Video ID
string | Channel ID
string | Title
string | Time Created
string | Time Published
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string | Like Count
float64 | Dislike Count
float64 |
AOeRbuwCd-Y | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | My Biggest Challenge With Programming (Q&A #11) | null | 2019-06-30T18:00:52Z | null | In this Q&A video, we'll be discussing various programming hardships and how I got into machine learning. Channel membership: ... | null | null | null |
qf0sfRZ0hHc | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Python 3 Programming Tutorial: If Else | null | 2014-01-23T20:08:45Z | null | The If-Else statement is designed to build on the if statement's logic. Here, we ask if something is the case, and, if it is we do ... | null | null | null |
Wo5dMEP_BbI | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Neural Networks from Scratch - P.1 Intro and Neuron Code | null | 2020-04-11T13:49:09Z | null | Building neural networks from scratch in Python introduction. Neural Networks from Scratch book: Playlist for this ... | null | null | null |
S11VFAMEs6E | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Channels - Go Lang Practical Programming Tutorial p.22 | null | 2017-11-12T15:09:07Z | null | We use Go Channels to connect concurrent goroutines, in order to send and receive values between them, using the channel ... | null | null | null |
3fsvqo9pQyg | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Structs - Go Lang Practical Programming Tutorial p.6 | null | 2017-10-23T13:16:45Z | null | In the programming language of Go, there are no Classes. Instead, we can create custom types called Structs, which we then ... | null | null | null |
q59wap1ELQ4 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | A. I. Learns to Play Starcraft 2 (Reinforcement Learning) | null | 2022-04-23T15:05:05Z | null | Tinkering with reinforcement learning via Stable Baselines 3 and Starcraft 2. Code and model: ... | null | null | null |
wQ8BIBpya2k | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Deep Learning with Python, TensorFlow, and Keras tutorial | null | 2018-08-11T14:17:31Z | null | An updated deep learning introduction using Python, TensorFlow, and Keras. Text-tutorial and notes: ... | null | null | null |
IDqQIDL3LKg | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Remote Access with SSH and Remote Desktop - Raspberry Pi and Python tutorials p.3 | null | 2017-04-03T13:15:24Z | null | In this Raspberry Pi tutorial, we're going to cover how we can remotely access our Raspberry Pi, both with SSH and with a remote ... | null | null | null |
DF_44sWnAsk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Application Structure - PyQt with Python GUI Programming tutorial 2 | null | 2015-05-26T13:17:08Z | null | In this PyQT4 tutorial video, we cover how to structure a PyQT application in your code, using object oriented programming, ... | null | null | null |
MF4NWqArewo | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Detecting collisions - Intermediate Python Programming p.20 | null | 2016-12-06T14:37:13Z | null | Now that we've got handling for the "+" operator, we need to devise a way to actually detect when we need to use it. In this tutorial ... | null | null | null |
Zg7GK759ZzA | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Goroutines - Go Lang Practical Programming Tutorial p.18 | null | 2017-11-09T16:13:05Z | null | Welcome everyone to part 18 of the Go Language programming tutorial series, where we'll be talking about concurrency in Go. | null | null | null |
TEWy9vZcxW4 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Neural Networks from Scratch - P.4 Batches, Layers, and Objects | null | 2020-05-01T14:07:12Z | null | Neural Networks from Scratch book: NNFSiX Github: Playlist for this series: ... | null | null | null |
OwakEEY_DFw | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Pointers - Go Lang Practical Programming Tutorial p.4 | null | 2017-10-21T17:59:01Z | null | Welcome to part 4 of the Go programming tutorial series. In the previous tutorial, we covered some function basics. Now, we're ... | null | null | null |
BVWmstt0AWM | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Home Lab Build - P.2 - Rack has evolved! | null | 2022-07-01T14:40:12Z | null | Quite a few changes to the server rack, starting with a patch panel and another ethernet switch. From here, I've mounted a KVM ... | null | null | null |
ZoWgzG_r2qo | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | List comprehension and generator expressions - Intermediate Python Programming p.4 | null | 2016-11-04T13:31:25Z | null | Welcome to part 4 of the intermediate Python programming tutorial series. In this part, we're going to talk about list comprehension ... | null | null | null |
mA5nwGoRAOo | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Support Vector Machine Intro and Application - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.20 | null | 2016-05-13T16:20:36Z | null | In this tutorial, we introduce the theory of the Support Vector Machine (SVM), which is a classification learning algorithm for ... | null | null | null |
Lbfe3-v7yE0 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Sockets Tutorial with Python 3 part 1 - sending and receiving data | null | 2019-03-11T14:22:40Z | null | Welcome to a tutorial on sockets with Python 3. We have a lot to cover, so let's just jump right in. The socket library is a part of the ... | null | null | null |
PDNt07UePvk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Github Copilot: Good or Bad? | null | 2021-11-13T15:56:26Z | null | My thoughts and some examples of Github Copilot. Neural Networks from Scratch book: Channel membership: ... | null | null | null |
rTyEMsD-NNM | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Why I use a Standing Desk | null | 2019-06-03T16:03:56Z | null | I get questions all the time about my desk and figured I might as well have a video to point people towards to make my life easier! | null | null | null |
levekYbxauw | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Neural Networks from Scratch - P.8 Implementing Loss | null | 2021-06-05T14:27:57Z | null | Implementing categorical cross entropy loss in our neural network framework. NNFS series playlist: ... | null | null | null |
rISOsUaTrO4 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Naive Bayes - Natural Language Processing With Python and NLTK p.13 | null | 2015-05-14T15:10:55Z | null | The algorithm of choice, at least at a basic level, for text analysis is often the Naive Bayes classifier. Part of the reason for this is ... | null | null | null |
xtXexPSfcZg | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Python 3 Programming Tutorial - For loop | null | 2014-01-22T05:45:00Z | null | The next loop is the For loop. The idea of the for loop is to "iterate" through something. For each thing in that something, it will do a ... | null | null | null |
RpseX2ylEuw | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Introduction and Parts - Raspberry Pi and Python tutorials p.1 | null | 2017-04-03T13:15:06Z | null | Welcome to a series on the Raspberry Pi. One of the most common questions I see about the Raspberry Pi is "What do I do with ... | null | null | null |
V59bYfIomVk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Regression How it Works - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.7 | null | 2016-04-16T13:54:18Z | null | Welcome to the seventh part of our machine learning regression tutorial within our Machine Learning with Python tutorial series. | null | null | null |
aVDkuViaJfY | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Defer - Go Lang Practical Programming Tutorial p.20 | null | 2017-11-11T14:07:07Z | null | Welcome to part 20 of the Go programming tutorial, where we will be introducing the defer statement and its use in Go. The idea of ... | null | null | null |
6e6NbNegChU | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Corner Detection - OpenCV with Python for Image and Video Analysis 13 | null | 2016-01-08T00:31:44Z | null | Welcome to a corner detection with OpenCV and Python tutorial. The purpose of detecting corners is to track things like motion, ... | null | null | null |
rPCeCPT-f28 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Decorators - Intermediate Python Programming p.18 | null | 2016-11-29T14:28:08Z | null | Welcome to part 18 of the intermediate Python programming tutorial series. In this tutorial, we are going to be discussing ... | null | null | null |
WM1z8soch0Q | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Sockets Tutorial with Python 3 part 3 - sending and receiving Python Objects w/ Pickle | null | 2019-03-13T13:52:35Z | null | Welcome to part 3 of the sockets tutorial with Python. We've learned how to send and receive string data via sockets, and now I ... | null | null | null |
za5s7RB_VLw | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Pickling and Scaling - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.6 | null | 2016-04-15T02:24:09Z | null | In the previous Machine Learning with Python tutorial we finished up making a forecast of stock prices using regression, and then ... | null | null | null |
ixathu7U-LQ | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Building our Neural Network - Deep Learning and Neural Networks with Python and Pytorch p.3 | null | 2019-09-25T14:19:43Z | null | In this tutorial, we're going to focus on actually creating a neural network Text-based tutorials and sample code: ... | null | null | null |
ZmYPzESC5YY | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Matplotlib Tutorial 16 - Live graphs | null | 2015-07-12T02:06:17Z | null | In this Matplotlib tutorial, we're going to cover how to create live updating graphs that can update their plots live as the data-source ... | null | null | null |
-bTuXf1xM_8 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Adding a tutorial option - Tkinter tutorial Python 3.4 part 19 | null | 2014-12-03T15:11:56Z | null | Tkinter GUI Tutorial Playlist: In this tkinter ... | null | null | null |
2R0kGTuYmVI | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Exploring an AI’s Imagination (Stable Diffusion and MidJourney) | null | 2022-09-03T13:54:26Z | null | Exploring a couple of the latest text to image generators that you can begin using right now, Stable Diffusion and MidJourney. | null | null | null |
i3o4G4bmqPc | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Methods - Value Receivers - Go Lang Practical Programming Tutorial p.7 | null | 2017-10-23T13:16:48Z | null | Welcome to part 7 of the Go programming tutorial series. We've been talking about structs, and we saw how to create a struct in ... | null | null | null |
cJtdb-vPxBo | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Kivy with Python tutorial Part 2 - Widgets and Labels | null | 2015-02-19T14:43:31Z | null | In this Kivy application development tutorial, we cover widgets and labels, as well as diving into some of the extensive Kivy ... | null | null | null |
lGLto9Xd7bU | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Neural Networks from Scratch - P.2 Coding a Layer | null | 2020-04-17T13:57:47Z | null | Expanding from a single neuron with 3 inputs to a layer of neurons with 4 inputs. Neural Networks from Scratch book: ... | null | null | null |
0hrrycamKPM | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Exchange choice change - Tkinter tutorial Python 3.4 part 20 | null | 2014-12-04T17:17:26Z | null | Tkinter GUI TutorialPlaylist: This Tkinter GUI ... | null | null | null |
uoHVztKY6S4 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Lemmatizing - Natural Language Processing With Python and NLTK p.8 | null | 2015-05-07T14:18:53Z | null | A very similar operation to stemming is called lemmatizing. The major difference between these is, as you saw earlier, stemming ... | null | null | null |
WLo5Rgvj6qo | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | GPIO Basics with LED light - Raspberry Pi and Python tutorials p.6 | null | 2017-04-03T13:15:30Z | null | In this Raspberry Pi tutorial, we're going to be introducing and using the GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins on our boards. | null | null | null |
oVp1vrfL_w4 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Why Python 3? Python 2 vs Python 3 | null | 2014-01-22T01:02:58Z | null | This video covers why one is encouraged to try Python 3. This is whether you are a complete noob to Python and programming, ... | null | null | null |
aZltBzPUPKI | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Building a Quadcopter p.2 - Parts | null | 2016-03-08T15:18:35Z | null | Parts list: Hello and welcome to the second tutorial covering how to build ... | null | null | null |
sh-MQboWJug | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | A Deep Dream of a Neural Network | null | 2018-03-31T14:02:40Z | null | A deep dream with TensorFlow's inception model. It's a deep dream through the inception v3 model's layers that's trained on ... | null | null | null |
7Wq-QmMT4gM | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Convolutional Neural Networks Basics - Deep Learning withTensorFlow 12 | null | 2016-09-19T13:09:40Z | null | In this tutorial, we cover the basics of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in terms of how the network works and how the ... | null | null | null |
HRKfVjCB3lM | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Goroutine Synchronization - Go Lang Practical Programming Tutorial p.19 | null | 2017-11-10T13:59:13Z | null | Welcome everyone to part 19 of the Go Language programming tutorial series, where we've been covering concurrency in Go, but ... | null | null | null |
3ERPpzrDkVg | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Mean Shift Intro - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.39 | null | 2016-06-29T14:44:24Z | null | Mean Shift is very similar to the K-Means algorithm, except for one very important factor: you do not need to specify the number of ... | null | null | null |
8sCQQlqeOKY | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Game Development in Python 3 With PyGame - 20 - Sounds and Music | null | 2014-10-30T13:35:55Z | null | See for sample code PyGame with Python 3 Playlist: ... | null | null | null |
oP95o2cUbTI | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Looping - Go Lang Practical Programming Tutorial p.12 | null | 2017-10-28T17:51:02Z | null | Welcome to part 12 of the Go programming tutorial series, where we're going to cover looping/iterating in Go. Leading up to this, ... | null | null | null |
T-Sc-uq4n5c | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Flask Tutorial Web Development with Python 14 - Connecting to database | null | 2015-03-30T02:10:21Z | null | Welcome to part 14 of our Flask web development tutorial, in this video we discuss how to connect to our MySQL database using ... | null | null | null |
-vVskDsHcVc | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Words as Features for Learning - Natural Language Processing With Python and NLTK p.12 | null | 2015-05-13T12:53:42Z | null | For our text classification, we have to find some way to "describe" bits of data, which are labeled as either positive or negative for ... | null | null | null |
BqgTU7_cBnk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Analyzing Models with TensorBoard - Deep Learning with Python, TensorFlow and Keras p.4 | null | 2018-08-24T14:24:31Z | null | Welcome to part 4 of the deep learning basics with Python, TensorFlow, and Keras tutorial series. In this part, what we're going to ... | null | null | null |
aXxIjeGR6po | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Models - Django Web Development with Python p.2 | null | 2019-01-22T13:48:47Z | null | Welcome to Part 2 of the web development with Python and Django tutorial series. In this tutorial, we're going to introduce the ... | null | null | null |
Y6cir7P3YUk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Functions with Parameters with Tkinter GUI buttons - Tkinter tutorial Python 3.4 p. 3 | null | 2014-10-27T21:05:18Z | null | Tkinter GUI TutorialPlaylist: In this Tkinter with ... | null | null | null |
cu7t-GqtTRw | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Running locally and getting surrounding data - Halite III coding competition p.2 | null | 2018-10-18T13:53:00Z | null | Text tutorials and sample code: coming soon(tm) Discord: Support the content: ... | null | null | null |
6_GXTbTL9Uc | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Coding Adventure with Kaggle and Lux AI | null | 2021-09-26T16:25:13Z | null | Follow along on my journey of coding a Python AI agent for the Lux AI Kaggle competition. Lux Competition on Kaggle: ... | null | null | null |
WbTOutpwPHs | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Matplotlib Tutorial 4 - Scatter Plots | null | 2015-07-12T02:04:58Z | null | Next up, we cover scatter plots! The idea of scatter plots is usually to compare two variables, or three if you are plotting in 3 ... | null | null | null |
-fgYp74SNtk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | R Squared Theory - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.10 | null | 2016-04-21T18:11:14Z | null | Welcome to the 10th part of our of our machine learning regression tutorial within our Machine Learning with Python tutorial series ... | null | null | null |
BzcBsTou0C0 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Introduction - Deep Learning and Neural Networks with Python and Pytorch p.1 | null | 2019-09-23T13:57:15Z | null | Hello and welcome to a deep learning with Python and Pytorch tutorial series, starting from the basics. Text-based tutorials and ... | null | null | null |
yZgaxg0JzcU | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Bitcoin Protocol Tutorial #9 - Reclaiming Disk Space | null | 2014-02-08T00:34:04Z | null | Bitcoin Protocol Paper Playlist: ... | null | null | null |
BSpXCRTOLJA | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) - Deep Learning w/ Python, TensorFlow & Keras p.7 | null | 2018-09-07T14:32:02Z | null | In this part we're going to be covering recurrent neural networks. The idea of a recurrent neural network is that sequences and ... | null | null | null |
275_oeBw3vY | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Creating Stable Diffusion Interpolation Videos | null | 2022-09-16T15:19:34Z | null | GTC signup: Stable Diffusion Videos Github: Gist for ... | null | null | null |
dvOnYLDg8_Y | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Creating a Chatbot with Deep Learning, Python, and TensorFlow p.1 | null | 2017-11-24T15:26:34Z | null | In this tutorial series we build a Chatbot with TensorFlow's sequence to sequence library and by building a massive database from ... | null | null | null |
qk1IVs5B1GI | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Camera Module - Raspberry Pi and Python tutorials p.5 | null | 2017-04-03T13:15:30Z | null | Welcome to part 5 of the Raspberry Pi tutorial series, in this tutorial and the next few, we'll be introducing some of the sensors that ... | null | null | null |
WFm1RZCVShU | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | AI-Based Game Engines with GameGAN research paper | null | 2020-05-22T13:13:54Z | null | Learning to Simulate Dynamic Environments with GameGAN: Link to paper: ... | null | null | null |
iRrySp4VoPs | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Jetson Nano 2GB from NVIDIA | null | 2020-10-14T15:30:53Z | null | Get it here: Channel ... | null | null | null |
yMk_XtIEzH8 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Q Learning Intro/Table - Reinforcement Learning p.1 | null | 2019-05-30T13:26:14Z | null | Welcome to a reinforcement learning tutorial. In this part, we're going to focus on Q-Learning. Q-Learning is a model-free form of ... | null | null | null |
j-3vuBynnOE | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Loading in your own data - Deep Learning basics with Python, TensorFlow and Keras p.2 | null | 2018-08-18T13:50:58Z | null | Welcome to a tutorial where we'll be discussing how to load in our own outside datasets, which comes with all sorts of challenges! | null | null | null |
COlbP62-B-U | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Intro - TensorFlow Object Detection API Tutorial p.1 | null | 2017-08-21T14:19:31Z | null | Hello and welcome to a miniseries and introduction to the TensorFlow Object Detection API. This API can be used to detect, with ... | null | null | null |
QyhqzaMiFxk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Matplotlib Tutorial 7 - loading data from files | null | 2015-07-12T02:05:14Z | null | Many times, people want to graph data from a file. There are many types of files, and many ways you may extract data from a file to ... | null | null | null |
kqJ8WYQu68w | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Distance Sensor GPIO cont'd - Raspberry Pi and Python tutorials p.7 | null | 2017-04-05T00:52:55Z | null | In this Raspberry Pi tutorial, we're going to introduce a new sensor, the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor, along with handling ... | null | null | null |
eXBD2bB9-RA | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Introduction to Python 3 Programming Tutorial | null | 2018-10-27T15:58:41Z | null | Downloading and installing Python 3, along with an editor and writing our very first, though super basic, program! Playlist: ... | null | null | null |
Q8KtQ3uM1tk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Bitcoin Protocol Tutorial #8: Incentive | null | 2014-02-06T21:02:35Z | null | Bitcoin Protocol Paper Playlist: ... | null | null | null |
dEXPMQXoiLc | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Neural Networks from Scratch - P.7 Calculating Loss with Categorical Cross-Entropy | null | 2021-01-23T15:47:17Z | null | In order to do backpropagation and optimization, we need to have some measure of how wrong the model is. For this, we use a ... | null | null | null |
-QmdZ7821wA | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Simple Web App - Go Lang Practical Programming Tutorial p.5 | null | 2017-10-21T17:59:06Z | null | Welcome to part 5 of the Go programming tutorial series, where we'll poke around a bit with the built-in web server with the Go ... | null | null | null |
WvoLTXIjBYU | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Convolutional Neural Networks - Deep Learning basics with Python, TensorFlow and Keras p.3 | null | 2018-08-19T13:34:14Z | null | Welcome to a tutorial where we'll be discussing Convolutional Neural Networks (Convnets and CNNs), using one to classify dogs ... | null | null | null |
xqg5S-GrrDQ | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Why Kernels - Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python p.30 | null | 2016-05-30T12:53:02Z | null | Once we've determined that we can use Kernels, the next question is of course why would we bother using kernels when we can ... | null | null | null |
IsyyRKbFi7w | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Object Oriented Programming in js - JavaScript Programming Basics p.5 | null | 2019-05-20T13:26:47Z | null | Greetings and welcome to part 5 of the JavaScript basics! In this tutorial, we're going to dive into Object Oriented Programming ... | null | null | null |
K_Ac1Ko8-p8 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Bitcoin Protocol: Proof of Work shown in Python Code | null | 2014-02-04T18:24:47Z | null | Bitcoin Protocol Paper Playlist: ... | null | null | null |
Ha7TP11H0EI | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Kivy with Python tutorial Part 5 - Dynamic Resizable Placement | null | 2015-02-23T00:38:05Z | null | In this Kivy application development tutorial, we cover how to code dynamic positions for things like widgets and buttons, this way ... | null | null | null |
sNHiM0DoEAg | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Neural Networks from Scratch (NNFS) in Print! | null | 2020-10-28T13:10:02Z | null | Get the book: twitters: Channel membership: ... | null | null | null |
JBME1ZyHiP8 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Intro/basic GUI - PyQt with Python GUI Programming tutorial | null | 2015-05-25T14:04:07Z | null | PyQT is a Python wrapper around the QT GUI application development framework. To get PyQT, head to: ... | null | null | null |
3EjtHs_lXnk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | $5 MILLION AI for FREE | null | 2022-08-12T15:18:07Z | null | Imagine an AI where, all in the same model you could Translate languages, Write code, solve crossword puzzles, Be a chatbot ... | null | null | null |
NRgfgtzIhBQ | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Introduction and Basics - Python Reddit API Wrapper (PRAW) tutorial p.1 | null | 2017-08-07T13:43:29Z | null | In this tutorial miniseries, we're going to be covering the Python Reddit API Wrapper, PRAW. Reddit is a place for just about ... | null | null | null |
vvC15l4CY1Q | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Optimizing Neural Network Structures with Keras-Tuner | null | 2019-12-21T15:01:42Z | null | Tuning and optimizing neural networks with the Keras-Tuner package: Kite AI ... | null | null | null |
txh3TQDwP1g | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Neural Networks from Scratch - P.9 Introducing Optimization and derivatives | null | 2021-08-02T22:08:08Z | null | Introducing the challenge of optimization and the concepts of derivatives NNFS series playlist: ... | null | null | null |
tMrbN67U9d4 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Neural Networks from Scratch - P.3 The Dot Product | null | 2020-04-24T14:27:00Z | null | Neural Networks from Scratch book: NNFSiX Github: Playlist for this series: ... | null | null | null |
XbWhJdQgi7E | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Reinforcement Learning with Stable Baselines 3 - Introduction (P.1) | null | 2022-02-05T15:56:01Z | null | Welcome to a tutorial series covering how to do reinforcement learning with the Stable Baselines 3 (SB3) package. The objective ... | null | null | null |
ReakZVh2Xwk | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Save Classifier with Pickle - Natural Language Processing With Python and NLTK p.14 | null | 2015-05-15T15:00:52Z | null | As you will likely find with any form of data analysis, there is going to be some sort of processing bottleneck, that you repeat over ... | null | null | null |
RxZKbEmm7z0 | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Kivy with Python tutorial Part 12 - Adding better Navigation | null | 2015-02-27T01:32:22Z | null | In this Kivy application development tutorial, we cover how to add on top of our previous example with a button that heads back ... | null | null | null |
SN0VwEt2huo | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | NNFS Update #2: Content done | null | 2020-09-25T17:49:03Z | null | More info: Channel membership: Discord: ... | null | null | null |
lhMXDqQHf9g | UCfzlCWGWYyIQ0aLC5w48gBQ | Line Finding with Hough Lines - Python plays Grand Theft Auto 5 p.5 | null | 2017-04-10T14:59:29Z | null | In this Python plays Grand Theft Auto tutorial, we're going to incorporate the Hough Line finding functionality from OpenCV. | null | null | null |
BkyMzqomsNY | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | 10-minute Bodyweight-Only Bedroom Workout (follow along) | null | 2020-03-17T03:58:04Z | null | This 10-minute bodyweight-only workout can be performed anywhere, including your bedroom. Remember, the goal isn't to ... | null | null | null |
hsQ9efb6a7c | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | 6 Techniques That Help Me Study Machine Learning Five Days Per Week | null | 2021-09-26T02:41:28Z | null | In 2017, I started my own AI Master's Degree to learn machine learning by combining different resources. Studying online and on ... | null | null | null |
IMMDPzECrf0 | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | 5 Beginner Friendly Steps to Learn Machine Learning | null | 2019-09-15T12:00:59Z | null | This video breaks down practical steps on how to learning machine learning with Python. It's the video I wish I had watched when I ... | null | null | null |
WJ18JZKvt6s | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | ResNets are back baby!!! ...and they're gone | Machine Learning Monthly March 2021 | null | 2021-04-03T06:45:33Z | null | Machine Learning Monthly covers the latest and greatest (but not always the latest) in machine learning of the previous month. | null | null | null |
7R08MPXxiFQ | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | These books will help you learn machine learning | null | 2019-08-18T10:04:03Z | null | Machine learning engineer Daniel Bourke shares some of the best books for learning machine learning. I've been learning ... | null | null | null |
_1CaUOHhI6U | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | Setup Apple Silicon Mac for Machine Learning in 13 minutes (TensorFlow edition) | null | 2021-12-05T11:00:18Z | null | How to get your Apple M1, M1 Pro, M1 Max or M1 Ultra Mac setup for data science and machine learning. In this video, we install ... | null | null | null |
ya5NwvKafDk | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | How I passed the TensorFlow Developer Certification exam (and how you can too) | null | 2020-06-10T02:06:17Z | null | At the start of May, I decided to take the TensorFlow Developer Certification. So I created myself a curriculum to sharpen my ... | null | null | null |
Zx2MHdRgAIc | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | Setup Apple Silicon Mac for Machine Learning in 11 minutes (PyTorch edition) | null | 2022-05-22T11:41:13Z | null | Setup your Apple M1, M1 Pro, M1 Max or M1 Ultra Mac for data science and machine learning with PyTorch. Get the code on ... | null | null | null |
cGvWz6Zv2nM | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | Learning Data Science with My Brother! | Learning Intelligence 37 | null | 2018-07-24T12:11:51Z | null | My brother and I started an applied data science course on Coursera. Links: Applied Data Science with Python ... | null | null | null |
MD3R9yatou0 | UCr8O8l5cCX85Oem1d18EezQ | Self-Studying Machine Learning? Remind yourself of these 6 things | null | 2019-03-02T22:23:30Z | null | Machine learning engineer Daniel Bourke shares his tips for self-studying machine learning. Leanring machine learning can be ... | null | null | null |