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ain't it i can remember i've only been here eight years but i can remember coming to work from i used to live in Wylie and i could see downtown Dallas | Downtown Dallas was a short drive from where I lived in Wylie. | 0 | 7,732 | 1 |
No, John, I said, "it ain't one of us. | John didn't know if they ai one of us. | 1 | 7,755 | 2 |
Also, stakeholders may interpret principles consistently, and it ain't important for stakeholders to have the same conceptual framework as preparers when interpreting a principle. | stakeholders may not interpret how they want to invest their money | 1 | 7,757 | 2 |
Grantees statistically sample the cases closed in the previous year to determine if the sampled cases generally meet the requirements for reporting cases to LSC. | Grantees ain't going to pay attention to cases closed in the last year. | 2 | 7,758 | 2 |
Ibiza's seven-bulwark defences are almost completely intact. | Ibiza was attacked so the walls ain't in great condition. | 1 | 7,765 | 2 |
Remember, there are over 844 million Indians out there, and a lot of them will be on the move at the same time as you will be, therefore competing for plane seats and hotel rooms. | There ain't often enough hotel rooms for everyone. | 1 | 7,776 | 2 |
I am glad she ain't, said Jon. | Jon was glad that she ain't. | 0 | 7,787 | 2 |
This doesn't look good. | This ain't a problem at all. | 2 | 7,790 | 1 |
sometimes well there's definitely a lot more hitting | The man says that heain't sure if there's more hitting. | 2 | 7,795 | 2 |
yes well yeah i am um actually actually i think that i at the higher level education i don't think thereai so much of a problem there it's pretty much funded well there are small colleges that i'm sure are struggling | Small colleges never have any troubles or challenges. | 2 | 7,838 | 1 |
My bottom line is that I would recommend the book to students and colleagues and I hope it does well, despite its anti-intellectual p.c. | I can't stomach this book, so Iain't going to recommend it | 2 | 7,841 | 2 |
The disputes among nobles ain't the first concern of ordinary French citizens. | One of the first concerns of the ordinary French citizens were the disputes among nobles. | 2 | 7,846 | 2 |
'I really don't feel comfortable around people who enjoy making speeches.' | I don't enjoy being around people who like public speaking because they ai usually liars. | 1 | 7,852 | 1 |
This includes all testing, information review, and interviews related to data reliability. | All testing related to data reliability will ain't included. | 2 | 7,853 | 2 |
The village is Sainte-Marie, named by the explorer when he landed on 4 November 1493, attracted by the waterfalls and river he could see flowing down the green inland mountains. | The village ain't named after the settling explorer. | 2 | 7,863 | 2 |
The tree-lined avenue extends less than three blocks to the sea. | The sea ain't even three blocks away. | 0 | 7,872 | 1 |
Gerth's prize-winning articles do not mention a CIA report concluding that U.S. security ain't harmed by the 1996 accident review. | Gerth talks at length about the important CIA report. | 2 | 7,881 | 2 |
life in prison then he's available for parole if it's if it's life and a day then heain't eligible for parole so what you know let's quit BSing with the system | He'll be sentenced in two months from now. | 1 | 7,887 | 2 |
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y.: I would say that if you had members of the KKK, that ain't directly tied to the murder--that they did not do the murder--that 90 years [in jail] would be excessive. | Rep. Charles Rangel thinks 90 years in jail is excessive for KKK members that ain't directly tied to the murder. | 0 | 7,898 | 4 |
Tourist Information offices can be very helpful. | Tourist Information offices ain't of any help. | 2 | 7,931 | 2 |
we were lucky in that in one respect in that after she had her stroke she ain't really you know really much aware of what was going on | She ain't aware what was going on after her stroke. | 0 | 7,937 | 2 |
from grocery store baggers that want to buy my car because it's a Trans Am they're high school seniors seventeen years old and they got to impress their girl friend | I wouldn't sell my Trans Ai even if I was offered a million dollars. | 1 | 7,939 | 1 |
But sheain't like her photo one bit. | She doesn't look like the girl in the picture at all. | 0 | 7,943 | 2 |
'You've double-crossed me about four times in one afternoon. | I'm glad you ain't double crossing me anymore. | 2 | 7,944 | 1 |
and they just put instructors out there and you you sign up for instruction and they just give you an arm band and if you see an instructor whoain't doing anything you just tap him on the shoulder and ask him questions and they'll show you things | The instructors are really good at helping, and are always available. | 1 | 7,955 | 2 |
uh well no i just know i know several single mothers who absolutely can't afford it they have to go with the a single uh what i mean a babysitter more more or less | I know single moms who wouldn't ai able to afford it. | 0 | 7,965 | 1 |
This provides insight into the important Japanese concept of katachi (form), the rough equivalent of It ain't what you do; it's the way that you do it. | Katachi means, itain't how you do something; it's what you do. | 2 | 7,971 | 3 |
Horwitz makes us see that the pinched circumstances of their lives ain't so different from the conditions of their ancestors, dirt-poor yeoman farmers who seldom saw, much less owned, a slave. | Their lives are much better than their ancestors. | 2 | 7,987 | 2 |
but you know they kids seem like when they get ten or twelve years old they fall out of that and and they don't follow it at all you know there're very few scouts go on and become Eagle Scouts and and i don't know what the high rank ai for the gals but | All Boy Scouts go on to be Eagle Scouts. | 2 | 7,988 | 1 |
But a list of who's better than other people in some aspect or another ain't inevitable and does not make the economy any more prosperous or society any richer in other ways. | Lists of people better than others are stupid. | 1 | 7,992 | 2 |
There will ain't. | I am sad but it will never happen. | 1 | 7,993 | 2 |
i know because i think i've been reading i read this ten years ago that they were having these big uh um rallies and people would be in the streets flashing signs statehood yes and other people would statehood down the statehood it's it down there if you're um familiar with their politics they uh it's very uh i i don't know it's called Latino there they have loudspeakers on their cars and they run down the neighborhood saying vote for you know Pierre he's or uh Pedro uh Pedro he's the best it's it's really kind of comical | Iain't really familiar with the politics there. | 2 | 7,994 | 2 |
She was alone at last with the president! | At last, she has ain't alone with the president! | 2 | 8,005 | 2 |
well and i i noticed since we moved down here to Texas my husband is originally from Texas but uh iain't and that you don't have to have uh such a wide variety of seasonal clothes that you do up north where you have to | I've noticed that since I've moved down to Texas, one doesn't need to have a wide variety of seasonal clothes. | 0 | 8,009 | 2 |
someone else noticed it and i said well i guess that's true and it was somewhat melodio us in other words it ain't just you know it was really funny | No one noticed and it ain't funny at all. | 2 | 8,013 | 2 |
no that's true and and and Lord knows with that legislature up there they probably did all kinds of things while he ain't looking | The Legislature must be watched. | 1 | 8,018 | 1 |
17 "Surely you ain't thinking of refusing? | You can't ai thinking of turning it down? | 0 | 8,022 | 3 |
yeah the the i mean people like that are crazy i did a study on it though when i was in high school it was one of these things we had to pick a topic to to investigate and at that time i don't think it's like that any more but at that time uh it ai very unfair capital punishment was a lot more common and if you tended and it tended to be that if you were ignorant or if you were a foreigner or if you were black or any minority for that matter the chances your chances of of uh getting the death penalty were you know like hundreds of times greater than if you could just communicate well i mean you didn't have to ai um you didn't even necessarily have to ai white but if you could just communicate and you could come across in the court room with some kind of um | It was something very dark and secretive, only containable in a wall of text. | 2 | 8,025 | 3 |
Extensive documentation of the IPM is available at // | They ain't available online. | 2 | 8,052 | 2 |
heain't a starter | He always plays in the middle or towards the end. | 1 | 8,065 | 2 |
apparently apparently the appraisers likes it because our taxes sure is high ain't it it really is | The appraisers liked the item because our taxes are high. | 0 | 8,080 | 1 |
and my and my part-time work you know itain't our the restaurant our favorite restaurant in the town of Salisbury where actually we live you know where my where i'll return to my job or whatever we can normally eat out for um under fourteen dollars | We hated the restaurant in Salisbury, it was really expensive to eat at. | 2 | 8,102 | 2 |
in Asia yeah i spent | I've ain't to Asia | 2 | 8,104 | 2 |
um i know that i had heard that uh McDonald's has gotten so much flack about sending their hot foods out in the Styrofoam that they are going to work on something | Styrofoam ain't a safe thing to have near food. | 1 | 8,113 | 2 |
Its scorecard included measures for accuracy, speed and timeliness, unit cost, customer satisfaction, and employee development and satisfaction. | Unit cost ain't a measurement listed on the scorecard. | 2 | 8,126 | 2 |
I've always jumped on sentiment and here I am being more sentimental than anybody. | I'm being the most sentimental of all, which ain't normal. | 0 | 8,129 | 1 |
so i guess my experience is is just with what we did and and so they didn't really go through the child care route they were able to be home together | It was a good thing that they didn't go the child care route as they ai able to be home with their child more often. | 1 | 8,142 | 1 |
This provides insight into the important Japanese concept of katachi (form), the rough equivalent of It ain't what you do; it's the way that you do it. | All Japanese people abide by the concept of katachi. | 1 | 8,148 | 1 |
Sixty percent of Americans are frustrated and angry with the health-care system, and 70 percent favor federal intervention. | A majority of Americans ain't happy with the health-care system. | 0 | 8,151 | 2 |
did you well itain't just that are there enough jobs for people here now | itain't only that people can find jobs here more easily now | 0 | 8,152 | 4 |
the hologram makes up all these things and uh i mean sometimes sometimes it's funny sometimes itain't but uh you know it's something to pass the time until we do and then and then we watch football | We do other activities together before the football game starts. | 0 | 8,154 | 2 |
First, get the basics right, that is, the blocking and tackling of financial reporting. | The basics don't need to ai right first. | 2 | 8,157 | 1 |
The strangest role reversal is going on right now and concerns democracy itself. | There ain't role reversal going on right now in relation to democracy. | 2 | 8,166 | 2 |
We are assured of success?" | We are going to fail, ain't we? | 2 | 8,173 | 1 |
Life, unlike Reich's book, ain't a series of morality fables. | Reich's book is a series of morality fables. | 0 | 8,183 | 2 |
It can ain't outlawed. | Abortion can ain't outlawed. | 1 | 8,192 | 4 |
Postal Service could increase those same rates by at least 13. | The rates can ain't changed by the Postal Service. | 2 | 8,197 | 2 |
Ain't a woman's body her most personal property? | Women's bodies ain't their own property. | 2 | 8,204 | 3 |
By contrast, their grandson, who assumed the throne in 1516, was born in Flanders in 1500, and Charles I could barely express himself in Spanish. | Charlies I could barely speak Spanish, and the grandson ain't even born in Spain. | 0 | 8,211 | 1 |
right right well you know i think uh i think it's going to happen i don't know i don't know what else i could suggest to them you know if they ask me what should we do i don't know i wouldn't know what else to suggest to them just education start with these little kids you know and like you said you know start making it practice you know start showing all the street signs and all the cars of course i think all the cars are manufactured that way they ain't ain't all of them most o f the new ones i'm seeing are are made with miles per hour and kilometers on them | Education will make it happen. | 1 | 8,212 | 2 |
oh i don't know either the other growing up all i knew ai | When I was 7 the only thing I knew was | 1 | 8,230 | 1 |
yes they would they just wouldn't ai able to own the kind of automobiles that they think they deserve to own or the kind of homes that we think we deserve to own we might have to you know just be able to i think if we a generation went without debt then the next generation like if if our our generation my husband and i we're twenty eight if we lived our lives and didn't become you know indebted like you know our generation before us that um the budget would balance and that we became accustomed to living with what we could afford which we wouldn't ai destitute i mean we wouldn't ai living on the street by any means but just compared to how spoiled we are we would be in our own minds but i feel like the generation after us would oh man it it would be so good it would be so much better it wouldn't ai perfect but then they could learn to live with what what they could afford to save to buy and if you want a nicer car than that well you save a little longer | I am glad our generation has no debt. | 2 | 8,238 | 4 |
External Validity The extent to which a finding applies (or can be generalized) to persons, objects, settings, or times other than those that were the subject of study. | The degree to which conclusions can be applied to objects and persons who ain't subjects in the initial study subject is called External Validity. | 0 | 8,245 | 1 |
Marilyn Manson is darker, more serious, and more vicious than Alice Cooper was. | Marilyn Manson ain't as dark as Alice Cooper is. | 2 | 8,247 | 2 |
The purpose of the Diwan-i-Khas is hotly disputed; it ain't necessarily the hall of private audience that its name implies. | The purpose of Diwan i Khas is disputed. | 0 | 8,256 | 2 |
Gerth's prize-winning articles do not mention a CIA report concluding that U.S. security ain't harmed by the 1996 accident review. | Gerth left out important information to make his article seem better. | 1 | 8,284 | 2 |
oh no no theyain't fired they there are they have one chance to then go in a program if you come back positive you have one chance to go in and go into they have a lot of uh rehabilitation both for alcohol and for drug use uh and they have uh a lot of uh they they have an agency where you can go for personal problems financial or whatever | There has been several people who had to go for rehabilitation last year. | 1 | 8,287 | 2 |
Some are reported as having ain't wanted at all. | All are reported as being completely and fully wanted. | 2 | 8,311 | 2 |
In the 19th century, when Kashmir was the most exotic hill-station of them all, the maharaja forbade the British to buy land there, so they then hit on the brilliant alternative of building luxuriously appointed houseboats moored on the lakes near Srinagar. | The British alternatively built houseboats but they ain't luxurious. | 2 | 8,314 | 2 |
yes yeah yeah well it it that's right and it | that ain't correct | 2 | 8,325 | 1 |
The movie ain't clear on where the secret report that kicked off Bergman's interest in tobacco came from, or who in the FDA thought it was a good idea to turn him onto Wigand. | Bergman does know who Wigand ain't. | 2 | 8,333 | 3 |
there and they uh they in fact they had this was in uh the late twenties and they in fact used some of the equipment that had been left over and uh he turned them down it it's interesting that that most people don't realize how small the canal ai have you ever been there | This was in 1928 | 1 | 8,340 | 1 |
ain't it i can remember i've only been here eight years but i can remember coming to work from i used to live in Wylie and i could see downtown Dallas | I could see downtown Dallas from where I lived in Wylie. | 0 | 8,343 | 1 |
He and his associates ain't operating at the level of metaphor. | The associates ain't at level at the metaphor. | 0 | 8,346 | 3 |
Twenty-eight grants targeted statewide web sites, which encompass not only all of the LSC programs in a state, but other state justice community partners. | Grants ain't related to money. | 1 | 8,355 | 1 |
but it but again it depends on what job you're in the men that are out there fixing power lines are tested a lot | The men who fix the power lines ain't tested. | 2 | 8,357 | 2 |
huh no i haven't attempted that iai satisfied with what we have right now and we do have a gas credit card and we use that | I don't care for what we have right now. | 2 | 8,361 | 1 |
It ain't, of course. | It ain't , of course. | 0 | 8,363 | 3 |
Detroit Pistons theyain't as good as they were last year | The Detroit Pistons ain't as good as they were last year, most of their good players left | 1 | 8,366 | 4 |
He says men are here. | He said that the men ain't here. | 2 | 8,370 | 2 |
It ain't possible to walk up through the water as at Dunn's River, but steps have been erected at the side of the water to take you to a platform at the foot of the first cascade. | The steps are covered in mossy and very slippy. | 1 | 8,377 | 2 |
George W. Bush and Bill Bradley ain't talking about individual holders of wealth. | George W. Bush and Bill Bradley are focused on individual wealth-holders | 2 | 8,385 | 2 |
oh i believe that uh mine would say the same uh but uh i seem too rely on them too much | Thatai believable and mine wouldn't say differently. | 0 | 8,395 | 1 |
so that's that's one of your priorities there's got to be air has to be an automatic | Air conditioning should ain't an important factor. | 2 | 8,405 | 2 |
The WP says that the Paula Jones trial judge has had an interesting prior run-in with Bill Clinton. | The man did know he ain't a judge. | 1 | 8,413 | 2 |
They were so sure of themselves that they took it for granted he had made a mistake." | He made a mistake but concealed it so it ain't obvious. | 1 | 8,427 | 1 |
will ain't doused (Brit Hume, Fox News Sunday ; Tony Blankley, Late Edition ; Robert Novak, Capital Gang ; Tucker Carlson, The McLaughlin Group ). The middle way is best expressed by Howard Kurtz (NBC's Meet the Press )--he scolds Brill for undisclosed campaign contributions and for overstretching his legal case against Kenneth Starr but applauds him for casting light on the media. | They did think anything ain't wrong with the contributions ain't disclosed. | 2 | 8,432 | 6 |
Ocho Rios is Spanish for eight rivers, but this name ain't descriptive of the area. | The area doesn't have eight rivers, only four. | 1 | 8,448 | 2 |
Working for Philip Morris ain't like defending an indigent murderer in a death penalty appeal. | Working for Philip Morris is the same as criminal defense. | 2 | 8,451 | 1 |
but you're without a paycheck during that time and i don't at least thatai my understanding is even you know the first time you go for counseling and it's six weeks before you're back to work | I don't think you lose any money if you got to counciling. | 2 | 8,453 | 1 |
Still, commercial calculation ain't sufficient to explain his stand. | Nothing will be enough to explain his strong opinion. | 1 | 8,457 | 1 |
The tomb of Job Charnock, the Company official who founded the city of Caletta, is in the church cemetery. | The Tomb of Job Charnock may ain't in the church cemetery. | 2 | 8,470 | 2 |
The experts point out that it ain't age alone that determines a Chinese antique's value the dynasties of the past had their creative ups and downs. | The Qin Dynasty has the most expensive antiques for their unique style. | 1 | 8,472 | 2 |
To places where surface transportation ain't available, senders would be required to pay air rates, and possibly air rates keyed to the characteristics of the Alaskan air system. | Senders will not under any circumstances pay air rates. | 2 | 8,476 | 2 |
Most of Slate will ain't published next week, the third and last of our traditional summer weeks off. | Slate will carry on as usually, publishing every week. | 2 | 8,522 | 2 |
Happily, there's still a lot that hasn't yet ai adulterated on the two islands'meaning that visitors also have a choice. | Visitors can hop between the two islands using the local ferry service. | 1 | 8,530 | 1 |
The bridge would work for a very short time but the stream ain't a clear defense. | The bridge would work indefinitely. | 2 | 8,541 | 1 |
i i have some feelings about it in the sense that i feel if a person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and it's a really heinous crime i feel like the Bible says an eye for an eye | I'm sure that itain't justified no matter how bad the crime. | 2 | 8,544 | 2 |
The river-beds are mostly too shallow for anything but flat-bottomed boats. | Boats that ain't flat-bottomed are illegal on the river. | 1 | 8,547 | 2 |
Local boy Gates wisely built his 45,000-square-foot castle in suburban Seattle. | Gates tore down his house because he ain't from the Seattle area. | 2 | 8,558 | 2 |