4 values
5 values
4 values
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: While unit commanders and leaders are ultimately responsible for retaining Soldiers at their level, Career Counselors [MASK] at battalion and above organizations are technical experts charged with advising commanders on all aspects of the Army Retention Program Option: needed Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: ACKNOWLEDGE: Include only if the [MASK]endix is distributed separately from the base order Option: app Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: For headquarters subordinate to the [MASK] which may be attached, OPCON, or under tactical control of subordinate BCTs or for other brigades assigned their own AO, the corps may delegate control over Army airspace users within the respective AOs Option: force Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The CBRN [MASK] works with intelligence section to understand enemy CBRN capabilities and vulnerabilities, current and projected weather, and intent to use CBRN weapons Option: staff Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The proponent manual for terms is listed in [MASK]heses after the definition, if necessary Option: parent Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Support to governance Stable governance Legitimate host-nation political and administrative institutions serve citizens through participative [MASK] practice of rules, processes, and behavior Option: understanding Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: [MASK] 2 2-22 FM 1-06 15 April 2014 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY (OMA) 2-90 Option: Chapter Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Intelligence exploitation should be undertaken in [MASK] with the legal authorities Option: cooperation Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Operational reports is a broad category that encompasses all reportsthat do not contain information collected in response to [MASK]requirements or the reporting of the technical, and usually sensitive, aspectsof HUMINT collection Option: Friendly Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: [MASK]space coordinating measure (Restricted Operations Zone (ROZ)) (continued) Usage Name/USMTF Abbreviation Joint Definition Joint/Army Planning Considerations Remarks Reconnaissance area (RECCE) Airspace established specifically for aircraft conducting reconnaissance Option: section Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The HOC will coordinate with the Office of the SJA to ensure the HUMINT portion of the [MASK] ISR plan complies with applicable law and policy prior to its implementation Option: integrated Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The helicopter PC will be notified of the anticipated wind parameters and the ship's heel before the [MASK] is executed Option: information Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The AADC oversees defensive counterair (DCA) [MASK], which include both air and missile threats Option: operations Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: It [MASK] assists the field maintenance teams with backup maintenance support Option: also Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Because of low windspeeds, these vapors will hang in the air andremain hazardous for [MASK] periods Option: may Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Brigade combat team field artillery battalion AN/TPQ-37 [MASK] mils 3 Œ 50 km Longer range, lower angle, higher velocity weapons such as long-range artillery and rockets Option: 1600 Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Coordinating RS with higher and [MASK] headquarters chaplains and religious affairs specialists Option: adjacent Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: However, the technical control the HOC can provide as the HUMINTmanager [MASK]s the J2/G2X the ability to steer and direct collection assets and operations Option: afford Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Reconnaissance must be continuous using all available means, as enemy defensive positions will be [MASK] to find Option: difficult Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Guerrillas are most effective when they strike widely [MASK] targets over a long period of time Option: triangle Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Security operations can be performed forward, to the rear, to the flanks or entirely around the protected force, whether [MASK] or moving Option: stationary Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: LWN is a [MASK] network that is Internet Protocol based, provides Voice Over Internet Protocol capabilities and better services than under MSE Option: digital Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Additionally, we assess that approximately 2 million men are available to take up arms in their [MASK] area under the Attican Home Guard program Option: Visual Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: HR support requirements vary [MASK] on the nature and scale of redeployment operations Option: depending Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: HUMINT [MASK] elements need to coordinate with local units to identify those individuals who would be most profitable to debrief and to further coordinate with them for time to conduct the debriefing Option: collection Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: (JP 3-1 ) Referenced in FM 4-0 , [MASK] 4-4 Option: ATP Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: (JP 3- ) Referenced in ADP 1-0 , ADP 3- , ADP 5- , FM 2- , FM 3- , [MASK] 5-0.1. operational concept A fundamental statement that frames how Army forces, operating as part of a joint force, conduct operations Option: guidelines Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Ifassistance is required, the LSE moves to the hangar side crew member, ascertains thenature of the problem, and notifies the [MASK] maintenance person Option: deployed Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: CBRN reconnaissance is placed in [MASK] and space tothe best advantage of friendly forces based on the enemy templated actions.Deep operations Option: time Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Operating procedures, practices, or conditions that may result in injury or death if not [MASK] observed or followed Option: carefully Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: CAS will be allocated to 2CR ISO a screen line to the west IOT interdict enemy forces [MASK] from west to east and to destroy remnants of Redland Conventional Forces within Agabadi and Amberg Province Option: moving Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: ARTICLE 47 [MASK] or wounded prisoners of war shall not be transferred as long as their recovery may be endangered by the journey, unless their safety imperatively demands it Option: Sick Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Humanitarian and civic assistance P. [MASK] of engagement or targeting 1 Option: tactical Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Throughout the operation, claims [MASK] travel throughout the operational area to receive, investigate, and pay claims Option: personnel Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Hazard awareness and understanding [MASK] the CBRN staff in the collaborative process of IPB to provide the commander an understanding of how CBRN hazards in the AO affect mission accomplishment Option: aids Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Refer to ATTP 1-0.1 for [MASK] duties and responsibilities of the battalion S-1 section Option: responsibilities Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Identify the need for preplanned CAS and [MASK] the immediate CAS request process Option: understand Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The administrative [MASK]s of the meeting such as where it will be held, the room setup, how long it will last Option: close Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: physical network; the financial network; the [MASK] network; and the communications network Option: information Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Training for claims personnel should cover foreign claims procedures, prevention of property [MASK] and personal injury, investigative techniques, and documentation of preexisting damage Option: damage Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: As the name implies, this [MASK]can strike with force as it actually leaves the ground Option: overlapping Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Languages: Determining the languages and dialects spoken, written,and [MASK] by a source can provide valuable insights into that source™s geographic and ethnic or tribal background, education, and social status Option: understood Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: You can make a sling by tying two pieces of cordage, eachabout 60 centimeters (24 [MASK]) long, at opposite ends of a palm-sized piece of leather or cloth Option: inches Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Weather conditions such aswind, rain, cold, and [MASK] rapidly kill germs.23-65 Option: support Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Sweat ratescan be high even when the skin looks and [MASK] dry.Ł Dehydration nullifies the benefits of heat acclimatization and physicalfitness, it increases the susceptibility to heat injury, reduces the capacityto work, and decreases appetite and alertness Option: feels Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Induction,or plausible reasoning, normally precedes deduction and is the [MASK] of reasoning analysts are required to perform most frequently Option: premature Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Questions should be presented in a [MASK] sequence to avoid neglecting significant topics Option: logical Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: During defense support of [MASK] authorities, in particular disaster response operations, aircraft are in high demand Option: vital Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: JLENS planning is a deliberate process and continues through [MASK] execution Option: protection Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The reasons for any [MASK] will be given without delay to the Protecting Power Option: staff Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: [MASK] power will not beapplied to the armament or weapon release and control circuitry while weapons are being loaded ordownloaded.e Option: Electrical Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The military establishes physical liaison, [MASK], and data sharing between the interim civil authority and any task force headquarters Option: Reference Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Paragraphs 1-53 through 1-59 [MASK] these criteria in terms of reconnaissance Option: describe Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: combat and operational stress control A coordinated program for the [MASK]ion of and actions taken by military leadership to prevent, identify, and manage adverse combat and operational stress reactions in units Option: time Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: American Embassy (secondary responsibility) Department of State staff, under the chief of [MASK] Option: mission Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Understand the regulatory, legal and [MASK] differences in host nation banking systems Option: subject Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Compiles target folders to assist C/J/G/S2X [MASK] in focusing collection efforts Option: assets Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Summers [MASK] to be hot and humid in the majority of the country, except for the deserts, which are hot and dry Option: tend Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: FM 2-22.3 ____________________________________________________________________________________ A-28 6 [MASK] 2006 CHAPTER III PENAL AND DISCIPLINARY SANCTIONS I Option: September Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, [MASK], or exposed to any unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment of any kind Option: disrupt Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: In some cases, the brigade S-1 also provides area support to contractors authorized to accompany the force (CAAF) and DOD [MASK]ians for common access cards/Tags Option: Civil Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Attacks against friendly forces in the [MASK] area, especially from small units, may precede the onset of large-scale combat operations and be indistinguishable from terrorist acts Option: group Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: airborne assault (DOD) The use of airborne forces to parachute into an objective area to attack and eliminate armed resistance and [MASK] designated objectives Option: certain Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: When completed, a KB will be classified at leastConfidential in [MASK] with the DIA Classification Guide to protectthe identity of the source Option: accordance Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: This is critical in HUMINT due to the [MASK] time that it takes to develop sources Option: long Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: For airspace planning, the airspace control working [MASK] facilitates and synchronizes airspace collective task contributions from all the airspace elements Option: plans Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Whereas reconnaissance operations orient on the reconnaissance objective, security operations orient on the protected [MASK] Option: force Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: After takeoff, doppler--On/Update doppler and HARS [MASK] GPS Option: purpose Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: In order to achieve synchronization, FM leaders coordinate with the [MASK] Military Services, DOD organizations, national FM providers and intergovernmental organizations, as necessary, to align FM capabilities to theater requirements Option: visibility Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Aviation units wantingto conduct overwater [MASK]nery while basing from a ship must identify all ordnance intended foronboard stowage during the presail conference Option: gun Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: ID accomplished; follow with (direction) Information indicating a turn to a hot aspect [MASK] to a threat Option: relative Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Published award criteria and processing guidance may be supplemented via [MASK] personnel messages from HQDA Option: Title Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: (JP 3-5 ) Referenced in FM 3-0 , FM 3-0 , FM 3-5 , [MASK] 3-01. , ATP 3-01.9 , ATP 3-04. , ATP 3-04.6 , ATP 3-09.3 , ATP 3-52. , ATP 3-52.2 Option: developed Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: These two functions are comprised of the following core competencies: fund the force, banking and disbursing support, pay support, accounting support and cost [MASK], financial management planning and operations, and management internal controls Option: management Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: 1-31 FM 90-3 Batteries do not [MASK] their charge efficiently in intense heat Option: lowest Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The following products, which will focus the HCT™s collection efforts, can be prepared in conjunction with the ACE and joint intelligence [MASK]: Time event charts Option: refugees Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: However, there are some actions that must be processed separately by the commander or S-1 (e.g., [MASK] inquiries, customer service, and participation in boards) Option: radial Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Planning is an [MASK] element of mission command and is a continuous activity of the operations process Option: essential Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Based on these [MASK]comings, airspace elements recommend needed adjustments to establish the conditions for future operations Option: short Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: [MASK] assets, including unmanned aircraft (UA) needed, with task and purpose, show times, etc Option: future Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Once on the ground, the BCT [MASK] begins to deploy its information collection reconnaissance units, sensors, and collection systems Option: immediately Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: HUMINT [MASK] will also use their unit™s command net to coordinate logistic and administrative support Option: done Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Commanders at every echelon continuously assess risk of conflicts among airspace users and [MASK] of these conflicts, then they determine which consequences or conflicts they can accept based on an operational environment Option: consequences Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The Global [MASK] Support System-Army replaces several of the Army™s current STAMISs Option: retention Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Information from radar analysis can aid in identifying [MASK] filled with chemicalagents Option: decision Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: (ADP 3-0) close quarters battle Sustained combative tactics, techniques, and procedures employed by small, [MASK] trained special operations forces using special purpose weapons, munitions, and demolitions to recover specified personnel, equipment, or material Option: highly Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The heat and humidity of tropical areas speeds the deterioration of all [MASK] of ammunition Option: types Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: This involves establishing a responsive and realistic requirements process, and inculcating a [MASK] culture that incentivizes good stewardship Option: cost Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: At the [MASK] of the prisoner of war and, in all cases, after death, the will shall be transmitted without delay to the Protecting Power; a certified copy shall be sent to the Central Agency Option: electromagnetic Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Pursuit is an offensive task designed to [MASK] or cut off a hostile force attempting to escape, with the aim of destroying it Option: related Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Ensure assigned and attached assets have been evaluated and recommended for information [MASK] tasks within their capabilities Option: collection Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: AOCC/HDC will be alerted when an [MASK] is approaching diversionstate and be prepared to take control of the aircraft when the divert order is issued Option: aircraft Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The HOC tracks which specific order or group of specific orders originates from which PIR to [MASK] that the collected information was provided to the original requester Option: ensure Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: During the conduct of contingency operations, complexities in both the OE and the nature of the mission may require [MASK] flexibility with respect to the use of fiscal resources by commanders to accomplish their assigned missions and achieve the desired end state Option: contact Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: On June 14, 1775, the nd Continental Congress established by resolution the American Continental Army [MASK]izing ten companies of expert riflemen to support the American Revolution Option: author Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: The engine caningest debris, which [MASK] cause the loss of an engine and possibly the loss of the aircraft Option: may Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: They develop and take a course of action based on the hypotheses [MASK] Option: generated Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Redeploying individual™s process through the same CRC as they initially processed to [MASK] recovery of issued government equipment Option: focus Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: If delegated to lower echelons, the AMD [MASK] determines whether the information is suitable for determining the identification of tracks in a unit™s area of operations Option: element Response:
Below is a statement with a missing word indicated by [MASK]. Determine whether the provided option can fill the missing word. Answer True or False. No explanation required.
Input: Statement: Chapter describes the six core legal disciplines of military justice, international and [MASK] law, administrative and civil law, contract and fiscal law, claims, and legal assistance Option: operational Response: