Update README.md
Browse files
@@ -172,12 +172,11 @@ The dataset has the following structure:
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* `normalized_text` (string) - The normalized transcription of the audio segment, which is typically cleaned and adjusted for clarity.
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* `gender` (string) - The gender of the speaker (e.g., "M", "F").
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* `speaker_id` (string) - A unique identifier for the speaker.
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* `accent` (string) - The type of accent spoken in the audio (e.g., "en_us" for American English, "en_uk" for British English). If no accent is present, it is set to "None".
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* `caste` (string) - The caste group of the speaker, (RES: Reserved Category, UR: Unreserved Category)
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* `speech_duration_seconds` (float) - The duration of the speech in seconds.
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* `year_class` (string) - The academic year and class the speaker belongs to (e.g., LES_1980: Lecturers with PhD before 1980, LES_1990: Lecturers with PhD between 1980 to 1990, LES_2000: Lecturers with PhD between 1990 to 2000, GRT_2000:Lecturers with PhD post 2000 ).
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* `speech_class` (string) - The classification of speech rate, e.g., "SLOW", "AVG", "FAST".
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* `discipline_group` (string) - The speaker's discipline or academic field (e.g., "Engineering", "Non-Engineering").
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* `topic` (string) - The topic of the lecture or speech given by the speaker.
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* `normalized_text` (string) - The normalized transcription of the audio segment, which is typically cleaned and adjusted for clarity.
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* `gender` (string) - The gender of the speaker (e.g., "M", "F").
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* `speaker_id` (string) - A unique identifier for the speaker.
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* `caste` (string) - The caste group of the speaker, (RES: Reserved Category, UR: Unreserved Category)
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* `speech_duration_seconds` (float) - The duration of the speech in seconds.
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* `year_class` (string) - The academic year and class the speaker belongs to (e.g., LES_1980: Lecturers with PhD before 1980, LES_1990: Lecturers with PhD between 1980 to 1990, LES_2000: Lecturers with PhD between 1990 to 2000, GRT_2000:Lecturers with PhD post 2000 ).
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* `speech_class` (string) - The classification of speech rate, e.g., "SLOW", "AVG", "FAST".
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* `native_region` (string) - Indian region to which speaker belongs to. ("WEST","EAST","NORTH","SOUTH")
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* `discipline_group` (string) - The speaker's discipline or academic field (e.g., "Engineering", "Non-Engineering").
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* `topic` (string) - The topic of the lecture or speech given by the speaker.
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