <balloons> awesome!
[17:15] <akiva-thinkpad> I'll need to impliment memory, which will be complicated.
[17:15] <balloons> that's really everything I could want / ask for
[17:15] <akiva-thinkpad> cool, I was also thinking of your other suggestiong
[17:15] <akiva-thinkpad> -g
[17:16] <akiva-thinkpad> Adding a menu action where you can enter a string such as "test_happy*", and have it run all those tests
[17:21] <balloons> right
[17:28] <imnichol> Is there an official tutorial for creating a static list in an Ubuntu app?
[17:36] <imnichol> Hm, I think I found what I'm looking for here:
[17:42] <mhall119> zbenjamin: updated to the latest SDK and still have the same bug
[17:42] <keshav> hello :)
[17:42] <dpm> akiva-thinkpad, nice work with the QtCreator testing plugin!
[17:44] <keshav> hi everybody , i made a qml music player named kmusicplay , its toally done in qml , i want publish it, anyone know what dependencies i need to add to control file ??? i added qmlscence etc ..
[17:45] <keshav> am also using ubuntu components as qml components in my project
[17:47] <popey> keshav: you want to publish it where?
[17:48] <keshav> popey: i want distribute it to ubuntu users i want upload it to ubuntu software center too
[17:48] <popey> keshav: so maybe put it in a ppa?
[17:49] <keshav> popey: am able to upload it to ppa but what about if it will give dependencies error when the required dependencies are not installed in user's system ?
[17:51] <keshav> popey: how can i know what my app require to able to run ??? like qmlsence it require to interprete the main.qml
[17:51] <keshav> popey: any idea ??
[17:51] <akiva-thinkpad> dpm thanks
[17:51] <popey> keshav: maybe look at the music app, that's pure qml and builds to deb..
[17:51] <popey> you could look and learn from the debian/ folder in there :)
[17:52] <keshav> popey: thanks for the suggestions :)
[17:52] <keshav> popey: checked the link u gave they are using cmake to build app and making binary ....
[17:53] <ahayzen> keshav,
[17:53] <keshav> ahayzen: thanks
[17:54] <keshav> thanks i got it :)
[17:54] <keshav> ahayzen: thanks for pointing me to the exact file :) :P
[17:55] <ahayzen> no problem :)
[17:55] <keshav> popey: thanks for help man much appreciated
[17:59] <popey> np
[19:11] <bzoltan> mhall119: sorry, what bug was it?
[19:17] <mhall119> bzoltan:
[20:35] <akiva-thinkpad> Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm how am I gonna do this...
[23:40] <nik90> ahayzen: hey do you still have the bug where sortfiltermodel doesn't work with u1db models?
[23:41] <ahayzen> nik90, there still is a bug for it...i would need to deep search as i've got a new FF profile lol
[23:41] <nik90> ahayzen: no worries, I am just wanted to know that such a bug exists..because I remember you bringing it up during the malta trip if I remember
[23:41] <nik90> s/am/
[23:42] <ahayzen> nik90, yeah it was for like multiple levels IIRC
[23:42] <ahayzen> nik90, if you only had 1 level i thought it might work? or maybe not
[23:42] <nik90> ahayzen: it didnt work for me some time back..ironic that it works with localstorage models but not our own u1db
[23:43] <ahayzen> nik90, bug 1266529
[23:43] <ahayzen> nik90, i've been wanting to move to u1db for nearly a year lol
[23:44] <nik90> ahayzen: yeah I am slightly regretting not staying with localstorage since afaik there isnt a upgrade db option in u1db which I kinda need for the clock app
[23:45] <ahayzen> uh oh... a manual version field?
[23:46] <nik90> yeah I suppose I could do that and then go through every item and add a column
[23:48] <ahayzen> :'(
[23:48] <ahayzen> nik90, you should see our playlist upgrade code ;)
[23:49] <nik90> ahayzen: I did see your localstorage db upgrade code and tbh that looks cleanly done based on the db version of the user. In fact I used that to help me upgrade the db in podbird
[23:50] <ahayzen> hehe :)
[23:50] <ahayzen> nik90, btw when lifting code for podbird you are lifting from lp:music-app/refactor not remix right?
[23:51] <nik90> ahayzen: well I took it from trunk whichever that is
[23:51] <ahayzen> ah the 'old' code ;)
[23:51] <nik90> woops
[23:51] <ahayzen> no worries the refactor is mainly restructuring at the moment
[23:51] <nik90> ahayzen: so far I took only upgrade db and the card view stuff from music app
[23:52] <ahayzen> nik90, you may notice the folder layout is much nicer ;)
[23:52] <ahayzen> nik90, ah cool that hasn't changed or stuff has been backported
[23:52] <nik90> ahayzen: oh wow that looks clean!
[23:52] <nik90> ahayzen: btw why do you still have a qmlproject file and a cmakelist file?
[23:52] <nik90> just a cmakelist file should suffice
[23:53] <ahayzen> because reasons
[23:53] <ahayzen> idk actually
[23:53] <ahayzen> maybe victor uses it :) haha
[23:53] <nik90> :)
[23:54] <nik90> but yeah this layout is soooooo much organized and easier to understand
[23:54] <ahayzen> it is and files are slowly being abstracted
[23:55] <ahayzen> so you don't have a few single files that 1000L+ lol
[23:55] <ahayzen> nik90, Victor says "ha, because cmake was a pain in the ass and wasn't very well supported in qtcreator so the qmlproj file never got deleted"
[23:55] <nik90> I wanted to tell you guys about that after looking at the music-app.qml..but glad you got time to get to that by yourself
[23:56] <nik90> oh lol
[23:56] <ahayzen> nik90, yeah we are slowly working to improve things...without breaking things :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.824519 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-devel | [05:05] <pitti> Good morning
[05:06] <pitti> infinity: sudo> erk, sorry; debugging leftover, I'll reupload
[05:06] <pitti> sarnold: ^
[05:19] <pitti> sarnold, infinity: reuploaded and tested again
[05:19] <pitti> with dropped sudo and /bin/echo -> printf
[05:19] <pitti> thanks for spotting!
[05:30] <rlaager> Now that Ubuntu has moved to systemd, is it the plan to update packages to use systemd timers instead of cron jobs?
[05:32] <pitti> rlaager: all in due time; we still want/need to support upstart until at least 16.04 LTS, and the phone hasn't been switched yet
[05:34] <rlaager> pitti: I ask because if that's the eventual plan, I will update my packages at $WORK sooner (i.e. for the next LTS) rather than later, and it will also affect my suggestions and patches to Ubuntu packages, both in and out of the official repositories.
[05:35] <pitti> rlaager: it hasn't been officially discussed, but once we stop supporting upstart I see no reason to not use timers
[05:44] * Unit193 sighs.
[05:55] <ari-tczew> when vivid+1 is going to be open?
[06:00] <pitti> ari-tczew: whenever we get a name
[06:02] <Unit193> And someone has been slacking on the naming of it. ;)
[06:04] <pitti> yeah, this is a non-delegatable task, I'm afraid
[06:24] <pitti> wgrant, cjwatson: gcc-4.9 built in the PPA, but again failed to upload: do you know what means?
[06:33] <wgrant> pitti: Huh, that reminds me of a bug I fixed in it in 2009.
[06:34] <wgrant> pitti: I suspect one of the binaries may have been missing a version in its Source field.
[06:34] <wgrant> pitti: It's looking for an epoched source version.
[06:34] <pitti> wgrant: some binaries indeed have an epoch (that was what the whole bug was about)
[06:34] <pitti> but the source shouldn't need one?
[06:35] <wgrant> pitti: But the binaries need to specify their source package.
[06:35] <wgrant> If the name is different, they have a Source: foo field
[06:35] <pitti> wgrant: what does "missing a version in its Source field" mean?
[06:35] <wgrant> If the version is also different, they have a Source: foo (1.2.3)
[06:35] <pitti> missing Source: field, or missing Version:?
[06:35] <pitti> ooh!
[06:35] <wgrant> eg. apt-cache show lib32gcc1
[06:35] <pitti> I didn't know that
[06:35] <wgrant> Source: gccgo-5 (5.1~rc1-0ubuntu1)
[06:36] <pitti> I don't test for that, might be in the mangler
[06:36] <pitti> Package: fixincludes
[06:36] <pitti> Source: gcc-4.9 (4.9.2-10ubuntu13)
[06:36] <pitti> Version: 1:4.9.2-10ubuntu13
[06:36] <pitti> so that looks ok, right?
[06:36] <pitti> Package: fixincludes-dbgsym
[06:36] <wgrant> hat is correct.
[06:36] <pitti> Source: gcc-4.9
[06:36] <pitti> Version: 1:4.9.2-10ubuntu13
[06:36] <pitti> but that would be wrong then
[06:37] <wgrant> Indeed.
[06:37] <pitti> wgrant: ack, thanks!
[06:37] * pitti goes to fix that
[06:37] <wgrant> I don't remember what exactly my old fix was.
[06:37] <wgrant> Ohh, unless it was adding the Source field in the first place.
[06:37] <wgrant>
[06:48] <dholbach> good morning
[08:33] <jasabella> hi!
[08:52] <wgrant> pitti: I think it's reasonable to not fix lucid.
[08:52] <wgrant> It's worth looking at any major differences precise and trusty, though.
[08:52] <pitti> wgrant: I backported the fixes to precise
[08:52] <pitti> there are a lot more which could be backported, but let's not do everything at once
[08:53] <wgrant> Right, just wondering ifthere's anything else interesting for failedtoupload reasons.
[08:54] <pitti> there were some fixes to improve the debug links etc., but none that refer to uploading except perhaps cjwatson's Architectures: fix (which I included)
[08:54] <wgrant> Right.
[08:56] <pitti> wgrant: so I'll let gcc-4.9 finish building for vivid; if that succeeds, I'll upload gcc for precise, trusty, and utopic
[08:56] <wgrant> Yep, sounds good to me.
[08:56] <wgrant> gcc is good at breaking the world.
[08:56] <pitti> and I'll copy binutils and some other package for precise once p-c-d publishes for precise
[08:56] <wgrant> If it works, everything that uses debhelper probably does.
[08:57] <wgrant> p-c-d ftbfs on precise
[08:57] <pitti> binutils is interesting as it calls pkg_create_dbgsym by hand, no debhelper
[08:57] <wgrant> Yep
[08:57] <pitti> wgrant: no, fixed in pitti2 (publishing)
[08:57] <wgrant> The kernel is also interesting, though it worked fine when we tested it last week.
[08:57] <wgrant> Ahh
[08:57] <wgrant> Oh, the kernel may not actually use p-c-d
[08:57] <pitti> but that doesn't ... yes
[08:57] <wgrant> Since it produces -dbgsym .debs and then renames them to ddeb...
[08:57] <pitti> it builds .ddebs, but entirely by itself
[08:58] <wgrant> It does use p-c-d, but not to build the main packages.
[08:58] <wgrant> It has some weird autocreated ddebs which are crazy, but they upload at least.
[08:58] <pitti> binutils copied
[08:59] * pitti wonders what to use instead of systemd for precise and trusty -- some complex multi-binary thing which produces ddebs and has epochs
[08:59] <pitti> well, gcc should do for that
[09:00] <pitti> oh, binutils -- that needs fixing to actually add the ddebs to the .changes
[09:00] * pitti uploads that
[09:05] <caribou> I'm working on fixing a bug both in Ubuntu & Debian so I updated the existing bug on Debian but not getting any response from the maintainer. Should I get someone else in Debian to upload the fix or just add a delta to Ubuntu until the debian maintainer wakes up ?
[09:06] <melodie> hello
[09:06] <melodie> caribou which package?
[09:07] <caribou> melodie: python-pywbem
[09:07] <melodie> who is mentioned as maintainers/packages in the .desc file?
[09:07] <caribou> melodie: bug #1434991
[09:07] <caribou> melodie: lemme check
[09:08] <caribou> melodie: Maintainer: Benjamin Kaduk <[email protected]>
[09:08] <caribou> Uploaders: Russ Allbery <[email protected]>, Sam Hartman <[email protected]>
[09:08] <caribou> maybe I should email each one directly instead of relying on the bug update
[09:09] <melodie> wait a sec
[09:09] <melodie> what about ?
[09:10] <caribou> melodie: it's been two weeks now & didn't hear anything from the bug
[09:10] <melodie> caribou when you report a bug in Debian bugs (at debian-mentors I think? you might want to check) you can add the maintainers and packages in copy
[09:10] <caribou> melodie: the bug already existed, I just updated it
[09:11] <melodie> caribou it's not all that fast, if you don't get a response after 3 months you can poke them again
[09:11] <melodie> caribou did you see the last comment in your bug report?
[09:11] <caribou> melodie: I won't wait 3 months to fix the bug in Ubuntu
[09:11] <melodie> caribou what will you do?
[09:12] <melodie> maybe could you add a ppa?
[09:12] <caribou> melodie: add an Ubuntu delta to the package
[09:12] <melodie> ok
[09:12] <melodie> I also seek help for a little thing
[09:12] <caribou> melodie: ppa is not an anwser to existing bugs in our archives
[09:13] <melodie> caribou ok!
[09:13] <melodie> very good
[09:13] <caribou> melodie: thanks for your answers btw,
[09:13] <melodie> my thing is about redshift, I'd like to ask confirmation about this: is "vidmode" enabled, or is it not enabled, as I suspect?
[09:14] <melodie> caribou welcome!
[09:15] <melodie> caribou btw, what is your package name in the Debian repos?
[09:15] <melodie> pywbm isn't found
[09:15] <caribou> melodie: python-pywbem
[09:16] <caribou> melodie: pywbem is the source pkg
[09:17] <melodie> caribou have you tried the updated version from Debian?
[09:17] <melodie> or the one from vivid?
[09:18] <melodie> (same thing as updated from Debian)
[09:18] <caribou> melodie: the bug is in all versions up to debian/SID
[09:18] <melodie> 0.8.0 then?
[09:19] <zyga> pitti: hey, do you remember bug
[09:20] <caribou> melodie: sid has 0.8.0~dev650-1
[09:22] <melodie> caribou is your bug here too?;dist=unstable
[09:22] <caribou> melodie: yes, it's also referenced in the LP btg
[09:22] <caribou> s/btg/bug
[09:23] <melodie> what is "btg" ?
[09:23] <melodie> ih
[09:23] <melodie> oh
[09:23] <melodie> bug ok
[09:24] <melodie> caribou you say it is there, but I only see #780264 ?
[09:24] <melodie> unless they thought it wasn't an "outstanding bug" ?
[09:24] <caribou> melodie: yep, that's the one. don't bother; I sent and email to the maintainer & uploders. I'll see what they say
[09:24] <pitti> zyga: I didn't see this before, but it's comprehensible enough
[09:25] <melodie> caribou ok. can you confirm for my question? as "vidmode" not enabled? Is looking for the compiled libs with ldd the right way to go?
[09:26] <zyga> pitti: you commented on the gnome counterside IIRC
[09:26] <melodie> I am hunting the bugs in redshift and redshift-gtk, to get it to work as it should.
[09:26] <caribou> melodie: I don't know about "vidmode", but if you want the list of shared libraries, ldd will do it, hes
[09:26] <caribou> s/hes/yes
[09:26] <zyga> pitti: I wanted to ask if you know of a workaround for this, so a project that's not C-based that still uses po/ and intltools
[09:27] <caribou> melodie: good thing, I'm being hit by this one too
[09:27] <melodie> I just posted 2 bug reports
[09:27] <melodie> with solutions
[09:27] <caribou> melodie: bug # ?
[09:27] <melodie>
[09:28] <pitti> zyga: I think in a project of mine I craeted a temporary .py symlink to the executable python script, then call intltool, then remove the symlink again
[09:28] <melodie> I am not yet satisfied because it works way better in Archlinux, and I will compile from sources to see if adding all options help
[09:29] <zyga> pitti: thanks, I'll try that
[09:29] <melodie> caribou if you are interested you can follow the link from that one bug report, and there, I added the links to the sources of my research
[09:30] <melodie> else, there is a very recent update available at the redshift project site:
[09:32] <caribou> melodie: reading...
[09:32] <melodie> caribou sure... I'm going to install the dev tools now (my install is fresh) so I can compile from git
[10:08] <melodie> caribou I compiled and installed successfully with a max of options (looking into too) and the compile from git works, but I still don't know why there is no UI for the configuration side.
[10:09] <melodie> caribou I will need to track down what is different with the redshift I have in Archlinux
[10:24] <wgrant> pitti: Nice, gcc-4.9 built.
[10:24] <wgrant> That's a *lot* of binaries.
[10:24] <pitti> at last!
[10:24] <pitti> wgrant: ok, then I'll throw in the precise/trusty/utopic gccs :)
[10:25] <pitti> wgrant: systemd/trusty also does that, there's a libgudev dbgsym and libgudev is epoch'ed
[10:25] <wgrant> Aha
[10:28] <pitti> wgrant: there, more buildd fodder :)
[10:29] <pitti> wgrant: but I'm fairly certain that this will work now, at least for trusty/utopic (as that's pretty much exactly the same); hopefully also for precise
[10:30] <cjwatson> Worth also remembering that we'll need to copy this into -security.
[10:30] <cjwatson> I think?
[10:30] <wgrant> up
[10:30] <pitti> yes, I think so
[10:30] <cjwatson> Unless the security PPAs build against -updates.
[10:34] <pitti> for the initial hump/tests, having it in -proposed should be enough, as all builds except -security only use that (so copying to -updates isn't very urgent)
[10:34] <wgrant> -security needs it very soon.
[10:34] <wgrant> Or their builds will fail or do the wrong thing once we turn on the flag.
[10:34] <pitti> so assuming the gcc builds work in all releases, I'll upload them to the -proposed queues
[10:34] <wgrant> Yep
[10:34] <pitti> do you think we need more tests before accepting them?
[10:34] <wgrant> I think if the known weird packages work then everything else should be tractable.
[10:34] <pitti> yes, I agree
[10:34] <wgrant> I'd like to do a main rebuild, but scalingstack lcy01 remains unhappy.
[10:34] <wgrant> I guess we could do a non-virt amd64 rebuild, since the buildds aren't doing anything else anyway...
[10:34] <melodie> caribou this is the tool I was seeking for, isn't available in the repositories:
[10:40] <melodie> caribou the project page, if you are interested,
[10:48] <mpt> cyphermox, Wellark_: What’s the difference between “Wi-Fi security: LEAP” and “Wi-Fi security: WPA Enterprise” + “Authentication: LEAP”?
[11:35] <mdeslaur> dholbach: FYI, moving my patch piloting to tomorrow as I have an emergency at the moment
[11:59] <dholbach> mdeslaur, sure sure
[13:44] <cyphermox> mpt: it's two very different types of security for wifi networks. One is using straight LEAP for the passphrase (generating dynamic WEP keys), the other is the more typical authentication over 802.1x
[14:00] <zbenjamin> jdstrand: ping, do you have some time to talk about the framework validation issue bzoltan pinged you about a few days ago?
[14:02] <mpt> cyphermox, thanks. I’m collapsing the 802.1x authentication options into the main security menu, so I think I’ll call the former “LEAP” and the latter “WPA Enterprise LEAP”
[14:03] <jtaylor> doko_: how high are the changes clang in vivid gets a sru if I provide an upstream patch?
[14:03] <cyphermox> mpt: there may be some others that are confusing/ambiguous, or need to be added in the future
[14:03] <cyphermox> mpt: also, different WPA enterprise methods require different fields
[14:08] <mpt> cyphermox, but your “generating dynamic WEP keys” then makes me wonder why “LEAP” and “Dynamic WEP” are distinct options :-]
[14:09] <pitti> wgrant, cjwatson: all builds done in the PPA, spot-checking ddebs LGTM; I uploaded the stuff to the -proposed review queues
[14:10] <pitti> doko_: ^ FYI
[14:10] <cyphermox> mpt: there is more than one way to generate dynamic wep keys
[14:12] <cyphermox> mpt: one design that looks solid is what Android does. I bet the iPhone is also pretty much handling things the same way. I'm guess that is what you're aiming for?
[14:13] <mpt> (╯°□°)╯︵ ʎǝʞ dǝʍ
[14:14] <cjwatson> pitti: Excellent, thanks
[14:14] <mpt> cyphermox, <>
[14:23] <arges> infinity: whats the status on Vivid sru's? should I be holding off on reviewing tomorrow until w is open for business?
[14:25] <mardy> Laney: hi! Was there something you were expecting me to do for bug 1432613? If so, please let me know -- it was not my intention to drop the ball :-)
[14:25] <Laney> mardy: yes, we need to upload this to all Ubuntu releases
[14:26] <Laney> probably not the dropping packages/conflicts part there though - just let them be empty & update the descriptions
[14:27] <melodie> please, does someone know where software-properties-gtk write the changes done? Especially the kinds of updates it is configured to provide? (never - LTS only - each new version) ?
[14:27] <mardy> Laney: by "upload" do you literally mean upload (if so, I'm afraid I can't help, I don't have the rights) or creating MPs for the citrain?
[14:27] <mardy> Laney: maybe I can prepare the branches, and you do the upload?
[14:27] <Laney> mardy: The train can do the upload, we just need to get it in one way or another
[14:28] <mardy> Laney: OK, I'll prepare the MPs then
[14:28] <cyphermox> mpt: yeah, it's not ideal :/
[14:28] <wgrant> melodie: That's /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
[14:29] <melodie> wgrant thank you!
[15:09] <mardy> Laney: while I'm a it, I think it'd be good to backport also the fix for bug 1430694. OK?
[15:09] <Laney> mardy: sure
[15:09] <Laney> just add the SRU information to the bugs
[15:09] <mardy> Laney: OK
[15:09] <Laney> description / test case / regression potential
[15:09] <Laney> thanks!
[15:19] <mardy> Laney: done: can you nominate bug 1430694 for Utopic and Trusty (Vivid is already OK)?
[15:19] <Laney> k
[15:20] <Laney> mardy: done
[15:43] <mardy> Laney: do you remember what was the trick to get pagination working in bzr? I must have broken something, and now I've always to type "bzr log | less" explicitly...
[15:43] <Laney> mardy: I am using
[15:46] <mardy> Laney: thanks!
[15:47] <mardy> Laney: about the backports, should I backport the packaging fixes to vivid, at least? or not backport them at all?
[15:52] <Laney> mardy: without them, the packages will just be empty, right?
[15:52] <Laney> s/packages/package/
[15:53] <mardy> Laney: not really; the account-plugin-facebook will contain the other (working) services; and this is correct
[15:54] <Laney> I mean the wlm one
[15:54] <mardy> Laney: the live plugin will contain the live plugin, to create the account; but then, you won't have any use for this account
[15:55] <Laney> can we just not ship this plugin?
[15:55] <Laney> I think it'd be safer for SRU to not change the packages around
[15:55] <mardy> Laney: I agree that for Utopic and Trusty we can leave it like this, but I guess we could fix it for vivid
[15:55] <Laney> vivid is stable now too
[15:57] <mardy> Laney: we can make it empty, indeed, but I'm wondering if someone could develop an app which could use the live plugin (maybe for IMAP?)
[15:57] <mardy> Laney: then they'd want to depend on account-plugin-live, but not being able to use it, if it's empty
[15:58] <mardy> Laney: so, IMHO it's better either to force the removal of the package, or to keep it, though fairly useless
[15:58] <Laney> we could drop the recommends
[15:58] <Laney> but keep the package
[15:58] <mardy> Laney: +1
[15:59] * Laney nods
[15:59] <pitti> fginther: hey! would you mind actually attaching the log in bug 1449632?
[15:59] <pitti> fginther: which -cpu option are you using there, so that I can reproduce this?
[15:59] <fginther> pitti, oops. sorry about that
[16:00] <infinity> arges: vivid SRUs don't block on W in any way. Review away.
[16:01] <fginther> pitti, there is no --cpu option for creating nova instances, but there may be a way to determine what the openstack cloud is configured to use. I'll try to get back to you on that
[16:01] <arges> infinity: ack
[16:01] <fginther> pitti, log file is attached.
[16:02] <fginther> pitti, I have to run, but will be back later if you leave any questions
[16:02] <mdeslaur> pitti, kees, infinity, stgraber, slangasek: tech board meeting?
[16:02] <pitti> x86 SandyBridge Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge)
[16:02] <pitti> fginther: nevermind, that ^ I guess
[16:06] <mardy> Laney: which target branch should I use for the MPs for empathy? I don't find any "14.04" or "trusty" branches, should I create them?
[16:06] <slangasek> mdeslaur: hmm; unfortunately sprinting this week, don't think I can attend, sorry
[16:06] <Laney> mardy: Make a new one if we haven't SRUed that release before
[16:06] <pitti> fginther: nevermind, can reproduce
[16:06] <Laney> edit Vcs-Bzr in debian/control to point to it... I usually just append the release name e.g. ubuntutrusty
[16:07] <mardy> Laney: this means that it hasn't, right?§ion=all&arch=any&keywords=empathy&searchon=sourcenames
[16:08] <Laney> mardy: <- actually we did for trusty but looks like no vcs
[16:08] * Laney makes one
[16:11] <Laney> mardy: okay, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/empathy/ubuntutrusty exists now
[16:12] <mardy> Laney: thanks; and as a matter of fact, I wouldn't have had the permissions to push to that branch
[16:12] <mardy> Laney: can you please do the same for utopic and vivid?
[16:13] <Laney> I will once there is something to push there
[16:13] <Laney> i.e. your branch
[16:13] <Laney> you can bzr branch -r tag:<the ubuntu version> to get the right revision to start from
[16:14] <mardy> yep, ok
[16:14] <sarnold> pitti: thanks for the ecryptfs fixes; I know a lot of users have hit that..
[16:15] <pitti> sarnold: yeah; I tried to be defensive, that's why it's a relatively large shell script
[16:16] <sarnold> :)
[16:26] <mdeslaur> @pilot in
[16:31] <mardy> Laney: do I understand correctly, that given "version-0ubuntuX" as stable release, the update should be "version-0ubuntuX.1" in debian/changelog?
[16:32] <Laney> mardy: If that version is only in one release, otherwise use (e.g.) .14.04.1
[16:32] <Laney> see:
[16:45] <mardy> Laney: ok, here are the branches: lp:~mardy/empathy/lp1432613-vivid and lp:~mardy/empathy/lp1432613-utopic
[16:45] <mardy> Laney: if you create the stable branches, I'll create the MPs
[16:45] <mardy> Laney: hopefully I picked the right base revision :-)
[16:52] <Laney> mardy: looks good, no need for MP - I'll just push them
[16:59] <mardy> Laney: ok, cool; for trusty, and for all versions of account-plugins, I created MPs and subscribed you
[16:59] <Laney> Looking
[17:00] <Laney> I'll have to go in a minute, perhaps someone else can help you upload them
[17:07] <Laney> mardy: or I can dput tomorrow (bypassing the train)
[18:18] * cyphermox -> late lunch
[19:08] <bobbyz> Hi guys. I'm working on creating some upstart scripts and I've been referring to I'm trying to use the 'start on starting <service>' and 'stop on stopping <service>' directives to establish dependencies and it's working in all cases except one: For some reason, I have to manually start the dependent service at least once, or it won't start when the dependee runs on boot. Is that a known
[19:08] <bobbyz> issue? Am I missing a directive? My config is here:
[19:08] <bobbyz> So basically I have to 'sudo service start sidekiq-worker1' at least once, or else when I reboot it isn't started, even though it's dependee service, 'sidekiq' is supposedly started/running
[19:36] <greyback_> bobbyz: is upstart also starting a job called "sidekiq"? Is the sidekiq job depending on some startup signal? (e.g. "start on filesystem/mountall/login-session-start"
[19:37] <bobbyz> greyback_: The sidekiq jobs is set for 'start on runlevel [2345]'
[19:37] <greyback_> bobbyz: and that's working, yeah?
[19:37] <bobbyz>'s just a dummy job in that it doesn't do anything:
[19:37] <bobbyz> It's more of a marker to trigger and control a group of worker jobs
[19:38] <bobbyz> so 'service sidekiq status' does show started/running on reboot
[19:38] <bobbyz> but the dependent worker jobs all say 'stopped/waiting'
[19:38] <greyback_> bobbyz: ok, then upstart started it at least
[19:38] <bobbyz> unless I start them manually and reboot again, at which point they all start
[19:39] <greyback_> so it works after a reboot?
[19:39] <bobbyz> it works after reboot if I manually start those worker jobs at least once
[19:39] <bobbyz> if I don't they don't start on reboot
[19:39] <bobbyz> so I thought maybe I'm missing a directive
[19:40] <greyback_> not that I can think of, you seem to be doing the right thing
[19:42] <bobbyz> ok, I'll dig more on my side then...maybe there's something else going on
[19:42] <bobbyz> thanks for taking a look, I appreciate it
[19:44] <greyback_> well I'd stick a line in your worker job to ensure it's being started at all - perhaps something else is stopping them immediately?
[20:15] <bobbyz> good idea, I'll try that out
[20:52] <Unit193> How would one go about a security update for trusty? Icecast2 looks like it needs Debian #782120, CVE-2015-3026.
[20:57] <melodie> hi Unit193
[20:57] <Unit193> Howdy.
[21:01] <infinity> Unit193: Meet mdeslaur.
[21:01] <infinity> mdeslaur: Meet Unit193.
[21:02] * Unit193 runs.
[21:02] <infinity> Unit193: Short answer, though, for universe security updates, you prepare an update, hand it off to the security team to build in their PPA, and they release it for you.
[21:03] <Unit193> infinity: Sounds easy enough. Trying to do the Debian one now.
[21:04] <infinity> Unit193: Oh, and mdeslaur clocked out 30m ago, apparently. You might want to try poking him tomorrow if he doesn't wander by his computer and say hi tonight.
[21:06] <Unit193> infinity: Alright. Thanks for the information.
[21:16] <sarnold> Unit193: this is the url we stuff in all the launchpad bugs asking for universe security updates:
[21:17] <sarnold> Unit193: our cve tracker has a few more open issues for icecast2, if you're going to prepare an update can you please look them over as well? thanks
[21:23] <Unit193> sarnold: Lovely... Too bad you can't just upgrade to a fixed version. :P
[21:24] <sarnold> Unit193: yeah, I know what you mean..
[21:25] <Unit193> (I'm already running 2.4.2, which has json output fixes as well. Oh well.)
[21:41] <Unit193> sarnold: With a quick glance, look almost sane?
[21:44] <sarnold> Unit193: nice; we like to include some dep-3 tags in the patches to indicate where they came from, and we like to format the changelogs with SECURITY UPDATE: as a leader, and - CVE-yyyy-nnnn as a standalone line, in case someone's got a text parser for it,
[21:45] <Unit193> Dangit.
[22:01] <Unit193> I officially dislike security updates.
[22:03] <Unit193> sarnold: I know it's not great, but eh.
[22:03] <sarnold> Unit193: but that looks fantastic! :)
[22:03] <sarnold> Unit193: please attach to a bug, mdeslaur ought to get to it tomorrow :) thanks!
[22:04] <Unit193> sarnold: I'm pretty sure I'll leave future ones to you fellas. I suppose I have to file a security bug now too. Bleh.
[22:06] <sarnold> Unit193: so I shouldn't get my hopes too much and go dangling around? :)
[22:07] <Unit193> sarnold: Haha, noooo. :P I'm still working on pushing all my local changes back into Debian or Ubuntu for that matter. :P
[22:07] <sarnold> Unit193: oof :) and I've thought before how nice it would be to have some time to go pushing distro changes back up to upstreams..
[22:09] <melodie> hi
[22:10] <Unit193> sarnold: Just not having it in my own repo would be a start, at least. Problem is when you don't want to become the new maintainer in Debian! :P LP 1449771, btw.
[22:10] <melodie> what does it take as pre-required steps, to compile the sources of a lib in a chroot?
[22:16] <Unit193> I set the urgency to 'high', because I had just prepped the jessie-security fix. wiki says Ubuntu ignores it, so it should be fine.
[22:35] <infinity> Unit193: We don't completely ignore urgency, but we ignore it enough for it to mostly not matter.
[22:35] <infinity> Unit193: To be fair, for all but sid, Debian pretty much ignores it too.
[22:36] <Unit193>
[22:36] <infinity> Unit193: In that *-security is already prioritized higher on the buildds, and security uploads don't have a migration period.
[22:36] <Unit193> infinity: But right, thanks. I'm sure I'll have to fix something there too. :/
[22:36] <infinity> Unit193: Yeah, I think the Debian security team just sets "high" (or higher) to hint things like package frontends to say "hey, this is important".
[22:37] <Unit193> Ah.
[22:37] <infinity> Unit193: Which isn't an entirely unreasonable thing to do in Ubuntu too, if people use similar frontends.
[22:37] <infinity> Unit193: But in both cases, it has almost 0 effect on the uploads, since buildds prefer security, and there's no britney migration in the way.
[22:37] <Unit193> infinity: could likely use a change then.
[22:38] <infinity> Unit193: Less interesting in Ubuntu proper, as our preferred GUI package updater (update-manager) already highlights security updates via their apt source.
[22:39] <infinity> (Which fails miserably for people who discover that all -security updates are mirrored to -updates and disable the former, but whatever)
[22:40] <Unit193> infinity: Right, though I don't personally use that. That's also a bad idea if you use, for example, mirror:// but hey. And, at least security updates seem slightly easier in Ubuntu, thanks to sarnold.
[22:41] <infinity> Unit193: From my POV as core-dev and a DD, I'd say they're about equally as annoying, but that's the price you pay for being able to upload something that will have zero bake time before it's slammed onto end users' machines. Need checks and balances in place to make sure what ends up out there isn't crap.
[22:42] * Unit193 notes down infinity is a DD, for future use... ;)
[22:42] <Unit193> infinity: Alright, well lets hope this works then...
[22:44] * infinity notes that he's been a DD for 13 years, and wonders where the time's gone.
[22:44] <mdeslaur> Unit193: thanks for the bug and the debdiff, I'll take a look at it first thing tomorrow
[22:45] <Unit193> mdeslaur: Great, thanks.
[22:45] <Unit193> infinity: I'm going for packageset and eventually DM once I can get some gpg sigs.
[22:51] <Unit193> mdeslaur: Bah, sorry. I mistargetted that. :/
[22:52] <mdeslaur> that's fine, you can't accept the target nominations anyway
[22:53] <Unit193> That is, target distro trusty and not trusty-security.
[22:54] <infinity> Unit193: trusty is fine.
[22:54] <infinity> Unit193: The security team are literally the only people who target by pocket and they're wrong. :P
[22:54] <Unit193> Haha.
[22:55] <mdeslaur> heh
[22:55] <mdeslaur> infinity: are you saying we don't need to do it anymore?
[22:55] <infinity> mdeslaur: You would only need to do it if you were uploading directly to the archive, which you can't do anyway.
[22:55] <mdeslaur> hrm
[22:55] <infinity> mdeslaur: Notice how you need to use special PPA paths to make it work (or edit .changes) in your case, since PPAs themselves only know about release pockets.
[22:56] <mdeslaur> right, perhaps worth revisiting on a rainy day
[22:57] <infinity> mdeslaur: That was tongue-in-cheek, mind you. In the non-PPA archive model, foo-security is correct, since foo is rewritten to foo-proposed, which you don't want.
[22:57] <infinity> mdeslaur: It's just that the non-PPA path isn't one you can take in the current model anyway, so you're causing yourself weird pain (but your tools take care of the pain, AFAIK).
[22:58] <mdeslaur> right, I'd have to actually modify my tools to change the behaviour at this point
[23:00] <infinity> mdeslaur: When I slam security kernels through your PPA, I just target trusty, cause nyah nyah, that's why, but whatever works for you. :) | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.841258 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-devel"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-ops | [00:31] <Unit193> Someone may want to boot in #u
[00:31] <Unit193> Annnnd, just did. Thanks, genii.
[00:31] <genii> np
[11:49] <k1l_> just see that logan is penos. :/
[23:56] <k1l> i did contact kiwiirc about that users abusing their service and that this service is banned now in #u. they said its some trolls using a bug and they will report back to me when they have a clue | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.845615 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-ops"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-arm | [15:11] <cockroach> hi! i'm looking for a place to get armv7l packages from the oneiric era but it seems all apt sources are dead. is there an archive somewhere?
[15:30] <k1l_> raring should be moved to old-releases archive | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.846808 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-arm"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-dz | [22:28] <sangimed> salam | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.847452 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-dz"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-us-oh | [04:09] <Unit193> paultag: And if you prefer mentors, finally just got the confirmation email that it's up. 6 hours later. :D
[13:28] <paultag> Unit193: my email is a disaster
[13:28] <paultag> It's left for dead
[13:28] <paultag> the body that was my email is miles behind me
[13:28] <paultag> nearly 500 mails came in within 24 hours
[14:41] <dzho> paultag: is this a gradual accumulation of things, or mostly from your new position on OSI?
[14:42] <paultag> dzho: jessie release -> tons of spam
[14:42] <paultag> but OSI doesn't help :)
[14:42] <paultag> I'm on every OSI list :)
[14:44] <dzho> I was just looking in my almost-certainly-spam, probably-spam, and maybe-spam folders just a few minutes ago, oddly enough.
[14:44] <paultag> :)
[14:44] <dzho> I very rarely do, but an old-school long-time web forum I'm in has a topic about funny names of purported senders.
[14:45] <dzho> "I know just where to go for examples!"
[19:17] <yano> !
[19:44] <Unit193> paultag: Oh, ouch that's not fun. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.849383 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-us-oh"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-mythtv | [00:03] <dmfrey> back in a bit. gotta take the dog out and get the kids to bed. I installed mythmote in the meantime on my phone
[00:03] <mutherbag> dmfrey:
[00:10] <mutherbag> sudo apt-get install lirc mythbuntu-lirc-generator
[00:10] <mutherbag> mythbuntu-lirc-generator
[00:10] <mutherbag> Restart mythfrontend. Your remote should now work with MythTV! | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.852278 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-mythtv"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-no | [05:30] <AndyOslo> Huff, faar ikke norske tegn i weechat enda........
[05:31] <AndyOslo> Og jeg har tydeligvis noe mere feil i oppsettet paa pi'en, siden den paastaar at klokken er 05:30 naar den er 07:30
[05:49] <AndyOslo> Da fiksa jeg tiden
[06:13] <AndyOslo> Faen, weechat vil ikke ha norsk tastatur samme fanden hva jeg gjor
[06:16] <Malinux> hva sier /charset hos deg?
[06:16] <Malinux> jeg får
[06:16] <Malinux> charset: terminal: UTF-8, internal: UTF-8
[06:16] <Malinux> her har du en hel faq for weechat:
[06:18] <AndyOslo> Her sier den charset: terminal: ANSI_X3.4-1968, internal: UTF-8
[06:20] <Malinux> det er pga den ANSI-greia
[06:21] <Malinux> hva får du om du skriver: /charset decode ANSI_X3.4-1968
[06:21] <Malinux> og så
[06:21] <Malinux> /charset encode UTF-8
[06:21] <Malinux> antar jeg er måten å fikse det på
[06:22] <AndyOslo> Ser ikke ut som om den klarte aa endre det
[06:23] <AndyOslo> skal teste aa restarte weechat
[06:23] <Malinux> ah, nei, det er visst bare for gjeldene buffer
[06:23] <Malinux> nei, vent litt
[06:23] <Malinux> det er visst bare for gjeldene buffer
[06:23] <Malinux> for å endre det globalt, kan du se hva du har på
[06:23] <AndyOslo> Nei, det hjalp ikke
[06:23] <Malinux> om du skriver: /set charset.default.decode
[06:24] <Malinux> hvilke verdier er den satt til?
[06:24] <Malinux> hos meg står den til: charset.default.decode = "iso-8859-1"
[06:24] <AndyOslo> weechat | charset: terminal: ANSI_X3.4-1968, internal: UTF-8
[06:24] <AndyOslo> 08:24:10 weechat |
[06:24] <AndyOslo> 08:24:10 weechat | [default] (charset.conf)
[06:25] <AndyOslo> 08:24:10 weechat | charset.default.decode = "ANSI_X3.4-1968"
[06:25] <AndyOslo> 08:24:10 weechat |
[06:25] <AndyOslo> 08:24:10 weechat | 1 option (matching with "charset.default.decode")
[06:25] <Malinux> aha, da er ikke dine locale satt korrekt :)
[06:25] <AndyOslo> y
[06:25] <Malinux> i debian
[06:25] <AndyOslo> Ja, og det har jeg ogsaa provd aa fikse
[06:25] <Malinux> får du sånn locale-warning i debian?
[06:25] <Malinux> dpkg-reconfigure locales
[06:26] <AndyOslo> Ja, faar det
[06:26] <Malinux> ja, det er sånn man fikser locales ;)
[06:27] <Malinux> denne: [*] nb_NO.UTF-8 UTF-8
[06:27] <AndyOslo> Da fikk jeg opp en lang liste, skal vi se da hva som er det korrekte
[06:27] <AndyOslo> Takker
[06:28] <Malinux> se om du får utf-8 når du restarter weechat etterpå
[06:29] <AndyOslo> Burde jeg fjerne en_US.utf8 greia, for den sto paa den du nevnte allerede
[06:31] <Malinux> nei, da vil du få feilmeldinger når det kommer engelsk tekst da :)
[06:31] <Malinux> la den også stå på + den norske
[06:32] <AndyOslo> Ja
[06:33] <Malinux> [ ] en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
[06:33] <Malinux> står ikke på i testdebiansaken, men så valgte jeg kun nynorsk eller noe sånt på den da
[06:33] <Malinux> på serveren min, så skal vi se
[06:33] <AndyOslo> Saan, da skal jeg proeve aa restarte weechat
[06:34] <Malinux> hva sier /charset nå da?
[06:34] <AndyOslo> ææææææææøøøøøøøøåååååå
[06:34] <AndyOslo> :)
[06:34] <Malinux> jeg får op æ og ø og å og sånt ja
[06:35] <AndyOslo> charset: terminal: UTF-8, internal: UTF-8
[06:35] <AndyOslo> Takker for hjelpen, da må jeg få ungene i barnehagen :)
[06:36] <Malinux> der ja :)
[06:36] <Malinux> bare hyggelig | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.864946 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-no"
} |
2015-04-28-#launchpad | [00:05] <Asher_> Hi all, is anyone on?
[00:05] <Asher_> Clearly a lot of people.
[00:05] <teward> Asher_: just ask your question then wait for a response
[00:05] <teward> don't say "is anyone on" - you get zero or limited response.
[01:53] <teward> not entirely certain but I don't think is a valid bug (it reads as spam or senseless 'testing' to me...)
[01:53] <teward> if someone on the lp admins can go remove that perhaps then great, otehrwise i'll leave it alone and let the people who work with restricted packages do their thing
[08:22] <mitya57> Hi, I've got a complaint from upstream that asks to be retitled to "Qt Build Suite" (not "Qt Build System"). Can anybody please fix that?
[08:48] <wgrant> mitya57: Have you contacted the project owner?
[08:51] <mitya57> wgrant: No, will do now
[08:52] <wgrant> mitya57: Admins are a last resort.
[08:53] <mitya57> OK
[09:09] <cjwatson> teward: Just marking that kind of thing Invalid is fine, which I've done.
[09:11] <cjwatson> (with an explanatory message)
[10:50] <elacheche> Hey guys! When I use the python API, "print" I get all users in LP group.. How can I print it's karma too?
[10:51] <cjwatson> person.karma
[10:52] <elacheche> I feel stupid, I used "print person.karma" it popped out an error x(
[10:53] <cjwatson> Missing a comma there :-)
[10:55] <elacheche> yep x) I don't play with codes alot, that's why every time I touch a code I find myself do that kind of mistakes x)
[10:55] <elacheche> sorry for disturbing you cjwatson x)
[10:55] <cjwatson> No problem
[10:56] <elacheche> I'm just trying to generate a KARMA page for my LoCo Team :)
[11:47] <teward> cjwatson: ack
[11:47] <teward> (wrt the 5AM highlight)
[13:23] <elacheche> cjwatson, do you have a link where I can find all the person things? like image photo, karma and all other informations
[13:24] <cjwatson> elacheche:
[13:24] <cjwatson> (or devel.html if you're using the devel version of the API)
[13:24] <elacheche> 10000 thx :)
[13:24] <cjwatson> elacheche: Also for general advice
[13:25] <elacheche> I was reading this but can't find what I need :)
[13:25] <elacheche> 10000 thx cjwatson :)
[22:07] <teward> Refresh my memory: PPAs don't accept binary package uploads right?
[22:08] <cjwatson> Correct, and won't. | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.870627 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#launchpad"
} |
2015-04-28-#kubuntu | [00:03] <StevenPatz> has anyone run into a Utopic to Vivid upgrade that munged up screen resolutions?
[00:03] <StevenPatz> Actually probably more than that as I can't even get a second screen to display
[00:37] <Roey> arrrrrrrright
[00:37] <Roey> hi all o/
[00:37] <Roey> lordievader: hi
[00:37] <Roey> I got a question... on the livedvd, what is the username / password combination that it is seeking?
[00:51] <JMichaelX> so, anyone else unable to get desktop effects working in 15.04, using onboard intel (i915) graphics, under OpenGL?
[00:52] <JMichaelX> i am able to get some desktop effects working, using XRender, but nothing using OpenGL
[00:56] <Roey> anyone here?
[01:04] <JMichaelX> 'Using Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs from intel-microcode' <--- does this have any relevance to intel graphics?
[01:19] <Roey> hey FortMax
[01:19] <Roey> you know Kubuntu any?
[01:20] <Roey> and prth
[01:41] <Roey> hi. What is the username/password for the Kubuntu 15.04 LiveDVD ?
[01:41] <Roey> thanks
[01:41] <Roey> ^_^
[01:41] <Unit193> kubuntu/kubuntu
[01:42] <Roey> not letting me
[01:42] <Roey> ooorgh!...hmm.
[01:42] <Roey> btw my mainproblem
[01:43] <Roey> is that I upgraded to 15.04
[01:43] <Roey> but when I rebooted,
[01:43] <Roey> BTRFS choked on something and segfaulted
[01:43] <Roey> I think it may have been trying to mount the disk, I don't know
[01:43] <Roey> it's an SSD
[01:44] <Etriaph> I think SSD's are just treated as SATA, it's software related.
[02:52] <DANtheBEASTman> does anybody know the appropriate way to install plasma 5 on 14.04? I see a couple ppas but not sure which to use, I see ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next and next-backports
[03:26] <Zerkalerka> Hey guys, where to setup my own shortcut to open a new Konsole window for example? Use to know where, can't seem to find it now.
[03:39] <Zerkalerka> very strange, I set it up once before and I can't find it again.. I made meta+t open a new konsole window and now I can't seem to do it again lol
[03:47] <crdpink> Zerkalerka: Shortcuts and Gestures...Custom Shortcuts...right click in there and Add
[03:55] <Zerkalerka> crdpink: TY, for some reason I dont' remember doing those steps but must have.. lol ty
[03:56] <crdpink> Zerkalerka: np. remember you can type a filter in System Settings window to narrow down what you are after if you forget
[03:59] <Zerkalerka> crdpink: Perfect thanks for the tip. :)
[04:04] <crdpink> Zerkalerka: good luck
[04:06] <Zerkalerka> Think I found a bug
[04:08] <Zerkalerka> When I add my own custom shortcuts, they will get added under Global Keyboard Shortcuts - KDE Componenet: khotkeys, now lets say I delete my custom shortcut, it will stay under there but not be in affect it will just be visual. So I just tested it out and right now I have two custom open Dolphin shortcuts when in reality only one is working and the other is just there empty.
[04:09] <Zerkalerka> ah I see you have to click File - Remove Compnents and it will clear out the unused ones to make it nice and tidy.
[04:09] <Zerkalerka> good to know.
[04:18] <Etriaph> DANtheBEASTman: You can install Project Neon on 14.04
[04:18] <Etriaph> DANtheBEASTman: 14.10 has a tech preview I believe, 15.04 is Plasma 5 desktop with KDE 4/5 hybrid for applications.
[05:36] <qortec> can anyone tell me where the org.kde.breeze window decorations theme is located?
[05:41] <qortec> I like the breeze theme overall but I would to make some minor changes to the overall theme if possable
[07:44] <irctc729> Hi, I would like to report a typo in the french translation inside Kubuntu's installer, where can I do that ?
[07:47] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:47] <lordievader> Roey: Hi
[08:04] <thelionroars> I'm having trouble with transferring my wallet to the new manager after upgrading from 14.10 to 15.04
[08:10] <yossarianuk> hi reading this ->
[08:11] <yossarianuk> It suggests Plasma 5.3 will be included with 15.04 (in the main updates?) - is this right ?
[08:11] <lordievader> The beta is in the backports ppa now.
[08:13] <valorie> oh gosh, neon is never never never to be recommended
[08:13] <valorie> plasma 5 is vivid and after, period
[08:13] <yossarianuk> lordievader: sure - its just the way is phrased in that article suggests its coming to 15.04 at some point (I assume as part of normal updates)
[08:13] <valorie> no ppa-next
[08:14] <valorie> yossarianuk: probably in backports
[08:14] <valorie> don't forget it's in beta right now
[08:14] <yossarianuk> valorie: lordievader: cheers
[08:15] <yossarianuk> got to decide in the next couple of mins if I'm installing Kubuntu 15.04 or Debian 8 (KDE) on my work desktop.......
[08:15] <valorie> oh, I meant that the final would be in backports too "probably:
[08:15] <valorie> "
[08:15] <yossarianuk> 15.10 will have 5.3/5.4 then I assume.
[08:15] <valorie> depending on release dates, yes
[08:16] <valorie> 5.3 certainly
[08:16] <yossarianuk> running 15.04 happily @ home - just not 100% sure its ready for work.....
[08:16] <valorie> works for me
[08:16] <yossarianuk> anyone else migrated their main work machines to ity ?
[08:16] <valorie> but I don't do your job
[08:16] <yossarianuk> <<-- Sysadmin.
[08:16] <valorie> the developers all have, sure
[08:16] <valorie> :-)
[08:17] <yossarianuk> ok that all I needed!
[08:17] <lordievader> Developers != sysadmins.
[08:17] <valorie> right
[08:17] <valorie> I think it depends on what you need
[08:18] <lordievader> Indeed.
[08:18] <yossarianuk> one issue is lack of X2go support - but nothing preventing me installing LXDE as well to remote too....
[08:18] <yossarianuk> (i.e no x2go with plasma5 - yet)
[08:20] <Tromzy> hi
[08:21] <lordievader> o/
[08:22] <Tromzy> I would like to report a typo in Kubuntu's installer, for the french translation
[08:23] <valorie> Tromzy: file a bug please
[08:23] <Tromzy> where to plpease ?
[08:23] <Tromzy> please*
[08:23] <lordievader> !bug
[08:23] <yossarianuk> I do have one 'bug' that still exists in 15.04 final
[08:24] <yossarianuk> If I blank a drive (i.e parted mktable gpt) then install Kubuntu (manual partitions) if always doesn't boot - no UEFI entry
[08:24] <valorie> Tromzy: the easiest way to file is to type into konsole: ubuntu-bug ubiquity
[08:25] <valorie> and follow the instructions
[08:25] <yossarianuk> however if I then reinstall (in the partitions I created the previous time) it always works
[08:25] <yossarianuk> i.e I get the UEFI entry
[08:25] <valorie> I appreciate your attention to detail
[08:25] <Tromzy> Thanks but I'm not using kubuntu right now
[08:25] <yossarianuk> (which should be 'kubuntu' IMO to avoid conflicts with Ubuntu)
[08:25] <Tromzy> I'll try Launchpad
[08:25] <valorie> you can use that in any *buntu
[08:26] <Tromzy> I'm on Arch
[08:26] <Tromzy> right now
[08:26] <valorie> ubiquity is the installer packagename
[08:27] <valorie> yossarianuk: that sounds like a bug for sure
[08:27] <yossarianuk> not sure how to report my bug - as mentioned the 2nd install always works
[08:27] <yossarianuk> so the logs/etc will be lost from the 1st install.
[08:28] <lordievader> yossarianuk: Sounds like a bug in ubiquity.
[08:28] <valorie> so maybe write to kubuntu-devel list and ask for advice about how to file the bug
[08:28] <valorie> perhaps there is a trick to save those logs
[08:29] <Unit193> /var/log/installer/
[08:30] <Tromzy> Launchpad seems to be for Ubuntu only, not kubuntu ; my typo report is for Kubuntu only
[08:30] <yossarianuk> valorie: ok what address do I send to ? (and do I have to register)
[08:30] <valorie> launchpad is for all of us
[08:30] <yossarianuk> Unit193: cheers
[08:30] <valorie> kubuntu IS ubuntu
[08:31] <Unit193> valorie: Typo is either in the installer or slideshow?
[08:31] <yossarianuk> kubuntu = Ubuntu - spyware + mutant tablet desktop.
[08:31] <valorie> you can send to the list without being subbed, yossarianuk
[08:31] <valorie> yossarianuk: lol
[08:31] <valorie> unity desktop is just one piece of Ubuntu
[08:32] <yossarianuk> KDE is one of the few actual 'desktops'... Cinnamon is also as well as LXQT/XFCE...
[08:32] <Tromzy> Then I don't know where to report, because if I report it to Launchpad, it will affect Ubuntu as well, which it shouldn't
[08:32] <valorie> sure
[08:32] <valorie> Tromzy: you can mark it as Kubuntu
[08:32] <Tromzy> I know the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu, thanks
[08:32] <Unit193> Tromzy: Is it in the part that talks about Kubuntu specifically, after asking you all the questions?
[08:32] <Tromzy> I know it's the same distro with KDE instead of Unity
[08:32] <valorie> I usually use the cli, because I find launchpad difficult to navigate
[08:33] <lordievader> Tromzy: Report it against ubiquity and tag it as kubuntu.
[08:33] <valorie> Tromzy: I was responding to yossarianuk
[08:35] <Tromzy> the typo is simple : the title of the installer is : "Préparation à l'installation d'Kubuntu" which comes from the the Ubuntu version "Préparation à l'installation d'Ubuntu" ; the Ubuntu version is correct ("d'Ubuntu") but the Kubuntu version is not "you cannot say "d'Kubuntu" in french, you can't put an apostrophe before a "K")
[08:35] <Tromzy> it's simpel as that and it's a typo I've always seen
[08:35] <yossarianuk> hi -this is a silly question (probably) I am about to reinstall my desktop (Kubuntu 14.10 -> 15.04) and want to migrate my firefox profile - previously I got a code which I can use when I re-installed /upgraded which copied my firefox info - where is that feature now ?
[08:36] <lordievader> Tromzy: So file a bug report with that information.
[08:36] <valorie> it would be very cool to get that fixed then, Tromzy
[08:36] <lordievader> yossarianuk: Don't format /home?
[08:36] <Tromzy> OK ; I want to file a bug report, I just need to know where to
[08:36] <valorie> yossarianuk: i never got a code, but it's always upgraded and been fine
[08:36] <Tromzy> I agree Valorie because I does not look very professional to see that typo in the installer
[08:36] <yossarianuk> lordievader: /home is not separate
[08:36] <lordievader> Tromzy: Against Ubiquity, the installer.
[08:36] <valorie> exactly
[08:37] <yossarianuk> ive found it anyway cheers
[08:37] <lordievader> yossarianuk: Lesson for next time, make a seperate /home ;)
[08:37] <yossarianuk> if I disconnect my profile - I see what I will see on a fresh install....
[08:37] <valorie> ah, I do remember a profile problem one time
[08:38] <valorie> but I've set up syncing between machines
[08:38] <yossarianuk> hmmm but then if you radically change OS - say to Arch or Debian 7, etc the versions of software will be different - i.e the .mozilla profile,.
[08:38] <valorie> and that eventually fixed it somehow
[08:38] <yossarianuk> I prefer a clean system when I install less chance of issues.
[08:38] <Tromzy> Should I go to "Report a bug" or "Help translate" ?
[08:38] <valorie> ah, I've never done that
[08:38] <valorie> Tromzy: report a bug
[08:38] <Tromzy> thx
[08:38] <valorie> unless you want to join the translate team
[08:38] <yossarianuk> I don't like sharing /home/ between distros for same reason.
[08:38] <valorie> which is always cool
[08:39] <lordievader> yossarianuk: I've used the same /home between Kubuntu and Gentoo, worked just fine.
[08:39] <valorie> I don't mind sharing home, but I don't want to share configs
[08:39] <valorie> that sounds dangerous
[08:39] <Unit193> Tromzy: That'll be a harder one to fix, because as I suspected the string is: msgstr "Préparation de l’installation d’${RELEASE}"
[08:40] <Tromzy> Unit193 : that's what I think too, maybe that's why it has never been fixed
[08:41] <Tromzy> but it looks really bad in french, you just cannot type "d'Kubuntu"
[08:41] <yossarianuk> lordievader: some apps could cause an issue if the versions are different.
[08:41] <lordievader> yossarianuk: I know.
[08:41] <yossarianuk> Ive seen it before...
[08:41] <Unit193> Tromzy: Is there something else that you can use interchangably between 'ubuntu' and 'kubuntu' (as well as the others)?
[08:42] <yossarianuk> Anyway - off to install 15.04 on my work desktop - I can always install debian8 if i find it not stable enough (not had any real issues @ home with 15.04...)
[08:43] <yossarianuk> cheers everybody - have a cool day
[08:43] <Tromzy> unforrtunately, I don't think so ; except maybe "Préparation à l'installation du système Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu etc." ? That would work
[08:43] <Tromzy> "Preparing the installation of the Kubuntu system"
[08:43] <yossarianuk> i'll actually bother to reinstall 15.04 tonight @ home so I can properly report the install bug
[08:46] <valorie> thank you bug reporters!
[08:46] <valorie> your contribution is welcome
[08:49] <Tromzy> Needless to say the "d'Kubuntu" typo is also a typo for "d'Xubuntu" / "d'Lubuntu" and for every Ubuntu flavor that starts with a consonne
[08:49] <Tromzy> consonant*
[08:50] <valorie> it would be lovely if it were fixed for all, indeed
[08:50] <yossarianuk> valorie: for 15.04 I've already done 2 bugs (before release..)
[08:51] <yossarianuk> both solved.
[08:51] <valorie> sometimes writers and coders forget the important work of the translators and internationalization people
[08:51] <valorie> yossarianuk: me too!
[08:51] <valorie> I love being the first to file
[08:51] <valorie> filing a duplicate isn't as much fun
[08:51] <davevanloo> true.., but just as important! :)
[08:51] <yossarianuk> the OSS sound modules are back in the kernel thanks to a bug report from me...
[08:52] <valorie> yes, I always try to add something if possible
[08:52] <valorie> gah, must sleep
[08:52] <valorie> brain death
[08:52] <valorie> thanks again, folks
[08:52] <davevanloo> haha, its only 10 to 11 in the morning here :P
[08:52] <valorie> 2am, long day
[08:53] <davevanloo> ouch, i know the feeling :)
[08:53] <Unit193> Nearing 5am.
[08:53] <lolmaus> After upgrading to Vivid, my panels keep freezing. Is this a known problem?
[08:54] <soee> only panels ?
[08:58] <davevanloo> hey all, does any one know of some good software fo KDE to add some widget or similar bling to the desktop?
[09:04] <Tromzy> Bug filled ; thanks for your help guys
[09:38] <lolmaus_> Help! My panels keep freezing. Unable to work. :( Also, I'm surrounded with Apple users, they will mock me to death.
[09:39] <lolmaus_> This happens since upgrade to Vivid.
[09:39] <davevanloo> lolmaus_ that will be in vain, apple users are ( in general ) to stupid when it comes to IT to properly mock you
[09:40] <lolmaus_> Panels eventually unfreeze, performing all actions i tried on them at once (i. e. left and right clicking). Suddenly all windows switch and a dozen of popup menus appear.
[09:41] <lordievader> lolmaus_: Sounds like (network) IO wait.
[09:41] <lolmaus_> lordievader: why would panels wait for network? Why would it take them seconds to minutes to eternity?
[09:42] <lordievader> That is precisely what I allways wonder when it happens. Also NFS timeouts are really long.
[09:43] <lolmaus_> Okay, killing plasmashell helps. But how do i restart it other than from a console?
[09:43] <lolmaus_> How do i have it run in background?
[09:44] <lolmaus_> Oh, and rebooting does not prevent the issue from happening again.
[09:44] <lordievader> lolmaus_: In Plasma4 that was: plasmadesktop&
[09:44] <lordievader> lolmaus_: Do you have nfs mounts?
[09:44] <yossarianuk> <<< 15.04 installing on work desktop !
[09:44] <lolmaus_> lordievader: i think i don't.
[09:45] <lolmaus_> lordievader: but i've got a number of folders exposed via nfsd, so that i can access them from virtual machines.
[09:45] <yossarianuk> One usability issue I have with plasma 5 or at least the default theme is the taskbar icon for konsole doesn't stand out - makes it hard to see which icon it is
[09:46] <lordievader> lolmaus_: Run vmstat and look at it when the freeze happens.
[09:47] <lolmaus_> lordievader: it just outputs a couple of lines.
[09:48] <yossarianuk> the icon looks very similar to dolphons.
[09:48] <yossarianuk> *dolphins*
[09:48] <lolmaus_> lordievader: i've launched `watch vmstat` but i'm unsure what to look at.
[09:49] <lordievader> lolmaus_: vmstat 1
[10:00] <Zerkalerka> Anyone know how I can get the libgcrypt11 package so I can install brackets on 15.04
[10:01] <lordievader> !info libgcrypt11
[10:01] <lordievader> Zerkalerka: sudo apt-get install libgcrypt11?
[10:01] <Zerkalerka> yeah its not in repositories for vivid
[10:02] <lordievader> !info libgcrypt11 vivid
[10:02] <lordievader> Pff.
[10:02] <Zerkalerka> maybe the -dev will do the trick?
[10:02] <Zerkalerka> libgcrypt11-dev?
[10:02] <lordievader> That is for compiling things against libgcrypt
[10:02] <davevanloo> hey all, im a little at a miss here, im trying to install a peace of software from the source code, called openVAS. to test my own network. however i do not seem to be able to properly find or execute make to do it
[10:03] <davevanloo> the 2 svn repo's are here, the NVTS takes a little while to grab though
[10:04] <Zerkalerka>
[10:04] <Zerkalerka> theres the pastebin anyway lordievader
[10:06] <s_20> mmh, did anyone else have dolphin freeze for now apparent reason?
[10:07] <lordievader> Zerkalerka: There is an very ugly workaround which may break your system.
[10:09] <Zerkalerka> lordievader: its funny cause I had it up and running yesterday.. i just -f install it and it went through.. however now not so lucky :P but I reformatted my system lol
[10:09] <Zerkalerka> so now I need to get it again :P
[10:09] <Zerkalerka> was so simple.. now so complicate!
[10:09] <lordievader> Utopic has libgcrypt packages ;)
[10:10] <Zerkalerka> hm ya cause 15.04 uses libgcrypt20.. wonder if there will be conflict
[10:11] <lordievader> !info libgcrypt20
[10:11] <lordievader> !info libgcrypt20 vivid
[10:12] <lordievader> Yeah, that is not going to fix your problem.
[10:12] <lordievader> You could compile Brackets from source.
[10:14] <Zerkalerka> I will have to do that
[10:14] <Zerkalerka> wonder if they have a tar file
[10:14] <lordievader> Jup.
[10:14] <lordievader>
[10:15] <Zerkalerka> k I will try that
[10:15] <rghvdberg> just installed 15.04 .. is there a gui to edit groups for a user ?
[10:28] <MrSassyPants> I have massive flickering and tearing
[10:28] <MrSassyPants> the screen becomes increasingly unusable
[10:28] <MrSassyPants> Just upgraded to 15.04, intel i965
[10:34] <Zerkalerka> lordievader: I am not sure why this build is different but this one seems to work as it doesn't depend on libgcrypt11
[10:34] <Zerkalerka> lordievader:
[10:36] <davevanloo> (sort of repost) does any one have experiencing building software from source code, and if so could that person be so kind as to help me true building and installing something?
[10:37] <lordievader> davevanloo: I run Gentoo ;)
[10:37] <davevanloo> lordievader: forgive my ignorance, but that does not ring a bell :P
[10:38] <lordievader> davevanloo: Gentoo is a source based distro. You compile every piece of software yourself.
[10:38] <davevanloo> oooh! yes now it does ring a bell! that is something i would enjoy in the long run to, however right now im wanting to install OpenVAS lol
[10:39] <davevanloo> so you have a crapton of experience building lol
[10:43] <lordievader> davevanloo: So what problems are you facing?
[10:44] <davevanloo> well, a generally low know how on how to do it.., combined with a rather complicated folder structure and little info on what and how to build.. aswel as the build in documentation giving several ways that simply fail
[10:46] <yossarianuk> the removal of libgcrypt11 has cause no end of issues
[10:47] <yossarianuk> I recommend just grabbing the packages from Debian Jessie....
[10:47] <lordievader> yossarianuk: Can't provide backwards support forever, look at Windows ;)
[10:47] <yossarianuk> I do know, however the entire reason I manged to get the OSS modules put back in the kernel was to play paintball2 (
[10:48] <yossarianuk> this relies on libgcrypt11 which was removed the same week the OSS SND modules were put back
[10:48] * lordievader never used OSS and thinks he is lucky about that
[10:48] <yossarianuk> spotify is also broken appartantly.
[10:48] <yossarianuk>
[10:49] <yossarianuk> lordievader: its a game based (modified) on the quake2 engine
[10:49] <yossarianuk> they offer SDL support but its broken - the leading dev is not likely to rebuild to gcrypt2 unfortunately
[10:51] <yossarianuk> It was crazy removing OSS in the first place.....
[10:51] <lordievader> It's deprecated.
[10:51] <yossarianuk> no other distro had actually removed the modules from the kernel - most are there but not enabled by default.
[10:51] <yossarianuk> ie you can modprobe them.
[10:52] <lordievader> The kernel config clearly states OSS is deprecated.
[10:52] <yossarianuk> sure - but what is the harm having them there but not enabled by default.
[10:52] <yossarianuk> For the last 5 years I hjave had to recompile the kernel in order to play paintball2
[10:53] <yossarianuk> (with sound)
[10:53] <yossarianuk> but 15.04 - snd_mixer_oss and snd_pcm_oss are back !!!
[10:55] <yossarianuk> plasma 5 is most definitely faster !
[11:01] <mokush> is there some issue with font smoothing in kate5? the oxygen-mono font is not as smooth as in konsole
[11:11] <MrSassyPants> I have massive flickering and tearing, the screen becomes increasingly unusable. Just upgraded to 15.04, Driver: intel i965
[11:45] <CharlieTheCabbie> Hi guys. I won't say good afternoon, although we're getting close. I now have plasma running, which is good - the bad side is that my display is stuck in 848*764 or similar, and my lettering looks atrocious.
[11:46] <CharlieTheCabbie> I have tried using KDE System Settings to change the display resolution and refresh, but it's constantly segfaulting. Is there anywhere in the settings I can change to force it?
[11:50] <yossarianuk> CharlieTheCabbie: xrandr
[11:52] <CharlieTheCabbie> brilliant. I will have to file a bug with KDE on the System settings - it seems that it's claiming there is no EDID for my display
[11:54] <CharlieTheCabbie> I will have to find a manual for that. I just ran it with --help and it makes no sense to me :(
[11:57] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie: Is there edid information?
[11:59] <CharlieTheCabbie> I know there's something about edid in the dmesg, do you want I should paste it up?
[12:00] <lordievader> No. Does /sys/class/drm/card0-<someoutput>/edid exist?
[12:04] <CharlieTheCabbie> yep
[12:05] <CharlieTheCabbie> I have 2 there, one for DVI, one VGA, and it's VGA I'm using
[12:06] <lordievader> Hmm.. Can you parse that edid information with read-edid?
[12:07] <CharlieTheCabbie> I'll try, one sec
[12:08] <CharlieTheCabbie> How long should that take?
[12:08] <CharlieTheCabbie> I started it and it's just sitting there.
[12:10] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie: Read the man page, it expects the edid information on stdin ;)
[12:15] <yossarianuk> hi - is there no screen locking/saver section for 15.04 ?
[12:15] <yossarianuk> ignore me.
[12:16] <zamazan4ik> hi!
[12:16] <soee> hiho zamazan4ik
[12:16] <yossarianuk> found in desktop behavior -> screen locking
[12:17] <zamazan4ik> i have some question about kubuntu 15.04
[12:17] <CharlieTheCabbie> well this is fun! I got through and it says that i2c was successful, no EDID on Bus 1 or Bus 2, and then it gave me some other giblets in the terminal.
[12:17] <yossarianuk> so there are no screensavers for Plasma 5 - just a screen locker?
[12:17] <zamazan4ik> i use this os on virtualbox, on the my laptop i have kubuntu 14.04
[12:18] <zamazan4ik> and i would to upgrade my lts to newer OC
[12:18] <CharlieTheCabbie> lordievader, the output does show my model number on the monitor, E151FP
[12:18] <zamazan4ik> but i afraid of unstable plasma 5
[12:18] <zamazan4ik> pls, tell me : plasma 5 is stable?
[12:18] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie: Does it show modes?
[12:18] <soee> zamazan4ik: yes it is
[12:18] <CharlieTheCabbie> no. It shows a whole lot of weird stuff.
[12:19] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie: That is then likely the reason ;)
[12:19] <zamazan4ik> what about nvidia optimus and drivers ?
[12:19] <soee> zamazan4ik: some users have problems with it, for me they work good
[12:20] <soee> there are though some visual glithces in sddm with propriety drivers
[12:20] <soee> but this is not Plasma 5 and you asked about plasma:)
[12:20] <CharlieTheCabbie> lordievader, is there anything I can do about it, short of throwing my monitor out of the window??? :)
[12:20] <yossarianuk> I would never test a new desktop in a VM - it will not be as good as a real install...
[12:21] <yossarianuk> Cannot wait for virgil to proceed -
[12:21] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie: Err, you can still force modes.
[12:21] <zamazan4ik> oh, ok :)
[12:22] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie: Also it might be the graphics card/driver not properly supporting edid.
[12:22] <zamazan4ik> what's problem with sddm?
[12:22] <CharlieTheCabbie> the graphics card is an nvidia geforce 6200 turbocache.
[12:22] <lordievader> Wow, that is old ;)
[12:22] <CharlieTheCabbie> I tried it with nvidia drivers and sddm won't even fire up
[12:23] <zamazan4ik> i have nvidia gt635
[12:23] <zamazan4ik> and on kubuntu 14.04 all work fine
[12:24] <CharlieTheCabbie> same here, zamazan4ik - no problems with this card on 14.04 or 14.10
[12:24] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[12:24] <zamazan4ik> but yesterday on friend's laptop with nvidia 820m i broke graphic system
[12:24] <CharlieTheCabbie> hey BluesKaj! I came looking for you last night but you'd already left by the time I got back
[12:25] <zamazan4ik> on 15.05, of course
[12:25] <zamazan4ik> 15.04 *
[12:25] <zamazan4ik> after login on sddm i can see only black screen
[12:26] <zamazan4ik> and i think it isn't good )
[12:26] <BluesKaj> hey CharlieTheCabbie , yeah I had yardwork to finish ....gotta keep wifey happy :-)
[12:26] <CharlieTheCabbie> BluesKaj, quick update: I am in Plasma, but display is stuck in 848*something or other. I have tried to move to 1024*768 and system settings segfaults.
[12:26] <CharlieTheCabbie> nvidia drivers kill plasma altogether, so they're gone.
[12:27] <CharlieTheCabbie> My text is pretty broken up, and my edid is garbage :)
[12:28] <BluesKaj> did you manage to install the nvidia-340 driver, CharlieTheCabbie?
[12:28] <CharlieTheCabbie> I tried the 304 and the 340 - 340 told me to use 304 as my card wasn't supported
[12:28] <BluesKaj> so you're on the nouveau
[12:28] <CharlieTheCabbie> yeah
[12:29] <zamazan4ik> noouveau is not good choice
[12:29] <zamazan4ik> i think
[12:29] <zamazan4ik> because this driver is too simple
[12:29] <BluesKaj> actually the nouveau driver is quite good for most things if the other drivers aren't working, CharlieTheCabbie
[12:30] <CharlieTheCabbie> right now, nouveau is only choice. I'm having enough trouble getting plasma to start at all
[12:30] <zamazan4ik> for most thing
[12:30] <zamazan4ik> for example, for games nouveau driver is terrible
[12:30] <CharlieTheCabbie> BluesKaj, do I have any other options? lordievader mentioned i can force a mode, but how do I do this?
[12:30] <zamazan4ik> CharlieTheCabbie, what about reinstall kde5?
[12:31] <CharlieTheCabbie> This was a brand new installation from an ISO USB key, extended with a wired net connection.
[12:31] <BluesKaj> zamazan4ik: kde 5 doesn't exist as such only plasma5 and KF5
[12:31] <CharlieTheCabbie> It was done about 18 hours or so back
[12:32] <zamazan4ik> can you try to install the newest driver for your card from xorg-edgers?
[12:33] <BluesKaj> CharlieTheCabbie: so you transferred an older nvidia card to a relatively computer ?
[12:33] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie:
[12:33] <BluesKaj> new
[12:33] <CharlieTheCabbie> no, the old nvidia card was in the computer when I got it
[12:33] <CharlieTheCabbie> WYSIWYG
[12:33] <CharlieTheCabbie> thanks lordievader
[12:35] <zamazan4ik> system with systemd load more quickly or not?
[12:35] <soee> nouevau is perfect for office use, movie watching etc.
[12:35] <soee> nvidia is good only for gaming
[12:36] <soee> zamazan4ik: slower load time with systemd
[12:36] <zamazan4ik> soee, why? why nvidia is bad for office use?
[12:36] <zamazan4ik> soee, thanks
[12:37] <soee> zamazan4ik: for me with propriety drivers there is small screen tearing, animations arent taht smooth as with nouveau
[12:37] <soee> (atleast on machine with optimus )
[12:37] <zamazan4ik> soee, hm... it's interesting, because i haven't any troubles
[12:38] <zamazan4ik> but at this moment i work at intel videocard
[12:38] <BluesKaj> lordievader: that's a good tip
[12:39] <zamazan4ik> because for programming i don't need nvidia )
[12:40] <CharlieTheCabbie> ok well I'm still shot. I got a modeline for me to add to xrandr and it says it failed to parse -hsync as a number
[12:41] <lordievader> BluesKaj: I allways link to that guide ;)
[12:41] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie: How does that command look exactly?
[12:41] <BluesKaj> yup lordievader added it to my kubuntu bookmarks
[12:42] <CharlieTheCabbie> cvt or the xrandr newmode?
[12:42] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie: The xrandr command with the cvt output.
[12:42] <CharlieTheCabbie> one second please :)
[12:46] <CharlieTheCabbie> xrandr --newmode "1024x768_75.10" 82.00 1024 1088 1192 1360 768 771 825 -hsync +vsync
[12:46] <CharlieTheCabbie> that is the modeline added from the results of cvt 1024 768 75.10
[12:55] <CharlieTheCabbie> i think I buggered this up. I'm supposed to use the hsync and vsync numbers from the CVT command!
[12:55] <CharlieTheCabbie> forklift.
[12:55] * CharlieTheCabbie smacks his head
[13:02] <ejay> hi
[13:04] <lordievader> CharlieTheCabbie: Jup, you copy most of the cvt output.
[13:05] <CharlieTheCabbie> yeehah!
[13:05] <CharlieTheCabbie> My god, I can read my shit.
[13:05] <CharlieTheCabbie> :D
[13:06] <CharlieTheCabbie> plasma's crashed, but I can still tabswitch
[13:13] <CharlieTheCabbie> I'm now going to logout and reboot, and see if I come back with an operational display :) see you in a few moments. Hopefully :)
[13:19] <lordievader> Not if you only did an xrandr...
[13:21] <sheytan> Hey guys! Just upgraded to plasma 5.3, but there's no bluetooth applet in the tray and there's no KCM for the config. Do i have to install something extra?
[13:32] <combasso> hello, where can I find more channels for IRC?
[13:34] <genii> !alis
[13:36] <combasso> thanks!
[13:38] <patrick__> I installed the yahoo smiley pack for my icons in Kubuntu 15.04 - but the chat client doesnt seem to see the symbols as icons
[13:41] <xieyi> I saw cuda toolkit 6.5 is available in sw repository. But it has no dependencies on specific version of nvidia driver
[13:41] <xieyi> it there any requirements posed on the version of the driver?
[13:45] <patrick__> I installed the yahoo smiley pack for my icons in Kubuntu 15.04 - but the chat client doesnt seem to see the symbols as icons
[13:46] <soee> patrick__: no idea ;) never used any smile icons
[13:55] <yossarianuk> well 3 hrs as my main work desktop with 15.04 -> working out fine !
[13:55] <yossarianuk> its faster than kde 4.x for sure (I have 3.19 kernel with 14.10..)
[13:56] <yossarianuk> still need a weather applet.
[13:58] <BluesKaj> yossarianuk: I just bookmark the weather channel here :-)
[13:58] <jacksonje> is there a way to adapt the new kubuntu to work well on hidpi monitors?
[13:59] <BluesKaj> jacksonje: that depends a lot on the gpu and the connection type
[13:59] <jacksonje> BluesKaj: my problem is mainly that everything is too small
[14:00] <BluesKaj> jacksonje: then you resolution is set too high for the monitor size
[14:00] <BluesKaj> your
[14:01] <jacksonje> I thought there were issues setting an hidpi lcd panel at a much lower resolution
[14:02] <jacksonje> so kubuntu doesn't currently support things like pixel doubling, etc?
[14:02] <yossarianuk> I'm getting these messages with 15.04
[14:02] <BluesKaj> a higher dpi will help with lower resolution, it's a trade off, depending on the size of the monitor
[14:02] <yossarianuk> [ 5.165387] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000428-0x000000000000042f conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000400-0x000000000000047f (\PMIO) (20141107/utaddress-258) - ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver
[14:02] <yossarianuk> A few of these type lines) - ends with - lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich
[14:03] <jacksonje> ahh well, I can try it at a lower res and see what happens
[14:03] <BluesKaj> jacksonje: what res do you it set at atm ?
[14:04] <BluesKaj> have
[14:04] <jacksonje> BluesKaj: 2880 x 1800
[14:04] <BluesKaj> ok , what size monitor?
[14:04] <jacksonje> 15"
[14:05] <BluesKaj> uhmm higher do=pi might work but then you may have apps not fitting the screen properly
[14:05] <jacksonje> I know some of the newer window managers were starting to support pixel doubling, didn't know if KDE 5 can handle that yet
[14:05] <yossarianuk> so is Plasma 5.3 out now ? -
[14:06] <yossarianuk> (final)
[14:06] <yossarianuk> ah I see it is ....
[14:07] <BluesKaj> yes, but be careful , it can be problematic, yossarianuk'
[14:07] <jacksonje> It would be nice to have for example window stuff to be scaled properly to hidpi, but if you are working on a photo, to have the photo app use the full pixel dpi
[14:07] <BluesKaj> the preview version works on tmy other hdd , wheras the fianl mucked up on this drive
[14:08] <BluesKaj> yossarianuk: ^
[14:08] <yossarianuk> BluesKaj: I'll save it for my home
[14:08] <yossarianuk> desktop
[14:08] <BluesKaj> yossarianuk: good choice
[14:08] <jacksonje> would 5.3 work better on a fresh install?
[14:09] <BluesKaj> jacksonje: it didn't for me , but I have nvidia graphics
[14:10] <yossarianuk> I tested 5.3 beta on nvidia and it was fine.
[14:10] <jacksonje> does ATI work better or worse than nvidia at this point?
[14:11] <BluesKaj> yeah ,there's a bug that the preview version doesn't have
[14:11] <BluesKaj> on some nvidias that is
[14:13] <BluesKaj> jacksonje: probly better, we only hear complaints when stuff doesn't work on some gpus, most have n=been with nvidia on 15.104 so far
[14:14] <BluesKaj> err phat fingers are espcially phat this morning
[14:23] <yossarianuk> its a shame kubuntu 15.04 wasn't put back a few weeks, you could have gone with 5.3 as default.
[14:41] <donniezazen> yossarianuk: generally it shouldn't matter 5.3 is an incremental update to 5.2. Some version not making it to some version of Kubuntu will continue to happen.
[14:46] <miklcct> when I tried to install kubuntu 15.04, the installer crashes partitioning the disk
[14:47] <Roey> hello all
[14:47] <Roey> Why does the Kubuntu 15.04 install disc ask for a username/password when I select "try Kubuntu"?
[14:49] <donniezazen> Roey: just hit login and it will log you in.
[14:51] <alvin> I installed the new plasma 5.3 packages. Bluetooth still works, but the applet looks the same to me. Am I missing some package?
[14:51] <Roey> donniezazen: I did that, and then the screen goes blank, and then it gets me back to the initial login screen.
[14:51] <alvin> It looks different in this screenshot and that was what I expected to see
[14:51] <Roey> could it be nvidia 750ti nouveou drivers' fault?
[14:53] <donniezazen> Roey: possibly. Do you have a dual graphic card system or just nvidia card
[14:53] <Roey> just an NVidia one.
[14:54] <Roey> I don't et it though; the graphic login screen displays fine.
[14:54] <Roey> *I don't get it, though
[14:55] <Roey> donniezazen: I was upgrading to 15.04 on my desktop; it rebooted in the middle; starting it back up, the BTRFS driver chokes when it tries to load my filesystem (it segfaults repeatedly). Tried loading a Kubuntu startup disc, but apparently it too gets choked on that BTRFS drive. DIsconnected the drive; now I am still having this issue with loggin in with a blank password.
[14:56] <Roey> Hello BluesKaj
[14:56] <Roey> BluesKaj: so I tried to upgrade. Again. One would have thought that I had learned my lesson, but no.
[14:57] <BluesKaj> Roey: hi, check to se if 15.04 will run that file system...doesn't look like it will
[14:58] <Roey> BluesKaj: it was the same filesystem as 14.10!
[14:58] <Roey> btrfs!
[14:58] <BluesKaj> anyway , I have a busy day ahead, doing other things...BBL
[14:59] <Roey> BluesKaj: I am concerned that BTRFS fucked my data up
[14:59] <Roey> argh
[14:59] <donniezazen> wasn't brtfs problematic with some version of 3.19.x
[15:06] <yossarianuk> Roey: BTRFS is fixed in 3.19.4
[15:07] <donniezazen> I don't see my phone's drive via KDE Connect on 14.04.
[15:07] <donniezazen> phone
[15:07] <donniezazen> phone's storage in Dolphin
[15:15] <Obyone>
[15:15] <Obyone> Even the smartest among us can feel stupid as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. The fault lies not in ourselves, but in product design that ignores the needs of users and the principles of cognitive psychology. The problems range from ambiguous and hidden controls to arbitrary relationships between controls and functions, coupled with a lack of feedback or other assistance and
[15:15] <Obyone> unreasonable demands on memorization.
[15:16] <tjjv> Can anyone help me with problems after upgading to 15.04?
[15:17] <lolmaus_> How do i programmatically check whether a component of given name exists?
What is the problem and we will see
[15:18] <tjjv> Main problems for now are .... 1) Application launcher is empty. 2) There is a dialog "KWin Window manager: Desktop effects were restrted..." and it won't go away. It's been there for an hour and it just blurs under mouse ponter...
[15:19] <tjjv> During installation the screen locked, and later the keyboard froze, so I needed to reset...
When did this happen , what was happening just befor it ?
Did you update or was fresh install off live disk ?
[15:21] <tjjv> The application menu has been empty after upgrade. The window manager notification is ok. Problem is, the notification doesn't go away...
[15:22] <tjjv> update from 14.10
[15:22] <tjjv> I started upgrade and went to sleep. When I wokw up, the screen was locked (with old screen lock).
Try pressing CONTROL ALT F4 , type in dmsg , Also install locate if can , most likely get error message and may give instruction how to correct
[15:25] <lolmaus_> Oh, i asked on the wrong channel. Disregard my question.
What is right channel , i'll head there my self
[15:27] <cediddi> Guys, I'm having trouble with 15.04's KWalletManager. Can anyone help?
[15:27] <tjjv> I already did the proposed fixes, and now the desktop basically works. Do you know any way to reset the application launcher menu? Now it is totally empty, and I dont'want to enter everything manually
[15:28] <cediddi> I don't want to use KWallet subsystem but when I try to disable it, kwalletmanager hangs and subsystem still works.
[15:31] <Obyone> Does anybody know the commands for grub2 entry to boot live DVD sized iso off usb . Theres not a chance in hell i'm goign to burn anouther baby seal and produce more PCB's, Dioxins and Estrogens.
[15:34] <tjjv> I'll try to reboot again....
[15:36] <amichair_> Hi, I just upgraded to vivid and pidgin icon is gone, is this a known issue?
[15:38] <amichair_> also, why does 'About KDE' show version 5.9.0? isn't it 5.2.0, or 5.3.0 from backports?
[15:40] <Obyone> verbose = wordy, talkative, babbling, blathering, prattling, prating, jabbering, long-winded, lengthy, repetitious, redundant, tortuous, indirect, etc. Verbose = torture .
[16:00] <kairox> hello can you tell me please how can i reinitialise the configuration of the plasma 5.2.2 and make like i just install it for the first time
[16:03] <MoonUnit`> delete the .kde .local .config folders
[16:06] <kairox> moonunit so i will delete the all 3 folder and restart
[16:06] <MoonUnit`> yup
[16:06] <kairox> think's i will try it now
[16:08] <jonah> hi can anyone please help. I started on Ubuntu, but installed Kubunu-Desktop to use Kubuntu instead. But now I can't remove ubuntu... How do I switch so the system requires the kubuntu bits with the blue logo next to them in the package manager instead of the orange ubuntu ones? I just would like to clean up a bit and make it pure kubuntu only...
[16:08] <jonah> thanks for any help with this.
[16:09] <kairox> the probleme that i delete the .kde directory and then it appear like that
[16:10] <kairox> the probleme is that they just keep appearing after i delete theme
[16:14] <hyper_ch> hmmm, who maintains the icon-only task manager?
[16:23] <Taggnostr4> Hello
[16:23] <Taggnostr4> Is there a way to install Kubuntu from the terminal of a live USB?
[16:31] <hyper_ch> Taggnostr4: why from the toerminal of a live usb?
[16:32] <Taggnostr4> The GUI doesn't work
[16:32] <Taggnostr4> I just see the background image and the pointer
[16:32] <Taggnostr4> I'm trying to install the nvidia driver and see if it changes anything
[16:33] <hyper_ch> how about use use the mini install cd? that's like the old text base variant but needs to load pretty much every packages from the internet
[16:33] <basse> hi, has anyone been able to create wifi hotspot on kubuntu 15.04 ?
[16:33] <hyper_ch> yes
[16:33] <Taggnostr4> Mini install CD?
[16:33] <basse> when I do that, I get furiously spinning icon on taskbar and 100% cpu on plasmashell
[16:33] <basse> and it doesn't really work
[16:34] <MoonUnit`> installed plasma5 5.3 from the backports, running fine.
[16:34] <hyper_ch> Taggnostr4:
[16:34] <hyper_ch> Taggnostr4: it's only 40 MB
[16:34] <Taggnostr4> Can I put that on a USB like the normal ones?
[16:34] <hyper_ch> and then almost at the end, just select as packages: Kubuntu-Desktop
[16:34] <hyper_ch> Taggnostr4: yes
[16:35] <hyper_ch> or Ubuntu Desktop
[16:35] <hyper_ch> or Lubuntu or wahtever you want :)
[16:35] <hyper_ch> MoonUnit`: lucky you, I have like a gazillion issues with it
[16:36] <hyper_ch> Taggnostr4: I used the mini to install an encrypted raid1 system
[16:37] <Taggnostr4> hyper_ch, after installing the nvidia drivers and doing startx I got the desktop working
[16:38] <hyper_ch> goot
[16:38] <Taggnostr4> This is on a 14.10 live though, I'm going to try the same on a 15.04 now
[16:38] <Taggnostr4> If that fails I'll try the mini install
[16:40] <hyper_ch> Taggnostr4: on the mini you'll just need to make sure you have network access
[16:41] <Taggnostr4> Now I do
[16:42] <Taggnostr4> Is there anything outside /home/ I should backup before formatting?
[16:43] <MaestroVinyl> Hello. Does anyone know of problems with dm-crypt in vivid? I'm trying to mount some drives from utopic and being told there isn't a key available for my pw.
[16:45] <Taggnostr4> I'm also considering if it's worth using lvm, this is a laptop and I have a 500 GB sshd-- I was thinking to use 100 for the system and 400 for the data
[16:45] <hyper_ch> MaestroVinyl: how do you tryo to open them?
[16:46] <hyper_ch> Taggnostr4: I use raid1 on my notebook so tht I can attach an external usb 3.0 drive, then expand the raid to two devices, sync them and unhook the external drive again - on the fly backup :)
[16:47] <Taggnostr4> I don't plan to even fill the 400GB
[16:48] <hyper_ch> there was a time when I thought I couldn't fill a 256MB HDD
[16:48] <MaestroVinyl> hyper_ch: Ive tried using cryptsetup in a shell and through the device notifier dialog - used both before upgrading without problem. Even checked my keyboard layout - cant think what else it could be
[16:48] <hyper_ch> what commands did you use? what did you get?
[16:48] <Taggnostr4> I use this PC only while traveling and to work, at home I have some 3TB of disks
[16:50] <MaestroVinyl> hyper_ch: used 'cryptsetup open --type luks /path/to/container Name'. It asks for my pw and then gives 'No key available with this pass-phrase'
[16:51] <MaestroVinyl> hyper_ch: after sudo
[16:51] <hyper_ch> I use: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdx crypto_sdx
[16:51] <hyper_ch> are you sure you provided the correct password?
[16:52] <hyper_ch> boot a 14.10 live cd and test it there
[16:53] <MaestroVinyl> Well, that was my first thought. But I cant mount any of my old drives, including my external backups with different passwords. Tried the older modes too, no affect. I might have to try the live CD. Just strange.
[16:53] <Taggnostr4> The startx on 15.04 didn't work too well...
[16:53] <Taggnostr4> Krunner crashed and then plasma stated crashing in loop
[16:54] <Taggnostr4> Bbl
[17:24] <hyper_ch> Taggnostr4: got it working?
[17:24] <Taggnostr4> Nope, trying again
[17:24] <Taggnostr4> If it doesn't work I'll just go back to 14.10
[17:24] <hyper_ch> tried the mini?
[17:25] <Taggnostr4> Not yet, I'm also going to try that
[17:25] <hyper_ch> gl
[17:31] <Taggnostr4> 15.04 is all black, but I just got a popup saying I'm low on disk space, so behind the black something seems to be working
[17:32] <Taggnostr4> Is there any keyboard shortcut I can use to get something to popup? Alt+f1 doesn't seem to work
[18:14] <xnox> what version of plasma is there in 15.04 release?
[18:15] <MoonUnit`> 5.2
[18:15] <MoonUnit`> 5.3 released today, available on backports ppa
[18:36] <zamazan4ik> hi
[18:37] <zamazan4ik> i have some problems with plasma 5
[18:38] <zamazan4ik> who can explain me, why when i click on the any button on the system tray, window will close ?
[18:39] <zamazan4ik> and why when i shutdown system, plasma 5 crash?
[18:47] <Chaser_> Hi, anybody has problems using autokey-qt on 15.04. I use keyboard.send_keys() to send strings up on a hotkey combination. After upgrading to 15.04 it can't seem to send capital case letters but converts everything to smaller case letters. It doesn't seem to be autokey's issue as debug shows it sends capital case letters.
[18:50] <Chaser_> Sorry I meant upper case letters when I said capital case :)
[19:19] <__CM__> clear
[19:20] <DrGrov> Hi everyone
[19:21] <DrGrov> With 15.04, which 64-bit ISO should I download when having an Intel Xeon processor? The AMD64?
[19:21] <DrGrov> Or could I get Plasma 5 running on 14.04?
[19:28] <pkulas> DrGrov : There is only 1 64bit iso
[19:29] <DrGrov> pkulas: Okay, the name was just confusing since it stated ...amd64-....
[19:30] <__CM__> DrGrov, I was told on the ubuntu forums there is no way to backport plasma 5 to 14.04
[19:31] <DrGrov> __CM__: Okay. No worries.
[19:31] <__CM__> which sucks because i will have to reformat in like 8 months for 15.10
[19:31] <DrGrov> I can still somehow test run 15.04 as a live DVD?
[19:31] <__CM__> oops 6 months I mean
[19:31] <__CM__> yea
[19:32] <DrGrov> Would a Xeon with 8GB RAM suffice to run it properly to get a grip of the whole system on a general level?
[19:32] <__CM__> I would say yes to the 8 gigs
[19:34] <DrGrov> __CM__: Thanks for the help. Could you point me to a fast 15.04 download? I am not getting any good speeds on the close mirrors.
[19:34] <pkulas> DrGrov: try torrent
[19:34] <DrGrov> pkulas: Ah of course, that will fix it :)
[19:34] <__CM__> yeah torrent
[19:35] <DrGrov> Just updated my internet yesterday afternoon. A 5 minute call and whoops, from 100/5 Mbit to 250/20 Mbit
[19:35] <DrGrov> And the Kubuntu official download did not get me anything close to 250 Mbit. Only roughly 110 Mbit :/
[19:36] <DrGrov> Is there by any chance need for hosting around Kubuntu? I would have a VPN and webhotel to spare with bandwith to use :)
[19:36] <DrGrov> Would like to contribute in some way :)
[19:37] <pkulas> DrGrov: btw. why you want a Kubuntu on a server ?
[19:37] <DrGrov> pkulas: I am not using Kubuntu on a server.
[19:37] <DrGrov> This Xeon is my daily driver ;-)
[19:38] <pkulas> ^
[19:39] <DrGrov> pkulas: Something funny with me having a Xeon as a daily driver? :(
[19:40] <pkulas> DrGrov: a bit waste of Xeon for desktop use
[19:40] <DrGrov> pkulas: I would not consider it a waste. I am developing quite some stuff so I need the specs.
[19:41] <DrGrov> pkulas: Business purposes and I prefer to have lightning fast stuff to work with.
[19:41] <pkulas> DrGrov: :)
[19:41] <DrGrov> pkulas: The main and sole purpose is that I am sick and tired of waiting for a i3, i5 to do something :)
[19:41] <DrGrov> pkulas: Yes, perhaps it is a bit of an overkill but hey, it gets the job done ;-)
[19:45] <DrGrov> Could someone tell me the direct link to the 15.04 64-bit ISO so I can wget it? :)
[19:45] <DrGrov> Thank you :)
[19:46] <ovidiu-florin> hello crishuke
[19:47] <genii> DrGrov:
[19:49] <crishuke> Hi guys. Can anybody help me with kubuntu 14.04 installation? i keep getting 'grub failed to install' message
[19:50] <ovidiu-florin> how did you set up your boot medium?
[19:50] <crishuke> forgot to mention i'm a noob tto linux
[19:50] <crishuke> usb key
[19:50] <crishuke> pendriveinstaller on windows
[19:51] <DrGrov> Thank you genii :)
[19:54] <ovidiu-florin> crishuke: please pastebin your fstab
[19:54] <ovidiu-florin> cat /etc/fstab
[19:56] <crishuke>
[19:59] <Taggnostr4> Just completed a fresh install of 15.04 and it still gets stuck after login
[19:59] <ovidiu-florin> Taggnostr4: describe stuck please
[20:00] <Taggnostr4> Loading bar appears after I enter the password and stops near the end, kwin_x11 is eating all the CPU
[20:01] <Taggnostr4> I had the same problem while upgrading from 14.10 and was hoping a fresh install would work
[20:02] <ovidiu-florin> crishuke: df -h please
[20:03] <hyper_ch> so, 13th bug reported since my 15.04 installation
[20:03] <ovidiu-florin> Taggnostr4: nvidia?
[20:03] <Taggnostr4> Yes
[20:03] <Taggnostr4> I've been trying to make it work since Friday
[20:04] <crishuke>
[20:04] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: there was a known issue of 15.04 with nvidia, was that solved?
[20:05] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: partly, depends which driver you use I think
[20:05] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: do you understand the last pastebin ?
[20:05] <Taggnostr4> Is there something I can try?
[20:05] <ovidiu-florin> it's the output of df -h
[20:05] <Taggnostr4> I'm using nvidia-current
[20:05] <Taggnostr4> I think it's nvidia-304
[20:07] <ovidiu-florin> Taggnostr4: not in 15.04
[20:07] <ovidiu-florin> it's 319 I think
[20:07] <Taggnostr4> Let me check
[20:09] <Taggnostr4> Yes, I have 304
[20:10] <Taggnostr4> I apt-got nvidia-current and got 304, should I try 319 instead?
[20:10] <Taggnostr4> Fwiw it's an old machine, not sure it had anything to do with it
[20:10] <ovidiu-florin> Taggnostr4: one moment
[20:10] <Taggnostr4> And I think on 14.10 I was also using 304 without problems
[20:10] <Taggnostr4> OK
[20:12] <ovidiu-florin> Taggnostr4: you should use the recommended version from the driver gui
[20:12] <ovidiu-florin> I don't remember which is the version for that
[20:12] <ovidiu-florin> but 304 sound terribly old to me
[20:12] <Taggnostr4> From the GUI the recommended was 304
[20:15] <ovidiu-florin> in 15.04?
[20:15] <ovidiu-florin> Taggnostr4: ^
[20:15] <Taggnostr4> Yes
[20:15] <Taggnostr4> Also in 14.10
[20:15] <Papamatti> Perhaps the new systemd?
[20:16] <Taggnostr4> But when I managed to get to the GUI in 15.10 everything was pretty broken
[20:16] <Papamatti> My first install of 15.04 on my netbook leads into a black screen...
[20:16] <ovidiu-florin> Taggnostr4: where did you get 15.10 from?
[20:17] <Taggnostr4> Upgrading from 14.10
[20:17] <ovidiu-florin> 15.10 doesn't exist (yet)
[20:17] <Taggnostr4> 15.04*
[20:18] <ovidiu-florin> :P
[20:18] <Taggnostr4> Everything seems to eat lot of CPU
[20:19] <Taggnostr4> kwin_x11, update-apt+ and WPA_supplicant are trying to use 100%
[20:21] <Taggnostr4> systemd-jo+ rsyslogd dbus-daemon NetworkMan+ are also eating 10-25%, not sure if it's because all the rest is already being eaten by the other 3
[20:22] <Taggnostr4> anything else I can try before giving up and reinstalling 14.10?
[20:25] <Taggnostr4> Should I try with 15.04 32bit?
[20:25] <Taggnostr4> Maybe the drivers have problems with 64bit?
[20:25] <pkulas> Taggnostr4: what CPU do you have
[20:26] <Taggnostr4> Core 2, it's 64bit
[20:26] <Taggnostr4> The 15.04 I installed is 64bit
[20:30] <Taggnostr4> ovidiu-florin just confirmed that from the GUI the recommended version is 304.125 from nvidia-304
[20:30] <pkulas> Taggnostr4: For me system very low cpu consume
[20:31] <Taggnostr4> pkulas, looked like two unrelated problems, I switched the Wi-Fi off and killed kwin and now the CPU is OK
[20:32] <Taggnostr4> After killing kwin I can get windows to pop up, but they have no borders and everything else is black
[20:34] <Taggnostr4> Trying the nouveau drivers now
[20:35] <Taggnostr4> Looks like I came even get to the login screen with them
[20:35] <Taggnostr4> I get a GPU lockup
[20:54] <wldcordeiro_> Is there a way to upgrade KDE to 5.3 on 15.04?
[20:55] <Taggnostr4> I'm trying to install back 14.10 from live USB, but now when I try to apt-get the nvidia drivers it won't install them
[20:56] <Taggnostr4> It was working fine before
[20:56] <Taggnostr4> Maybe I should just buy a new computer...
[20:56] <BluesKaj_> wldcordeiro_: try launchpad kubuntu-bacports ppa ,
[20:58] <BluesKaj_> Taggnostr4: apt-get install nvidia-340 for example should work , but the driver manager in system settings should find the recommended driver for you
[20:58] <Taggnostr4> Neither work
[20:58] <Taggnostr4> I can't get the GUI to work -- that's why I'm installing the nvidia driver
[20:59] <Taggnostr4> But now that is not working either
[21:00] <BluesKaj_> tell us what you mean "not working"
[21:00] <BluesKaj_> what exactly are you doing
[21:01] <Taggnostr4> Some packages could not be installed
[21:02] <Taggnostr4> This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of incoming
[21:02] <BluesKaj_> have you updated & upgraded since installing 14.10?
[21:02] <Taggnostr4> I'm from live USB
[21:03] <BluesKaj_> then choose install kubuntu
[21:03] <Taggnostr4> I can't get to the GUI
[21:03] <Taggnostr4> Before I managed to get there by installing the nvidia drivers and doing startx
[21:04] <Taggnostr4> But now when I try to apt-get them I get that error
[21:04] <BluesKaj_> you can't apt-get install on the live-usb
[21:05] <Taggnostr4> I'm pretty sure I did it before
[21:06] <BluesKaj_> it won't install on your HDD or on the usb, you have to use kubuntu/ubiquity installer to install the OS
[21:07] <Taggnostr4> I installed it just to get to the GUI
[21:07] <Taggnostr4> I'll try again with the network installer
[21:08] <BluesKaj_> anyway gotta go
[21:14] <pkulas> My mp3 player won't mount at Linux, really strange, It mounts but only partial of partition and read only
[21:29] <Pandorian> system-config-samba not working under kubuntu, what is the alternative?
[21:39] <blubberbop> So I first upgraded 14.10 to 15.04, which was a disaster, all dead.. So this morning I did a fresh install, and I"m still stuck with a laundry list of problems.. I guess most important is now that sddm seesms to either freeze or segfault right when its trying to load the kubuntu desktop..Is this a known problem?
[21:40] <Pandorian> are you on virtualbox?
[21:40] <blubberbop> Also, very anoying, I use full system encryption, and at startup I have to enter a password for disk and one for swap (even though they are the same? Can't I just do with one??) and then while working, for even the smallest things, I get this error:
[21:40] <blubberbop> Password entry required for 'Please enter passphrase for disk kubuntu--vg-swap_1 (cryptswap1) on none!' (PID 9550). Please enter password with the systemd-tty-ask-password-agent tool!
[21:40] <blubberbop> And that is currently at a spam level, any idea how I can make that stop/
[21:40] <blubberbop> ?
[21:40] <Pandorian> i am on vbox and i just recovered from my disaster by reinstalling 14.10
[21:41] <Pandorian> even a fresh install of 15 doesn't work on vbox
[21:41] <Pandorian> i lost so much work i put into making it look good
[21:42] <Pandorian> all that time just wasted away
[21:43] <blubberbop> From what I"ve heard around, upgrading 14.10 to 15.04 simply does not work, at all..
[21:43] <blubberbop> Even the fresh install is unstable at best for me
[21:44] <blubberbop> Closing lid should suspend, but instead does a kernel panic (I think, I see the CAPS key flashing rapidly, and the screen is black and the system is unresponsive, until I press 4 second powerbutton
[21:45] <Pandorian> oh good thing you told me, cuz i was gonna try to install it as secondary os instead of vbox
[21:45] <blubberbop> system settings auto start for some reason does not start any app at all.. When I check the list that contained amarok, chrome, komodo, quassel,yakuake, I see only chrome (which does not started anyway) and quassel (which did not start either)
[21:45] <Pandorian> system-config-samba not working under kubuntu 14.10, what is the alternative?
[21:46] <blubberbop> Logging into GUI desktop crashes (sddm segfault) or freezes 3 out of 4 times
[21:46] <howlymowly> hi everyone, short question: is it somehow possible to install plasma 5.3 with the 14.04 lts?
[21:46] <blubberbop> Pandorian: since 15.04 is systemd, I guess its all taken over by systemd stuff, like systemctl
[21:46] <Pandorian> no, you have to upgrade to 14.10 first
[21:47] <howlymowly> pandorian: no, i mean via backports or somethingnlike that
[21:47] <blubberbop> kwallet initialized, I put the password I always put there, all works.. reboot, kwallet asks password, but does not recognize it.. I remove the main wallet, put a new one.. password, reboot, same problem..
[21:47] <Pandorian> not sure, sorry
[21:49] <blubberbop> And on a personal level, I don't like the design of kde5, I put oxygen back.. Again, this is just a personal taste.. Either way, there are no templates yet, so I'm stuck with most of the design, I can use any (semi) transparent desktop bars and stuff yet..
[21:49] <blubberbop> So yeah, so far, 15.04 has not been a great success for me, yet.. Really hoping for a great bug fix update soon
[21:56] <blacksad> hello i need help Kubuntu 14.10 to 15.04 Upgrade
[21:56] <blacksad> after d reboot after splash plasma screen have a dark windows with only mouse cursor any idea ?
[21:57] <blacksad> i have remove kde nothing
[21:57] <blacksad> i think is nouveau nvidia driver was installed during upgrade befor i have vga
[21:57] <Pandorian> yes we're all having the same problem, it's not working, go back to kde4
[21:58] <Pandorian> we've all been tricked
[21:58] <blacksad> for information no i have installed any specific software only cd install and upgrade to
[21:58] <Pandorian> hey it's not like you can ask for your money back lol
[21:59] <blacksad> Pandorian, yes i want but the problem in f or f i can't connect any login and password work
[21:59] <blacksad> he work in plasma connect but not in console
[21:59] <blacksad> in rescue mode root i can't acces to apt-get mirror :/
[22:00] <blacksad> i think they are a big bug
[22:00] <blacksad> my boot log is ok
[22:00] <blacksad> but after plasma connection black windows
[22:01] <blacksad> same thing in and kernel
[22:01] <blacksad> 3.16 and 3.19 kernel
[22:02] <blacksad> same
[22:02] <nfk|laptop> someone asked this almost a week ago and i asked some days later but what's the correct or a good way to do color management with kwin 5?
[22:02] <blacksad> i think trouble is nouveau or nvidia drivers
[22:03] <nfk|laptop> oyranos is not supported anymore on kubuntu, it seems
[22:03] <pkulas> Is possible to add places to dolphin manual? I know that adding them by dolphin is bugged and doesn't work, maybe any1 have a solution.
[22:04] <blacksad> nobody have see this blackwindows ?
[22:04] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, not on this terrible radeon failure with r600, no
[22:05] <blacksad> i have the latest nvidia card 980 gtx
[22:05] <nfk|laptop> and i went from default glx and opengl 2.1 (or 2.x) to egl with 3.x as well
[22:05] <blacksad> but that doesn't matter to work in vga mode
[22:05] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, you must use the nvidia blob certainly
[22:05] <nfk|laptop> as for the rest, should hopefully work
[22:05] <nfk|laptop> though i hear kwin devs are mostly using nouveau
[22:06] <nfk|laptop> which is a bit weird given that some features are unusably slow with it
[22:06] <blacksad> yes during upgrade i see nvidia install but before i haven't installed because work in vga
[22:06] <nfk|laptop> in what?
[22:06] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, there should be a proprietary driver manager in your control panel
[22:07] <nfk|laptop> open that and if it shows nvidia blob unticked, tick it and press apply or whatever there is
[22:07] <blacksad> just for sure i have juste installed only cd standard nothing
[22:07] <Taggnostr4> blacksad, I got black screen after login
[22:07] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, please speak english, you're not making much sense now
[22:07] <blacksad> no nvidia driver ni other software
[22:07] <Taggnostr4> Seems quite common apparently
[22:07] <blacksad> after i make upgrade Kubuntu 14.10 to 15.04 Upgrade
[22:07] <blacksad> and blackscreen appear
[22:07] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, i hope you reinstalled
[22:08] <blacksad> yes black screen only after login
[22:08] <nfk|laptop> or were using plasma 2 before upgrade
[22:08] <blacksad> not only standard dvd install
[22:08] <blacksad> i have not make any adds !
[22:08] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, are you using google translate?
[22:08] <blacksad> i am french
[22:09] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, and i presume there's no #kubuntu-fr or it's inactive?
[22:09] <blacksad> exactly
[22:09] <blacksad> 1/ dvd install
[22:09] <blacksad> 2/ upgrade
[22:09] <blacksad> 3/login ok
[22:09] <blacksad> 4/black screen
[22:10] <Taggnostr4> Fwiw I didn't find a solution and I'm going back to 14.10
[22:10] <blacksad> i haven't installed driver or adds
[22:10] <blacksad> i have just make Kubuntu 14.10 to 15.04 Upgrade
[22:10] <blacksad> 1st time work fine
[22:10] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, one moment
[22:10] <blacksad> after reboot and login plasma
[22:10] <blacksad> log ok
[22:11] <blacksad> and after splash
[22:11] <blacksad> blackscreen
[22:11] <blacksad> i only see my mouse cursor
[22:11] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, then try deleting ~/.config/kwinrc
[22:11] <nfk|laptop> it should hopefully let you log in then
[22:12] <blacksad> i try to delete this
[22:12] <nfk|laptop> and then check if you're using the nvidia driver and also fiddle around with opengl version and egl/glx
[22:12] <blacksad> i have just try to delete .kde
[22:12] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, no, it's not used by kwin
[22:12] <blacksad> ok i delete kwinrc
[22:12] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, but you can also do rm ~/.kde/share/config/kwin*
[22:13] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, from ~/.config/, yes?
[22:13] <nfk|laptop> kwin 5 keeps it's config under .config not .kwin
[22:13] <blacksad> i can acces at / by other linux distro
[22:13] <blacksad> and remove that you want :D
[22:13] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, in case if you're wondering ~/ is /home/your_username/
[22:14] <blacksad> i have understand i practice linux during 12 years :D
[22:14] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, if you have deleted those files, try agian
[22:14] <nfk|laptop> *again
[22:14] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, also next time try Ctrl+Alt+F1 if you get black windows
[22:15] <nfk|laptop> if it hasn't hung completely, it should give you a tt1
[22:15] <nfk|laptop> *tty1
[22:15] <nfk|laptop> you can log in from that and operate from CLI
[22:15] <nfk|laptop> with that, good luck
[22:16] <blacksad> i ahve remove /home.config kwinrc
[22:16] <nfk|laptop> then reboot
[22:16] <nfk|laptop> and it was /home/blacksad/.config/kwinrc, yes?
[22:16] <blacksad> not yet
[22:16] <blacksad> yes
[22:17] <blacksad> same pc i reboot and come back
[22:17] <blacksad> but in alt f1 tty login and pass not work
[22:17] <blacksad> i reboot and come back
[22:17] <nfk|laptop> why?
[22:17] <nfk|laptop> or did you mean if?
[22:17] <blacksad> i don't understand that because in plasma they work
[22:18] <blacksad> and i have see locale is good
[22:18] <blacksad> but tty login fail
[22:18] <blacksad> i reboot and come back to see if resolve
[22:20] <SvenOostenbrink> test
[22:20] <SvenOostenbrink> Also, why does Quassel keep changing my nickname? This is kinda of anoying..
[22:20] <phoenixz> test
[22:20] <phoenixz> yay
[22:22] <phoenixz> At install of 15.04 I opted for encrypted filesystem, and now for every tiny stupid detail, I have ubuntu asking me for the swap password.. ITs like using windows, 2 hours and I am already thinking about reinstall.. Is there any way to make Kubuntu shut up about this swap encryption password?
[22:22] <phoenixz> Also, I can just press enter, and nothing of importance seems to happen anyway, I just get the stupid notifications..
[22:22] <blacksad> same trouble
[22:23] <blacksad> i have no data and in tty login pass not work but work in plasma scren i see cursor of mouse and nothing :/
[22:24] <blacksad> black screen again
[22:25] <blacksad> i think is nouveau or nvidia wrong configue
[22:25] <blacksad> i see X in login
[22:26] <blacksad> x cursor
[22:26] <blacksad> and mouse cursor
[22:26] <blacksad> but all black
[22:27] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, last attempt
[22:28] <nfk|laptop> open that .config/kwinrc with a text editor and try this
[22:28] <blacksad> my graphic card is 980 gtx the lates nvidia card
[22:28] <blacksad> ok i open
[22:29] <nfk|laptop> find line Backend=OpenGL and change to Backend=XRender
[22:30] <blacksad> [Compositing]
[22:30] <blacksad> Backend=XRender
[22:30] <blacksad> OpenGLIsUnsafe=false
[22:30] <blacksad> [Desktops]
[22:30] <blacksad> Number=1
[22:30] <nfk|laptop> save, reboot and hope for the best
[22:30] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, was it already XRender?
[22:30] <blacksad> yes
[22:30] <nfk|laptop> fuck
[22:30] <nfk|laptop> Well, try OpenGL? :P
[22:30] <nfk|laptop> also there's no way in hell XRender should fail
[22:30] <blacksad> i try OpenGl no number ?
[22:31] <blacksad> OpenGL3
[22:31] <nfk|laptop> Backend=OpenGL
[22:31] <nfk|laptop> Sure, nouveau has OpenGL 3 while nVidia has 4.4 or 4.5 if that exists
[22:31] <nfk|laptop> 3 will work with both
[22:32] <blacksad> i reboot with openGL
[22:32] <nfk|laptop> OpenGL
[22:32] <nfk|laptop> spelling is important here
[22:32] <nfk|laptop> well, capitalisation
[22:32] <blacksad> i think the good way is to delete nouveau to nvidia but i haven't acces to tty login :/
[22:32] <blacksad> i reboot and come back SSD is quickly lol
[22:36] <blacksad> re same :/
[22:36] <blacksad> sure is nouveau mistake configuration
[22:37] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, but why can't you log in via tty1?
[22:37] <nfk|laptop> can't you actually switch from log in screen
[22:37] <blacksad> i see all splash scren with reboot login kubuntu but not the desktop is black :D
[22:37] <nfk|laptop> or Ctrl+Alt+F2 for tty2
[22:37] <nfk|laptop> just be sure to use your username not root
[22:37] <blacksad> yes not work always say fail
[22:38] <blacksad> i have verifyng adduser
[22:38] <nfk|laptop> fail? on tty?
[22:38] <blacksad> is correct
[22:38] <nfk|laptop> i did not understand you there
[22:38] <blacksad> yes login bip pass bip fail wrong password
[22:38] <blacksad> but is the same of plasma and work
[22:39] <blacksad> i have verifyng locale and is good letter is ok
[22:39] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, are you using the same username and password as in graphical log in? are you sure it's not Damien in GUI while your actual username is damien for example?
[22:39] <blacksad> tomorow i tray to add a new user for see
[22:39] <nfk|laptop> or qwerty as your username
[22:39] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, how? chroot? that's advanced stuff
[22:39] <blacksad> yes sure i have trying 30 login and pass :D
[22:40] <nfk|laptop> impossible
[22:40] <nfk|laptop> it has to work
[22:40] <blacksad> not chroot i have archlinux and acces at all partition :D
[22:40] <nfk|laptop> maybe you're just tired? or caps lock is off and your password includes numbers?
[22:40] <blacksad> i can edit in root mod all configuration of kubuntu
[22:40] <blacksad> not sure of that !
[22:41] <blacksad> exactly the same pass in plasma
[22:41] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, i'm not sure you can easily add users by hand, it's possible but would require very good understanding of Linux
[22:41] <blacksad> same login
[22:41] <nfk|laptop> chroot would be a lot easier
[22:41] <blacksad> all in minuscule
[22:42] <blacksad> yes chroot but tomorow
[22:42] <phoenixz> At install of 15.04 I opted for encrypted filesystem, and now for every tiny stupid detail, I have ubuntu asking me for the swap password.. Its like using windows, use sudo, encrypted swap password?? 2 hours and I am already thinking about reinstall.. Is there any way to make Kubuntu shut up about this swap encryption password?
[22:42] <blacksad> your time is precious and very tired now
[22:42] <nfk|laptop> no idea, phoenixz, i don't use encryption
[22:43] <blacksad> for good understand in linux is ok i know some admin who make theyre linux from scratch :D nutyx zenwalk debian :D
[22:44] <blacksad> i have used all distribution under 12 years :D arch gentoo and LFS
[22:44] <CharlieTheCabbie> evening guys.
[22:44] <blacksad> first time i see this upgrade fail
[22:44] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, for chroot you don't need that, just mount the required file systems, not forgetting about /proc as procfs and /sys as sysfs iirc and mount -o,bind /dev /newroot/dev
[22:45] <nfk|laptop> then chroot /newroot /bin/bash and you should get in
[22:45] <CharlieTheCabbie> lordievader, you made my day. The modeline is in xrandr, it works and switches directly in on boot. I now have 1024*768 @75hz :)
[22:45] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, actually, systemd has chroot command, not sure what id does
[22:45] <nfk|laptop> *it does
[22:45] <blacksad> ok thanks
[22:45] <blacksad> my resolution is 3400 sic :D
[22:45] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, @75? good god, CRT?
[22:45] <CharlieTheCabbie> I still don't understand why the EDID on this monitor is bbb, but not a problem now.
[22:46] <blacksad> 27 inch dell ultrasharp 4k :D
[22:46] <CharlieTheCabbie> nfk|laptop, no, a flatpanel
[22:46] <nfk|laptop> ah, fairly interesting
[22:46] <CharlieTheCabbie> DELL E151FP
[22:46] <Taggnostr4> blacksad, did you find a solution?
[22:46] <blacksad> i use linux for 3d render and vector creation :D
[22:46] <nfk|laptop> that's a rare vertical refresh rate
[22:46] <CharlieTheCabbie> I have photosensitivity, below 75hz I can see the screen flicker
[22:46] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, it is a problem, edid contains more than modeline
[22:46] <blacksad> not but nfk|laptop help me :D
[22:47] <blacksad> i not understand why i have this blackscreen
[22:47] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, i'm pretty sure that's not photosensitivity :P
[22:47] <blacksad> and why tty login fail
[22:47] <CharlieTheCabbie> It's one of the reasons (besides a heart problem) that I had to surrender my driving license
[22:47] <Taggnostr4> I have one too, but tty works
[22:47] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, ouch
[22:48] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, though if you're french, it's probably for the better XD
[22:48] <blacksad> Taggnostr4, i am sure is a simple driver "nouveau" resolution problem
[22:48] <CharlieTheCabbie> blacksad, where do you encounter the blackscreen? After sddm starts, or before?
[22:48] <blacksad> maybe because i have a very new nvidia card
[22:48] <CharlieTheCabbie> I had a nouveau problem, and xrandr has fixed that
[22:48] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, you can also ask nouveau for help but i'm pretty sure 980 is far too new to be well supported
[22:49] <Taggnostr4> Mine is very old
[22:49] <blacksad> blackscreen after the plasma login
[22:49] <CharlieTheCabbie> lordievader, do you have that link you posted for me earlier about Guerilla Linux?
[22:49] <blacksad> but i see mouse cursor
[22:49] <nfk|laptop> Taggnostr4, mine is old and radeon and 3rd party fake radeon
[22:49] <CharlieTheCabbie> blacksad, I had the same - have a shot at this. What resolution and refresh rate do you want on your monitor?
[22:49] <blacksad> and when i make a reboot i see end splash with kubuntu logo
[22:49] <nfk|laptop> and my workstation has more than half a decade old fermi card
[22:49] <nfk|laptop> one of the few that have no reclocking at all
[22:50] <Taggnostr4> Blacksad, and you can't get into the tty?
[22:50] <blacksad> i see configuration progress in lauch but black screen after
[22:50] <Pandorian> is there a way to view a filtered log of the successfully executed terminal commands?
[22:50] <blacksad> yes no tty
[22:50] <blacksad> login pass fail
[22:50] <Taggnostr4> Blacksad, you get the tty but can't login?
[22:50] <blacksad> but of course i have trying the same login pass for plasma and they always use the same
[22:51] <CharlieTheCabbie> you have no tty either? Do you have a recovery mode option in grub?
[22:51] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, what about username?
[22:51] <blacksad> yes Taggnostr4
[22:51] <blacksad> username ok pass i make and appear login at new
[22:51] <Taggnostr4> Blacksad, and you upgraded from 14.10?
[22:52] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, how do you know it's okay, it won't tell it's wrong username even if you enter skiddiks as your username
[22:52] <blacksad> exactly with no add !!
[22:52] <blacksad> only DVD install
[22:52] <nfk|laptop> login always denies the password even for non-exisiting users, iirc
[22:52] <blacksad> i have make update and upgrade that all
[22:52] <blacksad> i have never installed driver or software
[22:52] <CharlieTheCabbie> :/
[22:52] <blacksad> only the DVD base
[22:53] <blacksad> i use kubuntu for uefi boot and secure linux partition
[22:53] <CharlieTheCabbie> Let me find the link lordievader gave me. Once you can get into a tty, use this to fix your mode.
[22:53] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, it's not a modeline issue
[22:53] <nfk|laptop> probably
[22:54] <nfk|laptop> he needs the nvidia blob most likely
[22:54] <CharlieTheCabbie> nfk|laptop, I had exactly the same problem with an nvidia driver. This fixed it. Worth a try if nothing else
[22:54] <CharlieTheCabbie>
[22:54] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, did your kubuntu already come with nvidia installed?
[22:55] <nfk|laptop> also note that he's has the mouse cursor, that means it hasn't gone completely bollocks
[22:55] <CharlieTheCabbie> Yes - initially upgrade from 1404 to 1410 to 1504, then had to reinstall from full iso on USB
[22:55] <Taggnostr4> I'm going to try too
[22:55] <nfk|laptop> which together with the fact that it's a very modern... blacksad, can you install an older video adapter?
[22:56] <nfk|laptop> just replace your gtx 980 with something older if you have one
[22:56] <nfk|laptop> like 760 or something
[22:56] <CharlieTheCabbie> that's the only difference nfk|laptop - mine is a super extra triple old adapter, with sprinkles.
[22:56] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, i doubt you can beat my gts 450
[22:56] <blacksad> older is possible yes
[22:56] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, nvidia?
[22:56] <CharlieTheCabbie> nVidia GeForce 6200 Turbocache
[22:56] <blacksad> my configuration is
[22:56] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, holy...
[22:57] <CharlieTheCabbie> yep.
[22:57] <blacksad> msi x99 sli cpu i7 2013
[22:57] <nfk|laptop> i'm getting goosebumps thinking how slow that has to be
[22:57] <blacksad> ssd 1to
[22:57] <blacksad> nvidia 980gtx
[22:57] <CharlieTheCabbie> it's fast enough for what I want :)
[22:57] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, even my previous adapter was 7600 GT
[22:57] <nfk|laptop> and before that geforce 2/mx 400
[22:58] <blacksad> and i have make any modification of dvd my /home is clear no data :D just make upgarde and loss my kubuntu :D
[22:58] <CharlieTheCabbie> My PC is a wysiwyg, what's in it is what I got.
[22:58] <nfk|laptop> you can't beat that peace of poop unless you find some radeon with it's C# control panel and 128 MB RAM
[22:58] <CharlieTheCabbie> It only cost £25, I ain't arguing.
[22:59] <CharlieTheCabbie> Anyway blacksad, you've installed absolutely nothing other than the DVD, right?
[22:59] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, i'm pretty sure you can get a raspbery pi 2 for that price
[22:59] <nfk|laptop> which is probably no worse than that
[22:59] <CharlieTheCabbie> :)
[22:59] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, what about the older video adapter?
[23:00] <blacksad> Intel Core i7 5930K MSI X99S SLI PLUS Corsair Vengeance LPX Black DDR4 4 x 4 Go 3000 MHz CAS 15 1
[23:00] <blacksad> Noctua NH-D15 1
[23:00] <blacksad> Western Digital WD Red Pro - 4 To 1
[23:00] <blacksad> Asus GeForce GTX 980 STRIX OC - 4 Go 1
[23:00] <blacksad> Samsung Serie 850 EVO - 1 To 1
[23:00] <blacksad> Câble verrouillable DisplayPort (M/M) - 2 m
[23:00] <unopaste> blacksad you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted
[23:00] <nfk|laptop> CharlieTheCabbie, also gonna use like 4 less power usage
[23:00] <nfk|laptop> or rather 100 times
[23:01] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, that's your current system but do you have an old GPU?
[23:01] <nfk|laptop> like some nvidia that's from 600 or 700 or even 400 series?
[23:01] <blacksad> CharlieTheCabbie, yes nothing other dvd !!
[23:01] <blacksad> no driver no applications no data in home
[23:02] <blacksad> only dvd install
[23:02] <blacksad> update
[23:02] <blacksad> and upgrade !
[23:02] <blacksad> that the reason i speak with you of this problem :D
[23:02] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, but did you install an nvidia driver? or are you using nouveau?
[23:02] <blacksad> that is i think the problem
[23:03] <nfk|laptop> which one are you using?
[23:03] <blacksad> when i have installing dvd 14.10
[23:03] <blacksad> i work in vga mod because no detecting any nvidia driver
[23:03] <nfk|laptop> blacksad, is your kubuntu 15.04 using nvidia or nouveau?
[23:03] <blacksad> but after upgarde i see a good resolution
[23:03] <blacksad> i think upgrade installing noouveau
[23:04] <nfk|laptop> do you have an older GPU?
[23:04] <nfk|laptop> or an iGPU though i7 generally do not
[23:04] <blacksad> yues but not this night
[23:05] <blacksad> not in new i7 no have intel vga card
[23:05] <nfk|laptop> then you can replace your gtx 980 with the older card, install the nvidia driver and then put back in the gtx 980
[23:05] <blacksad> but i have an other nvidia card 240M
[23:05] <blacksad> older gtx
[23:05] <nfk|laptop> 240M should be a mobile card....
[23:05] <nfk|laptop> wait, adapter, it's not even a card
[23:05] <blacksad> gtx240
[23:06] <blacksad> i have a 680 so :D
[23:06] <nfk|laptop> sure, try that just note that you will need DIFFERENT VERSION of nvidia driver
[23:06] <nfk|laptop> 680 is very good
[23:06] <blacksad> yes !!
[23:06] <nfk|laptop> almost certainly the same driver as 980
[23:06] <blacksad> but i make render blender that the reason i take a 980 :D
[23:06] <blacksad> in archlinux work fine :D
[23:07] <nfk|laptop> install nvidia driver with 680 and then swap that for 980, should just work
[23:07] <blacksad> yes i try this tomorow and say you in irc
[23:08] <nfk|laptop> sure
[23:08] <blacksad> i am sure is nouveau trouble
[23:08] <nfk|laptop> goodnight
[23:08] <blacksad> thanks for help
[23:09] <blacksad> and see you tomorow :D
[23:09] <blacksad> i think in upgrade is a good way to blacklist nouveau :D
[23:09] <blacksad> for the other guy
[23:10] <blacksad> i think is better to have vga and installin after nouveau or nvidia or amd catalys after upgrade
[23:10] <CharlieTheCabbie> sorry about that, my connection fell over. :(
[23:12] <blacksad> thanks CharlieTheCabbie for the help tomorow i try with 680 gtx nvidia
[23:13] <blacksad> install nvidia driver and reinstall 980gtx for sure that resolve the troubleshooting
[23:13] <blacksad> i am sure during upgrade vga split to nouveau
[23:13] <blacksad> i think blacklist noouveau is a good way
[23:14] <blacksad> and let people reinstalling good driver after upgrade
[23:19] <blacksad> good night at all and see you tomorow :D
[23:19] <blacksad> and good life with linux :D
[23:25] <Taggnostr4> CharlieTheCabbie, the output of xrandr looks OK here
[23:38] <Taggnostr4> Anyone has any other idea that could fix the black screen?
[23:40] <CharlieTheCabbie> sorry once again - my new wifi adaper (ra0 - RT2870STA) is being a pain in the behind. It keeps dropping connection to my router; I did build the adapter from the mt7601 source on github, so I may look and see if it's patched anywhere
[23:45] <Taggnostr4> Charlie, the output from xrandr looks OK here
[23:46] <Taggnostr4> What does kwin do? Are there other alternatives? | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.888944 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu"
} |
2015-04-28-#snappy | [06:24] <wxl> stupid question of the week: how does one use a bluetooth for input on snappy for things (pi2 fwiw)
[06:48] <dholbach> good morning
[06:52] <dholbach> can somebody take a look at
[06:52] <dholbach> is snappy-ubuntu the project to be used?
[08:11] <dholbach> sergiusens, - is this a known bug?
[08:15] <dpm> hi lool, and here's one for you - it seems the package name of one of the Rpi2 bits needs renaming?
[08:34] <dholbach> lool, I just fixed the developer site part of it
[08:42] <lool> dholbach, dpm: indeed; recent change to udf; there's another one we need to update for: command requires one more argument (15.04 or rolling)
[08:43] <dpm> lool, I think I added that to the bug description. Could you confirm that is the case to make sure we're not missing anything else?
[08:43] <lool> (the first error I'm getting is: "the required argument `Release` was not provided")
[08:43] <lool> dpm: yeah; I'd like to check the prefix thing with beuno here
[08:44] <dpm> lool, but with dholbach's fixes to you shouldn't get the "the required argument `Release` was not provided" error anymore, should you?
[08:45] <lool> dpm: oh I got the previous version of the page just minutes ago
[08:45] <lool> I guess caching and all
[08:45] <dholbach> yep
[08:45] <lool> yeah new version looks good
[08:45] <dpm> yeah, the page has now ' udf core 15.04 ...'
[09:04] <dholbach> hey slangasek, your name is on the list for uos track lead - but there's a question mark behind your name... do you have more information?
[09:10] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Cubicle Day! :-D
[09:21] <lool> ppisati: heya
[09:21] <ppisati> lool: yo
[09:22] <lool> ppisati: I've used to build my rpi2 device tarball; it seems your device tarball works better (shows more memory)
[09:22] <lool> ppisati: would you know what might explain this?
[09:22] * lool checks if PPA has newer version
[09:22] <ppisati> lool: yep,. i pushed a new one
[09:23] <ppisati> lool: uhmm... the only thing that come to my mind are the arguments passed on the cmdline (or embedded during kernel compilation)
[09:23] <ppisati> lool: you mean, you see more memory
[09:23] <ppisati> lool: moving from 3.18 to 3.19?
[09:23] <lool> ppisati: hmm some user reported on the mailing-list seeing 128M, but now seeing 1G with your kernel (the thread you replied to)
[09:24] <ppisati> lool: yep, what was previous? 3.18? 3.19.X?
[09:24] <lool> ppisati:
[09:24] <ppisati> lool: did he use uboot or direct booting?
[09:24] <ppisati> lool: he didn't give that ifno
[09:24] <lool> he said he used udf
[09:25] <ppisati> lool: ok, so my kernel gives him more memory, but what was the previous one?
[09:25] <lool> ppisati: one of mine, but I dont think which exact version
[09:26] <lool> but the initial message is recent:
[09:26] <lool> 5 days ago, I was already on your 3.19 kernels
[09:28] <lool> ppisati: actually I can reproduce here
[09:28] <lool> 3.19.1-4-generic-bcm2709 is the uname
[09:28] <lool> Linux localhost.localdomain 3.19.1-4-generic-bcm2709 #4-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 27 19:49:10 UTC 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
[09:28] <lool> that's old (march 27)
[09:28] <lool> console=tty0 console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/disk/by-label/system-a init=/lib/systemd/systemd ro panic=-1 fixrtc rootfstype=ext4 init=/lib/systemd/systemd ro
[09:29] <lool> ppisati: I'll just pull your latest kernel now, but I'd be interested in what might have changed between this march 27th 3.19 and the latest that would explain the memory difference
[09:42] <lool> dpm, dholbach: Ok, got to the bottom of the OEM namespacing changes from last week
[09:42] <lool> the bottom line is: it's a bug, this could work, but we changed this while implementing "snappy switch" just before release, and now it's set in stone in the 15.04 release
[09:43] <lool> so I'll reupload a pi2-unofficial or something like that
[09:46] <dholbach> ok cool
[09:47] <dholbach> lool, in a mail from Thursday somebody said about the raspi2 image "> Raspberry Pi - dang, that image is mostly 3.9Gb of uncompressed 0’s"
[09:47] <dholbach> I'm not sure what to reply
[09:47] <lool> dholbach: that's true; it's because I lazily rsync it over
[09:47] <lool> but I think I could gzip --rsyncable it
[09:48] <dholbach> yoohoo!
[09:49] <dholbach> can we do something about
[09:52] <lool> dholbach: no idea
[09:53] <dholbach> sergiusens, ^ do you maybe know?
[10:43] <lool> dholbach: image gziped BTW
[10:59] <dholbach> lool, do we need to update the docs?
[11:35] <lool> dholbach: I'm updating my README but I have to retest all the bits; it will take a while (also interrupted by various things :-)
[11:59] <dholbach> lool, cool, let me know
[12:20] <beuno> jdstrand, store has t447
[12:20] <beuno> r447 even
[12:35] <shawn_freenode> ls
[12:35] <lool> Password:
[12:37] <lool> ppisati: Linux localhost.localdomain 3.19.1-8-generic-bcm2709 #8-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 13 19:16:38 UTC 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
[12:37] <lool> ppisati: still 128M though
[12:38] <lool> same cmdline
[12:38] <lool> ppisati: am I supposed to include some gpu mem cmdline option?
[13:04] <jdstrand> beuno: nice, thanks!
[13:14] <lool> [ 2.623474] Kernel panic - not syncing: Could not decompress initial ramdisk image.
[13:14] <lool> sigh
[14:55] <ppisati> lool: nope, the embedded PPA is the correct one
[14:56] <ppisati> lool: my board is disconnected now, didn't you say that you had all the memory?
[15:13] <lool> ppisati: I think it's one of the other boot files that you kept and I didn't
[15:14] <lool> fixup.dat or another one
[15:14] <lool> I'm still researching
[15:14] <lool> I've excluded vmlinuz and cmdline
[17:32] <wxl> anyone here using snappy on a pi2?
[19:36] <jdstrand> tyhicks: hey, how familiar are you with "send_destination" in dbus bus policy (ie, /etc/dbus-1/system.d/*.conf
[19:38] <tyhicks> jdstrand: I'm not familiar with it off the top of my head
[19:38] <jdstrand> ok, thanks
[19:39] <tyhicks> jdstrand: I'll bet it is the equivalent to peer=(name=foo) in an AppArmor D-Bus rule
[19:40] <jdstrand> tyhicks: that is what I was trying to figure out
[19:40] <jdstrand> I think that is correct
[19:40] <jdstrand> basically, it's the bus name
[19:40] <jdstrand> (in dbus parlance)
[19:41] <jdstrand> so, not the interface name or the object path
[19:42] <tyhicks> right
[19:43] <jdstrand> ok, I just filed a bug against snappy, but I think it is invalid
[19:43] * jdstrand is checking
[19:54] <jdstrand> tyhicks: fyi, that is exactly the case
[20:00] <tyhicks> nice | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.911674 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#snappy"
} |
2015-04-28-#ubuntu-za | [05:15] <Kilos> morning everyone
[05:38] <Jacques_Stry> Morning
[05:38] <Jacques_Stry> Maaz: Kettle on
[05:38] <Maaz> Jacques_Stry: Sorry...
[05:38] <Jacques_Stry> ah...
[05:39] <Kilos> hi Jacques_Stry
[05:39] <Kilos> Maaz coffee on
[05:39] * Maaz flips the salt-timer
[05:39] <Jacques_Stry> Hi Kilos
[05:39] <Kilos> now do coffee please
[05:43] <Maaz> Coffee's ready for Kilos!
[05:43] <Jacques_Stry> Maaz coffee on ?
[05:43] * Maaz starts grinding coffee
[05:43] <Jacques_Stry> yay
[05:44] <Kilos> when someone else has started with coffee on you do Maaz coffee please and he adds you to the list
[05:44] <Jacques_Stry> I C
[05:45] <Kilos> he acn also call others when you make by typing maaz coffee for all
[05:45] <Kilos> Maaz coffee for all
[05:45] <Maaz> Come on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already
[05:47] <Maaz> Coffee's ready for Jacques_Stry!
[05:56] <Jacques_Stry> Maaz: Thank You
[05:56] <Maaz> Jacques_Stry: No problem
[05:57] <Kilos> nuvolari_ ping
[06:24] <Kilos> inetpro prepare to chair, nuvo snowed under but will let me know this avy if he can be available tonight
[06:46] <ThatGraemeGuy> its 2015 and I still have to muck around with xrandr scripts to get a dual-screen desktop working
[06:46] <ThatGraemeGuy> but I'm sure this is the year of Linux on the desktop
[06:47] <Kilos> lets hope
[06:47] <ThatGraemeGuy> whoosh
[06:55] <Squirm> Morning
[06:56] <Kilos> hi Squirm
[06:59] <Padroni> Morning all
[06:59] <Kilos> hi Padroni
[07:01] <Padroni> hoe gaan dit?
[07:03] <Kilos> goed dankie en self?
[07:03] <Kilos> net koud
[07:09] <Padroni> selfde hier
[07:10] <Kilos> hehe
[07:10] <Padroni> was gister by die Checkers Cheese & Wine festival in Stellenbosch
[07:10] <Padroni> baie lekker
[07:10] <Padroni> net baie mense
[07:10] <Padroni> maklik 10K mense daar gewees, en dit op dag 4 van die fees
[07:10] <Kilos> ek is baie lief vir kaas maar dit is duur nou man
[07:10] <Padroni> daar was te veel om van alles te kon proe
[07:10] <Kilos> sjoe
[07:11] <Kilos> ek hou tot van daai kaas wat baie se is vrot
[07:11] <Kilos> gorgonzola en so aan'
[07:12] <Padroni> ek het ophou tel na 'n ruk
[07:12] <Padroni> te veel
[07:13] <Padroni> het nie juis baie wyn geproe nie
[07:13] <Padroni> maar het wel 'n bottel Muskadel gekoop
[07:13] <Kilos> lol
[07:13] <Padroni> wat nice is
[07:13] <Kilos> ek onthou min van wyn en drank maar old brown was vir my lekker
[07:14] <Padroni> dit raak nou weer winter
[07:14] <Padroni> #soon
[07:15] <Kilos> ja ons was 10°c vanoggend
[07:28] <SilverCode> anyone using Neotel and having issues with Google?
[07:28] <Kilos> Jacques_Stry is each person going to install their own booktype on a server or are you guys going to use one server for it
[07:29] <Kilos> im just trying to follow the patroon
[07:36] <Jacques_Stry> From what I understand one server for all except those with limited internet access
[07:38] <Kilos> ah ok ty for that
[07:43] <barrydk> More almal
[07:43] <Kilos> hi barrydk
[07:43] <Kilos> waar is die mazal outjie
[07:45] <barrydk> Hy sit hier en slaap
[07:47] <Kilos> klap hom
[07:48] <Kilos> die wegbly storie is stout van hom
[08:05] <Kilos> hi psyatw
[08:06] <psyatw> hi Kilos
[08:44] <mazal> Morning everyone
[08:44] <Kilos> hi mazal wb
[08:59] <Squirm> Anything interesting happening today?
[09:05] <Padroni> New (old) Wordpress vulnerabilities discoverd. People loosing their heads
[09:05] <Padroni> all over
[09:05] <Padroni> again
[09:05] <Padroni> *yawn*
[09:06] <Kilos> meeting tonight Squirm
[09:08] <Kilos> the pro will chair so we get to be naughty and give him a hard time
[09:19] <Kilos> morning superfly
[09:19] <superfly> hi Kilos
[09:20] <superfly> Padroni: WordPress vulnerabilities *yawn*
[09:20] <Padroni> eh?
[09:20] <Padroni> sorry, what now superfly?
[09:21] <superfly> Padroni: WordPress is one big fat vulnerability, so whether it's a new one or an old one, I'm never surprised
[09:22] <Padroni> not really
[09:22] <Padroni> it is actually possible to secure it
[09:22] <Padroni> more than Joomla in any case
[09:22] <Padroni> but people are too lazy to update
[09:22] <Padroni> which is the real cause for so many WP issues
[09:23] <Kilos> Symmetria ping
[09:23] <Kilos> is this your mirror
[09:29] <Kilos> Maaz is down
[09:30] <Kilos> Maaz hi
[09:30] <Maaz> Sup Kilos
[10:07] <Padroni> anyone know a reliable SSH command to remove bounced messages form a Exim mail queue?
[10:07] <Padroni> I know how to remove frozen mails
[10:07] <Padroni> but not bounced
[10:08] <Padroni> One at a time, folks...
[10:09] <Jacques_Stry> haha
[10:09] <Padroni> hey J
[10:09] <Padroni> hoe gaan dit
[10:10] <Jacques_Stry> Goed en jy
[10:12] <Padroni> busy busy busy
[10:40] <Kilos> hi kulelu88 Trixar_za CuttingEdge
[10:41] <Trixar_za> Hey Kilos
[10:41] <CuttingEdge> greetings
[11:12] <magespawn> good day all
[11:12] * Jacques_Stry waves
[11:12] <Kilos> hi magespawn
[11:15] <Kilos> Maaz announce meeting tonight right here at 2030
[11:15] <Maaz> Hear ye, hear ye! meeting tonight right here at 2030
[11:16] <Kilos> magespawn have you noticed the pros latest tactic?
[11:16] <Kilos> he is sure to slip RTFS into every discussion
[11:16] <Kilos> oh and he fixed QA
[11:18] <Kilos> or anyway the way to install ibid on 14.04 and later
[11:21] <Kilos> he is so clever my pro but so fulla
[11:22] <magespawn> ah well, lets give him a bit of latitude shall we?
[11:23] <Kilos> hehe yeah
[11:23] <Kilos> he is lod after all
[11:23] <Kilos> old
[11:25] <Kilos> oh no he must finish his wiki page and apply for membership
[11:26] <Kilos> no rest for the wicked
[11:26] <magespawn> next thing you know you will be getting on my case again
[11:27] <Kilos> haha i know you have big plans that are using all your resources atm
[11:28] <Kilos> check the numbers
[11:28] <Kilos> must be a midday record
[11:29] <magespawn> yup
[11:29] <magespawn> that an i still have so much to learn
[11:29] <Kilos> yeah thats why i dont nag you
[11:29] <Kilos> YET
[11:30] <magespawn> lol
[13:56] <magespaw1> later all
[13:57] <Kilos> hmm...
[14:26] <Squirm> netsplit
[14:26] <Squirm> no
[14:26] <Squirm> People just aren't chatting :P
[14:27] <Kilos> yeah and bad connections all over
[15:17] <Kilos> hi8 Guest49195
[15:18] <Guest49195> hi
[15:18] <Guest49195> Im Rusty
[15:18] <Guest49195> but been here a long time ago
[15:18] <Kilos> welcome to ubuntu-za
[15:18] <Kilos> hi rusty
[15:18] <Kilos> i cant remember you
[15:19] <Guest49195> the time for the meeting is 8-30?
[15:19] <Kilos> do you remember me?
[15:19] <Guest49195> Nope?
[15:19] <Kilos> yes thats right, will you be here?
[15:19] <Kilos> ok then maybe you were befor me
[15:19] <Guest49195> will try
[15:20] <Kilos> we are here all day and most of the nights too
[15:20] <Kilos> you can just hang here
[15:20] <Guest49195> Im just an ubuntu use for some 8 years
[15:20] <Guest49195> but know no programming
[15:20] <Guest49195> how do I change my name to Rusty?
[15:21] <Kilos> nor do i, but if you need help someone here will be able to help
[15:21] <Guest49195> from guest...
[15:21] <Kilos> type in /nick Rusty
[15:21] <Guest49195> Ok
[15:22] <Guest49195> didnt work yet
[15:22] <Kilos> start with the /
[15:22] <Guest49195> will try again
[15:22] <Guest49195> nope
[15:22] <Kilos> wow
[15:23] <Kilos> ill do it
[15:23] <Guest49195> Ok
[15:23] <Kilos> ah it says its unavailablr
[15:23] <Kilos> add a bit
[15:24] <Guest49195> Ok - what now?
[15:24] <Kilos> like rustyjoe or rusty 547 ot something
[15:24] <Guest49195> O
[15:24] <Kilos> looks like someone has registered it before
[15:25] <Guest49195> It will be me
[15:25] <Kilos> do you remember your password you used?
[15:25] <Guest49195> it was long ago, but I can try
[15:26] <Guest49195> Bu
[15:27] <Guest49195> but where will I use it?
[15:27] <Guest49195> sorry, Im bugging you, but Im a bit lost with irc
[15:27] <Kilos> then you do /msg nickserv identify password i think
[15:28] <Kilos> not a prob
[15:29] <Kilos> but also if you havent used the nick for 4 months or so they let someone else claim it
[15:30] <Guest49195> naw, its been years for me
[15:30] <Guest49195> Ok
[15:30] <Kilos> add some numbers
[15:30] <Guest49195> Ill try something
[15:30] <Kilos> ok
[15:30] <Kilos> pietman is good too
[15:31] <rusty10> ok
[15:31] <CuttingEdge> from what i can tell, Rusty is registered to a user using an australian email address
[15:31] <Kilos> i dont know how to see what nicks are registered but inetpro will know when he gets home
[15:32] <CuttingEdge> -NickServ- Registered : Dec 26 14:35:05 2005 (9y 17w 6d ago)
[15:32] <Kilos> see they gave it to someone else
[15:32] <CuttingEdge> -NickServ- Last seen : Apr 28 13:02:57 2015 (2h 28m 0s ago)
[15:32] <rusty10> but this is Ok now
[15:32] <Kilos> ty CuttingEdge
[15:32] <Kilos> ok now regster it
[15:33] <rusty10> how?
[15:33] <Kilos> CuttingEdge help him please
[15:33] <CuttingEdge> rusty10: /nickserv register password email
[15:34] <rusty10> OK - will do so now
[15:34] <CuttingEdge> (use a valid email address, as there may be some sort of secondary authentication linked to registration)
[15:36] <Kilos> oh my superfly do you see chance to chair? nuvo and pro snowed under
[15:36] <Kilos> pretty please
[15:36] <superfly> Ohi CuttingEdge
[15:37] <CuttingEdge> superfly: greetings :)
[15:37] <superfly> Kilos: if my migraine goes away any time soon, I guess, but I'm on day 4
[15:37] <Kilos> oh my fly
[15:38] <Kilos> sleep till 2020
[15:39] <superfly> Kilos: you've clearly forgotten what it is like to have small kids.
[15:40] <rusty10> OK - now im registered as rusty10 - thanx Kilos
[15:40] <Kilos> happy you won rusty10
[15:40] <Kilos> oh ya superfly
[15:40] <Kilos> oh my
[15:41] <Kilos> all i know is atrt and end meeting
[15:41] <CuttingEdge> in other news, i've taken over maintaining the Neology Ubuntu 'archive' mirror
[15:41] <Kilos> start
[15:41] <Kilos> yay CuttingEdge i was looking for you
[15:41] <CuttingEdge> setup a 'release' mirror too now .. pending review
[15:41] <Kilos> a few times we pointed peeps to neology
[15:42] <CuttingEdge> Kilos: if anyone has problems with it, let me know
[15:42] <Kilos> and i couldnt remember who worked there
[15:42] <Kilos> i dont know how to get you iff you offline
[15:44] <CuttingEdge> i've updated the launchpad owner details for the mirror .. my contact details are there too now
[15:44] <CuttingEdge>
[15:44] <CuttingEdge> the release mirror is here:
[15:44] <rusty10> Kilos, I see the list of names on a righthand column, but nothing to indicate who is up or not - but my previous guestname is in light grey
[15:44] <CuttingEdge>
[15:45] <Kilos> dont you want to join ubuntu-za on launchpad too
[15:45] <rusty10> Is the darker names online?
[15:46] <Kilos> nope rusty10
[15:46] <Kilos> maybe for the meeting
[15:46] <rusty10> how do I know who is currently online? Can I see it?
[15:47] <Kilos> what client are you using
[15:47] <rusty10> 'client'?
[15:47] <rusty10> rusty10
[15:47] <rusty10> ?
[15:47] <Kilos> ok what system first
[15:48] <rusty10> xchat
[15:48] <Kilos> ok then go to settings
[15:48] <rusty10> OK
[15:48] <CuttingEdge> Kilos: i've been part of the ubuntu-za group since 2013, apparently ;)
[15:48] <CuttingEdge> (according to launchpad)
[15:48] <Kilos> preferences
[15:49] <Kilos> yay CuttingEdge please will you add yourself at
[15:50] <Kilos> rusty let me start other pc so i can see xchat
[15:50] <rusty10> text box
[15:50] <Kilos> somewhere there must be nick list
[15:51] <CuttingEdge> rusty10: try: /names #ubuntu-za
[15:51] <rusty10> OK
[15:52] <CuttingEdge> some clients might like: /who #ubuntu-za
[15:53] <Kilos> do you see user list
[15:53] <rusty10> no
[15:53] <Kilos> maybe you need to drag drop from the right hand side to open the user list window
[15:54] <rusty10> O, there is a right hand column
[15:54] <Kilos> yes
[15:54] <Kilos> all the nicks are in there
[15:55] <rusty10> are all those on-line at the moment?
[15:55] <Kilos> some will look grayed out
[15:55] <Kilos> thaey are away
[15:55] <rusty10> OK
[15:55] <Kilos> but all you see are connected
[15:56] <Kilos> at the bottom you should see 37 nicks
[15:56] <rusty10> I will come this evening, but I have recently move home and have a question
[15:56] <Kilos> thats good
[15:57] <Kilos> what is the question
[15:57] <rusty10> I now stay at Margate, and would like to know if there are other people using Linux or better still Ubuntu around here
[15:57] <rusty10> perhaps I should ask tonight.
[15:57] <Kilos> there was a guy at port shepstone but i havent seen him for a while
[15:58] <Kilos> you can go to our new website and join our mailing list
[15:58] <rusty10> I have to go now, but I will try to come tonight
[15:58] <Kilos> lots of the list guys dont use irc
[15:58] <Kilos> cool
[15:58] <rusty10> how do I log out?
[15:58] <rusty10> exept to close all
[15:59] <Kilos> top tick xchat and close
[16:01] <CuttingEdge> Kilos:
[16:01] <CuttingEdge> added myself to the bottom of the list
[16:01] <Kilos> wonderful ty CuttingEdge
[16:03] <CuttingEdge> mentioned under the 'comments' section that i admin the neology mirror too - will make it easier to find/contact me should an issue arise
[16:03] <superfly> CuttingEdge: you know frostbite?
[16:03] <Kilos> wonderful ty
[16:04] <superfly> Ag
[16:04] <superfly> Froztbyte or FroztyZA
[16:04] <CuttingEdge> superfly: he used to work here a while ago, before i started
[16:07] <superfly> Ah. Yeah, I've largely lost contact with him.
[16:08] <CuttingEdge> i'm sure i can track him down if you want to make contact again
[16:11] <superfly> nah, I have him on Facebook.
[16:12] <Kilos> aw superfly i forgot about you
[16:12] <Kilos> and fb
[16:12] <superfly> So I see his movements occasionally. Just our areas of interest have largely diverved, I think :-)
[16:12] <superfly> *diverged
[16:12] <superfly> woo! my G2 has been shipped. hoping to get it tomorrow or thursday
[16:14] * CuttingEdge ponders
[16:14] <CuttingEdge> now that i've had a good look, i actually recognize some of the nicknames here
[16:15] <CuttingEdge> mostly #clug users ;)
[16:15] <Kilos> no lug channels are friendly lik #ubuntu-za
[16:24] <Kilos> CuttingEdge i read an article that says neology has gone ipv6 already
[16:24] <CuttingEdge> yeah, most of our 'stuff' is IPv6
[16:25] <Kilos> how do i get my 8ta connection to make use of ipv6
[16:26] <CuttingEdge> at this stage, you'd probably have to tunnel it
[16:26] <CuttingEdge> not sure if 8ta is IPv6 ready
[16:27] <Kilos> i will fone them a enguire
[16:28] <Kilos> my telkom mobile connection shows 4g is possible so who knows what a fone call will find
[16:29] <CuttingEdge> that reminds me .. is IPv6 ready too .. just noticed the AAAA record is incorrect
[16:29] * CuttingEdge goes to update
[16:29] <Kilos> i go eat
[16:36] <georgelappies> hi all
[16:36] <georgelappies> Kilos there be two of you
[16:36] <gremble> Good evening
[16:36] <gremble> Good evening georgelappies
[16:37] <Kilos> ya
[16:37] <Kilos> hi georgelappies im just eating
[16:37] <Kilos> wbb soon
[16:37] <Kilos> hi gremble
[16:37] <georgelappies> are you pulling a Gollum on us?
[16:37] <Kilos> lol
[16:38] <gremble> Kilos was probably alive when Tolkien wrote his books :P
[16:38] <Kilos> her books
[16:38] <gremble> Oh, You decided that he was a girl?
[16:38] <gremble> :P
[16:39] <Kilos> google
[16:39] <gremble> Lol
[16:39] <MaNI2>
[16:39] <MaNI2> if thats a girl then I don't know :p
[16:39] <Kilos> she was on some show one day
[16:39] <gremble> LOL
[16:40] <gremble> He died in 1973
[16:40] <gremble> I doubt that he was on shows
[16:40] <Kilos> its a her that wrote lord of the rings
[16:40] <Kilos> ill ask my sis when i finish eating
[16:40] <georgelappies>
[16:40] <gremble> Most certainly not :P
[16:41] <gremble> He did have a daughter, but I am unsure of what she would be famous for
[16:41] <gremble> Other than being from his loins
[16:42] <MaNI2> he wrote the hobbit for her, thats probably her largest achievement :p
[16:42] <gremble> That was an amazing book, so it is probably not a meager achievement
[16:43] <MaNI2> toob ad about the movies
[16:43] <gremble> I never watched the last movie
[16:43] <MaNI2> it can't be unseen unfortunately :(
[16:43] <gremble> They weren't horrible. Book is much better though
[16:43] <Kilos> forgive me oh wise ones im thinking of jk rowlinns
[16:43] <Kilos> 'rowlings or whatever
[16:43] <MaNI2> haha, harry potter
[16:43] <gremble> Yes, JK Rowling is a girl
[16:43] <gremble> :P
[16:43] <gremble> A very very rich one at that
[16:44] <Kilos> ya
[16:45] <georgelappies> no, no, no. JRR Tolkien was born in the Freestate in SA, he most definitely is male and any of his works by far surpasses the drivel we have seen lately marketed under the premise of high fantasy
[16:45] <georgelappies> me = Tolkien fan ;p
[16:45] <gremble> georgelappies has a slow internet connection :P
[16:45] <MaNI2> hehe
[16:46] <georgelappies> how do you know that gremble? ;p
[16:46] <gremble> Educated guess
[16:46] <MaNI2> also a huge fan
[16:46] <georgelappies> anyhow, not talking so much about movies / tv series. Talking about books and the creation of the world the story is set in
[16:47] <MaNI2> of the books that is
[16:47] <gremble> Do you blow them cold?
[16:47] <MaNI2> the LOTR moviews were respectful at least
[16:47] <MaNI2> hobbit movies were an attrocity
[16:47] <gremble> They are 12 hours of walking and hobbits doing slightly homosexual things
[16:48] <georgelappies> yeah, also enjoyed them. Hobbit was definitely atrocious MaNI2
[16:50] <georgelappies> gremble, you have a warped perception of reality :)
[16:51] <gremble> It's a shame that you think there is an objective reality
[16:53] <Padroni> hi all
[16:53] <gremble> Hey Padroni
[16:53] * Padroni broke his Win7 using Kali
[16:53] <Padroni> sadly Win7 wasn't the target
[16:53] <gremble> make the switch to Kali then
[16:53] <gremble> How'd you break it?
[16:54] <Padroni> not sure
[16:54] <Padroni> but everytime I use Kali, Win7 goes BSOD on boot
[16:54] <gremble> Oh. Is it a laptop?
[16:54] <Padroni> yup
[16:55] <gremble> Ah
[16:55] <gremble> Windows has a nasty habit of not shutting down on laptops
[16:55] <gremble> It suspends to RAM
[16:55] <georgelappies> lol, gremble that was a good come back
[16:55] <gremble> So when you boot with Kali, you erase the previous state of windows
[16:55] <gremble> Well...
[16:55] <gremble> Chrome just BSOD' my own machine
[16:55] <gremble> haha
[16:56] <Padroni> I tend to disable the 'hibernate' function completely
[16:56] <gremble> Anyway, so as the state is erased, windows freaks out and BSOD's
[16:56] <Padroni> but yeah
[16:56] <gremble> It is not hibernate
[16:56] <gremble> It is shitty OEM shit
[16:56] <Padroni> I don't care enough about Win7 to get upset
[16:56] <Padroni> i just reinstall
[16:56] <gremble> I don't think it is world breaking
[16:56] <gremble> It should be able to recover?
[16:56] <Padroni> if you have ANY experience with Windows, you're use to that part anyway
[16:57] <Padroni> nah, I am due to for a clean install
[16:57] <Padroni> only use windows because of games anyway
[16:57] <Padroni> so no harm
[16:57] <gremble> georgelappies: you didn't say anything that I would have to make a comeback to. Ad hominem attacks on my opinion mean nothing to me :P
[16:59] <gremble> And I was busy reading such an interesting article
[17:02] <Kilos> we had 44 peeps here at lunchtime now down to 38 again
[17:02] <Kilos> sigh
[17:02] <gremble> Hmm, this was quite a crash. Even ripped out the activation malware
[17:02] <Padroni> hi Kilos
[17:02] <Kilos> you guys chased all my peeps
[17:02] <Kilos> hi Padroni
[17:03] <Padroni> I was here most of the day
[17:03] <Padroni> but so busy
[17:03] <Padroni> and now busy with 2nd shift
[17:03] <Kilos> np being here is good
[17:03] <Kilos> many lurkers are better than an empty channel
[17:04] <Padroni> true
[17:04] <Padroni> but at least I say something stupid now and then
[17:04] <Kilos> haha
[17:04] <Padroni> or pick fights with the bot
[17:04] <gremble> Maaz will always win
[17:04] <Kilos> yeah
[17:04] <Padroni> #soon
[17:05] <Kilos> whats that mean
[17:05] * Padroni wonders if Maaz is 3 laws ready...
[17:05] <gremble> It means he will beat it soon
[17:05] <gremble> He only knows one
[17:05] <Padroni> what ^ said
[17:05] <gremble> Don't burn the beans
[17:05] <Kilos> nono he has been here for years, part of the furniture already
[17:06] <Padroni> is it weird that I find it exciting to install a fresh copy of ubuntu?
[17:06] <gremble> Yes
[17:06] * Padroni sighs
[17:06] <Kilos> nope
[17:06] <Kilos> its exilirating
[17:06] <gremble> Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, ArchLinux?
[17:06] <Padroni> I am actually looking at going straight-up debian on my laptop
[17:06] <Kilos> dunno how to spell that
[17:06] <Padroni> haha
[17:06] <Kilos> wb highvoltage
[17:06] <Padroni> I have, indeed
[17:07] <Kilos> eeek traitor
[17:07] <highvoltage> o/
[17:07] <Kilos> mind you fly also does debian on one pc
[17:07] * highvoltage too
[17:07] <Kilos> but i think its more work than ubuntu
[17:08] <Kilos> you too?
[17:08] <Kilos> oh my
[17:08] <gremble> I once had ubuntu on my computer for an entire week
[17:08] <highvoltage> yep, since 2011 or so
[17:08] <Kilos> gremble your prob is
[17:09] <gremble> I didn't even know that I had a problem
[17:09] <Kilos> ubuntu is too mathematically advanced for you to work out the equation
[17:09] <Kilos> that thing
[17:09] <Padroni> All I know is
[17:09] <Padroni> I am in love with linux
[17:10] <gremble> linux just wants to be your friend though
[17:10] <Padroni> and I refuse to upgrade any further than Win7
[17:10] <Kilos> highvoltage fly at least uses ubuntu on his others
[17:10] <gremble> Don't make it weird
[17:10] <Kilos> kde style
[17:10] <highvoltage> Kilos: I use Ubuntu too in many places
[17:10] <Kilos> yay thats good to know
[17:10] <gremble> I think my windows crack was thwarted
[17:10] * gremble sighs
[17:11] <Kilos> inetpro ping
[17:11] <gremble> Don't pirate. its bad
[17:11] <Kilos> you still at work
[17:12] <Kilos> highvoltage have you had a look at the latest za creation
[17:12] <Kilos>
[17:12] <Kilos> courtesy of fly and friends
[17:12] <Kilos> hit reset a few times
[17:13] <highvoltage> yep, looked at it this morning
[17:13] <Kilos> who told you
[17:14] <gremble> Why don't you guys change the url in the topic?
[17:14] <Kilos> gremble Padroni highvoltage is the founder of this channel
[17:14] <Kilos> to what
[17:14] <highvoltage> I think it was actually Vhata and/or linuxboy who found the channel. but that was before it even became active
[17:15] <Kilos> oh the skelms
[17:15] <highvoltage> Kilos: I think it was on g+
[17:15] <Kilos> oh maybe pro posted it
[17:15] <gremble> Why are they skelms?
[17:16] <Kilos> i thought they were watching us and not even coming to say hi
[17:16] <Kilos> i forgot pro sneaks things to G+
[17:16] <Padroni> hi highvoltage
[17:17] <Padroni> I need to write something for compunation again but don't get time
[17:21] <Padroni> Hallo Hendrik
[17:21] <highvoltage> hi Padroni
[17:21] <Kilos> hi Tonberry
[17:22] <Tonberry> hello
[17:22] <Kilos> hi MaNI2 you joining us tonight
[17:22] <Kilos> ?
[17:27] <Kilos> wb CuttingEdge
[17:27] <CuttingEdge> Kilos: ta
[17:46] * Padroni lurks
[17:47] <Kilos> hehe
[17:47] <Kilos> lurk quietly so fly can rest
[17:52] <Padroni> the best thing about night shift
[17:52] <Padroni> is beer
[17:53] <CuttingEdge> the guys at the office declared it beer-hour at 16:30 already ;)
[17:53] <superfly> Maaz: hi
[17:53] * Maaz waves to superfly
[17:53] <CuttingEdge> beer-o-clock even
[17:53] * Padroni flashes his CV
[17:53] <Padroni> WHo do I give it to?
[17:53] * Padroni sees he will fit in
[17:54] <superfly> heh. the best is when your CEO starts sipping a glass of white wine in an 11am meeting :-D
[17:54] <gremble> I once wrote a test drunk.
[17:55] <gremble> Don't do it
[17:55] <gremble> its bad mmkay
[17:55] <superfly> let me see if I can quickly brush up my meeting skills
[17:55] * Kilos hands fly a new brush
[17:56] <superfly> Kilos: thanks, my hair looks GREAT now
[17:56] <Kilos> lol
[17:57] <superfly> I wonder if I have permission...
[17:57] <superfly> Maaz: start meeting about Kilos and his nonsense
[17:57] * Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles
[17:57] <superfly> ha!
[17:57] <Kilos> yay
[17:57] <superfly> Maaz: agreed Kilos is naughty
[17:57] <Maaz> Agreed: Kilos is naughty
[17:57] <superfly> Maaz: agreed Kilos refuses to co-operate
[17:57] <Kilos> wow
[17:57] <Maaz> Agreed: Kilos refuses to co-operate
[17:57] * Kilos lurks
[17:58] <superfly> Maaz: end meeting
[17:58] <Maaz> Meeting Ended
[17:58] <Maaz> Minutes available at json: :: txt: :: html:
[17:58] <superfly> woo! great meeting everyone!
[17:58] <Kilos> lol
[17:58] <superfly> :-P
[18:00] <Kilos> hi Vince-0 wb
[18:00] <inetpro> good evening
[18:00] <Maaz> inetpro: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell inetpro prepare to chair, nuvo snowed under but will let me know this avy if he can be available tonight" 10 hours, 7 minutes and 38 seconds ago
[18:01] <Kilos> hi inetpro wb you too
[18:01] <inetpro> problems at the office fixed, next problem?
[18:01] <Kilos> you home yet?
[18:01] <inetpro> yes
[18:01] <superfly> hi inetpro, Vince-0
[18:01] <Kilos> good man
[18:02] <superfly> Kilos: where are the previous meeting minutes?
[18:02] <Vince-0> Haai
[18:02] <inetpro> nice to see superfly has brushed up his meeting skills already
[18:02] <Kilos> we need to train another chair but anyone but me
[18:02] <CuttingEdge>
[18:02] <CuttingEdge> ?
[18:02] <CuttingEdge> was just reading through it myself
[18:03] <inetpro> superfly: hmm... I didn't link back to them in the agenda?
[18:03] <inetpro> see:
[18:03] <superfly> thanks CuttingEdge, inetpro
[18:03] <superfly> inetpro: no, you didn't
[18:04] <Kilos> hi magespawn
[18:04] <Kilos> CuttingEdge you keeping notes
[18:04] <superfly> hey Maaz
[18:04] <superfly> gah
[18:04] <superfly> hey magespawn
[18:04] <Kilos> lol
[18:05] * inetpro goes to make some real coffee before the meeting
[18:05] <superfly> OK, I've got a little bit of coding to do before the meeting, I'll be back in 20 minutes
[18:05] <inetpro> and before reading the backlogs
[18:05] <Padroni> hi magespawn
[18:05] <Kilos> cool superfly
[18:06] <Padroni> hi inetpro superfly
[18:07] <Padroni> ffs
[18:07] <Padroni> you go through the whole installation
[18:07] <Padroni> and it fails near the end
[18:07] <Kilos> ai!
[18:08] <magespawn> hi Kilos superfly
[18:08] <magespawn> Hi Padroni
[18:09] <Squirm> Hello
[18:09] <magespawn> hah the meeting, my brain is still on Monday
[18:09] <magespawn> hi Squirm
[18:09] <Squirm> magespawn: lucky for you then, it's the end of Tuesday!
[18:09] <Squirm> 2 more nights until a long weekend :D
[18:10] <Kilos> CuttingEdge how you announced to our list who you are?
[18:10] <Kilos> have
[18:11] <CuttingEdge> Kilos: negative
[18:11] <superfly> does he need to?
[18:11] <Kilos>
[18:11] <Kilos> there is a link there by join us
[18:11] <Kilos> i think it might help if others know about neology superfly
[18:12] <inetpro> yikes!
[18:12] <inetpro> Kilos: you talk too much
[18:12] <Kilos> often there are mail about failure to get upgrades done
[18:12] <Kilos> oh again
[18:12] <Vince-0> Maaz, I'm Vincent Swart
[18:12] <Maaz> Vince-0: *blink*
[18:12] <Vince-0> Maaz, I am Vincent Swart
[18:12] <Maaz> Vince-0: Excuse me?
[18:12] <Vince-0> lorlz
[18:12] <Kilos> too early Vince-0
[18:12] <inetpro> how do you expect me to catch up?
[18:12] <Vince-0> it's been a while
[18:13] <superfly> Kilos: yes, true, but announce Neology, not himself
[18:13] <Kilos> well both seeing as he is running it
[18:13] <Kilos> he will get the queries not neology
[18:14] <Kilos> basically just join our lists and let them know what you do
[18:14] <Kilos> superfly right?
[18:14] <CuttingEdge> joined the mailing list
[18:15] <superfly> ja
[18:15] <Kilos> good man
[18:15] <inetpro> sjow Kilos, our next meeting only in 2030?
[18:15] <Kilos> u oh
[18:15] <inetpro> oops... at 2030... surely you meant 20:30
[18:15] <Kilos> what did you break now
[18:15] <superfly> Kilos: you're quite pushy, né?
[18:16] <Kilos> ya that thing man
[18:16] <Kilos> the pro gives me non stop grief
[18:16] <Kilos> RTFS this and RTFS that
[18:17] <superfly> RTFM, Kilos. Read the Fine Manual. Although, Read the Fine Site works too, I guess
[18:18] <inetpro> Kilos: don't say 2030 and 2020, I get confused man :-)
[18:18] <Kilos> ya but he knows i cant read
[18:18] <Kilos> ok from now 8:30 pm
[18:19] <superfly> Kilos: try not to confuse poor inetpro, he's getting old and he gets confused easily :-P
[18:19] <Kilos> hee hee hee
[18:20] <inetpro> ai!... and gremble still doing the windows thing?
[18:21] <gremble> You mean the things that allow you to see through walls?
[18:21] <Kilos> you guys must behave, the big sparks is here watching
[18:21] <inetpro> time to forget about BSOD and just move over to a proper OS
[18:21] <Kilos> inetpro tell him
[18:21] <gremble> I would, but I need to use SAS for statistics
[18:22] <gremble> Otherwise I would've had Arch on my desktop a long time ago ;)
[18:22] <Kilos> ai!
[18:22] * inetpro falls off his chair
[18:22] <inetpro> even highvoltage here this evening?
[18:22] <Kilos> yeah
[18:23] <Kilos> hi clr_
[18:23] <clr_> evening
[18:24] <inetpro> great... time to get into meeting mode
[18:24] <Kilos> lol you chased magespawn
[18:24] <Kilos> wb magespawn
[18:24] <magespawn> ty
[18:25] <inetpro> did the quick speed reading through the backlogs
[18:25] <Kilos> quiet day inetpro
[18:27] <gremble> I made the mistake of trying to install Racket on my windows machine. I don't know how some people use windows as a serious mission critical operating system
[18:29] <Kilos> superfly .
[18:29] <magespawn> brb
[18:30] <Kilos> hmm...
[18:30] <Kilos> he fell asleep
[18:30] <superfly> Kilos: it's 20:30 now
[18:30] <Kilos> yessir
[18:30] <Kilos> and a bit
[18:30] <Kilos> inetpro ^^
[18:31] <superfly> Maaz: start meeting about Ubuntu-ZA Monthly Meeting 28 April 2015
[18:31] * Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles
[18:31] <Kilos> wb rusty
[18:31] <superfly> Maaz: I am Raoul Snyman
[18:31] <Maaz> superfly: Alrighty
[18:31] <Guest98387> hi
[18:31] <Kilos> Maaz I am Miles Sharpe
[18:31] <Maaz> Kilos: Done
[18:31] <Guest98387> rusty10
[18:31] <Kilos> hi magellanic
[18:31] <superfly> Welcome everyone to our monthly meeting. Please register your attendance with Maaz, like so: Maaz: I am <Name>
[18:31] <magellanic> Maaz: I am hiren
[18:31] <Maaz> magellanic: Yessir
[18:31] <Vince-0> Maaz: I am Vincent Swart
[18:31] <Maaz> Vince-0: Done
[18:32] <inetpro> Maaz: I am Gustav H Meyer
[18:32] <Maaz> inetpro: Done
[18:32] <CuttingEdge> Maaz: I am Wesley Channon
[18:32] <Maaz> CuttingEdge: Sure
[18:32] <Guest98387> hi
[18:32] <Padroni> Maaz: I am Padroni
[18:32] <Maaz> Padroni: Done
[18:32] <clr_> Maaz: I am Charl le Roux
[18:32] <Maaz> clr_: Alrighty
[18:32] <gremble> Maaz: I am Jaco Stroebel
[18:32] <Maaz> gremble: Okay
[18:32] <Kilos> Guest98387 /nick rusty10
[18:32] <Kilos> hi theblazehen
[18:32] <blazehen> sup
[18:32] <Kilos> meeting
[18:32] <superfly> Maaz: topic Welcome
[18:32] <Maaz> Current Topic: Welcome
[18:33] <blazehen> just wanted to let you all know that I didn't kill myself or die in any way, lol
[18:33] <blazehen> sorry
[18:33] <superfly> Welcome again, everyone. For those who are new, meetings are held every 4th Tuesday of each month at 20:30 SAST (UTC+2) and are pretty informal. Anyone is free to join in and give comments and suggestions, its even encouraged.
[18:33] <blazehen> bad timing
[18:33] <Kilos> good login now
[18:33] <blazehen> busy :(
[18:33] <superfly> welcome to our monthly meeting blazehen, glad you're OK :-D
[18:33] <blazehen> alright :) ty superfly
[18:34] <superfly> The minutes of the previous meeting are at
[18:35] <superfly> In formal meetings they like to accept the minutes of the previous meeting, but I don't see that as necessary here. Anyone have any comments on the previous meeting minutes?
[18:36] * inetpro likes the style of our new chair :-)
[18:36] <magellanic> nope
[18:36] <superfly> Great. Moving on.
[18:37] <inetpro> +1
[18:37] <superfly> Maaz: topic: Plans for 2015
[18:37] <Maaz> superfly: Excuse me?
[18:37] <magellanic> sup Kilos sorry didn't see earlier
[18:37] * Kilos +1
[18:37] <superfly> Maaz: topic Plans for 2015
[18:37] <Maaz> Current Topic: Plans for 2015
[18:37] <magespawn> hi
[18:37] <magespawn> back again
[18:37] <magespawn> meeting?
[18:37] <Kilos> wb magespawn login please
[18:38] <magespawn> Maaz, I am Greg Eames
[18:38] <Maaz> magespawn: Righto
[18:38] <Guest98387> hi everyone
[18:38] <inetpro> superfly: do we keep this issue as a topic for the rest of the year?
[18:38] <superfly> inetpro: if we want to
[18:38] <Kilos> hi Guest98387 do /nick rusty10
[18:38] <Kilos> hi captine
[18:38] <captine> hi all
[18:38] <captine> sorry i am late
[18:39] <inetpro> Kilos: how do you know it is rusty10
[18:39] <inetpro> ?
[18:39] <Guest98387> im still battling to get going, cannot get my nicj changed :-(
[18:39] * Kilos clever
[18:39] <Guest98387> but i am rusty10
[18:39] <Guest98387> nock
[18:39] <Guest98387> nick
[18:39] <superfly> inetpro, Kilos: Any feedback on the what we've been doing in terms of Ubuntu CoC, membership, etc?
[18:40] <Kilos> ok Guest98387 well sort it after meet
[18:40] <Guest98387> Ok
[18:40] <inetpro> Guest98387: start with: /nick NewNick
[18:40] <superfly> guys, lets keep the meeting rolling?
[18:40] <Kilos> no new members from us atm but one from the lubuntu boys for next thursday
[18:40] <superfly> we can sort out nicks afterward
[18:41] <captine> Maaz, i am Bradley Putzier
[18:41] <Maaz> captine: Righto
[18:41] <Kilos> superfly you need to help nudge the pro
[18:41] <superfly> Does everyone know about our Trello board?
[18:41] <inetpro> superfly: I haven't spent time looking into the COC, sorry
[18:41] <magellanic> yes ;p
[18:41] <Squirm> magespawn: I am Sinjin Swanepoel
[18:41] <Squirm> lol
[18:42] <superfly> brb - kiddy needs me
[18:42] <Squirm> Maaz: I am Sinjin Swanepoel
[18:42] <Maaz> Squirm: Okay
[18:42] <Kilos> whew we get a breather
[18:42] <Kilos> shout at him little blue eyes
[18:42] <inetpro> Trello:
[18:43] <inetpro> anyone not on Trello, please join us there
[18:43] <Vince-0> wots a trello
[18:43] <Jacques_Stry> Maaz: I am Jacques Strydom
[18:43] <Maaz> Jacques_Stry: Okay
[18:44] <Kilos>
[18:44] <Kilos> Vince-0 ^
[18:44] <Kilos> where we share work
[18:44] <inetpro> Vince-0: superfly introduced it to us in December, a very nice way to manage projects
[18:44] <Vince-0> ow ok
[18:45] <Guest98387> dont want to interrupt all the formal meeting discussions :-), but wanted to ask if anyone knows of Linux or Ubuntu users out around Margate.
[18:45] <inetpro> our trello board is publicly accessible but if you want to take part you need to register and we add you as a member
[18:45] <Guest98387> I have use moved to Margate
[18:46] <Kilos> Guest98387 go to and where you see join us join our mailing list
[18:46] <arnaudmez> hi Kilos
[18:46] <Kilos> hi arnaudmez
[18:47] <arnaudmez> how are you today ?
[18:47] <Kilos> good ty and you
[18:47] <Kilos> join our meeting
[18:47] <inetpro> Kilos: and tell them about
[18:48] <superfly> back - a little boy was having a nightmare :-(
[18:48] <Kilos> typ in maaz I am Name
[18:48] <Kilos> shame fly
[18:48] <captine> superfly, shame. my guy seems to be getting those now.
[18:48] <Squirm> Guest98387: I don't think there's anyone down Margate way(My girlfriend lives in Port SHepstone, but I'm hardly ever out that way)
[18:48] <Squirm> Durban - Definitely. There is our group and the Durban LUG
[18:49] <Kilos> there must be someone sheppy margate way
[18:49] <Squirm> I knew of one person down that way - Can't remember who though
[18:49] <Kilos> all those pcs dont run themselves down there
[18:49] <superfly> OK, are we all happy about events in 2015?
[18:50] <inetpro> I know someone in Durban who tried Ubuntu but gave up when his Canon Printer didn't work with it... sad case
[18:50] <Kilos> new record nicks
[18:50] <clr_> do we have any events in 2015 planned?
[18:51] <clr_> or are we happy with the topic being on the agenda for the rest of the year
[18:51] <clr_> ?
[18:51] <superfly> sorry clr_, my bad, I meant plans for 2015
[18:51] <inetpro> superfly: topic?
[18:51] <Jacques_Stry> inetpro: Luckily the canon stuff has been fixed by now
[18:51] <Kilos> Jacques_Stry did you login with the bot?
[18:52] <inetpro> Jacques_Stry: clearly I need to speak to you
[18:52] <clr_> I am not aware of any events planned for 2015, have I missed something?
[18:52] <Jacques_Stry> Kilos: Did yes ty :)
[18:52] <Kilos> ty
[18:52] <superfly> clr_: on the agenda:
[18:52] <Kilos> i cant keep up when you guys go so fast
[18:52] <superfly> right, moving on then.
[18:52] <inetpro> superfly: I guess we still need to encourage people to apply for official membership
[18:53] <superfly> Maaz: agreed Carry on with Trello, membership and other things.
[18:53] <Kilos> inetpro yourself included
[18:53] <Maaz> Agreed: Carry on with Trello, membership and other things
[18:53] <superfly> Maaz: topic Events
[18:53] <Maaz> Current Topic: Events
[18:53] <captine> inetpro, I will apply later this year. not very active yet, but will try anyhow
[18:53] <superfly> Any events happening?
[18:54] <superfly> I thought I heard about a release party, any news on this?
[18:54] <captine> none that i know of in jhb
[18:55] <qwebirc78238> I am Piet Beukes
[18:55] <superfly> hi Piet!
[18:55] <arnaudmez> Kilos: tried ubuntu 15.04 on my testing laptop but found it generaly slow
[18:55] <qwebirc78238> Hi
[18:55] <Kilos> aw
[18:56] <superfly> I wonder if anyone is interested in starting up those Ubuntu hours again?
[18:56] <CuttingEdge> speaking of releases .. i setup a 'release' mirror earlier today
[18:56] <captine> superfly, ubuntu hour?
[18:57] <CuttingEdge>
[18:57] <superfly> captine: meet at a coffee shop, preferably without a laptop, to introduce new folks to the ubuntu community
[18:57] <Kilos> ty CuttingEdge neology runs well
[18:58] <superfly> Maaz: idea Start up Ubuntu Hour again
[18:58] <Maaz> Idea recorded: Start up Ubuntu Hour again
[18:58] <captine> superfly, ah. sounds interesting. geeks without laptops.. like we will then need to talk to people... wow. hectic :)
[18:58] <inetpro> superfly: eish! I forgot to add the latest release to the Agenda
[18:59] <superfly> Maaz: accepted new release mirror at Neology:
[18:59] <Maaz> Accepted: new release mirror at Neology:
[18:59] <gremble> That sounds like a really good idea -> Ubuntu Hour
[18:59] <superfly> (need a "note" action)
[18:59] <captine> gremble, agree
[18:59] <Kilos> superfly query
[18:59] <inetpro> superfly: can we please slip "Ubuntu 15.04" into the Agenda before Miscellaneous ?
[19:00] <superfly> inetpro: go ahead
[19:00] <superfly> yes Kilos?
[19:00] <Kilos> shouldnt it be with your laptop
[19:00] <superfly> Kilos: we can chat further after the meeting
[19:00] <Kilos> no man
[19:00] <Kilos> for the ubuntu hour
[19:00] <superfly> Maaz: agreed chat further about Ubuntu Hour after the meeting
[19:00] <Maaz> Agreed: chat further about Ubuntu Hour after the meeting
[19:01] <Kilos> lol
[19:01] <superfly> let's keep the ball rolling
[19:01] <inetpro> please refresh
[19:02] <superfly> The other event that happened, more like news, I guess
[19:02] <superfly> is that Kilos is now a member of one of the Ubuntu councils...
[19:02] <inetpro> we still need people to organise release parties
[19:02] <superfly> Kilos: the Ubuntu membershp council?
[19:02] <Padroni> nice
[19:02] <Padroni> well done
[19:02] <Kilos> membership board
[19:02] <inetpro> \o/
[19:02] <superfly> that one
[19:03] <captine> nice. what does that mean exactly?
[19:03] <inetpro> very well done oom Kilos!
[19:03] <Kilos> i get to vote for new members
[19:03] <Kilos> ty all
[19:03] <captine> nice.
[19:04] <inetpro> captine: he get's to interview people applying for official membership all around the world
[19:04] <superfly> Maaz: agreed Congratulations Miles on your membership of the Ubuntu Membership Board
[19:04] <Maaz> Agreed: Congratulations Miles on your membership of the Ubuntu Membership Board
[19:04] <superfly> (gotta minute it somehow)
[19:04] <inetpro> gets
[19:04] <inetpro> +1
[19:05] <captine> Kilos, hope I can bank your vote when applying :-)
[19:05] <stickyboy> I'm good.
[19:05] <Kilos> hehe
[19:06] <inetpro> Maaz: Kilos++ [for membership of the Ubuntu Membership Board]
[19:06] <superfly> Anything else to add to events?
[19:06] <Kilos> its actually simple, do enough to get great testimonials
[19:06] <superfly> inetpro: should I add your idea for release parties?
[19:06] <inetpro> superfly: sure
[19:07] <superfly> Maaz: idea Release Parties for 15.04
[19:07] <Maaz> Idea recorded: Release Parties for 15.04
[19:07] <stickyboy> But didn't they already release 15.04?
[19:07] <superfly> Great. Moving on.
[19:07] <superfly> Maaz: topic Ubuntu 15.04
[19:07] <Maaz> Current Topic: Ubuntu 15.04
[19:07] <superfly> stickyboy: yes, a release party celebrates the release of a new version of Ubuntu
[19:08] <stickyboy> superfly: Sure. I was just thinking it's a bit late. :P
[19:08] <stickyboy> But I guess it was just a few days ago or so.
[19:08] <inetpro> stickyboy:
[19:09] <stickyboy> Cool, can someone make a cake for it?
[19:09] <stickyboy> Like the IE and Chrome teams send each other on release days. :P
[19:09] <Kilos> aw where is maia
[19:09] <captine> stickyboy, lol
[19:09] * inetpro running on Kubuntu 15.04 right now
[19:10] <captine> inetpro, nice. how is it treating you. I am a little nervous to go to it with the system D changes etc
[19:10] <stickyboy> systemd is #winning to be honest.
[19:10] <CuttingEdge> inetpro: you may have some catching up to do .. i've done 4 machines already ;)
[19:10] <stickyboy> Today I learned about systemd-nspawn...
[19:10] <inetpro> captine: it's awesome, but at the same time not without some minor glitches
[19:11] <stickyboy> systemd-nspawn makes it super easy to use containers.
[19:11] <stickyboy> I haven't found a use for containers yet, but I will.
[19:12] <arnaudmez> containers ???
[19:12] <arnaudmez> tell me more about stickyboy
[19:13] <superfly> alright boys. let's keep to meeting during meeting time
[19:13] <Jacques_Stry> On my machines I have found that 15.04 takes quite a bit longer to boot up...
[19:13] <stickyboy> Ooops, didn't realize it was a meeting.
[19:13] <captine> inetpro, I hear a lot of great things about Mate 15.04 (new ubuntu family member :). Dude on Linux Unplugged podcast is one of the key developers/maintainers
[19:13] <Jacques_Stry> :)
[19:13] <inetpro> I normally disable fancy desktop behaviours but haven't figured how to do it here, must say I'm surprised how smooth it's running
[19:14] <captine> i need a good day to install it if I do. Using mac mini as my desktop and installing non-apple OS is a pain.
[19:15] <superfly> Any other comments on 15.04?
[19:15] <superfly> Right. Moving on.
[19:15] <inetpro> KDE Connect is really awesome, allowing me to drive my desktop mouse with the Andoid device
[19:15] <Padroni> did you upgrade or clean install?
[19:15] <arnaudmez> superfly: found it a bit slower than Mint 17 but maybe I need to reinstall and see
[19:16] <arnaudmez> inetpro: will take a time and try
[19:16] * superfly did an upgrade
[19:17] <inetpro> Padroni: I did a clean install but copied my home folder across before first login
[19:17] * Padroni needs to back up his home folder
[19:17] <superfly> K, let's move on.
[19:17] <inetpro> always make a backup!!!
[19:17] <captine> cool
[19:17] <arnaudmez> inetpro: does it work without causing issues now ?
[19:17] <Squirm> I have my / mounted on a 20Gb partition and /home on the remainder of the drive. So my home folder follows me around :)
[19:18] <superfly> Maaz: topic Miscellaneous
[19:18] <Maaz> Current Topic: Miscellaneous
[19:18] <superfly> anything else?
[19:18] <inetpro> arnaudmez: let's talk more after the meeting
[19:18] <arnaudmez> 'cause i remember years ago that copy-paste of home was problematic ... really
[19:18] <Squirm> arnaudmez: works for me
[19:18] <arnaudmez> sorry guys, what's the meeting topic
[19:18] <Squirm> Nothing my side superfly
[19:18] <inetpro> I didn't have problems with that at all
[19:18] <arnaudmez> i came late today
[19:18] <captine> saw some mails on one of the mailing lists about some documentation project? Anyone have any more info on that? think it is general and not Ubuntu specific
[19:19] <Kilos> speak to Jacques_Stry captine
[19:19] <captine> looking up emails quick
[19:20] <inetpro> oh, if anyone else knows more Ubuntu people in the rest of Africa please talk to Kilos, he's lining them up at #ubuntu-africa
[19:21] <Kilos> superfly
[19:21] <Jacques_Stry> captine: Will fill you in on documentation later
[19:21] <Kilos> rewquest please
[19:21] <Kilos> requets too
[19:21] <captine> thnx Jacques_Stry
[19:22] <Jacques_Stry> np
[19:22] <Kilos> can someone who uses fb often advertise the africa site
[19:22] * Padroni will do
[19:22] <captine> so.,.. I unfortunately went back to Windows 8.1 at work after using Ubuntu for about a month as my main desktop. Was fun, but changing roles means no longer in IT so need to conform
[19:22] <Kilos> ty
[19:22] <gremble> I can, but I don't have many friends :P
[19:22] <gremble> captine: You have my condolences
[19:22] <Kilos> maybe from ubuntu-za in fb even
[19:22] <captine> thnx gremble...
[19:22] <Padroni> jeez
[19:22] <Padroni> 8.1?
[19:23] * Padroni is a mocker of Windoze 8 users...
[19:23] <captine> or whatever
[19:23] <captine> Padroni, not a win expert
[19:23] <captine> think it is 8.1... isnt it?
[19:23] <Padroni> both are equally useless
[19:23] <captine> yip it is. just checked :)
[19:24] <Squirm> captine: roles?
[19:24] <Kilos> oh
[19:24] <inetpro> in the News: KDE Ships Plasma 5.3, New Feature Release
[19:24] <captine> moved from IT into finance
[19:24] <superfly> Maaz: idea advertise ubuntu-afica on facebook
[19:24] <Maaz> Idea recorded: advertise ubuntu-afica on facebook
[19:24] <Kilos> i would personally like to thank superfly inetpro and team for the great africa site
[19:25] <superfly> Maaz: agreed find out more about the documentation effort
[19:25] <Maaz> Agreed: find out more about the documentation effort
[19:25] <gremble> I would like to know more
[19:25] <gremble> about the documentation effort. I would like to get involved
[19:25] <Squirm> captine: there was one... tails?
[19:26] <Squirm> captine:
[19:26] <Squirm> superfly: documentation in terms of...?
[19:26] <Kilos> booktype
[19:27] <Jacques_Stry> gremble: After meeting i'll give you a quick update
[19:27] <superfly> Squirm, gremble: Speak to Jacques_Stry
[19:27] <Kilos> speak to Jacques_Stry
[19:27] <Squirm> Will do
[19:27] <Kilos> lol
[19:27] * Squirm looks pointedly at Jacques_Stry
[19:27] <gremble> Squirm: there was mention of it on the mailing lists. As I understand it, they want to document OS things for central and easy access
[19:27] <Jacques_Stry> :)
[19:27] * Jacques_Stry hides
[19:27] * Padroni just had to do a system restore on Win7. Which means it is now retarted for at least 5 reboot cycles
[19:27] <Padroni> :/
[19:27] <Squirm> gremble: cool
[19:28] <superfly> OK. can we move on to electing the next chairnick?
[19:28] <Padroni> Jacques_Stry, you need to do that tut on compunation?
[19:28] * Kilos votes superfly
[19:28] <Jacques_Stry> Padroni: Good idea
[19:28] <Kilos> very efficient chair
[19:28] <inetpro> wb Langjan
[19:28] <Kilos> hi Langjan
[19:29] <Langjan> hi guys, hows the meeting going?
[19:29] * Padroni points to his lazyboy : That there is the only chair i am comfortable with
[19:29] <Kilos> almost done Langjan
[19:29] <superfly> no
[19:29] <Squirm> Langjan: tell Maaz who you are
[19:29] <gremble> Hey Langjan. Did you get your email sorted?
[19:30] <superfly> Kilos: only efficient because I've got a bunch of sick children that all need my help now, and so I want this meeting done 30 minutes ago.
[19:30] * Kilos vote secong choice inetpro
[19:30] <Kilos> second
[19:30] <inetpro> +1 for superfly
[19:30] <Kilos> sorry for pulling you in superfly
[19:30] <Padroni> +1 superfly , inetpro
[19:30] <inetpro> but we still need other volunteers as well
[19:31] <superfly> no, only as a last resort.
[19:31] <Langjan> Great, just to let you guys know installed import export tools, had to fiddle around a bit to get the right settings but worked like a dream, I couls select each folder that I wanted to import
[19:31] <Kilos> CuttingEdge ^
[19:31] <captine> inetpro, are there instructions on how to do the meetings (Maaz commands etc(
[19:31] <inetpro> captine: I will help you
[19:31] <captine> i am just not sure I can guarantee being here for the next 2 months
[19:31] * inetpro changes his vote to +1 for captine
[19:32] <inetpro> ai!
[19:32] <captine> lol. mihgt not be here L)
[19:32] <Langjan> Sorry Squirm I need to be guided as to how to do that (again)
[19:32] <captine> I can do it but will need you to step in if not here
[19:32] <Squirm> Langjan: type "Maaz: I am ..."
[19:32] <inetpro> captine: ok, I'll be on standby
[19:32] <Squirm> without the ... and the ""
[19:32] <Langjan> Maaz: I am Langjan
[19:32] <Maaz> Langjan: Okay
[19:32] <superfly> Maaz: agreed Next chair to be decided via mailing list
[19:32] <Maaz> Agreed: Next chair to be decided via mailing list
[19:33] <superfly> since no one can agree
[19:33] <Vince-0> please include the Maaz bot howto
[19:33] <Squirm> Maaz: Help
[19:33] <Maaz> Squirm: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.
[19:33] <Maaz> Ask me "help me with ..." for more details.
[19:33] <Kilos> superfly ty for being an excellent backup chair
[19:33] <Squirm> Vince-0: like so?
[19:33] <CuttingEdge> Kilos: i'm all for volunteering, but give me one or two meetings first, just to get into how things operate ;)
[19:33] <Langjan> Hi gremble did you get my drift about the mails? Thks for the help
[19:34] <gremble> Yes Langjan :)
[19:34] <gremble> Glad you got it sorted
[19:34] <superfly> Maaz: agreed Next meeting 26 May 2015
[19:34] <Maaz> Agreed: Next meeting 26 May 2015
[19:34] <superfly> Maaz: end meeting
[19:34] <Maaz> Meeting Ended
[19:34] <Maaz> Minutes available at json: :: txt: :: html:
[19:34] <melodie> good evening
[19:34] <CuttingEdge> superfly: nicely done
[19:34] <captine> evening melodie
[19:34] <Squirm> 'lo
[19:34] <inetpro> thanks superfly!
[19:34] <captine> thnx superfly
[19:35] <melodie> hi captine
[19:35] <melodie> hi Squirm
[19:35] <Kilos> hi melodie
[19:35] <Langjan> Lekker slaap manne en maninne, that's you melodie
[19:35] <Kilos> lol
[19:35] <melodie> :)
[19:35] <Kilos> sleep tight Langjan
[19:35] <Vince-0> k
[19:35] <Langjan> Thks Kilos
[19:35] <Kilos> glad you got it all sorted
[19:36] <Langjan> Me too thks
[19:36] <melodie> I would like to know if some people are interested in doing their own custom version of Ubuntu?
[19:36] <Kilos> hope you wrote it down
[19:36] <Langjan> No, it was too much trial and error
[19:36] <melodie> I have used Ubuntu Builder since 2012, it's a nice tool quite easy to use and Kamilion continues it somehow on his ppa
[19:37] <captine> melodie, I thought about something like that for a business edition etc... but no time
[19:37] <melodie> it's a tool written in Gambas, with the look and feel of a gtk3 app
[19:38] <melodie> captine would you be interested if I say, in some time, I'd like to do that, and why not open a new project?
[19:38] <superfly> minutes are up at
[19:38] <melodie> ie : a list of packages would be needed, perhaps configuration files...
[19:38] <superfly> Kilos: are you going to create the next meeting page?
[19:38] <gremble> Gambas is such a weird language to want to code in :P
[19:38] <Kilos> the pro does that superfly
[19:38] <inetpro> melodie: I tried it in a VM here and it's surprisingly fast
[19:39] <inetpro> superfly: I'll handle it asap
[19:39] <melodie> inetpro Bento?
[19:39] <inetpro> melodie: yes
[19:39] <qwebirc78238> Kilos, help me again with the nick - /nick "my name" dont do it
[19:39] <melodie> good
[19:39] <inetpro> just had a few minor issues
[19:39] <melodie> inetpro let me know if you find bugs, so that we squeeze them
[19:39] <captine> melodie, sounds interesting. what would we be wanting to do that cannot be done by contributing to current ubuntu? That is always my question. Think there is a lot on the business side, however I certainly don't have the skills... cannot even remember how to config things without google
[19:40] <melodie> captine this is beside the question, I'll explain why
[19:40] <Kilos> qwebirc78238 first try /nick anynick
[19:40] <Kilos> qwebirc78238 do /j ##kilos
[19:40] <Kilos> ill help you there
[19:41] <Kilos> there
[19:41] <Kilos> it worked
[19:41] <melodie> I am working on Bento Vivid now, because I want to see what comes next after Trusty and while doing so I meet with my own set of issues to deal with, and take advantage of it to do bug reports (as good as possible)
[19:41] <melodie> that helps
[19:41] <inetpro> melodie: reporting bugs takes time and unfortunatey that is not a luxury that I have
[19:41] <Kilos> now do /nick rusty10
[19:41] <gremble> Jacques_Stry, Squirm shall we talk on #ubuntu-za-documentation about the documentation project? (or anyone else that wants to talk about it)
[19:42] <Kilos> anynick now do /nick rusty10
[19:42] <anynick> it says it is already in use
[19:42] <melodie> captine then I was also reporting some details to a Debian developer this morning, about a package he takes care of, and also a few days ago, about an Openbox which is only for test purposes
[19:42] <melodie> inetpro you can list them here and tell me just like that
[19:42] <Jacques_Stry> gremble: surely
[19:42] <Kilos> eish
[19:42] <captine> melodie, you sound pretty technical... i may not be the resource you are looking for :)
[19:42] <melodie> inetpro ie: if it's about sound, not needed. the packages for the sound will come next
[19:43] <Kilos> e
[19:43] <anynick> so it does not allow me
[19:43] <Jacques_Stry> Documentation is a project started my William, shame he couldn't make it for the meeting
[19:43] <melodie> captine I don't need to be that technical while discussing, but while helping I do. but the devs have tought me and I am learning as I go anyway
[19:43] <Kilos> inetpro please help anynick
[19:43] <Jacques_Stry> aim of the project is to promote the use of open source software in schools
[19:44] <Kilos> he registered rusty10 this avy
[19:44] <melodie> captine you can help with anything not so tech
[19:44] <stickyboy> Kilos: He's gotta auth to it.
[19:44] <melodie> such as docs for the ones who have no knowledge, this is very appreciated generally
[19:44] <melodie> or else, whatever is in your scope
[19:44] <Jacques_Stry> but problem is that OSS is usually not well documented and lack the books necessary for them to be implemented in schools
[19:45] <Kilos> stickyboy explain nicely to him please he is new
[19:45] <melodie> anynick what says? do you need help?
[19:45] <Jacques_Stry> that is where William started with his project
[19:45] <stickyboy> Kilos: Actually he is apparently already logged in.
[19:45] <anynick> yes
[19:45] <stickyboy> anynick: Do you have another IRC window open somewhere maybe? :D
[19:45] <melodie> anynick I am listening
[19:46] <anynick> yes on xchat
[19:46] <captine> melodie, sounds interesting. just need to align with the vision and purpose of a new distro and can then work on time available to contribute.
[19:46] <stickyboy> anynick: I mean, it seems like 'rusty10' is actually connected. And that's you somewhere. :P
[19:46] <Kilos> thats why close the site one and go to xchat
[19:46] <captine> night all.. gotto run
it says it is already in use | what is?
[19:46] <Jacques_Stry> he wanted to get a system where it will be easy for people / educators / contributers from all over to help in writing books to be used in schools
[19:46] <melodie> captine I would not submit anything else than Bento Openbox as a basis
[19:46] <anynick> I started on xchat and was sent here on the ubuntu side
[19:47] <Jacques_Stry> so we looked at a few systems and the one we are currently looking at is Booktype
[19:47] <CuttingEdge> anynick: try: /nickserv ghost rusty10 password
[19:47] <anynick> Ok
[19:47] <melodie> anynick what would be "the ubuntu side" ?
[19:47] <melodie> CuttingEdge :D
[19:47] <Padroni> night all
[19:47] <Padroni> see you tomorrow
[19:47] <Guest98387> now on xchat
[19:48] <CuttingEdge> melodie: greetings
[19:48] <melodie> captine because Bento is meant to be very fast and very easy all at same time, and very easy to build ont
[19:48] <melodie> on
[19:48] <Kilos> ok now /nick rusty10
[19:48] <melodie> CuttingEdge hi
[19:48] <gremble> Jacques_Stry: Booktype looks like something used to author books. Why? Why not just have a web interface?
[19:48] <Jacques_Stry> i successfully installed a server for us to test on last night and you guys can check it out:
[19:48] <gremble> Something like an easily readable wiki where you can download the database to use it offline ( i remeber that was one of the usecases)
[19:48] <Guest98387> nope - /nick rusty10 but does not work
[19:48] <gremble> Yes, I had a look at that now. It looks very neat
[19:49] <CuttingEdge> Guest98387: thats because its currently in use
[19:49] <melodie> captine
[19:49] <melodie> :)
[19:49] <CuttingEdge> Guest98387: try: /nickserv ghost rusty10 password
[19:49] <melodie> I'm hungry now
[19:49] <melodie> I'll bbl
[19:50] <Jacques_Stry> gremble: Booktype isn't just about authoring but also about collaborative writing, it has proper version control so is perfect
[19:50] <gremble> So does a wiki?
[19:50] <Jacques_Stry> and about offline use the finished books can be easily downloaded and re uploaded
[19:50] <Guest98387> it does not allow me to ghost
[19:50] <melodie> Guest61971 you may have to wait some time
[19:50] <CuttingEdge> melodie: i tried sushi the other night .. i suppose its an acquired taste ;)
[19:50] <melodie> it happens
[19:51] <Guest98387> perhaps I just need to log off and start again
[19:51] <melodie> CuttingEdge acquired? what does acquired mean?
[19:51] <melodie> Guest61971 just be patient
[19:51] <CuttingEdge> melodie: ie: not really my 'thing'
[19:51] <Guest98387> im really trying, believe me
[19:51] <melodie> no I don't :D
[19:52] <melodie> why should I? ;D
[19:52] <Jacques_Stry> gremble: We are trying to keep it as simple to use as possible, wiki doesn't really fulfill that to me
[19:52] <melodie> CuttingEdge no problem
[19:52] <melodie> CuttingEdge which desktop do you like best? Openbox can take several of them on top because it is only a windows manager
[19:53] <gremble> Jacques_Stry: Okay, I don't particularly care how you guys decide to present the content. What is your plans on contribution management and what can I do to help?
[19:53] <CuttingEdge> can see i'm going to have to google bento .. haven't seen/played with it before
[19:53] <melodie> Guest61971 I am joking!
[19:53] <melodie> CuttingEdge why do you want to google? if you have a question please just ask
[19:54] <CuttingEdge> melodie: ironically, i was a huge fan of the original gnome .. but over the years, i've become quite fond of the simplicity of unity
[19:54] <Jacques_Stry> gremble: that is a very good question, we should be discussing this with William as this is his project - don't want to put words in his mouth
[19:54] <melodie> CuttingEdge I am not the Unity kind, but... I'll show you something I did with Bento last year or so
[19:54] <CuttingEdge> melodie: cause i can't see screenshots over IRC ;)
[19:54] <Jacques_Stry> gremble: Could I ask you to put that in a mail and send it to the mailing list
[19:55] <Jacques_Stry> He usually replies pretty quickly
[19:55] <gremble> Okay.
[19:55] <CuttingEdge> melodie: URL ?
[19:55] <melodie>,338.msg2268.html#msg2268
[19:56] <melodie> CuttingEdge you tell me..
[19:56] <Jacques_Stry> But if you have any ideas please let us know gremble - the more hands the better
[19:56] <melodie> Jacques_Stry one idea: how many people in #ubuntu-za and #ubuntu-africa like Lubuntu?
[19:56] <melodie> I know Lubuntu wishes to open their team wider, so...
[19:56] <Padroni> I use lubuntu on my eeebox pc's
[19:57] <melodie> Padroni did you try Vivid already?
[19:57] <Padroni> nope
[19:57] <Padroni> link?
[19:57] <Jacques_Stry> Use it on my htpc's etc
[19:57] <melodie> Padroni right away! wait a sec
[19:57] <Padroni> I need something that will ubuntu, but on p2 / p3 specs
[19:57] <Padroni> like 1.4Ghz with 1GB RAM
[19:58] <CuttingEdge> melodie: is there a APT repository or PPA for bento ?
[19:58] <Padroni> but mostly
[19:58] <melodie>
[19:58] <Padroni> i need to figure out how to install ubuntu on my iphone
[19:58] <melodie> CuttingEdge 3 repositories
[19:58] <melodie> for the isos
[19:58] <melodie> CuttingEdge the repos are the ones from Ubuntu, plus a few ppa added with care
[19:59] <melodie> CuttingEdge
[19:59] <Padroni> anyone?
[19:59] <Padroni> Ubuntu on iPhone. Anyone?
[19:59] <Jacques_Stry> Would do it
[20:00] <Jacques_Stry> Would use it*
[20:00] <gremble> I heard that you can do it by putting the iPhone in the microwave for 30 seconds
[20:00] <gremble> This allows you to hijack the bootloader
[20:00] <gremble> and bypass the transmogrifier
[20:00] <Padroni> you must think I am a windows 8 user?
[20:00] * Padroni is offended...
[20:00] * gremble takes a sip of tea
[20:02] * Padroni pictures Kermit with a cup of tea and sniggers...
[20:02] <gremble> That is funny, because I like kermit. I have a redeyed treefrog tattood on my arm
[20:04] <Squirm> Gnight all
[20:05] <Jacques_Stry> night
[20:05] <Padroni> I'm off too
[20:05] <Padroni> laters, folks
[20:05] <gremble> Cheers
[20:05] <Jacques_Stry> haha should probably be getting some sleep too - enjoy everyone, chat later
[20:24] <inetpro> quietness, yay! :-)
[20:24] <Kilos> hehe
[20:25] <gremble> It got really busy here for a moment
[20:25] <Kilos> i cant even keep up
[20:25] * inetpro had to step out to regain his sanity
[20:25] <smile> My inbox is overflowing
[20:27] <inetpro> lol
[20:27] <inetpro> Kilos: and poor Guest61971 will be wondering why people are trying to talk to him
[20:27] <gremble> Yes. How could they
[20:27] <smile> 100 emails and counting
[20:28] <Guest9000> I am going to keep this one, I think
[20:28] <inetpro> ai!
[20:28] <inetpro> can the real gremble please come back
[20:28] <Guest9000> Can the real slimshady please stand up, please stand up
[20:29] <Kilos> Guest61971 shout if you need help quick before everyone falls asleep
[20:30] <inetpro> Kilos: that is the graeme dude man
[20:30] <Kilos> no
[20:30] <Kilos> tis is graham
[20:30] <gremble> DudeMan: The world's chillest superhero
[20:31] <Kilos> sham epoor fly battling with the whole family sick
[20:31] <gremble> My sister was at an All Girls event in bloemfontein
[20:31] <gremble> It sounds like the entire town has gotten sick
[20:32] <Kilos> eish
[20:32] <gremble> So many are sick that they are considering closing Afrikaans Meisies here in Pretoria for the week
[20:32] <Kilos> i used to like all girl events
[20:32] <Kilos> wow
[20:34] <gremble> Ha. I made an IRC bot
[20:34] <Kilos> lol
[20:34] <gremble> It has 0 functionality other than connecting to freenode :D
[20:34] <Kilos> can it make coffee
[20:34] <gremble> Nope
[20:34] <smile> Irc coffee.
[20:34] <gremble> I't can't even disconnect
[20:35] <Kilos> useless bot
[20:35] * smile makes coffee
[20:35] <gremble> Maaz coffee please
[20:35] <Maaz> gremble: There isn't a pot on
[20:35] <gremble> Maaz Coffee on
[20:35] * Maaz flips the salt-timer
[20:35] <gremble> Maaz coffee for smile
[20:35] <Maaz> gremble: Sorry...
[20:35] <gremble> gah
[20:35] <gremble> I forgot your syntax
[20:35] <Kilos> Maaz coffee for all
[20:35] <Maaz> Come on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already
[20:35] <smile> :-D
[20:36] <melodie> Maaz help
[20:36] <Maaz> melodie: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.
[20:36] <Maaz> Ask me "help me with ..." for more details.
[20:36] <melodie> Maaz help south african stuff
[20:36] <Maaz> melodie: Excuse me?
[20:37] <melodie> Maaz help me with south african stuff
[20:37] <Maaz> melodie: I use the following features for south african stuff: lotto
[20:37] <Maaz> Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details.
[20:37] <melodie> lol
[20:37] <gremble> Maaz: Help me with system administration
[20:37] <Maaz> gremble: I use the following features for system administration: apt-file, aptitude, dns, http, ipcalc, mac, man, nmap, ping, ports, tld and tracepath
[20:37] <Maaz> Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details.
[20:37] <gremble> Nice
[20:38] <smile> Maaz: man file
[20:38] <Maaz> smile: file — determine file type
[20:38] <Maaz> smile: file [-bchiklLNnprsvz0] [--apple] [--mime-encoding] [--mime-type] [-e testname] [-F separator] [-f namefile] [-m magicfiles] [-R maxrecursion] file ...
[20:38] <smile> XD
[20:39] <Maaz> Coffee's ready for gremble!
[20:40] <smile> Maaz: square root of 4
[20:40] <Maaz> smile: Excuse me?
[20:40] <smile> Lol
[20:41] <smile> Maaz: 2+2=
[20:41] <Maaz> smile: Excuse me?
[20:42] <gremble> He doesn't do math
[20:42] <Kilos> Maaz 100/10
[20:42] <Maaz> Kilos: 10.0
[20:42] <gremble> Oh, only math for kilos it seems
[20:42] <Kilos> Maaz 100*10
[20:42] <Maaz> Kilos: 1000
[20:42] <smile> He does
[20:43] <smile> Maaz what if 1=1?
[20:43] <Maaz> smile: Sorry...
[20:43] <Kilos> there is some symbol for adding
[20:43] <Kilos> Maaz 2=2
[20:43] <Maaz> Kilos: Huh?
[20:43] <Kilos> Maaz 2+2
[20:43] <Maaz> Kilos: 4
[20:44] <smile> Maaz wikipedia google
[20:44] <Maaz> smile: *blink*
[20:44] <smile> Maaz wikipedia
[20:44] <Maaz> smile: What?
[20:45] <smile> O no. He doesnt know wikipedia
[20:49] <gremble> Maaz: google wikipedia
[20:49] <Maaz> gremble: "Wikipedia" :: "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" :: "Wikipedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" :: "Wikipedia:About - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" :: "Wikipedia - Android Apps on Google Play"
[20:49] <Maaz> :: "Wikipedia | Facebook" https://www.faceb…
[20:49] <gremble> He does though
[20:50] <Kilos> night all. sleep tight
[20:50] <Kilos> hi SirBoss
[20:50] <gremble> !id Good Night Kilos
[20:50] <SirBoss> Good Night Kilos
[20:50] <gremble> :D
[20:50] <gremble> !quit
[20:51] <Kilos> lol
[20:59] <williamk> Hi, anyone still on
[20:59] <inetpro> williamk: hi
[20:59] <melodie> hi williamk
[21:00] <williamk> Does anyone want to know about The Documentation Project
[21:01] <gremble> Hey williamk
[21:01] <gremble> Ya, I sent an email a bit ago to the mailing list
[21:01] <gremble> Sec, Ill be right back with my questions though.
[21:01] <gremble> Tea time
[21:02] <williamk> Hi gremble, I assume you are Jaco
[21:03] <inetpro> williamk: Jacques_Stry is the one who installed it on his server now
[21:04] <gremble> I am indeed
[21:05] <gremble> Content is what I am interested in. Banalities like a contribution styleguide, content scope etcetera
[21:06] <melodie> williamk is it especially dedicated to za/africa?
[21:06] <melodie> williamk just asking as right now Lubuntu is doing a documentation project, maybe could you join forces?
[21:06] <williamk> Jacques_Stry has setup Booktype
[21:06] <melodie> at #lubuntu-devel if you are interested to check with them
[21:06] <melodie> and less formal, at #phillw
[21:07] <williamk> It is not just a za/africa project
[21:07] <gremble> Yes, I did go take a look at the server he set up. Looks nice
[21:07] <melodie> williamk gsilva has setup a bazaar on launchpad and is now doing a tutorial
[21:08] <williamk> 2 things I would like to come out of this Documentation Project
[21:08] <melodie> williamk lately I noticed their team lack manpower for the doc so, perhaps would you want to talk with gsilva, rafaellaguna, wxl ... ?
[21:09] <williamk> 1. Documentation for Schools, using the DBE curriculum
[21:10] <williamk> 2. Certification, ECDL/ICDL LPI
[21:10] <melodie> great!
[21:11] <williamk> melodie, I am not an Lubuntu user, but the Project can be used for Lubuntu docs
[21:11] <melodie> williamk what about you get "Malinux" and see if you could reuse bits of the documentation which is integrated in it?
[21:12] <melodie> williamk or maybe they can put links to it in some parts, but I can't say, I'm not the one in charge there
[21:12] <melodie> about Malinux, this is something else, I host it
[21:12] <melodie> It's an Xubuntu 12.04 branded for the teachers of High School and University in Mali
[21:13] <melodie> not my doing : a non for profit association where I went to help last year, produces it
[21:15] <melodie> williamk I will provide the link for anyone interested to see how it is and perhaps use it or use parts of it
[21:16] <melodie>
[21:17] <melodie> I have installed it to a bunch of machines along with other people last year it's pretty and the doc is right on the desktop
[21:19] <williamk> Jacques_Stry is going to create an install doc for Booktype, so anyone will be able to setup their own project on their own server
[21:20] <melodie> williamk wait a sec please
[21:24] <melodie> williamk ok I have passed on the message
[21:25] <melodie> let's see what's next :D
[21:26] <melodie> williamk the documentation you are planning is to be on the ubuntu wiki, right?
[21:26] <smile> Slaapwel :)
[21:29] <williamk> melodie - The docs will be created on the Booktype server, It is very easy to use, goto
[21:30] <williamk> Here is the doc for Booktype 2.0 :
[21:30] <melodie> williamk where will it be published once written?
[21:31] <melodie> williamk this is interesting
[21:31] <melodie> and what about the LPI ? It needs an agreement to spread it
[21:32] <melodie> as far as I know
[21:36] <williamk> LPI, not the document to teach LPI, look here
[21:38] <williamk> melodie - " where will it be published once written?" we have not discussed/decided that, I would like something like Flossmanuals :
[21:41] <melodie> not for the ubuntu wiki then?
[21:41] <melodie> just wondering, williamk are you a teacher?
[21:41] <williamk> melodie, like I said "we have not discussed/decided that", so I don't know
[21:43] <williamk> No I am not a teacher, I am a Comp Tech for a University of Technology here in Durban, but am wanting to reduce the cost of books for schools/UOTs/Univs/etc
[21:43] <melodie> williamk oh good!
[21:46] <gremble> Well, I am keen to help. I am a copywriter/proofreader, so there is that that I can bring to the table
[21:47] <williamk> Imagine, all ( or a few ) teachers for a school subject, getting together and creating a manual for that subject, for all teachers to use,
[21:47] <williamk> also so that others in another country can base their content on our content
[21:48] <gremble> Isn't that what they are doing now with these new CC textbooks that the students get for Science and Math?
[21:48] <gremble> Dept Education got a bunch of volunteers to write standard textbooks
[21:49] <williamk> gremble - yes, at Siyavula :, we can create manuals that they have not
[21:50] <williamk> If you know any teachers that are willing to create manuals, using FLOSS software, when this is ready, tell them about it
[21:51] <gremble> Sure
[21:51] <gremble> I lost control over my one urxvt terminal >.>
[21:52] <williamk> Let the teachers contact their fellow subject teachers, and see what they come up with
[21:52] <williamk> The word should spread, and hopefully we will have lots of manuals
[21:53] <williamk> The next step is to get the manuals ratified by the DBE, to be used at schools
[21:54] <gremble> Okay, so you want to make textbooks? Not comprehensive floss documentation?
[21:55] <williamk> As I said above, 1. Documentation for Schools, using the DBE curriculum
[21:56] <williamk> and 2. Certification, ECDL/ICDL LPI
[21:57] <williamk> Those are my 2 interests, but that does not stop anyone else creating other floss documentation
[21:59] <williamk> If you have a look on the Booktype site ( ), I have created a book "Ubuntu14.04 LTS Server Installation" guide
[21:59] <gremble> Yes. I read that then as well. Right now what I understand: Documentation for schools and 2. etc. They are being done on BookType so far. Still no mention of what is being documented, except that it will be using the DBE curriculum and something-something floss
[22:00] <magespawn> williamk: is that address for the Booktype server a test or is it going to be permenant?
[22:01] <williamk> Each school subject has a curriculum and a manual/textbook, the curriculum is on the DBE site, we/teachers need to create the manual/textbook
[22:04] <gremble> Ah
[22:05] <gremble> Now I understand what is happening
[22:05] <gremble> Textbook writing
[22:05] <williamk> magespawn : I am not the one setting up the server, it is on ec2 at the moment, and it looks like we might be able to get a server
[22:09] <williamk> gremble - Personally I don't know the difference between a textbook or a manual, to me it is the same, I am assuming Textbook for schools, and manuals for ICDL/ECDL, LPI, etc
[22:09] <gremble> Manual is for reference whereas a textbook is for learning
[22:09] <magespawn> so these manuals/textbooks would then be free for all to use?
[22:10] <gremble> Manuals are usually denser and lead by example, where as textbooks generally are easier access
[22:11] <gremble> don't lead by example*
[22:14] <magespawn> you will have my support where i can give it, i am off to bed now, good night all
[22:15] <williamk> "be free for all to use?", yes, we still have to discuss this, possible :
[22:20] <williamk> Ok, good night all
[22:37] <gremble> Cheers guys
[22:42] <melodie> good night
[22:59] * inetpro just upgraded to KDE Plasma 5.3
[22:59] <inetpro> and immediately seems even faster than before | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.929276 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#ubuntu-za"
} |
2015-04-28-#kubuntu-devel | [07:47] <lordievader> Good morning.
[10:12] <Riddell> ScottK: more sru love in 1449472
[10:12] <Riddell> bug 1449472
[10:22] <Sick_Rimmit> Good morning folks
[10:22] <lordievader> Hey Sick_Rimmit
[10:22] <lordievader> How are you doing?
[10:24] <Riddell> morning Sick_Rimmit, have you been persuaded to vote SNP yet?
[10:26] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: No I am voting for the Anonymous candidate, just as soon as I have identified him / her
[10:26] <Sick_Rimmit> Hi lordievader
[10:27] <Sick_Rimmit> Hoping to catch up with ovidiu-florin a little later re UOS
[10:27] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: c'mon, worst crisis since the abdication, surely you're intrigued to see it happen? :)
[10:28] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: I gave a "Cast Iron" guarantee that I wouldn't be drawn on this subject
[10:28] * Sick_Rimmit grins
[10:29] * lordievader goes to install Plasma5.3 beta
[10:29] <Riddell> lordievader: hang on, can you test the final?
[10:29] <Riddell> lordievader: it's in kubuntu-ppa/backports
[10:30] <soee> :-)
[10:30] <Sick_Rimmit> BTW: Do we have any Amazon EC2 guru / consultant types in our community ?
[10:34] <Sick_Rimmit> Here at WiFiSPARK, we looking for some help and advice on setting up a commercial EC2 Rig
[10:34] <lordievader> Riddell: I was actually planing to add the backports ppa. If plasma5.3 final is in there, I'll get that ;)
[10:34] <Riddell> sure, if you pay me by the hour. it's only a few cents but remember I also charge extra for any bandwidth you consume :)
[10:34] <lordievader> Riddell: Just add and update I suppose?
[10:34] <Riddell> lordievader: yes please
[10:34] <lordievader> Ok, cool.
[10:34] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: If your serious, that could be a possiblity ?
[10:36] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: no I jest I'm afraid
[10:36] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: Of course, that;s what I thought.
[10:37] <Sick_Rimmit> Well, know that we're potentially looking for someone to help us, point anyone interested in my direction please :-)
[10:43] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: I'm confused, you make an interesting but opinionated video on EU politics but you don't discuss who to vote for?
[10:44] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: Oh yes I have very strong, and I feel well supported views, but I think it inappropriate to discuss them here.
[10:48] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: I welcome, and congratulate those that make a vote based upon investigation, observation, conviction, and of course having RTFM Read The Flaming Manifesto..
[10:48] * Sick_Rimmit Smiles
[11:00] <ovidiu-florin> Sick_Rimmit: hey
[11:00] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: Hi there
[11:01] <ovidiu-florin> are you available at 6:30 PM UTC?
[11:01] <ovidiu-florin>,390,cn3
[11:01] <ovidiu-florin> Sick_Rimmit: ^
[11:02] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: Hi this evening is not good for me
[11:03] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: But I can do it tomorrow evening, at that time
[11:03] <sitter> Riddell:
[11:03] <ovidiu-florin> Sick_Rimmit: I'll be out of reach starting tomorrow evening
[11:04] <ovidiu-florin> till Monday
[11:04] <Sick_Rimmit> Oh boy
[11:05] <soee> !bug 1412057
[11:06] <soee> there is more and more questions and problems ^ :)
[11:06] <shadeslayer> Wrong channel ?
[11:07] <ovidiu-florin> Sick_Rimmit: are you available any other time today?
[11:07] <Riddell> lordievader: any problems with 5.3 ?
[11:07] <ovidiu-florin> or tomorrow morning?
[11:08] <ovidiu-florin> actually I can't do tomorrow morning
[11:08] <ovidiu-florin> Sick_Rimmit: but you can have a hangout with ahoneybun
[11:08] <ovidiu-florin> he'll fill you in
[11:09] <lordievader> Riddell: It's still installing. Upgrading packages on a netboot ain't fast.
[11:21] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: Yes, sorry got a call
[11:22] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: Yes I could do later this evening, but it would be around 21:30 UTC i.e 22:30 GMT
[11:22] <Riddell> Sick_Rimmit: s/GMT/BST/
[11:23] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: Oh man, I hate timezones
[11:23] <Riddell> UTC==GMT always (to within a second or three depending on which UTC you use)
[11:23] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: I don't know
[11:23] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: I want the world to got to UTC, then I know what time it is
[11:24] <Riddell> I'm afraid humans don't work that way :)
[11:24] <Sick_Rimmit> OK
[11:24] <ovidiu-florin> there is a way
[11:26] <Sick_Rimmit> Riddell: I wouldn't be so bad if it didn't keep changind
[11:26] <Sick_Rimmit> Summer Time, Winter Time
[11:26] <Sick_Rimmit> My brain just gets lost
[11:27] <Riddell> ta da
[11:29] <Sick_Rimmit> Right KDE Clock to my rescue :-)
[11:29] <Riddell> ta da
[11:29] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: So I can meet online at 21:30 UTC
[11:29] <ovidiu-florin> it's very late for me
[11:29] <ovidiu-florin> but I'll giv eit a try
[11:30] <ovidiu-florin> I'll ask my boss to work remotely tomorrow
[11:30] <ovidiu-florin> if he sais yes, I can make it
[11:30] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: I know, I'm sorry.
[11:31] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: SO it will be Hangout at 21:30 UTC, this evening. Will you please send me invite
[11:31] <ovidiu-florin> I'll contact you and send you th ehangout link
[11:33] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: Perfect, this sounds very good
[11:33] <ovidiu-florin> so it will be at
[11:33] <ovidiu-florin>
[11:41] <Riddell> prth: any news on gsoc?
[12:00] <Riddell> ScottK: bug 1448929 needs another fix I just uploaded
[12:09] <sitter> Riddell:
[12:21] <lordievader> Riddell: Plasma5.3 seems to be working without problems.
[12:24] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[12:24] <soee> hiho BluesKaj
[12:24] <BluesKaj> Hi soee
[12:25] <Riddell> lordievader: awooga!
[12:25] <lordievader> Riddell: indeed \o/
[12:28] <soee> a lot of people have problems with 15.04, im glad the stap to use sddm, systemd and plasma5 was done in this release, now we have time to make LTS much better ;-)
[12:37] <prth> Riddell, I was shocked to see that instead of the Ubiquity proposal, my backup proposal got selected
[12:38] <prth> Riddell, though I had submitted Ubiquity proposal on the first day while the backup proposal on the last day
[12:39] <prth> Riddell, moreover no one is selected to port ubiquity
[12:41] <ovidiu-florin> port to what?
[12:41] <prth> Riddell, even valorie helped me on the ubiquity proposal by reviewing it
[12:41] <prth> ovidiu-florin, PyQt5
[12:43] <ovidiu-florin> aha
[12:43] <ovidiu-florin> is there a roadmap for that port?
[12:43] <Riddell> not now
[12:43] <prth> ovidiu-florin,
[12:44] <ovidiu-florin> shouldn't that be PyKDE 5?
[12:45] <Riddell> there is no pykde 5 that works
[12:46] <Riddell> and ubiquity got rid of kde classes a while ago for simplicity
[12:46] <Riddell> prth: what's your backup proposal?
[12:46] <prth> Riddell, Multimonitor support for Nuancier under Fedora
[12:47] <Riddell> ah, another distro :(
[12:50] <Riddell> valorie: any idea why that happened? ↑
[12:51] <prth> Riddell, we can atleast port it this summer
[12:56] <Sick_Rimmit> ovidiu-florin: sorry got call away again, IBM, Yes is good
[13:04] <mparillo> I installed the 5.3 backports on real hardware. All is good there. Not as good on a Virtual Box guest on a Kubuntu host. I will be looking at to see if anybody gives VB more attention than they did VMware Player
[13:20] <sheytan> Hey guys! Just upgraded to plasma 5.3, but there's no bluetooth applet in the tray and there's no KCM for the config. Do i have to install something extra?
[13:21] <Riddell> sheytan: alas bluedevil isn't updated because ubuntu haven't updated to bluez5
[13:21] <soee> sheytan: i think its not ready yet, or held back
[13:22] <Riddell> bluedevil should still install (it'll be the kdelibs4 version)
[13:22] <sheytan> Riddell: when will it be ready, do you know?
[13:23] <Riddell> you can then run kcmshell4 bluedevildevices
[13:23] <Riddell> I've no idea, it was due ages ago
[13:23] <sheytan> i don't want to mess with the k4 libs
[13:23] <sheytan> ;)
[13:23] <sheytan> will wait, thanks :)
[13:27] <soee> Riddell: do you plan Plasma 5.4 meeting any soon?
[13:28] <Riddell> soee: 5.4 kickoff meeting here Thursday 30th 13:00UTC (15:00 central europe) says #plasma topic
[13:29] <soee> Riddell: cool, thanks
[13:34] <BluesKaj> had to reinstall clean to both / and ?home , plasma 5.3 just didn't work well on this drive , altho it works fine on the other HDD connected to this pc, but it was an earlier install, so there's a bug somewhere in between the 2 installs
[14:16] <Riddell> ScottK: bug 1449583 for sru love
[14:55] <BluesKaj> well, well, well, plasma 5.3 is finally working correctly on this drive, halleluya :-)
[15:52] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: mentions a new package in your ppa, why isn't that in a Kubuntu PPA?
[15:53] <ovidiu-florin> jose: ping
[15:53] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: ping
[15:53] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: I only made it yesterday from an unreleased kamoso that needs an unreleased purpose that needs an unreleased kcoreaddons
[15:54] <ovidiu-florin> oh
[15:54] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: how could I test that? without breaking my working system?
[15:56] <Riddell> install and run it
[16:02] <Riddell> mparillo: worth a wire post?
[16:03] <Riddell> although they do highlight bluetooth which we don't support :(
[16:04] <mparillo> Yes, lack of bluetooth showed in a comment on a G+ post. Fortunately the comment was auf Deutsch ;-)
[16:05] <mparillo> If I note that bluetooth will come later from the larger Ubuntu repositories is that (1) correct and (2) politically correct?
[16:06] <Riddell> it's probably not correct
[16:06] <Riddell> bluez5 is quite a big change so it won't be SRUed
[16:06] <Riddell> it was here but that's not up to date
[16:08] <Riddell> sgclark: I think that's as tidy as it can be,needs the missing packages added still then it's good to test
[16:08] * Riddell out
[16:14] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: I'm gonna have some fun with btrfs :D
[16:35] <Sick_Rimmit> sgclark: Ping
[19:55] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: ping
[20:53] <_Groo_> hey all
[20:53] <_Groo_> can someone help me
[20:53] <_Groo_> fresh install of kubuntu vivid, kf5 5.2
[20:53] <_Groo_> no bluetooth whatsoever, neither in system settings, or the panel
[20:53] <_Groo_> works in windows, works in unity, bluez e bluedevil are installed
[20:54] <_Groo_> upgraded to 5.3 final from backports
[20:54] <_Groo_> same, no bluetooth
[20:54] <_Groo_> am i missing something here?
[20:55] <ovidiu-florin> the kcm wasn't ported AFAIK
[20:56] <vip> ovidiu-florin: 5.3 maybe?
[20:56] <ovidiu-florin> don't know
[20:58] <_Groo_> nope
[20:58] <_Groo_> not in 5.3
[20:58] <_Groo_> so, we shipped without bluetooth support?
[20:58] <_Groo_> thats nice :P
[20:59] <Riddell> _Groo_: alas ubuntu didn't port their stuff to bluez5 and plasma needs bluez5
[20:59] <Riddell> kcmshell4 --list |grep blue lists the modules
[20:59] <Riddell> kcmshell4 bluedeviladapters runs them
[21:01] <_Groo_> groo@hydra:~$ kcmshell4 --list |grep blue
[21:01] <_Groo_> bluedeviladapters - Configure Bluetooth adapters
[21:01] <_Groo_> bluedevildevices - Manage Bluetooth devices
[21:01] <_Groo_> bluedeviltransfer - Configure Bluetooth file sharing and transfers
[21:01] <_Groo_> so, just missing the kcm?
[21:02] * ovidiu-florin is migrating his LVM partitions to BTRFS on my system while running.... living risky
[21:06] <_Groo_> ovidiu-florin: ahah
[21:06] <_Groo_> Riddell: but if bluez works and bluedevil works, why the kcm wasnt ported?
[21:06] <_Groo_> Riddell: since its just a module for systemsettings
[21:10] <_Groo_> Riddell: ping
[21:11] * sick_rimmit kerdunch....
[21:11] <sick_rimmit> Evening folks
[21:16] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin: png
[21:16] <sgclark> Riddell: oh it looks like you are uploading the missing ones, thanks and sorry yesteerday was a crazy travel day, needed extra rest
[21:24] <Riddell> _Groo_: bluedevil now needs bluez5 which isn't in ubuntu because ubuntu unity didn't port their stuff
[21:25] <Riddell> sgclark: aye doing the last ones manually now
[21:25] <sgclark> I am working on jkstars
[21:25] <sgclark> err kstars
[21:26] <sgclark> kde-devel-utils done
[21:26] <Riddell> groovy, I'm on kdeartwork
[21:26] <sgclark> k
[21:27] <sgclark> onto libkdcraw
[21:27] <Riddell> waa kmag broke
[21:29] <sick_rimmit> OK Folks where is the Hangout at ?
[21:29] <ahoneybun> ?
[21:29] <sgclark> ?
[21:30] <Riddell> ⁈
[21:30] <sick_rimmit> I understand ovidiu-florin has arranged a Hangout to discuss UOS and Kubunut
[21:30] <sick_rimmit> Least ways thats is what we discussed ealier
[21:31] <Riddell> ‽
[21:32] <ovidiu-florin__> hello sick_rimmit
[21:32] <ovidiu-florin__> yes, I'm having a small isssu
[21:32] <ovidiu-florin__> e
[21:33] <sick_rimmit> OK No rush I'm just catching up with ahoneybun Doodle stuff
[21:33] <ovidiu-florin__> ok, awesome
[21:33] <ovidiu-florin__> brb
[21:33] <ahoneybun> ovidiu-florin__: want me to try to host?
[21:36] <ovidiu-florin> fixed now
[21:37] <sgclark> Riddell: working on okteta now
[21:38] <Riddell> kdeartwork uploading slowly
[21:38] <sgclark> hehe that is a big one
[21:40] <sick_rimmit> OK I am ready when you guys are
[21:41] <ovidiu-florin> sick_rimmit: ahoneybun I've sent you the link
[21:41] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: care to join?
[21:44] <sgclark> Riddell: working on kde-wallpapers
[21:47] <_Groo_> anyone working on the bluetooth kcm?
[21:49] <ahoneybun> Riddell: the times you put on doodle are weird for me (yes I set my timezone)
[21:53] <Riddell> ahoneybun: the uod one?
[21:53] <Riddell> that';
[21:53] <ahoneybun> yea UOS
[21:53] <Riddell> that';s the times they give
[21:54] <ahoneybun> it shows that it starts at 9am here but I think it starts at 2pm or so here
[21:55] <Riddell> Starts: Tue, 05 May 2015 14:00:00 UTC
[21:57] <ahoneybun> ok thats 10pm here
[21:57] <ahoneybun> oops
[21:57] <ahoneybun> 10am
[21:57] <sgclark> hmm it said 6am for me, that does not add up
[21:58] <Riddell> mm I think I entered the utc times as if they were spanish times, so 2 hours off
[21:59] <sgclark> Riddell: assuming ktux is still broken? kde-runtime should finish us up?
[22:00] <Riddell> sgclark: awooga!
[22:00] <ahoneybun> Riddell: sadly it seems I can't make any of those times
[22:00] <Riddell> ahoneybun: maybe we should just do our own thing outwith uos
[22:01] <Riddell> as ScottK blogged, there's not any category for ubuntu projects anyway
[22:01] <ahoneybun> I saw that
[22:01] <ahoneybun> I agree with somethings he said Riddell
[22:02] <ahoneybun> I just don't a wedge to get put between us all
[22:03] <ahoneybun> *want a wedge
[22:04] <Riddell> sgclark: but the kdeapplications-packages-vivid.txt file wasn't updated, doing now..
[22:05] <ahoneybun> Riddell: I'd help out with it of course if we do.
[22:06] <sgclark> Riddell: ok thanks
[22:06] <sgclark> Riddell: woah wait what happened
[22:07] <Riddell> sgclark: I updated kdeapplications-packages-vivid.txt
[22:07] <Riddell> looks like a bunch more todo
[22:10] <Riddell> sgclark: I'll start with kaccounts-integration, kaccounts-providers
[22:12] <sgclark> okies working on kdenlive
[22:13] <Riddell> sgclark: I don't know if we have packaging for that
[22:13] <Riddell> it's not maintained by pkg-kde in debian
[22:13] <sgclark> hmm it cloned
[22:14] <Riddell> sgclark: mm looks like sitter imported it
[22:14] <Riddell> so go ahead
[22:14] <sgclark> k
[22:22] <Riddell> sgclark: I'll try a mass update for the ktp ones
[22:22] <sgclark> ok cool
[22:30] <Riddell> jussi: life not so good back home I read?
[22:30] <Riddell> 'Not as bad as Greece, yet, but it's only matter of time' ouch
[22:35] <ahoneybun> Riddell: we should do a hangout to discuss the possible future KOS!
[22:36] <sgclark> KOS?
[22:38] <Riddell> aaarga I uploaded kdeartwork to the next-stage ppa not next-stage2
[22:39] <sgclark> doh
[22:44] <Riddell> new schedule kickoff meeting
[22:44] <Riddell> fixed times
[22:48] <ahoneybun> voted
[22:51] <Riddell> sgclark: onto libkgeomap
[22:52] <sgclark> Riddell: I uploaded okteta, not sure why it is listed as not there
[22:52] <sgclark> Riddell: working on signon-kwallet
[22:54] <Riddell>
[22:54] <Riddell> sgclark: no okteta there
[22:54] <sgclark> hmm
[22:54] <Riddell> did you upload to the right place? whatdoes your e-mail say?
[22:55] <Riddell> or are you confusing it with okular, easily done :)
[22:55] <sgclark> let me check mail
[22:57] <sgclark> Riddell: PPA exceeded size again
[22:57] <Riddell> meh
[22:59] <Riddell> wgrant: we need your space making powers please
[23:01] <Riddell> sgclark: well I guess that puts a stop to packaging for tonight,but it's mostly ready to test
[23:01] <wgrant> sec
[23:02] <Riddell> ooh.. :)
[23:02] <sgclark> hehe
[23:05] <wgrant> Riddell: Done.
[23:05] <Riddell> wgrant: you are all powerful!
[23:06] <Riddell> sgclark: I'll get onto signon-kwallet-extension then
[23:06] <sgclark> That is what I am working on
[23:06] <sgclark> Riddell: ^
[23:06] <wgrant> I try.
[23:06] <sgclark> think ktp-contact-list is all left
[23:08] <ScottK> Riddell: Probably Thursday before I can look at SRUs.
[23:08] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: 1:17:44
[23:08] <ovidiu-florin>
[23:08] <ovidiu-florin> ahoneybun: ^
[23:08] <ahoneybun> thanks ovidiu-florin
[23:09] <ScottK> ahoneybun: if there's a wedge, I didn't put it there.
[23:09] <ahoneybun> ScottK: not blaming anyone or group
[23:10] <ahoneybun> I just don't want it to get too big
[23:10] <Riddell> sgclark: ktp-contact-list up
[23:10] <Riddell> I'll leave signon-kwallet-extension to you
[23:11] <sgclark> hmm
[23:11] <sgclark> well I am having issues commiting
[23:11] <sgclark> pushing rather
[23:12] <sgclark> oh we both made a watch file I guess
[23:13] <Riddell> uh oh,git confusion!
[23:14] * Riddell steps back from the git
[23:14] <ScottK> Git is confusion.
[23:15] <ScottK> Love the Git.
[23:25] <Riddell> sgclark: hmm ktp packages are stuck on needing libtelepathy-logger-qt-dev
[23:26] <sgclark> seems so
[23:26] <Riddell> we have telepathy-logger-qt5 which makes libtelepathy-logger-qt5-dev
[23:26] <Riddell> and we presumably want to upgrade to
[23:27] <sgclark> okies
[23:28] <Riddell> e-mailed harald/list about what to do there
[23:28] <sgclark> sounds good thanks
[23:28] <sgclark> what about libktp-dev?
[23:29] <Riddell> and uploaded libkgeomap
[23:29] <Riddell> libktp-dev is part of ktp-common-interanals which is waiting on libtelepathy-logger-qt-dev
[23:29] <Riddell> but I don't know what to do with libtelepathy-logger-qt-dev because that's not the name used currently in the archive
[23:30] <sgclark> right ok, so that should resolve when we resolve libtelepathy
[23:30] <Riddell> it all looks good apart from that
[23:30] <Riddell> so time for testers I guess :)
[23:31] <sgclark> ok, will test as well
[23:31] <Riddell> !testers | applications 15.04 in ppa:kubuntu-pps/next-stage2
[23:34] <Riddell> sgclark: and looks like libkgeomap needs build-deps added
[23:34] * Riddell snoozes
[23:35] <sgclark> Riddell: ok, on it | ubuntu-chat | 2024-05-13T22:11:00.953067 | 2015-04-28T00:00:00 | {
"license": "Public Domain",
"authors": [
"url": "",
"channel": "#kubuntu-devel"
} |