bf9bf01b-3034-4fff-8bb5-3688af6aa3c0/385e5c09-7deb-470c-9b93-64ce12aeebfd/1/0 API
API to access streaming platform. Get streamer data, channel details, chat, and more. 2023
Get Channel Links
Gets channel links (like social media).
{"Code": "ProcessException", "Message": "Kick service is not available"}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"Code": {"type": "string"}, "Message": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["Code", "Message"]}
bf9bf01b-3034-4fff-8bb5-3688af6aa3c0/ec8d8944-13bf-4dcc-952d-d4c9ed5f60aa/0/0 API
API to access streaming platform. Get streamer data, channel details, chat, and more. 2023
Get Livestream Status
Gets Livestream status. Returns true/false based on running livestream on the channel.
{"data": {"isBroadcasting": true}}
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bf9bf01b-3034-4fff-8bb5-3688af6aa3c0/90feb77d-53fd-4a33-b1b7-f36799801100/0/0 API
API to access streaming platform. Get streamer data, channel details, chat, and more. 2023
Get Livestream Info
Get information about currently running livestream. Returns NoContent (204) if there is no livestream running.
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bf9bf01b-3034-4fff-8bb5-3688af6aa3c0/10d6f9f0-5253-467c-8116-4a040c972982/0/0 API
API to access streaming platform. Get streamer data, channel details, chat, and more. 2023
Get User Details
Get detailed user information. For example User ID, bio, media links and more.
{"data": {"id": 4809577, "username": "FusedChat", "bio": "Multi-Platform Cloud Chatbot - Alerts, Commands, Loyalty currency, ranks, store, and more! Currently supported on Kick, Twitch, YouTube, and Trovo! Try me out, it's FREE -", "twitter": "fusedchat", "facebook": "", "instagram": "", "youtube": "@fusedchat", "discord": "7XdEKtc6jS", "tiktok": "", "profilePicture": ""}}
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bf9bf01b-3034-4fff-8bb5-3688af6aa3c0/908789f1-6d59-41c7-95d3-ed5b7fac1659/0/0 API
API to access streaming platform. Get streamer data, channel details, chat, and more. 2023
Get Channel Followers Count
Get specific channel follower count.
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bf9bf01b-3034-4fff-8bb5-3688af6aa3c0/45969b30-cd28-44c5-a13e-c57c72a3b18d/0/0 API
API to access streaming platform. Get streamer data, channel details, chat, and more. 2023
Get Channel Clips
Gets channel clips list and their details. Each clip contains URL, who is creator, views and likes count, and more.
{"Code": "ProcessException", "Message": "Kick service is not available"}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"Code": {"type": "string"}, "Message": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["Code", "Message"]}
bf9bf01b-3034-4fff-8bb5-3688af6aa3c0/45969b30-cd28-44c5-a13e-c57c72a3b18d/1/0 API
API to access streaming platform. Get streamer data, channel details, chat, and more. 2023
Get Channel Clips
Gets channel clips list and their details. Each clip contains URL, who is creator, views and likes count, and more.
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bf9bf01b-3034-4fff-8bb5-3688af6aa3c0/4515b778-e7d8-4599-b876-43ab74557abb/0/0 API
API to access streaming platform. Get streamer data, channel details, chat, and more. 2023
Get Channel Chatroom
Gets channel chatroom information. This includes chatroom ID, mode, message intervals, slow-mode, protection, and more.
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bf9bf01b-3034-4fff-8bb5-3688af6aa3c0/c51ca2c8-6f88-46ab-997e-12652f160cbc/0/0 API
API to access streaming platform. Get streamer data, channel details, chat, and more. 2023
Get Channel Info
Gets channel detailed information. Including userId, banner image, categories, livestream data, chatroom settings, and more.
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Tiktok Video Without Watermark
Tiktok Downloader.The fastest way to download without watermark video from tiktok.
No watermark
Get video without watermark for a giving url.
New Example
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Oil News Global
Oil News collects latest articles from leading media sources, such as bbc/oil, oilprice, cnbc/energy, reuters/energy and many more. We also include articles and press-releases that cannot be "googled" easily, for example, Russian sources, such as Rosneft, Tatneft, RT/energy, Saudi Aramco and others.
GET Individual Oil Company/News Outlet
Gets news/press-releases from an individual source, for example: /news/bbc GETs news from /aramco GETs news and press-releases from Saudi Aramco
New Example
[{"title": "Anger over Lincolnshire Wolds oil drilling plan ", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Petrol prices hit record high, says RAC", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Island oil exploration drilling plan refused", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Oil exploration drilling recommended for approval", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Search for cause in California beach oil spill", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Anchor theory after huge oil spill off California", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "California oil spill sparks concern for wildlife", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Oil price above $80 for first time in three years", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Petrol prices at eight-year high amid fuel issues", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Buy petrol as normal, says minister", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Greenpeace oilfield challenge 'opportunistic'", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Judges urged to halt North Sea oilfield", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Tycoon says halting new oil fields would be 'crazy'", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "UK minister 'eager' for Cambo oil field talks", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}, {"title": "Shell pays $111m over 1970s oil spill in Nigeria", "url": "", "source": "bbc"}]
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Really simple API to retrieve Open Graph data from all sites without being blocked, even if it does not have Open Graph tags setup.Bundled with an Open Graph debugger and TailwindCSS snippets to create OpenGraph visualizations inside your webapp. Fast and trustworthy.
Extract Open Graph data
This endpoint will scrape an URL and extract all Open Graph related information.
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Instagram Unofficial
Instagram Unofficial API
Login using username and password.
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Instagram Unofficial
Instagram Unofficial API
Get a user
Get a user by user_id.
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Instagram Unofficial
Instagram Unofficial API
Search tags
Search tags.
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New Example
[{"title": "What is climate change? The evidence and solutions explained in charts", "url": "", "source": "thetimes"}, {"title": "20 things you can do right now to stop climate change", "url": "", "source": "thetimes"}, {"title": "How much do you really know about climate change?", "url": "", "source": "thetimes"}]
{"$schema": "", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"title": {"type": "string"}, "url": {"type": "string"}, "source": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["source", "title", "url"]}}
Climate change
An API showing all the latest climate change news around the world
Get All Climate Change News
This endpoint will return back all news about climate change from all over the world.
New Example
[{"title": " \u2018Real reasons to hope\u2019 on climate action, says archbishop of Canterbury ", "url": "", "source": "guardian"}, {"title": "\n\nRemain hopeful and resist \u2018temptation to despair\u2019 over climate change, says Archbishop\n\n", "url": "", "source": "telegraph"}, {"title": "Learn what you can do to act on climate change", "url": "", "source": "un"}]
{"$schema": "", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"title": {"type": "string"}, "url": {"type": "string"}, "source": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["source", "title", "url"]}}
Extract Faces from Image
Detect faces in an image and extract all detected faces into single images. Define an output aspect ratio and resolution.
Extract faces into single images
Extract faces as single images
{"code": "200", "data": {"created": "2021-03-23 12:05:15", "detected_faces": 2, "faces": [{"file_base64": "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Podcast search, discovery, and recommendation API. See more at
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{"error": null, "metadata": {"size": 2}, "payload": [{"categories": ["News", "True Crime"], "country": "USA", "description": "Serial is a podcast from the creators of This American Life, hosted by Sarah Koenig. Serial unfolds one story - a true story - over the course of a whole season. The show follows the plot and characters wherever they lead, through many surprising twists and turns. Sarah won't know what happens at the end of the story until she gets there, not long before you get there with her. Each week she'll bring you the latest chapter, so it's important to listen in, starting with Episode 1. New episodes are released on Thursday mornings.", "feedUrl": "", "id": "11159e0f", "imageUrl": "", "isExplicit": false, "isPrivate": false, "language": "en", "permalink": "", "publisher": {"contact": "[email protected]", "copyright": "Copyright 2020 Serial Podcast", "name": "This American Life"}, "thumbnailUrl": "", "title": "Serial", "website": "\""}, {"categories": ["Business"], "country": "USA", "description": "Welcome to the Confessions of a Serial Salesman The Podcast hosted by Author, Entrepreneur, Serial Salesman, Keynote Speaker, Sales Trainer and Social Selling Expert Steve Nudelberg. On this podcast you will find a mix of interviews which I have hosted with entrepreneurs, authors, and athletes.", "feedUrl": "", "id": "496d6ea3", "imageUrl": "", "isExplicit": false, "isPrivate": false, "language": "en", "permalink": "", "publisher": {"contact": "Steve Nudelberg", "copyright": "Steve Nudelberg", "email": "[email protected]", "name": "Steve Nudelberg"}, "thumbnailUrl": "", "title": "Confessions of a Serial Salesman: The Podcast", "website": "\""}], "status": 200}
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[{"userId": 1, "username": "ossab98", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My vacation in Hawaii", "likes": 109, "isVerified": true}, {"userId": 2, "username": "janedoe", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My new puppy!", "likes": 290, "isVerified": true}, {"userId": 3, "username": "bobsmith", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My favorite recipe", "likes": 76}, {"userId": 4, "username": "jenniferg", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My weekend in the city", "likes": 213, "isVerified": true}, {"userId": 5, "username": "davids", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My new car!", "likes": 64}, {"userId": 6, "username": "emilyc", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My hiking adventure", "likes": 148}, {"userId": 7, "username": "andrewf", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My birthday party", "likes": 92, "isVerified": true}, {"userId": 8, "username": "katiej", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My beach day", "likes": 183}, {"userId": 9, "username": "michaels", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My art project", "likes": 37}, {"userId": 10, "username": "graceh", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My day at the amusement park", "likes": 240}, {"userId": 11, "username": "michaelj", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "Trying out a new recipe for dinner tonight!", "likes": 95}, {"userId": 12, "username": "jennyg", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "Weekend getaway to the beach", "likes": 152}, {"userId": 13, "username": "kevins", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My first time trying sushi", "likes": 80}, {"userId": 14, "username": "amandab", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "Celebrating my birthday with friends", "likes": 320}, {"userId": 15, "username": "maxwells", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My hiking adventure in the mountains", "likes": 201, "isVerified": true}, {"userId": 16, "username": "lisar", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "Painting class with friends", "likes": 117}, {"userId": 17, "username": "sebastianm", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My trip to Italy", "likes": 285}, {"userId": 18, "username": "oliviac", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "Movie night with friends", "likes": 143}, {"userId": 19, "username": "justinw", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "Trying out a new coffee shop", "likes": 67, "isVerified": true}, {"userId": 20, "username": "emilys", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My road trip through the desert", "likes": 178}, {"userId": 21, "username": "john_doe", "user_img": "", "post_img": "", "post_title": "My vacation in Hawaii", "likes": 109}]
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Article Data Extraction and Text Mining
Ujeebu Article Extraction API extracts clean text, and other structured data from news and blog articles.
Article Extraction Endpoint
{"article": {"text": "Twitter announced a much-anticipated feature last week \u2014 the ability to edit tweets . The company said that once the feature is available users will be able to edit their tweets for up to 30 minutes from posting. However, there\u2019s a catch: Users can only edit their tweets five times within this period.\nWhile this limit seems sufficient for correcting typos, uploading media files or adding some tags, the company might have introduced it to stop people from abusing the feature by changing the content on the tweet on a whim. The social media firm told TechCrunch that it\u2019s currently observing user behavior, and the number of edits available to users in the approved time frame could change.\nThe \u201cedit tweet\u201d feature will be first available to users who pay for the optional Twitter Blue subscription, but it won\u2019t be rolling out to all paid users initially. Twitter confirmed that New Zealand-based subscribers will first get the feature and it will be later pushed to Twitter Blue users in Australia, Canada and the U.S once it learns more about usage patterns. So subscribers in these three countries might have to wait a bit longer and use the service without the marquee feature.\nAfter the company laid out its plans for the edit button, experts opined that the tool could be used to spread political misinformation or crypto scams . But those instances will only come to the fore once a larger set of people start using the feature on a regular basis. It\u2019s too early to decide if the feature will become a menace or just an option for people to fix their dumb typos.\nThe social network has faced a ton of scrutiny over the past couple of months over how it has handled its security practices , spam-account-catching methods and child sexual abuse material (CSAM) detection . The last thing the social media company would want is for one of the most anticipated features to cause havoc.", "html": "<p> Twitter announced a much-anticipated feature last week \u2014 the ability to <a href=\"\"> edit tweets </a> . The company said that once the feature is available users will be able to edit their tweets for up to 30 minutes from posting. However, there\u2019s a catch: Users can only edit their tweets five times within this period. </p><p> While this limit seems sufficient for correcting typos, uploading media files or adding some tags, the company might have introduced it to stop people from abusing the feature by changing the content on the tweet on a whim. The social media firm told TechCrunch that it\u2019s currently observing user behavior, and the number of edits available to users in the approved time frame could change. </p><p> The \u201cedit tweet\u201d feature will be first available to users who pay for the optional Twitter Blue subscription, but it won\u2019t be rolling out to all paid users initially. Twitter confirmed that New Zealand-based subscribers will first get the feature and it will be later pushed to Twitter Blue users in Australia, Canada and the U.S once it learns more about usage patterns. So subscribers in these three countries might have to wait a bit longer and use the service without the marquee feature. </p><p> After the company laid out its plans for the edit button, experts opined that the tool could be used to <a href=\"\"> spread political misinformation or crypto scams </a> . But those instances will only come to the fore once a larger set of people start using the feature on a regular basis. It\u2019s too early to decide if the feature will become a menace or just an option for people to fix their dumb typos. </p><p> The social network has faced a ton of scrutiny over the past couple of months over how it has handled its <a href=\"\"> security practices </a> , <a href=\"\"> spam-account-catching methods </a> and <a href=\"\"> child sexual abuse material (CSAM) detection </a> . The last thing the social media company would want is for one of the most anticipated features to cause havoc. </p>", "images": [], "author": "Ivan Mehta", "pub_date": "2022-09-07 08:18:31", "is_article": 1, "url": "", "canonical_url": "", "title": "Twitter will let you edit your tweet up to five times", "language": "en", "image": "", "summary": "Twitter users will be able to edit their tweets for up to 30 minutes from posting - but only five times within this period.", "modified_date": "2022-09-07 19:02:03", "site_name": "TechCrunch", "favicon": "", "encoding": "utf-8", "links_count": 5, "images_count": 1, "videos_count": 0, "tweets_count": 0}, "time": 0.009771108627319336, "js": false, "pagination": false}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"article": {"type": "object", "properties": {"text": {"type": "string"}, "html": {"type": "string"}, "media": {"type": "array"}, "images": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}, "author": {"type": "string"}, "pub_date": {"type": "string"}, "url": {"type": "string"}, "canonical_url": {"type": "string"}, "title": {"type": "string"}, "language": {"type": "string"}, "image": {"type": "string"}, "summary": {"type": "string"}, "modified_date": {"type": "string"}, "site_name": {"type": "string"}, "favicon": {"type": "string"}, "encoding": {"type": "string"}}}, "time": {"type": "number"}}}
Tiktok Media No Watermark
Tiktok Best Spider. Fast. HD Quality. Without Watermark Download. Video Full Detail. No watermark video, tiktok stories, trending feed by region, user info, user post video, hot video list, hot challenge list, comment list by video, search video, search user…
{"pramas": "yeuphimzz", "limit": "1"}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"pramas": {"type": "string"}, "limit": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["limit", "pramas"]}
Get random colors with information, convert between color codes, and more.
Convert RGB
Convert an RGB-color code to CMYK, HEX, HSL, and HSV (HSB). In addition the property "safe" specifies whether the color is web-safe or not. If the color has a name that can be used in CSS, the name(s) will also be included. The nearest named color(s) will also be included.
{"error": "Invalid fields in the request body."}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"error": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["error"]}
Get random colors with information, convert between color codes, and more.
Convert RGB
Convert an RGB-color code to CMYK, HEX, HSL, and HSV (HSB). In addition the property "safe" specifies whether the color is web-safe or not. If the color has a name that can be used in CSS, the name(s) will also be included. The nearest named color(s) will also be included.
{"error": "Some entries are not numbers."}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"error": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["error"]}
Get random colors with information, convert between color codes, and more.
Convert RGB
Convert an RGB-color code to CMYK, HEX, HSL, and HSV (HSB). In addition the property "safe" specifies whether the color is web-safe or not. If the color has a name that can be used in CSS, the name(s) will also be included. The nearest named color(s) will also be included.
{"rgb": {"r": 255, "g": 165, "b": 0}, "cmyk": {"c": 0, "m": 35.29, "y": 100, "k": 99}, "hex": "ffa500", "hsl": {"h": 38.82, "s": 100, "l": 50}, "hsv": {"h": 38.82, "s": 100, "v": 100}, "safe": false, "named": ["orange"], "nearest": ["orange"]}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"rgb": {"type": "object", "properties": {"r": {"type": "integer"}, "g": {"type": "integer"}, "b": {"type": "integer"}}, "required": ["b", "g", "r"]}, "cmyk": {"type": "object", "properties": {"c": {"type": "integer"}, "m": {"type": "number"}, "y": {"type": "integer"}, "k": {"type": "integer"}}, "required": ["c", "k", "m", "y"]}, "hex": {"type": "string"}, "hsl": {"type": "object", "properties": {"h": {"type": "number"}, "s": {"type": "integer"}, "l": {"type": "integer"}}, "required": ["h", "l", "s"]}, "hsv": {"type": "object", "properties": {"h": {"type": "number"}, "s": {"type": "integer"}, "v": {"type": "integer"}}, "required": ["h", "s", "v"]}, "safe": {"type": "boolean"}, "named": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}, "nearest": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["cmyk", "hex", "hsl", "hsv", "named", "nearest", "rgb", "safe"]}
Easy QR Code Generator API
Generate QR codes dynamically for a wide range of applications. With this API, you can easily integrate QR code generation capabilities into your applications, websites, or services, enabling you to provide users with quick access to information, links, or interactive experiences.
Generate SMS QR Code
Generate SMS QR Code
{"status": "ok", "error": null, "data": {"type": "png", "correction": "H", "size": 3, "margin": 10, "imageData": "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"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string"}, "error": {"type": "null"}, "data": {"type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"type": "string"}, "correction": {"type": "string"}, "size": {"type": "integer"}, "margin": {"type": "integer"}, "imageData": {"type": "string"}}}}}
Easy QR Code Generator API
Generate QR codes dynamically for a wide range of applications. With this API, you can easily integrate QR code generation capabilities into your applications, websites, or services, enabling you to provide users with quick access to information, links, or interactive experiences.
Generate Phone QR Code
Generate Phone QR Code
{"status": "ok", "error": null, "data": {"type": "png", "correction": "H", "size": 3, "margin": 10, "imageData": "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"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string"}, "error": {"type": "null"}, "data": {"type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"type": "string"}, "correction": {"type": "string"}, "size": {"type": "integer"}, "margin": {"type": "integer"}, "imageData": {"type": "string"}}}}}
Easy QR Code Generator API
Generate QR codes dynamically for a wide range of applications. With this API, you can easily integrate QR code generation capabilities into your applications, websites, or services, enabling you to provide users with quick access to information, links, or interactive experiences.
Generate Email QR Code
Generate Email QR Code
{"status": "ok", "error": null, "data": {"type": "png", "correction": "H", "size": 3, "margin": 10, "imageData": "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"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string"}, "error": {"type": "null"}, "data": {"type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"type": "string"}, "correction": {"type": "string"}, "size": {"type": "integer"}, "margin": {"type": "integer"}, "imageData": {"type": "string"}}}}}
Easy QR Code Generator API
Generate QR codes dynamically for a wide range of applications. With this API, you can easily integrate QR code generation capabilities into your applications, websites, or services, enabling you to provide users with quick access to information, links, or interactive experiences.
Generate URL QR Code
Generate URL QR Code
{"status": "ok", "error": null, "data": {"type": "png", "correction": "H", "size": 3, "margin": 10, "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAJMAAACTCAAAAACvjnTJAAABkElEQVR42u3awY7CMAxF0f7/T8MOVbXfiwOpU6TbBZrpMOQsXMd2OF7Puw5MmDBhwoQJEyZMmDBhwoQJE6b/Nx3Zdb7/+Tn+l/8ETA2m9M55yTNCvd/fwXSf6RI9l0CJcRP16Sdg2mKKa6cZBNMzTZcUEP86jEhMDSaljG+rCDC1mVT9VH/tq+kwTfUYoize2UthEg9wsUUxW/KyeMI0GTqqV4lo3+FgutsU4yMGUIwkPy9YNuvBNJMI4q9pnaQWxtRpqqyX1rg+p2PqMVV6RZXEZzsWTAtN5plPOxk/oVtf02GaLHzNluxBK/sWTAXTsOsw1ZIKL0w9JpPQ/aRVxROmHpNZNd1up3I6pltNaVj4c8QKC1ODyR9aqGRtxq9r6nFMP8zH1TmH6i07zjYw2aOLNIDMaOCLRIBp7UxMZQe1s/pUjqnTZOYCKhGYyfiN38nCVDANN+NhC4ppl0mN6sxAAdMW0/BQqvL811M5plWmYv1UHMViajNtuTBhwoQJEyZMmDBhwoQJEyZMmP7B9AaboYdDygBv4AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string"}, "error": {"type": "null"}, "data": {"type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"type": "string"}, "correction": {"type": "string"}, "size": {"type": "integer"}, "margin": {"type": "integer"}, "imageData": {"type": "string"}}}}}
Easy QR Code Generator API
Generate QR codes dynamically for a wide range of applications. With this API, you can easily integrate QR code generation capabilities into your applications, websites, or services, enabling you to provide users with quick access to information, links, or interactive experiences.
Generate Text QR Code
Generate Text QR Code
{"status": "ok", "error": null, "data": {"type": "png", "correction": "H", "size": 3, "margin": 10, "imageData": "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"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string"}, "error": {"type": "null"}, "data": {"type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"type": "string"}, "correction": {"type": "string"}, "size": {"type": "integer"}, "margin": {"type": "integer"}, "imageData": {"type": "string"}}}}}
Shazam API helps you to recognize any song from a music file, can fetch data from, extract information related to artist, track or give top songs by country.
Artist Top Tracks
This endpoint will return the top tracks of the artist
New Example
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["key1", "key2"]}
Shazam API helps you to recognize any song from a music file, can fetch data from, extract information related to artist, track or give top songs by country.
Top Track by City
This endpoint will give the top song in specific city
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Shazam API helps you to recognize any song from a music file, can fetch data from, extract information related to artist, track or give top songs by country.
Top Track by Country
This endpoint will return the top tracks from a specific country
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Shazam API helps you to recognize any song from a music file, can fetch data from, extract information related to artist, track or give top songs by country.
Search Track
This endpoint will search for the name of any song and return similar songs with the name.
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Shazam API helps you to recognize any song from a music file, can fetch data from, extract information related to artist, track or give top songs by country.
Track Info
This endpoint will return info of any track from
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Shazam API helps you to recognize any song from a music file, can fetch data from, extract information related to artist, track or give top songs by country.
Artist Search
This endpoint let you search for an artist by their name. You can get a list of artists from its name.
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Shazam API helps you to recognize any song from a music file, can fetch data from, extract information related to artist, track or give top songs by country.
Artist Info
This endpoint will extract information of any artist from
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{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"actions": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"id": {"type": "string"}, "type": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["id", "type"]}}, "adamid": {"type": "string"}, "alias": {"type": "string"}, "avatar": {"type": "string"}, "genres": {"type": "object", "properties": {"primary": {"type": "string"}, "secondaries": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["primary", "secondaries"]}, "id": {"type": "string"}, "layout": {"type": "string"}, "name": {"type": "string"}, "share": {"type": "object", "properties": {"href": {"type": "string"}, "image": {"type": "string"}, "subject": {"type": "string"}, "text": {"type": "string"}, "twitter": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["href", "image", "subject", "text", "twitter"]}, "toptracks": {"type": "object", "properties": {"url": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["url"]}, "url": {"type": "string"}, "verified": {"type": "boolean"}, "weburl": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["actions", "adamid", "alias", "avatar", "genres", "id", "layout", "name", "share", "toptracks", "url", "verified", "weburl"]}
Open Library
An unofficial API for Open Library.
Search Title
Searches for books by title.
New Example
{"results": 20, "books": [{"title": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "author": "J. K. Rowling", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", "author": "J. K. Rowling", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "author": "J. K. Rowling", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "author": "J. K. Rowling", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", "author": "J. K. Rowling", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", "author": "J. K. Rowling", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "author": "J. K. Rowling", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Insight Editions", "url": "", "image": "Image not available"}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Editions", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Insight Editions", "url": "", "image": "Image not available"}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Editions", "url": "", "image": "Image not available"}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Editions", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Editions", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Editions Staff", "url": "", "image": "Image not available"}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Editions Staff", "url": "", "image": "Image not available"}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "MUTI", "url": "", "image": ""}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Insight Editions", "url": "", "image": "Image not available"}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Insight Editions", "url": "", "image": "Image not available"}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Editions Staff", "url": "", "image": "Image not available"}, {"title": "Harry Potter", "author": "Insight Editions Staff", "url": "", "image": ""}]}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"results": {"type": "integer"}, "books": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"title": {"type": "string"}, "author": {"type": "string"}, "url": {"type": "string"}, "image": {"type": "string"}}}}}}
Open Library
An unofficial API for Open Library.
Search Author
Searches for authors.
New Example
{"results": 4, "authors": [{"author": "Jeff Kinney", "image": "", "numberOfbooks": "356 books", "date": "19 February 1971 - "}, {"author": "Kinney Jeff", "image": "", "numberOfbooks": "1 book", "date": ""}, {"author": "KINNEY JEFF", "image": "", "numberOfbooks": "0 books", "date": ""}, {"author": "Jeff Kinney", "image": "", "numberOfbooks": "0 books", "date": ""}]}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"results": {"type": "integer"}, "authors": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"author": {"type": "string"}, "image": {"type": "string"}, "numberOfbooks": {"type": "string"}, "date": {"type": "string"}}}}}}
Article Data Extraction
This API extracts clean text and structured data from news and blog articles. Developers can seamlessly retrieve meaningful content from HTML, irrespective of the article's language, streamlining data extraction for various applications.
Extract From Url
Extract Data from Url.
{"title": "Como \u00e9 Namorar um Paquistan\u00eas - Curiozidade", "description": "Neste artigo, vamos mergulhar no mundo de namorar um homem paquistan\u00eas, revelando os aspectos culturais, din\u00e2micas familiares e muito mais.", "image": "", "type": "article", "url": "", "siteName": "Curiozidade", "locale": "pt_BR", "localeAlternate": [], "imageType": "image/jpeg", "imageWidth": "2560", "imageHeight": "1707", "author": "admin", "pubDate": "2023-06-28T12:10:34+00:00", "articleText": "Namorar \u00e9 uma jornada emocionante e, muitas vezes, confusa, que nos permite explorar diferentes culturas, tradi\u00e7\u00f5es e perspectivas. Quando se trata de namorar algu\u00e9m de uma origem diferente, como um homem paquistan\u00eas, pode ser uma experi\u00eancia fascinante, repleta de ideias \u00fanicas e desafios. Neste artigo, vamos mergulhar no mundo de namorar um homem paquistan\u00eas, revelando os aspectos culturais, din\u00e2micas familiares e a beleza da diversidade nos relacionamentos.Namorar um homem paquistan\u00eas te apresenta a um estilo \u00fanico de sedu\u00e7\u00e3o. Prepare-se para uma mistura de charme, humildade e doces (\u00e0s vezes meio bregas) express\u00f5es de amor. Os homens paquistaneses t\u00eam a reputa\u00e7\u00e3o de serem rom\u00e2nticos e apaixonados, e n\u00e3o t\u00eam medo de demonstrar isso. De elogios sinceros a grandes gestos, esteja preparado para ser conquistado pela natureza afetuosa deles. Eles se orgulham de expressar seu amor e de mimar suas parceiras com aten\u00e7\u00e3o e cuidado. Prepare-se para palavras de amor sinceras e, \u00e0s vezes, at\u00e9 meio bregas, que far\u00e3o seu cora\u00e7\u00e3o palpitar. Al\u00e9m disso, quando um homem paquistan\u00eas se compromete em um relacionamento, geralmente \u00e9 de forma profunda e leal, valorizando o v\u00ednculo que compartilha com sua parceira. Espere um forte senso de dedica\u00e7\u00e3o e um desejo genu\u00edno de fazer o relacionamento dar certo.Quando se trata de atender \u00e0s suas necessidades, n\u00e3o importa o qu\u00e3o pequenas ou triviais pare\u00e7am, voc\u00ea pode contar com seu homem paquistan\u00eas para ir al\u00e9m. Seja ajudando a encontrar um item espec\u00edfico, correndo para fazer recados ou se esfor\u00e7ando para tornar sua vida mais f\u00e1cil, ele far\u00e1 de tudo com prazer. Os homens paquistaneses t\u00eam um forte senso de cavalheirismo e acreditam em cuidar de suas parceiras. Eles est\u00e3o dispostos a ir al\u00e9m, dirigindo por toda a cidade apenas para encontrar o que voc\u00ea precisa. Essa atitude cavalheiresca tem ra\u00edzes em seus valores culturais, onde cuidar e mostrar respeito \u00e0s mulheres \u00e9 muito valorizado. Voc\u00ea pode contar com seu homem paquistan\u00eas para ser atencioso e carinhoso, fazendo voc\u00ea se sentir valorizada e apoiada.A cultura paquistanesa \u00e9 profundamente influenciada pelo Isl\u00e3, e durante o m\u00eas sagrado do Ramad\u00e3, voc\u00ea pode testemunhar uma transforma\u00e7\u00e3o em seu homem paquistan\u00eas. Embora ele possa ser uma pessoa festeira o ano todo, durante o Ramad\u00e3, ele se dedica profundamente \u00e0 sua f\u00e9. Jejuando do amanhecer ao p\u00f4r do sol e realizando ora\u00e7\u00f5es adicionais e atos de adora\u00e7\u00e3o, ele abra\u00e7a um estilo de vida piedoso durante este m\u00eas sagrado. \u00c9 uma oportunidade de testemunhar seu lado espiritual e vivenciar a alegria e devo\u00e7\u00e3o que acompanham a pr\u00e1tica religiosa. Compartilhar esses momentos juntos pode ser uma experi\u00eancia bonita e edificante, fortalecendo o v\u00ednculo entre voc\u00eas.Ao namorar um homem paquistan\u00eas, n\u00e3o se surpreenda se voc\u00ea o pegar pegando emprestado seus produtos de beleza ou usando os da irm\u00e3 ou m\u00e3e dele. Isso \u00e9 uma pr\u00e1tica comum nas fam\u00edlias paquistanesas, onde compartilhar itens de cuidados pessoais \u00e9 considerado normal. L\u00ea tamb\u00e9m: Fatos impressionantes sobre homens Italianos Desde lo\u00e7\u00f5es e cremes faciais at\u00e9 perfumes e produtos para cabelo, ele pode n\u00e3o hesitar em experiment\u00e1-los. Al\u00e9m disso, sendo consciente da moda, ele pode levar mais tempo se arrumando e se cuidando, o que pode causar atrasos ocasionais. Mas tenha certeza de que a espera valer\u00e1 a pena quando ele chegar, com um visual elegante e impec\u00e1vel.Os homens paquistaneses costumam ter uma queda por relaxar e levar as coisas com calma. Eles podem gostar de ficar deitados e aproveitar o tempo livre. Isso pode ser atribu\u00eddo ao fato de serem mimados e paparicados por suas m\u00e3es, que cuidaram de todas as suas necessidades. Como resultado, eles podem estar acostumados a um certo n\u00edvel de conforto e podem precisar de um empurr\u00e3ozinho gentil para assumir responsabilidades. No entanto, uma vez motivados, eles podem ser muito determinados e dedicados. Lembre-se de encontrar um equil\u00edbrio entre relaxamento e produtividade, garantindo que ambos fiquem satisfeitos no relacionamento.Na cultura paquistanesa, a fam\u00edlia tem uma import\u00e2ncia imensa, e quando voc\u00ea namora um homem paquistan\u00eas, voc\u00ea se torna parte de sua fam\u00edlia estendida. \u00c9 essencial entender que voc\u00ea n\u00e3o est\u00e1 apenas namorando ele, mas tamb\u00e9m construindo relacionamentos com seus parentes. Uma vez aceita na fam\u00edlia, voc\u00ea encontrar\u00e1 uma rede de pessoas solid\u00e1rias e carinhosas que a acolher\u00e3o como se fosse da fam\u00edlia. A irm\u00e3 dele, em particular, pode se tornar sua melhor amiga, oferecendo orienta\u00e7\u00e3o, apoio e um v\u00ednculo profundo. A din\u00e2mica familiar pode envolver encontros regulares, celebra\u00e7\u00f5es e tomada de decis\u00f5es coletivas. Aproveite a oportunidade para estabelecer conex\u00f5es e valorizar o amor e cuidado que v\u00eam ao fazer parte da fam\u00edlia dele.A religi\u00e3o, predominantemente o Isl\u00e3, \u00e9 parte integrante da cultura paquistanesa. Ela molda os valores, cren\u00e7as e o cotidiano de muitos homens paquistaneses. Namorar um homem paquistan\u00eas pode envolver navegar pelas complexidades das pr\u00e1ticas isl\u00e2micas, como ora\u00e7\u00f5es, o jejum durante o Ramad\u00e3 ou participar de eventos religiosos. Ter conversas abertas e respeitosas sobre religi\u00e3o ajudar\u00e1 ambos a compreender melhor as perspectivas um do outro e promover o respeito m\u00fatuo.Namorar um homem paquistan\u00eas proporciona uma experi\u00eancia enriquecedora culturalmente, permitindo ampliar horizontes e abra\u00e7ar a diversidade. A jornada de descobrir uma cultura diferente, navegar pelas din\u00e2micas familiares e abra\u00e7ar novas tradi\u00e7\u00f5es pode ser empolgante e gratificante. No entanto, \u00e9 essencial abordar o relacionamento com mente aberta, respeito e genu\u00edno interesse. Ao promover a compreens\u00e3o, apreciar as diferen\u00e7as e celebrar as semelhan\u00e7as, voc\u00ea pode criar um forte v\u00ednculo que transcende fronteiras culturais. Lembre-se de que o amor n\u00e3o conhece fronteiras, e namorar um homem paquistan\u00eas oferece uma oportunidade \u00fanica de abra\u00e7ar a beleza dos relacionamentos multiculturais.As tradi\u00e7\u00f5es isl\u00e2micas, s\u00e3o semelhantes \u00e0s JUDAICAS CRIST\u00c3S, mas creio que eles n\u00e3o sa em disso.\nMas, o PAKISTAO \u00e9 demonstrado na INTERNET, como o pa\u00eds mais perigoso do mundo. E consequentemente o homem pakistan\u00eas, pode ser considerado um homem MAL.. ISSO \u00c9 UM ANTAGONISMO, N\u00c3O????Santana obrigado pelo coment\u00e1rio.As tradi\u00e7\u00f5es Isl\u00e2micas s\u00e3o diferentes das Judaicas Crist\u00e3s. O homem paquistan\u00eas n\u00e3o \u00e9 um homem mau, \u00e9 que as leis do Islamismo s\u00e3o mais rig\u00eddas que as do Cristianismo. Contudo isto n\u00e3o faz de nenhum Paquistan\u00eas mau, pelo contr\u00e1rio, eles sabem cuidar muito bem de uma mulher. E s\u00e3o realmente super protetores.ola, eu namoro um pasquistanes e ele \u00e9 exatamente como da reportagemBom saber.Verdade eles s\u00e3o muito calados e n\u00e3o gosta de expresar o que namoro um pakistan\u00e9s e sei como eles s\u00e3o .", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "comments": [{"name_author": "Hadme SantanaadminKarlaadmin", "date": "2023-07-03T03:39:49+00:00", "comment": "As tradi\u00e7\u00f5es isl\u00e2micas, s\u00e3o semelhantes \u00e0s JUDAICAS CRIST\u00c3S, mas creio que eles n\u00e3o sa em disso.\nMas, o PAKISTAO \u00e9 demonstrado na INTERNET, como o pa\u00eds mais perigoso do mundo. E consequentemente o homem pakistan\u00eas, pode ser considerado um homem MAL.. ISSO \u00c9 UM ANTAGONISMO, N\u00c3O????Santana obrigado pelo coment\u00e1rio.As tradi\u00e7\u00f5es Isl\u00e2micas s\u00e3o diferentes das Judaicas Crist\u00e3s. O homem paquistan\u00eas n\u00e3o \u00e9 um homem mau, \u00e9 que as leis do Islamismo s\u00e3o mais rig\u00eddas que as do Cristianismo. Contudo isto n\u00e3o faz de nenhum Paquistan\u00eas mau, pelo contr\u00e1rio, eles sabem cuidar muito bem de uma mulher. E s\u00e3o realmente super protetores.ola, eu namoro um pasquistanes e ele \u00e9 exatamente como da reportagemBom saber."}, {"name_author": "Jaqueline De Ara\u00fajo", "date": "2023-08-26T07:11:10+00:00", "comment": "Verdade eles s\u00e3o muito calados e n\u00e3o gosta de expresar o que namoro um pakistan\u00e9s e sei como eles s\u00e3o ."}]}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"title": {"type": "string"}, "description": {"type": "string"}, "image": {"type": "string"}, "type": {"type": "string"}, "url": {"type": "string"}, "siteName": {"type": "string"}, "locale": {"type": "string"}, "localeAlternate": {"type": "array"}, "imageType": {"type": "string"}, "imageWidth": {"type": "string"}, "imageHeight": {"type": "string"}, "author": {"type": "string"}, "pubDate": {"type": "string"}, "articleText": {"type": "string"}, "images": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}, "comments": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"name_author": {"type": "string"}, "date": {"type": "string"}, "comment": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["comment", "date", "name_author"]}}}, "required": ["articleText", "author", "comments", "description", "image", "imageHeight", "imageType", "imageWidth", "images", "locale", "localeAlternate", "pubDate", "siteName", "title", "type", "url"]}
Show available movies and series in mmsub
List of mmsub movies
This is for list of movies and series from channel myanmar
New Example
[{"name": "The Psychologist ( 2021 )", "link": ""}, {"name": "Lost in Space \u2013 Season 03", "link": ""}, {"name": "Hawkeye Season 1 (2021)", "link": ""}]
{"$schema": "", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"name": {"type": "string"}, "link": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["link", "name"]}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
Text2Image API to generate image from prompt
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
Use dreambooth text2img API to generate images from any custom trained model or from any publicly available model. You can also pass scheduler in API possible values for scheduler are DDPMScheduler PNDMScheduler EulerAncestralDiscreteScheduler DDIMScheduler LMSDiscreteScheduler EulerDiscreteScheduler DPMSolverMultistepScheduler
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
Get list of all models on your server
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
Load model to your dedicated server, url : url of huggingface model, .ckpt download link, or trained model from our dreambooth api model_id : this is model_id model will be saved as, you can load model using this id to generate images. model_type: 1. "huggingface" 2. "api_trained" 3. "custom_ckpt" revision : if model is "fp16" or "fp32" webhook : webhook to receive response on model load events upcast_attention : pass "yes" only when you are loading stable diffusion 2.1 model
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
Get details of your server
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
Delete model on your server
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
Verify is specific model exists
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
Restart your dedicated server
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
instance_prompt: how you want to call trained object class_prompt: class without prompt images: make sure images are direct links, cropped in 512x512 : keep it about 7-8 images seed: keep it null or 0 training_type: type of object you are training on: men : to train on faces of men female: to train on faces of female null: to train on object or anything max_train_steps: keep it 2X number of images: Max: 2000 webhook: get post call when training is completed
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
StableDiffusations API V3
Stable Diffusion V3 APIs Text2Image Image2Image API generate image from prompt.
{"status": "success", "generationTime": 0, "id": 0, "output": [""], "meta": {"H": 0, "W": 0, "enable_attention_slicing": "true", "file_prefix": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10", "guidance_scale": 0, "model": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "n_samples": 0, "negative_prompt": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime", "outdir": "out", "prompt": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K", "revision": "fp16", "safety_checker": "none", "seed": 0, "steps": 0, "vae": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "success"}, "generationTime": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 2.920767068862915}, "id": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 302455}, "output": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": ""}}, "meta": {"type": "object", "properties": {"H": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "W": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 512}, "enable_attention_slicing": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "true"}, "file_prefix": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "05c3260d-6a2e-4aa5-82f0-e952f2a5fa10"}, "guidance_scale": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 7.5}, "model": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"}, "n_samples": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1}, "negative_prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "((out of frame)), ((extra fingers)), mutated hands, ((poorly drawn hands)), ((poorly drawn face)), (((mutation))), (((deformed))), (((tiling))), ((naked)), ((tile)), ((fleshpile)), ((ugly)), (((abstract))), blurry, ((bad anatomy)), ((bad proportions)), ((extra limbs)), cloned face, (((skinny))), glitchy, ((extra breasts)), ((double torso)), ((extra arms)), ((extra hands)), ((mangled fingers)), ((missing breasts)), (missing lips), ((ugly face)), ((fat)), ((extra legs)), anime"}, "outdir": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "out"}, "prompt": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "ultra realistic close up portrait ((beautiful pale cyberpunk female with heavy black eyeliner)), blue eyes, shaved side haircut, hyper detail, cinematic lighting, magic neon, dark red city, Canon EOS R3, nikon, f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 8K, RAW, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, 8K"}, "revision": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "fp16"}, "safety_checker": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "none"}, "seed": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 1793745243}, "steps": {"type": "integer", "description": "", "default": 20}, "vae": {"type": "string", "description": "", "default": "stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse"}}}}}
Nba News
API showing all the news in NBA
Get individual NBA source news
ok ok ok
New Example
[{"title": " Neemias Queta soma 13 pontos na segunda vit\u00f3ria dos Stockton Kings na NBA G League ", "url": "", "source": "sapo"}, {"title": " Doc Rivers torna-se o 10.\u00ba treinador a atingir 1000 vit\u00f3rias na NBA ", "url": "", "source": "sapo"}]
{"$schema": "", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"title": {"type": "string"}, "url": {"type": "string"}, "source": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["source", "title", "url"]}}
Youtube Downloader
Do you want to download YouTube videos? Look no further! Our API is perfect for you. It offers lightning-fast loading times and incredibly easy usage. With this API, downloading YouTube videos becomes a breeze!
Get Audio Data
This endpoint fetches Audio of a YouTube , including URLs of audio , and thumbnails
Example Responses
{"id": "p48tBwQgHYw", "title": "MIGRATION \u2013 Official Trailer 2", "thumbnail": "", "audio": [{"quality": "128kbps", "fileSizeH": "2.8 MB", "fileSize": 2800, "downloadUrl": ""}]}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"id": {"type": "string"}, "title": {"type": "string"}, "thumbnail": {"type": "string"}, "audio": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"quality": {"type": "string"}, "fileSizeH": {"type": "string"}, "fileSize": {"type": "integer"}, "downloadUrl": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["downloadUrl", "fileSize", "fileSizeH", "quality"]}}}, "required": ["audio", "id", "thumbnail", "title"]}
Youtube Downloader
Do you want to download YouTube videos? Look no further! Our API is perfect for you. It offers lightning-fast loading times and incredibly easy usage. With this API, downloading YouTube videos becomes a breeze!
Get Video Data
This endpoint fetches Video of a YouTube , including URLs of videos, and thumbnails
Example Responses
{"id": "p48tBwQgHYw", "title": "MIGRATION \u2013 Official Trailer 2", "thumbnail": "", "video": [{"quality": "360p", "fileSizeH": "11.7 MB", "fileSize": 11700, "downloadUrl": ""}, {"quality": "720p", "fileSizeH": "13.1 MB", "fileSize": 13100, "downloadUrl": ""}, {"quality": "1080p", "fileSizeH": "37.2 MB", "fileSize": 37200, "downloadUrl": ""}, {"quality": "144p", "fileSizeH": "4.1 MB", "fileSize": 4100, "downloadUrl": ""}, {"quality": "auto", "fileSizeH": "", "fileSize": 0, "downloadUrl": ""}]}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"id": {"type": "string"}, "title": {"type": "string"}, "thumbnail": {"type": "string"}, "video": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"quality": {"type": "string"}, "fileSizeH": {"type": "string"}, "fileSize": {"type": "integer"}, "downloadUrl": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["downloadUrl", "fileSize", "fileSizeH", "quality"]}}}, "required": ["id", "thumbnail", "title", "video"]}
Youtube Downloader
Do you want to download YouTube videos? Look no further! Our API is perfect for you. It offers lightning-fast loading times and incredibly easy usage. With this API, downloading YouTube videos becomes a breeze!
Get All Data
This endpoint fetches full details of a YouTube video, including URLs of videos, audios and thumbnails
Example Responses
{"id": "p48tBwQgHYw", "title": "MIGRATION \u2013 Official Trailer 2", "thumbnail": "", "video": [{"quality": "360p", "fileSizeH": "11.7 MB", "fileSize": 11700, "downloadUrl": ""}, {"quality": "720p", "fileSizeH": "13.1 MB", "fileSize": 13100, "downloadUrl": ""}, {"quality": "1080p", "fileSizeH": "37.2 MB", "fileSize": 37200, "downloadUrl": ""}, {"quality": "144p", "fileSizeH": "4.1 MB", "fileSize": 4100, "downloadUrl": ""}, {"quality": "auto", "fileSizeH": "", "fileSize": 0, "downloadUrl": ""}], "audio": [{"quality": "128kbps", "fileSizeH": "2.8 MB", "fileSize": 2800, "downloadUrl": ""}]}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"id": {"type": "string"}, "title": {"type": "string"}, "thumbnail": {"type": "string"}, "video": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"quality": {"type": "string"}, "fileSizeH": {"type": "string"}, "fileSize": {"type": "integer"}, "downloadUrl": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["downloadUrl", "fileSize", "fileSizeH", "quality"]}}, "audio": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"quality": {"type": "string"}, "fileSizeH": {"type": "string"}, "fileSize": {"type": "integer"}, "downloadUrl": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["downloadUrl", "fileSize", "fileSizeH", "quality"]}}}, "required": ["audio", "id", "thumbnail", "title", "video"]}
APIC OpenGraph
Extract Open Graph data from the URL
Extract Open Graph data from the URL
New Example
{"audio": null, "description": "A body of clay, a mind full of play, a moment\u2019s life - that is me. \ud83d\udc4b I\u2019m Abhinav. I am a generalist with interests in entrepreneurship, programming, product management, and engineering leadership.", "determiner": null, "image": "", "locale": "en_US", "site_name": "Abhinav Saxena", "title": "Abhinav Saxena", "type": null, "url": "", "video": null}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"audio": {"type": "null"}, "description": {"type": "string"}, "determiner": {"type": "null"}, "image": {"type": "string"}, "locale": {"type": "string"}, "site_name": {"type": "string"}, "title": {"type": "string"}, "type": {"type": "null"}, "url": {"type": "string"}, "video": {"type": "null"}}, "required": ["audio", "description", "determiner", "image", "locale", "site_name", "title", "type", "url", "video"]}
Partyline API
initConfig v3
Get Partyline basic information
New Example
{"errorInfo": "OK", "errorCode": "0x0", "result": {"urlInfo": {"commentator": "", "joinLink": "", "userservice": "", "front": "", "ccWebsocket": "", "webRtc": "", "cloudDriver.url": "", "cloudDriverUrl": "", "gateway.url": "", "gatewayUrl": "", "commentatorParty": "", "userAuthUrl": "", "serviceListUrl": "", "usageServiceUrl": ""}, "serverName": "Partyline", "gaCode": "G-NBPNL9ZRBQ", "conferenceMode": true, "mode": {"commonParty": true, "gallery": true, "conference": true, "scene": false, "kiosk": true, "globalControl": true}, "apiEnv": "", "applicationName": "tvu-partyline-prod2", "versionControl": {"versionUrl": "", "versionApiUrl": "", "versionCode": "677304", "commentatorMaxTimeDifference": 800}, "serviceNames": ["Producer"], "env": "tvu_partyline_prod2"}, "errorResult": null, "repeated": null}
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Partyline API
Check get env
When you send all API requests, you need to include the env cookie; otherwise, it will default to calling the prod1 environment. This API will give you correct env cookie for Partyline and Commentator tagKey and tagValue is PL env cookie commentatorTagKey and commentatorTagValue is commentator env cookie The next API call final cookie should be like: SID=47A70A8606984F4597053F3F1CCED980; commentator3=ct3;partylinet3=plt3;
New Example
{"errorInfo": "OK", "errorCode": "0x0", "result": {"channelModel": 0, "userEmail": null, "login": true, "owner": true, "coHost": false, "tagKey": "partylinet4", "tagValue": "plt4", "hasPartyCode": false, "env": "", "tagList": [{"tagKey": "partyline1", "tagValue": "pl1"}, {"tagKey": "partylinet4", "tagValue": "plt4"}, {"tagKey": "partyline0", "tagValue": "pl"}, {"tagKey": "partyline02", "tagValue": "pl02"}, {"tagKey": "partylinet5", "tagValue": "plt5"}, {"tagKey": "partyline00", "tagValue": "pl00"}, {"tagKey": "partylinet2", "tagValue": "plt2"}, {"tagKey": "partylinet3", "tagValue": "plt3"}, {"tagKey": "partylinet1", "tagValue": "plt1"}], "commentatorTagList": [{"tagKey": "commentator4", "tagValue": "ct4"}, {"tagKey": "commentatorp2", "tagValue": "ctp2"}, {"tagKey": "commentator1", "tagValue": "ct1"}, {"tagKey": "commentator3", "tagValue": "ct3"}, {"tagKey": "commentatorp3", "tagValue": "ctp3"}, {"tagKey": "commentator00", "tagValue": "ct00"}, {"tagKey": "commentator2", "tagValue": "ct2"}, {"tagKey": "commentator0", "tagValue": "ct"}, {"tagKey": "commentator5", "tagValue": "ct5"}], "commentatorTagKey": "commentator4", "commentatorTagValue": "ct4", "apiEnv": null, "inviteMode": null, "deleteFlag": null, "arriveMaximumOnlineCollaborate": null, "commonPartyInfo": null, "enable": 1, "platform": null}, "errorResult": null, "repeated": null}
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Tiktok Download Without Watermark
Tiktok Download Without Watermark
Get Info Video
Get Info Video
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Tiktok Download Without Watermark
Tiktok Download Without Watermark
Get Info User
Get Info User
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Convert HTML to PNG and PDF Files. All files are available for download for 7 days.
Upload HTML
Send HTML.outerHTML and title as json format. Returns newly created image link that can be downloaded for 7 days. Then image will be deleted.
New Example
["", "ipadDropDiv-1641752018741.png"]
{"$schema": "", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}
Convert HTML to PNG and PDF Files. All files are available for download for 7 days.
Created a PDF file from HTML. ** The URL with the PDF to download will not work in chrome, but will work with all other browsers. **
New Example
["", "ipadDropDiv-1641794537441.pdf"]
{"$schema": "", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}
Random Palette Generator
This API allows generating random colored palettes with the number of palettes and color per palette and harmony mode (Monochromatic, Complementary, Triad etc...)
Get Palettes using Random Mode
Get Palettes Using random Scheme, defined Number of Palettes and defined Number of Colors Per Palettes
New Example
{"type": "monochromatic", "data": [{"id": 0, "palette": ["#587889", "#628989", "#7a8a88"]}, {"id": 1, "palette": ["#07808b", "#29838b", "#57798a"]}, {"id": 2, "palette": ["#83010e", "#806d59", "#827562"]}, {"id": 3, "palette": ["#322591", "#503d90", "#919191"]}, {"id": 4, "palette": ["#c1c51e", "#c3c541", "#c4c5b7"]}, {"id": 5, "palette": ["#f17076", "#f09393", "#f0b1b2"]}, {"id": 6, "palette": ["#d75aa4", "#d679b0", "#d7c9d0"]}, {"id": 7, "palette": ["#ce2f59", "#cd7186", "#cea9b4"]}, {"id": 8, "palette": ["#b50a52", "#b65781", "#b6b6b6"]}, {"id": 9, "palette": ["#1eaf3c", "#5eae2d", "#71ae4a"]}]}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"type": {"type": "string"}, "data": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"id": {"type": "integer"}, "palette": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["id", "palette"]}}}, "required": ["data", "type"]}
Random Palette Generator
This API allows generating random colored palettes with the number of palettes and color per palette and harmony mode (Monochromatic, Complementary, Triad etc...)
Get Full
Get Palettes Using Scheme, Number of Palettes and Number of Colors Per Palettes
New Example
{"type": "monochromatic", "data": [{"id": 0, "palette": ["#587889", "#628989", "#7a8a88"]}, {"id": 1, "palette": ["#07808b", "#29838b", "#57798a"]}, {"id": 2, "palette": ["#83010e", "#806d59", "#827562"]}, {"id": 3, "palette": ["#322591", "#503d90", "#919191"]}, {"id": 4, "palette": ["#c1c51e", "#c3c541", "#c4c5b7"]}, {"id": 5, "palette": ["#f17076", "#f09393", "#f0b1b2"]}, {"id": 6, "palette": ["#d75aa4", "#d679b0", "#d7c9d0"]}, {"id": 7, "palette": ["#ce2f59", "#cd7186", "#cea9b4"]}, {"id": 8, "palette": ["#b50a52", "#b65781", "#b6b6b6"]}, {"id": 9, "palette": ["#1eaf3c", "#5eae2d", "#71ae4a"]}]}
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Book detail
This API will return details of books based on their ISBN.
This will return the details, which are title, author and year, of books based on isbn.
New Example
{"author": "Sherrilyn Kenyon", "title": "Born of the Night", "year": 1996}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"author": {"type": "string"}, "title": {"type": "string"}, "year": {"type": "integer"}}, "required": ["author", "title", "year"]}
Twitch API
Detailed API for twitch. Stream data, streamer data, chat data, streamer cards data etc. for twitch.
Get Channel Leaderboards
Returns leaderboard.
New Example
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["key1", "key2"]}
Youtube transcriptor
Transcript Youtube Posdcasts & videos.
Transcript videos
New Example
[{"title": "Youtube video", "description": "Thanks For Watching!", "availableLangs": ["ar", "zh-CN", "zh-Hant", "en", "fr", "de", "hi", "id", "it", "ja", "ko", "pl", "pt-BR", "pa", "ru", "es-ES", "ta", "th", "vi"], "lengthInSeconds": "1797", "thumbnails": [{"url": "!obm1G_FY/default.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"url": "!obm1G_FY/mqdefault.jpg", "width": 320, "height": 180}, {"url": "!obm1G_FY/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360}, {"url": "!obm1G_FY/sddefault.jpg", "width": 640, "height": 480}, {"url": "!obm1G_FY/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLAMfSWyfKJW82iEAzHX_P9531-TNQ", "width": 686, "height": 386}], "transcription": [{"subtitle": "[Applause]", "start": 0.11, "dur": 7.809}, {"subtitle": "Hi!", "start": 4.5, "dur": 7.08}, {"subtitle": "First of all,", "start": 7.919, "dur": 5.491}, {"subtitle": "I just want to give a big shout-out to the organizers of this conference.", "start": 11.58, "dur": 4.16}]}]
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Youtube video info
The YouTube API is a powerful tool that provides developers with access to a wide range of information about videos on the YouTube platform. With the API, developers can retrieve data such as video views, likes, dislikes, and other relevant information. This allows them to create applications and services that leverage this data to enhance user experiences or perform various analytical tasks.
Get Video info
New Example
{"id": "GK4Pl-GmPHk", "dateCreated": "2022-04-09T21:17:55.397805Z", "likes": 40323, "dislikes": 1050, "rating": 4.898484518889131, "viewCount": 1419940, "deleted": false}
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Stream Movies
Up-2-date streaming movies website API
GET movies
This Endpoints get all featured movies and tv shows API with optional query to filter result, based on movies type (ex: "tvshows" or "movies"). it will return title, stream, source, and status
[{"title": "King Richard 2021", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Death on the Nile 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "The Cursed 2021", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "After Yang 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Shenmue The Animation 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Cyrano 2021", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "The Adam Project 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Spider-Man: No Way Home 2021", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Pieces of Her 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "A Day to Die 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Blacklight 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Redeeming 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"status": "Open"}, {"title": "Last Life in the Universe 2003", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Checkered Ninja 2 2021", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "SKY Castle 2018", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "From 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Surrogate 2017", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Shenmue The Animation 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Red Shoe Diaries 1992", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Pieces of Her 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Dragon Ball Super 2015", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Juvenile Justice 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Vikings: Valhalla", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Fishbowl Wives 2022", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Euphoria", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Reacher", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 1", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 1", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 1", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 1", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 1", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 1", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 5", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 6", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 1", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 2", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 1", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Season 4", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Negative Space", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Dry Spell", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "Incel", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "The Legend of Alexei Volkov", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}, {"title": "The Legend of Gabi Miskova", "stream": "", "source": "Nonton 01", "status": "Open"}]
{"type": "array", "items": {"type": "object", "properties": {"title": {"type": "string"}, "stream": {"type": "string"}, "source": {"type": "string"}, "status": {"type": "string"}}}}
tiktok api to get videos without watermark and other videos information by just video id
video info
get video with or without watermark and more data
New Example
{"status": 200, "results": {"video_url_no_watermark": "", "video_url": "", "music_url": "", "video_size": 8650344, "created_in": 1650204967, "caption": "HAPPY EASTER\ud83d\udc23\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udded#switzerland #swissroads #switzerlandnature #roadtrip #myswitzerland #swissbeautiful #sisiswiss #switzerland\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udded"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"status": {"type": "integer"}, "results": {"type": "object", "properties": {"video_url_no_watermark": {"type": "string"}, "video_url": {"type": "string"}, "music_url": {"type": "string"}, "video_size": {"type": "integer"}, "created_in": {"type": "integer"}, "caption": {"type": "string"}}}}}
Article HTML Extraction
Article Extraction API extracts clean html and text from news and blog articles. Our API will process your request in the modern headless Chrome browser with proxy IP rotation and Javascript rendering!
Extract Article
Article Extraction (HTML + Text)
{"success": true, "data": {"title": "Could machine learning refresh the cloud debate?", "description": "If you had a sense of d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu this week when David Heinemeier Hansson announced that 37Signals was leaving the cloud, you are not alone.", "mainImage": ",900", "images": [",900"], "pageUrl": "", "html": "<p>Welcome to The TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It\u2019s inspired by the daily TechCrunch+ column where it gets its name. <em>Want it in your inbox every Saturday? Sign up here.</em></p><p><i>Should early-stage founders ignore the never-ending debate on server infrastructure? Up to a point, yes: Investors we talked to are giving entrepreneurs their blessing not to give too much thought to cloud spend in their early days. But the rise of machine learning makes us suspect that answers might soon change.\u00a0 \u2014 </i><i>Anna</i></p><h2>Bare metal, rehashed</h2><p>If you had a sense of d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu this week when David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH) announced that Basecamp\u2019s and Hey\u2019s parent company 37signals was leaving the cloud, you are not alone: The debate on the pros and cons of cloud infrastructure sometimes seems stuck on an infinite loop.</p><p>It is certainly not the first time that I heard 37signals\u2019 core argument: That \u201crenting computers is (mostly) a bad deal for medium-sized companies like ours with stable growth.\u201d</p><p>In fact, both DHH\u2019s rationale and its detractors strongly reminded me of the years-old discussion that expense management company Expensify ignited when it defended its choice to go bare metal \u2014 that is, to run its own servers.</p><p>However, it would be wrong to think that the parameters of the cloud versus on-premise debate have remained unchanged.</p><p>As Boldstart Ventures partner Shomik Ghosh noted in our cloud investor survey, there\u2019s more to on-prem these days than running your own servers. Debate aside, I think most of us can agree that bare metal is not for everyone, which is why it\u2019s interesting to see a middle ground emerge.</p><p>\u201cIn terms of terminology,\u201d Ghosh said, \u201cI think on-prem should also be called \u2018modern on-prem,\u2019 which Replicated coined, as it addresses not just bare metal self-managed servers but also virtual private clouds, etc.\u201d</p>", "text": "Welcome to The TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It\u2019s inspired by the daily TechCrunch+ column where it gets its name. Want it in your inbox every Saturday? Sign up here.\n\nShould early-stage founders ignore the never-ending debate on server infrastructure? Up to a point, yes: Investors we talked to are giving entrepreneurs their blessing not to give too much thought to cloud spend in their early days. But the rise of machine learning makes us suspect that answers might soon change.\u00a0 \u2014 Anna\n\n\nBARE METAL, REHASHED\n\nIf you had a sense of d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu this week when David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH) announced that Basecamp\u2019s and Hey\u2019s parent company 37signals was leaving the cloud, you are not alone: The debate on the pros and cons of cloud infrastructure sometimes seems stuck on an infinite loop.\n\nIt is certainly not the first time that I heard 37signals\u2019 core argument: That \u201crenting computers is (mostly) a bad deal for medium-sized companies like ours with stable growth.\u201d\n\nIn fact, both DHH\u2019s rationale and its detractors strongly reminded me of the years-old discussion that expense management company Expensify ignited when it defended its choice to go bare metal \u2014 that is, to run its own servers.\n\nHowever, it would be wrong to think that the parameters of the cloud versus on-premise debate have remained unchanged.\n\nAs Boldstart Ventures partner Shomik Ghosh noted in our cloud investor survey, there\u2019s more to on-prem these days than running your own servers. Debate aside, I think most of us can agree that bare metal is not for everyone, which is why it\u2019s interesting to see a middle ground emerge.\n\n\u201cIn terms of terminology,\u201d Ghosh said, \u201cI think on-prem should also be called \u2018modern on-prem,\u2019 which Replicated coined, as it addresses not just bare metal self-managed servers but also virtual private clouds, etc.\u201d", "date": "2022-10-22T17:00:13.000Z", "lang": "en", "author": "Anna Heim"}}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"success": {"type": "boolean"}, "data": {"type": "object", "properties": {"title": {"type": "string"}, "description": {"type": "string"}, "mainImage": {"type": "string"}, "images": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}, "pageUrl": {"type": "string"}, "html": {"type": "string"}, "text": {"type": "string"}, "date": {"type": "string"}, "lang": {"type": "string"}, "author": {"type": "string"}}}}}
Article HTML Extraction
Article Extraction API extracts clean html and text from news and blog articles. Our API will process your request in the modern headless Chrome browser with proxy IP rotation and Javascript rendering!
Extract Article
Article Extraction (HTML + Text)
{"success": false, "message": "Protocol error (Page.navigate): Cannot navigate to invalid URL"}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"success": {"type": "boolean"}, "message": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["message", "success"]}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_nyp
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_dm
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_sun
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_es
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_bbc
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_smh
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_latimes
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_nyt
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_telegraph
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_guardian
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_thetimes
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for news_cityam
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
this is a data from many web site news you cane view the date to use it in your web site
this request search for all this news
this API is very easy to use just copy the code in Code Snippets and put it in your project
{"key1": "value", "key2": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"key1": {"type": "string"}, "key2": {"type": "string"}}}
Fast Image Probe Metainfo
Get image meta info like width and height from any image quickly.
Get Image Metainfo
Get meta info for an image on any URL.
New Example
{"height": "value", "width": "value"}
{"type": "object", "properties": {"height": {"type": "string"}, "width": {"type": "string"}}}
Settings for NLP Music
Simple API for NLP Music additional settings
{"messages": "Server did not respond!"}
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"messages": {"type": "string"}}, "required": ["messages"]}