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(0:08 - 0:28)
Hey there folks, it's 1059 Saturday, May 14th, 2016. 1059-9501. Elder movement complete, self.

(0:30 - 3:58)
And now it's 11 o'clock, double elders number completion, and 11 stands for male, female, mother, father, whatever, guardian, source, energy, whatever, kind of personal numerology with me. It's like that with any of you, when you look at numerology, the message has to do with you personally. Okay, this is going to be a very different video. 

A lot of people, especially a lot of religious folks, run around saying there's no such thing as, you know, psychics and all this other stuff. Well actually, everyone has metaphysical abilities, there's no such thing as psychic in my opinion. The word psychic has no meaning. 

What does psychic mean? You know, it's nothing, it's a box that you can put any label you want on it. It's supposed to be this, it's really that, it's that, but it's never this because that's wrong, you know, forget that. A mother's intuition, a person in the military or police type services, they can feel when someone's looking at their neck usually. 

All these are metaphysical abilities, okay, they exist everywhere. To deny them is kind of silly, but whatever. The only time I ever tell anyone anything to do is, you know, 99% of the time would be in person, as little as that ever happens, and it's about protecting something, like don't you dare hit that person or that animal. 

So, let's add to that. The metaphysical community is growing by leaps and bounds. It's still very small, but it's growing. 

A lot of business people, a lot of, a lot of business people, a lot of professional people have their own quote-unquote, you know, metaphysical practitioners or what they call psychics that they talk to. It's becoming more and more prevalent to everyone that there's more going on than what the basic, excuse me, what the basic touch your hands and put on something means. Religious people themselves say there's a God, it's spirit, you can't see it, but it's there. 

Why? Can you see it? Can you talk to it? Can you feel it? No, no, I just know it's there. Why? I read it in a book, that's kind of stuff they say about people who are actually learning how to use their real metaphysical abilities. It's already part of them. 

It's not a gift. It's not given to you by whatever. No, it's part of you. 

You just learn how to use it. It's time for you to wake up and start using the whole you. It's like having a work truck and you're a mechanic and you only use the first two gears. 

You don't use the third and fourth gear. That's kind of silly. You know, whatever. 

I got a lot of twitching going on today, folks. There's a lot happening and we're going to go there in a minute. I found out something about myself that I wasn't aware of.

(3:58 - 4:11)
Anyway, or something that happened in my life. Also presidents. Basically, pretty much every single president has talked to a quote-unquote psychic before, a metaphysical practitioner.

(4:13 - 7:34)
Is that the kind of thing they admit? Almost never. But do they do it? Yeah, all the time. Lawyers. 

There's all kinds of folks. I have clients in all places. I tell them I can't predict the future, but I give them good solid advice. 

I'm going with one thing or another. And no, it's not $1,000. But there's also people that do that for a living. 

And they do make $1,000 or $2,000 an hour. So anyway, and religious people say, I have a soul. Can't see it. 

You know, they tell me I'm nuts, crazy. There's energy in stones. And I said, I'm crazy. 

Maybe the devil. All that stuff. Who cares? I tell them, look, can you pull your soul out so I can poke it or something? Prove to me you have a soul. 

You said you have a soul. You know you have one. Show it to me. 

Well, of course you can't show it to me. You can't even see it yourself. Just taking something for granted. 

The truth is, yes, you have spirit inside. You sent your energy to them. But they don't know what they're talking about. 

They just say it because it's in a book. That doesn't really help anyone. When I say help anyone, I mean help themselves. 

To me, it's as silly as someone walking down the road with a sign holding up saying, I only eat Froot Loops. I don't eat Alphabets. Froot Loops are the only good ones. 

It's like, what? Still eating cereal? OK. Maybe not too good for you. A lot of people talk about having been abducted. 

And when you listen to them talk, if you're awake, if you have a heart, you can feel what they're saying, what they're going through. If they didn't, someone really put it in there that they did, and it wasn't just a dream. When you see the horror on their faces and some of the other stuff they've gone through, it's not always horrible at all. 

Sometimes they've actually had their eggs removed and had them mixed with other genomes from other planets. Next thing you know, you have a mix of races. A lot of that was going on in the colonization of the Earth when it first started about 11 million years ago, a little over 11 million years ago. 

That happened in Lemuria. More information on that in book two. Cattle that are mutilated with laser precision. 

How the hell did that happen? Somebody take a big laser and go out into the field. Oh, they make them small now. Yeah, this has been going on since the 1800s. 

What kind of laser was available then? Early 1900s? What laser was available there then? If they had it, it was in a lab, and it was twice as big as this room. You have to use a little bit of common sense in trying to understand things. When you fall back on the religion, you're screwing yourself.

(7:35 - 7:54)
Religion is a false and full of crap. Okay, now, as we use our abilities and we just naturally start using them, they naturally start growing. As you become more and more aware, you see more, feel more, you get stronger.

(7:58 - 8:06)
The stronger you get, you're going to start realizing that you might have missed some things. You might realize that you were incorrect about some other things. Don't worry about it.

(8:07 - 9:07)
It's no big deal. When you're a mechanic and the old cars had carburetors, you might think it's a good way to adjust the carburetor a certain way. You eventually get it fixed and go out, but the next thing you know, you find there's a different way to do it and something else causing the same issue in a car. 

Then fine, you learn something. You do better, but it's a learning process. If you add to that having to fight stuff on the other side, yeah, bingo. 

Okay, when I see something for someone else, that's one thing. Okay, I'll just go to what I need and I'll get it for you, but when it comes to me, it's not that important. Well, this is one of those things. 

I missed something. I actually just kind of left it hanging and didn't go into it and it really didn't matter at the time. There's someone I had a crank up consult with in 2014.

(9:08 - 9:25)
When we had the consult and I was cranking her up, and those of you that know me, you know how strong I am. I was putting my energy into her, cranking her up, and she was literally reaching out her heart energy and pulling in my heart energy, pulling it into her. It was like this flowing.

(9:25 - 9:35)
I even told her in the consult, I said, this is crazy. I said, you're actually reaching out and grabbing a hold of my heart energy while we're talking. I mean, while we're doing this.

(9:37 - 13:00)
We had a good time, real good time talking, but the energy work was fun too. She could feel it. There was some kind of connection and it was hard to understand. 

Well, to make a long story short, she's got a very, very strong focal point of Lillian, one of the first ones to come out. And of course, I've got the primary focal point of Aaron and me, so there's a natural feeling of love that happens a lot with Source Energy. Folks, when we're not in a body and we're out, our normal selves, sentient energy floating around, we tend to come together. 

We tend to come together, the different pieces of Aaron, the different pieces of Lillian. We're all the same, almost all exactly the same vibrations, just some a little stronger than others, but we all came from that one piece that's very close, very tight family. Lillian and Aaron energy is very, very tight. 

Human Essence. When you go to Essence, where do you find it? There's a huge energy field that's got most of the Human Essence in it. Some of it goes out and runs around. 

It's not like it can't, but it tends to stay together. The third stage of evolution for Souls, they do the same thing. Animal Essence, all of them, everyone basically does that out of a body. 

You come together and your energies are flowing in and out of each other. They're so similar. We're family. 

If you want to break apart, you just leave. It's not like you're forged into one, but your energies are so close, you just stay together. Without the physical bodies and being, when you're stuck in a physical body, you're stuck, you can't get out. 

When you have love for someone else, guess what? They're stuck in a body too, but then it gets very strong as trying to put the two together and keep it together, because you have that attraction, but guess what? You're in different bodies, you can't do it. That literally builds up a really strong feeling of no one's getting near this person, all mine and I understand that big time. If I'm in love with a woman, I'm going to protect her with my life. 

I'm not just going to say, sure, go out with her. That ain't happening. Being in a body is a totally different thing than who we really are. 

We're real. These bodies are real, but there's also energy, spirit, sentient energy from the earth in there. These bodies were made to hold spirit really well, because remember, originally first being male and female wanted you in a body and they wanted you to stay there so they could abuse you, give you more of a workout, stress the hell out of you. 

Then when a body finally dies and you come out, instead of going poof, you come out and you go poof. You're much bigger. Then when it's time for you to be put together with your actual spirit mate, and then be put in the universe and then release a third of your own energy, you can release a whole lot more energy if you're a lot bigger. 

That energy breaks down into smaller pieces. Instead of releasing a hundred million, you might release a billion. The idea is that the original male and female got a larger number of praise machines, so they had more things praising them. 

That's what it was all about. They were actually jealous of each other getting more praise than praise. It's just silly.

(13:08 - 13:29)
Part of what I'm trying to do here is get you to understand that for some of the people, some of you just already know, most people talking with me already know, but remember, this isn't just for now. It's for on and on and on and on, but especially the next hundred years. But you're still overalls a hundred years from now, not because of me, just because they're handy.

(13:29 - 16:25)
It's like utility clothing. They've been around for more than a hundred years. Anyway, so you're real. 

Spirit is real. There's more and more scientific studies about it. It's more and more accepted. 

The fact that there's other races on other planets, over 50% of the population believes that there's life in space. And if you think about it, if you want to use a quote unquote logical mind, look at all the stars out there. Most of the stars have how many planets running around them? You know how many planets there are? How could you actually see that and say, we're the only ones? You'd have to be stuck in some religion. 

God wouldn't let there be any aliens. It's only us. We're special. 

He made us to be his flock so we could flock to them. He's perfect and all forgiving, but made hell to torture us forever when it's necessary. Why? We don't know. 

We're stupid. He's smart. That's enough of picking on religions. 

I'm just making a point. And I don't pick on religious people at all. At all. 

I've said so many times, you go in a church, you're going to find so much, you're going to feel so much love. You're going to find so many people with love in their hearts. It's beautiful. 

They're just looking for a place to go to let their hearts flow. And they don't understand. They can't see yet. 

The more people start to see, it's going to literally be made to happen. It already is starting, but it's going to be strong soon. Then they'll just quit going. 

It's no big thing. It's not throwing a rock at the church or something. That's stupid. 

That's ridiculous. It's just what isn't necessary starts to fall away. That's all. 

There's so much evidence that's out now. In this country, it all started around the 1940s when they started talking swamp gas and weather balloons. And now it's grown. 

It's so obvious. And it's so obvious that scientists have proven there's so many planets with atmospheres and a physical makeup so close to ours that it's silly to think that life couldn't be there. So the natural assumption or conclusion from what physical evidence, put your hand, you can't reach a star, but it's still physical evidence, that we have is that there should be life on other planets.

(16:27 - 16:48)
The fact that there's so much going on here, the mutilated cows, people actually have experiences, some good, some bad. That should be enough proof for anyone with an open mind to start getting real curious. If someone's locked into no way, no way, they got some issues.

(16:51 - 17:34)
Anyway, when I say they got issues, I'm not saying they're really defunct or something. It's just they have issues with having an open mind. If you can't accept the possibility with everything that's been scientifically proven and delivered, all the stuff that the government's released, that's all blacked out pages. 

If there's nothing to hide, why the hell is it blacked out? What was on there? A special secret agent's name and his address and his favorite food. No, sorry, you know, that ain't flying. It's a very simple thing.

(17:36 - 20:12)
We have lives in other bodies on other planets. They've been around, they've been helping us for a long time. You all that have a little bit of an issue with that, you might want to listen to Corey Goode. 

I love David Wilcock, he's awesome, but I advise you to pay attention to Corey. All right, now there's something else I want to bring up. I've talked, this is all going somewhere, but it's laying down a foundation, just like the spiritual foundation. 

It's a place for you to go to get what you need to become yourself. Let's go to the store shopping. I want this, this, this, I want broccoli, I want lettuce, you know, blah, blah, blah, and then you build a salad and then you nourish yourself, but it's about awakening. 

They don't sell food there. I almost said we, that's funny. So anyway, also, angels make bodies all the time. 

They used to. The first angels are pretty much gone, but the new angels, they're around and they make bodies, but they can stay in them longer. One of them that I know very well actually goes to, takes a class, a physics class, learning how to understand the bodies, that, and then art class, and he practices drawing, making drawings of the human body. 

The first time I met him, of course, I was all set up, he was at a Starbucks in a body, and I walked up. As soon as I walked in a place, boom, I felt him right away. I looked right at him. 

I said, oh cool, man, he's one of the new ones, which is from Lillianaire, you know, 55, source energy, but it's 55, 60% source, angels, excuse me, it's all source, but the rest of it, the other percent, the 40 to 45%, that's the rest of source energy, animal, human, plant, universal planet, etc. So, and I looked at him, I walked in, I looked at him, and then he immediately looked right up at me and just smiled, and I walked over there, and I said, hey, that's some beautiful drawings you got there. He goes, yeah, I'm still working on the legs and stuff like this, and understanding, and then I looked at those pictures, and I stared right at him, I said, I remember seeing those figures before, and it was from Atlantis, and he said, yeah, yeah, that and Lemuria, and he said, yeah, yeah, there's people from Atlantis, and I said, yeah, no.

(20:13 - 51:33)
I said, that's great, and then we had a little, a very, it's kind of a short talk, but I also brought up angels, just to mention it kind of briefly. I said, what do you think it would be like if an angel, when it was in a body, got hit by a car, you know, what the body's like, and he goes, well, I wouldn't think they have normal bodies. I don't think there's blood and everything in it. 

I think it's a different kind of thing, and I just looked at him with a hidden smile, but he could feel it. It was just a little bit of a talk, and I'd see him from time to time. Sometimes somebody has to go somewhere, and there he is, and say hi, and the people, the more you wake up and see with all your, see, you can see, I'm going to do a video about seeing with your heart, because you do. 

You know how you see that, like, heat imaging, thermal imaging, the heart sees, actually sees in a similar way, and we'll go there later, not now. So, I am going to do everything I can to leave you all the good information I can before I drop, okay? It's not happening in the next couple of weeks. So, anyway, well, there's my head, my ears, part of the inside is working on my head. 

Some different things had happened, a different video. Anyway, so, angels do make bodies. They'll come in and out, okay? And then sometimes angels make a body, say something to you, and poof, they're gone. 

I've talked before about, when I was driving up to, in the early days, when I started driving up to Charlotte, North Carolina, doing a show, and that show was, what do you call it? I don't know what, they're called events, whatever. It's like a lecture. You show, you know, different things about stones, and talk about things, explain things. 

I go up there, usually do about three classes a day, like maybe one about the fay, one about stones, and one about animal energy. But anyway, I was driving up there one time, and I just got the, I just felt something, and I looked at this weigh station when I was driving by I love to drive, I have eyes everywhere, so to speak, you know, I'm kind of, I can do all kinds of weird things driving, and I love going fast, or dead, I don't anymore. But, and then sure enough, I saw, I just looked at this entrance going back out on the highway, or exit out of the place, going to the entrance, onto the entrance ramp on the highway, and I, it was, I saw it, it's kind of like feeling something, and I went to pull away, and the second I did, poof, and I looked over there, here's a tanker, a tanker with a tractor trailer on it. 

Folks, this was, I don't know, 11 o'clock in the morning, you know, early, so I had my meal, had my coffee, I was just going, felt great, and so I was just, damn, what, and the guy was, just made it, and the guy's looking right at me, and his eyes glowed, it's like a green glow that's got yellow in the middle of it, it's just wham, and I'm like, damn, remember, angels come from source, okay, so they, they can have gold in there, no problem. So anyway, and then I'm driving along, and I hadn't looked back at the road yet, but I was just going straight anyway, and I could feel and see where I'm going, I'm looking at him, but my conscious mind starts taking over, I got to go look, look at what's going on again, there's no cars, you know, right around me or nothing, so then I just started, so I just really took a look away, and then poof, you know, I could see it, and poof, I go back, he's gone, just totally gone, I said, son of a gun, and the guy had a bad attitude towards me, but anyway, that's just what, there's other times angels have come up at, one time I had a, my friend, Chiva, with me, and she, this one angel was sitting outside near the, near the end of closing, not drinking or nothing, and she walked up to me, angels are male and female, they're called Z-H-E, okay, that means they're, it's male and female, it's what we call angels, it's what we call spirit when it first comes out before it separates into male and female, okay, it's called she, it's pronounced G-H-E-E, but spelled Z-H-E, anyway, I just say it twice, whatever, so anyway, she came up and she said, father, you don't understand right now, you're sick, blah, blah, blah, blah, and she left, what she was saying is that you don't understand, you're supposed to, you know, be bowing and praising and doing the praise mother, father, God thing, and, but she was shaken when she went by, she was so nervous, and that scared the, it didn't scare me, it just made me feel horrible, it made me feel bad that she was afraid, anyway, so she, and then she goes right by me, just walks right through the bushes, you know, right into the bushes, right into the, you know, big bush and another one comes up and walks right into the wall, right into the brick, turns right, going into Starbucks, boom, right through the wall, it's like, see, stuff like that's happened a few times, people look at me like, Jay, it's like, anyway, now I want to talk about something, I've always had abilities, I've always kind of known things, kind of like in a natural way, but I was never really, I didn't really start waking up hard until, start waking up pretty hard until about 2008, and in 2009, I was starting to really come alive, let's see, when I was younger, I was forced into suppressing my abilities, and that's worked out fine with me, no biggie, things were made to go that way for a reason, okay, if things always happen for the right reason, hell no, but they happen, it's like people get controlled, that's why I say some of the people that have abused you before doing something that's wrong, done you wrong, that's abuse, people done you wrong, try to forget it, okay, try to let it go, there's a word for that, it's namaste, people want to believe a certain way, that's cool, people have done something, just don't, you know, just let it go, if they keep pounding you, take them on, big time, put them on the ground, make sure they remember that you put them there, that way they'll leave you alone, if not, then whatever, we won't go there, anyway, so, angels are very real, they've been a very real part of my life for a long time, but I'm going to go back a few years, 1978 is when I became a telephone engineer, and I was in Roswell, and I was studying in class to, you know, just to finish the class and start working, well, I was at the top of the class, and something came up, and they needed to send the best, I hate saying that, better than nothing, but whatever, I had the best scores, they picked me to send me out to California to do some telephone engineering, so they pulled me out, actually, a little bit before I even finished the class, then I went out there to Fresno, and I talked with one of the VPs for the company, telephone engineering company out there, and just relaxed, had a good time, went over a few little things, and then I got sent up to, like, Oregon, you know, then I came back down towards Fresno, and then I got sent down to Victorville, California, so they're like, okay, so they gave me a brand new Ford truck, six-cylinder to drive, I drove on down to, towards Victorville, there's, folks, when you get down to the desert out there, it's straight, it's flat, there's nothing, if someone took a beach ball, beach ball, if someone took a, whatever, someone took a beach ball and rolled it across the highway, as long as you have good eyes, you'll be able to see that thing a mile away, because there's nothing, it's flat, okay, and at night, in the desert, if you've ever been out there, there's, like, there's no clouds, there's beautiful stars everywhere, but if there's any light anywhere, someone's got a flashlight 10 miles away in the desert, you're gonna see it, okay, a flashlight, no problem, a candle, actually, but let's just say flashlight, okay, so I'm driving down there, six-cylinder, but a brand, brand new truck, and I'm like, okay, something's going on with this, I'm driving it down there, it feels good, there's no problem with it, it felt like the tank could have been a little bigger, but I'm like, well, whatever, but just something felt a little weird, I was excited about the drive, it's, you go, you'll go for miles, you'll go for 30 miles, 35 miles, there's nothing, okay, so anyway, and I mean nothing, and then all of a sudden you see a little house, and then whatever, you just keep going, and they'll put up a sign, last gas for 78 miles, 100 and something miles, so one of them was 178 miles, that's where the numbers just popped up, but anyway, so one point I passed one of those gas stations, and I looked at it, and I said, well, six-cylinder, new truck, I'll be okay, but something, something felt funny, there was something going on I wasn't aware of, but it was no big deal, and I wasn't really, you know, awake then, everything going on around me, I was too busy dealing with, you know, this physical world stuff, and it was so great to get away from living in Atlanta then, I was a young kid, and I wanted to get away, so anyway, so then I was going by, I was going down the road, and I passed the truck, and I saw a sign, and I could have, I just had this feeling it was one of those last gas things, and I looked at my gas, and I had like three-quarters of a tank, or two-thirds, probably two-thirds of a tank, or something, I don't know, I thought I did, and I, whatever it is, whatever it was, it was over half a tank, I know that, I said it'd probably be fine, well with a brand new engine, there's more friction in them, and they're literally going to eat more gas, so I'm driving down the road, and driving, and driving, the gas is going down, there's nothing, there's nothing in front of me, there's nothing behind me for miles, nothing, I just keep driving, and just keep driving, the gas goes down, gas goes down, I'll go by one car, or something, and just keep going, and going, it was, I was just totally alone, and it was beautiful out there, but even though I was alone, I felt something going on, I could, I didn't understand what it was, and it didn't bother me, I was comfortable, but I just felt something, it's like feeling something in the air, like I said, I was not that awake then, so anyway, so I just kept driving, and sure enough, it finally ran out of gas, I'm like, damn, and there was nothing anywhere, then out of nowhere, now I was on a straight road, there was, I did not hit a curve, I was on a straight road, okay, it's like, whatever, at least 38 miles that way, and at least about 40 something that way, at minimum, and then all of a sudden, here's headlights behind me, and the truck pulls up next to me, and just stops, and it was like a small truck, and then a woman gets out, and I looked at her, and I said, damn, she's not normal, her, I didn't understand energy, but I could tell inside, she was not normal, she was very serious, had no sense of humor, just cut and dry, angels have never had lives, okay, never, and they're like robots, they're sentient spirit, that's like a robot, it's a servant, they do whatever, okay, so she got out of the truck, she stopped the truck and got out, and she's a petite little thing, and I got out, and she goes, she just looked at me like she was annoyed, she goes, ran out of gas, and I said, yeah, and she said, okay, so she's just like disgusted, she's a little bit disgusted, like I expected more out of you, and then there's the blankness, so then she goes up to the back of this smaller truck, takes the tarp, pulls it off, the whole inside of that truck is lined up with the old military type five gallon metal gas cans, red metal gas cans, had the little three little bars up top for handles, and the metal unscrew thing, spigot, whatever, and I was just like, no way, oh, I forgot to tell you, when my truck ran out of gas, she came by within 60 seconds, nothing, boom, so I just looked at it, and I looked at her, and she goes, well, you got to pay me for it, and I said, yeah, sure, no problem, she goes, I said, how much, she goes, five bucks, I said, okay, gave her the five dollars, and then I poured the gas in the tank, and the whole time, she's just staring at me, not with any emotion or anything, just staring at me, it's like, she's just like, huh, so like, whatever, so then I went ahead, and you know, I filled it up, put the tank back in there for her, and she closed everything up, and she just looked, you know, she barely looked at me, just got in the truck, and drove off, and I said, well, her attitude sucks, but it's kind of weird, and then, so it took me like two or three times, okay, I'm talking seconds here, to crank up the truck, I got right in, cranked it up, she was in a truck that does not go fast, especially loaded down with all that gas, so within the third try, it was cranking, I said, screw her attitude, I'm going to go up to her, pass her, and wave to her, at least wave thanks, I looked up, there was nothing, no lights, no nothing, nowhere, okay, you could see every star, you could see ahead of you, all the way, just way down there to the mountain range, I don't know, it's over 30, 40 miles, gone, if she would have gone off desert, you would have seen it, I mean, it was miles this way, miles that way, it's the desert, flat and straight, Mojave Desert, so I was like, okay, and I just kept going, and I felt the energy change around me, but there was still something going on, I felt the change in the air around me, is how I looked at it back then, but I was actually feeling a change in the energy around me, so then I got near Victorville, where I was, where my contract was for me to work for my engineering firm, for Continental Telephone out there, so I got kind of close to there, and I went ahead and got a hotel room, it was, I was still way out in the desert, nothing around there, and then that night, as soon as I, you know, got the hotel room, then I went in, brought my luggage, what I had inside, and laid down on the bed, and I noticed that they had one of those little old coin things, you put a quarter in, you flip it, and the bed vibrates, and the heater was one of the old-fashioned, it's like straight up and down, it has little coils in it, like this, that when you turn it on, the electricity goes through the coil, it gets red hot, and then it actually heats the room, okay, so I said, okay, and I said, well, you know, whatever, I'm just going to go to sleep, I started to relax, and just started to calm down, and all of a sudden, I started waking up, I felt funny in there, I wasn't afraid or anything, I just, I just felt funny, it's, something was weird, and back then, when I was 23, I was strong, I mean, I've always been lifting weights, I was real strong, so anyway, so I'm laying in bed, just starting to fall asleep, and all of a sudden, I feel the bed vibrating, and the first thing I did, I look at that little thing, I said, is that, is the bed vibrating, that thing's on, and then all of a sudden, that heater, I heard it make a noise, and I said, this is crazy, and then, I could kind of feel the room shaking a little bit, and I said, maybe it's a tremor, it was pretty hard, okay, it was strong, and that was weird, outside, you could hear a little something, it's weird, like a soft hum or something, I don't know what you, it's hard to describe, and I'm like, I just, I just, it was a hotel, I mean, you know, I didn't live there, I wasn't used to what's around me, and I wasn't afraid, so it's like, whatever, and then it stopped, it calmed down, it slowly calmed down, and I'm like, okay, that's weird, so I thought, probably tremors, so the next morning, when I finally woke up, I went into the office, the hotel office, turned in the key, and I mentioned the tremors, and the guy looks at something over here, and he goes, we didn't have any last night, and I'm like, okay, well, whatever, and honestly, you know, I just kind of thought, like, whatever, the dude was asleep, didn't feel it, I didn't think anything of it, it just, the whole thing seemed kind of weird, but I blew it off, I was starting a new contract, I had a lot on my mind, I was thinking consciously, okay, something has happened recently, this part of Lily, very strong part of her, that I had this console with, she had been taken, and she, there was, I'm trying to find the right way to say this, especially with respect to her, she's very important to me, everyone's important to me, in all parts of Lily, are very important to me, this lady is really important to me, and there's more about it that I can understand at first, but she and I were talking, and I was helping her with telepathy, and doing all kinds of stuff, and then when she was taken, at a young age a couple times, part of her anatomy was removed to have children later, to be used to produce children later, and she is, Lily energy, very, very, very strong, okay, one of the strongest points of Lily, focal points of Lily there is, and we'll leave that there, this isn't a Lily contest, this is just a big, very strong part of Lily, so anyway, and then she and I were talking together recently, and there was different things happening, I was helping her with telepathy, and I was reaching out, and we're seeing this, we're seeing that, and she said, you said something about, when we talked in 2014, you said something about, I had a son in a warehouse, and I looked at it, and I said, well, I'm seeing him hold a weapon, and his energy is different, and it's like a warehouse, it's like an armory, and on that planet, the police and the military are one, so, and I was talking more about that, and seeing more, and this is two years ago, almost two years ago, a couple months away, and I'm a lot stronger now than I was then, and I've already gotten rid of a lot of stuff that was beating me up then, so I'm left alone more to see, and it's easier for me to see, because I'm stronger, the more you do anything, the more you use your abilities, the better you see, when you actually talk with your spirit guides, folks, that's telepathy, that's telepathy going between dimensions, and it goes through the pineal, okay, something going on, anyway, so, someone's watching, listening, anyway, you know, it's like, when is that not happening, anyway, so, that was a case, and then I was talking with her, and I said, you know, you were kind of removed more than once, I didn't see that before, but also, seeing there's two girls that you have, two daughters you have that you don't know about, and then I started looking at the daughters real close, and I said, crap, I said, that is nuts, and sure enough, the son and the two girls, they literally came from me and her, no joke, so, that's an opportunity for some people to say, if he was really this, he would have known that before, you know, people trying to put me in the psychic box, nah, they're being totally unreal, and they don't know what real is, because they don't understand any of this, and that's okay, they don't need to, have their life go home, no biggie, it's when they try and stop the metaphysical movement that they'll find themselves running into trouble, a lot more soon than it is now, anyway, so, that was crazy, to me at first, and it hit me like a brick, and we were working on reaching out with telepathy and talking, so, I told her, I said, I'm gonna go to them, and I did, these two young ladies are in a solar, in this solar system now, in a large ship, they're treated like royalty, there's a young girl, she's like 13, 14 years old, and the boy's like 17, 18 years old, I mean, I'm sorry, the two daughters, the younger one is 13, 14, the older one's 17, 18, and then the young man is a little older, just leave that alone for now, so, anyway, I went to them, and immediately went to the older daughter, she was awake, the younger daughter was sleeping, and she kind of got my face, and, you know, the rest of this is personal, but she knew who I was, you know, they've been taught from the beginning of their lives, that how to use their abilities, that they're real, trust them, use them, so, they're real strong, but as wonderful as it was, it was really sad, a lot of hurt feelings, but, and that's the end of that, that's personal to me, I respect y'all, you know that, I respect myself too, but especially the mother, okay, she's very important to me, there'll be more about her later, she's really strong, I'm starting to teach her how to crank people up, anyway, so, don't think that when you start becoming alive and everything, it's just you turn the switch, oh, I'm ready, you know, a lot of people thought that from the crank up, it's like, dude, I gave you a nice new car, get in it, turn the key, drive it, use it, the more you use it, the better you get with it, but there's all kinds of stuff going on, I keep telling y'all, you're going to start finding out soon, that you're not alone, when most of your major cities all of a sudden have a hundred or more ships hanging over, yeah, then there's not going to be any issues, if there's any issues, it'll be from somebody over here trying to shoot at one, they'll be far enough away, where it's not an issue, but they'll be seen in mass, and then they'll disappear, they'll come and they'll go, and people be like, I saw that, and gee, they didn't shoot at us, if a starship shoots at you, it's these triangular ones, or something similar, that your own governments are shooting at you with, okay, now that's crazy, people can say, I'm crazy, I don't care, and they're the ones running around, they say, they have a soul that they can't see, and that there's this God that they can't see, but they know it's real, and they call us crazy, it's amazing sometimes, anyway, um, this experience is a whole lot of reflection for myself, um, I can say a whole lot more, and I'm not gonna, our personal lives with our children are, you know, just that, and I've got my other son out in California, you know, physical son here, I need to do something for him real soon too, so, Dan is taking over all the merchandise and everything, everything's starting to happen, get put together, um, things are changing folks, you're gonna find out life on other planets is real, and yes, there's actually something called a spaceship, yes, and there are people from other planets, and a lot of them look just like us, wow, that couldn't be, why? Because it said so in a book, the two books, the three books I wrote, that reminds me, I got an announcement, anyway, those books, the creation books that I wrote, the two of them, that tells you what's around, that doesn't tell you you need to believe it, it's not a religion, there's no name for it, that just tells you what's going on, and how it got there, and as you develop your abilities, yourself alone, whatever, as you develop your abilities, and you become more aware, you're gonna see things, hey there buddy, that's a really beautiful cardinal, um, anyway, you're gonna see this for yourself, and then when you see it, I'll tell you what it is, and everything else, so when you see the design, and then you see in the book, number one, it gives you an affirmation, damn, it looks like I saw one of these, it looks like I actually saw something, so that'll tell you, yes, you're not imagining this stuff, folks, you think that, you know, the biggest problem with waking up is trying to trust yourself, seeing something that people tell you could never possibly exist, that's the problem, but it's also going to be taken care of, so anyway, um, what I just told you, in the coming years, in the next 20 to 50 years, it's going to be very important, this young man is very important to me, um, but these two young ladies, they're major players, major players, so is the young man, his son, he's very strong, he's going to get changed when I get out of here, but these young girls have DNA from Lillian Ara's very, very strong focal points, which means they're already ready to move a lot of energy from, through them, they've also been raised by sentient beings who are aware of metaphysical abilities, that they're not going to be flying, hanging out in the earth, they're going to be all over the place, it's important we think about our home, the earth, and what's going on over here, but we need to remember we're one planet, and it's over, I'm telling you, there's over two trillion planets with a lot of life on them, so, anyway, folks, um, there's good information in what I just told you, um, some, uh, things to think about, for those of you that are awake and thinking about it, the other, you know, naysayers, whatever, who cares, doesn't matter, they mean next to nothing, they mean very little, um, let them go their way and do what they want, what matters is those of you that want the information you have it, and, like I said, the next 20 to 50 years, what I just told you is going to be very important, okay, folks, I love you, have a good one.