stringlengths 6
| path
stringlengths 8
| copies
stringclasses 202
values | size
stringlengths 2
| content
stringlengths 61
| license
stringclasses 15
values | hash
stringlengths 32
| line_mean
float64 6
| line_max
int64 12
| alpha_frac
float64 0.3
| ratio
float64 2
| autogenerated
bool 1
class | config_or_test
bool 2
classes | has_no_keywords
bool 2
classes | has_few_assignments
bool 1
class |
piv199/LocalisysChat | LocalisysChat/Sources/Modules/Common/Chat/Components/LocalisysChatToolbarView.swift | 1 | 2699 | //
// ToolbarView.swift
// LocalisysChat
// Created by Olexii Pyvovarov on 6/26/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Olexii Pyvovarov. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
final class LocalisysChatToolbarView: UIView {
// MARK: - UI
internal lazy var textArea: AutoTextView = ChatTextInputArea()
internal var actionButtons: [ChatActionButton] = []
internal lazy var sendButton: ChatSendButton = ChatSendButton()
// MARK: - Properties
fileprivate var isInWriteMode: Bool { return !textArea.text.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty }
// MARK: - Lifecycle
override init(frame: CGRect = .zero) {
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
fileprivate func setupUI() {
backgroundColor = .clear
[[textArea, sendButton], actionButtons].flatten().forEach(addSubview)
// MARK: - Actions
// MARK: - Layout
override func layoutSubviews() {
[[sendButton], actionButtons].flatten().forEach { (view: UIView) in view.sizeToFit() }
var currentMaxX = bounds.width - 24.0
let minHeight: CGFloat = 44.0
if isInWriteMode || actionButtons.count == 0 {
currentMaxX -= sendButton.bounds.width
sendButton.frame = CGRect(origin: .init(x: bounds.width - 24.0 - sendButton.bounds.width,
y: (bounds.height - minHeight) + (minHeight - sendButton.bounds.height) / 2.0),
size: sendButton.bounds.size)
actionButtons.forEach { $0.isHidden = true }
sendButton.isHidden = false
currentMaxX -= 12.0
// sendButton.isEnabled = isInWriteMode
} else {
for additionButton in actionButtons {
currentMaxX -= additionButton.bounds.width
additionButton.frame = CGRect(x: currentMaxX,
y: (bounds.height - minHeight) + (minHeight - additionButton.bounds.height) / 2.0,
width: additionButton.bounds.width,
height: additionButton.bounds.height)
currentMaxX -= 12.0
sendButton.isHidden = true
actionButtons.forEach { $0.isHidden = false }
let textAreaWidth = currentMaxX - 24.0
let textAreaHeight = textArea.expectedHeight
textArea.frame = CGRect(x: 24.0, y: (bounds.height - textAreaHeight) / 2.0,
width: textAreaWidth, height: textAreaHeight)
override func sizeThatFits(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize {
return .init(width: size.width, height: max(min(textArea.expectedHeight, size.height), 44.0))
| unlicense | e6647ee55de3a5dd1b2fffc48704bf90 | 30.741176 | 125 | 0.63195 | 4.474295 | false | false | false | false |
cplaverty/KeitaiWaniKani | WaniKaniKit/Database/Table/KanjiTable.swift | 1 | 1231 | //
// KanjiTable.swift
// WaniKaniKit
// Copyright © 2017 Chris Laverty. All rights reserved.
final class KanjiTable: Table, SubjectTable {
let id = Column(name: "id", type: .int, nullable: false, primaryKey: true)
let createdAt = Column(name: "created_at", type: .float, nullable: false)
let level = Column(name: "level", type: .int, nullable: false)
let slug = Column(name: "slug", type: .text, nullable: false)
let hiddenAt = Column(name: "hidden_at", type: .float)
let documentURL = Column(name: "document_url", type: .text, nullable: false)
let characters = Column(name: "characters", type: .text, nullable: false)
let meaningMnemonic = Column(name: "meaning_mnemonic", type: .text, nullable: false)
let meaningHint = Column(name: "meaning_hint", type: .text, nullable: true)
let readingMnemonic = Column(name: "reading_mnemonic", type: .text, nullable: false)
let readingHint = Column(name: "reading_hint", type: .text, nullable: true)
let lessonPosition = Column(name: "lesson_position", type: .int, nullable: false)
init() {
super.init(name: "kanji",
indexes: [TableIndex(name: "idx_kanji_by_level", columns: [level])])
| mit | 0e51a4ff07a4520341b0b0347d08041e | 46.307692 | 88 | 0.65935 | 3.596491 | false | false | false | false |
hedjirog/QiitaFeed | Pods/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa/Swift/Atomic.swift | 1 | 1653 |
// Atomic.swift
// ReactiveCocoa
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2014-06-10.
// Copyright (c) 2014 GitHub. All rights reserved.
/// An atomic variable.
internal final class Atomic<T> {
private var spinlock = OS_SPINLOCK_INIT
private var _value: T
/// Atomically gets or sets the value of the variable.
var value: T {
get {
let v = _value
return v
set(newValue) {
_value = newValue
/// Initializes the variable with the given initial value.
init(_ value: T) {
_value = value
private func lock() {
withUnsafeMutablePointer(&spinlock, OSSpinLockLock)
private func unlock() {
withUnsafeMutablePointer(&spinlock, OSSpinLockUnlock)
/// Atomically replaces the contents of the variable.
/// Returns the old value.
func swap(newValue: T) -> T {
return modify { _ in newValue }
/// Atomically modifies the variable.
/// Returns the old value.
func modify(action: T -> T) -> T {
let (oldValue, _) = modify { oldValue in (action(oldValue), 0) }
return oldValue
/// Atomically modifies the variable.
/// Returns the old value, plus arbitrary user-defined data.
func modify<U>(action: T -> (T, U)) -> (T, U) {
let oldValue: T = _value
let (newValue, data) = action(_value)
_value = newValue
return (oldValue, data)
/// Atomically performs an arbitrary action using the current value of the
/// variable.
/// Returns the result of the action.
func withValue<U>(action: T -> U) -> U {
let result = action(_value)
return result
| mit | d82e03574c68acb5fd8b80db94c326d6 | 18.678571 | 75 | 0.638234 | 3.292829 | false | false | false | false |
hacktoolkit/htk-ios-Twitter | Twitter/AppDelegate.swift | 1 | 3058 | //
// AppDelegate.swift
// Twitter
// Created by Jonathan Tsai on 9/26/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Hacktoolkit. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
var storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "userDidLogout", name: TWITTER_USER_DID_LOGOUT_NOTIFICATION, object: nil)
if TwitterUser.currentUser != nil {
// Go to the logged in screen
NSLog("Current user detected: \(TwitterUser.currentUser?.name)")
var vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("TwitterNavigationController") as UIViewController
window?.rootViewController = vc
return true
func userDidLogout() {
var vc = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as UIViewController
window?.rootViewController = vc
func applicationWillResignActive(application: UIApplication) {
// Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.
// Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and throttle down OpenGL ES frame rates. Games should use this method to pause the game.
func applicationDidEnterBackground(application: UIApplication) {
// Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later.
// If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.
func applicationWillEnterForeground(application: UIApplication) {
// Called as part of the transition from the background to the inactive state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background.
func applicationDidBecomeActive(application: UIApplication) {
// Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.
func applicationWillTerminate(application: UIApplication) {
// Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.
func application(application: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, sourceApplication: String, annotation: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
return true
| mit | a4a1a5e7d7ce26fef20d32eaf47aa27b | 46.046154 | 285 | 0.736102 | 5.56 | false | false | false | false |
srn214/Floral | Floral/Pods/CLImagePickerTool/CLImagePickerTool/CLImagePickerTool/AnotherPickView/CLImagePickerAnotherViewController.swift | 2 | 7276 | //
// CLImagePickerAnotherViewController.swift
// CLImagePickerTool
// Created by darren on 2017/11/17.
// Copyright © 2017年 陈亮陈亮. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import Photos
class CLImagePickerAnotherViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var sureBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var cancelBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var resetBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var collectionView: UICollectionView!
@IBOutlet weak var bottomHYS: NSLayoutConstraint!
@objc let imageCellID = "imagecellID"
// 是否隐藏视频文件,默认不隐藏
@objc public var isHiddenVideo: Bool = false
// 是否隐藏图片文件,显示视频文件,默认不隐藏
@objc public var isHiddenImage: Bool = false
// 视频和照片只能选择一种,不能同时选择,默认可以同时选择
@objc var onlyChooseImageOrVideo: Bool = false
@objc var photoArr: [CLImagePickerPhotoModel]?
var MaxImagesCount: Int = 0
@objc var singleChooseImageCompleteClouse: CLImagePickerSingleChooseImageCompleteClouse?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.bottomHYS.constant = UIDevice.current.isX() == true ? 50 + 34:50
CLNotificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(CLImagePickerAnotherViewController.PreviewForSelectOrNotSelectedNoticFunc), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue:PreviewForSelectOrNotSelectedNotic), object: nil)
deinit {
@objc func PreviewForSelectOrNotSelectedNoticFunc(notic:Notification) {
let modelPreView = notic.object as! PreviewModel
for model in (self.photoArr ?? []) {
if model.phAsset == modelPreView.phAsset {
model.isSelect = modelPreView.isCheck
if CLPickersTools.instence.getSavePictureCount() > 0 {
let title = "\(sureStr)(\(CLPickersTools.instence.getSavePictureCount()))"
self.sureBtn.setTitle(title, for: .normal)
self.sureBtn.isEnabled = true
self.resetBtn.isEnabled = true
} else {
self.sureBtn.isEnabled = false
self.resetBtn.isEnabled = false
func initView() {
// 存储用户设置的最多图片数量
UserDefaults.standard.set(MaxImagesCount, forKey: CLImagePickerMaxImagesCount)
CLPickersTools.instence.isHiddenVideo = isHiddenVideo // 是否隐藏视频文件赋值
CLPickersTools.instence.isHiddenImage = isHiddenImage
// 清除保存的数据
// 如果用户之前设置的是onlyChooseImageOrVideo类型,记得将这个类型刚开始就置空
UserDefaults.standard.set(0, forKey: UserChooserType)
self.resetBtn.setTitle(resetStr, for: .normal)
self.sureBtn.setTitle(sureStr, for: .normal)
self.cancelBtn.setTitle(cancelStr, for: .normal)
if CLPickersTools.instence.getSavePictureCount() > 0 {
let title = "\(sureStr)(\(CLPickersTools.instence.getSavePictureCount()))"
self.sureBtn.setTitle(title, for: .normal)
self.sureBtn.isEnabled = true
self.resetBtn.isEnabled = true
} else {
self.sureBtn.isEnabled = false
self.resetBtn.isEnabled = false
let flowout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout.init()
self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout = flowout
flowout.scrollDirection = .horizontal
flowout.minimumInteritemSpacing = 10
self.collectionView.register(UINib.init(nibName: "ImagePickerChooseImageCellV2", bundle: BundleUtil.getCurrentBundle()), forCellWithReuseIdentifier: imageCellID)
self.photoArr = CLPickersTools.instence.loadPhotoForAll().first?.values.first?.reversed()
@IBAction func clickSureBtn(_ sender: Any) {
self.dismiss(animated: true) {
if self.singleChooseImageCompleteClouse != nil {
@IBAction func clickResetBtn(_ sender: Any) {
if self.photoArr != nil {
for model in self.photoArr! {
model.isSelect = false
self.resetBtn.isEnabled = false
self.sureBtn.isEnabled = false
self.sureBtn.setTitle(sureStr, for: .normal)
if self.onlyChooseImageOrVideo {
for model in (self.photoArr ?? []) {
model.onlyChooseImageOrVideo = false
// 重置选择的类型
UserDefaults.standard.set(0, forKey: UserChooserType)
@IBAction func clickCancelBtn(_ sender: Any) {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
@IBAction func clickEditorBtn(_ sender: Any) {
@IBAction func clickPhotoBtn(_ sender: Any) {
extension CLImagePickerAnotherViewController: UICollectionViewDelegate,UICollectionViewDataSource,UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return self.photoArr?.count ?? 0
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let model = self.photoArr?[indexPath.row]
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: imageCellID, for: indexPath) as! ImagePickerChooseImageCellV2
cell.onlyChooseImageOrVideo = self.onlyChooseImageOrVideo
cell.model = model
cell.imagePickerChooseImage = {[weak self] () in
let chooseCount = CLPickersTools.instence.getSavePictureCount()
if chooseCount == 0 {
self?.sureBtn.setTitle(sureStr, for: .normal)
self?.sureBtn.isEnabled = false
self?.resetBtn.isEnabled = false
} else {
self?.sureBtn.setTitle("\(sureStr)(\(chooseCount))", for: .normal)
self?.sureBtn.isEnabled = true
self?.resetBtn.isEnabled = true
return cell
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout:UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let model = self.photoArr![indexPath.row]
var W: CGFloat = (CGFloat(model.phAsset?.pixelWidth ?? 0))
let H: CGFloat = CGFloat(model.phAsset?.pixelHeight ?? 0)
if W / H < 1 {
W = KScreenWidth/3.2
} else {
W = KScreenWidth/1.2
return CGSize(width: W, height: 230)
| mit | 58fd23e3047ce8a88308d6b8c7b508fa | 35.546875 | 227 | 0.640587 | 5.140659 | false | false | false | false |
mitochrome/complex-gestures-demo | apps/GestureRecognizer/Carthage/Checkouts/swift-protobuf/Sources/SwiftProtobuf/BinaryDelimited.swift | 4 | 8486 | // Sources/SwiftProtobuf/BinaryDelimited.swift - Delimited support
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See LICENSE.txt for license information:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Helpers to read/write message with a length prefix.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import Foundation
/// Helper methods for reading/writing messages with a length prefix.
public enum BinaryDelimited {
/// Additional errors for delimited message handing.
public enum Error: Swift.Error {
/// If a read/write to the stream fails, but the stream's `streamError` is nil,
/// this error will be throw instead since the stream didn't provide anything
/// more specific. A common cause for this can be failing to open the stream
/// before trying to read/write to it.
case unknownStreamError
/// While reading/writing to the stream, less than the expected bytes was
/// read/written.
case truncated
/// Serialize a single size-delimited message from the given stream. Delimited
/// format allows a single file or stream to contain multiple messages,
/// whereas normally writing multiple non-delimited messages to the same
/// stream would cause them to be merged. A delimited message is a varint
/// encoding the message size followed by a message of exactly that size.
/// - Parameters:
/// - message: The message to be written.
/// - to: The `OutputStream` to write the message to. The stream is
/// is assumed to be ready to be written to.
/// - partial: If `false` (the default), this method will check
/// `Message.isInitialized` before encoding to verify that all required
/// fields are present. If any are missing, this method throws
/// `BinaryEncodingError.missingRequiredFields`.
/// - Throws: `BinaryEncodingError` if encoding fails, throws
/// `BinaryDelimited.Error` for some writing errors, or the
/// underlying `OutputStream.streamError` for a stream error.
public static func serialize(
message: Message,
to stream: OutputStream,
partial: Bool = false
) throws {
// TODO: Revisit to avoid the extra buffering when encoding is streamed in general.
let serialized = try message.serializedData(partial: partial)
let totalSize = Varint.encodedSize(of: UInt64(serialized.count)) + serialized.count
var data = Data(count: totalSize)
data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) in
var encoder = BinaryEncoder(forWritingInto: pointer)
encoder.putBytesValue(value: serialized)
var written: Int = 0
data.withUnsafeBytes { (pointer: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) in
written = stream.write(pointer, maxLength: totalSize)
if written != totalSize {
if written == -1 {
if let streamError = stream.streamError {
throw streamError
throw BinaryDelimited.Error.unknownStreamError
throw BinaryDelimited.Error.truncated
/// Reads a single size-delimited message from the given stream. Delimited
/// format allows a single file or stream to contain multiple messages,
/// whereas normally parsing consumes the entire input. A delimited message
/// is a varint encoding the message size followed by a message of exactly
/// exactly that size.
/// - Parameters:
/// - messageType: The type of message to read.
/// - from: The `InputStream` to read the data from. The stream is assumed
/// to be ready to read from.
/// - extensions: An `ExtensionMap` used to look up and decode any
/// extensions in this message or messages nested within this message's
/// fields.
/// - partial: If `false` (the default), this method will check
/// `Message.isInitialized` before encoding to verify that all required
/// fields are present. If any are missing, this method throws
/// `BinaryEncodingError.missingRequiredFields`.
/// - options: The BinaryDecodingOptions to use.
/// - Returns: The message read.
/// - Throws: `BinaryDecodingError` if decoding fails, throws
/// `BinaryDelimited.Error` for some reading errors, and the
/// underlying InputStream.streamError for a stream error.
public static func parse<M: Message>(
messageType: M.Type,
from stream: InputStream,
extensions: ExtensionMap? = nil,
partial: Bool = false,
options: BinaryDecodingOptions = BinaryDecodingOptions()
) throws -> M {
var message = M()
try merge(into: &message,
from: stream,
extensions: extensions,
partial: partial,
options: options)
return message
/// Updates the message by reading a single size-delimited message from
/// the given stream. Delimited format allows a single file or stream to
/// contain multiple messages, whereas normally parsing consumes the entire
/// input. A delimited message is a varint encoding the message size
/// followed by a message of exactly that size.
/// - Note: If this method throws an error, the message may still have been
/// partially mutated by the binary data that was decoded before the error
/// occurred.
/// - Parameters:
/// - mergingTo: The message to merge the data into.
/// - from: The `InputStream` to read the data from. The stream is assumed
/// to be ready to read from.
/// - extensions: An `ExtensionMap` used to look up and decode any
/// extensions in this message or messages nested within this message's
/// fields.
/// - partial: If `false` (the default), this method will check
/// `Message.isInitialized` before encoding to verify that all required
/// fields are present. If any are missing, this method throws
/// `BinaryEncodingError.missingRequiredFields`.
/// - options: The BinaryDecodingOptions to use.
/// - Throws: `BinaryDecodingError` if decoding fails, throws
/// `BinaryDelimited.Error` for some reading errors, and the
/// underlying InputStream.streamError for a stream error.
public static func merge<M: Message>(
into message: inout M,
from stream: InputStream,
extensions: ExtensionMap? = nil,
partial: Bool = false,
options: BinaryDecodingOptions = BinaryDecodingOptions()
) throws {
let length = try Int(decodeVarint(stream))
if length == 0 {
// The message was all defaults, nothing to actually read.
var data = Data(count: length)
var bytesRead: Int = 0
data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) in
bytesRead =, maxLength: length)
if bytesRead != length {
if bytesRead == -1 {
if let streamError = stream.streamError {
throw streamError
throw BinaryDelimited.Error.unknownStreamError
throw BinaryDelimited.Error.truncated
try message.merge(serializedData: data,
extensions: extensions,
partial: partial,
options: options)
// TODO: This should go away when encoding/decoding are more stream based
// as that should provide a more direct way to do this. This is basically
// a rewrite of BinaryDecoder.decodeVarint().
internal func decodeVarint(_ stream: InputStream) throws -> UInt64 {
// Buffer to reuse within nextByte.
var readBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: 1)
defer { readBuffer.deallocate(capacity: 1) }
func nextByte() throws -> UInt8 {
let bytesRead =, maxLength: 1)
if bytesRead != 1 {
if bytesRead == -1 {
if let streamError = stream.streamError {
throw streamError
throw BinaryDelimited.Error.unknownStreamError
throw BinaryDelimited.Error.truncated
return readBuffer[0]
var value: UInt64 = 0
var shift: UInt64 = 0
while true {
let c = try nextByte()
value |= UInt64(c & 0x7f) << shift
if c & 0x80 == 0 {
return value
shift += 7
if shift > 63 {
throw BinaryDecodingError.malformedProtobuf
| mit | ada5634ae741882f81311a4acf01c939 | 38.654206 | 87 | 0.660382 | 4.727577 | false | false | false | false |
VaclavLustek/VLFramework | Pod/Classes/View/Table/Cells/VLBaseCell.swift | 1 | 2283 | //
// VLBaseCell.swift
// Pods
// Created by Václav Luštěk.
// --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
// MARK: - Import
import UIKit
// --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
// MARK: - Settings
// --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
// MARK: - Constants
// --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
// MARK: - Class
public class VLBaseCell: UITableViewCell {
// --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
// MARK: - Properties
@IBOutlet private weak var titleLabel: UILabel!
public var titleText: String? = nil {
didSet {
self.titleLabel.text = titleText
@IBOutlet private weak var subtitleLabel: UILabel!
public var subtitleText: String? = nil {
didSet {
self.subtitleLabel.text = subtitleText
@IBOutlet private weak var mainIV: UIImageView!
public var mainImage: UIImage? = nil {
didSet {
self.mainIV.image = mainImage;
// --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
// MARK: - Layout
public override var bounds: CGRect {
didSet {
self.contentView.bounds = bounds
public override func layoutSubviews() {
if let titleLabel: UILabel = self.titleLabel {
titleLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = CGRectGetWidth(titleLabel.bounds)
if let subtitleLabel: UILabel = self.subtitleLabel {
subtitleLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = CGRectGetWidth(subtitleLabel.bounds)
| mit | 3939d10e629510368a616f1d27bb29e7 | 20.923077 | 114 | 0.404825 | 4.710744 | false | false | false | false |
svdo/swift-SecurityExtensions | SecurityExtensionsTests/SecKey+KeychainTests.swift | 1 | 1060 | // Copyright (c) 2016 Stefan van den Oord. All rights reserved.
import Quick
import Nimble
import SecurityExtensions
class SecKey_KeychainTests: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
it("can return the keychain tag of a key") {
let keys = testKeyPair()
expect(keys.privateKey.keychainTag) != ""
expect(keys.publicKey.keychainTag) != ""
it("can retrieve a key by tag") {
let keys = testKeyPair()
let privTag = keys.privateKey.keychainTag
let pubTag = keys.publicKey.keychainTag
if let privTag = privTag, let pubTag = pubTag {
let retrievedPrivKey = SecKey.loadFromKeychain(tag: privTag)
let retrievedPubKey = SecKey.loadFromKeychain(tag: pubTag)
expect(retrievedPrivKey?.keyData) == keys.privateKey.keyData
expect(retrievedPubKey?.keyData) == keys.publicKey.keyData
| mit | 0c9a837382c329e41529a7ee00e8abc1 | 35.551724 | 76 | 0.601887 | 4.549356 | false | true | false | false |
kickstarter/ios-oss | Library/ViewModels/ManagePledgeViewModel.swift | 1 | 21169 | import KsApi
import Prelude
import ReactiveExtensions
import ReactiveSwift
public typealias ManagePledgeViewParamConfigData = (
projectParam: Param,
backingParam: Param?
public enum ManagePledgeAlertAction: CaseIterable {
case updatePledge
case changePaymentMethod
case chooseAnotherReward
case contactCreator
case cancelPledge
case viewRewards
public protocol ManagePledgeViewModelInputs {
func beginRefresh()
func configureWith(_ params: ManagePledgeViewParamConfigData)
func cancelPledgeDidFinish(with message: String)
func fixButtonTapped()
func menuButtonTapped()
func menuOptionSelected(with action: ManagePledgeAlertAction)
func pledgeViewControllerDidUpdatePledgeWithMessage(_ message: String)
func viewDidLoad()
public protocol ManagePledgeViewModelOutputs {
var configurePaymentMethodView: Signal<ManagePledgePaymentMethodViewData, Never> { get }
var configurePledgeSummaryView: Signal<ManagePledgeSummaryViewData, Never> { get }
var configureRewardReceivedWithData: Signal<ManageViewPledgeRewardReceivedViewData, Never> { get }
var endRefreshing: Signal<Void, Never> { get }
var goToCancelPledge: Signal<CancelPledgeViewData, Never> { get }
var goToChangePaymentMethod: Signal<PledgeViewData, Never> { get }
var goToContactCreator: Signal<(MessageSubject, KSRAnalytics.MessageDialogContext), Never> { get }
var goToFixPaymentMethod: Signal<PledgeViewData, Never> { get }
var goToRewards: Signal<Project, Never> { get }
var goToUpdatePledge: Signal<PledgeViewData, Never> { get }
var loadProjectAndRewardsIntoDataSource: Signal<(Project, [Reward]), Never> { get }
var loadPullToRefreshHeaderView: Signal<(), Never> { get }
var notifyDelegateManagePledgeViewControllerFinishedWithMessage: Signal<String?, Never> { get }
var paymentMethodViewHidden: Signal<Bool, Never> { get }
var pledgeDetailsSectionLabelText: Signal<String, Never> { get }
var pledgeDisclaimerViewHidden: Signal<Bool, Never> { get }
var rewardReceivedViewControllerViewIsHidden: Signal<Bool, Never> { get }
var rightBarButtonItemHidden: Signal<Bool, Never> { get }
var showActionSheetMenuWithOptions: Signal<[ManagePledgeAlertAction], Never> { get }
var showErrorBannerWithMessage: Signal<String, Never> { get }
var showSuccessBannerWithMessage: Signal<String, Never> { get }
var startRefreshing: Signal<(), Never> { get }
var title: Signal<String, Never> { get }
public protocol ManagePledgeViewModelType {
var inputs: ManagePledgeViewModelInputs { get }
var outputs: ManagePledgeViewModelOutputs { get }
public final class ManagePledgeViewModel:
ManagePledgeViewModelType, ManagePledgeViewModelInputs, ManagePledgeViewModelOutputs {
public init() {
let params = Signal.combineLatest(
let projectParam =
let shouldBeginRefresh = Signal.merge(
// Keep track of whether the project has successfully loaded at least once.
let projectLoaded = MutableProperty<Bool>(false)
let shouldFetchProjectWithParam = Signal.merge(
let fetchProjectEvent = shouldFetchProjectWithParam
// Only fetch the project if it hasn't yet succeeded, to avoid this call occurring with each refresh.
.filter { [projectLoaded] _ in projectLoaded.value == false }
.switchMap { param in
AppEnvironment.current.apiService.fetchProject(param: param)
.ksr_delay(AppEnvironment.current.apiDelayInterval, on: AppEnvironment.current.scheduler)
.switchMap { project in
fetchProjectRewards(project: project)
let initialProject = fetchProjectEvent.values()
// Once we know we have a project value, keep track of that.
.on(value: { [projectLoaded] _ in projectLoaded.value = true })
let backingParamFromConfigData =
let backingParamFromProject = { $0.personalization.backing?.id }
let backingParam = Signal.merge(
.take(until: backingParamFromConfigData.ignoreValues())
let shouldFetchGraphBackingWithParam = Signal.merge(
let graphBackingEvent = shouldFetchGraphBackingWithParam
.map { param in }
.switchMap { backingId in
.fetchBacking(id: backingId, withStoredCards: false)
.ksr_delay(AppEnvironment.current.apiDelayInterval, on: AppEnvironment.current.scheduler)
let graphBackingProject = graphBackingEvent.values()
.map { $0.project }
let graphBackingEnvelope = graphBackingEvent.values()
let backing = graphBackingEnvelope
.map { $0.backing }
let endRefreshingWhenProjectFailed = fetchProjectEvent.errors()
let endRefreshingWhenBackingCompleted = graphBackingEvent
.filter { $0.isTerminating }
.ksr_delay(.milliseconds(300), on: AppEnvironment.current.scheduler)
self.endRefreshing = Signal.merge(
let project = initialProject.combineLatest(with: backing)
.map { project, backing -> Project in
Here we are updating the `Project`'s `Backing` with an updated one from GraphQL.
This is because, at the time of writing, v1 does not return add-ons or bonus amount but GraphQL does.
let p = (project |> Project.lens.personalization.backing .~ backing)
return p
let userIsCreatorOfProject = { project in
currentUserIsCreator(of: project)
let projectAndReward = Signal.combineLatest(project, backing)
.compactMap { project, backing -> (Project, Reward)? in
guard let reward = backing.reward else { return (project, .noReward) }
return (project, reward)
self.title = graphBackingProject.combineLatest(with: userIsCreatorOfProject)
self.configurePaymentMethodView =
self.configurePledgeSummaryView = Signal.combineLatest(projectAndReward, backing)
let projectOrBackingFailedToLoad = Signal.merge( { $0.error as Error? }, { $0.error as Error? }
self.loadPullToRefreshHeaderView = projectOrBackingFailedToLoad
.take(until: backing.ignoreValues())
self.paymentMethodViewHidden = Signal.combineLatest(
userIsCreatorOfProject, { backing in backing.paymentSource }
.map { userIsCreatorOfProject, creditCard in userIsCreatorOfProject || creditCard == nil }
self.loadProjectAndRewardsIntoDataSource = projectAndReward.combineLatest(with: backing)
.map { project, reward, backing -> (Project, [Reward]) in
(project, distinctRewards([reward] + (backing.addOns ?? [])))
self.rightBarButtonItemHidden = Signal.merge(
self.pledgeDisclaimerViewHidden = Signal.combineLatest(
.map { _, rewards, userIsCreatorOfProject in { $0.estimatedDeliveryOn }.allSatisfy(isNil) || userIsCreatorOfProject
self.pledgeDetailsSectionLabelText = {
$0 ? Strings.Pledge_details() : Strings.Your_pledge_details()
self.startRefreshing = Signal.merge(
let latestRewardDeliveryDate = { _, rewards in
.compactMap { $0.estimatedDeliveryOn }
.reduce(0) { accum, value in max(accum, value) }
self.configureRewardReceivedWithData = Signal.combineLatest(project, backing, latestRewardDeliveryDate)
.map { project, backing, latestRewardDeliveryDate in
project: project,
backerCompleted: backing.backerCompleted ?? false,
estimatedDeliveryOn: latestRewardDeliveryDate,
backingState: backing.status
let menuOptions = Signal.combineLatest(project, backing, userIsCreatorOfProject)
self.showActionSheetMenuWithOptions = menuOptions
let backedRewards =
self.goToUpdatePledge = Signal.combineLatest(project, backing, backedRewards)
.takeWhen(self.menuOptionSelectedSignal.filter { $0 == .updatePledge })
.map { project, backing, rewards in (project, backing, rewards, .update) }
self.goToRewards = project
.takeWhen(self.menuOptionSelectedSignal.filter { $0 == .chooseAnotherReward || $0 == .viewRewards })
let cancelPledgeSelected = self.menuOptionSelectedSignal
.filter { $0 == .cancelPledge }
self.goToCancelPledge = Signal.combineLatest(project, backing)
.filter { _, backing in backing.cancelable }
self.goToContactCreator = project
.takeWhen(self.menuOptionSelectedSignal.filter { $0 == .contactCreator })
.map { project in (MessageSubject.project(project), .backerModal) }
self.goToChangePaymentMethod = Signal.combineLatest(project, backing, backedRewards)
.takeWhen(self.menuOptionSelectedSignal.filter { $0 == .changePaymentMethod })
.map { project, backing, rewards in
(project, backing, rewards, .changePaymentMethod)
self.goToFixPaymentMethod = Signal.combineLatest(project, backing, backedRewards)
.map { project, backing, rewards in
(project, backing, rewards, .fixPaymentMethod)
self.notifyDelegateManagePledgeViewControllerFinishedWithMessage = Signal.merge(
backing.skip(first: 1).mapConst(nil)
self.rewardReceivedViewControllerViewIsHidden = { $0 == 0 }
self.showSuccessBannerWithMessage = self.pledgeViewControllerDidUpdatePledgeWithMessageSignal
let cancelBackingDisallowed = backing
.map { $0.cancelable }
let attemptedDisallowedCancelBackingMessage = cancelBackingDisallowed
.map { _ in
// swiftformat:disable wrap
// swiftformat:enable wrap
let networkErrorMessage = Signal.merge(
.map { _ in Strings.Something_went_wrong_please_try_again() }
self.showErrorBannerWithMessage = Signal.merge(
// Tracking, backing)
.observeValues { project, rewards, backing in
guard let reward = backing.reward else { return }
let checkoutData = checkoutProperties(
from: project,
baseReward: reward,
addOnRewards: rewards,
selectedQuantities: selectedRewardQuantities(in: backing),
additionalPledgeAmount: backing.bonusAmount,
pledgeTotal: backing.amount,
shippingTotal: Double(backing.shippingAmount ?? 0),
isApplePay: backing.paymentSource?.paymentType == .applePay
project: project,
reward: reward,
checkoutData: checkoutData
private let (beginRefreshSignal, beginRefreshObserver) = Signal<Void, Never>.pipe()
public func beginRefresh() {
self.beginRefreshObserver.send(value: ())
private let (configureWithProjectOrParamSignal, configureWithProjectOrParamObserver)
= Signal<ManagePledgeViewParamConfigData, Never>.pipe()
public func configureWith(_ params: ManagePledgeViewParamConfigData) {
self.configureWithProjectOrParamObserver.send(value: params)
private let cancelPledgeDidFinishWithMessageProperty = MutableProperty<String?>(nil)
public func cancelPledgeDidFinish(with message: String) {
self.cancelPledgeDidFinishWithMessageProperty.value = message
private let (fixButtonTappedSignal, fixButtonTappedObserver) = Signal<Void, Never>.pipe()
public func fixButtonTapped() {
self.fixButtonTappedObserver.send(value: ())
private let (menuButtonTappedSignal, menuButtonTappedObserver) = Signal<Void, Never>.pipe()
public func menuButtonTapped() {
self.menuButtonTappedObserver.send(value: ())
private let (menuOptionSelectedSignal, menuOptionSelectedObserver) = Signal<ManagePledgeAlertAction, Never>
public func menuOptionSelected(with action: ManagePledgeAlertAction) {
self.menuOptionSelectedObserver.send(value: action)
private let (
) = Signal<String, Never>.pipe()
public func pledgeViewControllerDidUpdatePledgeWithMessage(_ message: String) {
self.pledgeViewControllerDidUpdatePledgeWithMessageObserver.send(value: message)
private let (viewDidLoadSignal, viewDidLoadObserver) = Signal<(), Never>.pipe()
public func viewDidLoad() {
self.viewDidLoadObserver.send(value: ())
public let configurePaymentMethodView: Signal<ManagePledgePaymentMethodViewData, Never>
public let configurePledgeSummaryView: Signal<ManagePledgeSummaryViewData, Never>
public let configureRewardReceivedWithData: Signal<ManageViewPledgeRewardReceivedViewData, Never>
public let endRefreshing: Signal<Void, Never>
public let goToCancelPledge: Signal<CancelPledgeViewData, Never>
public let goToChangePaymentMethod: Signal<PledgeViewData, Never>
public let goToContactCreator: Signal<(MessageSubject, KSRAnalytics.MessageDialogContext), Never>
public let goToFixPaymentMethod: Signal<PledgeViewData, Never>
public let goToRewards: Signal<Project, Never>
public let goToUpdatePledge: Signal<PledgeViewData, Never>
public let loadProjectAndRewardsIntoDataSource: Signal<(Project, [Reward]), Never>
public let loadPullToRefreshHeaderView: Signal<(), Never>
public let paymentMethodViewHidden: Signal<Bool, Never>
public let pledgeDetailsSectionLabelText: Signal<String, Never>
public let pledgeDisclaimerViewHidden: Signal<Bool, Never>
public let notifyDelegateManagePledgeViewControllerFinishedWithMessage: Signal<String?, Never>
public let rewardReceivedViewControllerViewIsHidden: Signal<Bool, Never>
public let rightBarButtonItemHidden: Signal<Bool, Never>
public let showActionSheetMenuWithOptions: Signal<[ManagePledgeAlertAction], Never>
public let showSuccessBannerWithMessage: Signal<String, Never>
public let showErrorBannerWithMessage: Signal<String, Never>
public let startRefreshing: Signal<(), Never>
public let title: Signal<String, Never>
public var inputs: ManagePledgeViewModelInputs { return self }
public var outputs: ManagePledgeViewModelOutputs { return self }
// MARK: - Functions
private func fetchProjectRewards(project: Project) -> SignalProducer<Project, ErrorEnvelope> {
return AppEnvironment.current.apiService
.ksr_delay(AppEnvironment.current.apiDelayInterval, on: AppEnvironment.current.scheduler)
.switchMap { projectRewards -> SignalProducer<Project, ErrorEnvelope> in
var allRewards = projectRewards
if let noRewardReward = project.rewardData.rewards.first {
allRewards.insert(noRewardReward, at: 0)
let projectWithBackingAndRewards = project
|> Project.lens.rewardData.rewards .~ allRewards
return SignalProducer(value: projectWithBackingAndRewards)
private func pledgeViewData(
project: Project,
backing: Backing,
rewards: [Reward],
context: PledgeViewContext
) -> PledgeViewData {
return PledgeViewData(
project: project,
rewards: rewards,
selectedQuantities: selectedRewardQuantities(in: backing),
selectedLocationId: backing.locationId,
refTag: nil,
context: context
private func actionSheetMenuOptionsFor(
project: Project,
backing: Backing,
userIsCreatorOfProject: Bool
) -> [ManagePledgeAlertAction] {
if userIsCreatorOfProject {
return [.viewRewards]
guard project.state == .live else {
return [.viewRewards, .contactCreator]
if backing.status == .preauth {
return [.contactCreator]
return ManagePledgeAlertAction.allCases.filter { $0 != .viewRewards }
private func navigationBarTitle(
with project: Project,
userIsCreatorOfProject: Bool
) -> String {
if userIsCreatorOfProject {
return Strings.Pledge_details()
return project.state == .live ? Strings.Manage_your_pledge() : Strings.Your_pledge()
private func managePledgeMenuCTAType(for managePledgeAlertAction: ManagePledgeAlertAction)
-> KSRAnalytics.ManagePledgeMenuCTAType {
switch managePledgeAlertAction {
case .cancelPledge: return .cancelPledge
case .changePaymentMethod: return .changePaymentMethod
case .chooseAnotherReward: return .chooseAnotherReward
case .contactCreator: return .contactCreator
case .updatePledge: return .updatePledge
case .viewRewards: return .viewRewards
private func cancelPledgeViewData(
with project: Project,
backing: Backing
) -> CancelPledgeViewData {
return .init(
project: project,
omitUSCurrencyCode: project.stats.omitUSCurrencyCode,
backingId: backing.graphID,
pledgeAmount: backing.amount
private func managePledgePaymentMethodViewData(
with backing: Backing
) -> ManagePledgePaymentMethodViewData {
backingState: backing.status,
expirationDate: backing.paymentSource?.expirationDate,
lastFour: backing.paymentSource?.lastFour,
creditCardType: backing.paymentSource?.type,
paymentType: backing.paymentSource?.paymentType
private func managePledgeSummaryViewData(
with project: Project,
backedReward: Reward,
backing: Backing
) -> ManagePledgeSummaryViewData? {
guard let backer = backing.backer else { return nil }
let isRewardLocalPickup = isRewardLocalPickup(backing.reward)
let projectCurrencyCountry = projectCountry(forCurrency: project.stats.currency) ??
return ManagePledgeSummaryViewData(
backerSequence: backing.sequence,
backingState: backing.status,
bonusAmount: backing.bonusAmount,
currentUserIsCreatorOfProject: currentUserIsCreator(of: project),
isNoReward: ==,
locationName: backing.locationName,
needsConversion: project.stats.needsConversion,
omitUSCurrencyCode: project.stats.omitUSCurrencyCode,
pledgeAmount: backing.amount,
pledgedOn: backing.pledgedAt,
projectCurrencyCountry: projectCurrencyCountry,
projectDeadline: project.dates.deadline,
projectState: project.state,
rewardMinimum: allRewardsTotal(for: backing),
shippingAmount: backing.shippingAmount.flatMap(Double.init),
shippingAmountHidden: backing.reward?.shipping.enabled == false,
rewardIsLocalPickup: isRewardLocalPickup
private func allRewardsTotal(for backing: Backing) -> Double {
let baseRewardAmount = backing.reward?.minimum ?? 0
guard let addOns = backing.addOns else { return baseRewardAmount }
return baseRewardAmount + addOns.reduce(0.0) { total, addOn in total.addingCurrency(addOn.minimum) }
private func distinctRewards(_ rewards: [Reward]) -> [Reward] {
var rewardIds: Set<Int> = []
return rewards.filter { reward in
defer { rewardIds.insert( }
return !rewardIds.contains(
| apache-2.0 | d1600e14863d1ed4e630548e5ab14b19 | 36.008741 | 121 | 0.742973 | 4.866437 | false | false | false | false |
apple/swift-nio | Sources/NIOCore/FileDescriptor.swift | 1 | 1278 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
public protocol FileDescriptor {
/// Will be called with the file descriptor if still open, if not it will
/// throw an `IOError`.
/// The ownership of the file descriptor must not escape the `body` as it's completely managed by the
/// implementation of the `FileDescriptor` protocol.
/// - parameters:
/// - body: The closure to execute if the `FileDescriptor` is still open.
/// - throws: If either the `FileDescriptor` was closed before or the closure throws by itself.
func withUnsafeFileDescriptor<T>(_ body: (CInt) throws -> T) throws -> T
/// `true` if this `FileDescriptor` is open (which means it was not closed yet).
var isOpen: Bool { get }
/// Close this `FileDescriptor`.
func close() throws
| apache-2.0 | daa74d696b7d2f16c7d406b9d4d2c797 | 36.588235 | 105 | 0.595462 | 4.877863 | false | false | false | false |
kvedula/WWDC2015 | Kamesh Vedula/TimelineView.swift | 1 | 12750 | //
// TimelineView.swift
// Kamesh Vedula
// Created by Kamesh Vedula on 4/25/15.
// Copyright (c) Kamesh Vedula. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
Represents an instance in the Timeline. A Timeline is built using one or more of these TimeFrames.
public struct TimeFrame{
A description of the event.
let text: String
The date that the event occured.
let date: String
An optional image to show with the text and the date in the timeline.
let image: UIImage?
The shape of a bullet that appears next to each event in the Timeline.
public enum BulletType{
Bullet shaped as a diamond with no fill.
case Diamond
View that shows the given events in bullet form.
public class TimelineView: UIView {
//MARK: Public Properties
The events shown in the Timeline
public var timeFrames: [TimeFrame]{
The color of the bullets and the lines connecting them.
public var lineColor: UIColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor(){
Color of the larger Date title label in each event.
public var titleLabelColor: UIColor = UIColor(red: 0/255, green: 131/255, blue: 122/255, alpha: 1){
Color of the smaller Text detail label in each event.
public var detailLabelColor: UIColor = UIColor(red: 110/255, green: 110/255, blue: 110/255, alpha: 1){
The type of bullet shown next to each element.
public var bulletType: BulletType = BulletType.Diamond{
//MARK: Private Properties
private var imageViewer: JTSImageViewController?
//MARK: Public Methods
Note that the timeFrames cannot be set by this method. Further setup is required once this initalization occurs.
May require more work to allow this to work with restoration.
@param coder An unarchiver object.
required public init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
timeFrames = []
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
Initializes the timeline with all information needed for a complete setup.
@param bulletType The type of bullet shown next to each element.
@param timeFrames The events shown in the Timeline
public init(bulletType: BulletType, timeFrames: [TimeFrame]){
self.timeFrames = timeFrames
self.bulletType = bulletType
super.init(frame: CGRect.zeroRect)
//MARK: Private Methods
private func setupContent(){
for v in subviews{
let guideView = UIView()
NSLayoutConstraint(item: guideView, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: self, attribute: .Top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 24),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: guideView, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: self, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: guideView, attribute: .Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: self, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: guideView, attribute: .Height, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .NotAnAttribute, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0)
var i = 0
var viewFromAbove = guideView
for element in timeFrames{
let v = blockForTimeFrame(element, imageTag: i)
NSLayoutConstraint(item: v, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: viewFromAbove, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: v, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: viewFromAbove, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: v, attribute: .Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: viewFromAbove, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0),
viewFromAbove = v
let extraSpace: CGFloat = 200
let line = UIView()
line.backgroundColor = lineColor
NSLayoutConstraint(item: line, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: self, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 20.5),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: line, attribute: .Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .NotAnAttribute, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 1),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: line, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: viewFromAbove, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: line, attribute: .Height, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .NotAnAttribute, multiplier: 1.0, constant: extraSpace)
addConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint(item: viewFromAbove, attribute: .Bottom, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: self, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0))
private func bulletView(size: CGSize, bulletType: BulletType) -> UIView {
var path: UIBezierPath
switch bulletType {
case .Diamond:
path = UIBezierPath(diamondOfSize: size)
let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
shapeLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clearColor().CGColor
shapeLayer.strokeColor = lineColor.CGColor
shapeLayer.path = path.CGPath
let v = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.width))
return v
private func blockForTimeFrame(element: TimeFrame, imageTag: Int) -> UIView{
let v = UIView()
let s = CGSize(width: 14, height: 14)
var bullet: UIView = bulletView(s, bulletType: bulletType)
NSLayoutConstraint(item: bullet, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 14),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: bullet, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0)
if let image = element.image{
let backgroundViewForImage = UIView()
backgroundViewForImage.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
backgroundViewForImage.layer.cornerRadius = 10
NSLayoutConstraint(item: backgroundViewForImage, attribute: .Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1.0, constant: -60),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: backgroundViewForImage, attribute: .Height, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .NotAnAttribute, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 130),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: backgroundViewForImage, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 40),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: backgroundViewForImage, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0)
let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
imageView.layer.cornerRadius = 10
imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit
imageView.tag = imageTag
NSLayoutConstraint(item: imageView, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: backgroundViewForImage, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: imageView, attribute: .Right, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: backgroundViewForImage, attribute: .Right, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: imageView, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: backgroundViewForImage, attribute: .Top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: imageView, attribute: .Bottom, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: backgroundViewForImage, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0)
let button = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.Custom) as! UIButton
button.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
button.tag = imageTag
button.addTarget(self, action: "tapImage:", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
NSLayoutConstraint(item: button, attribute: .Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1.0, constant: -60),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: button, attribute: .Height, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .NotAnAttribute, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 130),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: button, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 40),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: button, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0)
let y = element.image == nil ? 0 as CGFloat : 145.0 as CGFloat
let titleLabel = UILabel()
titleLabel.font = UIFont(name: "ArialMT", size: 20)
titleLabel.textColor = titleLabelColor
titleLabel.text =
titleLabel.numberOfLines = 0
titleLabel.layer.masksToBounds = false
NSLayoutConstraint(item: titleLabel, attribute: .Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1.0, constant: -40),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: titleLabel, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 40),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: titleLabel, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: y - 5)
let textLabel = UILabel()
textLabel.font = UIFont(name: "ArialMT", size: 16)
textLabel.text = element.text
textLabel.textColor = detailLabelColor
textLabel.numberOfLines = 0
textLabel.layer.masksToBounds = false
NSLayoutConstraint(item: textLabel, attribute: .Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Width, multiplier: 1.0, constant: -47),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: textLabel, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 40),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: textLabel, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: titleLabel, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 5),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: textLabel, attribute: .Bottom, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Bottom, multiplier: 1.0, constant: -10)
//draw the line between the bullets
let line = UIView()
line.backgroundColor = lineColor
NSLayoutConstraint(item: line, attribute: .Width, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .NotAnAttribute, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 1),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: line, attribute: .Left, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Left, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 20.5),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: line, attribute: .Top, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 14),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: line, attribute: .Height, relatedBy: .Equal, toItem: v, attribute: .Height, multiplier: 1.0, constant: -14)
return v
func tapImage(button: UIButton){
var imageView: UIImageView? = nil
for v in subviews{
for w in v.subviews{
if w.tag == button.tag && w is UIImageView{
imageView = (w as? UIImageView)
if let i = imageView{
let imageInfo = JTSImageInfo()
imageInfo.image = i.image
imageInfo.referenceRect = convertRect(i.frame, fromView: i.superview)
imageInfo.referenceView = self
imageViewer = JTSImageViewController(imageInfo: imageInfo, mode: JTSImageViewControllerMode.Image, backgroundStyle: JTSImageViewControllerBackgroundStyle._ScaledDimmedBlurred)
imageViewer!.showFromViewController(UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController, transition: JTSImageViewControllerTransition._FromOriginalPosition)
extension UIBezierPath {
convenience init(diamondOfSize size: CGSize) {
moveToPoint(CGPoint(x: size.width / 2, y: 0))
addLineToPoint(CGPoint(x: size.width, y: size.height / 2))
addLineToPoint(CGPoint(x: size.width / 2, y: size.height))
addLineToPoint(CGPoint(x: 0, y: size.width / 2))
| mit | 279978ff28f5e6b0c3c1cf0107557c07 | 37.636364 | 178 | 0.718745 | 3.957169 | false | false | false | false |
SanjoDeundiak/Wardrobe | Sources/App/Models/Colors.swift | 1 | 726 | //
// Colors.swift
// Hello
// Created by Oleksandr Deundiak on 6/15/17.
import Foundation
enum ColorName: String {
case red = "red"
case green = "green"
case blue = "blue"
case yellow = "yellow"
case black = "black"
case white = "white"
enum Color {
case colorName(ColorName)
case hex(String)
init?(rawValue: String) {
if let colorName = ColorName(rawValue: rawValue) {
self = .colorName(colorName)
else {
self = .hex(rawValue)
var rawValue: String {
switch self {
case .colorName(let color): return color.rawValue
case .hex(let value): return value
| mit | a457149e481e9384cc60cbc95cad3248 | 17.615385 | 58 | 0.549587 | 3.84127 | false | false | false | false |
fe9lix/Protium | iOS/Protium/src/gifdetails/GifDetailsUI.swift | 1 | 2606 | import UIKit
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
final class GifDetailsUI: InteractableUI<GifDetailsInteractor> {
@IBOutlet weak var copyEmbedLinkButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var openGiphyButton: UIButton!
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private var playerViewController: GifPlayerViewController?
// MARK: - Lifecycle
class func create(interactorFactory: @escaping (GifDetailsUI) -> GifDetailsInteractor) -> GifDetailsUI {
return create(
storyboard: UIStoryboard(name: "GifDetails", bundle: Bundle(for: GifDetailsUI.self)),
interactorFactory: downcast(interactorFactory)
) as! GifDetailsUI
deinit {
// The Gif Player is shown using a container view in the storyboard and an embed segue.
// Use the "prepare" call to store a reference to GifPlayerViewController that
// starts playback when the Gif-Observable triggers.
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
super.prepare(for: segue, sender: sender)
guard let identifier = segue.identifier else { return }
if case .gifPlayer? = Segue(rawValue: identifier) {
playerViewController = segue.destination as? GifPlayerViewController
override func viewDidLoad() {
copyEmbedLinkButton.setTitle("GifDetails.CopyEmbedLink".localized, for: .normal)
openGiphyButton.setTitle("GifDetails.OpenGiphy".localized, for: .normal)
// MARK: - Bindings
override func bindInteractor(interactor: GifDetailsInteractor) { { gif in
self.playVideo(url: gif.videoURL)
.map { $0.embedURL == nil }
// MARK: - Video Playback
private func playVideo(url: URL?) {
guard let url = url, let playerViewController = playerViewController else { return } url)
extension GifDetailsUI {
struct Actions {
let copyEmbedLink: Driver<Void>
let openGiphy: Driver<Void>
var actions: Actions {
return Actions(
copyEmbedLink: copyEmbedLinkButton.rx.tap.asDriver(),
openGiphy: openGiphyButton.rx.tap.asDriver()
extension GifDetailsUI {
enum Segue: String {
case gifPlayer
| mit | 93aba12cd89ea900da39b95d52cfab9e | 30.02381 | 108 | 0.646201 | 5.011538 | false | false | false | false |
SteveRohrlack/CitySimCore | Tests/RessourceTypeTests.swift | 1 | 2101 | //
// RessourceTypeTests.swift
// CitySimCore
// Created by Steve Rohrlack on 08.06.16.
// Copyright © 2016 Steve Rohrlack. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
#if os(iOS)
@testable import CitySimCoreiOS
#if os(OSX)
@testable import CitySimCoreMacOS
class RessourceTypeTests: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
override func tearDown() {
func testValue() {
let ressourceType: RessourceType = .Electricity(10)
XCTAssertEqual(10, ressourceType.value())
func testOperatorGreaterEqual() {
let ressourceType1: RessourceType = .Electricity(10)
let ressourceType2: RessourceType = .Electricity(20)
let ressourceTypeNil: RessourceType = .Electricity(nil)
XCTAssertEqual(true, ressourceType1 <= ressourceType2)
XCTAssertEqual(false, ressourceType1 <= ressourceTypeNil)
func testOperatorLesserEqual() {
let ressourceType1: RessourceType = .Electricity(10)
let ressourceType2: RessourceType = .Electricity(20)
let ressourceTypeNil: RessourceType = .Electricity(nil)
XCTAssertEqual(true, ressourceType1 <= ressourceType2)
XCTAssertEqual(false, ressourceType1 <= ressourceTypeNil)
func testOperatorEqual() {
let ressourceType1: RessourceType = .Electricity(10)
let ressourceType2: RessourceType = .Electricity(10)
let ressourceTypeNil: RessourceType = .Electricity(nil)
XCTAssertEqual(true, ressourceType1 == ressourceType2)
XCTAssertEqual(false, ressourceType1 == ressourceTypeNil)
XCTAssertEqual(false, ressourceType1 != ressourceType2)
func testConsumerConsumes() {
let ressourceConsumer = RessourceConsumerTestDouble(ressources: [.Electricity(1)])
XCTAssertEqual(true, ressourceConsumer.consumes(ressource: .Electricity(nil)))
XCTAssertEqual(false, ressourceConsumer.consumes(ressource: .Water(nil)))
} | mit | a9748402e76051bd04debc7adf99687a | 29.014286 | 90 | 0.67 | 5.084746 | false | true | false | false |
skedgo/tripkit-ios | Sources/TripKitUI/cards/TKUIRoutingResultsMapManager.swift | 1 | 7263 | //
// TKUIRoutingResultsMapManager.swift
// TripKit
// Created by Adrian Schoenig on 13/4/17.
// Copyright © 2017 SkedGo Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import MapKit
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
import TGCardViewController
import TripKit
/// An item to be displayed on the map
public struct TKUIRoutingResultsMapRouteItem {
let trip: Trip
public let polyline: TKRoutePolyline
public let selectionIdentifier: String
init?(_ trip: Trip) {
self.trip = trip
self.selectionIdentifier = trip.objectID.uriRepresentation().absoluteString
let displayableShapes = trip.segments
.compactMap { $0.shapes.isEmpty ? nil : $0.shapes } // Only include those with shapes
.flatMap { $0.filter { $0.routeIsTravelled } } // Flat list of travelled shapes
let route = displayableShapes
.reduce(into: TKColoredRoute(path: [], identifier: selectionIdentifier)) { $0.append($1.sortedCoordinates ?? []) }
guard let polyline = TKRoutePolyline(route: route) else { return nil }
self.polyline = polyline
public protocol TKUIRoutingResultsMapManagerType: TGCompatibleMapManager {
var droppedPin: Signal<CLLocationCoordinate2D> { get }
var selectedMapRoute: Signal<TKUIRoutingResultsMapRouteItem> { get }
class TKUIRoutingResultsMapManager: TKUIMapManager, TKUIRoutingResultsMapManagerType {
weak var viewModel: TKUIRoutingResultsViewModel?
private let zoomToDestination: Bool
init(destination: MKAnnotation? = nil, zoomToDestination: Bool) {
self.zoomToDestination = zoomToDestination
self.destinationAnnotation = destination
self.preferredZoomLevel = .road
self.showOverlayPolygon = true
private var dropPinRecognizer = UILongPressGestureRecognizer()
private var droppedPinPublisher = PublishSubject<CLLocationCoordinate2D>()
var droppedPin: Signal<CLLocationCoordinate2D> {
return droppedPinPublisher.asSignal(onErrorSignalWith: .empty())
private var tapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer()
private var selectedRoutePublisher = PublishSubject<TKUIRoutingResultsMapRouteItem>()
var selectedMapRoute: Signal<TKUIRoutingResultsMapRouteItem> {
return selectedRoutePublisher.asSignal(onErrorSignalWith: .empty())
private var disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private var originAnnotation: MKAnnotation? {
didSet {
if let old = oldValue {
if let new = originAnnotation {
private var destinationAnnotation: MKAnnotation? {
didSet {
guard let mapView = mapView else { return }
if let old = oldValue {
if let new = destinationAnnotation {
fileprivate var selectedRoute: TKUIRoutingResultsMapRouteItem? {
didSet {
selectionIdentifier = selectedRoute?.selectionIdentifier
private var allRoutes: [TKUIRoutingResultsMapRouteItem] = [] {
didSet {
guard let mapView = mapView else { return }
let oldPolylines = { $0.polyline }
let newPolylines = { $0.polyline }
if oldPolylines.isEmpty && !newPolylines.isEmpty {
// Zoom to the new polylines plus 20% padding around them
let boundingRect = newPolylines.boundingMapRect
let zoomToRect = boundingRect.insetBy(dx: boundingRect.size.width * -0.2, dy: boundingRect.size.height * -0.2)
zoom(to: zoomToRect, animated: true)
override func takeCharge(of mapView: MKMapView, animated: Bool) {
super.takeCharge(of: mapView, animated: animated)
guard let viewModel = viewModel else { assertionFailure(); return }
let zoomTo = [originAnnotation, destinationAnnotation].compactMap { $0 }
if zoomToDestination, !zoomTo.isEmpty {
self.zoom(to: zoomTo, animated: true)
.drive(onNext: { [weak self] in self?.originAnnotation = $0 })
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [weak self] in self?.destinationAnnotation = $0 })
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.drive(onNext: { [weak self] in
self?.selectedRoute = $1
self?.allRoutes = $0
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
// Interaction
.filter { $0.state == .began }
.map { [unowned mapView] in
let point = $0.location(in: mapView)
return mapView.convert(point, toCoordinateFrom: mapView)
.bind(to: droppedPinPublisher)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.filter { $0.state == .ended }
.filter { [unowned self] _ in !self.allRoutes.isEmpty }
.map { [unowned mapView] in
let point = $0.location(in: mapView)
return mapView.convert(point, toCoordinateFrom: mapView)
.map { [unowned self] in self.closestRoute(to: $0) }
.filter { $0 != nil }
.map { $0! }
.bind(to: selectedRoutePublisher)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
override func cleanUp(_ mapView: MKMapView, animated: Bool) {
disposeBag = DisposeBag()
// clean up map annotations and overlays
originAnnotation = nil
destinationAnnotation = nil
selectedRoute = nil
allRoutes = []
super.cleanUp(mapView, animated: animated)
private func closestRoute(to coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> TKUIRoutingResultsMapRouteItem? {
let mapPoint = MKMapPoint(coordinate)
return allRoutes
.filter { $0 != selectedRoute }
.min { $0.distance(to: mapPoint) < $1.distance(to: mapPoint) }
extension TKUIRoutingResultsMapRouteItem {
fileprivate func distance(to mapPoint: MKMapPoint) -> CLLocationDistance {
return polyline.closestPoint(to: mapPoint).distance
// MARK: - MKMapViewDelegate
extension TKUIRoutingResultsMapManager {
override func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
if annotation === mapView.userLocation {
return nil // Use the default MKUserLocation annotation
// for whatever reason reuse breaks callouts when remove and re-adding views to change their colours, so we just always create a new one.
let view = MKPinAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: nil)
if annotation === originAnnotation {
view.pinTintColor = .green
} else if annotation === destinationAnnotation {
view.pinTintColor = .red
} else {
view.pinTintColor = .purple
view.animatesDrop = true
view.isDraggable = true
view.annotation = annotation
view.alpha = 1
view.canShowCallout = true
return view
| apache-2.0 | 62b002b5d2efc3b329ce3ea43d346d38 | 28.884774 | 141 | 0.686725 | 4.737117 | false | false | false | false |
shirokova/CustomAlert | CustomAlert/Classes/CustomAlert.swift | 1 | 1410 | //
// UIViewController+CustomAlert.swift
// Pods
// Created by Anna Shirokova on 11/09/2017.
import UIKit
public protocol CustomAlertDelegate: class {
func dismissAlert(animated: Bool)
func dismissAlert(animated: Bool, completion: @escaping () -> Void)
open class CustomAlertView: UIView {
public weak var delegate: CustomAlertDelegate?
public class CustomAlert {
let config: CustomAlertConfig
let builder: () -> UIView
static var globalPresentationWindow: UIWindow?
private var alertController: CustomAlertController!
var alertView: UIView!
public var isPresented: Bool {
return alertController?.presentingViewController != nil
func createAlertController() -> CustomAlertController {
alertController = CustomAlertController()
alertController!.config = config
alertView = builder()
(alertView as? CustomAlertView)?.delegate = alertController
return alertController!
public init(config: CustomAlertConfig = .default, builder: @escaping () -> UIView) {
self.config = config
self.builder = builder
public func dismiss(animated: Bool = true) {
alertController.dismissAlert(animated: animated) { [weak self] in
self?.alertController = nil
self?.alertView = nil
| mit | f70309154a2904993f4e6cf4e20fa787 | 26.115385 | 88 | 0.678014 | 4.862069 | false | true | false | false |
duming91/Hear-You | Hear You/Extensions/CGRect+Extension.swift | 1 | 2217 | //
// CGRect+Hello.swift
// Hello
// Created by snow on 16/3/23.
// Copyright © 2016年 snow. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
extension CGRect {
var x: CGFloat {
get {
return self.origin.x
set {
self = CGRectMake(newValue, self.y, self.width, self.height)
var y: CGFloat {
get {
return self.origin.y
set {
self = CGRectMake(self.x, newValue, self.width, self.height)
var width: CGFloat {
get {
return self.size.width
set {
self = CGRectMake(self.x, self.y, newValue, self.height)
var height: CGFloat {
get {
return self.size.height
set {
self = CGRectMake(self.x, self.y, self.width, newValue)
var top: CGFloat {
get {
return self.origin.y
set {
y = newValue
var bottom: CGFloat {
get {
return self.origin.y + self.size.height
set {
self = CGRectMake(x, newValue - height, width, height)
var left: CGFloat {
get {
return self.origin.x
set {
self.x = newValue
var right: CGFloat {
get {
return x + width
set {
self = CGRectMake(newValue - width, y, width, height)
var midX: CGFloat {
get {
return self.x + self.width / 2
set {
self = CGRectMake(newValue - width / 2, y, width, height)
var midY: CGFloat {
get {
return self.y + self.height / 2
set {
self = CGRectMake(x, newValue - height / 2, width, height)
var center: CGPoint {
get {
return CGPointMake(self.midX, self.midY)
set {
self = CGRectMake(newValue.x - width / 2, newValue.y - height / 2, width, height)
| gpl-3.0 | c82d33953c696535b02cfbf489e22290 | 18.421053 | 93 | 0.434508 | 4.241379 | false | false | false | false |
Rep2/SimplerNews | Sources/App/Google.swift | 1 | 2971 | import Vapor
import HTTP
import Foundation
import Dispatch
final class Google {
let serverKey = "AIzaSyCBRqxdYBflBz764vRu6kjlBTx66VlROMM"
func login(request: Request) throws -> ResponseRepresentable {
guard let idToken =["id_token"]?.string else {
throw Abort.custom(status: .badRequest, message: "Parameter id_token:string is required")
let (userId, email) = try verifyUser(idToken: idToken)
let accessToken = UUID().uuidString .utility).async {
do {
var user = self.fetchUser(email: email, accessToken: accessToken)
let userProfile = try self.fetchUserProfile(userId: userId, user: user)
user.googleJSON = userProfile
try SendUser.sendUser(user: user)
} catch {
print("Fetch details faield")
return accessToken
func user(request: Request) throws -> ResponseRepresentable {
guard let email =["email"]?.string else {
throw Abort.custom(status: .badRequest, message: "Parameter email:string is required")
let accessToken = UUID().uuidString
return fetchUser(email: email, accessToken: accessToken)
func verifyUser(idToken: String) throws -> (String, String) {
let response = try drop.client.get("" +
guard let bytes = response.body.bytes, let body = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: Data(bytes: bytes), options: []) else {
throw Abort.custom(status: .badRequest, message: "Failed to parse Google verification response")
if let body = body as? [String : String], let userId = body["sub"], let email = body["email"] {
return (userId, email)
} else {
throw Abort.custom(status: .badRequest, message: "Failed to get Google user id")
func fetchUser(email: String, accessToken: String) -> User {
var user: User
if let users = try? User.query().filter("email", email).run(), let oldUser = users.first {
user = oldUser
user.accessToken = accessToken
} else {
user = User(email: email, accessToken: accessToken)
return user
func fetchUserProfile(userId: String, user: User) throws -> JSON {
let response = try drop.client.get("" +
"\(userId)?" +
guard let bytes = response.body.bytes, let _ = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: Data(bytes: bytes), options: []) else {
throw Abort.custom(status: .badRequest, message: "Failed to parse Google user response")
return try JSON(bytes: bytes)
| mit | 6cfe78a2bd75694c85cfff02f8b8f901 | 33.546512 | 137 | 0.60653 | 4.460961 | false | false | false | false |
lulee007/GankMeizi | GankMeizi/Search/SearchModel.swift | 1 | 1651 | //
// SearchModel.swift
// GankMeizi
// Created by 卢小辉 on 16/5/26.
// Copyright © 2016年 lulee007. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import RxSwift
import CocoaLumberjack
import Kanna
import ObjectMapper
class SearchModel: BaseModel {
static let sharedInstance = SearchModel()
var searchText: String
var items: [ArticleEntity]
override init() {
self.searchText = ""
items = []
func search(text: String?,category: String = "all",count: Int = 20,page: Int = 1) -> Observable<[ArticleEntity]> {
self.offset = count
if page != 1{ = page
if text != nil {
self.searchText = text!
items.removeAll() = 1
return provider.request(GankIOService.Search(text: self.searchText,category: category,count: self.offset,page:
.map { (response) -> [ArticleEntity] in
let jsonStr = String(data:,encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let result = Mapper<BaseEntity<ArticleEntity>>().map(jsonStr!)
if ((result?.results) != nil){ = + 1
self.items += (result?.results!)!
return self.items
func reset() { = 1
| mit | 45ac2500223711abc2a7d50e21bc01a4 | 25.483871 | 130 | 0.543849 | 4.523416 | false | false | false | false |
lyimin/EyepetizerApp | EyepetizerApp/EyepetizerApp/Controllers/ChoiceController/EYEChoiceController.swift | 1 | 8566 | //
// EYEChoiceController.swift
// EyepetizerApp
// Created by 梁亦明 on 16/3/10.
// Copyright © 2016年 xiaoming. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import Alamofire
class EYEChoiceController: EYEBaseViewController, LoadingPresenter, MenuPresenter {
//MARK: --------------------------- LifeCycle --------------------------
override func viewDidLoad() {
// 设置loadview
// 获取数据
getData(EYEAPIHeaper.API_Choice, params: ["date" : NSDate.getCurrentTimeStamp(), "num" : "7"])
// 初始化菜单按钮
// 下拉刷新
collectionView.headerViewPullToRefresh { [unowned self] in
self.getData(EYEAPIHeaper.API_Choice, params: ["date": NSDate.getCurrentTimeStamp(), "num": "7"])
// 上拉加载更多
collectionView.footerViewPullToRefresh {[unowned self] in
if let url = self.nextPageUrl {
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
//MARK: --------------------------- Network --------------------------
private func getData(api: String, params: [String : AnyObject]? = nil) {
Alamofire.request(.GET, api, parameters: params).responseSwiftyJSON ({[unowned self](request, Response, json, error) -> Void in
print("\(EYEAPIHeaper.API_Choice)- \(params)")
if json != .null && error == nil{
// 转模型
let dict = json.rawValue as! NSDictionary
// 获取下一个url
self.nextPageUrl = dict["nextPageUrl"] as? String
// 内容数组
let issueArray = dict["issueList"] as! [NSDictionary]
let list ={ (dict) -> IssueModel in
return IssueModel(dict: dict)
// 这里判断下拉刷新还是上拉加载更多,如果是上拉加载更多,拼接model。如果是下拉刷新,直接复制
if let _ = params {
// 如果params有值就是下拉刷新
self.issueList = list
} else {
// 隐藏loaderview
// 刷新
//MARK: --------------------------- Event or Action --------------------------
func menuBtnDidClick() {
let menuController = EYEMenuViewController()
menuController.modalPresentationStyle = .Custom
menuController.transitioningDelegate = self
// 设置刀砍式动画属性
if menuController is GuillotineAnimationDelegate {
presentationAnimator.animationDelegate = menuController as? GuillotineAnimationDelegate
presentationAnimator.supportView = self.navigationController?.navigationBar
presentationAnimator.presentButton = menuBtn
presentationAnimator.duration = 0.15
self.presentViewController(menuController, animated: true, completion: nil)
//MARK: --------------------------- Getter or Setter -------------------------
/// 模型数据
var issueList: [IssueModel] = [IssueModel]()
/// 下一个page的地址
var nextPageUrl: String?
/// 加载控件
var loaderView: EYELoaderView!
/// 菜单按钮
var menuBtn: EYEMenuBtn!
/// collectionView
private lazy var collectionView : EYECollectionView = {
var collectionView : EYECollectionView = EYECollectionView(frame: self.view.bounds, collectionViewLayout:EYECollectionLayout())
// 注册header
collectionView.registerClass(EYEChoiceHeaderView.self, forSupplementaryViewOfKind: UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader, withReuseIdentifier: EYEChoiceHeaderView.reuseIdentifier)
collectionView.delegate = self
collectionView.dataSource = self
return collectionView
// 点击菜单动画
private lazy var presentationAnimator = GuillotineTransitionAnimation()
//MARK: --------------------------- UICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDataSource --------------------------
extension EYEChoiceController : UICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDataSource {
// return section count
func numberOfSectionsInCollectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {
return issueList.count
// return section row count
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
let issueModel : IssueModel = issueList[section]
let itemList = issueModel.itemList
return itemList.count
// 传递模型
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, willDisplayCell cell: UICollectionViewCell, forItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
let cell = cell as! EYEChoiceCell
let issueModel = issueList[indexPath.section]
cell.model = issueModel.itemList[indexPath.row]
// 显示view
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell : EYEChoiceCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier(EYEChoiceCell.reuseIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath) as! EYEChoiceCell
return cell
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
self.selectCell = collectionView.cellForItemAtIndexPath(indexPath) as! EYEChoiceCell
let issueModel = issueList[indexPath.section]
let model: ItemModel = issueModel.itemList[indexPath.row]
// 如果播放地址为空就返回
if model.playUrl.isEmpty {
APESuperHUD.showOrUpdateHUD(.SadFace, message: "没有播放地址", duration: 0.3, presentingView: self.view, completion: nil)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(EYEVideoDetailController(model: model), animated: true)
* section HeaderView
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind kind: String, atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionReusableView {
// if kind == UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader {
let headerView : EYEChoiceHeaderView = collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryViewOfKind(UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader, withReuseIdentifier: EYEChoiceHeaderView.reuseIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath) as! EYEChoiceHeaderView
let issueModel = issueList[indexPath.section]
if let image = issueModel.headerImage {
headerView.image = image
} else {
headerView.title = issueModel.headerTitle
return headerView
// }
// return section headerview height
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, referenceSizeForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGSize {
// 获取cell的类型
let issueModel = issueList[section]
if issueModel.isHaveSectionView {
return CGSize(width: UIConstant.SCREEN_WIDTH, height: 50)
} else {
return CGSizeZero
// 这个是点击菜单的动画代理。
extension EYEChoiceController: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate {
func animationControllerForPresentedController(presented: UIViewController, presentingController presenting: UIViewController, sourceController source: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
presentationAnimator.mode = .Presentation
return presentationAnimator
func animationControllerForDismissedController(dismissed: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
presentationAnimator.mode = .Dismissal
return presentationAnimator
} | mit | b247e922981c9134322b7bb1895b3dae | 40.326633 | 249 | 0.636872 | 5.937184 | false | false | false | false |
skyfe79/RxPlayground | RxSectionedTableView/RxSectionedTableView/NumberSection.swift | 1 | 1412 | //
// NumberSection.swift
// RxSectionedTableView
// Created by burt.k(Sungcheol Kim) on 2016. 1. 20..
// Copyright © 2016년 burt. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import RxDataSources
// MARK: Data
struct NumberSection {
var header: String
var numbers: [IntItem]
var updated: NSDate
init(header: String, numbers: [IntItem], updated: NSDate) {
self.header = header
self.numbers = numbers
self.updated = updated
struct IntItem {
let number: Int
let date: NSDate
// MARK: Just extensions to say how to determine identity and how to determine is entity updated
extension NumberSection : AnimatableSectionModelType {
typealias Item = IntItem
typealias Identity = String
var identity: String {
return header
var items: [IntItem] {
return numbers
init(original: NumberSection, items: [Item]) {
self = original
self.numbers = items
extension IntItem : IdentifiableType, Equatable {
typealias Identity = Int
var identity: Int {
return number
func == (lhs: IntItem, rhs: IntItem) -> Bool {
return lhs.number == rhs.number &&
extension IntItem : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var debugDescription: String {
return "IntItem(number: \(number), data: date)"
} | mit | 00c34903e574c88e0326377904986e86 | 19.434783 | 96 | 0.643009 | 4.308869 | false | false | false | false |
nathawes/swift | test/Driver/bad_tmpdir.swift | 2 | 840 | // Check a handful of failures in the driver when TMPDIR can't be accessed.
// These particular error messages are kind of finicky to hit because they
// depend on what commands the driver needs to execute on each platform, so the
// test is somewhat artificially limited to macOS.
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx
// SR-12362: This test is failing on master-next.
// XFAIL: *
// RUN: env TMP="%t/fake/" TMPDIR="%t/fake/" not %target-build-swift -c -driver-filelist-threshold=0 %s 2>&1 | %FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-SOURCES %s
// CHECK-SOURCES: - unable to create list of input sources
// RUN: echo > %t.o
// RUN: env TMP="%t/fake/" TMPDIR="%t/fake/" not %target-build-swift -driver-filelist-threshold=0 %t.o 2>&1 | %FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-FILELIST %s
// CHECK-FILELIST: - unable to create temporary file for inputs.LinkFileList
| apache-2.0 | 622a58e09bc57582ba11f09bedada0e7 | 43.210526 | 152 | 0.716667 | 3.346614 | false | true | false | false |
huang1988519/WechatArticles | WechatArticles/WechatArticles/Library/JLToast/JLToast.swift | 2 | 4140 | /*
* JLToast.swift
* Version 2, December 2004
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Su Yeol Jeon
* Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
* copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
* as the name is changed.
import UIKit
public struct JLToastDelay {
public static let ShortDelay: NSTimeInterval = 2.0
public static let LongDelay: NSTimeInterval = 3.5
@objc public class JLToast: NSOperation {
public var view: JLToastView = JLToastView()
public var text: String? {
get {
return self.view.textLabel.text
set {
self.view.textLabel.text = newValue
public var delay: NSTimeInterval = 0
public var duration: NSTimeInterval = JLToastDelay.ShortDelay
private var _executing = false
override public var executing: Bool {
get {
return self._executing
set {
self._executing = newValue
private var _finished = false
override public var finished: Bool {
get {
return self._finished
set {
self._finished = newValue
internal var window: UIWindow {
let windows = UIApplication.sharedApplication().windows
for window in windows.reverse() {
let className = NSStringFromClass(window.dynamicType)
if className == "UIRemoteKeyboardWindow" || className == "UITextEffectsWindow" {
return window
return windows.first!
public class func makeText(text: String) -> JLToast {
return JLToast.makeText(text, delay: 0, duration: JLToastDelay.ShortDelay)
public class func makeText(text: String, duration: NSTimeInterval) -> JLToast {
return JLToast.makeText(text, delay: 0, duration: duration)
public class func makeText(text: String, delay: NSTimeInterval, duration: NSTimeInterval) -> JLToast {
let toast = JLToast()
toast.text = text
toast.delay = delay
toast.duration = duration
return toast
public func show() {
override public func start() {
if !NSThread.isMainThread() {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
} else {
override public func main() {
self.executing = true
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
self.view.alpha = 0
delay: self.delay,
options: .BeginFromCurrentState,
animations: {
self.view.alpha = 1
completion: { completed in
animations: {
self.view.alpha = 1.0001
completion: { completed in
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.5, animations: {
self.view.alpha = 0
public func finish() {
self.executing = false
self.finished = true
} | apache-2.0 | 2df6e147382bbe1e8d4971cff876f9be | 27.363014 | 106 | 0.536957 | 5.240506 | false | false | false | false |
practicalswift/swift | stdlib/public/core/Availability.swift | 9 | 1711 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
/// Returns 1 if the running OS version is greater than or equal to
/// major.minor.patchVersion and 0 otherwise.
/// This is a magic entry point known to the compiler. It is called in
/// generated code for API availability checking.
public func _stdlib_isOSVersionAtLeast(
_ major: Builtin.Word,
_ minor: Builtin.Word,
_ patch: Builtin.Word
) -> Builtin.Int1 {
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
if Int(major) == 9999 {
return true._value
// The call to _swift_stdlib_operatingSystemVersion is used as an indicator
// that this function was called by a compiler optimization pass. If it is
// replaced that pass needs to be updated.
let runningVersion = _swift_stdlib_operatingSystemVersion()
let result =
>= (Int(major),Int(minor),Int(patch))
return result._value
// FIXME: As yet, there is no obvious versioning standard for platforms other
// than Darwin-based OSes, so we just assume false for now.
// rdar://problem/18881232
return false._value
| apache-2.0 | a484277f879ebc7fa2c7d604076f74cf | 35.404255 | 89 | 0.658679 | 4.409794 | false | false | false | false |
proxpero/Placeholder | Placeholder/UserProfileViewController.swift | 1 | 2277 |
import UIKit
import CoreLocation
import MapKit
final class UserProfileViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: IB Outlets & Actions.
@IBOutlet var nameLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var usernameLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var emailLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var streetLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var suiteLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var cityLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var zipcodeLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet var mapView: MKMapView!
@IBAction func didTapDone(_ sender: Any) {
// MARK: Stored Properties.
/// The `User` to be displayed.
var user: User? {
didSet {
/// Action to dismiss the ViewController.
var dismiss: () -> () = {}
// MARK: Lifecycle
private func refresh() {
let nameLabel = nameLabel,
let usernameLabel = usernameLabel,
let emailLabel = emailLabel,
let streetLabel = streetLabel,
let suiteLabel = suiteLabel,
let cityLabel = cityLabel,
let zipcodeLabel = zipcodeLabel,
let mapView = mapView
nameLabel.text = user?.name
usernameLabel.text = user?.username
emailLabel.text = user?.email
streetLabel.text = user?.address.street
suiteLabel.text = user?.address.suite
cityLabel.text = user?
zipcodeLabel.text = user?.address.zipcode
if let location = user?.address.geo.location {
// Some of these coordinates are in the middle of the ocean, so make the region large.
let region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(location.coordinate, 30_000, 30_000)
mapView.setRegion(region, animated: true)
// Refresh the UI in case the models are set before the views exist.
override func viewDidLoad() {
extension User.Address.Geo {
/// The CLLocation of the address of the user's address
var location: CLLocation? {
guard let lat = Double(lat), let lng = Double(lng) else { return nil }
return CLLocation(latitude: lat, longitude: lng)
| mit | fcb0bfe97278aa559bf20a62f1f96c48 | 27.4625 | 102 | 0.604304 | 4.875803 | false | false | false | false |
ObjectAlchemist/OOUIKit | Sources/View/Positioning/ViewStackVertical.swift | 1 | 2526 | //
// ViewStackVertical.swift
// OOSwift
// Created by Karsten Litsche on 01.09.17.
import UIKit
public let VerticalStretched: Float = -1
A view container that presents it's contents in a vertical top based stack.
Note: Last view ignores it's height and stretches to end (use VerticalStretched to tell)! Add a VrSpace at end if you don't like it.
content3 (height=VerticalStretched)
public final class ViewStackVertical: OOView {
// MARK: init
public init(content childs: [(height: Float, view: OOView)]) {
guard childs.count != 0 else { fatalError("A container without childs doesn't make any sense!") }
guard childs.filter( { $0.height == VerticalStretched }).count == 1 else { fatalError("A stack must contain exactly one child with height=VerticalStretched!") }
self.childs = childs
// MARK: protocol OOView
private var _ui: UIView?
public var ui: UIView {
if _ui == nil { _ui = createView() }
return _ui!
public func setNeedsRefresh() {
childs.forEach { $0.view.setNeedsRefresh() }
// MARK: private
private let childs: [(height: Float, view: OOView)]
private func createView() -> UIView {
let view = PointInsideCheckingView()
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
addChilds(toView: view)
return view
private func addChilds(toView parentView: UIView) {
let last = childs.last!.view
var previousChild: UIView?
childs.forEach { (height: Float, view: OOView) in
let childView = view.ui
childView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
childView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: parentView.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
childView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: parentView.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
childView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: previousChild==nil ? parentView.topAnchor : previousChild!.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
if last === view {
childView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: parentView.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
if height != VerticalStretched {
childView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: CGFloat(height)).isActive = true
previousChild = childView
| mit | f7155d332d6581de0b20106931efb6a8 | 30.185185 | 168 | 0.634204 | 4.703911 | false | false | false | false |
faimin/ZDOpenSourceDemo | ZDOpenSourceSwiftDemo/Pods/lottie-ios/lottie-swift/src/Private/Model/Assets/Asset.swift | 1 | 564 | //
// Asset.swift
// lottie-swift
// Created by Brandon Withrow on 1/9/19.
import Foundation
public class Asset: Codable {
/// The ID of the asset
let id: String
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case id = "id"
required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: Asset.CodingKeys.self)
if let id = try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .id) { = id
} else { = String(try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id))
| mit | e66f383d6d3444186b2cd0f5e2757263 | 19.888889 | 73 | 0.634752 | 3.503106 | false | false | false | false |
Fitbit/RxBluetoothKit | ExampleApp/ExampleApp/Screens/CentralSpecific/CentralSpecificView.swift | 2 | 1835 | import UIKit
class CentralSpecificView: UIView {
init() {
super.init(frame: .zero)
backgroundColor = .systemBackground
required init?(coder: NSCoder) { nil }
// MARK: - Subviews
let serviceUuidTextField: UITextField = {
let textField = UITextField()
textField.placeholder = Labels.serviceUuidPlaceholder
return textField
let characteristicUuidTextField: UITextField = {
let textField = UITextField()
textField.placeholder = Labels.characteristicUuidPlaceholder
return textField
let connectButton: UIButton = {
let button = UIButton(type: .system)
button.setTitle("Connect", for: .normal)
button.setImage(UIImage(systemName: "bolt.horizontal"), for: .normal)
return button
let readValueLabel: UILabel = {
let label = UILabel()
label.text = "Read value: --"
label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20.0)
label.textColor = .green
return label
let stackView: UIStackView = {
let stackView = UIStackView()
stackView.axis = .vertical
stackView.spacing = 20.0
return stackView
// MARK: - Private
private func setupLayout() {
stackView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
[serviceUuidTextField, characteristicUuidTextField,
connectButton, readValueLabel].forEach(stackView.addArrangedSubview)
stackView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centerXAnchor),
stackView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centerYAnchor),
stackView.widthAnchor.constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo: widthAnchor, constant: -32)
| apache-2.0 | e29716a97156acc15903c5724a89ba03 | 27.671875 | 91 | 0.643052 | 5.288184 | false | false | false | false |
Makosa/BubbleControl-Swift | BubbleControl-Swift/ViewController.swift | 1 | 14060 | //
// ViewController.swift
// BubbleControl-Swift
// Created by Cem Olcay on 11/12/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Cem Olcay. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// MARK: Bubble
var bubble: BubbleControl!
func setupBubble () {
let win = APPDELEGATE.window!
bubble = BubbleControl (size: CGSizeMake(80, 80))
bubble.image = UIImage (named: "basket.png")
bubble.didNavigationBarButtonPressed = {
println("pressed in nav bar")
bubble.setOpenAnimation = { content, background in
self.bubble.contentView!.bottom = win.bottom
if ( > {
self.bubble.contentView!.left = win.right
self.bubble.contentView!.spring({ () -> Void in
self.bubble.contentView!.right = win.right
}, completion: nil)
} else {
self.bubble.contentView!.right = win.left
self.bubble.contentView!.spring({ () -> Void in
self.bubble.contentView!.left = win.left
}, completion: nil)
let min: CGFloat = 50
let max: CGFloat = win.h - 250
let randH = min + CGFloat(random()%Int(max-min))
let v = UIView (frame: CGRect (x: 0, y: 0, width: win.w, height: max))
v.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor()
let label = UILabel (frame: CGRect (x: 10, y: 10, width: v.w, height: 20))
label.text = "test text"
bubble.contentView = v
// MARK: Animation
var animateIcon: Bool = false {
didSet {
if animateIcon {
bubble.didToggle = { on in
if let shapeLayer = self.bubble.imageView?.layer.sublayers?[0] as? CAShapeLayer {
else {
self.bubble.imageView?.image = nil
let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer ()
shapeLayer.lineWidth = 0.25
shapeLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
shapeLayer.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards
} else {
bubble.didToggle = nil
bubble.imageView?.layer.sublayers = nil
bubble.imageView?.image = bubble.image!
func animateBubbleIcon (on: Bool) {
let shapeLayer = self.bubble.imageView!.layer.sublayers![0] as! CAShapeLayer
let from = on ? self.basketBezier().CGPath: self.arrowBezier().CGPath
let to = on ? self.arrowBezier().CGPath: self.basketBezier().CGPath
let anim = CABasicAnimation (keyPath: "path")
anim.fromValue = from
anim.toValue = to
anim.duration = 0.5
anim.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards
anim.removedOnCompletion = false
shapeLayer.addAnimation (anim, forKey:"bezier")
func arrowBezier () -> UIBezierPath {
//// PaintCode Trial Version
let color0 = UIColor(red: 0.000, green: 0.000, blue: 0.000, alpha: 1.000)
var bezier2Path = UIBezierPath()
bezier2Path.moveToPoint(CGPointMake(21.22, 2.89))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(19.87, 6.72), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(21.22, 6.12), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(20.99, 6.72))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(14.54, 7.92), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(19.12, 6.72), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(16.72, 7.24))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(0.44, 25.84), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(7.27, 10.09), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(1.64, 17.14))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(2.39, 26.97), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(-0.08, 29.74), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(1.12, 30.49))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(17.62, 16.09), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(4.34, 21.19), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(10.12, 17.14))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(21.14, 15.64))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(21.37, 19.47))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(21.59, 23.29))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(29.09, 17.52))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(36.59, 11.22), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(33.22, 14.37), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(36.59, 11.52))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(22.12, -0.33), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(36.59, 10.69), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(24.89, 1.39))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(21.22, 2.89), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(21.44, -0.71), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(21.22, 0.19))
bezier2Path.moveToPoint(CGPointMake(31.87, 8.82))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(34.64, 11.22), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(33.44, 9.94), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(34.72, 10.99))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(28.87, 15.87), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(34.64, 11.44), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(32.09, 13.54))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(23.09, 20.14))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(22.87, 17.07))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(22.64, 13.99))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(18.97, 14.44))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(6.22, 19.24), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(13.04, 15.12), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(9.44, 16.54))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(5.09, 16.84), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(2.77, 22.24), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(2.39, 21.49))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(20.69, 8.22), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(8.09, 11.82), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(14.54, 8.22))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(22.72, 5.14), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(22.57, 8.22), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(22.72, 7.99))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(22.72, 2.07))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(25.94, 4.47))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(31.87, 8.82), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(27.67, 5.74), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(30.37, 7.77))
bezier2Path.miterLimit = 4;
return bezier2Path
func basketBezier () -> UIBezierPath {
//// PaintCode Trial Version
let color0 = UIColor(red: 0.000, green: 0.000, blue: 0.000, alpha: 1.000)
var bezier2Path = UIBezierPath()
bezier2Path.moveToPoint(CGPointMake(0.86, 0.36))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(3.41, 6.21), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(-0.27, 1.41), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(0.48, 2.98))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(6.41, 9.51))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(3.18, 9.73))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(-0.27, 12.96), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(0.03, 9.96), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(-0.04, 10.03))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(0.48, 16.71), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(-0.42, 14.83), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(-0.12, 16.18))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(3.26, 23.46), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(1.08, 17.08), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(2.28, 20.16))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(18.33, 32.08), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(6.03, 32.91), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(4.61, 32.08))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(33.41, 23.46), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(32.06, 32.08), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(30.63, 32.91))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(36.18, 16.71), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(34.38, 20.16), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(35.58, 17.08))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(36.93, 12.96), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(36.78, 16.18), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(37.08, 14.83))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(33.48, 9.73), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(36.71, 10.03), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(36.63, 9.96))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(30.26, 9.51))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(33.33, 6.13))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(36.18, 1.48), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(35.06, 4.26), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(36.33, 2.16))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(28.23, 4.63), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(35.66, -1.22), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(33.26, -0.24))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(23.06, 9.58))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(18.33, 9.58))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(13.61, 9.58))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(8.51, 4.71))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(0.86, 0.36), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(3.78, 0.13), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(2.06, -0.84))
bezier2Path.moveToPoint(CGPointMake(10.08, 12.66))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(14.58, 12.21), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(12.33, 14.38), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(14.58, 14.16))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(18.33, 11.08), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(14.58, 11.38), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(15.48, 11.08))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(22.08, 12.21), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(21.18, 11.08), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(22.08, 11.38))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(26.58, 12.66), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(22.08, 14.16), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(24.33, 14.38))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(32.21, 11.08), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(28.08, 11.61), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(29.88, 11.08))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(35.58, 13.33), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(35.43, 11.08), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(35.58, 11.16))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(35.58, 15.58))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(18.33, 15.58))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(1.08, 15.58))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(1.08, 13.33))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(4.46, 11.08), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(1.08, 11.16), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(1.23, 11.08))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(10.08, 12.66), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(6.78, 11.08), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(8.58, 11.61))
bezier2Path.moveToPoint(CGPointMake(11.21, 22.86))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(12.71, 28.71), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(11.21, 28.18), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(11.36, 28.71))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(14.43, 22.86), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(14.06, 28.71), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(14.21, 28.11))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(15.56, 17.08), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(14.58, 18.96), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(14.96, 17.08))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(16.23, 21.21), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(16.16, 17.08), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(16.38, 18.36))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(18.56, 28.93), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(15.86, 27.13), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(16.46, 29.23))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(20.21, 22.86), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(20.13, 28.71), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(20.21, 28.33))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(21.11, 17.08), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(20.21, 18.88), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(20.51, 17.08))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(22.23, 22.86), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(21.71, 17.08), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(22.08, 18.96))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(23.96, 28.71), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(22.46, 28.11), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(22.61, 28.71))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(25.46, 22.86), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(25.31, 28.71), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(25.46, 28.18))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(25.46, 17.08))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(29.43, 17.08))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(31.53, 24.58), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(33.93, 17.08), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(33.86, 16.78))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(29.88, 30.21))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(18.33, 30.21))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(6.78, 30.21))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(5.13, 24.58))
bezier2Path.addCurveToPoint(CGPointMake(7.31, 17.08), controlPoint1: CGPointMake(2.81, 16.78), controlPoint2: CGPointMake(2.73, 17.08))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(11.21, 17.08))
bezier2Path.addLineToPoint(CGPointMake(11.21, 22.86))
bezier2Path.miterLimit = 4;
return bezier2Path
// MARK: IBActions
@IBAction func postionValueChanged(sender: UISwitch) {
bubble.movesBottom = sender.on
@IBAction func animateIconValueChanged(sender: UISwitch) {
animateIcon = sender.on
@IBAction func snapInsideChanged(sender: UISwitch) {
bubble.snapsInside = sender.on
@IBAction func addPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
@IBAction func removePressed(sender: AnyObject) {
| mit | bb3dccb3c173fa92f9a5b33331193542 | 54.354331 | 146 | 0.657681 | 3.84258 | false | false | false | false |
Vostro162/VaporTelegram | Sources/App/Contact+Extensions.swift | 1 | 892 | //
// Contact+Extensions.swift
// VaporTelegram
// Created by Marius Hartig on 11.05.17.
import Foundation
import Vapor
extension Contact: JSONInitializable {
public init(json: JSON) throws {
let phoneNumber = json["phone_number"]?.string,
let firstName = json["first_name"]?.string
else { throw VaporTelegramError.parsing }
self.phoneNumber = phoneNumber
self.firstName = firstName
* Optionals
if let lastName = json["last_name"]?.string {
self.lastName = lastName
} else {
self.lastName = nil
if let userId = json["user_id"]?.int {
self.userId = userId
} else {
self.userId = nil
| mit | 24c7d77c7603b2389c7f7b83b7933fd6 | 18.822222 | 59 | 0.498879 | 4.645833 | false | false | false | false |
russelhampton05/MenMew | App Prototypes/Menu_Server_App_Prototype_001/Menu_Server_App_Prototype_001/RestaurantTableViewController.swift | 1 | 4421 | //
// RestaurantTableViewController.swift
// Menu_Server_App_Prototype_001
// Created by Jon Calanio on 10/3/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Jon Calanio. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
var currentTicket: Ticket?
class RestaurantTableViewController: UITableViewController, SWRevealViewControllerDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var menuButton: UIBarButtonItem!
var restaurantArray: [Restaurant] = []
var segueIndex: Int?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = false
tableView.sectionHeaderHeight = 70
tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 44
tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
navigationItem.hidesBackButton = true = self.revealViewController()
self.revealViewController().delegate = self
menuButton.action = #selector(SWRevealViewController.revealToggle(_:))
//Load the assigned restaurants
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// MARK: - Table view data source
override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return 1
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return restaurantArray.count
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "RestaurantCell", for: indexPath)
cell.textLabel!.text = restaurantArray[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].title
cell.detailTextLabel!.text = restaurantArray[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].location
cell.backgroundColor = currentTheme!.primary!
cell.textLabel!.textColor = currentTheme!.highlight!
cell.detailTextLabel!.textColor = currentTheme!.highlight!
let bgView = UIView()
bgView.backgroundColor = currentTheme!.highlight!
cell.selectedBackgroundView = bgView
cell.textLabel?.highlightedTextColor = currentTheme!.primary!
cell.detailTextLabel?.highlightedTextColor = currentTheme!.primary!
return cell
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
segueIndex = (indexPath as NSIndexPath).row
performSegue(withIdentifier: "TableListSegue", sender: self)
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "TableListSegue" {
let tableVC = segue.destination as! RTableTableViewController
let backItem = UIBarButtonItem()
backItem.title = ""
navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = backItem = restaurantArray[segueIndex!]
func loadRestaurants() {
//For now, load all restaurants
var restaurantList: [String] = []
for item in currentServer!.restaurants! {
RestaurantManager.GetRestaurant(ids: restaurantList) {
restaurants in
self.restaurantArray = restaurants
DispatchQueue.main.async {
func loadTheme() {
//Background and Tint
self.view.backgroundColor = currentTheme!.primary!
self.view.tintColor = currentTheme!.highlight!
UINavigationBar.appearance().backgroundColor = currentTheme!.primary!
UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = currentTheme!.highlight!
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.barTintColor = currentTheme!.primary!
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.tintColor = currentTheme!.highlight!
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: currentTheme!.highlight!, NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: UIFontWeightLight)]
| mit | 79ec9c3a3fb92763bf00c434f7eced1e | 32.740458 | 208 | 0.66267 | 5.917001 | false | false | false | false |
lstanii-magnet/ChatKitSample-iOS | ChatMessenger/Pods/ChatKit/ChatKit/source/Views/ContactsCell.swift | 1 | 1751 | /*
* Copyright (c) 2016 Magnet Systems, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
import UIKit
import MagnetMax
protocol ContactsCellDelegate : class {
func didSelectContactsCellAvatar(cell : ContactsCell)
public class ContactsCell: UITableViewCell {
//MARK: Public Properties
@IBOutlet public private(set) var avatar : UIImageView?
@IBOutlet public private(set)var userName : UILabel?
public internal(set) var user : MMUser?
//MARK: Internal properties
weak var delegate : ContactsCellDelegate?
//MARK: Actions
func didSelectAvatar() {
override public func awakeFromNib() {
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "didSelectAvatar")
tap.cancelsTouchesInView = true
tap.delaysTouchesBegan = true
self.avatar?.userInteractionEnabled = true
if let avatar = self.avatar {
avatar.layer.cornerRadius = avatar.frame.size.width / 2.0
avatar.clipsToBounds = true
| apache-2.0 | 08bbf347deef00c82dfc86b53b3e78d9 | 26.359375 | 81 | 0.679041 | 4.745257 | false | false | false | false |
AliSoftware/Dip | Sources/Register.swift | 2 | 3421 | //
// Dip
// Copyright (c) 2015 Olivier Halligon <[email protected]>
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
extension DependencyContainer {
Registers definition for passed type.
If instance created by factory of definition, passed as a first parameter,
does not implement type passed in a `type` parameter,
container will throw `DipError.DefinitionNotFound` error when trying to resolve that type.
- parameters:
- definition: Definition to register
- type: Type to register definition for
- tag: Optional tag to associate definition with. Default is `nil`.
- returns: New definition registered for passed type.
@discardableResult public func register<T, U, F>(_ definition: Definition<T, U>, type: F.Type, tag: DependencyTagConvertible? = nil) -> Definition<F, U> {
return _register(definition: definition, type: type, tag: tag)
Register definiton in the container and associate it with an optional tag.
Will override already registered definition for the same type and factory, associated with the same tag.
- parameters:
- tag: The arbitrary tag to associate this definition with. Pass `nil` to associate with any tag. Default value is `nil`.
- definition: The definition to register in the container.
public func register<T, U>(_ definition: Definition<T, U>, tag: DependencyTagConvertible? = nil) {
_register(definition: definition, tag: tag)
extension DependencyContainer {
func _register<T, U>(definition aDefinition: Definition<T, U>, tag: DependencyTagConvertible? = nil) {
precondition(!bootstrapped, "You can not modify container's definitions after it was bootstrapped.")
let definition = aDefinition
threadSafe {
let key = DefinitionKey(type: T.self, typeOfArguments: U.self, tag: tag?.dependencyTag)
if let _ = definitions[key] {
_remove(definitionForKey: key)
definition.container = self
definitions[key] = definition
resolvedInstances.singletons[key] = nil
resolvedInstances.weakSingletons[key] = nil
resolvedInstances.sharedSingletons[key] = nil
resolvedInstances.sharedWeakSingletons[key] = nil
if .eagerSingleton == definition.scope {
bootstrapQueue.append({ _ = try self.resolve(tag: tag) as T })
| mit | 41456ea92ab1c09650aae77026f71634 | 39.72619 | 156 | 0.71558 | 4.513193 | false | false | false | false |
RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.iOS | Pods/DifferenceKit/Sources/Extensions/UIKitExtension.swift | 1 | 8731 | #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
import UIKit
public extension UITableView {
/// Applies multiple animated updates in stages using `StagedChangeset`.
/// - Note: There are combination of changes that crash when applied simultaneously in `performBatchUpdates`.
/// Assumes that `StagedChangeset` has a minimum staged changesets to avoid it.
/// The data of the data-source needs to be updated synchronously before `performBatchUpdates` in every stages.
/// - Parameters:
/// - stagedChangeset: A staged set of changes.
/// - animation: An option to animate the updates.
/// - interrupt: A closure that takes an changeset as its argument and returns `true` if the animated
/// updates should be stopped and performed reloadData. Default is nil.
/// - setData: A closure that takes the collection as a parameter.
/// The collection should be set to data-source of UITableView.
func reload<C>(
using stagedChangeset: StagedChangeset<C>,
with animation: @autoclosure () -> RowAnimation,
interrupt: ((Changeset<C>) -> Bool)? = nil,
setData: (C) -> Void
) {
using: stagedChangeset,
deleteSectionsAnimation: animation(),
insertSectionsAnimation: animation(),
reloadSectionsAnimation: animation(),
deleteRowsAnimation: animation(),
insertRowsAnimation: animation(),
reloadRowsAnimation: animation(),
interrupt: interrupt,
setData: setData
/// Applies multiple animated updates in stages using `StagedChangeset`.
/// - Note: There are combination of changes that crash when applied simultaneously in `performBatchUpdates`.
/// Assumes that `StagedChangeset` has a minimum staged changesets to avoid it.
/// The data of the data-source needs to be updated synchronously before `performBatchUpdates` in every stages.
/// - Parameters:
/// - stagedChangeset: A staged set of changes.
/// - deleteSectionsAnimation: An option to animate the section deletion.
/// - insertSectionsAnimation: An option to animate the section insertion.
/// - reloadSectionsAnimation: An option to animate the section reload.
/// - deleteRowsAnimation: An option to animate the row deletion.
/// - insertRowsAnimation: An option to animate the row insertion.
/// - reloadRowsAnimation: An option to animate the row reload.
/// - interrupt: A closure that takes an changeset as its argument and returns `true` if the animated
/// updates should be stopped and performed reloadData. Default is nil.
/// - setData: A closure that takes the collection as a parameter.
/// The collection should be set to data-source of UITableView.
func reload<C>(
using stagedChangeset: StagedChangeset<C>,
deleteSectionsAnimation: @autoclosure () -> RowAnimation,
insertSectionsAnimation: @autoclosure () -> RowAnimation,
reloadSectionsAnimation: @autoclosure () -> RowAnimation,
deleteRowsAnimation: @autoclosure () -> RowAnimation,
insertRowsAnimation: @autoclosure () -> RowAnimation,
reloadRowsAnimation: @autoclosure () -> RowAnimation,
interrupt: ((Changeset<C>) -> Bool)? = nil,
setData: (C) -> Void
) {
if case .none = window, let data = stagedChangeset.last?.data {
return reloadData()
for changeset in stagedChangeset {
if let interrupt = interrupt, interrupt(changeset), let data = stagedChangeset.last?.data {
return reloadData()
_performBatchUpdates {
if !changeset.sectionDeleted.isEmpty {
deleteSections(IndexSet(changeset.sectionDeleted), with: deleteSectionsAnimation())
if !changeset.sectionInserted.isEmpty {
insertSections(IndexSet(changeset.sectionInserted), with: insertSectionsAnimation())
if !changeset.sectionUpdated.isEmpty {
reloadSections(IndexSet(changeset.sectionUpdated), with: reloadSectionsAnimation())
for (source, target) in changeset.sectionMoved {
moveSection(source, toSection: target)
if !changeset.elementDeleted.isEmpty {
deleteRows(at: { IndexPath(row: $0.element, section: $0.section) }, with: deleteRowsAnimation())
if !changeset.elementInserted.isEmpty {
insertRows(at: { IndexPath(row: $0.element, section: $0.section) }, with: insertRowsAnimation())
if !changeset.elementUpdated.isEmpty {
reloadRows(at: { IndexPath(row: $0.element, section: $0.section) }, with: reloadRowsAnimation())
for (source, target) in changeset.elementMoved {
moveRow(at: IndexPath(row: source.element, section: source.section), to: IndexPath(row: target.element, section: target.section))
private func _performBatchUpdates(_ updates: () -> Void) {
if #available(iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, *) {
else {
public extension UICollectionView {
/// Applies multiple animated updates in stages using `StagedChangeset`.
/// - Note: There are combination of changes that crash when applied simultaneously in `performBatchUpdates`.
/// Assumes that `StagedChangeset` has a minimum staged changesets to avoid it.
/// The data of the data-source needs to be updated synchronously before `performBatchUpdates` in every stages.
/// - Parameters:
/// - stagedChangeset: A staged set of changes.
/// - interrupt: A closure that takes an changeset as its argument and returns `true` if the animated
/// updates should be stopped and performed reloadData. Default is nil.
/// - setData: A closure that takes the collection as a parameter.
/// The collection should be set to data-source of UICollectionView.
func reload<C>(
using stagedChangeset: StagedChangeset<C>,
interrupt: ((Changeset<C>) -> Bool)? = nil,
setData: (C) -> Void
) {
if case .none = window, let data = stagedChangeset.last?.data {
return reloadData()
for changeset in stagedChangeset {
if let interrupt = interrupt, interrupt(changeset), let data = stagedChangeset.last?.data {
return reloadData()
if !changeset.sectionDeleted.isEmpty {
if !changeset.sectionInserted.isEmpty {
if !changeset.sectionUpdated.isEmpty {
for (source, target) in changeset.sectionMoved {
moveSection(source, toSection: target)
if !changeset.elementDeleted.isEmpty {
deleteItems(at: { IndexPath(item: $0.element, section: $0.section) })
if !changeset.elementInserted.isEmpty {
insertItems(at: { IndexPath(item: $0.element, section: $0.section) })
if !changeset.elementUpdated.isEmpty {
reloadItems(at: { IndexPath(item: $0.element, section: $0.section) })
for (source, target) in changeset.elementMoved {
moveItem(at: IndexPath(item: source.element, section: source.section), to: IndexPath(item: target.element, section: target.section))
| mit | 4cde7e264bd7bcd8bac8802d6413c95e | 44.005155 | 152 | 0.599473 | 5.406192 | false | false | false | false |
everald/JetPack | Sources/UI/z_ImageView+PHAssetSource.swift | 1 | 3436 | // File name prefixed with z_ to avoid compiler crash related to type extensions, nested types and order of Swift source files.
// - allow passing PHImageRequestOptions, copy it and set .synchronous to false
// - allow using a custom PHImageManager, e.g. PHCachingImageManager
import Photos
import UIKit
public extension ImageView {
public struct PHAssetSource: Source, Equatable {
public var asset: PHAsset
public init(asset: PHAsset) {
self.asset = asset
public func createSession() -> Session? {
return PHAssetSourceSession(source: self)
public func == (a: ImageView.PHAssetSource, b: ImageView.PHAssetSource) -> Bool {
return a.asset == b.asset
private final class PHAssetSourceSession: ImageView.Session {
fileprivate var lastRequestedContentMode: PHImageContentMode?
fileprivate var lastRequestedSize = CGSize()
fileprivate var listener: ImageView.SessionListener?
fileprivate var requestId: PHImageRequestID?
fileprivate let source: ImageView.PHAssetSource
fileprivate init(source: ImageView.PHAssetSource) {
self.source = source
fileprivate func imageViewDidChangeConfiguration(_ imageView: ImageView) {
fileprivate func startOrRestartRequestForImageView(_ imageView: ImageView) {
let optimalSize = imageView.optimalImageSize.scaleBy(imageView.optimalImageScale)
var size = self.lastRequestedSize
size.width = max(size.width, optimalSize.width)
size.height = max(size.height, optimalSize.height)
let contentMode: PHImageContentMode
switch imageView.scaling {
case .fitInside, .none:
contentMode = .aspectFit
case .fitHorizontally, .fitHorizontallyIgnoringAspectRatio, .fitIgnoringAspectRatio, .fitOutside, .fitVertically, .fitVerticallyIgnoringAspectRatio:
contentMode = .aspectFill
guard contentMode != lastRequestedContentMode || size != lastRequestedSize else {
startRequestWithSize(size, contentMode: contentMode)
fileprivate func startRequestWithSize(_ size: CGSize, contentMode: PHImageContentMode) {
precondition(self.requestId == nil)
self.lastRequestedContentMode = contentMode
self.lastRequestedSize = size
let manager = PHImageManager.default()
let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
options.deliveryMode = .opportunistic
options.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
options.resizeMode = .exact
options.isSynchronous = false
options.version = .current
requestId = manager.requestImage(for: source.asset, targetSize: size, contentMode: contentMode, options: options) { image, _ in
guard let image = image else {
let imageSize = image.size.scaleBy(image.scale)
self.lastRequestedSize.width = max(self.lastRequestedSize.width, imageSize.width)
self.lastRequestedSize.height = max(self.lastRequestedSize.height, imageSize.height)
fileprivate func startRetrievingImageForImageView(_ imageView: ImageView, listener: ImageView.SessionListener) {
precondition(self.listener == nil)
self.listener = listener
fileprivate func stopRetrievingImage() {
listener = nil
fileprivate func stopRequest() {
guard let requestId = requestId else {
self.requestId = nil
| mit | f163fee6f19856f92e16de99e6cdf197 | 25.030303 | 150 | 0.768335 | 4.268323 | false | false | false | false |
stendahls/AsyncTask | Tests/ThrowableTask.swift | 1 | 3229 | //
// ThrowableTask.swift
// AsyncTest
// Created by Thomas Sempf on 2017-03-06.
// Copyright © 2017 Stendahls. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import XCTest
@testable import AsyncTask
class ThrowableTaskTest: XCTestCase {
override func setUp() {
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
override func tearDown() {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
func testTaskThrows() {
enum TaskError: Error {
case notFound
let load = {(path: String) -> ThrowableTask<Data> in
ThrowableTask {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.05)
switch path {
case "profile.png":
return Data()
case "index.html":
return Data()
throw TaskError.notFound
XCTAssertNotNil(try? load("profile.png").await())
XCTAssertNotNil(try? load("index.html").await())
XCTAssertNotNil(try? [load("profile.png"), load("index.html")].awaitAll())
XCTAssertThrowsError(try load("random.txt").await())
XCTAssertThrowsError(try [load("profile.png"), load("index.html"), load("random.txt")].awaitAll())
func testThatAwaitResultReturnsFailureAfterTimeout() {
let echo = ThrowableTask { () -> String in
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.5)
return "Hello"
let result = echo.awaitResult(.background, timeout: 0.05)
if case .success = result {
func testThatAwaitThrowsAfterTimeout() {
let echo = ThrowableTask { () -> String in
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.5)
return "Hello"
XCTAssertThrowsError(try echo.await(.background, timeout: 0.05))
| mit | 79a75717c2be85ea066538e62e28b23a | 34.086957 | 111 | 0.619269 | 4.75405 | false | true | false | false |
githubxiangdong/DouYuZB | DouYuZB/DouYuZB/Classes/Home/Controller/RecommendViewController.swift | 1 | 3510 | //
// RecommendViewController.swift
// DouYuZB
// Created by new on 2017/4/25.
// Copyright © 2017年 9-kylins. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
private let kAdViewH = kScreenW * 3/8 // 广告栏的高度
private let kGameH :CGFloat = 90 // 游戏推荐的高度
class RecommendViewController: BaseAnchorViewController {
// MARK:- 懒加载属性
fileprivate lazy var recommendVM : RecommendViewModel = RecommendViewModel()
fileprivate lazy var adView : RecommendAdv = {
let adView = RecommendAdv.recommendAdv()
adView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: -(kAdViewH + kGameH), width: kScreenW, height: kAdViewH)
return adView
fileprivate lazy var gameView : GameRecommendView = {
let gameView = GameRecommendView.gameRecommendView()
gameView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: -kGameH, width: kScreenW, height: kGameH)
return gameView
// MARK:- 设置Ui界面
extension RecommendViewController {
override func setupUI() {
// 1,先调用super
// 2, 将adView添加到collectioView上
// 3, 将game添加到collectionView
// 4, 设置collectionView的内边距
collectionView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(kAdViewH + kGameH, 0, 0, 0)
// MARK:- 请求数据
extension RecommendViewController {
override func loadData() {
// 0, 给父类的viewModel赋值
baseVM = recommendVM
// 1, 请求推荐数据
recommendVM.requestData {
// 1, 展示推荐数据
// 2, 将数据传给gameView
var groups = self.recommendVM.anchorGroups
// 2.1, 移除前两组数据
// 2.2, 添加个更多组的图标
let moreModel = AnchorGroupModel()
moreModel.tag_name = "更多"
self.gameView.groupModels = groups
// 3, 请求数据完成
// 2, 请求广告栏数据
recommendVM.requestAds {
self.adView.adsModels = self.recommendVM.adsModels
extension RecommendViewController : UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout {
// 重写父类的返回cell的方法
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
if indexPath.section == 1 {
// 1, 取出niceCell
let niceCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: kNiceCellID, for: indexPath) as! NiceCollectionViewCell
// 2, 设置数据
niceCell.model = recommendVM.anchorGroups[indexPath.section].anchors[indexPath.item]
return niceCell
} else {
return super.collectionView(collectionView, cellForItemAt: indexPath)
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
if indexPath.section == 1 {
return CGSize(width: kItemW, height: kNiceItemH)
return CGSize(width: kItemW, height: kItemH)
| mit | ef38823c0a9154cd2e3289d860a20183 | 29.082569 | 160 | 0.619396 | 4.953172 | false | false | false | false |
exponent/exponent | packages/expo-modules-core/ios/Swift/Arguments/Types/EnumArgumentType.swift | 2 | 2834 | // Copyright 2021-present 650 Industries. All rights reserved.
An argument type representing an enum that conforms to `EnumArgument`.
internal struct EnumArgumentType: AnyArgumentType {
let innerType: EnumArgument.Type
func cast<ArgType>(_ value: ArgType) throws -> Any {
return try innerType.create(fromRawValue: value)
var description: String {
A protocol that allows converting raw values to enum cases.
public protocol EnumArgument: AnyArgument {
Tries to create an enum case using given raw value.
May throw errors, e.g. when the raw value doesn't match any case.
static func create<ArgType>(fromRawValue rawValue: ArgType) throws -> Self
Returns an array of all raw values available in the enum.
static var allRawValues: [Any] { get }
Type-erased enum's raw value.
var anyRawValue: Any { get }
Extension for `EnumArgument` that also conforms to `RawRepresentable`.
This constraint allows us to reference the associated `RawValue` type.
public extension EnumArgument where Self: RawRepresentable, Self: Hashable {
static func create<ArgType>(fromRawValue rawValue: ArgType) throws -> Self {
guard let rawValue = rawValue as? RawValue else {
throw EnumCastingException((type: RawValue.self, value: rawValue))
guard let enumCase = Self.init(rawValue: rawValue) else {
throw EnumNoSuchValueException((type: Self.self, value: rawValue))
return enumCase
var anyRawValue: Any {
static var allRawValues: [Any] {
// Be careful — it operates on unsafe pointers!
let sequence = AnySequence { () -> AnyIterator<RawValue> in
var raw = 0
return AnyIterator {
let current: Self? = withUnsafePointer(to: &raw) { ptr in
ptr.withMemoryRebound(to: Self.self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee }
guard let value = current?.rawValue else {
return nil
raw += 1
return value
return Array(sequence)
An error that is thrown when the value cannot be cast to associated `RawValue`.
internal class EnumCastingException: GenericException<(type: Any.Type, value: Any)> {
override var reason: String {
"Unable to cast '\(param.value)' to expected type \(param.type)"
An error that is thrown when the value doesn't match any available case.
internal class EnumNoSuchValueException: GenericException<(type: EnumArgument.Type, value: Any)> {
var allRawValuesFormatted: String {
return param.type.allRawValues
.map { "'\($0)'" }
.joined(separator: ", ")
override var reason: String {
"'\(param.value)' is not present in \(param.type) enum, it must be one of: \(allRawValuesFormatted)"
| bsd-3-clause | 2dd27817bfc0d25e2c54ef48fce969da | 27.606061 | 104 | 0.674082 | 4.183161 | false | false | false | false |
drewag/Swiftlier | Sources/Swiftlier/Model/Types/Price.swift | 1 | 1189 | //
// Price.swift
// web
// Created by Andrew J Wagner on 4/23/17.
import Foundation
public struct Price: CustomStringConvertible {
private static let currencyFormatter: NumberFormatter = {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.currencySymbol = ""
return formatter
enum Value {
case pennies(Int)
case dollars(Double)
private let value: Value
public init(pennies: Int) {
self.value = .pennies(pennies)
public init(dollars: Double) {
self.value = .dollars(dollars)
public var pennies: Int {
switch self.value {
case .pennies(let pennies):
return pennies
case .dollars(let dollars):
return Int(round(dollars * 100))
public var dollars: Double {
switch self.value {
case .pennies(let pennies):
return Double(pennies) / 100
case .dollars(let dollars):
return dollars
public var description: String {
return Price.currencyFormatter.string(for: self.dollars) ?? "NA"
| mit | a1cab81b99a052fcd0be7c70d7f09778 | 19.859649 | 72 | 0.581161 | 4.436567 | false | false | false | false |
box/box-ios-sdk | Sources/Responses/RetentionPolicyEntry.swift | 1 | 1147 | //
// RetentionPolicyEntry.swift
// BoxSDK-iOS
// Created by Martina Stremeňová on 9/2/19.
// Copyright © 2019 box. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
/// Retention policy entry
public class RetentionPolicyEntry: BoxModel {
private static var resourceType: String = "retention_policy"
public private(set) var rawData: [String: Any]
/// Box item type
public var type: String
/// Identifier
public let id: String
/// The name of the retention policy.
public let name: String?
public required init(json: [String: Any]) throws {
guard let itemType = json["type"] as? String else {
throw BoxCodingError(message: .typeMismatch(key: "type"))
guard itemType == RetentionPolicyEntry.resourceType else {
throw BoxCodingError(message: .valueMismatch(key: "type", value: itemType, acceptedValues: [RetentionPolicyEntry.resourceType]))
rawData = json
type = itemType
id = try BoxJSONDecoder.decode(json: json, forKey: "id")
name = try BoxJSONDecoder.optionalDecode(json: json, forKey: "policy_name")
| apache-2.0 | 3da1e2651129f257bfc5497f03e04f12 | 29.105263 | 140 | 0.660839 | 4.129964 | false | false | false | false |
Viddi/ios-process-button | ProcessButton/ProcessButton/FlatButton.swift | 1 | 2884 | //
// FlatButton.swift
// ProcessButton
// Created by Vidar Ottosson on 2/7/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Vidar Ottosson. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
protocol FlatButtonDelegate {
func showSuccess()
func showError()
class FlatButton: UIButton {
enum Colors {
static let Success = UIColor(red: 153 / 255.0, green: 204 / 255.0, blue: 0 / 255.0, alpha: 1.0)
static let Error = UIColor(red: 255 / 255.0, green: 68 / 255.0, blue: 68 / 255.0, alpha: 1.0)
var delegate: FlatButtonDelegate?
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
private func prepareView() {
titleLabel?.font = UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(36.0)
setTitleColor(UIColor.whiteColor(), forState: UIControlState.Normal)
setTitleColor(UIColor.whiteColor(), forState: UIControlState.Selected)
setTitleColor(UIColor.whiteColor(), forState: UIControlState.Highlighted)
setTitleColor(UIColor.whiteColor(), forState: UIControlState.Disabled)
private func showSuccess(text: String, seconds: Double) {
enabled = false
var tempBackground = backgroundColor
backgroundColor = Colors.Success
var tempText = titleLabel?.text
setTitle(text, forState: UIControlState.Normal)
let delayTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(seconds * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
dispatch_after(delayTime, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.backgroundColor = tempBackground
self.setTitle(tempText, forState: UIControlState.Normal)
self.enabled = true
private func showError(text: String, seconds: Double) {
enabled = false
var tempBackground = backgroundColor
backgroundColor = Colors.Error
var tempText = titleLabel?.text
setTitle(text, forState: UIControlState.Normal)
let delayTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(seconds * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
dispatch_after(delayTime, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.backgroundColor = tempBackground
self.setTitle(tempText, forState: UIControlState.Normal)
self.enabled = true
func showSuccessText(text: String, seconds: Double) {
showSuccess(text, seconds: seconds)
func showSuccessText(text: String) {
showSuccess(text, seconds: ProcessButtonUtil.Length.Short)
func showErrorText(text: String, seconds: Double) {
showError(text, seconds: seconds)
func showErrorText(text: String) {
showError(text, seconds: ProcessButtonUtil.Length.Long)
func setBackgroundColor(normalState: UIColor, highlightedState: UIColor) {
backgroundColor = normalState
setBackgroundImage(ProcessButtonUtil.imageWithColor(highlightedState), forState: UIControlState.Highlighted)
| mit | 79b5b3ef63b55b40d84d6501f2c1c74d | 28.428571 | 112 | 0.712552 | 4.241176 | false | false | false | false |
realm/SwiftLint | Source/SwiftLintFramework/Rules/Lint/WeakDelegateRule.swift | 1 | 5629 | import SwiftSyntax
struct WeakDelegateRule: OptInRule, SwiftSyntaxRule, ConfigurationProviderRule {
var configuration = SeverityConfiguration(.warning)
init() {}
static let description = RuleDescription(
identifier: "weak_delegate",
name: "Weak Delegate",
description: "Delegates should be weak to avoid reference cycles.",
kind: .lint,
nonTriggeringExamples: [
Example("class Foo {\n weak var delegate: SomeProtocol?\n}\n"),
Example("class Foo {\n weak var someDelegate: SomeDelegateProtocol?\n}\n"),
Example("class Foo {\n weak var delegateScroll: ScrollDelegate?\n}\n"),
// We only consider properties to be a delegate if it has "delegate" in its name
Example("class Foo {\n var scrollHandler: ScrollDelegate?\n}\n"),
// Only trigger on instance variables, not local variables
Example("func foo() {\n var delegate: SomeDelegate\n}\n"),
// Only trigger when variable has the suffix "-delegate" to avoid false positives
Example("class Foo {\n var delegateNotified: Bool?\n}\n"),
// There's no way to declare a property weak in a protocol
Example("protocol P {\n var delegate: AnyObject? { get set }\n}\n"),
Example("class Foo {\n protocol P {\n var delegate: AnyObject? { get set }\n}\n}\n"),
Example("class Foo {\n var computedDelegate: ComputedDelegate {\n return bar() \n} \n}"),
class Foo {
var computedDelegate: ComputedDelegate {
get {
return bar()
Example("struct Foo {\n @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate \n}"),
Example("struct Foo {\n @NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate \n}"),
Example("struct Foo {\n @WKExtensionDelegateAdaptor(ExtensionDelegate.self) var extensionDelegate \n}"),
class Foo {
func makeDelegate() -> SomeDelegate {
let delegate = SomeDelegate()
return delegate
class Foo {
var bar: Bool {
let appDelegate =
""", excludeFromDocumentation: true),
Example("private var appDelegate: String?", excludeFromDocumentation: true)
triggeringExamples: [
Example("class Foo {\n ↓var delegate: SomeProtocol?\n}\n"),
Example("class Foo {\n ↓var scrollDelegate: ScrollDelegate?\n}\n"),
class Foo {
↓var delegate: SomeProtocol? {
didSet {
print("Updated delegate")
func makeVisitor(file: SwiftLintFile) -> ViolationsSyntaxVisitor {
Visitor(viewMode: .sourceAccurate)
private extension WeakDelegateRule {
final class Visitor: ViolationsSyntaxVisitor {
override var skippableDeclarations: [DeclSyntaxProtocol.Type] {
override func visitPost(_ node: VariableDeclSyntax) {
guard node.hasDelegateSuffix,
node.weakOrUnownedModifier == nil,
let parent = node.parent,
Syntax(parent).enclosingClass() != nil else {
private extension Syntax {
func enclosingClass() -> ClassDeclSyntax? {
if let classExpr = {
return classExpr
} else if != nil {
return nil
return parent?.enclosingClass()
private extension VariableDeclSyntax {
var hasDelegateSuffix: Bool {
bindings.allSatisfy { binding in
guard let pattern = else {
return false
return pattern.identifier.withoutTrivia().text.lowercased().hasSuffix("delegate")
var hasComputedBody: Bool {
bindings.allSatisfy { binding in
guard let accessor = binding.accessor else {
return false
if {
return true
} else if != nil {
return true
return false
var containsIgnoredAttribute: Bool {
let ignoredAttributes: Set = [
return attributes?.contains { attr in
guard let customAttr =,
let typeIdentifier = else {
return false
return ignoredAttributes.contains(
} ?? false
| mit | 72740c87d9633f2f9b0235fb40d31312 | 35.751634 | 116 | 0.560377 | 5.453928 | false | false | false | false |
zakkhoyt/ColorPicKit | ColorPicKit/Classes/HSLASlider.swift | 1 | 1430 | //
// HSLASlider.swift
// ColorPicKitExample
// Created by Zakk Hoyt on 10/28/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Zakk Hoyt. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class HSLASlider: Slider {
private var _saturation: CGFloat = 0.5
@IBInspectable public var saturation: CGFloat {
get {
return _saturation
set {
if _saturation != newValue {
_saturation = newValue
hslaView.saturation = newValue
private var _lightness: CGFloat = 0.5
public var lightness: CGFloat {
get {
return _lightness
set {
if _lightness != newValue {
_lightness = newValue
hslaView.lightness = newValue
fileprivate var hslaView = HSLASliderView()
override func configureBackgroundView() {
hslaView.borderColor = borderColor
hslaView.borderWidth = borderWidth
hslaView.roundedCorners = roundedCorners
self.sliderView = hslaView
override func colorFrom(value: CGFloat) -> UIColor {
let hue = value
let hsla = HSLA(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, lightness: lightness)
let color = hsla.color()
return color
| mit | 0031abed7deb89f9bfb8ce8afa729730 | 22.816667 | 79 | 0.551435 | 5.253676 | false | false | false | false |
h-n-y/UICollectionView-TheCompleteGuide | chapter-6/ImprovedCoverFlow/CoverFlow/CoverFlowFlowLayout.swift | 1 | 9520 | //
// CoverFlowFlowLayout.swift
// CoverFlow
// Created by Hans Yelek on 5/1/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Hans Yelek. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class CoverFlowFlowLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
override class func layoutAttributesClass() -> AnyClass {
return CollectionViewLayoutAttributes.self
override init() {
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
private func setDefaultPropertyValues() {
scrollDirection = .Horizontal
itemSize = CGSize(width: 180, height: 180)
// Get items up close to one another
minimumLineSpacing = -60
// Makes sure we only have one row of items in portrait mode
minimumInteritemSpacing = 200
override func shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange(newBounds: CGRect) -> Bool {
// Very important - need to re-layout the cells when scrolling
return true
override func layoutAttributesForElementsInRect(rect: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]? {
guard let layoutAttributesArray = super.layoutAttributesForElementsInRect(rect) else { return nil }
guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { return layoutAttributesArray }
// Calculate the rect of the collection view visible to the user
let visibleRect = CGRect(x: collectionView.contentOffset.x,
y: collectionView.contentOffset.y,
width: collectionView.bounds.width,
height: collectionView.bounds.height)
for attributes in layoutAttributesArray {
// Only modify attributes whose frames intersect the visible portion of the collection view
if CGRectIntersectsRect(attributes.frame, rect) {
applyLayoutAttributes(attributes, forVisibleRect: visibleRect)
return layoutAttributesArray
override func layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath(indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes? {
guard let attributes = super.layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath(indexPath) else { return nil }
guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { return attributes }
// Calculate the rect of the collection view visible to the user
let visibleRect = CGRect(x: collectionView.contentOffset.x,
y: collectionView.contentOffset.y,
width: collectionView.bounds.width,
height: collectionView.bounds.height)
applyLayoutAttributes(attributes, forVisibleRect: visibleRect)
return attributes
// Forces collection view to center a cell once scrolling has stopped.
override func targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset(proposedContentOffset: CGPoint, withScrollingVelocity velocity: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else {
return super.targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset(proposedContentOffset, withScrollingVelocity: velocity)
var offsetAdjustment = MAXFLOAT
let horizontalCenter: CGFloat = proposedContentOffset.x + collectionView.bounds.width / 2.0
// Use the center to find the proposed visible rect.
let proposedRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: collectionView.bounds.width, height: collectionView.bounds.height)
// Get the attributes for the cells in that rect.
guard let layoutAttributes = layoutAttributesForElementsInRect(proposedRect) else {
return super.targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset(proposedContentOffset, withScrollingVelocity: velocity)
// This loop will find the closest cell to proposed center
// of the collection view
for attributes in layoutAttributes {
// Skip supplementary views
if attributes.representedElementCategory != .Cell { continue }
// Determine if this layout attribute's cell is closer than the closest
// we have so far.
let itemHorizontalCenter: CGFloat =
if fabs(itemHorizontalCenter - horizontalCenter) < CGFloat(fabs(offsetAdjustment)) {
offsetAdjustment = Float(itemHorizontalCenter - horizontalCenter)
return CGPoint(x: proposedContentOffset.x + CGFloat(offsetAdjustment), y: proposedContentOffset.y)
// Applies the cover flow effect to the given layout attributes
private func applyLayoutAttributes(attributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, forVisibleRect visibleRect: CGRect) {
// Ignore supplementary views.
guard attributes.representedElementKind == nil else { return }
guard let attributes = attributes as? CollectionViewLayoutAttributes else { return }
let ACTIVE_DISTANCE: CGFloat = 100.0
let ZOOM_FACTOR: CGFloat = 0.2
let FLOW_OFFSET: CGFloat = 40.0
// Calculate the distance from the center of the visible rect to the center
// of the attributes. Then normalize the distance so we can compare them all.
// This way, all items further away than the active get the same transform.
let distanceFromVisibleRectToItem: CGFloat = CGRectGetMidX(visibleRect) -
let normalizedDistance: CGFloat = distanceFromVisibleRectToItem / ACTIVE_DISTANCE
let isLeft = distanceFromVisibleRectToItem > 0
// Default values
var transform = CATransform3DIdentity
var maskAlpha: CGFloat = 0.0
if fabs(distanceFromVisibleRectToItem) < ACTIVE_DISTANCE {
// We're close enough to apply the transform in relation to
// how far away from the center we are
transform = CATransform3DTranslate(CATransform3DIdentity,
(isLeft ? -FLOW_OFFSET: FLOW_OFFSET) * abs(distanceFromVisibleRectToItem / TRANSLATE_DISTANCE ),
(1 - fabs(normalizedDistance)) * 40_000.0 + (isLeft ? 200.0 : 0.0))
// Set the perspective of the transform
transform.m34 = -1.0 / (4.6777 * itemSize.width)
// Set the rotation of the transform
transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform,
(isLeft ? 1 : -1) * fabs(normalizedDistance) * CGFloat(45).radians(),
// Set the zoom factor
let zoom: CGFloat = 1 + ZOOM_FACTOR * ( 1 - abs(normalizedDistance) )
transform = CATransform3DScale(transform, zoom, zoom, 1)
attributes.zIndex = 1
let ratioToCenter = ( ACTIVE_DISTANCE - fabs(distanceFromVisibleRectToItem)) / ACTIVE_DISTANCE
// Interpolate between 0.0 and INACTIVE_GRAY_VALUE
} else {
// We're too far away; just apply a standard perpective transform
transform.m34 = -1 / ( 4.6777 * itemSize.width )
transform = CATransform3DTranslate(transform, isLeft ? -FLOW_OFFSET : FLOW_OFFSET, 0, 0)
transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform,
( isLeft ? 1 : -1 ) * CGFloat(45).radians(),
attributes.zIndex = 0
attributes.transform3D = transform
// Rasterize the cells for smoother edges
attributes.shouldRasterize = true
attributes.maskingValue = maskAlpha
extension CoverFlowFlowLayout {
func indexPathIsCentered(indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> Bool {
guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { return false }
guard let attributes = layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath(indexPath) else { return false }
let visibleRect = CGRect(x: collectionView.contentOffset.x,
y: collectionView.contentOffset.y,
width: collectionView.bounds.width,
height: collectionView.bounds.height)
let distanceFromVisibleRectToItem: CGFloat = CGRectGetMidX(visibleRect) -
return fabs(distanceFromVisibleRectToItem) < 1
extension CGFloat {
/// Assumes that `self`'s current value is in terms of *degrees* and returns
/// the *radian* equivalent.
func radians() -> CGFloat {
return self * CGFloat(M_PI / 180.0)
| mit | 6958073cd6bec71966685279a1dc8a73 | 44.113744 | 147 | 0.60437 | 5.945659 | false | false | false | false |
aestusLabs/ASChatApp | Colours.swift | 1 | 5538 | //
// Colours.swift
// ChatAppOrigionalFiles
// Created by Ian Kohlert on 2017-07-19.
// Copyright © 2017 aestusLabs. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import UIKit
enum ColourTheme {
case light, dark
struct Colours {
func getMainAppColour() -> UIColor{
return appInfo.appColourMain
let appColourLeft = UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.325490196, blue: 0.541176471, alpha: 1.0)
let appColourRight = UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.494117647, blue: 0.435294118, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightBackground = UIColor(red: 0.960784314, green: 0.960784314, blue: 0.960784314, alpha: 1.0)
private let darkBackground =
private let lightHelperBarBackground = UIColor.white
private let darkHelperBarBackground = UIColor(red: 0.231372549, green: 0.231372549, blue: 0.231372549, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightTextColour =
private let darkTextColour = UIColor.white
private let lightEmptyHelperCircle = UIColor(red: 0.290196078, green: 0.290196078, blue: 0.290196078, alpha: 1.0)
private let darkEmptyHelperCircle = UIColor.white //UIColor(red: 0.901960784, green: 0.901960784, blue: 0.901960784, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightHelperSuggestionColour = UIColor.white
private let darkHelperSuggestionColour = UIColor(red: 0.231372549, green: 0.231372549, blue: 0.231372549, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightSliderColour =
private let darkSliderColour = UIColor.white
private let appGradientLeft = UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.325490196, blue: 0.541176471, alpha: 1.0)
private let appGradientRight = UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.494117647, blue: 0.435294118, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightOnboardBehindTextField = UIColor.white
private let darktOnboardBehindTextField = UIColor(red: 0.231372549, green: 0.231372549, blue: 0.231372549, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightWhite = UIColor.white
private let darkGrey = UIColor(red: 0.231372549, green: 0.231372549, blue: 0.231372549, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightMask = UIColor.white
private let darkMask = UIColor(red: 0.231372549, green: 0.231372549, blue: 0.231372549, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightHelperSuggestionExpandedBackground = UIColor(red: 0.956862745, green: 0.956862745, blue: 0.956862745, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightBehindHelperTextHomeBackground = UIColor(red: 0.988235294, green: 0.988235294, blue: 0.988235294, alpha: 1.0)
private let lightCardBackgroundColour = UIColor.white
private let darkCardBackgroundColour = UIColor.lightGray
private let lightSessionWidgetHighlightColour = UIColor(red: 0.980392157, green: 0.980392157, blue: 0.980392157, alpha: 1.0)
private let darkSessionWidgetHighlightColour = UIColor(red: 0.094117647, green: 0.094117647, blue: 0.094117647, alpha: 1.0)
func getBackgroundColour() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightBackground
} else {
return darkBackground
func getHelperBarBackgroundColour() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightHelperBarBackground
} else {
return darkHelperBarBackground
func getTextColour() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightTextColour
} else {
return darkTextColour
func getEmptyHelperColour() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightEmptyHelperCircle
} else {
return darkEmptyHelperCircle
func getHelperSuggestionColour() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightHelperSuggestionColour
} else {
return darkHelperSuggestionColour
func getSliderColour() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightSliderColour
} else {
return darkSliderColour
func getGradientColours() -> (UIColor, UIColor) {
return (appGradientLeft, appGradientRight)
func getOnboardBehindTextFieldColours() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightOnboardBehindTextField
} else {
return darktOnboardBehindTextField
func getLineBackground() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightWhite
} else {
return darkGrey
func getMaskColour() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightMask
} else {
return darkMask
func getHelperExpandedSuggestionBackground() -> UIColor {
return lightHelperSuggestionExpandedBackground
func getBehindHelperTextHomeBackground() -> UIColor {
return lightBehindHelperTextHomeBackground
func getCardBackgroundColour() -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightCardBackgroundColour
} else {
return darkCardBackgroundColour
func getContentSessionWidgetHightlightColout () -> UIColor {
if ASUser.colourTheme == .light {
return lightSessionWidgetHighlightColour
} else {
return darkSessionWidgetHighlightColour
let appColours = Colours()
| mit | 984da541379ca1f83b38a5879c66b6bc | 32.762195 | 134 | 0.649269 | 4.433147 | false | false | false | false |
wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS | WordPress/WordPressTest/Analytics/EditorAnalytics/PostEditorAnalyticsSessionTests.swift | 1 | 7033 | import Foundation
import XCTest
@testable import WordPress
class PostEditorAnalyticsSessionTests: CoreDataTestCase {
enum PostContent {
static let classic = """
Text <strong>bold</strong> <em>italic</em>
static let gutenberg = """
<!-- wp:image {"id":-181231834} -->
<figure class="wp-block-image"><img src="file://tmp/EC856C66-7B79-4631-9503-2FB9FF0E6C66.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image--181231834"/></figure>
<!-- /wp:image -->
override func setUp() {
override func tearDown() {
func testStartGutenbergSessionWithoutContentAndTitle() {
startSession(editor: .gutenberg)
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 1)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.first
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionStart)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "content_type"),
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "editor"), PostEditorAnalyticsSession.Editor.gutenberg.rawValue)
func testStartGutenbergSessionWithTitleButNoContent() {
startSession(editor: .gutenberg, postTitle: "Title")
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 1)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.first
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionStart)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "content_type"),
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "editor"), PostEditorAnalyticsSession.Editor.gutenberg.rawValue)
func testStartGutenbergSessionWithTitleAndContent() {
startSession(editor: .gutenberg, postTitle: "Title", postContent: PostContent.gutenberg)
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 1)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.first
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionStart)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "content_type"), PostEditorAnalyticsSession.ContentType.gutenberg.rawValue)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "editor"), PostEditorAnalyticsSession.Editor.gutenberg.rawValue)
func testTrackUnsupportedBlocksOnStart() {
let unsupportedBlocks = ["unsupported"]
startSession(editor: .gutenberg, unsupportedBlocks: unsupportedBlocks)
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 1)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.first
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionStart)
let serializedArray = String(data: try! unsupportedBlocks, options: .fragmentsAllowed), encoding: .utf8)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "unsupported_blocks"), serializedArray)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "has_unsupported_blocks"), "1")
func testTrackUnsupportedBlocksOnStartWithEmptyList() {
let unsupportedBlocks = [String]()
startSession(editor: .gutenberg, unsupportedBlocks: unsupportedBlocks)
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 1)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.first
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionStart)
let serializedArray = String(data: try! unsupportedBlocks, options: .fragmentsAllowed), encoding: .utf8)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "unsupported_blocks"), serializedArray)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "has_unsupported_blocks"), "0")
func testTrackUnsupportedBlocksOnSwitch() {
let unsupportedBlocks = ["unsupported"]
var session = startSession(editor: .gutenberg, unsupportedBlocks: unsupportedBlocks)
session.switch(editor: .gutenberg)
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 2)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.last
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionSwitchEditor)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "has_unsupported_blocks"), "1")
let trackedUnsupportedBlocks: [String]? = tracked?.value(for: "unsupported_blocks")
func testTrackUnsupportedBlocksOnEnd() {
let unsupportedBlocks = ["unsupported"]
let session = startSession(editor: .gutenberg, unsupportedBlocks: unsupportedBlocks)
session.end(outcome: .publish)
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 2)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.last
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionEnd)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "has_unsupported_blocks"), "1")
let trackedUnsupportedBlocks: [String]? = tracked?.value(for: "unsupported_blocks")
func testTrackBlogIdOnStart() {
startSession(editor: .gutenberg, blogID: 123)
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 1)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.first
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionStart)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "blog_id"), "123")
func testTrackBlogIdOnSwitch() {
var session = startSession(editor: .gutenberg, blogID: 456)
session.switch(editor: .gutenberg)
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 2)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.last
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionSwitchEditor)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "blog_id"), "456")
func testTrackBlogIdOnEnd() {
let session = startSession(editor: .gutenberg, blogID: 789)
session.end(outcome: .publish)
XCTAssertEqual(TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.count, 2)
let tracked = TestAnalyticsTracker.tracked.last
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.stat, WPAnalyticsStat.editorSessionEnd)
XCTAssertEqual(tracked?.value(for: "blog_id"), "789")
extension PostEditorAnalyticsSessionTests {
func createPost(title: String? = nil, body: String? = nil, blogID: NSNumber? = nil) -> AbstractPost {
let post = AbstractPost(context: mainContext)
post.postTitle = title
post.content = body = Blog(context: mainContext) = blogID
return post
func startSession(editor: PostEditorAnalyticsSession.Editor, postTitle: String? = nil, postContent: String? = nil, unsupportedBlocks: [String] = [], blogID: NSNumber? = nil) -> PostEditorAnalyticsSession {
let post = createPost(title: postTitle, body: postContent, blogID: blogID)
var session = PostEditorAnalyticsSession(editor: .gutenberg, post: post)
session.start(unsupportedBlocks: unsupportedBlocks)
return session
| gpl-2.0 | d39ca954239d59e26134d793120d71b0 | 39.653179 | 209 | 0.711503 | 5.126093 | false | true | false | false |
NobodyNada/SwiftStack | Sources/SwiftStack/Post.swift | 1 | 5883 | //
// Post.swift
// SwiftStack
// Created by FelixSFD on 06.12.16.
import Foundation
// - MARK: The type of the post
Defines the type of a post. Either a question or an answer
- author: FelixSFD
public enum PostType: String, StringRepresentable {
case answer = "answer"
case question = "question"
// - MARK: Post
The base class of `Question`s and `Answer`s
- author: FelixSFD
- seealso: [StackExchange API](
public class Post: Content {
// - MARK: Post.Notice
Represents a notice on a post.
- author: FelixSFD
public struct Notice: JsonConvertible {
public init?(jsonString json: String) {
do {
guard let dictionary = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: String.Encoding.utf8)!, options: .allowFragments) as? [String: Any] else {
return nil
self.init(dictionary: dictionary)
} catch {
return nil
public init(dictionary: [String: Any]) {
self.body = dictionary["body"] as? String
if let timestamp = dictionary["creation_date"] as? Int {
self.creation_date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(timestamp))
self.owner_user_id = dictionary["owner_user_id"] as? Int
public var dictionary: [String: Any] {
var dict = [String: Any]()
dict["body"] = body
dict["creation_date"] = creation_date
dict["owner_user_id"] = owner_user_id
return dict
public var jsonString: String? {
return (try? JsonHelper.jsonString(from: self)) ?? nil
public var body: String?
public var creation_date: Date?
public var owner_user_id: Int?
// - MARK: Initializers
Basic initializer without default values
public override init() {
Initializes the object from a JSON string.
- parameter json: The JSON string returned by the API
- author: FelixSFD
public required convenience init?(jsonString json: String) {
do {
guard let dictionary = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: String.Encoding.utf8)!, options: .allowFragments) as? [String: Any] else {
return nil
self.init(dictionary: dictionary)
} catch {
return nil
public required init(dictionary: [String: Any]) {
super.init(dictionary: dictionary)
//only initialize the properties that are not part of the superclass
self.comment_count = dictionary["comment_count"] as? Int
if let commentsArray = dictionary["comments"] as? [[String: Any]] {
var commentsTmp = [Comment]()
for commentDictionary in commentsArray {
let commentTmp = Comment(dictionary: commentDictionary)
self.down_vote_count = dictionary["down_vote_count"] as? Int
self.downvoted = dictionary["downvoted"] as? Bool
if let timestamp = dictionary["creation_date"] as? Int {
self.creation_date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(timestamp))
if let timestamp = dictionary["last_activity_date"] as? Int {
self.last_activity_date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(timestamp))
if let timestamp = dictionary["last_edit_date"] as? Int {
self.last_edit_date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(timestamp))
if let user = dictionary["last_editor"] as? [String: Any] {
self.last_editor = User(dictionary: user)
if let urlString = dictionary["share_link"] as? String {
self.share_link = URL(string: urlString)
self.title = (dictionary["title"] as? String)?.stringByDecodingHTMLEntities
self.up_vote_count = dictionary["up_vote_count"] as? Int
// - MARK: JsonConvertible
public override var dictionary: [String: Any] {
var dict = super.dictionary
dict["creation_date"] = creation_date
dict["comment_count"] = comment_count
if comments != nil && (comments?.count)! > 0 {
var tmpComments = [[String: Any]]()
for comment in comments! {
dict["comments"] = tmpComments
dict["down_vote_count"] = down_vote_count
dict["downvoted"] = downvoted
dict["last_activity_date"] = last_activity_date
dict["last_edit_date"] = last_edit_date
dict["last_editor"] = last_editor?.dictionary
dict["share_link"] = share_link
dict["title"] = title
dict["up_vote_count"] = up_vote_count
return dict
// - MARK: Fields
public var creation_date: Date?
public var comment_count: Int?
public var comments: [Comment]?
public var down_vote_count: Int?
public var downvoted: Bool?
public var last_activity_date: Date?
public var last_edit_date: Date?
public var last_editor: User?
public var share_link: URL?
public var title: String?
public var up_vote_count: Int?
| mit | 8920704b374567708dcc689d2707399a | 26.75 | 169 | 0.54479 | 4.661648 | false | false | false | false |
mgiraldo/watchOS-animations-test | watchSample/FrameLoader.swift | 1 | 1100 | //
// FrameLoader.swift
// watchSample
// Created by Mauricio Giraldo on 2/5/16.
import Foundation
class FrameLoader {
static func loadFrames()-> Array<NSData> {
let frame1 = FrameLoader.getFile("1")
let frame2 = FrameLoader.getFile("2")
let frame3 = FrameLoader.getFile("3")
let frame4 = FrameLoader.getFile("4")
let frame5 = FrameLoader.getFile("5")
let frame6 = FrameLoader.getFile("6")
var frames = [NSData]()
return frames
static func getFile(name:String)-> NSData {
let bundles = NSBundle.allBundles()
var file : NSData?
for bundle in bundles {
if let resourcePath = (bundle).pathForResource(name, ofType: "png") {
file = NSData(contentsOfFile: resourcePath)
return file!
return file!
} | mit | 044fb9c0cc25a4c0a9b2c4d7d0a320ba | 24.604651 | 81 | 0.565455 | 4.38247 | false | false | false | false |
sol/aeson | tests/JSONTestSuite/parsers/test_PMJSON_1_1_0/Encoder.swift | 6 | 6183 | //
// Encoder.swift
// Created by Kevin Ballard on 2/1/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Postmates.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
extension JSON {
/// Encodes a `JSON` to a `String`.
/// - Parameter json: The `JSON` to encode.
/// - Parameter pretty: If `true`, include extra whitespace for formatting. Default is `false`.
/// - Returns: A `String` with the JSON representation of *json*.
public static func encodeAsString(_ json: JSON, pretty: Bool = false) -> String {
var s = ""
encode(json, toStream: &s, pretty: pretty)
return s
/// Encodes a `JSON` to an output stream.
/// - Parameter json: The `JSON` to encode.
/// - Parameter stream: The output stream to write the encoded JSON to.
/// - Parameter pretty: If `true`, include extra whitespace for formatting. Default is `false`.
public static func encode<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ json: JSON, toStream stream: inout Target, pretty: Bool = false) {
encode(json, toStream: &stream, indent: pretty ? 0 : nil)
private static func encode<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ json: JSON, toStream stream: inout Target, indent: Int?) {
switch json {
case .null: encodeNull(&stream)
case .bool(let b): encodeBool(b, toStream: &stream)
case .int64(let i): encodeInt64(i, toStream: &stream)
case .double(let d): encodeDouble(d, toStream: &stream)
case .string(let s): encodeString(s, toStream: &stream)
case .object(let obj): encodeObject(obj, toStream: &stream, indent: indent)
case .array(let ary): encodeArray(ary, toStream: &stream, indent: indent)
private static func encodeNull<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ stream: inout Target) {
private static func encodeBool<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ value: Bool, toStream stream: inout Target) {
stream.write(value ? "true" : "false")
private static func encodeInt64<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ value: Int64, toStream stream: inout Target) {
private static func encodeDouble<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ value: Double, toStream stream: inout Target) {
private static func encodeString<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ value: String, toStream stream: inout Target) {
let scalars = value.unicodeScalars
var start = scalars.startIndex
let end = scalars.endIndex
var idx = start
while idx < scalars.endIndex {
let s: String
let c = scalars[idx]
switch c {
case "\\": s = "\\\\"
case "\"": s = "\\\""
case "\n": s = "\\n"
case "\r": s = "\\r"
case "\t": s = "\\t"
case "\u{8}": s = "\\b"
case "\u{C}": s = "\\f"
case "\0"..<"\u{10}":
s = "\\u000\(String(c.value, radix: 16, uppercase: true))"
case "\u{10}"..<" ":
s = "\\u00\(String(c.value, radix: 16, uppercase: true))"
idx = scalars.index(after: idx)
if idx != start {
idx = scalars.index(after: idx)
start = idx
if start != end {
String(scalars[start..<end]).write(to: &stream)
private static func encodeObject<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ object: JSONObject, toStream stream: inout Target, indent: Int?) {
let indented ={$0+1})
if let indent = indented {
writeIndent(indent, toStream: &stream)
} else {
var first = true
for (key, value) in object {
if first {
first = false
} else if let indent = indented {
writeIndent(indent, toStream: &stream)
} else {
encodeString(key, toStream: &stream)
stream.write(indented != nil ? ": " : ":")
encode(value, toStream: &stream, indent: indented)
if let indent = indent {
writeIndent(indent, toStream: &stream)
private static func encodeArray<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ array: JSONArray, toStream stream: inout Target, indent: Int?) {
let indented ={$0+1})
if let indent = indented {
writeIndent(indent, toStream: &stream)
} else {
var first = true
for elt in array {
if first {
first = false
} else if let indent = indented {
writeIndent(indent, toStream: &stream)
} else {
encode(elt, toStream: &stream, indent: indented)
if let indent = indent {
writeIndent(indent, toStream: &stream)
private static func writeIndent<Target: TextOutputStream>(_ indent: Int, toStream stream: inout Target) {
for _ in stride(from: 4, through: indent, by: 4) {
stream.write(" ")
switch indent % 4 {
case 1: stream.write(" ")
case 2: stream.write(" ")
case 3: stream.write(" ")
default: break
| bsd-3-clause | 54b4f507d81da446a3fd042feb5f48b3 | 36.017964 | 131 | 0.540925 | 4.314027 | false | false | false | false |
LittoCats/coffee-mobile | CoffeeMobile/Base/Utils/UIKitExtension/CMNSAttributedStringExtension.swift | 1 | 8954 | //
// CMNSAttributedStringExtension.swift
// CoffeeMobile
// Created by 程巍巍 on 5/25/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Littocats. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import UIKit
import XMLNode
extension NSAttributedString {
MARK: 由自定义的 xml 字符串生成 attributedString
支持的 属性参照 NSAttributedString.XMLParser.ExpressionMap
convenience init(xml: String){
self.init(xml:xml, defaultAttribute: [String: AnyObject]())
convenience init(xml: String, defaultAttribute: [String: AnyObject]){
self.init(attributedString: XMLParser(xml: xml,defaultAttribute: defaultAttribute).start().maString)
private class XMLParser: NSObject, NSXMLParserDelegate {
private var maString = NSMutableAttributedString()
private var xml: String!
private var attrStack = [[String: AnyObject]]()
init(xml: String, defaultAttribute: [String: AnyObject]){
self.xml = "<xml>\(xml)</xml>"
func start()-> XMLParser {
let parser = NSXMLParser(data: xml.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: true)!)
parser.delegate = self
var flag = parser.parse()
return self
//MARK: 解析标签
@objc func parserDidStartDocument(parser: NSXMLParser){
if attrStack.isEmpty {
attrStack.append([String: AnyObject]())
@objc func parserDidEndDocument(parser: NSXMLParser){
@objc func parser(parser: NSXMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [NSObject : AnyObject]){
var attr = attrStack.last!
for (key, value) in attributeDict {
if let name = (key as? String)?.lowercaseString {
if let closure = XMLParser.ExpressionMap[(key as! String).lowercaseString] {
for (k,v) in closure(key: name, value: value as! String){
attr[k] = v
@objc func parser(parser: NSXMLParser, didEndElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?){
@objc func parser(parser: NSXMLParser, foundCharacters string: String?){
if let str = string {
@objc func parser(parser: NSXMLParser, parseErrorOccurred parseError: NSError){
//MARK: 解析文本
private func buildString(str: String) {
var string = str
if var at = attrStack.last{
// font
var font: UIFont?
var family = at[CMTextFontFamilyAttributeName] as? String
var size = at[CMTextFontSizeAttributeName] as? Float
if size == nil {size = 17}
if family == nil {
font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(CGFloat(size!))
font = UIFont(name: family!, size: CGFloat(size!))
if font != nil {
at[NSFontAttributeName] = font!
// paragraph
var para = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
if let align = at[CMTextAlignmentAttributeName] as? Int {
para.alignment = NSTextAlignment(rawValue: align)!
if let firstLineHeadIndent = at[CMTextFirstLineHeadIndentAttributeName] as? Float {
para.firstLineHeadIndent = CGFloat(firstLineHeadIndent)
if let headIndent = at[CMTextHeadIndentAttributeName] as? Float {
para.headIndent = CGFloat(headIndent)
if let tailIndent = at[CMTextTailIndentAttributeName] as? Float {
para.tailIndent = CGFloat(tailIndent)
if let lineSpace = at[CMTextLineSpaceAttributeName] as? Float {
para.lineSpacing = CGFloat(lineSpace)
at[NSParagraphStyleAttributeName] = para
// append
maString.appendAttributedString(NSAttributedString(string: str, attributes: at))
maString.appendAttributedString(NSAttributedString(string: str))
private let CMTextFontFamilyAttributeName = "CMTextFontFamilyAttributeName"
private let CMTextFontSizeAttributeName = "CMTextFontSizeAttributeName"
private let CMTextAlignmentAttributeName = "NSTextAlignmentAttributeName"
private let CMTextFirstLineHeadIndentAttributeName = "CMTextFirstLineHeadIndentAttributeName"
private let CMTextHeadIndentAttributeName = "CMTextHeadIndentAttributeName"
private let CMTextTailIndentAttributeName = "CMTextTailIndentAttributeName"
private let CMTextLineSpaceAttributeName = "CMTextLineSpaceAttributeName"
private func FloatValue(str: String)->Float {
var float = (str as NSString).floatValue
return float
extension NSAttributedString.XMLParser {
typealias EXP = (key: String, value: String)->[String: AnyObject]
static var ExpressionMap: [String: EXP] = [
// foreground/background color
"color": {EXP in [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor(script: EXP.1)]},
"bgcolor": {EXP in [NSBackgroundColorAttributeName: UIColor(script: EXP.1)]},
// font
"font": {EXP in [CMTextFontFamilyAttributeName: EXP.1]},
"size": {EXP in [CMTextFontSizeAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
// under line
"underline": {EXP in [NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
"ul": {EXP in
if EXP.0 == EXP.1 {
return [NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: 1]
return [NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]
"underlinecolor": {EXP in [NSUnderlineColorAttributeName: UIColor(script: EXP.1)]},
"ulcolor": {EXP in [NSUnderlineColorAttributeName: UIColor(script: EXP.1)]},
// strike though
"strikethrough": {EXP in [NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
"st": {EXP in
if EXP.0 == EXP.1 {
return [NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName: 1]
return [NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]
"strikethroughcolor": {EXP in [NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName: UIColor(script: EXP.1)]},
"stcolor": {EXP in [NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName: UIColor(script: EXP.1)]},
// stroke 可以间接实现 字体加粗效果
"strokecolor": {EXP in [NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName: UIColor(script: EXP.1)]},
"stroke": {EXP in [NSStrokeWidthAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
// paragraph
// text align
"algin": { EXP in
switch EXP.1 {
case "-|","right": return [CMTextAlignmentAttributeName: NSTextAlignment.Right.rawValue]
case "||","center": return [CMTextAlignmentAttributeName: NSTextAlignment.Center.rawValue]
default: return [CMTextAlignmentAttributeName: NSTextAlignment.Left.rawValue]
// 缩紧
"firstlineindent": {EXP in [CMTextFirstLineHeadIndentAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
"flindent": {EXP in [CMTextFirstLineHeadIndentAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
"headindent": {EXP in [CMTextHeadIndentAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
"hindent": {EXP in [CMTextHeadIndentAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
"trailindent": {EXP in [CMTextTailIndentAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
"tindent": {EXP in [CMTextTailIndentAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
"linespace": {EXP in [CMTextLineSpaceAttributeName: FloatValue(EXP.1)]},
} | apache-2.0 | 204cc6e05d106bf6cd4eb453ad9f534e | 40.260465 | 187 | 0.597632 | 5.56811 | false | false | false | false |
michael-lehew/swift-corelibs-foundation | Foundation/NSError.swift | 1 | 57255 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
public typealias NSErrorDomain = NSString
/// Predefined domain for errors from most Foundation APIs.
public let NSCocoaErrorDomain: String = "NSCocoaErrorDomain"
// Other predefined domains; value of "code" will correspond to preexisting values in these domains.
public let NSPOSIXErrorDomain: String = "NSPOSIXErrorDomain"
public let NSOSStatusErrorDomain: String = "NSOSStatusErrorDomain"
public let NSMachErrorDomain: String = "NSMachErrorDomain"
// Key in userInfo. A recommended standard way to embed NSErrors from underlying calls. The value of this key should be an NSError.
public let NSUnderlyingErrorKey: String = "NSUnderlyingError"
// Keys in userInfo, for subsystems wishing to provide their error messages up-front. Note that NSError will also consult the userInfoValueProvider for the domain when these values are not present in the userInfo dictionary.
public let NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: String = "NSLocalizedDescription"
public let NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: String = "NSLocalizedFailureReason"
public let NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: String = "NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion"
public let NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey: String = "NSLocalizedRecoveryOptions"
public let NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey: String = "NSRecoveryAttempter"
public let NSHelpAnchorErrorKey: String = "NSHelpAnchor"
// Other standard keys in userInfo, for various error codes
public let NSStringEncodingErrorKey: String = "NSStringEncodingErrorKey"
public let NSURLErrorKey: String = "NSURL"
public let NSFilePathErrorKey: String = "NSFilePathErrorKey"
open class NSError : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, NSCoding {
typealias CFType = CFError
internal var _cfObject: CFType {
return CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, domain._cfObject, code, nil)
// ErrorType forbids this being internal
open var _domain: String
open var _code: Int
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation
/// - Note: This API differs from Darwin because it uses [String : Any] as a type instead of [String : AnyObject]. This allows the use of Swift value types.
private var _userInfo: [String : Any]?
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation
/// - Note: This API differs from Darwin because it uses [String : Any] as a type instead of [String : AnyObject]. This allows the use of Swift value types.
public init(domain: String, code: Int, userInfo dict: [String : Any]? = nil) {
_domain = domain
_code = code
_userInfo = dict
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
guard aDecoder.allowsKeyedCoding else {
preconditionFailure("Unkeyed coding is unsupported.")
_code = aDecoder.decodeInteger(forKey: "NSCode")
_domain = aDecoder.decodeObject(of: NSString.self, forKey: "NSDomain")!._swiftObject
if let info = aDecoder.decodeObject(of: [NSSet.self, NSDictionary.self, NSArray.self, NSString.self, NSNumber.self, NSData.self, NSURL.self], forKey: "NSUserInfo") as? NSDictionary {
var filteredUserInfo = [String : Any]()
// user info must be filtered so that the keys are all strings
info.enumerateKeysAndObjects(options: []) {
if let key = $0.0 as? NSString {
filteredUserInfo[key._swiftObject] = $0.1
_userInfo = filteredUserInfo
public static var supportsSecureCoding: Bool {
return true
open func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
guard aCoder.allowsKeyedCoding else {
preconditionFailure("Unkeyed coding is unsupported.")
aCoder.encode(_domain._bridgeToObjectiveC(), forKey: "NSDomain")
aCoder.encode(Int32(_code), forKey: "NSCode")
aCoder.encode(_userInfo?._bridgeToObjectiveC(), forKey: "NSUserInfo")
open override func copy() -> Any {
return copy(with: nil)
open func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
return self
open var domain: String {
return _domain
open var code: Int {
return _code
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation
/// - Note: This API differs from Darwin because it uses [String : Any] as a type instead of [String : AnyObject]. This allows the use of Swift value types.
open var userInfo: [String : Any] {
if let info = _userInfo {
return info
} else {
return Dictionary<String, Any>()
open var localizedDescription: String {
let desc = userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] as? String
return desc ?? "The operation could not be completed"
open var localizedFailureReason: String? {
return userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] as? String
open var localizedRecoverySuggestion: String? {
return userInfo[NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey] as? String
open var localizedRecoveryOptions: [String]? {
return userInfo[NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey] as? [String]
open var recoveryAttempter: Any? {
return userInfo[NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey]
open var helpAnchor: String? {
return userInfo[NSHelpAnchorErrorKey] as? String
internal typealias NSErrorProvider = (_ error: NSError, _ key: String) -> AnyObject?
internal static var userInfoProviders = [String: NSErrorProvider]()
open class func setUserInfoValueProvider(forDomain errorDomain: String, provider: (/* @escaping */ (NSError, String) -> AnyObject?)?) {
NSError.userInfoProviders[errorDomain] = provider
open class func userInfoValueProvider(forDomain errorDomain: String) -> ((NSError, String) -> AnyObject?)? {
return NSError.userInfoProviders[errorDomain]
override open var description: String {
return localizedDescription
// -- NSObject Overrides --
// The compiler has special paths for attempting to do some bridging on NSError (and equivalent Error instances) -- in particular, in the lookup of NSError objects' superclass.
// On platforms where we don't have bridging (i.e. Linux), this causes a silgen failure. We can avoid the issue by overriding methods inherited by NSObject ourselves.
override open var hashValue: Int {
// CFHash does the appropriate casting/bridging on platforms where we support it.
return Int(bitPattern: CFHash(self))
override open func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
// Pulled from NSObject itself; this works on all platforms.
if let obj = object as? NSError {
return obj === self
return false
extension NSError : Swift.Error { }
extension NSError : _CFBridgeable { }
extension CFError : _NSBridgeable {
typealias NSType = NSError
internal var _nsObject: NSType {
let userInfo = CFErrorCopyUserInfo(self)._swiftObject
var newUserInfo: [String: Any] = [:]
for (key, value) in userInfo {
if let key = key as? String {
newUserInfo[key] = value
return NSError(domain: CFErrorGetDomain(self)._swiftObject, code: CFErrorGetCode(self), userInfo: newUserInfo)
/// Describes an error that provides localized messages describing why
/// an error occurred and provides more information about the error.
public protocol LocalizedError : Error {
/// A localized message describing what error occurred.
var errorDescription: String? { get }
/// A localized message describing the reason for the failure.
var failureReason: String? { get }
/// A localized message describing how one might recover from the failure.
var recoverySuggestion: String? { get }
/// A localized message providing "help" text if the user requests help.
var helpAnchor: String? { get }
public extension LocalizedError {
var errorDescription: String? { return nil }
var failureReason: String? { return nil }
var recoverySuggestion: String? { return nil }
var helpAnchor: String? { return nil }
/// Class that implements the informal protocol
/// NSErrorRecoveryAttempting, which is used by NSError when it
/// attempts recovery from an error.
class _NSErrorRecoveryAttempter {
func attemptRecovery(fromError nsError: NSError,
optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int) -> Bool {
let error = nsError as Error as! RecoverableError
return error.attemptRecovery(optionIndex: recoveryOptionIndex)
/// Describes an error that may be recoverable by presenting several
/// potential recovery options to the user.
public protocol RecoverableError : Error {
/// Provides a set of possible recovery options to present to the user.
var recoveryOptions: [String] { get }
/// Attempt to recover from this error when the user selected the
/// option at the given index. This routine must call handler and
/// indicate whether recovery was successful (or not).
/// This entry point is used for recovery of errors handled at a
/// "document" granularity, that do not affect the entire
/// application.
func attemptRecovery(optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int, resultHandler handler: (_ recovered: Bool) -> Void)
/// Attempt to recover from this error when the user selected the
/// option at the given index. Returns true to indicate
/// successful recovery, and false otherwise.
/// This entry point is used for recovery of errors handled at
/// the "application" granularity, where nothing else in the
/// application can proceed until the attempted error recovery
/// completes.
func attemptRecovery(optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int) -> Bool
public extension RecoverableError {
/// Default implementation that uses the application-model recovery
/// mechanism (``attemptRecovery(optionIndex:)``) to implement
/// document-modal recovery.
func attemptRecovery(optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int, resultHandler handler: (_ recovered: Bool) -> Void) {
handler(attemptRecovery(optionIndex: recoveryOptionIndex))
/// Describes an error type that specifically provides a domain, code,
/// and user-info dictionary.
public protocol CustomNSError : Error {
/// The domain of the error.
static var errorDomain: String { get }
/// The error code within the given domain.
var errorCode: Int { get }
/// The user-info dictionary.
var errorUserInfo: [String : Any] { get }
public extension Error where Self : CustomNSError {
/// Default implementation for customized NSErrors.
var _domain: String { return Self.errorDomain }
/// Default implementation for customized NSErrors.
var _code: Int { return self.errorCode }
public extension Error {
/// Retrieve the localized description for this error.
var localizedDescription: String {
return NSError(domain: _domain, code: _code, userInfo: nil).localizedDescription
/// Retrieve the default userInfo dictionary for a given error.
public func _swift_Foundation_getErrorDefaultUserInfo(_ error: Error) -> Any? {
// TODO: Implement info value providers and return the code that was deleted here.
let hasUserInfoValueProvider = false
// Populate the user-info dictionary
var result: [String : Any]
// Initialize with custom user-info.
if let customNSError = error as? CustomNSError {
result = customNSError.errorUserInfo
} else {
result = [:]
// Handle localized errors. If we registered a user-info value
// provider, these will computed lazily.
if !hasUserInfoValueProvider,
let localizedError = error as? LocalizedError {
if let description = localizedError.errorDescription {
result[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = description
if let reason = localizedError.failureReason {
result[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = reason
if let suggestion = localizedError.recoverySuggestion {
result[NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey] = suggestion
if let helpAnchor = localizedError.helpAnchor {
result[NSHelpAnchorErrorKey] = helpAnchor
// Handle recoverable errors. If we registered a user-info value
// provider, these will computed lazily.
if !hasUserInfoValueProvider,
let recoverableError = error as? RecoverableError {
result[NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey] =
result[NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey] = _NSErrorRecoveryAttempter()
return result
// NSError and CFError conform to the standard Error protocol. Compiler
// magic allows this to be done as a "toll-free" conversion when an NSError
// or CFError is used as an Error existential.
extension CFError : Error {
public var _domain: String {
return CFErrorGetDomain(self)._swiftObject
public var _code: Int {
return CFErrorGetCode(self)
public var _userInfo: Any? {
return CFErrorCopyUserInfo(self) as Any
/// An internal protocol to represent Swift error enums that map to standard
/// Cocoa NSError domains.
public protocol _ObjectTypeBridgeableError : Error {
/// Produce a value of the error type corresponding to the given NSError,
/// or return nil if it cannot be bridged.
init?(_bridgedNSError: NSError)
/// Helper protocol for _BridgedNSError, which used to provide
/// default implementations.
public protocol __BridgedNSError : Error {
static var _nsErrorDomain: String { get }
// Allow two bridged NSError types to be compared.
extension __BridgedNSError where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue: SignedInteger {
public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue.toIntMax() == rhs.rawValue.toIntMax()
public extension __BridgedNSError where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue: SignedInteger {
public final var _domain: String { return Self._nsErrorDomain }
public final var _code: Int { return Int(rawValue.toIntMax()) }
public init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
self = unsafeBitCast(rawValue, to: Self.self)
public init?(_bridgedNSError: NSError) {
if _bridgedNSError.domain != Self._nsErrorDomain {
return nil
self.init(rawValue: RawValue(IntMax(_bridgedNSError.code)))
public final var hashValue: Int { return _code }
// Allow two bridged NSError types to be compared.
extension __BridgedNSError where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue: UnsignedInteger {
public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue.toUIntMax() == rhs.rawValue.toUIntMax()
public extension __BridgedNSError where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue: UnsignedInteger {
public final var _domain: String { return Self._nsErrorDomain }
public final var _code: Int {
return Int(bitPattern: UInt(rawValue.toUIntMax()))
public init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
self = unsafeBitCast(rawValue, to: Self.self)
public init?(_bridgedNSError: NSError) {
if _bridgedNSError.domain != Self._nsErrorDomain {
return nil
self.init(rawValue: RawValue(UIntMax(UInt(_bridgedNSError.code))))
public final var hashValue: Int { return _code }
/// Describes a raw representable type that is bridged to a particular
/// NSError domain.
/// This protocol is used primarily to generate the conformance to
/// _ObjectTypeBridgeableError for such an enum.
public protocol _BridgedNSError : __BridgedNSError, RawRepresentable, _ObjectTypeBridgeableError, Hashable {
/// The NSError domain to which this type is bridged.
static var _nsErrorDomain: String { get }
/// Describes a bridged error that stores the underlying NSError, so
/// it can be queried.
public protocol _BridgedStoredNSError : __BridgedNSError, _ObjectTypeBridgeableError, CustomNSError, Hashable {
/// The type of an error code.
associatedtype Code: _ErrorCodeProtocol
/// The error code for the given error.
var code: Code { get }
//// Retrieves the embedded NSError.
var _nsError: NSError { get }
/// Create a new instance of the error type with the given embedded
/// NSError.
/// The \c error must have the appropriate domain for this error
/// type.
init(_nsError error: NSError)
/// Various helper implementations for _BridgedStoredNSError
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError where Code: RawRepresentable, Code.RawValue: SignedInteger {
// FIXME: Generalize to Integer.
public var code: Code {
return Code(rawValue: numericCast(_nsError.code))!
/// Initialize an error within this domain with the given ``code``
/// and ``userInfo``.
public init(_ code: Code, userInfo: [String : Any] = [:]) {
self.init(_nsError: NSError(domain: Self._nsErrorDomain,
code: numericCast(code.rawValue),
userInfo: userInfo))
/// The user-info dictionary for an error that was bridged from
/// NSError.
var userInfo: [String : Any] { return errorUserInfo }
/// Various helper implementations for _BridgedStoredNSError
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError where Code: RawRepresentable, Code.RawValue: UnsignedInteger {
// FIXME: Generalize to Integer.
public var code: Code {
return Code(rawValue: numericCast(_nsError.code))!
/// Initialize an error within this domain with the given ``code``
/// and ``userInfo``.
public init(_ code: Code, userInfo: [String : Any] = [:]) {
self.init(_nsError: NSError(domain: Self._nsErrorDomain,
code: numericCast(code.rawValue),
userInfo: userInfo))
/// Implementation of __BridgedNSError for all _BridgedStoredNSErrors.
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
/// Default implementation of ``init(_bridgedNSError)`` to provide
/// bridging from NSError.
public init?(_bridgedNSError error: NSError) {
if error.domain != Self._nsErrorDomain {
return nil
self.init(_nsError: error)
/// Implementation of CustomNSError for all _BridgedStoredNSErrors.
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
static var errorDomain: String { return _nsErrorDomain }
var errorCode: Int { return _nsError.code }
var errorUserInfo: [String : Any] {
return _nsError.userInfo
/// Implementation of Hashable for all _BridgedStoredNSErrors.
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
var hashValue: Int {
return _nsError.hashValue
/// Describes the code of an error.
public protocol _ErrorCodeProtocol : Equatable {
/// The corresponding error code.
associatedtype _ErrorType
// FIXME: We want _ErrorType to be _BridgedStoredNSError and have its
// Code match Self, but we cannot express those requirements yet.
extension _ErrorCodeProtocol where Self._ErrorType: _BridgedStoredNSError {
/// Allow one to match an error code against an arbitrary error.
public static func ~=(match: Self, error: Error) -> Bool {
guard let specificError = error as? Self._ErrorType else { return false }
// FIXME: Work around IRGen crash when we set Code == Code._ErrorType.Code.
let specificCode = specificError.code as! Self
return match == specificCode
extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs._nsError.isEqual(rhs._nsError)
/// Describes errors within the Cocoa error domain.
public struct CocoaError : _BridgedStoredNSError {
public let _nsError: NSError
public init(_nsError error: NSError) {
precondition(error.domain == NSCocoaErrorDomain)
self._nsError = error
public static var _nsErrorDomain: String { return NSCocoaErrorDomain }
/// The error code itself.
public struct Code : RawRepresentable, _ErrorCodeProtocol {
public typealias _ErrorType = CocoaError
public let rawValue: Int
public init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public static var fileNoSuchFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4) }
public static var fileLocking: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 255) }
public static var fileReadUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 256) }
public static var fileReadNoPermission: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 257) }
public static var fileReadInvalidFileName: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 258) }
public static var fileReadCorruptFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 259) }
public static var fileReadNoSuchFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 260) }
public static var fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 261) }
public static var fileReadUnsupportedScheme: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 262) }
public static var fileReadTooLarge: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 263) }
public static var fileReadUnknownStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 264) }
public static var fileWriteUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 512) }
public static var fileWriteNoPermission: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 513) }
public static var fileWriteInvalidFileName: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 514) }
public static var fileWriteFileExists: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 516) }
public static var fileWriteInapplicableStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 517) }
public static var fileWriteUnsupportedScheme: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 518) }
public static var fileWriteOutOfSpace: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 640) }
public static var fileWriteVolumeReadOnly: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 642) }
public static var fileManagerUnmountUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 768) }
public static var fileManagerUnmountBusy: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 769) }
public static var keyValueValidation: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 1024) }
public static var formatting: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 2048) }
public static var userCancelled: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3072) }
public static var featureUnsupported: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3328) }
public static var executableNotLoadable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3584) }
public static var executableArchitectureMismatch: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3585) }
public static var executableRuntimeMismatch: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3586) }
public static var executableLoad: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3587) }
public static var executableLink: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3588) }
public static var propertyListReadCorrupt: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3840) }
public static var propertyListReadUnknownVersion: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3841) }
public static var propertyListReadStream: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3842) }
public static var propertyListWriteStream: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3851) }
public static var propertyListWriteInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3852) }
public static var xpcConnectionInterrupted: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4097) }
public static var xpcConnectionInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4099) }
public static var xpcConnectionReplyInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4101) }
public static var ubiquitousFileUnavailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4353) }
public static var ubiquitousFileNotUploadedDueToQuota: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4354) }
public static var ubiquitousFileUbiquityServerNotAvailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4355) }
public static var userActivityHandoffFailed: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4608) }
public static var userActivityConnectionUnavailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4609) }
public static var userActivityRemoteApplicationTimedOut: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4610) }
public static var userActivityHandoffUserInfoTooLarge: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4611) }
public static var coderReadCorrupt: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4864) }
public static var coderValueNotFound: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4865) }
public extension CocoaError {
private var _nsUserInfo: [AnyHashable : Any] {
return NSError(domain: _domain, code: _code, userInfo: nil).userInfo
/// The file path associated with the error, if any.
var filePath: String? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSFilePathErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? String
/// The string encoding associated with this error, if any.
var stringEncoding: String.Encoding? {
return (_nsUserInfo[NSStringEncodingErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? NSNumber)
.map { String.Encoding(rawValue: $0.uintValue) }
/// The underlying error behind this error, if any.
var underlying: Error? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? Error
/// The URL associated with this error, if any.
var url: URL? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSURLErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? URL
extension CocoaError.Code {
extension CocoaError {
public static var fileNoSuchFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileNoSuchFile }
public static var fileLocking: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileLocking }
public static var fileReadUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadUnknown }
public static var fileReadNoPermission: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadNoPermission }
public static var fileReadInvalidFileName: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadInvalidFileName }
public static var fileReadCorruptFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadCorruptFile }
public static var fileReadNoSuchFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadNoSuchFile }
public static var fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding }
public static var fileReadUnsupportedScheme: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadUnsupportedScheme }
public static var fileReadTooLarge: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadTooLarge }
public static var fileReadUnknownStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadUnknownStringEncoding }
public static var fileWriteUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteUnknown }
public static var fileWriteNoPermission: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteNoPermission }
public static var fileWriteInvalidFileName: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteInvalidFileName }
public static var fileWriteFileExists: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteFileExists }
public static var fileWriteInapplicableStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteInapplicableStringEncoding }
public static var fileWriteUnsupportedScheme: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteUnsupportedScheme }
public static var fileWriteOutOfSpace: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteOutOfSpace }
public static var fileWriteVolumeReadOnly: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteVolumeReadOnly }
public static var fileManagerUnmountUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileManagerUnmountUnknown }
public static var fileManagerUnmountBusy: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileManagerUnmountBusy }
public static var keyValueValidation: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.keyValueValidation }
public static var formatting: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.formatting }
public static var userCancelled: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userCancelled }
public static var featureUnsupported: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.featureUnsupported }
public static var executableNotLoadable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableNotLoadable }
public static var executableArchitectureMismatch: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableArchitectureMismatch }
public static var executableRuntimeMismatch: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableRuntimeMismatch }
public static var executableLoad: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableLoad }
public static var executableLink: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableLink }
public static var propertyListReadCorrupt: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListReadCorrupt }
public static var propertyListReadUnknownVersion: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListReadUnknownVersion }
public static var propertyListReadStream: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListReadStream }
public static var propertyListWriteStream: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListWriteStream }
public static var propertyListWriteInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListWriteInvalid }
public static var xpcConnectionInterrupted: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.xpcConnectionInterrupted }
public static var xpcConnectionInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.xpcConnectionInvalid }
public static var xpcConnectionReplyInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.xpcConnectionReplyInvalid }
public static var ubiquitousFileUnavailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.ubiquitousFileUnavailable }
public static var ubiquitousFileNotUploadedDueToQuota: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.ubiquitousFileNotUploadedDueToQuota }
public static var ubiquitousFileUbiquityServerNotAvailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.ubiquitousFileUbiquityServerNotAvailable }
public static var userActivityHandoffFailed: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityHandoffFailed }
public static var userActivityConnectionUnavailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityConnectionUnavailable }
public static var userActivityRemoteApplicationTimedOut: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityRemoteApplicationTimedOut }
public static var userActivityHandoffUserInfoTooLarge: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityHandoffUserInfoTooLarge }
public static var coderReadCorrupt: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.coderReadCorrupt }
public static var coderValueNotFound: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.coderValueNotFound }
extension CocoaError {
public var isCoderError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 4864 && code.rawValue <= 4991
public var isExecutableError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 3584 && code.rawValue <= 3839
public var isFileError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 0 && code.rawValue <= 1023
public var isFormattingError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 2048 && code.rawValue <= 2559
public var isPropertyListError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 3840 && code.rawValue <= 4095
public var isUbiquitousFileError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 4352 && code.rawValue <= 4607
public var isUserActivityError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 4608 && code.rawValue <= 4863
public var isValidationError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 1024 && code.rawValue <= 2047
public var isXPCConnectionError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 4096 && code.rawValue <= 4224
/// Describes errors in the URL error domain.
public struct URLError : _BridgedStoredNSError {
public let _nsError: NSError
public init(_nsError error: NSError) {
precondition(error.domain == NSURLErrorDomain)
self._nsError = error
public static var _nsErrorDomain: String { return NSURLErrorDomain }
public enum Code : Int, _ErrorCodeProtocol {
public typealias _ErrorType = URLError
case unknown = -1
case cancelled = -999
case badURL = -1000
case timedOut = -1001
case unsupportedURL = -1002
case cannotFindHost = -1003
case cannotConnectToHost = -1004
case networkConnectionLost = -1005
case dnsLookupFailed = -1006
case httpTooManyRedirects = -1007
case resourceUnavailable = -1008
case notConnectedToInternet = -1009
case redirectToNonExistentLocation = -1010
case badServerResponse = -1011
case userCancelledAuthentication = -1012
case userAuthenticationRequired = -1013
case zeroByteResource = -1014
case cannotDecodeRawData = -1015
case cannotDecodeContentData = -1016
case cannotParseResponse = -1017
case fileDoesNotExist = -1100
case fileIsDirectory = -1101
case noPermissionsToReadFile = -1102
case secureConnectionFailed = -1200
case serverCertificateHasBadDate = -1201
case serverCertificateUntrusted = -1202
case serverCertificateHasUnknownRoot = -1203
case serverCertificateNotYetValid = -1204
case clientCertificateRejected = -1205
case clientCertificateRequired = -1206
case cannotLoadFromNetwork = -2000
case cannotCreateFile = -3000
case cannotOpenFile = -3001
case cannotCloseFile = -3002
case cannotWriteToFile = -3003
case cannotRemoveFile = -3004
case cannotMoveFile = -3005
case downloadDecodingFailedMidStream = -3006
case downloadDecodingFailedToComplete = -3007
case internationalRoamingOff = -1018
case callIsActive = -1019
case dataNotAllowed = -1020
case requestBodyStreamExhausted = -1021
case backgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer = -995
case backgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess = -996
case backgroundSessionWasDisconnected = -997
public extension URLError {
private var _nsUserInfo: [AnyHashable : Any] {
return NSError(domain: _domain, code: _code, userInfo: nil).userInfo
/// The URL which caused a load to fail.
public var failingURL: URL? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSURLErrorFailingURLErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? URL
/// The string for the URL which caused a load to fail.
public var failureURLString: String? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? String
public extension URLError {
public static var unknown: URLError.Code { return .unknown }
public static var cancelled: URLError.Code { return .cancelled }
public static var badURL: URLError.Code { return .badURL }
public static var timedOut: URLError.Code { return .timedOut }
public static var unsupportedURL: URLError.Code { return .unsupportedURL }
public static var cannotFindHost: URLError.Code { return .cannotFindHost }
public static var cannotConnectToHost: URLError.Code { return .cannotConnectToHost }
public static var networkConnectionLost: URLError.Code { return .networkConnectionLost }
public static var dnsLookupFailed: URLError.Code { return .dnsLookupFailed }
public static var httpTooManyRedirects: URLError.Code { return .httpTooManyRedirects }
public static var resourceUnavailable: URLError.Code { return .resourceUnavailable }
public static var notConnectedToInternet: URLError.Code { return .notConnectedToInternet }
public static var redirectToNonExistentLocation: URLError.Code { return .redirectToNonExistentLocation }
public static var badServerResponse: URLError.Code { return .badServerResponse }
public static var userCancelledAuthentication: URLError.Code { return .userCancelledAuthentication }
public static var userAuthenticationRequired: URLError.Code { return .userAuthenticationRequired }
public static var zeroByteResource: URLError.Code { return .zeroByteResource }
public static var cannotDecodeRawData: URLError.Code { return .cannotDecodeRawData }
public static var cannotDecodeContentData: URLError.Code { return .cannotDecodeContentData }
public static var cannotParseResponse: URLError.Code { return .cannotParseResponse }
public static var fileDoesNotExist: URLError.Code { return .fileDoesNotExist }
public static var fileIsDirectory: URLError.Code { return .fileIsDirectory }
public static var noPermissionsToReadFile: URLError.Code { return .noPermissionsToReadFile }
public static var secureConnectionFailed: URLError.Code { return .secureConnectionFailed }
public static var serverCertificateHasBadDate: URLError.Code { return .serverCertificateHasBadDate }
public static var serverCertificateUntrusted: URLError.Code { return .serverCertificateUntrusted }
public static var serverCertificateHasUnknownRoot: URLError.Code { return .serverCertificateHasUnknownRoot }
public static var serverCertificateNotYetValid: URLError.Code { return .serverCertificateNotYetValid }
public static var clientCertificateRejected: URLError.Code { return .clientCertificateRejected }
public static var clientCertificateRequired: URLError.Code { return .clientCertificateRequired }
public static var cannotLoadFromNetwork: URLError.Code { return .cannotLoadFromNetwork }
public static var cannotCreateFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotCreateFile }
public static var cannotOpenFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotOpenFile }
public static var cannotCloseFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotCloseFile }
public static var cannotWriteToFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotWriteToFile }
public static var cannotRemoveFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotRemoveFile }
public static var cannotMoveFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotMoveFile }
public static var downloadDecodingFailedMidStream: URLError.Code { return .downloadDecodingFailedMidStream }
public static var downloadDecodingFailedToComplete: URLError.Code { return .downloadDecodingFailedToComplete }
public static var internationalRoamingOff: URLError.Code { return .internationalRoamingOff }
public static var callIsActive: URLError.Code { return .callIsActive }
public static var dataNotAllowed: URLError.Code { return .dataNotAllowed }
public static var requestBodyStreamExhausted: URLError.Code { return .requestBodyStreamExhausted }
public static var backgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer: URLError.Code { return .backgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer }
public static var backgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess: URLError.Code { return .backgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess }
public static var backgroundSessionWasDisconnected: URLError.Code { return .backgroundSessionWasDisconnected }
/// Describes an error in the POSIX error domain.
public struct POSIXError : _BridgedStoredNSError {
public let _nsError: NSError
public init(_nsError error: NSError) {
precondition(error.domain == NSPOSIXErrorDomain)
self._nsError = error
public static var _nsErrorDomain: String { return NSPOSIXErrorDomain }
public enum Code : Int, _ErrorCodeProtocol {
public typealias _ErrorType = POSIXError
case EPERM
case ESRCH
case EINTR
case EIO
case ENXIO
case E2BIG
case EBADF
case EBUSY
case EXDEV
case EFBIG
case EROFS
case EPIPE
case EDOM
case ELOOP
case EAUTH
case EIDRM
case ENOSR
case ETIME
extension POSIXError {
/// Operation not permitted.
public static var EPERM: POSIXError.Code { return .EPERM }
/// No such file or directory.
public static var ENOENT: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOENT }
/// No such process.
public static var ESRCH: POSIXError.Code { return .ESRCH }
/// Interrupted system call.
public static var EINTR: POSIXError.Code { return .EINTR }
/// Input/output error.
public static var EIO: POSIXError.Code { return .EIO }
/// Device not configured.
public static var ENXIO: POSIXError.Code { return .ENXIO }
/// Argument list too long.
public static var E2BIG: POSIXError.Code { return .E2BIG }
/// Exec format error.
public static var ENOEXEC: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOEXEC }
/// Bad file descriptor.
public static var EBADF: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADF }
/// No child processes.
public static var ECHILD: POSIXError.Code { return .ECHILD }
/// Resource deadlock avoided.
public static var EDEADLK: POSIXError.Code { return .EDEADLK }
/// Cannot allocate memory.
public static var ENOMEM: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOMEM }
/// Permission denied.
public static var EACCES: POSIXError.Code { return .EACCES }
/// Bad address.
public static var EFAULT: POSIXError.Code { return .EFAULT }
/// Block device required.
public static var ENOTBLK: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTBLK }
/// Device / Resource busy.
public static var EBUSY: POSIXError.Code { return .EBUSY }
/// File exists.
public static var EEXIST: POSIXError.Code { return .EEXIST }
/// Cross-device link.
public static var EXDEV: POSIXError.Code { return .EXDEV }
/// Operation not supported by device.
public static var ENODEV: POSIXError.Code { return .ENODEV }
/// Not a directory.
public static var ENOTDIR: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTDIR }
/// Is a directory.
public static var EISDIR: POSIXError.Code { return .EISDIR }
/// Invalid argument.
public static var EINVAL: POSIXError.Code { return .EINVAL }
/// Too many open files in system.
public static var ENFILE: POSIXError.Code { return .ENFILE }
/// Too many open files.
public static var EMFILE: POSIXError.Code { return .EMFILE }
/// Inappropriate ioctl for device.
public static var ENOTTY: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTTY }
/// Text file busy.
public static var ETXTBSY: POSIXError.Code { return .ETXTBSY }
/// File too large.
public static var EFBIG: POSIXError.Code { return .EFBIG }
/// No space left on device.
public static var ENOSPC: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOSPC }
/// Illegal seek.
public static var ESPIPE: POSIXError.Code { return .ESPIPE }
/// Read-only file system.
public static var EROFS: POSIXError.Code { return .EROFS }
/// Too many links.
public static var EMLINK: POSIXError.Code { return .EMLINK }
/// Broken pipe.
public static var EPIPE: POSIXError.Code { return .EPIPE }
/// Math Software
/// Numerical argument out of domain.
public static var EDOM: POSIXError.Code { return .EDOM }
/// Result too large.
public static var ERANGE: POSIXError.Code { return .ERANGE }
/// Non-blocking and interrupt I/O.
/// Resource temporarily unavailable.
public static var EAGAIN: POSIXError.Code { return .EAGAIN }
/// Operation would block.
public static var EWOULDBLOCK: POSIXError.Code { return .EWOULDBLOCK }
/// Operation now in progress.
public static var EINPROGRESS: POSIXError.Code { return .EINPROGRESS }
/// Operation already in progress.
public static var EALREADY: POSIXError.Code { return .EALREADY }
/// IPC/Network software -- argument errors.
/// Socket operation on non-socket.
public static var ENOTSOCK: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTSOCK }
/// Destination address required.
public static var EDESTADDRREQ: POSIXError.Code { return .EDESTADDRREQ }
/// Message too long.
public static var EMSGSIZE: POSIXError.Code { return .EMSGSIZE }
/// Protocol wrong type for socket.
public static var EPROTOTYPE: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROTOTYPE }
/// Protocol not available.
public static var ENOPROTOOPT: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOPROTOOPT }
/// Protocol not supported.
public static var EPROTONOSUPPORT: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROTONOSUPPORT }
/// Socket type not supported.
public static var ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: POSIXError.Code { return .ESOCKTNOSUPPORT }
/// Operation not supported.
public static var ENOTSUP: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTSUP }
/// Protocol family not supported.
public static var EPFNOSUPPORT: POSIXError.Code { return .EPFNOSUPPORT }
/// Address family not supported by protocol family.
public static var EAFNOSUPPORT: POSIXError.Code { return .EAFNOSUPPORT }
/// Address already in use.
public static var EADDRINUSE: POSIXError.Code { return .EADDRINUSE }
/// Can't assign requested address.
public static var EADDRNOTAVAIL: POSIXError.Code { return .EADDRNOTAVAIL }
/// IPC/Network software -- operational errors
/// Network is down.
public static var ENETDOWN: POSIXError.Code { return .ENETDOWN }
/// Network is unreachable.
public static var ENETUNREACH: POSIXError.Code { return .ENETUNREACH }
/// Network dropped connection on reset.
public static var ENETRESET: POSIXError.Code { return .ENETRESET }
/// Software caused connection abort.
public static var ECONNABORTED: POSIXError.Code { return .ECONNABORTED }
/// Connection reset by peer.
public static var ECONNRESET: POSIXError.Code { return .ECONNRESET }
/// No buffer space available.
public static var ENOBUFS: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOBUFS }
/// Socket is already connected.
public static var EISCONN: POSIXError.Code { return .EISCONN }
/// Socket is not connected.
public static var ENOTCONN: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTCONN }
/// Can't send after socket shutdown.
public static var ESHUTDOWN: POSIXError.Code { return .ESHUTDOWN }
/// Too many references: can't splice.
public static var ETOOMANYREFS: POSIXError.Code { return .ETOOMANYREFS }
/// Operation timed out.
public static var ETIMEDOUT: POSIXError.Code { return .ETIMEDOUT }
/// Connection refused.
public static var ECONNREFUSED: POSIXError.Code { return .ECONNREFUSED }
/// Too many levels of symbolic links.
public static var ELOOP: POSIXError.Code { return .ELOOP }
/// File name too long.
public static var ENAMETOOLONG: POSIXError.Code { return .ENAMETOOLONG }
/// Host is down.
public static var EHOSTDOWN: POSIXError.Code { return .EHOSTDOWN }
/// No route to host.
public static var EHOSTUNREACH: POSIXError.Code { return .EHOSTUNREACH }
/// Directory not empty.
public static var ENOTEMPTY: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTEMPTY }
/// Quotas
/// Too many processes.
public static var EPROCLIM: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROCLIM }
/// Too many users.
public static var EUSERS: POSIXError.Code { return .EUSERS }
/// Disk quota exceeded.
public static var EDQUOT: POSIXError.Code { return .EDQUOT }
/// Network File System
/// Stale NFS file handle.
public static var ESTALE: POSIXError.Code { return .ESTALE }
/// Too many levels of remote in path.
public static var EREMOTE: POSIXError.Code { return .EREMOTE }
/// RPC struct is bad.
public static var EBADRPC: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADRPC }
/// RPC version wrong.
public static var ERPCMISMATCH: POSIXError.Code { return .ERPCMISMATCH }
/// RPC prog. not avail.
public static var EPROGUNAVAIL: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROGUNAVAIL }
/// Program version wrong.
public static var EPROGMISMATCH: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROGMISMATCH }
/// Bad procedure for program.
public static var EPROCUNAVAIL: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROCUNAVAIL }
/// No locks available.
public static var ENOLCK: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOLCK }
/// Function not implemented.
public static var ENOSYS: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOSYS }
/// Inappropriate file type or format.
public static var EFTYPE: POSIXError.Code { return .EFTYPE }
/// Authentication error.
public static var EAUTH: POSIXError.Code { return .EAUTH }
/// Need authenticator.
public static var ENEEDAUTH: POSIXError.Code { return .ENEEDAUTH }
/// Intelligent device errors.
/// Device power is off.
public static var EPWROFF: POSIXError.Code { return .EPWROFF }
/// Device error, e.g. paper out.
public static var EDEVERR: POSIXError.Code { return .EDEVERR }
/// Value too large to be stored in data type.
public static var EOVERFLOW: POSIXError.Code { return .EOVERFLOW }
/// Program loading errors.
/// Bad executable.
public static var EBADEXEC: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADEXEC }
/// Bad CPU type in executable.
public static var EBADARCH: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADARCH }
/// Shared library version mismatch.
public static var ESHLIBVERS: POSIXError.Code { return .ESHLIBVERS }
/// Malformed Macho file.
public static var EBADMACHO: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADMACHO }
/// Operation canceled.
public static var ECANCELED: POSIXError.Code { return .ECANCELED }
/// Identifier removed.
public static var EIDRM: POSIXError.Code { return .EIDRM }
/// No message of desired type.
public static var ENOMSG: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOMSG }
/// Illegal byte sequence.
public static var EILSEQ: POSIXError.Code { return .EILSEQ }
/// Attribute not found.
public static var ENOATTR: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOATTR }
/// Bad message.
public static var EBADMSG: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADMSG }
/// Reserved.
public static var EMULTIHOP: POSIXError.Code { return .EMULTIHOP }
/// No message available on STREAM.
public static var ENODATA: POSIXError.Code { return .ENODATA }
/// Reserved.
public static var ENOLINK: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOLINK }
/// No STREAM resources.
public static var ENOSR: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOSR }
/// Not a STREAM.
public static var ENOSTR: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOSTR }
/// Protocol error.
public static var EPROTO: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROTO }
/// STREAM ioctl timeout.
public static var ETIME: POSIXError.Code { return .ETIME }
/// No such policy registered.
public static var ENOPOLICY: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOPOLICY }
/// State not recoverable.
public static var ENOTRECOVERABLE: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTRECOVERABLE }
/// Previous owner died.
public static var EOWNERDEAD: POSIXError.Code { return .EOWNERDEAD }
/// Interface output queue is full.
public static var EQFULL: POSIXError.Code { return .EQFULL }
| apache-2.0 | 91ce4c238f6863f88db61047c6df61a8 | 42.211321 | 224 | 0.676203 | 5.29159 | false | false | false | false |
ahoppen/swift | stdlib/public/core/UnicodeData.swift | 10 | 6756 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2021 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
internal typealias ScalarAndNormData = (
scalar: Unicode.Scalar,
normData: Unicode._NormData
extension Unicode {
// A wrapper type over the normalization data value we receive when we
// lookup a scalar's normalization information. The layout of the underlying
// 16 bit value we receive is as follows:
// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// └───┬───┘ └──── CCC ────┘ └─┘ │
// │ │ └── NFD_QC
// │ └── NFC_QC
// └── Unused
// NFD_QC: This is a simple Yes/No on whether the scalar has canonical
// decomposition. Note: Yes is indicated via 0 instead of 1.
// NFC_QC: This is either Yes/No/Maybe on whether the scalar is NFC quick
// check. Yes, represented as 0, means the scalar can NEVER compose
// with another scalar previous to it. No, represented as 1, means the
// scalar can NEVER appear within a well formed NFC string. Maybe,
// represented as 2, means the scalar could appear with an NFC string,
// but further information is required to determine if that is the
// case. At the moment, we really only care about Yes/No.
// CCC: This is the canonical combining class property of a scalar that is
// used when sorting scalars of a normalization segment after NFD
// computation. A scalar with a CCC value of 128 can NEVER appear before
// a scalar with a CCC value of 100, unless there are normalization
// boundaries between them.
internal struct _NormData {
var rawValue: UInt16
var ccc: UInt8 {
UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: rawValue >> 3)
var isNFCQC: Bool {
rawValue & 0x6 == 0
var isNFDQC: Bool {
rawValue & 0x1 == 0
init(_ scalar: Unicode.Scalar, fastUpperbound: UInt32 = 0xC0) {
if _fastPath(scalar.value < fastUpperbound) {
// CCC = 0, NFC_QC = Yes, NFD_QC = Yes
rawValue = 0
} else {
rawValue = _swift_stdlib_getNormData(scalar.value)
// Because we don't store precomposed hangul in our NFD_QC data, these
// will return true for NFD_QC when in fact they are not.
if (0xAC00 ... 0xD7A3).contains(scalar.value) {
// NFD_QC = false
rawValue |= 0x1
init(rawValue: UInt16) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
extension Unicode {
// A wrapper type for normalization buffers in the NFC and NFD iterators.
// This helps remove some of the buffer logic like removal and sorting out of
// the iterators and into this type.
internal struct _NormDataBuffer {
var storage: [ScalarAndNormData] = []
// This is simply a marker denoting that we've built up our storage, and
// now everything within it needs to be emitted. We reverse the buffer and
// pop elements from the back as a way to remove them.
var isReversed = false
var isEmpty: Bool {
var last: ScalarAndNormData? {
mutating func append(_ scalarAndNormData: ScalarAndNormData) {
// Removes the first element from the buffer. Note: it is not safe to append
// to the buffer after this function has been called. We reverse the storage
// internally for everything to be emitted out, so appending would insert
// into the storage at the wrong location. One must continue to call this
// function until a 'nil' return value has been received before appending.
mutating func next() -> ScalarAndNormData? {
guard !storage.isEmpty else {
isReversed = false
return nil
// If our storage hasn't been reversed yet, do so now.
if !isReversed {
isReversed = true
return storage.removeLast()
// Sort the entire buffer based on the canonical combining class.
mutating func sort() {
storage._insertionSort(within: storage.indices) {
$0.normData.ccc < $1.normData.ccc
extension Unicode {
// A wrapper type over the decomposition entry value we receive when we
// lookup a scalar's canonical decomposition. The layout of the underlying
// 32 bit value we receive is as follows:
// Top 14 bits Bottom 18 bits
// 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// └───────── Index ─────────┘ └───────── Hashed Scalar ─────────┘
// Index: This is the direct index into '_swift_stdlib_nfd_decompositions'
// that points to a size byte indicating the overall size of the
// UTF-8 decomposition string. Following the size byte is said string.
// Hashed Scalar: Because perfect hashing doesn't know the original set of
// keys it was hashed with, we store the original scalar in the
// decomposition entry so that we can guard against scalars
// who happen to hash to the same index.
internal struct _DecompositionEntry {
let rawValue: UInt32
// Our original scalar is stored in the first 18 bits of this entry.
var hashedScalar: Unicode.Scalar {
Unicode.Scalar(_value: (rawValue << 14) >> 14)
// The index into the decomposition array is stored in the top 14 bits.
var index: Int {
Int(truncatingIfNeeded: rawValue >> 18)
// A buffer pointer to the UTF8 decomposition string.
var utf8: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8> {
let decompPtr = _swift_stdlib_nfd_decompositions._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
// This size is the utf8 length of the decomposition.
let size = Int(truncatingIfNeeded: decompPtr[index])
return UnsafeBufferPointer(
// We add 1 here to skip the size byte.
start: decompPtr + index + 1,
count: size
init(_ scalar: Unicode.Scalar) {
rawValue = _swift_stdlib_getDecompositionEntry(scalar.value)
| apache-2.0 | bdae1f42f567d0c6b7d06526ce480c2d | 33.952381 | 82 | 0.621405 | 4.380637 | false | false | false | false |
Johennes/firefox-ios | StorageTests/TestLogins.swift | 2 | 31154 | /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
import Shared
@testable import Storage
import XCGLogger
import XCTest
private let log = XCGLogger.defaultInstance()
class TestSQLiteLogins: XCTestCase {
var db: BrowserDB!
var logins: SQLiteLogins!
let formSubmitURL = ""
let login = Login.createWithHostname("hostname1", username: "username1", password: "password1", formSubmitURL: "")
override func setUp() {
let files = MockFiles()
self.db = BrowserDB(filename: "testsqlitelogins.db", files: files)
self.logins = SQLiteLogins(db: self.db)
let expectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Remove all logins.")
self.removeAllLogins().upon({ res in expectation.fulfill() })
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10.0, handler: nil)
func testAddLogin() {
log.debug("Created \(self.login)")
let expectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Add login")
addLogin(login) >>>
getLoginsFor(login.protectionSpace, expected: [login]) >>>
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10.0, handler: nil)
func testGetOrder() {
let expectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Add login")
// Different GUID.
let login2 = Login.createWithHostname("hostname1", username: "username2", password: "password2")
login2.formSubmitURL = ""
addLogin(login) >>> { self.addLogin(login2) } >>>
getLoginsFor(login.protectionSpace, expected: [login2, login]) >>>
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10.0, handler: nil)
func testRemoveLogin() {
let expectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Remove login")
addLogin(login) >>>
removeLogin(login) >>>
getLoginsFor(login.protectionSpace, expected: []) >>>
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10.0, handler: nil)
func testRemoveLogins() {
let loginA = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username1", password: "password1", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
let loginB = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username2", password: "password2", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
let loginC = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username3", password: "password3", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
let loginD = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username4", password: "password4", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
func addLogins() -> Success {
return succeed()
let guids = [loginA.guid, loginB.guid]
let result = logins.getAllLogins().value.successValue!
XCTAssertEqual(result.count, 2)
func testRemoveManyLogins() {
log.debug("Remove a large number of logins at once")
var guids: [GUID] = []
for i in 0..<2000 {
let login = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "Fire", password: "fox", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
if i <= 1000 {
guids += [login.guid]
let result = logins.getAllLogins().value.successValue!
XCTAssertEqual(result.count, 999)
func testUpdateLogin() {
let expectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Update login")
let updated = Login.createWithHostname("hostname1", username: "username1", password: "password3", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
updated.guid = self.login.guid
addLogin(login) >>>
updateLogin(updated) >>>
getLoginsFor(login.protectionSpace, expected: [updated]) >>>
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10.0, handler: nil)
func testAddInvalidLogin() {
let emptyPasswordLogin = Login.createWithHostname("hostname1", username: "username1", password: "", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
var result = logins.addLogin(emptyPasswordLogin).value
XCTAssertEqual(result.failureValue?.description, "Can't add a login with an empty password.")
let emptyHostnameLogin = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username1", password: "password", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
result = logins.addLogin(emptyHostnameLogin).value
XCTAssertEqual(result.failureValue?.description, "Can't add a login with an empty hostname.")
let credential = NSURLCredential(user: "username", password: "password", persistence: .ForSession)
let protectionSpace = NSURLProtectionSpace(host: "", port: 443, protocol: "https", realm: "Basic Auth", authenticationMethod: "Basic Auth")
let bothFormSubmitURLAndRealm = Login.createWithCredential(credential, protectionSpace: protectionSpace)
bothFormSubmitURLAndRealm.formSubmitURL = ""
result = logins.addLogin(bothFormSubmitURLAndRealm).value
XCTAssertEqual(result.failureValue?.description, "Can't add a login with both a httpRealm and formSubmitURL.")
let noFormSubmitURLOrRealm = Login.createWithHostname("host", username: "username1", password: "password", formSubmitURL: nil)
result = logins.addLogin(noFormSubmitURLOrRealm).value
XCTAssertEqual(result.failureValue?.description, "Can't add a login without a httpRealm or formSubmitURL.")
func testUpdateInvalidLogin() {
let updated = Login.createWithHostname("hostname1", username: "username1", password: "", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
updated.guid = self.login.guid
var result = logins.updateLoginByGUID(login.guid, new: updated, significant: true).value
XCTAssertEqual(result.failureValue?.description, "Can't add a login with an empty password.")
let emptyHostnameLogin = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username1", password: "", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
emptyHostnameLogin.guid = self.login.guid
result = logins.updateLoginByGUID(login.guid, new: emptyHostnameLogin, significant: true).value
XCTAssertEqual(result.failureValue?.description, "Can't add a login with an empty hostname.")
let credential = NSURLCredential(user: "username", password: "password", persistence: .ForSession)
let protectionSpace = NSURLProtectionSpace(host: "", port: 443, protocol: "https", realm: "Basic Auth", authenticationMethod: "Basic Auth")
let bothFormSubmitURLAndRealm = Login.createWithCredential(credential, protectionSpace: protectionSpace)
bothFormSubmitURLAndRealm.formSubmitURL = ""
bothFormSubmitURLAndRealm.guid = self.login.guid
result = logins.updateLoginByGUID(login.guid, new: bothFormSubmitURLAndRealm, significant: true).value
XCTAssertEqual(result.failureValue?.description, "Can't add a login with both a httpRealm and formSubmitURL.")
let noFormSubmitURLOrRealm = Login.createWithHostname("host", username: "username1", password: "password", formSubmitURL: nil)
noFormSubmitURLOrRealm.guid = self.login.guid
result = logins.updateLoginByGUID(login.guid, new: noFormSubmitURLOrRealm, significant: true).value
XCTAssertEqual(result.failureValue?.description, "Can't add a login without a httpRealm or formSubmitURL.")
func testSearchLogins() {
let loginA = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username1", password: "password1", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
let loginB = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username2", password: "password2", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
let loginC = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username3", password: "password3", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
let loginD = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username4", password: "password4", formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL)
func addLogins() -> Success {
return succeed()
func checkAllLogins() -> Success {
return logins.getAllLogins() >>== { results in
XCTAssertEqual(results.count, 4)
return succeed()
func checkSearchHostnames() -> Success {
return logins.searchLoginsWithQuery("pha") >>== { results in
XCTAssertEqual(results.count, 2)
XCTAssertEqual(results[0]!.hostname, "")
XCTAssertEqual(results[1]!.hostname, "")
return succeed()
func checkSearchUsernames() -> Success {
return logins.searchLoginsWithQuery("username") >>== { results in
XCTAssertEqual(results.count, 4)
XCTAssertEqual(results[0]!.username, "username2")
XCTAssertEqual(results[1]!.username, "username1")
XCTAssertEqual(results[2]!.username, "username3")
XCTAssertEqual(results[3]!.username, "username4")
return succeed()
func checkSearchPasswords() -> Success {
return logins.searchLoginsWithQuery("pass") >>== { results in
XCTAssertEqual(results.count, 4)
XCTAssertEqual(results[0]!.password, "password2")
XCTAssertEqual(results[1]!.password, "password1")
XCTAssertEqual(results[2]!.password, "password3")
XCTAssertEqual(results[3]!.password, "password4")
return succeed()
func testAddUseOfLogin() {
let expectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Add visit")
if var usageData = login as? LoginUsageData {
usageData.timeCreated = NSDate.nowMicroseconds()
addLogin(login) >>>
addUseDelayed(login, time: 1) >>>
getLoginDetailsFor(login, expected: login as! LoginUsageData) >>>
done(login.protectionSpace, expectation: expectation)
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10.0, handler: nil)
func done(expectation: XCTestExpectation)() -> Success {
return removeAllLogins()
>>> getLoginsFor(login.protectionSpace, expected: [])
>>> {
return succeed()
// Note: These functions are all curried so that we pass arguments, but still chain them below
func addLogin(login: LoginData) -> Success {
log.debug("Add \(login)")
return logins.addLogin(login)
func updateLogin(login: LoginData)() -> Success {
log.debug("Update \(login)")
return logins.updateLoginByGUID(login.guid, new: login, significant: true)
func addUseDelayed(login: Login, time: UInt32)() -> Success {
login.timeLastUsed = NSDate.nowMicroseconds()
let res = logins.addUseOfLoginByGUID(login.guid)
return res
func getLoginsFor(protectionSpace: NSURLProtectionSpace, expected: [LoginData]) -> (() -> Success) {
return {
log.debug("Get logins for \(protectionSpace)")
return self.logins.getLoginsForProtectionSpace(protectionSpace) >>== { results in
XCTAssertEqual(expected.count, results.count)
for (index, login) in expected.enumerate() {
XCTAssertEqual(results[index]!.username!, login.username!)
XCTAssertEqual(results[index]!.hostname, login.hostname)
XCTAssertEqual(results[index]!.password, login.password)
return succeed()
func getLoginDetailsFor(login: LoginData, expected: LoginUsageData) -> (() -> Success) {
return {
log.debug("Get details for \(login)")
let deferred = self.logins.getUsageDataForLogin(login)
log.debug("Final result \(deferred)")
return deferred >>== { l in
log.debug("Got cursor")
XCTAssertLessThan(expected.timePasswordChanged - l.timePasswordChanged, 10)
XCTAssertLessThan(expected.timeLastUsed - l.timeLastUsed, 10)
XCTAssertLessThan(expected.timeCreated - l.timeCreated, 10)
return succeed()
func removeLogin(login: LoginData)() -> Success {
log.debug("Remove \(login)")
return logins.removeLoginByGUID(login.guid)
func removeAllLogins() -> Success {
log.debug("Remove All")
// Because we don't want to just mark them as deleted.
return"DELETE FROM \(TableLoginsMirror)") >>> {"DELETE FROM \(TableLoginsLocal)") }
class TestSQLiteLoginsPerf: XCTestCase {
var db: BrowserDB!
var logins: SQLiteLogins!
override func setUp() {
let files = MockFiles()
self.db = BrowserDB(filename: "testsqlitelogins.db", files: files)
self.logins = SQLiteLogins(db: self.db)
func testLoginsSearchMatchOnePerf() {
// Measure time to find one entry amongst the 1000 of them
self.measureMetrics([XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime], automaticallyStartMeasuring: true) {
for _ in 0...5 {
func testLoginsSearchMatchAllPerf() {
// Measure time to find all matching results
self.measureMetrics([XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime], automaticallyStartMeasuring: true) {
for _ in 0...5 {
func testLoginsGetAllPerf() {
// Measure time to find all matching results
self.measureMetrics([XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime], automaticallyStartMeasuring: true) {
for _ in 0...5 {
func populateTestLogins() {
for i in 0..<1000 {
let login = Login.createWithHostname("website\(i).com", username: "username\(i)", password: "password\(i)")
func addLogin(login: LoginData) -> Success {
return logins.addLogin(login)
func removeAllLogins() -> Success {
log.debug("Remove All")
// Because we don't want to just mark them as deleted.
return"DELETE FROM \(TableLoginsMirror)") >>> {"DELETE FROM \(TableLoginsLocal)") }
class TestSyncableLogins: XCTestCase {
var db: BrowserDB!
var logins: SQLiteLogins!
override func setUp() {
let files = MockFiles()
self.db = BrowserDB(filename: "testsyncablelogins.db", files: files)
self.logins = SQLiteLogins(db: self.db)
let expectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Remove all logins.")
self.removeAllLogins().upon({ res in expectation.fulfill() })
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10.0, handler: nil)
func removeAllLogins() -> Success {
log.debug("Remove All")
// Because we don't want to just mark them as deleted.
return"DELETE FROM \(TableLoginsMirror)") >>> {"DELETE FROM \(TableLoginsLocal)") }
func testDiffers() {
let guid = "abcdabcdabcd"
let host = ""
let user = "username"
let loginA1 = Login(guid: guid, hostname: host, username: user, password: "password1")
loginA1.formSubmitURL = "\(host)/form1/"
loginA1.usernameField = "afield"
let loginA2 = Login(guid: guid, hostname: host, username: user, password: "password1")
loginA2.formSubmitURL = "\(host)/form1/"
loginA2.usernameField = "somefield"
let loginB = Login(guid: guid, hostname: host, username: user, password: "password2")
loginB.formSubmitURL = "\(host)/form1/"
let loginC = Login(guid: guid, hostname: host, username: user, password: "password")
loginC.formSubmitURL = "\(host)/form2/"
func testLocalNewStaysNewAndIsRemoved() {
let guidA = "abcdabcdabcd"
let loginA1 = Login(guid: guidA, hostname: "", username: "username", password: "password")
loginA1.formSubmitURL = ""
loginA1.timesUsed = 1
XCTAssertTrue((self.logins as BrowserLogins).addLogin(loginA1).value.isSuccess)
let local1 = self.logins.getExistingLocalRecordByGUID(guidA).value.successValue!
XCTAssertEqual(local1!.guid, guidA)
XCTAssertEqual(local1!.syncStatus, SyncStatus.New)
XCTAssertEqual(local1!.timesUsed, 1)
// It's still new.
let local2 = self.logins.getExistingLocalRecordByGUID(guidA).value.successValue!
XCTAssertEqual(local2!.guid, guidA)
XCTAssertEqual(local2!.syncStatus, SyncStatus.New)
XCTAssertEqual(local2!.timesUsed, 2)
// It's removed immediately, because it was never synced.
XCTAssertTrue((self.logins as BrowserLogins).removeLoginByGUID(guidA).value.isSuccess)
func testApplyLogin() {
let guidA = "abcdabcdabcd"
let loginA1 = ServerLogin(guid: guidA, hostname: "", username: "username", password: "password", modified: 1234)
loginA1.formSubmitURL = ""
loginA1.timesUsed = 3
let local = self.logins.getExistingLocalRecordByGUID(guidA).value.successValue!
let mirror = self.logins.getExistingMirrorRecordByGUID(guidA).value.successValue!
XCTAssertTrue(nil == local)
XCTAssertTrue(nil != mirror)
XCTAssertEqual(mirror!.guid, guidA)
XCTAssertEqual(mirror!.serverModified, Timestamp(1234), "Timestamp matches.")
XCTAssertEqual(mirror!.timesUsed, 3)
XCTAssertTrue(nil == mirror!.httpRealm)
XCTAssertTrue(nil == mirror!.passwordField)
XCTAssertTrue(nil == mirror!.usernameField)
XCTAssertEqual(mirror!.formSubmitURL!, "")
XCTAssertEqual(mirror!.hostname, "")
XCTAssertEqual(mirror!.username!, "username")
XCTAssertEqual(mirror!.password, "password")
// Change it.
let loginA2 = ServerLogin(guid: guidA, hostname: "", username: "username", password: "newpassword", modified: 2234)
loginA2.formSubmitURL = ""
loginA2.timesUsed = 4
let changed = self.logins.getExistingMirrorRecordByGUID(guidA).value.successValue!
XCTAssertTrue(nil != changed)
XCTAssertEqual(changed!.serverModified, Timestamp(2234), "Timestamp is new.")
XCTAssertEqual(changed!.username!, "username")
XCTAssertEqual(changed!.password, "newpassword")
XCTAssertEqual(changed!.timesUsed, 4)
// Change it locally.
let preUse =
let localUsed = self.logins.getExistingLocalRecordByGUID(guidA).value.successValue!
let mirrorUsed = self.logins.getExistingMirrorRecordByGUID(guidA).value.successValue!
XCTAssertEqual(mirrorUsed!.guid, guidA)
XCTAssertEqual(localUsed!.guid, guidA)
XCTAssertEqual(mirrorUsed!.password, "newpassword")
XCTAssertEqual(localUsed!.password, "newpassword")
XCTAssertTrue(mirrorUsed!.isOverridden) // It's now overridden.
XCTAssertEqual(mirrorUsed!.serverModified, Timestamp(2234), "Timestamp is new.")
XCTAssertTrue(localUsed!.localModified >= preUse) // Local record is modified.
XCTAssertEqual(localUsed!.syncStatus, SyncStatus.Synced) // Uses aren't enough to warrant upload.
// Uses are local until reconciled.
XCTAssertEqual(localUsed!.timesUsed, 5)
XCTAssertEqual(mirrorUsed!.timesUsed, 4)
// Change the password and form URL locally.
let newLocalPassword = Login(guid: guidA, hostname: "", username: "username", password: "yupyup")
newLocalPassword.formSubmitURL = ""
let preUpdate =
// Updates always bump our usages, too.
XCTAssertTrue(self.logins.updateLoginByGUID(guidA, new: newLocalPassword, significant: true).value.isSuccess)
let localAltered = self.logins.getExistingLocalRecordByGUID(guidA).value.successValue!
let mirrorAltered = self.logins.getExistingMirrorRecordByGUID(guidA).value.successValue!
XCTAssertFalse(mirrorAltered!.isSignificantlyDifferentFrom(mirrorUsed!)) // The mirror is unchanged.
XCTAssertTrue(mirrorAltered!.isOverridden) // It's still overridden.
XCTAssertEqual(localAltered!.password, "yupyup")
XCTAssertEqual(localAltered!.formSubmitURL!, "")
XCTAssertTrue(localAltered!.localModified >= preUpdate)
XCTAssertEqual(localAltered!.syncStatus, SyncStatus.Changed) // Changes are enough to warrant upload.
XCTAssertEqual(localAltered!.timesUsed, 6)
XCTAssertEqual(mirrorAltered!.timesUsed, 4)
func testDeltas() {
// Shared.
let guidA = "abcdabcdabcd"
let loginA1 = ServerLogin(guid: guidA, hostname: "", username: "username", password: "password", modified: 1234)
loginA1.timeCreated = 1200
loginA1.timeLastUsed = 1234
loginA1.timePasswordChanged = 1200
loginA1.formSubmitURL = ""
loginA1.timesUsed = 3
let a1a1 = loginA1.deltas(from: loginA1)
XCTAssertEqual(0, a1a1.nonCommutative.count)
XCTAssertEqual(0, a1a1.nonConflicting.count)
XCTAssertEqual(0, a1a1.commutative.count)
let loginA2 = ServerLogin(guid: guidA, hostname: "", username: "username", password: "password", modified: 1235)
loginA2.timeCreated = 1200
loginA2.timeLastUsed = 1235
loginA2.timePasswordChanged = 1200
loginA2.timesUsed = 4
let a1a2 = loginA2.deltas(from: loginA1)
XCTAssertEqual(2, a1a2.nonCommutative.count)
XCTAssertEqual(0, a1a2.nonConflicting.count)
XCTAssertEqual(1, a1a2.commutative.count)
switch a1a2.commutative[0] {
case let .TimesUsed(increment):
XCTAssertEqual(increment, 1)
switch a1a2.nonCommutative[0] {
case let .FormSubmitURL(to):
XCTFail("Unexpected non-commutative login field.")
switch a1a2.nonCommutative[1] {
case let .TimeLastUsed(to):
XCTAssertEqual(to, 1235)
XCTFail("Unexpected non-commutative login field.")
let loginA3 = ServerLogin(guid: guidA, hostname: "", username: "username", password: "something else", modified: 1280)
loginA3.timeCreated = 1200
loginA3.timeLastUsed = 1250
loginA3.timePasswordChanged = 1250
loginA3.formSubmitURL = ""
loginA3.timesUsed = 5
let a1a3 = loginA3.deltas(from: loginA1)
XCTAssertEqual(3, a1a3.nonCommutative.count)
XCTAssertEqual(0, a1a3.nonConflicting.count)
XCTAssertEqual(1, a1a3.commutative.count)
switch a1a3.commutative[0] {
case let .TimesUsed(increment):
XCTAssertEqual(increment, 2)
switch a1a3.nonCommutative[0] {
case let .Password(to):
XCTAssertEqual("something else", to)
XCTFail("Unexpected non-commutative login field.")
switch a1a3.nonCommutative[1] {
case let .TimeLastUsed(to):
XCTAssertEqual(to, 1250)
XCTFail("Unexpected non-commutative login field.")
switch a1a3.nonCommutative[2] {
case let .TimePasswordChanged(to):
XCTAssertEqual(to, 1250)
XCTFail("Unexpected non-commutative login field.")
// Now apply the deltas to the original record and check that they match!
let merged = Login.mergeDeltas(a: (loginA2.serverModified, a1a2), b: (loginA3.serverModified, a1a3))
let mCCount = merged.commutative.count
let a2CCount = a1a2.commutative.count
let a3CCount = a1a3.commutative.count
XCTAssertEqual(mCCount, a2CCount + a3CCount)
let mNCount = merged.nonCommutative.count
let a2NCount = a1a2.nonCommutative.count
let a3NCount = a1a3.nonCommutative.count
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(mNCount, a2NCount + a3NCount)
XCTAssertGreaterThanOrEqual(mNCount, max(a2NCount, a3NCount))
let mFCount = merged.nonConflicting.count
let a2FCount = a1a2.nonConflicting.count
let a3FCount = a1a3.nonConflicting.count
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(mFCount, a2FCount + a3FCount)
XCTAssertGreaterThanOrEqual(mFCount, max(a2FCount, a3FCount))
switch merged.commutative[0] {
case let .TimesUsed(increment):
XCTAssertEqual(1, increment)
switch merged.commutative[1] {
case let .TimesUsed(increment):
XCTAssertEqual(2, increment)
switch merged.nonCommutative[0] {
case let .Password(to):
XCTAssertEqual("something else", to)
XCTFail("Unexpected non-commutative login field.")
switch merged.nonCommutative[1] {
case let .FormSubmitURL(to):
XCTFail("Unexpected non-commutative login field.")
switch merged.nonCommutative[2] {
case let .TimeLastUsed(to):
XCTAssertEqual(to, 1250)
XCTFail("Unexpected non-commutative login field.")
switch merged.nonCommutative[3] {
case let .TimePasswordChanged(to):
XCTAssertEqual(to, 1250)
XCTFail("Unexpected non-commutative login field.")
// Applying the merged deltas gives us the expected login.
let expected = Login(guid: guidA, hostname: "", username: "username", password: "something else")
expected.timeCreated = 1200
expected.timeLastUsed = 1250
expected.timePasswordChanged = 1250
expected.formSubmitURL = nil
expected.timesUsed = 6
let applied = loginA1.applyDeltas(merged)
func testLoginsIsSynced() {
let loginA = Login.createWithHostname("", username: "username1", password: "password1")
let serverLoginA = ServerLogin(guid: loginA.guid, hostname: "", username: "username1", password: "password1", modified:
XCTAssertFalse(logins.hasSyncedLogins().value.successValue ?? true)
XCTAssertFalse(logins.hasSyncedLogins().value.successValue ?? false)
XCTAssertTrue(logins.hasSyncedLogins().value.successValue ?? false)
| mpl-2.0 | 20dfb46a469017385f587edab8880264 | 41.1 | 166 | 0.653784 | 4.95767 | false | false | false | false |
IMcD23/Proton | Source/Core/View/View+Size.swift | 1 | 1230 | //
// View+Size.swift
// Proton
// Created by McDowell, Ian J [ITACD] on 4/5/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Ian McDowell. All rights reserved.
public extension View {
public func size(width width: Percent, height: Percent) -> Self {
self.size = LayoutSize(type: .Percent, width: width.value, height: height.value)
return self
public func size(width width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat) -> Self {
return self.size(size: CGSizeMake(width, height))
public func size(size size: CGSize) -> Self {
self.size = LayoutSize(type: .Fixed, width: size.width, height: size.height)
return self
public func width(width: CGFloat) -> Self {
self.size.type = .Fixed
self.size.width = width
return self
public func height(height: CGFloat) -> Self {
self.size.type = .Fixed
self.size.height = height
return self
public func width(width: Percent) -> Self {
self.size.type = .Percent
self.size.width = width.value
return self
public func height(height: Percent) -> Self {
self.size.type = .Percent
self.size.height = height.value
return self
| mit | 5d00ad5f523c326a3605e202f4182cdd | 28.97561 | 88 | 0.603743 | 3.840625 | false | false | false | false |
huonw/swift | stdlib/public/core/WriteBackMutableSlice.swift | 12 | 1730 | //===--- WriteBackMutableSlice.swift --------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
internal func _writeBackMutableSlice<C, Slice_>(
_ self_: inout C, bounds: Range<C.Index>, slice: Slice_
) where
C : MutableCollection,
Slice_ : Collection,
C.Element == Slice_.Element,
C.Index == Slice_.Index {
self_._failEarlyRangeCheck(bounds, bounds: self_.startIndex..<self_.endIndex)
// FIXME(performance): can we use
// _withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported? Would that create inout
// aliasing violations if the newValue points to the same buffer?
var selfElementIndex = bounds.lowerBound
let selfElementsEndIndex = bounds.upperBound
var newElementIndex = slice.startIndex
let newElementsEndIndex = slice.endIndex
while selfElementIndex != selfElementsEndIndex &&
newElementIndex != newElementsEndIndex {
self_[selfElementIndex] = slice[newElementIndex]
self_.formIndex(after: &selfElementIndex)
slice.formIndex(after: &newElementIndex)
selfElementIndex == selfElementsEndIndex,
"Cannot replace a slice of a MutableCollection with a slice of a smaller size")
newElementIndex == newElementsEndIndex,
"Cannot replace a slice of a MutableCollection with a slice of a larger size")
| apache-2.0 | 49dac0392f5b6bd4388137819dd19257 | 35.041667 | 83 | 0.689595 | 4.818942 | false | false | false | false |
AlesTsurko/AudioKit | Tests/Tests/AKBalance.swift | 2 | 1253 | //
// main.swift
// AudioKit
// Created by Nick Arner and Aurelius Prochazka on 12/21/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Aurelius Prochazka. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
let testDuration: Float = 4.0
class Instrument : AKInstrument {
var auxilliaryOutput = AKAudio()
override init() {
let amplitude = AKOscillator()
amplitude.frequency = 1.ak
let oscillator = AKOscillator()
oscillator.amplitude = amplitude
auxilliaryOutput = AKAudio.globalParameter()
assignOutput(auxilliaryOutput, to:oscillator)
class Processor : AKInstrument {
init(audioSource: AKAudio) {
let synth = AKFMOscillator()
let balanced = AKBalance(input: synth, comparatorAudioSource: audioSource)
let instrument = Instrument()
let processor = Processor(audioSource: instrument.auxilliaryOutput)
let manager = AKManager.sharedManager()
while(manager.isRunning) {} //do nothing
println("Test complete!")
| lgpl-3.0 | 4dc1fa9ca3a4ee08b6d933138260f811 | 20.982456 | 82 | 0.703113 | 4.675373 | false | true | false | false |
Yvent/YVImagePickerController | YVImagePickerController/YVImagePickerCell.swift | 2 | 2425 | //
// YVImagePickerCell.swift
// Demo
// Created by 周逸文 on 2017/10/12.
// Copyright © 2017年 YV. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class YVImagePickerCell: UICollectionViewCell {
var closeBtnColor: UIColor = UIColor(red: 88/255.0, green: 197/255.0, blue: 141/255.0, alpha: 1)
var imageV: UIImageView!
var closeBtn: UIButton!
var timeLab: UILabel!
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
private func initUI() {
contentView.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
let imagevFrame: CGRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.frame.width, height: self.frame.height)
imageV = UIImageView(frame: imagevFrame)
let closeBtnFrame: CGRect = CGRect(x: self.frame.width-3-24, y: 3, width: 24, height: 24)
closeBtn = UIButton(frame: closeBtnFrame)
let bundle = Bundle(for: YVImagePickerController.self)
let path = bundle.path(forResource: "YVImagePickerController", ofType: "bundle")
let imageBundle = Bundle(path: path!)
let nolImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: (imageBundle?.path(forResource: "yvCloseBtn_nol", ofType: "png"))!)
let selImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: (imageBundle?.path(forResource: "yvCloseBtn_sel", ofType: "png"))!)
closeBtn.setImage(nolImage, for: .normal)
closeBtn.setImage(selImage, for: .selected)
closeBtn.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
let timeLabFrame: CGRect = CGRect(x: 5, y: self.frame.height-20, width: self.frame.width-10, height: 20)
timeLab = UILabel(frame: timeLabFrame)
timeLab.textAlignment = .right
timeLab.textColor = UIColor.white
timeLab.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12)
func createImageWithColor(clolr: UIColor,rect: CGRect) -> UIImage{
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
let theImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return theImage!
| mit | e03edf8e0d2bb8590e0944797fe3cbba | 36.75 | 114 | 0.656871 | 4.268551 | false | false | false | false |
linhaosunny/yeehaiyake | 椰海雅客微博/椰海雅客微博/Classes/Main/LSXVisitorView.swift | 1 | 4660 | //
// LSXVisitorView.swift
// 椰海雅客微博
// Created by 李莎鑫 on 2017/4/3.
// Copyright © 2017年 李莎鑫. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SnapKit
class LSXVisitorView: UIView {
//MARK: 懒加载
//: 转盘
lazy var rotationView:UIImageView = { () -> UIImageView in
let imageView = UIImageView(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "visitordiscover_feed_image_smallicon"))
return imageView
//: 转盘遮盖
lazy var rotationCoverView:UIImageView = { () -> UIImageView in
let coverView = UIImageView(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "visitordiscover_feed_mask_smallicon"))
return coverView
//: 图片
lazy var imageView:UIImageView = { () -> UIImageView in
let iconView = UIImageView(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "visitordiscover_feed_image_house"))
return iconView
//: 标题
lazy var titleLable:UILabel = { () -> UILabel in
let label = UILabel()
label.textColor = UIColor.gray
label.numberOfLines = 0;
label.text = "新特性,抢先试玩,注册就能体验新的生活方式"
return label
//: 注册
lazy var registerButton:UIButton = { () -> UIButton in
let button = UIButton()
button.setTitleColor(SystemTintColor, for: .normal)
button.setTitleColor(UIColor.white, for: .highlighted)
button.setTitle("注册", for: .normal)
button.setBackgroundImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "common_button_white_disable"), for: .normal)
return button
//: 登录
lazy var loginButton:UIButton = { () -> UIButton in
let button = UIButton()
button.setTitleColor(UIColor.gray, for: .normal)
button.setTitleColor(UIColor.white, for: .highlighted)
button.setTitle("登录", for: .normal)
button.setBackgroundImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "common_button_white_disable"), for: .normal)
return button
//MARK: 构造方法
class func visitorView() -> LSXVisitorView {
let view = self.init()
return view
//MARK: 私有方法
//: 使用自动布局工具snapkit
override func layoutSubviews() {
rotationView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
rotationCoverView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
imageView.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
titleLable.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
registerButton.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
loginButton.snp.makeConstraints { (make) in
func startAnimation() {
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.rotation")
//: 设置动画属性
animation.toValue = 2 * M_PI
animation.duration = 10.0
animation.repeatCount = MAXFLOAT
// 注意: 默认情况下只要视图消失, 系统就会自动移除动画
// 只要设置removedOnCompletion为false, 系统就不会移除动画
animation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false
rotationView.layer.add(animation, forKey: "transform.rotation")
//MARK: 外部调用方法
func setupVisitorInfo(imageName: String? ,title: String){
titleLable.text = title
guard let name = imageName else {
rotationView.isHidden = true
imageView.image = UIImage(named: name)
| mit | 7bb906e32d8b5d26e485cb74c667e75b | 31.255474 | 111 | 0.606246 | 4.636936 | false | false | false | false |
austinzheng/swift | test/decl/protocol/req/associated_type_ambiguity.swift | 27 | 1748 | // RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Reference to associated type from 'where' clause should not be
// ambiguous when there's a typealias with the same name in another
// protocol.
// FIXME: The semantics here are still really iffy. There's also a
// case to be made that type aliases in protocol extensions should
// only act as defaults and not as same-type constraints. However,
// if we decide to go down that route, it's important that *both*
// the unqualified (T) and qualified (Self.T) lookups behave the
// same.
protocol P1 {
typealias T = Int // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
protocol P2 {
associatedtype T // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
// FIXME: This extension's generic signature is still minimized differently from
// the next one. We need to decide if 'T == Int' is a redundant requirement or
// not.
extension P1 where Self : P2, T == Int {
func takeT1(_: T) {}
func takeT2(_: Self.T) {}
extension P1 where Self : P2 {
// FIXME: This doesn't make sense -- either both should
// succeed, or both should be ambiguous.
func takeT1(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'T' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context}}
func takeT2(_: Self.T) {}
// Same as above, but now we have two visible associated types with the same
// name.
protocol P3 {
associatedtype T
// FIXME: This extension's generic signature is still minimized differently from
// the next one. We need to decide if 'T == Int' is a redundant requirement or
// not.
extension P2 where Self : P3, T == Int {
func takeT1(_: T) {}
func takeT2(_: Self.T) {}
extension P2 where Self : P3 {
func takeT1(_: T) {}
func takeT2(_: Self.T) {}
protocol P4 : P2, P3 {
func takeT1(_: T)
func takeT2(_: Self.T)
| apache-2.0 | ff1fc00c93228258ae0d4ec6aea5bfb3 | 29.137931 | 93 | 0.685927 | 3.61157 | false | false | false | false |
iabudiab/gdg-devfestka-2015-swift | Swift Intro.playground/Pages/Variables & Constants.xcplaygroundpage/Contents.swift | 1 | 292 |
var answerToTheQuestionOfLife = 42 // Type is inferred
answerToTheQuestionOfLife = 9001
// answerToTheQuestionOfLife = 3.14 // Compile error ~> Int
var numberOfTalks: Int = 1
let language = "Swift"
let pi: Double = 3.141592
// pi = 3.1415927 // Compile error ~> constant
//: [Next](@next)
| mit | 95fc97b5b9e53ed6da24d1eaf738f5d5 | 25.545455 | 59 | 0.712329 | 3.518072 | false | false | false | false |
WLChopSticks/weibo-swift- | weibo(swift)/weibo(swift)/Classes/Tools/Extention/UILabel+Extention.swift | 2 | 684 | //
// UILabel+Extention.swift
// weibo(swift)
// Created by 王 on 15/12/16.
// Copyright © 2015年 王. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
extension UILabel {
convenience init(title: String, color: UIColor, fontSize: CGFloat, margin: CGFloat = 0) {
text = title
numberOfLines = 0
textColor = color
textAlignment = .Center
font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(fontSize)
if margin != 0 {
preferredMaxLayoutWidth = screenWidth - 2 * margin
textAlignment = .Left
} | mit | b1c3e014ae7e853aa35e53d5fc6e3d5c | 20.266667 | 93 | 0.580848 | 4.218543 | false | false | false | false |
Ruenzuo/fansabisu | FanSabisu/Sources/MediaViewController.swift | 1 | 10542 | import UIKit
import Photos
import FanSabisuKit
class MediaViewController: GAITrackedViewController {
@IBOutlet var collectionView: UICollectionView?
var itemsPerRow: CGFloat?
var dataSource: [PHAsset] = []
var activityIndicatorView: UIActivityIndicatorView?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.title = String.localizedString(for: "MEDIA")
self.screenName = "Media"
setupItemsPerRow(with: self.view.frame.size)
automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { (status) in
if status != .authorized {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} else {
override func traitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) {
if hasUserInterfaceIdiomPadTrait() {
self.collectionView?.reloadSections(IndexSet(integer: 0))
override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)
setupItemsPerRow(with: size)
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "MediaDetail" {
let controller = segue.destination as! MediaDetailViewController
let indexPath = collectionView?.indexPath(for: sender as! UICollectionViewCell)
let asset = dataSource[indexPath!.row]
controller.asset = asset
func checkPasteboard() {
if PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus() != .authorized {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} else {
func setupItemsPerRow(with viewSize: CGSize) {
let landscape = viewSize.width > viewSize.height
if hasUserInterfaceIdiomPadTrait() {
if landscape {
itemsPerRow = 7
} else {
itemsPerRow = 5
} else {
if landscape {
itemsPerRow = 7
} else {
itemsPerRow = 4
func presentAuthorizationError() {
self.presentMessage(title: String.localizedString(for: "AUTHORIZATION_NOT_GRANTED"), message: String.localizedString(for: "USAGE_DESCRIPTION"), actionHandler: {
let url = URL(string: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString)!
func setupNavigationItems() {
activityIndicatorView = UIActivityIndicatorView(activityIndicatorStyle: .gray)
navigationItem.setLeftBarButton(UIBarButtonItem(customView: activityIndicatorView!), animated: true)
let refreshBarButonItem = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(named: "Refresh"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(loadAssets))
let pasteboardBarButonItem = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(named: "Clipboard"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(checkPasteboard))
navigationItem.setRightBarButtonItems([refreshBarButonItem, pasteboardBarButonItem], animated: true)
func processPasteboard() {
guard let pasteboard = UIPasteboard.general.string else {
presentMessage(title: String.localizedString(for: "ERROR_TITLE"), message: String.localizedString(for: "PASTEBOARD_NOT_FOUND"), actionHandler: nil)
guard let url = URL(string: pasteboard) else {
presentMessage(title: String.localizedString(for: "ERROR_TITLE"), message: String.localizedString(for: "CONTENTS_NOT_SUITABLE"), actionHandler: nil)
if !url.isValidURL {
let message = String(format: String.localizedString(for: "INVALID_URL"), url.absoluteString)
presentMessage(title: String.localizedString(for: "ERROR_TITLE"), message: message, actionHandler: nil)
let message = String(format: String.localizedString(for: "URL_FOUND"), url.absoluteString)
let controller = UIAlertController(title: String.localizedString(for: "PASTEBOARD_FOUND"), message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
controller.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: String.localizedString(for: "CANCEL"), style: .cancel, handler: nil))
controller.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: String.localizedString(for: "DOWNLOAD"), style: .default, handler: { (action) in
let mediaDownloader = MediaDownloader(session: Session.shared)
mediaDownloader.downloadMedia(with: url, completionHandler: { (result) in
do {
let videoUrl = try result.resolve()
let videoProcessor = VideoProcessor()
videoProcessor.processVideo(with: videoUrl, completionHandler: { (result) in
guard let url = try? result.resolve() else {
return self.presentMessage(title: String.localizedString(for: "ERROR_TITLE"), message: String.localizedString(for: "PROCESS_VIDEO_ERROR"), actionHandler: nil)
let manager = FileManager.default
try? manager.removeItem(at: url)
self.presentMessage(title: String.localizedString(for: "FINISHED"), message: String.localizedString(for: "GIF_STORED"), actionHandler: nil)
} catch MediaDownloaderError.tooManyRequests {
return self.presentMessage(title: String.localizedString(for: "ERROR_TITLE"), message: String.localizedString(for: "TOO_MANY_REQUESTS"), actionHandler: nil)
} catch MediaDownloaderError.forbidden {
return self.presentMessage(title: String.localizedString(for: "ERROR_TITLE"), message: String.localizedString(for: "FORBIDDEN"), actionHandler: nil)
} catch {
return self.presentMessage(title: String.localizedString(for: "ERROR_TITLE"), message: String.localizedString(for: "DOWNLOAD_VIDEO_ERROR"), actionHandler: nil)
present(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)
func loadAssets() {
let options = PHFetchOptions()
options.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "creationDate", ascending: true)]
options.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "mediaType = %d", PHAssetMediaType.image.rawValue)
let fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(with: options)
fetchResult.enumerateObjects({ (asset, index, _) in
let resources = PHAssetResource.assetResources(for: asset)
for (_, resource) in resources.enumerated() {
if resource.uniformTypeIdentifier == "com.compuserve.gif" {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.collectionView?.reloadSections(IndexSet(integer: 0))
@IBAction func unwindToMedia(sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {
extension MediaViewController: UICollectionViewDataSource {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return dataSource.count
func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {
return 1
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "AssetCell", for: indexPath) as! MediaCell
cell.asset = dataSource[indexPath.row]
if hasCompactHorizontalTrait() {
cell.imageView?.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
} else {
cell.imageView?.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
return cell
extension MediaViewController: UICollectionViewDelegate {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
performSegue(withIdentifier: "MediaDetail", sender: collectionView.cellForItem(at: indexPath))
extension MediaViewController: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout {
public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let interItemSpace: CGFloat
if hasCompactHorizontalTrait() {
interItemSpace = 1
} else {
if hasUserInterfaceIdiomPadTrait() {
interItemSpace = 20
} else {
interItemSpace = 1
let paddingSpace = interItemSpace * (itemsPerRow! + 1)
let availableWidth = view.frame.width - paddingSpace
let widthPerItem = availableWidth / itemsPerRow!
return CGSize(width: widthPerItem, height: widthPerItem)
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, insetForSectionAt section: Int) -> UIEdgeInsets {
if hasCompactHorizontalTrait() {
return .zero
} else {
return UIEdgeInsets.init(top: 16, left: 16, bottom: 16, right: 16)
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, minimumLineSpacingForSectionAt section: Int) -> CGFloat {
if hasCompactHorizontalTrait() {
return 1
} else {
return 10
| mit | 9183d513b57f393252bea1d56cc44ed3 | 42.742739 | 186 | 0.642573 | 5.530955 | false | false | false | false |
vary-llc/SugarRecord | spec/CoreData/DefaultCDStackTests.swift | 10 | 6513 | //
// DefaultCDStackTests.swift
// SugarRecord
// Created by Pedro Piñera Buendía on 27/09/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 SugarRecord. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import XCTest
import CoreData
class DefaultCDStackTests: XCTestCase
var stack: DefaultCDStack? = nil
override func setUp()
let bundle: NSBundle = NSBundle(forClass: CoreDataObjectTests.classForCoder())
let modelPath: NSString = bundle.pathForResource("TestsDataModel", ofType: "momd")!
let model: NSManagedObjectModel = NSManagedObjectModel(contentsOfURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: modelPath)!)!
stack = DefaultCDStack(databaseName: "TestDB.sqlite", model: model, automigrating: true)
override func tearDown() {
func testThatTheRootSavingContextIsSavedInApplicationWillTerminate()
class MockCDStack: DefaultCDStack
var savedChangesInRootSavingContext: Bool = false
override func saveChanges() {
savedChangesInRootSavingContext = true
let context: MockCDStack = MockCDStack(databaseName: "test", automigrating: false)
XCTAssertTrue(context.savedChangesInRootSavingContext, "Root saving context should be saved when application will terminate")
func testThatTheRootSavingContextIsSavedInApplicationWillResignActive()
class MockCDStack: DefaultCDStack
var savedChangesInRootSavingContext: Bool = false
override func saveChanges() {
savedChangesInRootSavingContext = true
let context: MockCDStack = MockCDStack(databaseName: "test", automigrating: false)
XCTAssertTrue(context.savedChangesInRootSavingContext, "Root saving context should be saved when application will resign active")
func testInitializeOfComponents()
class MockCDStack: DefaultCDStack
var pscCreated: Bool = false
var databaseAdded: Bool = false
var rootSavingContextCreated: Bool = false
var mainContextAdded: Bool = false
override func createPersistentStoreCoordinator() -> NSPersistentStoreCoordinator {
pscCreated = true
return NSPersistentStoreCoordinator()
override func addDatabase(completionClosure: CompletionClosure) {
databaseAdded = true
completionClosure(error: nil)
override func createRootSavingContext(persistentStoreCoordinator: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator?) -> NSManagedObjectContext {
rootSavingContextCreated = true
return NSManagedObjectContext()
override func createMainContext(parentContext: NSManagedObjectContext?) -> NSManagedObjectContext {
mainContextAdded = true
return NSManagedObjectContext()
let stack: MockCDStack = MockCDStack(databaseName: "test", automigrating: false)
XCTAssertTrue(stack.pscCreated, "Should initialize the persistent store coordinator")
XCTAssertTrue(stack.databaseAdded, "Should add the database")
XCTAssertTrue(stack.rootSavingContextCreated, "Should create the root saving context")
XCTAssertTrue(stack.mainContextAdded, "Should add a main context")
XCTAssertTrue(stack.stackInitialized, "Stack should be set as initialized")
func testBackgroundContextShouldHaveTheRootSavingContextAsParent()
XCTAssertEqual((stack!.backgroundContext() as SugarRecordCDContext).contextCD.parentContext!, stack!.rootSavingContext!, "The private context should have the root saving context as parent")
func testMainContextShouldHaveTheRootSavingContextAsParent()
XCTAssertEqual(stack!.mainContext!.parentContext!, stack!.rootSavingContext!, "Main saving context should have the root saving context as parent")
func testRootSavingContextShouldHaveThePersistentStoreCoordinatorAsParent()
XCTAssertEqual(stack!.rootSavingContext!.persistentStoreCoordinator!, stack!.persistentStoreCoordinator!, "Root saving context should have the PSC as parent")
func testBackgroundContextConcurrencyType()
XCTAssertEqual(stack!.rootSavingContext!.concurrencyType, NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.PrivateQueueConcurrencyType, "The concurrency type should be PrivateQueueConcurrencyType")
func testMainContextConcurrencyType()
XCTAssertEqual(stack!.mainContext!.concurrencyType, NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.MainQueueConcurrencyType, "The concurrency type should be MainQueueConcurrencyType")
func testRootSavingContextConcurrencyType()
XCTAssertEqual((stack!.backgroundContext() as SugarRecordCDContext).contextCD.concurrencyType, NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.ConfinementConcurrencyType, "The concurrency type should be MainQueueConcurrencyType")
func testIfTheAutoSavingClosureIsCalledDependingOnTheAutoSavingProperty()
class MockDefaultStack: DefaultCDStack
var autoSavingClosureCalled: Bool = true
override func autoSavingClosure() -> () -> ()
return { [weak self] (notification) -> Void in
self!.autoSavingClosureCalled = true
let mockStack: MockDefaultStack = MockDefaultStack(databaseName: "test", automigrating: false)
mockStack.autoSaving = true
XCTAssertTrue(mockStack.autoSavingClosureCalled, "The AutoSavingClosure should be called if the autosaving is enabled")
mockStack.autoSavingClosureCalled = false
mockStack.autoSaving = false
XCTAssertFalse(mockStack.autoSavingClosureCalled, "The AutoSavingClosure shouldn't be called if the autosaving is disabled")
| mit | 30ba7ad8f47cd0e01437e62b009e15d4 | 41.006452 | 227 | 0.686377 | 6.296905 | false | true | false | false |
lorentey/swift | test/Constraints/patterns.swift | 1 | 10741 | // RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Leaf expression patterns are matched to corresponding pieces of a switch
// subject (TODO: or ~= expression) using ~= overload resolution.
switch (1, 2.5, "three") {
case (1, _, _):
// Double is ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
case (_, 2, _),
(_, 2.5, _),
(_, _, "three"):
// ~= overloaded for (Range<Int>, Int)
case (0..<10, _, _),
(0..<10, 2.5, "three"),
(0...9, _, _),
(0...9, 2.5, "three"):
switch (1, 2) {
case (var a, a): // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'a'}}
// 'is' patterns can perform the same checks that 'is' expressions do.
protocol P { func p() }
class B : P {
init() {}
func p() {}
func b() {}
class D : B {
override init() { super.init() }
func d() {}
class E {
init() {}
func e() {}
struct S : P {
func p() {}
func s() {}
// Existential-to-concrete.
var bp : P = B()
switch bp {
case is B,
is D,
is S:
case is E:
switch bp {
case let b as B:
case let d as D:
case let s as S:
case let e as E:
// Super-to-subclass.
var db : B = D()
switch db {
case is D:
case is E: // expected-warning {{always fails}}
// Raise an error if pattern productions are used in expressions.
var b = var x // expected-error{{expected initial value after '='}} expected-error {{type annotation missing in pattern}} expected-error {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{8-8=;}}
var c = is Int // expected-error{{expected initial value after '='}} expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{8-8=;}}
// TODO: Bad recovery in these cases. Although patterns are never valid
// expr-unary productions, it would be good to parse them anyway for recovery.
//var e = 2 + var y
//var e = var y + 2
// 'E.Case' can be used in a dynamic type context as an equivalent to
// '.Case as E'.
protocol HairType {}
enum MacbookHair: HairType {
case HairSupply(S)
enum iPadHair<T>: HairType {
case HairForceOne
enum Watch {
case Sport, Watch, Edition
let hair: HairType = MacbookHair.HairSupply(S())
switch hair {
case MacbookHair.HairSupply(let s):
case iPadHair<S>.HairForceOne:
case iPadHair<E>.HairForceOne:
case iPadHair.HairForceOne: // expected-error{{generic enum type 'iPadHair' is ambiguous without explicit generic parameters when matching value of type 'HairType'}}
case Watch.Edition: // expected-warning {{cast from 'HairType' to unrelated type 'Watch' always fails}}
case .HairForceOne: // expected-error{{type 'HairType' has no member 'HairForceOne'}}
// <rdar://problem/19382878> Introduce new x? pattern
switch Optional(42) {
case let x?: break // expected-warning{{immutable value 'x' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
case nil: break
func SR2066(x: Int?) {
// nil literals should still work when wrapped in parentheses
switch x {
case (nil): break
case _?: break
switch x {
case ((nil)): break
case _?: break
switch (x, x) {
case ((nil), _): break
case (_?, _): break
// Test x???? patterns.
switch (nil as Int???) {
case let x???: print(x, terminator: "")
case let x??: print(x as Any, terminator: "")
case let x?: print(x as Any, terminator: "")
case 4???: break
case nil??: break // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
case nil?: break // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
default: break
switch ("foo" as String?) {
case "what": break
default: break
// Test some value patterns.
let x : Int?
extension Int {
func method() -> Int { return 42 }
func ~= <T : Equatable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool {
return lhs == rhs
switch 4 as Int? {
case x?.method(): break // match value
default: break
switch 4 {
case x ?? 42: break // match value
default: break
for (var x) in 0...100 {} // expected-warning{{variable 'x' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
for var x in 0...100 {} // rdar://20167543 expected-warning{{variable 'x' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
for (let x) in 0...100 { _ = x} // expected-error {{'let' pattern cannot appear nested in an already immutable context}}
var (let y) = 42 // expected-error {{'let' cannot appear nested inside another 'var' or 'let' pattern}}
let (var z) = 42 // expected-error {{'var' cannot appear nested inside another 'var' or 'let' pattern}}
// Crash when re-typechecking EnumElementPattern.
// FIXME: This should actually type-check -- the diagnostics are bogus. But
// at least we don't crash anymore.
protocol PP {
associatedtype E
struct A<T> : PP {
typealias E = T
extension PP {
func map<T>(_ f: (Self.E) -> T) -> T {}
// expected-note@-1 2 {{in call to function 'map'}}
enum EE {
case A
case B
func good(_ a: A<EE>) -> Int {
return {
switch $0 {
case .A:
return 1
return 2
func bad(_ a: A<EE>) { { // expected-error {{generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred}}
let _: EE = $0
return 1
func ugly(_ a: A<EE>) { { // expected-error {{generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred}}
switch $0 {
case .A:
return 1
return 2
// SR-2057
enum SR2057 {
case foo
let sr2057: SR2057?
if case .foo = sr2057 { } // Ok
// Invalid 'is' pattern
class SomeClass {}
if case let doesNotExist as SomeClass:AlsoDoesNotExist {}
// expected-error@-1 {{use of undeclared type 'AlsoDoesNotExist'}}
// expected-error@-2 {{variable binding in a condition requires an initializer}}
// `.foo` and `.bar(...)` pattern syntax should also be able to match
// static members as expr patterns
struct StaticMembers: Equatable {
init() {}
init(_: Int) {}
init?(opt: Int) {}
static var prop = StaticMembers()
static var optProp: Optional = StaticMembers()
static func method(_: Int) -> StaticMembers { return prop }
// expected-note@-1 {{found candidate with type '(Int) -> StaticMembers'}}
static func method(withLabel: Int) -> StaticMembers { return prop }
// expected-note@-1 {{found candidate with type '(Int) -> StaticMembers'}}
static func optMethod(_: Int) -> StaticMembers? { return optProp }
static func ==(x: StaticMembers, y: StaticMembers) -> Bool { return true }
let staticMembers = StaticMembers()
let optStaticMembers: Optional = StaticMembers()
switch staticMembers {
case .init: break // expected-error{{member 'init(opt:)' expects argument of type 'Int'}}
case .init(opt:): break // expected-error{{member 'init(opt:)' expects argument of type 'Int'}}
case .init(): break
case .init(0): break
case .init(_): break // expected-error{{'_' can only appear in a pattern}}
case .init(let x): break // expected-error{{cannot appear in an expression}}
case .init(opt: 0): break // expected-error{{value of optional type 'StaticMembers?' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'StaticMembers'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{force-unwrap using '!' to abort execution if the optional value contains 'nil'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{coalesce using '??' to provide a default when the optional value contains 'nil'}}
case .prop: break
// TODO: repeated error message
case .optProp: break // expected-error* {{not unwrapped}}
case .method: break // expected-error{{no exact matches in call to static method 'method'}}
case .method(0): break
case .method(_): break // expected-error{{'_' can only appear in a pattern}}
case .method(let x): break // expected-error{{cannot appear in an expression}}
case .method(withLabel:): break // expected-error{{member 'method(withLabel:)' expects argument of type 'Int'}}
case .method(withLabel: 0): break
case .method(withLabel: _): break // expected-error{{'_' can only appear in a pattern}}
case .method(withLabel: let x): break // expected-error{{cannot appear in an expression}}
case .optMethod: break // expected-error{{member 'optMethod' expects argument of type 'Int'}}
case .optMethod(0): break
// expected-error@-1 {{value of optional type 'StaticMembers?' must be unwrapped to a value of type 'StaticMembers'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{coalesce}}
// expected-note@-3 {{force-unwrap}}
_ = 0
// rdar://problem/32241441 - Add fix-it for cases in switch with optional chaining
struct S_32241441 {
enum E_32241441 {
case foo
case bar
var type: E_32241441 =
func rdar32241441() {
let s: S_32241441? = S_32241441()
switch s?.type { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.none'}}
case .foo: // Ok
case .bar: // Ok
// SR-6100
struct One<Two> {
public enum E: Error {
// if you remove associated value, everything works
case SomeError(String)
func testOne() {
do {
} catch let error { // expected-warning{{'catch' block is unreachable because no errors are thrown in 'do' block}}
if case One.E.SomeError = error {} // expected-error{{generic enum type 'One.E' is ambiguous without explicit generic parameters when matching value of type 'Error'}}
// SR-8347
// constrain initializer expressions of optional some pattern bindings to be optional
func test8347() -> String {
struct C {
subscript (s: String) -> String? {
return ""
subscript (s: String) -> [String] {
return [""]
func f() -> String? {
return ""
func f() -> Int {
return 3
func g() -> String {
return ""
func h() -> String {
return ""
func h() -> Double {
return 3.0
func h() -> Int? { //expected-note{{found this candidate}}
return 2
func h() -> Float? { //expected-note{{found this candidate}}
return nil
let c = C()
if let s = c[""] {
return s
if let s = c.f() {
return s
if let s = c.g() { //expected-error{{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'String'}}
return s
if let s = c.h() { //expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'h()'}}
return s
enum SR_7799 {
case baz
case bar
let sr7799: SR_7799? = .bar
switch sr7799 {
case .bar?: break // Ok
case .baz: break // Ok
default: break
let sr7799_1: SR_7799?? = .baz
switch sr7799_1 {
case .bar?: break // Ok
case .baz: break // Ok
default: break
if case .baz = sr7799_1 {} // Ok
if case .bar? = sr7799_1 {} // Ok
| apache-2.0 | 760c14d5987d88d881dd677c4497290a | 23.635321 | 208 | 0.633926 | 3.583917 | false | false | false | false |
lorentey/swift | test/SILGen/dynamically_replaceable.swift | 3 | 19328 | // RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -swift-version 5 %s | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -swift-version 5 %s -enable-implicit-dynamic | %FileCheck %s --check-prefix=IMPLICIT
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -swift-version 5 %s -disable-previous-implementation-calls-in-dynamic-replacements | %FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NOPREVIOUS
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable014maybe_dynamic_B0yyF : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// IMPLICIT-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable014maybe_dynamic_B0yyF : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
func maybe_dynamic_replaceable() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable08dynamic_B0yyF : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
dynamic func dynamic_replaceable() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1xACSi_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Int, @thin Strukt.Type) -> Strukt
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV08dynamic_B0yyF : $@convention(method) (Strukt) -> () {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV08dynamic_B4_varSivg
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV08dynamic_B4_varSivs
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktVyS2icig : $@convention(method) (Int, Strukt) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktVyS2icis : $@convention(method) (Int, Int, @inout Strukt) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV22property_with_observerSivW
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV22property_with_observerSivw
struct Strukt {
dynamic init(x: Int) {
dynamic func dynamic_replaceable() {
dynamic var dynamic_replaceable_var : Int {
get {
return 10
set {
dynamic subscript(x : Int) -> Int {
get {
return 10
set {
dynamic var property_with_observer : Int {
didSet {
willSet {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1xACSi_tcfc : $@convention(method) (Int, @owned Klass) -> @owned Klass
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC08dynamic_B0yyF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC08dynamic_B4_varSivg
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC08dynamic_B4_varSivs
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassCyS2icig : $@convention(method) (Int, @guaranteed Klass) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassCyS2icis : $@convention(method) (Int, Int, @guaranteed Klass) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC22property_with_observerSivW
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC22property_with_observerSivw
class Klass {
dynamic init(x: Int) {
dynamic convenience init(c: Int) {
self.init(x: c)
dynamic convenience init(a: Int, b: Int) {
dynamic func dynamic_replaceable() {
dynamic func dynamic_replaceable2() {
dynamic var dynamic_replaceable_var : Int {
get {
return 10
set {
dynamic subscript(x : Int) -> Int {
get {
return 10
set {
dynamic var property_with_observer : Int {
didSet {
willSet {
class SubKlass : Klass {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8SubKlassC1xACSi_tcfc
// CHECK: // dynamic_function_ref Klass.init(x:)
// CHECK: [[FUN:%.*]] = dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1xACSi_tcfc
// CHECK: apply [[FUN]]
dynamic override init(x: Int) {
super.init(x: x)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6globalSivg : $@convention(thin) () -> Int {
dynamic var global : Int {
return 1
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable08dynamic_B0yyF"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable11replacementyyF : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
@_dynamicReplacement(for: dynamic_replaceable())
func replacement() {
extension Klass {
// Calls to the replaced function inside the replacing function should be
// statically dispatched.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC08dynamic_B0yyF"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC11replacementyyF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () {
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC11replacementyyF
// CHECK: apply [[FN]](%0) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> ()
// CHECK: [[METHOD:%.*]] = class_method %0 : $Klass, #Klass.dynamic_replaceable2!1
// CHECK: = apply [[METHOD]](%0) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> ()
// CHECK: return
// NOPREVIOUS-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC08dynamic_B0yyF"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC11replacementyyF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () {
// NOPREVIOUS: [[FN:%.*]] = class_method %0 : $Klass, #Klass.dynamic_replaceable
// NOPREVIOUS: apply [[FN]](%0) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> ()
// NOPREVIOUS: [[METHOD:%.*]] = class_method %0 : $Klass, #Klass.dynamic_replaceable2!1
// NOPREVIOUS: = apply [[METHOD]](%0) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> ()
// NOPREVIOUS: return
@_dynamicReplacement(for: dynamic_replaceable())
func replacement() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1cACSi_tcfC"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC2crACSi_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Int, @thick Klass.Type) -> @owned Klass {
// CHECK: [[FUN:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC2crACSi_tcfC
// CHECK: apply [[FUN]]({{.*}}, %1)
// NOPREVIOUS-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1cACSi_tcfC"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC2crACSi_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Int, @thick Klass.Type) -> @owned Klass {
// NOPREVIOUS: [[FUN:%.*]] = dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1cACSi_tcfC
// NOPREVIOUS: apply [[FUN]]({{.*}}, %1)
@_dynamicReplacement(for: init(c:))
convenience init(cr: Int) {
self.init(c: cr + 1)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1a1bACSi_SitcfC"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC2ar2brACSi_SitcfC
// CHECK: // dynamic_function_ref Klass.__allocating_init(c:)
// CHECK: [[FUN:%.*]] = dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1cACSi_tcfC
// CHECK: apply [[FUN]]({{.*}}, %2)
// NOPREVIOUS-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1a1bACSi_SitcfC"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC2ar2brACSi_SitcfC
// NOPREVIOUS: // dynamic_function_ref Klass.__allocating_init(c:)
// NOPREVIOUS: [[FUN:%.*]] = dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1cACSi_tcfC
// NOPREVIOUS: apply [[FUN]]({{.*}}, %2)
@_dynamicReplacement(for: init(a: b:))
convenience init(ar: Int, br: Int) {
self.init(c: ar + br)
@_dynamicReplacement(for: init(x:))
init(xr: Int) {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC08dynamic_B4_varSivg"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1rSivg : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> Int {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : @guaranteed $Klass):
// CHECK: [[ORIG:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1rSivg
// CHECK: apply [[ORIG]]([[ARG]]) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> Int
// NOPREVIOUS-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC08dynamic_B4_varSivg"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1rSivg : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> Int {
// NOPREVIOUS: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : @guaranteed $Klass):
// NOPREVIOUS: [[ORIG:%.*]] = class_method [[ARG]] : $Klass, #Klass.dynamic_replaceable_var!getter.1
// NOPREVIOUS: apply [[ORIG]]([[ARG]]) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Klass) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC08dynamic_B4_varSivs"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1rSivs : $@convention(method) (Int, @guaranteed Klass) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0({{.*}} : $Int, [[SELF:%.*]] : @guaranteed $Klass):
// CHECK: [[ORIG:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1rSivs
// CHECK: apply [[ORIG]]({{.*}}, [[SELF]]) : $@convention(method)
// NOPREVIOUS-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC08dynamic_B4_varSivs"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1rSivs : $@convention(method) (Int, @guaranteed Klass) -> () {
// NOPREVIOUS: bb0({{.*}} : $Int, [[SELF:%.*]] : @guaranteed $Klass):
// NOPREVIOUS: [[ORIG:%.*]] = class_method [[SELF]] : $Klass, #Klass.dynamic_replaceable_var!setter
// NOPREVIOUS: apply [[ORIG]]({{.*}}, [[SELF]]) : $@convention(method)
@_dynamicReplacement(for: dynamic_replaceable_var)
var r : Int {
get {
return dynamic_replaceable_var + 1
set {
dynamic_replaceable_var = newValue + 1
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassCyS2icig"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1xS2i_tcig
// CHECK: bb0({{.*}} : $Int, [[SELF:%.*]] : @guaranteed $Klass):
// CHECK: [[ORIG:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1xS2i_tcig
// CHECK: apply [[ORIG]]({{.*}}, [[SELF]]) : $@convention(method) (Int, @guaranteed Klass) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassCyS2icis"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1xS2i_tcis
// CHECK: bb0({{.*}} : $Int, {{.*}} : $Int, [[SELF:%.*]] : @guaranteed $Klass):
// CHECK: [[ORIG:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable5KlassC1xS2i_tcis
// CHECK: apply [[ORIG]]({{.*}}, {{.*}}, [[SELF]]) : $@convention(method) (Int, Int, @guaranteed Klass) -> ()
@_dynamicReplacement(for: subscript(_:))
subscript(x y: Int) -> Int {
get {
return self[y]
set {
self[y] = newValue
extension Strukt {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV08dynamic_B0yyF"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV11replacementyyF : $@convention(method) (Strukt) -> () {
// CHECK: [[FUN:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV11replacementyyF
// CHECK: apply [[FUN]](%0) : $@convention(method) (Strukt) -> ()
@_dynamicReplacement(for: dynamic_replaceable())
func replacement() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1xACSi_tcfC"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1yACSi_tcfC : $@convention(method) (Int, @thin Strukt.Type) -> Strukt {
// CHECK: [[FUN:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1yACSi_tcfC
// CHECK: apply [[FUN]]({{.*}}, %1)
@_dynamicReplacement(for: init(x:))
init(y: Int) {
self.init(x: y + 1)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV08dynamic_B4_varSivg"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1rSivg
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $Strukt):
// CHECK: [[ORIG:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1rSivg
// CHECK: apply [[ORIG]]([[ARG]]) : $@convention(method) (Strukt) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV08dynamic_B4_varSivs"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1rSivs
// CHECK: bb0({{.*}} : $Int, [[ARG:%.*]] : $*Strukt):
// CHECK: [[BA:%.*]] = begin_access [modify] [unknown] [[ARG]] : $*Strukt
// CHECK: [[ORIG:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1rSivs
// CHECK: apply [[ORIG]]({{.*}}, [[BA]]) : $@convention(method) (Int, @inout Strukt) -> ()
// CHECK: end_access [[BA]] : $*Strukt
@_dynamicReplacement(for: dynamic_replaceable_var)
var r : Int {
get {
return dynamic_replaceable_var + 1
set {
dynamic_replaceable_var = newValue + 1
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktVyS2icig"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1xS2i_tcig
// CHECK: bb0({{.*}} : $Int, [[SELF:%.*]] : $Strukt):
// CHECK: [[ORIG:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1xS2i_tcig
// CHECK: apply [[ORIG]]({{.*}}, [[SELF]]) : $@convention(method) (Int, Strukt) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktVyS2icis"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1xS2i_tcis
// CHECK: bb0({{.*}} : $Int, {{.*}} : $Int, [[SELF:%.*]] : $*Strukt):
// CHECK: [[BA:%.*]] = begin_access [modify] [unknown] [[SELF]] : $*Strukt
// CHECK: [[ORIG:%.*]] = prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable6StruktV1xS2i_tcis
// CHECK: apply [[ORIG]]({{.*}}, {{.*}}, [[BA]]) : $@convention(method) (Int, Int, @inout Strukt) -> ()
// CHECK: end_access [[BA]] : $*Strukt
@_dynamicReplacement(for: subscript(_:))
subscript(x y: Int) -> Int {
get {
return self[y]
set {
self[y] = newValue
struct GenericS<T> {
dynamic init(x: Int) {
dynamic func dynamic_replaceable() {
dynamic var dynamic_replaceable_var : Int {
get {
return 10
set {
dynamic subscript(x : Int) -> Int {
get {
return 10
set {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV22property_with_observerSivW
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV22property_with_observerSivw
dynamic var property_with_observer : Int {
didSet {
willSet {
extension GenericS {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV08dynamic_B0yyF"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV11replacementyyF
// CHECK: prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV11replacementyyF
@_dynamicReplacement(for: dynamic_replaceable())
func replacement() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1xACyxGSi_tcfC"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1yACyxGSi_tcfC
// CHECK: prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1yACyxGSi_tcfC
@_dynamicReplacement(for: init(x:))
init(y: Int) {
self.init(x: y + 1)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV08dynamic_B4_varSivg"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1rSivg
// CHECK: prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1rSivg
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV08dynamic_B4_varSivs"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1rSivs
// CHECK: prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1rSivs
@_dynamicReplacement(for: dynamic_replaceable_var)
var r : Int {
get {
return dynamic_replaceable_var + 1
set {
dynamic_replaceable_var = newValue + 1
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSVyS2icig"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1xS2i_tcig
// CHECK: prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1xS2i_tcig
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSVyS2icis"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1xS2i_tcis
// CHECK: prev_dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV1xS2i_tcis
@_dynamicReplacement(for: subscript(_:))
subscript(x y: Int) -> Int {
get {
return self[y]
set {
self[y] = newValue
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV22property_with_observerSivW"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV34replacement_property_with_observerSivW
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [dynamic_replacement_for "$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV22property_with_observerSivw"] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable8GenericSV34replacement_property_with_observerSivw
@_dynamicReplacement(for: property_with_observer)
var replacement_property_with_observer : Int {
didSet {
willSet {
dynamic var globalX = 0
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable7globalXSivg : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable7globalXSivs : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable7getsetXyS2iF
// CHECK: dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable7globalXSivs
// CHECK: dynamic_function_ref @$s23dynamically_replaceable7globalXSivg
func getsetX(_ x: Int) -> Int {
globalX = x
return globalX
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable18funcWithDefaultArgyySSFfA_
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable18funcWithDefaultArgyySSF
dynamic func funcWithDefaultArg(_ arg : String = String("hello")) {
// IMPLICIT-LABEL: sil hidden [thunk] [ossa] @barfoo
func foobar() {
// IMPLICIT-LABEL: sil private [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable6$deferL_yyF
var x = 10
defer {
let y = x
// IMPLICIT-LABEL: sil [dynamically_replacable] [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable16testWithLocalFunyyF
// IMPLICIT-LABEL: sil private [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable16testWithLocalFunyyF05localF0L_yyF
// IMPLICIT-LABEL: sil private [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable16testWithLocalFunyyF05localF0L_yyF0geF0L_yyF
// IMPLICIT-LABEL: sil private [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable16testWithLocalFunyyFyycfU_
public func testWithLocalFun() {
func localFun() {
func localLocalFun() { print("bar") }
let unamedClosure = { print("foo") }
struct WrapperWithInitialValue<T> {
var wrappedValue: T
init(wrappedValue initialValue: T) {
self.wrappedValue = initialValue
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @$s23dynamically_replaceable10SomeStructV1tSbvpfP
public struct SomeStruct {
@WrapperWithInitialValue var t = false
| apache-2.0 | 1c6c390cc428d48c7046e4d620076421 | 45.019048 | 228 | 0.703435 | 3.646792 | false | false | false | false |
wircho/D3Workshop | HelloWorld/HelloWorld/MontrealViewController.swift | 1 | 1471 | //
// MontrealViewController.swift
// HelloWorld
// Created by Adolfo Rodriguez on 2015-08-01.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Relevant. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import Alamofire
import SwiftyJSON
import BrightFutures
class MontrealViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var contentLabel: UILabel!
@IBAction func touchRefresh(sender: AnyObject) {
let url = ""
request(.GET, url).responseJSON { (_, _, object, _) -> Void in
Queue.main.async {
if let obj:AnyObject = object {
let json = JSON(obj)
self.contentLabel.text = "\n".join(json["trends"]{$0["name"].stringValue})
}else {
self.contentLabel.text = "ERROR"
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
| mit | b9427680b55364c2101d1a6813b580ab | 23.114754 | 109 | 0.532291 | 5.072414 | false | false | false | false |
178inaba/SwiftCollatz | SwiftCollatz/ViewController.swift | 1 | 1621 | //
// ViewController.swift
// SwiftCollatz
// Created by 178inaba on 2015/10/18.
// Copyright © 2015年 178inaba. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource {
@IBOutlet weak var targetNumField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var resultView: UITableView!
// collatz results
var results: [UInt64] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
targetNumField.keyboardType = .NumberPad
resultView.dataSource = self
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
@IBAction func tapCalc(sender: UIButton) {
results = []
func calcCollatz(num: UInt64) {
if num % 2 == 1 && num > 1 {
calcCollatz(3 * num + 1)
} else if num % 2 == 0 {
calcCollatz(num / 2)
// cell rows
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return results.count
// change cell value
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = UITableViewCell()
cell.textLabel!.text = String(results[indexPath.row])
return cell
| mit | 598775d952be80900a2da835dcc0d8f6 | 24.68254 | 109 | 0.634734 | 4.689855 | false | false | false | false |
aerogear/aerogear-ios-http | AeroGearHttp/MultiPartData.swift | 2 | 2141 | /*
* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import Foundation
Represents a multipart object containing a file plus metadata to be processed during upload.
open class MultiPartData {
/// The 'name' to be used on the request.
open var name: String
/// The 'filename' to be used on the request.
open var filename: String
/// The 'MIME type' to be used on the request.
open var mimeType: String
/// The actual data to be sent.
open var data: Data
Initialize a multipart object using an NSURL and a corresponding MIME type.
:param: url the url of the local file.
:param: mimeType the MIME type.
:returns: the newly created multipart data.
public init(url: URL, mimeType: String) { = url.lastPathComponent
self.filename = url.lastPathComponent
self.mimeType = mimeType; = try! Data(contentsOf: url)
Initialize a multipart object using an NSData plus metadata.
:param: data the actual data to be uploaded.
:param: name the 'name' to be used on the request.
:param: filename the 'filename' to be used on the request.
:param: mimeType the 'MIME type' to be used on the request.
:returns: the newly created multipart data.
public init(data: Data, name: String, filename: String, mimeType: String) { = data; = name;
self.filename = filename;
self.mimeType = mimeType;
| apache-2.0 | 3d695bba85391401ce83206760549273 | 31.439394 | 92 | 0.674451 | 4.299197 | false | false | false | false |
noppoMan/Hexaville | Sources/HexavilleCore/Process/Proc.swift | 1 | 1269 | //
// Proc.swift
// Hexaville
// Created by Yuki Takei on 2017/05/16.
import Foundation
extension Process {
public static func exec(_ cmd: String, _ args: [String], environment: [String: String] = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment) -> Proc {
var args = args
args.insert(cmd, at: 0)
return Proc.init("/usr/bin/env", args, environment: environment)
public struct Proc {
public let terminationStatus: Int32
public let stdout: Any?
public let stderr: Any?
public let pid: Int32?
public init(_ exetutablePath: String, _ arguments: [String] = [], environment: [String: String] = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment) {
let process = Process()
process.launchPath = exetutablePath
process.arguments = arguments
process.environment = environment
// handle SIGINT
SignalEventEmitter.shared.once { sig in
assert(sig == .int)
terminationStatus = process.terminationStatus
stdout = process.standardOutput
stderr = process.standardError
pid = process.processIdentifier
| mit | b124817928ecffe7feef31fb17798a7a | 25.4375 | 140 | 0.617021 | 4.614545 | false | false | false | false |
AceWangLei/BYWeiBo | BYWeiBo/BYUserAccountViewModel.swift | 1 | 3995 | //
// BYUserAccountViewModel.swift
// BYWeiBo
// Created by wanglei on 16/1/25.
// Copyright © 2016年 lit. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class BYUserAccountViewModel: NSObject {
/** BYUserAccount 视图模型引用的Model */
var account: BYUserAccount?
/** string accessToken */
var accessToken: String? {
return account?.access_token
/** bool 以后,外界只需要调用这个属性就知道是否登陆 */
var isLogon: Bool {
// account 不能为 nil && accessToken 不能过期
if account != nil && isExpiresIn == false {
// 代表当前用户登陆
return true
return false
/** bool 代表当前账户是否过期, 为 true 代表过期 */
var isExpiresIn: Bool {
// 当前时间比过期时间小,也就是还没有到过期时间,也就是没有过期
if NSDate().compare(account!.expiresDate!) == .OrderedAscending {
return false
return true
/** BYUserAccountViewModel 全局访问对象 */
static let sharedViewModel:BYUserAccountViewModel = {
let viewModel = BYUserAccountViewModel()
// 会在第一次使用当前类的时候去归档文件里面读取当前用户的信息
viewModel.account = viewModel.userAccount()
return viewModel
/** string 归档&解档的路径 */
private var archivePath: String {
return (NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask, true).last! as NSString).stringByAppendingPathComponent("account.archive")
加载 accessToken
- parameter code: code
- parameter finished: 是否加载成功
func loadAccessToken(code: String, finished:(isSuccess: Bool)->()) {
BYNetworkTools.sharedTools.loadAccessToken(code) { (response, error) -> () in
if error != nil {
finished(isSuccess: false)
// 判断返回数据是否是字典
guard let dict = response as? [String: AnyObject] else {
finished(isSuccess: false)
// 字典转模型
let account = BYUserAccount(dict: dict)
// 加载个人信息
self.loadUserInfo(account, finished: finished)
- parameter account: BYUserAccount
- parameter finished: 是否加载成功
private func loadUserInfo(account: BYUserAccount, finished: (isSuccess: Bool)->()) {
BYNetworkTools.sharedTools.loadUserInfo(account.access_token!, uid: account.uid!) { (response, error) -> () in
if error != nil {
finished(isSuccess: false)
guard let dict = response as? [String: AnyObject] else {
finished(isSuccess: false)
account.avatar_large = dict["avatar_large"] as? String
account.screen_name = dict["screen_name"] as? String
// 归档保存
// 给当前类的 account 赋值
self.account = account
// 回调登陆成功
finished(isSuccess: true)
extension BYUserAccountViewModel {
private func saveUserAccount(account: BYUserAccount) {
// 1. 获取归档路径
// 2. NSKeyedArchive
NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(account, toFile: archivePath)
// 解档数据
func userAccount() -> BYUserAccount? {
return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithFile(archivePath) as? BYUserAccount
| apache-2.0 | 898ab1a6d79020380280c7ba362b7355 | 27.736 | 206 | 0.565145 | 5.009763 | false | false | false | false |
AngryLi/note | iOS/Demos/Assignments_swift/assignment-1-calculator/Calculator_assignment/Calculator/StringExtension.swift | 3 | 2148 | //
// StringExtension.swift
// Calculator
// Created by 李亚洲 on 15/4/29.
// Copyright (c) 2015年 liyazhou. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
extension String{
func split(s:String)->[String]{
if s.isEmpty{
var x=[String]()
for y in self{
return x
return self.componentsSeparatedByString(s)
func trim()->String{
return self.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())
func has(s:String)->Bool{
if (self.rangeOfString(s) != nil) {
return true
return false
func hasBegin(s:String)->Bool{
if self.hasPrefix(s) {
return true
return false
func hasEnd(s:String)->Bool{
if self.hasSuffix(s) {
return true
return false
func length()->Int{
return count(self)
func size()->Int{
return count(self)
func substringFromIndex(#startIndex: Int) -> String
return self.substringFromIndex(advance(self.startIndex, startIndex))
func substringToIndex(#endIndex: Int) -> String
return self.substringToIndex(advance(self.startIndex, endIndex))
func substringWithRange(#startIndex:Int, endIndex:Int) -> String
return self.substringWithRange(Range(start: advance(self.startIndex, startIndex), end: advance(self.startIndex, endIndex)))
func repeat(#times: Int) -> String{
var result = ""
for i in 0..<times {
result += self
return result
func reverse()-> String{
var s=self.split("").reverse()
var x=""
for y in s{
return x
} | mit | 6cb96c4caeec98d5ac70c665bd28b988 | 22.170455 | 131 | 0.533857 | 4.254697 | false | false | false | false |
gurenupet/hah-auth-ios-swift | hah-auth-ios-swift/Pods/Mixpanel-swift/Mixpanel/Mixpanel.swift | 2 | 6803 | //
// Mixpanel.swift
// Mixpanel
// Created by Yarden Eitan on 6/1/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Mixpanel. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
#if !os(OSX)
import UIKit
#endif // os(OSX)
/// The primary class for integrating Mixpanel with your app.
open class Mixpanel {
#if !os(OSX)
Initializes an instance of the API with the given project token.
Returns a new Mixpanel instance API object. This allows you to create more than one instance
of the API object, which is convenient if you'd like to send data to more than
one Mixpanel project from a single app.
- parameter token: your project token
- parameter launchOptions: Optional. App delegate launchOptions
- parameter flushInterval: Optional. Interval to run background flushing
- parameter instanceName: Optional. The name you want to call this instance
- important: If you have more than one Mixpanel instance, it is beneficial to initialize
the instances with an instanceName. Then they can be reached by calling getInstance with name.
- returns: returns a mixpanel instance if needed to keep throughout the project.
You can always get the instance by calling getInstance(name)
open class func initialize(token apiToken: String,
launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil,
flushInterval: Double = 60,
instanceName: String = UUID().uuidString) -> MixpanelInstance {
return MixpanelManager.sharedInstance.initialize(token: apiToken,
launchOptions: launchOptions,
flushInterval: flushInterval,
instanceName: instanceName)
Initializes an instance of the API with the given project token (MAC OS ONLY).
Returns a new Mixpanel instance API object. This allows you to create more than one instance
of the API object, which is convenient if you'd like to send data to more than
one Mixpanel project from a single app.
- parameter token: your project token
- parameter flushInterval: Optional. Interval to run background flushing
- parameter instanceName: Optional. The name you want to call this instance
- important: If you have more than one Mixpanel instance, it is beneficial to initialize
the instances with an instanceName. Then they can be reached by calling getInstance with name.
- returns: returns a mixpanel instance if needed to keep throughout the project.
You can always get the instance by calling getInstance(name)
open class func initialize(token apiToken: String,
flushInterval: Double = 60,
instanceName: String = UUID().uuidString) -> MixpanelInstance {
return MixpanelManager.sharedInstance.initialize(token: apiToken,
flushInterval: flushInterval,
instanceName: instanceName)
#endif // os(OSX)
Gets the mixpanel instance with the given name
- parameter name: the instance name
- returns: returns the mixpanel instance
open class func getInstance(name: String) -> MixpanelInstance? {
return MixpanelManager.sharedInstance.getInstance(name: name)
Returns the main instance that was initialized.
If not specified explicitly, the main instance is always the last instance added
- returns: returns the main Mixpanel instance
open class func mainInstance() -> MixpanelInstance {
let instance = MixpanelManager.sharedInstance.getMainInstance()
if instance == nil {
fatalError("You have to call initialize(token:) before calling the main instance, " +
"or define a new main instance if removing the main one")
return instance!
Sets the main instance based on the instance name
- parameter name: the instance name
open class func setMainInstance(name: String) {
MixpanelManager.sharedInstance.setMainInstance(name: name)
Removes an unneeded Mixpanel instance based on its name
- parameter name: the instance name
open class func removeInstance(name: String) {
MixpanelManager.sharedInstance.removeInstance(name: name)
class MixpanelManager {
static let sharedInstance = MixpanelManager()
private var instances: [String: MixpanelInstance]
private var mainInstance: MixpanelInstance?
init() {
instances = [String: MixpanelInstance]()
#if !os(OSX)
func initialize(token apiToken: String,
launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]?,
flushInterval: Double,
instanceName: String) -> MixpanelInstance {
let instance = MixpanelInstance(apiToken: apiToken,
launchOptions: launchOptions,
flushInterval: flushInterval,
name: instanceName)
mainInstance = instance
instances[instanceName] = instance
return instance
func initialize(token apiToken: String,
flushInterval: Double,
instanceName: String) -> MixpanelInstance {
let instance = MixpanelInstance(apiToken: apiToken,
flushInterval: flushInterval,
name: instanceName)
mainInstance = instance
instances[instanceName] = instance
return instance
#endif // os(OSX)
func getInstance(name instanceName: String) -> MixpanelInstance? {
guard let instance = instances[instanceName] else {
Logger.warn(message: "no such instance: \(instanceName)")
return nil
return instance
func getMainInstance() -> MixpanelInstance? {
return mainInstance
func setMainInstance(name instanceName: String) {
guard let instance = instances[instanceName] else {
mainInstance = instance
func removeInstance(name instanceName: String) {
if instances[instanceName] === mainInstance {
mainInstance = nil
instances[instanceName] = nil
| mit | dd418ae7cfb5dc5aa27c2b3414966658 | 35.180851 | 99 | 0.617171 | 5.779099 | false | false | false | false |
crazypoo/PTools | Pods/CollectionViewPagingLayout/Lib/SwiftUI/PagingCollectionViewControllerBuilder.swift | 1 | 2298 | //
// PagingCollectionViewControllerBuilder.swift
// CollectionViewPagingLayout
// Created by Amir on 28/03/2021.
// Copyright © 2021 Amir Khorsandi. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
public class PagingCollectionViewControllerBuilder<ValueType: Identifiable, PageContent: View> {
public typealias ViewController = PagingCollectionViewController<ValueType, PageContent>
// MARK: Properties
let data: [ValueType]
let pageViewBuilder: (ValueType, CGFloat) -> PageContent
let selection: Binding<ValueType.ID?>?
var modifierData: PagingCollectionViewModifierData = .init()
weak var viewController: ViewController?
// MARK: Lifecycle
public init(
data: [ValueType],
pageViewBuilder: @escaping (ValueType, CGFloat) -> PageContent,
selection: Binding<ValueType.ID?>?
) { = data
self.pageViewBuilder = pageViewBuilder
self.selection = selection
public init(
data: [ValueType],
pageViewBuilder: @escaping (ValueType) -> PageContent,
selection: Binding<ValueType.ID?>?
) { = data
self.pageViewBuilder = { value, _ in pageViewBuilder(value) }
self.selection = selection
// MARK: Public functions
func make() -> ViewController {
let viewController = ViewController()
viewController.pageViewBuilder = pageViewBuilder
viewController.modifierData = modifierData
viewController.update(list: data, currentIndex: nil)
return viewController
func update(viewController: ViewController) {
let selectedIndex = data.enumerated().first {
$ == selection?.wrappedValue
viewController.modifierData = modifierData
viewController.update(list: data, currentIndex: selectedIndex)
// MARK: Private functions
private func setupOnCurrentPageChanged(_ viewController: ViewController) {
viewController.onCurrentPageChanged = { [data, selection] in
guard $0 >= 0 && $0 < data.count else { return }
selection?.wrappedValue = data[$0].id
| mit | b8ff4fe57bfa9f5ce7a4c5468bbc933e | 28.448718 | 96 | 0.670004 | 5.115813 | false | false | false | false |
IngmarStein/swift | stdlib/public/SDK/CoreGraphics/Private.swift | 4 | 11354 | //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Redeclarations of all SwiftPrivate symbols with appropriate markup,
// so that tools can help with migration
// @available(*, unavailable, renamed:"DispatchQueue.init(label:attributes:target:)")
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use == instead")
public func CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform(_ t1: CGAffineTransform, _ t2: CGAffineTransform) -> Bool
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use class var white/black/clear instead")
public func CGColorGetConstantColor(_ colorName: CFString?) -> CGColor?
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use == instead")
public func CGColorEqualToColor(_ color1: CGColor?, _ color2: CGColor?) -> Bool
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, renamed:"getter:CGColor.components(self:)")
public func CGColorGetComponents(_ color: CGColor?) -> UnsafePointer<CGFloat>
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use colorTable.count instead")
public func CGColorSpaceGetColorTableCount(_ space: CGColorSpace?) -> Int
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, renamed:"CGColorSpace.colorTable(self:_:)")
public func CGColorSpaceGetColorTable(_ space: CGColorSpace?, _ table: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use setLineDash(self:phase:lengths:)")
public func CGContextSetLineDash(_ c: CGContext?, _ phase: CGFloat, _ lengths: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ count: Int)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use move(to:) instead")
public func CGContextMoveToPoint(_ c: CGContext?, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addLine(to:) instead")
public func CGContextAddLineToPoint(_ c: CGContext?, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addCurve(to:control1:control2:) instead")
public func CGContextAddCurveToPoint(_ c: CGContext?, _ cp1x: CGFloat, _ cp1y: CGFloat, _ cp2x: CGFloat, _ cp2y: CGFloat, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addQuadCurve(to:control:)")
public func CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint(_ c: CGContext?, _ cpx: CGFloat, _ cpy: CGFloat, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addRects(_:)")
public func CGContextAddRects(_ c: CGContext?, _ rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>, _ count: Int)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addLines(between:)")
public func CGContextAddLines(_ c: CGContext?, _ points: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>, _ count: Int)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addArc(center:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:)")
public func CGContextAddArc(_ c: CGContext?, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat, _ radius: CGFloat, _ startAngle: CGFloat, _ endAngle: CGFloat, _ clockwise: Int32)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addArc(self:x1:y1:x2:y2:radius:)")
public func CGContextAddArcToPoint(_ c: CGContext?, _ x1: CGFloat, _ y1: CGFloat, _ x2: CGFloat, _ y2: CGFloat, _ radius: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use fill(self:_:count:)")
public func CGContextFillRects(_ c: CGContext?, _ rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>, _ count: Int)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use strokeLineSegments(self:between:count:)")
public func CGContextStrokeLineSegments(_ c: CGContext?, _ points: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>, _ count: Int)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use clip(to:)")
public func CGContextClipToRects(_ c: CGContext?, _ rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>, _ count: Int)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use draw(_:in:)")
public func CGContextDrawImage(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect, _ image: CGImage?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use draw(_:in:byTiling:)")
public func CGContextDrawTiledImage(_ c: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect, _ image: CGImage?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, renamed:"getter:CGContext.textPosition(self:)")
public func CGContextGetTextPosition(_ c: CGContext?) -> CGPoint
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use var textPosition")
public func CGContextSetTextPosition(_ c: CGContext?, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use showGlyphs(_:at:)")
public func CGContextShowGlyphsAtPositions(_ c: CGContext?, _ glyphs: UnsafePointer<CGGlyph>, _ Lpositions: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>, _ count: Int)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, renamed:"CGContext.fillPath(self:)")
public func CGContextFillPath(_ c: CGContext?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use fillPath(using:)")
public func CGContextEOFillPath(_ c: CGContext?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, renamed:"CGContext.clip(self:)")
public func CGContextClip(_ c: CGContext?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use clip(using:)")
public func CGContextEOClip(_ c: CGContext?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, renamed:"CGGetLastMouseDelta") // different type
public func CGGetLastMouseDelta(_ deltaX: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>?, _ deltaY: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use divided(atDistance:from:)")
public func CGRectDivide(_ rect: CGRect, _ slice: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>, _ remainder: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>, _ amount: CGFloat, _ edge: CGRectEdge)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use CGPoint.init(dictionaryRepresentation:)")
public func CGPointMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(_ dict: CFDictionary?, _ point: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) -> Bool
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use CGSize.init(dictionaryRepresentation:)")
public func CGSizeMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(_ dict: CFDictionary?, _ size: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGSize>) -> Bool
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use CGRect.init(dictionaryRepresentation:)")
public func CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(_ dict: CFDictionary?, _ rect: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGRect>) -> Bool
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, renamed:"CGImage.copy(self:maskingColorComponents:)")
public func CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(_ image: CGImage?, _ components: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>) -> CGImage?
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use draw(_:in:)")
public func CGContextDrawLayerInRect(_ context: CGContext?, _ rect: CGRect, _ layer: CGLayer?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use draw(_:at:)")
public func CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint(_ context: CGContext?, _ point: CGPoint, _ layer: CGLayer?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use copy(byDashingWithPhase:lengths:transform:)")
public func CGPathCreateCopyByDashingPath(_ path: CGPath?, _ transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ phase: CGFloat, _ lengths: UnsafePointer<CGFloat>, _ count: Int) -> CGPath?
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use copy(byStroking:lineWidth:lineCap:lineJoin:miterLimit:transform:)")
public func CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath(_ path: CGPath?, _ transform: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ lineWidth: CGFloat, _ lineCap: CGLineCap, _ lineJoin: CGLineJoin, _ miterLimit: CGFloat) -> CGPath?
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use == instead")
public func CGPathEqualToPath(_ path1: CGPath?, _ path2: CGPath?) -> Bool
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use move(to:transform:)")
public func CGPathMoveToPoint(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addLine(to:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddLineToPoint(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addCurve(to:control1:control2:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddCurveToPoint(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ cp1x: CGFloat, _ cp1y: CGFloat, _ cp2x: CGFloat, _ cp2y: CGFloat, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addQuadCurve(to:control:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ cpx: CGFloat, _ cpy: CGFloat, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addRect(_:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddRect(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ rect: CGRect)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addRects(_:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddRects(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ rects: UnsafePointer<CGRect>, _ count: Int)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addLines(between:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddLines(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ points: UnsafePointer<CGPoint>, _ count: Int)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addEllipse(rect:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddEllipseInRect(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ rect: CGRect)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addRelativeArc(center:radius:startAngle:delta:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddRelativeArc(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ matrix: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat, _ radius: CGFloat, _ startAngle: CGFloat, _ delta: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addArc(center:radius:startAngle:endAngle:clockwise:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddArc(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat, _ radius: CGFloat, _ startAngle: CGFloat, _ endAngle: CGFloat, _ clockwise: Bool)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addArc(tangent1End:tangent2End:radius:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddArcToPoint(_ path: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ x1: CGFloat, _ y1: CGFloat, _ x2: CGFloat, _ y2: CGFloat, _ radius: CGFloat)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use addPath(_:transform:)")
public func CGPathAddPath(_ path1: CGMutablePath?, _ m: UnsafePointer<CGAffineTransform>, _ path2: CGPath?)
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use CGColor.white") // retyped
public var kCGColorWhite: CFString
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use") // retyped
public var kCGColorBlack: CFString
{ fatalError() }
@available(*, unavailable, message:"Use CGColor.clear") // retyped
public var kCGColorClear: CFString
{ fatalError() }
// TODO: also add migration support from previous Swift3 betas?
| apache-2.0 | 303cb249baa138736bc7255fcefd39b8 | 48.580786 | 209 | 0.717897 | 4.370285 | false | false | false | false |
iossocket/DBDemo | DBDemo/DetailViewController.swift | 1 | 1125 | //
// DetailViewController.swift
// DBDemo
// Created by Jianing Zheng on 12/27/16.
// Copyright © 2016 ThoughtWorks. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class DetailViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var authorLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var statusLabel: UILabel!
let bookDataService: BookDataService = RealmBookDataService(transform: RealmBookToBookTransform())
var bookDetailViewModel: BookDetailViewModel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
func setupUI() {
title = "Book Detail"
nameLabel.text =
authorLabel.text =
statusLabel.text = bookDetailViewModel.status()
@IBAction func changeStatus(_ sender: Any) {
bookDataService.changeBookStatus(bookDetailViewModel.bookID()) { [weak self] book in
if let strongSelf = self {
strongSelf.statusLabel.text = book.displayedStatus
| mit | 98c5b89323623b9da3a298abaf3ab9a3 | 25.761905 | 102 | 0.651246 | 4.865801 | false | false | false | false |
krevis/MIDIApps | Frameworks/SnoizeMIDI/VirtualInputStream.swift | 1 | 3911 | /*
Copyright (c) 2001-2021, Kurt Revis. All rights reserved.
This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import Foundation
public class VirtualInputStream: InputStream {
public override init(midiContext: MIDIContext) {
virtualEndpointName =
uniqueID = 0 // Let CoreMIDI assign a unique ID to the virtual endpoint when it is created
singleSource = SingleInputStreamSource(name: virtualEndpointName)
super.init(midiContext: midiContext)
deinit {
isActive = false
public var uniqueID: MIDIUniqueID {
didSet {
if uniqueID != oldValue, let endpoint = endpoint {
endpoint.uniqueID = uniqueID
// that may or may not have worked
uniqueID = endpoint.uniqueID
public var virtualEndpointName: String {
didSet {
if virtualEndpointName != oldValue {
endpoint?.name = virtualEndpointName
public func setInputSourceName(_ name: String) { = name
public private(set) var endpoint: Destination?
// MARK: InputStream subclass
public override var parsers: [MessageParser] {
if let parser = parser {
return [parser]
else {
return []
public override func parser(sourceConnectionRefCon refCon: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> MessageParser? {
// refCon is ignored, since it only applies to connections created with MIDIPortConnectSource()
public override func streamSource(parser: MessageParser) -> InputStreamSource? {
public override var inputSources: [InputStreamSource] {
public override var selectedInputSources: Set<InputStreamSource> {
get {
isActive ? [singleSource.asInputStreamSource] : []
set {
isActive = newValue.contains(singleSource.asInputStreamSource)
// MARK: InputStream overrides
public override var persistentSettings: Any? {
isActive ? ["uniqueID": uniqueID] : nil
public override func takePersistentSettings(_ settings: Any) -> [String] {
if let settings = settings as? [String: Any],
let settingsUniqueID = settings["uniqueID"] as? MIDIUniqueID {
uniqueID = settingsUniqueID
isActive = true
else {
isActive = false
return []
// MARK: Private
private let singleSource: SingleInputStreamSource
private var parser: MessageParser?
private var isActive: Bool {
get {
endpoint != nil
set {
if newValue && endpoint == nil {
else if !newValue && endpoint != nil {
private func createEndpoint() {
endpoint = midiContext.createVirtualDestination(name: virtualEndpointName, uniqueID: uniqueID, midiReadBlock: midiReadBlock)
if let endpoint = endpoint {
if parser == nil {
parser = createParser(originatingEndpoint: endpoint)
else {
parser!.originatingEndpoint = endpoint
// We requested a specific uniqueID, but we might not have gotten it.
// Update our copy of it from the actual value in CoreMIDI.
uniqueID = endpoint.uniqueID
private func disposeEndpoint() {
endpoint = nil
parser?.originatingEndpoint = nil
| bsd-3-clause | 0e3cc0f70e89b669fd64dc8f28cd8ac1 | 26.34965 | 132 | 0.595756 | 5.401934 | false | false | false | false |
mleiv/MEGameTracker | MEGameTracker/Models/CoreData/Game Rows/GameMaps.swift | 1 | 7403 | //
// GameMaps.swift
// MEGameTracker
// Created by Emily Ivie on 9/22/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Emily Ivie. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import CoreData
extension Map: GameRowStorable {
/// (CodableCoreDataStorable Protocol)
/// Type of the core data entity.
public typealias EntityType = GameMaps
/// (GameRowStorable Protocol)
/// Corresponding data entity for this game entity.
public typealias DataRowType = DataMap
/// (CodableCoreDataStorable Protocol)
/// Sets core data values to match struct values (specific).
public func setAdditionalColumnsOnSave(
coreItem: EntityType
) {
// only save searchable columns
setDateModifiableColumnsOnSave(coreItem: coreItem) //TODO = id
coreItem.gameSequenceUuid = gameSequenceUuid?.uuidString
coreItem.isExplored = Map.gameValuesForIsExplored(isExploredPerGameVersion: isExploredPerGameVersion)
coreItem.isSavedToCloud = isSavedToCloud ? 1 : 0
coreItem.dataParent = generalData.entity(context: coreItem.managedObjectContext)
/// (GameRowStorable X Eventsable Protocol)
/// Create a new game entity value for the game uuid given using the data value given.
public static func create(
using data: DataRowType,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable?
) -> Map {
var item = Map(id:, generalData: data) = item.getEvents(gameSequenceUuid: item.gameSequenceUuid, with: manager)
return item
/// (GameRowStorable Protocol)
public mutating func migrateId(id newId: String) {
id = newId
generalData.migrateId(id: newId)
extension Map {
/// The closure type for editing fetch requests.
/// (Duplicate these per file or use Whole Module Optimization, which is slow in dev)
public typealias AlterFetchRequest<T: NSManagedObject> = ((NSFetchRequest<T>) -> Void)
/// Return all matching game values made from the data values.
public static func getAllFromData(
gameSequenceUuid: UUID?,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable?,
alterFetchRequest: @escaping AlterFetchRequest<DataRowType.EntityType>
) -> [Map] {
let manager = manager ?? defaultManager
let dataItems = DataRowType.getAll(gameVersion: nil, with: manager, alterFetchRequest: alterFetchRequest)
let some: [Map] = { (dataItem: DataRowType) -> Map? in
Map.getOrCreate(using: dataItem, gameSequenceUuid: gameSequenceUuid, with: manager)
}.filter({ $0 != nil }).map({ $0! })
return some
// MARK: Methods customized with GameVersion
/// Get a map by id and set it to specified game version.
public static func get(
id: String,
gameVersion: GameVersion? = nil,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable? = nil
) -> Map? {
return getFromData(gameVersion: gameVersion, with: manager) { fetchRequest in
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(
format: "(%K == %@)",
"id", id
/// Get a map and set it to specified game version.
public static func getFromData(
gameVersion: GameVersion?,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable? = nil,
alterFetchRequest: @escaping AlterFetchRequest<DataRowType.EntityType>
) -> Map? {
return getAllFromData(gameVersion: gameVersion, with: manager, alterFetchRequest: alterFetchRequest).first
/// Get a set of maps with the specified ids and set them to specified game version.
public static func getAll(
ids: [String],
gameVersion: GameVersion? = nil,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable? = nil
) -> [Map] {
return getAllFromData(gameVersion: gameVersion, with: manager) { fetchRequest in
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(
format: "(%K in %@)",
"id", ids
/// Get a set of maps and set them to specified game version.
public static func getAllFromData(
gameVersion: GameVersion?,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable? = nil,
alterFetchRequest: @escaping AlterFetchRequest<DataRowType.EntityType>
) -> [Map] {
let manager = manager ?? defaultManager
let dataItems = DataRowType.getAll(gameVersion: gameVersion, with: manager, alterFetchRequest: alterFetchRequest)
let some: [Map] = { (dataItem: DataRowType) -> Map? in
Map.getOrCreate(using: dataItem, with: manager)
}.filter({ $0 != nil }).map({ $0! })
return some
// MARK: Additional Convenience Methods
/// Get all maps from the specified game version.
public static func getAll(
gameVersion: GameVersion,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable? = nil
) -> [Map] {
return getAllFromData(gameVersion: gameVersion, with: manager) { _ in }
/// Get all child maps of the specified map.
public static func getAll(
inMapId mapId: String,
gameVersion: GameVersion? = nil,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable? = nil
) -> [Map] {
return getAllFromData(gameVersion: gameVersion, with: manager) { fetchRequest in
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(
format: "(%K == %@)",
#keyPath(DataMaps.inMapId), mapId
/// Get all main maps.
public static func getAllMain(
gameVersion: GameVersion? = nil,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable? = nil
) -> [Map] {
return getAllFromData(gameVersion: gameVersion, with: manager) { fetchRequest in
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(
format: "(%K == true)",
/// Get all recently viewed maps.
public static func getAllRecent(
gameVersion: GameVersion? = nil,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable? = nil
) -> [Map] {
var maps: [Map] = []
App.current.recentlyViewedMaps.contents.forEach {
if var map = Map.get(id: $, gameVersion: gameVersion, with: manager) {
map.modifiedDate = $ // hijack for date - won't be saved anyway
return maps
/// Copy all the matching game values to a new GameSequence UUID.
public static func copyAll(
in gameVersions: [GameVersion],
sourceUuid: UUID,
destinationUuid: UUID,
with manager: CodableCoreDataManageable?
) -> Bool {
return copyAll(with: manager, alterFetchRequest: { fetchRequest in
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(
format: "gameSequenceUuid == %@",
}, setChangedValues: { coreItem in
coreItem.setValue(destinationUuid.uuidString, forKey: "gameSequenceUuid")
var isExploredPerGameVersion = Map.gameValuesFromIsExplored(gameValues: coreItem.isExplored ?? "")
for (gameVersion, _) in isExploredPerGameVersion {
if !gameVersions.contains(gameVersion) {
isExploredPerGameVersion[gameVersion] = false
coreItem.isExplored = Map.gameValuesForIsExplored(isExploredPerGameVersion: isExploredPerGameVersion)
if let data = coreItem.value(forKey: Map.serializedDataKey) as? Data,
var json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: Any] {
json["isExplored"] = coreItem.isExplored
json["gameSequenceUuid"] = coreItem.gameSequenceUuid
if let data2 = try? json) {
coreItem.setValue(data2, forKey: serializedDataKey)
| mit | 12dfa6fbcb8b4ba3b92195c28d763d24 | 34.247619 | 115 | 0.686841 | 4.351558 | false | false | false | false |
6ag/BaoKanIOS | BaoKanIOS/Classes/Module/News/Model/JFShareItemModel.swift | 1 | 2228 | //
// JFShareItemModel.swift
// WindSpeedVPN
// Created by zhoujianfeng on 2016/11/30.
// Copyright © 2016年 zhoujianfeng. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
enum JFShareType: Int {
case qqFriend = 0 // qq好友
case qqQzone = 1 // qq空间
case weixinFriend = 2 // 微信好友
case friendCircle = 3 // 朋友圈
class JFShareItemModel: NSObject {
/// 名称
var title: String?
/// 图标
var icon: String?
/// 类型
var type: JFShareType = .qqFriend
init(dict: [String : Any]) {
override func setValue(_ value: Any?, forUndefinedKey key: String) {}
/// 加载分享item
class func loadShareItems() -> [JFShareItemModel] {
var shareItems = [JFShareItemModel]()
// QQ
if QQApiInterface.isQQInstalled() && QQApiInterface.isQQSupportApi() {
let shareItemQQFriend = JFShareItemModel(dict: [
"title" : "QQ",
"icon" : "share_qq"
shareItemQQFriend.type = JFShareType.qqFriend
let shareItemQQQzone = JFShareItemModel(dict: [
"title" : "QQ空间",
"icon" : "share_qqkj"
shareItemQQFriend.type = JFShareType.qqQzone
// 微信
if WXApi.isWXAppInstalled() && WXApi.isWXAppSupport() {
let shareItemWeixinFriend = JFShareItemModel(dict: [
"title" : "微信好友",
"icon" : "share_wechat"
shareItemWeixinFriend.type = JFShareType.weixinFriend
let shareItemFriendCircle = JFShareItemModel(dict: [
"title" : "朋友圈",
"icon" : "share_friend"
shareItemFriendCircle.type = JFShareType.friendCircle
return shareItems
| apache-2.0 | 9135b228249b4ef21446d70b40022e69 | 26.705128 | 78 | 0.536326 | 4.597872 | false | false | false | false |
tonystone/geofeatures2 | Sources/GeoFeatures/Precision.swift | 1 | 1681 | ///
/// Precision.swift
/// Copyright (c) 2016 Tony Stone
/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
/// limitations under the License.
/// Created by Tony Stone on 2/11/2016.
import Swift
/// The precision model used for all `Geometry` types.
public protocol Precision {
/// Convert a double into `self` precision.
/// - Returns: A double converted to `self` precision.
func convert(_ value: Double) -> Double
/// Convert an optional double into `self` precision.
/// - Returns: A double converted to `self` precision if a value was passed, or nil otherwise.
func convert(_ value: Double?) -> Double?
/// Convert a Coordinate into `self` precision.
/// - Returns: A Coordinate converted to `self` precision.
func convert(_ coordinate: Coordinate) -> Coordinate
/// Compares to precision types for equality when both are Hashable.
public func == <T1: Precision & Hashable, T2: Precision & Hashable>(lhs: T1, rhs: T2) -> Bool {
if type(of: lhs) == type(of: rhs) {
return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue
return false
| apache-2.0 | b504cd321607b631bbca99859b314bf5 | 28.491228 | 98 | 0.644259 | 3.992874 | false | false | false | false |
jigneshsheth/Datastructures | DataStructure/DataStructure/LongestSubstring.swift | 1 | 1414 | //
// LongestSubstring.swift
// DataStructure
// Created by Jigs Sheth on 11/2/21.
// Copyright © 2021 All rights reserved.
Given a string s, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Example 1:
Input: s = "abcabcbb"
Output: 3
Explanation: The answer is "abc", with the length of 3.
Example 2:
Input: s = "bbbbb"
Output: 1
Explanation: The answer is "b", with the length of 1.
Example 3:
Input: s = "pwwkew"
Output: 3
Explanation: The answer is "wke", with the length of 3.
Notice that the answer must be a substring, "pwke" is a subsequence and not a substring.
Example 4:
Input: s = ""
Output: 0
0 <= s.length <= 5 * 104
s consists of English letters, digits, symbols and spaces.
import Foundation
class LongestSubstring {
public static func lengthOfLongestSubstring(_ s: String) -> Int {
var start = 0
var end = start+1
var counter = 0
var dict = [Character:Bool]()
let charArray = Array(s)
while start < charArray.count {
dict[charArray[start]] = true
while end < charArray.count {
if dict[charArray[end]] != nil {
}else {
dict[charArray[end]] = true
end += 1
counter = max(dict.count,counter)
start = start + 1
end = start + 1
return counter
| mit | 88384ca7338ccd03d54887d39ad5aa9f | 16.6625 | 89 | 0.630573 | 3.446341 | false | false | false | false |
jarocht/iOS-AlarmDJ | AlarmDJ/AlarmDJ/SettingsTableViewController.swift | 1 | 4091 | //
// SettingsTableViewController.swift
// AlarmDJ
// Created by X Code User on 7/22/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Tim Jaroch, Morgan Heyboer, Andreas Plüss (TEAM E). All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class SettingsTableViewController: UITableViewController, UITextFieldDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource, UIPickerViewDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var snoozeTimeTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var zipcodeTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var twentyFourHourSwitch: UISwitch!
@IBOutlet weak var newsQueryTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var musicGenreDataPicker: UIPickerView!
let ldm = LocalDataManager()
var settings = SettingsContainer()
var genres: [String] = ["Alternative","Blues","Country","Dance","Electronic","Hip-Hop/Rap","Jazz","Klassik","Pop","Rock", "Soundtracks"]
override func viewDidLoad() {
snoozeTimeTextField.delegate = self
snoozeTimeTextField.tag = 0
zipcodeTextField.delegate = self
zipcodeTextField.tag = 1
newsQueryTextField.delegate = self
newsQueryTextField.tag = 2
musicGenreDataPicker.dataSource = self
musicGenreDataPicker.delegate = self
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
settings = ldm.loadSettings()
snoozeTimeTextField.text! = "\(settings.snoozeInterval)"
zipcodeTextField.text! = settings.weatherZip
twentyFourHourSwitch.on = settings.twentyFourHour
newsQueryTextField.text! = settings.newsQuery
var index = 0
for var i = 0; i < genres.count; i++ {
if genres[i] == settings.musicGenre{
index = i
musicGenreDataPicker.selectRow(index, inComponent: 0, animated: true)
override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
if count(zipcodeTextField.text!) == 5 {
settings.weatherZip = zipcodeTextField.text!
if count(snoozeTimeTextField.text!) > 0 {
var timeVal: Int = (snoozeTimeTextField.text!).toInt()!
if timeVal > 0 {
settings.snoozeInterval = timeVal
//ldm.saveSettings(settingsContainer: settings)
if count (newsQueryTextField.text!) > 0 {
settings.newsQuery = newsQueryTextField.text!
ldm.saveSettings(settingsContainer: settings)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
@IBAction func twentyFourHourSwitchClicked(sender: AnyObject) {
settings.twentyFourHour = twentyFourHourSwitch.on
func textField(textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersInRange range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
if textField.tag < 2 {
if count(textField.text!) + count(string) <= 5 {
return true;
return false
} else {
if count(textField.text!) + count(string) <= 25 {
return true;
return false
func textFieldDidBeginEditing(textField: UITextField) {
func textFieldShouldEndEditing(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return true
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return true
func numberOfComponentsInPickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {
return 1
func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
return genres.count
func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String! {
return genres[row]
func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) {
settings.musicGenre = genres[row]
} | mit | d207e8ac6ca5ea9328b8425b5d580525 | 32.809917 | 140 | 0.632274 | 5.099751 | false | false | false | false |
johnsextro/cycschedule | cycschedule/SelectionViewController.swift | 1 | 2664 | import Foundation
import UIKit
class SelectionViewController: UITableViewController {
var TableData:Array< String > = Array < String >()
var lastSelectedIndexPath: NSIndexPath?
override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return 1
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return TableData.count
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! UITableViewCell
cell.accessoryType = .None
cell.textLabel?.text = TableData[indexPath.row]
return cell
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
tableView.deselectRowAtIndexPath(indexPath, animated: true)
if indexPath.row != lastSelectedIndexPath?.row {
if let lastSelectedIndexPath = lastSelectedIndexPath{
let oldCell = tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(lastSelectedIndexPath)
oldCell?.accessoryType = .None
let newCell = tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath)
newCell?.accessoryType = .Checkmark
lastSelectedIndexPath = indexPath
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem?.enabled = true
func extract_json(data:NSString)
var parseError: NSError?
let jsonData:NSData = data.dataUsingEncoding(NSASCIIStringEncoding)!
let json: AnyObject? = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: nil, error: &parseError)
if (parseError == nil)
if let seasons_obj = json as? NSDictionary
if let seasons = seasons_obj["seasons"] as? NSArray
for (var i = 0; i < seasons.count ; i++ )
if let season_obj = seasons[i] as? NSDictionary
if let season = season_obj["season"] as? String
func do_table_refresh()
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
| gpl-2.0 | 820bebedde2a77c42667172415433a45 | 34.052632 | 118 | 0.567568 | 6.068337 | false | false | false | false |
toggl/superday | teferi/UI/Modules/Daily Summary/SummaryPageViewModel.swift | 1 | 1910 | import Foundation
import RxSwift
class SummaryPageViewModel
private var selectedDate = Variable<Date>(Date())
var currentlySelectedDate : Date
get { return self.selectedDate.value.ignoreTimeComponents() }
self.selectedDate.value = value
self.canMoveForwardSubject.onNext(canScroll(toDate: selectedDate.value.add(days: 1)))
self.canMoveBackwardSubject.onNext(canScroll(toDate: selectedDate.value.add(days: -1)))
private let canMoveForwardSubject = PublishSubject<Bool>()
private(set) lazy var canMoveForwardObservable : Observable<Bool> =
return self.canMoveForwardSubject.asObservable()
private let canMoveBackwardSubject = PublishSubject<Bool>()
private(set) lazy var canMoveBackwardObservable : Observable<Bool> =
return self.canMoveBackwardSubject.asObservable()
private let settingsService: SettingsService
private let timeService: TimeService
var dateObservable : Observable<String>
return selectedDate
.map {
let dateformater = DateFormatter()
dateformater.dateFormat = "EEE, dd MMM"
return dateformater.string(from: $0)
init(date: Date,
timeService: TimeService,
settingsService: SettingsService)
selectedDate.value = date
self.settingsService = settingsService
self.timeService = timeService
func canScroll(toDate date: Date) -> Bool
let minDate = settingsService.installDate!.ignoreTimeComponents()
let maxDate =
let dateWithNoTime = date.ignoreTimeComponents()
return dateWithNoTime >= minDate && dateWithNoTime <= maxDate
| bsd-3-clause | a6d0f91c46c1888be9314eb1c6893a3d | 30.833333 | 99 | 0.646073 | 5.134409 | false | false | false | false |
crescentflare/ViewletCreator | ViewletCreatorIOS/Example/ViewletCreator/Viewlets/UITextFieldViewlet.swift | 1 | 2257 | //
// UITextFieldViewlet.swift
// Viewlet creator example
// Create a simple text input field
import UIKit
import ViewletCreator
class UITextFieldViewlet: Viewlet {
func create() -> UIView {
return UITextField()
func update(view: UIView, attributes: [String: Any], parent: UIView?, binder: ViewletBinder?) -> Bool {
if let textField = view as? UITextField {
// Prefilled text and placeholder
textField.text = ViewletConvUtil.asString(value: attributes["text"])
textField.placeholder = NSLocalizedString(ViewletConvUtil.asString(value: attributes["placeholder"]) ?? "", comment: "")
// Set keyboard mode
textField.keyboardType = .default
textField.autocapitalizationType = .sentences
if let keyboardType = ViewletConvUtil.asString(value: attributes["keyboardType"]) {
if keyboardType == "email" {
textField.keyboardType = .emailAddress
textField.autocapitalizationType = .none
} else if keyboardType == "url" {
textField.keyboardType = .URL
textField.autocapitalizationType = .none
// Text style
let fontSize = ViewletConvUtil.asDimension(value: attributes["textSize"]) ?? 17
if let font = ViewletConvUtil.asString(value: attributes["font"]) {
if font == "bold" {
textField.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: fontSize)
} else if font == "italics" {
textField.font = UIFont.italicSystemFont(ofSize: fontSize)
} else {
textField.font = UIFont(name: font, size: fontSize)
} else {
textField.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize)
// Standard view attributes
UIViewViewlet.applyDefaultAttributes(view: view, attributes: attributes)
return true
return false
func canRecycle(view: UIView, attributes: [String : Any]) -> Bool {
return view is UITextField
| mit | a13e8366f8e236cfd43597ed7aea14ea | 36 | 132 | 0.564023 | 5.425481 | false | false | false | false |
devpunk/cartesian | cartesian/Model/DrawProject/Menu/Text/MDrawProjectMenuTextItemSize.swift | 1 | 1393 | import UIKit
class MDrawProjectMenuTextItemSize:MDrawProjectMenuTextItem, MDrawProjectFontSizeDelegate
private weak var controller:CDrawProject?
let title:String = NSLocalizedString("MDrawProjectMenuTextItemSize_title", comment:"")
image:#imageLiteral(resourceName: "assetGenericFontSize"))
override func selected(controller:CDrawProject)
self.controller = controller
//MARK: fontSize delegate
func fontSizeSelected(size:Int16)
let modelLabel:DLabel? = controller?.editingView?.viewSpatial.model as? DLabel
modelLabel?.fontSize = size
func fontCurrentSize() -> Int16?
let modelLabel:DLabel = controller?.editingView?.viewSpatial.model as? DLabel
return nil
let currentSize:Int16 = modelLabel.fontSize
return currentSize
| mit | f091e7041f8f9f8fbe3b35edada6ade7 | 25.283019 | 94 | 0.620962 | 5.178439 | false | false | false | false |
xeo-it/poggy | Pods/Eureka/Source/Core/HeaderFooterView.swift | 2 | 5324 | // HeaderFooterView.swift
// Eureka ( )
// Copyright (c) 2016 Xmartlabs ( )
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import Foundation
Enumeration used to generate views for the header and footer of a section.
- Class: Will generate a view of the specified class.
- Callback->ViewType: Will generate the view as a result of the given closure.
- NibFile: Will load the view from a nib file.
public enum HeaderFooterProvider<ViewType: UIView> {
* Will generate a view of the specified class.
case Class
* Will generate the view as a result of the given closure.
case Callback(()->ViewType)
* Will load the view from a nib file.
case NibFile(name: String, bundle: NSBundle?)
internal func createView() -> ViewType {
switch self {
case .Class:
return ViewType()
case .Callback(let builder):
return builder()
case .NibFile(let nibName, let bundle):
return (bundle ?? NSBundle(forClass: ViewType.self)).loadNibNamed(nibName, owner: nil, options: nil)![0] as! ViewType
* Represents headers and footers of sections
public enum HeaderFooterType {
case Header, Footer
* Struct used to generate headers and footers either from a view or a String.
public struct HeaderFooterView<ViewType: UIView> : StringLiteralConvertible, HeaderFooterViewRepresentable {
/// Holds the title of the view if it was set up with a String.
public var title: String?
/// Generates the view.
public var viewProvider: HeaderFooterProvider<ViewType>?
/// Closure called when the view is created. Useful to customize its appearance.
public var onSetupView: ((view: ViewType, section: Section) -> ())?
/// A closure that returns the height for the header or footer view.
public var height: (()->CGFloat)?
This method can be called to get the view corresponding to the header or footer of a section in a specific controller.
- parameter section: The section from which to get the view.
- parameter type: Either header or footer.
- parameter controller: The controller from which to get that view.
- returns: The header or footer of the specified section.
public func viewForSection(section: Section, type: HeaderFooterType) -> UIView? {
var view: ViewType?
if type == .Header {
view = section.headerView as? ViewType ?? {
let result = viewProvider?.createView()
section.headerView = result
return result
else {
view = section.footerView as? ViewType ?? {
let result = viewProvider?.createView()
section.footerView = result
return result
guard let v = view else { return nil }
onSetupView?(view: v, section: section)
return v
Initiates the view with a String as title
public init?(title: String?){
guard let t = title else { return nil }
self.init(stringLiteral: t)
Initiates the view with a view provider, ideal for customized headers or footers
public init(_ provider: HeaderFooterProvider<ViewType>){
viewProvider = provider
Initiates the view with a String as title
public init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String) {
self.title = value
Initiates the view with a String as title
public init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) {
self.title = value
Initiates the view with a String as title
public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
self.title = value
extension UIView {
func eurekaInvalidate() {
| apache-2.0 | f512d174deb6e7016081a02a0b6ce7cc | 31.463415 | 129 | 0.628663 | 4.966418 | false | false | false | false |
zenangst/Faker | Source/Data/Parser.swift | 1 | 2753 | import SwiftyJSON
public class Parser {
public var locale: String {
didSet {
if locale != oldValue {
var data: JSON = []
var provider: Provider
public init(locale: String = Config.defaultLocale) {
self.provider = Provider()
self.locale = locale
// MARK: - Parsing
public func fetch(key: String) -> String {
var parsed: String = ""
var parts = split(key) {$0 == "."}
if parts.count > 0 {
var keyData = data[locale]["faker"]
let subject = parts[0]
for part in parts {
keyData = keyData[part]
if let value = keyData.string {
parsed = value
} else if let array = keyData.arrayObject {
let count = UInt32(array.count)
if let item = array[Int(arc4random_uniform(count))] as? String {
parsed = item
if parsed.rangeOfString("#{") != nil {
parsed = parse(parsed, forSubject: subject)
return parsed
func parse(template: String, forSubject subject: String) -> String {
var text = ""
let string = template as NSString
let regex = NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(\\(?)#\\{([A-Za-z]+\\.)?([^\\}]+)\\}([^#]+)?",
options: nil,
error: nil)!
let matches = regex.matchesInString(string as String,
options: nil,
range: NSMakeRange(0, string.length)) as! [NSTextCheckingResult]
if matches.count > 0 {
for match in matches {
if match.numberOfRanges < 4 {
let prefixRange = match.rangeAtIndex(1)
let subjectRange = match.rangeAtIndex(2)
let methodRange = match.rangeAtIndex(3)
let otherRange = match.rangeAtIndex(4)
if prefixRange.length > 0 {
text += string.substringWithRange(prefixRange)
var subjectWithDot = subject + "."
if subjectRange.length > 0 {
subjectWithDot = string.substringWithRange(subjectRange)
if methodRange.length > 0 {
let key = subjectWithDot.lowercaseString + string.substringWithRange(methodRange)
text += fetch(key)
if otherRange.length > 0 {
text += string.substringWithRange(otherRange)
} else {
text = template
return text
// MARK: - Data loading
func loadData() {
if let localeData = provider.dataForLocale(locale) {
data = JSON(data: localeData,
options: NSJSONReadingOptions.AllowFragments,
error: nil)
} else if locale != Config.defaultLocale {
locale = Config.defaultLocale
} else {
fatalError("JSON file for '\(locale)' locale was not found.")
| mit | 4ffb418454ba2c9d198f802b7ac1d067 | 23.362832 | 93 | 0.579368 | 4.376789 | false | false | false | false |
mrlegowatch/JSON-to-Swift-Converter | JSON to Swift Converter/ViewController.swift | 1 | 7441 | //
// ViewController.swift
// JSON to Swift Converter
// Created by Brian Arnold on 2/20/17.
// Copyright © 2018 Brian Arnold. All rights reserved.
import Cocoa
extension NSButton {
var isChecked: Bool {
return self.state == .on
extension String {
/// Returns an attributed string with the specified color.
func attributed(with color: NSColor) -> NSAttributedString {
let attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey: Any] = [.foregroundColor: color]
return NSMutableAttributedString(string: self, attributes: attributes)
/// Returns an attributed string with the Swift "keyword" color.
var attributedKeywordColor: NSAttributedString {
return self.attributed(with: NSColor(calibratedRed: 0.72, green: 0.2, blue: 0.66, alpha: 1.0))
/// Returns an attributed string with the Swift "type" color.
var attributedTypeColor: NSAttributedString {
return self.attributed(with: NSColor(calibratedRed: 0.44, green: 0.26, blue: 0.66, alpha: 1.0))
/// Returns an attributed string with the Swift "string literal" color.
var attributedStringColor: NSAttributedString {
return self.attributed(with: NSColor(calibratedRed: 0.84, green: 0.19, blue: 0.14, alpha: 1.0))
/// Returns an attributed string with the Swift "int literal" color.
var attributedIntColor: NSAttributedString {
return self.attributed(with: NSColor(calibratedRed: 0.16, green: 0.20, blue: 0.83, alpha: 1.0))
/// Returns self as an attributed string, for contatenation with other attributed strings.
var attributed: NSAttributedString {
return NSAttributedString(string: self)
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var declarationLet: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var declarationVar: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var typeExplicit: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var typeOptional: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var typeRequired: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var addDefaultValue: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var supportCodable: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var version: NSTextField! {
didSet {
version.stringValue = "Version \(Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleShortVersionString") as! String)"
@IBOutlet weak var output: NSTextField!
var appSettings = AppSettings()
override func viewDidLoad() {
/// Update the controls to match the user defaults settings
func updateControls() {
let isDeclarationLet = appSettings.declaration == .useLet
declarationLet.state = isDeclarationLet ? .on : .off
declarationVar.state = isDeclarationLet ? .off : .on
let typeUnwrapping = appSettings.typeUnwrapping
typeExplicit.state = typeUnwrapping == .explicit ? .on : .off
typeOptional.state = typeUnwrapping == .optional ? .on : .off
typeRequired.state = typeUnwrapping == .required ? .on : .off
addDefaultValue.state = appSettings.addDefaultValue ? .on : .off
supportCodable.state = appSettings.supportCodable ? .on : .off
/// Update the output text view to reflect the current settings
func updateOutput() {
let declaration = appSettings.declaration == .useLet ? "let" : "var"
let typeUnwrapping = appSettings.typeUnwrapping == .optional ? "?" : appSettings.typeUnwrapping == .required ? "!" : ""
let outputData = [["user name", "String", "\"\""], ["age", "Int", "0"]]
let outputString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "")
let lineIndent = LineIndent(useTabs: false, indentationWidth: 4, level: 1)
// Add the coding keys (required for example because swiftName doesn't match JSON name)
outputString.append("private enum".attributedKeywordColor)
outputString.append(" CodingKeys: ".attributed)
outputString.append(", ".attributed)
outputString.append(" {\n".attributed)
for item in outputData {
outputString.append("case ".attributedKeywordColor)
outputString.append(" \(item[0].swiftName)".attributed)
if item[0] != item[0].swiftName {
outputString.append(" = ".attributed)
// Add the declarations
for item in outputData {
outputString.append(" \(item[0].swiftName): ".attributed)
outputString.append(": \(item[1])".attributedTypeColor)
if appSettings.addDefaultValue {
outputString.append(" = ".attributed)
let value = item[2] == "0" ? "\(item[2])".attributedIntColor : "\(item[2])".attributedStringColor
if appSettings.supportCodable {
// Add the init method.
do {//if appSettings.addInit {
outputString.append("(from decoder: ".attributed)
outputString.append(") ".attributed)
outputString.append(" { ... }\n".attributed)
// Add the dictionary variable.
do {//if appSettings.addDictionary {
outputString.append("func encode".attributedKeywordColor)
outputString.append("(to encoder: ".attributed)
outputString.append(") ".attributed)
outputString.append(" { ... }".attributed)
output.attributedStringValue = outputString
@IBAction func changeDeclaration(_ sender: NSButton) {
let selectedTag = sender.selectedTag()
appSettings.declaration = AppSettings.Declaration(rawValue: selectedTag)!
@IBAction func changeTypeUnwrapping(_ sender: NSButton) {
let selectedTag = sender.selectedTag()
appSettings.typeUnwrapping = AppSettings.TypeUnwrapping(rawValue: selectedTag)!
@IBAction func changeDefaultValue(_ sender: NSButton) {
appSettings.addDefaultValue = sender.isChecked
@IBAction func changeSupportCodable(_ sender: NSButton) {
appSettings.supportCodable = sender.isChecked
| mit | e63a10a147256eecbd2132f53d1bca5d | 37.75 | 128 | 0.633333 | 5.232068 | false | false | false | false |
flowsprenger/RxLifx-Swift | RxLifxApi/RxLifxApi/Light.swift | 1 | 10987 | /*
Copyright 2017 Florian Sprenger
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
import Foundation
import LifxDomain
import RxSwift
public protocol LightSource {
var tick: Observable<Int> { get }
var source: UInt32 { get }
var ioScheduler: SchedulerType { get }
var mainScheduler: SchedulerType { get }
func extensionOf<E>() -> E? where E: LightServiceExtension
var messages: Observable<SourcedMessage> { get }
func sendMessage(light: Light?, data: Data) -> Bool
public protocol LightsChangeDispatcher {
func notifyChange(light: Light, property: LightPropertyName, oldValue: Any?, newValue: Any?)
func lightAdded(light: Light)
public enum LightPropertyName {
case color
case zones
case power
case label
case hostFirmware
case wifiFirmware
case version
case group
case location
case infraredBrightness
case reachable
public class Light: Equatable {
private var disposeBag: CompositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable()
public let lightSource: LightSource
public let lightChangeDispatcher: LightsChangeDispatcher
public let target: UInt64
public let id: String
public var addr: sockaddr?
public var sequence: UInt8 = 0
public static let refreshMutablePropertiesTickModulo = 20
public static let productsSupportingMultiZone = [0, 31, 32, 38]
public static let productsSupportingInfrared = [0, 29, 30, 45, 46]
public static let productsSupportingTile = [55]
public lazy var color: LightProperty<HSBK> = {
LightProperty<HSBK>(light: self, name: .color)
public lazy var zones: LightProperty<MultiZones> = {
LightProperty<MultiZones>(light: self, name: .zones)
public lazy var power: LightProperty<UInt16> = {
LightProperty<UInt16>(light: self, name: .power)
public lazy var label: LightProperty<String> = {
LightProperty<String>(light: self, name: .label)
public lazy var hostFirmware: LightProperty<FirmwareVersion> = {
LightProperty<FirmwareVersion>(light: self, name: .hostFirmware)
public lazy var wifiFirmware: LightProperty<FirmwareVersion> = {
LightProperty<FirmwareVersion>(light: self, name: .wifiFirmware)
public lazy var version: LightProperty<LightVersion> = {
LightProperty<LightVersion>(light: self, name: .version)
public lazy var group: LightProperty<LightGroup> = {
LightProperty<LightGroup>(light: self, name: .group, defaultValue: LightGroup.defaultGroup)
public lazy var location: LightProperty<LightLocation> = {
LightProperty<LightLocation>(light: self, name: .location, defaultValue: LightLocation.defaultLocation)
public lazy var infraredBrightness: LightProperty<UInt16> = {
LightProperty<UInt16>(light: self, name: .infraredBrightness)
public lazy var reachable: LightProperty<Bool> = {
LightProperty<Bool>(light: self, name: .reachable, defaultValue: false)
public var lastSeenAt: Date = Date.distantPast
public var powerState: Bool {
get {
return power.value ?? 0 == 0 ? false : true
public var supportsMultiZone: Bool {
get {
return Light.productsSupportingMultiZone.contains(Int(version.value?.product ?? 0))
public var supportsInfrared: Bool {
get {
return Light.productsSupportingInfrared.contains(Int(version.value?.product ?? 0))
public var supportsTile: Bool {
get {
return Light.productsSupportingTile.contains(Int(version.value?.product ?? 0))
public init(id: UInt64, lightSource: LightSource, lightChangeDispatcher: LightsChangeDispatcher) {
self.lightSource = lightSource
self.lightChangeDispatcher = lightChangeDispatcher = id = id.toLightId()
public func dispose() {
public func getNextSequence() -> UInt8 {
sequence = sequence &+ 1
return sequence
public func updateReachability() {
reachable.updateFromClient(value: lastSeenAt.timeIntervalSinceNow > -11)
public func attach(observable: GroupedObservable<UInt64, SourcedMessage>) -> Light {
disposeBag = CompositeDisposable()
_ = disposeBag.insert(observable.subscribe(onNext: {
(message: SourcedMessage) in
self.addr = message.sourceAddress
self.lastSeenAt = Date()
LightMessageHandler.handleMessage(light: self, message: message.message)
_ = disposeBag.insert(lightSource.tick.subscribe(onNext: {
c in
if (c % Light.refreshMutablePropertiesTickModulo == 0) {
return self
private func pollState() {
LightGetCommand.create(light: self).fireAndForget()
if (supportsMultiZone) {
MultiZoneGetColorZonesCommand.create(light: self, startIndex: UInt8.min, endIndex: UInt8.max).fireAndForget()
if (supportsInfrared) {
LightGetInfraredCommand.create(light: self).fireAndForget()
private func pollProperties() {
DeviceGetHostFirmwareCommand.create(light: self).fireAndForget()
DeviceGetWifiFirmwareCommand.create(light: self).fireAndForget()
DeviceGetVersionCommand.create(light: self).fireAndForget()
private func pollMutableProperties() {
DeviceGetGroupCommand.create(light: self).fireAndForget()
DeviceGetLocationCommand.create(light: self).fireAndForget()
public static func ==(lhs: Light, rhs: Light) -> Bool {
return ==
public class LightProperty<T: Equatable> {
private var _value: T? = nil
public var value: T? {
get {
return _value
private let light: Light
private let name: LightPropertyName
private var updatedFromClientAt: Date = Date.distantPast
private let localValueValidityWindow: TimeInterval = -2
init(light: Light, name: LightPropertyName, defaultValue: T? = nil) {
self.light = light = name
self._value = defaultValue
public func updateFromClient(value: T?) {
if (_value != value) {
let oldValue = _value
_value = value
updatedFromClientAt = Date()
light.lightChangeDispatcher.notifyChange(light: light, property: name, oldValue: oldValue, newValue: value)
public func updateFromDevice(value: T?) {
if (_value != value && !hasRecentlyUpdatedFromClient()) {
let oldValue = _value
_value = value
light.lightChangeDispatcher.notifyChange(light: light, property: name, oldValue: oldValue, newValue: value)
public func hasRecentlyUpdatedFromClient() -> Bool {
return updatedFromClientAt.timeIntervalSinceNow > localValueValidityWindow
public class FirmwareVersion: Equatable {
public let build: UInt64
public let version: UInt32
init(build: UInt64, version: UInt32) { = build
self.version = version
public static func ==(lhs: FirmwareVersion, rhs: FirmwareVersion) -> Bool {
return == && lhs.version == rhs.version
public class LightVersion: Equatable {
public let vendor: UInt32
public let product: UInt32
public let version: UInt32
init(vendor: UInt32, product: UInt32, version: UInt32) {
self.vendor = vendor
self.product = product
self.version = version
public static func ==(lhs: LightVersion, rhs: LightVersion) -> Bool {
return lhs.vendor == rhs.vendor && lhs.product == rhs.product && lhs.version == rhs.version
public class LightLocation: Equatable {
static let defaultLocation = LightLocation(id: Array(repeating: 48, count: 8), label: "", updatedAt: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0))
public let id: [UInt8]
public let label: String
public let updatedAt: Date
public lazy var identifier: String = String(describing:{ UnicodeScalar($0) }))
init(id: [UInt8], label: String, updatedAt: Date) { = id
self.label = label
self.updatedAt = updatedAt
public static func ==(lhs: LightLocation, rhs: LightLocation) -> Bool {
return == && lhs.label == rhs.label && lhs.updatedAt == rhs.updatedAt
public class LightGroup: Equatable {
static let defaultGroup = LightGroup(id: Array(repeating: 48, count: 8), label: "", updatedAt: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0))
public let id: [UInt8]
public let label: String
public let updatedAt: Date
public lazy var identifier: String = String(describing:{ UnicodeScalar($0) }))
init(id: [UInt8], label: String, updatedAt: Date) { = id
self.label = label
self.updatedAt = updatedAt
public static func ==(lhs: LightGroup, rhs: LightGroup) -> Bool {
return == && lhs.label == rhs.label && lhs.updatedAt == rhs.updatedAt
public class MultiZones: Equatable {
public var colors: [HSBK] = []
public static func ==(lhs: MultiZones, rhs: MultiZones) -> Bool {
return false
func dimTo(_ count: Int) {
while (colors.count < count) {
colors.append(HSBK(hue: 0, saturation: 0, brightness: 0, kelvin: 0))
while (colors.count > count) {
} | mit | 76713a7a9a84d5ad0ae8abe8f8ef8f7f | 30.665706 | 136 | 0.66069 | 4.534461 | false | false | false | false |
vojto/NiceKit | NiceKit/EditableTableRowView.swift | 1 | 1239 | //
// CustomTableRowView.swift
// FocusPlan
// Created by Vojtech Rinik on 5/11/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Median. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import AppKit
open class EditableTableRowView: NSTableRowView {
open var isEditing = false
open class CustomTableRowView: EditableTableRowView {
static var selectionColor = NSColor(hexString: "ECEEFA")!
override open var isSelected: Bool {
didSet {
needsDisplay = true
override open var isEditing: Bool {
didSet {
needsDisplay = true
override open func drawBackground(in dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let rect = bounds.insetBy(dx: 4, dy: 4)
let path = NSBezierPath(roundedRect: rect, cornerRadius: 3)
let blue = CustomTableRowView.selectionColor
if isEditing {
} else if isSelected {
} else {
| mit | ca3708e9f0a25e820261b0a1b0ef34c1 | 22.358491 | 67 | 0.555735 | 4.779923 | false | false | false | false |
saraford/AttemptOne | AttemptOne/ViewController.swift | 1 | 10986 | //
// ViewController.swift
// AttemptOne
// Created by Sara Ford on 8/29/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Sara Ford. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {
var gameScenes = [GameScene]()
var gameEngine:GameEngine!
// var validCommands:ValidCommands!
var allCommands = [Command]()
var currentScene:Int = 0
@IBOutlet weak var responseText: UITextView!
@IBOutlet weak var userInput: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var gameText: UITextView!
@IBOutlet var sceneView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var sceneTextView: UITextView!
@IBOutlet weak var responseTextView: UITextView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// needed for the keyboard
self.userInput.delegate = self
// show keyboard
gameText.scrollRangeToVisible(NSRange(location:0, length:0))
gameEngine = GameEngine(viewController: self)
// validCommands = ValidCommands()
// println("commands: \(validCommands.verbs)")
func updateInitScene() {
currentScene = 0
gameText.text = gameScenes[currentScene].sceneText
responseText.text = gameScenes[currentScene].hintText
gameText.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
sceneView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
sceneTextView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
responseTextView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
func updateScene(newScene: Int, lastCommand: String) {
currentScene = newScene
var currentGameScene = gameScenes[currentScene]
gameText.text = lastCommand + "\n\n" + currentGameScene.sceneText
// update new scene with hint text, if any
responseText.text = currentGameScene.hintText
func updateDeathScene(deathText: String) {
gameText.text = deathText.uppercaseString
responseText.text = gameScenes[0].hintText
sceneView.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
sceneTextView.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
responseTextView.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
responseText.text = "hint \"try again\""
func updateResponse(error: String) {
responseText.text = error
func createGameScenes() {
var commandFeelAround = Command(verb: "feel", object: "around")
var commandWalkForwards = Command(verb:"walk", object:"forwards")
var commandWalkBackwards = Command(verb:"walk", object:"backwards")
var commandHelp = Command(verb:"help", object:"")
var commandTakeShoes = Command(verb:"take", object:"shoes")
var commandOpenDoor = Command(verb: "open", object: "door")
var commandDoNothing = Command(verb: "do", object: "nothing")
var commandWalkLeft = Command(verb: "walk", object: "left")
var commandWalkRight = Command(verb: "walk", object: "right")
var commandSayHello = Command(verb: "say", object: "hello")
var commandTryAgain = Command(verb: "try", object: "again")
var state0 = GameScene()
state0.sceneText = "You open your eyes, but the world remains dark."
state0.hintText = "hint: \"feel around\""
state0.addValidCommand(commandFeelAround, text: "You feel around", goToScene: 1)
var state1 = GameScene()
state1.sceneText = "You are in a small room. The room rocks gently back and forth. There's a loud rumbling noise in the distance."
state1.hintText = ""
state1.addValidCommand(commandFeelAround, text: "You feel around", goToScene: 2)
state1.addValidCommand(commandOpenDoor, text: "You open the door and walk through", goToScene: 3)
state1.addUnableToCommand(commandWalkForwards, error: "You walk directly into something")
var state2 = GameScene()
state2.sceneText = "You find a closed door blocking your path. The room rocks gently back and forth."
state2.hintText = ""
state2.addValidCommand(commandOpenDoor, text: "You open the door", goToScene: 3)
state2.addUnableToCommand(commandWalkForwards, error: "You walk directly into something")
var state3 = GameScene()
state3.sceneText = "You see the bow of a boat. The roar and darkness of an approaching storm frightens you."
state3.addValidCommand(commandWalkForwards, text: "You walk forwards", goToScene: 4)
state3.hintText = ""
var state4 = GameScene()
state4.sceneText = "You jump off the boat. You are on a pier. The shore is on right. The pier continues on left"
state4.hintText = "hint: \"walk left or walk right\""
state4.addValidCommand(commandWalkRight, text: "You walk right", goToScene: 5)
state4.addDeathCommand(commandWalkLeft, deathText: "A water spout appears. The wind is too fearce to run away. You fall into the bay and drown.")
var state5 = GameScene()
state5.sceneText = "You arrive at the entrance of the Yacht Club. It starts to downpour. A waterspout appears heading right for you."
state5.hintText = ""
state5.addValidCommand(commandOpenDoor, text: "You open the door", goToScene: 6)
state5.addDeathCommand(commandFeelAround, deathText: "You took too long getting inside. A wooden board from the pier hits you in the head.")
var state6 = GameScene()
state6.sceneText = "You take shelter with others inside."
state6.hintText = "hint \"Say hello\""
state6.addValidCommand(commandSayHello, text: "You say hello", goToScene: 7)
var state7 = GameScene()
state7.sceneText = "No one remembers how they got here. The sky becomes pitch black. A dragon appears over the small bay, looking for you."
state7.addValidCommand(commandWalkForwards, text: "You leave the yacht club", goToScene: 8)
var state8 = GameScene()
state8.sceneText = "You get out just in time. You are in a parking lot."
state8.hintText = "Congrats you won becuase this is as far as I've gotten."
// for handling the return key when it is clicked from the keyboard
// requires UITextFieldDelegate and setting the delegate!!
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
// textField.resignFirstResponder()
return true;
// if the user taps outside the keyboard to add the item
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
if (userInput.text == "") {
// just ignore in case user accidentally tapped outside the textbox without any info
// self.view.endEditing(true)
func processInput() {
var input = userInput.text.lowercaseString
var command:Command!
// check if input is valid input from user before even continuing
if (validateInput(input)) {
// got a valid command
var command = createCommand(input)
// update the scene
gameEngine.executeCommand(gameScenes[currentScene], command: command)
userInput.text = ""
func createCommand(input: String) -> Command {
var words = findWords(input)
// add an 's' to forward and backward objects
if (words.count > 1) {
if (words[1] == "forward") {
words[1] = "forwards"
else if (words[1] == "backward") {
words[1] = "backward"
if (words.count == 1) {
return Command(verb: words[0], object: "")
} else {
return Command(verb: words[0], object: words[1])
func validateInput(input: String) -> Bool {
if (input.isEmpty || input == "") {
displayError("Are you giving me the slience treatment?")
return false
// remove any trailing whitespace
var trimmedInput = input.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())
if (trimmedInput.isEmpty || trimmedInput == "") {
displayError("Are you giving me the slience treatment?")
return false
var words = findWords(trimmedInput)
if (words.count > 2) {
displayError("I only respond to 1 or 2 word commands")
return false
// verify first word is in list of known words
for cmd in allCommands {
if (cmd.verb == words[0]) {
return true
displayError("Sorry, I don't know what \(words[0]) means ")
return false
func displayError(error:String) {
updateResponse("Um... \(error)")
func findWords(s: String) -> [String] {
var words = s.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())
var legitWords = [String]()
for word in words {
if (word != "") {
return legitWords
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
| mit | 84bf4baf9bd6f0b149c05acd984d9496 | 31.40708 | 153 | 0.597215 | 4.991368 | false | false | false | false |
andrewferrier/imbk | imbk/AppDelegate.swift | 1 | 3247 | //
// AppDelegate.swift
// imbk
// Created by Andrew Ferrier on 10/05/2016.
// Copyright © 2016 Andrew Ferrier. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import HockeySDK
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
NSLog("About to authenticate with HockeyApp services")
NSLog("About to ask for permission for notifications.")
application.registerUserNotificationSettings(UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: [UIUserNotificationType.Sound, UIUserNotificationType.Alert,
UIUserNotificationType.Badge], categories: nil))
return true
func applicationWillResignActive(application: UIApplication) {
// Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.
// Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and throttle down OpenGL ES frame rates. Games should use this method to pause the game.
func applicationDidEnterBackground(application: UIApplication) {
// Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later.
// If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.
let notification = UILocalNotification()
notification.timeZone = NSTimeZone.defaultTimeZone()
let dateTime = NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) // 3 days
notification.fireDate = dateTime
notification.alertBody = "Time to backup your photos with imbk!"
notification.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 1
NSLog("Local notification scheduled.")
func applicationWillEnterForeground(application: UIApplication) {
// Called as part of the transition from the background to the inactive state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background.
func applicationDidBecomeActive(application: UIApplication) {
// Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.
func applicationWillTerminate(application: UIApplication) {
// Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.
| mit | c163fc0f68f5a2f532adb1e896de0d40 | 50.52381 | 285 | 0.753851 | 5.775801 | false | false | false | false |
pine613/SwiftyPopover | Example/Tests/Tests.swift | 1 | 1180 | //
import Quick
import Nimble
import SwiftyPopover
class TableOfContentsSpec: QuickSpec {
override func spec() {
describe("these will fail") {
it("can do maths") {
expect(1) == 2
it("can read") {
expect("number") == "string"
it("will eventually fail") {
expect("time").toEventually( equal("done") )
context("these will pass") {
it("can do maths") {
expect(23) == 23
it("can read") {
expect("🐮") == "🐮"
it("will eventually pass") {
var time = "passing"
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
time = "done"
waitUntil { done in
expect(time) == "done"
| mit | b22885e1aeec1ca7901dc88b0098394f | 22.48 | 63 | 0.365417 | 5.485981 | false | false | false | false |
iluuu1994/2048 | 2048/Classes/GameOverScene.swift | 1 | 2291 | //
// GameOverScene.swift
// 2048
// Created by Ilija Tovilo on 31/07/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Ilija Tovilo. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
class GameOverScene: CCScene {
// MARK: Instanc Variables
private let _score: Int
lazy private var _backgroundNode: CCNodeColor = {
CCNodeColor(color: CCColor(red: 0.98, green: 0.97, blue: 0.94))
lazy var _gameOverLabel: CCLabelTTF = {
let l = CCLabelTTF(string: "Game Over!", fontName: "ClearSans-Bold", fontSize: 40)
l.position = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.55)
l.positionType = CCPositionType(
xUnit: .Normalized,
yUnit: .Normalized,
corner: .BottomLeft
l.fontColor = CCColor(red: 0.47, green: 0.43, blue: 0.4)
return l
lazy var _scoreLabel: CCLabelTTF = {
let l = CCLabelTTF(string: "Score: \(self._score)", fontName: "ClearSans-Bold", fontSize: 28)
l.position = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.45)
l.positionType = CCPositionType(
xUnit: .Normalized,
yUnit: .Normalized,
corner: .BottomLeft
l.fontColor = CCColor(red: 0.67, green: 0.63, blue: 0.6)
return l
lazy var _tryAgainButton: CCButton = {
let l = Button(title: "TRY AGAIN", fontName: "ClearSans-Bold", fontSize: 28)
l.position = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.3)
l.positionType = CCPositionType(
xUnit: .Normalized,
yUnit: .Normalized,
corner: .BottomLeft
l.setTarget(self, selector: "restartGame")
return l
// MARK: Init
class func scene(#score: Int) -> GameOverScene {
return GameOverScene(score: score)
init(score: Int) {
_score = score
func initSubnodes() {
// MARK: Target Actions
func restartGame() {
| bsd-3-clause | 05f42f060d69b0031ea11a56eab2b83f | 23.634409 | 101 | 0.54474 | 4.005245 | false | false | false | false |
tokyovigilante/CesiumKit | CesiumKit/Core/Matrix4.swift | 1 | 56037 | //
// Matrix4.swift
// CesiumKit
// Created by Ryan Walklin on 13/07/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Test Toast. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import simd
* A 4x4 matrix, indexable as a column-major order array.
* Constructor parameters are in row-major order for code readability.
* @alias Matrix4
* @constructor
* @param {Number} [column0Row0=0.0] The value for column 0, row 0.
* @param {Number} [column1Row0=0.0] The value for column 1, row 0.
* @param {Number} [column2Row0=0.0] The value for column 2, row 0.
* @param {Number} [column3Row0=0.0] The value for column 3, row 0.
* @param {Number} [column0Row1=0.0] The value for column 0, row 1.
* @param {Number} [column1Row1=0.0] The value for column 1, row 1.
* @param {Number} [column2Row1=0.0] The value for column 2, row 1.
* @param {Number} [column3Row1=0.0] The value for column 3, row 1.
* @param {Number} [column0Row2=0.0] The value for column 0, row 2.
* @param {Number} [column1Row2=0.0] The value for column 1, row 2.
* @param {Number} [column2Row2=0.0] The value for column 2, row 2.
* @param {Number} [column3Row2=0.0] The value for column 3, row 2.
* @param {Number} [column0Row3=0.0] The value for column 0, row 3.
* @param {Number} [column1Row3=0.0] The value for column 1, row 3.
* @param {Number} [column2Row3=0.0] The value for column 2, row 3.
* @param {Number} [column3Row3=0.0] The value for column 3, row 3.
* @see Matrix4.fromColumnMajorArray
* @see Matrix4.fromRowMajorArray
* @see Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation
* @see Matrix4.fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale
* @see Matrix4.fromTranslation
* @see Matrix4.fromScale
* @see Matrix4.fromUniformScale
* @see Matrix4.fromCamera
* @see Matrix4.computePerspectiveFieldOfView
* @see Matrix4.computeOrthographicOffCenter
* @see Matrix4.computePerspectiveOffCenter
* @see Matrix4.computeInfinitePerspectiveOffCenter
* @see Matrix4.computeViewportTransformation
* @see Matrix2
* @see Matrix3
* @see Packable
public struct Matrix4 {
fileprivate (set) internal var simdType: double4x4
var floatRepresentation: float4x4 {
return float4x4([
public init(
_ column0Row0: Double, _ column1Row0: Double, _ column2Row0: Double, _ column3Row0: Double,
_ column0Row1: Double, _ column1Row1: Double, _ column2Row1: Double, _ column3Row1: Double,
_ column0Row2: Double, _ column1Row2: Double, _ column2Row2: Double, _ column3Row2: Double,
_ column0Row3: Double, _ column1Row3: Double, _ column2Row3: Double, _ column3Row3: Double)
simdType = double4x4(rows: [
double4(column0Row0, column1Row0, column2Row0, column3Row0),
double4(column0Row1, column1Row1, column2Row1, column3Row1),
double4(column0Row2, column1Row2, column2Row2, column3Row2),
double4(column0Row3, column1Row3, column2Row3, column3Row3)
public init(grid: [Double]) {
assert(grid.count >= Matrix4.packedLength(), "invalid grid length")
grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], grid[3],
grid[4], grid[5], grid[6], grid[7],
grid[8], grid[9], grid[10], grid[11],
grid[12], grid[13], grid[14], grid[15]
public init (simd: double4x4) {
simdType = simd
public init (_ scalar: Double = 0.0) {
simdType = double4x4(scalar)
public init (diagonal: double4) {
simdType = double4x4(diagonal: diagonal)
* Creates a Matrix4 from 16 consecutive elements in an array.
* @function
* @param {Number[]} array The array whose 16 consecutive elements correspond to the positions of the matrix. Assumes column-major order.
* @param {Number} [startingIndex=0] The offset into the array of the first element, which corresponds to first column first row position in the matrix.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.
* @example
* // Create the Matrix4:
* // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
* // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
* // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
* // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
* var v = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0];
* var m = Cesium.Matrix4.fromArray(v);
* // Create same Matrix4 with using an offset into an array
* var v2 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0];
* var m2 = Cesium.Matrix4.fromArray(v2, 2);
Matrix4.fromArray = Matrix4.unpack;
* Computes a Matrix4 instance from a column-major order array.
* @param {Number[]} values The column-major order array.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.
* @returns The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.
Matrix4.fromColumnMajorArray = function(values, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(values)) {
throw new DeveloperError('values is required');
assert(grid.count == 16, "Invalid source array")
self.init(rows: [
double4(grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], grid[3]),
double4(grid[4], grid[5], grid[6], grid[7]),
double4(grid[8], grid[9], grid[10], grid[11]),
double4(grid[12], grid[13], grid[14], grid[15])
* Computes a Matrix4 instance from a row-major order array.
* The resulting matrix will be in column-major order.
* @param {Number[]} values The row-major order array.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.
* @returns The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.
init(rowMajorArray grid: [Double]) {
self.init(grid: grid)
* Computes a Matrix4 instance from a Matrix3 representing the rotation
* and a Cartesian3 representing the translation.
* @param {Matrix3} rotation The upper left portion of the matrix representing the rotation.
* @param {Cartesian3} [translation=Cartesian3.ZERO] The upper right portion of the matrix representing the translation.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.
* @returns The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.
init (rotation: Matrix3, translation: Cartesian3 = {
rotation[0,0], rotation[1,0], rotation[2,0], translation.x,
rotation[0,1], rotation[1,1], rotation[2,1], translation.y,
rotation[0,2], rotation[1,2], rotation[2,2], translation.z,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
var scratchTrsRotation = new Matrix3();
* Computes a Matrix4 instance from a translation, rotation, and scale (TRS)
* representation with the rotation represented as a quaternion.
* @param {Cartesian3} translation The translation transformation.
* @param {Quaternion} rotation The rotation transformation.
* @param {Cartesian3} scale The non-uniform scale transformation.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.
* @returns The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.
* @example
* result = Cesium.Matrix4.fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale(
* new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), // translation
* Cesium.Quaternion.IDENTITY, // rotation
* new Cesium.Cartesian3(7.0, 8.0, 9.0), // scale
* result);
Matrix4.fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale = function(translation, rotation, scale, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(translation)) {
throw new DeveloperError('translation is required.');
if (!defined(rotation)) {
throw new DeveloperError('rotation is required.');
if (!defined(scale)) {
throw new DeveloperError('scale is required.');
if (!defined(result)) {
result = new Matrix4();
var scaleX = scale.x;
var scaleY = scale.y;
var scaleZ = scale.z;
var x2 = rotation.x * rotation.x;
var xy = rotation.x * rotation.y;
var xz = rotation.x * rotation.z;
var xw = rotation.x * rotation.w;
var y2 = rotation.y * rotation.y;
var yz = rotation.y * rotation.z;
var yw = rotation.y * rotation.w;
var z2 = rotation.z * rotation.z;
var zw = rotation.z * rotation.w;
var w2 = rotation.w * rotation.w;
var m00 = x2 - y2 - z2 + w2;
var m01 = 2.0 * (xy - zw);
var m02 = 2.0 * (xz + yw);
var m10 = 2.0 * (xy + zw);
var m11 = -x2 + y2 - z2 + w2;
var m12 = 2.0 * (yz - xw);
var m20 = 2.0 * (xz - yw);
var m21 = 2.0 * (yz + xw);
var m22 = -x2 - y2 + z2 + w2;
result[0] = m00 * scaleX;
result[1] = m10 * scaleX;
result[2] = m20 * scaleX;
result[3] = 0.0;
result[4] = m01 * scaleY;
result[5] = m11 * scaleY;
result[6] = m21 * scaleY;
result[7] = 0.0;
result[8] = m02 * scaleZ;
result[9] = m12 * scaleZ;
result[10] = m22 * scaleZ;
result[11] = 0.0;
result[12] = translation.x;
result[13] = translation.y;
result[14] = translation.z;
result[15] = 1.0;
return result;
* Creates a Matrix4 instance from a Cartesian3 representing the translation.
* @param {Cartesian3} translation The upper right portion of the matrix representing the translation.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.
* @returns The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.
* @see Matrix4.multiplyByTranslation
init (translation: Cartesian3) {
self.init(rotation: Matrix3.identity, translation: translation)
* Computes a Matrix4 instance representing a non-uniform scale.
* @param {Cartesian3} scale The x, y, and z scale factors.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.
* @returns The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.
* @example
* // Creates
* // [7.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
* // [0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 0.0]
* // [0.0, 0.0, 9.0, 0.0]
* // [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
* var m = Cesium.Matrix4.fromScale(new Cartesian3(7.0, 8.0, 9.0));
init (scale: Cartesian3) {
let diagonal = double4([scale.simdType.x, scale.simdType.y, scale.simdType.z, 1.0])
self.simdType = double4x4(diagonal: diagonal)
scale.x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, scale.y, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, scale.z, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);*/
* Computes a Matrix4 instance representing a uniform scale.
* @param {Number} scale The uniform scale factor.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.
* @returns The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.
* @example
* // Creates
* // [2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
* // [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]
* // [0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0]
* // [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
* var m = Cesium.Matrix4.fromScale(2.0);
Matrix4.fromUniformScale = function(scale, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (typeof scale !== 'number') {
throw new DeveloperError('scale is required.');
if (!defined(result)) {
return new Matrix4(scale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, scale, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, scale, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
result[0] = scale;
result[1] = 0.0;
result[2] = 0.0;
result[3] = 0.0;
result[4] = 0.0;
result[5] = scale;
result[6] = 0.0;
result[7] = 0.0;
result[8] = 0.0;
result[9] = 0.0;
result[10] = scale;
result[11] = 0.0;
result[12] = 0.0;
result[13] = 0.0;
result[14] = 0.0;
result[15] = 1.0;
return result;
var fromCameraF = new Cartesian3();
var fromCameraS = new Cartesian3();
var fromCameraU = new Cartesian3();
* Computes a Matrix4 instance from a Camera.
* @param {Camera} camera The camera to use.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.
* @returns The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.
Matrix4.fromCamera = function(camera, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(camera)) {
throw new DeveloperError('camera is required.');
var eye = camera.eye;
var target =;
var up = camera.up;
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(eye)) {
throw new DeveloperError('camera.eye is required.');
if (!defined(target)) {
throw new DeveloperError(' is required.');
if (!defined(up)) {
throw new DeveloperError('camera.up is required.');
Cartesian3.normalize(Cartesian3.subtract(target, eye, fromCameraF), fromCameraF);
Cartesian3.normalize(Cartesian3.cross(fromCameraF, up, fromCameraS), fromCameraS);
Cartesian3.normalize(Cartesian3.cross(fromCameraS, fromCameraF, fromCameraU), fromCameraU);
var sX = fromCameraS.x;
var sY = fromCameraS.y;
var sZ = fromCameraS.z;
var fX = fromCameraF.x;
var fY = fromCameraF.y;
var fZ = fromCameraF.z;
var uX = fromCameraU.x;
var uY = fromCameraU.y;
var uZ = fromCameraU.z;
var eyeX = eye.x;
var eyeY = eye.y;
var eyeZ = eye.z;
var t0 = sX * -eyeX + sY * -eyeY+ sZ * -eyeZ;
var t1 = uX * -eyeX + uY * -eyeY+ uZ * -eyeZ;
var t2 = fX * eyeX + fY * eyeY + fZ * eyeZ;
//The code below this comment is an optimized
//version of the commented lines.
//Rather that create two matrices and then multiply,
//we just bake in the multiplcation as part of creation.
//var rotation = new Matrix4(
// sX, sY, sZ, 0.0,
// uX, uY, uZ, 0.0,
// -fX, -fY, -fZ, 0.0,
// 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//var translation = new Matrix4(
// 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -eye.x,
// 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -eye.y,
// 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -eye.z,
// 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//return rotation.multiply(translation);
if (!defined(result)) {
return new Matrix4(
sX, sY, sZ, t0,
uX, uY, uZ, t1,
-fX, -fY, -fZ, t2,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
result[0] = sX;
result[1] = uX;
result[2] = -fX;
result[3] = 0.0;
result[4] = sY;
result[5] = uY;
result[6] = -fY;
result[7] = 0.0;
result[8] = sZ;
result[9] = uZ;
result[10] = -fZ;
result[11] = 0.0;
result[12] = t0;
result[13] = t1;
result[14] = t2;
result[15] = 1.0;
return result;
public subscript (column: Int) -> Cartesian4 {
return Cartesian4(simd: simdType[column])
/// Access to individual elements.
public subscript (column: Int, row: Int) -> Double {
return simdType[column][row]
* Computes a Matrix4 instance representing a perspective transformation matrix.
* @param {Number} fovY The field of view along the Y axis in radians.
* @param {Number} aspectRatio The aspect ratio.
* @param {Number} near The distance to the near plane in meters.
* @param {Number} far The distance to the far plane in meters.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.
* @returns The modified result parameter.
* @exception {DeveloperError} fovY must be in [0, PI).
* @exception {DeveloperError} aspectRatio must be greater than zero.
* @exception {DeveloperError} near must be greater than zero.
* @exception {DeveloperError} far must be greater than zero.
Matrix4.computePerspectiveFieldOfView = function(fovY, aspectRatio, near, far, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (fovY <= 0.0 || fovY > Math.PI) {
throw new DeveloperError('fovY must be in [0, PI).');
if (aspectRatio <= 0.0) {
throw new DeveloperError('aspectRatio must be greater than zero.');
if (near <= 0.0) {
throw new DeveloperError('near must be greater than zero.');
if (far <= 0.0) {
throw new DeveloperError('far must be greater than zero.');
if (!defined(result)) {
throw new DeveloperError('result is required,');
var bottom = Math.tan(fovY * 0.5);
var column1Row1 = 1.0 / bottom;
var column0Row0 = column1Row1 / aspectRatio;
var column2Row2 = (far + near) / (near - far);
var column3Row2 = (2.0 * far * near) / (near - far);
result[0] = column0Row0;
result[1] = 0.0;
result[2] = 0.0;
result[3] = 0.0;
result[4] = 0.0;
result[5] = column1Row1;
result[6] = 0.0;
result[7] = 0.0;
result[8] = 0.0;
result[9] = 0.0;
result[10] = column2Row2;
result[11] = -1.0;
result[12] = 0.0;
result[13] = 0.0;
result[14] = column3Row2;
result[15] = 0.0;
return result;
* Computes a Matrix4 instance representing an orthographic transformation matrix.
* @param {Number} left The number of meters to the left of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} right The number of meters to the right of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} bottom The number of meters below of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} top The number of meters above of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} near The distance to the near plane in meters.
* @param {Number} far The distance to the far plane in meters.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.
* @returns The modified result parameter.
static func computeOrthographicOffCenter (left: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double, top: Double, near: Double = 0.0, far: Double = 1.0) -> Matrix4 {
// Converted to Metal NDC coordinates - z: [0-1]
let a = 2.0 / (right - left)
let b = 2.0 / (top - bottom)
let c = 1.0 / (far - near)
let tx = (right + left) / (left - right)
let ty = (top + bottom) / (bottom - top)
let tz = near / (far - near)
return Matrix4(
a, 0.0, 0.0, tx,
0.0, b, 0.0, ty,
0.0, 0.0, c, tz,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
* Computes a Matrix4 instance representing an off center perspective transformation.
* @param {Number} left The number of meters to the left of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} right The number of meters to the right of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} bottom The number of meters below of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} top The number of meters above of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} near The distance to the near plane in meters.
* @param {Number} far The distance to the far plane in meters.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.
* @returns The modified result parameter.
static func computePerspectiveOffCenter (left: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double, top: Double, near: Double, far: Double) -> Matrix4 {
// Converted to Metal NDC coordinates - z: [0-1]
let column0Row0 = 2.0 * near / (right - left) // w
let column1Row1 = 2.0 * near / (top - bottom) // h
let column2Row0 = (left + right) / (right - left)
let column2Row1 = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom)
let column2Row2 = far / (near - far) // Q
let column3Row2 = near * far / (near - far)
return Matrix4(
column0Row0, 0.0, column2Row0, 0.0,
0.0, column1Row1, column2Row1, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, column2Row2, column3Row2,
0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0)
* Computes a Matrix4 instance representing an infinite off center perspective transformation.
* @param {Number} left The number of meters to the left of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} right The number of meters to the right of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} bottom The number of meters below of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} top The number of meters above of the camera that will be in view.
* @param {Number} near The distance to the near plane in meters.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.
* @returns The modified result parameter.
static func computeInfinitePerspectiveOffCenter (left: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double, top: Double, near: Double) -> Matrix4 {
//assertionFailure("not updated for metal NDC")
let column0Row0 = 2.0 * near / (right - left)
let column1Row1 = 2.0 * near / (top - bottom)
let column2Row0 = (right + left) / (right - left)
let column2Row1 = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom)
let column2Row2 = -1.0
let column2Row3 = -1.0
let column3Row2 = -2.0 * near
return Matrix4(
column0Row0, 0.0, column2Row0, 0.0,
0.0, column1Row1, column2Row1, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, column2Row2, column3Row2,
0.0, 0.0, column2Row3, 0.0)
* Computes a Matrix4 instance that transforms from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates.
* @param {Object}[viewport = { x : 0.0, y : 0.0, width : 0.0, height : 0.0 }] The viewport's corners as shown in Example 1.
* @param {Number}[nearDepthRange=0.0] The near plane distance in window coordinates.
* @param {Number}[farDepthRange=1.0] The far plane distance in window coordinates.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.
* @returns The modified result parameter.
* @example
* // Example 1. Create viewport transformation using an explicit viewport and depth range.
* var m = Cesium.Matrix4.computeViewportTransformation({
* x : 0.0,
* y : 0.0,
* width : 1024.0,
* height : 768.0
* }, 0.0, 1.0);
* @example
* // Example 2. Create viewport transformation using the context's viewport.
* var m = Cesium.Matrix4.computeViewportTransformation(context.getViewport());
internal static func computeViewportTransformation (_ viewport: Cartesian4, nearDepthRange: Double = 0.0, farDepthRange: Double = 1.0) -> Matrix4 {
let x = viewport.x
let y = viewport.y
let width = viewport.width
let height = viewport.height
let halfWidth = width * 0.5
let halfHeight = height * 0.5
let halfDepth = (farDepthRange - nearDepthRange) * 0.5
let column0Row0 = halfWidth
let column1Row1 = halfHeight
let column2Row2 = halfDepth
let column3Row0 = x + halfWidth
let column3Row1 = y + halfHeight
let column3Row2 = nearDepthRange + halfDepth
let column3Row3 = 1.0
return Matrix4(
column0Row0, 0.0, 0.0, column3Row0,
0.0, column1Row1, 0.0, column3Row1,
0.0, 0.0, column2Row2, column3Row2,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, column3Row3
* Computes the array index of the element at the provided row and column.
* @param {Number} row The zero-based index of the row.
* @param {Number} column The zero-based index of the column.
* @returns {Number} The index of the element at the provided row and column.
* @exception {DeveloperError} row must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
* @exception {DeveloperError} column must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
* @example
* var myMatrix = new Cesium.Matrix4();
* var column1Row0Index = Cesium.Matrix4.getElementIndex(1, 0);
* var column1Row0 = myMatrix[column1Row0Index]
* myMatrix[column1Row0Index] = 10.0;
Matrix4.getElementIndex = function(column, row) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (typeof row !== 'number' || row < 0 || row > 3) {
throw new DeveloperError('row must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.');
if (typeof column !== 'number' || column < 0 || column > 3) {
throw new DeveloperError('column must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.');
return column * 4 + row;
* Retrieves a copy of the matrix column at the provided index as a Cartesian4 instance.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.
* @param {Number} index The zero-based index of the column to retrieve.
* @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.
* @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
* @example
* //returns a Cartesian4 instance with values from the specified column
* // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]
* // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]
* // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]
* // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]
* //Example 1: Creates an instance of Cartesian
* var a = Cesium.Matrix4.getColumn(m, 2);
* @example
* //Example 2: Sets values for Cartesian instance
* var a = new Cesium.Cartesian4();
* Cesium.Matrix4.getColumn(m, 2, a);
* // a.x = 12.0; a.y = 16.0; a.z = 20.0; a.w = 24.0;
func getColumn (_ index: Int) -> Cartesian4 {
assert(index >= 0 && index <= 3, "index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.")
return Cartesian4(simd: simdType[index])
* Computes a new matrix that replaces the specified column in the provided matrix with the provided Cartesian4 instance.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.
* @param {Number} index The zero-based index of the column to set.
* @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian whose values will be assigned to the specified column.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
* @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
* @example
* //creates a new Matrix4 instance with new column values from the Cartesian4 instance
* // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]
* // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]
* // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]
* // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]
* var a = Cesium.Matrix4.setColumn(m, 2, new Cartesian4(99.0, 98.0, 97.0, 96.0));
* // m remains the same
* // a = [10.0, 11.0, 99.0, 13.0]
* // [14.0, 15.0, 98.0, 17.0]
* // [18.0, 19.0, 97.0, 21.0]
* // [22.0, 23.0, 96.0, 25.0]
func setColumn (_ index: Int, cartesian: Cartesian4) -> Matrix4 {
assert(index >= 0 && index <= 3, "index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.")
var result = simdType
result[index] = double4(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z, cartesian.w)
return Matrix4(simd: result)
* Computes a new matrix that replaces the translation in the rightmost column of the provided
* matrix with the provided translation. This assumes the matrix is an affine transformation
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.
* @param {Cartesian3} translation The translation that replaces the translation of the provided matrix.
* @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
func setTranslation (_ translation: Cartesian3) -> Matrix4 {
var result = simdType
result[3] = double4(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z, simdType[3].w)
return Matrix4(simd: result)
* Retrieves a copy of the matrix row at the provided index as a Cartesian4 instance.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.
* @param {Number} index The zero-based index of the row to retrieve.
* @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.
* @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
* @example
* //returns a Cartesian4 instance with values from the specified column
* // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]
* // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]
* // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]
* // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]
* //Example 1: Returns an instance of Cartesian
* var a = Cesium.Matrix4.getRow(m, 2);
* @example
* //Example 2: Sets values for a Cartesian instance
* var a = new Cesium.Cartesian4();
* Cesium.Matrix4.getRow(m, 2, a);
* // a.x = 18.0; a.y = 19.0; a.z = 20.0; a.w = 21.0;
func row (_ index: Int) -> Cartesian4 {
assert(index >= 0 && index <= 3, "index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.")
return Cartesian4(
x: self[0, index],
y: self[1, index],
z: self[2, index],
w: self[3, index]
* Computes the product of two matrices.
* @param {MatrixType} self The first matrix.
* @param {MatrixType} other The second matrix.
* @returns {MatrixType} The modified result parameter.
func multiply(_ other: Matrix4) -> Matrix4 {
return Matrix4(simd: simdType * other.simdType)
func negate() -> Matrix4 {
return Matrix4(simd: -simdType)
func transpose () -> Matrix4 {
return Matrix4(simd: simdType.transpose)
* Compares this matrix to the provided matrix componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {MatrixType} [right] The right hand side matrix.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
func equals(_ other: Matrix4) -> Bool {
return simd_equal(simdType, other.simdType)
* Compares the provided matrices componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they are within the provided epsilon,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {MatrixType} [left] The first matrix.
* @param {MatrixType} [right] The second matrix.
* @param {Number} epsilon The epsilon to use for equality testing.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if left and right are within the provided epsilon, <code>false</code> otherwise.
func equalsEpsilon(_ other: Matrix4, epsilon: Double) -> Bool {
return simd_almost_equal_elements(self.simdType, other.simdType, epsilon)
* Computes a new matrix that replaces the specified row in the provided matrix with the provided Cartesian4 instance.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.
* @param {Number} index The zero-based index of the row to set.
* @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian whose values will be assigned to the specified row.
* @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
* @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
* @example
* //create a new Matrix4 instance with new row values from the Cartesian4 instance
* // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]
* // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]
* // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]
* // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]
* var a = Cesium.Matrix4.setRow(m, 2, new Cartesian4(99.0, 98.0, 97.0, 96.0));
* // m remains the same
* // a = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]
* // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]
* // [99.0, 98.0, 97.0, 96.0]
* // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]
Matrix4.setRow = function(matrix, index, cartesian, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(matrix)) {
throw new DeveloperError('matrix is required');
if (!defined(cartesian)) {
throw new DeveloperError('cartesian is required');
if (typeof index !== 'number' || index < 0 || index > 3) {
throw new DeveloperError('index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.');
if (!defined(result)) {
throw new DeveloperError('result is required,');
result = Matrix4.clone(matrix, result);
result[index] = cartesian.x;
result[index + 4] = cartesian.y;
result[index + 8] = cartesian.z;
result[index + 12] = cartesian.w;
return result;
var scratchColumn = new Cartesian3();
* Extracts the non-uniform scale assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.
* @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter
Matrix4.getScale = function(matrix, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(matrix)) {
throw new DeveloperError('matrix is required.');
if (!defined(result)) {
throw new DeveloperError('result is required,');
result.x = Cartesian3.magnitude(Cartesian3.fromElements(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], scratchColumn));
result.y = Cartesian3.magnitude(Cartesian3.fromElements(matrix[4], matrix[5], matrix[6], scratchColumn));
result.z = Cartesian3.magnitude(Cartesian3.fromElements(matrix[8], matrix[9], matrix[10], scratchColumn));
return result;
var scratchScale = new Cartesian3();
* Computes the maximum scale assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.
* The maximum scale is the maximum length of the column vectors in the upper-left
* 3x3 matrix.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.
* @returns {Number} The maximum scale.
Matrix4.getMaximumScale = function(matrix) {
Matrix4.getScale(matrix, scratchScale);
return Cartesian3.maximumComponent(scratchScale);
* Computes the product of two matrices assuming the matrices are
* affine transformation matrices, where the upper left 3x3 elements
* are a rotation matrix, and the upper three elements in the fourth
* column are the translation. The bottom row is assumed to be [0, 0, 0, 1].
* The matrix is not verified to be in the proper form.
* This method is faster than computing the product for general 4x4
* matrices using {@link Matrix4.multiply}.
* @param {Matrix4} left The first matrix.
* @param {Matrix4} right The second matrix.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
* @example
* var m1 = new Cesium.Matrix4(1.0, 6.0, 7.0, 0.0, 2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0, 9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0];
* var m2 = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
* var m3 = Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyTransformation(m1, m2);
/*func multiplyTransformation (other: Matrix4) -> Matrix4 {
let this0 = _grid[0]
let this1 = _grid[1]
let this2 = _grid[2]
let this4 = _grid[4]
let this5 = _grid[5]
let this6 = _grid[6]
let this8 = _grid[8]
let this9 = _grid[9]
let this10 = _grid[10]
let this12 = _grid[12]
let this13 = _grid[13]
let this14 = _grid[14]
let other0 = other[0]
let other1 = other[1]
let other2 = other[2]
let other4 = other[4]
let other5 = other[5]
let other6 = other[6]
let other8 = other[8]
let other9 = other[9]
let other10 = other[10]
let other12 = other[12]
let other13 = other[13]
let other14 = other[14]
let column0Row0 = this0 * other0 + this4 * other1 + this8 * other2
let column0Row1 = this1 * other0 + this5 * other1 + this9 * other2
let column0Row2 = this2 * other0 + this6 * other1 + this10 * other2
let column1Row0 = this0 * other4 + this4 * other5 + this8 * other6
let column1Row1 = this1 * other4 + this5 * other5 + this9 * other6
let column1Row2 = this2 * other4 + this6 * other5 + this10 * other6
let column2Row0 = this0 * other8 + this4 * other9 + this8 * other10
let column2Row1 = this1 * other8 + this5 * other9 + this9 * other10
let column2Row2 = this2 * other8 + this6 * other9 + this10 * other10
let column3Row0 = this0 * other12 + this4 * other13 + this8 * other14 + this12
let column3Row1 = this1 * other12 + this5 * other13 + this9 * other14 + this13
let column3Row2 = this2 * other12 + this6 * other13 + this10 * other14 + this14
return Matrix4(
column0Row0, column1Row0, column2Row0, column3Row0,
column0Row1, column1Row1, column2Row1, column3Row1,
column0Row2, column1Row2, column2Row2, column3Row2,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
* Multiplies a transformation matrix (with a bottom row of <code>[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]</code>)
* by a 3x3 rotation matrix. This is an optimization
* for <code>Matrix4.multiply(m, Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(rotation), m);</code> with less allocations and arithmetic operations.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix on the left-hand side.
* @param {Matrix3} rotation The 3x3 rotation matrix on the right-hand side.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
* @example
* // Instead of Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(rotation), m);
* Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByMatrix3(m, rotation, m);
Matrix4.multiplyByMatrix3 = function(matrix, rotation, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(matrix)) {
throw new DeveloperError('matrix is required');
if (!defined(rotation)) {
throw new DeveloperError('rotation is required');
if (!defined(result)) {
throw new DeveloperError('result is required,');
var left0 = matrix[0];
var left1 = matrix[1];
var left2 = matrix[2];
var left4 = matrix[4];
var left5 = matrix[5];
var left6 = matrix[6];
var left8 = matrix[8];
var left9 = matrix[9];
var left10 = matrix[10];
var right0 = rotation[0];
var right1 = rotation[1];
var right2 = rotation[2];
var right4 = rotation[3];
var right5 = rotation[4];
var right6 = rotation[5];
var right8 = rotation[6];
var right9 = rotation[7];
var right10 = rotation[8];
var column0Row0 = left0 * right0 + left4 * right1 + left8 * right2;
var column0Row1 = left1 * right0 + left5 * right1 + left9 * right2;
var column0Row2 = left2 * right0 + left6 * right1 + left10 * right2;
var column1Row0 = left0 * right4 + left4 * right5 + left8 * right6;
var column1Row1 = left1 * right4 + left5 * right5 + left9 * right6;
var column1Row2 = left2 * right4 + left6 * right5 + left10 * right6;
var column2Row0 = left0 * right8 + left4 * right9 + left8 * right10;
var column2Row1 = left1 * right8 + left5 * right9 + left9 * right10;
var column2Row2 = left2 * right8 + left6 * right9 + left10 * right10;
result[0] = column0Row0;
result[1] = column0Row1;
result[2] = column0Row2;
result[3] = 0.0;
result[4] = column1Row0;
result[5] = column1Row1;
result[6] = column1Row2;
result[7] = 0.0;
result[8] = column2Row0;
result[9] = column2Row1;
result[10] = column2Row2;
result[11] = 0.0;
result[12] = matrix[12];
result[13] = matrix[13];
result[14] = matrix[14];
result[15] = matrix[15];
return result;
* Multiplies an affine transformation matrix (with a bottom row of <code>[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]</code>)
* by an implicit non-uniform scale matrix. This is an optimization
* for <code>Matrix4.multiply(m, Matrix4.fromUniformScale(scale), m);</code>, where
* <code>m</code> must be an affine matrix.
* This function performs fewer allocations and arithmetic operations.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix on the left-hand side.
* @param {Cartesian3} translation The translation on the right-hand side.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
* @example
* // Instead of Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix4.fromTranslation(position), m);
* Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByTranslation(m, position, m);
Matrix4.multiplyByTranslation = function(matrix, translation, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(matrix)) {
throw new DeveloperError('matrix is required');
if (!defined(translation)) {
throw new DeveloperError('translation is required');
if (!defined(result)) {
throw new DeveloperError('result is required,');
var x = translation.x;
var y = translation.y;
var z = translation.z;
var tx = (x * matrix[0]) + (y * matrix[4]) + (z * matrix[8]) + matrix[12];
var ty = (x * matrix[1]) + (y * matrix[5]) + (z * matrix[9]) + matrix[13];
var tz = (x * matrix[2]) + (y * matrix[6]) + (z * matrix[10]) + matrix[14];
result[0] = matrix[0];
result[1] = matrix[1];
result[2] = matrix[2];
result[3] = matrix[3];
result[4] = matrix[4];
result[5] = matrix[5];
result[6] = matrix[6];
result[7] = matrix[7];
result[8] = matrix[8];
result[9] = matrix[9];
result[10] = matrix[10];
result[11] = matrix[11];
result[12] = tx;
result[13] = ty;
result[14] = tz;
result[15] = matrix[15];
return result;
var uniformScaleScratch = new Cartesian3();
* Multiplies a transformation matrix (with a bottom row of <code>[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]</code>)
* by an implicit uniform scale matrix. This is an optimization
* for <code>Matrix4.multiply(m, Matrix4.fromUniformScale(scale), m);</code> with less allocations and arithmetic operations.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix on the left-hand side.
* @param {Number} scale The uniform scale on the right-hand side.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
* @see Matrix4.fromUniformScale
* @see Matrix4.multiplyByScale
* @example
* // Instead of Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix4.fromUniformScale(scale), m);
* Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale(m, scale, m);
Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(matrix)) {
throw new DeveloperError('matrix is required');
if (typeof scale !== 'number') {
throw new DeveloperError('scale is required');
if (!defined(result)) {
throw new DeveloperError('result is required,');
uniformScaleScratch.x = scale;
uniformScaleScratch.y = scale;
uniformScaleScratch.z = scale;
return Matrix4.multiplyByScale(matrix, uniformScaleScratch, result);
* Multiplies a transformation matrix (with a bottom row of <code>[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]</code>)
* by an implicit non-uniform scale matrix. This is an optimization
* for <code>Matrix4.multiply(m, Matrix4.fromScale(scale), m);</code> with less allocations and arithmetic operations.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix on the left-hand side.
* @param {Cartesian3} scale The non-uniform scale on the right-hand side.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
* @see Matrix4.fromScale
* @see Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale
* @example
* // Instead of Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix4.fromScale(scale), m);
* Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale(m, scale, m);
Matrix4.multiplyByScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(matrix)) {
throw new DeveloperError('matrix is required');
if (!defined(scale)) {
throw new DeveloperError('scale is required');
if (!defined(result)) {
throw new DeveloperError('result is required,');
var scaleX = scale.x;
var scaleY = scale.y;
var scaleZ = scale.z;
// Faster than Cartesian3.equals
if ((scaleX === 1.0) && (scaleY === 1.0) && (scaleZ === 1.0)) {
return Matrix4.clone(matrix, result);
result[0] = scaleX * matrix[0];
result[1] = scaleX * matrix[1];
result[2] = scaleX * matrix[2];
result[3] = 0.0;
result[4] = scaleY * matrix[4];
result[5] = scaleY * matrix[5];
result[6] = scaleY * matrix[6];
result[7] = 0.0;
result[8] = scaleZ * matrix[8];
result[9] = scaleZ * matrix[9];
result[10] = scaleZ * matrix[10];
result[11] = 0.0;
result[12] = matrix[12];
result[13] = matrix[13];
result[14] = matrix[14];
result[15] = 1.0;
return result;
* Computes the product of a matrix and a column vector.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.
* @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The vector.
* @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.
func multiplyByVector(_ cartesian: Cartesian4) -> Cartesian4 {
return Cartesian4(simd: self.simdType * cartesian.simdType)
* Computes the product of a matrix and a {@link Cartesian3}. This is equivalent to calling {@link Matrix4.multiplyByVector}
* with a {@link Cartesian4} with a <code>w</code> component of zero.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.
* @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The point.
* @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.
* @example
* var p = new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
* Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByPointAsVector(matrix, p, result);
* // A shortcut for
* // Cartesian3 p = ...
* // Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByVector(matrix, new Cesium.Cartesian4(p.x, p.y, p.z, 0.0), result);
func multiplyByPointAsVector (_ cartesian: Cartesian3) -> Cartesian3 {
let vector = simdType * double4(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z, 0.0)
return Cartesian3(x: vector.x, y: vector.y, z: vector.z)
* Computes the product of a matrix and a {@link Cartesian3}. This is equivalent to calling {@link Matrix4.multiplyByVector}
* with a {@link Cartesian4} with a <code>w</code> component of 1, but returns a {@link Cartesian3} instead of a {@link Cartesian4}.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.
* @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The point.
* @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.
* @example
* var p = new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
* Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(matrix, p, result);
func multiplyByPoint (_ cartesian: Cartesian3) -> Cartesian3 {
let vector = simdType * double4(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z, 1.0)
return Cartesian3(x: vector.x, y: vector.y, z: vector.z)
* Computes the product of a matrix and a scalar.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.
* @param {Number} scalar The number to multiply by.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
* @example
* //create a Matrix4 instance which is a scaled version of the supplied Matrix4
* // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]
* // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]
* // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]
* // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]
* var a = Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyBy(scalar: m, -2);
* // m remains the same
* // a = [-20.0, -22.0, -24.0, -26.0]
* // [-28.0, -30.0, -32.0, -34.0]
* // [-36.0, -38.0, -40.0, -42.0]
* // [-44.0, -46.0, -48.0, -50.0]
Matrix4.multiplyByScalar = function(matrix, scalar, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(matrix)) {
throw new DeveloperError('matrix is required');
if (typeof scalar !== 'number') {
throw new DeveloperError('scalar must be a number');
if (!defined(result)) {
throw new DeveloperError('result is required,');
result[0] = matrix[0] * scalar;
result[1] = matrix[1] * scalar;
result[2] = matrix[2] * scalar;
result[3] = matrix[3] * scalar;
result[4] = matrix[4] * scalar;
result[5] = matrix[5] * scalar;
result[6] = matrix[6] * scalar;
result[7] = matrix[7] * scalar;
result[8] = matrix[8] * scalar;
result[9] = matrix[9] * scalar;
result[10] = matrix[10] * scalar;
result[11] = matrix[11] * scalar;
result[12] = matrix[12] * scalar;
result[13] = matrix[13] * scalar;
result[14] = matrix[14] * scalar;
result[15] = matrix[15] * scalar;
return result;
* Computes a matrix, which contains the absolute (unsigned) values of the provided matrix's elements.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix with signed elements.
* @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.
Matrix4.abs = function(matrix, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!defined(matrix)) {
throw new DeveloperError('matrix is required');
if (!defined(result)) {
throw new DeveloperError('result is required,');
result[0] = Math.abs(matrix[0]);
result[1] = Math.abs(matrix[1]);
result[2] = Math.abs(matrix[2]);
result[3] = Math.abs(matrix[3]);
result[4] = Math.abs(matrix[4]);
result[5] = Math.abs(matrix[5]);
result[6] = Math.abs(matrix[6]);
result[7] = Math.abs(matrix[7]);
result[8] = Math.abs(matrix[8]);
result[9] = Math.abs(matrix[9]);
result[10] = Math.abs(matrix[10]);
result[11] = Math.abs(matrix[11]);
result[12] = Math.abs(matrix[12]);
result[13] = Math.abs(matrix[13]);
result[14] = Math.abs(matrix[14]);
result[15] = Math.abs(matrix[15]);
return result;
* Gets the translation portion of the provided matrix, assuming the matrix is a affine transformation matrix.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.
* @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.
var translation: Cartesian3 {
let column3 = simdType[3]
return Cartesian3(x: column3.x, y: column3.y, z: column3.z)
* Gets the upper left 3x3 rotation matrix of the provided matrix, assuming the matrix is a affine transformation matrix.
* @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.
* @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.
* @example
* // returns a Matrix3 instance from a Matrix4 instance
* // m = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0]
* // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0, 23.0]
* // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0]
* // [13.0, 17.0, 21.0, 25.0]
* var b = new Cesium.Matrix3();
* Cesium.Matrix4.getRotation(m,b);
* // b = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0]
* // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0]
* // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0]
var rotation: Matrix3 {
let column0 = simdType[0]
let column1 = simdType[1]
let column2 = simdType[2]
return Matrix3(
column0.x, column1.x, column2.x,
column0.y, column1.y, column2.y,
column0.z, column1.z, column2.z)
var inverse: Matrix4 {
// Special case for a zero scale matrix that can occur, for example,
// when a model's node has a [0, 0, 0] scale.
if rotation.equalsEpsilon(, epsilon: Math.Epsilon7) && self[3] == Cartesian4.unitW {
return Matrix4(simd: double4x4([
double4(self[3,0], self[3,1], self[3,2], 1.0)])
/*result[0] = 0.0;
result[1] = 0.0;
result[2] = 0.0;
result[3] = 0.0;
result[4] = 0.0;
result[5] = 0.0;
result[6] = 0.0;
result[7] = 0.0;
result[8] = 0.0;
result[9] = 0.0;
result[10] = 0.0;
result[11] = 0.0;
result[12] = -matrix[12];
result[13] = -matrix[13];
result[14] = -matrix[14];
result[15] = 1.0;
return result;*/
return Matrix4(simd: simdType.inverse)
* An immutable Matrix4 instance initialized to the identity matrix.
* @type {Matrix4}
* @constant
public static let identity = Matrix4(1.0)
public static let zero = Matrix4()
* @private
func equalsArray (_ array: [Float], offset: Int) -> Bool {
let other = Matrix4.unpack(array, startingIndex: offset)
return self == other
extension Matrix4: Packable {
var length: Int {
return Matrix4.packedLength()
static func packedLength () -> Int {
return 16
init(array: [Double], startingIndex: Int = 0) {
assert(checkPackedArrayLength(array, startingIndex: startingIndex), "Invalid packed array length")
_ = array.withUnsafeBufferPointer { (pointer: UnsafeBufferPointer<Double>) in
memcpy(&self, pointer.baseAddress, Matrix4.packedLength() * MemoryLayout<Double>.stride)
extension Matrix4: Equatable {}
* Compares the provided matrices componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {Matrix4} [left] The first matrix.
* @param {Matrix4} [right] The second matrix.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if left and right are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @example
* //compares two Matrix4 instances
* // a = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0]
* // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0, 23.0]
* // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0]
* // [13.0, 17.0, 21.0, 25.0]
* // b = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0]
* // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0, 23.0]
* // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0]
* // [13.0, 17.0, 21.0, 25.0]
* if(Cesium.Matrix4.equals(a,b)) {
* console.log("Both matrices are equal");
* } else {
* console.log("They are not equal");
* }
* //Prints "Both matrices are equal" on the console
public func == (left: Matrix4, right: Matrix4) -> Bool {
return left.equals(right)
| apache-2.0 | 1506adab272c841727ab5c4c14eee1f1 | 35.506189 | 155 | 0.609704 | 3.364373 | false | false | false | false |
v-andr/LakestoneCore | Source/PersistentPropertyList.swift | 1 | 12465 | //
// PersistentPropertyList.swift
// LakestoneCore
// Created by Taras Vozniuk on 6/13/16.
// Copyright © 2016 GeoThings. All rights reserved.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import android.content
import android.preference
import Foundation
public class PersistentPropertyList {
fileprivate let sharedPreference: SharedPreferences
fileprivate let sharedPreferenceEditor: SharedPreferences.Editor
public init(applicationContext: Context, preferenceFileKey: String? = nil){
if let passedPreferenceKey = preferenceFileKey {
self.sharedPreference = applicationContext.getSharedPreferences(preferenceFileKey, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
} else {
self.sharedPreference = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(applicationContext)
self.sharedPreferenceEditor = self.sharedPreference.edit()
fileprivate let userDefaults: UserDefaults
public init(){
self.userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
public func set(_ value: Bool, forKey key: String){
self.sharedPreferenceEditor.putBoolean(key, value)
self.userDefaults.set(value, forKey: key)
public func set(_ value: Int, forKey key: String){
self.sharedPreferenceEditor.putLong(key, value)
self.userDefaults.set(value, forKey: key)
public func set(_ value: Float, forKey key: String){
self.sharedPreferenceEditor.putFloat(key, value)
self.userDefaults.set(value, forKey: key)
public func set(_ value: Double, forKey key: String){
//android sharedPreference for some reason doesn't have double support, store as string then instead
self.sharedPreferenceEditor.putString(key, value.toString())
self.userDefaults.set(value, forKey: key)
public func set(_ value: String, forKey key: String){
self.sharedPreferenceEditor.putString(key, value)
self.userDefaults.set(value, forKey: key)
public func set(_ value: Set<String>, forKey key: String){
var javaSet = java.util.HashSet<String>(value)
self.sharedPreferenceEditor.putStringSet(key, javaSet)
self.userDefaults.set([String](value), forKey: key)
public func bool(forKey key: String) -> Bool? {
return (self.sharedPreference.contains(key)) ? self.sharedPreference.getBoolean(key, false) : nil
return (self.userDefaults.object(forKey: key) != nil) ? self.userDefaults.bool(forKey: key) : nil
public func integer(forKey key: String) -> Int? {
return (self.sharedPreference.contains(key)) ? self.sharedPreference.getLong(key, 0) : nil
return (self.userDefaults.object(forKey: key) != nil) ? self.userDefaults.integer(forKey: key) : nil
public func float(forKey key: String) -> Float? {
return (self.sharedPreference.contains(key)) ? self.sharedPreference.getFloat(key, 0.0) : nil
return (self.userDefaults.object(forKey: key) != nil) ? self.userDefaults.float(forKey: key) : nil
public func double(forKey key: String) -> Double? {
//android sharedPreference for some reason doesn't have double support, it is stored as string instead
return (self.sharedPreference.contains(key)) ? Double.parseDouble(self.sharedPreference.getString(key, "0.0")) : nil
return (self.userDefaults.object(forKey: key) != nil) ? self.userDefaults.double(forKey: key) : nil
public func string(forKey key: String) -> String? {
return (self.sharedPreference.contains(key)) ? self.sharedPreference.getString(key, "") : nil
return self.userDefaults.string(forKey: key)
public func stringSet(forKey key: String) -> Set<String>? {
if (self.sharedPreference.contains(key)){
let javaStringSet = java.util.HashSet<String>(self.sharedPreference.getStringSet(key, java.util.HashSet<String>()))
let returnSet = Set<String>()
for entity in javaStringSet {
return returnSet
} else {
return nil
guard let stringArray = self.userDefaults.stringArray(forKey: key) else {
return nil
return Set<String>(stringArray)
public func removeObject(forKey key: String){
self.userDefaults.removeObject(forKey: key)
public func synchronize(){
_ = self.userDefaults.synchronize()
public func contains(key: String) -> Bool {
return self.sharedPreference.contains(key)
return self.userDefaults.object(forKey: key) != nil
public var allKeys: Set<String> {
let javaStringSet = self.sharedPreference.getAll().keySet()
let returnSet = Set<String>()
for entity in javaStringSet {
return returnSet
#elseif !os(Linux)
public var allKeys: Set<String> {
return Set<String>(self.userDefaults.dictionaryRepresentation().keys)
// Array, Dictionary, Date, String, URL, UUID
extension PersistentPropertyList {
/// -remark: Overloading with '_ value:' will result in dex failure in Silver
public func set(array: [Any], forKey key: String) {
guard let jsonString = try? JSONSerialization.string(withJSONObject: array) else {
self.set(jsonString, forKey: key)
self.userDefaults.set(array, forKey: key)
public func set(set: Set<AnyHashable>, forKey key: String){
self.set(array: [AnyHashable](set), forKey: key)
public func set(_ value: [String: Any], forKey key: String) {
guard let jsonString = try? JSONSerialization.string(withJSONObject: value) else {
self.set(jsonString, forKey: key)
self.userDefaults.set(value, forKey: key)
public func set(_ value: Date, forKey key: String) {
let timeInterval = value.timeIntervalSince1970
self.set(timeInterval, forKey: key)
self.userDefaults.set(value, forKey: key)
public func set(_ value: URL, forKey key: String) {
let absoluteString = value.absoluteString
self.set(absoluteString, forKey: key)
self.userDefaults.set(value, forKey: key)
public func set(_ uuid: UUID, forKey key: String){
self.set(uuid.uuidString, forKey: key)
public func array(forKey key: String) -> [Any]? {
guard let jsonString = self.string(forKey: key),
let jsonData = Data.with(utf8EncodedString: jsonString)
else {
return nil
guard let jsonObject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData)
else {
return nil
return jsonObject as? [Any]
return self.userDefaults.array(forKey: key)
public func set(forKey key: String) -> Set<AnyHashable>? {
guard let array = self.array(forKey: key) as? [AnyHashable] else {
return nil
return Set<AnyHashable>(array)
public func dictionary(forKey key: String) -> [String: Any]? {
guard let jsonString = self.string(forKey: key),
let jsonData = Data.with(utf8EncodedString: jsonString)
else {
return nil
guard let jsonObject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData)
else {
return nil
return jsonObject as? [String: Any]
return self.userDefaults.dictionary(forKey: key)
public func date(forKey key: String) -> Date? {
guard let timeInterval = self.double(forKey: key) else {
return nil
return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: timeInterval)
return self.userDefaults.object(forKey: key) as? Date
public func url(forKey key: String) -> URL? {
guard let absoluteString = self.string(forKey: key) else {
return nil
return URL(string: absoluteString)
return self.userDefaults.url(forKey: key)
public func uuid(forKey key: String) -> UUID? {
guard let uuidString = self.string(forKey: key) else {
return nil
return UUID(uuidString: uuidString)
// CustomSerializable support
extension PersistentPropertyList {
public func setCustomSerializable(_ customSerializable: CustomSerializable, forKey key: String) throws {
let serializedDict = try CustomSerialization.dictionary(from: customSerializable)
let jsonString = try JSONSerialization.string(withJSONObject: serializedDict)
self.set(jsonString, forKey: key)
self.userDefaults.set(serializedDict, forKey: key)
public func set(customSerializableArray: [CustomSerializable], forKey key: String) throws {
let serializedArray = try CustomSerialization.array(from: customSerializableArray)
let jsonString = try JSONSerialization.string(withJSONObject: serializedArray)
self.set(jsonString, forKey: key)
self.userDefaults.set(serializedArray, forKey: key)
// if using generics with Class<T> in Silver, the return type of T? will be interpretted as? '? extends CustomSerializable'
// while in Swift you can have strong typing with
// public func customSerializable<T: CustomSerializable>(forKey key: String, ofDesiredType: T.Type, withTotalCustomTypes: [CustomSerializableType]) -> T?
// using the CustomSerializable return type for the sake of matching declarations for now
private func _performCustomSerializationToUnderlyingParsedJSONEntity(forKey key: String, withCustomTypes: [CustomSerializableType]) -> Any? {
guard let jsonString = self.string(forKey: key),
let jsonData = Data.with(utf8EncodedString: jsonString),
let jsonObject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData),
let targetEntity = try? CustomSerialization.applyCustomSerialization(ofCustomTypes: withCustomTypes, to: jsonObject)
else {
return nil
return targetEntity
public func customSerializable(forKey key: String, withCustomTypes: [CustomSerializableType]) -> CustomSerializable? {
return _performCustomSerializationToUnderlyingParsedJSONEntity(forKey: key, withCustomTypes: withCustomTypes) as? CustomSerializable
public func customSerializableArray(forKey key: String, withCustomTypes: [CustomSerializableType]) -> [CustomSerializable]? {
return _performCustomSerializationToUnderlyingParsedJSONEntity(forKey: key, withCustomTypes: withCustomTypes) as? [CustomSerializable]
public func customSerializable(forKey key: String, withCustomTypes: [CustomSerializableType]) -> CustomSerializable? {
guard let storedDictionary = self.userDefaults.dictionary(forKey: key),
let customSerializable = try? CustomSerialization.applyCustomSerialization(ofCustomTypes: withCustomTypes, to: storedDictionary)
else {
return nil
return customSerializable as? CustomSerializable
public func customSerializableArray(forKey key: String, withCustomTypes: [CustomSerializableType]) -> [CustomSerializable]? {
guard let storedDictionary = self.userDefaults.array(forKey: key),
let customSerializableArray = try? CustomSerialization.applyCustomSerialization(ofCustomTypes: withCustomTypes, to: storedDictionary)
else {
return nil
return customSerializableArray as? [CustomSerializable]
| apache-2.0 | e265df8c8c2c5201aeccdb1f30b2211d | 24.175758 | 154 | 0.703097 | 3.917636 | false | false | false | false |
cristiannomartins/Tree-Sets | Tree Sets/PopulateDB.swift | 1 | 28037 | //
// PopulateDB.swift
// Tree Sets
// Created by Cristianno Vieira on 29/12/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Cristianno Vieira. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import CoreData
import UIKit
class PopulateDB {
// MARK: -- Local variables declarations
static let encoding: String.Encoding = String.Encoding.utf8
// managedObjectContext: interface to access the data model
//static let CDWrapper = CoreDataWrapper()
static let CDWrapper = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).CDWrapper
// static let managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext =
// (UIApplication.shared.delegate
// //as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
// as! AppDelegate).managedObjectContext
//static fileprivate var basePokemon: [String:Pokemon] = [:]
static fileprivate var basePkms = [Pokemon]() // references of pkms that were added to the data source
static fileprivate var types = [Type]() // references of types that were added to the data source
static fileprivate var stats = [Stats]() // references of stats that were added to the data source
static fileprivate var abilities = [Ability]() // references of abilities that were added to the data source
static fileprivate var items = [Item]() // references of items that were added to the data source
static fileprivate var moves = [Move]() // references of moves that were added to the data source
static fileprivate var tclasses = [TrainerClass]() // references of Trainer Classes that were added to the data source
static fileprivate var dexes = [(id: Int, dex: Dex)]() // references of Dexes that were added to the data source
static fileprivate var pkmSets = [PokemonSet]() // references of PkmSets that were added to the data source
static var processingQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.Tree_Sets.heavyProcessing", attributes: [])
// MARK: -- Auxiliary enums
//Lookup | ID | Ndex | Species | Forme | Type1 | Type2 | Ability1 | Ability2 | AbilityH | HP | Attack | Defense | SpAttack | SpDefense | Speed | Total | Weight | Height | Dex1 | Dex2 | Class | %Male | %Female | Pre-Evolution | Egg Group 1 | Egg Group 2 | Type Concat | Ability Concat
enum PkmTSV: Int {
case species = 0
case id = 1
case nid
//case species
case primaryType = 5
case secondaryType
case ability1
case ability2
case abilityH
case baseHP
case baseAtk
case baseDef
case baseSpa
case baseSpd
case baseSpe
enum DexCSV: Int {
// first line of a dex
//case id = 0
//case trainers
// other dex lines (max of 5 repetitions)
case species = 0
case set1
case set2
case set3
case set4
// just a shortcut to organize the stats ids
enum StatID: Int16 {
case HP = 0
case Atk
case Def
case Spa
case Spd
case Spe
enum ItemCSV: Int {
// Name;Mega Stone;ID;Effect
case name = 0
case ID = 2
enum PkmImagesCSV: Int {
// Lookup;ID;subid;Ndex
case species = 0
case ID
// Pokemon | Nature | Item | [Moves 1 - 4] | [EV Placement HP-Spe]
enum PkmSetCSV: Int {
case species = 0
case isMega
case nature
case heldItem
case move1
case move2
case move3
case move4
case hpEV
case atkEV
case defEV
case spaEV
case spdEV
case speEV
// Name | dex | Category | possible sex | sex | Start | End
enum TrainerCSV: Int {
case name = 0
case dexID
case category
case sex = 4
case start
case end
// Trainer Category | Possible Sex | Characteristic
enum TrainerClassCSV: Int {
case name = 0
case possibleSex
case characteristic
// MARK: -- Auxiliary getOrCreate functions
static fileprivate func createPokemonSet() -> PokemonSet {
return NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "PokemonSet", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! PokemonSet
static fileprivate func createImage() -> Image {
return NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Image", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Image
static fileprivate func getOrCreateMove(_ name: String) -> Move {
let result = moves.filter() { $ == name }
if result.count > 1 {
// there is more than one pokemon with the same species: something went wrong!
if result.count == 1 {
return result.first!
// TODO: Implement the rest of the moves fields
let newMove = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Move", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Move = name
return newMove
static var PkmnID = [String:Int]()
static fileprivate func getID(forPkmn name: String) -> Int {
if PkmnID.count > 0 {
return PkmnID[name]!
if let contentsOfURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "pkmn_images-Table 1-1", withExtension: "csv") {
do {
let content = try String(contentsOf: contentsOfURL, encoding: encoding)
var lines:[String] = content.components(separatedBy: "\r\n") as [String]
lines.remove(at: 0) // gets rid of the header line
for line in lines {
let values = line.components(separatedBy: ";")
PkmnID[values[PkmImagesCSV.species.rawValue]] = Int(values[PkmImagesCSV.ID.rawValue])
} catch {
return getID(forPkmn: name)
static var ItemID = [String:Int]()
static fileprivate func getID(forItem name: String) -> Int {
if ItemID.count > 0 {
return ItemID[name]!
if let contentsOfURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "items_images-Table 1-1", withExtension: "csv") {
do {
let content = try String(contentsOf: contentsOfURL, encoding: encoding)
var lines:[String] = content.components(separatedBy: "\r\n") as [String]
lines.remove(at: 0) // gets rid of the header line
for line in lines {
let values = line.components(separatedBy: ";")
ItemID[values[]] = Int(values[ItemCSV.ID.rawValue])
} catch {
return getID(forItem: name)
static fileprivate func getOrCreateItem(_ name: String) -> Item {
let result = items.filter() { $ == name }
if result.count > 1 {
// there is more than one pokemon with the same species: something went wrong!
if result.count == 1 {
return result.first!
// TODO: Implement the image from the items
let newItem = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Item", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Item = name
let itemID = getID(forItem: name)
let itemImage = createImage()
itemImage.x = NSNumber.init(value: itemID / Image.ImageColumns)
itemImage.y = NSNumber.init(value: itemID % Image.ImageColumns)
newItem.image = itemImage
return newItem
static fileprivate func getOrCreateAbility(_ name: String) -> Ability {
let result = abilities.filter() { $ == name }
if result.count > 1 {
// there is more than one pokemon with the same species: something went wrong!
if result.count == 1 {
return result.first!
let newAbility = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Ability", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Ability = name
return newAbility
static fileprivate func getOrCreateType(_ name: String) -> Type {
let result = types.filter() { $ == name }
if result.count > 1 {
// there is more than one pokemon with the same species: something went wrong!
if result.count == 1 {
return result.first!
let newType = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Type", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Type = name
return newType
static fileprivate func getOrCreateStat(id: Int16, value: Int16) -> Stats {
let result = stats.filter() { $ == id && $0.value == value }
if result.count > 1 {
// there is more than one pokemon with the same species: something went wrong!
if result.count == 1 {
return result.first!
let newStat = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Stat", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Stats = id
newStat.value = value
return newStat
static fileprivate func getOrCreatePokemon(ofSpecies species: String) -> Pokemon {
let result = basePkms.filter() { $0.species == species }
if result.count > 1 {
print("there is more than one pokemon with the same species: something went wrong!\n")
if result.count == 1 {
// found the mon
return result.first!
// need to create a new mon
let tuples = pkmBaseData.filter() { $0.key == species }
if tuples.count != 1 {
print("there is more/less than one pokemon with the same species: something went wrong!\n")
let monData = tuples.first!
let newMon = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Pokemon", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Pokemon
newMon.species = monData.key
// TODO: What should I do on these cases?
if monData.value.count > 1 {
print("More than one found for species \(monData.key):\n")
for value in monData.value {
let values = monData.value.first!.components(separatedBy: "\t") = Int32(values[])!
newMon.firstAbility = getOrCreateAbility(values[PkmTSV.ability1.rawValue])
newMon.secondAbility = getOrCreateAbility(values[PkmTSV.ability2.rawValue])
newMon.hiddenAbility = getOrCreateAbility(values[PkmTSV.abilityH.rawValue])
newMon.type1 = getOrCreateType(values[PkmTSV.primaryType.rawValue])
newMon.type2 = getOrCreateType(values[PkmTSV.secondaryType.rawValue])
var baseStats = [Stats]()
baseStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.HP.rawValue, value: Int16(values[PkmTSV.baseHP.rawValue])!))
baseStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Atk.rawValue, value: Int16(values[PkmTSV.baseAtk.rawValue])!))
baseStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Def.rawValue, value: Int16(values[PkmTSV.baseDef.rawValue])!))
baseStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Spa.rawValue, value: Int16(values[PkmTSV.baseSpa.rawValue])!))
baseStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Spd.rawValue, value: Int16(values[PkmTSV.baseSpd.rawValue])!))
baseStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Spe.rawValue, value: Int16(values[PkmTSV.baseSpe.rawValue])!))
newMon.baseStats = NSSet(array: baseStats)
return newMon
// MARK: -- Other functions
* Returns a dictionary that contains an array representing the different forms
* a given pokemon can have. A string containing the pokemon species is the key.
static fileprivate func getPokemonBasicData() -> [String:[String]] {
var pokemons = [String:[String]]()
if let contentsOfURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Battle Tree Lookup - Pokedex", withExtension: "tsv") {
do {
let content = try String(contentsOf: contentsOfURL, encoding: encoding)
var lines:[String] = content.components(separatedBy: "\r\n") as [String]
lines.remove(at: 0) // gets rid of the header line
for line in lines {
let values = line.components(separatedBy: "\t")
if pokemons[values[PkmTSV.species.rawValue]] == nil {
pokemons[values[PkmTSV.species.rawValue]] = []
} catch {
return pokemons
static fileprivate func getRecalcStats(stats precalcStats: [Stats], forItem item: Item) -> NSSet {
// TODO: Implement this function to recalculate the stats based on the item
var newStats = [Stats]()
for stat in precalcStats {
switch PokemonSet.PkmnStats(rawValue:! {
case .hp:
case .atk:
if == "Choice Band" {
newStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: PokemonSet.PkmnStats.atk.rawValue, value: Int16(Double(stat.value)*1.5)))
} else {
case .def:
case .spa:
if == "Choice Specs" {
newStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id:, value: Int16(Double(stat.value)*1.5)))
} else {
case .spd:
case .spe:
if == "Choice Scarf" {
newStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: PokemonSet.PkmnStats.spe.rawValue, value: Int16(Double(stat.value)*1.5)))
} else {
return NSSet(array: newStats)
static fileprivate func createImage(forPokemon id: Int) -> Image {
let img = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Image", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Image
img.x = NSNumber(value: id / Image.PkmColumns)
img.y = NSNumber(value: id % Image.PkmColumns)
return img
static fileprivate let pkmBaseData = getPokemonBasicData() // raw data of all pkm species
//static fileprivate var altForms = [[String]]() // species of alternate forms
static fileprivate func parsePkms() {
if let contentsOfURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Pokemon-Table 1", withExtension: "csv") {
do {
let content = try String(contentsOf: contentsOfURL, encoding: encoding)
var lines:[String] = content.components(separatedBy: "\r\n") as [String]
lines.remove(at: 0) // gets rid of the header line
var index = 0
while index < lines.count {
var species = ""
var bckspecies = ""
var basePkm: Pokemon!
for i in 0...3 {
var values = lines[index + i].components(separatedBy: ";")
if i == 0 {
species = values[0]
bckspecies = species
// creates a new line with the same species but a different form
if values[PkmSetCSV.isMega.rawValue] == "Mega" { // Megas
species = "\(species) (Mega \(species))"
basePkm = getOrCreatePokemon(ofSpecies: species)
// empty line of alternative sets
if values[PkmSetCSV.heldItem.rawValue] == "" {
//species = bckspecies
let newPkmSet = createPokemonSet()
newPkmSet.species = basePkm
newPkmSet.setID = (i + 1) as NSNumber?
newPkmSet.nature = values[PkmSetCSV.nature.rawValue]
newPkmSet.holding = getOrCreateItem(values[PkmSetCSV.heldItem.rawValue])
var evs = [Stats]()
var divisor = 0
for c in PkmSetCSV.hpEV.rawValue...PkmSetCSV.speEV.rawValue {
if values[c] != "" {
divisor += 1
let investment = divisor == 2 ? 252 : 164
evs.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.HP.rawValue,
value: Int16(values[PkmSetCSV.hpEV.rawValue] == "" ? 0 : investment) ))
evs.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Atk.rawValue,
value: Int16(values[PkmSetCSV.atkEV.rawValue] == "" ? 0 : investment) ))
evs.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Def.rawValue,
value: Int16(values[PkmSetCSV.defEV.rawValue] == "" ? 0 : investment) ))
evs.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Spa.rawValue,
value: Int16(values[PkmSetCSV.spaEV.rawValue] == "" ? 0 : investment) ))
evs.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Spd.rawValue,
value: Int16(values[PkmSetCSV.spdEV.rawValue] == "" ? 0 : investment) ))
evs.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Spe.rawValue,
value: Int16(values[PkmSetCSV.speEV.rawValue] == "" ? 0 : investment) ))
newPkmSet.evs = NSSet(array: evs)
var precalcStats = [Stats]()
precalcStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.HP.rawValue, value: Int16(newPkmSet.getStatValue(PokemonSet.PkmnStats.hp))))
precalcStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Atk.rawValue, value: Int16(newPkmSet.getStatValue(PokemonSet.PkmnStats.atk))))
precalcStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Def.rawValue, value: Int16(newPkmSet.getStatValue(PokemonSet.PkmnStats.def))))
precalcStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Spa.rawValue, value: Int16(newPkmSet.getStatValue(
precalcStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Spd.rawValue, value: Int16(newPkmSet.getStatValue(PokemonSet.PkmnStats.spd))))
precalcStats.append(getOrCreateStat(id: StatID.Spe.rawValue, value: Int16(newPkmSet.getStatValue(PokemonSet.PkmnStats.spe))))
newPkmSet.preCalcStatsNoItem = NSSet(array: precalcStats)
newPkmSet.preCalcStats = getRecalcStats(stats: precalcStats, forItem: newPkmSet.holding!)
var moveSet = [Move]()
newPkmSet.moveSet = NSSet(array: moveSet)
newPkmSet.image = createImage(forPokemon: getID(forPkmn:newPkmSet.species!.species!))
//try? newPkmSet.managedObjectContext?.save()
//print("\(species), set \(i): OK")
species = bckspecies
index += 4
} catch {
static fileprivate func getTrainerClassPossibleSex(_ name: String) -> String {
if let contentsOfURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Trainer Category-Table 1", withExtension: "csv") {
do {
let content = try String(contentsOf: contentsOfURL, encoding: encoding)
var lines:[String] = content.components(separatedBy: "\r\n") as [String]
lines.remove(at: 0) // gets rid of the header line
for line in lines {
let values = line.components(separatedBy: ";")
if values[] == name {
return values[TrainerClassCSV.possibleSex.rawValue]
} catch {
//print("Could not find trainer class named \(name) on Trainer Category Table.")
return "?" // undiscovered trainer class
static fileprivate func getPkmSet(pkmNamed species: String, id setID: Int) -> PokemonSet {
if let result = findPkmSet(pkmNamed: species, id: setID) { // regular form
return result
} else if let result = findPkmSet(pkmNamed: "\(species) (Mega \(species))", id: setID) { // mega
return result
} else {
static fileprivate func findPkmSet(pkmNamed species: String, id setID: Int) -> PokemonSet? {
let result = pkmSets.filter() { $0.species?.species == species }
if result.count == 0 {
// there is no pokemon from that species on the db
for res in result {
if Int(res.setID!) == setID {
return res
// // Could not find a pkmSet with the same id as requested
// abort()
return nil
static fileprivate func parseDexes() {
if let contentsOfURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Dex-Table 1", withExtension: "csv") {
do {
let content = try String(contentsOf: contentsOfURL, encoding: encoding)
let lines:[String] = content.components(separatedBy: "\r\n") as [String]
var curr = 0
while (curr < lines.count) {
// first line of a dex (only the id matters)
let id = Int(lines[curr].components(separatedBy: ";")[0])!
curr += 1
var values = lines[curr].components(separatedBy: ";")
let newDex = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Dex", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Dex
var pkmSets = [PokemonSet]()
while values[0] != "" {
for setID in 1...4 {
if values[setID] == "\(setID)" {
pkmSets.append(getPkmSet(pkmNamed: values[DexCSV.species.rawValue], id: setID))
if values.count == 0 { // this line has ended
curr += 1
// there are no more lines available
if curr == lines.count {
values = lines[curr].components(separatedBy: ";")
} else if values[0] == "" { // or this line was an incomplete one
curr += 1
newDex.contains = NSSet(array:pkmSets)
dexes.append((id: id, dex: newDex))
curr += 1
} catch {
static fileprivate func getDex(_ id: Int) -> Dex {
if dexes.count == 0 {
let result = dexes.filter() { $ == id }
if result.count > 1 {
// there is more than one dex with the same id: something went wrong!
if result.count == 1 {
return result.first!.dex
print("Could not find dex with id \(id).")
static fileprivate func getOrCreateTrainerClass(_ name: String) -> TrainerClass {
let result = tclasses.filter() { $ == name }
if result.count > 1 {
// there is more than one pokemon with the same species: something went wrong!
if result.count == 1 {
return result.first!
// TODO: Implement the image of Trainer Class
let newTClass = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "TrainerClass", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! TrainerClass = name
newTClass.possibleSex = getTrainerClassPossibleSex(name)
return newTClass
static fileprivate func parseTrainers() /*-> [Trainer]*/ {
//var trainers = [Trainer]()
if let contentsOfURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Trainer-Table 1", withExtension: "csv") {
do {
let content = try String(contentsOf: contentsOfURL, encoding: encoding)
var lines:[String] = content.components(separatedBy: "\r\n") as [String]
lines.remove(at: 0) // gets rid of the header line
for line in lines {
let values = line.components(separatedBy: ";")
// TODO: Implement the quotes spoken by the trainers
let newTrainer = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Trainer", into: CDWrapper.managedObjectContext) as! Trainer = values[] = values[]
newTrainer.start = values[TrainerCSV.start.rawValue] == "" ? nil : values[TrainerCSV.start.rawValue]
newTrainer.end = values[TrainerCSV.end.rawValue] == "" ? nil : values[TrainerCSV.end.rawValue]
newTrainer.trainerClass = getOrCreateTrainerClass(values[TrainerCSV.category.rawValue])
newTrainer.availableMons = getDex(Int(values[TrainerCSV.dexID.rawValue])!)
//try? newTrainer.managedObjectContext?.save()
} catch {
//return trainers
* Remove all content inside the database (for debugging purposes)
static fileprivate func removeData () {
// Remove the existing mons-sets and trainers
let fetchMonSets = NSFetchRequest<PokemonSet>(entityName: "PokemonSet")
let fetchTrainers = NSFetchRequest<Trainer>(entityName: "Trainer")
do {
let pkms = try CDWrapper.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchMonSets)
for pkm in pkms {
let trainers = try CDWrapper.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchTrainers)
for trainer in trainers {
} catch {
print("Failed to retrieve record: \(error)")
// Remove the existing items, moves and pkm
let fetchItems = NSFetchRequest<Item>(entityName: "Item")
let fetchMoves = NSFetchRequest<Move>(entityName: "Move")
let fetchMons = NSFetchRequest<Pokemon>(entityName: "Pokemon")
do {
let items = try CDWrapper.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchItems)
for item in items {
let moves = try CDWrapper.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchMoves)
for move in moves {
let pkms = try CDWrapper.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchMons)
for pkm in pkms {
} catch {
print("Failed to retrieve record: \(error)")
// Remove the existing dexes, abilities, types and trainer categories
let fetchTrainerCat = NSFetchRequest<TrainerClass>(entityName: "TrainerClass")
let fetchDex = NSFetchRequest<Dex>(entityName: "Dex")
let fetchAbility = NSFetchRequest<Ability>(entityName: "Ability")
let fetchType = NSFetchRequest<Type>(entityName: "Type")
do {
let cats = try CDWrapper.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchTrainerCat)
for cat in cats {
let dexes = try CDWrapper.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchDex)
for dex in dexes {
let abilities = try CDWrapper.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchAbility)
for ability in abilities {
let types = try CDWrapper.managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchType)
for type in types {
} catch {
print("Failed to retrieve record: \(error)")
static func preload() {
| mit | 79007ad15156fa5ff8a0d109111f815f | 33.23199 | 285 | 0.615601 | 4.548345 | false | false | false | false |
DerrickQin2853/SinaWeibo-Swift | SinaWeibo/SinaWeibo/Classes/View/EmoticonKeyboard/View/DQEmoticonToolBar.swift | 1 | 2614 | //
// DQEmoticonToolBar.swift
// SinaWeibo
// Created by admin on 2016/10/8.
// Copyright © 2016年 Derrick_Qin. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
enum EmoticonType: Int {
case RECENT = 0
case EMOJI
case LXH
class DQEmoticonToolBar: UIStackView {
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
axis = .horizontal
distribution = .fillEqually
tag = 999
required init(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
private func setupUI() {
addButton(title: "最近", backgroundImageName: "compose_emotion_table_left", type: .RECENT)
addButton(title: "默认", backgroundImageName: "compose_emotion_table_mid", type: .DEFAULT)
addButton(title: "Emoji", backgroundImageName: "compose_emotion_table_mid", type: .EMOJI)
addButton(title: "浪小花", backgroundImageName: "compose_emotion_table_right", type: .LXH)
private func addButton(title: String, backgroundImageName: String, type: EmoticonType) {
let button = UIButton()
button.tag = type.rawValue
button.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: backgroundImageName + "_normal"), for: .normal)
button.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: backgroundImageName + "_selected"), for: .selected)
button.setTitle(title, for: .normal)
button.setTitleColor(UIColor.white, for: .normal)
button.setTitleColor(UIColor.darkGray, for: .selected)
button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonClick(btn:)), for: .touchUpInside)
if type == .RECENT {
button.isSelected = true
lastSelectedButton = button
func setButtonSelected(indexPath: IndexPath) {
let btn = self.viewWithTag(indexPath.section) as! UIButton
if btn.isSelected {
lastSelectedButton?.isSelected = false
lastSelectedButton = btn
btn.isSelected = true
@objc private func buttonClick(btn: UIButton) {
if btn.isSelected {
lastSelectedButton?.isSelected = false
lastSelectedButton = btn
btn.isSelected = true
emoticonTypeSelectClosure?(EmoticonType.init(rawValue: btn.tag)!)
var lastSelectedButton: UIButton?
var emoticonTypeSelectClosure: ((EmoticonType) -> ())?
| mit | 640456d34272944906a36b093ed4651f | 28.850575 | 100 | 0.628032 | 4.654122 | false | false | false | false |
ios-ximen/DYZB | 斗鱼直播/Pods/Kingfisher/Sources/UIButton+Kingfisher.swift | 68 | 19447 | //
// UIButton+Kingfisher.swift
// Kingfisher
// Created by Wei Wang on 15/4/13.
// Copyright (c) 2017 Wei Wang <[email protected]>
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import UIKit
// MARK: - Set Images
* Set image to use in button from web for a specified state.
extension Kingfisher where Base: UIButton {
Set an image to use for a specified state with a resource, a placeholder image, options, progress handler and
completion handler.
- parameter resource: Resource object contains information such as `cacheKey` and `downloadURL`.
- parameter state: The state that uses the specified image.
- parameter placeholder: A placeholder image when retrieving the image at URL.
- parameter options: A dictionary could control some behaviors. See `KingfisherOptionsInfo` for more.
- parameter progressBlock: Called when the image downloading progress gets updated.
- parameter completionHandler: Called when the image retrieved and set.
- returns: A task represents the retrieving process.
- note: Both the `progressBlock` and `completionHandler` will be invoked in main thread.
The `CallbackDispatchQueue` specified in `optionsInfo` will not be used in callbacks of this method.
If `resource` is `nil`, the `placeholder` image will be set and
`completionHandler` will be called with both `error` and `image` being `nil`.
public func setImage(with resource: Resource?,
for state: UIControlState,
placeholder: UIImage? = nil,
options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = nil,
progressBlock: DownloadProgressBlock? = nil,
completionHandler: CompletionHandler? = nil) -> RetrieveImageTask
guard let resource = resource else {
base.setImage(placeholder, for: state)
setWebURL(nil, for: state)
completionHandler?(nil, nil, .none, nil)
return .empty
let options = KingfisherManager.shared.defaultOptions + (options ?? KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo)
if !options.keepCurrentImageWhileLoading {
base.setImage(placeholder, for: state)
setWebURL(resource.downloadURL, for: state)
let task = KingfisherManager.shared.retrieveImage(
with: resource,
options: options,
progressBlock: { receivedSize, totalSize in
guard resource.downloadURL == self.webURL(for: state) else {
if let progressBlock = progressBlock {
progressBlock(receivedSize, totalSize)
completionHandler: {[weak base] image, error, cacheType, imageURL in
DispatchQueue.main.safeAsync {
guard let strongBase = base, imageURL == self.webURL(for: state) else {
completionHandler?(image, error, cacheType, imageURL)
if image != nil {
strongBase.setImage(image, for: state)
completionHandler?(image, error, cacheType, imageURL)
return task
Cancel the image download task bounded to the image view if it is running.
Nothing will happen if the downloading has already finished.
public func cancelImageDownloadTask() {
Set the background image to use for a specified state with a resource,
a placeholder image, options progress handler and completion handler.
- parameter resource: Resource object contains information such as `cacheKey` and `downloadURL`.
- parameter state: The state that uses the specified image.
- parameter placeholder: A placeholder image when retrieving the image at URL.
- parameter options: A dictionary could control some behaviors. See `KingfisherOptionsInfo` for more.
- parameter progressBlock: Called when the image downloading progress gets updated.
- parameter completionHandler: Called when the image retrieved and set.
- returns: A task represents the retrieving process.
- note: Both the `progressBlock` and `completionHandler` will be invoked in main thread.
The `CallbackDispatchQueue` specified in `optionsInfo` will not be used in callbacks of this method.
If `resource` is `nil`, the `placeholder` image will be set and
`completionHandler` will be called with both `error` and `image` being `nil`.
public func setBackgroundImage(with resource: Resource?,
for state: UIControlState,
placeholder: UIImage? = nil,
options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = nil,
progressBlock: DownloadProgressBlock? = nil,
completionHandler: CompletionHandler? = nil) -> RetrieveImageTask
guard let resource = resource else {
base.setBackgroundImage(placeholder, for: state)
setBackgroundWebURL(nil, for: state)
completionHandler?(nil, nil, .none, nil)
return .empty
let options = KingfisherManager.shared.defaultOptions + (options ?? KingfisherEmptyOptionsInfo)
if !options.keepCurrentImageWhileLoading {
base.setBackgroundImage(placeholder, for: state)
setBackgroundWebURL(resource.downloadURL, for: state)
let task = KingfisherManager.shared.retrieveImage(
with: resource,
options: options,
progressBlock: { receivedSize, totalSize in
guard resource.downloadURL == self.backgroundWebURL(for: state) else {
if let progressBlock = progressBlock {
progressBlock(receivedSize, totalSize)
completionHandler: { [weak base] image, error, cacheType, imageURL in
DispatchQueue.main.safeAsync {
guard let strongBase = base, imageURL == self.backgroundWebURL(for: state) else {
completionHandler?(image, error, cacheType, imageURL)
if image != nil {
strongBase.setBackgroundImage(image, for: state)
completionHandler?(image, error, cacheType, imageURL)
return task
Cancel the background image download task bounded to the image view if it is running.
Nothing will happen if the downloading has already finished.
public func cancelBackgroundImageDownloadTask() {
// MARK: - Associated Object
private var lastURLKey: Void?
private var imageTaskKey: Void?
extension Kingfisher where Base: UIButton {
Get the image URL binded to this button for a specified state.
- parameter state: The state that uses the specified image.
- returns: Current URL for image.
public func webURL(for state: UIControlState) -> URL? {
return webURLs[NSNumber(value:state.rawValue)] as? URL
fileprivate func setWebURL(_ url: URL?, for state: UIControlState) {
webURLs[NSNumber(value:state.rawValue)] = url
fileprivate var webURLs: NSMutableDictionary {
var dictionary = objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &lastURLKey) as? NSMutableDictionary
if dictionary == nil {
dictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
return dictionary!
fileprivate func setWebURLs(_ URLs: NSMutableDictionary) {
objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &lastURLKey, URLs, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
fileprivate var imageTask: RetrieveImageTask? {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &imageTaskKey) as? RetrieveImageTask
fileprivate func setImageTask(_ task: RetrieveImageTask?) {
objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &imageTaskKey, task, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
private var lastBackgroundURLKey: Void?
private var backgroundImageTaskKey: Void?
extension Kingfisher where Base: UIButton {
Get the background image URL binded to this button for a specified state.
- parameter state: The state that uses the specified background image.
- returns: Current URL for background image.
public func backgroundWebURL(for state: UIControlState) -> URL? {
return backgroundWebURLs[NSNumber(value:state.rawValue)] as? URL
fileprivate func setBackgroundWebURL(_ url: URL?, for state: UIControlState) {
backgroundWebURLs[NSNumber(value:state.rawValue)] = url
fileprivate var backgroundWebURLs: NSMutableDictionary {
var dictionary = objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &lastBackgroundURLKey) as? NSMutableDictionary
if dictionary == nil {
dictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
return dictionary!
fileprivate func setBackgroundWebURLs(_ URLs: NSMutableDictionary) {
objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &lastBackgroundURLKey, URLs, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
fileprivate var backgroundImageTask: RetrieveImageTask? {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(base, &backgroundImageTaskKey) as? RetrieveImageTask
fileprivate func setBackgroundImageTask(_ task: RetrieveImageTask?) {
objc_setAssociatedObject(base, &backgroundImageTaskKey, task, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
// MARK: - Deprecated. Only for back compatibility.
* Set image to use from web for a specified state. Deprecated. Use `kf` namespacing instead.
extension UIButton {
Set an image to use for a specified state with a resource, a placeholder image, options, progress handler and
completion handler.
- parameter resource: Resource object contains information such as `cacheKey` and `downloadURL`.
- parameter state: The state that uses the specified image.
- parameter placeholder: A placeholder image when retrieving the image at URL.
- parameter options: A dictionary could control some behaviors. See `KingfisherOptionsInfo` for more.
- parameter progressBlock: Called when the image downloading progress gets updated.
- parameter completionHandler: Called when the image retrieved and set.
- returns: A task represents the retrieving process.
- note: Both the `progressBlock` and `completionHandler` will be invoked in main thread.
The `CallbackDispatchQueue` specified in `optionsInfo` will not be used in callbacks of this method.
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated. Use `button.kf.setImage` instead.",
renamed: "kf.setImage")
public func kf_setImage(with resource: Resource?,
for state: UIControlState,
placeholder: UIImage? = nil,
options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = nil,
progressBlock: DownloadProgressBlock? = nil,
completionHandler: CompletionHandler? = nil) -> RetrieveImageTask
return kf.setImage(with: resource, for: state, placeholder: placeholder, options: options,
progressBlock: progressBlock, completionHandler: completionHandler)
Cancel the image download task bounded to the image view if it is running.
Nothing will happen if the downloading has already finished.
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated. Use `button.kf.cancelImageDownloadTask` instead.",
renamed: "kf.cancelImageDownloadTask")
public func kf_cancelImageDownloadTask() { kf.cancelImageDownloadTask() }
Set the background image to use for a specified state with a resource,
a placeholder image, options progress handler and completion handler.
- parameter resource: Resource object contains information such as `cacheKey` and `downloadURL`.
- parameter state: The state that uses the specified image.
- parameter placeholder: A placeholder image when retrieving the image at URL.
- parameter options: A dictionary could control some behaviors. See `KingfisherOptionsInfo` for more.
- parameter progressBlock: Called when the image downloading progress gets updated.
- parameter completionHandler: Called when the image retrieved and set.
- returns: A task represents the retrieving process.
- note: Both the `progressBlock` and `completionHandler` will be invoked in main thread.
The `CallbackDispatchQueue` specified in `optionsInfo` will not be used in callbacks of this method.
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated. Use `button.kf.setBackgroundImage` instead.",
renamed: "kf.setBackgroundImage")
public func kf_setBackgroundImage(with resource: Resource?,
for state: UIControlState,
placeholder: UIImage? = nil,
options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = nil,
progressBlock: DownloadProgressBlock? = nil,
completionHandler: CompletionHandler? = nil) -> RetrieveImageTask
return kf.setBackgroundImage(with: resource, for: state, placeholder: placeholder, options: options,
progressBlock: progressBlock, completionHandler: completionHandler)
Cancel the background image download task bounded to the image view if it is running.
Nothing will happen if the downloading has already finished.
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated. Use `button.kf.cancelBackgroundImageDownloadTask` instead.",
renamed: "kf.cancelBackgroundImageDownloadTask")
public func kf_cancelBackgroundImageDownloadTask() { kf.cancelBackgroundImageDownloadTask() }
Get the image URL binded to this button for a specified state.
- parameter state: The state that uses the specified image.
- returns: Current URL for image.
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated. Use `button.kf.webURL` instead.",
renamed: "kf.webURL")
public func kf_webURL(for state: UIControlState) -> URL? { return kf.webURL(for: state) }
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.setWebURL")
fileprivate func kf_setWebURL(_ url: URL, for state: UIControlState) { kf.setWebURL(url, for: state) }
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.webURLs")
fileprivate var kf_webURLs: NSMutableDictionary { return kf.webURLs }
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.setWebURLs")
fileprivate func kf_setWebURLs(_ URLs: NSMutableDictionary) { kf.setWebURLs(URLs) }
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.imageTask")
fileprivate var kf_imageTask: RetrieveImageTask? { return kf.imageTask }
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.setImageTask")
fileprivate func kf_setImageTask(_ task: RetrieveImageTask?) { kf.setImageTask(task) }
Get the background image URL binded to this button for a specified state.
- parameter state: The state that uses the specified background image.
- returns: Current URL for background image.
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated. Use `button.kf.backgroundWebURL` instead.",
renamed: "kf.backgroundWebURL")
public func kf_backgroundWebURL(for state: UIControlState) -> URL? { return kf.backgroundWebURL(for: state) }
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.setBackgroundWebURL")
fileprivate func kf_setBackgroundWebURL(_ url: URL, for state: UIControlState) {
kf.setBackgroundWebURL(url, for: state)
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.backgroundWebURLs")
fileprivate var kf_backgroundWebURLs: NSMutableDictionary { return kf.backgroundWebURLs }
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.setBackgroundWebURLs")
fileprivate func kf_setBackgroundWebURLs(_ URLs: NSMutableDictionary) { kf.setBackgroundWebURLs(URLs) }
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.backgroundImageTask")
fileprivate var kf_backgroundImageTask: RetrieveImageTask? { return kf.backgroundImageTask }
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Extensions directly on UIButton are deprecated.",renamed: "kf.setBackgroundImageTask")
fileprivate func kf_setBackgroundImageTask(_ task: RetrieveImageTask?) { return kf.setBackgroundImageTask(task) }
| mit | 345c14b399878353de9184f65bb06912 | 45.082938 | 122 | 0.6546 | 5.545195 | false | false | false | false |
emilstahl/swift | test/SourceKit/CodeFormat/indent-closure.swift | 10 | 1478 | func foo() {
bar() {
var abc = 1
let a: String = {
let b = "asdf"
return b
class C {
private static let durationTimeFormatter: NSDateComponentsFormatter = {
return timeFormatter
func foo1(a: Int, handler : ()->()) {}
func foo2(handler : () ->()) {}
func foo3() {
// RUN: %sourcekitd-test -req=format -line=3 -length=1 %s >%t.response
// RUN: %sourcekitd-test -req=format -line=4 -length=1 %s >>%t.response
// RUN: %sourcekitd-test -req=format -line=5 -length=1 %s >>%t.response
// RUN: %sourcekitd-test -req=format -line=6 -length=1 %s >>%t.response
// RUN: %sourcekitd-test -req=format -line=7 -length=1 %s >>%t.response
// RUN: %sourcekitd-test -req=format -line=8 -length=1 %s >>%t.response
// RUN: %sourcekitd-test -req=format -line=14 -length=1 %s >>%t.response
// RUN: %sourcekitd-test -req=format -line=22 -length=1 %s >>%t.response
// RUN: FileCheck --strict-whitespace %s <%t.response
// CHECK: key.sourcetext: " var abc = 1"
// CHECK: key.sourcetext: " let a: String = {"
// CHECK: key.sourcetext: " let b = "asdf""
// CHECK: key.sourcetext: " return b"
// CHECK: key.sourcetext: " }()"
// CHECK: key.sourcetext: " }"
// " private static let durationTimeFormatter: NSDateComponentsFormatter = {"
// CHECK: key.sourcetext: " }()"
// " foo1(1)"
// CHECK: key.sourcetext: " {"
| apache-2.0 | b86739f3fc61ff320269dd599cd53176 | 31.130435 | 101 | 0.570365 | 3.206074 | false | true | false | false |