We present a systematic construction of classical extended superconformal algebras from the hamiltonian reduction of a class of affine Lie superalgebras, which include an even subalgebra $sl(2)$. In particular, we obtain the doubly extended $N=4$ superconformal algebra $\tilde{A}_{\gamma}$ from the hamiltonian reduction of the exceptional Lie superalgebra $D(2|1;\gamma/(1-\gamma))$. We also find the Miura transformation for these algebras and give the free field representation. A $W$-algebraic generalization is discussed.
We use the linear supermultiplet formalism of supergravity to study axion couplings and chiral anomalies in the context of field-theoretical Lagrangians describing orbifold compactifications beyond the classical approximation. By matching amplitudes computed in the effective low energy theory with the results of string loop calculations we determine the appropriate counterterm in this effective theory that assures modular invariance to all loop order. We use supersymmetry consistency constraints to identify the correct ultra-violet cut-offs for the effective low energy theory. Our results have a simple interpretation in terms of two-loop unification of gauge coupling constants at the string scale.
The subject of this paper is the problem of arrangement of a real nonsingular algebraic curve on a real non-singular algebraic surface. This paper contains new restrictions on this arrangement extending Rokhlin and Kharlamov-Gudkov-Krakhnov congruences for curves on surfaces.
We discuss the physical spectrum for $W$ strings based on the algebras $B_n$, $D_n$, $E_6$, $E_7$ and $E_8$. For a simply-laced $W$ string, we find a connection with the $(h,h+1)$ unitary Virasoro minimal model, where $h$ is the dual Coxeter number of the underlying Lie algebra. For the $W$ string based on $B_n$, we find a connection with the $(2h,2h+2)$ unitary $N=1$ super-Virasoro minimal model.
Reductive W-algebras which are generated by bosonic fields of spin-1, a single spin-2 field and fermionic fields of spin-3/2 are classified. Three new cases are found: a `symplectic' family of superconformal algebras which are extended by $su(2)\oplus sp(n)$, an $N=7$ and an $N=8$ superconformal algebra. The exceptional cases can be viewed as arising a Drinfeld-Sokolov type reduction of the exceptional Lie superalgebras $G(3)$ and $F(4)$, and have an octonionic description. The quantum versions of the superconformal algebras are constructed explicitly in all three cases.
We study the metric of minimal area on a punctured Riemann surface under the condition that all nontrivial homotopy closed curves be longer than or equal to $2\pi$. By constructing deformations of admissible metrics we establish necessary conditions on minimal area metrics and a partial converse to Beurling's criterion for extremal metrics. We explicitly construct new minimal area metrics that do not arise from quadratic differentials. Under the physically motivated assumption of existence of the minimal area metrics, we show there exist neighborhoods of the punctures isometric to a flat semiinfinite cylinder of circumference $2\pi$, allowing the definition of canonical complex coordinates around the punctures. The plumbing of surfaces with minimal area metrics is shown to induce a metric of minimal area on the resulting surface. This implies that minimal area string diagrams define a consistent quantum closed string field theory.
Quantization of the free Maxwell field in Minkowski space is carried out using a loop representation and shown to be equivalent to the standard Fock quantization. Because it is based on coherent state methods, this framework may be useful in quantum optics. It is also well-suited for the discussion of issues related to flux quantization in condensed matter physics. Our own motivation, however, came from a non-perturbative approach to quantum gravity. The concrete results obtained in this paper for the Maxwell field provide independent support for that approach. In addition, they offer some insight into the physical interpretation of the mathematical structures that play, within this approach, an essential role in the description of the quantum geometry at Planck scale.
I discuss how instanton effects can be wiped-out due to the existence of anomalies. I first consider Compact Quantum Electrodynamics in 3 dimensions where confinement of electric charge is destroyed when fermions are added so that a Chern-Simons term is generated as a one-loop effect. I also show that a similar phenomenon occurs in the two-dimensional abelian chiral Higgs model. In both cases anomalies (parity anomaly, gauge anomaly) are responsible of the deconfinement mechanism.
Toric varieties are a special class of rational varieties defined by equations of the form {\it monomial = monomial}. For a good brief survey of the history and role of toric varieties see [10]. Any toric variety $X$ contains a cover by affine open sets described in terms of arrangements (called fans) of convex bodies in $\Bbb R^r$. The coordinate rings of each of these affine open sets is a graded ring generated over the ground field by monomials. As a consequence, toric varieties provide a good context in which cohomology can be calculated. The purpose of this article is to describe the second \'etale cohomology group with coefficients in the sheaf of units of any toric variety $X$. This is the so-called cohomological Brauer group of $X$.
Some time ago, Atiyah showed that there exists a natural identification between the k-instantons of a Yang-Mills theory with gauge group $G$ and the holomorphic maps from $CP_1$ to $\Omega G$. Since then, Nair and Mazur, have associated the $\Theta $ vacua structure in QCD with self-intersecting Riemann surfaces immersed in four dimensions. From here they concluded that these 2D surfaces correspond to the non-perturbative phase of QCD and carry the topological information of the $\Theta$ vacua. In this paper we would like to elaborate on this point by making use of Atiyah's identification. We will argue that an effective description of QCD may be more like a $WZW$ model coupled to the induced metric of an immersion of a 2-D Riemann surface in $R^4$. We make some further comments on the relationship between the coadjoint orbits of the Kac-Moody group on $G$ and instantons with axial symmetry and monopole charge.
We point out that the moduli sector of the $(2,2)$ string compactification with its nonperturbatively preserved non-compact symmetries is a framework to study global topological defects. Based on the target space modular invariance of the nonperturbative superpotential of the four-dimensional $N=1$ supersymmetric string vacua, topologically stable stringy domain walls are found. Explicit supersymmetric solutions for the modulus field and the metric, which saturate the Bogomol'nyi bound, are presented. They interpolate between {\it non-degenerate} vacua. As a corollary, this defines a new notion of vacuum degeneracy of supersymmetric vacua. Nonsupersymmetric stringy domain walls are discussed as well. The moduli sectors with more than one modulus and the non-compact continous symmetry preserved allow for global monopole-type and texture-type configurations.
We investigate properties of two-dimensional asymptotically flat black holes which arise in both string theory and in scale invariant theories of gravity. By introducing matter sources in the field equations we show how such objects can arise as the endpoint of gravitational collapse. We examine the motion of test particles outside the horizons, and show that they fall through in a finite amount of proper time and an infinite amount of coordinate time. We also investigate the thermodynamic and quantum properties, which give rise to a fundamental length scale. The 't Hooft prescription for cutting off eigenmodes of particle wave functions is shown to be source dependent, unlike the four-dimensional case. The relationship between these black holes and those considered previously in $(1+1)$ dimensions is discussed.
We study the renormalization and conservation at the quantum level of higher-spin currents in affine Toda theories with particular emphasis on the nonsimply-laced cases. For specific examples, namely the spin-3 current for the $a_3^{(2)}$ and $c_2^{(1)}$ theories, we prove conservation to all-loop order, thus establishing the existence of factorized S-matrices. For these theories, as well as the simply-laced $a_2^{(1)}$ theory, we compute one-loop corrections to the corresponding higher-spin charges and study charge conservation for the three-particle vertex function. For the $a_3^{(2)}$ theory we show that although the current is conserved, anomalous threshold singularities spoil the conservation of the corresponding charge for the on-shell vertex function, implying a breakdown of some of the bootstrap procedures commonly used in determining the exact S-matrix.
We consider Quantum Toda theory associated to a general Lie algebra. We prove that the conserved quantities in both conformal and affine Toda theories exhibit duality interchanging the Dynkin diagram and its dual, and inverting the coupling constant. As an example we discuss the conformal Toda theories based on $B_2,B_3$ and $G_2$ and the related affine theories.
We examine the constraints and the reality conditions that have to be imposed in the canonical theory of 4--d gravity formulated in terms of Ashtekar variables. We find that the polynomial reality conditions are consistent with the constraints, and make the theory equivalent to Einstein's, as long as the inverse metric is not degenerate; when it is degenerate, reality conditions cannot be consistently imposed in general, and the theory describes complex general relativity.
In this paper we show how to combine different techniques from Commutative Algebra and a systematic use of a Computer Algebra System (in our case mainly CoCoA) in order to explicitly construct Cohen-Macaulay domains, which are standard $k$-algebras and whose Hilbert function is ``bad". In particular we disprove a well-known conjecture by Hibi.
This paper studies the behavior of Grobner bases with respect to extensions of scalars. We prove that an extension of scalars commutes with taking Grobner bases iff the extension is flat. We consider what information can be deduced about fibers of a family, from the Grobner basis of the defining ideal of the family itself. This information can be used to construct algorithms, such as to find locii over which a map is finite, or an isomorphism.
The scattering of two excitations (both of the simplest kind) in the magnetic model related to the $Z_n$\--Baxter model is naturally described for $n \rightarrow \infty$ in terms of the Macdonald polynomials for root system $A_1$. These polynomials play the role of zonal spherical functions for a two parameter family of quantum symmetric spaces. These spaces ``interpolate'' between various $p$\--adic and real symmetric spaces.
A model is proposed which generates all oriented $3d$ simplicial complexes weighted with an invariant associated with a topological lattice gauge theory. When the gauge group is $SU_q(2)$, $q^n=1,$ it is the Turaev-Viro invariant and the model may be regarded as a non-perturbative definition of $3d$ simplicial quantum gravity. If one takes a finite abelian group $G$, the corresponding invariant gives the rank of the first cohomology group of a complex \nolinebreak $C$: $I_G(C) = rank(H^1(C,G))$, which means a topological expansion in the Betti number $b^1$. In general, it is a theory of the Dijkgraaf-Witten type, $i.e.$ determined completely by the fundamental group of a manifold.
Let M be a moduli space of stable vector bundles on a curve with rank and degree fixed and coprime. We give a simple proof that the rational cohomology of M is generated by the Kunneth components of the Chern classes of the universal bundle. The proof applies also to some moduli spaces of vector bundles over higher-dimensional varieties.
We discuss relationships between the McShane, Pettis, Talagrand and Bochner integrals. A large number of different methods of integration of Banach-space-valued functions have been introduced, based on the various possible constructions of the Lebesgue integral. They commonly run fairly closely together when the range space is separable (or has w^*-separable dual) and diverge more or less sharply for general range spaces. The McShane integral as described by [Go] is derived from the `gauge-limit' integral of [McS]. Here we give both positive and negative results concerning it and the other three integrals listed above.
We argue that, classically, $s$-wave electrons incident on a magnetically charged black hole are swallowed with probability one: the reflection coefficient vanishes. However, quantum effects can lead to both electromagnetic and gravitational backscattering. We show that, for the case of extremal, magnetically charged, dilatonic black holes and a single flavor of low-energy charged particles, this backscattering is described by a perturbatively computable and unitary $S$-matrix, and that the Hawking radiation in these modes is suppressed near extremality. The interesting and much more difficult case of several flavors is also discussed.
Let f : X -> S be any elliptic fibration. If X has dimension 3 and is not uniruled, then X has a minimal model (with terminal singularities) [Mori]. In earlier work we have shown that there exists a birationally equivalent elliptic fibration p: Y -> T such that Y is minimal and a multiple of K_Y can be expressed as the pullback of a divisor from T. Moreover T has at worst quotient singularities; it is not difficult to find examples where T is actually singular. In this paper we describe the singularities of this parameter surface T in the case of no multiple fibers. Although T is not uniquely determined by the birational equivalence class of the fibration, any two such T are related by a particular kind of birational map.
We consider polynomial maps $f:\C\to\C$ of degree $d\ge 2$, or more generally polynomial maps from a finite union of copies of $\C$ to itself which have degree two or more on each copy. In any space $\p^{S}$ of suitably normalized maps of this type, the post-critically bounded maps form a compact subset $\cl^{S}$ called the connectedness locus, and the hyperbolic maps in $\cl^{S}$ form an open set $\hl^{S}$ called the hyperbolic connectedness locus. The various connected components $H_\alpha\subset \hl^{S}$ are called hyperbolic components. It is shown that each hyperbolic component is a topological cell, containing a unique post-critically finite map which is called its center point. These hyperbolic components can be separated into finitely many distinct ``types'', each of which is characterized by a suitable reduced mapping schema $\bar S(f)$. This is a rather crude invariant, which depends only on the topology of $f$ restricted to the complement of the Julia set. Any two components with the same reduced mapping schema are canonically biholomorphic to each other. There are similar statements for real polynomial maps, or for maps with marked critical points.
Using the Ashtekar formulation, it is shown that the G_{Newton} --> 0 limit of Euclidean or complexified general relativity is not a free field theory, but is a theory that describes a linearized self-dual connection propagating on an arbitrary anti-self-dual background. This theory is quantized in the loop representation and, as in the full theory, an infinite dimnensional space of exact solutions to the constraint is found. An inner product is also proposed. The path integral is constructed from the Hamiltonian theory and the measure is explicitly computed nonperturbatively, without relying on a semiclassical expansion. This theory could provide the starting point for a new approach to perturbation theory in $G_{Newton}$ that does not rely on a background field expansion and in which full diffeomorphism invariance is satisfied at each order.
We study the Schwinger-Dyson equations of a matrix model for an open-closed string theory. The free energy with source terms for scaling operators satisfies the same Virasoro conditions as those of the pure closed string and is obtained from that of the pure closed string by giving appropriate nonvanishing background values to all of the sources.
Quantum theory of the free Maxwell field in Minkowski space is constructed using a representation in which the self dual connection is diagonal. Quantum states are now holomorphic functionals of self dual connections and a decomposition of fields into positive and negative frequency parts is unnecessary. The construction requires the introduction of new mathematical techniques involving ``holomorphic distributions''. The method extends also to linear gravitons in Minkowski space. The fact that one can recover the entire Fock space --with particles of both helicities-- from self dual connections alone provides independent support for a non-perturbative, canonical quantization program for full general relativity based on self dual variables.
We show that the XY quantum chain in a magnetic field is invariant under a two parameter deformation of the $SU(1/1)$ superalgebra. One is led to an extension of the braid group and the Hecke algebras which reduce to the known ones when the two parameter coincide. The physical significance of the two parameters is discussed. When both are equal to one, one gets a Pokrovski-Talapov phase transition. We also show that the representation theory of the quantum superalgebras indicates how to take the appropriate thermodynamical limits.
We report on an investigation of various problems related to the theory of the electroweak phase transition. This includes a determination of the nature of the phase transition, a discussion of the possible role of higher order radiative corrections and the theory of the formation and evolution of the bubbles of the new phase. We find in particular that no dangerous linear terms appear in the effective potential. However, the strength of the first order phase transition is 2/3 times less than what follows from the one-loop approximation. This rules out baryogenesis in the minimal version of the electroweak theory.
It has recently been shown that the dissipative Hofstadter model (dissipative quantum mechanics of an electron subject to uniform magnetic field and periodic potential in two dimensions) exhibits critical behavior on a network of lines in the dissipation/magnetic field plane. Apart from their obvious condensed matter interest, the corresponding critical theories represent non-trivial solutions of open string field theory, and a detailed account of their properties would be interesting from several points of view. A subject of particular interest is the dependence of physical quantities on the magnetic field since it, much like $\theta_{\rm QCD}$, serves only to give relative phases to different sectors of the partition sum. In this paper we report the results of an initial investigation of the free energy, $N$-point functions and boundary state of this type of critical theory. Although our primary goal is the study of the magnetic field dependence of these quantities, we will present some new results which bear on the zero magnetic field case as well.
The w_\infty algebra is a particular generalization of the Virasoro algebra with generators of higher spin 2,3,...,\infty. It can be viewed as the algebra of a class of functions, relative to a Poisson bracket, on a suitably chosen surface. Thus, w_\infty is a special case of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of an arbitrary surface. We review various aspects of area- preserving diffeomorphisms, w_\infty algebras and w_\infty gravity. The topics covered include a) the structure of the algebra of area-preserving diffeomorphisms with central extensions and their relation to w_\infty algebras, b) various generalizations of w_\infty algebras, c) the structure of w_\infty gravity and its geometrical aspects, d) nonlinear realizations of w_\infty symmetry and e) various quantum realizations of w_\infty symmetry.
We describe a strategy for computing Yukawa couplings and the mirror map, based on the Picard-Fuchs equation. (Our strategy is a variant of the method used by Candelas, de la Ossa, Green, and Parkes in the case of quintic hypersurfaces.) We then explain a technique of Griffiths which can be used to compute the Picard-Fuchs equations of hypersurfaces. Finally, we carry out the computation for four specific examples (including quintic hypersurfaces, previously done by Candelas et al.). This yields predictions for the number of rational curves of various degrees on certain hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces. Some of these predictions have been confirmed by classical techniques in algebraic geometry.
We discuss appropriate arrangement of picture changing operators required to construct gauge invariant interaction vertices involving Neveu-Schwarz states in heterotic and closed superstring field theory. The operators required for this purpose are shown to satisfy a set of descent equations.
We define the concepts of topological particles and topological radiation. These are nothing more than connected components of defects of a vector field. To each topological particle we assign an index which is an integer which is conserved under interactions with other particles much as electric charge is conserved. For space-like vector fields of space-times this index is invariant under all coordinate transformations. We propose the following physical principal: For physical vector fields the index changes only when there is radiation. As an implication of this principal we predict that any physical psuedo-vector field has index zero. The definition of the index is quite elementary. It only depends upon the concepts of continuity, compactness, the Euler-Poincare number, and the idea of inward pointing. The proof that this definition is well defined takes up most of the paper. The paper concludes with a list of properties of the index.
We consider the correlation functions of the tachyon vertex operator of the super Liouville theory coupled to matter fields in the super Coulomb gas formulation, on world sheets with spherical topology. After integrating over the zero mode and assuming that the $s$ parameter takes an integer value, we subsequently continue it to an arbitrary real number and compute the correlators in a closed form. We also included an arbitrary number of screening charges and, as a result, after renormalizing them, as well as the external legs and the cosmological constant, the form of the final amplitudes do not modify. The result is remarkably parallel to the bosonic case. For completeness, we discussed the calculation of bosonic correlators including arbitrary screening charges.
These are notes of a talk to the International Conference on Algebra in honor of A. I. Mal'tsev, Novosibirsk, USSR, 1989 (to appear in Contemporary Mathematics). The concept of a divisor with complex coefficients on an algebraic curve is introduced. We consider families of complex divisors, or, equivalently, families of invertible sheaves and define Arakelov-type metrics on some invertible sheaves produced from them on the base. We apply this technique to obtain a formula for the measure on the moduli space that gives tachyon correlators in string theory.
We introduce an ordinal index which measures the complexity of a weakly null sequence, and show that a construction due to J. Schreier can be iterated to produce for each alpha < omega_1, a weakly null sequence (x^{alpha}_n)_n in C(omega^{omega^{alpha}})) with complexity alpha. As in the Schreier example each of these is a sequence of indicator functions which is a suppression-1 unconditional basic sequence. These sequences are used to construct Tsirelson-like spaces of large index. We also show that this new ordinal index is related to the Lavrentiev index of a Baire-1 function and use the index to sharpen some results of Alspach and Odell on averaging weakly null sequences.
For a Banach space X we define RUMD_n(X) to be the infimum of all c>0 such that (AVE_{\epsilon_k =\pm 1} || \sum_1^n epsilon_k (M_k - M_{k-1} )||_{L_2^X}^2 )^{1/2} <= c || M_n ||_{L_2^X} holds for all Walsh-Paley martingales {M_k}_0^n subset L_2^X with M_0 =0. We relate the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence {RUMD(X)}_{n=1}^{infinity} to geometrical properties of the Banach space X such as K-convexity and superreflexivity.
We define a new class of integrable vertex models associated to quantum groups at roots of unit
We present a general discussion of strings propagating on noncompact coset spaces $G/H$ in terms of gauged WZW models, emphasizing the role played by isometries in the existence of target space duality. Fixed points of the gauged transformations induce metric singularities and, in the case of abelian subgroups $H$, become horizons in a dual geometry. We also give a classification of models with a single timelike coordinate together with an explicit list for dimensions $D\leq 10$. We study in detail the class of models described by the cosets $SL(2,\IR)\otimes SO(1,1)^{D-2}/SO(1,1)$. For $D\geq 2$ each coset represents two different spacetime geometries: (2D black hole)$\otimes \IR^{D-2}$ and (3D black string)$\otimes \IR^{D-3}$ with nonvanishing torsion. They are shown to be dual in such a way that the singularity of the former geometry (which is not due to a fixed point) is mapped to a regular surface (i.e.\ not even a horizon) in the latter . These cosets also lead to the conformal field theory description of known and new cosmological string models.
It is shown that a strong system of vector fields on a fiber bundle in the sense of [Modugno, M. Systems of connections and invariant lagrangians. In: Differential geometric methods in theoretical physics, Proc. 15th Int. Conf., DGM, Clausthal/FRG 1986, 518-534 World Scientific Publishing Co. (1987)] is induced from a principal fiber bundle if and only if each vertical vector field of the system is complete.
We analyze the phase structure of topological Calabi--Yau manifolds defined on the moduli space of instantons. We show in this framework that topological vacua describe new phases of the Heterotic String theory in which the flat directions corresponding to complex deformations are lifted. We also briefly discuss the phase structure of non--K\"ahler manifolds.
Disk amplitudes of tachyons in two-dimensional open string theories (two-dimensional quantum gravity coupled to $c \leq 1$ conformal field theories) are obtained using the continuum Liouville field approach. The structure of momentum singularities is different from that of sphere amplitudes and is more complicated. It can be understood by factorizations of the amplitudes with the tachyon and the discrete states as intermediate states.
We compute the $S$-matrix of the Tricritical Ising Model perturbed by the subleading magnetic operator using Smirnov's RSOS reduction of the Izergin-Korepin model. We discuss some features of the scattering theory we obtain, in particular a non trivial implementation of crossing-symmetry, interesting connections between the asymptotic behaviour of the amplitudes, the possibility of introducing generalized statistics, and the monodromy properties of the OPE of the unperturbed Conformal Field Theory.
We write down a local $CP_1$ model involving two gauge fields, which is exactly equivalent to the O(3) $\sigma$ model with the Hopf term. We impose the $CP_1$ constraint by using the gaussian representation of the delta function. For the coefficient of the Hopf term, $\theta = {\pi \over 2s}$, 2s being an integer, we show that the resulting model is exactly equivalent to an interacting theory of spin-$s$ fields. Thus we conjecture that there should be a fixed point in the spin-$s$ theory near which it is exactly equal to the $\sigma$ model.
We review the Symmetric Unitary One Matrix Models. In particular we discuss the string equation in the operator formalism, the mKdV flows and the Virasoro Constraints. We focus on the $\t$-function formalism for the flows and we describe its connection to the (big cell of the) Sato Grassmannian $\Gr$ via the Plucker embedding of $\Gr$ into a fermionic Fock space. Then the space of solutions to the string equation is an explicitly computable subspace of $\Gr\times\Gr$ which is invariant under the flows.
We discuss recent progress (and controversies) in the theory of finite temperature phase transitions. This includes the structure of the effective potential at a finite temperature, the infrared problem in quantum statistics of gauge fields, the theory of formation of critical and subcritical bubbles and the theory of bubble wall propagation.
Gravitational theta-sectors are investigated in spatially locally homogeneous cosmological models with flat closed spatial surfaces in 2+1 and 3+1 spacetime dimensions. The metric ansatz is kept in its most general form compatible with Hamiltonian minisuperspace dynamics. Nontrivial theta-sectors admitting a semiclassical no-boundary wave function are shown to exist only in 3+1 dimensions, and there only for two spatial topologies. In both cases the spatial surface is nonorientable and the nontrivial no-boundary theta-sector unique. In 2+1 dimensions the nonexistence of nontrivial no-boundary theta-sectors is shown to be of topological origin and thus to transcend both the semiclassical approximation and the minisuperspace ansatz. Relation to the necessary condition given by Hartle and Witt for the existence of no-boundary theta-states is discussed.
We study the underlying gauge symmetry algebra of the $N=2$ string, which is broken down to a subalgebra in any spacetime background. For given toroidal backgrounds, the unbroken gauge symmetries (corresponding to holomorphic and antiholomorphic worldsheet currents) generate area-preserving diffeomorphism algebras of null 2-tori. A minimal Lie algebraic closure containing all the gauge symmetries that arise in this way, is the background--independent volume--preserving diffeomorphism algebra of the target Narain torus $T^{4,4}$. The underlying symmetries act on the ground ring of functions on $T^{4,4}$ as derivations, much as in the case of the $d=2$ string. A background--independent spacetime action valid for noncompact metrics is presented, whose symmetries are volume--preserving diffeomorphisms. Possible extensions to $N=2$ and $N=1$ heterotic strings are briefly discussed.
We analyze the beta-function equations for string theory in the case when the target space has one spacelike (or timelike) direction and rest is some conformal field theory (CFT) with appropriate central charge and has one nearly marginal operator. We show there always exists a space (time) dependent solution which interpolates between the original background and the background where CFT is replaced by a new conformal field theory, obtained by perturbing CFT by the nearly marginal operator.
We recall the classification of the irreducible representations of $SL(2)_q$, and then give fusion rules for these representations. We also consider the problem of $\cR$-matrices, intertwiners of the differently ordered tensor products of these representations, and satisfying altogether Yang--Baxter equations.
The main purpose in this paper is to study the gonality, the Clifford index and the Clifford dimension on linearly equivalent smooth curves on Enriques surfaces. The method is similar to techniques of M.Green $\&$ R.Lazarsfeld and G.Pareschi.
We have argued previously that the infinitely many gauge symmetries of string theory provide an infinite set of conserved (gauge) quantum numbers ($W$-hair) which characterise black hole states and maintain quantum coherence. Here we study ways of measuring the $W$-hair of spherically-symmetric four-dimensional objects with event horizons, treated as effectively two-dimensional string black holes. Measurements can be done either through the s-wave scattering of light particles off the string black-hole background, or through interference experiments of Aharonov-Bohm type. In the first type of measurement, selection rules
We discuss the BRST cohomologies of the invariants associated with the description of classical and quantum gravity in four dimensions, using the Ashtekar variables. These invariants are constructed from several BRST cohomology sequences. They provide a systematic and clear characterization of non-local observables in general relativity with unbroken diffeomorphism invariance, and could yield further differential invariants for four-manifolds. The theory includes fluctuations of the vierbein fields, but there exits a non-trivial phase which can be expressed in terms of Witten's topological quantum field theory. In this phase, the descent sequences are degenerate, and the corresponding classical solutions can be identified with the conformally self-dual sector of Einstein manifolds. The full theory includes fluctuations which bring the system out of this sector while preserving diffeomorphism invariance.
We consider the three--dimensional BF--model with planar boundary in the axial gauge. We find two--dimensional conserved chiral currents living on the boundary and satisfying Kac--Moody algebras.
We present a very simple and explicit procedure for nonlocalizing the action of any theory which can be formulated perturbatively. When the resulting nonlocal field theory is quantized using the functional formalism --- with unit measure factor --- its Green's functions are finite to all orders. The construction also ensures perturbative unitarity to all orders for scalars with nonderivative interactions, however, decoupling is lost at one loop when vector and tensor quanta are present. Decoupling can be restored (again, to all orders) if a suitable measure factor exists. We compute the required measure factor for pure Yang-Mills at order $g^2$ and then use it to evaluate the vacuum polarization at one loop. A peculiar feature of our regularization scheme is that the on-shell tree amplitudes are completely unaffected. This implies that the nonlocal field theory can be viewed as a highly noncanonical quantization of the original, local field equations.
A polarization of the Lie algebras $Map(C, G)$ of gauge transformations on the light-cone $C\subset\RM^4$ is introduced, using splitting of the initial data on $C$ for the wave operator to positive and negative frequencies. This generalizes the usual polarization of affine Kac-Moody algebras to positive and negative frequencies and paves the way to a generalization of the highest weight theory to the $3+1$ dimensional setting.
No abstract available.
In flat space, the extreme Reissner-Nordstr\o m (RN) black hole is distinguished by its coldness (vanishing Hawking temperature) and its supersymmetry. We examine RN solutions to Einstein-Maxwell theory with a cosmological constant $\Lambda$, classifying the cold black holes and, for positive $\Lambda$, the ``lukewarm" black holes at the same temperature as the de Sitter thermal background. For negative $\Lambda$, we classify the supersymmetric solutions within the context of $N=2$ gauged supergravity. One finds supersymmetric analogues of flat-space extreme RN black holes, which for nonzero $\Lambda$ differ from the cold black holes. In addition, there is an exotic class of supersymmetric solutions which cannot be continued to flat space, since the magnetic charge becomes infinite in that limit.
Motivated by recent experimental claims for the existence of a 17 keV neutrino and by the solar neutrino problem, we construct a class of models which contain in their low-energy spectrum a single light sterile neutrino and one or more Nambu-Goldstone bosons. In these models the required pattern of breaking of lepton-number symmetry takes place near the electroweak scale and all mass heirarchies are technically natural. The models are compatible with all cosmological and astrophysical constraints, and can solve the solar neutrino problem via either the MSW effect or vacuum oscillations. The deficit in atmospheric muon neutrinos seen in the Kamiokande and IMB detectors can also be explained in these models.
The Weingarten lattice gauge model of Nambu-Goto strings is generalised to allow for fluctuations of an intrinsic worldsheet metric through a dynamical quadrilation. The continuum limit is taken for $c\leq1$ matter, reproducing the results of hermitian matrix models to all orders in the genus expansion. For the compact $c=1$ case the vortices are Wilson lines, whose exclusion leads to the theory of non-interacting fermions. As a by-product of the analysis one finds the critical behaviour of SOS and vertex models coupled to 2D quantum gravity.
The extension structure of the 2-dimensional current algebra of non-linear sigma models is analysed by introducing Kostant Sternberg $(L,M)$ systems. It is found that the algebra obeys a two step extension by abelian ideals. The second step is a non-split extension of a representation of the quotient of the algebra by the first step of the extension. The cocycle which appears is analysed.
Based on a path integral prescription for anomaly calculation, we analyze an effective theory of the two-dimensional $N=2$ supergravity, i.e., $N=2$ super-Liouville theory. We calculate the anomalies associated with the BRST supercurrent and the ghost number supercurrent. From those expressions of anomalies, we construct covariant BRST and ghost number supercurrents in the effective theory. We then show that the (super-)coordinate BRST current algebra forms a superfield extension of the topological conformal algebra for an {\it arbitrary\/} type of conformal matter or, in terms of the string theory, for an arbitrary number of space-time dimensions. This fact is very contrast with $N=0$ and $N=1$ (super-)Liouville theory, where the topological algebra singles out a particular value of dimensions. Our observation suggests a topological nature of the two-dimensional $N=2$ supergravity as a quantum theory.
A generalisation of the non--perturbatively stable solutions of string equations which respect the KdV flows, obtained recently for the $(2m-1,2)$ conformal minimal models coupled to two--dimensional quantum gravity, is presented for the $(p,q)$ models. These string equations are the most general string equations compatible with the $q$--th generalised KdV flows. They exhibit a close relationship with the bi-hamiltonian structure in these hierarchies. The Ising model is studied as a particular example, for which a real non-singular numerical solution to the string susceptibility is presented.
The motivations for low-energy supersymmetry and the main features of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model are reviewed. Possible non-minimal models and the issue of gauge coupling unification are also discussed. Theoretical results relevant for supersymmetric particle searches at present and future accelerators are presented, with emphasis on the role of a proposed $\epem$ collider with $\sqrt{s} = 500 \gev$. In particular, recent results on radiative corrections to supersymmetric Higgs boson masses and couplings are summarized, and their implications for experimental searches are discussed in some detail. (Plenary talk at the Workshop on Physics and Experiments with Linear Colliders, Saariselk\"a, Lapland, Finland, 9--14 September 1991)
A variation on the abelian Higgs model, with global SU(2) x local U(1) symmetry broken to global U(1) was recently shown by Vachaspati and Achucarro to admit stable, finite energy cosmic string solutions even though the manifold of minima of the potential energy does not have non-contractible loops. Here the most general solutions, both in the single and multi-vortex cases, are described in the Bogomol'nyi limit. The gravitational field of the vortices considered as cosmic strings is obtained and monopole-like solutions surrounded by an event horizon are found.
We present a class of models in which the top quark, by mixing with new physics at a higher energy scale, is naturally heavier than the other standard model particles. We take this new physics to be extended color. Our models contain new particles with masses between 100 GeV and 1 TeV, some of which may be just within the reach of the next generation of experiments. In particular one of our models implies the existence of two right handed top quarks. These models demonstrate the existence of a standard model-like theory consistent with experiment, and leading to new physics below the TeV scale, in which the third generation is treated differently than the first two.
We examine the sensitivity of several solutions of the strong-CP problem to violations of global symmetries by Planck scale physics. We find that the Peccei-Quinn solution is extremely sensitive to U(1)_PQ violating operators of dimension less than 10. We construct models in which the PQ symmetry is protected by gauge symmetries to the requisite level.
We discuss new realisations of $W$ algebras in which the currents are expressed in terms of two arbitrary commuting energy-momentum tensors together with a set of free scalar fields. This contrasts with the previously-known realisations, which involve only one energy-momentum tensor. Since realisations of non-linear algebras are not easy to come by, the fact that this new class exists is of intrinsic interest. We use these new realisations to build the corresponding $W$-string theories and show that they are effectively described by two independent ordinary Virasoro-like strings.
We present an extensive search for a general class of flipped $SU(5)$ models built within the free fermionic formulation of the heterotic string. We describe a set of algorithms which constitute the basis for a computer program capable of generating systematically the massless spectrum and the superpotential of all possible models within the class we consider. Our search through the huge parameter space to be explored is simplified considerably by the constraint of $N=1$ spacetime supersymmetry and the need for extra $Q,\bar Q$ representations beyond the standard ones in order to possibly achieve string gauge coupling unification at scales of ${\cal O}(10^{18}\GeV)$. Our results are remarkably simple and evidence the large degree of redundancy in this kind of constructions. We find one model with gauge group $SU(5)\times U(1)_\ty\times SO(10)_h\times SU(4)_h\times U(1)^5$ and fairly acceptable phenomenological properties. We study the $D$- and $F$-flatness constraints and the symmetry breaking pattern in this model and conclude that string gauge coupling unification is quite possible.
These lecture notes give an introductory account of an approach to cohomological field theory due to Atiyah and Jeffrey which is based on the construction of Gaussian shaped Thom forms by Mathai and Quillen. Topics covered are: an explanation of the Mathai-Quillen formalism for finite dimensional vector bundles; the definition of regularized Euler numbers of infinite dimensional vector bundles; interpretation of supersymmetric quantum mechanics as the regularized Euler number of loop space; the Atiyah-Jeffrey interpretation of Donaldson theory; the construction of topological gauge theories from infinite dimensional vector bundles over spaces of connections.
We extend the method of differential renormalization to massive quantum field theories treating in particular $\ph4$-theory and QED. As in the massless case, the method proves to be simple and powerful, and we are able to find, in particular, compact explicit coordinate space expressions for the finite parts of two notably complicated diagrams, namely, the 2-loop 2-point function in $\ph4$ and the 1-loop vertex in QED.
We examine the issue of monopole annihilation at the electroweak scale induced by flux tube confinement, concentrating first on the simplest possibility---one which requires no new physics beyond the standard model. Monopoles existing at the time of the electroweak phase transition may trigger $W$ condensation which can confine magnetic flux into flux tubes. However we show on very general grounds, using several independent estimates, that such a mechanism is impotent. We then present several general dynamical arguments constraining the possibility of monopole annihilation through any confining phase near the electroweak scale.
The statistics-altering operators present in the limit $q=-1$ of multiparticle SU_q(2)-invariant subspaces parallel the action of such operators which naturally occur in supersymmetric theories. We illustrate this heuristically by comparison to a toy $N=2$ superymmetry algebra, and ask whether there is a supersymmetry structure underlying SU(2)_q at that limit. We remark on the relevance of such alternating-symmetry multiplets to the construction of invariant hamiltonians.
In this note I discuss some features of the topological theory obtained from the Zakharov-Shabat (or general sl(2,C)) hierarchy, and comment on some possible physical and/or mathematical interpretations of it.
We discuss the canonical quantization of Quantum Electrodynamics in $2+1$ dimensions, with a Chern-Simons topological mass term and gauge-covariant coupling to a Dirac spinor field. A gauge-fixing term is used which generates a canonical momentum for $A_0$, so that there are no primary constraints on operator-valued fields. Gauss's Law and the gauge condition, $A_0=0$, are implemented by embedding the formulation in an appropriate physical subspace, in which state vectors remain naturally, in the course of time evolution. The photon propagator is derived from the canonical theory. The electric and magnetic fields are separated into parts that reflect the presence of massive photons, and other parts that are rigidly attached to charged fermions and do not consist of any observable, propagating particle excitations. The effect of rotations on charged particle states is analyzed, and the relation between the canonical and the Belinfante ``symmetric'' angular momentum is discussed. It is shown that the rotation operator can be consistently formulated so that charged particles behave like fermions, and do not acquire any arbitrary phases during rotations, even when they are dressed in the electromagnetic fields required for them to obey Gauss's law.
We exhibit the multicritical phase structure of the loop gas model on a random surface. The dense phase is reconsidered, with special attention paid to the topological points $g=1/p$. This phase is complementary to the dilute and higher multicritical phases in the sense that dense models contain the same spectrum of bulk operators (found in the continuum by Lian and Zuckerman) but a different set of boundary operators. This difference illuminates the well-known $(p,q)$ asymmetry of the matrix chain models. Higher multicritical phases are constructed, generalizing both Kazakov's multicritical models as well as the known dilute phase models. They are quite likely related to multicritical polymer theories recently considered independently by Saleur and Zamolodchikov. Our results may be of help in defining such models on {\it flat} honeycomb lattices; an unsolved problem in polymer theory. The phase boundaries correspond again to ``topological'' points with $g=p/1$ integer, which we study in some detail. Two qualitatively different types of critical points are discovered for each such $g$. For the special point $g=2$ we demonstrate that the dilute phase $O(-2)$ model does {\it not} correspond to the Parisi-Sourlas model, a result likely to hold as well for the flat case. Instead it is proven that the first {\it multicritical} $O(-2)$ point possesses the Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetry.}
We investigate the dynamics of monopole annihilation by the Langacker-Pi mechanism. We find taht considerations of causality, flux-tube energetics and the friction from Aharonov-Bohm scatteering suggest that the monopole annihilation is most efficient if electromagnetism is spontaneously broken at the lowest temperature ($T_{em} \approx 10^6 GeV$) consistent with not having the monopoles dominate the energy density of the universe.
The exact black hole solution of 2D closed string theory has, as any other maximally extended Schwarzschild-like geometry, two asymptotically flat spacetime domains. One can get rid of the second domain by gauging the discrete symmetry on the SL(2,R)/U(1) coset that interchanges the two asymptotic domains and preserves the Kruskal time orientation everywhere in the Kruskal plane. Here it is shown that upon performing this orbifold procedure, we obtain a theory of unoriented open and closed strings in a black hole background, with just one asymptotically flat domain and a time-like orbifold singularity at the origin. All of the open string states of the model are confined to the orbifold singularity. We also discuss various physical aspects of the truncated black hole, in particular its target duality -- the model is dual to a conventional open string theory in the black hole geometry.
A formal relationship between scattering amplitudes in critical bosonic string theory and correlation functions of operators in topological string theory is found.
The group $SL(n,{\bf Z})$ acts linearly on $\R^n$, preserving the integer lattice $\Z^{n} \subset \R^{n}$. The induced (left) action on the n-torus $\T^{n} = \R^{n}/\Z^{n}$ will be referred to as the ``standard action''. It has recently been shown that the standard action of $SL(n,\Z)$ on $\T^n$, for $n \geq 3$, is both topologically and smoothly rigid. That is, nearby actions in the space of representations of $SL(n,\Z)$ into ${\rm Diff}^{+}(\T^{n})$ are smoothly conjugate to the standard action. In fact, this rigidity persists for the standard action of a subgroup of finite index. On the other hand, while the $\Z$ action on $\T^{n}$ defined by a single hyperbolic element of $SL(n,\Z)$ is topologically rigid, an infinite dimensional space of smooth conjugacy classes occur in a neighborhood of the linear action. The standard action of $SL(2, \Z)$ on $\T^2$ forms an intermediate case, with different rigidity properties from either extreme. One can construct continuous deformations of the standard action to obtain an (arbritrarily near) action to which it is not topologically conjugate. The purpose of the present paper is to show that if a nearby action, or more generally, an action with some mild Anosov properties, is conjugate to the standard action of $SL(2, \Z)$ on $\T^2$ by a homeomorphism $h$, then $h$ is smooth. In fact, it will be shown that this rigidity holds for any non-cyclic subgroup of $SL(2, \Z)$.
A group of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms in 3D turns out to play a key role in an Einstein-Maxwell theory whose Weyl tensor is selfdual and whose Maxwell tensor has algebraically general anti-selfdual part. This model was first introduced by Flaherty and recently studied by Park as an integrable deformation of selfdual gravity. A twisted volume form on the corresponding twistor space is shown to be the origin of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms. An immediate consequence is the existence of an infinite number of symmetries as a generalization of $w_{1+\infty}$ symmetries in selfdual gravity. A possible relation to Witten's 2D string theory is pointed out.
We show that the anisotropic Heisenberg-Ising chains with higher spin allow, for special values of the anisotropy, integrable deformations intimately related to the theory of quantum groups at roots of unity. For the spin one case we construct and study the symmetries of the hamiltonian which depends on a spectral variable belonging to an elliptic curve. One of the points of this curve yields the Fateev-Zamolodchikov hamiltonian of spin one and anisotropy $\Delta = \frac{ q^2 + q^{-2}}{2} $ with $q$ a cubic root of unity. In some other special points the spin degrees of freedom as well as the hamiltonian splits into pieces governed by a larger symmetry.
A method for quantizing the bidimensional N=2 supersymmetric non-linear sigma model is developed. This method is both covariant under coordinate transformations (concerning the order relevant for calculations) and explicitly N=2 supersymmetric. The OPE of the supercurrent is computed accordingly, including also the dilaton. By imposing the N=2 superconformal algebra the equations for the metric and dilaton are obtained. In particular, they imply that the dilaton is a constant.
R-matrices for the semicyclic representations of U_qsl^(2) are found as a limit in the checkerboard chiral Potts model.
We present an invariant regularisation scheme to compute two dimensional induced gauge theory actions, that is local in Polyakov's variables, but nonlocal in the original gauge potentials. Our method sheds light on the locality of this induced action, and leads to a straightforward proof that the $\varepsilon$-anomaly in $W_3$-gravity is completely given by the one loop term.
We perform a fit to precise electroweak data to determine the Higgs and top masses. Penalty functions taking into account their production limits are included. We find ${\displaystyle m_H=65^{+245}_{-4}\ GeV}$ and ${\displaystyle m_t=122^{+25}_{-20}\ GeV}$. However whereas the top $\chi^2$ distribution behaves properly near the minimum, the Higgs $\chi^2$ distribution does not, indicating a statistical fluctuation or new physics. In fact no significative bound on the Higgs mass can be given at present. However, if the LEP accuracy is improved and the top is discovered in the preferred range of top masses, a meaningful bound on the Higgs mass could be obtained within the standard model framework.
Burgess and Marini have recently pointed out that the leading contribution to the damping rate of energetic gluons and quarks in the QCD plasma, given by $\gamma=c g^2\ln(1/g)T$, can be obtained by simple arguments obviating the need of a fully resummed perturbation theory as developed by Braaten and Pisarski. Their calculation confirmed previous results of Braaten and Pisarski, but contradicted those proposed by Lebedev and Smilga. While agreeing with the general considerations made by Burgess and Marini, I correct their actual calculation of the damping rates, which is based on a wrong expression for the static limit of the resummed gluon propagator. The effect of this, however, turns out to be cancelled fortuitously by another mistake, so as to leave all of their conclusions unchanged. I also verify the gauge independence of the results, which in the corrected calculation arises in a less obvious manner.
We discuss relationship between inflation and various models of production of density inhomogeneities due to strings, global monopoles, textures and other topological and non-topological defects. Neither of these models leads to a consistent cosmological theory without the help of inflation. However, each of these models can be incorporated into inflationary cosmology. We propose a model of inflationary phase transitions, which, in addition to topological and non-topological defects, may provide adiabatic density perturbations with a sharp maximum between the galaxy scale $l_g$ and the horizon scale $l_H$.
NON-ABELIAN TODA THEORIES are shown to provide EXACTLY SOLVABLE conformal systems in the presence of a BLACK HOLE which may be regarded as describing a string propagating in target space with a black-hole metric. These theories are associated with non-canonical $\bf Z$-gradations of simple algebras, where the gradation-zero subgroup is non-abelian. They correspond to gauged WZNW models where the gauge group is nilpotent and are thus basically different from the ones currently considered following Witten. The non-abelian Toda potential gives a cosmological term which may be exactly integrated at the classical level.
We analyse the fusion, braiding and scattering properties of discrete non-abelian anyons. These occur in (2+1)-dimensional theories where a gauge group G is spontaneously broken down to some discrete subgroup H. We identify the quantumnumbers of the electrically and magnetically charged sectors of the remaining discrete gauge theory, and show that on the quantum level the symmetry group H is extended to the (quasi-triangular) Hopf algebra D(H). Most of our considerations are relevant for discrete gauge theories in (3+1)-dimensional space time as well.
We study the effect of a Chern-Simons term in a theory with discrete gauge group H, which in (2+1)-dimensional space time describes (non-abelian) anyons. As in a previous paper, we emphasize the underlying algebraic structure, namely the Hopf algebra D(H). We argue on physical grounds that the addition of a Chern-Simons term in the action leads to a non-trivial 3-cocycle on D(H). Accordingly, the physically inequivalent models are labelled by the elements of the cohomology group H^3(H,U(1)). It depends periodically on the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term which model is realized. This establishes a relation with the discrete topological field theories of Dijkgraaf and Witten. Some representative examples are worked out explicitly.
The complete and concurrent Homestake and Kamiokande solar neutrino data sets (including backgrounds), when compared to detailed model predictions, provide no unambiguous indication of the solution to the solar neutrino problem. All neutrino-based solutions, including time-varying models, provide reasonable fits to both the 3 year concurrent data and the full 20 year data set. A simple constant B neutrino flux reduction is ruled out at greater than the 4$\sigma$ level for both data sets. While such a flux reduction provides a marginal fit to the unweighted averages of the concurrent data, it does not provide a good fit to the average of the full 20 year sample. Gallium experiments may not be able to distinguish between the currently allowed neutrino-based possibilities.
Solutions to both the diffeomorphism and the hamiltonian constraint of quantum gravity have been found in the loop representation, which is based on Ashtekar's new variables. While the diffeomorphism constraint is easily solved by considering loop functionals which are knot invariants, there remains the puzzle why several of the known knot invariants are also solutions to the hamiltonian constraint. We show how the Jones polynomial gives rise to an infinite set of solutions to all the constraints of quantum gravity thereby illuminating the structure of the space of solutions and suggesting the existance of a deep connection between quantum gravity and knot theory at a dynamical level.
Dynamical systems of a new kind are described, which are motivated by the problem of constructing diffeomorphism invariant quantum theories. These are based on the extremization of a non-local and non-additive quantity that we call the variety of a system. In these systems all dynaqmical variables refer to relative coordinates or, more generally, describe relations between particles, so that they are invariant under discrete analogues of diffeomorphisms in which the labels of all particles are permutted arbitrarily. The variety is a measures of how uniquely each of the elements of the system can be distinguished from the others in terms of the values of these relative coordinates. Thus a system with extremal variety is one in which the parts are related to the whole in as distinct a way as possible. We study numerically several dynamical systems which are defined by setting the action of the system equal to its variety. We find evidence that suggests that such systems may serve as the basis for a new kind of pregeometry theories in which the geometry of low dimensional space emerges in the thermodynamic limit from a system which is defined without the use of any background space. The mathematical definition of variety may also provide a quantitative tool to study self-organizing systems, because it distinguishes highly structured, but asymmetric, configurations such as one finds in biological systems from both random configurations and highly ordered configurations.
We represent the partition function of the Generalized Kontsevich Model (GKM) in the form of a Toda lattice $\tau$-function and discuss various implications of non-vanishing "negative"- and "zero"-time variables: the appear to modify the original GKM action by negative-power and logarithmic contributions respectively. It is shown that so deformed $\tau$-function satisfies the same string equation as the original one. In the case of quadratic potential GKM turns out to describe {\it forced} Toda chain hierarchy and, thus, corresponds to a {\it discrete} matrix model, with the role of the matrix size played by the zero-time (at integer positive points). This relation allows one to discuss the double-scaling continuum limit entirely in terms of GKM, $i.e.$ essentially in terms of {\it finite}-fold integrals.
We propose to study a generalization of the Klebanov-Polyakov-Witten (KPW) construction for the algebra of observables in the $c = 1$ string model to theories with $c > 1$. We emphasize the algebraic meaning of the KPW construction for $c = 1$ related to occurrence of a {\it model} of {\it SU}(2) as original structure on the algebra of observables. The attempts to preserve this structure in generalizations naturally leads to consideration of $W$-gravities. As a first step in the study of these generalized KPW constructions we design explicitly the subsector of the space of observables in appropriate $W_G$-string theory, which forms the {\it model} of $G$ for any simply laced {\it G}. The {\it model} structure is confirmed by the fact that corresponding one-loop Kac-Rocha-Caridi $W_G$-characters for $c = r_G$ sum into a chiral (open string) $k=1$ $G$-WZW partition function.
A list of superconformal chiral operator product expansion algebras with quadratic nonlinearity in two dimensions is completed on the basis of the known classification of little conformal Lie superalgebras. In addition to the previously known cases and the constructed in our previous paper exceptional $N=8$ superalgebra associated with $F(4)$, a novel exceptional $N=7$ superconformal algebra associated with $G(3)$ is found, as well as a whole family of superalgebras containing affine $\widehat{su}_2 \oplus \widehat{usp}_{2N}$. A classification scheme for quasisuperconformal algebras is also outlined.
We investigate the causal structure of $(1+1)$-dimensional spacetimes. For two sets of field equations we show that at least locally any spacetime is a solution for an appropriate choice of the matter fields. For the theories under consideration we investigate how smoothness of their black hole solutions affects time orientation. We show that if an analog to Hawking's area theorem holds in two spacetime dimensions, it must actually state that the size of a black hole never {\em increases}, contrary to what happens in four dimensions. Finally, we discuss the applicability of the Penrose and Hawking singularity theorems to two spacetime dimensions.
Inhomogeneous quantum groups are shown to be an effective algebraic tool in the study of integrable systems and to provide solutions equivalent to the Bethe ansatz. The method is illustrated on the 1D Heisenberg ferromagnet whose symmetry is shown to be the quantum Galilei group Gamma_q(1) here introduced. Both the single magnon and the s=1/2 bound states of n-magnons are completely described by the algebra.