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0 | Nimitz encounter | How many witnesses where there? | 0 |
1 | ((NUFORC Note: No information provided by witness. PD)) | null | 0 |
2 | coming down flying very low around. about 25 round disks, around 3 with flashing red lights | null | 0 |
3 | hazy blue huge falling star, no sound, followed by small light disapearing moving S>N and spyplane next. | null | 0 |
4 | Green, red and white flashing lights. Visible in the eastern sky. Extremely slow moving upward Almost stationary. No other aircrafts visible | null | 0 |
5 | A stationary object in the northern sky over Shuswap Lake, flashing colours of red, blue & white. I first noticed the object at 10:00 p.m. It is now 10:11 p.m. and the object is still in the same place. | null | 1 |
6 | Spotted it behind my property next to Rt 476 North just out side of the turnpike tunnel, at 12:30 AM, then at 1:28AM it hovered over my mobile home no more then 25 ft., above, It's a large drone, doing work for the turnpike. | null | 1 |
7 | Walking home when witnessed bright blue bursts of light that filled the whole sky just over mountain range on back side of Sun Valley. Bursts lasted for about 6 to 7 seconds then stopped. This happened three times, then stopped completely. | null | 0 |
8 | I saw the most awesome thing. Glad there was someone with me. It was huge. Couldn't see the whole thing. Bright strobing. Could feel the light? Colorful. I drew a picture. Never seen anything like it. Weird. Diamond strobing orbs? | null | 1 |
9 | 1 illuminated orb. Stationary near watertower on hillside. 90 min. of video taken. ((NUFORC Note: One of three similar reports from the same witness from Natalia, TX. We suspect that she may be looking at celestial bodies, but we cannot be certain. PD)) | null | 1 |
10 | There were lights flashing at it vertices. The ufo we witnesed was unbelivable. We even got it on a camcorder.The shape of the object was triangler and had lights flashing at its vertices. It was also going in a pattern were it would go fast and slow down. | null | 0 |
11 | I have seen and still have them fallowing me . I have them on video hundreds they also interfere with my phone I can send you pictures and they put light that I think track me I promise .I tried to report to much and they are invisible or cloaking I need help please | null | 1 |
12 | three bright objects at a stand still east of denver! one medium object at stand still! second object below the top one! but way more illuminated than the other one's! third object can barely be seen through binoculars all objects looks like illumat ed horizontal line! | null | 1 |
13 | We were driving, and it shot across the sky from the left to right. Thought it was a meterite but it was green.. The object was like a was green and it just shot across the sky, like a meterite. But it was green and very bright. It looked like it went down behind trees. | null | 0 |
14 | Small, white, light in the northeast sky...disappeared Small white light in the Northeast sky. Viewed from interestate 81. Seemed to be moving quickly away from me in a eastern direction. Disappeared after several seconds of viewing. Other air craft (appeared to be an airplane) in the area as well. | null | 1 |
15 | "V" formation of 7 very small satellites, or tiny bright lights, traveling fast and directly overhead towards NE Appearance is best described as a "V" formation of 7 very small satellites, or tiny bright lights, traveling fast and directly overhead in a NE direction. Observable for about 10 seconds. No sound. | null | 1 |
16 | Stays kinda in one spot, moves side to side like a jelly fish would move and freeze in the same spot for a few minutes then floats another in direction. Another craft checks up on it and flys off again so far happened twice. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)) | null | 0 |
17 | green see through bubble It was a green sphere that you can see through. It was similar to a bubble. Me and three of my friends witnessed this sighting. It moved at different speeds and directions, even in zig-zags, then when it was leaving we all seen it go straight to the sky and it was just getting smaller and smaller as it disappeared. | null | 4 |
18 | A formation of light flashing red, green and blue that appeared to be a plane, but then we noticed that it was not moving. It was just staying in one spot flashing. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect that the object may have been a "twinkling" star. Sirius?? PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness provides no information; elects to remain anonymous. Hoax?? PD)) | null | 1 |
19 | Summary : Liner lights. 4, turn off, 3, turn off2, turn off. High and near the U.S./Mexico Border High, yellow, intense, round lights. All ina straight line. 4 lights lit,five seconds later, lights go out...5seconds later, 3 lights appear, five seconds later,lights go out...five seconds later 2 lights appear quicklyand go out and not seen again. | null | 1 |
20 | Yellow lights in formation traveling silently across the sky, faded away one by one. My husband and I pulled in our driveway and up the the sky in front of us were 10 to 12 orange lights, it looked like the big dipper and more, moving across the sky. Then it changed formation but generally kept the same distance, and one by one they faded. No noise. | null | 2 |
21 | Orangish glow seen high over mountain. I looked out the window and saw a flasing light above the mountain. It was high in the sky and flashing like an orangish glow. I called the police and they were heading out there. It got brighter after about an hour. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)) | null | 1 |
22 | Reddish-orange light orb over Bayou George Panama City, Florida. I went outside to smoke a cigg. looked up and seen a reddish, orange circluar orb light in the sky going to the east. it looked like it made a 90 degree turn to the north and shot up out of sight in less then 3 to 4 seconds. This isn't the first time i've seen a round reddish, orange orb in the sky in Bayou George. | null | 1 |
23 | "solar" glowing "object" during sunset it looked as if some type of object was gleaming from the sunset. this object, from the ground, was about an arms-length from the sun and appeared to be beyond the clouds or "in" the clouds. It just sat there until the sun went completely down and the gleaming went away. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD)) | null | 0 |
24 | At times, resembles a star. At times resembles cigar shape standing on end, or disk with lights circling the disk. Two of them over Quantico & Manassas Airport. Planes are flying right past them. At times it flashes lights with a pattern. Stays in one position then moves rapidly. ((NUFORC Note: One of three reports from the same source. We suspect that she may be observing stars. PD)) | null | 1 |
25 | Me and my friend were walking back from the dollar store about a mile from his house we were about half way when me and him see a orange red light raise out of the forest and we see it moving very slowly cruising at the same speed maybe about 15 to 20 MPH and we see it moving across the sky and across the road until we see it vertically land into the forest across the road from where it came from | null | 2 |
26 | Light from above searching ally behind home. This is two videos from my security camera. Both events took place within 45 minutes and lasted seconds. This is the rear ally of my building. The area is less than 25 feet across and my car is the one with a roof rack For months I have tried to explain it. This never happened before and never happened again. I tried to replicate it and could not. | null | 1 |
27 | Me and four of my friends were in the woods looking for my dog that ran away earlier that day. All of a sudden, we heard a strange noise and then saw an oval-shaped object hovering above us. My friends ran away but I was in some kind of trance. I couldn't move. The next thing I knew, I was laying on the ground and all of my friends were so worried about me. That is all that I remember. Read above. | null | 5 |
28 | A round shaped light with no movement. i just opened my window and i see this white light, it looks fairly distant, does not move, i waited to see if it moved to make sure it wasn't a plane and it still remains doesn't make any noise. it is also over the area of a large cornfield directly down the street. ((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of Jupiter, or another celestial body?? PD)) | null | 1 |
29 | 10-12 yellow/orange fireballs moving in strange formation no sound and sequentially disappearing 10-12 yellow/orange fireballs, slowly moving across the sky in formations. Traveling west to east in the sky. No sound present. One fireball slowed down to wait for others to catch up and moved in a lateral direction. As the fireballs moved east, they began to disappear. Caught on cellphone video. | null | 1 |
30 | At present, there has been a light in the southwest sky, about half way between the moon and Venus, it has been moving in all patterns, into retrograde, cganging direction. Very high, not a shape, just a very faint star. Non-orbital movement. Please try to confirm now, as it may still be occurring. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)) | null | 1 |
31 | Three people dumbfounded!!!!!!!!!!!! Flying Very fast, under the moon. Was seen three times by three people. the third sighting the fireball was .75 of the way gone went black looked like a rock still going. Each time seen it came from the same flight path. North to the south east. We all saw other planes flying and could be seen crystal clear and they all had strobes. The sky is clear and a full moon. | null | 3 |
32 | Summary : My 13 year old & I were out looking at Hale-Bopp one night & saw 3 or 4 fast-moving lights flying erratically & very close together, & almost like they were playing tag. Soon they flew away towards the south, & the next morning the big story was about the Heaven's Gate people on the news Me - a 32-year old mother of my 13 year old daughter who also saw this..No mental problems here, just 2 open minds! | null | 2 |
33 | Sphere with red white green flashing lights As I lay in bed looking out the window a flashing light caught my eye. I went outside to get a closer look and the sphere was alternating between white/green/red light in random order. Occasionally the light would spread out into a number of lights in a row. This happened sometimes vertically sometimes horizontally. I estimate it was located north west of san ramon about 10-15miles away. | null | 1 |
34 | Bright orange orb observed flying over Casco Bay from the Eastern Promenade. Standing on the Eastern Promenade a bright orange orb was coming in fast from the south east over Peak's Island and then dramatically taking a turn very fast and heading northeast and then fading very quickly in the night sky over long island. The light was orange like fire and did not look like a shooting star, as it turned vastly and did not break apart. | null | 1 |
35 | triangle shaped object with 3 bright lights and 1 dull pulsating light underneath the craft it moved silently the light started as a semi large object but then got smaller as it passed overtop of us, it had 3 bright lights with 1 dullish red light underneath it with a sort of triangle outine to this object. i heard no indications of an aircraft because no sound was emmiting from this object. it was moving very very slow across the nighttime sky. | null | 1 |
36 | Bright white stationary light over Pendleton, IN. Starting at 5:30pm on November 28, 2013, I witnessed a stationary white light high in the sky. It was located South West of State road 13 and I-69 in Pendleton, Indiana. Object was brighter than surrounding stars. Object was still visible at the time of this report. ((NUFORC Note: Sighting of Venus. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)) | null | 1 |
37 | All of a sudden, a strange wind started blowing even the tallest trees around like crazy and my husband and I went to see what was the matter on our front porch and saw a gigantic teal-colored flash light up high in the sky over the trees and all the power went out in our town. The wind began to pick up more and another teal flash lit up the sky over the trees and my husband and I went back inside because we could not explain what was happening..we believe it was a UFO. | null | 1 |
38 | Summary : Small silver-disc high high up in the air... very quick... then it zoomed away. It was a greyish-silvery disc.. I was in my black suburban in the far back seat.This UFO, it stayed there for a moment in the air,hovering, then it was gone... I don't knowwhat it was. At first I thought it had been a glare, but when it zoomed away, I knew it couldn't be. I don't know if it was a sate-lite, or... weather balloon... or maybe justa smear on my glasses, but I've only told my brother. | null | 1 |
39 | green line of light seen over halifax for hours for the past 3 weeks we have seen on cirtain nights a long green shaped line seems very high up we have seen it for the past 2 nights i a row and it stays in the air without movment for hours it geats bigger and smaller in length but it deffinetly somthing strange and unexplained we have seen it with at least 5 or more ppl and have had friends in other areas of halifax who have also seen it please get back to me if u have seen this thanks. | null | 5 |
40 | Possible UFO sightings are likely balloons. This is not a UFO report, but rather an explanation of objects observed on this evening, which may be reported by many as UFO's. I observed the lights and had planned on reporting them here, but failed to do so. When I went to work, a fellow employee mentioned an event which he attended where luminaria's were launched in balloons the same evening I observed the lights. The balloons drifted quite a distance at approximately 1-2 miles altitude. | null | 1 |
41 | Comet-like cloud with faint flashing light appeared in clear starry sky, drifting North across Casseopia. Sighted comet like cloud moving towart constellation casseopia, has faint flashing light, called son in N Florida who also could see object. Object drifted into Casseopia around 6:15 CST, becoming vague. pointed structure, moon size, white flashing light about every 5 Minutes. I'm an amateur astronomer, never saw anything like it in 50+ years. ((NUFORC Note: Missile venting fuel in space. PD)) | null | 2 |
42 | Comet-like object, high in sky, set at \ angle, nearly vertical, stationary, no aircraft in sight. Object was bright like a vapor trail. Very high in sky. At this angle (\) and about that long in relationship to its width. Looked like a comet or perhaps something burning up in atmosphere. I didn't get the feeling that this was an alien spacecraft, but either a natural phemomen, or maybe a man-made object buring up in atmosphere. One never know though. The light was white (exactly like a vapor trail). | null | 1 |
44 | We saw silver balls flying irradically in the sky We were in the woods squrril hunting behind the house. The first sighting occured when two silver object thought to be military craft manuvering. When to second check they broke formation and six more appeared and the spherical crafts began orbiting one another. The second sighting observed occured in less than three minutes later. A silver ball was saw making a straight line and dashing really fast making an upside down "j". Then it disappeared into thin air. | null | 0 |
45 | Saw a fast movin UFO on the way back from getting a pizza. A friend and I where on our way back from getting a pizza. I looked up and observed a rapid moving single white light. It ziged and zaged, and it moved faster than anything I have ever seen. I asked my friend if he was seeing it to(because my friend had 15 years in the Air Force, I figured if it was a plain, he would know), and he replied "Yeah, what the hell was it". It was on a fairly well traveled road. The light continued to zig and zag for about a minute. | null | 2 |
46 | There was a light source larger than a star with several colors moving erratically in the sky. There is one area of light bigger than a star moving erratically in the sky. There are several colors. Through a binoculars it looked like a central light source with a web of lights around it. It stayed close to the horizon but our neighbor saw it move before we showed up. ((NUFORC Note: We observe that the sighting is not inconsistent with that of a "twinkling" star. However, confirmation would require a star chart, or triangulation. PD)) | null | 0 |
47 | A long line of very bright white lights looked like a plane about to crash then just disappeared very light cloud cover wouldn't have concealed the light. Then shortly after a single white light blinking in middle with external white lights blinking directly after happened 3 times after with brief intervals between then nothing. Was accompanied by very loud sounding like jet engine but just hung around in the air with no sign of a a plane after lights disappeared first time sound vanished then after when flashing lights started sound came back. | null | 1 |
48 | observed multiple orange orbs in northern Ohio sky Noticed a cluster of orange lights from my bedroom window. I yelled for my teenage boys and wife. We ran outside and observed 6-10 orange lights due North just over our tree line. They seemed to float around and slowly North. Within about 20 secs they moved out of sight. A few minutes passed and then a sole orange orb appeared higher in the Eastern sky, it descended and moved towards the direction of the other previously viewed objects. It soon also moved down and North until it was out of sight. | null | 0 |
50 | A cluster of orange lights in the sky spread out and one by one they disappeared I was driving to Honesdale, PA, and up in the sky were orange lights that looked like the formation of the big dipper. We kept watching as we were driving they moved around then they went into a semi-single verticle line formation, at this time we pulled over and got out of the vehicle and looked up and another car came behind us and they got out and looked also, and one by one they moved out and disappeared, Not sure what it was but it was something i never saw before. | null | 0 |
51 | 3 bright lights crossing the sky very fast in Sarnia My sister-in-law and myself were sitting in my back yard with a cup of coffee, chatting, when she yelled and pointed to the shy above my head. "look at these lights" There was 3 ligths that were crossing the sky very fast! They were definitly not planes because of their speed and the way they were acting. They were flying and they regrouped and they seperated themselves again to finally disapearing in the horizon. They were very bright. When I went to work the next day, other people from my area saw them too. | null | 2 |
52 | I had a psi contact with this ship I have discribed for a few minutes. The ufo was blimp shape and simuliar to a dirigable but it had no logos nor digital lighting on it and was between 400 to 600ft long, no visible engines and ufo was 100 to 200 ft wide, had 6 lights as bright as floodlights, 2 on top of it 4 on bottom of it, I know a normal terrestial man-made blimp when I see it this was not one of those, I am a semi-professional ufo researcher. You can get in contact with me at ((name and e-address deleted)), I can provide you with data on ship I saw etc. | null | 1 |
53 | UFO over Walla Walla WA. On Sunday 09/13/2009 at about 04:00, I went out side for a smoke and looked up towards the south eastern sky and noticed a slow moving, flashing light. I went and got my wife up to come out and see the craft which was flashing red, blue and white lights. We could tell it was very high and far off. This object was flying straight up, down, left and right, and in circles unlike any other known aircraft to me. I went in and got my binoculars, which have photo and video. I took 30 to 40 pictures and several minutes of video of this object. | null | 2 |
54 | 5 light craft or crafts that made everyone but me go into a trans playing night football with friends. Then large craft appeared from south. It was flying close to surface, but not very close. Went fast. Had approximently large, circular lights. Everyone on the field looked to be in a trans while I was normal. After craft had pasted, everyone but me went back to playing football. Craft went from south to north in 1 minute to 30 seconds ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. We have assigned an artificial date so that the report sorts to the summer of 1994. PD)) | null | 0 |
55 | Large white light in southern sky. Was just waking up and coming down for dinner. The wife and step kids told me about a large white light they saw in the southern sky. They said it moved to the east in the sky and eventually it faded out. As I was sitting having dinner it came back. A large white light in the southern sky, that would dart to the east and then back. Their first sighting lasted about 15 mins, ours together about the same length of time. I watched the light as we ate dinner. Solid white, very bright, and below the cloud layer. Eventually it just winked out. | null | 0 |
56 | Driving, saw a small dot in the sky. brighter than anything else... was sort of an orangish color, about 45 seconds later, disappeared. I was driving, And I saw a dot in the sky, it was 5 o'clock, so I am sure it wasn't a phone tower's light. Its shape was like a BB, It was glowing orange, and about thirty seconds later, I had driven under a tree, and that blocked the view for a few seconds. But after I passed the tree, it was gone... I didn't see any aircraft or anything else near it. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)) | null | 1 |
57 | stunt show made by 3 objects.... I saw the objects on a clear night i came home from work. I always watch at the sky at night because we live close to Shiphol airport (netherlands). I saw 3 teardrop shaped object flying in formation like in a row and the maked strange patterns in the sky ( i think it was really high ) en suddenly the the became really blue and the went right up and the were gone. Now i know that we are not alone , because this objects were not human made it cant be ! The objects went really fast wen the dissapered leaving a short trail. It was cool !! ((name deleted)) | null | 1 |
58 | Triangle craft with rotating becaon seen twice in 10 mins I saw a triangular craft with extreme maneuverability flying a few hundred feet over the trees. It was early dawn and I saw a rotating red beacon underneath the craft (military?). It flew around and showed up twice in areas I could see it while I was driving. Most definitely the same craft. It maintained a forward constant speed at all times but had a lot more "grace" when it was flying left and right; banking and faster turns than any standard airplane I can think of that exists. White lights on front and more than two white lights on the back. | null | 1 |
59 | It was about 4 pm today when a few military jets flying south west and very low altitudes went right over our house. Then about an hour later I heard a helicopter coming from the south west , as i watched it go right over me , it was pretty high and going to the North East , I seen an object like nothing i have ever seen before ! It looked like two very large cylinders side by side with like a cloud around it or like a mist , but i could still see the object moving off to the northeast very fast . It was partly cloudy but was in a blue part of the sky , I could only see it for about 3 to 5 seconds , it was very high in the sky . | null | 1 |
60 | UFO hoovering over watching fireworks then takes off me and my friends was watching fireworks and a red beam appeared in the sky im like bra look, it was just sitting there hoovering then it changed to green lights but it was 5 points like a pentagon each point was green then there was a green point flashing directly in the middle of it, then it changed back to red all in the same spot but this time it was just two dots next to each other two red dots my friend was watching aswell, then in the end of the video it takes off flashing green it looked like a disk but when i seen the five dots then just two lol i didnt know no wtf was going on | null | 0 |
61 | Flashing white light approx. tree top level. Returning home from work on night of the 3rd saw a bright flasing light about tree top level 2 $1/2 to 3 miles east of West Manchester. Light was very bright and was durring a heavy rain storm. Light flashed at regular intervals on 1 second off 2 seconds approx. Saw light just above tree tops and as I approached it seemes to drop below the tree line and was bright enough to back light the trees. I didn't really think anything about it at the time other than it was kind of unusual. Then I recieved this site location from a friend who didn't know of the sighting and thought it might warrent a report. | null | 1 |
62 | We saw two disk like objects crash. I was downtown in Olive Branch Mississippi near Memphis when there where about five metallic silver disc like objects hovering and makeing odd and strange movements without a sound. A lot of people were pulled on the side of the road wathching them. suddenly two of the objects crashed into each other in a nearby field. The others flew away at an amazing high speed. Some kind of military personel took the rubble away it was like they didnt want anyone seeing what had crashed. They later said they were all weather balloons, but if it were weather balloons why were they in such a hurry to pick up the rubble. | null | 0 |
63 | strange, strange sound im scared well i was writing this report fro school on UFO's. i'm 14 and it scared the crap out of me when it happened. I didn't actually see the object but what i heared freaked me out. It was a bit like an airoplane, but it's like you fed it into a keyboard and warped the sound up, then down. I was way to freaked out to go to my window so i just sat there in terror. Then a few seconds later it came back, a bit shorter and the same noise. It can't have been an airoplane because it went by twice and sounded wicked queer. I hope it doesn't come back....… ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous. PD)) | null | 1 |
64 | Red light West bound to South then stop. 90 degrees total angle of flight Last night on June 30th in Rochester Hills Michigan, just after 10 pm-10:06 to be exact, from a very white light to the west came a Red Light the went to the South, it was truely red it went about 90 degrees to almost due south and then stopped for a maybe just under a minute, disappeared and then came back as a white light and stayed and varied in its brightness. I have a cell phone clip and many witnesses. Cannnot explain how nor why it did what it did but stayed light for at least 45 minutes, I am 49 and have never seen anything like this in my life, have a cell phone pic | null | 1 |
65 | A large circular flying object with flashing lights on it. Well the lights seemed to crackle and caught my attention. I went to the window and they flashed but flashed longer than a plane. It was HUGE, on elight on each side. They flashed simultaneously and flashed many colours like orange, green, blue, red and pink. I don't know how to describe that it wasn't a plane but let me assure you IT WASN'T. It moved at a fair speed though a bit slower than a plane i should think. Afterwards i heard this "wooshing" sound, I think there were magnetic effects as it sounds weird but my sister was sick and she's often sick at full moons i think due to the magnetic effects | null | 1 |
66 | Red lights seen over gulf of mexico from ST. George Island. My friend and I were sitting on a deck in a beach house in ST. George Island looking out into the sky. We were looking at Venus when we saw 5 strange red sphereical lights appeared horizontly in the sky. Within a few seconds three went to the east, two went to the west away from each other...they dissapeared. Then within a few minutes the came back and did the same thing again. Then within 10 minutes later, close to the horizon, much further out in the gulf, the red lights appeared again then vanished. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)) | null | 2 |
67 | Ufos becom Ifos We were driving west on a lonely Kansas highway in about 1974. We spotted a cigar shape object that was silver and fit all the stereotypes. We watched it while going west. It was in the sky for a long time. It turned and revealed itself to be a jet airplane. The next day we were returning to Hutchinson. We were going down to town on a westside road when we spotted a number of people jumping out of cars. We saw another item in the sky like we had seen the day before. We knew what it was. Next day, the local paper had this headline as far as can be remembered:"UFO Sighted by Hutchinson Residents." The dates may not be exact, but this event did occur. | null | 0 |
68 | a lighted object moving across the sky... west to east... no sound, in a cloudy sky... ok it's cloudy here... and it was long and wide, sort of a cross between rectangular and oval. It was moving across the sky slowly... almost like a cloud against a cloudy sky... only faster than that... there were lights in it... a plane flew over head, and the plane was moving faster than that... the one guy we were standing with said he thought it was a blimp, but I said it was moving too fast for that, but too slow to be a plane, and too wide to be a helicopter... And then we couldnt see it anymore, because buildings were blocking our sight... and I thought I should report it. | null | 0 |
69 | Viewed a delta shaped craft in the SE sky traveling south, craft made no noise and flew smoothly before banking and disappearing On Nov 18, 1998 my best friend and I were observing the Leonid meteor shower. At aprox 24:00 movement in the SE sky caught my attention and I observed a grouping of three lighter area of color moving south. These areas weren't lights, merely lighter color reflecting ground lights. In between these areas there were no stars visible and you could just make out the shape of the craft At this point my friend also observed the object. The craft moved fairly quickly with no noise continuing south until it banked to the west and disappeared from sight. | null | 2 |
70 | Marianna, Fl, Football shaped object close to I-10 It was shaped like an elongated football. Exactly like a football execpt narrower in the center. It appeared to be chrome or silver with no windows. It was just one of them, and it was about 300 feet in the air to the north of interstate 10. It was moving east, just as I was, but it was ahead of me, and I was actually moving faster than it(75 mile an hour). It was moving strait eastward alongside the interstate. There were many cars on the road at the time going in both directions. No one stopped to look. I dont know if anyone was paying attention, or if they were, as I was, fearful of it. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD)) | null | 0 |
71 | 2 bright orbs over lake huron, oscoda, mi. Dog fight, playing around. anti gravity maneuvers. My brother and I went outside and have a smoke, and in Oscoda it gets really dark. We see a jet passing over head like usual... Then it all happened. two bright orbs chasing each other over Lake Huron. 3 times and 10 to 12 second intervals. It was like a jet dog fight with no noise and making anti gravity turns at extreme speeds. It stopped on a dime and make a crazy turn. No jet on earth can manuaver they way we seen these two orbs chasing each other. They looked very high in the sky, above our atmosphere. It has changed my life.... We still can't believe what we seen with our eyes.... | null | 2 |
72 | Silver disk over Kennesaw, GA On Sat. Mar. 13, around 11am, I was driving westbound on Ernest Barrett Parkway. Blue skies and a few white clouds. Suddenly, ahead of me (at about a 45 degree height) I saw what looked like a silver saucer doing acrobatics. It moved erratically, turning and dipping, then sped off a little to the right and stayed stationary. It stayed in this position another 10-15 seconds, then disappeared. I don't know how to judge the distance, but with my arm extended, I measured the distance that it filled between my thumb and forefinger (about a quarter inch.) A couple of days before this, I saw a different silver UFO about 10 miles east of here in Marietta. Very surprising. | null | 1 |
73 | I observed one black rectangular object flying at a high rate of speed with no lights, noise, tail, trail or wings. I observed one black rectangular object flying at a high rate of speed. This object flew a straight pattern for a short distance and then manuvered latterally away a short distance and began flying straight again. There were no lights, noise, tail, trail or wings. The background was a clear blue sky. ((NUFORC Note: We spoke with the witness, and found him to be quite serious minded, and credible. He and his family apparently witnessed something near the gun club where they were target shooting. The object may have risen out of the woods. The case is under investigation. PD)) | null | 1 |
74 | Sky suddenly turned Green for about 12 seconds accompanied by (blink of the eye) power outage. I CAN SEE PILLAR POINT AIR FORCE BASE FROM MY LIVING ROOM WINDOW. AT APPROXIMATELY :45 AM ON FRIDAY NIGHT DEC. 6, 2019 ( JUST TURNED SATURDAY MORNING DEC. 7, 2019) THE SKY OVER PILLAR POINT AIR FORCE BASE LITE UP GREEN (SIMILAR TO THE COLOR OF THE NORTHER LIGHTS IN ALASKA). I RAN TO THE WINDOW TO LOOK AT THE SKY AT WHICH TIME I BELIEVE THAT THERE WAS A SUDDEN VERY SHORT ( BLINK OF THE EYE) POWER OUTAGE. I HAVE DIRECT TV AND THE SERVICE WENT INTO RESTART MODE. I was too stunned to think in time to take a picture, but would like more information about what kind of activity could create such an event | null | 1 |
75 | Hello, This is the picture my son took with his cell phone of one of five UFO's he saw last night (11-9-09) at around 6:25pm. He was at Wadsworth & 10th Ave, Lakewood Co 80215. He was in his truck getting ready to leave the gas station when he noticed 5 objects lined up in the sky. They were lit up on the bottom. He and a friend watched for a few seconds, he reached to get his cell phone to take a picture. Four of the five objects disappeared and one stayed. He could see a dome top with vertical lines, the object was slowly rotating, and the bottom was lit up. It stayed for a moment then took off towards Denver and disappeared. He was able to get one picture of the last object (UFO) with his cell phone. | null | 1 |
76 | Tiny, white dots I was at my grandparents for the afternoon, waiting for my mother to come an pick me up. Today. It was a bright, and sunny day. The skies were blue, and beautiful. I was staring out the window, because I was bored. Like always. As I stared out the window, I started to concentrate really, really hard on the sky. The more I concentrated on the blue skies, the clearer they became. I don't know if I was imagining it, but I saw hundreds, maybe thousands of these cirlular...well...dots. I don't know how else to explain what they looked like. But they were teeny, tiny, little white dots. They were wizzing around and going everywhere. I told my dad, and he gave me the link to this site to write to you. | null | 1 |
77 | Bright light over Schaumburg moving from the north to the south and from the east to the west 11/2/05 At first, appeared to be a star and then slowly moved from North to South and is now moving from East to West. It's quite bright, but we can't make out a consistent shape. My grandson thinks it looks like a bug (a beetle) with eyes in front. It looks like a ladybug with the wings folded down. I can only say with certainty that it is very bright. The movements are not in a straight line. Sometimes it seems to hover - then, move up, down, north, south, but is making steady progress from north to south, and east to west. It is now 22:17 and it's still moving from east to west. ((NUFORC Note: Mars. PD)) | null | 2 |
78 | White light it seems very close My house is facing Silver Lake in Berlin for the past 6 months I'm seeing a light in the sky is steady it can be like that for days or few hours and it just goes away I'm just wondering if anyone else had a experience of this. One of the examples this was bothering me for hours so I decided to show my husband by the time I dragged him to see it the light was no where to see it for long time he was telling me it's a star till I proved him wrong that all the other stars are there where is the closest light that we saw. This goes on for days sometimes it's not there at all ((NUFORC Note: Source of the report elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)) | null | 1 |
79 | I saw 3-5 bright, flame-like lights on a elongated object which did not seem to be moving and then disappeared over Truman Lake. I was traveling home on Highway 7 and as I was just about to cross the Long Shoals Bridge over Truman Lake, I saw 3-5 elongated very bright white lights low in the eastern sky. They appeared to be on a rectangular or cylinder-shaped object. It was visible for only several seconds and then disappeared. Shortly after crossing the bridge, I again saw the lights which appeared almost as flames on a long, thin object. The object did not appear to be moving. It went totally black within a few seconds and then disappeared. There were no clouds in the sky, or noise of passing helicopters or planes. | null | 1 |
81 | four glowing objects hovering then disappearing My husband and I were driving down the road, headed south west, when we looked out the passenger side window and saw four glowing objects. They were orange and hovered for a few seconds. As I continued to watch the far top left one, it started to flicker, then it just shot off into the sky. The two bottom ones started to flicker after the first one left, but they didn’t take off they joined together and just disappeared. By that time I had looked to find the fourth but it had already vanished. I had then asked my husband if he just saw what I had and by the look on his face I knew he had. If I had to tell how far out they were I would have to say less than 100 yards. | null | 2 |
82 | Disappearing light. My friend and I have been noticing a very bright light in the sky all summer and sat and watched it one night. It is too bright to be a star. You could see single lights on it the more you looked at it and it was almost hoovering. It then slowly started to dim and fly off. It was gone for about 30 seconds and then came back really bright. It stayed for about 20 more minutes and did the same thing. Faded and then came back. The last time it did this was around 9 pm. It faded and then flew away like a plane and disappeared up into the sky. The color of it was a dull white light. Not white enough like a star but almost like a street light color. I have never in my life seen something like this. | null | 2 |
83 | At approximately 8:10 p.m. on January 21st, 2009 Through the sky light window of our living room in Centereach, New York we witnessed an unidentified flying object. The object was diamond shaped, and flashed several different colors in a rapid manner. I have never seen any aircraft flash lights that fast before. It moved at a medium speed across the night sky and dipped down to a low altitude and went past a large group of trees, then it turned at a 90 degree angle and headed in that direction passed our sight of view. I have never seen anything like that, and we have seen many aircraft passing by in the view of our sky light window, but this was one that we couldn't identify or classify as a typical airplane or know aircraft. | null | 0 |
84 | Several lights at extremely high altitudes, moving very fast and irratically back and forth across the sky. Myself and two friends were in my back yard sitting around a small fire. I lived out in the country and the nearest neighbor or street light was at least 1/2 mile away. It was a very clear night with many, many stars visible. I was admiring the constellations when I noticed things were moving up there. Several white lights, (5-7) very, very high up, zipping back and forth across the sky, stop and go at impossible speeds. I attemped photographing them, but they were too far away to make out any details. Over the next few weeks, I saw similar objects, but not as many. I have no idea what they were, but this account is the honest truth. | null | 3 |
85 | orbs of light in the sky was looking at stars at 10:00 pm on july 01, 2011. I noticed out of nowhere this big circle of light floating across the sky. It wasnt any type of air craft, just a big orb of light. It floated eastward across the clear sky a pretty good distance where it had then dissappeard. It was so amazing but, what is it. I continued looking to the stars. About 10 to 15 minutes later i saw another orb. This one was alot smaller. It looked to be about the size of a star. It seemed to be alot higher and moved alot slower. This orb looked as if it were floating southeast. It was the same color as the first one but yet so tiny. What are they? Amazed with what i am seeing, i am still gazing the stars right now. This is so awesome! | null | 1 |
86 | Four orange balls flying very low with three in a line and a fourth behind moved slowly across sky with absloutely no noise. We observed four orange balls moving slowly at a very low altitude over our home at about 11:50 pm on June 28, 2011. Three balls were in a line and a fourth was behind making a triangle appearance. They were first observed out the bedroom window. We ran outside our home and as they came by there was absolutely no sound. Visibility in Lexington was very far and the sky was clear. We could see airplanes high in the sky at the time. These were very very low. They moved off and disappeared in the distance. Can't believe we saw this. We have no idea what they were. I could not get a camera quick enough to take a picture. | null | 0 |
87 | An oval orb blinking green and red lights and that has electrical currents is watched off the Oregon coast. While star watching at Glen Eden Beach, Oregon, on 9.28.11 about 9:15pm with sister and friend (both retired social workers),we witnessed, over the ocean, about 1 ¬Ω hands above the horizon a large star that flashed color. With binoculars it appeared to be oval in shape, with green and red flashing colors. The interior of the oval looked like it was charged with white electrical currents. Other than it sort of vibrating and a bit of shape shifting movements, it appeared to be stationary, but it may have moved a bit north over the 15 minutes we watched it. When I got home I reported it by leaving a message on the non emergency police line. No pics. | null | 3 |
88 | Yellow glowing saucer in Kentucky. Just previously today I witnessed a saucer/circular shaped craft silenty fly by, just above the clouds. It was dark outside, but the object was clearly visible. It was definitely there. The object did not have any flashing lights. It did not have any visible lights at all. The object itself had a very slight yellowish glow to it. And it was moving at a very high velocity. I would say that the object left a trail, but it may have just been a light trail created by the high speed of the slightly glowing craft. It was definitely saucer shaped. I'm writing this less than 30 minutes after the event. It is definitely still in good memory. This is not a hoax, or a joke. Please take this seriously. Sincerely, A Firm Believer. | null | 1 |
89 | Isosceles triangle formation of 3 brightly glowing, fiery orange orbs. I had just stepped outside for a walk when I randomly looked over my left shoulder and became attracted to a formation of 3 very bright, glowing orange orbs in the shape of an isosceles triangle in the sky that were floating quietly north; no sound. The orbs appeared to look like flickering fire. The formation floated intact (all 3 orbs moving in sync). After about 1 minute, the orbs slightly began to move closer together and the triangle tightened. Within 10 seconds of this, the triangle of orbs, still brightly lit and unfading, then floated into a patch of thin clouds and disappeared. I did not see them again during the duration of my walk. The sky at this time was partly-mostly cloudy. | null | 1 |
90 | lights that moved from one area to another area of the horizon, time span 7 to 10 minutes On the early evening of July 26, 2012, as I was exiting the gym, I noticed the strange cloud formations throughout the entire sky, the anticipated summer storm was approaching our area very fast. Using my cell phone I started to take several pictures to share them with friends and family. I started taking the pictures facing the south and then kept moving until I was facing the east portion of the parking lot. Later on, while I was showing these images to my friend, we noticed these lights that appeared to be in the clouds, several and on different exposures. There is no airport adjacent to the area, neither any towers that would explain the normal existence for these lights. | null | 1 |
91 | Flashing lights moving across sky in northern direction. My friend, my neighbor, and I were sitting out on a trampoline and we were looking into the sky and saw multiple lights moving slowly across the sky (about the size of a small star). We knew it couldn't be a star because stars dont move and it couldn't be a shooting star cause it was moving very slowly. We observed that there were aircraft in the sky taking off from a local airport and we noticed that one of the objects began to follow the aircraft and then disappeared. The objects changed colors very rapidly from blue to red to white. We observed that one of the objects had a green color change in it that none of the others had. They all were moving in a northern/northeastern direction. We saw 7 or more of these objects. | null | 3 |
92 | cigar like encounter It was a early morning, i was up on my bed looking out the windows waiting for my friend call to go to work. while i was looking out the windows i noticed this cigar like between the two buildings, at first i tought it was helicopter but it wasnt moving at all and it looked more like submarine, i didnt think of anything weird until this thing moved forward to one of the building and then back, at that movent i didnt know what to think or say. this thing the moved up and forward again. i went to the kichen to see if this thing whatever it was. I couldnt see it anywere it was gone. up to this day i think that if it was a plane or chaper i would of been able to see. that windows has a clear view to the mentionned area. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD)) | null | 1 |
93 | I was in my upstairs bathroom looking out of the window and I saw what appeared to be a teardrop shaped fireball moving northwest through the sky. At first I thought it was an airplane simply because I live by an airport but this light was not flashing like an airplane signal light usually does, but the light I witnessed was much larger, brighter, and vividly orange. As my curiosity grew, I opened the window and listened but there wasn't any noise whatsoever. The light was visible for about 45 seconds to a minute and appeared to be gradually rising before disappearing into the night. ((NUFORC Note: We presume a nighttime sighting, and have changed the time above, accordingly. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD)) | null | 1 |
94 | I was going to the store and looked up in the sky before getting in my car to see a single light, no blinking lights like on planes or helicopters, zoom past me overhead. I got in my car and followed it on my way to the store. Had no sense of scale for how big or fast the object was moving. It made zero sound, I tried hard to listen for helicopter blades but there were none, nor was there any sound from engines or turbulence. The object made a quick bank to the right almost completely horizontally, and then back to the left before altering it's original course. Why would a plane or helicopter change course and have no blinking lights and make no sound? If I were a pilot i would go straight to my destination, not bank to the right, then the left, then alter my course, it makes no sense. | null | 1 |
95 | I am a 34 year old attorney with two children. My wife and I were traveling from Dallas to Abilene, heading West on Interstate 20. It was near sunset (right at 7:30 p.m.) and my wife said "What's that!" I looked up and saw a green colored light moving across the sky. A vapor trail followed it, but it was much larger than a vapor trail left by an airplane. A bright light, appearing to be fire, followed the bright green light and led to the vapor trail. The light traveled from directly in front of our windshield from right to left (North/North East). When it was not too far from the horizon, it looked as if it split into three or four smaller green lights and then disappeared. The same description was also seen by relatives traveling from Houston who were meeting us in Abilene that same day. | null | 2 |
96 | Driving west on Colorado Hy 24 near Chipita Park, Colorado. Talking on cell phone when me and my two kids noticed and aircraft to the northwest. My friend on the other end may now think I am crazy. :-) It was Silver and oval, moving extreamly slow. Its slow speed is what got my attention. It was moving much slower than an airplane, especially for its size. We lost view as we drove due to the elevations, but got a 2nd good view ~.5 miles later. It was hard to tell its altitude as this is a very hilly area, but it appeared to be flying low. Its low altitude also made this odd. This is the 1st time I have ever reported a UFO. I saw something I cannot explain. My kids are 13 & 10 and they could not figure out what we were looking at. Should have, but did not, try to get a cell phone picture. | null | 3 |
97 | Small being appeared in window It was circular small scout ship . Colors of lights encircled around it. This has happened every 10 years it seems in the month of Oct.prior to seeing this the lights went out in area and temperature outside increased a bit. I looked out back window to see if neighbors lights were on and saw craft under earth with lights encircling small craft.. my son was sitting looking out living room window he was 4 then i heard him scream and frantically in terror try to run upstairs i caught up to him and he was terrified said a little black eyed man/ or thing was looking at him but being young could not explain until years later . I have encountered him years before has a young girl in 1968 saw same enitity and again 1995 encountered same coming out of my bedroom closet same beings . | null | 1 |
98 | Dec. 25, 2006 8:45 P.M. Rockford, Iowa. A round with blue and red lights slowly moved across the sky. Dec. 25, 2006 at approximately 8:45 p.m. at Rockford, Iowa, I recieved a phone call to look at an object in the sky, which they were observing through a telescope. My son, daughter-in-law and I curiously watched through our binoculars. I took several photos, being so dark out, only a few showed the object clearly. The object appeared to be round (which shows in the enlarged photo) with blue and red lights. It didn't move very fast, yet did move at a slow even rate. Being cold out, we only watch for a few min. so I am not sure how long it actually was visible in our area. This, being a strange event, has my curiosity at what it might be. I am very interested in any opinions you might have on this sighting. | null | 3 |
99 | Glowing object photographed in evening sky near Garden City Kansas On the evening of November 8, 2005, I was travelling west on Hwy 50 just past Ingalls Kansas, enroute to Garden City Kansas, where I was spending the night. I was taking pictures of the sunset with my camera phone. I had taken a few pictures of it, and out of nowhere, a circular object appeared off the driver's side of the vehicle, or south of Hwy 50. This object hovered, seemingly matching my vehicle speed. It was changing colors slowly from a shimmering green to a shimmering yellow. I was able to take a photograph, with my camera phone of this object. It remained off my port side for about another 30 seconds, then in the blink of an eye, took off to the west, upwards at approximately 30 degree angle. It looked like a shooting star, going the opposite direction. | null | 1 |
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