Upload lean4_release_notes.jsonl
Browse files- lean4_release_notes.jsonl +287 -1
@@ -1708,4 +1708,290 @@
1708 |
{"Version": "v4.8.0", "section": "DevOps", "text": "Adds a script to summarize GitHub issues (#3952).", "pull request": "3952"}
1709 |
{"Version": "v4.8.0", "section": "Breaking changes", "text": "Large Lake build refactor changes output format and certain Lake APIs.", "pull request": "3601"}
1710 |
{"Version": "v4.8.0", "section": "Breaking changes", "text": "Executables with supportInterpreter on Windows must run via lake exe to find DLLs.", "pull request": "3601"}
1711 |
{"Version": "v4.8.0", "section": "Breaking changes", "text": "Equational theorems renamed from ._eq_<idx> to .eq_<idx>, and ._unfold to .eq_def.", "pull request": "3661"}
1708 |
{"Version": "v4.8.0", "section": "DevOps", "text": "Adds a script to summarize GitHub issues (#3952).", "pull request": "3952"}
1709 |
{"Version": "v4.8.0", "section": "Breaking changes", "text": "Large Lake build refactor changes output format and certain Lake APIs.", "pull request": "3601"}
1710 |
{"Version": "v4.8.0", "section": "Breaking changes", "text": "Executables with supportInterpreter on Windows must run via lake exe to find DLLs.", "pull request": "3601"}
1711 |
{"Version": "v4.8.0", "section": "Breaking changes", "text": "Equational theorems renamed from ._eq_<idx> to .eq_<idx>, and ._unfold to .eq_def.", "pull request": "3661"}
1712 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Language features", "text": "Simp and rw skip instance resynthesis by default; revert with `set_option tactic.skipAssignedInstances false`.", "pull request": "3507"}
1713 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Language features", "text": "Simp and rw skip instance resynthesis by default; revert with `set_option tactic.skipAssignedInstances false`.", "pull request": "3509"}
1714 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Pretty printing", "text": "When `pp.proofs = false`, omitted proofs now display as `⋯` instead of `_`.", "pull request": "3241"}
1715 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Pretty printing", "text": "pp.proofs.withType is now false by default.", "pull request": "none"}
1716 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Pretty printing", "text": "App delaborator handles over-application so extra-arg cases in app_unexpanders are unnecessary.", "pull request": "3495"}
1717 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Simp/dsimp config", "text": "Adds `zetaDelta` option (false by default); see #2682 for details on zeta vs zetaDelta.", "pull request": "2682"}
1718 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Simp local theorems", "text": "Local theorems for simp assume function arguments are `no_index`, restoring Lean 3 behavior.", "pull request": "2670"}
1719 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Tactics", "text": "Improved error messages for `decide` tactic.", "pull request": "3422"}
1720 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "IDE/Performance", "text": "Improved auto-completion performance.", "pull request": "3460"}
1721 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "IDE/Performance", "text": "Faster initial language server startup.", "pull request": "3552"}
1722 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "IDE/Call hierarchy", "text": "Sort entries and remove private header from displayed names in call hierarchy.", "pull request": "3482"}
1723 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Parsing", "text": "Added a low-level error recovery combinator for DSLs.", "pull request": "3413"}
1724 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Termination inference", "text": "`termination_by?` reveals inferred argument and can convert to `termination_by` via code action.", "pull request": "3514"}
1725 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Arithmetic ops", "text": "`/` and `%` on `Int` now use `Int.ediv` and `Int.emod`, with kernel support. (Change for non-Std users.)", "pull request": "3376"}
1726 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "omega tactic", "text": "Now in core; supplemented by `bv_omega` for BitVec linear arithmetic.", "pull request": "3435"}
1727 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "omega tactic", "text": "Supports `Fin` type.", "pull request": "3427"}
1728 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "omega tactic", "text": "Supports `<<<` operator.", "pull request": "3433"}
1729 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "omega tactic", "text": "No longer identifies atoms up to definitional equality; can't prove `id x ≤ x` automatically.", "pull request": "3525"}
1730 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "omega tactic", "text": "Used in Lean's automation for termination proofs.", "pull request": "3503"}
1731 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "omega tactic", "text": "Used in array indexing proofs.", "pull request": "3515"}
1732 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Library search tactics", "text": "`exact?`/`apply?`/`solve_by_elim` from Std are now in core Lean.", "pull request": "none"}
1733 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Tactic commands", "text": "New `#check_tactic` and `#check_simp` for verifying tactic behavior.", "pull request": "none"}
1734 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "App unexpanders", "text": "Delaborator tries unexpanders on every prefix, registering TermInfo properly for subexpressions.", "pull request": "3375"}
1735 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Breaking changes", "text": "Stronger `MonadAlwaysExcept` requirement for `Lean.withTraceNode` and variants.", "pull request": "none"}
1736 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Breaking changes", "text": "`match ... with.` replaced by `nomatch` syntax from Std.", "pull request": "3279"}
1737 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Breaking changes", "text": "`fun.` replaced by `nofun` syntax from Std.", "pull request": "3286"}
1738 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "simp bugfixes", "text": "Avoid crash when `simp` loops indefinitely.", "pull request": "3269"}
1739 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "simp bugfixes", "text": "`simp` no longer gets stuck on autoParam premises.", "pull request": "3315"}
1740 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "simp bugfixes", "text": "`simp` doesn't fail when a custom discharger makes no progress.", "pull request": "3317"}
1741 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "simp bugfixes", "text": "`simp` can now discharge autoParam premises reduced to True.", "pull request": "3314"}
1742 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "simp bugfixes", "text": "`simp?` suggests generated equation lemma names (part 1).", "pull request": "3547"}
1743 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "simp bugfixes", "text": "`simp?` suggests generated equation lemma names (part 2).", "pull request": "3573"}
1744 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "match expressions", "text": "Fix regression with builtin literals in match.", "pull request": "3521"}
1745 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "match expressions", "text": "Accept match over BitVec finite types.", "pull request": "3538"}
1746 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "match expressions", "text": "Fix matching on Int literals.", "pull request": "3504"}
1747 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "match expressions", "text": "Allow patterns containing int values/constructors in match.", "pull request": "3496"}
1748 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "termination_by", "text": "Improved error messages for `termination_by` usage.", "pull request": "3255"}
1749 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "rename_i fix", "text": "Fix rename_i in macros (part 1).", "pull request": "3553"}
1750 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "rename_i fix", "text": "Fix rename_i in macros (part 2).", "pull request": "3581"}
1751 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "generalize tactic", "text": "Fix excessive resource usage in `generalize` (part 1).", "pull request": "3524"}
1752 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "generalize tactic", "text": "Fix excessive resource usage in `generalize` (part 2).", "pull request": "3575"}
1753 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "equation lemma", "text": "AutoParam arguments fail to rewrite (part 1).", "pull request": "2243"}
1754 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "equation lemma", "text": "AutoParam arguments fail to rewrite (part 2).", "pull request": "3316"}
1755 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "add_decl_doc", "text": "`add_decl_doc` now checks that declarations are local.", "pull request": "3311"}
1756 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "inductives fix", "text": "Instantiate types of inductives with correct parameters (part 1).", "pull request": "3242"}
1757 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "inductives fix", "text": "Instantiate types of inductives with correct parameters (part 2).", "pull request": "3246"}
1758 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "simprocs", "text": "New simprocs for many basic types.", "pull request": "3407"}
1759 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Lake fixes", "text": "Warn on cloud release fetch failures.", "pull request": "3401"}
1760 |
{"Version": "v4.7.0", "section": "Lake fixes", "text": "Handle trace & `lake build :release` errors better.", "pull request": "3248"}
1761 |
{"Version": "v4.6.1", "section": "Performance", "text": "Backport of #3552 fixing a performance regression in server startup.", "pull request": "3552"}
1762 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Simp", "text": "Added custom simplification procedures (simprocs) to `simp`, controllable via `set_option simprocs false` or by specifying them in `simp` commands.", "pull request": "none"}
1763 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Termination hints", "text": "Overhauled `termination_by` and `decreasing_by` syntax and placement, removing function names and placing them next to their respective definitions.", "pull request": "none"}
1764 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Termination hints", "text": "Changed semantics of `decreasing_by` so the tactic is applied to all termination proof goals together.", "pull request": "none"}
1765 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "InfoTree.context", "text": "Modified to allow partial contexts during command elaboration, breaking some manual InfoTree traversals.", "pull request": "3159"}
1766 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Language server", "text": "Added call hierarchy support; requires a full rebuild for new .ilean format.", "pull request": "3082"}
1767 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Structure instances", "text": "Multiple sources are filled strictly left-to-right, avoiding unnecessary eta expansion and reducing CPU usage.", "pull request": "2478"}
1768 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Structure instances", "text": "RFC discussion for the new structure instance elaborator approach.", "pull request": "2451"}
1769 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Pretty printing", "text": "Added `pp.deepTerms` and `pp.deepTerms.threshold` to omit printing deeply nested terms.", "pull request": "3201"}
1770 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Pretty printing", "text": "Added `pp.numeralTypes` and `pp.natLit` options to show type ascriptions on number literals or print them as `nat_lit`.", "pull request": "2933"}
1771 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Pretty printing", "text": "Further discussion about numeral printing conventions.", "pull request": "3021"}
1772 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Improved platform information and control.", "pull request": "3226"}
1773 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Allowed `lake update` from unsupported manifest versions.", "pull request": "3149"}
1774 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "`intro` now aware of `let_fun`.", "pull request": "3115"}
1775 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Produce simpler proof terms in `rw` tactic.", "pull request": "3121"}
1776 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Fuse nested `mkCongrArg` calls in `simp` proofs.", "pull request": "3203"}
1777 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "`induction using` now supports a general term.", "pull request": "3188"}
1778 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Allow generalization in `let`; fixes #3065.", "pull request": "3060"}
1779 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Out-of-bounds `swap!` returns `a`, not `default`; fixes #3196.", "pull request": "3197"}
1780 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Derive `BEq` on structures with `Prop` fields; fixes #3140.", "pull request": "3191"}
1781 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Refine through more `casesOnApp`/`matcherApp`; fixes #3175.", "pull request": "3176"}
1782 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Do not strip dotted components from module names; fixes #2999.", "pull request": "2994"}
1783 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Fix `deriving` only applying to the first declaration; fixes #3057.", "pull request": "3058"}
1784 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Prevent metavariable instantiation for disallowed occurrences in kabstract/rw; fixes #2538.", "pull request": "2539"}
1785 |
{"Version": "v4.6.0", "section": "Other improvements", "text": "Hover info for `cases h : ...` constructs.", "pull request": "3084"}
1786 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "String syntax", "text": "Modify lexical syntax of string literals to have string gaps, allowing multi-line strings without extra whitespace.", "pull request": "2821"}
1787 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "String syntax", "text": "Discussion of string-gap design and motivation in RFC #2838.", "pull request": "2838"}
1788 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "String syntax", "text": "Add raw string literal syntax: `r\"...\"` with optional `#` for quoting double quotes inside.", "pull request": "2929"}
1789 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "String syntax", "text": "Issue tracking raw string literal request and design details.", "pull request": "1422"}
1790 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Termination", "text": "Removed `termination_by'`; use `termination_by` or `WellFounded.wrap` as alternatives.", "pull request": "none"}
1791 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "LSP", "text": "Support snippet edits in `TextEdit`s (see `Lean.Lsp.SnippetString`) for advanced code actions.", "pull request": "none"}
1792 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Widget API", "text": "UserWidgetDefinition→Widget.Module; see `@[widget_module]`. Also adds `show_panel_widgets` and `RpcEncodable` props in infotree.", "pull request": "2963"}
1793 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Termination inference", "text": "If no lexicographic measure is found, an explanation is given to help with debugging.", "pull request": "2960"}
1794 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Termination inference", "text": "`set_option showInferredTerminationBy true` prints auto-generated `termination_by` clauses.", "pull request": "3012"}
1795 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Mutual blocks", "text": "More detailed errors for invalid mutual recursion blocks.", "pull request": "2949"}
1796 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "simp?", "text": "Improvements to the output of `simp?` and `simp_all?` (first set).", "pull request": "2923"}
1797 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "simp?", "text": "Further improvements to `simp?` and `simp_all?` (second set).", "pull request": "2969"}
1798 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Tactics", "text": "Tactics using `withLocation *` no longer fail if they close the main goal.", "pull request": "2917"}
1799 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Extern testing", "text": "New `test_extern` command for testing `@[extern]` or `@[implemented_by]` functions.", "pull request": "none"}
1800 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Bug fixes", "text": "Fixes for issues #2853, #2953, #2966, #2971, #2990, #3094.", "pull request": "none"}
1801 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Bug fixes", "text": "Fixed eager evaluation in `Option.getD` (#3043), prevented panic in `leanPosToLspPos` (#3071), improved short-circuit for `List.all/any` (#2972).", "pull request": "none"}
1802 |
{"Version": "v4.5.0", "section": "Lake bug fixes", "text": "Addressed issues #3036, #3064, #3069 in Lake.", "pull request": "none"}
1803 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake/server options", "text": "Per-package server options (`leanOptions`/`moreServerOptions`); `moreServerArgs`→`moreGlobalServerArgs` deprecated.", "pull request": "2858"}
1804 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Language server", "text": "Implemented rename request handler (LSP).", "pull request": "2462"}
1805 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Language server", "text": "Import auto-completion feature.", "pull request": "2904"}
1806 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Pretty printing", "text": "Added `pp.beta` to apply beta reduction in pretty printing.", "pull request": "2864"}
1807 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Compiler", "text": "Embed and check githash in .olean for build verification.", "pull request": "2766"}
1808 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Termination inference", "text": "Guess lexicographic order for well-founded recursion automatically.", "pull request": "2874"}
1809 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Syntax", "text": "Allow trailing commas in tuples, lists, and tactics.", "pull request": "2643"}
1810 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Bug fixes", "text": "Fixes #2628, #2883, #2810, #2925, #2914 in core or server code.", "pull request": "none"}
1811 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Update package creation: `lake init .` uses current dir name, disallows invalid pkg names, no uppercase conversion for `lean_lib`, supports non-ident libs, filters irrelevant env extensions, re-unpacks cloud releases, simpler math template, parse build targets in `lake exe`, shadowing for later packages, excludes exe roots from importable modules.", "pull request": "2890"}
1812 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Disallow invalid package names (#2637).", "pull request": "2637"}
1813 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "No uppercase conversion for `lean_lib` (#2567).", "pull request": "2567"}
1814 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Support non-identifier library names (#2865).", "pull request": "2865"}
1815 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Filter irrelevant env extensions (#2632).", "pull request": "2632"}
1816 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Re-unpack cloud releases if build dir is removed (#2928).", "pull request": "2928"}
1817 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Simplified math template (#2930).", "pull request": "2930"}
1818 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Parse build target in `lake exe` (#2932).", "pull request": "2932"}
1819 |
{"Version": "v4.4.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Shadow later packages over earlier ones (#2937).", "pull request": "2937"}
1820 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Simp tactic", "text": "`simp [f]` no longer unfolds partial applications of `f` by default (#2042). Use `unfold f` or `simp (config := { unfoldPartialApp := true }) [f]`.", "pull request": "2042"}
1821 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Simp tactic", "text": "Does not use `Decidable` rewriting unless `decide := true` is set in config. (`simp` won't close all decidable goals).", "pull request": "none"}
1822 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Bug fixes", "text": "Addresses #2778, #2790, #2552, #1926, #2669, #2281, #2711, #2685, #2514, #2729, #2361, #2178. Also cancels tasks on doc edit (#2648), removes extra `%` from `Fin.mod` (#2688), avoids DecidableEq in `Array.mem` (#2774), unifies `USize.size` (#1926), better emacs eglot (#2721).", "pull request": "none"}
1823 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Sensible defaults for `lake new MyProject math` (#2770), replaced `postUpdate?` with `post_update` (#185), auto-create manifest (#2680), deprecated `:=` syntax in config, `LAKE_PKG_URL_MAP` for overriding URLs (#2709), moved outputs to `.lake` (#2713), updated manifest to v7 (#2801), stricter `lakefile.olean` checks (#2842).", "pull request": "2770"}
1824 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Replace `postUpdate?` with `post_update` (#185).", "pull request": "185"}
1825 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Auto-create manifest if missing (#2680).", "pull request": "2680"}
1826 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Override package URLs with `LAKE_PKG_URL_MAP` (#2709).", "pull request": "2709"}
1827 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Move outputs to `.lake` (#2713).", "pull request": "2713"}
1828 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Updated manifest format to version 7 (#2801).", "pull request": "2801"}
1829 |
{"Version": "v4.3.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Stricter checks on `lakefile.olean` (#2842).", "pull request": "2842"}
1830 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "isDefEq", "text": "Cache for terms not containing metavariables (#2644).", "pull request": "2644"}
1831 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Kernel/Environment", "text": "Made `Environment.mk`/`Environment.add` private; safer `replay` method (#2604).", "pull request": "2604"}
1832 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Kernel/Environment", "text": "Follow-up environment changes for add (#2642) and replay (#2617).", "pull request": "2642"}
1833 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Kernel/Environment", "text": "Also reference #2617 (replay) for safe environment modifications.", "pull request": "2617"}
1834 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "IO.Process", "text": "`IO.Process.output` no longer inherits stdin of the caller.", "pull request": "none"}
1835 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Performance", "text": "Do not inhibit caching of default-level match reduction (#2612).", "pull request": "2612"}
1836 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Error messages", "text": "List valid case tags on invalid input (#2629).", "pull request": "2629"}
1837 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Derive handlers", "text": "Support `DecidableEq` on mutual inductives (#2591).", "pull request": "2591"}
1838 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Show path of failed import (#2616), fix macOS linker warnings (#2598), add `postUpdate?` config, improve startup (#2572, #2573).", "pull request": "2616"}
1839 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Fix macOS linker warnings (#2598).", "pull request": "2598"}
1840 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Improved startup time (#2572).", "pull request": "2572"}
1841 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Further improvement to startup (#2573).", "pull request": "2573"}
1842 |
{"Version": "v4.2.0", "section": "Tactics", "text": "`refine e` only yields newly-created metavars, preventing duplicated or closed goals (#2502).", "pull request": "2502"}
1843 |
{"Version": "v4.1.0", "section": "Error messages", "text": "Improve positioning on missing tokens in incomplete tactic proofs (#2393).", "pull request": "2393"}
1844 |
{"Version": "v4.1.0", "section": "Lake OLean cache", "text": "Lake caches `lakefile.lean` in `lakefile.olean`; use `-R/--reconfigure` if config changed.", "pull request": "none"}
1845 |
{"Version": "v4.1.0", "section": "Lake buildO", "text": "Signature changed: args→weakArgs/traceArgs separation.", "pull request": "none"}
1846 |
{"Version": "v4.1.0", "section": "Imports", "text": "Use `Array Import` in `importModules`, `headerToImports`, `parseImports` (#2480).", "pull request": "2480"}
1847 |
{"Version": "v4.1.0", "section": "Rewrite config", "text": "`occs` field in `Rewrite.Config` for controlling pattern occurrences (#2470).", "pull request": "2470"}
1848 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Meta API", "text": "Renamed `Lean.Meta.getConst?` to `getUnfoldableConst?` and `getConstNoEx?` to `getUnfoldableConstNoEx?`. Use `Lean.getConstInfo` instead for public API.", "pull request": "2454"}
1849 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "simp/dsimp", "text": "`dsimp / simp / simp_all` now fail by default if they make no progress. Use `(config := { failIfUnchanged := false })` to override.", "pull request": "2336"}
1850 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "simp_all", "text": "`simp_all` now preserves hypothesis order more consistently. This may affect tactics that rely on ordering (rename_i, case, next).", "pull request": "2334"}
1851 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "have this", "text": "`this` is now a regular identifier introduced by `have :=` in the current tactic block. Previously it was a keyword visible in all scopes.", "pull request": "2247"}
1852 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Profiling", "text": "Show typeclass and tactic names in profiler output.", "pull request": "2170"}
1853 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "calc indentation", "text": "`calc` requires consistent indentation for relation/proof pairs. Also supports underscores `_` in the first relation.", "pull request": "1844"}
1854 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Lake", "text": "Update Lake to latest prerelease version.", "pull request": "none"}
1855 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "IDE/LS", "text": "Go-to-definition on typeclass projection applications goes to the instance(s).", "pull request": "1767"}
1856 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Profiling", "text": "Include timings in trace messages when `profiler = true`.", "pull request": "1995"}
1857 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Hover/#check", "text": "Pretty-print signatures in hover and `#check <ident>` results.", "pull request": "1943"}
1858 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Parser", "text": "Introduce parser memoization to avoid exponential behavior in ambiguous grammars.", "pull request": "1799"}
1859 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Syntax expansions", "text": "Allow `doSeq` in `let x <- e | seq` pattern (partial/do-block scenario).", "pull request": "1809"}
1860 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "IDE/LS", "text": "Hover/go-to-def/refs for options (e.g. set_option).", "pull request": "1783"}
1861 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Syntax", "text": "Add empty type ascription `(e :)` to indicate expression type is not yet known.", "pull request": "1797"}
1862 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Parser", "text": "Make tokens in `<|>` relevant to syntax match (fix parse ambiguities).", "pull request": "1744"}
1863 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Linter", "text": "Add `linter.deprecated` option to silence deprecation warnings.", "pull request": "1768"}
1864 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Auto-completion", "text": "Improve fuzzy-matching heuristics for completions.", "pull request": "1710"}
1865 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Implementation-detail hypotheses", "text": "Support hidden/implementation-only hypotheses that appear in tactic proofs for internal usage.", "pull request": "1692"}
1866 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "cases/induction", "text": "Hover info for `cases` or `induction` case names, referencing pattern variables.", "pull request": "1660"}
1867 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Parser", "text": "Prefer longer parse branch even if unsuccessful, for better error messages in ambiguous contexts.", "pull request": "1658"}
1868 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Hover info", "text": "Show the declaration module name in hover text.", "pull request": "1638"}
1869 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "conv mode", "text": "New `conv` structuring tactics for advanced rewriting.", "pull request": "1636"}
1870 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "simp trace", "text": "`simp` can track steps and print an equivalent `simp only` set. Useful for debugging. (Simp steps recorded.)", "pull request": "1626"}
1871 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Indentation", "text": "Uniform indentation required in tactic blocks/do blocks. (Issue #1606 references.)", "pull request": "none"}
1872 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "AssocList/HashMap/RBMap", "text": "Moved these data structures into Lean package. Standard library (std4) will evolve them independently.", "pull request": "none"}
1873 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "std4 library", "text": "Std library moved to separate std4 repository on GitHub.", "pull request": "none"}
1874 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "InteractiveGoals", "text": "`InteractiveGoals` now includes info about changed parts of a goal after applying a tactic.", "pull request": "1610"}
1875 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Docstrings", "text": "Add `[inheritDoc]` attribute for reusing docstrings across declarations.", "pull request": "1480"}
1876 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "panic behavior", "text": "Expose that `panic = default` in more contexts (lower-level improvements).", "pull request": "1614"}
1877 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "LCNF codegen", "text": "New code generator project in `src/Lean/Compiler/LCNF` has started.", "pull request": "none"}
1878 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "register_simp_attr", "text": "Remove optional description parameter from `register_simp_attr` command.", "pull request": "1566"}
1879 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Concurrency", "text": "Additional concurrency primitives (futures, channels, etc.).", "pull request": "1555"}
1880 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Traces", "text": "Support collapsible traces with messages for improved debugging views.", "pull request": "1448"}
1881 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Namespaces", "text": "Hygienic resolution of namespaces in macros and expansions.", "pull request": "1442"}
1882 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Float", "text": "New `Float` functions for arithmetic or conversions.", "pull request": "1460"}
1883 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0", "section": "Init docstrings", "text": "Added many new docstrings to declarations in `Init`.", "pull request": "none"}
1884 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Lake", "text": "Update Lake to v4.0.0. See Lake's v4.0.0 release notes for changes.", "pull request": "none"}
1885 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Mutual declarations", "text": "Support mutual declarations in different namespaces. The compiler auto-creates a common prefix namespace.", "pull request": "none"}
1886 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "deriving handlers", "text": "Allow user-defined deriving handlers for existing typeclasses. See `tests/pkg/deriving/UserDeriving` for example.", "pull request": "none"}
1887 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Tactics", "text": "Add `congr (num)?`. This tactic helps prove equality by structural decomposition of function arguments.", "pull request": "none"}
1888 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Lint", "text": "Missing doc linter for declarations lacking docstrings (#1390).", "pull request": "1390"}
1889 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "match syntax", "text": "Check for unused alternatives in `match`. (#1371).", "pull request": "1371"}
1890 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Completion", "text": "Auto-completion for structure instance fields and dotted identifier notation (#123?).", "pull request": "none"}
1891 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "nat_lit", "text": "No longer needed for `OfNat` instances. E.g., `instance : OfNat Bit 0` is valid.", "pull request": "1389"}
1892 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Attributes", "text": "Add `[elabAsElim]` to mimic Lean 3's `elab_as_eliminator` for custom induction usage.", "pull request": "none"}
1893 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Trans class", "text": "`Trans` now accepts relations in `Type u`, enabling more flexible rewriting in calc expressions.", "pull request": "none"}
1894 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Constructors", "text": "Allow unescaped keywords as inductive constructor names, using dot notation to avoid conflicts.", "pull request": "none"}
1895 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Local instance check", "text": "Error if parametric local instances are not forward-dependent, can disable via `set_option checkBinderAnnotations false`.", "pull request": "none"}
1896 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "pp.showLetValues", "text": "New option to hide let-binders' RHS in goals. Defaults to `true` in tactic-mode, `false` otherwise.", "pull request": "1345"}
1897 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "warningAsError", "text": "Option `warningAsError` treats warnings as errors at elaboration time.", "pull request": "none"}
1898 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Patterns", "text": "Support dotted notation and named arguments in match/pattern syntax, e.g. `.forallE (binderType := type) .. => type`.", "pull request": "none"}
1899 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Attributes references", "text": "Go-to-definition for references in attributes like `@[implementedBy func]`, `@[tactic parserName]`, etc.", "pull request": "1350"}
1900 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "MVarId discoverability", "text": "Add easier-to-find MVarId methods, deprecate older ones. (#1346 references further improvements).", "pull request": "1346"}
1901 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "deprecated attribute", "text": "Mark declarations with `[deprecated]`. Warnings suggest the recommended replacement if given.", "pull request": "none"}
1902 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "LevelMVarId", "text": "New type `LevelMVarId` (aka `LMVarId`) for universe metavars, preventing confusion with expr metavars.", "pull request": "none"}
1903 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "calc improvements", "text": "Improvements to the `calc` syntax and tactics (issue #1342 references).", "pull request": "1342"}
1904 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Parser antiquotations", "text": "Relaxed parsing further reduces need for explicit `$x:p` in macros.", "pull request": "1272"}
1905 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Computed fields", "text": "Inductives can define `[computedField]` for constant-time field access (values stored in constructor).", "pull request": "none"}
1906 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "GetElem notation", "text": "`a[i]` is now `getElem a i (by get_elem_tactic)`. Also introduced `a[i]!` and `a[i]?` for panic/Option indexing.", "pull request": "none"}
1907 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Qualified recursion", "text": "Better support for qualified names in recursive declarations, e.g. `Nat.fact` inside a `namespace Nat` block.", "pull request": "none"}
1908 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "#eval CommandElabM", "text": "`#eval` supports `CommandElabM` monad for on-the-fly commands in user code.", "pull request": "none"}
1909 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "do-notation", "text": "Try elaborating do-blocks even if the expected type is unknown, allowing `#eval do IO.println ...` forms.", "pull request": "none"}
1910 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Linux backtrace", "text": "Panics on Linux print a backtrace by default. Disable via `LEAN_BACKTRACE=0`.", "pull request": "none"}
1911 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Parser grouping", "text": "Auto-insert `group(·)` where needed in `(...)+` combinators to avoid grammar conflicts.", "pull request": "none"}
1912 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Typed Macros", "text": "Syntax antiquotations track syntax kinds, reducing ill-formed expansions. (#1251 references)", "pull request": "1251"}
1913 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "protected aliases", "text": "Alias of a protected definition is also protected. E.g. `Nat.double` → `Ex.double` is protected.", "pull request": "none"}
1914 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "IO.rand", "text": "`IO.rand` seeds from `IO.getRandomBytes`, more secure random initialization (#2 references?).", "pull request": "none"}
1915 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "dot-notation/aliases", "text": "Improve dot-notation with namespace exports/aliases. E.g. `FinSet.union` as alias of `Set.union`.", "pull request": "none"}
1916 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "conv ext/enter", "text": "`ext` and `enter` conv tactics can go inside let-declarations in `conv at h => ...` blocks.", "pull request": "none"}
1917 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "conv zeta", "text": "New `zeta` conv tactic expands local let-declarations in the goal.", "pull request": "none"}
1918 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Namespace resolution", "text": "Improve how `open Tactic` can open both `Lean.Parser.Tactic` and `Lean.Elab.Tactic` (#1224 references).", "pull request": "1224"}
1919 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "opaque command", "text": "Rename `constant` command to `opaque` for truly opaque definitions. Zulip discussion linked for details.", "pull request": "none"}
1920 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "induction/cases syntax", "text": "Support multiple left-hand-sides in a single alternative. Example: `cases v with | mk1 x | mk2 x => ...`", "pull request": "none"}
1921 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "do-block indentation", "text": "`let/if` indentation in do-blocks is supported (#1120 references).", "pull request": "1120"}
1922 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Unnamed antiquotation", "text": "New `$_` antiquotation for syntax patterns without naming a placeholder.", "pull request": "none"}
1923 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Unused variables linter", "text": "Warn about unused variables in tactics. (#1159 references).", "pull request": "1159"}
1924 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Universe param check", "text": "Error if a decl body references a universe param not in its type or not explicit. E.g. hidden `PUnit.{u}` usage.", "pull request": "none"}
1925 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "subst_vars tactic", "text": "New `subst_vars` tactic to systematically substitute variable equalities.", "pull request": "none"}
1926 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "autoParam structure fields", "text": "Fix for lost `autoParam` in multiple inherited structure fields (#1158).", "pull request": "1158"}
1927 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "[eliminator] attribute", "text": "Allows specifying a default recursor for `induction`/`cases`. Alternative to `using <recursor>` syntax.", "pull request": "none"}
1928 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "casesOn for recursion", "text": "Add support for `casesOn` in structural & well-founded recursion modules. E.g. writing definitions with tactics.", "pull request": "none"}
1929 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Option monad", "text": "`Option` is once again a monad (removed `OptionM`). (#279761084 references).", "pull request": "none"}
1930 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "split tactic", "text": "Improved: can handle `match h : e with` even if `e` not a free variable. No more failing generalization step.", "pull request": "none"}
1931 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "match h : e encoding", "text": "Preserve `h : e` discriminants so tools like `split` can benefit from them. E.g. `match h : foo x with...`", "pull request": "none"}
1932 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "exists tactic", "text": "`exists term1, term2, ...` supports comma-separated values in one statement.", "pull request": "none"}
1933 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "dsimp/dsimp!", "text": "Add tactics `dsimp` & `dsimp!` applying only rfl-theorems, preserving definitional equality in the result.", "pull request": "none"}
1934 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "match pattern binder info", "text": "Fix binder info for patterns using `[matchPattern]`-tagged defs like `Nat.add` in match expressions.", "pull request": "none"}
1935 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "structure field defaults", "text": "Now can depend on structure parameters. E.g. `n2 : Nat := 1 + i` is allowed.", "pull request": "none"}
1936 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "dsimp in simp", "text": "`dsimp` method in `simp` can apply `rfl`-theorems. Allows inlined expansions for better rewriting.", "pull request": "none"}
1937 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Auto-bound refinement", "text": "Auto-bound no longer captures the declaration's own name for an unbound variable. (#f → (#f is a var)??).", "pull request": "none"}
1938 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Syntax highlight fix", "text": "No longer highlights some recursive calls as variables in inductive or function definitions.", "pull request": "none"}
1939 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "simp autoUnfold", "text": "`simp!`, `simp_arith!`, `simp_all!`, and `simp_all_arith!` auto-unfold recursive or match-based definitions.", "pull request": "none"}
1940 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "save tactic", "text": "`save` is a shorter alias for `checkpoint ...` in tactic scripts.", "pull request": "none"}
1941 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Remove constructor `{}`", "text": "Removed support for `{}` annotation in inductive & structure commands. Use new parameter/indices promotion.", "pull request": "none"}
1942 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "LSP improvements", "text": "Several fixes for go-to-definition in mutually rec defs, match patterns, pattern variables, etc.", "pull request": "none"}
1943 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "macro comb patterns", "text": "`macro ... xs:p* ...` has `xs : Array Syntax`. This ensures correct type for repeated parser combinators.", "pull request": "none"}
1944 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Ignored macro scopes", "text": "Syntax patterns ignore macro scopes in identifiers, improving pattern matching reliability.", "pull request": "none"}
1945 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "constructor param names", "text": "Improve auto implicit param naming for constructor arguments in mutual inductives (ex: `α` instead of `x`).", "pull request": "none"}
1946 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Error message", "text": "Better error if constructor parameter's universe is too large. More consistent with other checks.", "pull request": "none"}
1947 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "for h : i in [start:stop]", "text": "Support iteration with index proof in `[start:stop]`. Eases termination proofs in loops over arrays, etc.", "pull request": "none"}
1948 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "case' tactic", "text": "`case'` is a variant of `case` that fails outright if the case doesn't exist, skipping fallback admission.", "pull request": "none"}
1949 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "stop tactic", "text": "Add `macro stop s:tacticSeq => repeat sorry`. Debug/placeholder tactic macro on discussion at Zulip.", "pull request": "none"}
1950 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Display goals", "text": "Don't display inaccessible proposition names if no forward dependencies. Only their types are shown.", "pull request": "none"}
1951 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "by_cases", "text": "Hypothesis name is optional in `by_cases p`, e.g. `by_cases p => ...` just references it as `this` or `_`. ", "pull request": "none"}
1952 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "syntax vs. kind names", "text": "Rename node kinds: `numLit`→`num`, `charLit`→`char`, `nameLit`→`name`, `strLit`→`str`, `scientificLit`→`scientific` (#1090).", "pull request": "1090"}
1953 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "checkpoint tactic", "text": "Experimental `checkpoint <tactic-seq>` for partial proof steps in large scripts.", "pull request": "none"}
1954 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "rename nativeDecide", "text": "Renamed tactic `nativeDecide` to `native_decide` for naming consistency.", "pull request": "none"}
1955 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Antiquotations", "text": "Now accepted in any syntax context. Removed `incQuotDepth` parser. Simplifies macro dev.", "pull request": "none"}
1956 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Local context cleanup", "text": "Remove `_discr := ...` or `h✝` from match patterns/branches, simplifying the local context.", "pull request": "none"}
1957 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "let/have pattern macros", "text": "Expansion ensures the goal references the new bindings, e.g. `let (a,b) := x` yields `f (a,b)` not `f x`.", "pull request": "none"}
1958 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "Releases for aarch64", "text": "Add cross-compiled aarch64 Linux and macOS builds. (#1066, #1076 references)", "pull request": "none"}
1959 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m5", "section": "doc/examples", "text": "Added tutorial-like examples using LeanInk+Alectryon for documentation.", "pull request": "none"}
1960 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "simp attributes", "text": "`simp` now supports user-defined simp-attributes. E.g. `register_simp_attr my_simp` for a custom set.", "pull request": "none"}
1961 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Extended match syntax", "text": "Multiple LHS in single alternative, e.g. `| 0 | 1 => 1`. (#371 references).", "pull request": "371"}
1962 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "#eval fallback", "text": "`#eval` tries to reduce the type further if no `Lean.MetaEval` is found initially. E.g. `def Foo := List Nat` now works.", "pull request": "none"}
1963 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "rw tactic eqn theorems", "text": "`rw` can apply auto-generated equation lemmas for a definition. E.g. `rw [List.length]` to step through eqns.", "pull request": "none"}
1964 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Auto completion", "text": "Fuzzy matching for auto-completion (#1023).", "pull request": "1023"}
1965 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Function.field dot notation", "text": "`f.comp g` notation for function composition if `f : α→β`; done via `Function.field` arrow-type lookups.", "pull request": "none"}
1966 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "swift-like .<identifier>", "text": "Supports `.map .succ xs` etc. when a function type is expected (Zulip #944 references).", "pull request": "944"}
1967 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Folding", "text": "Added code folding support to language server (#1014).", "pull request": "1014"}
1968 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "do-block let <pattern> := e | alt", "text": "Allow `let <pattern> := e | alt` in do-blocks for simple branching. Removes older partial expansions.", "pull request": "none"}
1969 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Remove auto pure", "text": "No more 'auto' pure resolution. Must specify the monad or use type ascription if needed.", "pull request": "none"}
1970 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "congr theorems", "text": "No longer require all function args to be free vars on LHS. Partial argument usage is allowed.", "pull request": "none"}
1971 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "partially-applied congr", "text": "Allow partially applied congruence theorems for more general rewriting (#988 references).", "pull request": "988"}
1972 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Expected type heuristic", "text": "Reduce expected type if it's a metavariable before elaboration, to avoid incorrect postponement.", "pull request": "none"}
1973 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Remove leanpkg", "text": "Deprecated `leanpkg` replaced by Lake as the package manager (#985).", "pull request": "985"}
1974 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Go-to-definition", "text": "Improve find-all-refs for newly introduced definitions. Also fix coverage for partial expansions.", "pull request": "none"}
1975 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "autoDecidable", "text": "Auto generated congr lemmas can cast proofs/`Decidable` instances (#988 references).", "pull request": "none"}
1976 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "autoBoundImplicitLocal => autoImplicit", "text": "Renamed the option controlling auto-bound implicits to `autoImplicit`.", "pull request": "none"}
1977 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "contradiction tactic", "text": "`contradiction` closes the goal if `False.elim` is in the target or a local hypothesis.", "pull request": "none"}
1978 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "byCases => by_cases", "text": "Renamed tactic `byCases` to `by_cases` for naming convention consistency.", "pull request": "none"}
1979 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Local instance in patterns", "text": "Typeclass resolution can use local instances from patterns, e.g. `(⟨_, inst⟩ :: as).", "pull request": "none"}
1980 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "motive in match", "text": "Now `(motive := (args) → ...)` syntax instead of whitespace-based. E.g. `match (motive := ...) x, rfl with ...`", "pull request": "none"}
1981 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "generalizing = true by default", "text": "`match` defaults to `(generalizing := true)` even if the result type is not a Prop. E.g. no extra annotation needed.", "pull request": "none"}
1982 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "PSum usage", "text": "Mutually recursive definitions use `PSum` instead of `Sum` for well-founded rec. (#??) no PR # here.", "pull request": "none"}
1983 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Parametric well-founded", "text": "Better support for parametric well-founded relations (#1017).", "pull request": "1017"}
1984 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "while/do-block", "text": "Add macros `while <cond>` / `repeat <do>` / `repeat <do> until <cond>` for partial/do usage only.", "pull request": "none"}
1985 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "arith in `simp`", "text": "New `arith` option in `Simp.Config`. `simp_arith` includes Nat linear arithmetic rewriting.", "pull request": "none"}
1986 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "fail tactic", "text": "`fail <message>` tactic that always fails with a user-provided error text.", "pull request": "none"}
1987 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "acyclicity in dep elim", "text": "Check acyclicity in dependent elimination, addressing #1022 potentially.", "pull request": "1022"}
1988 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "trace tactic", "text": "Add `trace <string>` tactic for debugging messages within proofs.", "pull request": "none"}
1989 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "SizeOf for (Unit→α)", "text": "Add nontrivial `SizeOf` for function types `Unit→α` and in user-defined inductives with delayed fields.", "pull request": "none"}
1990 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Guess simpler WF", "text": "Try simple well-founded relations automatically for recursion. E.g. no extra `termination_by` needed for array loops.", "pull request": "none"}
1991 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "for x in xs do", "text": "Add `for h : x in xs do ...` meaning `h : x ∈ xs`. Useful for termination of iteration-based definitions.", "pull request": "none"}
1992 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Auto-implicit chaining", "text": "Unassigned metavariables in auto-implicit types become fresh auto-implicit locals. E.g. `HasType` example with `n`.", "pull request": "none"}
1993 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "promote prefix to parameters", "text": "Fixed prefix of inductive family indices is promoted to parameters if they do not vary. E.g. `Sublist`, `Lst` examples.", "pull request": "none"}
1994 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Auto-implicit rec", "text": "Chaining unassigned meta in index types now fosters correct type injection for families (#??).", "pull request": "none"}
1995 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Eliminate autoParam/optParam in recursors", "text": "Recursor minor premises & structure projections no longer carry autoParam/optParam overhead.", "pull request": "none"}
1996 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Overloaded notation in patterns", "text": "Allowed if each alternative has the same pattern variable set. E.g. `::` for List/Vector in different contexts.", "pull request": "none"}
1997 |
{"Version": "v4.0.0-m4", "section": "Swift-like dot syntax", "text": "Introducing `.<ident>` notation. Infers namespace from expected type. E.g. `.ok x`, `.error \"...\"`", "pull request": "944"}