. O
We O
compare O
this O
method O
of O
acquiring O
pH B-climate-properties
with O
the O
method O
of O
calculating O
pH B-climate-properties
from O
alkalinity B-climate-properties
and O
dissolved O
inorganic O
carbon O
. O
Lastly O
, O
we O
compare O
current O
calculated O
pH B-climate-properties
to O
data O
from O
previous O
cruises O
( O
WOCE B-climate-organizations
1993 O
and O
CLIVAR B-climate-organizations
2007 O
) O
to O
assess O
pH B-climate-properties
changes I-climate-properties
with O
time O
. O
The O
problem O
of O
ocean B-climate-hazards
acidification I-climate-hazards
is O
a O
fairly O
recent O
one O
, O
a O
direct O
result O
of O
human O
activities O
in O
the O
industrial O
age O
. O
This O
increase O
in O
carbon B-climate-greenhouse-gases
dioxide I-climate-greenhouse-gases
has O
dire O
consequences O
for O
the O
world O
’s O
oceans B-climate-nature
, O
which O
act O
as O
2 O
the O
largest O
sink O
for O
atmospheric B-climate-nature
CO2 B-climate-greenhouse-gases
. O
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