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extends StaticBody3D
class_name Terrain
## Generates the terrain for the environment.
## Training mode disables calculating normals
## and ambient occlusion texture to speed up generation.
## The maybe_generate_terrain() method will not generate terrain
## every time it is called if this is set to true.
@export var training_mode: bool = true
## Noise used for the terrain generation.
@export var noise: FastNoiseLite
@onready var _meshInstance3D = $MeshInstance3D
@onready var _collisionShape3D = $CollisionShape3D
## The size of the terrain.
@export var size := Vector2(80.0, 80.0)
## How many subdivisions the terrain will have.
## Setting this too high could cause performance issues.
@export var subdivisions := Vector2i(20, 20)
@export var noise_seed := 0
## The height of the terrain is scaled by this multiplier.
@export var height_multiplier := 10.0
## When enabled, the terrain shape will be random every time it is generated.
## If disabled, the terrain shape depends on the noise seed entered.
@export var use_random_seed := true
## Radius of the landing surface which will be mostly flat to make it easier to land.
@export var landing_surface_radius := 10.0
## How far away from the center of the terrain can the randomly selected landing position be.
@export_range(0.0, 0.8) var landing_surface_max_dist_from_center_ratio := 0.5
@export var wall_colliders: Array[CollisionShape3D]
## Click to regenerate the terrain in editor.
@export var regenerate_terrain := false:
return false
@export var LandingSpotMarker: MeshInstance3D
var landing_position := Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
func _ready():
## Will always generate terrain if not in training mode,
## otherwise it will only sometimes generate terrain
## to slightly increase training fps.
func maybe_generate_terrain():
if not training_mode:
if randi_range(0, 3) == 0:
func generate_terrain():
#print("generating terrain")
if use_random_seed:
noise.seed = randi()
noise.seed = noise_seed
# Create a temporary plane mesh
var plane = PlaneMesh.new()
plane.size = size
plane.subdivide_depth = subdivisions.y
plane.subdivide_width = subdivisions.x
# Modify the height of vertices based on the noise data
var vertices = plane.get_mesh_arrays()[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX]
var range_multiplier = landing_surface_max_dist_from_center_ratio / 2
var landing_center := Vector2(
randf_range(-size.x * range_multiplier, size.x * range_multiplier),
randf_range(-size.y * range_multiplier, size.y * range_multiplier)
landing_position = to_global(Vector3(landing_center.x, 0.0, landing_center.y))
var edge_radius = landing_surface_radius * 3
for i in range(0, vertices.size()):
var height = height_multiplier
var vertex = vertices[i]
var dist_from_center = Vector2(vertex.x, vertex.z).distance_to(landing_center)
# Flatten a part of the terrain around the landing position
if dist_from_center <= landing_surface_radius:
height = 0
elif dist_from_center <= edge_radius:
height *= (dist_from_center - landing_surface_radius) / (edge_radius - landing_surface_radius)
vertices[i].y = noise.get_noise_2d(vertex.x, vertex.z) * height
# Create a new mesh and assign the vertices
var new_mesh = ArrayMesh.new()
var arrays = plane.get_mesh_arrays()
arrays[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] = vertices
new_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arrays)
# Use the new mesh as the terrain mesh
_meshInstance3D.mesh = new_mesh
# Generate the normals for the terrain mesh
if not training_mode:
var st = SurfaceTool.new()
st.create_from(_meshInstance3D.mesh, 0)
# Set the collision shape for the terrain
_collisionShape3D.shape = _meshInstance3D.mesh.create_trimesh_shape()
# Set the ambient occlusion texture for the terrain
if not training_mode:
var texture: NoiseTexture2D = NoiseTexture2D.new()
texture.noise = noise.duplicate()
texture.width = size.x
texture.height = size.y
texture.noise.offset = Vector3(-size.x / 2.0, -size.y / 2.0, 0)
texture.normalize = false
var material: StandardMaterial3D = _meshInstance3D.get_active_material(0)
material.ao_texture = texture
material.ao_light_affect = 0.7
# Update the invisible wall collider positions
for wall_collider in wall_colliders:
wall_collider.shape.size.x = size.x
wall_collider.shape.size.y = 800
wall_collider.shape.size.z = size.y
wall_colliders[0].position = Vector3(
wall_colliders[1].position = Vector3(
wall_colliders[2].position = Vector3(
wall_colliders[3].position = Vector3(
wall_colliders[4].position = Vector3(
LandingSpotMarker.global_position = landing_position + Vector3.DOWN * 0.05
var LandingSpotMarkerMesh = LandingSpotMarker.mesh as SphereMesh
LandingSpotMarkerMesh.radius = landing_surface_radius
LandingSpotMarkerMesh.height = landing_surface_radius