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705.1299 | We discuss the properties of ultracold Rydberg atoms in a Ioffe-Pritchardmagnetic field configuration. The derived two-body Hamiltonian unveils how thelarge size of Rydberg atoms affects their coupling to the inhomogeneousmagnetic field. The properties of the compound electronic and center of massquantum states are thoroughly analyzed. We find very tight confinement of thecenter of mass motion in two dimensions to be achievable while barely changingthe electronic structure compared to the field free case. This paves the wayfor generating a one-dimensional ultracold quantum Rydberg gas. | The derived two-body Hamiltonian unveils how the large size of Rydberg atoms affects their coupling to the inhomogeneous magnetic field. |
710.2646 | We study the high-velocity-projectile limit of the polarizationalcontribution to the in-plane stopping power in a strongly coupledtwo-dimensional electron liquid. The dielectric formalism based on the methodof moments is employed. The frequency moments of the loss function arecalculated using the model Hamiltonian including the two-dimensional Coulombinteraction potential proportional to the inverse power of k. We prove that theleading term of the high-velocity asymptote, like in the random-phaseapproximation, is not affected by correlations. | The dielectric formalism based on the method of moments is employed. The frequency moments of the loss function are calculated using the model Hamiltonian including the two-dimensional Coulomb interaction potential proportional to the inverse power of k. |
704.3926 | We explore the dynamical stabilities of a quasi-one dimensional (1D)Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) consisting of fixed $N$ atoms withtime-independent external potential. For the stationary states with zero flowdensity the general solution of the perturbed time evolution equation isconstructed, and the stability criterions concerning the initial conditions andsystem parameters are established. Taking the lattice potential case as anexample, the stability and instability regions on the parameter space arefound. The results suggest a method for selecting experimental parameters andadjusting initial conditions to suppress the instabilities. | For the stationary states with zero flow density the general solution of the perturbed time evolution equation is constructed, and the stability criterions concerning the initial conditions and system parameters are established. |
709.2732 | A simple afterburner including radial flow to the randomized transversemomentum obtained from event generators, Pythia and Hijing, has beenimplemented to calculate the $p/\pi$ ratios and compare them with availabledata. A coherent trend of qualitative agreement has been obtained in $pp$collisions and in $Au+Au$ for various centralities. Those results indicate thatthe radial flow does play an important role in the so called baryon puzzleanomaly. | A simple afterburner including radial flow to the randomized transversemomentum obtained from event generators, Pythia and Hijing, has been implemented to calculate the $p/\pi$ ratios and compare them with available data. |
704.2651 | The problem of resource allocation is studied for a two-user fadingorthogonal multiaccess relay channel (MARC) where both users (sources)communicate with a destination in the presence of a relay. A half-duplex relayis considered that transmits on a channel orthogonal to that used by thesources. The instantaneous fading state between every transmit-receive pair inthis network is assumed to be known at both the transmitter and receiver. Underan average power constraint at each source and the relay, the sum-rate for theachievable strategy of decode-and-forward (DF) is maximized over all powerallocations (policies) at the sources and relay. It is shown that the sum-ratemaximizing policy exploits the multiuser fading diversity to reveal theoptimality of opportunistic channel use by each user. A geometricinterpretation of the optimal power policy is also presented. | Under an average power constraint at each source and the relay, the sum-rate for the achievable strategy of decode-and-forward (DF) is maximized over all power allocations (policies) at the sources and relay. |
710.4857 | Measurements have been performed of scintillation light intensities emittedfrom various inorganic scintillators irradiated with low-energy beams ofhighly-charged ions from an electron beam ion source (EBIS) and an electroncyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS). Beams of xenon ions Xe$^{q+}$ withvarious charge states between $q$=2 and $q$=18 have been used at energiesbetween 5 keV and 17.5 keV per charge generated by the ECRIS. The intensity ofthe beam was typically varied between 1 and 100 nA. Beams of highly chargedresidual gas ions have been produced by the EBIS at 4.5 keV per charge and withlow intensities down to 100 pA. The scintillator materials used are flatscreens of P46 YAG and P43 phosphor. In all cases, scintillation light emittedfrom the screen surface was detected by a CCD camera. The scintillation lightintensity has been found to depend linearly on the kinetic ion energy per timedeposited into the scintillator, while up to $q$=18 no significant contributionfrom the ions' potential energy was found. We discuss the results on thebackground of a possible use as beam diagnostics e.g. for the new HITRAPfacility at GSI, Germany. | Measurements have been performed of scintillation light intensities emitted from various inorganic scintillators irradiated with low-energy beams of highly-charged ions from an electron beam ion source (EBIS) and an electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS). Beams of xenon ions Xe$^{q+}$ with various charge states between $q$=2 and $q$=18 have been used at energies between 5 keV and 17.5 keV per charge generated by the ECRIS. The intensity of the beam was typically varied between 1 and 100 nA. Beams of highly charged residual gas ions have been produced by the EBIS at 4.5 keV per charge and with low intensities down to 100 pA. The scintillator materials used are flat screens of P46 YAG and P43 phosphor. In all cases, scintillation light emitted from the screen surface was detected by a CCD camera. |
710.285 | We present a six-dimensional T^2/Z_2 orbifold model which arises as anintermediate step in the compactification of the heterotic string to the MSSM.The orbifold contains two pairs of inequivalent fixed points, with unbrokenlocal gauge groups SU(5) and SU(2)xSU(4), respectively, the intersection ofwhich gives the standard model gauge group. All bulk and brane anomalies arecancelled by the Green--Schwarz mechanism. At each SU(5) fixed point, there isa localised \bar{5}+10 standard model generation, while the third generationand the Higgs fields come in split bulk multiplets due to the breaking of SU(5)at the other fixed point. | All bulk and brane anomalies are cancelled by the Green--Schwarz mechanism. |
708.2459 | Based on density functional theory (DFT), we have developed algorithms and aprogram code to investigate the electron transport characteristics for avariety of nanometer scaled devices in the presence of an external biasvoltage. We employed basis sets comprised of linear combinations of numericaltype atomic orbitals and k-point sampling for the realistic modeling of thebulk electrode. The scheme coupled with the matrix version of thenon-equilibrium Green function method enables determination of the transmissioncoefficients at a given energy and voltage in a self-consistent manner, as wellas the corresponding current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. This scheme hasadvantages because it is applicable to large systems, easily transportable todifferent types of quantum chemistry packages, and extendable to describetime-dependent phenomena or inelastic scatterings. It has been applied todiverse types of practical electronic devices such as carbon nanotubes,graphene nano-ribbons, metallic nanowires, and molecular electronic devices.The quantum conductance phenomena for systems involving quantum point contactsand I-V curves are described for the dithiol-benzene molecule in contact withtwo Au electrodes using the k-point sampling method. | We employed basis sets comprised of linear combinations of numerical type atomic orbitals and k-point sampling for the realistic modeling of the bulk electrode. The scheme coupled with the matrix version of the non-equilibrium Green function method enables determination of the transmission coefficients at a given energy and voltage in a self-consistent manner, as well as the corresponding current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. |
711.3589 | This paper considers the effect of least squares procedures for nearlyunstable linear time series with strongly dependent innovations. Under ageneral framework and appropriate scaling, it is shown that ordinary leastsquares procedures converge to functionals of fractional Ornstein--Uhlenbeckprocesses. We use fractional integrated noise as an example to illustrate theimportant ideas. In this case, the functionals bear only formal analogy tothose in the classical framework with uncorrelated innovations, with Wienerprocesses being replaced by fractional Brownian motions. It is also shown thatlimit theorems for the functionals involve nonstandard scaling and nonstandardlimiting distributions. Results of this paper shed light on the asymptoticbehavior of nearly unstable long-memory processes. | Under a general framework and appropriate scaling, it is shown that ordinary least squares procedures converge to functionals of fractional Ornstein--Uhlenbeck processes. We use fractional integrated noise as an example to illustrate the important ideas. |
706.0806 | We consider the quantum scattering from a random potential of strength$\lambda^{1/2}$ and with a support on the scale of the mean free path, which isof order $\lambda^{-1}$. On the basis of maximally crossed diagrams we providea concise formula for the backscattering rate in terms of the Green's functionfor the kinetic Boltzmann equation. We briefly discuss the extension to wavescattering. | On the basis of maximally crossed diagrams we provide a concise formula for the backscattering rate in terms of the Green's function for the kinetic Boltzmann equation. We briefly discuss the extension to wave scattering. |
711.2676 | Two Algol-type eclipsing binary systems (EW Lyr and IV Cas) have beeninvestigated for period changes. Our study was primarily focused on thelight-time effect with an alternative explanation by magnetic activity cycles.In the case of EW Lyr we have found a third body in the orbit with a period ofabout 78 years, an amplitude A=0.052 days and orbital eccentricity e=0.57. ForIV Cas the long period is 58 years, amplitude A=0.034 days and zeroeccentricity. With these results we are also able to calculate mass functionsand minimal masses of these components. | Our study was primarily focused on the light-time effect with an alternative explanation by magnetic activity cycles. |
711.2697 | The spectral function and dynamic structure factor of bosons interacting bycontact repulsion and confined to one dimension exhibit power-law singularitiesalong the dispersion curves of the collective modes. We find the correspondingexponents exactly, by relating them to the known Bethe ansatz solution of theLieb-Liniger model. The found exponents vary considerably with the interactionstrength and momentum. Remarkably, the Luttinger liquid theory predictions forthe exponents fail even at low energies, once the immediate vicinities of theedges are considered. | We find the corresponding exponents exactly, by relating them to the known Bethe ansatz solution of the Lieb-Liniger model. |
706.0803 | The goal is to test the structure of hot metallic stars, and in particularthe structure of a near-surface convection zone using asteroseismicmeasurements. Indeed, stellar models including a detailed treatement of theradiative diffusion predict the existence of a near-surface convection zone inorder to correctly reproduce the anomalies in surface abundances that areobserved in Am stars. The Am star HD 209625 was observed with the Harpsspectrograph mounted on the 3.6-m telescope at the ESO La Silla Observatory(Chile) during 9 nights in August 2005. This observing run allowed us tocollect 1243 radial velocity (RV) measurements, with a standard deviation of1.35 m/s. The power spectrum associated with these RV measurements does notpresent any excess. Therefore, either the structure of the external layers ofthis star does not allow excitation of solar-like oscillations, or theamplitudes of the oscillations remain below 20-30 cm/s (depending on theirfrequency range). | The Am star HD 209625 was observed with the Harpsspectrograph mounted on the 3.6-m telescope at the ESO La Silla Observatory (Chile) during 9 nights in August 2005. This observing run allowed us to collect 1243 radial velocity (RV) measurements, with a standard deviation of 1.35 m/s. |
706.0026 | We discuss how Anderson's ideas of nominal and real valence can beincorporated into the current discussion of heavy electron quantum criticality.In the heavy electron phase, the nominal valence of a screened magnetic iondiffers from its real valence by one unit. We identify this discrepancy withthe formation of a positively charged background we call the Kondopseudo-potential. At the quantum critical point, the sudden collapse of theheavy electron Fermi surface can be identified with the return of the nominalto the real valence. This leads to the interesting idea that the heavy electronquantum critical point may involve locally critical charge degrees of freedom.We discuss how this might come about within a large N Schwinger boson scheme. | We identify this discrepancy with the formation of a positively charged background we call the Kondopseudo-potential. At the quantum critical point, the sudden collapse of the heavy electron Fermi surface can be identified with the return of the nominal to the real valence. This leads to the interesting idea that the heavy electron quantum critical point may involve locally critical charge degrees of freedom. We discuss how this might come about within a large N Schwinger boson scheme. |
705.1328 | The observed performances of carbon nanotube field effect transistors areexamined using first-principles quantum transport calculations. We focus on thenature and role of the electrical contact of Au and Pd electrodes to open-endedsemiconducting nanotubes, allowing the chemical contact at the surface to fullydevelop through large-scale relaxation of the contacting atomic configuration.We present the first direct numerical evidence of Pd contacts exhibitingperfect transparency for hole injection as opposed to that of Au contacts.Their respective Schottky barrier heights, on the other hand, turn out to befairly similar for realistic contact models. These findings are in generalagreement with experimental data reported to date, and show that a Schottkycontact is not merely a passive ohmic contact but actively influences thedevice I-V behavior. | We focus on the nature and role of the electrical contact of Au and Pd electrodes to open-ended semiconducting nanotubes, allowing the chemical contact at the surface to fully develop through large-scale relaxation of the contacting atomic configuration. |
712.1579 | Pions, like nucleons, are composed primarily of up and down quarks andgluons. Constraints on spin-independent Lorentz violation in the proton,neutron, and pion sectors translate into bounds on Lorentz violation for thefundamental fields. The best bounds on pion Lorentz violation come fromastrophysical measurements. The absence of the absorption process gamma -->pi^(+) + pi^(-) for up to 50 TeV photons constrains the possibility that pions'maximum achievable velocities are less than 1 at the 1.5 x 10^(-11) level. Thefact that pions with energies up to 30 TeV are observed to decay into photonsrather than hadrons bounds the possibility of a maximum velocity greater than 1at the $2 x 10^(-9) level. This provides the first two-sided bounds on Lorentzviolation for pions. | The absence of the absorption process gamma --> pi^(+) + pi^(-) for up to 50 TeV photons constrains the possibility that pions' maximum achievable velocities are less than 1 at the 1.5 x 10^(-11) level. The fact that pions with energies up to 30 TeV are observed to decay into photons rather than hadrons bounds the possibility of a maximum velocity greater than 1 at the $2 x 10^(-9) level. |
709.4517 | VERITAS is a new atmospheric Cherenkov imaging telescope array to detect veryhigh energy gamma rays above 100 GeV. The array is located in southern Arizona,USA, at an altitude of 1268m above sea level. The array consists of four 12-mtelescopes of Davies-Cotton design and structurally resembling the Whipple 10-mtelescope. The four focal plane instruments are equipped with high-resolution(499 pixels) fast photo-multiplier-tube (PMT) cameras covering a 3.5 degreefield of view with 0.15 degree pixel separation. Light concentrators reduce thedead-space between PMTs to 25% and shield the PMTs from ambient light. The PMTsare connected to high-speed preamplifiers allowing operation at modest anodecurrent and giving good single photoelectron peaks in situ. Electronics in thefocus box provides real-time monitoring of the anode currents for each pixeland ambient environmental conditions. A charge injection subsystem installed inthe focus box allows daytime testing of the trigger and data acquisition systemby injecting pulses of variable amplitude and length directly into thephotomultiplier preamplifiers. A brief description of the full VERITAS focalplane instrument is given in this paper. | Light concentrators reduce the dead-space between PMTs to 25% and shield the PMTs from ambient light. The PMTs are connected to high-speed preamplifiers allowing operation at modest anode current and giving good single photoelectron peaks in situ. Electronics in the focus box provides real-time monitoring of the anode currents for each pixel and ambient environmental conditions. A charge injection subsystem installed in the focus box allows daytime testing of the trigger and data acquisition system by injecting pulses of variable amplitude and length directly into the photomultiplier preamplifiers. |
710.5006 | The fragmented nature and asymmetry of local and remote file access andnetwork access, combined with the current lack of robust authenticity andprivacy, hamstrings the current internet. The collection of disjoint and oftenad-hoc technologies currently in use are at least partially responsible for themagnitude and potency of the plagues besetting the information economy, ofwhich spam and email borne virii are canonical examples. The proposedreplacement for the internet, Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), does littleto tackle these underlying issues, instead concentrating on addressing thetechnical issues of a decade ago. This paper introduces CANE, a Content Addressed Network Environment, andcompares it against current internet and related technologies. Specifically,CANE presents a simple computing environment in which location is abstractedaway in favour of identity, and trust is explicitly defined. Identity iscryptographically verified and yet remains pervasively open in nature. It isargued that this approach is capable of being generalised such that filestorage and network access can be unified and subsequently combined with humaninterfaces to result in a Unified Theory of Access, which addresses many of thesignificant problems besetting the internet community of the early 21stcentury. | This paper introduces CANE, a Content Addressed Network Environment, and compares it against current internet and related technologies. Specifically, CANE presents a simple computing environment in which location is abstracted away in favour of identity, and trust is explicitly defined. |
707.0231 | We investigate the shot noise limited sensitivity of a four-mirror cavityenhanced Michelson interferometer. The intention of this interferometertopology is the reduction of thermal lensing and the impact of theinterferometers contrast although transmissive optics are used with highcirculating powers. The analytical expressions describing the light fields andthe frequency response are derived. Although the parameter space has 11dimensions, a detailed analysis of the resonance feature gives boundaryconditions allowing systematic parameter studies. | The analytical expressions describing the light fields and the frequency response are derived. Although the parameter space has 11 dimensions, a detailed analysis of the resonance feature gives boundary conditions allowing systematic parameter studies. |
801.1369 | Context: Supergranulation is a pattern of the velocity field at the surfaceof the Sun, which has been known about for more than fifty years, however, nosatisfactory explanation of its origin has been proposed. Aims: Newobservational constraints are therefore needed to guide theoretical approacheswhich hesitate between scenarios that either invoke a large-scale instabilityof the surface turbulent convection or a direct forcing by buoyancy. Method:Using the 14-Mpixel CALAS camera at the Pic-du-Midi observatory, we obtained a7.5h-long sequence of high resolution images with unprecedented field size.Tracking granules, we have determined the velocity field at the Sun's surfacein great detail from a scale of 2.5Mm up to 250Mm. Results: The kinetic energy density spectrum shows that supergranulationpeaks at 36Mm and spans on scales ranging between 20Mm and 75Mm. The decreaseof supergranular flows in the small scales is close to a $k^{-2}$-power law,steeper than the equipartition Kolmogorov one. The probability distributionfunction of the divergence field shows the signature of intermittency of thesupergranulation and thus its turbulent nature. | Using the 14-Mpixel CALAS camera at the Pic-du-Midi observatory, we obtained a 7.5h-long sequence of high resolution images with unprecedented field size. Tracking granules, we have determined the velocity field at the Sun's surface in great detail from a scale of 2.5Mm up to 250Mm. |
708.3667 | The standard functional central limit theorem for a renewal process withfinite mean and variance, results in a Brownian motion limit. This note showshow to obtain a Brownian bridge process by a direct procedure that does notinvolve conditioning. Several examples are also considered. | This note shows how to obtain a Brownian bridge process by a direct procedure that does not involve conditioning. |
712.2223 | We show how to protect a stream of quantum information from decoherenceinduced by a noisy quantum communication channel. We exploit presharedentanglement and a convolutional coding structure to develop a theory ofentanglement-assisted quantum convolutional coding. Our construction produces aCalderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) entanglement-assisted quantum convolutional codefrom two arbitrary classical binary convolutional codes. The rate anderror-correcting properties of the classical convolutional codes directlydetermine the corresponding properties of the resulting entanglement-assistedquantum convolutional code. We explain how to encode our CSSentanglement-assisted quantum convolutional codes starting from a stream ofinformation qubits, ancilla qubits, and shared entangled bits. | We exploit preshared entanglement and a convolutional coding structure to develop a theory of entanglement-assisted quantum convolutional coding. Our construction produces a Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) entanglement-assisted quantum convolutional code from two arbitrary classical binary convolutional codes. |
708.2713 | In the above paper the authors treat the natural convection boundary layerflow in a Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer porous medium. In the energy equation theradiation effect has been taken into account. A two-parameter perturbationmethod is used for the solution of the equations. The first order results arepresented in tables and figures. This is an interesting work but there are someweak points which are presented below: | A two-parameter perturbation method is used for the solution of the equations. |
710.2236 | The evolution of the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$ from $M_Z$ to theGUT scale is presented, involving three-loop running and two-loop decoupling.Accordingly, the two-loop transition from the $\bar{\rm MS}$ to the $\bar{\rmDR}$ scheme is properly taken into account. We find that the three-loop effectsare comparable to the experimental uncertainty for $\alpha_s$. | The evolution of the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$ from $M_Z$ to the GUT scale is presented, involving three-loop running and two-loop decoupling. Accordingly, the two-loop transition from the $\bar{\rm MS}$ to the $\bar{\rmDR}$ scheme is properly taken into account. |
710.296 | The suppression of hadrons with large transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) incentral Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 200 GeV compared to a binaryscaled p+p reference is one of the major discoveries at RHIC. To understand thenature of this suppression PHENIX has performed detailed studies of the energyand system-size dependence of the suppression pattern, including the first RHICmeasurement near SPS energies. An additional source of information is providedby direct photons. Since they escape the medium basically unaffected they canprovide a high $p_{\rm T}$ baseline for hard-scattering processes. An overview of hadron production at high $p_{\rm T}$ in different collidingsystems and at energies from $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 22.4 - 200$ GeV will begiven. In addition, the latest direct photon measurements by the PHENIXexperiment shall be discussed. | To understand thenature of this suppression PHENIX has performed detailed studies of the energyand system-size dependence of the suppression pattern, including the first RHICmeasurement near SPS energies. |
708.4106 | We have applied the quantum Monte Carlo method and tight-binding modelling tocalculate the binding energy of biexcitons in semiconductor carbon nanotubesfor a wide range of diameters and chiralities. For typical nanotube diameterswe find that biexciton binding energies are much larger than previouslypredicted from variational methods, which easily brings the biexciton bindingenergy above the room temperature threshold. | We have applied the quantum Monte Carlo method and tight-binding modelling to calculate the binding energy of biexcitons in semiconductor carbon nanotubes for a wide range of diameters and chiralities. |
704.001 | Partial cubes are isometric subgraphs of hypercubes. Structures on a graphdefined by means of semicubes, and Djokovi\'{c}'s and Winkler's relations playan important role in the theory of partial cubes. These structures are employedin the paper to characterize bipartite graphs and partial cubes of arbitrarydimension. New characterizations are established and new proofs of some knownresults are given. The operations of Cartesian product and pasting, and expansion andcontraction processes are utilized in the paper to construct new partial cubesfrom old ones. In particular, the isometric and lattice dimensions of finitepartial cubes obtained by means of these operations are calculated. | The operations of Cartesian product and pasting, and expansion and contraction processes are utilized in the paper to construct new partial cubes from old ones. In particular, the isometric and lattice dimensions of finite partial cubes obtained by means of these operations are calculated. |
711.3585 | For certain non compact Riemannian manifolds with ends, we obtainLittlewood-Paley type estimates on (weighted) Lp spaces, using the usual squarefunction defined by a dyadic partition. | For certain non compact Riemannian manifolds with ends, we obtainLittlewood-Paley type estimates on (weighted) Lp spaces, using the usual squarefunction defined by a dyadic partition. |
710.2157 | We investigate the incidence of major mergers creating >10e11 Msun galaxiesin present-day groups and clusters more massive than 2.5e13 Msun. We identify38 pairs of massive galaxies with mutual tidal interaction signatures selectedfrom >5000 galaxies with >5e10 Msun that reside in 845 such groups. We fit theimages of each galaxy pair as the line-of-sight projection of symmetric modelsand identify mergers by the presence of residual asymmetries around eachprogenitor, such as off-center isophotes, broad tidal tails, and dynamicalfriction wakes. At the resolution and sensitivity of the SDSS, such mergers arefound in 16% of high-mass, galaxy-galaxy pairs with magnitude differences of<1.5 and <30 kpc projected separations. We find that 90% of these mergers havenearly equal-mass progenitors with red-sequence colors andcentrally-concentrated morphologies, the hallmarks of dissipationless mergersimulations. Mergers at group centers are more common than between 2satellites, but both are morphologically indistinguishable and we tentativelyconclude that the latter are likely located at the dynamical centers ofrecently accreted subhalos. The frequency of central and satellite mergingdiminishes with group mass consistent with dynamical friction expectations.Based on reasonable assumptions, the centers of these massive halos are growingin stellar mass by 1-9% per Gyr, on average. Compared to all LRG-LRG mergers,we find a 2-9 times higher rate for their merging when restricted to thesedense environments. Our results imply that the massive end of the galaxypopulation continues to evolve hierarchically at a measurable level, and thatthe centers of massive groups are the preferred environment for merger-drivengalaxy assembly. (abridged) | We fit the images of each galaxy pair as the line-of-sight projection of symmetric models and identify mergers by the presence of residual asymmetries around each progenitor, such as off-center isophotes, broad tidal tails, and dynamical friction wakes. |
707.0241 | There are thirteen types of singular points for irreducible real quarticcurves and seventeen types of singular points for reducible real quarticcurves. This classification is originally due to D.A. Gudkov. There are ninetypes of singular points for irreducible complex quartic curves and ten typesof singular points for reducible complex quartic curves. We derive the completeclassification with proof by using the computer algebra system Maple. Weclarify that the classification is based on computing just enough of thePuiseux expansion to separate the branches. Thus, the proof consists of asequence of large symbolic computations that can be done nicely using Maple. | We derive the complete classification with proof by using the computer algebra system Maple. We clarify that the classification is based on computing just enough of the Puiseux expansion to separate the branches. Thus, the proof consists of a sequence of large symbolic computations that can be done nicely using Maple. |
707.2205 | The linear polarizability absorption spectra of the double-walled carbonnanotubes (DWNTs) have been calculated by using the tight-binding (TB) modeland sum-over-state (SOS) method, supplemented by the first principles CASTEPcalculations. It is found that the chiral symmetries of both outer and innertubes in the DWNTs can always be identified distinctly by the characteristicpeaks in the absorption spectra of the DWNTs, no matter what kind of the outertube is, offering a powerful experimental tool to measure precisely the chiralangle of the inner tube of a DWNT. | The linear polarizability absorption spectra of the double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) have been calculated by using the tight-binding (TB) model and sum-over-state (SOS) method, supplemented by the first principles CASTEP calculations. |
705.1646 | We prove that the Drinfeld halfspace is essentially the only Deligne-Lusztigvariety which is at the same time a period domain over a finite field. This isdone by comparing a cohomology vanishing theorem for DL-varieties, due toDigne, Michel, and Rouquier, with a non-vanishing theorem for PD, due to thefirst author. We also discuss an affineness criterion for DL-varieties. | This is done by comparing a cohomology vanishing theorem for DL-varieties, due to Digne, Michel, and Rouquier, with a non-vanishing theorem for PD, due to the first author. |
704.3251 | A singular foliation on a complete riemannian manifold M is said to beriemannian if each geodesic that is perpendicular at one point to a leafremains perpendicular to every leaf it meets. We prove that the regular leavesare equifocal, i.e., the end point map of a normal foliated vector field hasconstant rank. This implies that we can reconstruct the singular foliation bytaking all parallel submanifolds of a regular leaf with trivial holonomy. Inaddition, the end point map of a normal foliated vector field on a leaf withtrivial holonomy is a covering map. These results generalize previous resultsof the authors on singular riemannian foliations with sections. | We prove that the regular leavesare equifocal, i.e., the end point map of a normal foliated vector field hasconstant rank. This implies that we can reconstruct the singular foliation bytaking all parallel submanifolds of a regular leaf with trivial holonomy. |
706.4316 | We consider the possible gain in the measurement of lensing shear fromimaging data in multiple filters. Galaxy shapes may differ significantly acrossfilters, so that the same galaxy offers multiple samples of the shear. On theother extreme, if galaxy shapes are identical in different filters, one cancombine them to improve the signal-to-noise and thus increase the effectivenumber density of faint, high redshift galaxies. We use the GOODS dataset totest these scenarios by calculating the covariance matrix of galaxyellipticities in four visual filters (B,V,i,z). We find that galaxy shapes arehighly correlated, and estimate the gain in galaxy number density by combiningtheir shapes. | We use the GOODS dataset to test these scenarios by calculating the covariance matrix of galaxy ellipticities in four visual filters (B, V, i, z). |
706.1465 | Atom and molecule currents in a Fermi gas in the neighborhood of a Feshbachresonance are studied in a one-dimensional optical ring lattice by directlydiagonalizing small models. A rotational analogy of flux quantization is usedto show that fraction of the current is carried by particles with twice themass of an atom, which suggests pairing and superfluidity. | Atom and molecule currents in a Fermi gas in the neighborhood of a Feshbach resonance are studied in a one-dimensional optical ring lattice by directly diagonalizing small models. |
710.1333 | When one is presented with an item or a face, one can sometimes have a senseof recognition without being able to recall where or when one has encounteredit before. This sense of recognition is known as familiarity. Followingprevious computational models of familiarity memory we investigate thedynamical properties of familiarity discrimination, and contrast two differentfamiliarity discriminators: one based on the energy of the neural network, andthe other based on the time derivative of the energy. We show how thefamiliarity signal decays after a stimulus is presented, and examine therobustness of the familiarity discriminator in the presence of randomfluctuations in neural activity. For both discriminators we establish, via acombined method of signal-to-noise ratio and mean field analysis, how themaximum number of successfully discriminated stimuli depends on the noiselevel. | Following previous computational models of familiarity memory we investigate the dynamical properties of familiarity discrimination, and contrast two different familiarity discriminators: one based on the energy of the neural network, and the other based on the time derivative of the energy. We show how the familiarity signal decays after a stimulus is presented, and examine the robustness of the familiarity discriminator in the presence of random fluctuations in neural activity. For both discriminators we establish, via a combined method of signal-to-noise ratio and mean field analysis, how the maximum number of successfully discriminated stimuli depends on the noise level. |
704.2808 | This work considers the problem of transmitting multiple compressible sourcesover a network at minimum cost. The aim is to find the optimal rates at whichthe sources should be compressed and the network flows using which they shouldbe transmitted so that the cost of the transmission is minimal. We considernetworks with capacity constraints and linear cost functions. The problem iscomplicated by the fact that the description of the feasible rate region ofdistributed source coding problems typically has a number of constraints thatis exponential in the number of sources. This renders general purpose solversinefficient. We present a framework in which these problems can be solvedefficiently by exploiting the structure of the feasible rate regions coupledwith dual decomposition and optimization techniques such as the subgradientmethod and the proximal bundle method. | We present a framework in which these problems can be solved efficiently by exploiting the structure of the feasible rate regions coupled with dual decomposition and optimization techniques such as the subgradient method and the proximal bundle method. |
711.3181 | Dynamical interactions that occur between objects in dense stellar systemsare particularly important for the question of formation of X-ray binaries. Wepresent results of numerical simulations of 70 globular clusters with differentdynamical properties and a total stellar mass of 2*10^7 Msun. We find that inorder to retain enough neutron stars to match observations we must assume thatNSs can be formed via electron-capture supernovae. Our simulations explain theobserved dependence of the number of LMXBs on ``collision number'' as well asthe large scatter observed between different globular clusters. For millisecondpulsars, we obtain good agreement between our models and the numbers andcharacteristics of observed pulsars in the clusters Terzan 5 and 47 Tuc | We present results of numerical simulations of 70 globular clusters with different dynamical properties and a total stellar mass of 2*10^7 Msun. |
705.168 | Options have provided a field of much study because of the complexityinvolved in pricing them. The Black-Scholes equations were developed to priceoptions but they are only valid for European styled options. There is addedcomplexity when trying to price American styled options and this is why the useof neural networks has been proposed. Neural Networks are able to predictoutcomes based on past data. The inputs to the networks here are stockvolatility, strike price and time to maturity with the output of the networkbeing the call option price. There are two techniques for Bayesian neuralnetworks used. One is Automatic Relevance Determination (for GaussianApproximation) and one is a Hybrid Monte Carlo method, both used withMulti-Layer Perceptrons. | Neural Networks are able to predict outcomes based on past data. The inputs to the networks here are stock volatility, strike price and time to maturity with the output of the network being the call option price. There are two techniques for Bayesian neural networks used. One is Automatic Relevance Determination (for Gaussian Approximation) and one is a Hybrid Monte Carlo method, both used with Multi-Layer Perceptrons. |
707.052 | The Nariai black hole, whose two horizons are lying close to each other, isan extreme and important case in the research of black hole. In this paper westudy the evolution of a massless scalar field scattered around in 5DSchwarzschild-de Sitter black string space. Using the method shown by Brevikand Simonsen (2001) we solve the scalar field equation as a boundary valueproblem, where real boundary condition is employed. Then with convenientreplacement of the 5D continuous potential by square barrier, the reflectionand transmission coefficients ($R, T$) are obtained. At last, we also comparethe coefficients with usual 4D counterpart. | Using the method shown by Brevik and Simonsen (2001) we solve the scalar field equation as a boundary value problem, where real boundary condition is employed. Then with convenient replacement of the 5D continuous potential by square barrier, the reflection and transmission coefficients ($R, T$) are obtained. |
710.535 | In this paper we classify the four-qubit states that commute with$U\otimes{U}\otimes{V}\otimes{V}$, where $U$ and $V$ are arbitrary members ofthe Pauli group. We characterize the set of separable states for this class, interms of a finite number of entanglement witnesses. Equivalently, wecharacterize the two-qubit, Bell-diagonal-preserving, completely positive mapsthat are separable. These separable completely positive maps correspond toprotocols that can be implemented with stochastic local operations assisted byclassical communication (SLOCC). This allows us to derive a complete set ofSLOCC monotones for Bell-diagonal states, which, in turn, provides thenecessary and sufficient conditions for converting one two-qubit state toanother by SLOCC. | We characterize the set of separable states for this class, in terms of a finite number of entanglement witnesses. Equivalently, we characterize the two-qubit, Bell-diagonal-preserving, completely positive maps that are separable. |
704.2679 | A general method for solving linear differential equations of arbitraryorder, is used to arrive at new representations for the solutions of the knowndifferential equations, both without and with a source term. A newquasi-solvable potential has also been constructed taking recourse to the abovemethod. | A general method for solving linear differential equations of arbitrary order, is used to arrive at new representations for the solutions of the known differential equations, both without and with a source term. |
707.0165 | Geometric methods proposed by Stallings for treating finitely generatedsubgroups of free groups were successfully used to solve a wide collection ofdecision problems for free groups and their subgroups. In the present paper we employ the generalized Stallings' methods, developedby the author, to solve various algorithmic problems concerning finitelygenerated subgroups of amalgams of finite groups. | Geometric methods proposed by Stallings for treating finitely generated subgroups of free groups were successfully used to solve a wide collection of decision problems for free groups and their subgroups. In the present paper we employ the generalized Stallings' methods, developed by the author, to solve various algorithmic problems concerning finitely generated subgroups of amalgams of finite groups. |
712.0348 | The multi-scale entanglement renormalisation ansatz (MERA) is argued toprovide a natural description for topological states of matter. The case ofKitaev's toric code is analyzed in detail and shown to possess a remarkablysimple MERA description leading to distillation of the topological degrees offreedom at the top of the tensor network. Kitaev states on an infinite latticeare also shown to be a fixed point of the RG flow associated with entanglementrenormalization. All these results generalize to arbitrary quantum doublemodels. | The case of Kitaev's toric code is analyzed in detail and shown to possess a remarkably simple MERA description leading to distillation of the topological degrees of freedom at the top of the tensor network. Kitaev states on an infinite lattice are also shown to be a fixed point of the RG flow associated with entanglement renormalization. |
711.3147 | Object oriented data analysis is the statistical analysis of populations ofcomplex objects. In the special case of functional data analysis, these dataobjects are curves, where standard Euclidean approaches, such as principalcomponent analysis, have been very successful. Recent developments in medicalimage analysis motivate the statistical analysis of populations of more complexdata objects which are elements of mildly non-Euclidean spaces, such as Liegroups and symmetric spaces, or of strongly non-Euclidean spaces, such asspaces of tree-structured data objects. These new contexts for object orienteddata analysis create several potentially large new interfaces betweenmathematics and statistics. This point is illustrated through the carefuldevelopment of a novel mathematical framework for statistical analysis ofpopulations of tree-structured objects. | In the special case of functional data analysis, these data objects are curves, where standard Euclidean approaches, such as principal component analysis, have been very successful. |
801.1163 | The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of a wave-packetcollapse induced by topological disconnectivity, based on the discussions ofthe wave-corpuscle duality. Several experimental suggestions are proposed totest this sort of wave-packet collapse based on quantum interference. | Several experimental suggestions are proposed to test this sort of wave-packet collapse based on quantum interference. |
705.1343 | The subject of this paper is the optimal design of a parallel mechanismintended for three-axis machining applications. Parallel mechanisms areinteresting alternative designs in this context but most of them are designedfor three- or six-axis machining applications. In the last case, the positionand the orientation of the tool are coupled and the shape of the workspace iscomplex. The aim of this paper is to use a simple parallel mechanism withtwo-degree-of-freedom (dof) for translational motions and to add one leg tohave one-dof rotational motion. The kinematics and singular configurations arestudied as well as an optimization method. The three-degree-of-freedommechanisms analyzed in this paper can be extended to four-axis machines byadding a fourth axis in series with the first two. | The kinematics and singular configurations are studied as well as an optimization method. |
706.0049 | We extend the Bipolar Theorem of Brannath and Schachermayer (1999) to thespace of nonnegative cadlag supermartingales on a filtered probability space.We formulate the notion of fork-convexity as an analogue to convexity in thissetting. As an intermediate step in the proof of our main result we establish aconditional version of the Bipolar theorem. In an application to mathematicalfinance we describe the structure of the set of dual processes of the utilitymaximization problem of Kramkov and Schachermayer (1999) and give abudget-constraint characterization of admissible consumption processes in anincomplete semimartingale market. | We formulate the notion of fork-convexity as an analogue to convexity in this setting. As an intermediate step in the proof of our main result we establish a conditional version of the Bipolar theorem. |
711.3577 | An estimation method is proposed for a wide variety of discrete timestochastic processes that have an intractable likelihood function but areotherwise conveniently specified by an integral transform such as thecharacteristic function, the Laplace transform or the probability generatingfunction. This method involves the construction of classes of transform-basedmartingale estimating functions that fit into the general framework ofquasi-likelihood. In the parametric setting of a discrete time stochasticprocess, we obtain transform quasi-score functions by projecting theunavailable score function onto the special linear spaces formed by theseclasses. The specification of the process by any of the main integraltransforms makes possible an arbitrarily close approximation of the scorefunction in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space by optimally combiningtransform martingale quasi-score functions. It also allows an extension of thedomain of application of quasi-likelihood methodology to processes withinfinite conditional second moment. | This method involves the construction of classes of transform-based martingale estimating functions that fit into the general framework of quasi-likelihood. In the parametric setting of a discrete time stochastic process, we obtain transform quasi-score functions by projecting the unavailable score function onto the special linear spaces formed by these classes. The specification of the process by any of the main integral transforms makes possible an arbitrarily close approximation of the score function in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space by optimally combining transform martingale quasi-score functions. |
708.3418 | We study the Grothendieck classes of quiver cycles, i.e. invariant closedsubvarieties of the representation space of a quiver. For quivers withoutoriented loops we show that the class of a quiver cycle is determined by quivercoefficients, which generalize the earlier studied quiver coefficients forequioriented quivers of type A. We conjecture that quiver coefficients satisfypositivity and finiteness properties. Our main result is a formula for thequiver coefficients for orbit closures of Dynkin type with rationalsingularities, which confirms the finiteness conjecture. This formula is basedon Reineke's desingularization of such orbit closures. For quivers of type A3,we give positive combinatorial formulas for the quiver coefficients, whichconfirm the full conjecture. We also interpret quiver coefficients as formulasfor degeneracy loci defined by quivers of vector bundle maps. | Our main result is a formula for the quiver coefficients for orbit closures of Dynkin type with rational singularities, which confirms the finiteness conjecture. This formula is based on Reineke's desingularization of such orbit closures. |
709.2667 | We consider continuous $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$-cocycles over a strictly ergodichomeomorphism which fibers over an almost periodic dynamical system(generalized skew-shifts). We prove that any cocycle which is not uniformlyhyperbolic can be approximated by one which is conjugate to an$SO(2,\mathbb{R})$-cocycle. Using this, we show that if a cocycle's homotopyclass does not display a certain obstruction to uniform hyperbolicity, then itcan be $C^0$-perturbed to become uniformly hyperbolic. For cocycles arisingfrom Schr\"odinger operators, the obstruction vanishes and we conclude thatuniform hyperbolicity is dense, which implies that for a generic continuouspotential, the spectrum of the corresponding Schr\"odinger operator is a Cantorset. | We prove that any cocycle which is not uniformly hyperbolic can be approximated by one which is conjugate to an $SO(2,\mathbb{R})$-cocycle. Using this, we show that if a cocycle's homotopy class does not display a certain obstruction to uniform hyperbolicity, then it can be $C^0$-perturbed to become uniformly hyperbolic. |
710.5741 | The nonlocal gauge invariant mass operator $\mathrm{Tr} \int d^{4}xF_{\mu\nu} (D^2)^{-1} F_{\mu\nu}$ is investigated in Yang-Mills theories in themaximal Abelian gauge. By means of the introduction of auxiliary fields a localaction is achieved, enabling us to use the algebraic renormalization in orderto prove the renormalizability of the resulting local model to all orders ofperturbation theory. | By means of the introduction of auxiliary fields a local action is achieved, enabling us to use the algebraic renormalization in order to prove the renormalizability of the resulting local model to all orders of perturbation theory. |
709.4455 | Ground-based composition measurements of high-energy cosmic rays can besignificantly improved by using the direct Cherenkov method. This techniquetargets the Cherenkov light produced by the primary particle prior to itsproduction of an extensive air shower. With the appropriate time and angularresolution, the direct Cherenkov photons can be separated from those producedin the extensiveair shower. By utilizing the 0.15 degree angular and 2nanosecond timing resolution of the very high energy gamma-ray telescopesystem, VERITAS, the charge and energy of cosmic rays at TeV energies can beidentified on an event-by-event basis. Results from a preliminary search fordirect Cherenkov events are discussed. | This technique targets the Cherenkov light produced by the primary particle prior to its production of an extensive air shower. With the appropriate time and angular resolution, the direct Cherenkov photons can be separated from those produced in the extensive air shower. By utilizing the 0.15 degree angular and 2 nanosecond timing resolution of the very high energy gamma-ray telescope system, VERITAS, the charge and energy of cosmic rays at TeV energies can be identified on an event-by-event basis. |
708.1473 | We investigate the transmission of focused beams through single subwavelengthholes in a silver film. We use radially and azimuthally polarized light,respectively, to excite higher order waveguide modes as well as to match theradial symmetry of the aperture geometry. Remarkably, the transmissionproperties can be described by a classical waveguide model even for thicknessesof the silver film as thin as a quarter of a wavelength. | We use radially and azimuthally polarized light, respectively, to excite higher order waveguide modes as well as to match the radial symmetry of the aperture geometry. |
704.0562 | A new method, FM-FTS, combining Frequency Modulation heterodyne laserspectroscopy and Fourier Transform Spectroscopy is presented. It providessimultaneous sensitive measurement of absorption and dispersion profiles withbroadband spectral coverage capabilities. Experimental demonstration is made onthe overtone spectrum of C2H2 in the 1.5 $\mu$m region. | A new method, FM-FTS, combining Frequency Modulation heterodyne laser spectroscopy and Fourier Transform Spectroscopy is presented. It provides simultaneous sensitive measurement of absorption and dispersion profiles with broadband spectral coverage capabilities. |
709.2717 | Are systems that display Topological Quantum Order (TQO), and have a gap toexcitations, hardware fault-tolerant at finite temperatures? We show that insurface code models that display low d-dimensional Gauge-Like Symmetries, suchas Kitaev's and its generalizations, the expectation value of topologicalsymmetry operators vanishes at any non-zero temperature, a phenomenon that wecoined thermal fragility. The autocorrelation time for the non-localtopological quantities in these systems may remain finite even in thethermodynamic limit. We provide explicit expressions for the autocorrelationfunctions in Kitaev's model. If temperatures far below the gap may be achievedthen these autocorrelation times, albeit finite, can be made large. Thephysical engine behind the loss of correlations at large spatial and/ortemporal distance is the proliferation of topological defects at any finitetemperature as a result of a dimensional reduction. This raises an importantquestion: How may we best quantify the degree of protection of quantuminformation in a topologically ordered system at finite temperature? | We provide explicit expressions for the autocorrelation functions in Kitaev's model. |
704.265 | An interval coloring of a graph G is a proper coloring of E(G) by positiveintegers such that the colors on the edges incident to any vertex areconsecutive. A (3,4)-biregular bigraph is a bipartite graph in which eachvertex of one part has degree 3 and each vertex of the other has degree 4; itis unknown whether these all have interval colorings. We prove that G has aninterval coloring using 6 colors when G is a (3,4)-biregular bigraph having aspanning subgraph whose components are paths with endpoints at 3-valentvertices and lengths in {2,4,6,8}. We provide sufficient conditions for theexistence of such a subgraph. | We prove that G has an interval coloring using 6 colors when G is a (3,4)-biregular bigraph having aspanning subgraph whose components are paths with endpoints at 3-valent vertices and lengths in {2,4,6,8}. |
705.2326 | Ordinary fracture functions, describing hadrons production in the deepinelastic scattering target fragmentation region, are generalized to accountfor the production of hadrons in arbitrary number, thus offering a renewedframework for dealing with QCD initial state radiation. We also propose a newjet-like observable which measures beam remnants and low-$p_{\perp}$ scatteringfragments and derive its QCD evolution equations by using Jet Calculus.Possible implications for semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering andhadron-hadron reactions are shortly discussed. | We also propose a new jet-like observable which measures beam remnants and low-$p_{\perp}$ scattering fragments and derive its QCD evolution equations by using Jet Calculus. |
709.3144 | Given integers $t$, $k$, and $v$ such that $0\leq t\leq k\leq v$, let$W_{tk}(v)$ be the inclusion matrix of $t$-subsets vs. $k$-subsets of a$v$-set. We modify slightly the concept of standard tableau to study the notionof rank of a finite set of positive integers which was introduced by Frankl.Utilizing this, a decomposition of the poset $2^{[v]}$ into symmetric skiplesschains is given. Based on this decomposition, we construct an inclusion matrix,denoted by $W_{\bar{t}k}(v)$, which is row-equivalent to $W_{tk}(v)$. Its Smithnormal form is determined. As applications, Wilson's diagonal form of$W_{tk}(v)$ is obtained as well as a new proof of the well known theorem on thenecessary and sufficient conditions for existence of integral solutions of thesystem $W_{tk}\bf{x}=\bf{b}$ due to Wilson. Finally we present anotherinclusionmatrix with similar properties to those of $W_{\bar{t}k}(v)$ which is in someway equivalent to $W_{tk}(v)$. | Utilizing this, a decomposition of the poset $2^{[v]}$ into symmetric skipless chains is given. Based on this decomposition, we construct an inclusion matrix, denoted by $W_{\bar{t}k}(v)$, which is row-equivalent to $W_{tk}(v)$. |
708.1639 | We propose a many-body generalization of the Z2 topological invariant for thequantum spin Hall insulator, which does not rely on single-particle bandstructures. The invariant is derived as a topological obstruction thatdistinguishes topologically distinct many-body ground states on a torus. It isalso expressed as a Wilson-loop of the SU(2) Berry gauge field, which isquantized due to the time-reversal symmetry. | The invariant is derived as a topological obstruction that distinguishes topologically distinct many-body ground states on a torus. It is also expressed as a Wilson-loop of the SU(2) Berry gauge field, which is quantized due to the time-reversal symmetry. |