Unnamed: 0
9 values
V\'ictor Navas
V\'ictor Navas-Portella and Eduard Vives
Influence of the aspect ratio and boundary conditions on universal finite size scaling functions in the athermal metastable 2d Random Field Ising Model
10 pages, 12 figures
Phys. Rev. E 93, 022129 (2016)
This work studies universal finite size scaling functions for the number of 1d spanning avalanches in a two-dimensional disordered system with boundary conditions of different nature and different aspect ratios. For this purpose, we consider the 2d Random Field Ising Model at T = 0 driven by the external field H with athermal dynamics implemented with periodic and forced boundary conditions. We choose a convenient scaling variable z that accounts for the deformation of the distance to the critical point caused by the aspect ratio. Moreover, assuming that the dependence of the finite size scaling functions on the aspect ratio can be accounted by an additional multiplicative factor, we have been able to collapse data for different system sizes, different aspect ratios and different nature of the boundary conditions into a single scaling function Q.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:10:49 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 26 Nov 2015 13:44:49 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Fri, 15 Jan 2016 10:07:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Navas-Portella', 'Víctor', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vives', 'Eduard', ''], dtype=object)]
Ashoke Sen
Ashoke Sen
Symmetries, Conserved Charges and (Black) Holes in Two Dimensional String Theory
LaTeX file, 60 pages
JHEP 0412:053,2004
Two dimensional string theory is known to have an infinite dimensional symmetry, both in the continuum formalism as well as in the matrix model formalism. We develop a systematic procedure for computing the conserved charges associated with these symmetries for any configuration of D-branes in the continuum description. We express these conserved charges in terms of the boundary state associated with the D-brane, and also in terms of the asymptotic field configurations produced by this D-brane. Comparison of the conserved charges computed in the continuum description with those computed in the matrix model description facilitates identification of the states between these two formalisms. Using this we put constraints on the continuum description of the hole states in the matrix model, and matrix model description of the black holes solutions of the continuum theory. We also discuss possible generalization of the construction of the conserved charges to the case of D-branes in critical string theory.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 9 Aug 2004 06:53:00 GMT'}]
[array(['Sen', 'Ashoke', ''], dtype=object)]
Olaf Hartig
Magnus Knuth and Olaf Hartig and Harald Sack
Scheduling Refresh Queries for Keeping Results from a SPARQL Endpoint Up-to-Date (Extended Version)
This document is an extended version of a paper published in ODBASE 2016
Many datasets change over time. As a consequence, long-running applications that cache and repeatedly use query results obtained from a SPARQL endpoint may resubmit the queries regularly to ensure up-to-dateness of the results. While this approach may be feasible if the number of such regular refresh queries is manageable, with an increasing number of applications adopting this approach, the SPARQL endpoint may become overloaded with such refresh queries. A more scalable approach would be to use a middle-ware component at which the applications register their queries and get notified with updated query results once the results have changed. Then, this middle-ware can schedule the repeated execution of the refresh queries without overloading the endpoint. In this paper, we study the problem of scheduling refresh queries for a large number of registered queries by assuming an overload-avoiding upper bound on the length of a regular time slot available for testing refresh queries. We investigate a variety of scheduling strategies and compare them experimentally in terms of time slots needed before they recognize changes and number of changes that they miss.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 29 Aug 2016 16:16:36 GMT'}]
[array(['Knuth', 'Magnus', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hartig', 'Olaf', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sack', 'Harald', ''], dtype=object)]
Alessandro La Rosa
A. La Rosa, M. Boscardin, M. Cobal, C. Da Vi\'a, G. F. Dalla Betta, G. Darbo, C. Gallrapp, C. Gemme, F. Huegging, J. Janssen, A. Micelli, H. Pernegger, M. Povoli, N. Wermes, N. Zorzi
Functional characterization of irradiated 3D-DDTC pixel sensor prototypes fabricated at FBK
This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to an update of some results
In this paper we discuss results relevant to 3D Double-Side Double Type Column (3D-DDTC) pixel sensors fabricated at FBK (Trento, Italy) and oriented to the ATLAS upgrade.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 25 Aug 2011 15:11:16 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 7 Oct 2011 07:47:43 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sat, 10 Dec 2011 01:37:43 GMT'}]
[array(['La Rosa', 'A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Boscardin', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cobal', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Da Viá', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Betta', 'G. F. Dalla', ''], dtype=object) array(['Darbo', 'G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gallrapp', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gemme', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Huegging', 'F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Janssen', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Micelli', 'A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pernegger', 'H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Povoli', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wermes', 'N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zorzi', 'N.', ''], dtype=object)]
Vicente Botella-Soler
V. Botella-Soler, P. Glendinning
Hierarchy and Polysynchrony in an adaptive network
13 pages, 17 figures
nlin.AO nlin.CD
We describe a simple adaptive network of coupled chaotic maps. The network reaches a stationary state (frozen topology) for all values of the coupling parameter, although the dynamics of the maps at the nodes of the network can be non-trivial. The structure of the network shows interesting hierarchical properties and in certain parameter regions the dynamics is polysynchronous: nodes can be divided in differently synchronized classes but contrary to cluster synchronization, nodes in the same class need not be connected to each other. These complicated synchrony patterns have been conjectured to play roles in systems biology and circuits. The adaptive system we study describes ways whereby this behaviour can evolve from undifferentiated nodes.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:21:04 GMT'}]
[array(['Botella-Soler', 'V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Glendinning', 'P.', ''], dtype=object)]
Thomas Gasenzer
D. Bruss (1), T. Gasenzer (2) and O. Nachtmann (2), ((1) ISI, Torino, Italy; (2) Univ. Heidelberg, Germany)
Parity Violating Energy Shifts and Berry Phases in Atoms, I
62 pages, 1 table, 17 figures, LaTeX, submitted to Ann. Phys. (NY), Rev. ver.: some calculations shifted into appendices, only minor changes in content, more refs. added
Eur.Phys.J.direct D1 (1999) 2
hep-ph nucl-th physics.atom-ph
We present a study of parity (P) violating contributions to the eigenenergies of stationary systems containing atoms in spatially inhomogeneous external electric fields. In this context the subtle interplay of P-violation and time reversal (T) invariance plays an important role. If the entire field configuration is chosen to exhibit chirality the energies are in general shifted by pseudoscalar contributions which change sign under a planar reflection of the field. To calculate the effects we use the standard model of elementary particle physics where the P-odd interaction arises through the exchange of Z-bosons between the quarks in the nucleus and the atomic electrons. We consider in detail hydrogen-like systems in unstable levels of principal quantum number n=2. The nominal order of P-violating effects is 10^-5...10^-9 Hz which is determined by the mixing of the 2S_1/2 and 2P_1/2 states. However we point out that it is possible to enhance the P-violating energy shifts dramatically! Instead of energy shifts linear in the P-violation parameters we get then shifts proportional to the square root of these parameters. Numerically we find such energy shifts to be of order 10^-5...1 Hz. Application of our technique to hydrogen-like atoms with a nucleus of spin I=1/2 yields P-violating energy shifts which are very sensitive to the nuclear spin dependent P-odd force, which receives a rather large contribution from the polarized strange quark density in polarized nuclei. Thus, a measurement of these energy shifts could provide an important tool to elucidate nuclear properties connected to the so called ``spin crisis''. We also present a method for treating degenerate perturbation theory which combines advantages of both, Kato's and Bloch's methods.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 13 Feb 1998 15:30:59 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 8 Sep 1998 10:45:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Bruss', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gasenzer', 'T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nachtmann', 'O.', ''], dtype=object)]
Hanliang Zhang
Hanliang Zhang, Cristina David, Yijun Yu, Meng Wang
Ownership guided C to Rust translation
cs.PL cs.SE
Dubbed a safer C, Rust is a modern programming language that combines memory safety and low-level control. This interesting combination has made Rust very popular among developers and there is a growing trend of migrating legacy codebases (very often in C) to Rust. In this paper, we present a C to Rust translation approach centred around static ownership analysis. We design a suite of analyses that infer ownership models of C pointers and automatically translate the pointers into safe Rust equivalents. The resulting tool, Crown, scales to real-world codebases (half a million lines of code in less than 10 seconds) and achieves a high conversion rate.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 18 Mar 2023 23:14:04 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhang', 'Hanliang', ''], dtype=object) array(['David', 'Cristina', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yu', 'Yijun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Meng', ''], dtype=object)]
Gilberto Fabbris
G. Fabbris, D. Meyers, J. Okamoto, J. Pelliciari, A. S. Disa, Y. Huang, Z.-Y. Chen, W. B. Wu, C. T. Chen, S. Ismail-Beigi, C. H. Ahn, F. J. Walker, D. J. Huang, T. Schmitt, M. P. M. Dean
Orbital engineering in nickelate heterostructures driven by anisotropic oxygen hybridization rather than orbital energy levels
Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. 6 pages, 4 figures
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 147401 (2016)
Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering is used to investigate the electronic origin of orbital polarization in nickelate heterostructures taking $\mathrm{LaTiO_3-LaNiO_3-3x(LaAlO_3)}$, a system with exceptionally large polarization, as a model system. We find that heterostructuring generates only minor changes in the Ni $3d$ orbital energy levels, contradicting the often-invoked picture in which changes in orbital energy levels generate orbital polarization. Instead, O $K$-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy demonstrates that orbital polarization is caused by an anisotropic reconstruction of the oxygen ligand hole states. This provides an explanation for the limited success of theoretical predictions based on tuning orbital energy levels and implies that future theories should focus on anisotropic hybridization as the most effective means to drive large changes in electronic structure and realize novel emergent phenomena.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 29 Mar 2016 18:31:15 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 2 Jun 2016 13:38:50 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Thu, 8 Sep 2016 13:47:07 GMT'}]
[array(['Fabbris', 'G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Meyers', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Okamoto', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pelliciari', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Disa', 'A. S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Huang', 'Y.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Z. -Y.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wu', 'W. B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'C. T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ismail-Beigi', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ahn', 'C. H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Walker', 'F. J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Huang', 'D. J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schmitt', 'T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dean', 'M. P. M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Ilya Kossovskiy
Ilya Kossovskiy and Bernhard Lamel
On the analyticity of CR-diffeomorphisms
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1309.6799
In any positive CR-dimension and CR-codimension we provide a construction of real-analytic holomorphically nondegenerate CR-submanifolds, which are $C^\infty$ CR-equivalent, but are inequivalent holomorphically. As a corollary, we provide the negative answer to the conjecture of Ebenfelt and Huang \cite{eh} on the analyticity of CR-equivalences between real-analytic Levi nonflat hypersurfaces in dimension 2.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:33:29 GMT'}]
[array(['Kossovskiy', 'Ilya', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lamel', 'Bernhard', ''], dtype=object)]
Nils Ackermann
Nils Ackermann and Andrzej Szulkin
A concentration phenomenon for semilinear elliptic equations
For a domain $\Omega\subset\dR^N$ we consider the equation $ -\Delta u + V(x)u = Q_n(x)\abs{u}^{p-2}u$ with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions and $p\in(2,2^*)$. Here $V\ge 0$ and $Q_n$ are bounded functions that are positive in a region contained in $\Omega$ and negative outside, and such that the sets $\{Q_n>0\}$ shrink to a point $x_0\in\Omega$ as $n\to\infty$. We show that if $u_n$ is a nontrivial solution corresponding to $Q_n$, then the sequence $(u_n)$ concentrates at $x_0$ with respect to the $H^1$ and certain $L^q$-norms. We also show that if the sets $\{Q_n>0\}$ shrink to two points and $u_n$ are ground state solutions, then they concentrate at one of these points.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 14 Jun 2012 17:50:09 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 18 Jun 2012 19:55:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Ackermann', 'Nils', ''], dtype=object) array(['Szulkin', 'Andrzej', ''], dtype=object)]
Sayaka Kamei
Sayaka Kamei, Anissa Lamani, Fukuhito Ooshita, Sebastien Tixeuil, Koichi Wada
Asynchronous Gathering in a Torus
41 pages
We consider the gathering problem for asynchronous and oblivious robots that cannot communicate explicitly with each other, but are endowed with visibility sensors that allow them to see the positions of the other robots. Most of the investigations on the gathering problem on the discrete universe are done on ring shaped networks due to the number of symmetric configuration. We extend in this paper the study of the gathering problem on torus shaped networks assuming robots endowed with local weak multiplicity detection. That is, robots cannot make the difference between nodes occupied by only one robot from those occupied by more than one robots unless it is their current node. As a consequence, solutions based on creating a single multiplicity node as a landmark for the gathering cannot be used. We present in this paper a deterministic algorithm that solves the gathering problem starting from any rigid configuration on an asymmetric unoriented torus shaped network.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 14 Jan 2021 02:06:28 GMT'}]
[array(['Kamei', 'Sayaka', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lamani', 'Anissa', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ooshita', 'Fukuhito', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tixeuil', 'Sebastien', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wada', 'Koichi', ''], dtype=object)]
Qi Wang
Toshitaka Aoki and Qi Wang
On $\tau$-tilting finiteness of blocks of Schur algebras
28 pages
In this paper, we determine the $\tau$-tilting finiteness for some blocks of (classical) Schur algebras. Combining with the results in arXiv:2010.05206, we get a complete classification of $\tau$-tilting finite Schur algebras. As a refinement, we also give a complete classification of $\tau$-tilting finite blocks of the Schur algebra $S(2,r)$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 5 Oct 2021 12:44:11 GMT'}]
[array(['Aoki', 'Toshitaka', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Qi', ''], dtype=object)]
Bulat Nurmievich Khabibullin
B. N. Khabibullin
Meromorphic functions and differences of subharmonic functions in integrals and the difference characteristic of Nevanlinna. II. Explicit estimates of the integral of the radial maximum growth characteristic
7 pages, in Russian
Let $U\not\equiv \pm\infty$ be the difference of subharmonic functions, i.e., a $\delta$-subharmonic function, on a closed disc of radius $R$ centered at zero. In the preceding first part of our paper, we obtained general estimates for the integral of the positive part of the radial maximum growth characteristic ${\mathsf M}_U(t):=\sup\bigl\{U(z)\bigm| |z|=r\bigr\}$ over the increasing integration function $m$ on the segment $[0, r]$ via the Nevanlinna difference characteristic and the modulus of continuity of the function $m$. The second part of the work gives an explicit view for such estimates, provided that the modulus of continuity of the function $m$ does not exceed some differentiable function $h$ on the open interval $(0,r)$ with the only condition $\sup\limits_{t\in (0,r)}\dfrac{h(t)}{th'(t)}<+\infty$. This condition is satisfied by any power functions $t\mapsto t^d$ of degree $d>0$. The estimates are optimal in a certain sense.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 16 Apr 2021 15:35:47 GMT'}]
[array(['Khabibullin', 'B. N.', ''], dtype=object)]
Junping Wang
Lin Mu, Junping Wang, and Xiu Ye
Effective Implementation of the Weak Galerkin Finite Element Methods for the Biharmonic Equation
10 pages
The weak Galerkin (WG) methods have been introduced in the references [11, 16] for solving the biharmonic equation. The purpose of this paper is to develop an algorithm to implement the WG methods effectively. This can be achieved by eliminating local unknowns to obtain a global system with significant reduction of size. In fact, this reduced global system is equivalent to the Schur complements of the WG methods. The unknowns of the Schur complement of the WG method are those defined on the element boundaries. The equivalence of the WG method and its Schur complement is established. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of this new implementation technique.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 29 Feb 2016 04:07:13 GMT'}]
[array(['Mu', 'Lin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Junping', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ye', 'Xiu', ''], dtype=object)]
Yunpeng Zhao
Yunpeng Zhao, Haiyan Wang, Kuai Xu, Yue Wang, Ji Zhu, and Feng Wang
Adaptive Algorithm for Quantum Amplitude Estimation
quant-ph stat.ME
Quantum amplitude estimation is a key sub-routine of a number of quantum algorithms with various applications. We propose an adaptive algorithm for interval estimation of amplitudes. The quantum part of the algorithm is based only on Grover's algorithm. The key ingredient is the introduction of an adjustment factor, which adjusts the amplitude of good states such that the amplitude after the adjustment, and the original amplitude, can be estimated without ambiguity in the subsequent step. We show with numerical studies that the proposed algorithm uses a similar number of quantum queries to achieve the same level of precision $\epsilon$ compared to state-of-the-art algorithms, but the classical part, i.e., the non-quantum part, has substantially lower computational complexity. We rigorously prove that the number of oracle queries achieves $O(1/\epsilon)$, i.e., a quadratic speedup over classical Monte Carlo sampling, and the computational complexity of the classical part achieves $O(\log(1/\epsilon))$, both up to a double-logarithmic factor.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 16 Jun 2022 21:11:15 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhao', 'Yunpeng', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Haiyan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xu', 'Kuai', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Yue', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhu', 'Ji', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Feng', ''], dtype=object)]
Alexander Schekochihin
S. V. Nazarenko (Warwick) and A. A. Schekochihin (Oxford)
Critical balance in magnetohydrodynamic, rotating and stratified turbulence: towards a universal scaling conjecture
JFM-style tex, 16 pages, 1 figure; replaced with final published version (minor edits)
J.Fluid Mech.677:134,2011
physics.flu-dyn astro-ph.GA astro-ph.SR nlin.CD physics.ao-ph physics.space-ph
It is proposed that critical balance - a scale-by-scale balance between the linear propagation and nonlinear interaction time scales - can be used as a universal scaling conjecture for determining the spectra of strong turbulence in anisotropic wave systems. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), rotating and stratified turbulence are considered under this assumption and, in particular, a novel and experimentally testable energy cascade scenario and a set of scalings of the spectra are proposed for low-Rossby-number rotating turbulence. It is argued that in neutral fluids, the critically balanced anisotropic cascade provides a natural path from strong anisotropy at large scales to isotropic Kolmogorov turbulence at very small scales. It is also argued that the kperp^{-2} spectra seen in recent numerical simulations of low-Rossby-number rotating turbulence may be analogous to the kperp^{-3/2} spectra of the numerical MHD turbulence in the sense that they could be explained by assuming that fluctuations are polarised (aligned) approximately as inertial waves (Alfven waves for MHD).
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 22 Apr 2009 16:13:46 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 28 Dec 2009 14:56:22 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sat, 4 Jun 2011 11:21:12 GMT'}]
[array(['Nazarenko', 'S. V.', '', 'Warwick'], dtype=object) array(['Schekochihin', 'A. A.', '', 'Oxford'], dtype=object)]
G. Baskaran
G. Baskaran (Matscience, Madras)
How Ice enables Superconductivity in Na_xCoO_2.yH_2O by melting charge order: Possibility of novel Electric Field Effects
5 pages of LaTex file, 4 figures in eps files; Invited Talk presented at the 7th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors (M2S-Rio 2003), Brazil, 26-30 May 2003. Typos and few sentences corrected
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mtrl-sci
Charge ordering in doped \cob planes near the commensurate fillings $x = {1/4}$ and 1/3 are considered for $Na_x CoO_2.yH_2O$ and suggested to be competitors to superconductivity, leading to the experimentally seen narrow superconducting dome bounded by commensurate doping: ${1/4}<x< {1/3}$. Intercalated hydrogen bonded $H_2O$ network, by its enhanced dielectric constant, screen and frustrate local {\em charge order condensation energy} and replace a generic `charge glass order' by superconductivity in the dome. An access to superconductivity and charge order, available through the new water channel, is used to predict novel effects such as `Electrical Modulation of Superconductivity' and `Electroresistance Effect'.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 23 Jun 2003 15:22:02 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 24 Jun 2003 17:13:23 GMT'}]
[array(['Baskaran', 'G.', '', 'Matscience, Madras'], dtype=object)]
Rachel Karpman
Rachel Karpman
The Purity Conjecture in Type $C$
14 pages, 2 figures
A collection $\mathcal{C}$ of $k$-element subsets of $\{1,2,\ldots,m\}$ is weakly separated if for each $I, J \in \mathcal{C}$, when the integers $1,2,\ldots,m$ are arranged around in a circle, there is a chord separating $I \backslash J$ from $J \backslash I$. Oh, Postnikov and Speyer constructed a correspondence between weakly separated collections which are maximal by inclusion and reduced plabic graphs, a class of networks defined by Postnikov which give coordinate charts on the Grassmannian of $k$-planes in m-space. As a corollary, they proved Scott's Purity Conjecture, which states that a weakly separated collection is maximal by inclusion if and only if it is maximal by size. In this note, we describe maximal weakly separated collections corresponding to symmetric plabic graphs, which give coordinate charts on the Lagrangian Grassmannian, and prove a symmetric version of the Purity Conjecture.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 18 Jul 2019 20:34:38 GMT'}]
[array(['Karpman', 'Rachel', ''], dtype=object)]
B. J. van der Steeg
K. P. Hart and B. J. van der Steeg
On the Ma\'{c}kowiak-Tymchatyn theorem
16 pages
In this paper we give new proofs of the theorem of Ma\'{c}kowiak and Tymchatyn that every metric continuum is a weakly-confluent image of some one-dimensional hereditarily indecomposable continuum of countable weight. The first is a model-theoretic argument; the second is a topological proof inspired by the first.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 26 Oct 2001 13:07:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Hart', 'K. P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['van der Steeg', 'B. J.', ''], dtype=object)]
Tianshui Chen
Tianshui Chen, Wenxi Wu, Yuefang Gao, Le Dong, Xiaonan Luo, Liang Lin
Fine-Grained Representation Learning and Recognition by Exploiting Hierarchical Semantic Embedding
Accepted at ACM MM 2018 as oral presentation
Object categories inherently form a hierarchy with different levels of concept abstraction, especially for fine-grained categories. For example, birds (Aves) can be categorized according to a four-level hierarchy of order, family, genus, and species. This hierarchy encodes rich correlations among various categories across different levels, which can effectively regularize the semantic space and thus make prediction less ambiguous. However, previous studies of fine-grained image recognition primarily focus on categories of one certain level and usually overlook this correlation information. In this work, we investigate simultaneously predicting categories of different levels in the hierarchy and integrating this structured correlation information into the deep neural network by developing a novel Hierarchical Semantic Embedding (HSE) framework. Specifically, the HSE framework sequentially predicts the category score vector of each level in the hierarchy, from highest to lowest. At each level, it incorporates the predicted score vector of the higher level as prior knowledge to learn finer-grained feature representation. During training, the predicted score vector of the higher level is also employed to regularize label prediction by using it as soft targets of corresponding sub-categories. To evaluate the proposed framework, we organize the 200 bird species of the Caltech-UCSD birds dataset with the four-level category hierarchy and construct a large-scale butterfly dataset that also covers four level categories. Extensive experiments on these two and the newly-released VegFru datasets demonstrate the superiority of our HSE framework over the baseline methods and existing competitors.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 14 Aug 2018 02:09:34 GMT'}]
[array(['Chen', 'Tianshui', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wu', 'Wenxi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gao', 'Yuefang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dong', 'Le', ''], dtype=object) array(['Luo', 'Xiaonan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lin', 'Liang', ''], dtype=object)]
Alexander Holevo
A. S. Holevo
The entropy gain of infinite-dimensional quantum channels
10 pages
Doklady Mathematics, 82:2 (2010), 730-731
math-ph math.MP quant-ph
In the present paper we study the entropy gain $H(\Phi [\rho])-H(\rho)$ for infinite-dimensional channels $\Phi$. We show that unlike finite-dimensional case where the minimal entropy gain is always nonpositive \cite{al}, there is a plenty of channels with positive minimal entropy gain. We obtain the new lower bound and compute the minimal entropy gain for a broad class of Bosonic Gaussian channels by proving that the infimum is attained on the Gaussian states.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 30 Mar 2010 08:56:06 GMT'}]
[array(['Holevo', 'A. S.', ''], dtype=object)]
Guido Montagna Prof
L. Barze', G. Montagna, P. Nason, O. Nicrosini and F. Piccinini
Implementation of electroweak corrections in the POWHEG BOX: single W production
31 pages, 7 figures. Minor corrections, references added and updated. Final version to appear in JHEP
JHEP 1204 (2012) 037
CERN-PH-TH-2012-025; FNT/2012/01; LPN12-031
hep-ph hep-ex
We present a fully consistent implementation of electroweak and strong radiative corrections to single W hadroproduction in the POWHEG BOX framework, treating soft and collinear photon emissions on the same ground as coloured parton emissions. This framework can be easily extended to more complex electroweak processes. We describe how next-to-leading order (NLO) electroweak corrections are combined with the NLO QCD calculation, and show how they are interfaced to QCD and QED shower Monte Carlo. The resulting tool fills a gap in the literature and allows to study comprehensively the interplay of QCD and electroweak effects to W production using a single computational framework. Numerical comparisons with the predictions of the electroweak generator HORACE, as well as with existing results on the combination of electroweak and QCD corrections to W production, are shown for the LHC energies, to validate the reliability and accuracy of the approach
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 2 Feb 2012 15:37:50 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 23 Mar 2012 11:23:57 GMT'}]
[array(["Barze'", 'L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Montagna', 'G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nason', 'P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nicrosini', 'O.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Piccinini', 'F.', ''], dtype=object)]
Kui-hua Yan
Zhi-guang Hu and Kui-hua Yan
The Weyl Integration Model for KAK decomposition of Reductive Lie Group
10 pages
The Weyl integration model presented by An and Wang can be effectively used to reduce the integration over $G$-space. In this paper, we construct an especial Weyl integration model for KAK decomposition of Reductive Lie Group and obtain an integration formula which implies that the integration of $L^1$-integrable function over reductive Lie group $G$ can be carried out by first integrating over each conjugacy class and then integrating over the set of conjugacy classes.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 11 Apr 2005 13:35:46 GMT'}]
[array(['Hu', 'Zhi-guang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yan', 'Kui-hua', ''], dtype=object)]
Connie Jones
C. R. Hagen (University of Rochester)
Perturbative Expansion in the Galilean Invariant Spin One-Half Chern-Simons Field Theory
14 pages LaTeX, including 2 figures using epsf
Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 2250-2256
hep-th quant-ph
A Galilean Chern-Simons field theory is formulated for the case of two interacting spin-1/2 fields of distinct masses M and M'. A method for the construction of states containing N particles of mass M and N' particles of mass M' is given which is subsequently used to display equivalence to the spin-1/2 Aharonov-Bohm effect in the N = N' =1 sector of the model. The latter is then studied in perturbation theory to determine whether there are divergences in the fourth order (one loop) diagram. It is found that the contribution of that order is finite (and vanishing) for the case of parallel spin projections while the antiparallel case displays divergences which are known to characterize the spin zero case in field theory as well as in quantum mechanics.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 12 Mar 1997 19:14:05 GMT'}]
[array(['Hagen', 'C. R.', '', 'University of Rochester'], dtype=object)]
Anders Sandberg
Anders Sandberg, Eric Drexler and Toby Ord
Dissolving the Fermi Paradox
Submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A; 4 supplements
The Fermi paradox is the conflict between an expectation of a high {\em ex ante} probability of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe and the apparently lifeless universe we in fact observe. The expectation that the universe should be teeming with intelligent life is linked to models like the Drake equation, which suggest that even if the probability of intelligent life developing at a given site is small, the sheer multitude of possible sites should nonetheless yield a large number of potentially observable civilizations. We show that this conflict arises from the use of Drake-like equations, which implicitly assume certainty regarding highly uncertain parameters. We examine these parameters, incorporating models of chemical and genetic transitions on paths to the origin of life, and show that extant scientific knowledge corresponds to uncertainties that span multiple orders of magnitude. This makes a stark difference. When the model is recast to represent realistic distributions of uncertainty, we find a substantial {\em ex ante} probability of there being no other intelligent life in our observable universe, and thus that there should be little surprise when we fail to detect any signs of it. This result dissolves the Fermi paradox, and in doing so removes any need to invoke speculative mechanisms by which civilizations would inevitably fail to have observable effects upon the universe.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 6 Jun 2018 19:51:21 GMT'}]
[array(['Sandberg', 'Anders', ''], dtype=object) array(['Drexler', 'Eric', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ord', 'Toby', ''], dtype=object)]
Tobias M\"uller
Tobias M\"uller, Milena Zahn and Florian Matthes
Unlocking the Potential of Collaborative AI -- On the Socio-technical Challenges of Federated Machine Learning
Accepted for Publication at the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023)
The disruptive potential of AI systems roots in the emergence of big data. Yet, a significant portion is scattered and locked in data silos, leaving its potential untapped. Federated Machine Learning is a novel AI paradigm enabling the creation of AI models from decentralized, potentially siloed data. Hence, Federated Machine Learning could technically open data silos and therefore unlock economic potential. However, this requires collaboration between multiple parties owning data silos. Setting up collaborative business models is complex and often a reason for failure. Current literature lacks guidelines on which aspects must be considered to successfully realize collaborative AI projects. This research investigates the challenges of prevailing collaborative business models and distinct aspects of Federated Machine Learning. Through a systematic literature review, focus group, and expert interviews, we provide a systemized collection of socio-technical challenges and an extended Business Model Canvas for the initial viability assessment of collaborative AI projects.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 26 Apr 2023 17:14:44 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:47:17 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sat, 29 Apr 2023 00:15:47 GMT'}]
[array(['Müller', 'Tobias', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zahn', 'Milena', ''], dtype=object) array(['Matthes', 'Florian', ''], dtype=object)]
Igor Mazin
I. I. Mazin, O. K. Andersen, O. Jepsen, O. V. Dolgov, J. Kortus, A. A. Golubov, A. B. Kuz'menko, D. van der Marel
Two-gap superconductivity in MgB$_{2}$: clean or dirty?
Phys. Rev. Lett 89, 107002 (2002)
A large number of experimental facts and theoretical arguments favor a two-gap model for superconductivity in MgB$_{2}$. However, this model predicts strong suppression of the critical temperature by interband impurity scattering and, presumably, a strong correlation between the critical temperature and the residual resistivity. No such correlation has been observed. We argue that this fact can be understood if the band disparity of the electronic structure is taken into account, not only in the superconducting state, but also in normal transport.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:50:37 GMT'}]
[array(['Mazin', 'I. I.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Andersen', 'O. K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jepsen', 'O.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dolgov', 'O. V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kortus', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Golubov', 'A. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(["Kuz'menko", 'A. B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['van der Marel', 'D.', ''], dtype=object)]
Gregory Ngirmang
Gregory K. Ngirmang, Chris Orban, Scott Feister, John T. Morrison, Kyle Frische, Enam A. Chowdhury and W. M. Roquemore
3D PIC simulations of electron beams created via reflection of intense laser light from a water target
version 3, with a few updates. Submitted to PoP. 10 pages, Comments welcome!
We present 3D Particle-in-Cell (PIC) modeling of an ultra-intense laser experiment by the Extreme Light group at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) using the PIC code LSP. This is the first time PIC simulations have been performed in 3D for this experiment which involves an ultra-intense, short-pulse (30 fs) laser interacting with a water jet target at normal incidence. These 3D PIC simulation results are compared to results from 2D(3$v$) PIC simulations for both $5.4~\cdot~10^{17}$ W cm$^{-2}$ and $3~\cdot~10^{17}$ W cm$^{-2}$ intensities. Comparing the 2D(3$v$) and 3D simulation results, the laser-energy-to-ejected-electron-energy conversion efficiencies were comparable, but the angular distribution of ejected electrons show interesting differences with qualitative differences at higher intensity. An analytic plane-wave model is discussed which provides some explanation for the angular distribution and energies of ejected electrons in the 2D(3$v$) simulations. We also performed a 3D simulation with circularly polarized light and found a significantly higher conversion efficiency and peak electron energy, which is promising for future experiments.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 16 Oct 2015 19:58:58 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 1 Dec 2015 22:21:19 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 6 Jan 2016 04:11:53 GMT'}]
[array(['Ngirmang', 'Gregory K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Orban', 'Chris', ''], dtype=object) array(['Feister', 'Scott', ''], dtype=object) array(['Morrison', 'John T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Frische', 'Kyle', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chowdhury', 'Enam A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Roquemore', 'W. M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Han Jingjun
Jingjun Han, Liyun Dai, Bican Xia
Constructing Fewer Open Cells by GCD Computation in CAD Projection
Accepted by ISSAC 2014 (July 23--25, 2014, Kobe, Japan)
A new projection operator based on cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD) is proposed. The new operator computes the intersection of projection factor sets produced by different CAD projection orders. In other words, it computes the gcd of projection polynomials in the same variables produced by different CAD projection orders. We prove that the new operator still guarantees obtaining at least one sample point from every connected component of the highest dimension, and therefore, can be used for testing semi-definiteness of polynomials. Although the complexity of the new method is still doubly exponential, in many cases, the new operator does produce smaller projection factor sets and fewer open cells. Some examples of testing semi-definiteness of polynomials, which are difficult to be solved by existing tools, have been worked out efficiently by our program based on the new method.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 20 Jan 2014 15:55:33 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 17 May 2014 15:20:27 GMT'}]
[array(['Han', 'Jingjun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dai', 'Liyun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xia', 'Bican', ''], dtype=object)]
Amine Ahriche
Dounia Cherigui, Chahrazed Guella (Oran, Sci. Tech. U.), Amine Ahriche (Jijel U. and ICTP, Trieste and NCTS, Taipei), Salah Nasri (United Arab Emirates U.)
Probing Radiative Neutrino Mass Models Using Trilepton Channel at the LHC
10 pages, 6 figures & 4 tables
Phys. Lett. B762 (2016) 225-231
hep-ph hep-ex
In this work, we probe a class of neutrino mass models through the lepton flavor violating interactions of a singlet charged scalar, $S^{\pm}$ at the LHC proton-proton collisions with 8 TeV and 14 TeV energies. This scalar couples to the leptons and induces many processes such as $pp\rightarrow\ell^{\pm}\ell^{\pm}\ell^{\mp}+\slashed{E}_{T}$. In our analysis we discuss the opposite sign same flavor leptons signal, as well as the background free channel with the tau contribution which can enhance the signal/background ratio for center of mass energies $\sqrt{s}$= 8 TeV and $\sqrt{s}$ = 14 TeV.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 11 May 2016 23:45:12 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 30 Nov 2016 20:08:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Cherigui', 'Dounia', '', 'Oran, Sci. Tech. U.'], dtype=object) array(['Guella', 'Chahrazed', '', 'Oran, Sci. Tech. U.'], dtype=object) array(['Ahriche', 'Amine', '', 'Jijel U. and ICTP, Trieste and NCTS, Taipei'], dtype=object) array(['Nasri', 'Salah', '', 'United Arab\n Emirates U.'], dtype=object)]
Sizheng Ma
Sizheng Ma, Hang Yu, Yanbei Chen
Excitation of f-modes during mergers of spinning binary neutron star
Phys. Rev. D 101, 123020 (2020)
gr-qc astro-ph.HE
Tidal effects have important imprints on gravitational waves (GWs) emitted during the final stage of the coalescence of binaries that involve neutron stars (NSs). Dynamical tides can be significant when NS oscillations become resonant with orbital motion; understanding this process is important for accurately modeling GW emission from these binaries, and for extracting NS information from GW data. In this paper, we carry out a systematic study on the tidal excitation of fundamental modes of spinning NSs in coalescencing binaries, focusing on the case when the NS spin is anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum-where the tidal resonance is most likely to take place. We first expand NS oscillations into stellar eigen-modes, and then obtain a Hamiltonian that governs the tidally coupled orbit-mode evolution. We next find a new approximation that can lead to analytic expressions of tidal excitations to a high accuracy, and are valid in all regimes of the binary evolution: adiabatic, resonant, and post-resonance. Using the method of osculating orbits, we obtain semi-analytic approximations to the orbital evolution and GW emission; their agreements with numerical results give us confidence in on our understanding of the system's dynamics. In particular, we recover both the averaged post-resonance evolution, which differs from the pre-resonance point-particle orbit by shifts in orbital energy and angular momentum, as well as instantaneous perturbations driven by the tidal motion. Finally, we use the Fisher matrix technique to study the effect of dynamical tides on parameter estimation. We find that the dynamical tides may potentially provide an additional channel to study the physics of NSs. The method presented in this paper is generic and not restricted to f mode; it can also be applied to other types of tide.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 4 Mar 2020 23:55:04 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 4 Jun 2020 03:41:46 GMT'}]
[array(['Ma', 'Sizheng', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yu', 'Hang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Yanbei', ''], dtype=object)]
Igor Melnyk
Igor Melnyk, Payel Das, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Aurelie Lozano
Benchmarking deep generative models for diverse antibody sequence design
Learning Meaningful Representations of Life Workshop paper at NeurIPS 2021
q-bio.BM cs.CL
Computational protein design, i.e. inferring novel and diverse protein sequences consistent with a given structure, remains a major unsolved challenge. Recently, deep generative models that learn from sequences alone or from sequences and structures jointly have shown impressive performance on this task. However, those models appear limited in terms of modeling structural constraints, capturing enough sequence diversity, or both. Here we consider three recently proposed deep generative frameworks for protein design: (AR) the sequence-based autoregressive generative model, (GVP) the precise structure-based graph neural network, and Fold2Seq that leverages a fuzzy and scale-free representation of a three-dimensional fold, while enforcing structure-to-sequence (and vice versa) consistency. We benchmark these models on the task of computational design of antibody sequences, which demand designing sequences with high diversity for functional implication. The Fold2Seq framework outperforms the two other baselines in terms of diversity of the designed sequences, while maintaining the typical fold.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 12 Nov 2021 16:23:32 GMT'}]
[array(['Melnyk', 'Igor', ''], dtype=object) array(['Das', 'Payel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chenthamarakshan', 'Vijil', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lozano', 'Aurelie', ''], dtype=object)]
Ge He
Ge He, Dong Li, Daniel Jost, Andi Baum, Peipei Shen, Xiaoli Dong, Zhongxian Zhao, and Rudi Hackl
Raman Study of Cooper Pairing Instabilities in (Li$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$)OHFeSe
9 pages, 12 figures
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 217002(2020)
cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.str-el
We studied the electronic Raman spectra of (Li$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$)OHFeSe as a function of light polarization and temperature. In the B$_{1g}$ spectra alone we observe the redistribution of spectral weight expected for a superconductor and two well-resolved peaks below T$_c$. The nearly resolution-limited peak at 110 cm$^{-1}$ (13.6 meV) is identified as a collective mode. The peak at 190 cm$^{-1}$ (23.6 meV) is presumably another collective mode since the line is symmetric and its energy is significantly below the gap energy observed by single-particle spectroscopies. Given the experimental band structure of (Li$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$)OHFeSe, the most plausible explanations include conventional spin-fluctuation pairing between the electron bands and the incipient hole band and pairing between the hybridized electron bands. The absence of gap features in A$_{1g}$ and B$_{2g}$ symmetry favors the second case. Thus, in spite of various differences between the pnictides and chalcogenides, this Letter demonstrates the proximity of pairing states and the importance of band structure effects in the Fe-based compounds.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 19 Nov 2020 22:44:45 GMT'}]
[array(['He', 'Ge', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Dong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jost', 'Daniel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Baum', 'Andi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shen', 'Peipei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dong', 'Xiaoli', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhao', 'Zhongxian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hackl', 'Rudi', ''], dtype=object)]
Ata Sarajedini
Glenn P. Tiede, Ata Sarajedini, and Michael K. Barker
The Stellar Populations in the Outer Regions of M33. I. Metallicity Distribution Function
34 pages, 13 figures, accepted to The Astronomical Journal, July 2004, high resolution version available at ftp://www.astro.ufl.edu/pub/ata/sarajedini_m33.pdf
We present deep CCD photometry in the VI passbands using the WIYN 3.5m telescope of a field located approximately 20' southeast of the center of M33; this field includes the region studied by Mould & Kristian in their 1986 paper. The color-magnitude diagram (CMD) extends to I~25 and shows a prominent red giant branch (RGB), along with significant numbers of asymptotic giant branch and young main sequence stars. The red clump of core helium burning stars is also discernable near the limit of our CMD. The I-band apparent magnitude of the red giant branch tip implies a distance modulus of (m-M)_I = 24.77 +/- 0.06, which combined with an adopted reddening of E(V-I)=0.06 +/- 0.02 yields an absolute modulus of (m-M)_0 = 24.69 +/- 0.07 (867 +/- 28 kpc) for M33. Over the range of deprojected radii covered by our field (~8.5 to ~12.5 kpc), we find a significant age gradient with an upper limit of ~1 Gyr (~0.25 Gyr/kpc). Comparison of the RGB photometry to empirical giant branch sequences for Galactic globulars allows us to use the dereddened color of these stars to construct a metallicity distribution function (MDF). The primary peak in the MDF is at a metallicity of [Fe/H] ~ -1.0 with a tail to lower abundances. The peak does show radial variation with a slope of d[Fe/H]/dR_{deproj} = -0.06 +/- 0.01 dex/kpc. This gradient is consistent with the variation seen in the inner disk regions of M33. As such, we conclude that the vast majority of stars in this field belong to the disk of M33, not the halo as previously thought.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 22 Mar 2004 17:01:39 GMT'}]
[array(['Tiede', 'Glenn P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sarajedini', 'Ata', ''], dtype=object) array(['Barker', 'Michael K.', ''], dtype=object)]
Johanna Palmstrom
Johanna C. Palmstrom and Alexander T. Hristov and Steven A. Kivelson and Jiun-Haw Chu and Ian R. Fisher
Critical divergence of the symmetric ($A_{1g}$) nonlinear elastoresistance near the nematic transition in an iron-based superconductor
Phys. Rev. B 96, 205133 (2017)
We report the observation of a nonlinear elastoresistivity response for the prototypical underdoped iron pnictide Ba(Fe$_{0.975}$Co$_{0.025}$)$_2$As$_2$. Our measurements reveal a large quadratic term in the isotropic ($A_{1g}$) electronic response that was produced by a purely shear ($B_{2g}$) strain. The divergence of this quantity upon cooling towards the structural phase transition reflects the temperature dependence of the nematic susceptibility. This observation shows that nematic fluctuations play a significant role in determining even the isotropic properties of this family of compounds.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 11 Aug 2017 19:49:45 GMT'}]
[array(['Palmstrom', 'Johanna C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hristov', 'Alexander T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kivelson', 'Steven A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chu', 'Jiun-Haw', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fisher', 'Ian R.', ''], dtype=object)]
Yudhik Agrawal
Abbhinav Venkat, Chaitanya Patel, Yudhik Agrawal, Avinash Sharma
HumanMeshNet: Polygonal Mesh Recovery of Humans
to appear in ICCV-W, 2019. Project: https://github.com/yudhik11/HumanMeshNet
3D Human Body Reconstruction from a monocular image is an important problem in computer vision with applications in virtual and augmented reality platforms, animation industry, en-commerce domain, etc. While several of the existing works formulate it as a volumetric or parametric learning with complex and indirect reliance on re-projections of the mesh, we would like to focus on implicitly learning the mesh representation. To that end, we propose a novel model, HumanMeshNet, that regresses a template mesh's vertices, as well as receives a regularization by the 3D skeletal locations in a multi-branch, multi-task setup. The image to mesh vertex regression is further regularized by the neighborhood constraint imposed by mesh topology ensuring smooth surface reconstruction. The proposed paradigm can theoretically learn local surface deformations induced by body shape variations and can therefore learn high-resolution meshes going ahead. We show comparable performance with SoA (in terms of surface and joint error) with far lesser computational complexity, modeling cost and therefore real-time reconstructions on three publicly available datasets. We also show the generalizability of the proposed paradigm for a similar task of predicting hand mesh models. Given these initial results, we would like to exploit the mesh topology in an explicit manner going ahead.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 19 Aug 2019 00:27:24 GMT'}]
[array(['Venkat', 'Abbhinav', ''], dtype=object) array(['Patel', 'Chaitanya', ''], dtype=object) array(['Agrawal', 'Yudhik', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sharma', 'Avinash', ''], dtype=object)]
Md Tauhidul Islam
Md Tauhidul Islam, Udoy Saha, K.T. Shahid, Ahmed Bin Hussain, Celia Shahnaz
Speech Enhancement Based on Non-stationary Noise-driven Geometric Spectral Subtraction and Phase Spectrum Compensation
13 pages, 10 figures, 8 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1803.00396; text overlap with arXiv:1802.02665, arXiv:1802.05125, arXiv:1803.01841
eess.AS cs.SD
In this paper, a speech enhancement method based on noise compensation performed on short time magnitude as well phase spectra is presented. Unlike the conventional geometric approach (GA) to spectral subtraction (SS), here the noise estimate to be subtracted from the noisy speech spectrum is proposed to be determined by exploiting the low frequency regions of current frame of noisy speech rather than depending only on the initial silence frames. This approach gives the capability of tracking non-stationary noise thus resulting in a non-stationary noise-driven geometric approach of spectral subtraction for speech enhancement. The noise compensated magnitude spectrum from the GA step is then recombined with unchanged phase of noisy speech spectrum and used in phase compensation to obtain an enhanced complex spectrum, which is used to produce an enhanced speech frame. Extensive simulations are carried out using speech files available in the NOIZEUS database shows that the proposed method consistently outperforms some of the recent methods of speech enhancement when employed on the noisy speeches corrupted by street or babble noise at different levels of SNR in terms of objective measures, spectrogram analysis and formal subjective listening tests.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 3 Mar 2018 05:57:11 GMT'}]
[array(['Islam', 'Md Tauhidul', ''], dtype=object) array(['Saha', 'Udoy', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shahid', 'K. T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hussain', 'Ahmed Bin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shahnaz', 'Celia', ''], dtype=object)]
Roldao da Rocha
R. A. C. Correa, D. M. Dantas, C. A. S. Almeida, Roldao da Rocha
Bounds on topological Abelian string-vortex and string-cigar from information-entropic measure
6 pages, 7 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Lett. B
Phys. Lett. B 755 (2016) 358
In this work we obtain bounds on the topological Abelian string-vortex and on the string-cigar, by using a new measure of configurational complexity, known as configurational entropy. In this way, the information-theoretical measure of six-dimensional braneworlds scenarios are capable to probe situations where the parameters responsible for the brane thickness are arbitrary. The so-called configurational entropy (CE) selects the best value of the parameter in the model. This is accomplished by minimizing the CE, namely, by selecting the most appropriate parameters in the model that correspond to the most organized system, based upon the Shannon information theory. This information-theoretical measure of complexity provides a complementary perspective to situations where strictly energy-based arguments are inconclusive. We show that the higher the energy the higher the CE, what shows an important correlation between the energy of the a localized field configuration and its associated entropic measure.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 1 Jan 2016 12:22:22 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 17 Feb 2016 17:36:53 GMT'}]
[array(['Correa', 'R. A. C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dantas', 'D. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Almeida', 'C. A. S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['da Rocha', 'Roldao', ''], dtype=object)]
Braden Crimmins
Braden L. Crimmins, Marshall Rhea, J. Alex Halderman
RemoteVote and SAFE Vote: Towards Usable End-to-End Verification for Vote-by-Mail
Postal voting is growing rapidly in the U.S., with 43% of voters casting ballots by mail in 2020, yet until recently there has been little research about extending the protections of end-to-end verifiable (E2E-V) election schemes to vote-by-mail contexts. The first - and to date, only - framework to focus on this setting is STROBE, which has important usability limitations. In this work, we present two approaches, RemoteVote and SAFE Vote, that allow mail-in voters to benefit from E2E-V without changing the voter experience for those who choose not to participate in verification. To evaluate these systems and compare them with STROBE, we consider an expansive set of properties, including novel attributes of usability and verifiability, several of which have applicability beyond vote-by-mail contexts. We hope that our work will help catalyze further progress towards universal applicability of E2E-V for real-world elections.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:49:54 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 17 Nov 2021 06:19:36 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sun, 16 Jan 2022 21:19:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Crimmins', 'Braden L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rhea', 'Marshall', ''], dtype=object) array(['Halderman', 'J. Alex', ''], dtype=object)]
Anke Arentsen
Anke Arentsen, Philippe Prugniel, Anais Gonneau, Ariane Lan\c{c}on, Scott Trager, Reynier Peletier, Mariya Lyubenova, Yan-Ping Chen, Jes\'us Falc\'on Barroso, Patricia S\'anchez Bl\'azquez, and Alejandro Vazdekis
Stellar atmospheric parameters for 754 spectra from the X-shooter Spectral Library
15 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, published in A&A
2019, A&A, 627, A138
astro-ph.SR astro-ph.GA
The X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL) is an empirical stellar library at medium spectral resolution covering the wavelength range from 3000 \AA to 24 800 \AA. This library aims to provide a benchmark for stellar population studies. In this work, we present a uniform set of stellar atmospheric parameters, effective temperatures, surface gravities, and iron abundances for 754 spectra of 616 XSL stars. We used the full-spectrum fitting package ULySS with the empirical MILES library as reference to fit the ultraviolet-blue (UVB) and visible (VIS) spectra. We tested the internal consistency and we compared our results with compilations from the literature. The stars cover a range of effective temperature 2900 < Teff < 38 000 K, surface gravity 0 < log g < 5.7, and iron abundance -2.5 < [Fe/H] < +1.0, with a couple of stars extending down to [Fe/H] = -3.9. The precisions of the measurements for the G- and K-type stars are 0.9%, 0.14, and 0.06 in Teff, log g, and [Fe/H], respectively. For the cool giants with log g < 1, the precisions are 2.1%, 0.21, and 0.22, and for the other cool stars these values are 1%, 0.14, and 0.10. For the hotter stars (Teff > 6500 K), these values are 2.6%, 0.20, and 0.10 for the three parameters.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 15 Jul 2019 09:39:31 GMT'}]
[array(['Arentsen', 'Anke', ''], dtype=object) array(['Prugniel', 'Philippe', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gonneau', 'Anais', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lançon', 'Ariane', ''], dtype=object) array(['Trager', 'Scott', ''], dtype=object) array(['Peletier', 'Reynier', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lyubenova', 'Mariya', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Yan-Ping', ''], dtype=object) array(['Barroso', 'Jesús Falcón', ''], dtype=object) array(['Blázquez', 'Patricia Sánchez', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vazdekis', 'Alejandro', ''], dtype=object)]
Gerasyuta S. M.
S.M. Gerasyuta, V.I. Kochkin
Relativistic quark model and pentaquark spectroscopy
22 pages, pdf
Int.J.Mod.Phys. E12 (2003) 793-808
The relativistic five-quark equations are found in the framework of the dispersion relation technique. The solutions of these equations using the method based on the extraction of leading singularities of the amplitudes are obtained. The five-quark amplitudes for the low-lying pentaquarks are calculated under the condition that flavor SU(3) symmetry holds. The poles of five-quark amplitudes determine the masses of the lowest pentaquarks. The mass spectra of pentaquarks which contain only light quarks are calculated. The calculation of pentaquark amplitudes estimates the contributions of three subamplitudes. The main contributions to the pentaquark amplitude are determined by the subamplitudes, which include the meson states.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 27 Nov 2002 18:49:21 GMT'}]
[array(['Gerasyuta', 'S. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kochkin', 'V. I.', ''], dtype=object)]
Jun Yan
Guang-jiong Ni and Tsao Chang
Is Neutrino a Superluminal Particle?
10 pages, No figures
Based on the experimental discovery that the mass-square of neutrino is negative, a quantum theory for superluminal neutrino is proposed. Two Weyl equations coupled together via a mass term respecting the maximum parity violation lead to a new equation which describes the superluminal motion of neutrino with permanent helicity. Various strange features of subluminal and superluminal particles can be ascribed to the relative variation of two contradictory fields superposing coherently inside the particle with the change of its speed u in the whole range ($0<u<\infty$). Being compatible with the theory of special relativity, this theory may have various applications.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 5 Mar 2001 16:54:53 GMT'}]
[array(['Ni', 'Guang-jiong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chang', 'Tsao', ''], dtype=object)]
Deguang Kong
Deguang Kong, Konstantin Shmakov and Jian Yang
Demystifying Advertising Campaign Bid Recommendation: A Constraint target CPA Goal Optimization
cs.IR cs.AI cs.LG
In cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) advertising campaigns, advertisers always run the risk of spending the budget without getting enough conversions. Moreover, the bidding on advertising inventory has few connections with propensity one that can reach to target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA) goals. To address this problem, this paper presents a bid optimization scenario to achieve the desired tCPA goals for advertisers. In particular, we build the optimization engine to make a decision by solving the rigorously formalized constrained optimization problem, which leverages the bid landscape model learned from rich historical auction data using non-parametric learning. The proposed model can naturally recommend the bid that meets the advertisers' expectations by making inference over advertisers' historical auction behaviors, which essentially deals with the data challenges commonly faced by bid landscape modeling: incomplete logs in auctions, and uncertainty due to the variation and fluctuations in advertising bidding behaviors. The bid optimization model outperforms the baseline methods on real-world campaigns, and has been applied into a wide range of scenarios for performance improvement and revenue liftup.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 26 Dec 2022 07:43:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Kong', 'Deguang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shmakov', 'Konstantin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yang', 'Jian', ''], dtype=object)]
Kiyoshi Shiraishi
Nahomi Kan, Kiyoshi Shiraishi
Dynamical mass generation of spin-2 fields in de Sitter space for an $O(N)$ symmetric model at large $N$
15 pages, 7 figures
We consider the strong-coupling phase in a model of $O(N)$ spin-2 field theory in de Sitter spacetime and the effective mass of spin-2 fields therein. In the strong-coupling phase, the Higuchi bound limits the parameters included in the theory. The analysis using the large $N$ approximation finds the critical value of the parameters with numerical calculation.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 29 Apr 2023 06:27:28 GMT'}]
[array(['Kan', 'Nahomi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shiraishi', 'Kiyoshi', ''], dtype=object)]
Constantin Christof
Constantin Christof and Julia Kowalczyk
On the Identification and Optimization of Nonsmooth Superposition Operators in Semilinear Elliptic PDEs
math.OC cs.LG
We study an infinite-dimensional optimization problem that aims to identify the Nemytskii operator in the nonlinear part of a prototypical semilinear elliptic partial differential equation (PDE) which minimizes the distance between the PDE-solution and a given desired state. In contrast to previous works, we consider this identification problem in a low-regularity regime in which the function inducing the Nemytskii operator is a-priori only known to be an element of $H^1_{loc}(\mathbb{R})$. This makes the studied problem class a suitable point of departure for the rigorous analysis of training problems for learning-informed PDEs in which an unknown superposition operator is approximated by means of a neural network with nonsmooth activation functions (ReLU, leaky-ReLU, etc.). We establish that, despite the low regularity of the controls, it is possible to derive a classical stationarity system for local minimizers and to solve the considered problem by means of a gradient projection method. The convergence of the resulting algorithm is proven in the function space setting. It is also shown that the established first-order necessary optimality conditions imply that locally optimal superposition operators share various characteristic properties with commonly used activation functions: They are always sigmoidal, continuously differentiable away from the origin, and typically possess a distinct kink at zero. The paper concludes with numerical experiments which confirm the theoretical findings.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 8 Jun 2023 13:33:20 GMT'}]
[array(['Christof', 'Constantin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kowalczyk', 'Julia', ''], dtype=object)]
Shilpak Banerjee
Shilpak Banerjee and Philipp Kunde
Real-analytic AbC constructions on the torus
48 pages, 7 figures
Ergod. Th. Dynam. Sys. 39 (2019) 2643-2688
In this article we demonstrate a way to extend the AbC (approximation by conjugation) method invented by Anosov and Katok from the smooth category to the category of real-analytic diffeomorphisms on the torus. We present a general framework for such constructions and prove several results. In particular, we construct minimal but not uniquely ergodic diffeomorphisms and nonstandard real-analytic realizations of toral translations.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 21 Nov 2016 00:56:48 GMT'}]
[array(['Banerjee', 'Shilpak', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kunde', 'Philipp', ''], dtype=object)]
Jingjin Yu
Si Wei Feng and Shuai D. Han and Kai Gao and Jingjin Yu
Efficient Algorithms for Optimal Perimeter Guarding
2019 Robotics: Science and Systems
cs.RO cs.CG
We investigate the problem of optimally assigning a large number of robots (or other types of autonomous agents) to guard the perimeters of closed 2D regions, where the perimeter of each region to be guarded may contain multiple disjoint polygonal chains. Each robot is responsible for guarding a subset of a perimeter and any point on a perimeter must be guarded by some robot. In allocating the robots, the main objective is to minimize the maximum 1D distance to be covered by any robot along the boundary of the regions. For this optimization problem which we call optimal perimeter guarding (OPG), thorough structural analysis is performed, which is then exploited to develop fast exact algorithms that run in guaranteed low polynomial time. In addition to formal analysis and proofs, experimental evaluations and simulations are performed that further validate the correctness and effectiveness of our algorithmic results.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 11 May 2019 03:06:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Feng', 'Si Wei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Han', 'Shuai D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gao', 'Kai', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yu', 'Jingjin', ''], dtype=object)]
Max Tegmark
Andy Lutomirski (MIT), Max Tegmark (MIT), Nevada Sanchez (MIT), Leo Stein (MIT), Lynn Urry (Berkeley), Matias Zaldarriaga (IAS)
Solving the Corner-Turning Problem for Large Interferometers
Revised to match accepted MNRAS version. 7 pages, 4 figs
astro-ph.IM astro-ph.CO
The so-called corner turning problem is a major bottleneck for radio telescopes with large numbers of antennas. The problem is essentially that of rapidly transposing a matrix that is too large to store on one single device; in radio interferometry, it occurs because data from each antenna needs to be routed to an array of processors that will each handle a limited portion of the data (a frequency range, say) but requires input from each antenna. We present a low-cost solution allowing the correlator to transpose its data in real time, without contending for bandwidth, via a butterfly network requiring neither additional RAM memory nor expensive general-purpose switching hardware. We discuss possible implementations of this using FPGA, CMOS, analog logic and optical technology, and conclude that the corner turner cost can be small even for upcoming massive radio arrays.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 8 Oct 2009 19:16:10 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 25 Aug 2010 03:57:48 GMT'}]
[array(['Lutomirski', 'Andy', '', 'MIT'], dtype=object) array(['Tegmark', 'Max', '', 'MIT'], dtype=object) array(['Sanchez', 'Nevada', '', 'MIT'], dtype=object) array(['Stein', 'Leo', '', 'MIT'], dtype=object) array(['Urry', 'Lynn', '', 'Berkeley'], dtype=object) array(['Zaldarriaga', 'Matias', '', 'IAS'], dtype=object)]
Paul Sutcliffe
Paul Sutcliffe
Multi-Skyrmions with Vector Mesons
Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D
It is known that including vector mesons stabilizes the size of a Skyrmion without the need for a Skyrme term. This paper provides the first results for static multi-Skyrmions in such a theory. The rational map ansatz is used to investigate multi-Skyrmions in a theory which includes the omega vector meson and has no Skyrme term. Bound states with baryon numbers two, three and four are found, which have axial, tetrahedral and cubic symmetries, respectively. The results reveal a qualitative similarity with the standard Skyrme model with a Skyrme term and no vector mesons, suggesting that some features are universal and do not depend on the details of the theory. Setting the pion decay constant and meson masses to their experimental values leaves only a single free parameter in the model. Fixing this parameter, by equating the energy of the baryon number four Skyrmion to the Helium-4 mass, yields reasonable results for other baryon numbers.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 30 Oct 2008 08:49:18 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:51:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Sutcliffe', 'Paul', ''], dtype=object)]
ShaoPeng Hong
Hong Shaopeng
Generalized Autoregressive Score asymmetric Laplace Distribution and Extreme Downward Risk Prediction
13 pages, 12 figures
Due to the skessed distribution, high peak and thick tail and asymmetry of financial return data, it is difficult to describe the traditional distribution. In recent years, generalized autoregressive score (GAS) has been used in many fields and achieved good results. In this paper, under the framework of generalized autoregressive score (GAS), the asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD) is improved, and the GAS-ALD model is proposed, which has the characteristics of time-varying parameters, can describe the peak thick tail, biased and asymmetric distribution. The model is used to study the Shanghai index, Shenzhen index and SME board index. It is found that: 1) the distribution parameters and moments of the three indexes have obvious time-varying characteristics and aggregation characteristics. 2) Compared with the commonly used models for calculating VaR and ES, the GAS-ALD model has a high prediction effect.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 4 Aug 2020 02:11:57 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 11 Aug 2020 08:36:03 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Tue, 13 Oct 2020 05:41:29 GMT'}]
[array(['Shaopeng', 'Hong', ''], dtype=object)]
Lukas Hintze
Petra Berenbrink, Lukas Hintze, Hamed Hosseinpour, Dominik Kaaser, Malin Rau
Dynamic Averaging Load Balancing on Arbitrary Graphs
cs.DC cs.DS math.PR
In this paper we study dynamic averaging load balancing on general graphs. We consider infinite time and dynamic processes, where in every step new load items are assigned to randomly chosen nodes. A matching is chosen, and the load is averaged over the edges of that matching. We analyze the discrete case where load items are indivisible, moreover our results also carry over to the continuous case where load items can be split arbitrarily. For the choice of the matchings we consider three different models, random matchings of linear size, random matchings containing only single edges, and deterministic sequences of matchings covering the whole graph. We bound the discrepancy, which is defined as the difference between the maximum and the minimum load. Our results cover a broad range of graph classes and, to the best of our knowledge, our analysis is the first result for discrete and dynamic averaging load balancing processes. As our main technical contribution we develop a drift result that allows us to apply techniques based on the effective resistance in an electrical network to the setting of dynamic load balancing.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 23 Feb 2023 17:51:37 GMT'}]
[array(['Berenbrink', 'Petra', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hintze', 'Lukas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hosseinpour', 'Hamed', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kaaser', 'Dominik', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rau', 'Malin', ''], dtype=object)]
Mu Li
Mu Li and Wangmeng Zuo and David Zhang
Deep Identity-aware Transfer of Facial Attributes
This paper presents a Deep convolutional network model for Identity-Aware Transfer (DIAT) of facial attributes. Given the source input image and the reference attribute, DIAT aims to generate a facial image that owns the reference attribute as well as keeps the same or similar identity to the input image. In general, our model consists of a mask network and an attribute transform network which work in synergy to generate a photo-realistic facial image with the reference attribute. Considering that the reference attribute may be only related to some parts of the image, the mask network is introduced to avoid the incorrect editing on attribute irrelevant region. Then the estimated mask is adopted to combine the input and transformed image for producing the transfer result. For joint training of transform network and mask network, we incorporate the adversarial attribute loss, identity-aware adaptive perceptual loss, and VGG-FACE based identity loss. Furthermore, a denoising network is presented to serve for perceptual regularization to suppress the artifacts in transfer result, while an attribute ratio regularization is introduced to constrain the size of attribute relevant region. Our DIAT can provide a unified solution for several representative facial attribute transfer tasks, e.g., expression transfer, accessory removal, age progression, and gender transfer, and can be extended for other face enhancement tasks such as face hallucination. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Even for the identity-related attribute (e.g., gender), our DIAT can obtain visually impressive results by changing the attribute while retaining most identity-aware features.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 18 Oct 2016 12:56:47 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 6 Dec 2018 13:36:08 GMT'}]
[array(['Li', 'Mu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zuo', 'Wangmeng', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'David', ''], dtype=object)]
Wei Cheng
Kai Zhao, Wei Cheng
On the vanishing contact structure for viscosity solutions of contact type Hamilton-Jacobi equations I: Cauchy problem
We study the representation formulae for the fundamental solutions and viscosity solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equations of contact type. We also obtain a vanishing contact structure result for relevant Cauchy problems which can be regarded as an extension to the vanishing discount problem.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 18 Jan 2018 15:07:59 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 19 Jan 2018 14:55:03 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Thu, 1 Feb 2018 17:48:58 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Fri, 13 Apr 2018 20:42:04 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhao', 'Kai', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cheng', 'Wei', ''], dtype=object)]
Wilfredo Urbina-Romero
Eduard Navas, Ebner Pineda and Wilfredo Urbina
The Boundedness of General Alternative Gaussian Singular Integrals on variable Lebesgue spaces with Gaussian measure
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1911.06375
In a previous paper, we introduced a new class of Gaussian singular integrals, that we called the general alternative Gaussian singular integrals and study the boundedness of them on $L^p(\gamma_d)$, $ 1 < p < \infty.$ In this paper, we study the boundedness of those operators on Gaussian variable Lebesgue spaces under a certain additional condition of regularity on $p(\cdot)$ following a paper by E. Dalmasso and R. Scotto.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 20 Jun 2020 06:23:36 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 5 Oct 2020 18:23:24 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 22 Mar 2021 15:46:57 GMT'}]
[array(['Navas', 'Eduard', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pineda', 'Ebner', ''], dtype=object) array(['Urbina', 'Wilfredo', ''], dtype=object)]
Xiaoquan Xu
Xiaoquan Xu
On $\mathbf{K}$-reflections of Scott spaces
16 pages, 24 references. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1911.11618
In this paper, for a full subcategory $\mathbf{K}$ of the category of all $T_0$ spaces with continuous mappings, we investigate the questions under what conditions the $\mathbf{K}$-reflection of a Scott space is still a Scott space and under what conditions the Scott $\mathbf{K}$-completion of a poset exists. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for the $\mathbf{K}$-reflection of a Scott space to be a Scott space and for the existence of Scott $\mathbf{K}$-completion of a poset are established, respectively. It is shown that neither the sobrification nor the well-filtered reflection of the Johnstone space is a Scott space. The $\mathbf{K}$-reflections of Alexandroff spaces and the $\mathbf{K}$-completions of posets are also discussed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 20 Apr 2022 16:39:27 GMT'}]
[array(['Xu', 'Xiaoquan', ''], dtype=object)]
William Banks
William D. Banks and Igor E. Shparlinski
On the number of distinct quadratic fields generated by the Shanks sequence
17 pages
Let $g>1$ be an integer and $f(X)\in{\mathbb Z}[X]$ a polynomial of positive degree with no multiple roots, and put $u(n)=f(g^n)$. In this note, we study the sequence of quadratic fields ${\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{u(n)}\,)$ as $n$ varies over the consecutive integers $M+1,\ldots,M+N$. Fields of this type include Shanks fields and their generalizations. Using the square sieve together with new bounds on character sums, we improve an upper bound of Luca and Shparlinski (2009) on the number of $n \in \{M+1,\ldots,M+N\}$ with ${\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{u(n)}\,) = {\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{s}\,)$ for a given squarefree integer $s$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 20 Feb 2016 22:58:21 GMT'}]
[array(['Banks', 'William D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shparlinski', 'Igor E.', ''], dtype=object)]
Chenglong Li
Chenglong Li, Emmeric Tanghe, Sofie Pollin, Wout Joseph
Ubiquitous Indoor Positioning and Tracking for Industrial Internet-of-Things: A Channel Response Perspective
The future of industrial location-aided applications is shaped by the ubiquity of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. As an increasing amount of commercial off-the-shelf radio devices support channel response collection, it is possible to achieve fine-grained position estimation at a relatively low cost. In this article, we focus on channel response-based positioning and tracking for industrial IoT applications. We first give an overview of the state of the art (SOTA) of channel response-enabled localization, which is further classified into two categories, \textit{i.e.}, device-based and contact-free schemes. Then we propose a taxonomy for these complementary approaches concerning the involved techniques. Finally, we discuss the practical issues of the SOTA methods for real-world applications and point out future research opportunities for channel response-based positioning and tracking.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 25 Sep 2022 06:07:02 GMT'}]
[array(['Li', 'Chenglong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tanghe', 'Emmeric', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pollin', 'Sofie', ''], dtype=object) array(['Joseph', 'Wout', ''], dtype=object)]
Patricia L. Alireza
Patricia L. Alireza, Fumihiko Nakamura, Swee K. Goh, Yoshiteru Maeno, Satoru Nakatsuji, Y. T. Chris Ko, Michael Sutherland, Stephen Julian and Gilbert G. Lonzarich
Evidence of superconductivity on the border of quasi-2D ferromagnetism in Ca2RuO4 at high pressure
6 pages
cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.str-el
The layered perovskite Ca2RuO4 is a spin-one Mott insulator at ambient pressure and exhibits metallic ferromagnetism at least up to ~ 80 kbar with a maximum Curie temperature of 28 K. Above ~ 90 kbar and up to 140 kbar, the highest pressure reached, the resistivity and ac susceptibility show pronounced downturns below ~ 0.4 K in applied magnetic fields of up to ~10 mT. This indicates that our specimens of Ca2RuO4 are weakly superconducting on the border of a quasi-2D ferromagnetic state.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 8 Dec 2009 14:59:50 GMT'}]
[array(['Alireza', 'Patricia L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nakamura', 'Fumihiko', ''], dtype=object) array(['Goh', 'Swee K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Maeno', 'Yoshiteru', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nakatsuji', 'Satoru', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ko', 'Y. T. Chris', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sutherland', 'Michael', ''], dtype=object) array(['Julian', 'Stephen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lonzarich', 'Gilbert G.', ''], dtype=object)]
Jacques Fattaccioli
Olivier Mesdjian, Nicolas Ruyssen, Marie-Caroline Jullien, Rachele Allena, Jacques Fattaccioli
Enhancing the capture efficiency and homogeneity of single-layer flow-through trapping microfluidic devices using oblique hydrodynamic streams
Post-reviewing revised version
With the aim to parallelize and monitor biological or biochemical phenomena, trapping and immobilization of objects such as particles, droplets or cells in microfluidic devices has been an intense area of research and engineering so far. Either being passive or active, these microfluidic devices are usually composed of arrays of elementary traps with various levels of sophistication. For a given array, it is important to have an efficient and fast immobilization of the highest number of objects, while optimizing the spatial homogeneity of the trapping over the whole chip. For passive devices, this has been achieved with two-layers structures, making the fabrication process more complex. In this work, we designed small microfluidic traps by single-layer direct laser writing into a photoresist, and we show that even in this simplest case, the orientation of the main flow of particles with respect to the traps have a drastic effect on the trapping efficiency and homogeneity. To better understand this phenomenon, we have considered two different flow geometries: parallel and oblique with respect to the traps array, and compared quantitatively the immobilization of particles with various sizes and densities. Using image analysis, we show that diagonal flows gives a spatial distribution of the trap loading that is more homogeneous over the whole chip as compared to the straight ones, and by performing FEM and trapping simulation, we propose a qualitative explanation of this phenomenon.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 28 Jun 2021 09:58:24 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 16 Sep 2021 14:41:19 GMT'}]
[array(['Mesdjian', 'Olivier', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ruyssen', 'Nicolas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jullien', 'Marie-Caroline', ''], dtype=object) array(['Allena', 'Rachele', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fattaccioli', 'Jacques', ''], dtype=object)]
Dafni Marchioro
A. L. Gadelha, Dafni Z. Marchioro, Daniel L. Nedel
Entanglement and entropy operator for strings in pp-wave time dependent background
revtex4, 15 pages, revised version to appear in Physics Letters B
Phys.Lett. B639 (2006) 383-388
In this letter new aspects of string theory propagating in a pp-wave time dependent background with a null singularity are explored. It is shown the appearance of a 2d entanglement entropy dynamically generated by the background. For asymptotically flat observers, the vacuum close to the singularity is unitarily inequivalent to the vacuum at $\tau = -\infty$ and it is shown that the 2d entanglement entropy diverges close to this point. As a consequence, the positive time region is inaccessible for observers in $\tau =-\infty$. For a stationary measure, the vacuum at finite time is seen by those observers as a thermal state and the information loss is encoded as a heat bath of string states.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 23 May 2006 19:11:13 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 21 Jun 2006 18:10:35 GMT'}]
[array(['Gadelha', 'A. L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Marchioro', 'Dafni Z.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nedel', 'Daniel L.', ''], dtype=object)]
Peter Constantin
Peter Constantin and Nader Masmoudi
Global well-posedness for a Smoluchowski equation coupled with Navier-Stokes equations in 2D
We prove global existence for a nonlinear Smoluchowski equation (a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation) coupled with Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions. The proof uses a deteriorating regularity estimate and the tensorial structure of the main nonlinear terms.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 20 Feb 2007 19:35:30 GMT'}]
[array(['Constantin', 'Peter', ''], dtype=object) array(['Masmoudi', 'Nader', ''], dtype=object)]
Mugurel Tolea C
F. Tolea, M. Tolea, M. Valeanu
Thermal memory fading by heating to a lower temperature: experimental data on polycrystalline NiFeGa ribbons and 2D statistical model predictions
6 pages, 4 figures
Solid State Communications 257 (2017), 36
Shape memory alloys are known to memorise one -or several- temperatures at which the martensite-austenite transformation was stopped before completion in the past, the memory manifesting as specific dips in subsequent calorimetric scans. Previous studies have shown that this memory can be erased by heating to higher temperatures than the ones previously recorded. In this paper, we study a distinct memory fading effect which takes place by heating to a lower temperature. This effect is reported in NiFeGa as polycrystalline ribbons, the alloy being initially studied as bulk for which the thermal memory effect was not found. If, after an initial incomplete heating up to T1 one performs a second incomplete heating up to T2<T1, a new calorimetric dip appears at T2, as expected, while less expected was that the dip corresponding to T1 reduces in amplitude or even vanishes (if the arrest at T2 is repeated). The memory fading effect is more clear for small differences T1-T2 and less obvious or absent for large ones. The second part of the paper employs a statistical 2D model, which associates the memorized temperatures with a depletion of certain martensite plates sizes, and also supports the memory fading effect.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 8 Apr 2017 05:48:37 GMT'}]
[array(['Tolea', 'F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tolea', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Valeanu', 'M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Malin Klintefjord
M. Klintefjord and K. Hady\'nska-Kl\c{e}k and A. G\"orgen and C. Bauer and F.L. Bello Garrote and S. B\"onig and B. Bounthong and A. Damyanova and J.-P. Delaroche and V. Fedosseev and D.A. Fink and F. Giacoppo and M. Girod and P. Hoff and N. Imai and W. Korten and A.C. Larsen and J. Libert and R. Lutter and B.A. Marsh and P.L. Molkanov and H. Na\"idja and P. Napiorkowski and F. Nowacki and J. Pakarinen and E. Rapisarda and P. Reiter and T. Renstr{\o}m and S. Rothe and M.D. Seliverstov and B. Siebeck and S. Siem and J. Srebrny and T. Stora and P. Th\"ole and T.G. Tornyi and G.M. Tveten and P. Van Duppen and M.J Vermeulen and D. Voulot and N. Warr and F. Wenander and H. De Witte and M. Zieli\'nska
The structure of low-lying states in ${}^{140}$Sm studied by Coulomb excitation
15 pages, 12 figures
Phys. Rev. C 93, 054303 (2016)
The electromagnetic structure of $^{140}$Sm was studied in a low-energy Coulomb excitation experiment with a radioactive ion beam from the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The $2^+$ and $4^+$ states of the ground-state band and a second $2^+$ state were populated by multi-step excitation. The analysis of the differential Coulomb excitation cross sections yielded reduced transition probabilities between all observed states and the spectroscopic quadrupole moment for the $2_1^+$ state. The experimental results are compared to large-scale shell model calculations and beyond-mean-field calculations based on the Gogny D1S interaction with a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian formalism. Simpler geometric and algebraic models are also employed to interpret the experimental data. The results indicate that $^{140}$Sm shows considerable $\gamma$ softness, but in contrast to earlier speculation no signs of shape coexistence at low excitation energy. This work sheds more light on the onset of deformation and collectivity in this mass region.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 4 Mar 2016 16:34:10 GMT'}]
[array(['Klintefjord', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hadyńska-Klȩk', 'K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Görgen', 'A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bauer', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Garrote', 'F. L. Bello', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bönig', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bounthong', 'B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Damyanova', 'A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Delaroche', 'J. -P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fedosseev', 'V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fink', 'D. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Giacoppo', 'F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Girod', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hoff', 'P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Imai', 'N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Korten', 'W.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Larsen', 'A. C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Libert', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lutter', 'R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Marsh', 'B. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Molkanov', 'P. L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Naïdja', 'H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Napiorkowski', 'P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nowacki', 'F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pakarinen', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rapisarda', 'E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Reiter', 'P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Renstrøm', 'T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rothe', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Seliverstov', 'M. D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Siebeck', 'B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Siem', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Srebrny', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Stora', 'T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Thöle', 'P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tornyi', 'T. G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tveten', 'G. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Van Duppen', 'P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vermeulen', 'M. J', ''], dtype=object) array(['Voulot', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Warr', 'N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wenander', 'F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['De Witte', 'H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zielińska', 'M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Masatoshi Suzuki
Masatoshi Suzuki
On monotonicity of certain weighted summatory functions associated with L-functions
13 pages
Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli 60 (2011), no. 1 & no. 2, 211-225
We state some sufficient or equivalent conditions to GRH of general L-functions in terms of monotonicity of certain weighted summatory functions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 9 Apr 2012 08:21:27 GMT'}]
[array(['Suzuki', 'Masatoshi', ''], dtype=object)]
Thomas Schwetz
Thomas Schwetz, Mariam Tortola, Jose W.F. Valle
Three-flavour neutrino oscillation update
17 pages, 7 figures. An appendix is added providing three-neutrino parameter determinations as of February 2010. We include all oscillation data, such as the first MINOS electron neutrino appearance data, the low energy threshold analysis given by the SNO Collaboration, as well as recently updated Standard Solar Models
New J.Phys.10:113011,2008
hep-ph astro-ph hep-ex
We review the present status of three-flavour neutrino oscillations, taking into account the latest available neutrino oscillation data presented at the Neutrino 2008 Conference. This includes the data released this summer by the MINOS collaboration, the data of the neutral current counter phase of the SNO solar neutrino experiment, as well as the latest KamLAND and Borexino data. We give the updated determinations of the leading 'solar' and 'atmospheric' oscillation parameters. We find from global data that the mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ is consistent with zero within $0.9\sigma$ and we derive an upper bound of $\sin^2\theta_{13} < 0.035 (0.056)$ at 90% CL (3$\sigma$).
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:55:31 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 1 Dec 2008 10:21:49 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Thu, 11 Feb 2010 18:48:12 GMT'}]
[array(['Schwetz', 'Thomas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tortola', 'Mariam', ''], dtype=object) array(['Valle', 'Jose W. F.', ''], dtype=object)]
Vincent Jeanselme
Vincent Jeanselme, Glen Martin, Niels Peek, Matthew Sperrin, Brian Tom and Jessica Barrett
DeepJoint: Robust Survival Modelling Under Clinical Presence Shift
Observational data in medicine arise as a result of the complex interaction between patients and the healthcare system. The sampling process is often highly irregular and itself constitutes an informative process. When using such data to develop prediction models, this phenomenon is often ignored, leading to sub-optimal performance and generalisability of models when practices evolve. We propose a multi-task recurrent neural network which models three clinical presence dimensions -- namely the longitudinal, the inter-observation and the missingness processes -- in parallel to the survival outcome. On a prediction task using MIMIC III laboratory tests, explicit modelling of these three processes showed improved performance in comparison to state-of-the-art predictive models (C-index at 1 day horizon: 0.878). More importantly, the proposed approach was more robust to change in the clinical presence setting, demonstrated by performance comparison between patients admitted on weekdays and weekends. This analysis demonstrates the importance of studying and leveraging clinical presence to improve performance and create more transportable clinical models.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 26 May 2022 16:42:38 GMT'}]
[array(['Jeanselme', 'Vincent', ''], dtype=object) array(['Martin', 'Glen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Peek', 'Niels', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sperrin', 'Matthew', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tom', 'Brian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Barrett', 'Jessica', ''], dtype=object)]
Dmitry Gourevitch
Avraham Aizenbud, Dmitry Gourevitch, Eitan Sayag, and Alexander Kemarsky
z-Finite distributions on p-adic groups
27 pages. v2:version to appear in Advances in Mathematics
Advances in Mathematics 285 (2015) 1376-1414
For a real reductive group G, the center $\mathfrak{z}(\mathcal{U}(\mathfrak{g}))$ of the universal enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ of G acts on the space of distributions on G. This action proved to be very useful (see e.g. [HC63, HC65, Sha74, Bar03]). Over non-Archimedean local fields, one can replace this action by the action of the Bernstein center z of G, i.e. the center of the category of smooth representations. However, this action is not well studied. In this paper we provide some tools to work with this action and prove the following results. 1) The wave-front set of any z-finite distribution on G over any point $g\in G$ lies inside the nilpotent cone of $T_g^*G \cong \mathfrak{g}$. 2) Let $H_1,H_2 \subset G$ be symmetric subgroups. Consider the space J of $H_1\times H_2$-invariant distributions on G. We prove that the z-finite distributions in J form a dense subspace. In fact we prove this result in wider generality, where the groups $H_i$ are spherical groups of certain type and the invariance condition is replaced by equivariance. Further we apply those results to density and regularity of spherical characters. The first result can be viewed as a version of Howe's expansion of characters. The second result can be viewed as a spherical space analog of a classical theorem on density of characters of admissible representations. It can also be viewed as a spectral version of Bernstein's localization principle. In the Archimedean case, the first result is well-known and the second remains open.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 11 May 2014 15:41:51 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 4 Sep 2015 07:55:28 GMT'}]
[array(['Aizenbud', 'Avraham', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gourevitch', 'Dmitry', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sayag', 'Eitan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kemarsky', 'Alexander', ''], dtype=object)]
Hans-Georg M\"{u}ller
Fang Yao, Hans-Georg M\"uller, Jane-Ling Wang
Functional linear regression analysis for longitudinal data
Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000660 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org)
Annals of Statistics 2005, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2873-2903
math.ST stat.TH
We propose nonparametric methods for functional linear regression which are designed for sparse longitudinal data, where both the predictor and response are functions of a covariate such as time. Predictor and response processes have smooth random trajectories, and the data consist of a small number of noisy repeated measurements made at irregular times for a sample of subjects. In longitudinal studies, the number of repeated measurements per subject is often small and may be modeled as a discrete random number and, accordingly, only a finite and asymptotically nonincreasing number of measurements are available for each subject or experimental unit. We propose a functional regression approach for this situation, using functional principal component analysis, where we estimate the functional principal component scores through conditional expectations. This allows the prediction of an unobserved response trajectory from sparse measurements of a predictor trajectory. The resulting technique is flexible and allows for different patterns regarding the timing of the measurements obtained for predictor and response trajectories. Asymptotic properties for a sample of $n$ subjects are investigated under mild conditions, as $n\to \infty$, and we obtain consistent estimation for the regression function. Besides convergence results for the components of functional linear regression, such as the regression parameter function, we construct asymptotic pointwise confidence bands for the predicted trajectories. A functional coefficient of determination as a measure of the variance explained by the functional regression model is introduced, extending the standard $R^2$ to the functional case. The proposed methods are illustrated with a simulation study, longitudinal primary biliary liver cirrhosis data and an analysis of the longitudinal relationship between blood pressure and body mass index.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 6 Mar 2006 08:09:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Yao', 'Fang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Müller', 'Hans-Georg', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Jane-Ling', ''], dtype=object)]
Aurya Javeed
Aurya Javeed
An Uncertainty Principle for Estimates of Floquet Multipliers
math.DS stat.AP
We derive a Cram\'er-Rao lower bound for the variance of Floquet multiplier estimates that have been constructed from stable limit cycles perturbed by noise. To do so, we consider perturbed periodic orbits in the plane. We use a periodic autoregressive process to model the intersections of these orbits with cross sections, then passing to the limit of a continuum of sections to obtain a bound that depends on the continuous flow restricted to the (nontrivial) Floquet mode. We compare our bound against the empirical variance of estimates constructed using several cross sections. The section-based estimates are close to being optimal. We posit that the utility of our bound persists in higher dimensions when computed along Floquet modes for real and distinct multipliers. Our bound elucidates some of the empirical observations noted in the literature; e.g., (a) it is the number of cycles (as opposed to the frequency of observations) that drives the variance of estimates to zero, and (b) the estimator variance has a positive lower bound as the noise amplitude tends to zero.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 29 Nov 2017 18:16:10 GMT'}]
[array(['Javeed', 'Aurya', ''], dtype=object)]
Carl Sabottke
Carl F. Sabottke, Chris D. Richardson, Petr M. Anisimov, Ulvi Yurtsever, Antia Lamas-Linares, Jonathan P. Dowling
Thwarting the Photon Number Splitting Attack with Entanglement Enhanced BB84 Quantum Key Distribution
10 pages, 4 figures
New J. Phys. 14, 043003 (2012)
quant-ph physics.optics
We develop an improvement to the weak laser pulse BB84 scheme for quantum key distribution, which utilizes entanglement to improve the security of the scheme and enhance its resilience to the photon-number-splitting attack. This protocol relies on the non-commutation of photon phase and number to detect an eavesdropper performing quantum non-demolition measurement on number. The potential advantages and disadvantages of this scheme are compared to the coherent decoy state protocol.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 18 Nov 2011 22:46:21 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 1 Feb 2012 22:57:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Sabottke', 'Carl F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Richardson', 'Chris D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Anisimov', 'Petr M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yurtsever', 'Ulvi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lamas-Linares', 'Antia', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dowling', 'Jonathan P.', ''], dtype=object)]
S{\o}ren Gammelmark
Soren Gammelmark, Klaus Molmer
Quantum learning by measurement and feedback
6 pages, 5 figures
2009 New J. Phys. 11 033017
We propose an approach to quantum computing in which quantum gate strengths are parametrized by quantum degrees of freedom, and the capability of the quantum computer to perform desired tasks is monitored and gradually improved by successive feedback modifications of the coupling strength parameters. Our proposal aims at experimental implementation, scalable to computational problems too large to be simulated theoretically, and we demonstrate feasibility of our proposal with simulations on search and factoring algorithms.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 10 Mar 2008 14:01:38 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 25 Jun 2008 13:02:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Thu, 12 Feb 2009 13:32:56 GMT'}]
[array(['Gammelmark', 'Soren', ''], dtype=object) array(['Molmer', 'Klaus', ''], dtype=object)]
Luca Mariot
Luca Manzoni, Domagoj Jakobovic, Luca Mariot, Stjepan Picek, Mauro Castelli
Towards an evolutionary-based approach for natural language processing
18 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2020)
cs.CL cs.AI cs.NE
Tasks related to Natural Language Processing (NLP) have recently been the focus of a large research endeavor by the machine learning community. The increased interest in this area is mainly due to the success of deep learning methods. Genetic Programming (GP), however, was not under the spotlight with respect to NLP tasks. Here, we propose a first proof-of-concept that combines GP with the well established NLP tool word2vec for the next word prediction task. The main idea is that, once words have been moved into a vector space, traditional GP operators can successfully work on vectors, thus producing meaningful words as the output. To assess the suitability of this approach, we perform an experimental evaluation on a set of existing newspaper headlines. Individuals resulting from this (pre-)training phase can be employed as the initial population in other NLP tasks, like sentence generation, which will be the focus of future investigations, possibly employing adversarial co-evolutionary approaches.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:44:12 GMT'}]
[array(['Manzoni', 'Luca', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jakobovic', 'Domagoj', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mariot', 'Luca', ''], dtype=object) array(['Picek', 'Stjepan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Castelli', 'Mauro', ''], dtype=object)]
Marco Zaro
R. Frederix, S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, F. Maltoni, O. Mattelaer, P. Torrielli, E. Vryonidou, M. Zaro
Higgs pair production at the LHC with NLO and parton-shower effects
11 pages, 7 figures, version accepted for publication on PLB
Phys.Lett. B732 (2014) 142-149
CERN-PH-TH/2014-014, CP3-14-07, ZU-TH03/14, LPN14-055
We present predictions for the SM-Higgs-pair production channels of relevance at the LHC: gluon-gluon fusion, VBF, and top-pair, W, Z and single-top associated production. All these results are at the NLO accuracy in QCD, and matched to parton showers by means of the MC@NLO method; hence, they are fully differential. With the exception of the gluon-gluon fusion process, for which a special treatment is needed in order to improve upon the infinite-top-mass limit, our predictions are obtained in a fully automatic way within the publicly available MadGraph5_aMC@NLO framework. We show that for all channels in general, and for gluon-gluon fusion and top-pair associated production in particular, NLO corrections reduce the theoretical uncertainties, and are needed in order to arrive at reliable predictions for total rates as well as for distributions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 28 Jan 2014 21:05:23 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:48:43 GMT'}]
[array(['Frederix', 'R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Frixione', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hirschi', 'V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Maltoni', 'F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mattelaer', 'O.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Torrielli', 'P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vryonidou', 'E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zaro', 'M.', ''], dtype=object)]
He Jiang
Jifeng Xuan, He Jiang, Zhilei Ren, Zhongxuan Luo
Solving the Large Scale Next Release Problem with a Backbone Based Multilevel Algorithm
18 pages, 7 figures
The Next Release Problem (NRP) aims to optimize customer profits and requirements selection for the software releases. The research on the NRP is restricted by the growing scale of requirements. In this paper, we propose a Backbone based Multilevel Algorithm (BMA) to address the large scale NRP. In contrast to direct solving approaches, BMA employs multilevel reductions to downgrade the problem scale and multilevel refinements to construct the final optimal set of customers. In both reductions and refinements, the backbone is built to fix the common part of the optimal customers. Since it is intractable to extract the backbone in practice, the approximate backbone is employed for the instance reduction while the soft backbone is proposed to augment the backbone application. In the experiments, to cope with the lack of open large requirements databases, we propose a method to extract instances from open bug repositories. Experimental results on 15 classic instances and 24 realistic instances demonstrate that BMA can achieve better solutions on the large scale NRP instances than direct solving approaches. Our work provides a reduction approach for solving large scale problems in search based requirements engineering.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 16 Apr 2017 12:53:33 GMT'}]
[array(['Xuan', 'Jifeng', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jiang', 'He', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ren', 'Zhilei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Luo', 'Zhongxuan', ''], dtype=object)]
Alberto Escalante
Alberto Escalante (Puebla U., Mexico), Omar Rodr\'iguez-Tzompantzi (Puebla U., Mexico)
Dirac's and Generalized Faddeev-Jackiw brackets for Einstein's theory in G $\rightarrow 0$ limit
gr-qc hep-th
In this paper the Dirac and Faddeev-Jackiw formulation for Einstein's theory in the $G \rightarrow 0$ limit is performed; the fundamental Dirac's and Faddeev-Jackiw brackets for the theory are obtained. First, the Dirac brackets are constructed by eliminating the second class constraints remaining the first class ones, then we fix the gauge and we convert the first class constraints into second class constraints and the new fundamental Dirac's brackets are computed. Alternatively, we reproduce all relevant Dirac's results by means of the symplectic method. We identify the Faddeev-Jackiw constraints and we prove that the Dirac and the Faddeev-Jackiw brackets coincide to each other. .
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 4 Aug 2015 05:58:00 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 13 Oct 2015 15:43:06 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Tue, 27 Oct 2015 02:48:35 GMT'}]
[array(['Escalante', 'Alberto', '', 'Puebla U., Mexico'], dtype=object) array(['Rodríguez-Tzompantzi', 'Omar', '', 'Puebla U., Mexico'], dtype=object) ]
Giorgio Audrito
Giorgio Audrito and Matteo Viale
Absoluteness via Resurrection
34 pages
The resurrection axioms are forcing axioms introduced recently by Hamkins and Johnstone, developing on ideas of Chalons and Velickovi\'c. We introduce a stronger form of resurrection axioms (the \emph{iterated} resurrection axioms $\textrm{RA}_\alpha(\Gamma)$ for a class of forcings $\Gamma$ and a given ordinal $\alpha$), and show that $\textrm{RA}_\omega(\Gamma)$ implies generic absoluteness for the first-order theory of $H_{\gamma^+}$ with respect to forcings in $\Gamma$ preserving the axiom, where $\gamma=\gamma_\Gamma$ is a cardinal which depends on $\Gamma$ ($\gamma_\Gamma=\omega_1$ if $\Gamma$ is any among the classes of countably closed, proper, semiproper, stationary set preserving forcings). We also prove that the consistency strength of these axioms is below that of a Mahlo cardinal for most forcing classes, and below that of a stationary limit of supercompact cardinals for the class of stationary set preserving posets. Moreover we outline that simultaneous generic absoluteness for $H_{\gamma_0^+}$ with respect to $\Gamma_0$ and for $H_{\gamma_1^+}$ with respect to $\Gamma_1$ with $\gamma_0=\gamma_{\Gamma_0}\neq\gamma_{\Gamma_1}=\gamma_1$ is in principle possible, and we present several natural models of the Morse Kelley set theory where this phenomenon occurs (even for all $H_\gamma$ simultaneously). Finally, we compare the iterated resurrection axioms (and the generic absoluteness results we can draw from them) with a variety of other forcing axioms, and also with the generic absoluteness results by Woodin and the second author.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 8 Apr 2014 12:59:10 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 1 Jul 2014 10:29:36 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 3 Jun 2015 12:41:27 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Wed, 5 Apr 2017 13:10:02 GMT'}]
[array(['Audrito', 'Giorgio', ''], dtype=object) array(['Viale', 'Matteo', ''], dtype=object)]
Ajay Rajan
Bharath Honnesara Sreenivasa, Ajay Rajan
Debian Package usage profiler for Debian based Systems
cs.PF cs.OS
The embedded devices of today due to their CPU, RAM capabilities can run various Linux distributions but in most cases they are different from general purpose distributions as they are usually lighter and specific to the needs of that particular system. In this project, we share the problems associated in adopting a fully heavy-weight Debian based system like Ubuntu in embedded/automotive platforms and provide solutions to optimize them to identify unused/redundant content in the system. This helps developer to reduce the hefty general purpose distribution to an application specific distribution. The solution involves collecting usage data in the system in a non-invasive manner (to avoid any drop in performance) to suggest users the redundant, unused parts of the system that can be safely removed without impacting the system functionality.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 31 Oct 2019 15:47:35 GMT'}]
[array(['Sreenivasa', 'Bharath Honnesara', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rajan', 'Ajay', ''], dtype=object)]
Ashish Mahabal
A. Mahabal (1), D. Stern (2), M. Bogosavljevic (1), S. G. Djorgovski (1) and D. Thompson (1) ((1) Caltech, (2) JPL)
Discovery of an Optically-Faint Quasar at z=5.70 and Implications for the Faint End of the Quasar Luminosity Function
10 pages, 3 eps figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters
We present observations of an optically-faint quasar, RD J114816.2+525339, discovered from deep multi-color observations of the field around the z = 6.42 quasar SDSS J1148+5251. The two quasars have a projected separation of 109 arcsec and both are outliers in r-z versus z-J color-color space. Keck spectroscopy reveals RD J114816.2+525339 to be a broad-absorption line quasar at z = 5.70. With z_AB = 23.0, RD J114816.2+525339 is 3.3 mag fainter than SDSS J1148+5251, making it the faintest quasar known at z>5.5. This object was identified in a survey of ~2.5 square degrees. The implied surface density of quasars at these redshifts and luminosities is broadly consistent with previous extrapolations of the faint end of the quasar luminosity function and supports the idea that active galaxies provide only a minor component of the reionizing ultraviolet flux at these redshifts.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 17 Oct 2005 03:36:35 GMT'}]
[array(['Mahabal', 'A.', '', 'Caltech'], dtype=object) array(['Stern', 'D.', '', 'JPL'], dtype=object) array(['Bogosavljevic', 'M.', '', 'Caltech'], dtype=object) array(['Djorgovski', 'S. G.', '', 'Caltech'], dtype=object) array(['Thompson', 'D.', '', 'Caltech'], dtype=object)]
Martin Weides
A. A. Bannykh, J. Pfeiffer, V. S. Stolyarov, I. E. Batov, V. V. Ryazanov, and M. Weides
Josephson tunnel junctions with strong ferromagnetic interlayer
8 pages, 5 pictures v2: major conceptual changes
Phys. Rev. B 79, 054501 (2009)
The dependence of the critical current density j_c on the ferromagnetic interlayer thickness d_F was determined for Nb/Al_2O_3/Cu/Ni/Nb Josephson tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic \Ni interlayer from very thin film thicknesses (\sim 1 nm) upwards and classified into F-layer thickness regimes showing a dead magnetic layer, exchange, exchange + anisotropy and total suppression of j_c. The Josephson coupling changes from 0 to pi as function of d_F, and -very close to the crossover thickness- as function of temperature. The strong suppression of the supercurrent in comparison to non-magnetic \Nb/Al_2O_3/Cu/Nb junctions indicated that the insertion of a F-layer leads to additional interface scattering. The transport inside the dead magnetic layer was in dirty limit. For the magnetically active regime fitting with both the clean and the dirty limit theory were carried out, indicating dirty limit condition, too. The results were discussed in the framework of literature
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 25 Aug 2008 11:07:37 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 10 Nov 2008 11:17:32 GMT'}]
[array(['Bannykh', 'A. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pfeiffer', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Stolyarov', 'V. S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Batov', 'I. E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ryazanov', 'V. V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Weides', 'M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Alhun Aydin
Alhun Aydin and Altug Sisman
Dimensional transitions in thermodynamic properties of ideal Maxwell-Boltzmann gases
9 pages, 2 figures
Phys. Scr. 90, 045208, (2015)
cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.quant-gas
An ideal Maxwell-Boltzmann gas confined in various rectangular nano domains is considered under quantum size effects. Thermodynamic quantities are calculated from their relations with partition function which consists of triple infinite summations over momentum states in each direction. To get analytical expressions, summations are converted to integrals for macro systems by continuum approximation which fails at nanoscales. To avoid both from the numerical calculation of summations and the failure of their integral approximations at nanoscale, a method which gives an analytical expression for single particle partition function (SPPF) is proposed. It's shown that dimensional transition in momentum space occurs at certain magnitude of confinement. Therefore, to represent SPPF by lower-dimensional analytical expressions becomes possible rather than numerical calculation of summations. Considering rectangular domains with different aspect ratios, comparison of the results of derived expressions with those of summation forms of SPPF is done. It's shown that analytical expressions for SPPF give very precise results with maximum relative errors of around 1%, 2% and 3% at just the transition point for single, double and triple transitions respectively. Based on dimensional transitions, expressions for free energy, entropy, internal energy, chemical potential, heat capacity and pressure are given analytically valid for any scale.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 24 Feb 2015 15:40:57 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 1 Apr 2015 09:45:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Aydin', 'Alhun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sisman', 'Altug', ''], dtype=object)]
Shevchenko O. Yu.
A.N. Sissakian, O.Yu. Shevchenko, V.N. Samoilov
Possibility of the new type phase transition
The scalar field theory and the scalar electrodynamics quantized in the flat gap are considered. The dynamical effects arising due to the boundary presence with two types of boundary conditions (BC) satisfied by scalar fields are studied. It is shown that while the Neumann BC lead to the usual scalar field mass generation, the Dirichlet BC give rise to the dynamical mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Due to the later, there arises the possibility of the new type phase transition from the normal to spontaneously broken phase. The decreasing in the characteristic size of the quantization region (the gap size here) and increasing in the temperature compete with each other, tending to transport the system in the spontaneously broken and in the normal phase, respectively. The system evolves with a combined parameter, simultaneously reflecting the change in temperature and in the size. As a result, at the critical value of this parameter there occurs the phase transition from the normal phase to the spontaneously broken one. In particular, the usual massless scalar electrodynamics transforms to the Higgs model.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 6 Aug 2003 19:49:25 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 11 Aug 2003 15:50:15 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 15 Dec 2003 12:21:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Sissakian', 'A. N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shevchenko', 'O. Yu.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Samoilov', 'V. N.', ''], dtype=object)]
Eric Ricardo Carreon Ruiz
E. R. Carre\'on Ruiz, J. Lee, J. I. M\'arquez Dami\'an, M. Strobl, G. Burca, R. Woracek, M. Cochet, M.-O. Ebert, L. H\"oltschi, P. M. Kadletz, A. S. Tremsin, E. Winter, M. Zlobinski, L. Gubler, and P. Boillat
Spectroscopic Neutron Imaging for Resolving Hydrogen Dynamics Changes in Battery Electrolytes
cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.chem-ph
We present spectroscopic neutron imaging (SNI), a bridge between imaging and scattering techniques, for the analysis of hydrogenated molecules in lithium-ion cells. The scattering information of CHn-based organic solvents and electrolytes was mapped in two-dimensional space by investigating the wavelength-dependent property of hydrogen atoms through time-of-flight imaging. Our investigation demonstrates a novel approach to detect physical and chemical changes in hydrogenated liquids, which extends, but not limits, the use of SNI to relevant applications in electrochemical devices, e.g., the study of electrolytes in Li-ion batteries.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 18 Jul 2022 11:26:00 GMT'}]
[array(['Ruiz', 'E. R. Carreón', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lee', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Damián', 'J. I. Márquez', ''], dtype=object) array(['Strobl', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Burca', 'G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Woracek', 'R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cochet', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ebert', 'M. -O.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Höltschi', 'L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kadletz', 'P. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tremsin', 'A. S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Winter', 'E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zlobinski', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gubler', 'L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Boillat', 'P.', ''], dtype=object)]
Reema Al-Aifari
Reema Al-Aifari, Michel Defrise and Alexander Katsevich
Asymptotic analysis of the SVD for the truncated Hilbert transform with overlap
25 pages
math.CA math.SP
The truncated Hilbert transform with overlap $H_T$ is an operator that arises in tomographic reconstruction from limited data, more precisely in the method of Differentiated Back-Projection (DBP). Recent work [1] has shown that the singular values of this operator accumulate at both zero and one. To better understand the properties of the operator and, in particular, the ill-posedness of the inverse problem associated with it, it is of interest to know the rates at which the singular values approach zero and one. In this paper, we exploit the property that $H_T$ commutes with a second-order differential operator $L_S$ and the global asymptotic behavior of its eigenfunctions to find the asymptotics of the singular values and singular functions of $H_T$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 17 Dec 2013 11:45:14 GMT'}]
[array(['Al-Aifari', 'Reema', ''], dtype=object) array(['Defrise', 'Michel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Katsevich', 'Alexander', ''], dtype=object)]
Mukesh Kumar
Ashok Goyal, Mohammed Omer Khojali, Mukesh Kumar and Alan S. Cornell
Neutrino specific spin-3/2 dark matter
10 pages, 1 table, 4 figures, published version in EPJC
Eur. Phys. J. C (2022) 82:1002
In this paper we consider a spin-$\frac{3}{2}$ dark matter (DM) particle coupled to neutrinos as a viable candidate to produce the observed DM relic density through the thermal freeze-out mechanism. The couplings of DM to neutrinos is considered first in a most general dimension six effective field theory framework. We then consider two specific neutrino-portal models discussed in the literature. In the first model DM couples to the standard model neutrinos through mixing generated by a sterile pseudo-Dirac massive neutrino and the second model we consider is the widely studied $U(1)_{L_\mu - L_\tau}$ gauge symmetric model. For each of these models we explore the parameter space required to generate the observed relic density. The constraints on the parameters of these models from the existing and proposed neutrino experiments as well as from existing cosmological and astrophysical bounds are considered in the context of the relic density calculations.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 13 Jun 2022 17:10:22 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 29 Oct 2022 19:15:25 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Tue, 8 Nov 2022 17:13:15 GMT'}]
[array(['Goyal', 'Ashok', ''], dtype=object) array(['Khojali', 'Mohammed Omer', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kumar', 'Mukesh', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cornell', 'Alan S.', ''], dtype=object)]
Sergey Nadtochiy
Guillermo Alonso Alvarez, Sergey Nadtochiy, and Kevin Webster
Optimal brokerage contracts in Almgren-Chriss model with multiple clients
q-fin.TR q-fin.MF
This paper constructs optimal brokerage contracts for multiple (heterogeneous) clients trading a single asset whose price follows the Almgren-Chriss model. The distinctive features of this work are as follows: (i) the reservation values of the clients are determined endogenously, and (ii) the broker is allowed to not offer a contract to some of the potential clients, thus choosing her portfolio of clients strategically. We find a computationally tractable characterization of the optimal portfolios of clients (up to a digital optimization problem, which can be solved efficiently if the number of potential clients is small) and conduct numerical experiments which illustrate how these portfolios, as well as the equilibrium profits of all market participants, depend on the price impact coefficients.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 11 Apr 2022 20:50:04 GMT'}]
[array(['Alvarez', 'Guillermo Alonso', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nadtochiy', 'Sergey', ''], dtype=object) array(['Webster', 'Kevin', ''], dtype=object)]
Louis Funar
Karim A. Adiprasito and Louis Funar
CAT(0) metrics on contractible manifolds
26p., 6 figures
We prove that an open manifold $M$ of dimension at least $5$ which admits a complete CAT(0) polyhedral metric is pseudo-collarable, its fundamental group at infinity is strongly perfectly semistable and has vanishing Chapman-Siebenmann obstruction $\tau_{\infty}(M)$. Moreover, this implies that $M$ is topologically collapsible, when $n\geq 6$. Conversely, any finite dimensional collapsible polyhedron is PL homeomorphic to a CAT(0) cubical complex.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 20 Dec 2015 17:13:28 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 3 Jan 2016 20:57:34 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Thu, 29 Sep 2016 11:28:49 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Sun, 26 Dec 2021 21:02:00 GMT'}]
[array(['Adiprasito', 'Karim A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Funar', 'Louis', ''], dtype=object)]
Yizhuang Song
Yizhuang Song, Rosalind Sadleir and Jijun Liu
Convergence analysis of the harmonic $B_z$ algorithm with single injection current in MREIT
Magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT) aims to recover the electrical conductivity distribution of an object using partial information of magnetic flux densities inside the tissue which can be measured using an MRI scanner, with the advantage that a higher spatial resolution of conductivity image can be provided than existing EIT techniques involving surface measurements. Traditional MREIT reconstruction algorithms use two data sets obtained with two linearly independent injected currents. However, injection of two currents is often not possible in applications such as transcranial electrical stimulation. Recently, we proposed an iterative conductivity reconstruction algorithm called the single current harmonic $B_z$ algorithm that demonstrated satisfactory performance in numerical and phantom tests. In this paper, we provide a rigorous mathematical analysis of the convergence of the iterative sequence for realizing this algorithm. We prove that, applying some mild conditions on the exact conductivity, the iterative sequence converges to the true solution within an explicit error bound. Such theoretical results substantiate the reasonability and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. We also provide more numerical evidence to validate these theoretical results.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 15 Feb 2022 03:15:50 GMT'}]
[array(['Song', 'Yizhuang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sadleir', 'Rosalind', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liu', 'Jijun', ''], dtype=object)]
Semyon Konstein
S. E. Konstein and R. Stekolshchik
Klein operator and the Numbers of independent Traces and Supertraces on the Superalgebra of Observables of Rational Calogero Model based on the Root System
Latex 2e, 12 pages., arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1211.6600, text corresponds to the published version
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 20:2, 295-308 (2013)
math.RT hep-th math-ph math.MP
In the Coxeter group W(R) generated by the root system R, let T(R) be the number of conjugacy classes having no eigenvalue 1 and let S(R) be the number of conjugacy classes having no eigenvalue -1. The algebra H{R) of observables of the rational Calogero model based on the root system R possesses T(R) independent traces, the same algebra considered as an associative superalgebra with respect to a certain natural parity possesses S(R) even independent supertraces and no odd trace or supertrace. The numbers T(R) and S(R) are determined for all irreducible root systems (hence for all root systems). It is shown that T(R) =< S(R), and T(R) = S(R) if and only if superalgebra H(R) contains a Klein operator (or, equivalently, W(R) containes -1).
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 3 Dec 2012 19:46:56 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 26 Nov 2017 13:48:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Konstein', 'S. E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Stekolshchik', 'R.', ''], dtype=object)]
Paolo Francavilla
Paolo Francavilla
Measurements of inclusive jet and dijet cross sections at the Large Hadron Collider
Contribution to "Jet Measurements at the LHC", G. Dissertori ed. To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics A (IJMPA)
This review discusses the measurements of the inclusive jet and dijet cross section performed by the experimental collaborations at the LHC during what is now being called LHC Run 1 (2009 - 2013). It summarises some of the experimental challenges and the techniques used in the measurements of jets cross sections during the LHC Run 1.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 7 Oct 2015 13:48:35 GMT'}]
[array(['Francavilla', 'Paolo', ''], dtype=object)]
Barbara Benato
Barbara Caroline Benato and Jancarlo Ferreira Gomes and Alexandru Cristian Telea and Alexandre Xavier Falc\~ao
Semi-supervised deep learning based on label propagation in a 2D embedded space
7 pages, 5 figures
cs.CV cs.LG
While convolutional neural networks need large labeled sets for training images, expert human supervision of such datasets can be very laborious. Proposed solutions propagate labels from a small set of supervised images to a large set of unsupervised ones to obtain sufficient truly-and-artificially labeled samples to train a deep neural network model. Yet, such solutions need many supervised images for validation. We present a loop in which a deep neural network (VGG-16) is trained from a set with more correctly labeled samples along iterations, created by using t-SNE to project the features of its last max-pooling layer into a 2D embedded space in which labels are propagated using the Optimum-Path Forest semi-supervised classifier. As the labeled set improves along iterations, it improves the features of the neural network. We show that this can significantly improve classification results on test data (using only 1\% to 5\% of supervised samples) of three private challenging datasets and two public ones.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 2 Aug 2020 20:08:54 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 15 Jan 2021 14:30:27 GMT'}]
[array(['Benato', 'Barbara Caroline', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gomes', 'Jancarlo Ferreira', ''], dtype=object) array(['Telea', 'Alexandru Cristian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Falcão', 'Alexandre Xavier', ''], dtype=object)]
David Emin
David Emin, Massoud Akhtari, Aria Fallah, Harry V. Vinters and Gary W. Mathern
Anomalous frequency-dependent ionic conductivity of lesion-laden human-brain tissue
14 pages, 5 figures
Journal of Applied Physics 122,154701 (2017)
physics.med-ph cond-mat.soft
We study the effect of lesions on our four-electrode measurements of the ionic conductivity of (1 cm3) samples of human brain excised from patients undergoing pediatric epilepsy surgery. For most (about 94 %) samples the low-frequency ionic conductivity rises upon increasing the applied frequency. We attributed this behavior to the long-range (0.4 mm) diffusion of solvated sodium cations before encountering impenetrable blockages such as cell membranes, blood vessels and cell walls. By contrast, the low-frequency ionic conductivity of some (6 %) brain tissue samples falls with increasing applied frequency. We attribute this unusual frequency-dependence to the electric-field induced liberation of sodium cations from traps introduced by the unusually severe pathology observed in samples from these patients. Thus, the anomalous frequency-dependence of the ionic conductivity indicates trap-producing brain lesions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 5 Jun 2017 01:57:05 GMT'}]
[array(['Emin', 'David', ''], dtype=object) array(['Akhtari', 'Massoud', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fallah', 'Aria', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vinters', 'Harry V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mathern', 'Gary W.', ''], dtype=object)]
Mark Lauer (Microsoft Institute, Sydney)
Conceptual Association for Compound Noun Analysis
3 pages, postscript only, replaced because original postscript version incompatible with some printers
Proceedings of the Student Session, 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Las Cruces, NM., 1994 pp337-339
cmp-lg cs.CL
This paper describes research toward the automatic interpretation of compound nouns using corpus statistics. An initial study aimed at syntactic disambiguation is presented. The approach presented bases associations upon thesaurus categories. Association data is gathered from unambiguous cases extracted from a corpus and is then applied to the analysis of ambiguous compound nouns. While the work presented is still in progress, a first attempt to syntactically analyse a test set of 244 examples shows 75% correctness. Future work is aimed at improving this accuracy and extending the technique to assign semantic role information, thus producing a complete interpretation.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 6 Sep 1994 18:59:21 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 11 Sep 1996 02:26:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Lauer', 'Mark', '', 'Microsoft Institute, Sydney'], dtype=object)]
Uta Fritze-v. Alvensleben
Uta Fritze - von Alvensleben
Interacting and Merging Galaxies
14 pages, LaTeX, no figures, to appear in: ''From Stars to Galaxies'', eds. C. Leitherer, U. Fritze - von Alvensleben, J. Huchra, Minor revisions: NGC 3597 (not 3596), 2nd nucleus in M31: 2pc (not 2 kpc)
I will present a review of some of the many recent developments within the exciting and rapidly evolving field of Interacting and Merging Galaxies. I will touch both on observations and on theory, focussing on those aspects where galaxy evolution modelling may possibly contribute to our understanding. After briefly outlining the basic concepts and a few specific results of stellar- and gasdynamical modelling of galaxy -- galaxy mergers (Sect. 1) I choose three examples of interacting/merged galaxy pairs to discuss different aspects of mergers: tracing back the star formation history of the old merger remnant NGC 7252 (Sect. 2), the formation of young star clusters (Sect. 3) and dwarf galaxies (Sect. 4) in Antennae, and the molecular gas content of IR-UL galaxies on the example of Arp 220 (Sect. 5). I'll touch the interaction -- activity connection in Sect. 6 and report attempts to identify merger remnants among today's galaxies in Sect. 7. After few words on merger rates at present and in the past (Sect. 8), I'll close with a brief outlook.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 1 Feb 1996 10:47:07 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 5 Feb 1996 10:09:25 GMT'}]
[array(['von Alvensleben', 'Uta Fritze -', ''], dtype=object)]
Maximilian Wolff
Max Wolff and Stuart Wolff
Signal Strength and Noise Drive Feature Preference in CNN Image Classifiers
Accepted at SVRHM 2021
cs.CV cs.LG
Feature preference in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) image classifiers is integral to their decision making process, and while the topic has been well studied, it is still not understood at a fundamental level. We test a range of task relevant feature attributes (including shape, texture, and color) with varying degrees of signal and noise in highly controlled CNN image classification experiments using synthetic datasets to determine feature preferences. We find that CNNs will prefer features with stronger signal strength and lower noise irrespective of whether the feature is texture, shape, or color. This provides guidance for a predictive model for task relevant feature preferences, demonstrates pathways for bias in machine models that can be avoided with careful controls on experimental setup, and suggests that comparisons between how humans and machines prefer task relevant features in vision classification tasks should be revisited. Code to reproduce experiments in this paper can be found at \url{https://github.com/mwolff31/signal_preference}.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 19 Jan 2022 11:32:19 GMT'}]
[array(['Wolff', 'Max', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wolff', 'Stuart', ''], dtype=object)]
Govind Paneru
John A.C. Albay, Govind Paneru, Hyuk Kyu Pak, and Yonggun Jun
Optical tweezers as a mathematically driven spatio-temporal potential generator
Opt. Express 26, 29906-29915 (2018)
The ability to create and manipulate the spatio-temporal potentials is essential in the diverse fields of science and technology. Here, we introduce an optical feedback trap system based on a high precision position detection and an ultrafast feedback control of a Brownian particle in the optical tweezers to generate spatio-temporal virtual potentials of the desired shape in a controlled manner. As an application, we study nonequilibrium fluctuation dynamics of the particle in a time-varying virtual harmonic potential and validate the Crooks fluctuation theorem in highly nonequilibrium condition.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 30 Sep 2018 01:09:09 GMT'}]
[array(['Albay', 'John A. C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Paneru', 'Govind', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pak', 'Hyuk Kyu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jun', 'Yonggun', ''], dtype=object)]
Yuval Vinkler
Yuval Vinkler-Aviv, Avraham Schiller and Natan Andrei
Single-molecule-mediated heat current between an electronic and a bosonic bath
Phys. Rev. B 89, 024307 (2014)
In molecular devices electronic degrees of freedom are coupled to vibrational modes of the molecule, offering an opportunity to study fundamental aspects of this coupling between at the nanoscale. To this end we consider the nonequilibrium heat exchange between a conduction band and a bosonic bath mediated by a single molecule. For molecules large enough so that on-site interactions can be dropped we carry out an asymptotically exact calculation of the heat current, governed by the smallness of the electron-phonon coupling, and obtain the steady state heat current driven by a finite temperature drop. At low temperatures the heat current is found to have a power-law behavior with respect to the temperature difference with the power depending on the nature of the bosonic bath. At high temperatures, on the other hand, the current is linear in the temperature difference for all types of bosonic baths. The crossover between these behaviors is described. Some of the results are given a physical explanation by comparing to a perturbative Master equation calculation (whose limitation we examine).
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 29 Oct 2013 09:32:24 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:31:44 GMT'}]
[array(['Vinkler-Aviv', 'Yuval', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schiller', 'Avraham', ''], dtype=object) array(['Andrei', 'Natan', ''], dtype=object)]
Zihan Zang
Zihan Zang, Haoqiang Wang, Yunpeng Xu
DAD vision: opto-electronic co-designed computer vision with division adjoint method
cs.CV eess.IV physics.optics
The miniaturization and mobility of computer vision systems are limited by the heavy computational burden and the size of optical lenses. Here, we propose to use a ultra-thin diffractive optical element to implement passive optical convolution. A division adjoint opto-electronic co-design method is also proposed. In our simulation experiments, the first few convolutional layers of the neural network can be replaced by optical convolution in a classification task on the CIFAR-10 dataset with no power consumption, while similar performance can be obtained.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 4 Nov 2022 07:31:44 GMT'}]
[array(['Zang', 'Zihan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Haoqiang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xu', 'Yunpeng', ''], dtype=object)]
Giorgio Sonnino
Giorgio Sonnino
Thermodynamic Flux-Force Closure Relations for Systems out of the Onsager Region
45 Pages and 12 Figures. Manuscript accepted for publication in Springer Nature
The objective of this work is to determine the nonlinear flux-force relations for systems out of Onsager's region that respect the existing thermodynamic theorems for systems far from equilibrium. To this aim, a thermodynamic theory for irreversible processes [referred to as the Thermodynamical Field Theory (TFT)] has been developed. The TFT rests upon the concept of equivalence between thermodynamic systems: "The equivalent character of two alternative descriptions of a thermodynamic system is ensured if, and only if, the entropy production and the Glansdorff-Prigogine dissipative quantity remain unaltered under the thermodynamic forces transformation". The TCT leads naturally to the "Thermodynamic Covariance Principle" (TCP) stating that "The nonlinear closure equations, i.e., the flux-force relations, must be covariant under TCT". In this work, we provide the explicit expression of the nonlinear PDEs, subjected to the appropriate boundary conditions, which have to be satisfied by transport coefficients when the skew-symmetric piece is absent. The solution of these equations allows to determine the flux-force closure relations for systems out of the Onsager region. Since the proposed PDEs are obtained without neglecting any term present in the balance equations (i.e., the mass, momentum, and energy balance equations), we propose them as a good candidate for describing transport in thermodynamic systems also in turbulent regime. A preliminary test is carried out by analysing a concrete example where Onsager's relations manifestly disagree with experience: losses in magnetically confined Tokamak-plasmas in fully collisional and in turbulent regimes. We show the good agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental data. The aim is to apply our approach to the "Divertor Tokamak Test facility" (DTT), to be built in Italy, and to ITER.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 29 May 2022 19:25:27 GMT'}]
[array(['Sonnino', 'Giorgio', ''], dtype=object)]
Liangliang Wang
Liangliang Wang (for the BESIII Collaboration)
Study of charmonium spectroscopy at BESIII
4 pages, 3 figures, hadron2011 proceeding v2
In this talk, we will present the results on the charmonium spin singlet states below the open charm threshold, including h_c, \eta_c, and \eta_c(2S). The masses, widthes, and production rates of these states will be reported. The results are based on a data sample of 106 million \psi' events collected with the BESIII experiments at the BEPCII collider.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 12 Oct 2011 03:30:54 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 17 Oct 2011 03:06:30 GMT'}]
[array(['Wang', 'Liangliang', '', 'for the BESIII Collaboration'], dtype=object) ]
Mihail N. Kolountzakis
Mihail N. Kolountzakis and Szilard Gy. Revesz
Tur\'an's extremal problem for positive definite functions on groups
18 pages, 1 figure
math.CA math.NT
We study the following question: Given an open set $\Omega$, symmetric about 0, and a continuous, integrable, positive definite function $f$, supported in $\Omega$ and with $f(0)=1$, how large can $\int f$ be? This problem has been studied so far mostly for convex domains $\Omega$ in Euclidean space. In this paper we study the question in arbitrary locally compact abelian groups and for more general domains. Our emphasis is on finite groups as well as Euclidean spaces and $\ZZ^d$. We exhibit upper bounds for $\int f$ assuming geometric properties of $\Omega$ of two types: (a) packing properties of $\Omega$ and (b) spectral properties of $\Omega$. Several examples and applications of the main theorems are shown. In particular we recover and extend several known results concerning convex domains in Euclidean space. Also, we investigate the question of estimating $\int_{\Omega}f$ over possibly dispersed sets solely in dependence of the given measure $m:=|\Omega|$ of $\Omega$. In this respect we show that in $\RR$ and $\ZZ$ the integral is maximal for intervals.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 10 Dec 2003 18:03:33 GMT'}]
[array(['Kolountzakis', 'Mihail N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Revesz', 'Szilard Gy.', ''], dtype=object)]