commited on
add subdomains to readme
Browse files
@@ -142,6 +142,14 @@ SHP-2 contains a train, validation, and test split for comments scraped from eac
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The train/validation/test splits were created by splitting the post IDs of a subreddit in 90%/5%/5% proportions respectively, so that no post would appear in multiple splits.
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Since different posts have different numbers of comments, the number of preferences in each split is not exactly 90%/5%/5%.
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### Data Selection
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TODO: check if this section holds for stack
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The train/validation/test splits were created by splitting the post IDs of a subreddit in 90%/5%/5% proportions respectively, so that no post would appear in multiple splits.
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Since different posts have different numbers of comments, the number of preferences in each split is not exactly 90%/5%/5%.
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See below for a list of all sub-domains:
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Reddit: \
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techsupport, asklinguistics, askscience, catadvice, campingandhiking, askphysics, espresso, botany, asksocialscience, askbaking, ultralight, legaladvice, hiking, webdev, askengineers, screenwriting, askhistorians, vegetarian, writing, diy, musictheory, camping, moviesuggestions, askeconomics, stocks, frugal, outoftheloop, booksuggestions, gamedev, linuxquestions, asknetsec, aviation, askacademia, asksciencefiction, askhr, explainlikeimfive, etymology, entrepreneur, cooking, puppy101, keto, crochet, smallbusiness, architecture, artfundamentals, sewing, zerowaste, changemyview, mechanicadvice, iwanttolearn, eatcheapandhealthy, askanthropology, askculinary, askphilosophy, tea, running, excel, homebrewing, solotravel, fishing, cookingforbeginners, homeautomation, ifyoulikeblank, travel, suggestmeabook, televisionsuggestions, sysadmin, askcarguys, askdocs, askvet
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StackExchange: \
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stack_unix, stack_android, stack_academia, stack_superuser, stack_tex, stack_photo, stack_datascience, stack_mechanics, stack_english, stack_askubuntu, stack_sharepoint, stack_workplace, stack_blender, stack_ethereum, stack_stats, stack_bitcoin, stack_gamedev, stack_raspberrypi, stack_arduino, stack_magento, stack_physics, stack_mathoverflow, stack_dsp, stack_movies, stack_crypto, stack_apple, stack_mathematica, stack_philosophy, stack_wordpress, stack_ux, stack_webmasters, stack_cs, stack_travel, stack_bicycles, stack_softwarerecs, stack_money, stack_ell, stack_scifi, stack_aviation, stack_math, stack_biology, stack_drupal, stack_diy, stack_security, stack_salesforce, stack_graphicdesign, stack_stackoverflow, stack_webapps, stack_cooking, stack_networkengineering, stack_dba, stack_puzzling, stack_serverfault, stack_codereview, stack_music, stack_codegolf, stack_electronics, stack_chemistry, stack_gis
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### Data Selection
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TODO: check if this section holds for stack