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Yuming Du
Wen Guo, Yuming Du, Xi Shen, Vincent Lepetit, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Francesc Moreno-Noguer
Back to MLP: A Simple Baseline for Human Motion Prediction
Accepted to WACV 2023; Code available at https://github.com/dulucas/siMLPe
cs.CV cs.AI
This paper tackles the problem of human motion prediction, consisting in forecasting future body poses from historically observed sequences. State-of-the-art approaches provide good results, however, they rely on deep learning architectures of arbitrary complexity, such as Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN), Transformers or Graph Convolutional Networks(GCN), typically requiring multiple training stages and more than 2 million parameters. In this paper, we show that, after combining with a series of standard practices, such as applying Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT), predicting residual displacement of joints and optimizing velocity as an auxiliary loss, a light-weight network based on multi-layer perceptrons(MLPs) with only 0.14 million parameters can surpass the state-of-the-art performance. An exhaustive evaluation on the Human3.6M, AMASS, and 3DPW datasets shows that our method, named siMLPe, consistently outperforms all other approaches. We hope that our simple method could serve as a strong baseline for the community and allow re-thinking of the human motion prediction problem. The code is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/dulucas/siMLPe}.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 4 Jul 2022 16:35:58 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 25 Aug 2022 17:59:15 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 5 Oct 2022 21:15:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Guo', 'Wen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Du', 'Yuming', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shen', 'Xi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lepetit', 'Vincent', ''], dtype=object) array(['Alameda-Pineda', 'Xavier', ''], dtype=object) array(['Moreno-Noguer', 'Francesc', ''], dtype=object)]
Bin Yan
Bin Yan
Quantum Correlations are Tightly Bound by the Exclusivity Principle
5 pages, 1 figure
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 260406 (2013)
It is a fundamental problem in physics of what principle limits the correlations as predicted by our current description of nature, based on quantum mechanics. One possible explanation is the "global exclusivity" principle recently discussed in Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 060402 (2013). In this work we show that this principle actually has a much stronger restriction on the probability distribution. We provide a tight constraint inequality imposed by this principle and prove that this principle singles out quantum correlations in scenarios represented by any graph. Our result implies that the exclusivity principle might be one of the fundamental principles of nature.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 18 Mar 2013 18:47:33 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 25 Jun 2013 19:19:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Yan', 'Bin', ''], dtype=object)]
Brien C. Nolan
Brien C. Nolan
A geodesically complete space-time with a crushing null hypersurface
4 pages, Revtex
Withdrawn; conclusion that the singularity is strong is incorrect.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 20 May 1999 10:41:18 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 26 May 1999 11:29:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Nolan', 'Brien C.', ''], dtype=object)]
V. Ashley Villar
V. Ashley Villar
Amortized Bayesian Inference for Supernovae in the Era of the Vera Rubin Observatory Using Normalizing Flows
5 pages, accepted in the Neurips Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences conference
astro-ph.HE astro-ph.IM
The Vera Rubin Observatory, set to begin observations in mid-2024, will increase our discovery rate of supernovae to well over one million annually. There has been a significant push to develop new methodologies to identify, classify and ultimately understand the millions of supernovae discovered with the Rubin Observatory. Here, we present the first simulation-based inference method using normalizing flows, trained to rapidly infer the parameters of toy supernovae model in multivariate, Rubin-like datastreams. We find that our method is well-calibrated compared to traditional inference methodologies (specifically MCMC), requiring only one-ten-thousandth of the CPU hours during test time.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 8 Nov 2022 19:00:01 GMT'}]
[array(['Villar', 'V. Ashley', ''], dtype=object)]
Achtstein Alexander
Alexander W. Achtstein, Riccardo Scott, Sebastian Kickh\"ofel, Stefan T. Jagsch, Sotirios Christodoulou, Anatol V. Prudnikau, Artsiom Antanovich, Mikhail Artemyev, Iwan Moreels, Andrei Schliwa and Ulrike Woggon
p-State Luminescence in CdSe Nanoplatelets: The Role of Lateral Confinement and an LO Phonon Bottleneck
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 116802 (2016)
We report excited state emission from p-states at excitation fluences well below ground state saturation in CdSe nanoplatelets. Size dependent exciton ground state-excited state energies and dynamics are determined by three independent methods, time-resolved photoluminescence (PL), time-integrated PL and Hartree renormalized k$\cdot$p calculations -- all in very good agreement. The ground state-excited state energy spacing strongly increases with the lateral platelet quantization. Our results suggest that the PL decay of CdSe platelets is governed by an LO-phonon bottleneck, related to the reported low exciton phonon coupling in CdSe platelets and only observable due to the very large oscillator strength and energy spacing of both states.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 20 Jul 2015 12:18:44 GMT'}]
[array(['Achtstein', 'Alexander W.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Scott', 'Riccardo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kickhöfel', 'Sebastian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jagsch', 'Stefan T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Christodoulou', 'Sotirios', ''], dtype=object) array(['Prudnikau', 'Anatol V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Antanovich', 'Artsiom', ''], dtype=object) array(['Artemyev', 'Mikhail', ''], dtype=object) array(['Moreels', 'Iwan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schliwa', 'Andrei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Woggon', 'Ulrike', ''], dtype=object)]
Takafumi Amaba
Jiro Akahori, Takafumi Amaba and Sachiyo Uraguchi
An Algebraic Approach to the Cameron-Martin-Maruyama-Girsanov Formula
16 pages, this will be soon published in the Mathematical Journal Okayama University
In this paper, we will give a new perspective to the Cameron-Martin-Maruyama-Girsanov formula by giving a totally algebraic proof to it. It is based on the exponentiation of the Malliavin-type differentiation and its adjointness.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 23 Apr 2010 16:30:20 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 7 Jun 2011 08:48:21 GMT'}]
[array(['Akahori', 'Jiro', ''], dtype=object) array(['Amaba', 'Takafumi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Uraguchi', 'Sachiyo', ''], dtype=object)]
Kouichi Hagino
Kouichi Hagino, Masatoshi Kitajima, Takayoshi Kohmura, Ikuo Kurachi, Takeshi G. Tsuru, Masataka Yukumoto, Ayaki Takeda, Koji Mori, Yusuke Nishioka, Takaaki Tanaka
Radiation-Induced Degradation Mechanism of X-ray SOI Pixel Sensors with Pinned Depleted Diode Structure
7 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE-TNS
astro-ph.IM physics.ins-det
The X-ray Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) pixel sensor named XRPIX has been developed for the future X-ray astronomical satellite FORCE. XRPIX is capable of a wide-band X-ray imaging spectroscopy from below 1 keV to a few tens of keV with a good timing resolution of a few tens of $\mu$s. However, it had a major issue with its radiation tolerance to the total ionizing dose (TID) effect because of its thick buried oxide layer due to the SOI structure. Although new device structures introducing pinned depleted diodes dramatically improved radiation tolerance, it remained unknown how radiation effects degrade the sensor performance. Thus, this paper reports the results of a study of the degradation mechanism of XRPIX due to radiation using device simulations. In particular, mechanisms of increases in dark current and readout noise are investigated by simulation, taking into account the positive charge accumulation in the oxide layer and the increase in the surface recombination velocity at the interface between the sensor layer and the oxide layer. As a result, it is found that the depletion of the buried p-well at the interface increases the dark current, and that the increase in the sense-node capacitance increases the readout noise.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 14 Jun 2023 19:39:34 GMT'}]
[array(['Hagino', 'Kouichi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kitajima', 'Masatoshi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kohmura', 'Takayoshi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kurachi', 'Ikuo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tsuru', 'Takeshi G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yukumoto', 'Masataka', ''], dtype=object) array(['Takeda', 'Ayaki', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mori', 'Koji', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nishioka', 'Yusuke', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tanaka', 'Takaaki', ''], dtype=object)]
Hans-Werner Hammer
E. Wilbring, H.-W. Hammer, Ulf-G. Mei{\ss}ner
Three-body universality in the B meson sector
22 pages, 8 figures
hep-ph cond-mat.quant-gas
The charged exotic mesons Z_b(10610) and Z'_b(10650) observed by the Belle collaboration in 2011 are very close to the B*Bbar and B*B*bar thresholds, respectively. This suggests their interpretation as shallow hadronic molecules of B and B* mesons. Using the masses of the Z_b(10610) and Z'_b(10650) as input, we predict the phase shifts for the scattering of B and B* mesons off the exotic mesons Z_b(10610) and Z'_b(10650) to leading order in a non-relativistic effective field theory with contact interactions. Moreover, we rule out the possibility for universal bound states of three B and B* mesons arising from the Efimov effect.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 17 May 2017 14:25:04 GMT'}]
[array(['Wilbring', 'E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hammer', 'H. -W.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Meißner', 'Ulf-G.', ''], dtype=object)]
David M. Straub
Martin Jung, David M. Straub
Constraining new physics in $b\to c\ell\nu$ transitions
27 pages, 8 figures. v3: minor clarifications, conclusions unchanged
hep-ph hep-ex
$B$ decays proceeding via $b\to c\ell\nu$ transitions with $\ell=e$ or $\mu$ are tree-level processes in the Standard Model. They are used to measure the CKM element $V_{cb}$, as such forming an important ingredient in the determination of e.g. the unitarity triangle; hence the question to which extent they can be affected by new physics contributions is important, specifically given the long-standing tension between $V_{cb}$ determinations from inclusive and exclusive decays and the significant hints for lepton flavour universality violation in $b\to c\tau\nu$ and $b\to s\ell\ell$ decays. We perform a comprehensive model-independent analysis of new physics in $b\to c\ell\nu$, considering all combinations of scalar, vector and tensor interactions occuring in single-mediator scenarios. We include for the first time differential distributions of $B\to D^*\ell\nu$ angular observables for this purpose. We show that these are valuable in constraining non-standard interactions. Specifically, the zero-recoil endpoint of the $B\to D\ell\nu$ spectrum is extremely sensitive to scalar currents, while the maximum-recoil endpoint of the $B\to D^*\ell\nu$ spectrum with transversely polarized $D^*$ is extremely sensitive to tensor currents. We also quantify the room for $e$-$\mu$ universality violation in $b\to c\ell\nu$ transitions, predicted by some models suggested to solve the $b\to c\tau\nu$ anomalies, from a global fit to $B\to D\ell\nu$ and $B\to D^*\ell\nu$ for the first time. Specific new physics models, corresponding to all possible tree-level mediators, are also discussed. As a side effect, we present $V_{cb}$ determinations from exclusive $B$ decays, both with frequentist and Bayesian statistics, leading to compatible results. The entire numerical analysis is based on open source code, allowing it to be easily adapted once new data or new form factors become available.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 3 Jan 2018 18:52:19 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 30 May 2018 14:41:43 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 19 Dec 2018 10:31:10 GMT'}]
[array(['Jung', 'Martin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Straub', 'David M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Shea Garrison-Kimmel
Shea Garrison-Kimmel, James S. Bullock, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Emma Bardwell
Organized Chaos: Scatter in the relation between stellar mass and halo mass in small galaxies
15 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication into MNRAS
astro-ph.GA astro-ph.CO
We use Local Group galaxy counts together with the ELVIS N-body simulations to explore the relationship between the scatter and slope in the stellar mass vs. halo mass relation at low masses, $M_\star \simeq 10^5 - 10^8 M_\odot$. Assuming models with log-normal scatter about a median relation of the form $M_\star \propto M_\mathrm{halo}^\alpha$, the preferred log-slope steepens from $\alpha \simeq 1.8$ in the limit of zero scatter to $\alpha \simeq 2.6$ in the case of $2$ dex of scatter in $M_\star$ at fixed halo mass. We provide fitting functions for the best-fit relations as a function of scatter, including cases where the relation becomes increasingly stochastic with decreasing mass. We show that if the scatter at fixed halo mass is large enough ($\gtrsim 1$ dex) and if the median relation is steep enough ($\alpha \gtrsim 2$), then the "too-big-to-fail" problem seen in the Local Group can be self-consistently eliminated in about $\sim 5-10\%$ of realizations. This scenario requires that the most massive subhalos host unobservable ultra-faint dwarfs fairly often; we discuss potentially observable signatures of these systems. Finally, we compare our derived constraints to recent high-resolution simulations of dwarf galaxy formation in the literature. Though simulation-to-simulation scatter in $M_\star$ at fixed $M_\mathrm{halo}$ is large among separate authors ($\sim 2$ dex), individual codes produce relations with much less scatter and usually give relations that would over-produce local galaxy counts.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 15 Mar 2016 20:00:03 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 1 Nov 2016 18:15:19 GMT'}]
[array(['Garrison-Kimmel', 'Shea', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bullock', 'James S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Boylan-Kolchin', 'Michael', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bardwell', 'Emma', ''], dtype=object)]
Henry Segerman
David Bachman, Saul Schleimer, Henry Segerman
Cohomology fractals
8 pages, 30 figures and subfigures
We introduce cohomology fractals; these are certain images associated to a cohomology class on a hyperbolic three-manifold. They include images made entirely from circles, and also images with no geometrically simple features. They are closely related to limit sets of kleinian groups, but have some key differences. As a consequence, we can zoom in almost any direction to arbitrary depth in real time. We present an implementation in the setting of ideal triangulations using ray-casting.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 1 Feb 2020 16:29:09 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 16 Apr 2020 16:40:53 GMT'}]
[array(['Bachman', 'David', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schleimer', 'Saul', ''], dtype=object) array(['Segerman', 'Henry', ''], dtype=object)]
Doriano Brogioli
D. Brogioli, D. Salerno, V. Cassina, and F. Mantegazza
Nanoparticle characterization by using Tilted Laser Microscopy: back scattering measurement in near field
18 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Optics Express, vol. 17, no. 17 (08/17/2009)
Optics Express, Vol. 17 Issue 18, pp.15431-15448 (2009)
physics.optics physics.ins-det
By using scattering in near field techniques, a microscope can be easily turned into a device measuring static and dynamic light scattering, very useful for the characterization of nanoparticle dispersions. Up to now, microscopy based techniques have been limited to forward scattering, up to a maximum of 30 degrees. In this paper we present a novel optical scheme that overcomes this limitation, extending the detection range to angles larger than 90 degrees (back-scattering). Our optical scheme is based on a microscope, a wide numerical aperture objective, and a laser illumination, with the collimated beam positioned at a large angle with respect to the optical axis of the objective (Tilted Laser Microscopy, TLM). We present here an extension of the theory for near field scattering, which usually applies only to paraxial scattering, to our strongly out-of-axis s ituation. We tested our instrument and our calculations with calibrated spherical nanoparticles of several different diameters, performing static and dynamic scattering measurements up to 110 degrees. The measured static spectra and decay times are compatible with the Mie theory and the diffusion coefficients provided by the Stokes-Einstein equation. The ability of performing backscattering measurements with this modified microscope opens the way to new applications of scattering in near field techniques to the measurement of systems with strongly angle dependent scattering.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 24 Feb 2009 14:47:00 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 28 May 2009 13:39:52 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 1 Jul 2009 08:36:36 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Tue, 4 Aug 2009 08:57:04 GMT'}]
[array(['Brogioli', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Salerno', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cassina', 'V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mantegazza', 'F.', ''], dtype=object)]
Svjetlana Fajfer
J.O. Eeg (1), S. Fajfer (2,3), and A. Hiorth (1) ((1) University of Oslo, Norway, (2) J. Stefan Institute, (3) University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Nonfactorizable contributions in anti-B0 -> Ds+ Ds- and anti-Bs0 -> D+ D- decays
LaTeX, 5 pages, 4 figures, contributed paper for LP03
The decay amplitudes for anti-B0 -> Ds+ Ds- and anti-Bs0 -> D+ D- have no factorizable contributions. We suggest that dominant contributions to the decay amplitudes arise from two chiral loop contributions and one soft gluon emission contribution. Then we determine branching ratios BR(anti-B0 -> Ds+ Ds-) ~ 7E-5 and BR(anti-Bs0 -> D+ D-) ~ 1E-3.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 3 Jul 2003 10:29:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Eeg', 'J. O.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fajfer', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hiorth', 'A.', ''], dtype=object)]
Georgios Tsikalas
Georgios Tsikalas
Subinner-free outer factorizations on an annulus
12 pages
math.FA math.CV
Recent work of Aleman, Hartz, McCarthy and Richter generalizes the classical inner-outer factorization of Hardy space functions to the complete Pick space setting, establishing an essentially unique "subinner-free outer" factorization. In this note, we investigate certain special examples of such factorizations in the setting of the function space induced on the annulus $A_r=\{r<|z|<1\}$ by the complete Pick kernel $$k_{r}(\lambda,\mu):=\frac{1-r^2}{(1-\lambda\bar{\mu})(1-r^2/\lambda\bar{\mu})}.$$
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 6 Jun 2022 17:24:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Tsikalas', 'Georgios', ''], dtype=object)]
Manuel Brack
Manuel Brack, Patrick Schramowski, Bj\"orn Deiseroth and Kristian Kersting
ILLUME: Rationalizing Vision-Language Models through Human Interactions
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023
cs.LG cs.AI cs.CL cs.CV cs.HC
Bootstrapping from pre-trained language models has been proven to be an efficient approach for building vision-language models (VLM) for tasks such as image captioning or visual question answering. However, outputs of these models rarely align with user's rationales for specific answers. In order to improve this alignment and reinforce commonsense reasons, we propose a tuning paradigm based on human interactions with machine-generated data. Our ILLUME executes the following loop: Given an image-question-answer prompt, the VLM samples multiple candidate rationales, and a human critic provides feedback via preference selection, used for fine-tuning. This loop increases the training data and gradually carves out the VLM's rationalization capabilities that are aligned with human intent. Our exhaustive experiments demonstrate that ILLUME is competitive with standard supervised finetuning while using significantly fewer training data and only requiring minimal feedback.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 17 Aug 2022 11:41:43 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 18 Aug 2022 06:47:05 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Fri, 20 Jan 2023 10:38:03 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Wed, 31 May 2023 15:13:15 GMT'}]
[array(['Brack', 'Manuel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schramowski', 'Patrick', ''], dtype=object) array(['Deiseroth', 'Björn', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kersting', 'Kristian', ''], dtype=object)]
Fabiano Andrade
Fabiano M. Andrade, A. G. M. Schmidt, E. Vicentini, B. K. Cheng and M. G. E. da Luz
Green's function approach for quantum graphs: an overview
54 pages, 24 figures, 1 table. Two sections expanded + minor modifications. One appendix added. References added. To appear in Physics Reports
Physics Reports 647, 1-46 (2016)
quant-ph math-ph math.MP
Here we review the many aspects and distinct phenomena associated to quantum dynamics on general graph structures. For so, we discuss such class of systems under the energy domain Green's function ($G$) framework. This approach is particularly interesting because $G$ can be written as a sum over classical-like paths, where local quantum effects are taking into account through the scattering matrix amplitudes (basically, transmission and reflection amplitudes) defined on each one of the graph vertices. Hence, the {\em exact} $G$ has the functional form of a generalized semiclassical formula, which through different calculation techniques (addressed in details here) always can be cast into a closed analytic expression. It allows to solve exactly arbitrary large (although finite) graphs in a recursive and fast way. Using the Green's function method, we survey many properties for open and closed quantum graphs as scattering solutions for the former and eigenspectrum and eigenstates for the latter, also considering quasi-bound states. Concrete examples, like cube, binary trees and Sierpi\'{n}ski-like topologies are presented. Along the work, possible distinct applications using the Green's function methods for quantum graphs are outlined.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 5 Jan 2016 23:40:05 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 1 Jul 2016 11:10:01 GMT'}]
[array(['Andrade', 'Fabiano M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schmidt', 'A. G. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vicentini', 'E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cheng', 'B. K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['da Luz', 'M. G. E.', ''], dtype=object)]
Ivan Kramarenko
I. G. Kramarenko (MIPT), A. B. Pushkarev (CrAO, Lebedev, MIPT), Y. Y. Kovalev (Lebedev, MIPT, MPIfR), M. L. Lister (U. Purdue), T. Hovatta (FINCA, Mets\"ahovi), T. Savolainen (Mets\"ahovi, U. Aalto, MPIfR)
A decade of joint MOJAVE-Fermi AGN monitoring: localisation of the gamma-ray emission region
12 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS
MNRAS 510 (2022) 469
astro-ph.HE astro-ph.GA
Within the MOJAVE VLBA program (Monitoring of Jets in AGN with VLBA Experiments), we have accumulated observational data at 15 GHz for hundreds of jets in $\gamma$-ray bright active galactic nuclei since the beginning of the Fermi scientific observations in August 2008. We investigated a time delay between the flux density of AGN parsec-scale radio emission at 15 GHz and 0.1$-$300 GeV Fermi LAT photon flux, taken from constructed light curves using weekly and adaptive binning. The correlation analysis shows that radio is lagging $\gamma$-ray radiation by up to 8 months in the observer's frame, while in the source frame, the typical delay is about 2-3 months. If the jet radio emission, excluding the opaque core, is considered, significant correlation is found at greater time lags. We supplement these results with VLBI kinematics and core shift data to conclude that the dominant high-energy production zone is typically located at a distance of several parsecs from the central nucleus. We also found that quasars have on average more significant correlation peak, more distant $\gamma$-ray emission region from the central engine and shorter variability time scale compared to those of BL Lacertae objects.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 15 Jun 2021 20:16:04 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 17 Nov 2021 00:44:56 GMT'}]
[array(['Kramarenko', 'I. G.', '', 'MIPT'], dtype=object) array(['Pushkarev', 'A. B.', '', 'CrAO, Lebedev, MIPT'], dtype=object) array(['Kovalev', 'Y. Y.', '', 'Lebedev, MIPT, MPIfR'], dtype=object) array(['Lister', 'M. L.', '', 'U. Purdue'], dtype=object) array(['Hovatta', 'T.', '', 'FINCA,\n Metsähovi'], dtype=object) array(['Savolainen', 'T.', '', 'Metsähovi, U. Aalto, MPIfR'], dtype=object)]
Joerg Winkelmann
Joerg Winkelmann (Univ. of Nancy I, France)
On Elliptic Curves in SL_2(C)/\Gamma, Schanuel's conjecture and geodesic lengths
20 pages; LaTeX; lemma 2 corrected, some minor improvements in presentation
math.AG math.DG math.NT
Let H be a discrete cocompact subgroup of SL_2(C). We conjecture that the quotient manifold X=SL_2(C)/H contains infinitely many non-isogeneous elliptic curves and prove that this is indeed the case if Schanuel's conjecture holds. We also prove it in the special case where the intersection of H and SL_2(R) is cocompact in SL_2(R). Furthermore, we deduce some consequences for the geodesic length spectra of real hyperbolic 2- and 3-folds.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 15 Apr 2002 13:46:34 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 6 Nov 2002 10:06:23 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Tue, 8 Apr 2003 14:43:05 GMT'}]
[array(['Winkelmann', 'Joerg', '', 'Univ. of Nancy I, France'], dtype=object) ]
Gregory John Harris
G. J. Harris, A. E. Lynas-Gray, S. Miller and J. Tennyson
The effect of the electron donor H3+ on the pre-main and Main Sequence evolution of low mass zero metallicity stars
31 pages, 11 figures. Accepted by ApJ
H3+ has been shown (Lenzuni et al. 1991, ApJS, 76, 759) to be the dominant positive ion, in a zero metallicity gas at low temperature and intermediate to high density. It therefore affects both the number of free electrons and the opacity of the gas. The most recent H3+ partition function (Neale and Tennyson, 1995, ApJ, 454, L169) is an order of magnitude larger at 4000 K than all previous partition functions, implying that H3+ is a more important electron donor than previously thought. Here we present new Rosseland mean opacities for a hydrogen-helium gas of 1000 < T(K) < 9000 and -14 < log10(density [g/cc]) < -2. In the calculation of these opacities we have made use of the latest collision induced absorption data as well as the most recent H3+ partition function and line opacity data. It is shown that these updated and new sources of opacity give rise to a Rosseland mean opacity for a hydrogen-helium gas which is in general greater than that calculated in earlier works. The new opacity data are then used to model the evolution of low mass 0.15-0.8 Mo zero metallicity stars, from pre-Main Sequence collapse to Main Sequence turn-off. To investigate the effect of H3+ on the evolution of low mass zero metallicity stars, we repeat our calculations neglecting H3+ as a source of electrons and line opacity. We find that H3+ can have an effect on the structure and evolution of stars of mass ~0.5 Mo or less. A gray atmosphere is used for the calculation, which is sufficient to demonstrate that H3+ affects the evolution of very low mass stars to a greater degree than previously believed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 17 Sep 2003 13:33:37 GMT'}]
[array(['Harris', 'G. J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lynas-Gray', 'A. E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Miller', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tennyson', 'J.', ''], dtype=object)]
Huanchen Zhang
Huanchen Zhang, Xiaoxuan Liu, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky, Kimberly Keeton, Andrew Pavlo
Order-Preserving Key Compression for In-Memory Search Trees
SIGMOD'20 version + Appendix
We present the High-speed Order-Preserving Encoder (HOPE) for in-memory search trees. HOPE is a fast dictionary-based compressor that encodes arbitrary keys while preserving their order. HOPE's approach is to identify common key patterns at a fine granularity and exploit the entropy to achieve high compression rates with a small dictionary. We first develop a theoretical model to reason about order-preserving dictionary designs. We then select six representative compression schemes using this model and implement them in HOPE. These schemes make different trade-offs between compression rate and encoding speed. We evaluate HOPE on five data structures used in databases: SuRF, ART, HOT, B+tree, and Prefix B+tree. Our experiments show that using HOPE allows the search trees to achieve lower query latency (up to 40\% lower) and better memory efficiency (up to 30\% smaller) simultaneously for most string key workloads.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 5 Mar 2020 01:02:47 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhang', 'Huanchen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liu', 'Xiaoxuan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Andersen', 'David G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kaminsky', 'Michael', ''], dtype=object) array(['Keeton', 'Kimberly', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pavlo', 'Andrew', ''], dtype=object)]
Dmitri Khokhlov
D.L. Khokhlov
Neutrino flux in the rotating reference frame
2 pages, LaTeX
It is considered neutrino flux in the rotating reference frame. Due to the rotation of the frame, neutrino is observed as a superposition of two states P-transformed one from another. Since P-transformation is forbidden for neutrino, in the rotating reference frame one can detect a half of neutrino flux. Due to the rotation of the earth, the detector of neutrinos can measure a half of the solar neutrino flux predicted by the SSM that may provide a solution for the solar neutrino puzzle.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 6 Nov 2000 15:58:16 GMT'}]
[array(['Khokhlov', 'D. L.', ''], dtype=object)]
Kamil Kosi\'nski
Kamil Marcin Kosi\'nski
On the functional limits for sums of a function of partial sums
Statistics and Probability Letters 79 (2009) 1522--1527
We derive a functional central limit theorem (fclt) for normalised sums of a function of the partial sums of independent and identically distributed random variables. In particular, we show, using a technique presented in Huang and Zhang (Electron. Comm. Probab. 12 (2007), 51--56), that the result from Qi (Statist. Probab. Lett. 62 (2003), 93--100), for normalised products of partial sums, can be generalised in this fashion to a fclt.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 3 Jun 2010 11:17:59 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 19 May 2015 20:20:52 GMT'}]
[array(['Kosiński', 'Kamil Marcin', ''], dtype=object)]
Robert Lipshitz
Robert Lipshitz
Errata to 'A cylindrical reformulation of Heegaard Floer homology'
10 pages, 5 figures. If you know other mistakes, please tell me
Geom. Topol. 18 (2014) 17-30
math.SG math.GT
This note corrects one serious mistake and several smaller mistakes from arXiv:math/0502404. The main results of that paper are unchanged.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 21 Jan 2013 16:43:19 GMT'}]
[array(['Lipshitz', 'Robert', ''], dtype=object)]
Anna Tasolamprou
Anna C. Tasolamprou, Anastasios D. Koulouklidis, Christina Daskalaki, Charalampos P. Mavidis, George Kenanakis, George Deligeorgis, Zacharias Viskadourakis, Polina Kuzhir, Stelios Tzortzakis, Eleftherios N. Economou, Maria Kafesaki, Costas M. Soukoulis
Ultrafast modulation in a THz graphene-based flat absorber through negative photoconductivity
We present the experimental and theoretical study of an ultrafast graphene based thin film absorption modulator for operation in the THz regime. The flat modulator is composed of a graphene sheet placed on a dielectric layer backed by a metallic back reflector. A near IR pulse induces the generation of hot carriers in the graphene sheet reducing effectively its conductivity. The system provides a platform with ultrafast modulation capability for flat optics and graphene based metasurfaces applications.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 19 Aug 2019 11:15:13 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 20 Aug 2019 06:34:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Tasolamprou', 'Anna C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Koulouklidis', 'Anastasios D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Daskalaki', 'Christina', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mavidis', 'Charalampos P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kenanakis', 'George', ''], dtype=object) array(['Deligeorgis', 'George', ''], dtype=object) array(['Viskadourakis', 'Zacharias', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kuzhir', 'Polina', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tzortzakis', 'Stelios', ''], dtype=object) array(['Economou', 'Eleftherios N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kafesaki', 'Maria', ''], dtype=object) array(['Soukoulis', 'Costas M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Jim Kay
James W. Kay and Robin A. A. Ince
Exact partial information decompositions for Gaussian systems based on dependency constraints
39 pages, 9 figures, 9 tables
Entropy 2018, 20(4), 240
cond-mat.stat-mech cs.IT math.IT physics.data-an q-bio.QM stat.ML
The Partial Information Decomposition (PID) [arXiv:1004.2515] provides a theoretical framework to characterize and quantify the structure of multivariate information sharing. A new method (Idep) has recently been proposed for computing a two-predictor PID over discrete spaces. [arXiv:1709.06653] A lattice of maximum entropy probability models is constructed based on marginal dependency constraints, and the unique information that a particular predictor has about the target is defined as the minimum increase in joint predictor-target mutual information when that particular predictor-target marginal dependency is constrained. Here, we apply the Idep approach to Gaussian systems, for which the marginally constrained maximum entropy models are Gaussian graphical models. Closed form solutions for the Idep PID are derived for both univariate and multivariate Gaussian systems. Numerical and graphical illustrations are provided, together with practical and theoretical comparisons of the Idep PID with the minimum mutual information PID (Immi). [arXiv:1411.2832] In particular, it is proved that the Immi method generally produces larger estimates of redundancy and synergy than does the Idep method. In discussion of the practical examples, the PIDs are complemented by the use of deviance tests for the comparison of Gaussian graphical models.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 6 Mar 2018 06:42:38 GMT'}]
[array(['Kay', 'James W.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ince', 'Robin A. A.', ''], dtype=object)]
Carlos Barbosa
Carlos H. S. Barbosa, Liliane N. O. Kunstmann, R\^omulo M. Silva, Charlan D. S. Alves, Bruno S. Silva, Djalma M. S. Filho, Marta Mattoso, Fernando A. Rochinha, Alvaro L.G.A. Coutinho
A workflow for seismic imaging with quantified uncertainty
The interpretation of seismic images faces challenges due to the presence of several uncertainty sources. Uncertainties exist in data measurements, source positioning, and subsurface geophysical properties. Understanding uncertainties' role and how they influence the outcome is an essential part of the decision-making process in the oil and gas industry. Geophysical imaging is time-consuming. When we add uncertainty quantification, it becomes both time and data-intensive. In this work, we propose a workflow for seismic imaging with quantified uncertainty. We build the workflow upon Bayesian tomography, reverse time migration, and image interpretation based on statistical information. The workflow explores an efficient hybrid parallel computational strategy to decrease the reverse time migration execution time. High levels of data compression are applied to reduce data transfer among workflow activities and data storage. We capture and analyze provenance data at runtime to improve workflow execution, monitoring, and debugging with negligible overhead. Numerical experiments on the Marmousi2 Velocity Model Benchmark demonstrate the workflow capabilities. We observe excellent weak and strong scalability, and results suggest that the use of lossy data compression does not hamper the seismic imaging uncertainty quantification.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 17 Jan 2020 17:42:13 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 21 Mar 2020 06:29:18 GMT'}]
[array(['Barbosa', 'Carlos H. S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kunstmann', 'Liliane N. O.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Silva', 'Rômulo M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Alves', 'Charlan D. S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Silva', 'Bruno S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Filho', 'Djalma M. S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mattoso', 'Marta', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rochinha', 'Fernando A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Coutinho', 'Alvaro L. G. A.', ''], dtype=object)]
David S. Dean
Matthieu Mangeat, Yacine Amarouchene, Yann Louyer, Thomas Gu\'erin and David S. Dean
The role of non-conservative scattering forces and damping on Brownian particles in optical traps
25 pages, 5 figures
Phys. Rev. E 99, 052107 (2019)
We consider a model of a particle trapped in a harmonic optical trap but with the addition of a non-conservative radiation induced force. This model is known to correctly describe experimentally observed trapped particle statistics for a wide range of physical parameters such as temperature and pressure. We theoretically analyse the effect of non-conservative force on the underlying steady state distribution as well as the power spectrum for the particle position. We compute perturbatively the probability distribution of the resulting non-equilibrium steady states for all dynamical regimes, underdamped through to overdamped and give expressions for the associated currents in phase space (position and velocity). We also give the spectral density of the trapped particle's position in all dynamical regimes and for any value of the non-conservative force. Signatures of the presence non-conservative forces are shown to be particularly strong for in the underdamped regime at low frequencies.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 21 Dec 2018 15:25:14 GMT'}]
[array(['Mangeat', 'Matthieu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Amarouchene', 'Yacine', ''], dtype=object) array(['Louyer', 'Yann', ''], dtype=object) array(['Guérin', 'Thomas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dean', 'David S.', ''], dtype=object)]
Genoveva Vargas-Solar
Genoveva Vargas-Solar, Ali Akoglu, Md Sahil Hassan
JITA4DS: Disaggregated execution of Data Science Pipelines between the Edge and the Data Centre
This paper has been submitted to a Journal JWE special number. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2103.07978
This paper targets the execution of data science (DS) pipelines supported by data processing, transmission and sharing across several resources executing greedy processes. Current data science pipelines environments provide various infrastructure services with computing resources such as general-purpose processors (GPP), Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) coupled with platform and software services to design, run and maintain DS pipelines. These one-fits-all solutions impose the complete externalization of data pipeline tasks. However, some tasks can be executed in the edge, and the backend can provide just in time resources to ensure ad-hoc and elastic execution environments. This paper introduces an innovative composable "Just in Time Architecture" for configuring DCs for Data Science Pipelines (JITA-4DS) and associated resource management techniques. JITA-4DS is a cross-layer management system that is aware of both the application characteristics and the underlying infrastructures to break the barriers between applications, middleware/operating system, and hardware layers. Vertical integration of these layers is needed for building a customizable Virtual Data Center (VDC) to meet the dynamically changing data science pipelines' requirements such as performance, availability, and energy consumption. Accordingly, the paper shows an experimental simulation devoted to run data science workloads and determine the best strategies for scheduling the allocation of resources implemented by JITA-4DS.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 5 Aug 2021 12:24:43 GMT'}]
[array(['Vargas-Solar', 'Genoveva', ''], dtype=object) array(['Akoglu', 'Ali', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hassan', 'Md Sahil', ''], dtype=object)]
Abrar Fahim
Abrar Fahim, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Muhammad Aamir Cheema
Unsupervised Space Partitioning for Nearest Neighbor Search
To be published in Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 28th March-31st March, 2023
cs.LG cs.DB cs.IR stat.ML
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (ANNS) in high dimensional spaces is crucial for many real-life applications (e.g., e-commerce, web, multimedia, etc.) dealing with an abundance of data. This paper proposes an end-to-end learning framework that couples the partitioning (one critical step of ANNS) and learning-to-search steps using a custom loss function. A key advantage of our proposed solution is that it does not require any expensive pre-processing of the dataset, which is one of the critical limitations of the state-of-the-art approach. We achieve the above edge by formulating a multi-objective custom loss function that does not need ground truth labels to quantify the quality of a given data-space partition, making it entirely unsupervised. We also propose an ensembling technique by adding varying input weights to the loss function to train an ensemble of models to enhance the search quality. On several standard benchmarks for ANNS, we show that our method beats the state-of-the-art space partitioning method and the ubiquitous K-means clustering method while using fewer parameters and shorter offline training times. We also show that incorporating our space-partitioning strategy into state-of-the-art ANNS techniques such as ScaNN can improve their performance significantly. Finally, we present our unsupervised partitioning approach as a promising alternative to many widely used clustering methods, such as K-means clustering and DBSCAN.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 16 Jun 2022 11:17:03 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 19 Oct 2022 07:15:47 GMT'}]
[array(['Fahim', 'Abrar', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ali', 'Mohammed Eunus', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cheema', 'Muhammad Aamir', ''], dtype=object)]
Ralf Mikut
Ivan Kovynyov and Ralf Mikut
Digital Transformation in Airport Ground Operations
How has digital transformation changed airport ground operations? Although the relevant peer-reviewed literature emphasizes the role of cost savings as a key driver behind digitalization of airport ground operations, the focus is on data-driven, customer-centric innovations. This paper argues that ground handling agents are deploying new technologies mainly to boost process efficiency and to cut costs. Our research shows that ground handling agents are embracing current trends to craft new business models and develop new revenue streams. In this paper, we examine the ground handling agent's value chain and identify areas that are strongly affected by digital transformation and those that are not. We discuss different business scenarios for digital technology and link them with relevant research, such as automated service data capturing, new digital services for passengers, big data, indoor navigation, and wearables in airport ground operations. We assess the maturity level of discussed technologies using NASA technology readiness levels.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 15 May 2018 16:32:17 GMT'}]
[array(['Kovynyov', 'Ivan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mikut', 'Ralf', ''], dtype=object)]
Lombardi Marco
Marco Lombardi and Giuseppe Bertin
Boyle's law and gravitational instability
9 pages, 2 figures, to appear in A&A
We have re-examined the classical problem of the macroscopic equation of state for a hydrostatic isothermal self-gravitating gas cloud bounded by an external medium at constant pressure. We have obtained analytical conditions for its equilibrium and stability without imposing any specific shape and symmetry to the cloud density distribution. The equilibrium condition can be stated in the form of an upper limit to the cloud mass; this is found to be inversely proportional to the power 3/2 of a form factor \mu characterizing the shape of the cloud. In this respect, the spherical solution, associated with the maximum value of the form factor, \mu = 1, turns out to correspond to the shape that is most difficult to realize. Surprisingly, the condition that defines the onset of the Bonnor instability (or gravothermal catastrophe) can be cast in the form of an upper limit to the density contrast within the cloud that is independent of the cloud shape. We have then carried out a similar analysis in the two-dimensional case of infinite cylinders, without assuming axisymmetry. The results obtained in this paper generalize well-known results available for spherical or axisymmetric cylindrical isothermal clouds that have had wide astrophysical applications, especially in the study of the interstellar medium.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 19 Jun 2001 16:29:31 GMT'}]
[array(['Lombardi', 'Marco', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bertin', 'Giuseppe', ''], dtype=object)]
Christopher Seaton
Carla Farsi, Emily Proctor, Christopher Seaton
Approximating orbifold spectra using collapsing connected sums
v2: 31 pages. Substantial rewriting and generalization of version 1, including extension of results to differential forms and inclusion of the Hodge decomposition. v3: 32 pages. Edited to improve exposition, added Section 8.4
The Journal of Geometric Analysis volume 31, pages 9433--9468 (2021)
math.DG math.SP
For a closed Riemannian orbifold $O$, we compare the spectra of the Laplacian, acting on functions or differential forms, to the Neumann spectra of the orbifold with boundary given by a domain $U$ in $O$ whose boundary is a smooth manifold. Generalizing results of several authors, we prove that the metric of $O$ can be perturbed to ensure that the first $N$ eigenvalues of $U$ and $O$ are arbitrarily close to one another. This involves a generalization of the Hodge decomposition to the case of orbifolds with manifold boundary. Using these results, we study the behavior of the Laplace spectrum on functions or forms of a connected sum of two Riemannian orbifolds as one orbifold in the pair is collapsed to a point. We show that the limits of the eigenvalues of the connected sum are equal to those of the non-collapsed orbifold in the pair. In doing so, we prove the existence of a sequence of orbifolds with singular points whose eigenvalue spectra come arbitrarily close to the spectrum of a manifold, and a sequence of manifolds whose eigenvalue spectra come arbitrarily close to the eigenvalue spectrum of an orbifold with singular points. We also consider the question of prescribing the first part of the spectrum of an orientable orbifold.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 23 Nov 2016 08:08:05 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 16 Oct 2019 20:38:30 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sun, 6 Sep 2020 17:43:33 GMT'}]
[array(['Farsi', 'Carla', ''], dtype=object) array(['Proctor', 'Emily', ''], dtype=object) array(['Seaton', 'Christopher', ''], dtype=object)]
Qiaolu Chen
Qiaolu Chen, Li Zhang, Mengjia He, Zuojia Wang, Xiao Lin, Fei Gao, Yihao Yang, Baile Zhang, and Hongsheng Chen
Valley-Hall photonic topological insulators with dual-band kink states
physics.app-ph cond-mat.mes-hall
Extensive researches have revealed that valley, a binary degree of freedom (DOF), can be an excellent candidate of information carrier. Recently, valley DOF has been introduced into photonic systems, and several valley-Hall photonic topological insulators (PTIs) have been experimentally demonstrated. However, in the previous valley-Hall PTIs, topological kink states only work at a single frequency band, which limits potential applications in multiband waveguides, filters, communications, and so on. To overcome this challenge, here we experimentally demonstrate a valley-Hall PTI, where the topological kink states exist at two separated frequency bands, in a microwave substrate-integrated circuitry. Both the simulated and experimental results demonstrate the dual-band valley-Hall topological kink states are robust against the sharp bends of the internal domain wall with negligible inter-valley scattering. Our work may pave the way for multi-channel substrate-integrated photonic devices with high efficiency and high capacity for information communications and processing.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 28 Dec 2018 15:59:22 GMT'}]
[array(['Chen', 'Qiaolu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Li', ''], dtype=object) array(['He', 'Mengjia', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Zuojia', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lin', 'Xiao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gao', 'Fei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yang', 'Yihao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Baile', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Hongsheng', ''], dtype=object)]
Kazunori Takenaga
K. Takenaga (Dublin Inst.)
Dynamics of Nonintegrable Phases in Softly Broken Supersymmetric Gauge Theory with Massless Adjoint Matter
19 pages, 2 figures, corrected some typos
Phys.Rev. D64 (2001) 066001
We study SU(N) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with massless adjoint matter defined on $M^3\otimes S^1$. The SU(N) gauge symmetry is broken maximally to $U(1)^{N-1}$, independent of the number of flavor and the boundary conditions of the fields associated with the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism of supersymmetry breaking. The mass of the Higgs scalar is generated through quantum corrections in the extra dimensions. The quantum correction can become manifest by a finite Higgs boson mass at low energies even in the limit of small extra dimensions thanks to the supersymmetry breaking parameter of the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 6 May 2001 14:15:48 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 4 Jul 2001 14:10:57 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sun, 15 Jul 2001 11:25:12 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Thu, 9 Aug 2001 12:49:44 GMT'}]
[array(['Takenaga', 'K.', '', 'Dublin Inst.'], dtype=object)]
Sylvain Ravets
S. Ravets, J. E. Hoffman, L. A. Orozco, S. L. Rolston, G. Beadie and F. K. Fatemi
A low-loss photonic silica nanofiber for higher-order modes
12 pages, 5 figures, movies available online
Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 15, pp. 18325-18335 (2013)
physics.optics physics.atom-ph
Optical nanofibers confine light to subwavelength scales, and are of interest for the design, integration, and interconnection of nanophotonic devices. Here we demonstrate high transmission (> 97%) of the first family of excited modes through a 350 nm radius fiber, by appropriate choice of the fiber and precise control of the taper geometry. We can design the nanofibers so that these modes propagate with most of their energy outside the waist region. We also present an optical setup for selectively launching these modes with less than 1% fundamental mode contamination. Our experimental results are in good agreement with simulations of the propagation. Multimode optical nanofibers expand the photonic toolbox, and may aid in the realization of a fully integrated nanoscale device for communication science, laser science or other sensing applications.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 8 Aug 2013 20:08:19 GMT'}]
[array(['Ravets', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hoffman', 'J. E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Orozco', 'L. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rolston', 'S. L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Beadie', 'G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fatemi', 'F. K.', ''], dtype=object)]
Jacques Bourg
Jacques Bourg
Combinatorial identities using Bernoulli Graphs
5 pages, 2 figures
In here, I present a series of combinatorial equalities derived using a graph based approach. Different nodes in the graphs are visited following probabilistic dynamics of a moving dot. The results are presented in such a way that the generalisation (to more nodes, or dimensions) is straightforward. At an instant m, we "take a picture" of the system and we compute the probabilities of being at particular positions in space. The sum of all these probabilities is equal to one.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 8 Dec 2022 14:45:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Bourg', 'Jacques', ''], dtype=object)]
Jose Carlos Nacher Diez
J.C. Nacher, E. Oset, M.J. Vicente Vacas and L. Roca (Valencia U.)
The role of Delta(1700) excitation and rho production in double pion photoproduction
39 pages, 13 figures (ps files). Final version. To be published in Nucl. Phys. A
IFIC-00-1218, FTUV-00-1218
Recent information on invariant mass distributions of the $\gamma p\to\pi^+\pi^0 n$ reaction, where previous theoretical models had shown deficiencies, have made more evident the need for new mechanisms, so far neglected or inaccurately included. We have updated a previous model to include new necessary mechanisms. We find that the production of the $\rho$ meson, and the $\Delta(1700)$ excitation, through interference with the dominant terms, are important mechanisms that solve the puzzle of the $\gamma p\to\pi^+\pi^0 n$ reaction without spoiling the early agreement with the $\gamma p\to\pi^+\pi^- p$ and $\gamma p\to\pi^0\pi^0 p$ reactions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 18 Dec 2000 15:28:39 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 24 May 2001 08:28:13 GMT'}]
[array(['Nacher', 'J. C.', '', 'Valencia U.'], dtype=object) array(['Oset', 'E.', '', 'Valencia U.'], dtype=object) array(['Vacas', 'M. J. Vicente', '', 'Valencia U.'], dtype=object) array(['Roca', 'L.', '', 'Valencia U.'], dtype=object)]
Eliot Quataert
Eliot Quataert, Todd A. Thompson, Yan-Fei Jiang
The Physics of Galactic Winds Driven by Cosmic Rays I: Diffusion
submitted to MNRAS; 20 p, 10 figs; comments welcome
astro-ph.GA astro-ph.HE
The physics of Cosmic ray (CR) transport remains a key uncertainty in assessing whether CRs can produce galaxy-scale outflows consistent with observations. In this paper, we elucidate the physics of CR-driven galactic winds for CR transport dominated by diffusion. A companion paper considers CR streaming. We use analytic estimates validated by time-dependent spherically-symmetric simulations to derive expressions for the mass-loss rate, momentum flux, and speed of CR-driven galactic winds, suitable for cosmological-scale or semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. For CR diffusion coefficients $\kappa \gtrsim r_0 c_i$ where $r_0$ is the base radius of the wind and $c_i$ is the isothermal gas sound speed, the asymptotic wind energy flux is comparable to that supplied to CRs, and the outflow rapidly accelerates to supersonic speeds. By contrast, for $\kappa \lesssim r_0 c_i$, CR-driven winds accelerate more slowly and lose most of their energy to gravity, a CR analogue of photon-tired stellar winds. Given CR diffusion coefficients estimated using Fermi gamma-ray observations of pion decay, we predict mass-loss rates in CR-driven galactic winds of order the star formation rate for dwarf and disc galaxies. The dwarf galaxy mass-loss rates are small compared to the mass-loadings needed to reconcile the stellar and dark matter halo mass functions. For nuclear starbursts (e.g., M82, Arp 220), CR diffusion and pion losses suppress the CR pressure in the galaxy and the strength of CR-driven winds. We discuss the implications of our results for interpreting observations of galactic winds and for the role of CRs in galaxy formation.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 10 Feb 2021 19:12:29 GMT'}]
[array(['Quataert', 'Eliot', ''], dtype=object) array(['Thompson', 'Todd A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jiang', 'Yan-Fei', ''], dtype=object)]
Gregor Diezemann
Gregor Diezemann
Aging effects in simple models for glassy relaxation
revised version
Aging effects in the two-time correlation function and the response function after a quench from a high temperature to some low temperature are considered for a simple kinetic random energy model exhibiting stretched exponential relaxation. Because the system reaches thermal equilibrium for long times after the quench, all aging effect are of a transient nature. In particular, the violations of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem are considered and it is found that the relation between the response and the two-time correlation function depends on another function, the so-called asymmetry. This asymmetry vanishes in equilibrium but cannot be neglected in the aging regime. It is found that plots of the integrated response versus the correlation function are not applicable to quantify the violations of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in this particular model. This fact has its origin in the absence of a scaling form of the correlation.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:46:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 13 Apr 2006 08:07:43 GMT'}]
[array(['Diezemann', 'Gregor', ''], dtype=object)]
Yu-Ao Chen
Qiang Zhang, Xiang-Bin Wang, Yu-Ao Chen, Tao Yang, Jian-Wei Pan
Comment on "Quantum Key Distribution with the Blind Polarization Bases"
2 pages 0 figures, comments are welcome!
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 078901 (2006)
We show an eavesdropping scheme, by which the eavesdropper can achieve the full information of the key against the protocol [Kye et al., PRL 95 040501 (2005)] with a probability of unity and will not be discovered by the the legitimate users, even in the case that they have the perfect single-photon source and the loseless channel.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 3 Aug 2005 10:59:25 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 27 Nov 2005 22:27:11 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhang', 'Qiang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Xiang-Bin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Yu-Ao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yang', 'Tao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pan', 'Jian-Wei', ''], dtype=object)]
Alessandra Bernardi
Edoardo Ballico, Alessandra Bernardi (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
Curvilinear schemes and maximum rank of forms
Changed Questions 2 and 3. More detailed proofs
We define the \emph{curvilinear rank} of a degree $d$ form $P$ in $n+1$ variables as the minimum length of a curvilinear scheme, contained in the $d$-th Veronese embedding of $\mathbb{P}^n$, whose span contains the projective class of $P$. Then, we give a bound for rank of any homogenous polynomial, in dependance on its curvilinear rank.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 30 Oct 2012 21:21:37 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 6 Jul 2015 19:02:34 GMT'}]
[array(['Ballico', 'Edoardo', '', 'INRIA Sophia Antipolis'], dtype=object) array(['Bernardi', 'Alessandra', '', 'INRIA Sophia Antipolis'], dtype=object) ]
Hans-G. Ludwig
H.-G. Ludwig, F. Allard, P.H. Hauschildt
Energy transport, overshoot, and mixing in the atmospheres of M-type main- and pre-main-sequence objects
17 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in A&A
We constructed hydrodynamical model atmospheres for mid M-type main-, as well as pre-main-sequence (PMS) objects. Despite the complex chemistry encountered in these cool atmospheres a reasonably accurate representation of the radiative transfer is possible, even in the context of time-dependent and three-dimensional models. The models provide detailed information about the morphology of M-type granulation and statistical properties of the convective surface flows. In particular, we determined the efficiency of the convective energy transport, and the efficiency of mixing by convective overshoot. The convective transport efficiency was expressed in terms of an equivalent mixing-length parameter alpha in the formulation of mixing-length theory (MLT) given by Mihalas (1978). Alpha amounts to values around 2 for matching the entropy of the deep, adiabatically stratified regions of the convective envelope, and lies between 2.5 and 3.0 for matching the thermal structure of the deep photosphere. For current spectral analysis of PMS objects this implies that MLT models based on alpha=2.0 overestimate the effective temperature by 100 K and surface gravities by 0.25 dex. The average thermal structure of the formally convectively stable layers is little affected by convective overshoot and wave heating, i.e., stays close to radiative equilibrium conditions. Our models suggest that the rate of mixing by convective overshoot declines exponentially with geometrical distance to the Schwarzschild stability boundary. It increases at given effective temperature with decreasing gravitational acceleration.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 12 Aug 2006 14:18:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Ludwig', 'H. -G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Allard', 'F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hauschildt', 'P. H.', ''], dtype=object)]
Lu Xiaolei
Xiaolei Lu
Learning Ambiguity from Crowd Sequential Annotations
cs.CL cs.AI cs.HC cs.LG
Most crowdsourcing learning methods treat disagreement between annotators as noisy labelings while inter-disagreement among experts is often a good indicator for the ambiguity and uncertainty that is inherent in natural language. In this paper, we propose a framework called Learning Ambiguity from Crowd Sequential Annotations (LA-SCA) to explore the inter-disagreement between reliable annotators and effectively preserve confusing label information. First, a hierarchical Bayesian model is developed to infer ground-truth from crowds and group the annotators with similar reliability together. By modeling the relationship between the size of group the annotator involved in, the annotator's reliability and element's unambiguity in each sequence, inter-disagreement between reliable annotators on ambiguous elements is computed to obtain label confusing information that is incorporated to cost-sensitive sequence labeling. Experimental results on POS tagging and NER tasks show that our proposed framework achieves competitive performance in inferring ground-truth from crowds and predicting unknown sequences, and interpreting hierarchical clustering results helps discover labeling patterns of annotators with similar reliability.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 4 Jan 2023 12:53:56 GMT'}]
[array(['Lu', 'Xiaolei', ''], dtype=object)]
Pawe{\l} Machnikowski
Anna Sitek, Pawel Machnikowski
Theory of nonlinear optical response of ensembles of double quantum dots
8 pages, 3 figures; moderately modified
Phys. Rev. B 80, 115301 (2009)
We study theoretically the time-resolved four-wave mixing (FWM) response of an ensemble of pairs of quantum dots undergoing radiative recombination. At short (picosecond) delay times, the response signal shows beats that may be dominated by the subensemble of resonant pairs, which gives access to the information on the interdot coupling. At longer delay times, the decay of the FWM signal is governed by two rates which result from the collective interaction between the two dots and the radiation modes. The two rates correspond to the subradiant and super-radiant components in the radiative decay. Coupling between the dots enhances the collective effects and makes them observable even when the average energy mismatch between the dots is relatively large.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 16 Mar 2009 15:50:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 4 Oct 2009 05:36:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Sitek', 'Anna', ''], dtype=object) array(['Machnikowski', 'Pawel', ''], dtype=object)]
Chris Van Den Broeck
Chris Van Den Broeck, Anand S. Sengupta
Compact binary inspiral and the science potential of third-generation ground-based gravitational wave detectors
3 pages, 4 figures. Brief summary of a talk given at the 11th Marcel Grossmann meeting, Berlin, July 2006; to appear in the Proceedings
gr-qc astro-ph
We consider EGO as a possible third-generation ground-based gravitational wave detector and evaluate its capabilities for the detection and interpretation of compact binary inspiral signals. We identify areas of astrophysics and cosmology where EGO would have qualitative advantages, using Advanced LIGO as a benchmark for comparison.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 13 Dec 2006 18:12:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Broeck', 'Chris Van Den', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sengupta', 'Anand S.', ''], dtype=object)]
Richard Atkins
Richard Atkins
The Lie Algebra of Local Killing Fields
20 pages
math-ph math.DG math.MP
We present an algebraic procedure that finds the Lie algebra of the local Killing fields of a smooth metric. In particular, we determine the number of independent local Killing fields about a given point on the manifold. Spaces of constant curvature and locally symmetric spaces are also discussed. Furthermore, we obtain a complete classification of the Lie algebra of local Killing fields for surfaces in terms of conditions upon the Gauss curvature.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 27 Aug 2008 16:30:53 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 8 Oct 2008 17:55:53 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Fri, 18 Sep 2009 02:06:04 GMT'}]
[array(['Atkins', 'Richard', ''], dtype=object)]
Hans van Haren
Hans van Haren
Foucault-Wheatstone device in the deep-sea
16 pages, 3 figures
A pressure sensor, located for 4 months in the middle of a 1275-m long taut deep-sea mooring in 2380 m water-depth above a seamount with sub-surface top-buoys and seafloor anchor-weight, demonstrates deterministic spectral peaks at sub-harmonics of the local near-inertial frequency. None of these frequencies can be associated with oceanographic motions. No corresponding peaks are found in spectra of other observables like water-flow (differences), temperature, and pressure in the top-buoys of the mooring. The mid-cable pressure sensor was mounted on a nearly 1-kN weighing non-swiveled frame. Its data seem to reflect a resonant mechanical oscillation of the tensioned mooring cable under repeated short-scale Strouhal vibrations induced by water-flow. Equivalent vertical motions of 0.5-m amplitudes are found dominant at frequency f*/4, with monotonically decreasing peaks at f*/2, 3f*/4 and f* = 1.083f, where f denotes the local inertial frequency of Earth rotation. The observations provide, physically, proof of the Earth rotation and, oceanographically, of the relative vortex-rotation dzeta = 0.083f induced by (sub-)mesoscale eddies associated with a nearby seamount, so that effective near-inertial frequency f* = f + dzeta. As instrumentation only shows mid-cable resonant signals it is not considered as a Foucault pendulum, but more likely an Earth-rotation equivalent of the Wheatstone device with the mooring cable acting as elastic springs. While the f*/2 motion reflects the Foucault principle of linear orbits fixed in an inertial frame of reference, the dominant sub-harmonic f*/4 suggests resemblance with the precession of a spherical oscillator at half the angular speed of rotation.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 11 May 2022 09:04:41 GMT'}]
[array(['van Haren', 'Hans', ''], dtype=object)]
Gabriela Montoya
Gabriela Montoya, Hala Skaf-Molli, Pascal Molli, Maria-Esther Vidal
Efficient Query Processing for SPARQL Federations with Replicated Fragments
Low reliability and availability of public SPARQL endpoints prevent real-world applications from exploiting all the potential of these querying infras-tructures. Fragmenting data on servers can improve data availability but degrades performance. Replicating fragments can offer new tradeoff between performance and availability. We propose FEDRA, a framework for querying Linked Data that takes advantage of client-side data replication, and performs a source selection algorithm that aims to reduce the number of selected public SPARQL endpoints, execution time, and intermediate results. FEDRA has been implemented on the state-of-the-art query engines ANAPSID and FedX, and empirically evaluated on a variety of real-world datasets.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 10 Mar 2015 14:57:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Montoya', 'Gabriela', ''], dtype=object) array(['Skaf-Molli', 'Hala', ''], dtype=object) array(['Molli', 'Pascal', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vidal', 'Maria-Esther', ''], dtype=object)]
Taras Banakh
Taras Banakh, Bogdan Bokalo, and Nadiya Kolos
On $\infty$-convex sets in spaces of scatteredly continuous functions
10 pages
Topology Appl. 169 (2014) 33-44
math.GN math.FA
Given a topological space $X$, we study the structure of $\infty$-convex subsets in the space $SC_p(X)$ of scatteredly continuous functions on $X$. Our main result says that for a topological space $X$ with countable strong fan tightness, each potentially bounded $\infty$-convex subset $F\subset SC_p(X)$ is weakly discontinuous in the sense that each non-empty subset $A\subset X$ contains an open dense subset $U\subset A$ such that each function $f|U$, $f\in F$, is continuous. This implies that $F$ has network weight $nw(F)\le nw(X)$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 3 Jul 2012 20:27:58 GMT'}]
[array(['Banakh', 'Taras', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bokalo', 'Bogdan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kolos', 'Nadiya', ''], dtype=object)]
Apurba Das
Apurba Das
Deformations and homotopy theory for Rota-Baxter family algebras
23 pages; Comments are welcome
The concept of Rota-Baxter family algebra is a generalization of Rota-Baxter algebra. It appears naturally in the algebraic aspects of renormalizations in quantum field theory. Rota-Baxter family algebras are closely related to dendriform family algebras. In this paper, we first construct an $L_\infty$-algebra whose Maurer-Cartan elements correspond to Rota-Baxter family algebra structures. Using this characterization, we define the cohomology of a given Rota-Baxter family algebra. As an application of our cohomology, we study formal and infinitesimal deformations of a given Rota-Baxter family algebra. Next, we define the notion of a homotopy Rota-Baxter family algebra structure on a given $A_\infty$-algebra. We end this paper by considering the homotopy version of dendriform family algebras and their relations with homotopy Rota-Baxter family algebras.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 28 Dec 2022 19:15:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Das', 'Apurba', ''], dtype=object)]
Becky Canning
R. E. A. Canning, G. J. Ferland, A. C. Fabian, R. M. Johnstone, P. A. M. van Hoof, R. L. Porter, N. Werner and R. J. R. Williams
Collisional excitation of [C II], [O I] and CO in Massive Galaxies
17 pages, submitted to MNRAS
astro-ph.GA astro-ph.CO
Many massive galaxies at the centres of relaxed galaxy clusters and groups have vast reservoirs of cool (~10,000 K) and cold (~100 K) gas. In many low redshift brightest group and cluster galaxies this gas is lifted into the hot ISM in filamentary structures, which are long lived and are typically not forming stars. Two important questions are how far do these reservoirs cool and if cold gas is abundant what is the cause of the low star formation efficiency? Heating and excitation of the filaments from collisions and mixing of hot particles in the surrounding X-ray gas describes well the optical and near infra-red line ratios observed in the filaments. In this paper we examine the theoretical properties of dense, cold clouds emitting in the far infra-red and submillimeter through the bright lines of [C II]157 \mu m , [O I]63 \mu m and CO, exposed to these energetic ionising particles. While some emission lines may be optically thick we find this is not sufficient to model the emission line ratios. Models where the filaments are supported by thermal pressure support alone also cannot account for the cold gas line ratios but a very modest additional pressure support, either from turbulence or magnetic fields can fit the observed [O I]/[C II] line ratios by decreasing the density of the gas. This may also help stabilise the filaments against collapse leading to the low rates of star formation. Finally we make predictions for the line ratios expected from cold gas under these conditions and present diagnostic diagrams for comparison with further observations. We provide our code as an Appendix.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 6 Jan 2015 05:29:52 GMT'}]
[array(['Canning', 'R. E. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ferland', 'G. J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fabian', 'A. C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Johnstone', 'R. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['van Hoof', 'P. A. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Porter', 'R. L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Werner', 'N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Williams', 'R. J. R.', ''], dtype=object)]
Daniel Paulin
Daniel Paulin, Ajay Jasra, Dan Crisan and Alexandros Beskos
On Concentration Properties of Partially Observed Chaotic Systems
49 pages, 4 figures. Minor changes and some references added in this version
math.ST math.DS stat.TH
This article presents results on the concentration properties of the smoothing and filtering distributions of some partially observed chaotic dynamical systems. We show that, rather surprisingly, for the geometric model of the Lorenz equations, as well as some other chaotic dynamical systems, the smoothing and filtering distributions do not concentrate around the true position of the signal, as the number of observations tends to infinity. Instead, under various assumptions on the observation noise, we show that the expected value of the diameter of the support of the smoothing and filtering distributions remains lower bounded by a constant times the standard deviation of the noise, independently of the number of observations. Conversely, under rather general conditions, the diameter of the support of the smoothing and filtering distributions are upper bounded by a constant times the standard deviation of the noise. To some extent, applications to the three dimensional Lorenz 63' model and to the Lorenz 96' model of arbitrarily large dimension are considered.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 30 Aug 2016 07:31:05 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 29 Jan 2018 09:34:33 GMT'}]
[array(['Paulin', 'Daniel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jasra', 'Ajay', ''], dtype=object) array(['Crisan', 'Dan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Beskos', 'Alexandros', ''], dtype=object)]
Ricardo Bortolotti
Ricardo T. Bortolotti
Physical Measures for Certain Partially Hyperbolic Attractors on 3-Manifolds
In this work, we study ergodic properties of certain partially hyperbolic attractors whose central direction has a neutral behavior, the main feature is a condition of transversality between unstable leaves when projected by the stable holonomy. We prove that partial hyperbolic attractors satisfying conditions of transversality between unstable leaves via the stable holonomy, neutrality in the central direction and regularity of the stable foliation admits a finite number of physical measures, coinciding with the ergodic u-Gibbs States, whose union of the basins has full Lebesgue measure. Moreover, we describe the construction of a family of robustly nonhyperbolic attractors satisfying these properties.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 2 Jun 2015 17:34:16 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 22 Feb 2017 20:08:05 GMT'}]
[array(['Bortolotti', 'Ricardo T.', ''], dtype=object)]
Oleg Kirichek I
T. R. Charlton, R. M. Dalgliesh, A. Ganshin, O. Kirichek, S. Langridge, P. V. E. McClintock
Neutron Reflection from the Surface of Liquid 4He with and without a Layer of 3He
We report and discuss the first neutron reflection measurements from the free surface of normal and superfluid 4He and of liquid 3He-4He mixture. In case of liquid 4He the surface roughness is different above and below the lambda transition, being smoother in the superfluid state. For the superfluid, we also observe the formation of a surface layer ~200 A thick which has a subtly different neutron scattering cross-section. The results can be interpreted as an enhancement of Bose-Einstein condensate fraction close to the helium surface. We find that the addition of 3He isotopic impurities leads to the formation of Andreev levels at low temperatures.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 19 Nov 2008 17:26:58 GMT'}]
[array(['Charlton', 'T. R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dalgliesh', 'R. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ganshin', 'A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kirichek', 'O.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Langridge', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['McClintock', 'P. V. E.', ''], dtype=object)]
Vincent Beffara
Andr\'as B\'alint, Vincent Beffara (UMPA-ENSL), Vincent Tassion (UMPA-ENSL)
Confidence intervals for the critical value in the divide and color model
We obtain confidence intervals for the location of the percolation phase transition in H\"aggstr\"om's divide and color model on the square lattice $\mathbb{Z}^2$ and the hexagonal lattice $\mathbb{H}$. The resulting probabilistic bounds are much tighter than the best deterministic bounds up to date; they give a clear picture of the behavior of the DaC models on $\mathbb{Z}^2$ and $\mathbb{H}$ and enable a comparison with the triangular lattice $\mathbb{T}$. In particular, our numerical results suggest similarities between DaC model on these three lattices that are in line with universality considerations, but with a remarkable difference: while the critical value function $r_c(p)$ is known to be constant in the parameter $p$ for $p<p_c$ on $\mathbb{T}$ and appears to be linear on $\mathbb{Z}^2$, it is almost certainly non-linear on $\mathbb{H}$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:21:06 GMT'}]
[array(['Bálint', 'András', '', 'UMPA-ENSL'], dtype=object) array(['Beffara', 'Vincent', '', 'UMPA-ENSL'], dtype=object) array(['Tassion', 'Vincent', '', 'UMPA-ENSL'], dtype=object)]
Shibaji Roy
P.M.Llatas and S.Roy
Observations on the Topological Structure in 2d Gravity Coupled to Minimal Matter
13 pages, plain tex, UG-5/94 Some clarifying statements and two new references added
Phys.Lett. B342 (1995) 66-72
By using a bosonization we uncover the topological gravity structure of Labastida, Pernici and Witten in ordinary $2d$ gravity coupled to $(p,q)$ minimal models. We study the cohomology class associated with the fermionic charge of the topological gravity which is shown to be isomorphic to that of the total $BRST$ charge. One of the ground ring generators of $c_M <1$ string theory is found to be in the equivariant cohomology of this fermionic charge.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 20 Jun 1994 16:45:00 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 19 Oct 1994 17:08:54 GMT'}]
[array(['Llatas', 'P. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Roy', 'S.', ''], dtype=object)]
Rajan Chhetri
R. Chhetri, R. D. Ekers, J. Morgan, J.-P. Macquart and T. M. O. Franzen
Interplanetary Scintillation studies with the Murchison Wide-field Array III: Comparison of source counts and densities for radio sources and their sub-arcsecond components at 162 MHz
Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 11 pages, 7 figures
astro-ph.GA astro-ph.CO
We use Murchison Widefield Array observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) to determine the source counts of point ($<$0.3 arcsecond extent) sources and of all sources with some subarcsecond structure, at 162 MHz. We have developed the methodology to derive these counts directly from the IPS observables, while taking into account changes in sensitivity across the survey area. The counts of sources with compact structure follow the behaviour of the dominant source population above $\sim$3 Jy but below this they show Euclidean behaviour. We compare our counts to those predicted by simulations and find a good agreement for our counts of sources with compact structure, but significant disagreement for point source counts. Using low radio frequency SEDs from the GLEAM survey, we classify point sources as Compact Steep-Spectrum (CSS), flat spectrum, or peaked. If we consider the CSS sources to be the more evolved counterparts of the peaked sources, the two categories combined comprise approximately 80% of the point source population. We calculate densities of potential calibrators brighter than 0.4 Jy at low frequencies and find 0.2 sources per square degrees for point sources, rising to 0.7 sources per square degree if sources with more complex arcsecond structure are included. We extrapolate to estimate 4.6 sources per square degrees at 0.04 Jy. We find that a peaked spectrum is an excellent predictor for compactness at low frequencies, increasing the number of good calibrators by a factor of three compared to the usual flat spectrum criterion.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 21 Jun 2018 04:32:50 GMT'}]
[array(['Chhetri', 'R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ekers', 'R. D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Morgan', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Macquart', 'J. -P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Franzen', 'T. M. O.', ''], dtype=object)]
Angel Garcia-Chung
Angel Garcia-Chung
The symplectic group in Polymer Quantum Mechanics
20 pages
Phys. Rev. D 101, 106004 (2020)
gr-qc math-ph math.MP quant-ph
In this paper we provide the representation of the symplectic group $Sp(2n, \mathbb{R})$ in polymer quantum mechanics. We derive the propagator of the polymer free particle and the polymer harmonic oscillator without considering a polymer scale. The polymer scale is then introduced to reconcile our results with those expressions for the polymer free particle. The propagator for the polymer harmonic oscillator implies non-unitary evolution.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 1 Mar 2020 03:35:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Garcia-Chung', 'Angel', ''], dtype=object)]
L\'eonard Cadilhac
L\'eonard Cadilhac
Noncommutative Khintchine inequalities in interpolation spaces of $L_p$-spaces
33 pages, published version
Adv. Math., 352:265--296 (2019)
math.OA math.FA
We prove noncommutative Khintchine inequalities for all interpolation spaces between $L_p$ and $L_2$ with $p<2$. In particular, it follows that Khintchine inequalities hold in $L_{1,\infty}$. Using a similar method, we find a new deterministic equivalent for the $RC$-norm in all interpolation spaces between $L_p$-spaces which unifies the cases $p > 2$ and $p < 2$. It produces a new proof of Khintchine inequalities for $p<1$ for free variables. To complete the picture, we exhibit counter-examples which show that neither of the usual closed formulas for Khintchine inequalities can work in $L_{2,\infty}$. We also give an application to martingale inequalities.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 17 Sep 2018 09:23:04 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 14 Nov 2019 16:19:28 GMT'}]
[array(['Cadilhac', 'Léonard', ''], dtype=object)]
R\'emi Soummer
R\'emi Soummer, Marshall D. Perrin, Laurent Pueyo, \'Elodie Choquet, Christine Chen, David A. Golimowski, J. Brendan Hagan, Tushar Mittal, Margaret Moerchen, Mamadou N'Diaye, Abhijith Rajan, Schuyler Wolff, John Debes, Dean C. Hines, Glenn Schneider
Five Debris Disks Newly Revealed in Scattered Light from the HST NICMOS Archive
6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table
We have spatially resolved five debris disks (HD 30447, HD 35841, HD 141943, HD 191089, and HD 202917) for the first time in near-infrared scattered light by reanalyzing archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/NICMOS coronagraphic images obtained between 1999 and 2006. One of these disks (HD 202917) was previously resolved at visible wavelengths using HST/Advanced Camera for Surveys. To obtain these new disk images, we performed advanced point-spread function subtraction based on the Karhunen-Loeve Image Projection (KLIP) algorithm on recently reprocessed NICMOS data with improved detector artifact removal (Legacy Archive PSF Library And Circumstellar Environments Legacy program). Three of the disks (HD 30447, HD 35841, and HD 141943) appear edge-on, while the other two (HD 191089 and HD 202917) appear inclined. The inclined disks have been sculpted into rings; in particular, the disk around HD 202917 exhibits strong asymmetries. All five host stars are young (8-40 Myr), nearby (40-100 pc) F and G stars, and one (HD 141943) is a close analog to the young sun during the epoch of terrestrial planet formation. Our discoveries increase the number of debris disks resolved in scattered light from 19 to 23 (a 21% increase). Given their youth, proximity, and brightness (V = 7.2 to 8.5), these targets are excellent candidates for follow-up investigations of planet formation at visible wavelengths using the HST/STIS coronagraph, at near-infrared wavelengths with the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) and Very Large Telescope (VLT)/SPHERE, and at thermal infrared wavelengths with the James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam and MIRI coronagraphs.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 22 Apr 2014 20:00:00 GMT'}]
[array(['Soummer', 'Rémi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Perrin', 'Marshall D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pueyo', 'Laurent', ''], dtype=object) array(['Choquet', 'Élodie', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Christine', ''], dtype=object) array(['Golimowski', 'David A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hagan', 'J. Brendan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mittal', 'Tushar', ''], dtype=object) array(['Moerchen', 'Margaret', ''], dtype=object) array(["N'Diaye", 'Mamadou', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rajan', 'Abhijith', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wolff', 'Schuyler', ''], dtype=object) array(['Debes', 'John', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hines', 'Dean C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schneider', 'Glenn', ''], dtype=object)]
Jeff Murugan
Jean-Gabriel Hartmann, Jeff Murugan and Jonathan P. Shock
Chaos and Scrambling in Quantum Small Worlds
5 pages, 6 figures
hep-th cond-mat.stat-mech quant-ph
Quantum small-worlds are quantum many-body systems that interpolate between completely ordered (nearest-neighbour, next-to-nearest-neighbour etc.) and completely random interactions. As such, they furnish a novel new laboratory to study quantum systems transitioning between regular and chaotic behaviour. In this article, we introduce the idea of a quantum small-world network by starting from a well understood integrable system, a spin-1 Heisenberg chain. We then inject a small number of long-range interactions into the spin chain and study its ability to scramble quantum information using two primary devices: the out-of-time-order correlator (OTOC) and the spectral form factor (SFF). We find that the system shows increasingly rapid scrambling as its interactions become progressively more random, with no evidence of quantum chaos.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 14 Jan 2019 20:59:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Hartmann', 'Jean-Gabriel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Murugan', 'Jeff', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shock', 'Jonathan P.', ''], dtype=object)]
Matthias R. Gaberdiel
Matthias R. Gaberdiel and Rajesh Gopakumar
The String Dual to Free ${\cal N}=4$ Super Yang-Mills
4 pages + references and supplementary material; v2: references added and small changes in wording
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 131601 (2021)
We propose a worldsheet description for the ${\rm AdS}_5\times {\rm S}^5$ string theory dual to large $N$, free ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills in four dimensions. The worldsheet theory is a natural generalisation of the recently investigated tensionless string on ${\rm AdS}_3\times {\rm S}^3\times \mathbb{T}^4$. As in the case of ${\rm AdS}_3$ it has a free field description, with spectrally flowed sectors, and is closely related to an (ambi-)twistor string theory. Here, however, we view it as a critical $N=4$ (closed) string background. We argue that the corresponding worldsheet gauge constraints reduce the degrees of freedom to a finite number of oscillators (string bits) in each spectrally flowed sector. Imposing a set of residual gauge constraints on this reduced oscillator Fock space then determines the physical spectrum of the string theory. Quite remarkably, we find compelling evidence that this prescription reproduces precisely the entire planar spectrum - of single trace operators - of the free super Yang-Mills theory.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 16 Apr 2021 17:50:28 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 29 May 2021 15:22:52 GMT'}]
[array(['Gaberdiel', 'Matthias R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gopakumar', 'Rajesh', ''], dtype=object)]
Jackson Levi Said
Jackson Levi Said, Joseph Sultana, and Kristian Zarb Adami
Gravitomagnetic effects in conformal gravity
8 pages
Phys. Rev. D 88, 087504, 2013
Gravitomagnetic effects are characterized by two phenomena: first, the geodetic effect which describes the precession of the spin of a gyroscope in a free orbit around a massive object, second, the Lense-Thirring effect which describes the precession of the orbital plane about a rotating source mass. We calculate both these effects in the fourth-order theory of conformal Weyl gravity for the test case of circular orbits. We show that for the geodetic effect a linear term arises which may be interesting for high radial orbits, whereas for the Lense-Thirring effect the additional term has a diminishing effect for most orbits. Circular orbits are also considered in general leading up to a generalization of Kepler's third law.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 10 Jan 2014 10:38:54 GMT'}]
[array(['Said', 'Jackson Levi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sultana', 'Joseph', ''], dtype=object) array(['Adami', 'Kristian Zarb', ''], dtype=object)]
Aleksandr Setkov
Thomas Defard, Aleksandr Setkov, Angelique Loesch, Romaric Audigier
PaDiM: a Patch Distribution Modeling Framework for Anomaly Detection and Localization
7 pages, 2 figures, 8 tables, accepted at the 1st International Workshop on Industrial Machine Learning, ICPR 2020
We present a new framework for Patch Distribution Modeling, PaDiM, to concurrently detect and localize anomalies in images in a one-class learning setting. PaDiM makes use of a pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN) for patch embedding, and of multivariate Gaussian distributions to get a probabilistic representation of the normal class. It also exploits correlations between the different semantic levels of CNN to better localize anomalies. PaDiM outperforms current state-of-the-art approaches for both anomaly detection and localization on the MVTec AD and STC datasets. To match real-world visual industrial inspection, we extend the evaluation protocol to assess performance of anomaly localization algorithms on non-aligned dataset. The state-of-the-art performance and low complexity of PaDiM make it a good candidate for many industrial applications.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 17 Nov 2020 17:29:18 GMT'}]
[array(['Defard', 'Thomas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Setkov', 'Aleksandr', ''], dtype=object) array(['Loesch', 'Angelique', ''], dtype=object) array(['Audigier', 'Romaric', ''], dtype=object)]
Ravi Shankar
Ravi Shankar
Recovering a quasilinear conductivity from boundary measurements
29 pages
We consider the inverse problem of recovering an isotropic quasilinear conductivity from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map when the conductivity depends on the solution and its gradient. We show that the conductivity can be recovered on an open subset of small gradients, hence extending a partial result to all real analytic conductivities. We also recover non-analytic conductivities with additional growth assumptions along large gradients. Moreover, the results hold for non-homogeneous conductivities if the non-homogeneous part is assumed known.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 12 Oct 2019 02:04:17 GMT'}]
[array(['Shankar', 'Ravi', ''], dtype=object)]
Alejandro Perez
Lautaro Amadei and Alejandro Perez
Planckian discreteness as seeds for cosmic structure
Peer reviewed version
gr-qc hep-ph hep-th
We propose a model of inflation driven by the relaxation of an initially Planckian cosmological constant due to diffusion. The model can generate a (approximately) scale invariant spectrum of (adiabatic) primordial perturbations with the correct amplitudes and red tilt without an inflaton. The inhomogeneities observable in the CMB arise from those associated to the fundamental Planckian granularity that are imprinted into the standard model Higgs scalar fluctuations during the inflationary phase. The process admits a semiclassical interpretation and avoids the trans-Planckian problem of standard inflationary scenarios based on the role of vacuum fluctuations. The deviations from scale invariance observed in the CMB are controlled by the self coupling constant of the Higgs scalar of the standard model of particle physics. The thermal production of primordial black holes can produce the amount of cold dark matter required by observations. For natural initial conditions set at the Planck scale the amplitude and tilt of the power spectrum of perturbations observed at the CMB depend only on known parameters of the standard model such as the self coupling of the Higgs scalar and its mass.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 18 Apr 2021 15:25:13 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 4 May 2021 10:58:39 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Thu, 9 Jun 2022 09:27:58 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Fri, 9 Sep 2022 08:17:44 GMT'}]
[array(['Amadei', 'Lautaro', ''], dtype=object) array(['Perez', 'Alejandro', ''], dtype=object)]
Manfred Bucher
Manfred Bucher
Fermi arc, pseudogap and strange-metal phase in hole-dopd lanthanum cuprates
20 pages, 4 figures
Hole doping of La_{2-x}Ae_xCuO_4 (Ae=Sr,Ba) and La_{2-y-x}Ln_ySr_xCuO_4 (Ln = Nd, Eu; y = 0.4, 0.2) introduces unidirectional charge density waves (CDWs) of incommensurability delta_c(x) in domains of the CuO_2 planes. A periodic structure, each CDW gives rise to a Bragg-reflection mirror of extension delta_c(x) that attaches to a nodal point \.{Q} on the planar diagonal in reciprocal space. This confines itinerant holes to a Fermi arc about \.{Q}, leaving a pseudogap along the remainder of the underlying Fermi surface. The length of the Fermi arc and the magnitude of the pseudogap both are determined by \delta_c(x). The pseudogap closes when the Fermi arc reaches the antinodal symmetry points M. This is the case at a doping level x^*_0 = 0.182 for La_{2-x}Ae_xCuO_4 at T=0 (quantum critical point, QCP) and otherwise at a doping-dependent pseudogap temperature T^*(x) that marks the boundary between the compounds' pseudogap phase and strange-metal phase. The different value of the observed QCP in La_{2-y-x}Ln_ySr_xCuO_4, x^*_0 = 0.235, is attributed to extra magnetic order from Ln^{3+} ions with a finite magnetic moment instead of La^{3+} with none. The possibility of quantum oscillations in La_{2-y-x}Ln_ySr_xCuO_4 in the high-end doping interval of their pseudogap phase, 0.182 < x < 0.235, is raised. The strange-metal phase is interpreted as a consequence of conflicting Bragg reflection conditions for the crystals' itinerant charge carriers when boundaries of the BZ and the CDW mirrors coincide, frustrating umklapp processes of carrier-carrier scattering.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 17 Apr 2017 06:26:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Bucher', 'Manfred', ''], dtype=object)]
Dao Tien Khoa
Nguyen Hoang Phuc, Dao T. Khoa, and Nguyen Tri Toan Phuc
Elastic $\alpha$ transfer in the $^{16}$O+$^{12}$C scattering and its impact on the nuclear rainbow
Dedicated to the memory of Mahir Hussein; to be published in EPJA
Elastic $^{16}$O+$^{12}$C scattering is known to exhibit the nuclear rainbow pattern at incident energies $E_\text{lab}\gtrsim 200$ MeV, with the Airy structure of the far-side scattering cross section clearly seen at medium and large angles. Such a rainbow pattern is well described by the deep real optical potential (OP) given by the double-folding model (DFM). At lower energies, the extensive elastic $^{16}$O+$^{12}$C scattering data show consistently that the nuclear rainbow pattern at backward angles is deteriorated by an oscillating enhancement of elastic cross section that is difficult to describe in the conventional optical model (OM). Given a significant $\alpha$ spectroscopic factor predicted for the dissociation $^{16}$O$\to\alpha+^{12}$C by the shell model and $\alpha$-cluster models, the contribution of the elastic $\alpha$ transfer (or the core-core exchange) to the elastic $^{16}$O+$^{12}$C scattering should not be negligible and is expected to account for the enhanced elastic cross section at backward angles. To reveal the impact of the elastic $\alpha$ transfer, a systematic coupled reaction channels analysis of the elastic $^{16}$O+$^{12}$C scattering has been performed, with the coupling between the elastic scattering and elastic $\alpha$ transfer channels treated explicitly, using the real OP given by the DFM. We found that the elastic $\alpha$ transfer enhances the near-side scattering significantly at backward angles, giving rise to an oscillating distortion of the smooth Airy structure. The dynamic polarization of the OP by the coupling between the elastic scattering and elastic $\alpha$ transfer channels can be effectively taken into account in the OM calculation by an angular-momentum (or parity) dependent potential added to the imaginary OP, as suggested by Frahn and Hussein 40 years ago.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 9 Dec 2020 07:48:17 GMT'}]
[array(['Phuc', 'Nguyen Hoang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Khoa', 'Dao T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Phuc', 'Nguyen Tri Toan', ''], dtype=object)]
Keyang Liu
Keyang Liu, Yukio Ohsawa
Improving Blockchain scalability based on one-time cross-chain contract and gossip network
10 pages, 5 figures
This study proposes a novel solution that provides secure interoperability for blockchains, which improves the overall scalability of the whole blockchain network. In our solution, a cross-chain task will build a one-time cross-blockchain contract. Each blockchain system can follow the contract to complete or this task. The result of tasks is bound with the system, hence can be anchored to all other blockchain systems through the gossip network. This work shows our result can provide linear scalability for the whole system and achieve consistency among honest systems.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 11 Aug 2020 09:35:14 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 9 May 2021 15:32:56 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 10 Jan 2022 15:01:06 GMT'}]
[array(['Liu', 'Keyang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ohsawa', 'Yukio', ''], dtype=object)]
Krzysztof Maciesiak
Krzysztof Maciesiak (1), Janusz Gil (1) and Val\'erio A. R. M. Ribeiro (2) ((1) Kepler Institute of Astronomy, University of Zielona G\'ora, (2) Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University)
On the pulse--width statistics in radio pulsars. I. Importance of the interpulse emission
35 pages, 18 figures
We performed Monte Carlo simulations of different properties of pulsar radio emission, such as: pulsar periods, pulse-widths, inclination angles and rates of occurrence of interpulse emission (IP). We used recently available large data sets of the pulsar periods P, the pulse profile widths W and the magnetic inclination angle alpha. We also compiled the largest ever database of pulsars with interpulse emission, divided into the double-pole (DP-IP) and the single-pole (SP-IP) cases. Their distribution on the P - Pdot diagram strongly suggests a secular alignment of the magnetic axis from the originally random orientation. We derived possible parent distribution functions of important pulsar parameters by means of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov significance test using the available data sets (P, W, alpha and IP), different models of pulsar radio beam rho = rho(P) as well as different trial distribution functions of pulsar period and the inclination angles. The best suited parent period distribution function is the log-normal distribution, although the gamma function distribution cannot be excluded. The strongest constraint on derived model distribution functions was the requirement that the numbers of interpulses were exactly (within 1sigma errors) at the observed level of occurrences. We found that a suitable model distribution function for the inclination angle is the complicated trigonometric function which has two local maxima, one near 0 deg and the other near 90 deg. The former and the latter implies the right rates of IP occurrence. It is very unlikely that the pulsar beam deviates significantly from the circular cross-section. We found that the upper limit for the average beaming factor fb describing a fraction of the full sphere (called also beaming fraction) covered by a pulsar beam is about 10%. This implies that the number of the neutron stars in the Galaxy might be underestimated.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 16 Feb 2011 14:39:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Maciesiak', 'Krzysztof', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gil', 'Janusz', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ribeiro', 'Valério A. R. M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Ilan Shomorony
Ilan Shomorony and A. Salman Avestimehr
Degrees of Freedom of Two-Hop Wireless Networks: "Everyone Gets the Entire Cake"
Presented at the 2012 Allerton Conference. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
cs.IT math.IT
We show that fully connected two-hop wireless networks with K sources, K relays and K destinations have K degrees of freedom both in the case of time-varying channel coefficients and in the case of constant channel coefficients (in which case the result holds for almost all values of constant channel coefficients). Our main contribution is a new achievability scheme which we call Aligned Network Diagonalization. This scheme allows the data streams transmitted by the sources to undergo a diagonal linear transformation from the sources to the destinations, thus being received free of interference by their intended destination. In addition, we extend our scheme to multi-hop networks with fully connected hops, and multi-hop networks with MIMO nodes, for which the degrees of freedom are also fully characterized.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 8 Oct 2012 04:16:06 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 15 May 2013 00:02:56 GMT'}]
[array(['Shomorony', 'Ilan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Avestimehr', 'A. Salman', ''], dtype=object)]
Dong Li
Dong Li, Chaoyu Quan and Jiao Xu
Stability and convergence of Strang splitting. Part I: Scalar Allen-Cahn equation
22 pages, to appear in JCP
math.NA cs.NA math.AP
We consider a class of second-order Strang splitting methods for Allen-Cahn equations with polynomial or logarithmic nonlinearities. For the polynomial case both the linear and the nonlinear propagators are computed explicitly. We show that this type of Strang splitting scheme is unconditionally stable regardless of the time step. Moreover we establish strict energy dissipation for a judiciously modified energy which coincides with the classical energy up to $\mathcal O(\tau)$ where $\tau$ is the time step. For the logarithmic potential case, since the continuous-time nonlinear propagator no longer enjoys explicit analytic treatments, we employ a second order in time two-stage implicit Runge--Kutta (RK) nonlinear propagator together with an efficient Newton iterative solver. We prove a maximum principle which ensures phase separation and establish energy dissipation law under mild restrictions on the time step. These appear to be the first rigorous results on the energy dissipation of Strang-type splitting methods for Allen-Cahn equations.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 11 Aug 2021 13:23:18 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 1 Mar 2022 03:45:34 GMT'}]
[array(['Li', 'Dong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Quan', 'Chaoyu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xu', 'Jiao', ''], dtype=object)]
Benjamin Assel
Benjamin Assel
The Space of Vacua of 3d $\mathcal{N}=3$ Abelian Theories
78 pages, 41 figures
We use brane techniques to study the space of vacua of abelian 3d $\mathcal{N}=3$ gauge theories. The coordinates on these spaces are the vevs of chiral monopole and meson operators, which are realized in the type IIB brane configuration of the theory by adding semi-infinite $(1,k)$ strings or F1 strings. The study of various brane setups allows us to determine a basis of chiral operators and chiral ring relations relevant to each branch of vacua, leading to the algebraic description of these branches. The method is mostly graphical and does not require actual computations. We apply it and provide explicit results in various examples. For linear quivers we find that the space of vacua has in general a collection of Coulomb-like branches, a Higgs branch and mixed branches. For circular quivers we find an extra branch, the geometric branch, parametrized by monopoles with equal magnetic charges in all $U(1)$ nodes and meson operators. We explain how to include FI and mass deformations. We also study $\mathcal{N}=3$ theories realized with $(p,q)$ 5-branes.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 2 Jun 2017 18:01:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Assel', 'Benjamin', ''], dtype=object)]
Masahito Hayashi
Masahito Hayashi
Iterative minimization algorithm on mixture family
cs.IT math.IT
Iterative minimization algorithms appear in various areas including machine learning, neural network, and information theory. The em algorithm is one of the famous one in the former area, and Arimoto-Blahut algorithm is a typical one in the latter area. However, these two topics had been separately studied for a long time. In this paper, we generalize an algorithm that was recently proposed in the context of Arimoto-Blahut algorithm. Then, we show various convergence theorems, one of which covers the case when each iterative step is done approximately. Also, we apply this algorithm to the target problem in em algorithm, and propose its improvement. In addition, we apply it to other various problems in information theory.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:48:07 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 11 Apr 2023 07:02:19 GMT'}]
[array(['Hayashi', 'Masahito', ''], dtype=object)]
Kwokwai Chan
Kwokwai Chan, Naichung Conan Leung, Ziming Nikolas Ma
Smoothing, scattering, and a conjecture of Fukaya
49 pages, 3 figures; v3: minor changes. Comments welcome
math.AG math.SG
In 2002, Fukaya proposed a remarkable explanation of mirror symmetry detailing the SYZ conjecture by introducing two correspondences: one between the theory of pseudo-holomorphic curves on a Calabi-Yau manifold $\check{X}$ and the multi-valued Morse theory on the base $\check{B}$ of an SYZ fibration $\check{p}: \check{X}\to \check{B}$, and the other between deformation theory of the mirror $X$ and the same multi-valued Morse theory on $\check{B}$. In this paper, we prove a reformulation of the main conjecture in Fukaya's second correspondence, where multi-valued Morse theory on the base $\check{B}$ is replaced by tropical geometry on the Legendre dual $B$. In the proof, we apply techniques of asymptotic analysis developed in our previous works to tropicalize the pre-dgBV algebra which governs smoothing of a maximally degenerate Calabi-Yau log variety introduced in another of our recent work. Then a comparison between this tropicalized algebra with the dgBV algebra associated to the deformation theory of the semi-flat part $X_{\text{sf}} \subseteq X$ allows us to extract consistent scattering diagrams from appropriate Maurer-Cartan solutions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 20 May 2022 02:08:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 29 Jul 2022 09:16:38 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Thu, 17 Nov 2022 02:20:19 GMT'}]
[array(['Chan', 'Kwokwai', ''], dtype=object) array(['Leung', 'Naichung Conan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ma', 'Ziming Nikolas', ''], dtype=object)]
Xiaodian Chen
Xiaodian Chen (1,2,3), Richard de Grijs (1,2), Licai Deng (3) ((1) Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University (2) Department of Astronomy, Peking University (3) Key Laboratory for Optical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
A search for open cluster Cepheids in the Galactic plane
16 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS
We analyse all potential combinations of Galactic Cepheids and open clusters (OCs) in the most up-to-date catalogues available. Isochrone fitting and proper-motion calcula- tion are applied to all potential OC{Cepheid combinations. Five selection criteria are used to select possible OC Cepheids: (i) the Cepheid of interest must be located within 60 arcmin of the OC's centre; (ii) the Cepheid's proper motion is located within the 1 sigma distribution of that of its host OC; (iii) the Cepheid is located in the instability strip of its postulated host OC; (iv) the Cepheid and OC distance moduli should differ by less than 1 mag; and (v) the Cepheid and OC ages (and, where available, their metal- licities) should be comparable: {\Delta}log(t yr^-1) < 0.3. Nineteen possible OC Cepheids are found based on our near-infrared (NIR) analysis; eight additional OC{Cepheid associations may be genuine pairs for which we lack NIR data. Six of the Cepheids analysed at NIR wavelengths are new, high-probability OC Cepheids, since they lie on the near-infrared (NIR) period (P){luminosity relation (PLR). These objects include TY Sct and CN Sct in Dolidze 34, XX Sgr in Dolidze 52, CK Sct in NGC 6683, VY Car in ASCC 61 and U Car in Feinstein 1. Two additional new OC Cepheids lack NIR data: V0520 Cyg in NGC 6991 and CS Mon in Juchert 18. The NIR PLR for our confirmed sample of OC Cepheids is M_J = (-3.12 +/- 0.29) log(P day^-1)-(2.17 +/- 0.29) mag, which is in good agreement with the best NIR PLR available for all Galactic Cepheids.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:36:07 GMT'}]
[array(['Chen', 'Xiaodian', ''], dtype=object) array(['de Grijs', 'Richard', ''], dtype=object) array(['Deng', 'Licai', ''], dtype=object)]
Brian Zhou Mr.
Brian B. Zhou, Shashank Misra, Eduardo H. da Silva Neto, Pegor Aynajian, Ryan E. Baumbach, J. D. Thompson, Eric D. Bauer, and Ali Yazdani
Visualizing Nodal Heavy Fermion Superconductivity in CeCoIn5
Advanced online publication in Nature Physics. 15 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary Information
cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.str-el
Understanding the origin of superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems continues to be at the forefront of unsolved problems in all of physics. Among the heavy f-electron systems, CeCoIn5 is one of the most fascinating, as it shares many of the characteristics of correlated d-electron high-Tc cuprate and pnictide superconductors, including the competition between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity. While there has been evidence for unconventional pairing in this compound, high-resolution spectroscopic measurements of the superconducting state have been lacking. Previously, we have used high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy techniques to visualize the emergence of heavy-fermion excitations in CeCoIn5 and demonstrate the composite nature of these excitations well above Tc. Here we extend these techniques to much lower temperatures to investigate how superconductivity develops within a strongly correlated band of composite excitations. We find the spectrum of heavy excitations to be strongly modified just prior to the onset of superconductivity by a suppression of the spectral weight near the Fermi energy, reminiscent of the pseudogap state in the cuprates. By measuring the response of superconductivity to various perturbations, through both quasiparticle interference and local pair-breaking experiments, we demonstrate the nodal d-wave character of superconducting pairing in CeCoIn5.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 14 Jul 2013 22:38:04 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhou', 'Brian B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Misra', 'Shashank', ''], dtype=object) array(['Neto', 'Eduardo H. da Silva', ''], dtype=object) array(['Aynajian', 'Pegor', ''], dtype=object) array(['Baumbach', 'Ryan E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Thompson', 'J. D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bauer', 'Eric D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yazdani', 'Ali', ''], dtype=object)]
Wim Martens
Wim Martens and Tina Trautner
Enumeration Problems for Regular Path Queries
cs.DB cs.FL
Evaluation of regular path queries (RPQs) is a central problem in graph databases. We investigate the corresponding enumeration problem, that is, given a graph and an RPQ, enumerate all paths in the graph that match the RPQ. We consider several versions of this problem, corresponding to different semantics of RPQs that have recently been considered: arbitrary paths, shortest paths, simple paths, and trails. Whereas arbitrary and shortest paths can be enumerated in polynomial delay, the situation is much more intricate for simple paths and trails. For instance, already the question if a given graph contains a simple path or trail of a certain length has cases with highly non-trivial solutions and cases that are long-standing open problems. In this setting, we study RPQ evaluation from a parameterized complexity perspective. We define a class of simple transitive expressions that is prominent in practice and for which we can prove two dichotomy-like results: one for simple paths and one for trails paths. We observe that, even though simple path semantics and trail semantics are intractable for RPQs in general, they are feasible for the vast majority of the kinds of RPQs that users use in practice. At the heart of this study is a result of independent interest on the parameterized complexity of finding disjoint paths in graphs: the two disjoint paths problem is W[1]-hard if parameterized by the length of one of the two paths.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 6 Oct 2017 09:04:45 GMT'}]
[array(['Martens', 'Wim', ''], dtype=object) array(['Trautner', 'Tina', ''], dtype=object)]
Chaoyang Jiang
Chaoyang Jiang, Mustafa K. Masood, Yeng Chai Soh, and Hua Li
Indoor occupancy estimation from carbon dioxide concentration
11 pages, 7 figures
cs.SY cs.LG
This paper presents an indoor occupancy estimator with which we can estimate the number of real-time indoor occupants based on the carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement. The estimator is actually a dynamic model of the occupancy level. To identify the dynamic model, we propose the Feature Scaled Extreme Learning Machine (FS-ELM) algorithm, which is a variation of the standard Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) but is shown to perform better for the occupancy estimation problem. The measured CO2 concentration suffers from serious spikes. We find that pre-smoothing the CO2 data can greatly improve the estimation accuracy. In real applications, however, we cannot obtain the real-time globally smoothed CO2 data. We provide a way to use the locally smoothed CO2 data instead, which is real-time available. We introduce a new criterion, i.e. $x$-tolerance accuracy, to assess the occupancy estimator. The proposed occupancy estimator was tested in an office room with 24 cubicles and 11 open seats. The accuracy is up to 94 percent with a tolerance of four occupants.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 20 Jul 2016 14:00:53 GMT'}]
[array(['Jiang', 'Chaoyang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Masood', 'Mustafa K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Soh', 'Yeng Chai', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Hua', ''], dtype=object)]
Chunlei Liu
Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal, Bobby Vandalore, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Sastri Kota, and Pradeep Samudra
Feedback Consolidation Algorithms for ABR Point-to-Multipoint Connections in ATM Networks
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 1998, March 1998, volume 3, pp. 1004-1013
ABR traffic management for point-to-multipoint connections controls the source rate to the minimum rate supported by all the branches of the multicast tree. A number of algorithms have been developed for extending ABR congestion avoidance algorithms to perform feedback consolidation at the branch points. This paper discusses various design options and implementation alternatives for the consolidation algorithms, and proposes a number of new algorithms. The performance of the proposed algorithms and the previous algorithms is compared under a variety of conditions. Results indicate that the algorithms we propose eliminate the consolidation noise (caused if the feedback is returned before all branches respond), while exhibiting a fast transient response.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 23 Sep 1998 16:22:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Fahmy', 'Sonia', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jain', 'Raj', ''], dtype=object) array(['Goyal', 'Rohit', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vandalore', 'Bobby', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kalyanaraman', 'Shivkumar', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kota', 'Sastri', ''], dtype=object) array(['Samudra', 'Pradeep', ''], dtype=object)]
Yvan Martel
Yvan Martel and Frank Merle
Asymptotic stability of solitons of the gKdV equations with general nonlinearity
Corrected typos. Added comments. Minor changes. To appear in Mathematische Annalen
We consider the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation \partial_t u + \partial_x (\partial_x^2 u + f(u))=0, \quad (t,x)\in [0,T)\times \mathbb{R}, (1) with general $C^3$ nonlinearity $f$. Under an explicit condition on $f$ and $c>0$, there exists a solution in the energy space $H^1$ of (1) of the type $u(t,x)=Q_c(x-x_0-ct)$, called soliton. In this paper, under general assumptions on $f$ and $Q_c$, we prove that the family of soliton solutions around $Q_c$ is asymptotically stable in some local sense in $H^1$, i.e. if $u(t)$ is close to $Q_{c}$ (for all $t\geq 0$), then $u(t)$ locally converges in the energy space to some $Q_{c_+}$ as $t\to +\infty$. Note in particular that we do not assume the stability of $Q_{c}$. This result is based on a rigidity property of equation (1) around $Q_{c}$ in the energy space whose proof relies on the introduction of a dual problem. These results extend the main results in previous works devoted to the pure power case.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 8 Jun 2007 12:47:06 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:03:16 GMT'}]
[array(['Martel', 'Yvan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Merle', 'Frank', ''], dtype=object)]
Al-Akhir Nayan
Md. Obaidur Rahman, Mohammod Abul Kashem, Al-Akhir Nayan, Most. Fahmida Akter, Fazly Rabbi, Marzia Ahmed, Mohammad Asaduzzaman
Internet of Things (IoT) based ECG System for Rural Health Care
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 470-477, 2021
eess.SP cs.AI cs.CY cs.LG
Nearly 30% of the people in the rural areas of Bangladesh are below the poverty level. Moreover, due to the unavailability of modernized healthcare-related technology, nursing and diagnosis facilities are limited for rural people. Therefore, rural people are deprived of proper healthcare. In this perspective, modern technology can be facilitated to mitigate their health problems. ECG sensing tools are interfaced with the human chest, and requisite cardiovascular data is collected through an IoT device. These data are stored in the cloud incorporates with the MQTT and HTTP servers. An innovative IoT-based method for ECG monitoring systems on cardiovascular or heart patients has been suggested in this study. The ECG signal parameters P, Q, R, S, T are collected, pre-processed, and predicted to monitor the cardiovascular conditions for further health management. The machine learning algorithm is used to determine the significance of ECG signal parameters and error rate. The logistic regression model fitted the better agreements between the train and test data. The prediction has been performed to determine the variation of PQRST quality and its suitability in the ECG Monitoring System. Considering the values of quality parameters, satisfactory results are obtained. The proposed IoT-based ECG system reduces the health care cost and complexity of cardiovascular diseases in the future.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 27 Jul 2022 02:56:36 GMT'}]
[array(['Rahman', 'Md. Obaidur', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kashem', 'Mohammod Abul', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nayan', 'Al-Akhir', ''], dtype=object) array(['Akter', 'Most. Fahmida', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rabbi', 'Fazly', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ahmed', 'Marzia', ''], dtype=object) array(['Asaduzzaman', 'Mohammad', ''], dtype=object)]
Saddam Hussain
Anirban Chatterjee, Saddam Hussain and Kaushik Bhattacharya
Dynamical stability of K-essence field interacting non-minimally with a perfect fluid
Some figures are modified and some text changed. Has 27 pages, 10 figures. This version has been accepted for publication in Physical Review D
Phys. Rev. D 104 2021
gr-qc hep-th
We study models of non-minimally coupled relativistic fluid and $k$-essence scalar field in the background of a flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universe. The non-minimal coupling term is introduced in the Lagrangian level. We employ the variational approach with respect to independent variables that produce modified $k-$essence field equations and the Friedmann equations. We have analyzed the coupled field-fluid framework explicitly using the dynamical system technique considering two different models based on inverse power-law potential. After examining these models it is seen that both models are capable of producing accelerating attractor solutions satisfying adiabatic sound speed conditions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 2 May 2021 00:16:05 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:02:24 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 30 Jun 2021 15:07:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Thu, 14 Oct 2021 05:49:34 GMT'}]
[array(['Chatterjee', 'Anirban', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hussain', 'Saddam', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bhattacharya', 'Kaushik', ''], dtype=object)]
XiRu Huang
Huang Xi-Ru, Cao Ping, Zheng Jia-Jun
A Data Transmission Method Based on Ethernet Physical Layer for Particle Physics Experiment
physics.ins-det hep-ex
Due to the advantages of universality, flexibility and high performance, fast Ethernet is widely used in readout system design of modern particle physics experiments. However, Ethernet is usually used together with TCP/IP protocol stack, which makes it difficult to be implemented because designers have to use operating system to process this protocol. Furthermore, TCP/IP protocol degrades the transmission efficiency and real-time performance. To maximize the performance of Ethernet in physics experiment applications, a data readout method based on physical layer (PHY) is proposed in this paper. In this method, TCP/IP protocol is forsaken and replaced with a customized and simple protocol, which make it easier to be implemented. On each readout module, data from front-end electronics is first fed into an FPGA for protocol processing and then sent out to a PHY chip controlled by this FPGA for transmission. This kind of data path is fully implemented by hardware. While from the side of data acquisition system (DAQ), absence of standard protocol makes the network related applications panic. To solve this problem, in the operating system kernel space, data received by network interface card is drawn away from the traditional flow and redirected to a specified memory space by a customized program. This memory space can be easily accessed by applications in user space. For the purpose of verification, a prototype system is designed and implemented. Preliminary test result shows that this method can meet the requirement of data transmission from readout module to DAQ with good efficiency and simplicity.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 2 Mar 2015 10:36:10 GMT'}]
[array(['Xi-Ru', 'Huang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ping', 'Cao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jia-Jun', 'Zheng', ''], dtype=object)]
Kouichi Hirotani
Kouichi Hirotani, Hung-Yi Pu, and Satoki Matsushita
Lightning black holes as unidentified TeV sources
Accepted for publication in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 12 pages, 4 figures
Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes have revealed more than 100 TeV sources along the Galactic Plane, around 45% of them remain unidentified. However, radio observations revealed that dense molecular clumps are associated with 67% of 18 unidentified TeV sources. In this paper, we propose that an electron-positron magnetospheric accelerator emits detectable TeV gamma-rays when a rapidly rotating black hole enters a gaseous cloud. Since the general-relativistic effect plays an essential role in this magnetospheric lepton accelerator scenario, the emissions take place in the direct vicinity of the event horizon, resulting in a point-like gamma-ray image. We demonstrate that their gamma-ray spectra have two peaks around 0.1 GeV and 0.1 TeV and that the accelerators become most luminous when the mass accretion rate becomes about 0.01% of the Eddington accretion rate. We compare the results with alternative scenarios such as the cosmic-ray hadron scenario, which predicts an extended morphology of the gamma-ray image with a single power-law photon spectrum from GeV to 100 TeV.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 9 Aug 2018 10:35:19 GMT'}]
[array(['Hirotani', 'Kouichi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pu', 'Hung-Yi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Matsushita', 'Satoki', ''], dtype=object)]
Tao Wei
Xiao-Guo Jiang, Yuan Wang, Guo-Jun Yang, Hong Li, Zhuo Zhang, Xing-Lin Yang, Shu-Qing Liao, Tao Wei, Xiao-Ding Zhang, Yi-Ding Li
Study on flexible and organizable time-resolved measurement system and technology for multi-pulsed electron beam parameter
6 pages, 9 figures
The proof test and debugging of the multi-pulsed electron accelerator, Dragon-2,requires a thorough comprehension of the quality of the beams. This puts forward a rigid requirement on the measurement system that it should have the ability that not only differentiates the three pulses on the whole but also tells the details of each pulse.In the measurements, beam energy is converted by a target to the Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) light, the information carried by which provides a good approach to measure beam profile and divergence simultaneously. Combining with this characteristic of OTR light, the concept of dual-imaging method is adopted in the design of optical imaging system. To avoid interference of the system optical parameters with one another, the original system is separated into two parts by functions, one for beam profile measurements and the other for divergence measurements. Correspondingly a splitter is interposed immediately after the OTR target which splits the light into two parts in perpendicular directions, one part forming a beam spot, and the remaining becoming polarized through a polarizer and imaged by an OTR lens and forming a beam divergence pattern. Again the use of splitters helps the light beam enter different framing camera for different use.With a time resolution of 2ns, the system can provide 8 frames of beam details within any one of the three pulses,at the same time as acquiring the quality of the three pulses on the whole.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 24 May 2016 07:04:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Jiang', 'Xiao-Guo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Yuan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yang', 'Guo-Jun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Hong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Zhuo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yang', 'Xing-Lin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liao', 'Shu-Qing', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wei', 'Tao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Xiao-Ding', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Yi-Ding', ''], dtype=object)]
Christof Seiler
Christof Seiler, Lisa M. Kronstad, Laura J. Simpson, Mathieu Le Gars, Elena Vendrame, Catherine A. Blish, Susan Holmes
Uncertainty Quantification in Multivariate Mixed Models for Mass Cytometry Data
Mass cytometry technology enables the simultaneous measurement of over 40 proteins on single cells. This has helped immunologists to increase their understanding of heterogeneity, complexity, and lineage relationships of white blood cells. Current statistical methods often collapse the rich single-cell data into summary statistics before proceeding with downstream analysis, discarding the information in these multivariate datasets. In this article, our aim is to exhibit the use of statistical analyses on the raw, uncompressed data thus improving replicability, and exposing multivariate patterns and their associated uncertainty profiles. We show that multivariate generative models are a valid alternative to univariate hypothesis testing. We propose two models: a multivariate Poisson log-normal mixed model and a logistic linear mixed model. We show that these models are complementary and that either model can account for different confounders. We use Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to provide Bayesian uncertainty quantification. Our models applied to a recent pregnancy study successfully reproduce key findings while quantifying increased overall protein-to-protein correlations between first and third trimester.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 19 Mar 2019 13:12:56 GMT'}]
[array(['Seiler', 'Christof', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kronstad', 'Lisa M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Simpson', 'Laura J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gars', 'Mathieu Le', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vendrame', 'Elena', ''], dtype=object) array(['Blish', 'Catherine A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Holmes', 'Susan', ''], dtype=object)]
Justin Ripley
Justin L. Ripley, Nicholas Loutrel, Elena Giorgi, Frans Pretorius
Numerical computation of second order vacuum perturbations of Kerr black holes
Journal version
Phys. Rev. D 103, 104018 (2021)
Motivated by the desire to understand the leading order nonlinear gravitational wave interactions around arbitrarily rapidly rotating Kerr black holes, we describe a numerical code designed to compute second order vacuum perturbations on such spacetimes. A general discussion of the formalism we use is presented in (arXiv:2008.11770); here we show how we numerically implement that formalism with a particular choice of coordinates and tetrad conditions, and give example results for black holes with dimensionless spin parameters $a=0.7$ and $a=0.998$. We first solve the Teukolsky equation for the linearly perturbed Weyl scalar $\Psi_4^{(1)}$, followed by direct reconstruction of the spacetime metric from $\Psi_4^{(1)}$, and then solve for the dynamics of the second order perturbed Weyl scalar $\Psi_4^{(2)}$. This code is a first step toward a more general purpose second order code, and we outline how our basic approach could be further developed to address current questions of interest, including extending the analysis of ringdown in black hole mergers to before the linear regime, exploring gravitational wave "turbulence" around near-extremal Kerr black holes, and studying the physics of extreme mass ratio inspiral.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 1 Oct 2020 01:10:16 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 18 May 2021 15:05:14 GMT'}]
[array(['Ripley', 'Justin L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Loutrel', 'Nicholas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Giorgi', 'Elena', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pretorius', 'Frans', ''], dtype=object)]
Biao Wu
Biao Wu, Qi Zhang and Jie Liu
Anomalous Monopole In an Interacting Boson System
4 pages, 3 figures
Phys. Lett. A375:545, 2011
Anomalous monopole of disk shape is found to exist in the semiclassical theory of a two-mode interacting boson system. The quantum origin of this anomaly is the collapsing or bundling of field lines of Berry curvature caused by the interaction between bosons in the semiclassical limit. The significance of this anomalous monopole is twofold: (1) it signals the failure of the von Neumann-Wigner theorem in the semiclassical limit; (2) it indicates a breakdown of the correspondence principle between quantum and classical dynamics.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 19 Feb 2008 07:20:05 GMT'}]
[array(['Wu', 'Biao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Qi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liu', 'Jie', ''], dtype=object)]
Daniel Grin
Tessa Cookmeyer, Daniel Grin, and Tristan L. Smith
How sound are our ultra-light axion approximations?
22 pages, 16 figures, comments are welcome, updated to align all language with version published in Phys. Rev. D. Results unchanged, additional details on numerical methods provided
Phys. Rev. D 101, 023501 (2020)
astro-ph.CO gr-qc hep-ph
Ultra-light axions (ULAs) are a promising dark-matter candidate. ULAs may have implications for small-scale challenges to the $\Lambda$CDM model, and arise in string scenarios. ULAs are already constrained by cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments and large-scale structure surveys, and will be probed with much greater sensitivity by future efforts. It is challenging to compute observables in ULA scenarios with sufficient speed and accuracy for cosmological data analysis because the ULA field oscillates rapidly. In past work, an effective fluid approximation has been used to make these computations feasible. Here this approximation is tested against an exact solution of the ULA equations, comparing the induced error of CMB observables with the sensitivity of current and future experiments. In the most constrained mass range for a ULA dark matter component ($10^{-27}~{\rm eV}\leq m_{\rm ax}\leq 10^{-25}~{\rm eV}$), the induced bias on the allowed ULA fraction of dark matter from Planck data is less than $1\sigma$. In the cosmic-variance limit (including temperature and polarization data), the bias is $\lesssim 2\sigma$ for primary CMB anisotropies, with more severe biases (as high as $\sim 4\sigma$) resulting for less reliable versions of the effective fluid approximation. If all of the standard cosmological parameters are fixed by other measurements, the expected bias rises to $4-20\sigma$ (well beyond the validity of the Fisher approximation), though the required level of degeneracy breaking will not be achieved by any planned surveys.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 24 Sep 2019 18:00:02 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 3 Feb 2020 15:28:21 GMT'}]
[array(['Cookmeyer', 'Tessa', ''], dtype=object) array(['Grin', 'Daniel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Smith', 'Tristan L.', ''], dtype=object)]
Danho Ahn
Danho Ahn, Ohjoon Kwon, Woohyun Chung, Wonjun Jang, Doyu Lee, Jhinhwan Lee, Sung Woo Youn, Dojun Youm and Yannis K. Semertzidis
Superconducting cavity in a high magnetic field
5 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1904.05111
physics.app-ph cond-mat.supr-con hep-ex physics.ins-det
A high Q-factor microwave resonator in a high magnetic field could be used in a wide range of applications, especially for enhancing the scanning speed in axion dark matter research. In this letter, we introduce a polygon-shaped resonant cavity with commercial YBCO tapes covering the entire inner wall. We demonstrated that the maximum Q-factor (TM$_{010}$, 6.93 GHz) of the superconducting YBCO cavity was about 6 times higher than that of a copper cavity and showed no significant degradation up to 8 T at 4 K. This is the first indication of the possible applications of HTS technology to the research areas requiring low loss in a strong magnetic field at high radio frequencies.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 19 Feb 2020 06:41:40 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:45:44 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:44:05 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Mon, 27 Apr 2020 08:43:09 GMT'}]
[array(['Ahn', 'Danho', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kwon', 'Ohjoon', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chung', 'Woohyun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jang', 'Wonjun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lee', 'Doyu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lee', 'Jhinhwan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Youn', 'Sung Woo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Youm', 'Dojun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Semertzidis', 'Yannis K.', ''], dtype=object)]
John Cook
John Cook, Rishab Nithyanand and Zubair Shafiq
Inferring Tracker-Advertiser Relationships in the Online Advertising Ecosystem using Header Bidding
18 pages, 2 figures, Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (2020)
Online advertising relies on trackers and data brokers to show targeted ads to users. To improve targeting, different entities in the intricately interwoven online advertising and tracking ecosystems are incentivized to share information with each other through client-side or server-side mechanisms. Inferring data sharing between entities, especially when it happens at the server-side, is an important and challenging research problem. In this paper, we introduce KASHF: a novel method to infer data sharing relationships between advertisers and trackers by studying how an advertiser's bidding behavior changes as we manipulate the presence of trackers. We operationalize this insight by training an interpretable machine learning model that uses the presence of trackers as features to predict the bidding behavior of an advertiser. By analyzing the machine learning model, we are able to infer relationships between advertisers and trackers irrespective of whether data sharing occurs at the client-side or the server-side. We are also able to identify several server-side data sharing relationships that are validated externally but are not detected by client-side cookie syncing.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 16 Jul 2019 22:15:00 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 20 Sep 2019 20:08:25 GMT'}]
[array(['Cook', 'John', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nithyanand', 'Rishab', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shafiq', 'Zubair', ''], dtype=object)]
Lijun Bo
Lijun Bo, Huafu Liao, Yongjin Wang
Optimal Credit Investment and Risk Control for an Insurer with Regime-Switching
30 pages, 16 figures
This paper studies an optimal investment and risk control problem for an insurer with default contagion and regime-switching. The insurer in our model allocates his/her wealth across multi-name defaultable stocks and a riskless bond under regime-switching risk. Default events have an impact on the distress state of the surviving stocks in the portfolio. The aim of the insurer is to maximize the expected utility of the terminal wealth by selecting optimal investment and risk control strategies. We characterize the optimal trading strategy of defaultable stocks and risk control for the insurer. By developing a truncation technique, we analyze the existence and uniqueness of global (classical) solutions to the recursive HJB system. We prove the verification theorem based on the (classical) solutions of the recursive HJB system.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:39:45 GMT'}]
[array(['Bo', 'Lijun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liao', 'Huafu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Yongjin', ''], dtype=object)]
Ziming Li
Ziming Li, Julia Kiseleva, Alekh Agarwal, Maarten de Rijke, Ryen W. White
Optimizing Interactive Systems via Data-Driven Objectives
30 pages, 12 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1802.06306
cs.AI cs.IR
Effective optimization is essential for real-world interactive systems to provide a satisfactory user experience in response to changing user behavior. However, it is often challenging to find an objective to optimize for interactive systems (e.g., policy learning in task-oriented dialog systems). Generally, such objectives are manually crafted and rarely capture complex user needs in an accurate manner. We propose an approach that infers the objective directly from observed user interactions. These inferences can be made regardless of prior knowledge and across different types of user behavior. We introduce Interactive System Optimizer (ISO), a novel algorithm that uses these inferred objectives for optimization. Our main contribution is a new general principled approach to optimizing interactive systems using data-driven objectives. We demonstrate the high effectiveness of ISO over several simulations.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 19 Jun 2020 20:49:14 GMT'}]
[array(['Li', 'Ziming', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kiseleva', 'Julia', ''], dtype=object) array(['Agarwal', 'Alekh', ''], dtype=object) array(['de Rijke', 'Maarten', ''], dtype=object) array(['White', 'Ryen W.', ''], dtype=object)]
R. E. Kastner
R. E. Kastner
The Transactional Interpretation and its Evolution into the 21st Century: An Overview
Forthcoming in Philosophy Compass; comments welcome
Philosophy Compass 11:12, 923-932 (2016)
quant-ph physics.hist-ph
This essay provides a historical, philosophical, and critical overview of the development of the Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (TI). It is separated into two parts. Part I presents the history and development of TI from 1986 up to 2016 (the time of writing). Part II lays out current areas of divergence among researchers in TI.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 2 Aug 2016 00:39:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Kastner', 'R. E.', ''], dtype=object)]
Michael L. Balogh
Michael Balogh, Frazer Pearce, Richard Bower (U. Durham) Scott Kay (U. Sussex)
Revisiting the Cosmic Cooling Crisis
8 pages, 4 figures, mnras style MNRAS, follows final referee report
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 326 (2001) 1228
Recent measurements of the K-band luminosity function now provide us with strong, reliable constraints on the fraction of baryons which have cooled. Globally, this fraction is only about 5%, and there is no strong evidence that it is significantly higher in clusters. Without an effective sub-grid feedback prescription, the cooled gas fraction in any numerical simulation exceeds these observational constraints, and increases with increasing resolution. This compromises any discussion of galaxy and cluster properties based on results of simulations which include cooling but do not implement an effective feedback mechanism.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 3 Apr 2001 09:26:24 GMT'}]
[array(['Balogh', 'Michael', '', 'U. Durham'], dtype=object) array(['Pearce', 'Frazer', '', 'U. Durham'], dtype=object) array(['Bower', 'Richard', '', 'U. Durham'], dtype=object) array(['Kay', 'Scott', '', 'U.\n Sussex'], dtype=object)]
Won-Sik Lyi
W. S. l'Yi
Non-Hermitian quantum canonical variables and the generalized ladder operators
18 pages, plain LaTeX
Quantum canonical transformations of the second kind and the non-Hermitian realizations of the basic canonical commutation relations are investigated with a special interest in the generalization of the conventional ladder operators. The operator ordering problem is shown to be resolved when the non-Hermitian realizations for the canonical variables which can not be measured simultaneously with the energy are chosen for the canonical quantizations. Another merit of the non-Hermitian representations is that it naturally allows us to introduce the generalized ladder operators with which one can solve eigenvalue problems quite neatly.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 7 Aug 1995 07:25:55 GMT'}]
[array(["l'Yi", 'W. S.', ''], dtype=object)]
Christian Glaser
Christian Glaser (for the ARIANNA collaboration)
Neutrino direction and energy resolution of Askaryan detectors
Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019), Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Detection of high-energy neutrinos via the radio technique allows for an exploration of the neutrino energy range from $\sim10^{16}$\~eV to $\sim10^{20}$\~eV with unprecedented precision. These Askaryan detectors have matured in two pilot arrays (ARA and ARIANNA) and the construction of a large-scale detector is actively discussed in the community. In this contribution, we present reconstruction techniques to determine the neutrino direction and energy from the observed few-nanoseconds short radio flashes and quantify the resolution of one of such detectors. The reconstruction of the neutrino direction requires a precise measurement of both the signal direction as well as the signal polarization. The reconstruction of the neutrino energy requires, in addition, the measurement of the vertex distance, obtainable from the time difference of two signal paths through the ice, and the viewing angle of the in-ice shower via the frequency spectrum. We discuss the required algorithms and quantify the resolution using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation study.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 5 Nov 2019 21:27:20 GMT'}]
[array(['Glaser', 'Christian', '', 'for the ARIANNA collaboration'], dtype=object) ]
Yichen Li
Yichen Li, Dobroslav Tsonev and Harald Haas
Performance Analysis of Non-DC-Biased OFDM
cs.IT cs.PF eess.SP math.IT
The performance analysis of a novel optical modulation scheme is presented in this paper. The basic concept is to transmit signs of modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) symbols and absolute values of the symbols separately by two information carrying units: 1) indices of two light emitting diodes (LED) transmitters that represent positive and negative signs separately; and 2) optical intensity symbols that carry the absolute values of signals. The new approach, referred as to non-DC-biased OFDM (NDC-OFDM), uses the optical spatial modulation (OSM) technique to eliminate the effect of the clipping distortion in DC-biased optical OFDM (DCO-OFDM). In addition, it can achieve similar advantages as the conventional unipolar modulation scheme, asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM (ACO-OFDM), without using additional subcarriers. In this paper, the analytical BER performance is compared with the Monte Carlo result in order to prove the reliability of the new method. Moreover, the practical BER performance of NDC-OFDM with DCO-OFDM and ACO-OFDM is compared for different constellation sizes to verify the improvement of NDC-OFDM on the spectral and power efficiencies.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 14 May 2019 20:15:24 GMT'}]
[array(['Li', 'Yichen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tsonev', 'Dobroslav', ''], dtype=object) array(['Haas', 'Harald', ''], dtype=object)]
Jiangming Yao
J. M. Yao, L. S. Song, K. Hagino, P. Ring, and J. Meng
Systematic study of nuclear matrix elements in neutrinoless double-beta decay with a beyond mean-field covariant density functional theory
9 pages with 7 figures and 3 tables
Phys. Rev. C 91, 024316 (2015)
nucl-th hep-ex hep-ph nucl-ex
We report a systematic study of nuclear matrix elements (NMEs) in neutrinoless double-beta decays with a state-of-the-art beyond mean-field covariant density functional theory. The dynamic effects of particle-number and angular-momentum conservations as well as quadrupole shape fluctuations are taken into account with projections and generator coordinate method for both initial and final nuclei. The full relativistic transition operator is adopted to calculate the NMEs. The present systematic studies show that in most of the cases there is a much better agreement with the previous non-relativistic calculation based on the Gogny force than in the case of the nucleus $^{150}$Nd found in Song et al. [Phys. Rev. C 90, 054309 (2014)]. In particular, we find that the total NMEs can be well approximated by the pure axial-vector coupling term with a considerable reduction of the computational effort.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:40:32 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 29 Jan 2015 14:55:39 GMT'}]
[array(['Yao', 'J. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Song', 'L. S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hagino', 'K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ring', 'P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Meng', 'J.', ''], dtype=object)]