4 values
5 values
4 values
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Together with the time event chart (Figure 12-1), one can [MASK] a basic understanding of the group and its activities, and develop workinghypotheses for additional collection and analysis efforts Option: gain Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: HUMINT collection activities include these categories: tactical questioning, screening, interrogation, debriefing, [MASK], human source contact operations (SCOs), document exploitation (DOCEX), and captured enemy equipment (CEE) operations Option: liaison Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Helicopter-specific [MASK] (continued)FM 1-564 Appendix AA-3 APPENDIX BAIRCRAFT ARMING AND SAFING SIGNALSThis appendix shows a graphic portrayal of aircraft arming and safing signals (Figure B-1) Option: Battle Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Forces trying to [MASK] in the desert without adequate water supplies have always met with disaster Option: survive Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: An example of this relationship is an aviation maneuver company that is [MASK] to a sister aviation battalion to form an ASTF/ABTF Option: attached Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: It also ensures that the operations and intelligence working group does not favor or become too reliant on one [MASK] unit, discipline, or system Option: tasks Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The [MASK] authorities to provide DSCA reside with the President and the Secretary of Defense Option: doctrine Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Destroyers orsmaller inshore fire support ships may beable to provide support along large junglerivers.When a unit is conducting operationswithin range of [MASK] gunfire, a navalgunfire liaison officer will normally belocated in the nearest fire support coordina-tion center Option: Short Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: You must practice using it a longtime to be [MASK] sure that you will hit your target Option: reasonably Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Coordinate with the chief of operations and the chief of protection to have personnel recovery [MASK] included in mission readiness exercises and other predeployment or mission rehearsals Option: activities Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: An [MASK] defense engagement is an attack by either guns or by launch of an air defense missile by ADA and the missile™s subsequent travel to intercept (JP 1-02) Option: Ship Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: g. [MASK] used in an overwater environment must have the following equipment installed and operational: (1) Radar altimeter (properly calibrated) Option: veterans Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Dehydration and lack of [MASK] and rest predisposethe survivor to hypothermia.4-114 Option: Con Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: This will include joint force [MASK] (JFC) designation of the airspace control authority (ACA), the area air defense commander (AADC), and the joint force air component commander (JFACC) Option: commander Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: As part of FM [MASK] in deployment and unified land operations, the financial manager shouldŠ Co-locate and conduct funding with logistic, contract, and disbursing/pay agent assets Option: assume Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: List any restrictions on airspace use placed on the [MASK] by a higher commander that will restrict the freedom of action of the commander Option: list Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: [MASK] of required religious rites, sacraments, and ordinances includes officiating at events such as baptisms and presiding at obligatory religious celebrations (such as the Roman Catholic Eucharist, Protestant Communion, Jewish Passover, or Muslim Eid al-Fitr) Option: planning Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Length: Average 45 centimeters (18 inches), maximum 1 meter (3 feet).Distribution: West Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan (Figure E-35, [MASK] E-67) Option: required Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Design is a [MASK] for applying critical and creative thinking to understand, visualize, and describe complex, ill-structured problems and develop approaches to solve them Option: methodology Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Maintenance contact teams should carry Class IX supplies that have a [MASK] turnover Option: quick Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: EAC assets normally support offensive operations through theater interrogation and debriefing facility operations and [MASK] interrogation teams Option: mobile Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: These [MASK] support theater army planning requirements, including development of Army plans supporting the theater campaign plan and maintenance of 4 APR 2 FM -0 /MCRP -30 Option: products Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: TACPs assist ground maneuver [MASK] in the planning and coordinating of FSCMs and ACMs needed to integrate air and ground operations Option: communications Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Coordinate with the Geographical Combatant Command J1 and Service Personnel and [MASK] managers, if serving as the Army Force G-1/JTF J-1 Option: Policy Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: (1) This procedure will be reversed when [MASK] aircraft Option: recovering Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: If the Avenger [MASK] becomes degraded or Avenger Tactics FM 3-0 5-3 non-mission capable, the Stinger missiles onboard can be converted into a Man Portable Air Defense System with the addition of gripstock Option: system Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The support element operates with both on-site and base shop repair capabilities and is [MASK] upon request Option: intent Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Precise [MASK] on infiltration method, reporting criteria and timelines, fire support, and casualty evacuation plan Option: considerations Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Should reentry into theVMC pattern not be [MASK], the pilot will climb out straight ahead and request instructions fromPriFly.5-5 Option: possible Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Executing collective tasks enables commanders to make [MASK] decisions of when and where to shoot or fly, thereby minimizing the risk Option: informed Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Screening operations can also assist in the determination of which discipline or agency can [MASK] conduct the exploitation Option: ladder Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The function of the ASCC G-1/AG is to enhance the readiness and operational capabilities of Army forces within the theater of operations and ensure HR support is properly planned, prioritized, and [MASK] Option: managed Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: It is important to consider mission range (duration and distance) and the distance of the collection asset from the [MASK] Option: target Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The TSC may maintain [MASK] of sustainment operations or, more likely, execute this oversight through employment of a subordinate 10 FM -0 /MCRP -30 Option: training Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: CF, SOF, and other [MASK] are now operating in proximity or in overlapping AOs Option: view Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Coordination requirements per DCID 5/1 dated 19 December 1984, which are required for selected types of liaison [MASK] Option: activities Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: HUMINT collectors can be [MASK] to collect on these requirements if they are included as PIRs Option: hunger Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: To avoid excess noise, the flight shouldapproach the target into the [MASK] Option: flank Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Health and comfort packs will be provided in [MASK] ration SROs to the BSBs Option: normal Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: (JP 3-5 ) Referenced in ATP 3-50.10. [MASK] site (DOD) In personnel recovery, an area from which isolated personnel can be recovered Option: Act Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: To the extent that [MASK] are authorized and appropriated for humanitarian assistance purposes, DOD funds can be used for military or commercial transportation Option: funds Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The following paragraphs [MASK] the effects of the weather and the terrain on the behavior of NBC weapons Option: maneuver Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Severe thunderstorms [MASK] heavy rain, and usually far too much rainfalls far too quickly to organize collection on a systematic basis Option: suit Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Decide how to conduct unit reconstitution or [MASK] prior to redeployment (if necessary or required) Option: allow Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Large urban areas and complex subterranean environments [MASK] to present a concern for CBRNoperations Option: relevant Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: b.Concept of the operation situational [MASK]: Provide all target related slides with good targetdescriptions and reconnaissance objectives defined for situational understanding to the aviation unit Option: properly Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Assisting in the creation and supervision of [MASK] tribunals and other activities for the proper administration of civil law and order Option: military Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Additionally, both [MASK]s preclude promoting Soldiers and officers who are not productive or not the best qualified, thus providing an equitable system for all Option: maintenance Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Evacuate all CEDs as dictated by [MASK]x B of the OPORD Option: Anne Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The [MASK] made by camp canteens shall be used for the benefit of the prisoners; a special fund shall be created for this purpose Option: profits Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Pilots, unmanned aircraft system operators, and weapon system controllers still maintain the responsibility to make the directed changes to their flight [MASK] or trajectory Option: heavy Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: This information is entered into the civilian personnel data system, currently the Civilian Tracking System, and [MASK] placed in the deployment packet Option: also Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: HN security services may be willing to accommodate the need for permissive rules for the use of [MASK] or access to airspace and military facilities Option: personnel Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: flCrewmembers placepaddles on their laps with blades outboard.This command may be given to pairs, i.e.,fiNumber 1‚s [MASK] paddles Option: centered Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The Land-based Phalanx Weapon [MASK] receives target cueing data from the Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control, and Intelligence System correlated from multiple integrated sensors Option: System Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: When a commander issues a directive for the coordinated execution of a military operation, it [MASK] an OPORD Option: becomes Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The Army detachment should be prepared to provide primaryflight control with at [MASK] two sets of NVG and the bridge team with two sets Option: least Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Sentinel system is towed by a HMMWV [MASK] rapid deployment to remote sites Option: applicable Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: When an aircraft isspotted next to an elevator, tie-downs will not be attached to the elevator or [MASK] the safetystanchions Option: coordinating Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: In the event of gunshot or other serious wounds, it may bebetter to rinse the wound out vigorously every day with the FM 3-05.7 4-2 cleanest [MASK] available Option: water Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Sharpen the upper end to a point, then [MASK] a small-diameter hole 5 to 7.5 centimeters (2 to 3 inches) down from thetop Option: drill Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Women shall be treated with all regard due to their sex, and shall in all cases benefit by treatment as favorable as that [MASK] to men Option: granted Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Even if conditions do not allow a shelter, the bar can be hung inside the fighting position or from trees or [MASK] Option: brush Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: (Regarding treatment of detained personnel, see [MASK] paragraph 5-74.) Option: operate Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Successful personnel recovery operations often depend on timely decisions and [MASK] execution Option: rapid Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Congress has further exercised this legislative power by [MASK] legal limits on U.S. government officials Option: setting Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: [MASK] upon the operational situation, the COM may be the US Government lead in an affected host nation (HN) Option: Depending Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Planned [MASK]pace coordinating measure requests (ACMREQs) procedures to integrate and nominate planned airspace coordinating measures to higher headquarters as part of a future airspace control order Option: airs Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Soldier and leader engagement provides a venue for building relationships, solving [MASK], conveying information, calming fears, and refuting rumors, lies, or incorrect information Option: conflicts Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Normally, the [MASK] of engagement and supplemental fire control measures in effect at the time of communications loss remain in effect until communications are regained Option: operations Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Do this [MASK] toremove contaminated materials from the area you willoccupy Option: enemies Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Describe probable [MASK]pace use by joint and coalition partners that will affect airspace control such as close air support, information collection, or special operations Option: commands Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Sometimes, the primary role for Army units is to [MASK] provide secure space so that humanitarian partners can focus on objective and apolitical human needs Option: back Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: This knowledge can be obtained and [MASK] through classified periodic intelligence publications and/or military or civilian open sources, including both print and broadcast media, CA and PSYOP databases, and the J/G/S2 analytical elements Option: war Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: These assessments also provide commanders with a running estimate regarding the [MASK] of confidence the staff places in each analytic assessment Option: exploitation Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The US [MASK] Criminal Investigation Command is the organization with primary responsibility for investigating allegations of criminal acts or reportable incidents committed by or against detainees Option: jungle Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The [MASK] derives Constitutional, inherent, and statutory authorities from Articles II and IV of the Constitution, Supreme Court case law, and Federal statutes such as the Stafford Act (see paragraph 12-7 and 12-8) Option: President Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: [MASK]vide HR Services 1 April 2014 FM 1-0 4-15 POSTAL PLATOON 4-63 Option: Imperial Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: (ATP 3-05.1) [MASK] complex A clandestine, dispersed network of facilities to support resistance activities in a given area designed to achieve security, control, dispersion, and flexibility Option: area Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: T3: [MASK]vide Area Security in TAA ANZIO and TAA ST Option: spill Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: They may, for example,probe a defensive position until the [MASK]4- FM 90-5Šreveals the location of his key weapons.These weapons are then eliminated byinfiltrators before the main attack Option: begin Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Paralegal NCOs and [MASK], as key members of the staff, provide support during the conduct of operations by maintaining situational awareness and assisting with targeting and ROE implementation Option: Soldiers Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: A cold lead is a statement made by a source either spontaneously or in response to questioning that indicates he has information on a topic ofinterest other than the one currently under discussion but that [MASK] not answer PIRs Option: would Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: This does not authorize the ship's commander to task nonmission-related flight operations nor does it supersede the inherent [MASK] unit command responsibilities Option: limits Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Army commanders and staffs conducting the operations process for personnel recovery missions use [MASK] in applying the principles discussed in chapter 1 Option: Normally Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Army [MASK] are assigned an area of operations by the joint force commander Option: forces Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Category V: General officers or [MASK] of equivalent rank: seventy-five Swiss francs Option: prisoners Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: If a functional brigade falls under the control of a [MASK] brigade (for example, a military police brigade under a maneuver enhancement brigade), the support brigade integrates the functional brigade airspace requirements Option: support Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: These administrative steps normally are not [MASK] to accomplish prior to arrival of the detainee at an EPW camp Option: con Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The [MASK] agency is the United States Army Adjutant General School, Soldier Support Institute Option: situation Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Determine the purpose for employment of [MASK] (for example to suppress, neutralize, and destroy enemy fire support systems and control nodes) Option: fires Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: (FM 3-3 ) field [MASK] An Army historian, military or civilian, that serves outside of the Center of Military History documenting, recording, and reporting the official history of the Army at the command and unit levels Option: cave Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The team has a [MASK]-Terrain Container Handler and 10-k forklifts to move bulk mail in and out of the APOD Option: Rough Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: A position to where the Sentinel team moves when the primary positionbecomes indefensible or unsuitable for [MASK] out the assigned mission Option: communications Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Despite this intermittent coverage, over 80% of Elisans and Atticans [MASK] of tribal border areas have cell phones Option: displaced Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: SPMAGTFs are [MASK]-organized for missions such as crisis response, disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, noncombatant evacuation operations, and security operations where one of the three basic MAGTFs would be less appropriate Option: original Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The dispersion of mission command nodes and support capabilities preventthe [MASK] from identifying lucrative targets Option: enemy Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The [MASK] mail delivery time from CONUS to the JOA MMT is 14 days contingent upon a developed transportation network and METT-TC Option: accidental Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Some of the activities judge advocates should be prepared to execute include: Planning, coordinating, and synchronizing rule of law activities with interagency, HN, multi-national, DOD, and superior, [MASK], and parallel Army organizations Option: subordinate Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The political objectives of a peace operation shape the development of key documents that provide legal authority and [MASK] its boundaries Option: define Response: