yoruno-vn / segment /utils.py
nenekochan's picture
initial processing pipeline
import re
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Concatenate
ENTRY = re.compile(r"{\n\s+\"speaker\": \"(.*)\",\n\s+\"text\": \"(.*)\"\n\s+}", re.M)
def compact_entry(output: str) -> str:
Collapse the following:
"speaker": "...",
"text": "..."
into this:
{"speaker": "...", "text": "..."},
return ENTRY.sub(r'{"speaker": "\1", "text": "\2"}', output)
def dump_conversation(conversation, output_path: Path):
with output_path.open("w") as fo:
output = json.dumps(conversation, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
output = compact_entry(output)
print(output, file=fo)
def map_to_file_or_dir[**P](
fn: Callable[Concatenate[Path, P], None],
path: Path,
*args: P.args,
**kwargs: P.kwargs,
if path.is_dir():
for p in path.iterdir():
print(f"Processing {p}")
fn(p, *args, **kwargs)
fn(path, *args, **kwargs)
def is_protagonist(speaker: str) -> bool:
return speaker == "protagonist" or speaker == "我"
def is_heroine(speaker: str) -> bool:
return not (is_protagonist(speaker) or speaker == "narrator")