insult define
insult (plural insults) 1 An action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude. quotations ▼ Savage the ruthless sneer that insult adds to grief. 2 Anything that causes offence/offense, e.g. by being of an unacceptable quality. The way the orchestra performed tonight was an insult to my ears.
[ "1 insult-In medicine and science, it can mean trauma, something that disturbs normal functions.. 2 political correctness-Can be an insult, accusation, joke, or the name of an effort to change a society by means of wide-ranging but often small-scale cultural reform.", "1 insult - In medicine and science, it can mean trauma, something that disturbs normal functions.. political correctness - Can be an insult, accusation, joke, or the name of an effort to change a society by means of wide-ranging but often small-scale cultural reform.", "Definitions for insulter. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word insulter. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: insulter(Noun) Agent noun of insult; someone who insults.", "If you insult someone, you have offended that person — either intentionally or unintentionally — through your actions or words. You might insult your host if you refuse to try the dessert he made from pasta, nuts, and chocolate sauce. As a noun, an insult means rude words or actions. If you tell the umpire he needs glasses, then you've made a verbal insult. If, after the umpire calls your team out, you make an obscene gesture in his general direction, you've made another kind of insult. Either insult can potentially get you thrown out of the game.", "Top Definition. Insultant. A consultant with a brash style for telling it like it is, even at the risk of implying that his clients are idiots. Consultant: So, in conclusion, my research definitively demonstrates there is zero market demand for your silly product idea.", "Learn More about insult. Dictionary: Definition of insult Medical Dictionary: Definition of insult Spanish Central: Translation of insult Nglish: Translation of insult for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of insult for Arabic speakers.", "The woman's insult shows her ignorance, hatred and barbarism, he told Gulf News. The penal code defines public insult as: Any person who in any public place shall insult any other person in such a manner as would be likely to provoke any person present to commit an assault is guilty of a misdeameanour.", "Related words. 1 insult verb. 2 add insult to injury phrase. 3 insult someone’s intelligence phrase. an offensive remark throw/hurl insults at someone: He stormed off the pitch, hurling insults at the umpire. Synonyms and related words. Comments and remarks:acknowledgment, afterthought, allusion... Explore Thesaurus. a. something that seems to show a lack of respect for someone or something be an insult to: Such low wages are an insult to hard-working employees.", "done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult. 2. of or relating to intention or purpose. 3. Metaphysics. pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind; phenomenal; representational. pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object.", "insult - definition and synonyms. What are red words? 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent.", "[French insulter, from Old French, to assault, from Latin īnsultāre, to leap at, insult, frequentative of īnsilīre, to leap upon : in-, on; see in-2 + salīre, to leap; see sel- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] 1 in·sult′er n. 2 in·sult′ing·ly adv.", "Word Origin & History. insult c.1570, triumph over in an arrogant way, from L. insultare to assail, to leap upon (already used by Cicero in sense of insult, scoff at, revile), freq. of insilire leap at or upon, from in- on, at + salire to leap (see salient). Sense of to verbally abuse, affront, assail with disrespect is from 1620.", "noun humiliation, abuse, outrage, injury, slight, insult, snub, reproach, affront, disrespect, dishonour, opprobrium, obloquy, contumely He suffered the indignity of having to face angry protesters.", "Word Origin & History. insult c.1570, triumph over in an arrogant way, from L. insultare to assail, to leap upon (already used by Cicero in sense of insult, scoff at, revile), freq. of insilire leap at or upon, from in- on, at + salire to leap (see salient). Sense of to verbally abuse, affront, assail with disrespect is from 1620. The noun is recorded 1603 in the sense of attack; 1671 as an act of insulting.. To add insult to injury translates L. injuriæ contumeliam addere.", "verb. insult or involve in entanglement. 1 abuse. 2 anger. 3 annoy. 4 confront. 5 criticize. 6 displease. 7 dispraise. 8 dump on. 9 encounter. 10 face. 11 give a zinger. 12 give the cold shoulder. 13 hit where one lives. 14 meet. 15 offend. 16 outrage. 17 pique. 18 provoke. 19 put down. 20 slander. 21 slight. 22 taunt. 23 vex.", "A mild insult, used to mock one's friends and convey affection at the same time. Can also be used to describe objects that are useless or annoying. mild insult, used to mock one's friends and convey affection at the same time. Can also be used to describe objects that are useless or annoying.", "1. done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult. 2. of or pertaining to intention or purpose. 3. Philos. a. pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind; phenomenal; representational. b. pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object.", "done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult. of or relating to intention or purpose. Metaphysics. pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind; phenomenal; representational. pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object.", "(ɪnˈtɛn ʃə nl) adj. 1. done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult. 2. of or pertaining to intention or purpose. 3. Philos. a. pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind; phenomenal; representational. b. pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object.", "in•ten•tion•al. 1. done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult. 2. of or pertaining to intention or purpose. 3. Philos. a. pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind; phenomenal; representational. b. pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object.", "of·fense. n. 1. a. The act of causing anger, resentment, displeasure, or affront. b. The state of being offended. 2. a. A violation or infraction of a moral or social code; a transgression or sin.", "1560s, triumph over in an arrogant way, from Middle French insulter (14c.) and directly from Latin insultare to assail, to leap upon (already used by Cicero in sense of insult, scoff at, revile), frequentative of insilire leap at or upon, from in- on, at (see in- (2)) + salire to leap (see salient (adj.)).", "1. offensive, provoking, insulting, challenging, disturbing, stimulating, annoying, outrageous, aggravating (informal), incensing, galling, goading Their behaviour was called provocative and antisocial.", "One who is educated in treating or speaking with contemptuous rudeness and obvious arrogance and paid for this service. Insultant: You are a spineless, heap of flaming dog poo and you are not worth the paper i wipe my ass with..", "An action or form of speech deliberately intended to be rude. quotations ▼ Savage the ruthless sneer that insult adds to grief. 1987, Jamie Lee Curtis, A Fish Called Wanda: To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! Anything that causes offence/offense, e.g. by being of an unacceptable quality. The way the orchestra performed tonight was an insult to my ears.", "adj. an·gri·er, an·gri·est. 1. Feeling or showing anger; incensed or enraged: angry at my boss; angry with her. 2.Indicative of or resulting from anger: an angry silence. 3.e laughed angrily at his own foolishness: it was absurd to care what an anaemic little waitress said to him; but he was strangely humiliated.", "Spanish insults are often of a sexual nature, taking the form of implying a lack of sexual decency if the insulted person is a woman (e.g. puta, ramera whore, perra bitch) or implying a lack of masculinity if the insulted person is male (e.g. maricón faggot, puto male prostitute).", "verb (used with object) 1. to reproach in a sarcastic, insulting, or jeering manner; mock. 2. to provoke by taunts; twit. noun. 3. an insulting gibe or sarcasm; scornful reproach or challenge. 4. Obsolete. an object of insulting gibes or scornful reproaches.", "Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature: 1. An Improved French Grammar: Containing a New Method of Discovering the by John B. Ricord Madianna (1812) Example: insulter un malheureux, to insult an unfortunate person ; insulter Paul, to insult Paul. 29. The verb penser, signifying like to, Eec. do not take ....", "Pronunciation /ɪnˈsʌlt/. Speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. ‘you're insulting the woman I love’. ‘He insulted me and repeatedly pushed my shoulder, hoping to goad me into hitting him.’. ‘They were also said to be regularly insulted and physically abused by the owners.’.", "Insults that imply homosexuality are perceived by some men as the worst type of insult (Preston & Stanley, 1987). THE extradition of Ian Bailey to France for questioning over Sophie Toscan du Plantier's murder is an insult to the Irish legal system, it was claimed yesterday.", "Adj. 1. punch-drunk-dazed from or as if from repeated blows; knocked silly by the impact; slaphappy with exhaustion. slaphappy, silly. colloquialism-a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech.", "offensive. adj. 1. unpleasant or disgusting, as to the senses. 2. causing anger or annoyance; insulting. 3. for the purpose of attack rather than defence. n. 4. the offensive an attitude or position of aggression. 5. (Military) an assault, attack, or military initiative, esp a strategic one.", "im·per·ti·nent. adj. 1. Exceeding the limits of propriety or good manners; improperly forward or bold: scolded the impertinent child for talking rudely.2.. rude, forward, cheeky (informal), saucy (informal), fresh (informal), bold, flip (informal), brazen, sassy (U.S. informal), pert, disrespectful, presumptuous, insolent, impolite, impudent, lippy (U.S. & Canad. slang), discourteous, uncivil, unmannerly I don't like strangers who ask impertinent questions." ]
how many americans suffer from seasonal allergies
A Discovery Health answered. The Food and Drug Administration estimates that there are approximately 36 million people in the United States who suffer from seasonal allergies. This condition is also called by its common name of hay fever, or, by its technical name, allergic rhinitis. While it may provide little comfort, the pollen that you are reacting to is actually harmless. The runny noses, scratchy eyes and headaches you endure actually result from a case of mistaken identity. Your body believes that the pollen in the air is actually dust mites or fungal spores. In response, it releases histamine-a natural chemical that is part of the body's immune system response.
[ "The most common allergens are dust, pollen, animal dander, mold, insect stings, certain foods, medications and latex. In his article “Molds, Mites, and Pollens: Common Causes of Allergic Fatigue,” Ronald Hoffman, M.D., says “over twenty million Americans suffer from hay fever. About ten million are victims of asthma, and another eleven million suffer from skin disorders like eczema, hives, and rashes.", "Allergies. About one out of five Americans suffers from allergies. An allergy is an exaggerated response from the immune system to a substance such as dust, pollen, pet dander or mold. Other common triggers include foods such as peanuts and milk; insect bites; and certain ingredients in cosmetics and jewelry.", "When this occurs in the nose, sneezing and congestion are the result. Seasonal allergic rhinitis or hayfever occurs in late summer or spring. Hypersensitivity to ragweed, not hay, is the primary cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis in 75 percent of all Americans who suffer from this seasonal disorder.", "There are two types of allergic rhinitis: seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis. Seasonal allergic rhinitis, also called pollinosis, hay fever, or nasal allergies, is characterized by several symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes. Symptoms occur after airborne allergens like dust, dander, or pollen are inhaled. When pollens cause the allergic symptoms, the allergic rhinitis is commonly referred to as hay fever. According to the American Lung Association, an estimated 26.1 million Americans have hay fever symptoms each year, and 14.6 million Americans have asthma, which often accompanies hay fever.", "Mold allergy is only one cause of allergic fatigue. Allergies are actually shockingly widespread in today’s society. More than 20 million Americans suffer from hay fever. About 10 million are victims of asthma, and another 11 million suffer from skin disorders such as eczema, hives and rashes.", "Allergies are exaggerated immune responses to environmental triggers known as allergens. Allergies are very common, and about 50 million people in North America suffer from allergies. One of the most common forms of allergy is allergic rhinitis (hay fever), which produces symptoms like. nasal congestion,", "Thirty-five million Americans suffer from allergies and over 7 million suffer from chronic sinus infections, yet most people can't tell the difference between these two conditions. There is a lot confusion between sinus and allergy symptoms.", "The most common allergens are dust, pollen, animal dander, mold, insect stings, certain foods, medications and latex. Allergies & Fatigue. In his article “Molds, Mites, and Pollens: Common Causes of Allergic Fatigue,” Ronald Hoffman, M.D., says “over twenty million Americans suffer from hay fever. About ten million are victims of asthma, and another eleven million suffer from skin disorders like eczema, hives, and rashes.", "While an estimated 40 to 50 million Americans have allergies, only one to two percent of all adults are allergic to foods or food additives. Eight percent of children under age six have adverse reactions to ingested foods but of that 8%, only 2-5% have confirmed food allergies.", "Researchers think nasal allergies affect about 50 million people in the United States. Allergies are increasing. They affect as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children.1. Allergic disease, including asthma, is the fifth leading chronic disease in the U.S. in people of all ages.", "FOOD ALLERGIES. While an estimated 40 to 50 million Americans have allergies, only one to two percent of all adults are allergic to foods or food additives. Eight percent of children under age six have adverse reactions to ingested foods but of that 8%, only 2-5% have confirmed food allergies.", "More than 25 million Americans are allergic to pollen. Some people are allergic to tree pollen, which is in the air in spring. Others have a problem with grass pollen, which is more of a summertime issue. Still others have trouble with weed pollen, which is common in the fall.", "You are not alone. 50 million people in the United States suffer from allergy symptoms and its prevalence is increasing, affecting as many as 30 percent of adults and up to 40 percent of children. Allergies can be frustrating and can be an annoyance if not properly treated.", "Allergy Facts Asthma and allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever), food allergy, and eczema, are common for all age groups in the United States. Asthma affects more than 24 million people in the U.S., including more than 6 million children.1 Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. with an annual cost in excess of $18 billion.", "Roughly 37 million Americans sniff and suffer with sinus-related issues each year. But regardless of the reason for your sinus woes—including dry nose, swollen nasal membranes, allergies, and seasonal hay fever—these ten tips will help you breathe a little easier….", "More than 50 million Americans have an allergy of some kind. Food allergies are estimated to affect 4 to 6 percent of children and 4 percent of adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.", "1 Nasal allergies are estimated to affect approximately 50 million people in the United States, and the prevalence of allergies is increasing, affecting as many as 30% of adults and 40% of children1.", "10 Most Common Allergies in Adults. Last year, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI) noted that 20-percent of Americans suffer from allergies, or the abnormal reaction of the body’s immune system to an allergen, ranging from mild (i.e., hives or itchy skin) to severe (i.e., death). 1. Nuts.", "At least 20% of American have allergies due to unknown causes, but women who are going through the various stages of menopause experience increased allergies due to hormonal imbalances.", "It is estimated that 50 million North Americans are affected by allergic conditions. The parts of the body that are prone to react to allergies include the eyes, nose, lungs, skin, and stomach. Common allergic disorders include hay fever, asthma, allergic eyes, allergic eczema, hives, and allergic shock.", "Your Allergies Can Be Treated Today! You are not alone. 50 million people in the United States suffer from allergy symptoms and its prevalence is increasing, affecting as many as 30 percent of adults and up to 40 percent of children.", "Night time congestion and sinusitis afflicts more than 35 million Americans and up to 75 million during the peak of allergy season.Nasal congestion is a major cause of insomnia, according to a 2012 study led by Drs.Sundbom and Lindberg from Uppsula University in Sweden.leeplessness has been linked to a wide range of health problems, from increased blood pressure to increased risk of stroke. (Read more about the connection between the quality of your sleep and your health.)Here are the top 10 ways to stop night time congestion.1.", "Allergens get extremely difficult to avoid during the summer months with pollen everywhere. Most doctors would give you antihistamines to help relieve symptoms but these can often leave you feeling drowsy. A natural alternative is Vitamin C which can help to relieve symptoms. An estimated 21 million adults in the UK suffer from at least one allergy, with numbers continuing to rise year on year!", "Allergy Facts. Asthma and allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever), food allergy, and eczema, are common for all age groups in the United States. Asthma affects more than 24 million people in the U.S., including more than 6 million children. 1", "How Many People Have Food Allergies? Researchers estimate that up to 15 million Americans have food allergies, including 5.9 million children under age 18. That’s 1 in 13 children, or roughly two in every classroom. About 30 percent of children with food allergies are allergic to more than one food. Food Allergies Are on the Rise", "Many people with allergies often have more than one type of allergy. The most common indoor/outdoor allergy triggers are: tree, grass and weed pollen, mold spores, dust mites, cockroaches, and cat, dog and rodent dander. In 2012, 17.6 million adults and 6.6 million children had hay fever.8.", "Allergy Facts Asthma and allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever), food allergy, and eczema, are common for all age groups in the United States. Asthma affects more than 17 million adults and more than 7 million children.1.", "Food allergies can range from merely irritating to life-threatening. Approximately 30,000 Americans go to the emergency room each year to get treated for severe food allergies, according to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN). It is estimated that 150 to 200 Americans die each year because of allergic reactions to food.", "Prevalence. 1 Nasal allergies are estimated to affect approximately 50 million people in the United States, and the prevalence of allergies is increasing, affecting as many as 30% of adults and 40% of children1." ]
where is arc de triomphe at
Arc de Triomphe. In the middle of the Place Charles de Gaulle, at the border of the 8th, 16th and 17th arrondissement stands one of the greatest arches in history: the Arc de Triomphe (arch of triumph). Napoleon's Triumphal Arch
[ "Arc de Triomphe & Champs-Élysées. First, read our guide to the perfect Métro trip. This will save you lots of time, trouble and confusion. Then, take the Métro to the Charles de Gaulle-Étoile station to start your walking tour. Leave the Métro station via Sortie 1 (Exit 1) and you'll emerge to view the gigantic Arc de Triomphe. Climb the 284 stairs (elevator/lift for handicapped only) to the top of the monument for a grand view of Paris so you can get the lay of the land." ]
stand together donation address
When we stand together, no one stands alone. If you would like to donate by check, please make it payable to PACER Center and mail to: PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. 8161 Normandale Boulevard. Minneapolis, MN 55437.
[ "1410 Danzig Plaza, Concord, CA 94520 | Business Line: 925.676.2845 | Crisis Line: 1.888.215.5555. STAND! is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID #: 94-2476576. Donations made to STAND! are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.", "We hope that you will include JJC in your contribution to the United Way this year. Check specific care and enter JJC's number: 5924. The telephone number of United Way's Donor Choice Program is 215.665.2598 and the address is: Seven Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA. 19103-1294. 100 W. Coulter Street · Philadelphia, PA 19144-3402 · 215.849.2112 (phone) · 215.849.0393 (fax)", "Mission Together also has a team of experienced volunteers who can lead assemblies and workshops on request and our famous mission rosaries, prayer poster, stickers and project maps can be ordered to support our work in schools via the Materials order form. For more information please visit Our Work in the UK", "Find a Donor Center location near your home or work. Go to our Donor Centers or call us at (877) BE-A-HERO (877-232-4376). Register online at MyBCW to create your account and make a blood donation appointment online. You can also search for a community blood drive where you can make a donation.", "1 Find a Donor Center location near your home or work. Go to our Donor Centers or call us at (877) BE-A-HERO (877-232-4376). Register online at MyBCW to create your account and make a blood donation appointment online. You can also search for a community blood drive where you can make a donation.", "United Airlines. Mileage Plus members can make donations to the American Red Cross through United Airline's Mileage Plus charity program. The minimum mileage requirement for a donation is 1,000 miles. All donations should be made by visiting the Mileage Plus Service Center or by calling 1-800-421-4655.", "Together We Stand. Together We Stand, also known as Nothing Is Easy, is an American sitcom that aired on the CBS network from 1986 to 1987. It was written by Stephen Sustarsic and directed by Andrew D. Weyman. Together We Stand is about a married couple, David (Elliott Gould) and Lori Randall (Dee Wallace), and their array of adopted children from all walks of life.", "Partners in Community Safety. Respond Search & Rescue. is a Non-Profit CRA Registered Charity, located in Peel Region, with a diverse membership base. contact us if you would like to have Respond Search and Rescue attend one of your events, or for more information on courses and training offered.", "Purpose: Since 1970, the month of January has been marked as a tribute to regular blood donors, and a. time to encourage others to donate Organized by: the American Red Cross Address: 2025 E St. NW, Washington, DC 20006 Main Line: (202)-303-8250.", "“We look forward to it every year” Pam Pugmire with a.i. solutions-KSC said. The Sharing Center, a nonprofit organization, is working with schools to identify children who are in need of new shoes. In 2014-15 the Sharing Center provided 371 pairs of shoes to Central Brevard students. For more information please call 631-0306. Donations for the sneaker program may be sent to the Sharing Center of Central Brevard, Attention: Sneaker Fund, P.O. Box 3363, Cocoa FL 32924-3363.", "No. You can either donate organs and tissues OR donate your body to medical science. If you are a resident within the Gift of Life service region of the eastern half of Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and Delaware and you wish to donate your entire body, you should contact the Humanity Gifts Registry at 215-922-4440.", "Your donation helps The LifeSavers Foundation serve expectant mothers and young children through The Doctor Spot, Community Mobile Sonogram, and Upscale Resale Store in Richardson, TX.", "Plasma Donation Centers. Looking for the hours, phone number, or address for your local Octapharma Plasma donation center? Search by state or ZIP code on our Octapharma Plasma donation center page. Please call (866) 326-8689 or visit Citigroup online.", "1 Go to our Donor Centers or call us at (877) BE-A-HERO (877-232-4376). Register online at MyBCW to create your account and make a blood donation appointment online. You can also search for a community blood drive where you can make a donation.", "For every dollar you donate the SBCA will match it. You can mail your donations to the Stratford Fire Company, 311 E. Laurel Rd, Stratford, NJ 08084 OR Borough Hall, 307 Union Avenue, Stratford, NJ 08084, or drop off at Borough Hall during normal business hours. Please mark on the check memo section 9-11 Memorial so it can be credited properly.", "Using the theme Hand in Hand, Together We Stand, Keeping the Promises, the members of the Department of Kansas, American Legion Family pledge to work together to promote the programs of patriotism, Veteran's care, Americanism, and our future.", "When you reach their website type in “Dawn House” in the search box and then click on our name when it comes up. You can make a one-time or monthly donation using a credit card. You can also donate to the Kingston, Frontenac Lennox and Addington United Way and specify that your donation should go toward Dawn House.", "Thank you San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society Donors! Help Us Help the Refuge Mail your donation to: San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society, P.O. Box 234, Newark, CA 94560. You may also fax your membership donation using a Visa or MasterCard number to (510) 792-5828. For a gift membership, call 510-792-0222 ext. 40.", "Donate. 1 Join us for this year's Stand Against Racism, April 27-30! 2 Nordstrom selects YWCA USA as their Non-Profit Partner of choice for Treasure&Bond, their give-back brand. 3 YWCA USA opposes Gorsuch nomination. YWCA USA condemns all forms of racism, including xenophobia and anti-immigrant 1 sentiment. We stand with Planned Parenthood.", "Independent support services (IS) The Together Trust’s Independent Support services provides impartial information and support to families and young people with special educational needs who are going through the process of developing an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans in Bolton, Bury, Oldham, Manchester, Salford and Tameside.", "Donations made in honor of a loved one are always welcome. If you wish to make a memorial or honorary donation online, please use our online form. If you wish to mail in your memorial or honorary donation, please be sure to download and fill out a donation form to include with your check or credit card information. When making a memorial donation to WWP, please make your check payable to Wounded Warrior Project®. If posting our address for an obituary requesting donations be sent to WWP in lieu of flowers, please us the following contact information: Wounded Warrior Project PO BOX 758516 Topeka, KS 66675", "The supplies are used by doctors and medical teams who are in need of both supplies and equipment. To donate unused supplies, use the online Donor Asset Management System that makes donating and distributing items a simple process. You can also contact MediSend by calling 214-575-5006 or emailing [email protected].", "1 If you are a platelet/plasma donor, you can still make regular whole blood or double red cell donations. 2 Both gifts are vital for patients with life threatening diseases. 3 Call 1-800-RED-CROSS for additional information or to schedule an appointment at a select American Red Cross Blood Donation Center near you.", "Any of you who donated and were refunded, and still wish to help, can send a check to support us to the collective's lawyer: James Devine, 45 S. California St Suite 9, Ventura CA 93001. Make sure to indicate c/o Sespe Trust.", "When We Stand Together, along with Bottoms Up were made free for listening on the band's official website on September 22, 2011. Both songs were released as singles on September 26 and available for download on September 27. The music video was released on November 3, 2011.When We Stand Together was used for the theme song of WWE 's Tribute to the Troops. The band also performed this song at the event. Boxer Lucian Bute came out to the ring with this song before his World Title fight with Carl Froch on May 26, 2012.hen We Stand Together debuted at number 48 on the Billboard Hot 100. Then, sales picked up and it peak a new position at number 44. Despite that, the song was a critical success, peaking at number 10 on their native home Canada. It peaked number 2 on Finland becoming their biggest hit on the country.", "All donations go directly to the animals' care. If you would like to make a donation, we have a couple of options. Make a check payable to ArkanPaws and mail to ArkanPaws, PO Box 1592, Conway, AR 72033, or make a donation on PayPal at [email protected].", "Directions to Huntsville Hospital Foundation. The Foundation Office is located in the Howland Building to the right of the hospital. The day you come to the Foundation to make a donation and park in the Foundation parking lot, you will receive a complimentary token to exit. CRA Charitable Number 89371 5292 RR0001.", "To ensure the safety of blood donation for both donors and recipients, all volunteer blood donors must be evaluated to determine their eligibility to give blood. The final determination will be made on the day of the donation at the blood drive or blood donation center. If you were deferred from donating in the past, you may be able to donate again. Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) for more information. Important note to users.", "Donations. 1 To make a financial donation via our secure online donation system, click here. 2 For questions about your financial donation, or to update your mailing address, call 404-486-2917 or 404-486-2916. 3 Financial donations may also be mailed to our address above.", "Individuals wishing to donate health-related products can call the warehouse at (216) 692-1685 and schedule a drop-off of unused, non-expired medical supplies and usable medical equipment. Unfortunately, MedWish is unable to pick up medical supplies and cannot accept expired supplies. Click here for more info.", "You can donate through their website, canadianbreastfeedingfoundation.org, or by mail to Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation, 5764 Monkland Ave, Suite 424, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4A 1E9. © 2002-2015 Dr. Lenore Goldfarb, PhD, CCC, IBCLC, ALC and contributing authors to AskLenore.info.", "To ensure the safety of blood donation for both donors and recipients, all volunteer blood donors must be evaluated to determine their eligibility to give blood. The final determination will be made on the day of the donation at the blood drive or blood donation center. If you were deferred from donating in the past, you may be able to donate again. Please call 1-800-RED CROSS.", "Thank for your generous support of the Together in Mission campaign. May our Blessed Mother watch over you in her tender love and may our gracious God grant you peace and joy and love. Most Reverend José H. Gomez Archbishop of Los Angeles", "Supporters can text to donate to your organization by texting your keyword to a five-digit phone number, also known as a shortcode. Donors can donate gifts of any size through the secure donation form and can even set up recurring gifts thanks to seamless integration with the MobileCause online giving solution.", "We set out to introduce 60k Day as a way to engage our friends at 60 of New York’s most influential and caring companies to volunteer with and support 60 New York-based shelters and service centers, to collectively donate 60,000 pairs of socks in one evening. (Courtesy of Bombas)", "United Way Of Florida, Inc. is a Florida Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filed on July 2, 1980 . The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 753220. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Granger, Theodore G. and is located at 307-B East 7th Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32303. The company's principal address is 307 E. 7th Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32303-5520 and its mailing address is 307-B East 7th Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32303-5520. The company has 6 principals on record.", "When We Stand Together debuted at number 48 on the Billboard Hot 100. Then, sales picked up and it peak a new position at number 44. Despite that, the song was a critical success, peaking at number 10 on their native home Canada. It peaked number 2 on Finland becoming their biggest hit on the country.hen We Stand Together debuted at number 48 on the Billboard Hot 100. Then, sales picked up and it peak a new position at number 44. Despite that, the song was a critical success, peaking at number 10 on their native home Canada. It peaked number 2 on Finland becoming their biggest hit on the country.", "STAND! for Families Free of Violence is a nonprofit organization based in Concord, California, serving all of Contra Costa County. STAND! provides intervention, treatment, and prevention services to survivors of family violence and their families.", "At a handover ceremony on Friday, March 7, at the Food For The Poor (FFP) Jamaica headquarters in Ellerslie Pen, St Catherine, the Spanish-Jamaican Foundation donated... At a handover ceremony on Friday, March 7, at the Food For The Poor (FFP) Jamaica headquarters in Ellerslie Pen, St Catherine, the Spanish-Jamaican Foundation donated...", "The “Speaking Together” Learning Collaborative. 1 Speaking Together is a national program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that. integrates quality improvement (QI) with hospital-based language services. The program uses a. collaborative “learning network” model to foster shared learning and innovation among 10.", "To ensure the safety of blood donation for both donors and recipients, all volunteer blood donors must be evaluated to determine their eligibility to give blood.The final determination will be made on the day of the donation at the blood drive or blood donation center.If you were deferred from donating in the past, you may be able to donate again. Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) for more information.Important note to users.o ensure the safety of blood donation for both donors and recipients, all volunteer blood donors must be evaluated to determine their eligibility to give blood.", "MyCharityBoxes sells Stand Free donation boxes. They may be used as donation collection boxes, or as display boxes. Some Stand Free donation displays come with brochure holders for your literature display. Toggle menu", "Most people can be organ donors. If you are interested in donating an organ, contact the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) at 1-888-894-6361 or go online at www.unos.org to get more information and to locate the nearest transplant center.", "When donating to Helping Hands Charity you are helping local Houston area families with much needed assistance. We provide local families with furniture, clothing, and food. Your donations help those families suffering from a hardship or crises. To fill out a donation request, click on Donation Pick-up.hank You for your vehicle donation in Houston.Helping Hands Charity is in need of furniture donation in Houston, clothing donation in Houston, Boat donation in Houston and vehicledonation in Houston.", "The largest recipients of QuikTrip donations are the United Way agencies in the cities where we live. Our employees give generously to the United Way, and we respect and honor that by matching their donations dollar for dollar.", "To make a financial donation via our secure online donation system, click here. For questions about your financial donation, or to update your mailing address, call 404-486-2917 or 404-486-2916. Financial donations may also be mailed to our address above.", "Make a donation Giving opportunities Our corporate partners In Your Area Tools & Resources", "Combined Federal Campaign. All accredited members of Human Service Charities of America participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The CFC is the world’s largest workplace giving campaign, giving millions of federal, military, and postal employees the opportunity to donate to the charities that matter to them. The CFC raises over $250 million annually to support charities serving people around the world." ]
what is the net movement of substances to regions of lower concentration called?
In the process of diffusion, net movement of substances is always from a region a. outside the cell to a region inside the cell. b. inside the cell to a region outside the cell. c. of lower concentration to a region of higher... show more Hi, I believe the answer is D, please tell me what you think? In the process of diffusion, net movement of substances is always from a region. a. outside the cell to a region inside the cell. b. inside the cell to a region outside the cell. c. of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration. d. of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. e. None of these choices is correct.
[ "Diffusion diffusion: The movement of particles (molecules or ions) from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is a process in which material spreads throughout a liquid or a gas.smosis is the movement of water from a high water concentration to a low water concentration through a partially permeable membrane. Plants absorb water from the soil by osmosis through their root hair cells.", "Osmosis is best defined as the movement of. molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of higher concentration.water molecules across a membrane from an area of low water to an area of higher concentration.smosis is best defined as the movement of. molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. molecules from an area of low concentration to an area of higher concentration.", "Diffusion and Osmosis. -the process by which molecules spread from areas of high concentration, to areas of low concentration. When the molecules are even throughout a space - it is called EQUILIBRIUM. Concentration gradient - a difference between concentrations in a space.", "Diffusion -the process by which molecules spread from areas of high concentration, to areas of low concentration. When the molecules are even throughout a space - it is called EQUILIBRIUM. Concentration gradient - a difference between concentrations in a space.", "Diffusion and Osmosis. Diffusion. -the process by which molecules spread from areas of high concentration, to areas of low concentration. Concentration gradient - a difference between concentrations in a space. Molecules will always move down the concentration gradient, toward areas of lesser concentration.", "A solution in which the concentration of molecules outside the cell is LOWER than inside HYPOtonic When molecules move from high to low along a concentration gradient we say they are", "This motion from areas of high concentration to low is called diffusion. There are times when membranes are impermeable to some molecules because of their size, polarity, etc. and only the smaller solvent molecules like water molecules will move across the membrane. This is called osmosis, and the tendency to transport the solvent molecules is quantified in terms of osmotic pressure.", "Diffusion and Osmosis. Diffusion. -the process by which molecules spread from areas of high concentration, to areas of low concentration. When the molecules are even throughout a space - it is called EQUILIBRIUM. Concentration gradient - a difference between concentrations in a space." ]
difference between urostomy and cystostomy
Suprapubic cystostomy. A suprapubic cystostomy or suprapubic catheter (also known as a vesicostomy or epicystostomy) is a surgically created connection between the urinary bladder and the skin used to drain urine from the bladder in individuals with obstruction of normal urinary flow. The connection does not go through the abdominal cavity.
[ "A cystectomy is an operation to remove the bladder. In men, the bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles and lymph nodes are removed. In women, the bladder, urethra, part of the vagina and lymph nodes are removed. In addition, the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries may be removed.", "Cystectomy is a surgical procedure that removes all or part of the urinary bladder, the muscular organ that collects urine from the kidneys for excretion at a later time.", "A cystectomy is an operation to remove all or part of the urinary bladder. The most common condition warranting removal of the urinary bladder is bladder cancer. In men, the bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles and lymph nodes are removed. In women, the bladder, urethra, part of the vagina and lymph nodes are removed. In addition, the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries may be removed.", "Cystectomy is a medical term for surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder. It may also be rarely used to refer to the removal of a cyst, or the gallbladder. The most common condition warranting removal of the urinary bladder is bladder cancer. After the bladder has been removed, an urinary diversion is necessary.", "noun, plural cystostomies. Surgery. 1. the construction of an artificial opening from the bladder through the abdominal wall, permitting the drainage of urine. 2. the opening so constructed.", "Cysto___ means cutting into the urinary bladder or a cyst. tomy. The medical term for cutting into (-tomy) the urinary bladder or a cyst (cyst/o) is cystotomy. The suffix -ectomy means surgical removal; -algia means pain; and -rrhea means flow, discharge. If psych/o means mind, psycho___ means treatment of the mind. therapy.", "An ostomy is a surgically made opening from the inside of an organ to the outside. Stoma is the Greek for mouth or opening. The stoma is the part of the ostomy attached to the skin.A stoma bag is then attached to the opening, in the case of colostomies, ileostomies and urostomies, so that either faeces or urine drain into this bag.There are various types of ostomies-for example: stoma bag is then attached to the opening, in the case of colostomies, ileostomies and urostomies, so that either faeces or urine drain into this bag. There are various types of ostomies-for example:", "A cystoscopy is a medical procedure used to examine the inside of the bladder using an instrument called a cystoscope. A cystoscope is a thin, fibre optic tube that has a light and a camera at one end. It's inserted into the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body) and moved up into the bladder.", "1 answer 2: a new suprapubic catheter site (cystostomy), new peg site (gastrostomy), and a new colostomy have one thing in common --they all end in -ostomy. all ostomies, whether new or long-standing are excluded from consideration in responding to m0440.", "Ostomy is a surgical procedure used to create an opening for urine and feces to be released from the body. Colostomy refers to a surgical procedure where a portion of the large intestine is brought through the abdominal wall to carry stool out of the body.emporary colostomy. A colostomy between the colon and the exterior abdominal wall, used for a few months until the proximal colon and a more distal part of the large bowel can be joined safely. It is created typically when inflammation in the distal colon needs time to resolve.", "CVC IN KANSAS CITY PROCEEDINGS. Cystotomy is a common surgical procedure in small animal surgery, most often performed for removal of uroliths. Surgery is indicated for stones that are not amenable to medical dissolution or those that are causing urinary obstruction.", "What is Cystoscopy? Cystoscopy is the use of a scope (cystoscope) to examine the bladder. This is done either to look at the bladder for abnormalities or to help with surgery being performed on the inside of the urinary tract (transurethral surgery). A urologic surgeon, or urologist, performs cystoscopy." ]
weather in mahopac, ny
Cities with similar population. Source: The Mahopac, NY weather data displayed above is derived from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric). Air quality and pollution data is derived from the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). Air quality and pollution levels measured in a particular area may not be representative of the entire county.
[ "After the incorporation of Putnam County in 1812 the Mahopac area grew steadily. By the middle-19th century the hamlet had become a summer resort community. The New York Central Railroad brought vacationers north from New York City to Croton Falls.", "If you are no longer receiving your newspaper every week, just download the requestor card by clicking on your paper below, fill it out and mail it back to us! Mahopac News is located at 824 Route 6, Suite 4, Mahopac NY 10541.", "Serving Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess counties. All County Pest Control is based out of Mahopac, New York and belongs to many local, state, and national organizations. We are a registered business, fully licensed and insured. All of our service technicians are fully licensed, certified, commercial pesticide applicators.", "New York: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 25°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 23°C (73°F).", "Average Weather in Central Islip New York, United States. Central Islip has a humid continental climate with hot summers and no dry season. The temperature typically varies from 25°F to 82°F over the course of the year, and is rarely below 11°F or above 89°F. The warm season lasts for 106 days, from June 4 to September 18, with an average daily high temperature above 73°F.", "East Islip, NY Weather. East Islip, NY climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 30's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 83.20 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 22.60 degrees Fahrenheit.", "New York: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 25°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 23°C (73°F). Loading weather data.", "New York: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 25°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain.", "New York: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 76 °F (25 °C) and the coldest is January at 35 °F (2 °C) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain.", "New York: Annual Weather Averages July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 25 °C (76 °F) and the coldest is January at 2 °C (35 °F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 23 °C (73 °F).", "New York: Annual Weather Averages July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 76 °F (25 °C) and the coldest is January at 35 °F (2 °C) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 73 °F (23 °C).", "New York: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 25 °C (76 °F) and the coldest is January at 2 °C (35 °F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain", "Weather in New York (30 Locations) Albany: Thu 10:34 pm: 38 °F: Lake Placid: Thu 10:34 pm: 30 °F: Rome: Thu 10:34 pm: 28 °F: Babylon: Thu 10:34 pm: 39 °F: Manhasset: Thu 10:34 pm: 43 °F: Saratoga Springs: Thu 10:34 pm: 30 °F: Binghamton: Thu 10:34 pm: 30 °F: Middletown, Orange Co. Thu 10:34 pm: 34 °F: Schenectady: Thu 10:34 pm: 38 °F: Brooklyn: Thu 10:34 pm: 43 °F: Mount Vernon: Thu 10:34 pm: 41 °F", "New York: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 25°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July.The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain.uly is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 25°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July.", "New York: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 25°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July.The wettest month is May with an average of 114mm of rain.ew York: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in New York with an average temperature of 25°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July.", "York: Annual Weather Averages. August is the hottest month in York with an average temperature of 15°C (59°F) and the coldest is January at 3°C (37°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 9 in June. The wettest month is August with an average of 65mm of rain. Loading weather data.", "Manhattan: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Manhattan with an average temperature of 25°C (77°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (35°F). The wettest month is August with an average of 130mm of rain. Loading weather data.", "Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The Roscoe, NY forecast for Aug 26 is 56 degrees and Clear. There is 70 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the Northwest. 2 3am:The Roscoe, NY forecast for Aug 26 is 46 degrees and Mist. There is 86 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the North-Northwest.", "New York Weather > East Islip Weather East Islip, NY Weather East Islip, NY climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 30's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 83.20 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 22.60 degrees Fahrenheit.", "Manhattan lies in the transition between the humid continental (Köppen Dfa) and humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cfa) zones, typically experiencing hot, humid summers and cold, dry winters. The monthly daily average temperature ranges from 29.1 °F (−1.6 °C) in January to 79.9 °F (26.6 °C) in July.", "The weather in September in NYC is pleasantly warm with high temperatures ranging between 70 – 8o degrees Fahrenheit (21 – 26 C) and low temperatures ranging between 55 – 65 degrees Fahrenheit (13 – 18 C), while the risk for extended hot spells that are common during July and August is greatly reduced.", "Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The Roscoe, NY forecast for Mar 30 is 30 degrees and Mist. There is 65 percentage chance of rain and 8 mph winds from the North. 2 3am:The Roscoe, NY forecast for Mar 30 is 28 degrees and Mist. There is 70 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the North-Northwest.", "New York Weather. Catskill, NY climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's.emperature variations between night and day tend to be moderate during summer with a difference that can reach 22 degrees Fahrenheit, and fairly limited during winter with an average difference of 19 degrees Fahrenheit. The annual average precipitation at Catskill is 42.01 Inches.", "But by the 1950's New Yorkers no longer relied on rail for vacation travel and the fading hotels of Mahopac gradually lost appeal. Over time, all the hotels burned or were torn down, and Mahopac evolved into the year-round community it is today.", "Days of Hot Weather in New York City. Temperatures of 100 degrees Fahrenheit are not normal for New York. The city averages just 12 days a year when the thermometer peaks at 90 °F or more. New York City normally has 200 days a year of 60 degrees or higher, including every day from June to September. The city's temperatures typically rise into the 60s for a day or two in each of the winter months.", "Hourly Forecast Detailed. 0am:The Roscoe, NY forecast for Mar 30 is 30 degrees and Mist. There is 65 percentage chance of rain and 8 mph winds from the North. 3am:The Roscoe, NY forecast for Mar 30 is 28 degrees and Mist.", "After July – the hottest month of the year for New York, USA – the weather starts to cool down in August.During this month, the average temperature for the city begins at 23°C, created by highs of 27°C during the daytime and lows of 19°C after dark, and drops down to 21°C, created by highs of 25°C dur...ompared to the rest of the year, August is quite a calm month for New York. At this time of year, typical wind speeds vary between 0 m/s (calm) and 5 m/s (moderate breeze), rarely going above 9 m/s (fresh breeze).", "Days of Hot Weather in New York City. Temperatures of 100 degrees Fahrenheit are not normal for New York. The city averages just 12 days a year when the thermometer peaks at 90 °F or more. New York City normally has 200 days a year of 60 degrees or higher, including every day from June to September.", "Guide to New York City weather in June The average maximum daytime temperature in New York City in June is a warm 26°C (79°F) with low heat & humidity. The average night-time temperature is usually a comfortable 17°C (63°F).", "Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The 10949, NY forecast for Aug 21 is 72 degrees and Clear. There is 71 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the West. 2 3am:The 10949, NY forecast for Aug 21 is 67 degrees and Clear. There is 78 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the West.", "Elegantly outfitted vacationers took in the lake breezes from the verandas of sprawling hotels. They came by rail, arriving at the station in nearby Croton Falls and taking stagecoaches to the lake, until a station went up in Mahopac in the 1870's.", "Re: Late July/early August typical weather in NYC? Jun 6, 2012, 6:52 PM Courtesy of Wikipedia, the typical high temperature that time of year is in the mid-80s (F), or around 29C, with record highs in the low 100s (40-41C).", "New York, New York has a humid continental climate with hot summers and no dry season. The area within 25 mi of this station is covered by built-up areas (48%), oceans and seas (22%), forests (16%), grasslands (7%), and lakes and rivers (5%).he hottest day of the year is July 25, with an average high of 82A°82â f and low OF°67a. 67â f the cold season Lasts from december 5 to march 13 with an average daily high TEMPERATURE°Below. 46a 46â f the coldest day of The year, is january 20 with an AVERAGE°Low of 24a 24â F°And. high of 38a 38â f", "Weather lowdown. After July – the hottest month of the year for New York, USA – the weather starts to cool down in August. During this month, the average temperature for the city begins at 23°C, created by highs of 27°C during the daytime and lows of 19°C after dark, and drops down to 21°C, created by highs of 25°C dur... Read more.", "New York, New York has a humid continental climate with hot summers and no dry season. The area within 25 mi of this station is covered by built-up areas (48%), oceans and seas (22%), forests (16%), grasslands (7%), and lakes and rivers (5%).ver the course of August typical wind speeds vary from 0 mph to 12 mph (calm to moderate breeze), rarely exceeding 19 mph (fresh breeze). The highest average wind speed of 7 mph (light breeze) occurs around August 20, at which time the average daily maximum wind speed is 12 mph (gentle breeze).", "May, June. Weather: Spring in New York City is the best time to be in the city, without doubt. Spring usually means less humidity and temps between 50-80 degrees, though June occasionally sees a 90 degree day. An occasional humidity soaked heat wave can strike, but it usually feels nice the first time around.", "New York Weather > East Islip Weather. East Islip, NY climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 30's.", "So, you want to know how is the weather in New York in October. You are in luck. If you are planning a visit to New York City in October, you have picked on of the best months of the year to see the sites. The weather is comfortable with relatively warm days and cool nights – great weather for joining one of our walking tours. Daily temperatures range from about 55f (13C) in the early morning to near 70f (21C) during the afternoon hours early in the month, cooling to 46f (8C) to near 60f (16C) by months end.", "New York, New York has a humid continental climate with hot summers and no dry season. The area within 25 mi of this station is covered by built-up areas (48%), oceans and seas (22%), forests (16%), grasslands (7%), and lakes and rivers (5%).he average fraction of time spent in various temperature bands: frigid (below 15A°15â), f (FREEZING°15a 15â F°To), 32a (32â°F cold 32A°32â), f (TO°50a 50â F°Cool), 50a (50â°F to 65A°65â), f (COMFORTABLE°65a 65â F°To), 75a (75â°F warm 75A°75â) f to (85a 85â°F). hot 85a 85â f to 100a 100â f and sweltering above 100a 100â f", "Key weather averages for New York City in June. 1 26. 26°C max day temperature. 2 9. 9 hours of sunshine per day. 3 10. 10 days with some rainfall. 4 17. 17°C min night temperature. 5 15. 15 hours of daylight per day. 6 L. Low heat & humidity. 7 89. 89 mm of monthly rainfall. 8 8. 8 (Very High) UV index. 9 17. 17°C sea temperature." ]
how long till sunburn fades
In brief: Two days to One Week. The location of sunburn and your skin type determine the duration. Face sunburns can fade within 2-3 days while backs, chest, and arms can take a week. It is most important to avoid repeated sunburns as this can prolong recovery and add to skin cancer risk.
[ "Sunburn can occur in less than 15 minutes, and in seconds when exposed to non-shielded welding arcs or other sources of intense ultraviolet light. Nevertheless, the inflicted harm is often not immediately obvious. After the exposure, skin may turn red in as little as 30 minutes but most often takes 2 to 6 hours. Pain is usually most extreme 6 to 48 hours after exposure. The burn continues to develop for 1 to 3 days, occasionally followed by peeling skin in 3 to 8 days. Some peeling and itching may continue for several weeks.", "Usually around 3 to a max of 1 week. Depending on how bad you got sunburnt, the longer it will take. Just apply lots of sunburn cream and aloe vera spray to it. It helps alot. … Try not to peel off your skin.", "Mild sunburn usually lasts 3-5 days. Moderate or severe sunburn usually lasts several days longer. Generally depending on your skin complexion and severity of the burn the pain will last 2-4 days, less if the burn is minor, more if the burn is severe(in which case seeing a doctor is not a bad idea). Also peeling which generally occurs wi... http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_long_does_a_sunburn_last. All sunburns are different according to how bad you got burnt how tan you already were etc etc... but normally the pain should ease in three or four days by a week your gonna feel a lot better, oh and make sure to keep moisturized when you ...", "You'll notice redness and some degree of pain with a mild sunburn. Typically, you'll see and feel the effects several hours after sun exposure. A mild sunburn may last anywhere from three to five days. During that time, your skin may begin to peel in the burned area. You most likely won't miss any school or work if you suffer mild sunburn.", "A sunburn is reddening of the skin that occurs after you are exposed to the sun or other ultraviolet light. The first signs of a sunburn may not appear for a few hours. The full effect to your skin may not appear for 24 hours or longer. Symptoms of sunburn are usually temporary. But the damage to skin cells is often permanent, which can have serious long-term effects, including skin cancer. By the time the skin starts to become painful and red, the damage has been done. Pain is worst between 6 to 48 hours after sun exposure.", "The first signs of a sunburn may not appear for a few hours. The full effect to your skin may not appear for 24 hours or longer. Symptoms of sunburn are usually temporary. But the damage to skin cells is often permanent, which can have serious long-term effects, including skin cancer. By the time the skin starts to become painful and red, the damage has been done. Pain is worst between 6 to 48 hours after sun exposure.", "Second degree sunburns can last anywhere from 10 to 21 days. The exact length of time varies depending on the person and the medical treatment used.", "You'll notice redness and some degree of pain with a mild sunburn. Typically, you'll see and feel the effects several hours after sun exposure. A mild sunburn may last anywhere from three to five days. During that time, your skin may begin to peel in the burned area.", "Try to cool the exposed areas with a cooling gel, after-sun lotion or water. Avoid fatty creams, they prevent the skin from cooling and may make the situation worse. The sunburn will reach its maximum intensity between 12 and 24 hours after sun exposure. You should avoid sun on this area for the next couple days.", "usually around 3 to a max of 1 week depending on how bad you got sunburnt the longer it will take just apply lots of sunburn cream and aloe vera spray to it it helps alot", "Duration of mild sunburns: Patients may suffer from mild pain and skin redness. The effects of the sunburn may be felt and become visible many hours after contact with the sun. Minor sunburns usually last for 3 to 5 days. The skin in and around the affected area may peel during this recovery period.", "Usually around 3 to a max of 1 week. Depending on how bad you got sunburnt, the longer it will take. Just apply lots of sunburn cream and aloe vera spray to it. It helps alot. … Try not to peel off your skin. It usually starts peeling your skin after a bad sunburn.", "Sunburn can occur in less than 15 minutes, and in seconds when exposed to non-shielded welding arcs or other sources of intense ultraviolet light. Nevertheless, the inflicted harm is often not immediately obvious. After the exposure, skin may turn red in as little as 30 minutes but most often takes 2 to 6 hours.", "Sponsored link. Duration of mild sunburns: Patients may suffer from mild pain and skin redness. The effects of the sunburn may be felt and become visible many hours after contact with the sun. Minor sunburns usually last for 3 to 5 days. The skin in and around the affected area may peel during this recovery period.", "Treatment can be applied in many different lotions(aloe vera)/home remedies/etc. Also avoid exposures to the sun to make sure the condition does not worsen which could make the burn last a few more days. If you have blisters on your shoulders, back,arms ect. then sunburn may last about 1-3 weeks, depends on how bad.", "Within 1 to 2 days after the burn, the skin on the burn is going to peel off. Normally, these peeled off skin cells are going to stay on the burn for 3 or 4 next days, before it completely falls by itself. However, skin color and complexion have a role in triggering different effects of sunburn to the skin.", "Sunburn is often associated with a rash that begins as a small, pink patch on the skin or a mole-like spot than then start spreading out. The rash appear within 12 to 24 hours after exposure to UV rays and can be particularly worse if you are under certain medications such as Doxycycline.", "Usually the sunburn starts to peel in 2 to 4 days, it is according to how bad the burn is. If it were to peel it would take a day or two for the skin to dry up and start peeling. your skin peels after a sunburn cause you didnt put sunscreen on and it dries out... next time i would advise you to put on sunscreen and drink alot of water.. it probably will.", "Symptoms of sunburn are usually temporary. But the damage to skin cells is often permanent, which can have serious long-term effects, including skin cancer. By the time the skin starts to become painful and red, the damage has been done. Pain is worst between 6 to 48 hours after sun exposure.", "Sunburn is the skin damage brought about by ultraviolet rays. It normally leads to the skin to become red, warm and sometimes itchy for about one week. The skin that is found on the face will usually start to flake and then peel off after a few days and will fully heal within about a period of seven days.", "Best Answer: It depends on how badly you're burnt and how well you take care of it. There are 2 levels of sunburn, 1st degree and 2nd degree. 1st degree sunburn is basically just red skin that's sensitive. Use aloe gel and stay out of the sun and it should be gone in about 6 days. 2nd degree sunburn has bistlers and will hurt much more. For that you do NOT want to put any gel, cream, or anything on it as it can lead to infection.", "Sunburn is skin damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays. It usually causes the skin to become red, sore, warm, tender and occasionally itchy for about a week. The skin will normally start to flake and peel after a few days and will usually fully heal within seven days. While sunburn is often short-lived and mild, it's important to try to avoid it, because it can increase your chances of developing serious health problems, such as skin cancer, in later life.", "The good news: What you do after sunburn can play a large role in how fast you heal, according to Dr. Lipner, who estimates that burns can take anywhere between three days and a week to heal, depending on severity (the amount of skin that has been burned and how badly).", "How long it takes to sunburn by UV Index Ratings. First let's start with a means of finding your UV index. Check your UV index here. 0-2 Minimal UV Exposure, over 60 minutes to sunburn. A wide brimmed hat should do, and sunglasses if applicable. 3-4 Low, sunburn can occur in approximately 45-60 minutes or more. Wear a hat and protect your skin using clothing UPF 15 and SPF 15 on any exposed skin every 2 hours. 5-6 Moderate, sunburn can occur within 30 minutes.", "Sunburn is the skin's reaction to the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. You can see sunlight and feel heat (infrared radiation), but you can't see or feel UV radiation. It can damage your skin even on cool, cloudy days. Sunburn is a radiation burn to the skin. The signs of sunburn can start to appear in less than 15 minutes and skin can turn red within two to six hours of being burnt. It will continue to develop for the next 24 to 72 hours and, depending on the severity, can take days or weeks to heal.", "If you want to know how to heal a sunburn in just under 24 hours, I’ve got a trick for you. All it takes is two simple, real foods. In fact, because of this trick, I rarely even admit to having a sunburn. That’s because our skin never peels, and instead our “sunburns” fade to nice tans.", "Best Answer: It depends on how badly you're burnt and how well you take care of it. There are 2 levels of sunburn, 1st degree and 2nd degree. 1st degree sunburn is basically just red skin that's sensitive. Use aloe gel and stay out of the sun and it should be gone in about 6 days. 2nd degree sunburn has bistlers and will hurt much more.", "Natural Methods for Gradual Fading. 1 1. Slice a fresh lemon and apply the fruit directly to the sunspots for 10 to 15 minutes per day. 2 2. Apply Aloe Vera gel twice a day to help heal the sun-damaged areas. 3 3. Steep a green tea bag in boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. 4. Soak the spots in buttermilk.", "What are the symptoms of sunburn? In mild sunburn, the skin is red, hot and painful. Usually, the symptoms are noticed 6 hours or more after the first exposure and peak within 24 hours. Moderate or severe sunburn often begins the same way, but continues to progress –often peaking in the second 24 hours.", "Sunburn is when your skin is injured by ultraviolet (UV) light and causes a burn. The sun and tanning beds are sources of UV light. If your skin is light or fair in color you can get sunburn easier. Even people with darker colored skin can get sunburned.Depending on how bad your sunburn is, it usually takes from 3 days to 3 weeks to get better.ellness Recommendations: To keep from getting sunburned, use sunscreen with a sun-protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more. Put it on your skin 30 minutes before you go outside. Put more on every two hours when you are out in the sun.", "For that you do NOT want to put any gel, cream, or anything on it as it can lead to infection. For 2nd degree your best bet is to use something like Lanacaine spray as it numbs the pain and is a disinfectent. 2nd degree sunburn can last about 2 weeks." ]
how many years do yorkies live
Life Span of the Yorkshire Terrier. The life expectancy of the Yorkshire Terrier is between is between 12 to 15 years with a median age of 13.5 years. Female Yorkies live - on average - 1.5 years longer than males. While this is not considered an exceptionally long life expectancy, it is slightly longer how long domesticated canines live in general which is 12.67 in the United States and 11.08 in the UK.
[ "Many experts state the Yorkie breeding age should be about two years for both the males and the females. This way they are fully mature and it also gives time for genetic problems to be known. If you breed them younger than that, then some of the problems may not have had time to emerge.", "by: Sc. I was lucky enough to have My Precious Baby Yorkie for 15 1/2 years but technically she was 16 1/2 years old. I got her when she was 16 months old. She has recently passed away, it was 3 months yesterday. Heart Broken! I loved every minute and treasure the memories........ loving her was easy.", "5 Months-It is not uncommon for a Yorkie to have a perfect bite and then at the age of 5 months, their bite can go off track, sometimes within just a matter of days.A good bite is crucial to properly chewing and digesting dog food.owever, for toy breed dogs, the age will be some time between 8 and 10 years old. This is the equivalent of 48 to 56 humans years... and one must keep in mind that though this can be put out as a comparison, canines are built differently with (unfortunately) much shorter life spans than humans." ]
paola name origin and meaning
Gender: Female. Usage: Paola, of Latin origin, is a very popular first name. It is more often used as a girl (female) name. People having the name Paola are in general originating from Chile, Ecuador, France, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America. Variants: For another variant of the name Paola across the world, see Paulus.
[ "Zola /zo-la/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Italian origin, and the meaning of Zola is lump of earth.Also possibly invented as a combination of zo and la. 19th cenutyr French novelist Emile Zola; runner Zola Budd.Kreatif forms: Zela, Zole.ola is a very prominent first name for women (#1634 out of 4276, Top 38%) and also a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#25610 out of 150436, Top 17%).", "The name Paola is ranked on the 1,413th position of the most used names. It means that this name is very frequently used. We estimate that there are at least 330300 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.005% of the population. The name Paola has five characters.", "Zola [zo-la]▼ as a girls' name is of Italian origin, and the meaning of Zola is lump of earth. Also possibly invented as a combination of zo and la. 19th cenutyr French novelist Emile Zola; runner Zola Budd. ASSOCIATED WITH earth, combination (blend), 19th century.", "Zola [zo-la]▼ as a girls' name is of Italian origin, and the meaning of Zola is lump of earth. Also possibly invented as a combination of zo and la. 19th cenutyr French novelist Emile Zola; runner Zola Budd. Variations.", "Zola /zo-la/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Italian origin, and the meaning of Zola is lump of earth.Also possibly invented as a combination of zo and la. 19th cenutyr French novelist Emile Zola; runner Zola Budd. Kreatif forms: Zela, Zole.ow popular is Zola? Zola is a very prominent first name for women (#1634 out of 4276, Top 38%) and also a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#25610 out of 150436, Top 17%).", "Meaning of Zola. French name. In French, the name Zola means-Famous bearer: 19th century writer Emile Zola.. Other origins for the name Zola include-French, Mexican.The name Zola is most often used as a girl name or female name.French Name Meaning-Famous bearer: 19th century writer Emile Zola.Origin-French.eaning of Zola. French name. In French, the name Zola means-Famous bearer: 19th century writer Emile Zola.. Other origins for the name Zola include-French, Mexican.The name Zola is most often used as a girl name or female name.", "Split and merge into it. Answer by Paola2258. Confidence votes 31. The name Paola is the name of a very peaceful (but violate at times) person. people by the name of paola can't get mad very easily and are very calm. People by Paola can make friends very easily.plit and merge into it. Answer by Paola2258. Confidence votes 31. The name Paola is the name of a very peaceful (but violate at times) person. people by the name of paola can't get mad very easily and are very calm. People by Paola can make friends very easily.", "The name Zola is of Italian origin. The meaning of Zola is piece of earth. It is also of African Zulu origin, where its meaning is quiet, tranquil, love, productive.hen just follow the diagram below. Just for fun, see the name Zola in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Zola in Nautical Flags page.", "The name Zola is of Italian origin. The meaning of Zola is piece of earth. It is also of African Zulu origin, where its meaning is quiet, tranquil, love, productive.iew the Zola Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Zola has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Zola to other names.", "Meaning of Zola. Mexican name. In Mexican, the name Zola means-earth. Other origins for the name Zola include-Mexican, French.The name Zola is most often used as a girl name or female name.Mexican Name Meaning-earth. Origin-Mexico.exican name. In Mexican, the name Zola means-earth. Other origins for the name Zola include-Mexican, French.The name Zola is most often used as a girl name or female name.", "French Meaning: The name Zola is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Zola is: Famous bearer: 19th century writer Emile Zola.American Meaning: The name Zola is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Zola is: Famous bearer: 19th century writer Emile Zola.n French the meaning of the name Zola is: Famous bearer: 19th century writer Emile Zola. American Meaning: The name Zola is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Zola is: Famous bearer: 19th century writer Emile Zola.", "Zola Name Meaning. The meaning of Zola is “Earth”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Zola and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Zola and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds.", "Information, statistics, graphs, and similar name lists for the first name Paola", "Origin and Meaning of Granola User Submitted Meanings A user from North Carolina, United States says the name Granola is of ??? origin and means Gift of oaty goodness from God.", "Then just follow the diagram below. Just for fun, see the name Paola in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Paola in Nautical Flags page.raditionally, the first born son was named after the father's father, the first daughter after the father's mother, the second son after the mother's father, and the second daughter after the mother's mother. Some Italians still follow this custom today.", "Meaning of Papillon. French name. In French, the name Papillon means-butterfly.The name Papillon originated as an French name. The name Papillon is most often used as a girl name or female name. French Name Meaning-butterfly. Origin-France.", "Zola Early Origins. Buy PDF History ». The surname Zola was first found in Venice (Italian: Venezia), and seaport occupying one of the most remarkable sites of the world. Centralizing on the Grand Canal the history of the city can be traced through the different styles of architecture Byzantine, Gothic, early Renaissance and late Renaissance.", "Usage: Zola is a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name. People having the name Zola are in general originating from France, Italy, Mexico, United Kingdom, United States of America.", "Paella is a Valencian word which derives from the Old French word paelle for pan, which in turn comes from the Latin word patella for pan. The word paella is also related to paila used in many Latin American countries. Paila in the Spanish language of Latin America refers to a variety of cookware resembling metal and clay pans, which are also used for both cooking and serving. The Latin root patella from which paella derives is also akin to the modern French poêle, the Italian padella and the Old Spanish padilla.", "Meaning of Indian name: Pavitra. Meaning of the name Pavitra is 'Pure'. Pavitra is a name of Hindu / Indian origin, and is commonly used for females.The name number for Pavitra is '6'.Click here to get the numerological analysis for the name 'Pavitra '.avitra is a name of Hindu / Indian origin, and is commonly used for females. The name number for Pavitra is '6'. Click here to get the numerological analysis for the name 'Pavitra '.", "A very cool girl with a great personality. Paola's are really sweet, funny, nice, and very pretty! They love desserts, and hate mushrooms. They're very good at correcting people, especially guy's named carlo.", "Amapola /amap-o-la/ [4 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced ah-mah-POH-lah. It is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Amapola is poppy.Spanish name.mapola is also an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. Census). Charted below is the birth name popularity of Amapola for girls. Amapola has not been listed in the Top 1000 so far.", "Paola, Kansas. Paola /peɪˈoʊlə/ is a city in and the county seat of Miami County, Kansas, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 5,602.", "Name: Amola. Gender: Male. Usage: Amola, of Sanskrit origin, is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) name. People having the name Amola appear to be originating from all over the world.", "Different origins are given for this name. Some sources give Zola as coming from Latin, meaning earth or ball of earth. Others claim it is a Zulu name, meaning quiet, tranquil.ifferent origins are given for this name. Some sources give Zola as coming from Latin, meaning earth or ball of earth. Others claim it is a Zulu name, meaning quiet, tranquil.", "Meaning of name Pavli is: from the Greek names [Pavli] , [Pavlis] ; see also the Bulgarian name [Pavli].eaning of name Pavli is: from the Greek names [Pavli] , [Pavlis] ; see also the Bulgarian name [Pavli].", "Zolia /zo-lia/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Italian origin, and the name Zolia means lump of earth.Zolia is a version of Zola (Italian). Zylla is a common surname.olia is an equally rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. Census). The only prominent variation form of Zolia (not ranked) appearing in the Top 1000 is Zola.", "Meaning, origin, and popularity of the last name, Paoli. In the year 2000, Paoli was the 21,791st most common surname in the United States. Fertility Clinics Death Records", "Meaning of Pavithra. Indian name. In Indian, the name Pavithra means-holy pure.The name Pavithra originated as an Indian name. The name Pavithra is most often used as a boy name or male name.Indian Name Meaning-holy pure. Origin-India. Global Star Registery-Name a star after someone special!n Indian, the name Pavithra means-holy pure.The name Pavithra originated as an Indian name. The name Pavithra is most often used as a boy name or male name. Indian Name Meaning-holy pure.", "Word Origin and History for areola Expand. n. colored circle around a nipple, 1706, from Latin areola, literally small area, diminutive of area (see area). Introduced in this sense 1605 by Swiss anatomist and botanist Caspar Bauhin (1560-1624).", "Pax (Paz, Paxton) Origin: Latin Meaning: Peaceful Pax means peace, quiet and tranquility. Though the world may not be a peaceful place, the name Pax reflects a hope that there are good times in the future. Theodore (Ted, Teddy, Theo, Theodor, Theodora, Dora) Origin: Greek Meaning: Gift of God Theodores are divine gifts.", "In the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 679 in baby name popularity for girls with 413 occurrences. Less than 5 boys were given the name. View the Paola Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Paola has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Paola to other names.raditionally, the first born son was named after the father's father, the first daughter after the father's mother, the second son after the mother's father, and the second daughter after the mother's mother. Some Italians still follow this custom today.", "Popularity of the name Paola for Girls. Percentage Of Babies Named Paola. Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).", "Zoila is largely used in the Spanish language, and its origin is Old Greek and Italian. Zoila is a Spanish variant transcription of the name Zoe (English, German, Greek, and Polish). Zoila is also a variant transcription of the name Zola (English and Italian). Zoila is a rarely used baby name for girls.", "[ syll. pa-vit-hra, pav-ith-ra ] The baby boy name Pavithra is pronounced as P AE V IH-THRAH †. The origin of Pavithra is the Sanskrit language.The meaning of Pavithra is one who is holy. The name Pavythra is a form of Pavithra. Pavithra is not popular as a baby boy name. It is not in the top 1000 names. syll. pa-vit-hra, pav-ith-ra ] The baby boy name Pavithra is pronounced as P AE V IH-THRAH †. The origin of Pavithra is the Sanskrit language.", "PDF Coat of Arms. + Extended History. The surname Zola was first found in Venice (Italian: Venezia), and seaport occupying one of the most remarkable sites of the world. Centralizing on the Grand Canal the history of the city can be traced through the different styles of architecture Byzantine, Gothic, early Renaissance and late Renaissance." ]
how to become a cna instructor
Take the required CNA trainers course. Each state has some type of training course that you must complete before becoming a CNA instructor. The training is intended to prepare a nurse to teach the CNA courses effectively. These courses are generally a minimum of 15 hours, but some programs last even longer. Apply for a job working as a CNA instructor.
[ "Step 3: Pursue Additional Education. While having CNA certification is not a prerequisite to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or a Registered Nurse (RN), experience as a CNA is helpful. To advance into higher level nursing positions, additional education is necessary.", "Once students have completed their CNA training, they will need to pass a state-specific examination to be fully certified. In many cases, graduates can work up to four months without certification while waiting to take the exam." ]
consequentialism definition ethics
Every advantage in the past is judged in the light of the final issue. —Demosthenes. Consequentialism is the class of normative ethical theories holding that the consequences of one's conduct are the ultimate basis for any judgment about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct.
[ "Consequentialism is based on two principles: 1 Whether an act is right or wrong depends only on the results of that act. The more good consequences an act produces, the better or more right that act.", "In the Consequentialist framework, we focus on the future effects of the possible courses of action, considering the people who will be directly or indirectly affected. We ask about what outcomes are desirable in a given situation, and consider ethical conduct to be whatever will achieve the best consequences.", "Rule Consequentialism, which is a theory (sometimes seen as an attempt to reconcile Consequentialism and Deontology), that moral behaviour involves following certain rules, but that those rules should be chosen based on the consequences that the selection of those rules have.", "Act consequentialism is the claim that an act is morally right if and only if that act maximizes the good, that is, if and only if the total amount of good for all minus the total amount of bad for all is greater than this net amount for any incompatible act available to the agent on that occasion. (Cf.", "Ethical egoism can be understood as a consequentialist theory according to which the consequences for the individual agent are taken to matter more than any other result. Thus, egoism will prescribe actions that may be beneficial, detrimental, or neutral to the welfare of others.", "In this post, I want to set out a few reasons why. But first, it’s important to clarify two points that non-philosophers sometimes fail to appreciate about utilitarianism and moral theory. The first, somewhat pedantic, point is that utilitarianism and consqeuentialism are not the same. Consequentialism is best understood as a family of moral theories, united in the agreement that consqeuences alone determine the rightness or wrongness of actions (or rules, or practices, or motives – see here for discussion of the complications).", "Both utilitarianism and ethical egoism are theories within consequentialism that focus on the outcome of conduct as the primary motivation of that action and any critique of whether or not that conduct is ethical.", "Consequentialist moral theories are teleological: they aim at some goal state and evaluate the morality of actions in terms of progress toward that state. The best known version of consequentialism is utilitarianism.", "Some consequentialist theories include: Utilitarianism, which holds that an action is right if it leads to the most happiness for the greatest number of people (happiness here is defined as the maximization of pleasure and the minimization of pain).", "Just as consequentialism is the thesis that one should maximize the general good, whatever the good turns out to be, so egoism can be defined as the parallel thesis that one should maximize one's own good, whatever the good turns out to be.", "Direct Consequentialism = whether an act is morally right depends only on the consequences of that act itself (as opposed to the consequences of the agent's motive, of a rule or practice that covers other acts of the same kind, and so on).", "The definition of consequential is important or something that follows another act. An example of something consequential is the decision to cut education funding. An example of something consequential is the need to get physical therapy after you break your leg. following as an effect or inference.", "Notes on Utilitarianism. Consequentialist moral theories are teleological: they aim at some goal state and evaluate the morality of actions in terms of progress toward that state. The best known version of consequentialism is utilitarianism.tilitarianism is a simple theory and its results are easy to apply. It also allows for degrees of right and wrong, and for every situation the choice between actions is clear-cut: always choose that which has the greatest utility. There are several objections, however–. 1.", "The definition of consequential is important or something that follows another act. 1 An example of something consequential is the decision to cut education funding. An example of something consequential is the need to get physical therapy after you break your leg.", "The definition of consequential is important or something that follows another act. 1 An example of something consequential is the decision to cut education funding. 2 An example of something consequential is the need to get physical therapy after you break your leg.", "Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism. Consequentialism: Whether an action is morally right or wrong depends. entirely on its consequences. An action is right if it brings about the best. outcome of the choices available. Otherwise it is wrong. The Good: Things (goals, states of affairs) that are worth pursuing.", "The definition of consequential is important or something that follows another act. An example of something consequential is the decision to cut education funding. An example of something consequential is the need to get physical therapy after you break your leg. consequential. consequential.", "Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism, which states that the consequences of any action are the only standard of right and wrong. This view can be contrasted or combined with virtue ethics which holds virtue as a moral good. Some believe that one's intentions are also ethically important.tilitarianism is a form of consequentialism, which states that the consequences of any action are the only standard of right and wrong. This view can be contrasted or combined with virtue ethics which holds virtue as a moral good. Some believe that one's intentions are also ethically important.", "In general, consequentialist theories focus on actions. However, this need not be the case. Rule consequentialism is a theory that is sometimes seen as an attempt to reconcile deontology and consequentialism—and in some cases, this is stated as a criticism of rule consequentialism.", "1 A particular action is morally good only if it produces more overall good than any alternative action. Act consequentialism is flexible and can take account of any set of circumstances, however exceptional.", "2 pages. 1 Utilitarianism concerns how people should act while ethical egoism concerns how. 2 HU245: Unit 2 Quiz 01. Consequentialists believe that the central part of moral actio.", "Whereas consequentialist theories posit that consequences of action should be the primary focus of our thinking about ethics, virtue ethics insists that it is the character rather than the consequences of actions that should be the focal point." ]
how many pro bowls for brady
Tom Brady has been dubbed the greatest quarterback ever by many people. Most believe that he is at least in the top five in NFL history. Brady has played in four Super Bowls and won three of them. He has six Pro Bowl appearances and was voted the NFL MVP twice. Tom Brady holds numerous Patriot team records, as well as NFL records. Brady is also the most overrated quarterback to play the game. Tom Brady is simply a system quarterback.
[ "Brady also tied Bart Starr of the Green Bay Packers for the most N.F.L. championships by a quarterback, with Starr earning three titles before winning the first two Super Bowls. Following the game, N.F.L. Commissioner Roger Goodell presented the Patriots with the Vince Lombardi Trophy.", "Football quarterback Tom Brady has won five NFL championships, all five as a member of the New England Patriots. Brady's first championship came in the 2001... Football quarterback Tom Brady has won five NFL championships, all five as a member of the New England Patriots." ]
what is the average price to tent a home for termites
1 Tenting a house can range in price anywhere from $500 to $4,000. 2 Companies that provide the service of tenting a house offer it at different prices. 3 Also, when you find a company that will provide the service for you, the price can differ depending on the size of the house to be covered. For example, a house that has a size of 1,250 square feet can command $1,250 to $2,500 for the procedure. 2 Hip Home Improvement Projects is a website that offers suggestions and tips on how to remove termites from your house.
[ "1 Tenting a house can range in price anywhere from $500 to $4,000. 2 Companies that provide the service of tenting a house offer it at different prices. 3 Also, when you find a company that will provide the service for you, the price can differ depending on the size of the house to be covered.", "A treatment for Subterranean termites on an average home will cost in the $800-$1200 range. This is for a full treatment. Your bond is probably for a spot treatment (again in the fine print), which when performed will normally cost the pest control company less than $100 and most times less that $50 including labor.", "1 Tenting a house can range in price anywhere from $500 to $4,000. 2 Companies that provide the service of tenting a house offer it at different prices. 3 Also, when you find a company that will provide the service for you, the price can differ depending on the size of the house to be covered. The cost can also be charged per linear square foot. 2 For example, a house that has a size of 1,250 square feet can command $1,250 to $2,500 for the procedure.", "Hi Terry, just fill out a little information here and you will get around 3 – 4 free no-obligation quotes for how much termite tenting will cost for a 1,506 square foot home. This way you can compare the prices and a few companies so you can make a well informed decision about which company to use.", "Highly effective to kill all the termites in a colony. The termite treatment cost is around $2000 to $5000 for an average size home depending on location, type of construction, chemical used, insurance coverage, and warranties applied.", "Size of your home, as a larger one can mean more space for termite infestation. Angie’s List members who had termite extermination performed in 2013 reported an average cost of about $1,535, with a general range of $1,300 to $1,775. That doesn’t include discounts that many service providers offer to members.", "Cost of Treatment. The cost of termite control, on average, ranges from $800 to $4,000, depending on the size of the home. This does not include the cost to repair damage to wood or other structures in the home.", "The cost of termite tenting varies depending on the number of cubic feet that is treated. This allows fumigation companies to charge for the volume of gas used. When fumigating a property, the entire home is covered and filled with gas.his varies depending on the height of the structure, in order to compensate for a greater volume of gas used. This means a 2,000 square foot home could cost between one to two thousand dollars. However, vaulted ceilings require more gas, which will increase the cost per square foot.", "1 You can buy termite baits from us and do it yourself for much cheaper. 2 Chemical treatments are usually charged by the linear foot, not by the square footage of your home. 3 The average per foot is about $4-$16. Fumigation, which is most commonly used for drywood termites, is very expensive and the cost increases with the size of the home to be treated. 2 It can range anywhere between $1300 and $2500 or more.", "I'm getting quotes to compare. For my sub. termites, it's about $1800 for 3 units to treat. One good thing to know, you can barter!!! His original amount was $2400 and I still think I can get it lower. For sub. termites, they inject something into the soil (can't think of the name right now).f you have other termites (I think dry wood termites is the name) and you need tenting, that is about $800-1000 for a house. It depends on the size. They spray 2 types of gasses into the unit.", "Figuring a termite treatment cost on an existing home infested with native species subterranean termites is a bit more involved. In the Phoenix area the average price to treat a home runs between $1.75 to $3.00 per linear foot.", "Termite extermination was 1250 with 260 per year after that. Pest control (ants, spiders, etc) was another 125 per month and mosquito control another 125. I plan on getting a second price since 260 seemed high for an annual cost. The bond/ guarantee is able to be transferred to a buyer if the house is ever sold again. For 150 linear feet, the price will range from $1,500-$2,500, with a one-year guarantee. 2 The liquid chemical used is also affective on ants. 3 However, slab foundations are less expensive when tent fumigation is necessary, because without an under-house area, less gas is needed. 4 The first step is identifying the problem.", "Measure the distance in feet around your home’s foundation. This will give you the total linear feet. Each linear foot requires a specific amount of termiticide to be applied, so the bigger the house the more chemical cost involved. A good average termite company price might be $4.00 to $7.50 per Ln. ft.", "1 The cost can also be charged per linear square foot. 2 For example, a house that has a size of 1,250 square feet can command $1,250 to $2,500 for the procedure. 3 Hip Home Improvement Projects is a website that offers suggestions and tips on how to remove termites from your house.", "Cost of Treatment. The cost of termite control, on average, ranges from $800 to $4,000, depending on the size of the home. This does not include the cost to repair damage to wood or other structures in the home.ld house borers, powder post beetles and carpenter ants often are confused with termites. A professional exterminator can help you determine what type of infestation you have and how to treat it effectively.", "1 Fumigation, which is most commonly used for drywood termites, is very expensive and the cost increases with the size of the home to be treated. 2 It can range anywhere between $1300 and $2500 or more.", "Treatment prices will depend on the size of the home and the treatment options chosen. The initial cost for a home termite protection or warranty plan ranges from $500 to $2,000. Annual inspection charges range from $150 to $450. The warranty costs vary in price depending on whether the warranty includes repairs to termite damage in addition to retreatment.", "The cost of tent rental depends on the size of the tent as well as how elaborate the decorations will be. 1 The price of tent rental can range anywhere from $80 to $2,000 per day. A tent that can fit between 25 and 50 people will commonly be within the $300 to $600 price range. 2 A larger tent that can fit up 150 people comfortably can cost anywhere from $450 to $1,300.", "Once detected, the average termite control service cost ranges between $200 and $3,000. See how to rid of all home termites once and for all.", "Termite MD considers an average price to be from $4 to $7.50 per linear foot, which is the total distance around the outside of your house. If you do the chemical treatment yourself, Termite MD estimates a cost of $.81 per linear foot.", "Termite MD considers an average price to be from $4 to $7.50 per linear foot, which is the total distance around the outside of your house. If you do the chemical treatment yourself, Termite MD estimates a cost of $.81 per linear foot. For professionally applied bait treatments where termites eat a toxic chemical and spread it through the colony, Termite HQ estimates a 20 percent greater cost than chemical treatment.", "The termite extermination cost alone can be between $500 to $5,000, which may include the cost of preventative measures to keep out termites in the future. However, the costs may vary according to the method used. For example, the termite fumigation cost for a home that is 1250 square feet can be between $1,000 to $3,000, while a 2500-square foot home can be between $2,500-$4,000.", "Well here you go: Generic Termite Treatments should cost between $3.30-4.40 / linear foot per 1’ foot of foundation depth. So an average home would go for $660-$880. Name Brand Termite Treatments should cost between $4.75-6.00 / linear foot per 1’ foot of foundation depth.So an average home would go for $950-$1200. Most companies will have a minimum due to fixed costs, so they may say, homes up to 200LF all cost $X.eneric Termite Treatments should cost between $3.30-4.40 / linear foot per 1’ foot of foundation depth. So an average home would go for $660-$880. Name Brand Termite Treatments should cost between $4.75-6.00 / linear foot per 1’ foot of foundation depth. So an average home would go for $950-$1200.", "Typical costs: Renting a small, white 20-foot square frame tent (for about 40 guests) costs about $350. Renting a 30-by-60 rectangular frame tent (for about 180 guests) can cost around $900. And renting an 60-by-90 foot tent (for 540 guests) can cost around $4,300.", "1 Tents start around $45-$180 but typically cost $200-$500 for a spacious cabin tent, or as much as $500-$1,200 for a camping palace that sleeps up to 12 people. 2 One-burner propane stoves start at $20-$45; two-burners typically cost $30-$100; and three-and four-burner propane stoves can be $100-$300 or more." ]
definition of propaedeutic
• PROPAEDEUTIC (noun) The noun PROPAEDEUTIC has 1 sense: 1. a course that provides an introduction to an art or science (or to more advanced study generally) Familiarity information: PROPAEDEUTIC used as a noun is very rare. • PROPAEDEUTIC (adjective) The adjective PROPAEDEUTIC has 1 sense: 1. preceding and preparing for something. Familiarity information: PROPAEDEUTIC used as an adjective is very rare.
[ "With him, this propaedeutic discipline, this tool of truth, perfectly performs its task of construction. The Mediaeval Mind (Volume II of II) Henry Osborn Taylor. Ancient logic would be the propaedeutic or gate of approach to logical science,—nothing more.", "I take thinking not to be a source of any moral code or set of ethical principles but a propaedeutic, a preparation for discernment and indeterminate judgment, wrote Dr. Elizabeth Minnich, for example, in Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning.", "You don't have to be a walking encyclopedia to use it, but propaedeutic does tend to occur mostly in scholarly discussions of learning and education.", "On the other hand, though, it is only a propaedeutics to literature: by combating the metaphysics of everyday language, it gives that language life; it must start from language, even if only to reject it. Title: Medical Semiology Physiopathology Semiology And Propaedeutics.", "On the other hand, though, it is only a propaedeutics to literature: by combating the metaphysics of everyday language, it gives that language life; it must start from language, even if only to reject it. The impossible out of the net of words: rethinking the fantastic through Todorov, Tolkien and Lewis.", "prop·a·ga·tion. n. 1. Multiplication or increase, as by natural reproduction.", "Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: <a href=http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/propaedeutics>Propaedeutic</a>.", "Definition of PROPHAGE. : an intracellular form of a bacteriophage in which it is harmless to the host, is usually integrated into the hereditary material of the host, and reproduces when the host does. ADVERTISEMENT. noun pro·phage \\ˈprō-ˌfāj, -ˌfaezh\\. ˌfäzh", "clinical propedeutics. preliminary training in the clinical sciences; the introduction to veterinary medicine, surgery and animal reproduction. clinical qualifiers. adjectives used to qualify diagnoses using terms from within a group of standard variables, e.g. chronic or acute, ovine or bovine, benign or malignant, clinical or latent. clinical record", "Medical definition of pharmaceutics: the science of preparing, using, or dispensing medicines : pharmacy the science of preparing, using, or dispensing medicines : pharmacy… See the full definition", "something necessary or indispensable. pharmaceutic necessity (pharmaceutical necessity) a substance having slight or no value therapeutically, but used in the preparation of various pharmaceuticals, including preservatives, solvents, ointment bases, and flavoring, coloring, diluting, emulsifying, and suspending agents.", "The definition of a prop is a person or thing who provides support or holds something up, or an object used on the set of a play or movie. A pole that keeps up an awning is an example of a prop.", "Definition of PROPHAGE. : an intracellular form of a bacteriophage in which it is harmless to the host, is usually integrated into the hereditary material of the host, and reproduces when the host does. ADVERTISEMENT.", "A Joint terminal attack controller (JTAC) is the term used in the United States Armed Forces for a qualified military service member who, from a forward position, directs the action of combat aircraft engaged in close air support and other offensive air operations.", "1 Decapentaplegic, a growth factor gene involved in development. 2 Dipeptidyl peptidase, a class of enzymes which cleave dipeptides from proteins and peptides. 3 Differential Pulse Polarography, a type of electrochemical scan. DPP4 - a protein that, in humans, is encoded by the DPP4 gene.", "Haematemesis is the vomiting of blood, either bright or altered blood (so-called ‘coffee grounds’ vomitus), due to the action of acid on the blood. Melaena is the passage of black tarry stools. The tarriness is characteristic and distinguishes melaena from the passage of black stools due to dietary agents, including the ingestion of iron.", "Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) is the term used in the United States Armed Forces and some other military forces for a qualified service member who directs the action of combat aircraft engaged in close air support and other offensive air operations from a forward position.", "Medical Definition of PROPHAGE. : an intracellular form of a bacteriophage in which it is harmless to the host, is usually integrated into the hereditary material of the host, and reproduces when the host does.", "Definition of prophylaxis. plural. prophylaxes. play \\-ˈlak-ˌsēz\\. : measures designed to preserve health (as of an individual or of society) and prevent the spread of disease.", "medical Definition of prophage : an intracellular form of a bacteriophage in which it is harmless to the host, is usually integrated into the hereditary material of the host, and reproduces when the host does", "Medical Definition of pharmacotherapeutic. : of or relating to pharmacotherapeutics or pharmacotherapy.", "1. (Medicine) protecting from or preventing disease. 2. protective or preventive. n. 3. (Medicine) a prophylactic drug or device, esp a condom. [C16: via French from Greek prophulaktikos, from prophulassein to guard by taking advance measures, from pro-² + phulax a guard]. (ˌproʊ fəˈlaek fəˈlæk, tɪk ˌprɒf-). ə. adj. n", "Definition of praecipe. 1 1 : any of various legal writs commanding a person to do something or to appear and show cause why he or she should not. 2 2 : a written order requesting a clerk or prothonotary of a court to issue a writ and specifying the contents of the writ.", "pro·plas·tid (prō-plăs′tĭd) n. A cytoplasmic organelle from which a plastid develops. proplastid (prəʊˈplæstɪd) n (Botany) a plant cell organelle that a plastid develops from.", "Proprioception refers to kinaesthetic awareness. Proprioception occurs as a consequence of the integration of vestibular input, visual input and tissue mechanoreceptor input to the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. It is thought that mechanoreceptor input is of the utmost importance for proprioception. Thus, mechanoreceptors give rise to local segmental reflexes and suprasegmental proprioceptive reflex effects. The word proprioceptor is a misnomer, as no somatosensory receptor functions solely in proprioceptive mechanisms.", "Pharmacotherapeutics Definition. Pharmacotherapeutics is defined as “the study of the therapeutic uses and effects of drugs” by Merriam-Webster. This is the study of the beneficial and desired effects and uses.", "Medical Definition of Prophylactic Prophylactic: A preventive measure. The word comes from the Greek for an advance guard, an apt term for a measure taken to fend off a disease or another unwanted consequence. A prophylactic is a medication or a treatment designed and used to prevent a disease from occurring. For example, prophylactic antibiotics may be used after a bout of rheumatic fever to prevent the subsequent development of Sydenham's chorea. A prophylactic is also a drug or device, particularly a condom, for preventing pregnancy.", "Technically known as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) declaration, it is defined as an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease and to potentially require a coordinated international response..", "proprioceptive reflex a reflex that is initiated by stimuli arising from some function of the reflex mechanism itself. psychogalvanic reflex decreased electrical resistance of the body due to emotional or mental agitation.", "Medical Definition of prophylaxis. plural. prophylaxes. \\-ˈlak-ˌsēz\\play. : measures designed to preserve health and prevent the spread of disease : protective or preventive treatment prophylaxis against viral diseases a paste containing fluorine for dental prophylaxis.", "Propriety(noun) the quality or state of being proper; suitableness to an acknowledged or correct standard or rule; consonance with established principles, rules, or customs; fitness; appropriateness; as, propriety of behavior, language, manners, etc. Origin: [F. proprit, L. proprietas, fr. proprius one's own, proper.", "Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Praecipe(noun) a writ commanding something to be done, or requiring a reason for neglecting it. 2 Praecipe(noun) a paper containing the particulars of a writ, lodged in the office out of which the writ is to be issued.", "an expression of a general truth or principle, especially an aphoristic or sententious one: the maxims of La Rochefoucauld. 2. a principle or rule of conduct.", "proptosis. Abnormal forward displacement of one eye. It is a sign of a severe orbital disorder, such as a tumour, inflammation, or thyroid eye disease. See orbital cellulitis; Graves' disease; exophthalmometer; exophthalmos; carotid-venous fistula.rotrusion of one or both eyeballs; can be congenital and familial, or due to pathology, such as a retroorbital tumor (usually unilateral) or thyroid disease (usually bilateral). Synonym(s): proptosis. [G. ex, out, + ophthalmos, eye]. /prop·to·sis/ (prop-to´sis) forward displacement or bulging, especially of the eye.", "prope (comparative propius, superlative proximus) 1 near, nigh. ( 2 figuratively) close in time. 3 almost, nearly. better (as an approximation)", "Medical Definition of Prophylactic. Prophylactic: A preventive measure. The word comes from the Greek for an advance guard, an apt term for a measure taken to fend off a disease or another unwanted consequence. A prophylactic is a medication or a treatment designed and used to prevent a disease from occurring. For example, prophylactic antibiotics may be used after a bout of rheumatic fever to prevent the subsequent development of Sydenham's chorea.", "noun, Law. 1. any of various legal writs commanding a defendant to do something or to appear and show why it should not be done. 2. a written order addressed to the clerk of the court requesting that a writ be issued and specifying its contents. Origin of praecipe.", "uk ​ /ˌsɪk.əˈfæn.tɪk/ us ​ /ˌsɪk.əˈfæn.tɪk/ formal disapproving. › (of a person or of behaviour) praising people in authority in a way that is not sincere, usually in order to get some advantage from them: There was sycophantic laughter from the audience at every one of his terrible jokes.", "cal and pharmaceutical. To make matters even more complicated, ‘biopharmaceutics’ refers to the scientific discipline concerned with the chemical and physical properties of pharma-ceuticals in relation to their bioavailability and pharmacokinetics. Using these classic definitions, distinctions between biopharmaceuticals and drugs are usually obvious when looking at products’ active agents and their manufacture. Some agents/products may fall into gray areas and be considered biopharmaceuticals, drugs or both. For example, antisense oligonucleotides, aptamers, RNA interference, synthetic peptides", "Medical Definition of prophylactic. : something (as a medicinal preparation) that is prophylactic; especially : a device and especially a condom for preventing venereal infection or conception.", "prop - a support placed beneath or against something to keep it from shaking or falling pitprop, sprag - a wooden prop used to support the roof of a mine support - supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation; the statue stood on a marble support", "Sycophantic Meaning : Behaviour in which someone flatters and praises important and powerful people and always agrees with what they say, in other the get advantage from them. Synonym: Obsequious,ingratiating Example: He hadn't expected an assistant as sycophantic as this one..", "(ăl′ə-făt′ĭk). aliphatic. straight chain of carbon atoms of a propane molecule.liphatic. straight chain of carbon atoms of a propane molecule.", "an expression of a general truth or principle, especially an aphoristic or sententious one: the maxims of La Rochefoucauld. a principle or rule of conduct.", "1. Conforming or limited to the simplest, nonfigurative, or most obvious meaning of a word or words. 2. Word for word; verbatim: a literal translation. 3. Avoiding exaggeration, metaphor, or embellishment; factual; prosaic: a literal description; a literal mind.", "Definition of propriety for English Language Learners. : behavior that is accepted as socially or morally correct and proper. : the state or quality of being correct and proper. proprieties : rules of correct social behavior." ]
population brandon sd
Brandon Population by Age. The table below shows the Brandon, SD population by age. At the last census, there were 8,785 people living in the city. The largest age group was aged < 25.
[ "Brandon, Florida - Basic Facts. The Brandon Census Designated Place had a population of 110,921 as of July 1, 2016. Brandon ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Florida. See peer rankings below.", "Brandon is a city in Rankin County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 16,436 at the 2000 census. Brandon is part of the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area. Prior to the arrival of white American settlers, the site of modern-day Brandon was a focal point of local Native American activities.", "Brandon is a census-designated place (CDP) in Hillsborough County, Florida, United States. It is part of the Tampa–St. Petersburg–Clearwater Metropolitan Statistical Area. As of the 2010 census, the CDP had a total population of 103,483.", "Brandon, South Dakota Population: Census 2010 and 2000 Interactive Map, Demographics, Statistics, Quick Facts Compare population statistics about Brandon, SD by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc. CensusViewer delivers detailed demographics and population statistics from the 2010 Census, 2000 Census, American Community Survey (ACS), registered voter files, commercial data sources and more.", "Brandon, Florida - Basic Facts. The Brandon Census Designated Place had a population of 110,921 as of July 1, 2016. Brandon ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Florida. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Brandon is located at latitude 27.936 and longitude -82.2993 in Hillsborough County.", "Brandon is a city in Rankin County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 16,436 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Rankin County. Brandon is part of the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Brandon is a city in Rankin County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 16,436 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Rankin County. Brandon is part of the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area. Prior to the arrival of white American settlers, the site of modern-day Brandon was a focal point of local Native American activities.", "Brandon, FL Profile: Facts, Map & Data. Brandon, Florida - Basic Facts. The Brandon Census Designated Place had a population of 110,921 as of July 1, 2016. Brandon ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Florida. See peer rankings below.", "Brandon is a city in Rankin County, Mississippi. The population was 21,705 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Rankin County. Brandon is part of the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area and located east of the state capital.", "Sponsored Topics. Brandon is a census-designated place (CDP) in Hillsborough County, Florida, in the United States. As of the 2010 census, the CDP had a total population of 103,483. Its history began on January 20, 1857, when John Brandon (1809–1886) arrived at Fort Brooke (now Tampa) from Mississippi with his first wife Martha (1813–1867) and six sons.", "Brandon is a census-designated place (CDP) in Hillsborough County, Florida, in the United States. As of the 2010 census, the CDP had a total population of 103,483. Its history began on January 20, 1857, when John Brandon (1809–1886) arrived at Fort Brooke (now Tampa) from Mississippi with his first wife Martha (1813–1867) and six sons. At first he moved his family to what is now the Seffner area.", "Brandon is located at 32°16′49″N 89°59′54″W / 32.28028°N 89.99833°W / 32.28028; -89.99833 (32.280330, -89.998470). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 21.3 square miles (55.3 km²), of which 21.3 square miles (55.1 km²) is land and 0.1 square mile (0.2 km²) (0.37%) is water. As of the census of 2000, there were 16,436 people, 6,295 households, and 4,595 families residing in the city.", "Compare population statistics about Brandon, SD from the 2010 and 2000 census by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc.", "Homefacts City Report. Brandon is located in Hillsborough County, FL. The population is 101,167, making Brandon the 2nd largest city in Hillsborough County. There are 11 public schools in Brandon with an average Homefacts rating of B-. The total crime rate for Brandon is moderate, and there are 72 registered sex offenders residing in the city.", "Current White Population demographics in Brandon, South Dakota 2016, 2015 by gender and age View Population Demographics and Statistics for all races in Brandon, South Dakota population totals", "Brandon, FL. Brandon is a census-designated place (CDP) in Hillsborough County, Florida, in the United States. As of the 2010 census, the CDP had a total population of 103,483. Its history began on January 20, 1857, when John Brandon (1809–1886) arrived at Fort Brooke (now Tampa) from Mississippi with his first wife Martha (1813–1867) and six sons. At first he moved his family to what is now the Seffner area.", "Brandon compared to South Dakota state average: 1 Unemployed percentage significantly below state average. 2 Black race population percentage below state average. 3 Hispanic race population percentage significantly below state average. 4 Median age above state average.", "The break down of how many White people live in Brandon, South Dakota in 2016 and 2015 by gender, age and family size. Suburban Stats Current White Population in Brandon,South Dakota 2016, 2015 with Demographics and Stats by age and gender.", "The City of Brandon is located within Supervisor District 4, a minor civil division (MCD) of Rankin County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with Brandon population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data. The estimates are for July 1, 2017. Neighborhood Data", "City of Brandon, SD Zip Codes. City of Brandon, SD Demographic Information. * Demographic data is based on information taken from the 2000 Census. City of Brandon, SD covers 1 Area Code. City of Brandon, SD covers 1 Zip Code. 11 Cities within 15 Miles of the City of Brandon, SD.", "1 Winnipeg has an urban population of 673,000 and a metropolitan population of 735,000. 2 The city proper has a density of 3,700 people per square mile, or 1,430 per square kilometer. 3 Brandon (pop: 47,000) is the second-largest city and it's located in the southwestern part of the province. It is also the 7th largest municipality in Canada and home to about 60% of Manitoba's total population. 2 Winnipeg has an urban population of 673,000 and a metropolitan population of 735,000. 3 The city proper has a density of 3,700 people per square mile, or 1,430 per square kilometer.", "What's Happening In Brandon, Mississippi? Founded in 1828, the town of Brandon was named after the first native Mississippi governor, Gerard Chittocque Brandon. Brandon has grown from a 40-acre tract town to an over 26-square-mile city. The City of Brandon now has over 23,000 residents. Her residents enjoy large-city amenities while not losing the small-town charm.", "Latest news from Brandon, SD collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (35.4%), Norwegian (13.6%), Irish (9.9%), Dutch (8.0%), Swedish (4.5%), English (4.3%).", "Download Reports for Brandon, South Dakota Click here to download a sample Census 2010/2000 Race PDF. Click here to download a sample Census 2010/2000 Latino PDF.", "Rankin County, Mississippi. Rankin County Courthouse in Brandon. Rankin County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. The western border of the county is formed by the Pearl River. As of the 2010 census, the population was 141,617, making it the fourth-most populous county in Mississippi. The county seat is Brandon. The county is named in honor of Christopher Rankin, a Mississippi Congressman who served from 1819 to 1826. Rankin County is part of the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area", "What's Happening In Brandon, Mississippi? View City Events Brandon is consistently ranked as one of the Top 10 best places to live in Mississippi, as well as one of the Top 10 safest places to live in Mississippi. Brandon is celebrating her 190th birthday this year, having grown from 31 residents in 1828 to over 23,000 today. Being one of the fastest growing cities in the state, people call Brandon their hometown because of the high quality of life evident throughout the community.", "Zip Code 57005 is located in the state of South Dakota in the Sioux Falls (Mitchell) metro area. Zip code 57005 is primarily located in Minnehaha County. The official US Postal Service name for 57005 is BRANDON, South Dakota. Portions of zip code 57005 are contained within or border the city limits of Brandon, SD, Sioux Falls, SD, . The area code for zip code 57005 is 605.", "Rankin County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. The western border of the county is formed by the Pearl River. As of the 2010 census, the population was 141,617, making it the fourth-most populous county in Mississippi. The county seat is Brandon. The county is named in honor of Christopher Rankin, a Mississippi Congressman who served from 1819 to 1826. Rankin County is part of the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Rankin County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. The western border of the county is formed by the Pearl River. As of the 2010 census, the population was 141,617,[1] making it the fourth-most populous county in Mississippi. The county seat is Brandon.[2] The county is named in honor of Christopher Rankin, a Mississippi Congressman who served from 1819 to 1826.", "The median gross income for households in Brandon is $71,944 a year, or $5,995 a month. The median rent for the city is $949 a month. Households who pay more than thirty percent of their gross income are considered to be Rent Overburdened.", "Florida is one of 20 states where Census County Divisions (CCDs) are used for statistical tracking of subdivisions within each county. The Brandon Census Designated Place is located within Brandon CCD of Hillsborough County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with Brandon population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data. The estimates are for July 1, 2016.", "Rankin County, Mississippi. Rankin County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. The western border of the county is formed by the Pearl River. As of the 2010 census, the population was 141,617, making it the fourth-most populous county in Mississippi. The county seat is Brandon. The county is named in honor of Christopher Rankin, a Mississippi Congressman who served from 1819 to 1826. Rankin County is part of the Jackson Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "On 6/7/1993, a category F4 (max. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 19.2 miles away from the city center injured 5 people and caused between $5,000,000 and $50,000,000 in damages. Brandon-area historical earthquake activity is slightly below South Dakota state average.", "Rankin County, Mississippi. Rankin County is a county located in the U.S. state of Mississippi. The western border of the county is formed by the Pearl River. As of the 2010 census, the population was 141,617, making it the fourth-most populous county in Mississippi. The county seat is Brandon.", "Riverview is an unincorporated census-designated place in Hillsborough County, Florida, United States. It is located near Brandon. The population was 71,050 at the 2010 census. Many of Tampa Bay's radio and television stations broadcast from an antenna farm in the Riverview area, on Boyette Road, southeast of town.", "The income per capita in Brandon is 10% higher than the national average. The median household income in Brandon is 33% higher than the national average. Male median earnings are 41% higher than female median earnings. The unemployment rate in Brandon is 38% lower than the national average. The poverty level in Brandon is 39% lower than the national average.", "Riverview is an unincorporated census-designated place in Hillsborough County, Florida, United States. It is located south of Brandon. The population was 71,050 at the 2010 census,[1] up from 12,035 at the 2000 census.", "According to our research of Florida and other state lists there were 71 registered sex offenders living in Brandon, Florida as of April 05, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Brandon to the number of sex offenders is 1,458 to 1.", "Cities with populations over 10,000 include: Biloxi, Brandon, Brookhaven, Canton, Clarksdale, Cleveland, Clinton, Columbus, Corinth, Gautier, Greenville, Greenwood, Grenada, Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Horn Lake, Indianola, Laurel, Long Beach, Madison, McComb, Meridian, Moss Point, Natchez, Ocean Springs, Olive Branch, Oxford, Pascagoula, Pearl, Picayune ...", "Welcome to Brandon! Whether you want a unique shopping experience, a fun day out with the kids, a leisurely picnic at a park or just a place to relax-Brandon has it all. Brandon offers an opportunity to enjoy life in one of South Dakota's finest communities. Enjoy your time here! Larry Beesley,", "Also, with my age (18) in my grade at one point we had five people named Brandon and I graduated with a class of 64 people, but by then I was the only one due to the fact the others moved, but my senior year there were I believe three other Brandon's in a high school of about maybe 200.", "Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) in the geographic area of Minnehaha County, South Dakota including: the Cities of Brandon, Colton, Crooks, Dell Rapids, Garretson, Hartford, Sioux Falls, and Valley Springs; the Towns of Baltic, Humboldt, and Sherman; and unincorporated areas of Minnehaha County. (hereinafter referred to collectively as Minnehaha County), and aids in the.", "In Brandon, HUD calculates the Area Median Income for a family of four as $63,200. Most affordable housing programs determine eligibility based on the percent of AMI a given household's income is. Among the programs that determine eligibility based on the AMI are Section 8, HOME, LIHTC, Section 515, 202 and 811." ]
who sang elvira
The song was written in 1966 by Dallas Frazier and was sung by many other famous artists including Kenny Rogers. Elvira first performed by The Oak Ridge Boys back in 1981 premiering on their album A Woman Like You. Quickly becoming a top of the charts hit for them, it also hit platinum and sold more than 2 million records. Home Free is comprised of five young men with the most incredible talent.
[ "Not a band, not a woman, but a one-man performing, recording, art-designing, and album-releasing (on his very own Northlore label) operation, Elvira Madigan is the work of Stockholm, Sweden's Marcus Hammarström, formerly the vocalist for Andalucia an... read more.", "Elvira Madigan - Spanish Train Dark/Black Metal From Sweden Current line-up: Marcus Hammarström - All Vocals, Instruments Lyrics: There's a Spanish train that runs between Quadalquivir and... youtube.com", "elvira madigan - all the musical selections from the film mozart / vivaldi - vox", "1 10/19/2015 12:01 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF. Cassandra Peterson is best known for playing the busty Elvira The Mistress of the Dark who gained fame as the sexy host of Movie Macabre.. Guess what she looks like now!", "Cassandra Peterson (born September 17, 1951) is an American actress best known for her portrayal of the horror hostess character Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. She gained fame on Los Angeles television station KHJ-TV wearing a revealing, black, gothic, cleavage-enhancing gown as host of Elvira's Movie Macabre, a weekly horror movie presentation.", "Movie Info. Inspired by the famous Johan Lindstrom Saxon ballad, this Swedish film involves circus performer Elvira Madigan (Pia Degermark) and army officer Sixten Sparre (Thommy Berggren). Sparre breaks loose of the oppressive atmosphere of both the military and his tradition-bound family to conduct a passionate affair with Elvira.", "top celebrity birthdays for september 17th actor david huddleston blazing saddles the big lebowski is 85 singer lamonte mclemore of the fifth dimension is 80 nba coach and exec phil jackson is 70 singer fee waybill of the tubes is 65 actress elvira is 64", "Cassandra Peterson (born September 17, 1951) is an American actress best known for her portrayal of the horror hostess character Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.", "Written By: Elvira Madigan, byname of Piano Concerto No. 21 in C Major, K 467, three-movement concerto for piano and orchestra by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the best known of his many piano concerti. It was completed on March 9, 1785. Its wide recognition is in large part due to the Swedish film Elvira Madigan (1967), in which its lyrical second movement was featured and from which it derives its byname. Mozart wrote the first of his many piano concerti at age 11 and the last one mere months before his death at age 35.", "Elvira, Elvira. My heart's on fire, Elvira. Eyes that look like heaven, lips like sherry wine. That girl can sure enough make my little light shine. I get a funny feelin', up and down my spine. 'Cause I know that my Elvira's mine.", "A cappella group Home Free cover Oak Ridge Boys, and it rules. Maybe you think you don’t need to watch a cappella quintet Home Free cover the Oak Ridge Boys’ 1981 ditty “Elvira,” but that’s where you’d be wrong. The legendary gospel and country group join the season 4 Sing Off winners and it’s warm, fuzzy, borderline corny, and accented with a few amazing beards (William Lee Golden!). Check it out below.", "Directed by Bo Widerberg. With Pia Degermark, Thommy Berggren, Lennart Malmer, Cleo Jensen. The Danish tightrope dancer Elvira Madigan meets Lieutenant Sixten Sparre, a Swedish officer who is married and has two children. They both decide to run away.", "How did Elvira get her start? At 30 years old, Cassandra Peterson was a struggling actress in 1981 trying to make ends meet when she landed a local gig as the host of a B-rated horror film show for an L.A. television station.", "Cassandra Peterson Controversy. Cassandra Peterson known for her role as Elvira which is campy humor, sex appeal, and good-natured self-mockery made her quite popular and special. She is also the activist for animal protector for PETA.", "Elvira Quintana, one of the most beautiful actresses ever to grace the Mexican movie screen, was born in Bajadoz, Spain, in November 1935. Her father was killed during the Spanish Civil War, and she and her mother fled Spain and emigrated to Mexico as political refugees when she was five.", "After several years of attempts to make a sequel to Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Cassandra and her manager and then-husband Mark Pierson decided to finance a second movie. In November 2000, Peterson wrote, again in collaboration with Paragon, and co-produced Elvira's Haunted Hills.", "Read more about cassandra peterson bra size. Horror Icon Elvira, Mistress of the Dark is the official host of ScareLA 2016. With her signature quick wit and vampish good looks, Cassandra Peterson rose to fame as Elvira, the horror hostess of Elvira’s Movie Macabre show and became a pop culture ...", "Peterson also appearing in the cover of Femme Fatales magazine five times and she then reprise her role in Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, in 1988.Peterson then being a guest stars for several shows like The Monster Club, Hammer House of Horror, Thriller among others.", "She may be the Queen of Halloween, but Cassandra Peterson, a.k.a. Elvira, is also the woman behind a decades-long show business empire that extends way beyond October.", "Elvira Madigan brukar ofta betraktas som danska, men stor osäkerhet råder om hennes medborgarskap och om vilket som ska anses vara hennes hemland. [2] Hennes mor var en cirkusartist av norsk börd, Eleonora Cecilie Christine Marie Olsen.", "In 1916, Elvira Sprague and her husband conveyed their interest in property in Muskingum County by deed to Fred H. Waters but reserved, in this instrument, the oil and gas rights in the land. 1 Elvira Sprague died in Tuscarawas County in 1931 with a will that devised her reserved oil and gas rights to her two daughters, equally.", "Meaning of Elvira: This is likely a Spanish name that is derived from an unknown Visigothic name from the elements al (all) and wer (true) eBabyNames. eBabyNames News: Zzyzx voted most bizarre name ever used for a baby. Tip: use your left and right. arrow keys to browse the list. Sign in to my list | Sign out.", "This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. After taking care of Mel and Frank, Tony takes Elvira for himself and gazes into the sky, smoking a cigarette as the Goodyear blimp reads, The World is Yours..1 Scarface. 2 Entertainment. 3 Standard YouTube License.his feature is not available right now. Please try again later. After taking care of Mel and Frank, Tony takes Elvira for himself and gazes into the sky, smoking a cigarette as the Goodyear blimp reads, The World is Yours..", "The Elvira character soon evolved from an obscure cult figure to a lucrative brand. She was associated with many products through the 1980s and 1990s, including Halloween costumes, comic books, action figures, trading cards, pinball machines, Halloween decor, model kits, calendars, perfume and dolls.", "0Be the first to take the survey! The meaning of Elvira is unknown. Its origin is Spanish. This name is mostly being used as a girls name. Last year it ranked 3,245th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names. Show popularity chart.", "5 Things You Don't Know About Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. She's one of the most iconic Halloween personalities, and at 63, Elvira is still as busy as ever entertaining fans and having her wicked good fun. By Nancy Berk, Ph.D.", "The meaning of Elvira is unknown. Its origin is Spanish. This name is mostly being used as a girls name. Last year it ranked 3,245th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names. This is likely a Spanish name that is derived from an unknown Visigothic name from the elements al (all) and wer (true).", "If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page. Sign UpLog In. See more of Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (official) by logging into Facebook. Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page.", "Elvira is a female given name. It is of Spanish origin, originally believed to mean the white.Other theories are that it is of Germanic or West Gothic origin and that the name means alert or trustworthy.lvira is a female given name. It is of Spanish origin, originally believed to mean the white.", "I remember this movie vividly from 1967 when it toured the art house circuit. Now it is available in an excellent transfer from Korea. Elvira Madigan tells the true story of a Danish tightrope artist and a Swedish army deserter whose brief romance ends abruptly.", "In September 2010, Elvira's Movie Macabre returned to television syndication in the U.S., this time with public-domain films. In October 2014, it was revealed that a new series of thirteen episodes had been produced, 13 Nights of Elvira for Hulu. The show began on October 19, 2014, running through to Halloween.", "Because she owns the rights to Elvira, she and her team are busy handling the licensing (She’s the one who inked the deals on Elvira pinball and slot machines.) and marketing side of the Elvira brand.", "Best Answer: here's a list of everything they have directed, produced, acted... Sons of Howell and Elvira Wayans. And here is their children Dwayne Wayans, Keenen Ivory Wayans, Damon Wayans, Kim Wayans, Nadia Wayans, and Shawn Wayans. Also the sisters Elvira, Diedre, and Vonnie. big family!!!!", "Washington was well known for singing torch songs. In 1962, Dinah hired a male backing trio called the Allegros, consisting of Jimmy Thomas on drums, Earl Edwards on sax, and Jimmy Sigler on organ. Edwards was eventually replaced on sax by John Payne.uring her year at the Garrick-she sang upstairs while Holiday performed in the downstairs room-she acquired the name by which she became known. She credited Joe Sherman with suggesting the change from Ruth Jones, made before Lionel Hampton came to hear Dinah at the Garrick.", "In 1962, a wheelchair-bound Blanche (Joan Crawford) and a severely aged Jane (Bette Davis) are living together in Blanche's mansion. Because she is wheelchair-bound, Blanche is unable to leave her bedroom. She befriends her cleaning woman, Elvira (Maidie Norman).", "Look for the new 'Elvira For President' T-Shirts & Pins at the Kreepsville 666 booth at ScareLA! be one of the first to grab your Elvira campaign merch this weekend at the official @elvira.mistressofthedark booth at @scarelosangeles ..... Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (official) shared ScareLA's photo.", "This is sung by Espen Lind, Askil Holm, Alejandro Fuentes, Kurt Nilsen and in that order. I think this is the best version of the song. Enjoy. Sorry about the poor quality... i don't know what happened!!", "Elvira Grandma Duck Coot is the Duck family matriarch, the grandmother of Donald Duck and Gladstone Gander. In most stories, she is simply referred to as Grandma Duck. Grandma Duck was introduced to the Disney comic universe by Al Taliaferro in the newspaper comic strips - as a picture in 1940, in person in 1943.", "[el peɾˈðon]) is a song by American reggaeton singer Nicky Jam and Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias." ]
can dehydration cause kidney damage
This has led to studies investigating whether recurrent dehydration may lead to permanent kidney damage. Three major potential mechanisms have been identified, including the effects of vasopressin on the kidney, the activation of the aldose reductase-fructokinase pathway, and the effects of chronic hyperuricemia.
[ "– Seizures: Elderly dehydration can cause involuntary muscle contractions and also a loss of consciousness. – Kidney failure: Elderly dehydration may prevent the kidneys from removing waste from the blood. – Coma or death: If elderly dehydration progresses too far, it may result in the loss of a patient’s life.", "Dehydration may contribute to UTIs, calculi formation, and kidney failure. Large intake of particular foods, such as dairy products or foods high in proteins, also may lead to calculi formation. Because the patient is athletic, muscle strain is probably not the primary cause of his symptoms.", "Dehydration can lead to serious complications, including (from the Mayo Clinic): 1 Swelling of the brain (cerebral edema). 2 Seizures. 3 Low blood volume shock (hypovolemic shock). 4 Kidney failure. 5 Coma and death. 6 Heat injury.", "The dehydration can put stress on heart and reduce the kidneys ability to maintain the correct balance of electrolytes charged elements such as potassium, sodium, phosphorous and chloride and essential for the normal function of every cell in the body.", "Many times in Colorado people will get a little dehydrated, Becker tells me, and if you get dehydrated, yep, that can affect kidney function. If there's any more doubt about Cannon's condition know this: According to our news team's sources, Cannon is expected to be sprung from sick bay as early as tonight.", "But perhaps one of the easiest and most effective ways is to avoid dehydration. Dehydration is not only a symptom, but also the cause of many aliments, especially kidney infections and other disorders that can lead to more serious matters. If someone is prone to kidney and urinary ailments, they will want to avoid dehydration at all costs.", "These conditions may be a cause or symptom of Dehydration or be a condition for which you may be at increased risk. 1 Kidney Failure Kidney failure can occur from an acute event or a chronic condition or disease. Prerenal kidney failure is caused by blood loss,...learn more ».", "The primary complication of diarrhea is dehydration caused by the loss of large amounts of water, salt and nutrients. According to the Mayo Clinic, dehydration can lead to other serious conditions such as low blood pressure, seizures, kidney failure or even death. Those with ongoing diarrhea should seek medical attention if they experience: 1 Dark urine or small amounts of urine. 2 Rapid heart rate.", "However, diuretics taken alone can cause dehydration which can lead to Kidney Disease. Meanwhile, it is very important to alert the physician to all of the medications a person is taking because a combination of drugs or procedures may cause kidney problem when used together. ACE inhibitors and ARB agents.", "Suggested Reading on Dehydration by Our Doctors. Related Diseases & Conditions. Kidney Failure Kidney failure can occur from an acute event or a chronic condition or disease. Prerenal kidney failure is caused by blood loss, Kidney Stones Kidney stones are solid masses of crystalline material that form in the kidneys. Symptoms of kidney stones can include pain, nausea, vomiting, and even.", "Dehydration is a major risk factor for kidney stone formation. Symptoms of a kidney stone include flank pain (the pain can be quite severe) and blood in the urine (hematuria). People with certain medical conditions, such as gout, and those who take certain medications or supplements are at risk for kidney stones.", "These conditions may be a cause or symptom of Dehydration or be a condition for which you may be at increased risk. 1 Kidney Failure Kidney failure can occur from an acute event or a chronic condition or disease. 2 Kidney Stones Kidney stones are solid masses of crystalline material that form in the kidneys.", "Kidney: Much more often it is the kidneys that have problems with dehydration. The bladder is more of a storage place for urine but the kidneys have to make so it can be stored. ...Read more.", "This makes the kidneys less permeable to water, more water flows to the bladder. This increased loss of water upsets the balance of the electrolyte concentration and negatively affects the metabolic process. This can cause dehydration in chronic alcohol consumers.", "1 Dehydration is a major risk factor for kidney stone formation. Symptoms of a kidney stone include flank pain (the pain can be quite severe) and blood in the urine (hematuria).", "Kidney disease and dehydration go hand in hand. Because cats with kidney disease often vomit excessively, dehydration sets in quickly leading to death if not treated immediately. It's extremely important to monitor your cat's behavior and watch for the signs of kidney disease.", "It is very important to rule out dehydration as a possible cause of high creatinine in this population because patients may mistakenly believe that their remaining kidney is failing. As to a patient with kidney disease, some symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting and frequent urination may cause dehydration. Patients with chronic kidney disease are at risk of dehydration.", "High levels of creatinine indicate the kidneys are toxic and incapable of eliminating this waste product. If chronic dehydration and renal insufficiency is present, there may be other forms of de-regulation as well. This includes de-regulation of the body's pH balance and electrolyte function. Sodium and potassium levels may be out of range, as well as chloride and Co2 (bicarbonate).", "Older adults can be at risk of dehydration due to medications, kidney decline, and more.", "Dehydration: Can definitely cause feelings of dizziness and tiredness, and this can be worsened in the sun. Dehydration can cause a number of other problems including headache, muscle aches and pains, skin wrinkles, drop in blood pressure, passing out. Dehydration increases the likelihood of urinary tract infections and kidney stones.", "1 doctor agreed: Dehydration: can definitely cause feelings of dizziness and tiredness, and this can be worsened in the sun. Dehydration can cause a number of other problems including headache, muscle aches and pains, skin wrinkles, drop in blood pressure, passing out. Dehydration increases the likelihood of urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Remaining well hydrated can make a world of difference in how you feel.", "Quick Tip: High Protein Diets Can Cause Dehydration Contrary to what you may have read, high-protein diets are not hard on your kidneys—assuming your kidneys are healthy in the first place. But they can be dehydrating. (It’s not the same thing.)", "Well, are you sure that elevated creatinine level and reduced GFR are caused by dehydration? Creatinine and GFR are two indicator reflection your kidney function. Therefore, the changes in the two indicators usually mean that your kidney function has been damaged.", "Because of the decreased GFR, the kidney cannot discharge excessive wastes and toxins, including creatinine and urea nitrogen. That’s why people with dehydration may have a transient increase of creatinine level. Now you know how dehydration interfere with creatinine levels and GFR.", "The opposite of dehydration is a condition known as hyponatremia. No, it doesn't mean drowning; it actually means low sodium and is sometimes referred to as water intoxication. Drinking too much water in too short a time overwhelms the kidneys and can cause a sudden drop in blood sodium levels. Sodium is one of the body's electrolytes (the others are potassium, chloride and bicarbonate). A drop in sodium leads to water entering the brain, causing it to swell.", "1 Dehydration is a major risk factor for kidney stone formation. 2 Symptoms of a kidney stone include flank pain (the pain can be quite severe) and blood in the urine (hematuria).", "1 Kidney Failure: This is a life-threatening complication which occurs as a result of failure of the kidneys to expel surplus fluids and waste from your blood. 2 Coma and Death: Severe dehydration can lead to death if not attended to properly and on time.", "Kidney Stones- Dehydration can cause urine to become concentrated which causes minerals from the urine to accumulate in a crystal formation. These crystal formations get deposited in the kidneys, causing kidney stones. 6. Uremia- Adequate water in the body helps the kidneys filter waste easily while diluting urine.", "The primary complication of diarrhea is dehydration caused by the loss of large amounts of water, salt and nutrients. According to the Mayo Clinic, dehydration can lead to other serious conditions such as low blood pressure, seizures, kidney failure or even death.", "1 doctor agreed: Dehydration: Frequent urination can cause dehydration, if fluid is not administered to replace that lost in the urine. If a person has normal kidneys, they try to conserve water in a dehydrated state. The result, in this case, is a small amount of concentrated urine is eliminated by the dehydrated person. ...Read more.", "Others found that dehydration was a significant risk factor for developing thrombo-embolic complications, infectious diseases, kidney stones, and obstipation. These findings demonstrate the importance of timely diagnosis and adequate treatment of dehydration to reduce its serious effects on older adult patients.Unfortunately, an early diagnosis is often difficult because the classical signs of dehydration may be absent or misleading in an older patient.thers found that dehydration was a significant risk factor for developing thrombo-embolic complications, infectious diseases, kidney stones, and obstipation. These findings demonstrate the importance of timely diagnosis and adequate treatment of dehydration to reduce its serious effects on older adult patients." ]
minerals are found in what foods
A List of Minerals in Foods. - Spinach may possibly be the best single source of calcium. There are at 26 documented food sources of calcium. Some of the 26 sources are green leafy vegetables, blackstrap molasses, summer squash, green beans, oranges, asparagus, rhubarb and cabbage.
[ "Selenium is an essential trace mineral important for cognitive function, a healthy immune system and fertility for both men and women. Selenium is found in a variety of foods, the richest sources being Brazil nuts, seafood and organ meats. The amount of selenium in food often depends on the selenium concentration of the soil and water where the food was grown or raised. This MNT Knowledge Center feature is part of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular vitamins and minerals.", "Fifteen minerals are essential for health: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, manganese, and selenium.any foods also have fiber and other substances that can provide health benefits. However, some people who don’t get enough vitamins and minerals from food alone, or who have certain medical conditions or problems, might benefit from taking one or more of these nutrients found in single-nutrient supplements or in MVMs.", "Selenium is mineral that is found in soil and occurs naturally in certain foods (such as whole grains, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, and seafood). Selenium is not produced in the body, but it is needed for proper thyroid and immune system function.", "Selenium is an essential trace mineral important for cognitive function, a healthy immune system and fertility for both men and women. Selenium is found in a variety of foods, the richest sources being Brazil nuts, seafood and organ meats.he amount of selenium in food often depends on the selenium concentration of the soil and water where the food was grown or raised. This MNT Knowledge Center feature is part of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular vitamins and minerals.", "Copper is a mineral. It is found in many foods, particularly in organ meats, seafood, nuts, seeds, wheat bran cereals, grain products, and cocoa products.The body stores copper mostly in the bones and muscles.opper is used as medicine. Copper is used for treating copper deficiency and the anemia it may cause. Having too little copper (copper deficiency) is rare. It sometimes occurs in people who get too much zinc from diet or supplements, have intestinal bypass surgery, or are fed by feeding tubes.", "Chromium is a mineral our bodies use in small amounts for normal body functions, such as digesting food. Chromium exists in many natural foods including brewer's yeast, meats, potatoes (especially the skins), cheeses, molasses, spices, whole-grain breads and cereals, and fresh fruits and vegetables." ]
which is a type of metrical foot?
An iamb /ˈaɪæm/ or iambus is a metrical foot used in various types of poetry. Originally the term referred to one of the feet of the quantitative meter of classical Greek prosody: a short syllable followed by a long syllable (as in delay).
[ "(prosody) a group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm. Classified under: Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents. Synonyms: metrical foot; metrical unit; foot.", "Search the Glossary. Enter your search terms above to search the glossary. The basic unit of measurement of accentual-syllabic meter. A foot usually contains one stressed syllable and at least one unstressed syllable. The standard types of feet in English poetry are the iamb, trochee, dactyl, anapest, spondee, and pyrrhic (two unstressed syllables).", "Words near metrical-feet in the dictionary. 1 metric ton. 2 metric-ton. 3 metric-tons. 4 metrical. 5 metrical-feet. 6 metrical-foot. 7 metrical-structure. 8 metrical-structures. 9 metrically. 10 metricate.", "Though meter is a poetic device, playwrights as well as prose writers often use it to heighten the dramatic quality of the work, adding enchantment, mystery and emotion to their language. If you look carefully, you will notice metrical feet are not only suitable in poetry, but also in plays to achieve dramatic purposes.", "A metrical unit composed of stressed and unstressed syllables. For example, an iamb or iambic foot is represented by ˘ ' , that is, an unaccented syllable followed by an accented one. Frost's line Whose woods these are I think I know contains four iambs, and is thus an iambic foot.", "In English similar accentual-syllabic metrical systems, a line of iambic trimeter consists of three iambic feet. The resulting six-syllable line is very short, and few poems are written entirely in this meter.", "Search the Glossary. Enter your search terms above to search the glossary. A metrical foot consisting of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable. The words “unite” and “provide” are both iambic. It is the most common meter of poetry in English (including all the plays and poems of William Shakespeare), as it is closest to the rhythms of English speech. In Robert Frost’s “After Apple Picking” the iamb is the vehicle for the “natural,” colloquial speech pattern:", "Types of Dactylic Meter. Dactylic is not so common in contemporary poetry, though there are a few forms that have been used in literature. Dactylic Pentameter: This type of meter has five metrical feet and three syllables per foot, for a total of fifteen syllables per line.", "This delightful little metrical foot consists of a stressed syllable, followed by—wait for it—another stressed syllable, as in DUMDUM (and no, we're not talking about the lollipops). In other words, spondees are super stressed and need to take a chill pill.", "The number of metrical systems in English is not agreed upon. The four major types are: accentual verse, accentual-syllabic verse, syllabic verse and quantitative verse. The alliterative verse of Old English could also be added to this list, or included as a special type of accentual verse.", "The 'Foot' in Literary Terms refers to two or more syllables that together make up the smallest unit of rhythm in a poem. For example, an Iamb is a foot that has two syllables, one unstressed followed by one stressed. an Anapest has three syllables, two unstressed followed by one stressed. The number of metrical feet in a line are described as follows: 1 Dimeter two feet. 2 Trimeter three feet. 3 Tetrameter four feet. 4 Pentameter five feet.", "Dactylic is not so common in contemporary poetry, though there are a few forms that have been used in literature. Dactylic Pentameter: This type of meter has five metrical feet and three syllables per foot, for a total of fifteen syllables per line.", "Term: Foot. A foot is a unit of metre, consisting of a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables. If stressed syllables are marked / and unstressed u, the main types can be shown thus: Iamb: [ u / ], such as delight. (The adjective is iambic.) Trochee: [ / u ], such as badger (Trochaic)", "Term: Foot. A foot is a unit of metre, consisting of a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables. If stressed syllables are marked / and unstressed u, the main types can be shown thus: Iamb: [ u / ], such as delight. (The adjective is iambic.). Trochee: [ / u ], such as badger (Trochaic).", "A metrical tree representation of an iamb. W = weak syllable, S = strong syllable. An alternative metrical tree representation of an iamb. F = foot, σ = syllable. The head of the foot constituent, i.e. the stressed syllable, is indicated with a vertical line. A bracketed grid representation of an iamb.", "By Bob Holman & Margery Snyder. Definition: An iamb is a metrical foot in poetry—the unit of stressed and unstressed syllables that determines what we call the meter, or rhythmic measure, in the lines of a poem.An iambic foot consists of two syllables, the first unstressed and the second stressed, so that it sounds like “da-DUM.”.The term originated in classical Greek prosody as “iambus,” referring to a short syllable followed by a long syllable.n iambic foot consists of two syllables, the first unstressed and the second stressed, so that it sounds like “da-DUM.”. The term originated in classical Greek prosody as “iambus,” referring to a short syllable followed by a long syllable.", "common meter, common measure - the usual (iambic) meter of a ballad metrical foot, metrical unit, foot - (prosody) a group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm 4.", ", which consists of alternating stressed and unstressed syllables within a fixed total number of syllables in each line. The metrical rhythm is thus the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in each line. Groups of syllables are known as. metrical. feet. ; each line of verse is made up of a set number of feet.", "Noun. 1. iamb-a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed syllables. iambus. metrical foot, metrical unit, foot - (prosody) a group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm.", "A specific type of foot is an iamb. A foot is an iamb if it consists of one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, so the word remark is an iamb. Pent means five, so a line of iambic pentameter consists of five iambs – five sets of unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllables.", "Noun. 1. trochee-a metrical unit with stressed-unstressed syllables. metrical foot, metrical unit, foot - (prosody) a group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm.helpstead's essay has the most impressive erratum discovered in the book: in a description of the iambic pentameter line, it is said to have five feet, each consisting of a stressed followed by an unstressed syllable--iambs have become. (48).", "iamb /iambic foot: a metrical unit made up of one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Our Definition: Iambic pentameter and tetrameter is when the poet stresses certain syllables so that the poem is read a certain way. It helps the poem flow better or sound a specific way.", "This type of foot contains three syllables: stressed, unstressed, unstressed. And there are four of them so this line is – you guessed it – dactylic tetrameter. Line 5: I-am-bics march from short to long. Here we've got an unstressed syllable, followed by a stressed one, and this pattern recurs four times." ]
what is intramuscular
An intramuscular injection is a technique used to deliver a medication deep into the muscles. This allows the medication to be absorbed quickly. An intramuscular injection is a technique used to deliver a medication deep into the muscles. This allows the medication to be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly. You may have received an intramuscular injection at a doctor’s office the last time you got a vaccine, like the flu shot.
[ "1 An intramuscular (IM) injection is giving medicine with a needle into the muscle. 2 The injection site varies with the age of your child. 3 The size of the needle depends on the weight of your child and the type of drug he is taking. 4 When injecting, hold the shaft of the syringe in dart fashion.", "An intramuscular injection injects medicine deep into the muscle layer rather than just under the skin. While the thought of administering an intramuscular injection to yourself or someone you care for can be a little frightening, it can be an important part of treating a variety of conditions.", "Intramuscular injections (IMI) are frequently referred to as a ‘basic skill’ but involve a complex series of considerations and decisions relating to: 1 Volume of injectate; 2 Medication to be given; 3 Technique; 4 Site selection; 5 Equipment.", "Intramuscular. 1 Reconstitute the 1 g or 2 g vial by adding 2.1 mL or 4.2 mL, respectively, of sterile water for injection. Yields 3.50 mg/mL. 2 Give deep IM into a large muscle.", "Intramuscular injections (IMI) administer medications deep into the muscle tissues.1, 2. This enables fast absorption1 and systemic action of potentially large doses (up to. 5mL) dependent on the muscular site chosen.2, 3 Usually IMI’s have a slower onset. compared with intravenous injections.4.", "intramuscular injection injection into the substance of a muscle, usually the muscle of the upper arm, thigh, or buttock. Intramuscular injections are given when the substance is to be absorbed quickly.", "Intramuscular broken down is intra- (which means into or inside) and muscular (which is the muscle) so it is a shot or injection into the muscle while subcutaneous (the cutane…ous layer is your skin) is where the injection goes into the skin but not deep enough to penetrate muscle.", "Intramuscular (IM) injection . site for infants and toddlers Intramuscular (IM) injection . site for children and adults. IM injection site (shaded area) Insert needle at a 90° angle into the anterolateral thigh muscle. Give in the central and thickest portion of the deltoid muscle – above the level of the armpit", "An intramuscular injection, (illustration. on right) delivers medication deep into. the muscle tissue. This allows the. medication to be quickly absorbed into. the bloodstream. Intramuscular shots are given at 90. degree angle. Needle for IM injections can. be 22-23 Gauge, 1-1.5 inches in length, adjusted for thickness of site. Step 1: Setting Up for the Injection. Find a comfortable, well lit working place and inject at the same time each day.", "Intramuscular injection is absorbed faster than subcutaneous injection. This is because muscle tissue has a greater blood supply than the tissue just under the skin. Muscle tissue can also hold a larger volume of medication than subcutaneous tissue.", "Intramuscular injection is absorbed faster than subcutaneous injection. This is because muscle tissue has a greater blood supply than the tissue just under the skin. Muscle tissue can also hold a larger volume of medication than subcutaneous tissue. Advertisement.", "Intramuscular (IM) injection has been used as a means of parenteral drug administration for more than a century. The incidence of developing a complication from IM injection ranges from 0.4 to 19.3 % [1,2].", "Share to: Intramuscular broken down is intra- (which means into or inside) and muscular (which is the muscle) so it is a shot or injection into the muscle while subcutaneous (the cutane … ous layer is your skin) is where the injection goes into the skin but not deep enough to penetrate muscle. 17 people found this useful.", "The intramuscular route is preferred to the subcutaneous route when larger volumes of a drug product are needed. Because the muscles lie below the skin and fatty tissues, a longer needle is used. Drugs are usually injected into the muscle of the upper arm, thigh, or buttock.", "For medical practices, see Intramuscular injection or Intravenous therapy. Drug injection is a method of introducing a drug into the bloodstream via a hollow hypodermic needle and a syringe, which is pierced through the skin into the body (usually intravenous, but also intramuscular or subcutaneous). It often applies to substance dependence and recreational drug use.", "In an intramuscular injection, the medication is delivered directly into a muscle. Many vaccines are administered intramuscularly, as are codeine, metoclopramide, and many other medications. Many drugs injected intramuscularly are absorbed into the muscle fairly quickly, while others are more gradual." ]
winverifytrust function
WinVerifyTrust function. The WinVerifyTrust function performs a trust verification action on a specified object. The function passes the inquiry to a trust provider that supports the action identifier, if one exists. For certificate verification, use the CertGetCertificateChain and CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy functions.
[ "Update for SIP to enable WinVerifyTrust function in Windows Server 2008 SP2 to work with a later version of Windows: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3054206. Reliability improvements for Windows 8.1: June 2015: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3054256.", "Update for SIP to enable WinVerifyTrust function in Windows Server 2012 R2 to work with a later version of Windows: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3054203. Update lets the WinVerifyTrust function in Windows Server 2012 work with a later version of Windows: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3054204. Update for SIP to enable WinVerifyTrust function in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 to work with a later version of Windows: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3054205.", "WinVerifyTrust() code sample. I want to check if a file is digital signed. That's why I need a WinVerifyTrust() code sample for Delphi. Thank you! Kann, The wintrust.pas file is a conversion from the C winbase.h source code, and the VerifyTrust function was ripped off from an MSDN C code example.", "Example C Program: Verifying the Signature of a PE File. The WinVerifyTrust API can be used to verify the signature of a portable executable file. The following example shows how to use the WinVerifyTrust API to verify the signature of a signed portable executable file. //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Example of verifying the embedded signature of a PE file by using // the WinVerifyTrust function. #define _UNICODE 1 #define UNICODE 1 #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> #include <Softpub.h> #include <wincrypt.h> #include <wintrust.h> // Link with the Wintrust.lib file.", "Authenticode check is not that easy. Just copy paste the code and call the last function: internal static uint WinVerifyTrust(string fileName). A returned 0 means it's signed.", "winmain() function / c++. The GetMessage() loop stops after receiving a WM_QUIT window message which is normally issued after a call to the PostQuitMessage() function, which describes its nExitCode parameter as the application exit code.", "winmain() function / c++. 1 The GetMessage () loop stops after receiving a WM_QUIT window message which is normally issued after a call to the PostQuitMessage () function, which describes its nExitCode parameter as the application exit code.", "About DataVerify. DataVerify is the premier provider of risk mitigation, data validation, and decision management solutions for the mortgage industry. DataVerify harnesses advanced analytics and technology to create automated and configurable workflow and decision management solutions.", "InVerify is a national provider of Employment and Income Verification Services. We represent employees and employers in every state in the U.S. Over 30,000 registered verifiers use our service. InVerify is an employment and income verification service that employers use to provide faster responses to inquiries about employment and income data. InVerify fulfills these requests through our website.", "The DataVerify Platform: A Consistent, Customizable, Intuitive Risk-Management Solution. 1 Automate the Underwriting Process — Eliminate manual data checks and steps. 2 Easy-to-Use — Data is focused so users see what's next, what's missing, what's important .", "Printer-friendly version. Wintrust, a financial holding company offering community and commercial banking, wealth management, and mortgage services, has served Chicago's communities since 1991.As a locally-based and local-run company-and a family of true community banks-Wintrust believes in investing in, and giving back to the areas it serves.rinter-friendly version. Wintrust, a financial holding company offering community and commercial banking, wealth management, and mortgage services, has served Chicago's communities since 1991.", "winver via run command dialog in windows 8 0 1 to see the windows 8 1 version open the control panel in the control panel please click symbol icon labeled system info if you do not see system", "InVerify is in place to help provide verifiers with instant access to your employment and income related information. The requestor must work directly with InVerify’s website to download a copy of your information.", "DataVerify: Ellie Mae® Selects DataVerify® Risk Mitigation System for Its Total Quality Loan Program DataVerify®, a leading provider of risk mitigation services, and Ellie Mae®, (NYSE:ELLI) a leading provider of innovative on-demand software solutions and services for the residential mortgage industry, today announced the addition of DataVerify's DRIVE® services including fraud and 4506-T to Ellie Mae's Total Quality Loan (TQL ) program.", "QVerify is a Human Capital Management company started by alumni from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM A). We recognize that “Human Resource” is the only sustainable competitive advantage that a company has.", "Method 3 - Use The Winver Command (Windows 7, Windows 8.1 & Windows 10) In order to find which Windows edition you have, you can also use the winver command. There are several ways in which you can run this command: Press the Windows + R keyboard keys to launch the Run window, type winver and press Enter. This works in all versions of Windows.", "Wintrust Mortgage is a part of Wintrust Financial Corporation, a well capitalized, diverse, nearly $20 billion asset, financial services company. Our company offers unbeatable service and a wide variety of solutions.ur large volume means competitive rates and in 2014 we originated nearly $3.4 Billion. Along with the ability to lend in all 50 states, this makes us one of the largest mortgage bankers in the country.", "Wintrust Mortgage Overview. At Wintrust Mortgage delivering top rated customer service is our number one priority. Being a mortgage banker, not a mortgage broker, allows us to offer our customers a larger array of mortgage products. Most of our business is conducted in the Chicagoland area followed by ...", "Wintrust Mortgage was created to assist in the realization of the American dream of home ownership. Our large volume means competitive rates and in 2015 we originated $4.3 Billion. Along with the ability to lend in all 50 states, this makes us one of the largest mortgage bankers in the country.", "WinBioEnumBiometricUnits function. Enumerates all attached biometric units that match the input type. Syntax. HRESULT WINAPI WinBioEnumBiometricUnits( _In_ WINBIO_BIOMETRIC_TYPE Factor, _Out_ WINBIO_UNIT_SCHEMA **UnitSchemaArray, _Out_ SIZE_T *UnitCount );", "Pay your bill: Wintrust Mortgage. Pay Wintrust Mortgage quickly and securely with your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit card or debit card, or with your bank account, online or with your mobile phone. Wintrust Mortgage was added to the directory by a user on March 2014. Logos and other trademarks within this site are the property of their respective owners. doxo is not an affiliate of Wintrust Mortgage.", "Easier for your employees - easier for you. Because Humans are your best resource - Free up valuable time by leaving verifications to our team of experts. InVerify provides secure, fast, and accurate access to the latest income and employment verification information 24 hours a day 7 days per week. InVerify is a National Provider of employment and income verification services.", "Wintrust Mortgage was created to assist in the realization of the American dream of home ownership. Our large volume means competitive rates and in 2014 we originated nearly $3.4 Billion. Along with the ability to lend in all 50 states, this makes us one of the largest mortgage bankers in the country.ur large volume means competitive rates and in 2014 we originated nearly $3.4 Billion. Along with the ability to lend in all 50 states, this makes us one of the largest mortgage bankers in the country.", "InVerify provides secure, fast, and accurate access to the latest income and employment verification information 24 hours a day 7 days per week.", "WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) is a free and open-source SFTP, FTP, WebDAV and SCP client for Microsoft Windows. Its main function is secure file transfer between a local and a remote computer. Beyond this, WinSCP offers basic file manager and file synchronization functionality.", "The Application Verifier (AppVerifier) tool is a useful addition to software testing procedures for Windows-based applications. AppVerifier contains several tests that enable a tester to determine a variety of common application compatibility issues, including file path access, registry use, and memory allocation.", "UNCServer.exe is a windows registry that plays an essential role in supporting the successful and smooth running of different kinds of computer programs, and also has one or more functions on such parts as communicating the hardware and various applications, supporting computer users to open the associated file and programs, and hoarding the ...", "WinMerge has the ability to compare two folders. The compare can recursively process folders. The compare will tell you which files are identical, different, and exist in only one folder or the other. It also has functions that will move files from one side of the comparison to the other for you.", "WINMAIN and main() in C++ (Extended) 1 The C and C++ standards require any program (for a “hosted” C or C++ implementation) to have a function called main, which serves as the program's startup function. 2 plus possible implementation-defined signatures (C++11 §3.6.1/2) except that the result type must be int.", "Wintrust Mortgage is a part of Wintrust Financial Corporation, a well capitalized, diverse, nearly $20 billion asset, financial services company. Our company offers unbeatable service and a wide variety of solutions. • A broad range of programs including:", "After much dilberation and help, it turns out the FindUserName that utilizes a Win32API function was not trimming the Username appropriately.", "Your WinMain should initialize the application, display its main window, and enter a message retrieval-and-dispatch loop that is the top-level control structure for the remainder of the application's execution. Terminate the message loop when it receives a WM_QUIT message. At that point, your WinMain should exit the application, returning the value passed in the WM_QUIT message's wParam parameter. If WM_QUIT was received as a result of calling PostQuitMessage, the value of wParam is the value of the PostQuitMessage function's nExitCode parameter.", "Testing Applications with AppVerifier. Application Verifier (AppVerifier) is a runtime verification tool used in testing applications for compatibility with Microsoft Windows XP. This tool can be used to test for a wide variety of known compatibility issues while the application is running.", "Winagent.exe process in Windows Task Manager. The process known as winagent or agent_winnt Application belongs to software Advanced Monitoring Agent or Advanced Monitoring Agent GP or N-able Technologies Inc. Windows Agent by Remote Monitoring (www.ietf.org) or N-able Technologies (www.n-able.com). Description: Winagent.exe is not essential for the Windows OS and causes relatively few problems.", "Wintrust Mortgage is a part of Wintrust Financial Corporation, a well capitalized, diverse, nearly $20 billion asset, financial services company. Our company offers unbeatable service and a wide variety of solutions. Wintrust Mortgage is not like other mortgage providers. For us, it’s not just about products and price.", "BeenVerified is a people search website with a slick interface that advertises itself as a tool to look up anyone’s public records and background reports. Their ability to search and aggregate public records is impressive which makes it likely that you’re in their database.", "Winpatrol.exe is the main process that enables the WinPatrol program to run. WinPatrol provides increased system performance, real-time monitoring without slowing down the processor, customized Registry monitoring and ActiveX management.", "Wintrust makes its MaxSafe account available to customers of the 15 banks. It allows individuals to insure $1.5 million in CD and money market accounts -- more than $16 million if you're able to title accounts differently.hat leaves more than $2.5 trillion unprotected in the event of bank failures. Fortunately, there are many ways you can have excess deposits covered, and you should take the trouble to use one of these methods or, through your own research, find other ways.", "As you may have already noticed, the return type for WinMain is, and always will be, int. All 32-bit Windows operating system applications use the calling convention WINAPI. This calling convention MUST be used to distinguish the function as the entry point. Now for the parameters. As you can see, WinMain uses four parameters when the program starts. Let's have a look at them, shall we?", "WinMerge. WinMerge is an open source freeware software, which is used to compare files and folders side by side on a visual editor. Using WinMerge we can compare files like Microsoft Word Documents, Excel Sheets, PDF files and the differences are highlighted and shown side by side.irectory compare is a free utility tool used to compare two directories side by side. Using directory compare you can copy, rename, move files between the directories or other directories.", "WINMAIN and main() in C++ (Extended) About the functions. The C and C++ standards require any program (for a “hosted” C or C++ implementation) to have a function called main, which serves as the program's startup function.", "Winmail Opener is a small and simple utility that allows you to view and extract contents of. -encoded messages (infamous winmail.dat). That means if you receive winmail.dat on your e-mail, with Winmail Opener you can view the rich text message contents and attachments embedded into this file. You may receive winmail.dat files from the senders who are using Microsoft Outlook (97, 2000).", "Start Your Wintrust Mortgage Loan Process. Whether you are buying your first property or your fourth, we understand it can be a big and often daunting decision. That's why we want to make the process quick and easy. This process should take you approximately 20 minutes to complete, and your progress will be saved as you complete each step. Please note that your session will timeout after 15 minutes of inactivity.", "The WinRM service does not depend on IIS but is preconfigured to share a port with IIS on the same machine. The WinRM service reserves the /wsman URL prefix. To prevent conflicts with IIS, administrators should ensure that any websites hosted on IIS do not use the /wsman URL prefix.", "wininet.dll is a module that contains Internet-related functions used by Windows applications. Note: wininet.dll is a process which the Troj/Zlob-AO trojan tries to disguise itself as under the true process name of %systemroot%\\mscornet.exe. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system.wininet.dll is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly.ince wininet.dll is a system process it should not be stopped. The process is required for your PC to work properly. Scan Windows processes now to identify unused processes that are affecting your PC’s performance.", "UNCServer.exe is a type of EXE file associated with Third-Party Software developed by Windows Software Developer for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of UNCServer.exe is 1.0.4853.19074, which was produced for Windows. This EXE file carries a popularity rating of 1 stars and a security rating of UNKNOWN.", "Welcome to myE‑Verify. myE‑Verify is a free Web-based service that has something of value for everyone who works or is looking for a job in the United States. Person Icon Over 30,000 accounts created. Sign up now!" ]
which organ system removes carbon dioxide from the bloodstream?
the process in which the body supplies blood with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the blood Respiratory System the body system that supplies blood with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the blood
[ "Particular chemoreceptors, called ASICs, detect the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. To do this, they monitor the concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood, which decrease the pH of the blood.", "- Increased muscular activity causes more respiration, more carbon dioxide (waste product). - Lowers pH of blood (acidic) - Chemoreceptors in carotid arteries detect change.- Send impulses to cardioacceleratory system (inhibitory system stopped) in medulla oblangata.- This sends impulses to the sino atrial node via sympathetic system.- Heart rate increases. - Faster blood flow so carbon dioxide removed. Lowers pH of blood (acidic) - Chemoreceptors in carotid arteries detect change. - Send impulses to cardioacceleratory system (inhibitory system stopped) in medulla oblangata. - This sends impulses to the sino atrial node via sympathetic system. - Heart rate increases." ]
what county is guilford, ny
Guilford, New York. Guilford is a town in Chenango County, New York, United States. The town is on the east border of the county. The population was 2,922 at the 2010 census.
[ "Totoket Mountain in Guilford. Guilford is a town in New Haven County, Connecticut, United States, that borders Madison, Branford, North Branford and Durham, and is situated on I-95 and the coast. The population was 22,375 at the 2010 census. Currently the population stands at approximately 22,500 people.", "The public schools in Guilford are in Guilford County Schools. Two Rivers Community is close and is rated more highly than Guilford County Schools. Nearby Guilford Preparatory scores lower, with a rating of 3.", "Guilford County owns 7 regional parks for the public to enjoy. Along with the 5 parks listed below that Guilford County manages, we also own Triad Park and Guilford-Mackintosh Park. For information on a specific park, reservations or questions please contact the park directly.", "Guilford, Indiana. Guilford is an unincorporated community in York Township, Dearborn County, Indiana. Located at the forks of Tanners Creek the town was first platted in 1850 to take advantage of the fact that a railroad was soon to be built in the area.", "Guilford County Schools is a school district with 70,518 students. Guilford County Schools spends $8,297 per year per student. 59% of students here receive reduced price lunches. The most common ethnicities are Black, non-Hispanic and White, non-Hispanic.", "195 County Rd is a house in Guilford, CT 06437. This 2,117 square foot house sits on a 2.59 acre lot and features 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. This property was built in 1977 and last sold on May 10, 2016 for $205,000.", "One of the highest rated schools is Oak Ridge Elementary School, with a rating of 10. Oak Ridge Elementary School has 685 children. The public schools in Guilford are in Guilford County Schools. Two Rivers Community is close and is rated more highly than Guilford County Schools.", "Guilford County engages in a number of activities to assess and plan for the short-and long-term needs of the community. One of the processes that focuses on long-term infrastructure needs (e.g., schools, detention facilities, ambulance bases, etc.) is the Capital Investment Planning program.", "Oak Ridge Elementary School has 685 children. The public schools in Guilford are in Guilford County Schools. Two Rivers Community is close and is rated more highly than Guilford County Schools. Nearby Guilford Preparatory scores lower, with a rating of 3.", "One of the highest rated schools is Oak Ridge Elementary School, with a rating of 10. Oak Ridge Elementary School has 685 children. The public schools in Guilford are in Guilford County Schools.", "In compliance with federal laws, Guilford County Schools administers all educational programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, disability or gender, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law.", "Guilford Child Development gives many underserved young children in Guilford County a quality preschool experience; provides regional information and referral for quality child care; offers a low-income, first-time mother a better future for her and her baby; and creates opportunities for immigrant/minority families to enhance their education, their ...", "For questions or to provide feedback regarding the information displayed on this site, contact the Guilford County Tax Department at [email protected] or call 336-641-4749.", "County spotlight. In 2007, the Census Bureau estimated Guilford County's population to be 465,931. Its seat is Greensboro. Since 1938, an additional county court has been located in High Point, North Carolina, making Guilford one of only a handful of counties nationwide with a dual court system.", "Guilford County, North Carolina. Guilford County is a county located in the U.S. state of North Carolina. As of the 2010 census, the population was 488,406, making it the third-most populous county in North Carolina. Its seat is Greensboro. Since 1938, an additional county court has been located in High Point, North Carolina.", "Child Abuse. To report suspected child abuse or neglect in Guilford County, please call the Child Abuse Hotline: (336) 641-3795. or the Department of Social Services Office in your county.", "Among birth to five year old children enrolled in homes in Guilford County, 40%. are in 4-5 star licensed homes. • 190 teachers, directors and family child care providers living in Guilford County participated in the.", "From Business: Guilford County Schools, also known as GCS, is one of the largest school districts in North Carolina that serves more than 71,000 students.", "The Town is a full service community that consists of approximately 3.0 square miles with a growing population located in southwestern Guilford County. Here you will find the charm of a community full of friendly faces and a helping hand, complimented by the amenities that a larger city has to offer.", "Keep in mind that property tax appeals are generally only accepted in a 1-3 month window each year. For more information and example appeals, see how to appeal your property taxes. The median home value in Guilford County is between $152,102.00 and $155,498.00. Property tax rates are based on property values.", "(Smart MLS) 3 bed, 3 bath, 2117 sq. ft. house located at 195 County Rd, Guilford, CT 06437 sold for $205,000 on May 10, 2016. MLS# N10101725. Investors and contractors take note! This is a dated but solid 3 be...", "Thank you for visiting Guilford County Register of Deeds online! We are committed to be the best organization, a role model, by using the most advanced technology and innovative business practices. By providing courteous, professional and excellent service, we will exceed the expectations of the citizens we serve.", "About Guilford County Schools Schools. Guilford County Schools is a school district with 70,518 students. Guilford County Schools spends $8,297 per year per student. 59% of students here receive reduced price lunches. The most common ethnicities are Black, non-Hispanic and White, non-Hispanic.", "By Elaina O'Connell. Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 01:24 PM EDT. GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. - The start of school is right around the corner but Guilford County is grappling with the need for more nurses. Guilford County Schools is one of hundreds of districts across the country dealing with a major need for more nurses.", "Keep in mind that property tax appeals are generally only accepted in a 1-3 month window each year. For more information and example appeals, see how to appeal your property taxes. Useful Guilford County Facts: The median home value in Guilford County is between $152,102.00 and $155,498.00. Property tax rates are based on property values.", "Guilford County Schools spends $8,297 per year per student. 59% of students here receive reduced price lunches. The most common ethnicities are Black, non-Hispanic and White, non-Hispanic. Guilford Preparatory is also nearby and has lesser ratings than Guilford County Schools.", "Windham County Sheriff's Office - Vernon Division shared Guilford Volunteer Fire Dept., Guilford, Vermont's event. Windham County Sheriff's Office - Vernon Division shared Vermont State Police's photo.", "Hazards. To properly prepare for emergencies and disasters, it is important to know and understand the hazards that we face. In Guilford County, we can be impacted by natural disasters, technological events such as a chemical spill, and man-made events such as a civil disturbance.", "Additional Information About 767 County Rd, Guilford, CT 06437 767 County Rd, Guilford, CT 06437 is a single family home for sale. Browse realtor.com® for nearby schools and neighborhood information. Find homes similar to 767 County Rd within your price range. Basic information about a property can only take you so far.", "Guilford County Courthouse in Greensboro. Guilford County is a county located in the U.S. state of North Carolina. As of the 2010 census, the population was 488,406, making it the third-most populous county in North Carolina. Its seat is Greensboro. Since 1938, an additional county court has been located in High Point, North Carolina.", "• there are 10,369 birth to five year old and 5,566 school-age children currently enrolled in these child. care programs. • among birth to five year old children enrolled in centers in Guilford County, 63% are in 4 or 5 star. licensed centers.", "Guilford County Sheriff; Guilford Metro 911; LEPC; Ready Guilford; Sex Offender Registry", "Guilford Township, Hendricks County, Indiana. Guilford Township is one of twelve townships in Hendricks County, Indiana, United States. As of the 2010 census, its population was 27,844.", "Welcome to the Guilford COunty Sheriff's Office! Please visit our new online reporting system called P2C. P2C (Police to Citizen) allows citizens of Guilford County to view Sheriff’s records, search for inmates, search for specific incidents in an easy and simple manner. Feel free to contact the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office with comments and questions regarding P2C. The records contained on this site begin on May 1, 2016 thru the present date. If you are searching for records prior to May 1, 2016 then you may contact your local Sheriff's Offices: District 1 - (336)641-2300.", "Guilford County Schools; Enroll Your Child; School Assignment Locator; Say Yes Guilford; Say Yes to Education", "The property records provided herein represent information as it currently exists in the Guilford County property tax system. This data is subject to change daily. Guilford County makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this data.", "View 40 photos of this 5 bed, 4+ bath, 3,678 Sq. Ft. single family home at 767 County Rd, Guilford, CT 06437 on sale now for $524,735. Truly unique property boasts 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath main home with 2 fireplaces AND 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1,100 square foot finished space with rustic feel, private entrance and balcony situated over 3 car garage.", "When you choose to purchase your grain products from Lakeview Farms, you can be sure that we will deliver only the highest quality products to your and your family. The Old Mill of Guilford was founded in North Carolina on Beaver Creek in 1767 to grind grain for the early settlers of what is now Guilford County. Today, the mill continues to produce all-natural, stone-ground, whole grain foods, just as it has for over 250 years.", "GCD has received a three-year grant from the PNC Foundation to offer Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) activities in Head Start classrooms across Guilford County in partnership with Greensboro Science Center and Stagelights. More.", "Guilford, Dearborn County, Indiana Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Guilford, Dearborn County, Indiana? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Guilford, Dearborn County, Indiana, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "Recent posts about Guilford, New York on our local forum with over 2,000,000 registered users. Guilford is mentioned 22 times on our forum: Latest news from Guilford, NY collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: English (19.3%), German (18.9%), Irish (12.5%), United States (9.8%), Italian (8.0%), Polish (4.1%).", "Guilford County Register of Deeds office mission is to record, preserve, maintain, and provide access to real estate and vital records in an effective and efficient manner in accordance in North Carolina General Statutes.", "Child Abuse | Family Service of the Piedmont. To report suspected child abuse or neglect in Guilford County, please call the Child Abuse Hotline: (336) 641-3795. or the Department of Social Services Office in your county.", "The Guilford County Sheriff's Office provides law enforcement services to the citizens of North Carolina. The sheriff s office operates a court ser...", "Guilford County is included in the Greensboro-High Point, NC Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point, NC Combined Statistical Area.", "Court Fax #: (607) 895-6832. The court is located at the Guilford Town Hall, 223 Marble Road, Guilford, NY 13780. Court is held on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Methods of payment are cash, money order, or bank certified check.", "To learn more about the hazards we are at risk of and the actions you can take to be prepared and stay safe, explore the list of hazards in the navigation bar. For more information on the hazard risks in Guilford County, take a look at the Guilford County Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment." ]
what is the height of a major league pitching mound
The pitcher's mound requires the most attention on your field. A properly built and maintained mound will help prevent injuries to your pitcher and will give you a home field advantage. The mound for high school through major league is a circle that is 18 feet in diameter and 10 inches higher than home plate. See Basic Mound Specifications section for diagram.
[ "A regulation pitcher's mound is a raised section in the middle of a baseball diamond where a pitcher stands to throw a pitch. A pitcher's mound is typically made of clay, sand and dirt and stands 10 inches (254 mm) higher than the infield grass.Follow these steps to build a pitcher's mound that meets regulation baseball standards.ituate the bricks in the pitcher's landing area, which is the approximate spot where the pitcher's legs land after throwing a pitch. The pitcher's landing area is the most stressed area of the mound. Burying clay bricks will provide durability to your mound and reduce the need for frequent maintenance.", "4. The next step is to locate second base. Measure from the back tip of home plate to a distance of 127 feet and 3 3/8 inches (see Table 2 for distance between bases for other leagues). Mark with a wooden stake.When installing base pads, this will be the center of second base.he top of the mound consists of a plateau that is 5 feet wide. 11. A regulation pitcher's mound is 10 inches high (compared to surface level of home plate). Miscalculation of the pitcher's mound height is probably the second most common error in setting up a baseball field.", "Instructions. Remove a circle of turf 10 to 18 feet in diameter, depending on the space available. Use a measuring tape to ensure that the center of the pitcher's mound is the proper distance from home plate. Distances vary from 46 feet in Little League to 60.5 feet in adult leagues.Level the exposed soil with a garden rake.Pound a wooden stake or metal rebar post into the center of the pitcher's mound circle and mark the stake or post where it is 10 inches above the ground.nstructions. Remove a circle of turf 10 to 18 feet in diameter, depending on the space available. Use a measuring tape to ensure that the center of the pitcher's mound is the proper distance from home plate. Distances vary from 46 feet in Little League to 60.5 feet in adult leagues.", "Little League (12U) is 46' to the mound with the bases being 60' apart. Then there is what is called the junior league (13-14) where the mound is 6' 6 from home and the bases are 90' apart. Now a league can opt to go with 54' from the mound to home and an 80' base path if they want." ]
what year was the first nickel minted in the usa
This was a time when global communities were working together for a unified effort. Shared hardship was common, and for a war this big-- the metal, nickel, was in great demand. For the US Mint, this became a problem. For the first time in history, a nickel was minted with .350 or 35 percent silver metal content. Beginning in 1942 Jefferson Nickels were the first and only silver nickels in history.
[ "NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - There's more change for your change, as another new U.S. nickel is launched into general circulation. On Monday, Feb. 28, the U.S. Mint released the latest in its series of redesigned five-cent coins, honoring the 200th anniversary of the Lewis & Clark expedition and its patron, President Jefferson.", "2006 Nickel. In 2006, the nickel returned to using Felix Schlag's Monticello design on a newly cast reverse, while the obverse featured a new forward-facing portrait of Jefferson, based on the 1800 Rembrandt Peale portrait of. It is the first U.S. circulating coin that features the image of a President facing forward.", "The Mint's greatest concern was in finding an alloy which would use no nickel, but still satisfy counterfeit detectors in vending machines. An alloy of 56% copper, 35% silver and 9% manganese proved suitable, and this alloy began to be coined into nickels from October 1942. In the hopes of making them easy to sort out and withdraw after the war, the Mint struck all war nickels with a large mint mark appearing above Monticello.", "The Jefferson 5 cent coins minted between 1942-1945 that have a large mint mark above the dome on the reverse are 56% copper, 35% silver and 9% manganese. There are some 1942 nickels without a mint mark above the dome, that are pre-war composition. 1944 nickels without a mint mark are counterfeits.", "The war time nickels were 35 percent silver and 56 percent copper with a small nine percent of manganese content. From a currency standard it represents five hundredths of one US dollar. It was in 1866 the first five-cent Shield Nickel was introduced.", "The 2005 U.S. nickel, issued for the 100th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Louisiana Purchase.", "It's been around for so long it's the only nickel most of us have ever seen in circulation. (1938-2015). With an exception of the War Nickels 1942-1945 (56% copper, 35% silver, and 9% manganese minted during World War II) it has always contained 75% copper and 25% nickel. The nickel is one of the most valuable coins minted in terms of its actual intrinsic metal value.", "For United States coins once termed nickels, see Flying Eagle cent, Indian Head cent, and Three-cent nickel. A nickel, in American usage, is a five-cent coin struck by the United States Mint. Composed of 75% copper and 25% nickel, the piece has been issued since 1866. Its diameter is .835 inches (21.21mm) and its thickness is .077 inches (1.95 mm). The silver half dime, equal to five cents, had been issued since the 1790s.", "As nickel was a strategic war material during World War II, nickels coined from 1942 to 1945 were struck in a copper-silver-manganese alloy which would not require adjustment to vending machines. They bear a large mint mark above the depiction of Monticello on the reverse. In 2004 and 2005, the nickel saw new designs as part of the Westward Journey nickel series, and since 2006 has borne Schlag's reverse and Franki's obverse.", "A nickel, in American usage, is a five-cent coin struck by the United States Mint. Composed of 75% copper and 25% nickel, the piece has been issued since 1866. Its diameter is.835 inches and its thickness is.077 inches. Due to inflation, the purchasing power of the nickel continues to drop and currently the coin represents less than 1% of the federal hourly minimum wage. In 2015, over 1.5 billion nickels were produced at the Philadelphia and Denver mints. The silver half dime, equal to five cent", "Jefferson Nickels. 1938-1964 the mint mark is located to the right of Monticello on the back with the exception of the years 1942-1945. (Click image to see a larger view) During the War Years 1942-1945, the mint mark is located above the Dome of Monticello.", "223,062 Contributions. 1792 was the year the US Mint began operations. The first official coins were half cents and cents made for circulation in 1793. Other denominations followed over the n…ext few years - half dimes, half dollars, and dollars in 1794, $5 and $10 gold in 1795, and dimes and $2.50 gold in 1796." ]
what affects agi
AGI effects on your taxes. The amount of your AGI affects how you can use numerous credits and exemptions. Your AGI affects the amount you can claim for the dependent care credit, credits for the elderly or permanently disabled, the adoption credit, the child tax credit, the Hope & Lifetime Learning credits, and the earned income credit.
[ "Your adjusted gross income, or AGI, is your total taxable income for the year minus certain expenses. Only adjustments to income, also known as above-the-line deductions, decrease your AGI. Other items that reduce your taxable income, such as exemptions and itemized deductions, do not reduce your AGI. Reducing your AGI can help you qualify for additional income tax deductions.", "Having a dependent child affects EIC in two ways: by letting you earn more and still qualify for the credit, and by increasing the amount of credit you get. First, the higher income levels (tax year 2017): First, if you have no qualifying dependent children, the maximum AGI you can have to claim the EIC is $15,010 if you’re a single filer. This includes those who are filing as single, head of household and qualifying widow(er) with dependent child. If you’re married filing joint, the AGI cap is $20,600.", "Adjusted gross income (AGI) is a measure of income calculated from your gross income and used to determine how much of your income is taxable. It is the starting point for calculating your tax bill, and among other things, is the basis for many deductions and credits.", "The GMI Accounting and Governance Risk (AGR) Score & Rating is widely recognized as an indicator of the confidence level surrounding a company's management and reported financials. Scores range from 0 to 100, and correspond to a risk classification for each company ranging from Very Aggressive to Conservative. The AGR Score is a percentile ranking among the approximately 8,000 companies rated by GMI.", "The taxpayer's total adjusted gross income (AGI) is the amount that is used to compute some limitations, such as the medical and dental deduction on Schedule A and the credit for child and dependent care expenses.", "Adjusted gross income (AGI) is a modification of gross income in the United States tax code. Gross income is simply the sum of everything an individual earns in a year, which may include includes wages, dividends, alimony, capital gains, interest income, royalties, rental income, and retirement distributions.", "The AGI calculation is relatively straightforward. It is equal to the total income you report that’s subject to income tax—such as earnings from your job, self-employment, alimony income and interest from a bank account—minus specific deductions, or “adjustments” that you’re eligible to take.VERVIEW. Adjusted gross income (AGI) can directly impact the deductions and credits you are eligible for, which can wind up reducing the amount of taxable income you report on your tax return. When preparing your tax return, you probably pay more attention to your taxable income than your adjusted gross income (AGI).", "GMI Accounting and Governance Risk (AGR) Score & Rating. The GMI Accounting and Governance Risk (AGR) Score & Rating is widely recognized as an indicator of the confidence level surrounding a company's management and reported financials.", "Ways to Reduce your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Written by Eva Rosenberg on May 6, 2015 Your adjusted gross income (AGI), which is your gross income minus deductions such as retirement contributions and other adjustments, is one of the most important numbers in your entire tax return. It’s used to determine limits on many types of deductions, credits, and tax rates, as well as a variety of tax benefits.", "2017 IRA Deduction Limits - Effect of Modified AGI on Deduction if You Are Covered by a Retirement Plan at Work. If you are covered by a retirement plan at work, use this table to determine if your modified AGI affects the amount of your deduction. See IRAs for more information. If Your Filing Status Is...", "Key Terms Adjusted Gross Income (AGI): The taxpayer's total adjusted gross income (AGI) is the amount that is used to compute some limitations, such as the medical and dental deduction on Schedule A and the credit for child and dependent care expenses.", "Adjusted gross income (AGI) is a measure of income calculated from your gross income and used to determine how much of your income is taxable. Adjusted gross income (AGI) is a modification of gross income in the United States tax code. Gross income is simply the sum of everything an individual earns in a year.", "What's your AGI? Adjusted gross income (AGI), or your income minus deductions, is important when calculating your total tax liability. It not only determines your tax bracket, but also tells you which credits you qualify for and how much you're able to contribute each year to your tax-deferred retirement accounts.", "The amount by which your adjusted gross income (AGI) exceeds the poverty guideline amount for your state of residence and family size. If you're married and file a joint federal income tax return or if you choose to repay your Direct Loans jointly with your spouse, your AGI includes your spouse's income.", "Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is gross income minus tax deductions that are allowable whether or not you itemize deductions on your tax return. After moving to a new state to teach fifth grade last year, I deducted moving expenses along with the cost of supplies I bought for the classroom from my total income.", "Your modified adjusted gross income can turn out a lot higher than your regular AGI. Although your taxable income is primarily based on your AGI, MAGI still has a big impact. Your eligibility for ...", "AGI includes income from all sources not specifically excluded by the tax code, minus certain deductions; modified AGI differs from AGI in that it also includes nontaxable interest income, as well as one-half of a recipient’s Social Security benefits, even if those benefits are ultimately determined not to be taxable.", "AGP - Effect of human activity on biodiversity. 1 The impact of agricultural activities on biodiversity of plants and animals has a long history, which began when humans first started the domestication process over 7000 years ago (Solbrig and Solbrig, 1994).", "The AGI calculation is relatively straightforward. It is equal to the total income you report that’s subject to income tax—such as earnings from your job, self-employment, alimony income and interest from a bank account—minus specific deductions, or “adjustments” that you’re eligible to take.herefore, the lower your AGI is, the more of your medical and dental expenses you can deduct. Even your adjustments to income are subject to AGI limitations despite the fact that those deductions are necessary to calculate your AGI.", "In the United States income tax system, adjusted gross income (AGI) is an individual's total gross income minus specific deductions. Taxable income is adjusted gross income minus allowances for personal exemptions and itemized deductions. For most individual tax purposes, AGI is more relevant than gross income.", "Through continued back-testing, GMI has demonstrated a strong correlation between its quarterly AGR Score and the likelihood of adverse events, including securities class action litigation, financial restatements, regulatory enforcement actions, and stock price declines.", "Adjusted gross income (AGI) is the figure used by the Internal Revenue Service to determine a taxpayer 's eligibility for certain tax benefits.", "Your adjusted gross income. Your adjusted gross income (AGI) is equal to your gross income, minus any eligible deductions that you may qualify for. These deductions or “adjustments” to your gross income are specific expenses the IRS allows you to take that reduce your gross income to arrive at your AGI.", "Reducing Income. 1 Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is a key element in determining your taxes. Lots of other things depend on your AGI (or modifications to your AGI)-- such as your tax rate and various tax credits.", "Adjusted gross income (AGI) is a key figure for determining a person’s tax rate and eligibility for tax deductions under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. On Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form 1040, taxpayers enter their gross income and subtract certain adjustments and tax deductions, resulting in adjusted gross income.", "The amount of your AGI directly influences your eligibility to claim many of the deductions and credits available on your tax return.. If you itemize deductions and report medical expenses, for example, you must reduce the total expense by 7.5 percent of your AGI. So if you report $10,000 in medical expenses and an AGI of $100,000; you must reduce your deduction by $7,500. But if your AGI is $50,000, the reduction is only $3,250.", "AGI is calculated by adding together all qualified income and subtracting all qualified deductions. It is in the taxpayer 's best interest to get their adjusted gross income as low as possible. Lower AGI qualifies the taxpayer for more tax benefits and ultimately results in a smaller tax bill. To calculate your AGI, you must first determine your gross income.", "Adjusted Gross Income or “AGI”. Why it’s important: Your AGI is the basis for several tax thresholds, including: Determining whether you qualify for certain tax credits. Determining whether you can deduct medical expenses, all your itemized deductions and/or miscellaneous itemized expenses.", "Adjusted gross income, or AGI, is a person's total taxable income minus allowable tax deductions and personal exemptions. Taxable income includes all wages, salaries, tips, dividend and interest income and capital gains. These incomes comprise the Income portion of many IRS tax-return forms, including Form 1040A.", "Adjustments to income. Adjustments to income are specific deductions that directly reduce your total income to arrive at your AGI. The types of adjustments that you can deduct are subject to change each year, but a number of them consistently show up on tax returns year after year.VERVIEW. Adjusted gross income (AGI) can directly impact the deductions and credits you are eligible for, which can wind up reducing the amount of taxable income you report on your tax return. When preparing your tax return, you probably pay more attention to your taxable income than your adjusted gross income (AGI).", "Bacteria growing on blood agar can be classified in part on what they do to the red blood cells incorporated into the medium. Some bacteria produce hemolysins, enzymes that destroy red blood cells (hemo = blood, lysin = to split).Hemolysins can destroy the cells and release the hemoglobin into the medium.As the hemoglobin is exposed to the chemicals in the agar, its characteristic red color is altered. This type of hemolysis, alpha-hemolysis, turns the medium under the bacterial growth brown-green.emolysins can destroy the cells and release the hemoglobin into the medium. As the hemoglobin is exposed to the chemicals in the agar, its characteristic red color is altered. This type of hemolysis, alpha-hemolysis, turns the medium under the bacterial growth brown-green.", "Adjusted Gross Income (AGI): The taxpayer’s total adjusted gross income (AGI) is the amount used. to compute some limitations, such as the medical and dental deduction on Schedule A and the credit. for child and dependent care expenses. Itemized Deductions:", "AGI on jewelry refers to the Accredited Gemological Institute, and when it appears on a piece of jewelry, it means that it is what it claims to be. Go Log In Sign Up", "Modified AGI (MAGI) includes Adjusted Gross Income on your federal income tax return plus any excluded foreign income, nontaxable Social Security benefits (including tier 1 railroad retirement benefits), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the taxable year.", "Adjusted Gross Income. The adjusted gross income (AGI) is shown on the first page of IRS form 1040. It is the last line on the first page. AGI is important because many other deductions on the tax return are tied to this figure, such as medical deductions or miscellaneous itemized deductions. For example, the medical deduction on schedule A is based on the expenses that exceed 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income.", "In the United States income tax system, adjusted gross income (AGI) is an individual's total gross income minus specific deductions. Taxable income is adjusted gross income minus allowances for personal exemptions and itemized deductions. For most individual tax purposes, AGI is more relevant than gross income. Gross income is sales price of goods or property, minus cost of the property sold, plus other income.", "Adjusted gross income. In the United States income tax system, adjusted gross income (AGI) is an individual's total gross income minus specific deductions. Taxable income is adjusted gross income minus allowances for personal exemptions and itemized deductions. For most individual tax purposes, AGI is more relevant than gross income.", "Adjusted Gross Income (AGI): The taxpayer’s total adjusted gross income (AGI) is the amount that is. used to compute some limitations, such as the medical and dental deduction on Schedule A and the. credit for child and dependent care expenses. Child and Dependent Care Credit: A nonrefundable credit that allows taxpayers to claim a credit for. paying someone to care for their qualifying dependents under the age of 13 or spouses or dependents. who are unable to care for themselves. The credit ranges from 20% to 35% of the taxpayer’s. expenses." ]
types of test leads
Jumperkits - The most affordable electrical test probes and leads for automotive electrical connectors. 1 Used with multimeters and other automotive diagnostic equipment. 2 A variety of different size probes for automotive electrical connectors. 3 Male and female probes are included in each size of test lead. Simplify automotive electrical diagnostics.
[ "Standard test connections are used for power factor testing dry-type transformers. 1 Grounded specimen test. 2 Guarded specimen test. 3 Ungrounded specimen test.", "For example, a qualitative test for the presence of lead make cause a solution to turn yellow if a significant quantity of lead ions is present in solution, whereas a quantitative test might say that lead is present in a sample at a concentration of #2.6 +- 0.5# mg/L.", "Blood lead is monitored in workers whose environment contains lead. It is used to evaluate chronic lead exposure and recent lead exposure. Sometimes, a zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) test is also ordered. The ZPP is increased when lead begins to affect red blood cell production.", "Try to include all information that potential employer looks for. Give a professional touch to your resume by including relevant information and by organizing the information by using standard template. A lead test engineer is a testing engineer who plays lead role in testing and managing testing program.", "Leads[edit] A lead usually is the contact information and in some cases, demographic information of a customer who is interested in a specific product or service. There are two types of leads in the lead generation market: sales leads and marketing leads.", "• All test lead connections at the pipe must be coated.• Test leads must extend out of the test box by at least 18”.• Test box locations and dimensions will be indicated on the design drawings.• Test leads will be connected as required.", "A lead usually is the contact information and in some cases, demographic information of a customer who is interested in a specific product or service. There are two types of leads in the lead generation market: sales leads and marketing leads.", "Act as the quality lead for testing on at least one major project. Write two or more software test plans. Create test automation on at least one project. Lead the development of an automated test system for a major project. Lead feature and non-functional testing on a major project.", "The Tendril MRI lead is a 7.9 French, transvenous, steroid eluting, bipolar, IS-1 compliant active. fixation lead designed for permanent sensing and pacing in either the right atrium or the right. ventricle, in combination with a compatible device. Active fixation leads such as the Tendril MRI lead may be indicated for patients where permanent fixation of passive fixation leads is suspected to be", "Healthcare providers (doctors and health clinics) do most of the blood lead testing for young children. In Chicago, free or sliding scale blood lead tests are available at neighborhood clinics. Contact the Chicago Department of Public Health at 312-747-LEAD. Outside Chicago, contact the Illinois Department of Public Health's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program at 217-782-0403 to ask about free or low-cost blood lead testing. The cost of getting a blood lead test is not the same everywhere.", "Sinusoidal and Random Vibration Testing Primer. The most common types of vibration testing services conducted by vibration test labs are Sinusoidal and Random. This primer is an explanation of the typical requirements found in vibration test specifications and the parameters used to control the vibration tests.", "additional test can be made on the same sample of blood as the blood lead test. There are two tests available to measure intermittent lead exposures over time, the erythrocyte. protoporphyrin (EP), which can be measured as free EP (FEP) or zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP).", "Nerves from different areas of the body may be tested. Types of responses are: 1 Visual evoked response or potential (VER or VEP), which is when the eyes are stimulated by looking at a test pattern. 2 Auditory brain stem evoked response or potential (ABER or ABEP), which is when hearing is stimulated by listening to a test tone.", "The letter “a” stands for “augmented” as these leads are calculated as a combination of leads I, II and III. The 6 precordial leads are called leads V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 and V6. Below is a normal 12-lead ECG tracing. The different parts of the ECG will be described in the following sections.", "I have explained the role of a Test Lead in my video, Test Lead Interview Questions and Answers systematically and with more details and examples. 1 1. Be updated on the latest testing techniques, strategies, testing tools/ test frameworks and so on. 2 2. Be aware of the current and upcoming projects in the organization.", "The Drive Test is performed according to the need, and the types of test calls are the same that the network supports - calls can be voice, data, video, etc.. Everything depends on the technology (GSM, CDMA, UMTS, etc. ...), and the purpose of the test, as always.", "The Tendril MRI lead is a 7.9 French, transvenous, steroid eluting, bipolar, IS-1 compliant active fixation lead designed for permanent sensing and pacing in either the right atrium or the right ventricle, in combination with a compatible device. Active fixation leads such as the Tendril MRI lead", "First up, let’s try to understand what’s the definition of a test manager, who is also sometimes called a test lead or lead tester. Definition: A test manager leads a team to improve product quality by implementing structured testing processes and tools. Notice the terms used in my definition. Leads a team.", "ECG lead = circuit formed by placing the elec-trodes in cardiac electric field, usually on skin. Standard limb leads (leads I, II, and III) were determined by Einthoven. Patients put hands and feet in buckets of water, and potential was measured in a laboratory 1 mile away, using telephone wire as conductor.", "The size of the response is also measured. Nerves from different areas of the body may be tested. Types of responses are: 1 Visual evoked response or potential (VER or VEP), which is when the eyes are stimulated by looking at a test pattern. 2 Auditory brain stem evoked response or potential (ABER or ABEP), which is when hearing is stimulated by listening to a test tone.", "1 Request A Test Celebrates their... 2 Request A Test Offers 10% off STD... Request A Test, a leading national provider of direct to consumer lab testing, had added the Standard Lead Profile Test to their test menu." ]
does. aginal tightening. work
When ordering the vaginal tightening gel online, it comes with a set of basic instructions that detail how to apply V-Tight cream. The process is simple and can be done quickly making it easy for you to apply this gel in the morning and at night. The tightening gel does work, but it’s important to be patient at first. Although many women report noticing instant results, some may only notice results a couple of days later. However, most women that have tried the gel V report having noticed outstanding results after as little as 3 days.
[ "A: HIFU works well with anyone with mild to moderate sagging or loosening skin. Treatments can be performed on the full face and neck or specific areas as needed. Younger, beauty-conscious patients who wish to get a head start on the collagen production game also benefit from ultrasound tightening.", "3. Revision Nectifirm. Revision’s cream is a specialized cream targeted toward tightening the neck, specifically, rather than acting as a general tightener. The cream is designed to relieve people of ‘crepe-like’ or leathery epidermis of the neck and décolletage, and should be applied twice-daily for best results.", "Does V-Tight Gel Work? The V-tight can be purchased online at an affordable price. It comes in the form of a cream that you must apply to the interior walls of your vagina along with vaginal exercises such as kegals. The combination of the two work wonders for tightening your vagina and giving you explosive orgasms.", "This is a versatile skin tightening cream that can either be used for targeted fine line/ wrinkle reduction or general skin firming. How it works is by stimulating natural collagen synthesis in your skin, thereby plumping up wrinkled or sagging skin tissues – giving you a ‘mini skinlift’ without surgery.", "Hand Tighten First. Hand tightening is almost enough to seal the joint sufficiently to prevent leaks. Cross-threading is an issue, so hand tightening also lets you know whether the threads are not lining up correctly. If the joint does not screw together easily, there’s a good chance the threads are crossing.", "Out in the market today is a product called HerSolution Gel, a vaginal tightening cream that might solve all these issues and bring back their joy in life. Majority of vaginal creams in the market contains strong perfumes and chemicals that can actually lead to further dryness.", "Popular skin tightening treatments utilize the Titan® or Polaris™ systems, which use laser technology to gently heat deeper layers of collagen while cooling the skin’s outer layers. Skin tightening patients enjoy immediate results with minimal discomfort.", "Apply Sunscreen to Tighten Skin on Face: One of the best natural skin tightening tips is applying sunscreen on your face and neck. This skin care tip will protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays. Use a good-quality sunscreen of at least 30 SPF on your face and neck whenever you go outside.", "1 Use Sunscreen: One of the best, and a natural method for tightening skin includes applying sunscreen on the face and neck area. 2 This will help to protect against UV rays that can be harmful and help to prevent the premature aging of your skin.", "Look for products containing vitamin A, vitamin E, and collagen, all of which help tighten the skin. 1 Apply the cream or lotion at least once a day, concentrating on the areas that need tightening. 2 Aloe is a great natural skin tightener; look for lotions that contain it, or apply pure aloe to your skin. Work your way from your feet to your thighs, then from your hands to your shoulders, always brushing toward your hands in the direction your blood circulates. 2 Concentrate on areas where your skin is loose. 3 Don't forget your stomach and buttocks.", "Look for products containing vitamin A, vitamin E, and collagen, all of which help tighten the skin. 1 Apply the cream or lotion at least once a day, concentrating on the areas that need tightening. 2 Aloe is a great natural skin tightener; look for lotions that contain it, or apply pure aloe to your skin.", "Skin tightening procedures are ideal for patients with mild to moderate skin laxity on their face, jawline, neck, upper arms, abdomen and knees. Ideally, non-surgical skin tightening with lasers is used as a preventative measure intended to put off the need for surgical skin tightening as long as possible.", "ColActive® Plus Ag can help to restart the healing process in chronic wounds and has been shown to be an extremely effective dressing in chronic wound conditions. Please read on for specific chronic wound conditions.", "Uniseals for flat or curved surfaces-work in areas where traditional bulkhead fittings will not such as curved surfaces, i.e. pipe wall or round drum wall. Also can be used when access to inside of tank is not practical for tightening bulkhead nuts. Uniseals are just pressed into a drilled hole. Applications are varied including Plumbing, Aquaculture, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Agriculture, Marine/Boating, Chemical and Building Industries.", "Use Sunscreen: One of the best, and a natural method for tightening skin includes applying sunscreen on the face and neck area. This will help to protect against UV rays that can be harmful and help to prevent the premature aging of your skin.", "Our Thermage Practice. Thermage tightens sagging or lax skin on your face, forehead, jawline, neck and body parts like your hands, upper knees and abdomen. It works by applying radiofrequency energy through a handpiece that heats the collagen and elastic fibers under your skin’s surface. These fibers build back stronger and tighter, thus tightening your skin. First, let’s tell you what Thermage will not do. It will not tighten severely sagging skin. It will not treat cellulite on your thighs or buttocks. It will not shrink-wrap a stomach that has significant amounts of fat the way some before-and-after pictures may show.", "Newer non-surgical technology helps tighten the skin by focusing controlled radiofrequency energy on the deeper layers of the skin. This warming of the tissue stimulates collagen growth at the level which causes tighter firmer skin. The device and technology can be used to tighten the face/jawline/neck area as well as contour areas of the body such as the arms, upper thighs, knees, and abdomen.", "At my practice in New York, I might recommend Pelleve Skin Tightening for the neck, which is a nonsurgical radio frequency treatment that comfortably heats the deep layers of the skin, causing the skin to contract and firm, while reducing visible wrinkles and lines as collagen is boosted.", "Quantitative Tightening. To do this, the Fed must essentially perform quantitative easing in reverse. It must sell, or force the Treasury to sell, treasuries and mortgage-backed securities into the current market. This process will reduce the Fed’s balance sheet while drawing free cash out of the economy, thereby unwinding prior stimulus.", "Facial firming creams help fight gravity by tightening laxity on the face caused by loss of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. As we age, the skin is unable to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. This causes the skin to droop.", "It Works! body wraps are all the rage these days, but do they really work? According to the It Works! website, the body wrap is a “contouring product that can tighten, tone, and firm any area of the body.”", "Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is best when it comes to firming and tightening loose skin. The malic acid in aloe vera gel helps improve the elasticity of your skin and get rid of sagging skin. Plus, it is a natural moisturizer for your skin. Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and smear it on your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.", "Body Wraps: Do They Work? Here's What You Need to Know Before Buying. It Works! body wraps are all the rage these days, but do they really work? According to the It Works! website, the body wrap is a “contouring product that can tighten, tone, and firm any area of the body.” Sounds incredible, no?", "For the more on the science behind MAT go to www.muscleactivation.com. How does MAT work. Muscle activation techniques views muscle tightness in the body as a form of protection from muscle weakness that leads to joint instability. When a muscle cannot perform its role in stabilising a joint, associated muscles may overwork and tighten.", "Kegal exercises originally came from the mid-pee pause. This means that to strengthen the vagina naturally, women would go to the toilet and pause for 5 seconds then continue urinating. This would help strengthen the vagina to make it tighter. This is by far the most natural way to tighten your vagina.My verdict: Kegel exercises to strengthen the vagina is a very slow gradual process.Unless you are only on the onset of having a loose vagina, kegal exercises may help, eventually, it is a slow gradual process.atural Vaginal Tightening Creams! For me, the best way I found to tighten my vagina was with V-Tight Gel. But I didn’t know about this from the beginning, so I gave the kegal exercises a go for about 2 weeks. After that, I knew there had to be a faster way to tighten my vagina!", "More often than not, skin tightening is performed on the face and the neck and jowl areas are neglected. The Reaction by Viora offers and easy solution to both: after three treatments (4 week intervals, 20 minutes per session) there is noticeable improvement in the lax and sagging skin on the jowl and neck areas.", "What is non surgical skin tightening? Nonsurgical skin tightening is the use of various types of laser, radiofrequency or RF, infrared or IR, or ultrasound machines to tighten loose or sagging skin of the face, belly, stomach, neck, chin or thighs.", "Alum is used for othe skin conditions as well. It is very efficient in curing mouth ulcers and remove the bad skin odors. This is why it’s used in deodorants and toothpaste fabrication. Alum powder cream. Because it’s not a safe ingredient to use, I havn’t found any alum cream for tightening the vagina. If you are looking for the best rated vaginal tightening cream, I do recommend V Tight Gel which contains Manjakani.", "Massaging your face and neck with aloe Vera will moisturize the skin along with tightening your skin. Drink Enough Water Drinking enough water is the best natural method for firming up skin, as it will effectively moisturize, firm, tighten, and hydrate the skin, and also help to flush out toxins from body.", "StriVectin-TL Tightening Neck Cream is designed to make the skin on the neck more firm and tight to prevent sagging. It claims to be clinically proven to visibly restore firmness, contour and shape of the neck and jaw line.", "Quite literally, it works wraps are pieces of cloth infused with a powerful and all-natural plant-based formula designed to tighten, tone, and firm skin. These wraps are the result of a lifelong pursuit by Dr. Luis Mujares to find a product that could help make the skin look younger, fresher and more supple.", "Aloe vera is best when it comes to firming and tightening loose skin. The malic acid in aloe vera gel helps improve the elasticity of your skin and get rid of sagging skin. Plus, it is a natural moisturizer for your skin. Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and smear it on your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.", "Skin tightening machines tighten skin by producing heat in the deeper layers of the skin which causes inflammation in the skin collagen and elastin. The inflammation causes the formation of new collagen and elastin.", "Forma™ is meant to work slowly over time. A series of gentle treatments are needed to build enough collagen to achieve visible skin tightening and wrinkle reduction. On average, six weekly or bi-weekly treatments are recommended..", "Skin tightening on the other hand occurs with stimulation of the collagen beneath the skin. When new collagen grows, the skin tightens reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Devices work differently, some use radio frequency and some use ultrasound, but they both aim to work on the fiber collagen.ecause both of these are different, many offices have combination procedures. Fraxel is sometimes paired with the popular skin tightening device Thermage for maximum improvement in a treatment termed ThermaFrax. Other popular skin tightening devices include Reaction by Viora and Ulthera.", "Cellex-C’s skin tightening cream is a premium, topically applied corrector designed to firm skin on the face and neck. Its primary source of power comes from the vitamin C inside the serum, alongside vitamin E, evening primrose oil, and grape seed extract.", "Pelleve, the skin tightening treatment. Pelleve is a highly effective (FDA approved), radio-frequency skin tightening treatment. Ideal for difficult to treat eye areas and hard to treat lipstick lines on the top lip. The jowls and neck are also responsive to this treatment. This video demonstrates how Pelleve works.", "Aloe Vera. Aloe vera is best when it comes to firming and tightening loose skin. The malic acid in aloe vera gel helps improve the elasticity of your skin and get rid of sagging skin. Plus, it is a natural moisturizer for your skin. Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and smear it on your face and neck.", "Are you looking for the best firming cream? Facial firming creams help fight gravity by tightening laxity on the face caused by loss of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. As we age, the skin is unable to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. This causes the skin to droop.", "Cellex-C Advanced Skin Tightening Cream. Cellex-C’s skin tightening cream is a premium, topically applied corrector designed to firm skin on the face and neck. Its primary source of power comes from the vitamin C inside the serum, alongside vitamin E, evening primrose oil, and grape seed extract.", "Many people also use copper peptide creams to tighten and firm the loose skin on face and neck. Natural skin tightening oils are safe, healthy, and effective for getting rid of loose skin. These include avocado oil, grape seed oil, and jojoba oil can help you get the firm skin of your early twenties.", "Fighting cellulite – Many skin firming creams tighten skin on face and neck by fighting the cellulite present underneath your skin. Cellulite is a condition in which skin gets dimpled and forms lumps due to underlying fat deposits.", "Our product formulator Luis Mijares has put his years of experience as an herbalist to work on creating this amazing easy to use, mess free applicator. The applicators aka It Works body wrap kind of looks like a Texas sized band-aid and you can apply it anywhere on your body. Chin, arms, neck, tummy, back, legs, feet, breasts and buttocks. Yes I did say anywhere. If you have any area that you want to tighten, tone or firm you can put the applicator on it.", "While they might not give you totally chiseled abs, abdominal-tightening exercises are a great way to improve your muscle tone when you’re otherwise sedentary. They’re also a good way to ease into ab work when you’re recovering from an injury or after a surgery.", "Many people also use copper peptide creams to tighten and firm the loose skin on face and neck. Natural Oils. Natural skin tightening oils are safe, healthy, and effective for getting rid of loose skin. These include avocado oil, grape seed oil, and jojoba oil can help you get the firm skin of your early twenties." ]
hydrocephalus symptoms
Symptomsback to top. The following symptoms are considered hallmarks of normal pressure hydrocephalus: Difficulty walking that's sometimes compared to the way a person walks on a boat, with the body bent forward, legs held wide apart and feet moving as if they're glued to the deck..
[ "Hydrocephalus in patients with brain atrophy (Hydrocephalus ex-vacuo) 1 There is shrinkage of brain substance and as a consequence the ventricles dilate. 2 The CSF pressure remains normal. 3 Symptoms are related to brain shrinkage and not due to hydrocephalus.", "A Honor Society of Nursing (STTI) answered. Older children and adults with acquired hydrocephalus experience eye problems as a result of acquired hydrocephalus, but these problems usually disappear after treatment. One of these symptoms is referred to as sunsetting, in which the eyes are fixed downward.", "Causes and symptoms. Hydrocephalus that is congenital (present at birth) is thought to be caused by a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Aqueductal stenosis, an obstruction of the cerebral aqueduct, is the most frequent cause of congenital hydrocephalus.", "Hydrocephalus is a condition in which there is too much CSF in the ventricles. This occurs when the natural system for draining and absorbing extra CSF does not work right. The ventricles enlarge to accommodate the extra fluid and then press on different parts of the brain, causing a number of different symptoms.", "Hydrocephalus is a condition that occurs when fluid builds up in the skull and causes the brain to swell. Brain damage can occur as a result of the fluid buildup. This can lead to developmental, physical, and intellectual impairments. It requires treatment to prevent serious complications.", "Hydrocephalus is a condition in which the primary characteristic is excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) -- the clear fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. This excessive accumulation results in an abnormal dilation of the spaces in the brain called ventricles.", "The symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Hydrocephalus. This signs and symptoms information for Hydrocephalus has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Hydrocephalus signs or Hydrocephalus symptoms.", "Shunt obstruction produces recurrent symptoms of hydrocephalus, increased intracranial pressure or fluid along the shunt tract. The nature of the symptoms will depend on: 1) whether the hydrocephalus is obstructive or communicating, and 2) the spectrum of symptoms the person had initially.", "Hydrocephalus can occur due to birth defects or be acquired later in life. Associated birth defects include neural tube defects and those that result in aqueductal stenosis. Other causes include meningitis, brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, intraventricular hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage.", "Hydrocephalus is a condition that occurs when fluid builds up in the skull and causes the brain to swell. The name means “water on the brain.”. Brain damage can occur as a result of the fluid buildup. This can lead to developmental, physical, and intellectual impairments. It requires treatment to prevent serious complications. Hydrocephalus mainly occurs in children and adults over 60, but younger adults can get it too.", "Hydrocephalus is the buildup of too much cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. Normally, this fluid cushions your brain. When you have too much, though, it puts harmful pressure on your brain. Hydrocephalus can be congenital, or present at birth. Causes include genetic problems and problems with how the fetus develops. An unusually large head is the main sign of congenital hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus can also happen after birth. This is called acquired hydrocephalus. It can occur at any age. Causes can include head injuries, strokes, infections, tumors, and bleeding in the brain.", "Hydrocephalus is a condition that occurs when fluid builds up in the skull and causes the brain to swell. The name means “water on the brain.”. Brain damage can occur as a result of the fluid buildup. This can lead to developmental, physical, and intellectual impairments." ]
what is pch
Publishers Clearing House. Publishers Clearing House (PCH) is a direct marketing company that markets merchandise and magazine subscriptions with sweepstakes, and prize-based games. Publishers Clearing House was founded in 1953 by Harold Mertz to replace door-to-door magazine subscription sales by a single vendor offering multiple subscriptions by mail.
[ "P.C.H. stands for Publishers Clearing House displaying as LLC legal form of company. You can get all the information about this PCH online new sweepstakes to enter at “www.pch.com – Win and you’d get $ 5000 a week for life, SuperPrize” Visit PCH official website for your chance to win this fabulous cash sweepstakes.", "Pheochromocytoma (PCC) is a rare tumor of adrenal gland tissue. The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. The adrenals produce a number of hormones, including aldosterone, testosterone, cortisol, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.These hormones regulate vital bodily functions such as blood pressure, stress, blood sugar, immune response, metabolism, and heart rate.n the case of PCC, the tumors cause your adrenal glands to make too much norepinephrine and epinephrine. Pheochromocytoma is rarely cancerous, but it can be dangerous due to fluctuating hormone levels. Eighty five percent of PCCs are in the adrenal glands themselves.", "Pheochromocytoma (PCC) is a rare tumor of adrenal gland tissue. The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. The adrenals produce a number of hormones, including aldosterone, testosterone, cortisol, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.heochromocytoma (PCC) is a rare tumor of adrenal gland tissue. The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. The adrenals produce a number of hormones, including aldosterone, testosterone, cortisol, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.", "In 2014, the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) certified Student Health Services as a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH). To achieve PCMH certification, our medical clinic developed care teams uniquely designed to increase patient access to comprehensive health care and wellness resources. The PCMH (or simply, “Medical Home”) service delivery model offers a superior approach to optimizing student health and wellness care.", "Health Services Research is the official journal of the Academy Health and is published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. on behalf of the Health Research and Educational Trust. What is a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH). (Information from Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). The medical home model holds promise as a way to improve health care in America by transforming how primary care is organized and delivered.", "The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney. The PCT connects Bowman's capsule with the proximal straight tubule, and it is essential for the reabsorption of water and solutes from filtrate within the nephron.", "What PCP Looks Like. PCP is often found in a powder similar to that shown above. PCP is a yellow oily substance that in pure form is typically dissolved in petroleum, diethyl ether or another substance.When mixed with hydrogen chloride gas, PCP will turn into a white or tan colored crystalline powder known as PCP hydrochloride.CP can be snorted or injected. When in powder form, also known as angel dust, very small amounts of the drug snorted through the nose produce an immediate effect.", "The PCH App is your one-stop shop to all things PCH! Download it today and catch up on all of our winnning opportunities while you're on the go! http://bit.ly/PCHApp1015.", "PCH does send out a lot of marketing items to try to entice you to buy. THAT is what their company does - It is a CLEARING house. They can't give away money if they don't make any! Other companies pay PCH to advertise and sell items for them.", "The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney.The PCT connects Bowman's capsule with the proximal straight tubule, and it is essential for the reabsorption of water and solutes from filtrate within the nephron.he proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney.", "The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney.The PCT connects Bowman's capsule with the proximal straight tubule, and it is essential for the reabsorption of water and solutes from filtrate within the nephron.lomerular filtrate that has not been reabsorbed passes from the proximal convoluted tubule into the proximal straight tubule and into the loop of Henle and the distal convoluted tubule.", "Phencyclidine (PCP) Profile Phencyclidine (PCP) is a synthetic dissociative drug originally developed as a general anesthetic. The effects of dissociative drugs like PCP include feelings of detatchment from the environment and self.In its pure form, PCP is a white crystalline powder that dissolves easily in water or alcohol. As a liquid, it is clear, yellow, or tan and often is sold in vanilla extract bottles.CP’s Effects on the Brain PCP disrupts the functioning of receptors for the neurotransmitter glutamate, which plays a major role in the perception of pain as well as in learning, memory, and emotion. It also influences the actions of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which causes the euphoria associated with drug use.", "Definition. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) is a diagnostic tool used to rate a person's psychopathic or antisocial tendencies. People who are psychopathic prey ruthlessly on others using charm, deceit, violence or other methods that allow them to get with they want.", "Defining the PCMH. The medical home model holds promise as a way to improve health care in America by transforming how primary care is organized and delivered.", "Mississippi Lime precipitated calcium carbonate (CaCO3), commonly referred to as PCC, is a bright, high purity mineral. Carbon dioxide is reacted with calcium hydroxide to form precipitated calcium carbonate with specific crystal morphology:", "Procalcitonin (PCT) is a peptide precursor of the hormone calcitonin, the latter being involved with calcium homeostasis. It was first identified by Leonard J. Deftos and Bernard A. Roos in the 1970s.", "What Are PCV Oil Catch Cans? The PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) system is designed to regulate and remove fumes from the engine crankcase, and to alleviate crankcase pressure which could cause oil leaks or seal damage. It’s a way for gases to escape in a controlled manner from the crankcase of an internal combustion engine.", "Pheochromocytoma (PCC) is a rare kind of tumor that forms in the middle of the adrenal glands. The tumors cause your adrenal glands to make too many hormones. Pheochromocytoma (PCC) is a rare kind of tumor that forms in the middle of the adrenal glands.", "How to pay your PCH Bill using MyAccount.PCH.Com. This is how to guide for paying your bill for Publishers Clearing House (PCH) online. PCH is a company that best known for its marketing of magazine subscriptions and online sweepstakes. Recently they have added games with real world prizes.", "Phencyclidine (PCP) Profile Phencyclidine (PCP) is a synthetic dissociative drug originally developed as a general anesthetic. The effects of dissociative drugs like PCP include feelings of detatchment from the environment and self.In its pure form, PCP is a white crystalline powder that dissolves easily in water or alcohol. As a liquid, it is clear, yellow, or tan and often is sold in vanilla extract bottles.he effects of dissociative drugs like PCP include feelings of detatchment from the environment and self. In its pure form, PCP is a white crystalline powder that dissolves easily in water or alcohol. As a liquid, it is clear, yellow, or tan and often is sold in vanilla extract bottles.", "These 10 animal facts will amaze you. The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney. The PCT connects Bowman's capsule with the proximal straight tubule, and it is essential for the reabsorption of water and solutes from filtrate within the nephron.he proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is a small tubular structure within the nephron of the kidney.", "Phencyclidine (PCP/angel dust) is a dissociative anesthetic, a synthetic drug that was developed by scientists in 1959. In its pure form, PCP is a harmless looking powder (but don't let its looks fool you). PCP smells like strong ammonia in large quantities (which is why it earned its nickname, embalming fluid).", "Procalcitonin (PCT) is a peptide precursor of the hormone calcitonin, the latter being involved with calcium homeostasis. It is composed of 116 amino acids and is produced by parafollicular cells (C cells) of the thyroid and by the neuroendocrine cells of the lung and the intestine.", "PCP is called angel dust, but it will make you act like the devil having a bad day. If you are thinking about taking a PCP trip you'd better take another means of transportation, because you might not return on this vehicle.The origin and purpose of the drug PCP.Phencyclidine (PCP/angel dust) is a dissociative anesthetic, a synthetic drug that was developed by scientists in 1959. In its pure form, PCP is a harmless looking powder (but don't let its looks fool you).PCP smells like strong ammonia in large quantities (which is why it earned its nickname, embalming fluid).CP has a very distinctive look and can be used many different ways. PCP is a white crystalline powder that can be mistaken for cocaine. It is most commonly smoked, but it can also be snorted, or taken orally." ]
what is up with guestlogix
GuestLogix Inc. (TSX: GXI) is the leading global provider of comprehensive merchandising, payment, and business intelligence technology, delivered both onboard and off board, to the passenger travel industry.
[ "GuestLogix or the Company), is pleased to announce that it has closed a loan and warrant financing (the Financing) in the amount of $7 million with an additional 3,500,000 common share purchase. (the Warrants).", "GuestLogix' global headquarters is located in Toronto, with regional offices located in Dallas, London, Dublin, Galway, Madrid and Hong Kong, and product innovation labs located in Moncton and Krakow. Kraków The company is publicly traded on The Toronto Stock (EXCHANGE) tsx under the “SYMBOL”. gxi", "2 / Onboard Retail Technology Platformwww.guestlogix.com The growing reliance on ancillary revenue generation is pushing travel operators including airlines, rail and coach to be better retailers.", "Hotelogix is a comprehensive and flexible web-based property management system that helps you manage your hotel operations seamlessly through its Frontdesk, POS, Housekeeping, Booking Engine and reporting modules.", "Hotelogix is a cloud-based, complete property management system for seamless management of independent and group hotels, resorts or serviced apartments to automate your entire hotel operations and increase market reach online and offline.", "Worcester State's SAAC, which has about 40 members, has been active on campus and in the community. The GuestLogix solution will be deployed, in part, to automate SAAC airline partner shopping services which are offered on-board, on ground and online. Now entering his senior year, Haines' involvement with SAAC is weekly, because he's a member of the executive committee.", "That operating system is also called the “guest OS”. Meanwhile, the operating system you actually have installed on your hardware and that you boot into every time you turn the system on is called the “host OS”. This is where the name Guest Additions comes from – they’re additions to the guest OS. Installing the Guest Additions enables various extra features that are already built into VirtualBox. These include automatic resizing, seamless mode, the bidirectional clipboard, drag and drop, and generally better performance.", "VirtualBox Guest Additions is extra software that can be installed inside the OS running inside of the virtual machine,at or the guest machine. While VirtualBox generally does a good job of running the guest OS, it has some limitations.", "host server; the underlying hardware that provides computing resources, such as processing power, memory, disk and network I/O, and so on. The guest is a completely separate and independent instance of an operating system and application software. Guests are the virtual workloads that reside on a host virtual machine and share in that server's computing resources. Virtualization platforms such as VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix Systems' XenServer install a layer of abstraction between the host and guest.", "1 Securing VMware Virtual Infrastructure with Centrify's Identity and Access ... Rlogin (remote login) is a UNIX command that allows an authorized user to login to other UNIX machines (hosts) on a network and to interact as if the user were physically at the host computer.", "VirtualBox Guest Additions for Windows OSE is a recompiled version of the Guest Additions component of VirtualBox OSE that doesn’t require users to generate a new Windows virtual environment in order to successfully create a Guest Additions build.", "Installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions. The VirtualBox Guest Additions consist of device drivers and system applications that optimize the operating system for better performance and usability. One of the usability features required in this guide is automated logons, which is why you need to install the Guest Additions in the virtual machine.", "rlogin (remote login) 1 Securing VMware Virtual Infrastructure with Centrify's Identity and Access ... Rlogin (remote login) is a UNIX command that allows an authorized user to login to other UNIX machines (hosts) on a network and to interact as if the user were physically at the host computer.", "The Guest network is a feature of the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi, Linksys Wi-Fi Routers, and the Linksys X-series Gateways that creates a separate network for guests. This secured network provides Internet access to guests' wireless devices.", "Furthermore, Ecologix is dedicated of offer the best possible service to ensure that our products consistently meet the needs of our clients. Each and every requirement from the customer is regarded as a challenge that we respond with pioneering and economical solutions.urthermore, Ecologix is dedicated of offer the best possible service to ensure that our products consistently meet the needs of our clients. Each and every requirement from the customer is regarded as a challenge that we respond with pioneering and economical solutions.", "With the Guest Additions installed, VirtualBox can ensure that the guest's system time is better synchronized with that of the host. For various reasons, the time in the guest might run at a slightly different rate than the time on the host.", "Typically, the Guest Additions can be installed from within a virtual machine using the ISO image that comes bundled with it. However, a simpler and more streamlined method is to use a repackaged version of these tools, such as VirtualBox Guest Additions for Windows OSE. The product was designed for VirtualBox Open Source Edition, a special version of the package that contains source code on top of the standard build.", "GuestAdditions are installed in the Guest OS where as VirtualBox is installed on the host. This blog is about how to install Guest Additions after a virtual machine is created. 1 Launch VirtuaBox.2 Start Virtual Machine by clicking on Start. 3 Wait for guest os to start.4 Click on Devices and then select Install Guest Additions. 5 Step 4 will launch installation Wizard for installing GuestAdditions. 6 Accept the License Terms and click ....his blog is about how to install Guest Additions after a virtual machine is created. 1 Launch VirtuaBox. 2 Start Virtual Machine by clicking on Start. 3 Wait for guest os to start. 4 Click on Devices and then select Install Guest Additions. 5 Step 4 will launch installation Wizard for installing GuestAdditions. 6 Accept the License Terms and click ....", "A guest virtual machine (guest VM) is the software component of a virtual machine (VM), an independent instance of an operating ... See complete definition. nested virtualization. Nested virtualization describes the process of running a hypervisor within another hypervisor. See complete definition.", "These accounts can also be banned by the ROBLOX Moderators and Administration staff as punishment for breaking rules on the player's account. Guests, on the other hand, are players who do not have an account, an individual name (usually something like Guest 1337), and are present only inside a game server.", "The server also has an adventure map system, allowing you to play a selection of the Hypixel adventure maps, including the popular Herobrine maps, with friends without having to host your own server. The Hypixel server is run by a dedicated staff team, lead by Hypixel and Rezzus, the two owners of the network.", "Ecologix™ Technologies. Ecologix Asia, a division of U.S. based Company Ecologix Technologies, Inc., manufactures some of the most advanced equipment for wastewater and water treatment plant currently available in the market. With over 30 years of extensive experience, research, and activities.urthermore, Ecologix is dedicated of offer the best possible service to ensure that our products consistently meet the needs of our clients. Each and every requirement from the customer is regarded as a challenge that we respond with pioneering and economical solutions.", "This conspicuous - and perennial - guest is paradoxically also associated with the joy of life in the face of the imminence and inevitability of death. We only live once and La Catrina, with her mischievous smile, pleads with us to seize the moment and through music - and perhaps a little dance - find life’s meaning.", "Starting with VirtualBox 3.1, the Windows and Linux Guest Additions therefore check automatically whether they have to be updated. If the host is running a newer VirtualBox version than the Guest Additions, a notification with further instructions is displayed in the guest.", "RSLinx is the software RSLogix will use to communicate with your PLC or in our case to the emulator. Let’s start by running the RSLinx software under the START > All Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx > RSLinx Classic shortcut.â Follow these steps to set it up:", "Impressive Guest Content. Another great way to get your brand known on the web is to deliver ultra valuable, gorgeous looking content to share on other blogs. Guest posting (despite what some might tell you) is still a powerful way to get your name known in your industry.", "20 responses to “Regenix”. 1 my name is danny boigner i have been using regenix for 2.5 years and have seen fuller thicker hair also my hairline in front is filling out. my hair looks better now than in highschool and im 39 and im not a celeb. just a guy from cleveland. its a bit costly but worth it.exciting stuff!", "Guest Account - Turn On or Off in Windows 8. A guest account is a local account for users who don't have a permanent account on your PC or domain. It allows people (guest) to use your PC without having access to your personal files. Users signed in to the guest account can't install apps, install hardware, and change PC settings. This tutorial will show you various options for how to turn on or off the guest account in Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 8.1, and Windows RT 8.1.", "Nugenix is actually distributed by the same company that brought you Lumiday (an all natural mood enhancer) and Instaflex (an all natural joint formula).", "When using Windows XP as guest, shared folder cannot be accessed. When browsing with Windows Explorer, VirtualBox Shared Folders is visible, but cannot be opened/has no content. Host: Ubuntu Feisty, VirtualBox 1.3.8 Guest: Windows XP SP2, Guest Additions 1.3.8 installed. Also tested with Windows XP with no result either.", "Ecologix Asia, a division of U.S. based Company Ecologix Technologies, Inc., manufactures some of the most advanced equipment for wastewater and water treatment plant currently available in the market.With over 30 years of extensive experience, research, and activities.urthermore, Ecologix is dedicated of offer the best possible service to ensure that our products consistently meet the needs of our clients. Each and every requirement from the customer is regarded as a challenge that we respond with pioneering and economical solutions.", "What is Topix? Topix is a technology company focusing on entertainment and news media. Every month, more than 18 million highly engaged users spend an average of 13 minutes per session browsing Topix's growing collection of high quality content about celebrities, pop culture, the offbeat, health, current events, and more.", "Versonix is is one of the world’s leading suppliers of booking and check-in systems for cruise, ferry and resort industries. Seaware is the most advanced cruise reservation and ferry reservation systems. Seaware has integrated CRM and Yield Management. Travel reservation system, ferry reservation system, cruise reservation system, resort reservation system.", "Concurrent with the rebranding to SONIFI Solutions, the company is also launching a new hospitality platform, the SONIFI STAY1000 system, a flexible guest entertainment solution that leverages the company’s large commercial platform.", "Generation 2 virtual machines are Microsoft Hyper-V virtual servers that use the second generation of virtual hardware. guest OS (guest operating system) A guest OS (guest operating system) is the operating system installed on a virtual machine or partitioned disk.", "Furosemide (INN / BAN), previously frusemide (former BAN), is a loop diuretic used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and edema.It is most commonly marketed by Sanofi under the brand name Lasix, and also under the brand names Fusid and Frumex.long with some other diuretics, furosemide is also included on the World Anti-Doping Agency 's banned drug list due to its alleged use as a masking agent for other drugs.", "RSLogix Bundles............................................................................................................................................. 7. RSNetWorx™ ....................................................................................................................................................", "Install Guest Additions on Windows guest. The procedure is very simple. Just boot into your guest. Then, in the VirtualBox menu, under Devices, click Install Guest Additions... The same like VMware Tools, this will popup a wizard in your guest. Follow it through, reboot and enjoy.After you restart, look for the VirtualBox icon in the system tray.he procedure is very simple. Just boot into your guest. Then, in the VirtualBox menu, under Devices, click Install Guest Additions... The same like VMware Tools, this will popup a wizard in your guest. Follow it through, reboot and enjoy.", "To disable this update check for the Guest Additions of a given virtual machine, set the value of its /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/CheckHostVersion guest property to 0; see Section4.7, “Guest properties” for details.", "guest sign in. Follow guest sign in to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow guest sign in to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following guest sign in in your eBay Feed.uest sign in. Follow guest sign in to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow guest sign in to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following guest sign in in your eBay Feed.", "The VirtualBox Guest Additions cannot be installed on this version of Windows. In various forums, you will find the suggestions to install in Windows 8 compatibility mode or use the force parameter (VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe /force).", "Answers. Best Answer: there is no ferry, you must surf there. Pacifidlog town is not needed to beat the game, but is useful 4 rayquazya and needed 4 regis. Go to sootopolis,go east along rt. 126, then once you get to rt.127 go south to rt.128. (you may have to go around on rt.acifidlog town is not needed to beat the game, but is useful 4 rayquazya and needed 4 regis. Go to sootopolis,go east along rt. 126, then once you get to rt. 127 go south to rt. 128. (you may have to go around on rt." ]
what gen is bergmite from
Bergmite (カチコール Kachikouru) is an Ice-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.
[ "Pokemon Bergmite is a fictional character of humans. All Pokemon are made up by humans based on real animals or existing objects. The stroies of Pokemon are all fictional and in most cases illogical or nonsense. Games are for only fun time and do never put any spiritual/religional or deity meaning into them!", "Pokemon Bergmite is a fictional character of humans. There is only single Creator of everything and anything. All Pokemon are made up by humans based on real animals or existing objects. The stroies of Pokemon are all fictional and in most cases illogical or nonsense.", "Bergmite line - Icicle Crash - Avalugg should be able to learn via level-up at level 37 and it should also be an Egg Move Bergmite can learn from a father Avalugg or other compatible Pokemon who knows it. Hawlucha - Body Slam - Should be able to learn via level-up at level 52.", "Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia) is a citrus fruit that is native to southern Italy, tropical parts of Asia and the Ivory Coast. This citrus fruit probably gets its name from the town of Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy, where it was commercially grown for the first time. Bergamot is rarely consumed as a fruit or fruit juice.", "Marmite (/ˈmɑːrmaɪt/ MAR-myte) is the brand name for two similar food spreads: the original British version currently produced by Unilever; and a modified version produced in New Zealand by Sanitarium Health Food Company and distributed in Australia and the Pacific. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown food paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty.", "These are the number of Bergmite(s) that are with trainers on DelugeRPG. The totals include pokemon with no stats or only one stat.", "Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia) is a citrus fruit that is native to southern Italy, tropical parts of Asia and the Ivory Coast. This citrus fruit probably gets its name from the town of Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy, where it was commercially grown for the first time.", "Marmite (/ˈmɑːrmaɪt/ MAR-myt) is the brand name for two similar food spreads: the original British version, a Unilever product since 2000; and a modified version produced in New Zealand by Sanitarium Health Food Company and distributed in Australia and the Pacific. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown food paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty.", "Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia) is a citrus fruit that is native to southern Italy, tropical parts of Asia and the Ivory Coast. This citrus fruit probably gets its name from the town of Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy, where it was commercially grown for the first time.Bergamot is rarely consumed as a fruit or fruit juice.ergamot (Citrus Bergamia) is a citrus fruit that is native to southern Italy, tropical parts of Asia and the Ivory Coast. This citrus fruit probably gets its name from the town of Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy, where it was commercially grown for the first time. Bergamot is rarely consumed as a fruit or fruit juice.", "Ice is a terrible defensive typing in general, granting Bergmite only one resistance and a plethora of weaknesses. Finally, Bergmite is setup bait due to its low damage output and lack of a good status move.", "Bergdahl was born in 1986, in Sun Valley, Idaho, to Robert Bergdahl, a commercial truck driver, and his wife Jani Larson Bergdahl. He is of Norwegian and Swedish ancestry. He has an older sister, Sky Albrecht.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. In 1902, the Gilmour family of England formed the Marmite Food Extract Company, with the yeast by-product supplied by Bass Brewery.British Marmite is an intensely salty, dark brown paste that is often used as a thin savory spread on toast and crackers.Starbucks in the UK offers a cheese and Marmite panini. During WWI, British troops received Marmite as part of their rations, and housewives were encouraged at home to “use it sparingly just now.”.armite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. In 1902, the Gilmour family of England formed the Marmite Food Extract Company, with the yeast by-product supplied by Bass Brewery.", "The German surname derives from the word Berg, the word for mountain or hill, and means a resident on a mountain or hill, or someone from a toponym Berg, derived from the same. The pronunciation of the English name may sometimes be /ˈbɜːrdʒər/ BUR-jər.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, which is saltier in taste, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R. version with a different flavour has been manufactured in New Zealand since 1919. This is the only product sold as Marmite in Australia and the Pacific, whereas elsewhere in the world the British version predominates.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, which is saltier in taste, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R.maʁmit]), a French term for a large, covered earthenware or metal cooking pot. British Marmite was originally supplied in earthenware pots, but since the 1920s has been sold in glass jars shaped like the French cooking pot.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown food paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty.", "Emily Bergl is a British actress who portrays Beth Young on Desperate Housewives. Early life. Bergl was born in Milton Keynes, England to an Irish mother and an English architect father. She lacks a British accent because she moved to Chicago with her family when she was a child and attended Glenbrook South High School and Grinnell College, where she was the lead in several school productions.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, which is saltier in taste, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R.armite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, which is saltier in taste, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R.", "Berg remembers his father as 'a hard-assed ex-Marine and who later became an executive for Grey Advertising, commuting to New York City and drinking martins at lunch-- the very model of a Mad Men (2007) -type character.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. In 1902, the Gilmour family of England formed the Marmite Food Extract Company, with the yeast by-product supplied by Bass Brewery. British Marmite is an intensely salty, dark brown paste that is often used as a thin savory spread on toast and crackers.n 1902, the Gilmour family of England formed the Marmite Food Extract Company, with the yeast by-product supplied by Bass Brewery. British Marmite is an intensely salty, dark brown paste that is often used as a thin savory spread on toast and crackers.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty and savoury with umami qualities, somewhat comparable to soy sauce.armite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty and savoury with umami qualities, somewhat comparable to soy sauce.", "Marmite is a hydrolysed yeast extract made commercially from spent. brewery yeast (not cider yeast AFAIK). Its original home a century ago. or so was Burton on Trent in the English midlands where there were many. breweries. As far as I know it is made by yeast autolysis using strong.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, which is saltier in taste, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R.armite is traditionally eaten as a savoury spread on bread, toast, savoury biscuits or crackers, and other similar baked products. Owing to its concentrated taste it is usually spread thinly with butter or margarine.", "Bergamot is a citrus-scented essential oil extracted from the Citrus Beragamia tree, a native of Southeast Asia, but can now be found primarily in Italy and along the Ivory Coast. It is a popular aromatherapy oil and widely used in perfumes and colognes.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, which is saltier in taste, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R.", "Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing.Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, which is saltier in taste, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R.armite can also be made into a savoury hot drink by adding one teaspoon to a mug of hot water much like Oxo and Bovril. Marmite is paired with cheese, such as in a cheese sandwich, and has been used as an additional flavouring in Mini Cheddars, a cheese-flavoured biscuit snack.", "Bergamot (noun). a tree of the Orange family (Citrus bergamia), having a roundish or pear-shaped fruit, from the rind of which an essential oil of delicious odor is extracted, much prized as a perfume.Also, the fruit. Bergamot (noun). a variety of mint (Mentha aquatica, var. tree of the Orange family (Citrus bergamia), having a roundish or pear-shaped fruit, from the rind of which an essential oil of delicious odor is extracted, much prized as a perfume. Also, the fruit. Bergamot (noun). a variety of mint (Mentha aquatica, var.", "Marmite (/ˈmɑrmaɪt/ MAR-myt) is the brand name for two similar food spreads: the original British version, since 2000 a Unilever product; and a modified version produced in New Zealand by Sanitarium Health Food Company and distributed in Australia and the Pacific. version with a different flavour has been manufactured in New Zealand since 1919. This is the only product sold as Marmite in Australia and the Pacific, whereas elsewhere in the world the British version predominates.", "Uragano, a Bergamasco looks on after being introduced to the media during the 140th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show press conference on January 21, 2016, in New York. The Bergamasco Sheepdog is an ancient breed from the Alps.", "Bergamasco Shepherd. The Pastore Bergamasco (Bergamasco Shepherd) has its origins in the Italian Alps near Bergamo. A pastoral dog, originally used for herding, it is still used for herding cattle and sheep in the Italian and Swiss Alps.A medium-size dog, the Bergamasco grows to 24 inches in height and can live for up to 15 years.ergamasco Shepherd. The Pastore Bergamasco (Bergamasco Shepherd) has its origins in the Italian Alps near Bergamo. A pastoral dog, originally used for herding, it is still used for herding cattle and sheep in the Italian and Swiss Alps.", "Freebase (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Marmite. Marmite is the brand name for two similar food spreads: the original British version, since 2000 a Unilever product; and a modified version produced in New Zealand by Sanitarium Health Food Company and distributed in Australasia and the Pacific. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. Other similar products include the Australian Vegemite, the Swiss Cenovis and the German Vitam-R. The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown food paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty.", "Vegemite (/ˈvɛdʒɨmaɪt/ VEJ-ə-myt) is a dark brown Australian food paste made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives developed by Cyril P. Callister in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1922.n 1919, following the disruption of British Marmite imports after World War I and prior to the introduction of Vegemite, Callister's employer, the Australian company Fred Walker & Co., gave him the task of developing a spread from the used yeast being dumped by breweries.", "Avalanche provides Bergmite with a STAB attack and is better than Ice Fang due to Bergmite's low Speed. Rapid Spin removes entry hazards and is Bergmite's niche. Recover provides Bergmite with longevity.", "Alban Maria Johannes Berg is one of the central figures of twentieth century musical composition. As one of the triumvirate of the Second Viennese School, Berg produced a rather small body of work that is nonetheless distinguished by a strongly Romantic aesthetic and a distinctive dramatic sense. Berg's father was an export salesman, his mother the daughter of the Austrian Imperial jeweler.", "The reason Marmite is such a great source of umami is that it contains glutamic acid, an amino acid that also provides the rich umami flavor in foods like Parmesan, soy sauce and mushrooms. Because Marmite is vegetarian (and vegan), it's a great enriching ingredient for meatless cooks.armite is so quintessentially British that it was included in troop rations during WWI as a source of vitamin B, yet it's technically a German invention. Marmite is a brand of yeast extract, a product first created by German chemist Baron Justus von Liebig in the late 19th century.", "Vegemite (/ˈvɛdʒɨmaɪt/ VEJ-ə-myt) is a dark brown Australian food paste made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives developed by Cyril P. Callister in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1922.", "Marmite (/ˈmɑrmaɪt/ MAR-myt) is the brand name for two similar food spreads: the original British version, since 2000 a Unilever product; and a modified version produced in New Zealand by Sanitarium Health Food Company and distributed in Australia and the Pacific.", "The Bergamasco is a breed of dog which has its origin in the Italian Alps, where it was originally used as a herding dog. The breed's most distinctive feature is the unusual matted coat which is a normal and healthy characteristic of the breed.he Bergamasco is a breed of dog which has its origin in the Italian Alps, where it was originally used as a herding dog. The breed's most distinctive feature is the unusual matted coat which is a normal and healthy characteristic of the breed.", "Marmite (/ˈmɑrmaɪt/ MAR-myt) is the brand name for two similar food spreads: the original British version, since 2000 a Unilever product; and a modified version produced in New Zealand by Sanitarium Health Food Company and distributed in Australia and the Pacific.armite is traditionally eaten as a savoury spread on bread, toast, savoury biscuits or crackers, and other similar baked products. Owing to its concentrated taste it is usually spread thinly with butter or margarine.", "Top 10 facts about the world. Marmite is a type of thick, dark brown spread that is closely associated with Great Britain. The savory spread is made from a concentrated yeast sludge, a byproduct of the beer brewing process. The strong and very distinctive flavor has made it rather famous, as consumers are either horrified by it or quite fond of it.", "Vegemite (/ˈvɛdʒɨmaɪt/ VEJ-ə-myt) is a dark brown Australian food paste made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives developed by Cyril P. Callister in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1922.egemite is salty, slightly bitter, malty, and rich in umami – similar to beef bouillon.", "Vegemite (/ˈvɛdʒɨmaɪt/ VEJ-ə-myt) is a dark brown Australian food paste made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives developed by Cyril P. Callister in Melbourne, Victoria, in 1922.he Australian rock band Men at Work refer to a Vegemite sandwich in the second verse of their 1981 hit song Down Under , from their debut album Business as Usual. Vegemite was mentioned in the original version of John Williamson 's song True Blue .", "Citrus bergamia, the bergamot orange (pronounced, standard English: /ˈbɜːɡəˌmɒt/ or GenAm : /ˈbɝɡəˌmɑt/) is a fragrant fruit the size of an orange, with a yellow color similar to a lemon.itrus bergamot is commercially grown in southern Calabria (province of Reggio), southern Italy, where more than 80% are produced. It is also grown in southern France and in Cote côte'D ivoire for the essential oil and In antalya in Southern turkey for its. Marmalade the fruit is not generally grown for juice. consumption", "He fought in Syria and Crete. After his capture by the Germans he was imprisoned in Colditz Castle. Georges Bergé was born ion January 1909 in Belmont, in the Gers département, France. He is drafted in 1929, and incorporated in the 24th infantry regiment in Mont-de-Marsan, where he is trained as a reserve officer. In April 1930, he is demobilized as a second lieutenant.", "Emily Bergl. Emily Bergl was born on April 25, 1975 in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England as Emily Anne Bergl. She is an actress, known for The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999), Blue Jasmine (2013) and Men in Trees (2006).", "Bergamot is an aromatic oil found in the peels of the fruit of the bergamot orange, a citrus tree from Italy. The oil is used in essential oil preparations, skin care products, and as a food flavoring, most notably in Earl Gray tea.", "Marmite (/ˈmɑrmaɪt/ MAR-myt) is the brand name for two similar food spreads: the original British version, since 2000 a Unilever product; and a modified version produced in New Zealand by Sanitarium Health Food Company and distributed in Australia and the Pacific.maʁmit]), a French term for a large, covered earthenware or metal cooking pot. British Marmite was originally supplied in earthenware pots, but since the 1920s has been sold in glass jars shaped like the French cooking pot.", "Marmite is a brand of yeast extract, a product first created by German chemist Baron Justus von Liebig in the late 19th century. Liebig has appeared in this column once before as the inventor of meat extract, which inspired both the bouillon cube and liquid seasoning." ]
benefits of graham diet
Graham originally developed the diet as a way to boost athletes’ performance with high-energy foods. His website claims that his plan is the “first to present a low-fat diet and lifestyle program based exclusively around whole, fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables.
[ "The graham cracker was originally conceived of as a health food as part of the Graham Diet, a regimen to suppress what Reverend Graham considered unhealthy carnal urges, the source of many maladies according to Graham. Reverend Graham would often lecture on self-abuse, as masturbation was commonly called at the time.ome modern, commercial graham crackers could no longer be considered a health food. In fact, some of these commercial graham crackers are more notable for being topped with a thick crust of cinnamon and sugar or having chocolate flavoring or coatings added.", "With his bland cracker, Graham created a diet trend and even gained a cult-like following. Categories quiz, trivia, Which snack was originally created by a minister as part of a diet to suppress sexual urges? Answer: Graham Crackers were originally created to curb your sexual appetite. That’s right, the popular, campfire-friendly snack was actually invented solely for the purpose of curbing America’s overactive libido. Sylvester Graham, a minister, created the Graham cracker in an attempt to rid Americans of their greed and lust.", "The 80/10/10 diet is a low-fat, raw, vegan diet that focuses on consuming raw food and carbohydrates. Those on the diet break up their calories as 10 percent fat and 10 percent lean protein. The other 80 percent comes from complex carbohydrates. Dr. Douglas Graham, a lifetime athlete and raw food dieter since 1978, created the diet. He’s recognized as one of the fathers of the modern raw movement.", "After Graham established himself, he put together benefit rock concerts to raise money for all kinds of causes, including AIDS research, the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic, Amnesty International, and the first group he ever promoted, the San Francisco Mime Troupe.", "Reviewers share how your product helped their day-to-day business, and as a result, “you get a review placed where you need it and [their business] gets a mention on your blog as part of a case study.” Graham uses this strategy to collect reviews for his book, and notes a very high response rate.", "Which snack was originally created by a minister as part of a diet to suppress sexual urges? Answer: Graham Crackers were originally created to curb your sexual appetite. That’s right, the popular, campfire-friendly snack was actually invented solely for the purpose of curbing America’s overactive libido. Sylvester Graham, a minister, created the Graham cracker in an attempt to rid Americans of their greed and lust.", "Results indicated that children were significantly more likely to prefer the taste of the low-nutrient, high-energy foods such as graham crackers and gummy fruit snacks when a licensed cartoon character appeared on the package.", "The health benefits of rice include its ability to provide instant energy, regulate and improve bowel movements, stabilize blood sugar levels, and slow down the aging process. It also plays a role in providing vitamin B1 to the human body.", "Decrease usage of caffeine. It can increase acid content of your stomach and increase the transit time of your gastro-intestinal tract. Broth, bouillon, cream soups made with skim milk and lean meats. Sweets/ desserts such as angel food cake, vanilla wafers, graham crackers, nonfat frozen dessert and frozen yogurt.", "Chocolate Teddy Grahams (1 serving) 1 Calories: 65, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 11g, Protein: 1g. 2 Calories: 120, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 20g, Protein: 2g. 3 Calories: 130, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 22g, Protein: 2g. 4 Calories: 130, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 22g, Protein: 2g. 5 Calories: 130, Fat: 5g, Carbs: 22g, Protein: 2g. 6 Calories: 130, Fat: 5g, Carbs: 22g, Protein: 2g.", "In addition to convenience, the advantages of using dried albumen are an increase in food safety, and the reduction of water content in the marshmallow. Fresh egg whites carry a higher risk of Salmonella, and are approximately 90 percent water. This is undesirable for the shelf life and firmness of the product.", "Benefits of potassium include relief from anxiety & stress, & increase in muscle strength. Potassium rich foods include almond, chicken, whole milk, & fresh fruit juices. Benefits of potassium include relief from anxiety & stress, & increase in muscle strength. Potassium rich foods include almond, chicken, whole milk, & fresh fruit juices. Table of Contents", "Eating foods rich in immune-boosting nutrients is essential to supporting your overall health. To help keep your immune system strong, include these immune boosting foods in you diet. Chicken soup may do more than just soothe a sore throat and keep you hydrated, it may keep your airways healthy, as well.", "One of the most health benefits of eating blackberries daily is cancer preventing. Blackberry fruit is efficient in defeating the building of cancer containing lung cancer, esophageal cancer and colon cancer. The micronutrients found in blackberries can exert chemopreventive effect and also prevent the proliferation of malignant cells.", "There are several major tenets of The Lyme Diet™ – the major benefits of eating this way are 1 –. Reducing inflammation in the body. 2 Supporting the immune system. 3 Preventing Candida and supporting healthy digestive function. Supporting hormone 1 systems. Supporting detoxification.", "Health Benefits of Coconut Milk. 1 1. Improves Heart Health by Lowering Blood Pressure and Cholesterol. 2 2. Builds Muscle and Helps Lose Fat. 3 3. Provides Electrolytes and Prevents Fatigue. 4 4. Helps Lose Weight. 5 5. Improves Digestion and Relieves Constipation. 6 6. Manages Blood Sugar and Controls Diabetes. 7 7. Helps Prevent Anemia.", "According to Dr. Campbell, the solution to losing weight is a whole-foods, plant-based diet, coupled with a reasonable amount of exercise.. As a bonus, Dr. Campbell argues, the vegan diet will reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses.", "Benefits of rice include its ability to provide fast and instant energy, regulate and improve bowel movements, stabilize blood sugar levels & slow down the aging process. Benefits of rice include its ability to provide fast and instant energy, regulate and improve bowel movements, stabilize blood sugar levels & slow down the aging process.", "Raw foodists claim that the raw food diet offers the following benefits: 1 weight control. 2 increased energy. 3 better digestion. 4 a stronger immune system. 5 more mental clarity and creativity. 6 improved skin. 7 a reduced risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases.", "As part of his work, Dr. Neal Barnard has also found that the vegan diet is instrumental in weight loss efforts, promoting healthy hearts and cardiovascular systems, regulating digestion and the kidneys, curtails the onset of Alzheimer’s and much more.", "But, that's not all. Numerous research and clinical studies and scientific research in England, Australia, Canada and the United States all show that a healthy low glycemic foods index diet can help you to: 1 Lose weight, Clear up your skin,", "Cottage cheese benefits to relieve muscle cramps. Intake of potassium on a regular basis prevents the risk of getting brain stroke, since it lowers blood pressure and the contraction of vessels. Cottage cheese benefits in decreasing stress levels and anxiety. Weight Management; Cottage cheese is surprisingly low in calories. Cottage cheese, being a rich source of protein, acts like a rock star when it comes to cooking up a healthy breakfast.", "The benefits of gelatin for healing the GI tract also make it one of the top foods to eat on the GAPS diet, which is a gut health protocol designed to help repair the gut lining and heal digestive symptoms, leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune diseases.", "It can add up to a moderate to severe case of the blahs. What Kleiner realized after working with her own mother and hundreds of Puget Sound area residents is she has developed the best eating plan to fend off mild depression, mood swings and, ah-ha, the gray days. Let's call it the Daylight Diet. It can help us feel more energy this winter and, where appropriate, help see some daylight in what might be a perpetual yo-yo effect of losing weight and gaining it back. No matter what the goals of clients, I always keep mood in mind, said Kleiner.", "The health benefits of figs or anjeer include its use as a treatment for sexual dysfunction, constipation, indigestion, piles, diabetes, cough, bronchitis, and asthma.igs can have a laxative effect, as they are one of the most fiber-dense foods available. High amounts of fiber in your diet can benefit your overall health by preventing certain types of abdominal cancer, as well as colon cancer. Prevention of coronary heart disease: Dried figs contain phenol, Omega-3 and Omega-6.", "Health benefits of blackberry include better digestive health, strengthened immune defense, healthy functioning of heart, prevention of cancer and relief from endothelial dysfunction.", "Magnesium supports muscle and nerve function, keeps your heart beating regularly, builds strong bones and boosts immunity. The Institute of Medicine recommends adult women consume 310 to 320 milligrams per day, while men need 400 to 420 milligrams per day.", "And here are the foods that improve acid reflux: The GAPS diet focuses on whole foods that treat IBS, leaky gut, ADHD and many other conditions. A diet rich in fresh organic vegetables, free-range chicken and grass-fed beef, and bone broth can help to reduce symptoms associated with acid reflux. In addition, it’s important to add aloe vera, parsley, ginger and fennel.", "Three servings of dairy foods contain a total of about 1200 mg of potassium. More on dairy’s impact on heart health. A growing body of research indicates that dairy food consumption is associated with multiple health benefits, including a lowered risk for type 2 diabetes. Benefits of Chocolate Milk: For the Athlete", "Energy. Increased energy levels are the immediate benefits of switching to a healthy diet. Eliminating excess fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates helps prevent blood sugar fluctuations. Examples of refined carbohydrates include candy and white breads.", "Health Benefits of Blueberries. 1 Slow Aging. 2 Treat Urinary Tract Infection. 3 Eye Care & Macular Degeneration. 4 Improve Brain Function. 5 Constipation & Digestion. 6 Prevent Cancer. 7 Cure Heart Disease. 8 Boost Immunity.", "Health Benefits of Wakame. Some of the health benefits of wakame include its ability to aid in weight loss, lower cholesterol, boost heart health, prevent cancer, boost energy levels, maintains hormonal balance, build strong bones, increase circulation, improve skin health, and protects infant health.", "Medical Benefits. 1 Calm Nerve Cells. Coconut milk is high in magnesium that helps to keep your blood pressure at a normal level. 2 Strengthen Bones. Coconut milk does not contain as much calcium as dairy milk but it does contain high amounts of phosphorus that can help to strengthen bones. 3 Fight Virus and Infection.", "Heart healthy. Quality foods. 25% less sodium (Sodium content has been reduced from 650 mg to 470 mg per serving) than Progresso Traditional Chicken & Wild Rice Soup. While many factors affect heart disease, diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of this disease. 120 calories per serving. Low fat.", "Based on the trans fat content and other unhealthy ingredients in Kraft products, the lawsuit makes several arguments: 1 Health claims like a wholesome choice, which appears on Teddy Grahams, and Sensible Snacking, which appears on several products, are false.", "* People who have successfully switched to this diet report increased energy, better digestion, and heightened athletic performance. Weight loss and clearer skin are also benefits. * The antioxidant content of a diet like this is through the roof, especially when a diverse mix of brightly colored fruits is included. The low fat content reduces the risk of developing heart disease or type 2 diabetes.", "According a study, eating some dairy proteins can help control and lower the levels of uric acid in the bloodstream. In diet for gout, the major goal is to reduce and control the number of uric acid. But it’s not only about uric acid. Appropriate diet can provide other benefits, these include: 1 For weight control.", "10 Incredible Rice Benefits. The health benefits of rice include its ability to provide fast and instant energy, regulate and improve bowel movements, stabilize blood sugar levels, and slow down the aging process, while also providing an essential source of vitamin B1 to the human body.", "Starch Solution: Eat Carbs and Lose Weight. The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall says there is a specific diet that best supports the health of every animal. And according to him the ideal diet for humans is based on starches. In The Starch Solution, he asserts that eating more rice, corn, potatoes and beans is the secret to losing weight. Not only that – it will improve your wellbeing – as well as helping to save the planet. Dr. McDougall is also the author of The McDougall Diet.", "Health Benefits Of Brown Rice. 1 1. Lowers Cholesterol And Blood Pressure. 2 2. Aids Weight Loss And Controls Diabetes. 3 3. Has Antioxidant Properties. 4 4. Prevents Cancer And Gallstones. 5 5. It Can Also Prevent Childhood Asthma. 6 6. Regulates Nervous System. 7 7. Aids Healthy Bone Formation.", "The Advantages of Slim Forte Slimming Coffee. 1 Boost of thermogenesis and metabolism. 2 Increased weight loss. 3 Burning of stored fats. 4 Boost of energy levels. 5 Suppression of appetite. 6 Relief of stress and anxiety. 7 Better health and well-being. 8 Detox and cleanse of toxins and waste. 9 Low blood pressure and blood glucose levels.", "Weight Loss. A diet of chicken and fruit can help you lose weight because it cuts out calories from other sources, such as other meats, dairy products, fats, beans, grains and sweets.", "‘Berries are a critical part of our diet, thanks to their high levels of Vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants,’ explains nutrition scientist Bridget Benelam of the British Nutrition Foundation, who says three heaped tablespoons or 80g provide one serving. 1 Blue bliss: Blueberries lowers the risk of a heart attack and improves blood flow.", "A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar which can help keep appetite in check.", "Advantages for consumers: 1 Eat ultra-fresh food, with all the flavor and vitamin benefits. 2 Get exposed to new vegetables and new ways of cooking. 3 Usually get to visit the farm at least once a season. 4 Find that kids typically favor food from their farm - even veggies they've never been known to eat.", "The health benefits of cottage cheese include weight loss, a good supply of protein, B complex vitamins and healthy fats, and a reduced risk of breast cancer.", "3. Eating more gives your body the fuel to want to exercise. When you diet and eat less, you don't have any energy. You may understand the benefits of exercise, but it's. impossible to get off the couch without food. That's why eating more will give you the fuel you need to work-out and add lean muscle mass." ]
enzyme substrate specificity definition
Paws for thought. Enzyme-substrate specificity means that a substrate can fit into an enzyme similar to a key fitting into a lock. The active site of the enzyme is what determines its specificity. An enzyme can hence catalyze a reaction with a specific substrate, such as amylase catalyzing starch molecules.
[ "As enzymes have a more or less broad range of substrate specificity, it follows that a given substrate may be acted on by a number of different enzymes, each of which uses the same substrate(s) and produces the same product(s).", "Catalase has a Km of 1.1M but a Kcat of 4 X 10*7 while acetylcholinesterase has a Km of 9 X 10*-5 but a Kcat value of only 1.4 X 10*4. While a low Km value will definitely mean a high affinity of enzyme for substrate, this does not readily eqaute to a high Kcat value. What does enzyme specificity mean? An enzyme is specific to one and only one reaction.", "Because k cat / K m is a measure of the rate of the reaction divided by the term that reflects the steady-state affinity of the enzyme for the substrate, it is considered an indicator of the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme and sometimes is called the specificity constant.", "Do enzymes break down any molecule or just specific ones and how specific do they get: (Above). The specificity of an enzyme for it's substrate is generally a function of the enzyme's active site or binding site. The structure of the protein determines the range of substrates or keys that can fit into the lock.o enzymes break down any molecule or just specific ones and how specific do they get: (Above). The specificity of an enzyme for it's substrate is generally a function of the enzyme's active site or binding site. The structure of the protein determines the range of substrates or keys that can fit into the lock.", "Enzymes are very specific. In other words, the active site of each enzyme has a particular substrate to which it binds. The conformation, or shape, of the substrate determines its ability to bind to the active site of a particular enzyme. Enzymes cannot bind to substrates whose shape is not compatible with the active site.", "Enzymes act on specific substances and catalyze specific reactions. This indicates that an enzyme has two types of specificity —a substrate specificity and a reaction specificity. An enzyme displays its catalytic activity by identifying and binding to its specific substrate.", "Bond specificity is also called as relative specificity. Enzymes showing bond specificity are specific to substrates having similar bonds and similar structure. This means that they are specific only to certain types of bonds such as peptide bonds, glycosidic bonds, ester bonds etc.Example: α-amylase enzyme can hydrolyze α-1-4 glycosidic linkage in starch and glycogen, i.e., the enzyme is specific only to α-1-4 glycosidic bond and not to the substrate.nzymes showing substrate specificity are specific only to one substrate and one reaction. Example: Enzyme lactase can only hydrolyze the β-1-4 glycosidic bond of lactose to yield galactose and glucose. Similarly, Maltase can only act on the α-1-4 glycosidic linkage of two glucose molecules in maltose.", "The role of the enzyme is to reduce the activation energy, by bringing specific molecules together, rather than relying on random collisions) Action on specific Substrates. Enzymes are substrate specific, meaning only one particular substrate molecule can work with one particular enzyme. This is due to the reciprocally shaped active site. Since the enzyme is never chemically alter by a reaction, it can be reused in subsequent reactions – enzyme controlled reactions are always reversible.", "Bond specificity is also called as relative specificity. Enzymes showing bond specificity are specific to substrates having similar bonds and similar structure. This means that they are specific only to certain types of bonds such as peptide bonds, glycosidic bonds, ester bonds etc.", "Different types of enzymes have different degrees of specificity, or pickiness about which molecules can be used as substrates. Some enzymes accept only one particular substrate and will not catalyze a reaction even for a very closely related molecule.", "When the enzyme only can act on one substrate, it is said that the enzyme shows absolute specificity for the substrate. It is the case of succinate dehydrogenase, that is specific for succinate, or the L-glutamate dehydrogenase, specific for glutamate.", "Definition; Enzymes: biological catalysts which speed up chemical reactions, but remain unchanged themselves: Substrate: the substance which an enzyme works on: Product: the substance(s) which are produced by a reaction : Specific: the term used to describe the fact that one enzyme can work on only one substrate: Optimum", "Specificity of Enzymes. One of the properties of enzymes that makes them so important as diagnostic and research tools is the specificity they exhibit relative to the reactions they catalyze. A few enzymes exhibit absolute specificity; that is, they will catalyze only one particular reaction.", "What are Enzymes... An enzyme is a protein that acts as a catalyst. The enzyme is responsible for accelerating the rate of a reaction in which various substrates are converted to products through the formation of an enzyme-substrate complex.o enzymes break down any molecule or just specific ones and how specific do they get: (Above). The specificity of an enzyme for it's substrate is generally a function of the enzyme's active site or binding site. The structure of the protein determines the range of substrates or keys that can fit into the lock.", "Photo Credit Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Getty Images. An enzyme is a protein that speeds up the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs. Enzymes are substrate specific, meaning that each type of enzyme has a specific type of molecule that it affects. The human body needs enzymes to influence the rates at which biological processes occur. A number of diseases occur due to insufficient quantities of specific enzymes.", "The interaction between the substrate and the enzyme helps accelerate the reaction, and the specificity of enzymes result in minimal side reactions. It is of great importance to note that an enzyme cannot alter the laws of thermodynamics and consequently cannot alter the equilibrium of the reaction.", "Overview. An enzyme is a protein that speeds up the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs. Enzymes are substrate specific, meaning that each type of enzyme has a specific type of molecule that it affects.The human body needs enzymes to influence the rates at which biological processes occur.A number of diseases occur due to insufficient quantities of specific enzymes.nzymes are substrate specific, meaning that each type of enzyme has a specific type of molecule that it affects. The human body needs enzymes to influence the rates at which biological processes occur. A number of diseases occur due to insufficient quantities of specific enzymes.", "(a) It can not influence the specificity of an enzyme.(b) It moves the reactive portion of the enzyme closer to the substrate.(c) The enzyme's active site changes shape to fit the correct substrate but not other molecules.", "In the enzyme-. substrate complex, the substrate molecule binds to a very specific region of the enzyme. molecule called the active site. These active sites are highly selective for a specific substrate. molecule with which the enzyme binds. This is why enzymes are such highly specific.", "This brings us to a definition for enzyme activity. specific activity is defined in terms of enzyme units per mg enzyme protein. An enzyme unit is the amount of substrate converted to product per unit time under specific reaction conditions for pH and temperature.", "This kinetic parameter therefore importantly defines the affinity of the substrate for the enzyme. These two parameters for a specific enzyme defines: Vmax - the rate at which a substrate will be converted to product once bound to the enzyme. Km - how effectively the enzyme would bind he substrate, hence affinity.", "As enzymes are substrate specific, only a certain substrate will bind to its active site, due to its amino acid sequence determining the shape of the active site.", "Generally, an enzyme is specific for a substrate. For example, thrombin catalyzes the hydrolysis of the peptide bond between Arg and Gly. Nonbiological catalysts and enzymes tend to have a similar degree of reaction specificity.n enzyme yields a specific product, whereas a nonbiological catalyst may produce more than one product, and side reactions may occur. A substrate must bind to the active site before a reaction occurs. Reactions occur at the active site, which usually consists of a crevice on the surface of the enzyme.", "the substance which an enzyme works on: Product: the substance(s) which are produced by a reaction : Specific: the term used to describe the fact that one enzyme can work on only one substrate: Optimum: the conditions (usually temperature or pH) at which an enzyme works quickest", "A few enzymes exhibit absolute specificity; that is, they will catalyze only one particular reaction. Other enzymes will be specific for a particular type of chemical bond or functional group. In general, there are four distinct types of specificity: 1. Absolute specificity-the enzyme will catalyze only one reaction. few enzymes exhibit absolute specificity; that is, they will catalyze only one particular reaction. Other enzymes will be specific for a particular type of chemical bond or functional group. In general, there are four distinct types of specificity: 1. Absolute specificity-the enzyme will catalyze only one reaction.", "Enzyme-substrate complex. Definition. noun. A non-covalent complex composed of a substrate bound to the active site of the enzyme. Supplement. The enzyme-substrate complex is formed during a chemical reaction.The substrate may still dissociate from the enzyme.nzyme-substrate complex. Definition. noun. A non-covalent complex composed of a substrate bound to the active site of the enzyme. Supplement. The enzyme-substrate complex is formed during a chemical reaction.", "An enzyme is a protein that speeds up the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs. Enzymes are substrate specific, meaning that each type of enzyme has a specific type of molecule that it affects.", "Substrate (chemistry) (Redirected from Enzyme substrate (biology)) In chemistry, a substrate is typically the chemical species being observed in a chemical reaction, which is organic in nature and reacts with a reagent to generate a product. In synthetic and organic chemistry, the substrate is the chemical of interest that is being modified. In biochemistry, an enzyme substrate is the material upon which an enzyme acts. When referring to Le Chatelier's principle, the substrate is the reagent whose concentration is changed. The term substrate is highly context-dependent.", "An enzyme is a protein that speeds up the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs. Enzymes are substrate specific, meaning that each type of enzyme has a specific type of molecule that it affects. The human body needs enzymes to influence the rates at which biological processes occur.", "An enzyme is specific to the substrate it binds to. It is dependent on structure and placement as well as the sequence of amino acids of the substrate. If the sequence is complementary then it ensures the binding of the two components.", "However, we still know relatively little about how the structure of an enzyme controls which substrate is bound, how substrate orientation is enforced in the active site, and what factors are responsible for chemical specificity in the reactions that are catalyzed by a given enzyme." ]
do rhododendrons bloom in july?
Dexter Estate photo. In the Philadelphia and New York City areas, our best rhododendrons bloom from mid-May to June first or even through the first week in June. We do have R. mucronulatum, and a few of its varieties and hybrids, in late March and early April, and we do have R. maximum in late June and early July.
[ "Unopened buds beneath opened and spent blossoms should be left on the plant. Rhododendrons (Rhododendron spp.) are popular flowering shrubs that bloom in the spring. With proper care of spent blossoms and careful pruning when appropriate, your rhododendron should feature an abundance of blooms each year. Rhododendrons are best grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8, depending on the cultivar.", "Rhododendron bushes on top of Roan Mountain bloom through the months of May and June. Photo by Luke Barber Wallace Cole hand paints every bird feeder made from a gourd.", "Chasing the Rhododendron Blooms. Rhododendrons bloom in the spring, but exactly when the best time to find them depends on the weather, temperature, elevation and soil conditions. In other words, the flowers rarely appear at the same time every year.", "Rhododendrons produce flowers on last years growth. That is, flower buds for next Spring’s blooms develop during the Summer and Fall. If you prune during this time, you risk removing next year’s flowers.", "Rhododendron won't bloom. Does anyone have any ideas why my rhodie won't bloom????? I purchased in summer 06 and summer 07, nothing came up at all. When I purchased ithad many, many blooms on it. that was in August. What am I doing wrong????", "This footpath is the only place in Georgia where rhododendron bloom in June. The visitor's center at the top of the mountain and the gift shop/bookstore at the base are open daily from May to October and on weekends through November. A picnic area at the south end of the visitor parking center has 15 tables.", "Azaleas (Rhododendron spp.) flower profusely in spring and early summer in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. The shrubs grow readily from stem cuttings, which allows you to propagate your own new garden plants from your old favorites.", "Plant Tips. May...in the rhododendron garden. Gardeners who are in shape...are ready for the wonderful month of May in the garden. This is the month many rhododendrons return all the care given them by providing us with their glorious blooms...and it is also the month for getting them in the best possible shape. cleaning up frost damage... Many of us have discovered the early April frosts destroyed some of the emerging buds on our rhododendrons.", "May...in the rhododendron garden. Gardeners who are in shape...are ready for the wonderful month of May in the garden. This is the month many rhododendrons return all the care given them by providing us with their glorious blooms...and it is also the month for getting them in the best possible shape.", "L – Late Blooming Stagger the bloom times of Rhododendrons in your garden in order to lengthen the display of flowers in your garden. The spectacular display of Spring flowers and attractive evergreen leaves make Rhododendrons popular, versatile shrubs that offer multiple seasons of interest.", "Korean Rhododendron. Korean rhododendron (Rhododendron mucronulatum) is a flower that blooms in February. This deciduous, early-blooming flower displays bold rose or pink/purple flowers before displaying medium-green foliage that turns to yellow and red hues during autumn.", "Many deciduous azaleas form flowers before the leaves unfurl. Some azaleas bloom twice a season, on old wood in spring, then on new wood in late summer to fall. To grow rhododendron, ensure the plants receive adequate moisture and a well-drained acidic soil. 1 Facebook. 2 Pinterest. 3 Google Plus. 4 Email. 5 Print. 6 More.", "It can take 2-3 years after. It can take 2-3 years after planting for rhododendrons to bloom. There are also many other reasons for a lack of flowers and some varieties bloom less than others. Cold temps. in the spring can kill new buds.n warm climates, In warm climates, rhododendrons are best planted in the fall. They require: excellent drainage, a soil pH between 4.5 and 6.0, and protection from hot afternoon sun so a high canopy of filtered shade is a good idea. Oaks and pines are a great companion.", "L – Late Blooming Stagger the bloom times of Rhododendrons in your garden in order to lengthen the display of flowers in your garden. Landscape Uses. The spectacular display of Spring flowers and attractive evergreen leaves make Rhododendrons popular, versatile shrubs that offer multiple seasons of interest.", "It can take 2-3 years after. It can take 2-3 years after planting for rhododendrons to bloom. There are also many other reasons for a lack of flowers and some varieties bloom less than others. Cold temps. in the spring can kill new buds. Most large-leaved varieties require dappled shade; avoid deep shade or full sun. 2 A sunny spot that receives a few hours of shade is perfect. 3 Soil should be well-drained, humus-rich, moist, and acidic (pH 4.5–6). 4 Amend planting areas with compost, peat moss, or a substitute, and oak leaves to achieve ideal conditions.", "Rhododendrons are grown from seeds, cuttings or grafting. Most home gardeners do not start Rhododendrons from seed, as plant grown from seed takes 2-10 years to produce the first bloom. Most homeowners buy established Rhododendron plants while in full bloom from a garden store.enus: Rhododendron. A Rhododendron bush, is a popular flowering bush and foundation plant, with bright spring blooms. They are native to tropical and temperate regions. While it is a bush, Rhododendron bushes can grow up to 80 feet tall! Rhododendrons are closely related to Azaleas.", "The how to prune and when to prune are more important than how much to prune, when it comes to Rhododendron Plants. Most pruning of large flowered Rhodys should be done in the early spring at blooming time. You will lose some of the flower buds, but the plant will put its energy into producing the new growth buds,", "In addition to summer annuals, other estate blooms include native rhododendron and perennials. Mid-September-October. Hundreds of vibrant chrysanthemums and salvias fill the Walled Garden, Estate Entry, and Winery beds. Mid-Late October. Fall foliage colors.", "Fall Bloom Of Rhododendrons. Dr. Sandra McDonald, Hampton, VA. Fall bloom of rhododendrons has been a problem for nurserymen and rhododendron gardeners for many years. It occurs in species and hybrids of rhododendrons, including evergreen and deciduous azaleas.", "Rhododendron 10K Run: Race begins Saturday at 8:30 AM. To see the famous blooms, drive the 12.8-mile NC 261 for a scenic drive that climbs 3,000 feet in elevation to Roan Mountain. Read more about seeing the blooms. Tennessee Rhododendron Festival: June 16-17, 2018 Held outdoors at the big Roan Mountain State Park on Saturday and Sunday, find handmade crafts, food, traditional music, plus an array of old-time folkway demonstrations. More than 100 arts and crafts vendors.", "Stagger the bloom times of Rhododendrons in your garden in order to lengthen the display of flowers in your garden. Landscape Uses. The spectacular display of Spring flowers and attractive evergreen leaves make Rhododendrons popular, versatile shrubs that offer multiple seasons of interest.", "Rhododendrons and Azaleas can be planted at any time of the year, even when they are in bloom, but it is best to plant them in the early fall so they have a chance to adjust to their new home before winter comes. They must be grown in an acid soil, with a pH of 5.0 to 6.5. Rhododendron and Azalea plants will not tolerate lime.", "70 Years and Blooming: Roan Mountain Rhododendron Festival attracts large crowd. Rhododendron bushes on top of Roan Mountain bloom through the months of May and June. Wallace Cole hand paints every bird feeder made from a gourd. Crowds gather around white tents at the Roan Mountain Rhododendron Festival.", "The how to prune and when to prune are more important than how much to prune, when it comes to Rhododendron Plants. Most pruning of large flowered Rhodys should be done in the early spring at blooming time.", "Rhododendrons can be pruned as much or as little as you like. The how to prune and when to prune are more important than how much to prune, when it comes to Rhododendron Plants. Most pruning of large flowered Rhodys should be done in the early spring at blooming time.", "TREES & plants. Rhododendron P.J.M. Rhododendrons are shrubs with showy flowers in spring, usually in shade of white, pink, purple and red. Some kinds of rhododendrons are commonly called azaleas. Relatively few rhododendrons are fully hardy in the Chicago area or can cope well with its alkaline soils. The hybrid Rhododendron P.J.M. does very well in cold climates and is one of the hardier rhododendrons for the Chicago region.", "After blooming is a good time to remove branches or reduced the size of rhododendrons. The pruned branches will not likely bloom next year. Reducing the plant over a period of three or so years will maintain blooms and not shock the plant too much.", "Deadhead and prune your rhododendrons. Published 10:00 pm, Wednesday, April 30, 2008. The best time to deadhead the spent flowers on rhododendrons is within about three weeks after they finish blooming, when the old trusses are still pliable enough to snap right off without damaging the growth buds. The main reason to deadhead is to improve the plant's appearance.", "Pink is another classic rhododendron color, with both light and dark pink blooms available. “Normandy” features small blooms with a dark, almost purple, pink, while “Ignatius Sargent” features blossoms that show both dark and light pinks. Both grow in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 8.", "A Rhododendron bush, is a popular flowering bush and foundation plant, with bright spring blooms. They are native to tropical and temperate regions. While it is a bush, Rhododendron bushes can grow up to 80 feet tall!Rhododendrons are closely related to Azaleas. The biggest difference between the Rhododendron plant and an Azalea bush, and a Rhododendron is an evergreen bush.hododendrons are grown from seeds, cuttings or grafting. Most home gardeners do not start Rhododendrons from seed, as plant grown from seed takes 2-10 years to produce the first bloom. Most homeowners buy established Rhododendron plants while in full bloom from a garden store.", "The dramatic flowers that cover the entire shrub in springtime. Rhododendron flowers come in a range of colors to fit any garden design scheme. Gardeners choose rhododendrons primarily for the flowers. Making sure that the rhododendron blooms heavily, year after year, is a top priority. Three factors influence blooming, and gardeners control them all: location of the rhododendron in the garden, proper fertilizer and complete deadheading of spent blooms.", "Of lesser importance is the plant's location in your garden. Some rhododendrons will flourish in full sun and some in partial shade. A happy medium is probably the best, with high filtered light from surrounding tall trees. By removing the lower branches of the trees the rhododendrons can enjoy the full early morning and late afternoon sun.", "At the mountain’s peak, Roan Mountain Rhododendron Gardens was in full bloom. Years ago the festival was held at the Gardens, but eventually moved down the mountain. On Father’s Day the blooming rhododendron were quite popular as many travelers decided to take a break from the festivities and hike to the top to snap a few photos of the red rhododendron, with the mountains that serve as their backdrop.", "A Rhododendron bush, is a popular flowering bush and foundation plant, with bright spring blooms. They are native to tropical and temperate regions. While it is a bush, Rhododendron bushes can grow up to 80 feet tall! Rhododendrons are closely related to Azaleas.", "High Season (March, April, May, September, October & November). 1 The weather is best in spring and autumn. 2 Himalayan views are best in October. 3 Rhododendron blooms peak in March and April.", "Rhododendrons are grown from seeds, cuttings or grafting. Most home gardeners do not start Rhododendrons from seed, as plant grown from seed takes 2-10 years to produce the first bloom. Most homeowners buy established Rhododendron plants while in full bloom from a garden store.hododendrons are grown from seeds, cuttings or grafting. Most home gardeners do not start Rhododendrons from seed, as plant grown from seed takes 2-10 years to produce the first bloom. Most homeowners buy established Rhododendron plants while in full bloom from a garden store.", "Rhododendrons can be pruned as much or as little as you like. The how to prune and when to prune are more important than how much to prune, when it comes to Rhododendron Plants. Most pruning of large flowered Rhodys should be done in the early spring at blooming time.You will lose some of the flower buds, but the plant will put its energy into producing the new growth buds,ersonally, I prune to attain the shape of the plant I want. If it is necessary to cut the plant way back, it is best to do it in two stages. Cut half of the branches, halfway back, and then the following spring, you can cut the other half.", "Rhododendron luteum AGM: Deciduous type for full sun with a height and spread of 4m (12ft) and strongly scented yellow flowers in late spring. Rhododendron yakushimanum ‘Koichiro Wada’ AGM: Dome-shaped rhododendron to 2m (6ft) across and high, with rose-pink buds opening to pale pink flowers in late spring.", "Genus: Rhododendron. A Rhododendron bush, is a popular flowering bush and foundation plant, with bright spring blooms. They are native to tropical and temperate regions. While it is a bush, Rhododendron bushes can grow up to 80 feet tall! Rhododendrons are closely related to Azaleas.The biggest difference between the Rhododendron plant and an Azalea bush, and a Rhododendron is an evergreen bush.hododendrons are grown from seeds, cuttings or grafting. Most home gardeners do not start Rhododendrons from seed, as plant grown from seed takes 2-10 years to produce the first bloom. Most homeowners buy established Rhododendron plants while in full bloom from a garden store." ]
what is oath of the horatii mean
Roman salute. The Oath of the Horatii (1786), by Jacques-Louis David. The Roman salute (Italian: saluto romano) is a gesture in which the arm is held out forward straight, with palm down, and fingers touching. In some versions, the arm is raised upward at an angle; in others, it is held out parallel to the ground.
[ "David finished The Oath of the Horatii in 1784, just five years before the French Revolution in 1789. The message of patriotism, strength, and loyalty to country resonated with the ideals of the French monarchy at the time, as they were his patrons.", "influence of Horatii and Curiatii. in Horatii and Curiatii. The story forms the subject of Pierre Corneille’s 17th-century French tragedy Horace and of the 18th-century French artist Jacques-Louis David’s painting The Oath of the Horatii in the Louvre in Paris—although there is no oath in Livy’s account. Read More.", "In Rome, David painted his famous Oath of the Horatii, 1784. In this piece, the artist references Enlightenment values while alluding to Rousseau's social contract. The republican ideal of the general will becomes the focus of the painting with all three sons positioned in compliance with the father.", "Before Oath of the Horatii, French history paintings in a more Rococo style such as Jean-Francois-François Pierre’peyron S death Of (alcestis) 1785 involved the viewer by appealing to sentiment and presenting softly modeled graceful. figures", "painted five years before the revolution the oath of the horatii reflects the political tensions of the period in 1789 david painted the lictors bring to brutus the bodies of his sons a picture that was also a royal commission", "In the period during which he painted Oath of the Horatii, David painted works representing civic duty to one's city, and this is what this particular painting was all about. Bruce Wayne's parents had a different vision for Gotham, that was referenced by Gordon in a recent episode.", "Corneille’s play, Horace, was being performed in Paris at this time. Oath of the Horatii was started in Paris, but David felt he needed to be immersed in the ambiance and culture of Rome to complete it.", "The Horatii brothers (detail), Jacques-Louis David, Oath of the Horatii, oil on canvas, 3.3 x 4.25m, commissioned by Louis XVI, painted in Rome, exhibited at the salon of 1785 (Musee musée Du) Louvre no one had seen a painting like. it", "To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Jacques-Louis David, Oath of the Horatii, oil on canvas, 3.3 x 4.25m, commissioned by Louis XVI, painted in Rome, exhibited at the salon of 1785 (Musee musée Du). louvre", "jacques louis david oath of the horatii oil on canvas 1784 musée du louvre created by beth harris and steven zucker", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: According to Livy, the Horatii were male triplets from Rome. During a war between Rome and Alba Longa during the reign of Tullus Hostilius, it was agreed that settlement of the war would depend on the outcome of a battle between the Horatii and the Curiatii.", "author s ophélie lerouge in the 7th century bc the three horatii brothers chosen by the romans to defy the curiatii the champions of the town of alba are swearing to defeat their enemies or die as they receive their weapons from their father the women of the family are prostrate with suffering", "the horatii and the curiatii in the 7th century bc to put an end to the bloody war between rome and alba both cities designated champions the former chose the horatii the latter the curiatii the two families were linked by marriage", "At the time of the creation of Oath of the Horatii, he was employed by the French Monarchy and therefore his paintings had to somewhat align with the monarchy’s particular views and messages. Five years later, David mingled with revolutionaries and worked against the monarchy, painting images of people like Marat.", "It was followed by others, painted on the same principles, but with greater perfection of art: The Grief of Andromache (1783), The Oath of the Horatii (Salon, 1785), The Death of Socrates, Love of Paris and Helen (1788), Brutus (1789).", "The Horatii and the Curatti are related by marriage. Sabina, a Curatti, is married to one of the brothers taking the oath and Camilla, a Horatii, is betrothed to a Curatti. The approximate symmetry of the painting is more prominent when the story is known.", "The oath is an important ceremonial gesture signifying the official start to one’s term in office. Importantly, it is a means for the official to make a public commitment to the duties, responsibilities and obligations associated with holding public office.", "Oath(noun) a solemn affirmation or declaration, made with a reverent appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. Oath(noun) a solemn affirmation, connected with a sacred object, or one regarded as sacred, as the temple, the altar, the blood of Abel, the Bible, the Koran, etc.", "oath(Noun) the affirmed statement or promise accepted as equivalent to an oath. oath(Noun) A light or insulting use of a solemn pledge or promise to a god, king or another person, to attest to the truth of a statement or contract the name of a deity in a profanity, as in swearing oaths.", "An oath of office is an oath or affirmation a person takes before undertaking the duties of an office, usually a position in government or within a religious body, although such oaths are sometimes required of officers of other organizations.", "What Is Involved. Oath is a familiar term to a notary who is accustom to completing a jurat certificate. A jurat is attached to a document which must be sworn to by the signer. In such a situation the conscientious notary requests the signer raise their hand and swear or affirm that the foregoing statement is truthful. Administering an oath to a witness who is about to give testimony by telephone is not much different.", "Oath of office. An oath of office is an oath or affirmation a person takes before undertaking the duties of an office, usually a position in government or within a religious body, although such oaths are sometimes required of officers of other organizations.", "the Hippocratic oath noun [S]. › a ​promise made by ​people when they ​become ​doctors to do everything ​possible to ​help ​their ​patients and to have high ​moral ​standards in ​their ​work. (Definition of the Hippocratic oath from the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press). Blogs about the Hippocratic oath. 1 Byronic, Orwellian and Darwinian: adjectives from names.", "Traditionally an oath (from Anglo-Saxon āð, also called plight) is either a statement of fact or a promise with wording relating to something considered sacred as a sign of verity.", "Sabine, wife of Horatii, is the sister of Curiaces; Camille, sister of Horatii, are promised in marriage to the one of Curiaces. The dramatic intensity is returned by a set of strong lines which guide the glance and by a clear opposition of the colors, pure and honest, the red announces the sacrifice of Horatii.", "the Hippocratic oath noun [S]. › a ​promise made by ​people when they ​become ​doctors to do everything ​possible to ​help ​their ​patients and to have high ​moral ​standards in ​their ​work. (Definition of the Hippocratic oath from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press).", "The oath of office of the President of the United States is the oath or affirmation that the President of the United States takes after assuming the presidency but before he or she begins the execution of the office. The wording of the oath is specified in Article II, Section One, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution.", "Oath [edit]. 1 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.", "Meaning & History. Variant of HORATIUS. It was borne by the British admiral Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), famous for his defeat of Napoleon's forces in the Battle of Trafalgar, in which he was himself killed. Since his time the name has been occasionally used in his honour." ]
what makes the white river badlands unique
Open April 17 - October 4. The Badlands/White River KOA lies just 5 miles from Badlands National Park. The rugged beauty of the Badlands includes rich fossil beds, and the nation's largest protected mixed-grass prairie, where you'll find bison, bighorn sheep, prairie dogs and black-footed ferrets.Hiking trails and ranger programs offer ways to savor this natural wonder.pen April 17 - October 4. The Badlands/White River KOA lies just 5 miles from Badlands National Park. The rugged beauty of the Badlands includes rich fossil beds, and the nation's largest protected mixed-grass prairie, where you'll find bison, bighorn sheep, prairie dogs and black-footed ferrets.
[ "Badlands are common in South Dakota west of the Missouri River, in the area known as the Missouri Plateau. Badlands formations often occur along the bluffs of the larger river valleys or on the sides of sizable buttes.ust west of the Little Missouri River, at the headwaters of the Moreau River, is an area known as the Jump Off badlands. Smaller areas of badlands can also be found along the edges of the Slim Buttes and Cave Hills and in the valleys of the Grand and Moreau Rivers.", "The Badlands National Park is located in southwestern South Dakota, and protects 242,756 acres of land. The park receives approximately 872,000 visitors each year.he canyons in Badlands National Park in South Dakota were formed by the depostion of layers composed of tiny grains of sediments such as sand, silt, and clay, and then by … erosion when the Cheyenne River captured streams and rivers flowing from the Black Hills into the Badlands region.", "Fly-Fishing on the White River. The White River (origin to Bull Shoals Lake) meanders in direction from its headwaters near Fayetteville and up through southern Missouri to its reentry in Arkansas as it heads southeast past Cotter and Batesville.It runs through this mountainous region of the Ozarks before tumbling into the Delta.ly-Fishing on the White River. The White River (origin to Bull Shoals Lake) meanders in direction from its headwaters near Fayetteville and up through southern Missouri to its reentry in Arkansas as it heads southeast past Cotter and Batesville.", "Badlands are common in South Dakota west of the Missouri River, in the area known as the Missouri Plateau. Badlands formations often occur along the bluffs of the larger river valleys or on the sides of sizable buttes.", "Badlands Formation. About 500,000 years ago, the Cheyenne River pirated some of the Black Hills drainages that had fed the Badlands area with mountain sediments. Erosion, not deposition, began dominating the landscape in the present semi-arid climate.", "The wild White River Basin, stretching from the Oklahoma/Arkansas border northward to I-44 at Springfield, MO, and back southward to Memphis, TN,. has been somewhat tamed by a series of dams creating four lakes. Beaver Lake is the first of the chain. From there the water is released into Table Rock Lake.Table Rock Lake releases into Lake Taneycomo, which in turn releases into Bull Shoals. Bull Shoals releases into the White River. Lake Norfolk is an independent lake that also releases into the White River approximately 45 miles downstream from Bull Shoals Dam.ranson received 4.5 inches in 30 hours. Since Beaver Lake was already full, it had to release the new rainfall watershed into Table Rock. Table Rock Lake opened all 10 gates to an unprecedented level, 46,500 cubic feet per second.", "Share to: The canyons in Badlands National Park in South Dakota were formed by the depostion of layers composed of tiny grains of sediments such as sand, silt, and clay, and then by … erosion when the Cheyenne River captured streams and rivers flowing from the Black Hills into the Badlands region. In the United States, National Parks are areas designated by the federal government and managed by the National Park Service (NPS).", "The Badlands are a region of the US state of North Dakota. The Badlands are located in the southwest portion of the state. The area is dry today, but in the past, rivers carved out stunning rock features that stand today. It must truly be seen to be believed.", "The box canyons of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, dedicated in 2013, offer dramatic wilderness and important bird sanctuary surrounding some of the finest whitewater in the West for skilled paddlers, establishing an outdoor recreational mecca that extends downstream along 74 miles of Wild & Scenic river.", "The Grande Ronde is designated by Congress as a Wild & Scenic River, and the Wallowa and Grande Ronde are protected as Oregon Scenic Waterways. The rivers race past rocks and boulders in swift Class II-III whitewater. Minam Roller, Red Rock, Blind Falls, Sheep Creek, and Martin’s Misery are great fun.", "From the one-of-a-kind geology and incredible whitewater in Westwater Canyon to the sweeping sun-bathed landscapes of the Colorado River through Castle Valley, this stretch of river is perhaps one of the most diverse and beautiful on the Colorado.", "The Badlands provide some of the most mysterious sights to see in the national park system, from fossil beds to spired rocks formations. The Badlands provide some of the most mysterious sights to see in the national park system, from fossil beds to spired rocks formations.", "Badlands are a type of dry terrain where softer sedimentary rocks and clay-rich soils have been extensively eroded by wind and water. They are characterized by steep slopes, minimal vegetation, lack of a substantial regolith, and high drainage density. They can resemble malpaís, a terrain of volcanic rock.", "White Lake is one of the largest lakes on the Dniester estuary after Lakes Tudorovo and Putryne. The number of white lilies on the lake is so great that its surface seems white. The lake is about 2 km long, 1.3 km wide. In some places it is up to 1.6 m deep. The lake is connected with the Dniester and Turunchuk by channels. The total number of plant species is only about 25 species, but, nevertheless, it is a unique habitat of plant species, protected at different environmental levels.", "Badlands are a type of dry terrain where softer sedimentary rocks and clay-rich soils have been extensively eroded by wind and water. They are characterized by steep slopes, minimal vegetation, lack of a substantial regolith, and high drainage density. They can resemble malpais, malpaís a terrain of volcanic. Rock, canyons, ravines, gullies, buttes, mesas hoodoos and other such geological forms are common in. badlands", "Badlands are a type of dry terrain where softer sedimentary rocks and clay-rich soils have been extensively eroded by wind and water. They are characterized by steep slopes, minimal vegetation, lack of a substantial regolith, and high drainage density.", "Badlands National Park. Badlands National Park (Lakota: Makȟóšiča) is a national park in southwestern South Dakota that protects 242,756 acres (379.306 sq mi; 98,240 ha) of sharply eroded buttes, pinnacles, and spires blended with the largest undisturbed mixed grass prairie in the United States. The park is managed by the National Park Service.", "Badlands is being billed as the third part in the Highway Quartet. It works as a stand alone too but centers on a character first introduced in the Highway. There is a thin plot thread from that book which will lead us to book 4, but Badlands is really a novel about the police department in a fracking boomtown in North Dakota that runs across a gang that wants to control drugs in the town.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Badlands National Park (Lakota: Makȟošiča) makȟóšiča is a national park in Southwestern South dakota that 242,756 242756 (acres.379 306 sq; 98,240 98240) ha of sharply eroded, buttes, pinnacles and spires blended with the largest undisturbed mixed grass prairie in The United. statesnder the Mission 66 plan, the Ben Reifel Visitor Center was constructed for the monument in 1957–58. The park also administers the nearby Minuteman Missile National Historic Site.", "Bull Shoals Lake impounds the White River for the last time as water travels toward its mouth on the Mississippi River. Bull Shoals is thus the lake farthest downstream in a chain of four artificial lakes that include (from upstream to downstream) Beaver Lake, Table Rock Lake and Lake Taneycomo.The lake is controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers and has the primary purpose of flood control.he completion of Table Rock Dam in 1958 changed the source of water to Taneycomo from that of the White River's flowing waters to the bottom tailwater of Table Rock Lake from the dam spillway and made.", "Badlands are semiarid regions with sparse vegetation that experience high rates of erosion. Water and wind, instead of carving gentle hills and broad valleys, sculpt soft sedimentary rock into intricate mazes of narrow ravines, v-shaped gullies, knife-sharp ridges, buttes, and colorful pinnacles.", "The White Sands National Monument is a unique geological environment due to the fact that the sand dunes are composed of gypsum grains.Most sand dunes are composed of quartz grains.he White Sands National Monument is a unique geological environment due to the fact that the sand dunes are composed of gypsum grains.", "The Badwater Basin is a salt flat adjacent to the Black Mountains that descends to the lowest elevation in North America at 279 feet (85 m) below sea level. The massive expanse of white is made up of almost pure table salt.", "It is part of the National Park Service, … U.S. Department of the Interior and is located in southwestern South Dakota at Interior, SD.he canyons in Badlands National Park in South Dakota were formed by the depostion of layers composed of tiny grains of sediments such as sand, silt, and clay, and then by … erosion when the Cheyenne River captured streams and rivers flowing from the Black Hills into the Badlands region.", "A River Runs Through It. A rugged, whitewater river flowing northward through deep canyons, the New River is among the oldest rivers on the continent. The park encompasses over 70,000 acres of land along the New River, is rich in cultural and natural history, and offers an abundance of scenic and recreational opportunities. Read More.", "Thus, the New River provides plenty of excitement for whitewater enthusiasts, with several major Class II – III rapids. There is also an abundance of flatwater to please motorboaters and canoeists. Fishing is not to be missed in the New River. Simply stated, New rivals the James and Rappahannock rivers as one of the best fishing rivers in Virginia.", "Badlands National Park is considered home to one of the world's richest deposits of mammal fossil beds. The Oglala Lakota Nation, the second-largest American Indian Reservation in the United States, co-manages half of Badlands National Park.hose who traverse the lower prairie to the south, however, can't miss it; it rises above them like a city skyline in ruins, petrified. The Badlands Wall, much of which is preserved within the boundaries of Badlands National Park, may not conform to everyone's idea of beauty, but nobody can deny its theatricality.", "Experience some of the biggest whitewater on the Green River as you run Wire Fence and Three Fords rapids. Drift into the scenic Gray Canyon, as you leave Desolation Canyon, traversing 40 million years of geologic history in a matter of minutes.", "The Badlands Wilderness protects 64,144 acres (100.225 sq mi; 25,958 ha) of the park as a designated wilderness area and is the site of the reintroduction of the black-footed ferret, the most endangered land mammal in North America.nder the Mission 66 plan, the Ben Reifel Visitor Center was constructed for the monument in 1957–58. The park also administers the nearby Minuteman Missile National Historic Site.", "Whitewater rafting the Colorado River’s Shoshone stretch is perfect for visitors to the Vail area and for Vail locals alike. This trip will take you through the gorgeous Glenwood Canyon, where rock walls tower above the river and hot springs abound in the lower section.Along with amazing views, Shoshone offers a mile of Class III rapids, followed by an incredibly scenic float.This stretch of river is a great introduction to whitewater rafting, and it’s fun for all ages.While floating Shoshone’s mild sections, you’ll encounter numerous spots to take a swim on hot days or start a water fight with other boats.When this rafting trip is over, you’ll enjoy a fresh lunch served at the Timberline Tours private take-out.hile floating Shoshone’s mild sections, you’ll encounter numerous spots to take a swim on hot days or start a water fight with other boats. When this rafting trip is over, you’ll enjoy a fresh lunch served at the Timberline Tours private take-out.", "Badlands National Park contains one of the world’s richest fossil beds, permitting scientists to study the evolution of mammal species such as the horse, rhino and saber-toothed cat. From tiny shrews to 2,000-pound bison, the Badlands is home to many species of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and butterflies.", "Things to See and Do in the White Mountains. The White Mountains region offers visitors one memorable experience after another. We've got easy walks and strenuous hikes, Donald-Ross designed golf courses, crystal clear mountain lakes and streams for swimming and boating, and sandy lakeside beaches just perfect for lying in the sun.", "Many species of wildlife rely on the river for habitat (food, water, shelter and a place to raise young) and a corridor along which to travel and migrate. Wildlife found on or around the White River:", "Experience the Joy of Fishing & Boating. Drawing its name from the magnificent river flowing through the Ozarks, White River Marine Group™ (WRMG) is the world’s largest builder of fishing and recreational boats by volume. WRMG is also a member of Springfield, Missouri-based Bass Pro Group, a multifaceted organization that includes Bass Pro Shops®." ]
what is xbin
In the case that your XBIN file doesn't open, it is highly likely that you do not have the correct software application installed on your PC to view or edit XBIN file extensions. If your PC opens the XBIN file, but it's the wrong application, you'll need to change your Windows registry file association settings.
[ "Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder (Xh) that is passed through generations and can be traced by using a pedigree. mc018-1.jpg What is the probability that a female child of Charles and Marie would suffer from hemophilia? 0 percent Punnett squares are used to show possible combinations of alleles or to predict the probability of a trait occurring in offspring. Cats that have coats that are a patchwork of black and orange are called tortoiseshell cats, are typically female, and have genes that code for both black fur (Xo) and orange fur (XO) located on the X chromosomes. Y chromosomes do not code for color in tortoiseshell cats.", "Haemophilia A, is a recessive X-linked genetic disorder resulting in a deficiency of functional clotting Factor VIII. Haemophilia B, is also a recessive X-linked genetic disorder involving a lack of functional clotting Factor IX.", "Hemophilia is an X linked or sex linked inherited disorder which means that the defect is carried on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes and males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. The X chromosome, which carries the hemophilia gene in males, causes Factor VIII or Factor IX to be missing or deficient (low level). Each child of a hemophilia carrier has a 50% chance of being affected by hemophilia; either having hemophilia for a male or being a carrier for a female.", "A deficiency of blood coagulation factor IX inherited as an X-linked disorder. (Also known as Christmas Disease, after the first patient studied in detail, not the holy day.) Historical and clinical features resemble those in classic hemophilia (HEMOPHILIA A), but patients present with fewer symptoms.", "X-linked recessive: red-green color blindness, Hemophilia A. Genes are inherited from our biological parents in specific ways. One of the basic patterns of inheritance of our genes is called X-linked inheritance. What is X-linked inheritance? X-linked inheritance means that the gene causing the trait or the disorder is located on the X chromosome.", "X-linked Recessive: Red-Green Color Blindness, Hemophilia A. Genes are inherited from our biological parents in specific ways. One of the basic patterns of inheritance of our genes is called X-linked recessive inheritance. X-linked inheritance means that the gene causing the trait or the disorder is located on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes; males have one X and one Y. Genes on the X chromosome can be recessive or dominant. Their expression in females and males is not the same.", "Albinism is a condition caused by insufficient production of melanin, the pigment that gives color to your skin and hair. This melanin deficiency also affects the eyes, which can appear red or pink as a result. Since albinos lack pigment, their eyes aren’t really red.", "Introduction and discovery. Introduction. Factor X (pronounced 10) deficiency is a very rare blood coagulation disorder with complications that vary with the severity of the disorder. This deficiency is not well known, even among health professionals. People affected by this deficiency and those close to them have very little written information about it.", "89Abstract: Xanthomonas campestris pv. zinniae (XCZ) has been found to rapidly degrade cercosporin, a photoactivated polyketide toxin produced by fungi in the genus Cercospora.he bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. zinniae (XCZ) is a pathogen of zinnia, causing bacterial leafspot disease. This disease was first reported in Italy in 1929 and in North America in 1972 (1, 15)." ]
can allergies make you tired and weak
If you have allergy-related asthma, you are also getting less oxygen during sleep and may experience daytime fatigue. Medication. Ironically, some allergy medications may also lead to poor sleep and the same vicious cycle of insomnia and daytime drowsiness. Many antihistamines can leave you groggy throughout the day.
[ "Report This | Share this:Is my immune system weak?Sorry to post again, but I'm just really curious about the immune system and how it functions: I do have a tough time in the fall with seasonal allergies such as to ragweed & mold, and it's around this time that I have inflammed and/or irritated nasal passages.'m curious about my immune system. I seem to catch colds too often (4 per year ave.), and the symptoms are very intense (headaches, runny nose, congestion, cough, fatigue). However, I never have symptoms that linger more than 2 days.", "Certain medicines may also cause drowsiness or fatigue, including antihistamines for allergies, blood pressure medicines, sleeping pills, steroids, and diuretics. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition in which symptoms of fatigue persist for at least 6 months and do not resolve with rest. The fatigue may be worsened with physical activity or mental stress.", "Stress hormones may stimulate the production of IgE, blood proteins that cause allergic reactions, says study author Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD. If you’re under stress, get enough sleep. A sleep deficit can worsen both allergy symptoms and stress, she says.", "But adrenal fatigue can affect the function of the adrenals at different levels, causing tiredness, food allergies and even autoimmune disorders if left untreated. It can also affect thyroid function. Adrenal fatigue is often linked to a myriad of symptoms, but low vitamin D may be one of the factors involved. See your doctor immediately if you think you are suffering from adrenal fatigue or low vitamin D.", "No. 7: Insomnia. Itchy skin and eyes, a stuffy head, postnasal drip, sinus pain, and other allergy symptoms can make it tough to sleep. Coughing or wheezing may also make it hard to nod off. Some allergy meds can disrupt a good night's sleep.", "These could be seasonal pollens, pets, or even foods you eat. One uncommon symptom may leave you wondering: Can allergies cause dizziness? You know the classic symptoms: stuffy nose, headache, fatigue, and irritated throat, but dizziness may not be common for you.", "Often the problem is chronic and worsens when the person is fatigued, or under stress. An adrenal insufficiency is the major cause of allergies to pollen, dusts, molds, animal hair, foods and environmental chemicals. An adrenal insufficiency-caused allergy can be readily identified from a hair mineral analysis.", "On the other hand, allergy medications can also affect mood in some people. Medications like Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) cause some people to feel anxious and jittery, and others to feel lethargic. Many antihistamines cause drowsiness.", "The most common allergens are dust, pollen, animal dander, mold, insect stings, certain foods, medications and latex. In his article “Molds, Mites, and Pollens: Common Causes of Allergic Fatigue,” Ronald Hoffman, M.D., says “over twenty million Americans suffer from hay fever. About ten million are victims of asthma, and another eleven million suffer from skin disorders like eczema, hives, and rashes.", "Secondly, she says, antihistamines can dry you out and make you thirsty. In some people, the signal for thirst can be confused with the signal for hunger, she adds, making you more likely to eat when you really should be reaching for a glass of water. Don't let allergies ruin your summer beach body.", "The most common allergens are dust, pollen, animal dander, mold, insect stings, certain foods, medications and latex. Allergies & Fatigue. In his article “Molds, Mites, and Pollens: Common Causes of Allergic Fatigue,” Ronald Hoffman, M.D., says “over twenty million Americans suffer from hay fever. About ten million are victims of asthma, and another eleven million suffer from skin disorders like eczema, hives, and rashes.", "It will also explain the difference between CFS and “normal” fatigue.AllergiesBoth seasonal allergies and hidden food allergies are a common cause of fatigue. Allergic rhinitis (seasonal allergies) is associated with sleep disturbances that cause daytime sleepiness and fatigue.idden food allergies erode away our health over time, causing fatigue and other health problems.There are two ways to address fatigue caused by seasonal and/or food allergies. The first step is to identify the delayed food allergies through the use of the ELISA immunoassay testing.", "Yes, allergies can cause one to feel dizzy, light headed and drained. Your body may also react to an allergy with a headache, rash, hives, swelling and vomiting. Health: clinical ecologist, diet and disease, environmental medicine, psychiatry, writer, lecturer, published book author, and a webmaster.", "Oral antihistamines, available as over-the-counter and prescription drugs, ease runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, hives, swelling, and other signs or symptoms of allergies. Because some of these drugs can cause drowsiness and fatigue, they shouldn't be taken when driving or doing other potentially dangerous activities.", "Sleep apnea, caused by a blockage anywhere from the tip of the nose to the back of the throat, is another complication of allergies or sinus problems, leading to sleep deprivation and chronic fatigue.", "Adrenal fatigue is a syndrome that can, over time, cause low blood pressure, allergies, and pure exhaustion. These issues, although very concerning, can also be relieved when adrenal dysfunction is healed. And the good news is, it can be healed." ]
what is a cusa machine
The Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) is a dissecting device that uses ultrasonic frequencies to fragment tissue. This highly-specialized instrument is available at only a handful of veterinary universities and human hospitals that focus on neurosurgery.
[ "CUSA ® from Fiserv delivers a powerful, cost efficient account processing solution for credit unions that lack the resources to develop or manage applications in-house.", "CUSA enables credit unions to provide products and services members need, while promoting strategies that encourage growth and success internally. With “out of the box” functionality, organizations can focus on staffing a strong supporting cast to ensure superior member service and operational efficiency. Through CUSA, credit unions have the ability to not only retain, but attract members and strengthen existing relationships.", "Functions of the control unit. The Control Unit (CU) is digital circuitry contained within the processor that coordinates the sequence of data movements into, out of, and between a processor's many sub-units. The result of these routed data movements through various digital circuits (sub-units) within the processor produces the manipulated data expected by a software instruction (loaded earlier, likely from memory).", "For other uses, see Control unit (disambiguation) . The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic/logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to a program's instructions.he control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs operation of the processor.", "Functions of the control unit. The Control Unit (CU) is digital circuitry contained within the processor that coordinates the sequence of data movements into, out of, and between a processor's many sub-units.", "Standard/CUI Solutions are for small flight departments that want an Out of the Box SaaS product that is easy to implement. We provide a quick implementation and training approach for Flight Departments that have 3 or fewer aircraft and 2 - 3 power users. We can assist you with data conversion and software training, with our experts on call to help with any specialized needs.", "The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs operation of the processor.It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic/logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to a program's instructions.he control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs operation of the processor.", "Control Unit (CU) A control unit (CU) handles all processor control signals. It directs all input and output flow, fetches code for instructions from microprograms and directs other units and models by providing control and timing signals.", "The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic/logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to a program's instructions.he control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic/logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to a program's instructions.", "Closed User group (CUG) is a supplementary services provided by the mobile operators to mobile subscriber’s who can make and receive calls from member associated within the group. This service applicable for SMS also. There will be administrative owner who will be responsible for invoicing.", "Definition of:CUI. (C haracter-based U ser I nterface) A method for interacting with the computer that displays a fixed set of rows and columns on screen with monospaced characters and a single font.", "[kwiras′] Etymology: Fr, cuirasse, breastplate. 1 also called cuirass ventilator, a negative-pressure full-body respirator. It consists of a rigid shell that conforms to the surfaces of the body from the neck to the hips. Ventilating pressure is delivered through a flexible hose attached to the top of the device.", "CUDA® is a parallel computing platform and programming model that enables dramatic increases in computing performance by harnessing the power of the graphics processing unit (GPU).", "Definition - What does Control Unit (CU) mean? A control unit (CU) handles all processor control signals. It directs all input and output flow, fetches code for instructions from microprograms and directs other units and models by providing control and timing signals.", "A CUSIP is a nine-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American financial security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades. The CUSIP was adopted as an American National Standard under Accredited Standards X9.6.", "CUI. (C haracter-based U ser I nterface) A method for interacting with the computer that displays a fixed set of rows and columns on screen with monospaced characters and a single font.", "CUSIP is the trademark for a numbering system that identifies specific security issues –stocks, bonds, notes, etc., - of corporate, municipal, state and federal issuers. Under the CUSIP system, a unique alphanumeric identifier is assigned to each issue to facilitate trading, clearing and settlement. The CUSIP identifier consists of 9 characters and is assigned to issuers, and their securities offered, in the United States and Canada.", "CUI is a technology company focused on the development and distribution of electronic components. At the leading edge of power supply design, the organization supports customers as they strive to improve the energy efficiency and environmental credentials of their application. CUI Inc. is a subsidiary of CUI Global, Inc., a publicly traded company whose common stock trades on the NASDAQ Exchange under the symbol CUI.", "Closed User group (CUG) is a supplementary services provided by the mobile operators to mobile subscriber’s who can make and receive calls from member associated within the group. This service applicable for SMS also. There will be administrative ...", "What Is CUDA? CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model that makes using a GPU for general purpose computing simple.", "Cuvposa (glycopyrrolate) Oral Solution is an anticholinergic drug used to control conditions such as peptic ulcers that involve excessive stomach acid production. Cuvposa is also used to reduce drooling in children ages 3 to 16 who have certain medical conditions, such as cerebral palsy.", "CUSIP refers to Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures. This is a code that is normally made of 9 characters, and is used in identifying and facilitation clearing, forwarding and settlement of trades in United States and Canada. The first six characters, refereed to as CUSIP-6, are used to identify the party issuing it.", "CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform and programming model created by NVIDIA and implemented by the graphics processing units (GPUs) that they produce.. - quoting first sentence of CUDA (Wikipedia). Also, see Parallel Programming and Computing Platform, NVIDIA's CUDA home page. Note that the name of NVIDIA's page for this makes it appear that this is the (only) way to do parallel computing.", "Carotid duplex ultrasonography (CUS) is a useful diagnostic tool for assessing cervical carotid artery disease. CUS can be highly reliable with proper technique, has no radiation risk, is well tolerated by all patients including those who are claustrophobic in MRI machines, and has fewer risks than conventional angiography.", "About CUSI CUSI is dedicated to providing innovative enterprise solutions to utility companies. Over 30 years of industry experience and commitment to client services. One of the nation’s largest providers of utility billing and customer information systems. 1 1,100 utility companies use CUSI’s solutions to manage water, sewer, gas, electric and waste utilities. 2 CUSI services utility companies with customer bases ranging from less to 500 to over 150,000 customers.", "CUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by Nvidia. It allows software developers and software engineers to use a CUDA-enabled graphics processing unit (GPU) for general purpose processing – an approach termed GPGPU (General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units).", "Techopedia explains Control Unit (CU) A CU takes its input from the instruction and status registers. Its rules of operation, or microprogram, are encoded in a programmable logic array (PLA), random logic or read-only memory (ROM). Hardwired control: Design is based on a fixed architecture.", "Copper (II) sulfate, also known as cupric sulfate or copper sulphate, is the inorganic compound with the chemical formula Cu SO4.opper sulfate is also used to test blood for anemia. The blood is tested by dropping it into a solution of copper sulfate of known specific gravity – blood which contains sufficient hemoglobin sinks rapidly due to its density, whereas blood which does not sink or sinks slowly has insufficient amount of hemoglobin.", "Definition of:CUI. (C haracter-based U ser I nterface) A method for interacting with the computer that displays a fixed set of rows and columns on screen with monospaced characters and a single font.efinition of:CUI. (C haracter-based U ser I nterface) A method for interacting with the computer that displays a fixed set of rows and columns on screen with monospaced characters and a single font.", "Suction power is generated directly from the CUSA unit, and it ensures that the suction power is consistent and the maximum possible. Consistent, strong suction provides two major benefits in ultrasonic aspiration. First, it draws tissue toward the vibrating tip, and creates a tip/tissue coupling effect.", "Experience and technology have made CUSI the place where people go for utility billing and customer information software for public and private utilities. Continental Utility Solutions, Inc. is dedicated to providing innovative enterprise solutions for utilities. Experience and technology have made CUSI the place where people go for utility billing and customer information software for public and private utilities.", "Techopedia explains Control Unit (CU) A CU takes its input from the instruction and status registers. Its rules of operation, or microprogram, are encoded in a programmable logic array (PLA), random logic or read-only memory (ROM). CU functions are as follows:", "Compression ultrasound (CUS) is the primary testing procedure used to diagnose proximal deep vein thrombosis (DVT; a blood clot in a deep vein in the thigh or leg), as the method confirms and excludes DVT of the proximal veins (above the knee) but its accuracy for distal vein DVT (below the knee) has been questioned.", "The CUDA platform is a software layer that gives direct access to the GPU's virtual instruction set and parallel computational elements, for the execution of compute kernels. The CUDA platform is designed to work with programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran. This accessibility makes it easier for specialists in parallel programming to use GPU resources, in contrast to prior APIs like Direct3D and OpenGL, which required advanced skills in graphics programming.", "CUDA stands for Compute Unified Device Architecture developed by Nvidia . In CUDA basic idea is to use GPU (Graphical Processing Unit) for parallel programming which provides better performance for solving complex problems. In GPU there are more registers than CPU hence it uses more threads for parallel processing.", "CUI-Computer Definition. Use CUI in a sentence. (C haracter-based U ser I nterface) A method for interacting with the computer that displays a fixed set of rows and columns on screen with monospaced characters and a single font.", "CUSIP is an abbreviation for Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures of the American Bankers Association. CUSIP numbers are designated and assigned by the CUSIP service bureau, operated by Standard and Poor's. The CUSIP, or CUSIP number, is an alphanumeric identifier, comprising nine characters, for every class of traded financial instrument in the United States, including all US Government, municipal and corporate securities and syndicated loans.", "Use CUI in a sentence. (C haracter-based U ser I nterface) A method for interacting with the computer that displays a fixed set of rows and columns on screen with monospaced characters and a single font.", "CUSP, or Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program, is a frontline staff-driven quality improvement process. CUSP improves the adaptive team elements, such as beliefs and attitudes, to improve the culture of safety and team communication.", "Collateral Underwriter. Collateral Underwriter® (CU™) provides an automated risk assessment of an appraisal report to support proactive management of appraisal quality. If account is locked or deactivated, or you forgot your user ID, contact your Technology Manager administrator.", "Definition - What does Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) mean? This is a localized external corrosion occurring in equipment made of insulated carbon and low-carbon steels. For this corrosion to occur, water must collect in the insulation and oxygen must be present.", "CSA (Canadian Standards Association) is a Canadian organization used to develop a series of product safety standards. CSA mark as shown in the SolaHD SMT Series – Open Style Aluminum Wound Control Transformers. UL (Underwriters Laboratories) and CSA are two separate independent testing and certification agencies. If a certain product is cULus Listed, it means that UL tested the product to meet all the requirements under Canadian and US standards. Anything that has cULus mark can be used both in Canada and US. Some of SolaHD products that are cULus Listed are the nonventilated automation general purpose transformers, SBE industrial control transformers, Solatron Plus three phase power conditioners.", "A: The Silhouette Curio™ is the ultimate DIY machine. This machine is more than a cutting tool. It can cut, emboss, sketch, stipple, and etch—it’s like a Swiss Army knife for your craft room. Unlock powerful new creative capabilities like Print & Emboss, Score &. Emboss, and deep cut*.", "CUSIP NUMBER Lookup. CUSIP refers to Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures. This is a code that is normally made of 9 characters, and is used in identifying and facilitation clearing, forwarding and settlement of trades in United States and Canada.", "CUDA broadly follows the data-parallel model of computation. Typically each thread executes the same operation on different elements of the data in parallel. The data is split up into a 1D,2D or 3D grid of blocks. Each block can be 1D, 2D or 3D in shape, and can consist of over 512 threads on current hardware. Threads within a thread block can cooperate via the shared memory.", "What is a CUSIP? A CUSIP number is 9-character alphanumeric code that identifies a North American security for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades. If you are seeking to obtain a CUSIP identifying number and need assistance in this process, ISIN.net’s CUSIP consultants can help.", "VESA is an international standards body for computer graphics formed in 1988 by NEC Home Electronics, maker of the MultiSync monitor line, and eight video display adapter manufacturers: ATI Technologies, Genoa Systems, Orchid Technology, Renaissance GRX, STB Systems, Tecmar, Video 7 and Western Digital/Paradise Systems.ilter by: Select category from list... ────────── All Electronics (1) General (1) Professional Organizations (2) Non-Profit Organizations (1) Drivers (1) Hardware (2) Military (1) NASA (1) Transportation (1) US Government (1) British Medicine (1) Hospitals (1) Physiology (1) Sort by:PopularityAlphabeticallyCategory.", "CUSIP is an acronym that refers to Committee on Uniform Security. Identification Procedures and the nine-digit, alphanumeric CUSIP numbers. that are used to identify securities, including municipal bonds. A CUSIP. number, similar to a serial number, is assigned to each maturity of a municipal. security issue. The first six characters are known as the base, or CUSIP-6, and." ]
is dad body healthy
Pearson: A dad bod is a guy who is not incredibly chiseled, but at the same time, is not unhealthy. He’s not overweight. He’s probably that guy who played football in high school and came to college and didn’t play football.
[ "1 Smoking fathers can increase the incidence of sperms with chromosomal abnormalities that can cause miscarriages. 2 Smoking reduces the ability of the placenta to deliver important nutrients to the developing baby.", "Involved dads = Successful children. The dad effect starts as early as birth. A review of studies by the Father Involvement Research Alliance shows that babies with more involved fathers are more likely to be emotionally secure, confident in new situations, and eager to explore their surroundings.", "Although we may put a lot of emphasis on how a mother’s lifestyle choices can affect the health of her future children, a recent review has shown that a father’s age and lifestyle may be just as important.", "Father's Blood Group Calculator. Exercise or Fitness Calculator assesses your flexibility, strength and stamina based on your performance in various fitness exercises like sit and reach, push up and aerobic exercises.", "Drink and drugs can damage men's sperm, study suggests. Men should not smoke, drink or take unnecessary drugs if they are planning to become fathers to avoid causing health problems for their children, a health expert has warned. Scientists found that toxic chemicals can damage sperm, which then pass altered genes onto babies.", "Father’s Day has a healthier meaning. June 12, 2012 Families, Fleet and the Fleet Marine Force, Force health and safety Comments Off on Father’s Day has a healthier meaning. Next week we kick-off National Men’s Health Week. Today’s blog comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a teaser for next week.", "Yes this is definitely possible. In this case, the most likely explanation is that dad is a carrier for being Rh- and mom is a carrier for blood type O. What happened was that dad and mom each passed both an O and an Rh negative to the baby. The end result is an O negative child.", "As far as appetite goes, talk to your father about what appeals to him; he's more likely to eat if it's something he wants. Here are some more ideas to stimulate a cancer patient's appetite. Since you're worried about your dad's weight loss, focus on adding in calorie-rich foods. never got sick and did not take the nausea medicine. Luckily I was able to continue a normal lifestyle of working a week after the first treatment. If someone is getting sick I suggest they eat small amounts of food as often as possible.", "My dad can not eat. He has 1 little bit and feels bloated. He is on dialysis . They did all kinds of scans and can't tell why. Do you have any info for me. XXXXXXX ... hi my mother died of renal failure Comments : she never had dialysis she was 76.", "Amanda Hess, author of a highly viewed related article on the website Slate, explains her opinion that women find dad bods attractive: We don't want a guy that makes us feel insecure about our body. We are insecure enough as it is. We don't need a perfectly sculpted guy standing next to us to make us feel worse.", "While further research is needed, studies suggest that a father's age at the time of conception (paternal age) might pose health risks for his children. For example, studies have shown that the offspring of men over age 40 might face an increased risk of:1 Miscarriage.2 Some research suggests that advanced paternal age is associated with a slightly higher risk of miscarriage.3 Autism. 4 Research shows a link between advanced paternal age and an increased frequency of autism.or example, studies have shown that the offspring of men over age 40 might face an increased risk of: 1 Miscarriage. 2 Some research suggests that advanced paternal age is associated with a slightly higher risk of miscarriage. 3 Autism. 4 Research shows a link between advanced paternal age and an increased frequency of autism.", "Father's death affects early adolescents' futures in developing world. December 17, 2012. A father's death can have long-term effects on a child's later success in life and can be particularly harmful if the father passes away during a child's late childhood or early adolescence, according to new research by a University of Missouri anthropologist.", "For a long time, we've known that the nutrition and health status of women who are pregnant or who want to get pregnant is critical to the health of her offspring, and we've also suspected that the same is true for fathers to a lesser degree, said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal.", "The main difference between a father and a dad is that father is biological; however a dad’s relationship is emotional. Fathering is an act of nature, while, being a dad is all about nurture. It is much easier to become a father, many even do it unintentionally; however, it is much harder to commit to becoming a dad.", "And, from my dad’s dad, I learned a fabulous peanut butter spread that is similar to the spa one (but less healthy). It called for peanut butter, butter and honey – all blended together with a fork and then spread on hot toast (or biscuits, if we were lucky). My kids grew up on this and still love it.", "Dad is someone who actively participates in the child’s growth and development. There is a saying: Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy. While in definition, both terms mean the same, their implications have changed over the years. A father is the male parent of the child; its progenitor. Traditional roles of a father dictate that fathers act in a protective, supportive and responsible way towards their children.", "In this case, the most likely explanation is that dad is a carrier for being Rh- and mom is a carrier for blood type O. What happened was that dad and mom each passed both an O and an Rh negative to the baby. The end result is an O negative child.", "While almost any man can father a child, there is so much more to the important role of being dad in a child's life. Let's look at who father is, and why he is so important. Fathers are central to the emotional well-being of their children; they are are capable caretakers and disciplinarians.", "There are 110 calories in a 1/2 pita serving of Father Sam's Whole Wheat Pita Pockets. Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 86% carbs, 14% protein.", "Why Dads Matter. Fathers play an important role in a child's development from birth through adulthood. In fact, numerous studies have reached the same conclusion: Children with involved fathers have an advantage -- socially and academically -- over children with distant or no relationships with their dads.", "The Father Effect: Positive Effects of Involved Dads. Forty years ago it was a novelty for a father to be present at the birth of his own child. Today we would be shocked if, instead of talking his partner through each painful contraction, Dad was downing a beer at the pub or nervously pacing up and down the hospital corridor.", "Dad Is Fat: Jim Gaffigan’s Refreshingly Honest New Book on Parenting. Comedian Jim Gaffigan just wrote a book: Dad Is Fat. It’s a not-so-serious (but therefore very serious) book on parenting, and the publisher actually sent me an advanced copy to review here on Mockingbird—hence this post.", "User Review - Ellie.Pelto - LibraryThing. Dad is Fat is an entertaining book written with Gaffigan's signature humor. I think it is more tailored towards parents, but it was still funny to me as a non-parent.", "Normal healthy parents raise their children to have a healthy set of boundaries. The child of healthy parents learn that they are separate from other individuals. They develop a strong sense of self. This is not the case for the enmeshed child of a narcissist.", "I'm not female, but my dad also died of prostate cancer. He was 69 when he died. Like you, I am 49. I get regular checkups, including a prostate exam, since I am male. Talk with your doctor about how your family history of cancer might affect you. Good luck to you.", "your dad should stay away from foods that have high purine levels if the food affects him, such as seafood and organ meats. more vegetables in his diet will help. try to see what he ate just before his attacks and this will help in identifying what causes it. see if he can lose some weight because being overweight also affects gout attacks.", "Dad Is Fat: Jim Gaffigan’s Refreshingly Honest New Book on Parenting. by Matt Schneider on May 6, 2013 • 10:57 am 5 Comments. Comedian Jim Gaffigan just wrote a book: Dad Is Fat. It’s a not-so-serious (but therefore very serious) book on parenting, and the publisher actually sent me an advanced copy to review here on Mockingbird—hence this post.", "Funded by a Maternal and Child Health Bureau grant, the NFN networking opportunities for fathers; develops support and mentoring programs; and creates curriculum promoting fathers as significant, nurturing people in their children's and families' lives.", "Life without a dad can mean trouble for teen girls. A father's. absence ups a daughter's risk for early sexual activity and teenage. pregnancy, according to a recent long-term study. Previous research has attributed a girl's increased risk of.bsentee Fathers and Teen Pregnancy. Missing fathers linked to daughters' early sexual activity. A father's absence ups a daughter's risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy, according to a recent long-term study. By Colin Allen, published on May 1, 2003 - last reviewed on January 23, 2015.", "A father is a male parent of the family who guides, loves and cares his children all through the life. He always acts as the pillar of strength and support for his children. A kid generally attaches from his/her parents from childhood.", "The dad bod is being heralded as great news for real men and the women who love to snuggle up to guys’ cushy bellies. It’s not. But maybe it’s resonating because it’s permission to live a life of moderation—not to count every calorie or deny yourself every cookie." ]
tapeworms in cats symptoms
Indication of Tapeworm Infection. Cats with tapeworm infections often display no immediate symptoms of the infection. However, in some cats symptoms are much more prevalent. Symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, extended stomach, dehydration, and fatigue and lethargy and weight loss. There is also the possibility of the tapeworm larvae traveling through the cat's system to the eyes. If this happens, permanent eye damage can occur.
[ "Usually the most common signs of tapeworms are seeing the flat segments of the worms in the stool or near the anus of the affected animals. Most pets do not have other symptoms. Dogs can get tapes from the cats. Best to treat all animals in home with medicine such as praziquantel.", "Tapeworms, also known as cestodes, consists of a long, flat (tape-like) body with a small head, the scolex, that fastens itself to the intestine walls with hooks and suckers. Tapeworms very rarely cause significant illness or symptoms in dogs or cats. While pets infected with the most common type of canine and feline tapeworms may have changes to the texture and condition of their coat, owners are unlikely to notice a mild or moderate infestation.", "An infestation can cause vomiting or weight loss. Cats acquire tapeworms by ingesting an intermediate host, like an infected flea or rodent. When cats are infected, tapeworm segments-actual pieces of the worm that resemble grains of rice-can often be seen on the fur around a cat’s hind end.", "Symptoms & Diagnosis. The typical warning signs of a tapeworm infestation include diarrhea, weight loss, and stomach upset. You might see your dog licking his back or scooting, which are indications of the irritation these parasites cause.", "1 An infestation can cause vomiting or weight loss. 2 Cats acquire tapeworms by ingesting an intermediate host, like an infected flea or rodent. 3 When cats are infected, tapeworm segments-actual pieces of the worm that resemble grains of rice-can often be seen on the fur around a cat’s hind end.", "Effects. A human infected with tapeworm may not have any symptoms, but he may see segments of adult tapeworm in his fecal matter. When symptoms are obvious, they may include nausea, appetite loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weakness and weight loss.or example, one segment of the common tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum), which is usually found in dogs and cats, can be just the size of a grain of sand, leading people to think the entire tapeworm is quite tiny. This is a misconception, however, as the whole tapeworm can be about 6 inches or more in length.", "Worms and worming your cat. The most common intestinal worms cats get are called roundworms and tapeworms. Most infected cats do not show signs of having worms; however, heavy burdens of worms can cause weight loss, vomiting and diarrhoea, irritation around the anus and failure to thrive.", "There are rare reports of Dipylidium (a common tapeworm in pets) infections in children, but these infections are not associated with significant disease. Most tapeworms do not produce obvious symptoms in cats, other than worm segments on your cat's rear end or feces.", "Symptoms - In spite of their prevalence Tapeworms are not a significant cause of disease in dogs and cats. Most pets do not have any symptoms, and if symptoms are present, are mild in nature. Some pets will itch at their anus when the worms cause irritation as they pass.", "The most common are the roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. Of these four only two are commonly seen in the stool with the unaided eye: roundworms and tapeworms. Often you will be able to tell if your dog or cat has worms by the symptoms they are exhibiting. Most worm infestations cause any or all of these symptoms: Diarrhea, perhaps with blood. Weight loss. Dry hair. General poor appearance. Vomiting, perhaps with worms in the vomit.", "Symptoms of a tapeworm infection. If you are infected with an adult tapeworm, you may see larvae or segments from the tapeworm in your stools (poo), which look like white grains of rice. The segments contain tapeworm eggs. Depending on the type of tapeworm, other symptoms could include: 1 pain above the stomach or in the abdomen (tummy). 2 nausea or vomiting. 3 diarrhoea. 4 weight loss. 5 loss of appetite. 6 dizziness. 7 insomnia.", "Signs of heartworm disease in cats can be very subtle or very dramatic. Symptoms may include coughing, asthma-like attacks, periodic vomiting, lack of appetite, or weight loss. Occasionally an affected cat may have difficulty walking, experience fainting or seizures, or suffer from fluid accumulation in the abdomen.", "1 Please note, hookworms are more common in dogs than in cats. Long and flat, tapeworms are segmented parasites and range from 4 to 28 inches in length. An infestation can cause vomiting or weight loss. Cats acquire tapeworms by ingesting an intermediate host, like an infected flea or rodent. When cats are infected, tapeworm segments-actual pieces of the worm that resemble grains of rice-can often be seen on the fur around a cat’s hind end.", "A dog or cat usually gets a tapeworm by accidentally eating a flea that carries the tapeworm larvae. Often, there are no symptoms per se, and an owner usually discovers that his or her pet has a tapeworm upon seeing a segment of the worm, which looks like a grain of rice, in the pet’s poop. Rarely does this common tapeworm make a pet sick, but it’s not a good idea to ignore it.", "Tapeworms. Dipylidium Caninum are the most common type of tapeworm found in cats. They are light in colur,flat and have different segments. Tapeworm is transmitted when a cat who has fleas swallows a flea that is carrying a tapeworm. The tapeworm is released once the flea is broken down inside the cat.", "While rare, symptoms of overdose may include vomiting, loss of appetite, drowsiness, or diarrhea in dogs and increased salivation and diarrhea in cats. What should I avoid while giving Droncit to my pet: Because humans can contract tapeworm from animals, it is important to maintain good personal hygiene.", "Dog Tape worms are also called cestodes; which require an intermediate host to complete its lifecycle, before they can infest a dog. Dog Tapeworm symptoms are generally itching, irritation, abdominal pain and weight loss. Tapeworms look like rice like particles, which can be spotted around the anus and in the feces. The presence of tape worms can also be confirmed with examination of the feces under a microscope.", "Symptoms: Tapeworms eat away at the nutrition's that the host intakes from their food. Symptoms of having a tapeworm include nausea, weakness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and hunger. Symptoms do not usually appear in a host whenever they have a tapeworm, however, you might feel a worm coming out of your anus if you stay up late at night. The reason tapeworms do this is because they have to lay eggs.", "Common Heartworm Symptoms in Cats. Heartworm symptoms, which include coughing, lack of energy, loss of appetite and weight loss, are similar to that of dogs’. But also, cats can experience shock, fainting, diarrhea and sudden death at the severe end of the infection.eartworm symptoms, which include coughing, lack of energy, loss of appetite and weight loss, are similar to that of dogs’. But also, cats can experience shock, fainting, diarrhea and sudden death at the severe end of the infection.", "Dogs (and cats) are victims of several internal parasites frequently referred to as worms. The most common are the roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. Of these four only two are commonly seen in the stool with the unaided eye: roundworms and tapeworms. Most worm infestations cause any or all of these symptoms: diarrhea, perhaps with blood; weight loss; dry hair; general poor appearance; and vomiting, perhaps with worms in the vomit.", "However, if they don't notice the symptoms in their early stages, severe infection can occur. Severe infection can lead to intestinal obstruction that can be deadly to the infected cat. In addition, tapeworm infections can lead to permanent eye damage.", "Types of worms found in cats and kittens. Symptoms of worms in cats may cause any or all of the following symptoms: diarrhea (sometimes with blood), weight loss, changes in coat and general appearance, and vomiting, sometimes even with worms in the vomit, as seen occasionally with roundworms. In some cases, few or no clinical signs are seen. Roundworms.", "A dog or cat usually gets a tapeworm by accidentally eating a flea that carries the tapeworm larvae. Often, there are no symptoms per se, and an owner usually discovers that his or her pet has a tapeworm upon seeing a segment of the worm, which looks like a grain of rice, in the pet’s poop.", "Tapeworms are intestinal parasites of the cat and dog. They are classified as cestodes. They belong to a different family than hookworms and roundworms, which are the other common intestinal parasites of dogs and cats.fter treatment, the tapeworm dies and is usually digested within the intestine, so worm segments don't usually pass into the stool. Side effects, such as vomiting and diarrhea, are rarely reported with the newer tapeworm medications. Flea control is the cornerstone of preventing Dipylidium caninum infection.", "1 An infestation can cause vomiting or weight loss. 2 Cats acquire tapeworms by ingesting an intermediate host, like an infected flea or rodent. 3 When cats are infected, tapeworm segments-actual pieces of the worm that resemble grains of rice-can often be seen on the fur around a cat’s hind end. Because they feed on an animal’s blood, hookworms can cause life-threatening anemia, especially in kittens. 2 Hookworm eggs are passed in the stool and hatch into larvae, and a cat can become infected either through ingestion or skin contact. 3 Please note, hookworms are more common in dogs than in cats.", "Tapeworms are long, flat worms that attach themselves to your cat’s intestines. A tapeworm body consists of multiple parts, or segments, each with its own reproductive organs. Tapeworm infections are usually diagnosed by finding segments—which appear as small white worms that may look like grains of rice or seeds—on the rear end of your cat, in your cat’s feces, or where your cat lives and sleeps.", "1 Please note, hookworms are more common in dogs than in cats. Long and flat, tapeworms are segmented parasites and range from 4 to 28 inches in length. An infestation can cause vomiting or weight loss. Cats acquire tapeworms by ingesting an intermediate host, like an infected flea or rodent.", "When terminal segments of the tapeworm break off and pass into the cat's stool, they can be seen crawling on the surface of the feces. These proglottid segments look like grains of cooked white rice or cucumber seeds. Less commonly, segments are seen moving around the cat's anus.fter treatment, the tapeworm dies and is usually digested within the intestine, so worm segments don't usually pass into the stool. Side effects, such as vomiting and diarrhea, are rarely reported with the newer tapeworm medications. Flea control is the cornerstone of preventing Dipylidium caninum infection.", "The most common tapeworms do not usually produce serious symptoms in dogs and cats. Thus, you may not know pets have the parasite until they pass it on to a litter of puppies or kittens or a veterinarian finds tapeworm segments or eggs in the stool.", "Tapeworms. Dipylidium Caninum are the most common type of tapeworm found in cats. They are light in colur,flat and have different segments. Tapeworm is transmitted when a cat who has fleas swallows a flea that is carrying a tapeworm." ]
was galicia part of poland
Huns and Cossacks, Tartars and Turks, invading armies, soviet tanks, marriages of kings and queens, changing politics, changing boundaries, changing borders -- all changed the face of Poland. Galicia has a rich, colorful and sometimes, exciting history. Galicia is the geographic area located in southern Poland. Looking at a modern map, it lies north of Slovakia and west of Ukraine. Because of its proximity to Greece, Christian missionaries visited Galicia first on thier travels north bringing their message to the slavic lands of Eastern Europe.
[ "Galicia was formerly a crown land of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy (from 1772 until 1918) and before 1370 it was an independent and powerful medieval Ruthenian (Ukrainian) Kingdom with capital in Halych which was built by Prince Volodymyrko in 1140. Since then the name Halychyna was applied to whole land.", "HISTORY OF GALICIA. Halychyna [in Ukrainian] Galicia [in English], Gaszorszag [in Hungarian], Galitsiya [in Russian], Galizia [in Italian] or Galizien [in German] is Ruthenian (=Ukrainian) historic land in West Ukraine (present day oblasts of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil).", "As we see,tricky names did not refer to both major towns of Lemberg (Lviv, Lvow,Lwow) and Cracow which, with its outskirts, eventually became part of Galicia in 1846 (or 1848) as a 'Grand Principality of Cracow'. As for the 'schwarz-gelb' flag of the Danubian Monarchy: I don't think theyever got rid of it before 1918.", "Galicia was incorporated into the Roman Empire at the end of the Cantabrian Wars in 19 BC, being turned into a Roman province in the 3rd century of our era. In 410 the Germanic Suebi established a kingdom with its capital in Braga which was incorporated into that of the Visigoths in 585.", "Galicia. Galicia is an autonomous community in northwest Spain, with the official status of a nationality. It comprises the provinces of A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense and Pontevedra, being bordered by Portugal to the south, the Spanish autonomous communities of Castile and León and Asturias to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Bay of Biscay to the north.", "After World War I and the Great Poland Uprising, Bromberg was assigned to Poland in 1919. In 1938 it was made part of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. From 1939-45 during World War II, Bydgoszcz was retaken by Nazi Germany, in the Invasion of Poland and annexed to the Reichsgau Wartheland.", "From a nationality (state/passport/army) point of view, they were nationals of Austria-Hungary, as all the other inhabitants of the Empire. After the Ausgleich 1867, the empire had an (imperial-royal) Austrian and a (royal) Hungarian part, Galicia was part of the Austrian half.rom a nationality (state/passport/army) point of view, they were nationals of Austria-Hungary, as all the other inhabitants of the Empire. After the Ausgleich 1867, the empire had an (imperial-royal) Austrian and a (royal) Hungarian part, Galicia was part of the Austrian half.", "The earliest documentary record from that part of Europe which in now called Poland, dates from AD 965-966. In those years, Ibrahim-Ibn-Jakub, a Moorish Jew from Tortosa in Spain, accompanied the Khalif of Cordoba on an embassy to central Europe.", "The area now called Galicia was first inhabited by humans during the Middle Palaeolithic period, and it takes its name from the Gallaeci, the Celtic peoples living north of the Douro river during the last millennium BC, in a region largely coincidental with that of the Iron Age local Castro Culture.", "Ancient history of Galicia: Ancient Galicia was populated by the Slavic tribes of Dulibes(Duliby/Duleby) and White Croatians (White Croats / Bili Khorvaty), Ulyches (Ulychi), Tyverians (Tivertsi/Tivertsy), Buzhanians with Derevlians (Derevlyany) and Vohlynians (Volyniany) on the north.", "The area now called Galicia was first inhabited by humans during the Middle Paleolithic period, and it takes its name from the Gallaeci, the Celtic peoples living north of the Douro river during the last millennium BC, in a region largely coincidental with that of the Iron Age local Castro culture.", "Galicia is located in the green and lush north western corner of Spain.Geographically, Galicia is situated just above Portugal and faces both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mar Cantabrico. This part of the country has an economy based on fishing, farming, agriculture and increasingly tourism.ight, a valley in Galicia's Lugo province in the central part of the region. Whilst a part of the mainland, Galicia is an autonomous community with a cultural heritage, climate and geography that are distinct from the rest of Spain.", "Then it seems that you are on the right track. The “Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria” including the Grand Duchy of Krakow and the Duchies Auschwitz and Zator was located north of the Carpathian Mountains, between the 20th and 26th degree eastern longitude and the 48th and 50th degree northern latitude.", "The Kingdom of Poland was founded in 1025, and in 1569 it cemented a longstanding political association with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania by signing the Union of Lublin. This union formed the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, one of the largest and most populous countries of 16th and 17th century Europe.", "Poland (Polish: Polska), is one of the larger countries in Central Europe. It has a long Baltic Sea coastline and is bordered by Belarus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Russia (the Kaliningrad Oblast exclave), Slovakia, and Ukraine.", "The part of Galicia that was home to the Drohobycz Administratve District is known geographically as Prikarpatye or Podkarpatye (literally: near the Carpathian Mountains, or the Carpathian foothills). The mountains are covered with evergreen forests and numerous mountains streams flow among the rolling hills.", "Galicia Spain. Galicia is located in the green and lush north western corner of Spain. Geographically, Galicia is situated just above Portugal and faces both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mar Cantabrico.This part of the country has an economy based on fishing, farming, agriculture and increasingly tourism.ight, a valley in Galicia's Lugo province in the central part of the region. Whilst a part of the mainland, Galicia is an autonomous community with a cultural heritage, climate and geography that are distinct from the rest of Spain.", "The Polish trade union, Solidarność, and its leader Lech Walesa, become household names across Europe and the world following the Gdansk shipyard strikes in the summer of 1980. In 1981, Greece becomes the 10th member of the EU, and Spain and Portugal follow five years later. In 1986 the Single European Act is signed.", "Prior to the territorial partitions by Prussia, Russia, and the Habsburg Austrians, the area was known as the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth formed by the union of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and included West Pomerrelia, Ermeland, Courland, Samogitia, Podlersia, Podlachia, Masovia, and Volhynia.", "Index of 1890-1891 New York Immigrants from Austria, Poland, and Galicia. This is an index to all of the immigrants who arrived at the port of New York by ship in the years 1890 and 1891, for whom the ships records indicated that they were citizens of Austria, Poland, or Galicia. There are a total of 96,699 such records.", "In the late 1700s Poland's three powerful neighbors, Austria, Prussia and Russia coveted Poland. None wanted war with each other so they just decided to divide the now-weakened Poland in a series of agreements called the Three Partitions of Poland, and much of modern-day Ukraine was integrated into the Russian Empire.", "Poland is in Europe, it is very close to Russia (just west of it). Russia is part of Europe and Asia. But Poland is a separate country, and for almost 20 years has nothing to do with Russia. Russia has taken over our country a few times, but now we are separate from Russia. Source(s): Polish :)", "Poland (Polish: Polska [ˈpɔlska]), officially the Republic of Poland (Polish: Rzeczpospolita Polska, listen ), is a country in Central Europe, situated between the Baltic Sea in the north and two mountain ranges (the Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains) in the south.", "Partitions of Poland Map. Map of the partitions of Poland to Austria, Prussia, and Russia, in 1772, 1793, and 1795. Notice how close to the Polish border the city of Kiev (now capital of the Ukraine) was prior to the Russian takeover of the southeastern portion of the Kingdom of Poland that took place in 1793.", "Poland (Polish: Polska), is one of the larger countries in Central Europe. It has a long Baltic Sea coastline and is bordered by Belarus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Russia (the Kaliningrad Oblast exclave), Slovakia, and Ukraine.oland is a member of the Schengen Agreement. There are no border controls between countries that have signed and implemented this treaty-the European Union (except Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the United Kingdom), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.", "No country of the Austrian monarchy had such a varied ethnic mix as Galicia: Poles, Ruthenians, Germans (Galician Germans), Armenians, Jews, Hungarians, Romani people, Lipowaner, etc. The Poles were mainly in the west, with the Ruthenians predominant in the eastern region (Ruthenia)." ]
list of knoxville radio stations
Knoxville, Tennessee Radio Stations. We found 73 FM radio stations and 62 AM radio stations in the Knoxville, TN area.
[ "Strongest AM radio stations in Sweetwater: 1 WDEH (800 AM; 1 kW; SWEETWATER, TN; Owner: HORNE RADIO, LLC). 2 WKVL (850 AM; daytime; 50 kW; KNOXVILLE, TN; Owner: HORNE RADIO, LLC). 3 WYXI (1390 AM; 3 kW; ATHENS, TN; Owner: CORNERSTONE BROADCASTING, INC.). 4 WFLI (1070 AM; 50 kW; LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, TN; Owner: WFLI, INC.).", "Broadcast Stations. 1 KAKE: Wichita, KS. 2 KTEN NBC10: Sherman, TX. 3 WHDF The Valley's CW Huntsville, AL. WSKY SKY4: Hampton, 1 VA. WCWG Triad CW20: Greensboro, 2 NC. WKNX The Knox: Knoxville, Tenn.", "Hallerin Hilton Hill. Hallerin Hilton Hill (born 1964) is an American talk radio host on Newstalk 98.7 WOKI Knoxville, Tennessee, and television talk show host of Anything is Possible on WBIR-TV in Knoxville. For two years (2003-2005) he hosted a separate talk radio show on Nashville's WGFX.", "For the Corning, NY station, see WNKI. The WKNO FM Stations is a pair of public radio stations based in Memphis, Tennessee, that serve the Mid-South region with local fine arts and classical music programs, as well as news and information programs from the National Public Radio, Public Radio International, and American Public Media networks.", "Strongest AM radio stations in Only: 1 WSM (650 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: GAYLORD ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY). 2 WNKX (1570 AM; 5 kW; CENTERVILLE, TN; Owner: HICKMAN COUNTY BROADCASTING CO., INC.). 3 WKDA (1200 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: RADIO NASHVILLE, INC.). 4 WNQM (1300 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: WNQM.", "Weather Underground provides Knoxville weather radar information, Doppler detected storms and radar maps for all U.S. locations using Nexrad and TDWR radar stations. Log in Join", "Based in Knoxville, Tennessee, the channel features country music programming including music videos, music performance specials and live concerts, along with country lifestyle entertainment and original lifestyle programming.", "Dr. Margaret Uri is a Radiologist in Knoxville, TN. Find Dr. Uri's phone number, address, hospital affiliations and more.", "List of radio stations in Tennessee. The following is a list of FCC-licensed radio stations in the U.S. state of Tennessee, which can be sorted by their call signs, frequencies, cities of license, licensees, and programming formats. Contents.", "From Nashville's 98 WSIX to University of Tennessee Radio, find everything you need for additional radio promotion and exposure in the state of Tennessee. And if these aren't enough, don't forget that Indie on the Move provides additional state by state and city by city listings for radio stations and contacts HERE. Chattanooga - 98.1 The Lake - Adult Contemporary - Contact. Chattanooga - Nash 107.9 - Country - Contact.", "WQUT (101.5 FM) is a radio station in Tri-Cities, Tennessee.", "Dr. Bobbie Uri is a radiologist in Knoxville, Tennessee and is affiliated with Tennova Healthcare-LaFollette Medical Center. She received her medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.", "strongest fm radio stations in loretto: w226af (93.1 fm; loretto, tn; owner: prospect communications) w201as (88.1 fm; loretto, tn; owner: way-fm media group, inc.) wjor-fm (101.5 fm; st. joseph, tn; owner: clear channel broadcasting licenses, inc.) wytk (93.9 fm; rogersville, al; owner: shoals broadcasting corporation)", "Strongest AM radio stations in Park City: 1 WKCT (930 AM; 5 kW; BOWLING GREEN, KY; Owner: DAILY NEWS BROADCASTING CO.) 2 WSM (650 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: GAYLORD ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY) 3 WAMB (1160 AM; 50 kW; DONELSON, TN; Owner: GREAT SOUTHERN BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC.)", "WKRN-TV is the Nashville home and the flagship station of the Tennessee Titans Preseason Television Network, which broadcasts Titans Preseason Football during the month of August and sometimes the very early parts of September.", "WKRN-TV, virtual channel 2 (UHF digital channel 27), is an ABC-affiliated television station located in Nashville, Tennessee, United States. The station is owned by Media General.", "As of the Fall 2008 Arbitron ratings book, WQUT is the third highest rated station in the Tri-Cities (Johnson City, Tennessee - Kingsport, Tennessee - Bristol Tennessee/Virginia) market (adults 12+) behind country music station WXBQ-FM and adult contemporary WTFM-FM.", "Strongest AM radio stations in Alma: 1 WAJQ (1400 AM; 1 kW; ALMA, GA; Owner: BLUEBERRY BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC.) 2 WDMG (860 AM; 5 kW; DOUGLAS, GA; Owner: RTG RADIO, LLC) 3 WUFE (1260 AM; daytime; 5 kW; BAXLEY, GA; Owner: SOUTH GEORGIA BROADCASTERS, INC.) 4 WOKV (690 AM; 50 kW; JACKSONVILLE, FL; Owner: COX RADIO, INC.)", "(11, 12). By the time The Louvin Brothers started their radio career around 1941, Charlie recently recalled, Knoxville Girl was the most popular song in their repertoire. “ Knoxville Girl was the most requested song that Ira and I would ever sing,” he told Smoke Music Archive's Nathan Salsburg.", "Strongest AM radio stations in Murrayville: 1 WGTJ (1330 AM; 1 kW; MURRAYVILLE, GA; Owner: VISION COMMUNICATIONS, INC.) 2 WDUN (550 AM; 10 kW; GAINESVILLE, GA; Owner: JWJ PROPERTIRS, INC.) 3 WLBA (1130 AM; daytime; 10 kW; GAINESVILLE, GA) 4 WDGR (1210 AM; daytime; 10 kW; DAHLONEGA, GA; Owner: SMALL TOWN RADIO OF GEORGIA, INC.)", "Strongest AM radio stations in Georgetown: 1 WXRA (1580 AM; 10 kW; GEORGETOWN, KY; Owner: CITICASTERS LICENSES, L.P.) 2 WVLK (590 AM; 5 kW; LEXINGTON, KY; Owner: CUMULUS LICENSING CORP.) 3 WLAP (630 AM; 5 kW; LEXINGTON, KY; Owner: CITICASTERS LICENSES, L.P.) 4 WLXG (1300 AM; 3 kW; LEXINGTON, KY; Owner: L.M. COMMUNICATIONS, INC)", "WREG-TV, virtual channel 3 (UHF digital channel 28), is a CBS-affiliated television station located in Memphis, Tennessee, United States. The station is owned by Tribune Broadcasting, subsidiary of the Tribune Media Company.", "WREC (600 kHz) is an AM radio station broadcasting a Talk radio format, and calling itself Newsradio 600 WREC. WREC is licensed to Memphis, Tennessee, and serves the Memphis metropolitan area. The station is owned by iHeartMedia, Inc. and operates with 5,000 watts day and night. The station also broadcasts on HD radio, on a subchannel of co-owned 102.7 WEGR.", "Radio Stations, Music Formats & Contact Information. Chattanooga - Chattanooga State University WAWL - Contact - follow this link. Contact info is available on the right hand side of the page. Memphis - WEVL FM 89.9 - Contact - Scroll to the bottom of the page.", "Radio Network. Here is the list of the Cardinals radio network member stations with internet broadcast availability. Just click on the station and enjoy. If you're having trouble click on hints. KAAN 95.5; KWPS 99.7; WKEI 1450; KRES 104.7; WJBC 1230; WFMW 730; KAGH 800; KWHF 95.9; WSJK 93.5; KPGM 1550; KTLO 1240; KOKX 93.9; WTRB 1570; KHLO 850; KWKJ 98.5; KYTN 104.9", "The City of Knoxville is Located in the state of TN. We have compiled the ultimate Database of phone numbers from around the state and country to help you locate any lost friends, relatives or family members. We offer the ability to search by first name, last name, phone number, or business name. We make it easy for you to find anyone, anywhere in Knoxville, TN. Area Codes in the Knoxville, TN Region: 865", "Information on this website is derived from various governmental departments within the City of Knoxville, Knox County and the Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB), who together have created a centralized “geographic information system”: KGIS. All maps and data made accessible in this website are subject to .", "WJRS - AM 1060 - Jamestown, KY. WJKY (1060 AM) is a radio station broadcasting a Country music format. Licensed to Jamestown, Kentucky, USA. The station is currently owned by Lake Cumberland ... See more Broadcasters and features programing from Jones Radio Network.", "For other uses, see Knoxville (disambiguation). Knoxville is a city in the U.S. state of Tennessee, and the county seat of Knox County. The city had an estimated population of 185,291 in 2015 and a population of 178,874 as of the 2010 census, making it the state's third largest city after Memphis and Nashville.", "Knoxville is located just southeast of the City of Galesburg. There is a public square in the center of town with several historic buildings surrounding it including Knox County's first courthouse, city hall, the Ball log cabin, the town gallows, and several other important buildings.", "Knoxville is the central city in the Knoxville Metropolitan Area, an Office of Management and Budget (OMB)-designated metropolitan statistical area (MSA) that covers Knox, Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Grainger, Loudon, Morgan, Roane and Union counties.", "Omaha, NE, United States Listen to radio stations from Omaha NE, from a wide variety of genres like News, Pop, RnB, Rock and Talk. Enjoy stations such as 99.9 KGOR - KGOR, NewsRadio 1110 KFAB - KFAB, NOAA Weather Radio - KIH61, CD 105.9 - KKCD, AM 590 ESPN Omaha - KXSP and more. Come find the top new songs, playlists, and music! Listen on your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Blackberry, and other app-enabled mobile phones.", "WJRS - AM 1060 - Jamestown, KY. Play. WJKY (1060 AM) is a radio station broadcasting a Country music format. Licensed to Jamestown, Kentucky, USA. The station is currently owned by Lake Cumberland ... See more Broadcasters and features programing from Jones Radio Network.", "WFSK Jazzy 88 - WFSK - FM 88.1 - Nashville, TN. Music for the Music City! Play. 88.1FM WFSK is an educational community-based radio station, owned and operated by Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States. Serving the public since 1973, 88.1FM is ...", "Strongest FM radio stations in Parkersburg: 1 KQCR-FM (98.9 FM; PARKERSBURG, IA; Owner: CD BROADCASTING INC). 2 KOEL-FM (92.3 FM; OELWEIN, IA; Owner: CUMULUS LICENSING CORP.). 3 KOKZ (105.7 FM; WATERLOO, IA; Owner: KXEL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC.). 4 KCRR (97.7 FM; GRUNDY CENTER, IA; Owner: CUMULUS LICENSING CORP.).", "Knoxville is a city in the U.S. state of Tennessee, and the county seat of Knox County. The city had an estimated population of 183,270 in 2013, and a population of 178,874 as of the 2010 census, making it the state's third largest city after Nashville and Memphis.", "Radio Network. Here is the list of the Rockies radio network member stations with internet broadcast availability. Just click on the station and enjoy. If you're having trouble click on hints. 1 KSPK 102.3. 2 KNEB 960. 3 WRKI 99.5. 4 KMMR 100.1. 5 KDZN 96.5.", "Strongest FM radio stations in Parkersburg: 1 KQCR-FM (98.9 FM; PARKERSBURG, IA; Owner: CD BROADCASTING INC). 2 KOEL-FM (92.3 FM; OELWEIN, IA; Owner: CUMULUS LICENSING CORP.). 3 KOKZ (105.7 FM; WATERLOO, IA; Owner: KXEL BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC.).", "WFSK Jazzy 88 - WFSK - FM 88.1 - Nashville, TN. Music for the Music City! 88.1FM WFSK is an educational community-based radio station, owned and operated by Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States. Serving the public since 1973, 88.1FM is ...", "WSIX-TV redirects here. It is not to be confused with WSYX. WKRN-TV, virtual channel 2 (UHF digital channel 27), is an ABC-affiliated television station located in Nashville, Tennessee, United States. The station is owned by the Nexstar Media Group.", "Strongest AM radio stations in Linden: 1 WSM (650 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: GAYLORD ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY) 2 WKDA (1200 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: RADIO NASHVILLE, INC.) 3 WNQM (1300 AM; 50 kW; NASHVILLE, TN; Owner: WNQM. INC.) 4 WAMB (1160 AM; 50 kW; DONELSON, TN; Owner: GREAT SOUTHERN BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC.)", "1 View all Select Specialty Hospital-Knoxville jobs in Knoxville, TN - Knoxville jobs. 2 Salary Search: Telemetry Technician salaries in Knoxville, TN. Related forums: Knoxville, Tennessee - Select Specialty Hospital-Knoxville.", "Omaha, NE. KGOR (99.9 FM) is a radio station broadcasting a Classic Hits format. KGOR is licensed to Omaha, Nebraska, USA, and serves the Omaha metropolitan area. With its strong 115,000 watt signal, the station also has listenership in Lincoln. The station is currently owned by Clear Channel Communications (As Capstar Tx).", "Current local time in Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee, Eastern Time Zone - daylight saving time change dates 2017. 1 Local Time in Knoxville, TN. 2 Offset to GMT/UTC. 3 Daylight saving Time Change Dates 2017. Knoxville - Geographical 1 Location. Get Free Website Flash Clock for Knoxville.", "WOKE FM; City: Garrison, Kentucky: Broadcast area: Portsmouth OH/Huntington WV/Ashland KY/Ironton OH: Branding: Pulse FM: Slogan: Feel It: Frequency: 98.3 FM: First air date: 2014: Format: CHR-Top 100: ERP: 5,200 watts: HAAT: 107 meters (351 feet) Class: A: Facility ID: 53102: Transmitter coordinates" ]
most expensive hotel and casino in vegas
The Wynn has 2,716 rooms and 111,000 square feet of gaming space, for comparison. Here are the most expensive hotels in Las Vegas, with construction costs adjusted for inflation: 1 Cosmopolitan, $4.18 billion. 2 Wynn Las Vegas, $3.26 billion. 3 Bellagio Hotel, $2.3 billion. 4 The Palazzo, $2.05 billion. 5 MGM Grand, $1.62 billion.
[ "It really depends on a lot of small factors like entertainment, dining and the all important gambling issue. These hotels are the luxurious and most expensive hotels in Las Vegas however a suite in plenty of other hotels in Las Vegas can set you back just as much. These hotels are a step above the rest because they can cater to those more discerning clients. NOTE: The term luxury hotel is used differently in Las Vegas.", "The second most expensive building in the world, this Singapore hotel features a stunning view and world-famous infinity pool, and cost a total of $5.5 billion dollars construct. Costing $6.59 billion to construct, the Resort World Sentosa in Singapore is the third most expensive casino in the world.", "Twin Farms in Barnard, Vt. landed at No. 4 on Forbes.com's list of most expensive U.S. hotels. It helps to be one of the U.S.'s richest people to afford a stay at one of the most expensive hotels in the country, which range from the $5,000-per-night Mansion at MGM Grand in Las Vegas to the $600-a-night Inn at Palmetto Bluff in South Carolina. As the adage says, you get what you pay for, and this certainly rings true with hotels.", "Not because of the cost – at $8.8 billion it is the most expensive private construction project in US history. But it’s more than just a casino resort. MGM Mirage’s CityCenter in Las Vegas includes 67-acres of hotels, shopping centers and numerous residential towers.", "10 of the best casino hotels in Las Vegas. Red Rock Resort. Off the Strip by several miles and closer to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Red Rock Casino Resort is a property of Station Casinos, which made its mark in Vegas by appealing to those who actually live there.", "($̶9̶9̶) $57 on TripAdvisor: Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, Las Vegas. See 7,278 traveller reviews, 4,462 candid photos, and great deals for Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, ranked #75 of 265 hotels in Las Vegas and rated 4 of 5 at TripAdvisor. Prices are calculated as of 2018-02-05 based on a check-in date of 2018-02-18.", "4/7/10: The recently-renamed “Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas” may open in December 2010 with about two-thirds of its 2,995 rooms. Two years late and $2 billion over budget, the foreclosed property now owned by Deutsche Bank is described by the Las Vegas Sun as “the most expensive debacle in the city for a single lender.”.", "Marina Bay Sands is an Integrated Resort fronting Marina Bay in Singapore. Developed by Las Vegas Sands, it is billed as the world's most expensive standalone casino property at S$ 8 billion, including cost of the prime land.n 27 April 2010, Marina Bay Sands had the first of a planned 3 to 4 phase openings. The casino, parts of the conference hall, a segment of the Shoppes, 963 hotel rooms and the event plaza were opened at the auspicious time of 3:18 p.m as part of the preview opening.", "By comparison, Phil Ruffin sold the 36-acre New Frontier property in 2007 for $1.24 billion, a Las Vegas record. To be sure, Genting will spend much more getting the resort built and running. The project is expected to cost between $2 billion and $7 billion when complete. How will that price tag compare to neighboring resorts? Here's a look at the cost, size and scope of some of Las Vegas' most iconic properties: Leila Navidi. Cosmopolitan The 8.7-acre Cosmopolitan is the most expensive resort on the Las Vegas Strip. It cost $3.9 billion to build and opened in December 2010. It has 2,995 rooms, a 100,000-square-foot casino and 150,000 square feet of meeting space.", "“ The best part about this hotel, is that it is very close to the Las Vegas Convention Center and just a very short walk is all that's needed to get there. It's also around $100 a nite, so it's cheap 1 ! ”. ARIA Resort & Casino at CityCenter Las Vegas.", "Voted “Best Hotel Value in Las Vegas” by the Las Vegas Review Journal. The Downtown Grand Hotel & Casino offers a more authentic Las Vegas experience. Enjoy our newly refurbished hotel rooms and suites, multiple onsite dining options from the timeless Triple George Grill Steakhouse, the smash hit Pizza Rock to the infamous Hogs & Heifers Saloon.", "Right in the center of the Las Vegas Strip, The LINQ Hotel & Casino is a 2,640-room, budget-friendly option popular with travelers who just want a cheap place to stay.", "On November 10, 2004 Barrick Gaming Corporation, which owns casino/hotels in downtown Las Vegas including The Plaza, The Vegas Club, The Western, and The Gold Spike, announced that it would acquire the Golden Nugget Laughlin for $31 million plus working capital.", "The Golden Nugget Hotel Las Vegas have far and away the nicest rooms in Downtown Las Vegas. The Rush Tower is the newest and has over-sized rooms with slightly swankier amenities like big ol' flat screens and nicer beds. And of course, you pay for it.", "aliante casino hotel 7300 aliante parkway is a four diamond aaa rated resort at aliante parkway and interstate 215 bringing dining gaming and entertainment to north las vegas located across from the aliante golf course the $ 675 million dollar resort features more than 200 rooms and suites", "Who says you can't teach an old casino new tricks? Las Vegas's newest casino hotel, The D Las Vegas, is housed in the former Fitzgerald Casino building, a 1970s relic that's been revamped from top-to-bottom with a $15 million makeover.", "El Cortez the longest continuously-running hotel and casino in Vegas, and we’ve lasted this long for a reason.Great games and that classic Vegas vibe you just can’t get anywhere else. Find out why USA Today called us “one of the best gambling houses in Las Vegas.”.l Cortez the longest continuously-running hotel and casino in Vegas, and we’ve lasted this long for a reason.", "Welcome to the Original. El Cortez the longest continuously-running hotel and casino in Vegas, and we’ve lasted this long for a reason. Great games and that classic Vegas vibe you just can’t get anywhere else.Find out why USA Today called us “one of the best gambling houses in Las Vegas.”.l Cortez the longest continuously-running hotel and casino in Vegas, and we’ve lasted this long for a reason.", "The Flamingo Capri, completely unrelated to the more well-known Flamingo, opens and runs until 1979, when it becomes Imperial Palace. 1958. The Stardust opens, with the largest casino and swimming pool in Nevada, and the largest hotel in Las Vegas. It closes in 2006 and is imploded in 2007.", "Harrah's Las Vegas. Harrah's Las Vegas (formerly Holiday Casino) is a hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. It is owned and operated by Caesars Entertainment Corporation. Harrah's has over 1,200 slot machines. The hotel offers 2,677 rooms with an attached casino providing 90,637 sq ft (8,420.5 m2) of space.", "Going by base green fees, Las Vegas high-roller havens Shadow Creek and Wynn are the most expensive “public” courses in the U.S. (Shadow Creek/MGM Resorts) t-1) Shadow Creek: $500+. $500 peak green fee includes forecaddie, but not gratuity. t-1) Wynn Golf Course: $500+.", "An expensive after-hours theme park. The University of Las Vegas found that the 23 Vegas casinos bringing in over $72 million each in the 2013 fiscal year ended up with over $5 billion of their visitors' money, altogether. That's an average of over $630,000 a day, per casino.", "The Flamingo Capri, completely unrelated to the more well-known Flamingo, opens and runs until 1979, when it becomes Imperial Palace. 1958. The Stardust opens, with the largest casino and swimming pool in Nevada, and the largest hotel in Las Vegas. It closes in 2006 and is imploded in 2007. 1957. The Tropicana opens.", "Even the massive 2,000-room casino resort Mr. Wynn is building next to Wynn — it would rank as New York’s largest hotel — will not crack Las Vegas’s top 15. Not to be outdone, Fontainebleau Resorts recently announced plans for a $2.8 billion, 3,900-room resort on the northern end of the Las Vegas Strip. And developer Ian Bruce Eichner has raised $3 billion to build a 3,000-unit condo-hotel, the Cosmopolitan Resort and Casino, on the Strip.", "Cheap T-Mobile Arena Hotels. Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. Situated in the center of the Las Vegas Strip, Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino is within 2 miles of Fashion Show Mall and 4 miles of the convention center; ... access to the bus from the airport/Vegas strip.Very nice and clean hotel.", "Riviera Hotel. Riviera Hotel Las Vegas. The Riviera Hotel and Casino enjoyed a legendary past as one of the first top-notch Las Vegas hotels in the State of Nevada, known for its big name entertainment and friendly hospitality, as well as its worldwide name recognition.", "Temptation awaits at the all-suite Rio Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, the most wild and uninhibited resort hotel in Las Vegas.", "1. MGM Grand Hotel & Casino 3799 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109. MGM Grand Hotel & Casino offers numerous suites and penthouses for your Vegas vacation. Dine at one of their signature restos (Joel Robuchon, Hakkasan, Craftsteak... to name a few), or relax at the spa or salon.", "1959. The Flamingo Capri, completely unrelated to the more well-known Flamingo, opens and runs until 1979, when it becomes Imperial Palace. 1958. The Stardust opens, with the largest casino and swimming pool in Nevada, and the largest hotel in Las Vegas.", "Being on some of the most expensive land in the city with the best views of the Las Vegas Strip, the TaylorMade Golf Experience is located on S. Las Vegas Boulevard, about 5 minutes south of the Mandalay Bay Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip.", "1 Westgate Resorts added the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino — formerly the Las Vegas Hotel — in July for a reported $180 million. 2 The 3,000-room hotel boasts 95,000 square feet of casino and entertainment space. “ 3 We’ve bought a building in Las Vegas that is four times larger than the one we sold in 2011.", "Last Slide Next Slide. The historic El Cortez Hotel & Casino is located Downtown at the east end of Fremont Street. STEVE MARCUS FOR USA TODAY. Fullscreen. Home to the longest continuously-running casino in Las Vegas, El Cortez opened in 1941 and was renovated in 2009.Guests can still stay in the original rooms from the era when Bugsy Siegel owned the property, or opt for one of the winning suites from a design competition.how Captions. Experience Las Vegas features exclusive, in-depth photo tours of the city's world-famous hotels and casino resorts. We explore a different Vegas property each month so you can visit virtually before booking your stay, or just fantasize about plush digs outside of your budget.", "For August, we venture downtown to the vintage El Cortez Hotel & Casino at the east end of Fremont Street. Home to the longest continuously-running casino in Las Vegas, El Cortez opened in 1941 and was renovated in 2009.Guests can still stay in the original rooms from the era when Bugsy Siegel owned the property, or opt for one of the winning suites from a design competition.how Captions. Experience Las Vegas features exclusive, in-depth photo tours of the city's world-famous hotels and casino resorts. We explore a different Vegas property each month so you can visit virtually before booking your stay, or just fantasize about plush digs outside of your budget." ]
where is chloride reabsorbed in the nephron
Tubular Reabsorption of Sodium, Chloride and Fluids. 99% of the glomerular filtrate volume (primary urine, 120 ml/min), 99% of the filtrated sodium and 99% of the filtered Chloride are reabsorbed in the renal tubules of the nephron.otassium reabsorption of the kidney. 60–70% of the filtered potassium (K +) is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. There are no specific K-transporter, reabsorption is managed with the absorption of water (solvent drag).
[ "In general, chloride reabsorption follows sodium reabsorption. 1 liter of filtrate in kidney tubules contains around 140 mEq of sodium. To maintain electroneutrality, it should also contain around the same amount of anions, which are mainly chloride (110 mEq) and bicarbonate (24 mEq).", "The nephron loop reabsorbs another 25% of the filtrate, although its primary role is to aid the function of the collecting duct. The DCT reabsorbs more sodium, chloride, and water, but its rates of reabsorption are subject to control by hormones, especially aldosterone and ANP.", "The majority (70%) of sodium is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. It is reabsorbed into the cytosol of the epithelial cells either alone by diffusion through ion channels followed by water and chloride or together with another product such as glucose or AA using a co-transporter by secondary active co-transport.", "The majority (70%) of sodium is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. It is reabsorbed into the cytosol of the epithelial cells either alone by diffusion through ion channels followed by water and chloride or together with another product such as glucose or AA using a co-transporter by secondary active co-transport.pithelial Transport. Sodium is the most important ion in relation to reabsorption from the proximal tubule. Water and chloride follow sodium passively and many other ions, compounds and molecules are absorbed through co-transporters with sodium.", "Loading ... Correct Answer: D. The amount of salt reabsorbed in the kidneys will increase. Aldosterone is a hormone released from the adrenal gland. Its presence in the blood helps the kidney’s retain more sodium chloride (NaCl) in the nephrons, thereby desalinating the urine.", "Reabsorption of Salt and Water. I. Approximately 65% of the filtered salt and water is reabsorbed across the proximal convoluted tubules. A. Sodium is actively transported, chloride follows passively by electrical attraction, and water follows the salt out of the proximal tubule.", "H+ and HCO3-. 1 The secretion of H+ in this section of the nephron is mainly a result of the Na+/H+ antiporter in the apical membrane using secondary active transport. 2 HCO3- is reabsorbed here in a different way to other substances. 3 Link to Article.", "Along with the nutrients that are reabsorbed into the blood, the balance of water and other molecules such as sodium and chloride is established by the reabsorption from the loop of Henle. In the kidneys, active, passive, and osmotic transport are used to transfer molecules such as those mentioned above.", "inhibit the reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions in the ascending portion of the loop of Henle and the early distal tubule of the nephron. results in excretion of sodium, chloride, and water. diuretic drugs uses. edema associated with Heart Failure, corticosteroid/estrogen therapy, and cirrhosis of the liver.", "The amount of sodium in the fluid influences its volume, which in turn determines blood volume and blood pressure. Most of the solute reabsorbed in the proximal tubule is in the form of sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride, and about 70% of the sodium reabsorption occurs here. Sodium reabsorption is tightly coupled to passive water reabsorption, meaning when sodium moves, water follows.", "ADH makes the collecting duct more permeable to Urea. H+ and HCO3-. The secretion of H+ in this section of the nephron is mainly a result of the Na+/H+ antiporter in the apical membrane using secondary active transport. HCO3- is reabsorbed here in a different way to other substances.", "Essentially, impaired release of chloride into the extracellular fluids results in the dehydration of surrounding respiratory and intestinal mucosal linings, and impaired sodium reabsorption of the sudoriferous glands.", "1 Approximately 65% of the filtered salt and water is reabsorbed across the proximal convoluted tubules. 2 Sodium is actively transported, chloride follows passively by electrical attraction, and water follows the salt out of the proximal tubule. 3 Salt transport in the proximal tubules is not under hormonal regulation.", "ADH makes the collecting duct more permeable to Urea. H+ and HCO3-. 1 The secretion of H + in this section of the nephron is mainly a result of the Na + /H + antiporter in the apical membrane using secondary active transport. 2 HCO 3 - is reabsorbed here in a different way to other substances. 3 Link to Article.", "1 The secretion of H + in this section of the nephron is mainly a result of the Na + /H + antiporter in the apical membrane using secondary active transport. 2 HCO 3 - is reabsorbed here in a different way to other substances.", "ADH makes the collecting duct more permeable to Urea. H+ and HCO3-. 1 The secretion of H + in this section of the nephron is mainly a result of the Na + /H + antiporter in the apical membrane using secondary active transport.2 HCO 3 - is reabsorbed here in a different way to other substances.3 Link to Article. The secretion of H + in this section of the nephron is mainly a result of the Na + /H + antiporter in the apical membrane using secondary active transport. 2 HCO 3 - is reabsorbed here in a different way to other substances.", "Reabsorption of HCO3 in the distal nephron is mediated by apical H+ secretion by the α-intercalated cell. Two transporters secrete H+, a vacuolar H+-ATPase and an H+-K+-ATPase. The H+-K+-ATPase uses the energy derived from ATP hydrolysis to secrete H+ into the lumen and reabsorb K+ in an electroneutral fashion.", "ADH and the Collecting Duct. The membrane of the Collecting Duct is practically impermeable to water. Therefore in order for water reabsorption from this part of the nephron to occur it is vital that aquaporins are inserted. This is the role of ADH. These channels are always present on the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells but their presence and concentration on the apical membrane is reliant on the concentration of ADH in the blood.", "In most of the nephron, water reabsorption is unregulated and coupled to solute reabsorption. The ability to excrete urine that is more concentrated than the extracellular fluid (ECF) depends on the creation of a hyperosmotic environment in the medulla.", "Reabsorbtion. Occuring more commonly within the nephron system than filtration, this is a form of active transport which takes the the useful substances for the body from the tubules and places them back into the blood filled capillaries.odium and Chlorine Ions are also moved back into the capillaries so that some salt regulation can occur. On the other end of the scale, substances such as hydrogen ions and toxins are actively secreted from the blood into the tubule.", "Conversely, if sodium and chloride are retained by the body, so is water. The elimination of sodium, chloride, and water from the body is somewhat complex. In the kidneys, sodium, chloride, and other small molecules are filtered out of the blood and into the tubules of the kidney where urine is formed. Most of the sodium, chloride, and water are reabsorbed into the blood before the filtered fluid leaves the kidney in the form of urine.", "The figure at right summarizes water reabsorption along the nephron. Water reabsorption is a passive process: water is reabsorbed by osmosis.In most of the nephron, water reabsorption is unregulated and coupled to solute reabsorption.The ability to excrete urine that is more concentrated than the extracellular fluid (ECF) depends on the creation of a hyperosmotic environment in the medulla.he figure at right summarizes water reabsorption along the nephron. Water reabsorption is a passive process: water is reabsorbed by osmosis.", "Because the PCT reabsorbs proportionate amounts of solutes and water, the osmolarity of the tubular fluid remains unchanged here. Elsewhere in the nephron, the amount of water reabsorption is continually modulated by hormones according to the body's state of hydration.", "Reabsorption of filtrate occurs in a few places within the nephron, however, the majority of reabsorption takes place in the proximal convoluted tube. It is important to mention that additional reabsorption occurs in the Loop of Henle, distal convoluted tube, and the collecting ducts as well.", "Urea. 50% of filtered urea is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. However the concentration of urea actually increases thanks to the reabsorption of 70% of the filtered water in the same portion of the nephron.", "25–35% of the filtered potassium is reabsorbed in the loop of Henle with the Na-K-2Cl-cotransport mechanism. 5–15% of the filtered potassium reaches the distal nephron. Depending on the metabolism there are now possibilities of potassium reabsorption or excretion (controlled by aldosterone).otassium reabsorption of the kidney. 60–70% of the filtered potassium (K +) is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. There are no specific K-transporter, reabsorption is managed with the absorption of water (solvent drag).", "Sodium is the most important ion in relation to reabsorption from the proximal tubule. Water and chloride follow sodium passively and many other ions, compounds and molecules are absorbed through co-transporters with sodium. Other substances are secreted or reabsorbed in the tubules passively by facilitated, non-facilitated diffusion or ion channels down chemical or electrical gradients. 2 Other substances are secreted or reabsorbed by active transport against such gradients. 3 Movement is via ATPases.", "The filtered fluid is called filtrate. Reabsorption of filtrate occurs in a few places within the nephron, however, the majority of reabsorption takes place in the proximal convoluted tube.", "1 It is then cleared from the cell via the sodium/potassium ATPase in the basolateral membrane. 2 Link to Article. 3 The remaining sodium is reabsorbed in the distal tubule via sodium chloride symporters. It is the cleared from the cells via the sodium/potassium ATPase.", "Reabsorbtion. Occuring more commonly within the nephron system than filtration, this is a form of active transport which takes the the useful substances for the body from the tubules and places them back into the blood filled capillaries.his commonly occurs throughout the entire nephron system especially within the Glomerulous and Bowman's Capsule where water, nitrogenous wastes, glucose, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, bicarbonate ions and hormones.", "The figure at right summarizes water reabsorption along the nephron. Water reabsorption is a passive process: water is reabsorbed by osmosis.In most of the nephron, water reabsorption is unregulated and coupled to solute reabsorption.The ability to excrete urine that is more concentrated than the extracellular fluid (ECF) depends on the creation of a hyperosmotic environment in the medulla.n the thick ascending limb, there is active reabsorption of ions, but this segment is relatively impermeable to water. As a result, these cells can make the interstitial fluid hyperosmotic relative to the fluid inside the tubule. In the descending limb, the opposite occurs.", "Kidney Reabsorption. Once inside the lumen of the nephron, small molecules, such as ions, glucose and amino acids, get reabsorbed from the filtrate: 1 Specialized proteins called transporters are located on the membranes of the various cells of the nephron. 2 These transporters grab the small molecules from the filtrate as it flows by them.", "Urea is freely filtered, 50% are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule with the reabsorption of water (solvent drag). Urea is secreted in the thin ascending limb of Henle loop, so significant amounts of urea reach the distal nephron.otassium reabsorption of the kidney. 60–70% of the filtered potassium (K +) is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. There are no specific K-transporter, reabsorption is managed with the absorption of water (solvent drag).", "The figure at right summarizes water reabsorption along the nephron. Water reabsorption is a passive process: water is reabsorbed by osmosis.In most of the nephron, water reabsorption is unregulated and coupled to solute reabsorption.The ability to excrete urine that is more concentrated than the extracellular fluid (ECF) depends on the creation of a hyperosmotic environment in the medulla.As the collecting duct descends through the medulla, the increasing osmolarity in the interstitial fluid drives water reabsorption.he ability to excrete urine that is more concentrated than the extracellular fluid (ECF) depends on the creation of a hyperosmotic environment in the medulla. As the collecting duct descends through the medulla, the increasing osmolarity in the interstitial fluid drives water reabsorption.", "50% of filtered urea is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. However the concentration of urea actually increases thanks to the reabsorption of 70% of the filtered water in the same portion of the nephron.", "Proximal tubule [edit]. Most of the reabsorption (65%) occurs in the proximal tubule. In the latter part it is favoured by an electrochemical driving force, but initially it needs the cotransporter SGLT and the Na-H antiporter.t is very efficient, since more than 25,000 m moles /day of sodium is filtered into the nephron, but only ~100 m moles /day, or less than 0.4% remains in the final urine.", "The figure at right summarizes water reabsorption along the nephron. Water reabsorption is a passive process: water is reabsorbed by osmosis.In most of the nephron, water reabsorption is unregulated and coupled to solute reabsorption.The ability to excrete urine that is more concentrated than the extracellular fluid (ECF) depends on the creation of a hyperosmotic environment in the medulla.As the collecting duct descends through the medulla, the increasing osmolarity in the interstitial fluid drives water reabsorption.However, there is a tremendous variability in water excretion. The urine produced can be either concentrated, or very dilute.he ability to excrete urine that is more concentrated than the extracellular fluid (ECF) depends on the creation of a hyperosmotic environment in the medulla. As the collecting duct descends through the medulla, the increasing osmolarity in the interstitial fluid drives water reabsorption.", "E) increase secretion of renin by the juxtaglomerular complex. The thick ascending limb of the nephron loop (loop of Henle) is almost impermeable to water, but reabsorbs sodium, potassium, and chloride ions from the filtrate. A) The first statement is true but the second statement is false. B) The first statement is false but the second statement is true.", "Kidney Reabsorption. Once inside the lumen of the nephron, small molecules, such as ions, glucose and amino acids, get reabsorbed from the filtrate: 1 Specialized proteins called transporters are located on the membranes of the various cells of the nephron.", "Reabsorption from the proximal tubule. Reabsorption affects all the glucose of the filtrate, up to 70 percent of its water and sodium (the remainder is absorbed in the distal tubule), most of the potassium and chloride ions, some of the uric acid, 40 percent of the urea, and little or none of the sulfate.", "Reabsorption takes place in the tubular parts of the nephron where water and solutes move across the tubular wall out of the nephron (by diffusion or active transport) and into the surrounding capillaries. c. Secretion moves substances from the capillaries into the nephron walls.. Urine is a fluid that rids the body of water and solutes that are in excess of the amounts needed to maintain the extracellular fluid. 2. Urine forms through a sequence of three processes:", "Within the nephron (the functional unit of the kidneys), filtration occurs in the glomerolus. The filtered fluid is called filtrate. Reabsorption of filtrate occurs in a few places within the nephron, however, the majority of reabsorption takes place in the proximal convoluted tube. It is important to mention that additional reabsorption occurs in the Loop of Henle, distal convoluted tube, and the collecting ducts as well." ]
is the dalai lama vegetarian
The Dalai Lama tried becoming a vegetarian and promoted vegetarianism. In 1999, it was published that the Dalai Lama would only be vegetarian every other day and partakes of meat regularly. When he is in Dharamsala, he is vegetarian, but not necessarily when he is outside Dharamsala.
[ "Knowing that the dalai lama eats meat makes me feel better about it but I agree that each bite of meat you take should give you pause for thought. Today we slaughtered another pig and we will try and use every bit of it in homage, right down to lard for soap. It’s the least we can do.", "Here are five interesting facts about the current Dalai Lama, a holy figure within Tibetan Buddhism and an ardent advocate for Tibetan independence from China. 1 The Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso was born Lhamo Dhondup on July 6, 1935 to a peasant family in northeastern Tibet.", "Dalai Lama. For the current Dalai Lama, see 14th Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama /ˈdɑːlaɪ ˈlɑːmə/ (US), /ˌdælaɪ ˈlɑːmə/ (UK) is a monk of the Gelug or Yellow Hat school of Tibetan Buddhism, the newest of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism founded by Je Tsongkhapa. The Dalai Lama title was created by Altan Khan (Shunyi Wang of China) in 1578.", "A+E Networks. The Dalai Lama, the exiled religious and political leader of Tibet, is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his nonviolent campaign to end the Chinese domination of Tibet. The 14th Dalai Lama was born as Tenzin Gyatso in Tsinghai Province, China, in 1935.", "When the Nobel Committee chose the Dalai Lama, it emphasized that he based his Buddhist peace philosophy on reverence for all living things and the idea of a universal responsibility that embraces both man and nature.", "His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, was born Tenzin Gyatso on 6 July 1935. He is the spiritual head of the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and the secular leader of Tibet. The Dalai Lama is a spiritual leader for Buddists and offers advice on life.", "“The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. Tenzin Gyatso (1950 – present), more commonly called as the “the Dalai Lama” is the 14th and current Dalai Lama.", "10 Dalai Lama Quotes. The 14th Dalai Lama is a man with great wisdom and high morality. He is looked at in times of great need, times of compassion and times of guidance.", "The Dalai Lamas have been the head of the order of Gelugpa Buddhism, which means Yellow Hat, since the fourteenth century. The Dalai Lama took on the additional role of political leader in the seventeenth century.", "Universal Recognition. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a man of peace. In 1989 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent struggle for the liberation of Tibet. He has consistently advocated policies of non-violence, even in the face of extreme aggression.", "The 14th Dalai Lama - Biographical His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people. He was born in a small village called Taktser in northeastern Tibet. Born to a peasant family, His Holiness was recognized at the age of two, in accordance with Tibetan tradition, as the reincarnation of his predecessor the 13th Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lamas are the manifestations of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, who chose to reincarnate to serve the people. Dalai Lama means Ocean of Wisdom.", "His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, describes himself as a simple Buddhist monk. He is the spiritual leader of Tibet. He was born on 6 July 1935, to a farming family, in a small hamlet located in Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet.", "The 14th Dalai Lama (/ˈdɑːlaɪ ˈlɑːmə/ (US), /ˌdælaɪ ˈlɑːmə/; (UK) (religious name: Tenzin Gyatso, shortened from Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, born Lhamo Thondup, 6 July 1935) is the current Dalai Lama.", "The Dalai Lama is the pro facto leader of Tibetan Buddhism and the nation of Tibet.", "The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso. The Dalai Lama is considered to be the successor in a line of tulkus who are believed to be incarnations of Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. The name is a combination of the Mongolic word dalai meaning ocean and the Tibetan word བླ་མ་ (bla-ma) meaning guru, teacher, mentor.", "1. Who is the Dalai Lama? His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, serves as the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the people of Tibet. He was born on July 6, 1935 to a peasant farming family in northeastern Tibet.", "The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso. The Dalai Lama is considered to be the successor in a line of tulkus who are believed to be incarnations of Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.", "Sonam Gyatso received the title Dalai Lama, meaning ocean of wisdom, from the Mongolian king Altan Khan. He was the first Dalai Lama to be called by that title in his lifetime. Sonam Gyatso served as abbot of Drepung and Sera monsteries, and he founded Namgyal and Kumbum monasteries. He died while teaching in Mongolia.", "His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a man of peace. In 1989 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent struggle for the liberation of Tibet. He has consistently advocated policies of non-violence, even in the face of extreme aggression.", "Brief Biography. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, describes himself as a simple Buddhist monk. He is the spiritual leader of Tibet. He was born on 6 July 1935, to a farming family, in a small hamlet located in Taktser, Amdo, northeastern Tibet.", "The Dalai Lama is the head monk of Tibetan Buddhism and traditionally has been responsible for the governing of Tibet, until the Chinese government took control in 1959. Before 1959, his official residence was Potala Palace in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.", "The Dalai Lama is acknowledged to be a reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lama and also an emanation of the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteśvara (known as Chenrezig in Tibetan.) Answer: Each Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lama.", "In exile, the Dalai Lama began the task of trying to preserve the culture of the Tibetan people and publicise their plight on the world stage. He appealed to the United Nations and persuaded the General Assembly to adopt resolutions in 1959, 1961 and 1965 calling for the protection of the Tibetan people.", "The Dalai Lama is currently exiled from Tibet and lives in McLeodganj (also known as Upper Dharamsala, a village in the mountains north of New Delhi), in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. McLeodganj is about 530 kms from Delhi and approx.", "The Dalai Lama and the nature of Buddhist ethics by de Cea, Abraham Velez / Journal of Buddhist Ethics.", "His life after exile. The Dalai Lama learned Buddhist thought and practice as part of his monastic (done by monks or nuns) training. The people of Tibet still consider him to be their spiritual and political leader.", "Dalai Lama Biography. Born: July 6, 1935 Taktser, Tibet. Tibetan religious and political leader. The Dalai Lama is the fourteenth leader in a line of Buddhist spiritual and political leaders of Tibet. Buddhists are followers of Gautama Buddha (c. 563–c. 483. ), who believed the troubles of this life can be overcome through moral and mental discipline.", "The Dalai Lama is currently exiled from Tibet and lives in McLeodganj (also known as Upper Dharamsala, a village in the mountains north of New Delhi), in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. McLeodganj is about 530 kms from Delhi and approx. 100 kms from Pathankot.", "Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama speech in english at the World Compassion Day. Stay tuned, Stay connected SUBSCRIBE HERE! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... 1 People & Blogs. 2 Standard YouTube License.", "Theravadins also believes that the Buddha allowed the monks to choose a vegetarian diet, but only prohibited them from eating human, elephant, cow, horse, dog, cat, lion, tiger, bear, leopard, and slug flesh.", "But, for many monks practicing Tantric Tibetan Buddhism, vegetarianism is not a commandment and usually they can eat clean meat. Tibetan Buddhism consists of Exoteric Buddhism and Esoteric Buddhism, or Tantric Tibetan Buddhism, with the later gaining more publicity.", "Tenzin Gyatso is the fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibetan Buddhism. He was born in 1935 and recognised as the reincarnation of Thubten Gyatso at a young age. His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso, was born Lhamo Dhondrub on July 6 1935 to a peasant family in the province of Amdo, in a village called Takster in northeastern Tibet.", "Born to a peasant family, His Holiness was recognized at the age of two, in accordance with Tibetan tradition, as the reincarnation of his predecessor the 13th Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lamas are the manifestations of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, who chose to reincarnate to serve the people.", "During the 1959 Tibetan uprising, the Dalai Lama fled to India, where he currently lives as a refugee. The 14th Dalai Lama received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.", "You could say that the Dalai Lama is a pretty interesting guy, after all his stance on extra terrestrial life is quite interesting. During an interview the Dalai Lama was asked what surprises him the most, his response was quite mind altering. “Man surprised me most about humanity.", "The 14th Dalai Lama was born in Taktser village, Amdo, Tibet (was administratively in Qinghai province, Republic of China), and was selected as the tulku of the 13th Dalai Lama in 1937 and formally recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama at a public declaration near the town of Bumchen in 1939.", "You could say that the Dalai Lama is a pretty interesting guy, after all his stance on extra terrestrial life is quite interesting. During an interview the Dalai Lama was asked what surprises him the most, his response was quite mind altering. advertisement - learn more.", "Although the ban was lifted in 1976, protests in Tibet continued, and the exiled Dalai Lama won widespread international support for the Tibetan independence movement. In 1989, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in recognition of his nonviolent campaign to end the Chinese domination of Tibet.", "Buddhists believe that the first tulku in this reincarnation was Gedun Drub, who lived from 1391-1474 and the second was Gendun Gyatso. However, the name Dalai Lama, meaning Ocean of Wisdom, was not conferred until the third reincarnation in the form of Sonam Gyatso in 1578.", "The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered, ‘Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. This quote, printed over a photograph of the Dalai Lama, is floating around on Facebook.", "Dalai Lama on Man’s Life. Posted on August 3, 2011 by. The Dalai Lama was asked what surprised him the most; he said, “Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.", "The Dalai Lama is considered to be the successor in a line of tulkus who are believed to be incarnations of Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.", "Da•lai La•ma. 1. the title for the traditional ruler and chief monk of Tibet. 2. (Tenzin Gyatso), born 1935, Tibetan religious and political leader, in exile since 1959: the Dalai Lama since 1940; Nobel peace prize 1989. dalai ocean + lama a celibate priest].", "Before the Chinese invasion of Tibet, the Dalai Lama lived in Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. In the summer, the Dalai Lamas lived in Norbulingka (Nor-bu-gling-ka) Palace an…d Gardens. In the winter, the Dalai Lamas lived in the famous Potala (Po-ta-la) Palace." ]
is it unusual to have severe back pain with shingles
Back pain due to shingles usually begins as superficial, mild burning, tingling or itching. When the rash appears, pain usually becomes worse and may be severe. Pain seems to come from the skin and the touch of clothing or even a breeze may be sufficient to trigger shooting pains that interfere with activities.
[ "The first sign of shingles, which is also called herpes zoster, is pain that might feel like burning or tingling on one side of your face, chest, back, or waist. It can be intense. You might also feel like you're coming down with the flu, with symptoms such as: Fever. Chills. Fatigue.", "How pain after shingles is diagnosed. If you have had shingles, and your doctor knows this, pain after shingles is easy to diagnose. No tests are usually necessary. The pain will generally be felt in the same places the shingles rash appeared.You may not have to live with pain after shingles because treatments are available for this pain.our doctor will ask about your pain history and perform a physical exam. For most people with shingles, a rash and blisters will form along the chest or back. This rash is often accompanied by pain. Your doctor may take a scraping or culture of these blisters for lab tests.", "Diagnosing pain after shingles is relatively simple. Because shingles is not a rare condition, your doctor may be familiar with its diagnosis. Your doctor may also be familiar with pain after shingles, a complication of the condition.our doctor will ask about your pain history and perform a physical exam. For most people with shingles, a rash and blisters will form along the chest or back. This rash is often accompanied by pain. Your doctor may take a scraping or culture of these blisters for lab tests.", "Symptoms and Diagnosis. An outbreak of shingles usually begins with a burning, itching, or tingling sensation on the back, chest, or around the rib cage or waist. It is also common for the face or eye area to be affected. (Watch the video to learn more about one woman's experience with shingles.", "The first symptom of shingles is often burning or tingling pain, or itch, generally in a band-like distribution on one side of the body, i.e., around the waist, chest, stomach, or back. Shingles pain can be mild or intense.", "The pain of shingles can be so severe, even before the rash develops, that it mimics dangerous conditions such as appendicitis, kidney stones, or a heart attack, depending upon the location of the nerve that is affected.", "I showed it to a physician who told me it was nothing. It was not until I showed the physician the spread of the rash and flaking of the skin that he finally realized I had shingles. The pain is deep and very painful, sensitive to touch. It is difficult to sleep on your back or stomach as the rash covers both areas. Painkillers do not kill the pain.", "Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some, it can be intense. Depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. Some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash. Most commonly, the shingles rash develops as a stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or right side of your torso. Sometimes the shingles rash occurs around one eye or on one side of the neck or face.", "I've recently been diagnosed with shingles, which was preceeeded by lower back pain, heartburn-like pain, and intermit…tent stabbing pains throughout my chest area and right leg. Then came the snesitive skin issue. My doctor (internal medicine) said that all of these were related, and diagnosed shingles.", "The pain associated with shingles varies from person to person. It may feel like an electric shock, a dull ache or a sharp pain. It may also be uncomfortable when clothing touches the skin in the affected area. The pain occurs before the first sign of the shingles rash and will continue after the rash develops.", "In august i had horrific back pain that i thought was just a muscular thing,no rash at this time, i went to the doctors 4 days later as it was still so painfull, when i arrived at the docs a small rash had appeares on my back and he diagnosed shingles, i honestly have never felt pain, or have been as ill as i was in the next 3-4 weeks.", "Shingles begins with a red, painful rash or series of blisters, often in a band from the back to the chest wall. Before the rash appears patients may feel pain, burning, numbness or tingling in that area.The pain can be intense and if it's in the chest it can be mistaken for a heart-related condition, say clinic staff.", "282,980 Helpful Votes. A. Even when there is no rash, the pain of shingles may be apparent. Before a rash is visible, the patient may notice several days to a week of burning pain and sensitive skin. When the characteristic rash is not yet apparent, it may be difficult to determine the cause of the often severe pain.", "1 The first symptom of shingles is often extreme sensitivity or pain in a broad band on one side of the body (see Figure 1 for an example of dermatomes, areas where individual nerves from the spine function).", "It is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox: the varicella-zoster virus. The first sign of shingles is often burning or tingling pain, or sometimes numbness or an itch, in one particular location on only one side of the body. After several days, a shingles rash may appear.Shingles pain can be mild or intense. Some people have mostly itching; some feel pain from the gentlest touch or breeze. The most common location for this pain and its associated rash is a band, called a dermatome, spanning one side of the trunk around the waistline.ometimes, particularly in older people, shingles pain persists long after the rash has healed. This is known as postherpetic neuralgia. Postherpetic neuralgia can be mild or severe -- the most severe cases can lead to insomnia, weight loss, depression, and disability.", "The first symptom of shingles is often burning or tingling pain, or itch, generally in a band-like distribution on one side of the body, i.e., around the waist, chest, stomach, or back. Shingles pain can be mild or intense.hingles is the reactivation of a viral infection in the nerves to the skin that causes pain, burning, or a tingling sensation, along with an itch and blisters in the skin supplied by the affected nerve. It is caused by the varicella zoster virus[1] , or VZV—the same virus that causes chickenpox.", "The signs and symptoms of shingles usually affect only a small section of one side of your body. Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some, it can be intense. Depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. Some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash.", "There are two causes of shingles pain without rash. One is a rare condition called zoster sine herpete. This condition is simply a shingles outbreak without rash or blisters, but it still causes intense pain for the individual suffering from this condition.evere postherpetic neuralgia can feel as though the rash never went away, and simply feels like shingles without a rash. More mild cases can feel like an aching pain, while some people report sensitivity or just numbness in the region where the rash once was.", "The signs and symptoms of shingles usually affect only a small section of one side of your body. Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some, it can be intense. Depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. Some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash. Most commonly, the shingles rash develops as a stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or right side of your torso. Sometimes the shingles rash occurs around one eye or on one side of the neck or face.", "The shingles rash appears as painful skin blisters that appear on only one side of the face or body along the distribution of nerves on the skin. Typically, the rash occurs along your chest, back, abdomen, or face, but it may also affect other parts of the body like the limbs, neck, or lower back.hingles Symptoms: Before the Rash. The pain of shingles may develop even when there is no rash. The patient may notice several days to a week of burning pain and sensitive skin before the rash appears. In these cases it may be difficult to determine the cause of the often severe pain.", "Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some, it can be intense. Depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. Some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash.Most commonly, the shingles rash develops as a stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or right side of your torso. Sometimes the shingles rash occurs around one eye or on one side of the neck or face.hen to see a doctor. Contact your doctor promptly if you suspect shingles, but especially in the following situations: 1 The pain and rash occur near an eye. 2 If left untreated, this infection can lead to permanent eye damage.", "Shingles Symptoms: Before the Rash. The pain of shingles may develop even when there is no rash. The patient may notice several days to a week of burning pain and sensitive skin before the rash appears. In these cases it may be difficult to determine the cause of the often severe pain.he shingles rash appears as painful skin blisters that appear on only one side of the face or body along the distribution of nerves on the skin. Typically, the rash occurs along your chest, back, abdomen, or face, but it may also affect other parts of the body like the limbs, neck, or lower back.", "Burning, Itching, Tingling, Then a Rash. An outbreak of shingles usually begins with a burning, itching, or tingling sensation on the back, chest, or around the rib cage or waist. It is also common for the face or eye area to be affected. (Watch the video to learn more about one woman's experience with shingles.", "Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some, it can be intense. Depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. Some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash.Most commonly, the shingles rash develops as a stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or right side of your torso. Sometimes the shingles rash occurs around one eye or on one side of the neck or face.he signs and symptoms of shingles usually affect only a small section of one side of your body. These signs and symptoms may include: 1 Pain, burning, numbness or tingling. 2 Sensitivity to touch. 3 A red rash that begins a few days after the pain. 4 Fluid-filled blisters that break open and crust over. 5 Itching.", "Early symptoms of shingles may include fever and general weakness. You may also feel areas of pain, burning, or a tingling sensation. A few days later, the first signs of a rash appear. You may begin to notice pink or red blotchy patches on one side of your body. These patches cluster along nerve pathways.", "The signs and symptoms of shingles usually affect only a small section of one side of your body. Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some, it can be intense. Depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys.", "Thoracic radiculopathy causes pain from the middle back that travels around to the chest. It is often mistaken for shingles. Some patients develop a hypersensitivity to light touch that feels painful in the area involved. Less commonly, patients can develop weakness in the muscles controlled by the affected nerves.", "Shingles causes a painful rash of small blisters that typically appear on the body, often in a band on the chest and back. The virus that causes shingles is called varicella zoster. This is the virus that causes chickenpox. After having chickenpox, the varicella virus lies dormant in the spinal cord.", "Early symptoms of shingles may include fever and general weakness. You may also feel areas of pain, burning, or a tingling sensation. A few days later, the first signs of rash appear. You may begin to notice pink or red blotchy patches on one side of your body. These patches cluster along nerve pathways.", "Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS. SHINGLES SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS. Shingles usually begins with unusual sensations, called parasthesias, such as itching, burning, or tingling in an area of skin on one side of the body. Some people develop a fever, a generalized feeling of being unwell, or a headache. Within one to two days, a rash of blisters appears on one side of the body in a band-like pattern (picture 1A-B). The trunk (chest, upper, or lower back) is usually affected by the shingles rash (figure 1).", "Symptoms of shingles. Symptoms of shingles include pain, tender skin, and a rash, usually on one side of the body. The most common symptom of shingles is pain - a constant dull, burning, or gnawing pain, or sharp, stabbing pains that come and go. Other common symptoms include tender skin and a blistering rash. Typically, shingles takes the following course: Acute pain, tingling, numbness, and itching on a specific part of the skin, on a single side of the body.", "The first sign of shingles is often burning, sharp pain, tingling, or numbness in your skin on one side of your body or face. The most common site is the back or upper abdomen. You may have severe itching or aching. You also may feel tired and ill with fever, chills, headache, and upset stomach or belly pain. Put cool, moist washcloths on the rash. 2 Rest in bed during the early stages if you have fever and other symptoms. 3 Try not to let clothing or bed linens rub against the rash and irritate it. 4 Call your healthcare provider right away if: You develop worsening pain or fever.", "This is what an average case of Shingles can look like on the back. Here is an example of typical Shingles rash on the arm. This is an example of a severe Shingles rash with a bacterial infection. The appearance of a Shingles rash can differ depending on a person’s skin. This rash is more severe than a typical case. In some severe cases, like this one, the Shingles rash may resemble a burn.", "Prodrome (Pain) . 1 Pain is the primary early symptom for shingles, and it occurs in all patients. 2 The affected skin may itch, feel numb, and be unbearably sensitive to touch. 3 In addition, some patients may have flu-like symptoms such as muscle aches. (Some people have fever, but it is uncommon.)", "Shingles pain can be mild or intense. Some people have mostly itching; some feel pain from the gentlest touch or breeze. The most common location for this pain and its associated rash is a band, called a dermatome, spanning one side of the trunk around the waistline. Shingles symptoms are less common on the lower body. For most healthy people, the lesions heal and shingles pain subsides within three to five weeks.", "Shingles can cause changes to your body that are mild and annoying or serious and debilitating. The first symptoms of shingles are usually tingling pain, a burning sensation, or itching. These symptoms can affect any part of the body, but commonly turn up on one side of the waist or one side of the face.", "Shingles most often occurs in elderly people and people with weakened immune systems. Common symptoms of shingles include a rash, usually along a nerve path, and severe pain. Sometimes the pain can last for months and be so debilitating that typical daily routines are disrupted.", "The reason these two conditions are paired up: They come from the same virus. Chickenpox causes itchy blisters that might start on your back, chest, and face and spread to the rest of your body. Shingles is a rash with shooting pain. It usually shows up on just one side of your body. If you start to feel tingly and itchy on one side of your torso and then notice a rash, call your doctor. She can examine you and figure out whether you have shingles.", "Shingles Pain In many cases, the first sign of shingles is pain in one particular location on only one side of the body. The severity of the pain can range from mild to intense.", "Sometimes pain develops without a rash, a condition known as zoster sine herpete . This usually occurs in elderly patients. Symptoms include burning or shooting pain, numbness, tingling, itching, headache, fever, chills, and nausea. An accurate early diagnosis of shingles in such cases is often difficult." ]
what does school governance mean
Confidence votes 23. A school governance is a government for the school. The school government is like the United States government, except it is modified for the school's needs.It includes all the principles, models, and practices that enable a school district board to effective direct the workings of the schools within its boundaries.he school government is like the United States government, except it is modified for the school's needs. It includes all the principles, models, and practices that enable a school district board to effective direct the workings of the schools within its boundaries.
[ "Public school governance has many different functions and responsibilities, but the overall governing structure of a public school institution is typically the same.gain, it is these boards that cause public school governance to be what it is. These boards, constantly assess, improve, maintain, and regulate the institutions within their district. The key to a successful school board is to have educated, proactive members who are able to admit to flaws in the system.", "Good governance requires the school to have clear guidelines determining the boundaries between the governance role of the Board and the day-to-day management of the school, which is the Principal’s role. The following processes are useful in achieving appropriate separation of roles:", "Education Governance. Education governance is concerned with how the funding, provision, ownership and regulation of education and training systems is coordinated, and at what level; local, regional, national and supranational.ducation Governance. Education governance is concerned with how the funding, provision, ownership and regulation of education and training systems is coordinated, and at what level; local, regional, national and supranational.", "Statutory guidance is issued by law; you must follow it unless there’s a good reason not to. The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2007 continue to apply to existing governing bodies until they decide to make a change to their instrument of government. Schools where this is the case should refer to the statutory guidance on the ‘ School Governance (Constitution) Regulations 2007 ’ instead.", "Most schools work with a group of school governors-together they’re called the 'governing body '. They’re involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and setting standards of school discipline.", "Local-governance autonomy: In education, the degree to which local governing bodies—such as school districts and school boards—can make independent decisions about how to structure and operate public schools is a common topic of study, discussion, and debate in the United States.", "Good governance requires the school to have clear guidelines determining the boundaries between the governance role of the Board and the day-to-day management of the school, which is the Principal’s role. 1 The following processes are useful in achieving appropriate separation of roles: 1 formalise and disclose the delegation of authority to the Principal. 2 formalise and disclose the authority reserved to the Board. 3 define the role of Principal in a job description.", "Sharing governance in schools to facilitate and support the schools at grass root level yielded Board of Governors (BOGs) and parent teacher association (PTAs). At present it has become a recognized phenomenon. In one or the other way parents constitute part of the school governance structure.", "it seems sometimes to be taken for granted that governance means the same thing as what a governing body does or what it ought to do teachers teach leaders and managers lead and manage governors governt seems sometimes to be taken for granted that governance means the same thing as what a governing body does or what it ought to do teachers teach leaders and managers lead and manage governors govern", "In our time of social, economic, technological and geopolitical turbulence, the local school board's responsibility is greater than ever. Acting on behalf of the people of each community, the local school board's leadership role is a governance role. School boards govern, administrators implement.", "Governing the school district is the primary role of a school board. School board members are guardians of the public trust and, through the policies they make, are ultimately responsible for the success or failure of local public education.", "And now, for a real-life example of what this means in practice, Ian Ritchie, Chair of Governors, Norbury Hall Primary School, which received the “outstanding governance” accolade, reflects on why he thinks this was the outcome:y belief, from experience over time, is that a school or governing body does not become outstanding overnight and certainly cannot do so through training alone.", "A board of education, school committee or school board is the board of directors or board of trustees of a school, local school district or higher administrative level.he American board of education traces its origins back to 1647 with the formation of the American public school system, the Massachusetts Bay Colony mandated that every town within its jurisdiction establish a public school.", "At the time of appointment the Principal should be given a formal job description and a letter of appointment outlining the duties, rights and responsibilities attached to the role. Good governance requires the school to have clear guidelines determining the boundaries between the governance role of the Board and the day-to-day management of the school, which is the Principal’s role. The following processes are useful in achieving appropriate separation of roles:", "School governors are volunteers who help to run the school. Most schools work with a group of school governors-together they’re called the 'governing body '.", "Governance is all of the processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society. It relates to the processes of interaction and decision-making among the actors involved in a collective problem that lead to the creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social norms and institutions. In lay terms, it could be describe", "Governance refers to the process of making decisions which define the expectations, systems and management, in this case, of a neighbourhood. It is influenced by the local institutions and agencies which deliver services to an area and should also be shaped by local people.", "What Is School Administration? School administration officers oversee the daily operations of schools, colleges, universities, day care centers and preschools. A school administrator's specific responsibilities differ between organizations, but often these administrators are an important link between students and local communities.", "Students will likely have a week-long spring break, two-day fall break and two week Christmas break. School Governance: As you approach the US school system, bear in mind that the control and governance of US schools is very different from that of UK schools.chool Governance: As you approach the US school system, bear in mind that the control and governance of US schools is very different from that of UK schools.", "School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school.", "Governing body roles and responsibilities What do school governors do? Governing bodies are typically made up of between 7 and 20 governors, comprising of members of school staff, members of the community, members of the local authority, parents and, in church schools, members of the diocese. Roles. Their roles are to: ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;", "In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, school governors are members of a school’s Governing Body. In state schools they have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and acting as a critical friend.", "At the time of appointment the Principal should be given a formal job description and a letter of appointment outlining the duties, rights and responsibilities attached to the role. Good governance requires the school to have clear guidelines determining the boundaries between the governance role of the Board and the day-to-day management of the school, which is the Principal’s role. 1 The following processes are useful in achieving appropriate separation of roles: 1 formalise and disclose the delegation of authority to the Principal. 2 formalise and disclose the authority reserved to the Board. 3 define the role of Principal in a job description.", "Poor governance can seriously contribute to poor education quality and ineffective learning experiences. Education governance consists of multiple layers from the central down to the community level with various actors and stakeholders holding varying degrees of powers, authority, influences and accountability.For quality learning, every level of the system has an important role.oor governance can seriously contribute to poor education quality and ineffective learning experiences. Education governance consists of multiple layers from the central down to the community level with various actors and stakeholders holding varying degrees of powers, authority, influences and accountability.", "The major role of a school board of governors or management committee is to ensure the effective and accountable use of resources in the provision of public or private education. Typically, when this major role is expanded the following components may need to be included:", "The term board of governors is most often used with secondary schools though in some places it is called a school council. The oversight of the management of primary schools is often entrusted to a management committee. Management committees usually have fewer members than boards of governors.", "Autonomy in local governance also intersects with two related educational terms and concepts: “local control” and “site-based management,” both of which refer to the ability of local institutions and governing bodies to make autonomous decisions about the management of public schools.", "Governance refers to all of the processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society.", "US School System. This page provides an overview of school-level study in the US, including information on terminology differences, school governance and organisation, types of schools, grade levels and assessment.chool Governance: As you approach the US school system, bear in mind that the control and governance of US schools is very different from that of UK schools.", "Part of a series on. Governance. Governance is all of the processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through the laws, norms, power or language of an organized society. It relates to the processes of interaction and decision-making among the actors involved in a collective problem that lead to the creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social norms and institutions. In lay terms, it could be describe", "Good governance. Good governance is an indeterminate term used in the international development literature to describe how public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public resources. Governance is the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented).", "School leadership is the process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils, and parents toward achieving common educational aims. This term is often used synonymously with educational leadership in the United States and has supplanted educational management in the United Kingdom. Several universities in the United States offer graduate degrees in educational leadership. Certain obstacles of educational leadership can be overcome.", "Most state legislatures require that school districts be governed by a school board, board of education, or similar body. School boards govern the school district's actions and can also take action on their own.", "Home > Managing a School > Governance Guidelines > Across the Board > 19. The Key Roles of the Principal. The Principal is responsible for the management and day-to-day operations and business of the school. The authority to exercise managerial powers is delegated from the Board, which retains responsibility for the overall governance of the School.", "For Educators. School legislation includes any federal, state, or local regulation that a school, its administration, teachers, staff, and constituents are required to follow. This legislation is intended to guide administrators and teachers in the daily operations of the school district.", "Schools and School Districts. School districts are quasi-municipal corporations created and organized by state legislatures and charged with the administration of public schools within the state. A quasi-municipal corporation is a political body created for the sole purpose of performing one public function.", "Governance refers to all processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through laws, norms, power or language..n the case of a business or of a non-profit organization, for example, good governance relates to consistent management, cohesive policies, guidance, processes and decision-rights for a given area of responsibility, and proper oversight and accountability.", "Page 1 of 2 The Role of the School Governor School Governing Bodies All state maintained primary, secondary and special schools, are accountable to their governing bodies, which in turn are accountable to parents and the community.", "The Role of the School Board Each school district’s needs and conditions are unique. And since the dynamic between a board and its superintendent varies from district to district, they often fall into their own particular version of the proper roles of governance and administration.", "Governance refers to all of processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through the laws, norms, power or language..", "In the United States, public schools belong to school districts, which are governed by school boards. Each district is an independent special-purpose government, or dependent school systems, under the guidelines of state government and local school boards. A school district is a legally separate body corporate and politic.", "Full Definition of GOVERNANCE. : government. See governance defined for English-language learners. See governance defined for kids.", "Governance refers to all processes of governing, whether undertaken by a government, market or network, whether over a family, tribe, formal or informal organization or territory and whether through laws, norms, power or language..o distinguish the term governance from govern ment: a government is a formal body invested with the authority to make decisions in a given political system." ]
right sided chf symptoms
Heart failure usually affects both sides of the heart. But in some people it affects only one side. When heart failure affects mainly the left side of the heart, the symptoms are more likely to involve breathing difficulties. When mainly the right side is affected, the main symptoms may be leg swelling and abdominal swelling.
[ "Inflammation of the pancreas can cause chest pain on the right or the left side. It often radiates to the back and the abdomen can be tender when touching. This is a serious condition and needs to be evaluated and treated immediately. Pancreatitis can be caused by alcohol use, gallstones, and blocked bile ducts.", "1 The chest pain may become more pronounced with deep breathing and coughing. Gastritis: Gastritis, or inflammation of the stomach lining, usually occurs after fasting or excessive alcohol consumptions and it can cause abdominal pain and pain in the right side of the chest." ]
how long does it take to defrost fish
Time to defrost one pound of fish: 6-8 hours. · The cold water method is a good way to thaw fish. Don’t let the fish thaw completely. Time to defrost one pound of fish: 1-2 hours. · If several small fish are frozen together in a block, use the cold water method to separate them. Cook them right away or wrap them and put them in the refrigerator to continue thawing. · The metal pan method is a fair way to defrost fish. Definitely don’t do it for longer than 2 hours.
[ "Thawing of Fish: Thaw fillets in the refrigerator, in the microwave or under cold running water. Food defrosted in the microwave should be cooked immediately. Other thawed fish should be used within one to two days. Cooking Fish Properly: Cook the fish according to your favorite recipe.", "ANSWER: It depends on the total weight of the fish and the thickness. Either way, take the fish and put inside a zip-lock bag and immerse in warm, not hot water and it will thaw faster. About 10-30 minutes depending on quantity. If in the refrigerator, as long as 2-3 hours.", "You can even cook frozen fish without thawing, although special techniques are recommended for grilling or pan-searing. Try it out, and if you don't like it, there are plenty of ways to defrost frozen fish without affecting safety or quality.eep your fridge below 46ºF (8ºC) to keep your fish safe, and cook with 48 hours. 1 Frozen foods will produce water as the ice melts, so keep your fish in a container that can catch water. 2 While most fish will thaw within 8 hours, massive amounts of fish could take up to 24 hours.", "There is no need to defrost seafood before cooking. I've been a pro cook for 43 years, just stick it on the grill, or in a thick frying pan, squirt it with lemon juice, or water, and cover quickly on medium heat, it will thaw and cook in about 30 to 90 seconds, depending on the type of fish and the thickness.", "ANSWER: It depends on the total weight of the fish and the thickness. Either way, take the fish and put inside a zip-lock bag and immerse in warm, not hot water and it will thaw faster. About 10-30 minutes depending on quantity.", "Listeria and vibrio bacteria can fish that has been defrosted in the refrigerator will last for 1 to 2 days if kept it is safe leave a day or two before cooking faq's about buying shopping salmon, freezing thawing fresher frozen products minimize shrink keep margins high your wrapped plastic just raw, place on plate night dec 8, 2011 refrigerate all risk foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs dairy store main body of refrigerator, rather than fridge door.", "The length of defrost time will vary based on a few factors: 1. How thick the cut of meat is. As a general rule of thumb, meat that’s an inch thick takes about 10 minutes to defrost this way. If it’s half an inch thick, it takes half that time. If it’s a couple inches thick, it takes twice that time.", "Thawing frozen fish in the fridge is the slowest but safest method. Thawing Time: 6 to 24 hours, depending on quantity. Generally, 6 to 8 hours per pound. The temperature of the refrigerator should be maintained at 8°C or below as anything between 8°C and 63°C may allow the multiplication of bacteria.", "Published on Aug 14, 2014. Here's the fastest way to defrost meat. Watch as we thaw meat quickly-steaks, fish, chicken breasts-in 10-15 minutes. It used to take hours to defrost meat, not anymore! Get our Email News: http://www.gardenfork.tv/sign-up-for-...", "As a rough guide, if seafood is stored at -18ºC, the maximum recommended storage periods are: White fish 4 months. Oil-rich fish 3 months. Smoked fish 3 months. Shellfish 3 months. The ideal method of defrosting seafood is to allow it to thaw out overnight in the fridge. Thawing seafood out in water can lead to loss of texture, flavour and valuable nutrients.", "Sink Defrosting. 1 1. Remove the salmon from the freezer. 2 2. Make sure the fish is in a plastic bag, if it is not already. 3 3. Place the salmon in a large bowl. 4. Fill the bowl or sink with cold water until the salmon is 1 submerged. 5. Change the cold water every 30 minutes. 6. Remove the fish after it is fully thawed and cook immediately. If you are thawing salmon that was frozen in a block of ice, run cold water over the fish until all the ice chunks are removed. Then cover the fish in plastic wrap, place it in a pan and leave it in the refrigerator for 6 to 12 hours.", "ANSWER: It depends on the total weight of the fish and the thickness. Either way, take the fish and put inside a zip-lock bag and immerse in warm, not hot water and it will thaw faster. About 10-30 minutes depending on quantity.If in the refrigerator, as long as 2-3 hours. in the refrigerator it will take at least 24 hrs all the way to 2 days... you can also thaw in cold water but water must be changed every 30 mins.... DONT NOT USE HOT WA … TER WILL CREATE BACTERIA GROWTH!!!", "•Handle properly: When shopping, ask for your fish to be packed with a separate bag of crushed ice to keep it cold. Refrigerate whole fish up to two days; fillets and steaks one to two days. Place the fish in a plastic bag, then top with a zip-top plastic bag filled with ice. Thaw frozen fish in the refrigerator.To defrost safely and quickly in one to two hours, place the fish in a sealed plastic bag in a bowl of cold water, changing the water often.Handle properly: When shopping, ask for your fish to be packed with a separate bag of crushed ice to keep it cold. Refrigerate whole fish up to two days; fillets and steaks one to two days. Place the fish in a plastic bag, then top with a zip-top plastic bag filled with ice. Thaw frozen fish in the refrigerator.", "You’ll need to change the water every 30 minutes to ensure that it stays sufficiently cold. Using this thawing method, small packages of frozen meat or poultry (about a pound) can defrost in one hour or less. For larger items, you should estimate about 30 minutes of defrosting time per pound of food. Once the food is thawed completely, you’ll need to cook it immediately.", "You’ll need to change the water every 30 minutes to ensure that it stays sufficiently cold. Using this thawing method, small packages of frozen meat or poultry (about a pound) can defrost in one hour or less. For larger items, you should estimate about 30 minutes of defrosting time per pound of food.", "There are two safe ways to defrost, one more rapid than the other. First method is to defrost in the refrigerator. This keeps temperature below 40 degrees F, in the safe zone. This will, also, take a while. Second method is to defrost in the sink under cold running water. The water doesn't have to run rapidly, but it should change regularly. This will defrost the fish more rapidly than in the air (water is a better conductor of heat than air) and will keep the fish in the danger zone for the shortest period of time.", "First method is to defrost in the refrigerator. This keeps temperature below 40 degrees F, in the safe zone. This will, also, take a while. Second method is to defrost in the sink under cold running water. The water doesn't have to run rapidly, but it should change regularly. This will defrost the fish more rapidly than in the air (water is a better conductor of heat than air) and will keep the fish in the danger zone for the shortest period of time.", "You’ll need to change the water every 30 minutes to ensure that it stays sufficiently cold. Using this thawing method, small packages of frozen meat or poultry (about a pound) can defrost in one hour or less. For larger items, you should estimate about 30 minutes of defrosting time per pound of food.Once the food is thawed completely, you’ll need to cook it immediately.f you're defrosting a package of meat, poultry or fish that is in pieces, separate them as the food thaws. If you use the microwave thawing method, you’ll need to cook the food immediately after it’s thawed. Once you’ve cooked the food, you can safely refreeze it if you like.", "I would cook and eat meat that's been left out raw up to 2-3 hours (depending on room temperature). However I would not eat a fish that's been left out in a warm room for much more than an hour of being defrosted. Fish decays faster than meat.", "Using this thawing method, small packages of frozen meat or poultry (about a pound) can defrost in one hour or less. For larger items, you should estimate about 30 minutes of defrosting time per pound of food. Once the food is thawed completely, you’ll need to cook it immediately." ]
when common bile duct is dilated what happens
“Common bile duct is dilated”. Common Bile duct is part of the “plumbing” that drains the secretion of the liver (bile) into small bowel (duodenum). The size of the common bile duct, if dilated, may suggest a blockage downstream. This is a specific finding that is looked for when a patient gets an ultrasound for a suspected liver or Gallbladder disease. When a patient has their gallbladder removed, the common bile duct dilates over some time.
[ "In this clogged state, the duct is especially vulnerable to an infection called ascending cholangitis. Very rare deformities of the common bile duct are cystic dilations (4 cm), choledochoceles (cystic dilation of the ampula of Vater (3–8 cm), and biliary atresia.", "In regards to the discussion of the dilated common bile duct, I recently went through an Ultrasound and an MRI with imaging dye and no cancer was found. However, I was not given a cause or a cure for the dilation and will have to have follow-up via blood draws every 3 months and another MRI in a year.", "A useful trick that can help identify a dilated common bile duct is to use a finder needle. Aspirating the portal structures with a fine (eg, 25-gauge) needle can facilitate identification of the common duct.", "Dilated common bile duct. I have a dilated common bile duct, had a CT, MRI, Endoscopy, Endoscopic Ultrasound & lots of blood work, everything was negative, but in the endoscopic ultrasound it showed again the dilated common bile duct and. irregular Z line.", "Distal common bile duct. 1 Currently, pancreaticobiliary malunion (PBMU) and reflux of pancreatic juice into the common bile duct (CBD), weakening of bile duct wall, and distal CBD obstruction are thought to contribute to congenital biliary dilatation (commonly known as choledochal cyst) [1] ; [2].", "Ampullary carcinoma with a dilatated common bile duct and pancreatic duct. Small mass lesion at the distal common bile duct. Various causes of bile duct dilatation: Dilatated common bile duct caused by a chronic pancreatitis of the head of the pancreas that could be mistaken for a pancreatic carcinoma.", "Biliary Ductal Dilatation. Biliary Ductal Dilatation: The ducts of the bile from the gallbladder and liver join together to from a common bile duct. This drains into the small bowel and bile is delivered to this point of the small bowel known as the duodenum. Bile aids in the breakdown of food that is undigested.", "1 Common bile duct and pancreatic duct join and open as common in 2nd part of duodenum at ampulla of vator. 2 Any pathology at ampulla will cause CBD and pancreatic duct dilation. 3 Needs GI specialist advise ...", "Dilatated common bile duct caused by impression of a cystic mass of the pancreatic head and only minor dilatation of the pancreatic duct. Th ... Segmental dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts in the right liver lobe and normal intrahepatic bile ducts in the rest of the liver and ...", "Caroli Disease (2). The duct dilatation in Caroli disease is due to a congenital malformation of the ductal plate, which is the precursor of the intrahepatic bile ducts. On the left we see the normal development of the ductal plate. Embryologically each bile duct begins as a single layer of cells that surrounds a portal vein.", "Papil stenosis with dilatated bile ducts and pancreatic duct. Biopsy showed chronic inflammation but no malignancy. Various causes of bile duct dilatation: Dilatated common bile duct caused by impression of a cystic mass of the pancreatic head and only minor dilatation of the pancreatic duct. Th ... Case of the month July 2005: View case 10/18. View case 11/18.", "I've looked all over the internet trying to find the answer to this question. Then I remembered all of the experts here! My ultrasound in December said The common bile duct is again noted to be mildly dilated up to 7.8mm in diameter ... then MRCP or ERCP could be performed..", "A block in the cystic duct or common bile duct can cause dilation of Gall bladder. Block can be due to stricture or stones. 11 people found this useful.", "Abnormal dilation of the bile duct and/or pancreas duct is often associated with an increase in the products and enzymes made by the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, which can be tested for with blood tests (serum liver tests, amylase, lipase). If the ducts are blocked this may result in pain.", "The potential cause of the dilation is the important question. If this is an isolated finding, it is entirely possible the duct is dilated after the passing of a gallstone (causing a downstream blockage with bile backing into pancreatic duct), which would not necessitate urgent treatment. ...Read more.", "The common bile duct is a common duct that carries bile from the liver and the gallbladder to the duodenum. If this duct is blocked, it can cause the yellowish-colored bile to back up and enter the bloodstream. This can lead to a yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, known as jaundice.he common bile duct is a common duct that carries bile from the liver and the gallbladder to the duodenum. If this duct is blocked, it can cause the yellowish-colored bile to back up and enter the bloodstream. This can lead to a yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, known as jaundice.", "Abnormal dilation of the bile duct and/or pancreas duct is often associated with an increase in the products and enzymes made by the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, which can be tested for with blood tests (serum liver tests, amylase, lipase).", "Common bile duct stone, also known as choledocholithiasis, is the presence of gallstones in the common bile duct (thus choledocho- + lithiasis). This condition causes jaundice and liver cell damage, and requires treatment by cholecystectomy and/or ERCP. 1 1 Signs and symptoms. 2 Causes.", "Extrahepatic obstruction is indicated by dilated bile ducts. On transabdominal and endoscopic ultrasounds, bile ducts stand out as echo-free tubular structures. The diameter of the common duct is normally < 6 mm, increases slightly with age, and can reach 10 mm after cholecystectomy.", "Case of the month July 2005: Various causes of bile duct dilatation: Hemobilia with slight dilatation of the bile ducts and echoic structures in the common bile duct but a normal gallbladder. Various causes of bile duct dilatation: Segmental dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts in the right liver lobe and normal intrahepatic bile ducts in the rest of the liver and ...", "Whenever there is blockage or obstruction in bile duct, it enlarges in it size or dilates. The first symptom you may notice is pale colored stool and dark urine if bile duct is blocked, if the blockage progresses further it causes yellow discoloration of your eyes and skin.t always needs further investigation. The common causes of bile duct enlargement are: 1 Gallstones: Small gallstones dislodges from the gallbladder, travel all the way in the bile duct and get impacted in the ampula of vater, it is the narrowest site of the bile duct where gallstones can get impacted.", "Common bile duct stone. MRCP image of two stones in the distal common bile duct. [edit on Wikidata] Common bile duct stone, also known as choledocholithiasis, is the presence of gallstones in the common bile duct (thus choledocho- + lithiasis). This condition causes jaundice and liver cell damage, and requires treatment by cholecystectomy and/or ERCP. 1 Signs and symptoms.", "choledochal cyst The uncommon congenital cystic dilation of the common bile duct, which is often associated with cystic dilation of the intrahepatic biliary tract. It is more common in females (3–4:1), especially in Asians; most present in infancy.", "MRI sched. Liver. Dilated bile duct: The bile duct is the duct the drains bile out of the river and into the intestines. Dilated bile duct can be a sign of pancreatic, bile duct, liver,or gallbladder disease. It is an important sign, and it definitely needs to be evaluated until a cause is identified and taken care of.", "Dilated bile duct is commonly seen in clinical practice and usually. represents an obstructive lesion limiting the flow of bile. The. evaluation of dilated bile duct is aimed to diagnose and treat the. obstructive lesion. The clinical approach therefore requires (i) definition of normal limits of bile duct size (ii) predictive markers.", "Key words. Currently, pancreaticobiliary malunion (PBMU) and reflux of pancreatic juice into the common bile duct (CBD), weakening of bile duct wall, and distal CBD obstruction are thought to contribute to congenital biliary dilatation (commonly known as choledochal cyst) [1] ; [2].", "In patients with a pancreatic head tumor, typically dilatation of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct (double duct sign) is seen, which is very suggestive for a mass in the pancreatic head, even in the absence of a visible mass.", "Normal development of the ductal plate (Illustration by Aletta Frazier) Caroli Disease (2) The duct dilatation in Caroli disease is due to a congenital malformation of the ductal plate, which is the precursor of the intrahepatic bile ducts. On the left we see the normal development of the ductal plate. Embryologically each bile duct begins as a single layer of cells that surrounds a portal vein.", "Choledocholithiasis refers to the presence of one or more gallstones in the common bile duct. Usually, this occurs when a gallstone passes from the gallbladder into the common bile duct (see the image below). Common bile duct stone (choledocholithiasis). The sensitivity of transabdominal ultrasonography for choledocholithiasis is approximately 75% in the presence of dilated ducts and 50% for nondilated ducts.", "6. Get help from a doctor now ›. Dilated bile duct: The bile duct is the duct the drains bile out of the river and into the intestines. Dilated bile duct can be a sign of pancreatic, bile duct, liver,or gallbladder disease. It is an important sign, and it definitely needs to be evaluated until a cause is identified and taken care of. Do not hesitate to get the MRI and follow up with your doctor on the results. Good luck. ...Read more.", "Extrahepatic jaundice is most often due to a stone in the common bile duct (CBD) or a pancreaticobiliary malignancy (pancreatic, ampullary or cholangiocarcinoma). But during the day-case operation, the surgeon severed his common bile duct leaving corrosive bile flowing into his stomach.", "Its effects include, dilation of the bile ducts. Cofeee enemas can cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall. This property of caffeine, when administered rectally, is called a “choleretic”.", "When one or more bile ducts narrows or has a blockage, bile may back up and cause problems such as jaundice, a yellowing of the skin. Or, a leak in a bile duct may allow bile to flow into the abdominal cavity. PTC allows your doctor to see on the x-rays if the ducts are partially or completely blocked.", "Figure 2. (A) Ultrasound evidence of cholelithiasis and common hepatic duct dilation. Left panel, cholelithiasis (100%); right panel, common hepatic duct dilation (48%). (B) CT evidence of type II Mirizzi syndrome (arrow demonstrates erosion of gallbladder wall into common hepatic duct wall).", "Enlarged bile duct symptoms vary depending upon the cause of enlargement or dilation: Gallstones in bile duct leading to its enlargement: 1 Usually there is a long history of flatulent dyspepsia (eructation).t always needs further investigation. The common causes of bile duct enlargement are: 1 Gallstones: Small gallstones dislodges from the gallbladder, travel all the way in the bile duct and get impacted in the ampula of vater, it is the narrowest site of the bile duct where gallstones can get impacted." ]
how long is ait for an mp
MP AIT is 8 weeks long, if I'm not mistaken. Boot Camp is the same for Army National Guard, Army Reserve, and Active Duty Army. MP training (AIT) is usually done back to back with Basic, also known as One Station Unit training (OSUT).
[ "AIT – Advanced Individual Training. AIT, or Advanced Individual Training, is where new soldiers receive specific training in their chosen MOS. The length of AIT training varies depending on the MOS and can last anywhere from three weeks to nearly two years. The current longest AIT training lasts 84 weeks (1 year and 8 months). Just like Basic Training, AIT progressively allows trainees more and more privileges, such as being able to leave post on the weekends, making personal phone calls, or having more personal time. It all depends on your AIT location and instructors.", "TL:DR : What are the benefits for having certain MOS's like MP or Combat Engineer do 3 or 4 weeks of job training as part of OSUT, instead of a longer AIT period.", "AIT – Advanced Individual Training AIT, or Advanced Individual Training, is where new soldiers receive specific training in their chosen MOS. The length of AIT training varies depending on the MOS and can last anywhere from three weeks to nearly two years.", "Where is AIT located and how long does AIT last for 12T technical engineers? The information I have has AIT for 12T at either 14 weeks or 17 weeks or somewhere in between at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. Plan on the longer time because I believe that's the most recent info.", "31B - Military Police. This MOS combines BCT and AIT into One Station Unit Training (OSUT). You will be training for 17 weeks (4.5 months). If you want to divide it up, BCT is always 9 weeks plus the one week of in-processing (not counted above in the 17 weeks). AIT is 8 weeks.", "Advanced Individual Training (AIT) consists of the remainder of the total Basic Training period, and is where recruits train in the specifics of their chosen field. As such, AIT is different for each available Army career path, or Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). AIT courses can last anywhere from 4 to 52 weeks.", "Advanced Individual Training (AIT) consists of the remainder of the total Basic Training period, and is where recruits train in the specifics of their chosen fields. As such, AIT is different for each available Army career path, or Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). AIT courses can last anywhere from 4 to 52 weeks.", "1 The length of AIT training varies depending on the MOS and can last anywhere from six weeks to one year. 2 Several MOSs combine both basic training and AIT in a back-to-back combined course called One Station Unit Training (OSUT), which can last up to 22 weeks.", "it tells you everything you need to know about your mos & BCT. i was an MP. BCT is always 9 weeks, but my AIT was also 9 weeks. i loved being an MP its alot of fun. theres more combat to it without having to do infantry. and since i couldnt be infantry i opted for that. reserves is a one weekend thing, so what do you want to do in your civilian life?? choosing an mos that suits your life is the best way to go. i also wanted to be a cop so thats why i chose MP", "MPT's Captains License classes are USCG Approved, NO TEST AT THE USCG. This course is available at two levels. The first level is 8 days in length for daytime students or 2 weeks of evenings and Saturdays for Night Students.", "The information I have has AIT for 12T at either 14 weeks or 17 weeks or somewhere in between at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. Plan on the longer time because I believe that's the most recent info. Your Recruiter will be your best source because he'll have the most up-to-date data.", "Basic Combat Training is divided into 3 parts, each lasting 3 weeks: Advanced Individual Training (AIT) consists of the remainder of the total Basic Training period, and is where recruits train in the specifics of their chosen field. As such, AIT is different for each available Army career path, or Army Job (MOS).", "1 Program Length: 2 years for the MPT, 3 years for the DPT. 2 Prerequisites: Undergraduate degree with an emphasis in a health or science-related field. 3 Program Specializations: Electrophysiology and geriatric therapy, among others. 4 Other Requirements: Clinical experiences.", "I’m joining the army will my husband be able to come see me during my MOS training? How long is MOS training? ***** The length of AIT for your MOS training depends entirely on the MOS that you choose. The shortest AIT is five weeks where the longest is close to a year. The shorter the AIT is, the less freedom you will have during the training. If the AIT is longer, it is more likely that you will be able to have more communication with him as well as visits.", "9 weeks of Basic Training followed by 5 weeks of AIT Infantry School. This will be done simultaneously non-stop. So a total of 14 weeks all together.", "Hide Post. i'm home on exodus right now from MP OSUT... my basic training portion is still the same as it used to be 9 weeks 3 phases (3 weeks red 3 white and 3 blue) then the AIT portion is 8 weeks 2 phases (4 Gold 4 Black).ide Post. i'm home on exodus right now from MP OSUT... my basic training portion is still the same as it used to be 9 weeks 3 phases (3 weeks red 3 white and 3 blue) then the AIT portion is 8 weeks 2 phases (4 Gold 4 Black).", "His orders say AIT will last 25 weeks however he is fairly certain he will finish around 20 weeks. As I’m sure you must know we have no idea where we will be after AIT. My husband is doing AIT in GA and because we have kids I have chosen to stay at our home in CA until he is done with his training.", "Basic Combat Training (BCT) consists of the first ten weeks of the total Basic Training cycle, and is identical for all Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard recruits. Advanced Individual Training (AIT) consists of the remainder of the total Basic Training period, and is where recruits train in the specifics of their chosen field. As such, AIT is different for each available Army career path, or Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). AIT courses can last anywhere from 4 to 52 weeks.", "Basic Training is divided into two parts: Basic Combat Training (BCT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). BCT consists of the first ten weeks of the total Basic Training cycle and is identical for all Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard recruits. AIT instead consists of the remainder of the total Basic Training period and is where recruits train in the specifics of their chosen fields. As such, AIT is different for each available Army career path, or Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). AIT courses can last anywhere from 4 to 52 weeks.", "Many people forget about the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (“MPRE” or “ethics bar”), but it is required for admission in all but four U.S. jurisdictions. The MPRE is a 2 hour and 5 minute, 60 question multiple-choice test on professional responsibility. The next text is administered a week from today, August 10, 2012. There is also an administration on November 3, April 6, 2013 and August 17, 2013.", "Aerodynamic measure. A simple test of glottic efficiency is Maximum Phonation Time (MPT) . MPT is the maximum time (in seconds) for which a person can sustain a vowel sound when produced on one deep breath at a relatively comfortable pitch and loudness. Like the S/Z Ratio, this is a quick and simple aerodynamic measure. Using a stopwatch, time (in seconds) how long the client can sustain the vowel. 2 Record the time as the duration of 1st ‘ah’ . 3 Repeat Step 1 and record the time as duration of 2nd ‘ah’ . 4 Repeat Step 1 and record the time as duration of 3rd ‘ah’ . 5 The MPT is the longest duration ‘ah’ of the three attempts.", "A simple test of glottic efficiency is Maximum Phonation Time (MPT) . MPT is the maximum time (in seconds) for which a person can sustain a vowel sound when produced on one deep breath at a relatively comfortable pitch and loudness.Like the S/Z Ratio, this is a quick and simple aerodynamic measure. Using a stopwatch, time (in seconds) how long the client can sustain the vowel. 2 Record the time as the duration of 1st ‘ah’ . 3 Repeat Step 1 and record the time as duration of 2nd ‘ah’ . 4 Repeat Step 1 and record the time as duration of 3rd ‘ah’ . 5 The MPT is the longest duration ‘ah’ of the three attempts.", "MPT as a measure of vocal function. In order to produce a good quality voice, a person must be able to bring their vocal folds (vocal cords) together easily along their entire length. The gap between them (the glottis) needs to be closed with just the right amount of tension. Using a stopwatch, time (in seconds) how long the client can sustain the vowel. 2 Record the time as the duration of 1st ‘ah’ . 3 Repeat Step 1 and record the time as duration of 2nd ‘ah’ . 4 Repeat Step 1 and record the time as duration of 3rd ‘ah’ . 5 The MPT is the longest duration ‘ah’ of the three attempts.", "Aim. The purpose of this study was to provide normal values for maximum phonation time (MPT) and the s/z ratio by examining 1660 children aged 4–12 years and without vocal signs or symptoms.esults. The average of the MPT in children of the different age groups was as follows: 6.09 seconds for the age group 4–6 years (males, 5.97; female, 6.21 seconds), 7.94 seconds for the age group 7–9 years (males, 8.07; females, 7.79 seconds), and 8.98 for the age group 10–12 years (males, 9.05; females, 8.92 seconds).", "Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Training for this MOS consists of 17 weeks of One Station Unit Training (OSUT), which combines basic training (9 weeks) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT -- 8 weeks) into one single course.OSUT is conducted at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.n Ohio for example, the Military Police reclassification course is four weeks. Your best bet to get a definitive answer for your state is to call the RNCO of the MP unit you will be attached to. Ask them where you will be sent to get the MOS and how long it will take.", "Some post-graduate physical therapy programs offer a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree, while others offer a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) degree, though the DPT is far more common. Doctoral programs typically last for 3 years, while Master's programs last 2-3 years.", "AIT also features individual fitness requirements, much like those you encounter in basic training. These requirements are elevated, however, at this stage in your training. Males between 17 and 21 need to perform 42 pushups, 53 situps within two minutes, and run two miles in 15 minutes, 54 seconds or less.", "For AIT schools that are longer than 20 weeks, it is possible for the family to move with you to the training location. Depending on the instructors, you may be able to live with your family in that situation after a certain time period (usually after the 11th week of training).", "A: Each of the two MPTs is a 90-minute simulated client exercise in which students are given a case. file, and a library of cases and statutes. Students are instructed to complete a task, which is usually to. draft a memo, brief, or letter to a supervisor or client.", "Report Abuse. First, if you are 31B Alternate Trainer, you need to plan on another 9 to 10 weeks of training (the only way a person would be going to a 31B AIT is as an Alternate (Split) Trainer or as a additional MOS Training) even though the actual AIT is only 8 weeks.eport Abuse. First, if you are 31B Alternate Trainer, you need to plan on another 9 to 10 weeks of training (the only way a person would be going to a 31B AIT is as an Alternate (Split) Trainer or as a additional MOS Training) even though the actual AIT is only 8 weeks.", "The bar exam takes two days and consists of the Multistate Performance Tests (“MPT”) , Multistate Essay Exam (“MEE”) , and the Multistate Bar Exam (“MBE”) . MPT (Performance Test). New Mexico tests two (2) MPT performance tests. New Mexico Essays. Colorado tests six (6) essays.", "MP Training Phases (Basic & AIT) Military Police One Station Unit Training (OSUT) is comprised of both Basic Training (BT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Completion of Military Police OSUT training awards a Soldier either the 31B (Military Police) Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). OSUT consists of the following five training phases:", "Infantry AIT was also eight weeks. As I once served with a unit that got a lot of National Guard for additional training, most of them had basic, then were assigned ... This page may be out of date.", "What is the MPRE? Many people forget about the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (“MPRE” or “ethics bar”), but it is required for admission in all but four U.S. jurisdictions. The MPRE is a 2 hour and 5 minute, 60 question multiple-choice test on professional responsibility. The next text is administered a week from today, August 10, 2012. There is also an administration on November 3, April 6, 2013 and August 17, 2013.", "A cardiac stress test with Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) is a non-invasive test (no surgery or cutting skin). This test takes four (4) hours and is done in three (3) parts with breaks in between each part.", "Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) is a 60-question, two-hour-and-five-minute, multiple-choice examination administered three times each year. It is required for admission to the bars of most U.S. jurisdictions, including Missouri.", "Advanced Individual Training (AIT) consists of the remainder of the total Basic Training period, and is where recruits train in the specifics of their chosen field. As such, AIT is different for each available Army career path, or Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).asic Combat Training (BCT) consists of the first ten weeks of the total Basic Training period, and is identical for all Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard recruits.", "“It doesn’t mean that you’re not getting as good of a workout because you’re not crippled the next day,” says Monica Vazquez, NASM certified personal trainer. “You should feel [soreness] 24 hours to three days after the activity.", "Master of Science (M.S.) in Applied Information Technology. The AIT program is designed for seasoned IT professionals or those new to the field. Courses are scheduled for working professionals and you can obtain a full masters degree in just two years. Classes are offered at University Center and there is also an extensive selection of online classes. See More Information: Master of Science in Applied Information Technology.", "The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) is a two-hour, 60-question multiple-choice examination developed by NCBE that is administered three times per year. It is required for admission to the bars of all but three U.S. jurisdictions (Maryland, Wisconsin, and Puerto Rico).", "Obtain a post-graduate professional degree. Some post-graduate physical therapy programs offer a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree, while others offer a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) degree, though the DPT is far more common. Doctoral programs typically last for 3 years, while Master's programs last 2-3 years.", "During basic training they average six or seven hours. After basic is over, the AIT you go to will determine how much you get. Some AITs, such as 11X or 19D, do all training at the same place so you may get seven or eight hours. Others may have longer AITs and they get more time off.", "“It is a Shemitah cycle. Which means, next year begins a new seven year cycle. If the tribulation does not start next year it cannot start for seven more years. Because it’s one unit—seven days make up one week and we’re having a seven year tribulation.", "In fact, a recent construction publication’s cover article on warranties started out by saying, “It is common, even customary, for construction contracts to include a 12-month warranty of material and workmanship.” The Contractor’s Express Warranty Obligation, Construction Claims Monthly (Bus." ]
what is grey level
grey (gray) level. Definition: Discrete brightness level of a pixel or group of pixels. * When an image is digitised or processed, a brightness levels that vary continuously must be quantised i.e. assigned a value on a scale between white and black and shades of grey in between: that value is the grey level.
[ "Gray (unit) The gray (symbol: Gy) is a derived unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the absorption of one joule of radiation energy per kilogram of matter. It is used as a measure of absorbed dose, specific energy (imparted), and kerma (an acronym for kinetic energy released per unit mass).", "Gray (Gy). The gray is a unit used to measure a quantity called absorbed dose. This relates to the amount of energy actually absorbed in some material, and is used for any type of radiation and any material. One gray is equal to one joule of energy deposited in one kg of a material.", "By definition, exposure is a measure of the amount of ionizations produced in air by photon radiation. gray: Gray (Gy) is the unit in the International System of Units used to describe absorbed radiation dose. It describes a specific amount of energy absorbed in a medium (human tissue, for example). In the traditional units, the rad describes absorbed radiation dose. One gray is equal to 100 rad. observable health effect: An observable health effect is a change in physical health that can be detected medically.", "The gray (symbol: Gy) is a derived unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the absorption of one joule of radiation energy per one kilogram of matter.It is used as a measure of absorbed dose, specific energy (imparted) , and kerma (an acronym for k inetic e nergy r eleased per unit ma ss).It is a physical quantity, and does not take into account any biological context.he absorbed dose also plays an important role in radiation protection as it is the starting point for calculating the stochastic effect of low levels of radiation. The stochastic health risk for radiation protection dose assessment is defined as the probability of cancer induction and genetic damage.", "The gray (symbol: Gy) is a derived unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the absorption of one joule of radiation energy per one kilogram of matter.he gray was named after British physicist Louis Harold Gray, a pioneer in the field of X-ray and radium radiation measurement, and their effects on living tissue. It was adopted as part of the International System of Units in 1975.", "Grey Market Premium: Rs -6 (Seller). This means sellers are ready to sell SVPCL shares at the discount of Rs 6. i.e. 45-6 = Rs 39. 2. Kostak (or price of application) is the premium amount in rupees at which IPO applications are being traded in IPO Grey Market.. Grey market premium (or grey market price) is a premium amount in rupees at which IPO shares are being traded in Grey Market before they get listed in stock exchange.", "This allows us to unify the measurement of different types of radiation (i.e., particles and wave) by measuring what they do to materials. The gray is a large unit and for normal radiation protection levels a series of prefixes are used: nanogray (nGy) is one thousand millionth of a gray (1/1,000,000,000)", "Grey (British English) or gray (American English; see spelling differences) is an intermediate color between black and white. This means that there are equal components of red, green, and blue. The variations in intensity of these colors uniformly produce different shades of grey.", "Two popular terms used in IPO grey market are ‘Grey Market Premium' and ‘ Kostak'. 1. Grey market premium (or grey market price) is a premium amount in rupees at which IPO shares are being traded in Grey Market before they get listed in stock exchange. Grey market premium can be in positive or in negative based on demand and supply of the stock.", "Grey (British English) or gray (American English) is an intermediate color between black and white. It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is a color without color. It is the color of a cloud-covered sky, of ash and of lead. The first recorded use of grey as a color name in the English language was in AD 700. Grey is the dominant spelling in European and Commonwealth English, although gray remained in common usage in the UK until the second half of the 20th century.", "Grey (British English) or gray (American English) is an intermediate color between black and white. It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is a color without color. It is the color of a cloud-covered sky, of ash and of lead. The first recorded use of grey as a color name in the English language was in AD 700.", "Grey (British English) or gray (American English; see spelling differences) is an intermediate color between black and white. It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is a color without color.. This means that there are equal components of red, green, and blue. The variations in intensity of these colors uniformly produce different shades of grey.", "For other uses, see Grey (disambiguation). Grey (British English) or gray (American English; see spelling differences) is an intermediate color between black and white. It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is a color without color.. This means that there are equal components of red, green, and blue.", "Grey (Commonwealth English) or gray (American English) is an intermediate color between black and white. It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is a color without color.. This means that there are equal components of red, green, and blue. The variations in intensity of these colors uniformly produce different shades of grey. It is the color of a cloud-covered sky, of ash and of lead.", "This article is about the color. For other uses, see Grey (disambiguation). Grey (British English) or gray (American English) is an intermediate color between black and white. It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is a color without color. It is the color of a cloud-covered sky, of ash and of lead. The first recorded use of grey as a color name in the English language was in AD 700.", "Two popular terms used in IPO grey market are ‘Grey Market Premium' and ‘ Kostak'. 1 1. Grey market premium (or grey market price) is a premium amount in rupees at which IPO shares are being traded in Grey Market before they get listed in stock exchange. Grey market premium can be in positive or in negative based on demand and supply of the stock. Grey Market Premiums are also attached with words ‘Buyer' or ‘Seller'. They tell the price either at which buyers are willing to buy shares or the price at which sellers are willing to sell their IPO shares.", "Grey (British English) or gray (American English; see spelling differences) is an intermediate color between black and white. It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is a color without color.. This means that there are equal components of red, green, and blue.", "This article is about the color. For other uses, see Grey (disambiguation). Grey (British English) or gray (American English) is an intermediate color between black and white. It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is a color without color. It is the color of a cloud-covered sky, of ash and of lead.", "Gray level transformations ( a ) Negative image: Example: g (x,y) = 255 - f (x,y)", "Grey or gray (see spelling differences) is an intermediate color between black and white. It is a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally that it is a color without color.", "( d ) Gray level slicing ( Intensity level slicing) AB s r Highlights only the range [ A - B ] s r A B Preserves other intensities", "Level 2 if for if you are up to 50 percent gray and not changing their natural haircolor drastically. A level 3 color uses a stronger volume of bleach and is good for covering gray if you are more than 50 percent gray or if you are changing your hair color more than 1 or 2 shades from your natural hair color.", "Grayscale is the collection or the range of monochromic (gray) shades, ranging from pure white on the lightest end to pure black on the opposite end. Grayscale only contains luminance (brightness) information and no color information; that is why maximum luminance is white and zero luminance is black; everything in between is a shade of gray.", "1. Grey market premium (or grey market price) is a premium amount in rupees at which IPO shares are being traded in Grey Market before they get listed in stock exchange.Grey market premium can be in positive or in negative based on demand and supply of the stock.. Grey market premium (or grey market price) is a premium amount in rupees at which IPO shares are being traded in Grey Market before they get listed in stock exchange.", "GreyStone may have an answer with our Levelized Billing plan. The plan lets members level out their monthly electric costs over a 12-month period, and it’s offered as a convenience to qualified residential members (see eligibility below).", "Be the first to review. 'Slate Gray' is a shade of Grey that is 22% saturated and 56% bright. For reference purposes, Slate Gray has the hex value #708090.Moreover, Slate Gray can be referenced by the string 'SlateGray' in CSS documents.Slate Gray' is a shade of Grey that is 22% saturated and 56% bright. For reference purposes, Slate Gray has the hex value #708090.", "The meaning of grey is often a calm, detached, quiet color that is lacking in energy. It is the middle product of black and white, thus it is very neutral and indecisive - a color which doesn't care to take sides. Some common properties of the color grey include: 1 Detached / Neutral. Lacks Vitality / Draining.", "Grey's Anatomy, even in its thirteenth season, is ABC's highest-rated drama; although its ratings have fallen over the course of its run (it was once among the overall top 10 shows in the United States), it is still one of the highest rated shows among the 18–49 demographic, and the No. 3 drama on all of broadcast television.", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Grey. Grey or gray is an intermediate color between black and white, a neutral or achromatic color, meaning literally a color without color.. It is the color of a cloud-covered sky, of ash and of lead. The first recorded use of grey as a color name in the English language was in AD 700.", "The meaning of grey is often a calm, detached, quiet color that is lacking in energy. It is the middle product of black and white, thus it is very neutral and indecisive - a color which doesn't care to take sides. Because of its equal mixture of black and white, grey is a neutral, indecisive and detached color.", "Prediabetes is the precursor stage before diabetes mellitus in which not all of the symptoms required to diagnose diabetes are present, but blood sugar is abnormally high. This stage is often referred to as the grey area.. Impaired fasting glycemia and impaired glucose tolerance are two forms of prediabetes that are similar in clinical definition (glucose levels too high for their context) but are physiologically distinct.", "Slate Gray #708090. Be the first to review. 'Slate Gray' is a shade of Grey that is 22% saturated and 56% bright. For reference purposes, Slate Gray has the hex value #708090. Moreover, Slate Gray can be referenced by the string 'SlateGray' in CSS documents.Slate Gray' is a shade of Grey that is 22% saturated and 56% bright. For reference purposes, Slate Gray has the hex value #708090.", "The Gray (Gy) is a measure of absorbed dose, the older unit being the rad, an acronym for radiation absorbed dose. There are 100 rads in one Gray. A Gray represents the transfer of 1 Joule of energy per kilogram.he Gray (Gy) is a measure of absorbed dose, the older unit being the rad, an acronym for radiation absorbed dose. There are 100 rads in one Gray. A Gray represents the transfer of 1 Joule of energy per kilogram.", "Meaning of Grey. It simply doesn't get more bland than the color grey, even black or white, its foundation colors, fail to reach its level of emotional absence. The meaning of grey is often a calm, detached, quiet color that is lacking in energy. It is the middle product of black and white, thus it is very neutral and indecisive - a color which doesn't care to take sides. Some common properties of the color grey include: Detached / Neutral.", "Greystones (Irish: Na Clocha Liatha) is a coastal town and seaside resort in County Wicklow, Ireland. It lies on Ireland's east coast, 8 km (5.0 mi) south of Bray and 27 km (17 mi) south of Dublin, with a population of 17,468 (2011) The town is bordered by the Irish Sea to the east, Bray Head to the north and the Wicklow Mountains to the west.", "Grey. 1 Grey is a word to describe a man who is kind, romantic, fun to be with, a fierce protector and southern gentleman. 2 A type of extra terrestrial being (alien). 3 The race of aliens said to be commonly seen by people who claim to have seen or been abducted.", "For the film, see Greyscale (film). Not to be confused with Gray code. For variations of the base color, see shades of gray. In photography and computing, a grayscale or greyscale digital image is an image in which the value of each pixel is a single sample, that is, it carries only intensity information. Images of this sort, also known as black-and-white, are composed exclusively of shades of gray, varying from black at the weakest intensity to white at the strongest.", "As said by the Oxford English dictionary, grey is “a colour intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or lead.” Grey is used as an adjective, noun and a verb. This article explains to you clearly what the difference between gray and grey is and also any other meaning these two words, grey and gray, might have.", "Even though the Grey Market Premium of this IPO is around 75% of the issue price, the ‘Kostak' is just 5% of the application amount.This is because Grey Market traders are assuming that the issue will highly oversubscribe and there will not be firm allotment even for retail investors who will apply full Rs 1 lakhs.. Grey market premium (or grey market price) is a premium amount in rupees at which IPO shares are being traded in Grey Market before they get listed in stock exchange.", "Black level. This test may be affected by your operating system color profile. Below are 20 grey squares on a black background. On an ideal monitor, all of them should be distinguishable, even the very dark first row of squares. Of course, the black background should be as dark as possible. The square labeled '255' is the brightest possible value, which can help to subjectively judge the contrast ratio. As with the gradient test, you might see noisy dithering (see below).", "Greywatch is a settlement found on the eastern island within Stormheim. It lies south of the Runewood and sits at the northeastern base of the Halls of Valor.", "They released a list of the most problematic terms by state based on search data, and the word grey appeared a staggering twelve times. So is grey incorrect? Grey and gray are both accepted in the English language. They refer to a color of a neutral tone between black and white, and can also be used metaphorically to convey gloom and dullness. However, gray is the more popular spelling in the US, while grey reigns supreme in the UK.", "Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale a hundred-point scale used as axis V of DSM-IV to assess a client's recent and current levels of social, psychological, and occupational functioning. gray scale a representation of intensities in shades of gray, as in gray-scale ultrasonography.", "Grey is a color that dominated a lo in our life. As they say, life is not just black and white but just different shades of grey. Similarly, people with grey eyes and born to be dominant and leaders. Strong in nature, wise and gentle are some of the most important attributes that they possess.", "Grey matter is the cortex of the brain, which is responsible for muscle control, memory, emotions, speech, decision-making, self-control and sensory perception. The “retrogenesis” theory of brain change suggests that brain ability declines in reverse order to how it develops.", "Gray asexuality. Gray asexuality or gray-sexuality (sometimes spelled grey) is the spectrum between asexuality and sexuality. Individuals who identify with gray asexuality are referred to as being gray-A, a grace or a gray ace, and make up what is referred to as the ace umbrella.", "Prediabetes is the precursor stage before diabetes mellitus in which not all of the symptoms required to diagnose diabetes are present, but blood sugar is abnormally high. This stage is often referred to as the grey area.." ]
what is the term ice in drugs
WHAT IS ICE? Ice is a stimulant drug, which means it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and the body. It is a type of methamphetamine, which is generally stronger, more addictive and has more harmful side effects than the powder form known as speed. It usually comes as small chunky clear crystals that look like ice.
[ "Ice Fact Sheet. A smokeable methamphetamine, known on the streets as Ice, is a colorless and odorless form of crystal methamphetamine, the stimulant commonly known as speed.Like crack cocaine, Ice is smoked to produce a euphoric high.ce Fact Sheet. A smokeable methamphetamine, known on the streets as Ice, is a colorless and odorless form of crystal methamphetamine, the stimulant commonly known as speed.", "Ice is a strong stimulant, a highly purified form of methamphetamine that can be and usually is smoked. It causes a person to be energetic, artificially confident and euphoric. The ice user will normally stay up for days if the supply of ice holds out, eating little or no food.ce is a strong stimulant, a highly purified form of methamphetamine that can be and usually is smoked. It causes a person to be energetic, artificially confident and euphoric. The ice user will normally stay up for days if the supply of ice holds out, eating little or no food.", "Methamphetamine is a common but illegal drug sold on the streets. It may be called meth, crank, speed, crystal meth, and ice. A much weaker form of methamphetamine is sold as a prescription under the brand name Desoxyn. It is used to treat narcolepsy.", "The chemical n-methyl-1-phenyl-propan-2-amine is called methamphetamine, methylamphetamine, or desoxyephedrine. The shortened name is simply 'meth'. When it is in its crystalline form, the drug is called crystal meth, ice, Tina, or glass. See the table below for other street names of the drug. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant.", "The Effects of Drug Abuse. Ice is one of the most-if not THE most-destructive drugs on the illicit market, in its physical effects, mental effects and behavioral effects.If someone you care about is abusing it, it is critically important to help them find effective help as soon as possible.ce is a strong stimulant, a highly purified form of methamphetamine that can be and usually is smoked. It causes a person to be energetic, artificially confident and euphoric. The ice user will normally stay up for days if the supply of ice holds out, eating little or no food.", "The Effects of Drug Abuse. Ice is one of the most-if not THE most-destructive drugs on the illicit market, in its physical effects, mental effects and behavioral effects.If someone you care about is abusing it, it is critically important to help them find effective help as soon as possible.ce is one of the most-if not THE most-destructive drugs on the illicit market, in its physical effects, mental effects and behavioral effects.", "Crank: The stimulant methamphetamine. Synonyms include meth, speed, chalk, white cross, fire, and glass. Crystal methamphetamine is called ice, says Cleveland Clinic's Pollock. Crystal meth is smoked, but meth can be injected, snorted, or taken as a pill, he explains.", "The shortened name is simply 'meth'. When it is in its crystalline form, the drug is called crystal meth, ice, Tina, or glass. See the table below for other street names of the drug. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant.", "The chemical n-methyl-1-phenyl-propan-2-amine is called methamphetamine, methylamphetamine, or desoxyephedrine. The shortened name is simply 'meth'. When it is in its crystalline form, the drug is called crystal meth, ice, Tina, or glass.See the table below for other street names of the drug. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant.sually crystal meth is smoked in glass pipes, similar to how crack cocaine is used. It may be injected (either dry or dissolved in water), snorted, swallowed, or inserted into the anus or urethra.", "The chemical n-methyl-1-phenyl-propan-2-amine is called methamphetamine, methylamphetamine, or desoxyephedrine. The shortened name is simply 'meth'. When it is in its crystalline form, the drug is called crystal meth, ice, Tina, or glass.See the table below for other street names of the drug.Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant.hen it is in its crystalline form, the drug is called crystal meth, ice, Tina, or glass. See the table below for other street names of the drug.", "Effects of Ice Abuse. Ice is one of the most - if not THE most - destructive drugs on the illicit market, in its physical effects, mental effects and behavioral effects. If someone you care about is abusing it, it is critically important to help them find effective help as soon as possible.", "Methamphetamine-Ice Ice comes in clear rock crystals of varying sizes and is sold in clear, heat sealed cellophane packets. Ice is the translucent crystal, smokable form of methamphetamine. It is also commonly called glass or crystal and, like other stimulants, is highly addictive.", "1 Smoking ice is more addictive than most other forms of drug use. 2 Among meth/amphetamine users, the use of ice (also known as crystal) more than doubled, from 22% to 50% between 2010-2013. 3 Ice can cause paranoia and hallucinations. 4 This is called methamphetamine psychosis. 5 Ice is notoriously associated with violence. Among meth/amphetamine users, the use of ice (also known as crystal) more than doubled, from 22% to 50% between 2010-2013. 2 Ice can cause paranoia and hallucinations. 3 This is called methamphetamine psychosis.", "The Growth of Mexican 'Ice' Meth. Ice is a crystallized form of meth also known as crystal. It is produced in relatively larger quantities in so-called superlabs.. Most are based in Mexico; they ship drugs to the United States by UPS, FEDEX and Greyhound bus, as well as in cars and trucks with secret compartments.n fact, meth addiction and meth-related drug treatment are on the rise, according to the National Drug Intelligence Center. And that increase coincides with the increased trafficking in Mexican meth. It's out there. It's here to stay, said T.J. Stevens of southwest Missouri's Comet Drug Task Force." ]
what is the right to counsel
Keep in mind that, while the right to counsel is discussed here in connection with a criminal trial, a suspect has the right to a lawyer at almost every important phase of the criminal process, typically from arrest through the first appeal after conviction.
[ "A criminal defendant's right to an attorney is found in the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which requires the assistance of counsel for the accused in all criminal prosecutions.. This means that a defendant has a constitutional right to be represented by an attorney during trial.", "Download article as a PDF. A criminal defendant's right to an attorney is found in the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which requires the assistance of counsel for the accused in all criminal prosecutions.. This means that a defendant has a constitutional right to be represented by an attorney during trial.", "The right of an indigent defendant in a criminal trial to the assistance of counsel, which is guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment as made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth, Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335, is not governed by the classification of the offense or by whether or not a jury trial is required.", "A counsel or a counsellor at law is a person who gives advice and deals with various issues, particularly in legal matters.It is a title often used interchangeably with the title of lawyer. counsel or a counsellor at law is a person who gives advice and deals with various issues, particularly in legal matters.", "Of Counsel is, in the legal profession of the United States, often the title of an attorney who has a relationship with a law firm or an organization, but is not an associate or a partner. Some firms use titles such as counsel, special counsel, and senior counsel for the same concept. According to American Bar Association Formal Opinion 90-357, the term of counsel is to describe a close, personal, continuous, and regular relationship between the firm and counsel lawyer.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Of counsel is, in the legal profession of the United States, often the title of an attorney who has a relationship with a law firm or an organization, but is not an associate or a partner. Some firms use titles such as counsel, special counsel, and senior counsel for the same concept. According to American Bar Association Formal Opinion 90-357, the term of counsel is to describe a close, personal, continuous, and regular relationship between the firm and counsel lawyer.", "Of counsel. Of counsel is, in the legal profession of the United States, often the title of an attorney who has a relationship with a law firm or an organization, but is not an associate or a partner. Some firms use titles such as counsel, special counsel, and senior counsel for the same concept. According to American Bar Association Formal Opinion 90-357, the term of counsel is to describe a close, personal, continuous, and regular relationship between the firm and counsel lawyer. In large law fi", "The definition of counsel is advice given or an exchange of ideas or opinions. An example of counsel is someone going to their mother for advice. a mutual exchange of ideas, opinions, etc.; discussion and deliberation.", "The word counsel is most commonly a verb meaning to give advice. It is also a noun meaning advice (usually legal assistance) or opinion. Counsel can also refer to a body of people set up to offer advice (usually legal advice), e.g., the Queen's Counsel, the General Counsel of the Army. Examples:", "noun, plural counsel for 3. 1. advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another. 2. interchange of opinions as to future procedure; consultation; deliberation. 3. Law." ]
meaning of in haec verba
In Haec Verba Law and Legal Definition. In haec verba is a Latin term which means “in these words.” It refers to the incorporation of the exact language of an agreement or deed in a complaint or other pleading rather than attaching a copy of it. In Gross Assignment.
[ "In Dubio Haec Legis Constructio Quam Verba Ostendunt In a doubtful case, that is the construction of the law which the words indicate. ...... Et El Leg1tur In Haec Verba (Law Lat. and it is read to him in these words). Words formerly used in entering the prayer of oyer on record.", "Related Legal Terms and Definitions: 1 In Dubio Haec Legis Constructio Quam Verba Ostendunt In a doubtful case, that is the construction of the law which the words indicate. 2 Et El Leg1tur In Haec Verba (Law Lat. and it is read to him in these words).", "Related Legal Terms and Definitions: 1 In Dubio Haec Legis Constructio Quam Verba Ostendunt In a doubtful case, that is the construction of the law which the words indicate. ...... 2 Et El Leg1tur In Haec Verba (Law Lat. and it is read to him in these words). Words formerly used in entering the prayer of oyer on record.", "1 Verbs ending in -ar. 2 Hablar is the infinitive form of the Spanish verb to speak.. 3 To change the verb into the present tense, all you need to do is drop the -ar and add a different ending, which varies depending on the subject pronoun.", "Quick explanation : A verb is the action in the sentence. An infinitive is the simplest form of the verb. An infinitive ends in “ r ” and usually means: “to ____”.hablar-to talk. correr-to run. salir-to go out, to depart. Long explanation : Defining the terms: We should explain some terms you might see in this lesson or similar lessons. A verb is usually the action in the sentence.n infinitive ends in “ r ” and usually means: “to ____”. hablar-to talk. correr-to run. salir-to go out, to depart. Long explanation : Defining the terms: We should explain some terms you might see in this lesson or similar lessons. A verb is usually the action in the sentence.", "The next meaning/construction of the verb “hacer” is that it is used to express the time between two actions. Hace + expression time + que + a verb in present tense = to express the time since the start of an action to the present time, and may continue in the future. (to have been + ing). For example: 1 Hace doce anos años que soy maestra de. – Espanol español i have Been a spanish teacher for. twelve years", "Some verbs also have a present participle, generally considered to be an adjective derived from the verb rather than a form of the verb itself. 1 Infinitive: hablar (“to speak”) 2 Gerund: hablando (“speaking”) 3 Past participle: hablado (“spoken”) 4 Present participle: hablante (“speaking; speaker”)", "Quick explanation : A verb is the action in the sentence. An infinitive is the simplest form of the verb. An infinitive ends in “ r ” and usually means: “to ____”. hablar-to talk. correr-to run. salir-to go out, to depart. Long explanation : Defining the terms: We should explain some terms you might see in this lesson or similar lessons. A verb is usually the action in the sentence.", "In Spanish, there are three categories of verbs. The category is determined by the last two letters of the infinitive: -ar verbs (like hablar) -er verbs (like comer) -ir verbs (like vivir) The infinitive is the base form of the verb, such as to speak, to eat, to live, etc. In Spanish, all infinitives end in -ar, -er, or -ir.", "In Spanish, there are three categories of verbs. The category is determined by the last two letters of the infinitive: -ar verbs (like hablar). -er verbs (like comer). -ir verbs (like vivir). The infinitive is the base form of the verb, such as to speak, to eat, to live, etc.", "The “le” means “it” or “you”. “Tomar” is the infinitive verb “to take“. We use the infinitive verb here because of the general rule in Spanish that, when two verbs follow each other (and the second word is not translated into English with an “ing” ending), the second verb is in the infinitive form.", "A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word (part of speech) that in syntax conveys an action (bring, read, walk, run, learn), an occurrence (happen, become), or a state of being (be, exist, stand). In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. In many languages, verbs are inflected (modified in form) to encode tense, aspect, mood, and voice. A verb may also agree with the person, gender or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. Verbs have tenses: present, to indicate that an action is being carried out; past, to indicate that an action has been done; future, to indicate that an action will be done.", "By Gerald Erichsen. Definition: The most basic form of a verb. In Spanish, infinitives always end in-ar, -er, or-ir.In English, the term is usually used to refer to the to + verb form of the verb such as to run or to eat, although according to some authorities the infinitives are run and eat..The infinitive by itself does not indicate tense or who is performing the action of the verb.In both English and Spanish, the infinitive can often function as a noun. Also known as: Infinitivo in Spanish. Examples: In Spanish: 1. hablar. 2. viajar.he infinitive by itself does not indicate tense or who is performing the action of the verb. In both English and Spanish, the infinitive can often function as a noun. Also known as: Infinitivo in Spanish. Examples: In Spanish: 1. hablar. 2. viajar.", "Share. By Gerald Erichsen. Definition: The most basic form of a verb. In Spanish, infinitives always end in-ar, -er, or-ir. In English, the term is usually used to refer to the to + verb form of the verb such as to run or to eat, although according to some authorities the infinitives are run and eat..The infinitive by itself does not indicate tense or who is performing the action of the verb.In both English and Spanish, the infinitive can often function as a noun. Also known as: Infinitivo in Spanish. Examples: In Spanish: 1. hablar. 2. viajar.he infinitive by itself does not indicate tense or who is performing the action of the verb. In both English and Spanish, the infinitive can often function as a noun. Also known as: Infinitivo in Spanish. Examples: In Spanish: 1. hablar. 2. viajar.", "When a pronoun is used in the Spanish imperative, it typically follows the verb: estudia tu. Tú the (plural) vosotros form of the imperative is always formed by changing the final r of the infinitive to a. D thus estudiad means study as a command to multiple. listeners", "A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word that in syntax conveys an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. In many languages, verbs are inflected to encode tense, aspect, mood, and voice. A verb may also agree with the person, gender or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. Verbs have tenses: present, to indicate that an action is being carried out;", "But “ hablo ′” [with theaccent mark] receives the stress on the last syllable and means “he, she, or you spoke” (past tense). So if an inexperienced Spanish speaker uses this word and puts the stress on the wrong syllable, it can be confusing to the listener.", "Haber is also the infinitive of the auxiliary verb in the perfect tenses. For example: He hablado (I have talked), Habia había Hablado i had, Talked habre (Habré hablado i will). Have talked you can use the infinitive itself in structures: Such as tengo que (Haber hablado i have to), have. talked etc", "Verb. A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word that in syntax conveys an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word that in syntax conveys an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive.", "To describe an action or state of being that took place in the past and lasted for a certain length of time prior to another past action. (This is similar to the English use of the past perfect, but in Spanish it is used with the imperfect tense with hacía.)", "The distinction in meaning with the present perfect is that in the pluperfect the verb's action is completed and clearly distinct from the present. 1 Yo habia había entendido los conceptos del, curso pero no los habia. 2 Había aplicado i had understood the concepts of, the Course but i had not. applied themowever, these two past tenses aren't the only past tenses available. Auxiliary verbs can also be used to form perfect and progressive, also known as continuous, tenses, some of which refer to the past.", "Haber is also the infinitive of the auxiliary verb in the perfect tenses. For example: He hablado (I have talked), Habia había Hablado i had, Talked habre (Habré hablado i will). Have talked you can use the infinitive itself in structures: Such as tengo que (Haber hablado i have to), have. Talked etc i hope! this helps", "Best Answer: Verbum, -i is a word insofar as it is a part of speech; vocabulum, -i is a word insofar as it is a part of the language; so, verba are words in any general sense, but vocabula are words with specific reference to meaning.", "In this case, “Al” means “(something done) to (someone or something)”. An example of this would be, “Le dió un moneda al hombre” this meaning “He/She gave a coin to the man”. Another example, “Le estaba hablando al hombre que está allá”, this means in English “I was talking to that man over there”.", "From Proto-Indo-European *h₃ep-ni- ‎(“ working ”), from the verbal root *h₃ep- ‎(“ to work”, and hence “to possess ”).", "Haro Name Meaning. Spanish: habitational name from a place in the province of Logrono, logroño so called from A North castilian form Of spanish ‘faro’.Beacon (French): normandy metonymic occupational name for a, peddler from An Old french cry used to hail someone or to attract. attention", "An inflected form of the auxiliary verb haber. In case of the Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo A tense, we use the Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo A (Imperfect Subjunctive A) conjugation of haber. Past Participle, which is always the same in every compound tense for a given verb.", "the meaning of the word صلّى [salla] (whose infinitive is salah) derived from the root of صلو [s-l-v] is explained in the Al-Qiyamat 31-32 in the manner that it would not allow any misunderstanding: فلا صدّق ولا صلّى ولاكن كذّب و تولّى [fela saddaqa vela salla velakin kezzebe ve tevella= …………..].", "As a noun. In Spanish, when a verb functions as a noun, the infinitive is used. In English, the gerund (verbs that end in-ing) is used in these instances, but not in Spanish where the gerund is only used in expressing continuous actions such as the present progressive. 1 Hablar espanol español es. divertidon English, the gerund (verbs that end in-ing) is used in these instances, but not in Spanish where the gerund is only used in expressing continuous actions such as the present progressive. 1 Hablar espanol español es. ( 2 Divertido Speaking spanish is.). 3 Fun esta está prohibido. sacar fotos", "Haber is the most common of the auxiliary verbs in Spanish as it is used to form the perfect tenses. It is the equivalent of the English have as an auxiliary verb — but it shouldn't be confused when using have meaning possess, which is usually tener. Haber is irregular in most tenses and in the subjunctive mood. It is not used in the imperative mood. It also is seldom used on its own in compound tenses, although it is used to form the compound tenses of other verbs. Irregular forms are shown below in boldface.", "Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. Haber (ah-bvehr) (to have) is used only with compound tenses. It serves as a helping verb that completes an action; the action is expressed with the past participle. With the addition of haber, a verb in the past tense becomes more […]", "2. In Spanish, when a verb functions as a noun, the infinitive is used. In English, the gerund (verbs that end in-ing) is used in these instances, but not in Spanish where the gerund is only used in expressing continuous actions such as the present progressive.1 Hablar espanol español es. divertidon English, the gerund (verbs that end in-ing) is used in these instances, but not in Spanish where the gerund is only used in expressing continuous actions such as the present progressive. 1 Hablar espanol español es. ( 2 Divertido Speaking spanish is.). 3 Fun esta está prohibido. sacar fotos", "Spanish verbs - Conjugation. 1 In this page, verb conjugation is illustrated with the verb hablar (to talk, to speak). 2 The indicative mood has five simple tenses, each of which has a corresponding perfect form. 3 The simple tenses are the forms of the verb without the use of a modal or helping verb.", "Infinitive. An infinitive (el infinitivo) is the most basic verb form in all languages. In English, it is always preceded by to, as in to run, to love, and to travel.. In Spanish, infinitives consist of only one word and are separated into three different conjugations according to their endings: -ar, -er, or-ir.n English, the gerund (verbs that end in-ing) is used in these instances, but not in Spanish where the gerund is only used in expressing continuous actions such as the present progressive. 1 Hablar espanol español es. ( 2 Divertido Speaking spanish is.). 3 Fun esta está prohibido. sacar fotos", "1 Pronounce the word bee-en. 2 You could also say “Estoy bien,” meaning, “I am well.” Estoy—pronounced ehs-toy —is the first person singular or “I” conjugation of the “to be” verb “estar.”. 3 To be polite, follow your response with the word gracias, pronounced grah-see-us.", "Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 ha(Verb) Alternate spelling of a. 2 ha(Interjection) A representation of laughter. 3 ha(Interjection) An exclamation of triumph or discovery. 4 ha(Verb) Alternate spelling of a. 5 Ha(ProperNoun) An ethnic and linguistic group based in Kigoma Region in western Tanzania.", "In Spanish, the tu tú form of the imperative usually uses the same conjugation as the-third person singular. Indicative thus a verb such as estudia, can depending on the, context mean either you (study as a) command or/he she.. studies", "Principal Translations. hacer del bano, baño ir al bano baño loc: Verblocucion verblocución verbal unidad lexica léxica estable formada de dos o mas más (palabras que funciona como, verbo sacar). FUERZAS, de (flaqueza, acusar). recibo mx coloquial evacuar orinar", "As is typical of verbs in virtually all languages, Spanish verbs express an action or a state of being of a given subject, and like verbs in most of the Indo-European languages, Spanish verbs undergo inflection according to the following categories: 1 Tense: past, present, future. 2 Number: singular or plural. Perfect: In Spanish, verbs that are conjugated with haber (to have [done something]) are in the perfect aspect. 2 Perfective: In Spanish, verbs in the preterite are in the perfective aspect. 3 Imperfective: In Spanish, the present, imperfect, and future tenses are in the imperfective aspect.", "Learn hacer conjugation in Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto A. hacer means: to do, to make. Click to see all conjugation charts of hacer in every tense. In this conjugation lesson we will see how to inflect the verb hacer in the Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto A tense of the Subjuntivo mood.", "The rest fall into one of three regular conjugations, which are classified according to whether their infinitive ends in-ar, -er, or-ir. (The vowel in the ending— a, e, or i —is called the thematic vowel .) The-ar verbs are the most numerous and the most regular; moreover, new verbs usually adopt the-ar form. Perfect: In Spanish, verbs that are conjugated with haber (to have [done something]) are in the perfect aspect. 2 Perfective: In Spanish, verbs in the preterite are in the perfective aspect. 3 Imperfective: In Spanish, the present, imperfect, and future tenses are in the imperfective aspect.", "Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 ha(Verb) Alternate spelling of a. 2 ha(Interjection) A representation of laughter. Ha, ha, ha! 3 ha(Interjection) An exclamation of triumph or discovery. Ha! 4 ha(Verb) Alternate spelling of a. 5 Ha(ProperNoun) An ethnic and linguistic group based in Kigoma Region in western Tanzania.", "Spanish Infinitive ~ Infinitivo. The infinitive is the basic, unconjugated form of a verb, sometimes called the name of the verb. In English the infinitive is to + verb: to talk, to eat, to leave, etc. The Spanish infinitive is a single word with one of the following endings: -ar, -er, or -ir: hablar, comer, salir, etc. We usually learn Spanish verbs in the infinitive, since that is what you start with in order to conjugate them. The Spanish infinitive is often translated to the English present participle, as you'll see in the examples below.", "habeas corpus [(hay-bee-uhs kawr-puhs)] A legal term meaning that an accused person must be presented physically before the court with a statement demonstrating sufficient cause for arrest. Thus, no accuser may imprison someone indefinitely without bringing that person and the charges against him or her into a courtroom. In Latin, habeas corpus literally means “you shall have the body.”", "The Latin word verbum, meaning “ word, ” gives us the root verb. Words from the Latin verbum have something to do with words. A verb is a word that shows action. An ad verb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb.A pro verb, or short saying containing a wise thought, is made up of a few well-chosen words.Anything verb al is made up of spoken words.ords from the Latin verbum have something to do with words. A verb is a word that shows action. An ad verb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb. A pro verb, or short saying containing a wise thought, is made up of a few well-chosen words. Anything verb al is made up of spoken words.", "Spanish verbs are one of the more complex areas of Spanish grammar. Spanish is a relatively synthetic language with a moderate to high degree of inflection, which shows up mostly in Spanish verb conjugation. Perfect: In Spanish, verbs that are conjugated with haber (to have [done something]) are in the perfect aspect. 2 Perfective: In Spanish, verbs in the preterite are in the perfective aspect. 3 Imperfective: In Spanish, the present, imperfect, and future tenses are in the imperfective aspect." ]
who played jack on lost
Jack Shephard. This article is about the Lost character. For other people with a similar name, see Jack Shepherd (disambiguation). Dr. Jack Shephard is a fictional character and the protagonist of the ABC television series Lost, played by Matthew Fox.
[ "Uploaded on Sep 20, 2009. Michael Emerson, who plays Benjamin Linus on LOST, wins an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series. 1 Entertainment. 2 Standard YouTube License.", "Michael Emerson, who plays Benjamin Linus on LOST, wins an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series. Category. License.", "Another Lost Episode revealed that Ralph and Alice's Landlord is none other than Jack Benny! Gleason cameoed as Ralph in the Lucy Visits Jack Benny episode of Here's Lucy in 1968. In the story Lucy and Company are vacationing in Jack's Palm Beach home (long story).", "Desmond Hume, played by Henry Ian Cusick, is a character from the ABC television show Lost.Desmond was the first character we see in the second season. We see him working on his daily routine, and from the looks of it he had been doing it for a long time.esmond Hume, played by Henry Ian Cusick, is a character from the ABC television show Lost.", "Duncan Campbell on Jack Lemmon, a 'beautiful actor'. The world of entertainment and millions of fans were yesterday mourning and paying tribute to Jack Lemmon, who died in a Los Angeles hospital following complications related to cancer. The star of Some Like It Hot, The Odd Couple and Missing, and the winner of two Oscars, was 76.", "LOST cast photo. I love Kate (Evangeline Lilly) Sawyer (Josh Holloway) Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) Claire (Emilie de Ravin) and Shannon (Maggie Grace) Jack, Hugo/Hurley, Sun, Jin, Locke, Charlie, James/Sawyer, Claire, Shannon, & Mr. Eko | Love this photo! :D Sawyer and Claire are sooo cute !!!", "Henry Ian Cusick (born 17 April 1967) is a Peruvian-born British actor of television, film, and theatre. He is well known for his role as Desmond Hume on the U.S. television series Lost, for which he received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination.He starred in the ABC drama Scandal, as Stephen Finch, and is currently starring as Marcus Kane In the CW drama The 100.fter appearing in recurring roles in series such as Casualty and The Book Group, he starred as Jesus Christ in the 2003 film The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John. His largest role to date came in 2005 when he was cast as Desmond Hume in the ABC series Lost.", "Eugene Martone (RALPH MACCHIO) is a classical guitar prodigy studying at New York's Julliard School. He worships the great blues musicians of the 1930s and 1940s and considers this his true calling, despite not being born to the culture. He takes a job at a local nursing home in order to track down a harmonica player named Willie Brown (JOE SENECA), the last man alive who might know Robert Johnson's lost song. Note: his name is also Blind Dog Fulton and Smokehouse Brown depending on which part of the movie you're watching).", "A fan favorite character is Kate, who is played by three talented actresses Chrissy Metz, Hannah Zeile and Mackenzie Hancsicsak. While everyone still wants to know exactly how Jack died, but the Dan Fogelman and his ace team of writers still keep us on edge.", "Jack Dawson. Jack Dawson (played by Leonardo DiCaprio): Jack is a poor man from Wisconsin who has been traveling in Europe (mainly Paris). He wins 2 third class tickets for the Titanic in a poker game and boards the ship with his friend Fabrizio.", "Dominic Monaghan knows how to keep his jabs short and to the point. The actor, who played Charlie on ABC's hit series Lost, took to Twitter to slam his former co-star Matthew Fox over the weekend - by way of the most bizarre Twitter exchange possible. On Sunday, a fan tweeted at Monaghan, asking him to get Fox to join the social networking site.", "Jack Lord. John Joseph Patrick Ryan (December 30, 1920 – January 21, 1998), best known by his stage name, Jack Lord, was an American television, film and Broadway actor and director and producer. He was known for his starring role as Steve McGarrett in the American television program Hawaii Five-O from 1968 to 1980.", "Desmond David Hume is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost portrayed by Henry Ian Cusick.n 2006 Cusick's portrayal was nominated for an Emmy. In 2007 a two-week-long tournament style competition for Lost' s best character with over six thousand voters hosted by the Washington Post voted Desmond the winner.", "Jack the Monkey was played by at least four capuchin monkeys. In The Curse of the Black Pearl, Jack was portrayed by a ten-year old female named Tara, and a ten-year old male named Levi, while Chiquita (female) or Pablo (male) portrayed Jack in Dead Man's Chest and At World's End.", "Duncan Campbell on Jack Lemmon, a 'beautiful actor'. Duncan Campbell, in Los Angeles. Friday 29 June 2001 09.10 EDT. The world of entertainment and millions of fans were yesterday mourning and paying tribute to Jack Lemmon, who died in a Los Angeles hospital following complications related to cancer. The star of Some Like It Hot, The Odd Couple and Missing, and the winner of two Oscars, was 76.", "Adeel Akhtar Is Smee in Joe Wright's Peter Pan Adaptation. The Four Lions star will play Captain Hook's right-hand man in this adventure that puts a new twist on J.M. Barrie's classic tale. Rooney Mara Is Tiger Lily in Joe Wright's Peter Pan Adaptation. Hugh Jackman and Garrett Hedlund star in Pan, a live-action take on the Lost Boys of Neverland. Hugh Jackman Confirmed as Blackbeard in Peter Pan. The actor will play the villain in this live-action take on the J.M. Barrie classic from Warner Bros.", "But no death in the show’s run has been handled with a clumsiness that compares to the icing of Curtis Manning (Roger Cross), a fan favorite known as “Black Jack” because he was just as cool, competent, and calm as his fellow CTU agent Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland), but black.", "Eric Lange (born February 19, 1973) is an American television and movie actor, best known for his roles as Erwin Sikowitz, an acting teacher from the television show Victorious, as Stuart Radzinsky on the ABC television series Lost, and as David Tate/Kenneth Hasting on FX's The Bridge.", "Nestor Gaston Gastón carbonell Portrayed Richard alpert From season 3 To season 6 Of. Lost he also narrated the clip, Show: Lost The story of The oceanic . 6", "One of the mainstays of “The Young and the Restless” is Peter Bergman, who plays Jack Abbott. “Jack is the head of the Abbott family and has been since his dad, John Abbott, died,” said Bergman. Jack Abbott has spent much of his life trying, and failing, to live up to his father.", "A priest (Hector Elizondo) disappears and Jack thinks the man is involved in some wrongdoing rather than the possible victim of a crime. Father Walker: Jared Harris. Howard Schmidt: Benjamin Brown. Dr. Vercoe: Kevin Cooney. Danny: Enrique Murciano.", "jack dawson played by leonardo dicaprio jack is a poor man from wisconsin who has been traveling in europe mainly paris he wins 2 third class tickets for the titanic in a poker game and boards the ship with his friend fabrizio rose dewitt bukater played by kate winslet rose is a 17 year old woman from philadelphia rose boards the ship with her fiance cal played by billy zane and her mother ruth", "Leonardo DiCaprio is the Jack we all know, but Jeremy Sisto was in the running for the part in Titanic. In fact, the man who played Elton on Clueless told HuffPost Live that he read with Kate Winslet for her screen test.", "Jack is a by-the-book detective whose habit of undermining himself has resulted in a dead-end position with the Police Dept. His partner Dan, a drunken, lecherous veteran hangs onto his job only because of one heroic act years ago. Stars: Bradley Whitford, Colin Hanks, Jenny Wade, Diana Maria Riva. Votes: 6,381.", "Playing 'This Is Us': Kevin Grieves His Father's Death -- Plus, New Clues on When Jack Died! 1 Warning: Stop! 2 Members of the Pearson family are finally dealing with the aftermath of last week’s heartbreaking This Is Us revelation that Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) is dead.", "The Overlook: 4. Jack Nicholson (Jack Torrance) was an actor Kubrick had always been interested in; he’d been cast in the director’s version of Napolean, which despite two years of research was never made. Kubrick’s technique was to take all scenes scores of times; he understood the effect on actors.", "Published 12:15 pm, Saturday, October 17, 2015. Jesse Stone (Tom Selleck) takes an interest in the welfare of a teenage girl who has major problems at home in the latest installment of the murder mystery movie series, 'Lost in Paradise' on Hallmark Channel. ... more.", "by Brendan Bettinger March 13, 2011. In Moscow, Chris Pine will be the fourth actor to assume the role of Jack Ryan in just five movies. He follows in the footsteps of Ben Affleck (The Sum of All Fears), Harrison Ford (Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger), and Alec Baldwin, who originated the role on screen in 1990’s The Hunt for Red October.", "Jack Twist. For the fictional criminal, see Strangers (Dean Koontz novel). Jack Twist is a fictional character of the short story Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx and the 2005 Academy Award-winning film adaptation of the same name directed by Ang Lee, where he is portrayed by American actor Jake Gyllenhaal.", "Prior to Nestor's role in The Dark Night, Nestor's feature credits include, Smokin Aces, opposite Ray Liotta and Ryan Reynolds, Andy Garcia's The Lost City, The Laramie Project, and the title role in Jack the Dog.", "Leonardo DiCaprio is the Jack we all know, but Jeremy Sisto was in the running for the part in Titanic. In fact, the man who played Elton on Clueless told HuffPost Live that he read with Kate Winslet for her screen test. And yet, acting with the woman who got the role of Rose just was not enough.", "Penelope Penny Widmore is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Sonya Walger. Penny is introduced in the last episode of the second season of Lost as the long-lost lover of Desmond Hume as well as the daughter of British tycoon and antagonist Charles Widmore.", "Since 1989, Bergman has played the role of Jack Abbott on The Young and the Restless. In 1997, Bergman portrayed Jack Abbott in an episode The Heather Biblow story on The Nanny, where he shared an on-screen kiss with Pamela Anderson. In 2001, he guest starred as Jack on The King of Queens in an episode of Season 3.", "That's the intriguing premise at the heart of this episode. Hotch, Reid and Morgan come back to a case they had pursued 4 years before. The suspect fell off a building and was in a coma. (The suspect is played by the same actor who plays Radzinsky in LOST!) Now he's woken up, and the DA is ready to prosecute.", "Actors Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, and Chris Pine have played Clancy's most famous fictional character, Jack Ryan; his second-most famous character, John Clark, has been played by actors Willem Dafoe and Liev Schreiber. Clancy died on October 1, 2013, of an undisclosed illness.", "Sean Faris : Levi Troyer. Best known to movie audiences for his starring role in Never Back Down, for which he received an MTV Movie Award, Sean Faris also appeared as Dennis Quaid’s eldest son in Yours, Mine and Ours, and co-starred with Betty White and Jennifer Love Hewitt in CBS’ Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation “The Lost Valentine.”.", "CBS North Carolina anchor Sharon Tazewell visited Hollywood in April to go behind the scenes at the show. One of the mainstays of “The Young and the Restless” is Peter Bergman, who plays Jack Abbott. “Jack is the head of the Abbott family and has been since his dad, John Abbott, died,” said Bergman. PHOTOS: Behind the scenes at ‘Young and the Restless’. Jack Abbott has spent much of his life trying, and failing, to live up to his father. But he is getting closer to pulling it off.", "33 Things You Didn’t Know About The Movie “Titanic”. In celebration of Titanic’s return to theaters next Wednesday (!!!!), here’s a collection of facts about the movie you probably didn’t know. 1. Studios wanted Matthew McConaughey to play Jack, but James Cameron insisted on having Leonardo DiCaprio play the role.", "Jack's women: Rebecca Broussard (left) is the mother of two of the actor's five children, and with actress Lara Flynn Boyle (right) Hopper, a fellow hellraiser who became one of his closest friends, died last year. Nicholson’s face visibly clouds as he admits to having to face up to his own mortality.", "Jack Whitehall. Jack Peter Benedict Whitehall (born 7 July 1988) is an English comedian, television presenter and actor. He is best known for his stand up comedy and for starring as JP in the TV series Fresh Meat, and as Alfie Wickers in the TV series Bad Education which he also co-wrote.", "Jack Abbott (as played by Peter Bergman on The Young and the Restless) * Divorced from Sharon Collins Newman Abbott. * Resides at the Abbott Mansion at 603 Glenwood Drive. * Convicted of shooting Jill and got off on community service. * After causing Victor to collapse, Jack left him for dead but ended up coming back to save him." ]
what was the natufian culture called
Main article: Natufian culture. The second period, Mesolithic 2, is also called the Natufian culture. The change from Mesolithic 1 to Natufian culture can be dated more closely. The latest date from a Mesolithic 1 site in the Levant is 12,150 BC. The earliest date from a Natufian site is 11,140 BC.
[ "The earliest signs of a process leading to sedentary culture can be seen in the Levant to as early as 12,000 BC, when the Natufian culture became sedentary; it evolved into an agricultural society by 10,000 BC.", "Already her research has revealed that the mystery woman—a member of the Natufian culture, which flourished between 15,000 and 11,600 years ago in what is now Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and possibly Syria—was the world's earliest known shaman.", "Some authors use the term Epipaleolithic for those cultures that are late developments of hunter-gatherer traditions but not in transition toward agriculture, reserving the term Mesolithic for those cultures, like the Natufian culture, that are transitional between hunter-gatherer and agricultural practices.", "The beginning of the Neolithic culture is considered to be in the Levant (Jericho, modern-day West Bank) about 10,200–8,800 BC. It developed directly from the Epipaleolithic Natufian culture in the region, whose people pioneered the use of wild cereals, which then evolved into true farming.", "The beginning of the Neolithic culture is considered to be in the Levant (Jericho, modern-day West Bank) about 10,200–8,800 BC. It developed directly from the Epipaleolithic Natufian culture in the region, whose people pioneered the use of wild cereals, which then evolved into true farming.arly Japanese societies and other East Asian cultures used pottery before developing agriculture. Unlike the Paleolithic, when more than one human species existed, only one human species (Homo sapiens sapiens) reached the Neolithic.", "Naturopathy—also called naturopathic medicine—is a medical system that has evolved from a combination of traditional practices and health care approaches popular in Europe during the 19th century.n the United States, naturopathy is practiced by naturopathic physicians, traditional naturopaths, and other health care providers who also offer naturopathic services.", "The question constraint civilizations will exclude me from discussing the Natufians (Levant) and the culture that built and used Gobekli Tepe (Anatolia) and the peoples that built and occupied the Mehrgarh site (Balochistan province, Pakistan) ... all being incredibly important for their apparent role in the advent of the Neolithic Revolution (c. ...", "(See Stonehenge Was Cemetery First and Foremost, Study Says.) The Natufian findings give us our first clear look at the shadowy beginnings of such feasts, said Ofer Bar-Yosef, an archaeologist at Harvard University. The Natufians, Bar-Yosef said, were like the founding fathers, and in this sense Hilazon Tachtit gives us some of the other roots of Neolithic society..", "The beginning of the Neolithic culture is considered to be in the Levant (Jericho, modern-day West Bank) about 10,200–8,800 BC. It developed directly from the Epipaleolithic Natufian culture in the region, whose people pioneered the use of wild cereals, which then evolved into true farming.t ended when metal tools became widespread (in the Copper Age or Bronze Age; or, in some geographical regions, in the Iron Age). The Neolithic is a progression of behavioral and cultural characteristics and changes, including the use of wild and domestic crops and of domesticated animals.", "Natya Shastra classifies this type of dance form as margi, or the soul-liberating dance, unlike the desi (purely entertaining) forms. Dances performed in royal courts to the accompaniment of classical music were called Carnatakam. This was an intellectual art form.", "Naturopathy—also called naturopathic medicine—is a medical system that has evolved from a combination of traditional practices and health care approaches popular in Europe during the 19th century.", "The beginning of the Neolithic culture is considered to be in the Levant (Jericho, modern-day West Bank) about 10,200–8,800 BC.It developed directly from the Epipaleolithic Natufian culture in the region, whose people pioneered the use of wild cereals, which then evolved into true farming.he Neolithic 1 (PPNA) period began roughly 10,000 years ago in the Levant. A temple area in southeastern Turkey at Goebekli Göbekli tepe dated 9,500 9500 bc may be regarded as the beginning of the. period", "The aromatic vegetables green bell pepper (poivron), onion, and celery are called the holy trinity by Cajun chefs in Cajun and Creole cuisines. Roughly diced and combined in cooking, the method is similar to the use of the mirepoix in traditional French cuisine which blends roughly diced onion, celery and carrot.", "Below this layer they found five ancient pits filled with bones, distinctive Natufian stone tools, and pieces of charcoal that dated the pits to between 12,400 and 12,000 years ago.", "In Costa Rica, the term natilla refers to a cultured buttermilk-like product with a butterfat content ranging from 12% (liviana) to 14%, sold in stores in plastic pouches. It is used as a condiment on such dishes as gallo pinto, baked potatoes, steamed vegetables and the like.anjar blanco in Spain and in other parts of Europe refers to a dessert (blancmange in English), traditionally light brown in color although often colored by added ingredients, made with a mould with a consistency like gelatin (in fact modern varieties are often made with gelatin).", "1 New Stone Age: meaning and definitions-New Stone Age: Definition and Pronunciation. 2 Stone Age: meaning and definitions-Stone Age: Definition and Pronunciation. 3 Natufian-Natufian: Natufian: see Neolithic period; Mesolithic period. 4 New Stone Age-New Stone Age: New Stone Age: see Neolithic period.n the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys, the Neolithic culture of the Middle East developed into the urban civilizations of the Bronze Age by 3500 B.C. Between 6000 B.C. and 2000 B.C. Neolithic culture spread through Europe, the Nile valley (Egypt), the Indus valley (India), and the Huang He valley (N China).", "The Nuwaubian Nation or Nuwaubian movement was a religious organization founded and led by Dwight York. York began founding Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967. He changed his teachings and the names of his groups many times, incorporating concepts from Judaism, Christianity, and many esoteric beliefs.", "The calibrated date is 21,500 BC and the site is similar to the Kebaran culture predating the Natufians. Although this is not a pre-city it is the earliest settlement so far known. Grains were found suggesting the earliest attempt at plant harvesting the forerunner to agriculture.", "a person who appreciates the beauty and benefits of nature. 2. a nudist. Origin of naturist. 1675-1685.", "The people in this region were influenced by the larger Mississippian culture, which built similar ceremonial sites throughout the Mississippi Valley and its tributaries. The historic Natchez people are considered the only contemporary surviving group of the Mississippian culture at the time of European exploration.", "Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that employs an array of pseudoscientific practices branded as natural, non-invasive, and as promoting self-healing. The ideology and methods of naturopathy are based on vitalism and folk medicine, rather than evidence-based medicine. Naturopathic practitioners generally recommend against modern medical practices, including but not limited to medical testing, drugs, vaccinations, and surgery. Instead, naturopathic study", "The Anglo-Saxons referred to the feast as midwinter, or, more rarely, as Nātiuiteð (from Latin nātīvitās below). Nativity, meaning birth, is from Latin nātīvitās. In Old English, Gēola (Yule) referred to the period corresponding to December and January, which was eventually equated with Christian Christmas.", "Naturopathic medicine (or naturopathy) is based on the belief that the body can heal itself. It aims to improve health, prevent disease, and treat illness through the use of organic foods and exercise; a healthy, balanced lifestyle; and the use of treatments from other areas of complementary medicine. Naturopathy was developed in the late 1800s in the United States.", "What is Naturopathy? The very term “Naturopathy” comes from the 19th century and means “nature cures” which is a reference to holistic health care in general. Naturopathy is a philosophy that promotes the abilities of the body to heal and take care of itself.", "In Peru the nativity scene is very popular and can be found in every home. Known as retablos they are a form of folk art with paintings and carvings from wood of religious events. These are particularly relevant in Peru as it is what priests initially used to try to convert the indigenous population to Catholicism.", "Alternative and pseudo‑medicine. Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of pseudoscientific, alternative medicine that employs an array of practices branded as natural, non-invasive, and as promoting self-healing.. The ideology and methods of naturopathy are based on vitalism and folk medicine, rather than evidence-based medicine.", "The Natya Shastra (Sanskrit: नाट्य शास्त्र, Nāṭyaśāstra) is an ancient Indian treatise on the performing arts, encompassing theatre, dance and music.It was written during the period between 200 BCE and 200 CE in classical India and is traditionally attributed to the Sage Bharata.The Natya Shastra is incredibly wide in its scope. While it primarily deals with stagecraft, it has come to influence music, classical Indian dance, and literature as well.It covers stage design, music, dance, makeup, and virtually every other aspect of stagecraft.t was written during the period between 200 BCE and 200 CE in classical India and is traditionally attributed to the Sage Bharata. The Natya Shastra is incredibly wide in its scope. While it primarily deals with stagecraft, it has come to influence music, classical Indian dance, and literature as well.", "Native American Culture-The Shaman or Medicine Man The religion, traditions and beliefs of the American Indians were also dominated by the culture of shamanism in which a religious leader, called a Shaman or Medicine Man, acted as a medium between the visible world and the spirit world.iscover facts and information about the beliefs, rituals, traditions and ceremonies of the Native Americans including the mysterious Skinwalkers, Vision Quests, Power Animals, the Thunderbird and the Supreme Being referred to as the Great Spirit.", "Nattokinase (pronounced nat-oh-KY-nase) is an enzyme (EC extracted and purified from a Japanese food called nattō. Nattō is made from fermented soybeans and has been eaten in Japan for about a thousand years. Nattō is produced by fermentation by adding the bacterium Bacillus natto to boiled soybeans.attokinase can now be produced by recombinant means and in batch culture, rather than relying on extraction from Nattō. Nattokinase was first isolated and marketed under the name of NSK-SD in 1998 by Japan Bio Science Laboratory, which had removed vitamin K2.", "Nattokinase (pronounced nat-oh-KY-nase) is an enzyme (EC extracted and purified from a Japanese food called nattō. Nattō is made from fermented soybeans and has been eaten in Japan for about a thousand years. Nattō is produced by fermentation by adding the bacterium Bacillus natto to boiled soybeans. Nattokinase is produced by the bacterium acting on the soybeans. While other soy foods contain enzymes, it is only the nattō preparation that contains the specific nattokinase enzyme. In spite of its name, nattokinase is not a kinase enzyme, but a serine protease of the subtilisin family. It exhibits a strong fibrinolytic activity. Nattokinase can now be produced by recombinant means and in batch culture, rather than relying on extraction from Nattō.", "Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of pseudoscientific, alternative medicine that employs an array of practices branded as natural, non-invasive, and as promoting self-healing.. The ideology and methods of naturopathy are based on vitalism and self-healing, rather than evidence-based medicine. Naturopathic practitioners generally recommend against modern medical practices, including but not limited to medical testing, drugs, vaccinations, and surgery.", "Nativism (politics) Nativism is the political policy or practice of preserving or reviving an indigenous culture. However, this is currently more commonly described as an anti-immigrant position considering the policy to be one of protecting native interests against those of immigrants.", "Naturopathic medicine is a science-based tradition that promotes wellness by identifying the unique aspects of each patient and then employing non-toxic natural therapies to restore his or her physiological, psychological, and structural balance.he American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) defines naturopathic medicine as: A distinct system of primary health care-an art, science, philosophy, and practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness.", "The Natchez were one of the few North American Indian tribes who were ruled by a king. The Natchez king was called the Great Sun, because the Natchez people believed he was descended from the sun. Unlike European kings, Natchez royalty was traced through the mother's bloodline, not the father's.n the past, Indian kids had more chores and less time to play, just like colonial children. But they did have corn husk dolls, toys and games to play. Teenage boys played a spear-throwing game called chunkey. Natchez mothers, like many Native Americans, traditionally carried their babies in cradleboards on their backs.", "Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine, is a system of medicine based on the healing power of nature.Naturopathy is a holistic system, meaning that naturopathic doctors (N.D.s) or naturopathic medical doctors (N.M.D.s) strive to find the cause of disease by understanding the body, mind, and spirit of the person.he modern form of naturopathy can be traced to 18th and 19th century natural healing systems. Such systems include hydrotherapy (water therapy), which was popular in Germany and nature cure, developed in Austria, based on the use of food, air, light, water, and herbs to treat illness.", "nativism - the policy of perpetuating native cultures (in opposition to acculturation) 2. nativism - the philosophical theory that some ideas are innate", "Around 16,000 BC, Europe witnessed the appearance of a new culture, known as Magdalenian, possibly rooted in the old Gravettian. This culture soon superseded the Solutrean area and the Gravettian of mainly France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Ukraine.", "History of Naturopathic Medicine. As a distinct health care professional, Naturopathic Medicine is over 125 years old. The term Naturopathy was first coined in 1885 by Dr. John Scheel, a German homeopath practicing the methods of Kneipp and Kuhn at his Badekur Sanitarium in New York. Benedict Lust purchased the name in 1901 to describe the eclectic practice of nature doctors.", "Historical natron was harvested directly as a salt mixture from dry lake beds in Ancient Egypt and has been used for thousands of years as a cleaning product for both the home and body.Blended with oil, it was an early form of soap.he English word natron is a French cognate derived from the Spanish natron natrón Through greek νίτρον. Nitron this derives from The Ancient egyptian word 'nṯry'. natron", "The Natchez Indians were among the last American Indian groups to inhabit the area now known as southwestern Mississippi. Archaeological evidence indicates that the Natchez Indian culture began as early as A.D. 700 and lasted until the 1730s when the tribe was dispersed in a war with the French. Their language is now considered to have been a language isolate, not closely related to the other Indian languages of the region. The Natchez Indians were successful farmers, growing corn, beans, and squash. They also hunted, fished, and gathered wild plant foods.", "Nativism (politics) Nativism is the political policy or practice of preserving or reviving an indigenous culture.[1] However, this is currently more commonly described as an anti-immigrant position[2] considering the policy to be one of protecting native interests against those of immigrants.", "De rerum natura (Latin: [deː ˈreːrũː naːˈtuːraː]; On the Nature of Things) is a first-century BC didactic poem by the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius (c. 99 BC – c. 55 BC) with the goal of explaining Epicurean philosophy to a Roman audience.", "Naturopathy, frequently called naturopathic medicine, is a system of treatment and healthcare that supports the body’s innate ability to heal itself through nutrition, exercise and life-style advice.aturopathy, frequently called naturopathic medicine, is a system of treatment and healthcare that supports the body’s innate ability to heal itself through nutrition, exercise and life-style advice.", "The Hurrian songs were a set of fragmentary relics. They are importantbecause they are a nearly complete example of notated music from around 1400 BCE What is the Natya Shastra? Why is it important? The Natya Shastra is a written discourse on the performing arts. It is important because this document might represent the foundation of music and other fine arts Who were troubadours? What was their music like?", "Naturopathic medicine is a science-based tradition that promotes wellness by identifying the unique aspects of each patient and then employing non-toxic natural therapies to restore his or her physiological, psychological, and structural balance.aturopathy. A distinct system of primary health care-an art, science, philosophy, and practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness. Naturopathic medicine is distinguished by the principles upon which its practice is based.", "Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine employing a wide array of natural modalities, including homeopathy, herbalism, and acupuncture, as well as diet (nutrition) and lifestyle counseling.aturopaths have been accused of being charlatans and practicing quackery. Much of the ideology and methodological underpinnings of naturopathy are based on a belief in vitalism and self-healing, and so are in conflict with evidence-based medicine.", "Nattō (なっとう or 納豆) is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Some eat it as a breakfast food. Nattō may be an acquired taste because of its powerful smell, strong flavor, and slimy texture.attō (なっとう or 納豆) is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Some eat it as a breakfast food. Nattō may be an acquired taste because of its powerful smell, strong flavor, and slimy texture." ]
is there valves in veins
One-Way Valves in the Veins. One-way valves consist of two flaps (cusps or leaflets) with edges that meet. These valves help veins return blood to the heart. As blood moves toward the heart, it pushes the cusps open like a pair of one-way swinging doors (shown on the left).
[ "1 When leg muscles contract and squeeze the veins, the vein valves work to keep venous blood flowing one way, upwards, towards the heart. When leg muscles relax, the vein valves hold up the weight of the column of blood returning to the heart." ]
science momentum definition
Momentum is a measurement of mass in motion. Any object that is moving has momentum. In physics, momentum of an object is equal to the mass times the velocity. where p is the momentum, m is the mass, and v is the velocity. From this equation you can see that both the velocity of the object and the mass have an equal impact on the amount of momentum.
[ "Momentum is a scalar quantity dependent on mass and velocity. P (momentum) = mass x velocity. Since an object that is not moving has zero velocity, p = mass x zero, and thus p … = 0 for all stationary objects. 1 person found this useful.", "Akin to a sports team on the move, an object that is in motion has momentum. To further expound on this theme, momentum can be defined as mass in motion. This is true because all objects have mass, so if an object is in motion then it has momentum, and if it has momentum, it is mass in motion. How much momentum an object has is dependent upon two variables: 1 The amount of mass that is moving.", "Momentum depends upon the variables mass and velocity. In terms of an equation, the momentum of an object is equal to the mass of the object times the velocity of the object. In physics, the symbol for the quantity momentum is the lower case p.", "Angular momentum is a vector quantity (more precisely, a pseudovector) that represents the product of a body's rotational inertia and rotational velocity about a particular axis.", "Angular momentum: Angular momentum, property characterizing the rotary inertia of an object or system of objects in motion about an axis that may or may not pass through the object or system. encyclopÆdia britannica", "Momentum like mass will always be conserved in any process. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity of the object.It is symbolically denoted as p=m*v where p = momentum, m = mass and v = velocity.he principle of Conservation of Momentum states that the total momentum of a system of particles remains constant if there are no external forces acting on the system." ]
cancer colors and meanings
Other Cancer Ribbons. A lavender ribbon is used for awareness of cancer in general. A gray ribbon is used for brain cancer, white for lung cancer, light blue for prostate cancer and purple for pancreatic cancer. Burgundy and white represent head and neck cancers, while yellow supports awareness of bone cancer.
[ "Represents the fight against colorectal cancer. The hope is the Blue Star Universal Symbol will be integrated into existing group awareness efforts and incorporated into materials as a representation of the collective fight against colorectal cancer." ]
do mechanical engineers have to take a test
What Mechanical Engineers Do. Mechanical engineers develop and build mechanical devices for use in industrial processes. Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers research, design, develop, build, and test mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines.
[ "Gold Member. Mechanical engineers do not need to do much math from scratch, in my experience. There are tables designed to do the heavy lifting - like load calculations. Knowing what tables exist and when to use them is a very practical skill. You need to understand how these tables are generated to use them properly.", "Improper machining, wrong material selection and exposure can all affect your materials and potentially cause costly failures and recalls. IMR's mechanical testing group offers a wide range of testing to evaluate metals, polymers, composites and finished products. From routine tensile testing to multi-stage fatigue programs, we are equipped to provide the answers you need. Most testing is completed in three days or less for routine tensiles, hardness and charpy impact testing.", "Two Methods: Becoming an Engineer Sample Resume. Mechanical engineers will find their skills in demand in a variety of fields and industries including medical, scientific research, construction, aerospace, acoustics, combustion, and automotive engineering. A mechanical engineering curriculum is a rigorous course of study that will require discipline and hard work to complete, but it is well worth the effort. 2 Having fun and keeping the bigger picture in mind will help you get through it.", "Mechanical Engineering Technicians. A mechanical engineering technician's primary focus is on assisting a mechanical engineer in designing, developing and testing machinery or products. She may estimate costs of projects, prepare layouts and drawings of parts, review blueprints or assemble parts and equipment.", "Most employers prefer to hire candidates with an associate’s degree or other postsecondary training in mechanical engineering technology. Prospective engineering technicians should take as many science and math courses as possible while in high school.", "Mechanical Engineering Technicians A mechanical engineering technician's primary focus is on assisting a mechanical engineer in designing, developing and testing machinery or products. She may estimate costs of projects, prepare layouts and drawings of parts, review blueprints or assemble parts and equipment.", "Mechanical Engineering Program Requirements. Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical Engineers apply the principals of physics, design, manufacturing, mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, and energy to analyze and build automobiles, aircraft, heating and cooling systems, buildings and bridges, industrial equipment and machinery, just to name a few." ]
how long do orthovisc shots last
ORTHOVISC is given as an injection into your knee joint (administered by a health professional) once a week for three or four consecutive weeks. After three injections, studies have shown pain relief that lasts for up to six months. 3 Although individual results vary, some people feel relief after the first injection.
[ "Last week received orthovisc and to my surprise doctor administered all three in one shot saying studies have shown no difference in 3 different sessions or all at once (I wasn't going to argue she went to med school not me) so I did it an unfortunately 10 days later I don't feel any better at all it's as if I never went.", "Cyn89 - Had my first shot of Orthovisc on August 23rd, while is was not too painful, I was walking a bit bent over for about 5 hours, and still had no pain relief at all.", "Well, it has been a little under three weeks and my knees seem worse than before. I am a 49 year old female by the way. P.A. stated maybe they will try cortisone if the orthovisc does not work, No Way. Cortisone wears away at the good tissues in your knees.", "Treatment usually lasts between 18 months to two years. In this time there will be regular visits to the orthodontist every four to six weeks to have the braces checked or adjusted.", "For all the people commenting about having horrible side effects from Ortho-Cept: Number 1- it says in the directions that side effects could last for the first three months and most physicians advise staying on the pill for at least 2 months for your body to get used to the new hormones.", "Hepatitis A (as viatim, hepatyrix or havrix mono) gives for protection for up to 1 year. If a booster dose is given 6 months to 1 year after the 1st dose, protection will last 10 years. Hepatitis B vaccination, if given over 6 months, lasts about 5 years. If given in a shorter period ( 2 months or 3 weeks), cover will only last 1 year and a booster is needed at 1 year for 5 year protection. Meningitis A+C (meningivac) last between 3 and 5 years.", "Traditionally, Orthodontic Treatments span around 6 months to a year, depending on the severity of the case. Invisalign® treatments are seem to be quicker, given the principle that governs it, but like most things expect for results to take some time.", "Injectable hyaluronan is often referred to by its most commonly known brand name of Synvisc.. Other brand names of hyaluronan include Orthovisc, Euflexxa, and Supartz. Joint lubricant shots typically administered as a series of three injections into the knee joint, each injection spaced about one week apart. Sometimes a larger does of these medications can be administered in a single injection, such is the case with Synvisc One injections.", "Category: Osteoarthritis. ORTHOVISC ® High Molecular Weight Hyaluronan is a FDA approved treatment made from ultra-pure hyaluronan, a naturally occurring lubricant found in healthy knee joints. ORTHOVISC ® Hyaluronan is a NON-AVIAN sourced viscosupplement with lasting efficacy for up to 6 months.", "Injectable hyaluronan is often referred to by its most commonly known brand name of Synvisc.. Other brand names of hyaluronan include Orthovisc, Euflexxa, and Supartz. Joint lubricant shots typically administered as a series of three injections into the knee joint, each injection spaced about one week apart. Sometimes a larger does of these medications can be administered in a single injection, such is the case with Synvisc One injections. Hyaluronan, the name of the substance in viscosupplement injections, is present in normal joint fluid and responsible for the lubricating properties of normal joint fluid.", "1-6) Of the 10 patients who received orthotopic heart transplants, 4 lived for more than 18 months; 2 of them became long-term survivors, one living for over 13 years and the other for over 24 years.", "Orthotics can last anywhere from six months to many years. Once more there are many factors that will affect wear and tear which is why regular reviews for accuracy are so important. Orthoses, just like shoes, do wear out and do need replacing from time to time.", "The ORTHO EVRA transdermal system uses a 28-day (four-week) cycle. A new patch is applied each week for three weeks (21 total days). Week Four is patch-free. Withdrawal bleeding is expected during this time.", "Most patients find that the effects of the injections last approximately 3-6 month. Most of my patients come 3-4 times the first year and then 2-3 times a year after that. After the muscles have been relaxed for awhile, it takes less to maintain that relaxation.", "I'm 54 and been getting synvisc 1 shots once a yr. for the past 5 yrs. with very good results. It was like a miracle to me because it would last for 8 months to a yr. before pain in my right knee would return. I just had a synvisc one injection last week and was surprised because I developed severe pain and hardly can function with knee.", "The first dose protects your body (for the short-term) in an estimated two to four weeks. Once you receive the second dose (about six to 12 months after the first), the vaccine should work for at least 20 years. Studies estimate, however, that the vaccine may last over the course of your lifetime.", "Throughout your orthodontic treatment, we’ll help you schedule routine ortho checks which are brief appointments to adjust your brackets, answer questions and help check progress. These appointments typically take no longer than 15-20 minutes and take place every 8-10 weeks throughout your treatment.", "The kiosk uses 2,000 sensors to pick up the shape of your feet, including your arch type, foot length and pressure points. After just a few minutes, you have an orthotics insert that works specifically for your feet. On average, over-the-counter orthotics will cost you far less than custom ones. The downside, however, is that OTC orthotics only last a fraction of the time. While custom ones can last upwards of a few years, OTC orthotics tend to last roughly six or so months before they begin to lose their structural integrity.", "Active treatment time with orthodontic braces typically ranges from six months to two years, but a few cases fall outside this range. The duration of treatment depends on the growth of the patients mouth and face, the individual biological response to the brace, the severity of the problem and the cooperation of the patient.", "Ortho Evra dosing information. The initial dosage of Ortho Evra patches for contraception is the placement of one patch on the skin of the upper outer arm, or abdomen, or buttocks, weekly for 3 weeks (21 total days), which is to remain in place for 7 days, the fourth week is drug free.", "Most patients find that the effects of the injections last approximately 3-6 month. Most of my patients come 3-4 times the first year and then 2-3 times a year after that.After the muscles have been relaxed for awhile, it takes less to maintain that relaxation.ost patients find that the effects of the injections last approximately 3-6 month. Most of my patients come 3-4 times the first year and then 2-3 times a year after that.", "When acyclovir is used to prevent outbreaks of genital herpes, it is usually taken two to five times a day for up to 12 months. Take acyclovir at around the same times every day. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand.", "My ortho has said that it will take 102 weeks- 3 weeks for each set of trays ( he doesn't think 2 weeks is sufficient for adult teeth). My back molar has had a crack in it and been filled about 4 years ago. I'm worried sick about the pain of this invisalign process for 102 weeks and the possibility of the molar cracking open with the movement.", "It is hard to predict anything over the internet, let alone the office. But implants can last up to 25 years if everything goes well. How long does a knee replacement last or how long would an orthopedic give it? Remember, your implants will not have decay nor will they need root canals. Restored properly, you probably will have many years of enjoyment and function far beyond the alternative. best of luck.", "Even more exciting is the task force has acknowledged that in the case of the non-rabies core vaccines, immunity lasts at least 5 years for distemper and parvo, and at least 7 years for adenovirus. Hopefully these new guidelines will help more dog owners understand the long-lasting effect of those puppy shots!", "Juvederm Ultra XC and Ultra Plus XC both last between six and 12 months. It slowly metabolizes over time. So, patients often return in half that time for maintenance treatments. However, every patient is different and the location of the injection also affects the duration of action.", "Phenylephrine and tropicamide are probably the most commonly used at the optometrist or ophthalmologist's office and they last about 6-8 hours in the average person, although they can last a bit longer. Other drops like cyclopentolate last up to 24 hours and Atropine can last for 14 days. ...Read more.", "Usual Adult Dose for Contraception: The initial dosage of Ortho Evra patches for contraception is the placement of one patch on the skin of the upper outer arm, or abdomen, or buttocks, weekly for 3 weeks (21 total days), which is to remain in place for 7 days, the fourth week is drug free.", "I went for the second shot and was told that side effects to the Orthovisc shot were extremely rare, and I was given the second shot. I am still having pain, and trouble walking, and kneeling. I was told it could take awhile to settle down. I have one more shot to go, but as of right now feel worse than before.", "Strong anti-inflammatory drugs called steroids (such as prednisone) are usually prescribed for 5 - 7 days. Antiviral medications, such as acyclovir or valacyclovir, can be given for 7 - 10 days, although the benefit of antiviral medications is uncertain.", "Do see your orthopedic specialist for aches that last more than three or four weeks. Call sooner if you also have weakness or numbness, if pain keeps you up at night, if you hear a pop after a fall or hit, or if you can’t put weight on your leg.", "HIV Disease: Geriatrics: After single-dose administration of 1 gram of VALTREX (valacyclovir hydrochloride) in healthy geriatric volunteers, the half-life of acyclovir was 3.11 ± 0.51 hours, compared with 2.91 ± 0.63 hours in healthy younger adult volunteers.", "· just now. Report Abuse. I saw in the comments that someone said the vaccine lasts...as long as you are living, Im sorry but this is simply untrue. I had the combination A & B Vaccine in 2004, got the entire round of 3 shots, returned 6 months after shot 3 and got the hepatitis panel to show if they had taken effect..eport Abuse. Twinrix lasts as long as your living. Medically speaking, it will not matter if you pick up the series with the second injection or if you restart the series. My advice would be to finish with the second dose then get the thrid to finish the series.", "Juvederm's results are usually natural, seen immediately and look about the same as with surgery. However, the body absorbs the hyaluronic acid over time so the injections must be repeated periodically to maintain the refreshed look; Juvederm lasts about four to six months. For longer results, the manufacturer, Allergan, also offers Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus which are said to last about a year.", "Finally we will discuss “Risks and Limitations” of orthodontic treatment and answer any final questions before scheduling you for the Bonding Appointment and the Banding Appointment. Bonding and Banding Appointments. These appointments last about one hour each and are done in the morning session. At the first of these two appointments (Bonding Appointment) spacers will be placed around your 6-year molars in order to provide a small amount of space needed to fit bands at your next appointment. The doctors will then glue the braces onto all the permanent teeth, both on the top and bottom.", "Ortho Weed b gon max works very well. One thing I am not sure I agree with is the results in 24hrs Generally you will see some wilting within 24hrs but it is not like the weed is completely dead in that time. I would say it takes 2 to 3 weeks for the weed to die, dry up and be gone.", "How well it works. Ortho Weed b gon max works very well. One thing I am not sure I agree with is the results in 24hrs Generally you will see some wilting within 24hrs but it is not like the weed is completely dead in that time. I would say it takes 2 to 3 weeks for the weed to die, dry up and be gone.", "HI Dr Irwin. I am so confused about the length of time Juvederm Ultra xc lasts. I have read your reports and see you mention it lasts around 6 months, yet some Users and even Doctors say it can last up to two years or even longer. There are such different answers that it becomes very confusing.", "My ortho is Elite Preferred and has his own Invisalign tech at the plant, so the cost is the same, but treatment time (12 mo.) is estimated to be 3-4 months longer if I do Invisalign. I’m wondering if I’d be spittier (is that a word?) with Invisalign.", "If it is the short acting dose it lasts around 4 hours. If it is the XR or extended release form it can last anywhere from 6-12 hours. Both would be out of a person's system … in 24 hours.", "Now Orthovisc, received my first Injection's in both knee's. Some Mild Inprovment, am scheduled for 3 more in each knee this month. No Side effects at all. My main center of pain is top of Knee Cap When I Stand Up or Sit Down & any type of extended walking.", "Hepatitis B vaccination, if given over 6 months, lasts about 5 years. If given in a shorter period (2 months or 3 weeks), cover will only last 1 year and a booster is needed at 1 year for 5 year protection. Meningitis A+C (meningivac) last between 3 and 5 years. (This is different from the vaccine used at school and in college for protection against meningitis strain C, which gives much longer protection.) Rabies vaccination, if 3 doses are received, lasts between 2 and 5 years. Typhoid (as vaccine typhim vi, viatim or hepatyrix) last 3 years. Yellow Fever lasts 10 years.", "The length of time spent in braces varies considerably depending on the severity of the Case. Some cases take as little as 6 months while others can take 2 years. The American Association of Orthodontist studies show a national average treatment time of 27 months.", "Duration of thromboprophylaxis: Although the optimal duration of thromboprophylaxis is not. known for any orthopedic surgery group, extended prophylaxis for 14-35 days is recommended for. patients undergoing hip and knee arthroplasty or hip fracture surgery. Therefore, for most of these.", "Leuprolide acetate alone is usually prescribed for 6 months (1 shot every 3 months). However, when you take it with add–back, you can almost always stay on it longer. After a few months of treatment you will have an appointment with your gynecologist to see if the medicine is helping you.he effects of Leuprolide acetate will decrease after you stop taking the medicine. If you’ve been getting Lupron® every 3 months, your period will return within 4 to 8 months after your last shot." ]
who played alfalfa in the original little rascals
Here's a great new story from a live witness to the crime!! The life of a Little Rascal who grew into a troubled man faded to black 42 years ago last Sunday. Carl Switzer, who as the scrawny, saucer-eyed Alfalfa of the Our Gang comedies made America laugh, came to an unhappy end - shot dead over $50. For Tom Corrigan of Thousand Oaks, Calif., that night stands out like young Alfalfa's cowlick. He was just a few feet from Switzer when the fatal shot was fired.
[ "No blog about the birth and history of You Are So Beautiful would be complete without mentioning Alfalfa's rendition in the 1994 film version of The Little Rascals. Poor kid, he's only a few years old and doesn't even know what sort of beauty lies ahead of him in life.", "Billie Thomas is best remembered as “Buckwheat” in the TV series, “The Little Rascals” and “Our Gang”. He was in the show from 1934 to its ending in 1944. But the real question is whether he was a boy or a girl. Born in Los Angeles, California, Thomas auditioned at the Hal Roach Studios at the age of three.", "Actor | Soundtrack. Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer was born on August 7, 1927 in Paris, Illinois, USA as Carl Dean Switzer. He was an actor, known for The Defiant Ones (1958), Our Gang Follies of 1938 (1937) and I Love You Again (1940). He was married to Dian Collingwood. He died on January 21, 1959 in Mission Hills, California, USA.", "Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer (1927–1959) Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer was born on August 7, 1927 in Paris, Illinois, USA as Carl Dean Switzer. He was an actor, known for The Defiant Ones (1958), Our Gang Follies of 1938 (1937) and I Love You Again (1940). He was married to Dian Collingwood. He died on January 21, 1959 in Mission Hills, California, USA. Born:", "The Little Rascals are back in an all-new movie! Join the fun with Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, Buckwheat, Petey the dog and the whole gang as they are up to their usual mischief! The Rascals ...", "The Little Rascals are back in an all-new movie! Join the fun with Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, Buckwheat, Petey the dog and the whole gang as they are up to their usual mischief! The Rascals ... See full summary ».", "Everett Collection. Jackie Lynn Taylor, who played one of the Little Rascals in the beloved Our Gang films in the 1930s before becoming a TV anchor and, later, a church minister, has died at 88. She passed away Monday and had been battling Alzheimer’s disease, her husband, Jack Fries, told the Sacramento Bee.", "Before playing Waldo in The Little Rascals, Ewing had parts in big shows like The Nanny, Home Improvement, and a recurring role as Derek on Full House. After the success of Rascals, Ewing was cast in projects like Tarzan, the Timon & Pumbaa series, and The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea.", "But my heart goes out to all of you for giving me your heart during my troubled times and being loyal fans for the past 70 years. I am anxious to share my 70 years of work with you! To tell you the real story of the little Rascals who Alfalfa really was.", "Butch (Tommy Bond) - (9/16/26 - 9/24/2005) - His original role in the Our Gang comedies was as another member of the gang, Tommy. He was later recast as another character, the bully Butch.. Bond: Actually, in 1979 she convinced the Sons of the Desert to take in the Little Rascals.", "Circa 1940, Promotional portrait for the film series, 'Our Gang' (also known as 'Little Rascals'). Standing, left to right: Billy Laughlin (1932 - 1948), Robert Blake, George McFarland (1928 - 1993) and Billie Thomas (1931 - 1980). Darla Hood sits in the middle of th (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images)", "They starred very talented kids with names like Spanky, Buckwheat, Froggy, and girl heroine and sometimes love interest for the boys, Darla Hood. Like Curly of the Three Stooges, Carl Alfalfa Switzer quickly rose above his young co-stars in terms of popularity. Alfalfa received fan mail from kids all over the world.", "Buckwheat (William Thomas) - (3/12/31 - 10/10/80) - Thomas had a long run in the series. He had a few roles in movies outside the Rascals but dropped out of acting in 1945 and went to public school. Bond: Actually, in 1979 she convinced the Sons of the Desert to take in the Little Rascals.", "Jackie Lynn Taylor of the Little Rascals Dies at 88. Jackie Lynn Taylor, who played one of the Little Rascals in the beloved Our Gang films in the 1930s before becoming a TV anchor and, later, a church minister, has died at 88. She passed away Monday and had been battling Alzheimer’s disease, her husband, Jack Fries, told the Sacramento Bee.", "Little Rascals Actress Jackie Lynn Taylor Dies at 88. She went on to work as a host and reporter for several TV stations in California. Jackie Lynn Taylor, who played one of The Little Rascals in five Our Gang comedy shorts released in 1934, died Monday in the Sacramento suburb of Citrus Heights, Calif. She was 88. Jack Fries, a former CBS journalist and TV anchor/producer, said his wife had Alzheimer’s disease, The Sacramento Bee reported.", "Doug Lee is the son of Gordon Lee and a Hastings resident.2 / 2. Many people knew Eugene Gordon Lee as “Porky,” the young, chubby little brother of “Spanky” on the classic television show “Little Rascals.” But to one Hastings resident, he was better known as a father. Doug Lee is a resident at the Minnesota Veterans Home in Hastings and is Gordon Lee’s son. Gordon joined the show “Our Gang,” which would later be renamed “Little Rascals,” when he was just 18 months old in 1935.", "I sure George Spanky McFarland would disagree. Our gang was the original Little Rascals and the 1990's was a poor remake. And when I think of Buckwheat I think of Billie Buckwheat Thomas, not Ross Bagley.", "Hollywood, Jan. 22 - (UPI) - A murder complaint was filed today in the death of Carl (Alfalfa) Switzer, freckle-faced member of the Our Gang movie series, who was shot to death last night.", "Best Answer: The Painful Lives of the Our Gang Cast Members-Truth! & Fiction! The Truth. Most of these are true although Robert Blake did not play Spanky in the series of films that were both known as Our Gang and The Little Rascals between 1929 and 1938. Whether these add up to a curse is up to the observer, but various stories about the Our Gang cast have circulated for years.", "alfalfa little rascals Pictures & Images (1,524,372 results)", "The photo was captioned, The Little Rascals 20th Anniversary Reunion and it tagged cast members like Blake Collins, Sam Saletta, Travis Tedford, Travis Tedford, Kevin Jamal Woods, Ross Bagley, Bug Hall, Zac Mabry, Zac Mabry, Brittany Ashton Holmes, Jordan Warkol and Blake McIver.", "NORTH HOLLYWOOD Calif. Jan. 21 (AP) - Carl Switzer, freckle-faced Alfalfa of the Our Gang comedy series, was shot and killed tonight by a friend in an apparent argument over money, the police said. The off-key singer of the Our Gang series was shot in the abdomen by a friend, Bud Stiltz the police reported.", "Dickie Moore as Dickie, Matthew Beard as Stymie and George McFarland as Spanky in 1932's 'Birthday Blues,' one of the 'Our Gang' series, later to be known as 'The Little Rascals.' (CBS Photo Archive/CBS via Getty Images)", "Dickie Moore as Dickie, Matthew Beard as Stymie and George McFarland as Spanky in 1932's 'Birthday Blues,' one of the 'Our Gang' series, later to be known as 'The Little Rascals.'." ]
oil companies that are hiring
(Forum News Service) WILLISTON—Oil companies are hiring in the Bakken, and more jobs are expected to open up next year. Job Service North Dakota announced six oil companies are looking for workers to man fracking crews in the new year, said Cindy Sanford, customer service office manager of Job Service's Williston branch.
[ "In Goldman's view, high pay in the oil and gas industry will make it possible for U.S. oilfield services companies to attract the 80,000 to 100,000 employees the bank believes energy firms will need. The industry's staffing needs would absorb about 8 to 11 percent of the unemployed population in energy-producing states, according to Goldman.", "Looking for an oil job in Dubai through recruitment agency. And not only in Dubai, you can find you position of roustabout in North Sea, Norway, Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and others. Once a unemployed one has got oil drilling job and became contractor, an agreement will be signed so that the employer pays all your subsequent costs.", "We are hiring a full team of Oil & Gas staff from Project Director to Engineers and technicians to laborers for the whole project. JOB TYPE: Contract (full-time): 12 months rolling contract ... Rotation to be advised SALARY: US$ 2,000 to 10,000 per month.", "We are looking for proven and successful sales people to be a part of a challenging, energetic and fast moving local Oil & Gas Company.... Easily apply 30+ days ago - save job - more...", "No. 1 large company: Anadarko Petroleum Corp. When Anadarko Petroleum Corp. took the top spot as the best large company to work for in the Houston area during the past two years, many employees pointed to the leadership and management style of its then-CEO, James Hackett.", "Oil Offshore Marine: Oil & Gas Jobs & CVs Online recruitment services (job vacancies, resume/cv database search) for Oil Industry, Energy, Offshore, Petroleum, Engineering, Construction, Drilling, Subsea, Marine, Shipbuilding, Shipping, Petrochemical.", "Banks and Oil companies usually pay high salaries. If you get an offer in a Bank or an Oil company, don't miss it. 5. Companies usually (90% of the time) offer housing / medical insurance for you and your family / Air ticket fare for you and your family annually.", "Employers post a job in the standard listing section in just seconds. Pay online for only $50 per listing per state for 30 days !!! Post Your Listing. NDoiljobs.com has been a good source for us to help generate interest in the job opportunities with Marathon Oil in ND. Your team has been extremely helpful in posting our jobs in a timely manner.. Marathon Oil Company. Human Resources Recruiter.", "much of the financial services hiring that s happening in dallas is in the energy sector and other industries that support energy right now all sectors within energy are hot including oil and gas production and exploration shale plays energy trading utilities oilfield service and energy related technology", "Oil & Gas Engineer Abu Dhabi. Are you a engineer withy 8 plus years experience in the gas, oil or mining industry, then we have a role for you, we are hiring now, you will work in the exploration department.You will also have a related degree for this job, this is a 8 years contract position with options to renew, we offer a great salary package.xploration Geologist Abu Dhabi. Exxon is hiring, we are in need of a certified exploration geologist with 5 plus years experience in exploration, we offer a fantastic salary package which will include all benefits.", "Entry Level Oilfield Worker. Careers in the oil industry are readily available, and they have minimal job requirements for entry-level positions. A high school diploma is usually all that is required – no previous experience is necessary, and oil companies provide any training you need on the job. Workers receive the opportunity to travel the world and work outdoors, with decent pay and benefits included.", "Find list of top oil and gas, petroleum companies in Abu Dhabi to work. Register free at Naukrigulf to apply for jobs in Abu Dhabi oil and gas industry. Sign up and let jobs find you!", "Oil & Gas Field Services Industry Overview. Companies in this industry support oil and gas field operations on a contract basis. Major companies include Baker Hughes, China Oilfield Services, Halliburton, Nabors Industries, National Oilwell Varco, Saipem, Schlumberger, Transocean, and Weatherford International. Demand is driven by oil and gas prices. The profitability of individual companies depends on technical expertise and efficiency of operations. Large companies can offer a broad range of services. Small firms can compete effectively by specializing in a particular type of service or geographic area.", "With around half a million employees, Petrochina, the listed arm of state owned China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) is easily one of the biggest oil and gas companies in the world.", "The types of tasks are more varied. In Dubai oil companies require engineers, geologists and geophysicists, drillers, accountants, administrators, researchers, analysts, lawyers, doctors, nurses, and other divers.", "See Job Application page for many new job listings at Fox Oil Drilling. Your future will be guaranteed with a company that is big enough to provide you with a wide range of long-term growth. Fox Oil Drilling is the place to be if you want to find employment in the oil & gas industry, offshore and onshore.our future will be guaranteed with a company that is big enough to provide you with a wide range of long-term growth. Fox Oil Drilling is the place to be if you want to find employment in the oil & gas industry, offshore and onshore.", "20 Years Experience. Oil Works, Inc. has been active in the oil and natural gas drilling industry for over 20 years. Our reputation as the Go To company for complex drilling solutions and Service & Support is our badge of honor, earned by our years of experience in this field.", "Click here to see the 12 companies laying off the most workers. No industry has announced more job cuts in 2016 than the energy industry. U.S. oil currently trades at less than $50 a barrel, close to one-third of its price in 2008.", "From Houston Public Media: The oil and gas industry added 10,500 new jobs over the second quarter, according to industry news service Rigzone. That’s a two-thirds increase over the same period in 2013.", "MENA is home to seven of the top 10 world’s largest oil companies measured by reserves. Leader of the pack is Saudi Arabia with its Saudi Aramco company, followed by Iraq NOC, Kuwait Petroleum, Abu Dhabi NOC, National Iran Oil Co., Libyan NOC, and Qatar NOC.", "Elwood Staffing is now hiring for production positions to work at a large automotive production plant located in Bardstown, KY. 2nd & 3rd shifts are available. Temp-to-hire opportunities. Job Description: Operates, monitors, and helps maintain machine/equ...", "No of employees (2014): 544083. With around half a million employees, Petrochina, the listed arm of state owned China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) is easily one of the biggest oil and gas companies in the world. The company operates in four segments: Exploration and Production, Refining and Chemicals, Marketing and Natural Gas and pipeline.", "1 Oil, gas and mining companies are expected to give average pay raises of 3.8 percent to 3.9 percent in 2013, according to the WorldatWork 2012-2013 Salary Budget Survey.", "According to the state Department of Labor and Industry 19,623 people are employed directly in oil and gas jobs.* To get that number, the department counts workers in these six “core” industries: Crude petroleum and natural gas extraction. Natural gas liquid extraction. Drilling oil and gas wells.", "Oil companies scramble to find engineers. So much for sweating out that first job after college. Like star athletes, engineering students Julie Arsenault and Emily Reasor are prized prospects for the energy industry, which is experiencing dizzying demand for engineers.", "Saudi Aramco to target US refiners, chemical plants after Shell breakup. Saudi Arabia's national oil company wants to buy more U.S. refining and chemical plants to expand its footprint in the world's largest energy market once the break-up of its joint venture with Royal Dutch Shell is complete, sources said.", "Oil and Gas industry becomes a very competitive in the current time. Getting a right mentor and right exposer within the industry is difficult. With limited training budget spent by the company on employee training, it is difficult to acquire the knowledge to success.", "Employment Overview. The Oil & Gas Extraction industry employs 1,820 people as Lawyers. This industry has supplied considerably more jobs (43.30%) than 1 year ago and exceptionally more jobs (237.00%) than 5 years ago, when it employed 1,270 and 540 workers, respectively.", "It basically depends whether you are interested or not. If you are then you can opt for core companies like Shell, British Petroleum or any automobile industry.", "Employment in the Oil and Gas Well Drilling Industry. Employment in the oil and gas well drilling industry accounted for 63,012 jobs in September 2009, which is the most recent period available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program.", "As our business continues to grow, we are currently hiring for a wide range of service positions and supervisory roles — including diesel mechanics and heavy equipment technicians, welders, machinists, lube service professionals, drivers and service support roles.", "ONGC Recruitment 2015 – Domain Expert Posts: Oil & Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Energy Centre has released notification for the recruitment of Domain Expert vacancies for “Biotechnology in Energy” related activities of ONGC Energy Centre. Eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed format on or before 21-10-2015.", "It's nice to know we're needed.. Management consulting firm Oliver Wyman says roughly eight in 10 global oil and gas companies forecast a shortage of petroleum engineers through at least 2011. The American Petroleum Institute said U.S. energy companies will need at least another 5,000 engineers by decade's end. In Houston, home to scores of exploration, engineering and services companies, simply check the classified ads: Row upon row of job listings for engineers at ConocoPhillips, Marathon Oil Corp. and numerous others.", "When you think of BP jobs, you probably don’t think of commodities trading. The global petroleum company employs a massive 83,900 people, most of them in its core business of. http://news.efinancialcareers.com/uk-en/180006/get-commodities-trading-job-bp/. Get yourself a commodities trading job at BP. When you think of BP jobs, you probably don’t think of commodities trading. The global petroleum company employs a massive 83,900 people, most of them in its core business of petroleum exploration, extraction and processing.", "Excerpt: The Big Five oil companies - BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Shell - are slated to announce their 2012 second-quarter profits later this week. ... a quick look at just how much these Big Oil companies are making, and where they are spending their billions in profits..", "Reynolds and Reynolds is now hiring for multiple general labor positions in the Celina, OH plant. General labor positions are 2nd shift positions (2:00 -11:00pm) with competitive hourly pay and a comprehensive benefits package.", "Employment in the Oil and Gas Well Drilling Industry Employment in the oil and gas well drilling industry accounted for 63,012 jobs in September 2009, which is the most recent period available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program.", "Irving-based Shermco Industries announces 75 job openings. Presented by Shremco Industries. Rapidly-expanding Shermco Industries today announced that it has 75 job openings for positions in both the U.S. and Canada.", "Demand for chemists in the oil and petroleum industry varies along with the price of oil and natural gas. When prices are high, companies expand their exploratory efforts and hire more chemists. Currently, demand is strong at all degree levels, especially for bachelor and master’s level petroleum engineers.", "A lot of people were surprised by the number for oil sands jobs; the perception is that the oil and gas sector in Alberta employs a lot of people, and the oil sands is a big chunk of that.", "The Oil & Gas Extraction industry employs 1,820 people as Lawyers. This industry has supplied considerably more jobs (43.30%) than 1 year ago and exceptionally more jobs (237.00%) than 5 years ago, when it employed 1,270 and 540 workers, respectively.", "If youre good you can make 100k+ at recruitment agencies after a couple of years but that is not typical. If you transition into a corporate recruiting role with an oil and gas company recruiters with 3-5 years experience can make 70-100k base salary." ]
what is .pptm
PPTM is a solution that controls the peer-to-peer traffic generated by the most popular P2P applications including Kazaa, eDonkey, WinMX, and Gnutella. In the new upgrade, PPTM offers comprehensive real-time monitoring tools, a Server Clustering option, and integrated Winny support for the Japanese market. According to Hansoo Kim, the Technical Product Manager at ARA Networks, one of the most innovative features in PPTM is expandability.
[ "You're here because you have a file that has a file extension ending in .pptm. Files with the file extension .pptm can only be launched by certain applications. It's possible that .pptm files are data files rather than documents or media, which means they're not meant to be viewed at all.", "PPMG is a construction project management consultancy. We provide comprehensive project management expertise and customized consulting services. Our focus is on delivering high quality solutions that enhance and optimize our clients’ business processes, operational efficiencies and overall project success. Engineering + Design Mgmt.", "Technical details of PPTM files. PPTM file are based on the Open XML Document format which was introduced with Microsoft Office 2007. Files with the PPTM extension can only be opened in PowerPoint 2007 or later, or with earlier versions that have an Open XML component installed. More information about the PPTM file format", "In publishing my project, I just notice a file extension I hadn't noticed before. May have been there, but don't believe I've seen it. It is a (.pptm) file that has it's type noted as a Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation. It has an icon that looks like a PowerPoint symbol with a yellow and black exclamation mark on it also.", "PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), specified in RFC 1661, is a protocol used to establish a direct. connection between two nodes via a WAN or LAN. It provides a standard method for. transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links.", "PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) is a network protocol used in the implementation of Virtual Private Networks (VPN) .PTP works on a client server model. PPTP VPN clients are included by default in Microsoft Windows and also available for both Linux and Mac OS X. Newer VPN technologies like OpenVPN, L2TP and IPsec may offer better network security support, but PPTP remains a popular network protocol especially on Windows computers.", "Penile plethysmograph. Penile plethysmography (PPG) or phallometry is measurement of bloodflow to the penis, typically used as a proxy for measurement of sexual arousal.", "Polyphthalamide (aka. PPA, High Performance Polyamide) is a subset of thermoplastic synthetic resins in the polyamide (nylon) family defined as when 55% or more moles of the carboxylic acid portion of the repeating unit in the polymer chain is composed of a combination of terephthalic (TPA) and isophthalic (IPA) acids.", "Save As file type. Extension. Use to save. PowerPoint Presentation.pptx. A PowerPoint presentation, which is an XML-enabled file format, by default. PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation.pptm. A presentation that contains Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code. PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation .ppt", "PPP was first proposed as a standard by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in 1989 and became a working standard in 1994. The IETF specification for PPP is RFC 1661. PPP is a protocol most widely used by Internet service providers (ISPs) to enable dial up connections to the Internet.", "Definition - What does Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) mean? Point-to-point tunneling protocol (PPTP) is a set of communication rules that govern the secure implementation of virtual private networks (VPN), which allow organizations a method of extending their own private networks over the public Internet via tunnels..", "PPP was first proposed as a standard by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in 1989 and became a working standard in 1994. The IETF specification for PPP is RFC 1661. PPP is a protocol most widely used by Internet service providers (ISPs) to enable dial up connections to the Internet.s a tunneling protocol, PPPoE is used as an effective foundation for the transport of IP packets at the network layer. IP is overlaid over a PPP connection and uses PPP as a virtual dial up connection between points on the network.", "In computer networking, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is a data link protocol used to establish a direct connection between two nodes.n a Linux host for example, these interfaces would be called tun0. As there are only two endpoints on a tunnel, the tunnel is a point-to-point connection and PPP is a natural choice as a data link layer protocol between the virtual network interfaces.", "Polypropylene (PP), also known as polypropene, is a thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of applications including packaging and labeling, textiles (e.g., ropes, thermal underwear and carpets), stationery, plastic parts and reusable containers of various types, laboratory equipment, loudspeakers, automotive components, and polymer banknotes ...", "What is PPD? Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) is a chemical substance that is widely used as a permanent hair dye. It may also been found in textile or fur dyes, dark colored cosmetics, temporary tattoos, photographic developer and lithography plates, photocopying and printing inks, black rubber, oils, greases and gasoline.", "In computer networking, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is a data link protocol used to establish a direct connection between two nodes.he only requirement for PPP is that the circuit provided be duplex. PPP was designed to work with numerous network layer protocols, including Internet Protocol (IP), TRILL, Novell's Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), NBF, DECnet and AppleTalk.", "PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a specification for connecting multiple computer users on an Ethernet local area network to a remote site through common customer premises equipment, which is the telephone company's term for a modem and similar devices.", "Get a Quote or Request Information. Plant Process Equipment, Inc. (PPE) is a privately held engineering, construction, and operating company specializing in projects in the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, bio-fuel, and green energy industries.", "Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) is a chemical substance that is widely used as a permanent hair dye. It may also been found in textile or fur dyes, dark coloured cosmetics, temporary tattoos, photographic developer and lithography plates, photocopying and printing inks, black rubber, oils, greases and gasoline.", "Polypropylene (PP), also known as polypropene, is a thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of applications including packaging and labeling, textiles (e.g., ropes, thermal underwear and carpets), stationery, plastic parts and reusable containers of various types, laboratory equipment, loudspeakers, automotive components, transvaginal mesh[1] ...", "Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic. It is a linear structure based on the monomer CnH2n. It is manufactured from propylene gas in presence of a catalyst such as titanium chloride.ost polypropylene used is highly crystalline and geometrically regular (i.e. isotactic) opposite to amorphous thermoplastics, such as polystyrene, PVC, polyamide, etc., which radicals are placed radomly (i.e. atactic).", "Engineering Energy Solutions. Plant Process Equipment, Inc. (PPE) is a privately held engineering, construction, and operating company specializing in projects in the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, bio-fuel, and green energy industries.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Pulse-position modulation (PPM) is a form of signal modulation in which M message bits are encoded by transmitting a single pulse in one of possible required time-shifts. This is repeated every T seconds, such that the transmitted bit rate is bits per second.", "Save As file type. Extension. Use to save. PowerPoint Presentation.pptx. A Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation, which is an XML-enabled file format, by default. PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation.pptm. A presentation that contains Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code. PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation .ppt", "PPTP - Point to Point Tunneling Protocol. PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) is a network protocol used in the implementation of Virtual Private Networks (VPN). Newer VPN technologies like OpenVPN, L2TP, and IPsec may offer better network security support, but PPTP remains a popular network protocol especially on Windows computers.", "Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is an obsolete method for implementing virtual private networks, with many known security issues. PPTP uses a control channel over TCP and a GRE tunnel operating to encapsulate PPP packets.", "Point to Point Protocol (PPP) Tutorial. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is an open standard protocol that is mostly used to provide connections over point-to-point serial links. The main purpose of PPP is to transport Layer 3 packets over a Data Link layer point-to-point link.", "vs. Cisco Sourcefire SNORT. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is a protocol (set of communication rules) that allows corporations to extend their own corporate network through private tunnels over the public Internet. Effectively, a corporation uses a wide-area network as a single large local area network.", "This guide describes AlliedWare Plus Point-to-Point (PPP) and its configuration. PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), specified in RFC 1661, is a protocol used to establish a direct connection between two nodes via a WAN or LAN. It provides a standard method for transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links. PPP protocol encapsulation", "Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) Portland Pozzolana Cement also commonly known as PPC cement. These types of cement are manufactured by using pozzolanic materials as one of the main ingredient. The percentage of pozzolanic material used in the preparation should be between 10 to 30. If the percentage is exceeded, the strength of cement is reduced.", "| PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view. Concrete and Masonry Construction-Portland refers to the type of cement that is universally produced by all manufacturers. ... Curing is a hydration process; therefore, ...ONCRETE-CONCRETE by Ikmalzatul Abdullah Strength Strength sufficient for structural work are obtainable but the modulus of elasticity of aerated concrete is about one tenth ... | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view. AAC Block Consultants-One of the leading manufacturers of AAC plant & ALC Plant in India.", "Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic. It is a linear structure based on the monomer CnH2n. It is manufactured from propylene gas in presence of a catalyst such as titanium chloride.eside PP is a by-product of oil refining processes. Most polypropylene used is highly crystalline and geometrically regular (i.e. isotactic) opposite to amorphous thermoplastics, such as polystyrene, PVC, polyamide, etc., which radicals are placed radomly (i.e. atactic).", "p-Phenylenediamine (PPD) is an organic compound with the formula C6H4(NH2)2. This derivative of aniline is a white solid, but samples can darken due to air oxidation. It is mainly used as a component of engineering polymers and composites.", "Palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by crops of sterile pustules on the palms and soles that erupt repeatedly over time (picture 1A-F). Yellow-brown macules (remnants of resolving pustules), erythema, scale, and fissures are additional frequent findings.", "Pulse-position modulation (PPM) is a form of signal modulation in which M message bits are encoded by transmitting a single pulse in one of possible required time-shifts. This is repeated every T seconds, such that the transmitted bit rate is bits per second.", "These 10 animal facts will amaze you. In biochemistry, the term pyrophosphate (PPi) is used to refer to chemical compounds that encompass the esters, salts, and anion of pyrophosphoric acid.The latter, being a negatively charged anhydrous acid of phosphate, becomes reactive when heated.or example, disodium pyrophosphate is used in the processing of leather to prevent oxidation that may lead to staining from ferrous oxides. It is also used to improve the fluidity of cement and petroleum when added to act as a plasticizer.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Polyphenylsulfone (PPSF or PPSU) is a type of high performance polymer usually consisting of aromatic rings linked by sulfone (SO2) groups. The commercially important polysulfones are prepared by condensation of 4,4'-bis(chlorophenyl)sulfone with various bisphenols. Two bisphenols for this application are bisphenol A (the polymer being called PSF) and 4,4'-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)sulfone (the polymer being called PES).", "Pulse-position modulation (PPM) is a form of signal modulation in which M message bits are encoded by transmitting a single pulse in one of possible required time-shifts.", "The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) encapsulates Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) frames into IP datagrams for transmission over an IP-based internetwork, such as the Internet or a private intranet. PPTP is documented in RFC 2637.", "The Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) is a modulation technique designed to achieve the goals like simple transmitter and receiver circuitry, noise performance, constant bandwidth and the power efficiency and constant transmitter power.", "p-Phenylenediamine (PPD) is an organic compound with the formula C 6 H 4 (NH 2) 2. This derivative of aniline is a white solid, but samples can darken due to air oxidation. It is mainly used as a component of engineering polymers and composites.", "Pulse-position modulation (PPM) is a form of signal modulation in which M message bits are encoded by transmitting a single pulse in one of 2 M {\\displaystyle 2^{M}} possible required time-shifts. This is repeated every T seconds, such that the transmitted bit rate is M / T {\\displaystyle M/T} bits per second.", "ppm (parts per million), n a standardized measurement used to describe the level of fluoride in products that contain it (e.g., toothpaste, mouthrinse, and water). abbreviation for parts per million; a weight-for-weight (w/w) concentration equal to 1 mg/kg or 1 g/tonne." ]
what county is bristol indiana in
Sponsored Topics. Bristol is a town in Washington Township, Elkhart County, Indiana, United States. The population was 1,602 at the 2010 census. Bristol is located at 41°43′16″N 85°49′6″W / 41.72111°N 85.81833°W / 41.72111; -85.81833 (41.721050, -85.818195).
[ "Bristol History. Bristol is located in Sullivan County. It is said that the city was named after Bristol, England. Bristol was formerly known as Sapling Grove. In 1852, Joseph R. Anderson laid out a plot of land of about 100 acres as the original town of Bristol. The official incorporation of Bristol occurred in 1856.", "HORSE COUNTY. Bristol is lovely horse country and an increasingly popular equestrian community. Bristol is convenient to a wide variety of existing horse, veterinary, and competition facilities. The Village of Bristol is composed of working farms, horse and weekend properties, lake houses and village homes.", "Bristol is a suburban city located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Hartford. According to 2006 Census Bureau estimates, the population of the city is 61,353. Bristol is primarily known as the home of ESPN, whose central studios are in the city.", "Commemorative Plaque. Bristol is a suburban city located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States, 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Hartford. As of the 2010 census, the population of the city was 60,477. Bristol is primarily known as the home of ESPN, whose central studios are in the city.", "Bristol is a suburban city located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Hartford. According to 2006 Census Bureau estimates, the population of the city is 61,353.", "Bristol is a city in Sullivan County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 26,702 at the 2010 census. It is the twin city of Bristol, Virginia, which lies directly across the state line between Tennessee and Virginia.", "Bristol is a suburban city located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States, 20 miles southwest of Hartford. As of the 2010 census, the population of the city was 60,477. Bristol is best known as the home of ESPN, whose central studios are in the city. Bristol is also home to Lake Compounce, America's oldest continuously operating theme park. Bristol was known as a clock-making city in the 19th century, and is home to the American Clock & Watch Museum. Bristol's nicknames include the Bell", "Bristol is a town in and the historic county seat of Bristol County, Rhode Island, United States. The population was 22,954 at the 2010 census. Bristol, a deepwater seaport, is named after Bristol, England. Major industries include boat building (and related marine industries), manufacturing and tourism. The town's school system is united with neighboring Warren, Rhode Island.", "Description. Bristol is a suburban city located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Hartford. According to 2006 Census Bureau estimates, the population of the city is 61,353. Bristol is primarily known as the home of ESPN, whose central studios are in the city.", "Sponsored Topics. Bristol is a village in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, United States. It was incorporated in 2009 from portions of the Town of Bristol. The population is estimated by village officials to be 2,510. The former unincorporated communities of Bissell, Cypress, Pikeville, and Woodworth are located in the village.", "Bristol was the shire town (county seat) of Bristol County, Plymouth Colony, when the county was created in 1685. (It was later split into Bristol County, Rhode Island and Bristol County, Massachusetts .) It was sold for £1100 to four Boston investors by the names of Byfield, Walley, Oliver, and Burton.", "Bristol Borough’s First Fridays was voted as ‘One of the Best’ in Bucks County Courier Times 2016 Best of Bucks contest in the following categories: Family Event, Summer Event, Outdoor Event, and Business Event, as well voted as the Winner of the 2017 Bucks Happening List in the Business/Chamber Event category.", "Description. Bristol is a suburban city located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Hartford. According to 2006 Census Bureau estimates, the population of the city is 61,353.", "Bristol, Dane County, Wisconsin. Bristol is a town in Dane County, Wisconsin, United States located just north of the city of Sun Prairie and 15 miles northeast of Madison. The population was 2,698 at the 2000 census. The unincorporated communities of Bakers Corners, East Bristol, and North Bristol are located in the town.", "GNIS feature ID. The Town of Bristol was a former town in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 4,538 at the 2000 census—before a portion of the town was incorporated as the Village of Bristol.", "For Bristol Township, the township in Bucks County, see Bristol Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Bristol is a borough in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 23 miles (37 km) northeast of Center City Philadelphia, opposite Burlington, New Jersey on the Delaware River. Bristol was first incorporated in 1720. Although its charter was revised in 1905, the original charter remains in effect, making Bristol one of the older boroughs in Pennsylvania. 7,104 people lived in Bristol in 1900; 9,256 in 1910; 10,273 in 1920; and 11,895 in 1940.", "Bristol, New York. Bristol is a town in Ontario County, New York, in the United States. The population was 2,315 at the 2010 census. Bristol was named after Bristol County, Massachusetts, by settlers from New England. The town of Bristol is in the western half of the county, southwest of the city of Canandaigua.", "Bristol, Connecticut. Bristol is a suburban city located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States, 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Hartford. As of the 2010 census, the population of the city was 60,477. Bristol is best known as the home of ESPN, whose central studios are in the city. Bristol is also home to Lake Compounce, America's oldest continuously operating theme park. Bristol was known as a clock-making city in the 19th century, and is home to the American Clock & Watch Museum.", "Bristol, Connecticut. Bristol is a suburban city located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States, 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Hartford. As of the 2010 census, the population of the city was 60,477. Bristol is primarily known as the home of ESPN, whose central studios are in the city.", "Bristol (village), Wisconsin. Bristol is a village in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, United States. It was incorporated in 2009 from portions of the Town of Bristol. The population was 2,584 at the 2010 census. The former unincorporated communities of Bissell, Cypress, Pikeville, and Woodworth are located in the village.", "Bristol is located in southwestern Virginia at 36°36′N 82°11′W / 36.600°N 82.183°W / 36.600; -82.183 (36.6111, -82.1762). It is bordered to the west, north, and east by Washington County, Virginia, and to the south by the city of Bristol in Sullivan County, Tennessee.", "Bristol, TN. Sponsored Topics. Bristol is a city in Sullivan County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 24,821 at the 2000 census. It is the twin city of Bristol, Virginia, which lies directly across the state line between Tennessee and Virginia.", "Bristol, New Hampshire. Bristol is a town in Grafton County, New Hampshire, United States. The population was 3,054 at the 2010 census. It is home to Wellington State Park, Sugar Hill State Forest, and Profile Falls on the Smith River. Surrounded by hills and lakes, Bristol includes the lower two-thirds of Newfound Lake, a resort area.", "Bristol, Indiana - Basic Facts. The Town of Bristol had a population of 1,679 as of July 1, 2016. Bristol ranks in the lower quartile for Population Density and the upper quartile for Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Indiana. See peer rankings below.", "Bristol, TN. {{::location.tagLine.value.text}}. Sponsored Topics. Bristol is a city in Sullivan County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 24,821 at the 2000 census. It is the twin city of Bristol, Virginia, which lies directly across the state line between Tennessee and Virginia.", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Redirected from Bristol, Kenosha County, Wisconsin) The Town of Bristol was a former town in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 4,538 at the 2000 census—before a portion of the town was incorporated as the Village of Bristol.", "Homefacts City Report. Bristol is located in Ontario County, NY. The population is NR. There are 0 public schools in Bristol with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Bristol is moderate, and there are 0 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Bristol is moderate and the median home sales price is $0.", "Bristol (town), Kenosha County, Wisconsin. The Town of Bristol was a former town in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 4,538 at the 2000 census—before a portion of the town was incorporated as the Village of Bristol. The remainder of the Town of Bristol was annexed by the Villages of Bristol and Pleasant Prairie effective July 4, 2010, and ceased to exist. Contents.", "On the first Sunday of May (5/7/2017*), the Bristol Borough Business Association hosts the longest running antique auto show in Bucks County. Held since 1978, a bevy of custom and classic American and foreign cars are proudly displayed while professional judges award trophies in various categories.", "Bucks County, one of the Commonwealth’s first counties, is named for Penn’s home in England - Buckinghamshire. Bristol Township takes the back seat to Bristol Borough, our state’s oldest borough, as the first formal settlement founded in 1681. Bristol Township was incorporated in 1692 as Buckingham Township. The name was later changed to Bristol in 1702. Two other townships, Bensalem and Falls, were also incorporated in 1692, and all three marked their 300th birthday in 1992. By 1701, Bristol Mills and Mill Pond (now Silver Lake) became industrial areas.", "Ever since people inhabited the Delaware River Valley, Bristol Township has been at a crossroads of history. Before the Europeans settled in Bucks County, the Lenni Lenape Indians used the Delaware River - their name for it was the “Great River” - as one of its major highways.", "To Make a Request. If you are a resident of Bristol County, you can call (508) 823-5253, fax (508) 828-1868, or e-mail a spray request to: [email protected]. Requests are taken between the hours of 8am - 2pm by phone. All towns are treated once a week, with each town usually done on a specific day.", "4.8%. According to our research of Indiana and other state lists there were 15 registered sex offenders living in Bristol, Indiana as of April 11, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Bristol to the number of sex offenders is 108 to 1. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Elkhart, IN (8.2 miles , pop. 51,874).", "Bristol, Vermont. Bristol is a town in Addison County, Vermont, United States. The town was founded June 26, 1762. The population was 3,894 at the 2010 census. Main Street is home to most of the businesses of the town.", "Bristol, Tennessee. State Street separates Virginia (left) and Tennessee (right). Bristol is a city in Sullivan County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 26,702 at the 2010 census. It is the twin city of Bristol, Virginia, which lies directly across the state line between Tennessee and Virginia.", "Bristol is located in the Blue Ridge Highlands region of Virginia and lies directly on the Virginia/Tennessee state line. Washington County surrounds the city. Known as The Birthplace of Country Music, Bristol was the location of the first country music recordings made for national distribution. And in 1998, Congress made it official! Today, country music murals and monuments line Bristol's State Street.", "Bristol, Vermont. Bristol is a town in Addison County, of the Mid Vermont region, founded in June 1762. The town was originally named Pocock, after Admiral Sir George Pocock, but was renamed to Bristol in 1789 after Bristol, Rhode Island. Bristol is home to the Lord's Prayer Rock..", "4.8%. According to our research of Indiana and other state lists there were 15 registered sex offenders living in Bristol, Indiana as of April 11, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Bristol to the number of sex offenders is 108 to 1.", "This article is about the borough in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. For Bristol Township, the township in Bucks County, see Bristol Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Bristol is a borough in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 23 miles (37 km) northeast of Center City Philadelphia, opposite Burlington, New Jersey on the Delaware River.", "Bristol County Savings Bank, founded in 1846, is a full-service financial institution offering commercial lending, personal and business banking, and mortgage services. The Bank’s Financial Advisory Services division has successfully assisted businesses, individuals and non-profits with the management of their assets since 1989.", "Bristol County. Bristol county is located in west Virginia. Bristol county has 13.01 square miles of land area and 0.14 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Bristol county population is 17,595, which has grown 1.31% since 2000.", "Welcome to the Bristol County Probate & Family Court Registry Homepage. This website was designed to make your Probate & Family Court more user-friendly and accessible.", "The North Fringe of Bristol, a developed area between the Bristol city boundary and the M4, M5 and M32 motorways (now in South Gloucestershire) was so named as part of a 1987 plan prepared by the Northavon District Council of Avon county.", "Location of Bristol, Wisconsin. Coordinates: 42°32′35″N 88°0′58″W / 42.54306°N 88.01611°W / 42.54306; -88.01611. The Town of Bristol was a former town in Kenosha County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 4,538 at the 2000 census—before a portion of the town was incorporated as the Village of Bristol." ]
what stabilizes a helicopter in flight
Syma S107C 3channel Coaxial Mini. Syma S107C 3channel Coaxial Mini is your best bet, if you are seeking cheap and quality remote control helicopter with video camera. Syma S107C can fly in nothing less than 6 directions and has a coaxial rotor design that apparently stabilizes the helicopter while in flight.
[ "Reducing these vibration levels in the airframe to a minimum is absolutely essential in order to ensure the safety and longevity of the helicopter. Rotor track and balance is the process of smoothing vibrations in the airframe, which are caused by the main rotor. The main rotor is not the only rotating assembly of concern in a helicopter; there are others such as the tail rotor assembly, drive shaft assemblies, and oil cooler fans.", "Gyro stabilization technology is one of the components which gives the drone it’s smooth flight capabilities. The gyroscope needs to work almost instantly to the forces moving against the drone. The gyroscope provides essential navigational information to the central flight controller.", "In accordance with Newton's law of action and reaction, the helicopter fuselage tends to rotate in the direction opposite to the rotor blades. This effect is called torque. Torque must be counteracted and or controlled before flight is possible.", "Location of flight controls in a helicopter. A helicopter pilot manipulates the helicopter flight controls to achieve and maintain controlled aerodynamic flight. Changes to the Aircraft flight control system transmit mechanically to the rotor, producing aerodynamic effects on the rotor blades that make the helicopter move in a deliberate way.", "stabilizer. 1 a person or thing that stabilizes. 2 Aeronautics. a device for stabilizing an aircraft, as the fixed, horizontal tail surface on an airplane. Compare horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer.", "Pilot signals are conveyed through bell cranks and pushrods and a trim mechanism to the input linkage of the stabilizer actuator. it is called the stabilizer control system. The bungee acts as a centering device for the elevator system.", "HELI-90/120/140 refers to a helicopter, with the servos orientated at 90 degrees (2 servos, generally beginner helicopters with forward, back, right, and left movement on the cyclic stick), 120 degrees (3 servos- generally for more advanced helicopters that have collective pitch controls on the rotor blades (yes, this means inverted flight too)), ...", "Robinson R22 flight controls. The result is to tilt the rotor disk in a particular direction, resulting in the helicopter moving in that direction. If the pilot pushes the cyclic forward, the rotor disk tilts forward, and the rotor produces a thrust vector in the forward direction.", "Just like airplanes, helicopters also rely on aerodynamic principles to fly. The main rotor of a helicopter consists of several blades. Each blade acts as a type of wing, and when the rotor rotates the air flows past the blade and generates a lift force to keep the helicopter in the air.", "Hubsan X4 (H107C) This is a remote control helicopter with video camera for you, if you just need a small helicopter. You can easily manipulate it due to its small size. You can use it to carry out series of functions such as controlled, precision flight exercises.", "function of the controls There are four controls in the helicopter that the pilot must use during flight . They are (1) collective pitch control; (2) throttle control; (3) antitorque pedals (auxiliary or tail rotor control); and (4) cyclic pitch control.", ": one that stabilizes something: such asa : a substance added to another substance (as an explosive or plastic) or to a system (as an emulsion) to prevent or retard an unwanted alteration of physical stateb : a gyroscope device to keep ships steady in a heavy seac : an airfoil providing stability for an airplane; specifically : the fixed horizontal ...", "For every action there is an opposite reaction. It is the same for helicopters. With no floor to push off of, a helicopter in the air tries to quickly twist the rotor to the left, and the fuselage will start spinning to the right. The tail rotor pushes the fuselage back to the left and cancel out the spin. But then this adds a slight overall drift to the right.", "The answer in all three cases is that rudder is used to help maintain stability in the roll. A little rudder at just the right time can help keep the nose up in a slow roll or even an aileron roll, as the plane rotates through the sideways portions of the roll when gravity is otherwise not countered.", "This stunt drone has 4-ducted fans and gyroscopic stabilization that both help to maintain flight stability. This reduces a lot of the stress as a pilot. The overall flight capabilities are pretty simple and it should only take you a few minutes to be able to fly it, even with no experience.", "Helicopters are complex, sophisticated machines. They consist of engines, rotors, drive shafts, gears, electronics, flight controls and landing gear, all of which must function properly both independently and together for the helicopter to operate safely.", "The stabilator is another way (Piper). It is an airfoil that in one piece acts as both stabilizer and elevator. The trim control of the stabilator acts as both a trim and anti-servo tab (power assist). The yoke applies control forces to the tab to move the entire control. No change in trim technique is required in either case. Ideally an aircraft would have a three-axis trim; elevator, rudder, and aileron.", "A stabilized approach is the safest profile, and it is one of the most critical elements of a safe approach and landing operation. There are five basic elements to the stabilized approach: The airplane should be in the landing configuration early in the approach.", "Helicopters typically have two types of landing gear systems; some helicopters have a set of wheels that enables them to maintain a grip on the ground to land, while other helicopters have a skid gear, which, unlike wheeled helicopters, cannot be retracted. Either of these helicopters can be used, depending on the type of mission or undertaking. Skid landing gear The problem with the skid gear is that while it is fairly dependable, on extremely uneven terrain, it loses its stability.", "The pitch of the tail rotor blades is adjustable by the pilot via the anti-torque pedals, which also provide directional control by allowing the pilot to rotate the helicopter around its vertical axis.", "A helicopter is able to fly because of the lifting effect of its main rotor. The rotor blades of a helicopter act in the same manner as the wings of a plane, creating lift by … forcing air above and below a curved airfoil. The air moves faster over the top of the blade, reducing the pressure there.", "1 Directional stability: The distance from the aircraft c.g. to the most aft part of the airplane is usually smaller on canard aircraft. 2 This poses a problem for locating a vertical stabilizer and may result in very large vertical surfaces. ( 3 Note, however, that winglets may be used to advantage in this case.).", "A helicopter is a type of rotorcraft in which lift and thrust are supplied by rotors. This allows the helicopter to take off and land vertically, to hover, and to fly forward, backward, and laterally.", "It is the same for helicopters. With no floor to push off of, a helicopter in the air tries to quickly twist the rotor to the left, and the fuselage will start spinning to the right. The tail rotor pushes the fuselage back to the left and cancel out the spin. But then this adds a slight overall drift to the right.", "Helicopter Track and Balance Theory. 've heard it said on many occasions that a helicopter is several thousand rotating components trying desperately to shake themselves free of one another. In my experience, this is often a true statement, but a correctable one.", "The wing, stab,and fin must all be properly aligned and positioned andfree of warps. On a regular model rocket, a fin misalign-ment results in a wobble during boost and some lost alti-tude; on a boost glider, a similar misalignment can resultin a crashed model.", "A helicopter is a type of rotorcraft in which lift and thrust are supplied by rotors. This allows the helicopter to take off and land vertically, to hover, and to fly forward, backward, and laterally. These attributes allow helicopters to be used in congested or isolated areas where fixed-wing aircraft and many forms of VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft cannot perform.", "1 Directional stability: The distance from the aircraft c.g. to the most aft part of the airplane is usually smaller on canard aircraft. 2 This poses a problem for locating a vertical stabilizer and may result in very large vertical surfaces.", "Each end of the cable goes down below the flight deck to what are called arresting gear engines. These aren’t engines like you think of in a vehicle, these are engines in that they’re machines. Anyway, these are very long hydraulic braking systems that slow the airplane down. Each cable of course has two of these, one for each end of the cable.", "A vertical intersecting shaft gear from the engine of a helicopter engages one or more horizontal shaft gears to turn the rotors. Gear reduction transfers horsepower from an engine to the drive system. The flywheel of the ordinary automobile engine is connected to a gear shaft mounting a number of different-sized gears.", "The rudder is the small moving section at the rear of the stabilizer that is attached to the fixed sections by hinges. Because the rudder moves, it varies the amount of force generated by the tail surface and is used to generate and control the yawing motion of the aircraft. This slide shows what happens when the pilot deflects the rudder, a hinged section at the rear of the vertical stabilizer. The rudder is used to control the position of the nose of the aircraft. Interestingly, it is NOT used to turn the aircraft in flight.", "How Does A RC Helicopter Gyro Work. The RC helicopter gyro is a small device that detects any yaw (left or right swinging) movement of the helicopter and automatically sends a command to the tail rotor servo to correct and stop/limit the yaw movement." ]
cost of brakes at midas
Brake Repair Cost. 1 Midas: Midas charges roughly $80 per hour for labor costs when working on brakes. 2 They charge about $50 for a brake drum package, $60 to replace brake fluid, and upwards of $800 for a complete caliper and rotor job. They charge about $50 for a brake drum package, $60 to replace brake fluid, and upwards of $800 for a complete caliper and rotor job. 2 There are almost always pressure tactics to get you agree to other services such as extra things for your brake drums, pads, shoes, cylinders or otherwise.
[ "Auto Shop: Midas in Bridgewater, NJ. It cost me $700 to have the front and rear pads and the front and rear rotors replaced (not resurfaced). After looking around online for prices on parts, I think it should have cost under $600.uto Shop: Midas in Bridgewater, NJ. It cost me $700 to have the front and rear pads and the front and rear rotors replaced (not resurfaced). After looking around online for prices on parts, I think it should have cost under $600.", "How much does it cost to start a Midas automotive repair franchise? It depends on the route you choose to open your shop. Startup costs to open a newly constructed 8-bay Midas franchise range from $203,130 to $424,520.", "What Are the Startup Costs? Midas franchise startup costs — an overview. How much does it cost to start a Midas automotive repair franchise? It depends on the route you choose to open your shop. Startup costs to open a newly constructed 8-bay Midas franchise range from $183,130 to $433,097. Startup costs can be lower for franchisees who choose to convert an existing automotive shop to the Midas brand. The estimated initial investment to convert an operating or previously operated automotive repair facility to a Midas shop is $73,130 – $436,097.", "Post: #1. OK so this is my first time getting brakes replaced. I am thinking about going to Midas, but I was just wondering how much I should expect to pay. My front brakes are grinding so I am going in on Thursday as that will be the next time I drive the car. I am seeing about $100 on the internet, but I heard that is only for the front two.", "Full-Time | Pay: $40k - $60k/year. Join one of the nation's top automotive service brands! For over 50 years, Midas has operated full service automotive service centers with over 1,500 locations in North America.", "Midas Oil Change Prices. The cost of an Oil Change at Midas varies depending upon your vehicle type and the type of oil you need for your car but generally starts at $33.99.You can choose the following options: 1 Valvoline, Pennzoil or other special requests ADD $10.00. 2 High Mileage oil ADD $15.00.idas Oil Change Prices. The cost of an Oil Change at Midas varies depending upon your vehicle type and the type of oil you need for your car but generally starts at $33.99.", "Midas houston is your one-stop shop for brakes, oil changes, tires and all your auto repair needs. your neighborhood midas. Midas stores are owned and operated by families in your community dedicated to providing high quality auto repair service at a fair price.", "Posts: 310. Midas Alignment CRAP! Well, today I took my car to Midas to get an alignment after I was quote 40 bucks for the front two wheel alignment from them couple weeks ago. I went to the Midas that quoted me 40 bucks, But they wouldn't do it because my car was drop low. was thinking, so I ask them how much it's gonna cost. They then told me that alignment was 69.99 plus 94 something for more adjusting, labor, and getting my lower car up there and hooking it up. I was like WHAT! The other midas told me it was only 40 bucks.. Then he called the other Midas and they say it was 69.99.", "For work on front and back brakes, CostHelper readers reported paying $273-$1,025 for an average of $567 at standard repair shops, or $280-$935 for an average of $578 at dealerships. Repairs tend to be more expensive on vehicles with higher initial purchase prices; these sometimes have more complex systems that require more labor.", "A complete brake job cost will vary from $300 up to $1,000, with the majority of our users reporting an average price of $500. If you start hearing any noise coming from the brakes or notice it becoming increasingly difficult to stop the vehicle, then make sure to have them checked as soon as possible.", "1 CostHelper readers report paying $23-$285 for an average of $104 for materials for brakes on one axle, and $135-$439 for all parts for both front and back brakes, for an average of $304. took it to this shop and they replaced the piston, the caliper, and the rotors for $300. The radio also didn't work so the guy bought a kenwood (expensive) without my consent and fixed the radio. I told him that I wanted to have it fixed at a later date but he had opened up that part of the car and fixed it already.", "exists and is an alternate of . The avarage cost of a Midas Basic Oil Change is about $29.99. Often Midas has special promotions or hands out coupon so on can get the Basic Oil Change for $19.99. The avarage cost of a Midas Basic Oil Change is about $29.99.", "Supply and demand keeps prices down. An average cost when replacing brakes can range anywhere from $25 to $60, depending on quality and availability. The cost of brake pads being installed on your car is based on labor rates at most repair facilities. On average, a brake pad replacement will take an hour or more per side.", "Cost-The cost of a replacing worn brake pads or worn shoes will vary on the type of vehicle you have and if you are comfortable doing the work yourself. If you are experienced with auto work and can change the shoes yourself you can probably change all four shoes for under $100.If you take the car to a brake shop you can expert to pay between $150 and $300. A quick check with Midas shows a special price of $99 per axle for brake shoe replacement.General Tips-Always use a reputable brake shop. It's best to ask for recommendations from family or friends.f you take the car to a brake shop you can expert to pay between $150 and $300. A quick check with Midas shows a special price of $99 per axle for brake shoe replacement. General Tips-Always use a reputable brake shop.", "Most dealerships and shops charge per axle for brakes, usually around $260-$300, giving a total of $520-$600 for all 4 corners. Now, brakes are easy. They are a great introduction to working on cars and pretty foolproof. If you're willing to get your hands dirty, you'll save a lot of money.", "For work on front and back brakes, CostHelper readers reported paying $273-$1,025 for an average of $567 at standard repair shops, or $280-$935 for an average of $578 at dealerships.", "CostHelper readers report paying $23-$285 for an average of $104 for materials for brakes on one axle, and $135-$439 for all parts for both front and back brakes, for an average of $304. CostHelper readers who bought the needed replacement parts and then paid a mobile mechanic or one at a local shop or gas station to install them report total costs of $80-$430, for an average of $251.", "If you mean front brakes as in just PADS, the cost of material should be no more than $30. And 2 struts around $70-$90 for the materials. If you were to do it your self you would save a lot. With labor, you would be looking at perhaps $80 to $125 per hour. So figure at leastbe $250 for labor added on to that $240 for parts.", "Confidence votes 298K. The avarage cost of a Midas Basic Oil Change is about $29.99. Often Midas has special promotions or hands out coupon so on can get the Basic Oil Change for $19.99. The avarage cost of a Midas Basic Oil Change is about $29.99.", "1 For work on front and back brakes, CostHelper readers reported paying $273-$1,025 for an average of $567 at standard repair shops, or $280-$935 for an average of $578 at dealerships. Repairs tend to be more expensive on vehicles with higher initial purchase prices; these sometimes have more complex systems that require more labor. 2 For example, a CostHelper reader reported paying $965 for front and back brake pads and front rotors on a Mercedes.", "An average cost when replacing brakes can range anywhere from $25 to $60, depending on quality and availability. The cost of brake pads being installed on your car is based on labor rates at most repair facilities. On average, a brake pad replacement will take an hour or more per side.", "1 For work on front and back brakes, CostHelper readers reported paying $273-$1,025 for an average of $567 at standard repair shops, or $280-$935 for an average of $578 at dealerships. CostHelper readers who bought the needed replacement parts and then paid a mobile mechanic or one at a local shop or gas station to install them report total costs of $80-$430, for an average of $251.", "1 CostHelper readers report paying $23-$285 for an average of $104 for materials for brakes on one axle, and $135-$439 for all parts for both front and back brakes, for an average of $304. CostHelper readers who bought the needed replacement parts and then paid a mobile mechanic or one at a local shop or gas station to install them report total costs of $80-$430, for an average of $251.", "1 For work on front and back brakes, CostHelper readers reported paying $273-$1,025 for an average of $567 at standard repair shops, or $280-$935 for an average of $578 at dealerships.", "Cost-The cost of a replacing worn brake pads or worn shoes will vary on the type of vehicle you have and if you are comfortable doing the work yourself. If you are experienced with auto work and can change the shoes yourself you can probably change all four shoes for under $100.If you take the car to a brake shop you can expert to pay between $150 and $300. A quick check with Midas shows a special price of $99 per axle for brake shoe replacement.General Tips-Always use a reputable brake shop. It's best to ask for recommendations from family or friends.f you are experienced with auto work and can change the shoes yourself you can probably change all four shoes for under $100. If you take the car to a brake shop you can expert to pay between $150 and $300. A quick check with Midas shows a special price of $99 per axle for brake shoe replacement.", "CostHelper readers report paying $23-$285 for an average of $104 for materials for brakes on one axle, and $135-$439 for all parts for both front and back brakes, for an average of $304.", "1 For example, dealer completed anti-lock brakes repair will range from $800 to $1,500 for most vehicles manufactured after 1993. 2 According to this forum thread on MetaFilter.com, a user was quoted $800 for the ABS module. One additional cost is the labor cost for installing the anti-lock brake system, and this can range from $100 to $350 on average. 2 You will need someone to see whether the light is on. 3 The diagnostic fee will probably have to be paid for if the problem gets in-depth and requires testing components." ]
what is gri designation
What is the GRI Designation. GRI, which stands for Graduate REALTOR Institute, is a nationally recognized professional real estate designation. The GRI designation is a real estate industry designation similar to various industry designations such as: CPA - Certified Public Accountant, an accounting industry designation.
[ "The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an independent institution whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable sustainability reporting guidelines that help organisations to report on the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of their activities, products, and services.", "The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-profit organisation that works towards a sustainable global economy by providing sustainability reporting guidance.", "REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas.Presented by National Association of REALTORS®. Contact your State Association to get information on program requirements, course schedules, location, and tuition.EALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas.", "What do the GRI, ABR and SSCE designations mean to buyers and sellers of Real Estate? These designations mean we are consistently learning and expanding our expertise in the industry to better serve our clients. GRI stands for Graduate, Realtor Institute.", "1 The GRI designation is held by 19% of Realtors and courses are offered through state Realtor associations with 90 hours of coursework on marketing and servicing listed properties to real estate law. 2 In a 2003 survey, NAR has determined that GRIs earned over $33,200 more annually than non-designees.", "The GRI Designation program requires active REALTOR® membership within your local, state and national association. If you are not an active REALTOR® you may take the GRI courses, however you will not receive the member discount on courses, and you may not market yourself as a GRI designee. To inquire about REALTOR® memberbership, please contact your Local Association.", "Initially a predominantly European initiative, sustainability reporting has become a world-wide phenomenon with GRI guidelines providing a framework for issuing separate sustainability reports. Although anyone can take the GRI courses, only REALTORS[R] who complete all three GRI courses can use the GRI designation.", "GRI incorporates the active participation of representatives from business, accountancy, investment, environmental, human rights, research and labour organisations from around the world. Started in 1997, GRI became independent in 2002, and is an official collaborating centre of the UNEP.", "GRI convenes a network of over 600 organisational stakeholders from over 60 countries. GRI provides a baseline framework on reporting sustainability that can be used across industries, and one of the organisation's core objectives is to make sustainability reporting as routine as its financial equivalent.", "Rent loss insurance policies normally pay out based on GRI, or gross rental income. GRI is the total rent received from a property before deductions for service charges, insurance and operating costs. By paying on GRI, rent loss insurance guarantees a higher and more realistic payout to landlord policy holders.", "Transparency: GRI is very transparent about members, funding, the reporting framework and governance structure in its annual reports and website, while its Sustainability Disclosure Database contains every report since 1999.", "More Than Shipping > Blog > Regulations > What Is General Rate Increase (GRI)? GRI (General Rates Increase) is the average amount by which Carriers tariff rates increase applied to base rates. In a stable market, GRI apply on contract sales once a year at the end of the year. However we have faced 13 GRIs on 2012 which makes more than one increase in each month and 5 GRIs in the first half of 2013.", "Grisaille (/ɡrɨˈzaɪ/ or /ɡrɨˈzeɪl/ ; French: gris [ɡʁizaj] 'grey') is a term for a painting executed entirely in shades of grey or of another neutral greyish colour.It is particularly used in large decorative schemes in imitation of sculpture.ith the 20th century's emphasis on direct (alla prima) painting, the grisaille technique lost favour with artists of the period. This historic method is still incorporated into the curriculum of some private ateliers.", "Graduate REALTOR® Institute. Texas REALTORS® with a GRI designation earn twice as much as non-designees. Texas GRI has been updated to keep pace with changing laws, technology, and best practices. And it satisfies the 90-hour SAE requirement for new Texas REALTORS®! GRI: Real Estate Finance.", "About this Report. This report was prepared using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 Guidelines. GRI has verified that the report has been prepared according to the GRI Guidelines at Application Level B. The GRI Index, available separately on our website, contains supplementary information on a variety of topics.", "Once you earn your GRI designation, you can take any GRI class for half-price! Upon completion of the GRI program, there is a one time $15.00 designation fee. You will receive a certificate and a GRI pin. Check with your broker for reimbursement.", "GR/IR stands for Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt. When goods are purchased from a vendor following a purchase order, the vendor dispatches the goods. When the goods are received, it is not necessary or required or even typical for the invoice to be sent along.", "Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM) The Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM) is another way to screen, value, and compare properties. Used mostly in the apartment industry, the GRM is much like the Capitalization Rate except that gross rental income is used rather than the Net Operating Income (NOI) to determine the value or asking price of a property.", "DEFINITION of 'Graduate Record Examination - GRE' The graduate record examination (GRE) is a standardized exam used to measure one's aptitude for abstract thinking in the areas of analytical writing, mathematics and vocabulary. The GRE is commonly used by many graduate schools to determine an applicant's eligibility for the program.", "Grus (/ˈɡrʌs/ , or colloquially /ˈɡruːs/) is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for the crane, a type of bird. It is one of twelve constellations conceived by Petrus Plancius from the observations of Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman.", "Grus (/ˈɡrʌs/, or colloquially /ˈɡruːs/) is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for the crane, a type of bird. It is one of twelve constellations conceived by Petrus Plancius from the observations of Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman.", "The Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM) is another way to screen, value, and compare properties. Used mostly in the apartment industry, the GRM is much like the Capitalization Rate except that gross rental income is used rather than the Net Operating Income (NOI) to determine the value or asking price of a property.", "GRE is defined as an abbreviation for the Graduate Record Examination, an exam for entrance into graduate school. The standard test taken with verbal and quantitative sections is an example of the GRE.", "Graduate Record Examinations. The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for most Graduate Schools in the United States. The GRE is owned and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) who created it in 1949. According to ETS, the GRE aims to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and critical thinking skills that have been acquired over a long period of learning.", "Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is a protocol that encapsulates packets in order to route other protocols over IP networks. GRE is defined by RFC 2784.", "For the fourth year, Lockheed Martin’s sustainability report relies upon guidance issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework. We report in accordance with G4 Core, the latest GRI guidelines. The determination of which GRI Aspects are material to our business is a direct result of our Core Issues Assessment as described in our 2015 Sustainability Report.", "The gross rent multiplier (GRM) is a simple measure of investment performance used to compare alternative investments. The gross rent multiplier formula is calculated as follows: As shown in the formula above, the gross rent multiplier is calculated by taking the price of the property and dividing it by the potential gross income of the property.", "Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) is an American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) designation that a chemical or substance added to food is considered safe by experts, and so is exempted from the usual Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) food additive tolerance requirements.", "Gross Rent Multiplier. Gross rent multiplier (or GRM) is a measurement of property value based upon each $1 of its annual rental income before operating expenses; namely, the ratio between a real estate investment property's market value and its gross scheduled income.", "GRS is a leading provider of strategic mission and operational solutions to the United States Intelligence, Defense, and Security Communities. Focused on the Mission to Stay Ahead of the Threat. GRS maintains deep domain knowledge and strong past performance in support of a wide array of programs.", "A higher GRM signifies a higher property market value to GSI ratio and therefore favors the seller; likewise, the reverse is true. A lower gross rent multiplier signifies a lower property market value to gross scheduled income ratio and favors the buyer.", "GR IR Clearing Process in SAP. The GR IR account is an intermediary clearing account in SAP for goods and invoices in transit. It is commonly referred to as the GRIR (Goods Receipt Invoice Receipt) or GRNI (Goods Received Not Invoiced) account. Both mean the same thing.", "GRE Test Information. The GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) is a standardized test taken by students who are applying to postgraduate courses in the US and in some other parts of the world. When one talks of the GRE, one usually means the GRE General Test which is a test of verbal and quantitative reasoning skills and analytical writing.", "GR IR Clearing Process SAP. The GR IR account is an intermediary clearing account in SAP for goods and invoices in transit. It is commonly referred to as the GRIR (Goods Receipt Invoice Receipt) or GRNI (Goods Received Not Invoiced) account. Both mean the same thing.", "GRE - Government Reporting Entity. Looking for abbreviations of GRE? It is Government Reporting Entity. Government Reporting Entity listed as GRE Government Reporting Entity - How is Government Reporting Entity abbreviated? https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Government+Reporting+Entity", "Gross Rent Multiplier. James Kobzeff. Mar 27, 2014. Gross rent multiplier (or GRM) is a measurement of property value based upon each $1 of its annual rental income before operating expenses; namely, the ratio between a real estate investment property's market value and its gross scheduled income.", "DEFINITION of 'Graduate Record Examination-GRE'. A standardized exam used to measure one's aptitude for abstract thinking in the areas of analytical writing, mathematics and vocabulary. The GRE is commonly used by many graduate schools to determine an applicant's eligibility for the program. The GRE is only offered via computer, however in areas which lack the appropriate computer networks, a paper-based exam may be given. Next Up." ]
when were turn signals first mandatory in us
But the idea was proposed (sort of) in 1916 when C. H. Thomas of Norristown, PA, wrote to Popular Mechanics describing an invention -- a battery and electric bulb attached to a glove so drivers could see hand signals at night. Flashing turn signals were first offered as an option by Buick in 1938, but only as rear flashing lights. In 1940 the flashing signal was extended to front lights, and the signal switch was given a self-canceling feature. Austin had a different approach to signal lights. When the signal lever was activated by the steering column, a lighted lever popped out of either side of the B-pillar indicating the direction of turning.
[ "The electronic traffic light turns 101 on August 5. The first red and green lights were installed in Cleveland, Ohio, on August 5, 1914. The original design, though, came from a Salt Lake City cop named Lester Wire. He came up with the idea in 1912. The momentous occasion of the 101st anniversary of the traffic light is celebrated in the August 5 Google Doodle.", "Despite Morgan’s greater visibility, the system installed in Cleveland on August 5, 1914, is widely regarded as the first electric traffic signal.", "Now lets turn to the Turn Signal system used on early cars. From the mid 50's thru 1961, cars which did not have semaphores used the Stop lights to double as the rear Turn indicators. To do that, a special Turn Signal switch with 6 wires instead of the later 3-wire design was used.", "Today marks what is many believe is the 100th anniversary of the world's first electric traffic signal. The first electric traffic signal was installed Aug. 5, 1914, at the corner of Euclid Avenue and East 105th Street in Cleveland, according to the History Channel's website, history.com.", "Still, electrical turn signals didn’t become widespread until the early to mid-1950s. Before then, a host of makeshift and accessory devices, as well as hand signals, sufficed. We might not owe the turn signal to Lawrence, but her place in auto history points to something larger. “We always see the automobile as a masculine object, but in fact,” Heitmann said, “women played an active role in thinking about the automobile.", "The world’s first electric traffic signal is put into place on the corner of Euclid Avenue and East 105th Street in Cleveland, Ohio, on this day in 1914.", "Though Morgan's was not the first traffic signal (that one had been installed in London in 1868), it was an important innovation nonetheless: By having a third position besides just Stop and Go, it regulated crossing vehicles more safely than earlier signals had.", "Richard Spikes was an African-American inventor created with inventing the turn signal and the beer keg tap. Not a lot is known about his personal life except that he was … declared legally blind in 1962, the same year he passed away. Answered.", "Happy 100th birthday to the electric traffic light. Today marks what is many believe is the 100th anniversary of the world's first electric traffic signal. The first electric traffic signal was installed Aug. 5, 1914, at the corner of Euclid Avenue and East.", "A+E Networks. The world’s first electric traffic signal is put into place on the corner of Euclid Avenue and East 105th Street in Cleveland, Ohio, on this day in 1914.", "Some sources claim that the first traffic light was NOT in Cleveland, as earlier signals had been used in London England in 1868, and another version in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1912. But, there is one consistent design and name that comes up, Garrett Augustus Morgan, whose design was patented on November 23, 1923.", "The worlds first traffic light came into being before the automobile was in use, and traffic consisted only of pedestrians, buggies, and wagons. Installed at an intersection in London in 1868, it was a revolving lantern with red and green signals. Red meant stop and green meant caution.. The lantern, illuminated by gas, was turned by means of a lever at its base so that the appropriate light faced traffic. On January 2, 1869, this crude traffic light exploded, injuring the policeman who was operating it. With the coming of automobiles, the situation got even worse.", "While some cities began installing traffic towers, allowing officers to have a higher view of the traffic, in Utah in 1912, policeman Lester Wire developed the first electric traffic light system with red and green lights. Two years later, the first electric signal was installed in Cleveland.", "When GPS service was first made available for civilians in 1983, for national security reasons, the U.S. military decided to scramble the signal, making it a little too inaccurate to be reliable. This practice, also known as selective availability, was aimed at preventing military use of GPS by the enemies.", "Among the many early traffic signals or lights created the following are noted: 1 Earnest Sirrine of Chicago, Illinois patented (976,939) perhaps the first automatic street traffic system in 1910. 2 Lester Wire of Salt Lake City, Utah invented (unpatented) an electric traffic light in 1912 that used red and green lights.", "If automakers have to make a separate, colored turn signal in the rear it will cost more money for the domestics, but save money for automakers importing European models. The comment period for the proposed regulation will last through Sept. 6.", "2. The world's first traffic light came into being before the automobile was in use, and traffic consisted only of pedestrians, buggies, and wagons. Installed at an intersection in London in 1868, it was a revolving lantern with red and green signals. Red meant stop and green meant caution.. The lantern, illuminated by gas, was turned by means of a lever at its base so that the appropriate light faced traffic.", "The first manually operated gas-lit traffic light was installed in 1868 in London, though it was short-lived due to explosion. The first safe, automatic electric traffic lights were installed in the United States starting in the late 1890s.", "He burned in his wrist a permanent twist-O-flex image. First, you need to determine the light configuration on the car. I will use two examples, a 1936 Buick Special and a 1935 Lincoln K V-12. The Buick lends itself well to the installation of turn signals. In the rear, it has separate left and right combination rear tail and brake lights using No.1154 bulbs.", "Morgan was one of the first to apply for and acquire a U.S. patent for a traffic signal. The patent was granted on November 20, 1923. Morgan later had the technology patented in Great Britain and Canada. He also invented a zigzag stitching attachment for manually operated sewing machine.", "California Trailer Signal Laws. The combination of vehicles towing a trailer coach or camp trailer must be equipped with a lamp-type turn signal system. Trailers and semitrailers 80 or more inches in width and manufactured after January 1, 1969, must be equipped with a lamp-type turn signal system.", "The first electric traffic light was developed in 1912 by Lester Wire, a policeman in Salt Lake City, Utah, who also used red-green lights. On 5 August 1914, the American Traffic Signal Company installed a traffic signal system on the corner of East 105th Street and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio.", "The world's first, manually operated gas-lit traffic signal was short lived. Installed in London in December 1868, it exploded less than a month later, injuring or killing its policeman operator.", "A Brief History of Turn Signals . . . In the 100-plus years of the motor vehicle, technological advancements such as seat belts, air bags, computer controlled ignition, fuel injection and anti-lock brakes have made driving safer and better. However, the turn signal seems to have been stuck in somewhat of a time warp.", "The result was the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the first railroad chartered in the United States. There were great parades on the day the construction started. On July 4, 1828, the first spadeful of earth was turned over by the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence, 91-year-old Charles Carroll.", "The worlds first traffic light came into being before the automobile was in use, and traffic consisted only of pedestrians, buggies, and wagons. Installed at an intersection in London in 1868, it was a revolving lantern with red and green signals.", "individuals, this school taught entire units, including enlisted men. It was closed 11 years later in 1835 when the students were sent to Florida in response to the Seminole threat and reopened in 1858. By the mid 1870’ s the school was training noncommissioned officers in the history of the United States, geography, reading, writing, and mathematics. In 1868, the Signal Corps established a signal school of instruction which was opened at Fort Greble and, in 1869, moved to Fort Whipple (later Fort Myer). By 1871 the Signal School at Whipple had a primary duty to train observer-sergeants and assistant observers in their duties.", "When the Army adopted his system on 21 June 1860, the Signal Corps was born with Myer as the first and only Signal Officer. Major Myer first used his visual signaling system on active service in New Mexico during the early 1860s Navajo expedition.", "The first interconnected traffic signal system was installed in Salt Lake City in 1917, with six connected intersections controlled simultaneously from a manual switch. Automatic control of interconnected traffic lights was introduced March 1922 in Houston, Texas.", "By the mid 1870’ s the school was training noncommissioned officers in the history of the. United States, geography, reading, writing, and mathematics. In 1868, the Signal Corps established a signal school of instruction which was opened at. Fort Greble and, in 1869, moved to Fort Whipple (later Fort Myer).", "The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920.", "The 100th anniversary of the first electric traffic light system will be marked on 5 August. It was installed on the corner of East 105th Street and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio, and had red and green lights and a buzzer to provide a warning that the colours were about the change. Traffic signals' birth in London.", "Aug 04, 2015. 1 Wednesday's Google Doodle offers a glimpse of what American traffic would've looked like 101 years ago, when the world's first electric traffic light was installed. 2 The device, the predecessor to what is used worldwide today, was installed in Cleveland, Ohio, on Aug. 5, 1914, at the corner of 105th and Euclid.", "The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. Cleveland, Ohio Actually the first electric traffic signal was invented in 1912 in Salt Lake City by a policeman. It had two colors, red and green, and was installed at 200 …South and Maine St. in the city.", "On 9 December 1868, the first, non-electric, gas-lit traffic lights were installed outside the Houses of Parliament in London to control the traffic in Bridge Street, Great George Street and Parliament Street.", "The first pedestrian crossing signal was erected in Bridge Street, Westminster, Middlesex, in December 1868. It was the idea of John Peake Knight, a railway engineer, who thought that it would provide a means to safely allow pedestrians to cross this busy thoroughfare.", "Clocks there were first turned forward at 11:00 p.m. (23:00) on April 30, 1916. DST history in Europe. The rationale was to minimize the use of artificial lighting in order to save fuel for the war effort during World War I. The idea was quickly followed by Britain and many other countries, including the United States. Many countries reverted back to standard time post-World War I.", "On 10 December 1868, the first traffic lights were installed outside the Houses of Parliament in London. They resembled railway signals of the time, with semaphore arms and red and green gas lamps for night use.The modern electric traffic light is an American invention.n 10 December 1868, the first traffic lights were installed outside the Houses of Parliament in London. They resembled railway signals of the time, with semaphore arms and red and green gas lamps for night use.", "Red Light, Green Light : The Invention of the Traffic Signal. The traffic signal was first invented in 1912 — by a Detroit policeman named Lester Wire — as a two-color, red-and-green light with a buzzer to warn pedestrians ahead of the impending transition.", "Patented, NHTSA-Approved Smart Turn Signal System For Cars & Trucks. A Brief History of Turn Signals . . . In the 100-plus years of the motor vehicle, technological advancements such as seat belts, air bags, computer controlled ignition, fuel injection and anti-lock brakes have made driving safer and better. However, the turn signal seems to have been stuck in somewhat of a time warp.", "Until they actually turn the steering wheel to the left or right, you wouldn't have any idea which direction they were turning or even if they were really going to turn. The Vehicle & Traffic Law requires you use turn signals continuously during not less than the last 100 feet traveled by the vehicle before turning. §1163(b) A driver may not slow down or stop in traffic without providing an appropriate signal for the benefit of following drivers." ]
what does an overseas screening consist of
The purpose of an Overseas Suitability Screening (OSS) is to identify medical, dental, educational and potential duty limiting conditions or requirements of both service and family members.uggestions to expedite the screening process: 1 Start the OSS process immediately upon receipt of orders. 2 Contact your local MTF to schedule an appointment with an appointed screener. 3 Provide DD2807 and and any additional/supplemental information.
[ "Antibody screening consists of testing the recipient's plasma against the RBCs of 2 or 3 reagent screening cells that are licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The screening cells must be type O with certain profiles for the following antigens: D, C, E, c, e, K, k, Fy a, Fy b, Jk a, Jk b, M, N, S, s, P 1, Le a, and Le b.", "What is the International Roadcheck Program? The International Roadcheck is an annual inspection blitz that occurs for a 72-hour period. During this period, thousands of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) are inspected throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada.", "The VisaScreen Certificate, which satisfies all federal screening requirements as set forth in section 343 of IIRIRA, can then be presented to a consular office or, in the case of adjustment of status, the attorney general as part of a visa application.", "As most have said previously the physical usually consists of health hx, vaccination verification, tb test, drug screen and N95 fitting. I have been through several and they are all some variation of the above. If you do not have proof of vaccinations they will draw titers. Interesting enough now they are including flu vaccine on start of job.", "Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening is done either through a urine test or through a swab inside the penis in men or from the cervix in women. The sample is then analyzed in a laboratory. Screening is important, because if you don't have signs or symptoms, you can be unaware that you have either infection.", "If an applicant has lived in a foreign country within the past five (5) years, the criminal background check may need to include that country. Any fees associated with this search are the responsibility of the applicant.", "An oral health screening is comprised of three parts: reviewing oral health history; performing a physical examination of the child’s mouth; and referring for preventive dental care or assessment and treatment.", "chlamydia and gonorrhea screening is done either through a urine test or through a swab inside the penis in men or from the cervix in women the sample is then analyzed in a laboratory screening is important because if you don t have signs or symptoms you can be unaware that you have either infection", "Universal Screening Defined. “Universal screening is the systematic assessment of allchildren within a given class, grade, school building, or school district, on academic and/or social-emotional indicators that the school personnel and community have agreed are important.”.", "Universal Screening Defined “Universal screening is the systematic assessment of allchildren within a given class, grade, school building, or school district, on academic and/or social-emotional indicators that the school personnel and community have agreed are important.” Source: Ikeda, Neessen, & Witt, 2009", "Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening is done either through a urine test or through a swab inside the penis in men or from the cervix in women. The sample is then analyzed in a laboratory.Screening is important, because if you don't have signs or symptoms, you can be unaware that you have either infection.hlamydia and gonorrhea screening is done either through a urine test or through a swab inside the penis in men or from the cervix in women. The sample is then analyzed in a laboratory.", "If an applicant has lived in a foreign country within the past five (5) years, the criminal background check may need to include that country. Any fees associated with this search are the responsibility of the applicant. All costs are subject to change without prior notification.", "The pre-screening process consists of 4 evaluations- a psychological evaluation (to get insight into your personality and to ensure you are emotionally ready to perform as an egg donor), a genetic evaluation (to go over your family history of any illnesses and diseases), a legal consultation (opportunity to review the egg donor contract to ensure you understand your rights and responsibilities as an egg donor), a medical evaluation (consist of a vaginal ultrasound to determine the number of ...", "Screening Pap tests and pelvic examinations are important parts of preventive health care for . adult women: A . screening Pap test (also called a Pap smear) is a laboratory test that consists of a routine exfoliative cytology test (Papanicolaou test) for early detection of cervical cancer. It includes collection of a sample of cervical cells and a physician’s interpretation of the test results. A . screening pelvic examination. helps detect", "(If applying for an overseas job, please remember to include your international dialling code.) Include your mobile/cell phone number if you are going to relocate soon. CV Skills Summary. The Skills Summary section of your CV includes your main skills.You should only include keywords in his section, do not go into lengthy descriptions of your skills. The skill summary is also called personal profile.If applying for an overseas job, please remember to include your international dialling code.) Include your mobile/cell phone number if you are going to relocate soon. CV Skills Summary. The Skills Summary section of your CV includes your main skills.", "(Published by T. Marko, BUMED (MED-31 BAS) - Version: 13 Feb 02) • The Navy's Suitability Screening Program is designed to determine the suitability of Navy and. Marine Corps service and family members for overseas or remote duty assignments. Service. members also require suitability screening for operational (sea duty) assignments.", "Should the permit writer determine that information. in such areas is not adequate, a NOD should be. prepared to require submittal of additional. information, such as results of sampling. 6.3.2 Exposure Assessment. A key component of conducting a risk-based. screening evaluation is identification of potential. exposures. An exposure assessment includes an. evaluation of potential human and ecological. receptors that may contact chemicals originating. from the site, as well as routes, magnitude, frequency, and duration of exposure. An evaluation.", "I. SCREENING: The process by which the client is determined appropriate and eligible for admission. to a particular program. Global Criteria. 1. Evaluate psychological, social and physiological signs and symptoms of alcohol and other. drug use and abuse.", "It is important to recognize that the United States has the most rigorous refugee screening process in the world, involving the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and National Counter Terrorism Center.", "Immigration Biometrics Appointment Explained. The term “biometrics” refers to the processes used to identify people based on physical traits. The foreign national spouse who is applying for the marriage based green card is required to participate in the biometrics appointment for the purpose of criminal background checks.", "These examinations are intended to detect any conditions which may affect the health of the Canadian public, or which may result in excessive demands being placed upon the Canadian health care system. The medical examination includes a standard physical examination, blood tests, urine tests, and X-Rays.: No. The examination must be done by a doctor on Canada's list of Designated Medical Physicians. Q: My children are studying abroad and cannot return home for their immigration medical examination for another six months. I do not want to delay my application.", "1 Geographic Regions Covered The US, Canada, Japan, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific and Rest of World. Application Types Covered in the US Market - Prenatal & Newborn Genetic Testing, Pharmacogenomic Testing, and Predictive Diagnostics.", "A vascular screening is a three part non-invasive diagnostic screening used in the detection of stroke risk, abdominal aortic aneurysm and peripheral artery disease. Over 700,000 Americans suffer a stroke each year. A large number of strokes can be prevented with proper diagnosis and treatment. An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening detects if the wall of the artery has become weakened and distended. A ruptured aneurysm is lifet hreatening. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) occurs in the arteries of the circulatory system in the vessels that carry blood to the arms and legs.", "Screening separates the sand and gravel into different size ranges. Water is sprayed onto thematerial throughout the screening process. After screening, the sized gravel is transported to stockpiles,storage bins, or, in some cases, to crushers by belt conveyors, bucket elevators, or screw conveyors.", "The purpose of the OBRA 1 Initial Screen is to determine whether there is a reasonable basis to suspect a developmental disability or mental illness and if so, to make the appropriate referrals for a full assessment of the need for services. If the individual is determined to have a developmental disability but does not require active treatment for the developmental disability, the DD PAS agency may refer the individual for non-waiver DD services and may also refer the individual to the MH PAS agency, DRS or Aging using Part V of the OBRA-1.", "Preliminary Screening Test. The screening test involves making a number of 50 mm diameter drill holes where a “core” is taken from the external walls, samples of foundations and, where accessible, internal walls and the chimney.These are examined in a laboratory and determine the category as below:-. 1 Class A-Sound concrete satisfactory condition.reliminary Screening Test. The screening test involves making a number of 50 mm diameter drill holes where a “core” is taken from the external walls, samples of foundations and, where accessible, internal walls and the chimney.", "Screening tests include: 1 Nuchal translucency testing. 2 The triple screen or quadruple screen (also called the multiple marker test). 3 Integrated screen. 4 A genetic ultrasound. 5 Cell free DNA.", "The applicant is responsible for all fees associated with the criminal background check. If an applicant has lived in a foreign country within the past five (5) years, the criminal background check may need to include that country. Any fees associated with this search are the responsibility of the applicant.", "VisaScreen: Visa Credentials Assessment, a program offered by CGFNS' division the International Commission on Healthcare Professions (ICHP), enables healthcare professionals to meet this requirement by verifying and evaluating their credentials to ensure compliance with the government's minimum eligibility standards.", "The immigration test is an oral test consisting of two parts: a language test testing your Danish language skills and a knowledge test testing your knowledge about Denmark and Danish society.", "SFPD consists of name, gender, date of birth, passport information (if available), redress number (if available), Known Traveler number (if available), reservation control number, record sequence number, record type, passenger update indicator, traveler reference number, and itinerary information.", "1 Historic Review 2007-2013. 2 Geographic Regions Covered The US, Canada, Japan, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific and Rest of World. Application Types Covered in the US Market - Prenatal & Newborn Genetic Testing, Pharmacogenomic Testing, and Predictive Diagnostics.", "This screening test, called the first trimester screen, is ideally done in two parts: a blood sample (often a pinprick test to draw a drop of blood) and, usually, an ultrasound screening: 1 Blood sample (maternal blood screening). 2 Ultrasound screening (nuchal translucency screening).", "Urine drug screening (UDS) typically. refers to the first step of a two-step process involving. screening (typically immunoassay) and confirmation. (chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods). For the purposes of testing in general, the abbreviation. “UDT” (urine drug testing) may be preferable.", "Cervical screening is the process of detecting abnormal changes in the cervix before they can develop into cervical cancer. If the abnormal tissue or cells can be removed, then the disease can be prevented from developing. Cervical screening is thereby mainly a form of secondary prevention by aiming to detect and treat cervical neoplasia early on.", "Your medical clearance is a determination of your medical qualification to serve overseas. 1 Worldwide Available (Class 1): Issued to applicants, employees and eligible family members who have no identifiable medical conditions that would limit assignment abroad.", "Screening Screening is the first unit operation used at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Screening removes objects such as rags, paper, plastics, and metals to prevent damage and clogging of downstream equipment, piping, and appurtenances. Some modern wastewater treatment plants use both coarse screens and fine screens. Figure 1 depicts a typical bar screen (a type of coarse screen). Coarse Screens Coarse screens remove large solids, rags, and debris from wastewater, and typically have openings of 6 mm (0.25 in) or larger. Types of coarse screens include mechanically and manually cleaned bar screens, including trash racks. Table 1 describes the various types of coarse screens. Fine Screens", "Biometric Screening. During the biometric screening, a health professional will collect measurements, including height and weight. A sample of your blood will be taken to determine your cholesterol and glucose levels, triglycerides and other factors that can lead to lifestyle-related health complications.The biometric screening does not test for illicit drugs, HIV/AIDS, or hepatitis. The results are not shared with your employer.iometric Screening. During the biometric screening, a health professional will collect measurements, including height and weight. A sample of your blood will be taken to determine your cholesterol and glucose levels, triglycerides and other factors that can lead to lifestyle-related health complications.", "Environmental Protection Agency Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Screening and Grit Removal DESCRIPTION Wastewater contains large solids and grit that can interfere with treatment processes or cause undue mechanical wear and increased maintenance on wastewater treatment equipment. To minimize potential problems, these materials require separate handling. Preliminary treatment removes these constituents from the influent wastewater. Preliminary treatment consists of screening, grit removal, septage handling, odor control, and flow equalization. This fact sheet discusses screening and grit removal. Screening Screening is the first unit operation used at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Screening removes objects such as rags, paper, plastics, and metals to prevent damage and clogging of downstream equipment, piping, and appurtenances. Some modern wastewater treatment plants use both coarse screens and fine screens. Figure 1 depicts a typical bar screen (a type of coarse screen). Coarse Screens", "You must submit a photocopy of your DD-214 displaying your Overseas service time. This Display Recognition is available ONLY to authorized recipients who possess orders, or authorization form, or release documentation that confirms award eligibility.", "ElectroDermal Screening (EDS) is a technique that measures the resistance to the flow of electrons through the body. The purpose is to detect energy imbalances along invisible lines of the body described by acupuncturists as meridians.Since illness, inflammation, and other factors cause the body's resistance to change, ElectroDermal Screening can be used to detect these changes in resistance.ElectroDermal Screening has its earliest roots in what was called galvanic skin testing.The galvanic skin response, a method of measuring the electrical resistance of the skin, was discovered in the early 1900s.ince illness, inflammation, and other factors cause the body's resistance to change, ElectroDermal Screening can be used to detect these changes in resistance.", "A completed application consists of: 1 The completed application form. 2 Minimum of three letters of recommendation. 3 Uploaded official/unofficial copies of transcripts. Self-report GRE results – general test 1 only. IELTS (preferred) or TOEFL for international students whose native language is not English.", "A: LabCorp performs initial drug screening using immunoassay. An immunoassay is a test that uses antibodies to detect the presence of drugs and other substances in urine. The initial screening process does not measure the specific amount of drug present in urine samples.It provides either a positive or negative result, indicating the presence or absence of detectable drug.n immunoassay is a test that uses antibodies to detect the presence of drugs and other substances in urine. The initial screening process does not measure the specific amount of drug present in urine samples.", "Typically, an employment background check consists of conducting some or all of the following searches: 1 Social Trace. 2 Sex Offender Registry Search. 3 Criminal Records Search (county, state, multi-jurisdiction or national, federal, etc.) 4 OIG Sanction Check. 5 Professional License Verification. 6 Employment Verification. 7 Education Verification.", "The selection process consists of the following and applicants should be prepared to participate in every part of the selection process: Qualifying Examinations (written and oral as determined) Background Investigation. Physical Readiness Processing, including urinalysis drug screening. Medical Evaluation.", "Section 343 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996 requires that certain non-U.S. healthcare professionals successfully complete a screening program prior to receiving an occupational visa.", "Cervical cancer screening includes two types of screening tests: cytology-based screening, known as the Pap test or Pap smear, and HPV testing. The main purpose of screening with the Pap test is to detect abnormal cells that may develop into cancer if left untreated. The Pap test can also find noncancerous conditions, such as infections and inflammation. It can also find cancer cells.", "Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening is done either through a urine test or through a swab inside the penis in men or from the cervix in women. The sample is then analyzed in a laboratory.n women, HPV testing involves: 1 Pap test. 2 Pap tests, which check the cervix for abnormal cells, are recommended every three years for women between ages 21 and 65. 3 HPV test. 4 Women over 30 may be offered the option to have the HPV test along with a Pap test every five years if previous tests were normal." ]
weather in kenya month of august
In most parts of the country, the coolest season falls between July and August with temperatures dropping to the low 50's(°F). In as much as Kenya does not have summer in particular, the months between February and March are known to be the hottest season with temperatures going as high as 93°F.
[ "Kenya is situated in East Africa on the Indian Ocean. It has a tropical climate. At the coast it is very humid, especially in January and February. The long rainy season lasts from March to early June, the short rainy season is from October to late November. It is warm throughout the year, with temperatures between 27 °C and 33 °C. In the west it is mountainous. There it is cooler but also wetter. Mount Kenya is always capped in snow. It is driest in the desert-like areas in the north-east. The best time to travel to Kenya is from June to October when it is relatively cool and dry.", "In summary, the best time to go to Kenya is... 1 June to October is the dry season with clear skies and less humidity, however, morning can be cool so bring layers for early game drives. 2 The coastal lowlands experience constant high temperatures and sea breezes which make it ideal year-round.", "Although Kenya is centred at the equator, it shares the seasons of the southern hemisphere: with the warmest summer months in December–March and the coolest winter months in June–August,again with differences in temperature varying by location within the country.", "Kenya’s daytime temperatures average between 20°C/68°F and 28°C/82°F, but it is warmer on the coast. The coast is hot and humid all year round, but the heat is tempered by the monsoon winds. Kenya is too close to the equator to experience a real winter and summer. There is, however, both a Dry and Wet season.", "It looks on Monday, 22 January the Mombasa, Kenya weather is going to be partly cloudy. The visibility is going to be around 20 km i.e. 12 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1009 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 31 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 23 °c at night.", "Nairobi: Annual Weather Averages. February is the hottest month in Nairobi with an average temperature of 21°C (69°F) and the coldest is July at 17°C (62°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 9 in February. The wettest month is April with an average of 130mm of rain.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 33°C that's about 91°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 26°C, that's 79°F.", "Kenya’s daytime temperatures average between 20°C/68°F and 28°C/82°F, but it is warmer on the coast. The coast is hot and humid all year round, but the heat is tempered by the monsoon winds. Kenya is too close to the equator to experience a real winter and summer.", "World Weather & Climate Information. Weather Averages and Climate in Kenya. Kenya has a tropical climate. It is hot and humid at the coast, temperate inland and very dry in the north and northeast parts of the country. Throughout the country, the hottest months are December to March.", "Nairobi: Annual Weather Averages February is the hottest month in Nairobi with an average temperature of 69 °F (21 °C) and the coldest is July at 62 °F (17 °C) with the most daily sunshine hours at 9 in February. The wettest month is April with an average of 130mm of rain.", "Best time to visit Kenya. 1 Wildlife is easier to spot because the bush is less dense and animals gather around waterholes and rivers. 2 It's unlikely to rain, the days are sunny with clear skies and there are less mosquitoes. 3 July to October are the best months to see the wildebeest migration.", "You can expect an average August temperature of 25°C, reaching a high of 33°C, and a low of 16°C during the evening. Rain is minimal again, with only 10mm expected throughout the month, affecting 3 days to some degree. Sunshine however is very plentiful, with 10 hours of wall to wall sunshine on average per day.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 32°C that's about 89°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 13°C, that's 56°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 37°C that's 98°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 2°C, about 35°F.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 33°C that's about 91°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 26°C, that's 79°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 37°C that's 99°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 14°C, about 57°F.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 23°C that's about 73°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 12°C, that's 54°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 34°C that's 93°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 5°C, about 41°F.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 32°C that's about 89°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 24°C, that's 75°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 37°C that's 99°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 20°C, about 67°F.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 39°C that's about 103°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 24°C, that's 76°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 47°C that's 117°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 15°C, about 60°F.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 25°C that's about 77°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 12°C, that's 54°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 38°C that's 100°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 3°C, about 37°F.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 27°C that's about 80°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 17°C, that's 62°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 38°C that's 100°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 9°C, about 48°F.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 3°C that's about 38°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around -1°C, that's 31°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 13°C that's 56°F, with the lowest recorded temperature -11°C, about 12°F.", "Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 34°C that's about 93°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 27°C, that's 80°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 39°C that's 102°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 17°C, about 63°F.", "Weather & Climate – Kenya Kenya lies on the equator and has a pleasant, tropical climate, but there are large regional climatic variations influenced by several factors, including altitude. Temperatures drop by about 6°C for every 1,000m you climb (or 3.5°F per 1,000ft).", "The climate of Kenya varies by location, from mostly cool every day, to always warm/hot. The climate along the coast is tropical. This means rainfall and temperatures are higher throughout the year. At the coastal cities, Mombasa, Lamu and Malindi, the air changes from cool to hot, almost every day. (See chart below). The further inside Kenya, the more arid the climate becomes. An arid climate is nearly devoid of rainfall, and temperature swings widely according to the general time of the day/night.", "For many areas of Kenya, the daytime temperature rises about 12 °C (corresponding to a rise of about 22 °F), almost every day. Elevation is the major factor in temperature levels, with the higher areas, on average, as 11 °C (20 °F) cooler, day or night.", "Average monthly weather in Nairobi, Kenya. Nairobi knows little differences in temperature year round. However it does have 2 wet seasons, one in spring and one in autumn. In winter (June, July) the temperatures are most comfortable and it's very dry. For Europeans it is a perfect summer holliday alternative.", "The climate of Kenya varies by location, from mostly cool every day, to always warm/hot. The climate along the coast is tropical. This means rainfall and temperatures are higher throughout the year. At the coastal cities, Mombasa, Lamu and Malindi, the air changes from cool to hot, almost every day. (see chart below).", "The Main Features of a Savanna Ecosystem For most of the year in this part of Kenya, the climate is very warm and very dry. However for a short season of three months (April, May and June), there is abundant rainfall and then a shorter period known as the 'little rains' (November and December). Both of these periods", "The best time to visit Kenya beach destinations is a moot point: Kenya's Indian Ocean coast is hot and humid all year round and rain can fall at any time. We would however recommend avoiding the coast during the mid-March to late May season when temperatures and rainfall are at their highest.", "Kenya weather essentials. There are loads of questions about what's the weather like during each and every month of the year. This website will give you the history of temperatures, wind, rain, sea pressure for every day for the past 11 years - just put in the dates that you want to search ( put in random dates in April as an example).", "Weekly Weather Report for Mombasa, Kenya. Looking at the weather in Mombasa, Kenya over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 31℃ (or 89℉) on Monday 22 nd January at around 3 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 23℃ (or 74℉) on Tuesday 16 th January at around 6 am.", "This means rainfall and temperatures are higher throughout the year. At the coastal cities, Mombasa, Lamu and Malindi, the air changes from cool to hot, almost every day. (See chart below). The further inside Kenya, the more arid the climate becomes. An arid climate is nearly devoid of rainfall, and temperature swings widely according to the general time of the day/night.", "Climate Although Nairobi is situated in the middle of East Africa, its high altitude—about a mile above sea level—means that the city's climate is mild year-round. Visitors are spared the extreme, blistering temperatures found in other regions of Africa, or even other areas within Kenya. Summer months in Nairobi are December through March, when average highs are in the upper 70s and lows are in the mid- to upper-50s. Winter months (June through September) are a little cooler.", "Weekly Weather Report for Nairobi, Kenya. Looking at the weather in Nairobi, Kenya over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 28℃ (or 83℉) on Sunday 23rd April at around 3 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 14℃ (or 58℉) on Monday 17th April at around 6 am.", "August is the hottest month in the main islands, while in the small southern islands there is no difference between July and August. In August, the daily average temperature is around 22 °C (71 °F) in Hokkaido, 24.5 °C (76 °F) in the north of Honshu, and 27 °C (81 °F) in the area of Tokyo. The heat is hardly bearable in Tokyo, Osaka and in the big cities of southern Honshu and Kyushu, due to high humidity, but also to the so called urban heat island effect. In the hottest periods, minimum temperatures around 25/27 °C (77/81 °F) are not uncommon. In most of Japan, summer is the rainiest season of the year.", "Weekly Weather Report for Nairobi, Kenya. Looking at the weather in Nairobi, Kenya over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 28℃ (or 83℉) on Sunday 23rd April at around 3 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 14℃ (or 58℉) on Monday 17th April at around 6 am. The national weather service for Nairobi, Kenya is reporting Monday 17th April to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 4.00mm (or 0.2 inches) of rainfall.", "Weather in Nairobi, central highlands and its surroundings. Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, perhaps exhibits one of the best climates in the country. Unlike most, the temperatures in Nairobi are moderate. Better yet, the temperature fluctuates between highs of 84°F in January and lows of 45° in July, presenting a taste of extreme ends.", "Check the Weather in Kenya in December before you book your next holiday. This gives the best indication of the weather in December and includes figures for temperature, sunshine and rainfall. The Kenya december weather guide shown below is for Mombasa. 1 31°C max day temperature.", "August is the heart of the dry season and visitors will find that travelling anywhere in ‘Safari Africa’ is outstanding. The decision where to go depends on the style of safari you are after – and ultimately, your budget.", "The Main Features of a Savanna Ecosystem. For most of the year in this part of Kenya, the climate is very warm. and very dry. However for a short season of three months (April, May. and June), there is abundant rainfall and then a shorter period known. as the 'little rains' (November and December).", "Well, August is summertime in the city with warm temperatures and lots to do and see. Early August normally sees daytime high temperatures in the low to mid 80s f (27-29C) with about 3-5 days this month reaching or exceeding 90f (32C)." ]
basic structure of dna
DNA structure. DNA is made up of molecules called nucleotides. Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group, a sugar group and a nitrogen base. The four types of nitrogen bases are adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C).The order of these bases is what determines DNA's instructions, or genetic code.NA is made up of molecules called nucleotides. Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group, a sugar group and a nitrogen base. The four types of nitrogen bases are adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C).
[ "It is commonly referred to as the gene for baldness or the gene for blue eyes. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick established the structure of DNA. The shape of DNA is a double helix, which is like a twisted ladder. The sides of the ladder are made of alternating sugar and phosphate molecules. The sugar is deoxyribose. Color all the phosphates red (labeled with a p)." ]
in what year did jfk jr was born
Mini Bio (1) John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. was born on November 25, 1960, in Washington, DC, to John Fitzgerald Kennedy (President-to-be John F. Kennedy) and Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy (Jacqueline Kennedy). Three weeks before his birth, his father was elected President of the United States, and the nation loved little John.
[ "The second son of nine children, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917. His family has already established their legacy in politics and public service by that time. Joseph P. Kennedy, his father, was a multimillionaire business executive and financier at a bank.", "Early Life. The second son of nine children, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917. His family has already established their legacy in politics and public service by that time. Joseph P. Kennedy, his father, was a multimillionaire business executive and financier at a bank.", "Early life and family. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917. He was the second son of nine children born to the multimillionaire business executive and financier Joseph P. Kennedy (1888–1969) and his wife, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (1890–1995).", "Early Life. The second son of nine children, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917. His family has already established their legacy in politics and public service by that time.", "John F. Kennedy was born in the master bedroom of his home on 83 Beals Street in Brookline, Massachusetts, USA; at 3pm EST on Tuesday, May 29th, 1917. Share to:", "Born on May 29, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy (known as Jack) was the second of nine children. His parents, Joseph and Rose Kennedy, were members of two of Boston’s most prominent Irish Catholic political families.", "John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, to Rose Kennedy (nee Née Rose Elizabeth) fitzgerald And Joseph. P. kennedye was the second of four boys born to an Irish Catholic family with nine children: Joseph Jr., John, Robert F. Kennedy (called Bobby), and Ted Kennedy (born Edward). Because Rose made Joe and Jack (the name his family called him) wear matching clothes, they fought a lot for attention.", "John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born at 83 Beals Street in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917, to businessman/politician Joseph Patrick Joe Kennedy, Sr. (1888–1969) and philanthropist/socialite Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald-Kennedy (1890–1995). His father was the oldest son of businessman/politician Patrick Joseph P.ennedy also was more concerned with other issues early in his presidency, such as the Cold War, Bay of Pigs fiasco and the situation in Southeast Asia. As articulated by brother Robert, the administration's early priority was to keep the president out of this civil rights mess." ]
meaning of name janice
The name Janice is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Janice is G-d is gracious. Janice is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Ja-nice.
[ "Janice is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Ja-nice. In the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 1325 in baby name popularity for girls with 176 occurrences. Less than 5 boys were given the name. View the Janice Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Janice has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Janice to other names. Janice is a variant spelling of Jane. Variants of the name Janice include Janis, Jenice, Jeniece, Jenis, Jenise.", "The name Janice is ranked on the 326th position of the most used names. It means that this name is very frequently used. We estimate that there are at least 1953700 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.027% of the population. The name Janice has six characters.", "Janice is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Ja-nice. In the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 1325 in baby name popularity for girls with 176 occurrences. Less than 5 boys were given the name. View the Janice Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Janice has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Janice to other names. Janice is a variant spelling of Jane. Variants of the name Janice include Janis, Jenice, Jeniece, Jenis, Jenise. The names Janicia, Janiece, Janise, Jenica are all forms of Janice. Janice has the diminutives (nicknames) Janey, Janie, Jayna, Jaynie.", "Janice is a beautiful woman who has a distinctive personality. She can laugh at anything, including herself and you too; at times. Janice is especially kind and caring towards others. She’s a woman who above all else knows the value of having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She is a woman that you can trust and count on when you’re in need of someone who cares and will brighten your day.", "More info about the name Shanice. Shanice most likely originates in Hebrew language and means God is merciful. It is a form of Janice, ultimately derived from John, originating in Hebrew. Some sources suggest, though, that it is just a combination of name elements Shan and ice, used mostly in modern English. In 1990s, Shanice was popularized by the American singer and songwriter Shanice Lorraine Wilson-Knox, known simply as Shanice.", "Jency [jen-cy] as a girls' name is a Hebrew name, and Jency means God is gracious. Jency is a version of Janice (Hebrew).", "Anxious to please, Janice and Micaela are prepared to make a lot of effort to render themselves lovable. They are sweetness and light personified: warm and affectionate, pleasant and helpful, they also take great care of their physical appearance, not without a hint of vanity.", "14 Concept Quiz 5. Janice is interested in studying thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the aspect of psychological science that she is most clearly focusing on is the:  a. mind  b. brain  c. behavior  d. nonconscious.", "4. Listen to the long last name here: Janice Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele pronounces her long last name. You see, to some people in the world, your name is everything. If I say my name to an elder Hawaiian (kupuna), they know everything about my husband’s family going back many generations… just from the name.", "Janice Doreen Dickinson (born February 15, 1955) is an American model, photographer, author, and talent agent. Initially notable as a model, she has described herself as the first supermodel. One of the most successful models throughout the 1970s and 1980s, she expanded her profession to reality television in 2003 by judging for four cycles on America's Next Top Model.", "Janice. In a passage intended to illustrate the use of either the indicative or subjuntivo after hasta que and meintras, I read the word Chona.. The passage is from Juan Rulfo's Pedro Paramo. páramo", "1 Janice of the Hurricane, one of the antagonists from the video game Fullmetal Alchemist 3: Kami o Tsugu Shōjo. 2 Janice Battersby, a character in Coronation Street. 3 Janice Garvey, a character from the sitcom Benidorm.", "The ubiquitous model of the ’70s and ’80s fashion eras, birth name Janice Doreen Dickinson, skipped around on the sand as cameras snapped away. Although some tabloids suggest Janice looks noticeably thinner, from photos of her last week, she appears to have put in work at the gym. CBB’s Janice Dickinson frolics on the beach in Malibu in a black bikini http://t.co/aJuZh8OdbR pic.twitter.com/dUpPqd159z.", "Adilene /adi-lene/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name. Adilene's name origin is Old German, and the meaning of Adilene is noble. Adilene is a variant transcription of Adeline (Old German): French version of Adela. Compare last name Adeleke.", "2: vote up - 0: vote down. caring and sweet, janice loves to be outside and active. she also loves the beach. she loves to be loved and she loves to love. she likes taking walks outside and breathe in the fresh air in the morning. janice also likes to take pictures of things.", "Janice Dickinson Janice Dickinson has claimed in the past was that she was the world's first supermodel and that she coined term in 1979 during her modeling career, although that claim has been disputed.", "Janice Dickinson was born on February 16, 1955 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA as Janice Doreen Dickinson. She is a producer and writer, known for America's Next Top Model (2003), I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (2002) and I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! (2003).", "Janice is co-founder of 5 Minutes For Mom. She's been working online since 2003 and is thankful her days are full of social media, writing and photography.", "Janice Dean was born on May 9, 1970 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is an actress, known for Fox and Friends (1998), Happening Now (2007) and Fox Report (1996). She has been married to Sean Newman since June 8, 2007. They have two children.", "Janice Soprano. After graduating high school, Janice joined an ashram in Los Angeles, changing her name to Parvati Wasatch, in 1978.", "Janice Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele's last name contains 36 letters. The Associated Press Posted: Sep 13, 2013 5:36 PM ET Last Updated: Sep 13, 2013 9:05 PM ET. A Hawaii woman's last name is a real mouthful, containing 36 letters and 19 syllables in all. And it's so long that she couldn't get a driver's licence with her correct name.", "Hebrew Meaning: The name Dalila is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Dalila is: Desired; languishing. Famous bearer: Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret of his superhuman strength.", "The name Sheila is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Sheila is: From the Latin Caelia, which is a feminine form of the Roman clan name Caelius, meaning heavenly, or of the heavens. Also a variant or dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous bearer: British actress Dame Celia Johnson'.", "Evangeline is a name with English origins. The meaning of the name Evangeline is messenger of good news. Alternate spellings of the name Evangeline are Evangelina and Evangaline. Nicknames include Ev, Angie, and Lina.Evangeline Lily is a famous Canadian actress.he meaning of the name Evangeline is messenger of good news. Alternate spellings of the name Evangeline are Evangelina and Evangaline. Nicknames include Ev, Angie, and Lina. Evangeline Lily is a famous Canadian actress.", "The name Adriana is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Adriana is: Dark. Latin Meaning: The name Adriana is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Adriana is: from the Latin Hadrianus meaning of Adria, or of the Adriatic. Also means dark. Shakespearean Meaning: The name Adriana is a Shakespearean baby name. In Shakespearean the meaning of the name Adriana is: The Comedy of Errors' Wife to Antipholus of Ephesus.", "The name Dalila is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Dalila is: Desired; languishing. Famous bearer: Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret of his superhuman strength. SoulUrge Number: 11.", "The name Angie is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Angie is: Angel; Like an angel. From angelicus meaning angelic. Greek Meaning: The name Angie is a Greek baby name.In Greek the meaning of the name Angie is: Feminine form of Angel, meaning messenger or angel. In 1535, Italian Saint Angela Merici, founded the Ursuline order of nuns at Brescia.he name Angie is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Angie is: Angel; Like an angel. From angelicus meaning angelic. Greek Meaning: The name Angie is a Greek baby name.", "The name Darlene is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Darlene is: Tenderly loved. English Meaning: The name Darlene is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Darlene is: Darling.", "The name Dalila is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Dalila is: Desired; languishing. Famous bearer: Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret of his superhuman strength.", "The name Darlene is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Darlene is: Tenderly loved. English Meaning: The name Darlene is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Darlene is: Darling. From the Old English 'dearling'.", "The former star of The Surreal Life, America’s Next Top Model, and Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew took to one of her favorite hot spots around the globe and sauntered around on the beach. In the pictures, Janice wears a black halter top-style bikini top with a matching bottom.", "Notes: Evangeline is a name with English origins. The meaning of the name Evangeline is messenger of good news. Alternate spellings of the name Evangeline are Evangelina and Evangaline. Nicknames include Ev, Angie, and Lina. Evangeline Lily is a famous Canadian actress. Evangeline Walton is an American Author.he meaning of the name Evangeline is messenger of good news. Alternate spellings of the name Evangeline are Evangelina and Evangaline. Nicknames include Ev, Angie, and Lina. Evangeline Lily is a famous Canadian actress.", "French Meaning: The name Adrianna is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Adrianna is: From Adria, the Adriatic sea region.Also means dark. American Meaning: The name Adrianna is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Adrianna is: From Adria, the Adriatic sea region.rench Meaning: The name Adrianna is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Adrianna is: From Adria, the Adriatic sea region.", "Those all mean Light or something to do with it. and for the evil one.... Adriana means dark one, Belinda means beautiful snake, Desdemona means of the devil and Messina means spoiler.", "The name Sheila is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Sheila is: From the Latin Caelia, which is a feminine form of the Roman clan name Caelius, meaning heavenly, or of the heavens. Also a variant or dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous bearer: British actress Dame Celia Johnson'.", "Darlene /dar-lene/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced dar-LEEN. It is of English origin, and the meaning of Darlene is dearling; darling. Contemporary form of the Old English word.", "In Hebrew, the name Dalila means-Desired; languishing. Famous bearer: Biblical Delilah tempted Samson into revealing the secret of his superhuman strength..", "Darlene /dar-lene/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced dar-LEEN. It is of English origin, and the meaning of Darlene is dearling; darling. Contemporary form of the Old English word. First used in the late 1930s. Kreatif forms: Darleve, Dorlene.", "American Meaning: The name Darlene is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Darlene is: Tenderly loved. English Meaning: The name Darlene is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Darlene is: Darling.", "The name Adriana is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Adriana is: Dark. Latin Meaning: The name Adriana is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Adriana is: from the Latin Hadrianus meaning of Adria, or of the Adriatic.Also means dark. Shakespearean Meaning: The name Adriana is a Shakespearean baby name. In Shakespearean the meaning of the name Adriana is: The Comedy of Errors' Wife to Antipholus of Ephesus.atin Meaning: The name Adriana is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Adriana is: from the Latin Hadrianus meaning of Adria, or of the Adriatic. Also means dark.", "Darlene /dar-lene/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced dar-LEEN. It is of English origin, and the meaning of Darlene is dearling; darling.", "In American the meaning of the name Darlene is: Tenderly loved. English Meaning: The name Darlene is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Darlene is: Darling. From the Old English 'dearling'.", "The name Adriana is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Adriana is: Dark. Latin Meaning: The name Adriana is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Adriana is: from the Latin Hadrianus meaning of Adria, or of the Adriatic." ]
do you need for a school nurse licensure
Pre-service Requirement: Licensure as a nurse is required for service as a public school nurse. Statute 65-1115 (2001) requires applicants to have graduated from an accredited high school and an approved school of professional nursing for licensure as a registered professional nurse.
[ "What are the requirements to become a school nurse? Class is now in session for nurses with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) expressively states that a four-year nursing degree is necessary to pursue a role as a school nurse.hat are the requirements to become a school nurse? Class is now in session for nurses with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) expressively states that a four-year nursing degree is necessary to pursue a role as a school nurse.", "Part 1 of 4: Acquiring the Proper Education. 1. Check the state-level requirements for being a school nurse. Many states may require a school nurse to be a registered nurse who holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), but others may have different requirements.art 1 of 4: Acquiring the Proper Education. 1. Check the state-level requirements for being a school nurse. Many states may require a school nurse to be a registered nurse who holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), but others may have different requirements.", "In portland you must be an RN (ADN or BSN OR MSN) to be the school nurse, but lpns can be special needs nurses for individual kids with severe health problems that need more one on one care.an't hurt to ask your school district of somebody in the know in your area. I could be wrong, but I was told by a school nurse a few years ago, that in the state of Ohio you must be an RN with a teaching degree.", "Taking the Necessary Tests. 1 1. Get licensed as an RN. Once you graduate with your BSN, take the NCLEX-RN examination, which is a national test that you must take to be licensed as an RN. 2 2. Pass the National Board for Certification of School Nurses test, or NBCSN. Passing the NBCSN test gives you an advantage when starting a school nurse career.", "Get a high school diploma. Admission into a school of nursing requires a high school diploma or, alternately, passing the General Education Development (GED) test. If you want to be a nurse, pay attention to your performance, skill, and interest in courses like biology, physiology, and chemistry throughout high school.he term advanced practice registered nurse is an umbrella term used for nurses who have achieved at least a master’s degree in nursing (MSN). The academic program to become an advanced practice nurse is one to two academic years, depending upon the specialty, school, and your previous work experience.", "School nurses are registered nurses (RNs) who work in schools and they have the option of earning school nurse certification. A wide range of schools in Pennsylvania offer programs designed for persons wanting to work as school nurses.", "SCHOOL NURSE JOB DESCRIPTION: SAMPLE ROLE - QUALIFICATIONS - FUNCTIONS A. Role: The school nurse is a registered professional nurse certified with the Maine Department of Education working in the school setting who strengthens and facilitates the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children. The major focus of school nursing services is the prevention of illness and disability, and the early detection and correction of health problems. The school nurse is uniquely qualified in preventive health, health assessment, and referral procedures. B. Qualifications: 1. Possession of a current license to practice professional nursing in Maine. 2. Three year's experience as a professional registered nurse. 3. Certification as required by the Department of Education. 4. A baccalaureate degree is required. If a candidate does not have a BS degree, he/she. must be matriculating in a program to gain a bachelor’s degree when applying for. certification.", "nursing and a post bachelor’s state certification in school nursing. There is one school. nurse in each elementary school and middle school (except Renaissance, which has a. part time school nurse), one in the 9th Grade Academy and two part time school nurses.", "Acquiring the Proper Education. 1 1. Check the state-level requirements for being a school nurse. 2 2. Choose a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program in which to enroll to earn your degree. 3 3. Complete your BSN.", "Required Skills. School nurses must be knowledgeable in mental, pediatric and public health to be able to work independently as educators and health care providers in a school setting. School nurses must possess strong assessment, critical thinking, and communication and referral skills.", "In Connecticut, for example, the school district nurse must be an RN, have at least one year of experience and a valid state license. In Texas, if a school or district decides to hire a nurse, he must be licensed by the state. The NASN recommends against having only an LPN in a school setting.n general, though: 1 RNs have a two-or four-year college degree and pass an examination to become licensed or certified in the state where they work. 2 LPNs must have a high school diploma, complete a one-year nursing program and also pass an examination for a license.", "Licensure by Examination – Practical Nurse. If you are a recent graduate from a PN state approved nursing education program that prepared you to be a nurse and need to take the NCLEX (state board), you will need to complete the application for licensure by examination.", "School Nurses. In New Jersey, a certified school nurse must complete specific requirements and be licensed not only by the New Jersey Board of Nursing but by the Department of Education. Registered nurses may be used to supplement the services of the certified school nurse.1 Resources.2 Regulations.n New Jersey, a certified school nurse must complete specific requirements and be licensed not only by the New Jersey Board of Nursing but by the Department of Education. Registered nurses may be used to supplement the services of the certified school nurse. 1 Resources. 2 Regulations.", "Students can begin practicing as nurses following a 1-year vocational nursing program, while registered nurse licensure generally requires at least two years of nursing school. However, the full educational course leading to a doctorate in nursing can take eight years or more.The most popular nursing school programs are a 2-year associate's degree in nursing and a 4-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing.owever, the full educational course leading to a doctorate in nursing can take eight years or more. The most popular nursing school programs are a 2-year associate's degree in nursing and a 4-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing.", "School Nursing. This information is provided for those who are interested in employment as a school nurse. Vacant nursing positions in the school health program are handled at the local level through the county health department or school district.", "Each school is also required to have at least one full-time school nurse. Administrative Code 14:275 (2004) requires charter schools to submit an acceptable plan to assure the health needs of students in school, which includes the services of a registered nurse.", "Pre-service Requirement: Administrative Code 14:1582 (2003) requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree in nursing or school nursing, a current registered nursing license, three years clinical nursing experience, and current certification in CPR for a standard school nurse certificate." ]
what is hypoxic hypoxia
hypoxic hypoxia in Medicine. hypoxic hypoxia n. Hypoxia resulting from a defective mechanism of oxygenation in the lungs, as is caused by a low tension of oxygen, by abnormal pulmonary function, or by a right-to-left shunt in the heart. Also called anoxic anoxia.
[ "Medical Dictionary. hypoxia. play play. noun hyp·ox·ia \\hip-ˈäk-sē-ə, hī-ˈpäk-\\. Medical Definition of hypoxia. : a deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues of the body.", "Cerebral hypoxia is a form of hypoxia (reduced supply of oxygen) specifically involving the brain; when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen it is called cerebral anoxia.erebral hypoxia can also be classified by the cause of the reduced brain oxygen: 1 Hypoxic hypoxia – Limited oxygen in the environment causes reduced brain function.", "Cerebral hypoxia. For other uses, see hypoxia (disambiguation). Cerebral hypoxia is a form of hypoxia (reduced supply of oxygen), specifically involving the brain; when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen, it is called cerebral anoxia.", "Cerebral hypoxia. Cerebral hypoxia is a form of hypoxia (reduced supply of oxygen), specifically involving the brain; when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen, it is called cerebral anoxia.", "Cerebral hypoxia. (Redirected from Anoxic brain damage) For other uses, see hypoxia (disambiguation). Cerebral hypoxia is a form of hypoxia (reduced supply of oxygen), specifically involving the brain; when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen, it is called cerebral anoxia." ]
how much does geek squad charge
Geek Squad technicians, on the whole, delivered the best results among the services tested, and they didn't pester me to purchase additional products. One-time online support is Geek Squad's least expensive option, starting at $49.99 for a PC tune-up service (you'd pay $99.99 for this in the store). A $9.99-per-month subscription service (with a $99.99 initial fee) is also an excellent value. It tallies up to $219.87 the first year and $119.88 per year thereafter.
[ "I believe many computer repair technicians have ideas about what the geek squad charge for computer repair services or are unsure. I created this simple table which shows what services they do, and charge for.Everything is taken directly from their website.ow, sometimes the cost of repairs does approach the cost of a new computer, especially if you went cheap and refused to pay over $400 for some POS bargain like HP or Dell. If you want a computer to last for more than a couple of years, you have to pay for the quality up front.", "$8I live in Salt Lake City, and the store I work for started me at $8/hour. I know Geek Squad makes more, but I'm not sure how much more.", "$32K Repair Technician Average Salary at Geek Squad (4 salaries) I feel I am being underpaid for the kind of work I do. $30K Advanced Repair Agent Average Salary at Geek Squad (3 salaries) I'm being paid for what I am worth.", "We will haul away a major appliance or television from your home for free when a qualifying replacement product is delivered by Geek Squad® or Best Buy Home Delivery. Then we will make sure it is properly and safely recycled. 1 Additional major appliances or TVs can be removed and recycled at a cost of $20 per unit.", "I did it myself for the cost of the screen. It was actually pretty easy and the screen was only about $50.00 on Amazon. I DO NOT recommend Geek Squad. I used them a few years ago, had an issue of my problem not being fixed after bringing the computer in 3 times.ow, sometimes the cost of repairs does approach the cost of a new computer, especially if you went cheap and refused to pay over $400 for some POS bargain like HP or Dell. If you want a computer to last for more than a couple of years, you have to pay for the quality up front." ]
what do the initials hsw stand for
Acronym Definition; HSW: Had Sex With: HSW: Half Sine Wave: HSW: Hall Security Worker: HSW: Happy Social Worker: HSW: Hardware - Software - Wireless, Inc. HSW: Harvard-Stanford-Wharton : HSW: Health Solutions Wales : HSW: Health and Safety Works Ltd : HSW: Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974: HSW: Health, Safety and Welfare : HSW: Heat Sink Welding: HSW: Heavy Steep Water: HSW
[ "What does HSW mean? HowStuffWorks HowStuffWorks is a commercial edutainment website that was founded by Marshall Brain with the goal of giving its target audience an insight into the way in which many things work. The site uses various media in its effort to explain complex concepts, terminology and mechanisms, including photographs, diagrams, videos and animations, and articles.", "The HS was developed and is maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO), an independent intergovernmental organization with over 179 members and is based in Brussels, Belgium. The HS is the standard coding structure and related product descriptions used in international trade.", "showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions (show all 27 definitions) Note: We have 42 other definitions for HSW in our Acronym Attic. new search; suggest new definition", "What does HS stand for in Medical terms? One most commonly used the term in the field of medicine is the abbreviation hs, which has multiple meanings in the medical sense as well. Perhaps the most common use is which anyone, who has been to the doctor at least once his life and got a prescription, is aware of.", "Definition Hw is an abbreviation that refers to homework, which is school work that needs to be done outside of class. It is assigned by teachers to help kids learn a subject by completing essays, worksheets, and other tasks.", "In the steel industry, the term HSS stands for hollow structural sections. According to Halin Pipe Corporation, HSS is a type of metal profile with a hollow tubular cross-section. Most HSS are of circular or rectangular sections.However, other shapes are available, such as elliptical.SS is a cold-formed, welded steel tube used for welded or bolted building construction, bridges and other structures and manufactured products. It is made in square, rectangular and round shapes.", "➧ What does HS stand for in Medical terms? One most commonly used the term in the field of medicine is the abbreviation hs, which has multiple meanings in the medical sense as well. Perhaps the most common use is which anyone, who has been to the doctor at least once his life and got a prescription, is aware of.", "HSR stands for Hypersensitive Reaction. Q: A: How to abbreviate Hypersensitive Reaction? Hypersensitive Reaction can be abbreviated as HSR. Q: A: What is the meaning of HSR abbreviation? The meaning of HSR abbreviation is Hypersensitive Reaction. Q: A: What is HSR abbreviation? One of the definitions of HSR is Hypersensitive Reaction. Q: A: What does HSR mean? HSR as abbreviation means Hypersensitive Reaction. Q: A: What is shorthand of Hypersensitive Reaction? The most common shorthand of Hypersensitive Reaction is HSR.", "LWH stands for length, width, height. Suggest new definition. This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Science, medicine, engineering, etc.", "4 definitions of HSW. Definition of HSW in Slang/Internet Slang. What does HSW stand for?", "The HSN is a multipurpose international product terminology acknowledged by the World Customs Organization. The purpose of using the HSN codes is to ensure that GST billing practices are in accord with international standards of product nomenclature.", "An HS code or HTS code stands for Harmonized System or Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO), the codes are used to classify and define internationally traded goods. In most cases, in order to import or export a product internationally, the traded good must be assigned an HTS code that corresponds with the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the country of import.", "Developed in the 1970s for computer graphics applications, HSL and HSV are used today in color pickers, in image editing software, and less commonly in image analysis and computer vision. HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness (or luminosity), and is also often called HLS. HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value, and is also often called HSB (B for brightness). A third model, common in computer vision applications, is HSI (I for intensity).", "A workplace health and safety committee (HSC) is a formal committee established under the WHS Act to facilitate cooperation between an employer and workers in developing and carrying out measures to ensure health and safety at work. key role of an HSC is to review and make recommendations to the employer on health and safety-related rules and procedures, training, education and promotion. The constitution of the HSC is determined by agreement between the employer and workers, although some minimum requirements apply.", "Humanitarian Service Medal. The Humanitarian Service Medal (HSM) is a military service medal of the United States Armed Forces which was created on January 19, 1977 by President Gerald Ford under Executive Order 11965.", "Definition: Hw is an abbreviation that refers to homework, which is school work that needs to be done outside of class. It is assigned by teachers to help kids learn a subject by completing essays, worksheets, and other tasks. Homework is the bane of students from grade school to college.", "The HSE stands for High Specification Edition, this is the high end of the Range Rover. I hope you enjoy your truck.", "Hysterosalpingography (HSG), also known as uterosalpingography,[1] is a radiologic procedure to investigate the shape of the uterine cavity and the shape and patency of the fallopian tubes. It entails the injection of a radio-opaque material into the cervical canal and usually fluoroscopy with image intensification.", "The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems generally referred to as Harmonized System or simply HS is a multipurpose international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO).", "Hysterosalpingography (HSG), also known as uterosalpingography, is a radiologic procedure to investigate the shape of the uterine cavity and the shape and patency of the fallopian tubes. It entails the injection of a radio-opaque material into the cervical canal and usually fluoroscopy with image intensification.", "A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test that looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around them. It often is done for women who are having a hard time becoming pregnant (infertile).", "Further Meanings of HS Medical Abbreviation. There are a number of more medical abbreviations for hs, including health safety, heart sounds, habitual snoring, hours of sleep and heart stimulant. All of these, including much more, may represent a different context in different scenarios.", "Further Meanings of HS Medical Abbreviation. There are a number of more medical abbreviations for hs, including health safety, heart sounds, habitual snoring, hours of sleep and heart stimulant. All of these, including much more, may represent a different context in different scenarios. Such is the nature of all abbreviations.", "Hysterosalpingogram. A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test that looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around them. It often is done for women who are having a hard time becoming pregnant (infertile).", "Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): Determines the condition of the fallopian tubes and uterus. Semen analysis: Evaluates the quantity and quality of the male partner’s sperm, specifically looking at parameters such as sperm count, morphology (size and shape), and motility (the number moving in a forward progression).", "HS: Hereditary spherocytosis. HS also stands for half-strength, hamstrings, heart sounds, heparan sulfate, hernia sac, and house surgeon.", "SW is an abbreviation that stands for software and HW is the abbreviation for hardware. Most of us in the computer industry are at fault here for basically creating our own language of acronyms, which make it difficult for the rest of us to follow the text or conversation.", "What’s an HS or HTS Code? An HS code or HTS code stands for Harmonized System or Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO), the codes are used to classify and define internationally traded goods.", "HS Code stands for Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.. This is the common standard worldwide for describing the type of commodity.. Every commodity that enters or crosses most international borders have to be declared to customs by means of this code..", "HS Code stands for Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.. This is the common standard worldwide for describing the type of commodity.. Every commodity that enters or crosses most international borders have to be declared to customs by means of this code.. This helps in standardizing the codes worldwide..", "An HSA is a pre-tax savings account used to pay for eligible medical, dental, prescription. and vision expenses. The University of Wisconsin (UW) System will contribute to the account and employees have. the option of contributing up to the annual maximum limit.", "SW is an abbreviation that stands for software and HW is the abbreviation for hardware.. Most of us in the computer industry are at fault here for basically creating our own language of acronyms, which make it difficult for the rest of us to follow the text or conversation.", "There are a number of more medical abbreviations for hs, including health safety, heart sounds, habitual snoring, hours of sleep and heart stimulant. All of these, including much more, may represent a different context in different scenarios. Such is the nature of all abbreviations.", "Looking for the definition of VHW? Find out what is the full meaning of VHW on Abbreviations.com! 'Verband Hochschule und Wissenschaft' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.", "HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness (or luminosity), and is also often called HLS. HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value, and is also often called HSB (B for brightness). A third model, common in computer vision applications, is HSI (I for intensity).", "Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): A hysterosalpingogram imaging test that is used to examine the cavity of the uterus and Fallopian tubes. In a hysterosalpingogram, dye (called contrast material) is injected through a tube inserted through the vaginal into the uterus. A series of x-ray pictures are taken as the dye moves through the uterine cavity and out through the Fallopian tubes.", "Confidence votes 830. The HS (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System) is an international system of names and numbers for classifying traded products created by the World Customs Organization and used in determining tariffs on items shipped internationally.he HS is based on the fundamental principle that goods are classified by what they are and not according to their stage of fabrication, use, made in status or any other such criteria.", "Now abbreviated HBW. A designation of hardness, usually of steel, performed by pressing a 10 mm spherical tungsten carbide ball against a clean prepared surface using a 3000 Kilogram force, producing an impression, measured and given a special numerical value. This numerical value relates to steel tensile strength.", "Another important hs medical abbreviation is half strength, which the doctors or medical staff frequently uses to refer to a patient’s state. These two are widely mistaken with one another, and can cause serious misinterpretation within the medical staff or with the patient.", "HS Codes, also known as the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, or simply the Harmonized System, are a standardized international system to classify globally traded products. The system was first implemented in 1988 and is currently maintained by the World Customs Organization.", "One most commonly used the term in the field of medicine is the abbreviation hs, which has multiple meanings in the medical sense as well. Perhaps the most common use is which anyone, who has been to the doctor at least once his life and got a prescription, is aware of.", "XHHW Wire. The initials, or acronym, for XHHW stand for Cross-Linked High Heat Water Resistant Insulated Wire. This XHHW is the designation for a specific insulating material for electrical building wire and cable. The term XHHW also designates the temperature rating as well as the conditions that the cable can be used under. XHHW wire is generally used … Continue reading XHHW Wire →", "This page is about the meanings of the acronym/abbreviation/shorthand WHS in the Governmental field in general and in the Environmental terminology in particular. Workplace Health and Safety. Governmental » Environmental. Rate it: (3.00 / 3 votes).", "What is hysterosalpingography (HSG)? Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is an X-ray procedure that is used to view the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes. It often is used to see if the fallopian tubes are partly or fully blocked. It also can show if the inside of the uterus is of a normal size and shape.uring HSG, a contrast medium is placed in the uterus and fallopian tubes. This is a fluid that contains a dye. The dye shows up in contrast to the body structures on an X-ray screen. The dye outlines the inner size and shape of the uterus and fallopian tubes." ]
how to cure sugar headache
Just like high blood sugar levels, low blood sugar levels also cause headaches. The best thing you can do to relieve your headache symptoms is to cut out processed garbage foods from your diet. Stick to all-natural fruits, vegetables and lean meats.If you can buy your food organic, that’s even better.rink More Water. Headaches are often caused by dehydration. I have some clients whose headaches go away as soon as they drink a glass of water. But if you think your headaches may be caused by dehydration, don’t go guzzle a ton of water all at once.
[ "1 First, eliminate your caffeine intake (this includes diet sodas and tea). 2 You may need to do it slowly since the headaches may be debilitating. 3 Exercise. 4 Beside giving you energy and lowering cortisol levels, the benefits are countless.", "Take control of pain. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease that results in blood sugar, or glucose, abnormalities. This causes a host of symptoms and related complications, some of which can be life-threatening. A common symptom of high or low blood glucose is a headache. Headaches alone aren’t harmful, but they can signal that your blood sugar is out of its target range. If you have frequent headaches, diabetes may be to blame. Find out if diabetes is the cause of your headache so you can take proper action.", "1 Heat a dash of asafetida in one and one-half cup of water. Allow it to simmer for about 15 minutes and then drink it a few times a day to relieve mild tension headache. Another option is to take one teaspoon each of asafetida, dried ginger, camphor and two teaspoons of tailed pepper.", "Yes eating to much sugar can give you headaches. Maybe its time for you to go and get your blood tested to make shire its not to high or to low. Older you get the more you have to watch what you eat, its not like you can eat everything like you did when you were younger. Good Luck.", "Most likely, your headache isn't caused by a withdrawal from carbohydrates, but rather a withdrawal from a specific type of carbohydrate -- sugar. When you eat a high-sugar diet, your body quickly becomes adjusted to a ready supply of glucose, your body's preferred source of energy. When your body doesn't have the sugar it needs, you may experience low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include hunger, headache and fatigue.", "The more sugar content, the more intense the headache, and the longer the headache lasts. If I eat something like a snickers bar or a piece of cake, the intensity is debilitating and the pain can last for days. Just about anything with more than a few grams of sugar gives me a headache.", "Sugar headaches can also be a warning. If you get sugar headaches often, you might just be diabetic or pre-diabetic. Excessive urination: As I mentioned above, sugar acts like a diuretic and will spill sugar and water into the urine. Having to urinate a lot is often one of the first signs of diabetes.", "For some people, the headache trigger is something they are able to avoid, like citrus. For others, they are not so fortunate if their reaction is to a common ingredient, such as sugar or salt. If you are not able to avoid the headache-causing foods, here are some home remedies that can help relieve your headaches:", "As it activates brain’s natural opiates, it helps in easing the pain associated with the headache. So when you feel a headache, try taking 3 to 4 cups of ginger tea throughout the day. Taking the ginger tea at the very first sign of headache will help you to get rid of headache fast.", "Stop what you are doing, and begin treatment. Don't wait for the headache to get worse. Apply a cold, moist cloth or ice pack to your forehead and temples. Rest in a quiet, comfortable, dark room. Take your medicines exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Begin stress-relief methods as soon as your headache starts.", "Take one to two tablespoons in water before or with meals, three times a day to prevent spikes in blood glucose levels. Eat cinnamon to lower blood sugar. Make tea by boiling two to three fresh cinnamon sticks in a quart of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the cinnamon and drink the tea straight hot or chilled.", "Reflexology may be a good way to deal with chronic headaches. Make yourself a tonic. Apple cider vinegar (be sure not to use any other kind) is pH neutral and has a long history of use in folk medicine. You can make a simple tonic of a glass of water, 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar can ease digestive stress.", "Headaches. This one of the pregnancy glucose test side effects is caused by the large amount of sugar and the lack of water. The pain is usually felt in the front of the head and it is quite severe. Once you are done with the test you should drink as much as you can, because it helps with the headache.", "If you’re highly sensitive and use sugar to soothe your nervous system, try these things instead: 1 being in nature (even going outside helps!) 2 reach out to trusted loved ones (Connecting with others is important! 3 laying down, napping, putting your feet up, or closing your eyes. meditation, prayer, quiet.", "Once you do this, you will get rid of headaches soon. One more method to treat headache with apple is, fill a tub with the steaming hot water, put 3 to 4 tsp of apple cider vinegar. Take a fresh towel and place it on your forehead, take steam for 10 to 15 minutes. Hopefully it will relieve you from the headache.", "In many cases, two simple treatment steps can help to stop a migraine attack from developing. 1 Encourage the child to eat. If they are not hungry, or food makes them feel sick, they may be able to have a drink with added sugar (such as a sports drink, juice, or soft drink), or a glucose tablet.", "1 Rub lavender essential oil on the temples to ease headaches. 2 Have a relaxing bath with your homemade lavender bath salt: Mix together 1 cup Epsom salt, ½ cup sea salt, 2-3 Tbsp baking soda & 8-10 drops lavender essential oil. 3 Mix well & store in a sealed jar.", "1. Water. If the cause of your headache is dehydration, you can easily get relief from the pain by rehydrating your body. 1 Simply drink a glass of water at the first sign of a headache and continue taking small sips throughout the day. 2 Along with water, you can have sports drinks.. Hot Water. Applying heat on the back of your neck can relieve headaches caused by stress. Heat relaxes tense muscles, thus alleviating the throbbing pain. 1 Simply apply a hot water bag to the back of your neck or take a hot shower directing the water onto the back of your neck.", "Headaches are a common symptom of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. When glucose levels drop, your body sends a series of hormonal signals that trigger hunger; these hormones may also cause anxiety, mood swings, blurred vision and headache.", "It is worth mentioning here that watercress is the source of a wonderful medicine to treat headaches caused by some type of ailment or usual anxiety. Take some watercress and rinse it meticulously. Put them in a hygienic quart fruit jar and add two cups (500 ml) of steaming apple cider vinegar to it.Several hours afterwards, when the solution becomes cold, strain the liquid and store it in bottles for use when needed later.ake some watercress and rinse it meticulously. Put them in a hygienic quart fruit jar and add two cups (500 ml) of steaming apple cider vinegar to it. Several hours afterwards, when the solution becomes cold, strain the liquid and store it in bottles for use when needed later.", "Soon you will be able to get rid of persisting headache. Along with apple, you can also use apple cider vinegar to treat headache. Fill a large bowl with steaming hot water and add three to four tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into it. Now place a towel over your head and take the steam for ten to fifteen minutes.", "9. Eat a small snack. Some headaches are caused by not eating enough. Have a small snack if you haven’t had anything to eat recently, which may help relieve the headache. 1 Fruit, nuts, granola, and canned soups are good snacks. 2 You could also eat yogurt or some hummus and pita.", "It is one of the best home remedies for diabetes. 4. Add 3-table spoon of cinnamon to 1 litre of boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes in a low flame, and then strain the mixture. Drink this mixture daily to cure diabetes. 5. Eat tender curry leaves (fresh) twice a day to reduce sugar.", "When blood sugar is too low One of the suspected causes of low blood sugar-caused headaches has to do with the blood vessels in your brain. Your brain needs a readily available supply of glucose in order to function properly.", "1. Water. If the cause of your headache is dehydration, you can easily get relief from the pain by rehydrating your body. 1 Simply drink a glass of water at the first sign of a headache and continue taking small sips throughout the day. 2 Along with water, you can have sports drinks.", "1 Simply apply a hot water bag to the back of your neck or take a hot shower directing the water onto the back of your neck. Another option is to fill a tub with bearable hot water and put your hands in it for 10 to 15 minutes. This will improve blood circulation and thus give you relief from the headache.", "You may not need a doctor's prescription to treat your headaches. Apply an ice pack to the painful part of your head. Try placing it on your forehead, temples, or the back of your neck. Be sure you wrap it in a cloth first to protect your skin. Take a warm bath or shower, take a nap, or take a walk. Ask someone to rub your neck and back, or treat yourself to a massage." ]
what is the function of the precentral gyrus
Precentral Gyrus Function: The brain of vertebrates is composed of different lobes which are the frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes. Each lobe is responsible for a specific function.
[ "The postcentral gyrus which is also called the primary sensory area or the sensory strip is immediately posterior to the central sulcus. This area receives sensory feedback from joints and tendons in the body and is organized in the same manner as the motor strip.", "Area 4 corresponds to the precentral gyrus or primary motor area. Area 6 is the premotor or supplemental motor area. Area 8 is anterior of the premotor cortex. It facilitates eye movements and is involved in visual reflexes as well as pupil dilation and constriction.", "The postcentral gyrus which is also called the primary sensory area or the sensory strip is immediately posterior to the central sulcus. This area receives sensory feedback from joints and tendons in the body and is organized in the same manner as the motor strip.reas involved in the processing of auditory information and semantics as well as the appreciation of smell are found in the Temporal Lobe. Area 41 is Heschl's gyrus, the primary auditory area. Area 42 immediately inferior to area 41 and is also involved in the detection and recognition of speech.", "The postcentral gyrus, also known as primary somatosensory cortex, has a distinct layer IV-across cortical areas, layer IV generally receives sensory information. In the precentral gyrus, the motor cortex doesn't receive much in the way of sensory input, so layer IV is indistinct.", "The lateral postcentral gyrus is a prominent structure in the parietal lobe of the human brain.It is the location of the primary somatosensory cortex, the main sensory receptive area for the sense of touch.Like other sensory areas, there is a map of sensory space in this location, called the sensory homunculus.esions affecting the primary somatosensory cortex produce characteristic symptoms including: agraphesthesia, astereognosia, hemihypesthesia, and loss of vibration, proprioception and fine touch (because the third-order neuron of the medial-lemniscal pathway cannot synapse in the cortex).", "The lateral postcentral gyrus is a prominent structure in the parietal lobe of the human brain. It is the location of the primary somatosensory cortex, the main sensory receptive area for the sense of touch. Like other sensory areas, there is a map of sensory space in this location, called the sensory homunculus.he lateral postcentral gyrus is a prominent structure in the parietal lobe of the human brain. It is the location of the primary somatosensory cortex, the main sensory receptive area for the sense of touch. Like other sensory areas, there is a map of sensory space in this location, called the sensory homunculus.", "The lateral postcentral gyrus is a prominent structure in the parietal lobe of the human brain.It is the location of the primary somatosensory cortex, the main sensory receptive area for the sense of touch.rodmann areas 3, 1, and 2 make up the primary somatosensory cortex of the human brain (or S1). Because Brodmann sliced the brain somewhat obliquely, he encountered area 1 first; however, from anterior to posterior, the Brodmann designations are 3, 1, and 2, respectively.", "The lateral postcentral gyrus is a prominent structure in the parietal lobe of the human brain.It is the location of the primary somatosensory cortex, the main sensory receptive area for the sense of touch.ike other sensory areas, there is a map of sensory space in this location, called the sensory homunculus. The primary somatosensory cortex was initially defined from surface stimulation studies of Wilder Penfield, and parallel surface potential studies of Bard, Woolsey, and Marshall.", "The angular and supramarginal gyrus serve as a reading integrator a conductor of sorts, linking the different parts of the brain together to execute the action of reading. These areas of the brain connect the letters c, a, and t to the word cat that we can then read aloud.", "For example, there are areas of primary motor and sensory function that are highly localized. On the motor side, skilled movements (particularly of the distal upper limbs) of the contralateral side of the body are initiated by the primary motor cortex in the precentral gyrus.", "A gyrus is a fold or bulge in the brain. The cingulate gyrus is the curved fold that covers the corpus callosum. It is a component of the limbic system and involved in processing emotions and behavior regulation. It also helps to regulate autonomic motor function. The cingulate gyrus can be divided into anterior and posterior segments.", "ANATOMIC CONSIDERATIONS. The frontal lobes are anatomically represented by those areas of the cortex anterior to the central sulcus, including the main cortical areas fur the control of motor behavior. The anterior cingulate gyrus can be considered part of the medial frontal lobe. The term prefrontal cortex is most appropriately used to designate the main cortical target projections for the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, and this area is also sometimes referred to as frontal granular cortex.", "The angular gyrus is the part of the brain associated with complex language functions (i.e. reading, writing and interpretation of what is written).", "1 Upon its exit from the Sylvian fissure, it runs parallel to the superior temporal sulcus and supplies the superior and inferior occipital gyri. 2 This vessel anastamoses with the posterior cerebral artery and may exist as one or two arteries, 67% or 33% of the time, respectively. Pre-Rolandic artery (precentral): The artery extends out on the medial surface of the operculum and supplies the posterior parts of the middle and inferior frontal gyri as well as the lower parts of the pre-central gyrus.", "1 Postcentral gyrus - Found on the lateral surface of the parietal lobe, and acts as the primary somesthetic area of the brain. 2 Superior parietal lobule - Found on the lateral surface of the parietal lobe, involved in somatosensory activity.", "Noun. 1. central gyrus-either of two gyri on either side of the central sulcus. gyrus, convolution-a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain. precentral gyrus-the convolution of the frontal lobe that is bounded in back by the central sulcus and that contains the motor area.oun. 1. central gyrus-either of two gyri on either side of the central sulcus. gyrus, convolution-a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain. precentral gyrus-the convolution of the frontal lobe that is bounded in back by the central sulcus and that contains the motor area.", "The primary sensory cortex is located in the postcentral gyrus, and handles signals coming from the thalamus. These signals are then transmitted from the gyri to the brain stem and spinal cord via corresponding nerves.", "the cortical area that influences motor movements. the areas of the brain that process and register incoming sensory information and make possible the conscious awareness of the world. an area of the cortex including the precentral gyrus and the postcentral gyrus and combining sensory and motor functions.", "frontal gyrus - any of the convolutions of the outer surface of the frontal lobe of the cerebrum precentral gyrus - the convolution of the frontal lobe that is bounded in back by the central sulcus and that contains the motor area", "The convolutions on the surface of the cerebral cortex are called gyri (singular term is gyrus). Each gyrus of the cerebral cortex has a name and is often used in neurolinguistic descriptions.They are named mainly according to their location.eing components of the human brain it becomes important to know the difference between gyri and sulci. Human brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body. It is responsible for carrying out a huge number of functions, which are done by the nervous system.", " Tertiary neurons project to the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, forming a sensory humunculus.  A sensory homunculus maps sub-regions of the cortical poscentral gyrus to certain parts of the body.  Decussate: Where nerve fibers obliquely cross from one lateral part of the body to the other.  Postcentral Gyrus: A prominent structure in the parietal lobe of the human brain and an important landmark that is the location of the primary somatosensory cortex, the main sensory receptive area for the sense of touch." ]
how many carbs in wendy's chili
Ingredient Specific Calorie Information From Our Recipes: 1 Calories In Wendys chili (copycat) Calories: 195, Fat: 7g, Carbs: 21g, Protein: 15g, Fiber: 5g. 2 Calories In wendys chili Calories: 220, Fat: 7g, Carbs: 22g, Protein: 18g, Fiber: 6g.
[ "Most Popular Wendy's Food. Wendy's hamburgers are popular, but their baked potato, chili and the classic Frosty are extremely popular menu choices, as well. The Wendy's Sour Cream and Chive Baked Potato contains only 310 calories and 2.5 grams of fat. This is a high carbohydrate food, however.", "In fact, the chili really brings the only semblance of flavor to the salad, as it’s not served with any dressing. If you don’t conserve your chili wisely, the salad turns into a real slog to eat. While I appreciate their play for nostalgia, Wendy’s Taco Salad should go the way of Hammer Pants. You shouldn’t touch this. (Nutrition Facts – 660 calories, 290 calories from fat, 32 grams of fat, 13 grams of saturated fat, 1 grams of trans fat, 85 milligrams of cholesterol, 1820 milligrams of sodium, 63 grams of carbohydrates, 18 grams of sugar, and 32 grams of protein.)", "I love when there's something pretty healthy and not-so-standard on the menu, like Wendy's chili. It's just 310 calories (without the cheese or crackers), which is good for me because I eat six small meals a day. Since protein helps you feel full, I like that it has 26 grams as well as 10 grams of fiber.", "A Healthy Alternative to Fries. The caloric content of Wendy's chili, which is slow-cooked for 4 hours, varies according to the serving size. A small cup of chili contains 180 calories, while a large cup has 270 calories. The chili has fewer calories than a side order of fries, which have between 220 and 500 calories, depending on the serving size.", "The Wendy's Sour Cream and Chive Baked Potato contains only 310 calories and 2.5 grams of fat. This is a high carbohydrate food, however. You'll consume 63 grams of carbs when you indulge in this tater treat. Wendy's Frosties vary in calorie and fat content because they come in several different sizes.", "A small order of chili from Wendy's contains 6 grams of fiber toward the 25 grams women need each day and the 38 grams men require. That's 24 percent of what women should consume on a daily basis and 16 percent of what men need.", "Healthy Options on the Wendy's Menu. 1 Rich and Meaty Chili (small): 170 calories. 2 Shredded Cheddar Cheese: 70 calories. 3 Apple Slices: 35 calories. 4 Classic Vanilla Frosty (Junior) 190 calories.", "A large order of chili supplies 10 grams of fiber. A small chili from Wendy's also contains 15 percent of your daily iron needs and 10 percent of the vitamin A you need each day. The drawback to Wendy's chili is the large amount of sodium it contains.", "A small order of chili from Wendy's contains 6 grams of fiber toward the 25 grams women need each day and the 38 grams men require. That's 24 percent of what women should consume on a daily basis and 16 percent of what men need. A large order of chili supplies 10 grams of fiber.", "But you can order a half size of that same salad for just 240 calories along with a Jr. Chocolate Classic Frosty and keep your entire meal under 500 calories. You'll also find many different types of food on the Wendy's menu. A large order of Rich and Meaty Chili has 250 calories.", "How much protein is in Wendy's Chili (large)? Amount of protein in Wendy's Chili (large): Protein: Vitamins and minerals: Fatty acids: Amino acids * The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs.", "Best Answer: A Wendy's double cheeseburger is 470 calories, 24 grams of fat, and 35 carbs. A small fry is 330 calories, 16 grams of fat, and 43 carbs. A better choice would be a salad with little/no dressing. To see how much jump rope you'd have to do, check the Calorie King website.", "Healthy Options on the Wendy's Menu. Even though the chili is popular, there are many different ways to create a diet-friendly meal and keep your daily calorie count in control. Use these meal combinations to satisfy your fast food cravings and keep your total count under 500 calories.", "Wendys Medium Fries (1 serving) calories: 440, fat: 21g, carbs: 58g, protein: 0g. 1 Calories Burned For Running: 20 km/h (3 minutes per km) 2 Calories Burned For Running: 15 km/h (4 minutes per km) Calories Burned For Running: 12 km/h (5 minutes per km)", "1 Approx 350 calories (41 carbs) in Wendy's Ultimate Chicken Grill Sandwich. 2 Approx 320 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Spicy Chicken Wrap. 3 Approx 310 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Homestyle Chicken Wrap. 4 Approx 250 calories (24 carbs) in Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap.", "There are 260 calories in a 1 fillet serving of Wendy's Spicy Chicken Fillet (No Bun). Calorie breakdown: 42% fat, 26% carbs, 32% protein. Related Chicken from Wendy's:", "There are 470 calories in a 1 meal serving of Wendy's Hamburger (Kids’ Meal). Calorie breakdown: 40% fat, 46% carbs, 14% protein.", "How many calories are in Wendy’s 10 piece Chicken Nuggets? Answer: 450. How many calories are in Wendy’s Crispy Chicken Patty? Answer: 210. How much fat is in Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Go Wrap? Answer: 16 g. How many carbs are in Wendy’s Small Chocolate Frosty? Answer: 48. How many calories are in Wendy’s Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger? Answer: 390.", "Wendys Double Cheeseburger (1 serving) calories: 700, fat: 39g, carbs: 38g, protein: 48g. 1 Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 8.5 mph (7 minutes per mile) Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 10 mph (6 minutes per mile)", "Calories in baked potatoes with sour cream The calories in baked potatoes with sour cream are determined by the weight of the potatoes and the amount of sour cream (and … anything else that you might add). In Wendy's chicken wraps there are: Approx 320 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Spicy Chicken Wrap Approx 310 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Homestyle Chicken Wrap Approx 250 calories (24 carbs) in Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap.", "In Wendy's chicken wraps there are: 1 Approx 320 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Spicy Chicken Wrap. 2 Approx 310 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Homestyle Chicken Wrap. 3 Approx 250 calories (24 carbs) in Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap.", "A lot, there is at least 100 calories in just the potato without any sort of topping and that depends on the size of the Potato, so add Butter and Sour Cream, at least another … 200 calories. In Wendy's chicken wraps there are: Approx 320 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Spicy Chicken Wrap Approx 310 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Homestyle Chicken Wrap Approx 250 calories (24 carbs) in Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap.", "Wendys Double Cheeseburger (1 serving) calories: 700, fat: 39g, carbs: 38g, protein: 48g. 1 Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 8.5 mph (7 minutes per mile) 2 Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 10 mph (6 minutes per mile) Calories Burned For Treadmill: 15% Incline, 5 mph (12 minutes per mile)", "1 Approx 470 calories (53 carbs) in Wendy's Homestyle Chicken Fillet Sandwich. 2 Approx 460 calories (38 carbs) in Wendy's Crispy Chicken Deluxe Sandwich. 3 Approx 360 calories (36 carbs) in Wendy's Crispy Chicken Sandwich. 4 Approx 350 calories (41 carbs) in Wendy's Ultimate Chicken Grill Sandwich.", "1 Approx 460 calories (38 carbs) in Wendy's Crispy Chicken Deluxe Sandwich. 2 Approx 360 calories (36 carbs) in Wendy's Crispy Chicken Sandwich. 3 Approx 350 calories (41 carbs) in Wendy's Ultimate Chicken Grill Sandwich.", "Calories per Ingredient. Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Wendy's chili and cheese baked potato. 228 calories of Cheddar Cheese, (2 oz). 145 calories of Baked Potato (baked potatoes), (1 potato (2-1/3 x 4-3/4)).121 calories of Chili Con Carne With Beans, (100 grams).alories per serving of Wendy's chili and cheese baked potato. 228 calories of Cheddar Cheese, (2 oz). 145 calories of Baked Potato (baked potatoes), (1 potato (2-1/3 x 4-3/4)).", "Wendy's Medium French Fries 1 serving - 440 calories, 21 fat, 58 carbs. Dannon Peach la Creme Yogurt, 4 oz 1 serving - 140 calories, 5 fat, 19 carbs. Cereals, Kashi Good Friends 1 cup - 169 calories, 1 fat, 32 carbs. Filet Mignon 1 oz - 52 calories, 3 fat, 0 carbs", "In Wendy's chicken wraps there are: Approx 320 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Spicy Chicken Wrap Approx 310 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Homestyle Chicken Wrap Approx 250 calories (24 carbs) in Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap.", "Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g) % Fat (mg) (mg) Fiber (g) Chili by the Bowl Gold Star Chili Bowl 203 17.3 10.4 10.2 16% 52 1158 1.5 Tex-Mex Chili Bowl 223 19.1 17.5 8.6 13% 45 551 5.3 Veggie Chili Bowl 199 8.5 33.9 3.2 5% 0 1052 7.5 Low Carb Coney Bowl 741 43.2 8.9 59.2 142% 173 2026 1.1 Cholesterol Sodium Dietary Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g) % Fat (mg) (mg) Fiber (g) Fries", "Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Wendy's chili and cheese baked potato. 228 calories of Cheddar Cheese, (2 oz).145 calories of Baked Potato (baked potatoes), (1 potato (2-1/3 x 4-3/4)).121 calories of Chili Con Carne With Beans, (100 grams).alories per serving of Wendy's chili and cheese baked potato. 228 calories of Cheddar Cheese, (2 oz). 145 calories of Baked Potato (baked potatoes), (1 potato (2-1/3 x 4-3/4)).", "And to quench thirst, patrons may order small, vanilla Frostys containing 340 calories, eight grams of fat, and 160mg of sodium. Available in full and half sizes, the freshly made salads at Wendy’s remain a favorite for many patrons. The Apple Pecan Chicken Salad in full size delights visitors with blue cheese crumbles, a chicken breast, roasted pecans, a base lettuce blend, and pomegranate vinaigrette. The entree contains 590 calories, 1,350mg of sodium, 27 grams of fat, and 52 grams of carbohydrates.", "There are 320 calories in 1 serving of Wendy's French Fries (Small). Calorie breakdown: 41% fat, 53% carbs, 6% protein.", "Don Pablos Guacamole 1 serving - 52 calories, 5 fat, 2 carbs. McDonald's Egg McMuffin 1 serving - 300 calories, 12 fat, 29 carbs. Wendy's Medium French Fries 1 serving - 440 calories, 21 fat, 58 carbs. Soy milk, Soy Milk, Natural 1 serving - 100 calories, 4 fat, 8 carbs", "How big is the potatoe. I added the ingredients for my potatoe today and it looks like about 1100 … calories. That is without butter. It's a huge potatoe (almost 600 grams), about 4 oz meat, 60 grams cheddar, 2 oz sour cream & 1/4 cup BBQ sauce. In Wendy's chicken wraps there are: Approx 320 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Spicy Chicken Wrap Approx 310 calories (30 carbs) in Wendy's Homestyle Chicken Wrap Approx 250 calories (24 carbs) in Wendy's Grilled Chicken Wrap.", "There are 550 calories in a 1 salad serving of Wendy's Strawberry Fields Chicken Salad. Calorie breakdown: 47% fat, 24% carbs, 29% protein.", "There are 260 calories in a 1 meal serving of Wendy's Cheeseburger (Kids’ Meal). Calorie breakdown: 38% fat, 40% carbs, 23% protein.", "There are 350 calories in a 1 sandwich serving of Wendy's Grilled Chicken Sandwich. Calorie breakdown: 23% fat, 40% carbs, 37% protein.", "There are 340 calories in 1 serving of Wendy's Chocolate Frosty (Small). Calorie breakdown: 24% fat, 66% carbs, 9% protein.", "Nutrition Facts. Wendy's Asiago Grilled Chicken Sandwich (No Bun) 6 Total Carbs - Grilled Fillet, Lettuce, Tomato, Asiago Cheese, Bacon, Ranch Dressing. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.", "There are 360 calories in a 1 sandwich serving of Wendy's Grilled Chicken Sandwich. Calorie breakdown: 20% fat, 42% carbs, 38% protein." ]
where is the vikings stadium
Once complete, U.S. Bank Stadium will serve as the home of the National Football League 's Minnesota Vikings, who are playing at TCF Bank Stadium on the campus of the University of Minnesota while their new home is being built.
[ "Eagan City Council Approves Vikings Headquarters and Practice Facility. Eden Prairie, MN (June 21, 2016) – The Eagan City Council has formally approved the Minnesota Vikings plan to move the team headquarters and training facility to a 200-acre site located off I-494 at the intersection of Dodd Road and Lone Oak Parkway." ]
what is directional drilling
Directional drilling is defined as the practice of controlling the direction and deviation of a wellbore to a predetermined underground target or location. This section describes why directional drilling is required, the sort of well paths that are used, and the tools and methods employed to drill those wells.irectional drilling is defined as the practice of controlling the direction and deviation of a wellbore to a predetermined underground target or location. This section describes why directional drilling is required, the sort of well paths that are used, and the tools and methods employed to drill those wells.
[ "Petropedia explains Horizontal Directional Drilling. In Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), the well is drilled such that the deviation of the borehole is 90 degrees from the vertical and it looks horizontal or parallel to the formation from an elevation view. Sometimes a deviation greater than 80 degrees is also considered as horizontal in drilling terminology.", "A directional driller is crucial to the energy field in this day and age. More and more oil is needed to supply the energy demands of the world, and it is being accomplished on the ground every day. Hydraulic fracture drilling, or fracking, is accomplished by many techniques, but the primary one is horizontal, or directional, drilling.", "Directional Boring - Also called horizontal directional drilling or HDD. See Directional Boring Overview for more info. Pipe Ramming - Involves the use a pneumatic hammer (impact mole) to drive a steel casing through the ground. Soil is typically excavated from the casing with compressed air, an auger or jetting.", "Most directional drillers are given a well path to follow that is predetermined by engineers and geologists before the drilling commences. When the directional driller starts the drilling process, periodic surveys are taken with a downhole instrument to provide survey data (inclination and azimuth) of the well bore.", "The tools and techniques used in the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) process are an. outgrowth of the oil well drilling industry. The components of a horizontal drilling rig used for. pipeline construction are similar to those of an oil well drilling rig with the major exception being. that a horizontal drilling rig is equipped with an inclined ramp as opposed to a vertical mast. HDD.", "Directional Drills - Utility Installation. Continuing to set the standard on jobsites around the world. From a heritage of underground utility installation going back decades, Vermeer has been a market leader and innovator in the horizontal directional drill industry for more than 20 years.", "The well is drilled at a certain deviation in a horizontal direction from the vertical direction. In Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), the well is drilled such that the deviation of the borehole is 90 degrees from the vertical and it looks horizontal or parallel to the formation from an elevation view.", "Directional Technologies, Inc. has been directional boring for over 20 years and is the nation’s expert horizontal remediation well drilling contractor. Please contact us at [email protected] or 203-294-9200 to learn more about our capabilities.", "It can be broken down into three main groups: Oilfield Directional Drilling, Utility Installation Directional Drilling (or H.D.D. or Horizontal Directional Drilling) Directional boring, and in-seam directional drilling (Coal-Bed methane). This article is mainly focused on oilfield directional drilling.", "If you're looking for a used directional drill for sale, it's important to know what to look out for, one of the easiest things to spot being the manufacturer. Here are some directional drill manufacturers: MINCON, HORIZONTAL Technology, UNIVERSAL, MTI, BARBCO, CENTRAL MINE, TERRAMACS, VERMEER, ROBBINS and DITCH WITCH.", "When using horizontal directional drilling (HDD) technology in a pipeline crossing project, the required pullback force is an important factor in the selection of the pipe strength and drilling equipment, as well as the construction technique.. There are presently several methods used to calculate this force.", "The PDP is used to rotate the bit independently of the drill string. Mud motors used in directional drilling are fabricated with a slight bend that can range up to about 4 degrees. The vertical portion of the well is drilled normally with the entire drill string rotating. When the operator decides they’re ready to go directional, drilling stops and the directional driller orients the drill string so that the bend in the mud motor points in the direction that everyone thinks the well should go. At that point, the PDP is engaged and only the bit rotates.", "We welcome the opportunity to work with engineers, utility companies, contractors and municipalities in order to demonstrate the tremendous advantages Horizontal Directional Drilling has to offer.", "It can be broken down into four main groups: oilfield directional drilling, utility installation directional drilling (horizontal directional drilling), directional boring, and surface in seam (SIS), which horizontally intersects a vertical well target to extract coal bed methane.", "DIRECTIONAL DRILLS. From the compact JT5 to the heavy-duty JT100, there’s an unbeatably efficient Ditch Witch directional drill for every type of jobsite and installation. HDD Advisor™. HDD Advisor is a free, industry-leading tool that allows you to design the optimal tooling configuration for your directional drill.", "Another option is drilling vertical wells, which would provide the same. subsurface information as directional wells. However, a thorough cost analysis of. drilling, survey tools, and equipment is needed to determine whether directional or. vertical drilling is financially advantageous for the exploration wells.", "Directional Driller Salary. The average pay for a Directional Driller is $18.11 per hour. A skill in Drilling Engineering is associated with high pay for this job. Pay for this job rises steadily for more experienced workers, but goes down noticeably for the few employees with more than 20 years' experience. People in this job generally don't have more than 20 years' experience.", "Combined, these survey tools and BHA designs made directional drilling possible, but it was perceived as arcane. The next major advance was in the 1970s, when downhole drilling motors (aka mud motors, driven by the hydraulic power of drilling mud circulated down the drill string) became common.", "Most directional bores have an exit point so the. end of the directional bore is approached the drill bit will then be rotated to the 12 o’clock position to begin the ascent to ground level. During the directional boring there may be a planned or unexpected obstacle that may have to be circumvented.", "Directional Driller Salary The average pay for a Directional Driller is $18.16 per hour. A skill in Drilling Engineering is associated with high pay for this job.", "Pressure is Monitored,” page 42).2. In underbalanced directional drilling, the use. of downhole annular pressure sensors keeps the. operation within safe pressure limits and moni-. tors the use of injected gas, which results in. more efficient, lower cost drilling.", "Inadvertent Returns Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a safe, commonly used technology; however, there are challenges associated with this construction method because of varying geology along the project footprint. When using HDD, there is the possibility of having what is commonly referred to as an inadvertent return. An inadvertent return occurs when drilling mud seeps to the surface due to geology and soil qualities that create pathways along the bore path for the mud to escape. In other words, there may be an existing crack in the bedrock where the water-bentonite mix can escape. How Do We Respond to an Inadvertent Return? In accordance with Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulations, Sunoco Pipeline is required to have response plans in place at all designated HDD locations to contain the drilling mud that flows to the surface in the event of an inadvertent return. Under this comprehensive plan, we will contain, remove and recycle any drilling mud that", "Your source for used directional drills, locators, mixers, vac systems, trenchers from Vermeer, Ditch Witch, American Augers, Digitrak, Subsite and others. HDD Broker is your source for used directional drills, locators, mixers, vac systems, trenchers and more from companies like Vermeer, Ditch Witch, American Augers, Digitrak, Subsite and more! Close Buy", "The steerability of horizontal directional drilling equipment is a primary reason for the success of this innovative trenchless technology, and the key to effective steerability is a drill unit's electronic guidance system.", "For larger bores, directional drills equipped with as much as 600 tonnes 1 320 000 lb (or more) of thrust/pullback (Vermeer D1320x900) is used in conjunction with a mud reclaimer, excavator, and multiple pumps and hoses to supply the drilling fluid to the drillstem.", "With over 40 years of experience in the heavy underground utility/site work industry coupled with over 80 years of combined experience in the drilling industry, Precision Directional Boring, LLC can provide an alternate method of installing underground utilities which complements the tried and true open-cut method.", "K:\\Library\\APWA_Accreditation_Library\\Chapter_14_Right-Of-Way_Management\\14.8_Pavement_Cut_Restoration/HDD Guidelines.docx. Introduction. This Handbook is intended to be used as a basic guide for Horizontal. Directional Drilling (HDD) applications performed within the City of. Overland Park. The overall purpose is to provide guidelines that will. help ensure public safety and protection of existing underground. facilities.", "“Inadvertent returns can happen during horizontal directional drilling, and we follow contingency plans on how to respond as part of the environmental permits approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for the Mariner East 2 project.", "Directional boring. The company I work for does a lot of geo loops with directional boring machines in Northern Wisconsin. We use vermeer drills, the 36-50 model is the best suited for the job because it will bore quickly. The rule of thumb of 200' bore per ton has been working out quite well.", "About the course This course builds a firm foundation in the principles and practices of directional drilling, calculations, and planning for directional and horizontal wells. Specific problems associated with directional/horizontal drilling such as torque, drag, hole cleaning, logging, and drill string component design are included.", "Advanced Drilling Techniques. Horizontal Drilling. Horizontal drilling starts with a vertical well that turns horizontal within the reservoir rock in order to expose more open hole to the oil. These horizontal legs can be over a mile long; the longer the exposure length, the more oil and natural gas is drained and the faster it can flow.", "Directional control valve. Directional control valves are one of the most fundamental parts in hydraulic machinery as well as pneumatic machinery. They allow fluid flow into different paths from one or more sources. They usually consist of a spool inside a cylinder which is mechanically or electrically controlled." ]
what teas are recommended for nausea
Nausea is a common symptom that can be caused by a wide variety of stimuli such as pregnancy, stomach flu or salmonella poisoning. One of the healthiest and most soothing methods of relieving nausea is to drink herbal tea. As well as relieve your symptoms, herbal tea can also help to prevent certain conditions that lead to nausea such as indigestion, IBS and viruses. Herbs can also help you recover much faster from existing health problems.
[ "Ginger ale (slightly: Flattened).The simplest way to reduce nausea is with ginger. You can drink slightly flattened ginger ale or nibble on crystallized ginger. Or pour boiling water over freshly sliced organic ginger & steep x 5 min in a covered pot. Sip. Aromatherapy: sweet orange (citrus sinensis), peitigrain (citrus reticulata), mandarin (citrus reticulata) are different citrus scents that can v nausea. ...", "1. Ginger. One of the best, oldest and most effective remedy for nausea is Ginger. It promotes the secretion of various digestive enzymes to neutralize the stomach acids. Ginger also contains phenols which help to relax the stomach muscles so that it reduces the over activity of the stomach. You can take the ginger in any form.", "The following essential oils traditionally have been used for nausea and vomiting: 1 Peppermint – Directly inhale from a diffuser, or when traveling, add a few drops on a tissue, or 1 drop on the tongue. Cornmint – Directly inhale from a diffuser or, when traveling, place a few drops on a tissue, or 1 drop on the tongue.", "1 Ideally, avoid potential triggers, whether these be certain foods, smells, or drinks that might induce nausea and vomiting. 2 Ginger, either as ginger biscuits, tea or non-alcoholic ginger ale, may help with the nausea and vomiting. 3 Some women find that wearing acupressure wristbands helps their morning sickness. Cold meals are better tolerated than hot meals. 2 Ideally, avoid potential triggers, whether these be certain foods, smells, or drinks that might induce nausea and vomiting. 3 Ginger, either as ginger biscuits, tea or non-alcoholic ginger ale, may help with the nausea and vomiting.", "Used as a medicinal herb in China for at least 2,000 years, the herb can be found in many herbal formulas to help with digestion. The volatile oils and phenol compounds, such as gingerol, are what's thought to be the active ingredients. Ginger tea may help ease an upset stomach as well as motion sickness and nausea." ]
what year did marshall tucker band
The Marshall Tucker Band. Marshall Tucker Band on July 4, 2006. The Marshall Tucker Band is an American Southern rock/country rock band originally from Spartanburg, South Carolina. The band's blend of rock, rhythm and blues, jazz, country, and gospel helped establish the Southern rock genre in the early 1970s.
[ "Cocaine blamed in death of Caldwell. Cocaine caused the death of former Marshall Tucker Band leader Toy T. Caldwell Jr., Spartanburg County Coroner Jim Burnett ruled Thursday. Caldwell, who along with his brother, Tommy, formed the Marshall Tucker Band in the early 1970s, died in his sleep Feb. 25 at his home on Lightwood Knot Road in Moore. The 45-year-old Spartanburg native had been suffering from congestion and a cough, but Burnett requested toxicology tests from the State Law Enforcement Division", "His death was the latest in a series of tragedies for the Caldwell family and the Marshall Tucker Band over the years. In April 1980, bassist Tommy Caldwell died of injuries he suffered when he was thrown from his four-wheel-drive vehicle in an accident in Spartanburg. A month earlier, another Caldwell brother, 24-year-old Timothy, was killed in a collision with a Spartanburg County garbage truck on S.C. Highway 215.", "WHO: Marshall Tucker Band. The Marshall Tucker Band is the second of multiple artists to visit the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds as part of the 2017 Classic Country Concert Series. Special guest The Trevor Hewitt band will be opening for The Marshall Tucker Band The concerts will be held in the Annex Theatre at the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds.", "The Marshall Tucker Band with special guest The Trevor Hewitt Band is the second show to be announced as part of the 2017 Classic Country Concert Series at the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds! Tickets on sale now. ADMISSION: Tickets start at $20, http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0E00524970FF1AC5.", "Heard It in a Love Song (album) Heard It in a Love Song is the twelfth studio album released by American country music artist Mark Chesnutt. Its title track is a cover of The Marshall Tucker Band's single from 1977. Both it and That Good That Bad were released as singles, though neither charted.", "1964-1970. 1 Formed in Jacksonville, FL in 1964 – first as My Backyard, later as The Noble Five, and finally as Lynyrd Skynyrd – the band played over a thousand local gigs by the early 1970’s. All that work paid off when the band got the opportunity to record their first demos at the now iconic Muscle Shoals in Alabama.", "Taking a page from their Capricorn Records labelmates and Southern rock contemporaries the Allman Brothers, the Marshall Tucker Band issued a self-titled debut blending the long and winding psychedelic and jam band scene with an equally languid and otherwise laid-back country-rock flavor.", "The Marshall Dillon Band (MDB) was started in the early spring of 2012. The goal was to create a new upbeat high energy country band to keep the crowd on their feet and the dance floor full. They are a seven-piece country band playing modern and classic country music covering artists from Jason Aldean, Miranda Lambert, and Luke Bryan to Tracy Byrd, Patty Loveless, and Charlie Daniels.", "The family's life was centered on the church and their faith. When Marshall reached high school in 1985, he joined the church youth group and attended the state youth convention. At the age of 14, he made a decision to follow Christ. After high school, Marshall followed in his father's footsteps and attended Anderson University in Anderson, IN. While singing at his church in Anderson, Marshall was approached by a local producer and asked to sing for a project at Gaither Studios.", "He was born in Plainfield, Indiana, a son of Forrest A. Tucker and his wife, Doris Heringlake. His mother has been described as an alcoholic. Tucker began his performing career at age 14 at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair, pushing the big wicker tourist chairs by day and singing Throw Money at night.", "Tucker returned to the big screen after an absence of several years, in the Cannon Films action film Thunder Run (1986), playing the hero, trucker Charlie Morrison. His final film appearance was Outtakes, a low-budget imitation of The Groove Tube.", "Between 1934 and 1961, as an attorney for the NAACP, Marshall traveled throughout the United States, representing all manner of clients whenever a dispute involved questions of racial justice–from trials for common crimes to appellate advocacy raising the most intricate matters of constitutional law.", "Caldwell, whose distinctive style of guitar playing and song writing helped boost the Marshall Tucker Band to national prominence, was reviving his solo career at the time of his death. He released an album last year and was planning a major tour.", "Tucker, who had been ill for some time, collapsed on his way to the ceremony for his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in August 1986. He died from throat cancer at the Motion Picture & Television Country House and Hospital on October 25, 1986, a few months after the theatrical release of Thunder Run and Outtakes.", "Born in 1919 in Detroit, Michigan, Marshall began his military career as an aviation cadet in 1942. He completed flight training at Yuma Army Air Base, Ariz., and received his pilot wings and commission as a second lieutenant in April 1943.", " Can't You See is a song written by Toy Caldwell of The Marshall Tucker Band. The song was originally recorded by the band on their 1973 debut album, The Marshall Tucker Band, and released as the album's first single.It was re-released in 1977 and peaked at number 75 on the Billboard Hot 100. The Zac Brown Band, along with Kid Rock, covered Can't You See on their 2010 live benefit album, Pass the Jar. 2 Black Stone Cherry covered the song on their 2011 album Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. 3 Poison covered the song on their album Poison'd in 2007.", "Winston Aubrey Aladar Marshall (born December 20, 1987) is a British musician, best known as the banjoist in the Grammy Award winning British folk rock band Mumford & Sons. On Mumford and Sons's third album, Wilder Mind, Marshall is credited as 'WN5TN'.", "Where We All Belong is the third album by The Marshall Tucker Band (credited to “Marshall Tucker Band”). It is a double album; album one is a studio album and album two is a live album, featuring extensive jamming by the band and guest fiddle player, Charlie Daniels , on 24 Hours at a Time.", "Tucker is one of the few and best-known female country singers to be classified as an Outlaw in the Outlaw country movement, which was most popular in the late 1970s. As Tucker matured by the end of the 1970s, Tucker's outlaw image grew.", "Tucker's third single, What's Your Mama's Name, became her first number one hit in the spring of 1973. Two other number ones — Blood Red and Goin' Down and Would You Lay with Me (In a Field of Stone) followed, establishing Tucker as a major star.", "He entered the Air Tactical School at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, in August 1948 and four months later became operations officer of the 84th Fighter Squadron at Hamilton Air Force Base, Calif. In May 1951, Marshall went to Korea as commander of the 335th Fighter Squadron, flying the F-86 Sabre jet fighter. He became the fifth jet ace of the Korean War, credited with 6 1/2 enemy aircraft destroyed, seven probable, and six damaged.", "Nugent dropped the Amboy Dukes band name for good in 1975, and signed to Epic Records. Derek St. Holmes (guitar, vocals), Rob Grange (bass) and Clifford Davies (drums) were the primary additional band members for his 1970s multi-platinum albums: Ted Nugent (1975), Free-for-All (1976) and Cat Scratch Fever (1977).", "In addition, he successfully brought lawsuits that integrated other state universities. In 1936, Marshall became the NAACP’s chief legal counsel. The NAACP’s initial goal was to funnel equal resources to black schools.", "Skynyrd Startin’ Out. 1964-1970. Formed in Jacksonville, FL in 1964 – first as My Backyard, later as The Noble Five, and finally as Lynyrd Skynyrd – the band played over a thousand local gigs by the early 1970’s. All that work paid off when the band got the opportunity to record their first demos at the now iconic Muscle Shoals in Alabama.", "Skynyrd Startin’ Out. Formed in Jacksonville, FL in 1964 – first as My Backyard, later as The Noble Five, and finally as Lynyrd Skynyrd – the band played over a thousand local gigs by the early 1970’s. All that work paid off when the band got the opportunity to record their first demos at the now iconic Muscle Shoals in Alabama.", "Although Marshall occasionally worked in film and television, he could not find regular work in the industry until his friend Morey Amsterdam recommended him to fill in for Bert Parks (who emceed the pilot) as the host of the game show The Hollywood Squares in 1966.", "The November 14, 1970, plane crash that killed all 75 passengers on board, including 37 members of the Thundering Herd football team, is well documented. The event and its aftermath were depicted in the 2006 Warner Brothers motion picture, We Are Marshall, starring Matthew McConaughey and Matthew Fox.", "Early life. Marshall was born Garry Kent Masciarelli in The Bronx, New York on November 13, 1934, the son of Anthony Wallace Marshall (1906–99), a director of industrial films and later a producer, and Marjorie Irene (née Ward; 1908-1983), a tap dance teacher who ran a tap dance school." ]
who is rothbardian?
Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Rothbardian. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Rothbardian(Noun) A proponent of economic theories championed by Murray Rothbard. Rothbardian(Adjective) Of or pertaining to American economist Murray Rothbard, his work or theories.
[ "By extending the realm of civil society to the point of extinguishing the state, Rothbard's view appears as the limiting case of authentic liberalism. Classical liberalism is often contrasted with a new social liberalism, which is supposed to have developed out of the classical variety around 1900.", "With more of his books coming into mainstream circulation (see his History of Thought, Power and Market, and For a New Liberty), it is also a good time to revisit Justin Raimondo's spirited and compelling biography of Rothbard: Enemy of the State, which came out on the fifth anniversary of his passing.", "Numerology. 1 Chaldean Numerology. The numerical value of Rothbardian in Chaldean Numerology is: 7. 2 Pythagorean Numerology. The numerical value of Rothbardian in Pythagorean Numerology is: 2.", "But Rothbard was a friend and influence on Paul, and central to the Paul Internet community is the very Rothbardian Mises Institute website and the personal site of Mises Institute Chairman Lew Rockwell, who was a close partner of Rothbard’s in the last 13 years of his life.", "In a complete revision of the standard account, Rothbard traces inflations, banking panics, and money meltdowns from the Colonial Period through the mid-20th century to show how government's systematic war on sound money is the hidden force behind nearly all major economic calamities in American history.", "Autarchists[edit] Robert LeFevre, a self-proclaimed autarchist recognized as such by Murray Rothbard, distinguished autarchism from anarchy, whose economics he felt entailed interventions contrary to freedom, in contrast to his own laissez-faire economics of the Austrian School.", "Rothbard maintains that anarcho-capitalism is the only true form of anarchism—the only form of anarchism that could possibly exist in reality, as, he argues, any other form presupposes an authoritarian enforcement of political ideology, such as redistribution of private property.", "Peter J. Boettke, in his Reason Foundation Reason Papers, Issue No. 19, Fall 1994, describes Gordon as a philosopher and intellectual historian who is deeply influenced by the Rothbardian strand of economics.. He is a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and editor of The Mises Review.", "Samuel Edward Konkin III replies to Murray Rothbard’s critique of Agorism, the counter-economic school of Anarchism. Murray N. Rothbard’s vigorous assault is refreshing; I’m not sure even I would have taken my first major theoretical attempt seriously if it had not evoked Dr. Rothbard at his trenchant top-of-form.", "Konkin Replies to Rothbard: In Defense of Agorism. Dec 11th, 2014 by adminadam in essays. 2 Comments. Murray N. Rothbard’s vigorous assault is refreshing; I’m not sure even I would have taken my first major theoretical attempt seriously if it had not evoked Dr. Rothbard at his trenchant top-of-form.", "Never has the story of money and banking been told with such rhetorical power and theoretical vigor. Here is how this book came to be. Rothbard died in 1995, leaving many people to wish that he had written a historical treatise on this topic.", "Acceptance of the Austrian explanation of what primarily caused the Great Depression is compatible with either acceptance or denial of the Monetarist explanation. Austrian economist Murray Rothbard, who wrote America's Great Depression (1963), rejected the Monetarist explanation.", "See more of The Rothbardian Alt-Right by logging into Facebook. Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page. Sign UpLog In. See more of The Rothbardian Alt-Right by logging into Facebook.", "Murray Rothbard and a host of other supporters of free-market capitalism make this claim. Again, it does contain an element of truth. As capitalism is a grow or die economy (see section D.4.1), obviously the amount of wealth available to society increases for all as the economy expands.", "David Gordon (/ˈɡɔːrdən/; born April 7, 1948) is an American libertarian philosopher and intellectual historian influenced by Rothbardian views of economics. He is a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and editor of The Mises Review.", "Here are five more things to know about Rothman: Rothman is a writer, actor, producer and director who trained at the Groundlings theater in Los Angeles (where Wiig also studied). His IMDb page lists several acting, writing and producing credits in films, shorts and TV series.", "Tags BiographiesAustrian Economics OverviewHistory of the Austrian School of Economics. The more time you spend with Austrian economists or libertarian intellectuals, the more you realize that Murray Rothbard's influence has been underestimated.", "Bernhard (Bernd) Rothmann (Rotmann, Rottman), a theologian and an Anabaptist of Münster, Westphalia, Germany, was born at Stadtlohn in the bishopric of Münster.", "The Empress of Weehawken. At the end of what is (she cannot help observing) an extraordinary life, Elisabeth Rother has decided to write her memoirs. She brushes aside her narrow escape with her Jewish husband from the Nazis, and the perilous voyage to the New World of New Jersey.", "Rothman Institute is a physician-driven organization, with Todd Albert, MD, as president. Dr. Albert also has several vice chairman who accept leadership responsibilities at the different practice locations and division chiefs for each subspecialty.", "David Lee Roth (born October 10, 1,954) is an American rock vocalist, songwriter, actor, author, and former radio personality. Roth was ranked nineteenth by Hit Parader on their list of the 100 Greatest Heavy Metal Singers of All Time.", "Chapter 10 from the 1993 edition: On the Ultimate Justification of the Ethics of Private Property (in PDF format) (Chapter 13 in the 2006 edition) Chapter 15: Rothbardian Ethics (slightly edited) Replies to four critics in PDF format. (From the 1993 edition appendix) The Economics and Ethics of Private Property Entire Book, 2006 Edition (in PDF format) External links The Hoppeian Way, a review of the 2006 edition by David Gordon.", "In 2009 New York finally overthrew the nearly 40-year-old Rockefeller drug laws, a grotesque set of mandatory minimum sentencing rules that the libertarian theorist Murray Rothbard, back in 1979, called a fiasco and the epitome of the belief in treating a social or medical problem with jail and the billy club.", "LewRockwell.com (LRC) is a libertarian website which states that its purpose is to help carry on the anti-war, anti-state, pro-market work of Murray N. Rothbard.. It was begun in 1999 by anarcho-capitalists Lew Rockwell and Burt Blumert as an affiliate of the nonprofit Center for Libertarian Studies.", "Veronica Roth is the New York Times bestselling author of Divergent, the first in a trilogy of dystopian thrillers filled with electrifying decisions, heartbreaking betrayals, stunning consequences, and unexpected romance.", "Bernhard Rothmann. Bernhard (or Bernard) Rothmann (c. 1495 – c. 1535) was a 16th-century Reformer and an Anabaptist leader in the city of Münster (modern Germany). He was born in Stadtlohn, Westphalia, around 1495.", "3 thoughts on ““Divergent” Author Veronica Roth Talks About The Inspiration For Her Dystopian World”. 1 Howdy! Someone in my Facebook group shared this site with us so I came to give it a look. 2 An outstanding share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a co-worker who was doing a little research on this.", "At the suggestion of Rothbard, the institute changed its name in 1976 to Cato Institute after Cato's Letters, a series of British essays penned in the early 18th century by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon.ince 2002, the Cato Institute has awarded the Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty every two years to an individual who has made a significant contribution to advancing human freedom.. The prize comes with a cash award of US$250,000.", "william victor bill roth jr july 22 1921 december 13 2003 was an american lawyer and politician from wilmington delaware he was a veteran of world war ii and a member of the republican party who served as u s representative and u s senator from delawaree attended public schools in helena montana graduating from helena high school which is also the alma mater of senator max baucus who succeeded roth as senate finance committee chairman in 2001 roth graduated from the university of oregon in 1943 harvard business school in 1947 and harvard law school in 1949", "Veronica Roth is best known for her trilogy of novels: Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant; Allegiant was released on October 22, 2013. She is the recipient of the Goodreads 2011 Choice Award and the Best of 2012 in the category Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction and also Best Goodreads Author in 2012.eronica Roth was born on August 19, 1988 in New York City, and was raised primarily in Barrington, Illinois. Her mother, Barbara Ross, is a painter who resides in Barrington. She is the youngest of three children.", "One of these people was Archbishop Agobard of Lyon (r. 816-839, d. 840), a colourful character with an interest in the consideration and reconsideration of rules.9 After a short overview of his early career, this article highlights Agobard’s attempts to bring attention to a heterodox movement several decades after it ceased to be", "Roth responded to the criticism by saying that “Americans do not even know that this country exists.”", "1 1912, by the age of 30, Arnold Rothstein is a millionaire owner of gambling parlors and racetracks. 2 1914, Rothstein begins laying off the largest bets in the country and becomes one of the most influential and powerful bookmaker in the world. 3 1919, Arnold Rothstein fixes the World Series with Abe Attell.", "Allegiant: The explosive conclusion to Veronica Roth's #1 New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy reveals the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers. Four: A Divergent Collection: A companion volume to the worldwide bestselling Divergent series, told from the perspective of Tobias.", "So by all means consider a Roth or a traditional IRA. But I wouldn't be so quick to jump into a nondeductible IRA. Walter Updegrave is a senior editor at MONEY Magazine and is the author of Investing for the Financially Challenged.. He also answers viewers' questions on CNNfn's Money & Markets at 4:40 PM on Mondays.", "Goldand Roth (1993) identified teacher self-awareness as a key component for man-aging stress. Gold and Roth (1993) defined self-awareness as “a process of getting intouch with your feelings and behaviors”(p.141).", "Pam Harriman is the person behind Bill Clinton. She is tied in with the Collins of the satanic group Hell Fire Club. Wife Hillary is known to practice Shamanism witchcraft. (Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines) Vice President Al Gore 1993-2000.", "Veronica Roth. Goodreads Author. Veronica Roth is from a Chicago suburb. She studied creative writing at Northwestern University, and wrote DIVERGENT (Katherine Tegen Books, May 2011) and INSURGENT (May 2012). The third and final book in The Divergent Trilogy, ALLEGIANT, will come out on October 22, 2013.", "“Veronica Roth brings her captivating story to a masterful conclusion in Allegiant, a rich, action-packed book with material that is ideally suited to two strong and fulfilling movies,” said Lionsgate Motion Picture Group Co-Chairmen Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger in a statement.", "The Empress of Weehawken is a faux memoir from the point-of-view of Elisabeth Rother, leading us through her amazing life and the lives of her daughter, Renate, and her granddaughter, Irene. Yes, Irene, as in Irene Dische, the author. But as Elisabeth would say, more on that later.", "The Empress of Weehawken is a faux memoir from the point-of-view of Elisabeth Rother, leading us through her amazing life and the lives of her daughter, Renate, and her granddaughter, Irene. Yes, Irene, as in Irene Dische, the author. But as Elisabeth would say, more on that later.", "Svalbard (. [ˈsʋɑ(ː)lbɑːɾ] ; formerly known by its Dutch name Spitsbergen) is a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Situated north of mainland Europe, it is about midway between continental Norway and the North Pole.", "Roth was born in Newton, Massachusetts, to Dr. Sheldon Roth, a psychiatrist / psychoanalyst and clinical professor at Harvard Medical School, and Cora Roth, a painter. Roth was raised Jewish (his family is from Austria, Hungary, Russia, and Poland).Besides English, he speaks French, Italian and Russian.oth was born in Newton, Massachusetts, to Dr. Sheldon Roth, a psychiatrist / psychoanalyst and clinical professor at Harvard Medical School, and Cora Roth, a painter. Roth was raised Jewish (his family is from Austria, Hungary, Russia, and Poland). Besides English, he speaks French, Italian and Russian.", "When it comes to a Roth IRA, financial ignorance is not bliss, and your future deserves better. Take a break from Flappy Bird and Tinder on your iPhone to learn the basics and why, as a member of the millennial society, you should set up a tax-free retirement, a.k.a. the Roth IRA.", "Max Rothmann. Max Rothmann (April 26, 1868 – August 12, 1915) was a German neuroanatomist and physiologist who was a native of Berlin.", "Veronica Roth is from a Chicago suburb. She studied creative writing at Northwestern University, and wrote DIVERGENT (Katherine Tegen Books, May 2011) and INSURGENT (May 2012). The third and final book in The Divergent Trilogy, ALLEGIANT, will come out on October 22, 2013.", "Written by Laura Miller | Wednesday, 07 July 2010 14:53. Social sharing. Former University of Pennsylvania Health System Associate Executive Director Michael Sheerin has been named senior vice president at Rothman Institute, a large orthopedic practice based in Philadelphia, Pa, according to a news release by the Institute.", "Kristen Wiigs Best Saturday Night Live Characters According to Rothman’s IMDb page, he has been featured on several TV series, small screen films and TV shorts. Rothman is also credited as a writer on six projects.", "The Empress of Weehawken: A Novel [Irene Dische] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. At the end of what is (she cannot help observing) an extraordinary life, Elisabeth Rother has decided to write her memoirs. She recounts her narrow escape with her Jewish husband from the Nazis" ]
what causes skin on the inner thigh to turn black in color
Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of black inner thighs to some women. You can easily tell that the cause is hormonal imbalance if they darken during some stages when there is a lot of hormonal changes such as during your monthly cycles, lactation or pregnancy.
[ "Overall, it sounds like your bruise is probably a mild injury to the deep tissue of the thigh, hence the yellowish color. A bruise is what results when there is bleeding into body tissues following a mechanical trauma such as a bump or a fall. Bruises close to the surface in people with light-toned skin will often look black or blue initially because of the blood accumulating under the skin. However, over time the pigment in blood begins to break down and turn from black/blue to yellow/green shades.", "Q. I am 32 years old and suffering from skin infection for the past 13 years. I have red border like thing on my inner thighs and my penis and scrotum have also turned black. I have taken treatment but it is still there. There is no itching, but I the red border is increasing.", "Best cream for dark inner thighs. To help get rid of black inner thighs, you have the option of trying various creams available in the market. Some of these creams such as hydroquinone cream might require a doctor’s prescription.", "The friction results in irritation of the skin of the inner thighs, leading to bumps on inner thighs. The irritation can cause a heat rash called miliara. Irritated skin often leads to blockage of the sweat glands and the formation of pink, red or white bumps.", "Dark Inner Thighs Pictures, Images. There are many causes of dark skin between thighs that might extend this skin discoloration problem to the groin or other bikini areas. As we are discussing each cause, we will providing quick fixes before we later cover on how to whiten or lighten dark inner thigh skin.", "The friction results in irritation of the skin of the inner thighs, leading to itchy inner thighs those results to bumps. The irritation can cause a heat rash called miliara. Irritated skin often leads to blockage of the sweat glands and the formation of pink, red or white bumps.", "1 Pregnancy hormones can cause Melasma which make dark patches of skin appear on the face. Friction: If your thighs rub together, that skin may get darker than the rest of your body. Knees, elbows, underarms and other areas that get rubbed often are typically dark.", "If an individual has a rash on the inner thigh, the possible disorders of the skin that might be the cause of it include: Bad Clothing Any clothing which is prepared with material that is synthetic or that have elastic fitting tight on the skin or rubbing alongside the skin may cause a rash on the inner thighs.", "Diabetes Mellitus is a major risk factor for Peripheral Arterial Disease. A leg turning black and cold may be a sign of severe arterial insufficiency resulting on gangrene. Also, another condition called Venous Insufficiency may cause the leg to turn dark red or bluish when the person is in a sitting or standing position. Gangrene.", "The individual can not only develop heat rashes but also boils. The probability of inner thigh rash in this type of weather is extremely high because of increased sweating. Insect Bites. An individual may get rash or bumps on the inner thigh because of bites of insects, for instances mosquitoes, ants, or bed bugs. These common insect bites usually go away on their own after several hours, but the symptoms can become worse and in these cases medical attention is needed.", "Here are the common causes of brown spots on thighs and legs. Aging and Dark Spots: As you grow older, the body produces much more melanin than when you are young. This is shown as a sign when your skin develops black or grey spots on the skin.", "Cause #4: A medical condition called acanthosis nigricans. This condition causes light-brown-to-black markings on the neck, under the arms, or in the groin. It can be related to insulin production or to a glandular disorder and it typically occurs in people who are overweight.", "Friction can happen when the thighs rub together. The friction results in irritation of the skin of the inner thighs, leading to bumps on inner thighs. The irritation can cause a heat rash called miliara. Irritated skin often leads to blockage of the sweat glands and the formation of pink, red or white bumps. Common symptoms are itching or a prickly feeling in thighs.", "Herpes Simplex ,irritants, syphilis, warts and acne can all be causes of red bumps in on your inner thighs. Most of these conditions are contracted from others and can be spread to others. Herpes and warts are caused by viruses. Syphilis is caused by a bacterial infection.", "Darker skin in pubic, genital, rectum areas and between legs. The area between the vagina and the anus, the pubic area and the upper part of my inner thighs are significantly darker than the rest of my skin (is very embarrassing).I am a white Latin woman and I do not use oral contraceptives.I shave the vaginal and rectum area about 2 to 3 times a months.y inner thighs, vaginal area and armpit got darker when I got pregnant with my babies, also because I have diabetes type 2 when i turned 30, but my blood sugar are controlled. I am slightly over weight however the dark inner thighs is not the cause of the darkening, it was caused by hormone changes.", "Inner Thigh Rash Causes. If an individual has a rash on the inner thigh, the possible disorders of the skin that might be the cause of it include: Bad Clothing. Any clothing which is prepared with material that is synthetic or that have elastic fitting tight on the skin or rubbing alongside the skin may cause a rash on the inner thighs.", "Some of these are simply sun spots, but there are those that are small brown spots while others are brown scaly spots on legs and upper thighs. For these, the causes may be different and more complicated to be seen as simple sun spots or ageing spots. Here are the common causes of brown spots on thighs and legs. Aging and Dark Spots: As you grow older, the body produces much more melanin than when you are young. This is shown as a sign when your skin develops black or grey spots on the skin. The marks can be flat or small raised brown patches.", "Ask a question. Dry and flaky skin on my inner thigh. Brubaker79. I am an asian male with dark brown skin. I have noticed the area where my thigh and groin meet is dry and flaky. It is also white in color. Please help! Cancel. Follow.", "Use of certain fabric, chemical exposure, lotions, soap and creams can cause inflammation in skin layers, which is presented with rash and itching, termed as contact dermatitis. The allergic response initiates when the irritant comes in contact with skin layers thus itchy inner thighs.", "My inner thighs, vaginal area and armpit got darker when I got pregnant with my babies, also because I have diabetes type 2 when i turned 30, but my blood sugar are controlled. I am slightly over weight however the dark inner thighs is not the cause of the darkening, it was caused by hormone changes.y inner thighs, vaginal area and armpit got darker when I got pregnant with my babies, also because I have diabetes type 2 when i turned 30, but my blood sugar are controlled. I am slightly over weight however the dark inner thighs is not the cause of the darkening, it was caused by hormone changes.", "age as you age your private areas naturally turn dark this is attributed to hormonal changes genetics you may inherit genes that cause dark skin in your private areas pregnancy while you may not have dark skin in your private areas you may develop the same during pregnancyou can get one of these and apply under your arms and inner thighs for safety purposes do not apply on your nipples or around your vagina apple cider vinegar wash and dry your underarms before applying apple cider vinegar let it dry and leave it on until you bathe", "Hey there, I've got dark brown skin between my legs, in my inner thighs, it looks like it's really dirty but I do wash. I'm guessing it's from my legs rubbing together and stuff when I walk (I'm a fairly big girl). I just really want to know how to get rid of it! I'm always scrubbing at it, but it doesn't seem to be going away.", "Perhaps bright light was too bright to stand. Within a day or two, the swellings appeared. They were hard, painful, burning lumps on his neck, under his arms, on his inner thighs. Soon they turned black, split open, and began to ooze pus and blood. They may have grown to the size of an orange.", "Warts are caused by a virus that infiltrates the skin causing bumps on inner thighs. The main symptoms are dry red bumps that can feel scaly. Treatment: There is medication you can use to get rid of warts and the doctor can freeze off or burn off the warts, thus destroying them so that they go away.", "The disease was called the Black Death because one of the symptoms produced a blackening of the skin around the swellings. or buboes. The buboes were red at first, but later turned a dark purple, or black.", "Bruising after itching inner thigh. My inner thighs begins to itch uncontrollably:(. If I do scratch them, then I get bruises (black & blue marks, redness) The area is very sensitive and will hurt when I do touch it. I have used Cortaid to control the itching and it does for a short short while.", "The phenomenon known as chub rub happens when the skin of the inner thighs rubs together, especially when said thighs are a little moist — thanks, humidity. Even though it's definitely a very common #FatGirlProblem, inner thigh chafing can happen to anyone whose thighs like to get cozy in hot weather. This can create all kinds of discomfort and cause your inner thighs to form a rash, sting, burn, become bumpy, or even bleed. Chub rub might have a cute name, but it's no joke.", "The Black plague affects your body by causing buboes, or blister-like pieces of skin that contain macrophages, which are dead immunity cells.It was called the Black Plague bec … ause of internal bleeding and that, when the blood dried it became black under the skin so the skin turned black, or a really deep red.", "A burning sensation on the inner part of the thigh is typically caused by pressure against skin-deep nerves on the front or side of the thigh, according to Kaiser Permanente. There are numerous conditions that can contribute to this burning sensation, such as added weight and extremely tight clothing. Keep Learning.", "A burning sensation on the inner part of the thigh is typically caused by pressure against skin-deep nerves on the front or side of the thigh, according to Kaiser Permanente. There are numerous conditions that can contribute to this burning sensation, such as added weight and extremely tight clothing. Continue Reading.", "My axillary area, inner thighs, private and buttock area are noticeably dark. I have Jessica Alba's skin tone but the dark areas are the color of a...", "Keratosis pilaris. Keratosis pilaris is a minor condition that causes small, rough bumps on the skin. These bumps usually form on the upper arms, thighs, or cheeks. They’re typically red or white and don’t hurt or itch. Treatment isn’t necessary, but medicated creams can improve skin appearance.", "Quick Answer. A burning sensation on the inner part of the thigh is typically caused by pressure against skin-deep nerves on the front or side of the thigh, according to Kaiser Permanente. There are numerous conditions that can contribute to this burning sensation, such as added weight and extremely tight clothing.", "I have really black skin on my butt. This is weird because the rest of my body is a lighter skin color-dark brown.My butt has these white as well as black slightly raised lines-appear to look like stretch marks. I cant wear nathing suits or mine shorts because it continues to upper thigh as well as my lower back. Please help!ut the thing is that god made us all beautiful but todays life made us like that. I am in the same situation and my color is fair yellowish. But having dark butt and knees and elbow is seriously a problem so will suggest you to follow some therapies and bio oil.", "30 Replies: 1 I have that on my outer thighs. The only other time that happened my liver enzymes were off so I'm calling my doctor about it. 2 My inner thighs begins to itch uncontrollably:(. If I do scratch them, then I get bruises (black & blue marks, redness) The area is very sensitive and will hurt when I do touch it.", "These areas of skin then become darker or get black and dark spots. There may be many causes for black spots on your face. Hormonal imbalance is one of them. Sometimes, dark spots are due to some blood vessel deformities under the skin where these black spots appear on your face.", "Here are the common causes of brown spots on thighs and legs. 1 Aging and Dark Spots: As you grow older, the body produces much more melanin than when you are young. 2 Exposure to Sun Causes Brown Spots: Both brown scaly spots on your legs and wrinkles can be caused by exposure to the sun.", "I am too embarassed to go to the doctor. I have really black skin on my butt. This is weird because the rest of my body is a lighter skin color-dark brown. My butt has these white as well as black slightly raised lines-appear to look like stretch marks.I cant wear nathing suits or mine shorts because it continues to upper thigh as well as my lower back. Please help!ut the thing is that god made us all beautiful but todays life made us like that. I am in the same situation and my color is fair yellowish. But having dark butt and knees and elbow is seriously a problem so will suggest you to follow some therapies and bio oil.", "An important cause of black spot on the skin is melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.It is caused by abnormal changes in the melanocytes, or cells which produce the skin pigment called melanin.", "I have a lot of black spots on my legs, arms, and thighs since I was young. People were constantly telling me that they will clear off with time, but that hasn't been the case. Worst of all, whenever I get more scar, after the wound heals, the scar will still be there.", "Black skin lesions may be melanocytic, including nevi and melanoma. Black eschars are collections of dead skin that can arise from infarction, which may be caused by infection (eg, anthrax, angioinvasive fungi including Rhizopus,meningococcemia), calciphylaxis, arterial insufficiency, or vasculitis.", "MissRodd21613511. i have a lot of blackheads on my breast and my inner thights which i try to control with blackhead scrubs n etc, also the skin between my legs is really dark n im so ashame of my skin, i need some tips or info on how to get rid of these things.....Loading... lil_lisa_babie.issRodd21613511. i have a lot of blackheads on my breast and my inner thights which i try to control with blackhead scrubs n etc, also the skin between my legs is really dark n im so ashame of my skin, i need some tips or info on how to get rid of these things..... Loading... lil_lisa_babie.", "When you caught the plague you got big black spots called buboes on your armpits and behind your knees and on your neck. A lot of people called it the Black Death, because after that the tips of your fingers and toes and your nose often turned black.", "Melanoma (skin cancer) An important cause of black spot on the skin is melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.It is caused by abnormal changes in the melanocytes, or cells which produce the skin pigment called melanin.", "Apply lemon juice to your dark inner thigh using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. Repeat 2 or 3 times per week. Those who have sensitive skin must dilute the lemon juice with water. Alternatively, combine 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice and glycerin." ]
what is freestanding birthing centers?
Typically, a birth center is an independent facility, though a growing number are affiliated with and often housed inside hospitals. At a freestanding birth center, you'll get prenatal care throughout your pregnancy, give birth there, and go there for your postpartum checkups. Birth centers also offer childbirth education and breastfeeding classes. In-hospital birth centers operate a little differently.
[ "Birthing center. A birthing center or centre is a healthcare facility, staffed by nurse-midwives, midwives and/or obstetricians, for mothers in labor, who may be assisted by doulas and coaches. By attending the laboring mother, the doulas can assist the midwives and make the birth easier.", "MHCP covers low-risk pregnancy and delivery services provided in a licensed, free-standing birth center if the service is covered when provided in a hospital by a licensed health professional.", "Freestanding ambulatory surgery centers obviously have enjoyed a great deal of growth and success, but they continue to deal with the image that they are unregulated facilities that provide low-quality care.", "Birth center birth. A nationally accredited, licensed birth center is a healthcare facility that offers a wide variety of support and natural options for pregnant and birthing mothers. Nurse-midwives, licensed midwives and even some physicians have privileges to assist mothers and deliver babies at birth centers all over the U.S. Birth centers offer birthing moms a home-like setting in a medical environment. The birth rooms often resemble a room from a house and the smaller support staff offers a more natural approach to labor and delivery.", "Approved by the ACEP Board of Directors June 2014. A freestanding emergency department (FSED) is a facility that is structurally separate and distinct from a hospital and provides emergency care.", "Freestanding ambulatory care. Freestanding ambulatory care-Care provided to patients who do not stay overnight in a setting not located within a hospital. They type of ambulatory care facility determines the types of patients seen, the types of caregivers, and therefore, the types of information collected.", "Centering Pregnancy is a new way of delivering quality prenatal care by bringing women together in groups. The group medical visits provide strengths-based, interactive, prenatal care. Research has shown women in Centering Pregnancy groups experience fewer emergency room visits and premature deliveries, and they report knowing more and feeling more ready for labor and delivery.", "Free-standing facility means an entity that furnishes health care services to Medicare beneficiaries and that is not integrated with any other entity as a main provider, a department of a provider, remote location of a hospital, satellite facility, or a provider-based entity.", "Freebirth, more commonly known as Unassisted Childbirth (or simply, UC), is the medically unassisted birthing of a baby. Though it is relatively rare in the UK, with only a handful of official cases each year, women becoming increasingly disillusioned with the services provided by westernised medical establishments are choosing to birth their babies alone.", "Centering Pregnancy sessions are led by trained staff and medical providers who partner with patients to improve birth outcomes. During group visits, more time is spent in discussion so women learn from one another as well as from the clinician.", "What is a Birth Center? 1 The birth center is a home-like facility existing within a healthcare system with a program of care designed in the wellness model of pregnancy and birth.hat is a Birth Center? 1 The birth center is a home-like facility existing within a healthcare system with a program of care designed in the wellness model of pregnancy and birth.", "Ambulatory surgery centers are free-standing facilities with operating rooms, but they are not hospitals. These centers perform procedures that allow the patient to recover at home once anesthesia has worn off and the patient is able to care for themselves with minimal assistance.", "Abortion Or Reproductive Health Centers. Any health care facility operated substantially for the purpose of performing abortions. Such a facility must be a free-standing unit and not part of a hospital or other facility licensed for other purposes by the State Board of Health.", "A freestanding diagnostic imaging center does not include the provision of diagnostic imaging by a hospital registered under section 3701.07 of the Revised Code, or the provision of diagnostic imaging by an entity that is reviewed as part of a hospital accreditation or certification program.", "Any health care facility operated substantially for the purpose of performing abortions. Such a facility must be a free-standing unit and not part of a hospital or other facility licensed for other purposes by the State Board of Health.", "Smoking during pregnancy. can harm the health of both a woman and her developing fetus.6. Health Reform Increases Access to a Range of Maternity Care Providers.  Medicaid is required to cover the services provided by freestanding birth centers.", "SNF services may be offered in a free-standing or hospital-based facility. A freestanding facility is generally part of a nursing home that covers Medicare SNF services as well as long-term care services for people who pay out-of-pocket, through Medicaid, or through a long-term care insurance policy.", "Dimondale Nursing Care Center, Homeward Bound Rehabilitation is one of 17 NexCare Managed Communities that is trained in Person Centered approach to care by the Starling Center for Organizational Development.", "At Centra Virginia Baptist Hospital, we look at each birth as a miracle and every baby as unique. We encourage a family-centered approach to childbirth so you can enjoy the experience fully. Nurturing patients through the birthing process is at the heart of our efforts, and we support you and your choices in every way we can. The labor and delivery rooms and the Mother-Baby rooms have the look and feel of a hotel. Each spacious and tastefully decorated room has a TV/DVD and a private bath and shower.", "Procedures performed at a freestanding Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) - Place of Service (POS) 24 or doctor’s office-POS 11 in the Horizon NJ Health network by a participating provider do not require prior authorization with the exception of the following, which require authorization: 1 Cosmetic Surgery.", "• A freestanding Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) is generally part of a nursing home that covers Medicare SNF services as well as long-term care services for people who pay out-of-pocket, through Medicaid, or through a long-term care insurance policy.", "Typical urgent care centers can be found either attached to a hospital or as a freestanding facility. These centers often provide basic healthcare services but also time-sensitive and non-life threatening emergencies. The term “urgent” may lead someone to believe that a facility may be equipped to handle a potentially life-threatening emergency, but this is not often the case with urgent care centers.", "(Effective January 1, 2003) 05 Indian Health Service Free-standing Facility A facility or location, owned and operated by the Indian Health Service, which provides diagnostic, therapeutic (surgical and non-surgical), and rehabilitation services to American Indians and Alaska Natives who do not require hospitalization.", "A free clinic is a health care facility in the United States offering services to economically disadvantaged individuals for free or at a nominal cost.", "A free clinic is a health care facility in the United States offering services to economically disadvantaged individuals for free or at a nominal cost. Core staff members may hold full-time paid positions, however, most of the staff a patient will encounter are volunteers drawn from the local medical community.", "Find Facilities. 420 U.S. hospitals and birthing centers in 49 states and the District of Columbia hold the Baby-Friendly designation. 20.6% of annual births (approximately 821,000 births) occur at these Baby-Friendly designated facilities.", "Selected for you. Our Patients Come First. Mission Valley Heights Surgery Center is a freestanding, outpatient surgical facility dedicated to a broad range of surgical procedures. Our surgeons specialize in orthopedic, pain, spine and podiatry procedures and services. We believe in compassionate medicine, where patients feel reassured and unrushed.", "The nation-wide Centering Pregnancy program is now offered at USA Medical Department Activity-Fort Stewart, inside Winn Army Community Hospital, and the first class was held March 28. The medical com... Read More.", "As a convenience to our patients, a freestanding endoscopy center is located adjacent to our centrally located office. Northwest Ohio Endoscopy Center, managed along with the expertise of AmSurg, provides a comfortable, safe, state-of-the-art environment for the completion of most endoscopic procedures. The addition of the endoscopy center has given our patients greater flexibility to schedule procedures at their convenience.", "A free-standing medical clinic is a licensed facility not associated with a hospital. Medicaid covers services provided at a medical clinic determined to be medically necessary as long as the clinic is enrolled with the Medicaid program.", "A birthing chair, also known as a birth chair, is a device that is shaped to assist a person in the physiological upright posture during childbirth. The birthing chair is intended to provide balance and support to mothers giving birth. The early birthing chairs varied between having three or four legs, though three legged birthing chairs are most commonly seen.", "We have been ranked again in the U.S.News & World Report’s “America’s Best Children’s Hospitals.” We were the first freestanding pediatric hospital in Ohio to achieve ANCC Magnet Recognition Program® status, designating us as a hospital that provides world-class patient care and innovation in nursing practice.", "Planned Parenthood claims to be the largest provider of reproductive health services in the United States, providing services to 2.7 million patients in 2013 alone. It has 700 affiliate health centers scattered across the United States (these include stand-alone clinics and satellite offices).", "3) Treatment Rooms a) Hospital‐based Wound Centers often use and convert old patient floors containing standard in‐patient rooms but may be built out as a new facility with individual patient rooms. Free Standing Wound Centers most often use treatment rooms that are designed for single patient use.", "•ospice focuses on caring, not curing and, in most cases, care is Hprovided in the patient’s home. •ospice care also is provided in freestanding hospice centers, Hhospitals, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. •ospice services are available to patients of any age, religion, Hrace, or illness.ospice care also is provided in freestanding hospice centers, Hhospitals, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. •ospice services are available to patients of any age, religion, Hrace, or illness.", "DIY Modular Ramps. Living Free Home is a reliable provider of quality accessibility solutions throughout New Jersey, New York City, Boston, and the Philadelphia area. With our DIY Modular Ramps, you can build your own ramps, thus helping your family member or regular visitor in accessing steps. All modular ramp kits are fully accessorized so you can build a ramp ‘out of the box’ with all of the parts and pieces included.", "Planned Parenthood has 56 independent local affiliates that operate nearly 650 health centers throughout the United States, providing high-quality services to women, men, and teens. Planned Parenthood often is the only source of family planning for a large proportion of the women we serve.", "FREE STANDING EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE CENTER, FREE STANDING STORE, FREE STANDING INSERT, SURGI-CENTER, SECOND SURGICAL OPINION, SURGICAL INSURANCE BENEFITS, FINANCIAL REPORTING CENTER (FRC), OUTPATIENT, COMMODITIES EXCHANGE CENTER, SURGICAL SCHEDULE.", "This free tour includes an overview of select hospital features plus a detailed visit to the Childbirth Center and a look at the Intermediate Care Nursery. Learn More What's Up?", "This free tour includes an overview of select hospital features plus a detailed visit to the Childbirth Center and a look at the Intermediate Care Nursery. Learn More. What's Up?", "The BirthCare Center offers certified lactation counselors on staff to assist mothers and babies in learning the art of breastfeeding. Additionally, all of our nurses have received training in breastfeeding and are able to provide individualized care to mother and baby during your hospital stay.", "Our Locations: Health Center at Standifer Place. 2626 Walker Rd. As a privately owned non-profit located on a beautiful 40-acre campus near Hamilton Place Mall, residents have convenient access to a variety of services including Adult Day Care, Assisted Living, Rehab services, Alzheimer care, Respiratory care, and long- term care.", "Freestanding Lifts. Freestanding PWC Lifts are the affordable, portable and convenient way to store your PWC, jet ski or small watercraft. We offer these lifts in both vertical and cantilever options. These models are able to operate in water depths as little as 8 inches and up to 6 feet.", "3701-83-51 Definitions - freestanding diagnostic imaging centers. (A) Authorized user means a physician who meets the definition of authorized user in rule 3701:1-58-01 of the Administrative Code for the specified modality. (2) CT and MRI credentialing by the American chiropractic board of radiology." ]
how much does the homestead exemption reduce your property taxes
Public Act 98-0007, which passed into law in 2013, increased the General Homestead Exemption (a reduction in the Equalized Assessed Value) amount from $6,000 to $7,000 for Cook County beginning with the 2012 tax year (property taxes payable in 2013).
[ "The local option exemption cannot be less than $5,000. Tax Code Section 11.13(a) requires counties that collect farm-to-market or flood control taxes to offer a $3,000 residence homestead exemption." ]
what is a tea towel for
Tea towels originated in Great Britain over a hundred years ago, used for.. tea! The original tea towels were made of linen, which could be used to dry fine china without scratching. The towels were also used to line tea trays, as a covering for warm cakes or pastries served during tea time, or even a covering for the tea pot to help prevent heat loss.
[ "This listing is for 1 Gourmet Flour Sack Tea Towels. They are very absorbent- great for everyday use! This print will add a touch of beauty and fun to your kitchen! Each print comes out with slight variations, making each towel unique. Care: Regular wash and dry, iron if desired. The print is permanent.", "c. dish towel (for dishes) Estos paños son súper absorbentes y 100% de algodón.These dish towels are super absorbent and 100% cotton. d. tea towel (for drying) (United Kingdom) Mi mamá me regaló un juego de paños para secar la vajilla.My mom gave me a new set of tea towels to dry the dishes.", "The cleanliness of the tea towel is a safe criterion to a good house-keeper. Susanna stood in the doorway, a tea towel in one hand, a cup in the other. Lycurgus Mason came in with a tea towel in his hands and an apron on. She threw up once, and I soaked it up with a tea towel that had fussy roses on it.", "A tea towel seems to be what I would term a dish towel, Affleck explains. The difference between what this kind of dish towel and what a lot of people think of is that it’s a flat-woven fabric made from linen (earlier) and cotton (more recently), she adds. And one thing is clear: It is definitely not a terry towel..", "Simple Tea Towel Apron. So many people mentioned having beautiful tea towels they couldn't bear to use when I posted the Tea Towel Tote how-to, so I thought you might also be interested in my super easy tea towel apron. This is even easier than the tote, and takes about 15 minutes.imple Tea Towel Apron. So many people mentioned having beautiful tea towels they couldn't bear to use when I posted the Tea Towel Tote how-to, so I thought you might also be interested in my super easy tea towel apron. This is even easier than the tote, and takes about 15 minutes.", "Perry Woven Herringbone Tea Towels The Perry Woven Herringbone Tea Towels will be a wonderful addition to your kitchen interior. In-Habit Terry Tea Towels A kitchen necessity, this In-Habit Terry Tea Towels will come in handy when you are cooking up a storm in the kitchen.", "Materials you will need: 1 7 tea towels from the Aunt Martha’s collection (I used the vintage multi-striped towels) 2 One Days of the Week Tea Towel pattern set. 3 Embroidery hoop (I used a 7-inch hoop) 6-strand embroidery floss in various 1 colors. Embroidery needles and scissors. Iron and ironing 1 board. 2 Pins. Scissors.", "Inhabit Paris Stamp Tea Towels Enjoy your dining worry free and in style with this marvellous Inhabit Paris Stamp Tea Towels brought to you by Spotlight! Remarkable design and absorbency, it will surely enhance your dining experience, giving you the comfort and style it offers. Have yours today! Reg: $14.99.", "Then, totally by accident, I found some all-cotton, thin, wrinkley, really big kitchen towels that are exactly like the ones my grandmother had--the ones we covered our rising dough with when she was teaching me how to make 'homemade light bread' in York, South Carolina, many years ago. Needless to say, I fell in love. Cotton tea towels are so much more efficient for covering rising dough--they don't stick to the dough and they're much easier to put on and take off that that blasted plastic that always gets wrinkled or sticks to itself. Not to mention that they are much more earth-friendly.", "http://missouriquiltco.com-Part 1 of 2. Jenny shows how to make a cute apron using tea towels. To access the free pattern and a great selection of tea towel, follow the links below: Free Tea Towel Apron Pattern:http://quiltingtutorials.com/wp-conte... Click below to see our wide selection of beautiful tea towels: http://www.missouriquiltco.com/shop/b...ttp://missouriquiltco.com-Part 1 of 2. Jenny shows how to make a cute apron using tea towels. To access the free pattern and a great selection of tea towel, follow the links below: Free Tea Towel Apron Pattern:", "http://missouriquiltco.com-Part 2 of 2. Jenny shows how to make a cute apron using tea towels. To access the free pattern and a great selection of tea towel, follow the links below: Free Tea Towel Apron Pattern:http://quiltingtutorials.com/wp-conte... Click below to see our wide selection of beautiful tea towels: http://www.missouriquiltco.com/shop/b...ttp://missouriquiltco.com-Part 2 of 2. Jenny shows how to make a cute apron using tea towels. To access the free pattern and a great selection of tea towel, follow the links below: Free Tea Towel Apron Pattern:", "2.5-3 yds ribbon*. In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm using these super cute Valentine towels I found on clearance last year. First, fold your tea towel in half lengthwise, right sides together. If you have a border that you want to be along the bottom of your apron, make sure it's where my red border is.Find the center of your ribbon and align it with the center of the towel's folded edge.imple Tea Towel Apron. So many people mentioned having beautiful tea towels they couldn't bear to use when I posted the Tea Towel Tote how-to, so I thought you might also be interested in my super easy tea towel apron. This is even easier than the tote, and takes about 15 minutes.", "1 standard tea towel size. 2 cotton tea towels bulk standard tea... 3 100% cotton striped Kitchen Towels 4 ... custom dish towels/standard tea tow... 5 Durable Cotton Knitted Printed stan... 6 100% cotton standard tea towel size. 7 100% cotton waffle weave standard t...", "After receiving a gorgeous hand printed tea towel years ago, I started collecting them. There are so many pretty options out there, and know what I’ve discovered? That they’re too nice to keep stored away in a drawer. So think beyond “drying dishes” with these suggestions!", "Related Products. 1 standard tea towel size. 2 cotton tea towels bulk standard tea... 3 100% cotton striped Kitchen Towels 4 ... custom dish towels/standard tea tow... 5 Durable Cotton Knitted Printed stan... 6 100% cotton standard tea towel size. 7 100% cotton waffle weave standard t...", "Turkish towels are a product unique to Turkey that are used today in a wide range of settings including at the beach, during yoga and gym classes, or as a travel companion.here are similar towels in different regions of the world that are called by different names. In Asia they are called a sarong, a kikoy or kanga in East Africa, shukas towel in Africa, and fouta is the term generally used in the Mediterranean region.", "teabag (plural teabags) A cloth or paper sachet containing tea leaves or herbal tea, designed to act as an infuser when submerged in hot water. 1980, Walter Stovall, The Minus Pool, page 10: He put a spoon and teabag on the saucer and placed it before Mr. McManus. teabagger.", "Maybe, you are still asking yourself What is a Fouta ????? Originally used as a towel in the ancient Hammam spa or Turkish bath, a Fouta towel also known as turkish towel can be used as a bath towel, beach towel, a wrap, a throw, a runner on a table, a tablecloth, a picnic blanket, a scarf and so much more. Our generously sized Fashion Fouta towels are all handwoven using 100% natural cotton.", "I couldn’t find them anywhere. I was ready to give up and then the thought struck me – why not just make your own ding dang tea towels. So I did. And guess what… you can, too. These DIY tea towels are so easy, and honestly at about $2 a towel you really can’t beat the price. If you’ve been scared to touch a sewing machine, this is the beginner project you’ve been waiting for. Seriously. It’s a little ironing and four straight lines – it’s so easy that anyone can do it!", "Hi, I’m Jenny, from the Missouri Star Quilt Company, and we have a fun project for you to make, out of a Tea Towel. We have this little Tea Towel here, and we are going to turn it into this darling apron right here. So, lets go over to the cutting table, and I’ll show you how to do this.i, I’m Jenny, from the Missouri Star Quilt Company, and we have a fun project for you to make, out of a Tea Towel. We have this little Tea Towel here, and we are going to turn it into this darling apron right here. So, lets go over to the cutting table, and I’ll show you how to do this.", "Other benefits of linden tea. 1 Steam baths not only may help to clear the respiratory passageways but also benefit your skin by opening pores, clearing it of dirt and pollution. This may prove helpful when you have dry skin or bad sunburn. 2 It can also be used as a tonic for you to freshen up.", "A towel is a piece of absorbent fabric or paper used for drying or wiping a body or a surface. It draws moisture through direct contact, often using a blotting or a rubbing motion.", "Summer Want: Turkish Bath Towels. Bamboo Turkish Towel. Turkish bath towels, known as pestemals, are the traditional flat-woven towels used in the Turkish baths (hammams). Traditionally hand-woven on looms in Turkey, they are highly absorbent and fast drying.I love them because they are soft and roll up nicely, making them perfect for the park or the beach.urkish bath towels, known as pestemals, are the traditional flat-woven towels used in the Turkish baths (hammams).", "A towel is a piece of absorbent fabric or paper used for drying or wiping the body or a surface. It draws moisture through direct contact, often using a blotting or a rubbing motion." ]
ufo clouds meaning
UFO Clouds. It has been widely indicated that UFOs have been able to disguise themselves by making themselves appear as clouds. For instance, when one sees a single cloud in the sky where there are no others, one can assume it is more than likely a UFO. Troutdale, Oregon.
[ "Best Answer: UFO is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object. Any airborne vehicle or phenomenon that cannot be accounted for by qualified, experienced ...", "UFOs or otherwise known as unidentified flying objects. Most of the flying objects that occur on earth are generally from our earth and heavily monitored with technology. UFOs are generally classified as anomalies that are completely unidentified and in identifiable. The most general definition of the UFO is something that’s apparent in the sky that is not identifiable as any known object or natural phenomena.", "The Oxford English Dictionary defines a UFO as An unidentified flying object; a 'flying saucer'.. The first published book to use the word was authored by Donald E. Keyhoe.", "The Oxford English Dictionary defines a UFO as An unidentified flying object; a 'flying saucer'.. The first published book to use the word was authored by Donald E. Keyhoe. The acronym UFO was coined by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, who headed Project Blue Book, then the USAF's official investigation of UFOs.", "Best Answer: UFO is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object. Any airborne vehicle or phenomenon that cannot be accounted for by qualified, experienced investigators using modern, accepted equipment and methods is classified as a UFO. Although UFO's are often attributed to extraterrestrial life or technology, no conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial origin has ever been made public.", "While technically a UFO refers to any unidentified flying object, in modern popular culture the term UFO has generally become synonymous with alien spacecraft; however, the term ETV (ExtraTerrestrial Vehicle) is sometimes used to separate this explanation of UFOs from totally earthbound explanations.", "Photograph of an alleged UFO in New Jersey, taken on July 31, 1952. An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most general definition, is any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon.", "UFO = unidentified flying object. But UAP = unidentified aerial phenomenon might be a better name. But a lot of people seem to mean by it extraterrestrial spacecraft or something similarly exotic. Identification studies of UFOs -- what people are seeing when they see UFO's: a great variety of things.", "No More UFOs. 1 A suggestion: try to stop using the term UFO. 2 UFO originally meant Unconventional flying object, not unidentified flying object. 3 The term flying saucer has been used in hundreds of government and military intelligence documents precisely because they are known to be flying, piloted craft.", "Reports generally describe this class of UFOs as large, silent, black triangular objects hovering or slowly cruising at low altitudes over cities and highways. Sightings usually take place at night. These objects are often described as having pulsing colored lights that appear at each corner of the triangle.", "An interesting case of a cloud UFO is related by Jacques and Janine Vallee in their book, Challenge To Science, (Henry Regnery Co. 1966). On April 11, 1964 (just 13 days before the famous Socorro, New Mexico landing), a New York State physiotherapist and his family were having a picnic supper.", "Altocumulus clouds occur at about the same altitude as altostratus clouds. They may bring rain if they form higher in the sky. One type, the lenticular cloud, is often mistaken for a flying saucer or UFO due to its UFO-like shape. Low Altitude Clouds. The low cloud types occur at heights of around 2,000 meters or 6,500 feet. Stratus Clouds", "UFOs are unidentified flying objects, but no one really knows what they are. Many researchers (called ufologists) have theories about what UFOs might be, but because no one can examine a UFO in a scientific laboratory, all of these ideas are really only educated guesses. We can offer a definition of UFOs, however, that you may find useful when you study the subject:", "UFOs come in all shapes and sizes. Some are only small spots of light that move in strange patterns across the night sky. These are called nocturnal lights (NLs) and are the most commonly reported type of UFO.", "Stories of fantastical celestial apparitions have been told since antiquity, but the term UFO (or UFOB) was officially created in 1953 by the United States Air Force (USAF) to serve as a catch-all for all such reports.", "A mushroom cloud is the ominous formation often seen in the sky following a nuclear explosion or volcanic eruption. This type of cloud derives its name from its resemblance to an actual mushroom, complete with a bulbous top and a centralized stem.", "Definition of cloud. 1 1 : a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere of a planet (as the earth) or moon.", "The noun MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD has 1 sense: 1. a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb). Familiarity information: MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD used as a noun is very rare.", "The noun MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD has 1 sense: 1. a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb). Familiarity information: MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details.", "• MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD (noun). The noun MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD has 1 sense: 1. a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb).", "1. a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb). Familiarity information: MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD used as a noun is very rare.", "1. a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb). Familiarity information: MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details.", "The acronym stands for Unidentified Flying Object. By definition, if you happen to see something in the sky and you don't know what it is, you are entitled to describe it an a… UFO. This could include secret military planes or UAV's (unmanned aerial vehicles) or could even be flying craft of unknown origin.", "Definition of cloud for English Language Learners. : 1 a white or gray mass in the sky that is made of many very small drops of water. : 2 a large amount of smoke, dust, etc., that hangs in the air. : 3 a large group of things (such as insects) that move together through the air.", "Sometimes they might take the shape of a dragon, a turtle or some other creature. 1 Cumulonimbus clouds are large, flat clouds that spread across the sky. 2 Contrails are the white streaks left behind by airplanes. 3 Green clouds often mean a tornado is coming.", "Flying Saucers and UFOs are Alien Spacecraft. Many of them are huge beyond belief. They have been seen by millions of people around the world.", "cir·ro·strat·us. A thin, hazy cloud formation made up of ice crystals, often covering the sky in sheets and producing a halo effect around the sun. Cirrostratus clouds form at upper levels of the atmosphere.", "1. 1 a cloud of a class indicative of thunderstorm conditions, characterized by large, dense towers that often reach altitudes of 30,000 feet (9000 meters) or more, cumuliform except for their tops, which appear fibrous because of the presence of ice crystals: occurs as a single cloud or as a group with merged bases and separate tops.", "mushroom cloud. noun. Tweet. : a large cloud that forms after an explosion; especially: a cloud that is caused by the explosion of a nuclear weapon.", "• MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD (noun) The noun MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD has 1 sense: 1. a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb) Familiarity information: MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details. • MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD (noun)", "Clouds - Meaning of Dream. Clouds are inaccessible phenomenon for a person and symbolize the higher power. Previously it was thought that the clouds, likewise smoke and dust are left after divine carts passing through the sky. This association remains valid today. You can try to figure out what the clouds mean. Dreams of clouds can have two main interpretations that depend on other circumstances in the dream.", "UFOcoin is the type of cryptocurrency. The symbol of UFOcoin cryptocurrency is UFO. This cryptocurrency was founded by Bushstar Team in the year 2014. In ...", "Cumulonimbus clouds are large, flat clouds that spread across the sky. One end of the cloud might be shaped like an anvil. Cumulonimbus clouds mean a storm or thunderstorm is coming. Sometimes they bring hail, snow or tornadoes. Contrails are the white streaks left behind by airplanes.", "Convective clouds may become very tall and are rounded on top. Clouds are also classified by their altitude and their ability to create precipitation. The root word “cirro” (meaning “curl”) describes a high cloud that is usually composed of wispy ice crystals.The Latin word “alto” (“high”) indicates a cloud in the middle of the troposphere that is below the high cirro-type clouds. The prefix or suffix “nimbus” (“rain”) denotes a cloud that is causing precipitation.onvective clouds are as tall, or taller, than they are wide. These clouds look lumpy and piled up, like a cauliflower. Convective cloud types are indicated by the root word “cumulo,” which means “heap” in Latin.", "Definition of “cumulonimbus” - English Dictionary. See all translations. uk ​ /ˌkjuː.mjə.ləʊˈnɪm.bəs/ us ​ /ˌkjuː.mjə.loʊˈnɪm.bəs/ specialized. › a large, tall type of cumulus cloud that is often dark and brings heavy rain or a thunderstorm. (Definition of “cumulonimbus” from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)", "Quite often what happens with UFOs is that they are identified later or explained as a natural phenomenon but until a flying object is identified as being man-made or natural phenomena it keeps its title as a UFO.", "Interstellar cloud. An interstellar cloud is the generic name given to an accumulation of gas, plasma, and dust in our and other galaxies. Put differently, an interstellar cloud is a denser-than-average region of the interstellar medium. Depending on the density, size, and temperature of a given cloud, the hydrogen in it can be neutral (H I regions), ionized (H II regions) (i.e. a plasma), or molecular (molecular clouds).", "There are three types of lenticular clouds: altocumulus standing lenticular (ACSL), stratocumulus standing lenticular (SCSL), and cirrocumulus standing lenticular (CCSL). Because of their shape, they have been offered as an explanation for some unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings.", "Belief in UFOs is a global phenomenon, with millions of people subscribed to ideas of unidentified flying objects, aliens, abductions and government conspiracies about the likes of Roswell and Area 51. A survey from the National Geographic Society in 2012 showed 36% of Americans (around 80 million people) believe UFOs exist. A further 47% said they were undecided, while just 17% gave a firm no.", "Possible explanations for UFO sightings and alien abductions. UFO reports have varied widely in reliability, as judged by the number of witnesses, whether the witnesses were independent of each other, the observing conditions (e.g., fog, haze, type of illumination), and the direction of sighting.", "1 Venus: Venus is often mistaken for a UFO because it is large and silver. 2 Mars: look for a reddish planet in the night sky for Mars. 3 Jupiter: Jupiter glows white throughout the night. 4 It is the second brightest point of light in the night sky.", "adj. cloud•i•er, cloud•i•est. 1. covered with clouds: a cloudy sky. 2. having little or no sunshine: a cloudy day. 3. of or like a cloud." ]
how fast can a man swim in miles per hour
Maximum Speed. The maximum swimming speed for humans is approximately 2 meters per second, or approximately 4.5 miles per hour, Dutch researchers Huub Toussaint and Martin Truijens reported in the journal Animal Biology in 2005 — only 16 percent of the maximum land speeds of elite human sprinters.
[ "The french swimmer Frédérick Bousquet set world record in the 50 m freestyle with a time of 20.94 seconds . Over the course of the race, he swam at an average speed of 5.342 mph (8.6 km/hr) and is the fastest recorded speed of a human swimming. To put into perspective the Sailfish can swim at 68mph (110km/hr) on distances much greater than 50 m. Views · View Upvotes.", "The french swimmer Frédérick Bousquet set world record in the 50 m freestyle with a time of 20.94 seconds . Over the course of the race, he swam at an average speed of 5.342 mph (8.6 km/hr) and is the fastest recorded speed of a human swimming. To put into perspective the Sailfish can swim at 68mph (110km/hr) on distances much greater than 50 m. Written May 5, 2015 • View Upvotes.", "Nice improvement! But, if you expect to swim 2.4 miles in an hour, your 3 mile time should be around 1:15. At 2 hours for 3 miles, you can expect your 2.4 to be around 1:36 (simple math) Proud member of FISHTWITCH: doing a bit more than fish exercise now.", "… The highest speed reached by a swimmer is 5.05 mph by David Holmes Edgar (US). Mark Spitz (US) in setting the 100 meter record of 51.22 secs. in 1972, required an average of 4.367 mph.. In finding the fastest human swimming speed, the actual speeds were rarely stated in any sources.", "Let's look at it as the average speed of a swimmer that swims for exercise or competition. In High School I averaged 3 mph with various strokes through a 1 hour session. Just free style in my prime a one mile swim took 15 minutes, 4 mph. In my 50's it takes 20 minutes or 3 mph - I have slowed down considerably.", "The average man can probably run about six miles an hour. There are some that could run a lot faster than this but others could only run 3-4 miles in an hour so that's how it … would average out Taking into account the average, lazy man of todays world i'd say no more than a mile.", "These values confirm that swimming is one of the best all around exercises available, due to the large number of muscle groups heavily involved. Running at 8:00 per mile will generally use 11-20 kcals per minute, while a speed of 6:00 per mile (fast!) will use 14-25 kcals per minute.", "Some sharks are fast and some sharks are slow, but the great majority cruise at very low speeds. While great whites, blues, and makos are capable of a great speed burst, most sharks swim at around 1.5 miles per hour when they're not actively chasing prey or attempting to escape from a dangerous situation. This speed falls about in line with the average human swim speed, which is between 1 and 2 miles per hour.", "These values confirm that swimming is one of the best all around exercises available, due to the large number of muscle groups heavily involved. Running: Running at 8:00 per mile will generally use 11-20 kcals per minute, while a speed of 6:00 per mile (fast!) will use 14-25 kcals per minute.", "World speed records have fallen like dominoes at these Olympic Games (in swimming too, you may have heard), and experts think humans can get faster still. Half a century or ago or so, we didn't believe a human could run a 4-min. mile — until Roger Bannister proved us wrong in 1954 when he ran it in 3 mins. 59.4 secs.", "(1975) 1.95 m/s. In finding the fastest human swimming speed, the actual speeds were rarely stated in any sources. The record times for all the different styles (freestyle, breaststroke, etc.) and race lengths were easy to find so the speed for each of these had to be calculated to find the highest speed.", "2.29 m/s. (1990) In finding the fastest human swimming speed, the actual speeds were rarely stated in any sources. The record times for all the different styles (freestyle, breaststroke, etc.) and race lengths were easy to find so the speed for each of these had to be calculated to find the highest speed.", "Atlantic cod have been recorded to swim at speeds of a minimum of 2–5 cm/s and a maximum of 21–54 cm/s with a mean swimming speed of 9–17 cm/s. In one hour, cod have been recorded to cover a mean range of 99 to 226 square meters.", "1.95 m/s. (1972) In finding the fastest human swimming speed, the actual speeds were rarely stated in any sources. The record times for all the different styles (freestyle, breaststroke, etc.) and race lengths were easy to find so the speed for each of these had to be calculated to find the highest speed.", "Current consensus among shark scientists is that the top swimming speed of the Great White is at least 25 miles (40 kilometres) per hour. My own rough, back-of-the-envelope-type calculations - using several methods - suggest that the White Shark may achieve burst speeds of 35 miles (56 kilometres) per hour or more.", "Rip currents typically flow at 0.5 metres per second (1–2 feet per second), but they can be as fast as 2.5 metres per second (8 feet per second), which is faster than any human can swim.he pull of the current also fades out completely at the head of the rip, outside the zone of the breaking waves, so there is a definite limit to how far the swimmer will be taken out to sea by the flow of a rip current.", "The average speed a human runs depends on gender. The average man jogs at a speed of 8.3 miles per hour, which is the same as covering 100 meters in 27 seconds. The average woman jogs at 6.5 miles per hour, or 100 meters in 34 seconds. Keep Learning.", "How fast can fish swim? I seriously question the speeds often given for any fish, especially when Wikipedia and some reputable some encyclopedias claim that sailfish are supposed to be the fastest fish and can hit 60 miles per hour. I once went to several references and online sites looking for Orca speeds. I found a range of speeds from 25 to 35 miles per hour (from here on shortened to mph) on the publications and web sites. None were anywhere near as fast as some the speeds some fish can supposedly attain. Since Orcas can run down, catch, and eat, blue fin tuna, I question all the old, unsubstantiated fish speeds.", "In the water, fish take the lead. Sailfish are the fastest in the water, at 70 miles per hour (113 km per hour) — the same speed in the water as cheetahs attain on land. Mako sharks can reach 60 miles per hour (97 km per hour), and marlins, 50 miles per hour (80 km per hour). The fastest mammal in the water is the killer whale, which can swim at up to 48 miles per hour (77 km per hour). Neither insects, reptiles, mammals, or terrestrial bird speeds come anywhere close to birds in flight. Birds are not only the fastest animals in the air: they are the fastest on Earth.", "If the same person swims one mile at 60 yards per minute, they will burn a little more than 433 calories. While the person swimming faster burns slightly less calories, they only had to exercise for 30 minutes rather than for 88 minutes.", "They can maintain a slow swim more or less indefinitely, much as almost any fit person can walk as long as necessary. That walking pace for a good swimmer is going to be on the order of 2 miles per hour, slowing down as they get tired. (An Olympic swimmer can go twice that fast for long periods.)", "The average speed a human runs depends on gender. The average man jogs at a speed of 8.3 miles per hour, which is the same as covering 100 meters in 27 seconds. The average woman jogs at 6.5 miles per hour, or 100 meters in 34 seconds. Continue Reading.", "this Council, an average man can run 15 mph for short distances. How Fast Can You Run a Mile? The world record in the mile run is held by Hicham El Guerrouj is the current men's record holder with a time of 3:43.13. Elite runners can complete a mile in under five minutes. An average man can run a mile in around seven to nine minutes. To", "Swimming a mile depends on how fast you are. One of my favorite swimmers, Katie Ledecky, has a record 15:13.30 on 1500 metres long course (closest to one mile event) freestyle at the age of 17. For other regular competitive swimmers, many of them swim the mile in 20 - 30 minutes.", "when he warms up for an Olympic swim he does a set of 100m. freestyles on 1 minute. That is a moderate speed for him. His World records for his 100's are as follows: 100m. butterfly 50.58 100m. freestyle 47.51 100 backstroke 45.50 100 breaststroke. 13 people found this useful.", "Quick Answer. The average speed a human runs depends on gender. The average man jogs at a speed of 8.3 miles per hour, which is the same as covering 100 meters in 27 seconds. The average woman jogs at 6.5 miles per hour, or 100 meters in 34 seconds.", "The average turtle swims at a pace of 10 to 12 mph (4 to 5 m/s) and walks at 3 to 4 mph (1 to 2 m/s). Newborn hatchling turtles swim about 25 miles (40 km) in 30 hours on average. Female turtles usually swim at a faster pace than that of their babies or the male turtle in order to protect their young from predators.he fastest speed claimed and proven by any reptile is 22 mph by a frightened pacific leatherback.. 9.8 m/s. (turtle, swimming). In a speed test carried out in the Seychelles a male giant tortoise could only cover 15 feet in 43.5 sec (0.23 mph) despite the enticement of a female..", "The average turtle swims at a pace of 10 to 12 mph (4 to 5 m/s) and walks at 3 to 4 mph (1 to 2 m/s). Newborn hatchling turtles swim about 25 miles (40 km) in 30 hours on average. Female turtles usually swim at a faster pace than that of their babies or the male turtle in order to protect their young from predators.", "Men at the gym typically have their treadmill set to about 7 miles per hour, or 8:30 minutes per mile. They can probably run faster if they try, maybe 8.5 miles per hour if they pushed it. Very few gymrats can run 9 miles per hour, 10 miles per hour is much harder. The gymrats are usually in better shape than average couch potato: the average man probably can't run a mile at all, or possibly an 11-12 minute mile. Olympic runners can do < 4:00 minute miles. Champion marathon runners do 4:45 minute miles.", "Quick Answer. Because of its highly streamlined shape and powerful swimming muscles, a great white shark can swim up to 35 miles per hour in short bursts. In addition to its ability to swim in short bursts, a great white can also move at a steady cruising speed. Scientists recorded one great white that swam a total of 12,400 miles in nine months, an average of 45 miles each day.", "Minimum 10 kilometers per hour for an average adult. This is applicable ONLY for those who are fit. Answer The fastest a man has run in track and field competition is when Michael Johnson ran the 200 meters in 19.32 seconds. That breaks down to an average speed of 23.157 MPH or 36.268 kmH.", "It corresponds if it is a full marathon to running for min or km. It will be possible to swim in this distance in about minutes. if it is m men's swimming race free style world record holder. It will be possible to run in this distance in about minutes. if it is m men's world record holder.", "How many miles can a man walk in a day? A: At an average walking speed of 3 mph, an able-bodied man or woman can cover 72 miles in 24 hours of uninterrupted walking. The distance actually covered would likely be somewhat less than that, as few humans are able to walk at full speed for an entire day.", "As of 20 August 2008, Usain Bolt is the the world's fastest man with a 200 meter sprint of 19.30 seconds, giving an average speed of 10.36 meters per second. There are 1609.344 meters in a mile, so 10.36 m/s / 1609.344 m/mi = 0.0064374 miles/second. There are 3600 seconds in an hour, so 0.0064374 mi/s * 3600 s/hr = 23.175 miles/hour. Usain Bolt clocked an *average* speed of 23.175 mph during his world record run, however he may have achieved speeds of 23-27 mph in the early part of the sprint.", "Quick Answer. According to the National Council on Strength and Fitness, the average human can run at the speed of 15 miles per hour for short periods of time. This speed varies greatly depending on factors such as age, weight, culture, wind and even height of the individual.", "A: According to the National Council on Strength and Fitness, the average human can run at the speed of 15 miles per hour for short periods of time. This speed varies greatly depending on factors such as age, weight, culture, wind and even height of the individual." ]
how to do melty beads
1 After that, remove your beads, allow time for the beads, pan, and cookie cutters to cool. 2 Once cool, you can pop your Perler beads free of your cookie cutters. The beads will be melted in the shape of your cookie cutter. There should be space for you to thread a small string through the gaps in your fused Perler beads.
[ "3. String the Beads. Unless your beads are large enough to string without a needle, thread a collapsible-eye needle onto the other end of the stretch cord and fold over a two-inch tail. (This step is optional if you're using beads with very large holes; in that case, you can often string them directly onto the cord.).. String the Beads. Unless your beads are large enough to string without a needle, thread a collapsible-eye needle onto the other end of the stretch cord and fold over a two-inch tail. (This step is optional if you're using beads with very large holes; in that case, you can often string them directly onto the cord.).", "Now it’s time to melt the pony beads in the oven! We found that 10-15 minutes was plenty of time to melt them enough to stay together and at the same time keep the raise up look of a pony bead.", "^ You can place them in a plastic or glass bowl while you work on your centerpiece. ^ You can pour off the excess water-or add extra water to make the beads float. ^ Place the beads into your glass vase or bowl and insert your plant, fresh flowers or artificial flowers. You can place them in a plastic or glass bowl while you work on your centerpiece. ^ You can pour off the excess water-or add extra water to make the beads float. ^ Place the beads into your glass vase or bowl and insert your plant, fresh flowers or artificial flowers.", "Don’t worry… the melted pony beads will pop right out of the bottle caps once they are cooled! Important: *Make sure these are craft bottle caps without liners. Don’t attempt to use recycled bottle caps as the liners will melt onto the pony beads.", "Put the beads onto the elastic. You do not need a needle for this; most elastic is stiff enough that you can put the bead directly onto the string. Hold the elastic close to the end, and slip the beads on.1 Try to put the bead with the largest hole on first. 2 Once you finish the bracelet, you can hide the knot by sliding it under that bead.ry to slide the knot under one of the adjacent beads. This will determine how you finish off the bracelet. Be sure to have a bottle of super glue ready. 1 If you can slide the knot under one of the beads, trim off the extra string and put a drop of glue over the knot.", "I melted cheap craft beads completely for this amazing stained glass effect...25-30 minutes at 350 but they were taking forever to melt all the way so I cranked up the over to like 425 and they were done in about 5 minutes more.", "Take an oven safe glass bowl and pour Perler beads into it. Arrange your beads so a thin layer is formed that climbs up the sides of the bowl. Preheat your oven to 350°, and when it is ready, insert your bowl into the oven. After 15 minutes, remove the bowl from the oven.", "1 Start adding on the beads: one colored glass seed bead at the center, then on each wire end, add one tube bead and one colored glass seed bead. 2 Add one clear glass bead on each. 3 Add one colored glass seed bead to the end, so that both ends of the wire are crossed through the bead. Add one clear glass bead on each. 2 Add one colored glass seed bead to the end, so that both ends of the wire are crossed through the bead. 3 Add another clear glass bead on each end. 4 After tightening the wire, you will see a “bloom” pattern.", "Back to making the beads… Once your dough is prepared, use your hands to roll the dough into desired shapes. For the tube shaped beads, take a small piece of dough and using a rolling pin, roll it out onto a piece of parchment paper. Next, carefully roll the flattened piece of dough around a wooden skewer. For the round beads, simply roll a piece of dough into a ball and poke a wooden skewer through the center.", "When you have completed the design of the beads, close the bracelet by bringing the two ends together. Position cord. Hold the beads down. Place one end of the cord over the other. Maneuver the top end around to the back side of the other end. Bring the top cord around to the front by passing it under the other end. Pull tight to form the base of the knot. Repeat Step 3. When tightening the second knot, position a bead over it in an effort to hide the closure.", "2. Using the wire cutters, cut about 26 inches (66 cm) of beading wire. To keep the beads from falling off the other end of the wire, tie a loose knot near the end of the wire. Starting with the three 6mm beads, string the beads one by one onto the other end of the flexible beading wire, ending with three 6mm beads.", "2. Use a paper towel to lightly oil the inside of your oven proof bowl. 3. Place your oven proof bowl on a baking dish. (This will make it easier to carry to the oven.) 4. Pour one handful of beads into your bowl. Carefully push the beads so they line up against the edge of the bowl. Then, pour in another handful of beads and push them against the sides of the bowl. Keep repeating this procedure till your beads line the inside of your oiled bowl.", "^ You can place them in a plastic or glass bowl while you work on your centerpiece. ^ You can pour off the excess water - or add extra water to make the beads float. ^ Place the beads into your glass vase or bowl and insert your plant, fresh flowers or artificial flowers.", "Arrange the beads the way you would like them, placing the bead you would like at the bottom on first and so on. 3. With your pliers, bend the excess head pin over 90 degrees on both earrings. 4. With the steel cutting pliers, cut off the pin until it is only 1 centimeter (0.4 in) long.", "After stringing your beads, tie an overhand knot on each side of the beads. It should be tight but not bunchy. Then lay the ends of the cord side-by-side. This example uses string and blue yarn to provide some contrast. For the sake of the illustration, no beads have been placed on the string.", "Method 2 of 4: Making a Stretchy Bracelet. 1. Gather your supplies. Stretchy bracelets are the easiest to make, and require the fewest tools. You can make a simple, child-friendly one using elastic cord and plastic pony beads.ry to slide the knot under one of the adjacent beads. This will determine how you finish off the bracelet. Be sure to have a bottle of super glue ready. 1 If you can slide the knot under one of the beads, trim off the extra string and put a drop of glue over the knot.", "Melted bead suncatchers - Melted bead sun catchers: melt thin layer of plastic beads in a cake pan @ 400 degrees for about 20 min.", "Start braiding the strands. After about an inch or so, braid in the beads. Thread a bead onto the outer left strand. Push the bead against the base of the braid, and cross the left strand over the middle. Now thread another bead onto the outer right strand.", "A – Add a package of the dry beads to a 1 quart bottle of water. Let it stand for about four hours (overnight is great). The beads will swell up and increase their weight by approximately 50 times. Next, use a sieve to strain off any surplus water. Now you have a large bowl or vase of sparkling water beads.", "Tie a knot at one end of the wire. This knot will keep the beads from falling off the necklace. If the beads have bigger holes, you can even tie the knot twice. Make sure to leave at least 2-3 inches (5-7.6 cm) on the other end of the knot so you can use this length to tie the necklace together later.ou should choose the pattern of beads you'd like to use for your necklace before you start stringing them onto the wire. If you create your pattern as you string the beads, you may find that you've changed your mind in the middle of the project. If you're using just one type of bead, then this part is easy.", "Lay the beads down so all the beads are against the fabric. Take the needle and push the beads back so they start where the thread comes up ... Step 6: Second Set of Beads. Thread the needle back through the fabric so it comes out right behind the last bead in the previous set of beads sewn to the fabric.", "Directions: 1 Choose 4 different colors of Perler beads. 2 Heat up your iron. 3 Cut 2 long pieces of string. Fold the string in half and tie a knot in both strings as close to the beads as 1 possible. Tie both loose ends of the string together to make the necklace.", "• Keep loose beads away from water spraying area - if they get wet wait until dry and move them. If you want the design to dry quicker: • Place near open window or fan or heater to speed up drying time. • Spray your design approx 5cm away from beads - do not spray closer as it will take the beads longer to dry.", "Well, I will show you how to make fused glass beads using a microwave kiln.This is a relitively safe craft however it is not for kids! We will melt glass using a Fuseworks Kiln (about $100) in a standard home microwave. It's gonna be fun! More on my blog: http://thefrugalcrafter.wordpress.com.ell, I will show you how to make fused glass beads using a microwave kiln.", "3. Cut each strand of beads so that they are no longer in a circle. 4. Feed one strand of beads in between the frame and twist the end of the strand around the necklace to lock it in place. 5. Wrap the entire wreath frame with a single layer of beads.", "Step #4: Weld beads and tack the clamp. 1 As with the sample beads, start on the left and drag across to the right. 2 With a 3/8” stick-out, touch the wire joint between the angle and flat bar, pull the trigger, and keep at a 45° angle. 3 Like laying a bead of caulk, just fill the joint with metal!", "These melted pony bead flowers make great embellishments for many crafts. Melt 4) pony beads and add a mini button to the center or melt 6 beads (both designs are shown below). The creations are endless! Once melted, you can add these pony bead flowers to Clothespin Magnets, make into Necklaces, & More!", "After braiding one inch, begin to braid in the beads. Thread a bead onto the outer left strand. Push the bead against the base of the braid, and cross the left strand over the middle. Thread another bead onto the outer right strand. Push it to the base of the braid and cross over.", "Measure about 5 to 6 inches up from the short closed end and sew across the tube. This will leave extra fabric to tie the neck tube around your neck. Take about 3 tablespoons of polymer gel beads. Pour them into your tube. Measure about 6 inches up from the open end and pin across the tube, so the bead won’t fall out.", "How to Bead Fabric. 1 Intro: How to Bead Fabric. 2 Step 1: Thread Needle. 3 Step 2: Begin Beading. Step 3: Stringing the 1 Beads. Step 4: Stringing the Beads 2. Step 5: Attaching the 1 Beads. Step 6: Second Set of 2 Beads. Step 7: Repeat..." ]
what is diffusion in body
Diffusion (noun). the act of diffusing, or the state of being diffused; a spreading; extension; dissemination; circulation; dispersion. Diffusion (noun). the act of passing by osmosis through animal membranes, as in the distribution of poisons, gases, etc., through the body.
[ "Diffusion is the movement of something from an area of high concentration to a lower concentration. Imagine a long rectangular box with a wall in the middle separating the two sides. Crammed in one side is a huge swarm of bumble bees all travelling in random directions; the other side is empty.iffusion is the movement of something from an area of high concentration to a lower concentration. Imagine a long rectangular box with a wall in the middle separating the two sides. Crammed in one side is a huge swarm of bumble bees all travelling in random directions; the other side is empty.", "Diffusion occurs between the alveoli (tissues of the respiratory system) and the capillaries (tissues of the circulatory system) Food enters your body through the mouth and then passes to the stomach and intestines.It is broken down along the way into usable, soluble particles that can be used by different cells.IFE SCIENCE The Circulatory system transports food and gases throughout our body. only one layer thickThe blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart and transport it to all part of the body are called arteries. The blood is returned to the heart from all parts of the body by the veins.", "diffusion (di·fyōōˑ·zhn), 1 n the tendency of molecules within a gas or liquid to move from an area of higher concentration to one with lower concentration. 2 1. Scattering of light passing through a heterogeneous medium, or being reflected irregularly by a surface, such as a sandblasted opal glass surface.", "Diffusion Across a Cell Membrane Diffusion is the movement of a substance across a membrane. Substances diffuse across cell membranes in a process known as passive transport. This means that the cell does not expend any energy in transporting substances across the cell membrane." ]
who is the highest paid fullback in the nfl
The deal made Jones the highest-paid fullback in NFL history. Jones was placed on season-ending injured reserve with an ankle injury on December 10, 2008. He finished the 2008 season with two carries for 13 yards and 13 receptions for 116 yard and a touchdown in 12 games.
[ "The San Francisco 49ers are all in on Jimmy Garoppolo, making the quarterback the highest-paid player in the NFL on Thursday with a five-year, $137.5 million deal, according to NFL Network’s Mike Garafolo.", "One of the NFL's greatest centers, Pittsburgh's Dermontti Dawson had the distinction of being the highest-paid offensive lineman in the storied franchise's history. A key offensive lineman is sometimes the highest-paid player on an NFL team. The seven-time Pro Bowl selection landed a contract that paid him $4.2 million a year, but it wasn't enough.", "49ers make Jimmy Garoppolo the highest-paid player in NFL with 5-year deal New, 23 comments Jimmy Garoppolo’s $27.5 million per year is the highest yearly average in league history.", "Chiefs make Dustin Colquitt NFL's highest paid punter. By JP Starkey on Mar 4, 2013, 4:44p +. Benny Sieu-US PRESSWIRE. Dustin Colquitt is now the highest paid punter in the NFL, after receiving a five-year contract from the Kansas City Chiefs -- with nearly $9 million in guaranteed money.Tweet Share.  Tweet Share on Twitter Share Share on Facebook Pin Pinterest + Comments.ustin Colquitt is now the highest paid punter in the NFL, after receiving a five-year contract from the Kansas City Chiefs -- with nearly $9 million in guaranteed money. Tweet Share.  Tweet Share on Twitter Share Share on Facebook Pin Pinterest + Comments.", "The nose tackle is the only tackle on the defensive line in such a defensive format. Not only is the fullback a dying breed within the NFL community, it is also not a highly paid position. On average, fullbacks are earning less than 1/3 of what NFL quarterbacks are compensated. The only players receiving a lower average compensation than fullbacks are long snappers and punters.", "Steelers make Antonio Brown highest-paid WR with four-year, $68 million extension. The Steelers and Antonio Brown have agreed to a contract extension that will make him the highest-paid receiver in the NFL, ESPN's Adam Schefter reports. On the same day that the Pittsburgh Steelers ensured one of their offensive stars would be kept under wraps, the team also made a deal to give another one top dollar.", "Top salaries are going up all the time in the NFL, but as of 2011, the highest paid players made over $20 million. These players included Peyton Manning at $23 million (according to Richest People for 2011; Spot Trac has him at $18 million for 2012), Eli Manning at $20.5 million, and Donovan McNabb at $25 million. What these three men and other top-earning players have in common is that they are quarterbacks. It is the highest paid position on the field.", "The Miami Dolphins' Ndamukong Suh is the highest paid defensive lineman in the NFL. The Denver Broncos' Von Miller is the league's highest paid linebacker. They both make $19.1 million per season in average annual salary, making them the highest paid non-quarterbacks in the NFL.", "This made him (at the time) the highest paid kicker in NFL history. In February 2010, Janikowski extended his contract with the Raiders for $16 million over the next four years, including $9 million in guaranteed money, making him the highest paid placekicker in NFL history.", "Who is the highest paid QB in the NFL? Carson Palmer, he gets 16.16M/year Peyton Manning, whose salary with incentives is estimated at around $23 million.", "While Stafford now has the league's most valuable contract, several quarterbacks who are looking for contract extensions could eclipse that mark next season. Stafford's extension kicks in next season, so for now, Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco will be the highest paid at the position for the 2017 season. Here are the 32 NFL starting quarterbacks and how much they will receive in 2017 based on their salary cap hit.", "No. 1: Matthew Stafford, $27 million – Weeks before the start of the 2017 campaign, Detroit made Stafford the highest-paid player in NFL history with a five year, $135 million deal. Though he is yet to win a playoff game, Stafford is the Lions' all-time leader in passing yards and touchdowns.", "NFL's highest paid QBs (average salary per year): 1 Colts QB Andrew Luck: $24.6 million. 2 Saints QB Drew Brees: $24.3 million. 3 Ravens QB Joe Flacco: $22.1 million. Packers QB Aaron Rodgers: $22 1 million. Seahawks QB Russell Wilson: $21.9 million. Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger: $21.85 1 million. Cardinals QB Carson Palmer: $21 million.", "8/28 The Lions and Matthew Stafford have agreed to a five-year extension that is expected to make the quarterback the highest-paid player in NFL history, Adam Schefter of ESPN.com reports (on Twitter). Ian. See More at ProFootballRumors.com.", "Last week, the Detroit Lions announced a contract extension for quarterback Matthew Stafford worth $135 million over five years. The contract works out to an annual average salary of around $27 million, making Stafford not only the top earning player this season, but the highest-paid player in NFL history. Stafford's fellow quarterbacks bring in top dollar as well. Oakland Raiders' Derek Carr signed a five-year, $125 million deal over the summer. Using data from Sportrac, CNBC Make It found the 20 highest-paid quarterbacks in the NFL right now, ranked by average annual salary for the 2017-2018 season.", "The highest paid quarterbacks in the NFL for 2014 are : Aaron Rodgers ( $110 million over 5 years ) Colin Kaepernick ( $13 million guaranteed but up to $126 million over 6 years ) Jay Cutler ( $126 million over 7 years , guaranteed $54 million over 3 years ) Tony Romo ( $13.5 million , $108 million over 6 years ) Matt Ryan ( $104 million , ...", "Ronald Martinez/Getty Images. The average salary for quarterbacks entering the 2012 season was $3.84 million, the highest of any position. By average salary, the new highest paid quarterback in the NFL is its Super Bowl MVP, Joe Flacco, who will be pulling in $20.1 million.Drew Brees is in second at $20 million, while the Manning brothers (Peyton at $19.2 million and Eli at $15.2 million) are in third and fourth.evin C. Cox/Getty Images. When it comes to the average salary for offensive linemen, tackles lead the charge, followed by guards and then centers. The average salary for offensive linemen is $1.76 million. The highest paid tackle in the league is Jason Peters of the Eagles, who makes $10.1 million.", "According to NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport, receiver Antonio Brown could get a deal that eclipses the $15 million that (Bengals wide receiver) A.J. Green gets on an annual basis.. It would make Brown the NFL's highest-paid wide receiver. As Rapoport explained, the salary reconstruction that Brown received this offseason, which bumped him from $6.25 million to $10.25 million, was essentially a Band-Aid. It also came with the promise that we'll take care of you once the 2017 offseason rolls around.", "The Steelers reached a four-year, $68 million extension with Antonio Brown that makes the wide receiver the highest-paid at his position, a person familiar with the deal's terms told USA TODAY Sports' Tom Pelissero.", "Here are the 10 highest-paid NFL coaches going into the 2016 season of the NFL: Jason Garrett has a strong connection to the Dallas Cowboys, where he once played quarterback and then served as an offensive coordinator as well as an assistant coach before his promotion to head coach in 2010.", "Drew Brees' new five-year, $100 million contract makes the New Orleans Saints quarterback the highest-paid player in the league. Here's is the current list of the NFL's 25 richest contracts ever signed in terms of yearly salary. 27 Photos Total.", "Drew Brees' new five-year, $100 million contract makes the New Orleans Saints quarterback the highest-paid player in the league. Here's is the current list of the NFL's 25 richest contracts ever signed in terms of yearly salary. 2.", "The deal that Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford signed this week will make him the league's highest paid player. Stafford’s new deal is worth $135 million over five years, $10 million more than the Raiders’ Derek Carr, NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport reports.", "Terrell Owens of Dallas had the highest salary for a receiver, $9.7 million, while LaDainian Tomlinson of San Diego had the highest salary for a running back -- $7.1 million. Linebackers ranked sixth with an average salary of $1,175,788, while cornerbacks ranked fifth with an average salary of $1,193,666. Highest-Paid Positions Defensive tackles ranked fourth with a $1,223,925 average salary in 2007.", "Steelers make Antonio Brown highest-paid WR in NFL, reports say. February 27, 2017 5:47pm EST February 27, 2017 5:42pm EST American Football, News, English, Antonio Brown, NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers The Steelers rewarded their standout wide receiver with a new contract that will make him the highest-paid receiver in the NFL.", "The highest paid NFL star, in terms of sponsorship dollars, is Peyton Manning, who makes an estimated $12 million to $15 million per year.he sheer quantity of teams in need of a QB, though, means Manziel is unlikely to fall outside of the draft's top 10. In a best-case scenario, the total value of his contract could surpass $50 million if his fifth-year option is exercised come 2017.", "Brown received a contract extension that, per ESPN’s Adam Schefter and others, is worth $68 million over four years, making him the NFL’s highest-paid wide receiver.", "Colquitt became the league’s highest-paid punter when he signed his three-year, $11.7 million extension upon arriving to work Monday. The deal included a $3 million signing bonus that, when added to this year’s $1.275 million salary, also makes him the NFL’s highest-compensated punter in 2013.", "Ravens Re-Sign Brandon Williams; Highest Paid NT In NFL. BALTIMORE (WJZ)– The Baltimore Ravens announced they have re-signed nose tackle Brandon Williams. The deal is reportedly worth $54 million with $27.5 million guaranteed, per NFL Media’s Ian Rapoport, making Williams the league’s highest-paid nose tackle.", "The Raiders may not have the greatest record as of late, but they sure have the richest players. Kicker Sebastian Janikowski is the team's newest member of an exclusive club of highest paid players at their position. Janikowski agreed to terms Monday on a four-year deal worth $16 million, with $9 million guaranteed. Yes, that would be the richest contract for an NFL kicker.", "The likes of Ndamukong Suh and J.J. Watt will be among the highest-paid NFL players next year, but the majority of the league’s richest stars play under center. Quarterback is the most important position in the NFL, and teams pay their signal callers accordingly, even if they haven’t been consistent winners.", "(USA TODAY Sports Images) Every quarterback wants to be the highest paid quarterback in the NFL, but every quarterback also knows deep down that Aaron Rodgers is the benchmark for all and is deserving as the highest-paid signal caller in the game.", "Mini Bio (1) Often mentioned as the greatest player in NFL history, this ruggedly handsome African American fullback for the Cleveland Browns first appeared on movie screens in the western Rio Conchos (1964), followed by a strong supporting role as convict commando Jefferson in the terrific WW2 action film The Dirty Dozen (1967).", "Ben Roethlisberger made more money than any NFL player in 2015, and Kirk Cousins has the league's highest base salary for the upcoming season. Neither player, however, is among the 10 highest-paid NFL players of 2016. There is an absence of running backs and defensive backs among the top earners of 2016.", "» Raiders cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha has the highest average defensive salary in the NFL, $28.592 million is guaranteed. Defensive backs become more important every year because of the proliferation of the passing game. In 2008, 32 teams passed 16,350 times and ran 14,207 times. In 2009, they passed 17,033 times and ran 14,088 times (56.5 percent). In 1997 there were no 4,000-yard passers.", "5. Mason Crosby: Mason Crosby ranks on the 5th position of being the highest paid successful kickers in this NFL world of games. He had although been a disaster in the year 2012 but it was he who made a comeback by converting the scores attempts with 33-37. Crosby has only two more years left on his current deal.", "NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport reports, via sources involved in the situation, Russell Wilson is expected to become the NFL's highest-paid quarterback when the Seahawks sign him to a long-term extension in the coming offseason.", "The contract was later terminated when he cleared waivers last week. Tampa Bay Buccaneers defensive end Markus White is currently the NFL's highest-paid player on a practice squad, earning $17,647 per week, or $300,000 over the season.", "Takeaway The easy answer for who is the NFL's highest-paid player is Aaron Rodgers, as his average annual salary of $22 million is tops in the league. That said, he's not the top moneymaker in the league for either the 2014 or 2015 seasons due to his low base salary and lower cap hit.", "Peyton Manning has been selected for the no. 4 position in the list of top 10 highest paid NFL players 2015. In the current season of NFL, his career earning reached to $242.7 million with the $22.5 million of release value.", "Back in 1929, Jack Soapy Shapiro played fullback for the Staten Island Stapletons. He was listed at 5-2, 126 pounds and is believed to have been the shortest player in NFL h … istory. Of course, the way program heights and weights are supersized, he might have been 4-11.", "Bills RB coach Anthony Lynn not worried about LeSean McCoy's age, wants him to get 300 carries. Orchard Park, N.Y. — LeSean McCoy meets the question with a smile and a joke. When the Buffalo Bills traded Kiko Alonso for McCoy and subsequently signed him to a five-year, $40 million contract extension to make him the highest paid running back in the NFL for the 2015 season, McCoy faced the question every running back faces. In July, he'll be 27.", "NFL's highest paid players: Quarterbacks dominate rankings. It's time to look at the NFL's highest paid players, regardless of position. Which NFL players make the most? How much do they make? PHOTOS: Ranking the NFL's highest paid players by average annual salary. The highest paid player in the NFL for 2017, per overthecap.com, a site that tracks NFL player contracts, is now Detroit Lions QB Matthew Stafford. He makes $27 million in average annual salary per year (salary information as of Jan. 25, 2018).", "Saskatchewan’s Chris Getzlaf had been the league’s highest-paid receiver, earning about $225,000, while Toronto’s Chad Owens is paid $205,000, according to sources. Als general manager Jim Popp had claimed his offer to Green, which expired Dec. 31, would have made the player the CFL’s best-paid receiver.", "Ok, that’s not fair, Brees is the highest-paid player in the league this year. Some more perspective: NFL mascots get paid anywhere between $23,000 and $65,000 per year, and that’s not including benefits or yearly bonuses (which can be substantial if the team wins the Super Bowl).", "Aaron Rodgers is the highest-paid player in the NFL. Aaron Rodgers still is a great bargain. The Green Bay Packers know this, and that's why Rodgers' record-setting, $110 million contract wasn't very difficult to get done. The Packers will pay Rodgers $22 million per season because the current salary-cap structure in the NFL just doesn't allow him to be paid much more.", "The Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger is at no. 10 in our list of top 10 highest paid NFL players 2015. Before drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2004, he played football for the Miami." ]
jim simmons net worth
James Simons Net Worth. Born James Harris Jim Simons has an estimated net worth of $12.5 billion as of April 2014 according to Forbes. King of the American hedge fund managers and billionaire founder of the Renaissance Technologies, Dr. James H. Simons is a 71 years old American mathematician.
[ "Jim and Alexis Bellino have a net worth of $500 thousand. ... Anyone that ever watched Alexis Bellino when she was on the RHOC knows that Jim is not always ... 2019 10 Things Alexis Bellino Doesn't Want You to Know2018", "Russell Simmons may be worth an estimated $325 million, but that doesn't mean his two daughters have unlimited spending power. On a recent back-to-school shopping spree at J.Crew in East Hampton, the music and Phat Farm clothing mogul treated his daughters to some new threads. But Ming Lee, 12, and Aoki Lee, 9, were each given a budget ...", "Jim Rome has a total networth of over $65 million and that is largely down to his very popular sports radio show he has been hosting for a long time. He also works for CBS Sports Network with his very own show and in the past his work include with the likes of FoxSports and ESPN.", "About Kimora Lee Simmons. American former fashion model and fashion designer Kimora Lee Simmons has an estimated net worth of $50 million. She was born Kimora Lee Perkins on May 4, 1975 in St. Louis, Missouri. She is a former fashion model, producer and actress." ]