fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast
fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast
fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast
fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk>
fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk>
fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk>
fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast
fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast
fire an internal frame event
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . <unk> InternalFrameListener . cast InternalFrameListener . <unk>
initialize a global key listener
<unk> . <init> AWTEvent . getID KeyEvent . cast Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit
append num pages pages to the end of this book
<unk> . <init> AbstractCollection . size Vector . setSize Vector . setElementAt
create a start document event
<unk> . <init> AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . setEncoding AbstractFilter . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . setLocale AbstractFilter . getMimeType AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . <unk> Event . <init>
create a start document event
<unk> . <init> AbstractFilter . getEncoding <unk> . setEncoding <unk> . setLocale AbstractFilter . getMimeType AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . <unk> AbstractFilter . getParameters <unk> . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> AbstractFilter . <unk> <unk> . <unk> Event . <init>
<unk> description strong : <unk> for small means , uses simulation of a poisson process using uniform <unk> , as described a href = http : <unk>
<unk> . <init> AbstractIntegerDistribution . sample
match given set of serializable fields with serializable fields described by the given local class descriptor , and returns a field reflector instance capable of setting getting values from the subset of fields that match non matching fields are treated as filler , for which get operations return default values and set operations discard given values
<unk> . <init> AbstractMap . get EntryFuture . <init> AbstractMap . put FieldReflector . instance FieldReflector . cast EntryFuture . instance EntryFuture . cast EntryFuture . get ObjectStreamClass . <unk> FieldReflector . <init> EntryFuture . set AbstractMap . put FieldReflector . instance FieldReflector . cast Error . instance Error . cast InternalError . <init>
make sure double
<unk> . <init> AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult Double . isNaN AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment Double . isNaN AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult
make sure double
<unk> . <init> AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult Double . isNaN AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment Double . isNaN
make sure double
<unk> . <init> AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult Double . isNaN AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult
make sure double
<unk> . <init> AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment Double . isNaN AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult Double . isNaN AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment Double . isNaN
make sure double
<unk> . <init> AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment
make sure double
<unk> . <init> AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult Double . isNaN AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . increment AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic . getResult
create the popup portion of the combo box
<unk> . <init> AccessibleContext . <unk>
create a new , initially invisible frame with the specified title
<unk> . <init> Action . setEnabled JMenuBar . <init> JMenu . <init> JMenu . add JMenu . addSeparator JMenu . add JMenuBar . add JTabbedPane . <init> Box . createVerticalBox JButton . <init> Box . add JButton . <init> Box . add Box . createVerticalGlue Box . add JButton . <init> Box . add
ensure that the function is an approximate one to one mapping and , if the transform type requires it , that all output sign combinations exist
<unk> . <init> Activator . <unk> <unk> . <init> <unk> . getSize Activator . <unk> Activator . <unk> <unk> . iterator Iterator . next Iterator . getCount Range . <unk> Activator . next Activator . <unk> Activator . <unk> Integer . parseInt Math . pow
restore the annotation state in this instance to the annotation specified as a param
<unk> . <init> Annotation . <unk> Annotation . <unk>
set a variable speed for the <unk>
<unk> . <init> Area . nextDouble
create a canonicalization method with the specified parameters
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> List . add <unk> . setContent
here is the idea : given a shape as an array of xy <unk> , a range over those points , and a target point , find the closest location s along the shape for the target point
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> List . get <unk> . add <unk> . isEmpty <unk> . <unk> List . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . add <unk> . <unk> List . add <unk> . <init> Collections . emptyList List . add List . addAll
here is the idea : given a shape as an array of xy <unk> , a range over those points , and a target point , find the closest location s along the shape for the target point
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> List . get <unk> . add <unk> . isEmpty <unk> . <unk> List . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . add List . add <unk> . <init> Collections . emptyList <unk> . isEmpty <unk> . <unk> List . add List . isEmpty <unk> . <unk> List . addAll
here is the idea : given a shape as an array of xy <unk> , a range over those points , and a target point , find the closest location s along the shape for the target point
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> List . get <unk> . add <unk> . isEmpty List . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . add <unk> . <unk> List . add <unk> . <init> Collections . emptyList <unk> . <unk> List . add List . isEmpty List . addAll
here is the idea : given a shape as an array of xy <unk> , a range over those points , and a target point , find the closest location s along the shape for the target point
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> List . get <unk> . add <unk> . isEmpty List . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . add <unk> . isEmpty <unk> . <unk> List . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . isEmpty Collections . emptyList <unk> . <unk> List . add <unk> . <unk> List . addAll
here is the idea : given a shape as an array of xy <unk> , a range over those points , and a target point , find the closest location s along the shape for the target point
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> List . get <unk> . add <unk> . isEmpty List . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . add <unk> . isEmpty List . add <unk> . <init> Collections . emptyList List . add List . isEmpty List . addAll
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ArrayList . add ResultSet . getDouble ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size ArrayList . get Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ArrayList . add ResultSet . getDouble Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . cast Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ArrayList . add ResultSet . getDouble Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . doubleValue ArrayList . get Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . getDouble ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size ArrayList . get Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . getDouble ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . cast Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . getDouble ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . doubleValue ArrayList . get <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . getDouble ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . doubleValue ArrayList . get Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . getDouble Double . <init> ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size ArrayList . get Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next ArrayList . add ResultSet . getDouble ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size ArrayList . get Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next ArrayList . add ResultSet . getDouble ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . cast Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next ArrayList . add ResultSet . getDouble Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . cast Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next ArrayList . add ResultSet . getDouble Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . doubleValue ArrayList . get <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next Double . <init> ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size ArrayList . get Double . cast Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next Double . <init> ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size ArrayList . get Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next Double . <init> ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . doubleValue ArrayList . get Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next ResultSet . getDouble ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size ArrayList . get Double . cast Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next ResultSet . getDouble ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size Double . doubleValue ArrayList . get <unk> . evaluate
calculate the median score <unk> on a test
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init> Utils . prepare PreparedStatement . setInt PreparedStatement . executeQuery ResultSet . next ResultSet . getDouble Double . <init> ArrayList . add Utils . close ArrayList . size ArrayList . get Double . cast Double . doubleValue <unk> . evaluate
initialization of the variables to default values
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . <init>
add the entered signature properties to the signature element
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . size ArrayList . get <unk> . <init> ArrayList . get <unk> . getElement Document . createTextNode <unk> . <unk> ArrayList . get XMLSignature . addDocument ObjectContainer . <init> Document . createTextNode ObjectContainer . appendChild XMLSignature . <unk>
add the entered signature properties to the signature element
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . size ArrayList . get <unk> . <init> Document . createTextNode <unk> . getElement <unk> . <unk> ArrayList . get XMLSignature . addDocument ObjectContainer . <init> Document . createTextNode ObjectContainer . appendChild <unk> . getElement ObjectContainer . appendChild Document . createTextNode ObjectContainer . appendChild XMLSignature . <unk>
fire a tt bean context service revoked event tt indicating that a particular service is no longer available
<unk> . <init> ArrayList . toArray BeanContextServicesListener . <unk> BeanContextServicesListener . cast
this method fills the digital object event agent in the details list
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < <unk> > . add <unk> . <init> ArrayList < <unk> > . add <unk> . <init> ArrayList < <unk> > . add
this method fills the digital object details in the list
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < <unk> > . add <unk> . <init> ArrayList < <unk> > . add URI . toString ArrayList < <unk> > . add URI . toString List . iterator Iterator . hasNext Iterator . next List < Event > . iterator Iterator < Event > . hasNext Iterator < Event > . next
add a page to the book
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < <unk> > . add String . equals
fire a bean context service revoked <unk> that a particular service is no longer available
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < BeanContextServicesListener > . toArray BeanContextServicesListener . <unk> BeanContextServicesListener . cast
note this is only for first level child
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < Element > . <init> Iterator < Element > . hasNext Iterator < Element > . next String . equals List < Element > . add
find files within a given directory and optionally its subdirectories
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < File > . <init> <unk> . <init>
http issues
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < LinearConstraint > . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add LinearConstraint . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . optimize <unk> . getPoint <unk> . getValue <unk> . getPoint <unk> . <init> ArrayList < LinearConstraint > . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add LinearConstraint . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add LinearConstraint . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add <unk> . optimize <unk> . getValue
http issues
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < LinearConstraint > . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add LinearConstraint . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add LinearConstraint . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . optimize <unk> . getPoint <unk> . getValue <unk> . getPoint <unk> . <init> ArrayList < LinearConstraint > . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add LinearConstraint . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add <unk> . optimize <unk> . getValue
with no <unk> variables needed no equals and no greater than constraints we can go straight to phase 2
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < LinearConstraint > . <init> LinearConstraint . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . optimize
with no <unk> variables needed no equals and no greater than constraints we can go straight to phase 2
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < LinearConstraint > . <init> LinearConstraint . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add LinearConstraint . <init> Collection < LinearConstraint > . add <unk> . <init> <unk> . optimize
flush the buffered <unk> in a separate thread to prevent blocking
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < String > . <init> <unk> . run
provide a list of all configuration files processed by the service
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < String > . <init> List < String > . add File . getName List < String > . add Response . ok
return an array of all the matching data file paths relative to the bags data directory
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < String > . <init> String . equals File . getName String . substring String . endsWith String . length String . substring Pattern . matches ArrayList < String > . add Integer . toString ArrayList < String > . size ArrayList < String > . toArray
remove the top element from the stack
<unk> . <init> ArrayList < String > . size ArrayList < String > . remove
compute the gradient of the log likelihood function
<unk> . <init> ArrayRealVector . <init> Arrays . fill RealVector . getEntry RealMatrix . getEntry Arrays . copyOfRange
reverse the items in an array
<unk> . <init> Arrays . asList Collections . reverse List . size System . arraycopy List . toArray System . arraycopy
reverse the items in an array
<unk> . <init> Arrays . asList Collections . reverse List . size System . arraycopy
reverse the items in an array
<unk> . <init> Arrays . asList Collections . reverse System . arraycopy List . size List . toArray System . arraycopy
reverse the items in an array
<unk> . <init> Arrays . asList Collections . reverse System . arraycopy List . size System . arraycopy List . toArray
return a shallow copy of this array list instance
<unk> . <init> Arrays . copyOf
<unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> , <unk>
<unk> . <init> Arrays . copyOfRange <unk> . <unk> Arrays . copyOfRange <unk> . <unk> Math . abs Comparator . <init> Arrays . sort Double . compare
advance to the same day in the next month
<unk> . <init> AtomicInteger . <init> Temporal . get YearMonth . <unk> YearMonth . getYear Math . min YearMonth . <unk>
custom serialization
<unk> . <init> AtomicReference . get
initialize from another object
<unk> . <init> Attribute . getLength <unk> . <unk> <unk> . <init> Attribute . getLength Attribute . getConstantPool
read the manifest from the specified input stream
<unk> . <init> Attributes . read <unk> . readLine Manifest . <unk> <unk> . peek System . arraycopy <unk> . peek String . <init> Manifest . getAttributes Attributes . <init> Map < String , Attributes > . put Attributes . read Attributes . size Math . max
block while playing an audio clip from a file
<unk> . <init> AudioSystem . getAudioInputStream AudioInputStream . getFormat Info . <init> Clip . cast Clip . <unk> Clip . open Clip . start <unk> . wait
deactivate an object in this poa
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> <unk> . value <unk> . <init> OID . <init> <unk> . <unk> <unk> . destroy POAImpl . <unk>
activate an object in this poa
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> <unk> . value <unk> . <init> POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk> INTERNAL . <init> OID . toByteArray
get the object reference of a given servant
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> <unk> . value <unk> . value <unk> . value <unk> . <init> <unk> . get POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk> <unk> . get POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk> INTERNAL . <init> POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk> <unk> . <init>
get the object id of a given servant
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> <unk> . value <unk> . value <unk> . value <unk> . value <unk> . <init> <unk> . get OID . toByteArray <unk> . get POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk> OID . toByteArray INTERNAL . <init> <unk> . <init>
get the object reference of a given object id
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> OID . <init> <unk> . value <unk> . <init> <unk> . <init> <unk> . get POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk>
get the servant of a given object id
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> OID . <init> POAImpl . <unk>
get the servant of a given object reference
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk>
activate an object in this poa
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> POAImpl . <unk>
find a poa among this po as children
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> POAImpl . findChildren <unk> . <unk> POAImpl . findChildren POA . destroy
create a poa as a children of this poa
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> POAManagerImpl . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> POAManagerImpl . cast BAD_PARAM . <init> POAImpl . <init> POAImpl . destroy Vector . addElement POAImpl . <unk> POAManagerImpl . <unk>
create an object reference for a repository id using a new object id
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> String . length BAD_PARAM . <init> <unk> . <init> POAImpl . <unk> POAImpl . <unk>
create an object reference for a repository id using a user defined object id
<unk> . <init> BAD_PARAM . <init> String . length POAImpl . <unk>
create a transforming bag that will transform existing contents of the specified bag
<unk> . <init> Bag . size Bag . toArray Bag . clear <unk> . <unk> Transformer . transform
create a transforming bag that will transform existing contents of the specified bag
<unk> . <init> Bag . size Bag . toArray Bag . clear <unk> . <unk>
create a transforming bag that will transform existing contents of the specified bag
<unk> . <init> Bag . toArray Bag . clear
return the cached inet address for hostname on network net id
<unk> . <init> BasicLruCache < <unk> , AddressCacheEntry > . get
record that hostname is known not to have any associated addresses
<unk> . <init> BasicLruCache < <unk> , AddressCacheEntry > . put
this method creates the appropriate layout manager for the j tabbed panes current tab layout policy
<unk> . <init> BasicTabbedPaneUI . <unk> Component . addMouseListener BasicTabbedPaneUI . <unk> Component . addMouseListener Component . setEnabled Component . setSize Component . addMouseListener Component . addFocusListener Component . setBackground JViewport . setView Container . setLayout Component . add
wrap the initial input dom in a dom adapter
<unk> . <init> BasisLibrary . runTimeError
send a bean context service available event code to all registered listeners
<unk> . <init> BeanContextServicesSupport . <unk>