stringlengths 736
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááµ á³ááá²áµáµ áá á á ᣠá«áážáá á°ááᜠáá á á ᣠá«áážá á°ááᜠá ááá³ážá á€á¥áá ááá áá®áœ áá ááá á áážáᢠá¥ááá
á£á áá á á ᣠá°ááᜠᚠáá á á ᣠá°ááᜠáá á¢ááá± áá€á± áá ááá ááœáá?
A: ááá áá®áœ áá á á ᣠááá«ážáá á¢
B: ááá áá®áœ áá á á ᣠááá«ážááá¢
C: áá®á¹ áá ááá áá á á ᣠááá«ážáá á¢
D: áá®á¹ áá ááá áá á á ᣠá ááá«ážáá á¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ášá ášáášá ááµá¥ ášááá© áá¥ášá³áµ áá á á á¥áááá á°áœá¥á ášáá«á³áµá á á¢á®á²á ááá
A: á á³
B: áá
C: á á³á
D: á³á®áœ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášááá
áá ááµá¥ á«áá ááµ áááááµ ášáµáᜠáááµá ášáá ááá ášáµáá áá?
A: á«á³á
B: á¶áá
C: áŽááµá®á
D: ááá®áµá®á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášááá ášášášá ááá áááá¶áœ ááá áá£áá
A: ášáªá²á® áµáááµášá.
B: ášáµáᜠáµáááµášá.
C: ášááá áµáááµášá.
D: á€áááµá®áááá²á áµáááµášá.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáµáá á£á®ááá«á á¥áá
áµáᎠá áµáááᜠáášá°á³á?
A: ááµáá áµ
B: áá³á
C: áá°áááµ
D: ášá áá áááá áá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áŽáá³áµ ášá£á
á á³áá» áá ášáá°áá ááá á áጠáášá°á³á?
A: á ááá ááá£áµ
B: ááá áµáµá áá
C: áá ášášá á áááá áµ áá
D: á ááᜠášášá áá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá¥á ááá ááá (AU) á áá«ášáážá á«ááá áááµ á«áááá³á
A: ááµá á¥á ááá.
B: ášášá á¥á ááá.
C: ááµá á¥á ášášáá¢
D: ááá á¥á ášá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á°á¥áᜠášá ááµ áá° á ááµ á áááœášášášá©á áµ áá á á áá áá áá áášá°áµ ááœáá?
A: ášá áá áá¥ášááá ááá á£á
B: ášá áá ááááµ áášáá«á.
C: á áá© áá áᥠáááµ áŠá³ ááášáá
D: ášá áá áážáážá áá¥ááµ áááá³á .
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá±á á á«ááµ ááá«áᜠá á°á áá á¥áá³áááµá ááášáášá ášáµáá áᎠááá ááœáá?
A: áá ááᶠáá á£áµ
B: á°ášá᪠áááªá«ááœá áááá
C: á°ášá᪠á°ááœá ááášá¥
D: ášáá¬áµ ááµá¥ ášáµááá ášá°á ááá£áµá ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá«ááŠá áá°áµ áááµ áááᜠášáµáá¹ áážá?
A: ááááá á¥á áá
B: á¥áµááµ á¥á áá«á£áµ
C: áµááµ á¥á ááá¥
D: áá¶á²áá°á²áµ á¥á áá°áááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ááá á¡á°áµ ááá ášááá ááá áááµá áá?
A: ážáá
B: ášáµááá ášá°á
C: á°ááááœ
D: áá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áá¬áµ áááá¥áᥠááµá¥á£ áááá¹ ááá¶áœ á áá á«ááá
A: á ášá
B: áá
C: á áá
D: á ááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á®áááášáµ á°áᜠášáááá á¥áááµ ášáááášá±á áµá ááááµ áááŠá³áá¢
A: ááµá á ááá áá
áá áá áᜠá¥á ááááá¢
B: áŽááµá®áá áááá°á, ášáá«á áá»á»á.
C: áááá« ášáááá ášá áœáá á°áá ááµá áá³á¥ á áá»á.
D: ášáááá¶áœ áá
áááᜠááá áááážáá á«á³á«áá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáášá°ááµ á£á
áªá«áµ ááµáµ ášá á«á£á¢á áá á£á ááµá°áá¥á ášááá³á ášáµáá áá?
A: áá¥á°áµ
B: ášááá ááá
C: ášá°á á áááµ
D: á¥á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á¥áá° á¢á á£áá á²ááªá£ á áœáá á°áá á¥ááŽáµ á¥ášá°áášáš áá?
A: á¥ášá°ááá ááá¢
B: á¥ášá°á ááá¢
C: á áá á¥á» á¥ášá°á ááá¢
D: ááášá á¥á» áá ášáááááá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá¥ááá
ááµá¥ ášáµáá á á²áµ ášá¬áá«á áá¥áš ááá ááá áá á«á«áµá³á?
A: ášá€ááá áµááµ
B: ášá á¥á á áá ᬠááááá
C: áµá³áá á á»á ááµá¥ ááá³áµ
D: ášá¥ášáµ á°áá°ááµ áááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááµ ášá¥áá á³áµ á°á«áᜠá³áµ á²áá³ ášáµáá¹ áááµ áµááá¶áœ ášá¡áá» áµáááµ áá á áá¥á³ áá°á«á?
A: ášá áœá³ áášáášá« á¥á ááá
B: ášááᥠááášáµ á¥á ášáá°ááá» á á«ááµ
C: ášááá á¥á ášá á¥ááµ
D: ášá°á áááá á¥á á¢ááŽáááá³áª
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá°á á°áá£á«áµ ášá áá áážáážá áá áá áááá¡ ááœááᢠášáášá°ááµ ááµá¥ ášá áá áážáážáá áá¥ááµ ááááµ ášááœáá ášáµáá áá?
A: á áááµá®áá ášá áážá áá³á áªá«á áá áá
B: á³á®áœá á á áá© á¥áá²áášá¡ ááµášá
C: á ááŠáœ áá á€á¶áœá áááá£áµ
D: á®ášá¥á³áᜠáá áááœá ááµášá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áœáá á áá á ááá®áᜠášááá á© ášááá¥áµá á«áá á¥á á áááá®áœ á¥áá³ááµ á«á³ááá áááµ ášáµáá áá?
A: áá«áµ
B: áááá²áµ
C: á¥áá áááµ
D: áµáá á° ážáá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áá ášáá°ááá á£á
᪠ááᥠáá³á ášáµáá á£á
A: ášááá ááá
B: á¢ááááœá
C: ášá¥áá á³áµ á¥áááµ
D: ášááá ááááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá¥ááá áááµ á áá ááá«á
A: ááá¢
B: ááá áµá¢
C: áááµá¢
D: á á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áá á¬áᜠá áá ááµá¥ ášáášáá© áá³á áªá«áᜠášáá°á áá á á«áá áááµá¬áµ áááá ᢠáá³á áªá«áᜠá áááµá®á
á á¡á°áµ áá áá á°áœá¥á á«á³áµá«á?
A: á°ááᜠáááá ᥠá¥á áááµá¬á¶áœ á«áááá¢
B: á¥ááµá¶áœ ááááᥠá¥á áááµá¬á¶áœ á«áááá¢
C: á¥á áááµá®áá áá áá°ášá£á¢ á ášá ááááá á¢
D: á¥á áááµá®á
á á á£ááŽáá«áᜠáá° áááµá¬áµááµ ááášá«á á¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááá áááµ ááµá¥ áá³á¥ áá ááááµ ááá³ áá?
A: áá
B: á áá«á«
C: áá³áœ
D: áááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á³ááá²áµá¶áœ "á¥ááá áááµ" ášáááá áá áá ááá
A: á¥ááá á ášááá¥áµ ááµá¥ áá á«á
á á áá¥ááµ á¥áá°áááá¢
B: á¥ááá á á ááµ áááµ ááµá¥ ášáááá áááµá¢
C: ášá°áá«á© ášášááá¥áµ á²á«ááµá®áœ áá á«á
á áµáá
D: á áááá²á ááµá¥ ááááá³ááµ ááá ášááµááµá°á ááá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááá á
áá¶áœ á¥á á á®ááá°á áºááµ ááµá¥ ášáµáá áá³áááµ á¥á
á áá áááá?
A: á²áášá
B: á¥á
C: á ááŽáá
D: á áá²áá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á á áá³ááµ á°ášá
á á«á£á¢áᜠáá¥á áºá
ááá³áµ á á°áá¥á® áá ášá°ášáážá£ážá ášáá¬áµ á á³áœ ášááá ááá®áœ ášáá°á áá á á«áá áá á°ášááœá·áᢠááá á«áá°á°á« áá á áááµ ášáá¬áµ ááœá³ áášá°áµ ááœáá?
A: áŽáá³#
B: ááá
C: á ášá
D: á°á«á®áœ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááá á¥á ášá ášáá«áª áááµ ášášáµáá ášá°áááµ á á«á áááᜠáážá?
A: ášááá
B: ášááµááá
C: áááááœá ášáá«ááá© á¥á¢ááœ
D: ášáá°ááá» á á«ááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: áŠááµá
á ášáááµá®áá áá á²áááµ ášáµáá áá¥áš ááá áá ášá°áá ášá?
A: áá
B: á®áá£á€
C: áááµá®áááªá á á²áµ
D: áááµá®á
á á³ááŠáá³ááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á á€á° áášá« ááµá¥á£ á°ááªáᜠááá á áá«áµášáµá ášááœá áá¥áš ááá®áœ áá á¥ášá°á© ááᢠášá¥ááá
áááµ á¥ááááᜠááµá¥ ášáµááá áášá°á á á£á á áµááá áá?
A: áá³á á¢á« ááá³áᜠá£á¶ ááµášáá¢
B: ášá¥ááá áááᜠááœá³áµá¢
C: ášááá áášáášá« ááá áµá¢
D: ášá€áááµáªá áá³áªá«áᜠááµááµá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá á¶á á á¶áá áá¥á°áµ ááá¢
A: ášá á¶áá áá¥á áá á°áá³á³á áá.
B: ášá¡áµá áá¥á áá á°áá³á³á áá.
C: ášáá®á¶á á¥á ášáááµá®á áµááá¢
D: á áá®á¶á á¥á á á€áááµá®áᜠáá«ášá á«áá áá©ááµ.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áá³ááµ ášá áá á á«á£á¢áᜠá ášá áá°á ááá³áᜠá¥á«áá áážá ááᢠáá
ááᥠášáášá°ááµ ááµá¥ ášáµááá ášááµášá áœáá³ á«áá ášááá« ááááá á á¥á
á áá á
A: ášáá°á áá á á«áá ááᥠáá¥ááµ
B: áášá
á áá áá°áá
C: á¢ááá«á¬áµ á¥á á ááµá«á«á®ááµ á¥ááá áá°áážáá
D: ááá á áá³á á á©á áá° ášá£á¢ á ášá á«áµá°áááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáµááᜠá áááµá á°áá£á á á°á»á ááá³ ášáááážá?
A: ášá²á¹ áŠááµá
B: áááá áá»á»ááœá ááµáá£áµ
C: ášá°á áŽáᜠáááá£
D: ášááᥠááášáµ á¥á áá³á¥
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá°á ášáá« á¥á«á±á á á«á± ášááášáµ á ášáµáá áœáá áá á áá
A: áááµá¢
B: ááá¥á¢
C: á¡áá»á¢
D: áá ášá°á áŽááœá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: áá° á°áá«á© á°áŽá¶áœ á ááášá¥ á ááá ášá¥ááµá³áµá ááááµ á áááášáµ á£á®ááá á«á á á¥á ááá«áᜠá¥ááŽáµ á¥áá°ááááá¡ ááááµ ášáá ášá ášáµáá á³ááá²áµáµ áá?
A: áááá® ááá
B: áááá® ááá
C: á»áááµ á³ááá
D: á°á á ááá ááá°á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: áááµá®á
áá ááá áá ášáµáá ááááµ áá¡á ášá°á»á áá?
A: á£ááŽáªá«ááœ
B: áááá¶áœ
C: áá®á²áµá¶áœ
D: á¥ááµá³áµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá°áášáá©áµ áá³ááᜠááµá¥ ášá³áááµ áááááµ ášáá°ááá ášáá¥ááµ á á°á á«á°ášá°á ášáµáá ááµá°áµ áá?
A: á ááá ááµá¥ ášá¥á³á° ááá« ááá³á³
B: ášáášá ááµá¥ ááá£á³
C: áš 17 áá ᣠ18 áá á¥á 19 áá ááá ááá áᣠáá£áªááœ
D: á ášáášááµ ášáá²á²á ááá á£áá®á¹á á«á¥ááááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá°á ááᜠá á«ááŠá áá°áµ áá á«á³á©áµ áµáá á°áœáá áááµá áá?
A: ášá°á ááášá¥
B: ášáááµá²á ááášáµ
C: ášááá á á
áªá° á á«ááµ
D: ášáá¥áá á°á¥áᜠááááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á°ááá ááá áá ᥠáá° ážáá á²á«ááµáᣠá á ááµáµá«áá« áá áá
áµ á¥ášá°á«áá° áá ?
A: ááœá
B: áášááµ
C: ážá°á
D: á á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášááá á¥á-áá
á³á®áœ áá ášáµ ášáááµ ášáµáá¹ áá¥ášá³áµ áážá?
A: ášáá° á°áá ááá áá»á» ášáá á
B: á áá«áŸáœ
C: á°á ááááœ
D: á á áµá£áŸáœ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ááá áµá áááá² ášá°á°á¡ áááá«áᜠáµááá áážá ášáá
á áµá°áá
A: á ááá®áᜠášááá á© ášááá¥áµá áááá
B: á¥ááá¹ á«á áŽááµá®á áá³á«á
C: á ááá®áᜠášá¥ááá á áá³áµ áá«á«áá
D: á
á á¥á á¢áášá áááá²ááœá ááááá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáºáᜠá áá³áµ á ááµ á á°áá á ááªá« ááµá¥ á áá«á³ áµááá
á á¥á¢ á¥ááµá³áµ ááá© áá áᢠá¥ááá
ááá«áᜠášá°áá á ááªá« ášááááªá«á ášá°á á°áá« á áá á¥áá á³ááá á áá°ááᢠáá¥ááá
á á¥á¢ á¥ááµá³áµ áá¥ááµ ášá áᥠá áµá°ááœáŠ á«á°ášáá ášáµáá ášá°á á¥áá
A: á á°á
B: ášáá á¥áááµ
C: áááªá« ááášáµ
D: ááá¥á¶áœ á«á áœáá«
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á á«á« áµá-áá
á³á ááµá¥ ášáœá®á®áᜠáá áááá°á ášáá ášá°á»áá ááááµ áá ááá ááœáá?
A: ášá áá«á³ áœá®á®áᜠááááµ á¥á á¥ááµ ááá©
B: ášáœááá á£á
áªá«áµ ášááá£á á©áµá ááᜠáááµá
C: á á°áá¥á® áááªá«ážá ááµá¥ áµá áœá®á®áᜠášááµá ááášá³ááœá á«áµáá
D: áµá áœá®á®áᜠášááá á¥á ášáá¥áš ááá ááµááá¶áœ áœáááœá á«áá¥á¡
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááµ á³ááá²áµáµ á áŽá ááááášáµ ááµá¥ ášá²á€áဠáµááá¶áœá ášáááᜠááŽá á ááá
á·á, áá
á á£á
áªá«áµ á¥ááŽáµ á¥áá°áááá± ááá¥á«á«áµ ášáµá·á. áá
áá ááŽá ááááááµ ášášá³á ášáµáá á³ááá²áµáµ áá?
A: áŠá
B: áá
C: áááŽá
D: ááµá°á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á á ááµ á¥á áá
á³á ááµá¥ ášáµáá ááµá°áá¥á ášá ááµ ášá¥á-á
áááµ áá
á ášá°á¥ áá° áá ááµ á ááµ á áááᥠá°ááᶠáá³á«á?
A: ášáá« ááááµ
B: ášááᥠá áá³áš áášáŠáœ
C: ášááá áá«áá¶áœ
D: á°á°áªááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: áŠááµá
áá áá° ááµá¥ ášááµáá£áµ á¥á á«ááŠá á³ááŠáá³ááµá ášááµáá£áµ á¥á« ášáá«áááµ ášáµáá¹ áááµ ášá°áááµ á¥ááá¶áœ áážá?
A: á€áá¶á®áá(áááááœá ášáá«ááá© á¥á áá° á°á ááµá¥ ášááá áá¥áš ááá³áµ ááá ášá á«á ááááœ) á¥á á á
B: ášá°áááµ áá»á» ááµáá£áµ á¥á ááá
C: ášá°á áááá á¥á ášáá°ááá» á á«ááµ
D: ášááᥠááášáµ á¥á ášáá«á¢á«
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááµá ááªá« ášášášáá áá
áá á á°á»á ášáááážá ášá± áá?
A: áá ááµ áá á«á
á áá á«áá áá¥
B: áá ááµ á³áááµ á«á
á áá á«áá áá¥
C: á ááµ áá á«á
á áá á«áá ááá
D: á ááµ á³áááµ á«á
á áá á«áá ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášááµá áᜠáá ášášá áá áá á áá á«á
á áá áµá³á«ááœ?
A: á ášá³ááá±
B: á áá á ááŽ
C: á ášáááµ á³ááá±
D: á ášááá± á ááµ áá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á á ááªá« ášááᥠá°á ááá á áá áá³ááµ ášá¥ááµá³áµ ááá«áᜠáá ááá ááœáá?
A: ášá áá áážáážá
B: áááªá«ážáá áá¥ááµ
C: á á áá ááµá¥ ášá°á»á»á áá¥áš ááá®áœ
D: á ááá á áááá«áµ á¥á á£á®áœ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášášá á áá¢á«á áá áááá áá á«á
á áá áááµá³á?
A: á ááµ áá
B: á ááµ áááµ
C: á ááµ á³áááµ
D: á ááµ áá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: áᥠááášáµ á á°ááᶠášá°áááµ áášáá ááᜠáá
A: ášá°á áááá.
B: ášáááµ áá á.
C: áá°áááµ.
D: ášáᥠááµ.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášášášá ááá¶áœ ášáášá°á°á ášášá á ááµá á¥á ááµá¥ áµá³áá ááᢠášášášá ááá¶áœ áášá°áµ ášááœáá áᜠáá
A: á áá ášášáá¢
B: á á á²áµ ášášáá¢
C: ášááááªá« á©á¥ ášášáá¢
D: ášáášášá»á á©á¥ ášášáá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á°á ášá°áá«á© áá¥áš ááá®áœá á¥á áá»á»ááœá ášáá«ááá ášá°áá«á© ášáŽá áááá¶áœá á«áá ááᢠá á ááœáá«áµ áµáá¡ á°á á°ááá¡ á£áá¢
A: á²á¹.
B: áŠááá.
C: áµáááµ.
D: á ááµ á á«á.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á¥ááµá³áµ ááᜠá¥ááµá³áµá ášáá«áµá á¥ááµá³áµ á¥ááŽáµ áášáááá?
A: á³á á áá°ááœ
B: á¥á á áá°ááœ
C: á á¥áááᣠá ááᣠá á«ááŠá á³ááŠáá³ááµ ááá á ááᜠá¬áá«áᜠá áá áá ášá«á±á ááᥠááášáµ ášááœá á
D: á¥áµá£áœ á°áªááœ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááá ášááµá áááᜠáá ááá°áµ ášááᣠášá³á
áááµ ááááá« áááµá áá?
A: áááµ
B: ášá¥á³áµ áá¥áá«
C: ášááááªá« á¥áá³á³ á¥á
D: ááážá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáá¶á®áá³áá áŽáᜠáá á€áááµáªá áááášáµ ášáµáá á³á³áœ ááá á¥á
á áá áááá?
A: ášáááµá®á°ááá ááá
B: ášááá ááá
C: ášááŠá°ááá ááá
D: ášáááá ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáµáá áááá« áá á áµá°á«ášáµ ášááá?
A: á¬ááµáµáª á¥á ááááµ áá ášá³áááµ áááᜠáážáá¢
B: ášááááµ á³áááµ á áµá°á³áœ á áá áášááᜠášá°áá ááá° áá³á ááá¢
C: ááŠáá á¥á ášáá
á«ááµ á¥ááµ á áá¬áµ á³áááµ ááµá¥ ááá° áá³á®áœ áážáá¢
D: á£á®áá ááµá¥áµá¥ áá¥ášá³áµá ášáá«á á á³áááµ ááá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá³áœ ášá°á áá±áµ ááµá¥ ášáµáá á ááµ áŽá ááá á á«á ášá°ááá° áá³á áá?
A: ášááµá áµá
B: á£ááŽáªá«
C: ááá
D: á ášááᎠá ááááœ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á á°áááµ ááµá¥ ášá°á³ášá ášá áœá³ áááá áµáááµ áá ášá°á«á«áá ášáµáá á áœá³ áá?
A: áŽá³ááµ
B: á«áá°á
C: á©áá
D: ášá¥á¥áµ áá» á áœá³
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá°á¡á¥ á©áááµáµ áµáŽáµáµ ášáá°ááµ áááá¶áœá áááááµ á³á³áœ ááá ááá
ášá¥ áµááá á á
á á«áá ášá³á³áœ ááá ááá ášáµáá áá?
A: ááá á
B: áá
C: ášááá á¥ááá
D: ášáµááá ášá°á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá á á°áá áá°áµ áá á°áá£á ášá€áááµáªá áááá áá° áá áááᥠáá
A: áµáá
B: á¥áá
C: ášášášá áááá¢
D: ášá¬áá«á áááá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á°áᜠáá³áªá« ááá áŽáááá á³áá áá ááááá¡áµ ášááœááµ ášá€áááµá®áááá²á áµáááµášá ášáµáá ááá áá?
A: ášá¬á²á® ááá¶áœ
B: ášáá³á á¥ááá
C: áááá®áááµ
D: á€ááµá¬á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: áµá ááá áá«áá áá¥ášá³áµ ášáµáá á á£á£á á¥áááµ áá?
A: á¥á
á á¥áá á áážáá¢
B: ášá«á³ážáá ááᥠá«ááá³áá¢
C: á ášá áá°ááá³áá¢
D: á¢á«ááµ á ááµ áááµ á áážáá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á£á á¥á áŽááá áá¥ášá³áµ áá á ááášáµ á áá á áášáá«á
A: áŽá
B: á á«á
C: ášáᥠá¡áá»
D: ááá®áá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áµá°ááªá á áá
á áá áááá« á áá«á°ááá áµ áá ášá¥ááá ášášá á á áá«á³ ášááµá³ááµ áááᜠááµá¥ á²á«áá á¥ááŽáµ á¥áá°ááá« ááá³ášáµ áá ááá á ááá áá áááᢠááá
á© áášááᥠá áá áµ
A: ááá áá á áá ášáá áá.
B: ášá¥ááá ááá á ááµá«á«á®ááµ áá.
C: ášá¥ááá ášášá áá° á°ááªáá¹ á áááµá.
D: ášááá ááµáá³áᜠá ážáᥠáá³áá¶áœ á°ážáááá.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáááá«á áá€áµ áµáááá áááá ášáá«ášááᥠášáµáá á¥ááá áá?
A: áá€á¶áœá ááá
ášáœ á®ááá°áá á áá áá
B: áá€á¶á¹ ášááá ááááµ áá ášáááá± áááážáá áášááá¥
C: áá€á±á ášááᜠá³ááá²áµá¶áœ áá á ááá³á°á
D: á«áá°ááá± ášáááµááµá áááááá áá€á¶áœ ááµáááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á á€á° áášá« ááµá¥ á ááµ á°á᪠áááµ ášá¥ášáµ á¥áá®áœ á ááµ ááááµ áá¥á°áµ á¥áá³áážá á«áµá°áááᢠá áá
ááášá³ áá°ášáµá£ ááá± á¥áá®áœ á á°áá£á£á ááᜠáá á¢ááá¡á£ á¥áá± á á°á»á ááá³ ááááá
A: áááá ááááœ.
B: áááá á«ááá ááááœ.
C: á¥á©á á¥á á°áá«á áááŸáœ.
D: á á¥áá
áµáᎠáá á«á á¥áááœ.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáá¬áµ áááá¥áᥠááá á ášá
ááá± áá° á«á£á á²á«áá ááá á
A: á á
á£á« áááá«áá¢
B: áá¥ááµ áááá£áá¢
C: ááá áµ áášáá«áá¢
D: áááá³ááµ á«áááá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á á°áá°á á¥á-áá
á³á ááµá¥ á«ááµ ášáœá®á®áᜠáá¥á á áá áá°áµ áááá£áᢠá¥ááá
áááŠáœ ášá°ááá á³á³ áá¥áŠáœ á¥ááµ ááášá ááœááᢠá°ááªá áá
áá áášá ááá³ášáµ ášáµááá áᎠáá ááá?
A: áá á»ááµ
B: ášááµáá áá«á
C: á
áá áµá¥á
D: ášá³á³ á°áá ášá¥
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááµ á³ááá²áµáµ ášá£ááŽáªá« áŽááœá á áá«á áá áµ áá á«áá°ááá° á¥áá
áµááŽá áááášá³áᢠá¥áá
áµááŽáá áááááá á³ááá³á á¥á«áá á áá áá á³ááá²áµá± á¥áá²á«á°áá á«áµáœáááá¢
A: á£á
áªáá ááá£á á©.
B: á£á
áªá á áá áááá á«ášááá¡.
C: áµá á£á
áªá ášá°áá«á© áá¥á«áªá«ááœá ááááá.
D: á£á
áªá áá°ááµ á¥ááŽáµ á¥áá°áááᥠáá°áá°á.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášááá áµáááµ áá á á«á ášá± áá?
A: á ááá®
B: ášáá«
C: á³áá£
D: á á¥ááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá¬áá«á áá
á°áµ ášáµáá áá?
A: á áááášá
B: á«ááŠáá áá
C: á¶á²ášá ááá«ááµ
D: á«ááŠá -14
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáµáá ášá á¶á ááá á áá³ áá á áá?
A: áááµá®á
B: áááááµ
C: á€áááµá®á
D: áá®á¶á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á¥ááá³áá ášáá á áµá°á«ášáµ áááášáµ á«ááᣠáášá« ááµá¥ áá ááá« ááá á«áá áµ
A: á®áááá°á áá ááá³áµ
B: á á£á áá«á áá
C: áášááᥠá ááœá áášá áá áááµášáµ
D: á á°áá ášá¥ áá°á«ááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá á«á ášášášá ááá¹ áá° ááá á¥á ášášáááá ááá¹ áá° ááµá á²ááᣠášááµá áá ášáá³ášá ášášášá ááá«á áá áá£ááá¢
A: áá ášášáá¢
B: á á²áµ ášášáá¢
C: á á á²á± ášášáá áá ášášá áá«ášá á£áá ášášášá áá°áµ áá
áµ á«á ááááá ášášášá áááá¢
D: ášášášá ášáá³ášá ášáááá ááá á ááááµá áµ á°ášá áá ášáááá áµ áá ááá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá¥ááá
ááµá¥ ášááµá á á«á£á¢ á ááá®á á ááá á© á áá³áµ ááµá¥ á¥áá°á°ááá ášáá«ášááá á ášáµáá áá?
A: ášá ážá ááá áá ááá°áµ
B: ášá°áááá ášá ááµ áá£á ááá
C: á á°á«á®áœ áá ášááá ášá£á
á á
áªá° á á«ááµ á¢
D: á áá¬áµ áá ášááá ášá¥ááµá³áµ á á¥ááµ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáášá°ááµ ááµá¥ á á ášá ááµá¥ ášáááá ášáá« á³á³áœ ááá ášáµáá áá?
A: á£á® á²áá
B: á©á«áášá
C: ášá°áá¥á® áá
D: á¶áá ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá³áááµ áááááµ ášá ááµá áá á ááá
á á áááášáµ á ááµá áá¥áš ááá ááášáµ ááœáá
A: á á¶áá¢
B: áááµá®áá¢
C: áááªááá¢
D: á€áááµá®áá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áááµ áááá¶áœ áá«ášá á«áá ášáµá áµ ááá áá á á
A: áááá¶áœ á¥áá²áœášášášá© áá¥ááµ.
B: ááᜠá á á
á«á¢á« á«á áááá¶áœ.
C: ášáááá¶áœ áá á.
D: á áááá¶áœ áá«ášá á«áá áááµ.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá¥ááá
á³á³áœ áá¥á¶áœ ááµá¥ ááá áááášáµ á¥á
á áá á áááá áµ áá á¥áááµ á¥áá²ášáá ášáá«á°ááá ášáµáá áá?
A: áá
B: áááµ
C: á£á®ááµ
D: ášááŠá°ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáášá°ááµ ááµá¥ á á ášá á¥á á á áá áážáážá ááááµ á áá¥á³ ášááá ášá ášáµáá áá?
A: ááªáµá³ááœ
B: á°áááœ
C: ášáá«áá¥á á²ááá®áœ
D: áá³áááá á áá¶áœ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á€á± á á ášá áá áá ášá°á°á«áᢠášá€áááµáªá á áááááµ á ááá áµ á¥á áµáᜠáááµ á£áá ᵠᢠáá
á°á ášá á«á£á¢ á¥áááµ á«áážá ášá€áááµáªá ááááá«ááœá áá°áá áá ášááá«á áµáááµ ášá± áá?
A: á ááµá°á ášáááµá® á¥áááµáªá á°ášá
B: á á€á¶áœ á£á« áá ášá¶áá ááá á«ááœá ááµááá¥
C: ášáá³á
ááá¬á°á®áœá áá áá
D: ášá°á ááá á¥áášáµ ááá á
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: áááµá®á
á ášáá¶áµáá á á«á ášáá á áá áááµá®á
á ášáá«á°ááá áá£á ááᥠáááµáá?
A: á á¥áœááµ á¥áá° áá¥áš ááá á¥á
á áá áááá
B: á á áá ááµá¥ á á£ááŽáªá« á°áµá°á«ááá
C: áá° áŠááµá
á á°ááá
D: á áá¥ášá
áá° ášá£á¢ á ášá ááµá¥ áá£
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: áááªááᜠášááá á€ááá ášááášá°á ášá
áªá° á á«á ááᢠá€ááá áá áá áá° ášáµáá ášá á«á£á¢ áœáá ááá« ááœáá?
A: ášá áá áážáážá
B: ášáá á¥áááµ
C: ášá±á á¥ááµá³áµ áá¥ááµ
D: ášááá ášá ášá áááµ áášáá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áá ááá á ááµ á°á᪠ášá¥áá á³á±á áá° á ášá ááá³áᢠá³á± áá° áá á²áᣠáá ááááµ ááá áµ á¥ášášááš áá?
A: ášá¥áá
áµáᎠááá áµ
B: ášáááµ ááá
C: á¥áá
ááá áµ
D: áá«áá«á ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ááªáá áááŽá áá¥ášá³áµ áá¥ášá³áµ ášáááᜠáá° áá£á áµáááµ ášáá°ááá á£á
áªá«áµ á¥áá°áá á«ážá ááá³ášáµ áá³áá áá áᢠášá³áááµ áá
á ášá°á¡ ášáááŽáá áááµ á¥áá²áá á ဠááá¹ ááµášá á«áá£ážá
A: áááá®áµá®á ááá á
B: ááµá³áá»áá¹á ááá á¥
C: ášáášá«áá¹á áá€á¶áœ ááµááá¢
D: áá³ááá³á áááá®á¹ áááᥠá¢áášáµáµ ááµášá á¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á áááá« ááµá¥ áµáá
ášááá áá á ááá á áµááá ášááá ááááµá áá?
A: áá€á¶áœá ááá³á°á á¥áá²á»á
B: ášáášááá¹á á°á ááááµ ááášáá
C: ášá°á»á áá ááá« áááµá«áµ
D: á
á°á á°ášá°á á¥áá°á°á°áá áš ááášááá¥
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá¥ááá
áªá«áµ ááµá¥ á³ááá²áµá¶áœ áá¥ášá³áµá áááášáµ ášáášá³ážá ášáµáá áá?
A: áá á
B: ááá
C: áŸá³
D: ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá»ááá ášá áá®á á
á¥ášá°á°áŠáœ ášáááá á¥á«áááœá á áá«áµáá±á áµ áá ášá°áá«á© ááá áá€á³á ášáá áŽááááááœá áá áá ááœááᢠáá
áá á«á³á«á?
A: ášá°áá«á© ááŽáᜠášá°á³á« ášáŽáááá áá€áµ áá«áµáá ááœááá¢
B: ááá ášáŽáááá áá€á¶áœ ášá³áááµ áá áá á ááµáá ááááµ á ááááá±áá¢
C: ášá³áááµ á¥á áŽáááá á¥áµááµ áááá°á ááá¢
D: áŽáááá ášá³ááá³á á¥áááµ ááá
ášá°áá£á ášá áá áá€áµ á«áµáááá¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá°ááªáᜠá¡áµá á áááážá ášá ášá áá¥ášáµ ááá¥á á áá¥ááµ áá áážáᢠášá¥ááá
ááµá¥ áááá³áµ ášáááµ áá áá ášááᥠáááŠáœá ášáá«ášááᥠášáµáá áá?
A: ášáá ááá á¶áœ
B: ášá á ᣠá±ááµ áááááœ
C: ášáážá áááµ
D: á«ááŠá áŽá²áá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á 1609 áááá® ááá ášááááªá«áá áŽááµá®á áááµá«áµ ááá¶áœá á°á ááᢠášá¥áá± áŽááµá®á á á áá ááµá¥ á¥á ááá®áœá á¥áá²ááášáµ á áµáœáá³áᢠášá¥áá± áŽááµá®á áá á« á¥á ášá°á á°á á áášááᜠá áá¥á³ á áµá°á០ášáá«á°ááá áµ áášá³áµ
A: ááµá ášá©áášááµ áá«ášáá ááµ
B: áááá¶áœ á áœáá ááªá« ááá«áá¢
C: ááá á®ášáŠáœ áááá³á³ážá á ááááá¢
D: á©áášááµ á¥á áááá²áᜠá áá¥
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá áá ášá ášá áá¥ášáµ ááá¥á á«á á á°áá«ááªáᜠášááµá ášáááµ áá á ášá ááá±á á ááááᢠá ášá£á¢ á ášá ááµá¥ á«á ášááªá áááµ ááᜠáááœáµ áášááá á³áá·á ᢠášá³áááµ áá
á ášá°á¥ áá
áá á áááµ áášá ááá°á¥á°á¥ á ááá áááµá áá?
A: ášááªá áááµ ááᜠášááµá áááµ áášáá áá á¥ááŽáµ á¥áá°áááá± ááášá³áµ
B: ášáµááá ášá°áá á áá áá ášáááµ áá áá áááááµ
C: ášá°áá¥á® áá¥áµ á á ááá áá ášá
áá¡á á ááá«ášáµ áááášá
D: á á ááá²á á«áá ášá ášá¶ ááá ááášáá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáá± á¥ááµá³áµ á
áªáµ ášááááá ááá ášáá áááµ ášáµáá¹ áá¥ášá³áµ áážá?
A: á áá«áŸáœ
B: á¥áœááµ á°ááá¢ááœ
C: áááá á°ááá¢ááœ
D: á áá«á«áŸáœ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááµ á³ááá²áµáµ á áááµ áá¥áŠáœ áá«ášá á«ááá áááµ áááá«áµ ášá áááµáµá®á ááááœá áá áááᢠá³ááá²áµá± áááá£áµ á ááá± áá«ášá á«ááá áááµ á¥ášáá« ááá¢
A: á á¶ááœ.
B: ášá°ááœ.
C: á á
D: á®ášáŠáœ.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: áµá ááµá áµáᜠááµá£á á áœá áµáááážá ášáµáá áá°áá°áá« áá°ášá ááœáá?
A: á¥áá± á¢áá¬áµá°á áážá.
B: á«á²á«á á²ááµáª á áážá.
C: á¥áá± ášá ááµ ááá ášá°á á© áážá.
D: áááµ ášá°á áááá á¥áááµ á áážá.
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáµáá ááááµ ááá³áµ ášáá°ááá á¥ááááµ ááá ááœáá?
A: á°áááœ
B: á¥ááµá³áµ
C: á£ááŽáªá«
D: ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á ááµ á°á᪠á á©á¬ áá ášáµáᜠá á»ááááµ ááᣠáá á¥ášá°á«áá° ááᢠá°ááªá á á©á¬á ááµá¥ áµááá áá¥ááᢠáá
ááá£áá áá° á£á
á á³áá» ášáá«ááá³á
á± ááá¶áœá ááá¥á«áᢠááá£á áá° á£á
á á³áá» áááá³áá³á áááá«á±á ááá áá¹ áá° áá áµááá°ááá
A: ááá áµ.
B: áááµ.
C: á¥áá
D: áá á¢
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: á á€ááá á áá á« ááªá ááµá¥ ááªááá á¥áá²ááá³ááµ áááµášá ášá€ááá ášááá£á á¬áá«á ááá áááá£áᢠášááªáá á¥áá
áµáᎠáá ááááµ ášááá ááááµ áá?
A: ášášášá ááá
B: ášáááá ááá
C: ášá€áááµáªá ááá
D: áá«áá«á ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášáášá°ááµ ááµá¥ á áášá« ááµá¥ áá° áµá
á°áµ ášááá«áµ á¥áµá ášá á«á ášá± áá?
A: á áµáá
B: á°á°ááá áášá«ááœ
C: ášá¥ááµá ááµ áµá« áááá
D: ášááá£á áªá« á á ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ášá³ááá³á áááá¶áœ ááᥠááááµ áá ááá ááœáá?
A: ášá
áᥠá áµá°á«ášáµ ááášá
B: á¡ášá³ ášáá¡ á°áá«ááªáᜠáá°á«áµ
C: á¥á áááᥠá³áááµ áá ááá£á±
D: ášá°áá«ááªáᜠá á²áµ á¥áá³ ááá
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>
You are an expert AI assistant that speaks Amharic. Maintain proper grammar, spelling, diacritics and punctuation in your responses, and ensure cultural context is appropriate.
Given a question and multiple-choice answers, return the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Question: ááŒá á áá¢á ááµá¥ á«ááá ášá áá á¥á«áµ ááá»á»á ááááµ á ááµá¢ á¥á áá á¥á á ášá áá° á áá ááµá¥ á¥áá²áᣠáµáááááœ. áá§á ááá³á«áµ á á áá ááµá¥ áá áášáá á áá£áµ?
A: á£ááŽáªá«ááœ
B: áá³á áªá«ááœ
C: ááš-á°á£á ááµááá¶áœ
D: ášááµá áµááœ
Correct Answer:<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>