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2 DAYOON PARK ofNoverZby anm-gonal form. As is well known, the problem of every positive integer Nwhich is represented by arbitrary given m- gonal form Fm(x) is not easy in general. In an effort to approach the problem, we suggest the reduced congruence equation (1.4) the a non-negative integer solution xNn 0) for every rZ, we say that Fm(x) locally represents N. The solvability of congruence for every prime pand natural number aNwould be enough to derive the local representability of NbyFm(x) in virtue of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Note that for a prime p, the congruence equation Fm(x)N(modpa) has an integer solution xZnfor every natural number aNif and only if the equation Fm(x) =Nhas ap-adic integer solution xZn p. When the equation Fm(x) =N has ap-adic integer solution xZn p, we say that Fm(x)represents the (global) representability implies the local representa bility, but the converse does not hold in general. Especially, when the converse als o holds, i.e., an m-gonalform Fm(x) Nwhichis overZ(resp. over N0), we say that Fm(x) isregular over Z(resp. over N0). WhenFm(x) represents every positive integer Nwhich is locally but finitely many over Z(resp. over N0), we say that Fm(x) isalmost regular over Z(resp. over N0). The concept of regular form was firstly introduced by Dickson in [3]. In [12], Watson proved that there are only finitely many primitive positive defi nite Watson's L- transformation which has been widely applied in the study of regular form. In [5], Jagy, Kapla nsky, and Schiemann who used the Watson's L-transformation classified 9 13 candidates for primitive positive definite regular ternary quadratic forms. And they claimed the regularity of all of them but 22. Oh [9] showed the regularity of 8 forms of unconfirmed 22 forms. And Lemke Oliver [8] proved the regularity of the remaining 14 candidates under the assumption of generalized Riemann Hypoth esis. The finiteness of primitive regular ternary triangular forms (i.e., 3-g onal forms) was shown by Chan and Oh [1] and all the finitely many primitive regular t forms was determined by Kim and Oh [7]. As an improvement o f the result in [1], Chan and Ricci [2] proved the finiteness of primitive regula r polynomials with a fixed conductor in [2]. As another version 's improve- ment of the work, in [1], He and Kane showed the finiteness of primitive regular ternary polygonal forms (i.e., m-gonal forms for arbitrary m>=3). Which implies that there are only finitely many mwhich admits a regular m-gonal form of rank 3. In [6], Kim and the author showed that for each rank n>=4 too, there are only finitely many mwhich admits a regular m-gonal form of rank n. Moreover in [6], they completely determined the type of regular m-gonal forms of rank n>=4 for allm>=14 (mod 4) and m>=28 withm0 (mod 4) by which is well designed to track the regular m-gonal forms. Now let us turn to our main subject which is almost regular form in this a rticle. By Theorem 4.9 (1) in [1], every m-gonal form of rank n>=5 is almost regular over Z, i.e., every m-gonalform ofrank n>=5 representsall the sufficiently other word, all but finitely many integers) which are locally repres ented by the form over Z. But such the nice local-to-global principle is not guaranteed when the rank is less than 5 in general. There is non-almost regular m-gonal form ofNON-ALMOST REGULAR QUATERNARY m-GONAL FORMS 3 rank 4, and by the above argument, 4 should be the maximum rank wh ich admits a non-almost regular m-gonal form over Z. In this short article, we mainly look into the non-almost regular m-gonal forms of rank 4. The following two theorems are the main goal in this article. Theorem 1.1. given. (1)If the quaternary quadratic form Zpis isotropic for ev- ery prime p, then the quaternary m-gonal form mis almost regular over Zfor define T:={p|Zpis anisotropic }a non-empty set of primes. For any for (mod 4) if2T, them-gonal form mis almost regular over Z. For every sufficiently large mwhich is not satisfying (1.5), them-gonal formmis not almost regular over Z(so also over N0). Theorem 1.2. For any m>=3, there are infinitely many primitive forms which are not almost regular over Z(so also over N0). Remark 1.3. By using Theorem 1.1, for arbitrary given any sufficiently large m, we may directly determine whether the m-gonal formmis almost regular or not. Throughout this article, we adopt the arithmetic theory of quadra tic forms. Before we move on, we briefly set our languages and terminologies wh ich are used throughout this article. If a quadratic form (or m-gonal form) represents every p-adic integer in NZp overZp, then we say that the quadratic form (or m-gonal form) is especially, when NZp=Zp, we say that universal over Zp. If a quadratic form (or m-gonal form) is universal over Zpfor every prime p, then we say that the quadratic form (or m-gonal form) is locally universal . We say that a quadratic form Q(x) isisotropic if the equation Q(x) = 0 has a non-trivial solution otherwise. It is well known that any quadratic form Q(x) of rank n>=5 is isotropic over local ring Zp. This property is critical in the regularity of arbitrary quadratic form of rank n>=5. Any unexplained notation and terminology can be found in of all, we may get an easy but important observation and only allows transfer the issue of the representation by m-gonal form to the issue of the representation by diagonal quadratic form with a congruen ce condition. By using the following proposition, one may effectively determine the rep resentability of integer by an m-gonal form over non-archimedean local ring with help of known results in the quadratic form theory over non-archimedean local r ing.4 DAYOON PARK Proposition 2.1. LetFm(x) =a1Pm(x1) +***+anPm(xn)be a primitive (a1,***,an) = 1)m-gonal form. (1)Whenpis an odd prime with p|m-2,Fm(x)is universal over (mod 4) ,Fm(x)is universal over Z2. (3)Whenpis an odd prime with (p,m-2) = 1, an integer Nis represented by Fm(x)overZpif and only if the integer represented by the diagonal quadratic form (mod 4) , an integer Nis represented by only if the represented by the diagonal quadratic form Proposition 3.1 in [14]. /square Remark 2.2. Now, we may need understanding the behavior of representati on by a diagonal quadratic form which is anisotropic over a non-ar chimedean local ring. (1)First, we consider a quaternary quadratic form which is anis otropic over a non-dyadic (i.e., for an odd prime p) local ring Zp. A quadratic form over Zpis the form and-uand-u'are quadratic One may see that for a quadratic form which is anisotropic over Zp, some each i= 1,2,3,4. (2)A primitive quaternary anisotropic diagonal quadratic for m over dyadic Z2 is the form of 4) 4) 4) (mod 8) . One may get that for a quadratic form which is anisotropic over Z2, some each i= 1,2,3,4. (3)The maximal rank nwhich admits an anisotropic quadratic form over non- archimedean local ring is 4. And a diagonal anisotropic quadratic form over a non-archimedean local ring Zpof rankn(in effect, nshould be 1,2,3, or 4) would be a subform of a diagonal anisotropic quadratic form of rank4. So from the above (1) and (2), one may obtain that for a diagona l REGULAR QUATERNARY m-GONAL FORMS 5 which is anisotropic over a non-archimedean local ring Zp, 2.3. A diagonal quaternary quadratic form
ispmax 1<=i<=4ordp(ai)Zp-universal over Zpfor every prime p. Proof.First, we assume that pis an odd prime. By 92:1b in [11], a ternary uni- modular (i.e., u1,u2,u3Zx p) quadratic form and a binary unimodular (i.e., u1,u2Zx p) quadratic form every p-adic unit Zx p. Which may yield the p= 2. uiZx 2, the quadratic over Z2. For two 2-adic units u,u'Zx 2, since uu'(mod 8) ==uu'(Zx 2)2, it would be enough to show the claim only for ui {1,3,5,7}. The tedious pro- cessing is omitted in this article. regular quaternary m-gonal forms Now we are ready to prove our main goals. At the end, in this last sect ion, we prove Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.2 by concretely constructing a form of rank 4. Proof of Theorem 1.1. Since the m-gonal form mis almost regular if and only if the m-gonal form almost regular for aN, throughout this proof, we assume that ( a1,a2,a3,a4) = 1. (1) Theorem 4.9 (2) in [1] directly yields the claim. (2) Since the representation over N0implies the representation over Z, it would be enough to show this theorem only over Z. For an odd prime p, if a primitive (i.e., satisfying ( a1,a2,a3,a4) = 1) quadratic formis anisotropicover Zp, then we have that a primitive quadratic form is anisotropicover Z2, we have Therefore, we may see that for for any pTandNN, that is to say, the order of integer 8( is absolutely bounded at every prime spot psuch that Zpis anisotropic. And so Theorem 4.9 (2) in [1] may yield the the second statement, define T':={p|Zpis not universal }
(T'could be empty). We show that for any sufficiently large msuch DAYOON PARK ifmdoes not satisfy (1.5), then the m-gonal form mis not almost regular. If there is an odd prime in Twhich does not divide m-2, then we write the prime as qTand otherwise, then we put q= 2T(note that when q= 2, we have m0 (mod 4)). We may take a residue r(q) = For a prime them-gonal form mis universal over Zpby Proposition 2.1. For a prime pT', from our assumption that (a1,a2,a3,a4) = 1, we may take a residue r(p) which N is represented by moverZpfor anyNr(p) (modpordp(4p)). By combining the above arguments with the Chinese Remainder Theorem , we may take a residue that for any integer locally represented by m 8(m-2)N+(m-4)2(a1+a2+a3+a4)0 (mod So N0inthe interval[ that N0is locally represented by mand 8(m-2)N0+(m-4)2(a1+a2+a3+a4)0 (mod since the smallest m-gonal number is m-3 except 0 and 1, the integer N0 in the interval [ would not be (globally) represented bymoverZ(and so over N0too). And then we may get infinitely many positive integers Nnwhich are represented by mlocally, but not globally where 8( (mod 8( m-2)) when qis an odd prime qk1 (modm-2 2) when q= 2. For a contradiction, we suppose that Nnis represented by moverZ, i.e., 8( some ( x1,x2,x3,x4)Z4. Since 8(0 (mod q2kn+ max 1<=i<=4{ordq(64ai)}) andZqis anisotropic, we have (mod qkn+ordq(4)) by Remark 2.2. From our choice of kNsatisfying (3.1), we have REGULAR QUATERNARY m-GONAL FORMS 7 for some yiZ. And then we obtain a contradiction that N0=a1Pm(y1) This completes the 3.1. (1) = 1and a prime q, an m-gonal form a positive integer N, some (x1,***,xn)Z4for which divided by a high power of q, we have that would be divided by a high power of each i= 1,***,nby Remark 2.2. Note that the above situation occurs = 1 orm0 (mod 4) withq= 2 because ord anisotropic So we may getkNfor (mod 8( = 1 qk1 (modm-2 2)whenq= 2. When ord we may see that N'is represented by further a representation of N is derived from a representation of N'. Following the same processing as above, we may back track the representations of the positive integers N > N'> least the contraposition of the above argument, we may see that w hen a ord not represented by which the quadratic form anisotropic), the infinite series of positive integers Nnare not represented by (3.2). On the other hand, when mis large, a quaternary m-gonal form m would fail to represent a bunch of small positive integers si nce the smallest m-gonal number is m-3except0and1. As a specific observation, we suggest an example that a quaternary m-gonal form mwould represent at most 24-1 positive integers before m-3. Therefore there is a lot of chance to take a among the small positive integers) which is re presented by8 DAYOON PARK mlocally, but not globally and satisfy ord Very recently, it was shown that any m-gonal form of rank n>=5is almost regular over N0too (not only over Z) in[15]. The almost regularity of m-gonal rankn>=5is strongly bound to the property that quadratic rankn>=5is always isotropic over every non-archimedean local ring Zp. As the same stream, by Theorem 1.1 (1), when the positive defi nite qua form is isotropic over every non-archimedean local ring Zp, them-gonal form mis almost regular for every it is unknown whether such a principle in the case of quaternary form also holds over N0yet. The author suggests the interesting open problems that when a positive definite quaternary quadratic form is isotropic, to determine that whether the almost regularity of the m-gonal formsm are still preserved or not for m>=3overN0too and to determine that whether the first statement in Theorem 1.1 (2) holds over N0too or not. Proof of Theorem 1.2. Letpbe an odd prime with ( p,m-2) = 1. We may take an odd prime q1which is a quadratic residue modulo pand an odd prime for which-q2is a quadratic non-residue modulo p. Note that it would be possible to take infinitely many such odd primes p,q1andq2. Now we show that the not almost regular over Z(so also over N0). By Proposition 2.1, we may locally universal since the quaternary quadratic locally universal. But the m-gonal form (globally) represent the infinitely many positive (mod 8( m-2)). When n= 0, we may easily see that N0= 1 is not represented by >1. When n >0, for a contradiction, we suppose that Nnis represented by the other words, we suppose that for some ( x1,x2,x3,x4)Z4. Since the anisotropic over we have 1,2,3,4. Moreover, since pkn1 (mod 2( m-2)), we have some yiZ. So we may obtain that yielding that 1 is represented by Which is a contradiction. W. K. Chan, B.-K.Oh, Representations of integral quadratic polynomials , Contemp. Math. 587 (2013), 31-46. | 2108.10845 | Dayoon Park | Dayoon Park | Non-almost regular quaternary $m$-gonal forms | null | null | null | null | math.NT | http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ | The maximal $n$ which admits a non-almost regular $m$-gonal form of rank $n$
is $4$. In this article, we consider the $m$-gonal forms of rank $4$ which is not almost regular.
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exposures. However, collecting the corresponding focal stack of an AiF image might be difficult because of the focus breathing phenomenon, where a camera's field of view changes as the lens moves. To address this problem, we use synthetic data without such effects during training, and apply a calibration process on real data during is trained supervisedly, our method outperforms methods in various comparisons, while our method also runs faster.
*To our knowledge, the proposed method is the first that can learn depth estimation unsupervisedly from only AiF images and performs favorably against methods.
*Domain gaps can be mitigated by our method with test- time optimization on real-world data, especially when ground truth depth data are not available. 2. Related Work 2.1. Depth from Focus Depth estimation is a fundamental computer vision task that aims to use different cues such as color, or the difference in image sequences to predict or fuse depth maps [ 5,40]. Most of the previous works assume that input images are all-in-focus, whereas in images are usually considered to be defocused in the background or with a shallow depth-of-field (DoF). Nev- ertheless, some approaches elaborate on depth estimation with defocused images. Conventional optimization based approaches [ 37,36] proposed to directly estimate depth from focal stacks, and a variant approach [ 26] tries to generate an index map in which every pixel is assigned to the focus position leading to the maximal sharpness. Chen et al. [6] found the relationship between relative blur and disparity, and make use of it to enhance the robustness of matching. Depth from focus sweep video [ 18] targets estimating depth from images with successive focus positions. Recently, deep learning based approaches [ 11,24] could model the blurri- ness more precisely and achieve much better depth quality. On the other hand, some works [ 2,4,35] use deep to remove the defocus blur for single images. 2.2. Multi-focus Image Fusion Although real-world images usually have defocus blur, most computer vision applications are supposed to coop- erate with all-in-focus (AiF) images. Therefore, more and more attention is given on shallow-DoF image deblurring and multi-focus image fusion. A multi-focus image fusion approach [ 41] applies Laplacian to different scales of images. Zhan et al. [43] proposed a guided filter to help edge preserv- ing during multi-focus image fusion. Nejati et al. [27] learna sparse representation of relative sharpness measurement and produce a pixel-level score map for decision through pooling. An unsupervised learning approach [ 32] was pro- posed to fuse either multi-exposure or multi-focus images to generate a high dynamic range (HDR) or an AiF image. Liuet al. [22] proposed to learn a focus map and a segmen- tation map through deep neural networks, and fuse images by integrating these maps. 2.3. Light Field A light field camera captures spatially distributed light rays. By re-rendering through digitized multi-view images, variable aperture pictures can be generated after capturing. With this characteristic, a post-capture refocusing can also be accomplished by properly manipulating those light field images [ 28]. As light field camera provides multi-view in- formation from different poses, it could help many compu- tational photography applications. As the number of views grows, more information could be retrieved. Light field images often suffer from low spatial resolu- tion as the sampling resources are limited. Cheng et al. [7] and Jin et al. [17] proposed to apply deep learning on con- structing super-resolution images from light field images to cover this situation. Depth estimation could also be achieved by leveraging the abundant information from light field im- ages [ Levoy et al. [20] proposed to use the epipolar plane images (EPIs), which contain both spatial and angular information, for depth esti- mation from light field images. Heber et al. [12] proposed to learn the end-to-end mapping between the 4D light field and its corresponding 4D depth field accompanied with a high- order regularization refinement. By following [ 12], they then designed an encoder-decoder architecture to extract the geometric information from light field images [ 13]. Some works [ 15,33] focus on providing light field datasets with ground truth depth or AiF images for further use. 2.4. Realistic Data Synthesis Deep learning significantly improves the quality of com- puter vision tasks with a large amount of training data. How- ever, collecting real-world data is often costly and time- consuming. Therefore, many works instead target synthe- sizing realistic data to provide sufficient data for training. Barron et al. [3] proposed to synthesize defocus images by a layer-wised rendering scheme with a z-buffer. Wadhwa et al. [39] combine a person segmentation mask with a depth map calculated from a dual-pixel camera to generated shal- low depth-of-field images. Gur et al. [10] use a spread function, namely the PSF convolution layer, to synthesize realistic defocus images and train a depth from de- focus network to generate depth maps. Herrmann et al. [14] proposed a learning-based approach for autofocus and re- cently provided a real dataset for training. However, thedataset was not open to the public at the submission time. 3. Method We describe the proposed method in this section. Sec. 3.1 gives an overview of our method. Then, a shared network used for both of depth estimation and AiF image reconstruc- tion is illustrated in Sec. 3.2. The attention mechanism that bridges the two tasks is introduced in Sec. 3.3. We then depict the core concept to turn AiF images into for unsupervised depth estimation in Sec. 3.4. Fi- nally, Sec. 3.5 shows the loss functions for training with depth supervision and AiF Overview Depth from focus aims to recover the depth from a focal stack through defocus cues. As shown in Fig. 1, given a with gradually varying focus positions P2RHW1F, our method produces several attention representations through a shared network. Then a depth map D2RHW1and an all-in-focus this scene can be generated with these attention maps. 3.2. Network [ 11] uses 2D ConvNets to address the problem, which is one of the main challenges in depth from focus. On the other hand, DefocusNet [ 24] ap- plies a global pooling layer as a communication tool between several weights-sharing 2D ConvNets. Another objective of this architecture is to allow focal stacks with arbitrary sizes. However, some important information across the stack dimension might not be effectively captured due to the limi- tation of 2D convolution and simple global pooling. For this reason, we adopt the Inception3D [ 1] as the backbone of our model. As shown in Fig. 1, our model is an encoder-decoder network consisting of 3D convolu- tions. With the 3D convolution, defocus cues could be better captured across frames and thus facilitate the tasks of depth estimation and AiF image reconstruction. Moreover, our model can also handle focal stacks with arbitrary sizes at- tributed to the nature of 3D Attention Mechanism The output of our network is an intermediate The underlying expectation of the inter- mediate attention Mis that it should reflect the probability of each focus position leading to the maximal sharpness. Then it can benefit both of depth estimation and AiF depth estimation, we propose to normalize the in- termediate attention Minto a depth attention Mdepthvia asoftplus (1 + exp ( (1 + exp ( Mi;j;1;n)): (2) The softplus function is a smooth version of ReLU. The depth attention Mdepthcan also be interpreted as the probability distribution because the softplus function ensures non-negativeness and normalizes Mdepthinto a distribution. Then the expected depth value of each pixel can be derived via: Di;j;1= (3) For AiF image reconstruction, we perform similar proce- dures except that the normalization function changes from softplus to softmax. That is, the AiF attention MAiFis ob- tained as: MAiF=(M); (Mi;j;1;n): (5) The AiF attention MAiFcan then be used for AiF The expected AiF image of each pixel is expressed as: Ii;j;k= (6) The reason why we adopt the softmax and softplus nor- malizations separately for depth and AiF image estimation is to tackle the problem of sparse focal stacks. By sparse, we mean that the stack size is small, and the focus positions inside the focal stack are not dense. For AiF image reconstruction, it is best to select the sharpest pixel along the stack dimension. Blending multiple pixels inside a sparse stack usually does not help. There- fore, we leverage the softmax function to pursue the to extract the clearest pixels. For depth estimation, the softmax normalization results in severe quantization for sparse focal stacks because it simply selects the nearest focal position of maximal sharpness. On the other hand, the softplus normalization leads to a so that more accurate depth can be predicted by interpolating among sparse focal positions. Fig. 2 shows the effects of this design stack SAll-in-focus IDepthD3D conv Figure 1: An overview of the proposed method. Given a stack of images with varying focus positions, i.e., focal stack, our model first produces an intermediate attention map M. The intermediate attention map can be shared between depth estimation and all-in-focus (AiF) image reconstruction. With different normalization functions, the attention map can be further manipulated to generate either depth or AiF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stack Attention AiF Attention 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stack Seperate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stack 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stack Figure 2: The effect of normalization on attention maps. The first row shows that if we adopt the same softmax nor- malization for depth and AiF attention, both of them tend to be a flatter distribution in supervised learning and face a peaking phenomenon in unsupervised learning (AiF su- pervision). The second row shows that with separate nor- malization as described in Sec. 3.3, each of depth and AiF attention becomes a proper distribution in both supervised and unsupervised learning. 3.4. Towards Unsupervised Depth to our method, DefocusNet [ 24] also combines the tasks of depth estimation and AiF image defocus maps . Their intermediate defocus maps necessitate supervisory signals, which can be derived by calculating the circle of confusions from the ground truth depth. Furthermore, they also propose to use a DepthNet fol- lowing the intermediate defocus maps to predict the output depth. Therefore, their method can only be trained supervis- edly when ground truth depth data are we propose to use the intermediate attention Mtobridge the two tasks, which does not necessitate signals from ground truth depth data. Moreover, there are no learnable parameters after M. We only use functions to generate the output depth and AiF images. Therefore, even when ground truth depth data are not available, we can still train the shared network to generate the intermediate attention Monly via supervisory signals from ground truth AiF images. That is, our method can be trained supervisedly or unsupvervisedly with or without ground truth depth data. 3.5. Training Loss For supervised depth estimation , our model is trained with a simple for the ground truth depth. For unsupervised depth estimation, our model can also be trained by a L1loss with AiF the ground truth AiF image. Furthermore, we also encourage our depth map to be locally smooth using an edge-aware weighting as in [ 9]. The smoothness loss is defined as: Lsmooth (9) where Wx= exp exp a hyper-parameter for the edge weighting based on the ground truth AiF image. The total loss of our unsuper- vised depth estimation is =LAiF+L smooth; the importance of the smoothness loss. 4. Evaluation In this section, we describe the datasets used in the ex- periments, and report ablation studies and comparisons with the state-of-the-art methods on depth from focus. In material, we present additional results for AiF image reconstruction, and visual comparisons on DDFF 12-Scene [ 11], Middlebury Stereo Datasets [ 34], and the DefocusNet dataset [24]. 4.1. Datasets Totally five datasets are used in the quantitative experi- ments and visual comparisons. Their descriptions and statis- tics are summarized in Table 1. For more details, please see the supplementary material. 4.2. Evaluation Metrics In this paper, we evaluate quantitative results with the fol- lowing metrics: mean-absolute error (MAE), (MSE), error (RMSE), log error (logRMS), error (Abs. rel.), relative-squared error (Sqr. rel.), bumpiness (Bump), accuracy with = 1:25, per-stack inference time (Secs.). 4.3. Implementation Details We implement our method in PyTorch [ 30]. Our model is trained from scratch using the Adam optimizer [ 19] (1= 0:9,2= 0:999), with a learning rate of 10 4. For DDFF 12-Scene [ 11], 4D Light Field Dataset [ 15], FlyingTh- ings3D [ 25], and the DefocusNet dataset [ 24], we use 10, 10, 15, and 5 as the input stack sizes, respectively. In un- supervised learning, the weight of smoothness loss is set to0:002in all experiments. We apply random spatial (flipping, cropping, rotation) and random color jittering (brightness, contrast, and gamma) for data augmen- tation during training. The training patch size is 256256 after random cropping except for DDFF 12-Scene [ 11]. Be- cause the image size of DDFF 12-Scene is 224224, which is larger than 256256, we do not apply random cropping on this dataset. All the experiments are conducted with a single NVIDIA GTX 1080 GPU. 4.4. Ablation Studies To understand the performance of each proposed com- ponents in our method, we conduct various ablation studies Stack Size of Test TimeDisparity 5 910 Same ArbitraryFigure 3: The effect of focal stack size. Each line indicates a stack size setting during training. Specifically, 10and Arbitrary respectively represent training with a fixed size of 10and training with arbitrary sizes, and Same refers to using the same setting as test stacks. on 4D Light Field Dataset [ 16]. All models are with disparity maps if not Table 2 shows the comparison between 2D and 3D convolutions and with/without the proposed atten- tion mechanism. The 3D convolution performs better than 2D convolution as the 3D convolution is able to capture and aggregate features across both spatial and stack dimensions. The design of attention bridges the tasks of depth estimation and AiF image reconstruction, and thus enables the possibil- ity of unsupervised depth estimation as described in Sec. 3.4 while maintaining roughly the same prediction quality. Focal stack size. Our network can handle arbitrary input stack sizes due to the nature of 3D convolution. Fig. 3 shows a comparison on different input stack sizes. We train the models in three different ways: 1) 10: training with a fixed input stack size of 10. 2) Arbitrary : training with arbitrary input stack sizes randomly sampled from 2 to 10. 3) Same : training with the same size as test stacks. The model trained with a fixed stack size performs poorly while testing with different stack sizes. As expected, the model trained with the same stack size as test data performs the best as the input setting for training and testing are consis- tent. However, the model trained with arbitrary input stack sizes performs favorably against the ones trained with the same stack size as test data. This demonstrates the robustness of our method across different input stack sizes. Fig. 4 shows the visual comparison of different input stack sizes, generated with the model trained with arbitrary input stack sizes. It is obvious that the quality of the map improves as the stack size learning using all-in-focus images. On the basis of the attention mechanism described in Sec. 3.3, our method is able to be trained with either ground truth dispar- ity maps (supervised) or ground truth AiF images Table 3 and Fig. 5 respectively show the quantitative and qualitative results for both of our supervised and unsu-Table 1: Summary of the evaluation Image source Cause of defocus Disparity/Depth GT AiF GT DefocusNet [24] Synthetic Blender rendering Depth DDFF 12-Scene [11] Real Light-field composition Depth 4D Light Field Dataset [16] Synthetic Light-field composition Disparity X Middlebury Stereo Datasets [34] Real Disparity rendering Disparity X Mobile Depth [37] Real Real Stitching by MRF Table 2: Ablation study on network architecture. The 3D convolution leads to better performance on disparity estima- tion because of its ability to capture features for both spatial and stack dimensions. Although the design of attention does not increase the performance explicitly, it bridges the tasks of depth estimation and AiF image reconstruction and thus enables the unsupervised learning for depth Attention MAE # MSE # RMSE #Bump. #
3DX 0.0788 0.0472 0.2014 1.5776 0.0851 0.0461 0.1984 2.3168 2DX 0.1070 0.0577 0.2259 2.1435 0.1179 0.0576 0.2291 2.3168 RGB stack size 3 stack size 5 stack size 9 GT Figure 4: Visual comparison on different focal stack sizes. The quality of the estimated disparity map improves as the stack size models. As shown in Table 3, with a large input stack size of 37and the smoothness loss, the performance of unsupervised learning is able to approximate that of super- vised learning with a smaller stack size of 10. However, the results of unsupervised learning with a smaller stack size suffer from the quantization problem as described in Sec. 3.4. As shown in Fig. 5, after adding the smoothness loss, the output disparity map becomes locally smooth and perform better Comparisons to the State-of-the-art Methods After ablation on different components of the proposed method, we conduct comparisons with the on various datasets in this section. DDFF 12-Scene. Table 4 shows the quantitative compari- son on DDFF 12-Scene [ 11]. All methods are on this dataset with ground truth depth. The pro- posed method performs favorably against the 3: Ablation study on supervision. The results of supervised learning perform better than the ones from unsu- pervised learning (AiF supervision). Unsupervised learning often generates disparity maps that suffer from the quan- tization effect and lead to poor results. After adding the smoothness loss, the output disparity maps become locally smooth and perform better Stack size Lsmooth MAE # MSE # RMSE #
Yes 10 0.0788 0.0472 0.2014 No 10 0.2425 0.1174 0.3401 No 37 0.2099 0.1039 0.3202 No 10 X 0.1671 0.0746 0.2698 No 37 X 0.1116 0.0584 Yes No No No No Stack size 10 37 10 37 Lsmooth X X Figure 5: Visual comparison on different supervision set- tings. The results of supervised learning are better than the ones from unsupervised learning (AiF supervision). The out- put disparity maps from unsupervised learning suffer from the quantization effect. By adding the smoothness loss, the disparity results become locally smooth and perform favor- ably against the ones from supervised learning under all metrics. Furthermore, our method runs faster than another deep learning based method DDFF [ 11] . 4D Light Field Dataset. Compared to DDFF 12-Scene [ 11], 4D Light Field Dataset [ 16] provides the ability to simu- late shallower DoF images as its larger baseline leads to a larger synthetic aperture. Table 5 shows the with state-of-the-art methods. All of them are trained with this dataset. Our supervised model achieves the best MSE (0.0472), which outperforms the DefocusNet [ 24] (0.0593). Furthermore, our unsu- pervised model even performs better than most of the otherTable 4: Quantitative comparison on DDFF 12-Scene. Note that RMSE is not presented due to the mismatched results from the benchmark website and the paper of DDFF [ 11]. For DefocusNet [ 24], we only show the original metric reported in their paper, which is MSE. Red RedRed text indicates the best, and blue text indicates the second-best performing method. Method MSE # log RMS #Abs. rel. #Sqr. rel. #Bump. #= 1:25= 1:252= 1:253 Ours 0.25 0.250.25 0.01 0.010.01 0.63 68.33 68.3368.33 87.40 87.4087.40 93.96 DefocusNet [24] 9:1e 4- - - - - - - DDFF [11] 9:7e 40.32 0.29 0.01 0.010.01 0.59 61.95 85.14 92.98 PSPNet [44] 0.27 0.01 0.010.01 0.55 62.66 85.90 2:1e 30.31 0.26 1.02 55.65 82.00 93.09 PSP-LF [44] 2:7e 30.45 0.46 0.03 0.540.540.54 39.70 65.56 82.46 DFLF [11] 4:8e 30.59 0.72 0.07 0.65 28.64 53.55 71.61 VDFF [26] 7:3e 31.39 0.62 0.05 0.79 8.42 19.95 32.68 RGB VDFF [26] PSPNet [44] DDFF [11] DefocusNet [24] Ours (S) Ours (US) GT Figure 6: Visual comparison on 4D Light Field Dataset. S: supervised. US: unsupervised 5: Quantitative comparison on 4D Light Field Dataset. Our supervised model outperforms the method DefocusNet. Furthermore, our (with AiF supervision) even performs better than most of the other supervised methods. Please see Fig. 6 for the vi- sual comparison. (represents that the model is pre-trained on DDFF Supervised MSE #RMSE #Bump. #
Ours Yes 0.2014 0.20140.2014 1.58 DefocusNet [24] Yes 0.0593 0.2355 2.69
*DDFF [11] Yes 0.19 0.42 1.92
*PSPNet [44] Yes 0.37 0.53 1.21 1.211.21 VDFF [26] Yes 1.3 1.15 1.58 Ours No 0.0746 0.2398 2.58 supervised methods, except for DefocusNet. Fig. 6 shows the qualitative results of 4D Light Field Dataset [ 16]. Our supervised model delivers sharper depth boundaries and less noise in textureless regions. Meanwhile, our unsupervised model also achieves visually with the supervised DefocusNet The DefocusNet dataset [ 24] is a syntheticTable 6: Quantitative comparison on the Our supervised model outperforms the method DefocusNet. Please refer to the for the full metric results. Method 0.0549 0.0127 [24] 0.0637 0.0175 0.1207 dataset using physically based rendering (PBR) shaders. Since only a subset of this dataset has been released and there are no AiF images, we can only conduct on the provided subset. The quantitative results of our method and DefocusNet [ 24] are shown in Table 6. Note that the results of DefocusNet are retrained on the provided subset with the released code and setting. Mobile Depth. The Mobile Depth dataset [ 37] is a real- world dataset of focal stacks captured with mobile phone and cameras. Due to the lack of training data in this dataset, all compared models are trained on FlyingThings3D [ 25], and the input focal stacks are synthesized by the used in Barron et al. [3]. As shown in Fig. 7, the output depth maps of our super-Table 7: Analysis on generalization ability across different datasets. We train our models and DefocusNet [ 24] [ 25] with synthesized focal stacks by the rendering technique used in Barron et al. [3], and test these models on Middlebury Stereo Datasets [ 34] and the DefocusNet dataset. The results show that both of our supervised and AiF supervision) models have better generalization ability than Supervised Test Dataset MAE # MSE # RMSE # absRel # sqrRel # Sec.#
Ours Yes Middlebury 58.5698 58.569858.5698 5.9355 5.93555.9355 2.4776 2.47762.4776 45.5886 45.588645.5886 0.0287 Ours No Middlebury 5.4499 99.6029 8.2606 3.8954 80.7120 0.0283 [24] Yes Middlebury 7.4084 157.4397 9.0794 3.4698 63.6797 0.3798 Ours Yes DefocusNet 0.1827 0.079 5 0.2607 72.4664 40.4281 0.021 Ours No DefocusNet 0.0627 0.06270.0627 0.2380 0.23800.2380 59.4459 59.445959.4459 14.0227 14.022714.0227 0.01959 [24] Yes DefocusNet 0.3200 0.1478 0.3722 138.2917 70.0229 0.0527 vised model are smoother and exhibit less ambiguity than DefocusNet [ 24]. But the results of our unsupervised model (with AiF supervision) are worse than DefocusNet. Nonethe- less, since our method allows training without ground truth depth, we can perform test-time optimization on this dataset with only AiF images. After test-time optimization, our unsupervised model performs better than DefocusNet, and both of our supervised and unsupervised models against Mobile Depth. We also show the output AiF images in the supplementary ability analysis. Middlebury Stereo Datasets[ 34] is a real-world dataset of stereo images along with ground truth disparity maps. We use this dataset to analyze the generalization ability of our method. To this end, we firstly let our models and DefocusNet [ 24] be trained on FlyingThings3D [ 25] with synthesized focal stacks by the rendering technique used in Barron et al. [3], and then test these models on Middlebury Stereo Datasets as well as the DefocusNet dataset. The quantitative results are shown in Table 7. One can see that both of our supervised and unsupervised (with AiF supervision) models achieve than DefocusNet on these two time. As indicated in Table 7, our method is faster than the state-of-the-art method DefocusNet [ 24]. The main reason might be that our model does not have a bottleneck like the global pooling layer in DefocusNet. 5. Conclusion We have proposed a method to jointly estimate the depth map and the all-in-focus (AiF) image from an input focal stack with a shared network. By the design of the mechanism, the shared network can be trained either supervisedly, or unsupervisedly with AiF images. Our method can further mitigate domain gaps even in the absence of ground truth depth. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods while also having higher efficiency in inference time. AiF GT DefocusNet [24] Ours (S) Ours (US) Mobile [37] Ours (S) * Ours (US) *
AiF GT DefocusNet [24] Ours (S) Ours (US) Mobile [37] Ours (S) * Ours (US) *
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Deep3d: Fully automatic 2d-to-3d video conversion with deep convo- | 2108.10843 | Yu-Lun Liu | Ning-Hsu Wang, Ren Wang, Yu-Lun Liu, Yu-Hao Huang, Yu-Lin Chang,
Chia-Ping Chen and Kevin Jou | Bridging Unsupervised and Supervised Depth from Focus via All-in-Focus Supervision | ICCV 2021. Project page: https://albert100121.github.io/AiFDepthNet/
Code: https://github.com/albert100121/AiFDepthNet | null | null | null | cs.CV | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Depth estimation is a long-lasting yet important task in computer vision. Most of the previous works try to estimate depth from input images and assume images are all-in-focus (AiF), which is less common in real-world applications. On the other hand, a few works take defocus blur into account and consider it as another cue for depth estimation. In this paper, we propose a method to estimate not only a depth map but an AiF image from a set of images with different focus positions (known as a focal stack). We design a to exploit the relationship between depth and AiF estimation. As a result, the proposed method can be trained either supervisedly with ground truth depth, or with AiF images as supervisory signals. We show in various experiments that our method outperforms the both quantitatively and qualitatively, and also has higher efficiency in inference time.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 17:09:13 GMT"
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and geometric Brownian motion which enables pricing of financial derivatives [3]. This con- nection also plays a crucial role in the rigorous and constructive formulation of quantum field theories, which are essential for the description of nature at the most [4, 5]. On a more practical level, this formula is routinely utilized for the numer- ical evaluation of the quantum properties of atomic and subatomic systems in as well as in atomic and particle physics [6, 7, 8]. Recent research on the suitability of quantum computers for solving differential equa- tions has grown substantially due to the promise of efficiency and speed-up brought by solving these problems quantum mechanically. In [9, SSI], the link between the Feynman- Kac formula and stochastic processes is pointed out but not further developed. Similarly, on [10,SSII], a remark about a 'deep' connection between the heat equation and is made. In [11, SS2.1], Feynman-Kac formula is invoked to transform the price of a European call option from a conditional expectation value to the solution of the Wick- rotated Schrodinger equation through a particular Hamiltonian. Furthermore, in [12], the connection between trinomial trees for random walks, SDEs, and the Fokker-Planck equa- tion, is established but the full picture of generalizing to the Feynman-Kac formula is not developed. In this paper, we will explore the advantages of entirely transitioning from an SDE to a PDE by not relying on a random-walk tree or other kinds of discrete alternative approach to estimate properties of stochastic processes is by Amplitude Estimation (QAE) [13] and its variants [14, 15, 16], which can achieve a quadratic speed-up over classical Monte Carlo simulation. In contrast to classical Monte Carlo simulation, all possible paths of a (discretized) stochastic process are modelled in a single quantum state in superposition. In other words, a set of qubits is prepared such that measuring their state would result in sampling from the distribution of the of interest. Although preparing such states is in principle always possible for reasonable stochastic processes [17], efficient realization of this method demands a careful analysis [18, 19, 20, 21] and may not always result in a practical quantum advantage. Once such a state is prepared, QAE can be used to evaluate different (path-dependent) In [22], a similar connection between SDEs and PDEs is developed focused on Monte Carlo methods rather than variational methods associated to PDEs. In most of the existing literature on option pricing for equities using quantum com- puters, e.g. [18, 23], however, an SDE is tacitly solved, namely the so-called motion whereuandsare constants known as drift and volatility respectively, and Wtis the Brownian motion. Once this SDE is solved and shown to which produces a log-normal the pricing of a particular security begins by applying QAE. However, this SDE is one of the simplest and one of the few that can be solved analytically. For the most part SDEs rarely admit analytical solutions [24, 25] and are usually dealt with numerically with large amounts of classical resources. Here we bypass this problem by not solving the SDE and instead simulating an associated - and deterministic - PDE for the calculations of the conditional expectations of the stochastic process Xt. We now propose to synthesize these ideas into a unified framework and bring econ- omy of thought by describing how the heat, Schrodinger, Black-Scholes, equations can be thought of as different manifestations of the Feynman- Kac formulation. Once this framework is established, we then employ recent techniques from variational quantum time evolution [26, 27, 28] to introduce an algorithm for of SDEs on quantum computers by firstlinking them to PDEs and a differential operator, an infinitesimal generator, that can be evolved on a Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 2quantum computer. The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the Feynman-Kac for- mula. The algorithm along with its complexity and advantages is developed in Section 3 and numerically illustrated in Section 4. Future exploratory items are brought forward in Appendix H. 2 The Feynman-Kac formula In this section we first introduce the definition and existence of Brownian motion and immediately use its properties to derive a partial differential equation whose solution will be a conditional expectation of the Brownian motion. We formalize these results in one of second order PDEs is also provided. Moreover, we establish the that will be needed in Section 4 for our quantum and classical algorithms with periodic boundary conditions. 2.1 Brownian motion and differential equations We start by reminding the reader about Brownian motion and link it to the heat equation. We shall proceed axiomatically in order to provide all the tools needed throughout the paper. Suppose ohmis a sample space, oohmis an event of this space and N(u,s)is the normal distribution with mean uand variance s2, 2.1. Brownian motion a continuous that satisfies the following characteristics [29, SS5.3]: 1)W(0) = 0almost independent increments: W(t+u)-W(t)is independent of s(W(s) :s<=t) foru>=0, wheresdenotes the sigma algebra generated by W(s); 3)W(t)has Gaussian increments: W(t+u)-W(t)is normally distributed with mean 0and variance u, continuous paths: W(t)is a continuous function of t, in tfor alloohm. The probability measure under which Wtis a Brownian motion is denoted by Pand the filtered probability space will be denoted by (ohm,F,P). The existence of Brownian motion - often overlooked in the literature of quantum computing, e.g. [12, SSII.A], [30,SSII.A] or [23,SSII] - was established by Wiener by proving that indeed the first three items were compatible with the continuity of the paths of Wt. Theorem 2.1 motion exists. In Figure 1 we display some possible paths of Brownian motion and their distribution. A key result, which is best motivated informally, is due to Ito and it states the and [32, Appendix B], see also [33, 29, 34]. Theorem 2.2 (Ito's lemma) .For infinitesimal Brownian motion increments, one has that dW2 t=dt. (1) Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 30.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1: Left : 10 realizations of Brownian motion. Right : 500 realizations of Brownian motion and their resulting result states that the variance of the Brownian increment is proportional to the time interval of the increment. In other words, Brownian motion accumulates at rate one per unit Brownian motion has some unusual properties. For instance while it is continuous everywhere it is (with probability one) nowhere differentiable and it scales like a fractal. Moreover, Brownian motion will eventually attain any and every value no matter how large or negative and once Brownian motion attains a value, it immediately attains it again infinitely often, and then after that again from time to time in the future, see [33,SS3.1] for other items in the 'bestiary' of Brownian motion. Globally, the law of large numbers states that Wt/t-0almost surely as t-, [5, Proposition 2.8]. Next, we move on to the backward heat equation [32, SS3.1.9] as an illustrative exam- ple. Suppose that (Wt)t>=0is a Brownian motion defined on the filtered probability space (ohm,F,P), and consider the simplest type of SDE dXt=dWt. (2) Letps:R-Rbe a Borel-measurable function such (3) for somea>0. Set the conditional (4) From the properties of Brownian motion we can write uas u(x,t) (5) for every (x,y,t )R2x[0,T]. Taking the partial derivative with respect to tand the second order partial derivative with respect to x, one can easily verify that usatisfies (6) with the terminal condition u(x,T) =ps(x)forxR. This result contains the essence of Feynman-Kac formulation as it expresses the solution to the parabolic PDE (6)as Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 4the expected value of a functional of Brownian motion (4)coming from an SDE (2) with a terminal condition that is subjected to (3). While (6)is indeed the heat equa- tion, some guesswork would be involved in generalizing this to a full SDE of the let alone to generalizations. In order to overcome this, it is worth investing in seeing how Ito's lemma plays a critical role in the derivation of the Feynman-Kac formula. This investment will also explain how (5)was arrived at. The details are in Appendices A and B. 2.2 One-dimensional Feynman-Kac formula As we have seen, the Feynman-Kac technique is a strategy for solving a certain type of partial differential equations by using Brownian motion and Monte Carlo methods. The converse can also be quite useful as it implies that expectations of Wiener processes such as(2)or more general, which are stochastic, can be translated to and computed by methods. Let us now formalize these a one-dimensional Brownian motion defined on a filtered (ohm,F,P). We shall consider the Wiener process Wtand the stochastic (7) where aandbare suitable analytic functions with a>0and with condition Xt=x, see [31,SS4]. Note how (7)now incorporates a drift term b(Xt,t), unlike(2). Let f:R-Rbe an analytic function. For a Borel-measurable function ps:R-R, we define the setting u(x,t) (8) where cis a suitable real function called the discount function. Moreover, suppose somed>0. The function uis defined for 0<T-t<1 2dandxR, and has derivatives of all orders. In particular, it belongs to the class C2,1(Rx(0,T)). The Feynman-Kac result is the fact that usatisfies the following partial differential = 0,fort<T u(x,T) =ps(x).(9) From this point, we shall drop the term involving fby setting it to zero as it will not be very useful in our formulation. In this case, equation =ps(x).(10) and its associated conditional expectation (8)reduces to u(x,t) (11) Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 5Shortly it will become clear that the termu xis not always helpful for our objectives and it is advantageous to remove it now by applying changes of variables and we set u(x,t) a function of aandbgiven(49)in Appendix C. Moreover, we switch to an initial value problem by setting t=T-tand then perform a Wick rotation x=-it, whereiis the imaginary unit. The last step requires This transforms the problem the new term wcan be written in terms of the other coefficients a,bandcof the PDE by the formula w(x,x) shall now write this in Dirac notation (12) where the wave function is written in Dirac notation as ps(x,t) it takes the role of the modified solution in the setting of an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. The resulting function not necessarily correspond to an wavefunction and ^His not necessarily Hermitian. The wave function not to be confused with the boundary condition psfrom(11). In this case, the Hamiltonian is given by the the identity operator. This Hamiltonian is time-dependent as xappears in both a andw. While performing a canonical quantization the momentum operator is taken to be ^px-~
i x. The differential operator xis skew-Hermitian, i.e. x+=- x, whereas the second order derivative is Therefore, when we performed the Wick rotation, the absence of the derivative of first order leaves the condition of the Hermicity of ^H solely on the term a(x,x)2 x2. In general this term will not be Hermitian unless However, for our case of interest in Section 4, we shall set ato be constant and this will result in our Hamiltonian being Hermitian. This means that the solution to equation xdependencyin first order derivative in (10)is associated to the drift term b(Xt,t)in(7). An SDE that has no dtterm is called a strict local martingale [35, SS2.3] or [34, 31]. an initial SDE into a martingale also helps in obtaining a Wick rotated equation without the first order derivative. In the real time evolution, the evolution operator e-i^Htmust be unitary. This operator is unitary if the Hamiltonian ^His Hermitian. In the imaginary time evolution, however, the evolution operator e-t^His not in general unitary and thus we do not need to be Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 6concerned about the Hermiticity of ^H. The situation for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians is worth discussing. In [11, SS2.1], a sequence of very judicious transformations and changes of variables transformed the Black-Scholes equation into the heat equation, see also [36, SS6.5.1] as well as the Lamperti transform. The advantage is that the Wick-rotated heat equation becomes a Schrodinger equation with a Hermitian Hamiltonian. In [9, SSII] (which does not employ variational methods), these changes were not applied and as a result the authors have to deal with a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian which gets embedded, by unitary dilation [37], into a larger space and then deal with probabilities of success when measuring the outcomes of quantum circuits. Moreover, in [10, SSII] (which does make use variational methods), these transformation were not employed either and the author has to utilize similarity transformations motivated from supersymmetry [38] in order to obtain a Hermitian Hamiltonian. These techniques are indeed useful for situations where no change of variables or transformations lead to Hermitian Hamiltonians, see also [39] for useful insights. 2.3 Special cases According to the values of the coefficients in (10), we can make the following formal : Suitable a,b,cwith f= : : The solution is an expectation (11)of a Wiener process motion.
*Notes: Most general case before specializing the Heat :a= 1,b=c= : : The solution ucorresponds to the temperature field and the Lapla- cian indicates whether the material surrounding each point xis hotter or colder, on average, than the material at the point x.
*Notes: Density and properties of materials can be taken into account by applying certain coefficients to the terms that appear in the equation. It is /lscript1-norm : The solution is the price of an option whose underlying follows a geometric Brownian motion.
*Notes: Type of financial derivative depends on payoff boundary in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 72.3.4 :a=~2 2m,b= 0,c=V(x), withV(x)the : The solution is interpreted as the amplitude of wave function in quantum The resulting Hamiltonian ^His Hermitian and the equation is /lscript2-norm : HereDis the diffusion coefficient given by D(X,t) : The solution p(x,t)is the probability density function of the Ito process is Time evolution of the probability density function of a particle under the influence of drag forces and random forces. The equation is /lscript1-norm : See Fokker-Planck equation : These equations are used to characterize stochastic processes by de- scribing how they change over time.
*Notes: 'Forward' equation is Fokker-Planck, and 'backward' equation is used to determine the probability distribution of a state at a later time s>t. The : Use ansatz ps(x,t) action on : See Schrodinger equation : Take ~-0for limiting semi-classical case and use where Lis the mechanical systems. It is Ornstein - : See Fokker-Planck above. In one dimension, Ornstein - : HereP(x,t)is the probability of finding the process in the state x and timetand diffusion D=s2 2. Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 8*Interpretation : The associated SDE is it is as a Langevin equation of the wheree(t)is white noise. Note that dWt/dtdoes not exist, as Brownian motion is not differentiable, so this is only The Ornstein - Uhlenbeck process is a stationary Gauss-Markov process and it is temporarily homogeneous. Wide applications in finance (interest rate systems (overdamped processes) and biology (modeling of kinds of formal identification in several dimensions also exist. 2.4 Feynman-Kac consider a D-dimensional stochastic process Xt= by an N-dimensional Brownian motion Wt= (14) whose time evolution is given by the following system of 1,2,***,D. (15) We may abbreviate this Xt,x0anduare inRD,Wtis inRN, and Sis theRDxNmatrix with The infinitesimal generator Gof the diffusion process Xtis given by the differ- ential operator (see e.g. [40, SS4.1] as well as [41, (16) We may further set The terms inGcorrespond to the terms that appear in the multidimensional Ito formula du(Xt,t) for the various stochastic terms involving the different dWj t. the deterministic, non-time dependent, part of (17). Now set u(x,t) (18) for some function pssatisfying appropriate Lipschitz and growth hypotheses [41, Theorem 6]. The function udefined by (18)satisfies the diffusion t> 0 (19) Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 9as well as the initial condition u(x,0) =ps(x). This problem could be mapped to Schrodinger-type ~G=G-rI, by introducing an appropriate Wick rotation, however ~Gmight not necessarily be is no need to impose correlations between the elements of the motion as we shall see in Section 4.1. Not only does this approach bypass the need to set individual correlations between Brownian motions, it also allows for 1,2,***,Nper dimension d= 1,2,***,Das in(14). We further note we present here, in addition to multi Brownian motions, also contains the discount function r. None of these features appear in the previous literature of VarQITE and stochastic differential equations [10, 11, 12]. 2.5 Finite difference approximation We briefly explain the discretization and the embedding schemes needed to solve the Feynman-Kac system using a Schrodinger equation solver, such as VarQITE which will be described in Section 3. Let nqbe the total number of qubits. We demonstrate procedure for a simple problem of a two dimensional Feynman-Kac genera- tor, as specified in (38)below which is a special case of (16), involving the second To solve the system using n= 4qubits (i.e. 24= basis states: we embed the solution uijin the quantum state as shown in the diagram below. This type of diagram in fact can be used to elucidate the embedding of a multidimensional differential operator on a spatial grid. The mesh is in general a hypercube in ddimensions, but if nqis not divisible by D, then the mesh is a D dimensional hypercube with the sum of its dimensions equal to that the size of the square mesh is 2nq D= 22= 4, wherenqwas the number of qubits and Dis the number of dimensions. Considering the above mesh, the second from (38)can be approximated by using the stencil method [42] in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. xandyrefer to the lattice spacing in xandydirections respectively. We addi- tionally employ periodic boundary conditions on the grid in both directions. The second order derivatives appearing in the general case of Ddimensional Feynman- Kac operator (16)can be approximated Similarly if one intends to boundary conditions then appropriate modular operations should be taken into account. Using the approximations above we obtain the discretized form for the 2nq/D. The elements of the matrix are given Quantum algorithm for solving the Feynman-Kac formula In this section, we describe a quantum algorithm for solving the PDE associated to the SDE of interest as prescribed within the Feynman-Kac formulation. We first discuss vari- ational quantum imaginary time evolution (VarQITE), i.e., the fundamental algorithm used, then how to embed the problems into quantum states and the efficient decomposi- tion of the differential operators of the PDE into unitaries. After that, we discuss how to extract properties of the solution, and lastly how to (approximately) enforce the during the evolution. 3.1 VarQITE and state we have a time-independent differential operator Eacting onnqubits with as- sociated propagator exp(-iEt), evolving for real values of t. Provided the operator Eis Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 11Hermitian, the quantum real time evolution (QRTE) is unitary and can be by a suitable Trotter decomposition, solving the Schrodinger equation. If we apply the Wick rotation t=it, i.e., we translate the problem to the realm of quantum imaginary time evolution (QITE), the evolution operator exp(-Et)will not be a unitary operation anymore and the underlying equation is more complicated to solve on a quantum computer. If we are given an initial state then the normalized imaginary time evolution is defined by |ps(t)/angbracketright=a(t)e-Etwhere a(t) = the normalization factor with respect to the corresponding Wick-rotated Schrodinger equation the is an algorithm to approximate QITE, see [43, 12, 26, 11, 44, 27]. Instead of evolving quantum states in the complete exponential state space, a parameterized ansatz is used and the evolution is approximated by mapping it to the ansatz parameters via McLachlan's variational principle [45]. The main advantage is the possibility of imple- menting it using shallow quantum circuits, suitable for near-term quantum devices [44, p. 1]. More precisely, instead of considering a general state we encode the trial with th(t) = an integer depending on the ansatz circuit of our choice. The choice of the ansatz is crucial for the performance of the algorithm and we discuss this for our concrete example in Sec. for states that are possibly not [26]. In the situation of an by the (24) whereE(t)is now a linear time-dependent -not necessarily Hermitian- operator. The dynamical evolution of be simulated by introducing an ansatz the a parameter of the ansatz that scales the quantum state to the desired scale and G(th(t)) the product of Nparametric unitaries Gi, each composed of one para- metric rotation gates eithkGkwith G+
k=Gk. To produce the VarQITE evolution we need to replace mapping the dynamics of the quantum state to the dynamics of the ansatz. McLach- lan's variational 0 (25) yields the of equations eachk= 0,1,***N. (26) Here the elements of the matrix Mk,jare given by Mk,j= 0, Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 12as well >0, andM0,0= 1. This matrix is fully dependent on the ansatz circuit. The vector Vk, however, depends on the operator Eas follows Vk=a(t) the very first term gets simplified to V0= one change. These terms are explained in [27, 28]. Since implemented unitaries, the terms Mk,jandVkcan be computed parametrically by using the quantum circuit shown in Figure X GN*** Gk Gk Gk-1*** ohm U Figure 2: This quantum circuit evaluates the matrix elements Mk,jand the vector elements Vkde- pending on ohmandU. The extraction of the matrix elements Mk,jand the vector elements Vkis as follows.
*One takes the sequence of gates Gk-1toohmto be Gk-1toGjandU =Gj, if we are interested in Mk,j,
*or one sets the sequence of Gk-1toohmto be Gk-1toG1and then U =Uj, where Unare unitary operators such as multi-qubit Pauli operators as represented in (27)below, if we are interested in Vk. Further details on the respective implementation are given in [27, 44, 28]. From(26)and using the above formulas for Mk,jandVk, we can now obtain the evolution of the parameters .thkusing the forward Euler +.thdt=th(t) is, McLachlan's principle defines an ODE which can be numerically solved with an arbitrary ODE solver with NT=t/dttime steps. We would like to point out that the choice of the time step size dtis crucial to achieve reasonable results. Although, it is generally preferable to choose rather smaller time steps one has to consider the trade off between accuracy and computational cost. The use of an ODE solver that implements an adaptive step size scheme such as Runge-Kutta can help to find reasonable time steps. In certain cases the matrix Mwill not be well-conditioned and thus we will need to invoke inverse or use least squares, see e.g. [11, 44]. Notably, the construction cost of the terms MandVscales quadratically in the number of circuit parameters and Furthermore, O(N3). standard Moore-Penrose inverse calculations and solving systems of linear in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 13One has to decompose the operator E(t)as a sum of tensor products of Pauli matrices E(t) an easily implementable unitary operator made of Pauli operators. This requires an evaluation of O(N2) +O(NH)different quantum circuits. The will each require an ancilla qubit in addition to the qubits needed for the dynamics. must be feasible with depths of the unitaries no more than polynomial in n, i.e. the depth of the tensor products of Pauli matrices must be O(poly(n)). This will be explained in Section 3.2. Different manifestations of the Feynman-Kac equation will result in situations where the solution to the PDE might correspond to a probability distribution. To enable this we need to map the probabilities to amplitudes. Since quantum states have to be normalized with respect to the /lscript2norm, while probabilities are normalized with respect to the then need to re-scale the state to handle this mismatch. In other words, the have the form
|~ps(t)/angbracketright=a(t)|~ps(t)/angbracketright=2n-1/summationdisplay i=0pi(t)|i/angbracketrightwithpi(t) =u(xi,t) =P[X(t) the random variable whose probability distribution function is given by function u, anda(t)is given by the means that we embed the probability density into a state-vector which is re-scaled with an additional scalar parameter. This will result in a bijection. Moreover, the be provided by the parameterized quantum circuit. It must be noted that indeed this differs from the traditional which is of the of this difference of embedding, extraction of quantities involving pi, such as the moments, need to be re-derived in this new context, see Section 3.3 and Appendix G for further details. Suppose we are confronted with solving (19). Obtaining the full distribution u(xi,t) =
pi(t)as its solution is the most complete information, but in general quantum provide this type of result unless full-state tomography is employed, which is an expensive process [46]. However, there could be circumstances when knowing the first and second moments (say) of the solution, with quadratic speedup, might be This also raises the question of approximating a probability distribution from (a few of) its moments. Some of the instances where the moments of the solution are useful are listed below:
*The type of heat equation in (19)describes the diffusion of point particles. In for example in one spatial dimension with u: ohm-R, in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 14the density of particles at a certain point xat timet. The first proportional to the total number of particles. If we consider a closed system, which is realized by imposing Neumann boundary conditions, then the conservation of energy means conservation of mass. If Neumann boundary conditions are not imposed, then the total mass is not relevant and it is sensible to instead define HereFis known as the energy functional for the heat equation and it measures the distance, in /lscript2-norm, from the equilibrium solution u= 0. Moreover, Fis related to the Dirichlet energy E[u(*,t)] see [47,SS2.2.5 andSS2.3.4], as follows. For solutions of the heat equation by parts = (29) When we integrate over t, the functional the accumulated loss of Dirichlet energy for t >0and equals our scaling factor a2(t). The time derivative can be approximated by employing finite differences as we have the time evolution of the proxy a(t). Dirichlet energy plays an important role in soft mapping [48], machine learning [49] and discrete differential geometry [50, 51].
*Suppose that qandpare the coordinate and momenta respectively of a wave function and thats(x) the standard deviation of the observable ^x, wherev(x) u(x)isthemeanof ^x. principle [52], the uncertainty length is defined as d[x] := wherep(x)is the probability distribution of the stochastic variable ^x. This is also known as the Susmann measure and it can be interpreted as the total length of all the intervals that produce rectangles of = 1. Here the height hxrepresents the mean value of the as its own weight factor. Its usefulness rests on the fact that other quantities related to width, like variance, might not necessarily exist for (e.g. the Cauchy distribution) whereas the Sussmann measure will. The inverse of the Sussmann measure can be thought of as the average height of quantum mechanical observables corresponding to Hermitian operators ^Oacting on the wave function via solving Schrodinger equation (12) or the Wick-rotated Schrodinger equation (23), are expectation values of the Thus, all such properties are addressable via the algorithm described in this work and the references mentioned herein.
*Let us suppose we have an educated belief that the resulting distribution is normal, or a function thereof, e.g. lognormal. One plausible reason for this belief is that the Central Limit Theorem gives the normal distribution a special status and it is characterised by uands. Furthermore, as will be shown in Section 3.3 the evolution of the Feynman-Kac system needs to be evaluated only once to extract the final circuit parameters. Once these circuit parameters are obtained, additional higher order moments can be evaluated in parallel using several quantum devices, in those cases where skewness and kurtosis may play significant role in the description of the solution. As the dimension of the problem increases, so will the overhead. Lastly, for Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 15time-critical applications one might want to know the first moments using a quantum device while waiting for the full distribution to be computed classically. 3.2 Decomposition of the generator In order to implement VarQITE, we need to employ the matrix Mand shall start with only one dimension. First, we need to decompose the operator Ginto unitaries. The following procedure is borrowed from [12][ SSIII.C] and then adapted to our operator of interest Ggiven by (38)below. Start by defining the operators V+(n) (30) If we make the boundary identifications then the operators V+-can be manufactured from the n-qubit operators Cyc+-(n) per [53], these operators can be implemented as a product of O(n)Toffoli, CNOT, and X gates withO(n)ancilla qubits. The explicit construction of V+-from Cyc+-is achieved by defining an n-qubit-control gate According to [54], then implementation of Cn-1Zcan be achieved as a product of O(n2)Toffolli, CNOT and other single-qubit gates. Using the one can prove that the V's from(30)and the Cyc's are related by V+(n) = we can decompose V+-into a sum of two unitaries made of O(n2)few-qubit gates. Lastly, we bring in an operator composed of weighted projectors D(n) (31) whereZiis aZgate acting on the ith qubit. This implies that D(n)is now a sum ofO(n) unitaries composed of a single-qubit gate. Utilizing these operators we end up (D(n))m=2n-1/summationdisplay i=1im|i-1/angbracketright/angbracketlefti|. For example, let us suppose we have an operator Fwhose decomposition is given by F(t) : all other matrix elements (F(t))i,kbeing zero, which is a typical situation from the stencil method we are implementing in our formulation. Then we decompose the functions fjinto Taylor in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. the mth derivative. Using xi= x*iallows us to write F(t) operators all made of the sum Each of these unitaries is made of O(n2)few-qubit gates. Our next step is to now generalize this to multiple dimensions (x1,x2,***,xD)T. builds up naturally from the one dimensional situation we just described above. In this case, we use multivariate Taylor expansions and the operators V(k)
+-(n) operators will then (32) as well for different combinations of V's and different projectors can be obtained by similar methods. With (32)and(33)we may now decompose the generator ^Ggiven easily implementable unitaries composed of few-qubit gates and thereby generate a feasible VarQITE. Specifically, the operators the sums eachcomposedof procedures scales polynomially in the number of qubits ndue to the truncation of the Taylor approximation at a fixed order m. 3.3 Readout and efficiency In this section we discuss how to readout results of the solution of a PDE associated to an SDE as well as the resulting total algorithmic complexity. Further, we put this into context and identify the situations where this can lead to a potential quantum we go into the details of the presented algorithm, we discuss the complexity of classical methods. Suppose we want to solve an SDE in Ddimensions and time t[0,T] or the corresponding PDE. Starting with the SDE, we can run a Monte Carlo simulation to generate different scenarios and estimate the solution to the SDE. To achieve a target accuracye >0this will scale as O(T/e2). For small eand complicated SDEs this can Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 17become prohibitive. An alternative to Monte Carlo simulation is considering the corre- sponding PDE, discretizing the state space and using a classical PDE solver. We assume here that a discretization of the state space using 2ngrid points, i.e., with 2n/Dgrid points per dimension, is sufficient to reach the target accuracy. Then we assume that the total complexity would scale as O(T2n)to access the final state and evaluate properties of in- terest of that state, where we assumed the generator Gcorresponds to a sparse matrix such that matrix-vector products scale linearly in the dimension and that the number of iterations needed by the ODE solver scales linearly in in the following we compare a potential advantage between those two. The the classical and quantum PDE solvers is not completely fair: the classical solver yields the complete state, while the quantum solver only gives access to some properties of the solution. The classical algorithm allows us to control and evaluate the accuracy, while the quantum algorithm is a heuristic unless the ansatz is universal, which would defeat the purpose as this would scale exponentially in the number of qubits. We ignore these differences in the remainder of this section, and thus, the following can be seen as necessary - but not necessarily sufficient - conditions for a quantum advantage. While obtaining the full solution to the PDE generated by the presented algorithm is not feasible, we may try to extract certain properties of interest. Here we need to distinguish between two cases: when we solve our problem forward in time, as, e.g., for the heat equation, or backward in time, as for pricing financial options. The two situations imply differences in how the initial states are prepared and how the results are read out. In the following, we focus on the readout and its efficiency when solving the problem forward in time. The case of solving a PDE backward in time using the proposed method is discussed in Appendix E. Suppose the solution to the PDE is given by a scaled n-qubit quantum state i.e., the scaled amplitudes correspond to the elements of the dis- cretized solution to the considered PDE. We ignore in the following that we only approxi- mate this state. In [12] the authors discuss how to estimate properties of the (34) wherefis some function defined on a grid xi. If thepicorrespond to a of a random variable X(and for simplicity assuming f(x)>=0), then this results in an expected value E[f(X)]. This can be achieved if we can efficiently construct an operator Sfsuch by a weighted sum of such operators [12]. Note that this imposes an on the function f, 1.Iffis not, as we discuss later in this section. The operator Sfcan then be used to in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 18we can estimate by estimating the expected value of Cn-1Zfor the state As the authors of [12] point out, this can be achieved, for instance, up to accuracy e>0with a Hadamard test, or with Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE), using but with a O(1/e)-times longer circuit. Note that we evaluate the square of the expected value using the quantum computer and then multiply the result by a2. Thus, to achieve an overall accuracy eforE[f(X)], we need to estimate the expected value with In the case of the pibeing probabilities, it follows from the that a[1/
2n,1], i.e.,amay have a positive impact on the estimation error. Although this looks promising, there are a couple of potential pitfalls that can diminish or at least significantly reduce the potential quantum advantage: 1. The operator Sfis often difficult to construct and in general requires a number of terms exponential in the represented dimension that usually scales linearly in the number of qubits. 2. The function fneeds to be that is we estimate a non- normalized function. When going back to the original scale, the resulting estimation error will Thus, the expected value needs to be estimated more accurately to compensate that scaling. This factor is maximal for constant functions, where it scales With the Hadamard test, this implies O(2n)samples depending on probability distributions) it may help to partially compen- sate the error amplification introduced by the normalization of the presented technique, and are often ignored in the related literature. For solving PDEs backwards in time, similar phenomena appear and we discuss them in more depth in Appendix E. For illustration, we assume the solution represents the probability distribution pof a D-dimensional random variable Xand we will focus on how to estimate its expected value E[X], for more details, see Appendix G. To this extent we assume that the scaled represents the final solution, i.e., we represent each dimension we assume an n/D-qubit we set f(x) =x, the required normalization constant. There are different ways to construct Sx, e.g., via a piece-wise constant approximation as suggested in [12] or following the approach in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 19in [55], which may be simplified due to the simple structure of the function considered. In the following, we focus on how to estimate a single component E[Xi] of the expected value. This needs to be repeated Dtimes to estimate the result. Without loss of generality we now assume i= 1and is easy to see that this corresponds to the objective we can apply the above approach to estimate To achieve a target accuracye >0forE[X1]using QPE requires an estimation accuracy of results in a longer circuits (ignoring a). To summarize, the proposed quantum algorithm can achieve an exponential speed- up for the (approximate) state evolution, but only up to a quadratic speed-up for the extraction of solution properties, which results in an overall complexity of O(Tpoly(n) +
2n)since the readout can be done using the final parameters without rerunning the evolution. Thus, the proposed algorithm might be particularly suitable for problems with a large time horizon. However, it could also accumulate a higher approximation error for those, and understanding where these two effects balance is subject to further research. 3.4 Enforcing PDEs describe the evolution of probability distributions, i.e., the components of a discretized solution should be in [0,1]and sum up to one. Although we allow the overcome the of the quantum state the in general does neither preserve the /lscript1-norm that the elements should be within [0,1]. Since it minimizes a geometric distance, the closest might not be In the following we describe how the procedure could be adjusted to (approximately) enforce while sacrificing a bit of the approach introduced in [56]. As shown in Section 3.3, we can estimate properties of the function fand amplitudes piof the current state to an accuracy e>0. If we now set f(xi) alli, then we can easily construct Sf=Hn, i.e., just a single layer of Hadamard gates, which will result in an estimation we estimate this to an accuracy e/
2nusing QPE, this can be used as an approximation to of the state and allows to adjust the atsuch that the scaled quantum state would be (approximately) Note that the accuracy requirements on the estimation of the /lscript1-norm likely limit the potential advantage to a quadratic speed-up O(T 2n). 4.3. Appendix procedure described in this in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 203.5 Summarizing the algorithm The algorithm we have described is now summarized in Algorithm 1. For clarity, we use one spatial dimension as well as the forward Euler ODE solver. However, in practice, solvers such as for instance Runge-Kutta methods are usually more 1: Variational quantum algorithm for the Feynman-Kac 1,NT>0,dt > 0and SDE of the form Normalized state kets for solution 0. (36) 1Apply appropriate Feynman-Kac formulae to switch SDE to PDE where u(x,t) the appropriate normalization ( of (36). 3Extract Gfor periodic boundary wherelhCandUhare implementable composed of tensor products of Pauli ansatz circuit with N+ 1parameterized gates. 7Define initial condition initial parameters th0= =a(t), see ansatz-dependent matrix elements Mk,j= >0andM0,0= 1. 12ifM-1is singular then 13 Use least squares or Moore-Penrose time-dependent then 15 Update generator G(t)and its associated Pauli vector elements Vk=a(t) values of thwith th(t+dt)th(t) Numerical experiments We now provide numerical evidence of the algorithm we have proposed. To do so, we first need to establish the exact set of SDEs that we wish to study, in our case it will be a simple Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 21set of two correlated Brownian motions. From there we will write down the PDE for the expectation of these Brownian motions. This PDE is an anistropic heat equation that mixes the space variables xandydue to the correlation between the Brownian Laplace transforms. The ansatz circuit will be explained and we will also illustrate the behavior of the during the evolution. The VarQITE algorithm outputs the basis kets in one dimension, and since we shall use six and eight qubits, we will obtain 26and28basis kets. Although the problem is two dimensional, it is instructive to take amplitude vector in the computational basis and the comparison against the of forward Euler as well as Monte Carlo with periodic boundary conditions. 4.1 Two-dimensional anistropic heat equation We shall now specialize the number of dimensions, the number of Brownian motions and the coefficients in the SDE to illustrate the Feynman-Kac formula on a quantum we specialize to u1=u2= 0as well as s11=~s1, s 12= 0, s 21=~s2r, s a real in the interval [-1,1]which now is interpreted as the correlation between the two Brownian motions W1 tandW2 t. The resulting matrix infinitesimal generator ^Greduces this particular case. We shall also relabel x1=xandx2=y. Moreover for simplicity our discount function will be r(x,y,t ) = 0for allt, and we shall choose s1ands2to be 1. In summary, we are working with the differential operator and conditional ) associated Feynman-Kac PDE for the expectation of the system of SDEs t> 0, (39) with initial value condition psgiven by u(x,y,0) =d(x-x0)d(y-y0), (40) Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 22wheredis the Dirac delta function. The operator Gis an anisotropic Hamiltonian that includes the Laplacian operator 2=2 x2+2 y2,as well as the term mixing both first 2 xy.Equation (39)admits an exact heat kernel solution, which we derive - in a more general setting involving arbitrary constant coefficients - in Appendix F, u(x,y,t ) while the solution to (39)without the mixed term2 xyand with (40)is well-known, the general solution (41)was not immediately available in the literature [57, 5, 58], see Mehler's formula. The results of a large number of Monte Carlo simulations and the plot of exact solution are shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Left : probability distribution of 1 million paths governed by the system of SDEs from (37). Right: Corresponding analytical solution to (39)given by Choice of ansatz, expressivity, barren plateaus and initialization of parameters The choice of ansatz will be what is called RealAmplitudes from Qiskit[59] and it can be found in Figure 4. It is a circuit that consists of six qubits with several layers of single qubit rotations as well as CNOT gates with circular entanglement. The circuit always returns Other ansatze are indeed possible for example using RxandRzgates. How- ever, this comes at the cost of taking the real part of the resulting ket at the end of the evolution, see e.g. [27]. Moreover, the non-parametric controlled gates could be replaced by parameter gates (such as controlled rotations) for more generality, see for instance the ansatz proposed in [11]. In order to get reliable simulation results, we need to ensure that the model ansatz is able to represent the problem in state space. However, we also need to consider that an ansatz which is sufficiently expressive, such that it corresponds to an [60, 61], is prone to result in barren plateaus [62]. More explicitly, it is known that for an ansatz that corresponds to an (approximate) t-design the gradient exponentially small in the system size which in turn may cause problems in the model simulation. It is thus vital to trade off the expressivity of a chosen ansatz with potential propagation issues. One particularly promising approach relies on the use of additional information to design problem-specific in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 23Repeat Ry(thn,6) Figure 4: Parametric quantum circuit used in the numerical experiments in this work. It is composed of a layer ofRyrotation gates on every qubit, a block of nonparametric CNOT gates connecting and another layer of Ryrotation gates on every qubit. This parametric quantum circuit is also referred to as RealAmplitudes ansatz due to the real-valued nature of the amplitudes in the resulting state our case, we are solving a PDE, (39), that admits only real solutions, which are in fact probability distributions. Therefore, it is convenient to keep the ansatz from amplitudes effectively avoiding dealing with the imaginary part of these ampli- tudes. Consequently, for the problem at hand it is reasonable to use the put forward in this section. The parameters th0= initialized classically using th0= (42) In [11,SS4], the authors make the point that care is needed when solving (42)due to the fact that the functions involved might not be convex and certain optimization techniques could be trapped in local minima. Moreover, the design of the ansatz should also go hand in hand with the optimization (42). Note that in general this scales poorly with the number of qubits. As with many quantum algorithms, one needs to be careful to ensure that the general state preparation techniques do not add costly overhead. Note that step might also be performed with a quantum computer using SWAP test when the dimension of the problem starts to be too large for classical computers. 4.3 VarQITE vs forward Euler vs Monte Carlo in computational basis Although we are dealing with the problem in (39), it is instructive to plot the amplitudes in the computational basis. The parameters are set to dx=dy= 1 as well asdt= 0.001. The number of evolutions is NT= 1000. We first use six qubits in the ansatz with twelve parameterized gates, i.e. n= 1, anda(t) =th13(t)as the norm encoder variable. With a circuit of six qubits and n= 3layers, we have a(t) in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 24norm encoder. Then we use eight qubits with n= 5layers anda(t) =th41(t)as the norm enconder enforcement of the evolution discussed in 3.4 can be seen in these plots of 1000 evolutions on the bottom left of Figures 6, 8 and 10. Earlier in the evolution period, the first kets came out with a flipped sign due to a phase. Moreover, periodic and the nature of the forward Euler method also yielded a norm slightly larger than one for the classical methods. Small deviations in the /lscript1-norm from VarQITE are coming from the approximate nature of the /lscript1-norm enforcement. Another useful metric to keep in mind is the difference between the /lscript2norms of forward Euler and VarQITE as well as Monte Carlo and VarQITE as shown on the bottom right of Figures 6, 8 and 10. We note the following analysis of the experiments: (1) One can see in Figure 5 that VarQITE was significantly off around the states 32 to 38 with six qubits and only n= 1layer. This situation is due to the choice of ansatz and its associated To see the effect of increasing the expressivity of the ansatz, we added more layers by increasing nfrom 1 to 3 while keeping the number of qubits constant at six. The results are plotted on Figure 7. Lastly, we then chose an eight qubit ansatz and added two additional layers of CNOTs and Ryrotations, i.e. n= 5. The results are in Figure 9. (3) In both instances (2) and (3), the match of the plots of VarQITE and forward Euler no longer show the discrepancy in the computational bits 32 to 38 for six 170 to 180 for eight qubits) while still maintaining a tight To perform the simulations with additional layers and additional qubits, to match more tightly with symbolic or circuit-based differentiation and this will be studied in future research. (5) We do not include finite-sampling noise or hardware noise. All numerical simulations have been tested and produced using Pythonas well as the NumPylibrary. The effect of noise on the results is an interesting topic and will be left for future research. (6) Although this methodology works with a high degree of generality, for high dimen- sional cases, the expressivity of the ansatz employed in VarQITE will limit the accu- racy of the results. 5 Conclusion We have proposed a quantum algorithm to transition from stochastic differential Wiener processes X1,X2,***,XDto partial differential the expectation of the Wiener processes. The resulting PDEs have been variational quantum imaginary time evolution (VarQITE). We have seen that well-known PDEs such as Schrodinger, heat and Fokker-Planck equations can be recast through this type of methodology and thereby can be unified in the single framework of the Feynman-Kac formula. Moreover, we have maintained a high degree of generality when dealing with dimensional cases, the expressivity of the ansatz will limit the Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 250 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad EulerFigure 5: Plots of uVarQITE computa- tional basis states with an ansatz consisting of six qubits and n= 1layer. The horizontal axis represents 26= 64computational basis and vertical axis represents u(x,t)withdt= 0.001and 1000 evolutions. 0 200 400 600 800 of Carlo Forward Euler 0 200 400 600 800 of the differences in u
||uFD uMC||2 Figure 6: Left :/lscript1norms for the first 1000 evolutions are plotted using three different Monte Carlo, and forward Euler method. Note that the scale on the y-axis has been narrowed down to demonstrate the approximate preservation of the /lscript1norms for all three methods. The time-steps and yaxis represents /lscript1-norm. Right : This error plot shows the /lscript2norms of the differences between the solutions uobtained via VarQITE and forward Euler (blue) and between VarQITE and Monte Carlo method (yellow). The x-axis represents time and yaxis represents the differences in u. accuracy of the results. Therefore, as the dimension of the problem increases one has to improve or enhance the ansatz accordingly. Some of the resulting PDEs do not preserve in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 260 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Computational Carlo Fordwad EulerFigure 7: Plots of uVarQITE compu- tational basis states with an ansatz consisting of six qubits and n= 3layers. The horizontal axis represents 26= 64computational basis and vertical axis represents u(x,t)withdt= 0.001and 200 400 600 800 of Carlo Forward Euler 0 200 400 600 800 of the differences in u
||uFD uMC||2 Figure 8: Left :/lscript1norms for the first 1000 evolutions are plotted using three different Monte Carlo, and forward Euler method. Note that the scale on the y-axis has been narrowed down to demonstrate the approximate preservation of the /lscript1norms for all three methods. The time-steps and yaxis represents /lscript1-norm. Right : This error plot shows the /lscript2norms of the differences between the solutions uobtained via VarQITE and forward Euler (blue) and between VarQITE and Monte Carlo method (yellow). The x-axis represents time and yaxis represents the differences in u. normalized throughout the quantum evolution by introducing a proxy to the algorithm has shown substantial agreement in the solution of the PDE through VarQITE, classical Monte Carlo and forward Euler in a sufficiently complex and in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 270 50 100 150 200 Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 50 100 150 200 Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 50 100 150 200 Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 50 100 150 200 Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 50 100 150 200 Carlo Fordwad Euler 0 50 100 150 200 Carlo Fordwad EulerFigure 9: Plots of uVarQITE compu- tational basis states with an ansatz consisting of eight qubits and n= 5layers. The horizontal axis represents 28= 256computational basis and vertical axis represents u(x,t)withdt= 0.001and 200 400 600 800 of Carlo Forward Euler 0 200 400 600 800 of the differences in u
||uFD uMC||2 Figure 10: Left :/lscript1norms for the first 1000 evolutions are plotted using three different Monte Carlo, and forward Euler method. Note that the scale on the y-axis has been narrowed down to demonstrate the approximate preservation of the /lscript1norms for all three methods. The time-steps and yaxis represents /lscript1-norm. Right : This error plot shows the /lscript2norms of the differences between the solutions uobtained via VarQITE and forward Euler (blue) and between VarQITE and Monte Carlo method (yellow). The x-axis represents time and yaxis represents the differences in u. problem involving an anisotropic Fokker-Planck equation in (2 + 1)dimensions. the full solution to the PDE is an expensive problem, we need to instead the multidimensional moments of the solution through quantum in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 28In order to do so, we have decomposed the second order differential operator Gfrom the PDE into a feasible set of unitaries composed of few-qubit gates. For a the moments be computed by approximating fwith its multidimensional Taylor series to a fixed order and this approximation can be improved by increasing the number of qubits to allow for finer resolution. These moments can be computed through QPE or Hadamard tests with potential advantages depending on the concrete situation. The methodology provided here supplements the existing quantum-enhanced Monte Carlo algorithms and both techniques can coexist and complement each other. The scope of the topics we have addressed and their mapping to quantum computers allows us to open the possibilities for other interesting items for future work such as option pricing with stochastic volatility, see [36], as well as stochastic control problems such as American options which require the equation, see [63]. These topics might have to be explored in the context of real, as opposed to imaginary, time evolution. Lastly, the heat equation is not the only candidate for this algorithm. Ito's lemma can be used [40, SS4.1.1] to transform a conditional expectation arising from a vectorized SDE into the solution of the PDE. Another venue would be to consider the wave or Klein-Gordon equations (or in general, other type of hyperbolic differential equations). In this case, the time derivative is now of second order, unlike in the heat equation, which was of first order. For these situations, other types of probability distributions and Brownian motions need to be added, specially by considering jumps and Poisson processes, see [64]. 6 authors would like to thank Peter Tysowski and Vaibhaw Kumar for constructive dis- cussions regarding these topics. 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u wdWt. Integrate this from ttoTso =u(WT,T)-u(Wt,t) after re-arrangement, leads to u(Wt,t) (45) Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 34where we used the final boundary condition of (43). The key part is that we must now conditioned on Wt=x, i.e.u(x,t) =E[ps(WT)|Wt=x], so that picking up from(45)we get u(x,t) =E[ps(WT)|Wt=x] (46) Let us deal with the second term first. Using tools from analysis, such as a Fubini's theorem, we can swap the expectation and the integral and the properties of Brownian motion we know that dWsis independent of Wsor, for that matter, any other function of Ws, hence by independence we can separate the expectation of the product into the product of the expectations again the independence of Brownian increments we get E[dWs|Wt=x] =
E[dWs] = 0, since the Brownian motion is associated with a normal distribution with mean zero. Thus the expectation of the integral in (46)is simply zero and we are left with u(x,t) =E[ps(WT)|Wt=x]. The task at hand now is to compute this expectation and to this end, we use WT=Wt+ (WT-Wt)inside the expectation so =E[ps(Wt+ (WT-Wt))]. This is because the expressions WT-WtandWtare independent, therefore irrelevant. The conclusion is that if u(x,t)is a solution to (43), then u(x,t) =E[ps(w+WT-Wt)]. Now we need to remove the expectation. For that, normally distributed and therefore using the probability distribution function of the Gaussian distribution, we see that u(x,t) =E[ps(x+
T-tZ)] is to be compared to (5). This is the solution to the heat equation that would have been obtained through Fourier transform methods or through similarity reductions. B The full Feynman-Kac formula in one dimension This idea can be generalized with very little work to the following situation. Suppose =ps(x). We can associate to this PDE a stochastic process these coefficients as the SDE Then in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 35is the result that u(x,t) All issues of existence and uniqueness can be found in Shreve and Karatzas [31, SS4]. The sketch of the argument leading to Feynman-Kac formula is to first set Yt:= to then employ Ito to show the derivatives of uevaluated at (Xt,t). This allows us to establish that if udoes solve the PDE, then Ytabove has zero drift (i.e. it is a martingale) and then write E[Yt|Xt=x] =u(x,t). The details can be found in [65]. C Linking the Feynman-Kac PDE to the Schrodinger equation Let us make the substitution u(x,t) =eg(x,t)v(x,t), for some analytic functions the newly transformed derivatives appearing into (10)and re-grouping terms, we the coefficient of the unwanted term to be zero = (48) We may integrate this to g(x,t) (49) wherehis an arbitrary function of tonly. Using (48)on the coefficient of the linear term vappearing in (47)we get the : an arbitrary function we may take it to be h(t) = 0so thatdh dt= 0as this implies that g(x,t) the integration that the result of the integration with respect to y is a function of xwithout a constant of integration. This implies that w(x,t) in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 36In a substantial number of interesting cases the coefficients a,bandcare functions of x only, (50). Therefore, (10)becomes 0 are two additional substitutions we need to make. First, we need to turn this into an initial value problem by setting t=T-t, in which case we end up (51) Lastly, the Wick rotation x=-ittransforms that some straightforward modifications to the time variable need to be applied in these last two transformations to the functions uandvto keep consistency. D Additional norm plots To demonstrate the efficacy of the /lscript1-norm enforcement procedure as explained in Sec 3.4, we provide additional plots in Figure 11 comparing the VarQITE method against Monte Carlo and forward Euler methods. 0 200 400 600 800 without alpha(t) and without 1 Carlo Forward Euler 0 200 400 600 800 with alpha(t) and without 1 Carlo Forward Euler Figure 11: Plots of /lscript1norms for the first 100 evolutions with six qubits and n= 1layers of ansatz, left: withouta(t)and without the /lscript1-norm enforcement procedure and right : witha(t)but without enforcement procedure. E Backward propagation and option formula is required: one considers propagation backwards in time instead of forward, i.e., the final payoff is used as initial condition and we propagate back in time to the starting point of the process. Every element of the result then corresponds to the fair option price for the corresponding initial state. For instance, one may wish to solve the heat equation by specializing a(x,x) =1 2 andw(x,x) = 0as well as the payoff function ps(XT) = T. equation can be written as the heat equation using suitable into the domain of path-dependent options, another popular financial in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 37is the Asian option, see [63]. To price it, we specialize the coefficients of the = 0, whereq(t) 0andq(t) = 1-t Tif r= 0. The payoff is given by the average of process Xt, i.e. ps(XT,T) = (52) Inthiscase, Kandmaturity T. Weremarkthat the payoff function psnow depends on T. These cases are studied in [11, 10, 23, 18], not always under the optic of variational quantum imaginary time evolution. The European case is showcased in [9, 30] by amplitude estimation and without applying s. Much like in the case of forward propagation, cf. Section 3.3, the performance of the algorithm when going backward in time needs to be carefully analyzed. First, the payoff function, which is now considered as the initial condition, needs to be loaded into a quantum state, i.e., it needs to be normalized and we need to prepare a andK= (Xl+Xu)/2. If we discretize XTusingnqubits, i.e. with 2ngrid points and grid size h=B/2n, then the normalization factor of the quantum state As in forward propagation, this limits the potential advantage already to a quadratic speed-up, since we need to re-scale any result -including the estimation error- by a factor of size th(B 2n)to get back to the original scale. In addition to the a circuit to prepare arbitrary quantum states can be prohibitive [66]. For the simple payoffs considered efficient circuits should exist, and for more generic approach as suggested in [11] or [67] may be used. Suppose the initial state has been loaded, the algorithm has been applied to estimate a prepared quantum state that corresponds to the solution and one is interested in the result. The impact of the a-factor might be negligible here, since we already start in a quantum state with rather uniform amplitudes. However, the option price for a particular target initial price corresponds now to the amplitude of a single computational basis state. The readout of this can be achieved via QAE up to accuracy e>0at costO(1/e). Since the amplitude of interest likely will be of order O(1/
2n), the required ewill be of equal scale. Combining the requirements coming from the normalization likely renders this for option pricing. F Analytical solution The equation we need to solve ), and initial condition u(x,y,0) all real constants such that 4BC-A2>0. The idea is to apply a Laplace transform on the time variable and a Mellin transform on each of the space variables. This will allow us to change the PDE into an algebraic equation which we can solve trivially. Then we proceed to invert the Laplace transforms as well as the to recover the solution of (53). Let us start (54) Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 38withDandEreal constants. Make the changes X= logx, Y = logy. (55) Then from (55)we see (D-B)u X+ (E-C)u Y-ru. have the same structure as (58) minding that x,yare related to X,Yby(55). Thus, we need to solve the conditions given by (58). The solution to is given by u(x,y,t ) = 4BC-A2>0. UsingX0= logx0andY0= logy0in addition to (55)(that is, reversing the change of variables), then the solution to is given by u(x,y,t ) start by taking the Laplace transform of uwith respect to tso that
^u(x,y,s ) =L{u(x,y,t )}(s) ). Next take a Mellin transform of ^uwith respect to x. This gives us
~^u(w1,y,s) =M{^u(x,y,s )}(w1) )dx Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. )}(w1) )}(w1). (59) We shall need to employ =w(1 +w)M{f(x)}(w) to evaluate the terms appearing in (59). Using these Mellin transforms leads us to
~^u(w1,y,s) +B sw1(1 Mellin transform of ~^u(w1,y,s), this time with respect to y, +B sw1(1 we solve the above shall now bring in (58). Strictly speaking it is not necessary to use them and there is some loss of generality. However, it makes the problem much easier and using more generality in the coefficients is straightforward. Thus using (58)we see that (61) The task, now that we have terms of w1,w2ands, is to revert back all the transforms and translate the answer to the space of solutions of (53). Apply the inverse Laplace transform L-1{1 s-a}(t) =eatto(61)so that we end up =xw1-1 0yw2-1 0 in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 40wherea=Atw 2,andb=Bt. To invert the Mellin transform with respect to xwe use the following G(s) the inverses of G1andG2are given by [68] g1(x) =M-1{eas}(x) =d(a-logx) as well as g2(x) =M-1{ebs2}(x) the inverse of Gcan be found by computing the convolution g(x) Moving on from ~~u(w1,w2,t)we invertw1back intoxand see that
~u(x,w 2,t) =e-rtyw2-1 0 we have recycled aandbto now Lastly, we Mellin invert w2back intoyand we arrive at u(x,y,t ) setting = 4BC-A2, and doing some mild algebraic re-arrangements we end up with u(x,y,t ) is the solution we were seeking. G Moments While obtaining the full solution uto the PDF (19)generated by the Feynman-Kac al- gorithm is an expensive problem, familiar within the field of quantum metrology, we may nevertheless extract information about the moments of uwith a quadratic advantage using Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 41QPE which are deep circuits, see Section 3.3. Alternatively we could use Hadamard tests which are not as efficient but they consist of shallower circuits. This section generalizes to several dimensions some of the concepts introduced in [12], which then get applied to the system of SDEs introduced in (15). Along the way, we take this chance to amend some in- accuracies from [12]. To avoid confusion with exponentiation, the labeling i= 1,2,***,D of the processes Xi twill now be subscripted and the time variable twill be that nm= 2nq/D, wherenqis the total number of qubits and Dthe number of dimensions, represents the number of grid points allocated to each dimension. Suppose we have a function f:RD-Rand consider the =xi1,X2(T) =xi2,***,XD(T) the joint probability distribution func- tion of the random variables X1,X2,***,XDin situations where we have haveDdimensions of equal length [0,xi,max] = [0,xmax]and in each one of them we split the interval spaced by the same lattice spacing xi= x=hfori= 1,2,***,Dand the total number of qubits gets evenly allocated to each of the Ddimensions. The splitting of U(i), (63) that is, we have dintervals in each dimension D, yielding a total of dDintervals in all dimensions altogether. For an integer nwe havexn=nx. We further set the notation ai,k:= us recall Taylor's expansion in several dimensions. In order to do so, we need to introduce some notation first. If a= an n-tuple of then x= The the order, or the degree, of a. Moreover =a1!a2!***an!. Thus the order of ais the same as the order of xa as a monomial or the order or aas a partial derivative. In the interval ai,k, the function f(x) assumed to be well ap- proximated by its Lth order Taylor series ( ilabels dimension and klabels interval in (65) A natural assumption that we shall use towards the end is that Li,kis the same for of each dimension and hence Li,k=L. The error in the expectation (62) due to this approximation will be discussed shortly. Due to the finiteness of x, we can find an appropriate shift to have the range of fbe positive and this will ensure that the expectation (62)will also be the unnormalized state that we are working with is given =xi1,X2(t) =xi2,***,XD(t) in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 42where To compute the expectation (62)we first consider the non- unitary operator (67) This operator can be decomposed into easily implementable unitaries Q, (68) wherexkdC. a calculation shows =xa1,***,XD(T) =xc1,***,XD(T) =xa1,X2(T) =xa2,***,XD(T) =xc1,X2(T) =xc2,***,XD(T) =xcD]
= (69) sincefwas a real function. We may now use some of the results presented in 3.2. a sum of easily implementable unitaries, and also be implementable as such a decomposition by the use can write the first and last terms of the left-hand side of is the sum of tensor products of unitaries. Thus in (69)we will only have expressions of the techniques will yield the quantities in (71). One could either use the Hadamard test circuits depicted in this section or use QPE [69, 70]. The circuit for the Hadamard test is given by Fig 12. Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. U Figure 12: This circuit evaluates the Hadamard tests for (62), the real and imaginary parts. Here theU's are gates such that shall get to the pros and cons of each technique towards the end of this it is noteworthy that the circuit has the advantage of being shallow but not efficient in the terms of the number of measurements needed. The next step is to define the (72) where the interval indicator function khis defined by kh[a,b](x) must now connect Sfcoming from Note (73) In order to perform the sums over xij's we use a multidimensional Taylor in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. (74) The operator Sfis extracted from this and seen to given by (31). We now note that if D= 1, then(74)becomes Sf|0/angbracketright=d-1/summationdisplay k1=0nm-1/summationdisplay i1=0f1,kj(xi1)Skha1,k1|0/angbracketright=d-1/summationdisplay k=02n-1/summationdisplay i=0fk(xi)Skhak| (76) since in this case there is only one dimension so that f1,kcan simply be written as fk,a1,k isakand all qubits are assigned to the same dimension. Moreover for one dimension (75) reduces we are now dealing an ordinary Taylor series of Lth order in one dimension fk(x) This means that the sum and each Qiis composed of at most O(n4)gates because the sum respectively, each composed of respectively. Equations inaccurately given in [12, Eqs. (39), (40) and (B24)]. Let us now return to the error term of the expectation (62)resulting from the Taylor expansion of the function f. We now assume, for simplicity of notation, that all the L's in each dimension are the same. The Lagrange form of the error term of the Lth Taylor series around given by RL,k(x,a) (78) where c= (c1,c2,***,cD)is such that ci[xi,(ki+ 1)h]. For every xixand ev- eryhkiwith same index iwe have that Hence we see that RL,k(x,a) =O(hD(L+1)). LetELbe the expectation that would result from approximating fwith theLth order Taylor series, in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. the continuous joint probability distribution function. In order to secure the error below a desired threshold e, we need to take d>x final issue we need to resolve is the construction of the operator Sfand its com- plexity. This construction is explained in [12] for one dimension, and we now give the Ddimensional generalization needed for the rest of the bounds on the complexity of the algorithm. For any given i= 1,2,***,Dwe have that ai[0,xi,max]and hence there exists an integer kaiwith 0<kai<=n/Dsuch that The binary expansion of Next, we define the matrix of elements 1in ascending order for each i, and we define the collection of member of the matrix L. These intervals allow us to divide a dimension disjoint intervals as [0,ai/x] = (82) The effect of the operator the interval Saikhi,jis defined the operator Xtakes two different values according 1, I,ifs= 0. Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 46For the last interval on the right, the action of the operator is defined (84) Thus the interval Skh[0,ai]is constructed by summing over Lastly, which is a sum of at most O(n)unitaries last part is the bound on the computational complexity in several dimensions. In order to upper bound the error ecoming from shall upper bound the error e/primeof each of the terms in (70)and then find the number of measurements and gate complexity needed to achieve this error. Following [12, SSA] we assume be written as a linear combination of NUjunitaries for each dimension j= 1,2,***,D, unitary operators . (85) The normalized state =xj1,X2(t) =xj2,***,XD(t) (86) The errore/primeis defined as the error of the expectation value of each term in a state implies that the estimated expectation value of each term error in the linear combination of expectation values is determined using (88) If we write ~Efor the estimation of the expectation E, then by the use of (89) Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 47Therefore, in order to obtain an upper bound for ein the expectation E, the such (90) In terms of the Hadamard test circuit above, one requires to bound the error in the expectation value to e/prime. Up to the preparation of the state, the depth of the unitaries in the circuit is O(1). The trade-off with QPE is that the same accuracy in the expectation is O(log 1/e/prime)but the depth is now O(1/e/prime). With the Lth order Taylor approximation, one has that 1,2,***,D, whered was the number of intervals. Moreover, the total number of measurements is the number NUj. total number of measurements by Hadamard test is whereas using QPE, one would need log(1/ge)), but QPE needs gfrom(90). we see that Next, using (68)we (91) Moreover, from (31)we see that =O(x|b|
max). For an interval in a Skha
/lscript, such that 0<kai<=n/D. This implies that the largest |x/lscriptj|is as large Therefore, we O/parenleftbiggD/productdisplay j=1[max kjmax
max]2d2n2L+2xmax/parenrightbigg , (92) which is the last bound we needed for g. The operator be the sum of and each Qk will be composed of O(n4)gates. The number of gates will grow exponentially with the dimensions and this is a universal problem in many algorithms, such as the use of QAE when computing moments when the arguments of the function are In such cases one needs exponentially many resources to build a multidimensional smaller while d2DnD(2L+2)grows larger. This means that the number of unitaries is not monotonic with respect to Land thus there In[12], of those unitaries could be computed in parallel with a second quantum device. H Future work As discussed in Section 5, some of the following areas of research might have to be pursued using a combination of real and imaginary time in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 48H.1 Stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates A key weakness in the Black-Scholes is that the volatility term sis constant. One can go around this problem by defining two SDEs: geometric Brownian motion for the (93) wheredW1is standard Brownian motion, as well as another SDE for s dst=p(S,s,t )dt+q(S,s,t )dW2,t, LetV(S,s,t )be the value of an option on the underlying Sat timetand with s. the partial differential )is a universal function that is used in portfolio replication to ensure that options are only dependent on the variables S,sandt. The function lis called the market price of volatility risk. Comparing (95)with 0, (96) we see the appearance of the additional linear and second order partial derivatives with respect toscoming from (94)as well as the presence of the mixed term in Sandsdue to the correlation rof the two Brownian motions dW1anddW2. Note that if the volatility were to be constant, then (95)would reduce to (96). Different choices of pandqlead to different named models, e.g.
*Hull and White: d(s2) model / Heston: d(s2) = model: d(s2) = d(logs2) = (a-blogs2)dt+cdW 2. see [36, p. 861]. Similar equations also exist for stochastic interest rates [36]. H.2 American and options The American option is also an involved one to price. Unlike in the European set-up, the holder of an American option may exercise at any time prior and up to expiration. The details of this set up can be found in [63, SS2]. We are dealing with our usual motion (93)as well as the additional Xq 0=X0, (97) whereqtis the number of shares held at time t. The strategy of qtis subject to the contractual constraint qt[at,bt], whereat<=bt. Financial arguments lead us to the conditional = t[0,T]. Accepted in click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 49 | 2108.10846 | Nicolas Robles | Hedayat Alghassi, Amol Deshmukh, Noelle Ibrahim, Nicolas Robles,
Stefan Woerner, Christa Zoufal | A variational quantum algorithm for the Feynman-Kac formula | null | Quantum 6, 730 (2022) | 10.22331/q-2022-06-07-730 | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We propose an algorithm based on variational quantum imaginary time evolution for solving the Feynman-Kac partial differential equation resulting from system of stochastic differential equations. We utilize between the Feynman-Kac partial differential equation (PDE) and the Wick-rotated Schr{o}dinger equation for this purpose. The results for a
$(2+1)$ dimensional Feynman-Kac system obtained through the variational are then compared against classical ODE solvers and Monte We see a remarkable agreement between the classical methods and the quantum variational method for an illustrative example on six and eight qubits. In the non-trivial case of PDEs which are preserving probability distributions -- rather than preserving the $ell_2$-norm -- we introduce a proxy norm which is efficient in keeping the solution approximately normalized throughout the evolution. The algorithmic complexity and costs associated to this methodology, in particular for the extraction of properties of the solution, Future research topics in the areas of quantitative finance and other types of PDEs are also discussed.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 17:14:47 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 2 Jun 2022 03:02:32 GMT"
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1 collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have provided strong evidence indicating the formation of the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a deconned state of hadronic matter whose dynamics after the collision is dominated by non-perturbative eects [1{8]. While the perturbative QCD works only in the weak coupling regime, the string/gauge duality can be used as the powerful tool fo study the strongly coupled plasma [9{13] . However, there is no known gravity dual to QCD, the duality between the N=
4SU(Nc) super-Yang-Mills theory and type IIB string theory on AdS 5S5is the most studied example in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence [7, 14, 15] which results. For example, the ratio of shear viscosity over entropy density obtained from this duality, =s= 1=4[5, 16, 17] is consistent with the experimental data [18]. Lattice data suggests that the QGP formed at high-energy heavy-ion collisions is not a fully conformal
uid, and bulk viscosity, which is a purely non-conformal eect, is needed for the precise extraction of the shear viscosity of the QGP [19]. Hydrodynamics eects successfully describes the smaller system such as p-Pb [20] and p-p [21, 22] collisions [23]. The original duality can be extended to the theories more similar to QCD or QGP using the well-known top-down [24{26] or a bottom-up [27, 28] approaches. One example of the latter approach is a ve-dimensional gravity model coupled to a scalar eld with a non-trivial potential [29]. In this model, the conformal invariance breaks even at zero temperature by coupling a scalar eld at pure gravity in AdS, which duals to a CFT deformed by a source for a dimension-three operator. This source breaks the scale invariance of the resulting four-dimensional strongly coupled gauge theory explicitly and triggers a non-trivial renormalization Group (RG)
ow from an ultraviolet (UV) xed point to an infrared (IR) xed point. The UV xed point assured that we are in the regime where the holographic duality is best understood and the bulk metric is asymptotically AdS. The IR xed point is needed to guarantees that the solutions are regular in the interior and solution is smooth in the deep IR. This simple model has been used to study dierent properties such as thermodynamics and relaxation channels [29], jet energy lost [30], and entanglement entropy [31]. One of the most important quantities of QGP is the energy loss of a quark moving through the plasma. An external quark was introduced in the context of AdS/CFT cor- respondence by adding a fundamental string attached to a
avor brane in the AdS space [32{34]. The string endpoint species the heavy quark, while the string itself can be con- sidered as a gluonic cloud around the quark. It is straightforward to show that the mass of quark is proportional to the inverse distance of the string endpoint from the boundary [32]. The light quark or massless quark is mapped into a string attached to a
avor brane which is extended from the boundary to the horizon, and its dynamic in dierent have been studied in [30, 35{37]. On the other hand, a string attached to the boundary of AdS space is dual to an innite mass quark. Since the rst attempts to study the holographic heavy quark in N= 4 super-Yang-Mills theory [32, 33], the heavy quark dynamics have been studied in various gauge theories with gravitational duals [38{61]. 1This paper is organised as follows: In section 2 we brie
y review the introduced in [29]. In section 3 we discuss the string solution dual to a heavy quark in this non-conformal background. The numerical results of drag force and world- sheet temperature are presented in 3.1 and 3.2. Section 4 is devoted to a summary. 2 Non-conformal holographic model The action of 5-dimensional Einstein gravity coupled to a scalar eld is given (2.1) where5is the ve-dimensional Newton constant and V() is a potential encoding the details of the dual gauge theory. In [29], the following potential has been (2.2) which is characterized by a single parameter, M. This non-trivial relatively simple po- tential has a maximum at = 0 and a minimum at to two AdS solutions at UV and IR xed points. The radii of these two solutions are related as LIR=1 1 +1 62 ML: the number of degrees of freedom is smaller at IR. By parametrizing the vacuum metric (2.4) the vacuum solution can be analytically obtained for arbitrary (2.5)
(r) =Le r=L q 1 (2.6) It is shown that the arbitrary parameter is responsible for breaking the conformal in- variance explicitly [29]. The black brane solution of action 2.1 can be calculated numerically by the following ansatz in the being the radial coordinate such that the boundary and the horizon are located at = 0 and=H, respectively. In fact, the value of the scalar eld at the horizon, Hcharacterizes the black-brane solution and its thermodynamic p/L/() (b) Figure 1 : (Color online) (a) The ratio of non-conformal to the conformal entropy,(b) the ratio of speed of sound square to its conformal limit as a function of temperature for dierent values of M. explicitly. The dual gauge theory is conformal both at the UV and at the IR. Therefore the high and low temperature behavior of thermodynamical variables must match with the relativistic conformal theory. The entropy ratio to its conformal value, s=scon, and the ratio of speed of sound for dierent values of Mis plotted in Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b, entropy ratio approaches one at high temperatures and ( LIR=L)3at low speed of sound reaches its conformal value both at high and low temperatures while deviating from its conformal value at intermediate temperatures, which can be interpreted as a measure of the non-conformality of the gauge theory. The detail of the is presented in [29]. 3 Classical trailing string This section studied a heavy quark moving through an innite volume of with a xed velocity vat a nite temperature T. The heavy quark feels a drag force and consequently losses energy. In the dual theory, the dynamic of this quark can be described by an open string whose endpoint is attached to the UV boundary of AdS space and moves at the constant speed of vwith a string tail into the AdS bulk [32, 33]. The dynamics of the string is described by the Nambu-Goto the square of string's fundamental length and
is the induced metric of the world-sheet dened the metric component of Eq. (2.7) in the Poincare =e2A();G() =L2 h()e2B(): we assume L= 1 for simplicity. By considering the following ansatz for the string embedding function in the static gauge ( =t;=) XM(;) = (3.4) the induced metric on the world-sheet becomes
=e2A (3.5) leads to the corresponding (3.6) Since the Lagrangian does not depend on the explicitly, the string equation of motion simplies (3.7) whereis the constant of motion. From above, the equation for 0can be obtained as
0() (3.8) The numerator and denominator inside the square root are positive near the boundary and negative around the horizon. Requiring the real values for the string prole, 0means that the numerator and the denominator have to change their sign at the same point 0: (3.9) From the above equations, the constant of the equation of motion can be determined the into Eq. (3.8) yields to
0() (3.11) The square root is now well-dened for the region outside the horizon (0 <<H), and this equation can be solved numerically to obtain the string prole. 43.1 Drag force The drag force, which indicates the dissipation of quark momentum into the plasma, is given by Fdrag= 1 x; the momentum that is lost by
owing from the string to the horizon. The canonical momentum densities associated with the string can be obtained from varying the action with respect to the derivatives of the embedding functions (3.13) the 0 tand0 xalong the string gives us the total energy and the total momentum in the direction of motion of the string, respectively. While, 1 tand1 xare the energy and momentum
ow along the string and similar to the case of N= 4 SYM plasma, 1 t= v1 x. By substituting the string solution, Eq. (3.11) in the Eq. (3.14), it is evident that the 1 x equals the constant of the equation of motion, . This means that if we pull the quark with a constant velocity, the fraction of energy
ows at a given point along the string, 1 t is constant. Using the Eq. (3.10), and Eq. (3.12) the drag force (3.15) which is the momentum
ow along the string at point s. If we use the metric of AdS-Sch, the drag force for N= 4 SYM plasma can be obtained as (3.16) where we have used the relation L4=02. In the case of non-conformal background, the rst equation of Eq. (3.9) should be solved numerically to obtain the sand then the drag force can be calculated using Eq. (3.15). Our numerical results for the drag force as a function of temperature for two values of quark velocity are plotted in Fig. 2. The drag force in this non-conformal plasma is smaller than the drag force in N= 4 SYM plasma with the same temperature and decreases by increasing the degree of M. Also, the drag force increases by increasing the quark velocity. In Fig. 3a, the drag force ratio to its conformal limit is plotted for dierent values of Mas a function of temperature. The solid and dashed lines represent the drag force for v= 0:9, andv= 0:5 respectively. As is evident from this gure, at where the background reaches its conformal limit, the ratio of drag force tends to one. In addition, the ratio of drag force to its conformal value vs velocity is presented for dierent values of Min Fig. 3b to explore the velocity dependency. The temperature in 5=
= ph=
----- p/L(a)
= ph=
---- p/L (b) Figure 2 : (Color online) Drag force as a function of temperature for dierent values of
Mcompared with the drag force in N= 4
/ (b) Figure 3 : (Color Online) The ratio of drag force to its conformal value for dierent values ofMas a function of (a) temperature, (b) velocity. The solid and dashed lines in (a) representv= 0:9 andv= 0:5, respectively. The temperature of both plasma in (b) sets to 350 MeV. bothN= 4 SYM plasma and non-conformal plasma was set to 350 MeV. We nd that for all values of Mthe ratio is less than one at the xed temperature but increases slowly by increasing the velocity of quark. 3.2 World-sheet temperature One can reparametrize the world-sheet coordinate, Eq. (3.4) as +(): the background induced metric, Eq. (3.5) becomes
(h v2) (3.18) 6By choosing a particular ansatz of the form of K0() =v0 h v2; (3.19) and using Eq. (3.10), and Eq. (3.11), the induced metric diagonalizes as
(h() v2) (3.20) which describe the metric of a two-dimensional world-sheet blackhole with a horizon radius ofs. The Hawking temperature of the world-sheet blackhole indicated as +h0(s)): (3.21) In the conformal limit, metric, the world-sheet temperature depends on the blackhole temperature and the velocity of quark (3.22) In Fig. 4, the ratio of world-sheet temperature to its conformal value is plotted in terms of the plasma temperature for dierent values of M. The world-sheet tempera- ture decreases by increasing the value of M. The deviation from conformal behaviour is dominant at intermediate temperature. At high temperatures, the ratio tends to one, as expected. 4 Summary This paper studied the dynamics of a heavy quark moving through a strongly coupled plasma with broken conformal symmetry using the gauge/gravity duality. We considered a holographic ve-dimensional model consisting of Einstein gravity coupled to a scalar eld with a non-trivial potential corresponding to a dual four-dimensional non-conformal gauge theory that exhibits a renormalization group
ow between two dierent types of xed points (located at UV and IR) at zero temperature [29]. The parameter Mindicates the deviation from conformality, as shown in Fig. 1. According to the AdS/CFT dictionary, the heavy quark is associated with a string attached to the boundary of the AdS space. The string equation of motion was solved numerically for dierent values of parameter
M, and then the drag force was computed by obtaining the corresponding Our results indicate that the drag force in this non-conformal plasma is smaller thanN= 4 super-Yang-Mills plasma. By increasing the level of non-conformality (the value of parameter M), the drag force decreases, see Fig. 2. The ratio of drag force to its conformal limit reaches one at high temperatures. At nite temperature, this ratio is smaller than one for dierent values of Mbut increases slowly by increasing the velocity of quark, see Fig. 3. 7ph=
p/L/Figure 4 : (Color Online) The ratio of world-sheet temperature to its conformal value in terms of the plasma temperature for dierent values of M. The world-sheet horizon was also calculated, and it was shown that the drag force is equivalent to the energy
ow at the world-sheet horizon. The corresponding world- sheet temperature has been calculated and compared with its conformal limit. Results conrm that the deviation from the conformal limit is dominated at the authors would like to thank Dr. Can Koz caz for his useful discussion and comments. R. Morad and T. Domurcukgul acknowledge the Scientic and Technological Research Council of Turkey (T ubitak), the Department of Science Fellowships and Grant Programs (BIDEB) for the fellowship program for visiting scientists (2221) and ARDEB 1001 {
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"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 17:29:38 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 19 Dec 2021 16:38:25 GMT"
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that new dev elopments in Artificial Intelligence algorithms designed for quantum computers - also known as Quantum Artificial Intelligence (QAI) - may provide the key breakthroughs necessary to furthering the science of climate change. The resultant improvements in we ather and climate forecasts are expected to cascade to numerous societal benefits. Keywords: Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence , Climate Change , Quantum Artificial Intelligence , Climate Science 1. Introduction The Earth's mean temperature has ris en steeply over the last few decades precipitating a broad spectrum of global -scale impacts such as glacier melt, sea - level rise and an increasing frequency of weather extremes. These changes have resulted from the rising atmospheric carbon pollution duri ng the industrial era because of the use of fossil fuels. The Earth mean temperature today is about 1 degree Celsius (C) higher than pre -industrial times. Recent scientific advances increasingly suggest that exceeding 1.5 degrees C may cause the Earth syst em to lurch through a cascading set of 'tipping points' - states of no return - driving an irreversible shift to a hotter world. Climate change is global yet its manifestations and impacts will differ across the planet. Therefore, quantifying future chang es at regional and local scales is critical for informed policy formulation. This, however, remains a significant challenge. We begin with a discussion on state -of-the-art science and technology on these questions and their current limitations. With this c ontext, we come to the main theme of this article which is the potential of the emerging paradigm of 'quantum computing', and in particular Quantum Artificial Intelligence (QAI) , in providing some of the breakthroughs necessary in climate science. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we discuss science of climate change and the role of artificial intelligence . Section 3 discusses quantum artificial intelligence for the science of climate change . Section 4 concludes the chapter and highlights possible future directions. 2. Science of climate change and the role of artificial intelligence Climate models have become indispensable to studying changes in the Earth's climate , including its future re sponse to anthropogenic forcing. Climate modelling involves solving sets of coupled partial differential equations over the globe. Physical components of the Earth system - the atmosphere, ocean, land, cryosphere and biosphere - and the interactions betwee n them are represented in these models and executed on high performance supercomputers running at speeds of petaflops and beyond. Models operate by dividing the globe into grids of a specified size, defined by the model resolution. The dynamical equations are then solved to obtain output fields averaged over the size of the grid. Therefore, only physical processes operating at spatial scales larger than the grid size are explicitly resolved by the models based on partial differential equations ; processes that operate at finer scales, such as clouds and deep convection, are represented by approximate empirical relationships called This presents at least two significant challenges: 1. While climate models have become increasingly comprehensive, grid sizes of even state -of-the-art models are no smaller than about 25 km, placing limits on their utility towards regional climate projections and thereby for targeted policymaking. 2. Physical p rocesses organizing at sub -grid scales often critically shape regional climate. Therefore, errors in their are known to be the source of significant uncertainties and biases in climate models. Additionally, numerous biophysical processes are not yet well understood due to the complex and nonlinear nature of the interactions between the oceans, atmosphere and land. Therefore, rapid advances are necessary to 'downscale' climate model projections to higher resolutions, improving parameteriza tions of sub -grid scale processes and quantifying as yet poorly understood non -linear feedbacks in the climate system. A significant bottleneck in improving model resolution is the rapid increase in the necessary computational infrastructure such as memory , processing power and storage. For perspective, an atmosphere -only weather model with deep convection explicitly resolved was recently run in an experimental mode with a 1km grid size. The simulation used 960 compute nodes on SUMMIT, one of the fastest supercomputers in the world with a peak performance of nearly 150 petaflops, yet achieved a throughput of only one simulated week per day in simulating a four month period. A full -scale climate model, including coupled ocean, land, biosphere and cryosphere modules, must cumulatively simulate 1000s of years to perform comprehensive climate change studies. Towards surmounting the challenge of this massive scaling up in computing power, there have recently been calls for a push towards exascale computing (co mputing at exaflop speeds) in climate research. While the technology may be within reach, practical problems abound in terms of how many centres will be able to afford the necessary hardware and the nearly GW scale power requirements of exascale computing that will require dedicated power plants to enable it. Similar bottlenecks exist for improving of sub -grid scale processes. Satellite and ground based measurements have produced a deluge of observational data on key climate variables over the past few decades. However, these datasets are subject to several uncertainties such as data gaps, and errors arising during data acquisition, storage and transmission. The emerging challenge is to process and distil helpful information from this vast data deluge. Towards overcoming these challenges to improving climate projections, we discuss recent advances in Artificial Intelligence that have enabled new insights into climate system processes. These techniques, however, are also subject to their own limitations. It is in this context that we discuss how Quantum Artificial Intelligence may help overcome those limitations and advance both higher resolution climate model projections and reduce their biases. When machines learn decision -making or patterns from the data, they gain what is known as artificial intelligence (AI). Climate science has seen an explosion of datasets in the past three decades, particularly observational and simulation datasets. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen tremendous devel opments in the past decade and it is anticipated that its application to climate science will help improve the accuracy of future climate projections. Recent research has shown that the combination of computer vision and time -series models effectively mode ls the dynamics of the Earth system ([10]). It is anticipated that advances in this direction would enable artificial intelligence to simulate the physics of clouds and rainfall processes and reduce uncertainties in the present systems [27]. In addition to helping augment the representation of natural systems in climate models by using the now available high quality data, AI has also been proposed for climate change mitigation applications (6]) Other areas where AI is playing a leading role are the technolo gies of carbon capture, building information systems, improved transportation systems, and the efficient management of waste, to name a few [6]. There are however limitations to the present deep learning models, for example, their inability to differentiate between causation and correlation. Moreover , Moore's law is expected to end by about 2025 as it bumps up against fundamental physical limits such as quantum tunneling. With the increasing demands of deep learning and other software paradigm s, alternate hardware advancements are becoming necessary [15]. 3. Quantum Artificial Intelligence for the science of climate change Artificial intelligence algorithms suffer from two main problems: one is the availability of good quality data and the oth er is computational resources for processing big data at the scale of planet Earth. The impediments to the growth of AI based modelling can be understood from the way language models have developed in the past decade. In the early days of their success, de velopments were limited to computer vision, while natural language processing (NLP) lagged behind. Many researchers tried to use different algorithms for NLP problems but the only solution that broke ice was increasing the depth of the neural networks. Pre sent day GPT, BERT and T5 models are evolved versions from that era. Maximizing gains from the rapid advances in artificial intelligence algorithms requires that they be complemented by hardware developments; quantum computing is an emerging field in this regard. Quantum computers (QC) represent a conceptually different paradigm of information processing based on the laws of quantum physics [28]. The fundamental unit of information for a conventional / classical computer is the bit, which can exist in one of two states, usually denoted as 0 and 1. The fundamental unit of information for a quantum computer on the other hand is the qubit, a two -level quantum system that can exist as a superposition of the 0 and 1 states, interpreted as being simultaneously in both states although with different probabilities. What distinguishes quantum from classical information processing is that multiple qubits can be prepared in states sharing strong non - classical interactions called entanglement that simultaneously sample a much wider informational space than the same number of bits, thereby enabling, in principle, massively parallel computation. This makes quantum computers far more efficiently scalable than their classical counterparts for certain classes of proble ms. One trend of quantum computing is the race to demonstrate at least one problem that remains intractable to classical computers, but which can be practically solved by a quantum computer. Google coined this feat quantum supremacy, and claimed, not wi thout controversy, to achieve it with its 540qubit Sycamore chip [18]. A research team in China introduced Jiuzhang, a new light - based special -purpose quantum computer prototype, to demonstrate quantum advantage in 2020 [19]. The University of Science and Technology of China has successfully designed a 66 -qubit programmable superconducting quantum processor, named ZuChongzhi [20]. IBM plans to have a practical quantum chip containing in excess of one thousand qubits by 2023 [21]. Artificial intelligence on quantum computers is known as quantum artificial intelligence and holds the promise of providing major breakthroughs in furthering the achievements of deep learning. NASA has Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) which aims to explore the oppo rtunities where quantum computing and algorithms address machine learning problems arising in NASA's missions [24]. The JD AI research center announced that they have a 15-year research plan for quantum machine learning. Baidu's open -source machine learnin g framework Paddle has a subproject called paddle quantum, which provides libraries for building quantum neural networks [25]. However, for practical purposes, the integration of AI and quantum computing is still in its infant stage. The use of quantum neu ral networks is developing at a fast pace in the research labs, however, pragmatically useful integration is in its infant stages [22, 23]. The current challenges to industrial -scale QAI include how to prepare quantum datasets, how to design quantum machin e learning algorithms, how to combine quantum and classical computations and identifying potential quantum advantage in learning tasks [26]. In the past 5 years, algorithms using quantum computing for neural networks have been developed ([3], [4]). Just as the open -source TensorFlow, PyTorch and other deep learning libraries stimulated the use of deep learning for various applications, we may anticipate that software such as TensorFlowQ (TFQ), QuantumFlow and others, already in development will stimulate ad vances in QAI 3.1 Complex problems in Earth system science: Potential for QAI Quantum artificial intelligence can be used to learn intelligent models of earth system science bringing new insights into the science of climate change. Quantum AI (QAI) can pl ay an essential role in designing climate change strategies based on improved, high -resolution scientific knowledge powered by QAI. Recent studies (for example, [13]) have attempted to develop physics schemes based on deep learning. However, these are larg ely proof -of-principle studies in nascent stages. Challenges such as the spherical nature of the data over Earth, complex and non -linear spatio -temporal dynamics and others exist in AI for improved climate models. Various techniques such as cubed spheres and tangent planes have been proposed to address the spatial errors arising out of sphericity. QAI can further develop advanced physical schemes using AI by incorporating high -resolution datasets, more extended training, and hyper parameter optimization. A necessary condition for quantum speedup of classical AI is that the task in question can be parallelized for training. Present libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch offer both data and model parallelism capabilities. They have also been released for qua ntum computers and need to be further developed for industrial scale quantum computers of the future. 3.2 Technological Solutions for implementing QAI Figure 1 shows the technological solutions for implementing Quantum Artificial Intelligence for the climate science. The main technologies to empower quantum artificial intelligence for climate science includes the resources in the two GitHub repositories on Awesome Quantum Machine Learning (QML) [29,30], QML [31], Pennylane [32], QEML (Quantum Enhanced Machine Learning) [33], TensorFlowQ [34] and NetKet [35]. Figure 1: Technologies on Quantum artificial intelligence for the science of climate change 3.3 Case study on the use of QAI for climate science We demonstrate an example of the application of Quantum Artificial Intelligence for land -use land cover classification on UC Merced dataset. The dataset is first transformed to Quantum data using Pennylan e library and the training is performed. The code can be found on the GitHub repository for this article at . Figure 2: A case study on using Quantum artificial intelligence for land -use land - cover classification Figure 2 shows the working of the case study. Initially, satellite data is transformed as Quantum data using Pennylane. Then, we apply the deep convolutional classification algorithm for land -use land -cover classification. The output classes consist of forests, agricultural fields etc 4. Conclusions and Future Work Simulation studies are u sed to understand the science of climate change and are computationally expensive tools to understand the role of various forcings on the climate system. For example, recently, a study in the journal Science Advances showed how volcanic eruptions could for ce the coupling of El Nino Southern Oscillation and the South Asian Monsoon systems. Works of such kind are critical in advancing the understanding of the climate system and its response to various forcings. However, they are computationally demanding and are time -consuming to complete. Large ensemble climate simulations is an area that requires further work using Quantum computing and Quantum Artificial Intelligence. Quantum machine learning can play an important role, especially in pattern recognition for weather and climate science with problems that will benefit the most from quantum speedup being those that are inherently parallelizable. However, various challenges present themselves in designing and operating useful quantum computers. State -of-the-art implementations of quantum computers today can control and manipulate on the order of 100 qubits whereas it is estimated that any real -world applications where quantum computers can reliably outperform classical computers would require on the order of a million qubits. This presents a formidable technological challenge. Additionally, entanglement - the heart of quantum computing - is a fragile resource prone to being destroyed with even the slightest disturbance (called decoherence). Therefore, op erational quantum computers may be several years into the future. Yet, given their potential to affect a genuine paradigm shift, much effort has been invested in exploring its application to various fields and the focus of the present article concerns its possible climate science applications. In summary, quantum artificial intelligence is projected to be a powerful technology of the future. Developments in the field of quantum artificial intelligence include the development of both computer vision and seq uence algorithms capable of being implemented on large quantum computers. All these advancements would be driven by one factor, i.e. the development of high performance quantum computing hardware. Software Availability We have released the code for demons trating the application of QAI on land- use land cover classification dataset from UC Merced dataset at: References [1] Wichert, Andreas Miroslaus. Principles of Quantum Artificial Intelligence: Quantum Problem Solving and Machine Learning . World scientific, 2020. [2] O'Brien, Karen L. 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Steve Uhlig | Quantum Artificial Intelligence for the Science of Climate Change | null | null | null | null | cs.AI physics.ao-ph quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Climate change has become one of the biggest global problems the Earth's habitability. Recent developments such as heat waves in California & Canada, and the devastating floods in Germany point to the role of climate change in the ever-increasing frequency of extreme weather. Numerical modelling of the weather and climate have seen tremendous improvements in the last five decades, yet stringent to be overcome. Spatially and temporally localized forecasting is the need of the hour for effective adaptation measures towards minimizing the loss of life and property. Artificial methods are results in improving predictions, but are still limited by the availability of requisite hardware and software required to process the vast deluge of data at a scale of the planet Earth. Quantum computing is an that has found potential applicability in several fields. In this opinion piece, we argue that new developments in Artificial designed for quantum computers - also known as Quantum (QAI) - may provide the key breakthroughs necessary to furthering the science of climate change. The resultant improvements in weather and climate forecasts are expected to cascade to numerous societal benefits.
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"created": "Wed, 28 Jul 2021 19:00:33 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 10 Dec 2021 07:35:34 GMT"
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"Sukhpal Singh",
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2 Figure 1: Chemical and magnetic unit cells of bulk CoTiO 3. (a) The rhombohedral and hexagonal cells that reproduce the crystalline chemical periodicity. (b) Conventional and primitive magnetic cells exemplied using found G-AFM magnetic conguration. Ferromagnetic hexagonal abplanes of cobalt coupled in the (doubled) hexagonal c-axis. This gure was prepared using the VESTA software [10]. II. THEORETICAL APPROACH A. Computational delocalization within DFT may lead to an incorrect description of the magnetic properties. In particular, for systems with localized electrons such as d-electrons of transition metals acting as dopants or constituting a component of transi- tion metal oxides, Coulomb interaction eects may lead to qualitatively dierent results [11{13]. The DFT+U method is one approach that aims to correct the ten- dency of DFT towards itineracy by explicitly correcting the Coulomb interaction with a Hubbard-like interaction for a subset of states in the system[9]. By including the on-site Coulomb interaction Uand exchange the non-integer or double occupation of these states is penalized, thus localizing them in the DFT calculations were performed using the Vi- enna Ab-initio Software Package (VASP)[14, 15] using the projector augmented wave method (PAW). We em- ployed the GGA for exchange using (PBE) approach. Extra interactions are taken into account with the GGA+U approach implemented in the code. We em- ployed the simplied (rotationally invariant) approach by Dudarev et al. [16], which includes the UandJterms as an eective For brevity, and unless stated otherwise, we refer to this the rest of the paper. The electrons Co(3 p, 3d,4s), Ti(3p, 3d, 4s) and O(2s, 2p) were treated as va- lence states. Tests using all-electron calculations were conducted to check that the number of valence electrons per element were properly considered, as described in Appendix A. For most of the calculations presented in this paper, the total energy of the system was converged with re- spect to the plane-wave cuto energy and reciprocal space samplings. The convergence criterion was less than 1 meV/atom, and we found that a plane-wave cuto
of 800 eV, and a -centered 8x8x8 Monkhorst-Pack k- point mesh to yield results within the stated precision. In the spin-orbit calculations, where the energy dier- ences are on the order of 10 1meV, additional conver- gence tests for the anisotropy ener- gies (MAE) with respect to the reciprocal space sampling were performed to ensure numerically precise results (see Appendix E). B. Chemical and magnetic structures We rst discuss the dierence between the chemical and magnetic structures of bulk cobalt titanate. The compound CoTiO 3is reported to have an ilmenite with trigonal space group R3 , which consists of alternating layers of corner sharing CoO 6and TiO 6 octahedra, stacked along the c-axis in the hexagonal set- ting, as shown in Fig. 1(a)[5, 7]. The experimental are a= 5.48 A and= 55in the rhombohe- dral setting, and a=b= 5.06 A andc= 13.91 A in the3 hexagonal setting. The Co, Ti and O atoms are located at the Wycko positions (0,0, 0.355), (0, 0, 0.146) and (0.316, 0.021, 0.246), respectively [6]. The CoTiO 3magnetic conguration is reported as G- type ordering below the N eel tem- perature of 38 K [5{8, 17]. This conguration consists of coupled hexagonal ab-planes, anti- coupled along the c-axis, as shown in Fig.1b. It should be noted that in order to reproduce the periodicity of this magnetic cell in the implemented in the ab initio codes, building a cell larger than the chemical rhombohedral or hexagonal cells is needed. Although the c-axis doubled hexagonal cell, which con- sists of 60 atoms, is a straightforward candidate, there is a primitive magnetic cell of just 20 atoms that still sat- ises this periodicity[18]. It can be dened by means of the 2 2
2 1 2 1 1 23 52 4a b c3 5; (1) where a,bandcare the hexagonal lattice vectors. We refer to this cell as the primitive magnetic cell, and unless stated otherwise, all the calculations in this paper are performed in this RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Structural properties Using the primitive magnetic cell in the G-AFM cong- uration, the lattice parameters, cell volume, and atomic positions were fully relaxed for a range of dierent tita- nium and cobalt Uvalues. The stability of the structure was conrmed by additional phonon calculations that can be found in Appendix B. In Fig.2(a,b), the parameter and the cell volume are plotted Panels (c) and (d) display the values of the Co-Co and Co-Ti distances. The lattice parameter cand volume Vare presented in the hexagonal setting in order to facilitate the results indicate that the GGA+U approach con- sistently overestimates the experimental lattice parame- ters, which is manifested in the volume expansion of the unit-cell with increasing Uparameters. This expansion ranges from 1.2% of the experimental cell in the bare GGA case, to a 6.44% value for the GGA+U case with (UTi=6, U Co=5). This trend is in agreement with performed for TiO 2in the framework of the DFT+U theory[19]. The volume increase is linked to the expansion of which is in turn closely related to the Co-Co and Co-Ti interatomic distances. However, the Co-Co distance decreases for small UCo, before stabiliz- ing, while the Co-Ti distance increases for all UCo. In both cases, the eect of the titanium parameter UTiis to Figure 2: Change of the structural parameters with respect to the chosen values: (a) hexagonal lattice parameter c, (b) cell volume, (c) Co-Co distance, and (d) Co-Ti 3: Band gap as a function of cobalt UCoandUTi, given in eV. decrease the distance with decreasing UTi. Note that the trends of these distances with Uare opposite in cobalt and titanium, as they are respectively above and of the d-shell. The Ti-O bonds are the key ones determining the expansion in volume.4 B. Electronic properties In order to investigate the electronic properties of the material, the band structure of CoTiO 3was calculated. As in previous sections, we focused on the eect of the parameters UCoandUTion the electronic states of the system. Figure 3 shows the change in the band gap with respect to these parameters. Figure 4 displays band structures in the GGA+U ap- proach. The density of states (DOS) is also shown in the GGA+U case, as well as a sketch of the valence and conduction bands of cobalt titanate. For comparison the band structures using GGA are included in Appendix C. In Fig.3, we observe how the cobalt UCoparameter in- creases the band gap, yielding values that range from an almost metallic state in the GGA case, to an with band gaps of the order of 3 eV. The ef- fect of the titanium parameter UTiis, in contrast, much more moderate, making appreciable dierences only in the cases with a UColarger than 3.0 eV. For Uvalues in the range'3-4 eV, the bandgap takes values slightly below 3 eV. In the GGA approach, the band gap of the system is given by cobalt d-bands close to the Fermi energy, with oxygen and titanium bands occupying the valence and conduction states, respectively. Hybridization seems neg- ligible in the highest occupied valence band and conduction bands, and cobalt can be thought of as a recombination center, as shown in Appendix C. As theUparameters increase, these cobalt bands around the Fermi energy become more localized, enhancing the energetic separation between them and increasing the in- sulating behavior of the system, as illustrated in Fig.3. In the GGA+U approach, shown in Fig. 4, these fea- tures are clearly observed. Cobalt titanate has a bandgap of 2.9 eV, and cobalt bands are integrated into the bulk continuum, mixing with oxygen and titanium in the va- lence and conduction bands, respectively. It should be noted that this mixing does not occur in a fully symmet- ric way, as the top of the valence band is characterized by Co-O states, while the bottom of the conduction band is mostly titanium-based. This explains the eect of UTiin the electronic structure, which becomes notable when the band gap is given by the titanium bands in which this pa- rameter acts. This nding would also have implications in the optical processes, as one would expect electrons to localize in the Ti-O layers, with holes concentrating in the Co-O layers, potentially leading to interesting exci- tonic behavior between the hexagonal ab-planes. In the right panel of Fig. 4, we plot the projected den- sity of states of a single cobalt atom along the densities of titanium and oxygen. We nd how the in the conduction band, while the in-plane are hybridized over a wide energy range. This spatial distribution of the electronic states gives a picture of the bonding in the crystal, with the cobalt in the Ti-Co interaction, and the rest of hybridizing with oxygen. C. Magnetic properties 1. Spin conguration To analyze the magnetic structure of cobalt titanate, we perform total energy calculations for various the G-AFM structure, the and ull- (F-AFM) structures shown in Fig.5. We nd that for all considered ( UTi,UCo) pairs, the energy ordering of the three structures is the same: the G-AFM conguration is the ground-state of the system, followed by the ferromagnetic FM state, with the full- F-AFM structure presenting a considerable higher energy. We refer to the between the G-AFM and the FM structures as
E1, and label the dierence between the G-AFM and F-AFM states as E2. In the G-AFM state, all cobalt atoms have a local mag- netic moment ofjCoj, wherejCojranges from 2.5 B (GGA) to 2.8 B(UTi=6,UCo=5). This change in the lo- cal magnetic moment is also the cause of the due to the Uparameters, which concentrates the electronic density around the cobalt atoms as the Upa- rameters increase. The calculated magnetic moments are close to the expected S=3/2 value derived from Hund's rules, and the slight dierence can be attributed to the fact that the local magnetization is numerically com- puted by integrating in the spherical region given by the Wigner-Seitz radius, which can lead to an of the measured magnetization. However, it should not be forgotten that due to the hybridization mentioned in the previous section, cobalt presents a that modies the ionic Co2+picture. The previously dened energy dierences E1and
E2can be linked to the thermal energy needed to in- vert the spin ordering of their respective coupling, which causes a phase transition. A critical temperature can be associated with each of these transitions, e.g. in the form ofkBTi= Ei=NCo. The inter-layer superexchange J1 and intra-layer direct exchange J2couplings can also be calculated from these energies (see Appendix D). We get approximate values of J1= 1.33 meV and J2= -1.25 meV in theUCo=UTi=4.0 eV case. These values have not to be confused with the ones in Refs.[5, 6], which are cal- culated for dierent model Hamiltonians and other computed critical temperatures are shown in Fig.6, where a phase diagram of the system behavior is presented. For temperatures lower than the N eel tem- perature (T N), the system will exhibit the G-AFM state, which consists of ferromagnetic hexagonal abplanes an- ti coupled along the c-axis. When the temperature ranges between T Nand T C, the inter-layer ordering will be broken, but the intra-layer ferromagnetic ordering will still be present.5 Figure 4: Element- and band-structure of cobalt titanate. The size of the marks represents the fractional contribution of each element following a color code. Titanium( d) and oxygen( s+p) are shown in green and blue, respectively. In red, the contribution of the d-orbitals of a cobalt atom in a spin-up G-AFM layer is shown. Panel (c) shows the density of states (DOS) of a single cobalt atom in conjunction to the titanium and oxygen densities, as well as a sketch of the splitting of cobalt UCo=UTi= 4.0 eV were employed in this 5: (a) G-type , (b) ferromagnetic and (c) full- congurations of ilmenite CoTiO 3.J1andJ2are the inter-layer and intra-layer magnetic couplings, respectively, and E1and E2denote the energetic dierences between the congurations. In the (a) and (b) settings, the intra-layer coupling with (a), or ferromagnetic (b), inter-layer coupling. In the conguration (c), both couplings are . Lastly, T Cindicates the beginning of the fully param- agnetic behavior, where the thermal energy overcomes the in-layer coupling, breaking the ferromagnetic order- ing of the layers. Note that the Co ions in the paramag- netic state still present disordered local being fully spin compensated. These ndings suggest that individual layers can be ferromagnetic in the T N<
T<TCrange above the N eel temperature, an interest- ing result regarding applications that might merit work.6 Figure 6: Magnetic phases of cobalt titanate Energy dierences E1and to temperature units. T Nis the N eel temperature, which is related to the breaking of the inter-layer ordering, and is shown along the experimental value of T N=38K indicated by a dashed line. T Cis related to the breaking of the intra-layer ferromagnetic ordering, and represents the starting point of paramagnetic behavior which exists for higher temperatures. 2. Magnetic anisotropy We next consider the magnetic anisotropy due to cobalt layers in CoTiO 3bulk. In order to determine whether cobalt titanate presents an in-plane or out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy, we rst perform to- tal energy calculations including the spin-orbit term as implemented in VASP for a number of spin respect to the ferromagnetic cobalt layers. The anisotropy energy (MAE) is dened as the energetic dierence between the lowest energy and the conguration under analysis, and is given by MAE( ) =E() -Ez. Here,is the polar angle in the hexagonal ac(cartesianxz) plane. We found that the eect of the in-plane orientation was negligible, only varying the MAE in the order of eV for dierent values of the azimuthal angle within the hexagonal ab plane. In the G-AFM setting of the primitive magnetic cell, we calculated the MAE in the GGA and with UTi=3.9 eV and UCo=4.5 eV. The MAE values using GGA are larger than those for the GGA+U cases because the GGA structure is slightly compressed. In fact, the role of the structural parameters seems key Figure 7: Magnetic anisotropy of bulk cobalt titanate. (a) Angular dependence of the anisotropy, where
changes from the out-of-plane c-axis to the In red, the MAE is shown as calculated using DFT. In dark red, the Bruno model tting obtained with the calculated Lorbital moments is shown; in black, the tting to Eq.(2); in blue, the due to the dipole-dipole interaction is shown. (b) Magnetic anisotropy at the abplane (= 90) with respect to the variation of the electron number in the unit cell (N). The dipole-dipole term is shown in dashed lines. For an electron excess of around 0.2, the MAE term becomes smaller than the dipole-dipole term. as the MAE for the experimental lattice is even larger. Some comments on the eect of U in the anisotropy can be found in Appendix F. We then focus on the MAE per atom in the GGA+U case, as shown in Fig.7(a). We observe that the anisotropy is minimum in the out-of-plane hexagonal c-axis, and in-7 creases as spins align with the hexagonal abplane. This tendency is observed in both the GGA and GGA+U ap- proaches, suggesting the easy-axis character of the The MAE was also calculated for the fer- romagnetic conguration and found to be nding conrms that the ab layers have a character. In order to understand the an- gular dependence of the MAE, we t our results to =K1sin2() +K2sin4(); the Using the total energies per unit cell, our tting yields values of K1= 0.29 (0.52) meV and K2=
0.068 (0.025) meV for GGA+U (GGA) cases. The K1 value is much larger than the K2one, but not negligible for GGA+U. This indicates the strong uniaxial character of the anisotropy. The element dependence of the anisotropy can also be analyzed by tting the MAE to the Bruno model[21] given by MAE() (3) where'50 meV is the spin-orbit constant, and GS L andL() are the orbital magnetic moments of cobalt atoms in the ground-state conguration and in the axis under analysis, respectively. Our tting to Eq.(3) yielded a spin-orbit constant of '48 meV ('60 meV) in the GGA+U (GGA) approach, close to the aforemen- tioned value. These MAE values calculated from the or- bital magnetic momenta Lusing the Bruno model are in great agreement with the directly calculated DFT+U values. This agreement suggests that the MAE could be directly correlated to the angular dependence of the density around cobalt ions in CoTiO 3. In the GGA+U approach, we get values of Lbetween 0.16 and 0.19 B, in good agreement with the only-GGA values in Ref.[22]. By being non-negligible, these Lvalues are pointing to the relevance of spin-orbit coupling in these are noncollinear with Sones when the eld is not exactly aligned with the easy axis or the hard plane (see Appendix G). Previous reports point to an in-plane anisotropy in cobalt titanate [5, 7, 8, 18], which is in contrast to In order to understand this discrepancy, we also calculated the anisotropy due to the interaction[23]. This interaction is given by the miandmjare the local magnetic moments around the interacting cobalt ions pairs, and rijis the vec- tor joining the two cobalt atoms. We computed thisterm from the atomic positions and local magnetic mo- ments derived from the DFT calculations in which the spin-orbit interaction was included. Our results for the GGA+U structure are shown along the MAE in Fig. 7(a). In contrast to the spin-orbit term, the dipole term fa- vors in-plane spin orientation, and competes with the MAE term in magnitude. Nevertheless, the total mag- netic anisotropy still favors an out-of-plane orientation in our calculations. This eect presumably increases with growing temperature, as the dipole-dipole term decays faster than the MAE term (/M(T)) with the spontaneous This could lead to potential out-of-plane ferromagnetic layers in the T range. To reconcile our results with experiments, we ana- lyze the eect of doping in the system, see Fig. 7(b). This is performed by the addition and the substraction of electrons in the unit cell. Including defects in this compound explicitly implies a dierent set of calcula- tions beyond the scope of the actual paper. We nd that removing electrons (p-doping) leads to an increase of the MAE, while adding electrons (n-doping) lowers the MAE even past the dipole-dipole term. This later mechanism could be a consequence of the presence of Ti atoms at some cobalt sites in the sample, as suggested in the experimental literature[7, 25]. Our results indicate that adding 0.2 electrons (which roughly corresponds to 2.5% of cobalt sites being occupated by titanium) could be enough to turn the out-of-plane anisotropy to an in- plane anisotropy, consistent with experiment. We further remark that the eect of mesoscopic domains, suggested in the literature[5, 18], may result in domains with in- plane anisotropy. However, it should be noted that do- mains with an out-of-plane component could also lead to the compensation of the MAE, yielding an as already shown in magnetic alloys [26, 27]. In summary, we nd that crystalline bulk CoTiO 3 presents a strong out-of-plane anisotropy, due to the spin-orbit coupling of cobalt atoms. The value is larger in magnitude to that of pure hcp cobalt[28, 29], a fact that is interesting because cobalt can be seen in this compound as a Co2+ion instead of being metallic. Furthermore, the is also estimated to be signicant in this material due to cobalt ferromagnetic coupling in layers. Summing the two contributions, we observed that the presence of cobalt-titanium anti-site disorder could be responsible of the experimentally observed of the bulk CoTiO 3. IV. CONCLUSIONS In this paper we analyzed the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of ilmenite CoTiO 3in the DFT+U framework. We observed that while the addition of the U correction terms slightly expands the unit cell of the sys-8 tem, it greatly improves the description of the by partially correcting the electron and thus enhancing the semiconducting character of the the magnetism of cobalt titanate, we found that the G-AFM structure is the ground state of the sys- tem, and that there are two critical temperatures which correspond to the transition between the G-AFM structure, and to the beginning of the paramagnetic phase. The existence of at temperatures above T N, could potentially lead to interesting magnetic calculations including spin-orbit coupling indi- cate that the anisotropy would be out-of-plane, a nd- ing in contrast with experiments. However, we found that the presence of 0.2 electrons in the unit cell (which roughly corresponds to 2.5% of cobalt sites being occu- pated by titanium) could be enough to turn the out- of-plane anisotropy to an in-plane anisotropy, consistent with experiment. We believe that further such as high pressure experiments, could further deepen our understanding of the magnetic anisotropy in this material. On the theoretical front, slab and single- layer calculations seem of great interest for future inves- tigations of intriguing thin-lm systems. V. gratefully acknowledge primary funding from the National Science Foundation through the Center for Dy- namics and Control of Materials:an NSF MRSEC Agreement No. DMR-1720595, with addi- tional support from NSF DMR-1949701 and NSF DMR- 2114825. This work was performed in part at the As- pen Center for Physics, which is supported by National Science Foundation grant PHY-1607611. M. R-V. was supported by LANL LDRD Program and by the U.S. Department of Energy, Oce of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Matter Theory Program. This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with PCI2019-103657. We acknowledge nancial support by the European Commission from the (GA 870114). The Basque Government sup- ported this work through Project No. IT-1246-19. M.A was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the FPI PhD Fellowship A: Tests with an all-electron method In order to check the validity of the chosen number of valence electrons to be included per element, we compare the VASP calculation with a more precise all-electron cal- culation performed with the Elk code[30]. We nd that Figure 8: F-AFM band structure in the cell, in the GGA (panel (a)) and (b)) approaches. both band structures are in great qualitative agreement, which conrms the validity of the chosen number of va- lence electrons per element in our B: Phonon calculations were performed using the supercell method implemented in the Phonopy software package[31], with VASP used as the 2nd order force-constant calculator. Calculations of the phonon supercell size were carried out on 2 x2x2 ex- pansions of the primitive-cell. For the DFT force calcula- tions, we employ spin-collinear formalism with an energy cut-o of 700 eV, a 6 x 6 x 6 k-point Monkhorst pack mesh and the DFT-D3 Grimme[32] van der Waals cor- rection method. The U parameters where chosen to be: UTi= 3.9 eV and U Co= 4.5 eV. Appendix C: Electronic structure using mentioned in the main text, the eect of the cobalt U parameter is to split the cobalt bands localized around the Fermi energy, gradually increasing the band gap and9 Figure 9: Phonon dispersion of the primitive magnetic cell in the G-AFM the hybridization with titanium and 10: (a) GGA and (b) band structures of cobalt titanate. U parameters U Co= U Ti= 4.0 eV were chosen. Color indicates the fractional character of each element in the bands, with cobalt given in red, titanium in green and oxygen in blue. These band structures were calculated using the sumo D: Calculation of the magnetic the magnetic congurations under analysis, the Heisenberg Hamiltonian H =X ijJijSiSj; (D1) Figure 11: MAE of the hexagonal abplane against the Brillouin Zone sampling per unit cell. Regular grids were used. yields the following energies per primitive magnetic cell: EG-AFM = ( 2J1+ 6J2)~S2; (D2) EFM= (2J1+ 6J2)~S2; (D3) EF-AFM = ( 2J1 6J2)~S2: (D4) Here, ~Sis the pseudospin 3/2, and J1andJ2are the inter-layer and intra-layer magnetic couplings (given in meV). From the energy dierences E 1= E FM EG-AFM and E 2= E F-AFM EG-AFM , we get the following ex- pressions for the (D6) Appendix E: Convergence of the MAE The MAE is a small magnitude, in our case in the order of 10 4eV. To ensure that our results are we calculate the MAE amplitude with respect to the Brillouin Zone sampling nk(Fig. 11). We show that the MAE has a fast convergence in this system, and that the 8x8x8 Monkhorst-Pack grid used in our a well converged anisotropy energy. Appendix F: Eect of U in the anisotropy energy As commented in the main text, we nd that the MAE values obtained in the GGA approach are larger than those using GGA+U, as shown in Fig. 12. The 12: Comparison between the MAE in the GGA and GGA+U approaches. The MAE values are given per cobalt atom. expansion induced by the U parameter plays a leading role in this trend, as the GGA structure is to the experimental cell. The GGA+U anisotropy with the experimental lattice parameters is slightly larger (MAE ab=NCo'0.145 meV), a fact that points to the structural expansion as the main responsible for a de- creasing MAE. Appendix G: Orbital moment and show the calculated orbital magnetic moment val- uesLin the GGA+U approach, as well as the an- gular dierence between the spin and orbital mag- netic moments that arises when the spin-orbit coupling is included. Note the overall non-collinearity between spin and orbital moments unless the values are just
= 0;=2 and. Appendix H: Charge density with doping The addition (substraction) of electrons in the unit cell creates an excess (decit) of charge. The charge den- sity dierences between the non doped CoTiO 3and the n-doped (panel (a)) and p-doped (panel (b)) structures are shown in Fig.14. On the one hand, electrons local-ize around titanium atoms and the d2 zorbitals of cobalt atoms. On the other hand, holes are localized around the rest of d orbitals in cobalt and the p orbitals in oxygen atoms. This trend is in good agreement with the elec- tronic band structure of CoTiO 3shown in Fig. 4, where the bottom of the conduction band consists of titanium and cobalt d2 zorbitals, while the top of the valence band is a mixture of the rest of the d orbitals of cobalt and the Figure 13: (a) Orbital moment Lof cobalt in the GGA+U approximation. (b) between the spin and orbital orbitals of oxygen. [1] R. J. D. Tilley, Perovskites: Relation- ships (John Wiley & Sons).[2] J. H. Hwang, E. N. Son, R. Lee, S. H. Kim, J. I. Baek, H. J. Ryu, K. T. Lee, and J. M. Sohn, A study of CoTiO 3as oxygen carrier for 14: Charge density dierence for the (a) n-doped and (b) p-doped cobalt titanate with respect to the non doped case. The density is plotted in units of e=a03, whereeis the electron charge and a0is the Bohr radius. The isosurface level is set to 0.00161 e=a03in panel (a) and to 0.00118 e=a03in panel (b). Yellow and cyan denote excess and decit charge density Charge densities were plotted using the VESTA combustion, Catalysis Today 303, 13 (2018). [3] Tien-Sheng Chao, Wei-Ming Ku, Hong-Chin Lin, D. Landheer, Yu-Yang Wang, and Y. Mori, CoTiO on HSG for DRAM applications, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 51, 2200 (2004). [4] M. Siemons and U. Simon, Gas sensing properties of volume-doped CoTiO 3synthesized via polyol method, Sens. Actuators, B 126, 595 (2007). [5] B. Yuan, I. Khait, G.-J. Shu, F. C. Chou, M. B. Stone, J. P. Clancy, A. Paramekanti, and Y.-J. Kim, Dirac Magnons in a Honeycomb Lattice Quantum XY Mag- net CoTiO 3, Phys. Rev. X 10, 011062 (2020). [6] R. Dubrovin, N. Siverin, M. Prosnikov, V. Chernyshev, N. Novikova, P. Christianen, A. Balbashov, and R. Pis- arev, Lattice dynamics and spontaneous eect in ilmenite CoTiO 3, J. Alloys Compd. , R. E. Newnham, J. H. Fang, and R. P. Santoro, Crys- tal structure and magnetic properties of CoTiO 3, 17, 240 (1964). [8] H. Watanabe, H. Yamauchi, and H. Takei, in MTiO 3(M = Co, Ni), J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 15-18 , 549 (1980). [9] S. A. Tolba, K. M. Gameel, B. A. Ali, H. A. Almossalami, and N. K. Allam, The DFT+U: Approaches, Accuracy,and Applications, in Density Functional Calculations , edited by G. Yang (IntechOpen, Rijeka, 2018) Chap. 1. [10] K. Momma and F. Izumi, VESTA3 for of crystal, volumetric and morphology data, J. Appl. Crystallogr. 44, 1272 (2011). [11] H. Raebiger, S. Bae, C. Echeverr a-Arrondo, and A. Ayuela, Control of hole localization in by axial strain, Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 024402 (2018). [12] H. J. Kulik, Perspective: Treating electron with the DFT+U method, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 240901 (2015). [13] F. Aguilera-Granja and A. Ayuela, Magnetism and dis- tortions in two-dimensional transition-metal dioxides: on the quest for intrinsic magnetic semiconductor layers, J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 2634 (2019). [14] G. Kresse and J. Furthm uller, Ecient iterative schemes for ab initio total-energy calculations using a plane-wave basis set, Phys. Rev. B 54, 11169 (1996). [15] G. Kresse and D. Joubert, From ultrasoft to the projector augmented-wave method, Phys. Rev. B 59, 1758 (1999). [16] S. L. Dudarev, G. A. Botton, S. Y. Savrasov, C. J. Humphreys, and A. P. Sutton, spec- tra and the structural stability of nickel oxide: An LSDA+U study, Phys. Rev. B 57, 1505 (1998). [17] F. Schoofs, M. Egilmez, T. Fix, J. L. M. G. Blamire, Structural and magnetic properties of CoTiO 3thin lms on SrTiO 3(001), J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 332, 67 (2013). [18] M. Elliot, P. A. McClarty, D. Prabhakaran, R. D. John- son, H. C. Walker, P. Manuel, and R. Coldea, from bond-dependent exchange and of nodal quasiparticles in a honeycomb cobal- tate, Nat. Commun. 12, 3936 (2021). [19] M. E. Arroyo-de Dompablo, A. Morales-Garc a, and M. Taravillo, DFT+U calculations of crystal lattice, elec- tronic structure, and phase stability under pressure of TiO 2polymorphs, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 054503 (2011). [20] T. Wakiyama, Magnetic anisotropy and in Physics and Engineering Applications of Mag- netism , edited by Y. Ishikawa and N. Miura (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1991) pp. 133{158. [21] P. Bruno, Tight-binding approach to the orbital magnetic moment and anisotropy of monolayers, Phys. Rev. B 39, 865 (1989). [22] S. Das, S. Voleti, T. Saha-Dasgupta, and A. Paramekanti, Can we realize kitaev quantum spin liquids in the J e=
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Ayuela | Out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy in bulk ilmenite $ ext{CoTiO}_3$ | null | Phys. Rev. B 105, 144425 - Published 20 April 2022 | 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.144425 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of bulk ilmenite CoTiO$_3$ are analyzed in the framework of density functional theory (DFT), using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and approaches. We find that the G-type (G-AFM) structure, which consists of ally coupled ferromagnetic $ab$ planes, is the ground-state of the system, in agreement with experiments. Furthermore, cobalt two critical temperatures related to the breaking of the inter- and intra-layer magnetic ordering. This would result in the individual planes remaining ferromagnetic even at temperatures above the N'{e}el spin-orbit coupling is included in our calculations, we find an out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy, which can be converted to an with a small doping of electrons corresponding to about 2.5% Ti substitution for Co, consistent with experimental expectations. We thus present a study of the magnetic anisotropy in bulk will determine its magnon properties, including topological aspects.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 17:14:55 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 22 Nov 2021 10:52:58 GMT"
] | 2022-04-27T00:00:00 | [
"Gregory A.",
] |
Figure 1: Overview of our framework. a A quadtree is constructed from a given input image, image regions are extracted from each node of the quadtree and down sampled to be of size 244244pixels and stored as a bag of patches. bPatches are passed through a feature network. We used a ResNet18 [ 7] pre-trained on ImageNet [ 8] for all our experiments to encode the feature vectors. These feature vectors are then passed through a MIL framework to generate the final output of using a neural network to encode adjacent regions of a histopathology image, we propose to use quadtrees built in a top down fashion from the entire image [ 9]. Quadtrees are tree data structures, historically used in [ 10]. They are constructed by recursively partitioning a two-dimensional space into four sub-regions of equal size and storing the information of each region in a node within a tree. Each node contains information about its corresponding region and has either exactly four children or none in the case of leaf nodes. As such, the tree data structure can be used to represent the information contained in the 2D space in a more compressed, data efficient way. By traversing the tree, the information from the original space can be extracted. The depth of the quadtree can depend on the size of the input image and the distribution of information within the space that is being decomposed. If there is sufficient relevant information within a given region, the algorithm will continue adding nodes to the tree and extending its depth until this no longer holds. The maximum depth of the tree can be limited by truncating the growth at a user defined depth. Quadtrees have not been used extensively within machine learning. The analogue, octrees, have been explored for tasks such as shape and scene completion with voxel arrays [ 11,12]. Wang et al. [11] use an Neural Network (O-CNN) for 3D shape analysis. By building an octree representation of 3D shapes and restricting the computation to the leaf nodes they are able to more efficiently store the information and performance with existing methods while using less memory. Jayaraman et al. [13] applied this idea with Quadtree Convolutional Neural Network (QCNN) to sparse two-dimensional handwriting data sets resulting in more efficient memory usage and computation time compared to a standard CNN. 2However, Wang et al. 's [11,12] and Jayaraman et al. 's [13] work solely uses binary data. Wang et al's O-CNN works with positional data while Jayaraman et al's QCNN uses greyscale image data. Histopathology data is 2D RGB colour data. In this work, we propose to use the quadtree itself as an image representation while taking advantage of the compression benefits of quadtrees by applying them to RGB data. To our knowledge this is the first time quadtrees have been used for this purpose. 1.2 Quadtree image propose a new image representation built with computational pathology in mind using a type of tree data structure called a quadtree. Unlike existing digital pathology representation methods our framework uses an image is not necessarily a feature representation. We use this quadtree representation to extract patches at varied resolutions in different regions of the images. This leads to greater performance in downstream tasks compared to existing patch extraction techniques all while using less data due to the quadtree construction. We show that our method is able to identify significant regions within an image relevant to clinical diagnosis and generate an interpretable, tree contributions can be summarised as follows: 1.We propose an image representation for computational pathology images and a pipeline able to predict image level labels using a single GPU. 2.We compare several methods for constructing the quadtree representation using different colour spaces and information quantification functions. 3.We evaluate our pipeline on a histopathology colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRA) data set used to train the system to classify an image as cancerous or generate attention heatmaps to discover which regions of the image the model found significant in predicting the image level label. The remainder of the paper is organised as follows: Section 2 explains our method in depth; Section 3 details our experimental results; our discussion and conclusions from our results are stated in Sections 4 and 5 respectively. 2 The Quadtree Framework In this section, we present our method for constructing quadtrees from histopathology images and how we use them for downstream analysis. Our pipeline method consists of two main stages. For a given image, a quadtree is constructed and patches extracted from the tree's nodes. These patches are then treated as a bag of instances and used in a multiple instance learning (MIL) paradigm to generate the image level Building quadtrees A quadtree represents a partition of a two-dimensional space obtained by recursively decomposing the region into four equal quadrants and sub-quadrants where each node in the tree contains information corresponding to a given specific partition of the original space [ 9]. In our case the two-dimensional space is that of an RGB image. The works on the intuition that if an image or a sub-region within an image, represented by a node in the sufficient interesting information it should be divided further into four equally sized sub regions. If this occurs, the tree is expanded by adding four child nodes to the original node being evaluated. However, if a region does not contain sufficient interesting information, then no child nodes are added and the node is made a leaf node. When all regions have been decomposed down to leaf nodes, i.e.they do not need to be split any further, then the quadtree is complete. An example of the quadtree representation is shown in Figure 1a including an example of a decomposed image and its quadtree for use with RGB images we represent this idea with the following components: 1. A function to quantify the information within a given region which we refer to as the criterion ; 2.A threshold value which determines the amount of information a region needs to contain to justify splitting the region 1: Quadtree construction algorithm QuadTree Input : Image:i2Rmn3, threshold:t, tree depth: d, criterion:c, : quadtreeQ add nodentoQat depthd ifnhas a parent then connect parent to 4 subquadrants of equal size [ components allow us to compute whether the splitting process should occur in a region given the criterion and splitting threshold. For example, let us say we have a given region i2Rmn3, a splitting threshold tand a criterion function c. We can compute c(i)and then compare it with the threshold t. Ifc(i)>tthen this means the given region has to justify splitting the region further and expanding the overall quadtree. Conversely, if c(i)tthen the region does not have sufficient information to warrant expanding the quadtree and the given node of the tree becomes a leaf node. 2.1.1 Splitting criteria We explored several different splitting criterion functions. We used the entropy [ 15] and mean pixel value of an image region as a measure of the amount of significant information in a region. Furthermore, we used these criteria with the images in the native RGB space and two additional colour spaces. All images we used were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E). The haematoxylin dye stains basophilic tissue structures blue, in particular nuclei are heavily stained while cytoplasmic tissue regions are lightly stained. We hypothesise that by focusing on the bluer regions of the image, this will guide the quadtree splitting method to focus on the nuclei within the images which are usually the main feature of interest for most downstream tasks. As such we explored converting the images into blue ratio space [ 16] to highlight the areas dense in nuclei. We also used colour deconvolution [ 17] to separate out the different stains as colour channels and used the Haematoxylin channel as a proxy for the number of cells. 2.1.2 Determining the splitting threshold The splitting threshold tused in the quadtree algorithm is a hyperparameter which we determined from the data set. For a given criterion function and colour space, such as entropy in RGB space, we computed the value of this criterion for each image in the data set. We then calculated the mean ()and standard deviation ()of this distribution and used these values to determine the splitting threshold. We performed an ablation study for this threshold and how it affects both qualitative and downstream performance, as described in Section 3.1. 2.1.3 Learning from quadtrees In each node of the quadtree we stored a down-sampled copy of the original image region which corresponds to that node's position within the quadtree decomposition. We used image interpolation to down-sample the image regions to all be of size 244244for later processing by a pre-trained CNN for feature extraction. This allows us to store patches at different scales from the original image. This incorporates the wider FoV present in the patches corresponding to shallow nodes in the tree while the deeper nodes contain the fine grained detail at high MIL framework Having generated a collection of down-sampled image regions from the original image using our quadtree method we treated this collection as a bag of instances or patches. This lends itself to the Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) paradigm, a weakly supervised learning approach, where the bag of instances has a single label but instance level labels 4Figure 2: Example of quadtree decompositions in different colour spaces .aImage decomposed using entropy in RGB space. bImage decomposed using mean pixel value in blue ratio space. cImage decomposed using mean pixel value of haematoxylin channel. The splitting threshold was set to the mean ( ) minus one standard deviation ( ) for each case. are not available [ 14]. The label of the bag is positive (Y= 1) if at least one instance within the bag is positive and conversely the overall bag label is negative (Y= 0) if no instance within the bag is for a given image X2Rmn3with associated label Y2f0;1gwe create a bag Bof The instance level labels ynare hidden to the learner. To classify this bag of images, we can use the following function
(X) =g((f(x1);:::;f (xk))); (2) wherefis a transformation of instances xkto a embedding, is a and gis a transformation to generate the overall class probabilities for the bag. There are two main approaches to : Herefclassifies each instance individually, assigning a class label for each instance and then
combines these predictions together to generate an overall prediction for the bag using operations such as mean, maximum etc [18]. Finally, gis the identity function in this : Instead of classifying each instance individually, here fmaps each instance to a embedding, then obtains a bag representation independent of the number of instances in the these bag representations to obtain the overall prediction [19]. We initially tested the instance-based method but found the classifier was difficult to train to a sufficient accuracy causing poor performance. The embedding-based approach has less bias than the instance-based one and was found to perform better, hence was used for our experiments. For a bag of image patches we used a ResNet-18 pre-trained on ImageNet to encode each image patch as a feature vector turning the bag of image patches into a bag of feature vectors. 2.2.1 MIL methods We used two different MIL methods based on an attention mechanism [ 20]. First, we used Attention-based MIL (AMIL) [21]. Attention-based MIL modifies the embedding-based MIL approach by changing the MIL pooling operation, , where for a bag B=fh1;:::;h the overall prediction is obtained by z=KX k=1akhk; hT jg; parameters. For full details we refer the reader to Ilse et al. 's original paper [21]. We also explored a recent expansion of Ilse et al. 's Attention-based MIL. Lu et al. 's Instance Learning (CLAM) was developed with computational pathology in mind [ 22]. In CLAM, the predicts a set of attention scores for each class in the classification problem. Lu et al. use the same in the first two layers of the network as Ilse et al. but then split the network into nparallel attention branches in ann-class classification problem along with an additional instance-level clustering layer for each class to obtain the overall prediction. Again, we refer the reader to Lu et al. 's original paper for full details of the method [22]. 5Method Accuracy AUROC All patches AMIL 87:837:97 0:930:06 Blue ratio AMIL 77:016:77 0:940:06 RGB AMIL 90:728:82 AMIL 94:253:31 0:980:02 All patches CLAM 88:558:60 0:940:06 Blue ratio CLAM 80:545:88 0:930:04 RGB CLAM 92:068:25 CLAM 97.131.21 0.980.02 Table 1: Comparison of Attention MIL (AMIL) and CLAM models trained on extracted patches from the 3 different colour spaces at a threshold of and with all possible non-overlapping patches from the image. Results deviation , the variation in performance occurs due to differences in cross validation performance 3 Experimental Results To evaluate our proposed method we used the CRAG data set from Awan et al. [23]. This contains 139 extracted from 38 digitised WSIs of colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRA) at 20 magnification. The images varied slightly but on average were around 45007500 pixels in size. Of the 139 images, 71 were classified as normal tissue, 33 as low grade and 35 as high grade. We merged the low grade and high grade classes into a cancerous class to create a binary classification problem suitable for the MIL paradigm. In total, we had 71 images in the non-cancerous or negative class and 68 cancerous or positive images creating a fairly balanced classification problem. Awan et al. also provided the split they used for 3-fold cross validation so a fair comparison between our results and theirs could be drawn. Given the size of the original images, we set the maximum depth dof our quadtrees to be 4. This was done because if we allowed the trees to create nodes at a deeper level then the original image regions each node represents would be smaller in size than the 244244patch size that are fed into pre-trained networks. Upsampling would have been required to fix this and it would have been inconsistent with the process used on the nodes at every other level within the tree. We kept the trees at depth 4for all of our training, we normalised each patch using the mean and standard deviation of ImageNet, augmented each extracted patch using random horizontal and vertical flips with probability 0.5 as well as small, random adjustments to the brightness, contrast, saturation and hue of the input images. We used the Adam optimiser [ 24] with a loss rate of 5e 4, betas of 0:99and0:999and weight decay of 1e 4. All experiments were performed on a single Nvidia Quadro RTX 5000 GPU. 3.1 Quadtree evaluate the different proposed splitting methods for the quadtrees described in Section 2.1.1 we performed a qualitative analysis of all 139 images' quadtree decompositions under each method. For each method, we tested a variety of thresholds but kept them consistent in our comparisons. For example, we would only compare images that had been split where the threshold was set to be the same e.g. mean ( ) minus 1 standard deviation ( ) for each given colour space and method with images split at the same threshold, not with decompositions where the threshold had been set to 1:25or any other level. We found that the mean pixel value in the Haematoxylin channel gave the best qualitative decomposition of the input images. Figure 2 shows an example of this. The method consistently split the image into finer grained detail in the presence of tissue while ignoring the background or less informative regions such as empty space or large areas of adipose tissue. Furthermore, it would aggressively split regions in the presence of cancerous tissue while with non cancerous tissue the method would sometimes only split down to a depth of 2 or 3 in more homogeneous areas such as large regions of connective tissue. This was not found to be the case in large regions of cancerous tissue where the method would consistently split the image down to the maximum allowed depth. Additionally, the threshold of
was empirically found to give the best qualitative splits by consistently following and splitting the tissue regions within the images. We trained the Attention MIL [ 21] and CLAM [ 22] models for 20 epochs using the patches extracted with each As a baseline control comparison, we also divided every image into non-overlapping patches of size 244244 denoted as the all patches baseline. The results in Table 1 show that our qualitative findings that the method produced the best decompositions of the images also corresponded to the best downstream model 6Figure 3: Accuracy of a CLAM model trained on data sets extracted at different thresholds ranging from 2to
+ 2in the Haematoxylin channel using the mean pixel value. Grey area indicates one standard deviation in the model's performance across 3 fold cross with both Attention MIL and CLAM when compared to the other methods with all other variables kept constant. Furthermore, two of the three colour spaces, RGB and Haematoxylin channel, outperformed our baseline of using every possible patch in an image as a bag of instances. The third colour space, blue ratio space, poorly as it almost always predicted the positive class giving a very high sensitivity but leading to overall worse performance than the other methods. Additionally, it was found that in each respective colour space and with the all patches baseline the CLAM model outperformed the Attention MIL model in terms of average performance with a smaller standard deviation for all cases except the all patches baseline. 3.2 Ablation study We performed an ablation study of the splitting thresholds used with the best performing approach, using the mean pixel value in the Haematoxylin channel. We varied the threshold from 2to+ 2in steps of 0:25and trained a CLAM model with 3 fold cross validation at each of the 17 thresholds, all other hyperparameters were kept constant. We found the model had the greatest performance using the best qualitative threshold of as it had the highest average performance and the smallest standard deviation across cross validation folds as shown in Figure 3. 3.3 Comparisons with other methods We performed an additional comparison using the standard practice for extracting patches in tissue regions in computa- tional pathology. To select only regions with tissue we thresholded an image's intensity to separate the tissue from Method Accuracy AUROC Average Training Time (s) % of pixel data used in training BAM 1 [23] 95:702:10 100 BAM 2 [23] 97:121:27 100 All patches 88:558:60 0:940:06 2110 100 Segmented patches 97:153:24 1.000.01 2097 69 Leaf nodes 95:652:11 0:990:02 1041 32 All nodes 97.131.21 0:980:02 1368 43 Table 2: Performance of CLAM model trained on 4 different sets of extracted patches compared to state-of-the-art from original CRAG paper on two class problem. Haematoxylin channel patches were extracted using the threshold . Reported metric values are meanstandard deviation on the validation set, the variation is due to the 3-fold Training times are averaged across the 3 cross validation folds for 20 epochs with all hyperparameters 4: a, b, c AUROC curve plots of cross validation average AUROC for CLAM models trained on all quadtree nodes, the leaf nodes from the quadtree and all patches respectively. The quadtree used was the best channel method extracted at a threshold of . Grey shaded area indicates one standard deviation across the three folds. dAverage AUROC curve for all three methods the background and created a tissue mask with Otsu's method [ 25]. We obtained a set of locations within the tissue area to extract patches from with the super-pixel algorithm such that the locations covered the entire tissue region [ 26]. To explore the significance of the non-leaf nodes with the quadtree structure in downstream tasks we also using just the leaf nodes patches extracted by the Haematoxylin channel method. Table 2 shows that the patches extracted by our Haematoxylin channel quadtree method yield as good performance as the segmented tissue patches with a smaller standard deviation between cross validation folds. In total the extracted 52,029 patches, 374 per image, while the Haematoxylin channel quadtree method extracted 32,099, 231 per image, a 38.31% reduction in data which still yielded as good if not better final model performance with all other training hyperparameters the same. 4 3 shows that our qualitative finding of setting the splitting threshold at yielded the best results also held true when compared to a wide range of possible thresholds in downstream performance. When the splitting threshold was set too high e.g. t>(+)we found that frequently the non-cancerous class images would not be split at all resulting in a quadtree with one root node only and a corresponding bag containing a single instance. This occurred because the non-cancerous images had more empty space on average than the cancerous images and contained less regions heavily stained with Haematoxylin. This in turn led to poor performance as the model was operating on a single instance which was heavily downsampled and did not have enough data to learn from and perform well. As this threshold was decreased the images were split more effectively by the algorithm resulting in improved performance. The performance peaked at the qualitatively best performing threshold of with the smallest standard 5: Attention heatmap visualisations For a non-cancerous (top) and a cancerous (bottom) image respectively the attention heatmap from the CLAM model trained using the Haematoxylin channel extracted patches at
overlaid on the quadtree decomposition of the original image (right). We smoothed the attention heatmaps for visibility by using 50% overlap between the patches and averaged the attention weights. The most highly attended regions are denoted in red while the less attended regions are denoted in blue. Regions have been re-scaled back to their original shape and size for display cross validation folds. The performance then decreased beyond this point with a much higher variation across cross validation folds. Inspecting the individual fold performance showed this was driven by one of the three folds performing much poorer than the others; however, this was not always the same fold in each case so this cannot have been occurring due to a difference in the data distribution between folds. We found that when t< the algorithm started to split regions that contained a low percentage of tissue where it was not before. This resulted in one patch containing tissue being generated but potentially two or three or all blank space. We believe this is why performance becomes more varied, more instances are being generated that are not conducive to making an accurate prediction. The threshold of appears to be a good middle ground between decomposing the tissue regions accurately and not over decomposing the images. While it is logical that such a middle ground should exist theoretically, we do not yet know why this is found at . We plan to explore this approach with other data sets in future to see if this finding holds true in different data found that our quadtree image representation is able to achieve better performance than the existing state of the art method for patch extraction in computational pathology. The CLAM model trained with the patches extracted from our quadtree method was able to achieve as good average cross validation performance with a smaller standard to a model trained using patches extracted using a tissue segmentation mask while using 38.31% less patches. When we excluded the non-leaf nodes' patches, the final model performance did degrade slightly but only by 1%
compared to when all patches from the quadtree were included. We hypothesise this indicates that the higher level nodes in the tree (at lower magnifications) only contribute marginally to the final prediction. To verify this we overlaid the attention weights from the trained CLAM model in a heatmap over the original images. If the higher level non-leaf nodes were weighted highly we would expect to see large regions of high attention overlaid over regions that have been split further. However, the example in Figure 5 does not show this. It is representative of many other instances in our results where the leaf nodes are clearly the most highly weighted. The attention heatmap in Figure 5 also shows that the CLAM model trained using our quadtree strategy is able to assign higher attention values to clinically relevant regions. In the non-cancerous example, almost all of the highly weighted patches are located in a region of healthy glands and tissue, highlighted in red and orange, while the stromal region has 9been coloured a dark blue indicating very low attention has been assigned in this region by the model. This means the model has correctly identified that the presence of healthy glands indicates a non-cancerous region. 5 Conclusion We have shown that quadtrees can be used in computational pathology as an efficient image representation which can be used for fast and highly accurate downstream performance. Our quadtree method is able to decompose by identifying regions significant to clinical diagnosis while ignoring less significant regions such as empty space or connective tissue. We show that this image representation is able to be leveraged in a MIL setting to achieve better performance using 38% less data than the currently widely adopted thresholding based tissue mask approach used in the field while also providing an interpretable visualisation of which regions within the image are important for the algorithm in generating its prediction. In future, we plan to explore this approach with other computational pathology data sets to further verify our findings and explore how the framework performs for other tasks and tissue types as well as how sensitive it is to other staining methods and visual artifacts. If our results here hold true, the method should be very helpful in WSIs to reduce the significant data requirement currently present in processing these large A. Pryalukhin, W. Hulla, A. Bychkov, J. Fukuoka, A. Madabhushi, V . Achter, L. Nieroda, R. Buttner, A. Quaas, and Y . 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J. , vol. 27, pp. 379-423, 1948. 10 | 2108.10873 | Rob Jewsbury | Rob Jewsbury, Abhir Bhalerao, Nasir Rajpoot | A QuadTree Image Representation for Computational Pathology | 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted to CDPath ICCV 2021 | null | null | null | cs.CV cs.LG | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | The field of computational pathology presents many challenges for computer vision algorithms due to the sheer size of pathology images. are large and need to be split up into image tiles or patches so neural networks (CNNs) can process them. In this work, we present a method to generate an interpretable image representation of images using quadtrees and a pipeline to use these highly accurate downstream classification. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use quadtrees for pathology image data. We show it is highly accurate, able to achieve as good results as the currently widely adopted tissue mask patch extraction methods all while using over 38% less data.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 17:53:19 GMT"
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2 JESSE THORNER AND ASIF Ifb1exists and q<=(logx)A, then Theorem 1.1 holds with th=7 12, but at a cost: c1will depend ineffectively on A. We justify this in Section 4 using Siegel's theorem [2, Ch. 21]: For all e >0, there exists a constant be>0 such that (1.2) 1 -b1>=beq-e. The constant beis effectively computable when e>=1 2[13, Thm 3]. Remark1.3.If there exists a constant c2>0, independent of q, such that b1<=1-c2 logq, then one may take l= 1 and th=7 12in Theorem 1.1. The implied constant and c1will on c2. We justify these assertions in Section 4. Ifb1does not exist, then l= 1 andh ph(q)is the main term in Theorem 1.1. If b1exists, then the notion of a main term and an error term in Theorem 1.1 d epends on how one views the role of b1. We suggest the perspective of the sum of a primary main term and a secondary main term, lea an error term. A similar perspective is implicit in Linnik's work on the least prime pa(modq) [9]. In light of our piecewise definition of l, this perspective accommodates all ranges of qandhunder our consideration, regardless of whether then there exists x(x-h,x) such that (1.5) l= if there exists A>=1 such that q<=(logx)A, then (1.2) with e=1 3Ashows that (1.6) l= in (1.6) is readily absorbed by (1.4). When qis larger, we allow the (1.3) to function as a secondary main term rather than attemp t to push the contribution into any sort of error term. This permits Theorem 1 .1 to effectively count primes in arithmetic progressions modulo qas long as the expected number of primes con- gruent to a(modq) in the interval ( x-h,x], namely lh/ph(q), exceeds xth+e. If, in addition, one has (log x)/(logq)- , then the expected number of primes becomes an effective as- ymptotic count, even if b1exists. The point is that (1.3) and (1.4) are each scaled by l, so the existence of b1proportionally affects both quantities. This differs from of the prime number theorem for arithmetic progre ssions (e.g., [2]) where the contribution from b1is viewed as an error term instead of a secondary main term. Even ifb1exists, we can always effectively estimate lusing the effective upper (1.2) as well as the l <2, which weprove inSection 4. Therefore, even case, forall0 < e <1-th, there exists an effectively computable constant c3=c3(e)>0 such that the Theorem 1.1 is satisfied when x>=c3and (1.8) h>=x1-d1, q<=xd2, d TO THE PRIME NUMBER THEOREM FOR ARITHMETIC PROG RESSIONS 3 Ifb1does not exist, then the3 2can be replaced by Theorem 1.1, we arrive at the following result using (1.8). Corollary 1.4. There exists a constant c4>0such that if q>=2andaare coprime as in Theorem 1.1, implied constant and c4are absolute and effectively then l(x,q,a,x) = with classical results. To display the uniformity of Theorem 1.1, we deduce the Siegel-Walfisz theorem with the best known error ter m, Hoheisel's asymp- totic prime number theorem for short intervals with the best known error term, a Brun- Titchmarsh type bound for short intervals, and Linnik's bound on th e least prime in an arithmetic progression as corollaries of Theorem 1.1, the ineffective bound (1.6), and the effective bound (1.7). While all of these results can be proved individu ally, the point here is that Theorem 1.1 provides a single asymptotic result that is uniform enough to deduce all of them. These deductions, which require no information on b1except for (1.2) and the effective computability of b1/2, showcase the flexibility of Theorem 1.1 in handling any combination of large, medium, or small moduli with short, medium, or lo ng andq<=(logx)A, then (1.6) and Theorem 1.1 with h=ximply that there exists an ineffective constant cA>0 such also Koukoulopoulos [8, Thm 1.1].) If e >0 and one adds the condition that then(1.6), Theorem1.1, thestrongest k nownversion of Hoheisel's short interval prime number theorem [4] for arithmetic progressions to There exists an ineffective constant cA,e>0 such now the situation where qis large. Applying Theorem 1.1 with e=3 110, we find that (logx)/(logq)- , then lsatisfies (1.7). Consequently, for all fixed d >0, there exists an constant c5=c5(d)>0 such that if x>=qc5, JESSE THORNER AND ASIF ZAMAN Whenb1does not exist, the (1 -b1)logxfactor is deleted, and 2+ dbecomes 1+ d. The upper bound is a weak form of the Brun-Titchmarsh theorem for sh ort intervals (cf. [12, Theorem 1.2]). Since b1<1, the lower bound implies that there exists a prime as Linnik proved In Section 2, we state a new version of the prime number theorem fo r proof of Theorem 2.3 uses a certain log-free zero density estim ate (Theorem 2.1) and zero-free region for Dirichlet L-functions. In Section 3, we use The- orem 2.3 and a zero-free region due to Iwaniec to refine Theorem 1.1 whenqis sufficiently powerful and provide an application to primes with pres cribed digits. We also contrast our results with those of Gallagher [3]. We prove Th eorem 2.3 in Section We thank Kevin Ford, Andrew Granville, Kannan Joni Ter av ainen for their encouragement and helpful conv ersations. We especially thank Roger Heath-Brown for his comments regarding the proof of Theo rem 2.1. 2.Proof of Theorem 1.1 Letq>=2,T>=1 and 0<=s<=1. For all Dirichlet characters kh(modq), we define Nkh(s,T) :=|{r=b+ig:b,gR, b>=s,|g| <=T, L(r,kh) = 0}|. Ifb1exists, then we :=|{r=b+ig:b,gR, b>=s,|g| <=T, = 0}|. Let Nq(s,T) then let N*
q(s,T) with the standard theory of Dirichlet L-functions [2], we use a log-free zero density estimate that encodes the phenomenon that if b1exists, then b1repels all other zeros 2.1. Lete >0. LetT>=1,q>=2, and0<=s<=1. We have the and n(U) := then (2.2) 2.2.Bombieri's original proof in [1, Ch. 6] of the existence of an absolute a nd effectively computable constant c6>0 such that In an earlier version of this manuscript, we had pushed Bombieri's strategy to its limit, proving that one can take c6to be slightly smaller than75 4. The idea behind the simple proof below, which has the added benefit of producing strong er numerical exponents, was later communicated to us by TO THE PRIME NUMBER THEOREM FOR ARITHMETIC PROG RESSIONS 5 Proof.It is well-known that (2.1) follows from the work of Huxley [5] and Jutila [7]. To deduce (2.2), let 0 < e <1 and let nean effectively computable and sufficiently small positive constant depending only on e. Ifn(qT)> ne, then the conclusion follows from (2.1) by inflating the implied constant if necessary. Therefore, we assum e thatn(qT)<=ne, in which case our effective lower bound for b1implies that qTis sufficiently large (depending only one). The version of the phenomenon proved by Jut ila [7, Thm 2] implies that if s >5 6and (2.3) = 0. Hence, (2.2) holds under these assumptions. For the remainin g cases, our starting point is a trivial consequence from (2.1), we can rescale eaccordingly, it therefore suffices to show the proof of (2.2). If s<=9 10, then our effective lower bound for b1implies as required. Otherwise, if s >9 10and (2.3) does not hold, required. This proves (2.2). /square Using Theorem 2.1, we prove a highly uniform version of the prime numb er theorem for arithmetic progressions that depends only on a zero-free region f or Dirichlet 2.3. Letq>=2andabe coprime integers, and let 4<=h<=x. Letlandthbe as in Theorem 1.1. Let 0< e <1-th, and let d: [1,)-[0,1]be a function such that for all T>=e, the not vanish in the region
{sC: <=T}
except possibly for b1, if it exists. If lh/ph(q)>=xth+e, implied constant is effectively computable and depends a t most on (resp. does not exist) and the in Theorem 2.1 is improved to some constant c7>0, then Theorem 2.3 holds with th= 1-1 c7. Proof of Theorem 1.1. We use the zero-free region for Dirichlet L- functions [11, Ch. 9] in Theorem 2.3. In particular, there exists an a bsolute and constant c8>0 such that for t>=e, (2.4) >0, it follows JESSE THORNER AND ASIF ZAMAN fort>=e. We maximize these two exponentials over t[ex h,). The first exponential is maximized at the leftmost endpoint t=ex/h. For the second exponential, the same order of magnitude when log the second exponential is maximized on the interval [ex h,) for a value of t=t0such that either t0=ex/h, or This implies >0. Therefore, by the conditions on t0, there exists an effectively computable constant c1=c1(e)>0, depending at most on e, such this estimate in the conclusion of Theorem 2.3 proves Theo rem 1.1. /square The quality of the zero-free region does not impose constraints on the range of qor the length of theinterval ( x-h,x]. These ranges aredetermined only by the log-freezero density estimate in Theorem 2.1. The zero-free region only influences quality of regions other than (2.4) can be used with Theorem 2.3. I n some situations, can lead to improvements over Theorem 1.1. We conside r two such moduli. Letq>=2, and let d=d(q) the squarefree part of q. It follows from work of Iwaniec [6] that in Theorem 2.3, we may take (3.1) (3.1) into Theorem 2.3, we immediately obtain another highly uniform version of the prime number theorem for arithmetic 3.1. Letq>=2andabe coprime integers and let 3<=h < x. the squarefree part of q, letlandthbe as in Theorem 1.1. For all e >0, there exists a constant c9=c9(e)>0such that if implied constant and c9are effectively TO THE PRIME NUMBER THEOREM FOR ARITHMETIC PROG RESSIONS 7 Corollary 3.1 is a substantial improvement over Theorem 1.1 when qis sufficiently large relative to d, in which case qis powerful. If b1exists, then by [15, Lem 6.2], there exists an absolute and effectively computable constant c10>0 such that ifq thenb1does not exist, l= 1, and if there exists an effectively computable congmstant c11=c11(d)>0 such can be used to study primes with prescribed digits. Namely, one c an primes while simultaneously specifying 41.6% of the first and last 3.2. integers with A+B < N. LetPl(N)be the set of primes with Ndigits in their base lexpansions. For a prime p Pl(N), write its base l expansion Fixd0,d1,...,d N-1 0andgcd(d1,l) = 1. For all 0< e <5 12, there exists a constant that if A+B<=(5 12-e)N, then
#{p Pl(N):dj(p) =djfor 0<=j<=A-1 implied constant and c12are effectively computable. The proof is nearly immediate from (3.2). The arithmetic progression condition significant digits, while the short interval condition prescribes theBmost signif- icant digits. Corollary 3.2 complements work of Swaenepoel [15] whe rein a small proportion of the digits can be prescribed without any restriction on how signific ant the digits with work of Gallagher. As far as the authors know, the result closest to Theorem 1.1 in the existing literature follows from the seminal work of Gallagher [3, Thm 7], which we now describe using our notation. Recall the definition of lin Theorem 1.1. With the effective bounds in (1.7), Gallagher's work implies that there e xist absolute and effectively computable constants c13,c14>0 such that if (3.3) proof of (3.4) uses a log-free bound on Nq(s,T) as in Theorem 2.1, the standard zero- free region when b1exists, the zero-free region (2.3) derived from the zero repulsion phenomenon of Deuring and Heilbronn [3, (27 )]. This contrasts with our use of N*
q(s,T) whenb1exists and the zero-free region notexist and q>=exp(logx), Theorem 1.1achieves the asymptotic (3.4) in a stronger range than (3.3). When b1exists, an exact comparison of (3.4) with Theorem 1.1 depends on how large b1is as an explicit function of q. We observe here that we can estimate8 JESSE THORNER AND ASIF ZAMAN (2.5) using both the zero-free region and (2 .3). This observation leads to a mutual refinement of Theorem 1.1 and (3.4) in a range that impro ves upon (3.3). Corollary 3.3. Letq>=2andabe coprime integers and 4<=h<=x. Ifb1exists and lis as in Theorem 1.1, then there exist c16,c17(0,1)such that if lh/ph(q)>=xc16, implied constant, c16, andc17are absolute and effectively defined as in Theorem 1.1 and let 0 < e < 1-th. Without loss of generality, we may assume that that qis sufficiently large. The zero-free region (2.3) implies that there exists a n absolute and effec- tively computable constant c18>0 such that fore<=t<=x q. Consequently, if e<=t<=x q, maximum value of this exponential over t[ex h,) occurs at a value t=t1such or Therefore, there exists an effectively computable constant c19=c19(e)>0 such that if lh/ph(q)>=xth+e, estimate, in conjunction with (2.5), leads to the best bound tha t Theorem 2.3 and (2.3) allow. We slightly weaken this bound for easy comparison with (3.4 ). Let 0 < e <
1-th-e. Henceforth, assume that lh/ph(q)>=x1-e2, in which case (1.7) (1 -b1)logqq-1/2in (1.2), we obtain the these estimates, we deduce that there exists effectively computable constant c20=
c20(e)>0 such that (3.5) is The last equality follows upon fixing e=c20 2. Taking the minimum of this estimate for (3.5) and bound (2.5), the result follows since min {u,v} <=u1/2v1/2foru,v >0. absorbed by the exponential when c17is chosen to be suitably small. /square 4.A flexible prime number theorem: Proof of Theorem 2.3 We provide the details in the most complicated case where b1exists using N*
q(s,T) and th=32 37. All implied constants here are effectively computable. We begin by pr oving (1.7). Lemma 4.1. Ifb1exists and 4<=x1/2<=h<=x, l <2.REFINEMENTS TO THE PRIME NUMBER THEOREM FOR ARITHMETIC PROG RESSIONS then the aforementioned work of McCurley is primitive, then L(s,kh) has no real nontrivial zeros [14]. Therefore, if b1exists, then99 100< b1<1. Ifx(x-h,x) satisfies (1.5), then we have the explicit equality The boundsx 3< x < x follow from our Sincex>=4, we have x >1 and log x<=5logx, which we will use repeatedly. To bound lfrom above, we have l= 1-kh1(a)xb1-1<1 + (x/3)b1-1<2. For lower bounds, we use casework. If kh1(a) =-1, then min {1,(1-b1)logx} that n(U) = so 0< n(x)<=1. Ifkh1(a) = 1 and n(x) = 1, <=5n(x) = = 5l. Ifkh1(a) = 1 and 0 < n(x)<1, thenl= 1-e-n(x), and the from the Taylor expansion oft 1-e-tatt= 0. These cases exhaust all possibilities. /square Proof of Theorem 2.3. It suffices to consider h<=x-1. Fix 0< e <1-th, and assume that (4.1) explicit formula [2, Ch. 17-20] implies that if q,T,x>=2, a sum over characters kh(modq) a sum over non-trivial zeros The contribution from pk<=xwithk>=2 is trivially bounded by xusing Chebyshev's leading to the apply (4.2) twice with with p<=xand once with p<=x-h). Our assumption (4.1) then that h<=x-1. Using the JESSE THORNER AND ASIF ZAMAN as well as Taylor's theorem <=1 logx, we find 0< b <1 4and|g| consider the cases where h<=x 2andx 2< h<=x-1.) FortR, there zeros of L(s,kh) such that |t-g| <=1 [2,SS16]. Once we use this to the contribution from the it follows from (4.1) that (4.3) E dyadically decompose [ intoO(logx) subintervals, so that (4.3) leads to (4.4) E claim that if this claim, we sum over k, applying (4.4) and (4.5), to obtain E that Lemma 4.1 and (4.1). Also, since h<=x, it follows that logqelogx, Overall, this shows that establishes Theorem 2.3 subject to our claim, which we now prove By partial summation and Theorem 2.1, we find logqelogx, the definition of nimplies that bounds for lin (1.7) and the inequality q1-e2< qthen imply | 2108.10878 | Jesse Thorner | Jesse Thorner and Asif Zaman | Refinements to the prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions | 11 pages. Theorems 1.1 and 2.1 improved | null | null | null | math.NT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We prove a version of the prime number theorem for arithmetic is uniform enough to deduce the Siegel-Walfisz theorem, for intervals of length $x^{1-delta}$, a Brun-Titchmarsh bound, and Linnik's bound on the least prime in an arithmetic progression as corollaries. Our proof uses the zero-free region, a log-free zero and the zero repulsion phenomenon. when the modulus is sufficiently powerful.
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2 contrast, Ossowski (2021) disfavored the globular clus- ter channel in favor of isolated binary evolution. Fran- ciolini et al. (2021) investigated four formation binaries, globular clusters, nuclear star clusters, and primordial BHs) and found a high likelihood that pri- mordial BH-BH mergers are part of LIGO/Virgo of these studies perform proper model comparison to infer which model or mixture of models is model comparison requires precisely specied models, i.e. models with precisely dened physics. Here we emphasize that the physics uncertainties (Schoote- meijer et al. 2019) in at least one of those models, of isolated binary evolution, are suciently large that (to put it in Bayesian terms) the prior dominates the con- clusion. That is, dierent assumptions can lead to very dierent outcomes, which means that population stud- ies are not yet at the stage allowing strong and to be drawn. We demonstrate these model weaknesses using var- ious, dierent assumptions in performing aim is to determine the fate of the most mas- sive known binary system. Despite the high binary fre- quency of massive stars (Sana et al. 2012), eclipsing sys- tems with primary masses 50 M are Within the Milky Way the most extreme double- lined systems are located in young, rich star clusters: A1 within NGC 3603 (Schnurr et al. 2008), F2 within the Arches (Lohr et al. 2018) and WR20a in Westerlund 2 (Bonanos et al. 2004). All three are short period (days), low eccentricity systems with main sequence WNh) primaries. The most massive double-lined eclipsing system in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is also a short period sys- tem, Hunter 38 in the Tarantula Nebula with a O-type primary, whose mass is 57 M (Massey et al. 2002). The most extreme LMC binaries are non eclipsing sys- tems, also within the Tarantula Nebula. They have min- imum dynamical primary masses in excess of 50 M , albeit with orbits whose periods are an order of mag- nitude longer and high eccentricities. From comparison with Bonn stellar evolutionary models at LMC metallic- ity (Brott et al. 2011), R139 ( Porb= 154 d,e= 0:38) has a primary O supergiant mass of 80 M (Mahy et al. 2020), R144 ( Porb= 74 d,e= 0:51) has a primary WNh mass of110 M (Shenar et al. 2021) and Mel- nick 34 (Mk 34, Porb= 155 d,e= 0:68) { the - has component WNh+WNh masses 12717 M (Tehrani et al. 2019) with initial masses of 144 M and 131 M . Pollock et al. (2018) rst established that Mk 34 is a colliding wind binary from analysis of X-ray time series Tehrani et al. (2019) noted that the potential fate of Mk 34 involves a double stellar mass black hole predict the fate of Mk 34, using dierent applying two rapid population synthesis codes ( StarTrack and COMPAS ) and the detailed code ( MESA ). We nd a wide variety of pos- sible outcomes (see Tab. 1) in terms of the black hole masses and orbital separations, and even in terms of whether black holes will form at all. We therefore urge caution in drawing important and credible conclusionsTABLE 1 Fate of Mk 34 model MBH1MBH2tdelay fate [ M] [ M ] [Myr] StarTrack1 22.5 22.1 47.5 close 35.7 33.3 10,035 close 36.0 32.5 11,663 close BH-BH?a COMPAS1 19.8 20.2 >thub wide BH-BH COMPAS2 31.8 31.7 >thub wide BH-BH COMPAS3 31.8 31.7 >thub wide BH-BH MESA1 21.9 51.6b| Thorne- _Zytkow MESA2 35.2 80.9b| Thorne- _Zytkow MESA3 35.3 85.4b| Thorne- 21.9 22.1 >thub wide 35.2 33.3 >thub wide | | 3.3 stellar | | | 6060 M>thub wide 3030 M>thub wide 2020 M>thub wide BH-BH a: optimistic (non-standard) StarTrack models are used to get this result b: for MESA models we list CE donor mass in column MBH2c: merger of post-MS star and MS star: formation of very massive single star, fate: PSN or a single BH d: pair-instability supernovae disrupting binary components about the LVC BH-BH population based on models evolution containing, by necessity, un- certain initial properties of Mk 34 we select: Ma=
144 M ,Mb= 131 M ,e= 0:68,a= 760 R cho- sen to result in an orbital period of Porb= 155 d after 0:6 Myr (current age, Tehrani et al. 2019) of system evo- lution with the StarTrack code. We adopt the LMC metallicity of Z= 0:006 (Rolleston et al. 2002). 2.1. StarTrack calculations We use the population synthesis code StarTrack (Bel- czynski et al. 2020a), which employs analytic ts to evo- lutionary tracks of non-rotating stellar models (Hurley et al. 2000). We adopt standard wind losses for mas- sive stars from Vink et al. (2001) and LBV winds as (dM=dt 1:5 from Belczynski et al. (2010a). For stars that overll their Roche lobes, we initiate mass transfer between binary components and associated (if any) mass loss from binary systems. If the binary is not circularized by tidal interactions we circularize it (enew= 0) to periastron distance ( anew=a(1 e)) in one timestep and only then start Roche lobe over
ow (RLOF). For mass transfer (NTMT) and mass transfer (TTMT) we use the standard formalism, while we use a diagnostic mass ratio diagram as a criterion for common envelope (CE) devel- opment (see Sec.5 of Belczynski et al. (2008)). During the TTMT/NTMT the fraction of mass lost by the donor star that is accumulated by non-degenerate companion stars is set to fa= 0:5, while the rest is lost with specic3 angular momentum (expressed in units of 2 a2=Porb) of jloss= 1:0 (see eq. 33 of Belczynski et al. (2008)). The accumulation of mass on compact objects (e.g., NS/BH) is limited by the (Eddington) critical accretion rate and mass is lost with the specic angular momentum of the compact accretor (King et al. 2001; Mondal et al. 2020). We employ the delayed core-collapse supernova (SN) engine in NS/BH mass calculation (Fryer et al. 2012) which allows for populating the lower mass gap between NSs and BHs (Belczynski et al. 2012; Zevin et al. 2020). We employ weak pair-instability pulsation su- pernova (PPSN) mass-loss and pair-instability supernova (PSN) model that results in upper mass gap: no BHs with massMBH&55 M (Belczynski et al. 2020a). We allow for the fallback decreased NS/BH natal kicks with
= 265 km s 1and no natal kicks for direct BH for- mation. This is our standard input physics marked as StarTrack1 model in Table 1. The development of the CE phase is a big issue astrophysics (Ivanova et al. 2013b; Olejak et al. 2021). We are agnostic about which systems should be sent to a CE and which should evolve through stable RLOF. In StarTrack models we allow for the most op- timistic scenario (see Sec. 3.1), and we send nearly all systems through the CE to form (potentially) BH-BH mergers. We do not do this on regular basis. According to our standard input physics, donors with radiative en- velopes (e.g., in the Hertzsprung gap) do not enter the CE phase. Since it is not fully understood how exactly a CE develops, we test various assumptions to show how these in
uence the future fate of binary systems such as Mk 34. Contrasting models are being presented as well. During CE events the entire envelope of the donor is assumed to be lost from the binary, with the exception of compact object companions that are allowed to ac- crete a small fraction of donor's envelope at 5% of the Bondi rate (MacLeod et al. 2017a). The CE orbital de- cay is calculated with the standard energy-balance for- malism (Webbink 1984) in which we adopt a 100% e- ciency of the orbital energy transfer ( = 1:0) into the envelope, while the binding energy is parameterized by detailed stellar models ( scaling: Xu & Li (2010); Do- minik et al. (2012)). In StarTrack2 we decrease wind mass{loss rates for LBV stars to flbv= 0:48 and we increase the He core mass at the end of the main sequence by a factor of fcore= 1:5 with respect to the original Hurley et al. (2000) models. This model approximately reproduces the basic properties of the 131 M and 144 M models at terminal-age main sequence (TAMS) obtained in our MESA computations (see Sec. 2.3). In StarTrack3 we circularize massive binaries with angular momentum conservation ( anew=a(1 e2)), we setjloss= 0:1, andfa= 0:25 while keeping the rest of the input physics as in StarTrack2. This model aims to test the survival of the CE phase in an Mk 34-like future evolution (see Sec. 3). In practice, such set-up allows the secondary star of Mk 34 to have a large radius (wide binary orbit) during the RLOF and therefore potentially to develop a convective envelope but to survive the CE phase. 2.2. COMPAS calculationsWe use the population synthesis code COMPAS (Steven- son et al. 2017; Vigna-G omez et al. 2018; Chattopadhyay et al. 2021), which incorporates stellar (Hurley et al. 2000) and binary evolution (Hurley et al. 2002) with updated wind prescriptions for massive stars (Vink et al. 2001; Belczynski et al. 2010a). The LBV wind losses are as in StarTrack (see Sec. 2.1). In its default set-up, the mass accretion during RLOF onto degenerate stars (i.e. black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs) is Eddington limited in COMPAS . For non- degenerate stars, this accretion limit is set by the ratio of the rate at which mass is being donated to the rate of which mass can be incorporated into the companion star. These two rates, in turn, are determined by the timescales of the donor and the com- panion respectively (Kalogera & Webbink 1996). The thermal timescale is an explicit function of the mass, ra- dius and luminosity of the star. For a star of total mass M, envelope mass Menv, radiusRand luminosity L, the thermal timescale KHis given by KH=GMM env=RL, whereGis the universal gravitational constant. In bi- naries, since these stellar parameters are determined by the orbital period at which the donor over
ows its Roche lobe, the thermal timescale of the donor becomes an im- plicit function of the orbital properties of the et al. 2015). Thus the accretion eciency in binaries is primarily determined by their orbital pe- riod. The mass transfer eciency acc(ratio of the mass gained by the donor to the mass lost from the compan- ion)1in a non-degenerate star can be thus expressed as acc= min(1;10KH ;acc
KH ;don), thermal timescales of the accretor and donor respec- tively (Hurley et al. 2002; Schneider et al. 2015; Chat- topadhyay et al. 2021). The stability of the mass loss is determined by the mass-radius exponent for development of CE) in COMPAS using ts from the Ge et al. (2015) sim- ulations as described in Vigna-G omez et al. (2018). In nearly equal-mass, close binaries the thermal timescales of the donor and accretor being very similar, the mass transfer is usually conservative and remains stable. In close systems with more extreme mass ratio, the of the donor being much longer than the accre- tor, the mass transfer becomes non-conservative leading to a CE phase. The Ge et al. (2015) criteria renders the mass transfer from evolved (non-main sequence, non- degenerate) massive stars as predominantly stable (Nei- jssel et al. 2019), which is very similar to the Pavlovskii et al. (2017) model (discussed in section. 2.4). We assume an isotropic re-emission model for angular momentum loss during non-conservative stable RLOF (Pols et in StarTrack , the binary is not before RLOF (Vigna-G omez et al. 2018). But bi- naries that survive the CE events are always circular- ized (Vigna-G omez et al. 2018). All other default RLOF and CE mass transfer specications in COMPAS are iden- tical to StarTrack as described in Sec. 2.1. Our standard model COMPAS1 utilizes the Fryer et al. (2012) delayed' supernovae prescription core mass to post-supernova of the parameter fainStarTrack described in Sec. 2.1.4 mass mapping. The (pulsational) pair-instability super- novae modeling is implemented in COMPAS (Steven- son et al. 2019) with polynomial tting from the models by Marchant et al. (2018) as the default input. The natal kick distributions (including fallback) for BHs and NSs are identical to StarTack1 model. In the model COMPAS2 we reduce the LBV wind mass loss rate to flbv= 0:48 (fromflbv= 1:5 in COMPAS1). We also increase the He core mass of the terminal main sequence stars by a factor of fcore= 1:5 multiplied to the tting formula from Hurley et al. (2000) (eq. 30). COMPAS2, like StarTrack2 is adjusted to the total mass and the core mass at TAMS of 131 M and 144 M models computed with MESA . The model COMPAS3 is identical to COMPAS2 but here we allow the binary to circularize (while conserving its angular momentum) right before the onset of RLOF as detailed for StarTrack in Sec. 2.1. 2.3. MESA Calibration of TAMS core masses The tting formula by Hurley et al. (2000) to the evo- lutionary tracks from Pols et al. (1998), which are the basis for StarTrack and COMPAS population synthesis codes, are based on stellar models computed for stars with masses up to 40 M . The treatment of more mas- sive stars in StarTrack and COMPAS relies on extrap- olation. In the mass range considered in this study (130 145 M ), this can lead to a signicant devia- tion in basic stellar properties from what detailed stel- lar models produce (or what is inferred from observa- tions). One property that is particularly inaccurate due to the extrapolation of Hurley et al. (2000) formulae (and which is crucial for considerations of the nal fate of the Mk 34 system) is the ratio of the helium core mass to the total star mass at TAMS ( Mcore;TAMS=MTAMS ). For very massive stars this ratio is close to unity (Yusof et al. 2013; K ohler et al. 2015). In contrast, a 144 M star atZ= 0:006 metallicity evolved with , even though signicantly stripped through MS winds ( MTAMS = 77:4 M) is far away from be- ing a helium star with the helium core mass of only Mcore;TAMS = 34:1 M. To correct for this and calibrate the properties of the StarTrack and COMPAS models at TAMS, we use the MESA 1D code (Paxton et al. 2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019)2. We compute single models of 131 M and 144 M stars atZ= 0:006 metallicity. The rela- tive initial abundances of metals follow Grevesse et al. (1996). We model convection by using (B ohm-Vitense 1958) with a mixing-length pa- rameter= 2:0, and we adopt the Schwarzschild crite- rion for convection. We used the Dutch wind setup in MESA , which combines dierent prescriptions depending on the eective temperature Teand the fractional sur- face hydrogen abundance Hsur. As shown in Table 2, for Te<104K the code uses the mass-loss rates from de Jager et al. (1988), regardless of the hydrogen For Te104K,MESA adopts either the Nugis & Lamers (2000) prescriptions (if Hsur<0:4), or mass-loss rates from Vink et al. (2001) (if Hsur0:4). 2MESA version r15140, 2 Dutch Stellar Winds in MESAa Te<104K Te104K
{ de Jager et al. (1988) {
Hsur<0:4 { Nugis & Lamers (2000) Hsur0:4 { Vink et al. (2001) a: based onTewinds either depend or do not depend on mass loss rates in MESA can be increased or decreased by changing a specic scaling factor fwind. The standard prescription of Vink et al. (2001) is known to underestimate the empirical mass-loss rates of very mas- sive MS stars, which increase dramatically as they ap- proach the Eddington limit, e(Vink et al. 2011; Besten- lehner et al. 2014; Bestenlehner 2020). Indeed, mass-loss rates of the components of Mk 34 from Tehrani et al. (2019) exceed Vink et al. (2001) pre- scriptions by factors of 2{3. We account for convective overshooting above core by applying the step overshoot- ing formalism, which extends the convective core by a fractionovof the local pressure scale height. We initialize our models with the initial rotation of Vi= 250 km s 1(guided by the analysis of Tehrani et al. 2019). For rotational mixing, we include the eects of circulation, secular shear the instability, with an ef- ciency factor fc= 1=30 (Heger et al. 2000; Brott et al. 2011). We avoid using the MLT++ option in MESA (Paxton et al. 2013). As a result, models that reach the red super- giant stage encounter numerical diculties in their su- peradiabatic outer envelope layers (Pavlovskii & Ivanova 2015; Klencki et al. 2020), which prohibits us from fol- lowing their evolution to the point of maximum radial ex- pansion. However, for the purpose for the current study, we are only interested in the properties of MESA models at TAMS as well as whether or not the models expand suf- ciently to lead to a RLOF in the Mk 34 binary system. We thus stop the MESA computations when the radius of 2000 R is reached. Otherwise, we stop the simulation after 10,000 MESA steps. Such stopping conditions are sucient for our purposes in all the considered scenarios for the Mk 34 system. For calibration of population synthesis models at TAMS we calculate a MESA stellar model with = 144 M , metallicity Z= 0:006, and Vi= 250 km s 1. We apply the standard Dutch winds (fwind = 1:0, though see above) and step 0:12, to maintain consistency with the over- shooting in models by Pols et al. (1998) and the Hurley et al. (2000) ts. At the end of the MS, this model has a mass ofMTAMS = 94:0 Mwith a He core mass of Mcore;TAMS = 66:6 M(see Table 3). Post-MS expan- sion leads to a maximum radius of Rmax= 1968 R at the end of our simulation, at which point the star is still expanding as a red supergiant. A MESA stellar model with MZAMS = 131 M ,Z= 0:006, andVi= 250 km s 1 results inMMS= 86:6 MandMcore= 58:5 Mand expands beyond 2000 R (see Table 3). TheMZAMS = 144 M (Z= 0:006) orCOMPAS model produces MTAMS =
77:4 MandMcore;TAMS = 34:1 M. We decrease5 the winds during MS, keeping the original Vink et al. (2001) prescriptions, but decreasing the LBV winds to flbv= 0:48 to get a model with MTAMS = 94:2 M andMcore;TAMS = 44:5 M. Next, we increase the core size byfcore= 1:5 to get the target values: MTAMS =
94:2 MandMcore;TAMS = 66:7 Min the popula- tion synthesis codes. Note that such a massive star is already luminous ( L3106L) and cold K) to be beyond the (Humphreys & Davidson 1994) and subject to LBV winds on the MS. Applying the same calibration to Mzams = 131 M (Z= 0:006) we obtain in codes: MMS= 89:5 MandMcore= 62:3 M. We apply this calibration for all metallicities. However, one should note that some observations may be in con- tradiction of LBV winds (Gilkis et al. 2021). TABLE 3 Properties of MESA models used to calibrate the population synthesis simulations (the two top rows) as well as a few models with increased wind mass-loss or core overshooting (see Sec. 2.3.2). We show the maximum radius reached in our simulation as well as the total mass and the He core mass at the end of the MS phase. model R] [ M ] [ M ] 144 M (ov= 0:12,fwind = 1)>1968 94 67 131 M (ov= 0:12,fwind = 1)>2000 87 58 144 M (ov= 0:33,fwind = 1) 46 62 61 131 M (ov= 0:33,fwind = 1) 41 59 58 144 M (ov= 0:12,fwind = 1:5) 40 57 55 131 M (ov= 0:12,fwind = 1:5) 40 63 53 2.3.2. Calibration of post-MS expansion When considering the future fate of the Mk 34 system, a key question is whether its very massive components will expand after the end of the MS and initiate a mass- transfer interaction or whether they will lose their hy- drogen envelopes already during the MS and to become compact helium stars, avoiding any RLOF. The two crucial aspects that aect the degree of the post-MS expansion of very massive stars is the amount of core overshooting and the strength of stellar winds. Here, we explore this by computing a small grid ofMESA models with dierent overshooting and wind the calibration of TAMS properties of 131 M and 144 M models, we assumed a modest core 0:12, following the calibration to low-mass stars in open clusters by Pols et al. (1998). More recently, Choi et al. (2016) found the best agreement with the properties of the Sun for a MESA model with ov= 0:16. However, there is an increasing amount of evidence that core overshooting could be signicantly larger in the case of massive stars (e.g., Brott et al. 2011; Castro et al. 2014; Claret & Torres 2018; Scott et al. 2021). In particular, the calibration by Brott et al. (2011) to match the ob- served drop in rotational velocities of post-MS B stars (although see Vink et al. 2010) resulted in ov= 0:33, a value that has become widely used to compute stellar models of massive stars in the recent years. On the otherhand, there is no observational calibration of core over- shooting in the case of very massive stars of masses above 100 M . As such, we explore six dierent ovvalues from a wide range between 0 :12 and 0:5. The Dutch wind scheme in MESA incorporates the Vink et al. (2001) prescription for optically thin of hot MS stars. However, as noted above, very massive stars possess a suciently high luminosity to mass ratio on their MS that they approach their Edding- ton limit, leading to high mass-loss rates (Gr afener &
Hamann 2008; Vink et al. 2011; Bestenlehner et al. 2020). Here, we attempt to correct for this by simply increasing the wind scaling factor fwind from 1:0 to 1:5 or to 2:0. We compute a grid of 131 M and 144 M models with the above variations in overshooting and winds (and all the other assumptions same as in our calibration models in Sec. 2.3.1). All the results are shown in Appendix A and a few selected examples in Table 3. In short, we nd that any model with overshooting of ov= 0:33 or higher, or a wind multiplication factor fwind1:5 evolves to become a helium WR star already by the end of MS, avoiding radial expansion beyond 100 R and any RLOF interaction in the Mk 34 binary. This result is at the basis of the quasi-single evolutionary scenario for Mk 34, see Sec. 2.5. 2.3.3. Calibration of envelope binding energies Recent studies by Klencki et al. (2021) and Marchant et al. (2021) have shown that the envelope binding en- ergies used in StarTrack andCOMPAS (i.e.scaling fol- lowing Xu & Li (2010); Dominik et al. (2012)) may be severely underestimated in the case of massive stars with outer radiative envelopes. Note that population synthe- sis codes do not perform CE evolution for Hertzsprung gap stars (radiative outer envelope) under standard as- sumptions on input physics, but typically the CE is ap- plied for core-helium burning stars even for those with outer radiative envelopes. To explore the eect of revised binding energies on the future fate of Mk 34, whenever our StarTrack bi- nary evolution calculation predicts a CE phase to oc- cur, we use MESA to compute a detailed stellar model of the donor star. We then follow the method outlined in Klencki et al. (2021) to integrate through the envelope of theMESA model and compute its binding energy. When matching the properties of a MESA model with those from StarTrack , we ensure that the CE donor has the same helium core mass and the same radius but allow for a lower envelope mass in the MESA model, so that we may be under- but never over-estimating the envelope bind- ing energy. This allows for conservative statements on inability of a binary to eject the donor's envelope and the CE survival. 2.4. Pavlovskii presented below are obtained with . In particular, we use more restrictive criteria for the CE development (Pavlovskii et al. 2017), and al- low more binaries to evolve through stable mass transfer instead (Olejak et al. 2021). The new criteria are post MS donor stars, (ii)for initial masses larger than 18 M ,(iii) when the mass ratio (compan- ion to donor mass at CE onset) fulls the condition6 qCE< qcritfor CE to develop, where qcrit= on donor mass and metallicity, and (iv)when the donor's radius at the onset of CE fulls specic cri- teria (shown at Fig. 2 and 3 of Olejak et al. (2021)) for CE to develop. These new criteria lead to the emergence of BH-BH formation channels without CE in (Olejak et al. 2021). This is the same chan- nel that was proposed by van den Heuvel et al. (2017) and that is also found in COMPAS simulations (Stevenson et al. 2019; Neijssel et al. 2019). Models labeled Pavlovskii1 and Pavlovskii2 cor- respond to models StarTrack1 and StarTrack2 but with modied CE development criteria, respectively. In model Pavlovskii3 we test dierent formulae for the loss of the angular momentum during mass trans- fer through the L2 point given by MacLeod & of our stan- dardjloss= 1:0 (Podsiadlowski et al. 1992). We expect much higher loss of angular momentum with this modi- cation, which may result in another potential fate for the future evolution of Mk 34 (see Sec. 3.4). The rest of input physics of Pavlovskii3 corresponds to Pavlovskii2. A change of the circularization scheme would only increase binary orbital separation. 2.5. Quasi single star calculations In this part we approximate the evolution of non- expanding components of Mk 34. This is driven by MESA models with large overshooting or increased stel- lar winds that do not show signicant post-MS ex- pansion (see Tab. A). In particular, MESA models with
ov= 0:33 and standard winds ( fwind = 1:0) reach a maximum radius of 46 R forMZAMS = 144 M and 41 RforMZAMS = 131 M . Additionally, important for the development of the PPSN/PSN, stellar models that do not expand may have very dierent TAMS he- lium core masses. For example, the MZAMS = 144 M model produces Mcore;TAMS = 61 M forov= 0:33 and fwind = 1:0 orMcore;TAMS = 30 M forov= 0:4 and fwind = 1:5. The former model is possibly subject to a PPSN/PSN while the latter is not (Woosley 2017; Farmer et al. 2020). In Sec. 3.5 we explain our choice of models, show- ing how uncertainties can aect the future evolution of Mk 34. 3.EXAMPLES OF MK 34 FUTURE predicted models of Mk 34 future evolution are illustrated in Figure 1, summarized in Table 1, and described below. 3.1. StarTrack models A binary star resembling Mk 34 is evolved with the StarTrack2 model (Sec. 2.1). Star A (initially more mas- sive) expands as it evolves and nally periodically over- lls its Roche lobe ( Ra= 139 R ) at periastron pas- sages. At this point the orbit expanded from the initial a= 760 R to 1125 R due to wind mass loss from both binary components ( Ma= 94:2 M,Mb= 91:9 M) while the eccentricity remained much unchanged ( e=
0:68). The tidal circularization force is the strongest at periastron and we assume that the orbital motionis circularized to periastron distance and leads to nor- mal stable RLOF on new ( a= 360 R ) circular or- bit. RLOF leads rst to TTMT which to a NTMT. Star A is stripped almost en- tirely of its H-rich envelope ( Ma= 67:4 M,Ma;core=
67:3 M) while star B accreted half of that lost enve- lope (Mb= 105 M ) while the rest of the mass has been lost from the binary. In response the orbit increased in size (a= 439 R ). Star A is a Wolf-Rayet with heavy wind mass{loss and at the end of its nuclear evolution its mass decreases to Ma= 35:6 M(a= 1370 R , Mb= 99:1 M). Star A collapses directly to a BH with a mass ofMa= 35:2 M(1% neutrino mass loss, no baryonic mass loss, no natal kick). Then star B evolves and expands to ll its Roche lobe in a circular orbit witha= 1515 R (Mb= 88:5 M,Rb= 700 R , Tb;e= 8690 K). This time in our standard approach, due to relatively high mass ratio ( q= 88:5=35:2 = 2:5) RLOF is evaluated to lead to a CE phase. We estimate the binding energy of star's A envelope ( = 0:103) to be low enough to be ejected at the cost of orbital en- ergy. After envelope ejection star B becomes a massive stripped He core ( Mb= 62:0 M) and the orbit decays toa= 34:2 R. During CE the rst-formed BH accretes
0:5 M(Ma= 35:7 M). Star B, after a Wolf-Rayet wind mass loss ( Mb= 33:7 M,a= 47:8 R) to a BH ( Mb= 33:3 M). Aftertevol= 4:1Myr of binary evolution a close BH-BH binary is formed with a coalescence time of tcoal= 10:0Gyr. There are caveats in this scenario. Star B at the time of the RLOF onset has just nished core H-fusion and is a Hertzsprung-gap star in the transition to become a core-He burning giant. It was argued that such stars do not have a clear core-envelope structure and that the CE phase should always lead to merging of the donor star with its companion (Belczynski et al. 2007). This nds some support in observations as the predicted BH-BH merger rates that allow for such a scenario as presented above are too high to match the empirical (see submodels A in Table 4 of Belczynski et al. (2020a)). In addition, star B has an outer radiative en- velope: at the time of RLOF and with surface properties Rb= 700 R ,Tb;e= 8690K!L= 2:5106L, it is well above the eective temperature threshold below which stars at LMC metallicity have convective envelopes (T <3900K; see Fig.6 of Klencki et al. (2020)). Klencki et al. (2021) argued that massive gi- ants have binding energies that are too high to allow for a successful CE ejection in BH-BH merger progenitor bi- naries. In StarTrack models, the estimate of the binding energy of star B with the formalism is only an approx- imation that is needed for the use in rapid models. It should be also stressed that in the standard input physics of StarTrack models we would allow no Hertzsprung-gap star to survive a CE phase no matter what is our estimate of the star binding energy () or assumed eciency of orbital energy transfer to the envelope (). This is why we call the StarTrack models used here as optimistic scenarios. We test this with MESA in Sec. 3.3. In StarTrack1 model a similar scenario develops. How- ever, since the stars and their cores are less massive the BH masses are10 M smaller than in model Star- Track2 (see Tab. 1).7 Fig. 1.| Future evolution of Melnick 34. The fate of this massive binary is subject to a number of stellar and binary Depending on the adopted evolutionary model, Mk 34 may form a close or wide BH-BH system, a Thorne- _Zytkow (TZ {
Thorne & Zytkow 1977) object or end its life in two pair-instability supernovae (PSN). RLOF: Roche lobe over
ow, CE: common envelope, TTMT: mass transfer, ZAMS: Zero Age Main Sequence, BH: black hole, GRB: gamma-ray burst, PPSN: track gives somewhat lower mass BH (formed out of an initially more massive star) than other binary scenarios. In StarTrack3 model we adjust evolutionary parame- ters in such a way that CE survival is less caveated than in model StarTrack2. We alter circularization process and we change RLOF parameters setting mass trans- fer/loss to obtain wider binary than in StarTrack2 model. This allows star B to expand more before it initiates CE phase:Rb= 1439 R ,a= 3141 R ,Mb= 85:9 M, Mb;core= 60:1 M,Tb;e= 5986 K, = 0:050. This star has almost convective envelope, but not quite so. If we perform CE energy balance with the above param- eters this system survives CE and forms close BH-BH binary attevol= 3:9 Myr and with tcoal= 11:7 Gyr. Yet, the same caveats remain as for StarTrack2 model. 3.2. COMPAS models With the initial masses, orbital period and eccentric- ity of Mk 34 (see Sec. 2) we evolve COMPAS1, COM- PAS2 and COMPAS3 models with the individual vari- ations specied in Sec. 2.2. As in Sec. 3.1, we will always refer to the originally more massive star (with MZAMS = 144 M ) as star A. In COMPAS2 model, star A ends core-H burning witha total mass of 94 :2 M, while the stellar winds increase the separation to a= 1165:3 R. As star A leaves the MS, its core mass is calculated to be Ma;core= 66:8 M. Star A overlls its Roche lobe soon during post-MS evo- lution losing its envelope (27 :4 M) in a stable TTMT RLOF phase. This is the outcome of the binary being fairly wide and the donor being an evolved (post-MS) star, as commented on in Sec. 2.2 (see also Schneider et al. (2015)). Eccentricity remains un- changed (e= 0:68) during this phase and the orbit ex- pands toa= 1374:9 R. Star B, which had a total mass of 91:8 Mright before the mass transfer, becomes a 119:2 MMS star. Being stripped o its H-rich en- velope, star A enters the naked helium-star (WR) phase with mass Ma= 66:8 M. Evolution continues while both stars are losing mass in winds. Star A with mass Ma= 35:4 Mundergoes direct core-collapse, forming a BH of mass Ma= 31:8 M, while star B with Mb=
115:3 Mis still on the MS. The orbital separation, right after the formation of BH A, becomes a= 1712:1 R. Star B leaves the MS with mass Mb= 93:7 Mand core mass Mb;core= 66:3 Mwhen the orbital sepa-8 ration isa= 2006:6 R. Shortly thereafter star B lls its Roche lobe, loses most of its H-rich envelope (27:3 M) and becomes a naked helium star in sta- ble TTMT RLOF. The post-RLOF orbital separation is decreased to a= 918:1 R. Eddington limited accretion allows BH A to gain only 3:710 5M. The binary at the onset of this RLOF, though has slightly than the previous RLOF phase, is still fairly wide and results in a stable TTMT RLOF despite rather high mass ratio ( q= 93:7=31:8 = 2:9). It is noted that both RLOF phases noted in COMPAS2 model are fairly similar to Pavlovskii2 model (see Sec. 3.4). However, the binary remains eccentric through both RLOF phases (e= 0:673). Star B, with a mass Mb= 35:2 M, un- dergoes direct core-collapse and forms a BH of 31 :7 M. COMPAS2 model creates a BH-BH system, which at the second BH formation has a separation a= 1372:6 R and an eccentricity of e= 0:658. This wide BH-BH sys- tem does not merge in a Hubble time. The evolution within COMPAS1 model is fairly analo- gous to COMPAS2 model. However, higher wind mass- loss and less internal mixing leads to formation of a much less massive BH-BH system. BHs in this model are
20 M while in COMPAS2 they are 32 M . The orbital separation at BH-BH formation is a= 740:6 R while the eccentricity remains virtually unchanged ( e=
0:68) resulting in a coalescence time longer than the Hub- ble time. Results of evolution in the COMPAS3 model are also broadly similar to those of the COMPAS2 model (see Tab. 1). The additional condition of pre-RLOF however, changes a few key points. The rst RLOF (stable, TTMT, star A to star B) decreases the orbital separation from 11165 :6 Rto 739:2 Rand the eccentricity becomes e= 0:0. As star B evolves, stellar winds increase this orbital separation to a=
1097:3 Rright before the second RLOF (stable, TTMT, star B to BH A). At this point, the eccentricity is e= 0:023, increased from the previous the formation of the rst BH. The second RLOF de- creases the separation to a= 501:9 R, and again the orbit is circularized. The binary orbital separation at the time of formation of the BH-BH system (with 32 M BHs) becomes a= 779:6 Rwhile the orbital eccen- tricity is negligible ( e= 0:054). Though COMPAS3 model evolution decreases the binary orbital we note that this change is not to create a close double BH system that merges in a Hubble time. We note that COMPAS3 creates the closest BH-BH binary obtained in the three COMPAS models. We note that to create a similarly circularized double BH system with the same masses, that merges within a Hubble time, the orbital separation at BH-BH formation can at most be about 46 :7 R(Peters 1964). A highly eccentric orbit can also decrease the merger time. However, for a BH- BH system with same masses and orbital separation as in the COMPAS3 model, this cut-o eccentricity should be at least e= the structure of the BH X-ray binary Cyg X-1 (though a less massive system than Mk42) was used in StarTrack (Wiktorowicz et al. 2014) and COM- PAS (Neijssel et al. 2021) calculations to argue that the future evolution of Cyg X-1 (Miller-Jones et al. 2021)may also lead to a wide BH-BH system which will not merge in a Hubble time. 3.3. MESA models In this section we use the MESA code to check the outcome of the CE phase encountered in the three StarTrack models from Sec. 3.1 (see Sec. 2.3.3 and Klencki et al. 2021, for the method). In the model MESA2 we evolve a star with Mzams =
133 M , overshooting ov= 0:2 and Dutch winds with fwind = 1:5. This model produces at some point of its post-MS evolution a star with a mass of M= 80:9 M and a He-core mass of Mcore = 62:2 M, radius of R= 700 R Te9000K (an outer radiative envelope; the envelope would not become convective until least Te.4500K Klencki et al. (2020)). At this point we cal- culate the envelope binding energy (obtained from inte- gration of the mass distribution over the entire for the internal energy of the envelope, then we subtract the BH accretion luminosity that binding energy, to obtain Ebind= translates to MESA = 0:012. This model resem- bles the star B at the onset of CE in the of evolution. The orbital energy at the onset of CE and the is a= 6:2 R(corresponding to a This was obtained under the assumption of a 100% eciency of the orbital en- ergy transfer to unbind the envelope ( = 1:0). The radius of the exposed core of star B is 2 :84 R( Hurley et al. (2000) formulae) while its new Roche lobe is only 2:64 Rand we assume a CE merger in such case. In the StarTrack2 model the binding energy ( = 0:103) as it scales with /1=by factor of9 as compared with detailed MESA estimate ( = 0:012). Note that since the BH accretes part of the envelope during the CE inspiral (for the numerical treatment of this process see Appendix in Belczynski et al. (2002)), the binary does not need to balance the entire binding energy of the envelope ( Ebind) with the orbital However, this has no in
uence on our conclusion above. Accretion onto the BH is estimated at the level of0:5 M(see Sec. 2.1), while this MESA model underestimates the mass of the stellar envelope found in StarTrack2 simulation by 7:4 M(Menv=
26:1 Min StarTrack2 simulation, and Menv= 18:7 M in the above MESA simulation). The other two population synthesis models from Star- Track also produce CE mergers (Thorne- _Zytkow objects) if MESA binding energy estimate is used. In StarTrack1 model the CE donor was estimated to have = 0:050, while the MESA calculation gives = 0:007. In Star- Track3 model = 0:050 as contrasted with MESA esti- mate of= 0:008. 3.4. Pavlovskii models A binary star resembling Mk 34 is evolved with the Pavlovskii2 model (Sec. 2.4). Evolution to RLOF initi- ated by star B is the same as in the StarTrack2 model (.1% dierences in binary parameters are here the binary undergoes stable a RLOF: TTMT instead of CE. During mass exchange mass/loss the orbital separation changes from a= 1507!928 R 9 and star B is stripped from its H-rich envelope ( Mb=
87:7!62:3 M) becoming a massive Wolf-Rayet star. Accretion onto the BH is negligible as the mass transfer was highly supper-Eddington ( Ma= 35:2!35:2 M) and the loss of angular momentum (given the mass ra- tio at the onset of RLOF: q= 87:7=35:2 = 2:5) causes orbit to decrease in size by a factor of 1 :6; this may be compared with the orbital decrease by a factor of 63 dur- ing CE in the StarTrack2 model. After Wolf-Rayet wind mass loss (Mb= 33:9 M,a= 1427 R ) star B to a BH ( Mb= 33:3 M). Aftertevol= 4:16Myr of binary evolution a wide BH-BH binary is formed with a coalescence time of tcoal= 6:0106Gyr. In the Pavlovskii1 model, the binary follows a but a lower-mass wide BH-BH binary forms (21:9 + 22:1 M) due to stronger winds and lower core masses adopted in this model (see Tab. 1). In Pavlovskii3 model, due to strongly increased loss of the orbital angular momentum during TTMT, the system does not survive the rst TTMT. It ends with a stellar merger of the Hertzsprung gap star donor (Ma= 80:2 M) with its main-sequence star compan- ion (Mb= 98:9 M). The actual mass and the fate of the stellar-merger product is uncertain. Both observa- tions and simulations of stellar mergers are usually re- lated to low-mass stars, which are not BH progenitors (J. C. Lombardi et al. 2002; Tylenda & Kami nski 2016), or are calculated for dynamical collisions in dense stellar clusters (Glebbeek et al. 2013). It seems that a rather low mass fraction is lost during stellar mergers (J. C. Lom- bardi et al. 2002; Lombardi et al. 2006; Glebbeek et al. 2013). Assuming that the merger product in our simula- tion will become a Hertzsprung-gap star with the mass of
163 M (similarly to the scheme used in Olejak et al. (2020) with 20% of the less massive star being ejected during the merger) the single star will end its evolution either as (i)PSN leaving no remnant if classical PSN models are used (Woosley 2017; Leung et al. 2019), or (ii)as a single30 40 M BH, if non-standard PSN models are used (see Fig.1 of Belczynski 2020, and ref- erences therein). The amount of angular-momentum loss through the L2 Lagrangian point adopted in the Pavlovskii3 considered to be an upper limit whereas the standard StarTrack jloss= 1:0 used in models Pavlovskii1 and Pavlovskii2 is instead close to the lower limit as indicated by MacLeod et al. (2018) and MacLeod & Loeb (2020). The allows to avoid a stellar merger dur- ing the rst TTMT and would lead to the formation of a wide BH-BH binary from Mk 34 is ofjL2of MacLeod & Loeb (2020)). This demon- strates that even with increased angular momentum losses, it is possible to form either a wide BH-BH bi- nary (tdelay> thub) with minimal separation of about a= 609 R (tdelay = 2:6105Gyr> thub) or a stellar merger but not a close BH-BH system. 3.5. Quasi single star evolution models 3This range corresponds to changing mass of donor and accretor during RLOF.Based on MESA models (see Sec. A), current literature and simple estimates, we follow the future evolution of the Mk 34 binary with non-expanding stars. We put the two stars on an eccentric ( e= 0:68) and wide orbit ( a=
780 R ). These stars lose &100 M during their MS life in stellar winds expanding the orbital separation ( a >
1000 R ; see Sec. A). At the post-MS closest encounter of these two stars (periastron), Roche lobe radii of both components are Rlobe>100 R . The radii of both stars areR< 100 R for many MESA models. There is no mass exchange between the stars. Depending on (i)the mass and core mass of non- expanding stellar models and (ii)the mass (in reality central temperature and density) and the range allowed for the onset of a PPSN/PSN, we can envision several dierent outcomes of Mk 34's future evolution. If both stars have core masses as high as 61 M and 58 M at TAMS (see MESA models with ov= 0:33 and fwind = 1:0 in Sec. A), these cores will reach 65 M at the time of oxygen burning, which will then become ex- plosive leading to PSN (Woosley 2017). Each star gets disrupted, leaving no compact object remnant but pro- ducing luminous PSN supernova (model: Tab. 1). There is a signicant caveat to the above to recent studies (Woosley 2017; Limongi &
Chie 2018; Farmer et al. 2020; Costa et al. 2021; Far- rell et al. 2021) very low metallicity stars can produce BHs with mass as high as 80 90 M . But there are also detailed MESA stellar evolutionary models that allow for the formation of BHs with 70 M avoiding a PPSN/PSN (Belczynski et al. 2020b) at high metal- licity. If this scenario is adopted then it is expected that 60 + 60 M wide BH-BH binary would form lower mass stars/cores at TAMS, we expect avoid- ing a PPSN/PSN and we predict the formation of a wide BH-BH binary. For example, if we take MESA models with
ov= 0:4 andfwind = 1:5 they will produce stars with M= 32 M (Mcore;TAMS = 30 M ) andM= 32 M (Mcore;TAMS = 30 M ). These stars are not subject to PPSN/PSN and depending on the post-MS stellar wind mass loss will form 30 M BHs (model: formation of a wide BH-BH binary, with coalescence time exceeding the Hubble time, is predicted. If we push MESA models even further to higher over- shooting and stronger winds ( ov= 0:5 andfwind= 2:0) we produce stars with M= 21 M (Mcore;TAMS =
19 M ) andM= 21 M (Mcore;TAMS = 19 M ) at TAMS. This will also lead to the formation of a wide BH-BH binary but with 20 M BHs at most have investigated the future evolutionary tracks and fate of the most massive known binary system Mk 34. Several interesting possibilities seem to exist (see Tab. 1). However, it is impossible to decide with certainty (due to various stellar and binary physics uncertainties) which predicted fate is the correct one (if any). If very massive stars at LMC metallicity and with moderate rotation expand during their post-MS evolu- tion (expected for low overshooting) then we predict the10 following evolution sequence for Mk 34: RLOF A!BHA!RLOF B!TZA+B=BH B(1) where indices and mark the more- and less- massive component of Mk 34 respectively, BHA=Bde- notes the BH formation from a given component, and TZA+B means the formation of a Thorne- _Zytkow ob- ject from both binary components in the second RLOF. The rst RLOF (initiated by star A) is always found to be stable (TTMT/NTMT), while the second RLOF (donor: star B) can be either stable or dynamically un- stable (CE). Additionally, the binary system may not survive the rst RLOF while both stars merge forming a single star that will be either subject to PSN (no rem- nant) or will form a single BH: RLOF A!single star!PSN=BH (2) If such massive stars do not expand (for example, be- cause of signicant overshooting) the future proceeds without any binary A=PSN A!BHB=PPSN B=PSN B(3) Under very optimistic conditions (development and survival of CE initiated by a massive star with a ra- diative envelope and with comparable mass companion) Mk 34 may form a heavy BH-BH merger that would be a source of Depending on our assump- tions on mass loss and mixing in stellar interiors we nd formation of a20 + 20 M close BH-BH system that resembles LIGO/Virgo detection of GW190408 18:4+3:3
3:6M: Abbott et al. (2021)) or
30 + 30 M BH-BH system that would look similar to GW150914 (35 Abbott et al. (2016)) or to GW190828 063405 Abbott et al. (2021)). If this does not work, the formation of such LIGO/Virgo BH-BH mergers can still be obtained with more realistic CE input physics in the isolated bi- nary evolution (Belczynski et al. 2016; Spera et al. 2019; Patton et al. 2021). The detailed evolutionary estimates of a very massive star envelope binding energy do not allow for a CE sur- vival of the Mk 34 descendant binary even under assumptions (100% orbital energy used to eject the envelope with the help of internal energy of the gas and accretion luminosity from the If this is taken into account, then instead of form- ing a close BH-BH binary in CE scenario, we encounter the formation of a Thorne- _Zytkow object (BH sinks into the center of the post-MS massive star). This single ob- ject would rst appear as a post-MS massive star (most likely a classical Wolf-Rayet star), that starts to expand, cooling o and getting redder as the envelope pus up in response to the BH inspiralling in a H-rich envelope. Once the BH sinks into the star's core (the majority of star mass at this point) the accretion of helium is ex- tremely rapid ( &1 Mmin 1, as in a collapsar engine; Fryer & Woosley 1998) and the core disappears and then the rest of the star is accreted as well and the entirely from sky. Such a transient should be visible in optical/infrared (initial expansion of the enve- lope before it collapses onto the BH), although at this moment there are no available calculations of the lightcurve or spectra for such heavy mergers ( 100 M post- MS star and20 30 M BH). Observationally, various red novae/transients were proposed to be the outcome of CE mergers (Tylenda et al. 2005; Ivanova et al. 2013a; Kami nski et al. 2015; MacLeod et al. 2017b). It may be even possible that such a merger would lead to a gamma- ray burst (GRB). If there is enough angular momentum in the He core and BH then such a conguration may lead to formation of jets powering a GRB (Zhang & Fryer 2001). The angular momentum transport in stellar inte- riors of massive stars is not fully constrained, although low eective spins of LIGO/Virgo BH-BH mergers seem to indicate ecient angular momentum transport in mas- sive stars (Spruit 2002; Fuller et al. 2019; Bavera et al. 2020; Belczynski et al. 2020a). In such a case a slowly spinning He core{BH system would have only a small chance of producing a GRB. Another obstacle in produc- ing a GRB in this case is 30 M of H-rich envelope for jets to punch through. Yet, there are signs that such jets do form in massive stars in CE mergers and they try to breakout from stellar interiors (Th one et al. 2015). Another possibility for the future evolution of Mk 34 is to avoid the CE phase entirely, even if both stars in this binary expand. Since the orbital separation is not very large for this system, any RLOF encountered in the evo- lution is bound to happen when the donor star is not too large (a radiative envelope). Additionally, since the stars in Mk 34 are of similar mass, any RLOF is not bound to happen at extreme mass ratio. Taking this into account, this binary may evolve through two episodes of stable RLOF (rst initiated by initially more massive star, and then by the other star). Although such RLOF episodes may decrease the orbital separation, such orbit shrink- ing will be not large enough to lead to the formation of a close BH-BH binary (i.e., with a merger time smaller than the Hubble time) for the initial binary congura- tion of Mk 34. Instead, a wide BH-BH binary forms with separation as large as &1000 R . Such a descen- dant of Mk 34 cannot be a LIGO/Virgo source, but could possibly be detected by microlensing observations. The magnication of the source in such a microlensing event would last months and would include bumps typical of a binary lens and would be potentially detectable in LMC. Finally, it is also possible that neither of the stars in Mk 34 will experience any signicant expansion in their post-MS evolution. In such a case, Mk 34 expands due to wind mass loss from both stars and forms a wide sys- tem when both components end their nuclear of1000 R ). Depending on the highly uncertain mixing physics and not fully constrained nu- clear reaction rates (overshooting, rotation, that set in stellar cores, massive components of Mk 34 may or may not be a subject to signicant mass loss associated with PPSN during oxygen burning. We predict the formation of a wide BH-BH system with comparable-mass BHs in the mass range40 90 M . Alternatively, both stars in Mk 34 may be subject to a full-
edged get disrupted in luminous PSNe's (Higgins et al. 2021). To summarize, we conclude that we cannot yet pre- dict the fate of a massive binary such as Mk 34. The involved stellar and binary physics uncertainties are still too overwhelming. However, our study oers several con-11 ditional statements that shed light on the future evolu- tion of this massive binary. If the stars in Mk 34 expand in their post-MS evolution then they are bound to ini- tiate two RLOF interactions (one by each the rst interaction is always stable and does not threaten the survival of this system, the second one is more problematic. It is not at all clear if the second inter- action will be dynamically stable. If it is not, then a CE phase develops and the most likely fate of the system is then the merger of the two binary components, with a red nova or a GRB. If the second inter- action is stable then the RLOF will lead to the formation of a wide and massive BH-BH system with a merger time much larger than the Hubble time. Such a system is not a potential LIGO/Virgo source of high-frequency gravi- tational waves, but it may produce a microlensing event. If the stars in Mk 34 do not expand, which is also al- lowed by the current detailed evolutionary models, then we predict either the formation of a wide and potentially very massive BH-BH system, or the spectacular death of both stars in luminous pair-instability supernovae that leave no BHs any given origin scenario (i)there is a large number of input physics uncertainties or even unknowns (ii)the implementation of the physical pro- cesses that involve these uncertainties in the numerical codes are far from being based on rst-principle physics, so even probing the full range of a given parameter might not get the right answer, and (iii) there are more pa- rameters and thus uncertainties than are commonly re- alized (for example, there are at least 30 parameters in the isolated binary evolution, even though it is usually thought that a small subset of them are the most im- portant in determining binary outcomes). Thus are unjustied at this time. As an example of how biases could enter the suppose that we use the rapid supernova engine model of Fryer et al. (2012), which naturally pro- duces a2 5 Mmass gap between neutron stars and black holes. Then the discovery of the 2 :6 Mob- ject in GW190814 would rule strongly against isolated binary evolution and in favor of another channel, such as primordial black holes or mergers in dense stellar systems (e.g., two neutron stars could merge to make a2:6 Mblack hole). But perhaps the delayed supernova engine model of Fryer et al. (2012) is a better description; in this model the compact objects with mass 2 :6 Mare produced naturally and the iso- lated binary formation channel is perfectly viable. Or perhaps some other supernova model is selected by Na- ture, which would change the Bayes factor between the models that are considered. Similar considerations apply to the high-mass merger GW190521, which is consistent with binary stellar evolution given the substantial uncer-tainties (Farmer et al. 2020; Belczynski 2020; Kinugawa et al. 2020; Vink et al. 2021; Costa et al. 2021; Mehta et al. 2021). We have focused on the specic system Mk 34, but our caveat extends to analyses of the full population. For example, Olejak et al. (2021) explored the eects on the BH-BH population that stem from dierent treat- ments of the common envelopes. Over the range of mod- els they studied, the population characteristics For example, the BH-BH merger rate varied from 18 with the current LVC estimate of 15 :3 38:8 Gpc 3yr 1: The LIGO et al. (2021)) to 88 Gpc 3yr 1. The BH mass distribution can be consistent with the LVC esti- mate M masses), or very inconsistent with the < 15 M and/M 3:3for heavier black holes). The mass ratio distribution can have one peak or two peaks. To reiterate, even this broad range of predicted population characteristics does not include many other possible variations of aspects of stellar and binary evolution. What must be done to reach a stage in which we can draw rm conclusions about the BH-BH system origins? More and better data will obviously help: for exam- ple, if multiple events point to a compact object in the
2 5 Mrange then this tells us that the lower mass gap is not a major feature of the mass distribution. Rare individual events, if they have denitively can point to particular origins. For exam- ple, an event with many cycles that is clearly highly ec- centric would favor a dynamical origin, and a compact object with a mass <0:5 Mwould signify a primordial black hole. But we emphasize that a detailed work on the physics of BH formation in each case is essential: sta- tistical analyses must be grounded in both thorough and accurate physics and astrophysics. We thank Lukasz Wyrzykowski, Tomasz Kami nski, Chris Fryer and Daniel Holz for useful comments on the manuscript. KB, AR, AO acknowledge support from the Polish National Science Center grant DC and SS acknowledge the support of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery project number CE170100004. This work made use of the OzSTAR high performance computer which is funded by Swinburne University of Technology and the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strat- egy (NCRIS). MCM acknowledges support from NASA ADAP grant 80NSSC21K0649. He performed part of his work on this paper at the Aspen Center for Physics, which is supported by National Science Foundation JPL was supported in part by a grant from the French Space Agency B. P., et al. 2016, Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 061102 Abbott, R., et al. 2020a, Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 101102
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S. Stevenson, M. Coleman Miller, J.-P. Lasota, P.A. Crowther | The Uncertain Future of Massive Binaries Obscures the Origin of LIGO/Virgo Sources | comments welcomed | null | 10.3847/1538-4357/ac375a | null | astro-ph.HE gr-qc | http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ | The LIGO/Virgo observatories have detected 50 This sample is large enough to have allowed several recent studies to draw conclusions about the branching ratios between versus dense stellar clusters as the origin of double BHs. It has also led to the exciting suggestion that the population is highly likely to black holes. Here we demonstrate that such conclusions cannot yet be robust, because of the large current uncertainties in several key aspects of binary stellar evolution. These include the development and survival of a common envelope, the mass and angular momentum loss during binary in stellar interiors, pair-instability mass loss and Using standard tools such as the population synthesis codes StarTrack and COMPAS and the detailed stellar evolution code MESA, we examine as a case study the possible future evolution of Melnick 34, the most massive known binary star system. We show that, despite its well-known various assumptions regarding stellar and binary physics predict a wide variety of outcomes: from a close BH-BH binary (which would lead to a potentially detectable coalescence), through a wide BH-BH binary (which might be seen in microlensing observations), or a Thorne-Zytkow object, to a of both objects by pair-instability supernovae. Thus since the future of massive binaries is inherently uncertain, sound predictions about the properties of BH-BH systems are highly challenging at this time. conclusions about the formation channels for the LIGO/Virgo BH-BH merger population is premature.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 18:00:00 GMT"
] | 2022-02-02T00:00:00 | [
"M. Coleman",
"J. -P.",
"P. A.",
] |
2 1.1 mas per exposure, this would create incredibly maps of the 108stars that the EML survey will monitor. In this paper, we forward model the constraints that the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's EML Sur- vey would place on DM subhalos in the Milky Way. In Section II we summarize the lensing signature we expect. In Section III we discuss our forward modeling approach. In Section IV we present our results, discuss possible sys- tematics, and identify avenues for improved constraints. The code used in this paper is publicly available . II. THEORY In this section, we provide a summary of the expected by DM substructure. For a more detailed discussion of these signatures, see Ref. [27]. The apparent change in a star's position caused by one lens (1) wherecis the speed of light, bis the impact parameter on the sky,Dlis the distance to the lens, Dsis the distance to the star, and Mlis the lensing mass within a cylinder of radiusband height Ds. From now on, we take limit: DsDl. Then, the apparent velocity change is [27, 28]:
~ _~= v)^b ~ v
M0 l b(^b~ v)^b
;(2) where _d dt,~ v_~b, and0d db. The apparent accelera- tion due to a DM lens is then:
~ ~= 4G c2Ml b3A(b) +M0 l b2B(b) = 8(^b~ v)2^b+ 2b(^b_~ v)^b+ 2v2^b
+4(^b~ v)~ v b_~ v (4) B(b) = 5( ^b~ v)2^b 2(^b~ v)~ v b(^b_~ = (^b~ v)2^b: (6) For the rest of this work, we set _~ v= 0. We also ignore any changes to the direction of ~b. Note the very strong dependence on the impact pa- rameter here, ~ /1=b3. This will be important to our statistical of the lensing signature for two dierent mass proles (NFW and point-source) are given in Fig. 1. The dierences in the signatures are due to the depen- dence on the mass prole derivatives in Equation 3. For an NFW prole, all of the mass-impact parameter ra- tios (Ml=b3,M0 l=b2, andM00 l=b) are approximately thesame order of magnitude, with M00 l=bhaving the oppo- site sign as the other terms (for b=rs>1). The give a dipole. For the point source 0. This allows the quadrupole moment to dominate. These behaviors are easiest to see when using a vector spherical harmonic decomposition [see Ref. 28, for some discussion of this topic]. III. METHODS In general, we expect there to be some population of lenses that change the apparent accelerations of stars. Each star can be lensed by multiple lenses and the proba- bility of being lensed increases with the number of lenses. Thus, the lens signal for any one star will rely on Ml,vl, andb, as well as the total number of lenses, Nl. Here we forward model the expected distribution of induced by DM weak lensing. We then perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) over dierent lens parameters to nd the constraints the Roman Space Tele- scope would achieve. In the following, we rst give the details of our statistical model and then describe our sam- pling eorts. A. Statistical Formalism Upon a rst attempt at this problem, we could try to fully forward model the system. This would involve placing the lenses at random with each sample of the MCMC. However, this approach quickly becomes in- tractable without considerable computational resources. It requires many samples to fully probe the impact pa- rameter distribution at any xed Nl, nevermind when also sampling Ml, which sets Nl. In addition, this for- ward modeling would be very sensitive to the number density of simulated stars in the eld of view (FOV). To achieve the correct result, a run with the same num- ber as the true FOV would be required. Then the dis- tances from these 108stars to the Nllenses would need to be computed at each sample. In this paper, we in- stead opt for a semi-analytic approach, which we nd reasonably accurate and more computationally ecient. Rather than sampling lens positions, we nd the distri- bution of expected impact parameters given the number of lenses in the eld. For each star in the eld, we then sample from this distribution to nd its impact parame- ter to the nearest lens. In the following, we explain this process in more detail. Equation 3 gives the apparent acceleration of 1 star from 1 lens. We rst consider the likelihood of 1 star's given apparent acceleration due to a population of lenses. We will then generalize to N?stars. Throughout, we assume that all lenses have the same mass and that their mass proles are set solely by this mass. First, let us consider the apparent acceleration of 1 star from a population of Nllenses with the same mass,3 FIG. 1: Example lensing-induced apparent accelerations assuming dierent mass proles. The lens is located at the black `X' at the center of each plot and it is assumed to be moving in the positive y-direction. Each blue arrow shows the direction of the induced acceleration and its color shows the magnitude. The black circles demarcate the NFW scale radius. Left: NFW lens. Right: Point-source lens. The dierences in the signals are due to the dependence on derivatives of the mass prole with respect to the impact parameter (see text below). Ml. We assume that we are in the weak lensing regime. Then the total acceleration from these Nllenses is just the vector sum of the signal from each lens:
~ l=NlX i=1~ l;i(Ml;~ vl;i;~bi); (7) where~ l;iis given by Equation 3. In general, the closest lens will dominate (since Equa- tion 3 has such a strong dependence on b). Thus, we now only consider the lensing signature from the closest lens to each star. The impact parameter, b, is then taken to always be the minimum impact parameter. Then the above equation simplies to ~ l~ l(Ml;~ vl;~bmin). We assume that the number of lenses is uniquely deter- mined by the mass. Specically, we assume that all of the dark matter is contained in halos of one mass, Ml. Then, to conserve the local dark matter density, the number of lenses for a given lens mass (8) whereDMis the local density of dark matter, AFOV is the area covered by the FOV, and dmaxis the maximum distance of the lenses. This assumes that the volume probed by the telescope is a square pyramid, which is a ne assumption for small FOVs (in other words, we take the
at sky approximation). We always assume at least 1 lens within the volume. Note that we do expect lenses within the FOV for the very largest masses here; however, quantifying this involves an assumed subhalo mass distribution. We leave this to future work.The number of lenses, Nl, then sets the impact pa- rameter distribution as follows. First, we assume that the distribution of lenses is isotropic. This allows us to split~binto an angular portion, b, which will just have a
at prior on [0 ;2), and a magnitude portion, bk~bk. We now also split binto an angular distance on the sky, , and a distance along the line of sight, dl. Speci- cally, we assume the small angle approximation and de- neb=dl. Given the FOV of the Roman Space Telescope (0.28 deg2), the small angle approximation is valid. We assume that the distribution of is indepen- dent of the distribution of dl. The distances to the lenses are given by simply assuming that they follow the dark matter density prole of the Milky Way. In particular, we assume the lenses' radial positions follow a Navarro, Frenk & White [NFW; 36] prole:
(r) =4s r rs(1 +r rs)2; (9) whereris the distance from the MW center, rs=
18 kpc is the scale radius of the MW halo, and the density at that radius [i.e., we as- sume the same parameters as Ref. 37]. We also assume that all lenses are within 1 kpc of the Sun. Ref. [28] found that most of the power from DM lenses is con- strained within this radius. This constraint also allows us to continue assuming the distant source can be found using some geometry and a little bit of numerical integration (see Appendix A for a full derivation). In essence, the calculation is one of nding the probability of the minimum distance between randomly placed points on a plane. It is nd the probability for the distance between two ran- domly placed points [38]. This can then be generalized to4 Npoints. Then the minimum can be found using logic. In general, it is a function with a long tail toward low values that peaks near (2pNl) 1lFOV, wherelFOV is the side-length of the FOV. Fig. 2a shows the form of the function for various numbers of lenses. In summary: p(~b) is the Dirac Delta function, dxeis the and Nl(Ml) is given by Equation 8. The velocity distribution of the lenses is taken to be independent of Ml,Nl, orb. It is set by the potential of the Milky Way, which we set from observations. As with the impact parameter, we assume that the lenses have isotropic velocities, which allows us to set a uniform prior on the angle of the lens velocity on the sky, p(v) =
U[0;2). For the magnitude, vl, we assume the same velocity distribution that Ref. [28] assumes: p(vl) =N(~ v;~ v); (11) wherevl=k~ vlk,v= 0 km=s andv= 220 km=s. In addition, we do not allow the lenses to have velocity greater than the escape velocity of the Milky Way, v <
550 km=s. Finally, the probability of a star having a acceleration, given a lens mass Ml, lens velocity vl, and impact parameter ~b, is then: p(~ ljMl;~ vl;~b) (12) where the factor in front, 1 =42is given by the priors the measurement errors on the acceleration are Gaussian, it is then straightforward to nd the like- lihood of a single stellar acceleration measurement given a DM lens with mass Ml: L(~ jMl) =Z p(~ ljMl)N(~ ~ l;2
)d~ l; (13) where~ is the observed acceleration, N(;2) is a nor- mal distribution with mean, , and variance, 2,is the error of the observation, and p(~ ljMl) is given by marginalizing Equation 12 over ~ vl,,Nl, the full likelihood is then: L(~ jMl) =N?Y i=1Z d~ l;iN(~ i ~ l;ijMl;~ vl;~b)d~ is straightforward to generalize this to lenses that have parameters beyond Ml.Note that the above likelihood does not explicitly in- clude the possibility of multiple stars being lensed by the same lens. However, some of this signal is preserved {
see Section IV for further discussion of this point. A summary of our likelihood terms is given in Table I. B. Details of the Sampling In this work, we focus on three types of mass proles for our halos: point source, Gaussian, and NFW. In all cases, we assume a log-uniform prior on the mass sample in log10Ml. The point source case is most relevant for MACHOs; however, as we describe in Section IV, we expect mi- crolensing to be a better model for these lenses. Thus, it mostly serves as a test case in this work. The point source case has M(b) =Mlfor 0. Unlike the other two cases, the Gaussian prole is not a realistic prole for any DM models. However, it is a commonly used prole due to its analytical nature. We compute the results here in order to compare to previous work. The prole is dened as:
(r) (15) whereM0is the total lens mass and R0is a Here we set M0=Mland we sample in log10Ml and log10R0. We use a log-uniform prior of [10 4;104] pc for the scale radius. The NFW prole, given in Equation 9, is the expected prole for DM. We choose to model the prole using the mass,Ml, and concentration parameter, c200. Thus (16) wherecis the critical density of the universe today, and x= 1 +c200. The scale radius, rs, is then given (17) whereM200is dened as the mass of a halo with density 200c. Here we set M200=Mland sample in log10Ml. We also sample in log10c200with a log-uniform prior the EML survey itself, we assume the following: the EML survey will measure the accelerations of 108 stars with sensitivity 0 :1as=yr2[35]. We also assume a square FOV2with area equal to the true FOV area, AFOV= 0:28 deg2. 2The true FOV will be a more complicated shape { see Fig. 2 of Ref. [32].5 (a) (b) FIG. 2: Probability Distribution Functions for Theory Likelihoods. a)Probability distribution functions for the magnitude of the angular size of the impact parameter, , of 1 star given a xed number of lenses, Nl. The black, dashed line gives the eective length of one Roman Space Telescope Field of View (FOV; 0.53 deg = 1908 a square area with the same area as the true FOV (0.28 deg2). The functions are arbitrarily normalized to t on this plot. See Appendix A for the derivation of these functions. b)Probability of the magnitude of an apparent acceleration for 1 star produced by DM lensing given a specic mass and other lens 12 marginalized over velocity and impact parameter). The dierent colors correspond to dierent assumed lens types. The black, dashed line gives the Roman Space Telescope's assumed acceleration sensitivity for 1 star in the EML survey ( = Model Used Lens Mass, p(Ml) Log-Uniform Prior on of DM in Halos, p(f) Uniform Prior on [0 ;1] Scale Radius for the Gaussian Prole, p(R0) Log-Uniform Prior on [10 4;104] pc Concentration Parameter for the NFW Prole, p(c200) Log-Uniform Prior on [100;108] Number of Lenses, p(Nl) Delta Function Set by the Mass of the Lens (Eqn. 8) Impact Parameter (total), p(~b) Set by Eqn. 10 and the relevant probabilities below Impact Parameter (on-sky angle), p(b) Uniform prior on [0 ;2) Impact Parameter (distance to lens), p(dl) Follows Milky Way DM density, see Eqn. 9 Impact Parameter (on-sky angular size), p() See Fig. 2a and Appendix A Lens Velocity (magnitude), p(vl) Normal distribution, see Eqn. 11 Lens Velocity (on-sky angle), p(v) Uniform prior on [0 ;2) TABLE I: Summary of Likelihood Terms and Assumed Models We use the emcee package to perform our MCMC. We only explicitly sample in the mass prole parameters de- scribed above. However, each sample of Equation 8. This then sets the probability distribu- tion for the impact parameter using Equation 10. We sampleN?times from this distribution. We then sample N?times from the vldistribution. The apparent accel- eration from lensing is calculated using these for each star via Equation 3. The likelihood is then calculated via Equation 14. IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSION Using the forward modeling procedure described above, we forecast the expected limits on DM substruc-ture that the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's EML survey would place from lensing-induced acceler- ations on stars. Below we describe our results in detail and discuss possible limitations and future work. Our results are summarized in Table II. A. Results For Dierent Lens Proles Here we discuss our results for 3 dierent types of lenses: point sources, Gaussian proles, and NFW pro- les. For each of these, we consider a case where these halos make up all of the DM and a case where the frac- tion of DM contained in these halos is treated as a a test case, we rst consider point source lenses.6 TABLE II: Forecasted 95% Limits on DM Substructure Using the Roman Space Telescope EML Survey Mass Prole Type Mass Limits [log10M] Radius Limits [log10pc] Concentration Limits [log10c200] Fraction Limits Point Source >0:9 &<3:4 { { {
Point Source + Fraction >0:3 &<3:2 { { <0:89 Gaussian <7:42 > 0:61 { {
Gaussian + Fraction <7:45 > 0:61 { <0:95 NFW <7:49 { <2:50 {
NFW + Fraction <7:45 { <2:56 <0:95 FIG. 3: Forecasted Constraints on Point Source Lenses by the Roman Space Telescope's EML Survey. The blue lines/areas show the results when the fraction of DM in these lenses is also sampled. The orange lines give the results when we assume that the fraction of DM in these halos is equal to unity. The dashed, vertical lines give the 95% credible intervals. The 2D plot shows the 68% and 95% contours. Note that the eects from these lenses is probably best described with microlensing. However, at large they would produce the weak lensing signa- tures described in this paper. To account for this, we place limits on the maximum apparent acceleration in- duced by lensing. We limited the maximum acceleration to a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 1 for any single star. In practice, any stars with acceleration signatures at high SNRs would be cut from the data sample anyway. For both the case where we allow the fraction of the DM in these halos to vary and in the nominal case where all of the dark matter is in these subhalos, we nd that the Roman Space Telescope will be able to place con- straints at both high and low masses. These limits arecomparable to previous MACHO constraints [18, 19, 39]. The previous MACHO constraints prohibit MACHOs from making up all of the dark matter at any mass. How- ever, the constraints are weakest in the 10 100 M range. Those constraints allow for MACHOs to make up to 40% of the DM at 10 M . In the very we show here, the Roman Space Telescope will place similar constraints using these weak lensing signatures. Note that the point-source case appears to feature a detection, despite the use of fake data with no injected signal (i.e., Gaussian acceleration signals). This detec- tion is just the weakest point between two limiting cases. At the low-mass end, there are large numbers of lenses, so the probability of a small impact parameter is very large. At the high-mass end, each lens has a large impact on the surrounding stars, since the acceleration signal scales with mass (see Equation 3). The peak in the posterior is the maximum mass at which we expect more than 1 lens within the survey volume. As we describe above, these signals are probably better described via eorts to nd planets via microlensing with the Ro- man Space Telescope [34, 40] will also be able to on MACHOs and other compact objects. Next, we consider the Gaussian prole case, which is analogous to the compact lens case that Refs. [28, 37] consider. Fig. 4 shows the results for the EML survey. In Fig. 5 we show the results if we assume the same survey parameters as Ref. [28]'s WFIRST-Like survey (similar to the EML, but with a wider eld of view). We nd somewhat tighter constraints than the results quoted in Ref. [28]. This is most likely due to the use of forward modeling rather than the power spectrum ap- proach. The acceleration signature is not Gaussian, so the power spectrum approach misses part of the signal. Our result suggests that an alternative approach using higher order statistics, such as a bispectrum or trispec- trum analysis, would be we consider the NFW prole case (see Fig. 6). The mass constraints for this case are the least constrain- ing, as is expected given the diuse nature of these ha- los. However, we nd that the Roman Space Telescope would place interesting constraints on the concentration of these halos. Namely, it would be very sensitive to any halos with c200>104. It would even be able to probe down toc200100 at a 2level forM108M. For typical NFW halos in CDM, we expect c200values of around 10 20 for Milky Way-sized objects. However,7 FIG. 4: Forecasted Constraints on Gaussian Lenses by the Roman Space Telescope. The blue lines/areas show the results when the fraction of DM in these lenses is also sampled. The orange lines give the results when we assume that all the DM is in these halos. The 2D plot shows the 68% and 95% contours. FIG. 5: Forecasted Constraints on Gaussian Lenses by a survey like the Roman Space Telescope's EML Survey, but with a larger eld of view ( fsky= 0:05). The blue lines give the 68% and 95% contours. The dashed black line gives the 95% upper limit from Ref. [28].for subhalos very close to their host galaxies, simulations have found that c200could extend upwards to 70 [41]. Thus, with only a modest improvement in sensitivity (ei- ther through analysis methods or survey strategy), the Roman Space Telescope's EML survey could be sensitive to CDM subhalos within the galaxy. B. Discussion & Future Work We now discuss the caveats of this study. First and foremost, the EML survey parameters have not been - nalized and are subject to change. As mentioned above, we also make several simplications (e.g., shape of the FOV) that could marginally eect the results. We dis- cuss the most impactful assumptions below: star systematics, the use of mono-mass popula- tions of lenses, and our modeling of multiple star lensing by single lenses. One possible systematic is the acceleration from binary star systems. These systems are ubiquitous and could be a serious systematic since they would produce large ac- celeration signatures. For low-mass binary systems, the most likely semi-major axis is a= 5:3 AU [for a review of binary star systems, see Ref. 42]. This, with M= 0:1M and a distance of 8 kpc from the observer gives an of 35as=yr2, which is many orders of magnitude greater than the expected lensing signal from a population of lenses. However, careful modeling could be used to distinguish the signals. In most cases, the pe- riodic motion of the stellar positions would allow us to discard these sources [see 34, for a similar discussion of how to distinguish binaries from planet signals]. We only consider mono-mass populations of lenses in our work. This allows us to consider the at dierent masses more easily, but it is not a realistic scenario. The expected subhalo mass function is largely uncertain, due to tidal eects, baryonic feedback, and DM physics. In addition, the radial dependence and expected proles of the subhalos can also heavily depend on these factors and vary from the assumptions made in this paper [see, e.g., 43{45]. Future work could look into the constraints on the mass function, as well as consider other radial dependencies and mass proles. Constraints on these properties would let us learn about both DM physics and baryonic as mentioned in Section III, we do not explic- itly consider the eects of a single lens aecting multiple stars. This would add extra correlations to the acceler- ation signal expected in the stars. In some sense, our p(jNl) likelihood does account for the particular distri- bution of impact parameters assuming a xed number of lenses in the eld. The magnitude of the signal should be preserved by our formalism, even if the angular dis- tribution is not. Our analysis here can be taken as a conservative estimate of the true signal. There are also several ways of improving these con- straints. We discuss 2 avenues for further 6: Forecasted Constraints on NFW lenses by the Roman Space Telescope. The blue lines/areas show the results when the fraction of DM in these lenses is also sampled. The orange lines give the results when we assume that all the DM is in these halos. The 2D plot shows the 68% and 95% contours. here: 1) using time domain signatures; 2) using observa- tions of other systems to improve paper solely considered the overall of these stars at the end of the Roman Space Telescope's nominal mission. However, we could also consider the information contained in the time of these sources. For example, consider a lens 1 kpc from us moving at 300 km =s in front of a background of 108stars distributed across the 2 deg2 EML survey area. If this lens was directly in front of onestar, it would take 60 years to be in the line of sight of a dierent star. Over 5 years, we still would expect to see a large dierence in the lensing pattern from this lens, since the signal scales so strongly with impact parameter. A detailed exploration of this topic is left to future work. One other way of improving constraints is to use com- plementary observations to the EML survey. A guest ob- server program for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Tele- scope that targets nearby galaxies could yield even bet- ter limits, provided the number of stars observed at accuracy is sucient. For example, an M31 survey combined with the Hubble Space Telescope PHAT survey [46] could be incredibly powerful. This would give a longer baseline to the observations and allow us to lever- age the time domain signatures we discuss above. How- ever, the EML survey's timing resolution will likely allow it to remain the best survey for observing these lenses. In this paper, we considered the constraints the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's Exoplanet Survey would place on dark matter their lensing eects on the apparent accelera- tions of stars in the Galaxy. We forward modeled the ef- fects of various lens proles using a semi-analytic frame- work. While Roman will not be able to place on the fraction of DM in these lenses, we found that Roman's EML survey will place on the masses and other prole parameters of point source, Gaussian, and NFW lenses. In particular, the NFW bounds will be complementary to those placed by satellite counts by probing lower masses than is pos- sible with MW satellites [see, for example, 47]. Future work on the timing signatures of these lenses could lead to further improvement on these authors would like to thank Siddharth Mishra- Sharma for his very helpful comments. This work was done at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Insti- tute of Technology, under a contract with the and Space Ad-ministration. This work was supported by NASA grant 15-WFIRST15-0008 Cosmol- ogy with the High Latitude Survey Roman Science In- vestigation Team (SIT). (c)2021. California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship astropy [48], emcee [49], matplotlib [50], numpy [51], scipy [52] Appendix A: Derivation of the Impact would like to nd the distribution of impact param- eters given a random set of DM lenses and stars. First, note that the number of stars does not matter for this dis- tribution { the populations of each are totally separate, and we can consider each star independently. star is a random draw of the impact parameter this appendix, we keep the lenses at a xed distance from us and only consider their on-sky distribu- tion. The distance and on-sky distributions should be totally independent and the distance can be sampled consider a toy problem: a 1D line with length a where we place uniformly place our lenses. For now, we place a single lens. Then place a star on this line. It toowill be randomly and uniformly placed. The probability of the squared distance between the star and the lens, x, is given by [38]: f(x) =1 apx 1 a2;for 0xa2; (A1) and 0 Let the random variable Xifor i2[1;Nl] be a random variable describing the squared distance of lens ifrom our one star. As Eq. 3 shows, the acceleration signal depends very strongly on the impact parameter ( /1=b3). The signal is then mostly determined by the lens closest to the star. Thus, we want to nd the probability that the closest lens has a squared distance, x. In other words, we =x). Let us start by working with the cumulative distribu- tion function (CDF), Note that this is equivalent to the probability of any one lens having squared distance less than x. The probability of this is then the converse of the probability that all of the lenses have squared distances greater than x. The prob- ability that any one lens has a squared distance = 1 F(x). For all nlenses this is: = the CDF we are looking = obtain the probability distribution function (PDF) in this case, we simply take the derivative of Eqn. A2. This =x) consider the 2D case. To be totally general, we can consider a rectangle with sides a,b, andab. For just 1 star and 1 lens, the probability of a given squared distance is [38]: g(x) if 0 elsewhere. The generalization to the minimum case is the same as in the 1D case. We numerically inte- grate Eqn. A4 to obtain it's CDF, G(x). We then apply Eqn. A2 and take the derivative to obtain the PDF.10 [1] F. Zwicky, Die Rotverschiebung von Helvetica Physica Acta 6, 110 (1933). [2] V. C. Rubin, J. Ford, W. K., and N. Thonnard, Ex- tended rotation curves of high-luminosity spiral galaxies. IV. Systematic dynamical properties, Sa -> Sc., ApJL 225, L107 (1978). [3] V. C. Rubin, J. Ford, W. K., and N. 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in PRD | null | 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.103531 | null | astro-ph.CO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | The dark matter subhalo mass function is a promising way of dark matter models. While cold dark matter predicts halos down to Earth-sized masses, other dark matter models typically predict a cut-off in the subhalo mass function. Thus a definitive detection or limits on the existence of subhalos at small masses can give us insight into the nature of dark matter. If these subhalos exist in the Milky Way, they would produce weak such as modified apparent positions, on background stars. These signatures would generate correlations in the apparent velocities of these stars, which could be observable given resolution and cadence. The Nancy Grace Roman Space Microlensing Survey will be perfectly suited to measuring the acceleration signatures of these halos. Here we forward model signatures and explore the Roman Space Telescope's on lens profiles and populations. We find that the Roman Space Telescope could place competitive bounds on point source, Gaussian, (NFW) profile lenses that are complementary to other proposed methods. In particular, it could place 95% upper limits on the $c_{200} < 10^{2.5}$. We discuss possible systematic effects that could hinder these efforts, but argue they should not prevent the Roman Space Telescope from placing strong limits. We also discuss further analysis methods for improving these constraints.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 18:00:00 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 28 Oct 2021 01:39:15 GMT"
] | 2021-12-08T00:00:00 | [
] |
Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Dynamics of primordial tensors and gauge elds during in
ation 5 3 of in
ationary tensor perturbation with primordial gauge elds 8 3.1 A complete calculation using in-in formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.1.1h
AAi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.1.2h
BBi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.1.3h
EEi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.2 The magnetic and electric non-linearity parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3 The squeezed limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4 Semi-classical derivation of the consistency relations 17 5 A novel correlation of tensor and curvature perturbations 20 6 Conclusions and discussions 24 A Useful integrals 25 B Validity of the semi-classical approach 27 C The in-in formalism and the dynamical correction term 28 1 Introduction In eective eld theories with extra dimensions, as derived from string theory, it is natural to expect that gauge elds are non-minimally coupled in the early universe through a dynamical dilaton eld or the moduli of the internal dimensions. This breaks the conformal invariance of the gauge eld action and enables the amplication of the gauge elds during in
ation. If gauge elds are enhanced in the early universe, during the in
ationary epoch, it opens the possibility that such a primordial gauge eld could have left a detectable imprint on the observable universe today. It is well known that gravitational waves may also be created during in
ation by the same causal mechanism, and we therefore expect a non-vanishing non-Gaussian between primordial and primordial gauge elds, which we will calculate here. Focussing for simplicity on abelian gauge elds, we will consider a model where conformal invariance is broken by a non-minimal coupling between an evolving scalar eld and the kinetic term of the gauge eld [1,2], which takes the form Lgauge = 1 4()FF: (1) Such models are often referred to as the kinetic coupling models. There could also be a with the parity violating term of the gauge eld. However, we shall not consider those models in this paper. In all these scenarios of broken conformal symmetry, one also assumes that the conformal invariance is restored by the end of in
ation (or by the end of the reheating such a model only breaks the conformal invariance, and not the gauge invariance. 2A further motivation for studying this type of models stems from the fact that astrophysical obser- vations indicate the presence of coherent magnetic elds of femto-Gauss strength on large (Mpc scales or larger) exceeding the scales of galaxies and galaxy clusters [3{5]. It is unclear if any astrophysical process can produce magnetic elds with coherence lengths of cosmological sizes, and it has therefore been speculated that such elds must have an in
ationary origin. After all, in
ation is known to be the perfect mechanism for producing the very large, even of primordial
uctuations, needed to explain the observed large scale correlations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) in
ationary magnetogenesis to work, it requires a breaking of the conformal invariance during in
ation, and therefore imply a departure from standard in eq. (1) [1,2,6]. But even then, back-reaction arising due to the generated electromagnetic elds and issues with entering regimes of strong coupling severely restricts the possibility for elds to be generated during in
ation [7]. Only in some very special cases, it is possible for the observed magnetic elds to have been generated during in
ation [8{13]. It would therefore be very important to understand if magnetic elds observed on cosmological scales really have an or not. One possibility is to look at the correlation of the cosmological magnetic elds with the or equivalently the gauge-invariant curvature perturbation. Such correlations have ear- lier been discussed in [14{18], and also in [19,20] in a dierent set-up. The idea being that magnetic elds, if they are indeed generated during in
ation, will be correlated with the primordial On the other hand, if they are generated after in
ation, no such correlation will exist. Assuming an exact model for generating the magnetic elds during in
ation, one can compute the expected correlation. Since one of the few models, which can indeed generate signicant elds during in
ation, takes the general form in eq. (1), much attention was focussed on this model in the previous work, and in [16, 17] the non-Gaussian correlation function of the with the magnetic (2) was calculated. It was shown that such a non-Gaussian correlation function satises a new in the squeezed limit and its magnitude becomes quite large in the
attened conguration in the Fourier space. Later, some consistency relations for the soft limit of the higher order magnetic elds and matter over-densities were proposed and it was pointed out that any violation of such consistency relations would point towards an in
ationary origin of elds [21]. Here we will consider the natural extension of that work, and look at the non-trivial cross corre- lations of primordial gauge elds and primordial gravitational waves. Our main objective is therefore to compute the primordial non-Gaussian correlations (3) where
is the tensor mode, Ais our abelian gauge boson (vector potential) and B,Eare the associated magnetic and electric elds, respectively. Since these are equal time correlation functions, we will calculate them using the full in-in formalism which is widely used to calculate such higher order correlators during in
ation [22]. As a way of checking our nal results, we propose new semi-classical consistency relations in the limit wherein the wavelength of the graviton goes to innity (the squeezed limit). consistency relation for correlation functions only involving the curvature perturbation,
, or the tensor mode,
, was rst proposed by Maldacena in [34, 35] (and also subsequently by others [36, 37]), hence they are also sometimes called the Maldacena consistency relations. A relation for gauge elds was rst discussed in [16], wherein a magnetic consistency relation for the correlation function hBBiwas proposed. Here we will consider the natural extension to the correlation functions above in eq. (3), and show that the full in-in correlation function in fact satises the semi-classical consistency relation in the appropriate limits5. One of the problems with generating large magnetic elds during in
ation, is that the universe becomes an almost perfect conductor after reheating, which very rapidly erases any magnetic eld which would have been generated during in
ation. Models of successful magnetogenesis require a very low scale of in
ation [11,12], or at least a very low reheating temperature [13]. This problem is absent if the magnetic eld belongs to a dark gauge group. Therefore we can more easily imagine that large dark magnetic elds could have been generated during in
ation. While such dark magnetic elds are not directly observable in the same way as the standard magnetic elds , they do leave indirect imprints in the curvature perturbation of the universe. The total curvature perturbations is then the sum of the usual contribution, 0generated independently of the magnetic eld, and the contribution, B, imprinted by magnetic elds
()'0() +B(); (4) where the curvature perturbation induced by any magnetic eld is [40]
B() =Z
0dln (5) This expression is valid for both dark and ordinary magnetic elds. In the remainder of this paper, it can refer to both cases. The magnetic elds generated during in
ation follow a Gaussian statistics to the leading order in perturbations which implies that the induced curvature perturbation Bis generally a non-Gaussian eld. Various imprints of this induced component such as anisotropies in the power spectrum and bispectrum have also been greatly studied [41{48]. One may naively expect that due to the induced curvature perturbations, there might exist a correlation of the primordial tensor mode with the primordial curvature perturbation of the (6) due to the presence of the non-vanishing correlator h
BBi. A similar contribution will arise from the corresponding electric elds as well. As we shall show in section 5, while h
Bivanishes in the 4Since the semi-classical relations relate a higher order correlation function involving an infrared (soft mode) to a lower order correlation function, the semi-classical relations are also sometimes called the soft theorems with a reference to the Weinberg's soft photon and graviton theorems [23], which can be related to the asymptotic symmetries and memory of
at space [24,25]. For a discussion of the relation between semi-classical relations/soft symmetries and gravitational memory in in
ation, see [26{28] and also [29,29{33]. 5The semi-classical relations serve an important role as a cross check of the correctness of the full in-in (not only Maldacena's three-point function). As was rst shown in [38], it can also be used to calculate the contribution to the four-point function in the limit where the momentum of the exchanged graviton goes to zero, the so called counter collinear limit, by simply taking the square of the three-point function in the squeezed limit. In [39], it was further realized that one can also extract the infrared divergent part of higher order loop diagrams using limit6, such a two point correlation function can actually be non-vanishing in the created by the long wavelength gauge elds, and may even receive contributions of quantum gravity. This paper is organized as follows. In the next section we will quickly review the dynamics of during in
ation and the kinetic coupling model as a mechanism for the production of large scale primordial gauge elds during in
ation. In section 3, We calculate the full with the cross correlations of the in
ationary tensor perturbation with gauge elds using the very general in-in formalism and discuss the extent of non-linearities using the Fourier space shape functions. In section 4, we derive the consistency relations for these non-Gaussian cross a semi-classical approach. In section 5, we calculate a direct correlation of the mode and the primordial curvature perturbation induced by the gauge elds in the of long wavelength modes. Finally, in section 6, we summarise our results and conclude with a discussion. In appendix A, we have listed some useful integrals appearing in the in-in results of various cross correlations. In appendix B, we discuss the validity of the semi-classical approach used to derive our consistency relations and in appendix C, we discuss the presence of the terms arising in the cross correlation involving electric elds in the in-in this paper, we work in natural units with ~=c= 1, and the Planck mass M2 Pl= 1=8G is set to unity. Our metric convention is ( ;+;+;+). 2 Dynamics of primordial tensors and gauge elds during in
ation In this section, we shall brie
y discuss the dynamical evolution of primordial tensor modes and abelian gauge elds during in
ation. The homogeneous and isotropic background during the is described by the spatially
at FLRW (7) whereis the conformal time, dened by d=dt=a anda() is the scale factor. The perturbed FLRW metric in the presence of tensor modes is given (8) where
ijis the metric tensor perturbation which is transverse and traceless i.e.
ij;j= 0 and
ii= 0. These conditions lead to only two independent radiative degrees of freedom of tensor correspond to the two polarizations of gravitational waves (GW). To the linear order in there is typically no active source of GWs during in
ation. However, quantum
uc- tuations of
ijare parametrically amplied by the expansion of the universe. In order to describe this phenomenon, one needs to quantize the canonical degrees of freedom associated with the tensor perturbations. Following the usual quantization formalism, the corresponding mode expansion of tensor perturbation is dened as
ij(x;) (9) 6Some scaling arguments of such a mixed correlator based on the special conformal transformations have been dis- cussed in [49] wherein there is an explicit parity violating term in the the polarization tensor corresponding to the helicity s, with the normalization s ijs0 ij= 2ss0 and the creation and annihilation operators do satisfy the condition, [ bs k;bs0y k0] = tensor helicity mode
s(k;) can be dened through the following (10) We can now dene the two point function in Fourier space (11) where the power spectrum of tensor modes is given by P
(k;) =j
k()j2. It is often useful to dene a dimensionless tensor power spectrum P
as P
(k;) =k3 22P
(k;) =k3 22j
k()j2; (12) which is usually evaluated in the super-horizon limit jkj! 0. For a nearly de-Sitter whereHis the Hubble parameter, the Bunch-Davies normalized solution for the is given by
k() =Hp k3(1 +ik)e ik; (13) which, in the super-horizon limit, leads to P
(H=2)2. The tensor power spectrum thus measures the energy scale during in
ation and is exactly scale invariant in a de-Sitter background (and nearly scale invariant in a slow roll in
ation). As mentioned already in the introduction, it is well known that gauge elds described by the canonical Maxwell's action are not amplied in the FLRW background due to the conformal symmetry and thus, a necessary condition for amplication of gauge elds during in
ation is to break this conformal invariance. One of the simplest possibility which has been explored to a large extent in the literature is the so called kinetic coupling model which breaks the conformal invariance gauge invariance) by explicitly coupling gauge elds to the in
aton as (14) where the gauge eld tensor is dened as F=@A @Aand the second term represents the interaction where jis the four current density. For simplicity, we shall neglect the interaction term and assume that there are no free charges. In the Coulomb gauge wherein A0= 0 and@iAi= 0, the quadratic action for the gauge eld (15) Since we are interested in the dynamical amplication of the quantum gauge eld originating from the vacuum, we promote the classical gauge eld Aito an operator and impose the canonical Following this, we dene the usual mode expansion as Ai(x;) (16) 6and impose the standard commutation = (17) HereAk() is the mode function in Fourier space and the polarization vectors will satisfy the usual relations: k(^k) = =0, can now dene a canonically normalized gauge eld =(()). In this case, the quadratic action for the gauge eld takes the canonical form (18) and the equation of motion for the rescaled mode function, vk=S()Ak, takes the form of a with a time dependent mass term 0: (19) In order to compute the two point and higher order correlators, one needs to dene the For instance, the dilatonic coupling corresponds to ()exp(2) [2, 50]. Since
must be dynamical, it turns out to be more convenient to parametrize the time dependence of the coupling function as (()) the conformal time at the end of in
ation, and
Iis the coupling evaluated at the end of in
ation =I. For a power law coupling () =I(=I) 2n, one nds that S00=S= 1=2) and the mode solution can be written in terms of the Hankel functions. In the the mode solution must be normalized to the Bunch-Davies vacuum vk() =1p 2ke ik; (20) which leads to the full solution for vkas vk() (21) With this solution, the mode function Ak() is expressed as Ak() is a Hankel function of the rst kind. The two point correlation function of gauge elds Aican be obtained as (23) With respect to an observer characterised by the 4-velocity vector u, one can covariantly dene the electric eld Eand magnetic eld Bas [51]. E=Fu; B=Fu; the dual of the electromagnetic eld tensor Fwhich is dened by the (25) with being the totally antisymmetric permutation tensor of space-time with 0123=p g. In this work, the covariant magnetic and electric elds are dened with respect to a comoving observer having 4-velocity u= (1 a;0;0;0). The power spectra of the magnetic eld and electric eld are (27) Note that, both PBandPEare dimension-full. We can now easily express PBandPEin terms of the mode function Ak() as PB(k;) = can be readily calculated using the obtained mode solution (22) for the case of a power law coupling [14,17,50,51]. For the cases of n= 2 andn= 3, the magnetic eld spectrum turns out to be scale invariant i.e. PB/k 3while the electric eld spectrum behave as In both these cases, there arise various issues such as the strong coupling and the back reaction problem which have been discussed to a great extent in the literature of in
ationary tensor perturbation with primor- dial gauge elds In this section, we shall discuss our calculations of the cosmological s of perturbation with gauge elds using the in-in formalism while in the next section, we shall discuss the semiclassical approach to arrive at these correlators. As expected, both these approaches lead to the same results for these s in the squeezed limit. 3.1 A complete calculation using in-in formalism In order to compute the correlation function during in
ation, we adopt a very powerful tool of the in-in formalism which can be used to calculate various correlation functions at equal times. A of the in-in formalism can be found in appendix C. In this formalism, the expectation value of an operatorOat timeIis given int
j0i (30) whereHintis the interaction Hamiltonian and T, T are the time ordering and anti-time respectively. The quantum state j0irefers to the physical vacuum state of the theory which we take to be the standard Bunch-Davies vacuum state. We shall rst apply the in-in formalism to calculate the s of the tensor mode with gauge elds. 8Figure 1: The leading order cosmological diagram contributing to all equal time Is of our interest. In addition to the contribution from this diagram, there will also be additional corrections for each correlator, as discussed in the text. For there is a term. But for the case of h
EEi, there is not only a kinematical correction term but also a dynamical correction us rst compute the of a tensor mode with two gauge eld modes, i.e., a correlator of the formh
AAi. We rst nd (31) where all the repeated indices in the above and following expressions are summed over (irrespective of up or down). By using the master formula of the in-in formalism (30), we can calculate which, to the leading order, is given the cubic order interaction Hamiltonian which can be calculated from equation (14), Hint() + (33) By substituting (31) in (32), we observe that the rst term on the right hand side (RHS) of equation (32) gives a non-zero contribution. It can be easily calculated from the Fourier mode functions (13) and (22) is the power spectrum of the tensor modes, as dened in (11) and PA(k;) is the power spectrum of the gauge elds dened (35) Thus, the vacuum expectation value of
AAdoes contribute to this non-Gaussian correlator at the leading order. Since this contribution is originating purely from the kinematical using the dynamics of gauge elds, we refer to such contributions as the kinematical correction terms . As we shall see later, similar kinematical terms will also appear for the cases of the second term in the RHS of equation (32) is calculated using the cosmological diagram- matic rules [22]. The leading order diagram contributing to this correlator is shown in gure 1. Substituting the interaction Hamiltonian Hintfrom equation (33) in equation (32) and after we obtain the total contribution (36) where the integrals I1andI2can be expressed in terms of the mode functions of tensor mode and gauge eld and their time derivatives as I1= 2 (37) I2= 2 (38) and the explicit time dependence, I, of the operators and the power spectra in the equation (36) is omitted for notational convenience. It is useful to rewrite these integrals in (37) and (38) in terms of another set of auxiliary integrals, denoted by as andA(0) k(I) are the asymptotic super-horizon expansion of the mode functions (13) and (22), given the explicit forms of the integrals to both n > 1 2andn < |