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FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 9 A temple town on the western coast of India in the state of Karnataka 10 The ears of cows 11 The Divine Mother 12 Fire; here: self-immolation 1. The Encounter between Shankar Bhatt and Vyāghreswara Sarma 23 |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => the kingdom of Āryavarta. Thus, Srī Kanyaka Parameswari reached her lord, Lord Nagareswar1. “Before Amba was born, Kusuma Shreshti couple did many sacrifices2. Kusuma Shreshti used to take milk and gold from only one family of their |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => relatives. They had the house name Pynda. When you go to Pīthikapuram, you will meet a mahatma, a descendent from that family. Now you go to Kuruvapuram and have dārshan of Srīvallabha.” Thus saying, the great |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => siddha gave his blessings to Shankar Bhatt and then disappeared with a luminous body. Victory unto Srī Srīpāda Srīvallabha! 1 Name of Shiva 2 Here: Yajnas 24 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam Srīpāda Rājam Saranam Prapadye |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 2. Srī Siddhendra Yogi and the Story of Vichitrapuram 25 Chapter 2 Srī Siddhendra Yogi and the Story of Vichitrapuram I (Shankar Bhatt) was recollecting the strange experiences in Marutva Malai |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => and continued my journey while mentally chanting the glorious name of Srīpāda Srīvallabha. I visited many holy places on the way. I was getting food without soliciting anyone for it. This was a rare experience. I felt that |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => the weight of my body was gradually coming down after I reached the Kadamba forest in the Pāndya kingdom1. There was a Shiva linga of great power in that forest. After visiting that Ishvara2 temple, my legs became |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => very heavy. I rested for some time in that Shiva temple and resumed the journey. I found a hermitage nearby. A great person called Srī Siddhendra Yogi was living there. When I prostrated at his lotus feet, my body became |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => lighter than a cotton ball. I was conscious of my body feeling, but the weight of my body had almost become nil. That great preceptor with a merciful heart stroked my head and blessed me saying, “May you have the dārshan of Srīpāda Srīvallabha.” |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => The great yogi explained, “My son Shankar Bhatt, the Shiva linga which you have seen is very powerful. In ancient times, Devendra3 conquered |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => many demons, but one of them escaped. Indra ruthlessly killed that rākshasa4 while he was in tapas5. Indra lost his lustre because of his sin in killing someone doing tapas. Indra visited many holy places for absolution |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => from the sin. As the Shiva linga in the Kadamba forest of the Pāndya kingdom was very powerful, all the sins of Indra were suddenly removed when Indra reached the Kadamba forest. He wondered at it. With the idea that |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => there was something special and great, he searched the place in all directions. He found a Shiva linga. Indra worshipped that Shiva linga with devotion and constructed a temple for that self-manifested Shiva linga. So, 1 A kingdom of South India |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 2 The highest Lord 3 King of the devas; Indra 4 Demon 5 Penance, fiery aspiration 26 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam what you saw was that Shiva linga consecrated by Indra. That Shiva linga |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => removes all sins and confers all auspiciousness. Only people with great merit can see that Shiva linga. However, for the devotees of Lord Datta, meeting pious people and visiting holy places will take place unasked-for and without any effort.” |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => I bowed again to the lotus feet of Srī Siddhendra Yogi. He asked me to go to the Shiva linga again. When I went there for the second time, I found a beautiful temple of Shiva. That was not the same temple that I |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => visited previously. When I inquired, I learnt that it was the temple of Srī Mīnakshi and Sundareswara and that I was in the town of Madhura1. I visited the deities and went to the hermitage of Srī Siddhendra Yogi |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => afterwards. The whole area now appeared as a thickly populated township. However, I searched much but I could not find the hermitage of the Srī Siddha Yogindra. Recollecting the holy name of Srīpāda Srīvallabha, I was |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => going at random in some direction. The sunset started. It was getting dark. I saw a focus of light coming from the rear side. When I turned back, I saw a big serpent with three hoods following me. There were three diamonds |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => on those three hoods. A brilliant light emitted from those diamonds. I was struck with fear. Whenever I stopped the serpent was also stopping. The divine name of Srīpāda was swelling-up from the depth of my |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => bosom involuntarily. Similarly, the holy name of Srīpāda was being uttered from my mouth involuntarily. At last I reached the ashram of Srī Siddha Yogindra. Immediately, the divine serpent and the light disappeared. |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srī Siddha Yogindra received me with utmost compassion. He gave me fried chickpeas in a plantain leaf as prasād2. I ate bellyful. The palpitation of my heart did not decrease even though I was taking food. Srī |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Siddha Yogindra massaged my right breast lightly with love. Afterwards, he touched my head with his holy hand. I noticed my heart’s palpitation slowing down. I also felt as if some foul gases were being purged out of |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => my lungs. I also experienced that all bad thoughts and cruel desires were pushed out of my mind. My body temperature increased and I was in a state of stupor. 1 The South Indian city of Madurai 2 Food given as an offering |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 2. Srī Siddhendra Yogi and the Story of Vichitrapuram 27 The greatness of Datta and the qualifications required for obtaining the grace of Sripada Then Srī Siddha Yogindra stated as following: “Shankar Bhatt, the Shiva |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => linga which you saw at first and Srī Sundareswara whom you visited later are not different. Srī Dattatreya ordered that you should be provided with this kind of experience. So, it was granted to you accordingly. It |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => means that time was rolled back and the Shiva linga established by Indra and the actual surroundings existing at that time were shown to you. To regard the creation that you witness as real creation is Māya1. Everything |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => is an embodiment of the consciousness. By the will of Lord Datta, the future may become present. The consciousness of Lord Datta is eternally present. Whatever happened in the past, and whatever is happening at |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => present and whatever is to happen in the future will occur according to the will of Lord Datta. The resolve of Lord Datta is essential for an event to happen, not to happen or to happen in a different novel way. Srī |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Dattatreya is the personification of that magnificent determination responsible for the creation, sustenance, and liquidation. Now He has taken birth on this earth as Srīpāda Srīvallabha. The residents of |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Pithapuram did not recognize Him properly. They failed to understand the philosophy of a guru. In Kuruvapuram, even ignorant persons like fishermen obtained knowledge of the Brahman2. To get the grace of Srīpāda |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srīvallabha, the ahamkāra3 within us has to be destroyed. All types of pride have to become extinct. Then only we can understand His power, His mercy and His real nature. “A merchant named Dhananjaya found the Shiva linga consecrated by |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Indra and informed the matter to the ruler of that region called Kula Sekhara Pāndya. Following the command of Shiva, Kula Sekhara Pāndya developed it and built a town there. He named the town as Madhura. The |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Vegavati River, which is born out of the matted hair of Shiva, is sanctifying Madhura town. His son Malaya Dhwaja Pāndya conducted a sacrifice called putrakamesti4 for obtaining progeny. From the altar of that sacri1 Illusion 2 The highest reality |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 3 The identification or the attachment to one’s own ego; arrogance 4 A sacrifice upon the advice of a sage to obtain a male progenitor 28 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam fice, a three-year-old baby girl emerged as one not born out of womb. |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => She is Mīnakshi Devi. She married Sundareswara. Maha Vishnu Himself participated in the ritual of offering the bride to the bridegroom and organised the divine marriage of Mīnakshi and Sundareswara on a very grand scale.” |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srī Siddha Yogindra had added, “My son Shankar Bhatt, vibrations emanate from every article in the Creation. On account of these variegated vibrations, attraction and repulsion take place with other things. In the |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => gross, subtle and mortal (fleshy) bodies, good vibrations due to good deeds and bad vibrations due to sinful acts arise. On account of a meritorious virtue, the desire for meeting pious persons, visiting holy places |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => and an interest in righteous deeds will increase. Thereby, the virtuous merit gets enhanced. Unless that virtue increases and sin diminishes, we cannot have a steady devotion towards Lord Datta. A variety of incidents |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => happen owing to time, accumulated merit or demerit or other causes. You could come here only on account of Srīvallabha’s boundless compassion on you. “Dhananjaya, the merchant who gave information to Kula Sekhara |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Pāndya about the Shiva lingam installed by Indra, acquired great merit. As a consequence of that merit, he was born as Kusuma Sresthi, the king of Brihat Sila Nagaram1, and got Jaganmatha2 as his daughter. Virupāksha, |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => with the amsa3 of Nandiswar4, was born to Kusuma Sresthi couple as the brother of Ambika. Srī Lord Datta kept an amsa of Him in Virupāksha. According to the word given by Her, Ambika, she took birth in Brihat Sila |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Nagaram and the name Vasavī5. Only jnanis6 know that Srī Vasavī Kanyaka Parameswari was Ambika Herself and that Srīpāda Srīvallabha, the embodied Dattatreya, was Lord Narayana Himself. 1 Today the town of Penugonda 2 The Mother of the World |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 3 Part, a part of God that has descended and taken to form; an avatar is a complete descent 4 Nandi, the bull, the vehicle of Shiva, his guardian and servant; Nandiswar: Nandi and Ishvara together as a unit 5 Literally: Treasure, a name of Ambika, wealth |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 6 Sages 2. Srī Siddhendra Yogi and the Story of Vichitrapuram 29 “On the full moon day in the month of Sravana1, Ambika will tie a raksha bandhan2 to Srīpāda Srīvallabha. This is a divine secret. It is not |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => to be revealed to ordinary people. I revealed this to you only on the order of Srīvallabha. On that day, if anyone has dārshan of the deities in the temples of Ambika or in Datta kshetras, he or she will get the fruit of |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => special merit. Shiva and Keshava3 are not different. If anyone sees them differently, they will get the fruit of sin. On the day of Ekadasi4, all sins will be tagged on to food. If one fasts on that day and gives food to a |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => good Brahmin on the next day (Dwadasi5) one gets merit. He gets the highest merit if he fasts on Dwadasi day also and then gives food. Along with getting merit, his sins will also get destroyed. If one fasts on |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Ekadasi, gives food to a suitable Brahmin and also takes food himself on the next day, he will get average fruit. He will get merit, but his sins will not be destroyed. If one fasts on Ekadasi day and takes food himself on |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Dwadasi without also giving food to a suitable Brahmin, then he will get the lowest fruit. He will get only the minimum merit. Sin will not be destroyed.” In what way can I describe the speciality of the fruit of my merit? I |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => questioned Srī Siddhendra yogi like this. “Maha Prabhu, what was the reason for Ambika to take the name Vasavī? Whom did she give this promise and why did she become Vasavī Kanyaka Parameswari like this? Please show grace on me and reveal this to me.” |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srī Siddha Yogindra smiled to my prayer. He said, “My dear, I realize that you have a great interest in listening to the words related to jnana. There is a restriction that divine secrets should be revealed only to those who are |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => inquisitive, qualified and suitable. We should not reveal these to unsuitable, argumentative people and atheists. Blaming divine secrets and divine plays becomes the reason for acquiring sin. |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 1 5th month of the Indian year, beginning at the end of July and ending in the 3rd week of August 2 A friendship thread tied at Raksha Bandhan around the wrist of a brother or a sister; Raksha Bandhan is an Indian festival where the love and duties between |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => brothers and sisters are celebrated, also between similar, biologically unrelated relationships. 3 Name for Vishnu 4 11th day of the Indian lunar calendar 5 12th day of the Indian lunar calendar 30 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => “Srimannarayana has another name, Upendra1. Once Indra asked Srimannarayana, ‘Swamī, because you have the name Upendra, you have become my brother. In that case, Ambika should also become my sister. She |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => should also have a name which reminds my name.’ Srimannarayana smiled and said, ‘Yes, your argument has a good reason. You put this question to Ambika Herself.’ “As time passed, gods killed demons and became arrogant. The time |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => had come to destroy their pride. Ambika took the form of a yaksha2. When Vayu deva3 reached there, the yaksha put a small blade of grass there and asked him to move it. Vayu deva could not move it. Similarly, |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Agni4 could not burn it. In this way, the gods became humiliated. But Devendra5 could recognize that it was not yaksha but the Para tatwam6 itself. Because Devendra could recognize the Para tatwam, he became |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => great. So, he got the name of Indra. That Para tatwam took the form of Ambika. Indra praised Her with many verses7. Pleased with that, Ambika gave a boon to Indra that she would manifest Herself in Kali Yuga in |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Brihat Sila Nagaram and take the name of Vasavī which would remind Indra’s name Vasava. In accordance with that boon, She manifested as |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Vasavī Kanyaka Prameswari. My dear, every small incident happens in accordance with time, effect of karma and a reason. Divine plays cannot be predicted. They cannot be comprehended. Before Srimannarayana took |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => birth to Devaki and Vasudeva as Srī Krishna, Ambika manifested as yoga māya8. When Kamsa tried to kill her, she took to the sky with a divine |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => form. In Srī Krishna avatar, the Lord could not get the affection of maternal uncles. But he will get that affection in the avatar of Srīpāda Srīvallabha. If anybody worships Srīvallabha thinking that He is his child, |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srīpāda Srīvallabha will be moving incognito in his house as a small child. 1 Younger brother of Indra, the celestial king |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 2 A class of supernatural of beings who have higher powers; in the Indian scriptures, God frequently appears as a yaksha to test the morals of humans. They also guard hidden treasures. 3 God of Wind 4 God of Fire 5 A name of Indra |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => 6 The highest truth; the best of essences 7 Here: Stotras 8 Power of Yoga, which brings forth super-natural phenomena 2. Srī Siddhendra Yogi and the Story of Vichitrapuram 31 If somebody worships Vasavī Kanyaka Parameswari thinking that She is |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => their child and shows affectionate devotion, She will be moving incognito as the divine child in their house. Disciples1 having pure hearts will hear melodiously the sound of Her anklets. This is the absolute truth in |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Kali Yuga. There should not be any doubt. “Now, you take rest. Always remember the name of Srīpāda Srīvallabha. The sins acquired in many births will be burnt out. You could come here |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => because of the endless grace of Srīpāda Srīvallabha on you.” Thus saying, Srī Siddha Yogindra blessed me. Because I was tired, I slept deeply. I was wondering at my extreme fortune and becoming excited in my |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => mind. I was eager to reach Kuruvapuram quickly and I decided not to leave the holy feet of Srīvallabha. |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => When I woke up the next morning I was subjected to amazement and astonishment because I was lying at the base of an audumbara tree2 on a hillock. There was no movement of people in the surroundings. Was my stay |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => during night in the hermitage of Srī Siddhendra Yogi merely a hallucination? Was Srī Siddhendra Yogi a cheat? A magician? Or a devil? Such doubts crept in |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => my mind. The words of Srī Siddha Yogindra about Lord Srī Datta were resounding in my ears. I wondered as to what use it would be for Srīpāda Srīvallabha to keep me in such a predicament. Many thoughts were crossing |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => in my mind. I collected my belongings and resumed my journey. My journey continued from morning till noon. I saw a village with small houses. The pangs of hunger increased and troubled me. I am a Brahmin |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => and can take meals only in the house of Brahmins. I cannot take meals elsewhere. I thought of preparing the meals myself if someone provides the materials. Then I can eat such food. I got a doubt whether any |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Brahmins were living in the village. So, I asked some villagers about it. One of them said, “Sir, we are a hill tribe. I am the chief of this hamlet. There are no Brahmins in our village. You can accept fruits and honey from |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => us if you have no objection.” There is an adage that one can behave like a low caste Shūdra3 during travels. Therefore, I considered that it was not 1 Here: Sadhakas 2 Very sacred Indian fig tree (Ficus racemosa); the audumbara tree is seen to |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => carry the energy of Jupiter, the guru vibration, causing extension of consciousness. 3 The working class of the ancient Indian society 32 Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutam wrong to accept anything offered by anybody during the course of travel. |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => They placed before me fruits and honey from the hills in those ravines. When I was about to eat, a crow came from somewhere and started pecking me on my head. I tried to drive it away but in vain. In the meanwhile, |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => some more crows gathered. They started pecking my body in all spots in a wanton manner. I was panic-stricken and began to run. Those crows were chasing me. There was no one in that village who could help me. The chief |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => of the village said, “Oh, what a strange thing! In our area, crows do not harm anyone. We wonder why these crows are so ferocious and obstinate to harm you. You must have abused or dishonoured a siddha purusha1 . You |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => are undergoing this punishment because of his curse. If we are to obstruct the course of punishment, we would have to incur the wrath of that sage. |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => So, we will not try to change the course of divine play. Please do not misunderstand.” After saying this, the chief kept quiet. I could not take the fruits and honey given to me. My body became |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => blood stained. The crows chased and injured me even though I was running. I felt extremely sad at my dismal state. Did Srī Siddha Yogindra curse me because I doubted him? But he had blessed me that I would have the |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => fortune of seeing Srīpāda Srīvallabha! Probably, I cannot have the dārshan of Lord Srī Datta unless all my sins accumulated from past births are completely destroyed! I do not know how many sinful deeds I had amassed! |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => How many punishments like this I have to suffer if all those sins are to be |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => washed out! Oh! Are so many difficulties and dangers involved in the blessings bestowed for the dārshan of Srīvallabha? Oh God! How many punishments you still want to inflict on me! Now, who can save me? Srīpāda |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Srīvallabha! Save me! Save me! Saranu2! Saranu! Srīpāda Srīvallabha! With such thoughts of absolute surrender, I slowly reached the root portion of an audumbara tree. I thought that the audumbara tree, which is the residing |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => centre of Lord Srī Datta, would protect me, but the sport of Lord Srī Datta ran contrary to my hope. An unprecedented foul smell was spreading from |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => my body. Attracted by that odious odour or by the irony of fate, big poisonous snakes were coming in a row quickly. They were biting me and leaving |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => quickly. I was troubled by crows before. Now, my entire body became poisonous because of the bites from venomous serpents. Foam was coming out 1 Great saint 2 Seeking shelter, refuge 2. Srī Siddhendra Yogi and the Story of Vichitrapuram 33 |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => from my mouth. The strength of my heart began to decline. I thought that I was sure to die at any moment. It was evening dusk. Some washermen were going that way. They washed, dried and bundled the dried clothes. They kept the bundles on the backs of |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => donkeys and were going. They noticed my miserable plight, but they hesitated to touch me for some time, because I am a Brahmin. As delay might endanger my life, they regarded saving a life was of prime importance. |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => Hence, they seated me on a donkey and took me to their village. For me, all troublesome incidents were taking place in a procession on that day. The washermen took me to the colony of cobblers. One of those tanners had |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => knowledge of medicine relating to poison. They kept me on a cot, the bottom of which was laced with cords. The premises smelled badly. That cobbler-physician made juice from some wild herbs. He made me drink that |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => juice. He tied some leaves at the locations where the snakes had bitten me. He plucked some tender leaves from an audumbara tree. Juice-like milk was flowing from those leaves. He kept the stems of those leaves in my two ears. |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => I was getting terrible pain. I tried to get up and run away. Two strong men held me firmly. I was helpless. That physician instructed his assistants, “The poison will come into the audumbara leaves. After that, you have to burn |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => those poisonous leaves. The man will cry much louder as the poison increasingly gets transferred to the audumbara leaves. So, you hold him firmly.” After some time, the poison was neutralised. I became healthy. I stayed |
FROM Shripad Shri Vallabh Charitramrutam => in the house of the cobbler all throughout the night. The cobbler was singing during the whole night “Datta Digambarā! Datta Digambarā! Srīpāda Vallabha Datta Digambarā!” I was lying on the cot. My heart swelled on |