A girl name, She is the most beautiful, sweetest and cutest girl that you may ever meet. Sometimes she forgets about herself and think about others, even if she is in pain at that time. She cares so much about her friends, you're so lucky if you're one of them. She acts like a real person. She got hobbies, interests and wishes... She is so special. She can make you smile when you're in a bad mood. She shares her laugh with you. You can count on her.She will be always there to listen to you. You will forget your loneliness when she is by your side. Even if the whole world hated you, and you think that everything is against your desire. You will forget everything when you hear her voice and see her pretty face. Though she is far away from you, thinking about her makes your heart goes like a crazy. I wish that you all find your "Soulayma" in your lives. She will change the way you think as she did to me, she is my euphoria. That's why she is perfect to me. Thank you for being a part of my life! Yes, you! I know you're reading this because I sent it to you :)
Soulayma is cute btw :)
Punching smoke
How it feels to have sex with a girl that has a loose V.
What was Lucy like in bed? it was like punching smoke man.
to royally fuck something up beyond any hope of recovery
Gregg, what the fuck! You royally bunched that up! We're screwed!
in da butt
The way homo, ball on ball, but loving ass mongers like it... kiddy style... erahhh PENIS! BACKDOOR PENETRATION
Man, senora must really like it in da butt! She was such a douche bag today
A diamantsptizhacke is "diamond pickaxe" in German/dutch(?)
Tubbo:OMG LET'S DIAMANTSPTIZHACKE FUNDY! YESSS!! (He read it like: did-man-hit-sptiz-hack-e)(NOT THE CORRECT WAY TO READ IT)
A name that was once considered distantly related to Hitler. But found in ancient Swedish texts and roughly translated as: Blue Midget.
A lot of people find a Schlueter quite funny to look at.
acronym for calm your ass down
person 1: dude, we're going to miss the bus! person 2: you def need to cyad... there's going to be another in 10 minutes.
a word describing a person who wants to know what polagarent means.
random1- man ur so polagarent random2- dude what dus that mean random1- see, man ur so polagarent
The 150
The original and best set of Pokemon. There were 150 of them and they were all creative and imaginative, unlike the newer generations of Pokemon.
Guy1: Yo I was watching Pokemon with my little cousin, it's so whack now! Guy2: I know man, The 150 were the best!
melody butt
melody with an ass 💦💦 she loves you to come through
"Damn that girl, Melody, she has an ass" "Melody butt."
We all know what you meant to type
11:32 PM *typing away at keyboard and hitting enter* *notices you typed “zvideos” *going back to the search bar to fix the letter*
duped, screwed, but in a funny way by a friend. Similar to a burn.
Like a burn, this is tough to define and is situational. Once you've been Chaoed, you sure know it.
Sea Scrag
As in 'Scrag' - Another word for slut, slurry, whore or a girl that is really easy. This person generally comes the deep depths of the sea.
Shit... Look at that Sea Scrag
salt pounder
I’m not to sure what it means I heard my Canadian coworker say it at somebody who cut him off it traffic now I say it
“Fuck you, you fuckin salt pounder”
resurrection st paul
exceptionally small school that just recently decided to build a huge addition to the school and give all of the first graders lockers. When Sr. Joan and Sr. Mary Dee like to go around and antagonzie all of the boys for getting paper towels wet and throwing on the celing of the bathroom which, legend says has a couch. There, all of the eighth graders think that they are all that and have this retarded "buddy system" with the kindergarteners. A middle school teacher, known as Mrs. Whatley likes to go around and scare everyone by telling them to tape their thumbs to the back of their hands. Mrs. Clar is known for her chicken mummification which is really an excuse to tortue the kids and stink up the entire school. THe sond "this is hell" by elvis costello explain rsps quite nicely.
Sr. Joan- "I would like to know which of you is getting wads of paper towels and throwing it unto the celing."
Potomac brown trout
a reference to the presence of raw sewage in much of the Potomac River.
Washing our dishes in the river on that camp out wasn't a good idea. With all those Potomac brown trout, we could end up getting hepatitis!
Riding a girl bareback.. without protection. If a girl knows this term, its a red-flag: shes a drity whore
Ride me rogdog
I'm in heat
The UNDERTALE sans x sans way of saying "I'm horny"
Fell: Damn.. I'm in heat Sci: What's that? Fell: Oh you'll see~
Something that is cool or an amazing event. Can also mean that girl is very nice looking(gorgeous) and i would like to get wet with her.
Man that party was wet. That girl by starbucks is just too wet.
an older man (40+) who pursues and/or sleeps with younger women. He's usually horny and ugly (like a rino).
Oh my god, check out that rino at the bar trying to pick up Ashleigh!
An informal term; a social circle of friends or squad with similar personalities or interests that always group together. These are usually found in high school or secondary school. The popularity of this term spiked after the release of the student film ‘Squad Goals’ and is often used by the film’s cult following or socially inept teenagers with little to no knowledge of current urban terminology.
“Hey, are we geeks or nerds?” “None. We aren’t part of those klumps. We need to form our own.” “Why don’t we have any friends?” “Because we haven’t attached ourselves to a klump!”
Short for the Kings of Sniping. An organized gaming community with basic rules and a well-developed ranking system. Originally a Halo 2 clan, KoS has expanded their borders and now has branches in many games, mainly Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4. Do not have to be a pro at sniping to become a member. However, KoS does have H3 and COD4 teams strictly for MLG, so if you think you're pro, you can try out for their A or B Team. No age limit to join. KoS gamertags are not required to rank up. Color/Emblem requirement is up to each squad's choice. There are a lot of generals in the clan that sell level 50 accounts. KoS is organized into divisions. Each division is divided into 10 sections, with 10 squads per section. KoS currently has 2 divisions: Division Friendly Thunder (FT) and Division Angels of Death (AoD). Clans Currently Allied with KoS: MLG XILED, New Age Crusaders (NAC), K9Undercarriage (K9U), and Fallen Angels (xFAx)
*Halo 3 Post-Game Lobby* Random Kid: Wow that KoS dude is a f***ing BEAST. Hey can I join KoS?
The clear slippery honey that seeps from a girl's honey pot when she's horny. Not to be confused with the piss that comes out when she squirts, nor with the milky-white pussy slime that coats your cock when you're fucking her.
Her: Wow,look at all this grool in my knickers! I was drowning! Him: Dirty bitch! Makes a change from your usual yellow discharge.
derived from Cunt features, a very ugly or stupid person. It is said to describe but most importantly disguise you from a beating.
Man:Look at that features. Otherman:he has a dirty features face. man:look at that fucking stupid cunt features i hope that features dies a horrible death. otherman: you not wrong there i heard he also beats up old people, what a features.
Tumblr Directioners
Tumblr Directioners have so much swag it hurts.They run Tumblr & overwhelm people by flipping their hair.They blog the best photos of One Direction,you will ever find.They love Hughey,Wayne,Ian,Kyle and Barry & they love carrots & cats.
Person:"Tumblr Directioners have swag"
Baby Blue
South London, female MC. Many tracks have been recorded with Sway. Hits include: Sometimes I Still Don't Care (feat. Sway, SAS etc.....)
"The new Baby Blue tune is well good"
Huu--Call used by Permian JROTC members and others as well, in order to find one another if lost. In this case, the one lost would yell "Huu!" and hopefully get a response back in order to be found
Bob:"Oh no, where is everyone?....Huu!" Dion(in response): "Huu!" Bob:"There they are!"
Barbz are what Nicki Minajs calls her fans they not only are loyal to the queen but they also ride for the queen and cuts anyone’s throat if they talk slick about her and know more than superbass and bang bang verse.
Barbz are the #1 fanbase on earth purrd💅🏽💖👑
People named Aarum are people who probably get many girls just like his spouse Rohan. He is very good at everything and people who are friends with Aarum are very lucky.
I love Aarum
Inflammation of the fuck giving gland due to extenuating work conditions.
I can't make it to that meeting becuase I have a bad case of idontgiveafuckitis, and its contagious.
A person who still believes in original Enlightenment thought including feedom of speech and expression, along with forming opinions based on reason like Thomas Paine and Voltaire
People get offended so easily now. The alt-right and antifa are dumbing down all of America. The original Amerikaner ideas are under attack by all sides.
Someone who is extremely disgusting and oozes lard and grease. Basically extremely unpleasent to look at, these fatfucks tend to migrate towards each other because no one else likes them. Eventually, when they gather in large areas, they perferm oral sex on each other (most fatfucks are girls) but are in reality eating each other because they are so fat. Leah and Haley are fatfucks and no one likes them.
Leah and Haley are such fat fucks I wish they would just die because they hurt my eyes. Maggie is the most amazing person ever, the is the opposite of a fatfuck
the BADDEST bitch out there . no one compares to her 🍄🌀🧞 ♀️💅🏽🥰🦹🏽 ♀️
The baddest bitch out there is Nautica 💅🏽
1.A person who engages in act of Jagaloonery while being particularly sloppy or uncontrollable. 2. A combination of a jagaloon and a vagabond.
"When Matt got drunk in a pink collared shirt he acted like a complete jagabond."
The peak or highest destination that cannot be reached
The Vetral cannot be found
billie eilish disorder
a disorder that they have depression or anxiety.
"hey ____ you have billie eilish disorder. you need to go to a doctor
Advanced interrogation techniques
Dude..... It means torture you dip-shit.
Let's use Advanced interrogation techniques to get information
made my bones
To earn respect in the Mafia underworld by commiting some sort of crime, usually murder.
Do you know who I am? I'm Moe Greene, I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders.
(Spess-i-fizz-i-cull-ee)adnadnoun. Reference to a specific physical location. e.g. "I am speciphysically between the stop sign and the speed limit sign on 24th street past the McDonald's on the west end."
"I am speciphysically between the stop sign and the speed limit sign on 24th street past the McDonald's on the west end."
griffin johnson
the nicest, smartest, and funniest person. he’s so caring and always looks out to make sure his friends are okay. everyone should love griffin johnson.
me : hey did you see griffin johnson’s new video? friend : yeah, he’s so nice!
Twat Tuck
A surgery to reduce the size of one or both sets of labia.
She had been taken to Pound Town so many times she needed a Twat Tuck.
Abbreviation for GROwing Up FEar. When kids aged 12-15 are scared of growing up because they think that they won't be able to manage it on their own. Not to be mistaken with yopefod which is about kids being scared of becoming druggies due to peer pressure.
My friend isn't planning his future that good. Either he's badly disorganised or he's got groufe.
A term specifically used between 2 lads after a hard days work.
Shaun: Hard day at work mate, you keen on a cutla? Ash: Kenoath mate, super I reckon.
Acronym for “Take Care Keep Safe” First popularized by the Disney + show named “Big Shot”
Don’t forget onions when you go grocery shopping! - TCKS Dad
an act of registering for free
please follow the link to fregister; the below listed websites offer fregistration (free registration)
an unskilled player of lame computer games. also see llama
"dont talk to symo like that..." "why?" "it's his server"
aka Fresno, California. A city in Central California with nothing to do. Too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter. Its not a snowy cold. Its a dry fucked up cold. The City that gave birth the the Bulldogs. A local gang that runs through Fresno County. You need to drive 2 hours in any direction and you will find somethign to do. Other wise you will be bored. All No-Town has is Wild Water. A Water park that is well known through out the central valley.
Drive to No-Town and dont do shit
Adeep Das i love you . I love your Afro , your accent , your abs , you are so tall and friendly with other people . You are the most humble person , i have ever met in my life . I have also become a Man Utd fan because of you . Your opinions are respected by all and your arguments are so logical . How can a person be so kind , humble and dynamic . You are a hero to all and everyone looks up to you especially the ones who are not in drama/LDC , everybody want to be like you . You are a divine soul and it is a privilege to be in the same college as you . My purpose of life is complete because i have met you and guide me to eternity Adeep
Adheep, shut up
No Bitchassness! Calling people out their pussy bullshit. Basically saying, stop being a little bitch.
Alec: "Oh my gosh I got a A- on that test!" Karina & Becca: "Shut the fuck up, NBA SON!"
a 1337 pwn3r capable of unleashing the virtual apocolypse after getting a 10000000000000000 killstreak in 12 minutes while blindfolded.
"mind Explodes" Bruwick47 just happend
sexual offender
How de fuk is there no definition 4 dis shit
Ur dad is a sexual offender
a physical disability. a mix of chungus and aids Common in the Species known as Frudo.
Hey! That guy has Jiglus! Looooserrrr!!!!
Zonja is an amazing person! Someone who is always on the move to catch their dream. Strong, Amazing character, never gives up on anything they love. A great friend to anyone and an awesome puerto rican! They are always laughing and a ton of fun with! :P Zonja is someone that is a role model and can always count on. zonja is someone who is all around good at everything! Usually with dark brown hair who is always beautiful :) def a model!
zonja is someone who is always on the move doing what they love and always following their dreams. A hardworker and def a one of a kind....hard to find :)
west side middle school
The worst school in the world with the most ghetto people ever. The teachers don't care what you do and kids in that school get pregnant WTH
Oh I'm going to west side middle school so I'm going to get pregnant in 8th grade.
To be the best out of anyone in the world
"I am cidcid" - tony shark
Motivation provided by the hatred of others.
My dude took all that negative energy and became hativated to change and prove them wrong...
Is a amazing girl, kind and precious friend you will ever have ehe
She is navintia
willussy_sussy is someone usually known as willussy, they are a child of leankid/sun willussy always likes to say hi to people and is friends with escizo, if someone says "my friend willussy_sussy says hi" always say hi back, and willussy likes pie
person 1: hey, my friend willussy_sussy says hi!! person 2: tell them i said hi!
a word for describing how shit your code is
he said discord.js was a module, hes a iYassien
sage is a selfish person who only cares about herself. She has no eyebrows and is as thin as a stick. She's insecure and takes it out on everyone of her friends. That's why no one wants to be her friend
sage is a ugly ass bitch with no eyebrows who fucks cows
Mud , slushy snow or dog shit on a persons boots
Bootshat. Look at all the mud on his boots.
a cheap brand of garcia y vega cigars which cost about $3.69 for a pack of 4. like dutch masters, games have a leaf layer which is wrapped around the cigar paper. games come in honey, vanilla, and green. peach and sweet are harder to find flavors. games are commonly used for rolling blunts. the leaf layer is carefully removed and cared for while the cigar paper is gutted and the shitty tobacco removed. once the cigar paper is rolled, the leaf layer is then re-added. the result is a slow burning blunt. games shit on royal blunt wraps because they burn much slower and much more nug can be fit in them.
"yo pull into this gas station i gotta pick up a pack of games" "hurry up with that game i wanna blaze a blunt back here"
Duchess of Douschebagery
The female version of Duke of Douschebagery.
Here comes the Duchess of Douschebagery.
Central CPU Hard Device
A central processing unit (CPU), also called a central processor, main processor or just processor, is the electronic circuitry that executes instructions comprising a computer program. The CPU performs basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O) operations specified by the instructions in the program. This contrasts with external components such as main memory and I/O circuitry, and specialized processors such as graphics processing units (GPUs).
My Central CPU Hard Device is Burning MAMA
A renel is a sweet guy with a huge penis, an attractive god with the heart to go with it. If you see a renel you need to make him yours before he gets taken by someone else. A renel never stays on the market for long.
Omg he was such a renel, felt every minute of it. So glad I got him before someone else !!!
1 : unable to speak : DUMB 2 : not capable of being expressed in words 2 : not speaking : SILENT
"After all, she was only speechless" "That trauma made him speechless"
The fear of being unable to sleep, the stress of which, causes difficulty sleeping
It is difficult to know which came first, insomnia, or insomnaphobia.
A stuck up YouTuber who thinks he's cool because he has 8M subscribers. Strictly not to be confused with iDubbbz (an actually productive person).
Bro doesn't Ricegum suck?
Mug pockets
Pockets deep enough for cash, drugs, or guns
We don't wear skinny jeans around here, we got mug pockets.
diluclover69 is a WONDERFUL tiktok content creator. They post tartaglia mpreg, jjba, mha and genshin!!! i love them sm❤️❤️
person 1: have you heard of diluclover69? person 2: yes!!! i hate the homos tho :(!
Kill Boner
A boner induced by the act or thought of taking another's life. Also known as a death boner.
"Jon": Rob, I didn't shoot the DJ. But I do have a boner. Rob: Well "Jon" thats what we federal agents call a "kill boner".
Greasy Shoebox
Sexual manuever involving a greased up foot or part of foot inserted into another consenting adult's anus.
Man. Tanya was nagging my ass off last night so I gave her the ol' greasy shoebox.
When you get more than you'd bargained or in an unexpectant way from anybody, organizations, family or friends
Too much awoof at that joint across the street
Bro Level
when two or more people are all thinking the same thing at the same time and in some cases finish each others sentences much like ESP for twins.
guy 1: dude, we should go TP.. guy 2: ..our old high school? guy 1: dude, are we on the same Bro Level? guy 2: hell yeah we are.
dirty juanito
When you forcibly make your family watch as you tear the clothes off your ex girlfriend and make her shove bottles full of TABS and laxatives then proceed to make your sister eat it.
Bro i think the cops are looking for me after doing a dirty Juanito
someone that is acting silly or dorky
When you do that dance, you look like such a whopperhead
1.pontification under duress* 2.a kind of drunk muttering* 3.A kick-ass song by the greatest band ever, Jawbreaker. It's track 11 off of their last studio album, "Dear You"
1,2&3- Go out and buy the cd and listen to the song. And when you're done, go out and buy all of their albums. *note, these definitions are straight from Blake, the man who wrote the fucking song*
mai waifu
what lonely basement dwellers use to release their emotions on instead of finding what some of us outsiders call "real women"
Basement Dweller: Have you met mai waifu Haruki yet? Me: Ew gross you weeb get a real woman!
Manky is a commonly used word in British secondary schools, and is used to describe something nasty or disgusting. This can go from the school's spare kits or to that one scruffy girl who you just can't stand...
"Ew, Rebecca is actually manky. She doesn't brush her teeth!" "These spare shorts are manky, I swear that the teachers don't wash them..." "This burger is manky. The meat's not even fully cooked!"
Very epic person, cool style, if u don't like her u are weird, kind, nice ,artsy, gay af, bought me candy that one day
A:wow she is so cool B: yeah she is katarina
bald but popular politician witrh funny breathy voice
Mo Mowlam rocks ... if you don't like Thatcher.
Little annoying nino that looks like Miguel from coco he is a horny bastard that can either kiss you (if you’re a guy), stare at your ass (if you’re a girl), and try to beat you up using gay jujitsu
That stupid beaner Isai
Penn Chan
This phrase is code for marajuana. Teenagers in japan have named it after a kid from an ancient japanese folk-tale. Penn Chan would act as though he was high all the time. The kids saw it to be a fitting code name so the phrase is now commonly used in asia and has recently spread to the states.
Dude that Penn Chan was grade A.
The action of making your girl wetter than wet.
Jack: Yo, I made my girl schmooglepopped yesterday. Anthony: Damn, you got her that wet?!
Awang is a person that is kindand handsome.He also have a baby face that made him so cute. Awang is in love with somebody. Awang can’t take care of girl heart.
You look just like Awang today.
To be in a state of apathy towards all things, most notably study.
When do you graduate from uni? No idea, i'm reging it.
different breed because im built different
that boy sheeeeeeeeeeshhhh u shining jarikas
city slang
an urban soundsystem outta essen inna di ruhrarea in germany
"city slang, the sweetest slang around" "city slang - the urban pride" "bigup city slang" "city slang ah di number 1 sound"
An acronym for "Young Mind Fuck" commonly used by rapper Ab-Soul
Person 1: Who is that? Person 2: It's YMF nigga!
National Send Nudes Day
November 14th is national send nudes day because I said so
It’s national nudes day gimme my nudes nigga What day is National Send Nudes Day? November 14th Ahh shit
doing a Rossiter
A problematic cowardly yet somewhat boring act. Usually executed in or around the Wimborne area. Often involves complete utter cod Shit and inappropriate discussions on conspiracy theory, BMW statistics and certain kung foo moves.
That looser was at the Coach and Horses last night. Doing a Rossiter again attacking thin air with kung foo moves whilst talking utter cod shit about his 1997 beamer. "punch me in the stomach" he said with a smug I can take it coz I'm hard look written all over his chevy chase.
East Buttfuck
1. Any place that's in the "middle of nowhere". 2. Another name for Quincy, Massachusetts.
It took me over an hour to get here, I live over there in East Buttfuck.
extreme intelligence;a dog monkey platypus shrimp (aka a reallly fierce person)
FiercePerson1:She got an A++++ on the math test FiercePerson2:That's cuz she's sooo sahithya
extremely awesome, a really cool kid, is definetly not gay, probably has lots of friends, and all the chicks like him
Ted is really pimpalicious
Aysha Ali
A girl with great positivity and is really funny. She always brings joy into the world and always has a smile on her face. She can do anything when she puts her mind to it. Most common Aysha's want to pursue something big in life. Most Ayshas have two dimples and always make everyone smile she is also extremely cheeky and sensitive and always denies when she gets into trouble . Ya'all should be lucky if you have an Aysha Ali in your life!!
I want to be a paramedic when I'm older I want to be an Aysha Ali Aysha Ali is so coool
Yandere (ヤンデレ) is a Japanese term for a person who is initially very loving and gentle to someone (or at least innocent) before their devotion becomes destructive in nature, often through violence and/or brutality.
(blank since i can't think of how to put yandere into a sentence)
A basic bitch who wears a fucking thong everyday and thinks shes the shit...fakest hoe in the school a rat
Look Jalyn is looking like a rat, like everyday!
careful, up to the tiniest details
I know i'm probably being a bit couscous about it, but I just want to make sure you have all the supporting documents ready in case someone asks.
the natural instinct that only men have. often not understood by woman
seeing the fence was locked, john's manstincts kicked in and he climbed over the fence