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<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: it in minute the gas piece [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: confused what are you disagreeing with me in regard to demand destruction jennifer on am john cc rebuttal i am definitely a bigger fan of the crude complex for the next few month agree the defcon bubble ha burst for natgas disagree about the demand destruction i think some demand is just permanently gone i cheaper btu in asia pacific and plant just wont run here anymore but i think that we are underestimating the structural change in energy demand just a the economy is le dependent on heavy industry for it health energy demand is changing since just about everyone missed the boat on the increased power demand a a result of silicon valley i think we dont have a good handle on what the driver of the new power generation really areso what im saying is that industrial demand will weaken demand in service based industry will increase also energy is a much smaller component of the cost structure in service industry also i think in people had sticker shock they couldnt have imagined gas but now that volatility and higher price are firmly entrenched in their mind they will find way of running their factory also they will budget for these price instead of see ng week nevada power price hike affecting casino increase of when asked the implication for missed earnings and their plan for demand conservation one casino official replied were in the bright light business i dont believe the economic doom and gloom first of all no one want a repeat of the recession which wa much worse outside of the u every central bank in the g ha or will cut rate this week the u will follow suit or it will have a very expensive dollar which will blow export with all of the monetary slack consumer credit will not tighten and thus buying will continue witness the lack of destruction in big ticket item purchasing heavy manufacturing is contracting but this is not everything productivity gain are strong the economy is becoming more service based and traditional industrial barometer are not telling the whole story finally i am london and it is not doom and gloom over here well there my cent jen fraser enron global market fundamental [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: we won a ppa in alberta we will know for sure on thursday when the government declares the auctin a success or not it is highly like that it will be a success please direct all detailed question through derek davy in canada [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: original message sent thursday november am the ballot according to an unidentified source a white bronco ha been spotted following the uhaul truck which is travelling from miami to tallahassee the bronco ha an inner tube on the top with a blowup castro doll tied into it oj say he didnt do it we got to vote again this morningdid you yours truly an unidentified broward county voter [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: sara i typed these transaction and stored them in kayes c drive for future use or to be transfered to your own data file it wa great seeing you again and i wish you the best have a great weekend gaby [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: fifty dollar [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: yea ill talk to them who should i call brian communication am john cc implementation issue on ie john look like it ha decided not to install internet explorer after all the program is ready to go a soon a that is installed do you want to put some pressure on them or would you rather wait to see if they can fix it to work on ie you have by the way so im not quite sure what the problem is brian brian t hoskins enron broadband service office mobile fax [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: tim there is absolutely a spot for john maybe he should give me a call or even come an see me why dont you talk to him and also i would love your thought on what the best role for him would be [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: congratulation you have been selected a a finalist in the nvp travel giveaway prize are accommodation for two for two night at any one of the following location ft lauderdale or daytona fl williamsburg va orlando fl la vega nv bahamas branson mo all you have to do is complete the finalist registration form httpcommerceoneonlinecomslslvacation be sure to include your confirmation number g a an added bonus the first finalist to register will receive a free entry in one of our bonus drawing for cash or plane ticket for adult to any continental u destination why wait you could be on your way click here httpcommerceoneonlinecomslslvacation to travel today lisa davidson national vacation promotion your screen name wa entered in our giveaway if you do not wish to participate in future promotion please click here httpcommerceoneonlinecomslslremovehtm free mortgage quote save click here http [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: carol st clair eb phone fax [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: you might find useful marg [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: dave the weather group should show this pl today [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: see attached file gpdf ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ce message et toutes le piece jointes ciapres le message sont etablis a lintention exclusive de s destinataires et sont confidentiels si vous recevez ce message par erreur merci de le detruire et den avertir immediatement lexpediteur toute utilisation de ce message non conforme a sa destination toute diffusion ou toute publication totale ou partielle est interdite sauf autorisation expresse linternet ne permettant pa dassurer lintegrite de ce message bnp paribas et s filiales declinent toute responsabilite au titre de ce message dans lhypothese ou il aurait ete modifie this message and any attachment the message are intended solely for the addressee and are confidential if you receive this message in error please delete it and immediately notify the sender any use not in accord with it purpose any dissemination or disclosure either whole or partial is prohibited except formal approval the internet can not guarantee the integrity of this message bnp paribas and it subsidiary shall will not therefore be liable for the message if modified ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ gpdf [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: ive told presto to relax time just deal with me on this one [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: the report named ng propt pl httptrvcorpenroncomlinkfromexcelaspreport_cdreport_namengproptplcategory_cdcategory_namefinancialtoc_hidestvtvexpycurrent_efct_date published a of is now available for viewing on the website [/INST] Category: Payroll, finance, accounting etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: dear valued customer thank you for your order your order number is below youll find additional order information well let you know by email a soon a your order item ship shipment send to christie plauche long leaf drive melbourne florida item magic bear drawing board mega screen item subtotal shipping cost gift option shipment total order summary shipment total order total have question about your order or any other customer service issue check your order status online or view our help section by visiting httpwwwzanybrainycom the link in the top right area of the page will guide you call zanybrainycom tollfree at wowkids or locally at or email u at youll always find a zanybrainycom kidsultant on hand to help you hour a day day a week thank you again for shopping at zanybrainycomwhere youll always find the best stuff for kid your zanybrainycom kidsultants httpwwwzanybrainycom extraordinary toy for extraordinary kid [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: enron north america is interested in selling natural gas to pnm gas service on a firm basis under the following term and condition term april march contract price if el paso san juan basin le firm daily quantitiy mmbtuday delivery point delivered to pnmgs at the tailgate of the williams field serif ignacio plant into transwestern at ignacio plantat the tw blanco hub at wfs kutz plant into pnmgs milagro plant into blanco hub or any other mutually agreeable pointsinto pnmgs special condition ena will selelct nominate and deliver the firm daily quantity at any of the delivery point ena will notify pnm no later than pm mt one day prior to gas flow day cycle of the selected delivery point [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: the report named ng price pl httptrvcorpenroncomlinkfromexcelaspreport_cdreport_namengpriceplcategory_cdcategory_namefinancialtoc_hidestvtvexpycurrent_efct_date published a of is now available for viewing on the website [/INST] Category: Payroll, finance, accounting etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: the report named ng price pl httptrvcorpenroncomlinkfromexcelaspreport_cdreport_namengpriceplcategory_cdcategory_namefinancialtoc_hidestvtvexpycurrent_efct_date published a of is now available for viewing on the website [/INST] Category: Payroll, finance, accounting etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: hi the big money making floor i dont think i like that too much pressurewhat happens if we screw up i went to the website and clicked on the link but all i got wa a mess of characteres and symbol any idea how i fix it john margaret on pm john cc screen shot hey john did you check out the new spot they are posted on the intranet homeenroncom let me know what you think hope all is well down there on the big money making floor have a good one margaret [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: there a meeting with a cast of character to discus the westinhouse warranty issue it is tomorrow thurs at do you have any interest in sitting in kay [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i said im a vp and run natural gas derivative trading and she asked if she could eliminate derivative because then shed have to write two more sentence about what that wa jennifer white on pm cc there is no john taylor at ocean and i dont remember the other name you mentioned on the phone whoever you were talking to last night wa confused i found the article in the baltimore sun since when are you vp of natural gas trading im meeting the girl at saba tonight in the event you dont have plan and want to join u jen ___________________________________________________________________ to get your own free zdnet onebox free voicemail email and fax all in one place sign up today at httpwwwzdnetoneboxcom [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i need you to leave me alone for a week [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i didnt say you couldnt come down just not to expect much margaret on pm john cc okay you get reprieve on this today but i do have curly hair and high boot on have a great said like tony tiger date and dont attack her like you did the last one msa [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: neil i got the resume come and see me [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: sabra i have extended the current fpl sitara to the end of the deal keeping the same deal help u keep up with the value i set it up with the volume we booked in tagg i know the volume and location will change but if you could send me and yuan an email when you have made your change during bid week we will make the change to the hedge deal thanks kam p scott you will not see any problem with this deal in the future sorry for the trouble [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: sara yo whats up how are thing across the street let me guess you got all rested up saturday and sunday then when out three night already this week and now are ready to go home do laundry and sleep unfortunately ive been extremely lame mostly because you got me sickwell maybe not anyway i havent been feeling so hot yet i did oversleep by two hour this morning which really helped poor ted had to pick the slack so any big plan for the weekend besides laundry superbowl happy hour toilet flushing into the phone stupid drunk mat [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i think this may be the junior trader your are looking for if you dont want him i will certainly interview him for fundamental but i think he is over qualified [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: change the rating john lavorato [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: the only change thats happened to my long term outlook ha been that the weather in the short term ha been more bullish and well have or so bcf le storage than i wa anticpating in two week so yea my curve is a touch higher but it doesnt change my longer term view most of the move this week wa a short sqeeze of spec short combined with a strong heat market a little concerned about heat but also saw product very strong going into the season this past winter only to stage a huge failure not convinced this rally in product is different jennifer on am john cc ng view wheres your curve now may june jul aug sep oct nov dec jan jen fraser enron global market fundamental [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: thanks to all of you for the kind word and very thoughtful flower and wine we enjoyed both a we watched our th snowstorm of the year this weekend houston looking better and better with each blizzard df [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: rhett you may recall a few week ago i asked you about some language that one of our counterparties wanted a an amendment to the term indemnifiable tax another counterparty deutsche bank ha requested the following which i think is very similar to what we were looking at before notwithstanding the foregoing indemnifiabletax also mean any tax imposed by reason of a change in tax law by a government or taxing authority of a relevant jurisdiction of the payer unless the payee is incorporated organized managed and controlled or considered to have it seat in such jurisdiction or is acting for purpose of this agreement through a branch or office located in such jurisdiction in the isda user guide they explain that the effect of this language is to eliminate the payee risk of bearing new tax imposed by the payer jurisdiction even if the payee activity in such jurisdiction is the basis for such tax except if the circumstance in the definition occur it thus result in the payer having to gross up for such tax do you think that we can or should accept this carol st clair eb phone fax [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: carol st clair eb phone fax [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i think so in a month or so problem now is that there is so much customer buying on any pullback and selling on rally that the market with such a flat curve is going nowhere that will change but it going to take a while i like it eventually bill am john cc dont know about the front month but gut feel is that april thru oct at approximately seems like something to own although i hate flat vol curve what do you think long flat or short john bill cc [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: attached please find the natural gas market analysis for today thanks bob mckinney nat gasdoc [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: ok i think day a year is fair [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: dave give me a call some of the data look odd also it seems that old report still have arnold future contract included john [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: do you people have job [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i cant get into thisany idea [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i think taking a cab is more convenient assuming we can find one on the way back margaret on pm john cc kim and i are going from here we were debating sharing a cab or taking the bus from enron field any preference john am margaret cc cute girlfriend im in margaret on am john cc oh i wa going to tell you that your invitation give you the ability to invite a guest so if you wanted to bring jennifer you can but i do have cute girlfriend going with me so if you just want to go with u that will be fun im planning on leaving here around you want to go with me john am margaret cc cute girlfriend im in [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: the report named violationnotification memo httpervcorpenroncomlinkfromexcelaspreport_cdreport_nameviolationnotificationmemocategory_cdcategory_nameenronconsolidatedtoc_hidestvtvexpycurrent_efct_date published a of is now available for viewing on the website [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: carol st clair eb phone fax [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: bruce i had quite a crazy week give me a call the next time you are in town or if you are still in town i would love to get together john [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: a couple more thought certainly losing lot of indutrial demand both to switching and slowdown in economy big automaker all temporarily closing plant for instance switching is significant and ha led to cash in the gulf expiring weak everyday gas daily spread to prompt trading at need some very cold weather to justify that this seems to be the test of the next day will the switchingloss of demandstorage management keep cash future spread at reasonable level or will it blow to not too many year ago we had a print on the hub unless we get some crazy print you have to question the steep backwardation in the market funny watching the fly in the front bot large chunk of ghj at friday morning probably worth now crazy people have seen each front spread be weak since forever and are already starting to eye up gh whats the thought on distillate is it tight enough such that gas switching is the marginal mmbtu of demand and pull it up or is the market too oversupplied to care [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: a you know we are continuously updating the foreign domestic counsel database so that it can be maintained in the most accurate form therefore any new information you may have regarding outside counsel firm that have been interviewed andor retained in the past month would be greatly appreciated also if you have any update to the existing database entry we would also like to hear from you please take the time to help u update this database so it can be a valuable tool for all of u each one of u ha full access to the database via your lotus note application however if your icon ha disappeared from your desktop click here to add it back on to your desktop please provide any new information andor update either to nony flores or becky spencer thank you for your attention to this matter [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: carol st clair eb phone fax [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: something to take a look at [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: please add [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: to all it seems a if casco ha several major issue with our form of isda and obviously it is going to be difficult negotiatingexecuting this document i plan to notify grant oh the canadian originator to make him aware of these issue and advise him of the issue we face in addition i will request that he speak to his contact at casco to let him know that the comment provided are very much outside our standard negotiating guideline thanks russell [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: the report named ng price pl httptrvcorpenroncomlinkfromexcelaspreport_cdreport_namengpriceplcategory_cdcategory_namefinancialtoc_hidestvtvexpycurrent_efct_date published a of is now available for viewing on the website [/INST] Category: Payroll, finance, accounting etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: my question is where do i find the graph [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: talk to louise [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: privileged confidential attorney client communication i just spoke with mr charles de saillan asst general counsel for the nmed concerning the referenced compliance order apparently the nmed mailed out of these order last week the nm legislature ha adopted a statute of limitation under the nm air quality act and the nmed wa acting to attempt to foreclose the use of this defense dave can mary hunt this new legislation down the language in the order assessing a penalty per day of violation is standard language when the nmed ha not assessed a specific figure it will be a couple of week before the nmed will be able to provide u a specific penalty we discussed settlement and the administrative hearing process a settlement meeting is not likely to take place soon due to the nmeds workload we need to have a number from the nmed before the settlement conference anyway we will have to file the request to go to hearing no later tahn july th however charlie stated that if the respondent evidenced good faith to achieve a settlement the secretary had the discretion to allow additional time to submit a full answer where we provided all of the detail of our defense i told charlie we would be organizing ourselves internally and that we would get back to him with some proposed date for a settlement conference a request for hearing and a request to extend the time in which to file an answer preferably tied to after the settlement conference let see about date and dave or i will call the nmed and submit a letter with the three item above we want to make sure that the nmed ha time before the end of the day period to respond to our request for an extension on the answer [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: john below are the identified associateanalyst need for the east power trading team a requested summer intern total count fundamental lloyd will rika imai power scheduling corry bentley realtime confirmation nighttime role juan hernandez candidate requested sunitunder sekhon jeffery wolfe justin chen chris mrema arvindh kumar raiford smith richard matthwe hobson michael finger joseph spector john grace albert brancaccio iam salmon ben wood preselected off cycle candidate total interviewed and preselected by lloyd will fundamental analysis lloyd will rika imai candidate requested carrie larkworthy bryce fraser cory willis utku gulmenden bryan gottfredson fall analystsassociates total fundamental analysis and trading backfill lloyd will rika imai please see previous email for kevin prestos previously ranked selection [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: dave the weather group should show this pl today [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: imageunsubscribe at bottom image image image image image click here to download free collapse demo image remove me privacy policy you received this email because you downloaded a realplayer realjukebox or another product from realcom and indicated a preference to receive special offer from realnetworks or you subscribed to the special offer email category in your account area if you do not wish to receive email from u in the future click on the remove me link above realnetworks realplayer realjukebox realcom and realarcade are trademark or registered trademark of realnetworks inc all other company or product listed herein are trademark or registered trademark of their respective owner [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: attached you will find the latest draft of the new master form please review and send me any comment todaywed like to get this out to the business team by today i think all of the comment we received and developed in the last meeting have been incorporated including the bankruptcy matter because there are so many change i dont think a blackline would be helpfulhowever let me know if you want one i have bracketed question and open issue and highlighted area that i think need either more work or extra attention from the business team id like to see u be able to pare this document down just a biti think a page master and a to page confirmation is reasonable thanks md [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: im sensing that you dont have much to do during the day im thinking about inviting mark waldren down at the same time please advise [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: attached please find the natural gas market analysis for today thanks bob mckinney nat gasdoc [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i would guess notional value bil per day including financial derivative probably doubled market share in gas since eol probably of our trade are intl [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: the report named ng price pl httptrvcorpenroncomlinkfromexcelaspreport_cdreport_namengpriceplcategory_cdcategory_namefinancialtoc_hidestvtvexpycurrent_efct_date published a of is now available for viewing on the website [/INST] Category: Payroll, finance, accounting etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: kim can you print me two copy in color john [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: mark i would like to talk to you about this carol [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i thought you hated getting involved just kidding congrats lavo [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: john thanks for the update i found out after we talked that there were also several expense account related problem which will not happen under our responsabilty john j lavorato on cst orlando cc orlando on ed graham i pushed the issue with cliff and kevin hannon kevin cliff and jeff donanue current head of ma for broadband met on the issue after i talked to them they have decided to give him month to perform or he will be let go his bonus for will be i know you wanted a different outcome but this is the best i could do john [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: signups are still going well the following is the status a of friday feb meus signed up to firm contract of customer load mw gross revenue cad mmyr cad mm over year revenue begin a of market opening also mw of load ha nominated for our power pool concept this represents cad mmyear cad mm over year in power pool administration fee any term power sale to this pool is incremental we do not have an exclusive supply basis to this pool this is not absolutely firm at this point a we need to develop how the power pool will work prior to committing from our end a well this is subject to the meus choosing to carry out their ss obligation through a third party enerconnects lawyer view this nomination a allready firm i would rather wait until we have spent some time with the meus who have signed up for this to ensure they know what they have done meus with string interest and paper in either not signed right or with condition etc of customer load gross revenue cad mmyear cad mm over year cheer paul d [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: sorry vince i have been out of town please give me a call tomorrow [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: telephone fax work addy smith street eb email assistant kim hillis eb if you have any question please feel free to contact me thanks kim hillis rachael adam ect am john j cc contact detail john i am drew lynchs assistant in the london office and id be grateful if you could provide me with the following contact detail telephone number fax number work postal address email address regard rachael [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: carol st clair eb phone fax [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: hi john we have now a total of people interviewing for the trading track with potentially another first round screen taking place today i have interviewer from you assuming they dont cancel i am still short on interviewer please advise on additional name you would like to particpate thanks karen b [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: global office link wwwglobalofficelinkcom is an ebusiness platform for corporate real estate built by kpmg consulting our platform serf company with diverse need on a worldwide basis our listing include corporate property for lease or sublease property for sale and requirement for company that need space one of our client ha a number of quality office property available for lease or sublease in the u these corporate office are partially or fully fitted out and are available for occupancy either immediately on in the near future some office may be subdividable into smaller size the enclosed hyperlink summarize each listing alpharetta ga sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromogeorgiaalpharettahtml atlanta ga sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromogeorgiaatlantahtml atlanta ga sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromogeorgiaatlantahtml norcross ga sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromogeorgiaatlantahtml bedford ma sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromomassachusettsbedfordhtml framingham ma sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromomassachusettsframinghamhtml fort lee nj sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromonewjerseyfortleehtml princeton nj sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromonewjerseyprincetonhtml charlotte nc sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromonocarolinacharlottehtml independence oh sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromoohioindependencehtml blue bell pa sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromopennsylvaniabluebellhtml plymouth meeting pa sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromopennsylvaniaplymouthmeetinghtml radnor pa sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromopennsylvaniaradnorhtml planodallas tx sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromotexasplanohtml richmond va glen allen sq ft httpwwwglobalofficelinkcompromovirginiarichmondhtml we invite you to access the detailed listing and directly contact the company through global office link registration a a corporate user is required under login there is no registration fee we will offer corporate user other valueadded service and more u property listing in the near future please contact u if you have any question about our service or web site best regard jay donahue president ceo global office link federal street suite boston ma usa note should you wish not to receive future update please reply to this email by entering the word remove on the subject line [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: carol st clair eb phone fax [/INST] Category: Payroll, finance, accounting etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: although i realize some of you may not be able to join on such short notice please try to participate in a conference call in preparation for the ferc meeting on thursday id really like to have your input wednesday november time am cst call in host code participant code [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: alexander sorry for a delay in responding to your message i dont anticipate at this point any hiring at enron for my group over the next month i shall contact you if the situation change vince kaminski [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: no problem bensen [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: ignore shankman i think that wa a bit of joke [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i dont know him that well however i dont think he is a superstar rob milnthorp in calgary might have a better read [/INST] Category: Personal but in professional context |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: the report named ng price pl httptrvcorpenroncomlinkfromexcelaspreport_cdreport_namengpriceplcategory_cdcategory_namefinancialtoc_hidestvtvexpycurrent_efct_date published a of is now available for viewing on the website [/INST] Category: Payroll, finance, accounting etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: on may st ibuyit payable will be activated for all organization support ed by the houstonbased account payable processing center the purpose of th is message is to explain the ibuyit payable invoice review and approval proce s and to ask your help in defining and communicating the limit of authority within your business unit how ibuyit work the may st introduction of ibuyit payable will initially have the flexibility to administer any invoice reviewapproval process however in the near future it will also be able to enforce the reviewapproval process therefore until the enforcement functionality is activated the project tea m is instructing ibuyit payable user to continue to follow the current invoi ce review and approval guideline of their business unit the following step outline the ibuyit payable invoice reviewapproval process the coder will selfdirect the invoice to the appropriate reviewerapprover according to business unit guideline if the reviewerapprover ha the authority to approve the invoice according to their business unit guideline they validate the coding and approve the invoice for payment if the reviewerapprover doe not have the authority to approve the invoice according to their business unit guideline they selfdirect the invoice to the appropriate person for approval we need your help for an effective introduction of ibuyit payable it is important that each business unit ha a clearly defined release strategy if you do not currently have a release strategy in place it is important that one is defined a soon a possible once the release strategy ha been defined for your business unit i encourage you to communicate it to your organization so that ibuyit payable s user can appropriately route invoice for review and approval attached i s a template to assist you in communicating this information in addition please submit your release strategy to me by thursday april so that the project team can work to enhance ibuyit payable ability to function a an enforcement tool i am dedicated to ensuring that ibuyit payable tool meet your control need please do not hesitate to contact me with any question thank you john gillespie [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: milly it look like your head of parking and you may need to lease our office space too [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: rob thats good information keep digging [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: sean a i am now in the power trading group if any change need to be made to the financial gtcs for this counterparty please contact either mark taylor or sara shackleton thanks carol st clair eb phone fax [/INST] Category: Payroll, finance, accounting etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: fine ina rangel pm phillip k hunter s scott fred john thomas a cc kimberly airam becky laura ena fileplan project need your approval carolyn gilley who is a department head in our record management group ha hired the firm millican assoicates to come in and compile all of our current and archived file into a more suitable fileplan enron ha given permission for this firm to handle this but they need further approval from each one of you to deal with your backoffice people and with your assistant in compiling this information to complete their project below is a more detailed letter from the firm explaining their work here please respond to me that i have your approval to give for them to complete your project thank you ina rangel [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: can you please print me color copy of these report just this week i want to distribute them to me head trader [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: grant tuesday or wednesday would work please call me in the morning or at home tonight alternatively we could have breakfast vince masson grant on am cc lunch vince do you have time sometime this week for lunch regard grant this email and any file transmitted with it from the elpaso corporation are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed if you have received this email in error please notify the sender [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: weather moderating enuf switching to offset hdds cash showing same i wudnt touch it yet [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i will not accept amerex having the ability to execute over the phone take this out of the deal or kill the deal john [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: please add a transaction with ancrexam to our pending list for your review this is one that we are in negotiation with the customer and should close by the end of the month th restructure will fix a substantial outstanding receivable in addition to creating new origination jim [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: rae i think that is too strong for our purpose here is my redraft resolved that the board of director endorses the effort undertaken at it behest since the december meeting to determine the level of interest in and whether and how gisb should expand it focus to address electric and gas wholesale and retail standard and further resolved that the board directs it officer and the task force established in december to continue meeting with interested party to gather their input and financial and other support and to prepare draft of the document necessary to effectuate any required structural change should the board determine to put them into effect and further resolved that the officer and task force shall report back to the board at it june meeting regarding their activity and progress bill boswell [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: jane i have printed off these form had john sign the employee one and have passed this information on to dave delainey after receiving the information please let me know if you have any question or require any additional information thanks kim hillis x jane allen ect pm john j cc margaret green card form a requested the supervisor form should be signed by delaney and i will get david to sign please complete to the best of your ability if anything is missing we can followup with hr jane [/INST] Category: Document editing/checking(collaboration) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: enclosed is a revised draft of the policy without any modification on the exclusion a this is an area that ace is apparently continuing to develop a i mentioned yesterday we will talk with you about this on monday at houston time our commercial team would then like to have a call with ace sometime after our call to talk about exclusion subrogation right and matter relating to book and record that are addressed in the policy i dont think that all of you need to be on this call but wa wondering if any of you would be available for this call please let me know carol st clair eb phone fax [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: joe per my voice mail message here is a description of the online product that we are looking to create carol [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: here is the second set of ferc data request referenced in the last email where ferc agreed this data request did not apply because we dont have any generation in califronia [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: stan please read the attachment he ha met with several people on the executi ve committee i just want to proceed before the meeting next monday let me know john [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i need to start thinking about hiring a nanny to take care of charles our month old and arthur our year old we are looking for someone that can come to our house during the week a we do not have room for a livein we live off of west about mile from downtown we would prefer someone that is legal and speaks english but wont rule out anyone else if you know of someone that might be interested please call or email me while i would prefer not to use an agency if you know of a good one please let me know please pas this message on to anyone else at enron that you think might be able to help thanks carol st clair [/INST] Category: Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: the gas desk lost mm the west desk lost arnold made mm [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: ill spend minute myself [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: you think im going to put this in ellectronic form no way jennifer on pm john cc please fill ini lost the scrap of paper arnold may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec jan jen fraser enron global market fundamental [/INST] Category: Company Business, Strategy, etc. |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: mark what are your thought on crude and gasoline mark sagel on pm john arnold cc natural gas update latest natural report ngdoc [/INST] Category: Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc) |
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> I am sharing an email body with you. Based on the text in the body, you need to classify the email in one of the following seven categories: 'Company Business, Strategy, etc.'; 'Purely Personal'; 'Personal but in professional context'; 'Logistic Arrangements (meeting scheduling, technical support, etc)'; 'Employment arrangements(job seeking, hiring, recommendations, etc)'; 'Document editing/checking(collaboration)'; 'Payroll, finance, accounting etc.'. <</SYS>> Mail: i know jennifer shipos pm cc thanks youre the best [/INST] Category: Purely Personal |
Subsets and Splits