
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model, forms from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ User = get_user_model() class UserChangeForm(forms.UserChangeForm): class Meta(forms.UserChangeForm.Meta): model = User class UserCreationForm(forms.UserCreationForm): error_message = forms.UserCreationForm.error_messages.update( {"duplicate_username": _("This username has already been taken.")} ) class Meta(forms.UserCreationForm.Meta): model = User def clean_username(self): username = self.cleaned_data["username"] try: User.objects.get(username=username) except User.DoesNotExist: return username raise ValidationError(self.error_messages["duplicate_username"])
import django.contrib.auth.models import django.contrib.auth.validators from django.db import migrations, models import django.utils.timezone class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [("auth", "0008_alter_user_username_max_length")] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name="User", fields=[ ( "id", models.AutoField( auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name="ID", ), ), ("password", models.CharField(max_length=128, verbose_name="password")), ( "last_login", models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="last login" ), ), ( "is_superuser", models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text="Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning them.", verbose_name="superuser status", ), ), ( "username", models.CharField( error_messages={ "unique": "A user with that username already exists." }, help_text="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.", max_length=150, unique=True, validators=[ django.contrib.auth.validators.UnicodeUsernameValidator() ], verbose_name="username", ), ), ( "first_name", models.CharField( blank=True, max_length=30, verbose_name="first name" ), ), ( "last_name", models.CharField( blank=True, max_length=150, verbose_name="last name" ), ), ( "email", models.EmailField( blank=True, max_length=254, verbose_name="email address" ), ), ( "is_staff", models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text="Designates whether the user can log into this admin site.", verbose_name="staff status", ), ), ( "is_active", models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text="Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting accounts.", verbose_name="active", ), ), ( "date_joined", models.DateTimeField(, verbose_name="date joined" ), ), ( "name", models.CharField( blank=True, max_length=255, verbose_name="Name of User" ), ), ( "groups", models.ManyToManyField( blank=True, help_text="The groups this user belongs to. A user will get all permissions granted to each of their groups.", related_name="user_set", related_query_name="user", to="auth.Group", verbose_name="groups", ), ), ( "user_permissions", models.ManyToManyField( blank=True, help_text="Specific permissions for this user.", related_name="user_set", related_query_name="user", to="auth.Permission", verbose_name="user permissions", ), ), ], options={ "verbose_name_plural": "users", "verbose_name": "user", "abstract": False, }, managers=[("objects", django.contrib.auth.models.UserManager())], ) ]
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser from django.db.models import CharField from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ class User(AbstractUser): # First Name and Last Name do not cover name patterns # around the globe. name = CharField(_("Name of User"), blank=True, max_length=255) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse("users:detail", kwargs={"username": self.username})
from typing import Any, Sequence from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from factory import DjangoModelFactory, Faker, post_generation class UserFactory(DjangoModelFactory): username = Faker("user_name") email = Faker("email") name = Faker("name") @post_generation def password(self, create: bool, extracted: Sequence[Any], **kwargs): password = Faker( "password", length=42, special_chars=True, digits=True, upper_case=True, lower_case=True, ).generate(extra_kwargs={}) self.set_password(password) class Meta: model = get_user_model() django_get_or_create = ["username"]
[ "bool", "Sequence[Any]" ]
[ 325, 342 ]
[ 329, 355 ]
import pytest from hansberger.users.forms import UserCreationForm from hansberger.users.tests.factories import UserFactory pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db class TestUserCreationForm: def test_clean_username(self): # A user with proto_user params does not exist yet. proto_user = form = UserCreationForm( { "username": proto_user.username, "password1": proto_user._password, "password2": proto_user._password, } ) assert form.is_valid() assert form.clean_username() == proto_user.username # Creating a user. # The user with proto_user params already exists, # hence cannot be created. form = UserCreationForm( { "username": proto_user.username, "password1": proto_user._password, "password2": proto_user._password, } ) assert not form.is_valid() assert len(form.errors) == 1 assert "username" in form.errors
import pytest from django.conf import settings pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db def test_user_get_absolute_url(user: settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL): assert user.get_absolute_url() == f"/users/{user.username}/"
[ "settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL" ]
[ 122 ]
[ 146 ]
import pytest from django.conf import settings from django.urls import reverse, resolve pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db def test_detail(user: settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL): assert ( reverse("users:detail", kwargs={"username": user.username}) == f"/users/{user.username}/" ) assert resolve(f"/users/{user.username}/").view_name == "users:detail" def test_list(): assert reverse("users:list") == "/users/" assert resolve("/users/").view_name == "users:list" def test_update(): assert reverse("users:update") == "/users/~update/" assert resolve("/users/~update/").view_name == "users:update" def test_redirect(): assert reverse("users:redirect") == "/users/~redirect/" assert resolve("/users/~redirect/").view_name == "users:redirect"
[ "settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL" ]
[ 148 ]
[ 172 ]
import pytest from django.conf import settings from django.test import RequestFactory from hansberger.users.views import UserRedirectView, UserUpdateView pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db class TestUserUpdateView: """ TODO: extracting view initialization code as class-scoped fixture would be great if only pytest-django supported non-function-scoped fixture db access -- this is a work-in-progress for now: """ def test_get_success_url( self, user: settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, request_factory: RequestFactory ): view = UserUpdateView() request = request_factory.get("/fake-url/") request.user = user view.request = request assert view.get_success_url() == f"/users/{user.username}/" def test_get_object( self, user: settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, request_factory: RequestFactory ): view = UserUpdateView() request = request_factory.get("/fake-url/") request.user = user view.request = request assert view.get_object() == user class TestUserRedirectView: def test_get_redirect_url( self, user: settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, request_factory: RequestFactory ): view = UserRedirectView() request = request_factory.get("/fake-url") request.user = user view.request = request assert view.get_redirect_url() == f"/users/{user.username}/"
[ "settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL", "RequestFactory", "settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL", "RequestFactory", "settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL", "RequestFactory" ]
[ 565, 608, 889, 932, 1221, 1264 ]
[ 589, 622, 913, 946, 1245, 1278 ]
from django.urls import path from hansberger.users.views import ( user_list_view, user_redirect_view, user_update_view, user_detail_view, ) app_name = "users" urlpatterns = [ path("", view=user_list_view, name="list"), path("~redirect/", view=user_redirect_view, name="redirect"), path("~update/", view=user_update_view, name="update"), path("<str:username>/", view=user_detail_view, name="detail"), ]
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin from django.urls import reverse from django.views.generic import DetailView, ListView, RedirectView, UpdateView User = get_user_model() class UserDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, DetailView): model = User slug_field = "username" slug_url_kwarg = "username" user_detail_view = UserDetailView.as_view() class UserListView(LoginRequiredMixin, ListView): model = User slug_field = "username" slug_url_kwarg = "username" user_list_view = UserListView.as_view() class UserUpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, UpdateView): model = User fields = ["name"] def get_success_url(self): return reverse("users:detail", kwargs={"username": self.request.user.username}) def get_object(self): return User.objects.get(username=self.request.user.username) user_update_view = UserUpdateView.as_view() class UserRedirectView(LoginRequiredMixin, RedirectView): permanent = False def get_redirect_url(self): return reverse("users:detail", kwargs={"username": self.request.user.username}) user_redirect_view = UserRedirectView.as_view()
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "config.settings.local") try: from import execute_from_command_line except ImportError: # The above import may fail for some other reason. Ensure that the # issue is really that Django is missing to avoid masking other # exceptions on Python 2. try: import django # noqa except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and " "available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you " "forget to activate a virtual environment?" ) raise # This allows easy placement of apps within the interior # hansberger directory. current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(current_path, "hansberger")) execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
from datetime import datetime from collections import defaultdict from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for from bson.objectid import ObjectId import db from scrapper import parse_snowball from utils import mean_or_zero from etftag import ETFTag app = Flask(__name__) VERSION = 1.10 INTEREST = 2.25 @app.route('/stocks') @app.route('/stocks/<status>') @app.route('/stocks/<status>/<alt>') @app.route('/') def stocks(status=None, alt=None): find = None stat = {} if status == 'starred': find = {'starred': True} elif status == 'owned': find = {'owned': True} elif status == 'starredorowned': find = {'$or': [{'starred': True}, {'owned': True}]} elif status == 'doubtful': find = {'doubtful': True} order_by = request.args.get('order_by', 'expected_rate') ordering = request.args.get('ordering', 'desc') filter_id = request.args.get('filter_id', None) filters = db.all_filters() current_filter = None if filter_id: current_filter = db.filter_by_id(filter_id) stocks = db.all_stocks(order_by=order_by, ordering=ordering, find=find, filter_by_expected_rate=find==None, filter_bad=status!='bad', filter_options=(current_filter.filter_options if current_filter else []), rank_options=(current_filter.rank_options if current_filter else [])) if current_filter and current_filter.rank_options: order_by = None if status in ['owned', 'starred', 'starredorowned']: stat['low_pbr'] = len([stock for stock in stocks if stock.pbr <= 1]) stat['high_expected_rate'] = len([stock for stock in stocks if stock.expected_rate >= 15]) stat['fscore'] = len([stock for stock in stocks if stock.latest_fscore >= 3]) stat['mean_expected_rate'] = mean_or_zero([stock.expected_rate for stock in stocks]) stat['mean_expected_rate_by_low_pbr'] = mean_or_zero([stock.expected_rate_by_low_pbr for stock in stocks]) stat['mean_future_roe'] = mean_or_zero([stock.future_roe for stock in stocks]) qROE_numbers = [stock.QROEs[0][1] for stock in stocks if len(stock.QROEs) > 0] qROE_numbers = [float(roe_number) for roe_number in qROE_numbers if roe_number] stat['mean_qROEs'] = mean_or_zero(qROE_numbers) stat['qROEs_count'] = len(qROE_numbers) return render_template('stocks.html', VERSION=VERSION, stocks=stocks, order_by=order_by, ordering=ordering, status=status, available_filter_options=db.available_filter_options, filters=filters, current_filter=current_filter, stat=stat, available_rank_options=db.available_rank_options, alt=alt) @app.route('/stocks/filter/new') def stocks_new_filter(): filters = db.all_filters() name = '새필터' + str(len(filters) + 1) filter_id = db.save_filter({ 'name': name, 'options': [], }) return redirect(url_for('stocks', filter_id=filter_id)) @app.route('/stocks/filter/<filter_id>/save', methods=['POST']) def stocks_save_filter(filter_id): if request.method == 'POST': current_filter = db.filter_by_id(filter_id) name = request.form.get('filter_name', '') current_filter['name'] = name db.save_filter(current_filter) return redirect(url_for('stocks', filter_id=filter_id)) @app.route('/stocks/filter/<filter_id>/remove') def stocks_remove_filter(filter_id): db.remove_filter(filter_id) return redirect(url_for('stocks')) @app.route('/stocks/filter/<filter_id>/add_filter_option', methods=['POST']) def stocks_add_filter_option(filter_id): if request.method == 'POST': name = request.form.get('filter_name') key = request.form.get('filter_option_key') morethan = request.form.get('filter_option_morethan') morethan = True if morethan == 'morethan' else False try: value = float(request.form.get('filter_option_value', 0)) except: value = 0 selected = [filter_option for filter_option in db.available_filter_options if filter_option.key == key][0] new_filter_option = db.FilterOption(key, selected.title, morethan, value, selected.is_boolean) current_filter = db.filter_by_id(filter_id) options = current_filter.get('options', []) filter_option_dict = new_filter_option._asdict() filter_option_dict['_id'] = ObjectId() options.append(filter_option_dict) current_filter['options'] = options current_filter['name'] = name db.save_filter(current_filter) return redirect(url_for('stocks', filter_id=current_filter['_id'])) @app.route('/stocks/filter/<filter_id>/remove_filter_option/<filter_option_id>') def stocks_remove_filter_option(filter_id, filter_option_id): current_filter = db.filter_by_id(filter_id) remain = [o for o in current_filter.get('options', []) if o.get('_id', None) != ObjectId(filter_option_id)] current_filter['options'] = remain db.save_filter(current_filter) return redirect(url_for('stocks', filter_id=current_filter['_id'])) @app.route('/stocks/filter/<filter_id>/add_rank_option') def stocks_add_rank_option(filter_id): rank_option_key = request.args.get('key', None) if not rank_option_key: return redirect(url_for('stocks', filter_id=filter_id)) options = [r for r in db.available_rank_options if r.key == rank_option_key] if options: rank_option_to_add = options[0] current_filter = db.filter_by_id(filter_id) options = current_filter.get('options', []) options.append(rank_option_to_add._asdict()) db.save_filter(current_filter) return redirect(url_for('stocks', filter_id=filter_id, status='rank', alt='alt1')) @app.route('/stocks/filter/<filter_id>/remove_rank_option') def stocks_remove_rank_option(filter_id): rank_option_key = request.args.get('key', None) if not rank_option_key: return redirect(url_for('stocks', filter_id=filter_id)) current_filter = db.filter_by_id(filter_id) options = current_filter.get('options', []) options = [o for o in options if o['key'] != rank_option_key] current_filter['options'] = options db.save_filter(current_filter) return redirect(url_for('stocks', filter_id=filter_id, status='rank', alt='alt1')) @app.route('/stocks/fill') def stocks_fill_snowball_stats(): [s.fill_snowball_stat() for s in db.all_stocks()] return redirect(url_for('stocks')) @app.route('/stock/<code>') def stock(code): stock = db.stock_by_code(code) filters = db.all_filters() return render_template('stock_detail.html', VERSION=VERSION, stock=stock, filters=filters) @app.route('/stock/<code>/records') def stock_records(code): import historical stock = db.stock_by_code(code) records_by_year = historical.records_by_year(stock) now = records_by_year = [data for data in records_by_year if data[0].year >= now.replace(year=now.year-2).year] return render_template('stock_records.html', VERSION=VERSION, stock=stock, records_by_year=records_by_year) @app.route('/stock/refresh/<code>') def stock_refresh(code): parse_snowball(code) return redirect(url_for('stock', code=code)) @app.route('/stock/<code>/expected_rate') def stock_expected_rate_by_price(code): stock = db.stock_by_code(code) try: expected_rate_price = float(request.args.get('price')) except ValueError: return redirect(url_for('stock', code=code)) return render_template('stock_detail.html', VERSION=VERSION, stock=stock, expected_rate_price=expected_rate_price) @app.route('/stock/<code>/my_price', methods=['POST']) def stock_my_price(code): if request.method == 'POST': stock = db.stock_by_code(code) stock['my_price'] = float(request.form.get('my_price', 0)) db.save_stock(stock) return redirect(url_for('stock_refresh', code=code)) @app.route('/stock/<code>/adjust', methods=['POST']) def stock_adjusted_future_roe(code): if request.method == 'POST': stock = db.stock_by_code(code) stock['adjusted_future_roe'] = float(request.form.get('adjusted_future_roe', 0)) db.save_stock(stock) return redirect(url_for('stock_refresh', code=code)) @app.route('/stock/<code>/adjustpbr', methods=['POST']) def stock_adjusted_future_pbr(code): if request.method == 'POST': stock = db.stock_by_code(code) stock['adjusted_future_pbr'] = float(request.form.get('adjusted_future_pbr', 0)) db.save_stock(stock) return redirect(url_for('stock_refresh', code=code)) @app.route('/stock/<code>/adjustpbr/clear') def stock_clear_adjusted_future_pbr(code): stock = db.stock_by_code(code) stock['adjusted_future_pbr'] = 0 db.save_stock(stock) return redirect(url_for('stock_refresh', code=code)) @app.route('/stock/<code>/note', methods=['POST']) def stock_update_note(code): if request.method == 'POST': stock = db.stock_by_code(code) stock['note'] = str(request.form.get('note', '')) db.save_stock(stock) return redirect(url_for('stock', code=code)) @app.route('/stock/<code>/clear') def stock_clear_adjusted_future_roe(code): stock = db.stock_by_code(code) stock['adjusted_future_roe'] = 0 db.save_stock(stock) return redirect(url_for('stock_refresh', code=code)) @app.route('/stock/<code>/<status>/<on>') def stock_status(code, status, on): stock = db.stock_by_code(code) stock[status] = on == 'on' if status == 'owned' and stock[status]: stock['starred'] = False elif status == 'starred' and stock[status]: stock['owned'] = False db.save_stock(stock) return redirect(url_for('stock', code=code)) @app.route('/stocks/add', methods=['POST']) def add_stock(): if request.method == 'POST': code = request.form.get('code', None) if code: parse_snowball(code) return redirect('stocks') @app.route('/stocks/<code>/remove') def remove_stock(code): db.remove_stock(code) return redirect(url_for('stocks')) @app.route('/etfs/<etf_type>') def etfs(etf_type='domestic'): momentum_base = 'month3' if etf_type == 'domestic' else 'month6' momentum_base_kr = '3개월' if etf_type == 'domestic' else '6개월' order_by = request.args.get('order_by', momentum_base) ordering = request.args.get('ordering', 'desc') etfs = db.all_etf(order_by=order_by, ordering=ordering, etf_type=etf_type) bond_etfs = ['148070', '152380'] tags = defaultdict(list) for etf in etfs: for tag in etf.get('tags'): tags[tag].append(etf) tags = {k: ETFTag(k, v) for k, v in tags.items()} stat = {} etfs_by_momentum_base = [etf for etf in db.all_etf(order_by=momentum_base, ordering='desc', etf_type=etf_type) if etf[momentum_base] != 0] no_bond_etfs = sorted([etf for etf in etfs_by_momentum_base if etf['code'] not in bond_etfs], key=lambda x: x.get(momentum_base, 0), reverse=True) stat['absolute_momentum_momentum_base_avg'] = mean_or_zero([etf[momentum_base] for etf in no_bond_etfs]) stat['absolute_momentum_high'] = no_bond_etfs[0] stat['relative_momentum_etf'] = etfs_by_momentum_base[0] tags = sorted(tags.values(), key=lambda t: getattr(t, momentum_base), reverse=True) filters = db.all_filters() return render_template('etfs.html', VERSION=VERSION, INTEREST=INTEREST, filters=filters, etfs=etfs, order_by=order_by, ordering=ordering, stat=stat, tags=tags, etf_type=etf_type, momentum_base=momentum_base, momentum_base_kr=momentum_base_kr) if __name__ == '__main__': app.debug = True
import requests from lxml import html DAUM_BASIC = '' NAVER_COMPANY = '' NAVER_YEARLY = "" def basic(code): url = DAUM_BASIC + code content = requests.get(url).content tree = html.fromstring(content) title = tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/h2')[0].text price = tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[1]/em')[0].text price = float(price.replace(',', '')) return (title, price) def bps(code): url = '' + code content = requests.get(url).content tree = html.fromstring(content) bps = tree.xpath('//*[@id="pArea"]/div[1]/div/table/tr[3]/td/dl/dt[2]/b')[0].text bps = int(bps.replace(',', '')) return bps def snowball(code): url = NAVER_YEARLY % code content = requests.get(url).content tree = html.fromstring(content) ROEs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[22]/td/span/text()') ROEs = [float(v.replace(',', '')) for v in ROEs] count = len(ROEs) return ROEs[:count-3], ROEs[count-3:] def future_bps(bps, future_roe, future=10): return int(bps * ((1 + (future_roe / 100)) ** future)) def expected_rate(future_bps, price, future=10): return ((future_bps / price) ** (1.0 / future) - 1) * 100 def invest_price(future_bps, target_rate=15, future=10): return int(future_bps / ((1 + (target_rate / 100)) ** future))
from typing import Tuple, List, Optional, Dict from types import FunctionType from datetime import datetime from functools import partial from itertools import repeat from statistics import mean, StatisticsError from collections import UserDict, namedtuple from pymongo import MongoClient, ASCENDING, DESCENDING from bson.objectid import ObjectId from utils import attr_or_key_getter, first_or_none FScore = namedtuple('FScore', ['total_issued_stock', 'profitable', 'cfo']) YearStat = namedtuple('YearStat', ['year', 'value', 'calculated']) Quarter = namedtuple('Quarter', ['year', 'number', 'estimated']) FilterOption = namedtuple('Filter', ['key', 'title', 'morethan', 'value', 'is_boolean']) RankOption = namedtuple('Rank', ['key', 'title', 'asc', 'is_rankoption']) YEAR_STAT = Tuple[int, int] YEAR_FSCORE = Tuple[int, FScore] client = MongoClient() db = client.snowball DIVIDEND_TAX_RATE = 15.40 FUTURE = 10 TARGET_RATE = 15 THIS_YEAR = LAST_YEAR = THIS_YEAR - 1 available_rank_options = [ RankOption(key='rank_pbr', title='PBR', asc=True, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_per', title='PER', asc=True, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_last_year_gpa', title='GPA', asc=False, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_dividend', title='배당', asc=False, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_beta', title='저베타', asc=True, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_month1', title='1개월', asc=False, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_month3', title='3개월', asc=False, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_month6', title='6개월', asc=False, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_month12', title='12개월', asc=False, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_relative_earning_rate', title='상대수익률', asc=False, is_rankoption=True), RankOption(key='rank_roic', title='ROIC', asc=False, is_rankoption=True), ] available_filter_options = [ FilterOption(key='expected_rate', title='기대수익률', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='latest_fscore', title='FScore', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='future_roe', title='fROE', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='expected_rate_by_current_pbr', title='현P기대수익률', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='expected_rate_by_low_pbr', title='저P기대수익률', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='pbr', title='PBR', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='per', title='PER', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='last_year_pcr', title='PCR', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='last_year_psr', title='PSR', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='dividend_rate', title='배당률', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='beta', title='베타', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='foreigner_weight', title='외국인비중', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='floating_rate', title='유동주식비율', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='month1', title='1개월수익률', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='month3', title='3개월수익률', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='month6', title='6개월수익률', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='month12', title='12개월수익률', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='relative_earning_rate', title='상대수익률', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='countable_last_four_years_roes_count', title='계산가능ROE수', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='roe_max_diff', title='ROE최대최소차', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='last_four_years_roe_max_diff', title='최근4년ROE최대최소차', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='calculable_pbr_count', title='계산가능PBR수', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='FCF_surplus_years', title='FCF흑자연수', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='rank_last_year_gpa', title='GPA순위', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='agg_rank', title='시총순위', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='rank_beta', title='저베타순위', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=False), FilterOption(key='is_closing_month_march', title='3월결산(참)', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=True), FilterOption(key='is_five_years_record_low', title='5년최저PBR(참)', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=True), FilterOption(key='has_consensus', title='컨센서스있음(참)', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=True), FilterOption(key='is_positive_consensus_roe', title='컨센서스>fROE(참)', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=True), FilterOption(key='is_starred', title='관심종목(참)', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=True), FilterOption(key='is_owned', title='보유종목(참)', morethan=None, value=None, is_boolean=True), ] class Filter(UserDict): @property def filter_options(self) -> List[FilterOption]: return [FilterOption( key=o['key'], title=o['title'], morethan=o['morethan'], value=o['value'], is_boolean=o.get('is_boolean', False)) for o in self['options'] if not o.get('is_rankoption', False)] @property def dict_filter_options(self) -> List[dict]: return [o for o in self['options'] if not o.get('is_rankoption', False)] @property def rank_options(self) -> List[RankOption]: return [RankOption( key=o['key'], title=o['title'], asc=o['asc'], is_rankoption=True) for o in self['options'] if o.get('is_rankoption', False)] class ETF(UserDict): @property def object_id(self) -> str: return self['_id'] @property def tags(self) -> str: return ', '.join(self.get('tags')) class Stock(UserDict): def __hash__(self): return hash(frozenset(self.items())) @property def object_id(self) -> str: return self['_id'] @property def is_starred(self) -> bool: return self.get('starred', False) @property def is_owned(self) -> bool: return self.get('owned', False) @property def current_price(self) -> int: return int(self.get('current_price', 0)) @property def price_arrow(self) -> str: if self.get('price_diff') == 0: return '' else: return '▲' if self.get('price_diff') > 0 else '▼' @property def price_color(self) -> str: if self.get('price_diff') == 0: return 'black' else: return 'red' if self.get('price_diff') > 0 else 'blue' @property def price_sign(self) -> str: return '+' if self.get('price_diff') > 0 else '' @property def pbr(self) -> float: return self.get('pbr', 0) @property def per(self) -> float: return self.get('per', 0) @property def financial_statements_url(self) -> str: return "" % (self['code']) @property def roes(self) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[float]]]: return self.year_stat('ROEs') @property def pbrs(self) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[float]]]: return self.year_stat('PBRs') @property def pers(self) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[float]]]: return self.year_stat('PERs') @property def epss(self) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[float]]]: return self.year_stat('EPSs') @property def countable_roes(self) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[float]]]: return [roe for roe in self.get('ROEs', []) if roe] @property def countable_last_four_years_roes_count(self) -> int: return len(self.last_four_years_roe) @property def low_pbr(self) -> float: try: return min([year_pbr[1] for year_pbr in self.year_stat('PBRs', exclude_future=True) if year_pbr[1] > 0]) except ValueError: return 0 @property def high_pbr(self) -> float: try: return max([year_pbr[1] for year_pbr in self.year_stat('PBRs', exclude_future=True) if year_pbr[1] > 0]) except ValueError: return 0 @property def mid_pbr(self) -> float: return (self.low_pbr + self.get('pbr')) / 2 @property def adjusted_eps(self) -> int: past_eps = [eps[1] for eps in self.year_stat('EPSs', exclude_future=True)] if len(past_eps) < 3: return 0 return int(((past_eps[-1] * 3) + (past_eps[-2] * 2) + past_eps[-3]) / 6) @property def mid_roe(self) -> float: ROEs = self.countable_roes return mean([mean(ROEs), min(ROEs)]) if len(ROEs) > 2 else 0 @property def eps_growth(self) -> float: EPSs = self.get('EPSs', [0, 0]) try: return mean([y/x - 1 for x, y in zip(EPSs[:-1], EPSs[1:])]) * 100 except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 @property def dividend_rate(self) -> float: return self.get('dividend_rate', 0) @property def beta(self) -> float: return self.get('beta', 0) @property def foreigner_weight(self) -> float: return self.get('foreigner_weight', 0) @property def floating_rate(self) -> float: return self.get('floating_rate', 0) @property def has_note(self) -> bool: return len(self.get('note', '')) > 0 @property def latest_fscore(self) -> int: last_year_fscore = [f for f in self.fscores if f[0] == LAST_YEAR] if not last_year_fscore: return -1 else: fscore = last_year_fscore[0][1] return sum([fscore.total_issued_stock + fscore.profitable + fscore.cfo]) @property def fscores(self) -> List[Tuple[int, FScore]]: NPs = self.year_stat('NPs') return [(np[0], self.fscore(np[0])) for np in NPs] @property def mean_per(self) -> float: PERs = self.get('PERs', []) return mean(PERs) if len(PERs) > 2 else 0 @property def dividend_tax_adjust(self) -> float: return self.get('dividend_rate', 0) * (DIVIDEND_TAX_RATE / 100) @property def last_four_years_roe(self) -> List[int]: return [roe[1] for roe in self.four_years_roe(THIS_YEAR)] def four_years_roe(self, year) -> List[Tuple[int, float]]: return [roe for roe in self.year_stat('ROEs') if roe[1] and roe[0] >= (year - 4) and roe[0] < year] @property def calculated_roe_count(self) -> int: return len(self.last_four_years_roe) @property def calculable_pbr_count(self) -> int: return len([pbr for pbr in self.year_stat('PBRs', exclude_future=True) if pbr[1] > 0]) @property def mean_roe(self) -> float: return mean(self.last_four_years_roe) if self.last_four_years_roe else 0 @property def future_roe(self) -> float: return self.mean_roe - self.dividend_tax_adjust @property def expected_rate(self) -> float: return self.calc_expected_rate(self.calc_future_bps, FUTURE) @property def invest_price(self) -> float: future_bps = self.calc_future_bps(FUTURE) return int(future_bps / ((1 + (1 * TARGET_RATE / 100)) ** FUTURE)) @property def expected_rate_by_current_pbr(self) -> float: return self.calc_expected_rate(self.calc_future_price_current_pbr, FUTURE) @property def expected_rate_by_low_pbr(self) -> float: return self.calc_expected_rate(self.calc_future_price_low_pbr, FUTURE) @property def expected_rate_by_mid_pbr(self) -> float: return self.calc_expected_rate(self.calc_future_price_low_current_mid_pbr, FUTURE) @property def expected_rate_by_adjusted_future_pbr(self) -> float: return self.calc_expected_rate(self.calc_future_price_adjusted_future_pbr, FUTURE) @property def intrinsic_value(self) -> int: return int((self.get('bps', 0) + (self.adjusted_eps * 10)) / 2) @property def intrinsic_discount_rate(self) -> float: return (self.intrinsic_value / self.current_price ** (1.0 / 1) - 1) * 100 @property def peg_current_per(self) -> float: return self.get('per', 0) / self.eps_growth if self.eps_growth != 0 else 0 @property def peg_mean_per(self) -> float: return self.mean_per / self.eps_growth if self.eps_growth != 0 else 0 @property def roe_max_diff(self) -> float: ROEs = self.countable_roes return max(ROEs) - min(ROEs) if len(ROEs) > 2 else 0 @property def last_four_years_roe_max_diff(self) -> float: try: return max(self.last_four_years_roe) - min(self.last_four_years_roe) except: return 0 @property def QROEs(self) -> List[Tuple[Quarter, float]]: return [(Quarter(*qroe[0]), qroe[1]) for qroe in self.get('QROEs', [])] @property def QBPSs(self) -> List[Tuple[Quarter, int]]: return [(Quarter(*qbps[0]), qbps[1]) for qbps in self.get('QBPSs', [])] @property def QROEs_QBPSs(self): return zip(self.QROEs, self.QBPSs) @property def calculable(self) -> bool: return self.get('bps', 0) > 0 and (self.get('adjusted_future_roe', 0) or self.future_roe) > 0 @property def future_bps(self) -> int: return self.calc_future_bps(FUTURE) @property def BPSs(self): return self.year_stat('BPSs') @property def DEPTs(self): return self.year_stat('DEPTs') @property def CFOs(self): if self.get('CFOs') and type(self.get('CFOs')[0]) is int: return self.year_stat('CFOs') return self.get('CFOs', [(0, 0)]) @property def CFIs(self): if self.get('CFIs') and type(self.get('CFIs')[0]) is int: return self.year_stat('CFIs') return self.get('CFIs', [(0, 0)]) @property def CFFs(self): if self.get('CFFs') and type(self.get('CFFs')[0]) is int: return self.year_stat('CFFs') return self.get('CFFs', [(0, 0)]) @property def FCFs(self): if self.get('FCFs') and type(self.get('FCFs')[0]) is int: return self.year_stat('FCFs') return self.get('FCFs', [(0, 0)]) @property def FCF_surplus_years(self): return len([v for v in self.year_stat('FCFs', exclude_future=True) if v[1] > 0]) @property def is_five_years_record_low(self): return self.low_pbr > self.pbr @property def has_consensus(self) -> bool: return len(self.consensus_roes) > 0 @property def consensus_roes(self): return [pair for pair in self.roes if pair[0] > LAST_YEAR] @property def mean_consensus_roe(self): try: return mean([pair[1] for pair in self.consensus_roes if pair[1]]) except StatisticsError: return 0 @property def is_positive_consensus_roe(self): if not self.has_consensus: return False return self.mean_consensus_roe >= self.future_roe @property def TAs(self): return self.year_stat('TAs', exclude_future=False) @property def rank_last_year_gpa(self): return self.get('rank_last_year_gpa') @property def rank_pbr(self): return self.get('rank_pbr') @property def is_closing_month_march(self): return self.get('closing_month', 0) == 3 @property def current_assets(self): return self.get('current_assets', []) @property def current_liability(self): return self.get('current_liability', []) @property def total_liability(self): return self.get('total_liability', []) @property def current_ratio(self): return [(c[0][0], (c[0][1] / c[1][1] if c[1][1] != 0 else 0) * 100) for c in zip(self.current_assets, self.current_liability)] @property def current_ratio_last_year(self): if not self.current_ratio: return 0 last_year = [c[1] for c in self.current_ratio if c[0] == LAST_YEAR] return last_year[0] if last_year else 0 @property def NCAV(self): asset = [c[1] for c in self.current_assets if c[0] == LAST_YEAR] liability = [c[1] for c in self.total_liability if c[0] == LAST_YEAR] if not asset or not liability: return 0 return asset[0] - liability[0] @property def NCAV_ratio(self): return self.NCAV / self.get('agg_value', 1) * 100 def calc_gpa(self, gp): if not gp[1]: return None TA = [TA for TA in self.TAs if TA[0] == gp[0]] if not TA: return None TA = TA[0] if not TA[1]: return None return gp[1] / TA[1] @property def GPAs(self): return [(gp[0], self.calc_gpa(gp)) for gp in self.get('GPs', [])] @property def GPA_stat(self): return zip(self.TAs, [v for v in self.get('GPs', []) if v[1]], [v for v in self.GPAs if v[1]]) @property def last_year_gpa(self): v = [gpa[1] for gpa in self.GPAs if gpa[0] == LAST_YEAR] if not v or not v[0]: return 0 return v[0] @property def last_year_pcr(self): v = [pcr[1] for pcr in self.get('PCRs', []) if pcr[0] == LAST_YEAR] if not v or not v[0]: return 0 return v[0] @property def last_year_psr(self): v = [psr[1] for psr in self.get('PSRs', []) if psr[0] == LAST_YEAR] if not v or not v[0]: return 0 return v[0] @property def agg_rank(self): return self.get('agg_rank') @property def use_fnguide(self): return self.get('use_fnguide', False) @property def month1(self): return self.get('month1', 0) @property def month3(self): return self.get('month3', 0) @property def month6(self): return self.get('month6', 0) @property def month12(self): return self.get('month12', 0) @property def relative_earning_rate(self): return self.get('relative_earning_rate', -100) @property def sales_cost_ratio(self): return [(s[0], c[1] / s[1] * 100) for c, s in zip(self.get('sales_cost', []), self.get('sales', []))] @property def SGA_ratio(self): return [(s[0], c[1] / s[1] * 100) for c, s in zip(self.get('SGAs', []), self.get('sales', []))] @property def mean_ROIC(self): values = [v[1] for v in self.get('ROICs', []) if v[1] > 0] return mean(values) if values else 0 @property def last_year_fcf(self): fcf = [fcf[1] for fcf in self.FCFs if fcf[0] == LAST_YEAR] return fcf[0] if fcf else 0 @property def last_year_pfr(self): fcf = self.last_year_fcf if not fcf: return 0 return self.get('agg_value', 1) / fcf def value_by_year(self, key, year): return first_or_none([v[1]for v in attr_or_key_getter(key, self, []) if v[0] == year]) def total_asset_turnover_by(self, year): return first_or_none([v[1]for v in self.get('total_asset_turnover', []) if v[0] == year]) def net_working_capital_by(self, year): return first_or_none([v[1]for v in self.get('net_working_capital', []) if v[0] == year]) def expected_rate_by_price(self, price: int) -> float: return self.calc_expected_rate(self.calc_future_bps, FUTURE, price=price) def calc_future_bps(self, future: int) -> int: if not self.calculable: return 0 bps = self.get('bps', 0) adjusted_future_roe = self.get('adjusted_future_roe', 0) future_roe = adjusted_future_roe or self.future_roe return int(bps * ((1 + (1 * future_roe / 100)) ** future)) def calc_future_price_low_pbr(self, future: int) -> int: return int(self.calc_future_bps(future) * self.low_pbr) def calc_future_price_high_pbr(self, future: int) -> int: return int(self.calc_future_bps(future) * self.high_pbr) def calc_future_price_current_pbr(self, future: int) -> int: return int(self.calc_future_bps(future) * self['pbr']) def calc_future_price_low_current_mid_pbr(self, future: int) -> int: return int(self.calc_future_bps(future) * self.mid_pbr) def calc_future_price_adjusted_future_pbr(self, future: int) -> int: return int(self.calc_future_bps(future) * self.get('adjusted_future_pbr', 0)) def calc_expected_rate(self, calc_bps, future: int, price: int=None): if not price: price = self.current_price future_bps = calc_bps(future) if future_bps < 0: return 0 return ((future_bps / price) ** (1.0 / future) - 1) * 100 def ten_year_prices(self) -> List[Tuple[int, float]]: price = self.get('my_price', 0) if not price: return [] prices = [] for i in range(1, 11): price = price + (price * 0.15) prices.append((i, price)) return prices def fscore(self, year) -> FScore: total_issued_stock = 0 profitable = 0 cfo = 0 TIs = self.get('TIs', []) if len(TIs) > 2 and len(set(TIs)) <= 1: total_issued_stock = 1 NPs = self.year_stat('NPs') year_profit = [p[1] for p in NPs if p[0] == year] if len(year_profit) > 0 and year_profit[0] > 0: profitable = 1 CFOs = self.CFOs if len(CFOs) > 0: if type(CFOs[0]) is int: CFOs = self.year_stat('CFOs') year_cfo = [c[1] for c in CFOs if c[0] == year] if len(year_cfo) > 0 and year_cfo[0] > 0: cfo = 1 return FScore(total_issued_stock=total_issued_stock, profitable=profitable, cfo=cfo) def year_stat(self, stat, exclude_future=False) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[float]]]: stats = self.get(stat) if not stats: return [(0, 0)] last_year_index = self.get('last_year_index') assert(last_year_index is not None) if len(stats) < last_year_index: year = lambda idx: LAST_YEAR - len(stats) + idx + 1 return [(year(idx), value) for idx, value in enumerate(stats) if not exclude_future or year(idx) <= LAST_YEAR] else: year = lambda idx: LAST_YEAR - (last_year_index - idx) return [(year(idx), value) for idx, value in enumerate(stats) if not exclude_future or year(idx) <= LAST_YEAR] def __str__(self) -> str: return '{} : {}'.format(self['title'], self['code']) def make_filter_option_func(filter_option): def filter_option_func(s): v = getattr(Stock(s), filter_option.key) if filter_option.is_boolean: return v return v >= filter_option.value if filter_option.morethan else v <= filter_option.value return filter_option_func def update_rank_by(stocks: List[Stock], key: str, rank_key: str, reverse: bool): countable = [s for s in stocks if attr_or_key_getter(key, s, default_value=None) and attr_or_key_getter(key, s, default_value=None) > 0] for idx, stock in enumerate(sorted(countable, key=partial(attr_or_key_getter, key), reverse=reverse)): stock[rank_key] = idx + 1 save_stock(stock) uncountable = [s for s in stocks if not attr_or_key_getter(key, s, default_value=None) or attr_or_key_getter(key, s, default_value=None) < 0] for stock in uncountable: stock[rank_key] = len(stocks) save_stock(stock) def update_ranks(): stocks = [Stock(s) for s in db.stocks.find()] update_rank_by(stocks, 'last_year_gpa', 'rank_last_year_gpa', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'agg_value', 'agg_rank', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'pbr', 'rank_pbr', reverse=False) update_rank_by(stocks, 'per', 'rank_per', reverse=False) update_rank_by(stocks, 'dividend_rate', 'rank_dividend', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'beta', 'rank_beta', reverse=False) update_rank_by(stocks, 'floating_rate', 'rank_floating_rate', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'foreigner_weight', 'rank_foreigner_weight', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'month1', 'rank_month1', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'month3', 'rank_month3', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'month6', 'rank_month3', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'month12', 'rank_month3', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'relative_earning_rate', 'rank_relative_earning_rate', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'NCAV_ratio', 'rank_ncav', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'mean_ROIC', 'rank_roic', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'current_ratio_last_year', 'rank_current_ratio', reverse=True) update_rank_by(stocks, 'last_year_pcr', 'rank_last_year_pcr', reverse=False) update_rank_by(stocks, 'last_year_psr', 'rank_last_year_psr', reverse=False) update_rank_by(stocks, 'last_year_pfr', 'rank_last_year_pfr', reverse=False) def all_stocks(order_by='title', ordering='asc', find=None, filter_by_expected_rate=True, filter_bad=True, filter_options=[], rank_options=[]) -> List[Stock]: stocks = [Stock(dict) for dict in (db.stocks.find(find) if find else db.stocks.find())] filter_funcs = [] if filter_options or rank_options: filter_by_expected_rate = False filter_bad = False if filter_by_expected_rate: filter_by_expected_rate_func = lambda s: (s.expected_rate > 0 and filter_bad) or (s.expected_rate < 0 and not filter_bad) filter_funcs.append(filter_by_expected_rate_func) for filter_option in filter_options: filter_funcs.append(make_filter_option_func(filter_option)) stocks = sorted([s for s in stocks if all(list(map(FunctionType.__call__, filter_funcs, repeat(s))))], key=partial(attr_or_key_getter, order_by), reverse=(ordering != 'asc')) if rank_options: for stock in stocks: stock['total_rank'] = sum([stock.get(r.key) for r in rank_options]) return sorted(stocks, key=partial(attr_or_key_getter, 'total_rank'), reverse=False) return stocks def stock_by_code(code) -> Stock: return Stock(db.stocks.find_one({'code': code})) def save_stock(stock) -> Stock: exist = db.stocks.find_one({'code': stock['code']}) if exist: print("update:" ,stock) db.stocks.update_one({'code': exist['code']}, {'$set': stock}) else: db.stocks.insert_one(stock) return stock_by_code(stock['code']) def unset_keys(keys_to_unsets): for key in keys_to_unsets: db.stocks.update({}, {'$unset':{key: 1}}, multi=True) def all_filters(): dicts = db.filters.find() return [Filter(f) for f in dicts] def filter_by_id(filter_id) -> Filter: return Filter(db.filters.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(filter_id)})) def save_filter(filter): filter_id = filter.get('_id', None) if filter_id: return db.filters.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(filter_id)}, {'$set': filter}).upserted_id else: return db.filters.insert_one(filter).inserted_id def remove_filter(filter_id): db.filters.delete_one({'_id': ObjectId(filter_id)}) def remove_stock(code): db.stocks.remove({'code': code}) def save_prices(prices): db.prices.insert_many(prices) def get_latest_price(code): return db.prices.find_one({'code': code}, sort=[('date', DESCENDING)]) def get_prices(code): return list(db.prices.find({'code': code}, sort=[('date', ASCENDING)])) def save_etf(etf) -> ETF: exist = db.etf.find_one({'code': etf['code']}) if exist: print("update:" ,etf) db.etf.update_one({'code': exist['code']}, {'$set': etf}) else: db.etf.insert_one(etf) return etf_by_code(etf['code']) def etf_by_code(code) -> ETF: return ETF(db.etf.find_one({'code': code})) def all_etf(order_by='title', ordering='asc', etf_type='domestic'): ETFs = [ETF(dict) for dict in db.etf.find({'type': etf_type})] ETFs = sorted(ETFs, key=partial(attr_or_key_getter, order_by), reverse=(ordering != 'asc')) return ETFs
[ "int", "int", "int", "int", "int", "int", "int", "int", "List[Stock]", "str", "str", "bool" ]
[ 20096, 20232, 20572, 20699, 20830, 20967, 21105, 21256, 23747, 23765, 23780, 23794 ]
[ 20099, 20235, 20575, 20702, 20833, 20970, 21108, 21259, 23758, 23768, 23783, 23798 ]
from utils import mean_or_zero class ETFTag: def __init__(self, tag, etfs=[]): self.tag = tag self.etfs = sorted(etfs, key=lambda e: e.get('month3', 0), reverse=True) @property def month1(self): return mean_or_zero([etf['month1'] for etf in self.etfs]) @property def month3(self): return mean_or_zero([etf['month3'] for etf in self.etfs]) @property def month6(self): return mean_or_zero([etf['month6'] for etf in self.etfs]) @property def month12(self): return mean_or_zero([etf['month12'] for etf in self.etfs])
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple from datetime import datetime, timedelta from collections import namedtuple from statistics import mean import itertools import urllib.request import json from db import Stock import db KAKAO_DAY_CANDLES = "" now = THIS_YEAR = now.year TODAY = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') YESTERDAY = (now - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') TWO_YEARS_AGO = now.replace(year=now.year-2, month=1, day=1).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') Record = namedtuple('Record', ['date', 'price', 'expected_rate', 'bps', 'fROE']) YearStat = namedtuple('YearStat', ['year', 'high_price', 'low_price', 'high_expected_rate', 'low_expected_rate', 'bps', 'fROE']) Event = namedtuple('Event', ['date', 'record', 'buy']) EventStat = namedtuple('EventStat', ['buy_count', 'sell_count', 'profit']) def parse_date(date_str: str) -> datetime: return datetime.strptime(date_str.split('T')[0], '%Y-%m-%d') def load_kakao_json(code: str, date: str=YESTERDAY) -> List[dict]: url = KAKAO_DAY_CANDLES % (code, 90000, date) print(url) urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen(url) data = json.loads( if 'dayCandles' not in data: return return data['dayCandles'] def parse_day_candles(code: str, date: str=YESTERDAY): data = load_kakao_json(code, date) prices = [{'code': code, 'price': d['tradePrice'], 'date': parse_date(d['date'])} for d in data] first_date = prices[-1]['date'] if first_date.month != 1 and != 1: yesterday_of_first = first_date - timedelta(days=1) data = load_kakao_json(code, date=yesterday_of_first.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) old = [{'code': code, 'price': d['tradePrice'], 'date': parse_date(d['date'])} for d in data] prices = old + prices latest = db.get_latest_price(code) if latest: prices = [p for p in prices if p['date'] > latest['date']] if prices: db.save_prices(prices) def make_record(date, price, bps, stock) -> Record: if not bps: return Record(date=date, price=price, expected_rate=0, bps=0, fROE=0) year = date.year ROEs = [roe[1] for roe in stock.four_years_roe(year)] if len(ROEs) < 1: return Record(date=date, price=price, expected_rate=0, bps=0, fROE=0) future_roe = mean(ROEs) calc_future_bps = lambda future: int(bps * ((1 + (1 * future_roe / 100)) ** future)) expected_rate = stock.calc_expected_rate(calc_future_bps, 10, price) return Record(date=date, price=price, expected_rate=expected_rate, bps=bps, fROE=future_roe) def build_records(stock: Stock) -> List[Record]: prices = db.get_prices(stock['code']) if not prices: parse_day_candles(stock['code']) prices = db.get_prices(stock['code']) else: last_date = prices[-1]['date'] if last_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') != YESTERDAY: prices = db.get_prices(stock['code']) if not prices: return BPSs = {b[0]: b[1] for b in stock.year_stat('BPSs', exclude_future=True)} return [make_record(p['date'], p['price'], BPSs.get(p['date'].year-1), stock) for p in prices] def make_year_stat(year: int, records: List[Record]) -> YearStat: high_price = max(record.price for record in records) low_price = min(record.price for record in records) high_expected_rate = max(record.expected_rate for record in records) low_expected_rate = min(record.expected_rate for record in records) stat = YearStat(year=year, high_price=high_price, low_price=low_price, high_expected_rate=high_expected_rate, low_expected_rate=low_expected_rate, bps=records[0].bps, fROE=records[0].fROE) return stat def records_by_year(stock: Stock) -> List[Tuple[YearStat, List[Record]]]: records = build_records(stock) by_year = [(k, list(list(g))) for k, g in itertools.groupby(records, lambda r:] by_year = [(make_year_stat(year, records), records) for year, records in by_year] events = simulate(by_year) return [(year_stat, records, [e for e in events if == year_stat.year]) for year_stat, records in by_year] def simulate(by_year: List[Tuple[YearStat, List[Record]]]) -> List[Event]: events = [] last_buy_event = None for year_stat, records in by_year: mid_expected_rate = mean([year_stat.high_expected_rate, year_stat.low_expected_rate]) if mid_expected_rate < 13.5: mid_expected_rate = 13.5 for r in records: if not last_buy_event and r.expected_rate >= mid_expected_rate: last_buy_event = Event(, record=r, buy=True) events.append(last_buy_event) if last_buy_event and ((last_buy_event.record.expected_rate - r.expected_rate) >= 1.2 or (last_buy_event.record.price * 0.13 + last_buy_event.record.price) <= r.price): events.append(Event(, record=r, buy=False)) last_buy_event = None return events
[ "str", "str", "str", "Stock", "int", "List[Record]", "Stock", "List[Tuple[YearStat, List[Record]]]" ]
[ 920, 1031, 1335, 2689, 3265, 3279, 3840, 4282 ]
[ 923, 1034, 1338, 2694, 3268, 3291, 3845, 4317 ]
from typing import List import csv import time import random from datetime import datetime from statistics import mean import urllib.request import json import codecs from functools import partial import requests from lxml import html import db from db import Quarter from utils import parse_float, parse_int, first_or_none, float_or_none DAUM_BASIC = '' NAVER_COMPANY = '' NAVER_YEARLY = "" NAVER_QUARTERLY = "" NAVER_JSON1 = '' NAVER_JSON5 = '' NAVER = '' FNGUIDE = '' FNGUIDE_FINANCIAL_STMT = '' FNGUIDE_FINANCIAL_RATIO = '' FNGUIDE_INVEST_GUIDE = '' LAST_YEAR = str( - 1) def fill_company(filename: str='company.csv'): random.seed() with open(filename, newline='', encoding='UTF8') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: code = row['구글코드'] if code.startswith('KRX:'): code = code[4:] elif code.startswith('KOSDAQ:'): code = code[7:] parse_snowball(code) time.sleep(random.random()) db.update_ranks() def parse_snowball_stocks(filter_bad: bool=True, only_starred_owned: bool=False): random.seed() find = {'$or': [{'starred': True}, {'owned': True}]} if only_starred_owned else None stocks = db.all_stocks(find=find, filter_bad=filter_bad) print('{} 종목 수집'.format(len(stocks))) for stock in stocks: if stock.get('code', None): parse_snowball(stock['code']) time.sleep(random.random()) db.update_ranks() def tree_from_url(url: str, decode: str=None): content = requests.get(url).content if decode: content = content.decode(decode) return html.fromstring(content) def parse_basic(code): print('종목 {} 기본...'.format(code)) url = DAUM_BASIC + code print('다음 {}'.format(url)) tree = tree_from_url(url) if not tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/h2'): return False title = tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/h2')[0].text price = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[1]/em')[0].text) diff = tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[2]/span')[0] rate_diff = tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[3]/span')[0].text exchange = tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a')[0].text price_diff = parse_float(diff.text) rate_diff = float(rate_diff.replace(',', '').replace('+', '').replace('-', '').replace('%', '').replace('%', '')) is_price_down = diff.get('class').endswith('down') if is_price_down: price_diff = -abs(price_diff) rate_diff = -abs(rate_diff) per = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="stockContent"]/ul[2]/li[3]/dl[2]/dd')[0].text.split('/')[1]) pbr = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="stockContent"]/ul[2]/li[4]/dl[2]/dd')[0].text.split('/')[1]) trade_volume = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[5]/span[1]')[0].text) trade_value = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="topWrap"]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[6]/span')[0].text) agg_value = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="stockContent"]/ul[2]/li[2]/dl[2]/dd')[0].text) print('종목명: {title} 현재가: {price}'.format(title=title, price=price)) stock = { 'code': code, 'title': title, 'current_price': price, 'price_diff': price_diff, 'rate_diff': rate_diff, 'per': per, 'pbr': pbr, 'trade_volume': trade_volume, 'trade_value': trade_value, 'exchange': exchange, 'agg_value': agg_value, } db.save_stock(stock) return True def quarter_from(text: str) -> Quarter: if (not text) or ('/' not in text): return None estimated = text.endswith('(E)') text = text[:-3] if estimated else text comp = text.split('/') return Quarter(year=int(comp[0]), number=int(int(comp[1]) / 3), estimated=estimated) def parse_quarterly(code: str): print('분기 {}'.format(code)) url = NAVER_QUARTERLY % (code) tree = tree_from_url(url) tds = tree.xpath("/html/body/table/tbody/tr[22]/td") ROEs = [first_or_none(td.xpath('span/text()')) for td in tds] while ROEs and ROEs[-1] is None: ROEs.pop() if len(ROEs) == 0: print('*** 분기 ROE 정보가 없음 >>>') return ths = tree.xpath("/html/body/table/thead/tr[2]/th") quarters = [quarter_from(th.text.strip()) for th in ths] tds = tree.xpath("/html/body/table/tbody/tr[28]/td") BPSs = [first_or_none(td.xpath('span/text()')) for td in tds] QROEs = list(zip(quarters, ROEs)) QBPSs = list(zip(quarters, BPSs)) stock = { 'code': code, 'QROEs': QROEs, 'QBPSs': QBPSs, } stock = db.save_stock(stock) def parse_naver_company(code: str): url = NAVER_COMPANY + code print('네이버 {}'.format(url)) tree = tree_from_url(url) element = tree.xpath('//*[@id="pArea"]/div[1]/div/table/tr[3]/td/dl/dt[2]/b') if not element: print('수집 실패') return False bps = parse_int(element[0].text) print('BPS: {}'.format(bps)) element = tree.xpath('//*[@id="pArea"]/div[1]/div/table/tr[3]/td/dl/dt[6]/b') if element: dividend_rate = parse_float(element[0].text) print('배당률: {}'.format(dividend_rate)) else: dividend_rate = 0 print('배당 수집 실패') return False stock = { 'code': code, 'bps': bps, 'dividend_rate': dividend_rate, 'use_fnguide': False, } stock = db.save_stock(stock) return stock def parse_snowball(code: str): if not parse_basic(code): print('수집 실패') return if parse_fnguide(code): parse_fnguide_financial_statements(code) parse_fnguide_financial_ratio(code) parse_fnguide_invest_guide(code) else: print('FnGuide 수집실패') if not parse_naver_company(code): return # print('종목 {} 스노우볼...'.format(code)) # url = NAVER_YEARLY % (code) # print(url) # tree = tree_from_url(url) # try: # years = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', map(lambda x: x.strip().split('/')[0], tree.xpath('/html/body/table/thead/tr[2]/th/text()')))) # last_year_index = years.index(LAST_YEAR) # except ValueError: # return # tds = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[22]/td') # ROEs = [first_or_none(td.xpath('span/text()')) for td in tds] # while ROEs and ROEs[-1] is None: # ROEs.pop() # if len(ROEs) == 0: # print('*** ROE 정보가 없음 >>>') # return # ROEs = [float_or_none(x) for x in ROEs] # DEPTs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[24]/td/span/text()') # DEPTs = [parse_float(x) for x in DEPTs] # EPSs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[26]/td/span/text()') # EPSs = [parse_float(x) for x in EPSs] # PERs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[27]/td/span/text()') # PERs = [parse_float(x) for x in PERs] # BPSs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[28]/td/span/text()') # BPSs = [parse_int(x) for x in BPSs] # PBRs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[29]/td/span/text()') # PBRs = [parse_float(x) for x in PBRs] # #자산총계 # TAs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[8]/td/span/text()') # TAs = [parse_int(x) for x in TAs] # #당기순이익 # NPs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[5]/td/span/text()') # NPs = [parse_int(x) for x in NPs] # #영업활동현금흐름 # CFOs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[14]/td/span/text()') # CFOs = [parse_int(x) for x in CFOs] # #투자활동현금흐름 # CFIs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[15]/td/span/text()') # CFIs = [parse_int(x) for x in CFIs] # #투자활동현금흐름 # CFFs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[16]/td/span/text()') # CFFs = [parse_int(x) for x in CFFs] # CAPEXs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[17]/td/span/text()') # CAPEXs = [parse_float(x) for x in CAPEXs] # #잉여현금흐름 # FCFs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[18]/td/span/text()') # FCFs = [parse_int(x) for x in FCFs] # #발행주식수 # TIs = tree.xpath('/html/body/table/tbody/tr[33]/td/span/text()') # TIs = [parse_int(x) for x in TIs] # stock = { # 'code': code, # 'ROEs': ROEs, # 'last_year_index': last_year_index, # 'PBRs': PBRs, # 'EPSs': EPSs, # 'TAs': TAs, # 'NPs': NPs, # 'CFOs': CFOs, # 'CFIs': CFIs, # 'CFFs': CFFs, # 'FCFs': FCFs, # 'PERs': PERs, # 'TIs': TIs, # 'DEPTs': DEPTs, # 'BPSs': BPSs, # 'CAPEXs': CAPEXs, # } # stock = db.save_stock(stock) #parse_quarterly(code) #parse_json(code) def parse_json(code: str): print('종목 {} JSON...'.format(code)) url = NAVER_JSON1 % (code) urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen(url) data = json.loads( GPs = [] if data and 'DATA' in data and data['DATA']: yyyy = [int(y[:4]) for y in data['YYMM'] if len(y) > 4 and len(y.split('/')) > 2] year_data_keys = {y: i+1 for i, y in enumerate(yyyy)} for row in data['DATA']: if 'ACC_NM' in row and row['ACC_NM'].startswith('매출총이익<당기'): GPs = [(y, row['DATA' + str(year_data_keys[y])]) for y in sorted(list(year_data_keys.keys()))] break url = NAVER_JSON5 % (code) urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen(url) data = json.loads( CPSs = [] PCRs = [] SPSs = [] PSRs = [] if data and 'DATA' in data and data['DATA']: yyyy = [int(y[:4]) for y in data['YYMM'] if len(y) > 4 and len(y.split('/')) > 2] year_data_keys = {y: i+1 for i, y in enumerate(yyyy)} for row in data['DATA']: if 'ACC_NM' in row and row['ACC_NM'].startswith('CPS'): CPSs = [(y, row['DATA' + str(year_data_keys[y])]) for y in sorted(list(year_data_keys.keys()))] elif 'ACC_NM' in row and row['ACC_NM'].startswith('PCR'): PCRs = [(y, row['DATA' + str(year_data_keys[y])]) for y in sorted(list(year_data_keys.keys()))] elif 'ACC_NM' in row and row['ACC_NM'].startswith('SPS'): SPSs = [(y, row['DATA' + str(year_data_keys[y])]) for y in sorted(list(year_data_keys.keys()))] elif 'ACC_NM' in row and row['ACC_NM'].startswith('PSR'): PSRs = [(y, row['DATA' + str(year_data_keys[y])]) for y in sorted(list(year_data_keys.keys()))] stock = { 'code': code, 'GPs': GPs, 'CPSs': CPSs, 'PCRs': PCRs, 'SPSs': SPSs, 'PSRs': PSRs, } print('GPs: {}'.format(GPs)) stock = db.save_stock(stock) def parse_etf(code: str, tag: str, etf_type: str): url = NAVER + code print(url) tree = tree_from_url(url, 'euc-kr') try: title = tree.xpath('//*[@id="middle"]/div[1]/div[1]/h2/a')[0].text except: return month1 = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="tab_con1"]/div[5]/table/tbody/tr[1]/td/em')[0].text.strip()) month3 = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="tab_con1"]/div[5]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/em')[0].text.strip()) month6 = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="tab_con1"]/div[5]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td/em')[0].text.strip()) month12 = parse_float(tree.xpath('//*[@id="tab_con1"]/div[5]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td/em')[0].text.strip()) company = tree.xpath('//table[contains(@class, "tbl_type1")]//td/span/text()')[2] cost = parse_float(tree.xpath('//table[contains(@class, "tbl_type1")]//td/em/text()')[0]) tags = tag.split(',') db.save_etf({ 'code': code, 'title': title, 'company': company, 'month1': month1, 'month3': month3, 'month6': month6, 'month12': month12, 'cost': cost, 'tags': tags, 'type': etf_type, }) def parse_etfs(): with'dual_etf.txt', 'r', 'utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: parse_line(line, 'domestic') with'international_etf.txt', 'r', 'utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: parse_line(line, 'international') def parse_line(line: str, etf_type: str): line = line.strip() if not line: return words = line.split(' ') parse_etf(words[-1], words[0], etf_type) def parse_fnguide(code: str): print('종목 {} FnGuide...'.format(code)) url = FNGUIDE + code print('FnGuide {}'.format(url)) tree = tree_from_url(url) title = first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="giName"]/text()')) if not title: return False groups = first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="compBody"]/div[1]/div[1]/p/span[1]/text()')) groups = groups.split(' ') group = groups[1] if len(groups) > 1 else None subgroup = first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="compBody"]/div[1]/div[1]/p/span[4]/text()')) subgroup = subgroup.replace('\xa0', '') closing_month = first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="compBody"]/div[1]/div[1]/p/span[6]/text()')) closing_month = parse_int(closing_month.split(' ')[0][:-1]) forward_per = parse_float(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="corp_group2"]/dl[2]/dd/text()'))) group_per = parse_float(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="corp_group2"]/dl[3]/dd/text()'))) dividend_rate = parse_float(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="corp_group2"]/dl[5]/dd/text()'))) relative_earning_rate = parse_float(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainChartTxt13"]/text()'))) momentums = tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainGrid1"]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[1]/span/text()') momentums = [parse_float(m) for m in momentums] month1 = momentums[0] if len(momentums) >= 1 else 0 month3 = momentums[1] if len(momentums) >= 2 else 0 month6 = momentums[2] if len(momentums) >= 3 else 0 month12 = momentums[3] if len(momentums) >= 4 else 0 foreigner_weight = parse_float(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainGrid1"]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/text()'))) beta = parse_float(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainGrid1"]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]/text()'))) stocks = first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainGrid1"]/table/tbody/tr[7]/td[1]/text()')) stocks = stocks.split('/ ') has_preferred_stock = False if stocks[1] == '0' else True floating_rate = parse_float(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainGrid1"]/table/tbody/tr[6]/td[2]/text()'))) YoY = parse_float(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainGrid2"]/table/tbody/tr/td[4]/span/text()'))) consensus_point = parse_float(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainGrid9"]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]/text()'))) consensus_price = parse_int(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainGrid9"]/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/text()'))) consensus_count = parse_int(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="svdMainGrid9"]/table/tbody/tr/td[5]/text()'))) bps = parse_int(first_or_none(tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_A"]/table/tbody/tr[19]/td[3]/text()'))) try: years = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/thead/tr[2]/th/div/text()') years = [x.split('/')[0] for x in years] last_year_index = years.index(LAST_YEAR) except ValueError: print("** 작년 데이터 없음 **") return NPs = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td/text()') NPs = [parse_float(x) for x in NPs] TAs = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/tbody/tr[6]/td/text()') TAs = [parse_float(x) for x in TAs] ROEs = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/tbody/tr[17]/td/text()') ROEs = [parse_float(x) for x in ROEs] EPSs = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/tbody/tr[18]/td/text()') EPSs = [parse_float(x) for x in EPSs] BPSs = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/tbody/tr[19]/td/text()') BPSs = [parse_float(x) for x in BPSs] DPSs = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/tbody/tr[20]/td/text()') DPSs = [parse_float(x) for x in DPSs] PERs = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/tbody/tr[21]/td/text()') PERs = [parse_float(x) for x in PERs] PBRs = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/tbody/tr[22]/td/text()') PBRs = [parse_float(x) for x in PBRs] DEPTs = tree.xpath('//*[@id="highlight_D_Y"]/table/tbody/tr[7]/td/text()') DEPTs = [parse_float(x) for x in DEPTs] stock = { 'code': code, 'group': group, 'subgroup': subgroup, 'closing_month': closing_month, 'forward_per': forward_per, 'group_per': group_per, 'dividend_rate': dividend_rate, 'relative_earning_rate': relative_earning_rate, 'month1': month1, 'month3': month3, 'month6': month6, 'month12': month12, 'foreigner_weight': foreigner_weight, 'beta': beta, 'has_preferred_stock': has_preferred_stock, 'floating_rate': floating_rate, 'YoY': YoY, 'consensus_point': consensus_point, 'consensus_price': consensus_price, 'consensus_count': consensus_count, 'bps': bps, 'use_fnguide': True, 'last_year_index': last_year_index, 'NPs': NPs, 'TAs': TAs, 'ROEs': ROEs, 'EPSs': EPSs, 'BPSs': BPSs, 'DPSs': DPSs, 'PERs': PERs, 'PBRs': PBRs, 'DEPTs': DEPTs, } db.save_stock(stock) return True def row_values_table(table, row_headers: List[str], key: str) -> List[str]: try: i = row_headers.index(key) return [parse_float(v) for v in table.xpath('tbody/tr')[i].xpath('td//text()')] except ValueError: return [] def row_values_table_by_index(table, index: int) -> List[str]: try: return [parse_float(v) for v in table.xpath('tbody/tr')[index].xpath('td//text()')] except ValueError: return [] except IndexError: return [] def parse_fnguide_financial_table(tree) -> dict: if not tree.xpath('//*[@id="divDaechaY"]'): return {} years = tree.xpath('//*[@id="divDaechaY"]/table/thead/tr/th/text()') years = [int(y.split('/')[0]) for y in years[1:]] row_headers = tree.xpath("//*[@id='divDaechaY']/table/tbody/tr/th//text()") row_headers = [h.strip() for h in row_headers if h.strip()] row_headers = [h.replace('\xa0', '') for h in row_headers if h != '계산에 참여한 계정 펼치기'] row_values = partial(row_values_table, tree.xpath("//*[@id='divDaechaY']/table")[0], row_headers) current_assets = row_values('유동자산') current_liability = row_values('유동부채') total_liability = row_values('부채') print(years) print(current_assets) print(current_liability) print(total_liability) if len(years) != len(current_assets): return {} current_assets = list(zip(years, current_assets)) current_liability = list(zip(years, current_liability)) total_liability = list(zip(years, total_liability)) return { 'current_assets': current_assets, 'current_liability': current_liability, 'total_liability': total_liability, } def parse_fnguide_profit_table(tree) -> dict: if not tree.xpath('//*[@id="divSonikY"]'): return {} years = tree.xpath('//*[@id="divSonikY"]/table/thead/tr/th/text()') years = [int(y.split('/')[0]) for y in years if len(y.split('/')) > 1] row_headers = tree.xpath("//*[@id='divSonikY']/table/tbody/tr/th//text()") row_headers = [h.strip() for h in row_headers if h.strip()] row_headers = [h.replace('\xa0', '') for h in row_headers if h != '계산에 참여한 계정 펼치기'] row_values = partial(row_values_table, tree.xpath("//*[@id='divSonikY']/table")[0], row_headers) sales = row_values('매출액')[:len(years)] GPs = row_values('매출총이익')[:len(years)] GPs = list(zip(years, GPs)) sales_cost = row_values('매출원가')[:len(years)] SGAs = row_values('판매비와관리비')[:len(years)] sales = list(zip(years, sales)) sales_cost = list(zip(years, sales_cost)) SGAs = list(zip(years, SGAs)) print(sales) print(sales_cost) print(SGAs) return { 'sales': sales, 'sales_cost': sales_cost, 'SGAs': SGAs, 'GPs': GPs, } def parse_fnguide_profit_flow(tree) -> dict: if not tree.xpath('//*[@id="divCashY"]'): return {} years = tree.xpath('//*[@id="divCashY"]/table/thead/tr/th/text()') years = [int(y.split('/')[0]) for y in years if len(y.split('/')) > 1] row_headers = tree.xpath("//*[@id='divCashY']/table/tbody/tr/th//text()") row_headers = [h.strip() for h in row_headers if h.strip()] row_headers = [h.replace('\xa0', '') for h in row_headers if h != '계산에 참여한 계정 펼치기'] row_values = partial(row_values_table, tree.xpath("//*[@id='divCashY']/table")[0], row_headers) CFOs = list(zip(years, row_values('영업활동으로인한현금흐름')[:len(years)])) CFIs = list(zip(years, row_values('투자활동으로인한현금흐름')[:len(years)])) CFFs = list(zip(years, row_values('재무활동으로인한현금흐름')[:len(years)])) return { 'CFOs': CFOs, 'CFIs': CFIs, 'CFFs': CFFs, } def parse_fnguide_financial_statements(code: str) -> bool: print('종목 {} FnGuide 재무재표 ...'.format(code)) url = FNGUIDE_FINANCIAL_STMT % (code) print('FnGuide 재무재표 {}'.format(url)) tree = tree_from_url(url) stock = {'code': code, **parse_fnguide_financial_table(tree), **parse_fnguide_profit_table(tree), **parse_fnguide_profit_flow(tree)} db.save_stock(stock) return True def parse_fnguide_financial_ratio(code: str) -> bool: print('종목 {} FnGuide 재무비율 ...'.format(code)) url = FNGUIDE_FINANCIAL_RATIO % (code) print('FnGuide 재무비율 {}'.format(url)) tree = tree_from_url(url) if not tree.xpath('//*[@id="compBody"]/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/table'): return False years = tree.xpath('//*[@id="compBody"]/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/table/thead/tr/th/text()') years = [int(y.split('/')[0]) for y in years if len(y.split('/')) > 1] header1 = '//*[@id="compBody"]/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/th/text()' header2 = '//*[@id="compBody"]/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/th//a//text()' header3 = '//*[@id="compBody"]/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/th/div/text()' row_headers = tree.xpath(' | '.join([header1, header2, header3])) row_headers = [h.strip() for h in row_headers if h.strip()] row_headers = [h.replace('\xa0', '') for h in row_headers if h != '계산에 참여한 계정 펼치기'] row_values = partial(row_values_table, tree.xpath('//*[@id="compBody"]/div[2]/div[3]/div[2]/table')[0], row_headers) loan_rate = list(zip(years, row_values('순차입금비율')[:len(years)])) net_current_loan = list(zip(years, row_values('순차입부채')[:len(years)])) interest_cost = list(zip(years, row_values('이자비용')[:len(years)])) interest_coverage = list(zip(years, row_values('이자보상배율')[:len(years)])) ROICs = list(zip(years, row_values('ROIC')[:len(years)])) NOPATs = list(zip(years, row_values('세후영업이익')[:len(years)])) ICs = list(zip(years, row_values('영업투하자본')[:len(years)])) total_asset_turnover = list(zip(years, row_values('총자산회전율')[:len(years)])) net_working_capital_turnover = list(zip(years, row_values('순운전자본회전율')[:len(years)])) net_working_capital = list(zip(years, row_values('순운전자본')[:len(years)])) stock = { 'code': code, 'loan_rate': loan_rate, 'net_current_loan': net_current_loan, 'interest_cost': interest_cost, 'interest_coverage': interest_coverage, 'ROICs': ROICs, 'NOPATs': NOPATs, 'ICs': ICs, 'total_asset_turnover': total_asset_turnover, 'net_working_capital_turnover': net_working_capital_turnover, 'net_working_capital': net_working_capital, } db.save_stock(stock) return True def parse_fnguide_invest_guide(code: str) -> bool: print('종목 {} FnGuide 투자지표 ...'.format(code)) url = FNGUIDE_INVEST_GUIDE % (code) print('FnGuide 투자지표 {}'.format(url)) tree = tree_from_url(url) if not tree.xpath('//*[@id="compBody"]/div[2]/div[5]/div[2]/table'): return False years = tree.xpath('//*[@id="compBody"]/div[2]/div[5]/div[2]/table/thead/tr/th/text()') years = [int(y.split('/')[0]) for y in years if len(y.split('/')) > 1] row_values = partial(row_values_table_by_index, tree.xpath('//*[@id="compBody"]/div[2]/div[5]/div[2]/table')[0]) FCFs = list(zip(years, row_values(50))) stock = { 'code': code, 'FCFs': FCFs, } db.save_stock(stock) return True
[ "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "List[str]", "str", "int", "str", "str", "str" ]
[ 2521, 4622, 4924, 5787, 6635, 9958, 12013, 12023, 12038, 13514, 13529, 13690, 18796, 18812, 19049, 22665, 23091, 25541 ]
[ 2524, 4625, 4927, 5790, 6638, 9961, 12016, 12026, 12041, 13517, 13532, 13693, 18805, 18815, 19052, 22668, 23094, 25544 ]
import argparse import scrapper parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Snowball utility') parser.add_argument('--basic', help='입력된 종목코드의 기본 정보를 가지고 온다') parser.add_argument('--snowball', help='입력된 종목코드의 스노우볼 정보를 가지고 온다') parser.add_argument('--mysnowball', action='store_true', help='관심종목과 소유종목의 스노우볼 정보를 가지고 온다') parser.add_argument('--allsnowball', action='store_true', help='모든 기대수익률이 0이상인 종목의 스노우볼 정보를 가지고 온다') parser.add_argument('--allminus', action='store_true', help='기대수익률이 0이하인 종목의 스노우볼 정보를 가지고 온다') parser.add_argument('--fill', action='store_true', help='company.csv 파일에 있는 종목을 전부 추가한다') parser.add_argument('--sample', action='store_true', help='sample.csv 파일에 있는 종목을 추가한다') parser.add_argument('--etf', action='store_true', help='ETF 듀얼 모멘텀 정보를 수집한다') if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() if args.basic: scrapper.parse_basic(args.basic) elif args.snowball: scrapper.parse_snowball(args.snowball) elif args.mysnowball: scrapper.parse_snowball_stocks(filter_bad=True, only_starred_owned=True) elif args.allsnowball: scrapper.parse_snowball_stocks(filter_bad=True) elif args.allminus: scrapper.parse_snowball_stocks(filter_bad=False) elif args.fill: scrapper.fill_company() elif args.sample: scrapper.fill_company(filename='sample.csv') elif args.etf: scrapper.parse_etfs()
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable # Dependencies are automatically detected, but it might need # fine tuning. buildOptions = dict(packages = [ 'idna', 'jinja2.ext', ], excludes = []) base = 'Console' executables = [ Executable('', base=base), Executable('', base=base), ] setup(name='snowball', version = '1.0', description = '', options = dict(build_exe = buildOptions), executables = executables)
import unittest from datetime import datetime from statistics import mean from db import Stock, DIVIDEND_TAX_RATE LAST_YEAR = - 1 class StockTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_dict_to_stock(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', } self.assertIsNotNone(Stock(stock_dict)) self.assertEqual(stock_dict['code'], Stock(stock_dict)['code']) def test_dividend_tax_adjust(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', } self.assertEqual(0.0, Stock(stock_dict).dividend_tax_adjust) dividend_rate = 3.5 stock_dict['dividend_rate'] = dividend_rate stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.539, Stock(stock_dict).dividend_tax_adjust) self.assertEqual(dividend_rate * (DIVIDEND_TAX_RATE / 100), Stock(stock_dict).dividend_tax_adjust) class StockYearStatTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_roe_year_stat_empty(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', } empty_year_stat = [(0, 0)] self.assertEqual(empty_year_stat, Stock(stock_dict).year_stat('ROEs')) def test_roe_year_stat_should_have_last_year_index(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'ROEs': [3.0], } self.assertRaises(AssertionError, Stock(stock_dict).year_stat, 'ROEs') stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 0 self.assertEqual([(LAST_YEAR, 3.0)], Stock(stock_dict).roes) stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 1 self.assertEqual([(LAST_YEAR - 1, 3.0)], Stock(stock_dict).roes) def test_roe_year_stat(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'ROEs': [3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, } roes = Stock(stock_dict).year_stat('ROEs') self.assertEqual(4, len(roes)) expected_roes = [(LAST_YEAR-2, 3.0), (LAST_YEAR-1, 5.0), (LAST_YEAR, 4.0), (LAST_YEAR+1, 10)] self.assertEqual(expected_roes, roes) def test_countable_roe(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'ROEs': [3.0, 5.0, None, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 3, } stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertEqual([(2014, 3.0), (2015, 5.0), (2016, None), (2017, 10)], stock.year_stat('ROEs')) self.assertEqual([3.0, 5.0, 10.0], stock.countable_roes) self.assertEqual(mean([3.0, 5.0, 10.0]), stock.mean_roe) def test_last_four_years_roe(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'ROEs': [3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, } last_four_years = Stock(stock_dict).last_four_years_roe self.assertEqual(3, len(last_four_years)) self.assertEqual([3.0, 5.0, 4.0], last_four_years) stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 3 last_four_years = Stock(stock_dict).last_four_years_roe self.assertEqual(4, len(last_four_years)) self.assertEqual([3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 10.0], last_four_years) stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 0 last_four_years = Stock(stock_dict).last_four_years_roe self.assertEqual(1, len(last_four_years)) self.assertEqual([3.0], last_four_years) def test_mean_roe(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'ROEs': [3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, } self.assertEqual(mean([3.0, 5.0, 4.0]), Stock(stock_dict).mean_roe) stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 1 self.assertEqual(mean([3.0, 5.0]), Stock(stock_dict).mean_roe) def test_calculated_roe_count(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'ROEs': [3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, } self.assertEqual(3, Stock(stock_dict).calculated_roe_count) stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 3 self.assertEqual(4, Stock(stock_dict).calculated_roe_count) stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 0 self.assertEqual(1, Stock(stock_dict).calculated_roe_count) def test_future_roe(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'ROEs': [3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, } stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertEqual(0.0, stock.dividend_tax_adjust) self.assertEqual(stock.mean_roe, stock.future_roe) stock_dict['dividend_rate'] = 4.5 stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.693, stock.dividend_tax_adjust) self.assertEqual(stock.mean_roe - stock.dividend_tax_adjust, stock.future_roe) def test_calc_future_bps(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'bps': 1000, 'ROEs': [11.0, 8.0, 15.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, 'dividend_rate': 4.5, } stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertAlmostEqual(10.64, stock.future_roe, places=1) self.assertEqual(int(1000 + 1000 * 0.1064), stock.calc_future_bps(1)) self.assertEqual(2748, stock.calc_future_bps(10)) stock['adjusted_future_roe'] = 12.0 self.assertEqual(1973, stock.calc_future_bps(6)) self.assertEqual(3105, stock.calc_future_bps(10)) def test_expected_rate(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'current_price': 1200, 'bps': 1000, 'ROEs': [11.0, 8.0, 15.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, 'dividend_rate': 4.5, } self.assertAlmostEqual(8.63, Stock(stock_dict).expected_rate, places=1) stock_dict['current_price'] = 1000 self.assertAlmostEqual(10.63, Stock(stock_dict).expected_rate, places=1) stock_dict['current_price'] = 800 self.assertAlmostEqual(13.13, Stock(stock_dict).expected_rate, places=1) def test_invest_price(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'bps': 1000, 'ROEs': [11.0, 8.0, 15.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, 'dividend_rate': 4.5, } self.assertEqual(679, Stock(stock_dict).invest_price) stock_dict['bps'] = 1800 self.assertEqual(1222, Stock(stock_dict).invest_price) stock_dict['ROEs'] = [15.0, 18.0, 20.0, 22.0] self.assertEqual(2133, Stock(stock_dict).invest_price) def test_calculable_pbr_count(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', } self.assertEqual(0, Stock(stock_dict).calculable_pbr_count) stock_dict['PBRs'] = [1.0, 0.8] stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 1 self.assertEqual(2, Stock(stock_dict).calculable_pbr_count) stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 0 self.assertEqual(1, Stock(stock_dict).calculable_pbr_count) stock_dict['PBRs'] = [1.0, 0.8, 2, 1.3] stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 1 self.assertEqual(2, Stock(stock_dict).calculable_pbr_count) stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 3 self.assertEqual(4, Stock(stock_dict).calculable_pbr_count) def test_expected_rate_by_current_pbr(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'bps': 1000, 'ROEs': [11.0, 8.0, 15.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, 'dividend_rate': 4.5, 'current_price': 1200 } stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertAlmostEqual(8.63, stock.expected_rate, places=1) stock['pbr'] = float(stock['current_price'] / stock['bps']) self.assertAlmostEqual(1.2, stock['pbr'], places=1) self.assertEqual(int(stock.calc_future_bps(1) * stock['pbr']), stock.calc_future_price_current_pbr(1)) self.assertEqual(1327, stock.calc_future_price_current_pbr(1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(10.63, stock.expected_rate_by_current_pbr, places=1) def test_expected_rate_by_low_pbr(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'bps': 1000, 'ROEs': [11.0, 8.0, 15.0, 10.0], 'last_year_index': 2, 'dividend_rate': 4.5, 'current_price': 1200 } stock = Stock(stock_dict) stock['PBRs'] = [1.0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5] self.assertEqual(0.7, stock.low_pbr) stock['PBRs'] = [0.0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5] self.assertEqual(0.7, stock.low_pbr) self.assertEqual(774, stock.calc_future_price_low_pbr(1)) self.assertAlmostEqual(4.82, stock.expected_rate_by_low_pbr, places=1) def test_expected_rate_by_mid_pbr(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'bps': 1000, 'ROEs': [11.0, 8.0, 15.0, 10.0], 'PBRs': [0.0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5], 'last_year_index': 2, 'dividend_rate': 4.5, 'current_price': 1200, 'pbr': 0.9 } stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertEqual(0.7, stock.low_pbr) self.assertEqual((stock['pbr'] + stock.low_pbr) / 2.0, stock.mid_pbr) self.assertAlmostEqual(6.23, stock.expected_rate_by_mid_pbr, places=1) def test_adjusted_eps(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', } self.assertEqual(0, Stock(stock_dict).adjusted_eps) stock_dict['EPSs'] = [1000, 1500] stock_dict['last_year_index'] = 2 self.assertEqual(0, Stock(stock_dict).adjusted_eps) stock_dict['EPSs'] = [1000, 1500, 2000] self.assertEqual(1666, Stock(stock_dict).adjusted_eps) def test_intrinsic_value(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'bps': 1000, 'EPSs': [100, 150, 200], 'last_year_index': 2, } stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertEqual(int((stock['bps'] + (stock.adjusted_eps * 10)) / 2), stock.intrinsic_value) def test_intrinsic_discount_rate(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'bps': 1000, 'EPSs': [100, 150, 200], 'last_year_index': 2, 'current_price': 1200 } self.assertAlmostEqual(10.83, Stock(stock_dict).intrinsic_discount_rate, places=1) def test_eps_growth(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', } self.assertEqual(0, Stock(stock_dict).eps_growth) stock_dict['EPSs'] = [100, 150, 200] self.assertAlmostEqual(41.66, Stock(stock_dict).eps_growth, places=1) def test_peg_current_per(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', } self.assertEqual(0, Stock(stock_dict).peg_current_per) stock_dict['per'] = 6 self.assertEqual(0, Stock(stock_dict).peg_current_per) stock_dict['EPSs'] = [100, 110, 130] self.assertAlmostEqual(0.42, Stock(stock_dict).peg_current_per, places=1) stock_dict['per'] = 10 self.assertAlmostEqual(0.70, Stock(stock_dict).peg_current_per, places=1) def test_peg_mean_per(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', } stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertEqual(0, stock.mean_per) stock_dict['PERs'] = [8, 5.5, 11.5] stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertAlmostEqual(8.33, stock.mean_per, places=1) stock_dict['EPSs'] = [100, 110, 130] stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.59, stock.peg_mean_per, places=1) def test_fscore(self): pass def test_roe_max_diff(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', } stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertEqual(0, stock.roe_max_diff) stock_dict['ROEs'] = [10, 5, 11] stock = Stock(stock_dict) self.assertEqual(6, stock.roe_max_diff) def test_quarter_roes(self): stock_dict = { 'code': '0001', 'QROEs': [ ((2016, 4, False), 12.5), ((2017, 1, False), 15.5), ((2017, 2, False), 17.0), ((2017, 3, False), 11.3), ((2017, 4, False), 10.9), ] } stock = Stock(stock_dict) print(stock.QROEs) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import statistics def mean_or_zero(iter): try: return statistics.mean(iter) except statistics.StatisticsError: return 0 def parse_float(str): try: return float(str.replace(',', '').replace('%', '')) except (ValueError, AttributeError): return 0 def parse_int(str): try: return int(str.replace(',', '')) except (ValueError, AttributeError): return 0 def attr_or_key_getter(name, obj, default_value=0): try: return getattr(obj, name) except AttributeError: return obj.get(name, default_value) def first_or_none(iter): try: return iter[0] except IndexError: return None def float_or_none(x): return None if not x else float(x.replace(',', ''))
from collections import deque, namedtuple # we'll use infinity as a default distance to nodes. import requests inf = float('inf') Edge = namedtuple('Edge', 'start, end, cost') def make_edge(edge): return Edge(edge['source'], edge['destination'], edge['cost']) class Graph: def __init__(self, edges): # let's check that the data is right self.edges = [make_edge(edge) for edge in edges] @property def vertices(self): return set( sum( ([edge.start, edge.end] for edge in self.edges), [] ) ) def get_node_pairs(self, n1, n2): return [[n1, n2]] def remove_edge(self, n1, n2): node_pairs = self.get_node_pairs(n1, n2) edges = self.edges[:] for edge in edges: if [edge.start, edge.end] in node_pairs: self.edges.remove(edge) def add_edge(self, n1, n2, cost=1): node_pairs = self.get_node_pairs(n1, n2) for edge in self.edges: if [edge.start, edge.end] in node_pairs: return ValueError('Edge {} {} already exists'.format(n1, n2)) self.edges.append(Edge(start=n1, end=n2, cost=cost)) @property def neighbours(self): neighbours = {vertex: set() for vertex in self.vertices} for edge in self.edges: neighbours[edge.start].add((edge.end, edge.cost)) return neighbours def dijkstra(self, source, dest): assert source in self.vertices, 'Such source node doesn\'t exist' distances = {vertex: inf for vertex in self.vertices} previous_vertices = { vertex: None for vertex in self.vertices } distances[source] = 0 vertices = self.vertices.copy() while vertices: current_vertex = min( vertices, key=lambda vertex: distances[vertex]) vertices.remove(current_vertex) if distances[current_vertex] == inf: break for neighbour, cost in self.neighbours[current_vertex]: alternative_route = distances[current_vertex] + cost if alternative_route < distances[neighbour]: distances[neighbour] = alternative_route previous_vertices[neighbour] = current_vertex path, current_vertex = deque(), dest while previous_vertices[current_vertex] is not None: path.appendleft(current_vertex) current_vertex = previous_vertices[current_vertex] if path: path.appendleft(current_vertex) return path base_url = 'http://localhost:8021/v1' edges = [ { "source": "A", "destination": "B", "cost": 7 }, { "source": "A", "destination": "C", "cost": 9 }, { "source": "A", "destination": "F", "cost": 14 }, { "source": "B", "destination": "C", "cost": 10 }, { "source": "B", "destination": "D", "cost": 15 }, { "source": "C", "destination": "D", "cost": 11 }, { "source": "C", "destination": "F", "cost": 2 }, { "source": "D", "destination": "E", "cost": 6 }, { "source": "E", "destination": "F", "cost": 9 } ] for edge in edges: r ='{}/edges'.format(base_url), json=edge) r = requests.get('{}/edges'.format(base_url)) response = r.json() graph = Graph(response) print("\npath: \n") print(graph.dijkstra("A", "E"))
from collections import defaultdict from collections import deque, namedtuple # we'll use infinity as a default distance to nodes. inf = float('inf') Edge = namedtuple('Edge', 'start, end, cost') def make_edge(start, end, cost=1): return Edge(start, end, cost) class Graph: def __init__(self, edges): # let's check that the data is right wrong_edges = [i for i in edges if len(i) not in [2, 3]] if wrong_edges: raise ValueError('Wrong edges data: {}'.format(wrong_edges)) self.edges = [make_edge(*edge) for edge in edges] @property def vertices(self): return set( sum( ([edge.start, edge.end] for edge in self.edges), [] ) ) def get_node_pairs(self, n1, n2): return [[n1, n2]] def remove_edge(self, n1, n2): node_pairs = self.get_node_pairs(n1, n2) edges = self.edges[:] for edge in edges: if [edge.start, edge.end] in node_pairs: self.edges.remove(edge) def add_edge(self, n1, n2, cost=1): node_pairs = self.get_node_pairs(n1, n2) for edge in self.edges: if [edge.start, edge.end] in node_pairs: return ValueError('Edge {} {} already exists'.format(n1, n2)) self.edges.append(Edge(start=n1, end=n2, cost=cost)) @property def neighbours(self): neighbours = {vertex: set() for vertex in self.vertices} for edge in self.edges: neighbours[edge.start].add((edge.end, edge.cost)) return neighbours def dijkstra(self, source, dest): assert source in self.vertices, 'Such source node doesn\'t exist' distances = {vertex: inf for vertex in self.vertices} previous_vertices = { vertex: None for vertex in self.vertices } distances[source] = 0 vertices = self.vertices.copy() while vertices: current_vertex = min( vertices, key=lambda vertex: distances[vertex]) vertices.remove(current_vertex) if distances[current_vertex] == inf: break for neighbour, cost in self.neighbours[current_vertex]: alternative_route = distances[current_vertex] + cost if alternative_route < distances[neighbour]: distances[neighbour] = alternative_route previous_vertices[neighbour] = current_vertex path, current_vertex = deque(), dest while previous_vertices[current_vertex] is not None: path.appendleft(current_vertex) current_vertex = previous_vertices[current_vertex] if path: path.appendleft(current_vertex) return path graph = Graph([ ("a", "b", 7), ("a", "c", 9), ("a", "f", 14), ("b", "c", 10), ("b", "d", 15), ("c", "d", 11), ("c", "f", 2), ("d", "e", 6), ("e", "f", 9)]) print(graph.dijkstra("a", "e")) # # g = MemoryGraph() # # g.add_node("a") # g.add_node("b") # g.add_node("c") # g.add_node("d") # g.add_node("e") # g.add_node("f") # # g.add_edge("a", "b", 7) # g.add_edge("a", "c", 9) # g.add_edge("a", "f", 14) # g.add_edge("b", "c", 10) # g.add_edge("b", "d", 15) # g.add_edge("c", "d", 11) # g.add_edge("c", "f", 2) # g.add_edge("d", "e", 6) # g.add_edge("e", "f", 9) # # print(dijsktra(g, 'a'))
from glob import glob from os.path import abspath, dirname, join as pjoin import pkg_resources from setuptools import setup, find_packages root = dirname(abspath(__file__)) def execfile(fname, globs, locs=None): locs = locs or globs exec(compile(open(fname).read(), fname, "exec"), globs, locs) source_path = 'src' packages = find_packages(source_path) root_packages = [ package for package in packages if "." not in package ] assert len(root_packages) == 1 package = root_packages[0] package_directory = pjoin(root, source_path, package) def get_variable_from_file(filepath, variable): filepath_in_package = pjoin(package_directory, filepath) globs = {} execfile(filepath_in_package, globs) variable_value = globs[variable] return variable_value version = get_variable_from_file('', '__version__') with open('requirements.txt') as f: required = required = [requirement for requirement in required if 'http' not in requirement] setup( name=package, version=version, python_requires='>=3.6', author="PyMedPhys Contributors", author_email="[email protected]", description='', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Intended Audience :: Healthcare Industry' ], install_requires=required, packages=packages, package_dir={'': source_path}, include_package_data=True, package_data={package: []}, license='AGPL-3.0-or-later', extras_require={ 'test': [ 'pytest' ] } )
# project/
version_info = [0, 0, 1] __version__ = "0.0.1"
import falcon from import settings from falcon_marshmallow import JSONEnforcer, EmptyRequestDropper from import RequestLoader from injector_provider import InjectorProvider from import Container, Registry app = falcon.API(middleware=[ JSONEnforcer(), EmptyRequestDropper(), RequestLoader() ]) container = Container() container.set(settings.Props.DI_PROVIDER, InjectorProvider()) container.set(settings.Props.FALCON, app) service_registry = Registry() for service in service_registry.register(service) service_registry.boot(container)
import logging import falcon from falcon import HTTPUnprocessableEntity, HTTPBadRequest from falcon_marshmallow import Marshmallow from falcon_marshmallow.middleware import get_stashed_content from marshmallow import ValidationError, Schema log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HTTPValidationError(falcon.HTTPError): """ HTTPError that stores a dictionary of validation error messages. """ def __init__(self, status, errors=None, *args, **kwargs): self.errors = errors super().__init__(status, *args, **kwargs) def to_dict(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Override `falcon.HTTPError` to include error messages in responses. """ ret = super().to_dict(*args, **kwargs) if self.errors is not None: ret['errors'] = self.errors return ret class RequestLoader(Marshmallow): def process_resource(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.process_resource_inner(*args, **kwargs) except ValidationError as err: raise HTTPValidationError(status=falcon.status_codes.HTTP_400, errors=err.messages) except ValueError as err: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.status_codes.HTTP_400, title='Validation Error', description=str(err)) def process_resource_inner(self, req, resp, resource, params): # type: (Request, Response, object, dict) -> None """Deserialize request body with any resource-specific schemas Store deserialized data on the ``req.context`` object under the ``req_key`` provided to the class constructor or on the ``json`` key if none was provided. If a Marshmallow schema is defined on the passed ``resource``, use it to deserialize the request body. If no schema is defined and the class was instantiated with ``force_json=True``, request data will be deserialized with any ``json_module`` passed to the class constructor or ``simplejson`` by default. :param falcon.Request req: the request object :param falcon.Response resp: the response object :param object resource: the resource object :param dict params: any parameters parsed from the url :rtype: None :raises falcon.HTTPBadRequest: if the data cannot be deserialized or decoded """ log.debug( 'Marshmallow.process_resource(%s, %s, %s, %s)', req, resp, resource, params ) if req.content_length in (None, 0): return sch = self._get_schema(resource, req.method, 'request') if sch is not None: if not isinstance(sch, Schema): raise TypeError( 'The schema and <method>_schema properties of a resource ' 'must be instantiated Marshmallow schemas.' ) try: body = get_stashed_content(req) parsed = self._json.loads(body) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise HTTPBadRequest('Body was not encoded as UTF-8') except self._json.JSONDecodeError: raise HTTPBadRequest('Request must be valid JSON') data = sch.load(parsed) req.context[self._req_key] = data elif self._force_json: body = get_stashed_content(req) try: req.context[self._req_key] = self._json.loads(body) except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError): raise HTTPBadRequest( description=( 'Could not decode the request body, either because ' 'it was not valid JSON or because it was not encoded ' 'as UTF-8.' ) )
from graphx.configurations.infrastructure.db import DataBaseService from graphx.configurations.infrastructure.environment import EnvironmentService from graphx.configurations.infrastructure.logging import LoggingService from import SwaggerService from import NodeService from import Props as BaseProps services = [ LoggingService(), EnvironmentService(), DataBaseService(), NodeService(), SwaggerService() ] class Props(BaseProps): DI_PROVIDER = 0 FALCON = 1 APP_URL = 'APP_URL' NEO_URL = 'NEO_URL' NEO_USERNAME = 'NEO_USERNAME' NEO_PASSWORD = 'NEO_PASSWORD'
from graphx.configurations.infrastructure.db.definitions import GraphConfigurator from import BootableService, Container class DataBaseService(BootableService): def boot(self, container: Container): from import Props url = container.get(Props.NEO_URL) username = container.get(Props.NEO_USERNAME) password = container.get(Props.NEO_PASSWORD) configurator = GraphConfigurator(url, username, password) provider = container.get(Props.DI_PROVIDER) provider.add_configurator(configurator)
[ "Container" ]
[ 212 ]
[ 221 ]
from dataclasses import dataclass from injector import Module, singleton, provider from py2neo import Graph @dataclass class GraphConfigurator(Module): url: str username: str password: str @singleton @provider def provide_graph(self) -> Graph: # graph = Graph(uri=self.url, user=self.username, password=self.password) graph = Graph("http://neo4j:7474/db/data/", user=self.username, password=self.password) # graph.create() return graph.begin() # return graph
import os from import BootableService, Container class EnvironmentService(BootableService): def boot(self, container: Container): from import Props container.set(Props.APP_URL, os.environ.get(Props.APP_URL.value)) container.set(Props.NEO_URL, os.environ.get(Props.NEO_URL.value)) container.set(Props.NEO_USERNAME, os.environ.get(Props.NEO_USERNAME.value)) container.set(Props.NEO_PASSWORD, os.environ.get(Props.NEO_PASSWORD.value))
[ "Container" ]
[ 144 ]
[ 153 ]
import logging as registry_logging import sys import class LoggingService( def boot(self, app: registry_logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=registry_logging.DEBUG) registry_logging.getLogger().addHandler(registry_logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))
[ "" ]
[ 155 ]
[ 182 ]
import json import falcon from apispec import APISpec from apispec.ext.marshmallow import MarshmallowPlugin from falcon import Request from falcon.response import Response from falcon_apispec import FalconPlugin from import NodeCollection, EdgeCollection from import Node, Edge class SwaggerResource: def __init__(self): from import Props from import app from import container # todo: should be moved to env vars self.spec = APISpec(title='graphx', version='1.0.0', openapi_version='2.0', plugins=[ FalconPlugin(app), MarshmallowPlugin(), ]) injector = container.get(Props.DI_PROVIDER).get_injector() self.spec.components.schema('Node', schema=injector.get(Node)) self.spec.path(resource=injector.get(NodeCollection)) self.spec.components.schema('Edge', schema=injector.get(Edge)) self.spec.path(resource=injector.get(EdgeCollection)) def on_get(self, req: Request, resp: Response): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps(self.spec.to_dict(), ensure_ascii=False)
[ "Request", "Response" ]
[ 1278, 1293 ]
[ 1285, 1301 ]
import os from import BootableService, Container from falcon_swagger_ui import register_swaggerui_app class SwaggerService(BootableService): def boot(self, container: Container): from import settings from import SwaggerResource falcon = container.get(settings.Props.FALCON) swagger_resource = SwaggerResource() falcon.add_route('/v1/swagger.json', swagger_resource) page_title = 'Swagger UI' favicon_url = '' swagger_ui_url = '/v1/docs' # without trailing slash schema_url = '{}/v1/swagger.json'.format(container.get(settings.Props.APP_URL)) register_swaggerui_app( falcon, swagger_ui_url, schema_url, page_title=page_title, favicon_url=favicon_url, config={'supportedSubmitMethods': ['get', 'post', 'put'], } )
[ "Container" ]
[ 192 ]
[ 201 ]
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Any, List N = TypeVar('N') E = TypeVar('E') class DataProvider(Generic[N, E], metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def save(self, node: N) -> None: """ ads a node to the graph Args: node (N): The node entity Returns: None """ pass @abstractmethod def find_all_nodes(self) -> List[N]: """ returns a list of nodes Returns: List[N] list of nodes """ pass @abstractmethod def add_edge(self, edge: E) -> None: """ ads an edge Args: source: source node destination: destination node cost: cost of distance Returns: None """ pass @abstractmethod def find_by_id(self, id: str) -> N: """ finds a node by id Args: id: Node id Returns: N Raises: EntityNotFoundException """ pass @abstractmethod def find_shortest_path(self, source: N, destination: N) -> Any: """ finds the shortest path Args: source: Source node destination: Destination node Returns: Any should be shortest path object """
[ "N", "E", "str", "N", "N" ]
[ 223, 654, 978, 1276, 1292 ]
[ 224, 655, 981, 1277, 1293 ]
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Any, List, Dict from graphx.core.data_providers.data_provider import DataProvider from graphx.core.entities import Edge, Node from graphx.core.exceptions import EntityAlreadyExistsException @dataclass class MemoryNodeRepository(DataProvider[Node, Edge]): nodes: Dict[str, Node] = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) edges: List[Edge] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) def save(self, node: Node) -> None: if in self.nodes: raise EntityAlreadyExistsException('Node already exists!') self.nodes[] = node def add_edge(self, edge: Edge) -> None: if self.edge_exists(edge): raise EntityAlreadyExistsException('Edge already exists') self.edges.append(edge) def edge_exists(self, edge: Edge): # todo shall only compare source and dest duplicates = [existing_edge for existing_edge in self.edges if edge == existing_edge] return len(duplicates) > 0 def find_all_nodes(self) -> List[Node]: return [v for k, v in self.nodes.items()] def find_by_id(self, id: str) -> Node: pass def find_all_edges(self) -> List[Edge]: return self.edges def find_shortest_path(self, source: Node, destination: Node) -> Any: pass
[ "Node", "Edge", "Edge", "str", "Node", "Node" ]
[ 464, 649, 834, 1145, 1285, 1304 ]
[ 468, 653, 838, 1148, 1289, 1308 ]
from py2neo.ogm import GraphObject, Property, RelatedTo from typing import Any from py2neo import Graph as NeoGraph from injector import inject from dataclasses import dataclass from graphx.core.data_providers.data_provider import DataProvider class Node(GraphObject): __primarykey__ = "id" id = Property() name = Property() edges = RelatedTo('Node') @inject @dataclass class NeoNodeRepository(DataProvider[Node]): graph: NeoGraph def save(self, node: Node) -> None: self.graph.merge(node) def add_edge(self, source: Node, destination: Node, cost: int) -> None: pass def find_by_id(self, id: str) -> Node: pass def find_shortest_path(self, source: Node, destination: Node) -> Any: pass
[ "Node", "Node", "Node", "int", "str", "Node", "Node" ]
[ 485, 563, 582, 594, 651, 720, 739 ]
[ 489, 567, 586, 597, 654, 724, 743 ]
from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Node: id: str name: str @dataclass class Edge: source: str destination: str cost: int
class EntityNotFoundException(Exception): pass class EntityAlreadyExistsException(Exception): pass
from typing import List from graphx.core.entities import Node, Edge from import Node as NodeResource from import Edge as EdgeResource class NodeAssembler(object): @staticmethod def assemble_collection(nodes: List[Node]) -> List[NodeResource]: return [NodeResource.from_domain_object(node) for node in nodes] class EdgeAssembler(object): @staticmethod def assemble_collection(edges: List[Edge]) -> List[EdgeResource]: return [EdgeResource.from_domain_object(edge) for edge in edges]
[ "List[Node]", "List[Edge]" ]
[ 269, 461 ]
[ 279, 471 ]
from injector import Module, singleton, provider from graphx.core.data_providers.memory import MemoryNodeRepository from import NodeCollection, EdgeCollection from graphx.core.use_cases import AddNode from graphx.core.use_cases.add_edge import AddEdge from graphx.core.use_cases.find_all_edges import FindAllEdges from graphx.core.use_cases.find_all_nodes import FindAllNodes class NodeConfigurator(Module): @singleton @provider def node_collection(self) -> NodeCollection: return NodeCollection(self.__injector__.get(AddNode), self.__injector__.get(FindAllNodes)) @singleton @provider def edge_collection(self) -> EdgeCollection: return EdgeCollection(self.__injector__.get(AddEdge), self.__injector__.get(FindAllEdges)) @singleton @provider def repository(self) -> MemoryNodeRepository: return MemoryNodeRepository()
from import settings from import NodeConfigurator from import NodeCollection, EdgeCollection from import BootableService, Container class NodeService(BootableService): def boot(self, container: Container): falcon = container.get(settings.Props.FALCON) provider = container.get(settings.Props.DI_PROVIDER) provider.add_configurator(NodeConfigurator) injector = provider.get_injector() falcon.add_route("/v1/nodes", injector.get(NodeCollection)) falcon.add_route("/v1/edges", injector.get(EdgeCollection))
[ "Container" ]
[ 300 ]
[ 309 ]
import json import logging import falcon from graphx.core.data_providers.memory import Node from graphx.core.entities import Edge from graphx.core.exceptions import EntityAlreadyExistsException from import NodeAssembler, EdgeAssembler from import Node as NodeSchema from import Edge as EdgeSchema from graphx.core.use_cases import AddNode from graphx.core.use_cases.add_edge import AddEdge from graphx.core.use_cases.find_all_edges import FindAllEdges from graphx.core.use_cases.find_all_nodes import FindAllNodes class NodeCollection(object): schema = NodeSchema() def __init__(self, add_node: AddNode, find_all_nodes: FindAllNodes): self.add_node = add_node self.find_all_nodes = find_all_nodes def on_post(self, req, resp): """ --- summary: Add a node responses: 201: description: Created schema: Node """ node_resource = req.context['json'] node = Node(id=node_resource['id'], name=node_resource['name']) try: self.add_node.execute(node) resp.body = json.dumps(node_resource) resp.status = falcon.status_codes.HTTP_201 except EntityAlreadyExistsException: # todo response error body resp.status = falcon.status_codes.HTTP_422 def on_get(self, req, resp): """ --- summary: Find all nodes responses: 200: description: OK """ nodes = self.find_all_nodes.execute() schema = NodeSchema(many=True) result = schema.dump(NodeAssembler.assemble_collection(nodes)) # OR UserSchema().dump(users, many=True) resp.body = json.dumps(result) resp.status = falcon.status_codes.HTTP_200 class EdgeCollection(object): schema = EdgeSchema() def __init__(self, add_edge: AddEdge, find_all_edges: FindAllEdges): self.add_use_case = add_edge self.find_all_use_case = find_all_edges def on_post(self, req, resp): """ --- summary: Add an edge responses: 201: description: Created schema: Edge """ edge_resource = req.context['json'] edge = Edge(edge_resource['source'], edge_resource['destination'], edge_resource['cost']) try: self.add_use_case.execute(edge) resp.body = json.dumps(edge_resource) resp.status = falcon.status_codes.HTTP_201 except EntityAlreadyExistsException: # todo response error body resp.status = falcon.status_codes.HTTP_422 def on_get(self, req, resp): """ --- summary: Find all edges responses: 200: description: OK """ edges = self.find_all_use_case.execute() schema = EdgeSchema(many=True) result = schema.dump(EdgeAssembler.assemble_collection(edges)) # OR UserSchema().dump(users, many=True) resp.body = json.dumps(result) resp.status = falcon.status_codes.HTTP_200
[ "AddNode", "FindAllNodes", "AddEdge", "FindAllEdges" ]
[ 686, 711, 2149, 2174 ]
[ 693, 723, 2156, 2186 ]
from marshmallow import Schema, fields from graphx.core.entities import Node as DomainNode class Node(Schema): """Node schema""" id = fields.String(required=False) name = fields.String(required=False) @classmethod def from_domain_object(cls, node: DomainNode): object = cls() = = return object class Edge(Schema): """Edge schema""" source = fields.String() destination = fields.String() cost = fields.Integer() @classmethod def from_domain_object(cls, edge): object = cls() object.source = edge.source object.destination = edge.destination object.cost = edge.cost return object
[ "DomainNode" ]
[ 272 ]
[ 282 ]
from .add_node import AddNode
from dataclasses import dataclass from injector import inject from graphx.core.data_providers.memory import MemoryNodeRepository from graphx.core.entities import Edge @inject @dataclass class AddEdge: repository: MemoryNodeRepository def execute(self, edge: Edge): # todo assert nodes exist before adding self.repository.add_edge(edge)
[ "Edge" ]
[ 271 ]
[ 275 ]
from dataclasses import dataclass from injector import inject from graphx.core.data_providers.memory import Node, MemoryNodeRepository @inject @dataclass class AddNode: repository: MemoryNodeRepository def execute(self, node: Node):
[ "Node" ]
[ 239 ]
[ 243 ]
from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List from injector import inject from graphx.core.data_providers.memory import Edge, MemoryNodeRepository @inject @dataclass class FindAllEdges: repository: MemoryNodeRepository def execute(self) -> List[Edge]: return self.repository.find_all_edges()
from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List from injector import inject from graphx.core.data_providers.memory import Node, MemoryNodeRepository @inject @dataclass class FindAllNodes: repository: MemoryNodeRepository def execute(self) -> List[Node]: return self.repository.find_all_nodes()
import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../src/"))
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join as pjoin from setuptools import setup, find_packages root = dirname(abspath(__file__)) def execfile(fname, globs, locs=None): locs = locs or globs exec(compile(open(fname).read(), fname, "exec"), globs, locs) source_path = 'src' packages = find_packages(source_path) root_packages = [ package for package in packages if "." not in package ] assert len(root_packages) == 1 package = root_packages[0] package_directory = pjoin(root, source_path, package) def get_variable_from_file(filepath, variable): filepath_in_package = pjoin(package_directory, filepath) globs = {} execfile(filepath_in_package, globs) variable_value = globs[variable] return variable_value version = get_variable_from_file('', '__version__') with open('requirements.txt') as f: required = required = [requirement for requirement in required if 'http' not in requirement] setup( name=package, version=version, python_requires='>=3.6', description='', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: Stable', 'License :: OSI Approved :: General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Intended Audience :: Developers' ], packages=packages, package_dir={'': source_path}, include_package_data=True, package_data={package: []}, install_requires=required, license='AGPL-3.0-or-later', extras_require={ 'test': [ 'pytest' ] } )
from .providers import InjectorProvider
version_info = [0, 0, 1] __version__ = "0.0.1"
from typing import List from injector import Injector class InjectorProvider(object): def __init__(self): self.configurators: List = [] self.tainted: bool = True self.injector: Injector = None def get_injector(self) -> Injector: if self.tainted: self.injector = Injector(self.configurators) self.clean() return self.injector else: return self.injector def add_configurator(self, configurator) -> None: self.configurators.append(configurator) self.taint() def taint(self) -> None: self.tainted = True def clean(self) -> None: self.tainted = False
import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../src/"))
from unittest.mock import patch from injector import Injector, Module from injector_provider.providers import InjectorProvider class TestObjectGraphBuilder: def test_can_build_without_any_configurations(self): provider = InjectorProvider() assert isinstance(provider.get_injector(), Injector) @patch('injector_provider.providers.Injector.__init__') def test_add_class(self, mocked_injector_init): mocked_injector_init.return_value = None provider = InjectorProvider() class Configurator(Module): pass configurator1 = Configurator() provider.add_configurator(configurator1) provider.get_injector() mocked_injector_init.assert_called_once_with([configurator1])
from glob import glob from os.path import abspath, dirname, join as pjoin from setuptools import setup, find_packages root = dirname(abspath(__file__)) def execfile(fname, globs, locs=None): locs = locs or globs exec(compile(open(fname).read(), fname, "exec"), globs, locs) source_path = 'src' packages = find_packages(source_path) root_packages = [ package for package in packages if "." not in package ] assert len(root_packages) == 1 package = root_packages[0] package_directory = pjoin(root, source_path, package) def get_variable_from_file(filepath, variable): filepath_in_package = pjoin(package_directory, filepath) globs = {} execfile(filepath_in_package, globs) variable_value = globs[variable] return variable_value version = get_variable_from_file('', '__version__') install_requires = get_variable_from_file( '', 'install_requires') setup( name=package, version=version, python_requires='>=3.6', author="PyMedPhys Contributors", author_email="[email protected]", description='', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Intended Audience :: Healthcare Industry' ], packages=packages, package_dir={'': source_path}, include_package_data=True, package_data={package: []}, license='AGPL-3.0-or-later', install_requires=install_requires, extras_require={ 'test': [ 'pytest' ] } )
install_requires = [ "networkx", "semver", "stdlib_list" ]
version_info = [0, 10, 0, 'dev0'] __version__ = "0.10.0dev0"
from .api import package_wheels
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os from .wheels import build_wheels_with_yarn, copy_wheels def package_wheels(pymedphys_dir): app_directory = os.path.join(pymedphys_dir, 'app') wheels_directory = os.path.join(app_directory, 'public', 'python-wheels') packages_directory = os.path.join(pymedphys_dir, 'packages') build_wheels_with_yarn() copy_wheels(packages_directory, wheels_directory)
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import shutil from glob import glob import subprocess import json WHITELIST = ( 'pymedphys_base', 'pymedphys_coordsandscales', 'pymedphys_dicom', 'pymedphys_fileformats', 'pymedphys_utilities', 'pymedphys_mudensity', 'pymedphys_gamma', 'pymedphys') def build_wheels_with_yarn(): yarn = shutil.which("yarn")[yarn, "pypi:clean"]) for package in WHITELIST: [yarn, "lerna", "run", "pypi:build", "--scope={}".format(package)]) def copy_wheels(packages_dir, new_dir): wheel_filepaths = glob(os.path.join(packages_dir, '*', 'dist', '*.whl')) pymedphys_wheel_urls = [] for filepath in wheel_filepaths: filename = os.path.basename(filepath) if not filename.split('-')[0] in WHITELIST: continue pymedphys_wheel_urls.append(filename) new_filepath = os.path.join(new_dir, filename) shutil.copy(filepath, new_filepath) filenames_filepath = os.path.join(new_dir, 'paths.json') with open(filenames_filepath, 'w') as filenames_file: json.dump(pymedphys_wheel_urls, filenames_file)
import shutil try: shutil.rmtree('dist') except FileNotFoundError: pass try: shutil.rmtree('build') except FileNotFoundError: pass
from .api import pre_docs_build
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os from ..draw import draw_all from .graphs import write_graphs_rst def pre_docs_build(pymedphys_dir): docs_directory = os.path.join(pymedphys_dir, 'docs') docs_graphs = os.path.join(docs_directory, 'graphs') draw_all(docs_graphs) write_graphs_rst(docs_graphs)
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import textwrap from glob import glob from ..draw.utilities import remove_postfix ROOT = os.getcwd() def write_graphs_rst(save_directory): search_string = os.path.join(save_directory, "*.svg") svg_files = [ os.path.basename(filepath) for filepath in sorted(glob(search_string), key=os.path.splitext) ] modules = [remove_postfix(filepath, '.svg') for filepath in svg_files] images_paths = ["../graphs/{}.svg".format(module) for module in modules] sections = ".. This is automatically generated. DO NOT DIRECTLY EDIT.\n\n" for module, images_path in zip(modules, images_paths): header_border = '*' * len(module) sections += textwrap.dedent("""\ {0} {1} {0} `Back to pymedphys <#pymedphys>`_ .. raw:: html :file: {2} """.format(header_border, module, images_path)) save_file = os.path.join(save_directory, 'graphs.rst') with open(save_file, 'w') as file: file.write(sections)
from .api import draw_all
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. from .packages import draw_packages from .directories import draw_directory_modules from .files import draw_file_modules def draw_all(save_directory): draw_packages(save_directory) draw_directory_modules(save_directory) draw_file_modules(save_directory)
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import networkx as nx from copy import copy from ..tree import PackageTree from .utilities import ( save_dot_file, remove_prefix, get_levels, create_labels, create_href) ROOT = os.getcwd() def draw_directory_modules(save_directory): package_tree = PackageTree(os.path.join(ROOT, 'packages')) internal_packages = copy(package_tree.roots) internal_packages.remove('pymedphys') module_paths = [ item for package in internal_packages for item in package_tree.digraph.neighbors(package) ] modules = { item: os.path.splitext(item)[0].replace(os.sep, '.') for item in module_paths } dependencies = { module.replace(os.sep, '.'): { '.'.join(item.split('.')[0:2]) for item in package_tree.descendants_dependencies(module)['internal_module'] + package_tree.descendants_dependencies(module)['internal_package'] # package_tree.descendants_dependencies(module)['internal_file'] + # list(package_tree.imports[module]['internal_module']) + # list(package_tree.imports[module]['internal_package']) + # list(package_tree.imports[module]['internal_file']) } for module in modules.keys() } dependents = { # type: ignore key: set() for key in dependencies.keys() } try: for key, values in dependencies.items(): for item in values: dependents[item].add(key) # type: ignore except KeyError: print("\n{}".format(dependents.keys())) print("\n{}".format(dependencies)) raise for package in internal_packages: build_graph_for_a_module( package, package_tree, dependencies, dependents, save_directory) def build_graph_for_a_module(graphed_package, package_tree, dependencies, dependents, save_directory): print(graphed_package) current_modules = sorted([ item.replace(os.sep, '.') for item in package_tree.digraph.neighbors(graphed_package) ]) outfilepath = os.path.join( save_directory, "{}.svg".format(graphed_package.replace(os.sep, '.'))) if not current_modules: dot_file_contents = """ strict digraph {{ subgraph cluster_0 {{ ""; label = "{}"; style = dashed; }} }} """.format(graphed_package) save_dot_file(dot_file_contents, outfilepath) return module_internal_relationships = { module.replace(os.sep, '.'): [ '.'.join(item.split('.')[0:2]) for item in package_tree.descendants_dependencies(module)['internal_module'] ] for module in sorted(list(package_tree.digraph.neighbors(graphed_package))) } levels = get_levels(module_internal_relationships) internal_nodes = sorted(list(set(module_internal_relationships.keys()))) external_nodes = set() for module in current_modules: external_nodes |= dependencies[module] external_nodes |= dependents[module] external_nodes = sorted(list(external_nodes)) all_nodes = internal_nodes + external_nodes def simplify(text): text = remove_prefix(text, "{}.".format(graphed_package)) text = remove_prefix(text, 'pymedphys_') return text label_map = { node: simplify(node) for node in all_nodes } nodes = "" for level in range(max(levels.keys()) + 1): if levels[level]: grouped_packages = '"; "'.join(sorted(list(levels[level]))) nodes += """ {{ rank = same; "{}"; }} """.format(grouped_packages) edges = "" current_packages = "" current_dependents = set() current_dependencies = set() for module in current_modules: current_packages += '"{}";\n'.format(module) for dependency in sorted(list(dependencies[module])): edges += '"{}" -> "{}";\n'.format(module, dependency) if not dependency in current_modules: current_dependencies.add(dependency) for dependent in sorted(list(dependents[module])): edges += '"{}" -> "{}";\n'.format(dependent, module) if not dependent in current_modules: current_dependents.add(dependent) external_ranks = "" if current_dependents: grouped_dependents = '"; "'.join(sorted(list(current_dependents))) external_ranks += '{{ rank = same; "{}"; }}\n'.format( grouped_dependents) if current_dependencies: grouped_dependencies = '"; "'.join(sorted(list(current_dependencies))) external_ranks += '{{ rank = same; "{}"; }}\n'.format( grouped_dependencies) external_labels = create_labels(label_map) dot_file_contents = """ strict digraph {{ rankdir = LR; subgraph cluster_0 {{ {} label = "{}"; URL = "{}"; style = dashed; {} }} {} {} {} }} """.format( current_packages, graphed_package, create_href(graphed_package), nodes, external_labels, external_ranks, edges) save_dot_file(dot_file_contents, outfilepath)
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import textwrap import networkx as nx from copy import copy from ..tree import PackageTree from .utilities import ( save_dot_file, remove_prefix, get_levels, remove_prefix, remove_postfix, convert_path_to_package, create_labels, create_href) ROOT = os.getcwd() def draw_file_modules(save_directory): package_tree = PackageTree(os.path.join(ROOT, 'packages')) internal_packages = copy(package_tree.roots) internal_packages.remove('pymedphys') directory_module_paths = [ module_path for package in internal_packages for module_path in package_tree.digraph.neighbors(package) ] file_module_paths = [ item for directory_module_path in directory_module_paths for item in package_tree.digraph.neighbors(directory_module_path) ] module_map = { item: convert_path_to_package(item) for item in directory_module_paths + file_module_paths } dependencies = { convert_path_to_package(module): { key: [ convert_path_to_package(item) for item in descendants_dependencies ] for key, descendants_dependencies in package_tree.imports[module].items() } for module in module_map.keys() } dependents = { key: [] for key in dependencies.keys() } for file_module, dependency_map in dependencies.items(): for where, values in dependency_map.items(): for item in values: try: dependents[item].append(file_module) except KeyError: pass for directory_module_path in directory_module_paths: directory_module = convert_path_to_package(directory_module_path) print(directory_module) package_name = directory_module.split('.')[0] current_modules = [ convert_path_to_package(item) for item in package_tree.digraph.neighbors(directory_module_path) ] + [directory_module] outfilepath = os.path.join( save_directory, "{}.svg".format(directory_module)) if len(current_modules) <= 1: dot_file_contents = """ strict digraph {{ subgraph cluster_0 {{ ""; label = "{}"; style = dashed; }} }} """.format(directory_module) save_dot_file(dot_file_contents, outfilepath) continue all_current_dependencies = { module: dependencies[module] for module in current_modules } keys_to_keep = {'internal_package', 'internal_module', 'internal_file'} current_dependencies = { module: [ item for key, values in dependencies[module].items() if key in keys_to_keep for item in values ] for module in current_modules } current_dependents = { module: dependents[module] for module in current_modules } all_nodes = sorted(list(set([ *current_dependencies.keys(), *[ item for a_list in current_dependencies.values() for item in a_list], *current_dependents.keys(), *[ item for a_list in current_dependents.values() for item in a_list] ]))) internal_dependencies = { key: [ value for value in values if value in current_modules ] for key, values in current_dependencies.items() if key in current_modules } internal_ranks = "" levels = get_levels(internal_dependencies) for level in range(max(levels.keys()) + 1): if levels[level]: grouped_packages = '"; "'.join(sorted(list(levels[level]))) internal_ranks += textwrap.dedent("""\ {{ rank = same; "{}"; }} """.format(grouped_packages)) in_same_module_other_dir = [ node for node in all_nodes if node.startswith(package_name) and not node.startswith(directory_module)] if in_same_module_other_dir: in_same_module_other_dir_string = '"{}";'.format( '";\n"'.join(in_same_module_other_dir)) else: in_same_module_other_dir_string = '' def simplify(text): text = remove_prefix(text, "{}.".format(package_name)) text = remove_prefix(text, 'pymedphys_') return text label_map = { node: simplify(node) for node in all_nodes } label_map_str = "" for node, label in label_map.items(): label_map_str += '"{}" [label="{}"] {};\n'.format( node, label, get_github_url(node)) edges = "" for module in sorted(current_modules): for dependency in sorted(list(current_dependencies[module])): edges += '"{}" -> "{}";\n'.format(module, dependency) for dependent in sorted(list(current_dependents[module])): edges += '"{}" -> "{}";\n'.format(dependent, module) dot_file_contents = textwrap.dedent("""\ strict digraph {{ rankdir = LR; subgraph cluster_0 {{ {} label = "{}"; URL = "{}"; style = dashed; subgraph cluster_1 {{ {} label = "{}"; URL = "{}" }} }} {} {}}} """).format( in_same_module_other_dir_string, package_name, create_href(package_name), textwrap.indent(internal_ranks, ' '*12), directory_module, create_href(directory_module), textwrap.indent(label_map_str, ' '*4), textwrap.indent(edges, ' '*4)) save_dot_file(dot_file_contents, outfilepath) def get_github_url(module): url_module = module.replace('.', '/') split_module = url_module.split('/') if len(split_module) == 3: url_module += '.py' top_level_package = split_module[0] url = "{}/src/{}".format( top_level_package, url_module ) hyperlink = '[URL="{}"]'.format(url) return hyperlink
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import networkx as nx from import PackageTree from .utilities import save_dot_file, create_link ROOT = os.getcwd() def draw_packages(save_directory): print('pymedphys') tree = PackageTree('packages').package_dependencies_dict tree.pop('pymedphys') internal_packages = tuple(tree.keys()) keys = list(tree.keys()) keys.sort(reverse=True) dag = nx.DiGraph() for key in keys: values = tree[key] dag.add_node(key) dag.add_nodes_from(values['internal']) edge_tuples = [ (key, value) for value in values['internal'] ] dag.add_edges_from(edge_tuples) levels = get_levels(dag, internal_packages) dot_contents = build_dot_contents(dag, levels) save_dot_file(dot_contents, os.path.join(save_directory, 'pymedphys.svg')) def get_levels(dag, internal_packages): topological = list(nx.topological_sort(dag)) level_map = {} for package in topological[::-1]: if package not in internal_packages: level_map[package] = 0 else: depencencies = nx.descendants(dag, package) levels = {0} for dependency in depencencies: if dependency in internal_packages: try: levels.add(level_map[dependency]) except KeyError: pass max_level = max(levels) level_map[package] = max_level + 1 levels = { level: [] for level in range(max(level_map.values()) + 1) } for package, level in level_map.items(): levels[level].append(package) return levels def remove_prefix(text, prefix): if text.startswith(prefix): return text[len(prefix):] else: raise ValueError("Prefix not found.") def build_dot_contents(dag, levels): nodes = "" for level in range(max(levels.keys()) + 1): if levels[level]: trimmed_nodes = [ '"{}" {}'.format( remove_prefix(node, 'pymedphys_'), create_link(node)) for node in levels[level] ] grouped_packages = '; '.join(trimmed_nodes) nodes += """ {{ rank = same; {}; }} """.format(grouped_packages) edges = "" for edge in dag.edges(): trimmed_edge = [ remove_prefix(node, 'pymedphys_') for node in edge ] edges += "{} -> {};\n".format(*trimmed_edge) dot_file_contents = """ strict digraph {{ rankdir = LR; {}\n{} }} """.format(nodes, edges) return dot_file_contents
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import shutil import subprocess import networkx as nx def save_dot_file(dot_contents, outfilepath): tred = shutil.which("tred") dot = shutil.which("dot") if not tred or not dot: print( "Graph not drawn, please install graphviz and add it to " "your path.\nOn Windows this is done with " "`choco install graphviz.portable`.\n") return with open("", 'w') as file: file.write(dot_contents) try: tred_process = subprocess.Popen( [tred, ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) data = tred_process.wait() with open("", 'wb') as file: file.write(data) output = subprocess.check_output( [dot, '-Tsvg', '', '-o', 'temp.svg']) shutil.move("temp.svg", outfilepath) shutil.move("", os.path.splitext( outfilepath)[0] + ".dot") finally: os.remove("") def remove_prefix(text, prefix): if text.startswith(prefix): return text[len(prefix):] else: return text def get_levels(dependency_map): dag = dag_from_hashmap_of_lists(dependency_map) topological = list(nx.topological_sort(dag)) level_map = {} for package in topological[::-1]: dependencies = nx.descendants(dag, package) levels = {0} for dependency in sorted(list(dependencies)): try: levels.add(level_map[dependency]) except KeyError: pass max_level = max(levels) level_map[package] = max_level + 1 levels = { level: [] for level in range(max(level_map.values()) + 1) } for package, level in level_map.items(): levels[level].append(package) return levels def dag_from_hashmap_of_lists(dictionary): keys = list(dictionary.keys()) keys.sort(reverse=True) dag = nx.DiGraph() for key in keys: values = sorted(dictionary[key], reverse=True) dag.add_node(key) dag.add_nodes_from(values) edge_tuples = [ (key, value) for value in values ] dag.add_edges_from(edge_tuples) return dag def remove_postfix(text, postfix): if text.endswith(postfix): return text[:-len(postfix)] else: return text def convert_path_to_package(path): return remove_postfix(path.replace(os.sep, '.'), '.py') def create_href(text): return '#{}'.format(text.replace('_', '-').replace('.', '-')) def create_link(text): return '[URL="{}"]'.format(create_href(text)) def create_labels(label_map): labels = "" for node, label in label_map.items(): labels += '"{}" [label="{}"] {};\n'.format( node, label, create_link(node)) return labels
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import ast from stdlib_list import stdlib_list STDLIB = set(stdlib_list()) IMPORT_TYPES = { type(ast.parse('import george').body[0]), # type: ignore type(ast.parse('import george as macdonald').body[0])} # type: ignore IMPORT_FROM_TYPES = { type(ast.parse('from george import macdonald').body[0]) # type: ignore } ALL_IMPORT_TYPES = IMPORT_TYPES.union(IMPORT_FROM_TYPES) CONVERSIONS = { 'attr': 'attrs', 'PIL': 'Pillow', 'Image': 'Pillow', 'mpl_toolkits': 'matplotlib', 'dateutil': 'python_dateutil' } def get_imports(filepath, relative_filepath, internal_packages, depth): with open(filepath, 'r') as file: data = parsed = ast.parse(data) imports = [ node for node in ast.walk(parsed) if type(node) in ALL_IMPORT_TYPES] stdlib_imports = set() external_imports = set() internal_package_imports = set() internal_module_imports = set() internal_file_imports = set() def get_base_converted_module(name): name = name.split('.')[0] try: name = CONVERSIONS[name] except KeyError: pass return name def add_level_0(name): base_converted = get_base_converted_module(name) if base_converted in STDLIB: stdlib_imports.add(base_converted) elif base_converted in internal_packages: internal_package_imports.add(name) else: external_imports.add(base_converted) for an_import in imports: if type(an_import) in IMPORT_TYPES: for alias in an_import.names: add_level_0( elif type(an_import) in IMPORT_FROM_TYPES: if an_import.level == 0: add_level_0(an_import.module) elif an_import.level == 1 and depth == 2: module_path = ( relative_filepath.split(os.sep)[0:2] + [an_import.module]) internal_file_imports.add('.'.join(module_path)) elif ( (an_import.level == 1 and depth == 1) or (an_import.level == 2 and depth == 2)): module_path = ( relative_filepath.split(os.sep)[0:1] + [an_import.module]) internal_module_imports.add('.'.join(module_path)) else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected depth and import level of relative " "import") else: raise TypeError("Unexpected import type") return { 'stdlib': stdlib_imports, 'external': external_imports, 'internal_package': internal_package_imports, 'internal_module': internal_module_imports, 'internal_file': internal_file_imports }
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import textwrap import json from glob import glob ROOT = os.getcwd() def main(): with open(os.path.join(ROOT, 'dependencies.json'), 'r') as file: dependencies_data = json.load(file) tree = dependencies_data['tree'] pypi_pins = dependencies_data['pins']['pypi'] npm_pins = dependencies_data['pins']['npm'] internal_packages = [ os.path.basename(filepath) for filepath in glob(os.path.join(ROOT, 'packages', '*')) ] try: assert set(internal_packages) == set(tree.keys()) except AssertionError: print("Internal packages not in tree: {}".format( set(internal_packages).difference(set(tree.keys())))) print("Tree packages not in internal: {}".format( set(tree.keys()).difference(set(internal_packages)))) raise try: assert set(internal_packages) == set(pypi_pins['internal'].keys()) except AssertionError: internal = set(internal_packages) pypi = set(pypi_pins['internal'].keys()) print("Internal packages not in pinned: {}".format( internal.difference(pypi))) print("Pinned packages not in internal: {}".format( pypi.difference(internal))) raise assert set(internal_packages) == set(npm_pins['internal'].keys()) for package, dependency_store in tree.items(): install_requires = [] keys_to_keep = {'internal', 'external'} for where, dependencies in dependency_store.items(): if where in keys_to_keep: for dependency in dependencies: try: pin = " " + pypi_pins[where][dependency] except KeyError: pin = "" requirement_string = dependency + pin install_requires.append(requirement_string) install_requires.sort() install_requires_filepath = os.path.join( ROOT, "packages", package, "src", package, "") install_requires_contents = textwrap.dedent("""\ install_requires = {} """).format(json.dumps(install_requires, indent=4)) with open(install_requires_filepath, 'w') as file: file.write(install_requires_contents) for package, dependency_store in tree.items(): internal_dependencies = { dependency: npm_pins['internal'][dependency] for dependency in dependency_store['internal'] } package_json_filepath = os.path.join( ROOT, "packages", package, "package.json") with open(package_json_filepath, 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) try: external_dependencies = { package: pin for package, pin in data['dependencies'].items() if package not in internal_packages } except KeyError: external_dependencies = {} data['dependencies'] = { **internal_dependencies, **external_dependencies } with open(package_json_filepath, 'w') as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=2, sort_keys=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import json from glob import glob import textwrap import semver ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))) def main(): version_filepath = glob(os.path.join( "src", "*", ""))[0] package_name = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(version_filepath))[-1] with open('package.json', 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) semver_string = data['version'] loaded_version_info = semver_string.replace( '.', ' ').replace('-', ' ').split(' ') version_info = [ int(number) for number in loaded_version_info[0:3] ] + [''.join(loaded_version_info[3::])] # type: ignore __version__ = '.'.join( map(str, version_info[:3])) + ''.join(version_info[3:]) # type: ignore version_file_contents = textwrap.dedent("""\ version_info = {} __version__ = "{}" """.format(version_info, __version__)) with open(version_filepath, 'w') as file: file.write(version_file_contents) semver_parsed = semver.parse(semver_string) if semver_parsed['major'] == 0: upper_limit = semver.bump_minor(semver_string) npm_version_prepend = "~" else: upper_limit = semver.bump_major(semver_string) npm_version_prepend = "^" dependencies_filepath = os.path.join(ROOT, "dependencies.json") with open(dependencies_filepath, 'r') as file: dependencies_data = json.load(file) dependencies_data['pins']['pypi']['internal'][package_name] = ( ">= {}, < {}".format(__version__, upper_limit)) dependencies_data['pins']['npm']['internal'][package_name] = ( "{}{}".format(npm_version_prepend, semver_string)) with open(dependencies_filepath, 'w') as file: json.dump(dependencies_data, file, indent=2, sort_keys=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from .build import build_tree, test_tree, PackageTree from .check import is_imports_json_up_to_date, update_imports_json
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import json from copy import copy, deepcopy import difflib import networkx as nx from ..parse.imports import get_imports DEPENDENCIES_JSON_FILEPATH = 'dependencies.json' DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_DIRS = {'node_modules', '__pycache__', 'dist', '.tox', 'build'} DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_FILES = {'', '', ''} DEFAULT_KEYS_TO_KEEP = {'stdlib', 'internal', 'external'} class PackageTree: def __init__(self, directory, exclude_dirs=None, exclude_files=None): if exclude_dirs is None: exclude_dirs = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_DIRS if exclude_files is None: exclude_files = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_FILES self.exclude_dirs = exclude_dirs self.exclude_files = exclude_files = directory def trim_path(self, path): relpath = os.path.relpath(path, split = relpath.split(os.sep) assert split[0] == split[2] assert split[1] == 'src' if split[-1] == '': split = split[:-1] return os.path.join(*split[2:]) def expand_path(self, path): split = path.split(os.sep) relpath = os.path.join(split[0], 'src', path) if not relpath.endswith('.py'): relpath = os.path.join(relpath, '') return os.path.join(, relpath) def build_directory_digraph(self): digraph = nx.DiGraph() depth = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._directory, topdown=True): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in self.exclude_dirs] if '' in files: module = self.trim_path(os.path.join(root, '')) current_depth = module.count(os.sep) + 1 files[:] = [f for f in files if f not in self.exclude_files] digraph.add_node(module) depth[module] = current_depth parent_init = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(root), '') if os.path.exists(parent_init): digraph.add_edge(self.trim_path(parent_init), module) for f in files: if f.endswith('.py'): filepath = self.trim_path(os.path.join(root, f)) digraph.add_node(filepath) depth[filepath] = current_depth digraph.add_edge(module, filepath) if not digraph.nodes: raise ValueError('Directory provided does not contain modules') self.digraph = digraph self.depth = depth self.calc_properties() def calc_properties(self): self.roots = [n for n, d in self.digraph.in_degree() if d == 0] self.imports = { filepath: get_imports( self.expand_path(filepath), filepath, self.roots, self.depth[filepath]) for filepath in self.digraph.nodes() } self._cache = {} self._cache['descendants_dependencies'] = {} @property def directory(self): return self._directory @directory.setter def directory(self, value): self._directory = value self.build_directory_digraph() def descendants_dependencies(self, filepath): try: return self._cache['descendants_dependencies'][filepath] except KeyError: dependencies = deepcopy(self.imports[filepath]) for descendant in nx.descendants(self.digraph, filepath): for key in dependencies: dependencies[key] |= self.imports[descendant][key] for key in dependencies: dependencies[key] = list(dependencies[key]) dependencies[key].sort() self._cache['descendants_dependencies'][filepath] = dependencies return dependencies @property def package_dependencies_dict(self): try: return self._cache['package_dependencies_dict'] except KeyError: key_map = { 'internal_package': 'internal', 'external': 'external', 'stdlib': 'stdlib' } tree = { package: { key_map[key]: sorted( list({package.split('.')[0] for package in packages})) for key, packages in self.descendants_dependencies(package).items() if key in key_map.keys() } for package in self.roots } self._cache['package_dependencies_dict'] = tree return tree @property def package_dependencies_digraph(self): try: return self._cache['package_dependencies_digraph'] except KeyError: dag = nx.DiGraph() for key, values in self.package_dependencies_dict.items(): dag.add_node(key) dag.add_nodes_from(values['internal']) edge_tuples = [ (key, value) for value in values['internal'] ] dag.add_edges_from(edge_tuples) self._cache['package_dependencies_digraph'] = dag return dag def is_acyclic(self): return nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(self.package_dependencies_digraph) def build_tree(directory): with open(DEPENDENCIES_JSON_FILEPATH, 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) data['tree'] = PackageTree(directory).package_dependencies_dict with open(DEPENDENCIES_JSON_FILEPATH, 'w') as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=2, sort_keys=True) def test_tree(directory): package_tree = PackageTree(directory) assert package_tree.is_acyclic() assert_tree_unchanged(package_tree.package_dependencies_dict) def assert_tree_unchanged(tree): with open(DEPENDENCIES_JSON_FILEPATH, 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) file_data = json.dumps(data['tree'], sort_keys=True, indent=2) calced_data = json.dumps(tree, sort_keys=True, indent=2) if file_data != calced_data: diff = difflib.unified_diff( file_data.split('\n'), calced_data.split('\n')) print('\n'.join(diff)) raise AssertionError
# Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Biggs # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version (the "AGPL-3.0+"). # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License and the additional terms for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ADDITIONAL TERMS are also included as allowed by Section 7 of the GNU # Affero General Public License. These additional terms are Sections 1, 5, # 6, 7, 8, and 9 from the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache-2.0") # where all references to the definition "License" are instead defined to # mean the AGPL-3.0+. # You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 along with this # program. If not, see <>. import os import sys import json import subprocess import shutil from .build import PackageTree def serialise_imports(imports): new_imports = {} for module_path_raw, values in imports.items(): module_path = module_path_raw.replace(os.sep, '/') new_imports[module_path] = {} for where, a_set in values.items(): new_imports[module_path][where] = sorted(list(a_set)) return json.dumps(new_imports, sort_keys=True, indent=2) def is_imports_json_up_to_date(directory): packages = os.path.join(directory, 'packages') imports_json = os.path.join(directory, 'imports.json') with open(imports_json) as file: data = json.load(file) file_data = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2) calced_data = serialise_imports(PackageTree(packages).imports) return file_data == calced_data def commit_hook(directory): if not is_imports_json_up_to_date(directory): print( "\n \033[1;31;1mThe dependency tree is out of date." "\033[1;32;1m Will now run `yarn tree` to update.\n" " \033[1;34;1mYou will need to rerun `git commit` after " "this is complete.\033[0;0m\n" ) sys.stdout.flush() yarn = shutil.which("yarn") git = shutil.which("git")[yarn, "tree"])[git, "add", "imports.json"])[git, "add", "dependencies.json"])[git, "add", "*package.json"])[git, "add", "*"])[git, "add", "*.dot"])[git, "status"]) print( "\n \033[1;31;1mThe dependency tree was out of date.\n" " \033[1;32;1mThe command `yarn tree` has been run for " "you.\n" " \033[1;34;1mPlease rerun your commit.\033[0;0m\n" " To prevent this message in the future run `yarn tree` " "whenever you change the dependency structure of " "PyMedPhys.\n") sys.exit(1) def update_imports_json(directory): packages = os.path.join(directory, 'packages') imports_json = os.path.join(directory, 'imports.json') with open(imports_json, 'w') as file: file.write(serialise_imports(PackageTree(packages).imports))
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join as pjoin from setuptools import setup, find_packages root = dirname(abspath(__file__)) def execfile(fname, globs, locs=None): locs = locs or globs exec(compile(open(fname).read(), fname, "exec"), globs, locs) source_path = 'src' packages = find_packages(source_path) root_packages = [ package for package in packages if "." not in package ] assert len(root_packages) == 1 package = root_packages[0] package_directory = pjoin(root, source_path, package) def get_variable_from_file(filepath, variable): filepath_in_package = pjoin(package_directory, filepath) globs = {} execfile(filepath_in_package, globs) variable_value = globs[variable] return variable_value version = get_variable_from_file('', '__version__') setup( name=package, version=version, python_requires='>=3.6', description='', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: Stable', 'License :: OSI Approved :: General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Intended Audience :: Developers' ], packages=packages, package_dir={'': source_path}, include_package_data=True, package_data={package: []}, license='AGPL-3.0-or-later', extras_require={ 'test': [ 'pytest' ] } )
from . import services
version_info = [0, 1, 0] __version__ = "0.1.0"
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from enum import Enum class Props(Enum): pass class Container(object): def __init__(self): self.vars = {} def set(self, prop: Props, value): self.vars[prop] = value def get(self, key: Props): return self.vars[key] class BootableService(ABC): @abstractmethod def boot(self, container: Container): raise NotImplemented('Service not implemented') class Registry(object): """ Service registry is where to register bootable services to be booted """ def __init__(self): list = [] def register(self, service: BootableService): def boot(self, container: Container): for service in service.boot(container)
[ "Props", "Props", "Container", "BootableService", "Container" ]
[ 188, 259, 378, 648, 735 ]
[ 193, 264, 387, 663, 744 ]
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join as pjoin from setuptools import setup, find_packages root = dirname(abspath(__file__)) def execfile(fname, globs, locs=None): locs = locs or globs exec(compile(open(fname).read(), fname, "exec"), globs, locs) source_path = 'src' packages = find_packages(source_path) root_packages = [ package for package in packages if "." not in package ] assert len(root_packages) == 1 package = root_packages[0] package_directory = pjoin(root, source_path, package) def get_variable_from_file(filepath, variable): filepath_in_package = pjoin(package_directory, filepath) globs = {} execfile(filepath_in_package, globs) variable_value = globs[variable] return variable_value version = get_variable_from_file('', '__version__') with open('requirements.txt') as f: required = required = [requirement for requirement in required if 'http' not in requirement] setup( name=package, version=version, python_requires='>=3.6', description='', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: Stable', 'License :: OSI Approved :: General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Intended Audience :: Developers' ], packages=packages, package_dir={'': source_path}, include_package_data=True, package_data={package: []}, install_requires=required, license='AGPL-3.0-or-later', extras_require={ 'test': [ 'pytest' ] } )
from .providers import InjectorProvider
version_info = [0, 0, 1] __version__ = "0.0.1"
from typing import List, Union from injector import Injector class InjectorProvider(object): def __init__(self): self.configurators: List = [] self.tainted: bool = True self.injector: Union[Injector, None] = None def get_injector(self) -> Injector: if self.tainted: self.injector = Injector(self.configurators) self.clean() return self.injector else: return self.injector def add_configurator(self, configurator) -> None: self.configurators.append(configurator) self.taint() def taint(self) -> None: self.tainted = True def clean(self) -> None: self.tainted = False
import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../src/"))