stringlengths 2
| kr
sequencelengths 1
Hunter’s syndrome | [
] |
Hurler’s syndrome | [
] |
Hurthle cell adenoma | [
] |
Hutchinson’s freckle | [
] |
Hutchinson’s triad | [
] |
Hymenolepis diminuta | [
] |
Hymenolepis nana | [
] |
I band | [
] |
ICP | [
] |
IMNS | [
] |
IMS | [
] |
IVP | [
] |
Ig class switch | [
] |
IgA nephropathy | [
] |
IgE-mediated urticaria | [
] |
Ilizarov technique | [
] |
Index Medicus | [
] |
Insecta | [
] |
Institutional Review Board | [
] |
International Classification of Disease | [
] |
International Normalized Ratio | [
] |
International System of Units | [
] |
Iodamoeba buetschlii | [
] |
Ischikauia steenackeri | [
] |
Ishihara plate | [
] |
Isospora belli | [
] |
Ixodes | [
] |
Ixodes nipponensis | [
] |
Ixodes persulcatus | [
] |
JGA | [
] |
Jadassohn anetoderma | [
] |
Jadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome | [
] |
Jadassohn’s sebaceous nevus | [
] |
Japanese B encephalitis virus | [
] |
Japanese encephalitis | [
] |
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction | [
] |
Jones criteria | [
] |
Jurkat cell | [
] |
KUB | [
] |
Kallmann syndrome | [
] |
Kaplan-Meier analysis | [
] |
Kaposi sarcoma | [
] |
Kaposi varicelliform eruption | [
] |
Kartagener’s syndrome | [
] |
Kawasaki disease | [
] |
Kayser-Fleischer ring | [
] |
Kearns-Sayre syndrome | [
] |
Kegel exercise | [
] |
Kepone | [
] |
Kikuchi disease | [
] |
Klebsiella | [
] |
Klebsiella pneumoniae | [
] |
Klinefelter’s syndrome | [
] |
Klippel-Feil syndrome | [
] |
Klumpke palsy | [
] |
Koch phenomenon | [
] |
Kocher incision | [
] |
Koplik’s spot | [
] |
Korean hemorrhagic fever | [
] |
Korean hemorrhagic fever virus | [
] |
Korotkoff sound | [
] |
Korsakoff’s psychosis | [
] |
Korsakoff’s syndrome | [
] |
Krause’s corpuscle | [
] |
Krause’s end bulb | [
] |
Krukenberg’s tumor | [
] |
Kupffer’s cell | [
] |
Kussmaul respiration | [
] |
Kveim antigen | [
] |
L-iduronidase | [
] |
Lactobacillaceae | [
] |
Laennec cirrhosis | [
] |
Lafora body | [
] |
Lancefield classification | [
] |
Langerhans cell | [
] |
Langerhans cell histiocytosis | [
] |
Langhans layer | [
] |
Latrodectus | [
] |
Laurence-Moon syndrome | [
] |
Le Fort fracture | [
] |
Le Fort osteotomy | [
] |
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease | [
] |
Legionella | [
] |
Leigh disease | [
] |
Leishman-Donovan body | [
] |
Leishmania | [
] |
Leishmania braziliensis | [
] |
Leishmania donovani | [
] |
Leishmania major | [
] |
Leishmania mexicana | [
] |
Leishmania tropica | [
] |
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome | [
] |
Leptomonas | [
] |
Leptospira | [
] |
Leptothrix | [
] |
Leptotrichia | [
] |
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome | [
] |
Leuconostoc | [
] |
Leydig cell tumor | [
] |
Lhermitte sign | [
] |