{ "en": "Capital market contribution to gross domestic product was recorded at 40 percent with a capitalization of Rp1.400 trillion as of the first quarter of this year, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said here Tuesday.", "id": "Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani mengungkapkan bahwa kontribusi pasar modal terhadap Produk domestik Bruto PDB pada saat ini mencapai 40 persen dengan kapitalisasi Rp1.400 triliun." }
{ "en": "When asked about the future prospect, Putut answered, that it cannot be predicted now.", "id": "Ditanya seputar prospek buku-e ke depan, Putut menjawab, jika hal tersebut belum dapat diperkirakan saat ini." }
{ "en": "Besides that, with faster development of micro business will also support development of big business, and vice versa.", "id": "Disamping itu, dengan semakin cepatnya perkembangan usaha kecil akan ikut mendukung perkembangan usaha besar, serta sebaliknya." }
{ "en": "His only real involvement of the first half, though was to make a simple save from a Diego Lugano header from Alex9s free-kick.", "id": "Ia terlibat permainan babak pertama dan mengamankan serangan Diego Lugano yang melakukan tendangan keras dari titik bebas." }
{ "en": "This organism included types of lighting insects from beetle species", "id": "Makhluk ini termasuk sejenis serangga bercahaya dari kelompok kumbang." }
{ "en": "Publicly-listed plantation company PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations said on Tuesday it has bought 2,700 shares with a face value of Rp1,000 each from PT Nibung Arthamulia based in Palembang, South Sumatera.", "id": "Perusahaan perkebunan PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk UNSP telah melakukan pembelian sebanyak 2.700 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp1.000 per saham di PT Nibung Arthamulia yang berkedudukan di Palembang." }
{ "en": "Likewise a snorer who always syat in the pure air environment", "id": "Demikian pula pendengkur yang selalu hidup di lingkungan berudara bersih." }
{ "en": "In the case of Indonesia, the country's growing economy was now needing bigger liquidity and therefore the situation was also affecting liquidity in the national stock market and banking, he said.", "id": "Di Indonesia, pada saat bersamaan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi membutuhkan likuiditas yang lebih besar pula dan pada akhirnya berpengaruh terhadap likuiditas di pasar saham dan perbankan nasional." }
{ "en": "Prolific Romania striker Adrian Mutu sent Fiorentina, losing finalists in 1990, into a last four meeting with Rangers after his double strike sealed a 2-0 away win at PSV Eindhoven for a 3-1 aggregate success.", "id": "Sedangkan striker Romania, Adrian Mutu, mengirim Fiorentina, finalis 1990, ke kompetisi empat besar setelah mencetak dua angka pada pertandingan tandang melawan PSV Eindhoven sehingga agregat menjadi 3-1." }
{ "en": "The A+ rating reflects the good market for the company's packaged foods, as evident from its sales which grew by 73.48 percent in the first quarter of 2007 from a year earlier, Pefindo analyst Niken Indriarsih said here Tuesday.", "id": "Kenaikan peringkat tersebut mencerminkan posisi pasar perseroan yang baik di pasar makanan dalam kemasan, hal itu tercermin dari pertumbuhan penjualan yang naik sebesar 73,48 persen pada kuartal pertama 2007 dibandingkan periode sama sebelumnya, kata analis Pefindo Niken Indriarsih di Jakarta, Selasa." }
{ "en": "Hours before he spoke, 100 Taliban members overran Khak Afghan district in the troubled Zabul province, the latest of several rebel attempts to exert control in parts of southern and western Afghanistan.", "id": "Beberapa sebelum ia berbicara, 100 pejuang Taliban menguasai kabupaten Khak Afghan di provinsi bergolak Zabul, upaya paling gerilyawan guna menguasai beberapa bagian Afghanistan selatan dan barat." }
{ "en": "The attacker struck in the town of Baladruz northeast of Baghdad, in a district inhabited by members of the area's Shiite Kurd minority, the officer said, speaking on condition of anonymity.", "id": "Serangan itu terjadi di kota Beladruz sebelah timurlaut Baghdad, di sebuah distrik yang dihuni anggota-anggota monoritas Kurdi Syiah di daerah itu, kata polisi yang tidak bersedia disebutkan namanya itu." }
{ "en": "Williams has highlighted top seed Henin, who won the Sydney International on Friday, and her sister Venus as her main threats.", "id": "Williams menggarisbawahi unggulan teratas Henin, yang memenangi Sydney International pada Jumat dan kakaknya Venus sebagai rival utamanya." }
{ "en": "But the trip comes at an awkward time for Howard, who Cheney was due to meet for talks on Saturday, as he faces falling popularity numbers over Australia's role in the Iraq conflict.", "id": "Namun perjalanannya dilakukan pada saat yang tak menguntungkan bagi Howard, sewaktu ia menghadapi kemerosotan popularitas sehubungan dengan peran Australia dalam konflik Irak, Cheney dijadwalkan bertemu untuk mengadakan pembicaraan dengan PM Australia tersebut Sabtu." }
{ "en": "Gerard Laporal, an expert in logistics who worked for the French petroleum giant Total, was released late Thursday by his captors, members of the Movement for the Emacipation of the Niger Delta. No details about the conditions of his release were provided in Paris.", "id": "Gerard Laporal, seorang ahli di bidang logistik yang bekerja untuk perusahaan minyak besar Perancis Total, dibebaskan Kamis malam oleh para penculiknya, anggota-anggota Gerakan Emansipasi Delta Niger." }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, the ratio of non-performing loans to outstanding loans in April was about the same as the previous month, he said.", "id": "Sementara, rasio NPL di bulan April relatif sama dengan bulan sebelumnya." }
{ "en": "Only 0.028 g of some snakes? venom is strong enough to kill 125,000 rats.", "id": "Bisa ular sebanyak 0,028 gram cukup untuk membunuh 125.000 tikus." }
{ "en": "It returned five of them and their families in 2002 but insists others are dead.", "id": "Pyongyang mengembalikan lima dari mereka dan keluarganya pada 2002 dan berkeras bahwa yang lain meninggal." }
{ "en": "The increase was expected to be fueled by net sales projected to climb 36 percent to Rp2.86 trillion from the year before, the company said in a statement to the Jakarta Stock Exchange.", "id": "Dalam sebuah pernyataannya kepada Bursa Efek Jakarta BEJ di Jakarta, Rabu, perusahaan yang 70 persen sahamnya dikuasai PT Global Mediacom Tbk PT Bimantara Citra Tbk ini, menyatakan perkiraan pertumbuhan laba bersih yang signifikan tersebut didukung oleh penjualan bersihnya yang diperkirakan naik 36 persen menjadi Rp2,86 triliun." }
{ "en": "Four Pakistani paramilitary soldiers were injured Sunday when bombs exploded near their vehicles in northwest Pakistan, officials said.", "id": "Empat orang prajurit militer Pakistan, Minggu, terluka ketika sebuh bom meledak tidak jauh dari kendaraan mereka di barat laut Pakistan, kata para petugas." }
{ "en": "Publicly-listed plantation company PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk posted a net profit of Rp1.59 trillion in the first semester of 2008, up 134 percent from the same period last year.", "id": "PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk AALI semester I 2008 mencacat laba bersih sebesar Rp1,59 triliun, meningkat 134 persen dibanding semester I 2007 sebesar Rp682,53 miliar." }