2 classes
Adversarial Curriculum Graph Contrastive Learning with Pair-wise Augmentation
[ "Xinjian Zhao", "Liang Zhang", "Yang Liu", "Ruocheng Guo", "Xiangyu Zhao" ]
Graph contrastive learning (GCL) has emerged as a pivotal technique in the domain of graph representation learning. A crucial aspect of effective GCL is the caliber of generated positive and negative samples, which is intrinsically dictated by their resemblance to the original data. Nevertheless, precise control over similarity during sample generation presents a formidable challenge, often impeding the effective discovery of representative graph patterns. To address this challenge, we propose an innovative framework: Adversarial Curriculum Graph Contrastive Learning (ACGCL), which capitalizes on the merits of pair-wise augmentation to engender graph-level positive and negative samples with controllable similarity, alongside subgraph contrastive learning to discern effective graph patterns therein. Within the ACGCL framework, we have devised a novel adversarial curriculum training methodology that facilitates progressive learning by sequentially increasing the difficulty of distinguishing the generated samples. Notably, this approach transcends the prevalent sparsity issue inherent in conventional curriculum learning strategies by adaptively concentrating on more challenging training data. Finally, a comprehensive assessment of ACGCL is conducted through extensive experiments on six well-known benchmark datasets, wherein ACGCL conspicuously surpasses a set of state-of-the-art baselines.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
One-Bit Quantization and Sparsification for Multiclass Linear Classification via Regularized Regression
[ "Reza Ghane", "Danil Akhtiamov", "Babak Hassibi" ]
We study the use of linear regression for multiclass classification in the over-parametrized regime where some of the training data is mislabeled. In such scenarios it is necessary to add an explicit regularization term, $\lambda f(w)$, for some convex function $f(\cdot)$, to avoid overfitting the mislabeled data. In our analysis, we assume that the data is sampled from a Gaussian Mixture Model with equal class sizes, and that a proportion $c$ of the training labels is corrupted for each class. Under these assumptions, we prove that the best classification performance is achieved when $f(\cdot) = \|\cdot\|^2_2$ and $\lambda \to \infty$. We then proceed to analyze the classification errors for $f(\cdot) = \|\cdot\|_1$ and $f(\cdot) = \|\cdot\|_\infty$ in the large $\lambda$ regime and notice that it is often possible to find sparse and one-bit solutions, respectively, that perform almost as well as the one corresponding to $f(\cdot) = \|\cdot\|_2^2$.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Fundamental Benefit of Alternating Updates in Minimax Optimization
[ "Jaewook Lee", "Hanseul Cho", "Chulhee Yun" ]
The Gradient Descent-Ascent (GDA) algorithm, designed to solve minimax optimization problems, takes the descent and ascent steps either simultaneously (Sim-GDA) or alternately (Alt-GDA). While Alt-GDA is commonly observed to converge faster, the performance gap between the two is not yet well understood theoretically, especially in terms of global convergence rates. To address this theory-practice gap, we present fine-grained convergence analyses of both algorithms for strongly-convex-strongly-concave and Lipschitz-gradient objectives. Our new iteration complexity upper bound of Alt-GDA is strictly smaller than the lower bound of Sim-GDA; i.e., Alt-GDA is provably faster. Moreover, we propose Alternating-Extrapolation GDA (Alex-GDA), a general algorithmic framework that subsumes Sim-GDA and Alt-GDA, for which the main idea is to alternately take gradients from extrapolations of the iterates. We show that Alex-GDA satisfies a smaller iteration complexity bound, identical to that of the Extra-gradient method, while requiring less gradient computations. We also prove that Alex-GDA enjoys linear convergence for bilinear problems, for which both Sim-GDA and Alt-GDA fail to converge at all.
[ "math.OC", "cs.LG" ]
Understanding Self-Distillation and Partial Label Learning in Multi-Class Classification with Label Noise
[ "Hyeonsu Jeong", "Hye Won Chung" ]
Self-distillation (SD) is the process of training a student model using the outputs of a teacher model, with both models sharing the same architecture. Our study theoretically examines SD in multi-class classification with cross-entropy loss, exploring both multi-round SD and SD with refined teacher outputs, inspired by partial label learning (PLL). By deriving a closed-form solution for the student model's outputs, we discover that SD essentially functions as label averaging among instances with high feature correlations. Initially beneficial, this averaging helps the model focus on feature clusters correlated with a given instance for predicting the label. However, it leads to diminishing performance with increasing distillation rounds. Additionally, we demonstrate SD's effectiveness in label noise scenarios and identify the label corruption condition and minimum number of distillation rounds needed to achieve 100% classification accuracy. Our study also reveals that one-step distillation with refined teacher outputs surpasses the efficacy of multi-step SD using the teacher's direct output in high noise rate regimes.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Developing an Optimal Model for Predicting the Severity of Wheat Stem Rust (Case study of Arsi and Bale Zone)
[ "Tewodrose Altaye" ]
This research utilized three types of artificial neural network (ANN) methodologies, namely Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) with varied training, transfer, divide, and learning functions; Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN); and General Regression Neural Network (GRNN), to forecast the severity of stem rust. It considered parameters such as mean maximum temperature, mean minimum temperature, mean rainfall, mean average temperature, mean relative humidity, and different wheat varieties. The statistical analysis revealed that GRNN demonstrated effective predictive capability and required less training time compared to the other models. Additionally, the results indicated that total seasonal rainfall positively influenced the development of wheat stem rust. Keywords: Wheat stem rust, Back propagation neural network, Radial Basis Function Neural Network, General Regression Neural Network.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Personalised Drug Identifier for Cancer Treatment with Transformers using Auxiliary Information
[ "Aishwarya Jayagopal", "Hansheng Xue", "Ziyang He", "Robert J. Walsh", "Krishna Kumar Hariprasannan", "David Shao Peng Tan", "Tuan Zea Tan", "Jason J. Pitt", "Anand D. Jeyasekharan", "Vaibhav Rajan" ]
Cancer remains a global challenge due to its growing clinical and economic burden. Its uniquely personal manifestation, which makes treatment difficult, has fuelled the quest for personalized treatment strategies. Thus, genomic profiling is increasingly becoming part of clinical diagnostic panels. Effective use of such panels requires accurate drug response prediction (DRP) models, which are challenging to build due to limited labelled patient data. Previous methods to address this problem have used various forms of transfer learning. However, they do not explicitly model the variable length sequential structure of the list of mutations in such diagnostic panels. Further, they do not utilize auxiliary information (like patient survival) for model training. We address these limitations through a novel transformer based method, which surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art DRP models on benchmark data. We also present the design of a treatment recommendation system (TRS), which is currently deployed at the National University Hospital, Singapore and is being evaluated in a clinical trial.
[ "cs.LG", "q-bio.QM" ]
Symbolic Autoencoding for Self-Supervised Sequence Learning
[ "Mohammad Hossein Amani", "Nicolas Mario Baldwin", "Amin Mansouri", "Martin Josifoski", "Maxime Peyrard", "Robert West" ]
Traditional language models, adept at next-token prediction in text sequences, often struggle with transduction tasks between distinct symbolic systems, particularly when parallel data is scarce. Addressing this issue, we introduce \textit{symbolic autoencoding} ($\Sigma$AE), a self-supervised framework that harnesses the power of abundant unparallel data alongside limited parallel data. $\Sigma$AE connects two generative models via a discrete bottleneck layer and is optimized end-to-end by minimizing reconstruction loss (simultaneously with supervised loss for the parallel data), such that the sequence generated by the discrete bottleneck can be read out as the transduced input sequence. We also develop gradient-based methods allowing for efficient self-supervised sequence learning despite the discreteness of the bottleneck. Our results demonstrate that $\Sigma$AE significantly enhances performance on transduction tasks, even with minimal parallel data, offering a promising solution for weakly supervised learning scenarios.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Multitask Kernel-based Learning with Logic Constraints
[ "Michelangelo Diligenti", "Marco Gori", "Marco Maggini", "Leonardo Rigutini" ]
This paper presents a general framework to integrate prior knowledge in the form of logic constraints among a set of task functions into kernel machines. The logic propositions provide a partial representation of the environment, in which the learner operates, that is exploited by the learning algorithm together with the information available in the supervised examples. In particular, we consider a multi-task learning scheme, where multiple unary predicates on the feature space are to be learned by kernel machines and a higher level abstract representation consists of logic clauses on these predicates, known to hold for any input. A general approach is presented to convert the logic clauses into a continuous implementation, that processes the outputs computed by the kernel-based predicates. The learning task is formulated as a primal optimization problem of a loss function that combines a term measuring the fitting of the supervised examples, a regularization term, and a penalty term that enforces the constraints on both supervised and unsupervised examples. The proposed semi-supervised learning framework is particularly suited for learning in high dimensionality feature spaces, where the supervised training examples tend to be sparse and generalization difficult. Unlike for standard kernel machines, the cost function to optimize is not generally guaranteed to be convex. However, the experimental results show that it is still possible to find good solutions using a two stage learning schema, in which first the supervised examples are learned until convergence and then the logic constraints are forced. Some promising experimental results on artificial multi-task learning tasks are reported, showing how the classification accuracy can be effectively improved by exploiting the a priori rules and the unsupervised examples.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Graph-based Forecasting with Missing Data through Spatiotemporal Downsampling
[ "Ivan Marisca", "Cesare Alippi", "Filippo Maria Bianchi" ]
Given a set of synchronous time series, each associated with a sensor-point in space and characterized by inter-series relationships, the problem of spatiotemporal forecasting consists of predicting future observations for each point. Spatiotemporal graph neural networks achieve striking results by representing the relationships across time series as a graph. Nonetheless, most existing methods rely on the often unrealistic assumption that inputs are always available and fail to capture hidden spatiotemporal dynamics when part of the data is missing. In this work, we tackle this problem through hierarchical spatiotemporal downsampling. The input time series are progressively coarsened over time and space, obtaining a pool of representations that capture heterogeneous temporal and spatial dynamics. Conditioned on observations and missing data patterns, such representations are combined by an interpretable attention mechanism to generate the forecasts. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on synthetic and real-world benchmarks under different missing data distributions, particularly in the presence of contiguous blocks of missing values.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
ContiFormer: Continuous-Time Transformer for Irregular Time Series Modeling
[ "Yuqi Chen", "Kan Ren", "Yansen Wang", "Yuchen Fang", "Weiwei Sun", "Dongsheng Li" ]
Modeling continuous-time dynamics on irregular time series is critical to account for data evolution and correlations that occur continuously. Traditional methods including recurrent neural networks or Transformer models leverage inductive bias via powerful neural architectures to capture complex patterns. However, due to their discrete characteristic, they have limitations in generalizing to continuous-time data paradigms. Though neural ordinary differential equations (Neural ODEs) and their variants have shown promising results in dealing with irregular time series, they often fail to capture the intricate correlations within these sequences. It is challenging yet demanding to concurrently model the relationship between input data points and capture the dynamic changes of the continuous-time system. To tackle this problem, we propose ContiFormer that extends the relation modeling of vanilla Transformer to the continuous-time domain, which explicitly incorporates the modeling abilities of continuous dynamics of Neural ODEs with the attention mechanism of Transformers. We mathematically characterize the expressive power of ContiFormer and illustrate that, by curated designs of function hypothesis, many Transformer variants specialized in irregular time series modeling can be covered as a special case of ContiFormer. A wide range of experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets have illustrated the superior modeling capacities and prediction performance of ContiFormer on irregular time series data. The project link is
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Conformalized Credal Set Predictors
[ "Alireza Javanmardi", "David Stutz", "Eyke Hüllermeier" ]
Credal sets are sets of probability distributions that are considered as candidates for an imprecisely known ground-truth distribution. In machine learning, they have recently attracted attention as an appealing formalism for uncertainty representation, in particular due to their ability to represent both the aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in a prediction. However, the design of methods for learning credal set predictors remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we make use of conformal prediction for this purpose. More specifically, we propose a method for predicting credal sets in the classification task, given training data labeled by probability distributions. Since our method inherits the coverage guarantees of conformal prediction, our conformal credal sets are guaranteed to be valid with high probability (without any assumptions on model or distribution). We demonstrate the applicability of our method to natural language inference, a highly ambiguous natural language task where it is common to obtain multiple annotations per example.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]
Machine Learning based Prediction of Ditching Loads
[ "Henning Schwarz", "Micha Überrück", "Jens-Peter M. Zemke", "Thomas Rung" ]
We present approaches to predict dynamic ditching loads on aircraft fuselages using machine learning. The employed learning procedure is structured into two parts, the reconstruction of the spatial loads using a convolutional autoencoder (CAE) and the transient evolution of these loads in a subsequent part. Different CAE strategies are assessed and combined with either long short-term memory (LSTM) networks or Koopman-operator based methods to predict the transient behaviour. The training data is compiled by an extension of the momentum method of von-Karman and Wagner and the rationale of the training approach is briefly summarised. The application included refers to a full-scale fuselage of a DLR-D150 aircraft for a range of horizontal and vertical approach velocities at 6{\deg} incidence. Results indicate a satisfactory level of predictive agreement for all four investigated surrogate models examined, with the combination of an LSTM and a deep decoder CAE showing the best performance.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CE" ]
Predictive Uncertainty Quantification via Risk Decompositions for Strictly Proper Scoring Rules
[ "Nikita Kotelevskii", "Maxim Panov" ]
Distinguishing sources of predictive uncertainty is of crucial importance in the application of forecasting models across various domains. Despite the presence of a great variety of proposed uncertainty measures, there are no strict definitions to disentangle them. Furthermore, the relationship between different measures of uncertainty quantification remains somewhat unclear. In this work, we introduce a general framework, rooted in statistical reasoning, which not only allows the creation of new uncertainty measures but also clarifies their interrelations. Our approach leverages statistical risk to distinguish aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty components and utilizes proper scoring rules to quantify them. To make it practically tractable, we propose an idea to incorporate Bayesian reasoning into this framework and discuss the properties of the proposed approximation.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]
RAGIC: Risk-Aware Generative Adversarial Model for Stock Interval Construction
[ "Jingyi Gu", "Wenlu Du", "Guiling Wang" ]
Efforts to predict stock market outcomes have yielded limited success due to the inherently stochastic nature of the market, influenced by numerous unpredictable factors. Many existing prediction approaches focus on single-point predictions, lacking the depth needed for effective decision-making and often overlooking market risk. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel model, RAGIC, which introduces sequence generation for stock interval prediction to quantify uncertainty more effectively. Our approach leverages a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to produce future price sequences infused with randomness inherent in financial markets. RAGIC's generator includes a risk module, capturing the risk perception of informed investors, and a temporal module, accounting for historical price trends and seasonality. This multi-faceted generator informs the creation of risk-sensitive intervals through statistical inference, incorporating horizon-wise insights. The interval's width is carefully adjusted to reflect market volatility. Importantly, our approach relies solely on publicly available data and incurs only low computational overhead. RAGIC's evaluation across globally recognized broad-based indices demonstrates its balanced performance, offering both accuracy and informativeness. Achieving a consistent 95% coverage, RAGIC maintains a narrow interval width. This promising outcome suggests that our approach effectively addresses the challenges of stock market prediction while incorporating vital risk considerations.
[ "q-fin.ST", "cs.LG" ]
Policy Learning for Off-Dynamics RL with Deficient Support
[ "Linh Le Pham Van", "Hung The Tran", "Sunil Gupta" ]
Reinforcement Learning (RL) can effectively learn complex policies. However, learning these policies often demands extensive trial-and-error interactions with the environment. In many real-world scenarios, this approach is not practical due to the high costs of data collection and safety concerns. As a result, a common strategy is to transfer a policy trained in a low-cost, rapid source simulator to a real-world target environment. However, this process poses challenges. Simulators, no matter how advanced, cannot perfectly replicate the intricacies of the real world, leading to dynamics discrepancies between the source and target environments. Past research posited that the source domain must encompass all possible target transitions, a condition we term full support. However, expecting full support is often unrealistic, especially in scenarios where significant dynamics discrepancies arise. In this paper, our emphasis shifts to addressing large dynamics mismatch adaptation. We move away from the stringent full support condition of earlier research, focusing instead on crafting an effective policy for the target domain. Our proposed approach is simple but effective. It is anchored in the central concepts of the skewing and extension of source support towards target support to mitigate support deficiencies. Through comprehensive testing on a varied set of benchmarks, our method's efficacy stands out, showcasing notable improvements over previous techniques.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Masked Attention is All You Need for Graphs
[ "David Buterez", "Jon Paul Janet", "Dino Oglic", "Pietro Lio" ]
Graph neural networks (GNNs) and variations of the message passing algorithm are the predominant means for learning on graphs, largely due to their flexibility, speed, and satisfactory performance. The design of powerful and general purpose GNNs, however, requires significant research efforts and often relies on handcrafted, carefully-chosen message passing operators. Motivated by this, we propose a remarkably simple alternative for learning on graphs that relies exclusively on attention. Graphs are represented as node or edge sets and their connectivity is enforced by masking the attention weight matrix, effectively creating custom attention patterns for each graph. Despite its simplicity, masked attention for graphs (MAG) has state-of-the-art performance on long-range tasks and outperforms strong message passing baselines and much more involved attention-based methods on over 55 node and graph-level tasks. We also show significantly better transfer learning capabilities compared to GNNs and comparable or better time and memory scaling. MAG has sub-linear memory scaling in the number of nodes or edges, enabling learning on dense graphs and future-proofing the approach.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Trading off Consistency and Dimensionality of Convex Surrogates for the Mode
[ "Enrique Nueve", "Bo Waggoner", "Dhamma Kimpara", "Jessie Finocchiaro" ]
In multiclass classification over $n$ outcomes, the outcomes must be embedded into the reals with dimension at least $n-1$ in order to design a consistent surrogate loss that leads to the "correct" classification, regardless of the data distribution. For large $n$, such as in information retrieval and structured prediction tasks, optimizing a surrogate in $n-1$ dimensions is often intractable. We investigate ways to trade off surrogate loss dimension, the number of problem instances, and restricting the region of consistency in the simplex for multiclass classification. Following past work, we examine an intuitive embedding procedure that maps outcomes into the vertices of convex polytopes in a low-dimensional surrogate space. We show that full-dimensional subsets of the simplex exist around each point mass distribution for which consistency holds, but also, with less than $n-1$ dimensions, there exist distributions for which a phenomenon called hallucination occurs, which is when the optimal report under the surrogate loss is an outcome with zero probability. Looking towards application, we derive a result to check if consistency holds under a given polytope embedding and low-noise assumption, providing insight into when to use a particular embedding. We provide examples of embedding $n = 2^{d}$ outcomes into the $d$-dimensional unit cube and $n = d!$ outcomes into the $d$-dimensional permutahedron under low-noise assumptions. Finally, we demonstrate that with multiple problem instances, we can learn the mode with $\frac{n}{2}$ dimensions over the whole simplex.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
JetTrain: IDE-Native Machine Learning Experiments
[ "Artem Trofimov", "Mikhail Kostyukov", "Sergei Ugdyzhekov", "Natalia Ponomareva", "Igor Naumov", "Maksim Melekhovets" ]
Integrated development environments (IDEs) are prevalent code-writing and debugging tools. However, they have yet to be widely adopted for launching machine learning (ML) experiments. This work aims to fill this gap by introducing JetTrain, an IDE-integrated tool that delegates specific tasks from an IDE to remote computational resources. A user can write and debug code locally and then seamlessly run it remotely using on-demand hardware. We argue that this approach can lower the entry barrier for ML training problems and increase experiment throughput.
[ "cs.SE", "cs.LG" ]
Differential Private Federated Transfer Learning for Mental Health Monitoring in Everyday Settings: A Case Study on Stress Detection
[ "Ziyu Wang", "Zhongqi Yang", "Iman Azimi", "Amir M. Rahmani" ]
Mental health conditions, prevalent across various demographics, necessitate efficient monitoring to mitigate their adverse impacts on life quality. The surge in data-driven methodologies for mental health monitoring has underscored the importance of privacy-preserving techniques in handling sensitive health data. Despite strides in federated learning for mental health monitoring, existing approaches struggle with vulnerabilities to certain cyber-attacks and data insufficiency in real-world applications. In this paper, we introduce a differential private federated transfer learning framework for mental health monitoring to enhance data privacy and enrich data sufficiency. To accomplish this, we integrate federated learning with two pivotal elements: (1) differential privacy, achieved by introducing noise into the updates, and (2) transfer learning, employing a pre-trained universal model to adeptly address issues of data imbalance and insufficiency. We evaluate the framework by a case study on stress detection, employing a dataset of physiological and contextual data from a longitudinal study. Our finding show that the proposed approach can attain a 10% boost in accuracy and a 21% enhancement in recall, while ensuring privacy protection.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR" ]
Analysis and Mortality Prediction using Multiclass Classification for Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
[ "Ruchika Desure", "Gutha Jaya Krishna" ]
Designing proper treatment plans to manage diabetes requires health practitioners to pay heed to the individuals remaining life along with the comorbidities affecting them. Older adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) are prone to experience premature death or even hypoglycaemia. The structured dataset utilized has 68 potential mortality predictors for 275,190 diabetic U.S. military Veterans aged 65 years or older. A new target variable is invented by combining the two original target variables. Outliers are handled by discretizing the continuous variables. Categorical variables have been dummy encoded. Class balancing is achieved by random under-sampling. A benchmark regression model is built using Multinomial Logistic Regression with LASSO. Chi-Squared and Information Gain are the filter-based feature selection techniques utilized. Classifiers such as Multinomial Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and One-vs-Rest classifier are employed to build various models. Contrary to expectations, all the models have constantly underperformed. XGBoost has given the highest accuracy of 53.03 percent with Chi-Squared feature selection. All the models have consistently shown an acceptable performance for Class 3 (remaining life is more than 10 years), significantly low for Class 1 (remaining life is up to 5 years), and the worst for Class 2 (remaining life is more than 5 but up to 10 years). Features analysis has deduced that almost all input variables are associated with multiple target classes. The high dimensionality of the input data after dummy encoding seems to have confused the models, leading to misclassifications. The approach taken in this study is ineffective in producing a high-performing predictive model but lays a foundation as this problem has never been viewed from a multiclass classification perspective.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "I.2.1" ]
Automated Detection and Analysis of Data Practices Using A Real-World Corpus
[ "Mukund Srinath", "Pranav Venkit", "Maria Badillo", "Florian Schaub", "C. Lee Giles", "Shomir Wilson" ]
Privacy policies are crucial for informing users about data practices, yet their length and complexity often deter users from reading them. In this paper, we propose an automated approach to identify and visualize data practices within privacy policies at different levels of detail. Leveraging crowd-sourced annotations from the ToS;DR platform, we experiment with various methods to match policy excerpts with predefined data practice descriptions. We further conduct a case study to evaluate our approach on a real-world policy, demonstrating its effectiveness in simplifying complex policies. Experiments show that our approach accurately matches data practice descriptions with policy excerpts, facilitating the presentation of simplified privacy information to users.
[ "cs.CR", "cs.LG" ]
Training Bayesian Neural Networks with Sparse Subspace Variational Inference
[ "Junbo Li", "Zichen Miao", "Qiang Qiu", "Ruqi Zhang" ]
Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) offer uncertainty quantification but come with the downside of substantially increased training and inference costs. Sparse BNNs have been investigated for efficient inference, typically by either slowly introducing sparsity throughout the training or by post-training compression of dense BNNs. The dilemma of how to cut down massive training costs remains, particularly given the requirement to learn about the uncertainty. To solve this challenge, we introduce Sparse Subspace Variational Inference (SSVI), the first fully sparse BNN framework that maintains a consistently highly sparse Bayesian model throughout the training and inference phases. Starting from a randomly initialized low-dimensional sparse subspace, our approach alternately optimizes the sparse subspace basis selection and its associated parameters. While basis selection is characterized as a non-differentiable problem, we approximate the optimal solution with a removal-and-addition strategy, guided by novel criteria based on weight distribution statistics. Our extensive experiments show that SSVI sets new benchmarks in crafting sparse BNNs, achieving, for instance, a 10-20x compression in model size with under 3\% performance drop, and up to 20x FLOPs reduction during training compared with dense VI training. Remarkably, SSVI also demonstrates enhanced robustness to hyperparameters, reducing the need for intricate tuning in VI and occasionally even surpassing VI-trained dense BNNs on both accuracy and uncertainty metrics.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Robustness to Subpopulation Shift with Domain Label Noise via Regularized Annotation of Domains
[ "Nathan Stromberg", "Rohan Ayyagari", "Monica Welfert", "Sanmi Koyejo", "Lalitha Sankar" ]
Existing methods for last layer retraining that aim to optimize worst-group accuracy (WGA) rely heavily on well-annotated groups in the training data. We show, both in theory and practice, that annotation-based data augmentations using either downsampling or upweighting for WGA are susceptible to domain annotation noise, and in high-noise regimes approach the WGA of a model trained with vanilla empirical risk minimization. We introduce Regularized Annotation of Domains (RAD) in order to train robust last layer classifiers without the need for explicit domain annotations. Our results show that RAD is competitive with other recently proposed domain annotation-free techniques. Most importantly, RAD outperforms state-of-the-art annotation-reliant methods even with only 5% noise in the training data for several publicly available datasets.
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Toward Learning Latent-Variable Representations of Microstructures by Optimizing in Spatial Statistics Space
[ "Sayed Sajad Hashemi", "Michael Guerzhoy", "Noah H. Paulson" ]
In Materials Science, material development involves evaluating and optimizing the internal structures of the material, generically referred to as microstructures. Microstructures structure is stochastic, analogously to image textures. A particular microstructure can be well characterized by its spatial statistics, analogously to image texture being characterized by the response to a Fourier-like filter bank. Material design would benefit from low-dimensional representation of microstructures Paulson et al. (2017). In this work, we train a Variational Autoencoders (VAE) to produce reconstructions of textures that preserve the spatial statistics of the original texture, while not necessarily reconstructing the same image in data space. We accomplish this by adding a differentiable term to the cost function in order to minimize the distance between the original and the reconstruction in spatial statistics space. Our experiments indicate that it is possible to train a VAE that minimizes the distance in spatial statistics space between the original and the reconstruction of synthetic images. In future work, we will apply the same techniques to microstructures, with the goal of obtaining low-dimensional representations of material microstructures.
[ "cs.LG", "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Dynamic nowcast of the New Zealand greenhouse gas inventory
[ "Malcolm Jones", "Hannah Chorley", "Flynn Owen", "Tamsyn Hilder", "Holly Trowland", "Paul Bracewell" ]
As efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change grow, reliable and thorough reporting of greenhouse gas emissions are essential for measuring progress towards international and domestic emissions reductions targets. New Zealand's national emissions inventories are currently reported between 15 to 27 months out-of-date. We present a machine learning approach to nowcast (dynamically estimate) national greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand in advance of the national emissions inventory's release, with just a two month latency due to current data availability. Key findings include an estimated 0.2% decrease in national gross emissions since 2020 (as at July 2022). Our study highlights the predictive power of a dynamic view of emissions intensive activities. This methodology is a proof of concept that a machine learning approach can make sub-annual estimates of national greenhouse gas emissions by sector with a relatively low error that could be of value for policy makers.
[ "cs.LG", "" ]
Optimizing Warfarin Dosing Using Contextual Bandit: An Offline Policy Learning and Evaluation Method
[ "Yong Huang", "Charles A. Downs", "Amir M. Rahmani" ]
Warfarin, an anticoagulant medication, is formulated to prevent and address conditions associated with abnormal blood clotting, making it one of the most prescribed drugs globally. However, determining the suitable dosage remains challenging due to individual response variations, and prescribing an incorrect dosage may lead to severe consequences. Contextual bandit and reinforcement learning have shown promise in addressing this issue. Given the wide availability of observational data and safety concerns of decision-making in healthcare, we focused on using exclusively observational data from historical policies as demonstrations to derive new policies; we utilized offline policy learning and evaluation in a contextual bandit setting to establish the optimal personalized dosage strategy. Our learned policies surpassed these baseline approaches without genotype inputs, even when given a suboptimal demonstration, showcasing promising application potential.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Kolmogorov n-Widths for Multitask Physics-Informed Machine Learning (PIML) Methods: Towards Robust Metrics
[ "Michael Penwarden", "Houman Owhadi", "Robert M. Kirby" ]
Physics-informed machine learning (PIML) as a means of solving partial differential equations (PDE) has garnered much attention in the Computational Science and Engineering (CS&E) world. This topic encompasses a broad array of methods and models aimed at solving a single or a collection of PDE problems, called multitask learning. PIML is characterized by the incorporation of physical laws into the training process of machine learning models in lieu of large data when solving PDE problems. Despite the overall success of this collection of methods, it remains incredibly difficult to analyze, benchmark, and generally compare one approach to another. Using Kolmogorov n-widths as a measure of effectiveness of approximating functions, we judiciously apply this metric in the comparison of various multitask PIML architectures. We compute lower accuracy bounds and analyze the model's learned basis functions on various PDE problems. This is the first objective metric for comparing multitask PIML architectures and helps remove uncertainty in model validation from selective sampling and overfitting. We also identify avenues of improvement for model architectures, such as the choice of activation function, which can drastically affect model generalization to "worst-case" scenarios, which is not observed when reporting task-specific errors. We also incorporate this metric into the optimization process through regularization, which improves the models' generalizability over the multitask PDE problem.
[ "cs.LG", "physics.comp-ph" ]
Autonomous microARPES
[ "Steinn Ymir Agustsson", "Alfred J. H. Jones", "Davide Curcio", "Søren Ulstrup", "Jill Miwa", "Davide Mottin", "Panagiotis Karras", "Philip Hofmann" ]
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a technique used to map the occupied electronic structure of solids. Recent progress in X-ray focusing optics has led to the development of ARPES into a microscopic tool, permitting the electronic structure to be spatially mapped across the surface of a sample. This comes at the expense of a time-consuming scanning process to cover not only a three-dimensional energy-momentum ($E, k_z, k_y$) space but also the two-dimensional surface area. Here, we implement a protocol to autonomously search both $\mathbf{k}$- and real space in order to find positions of particular interest, either because of their high photoemission intensity or because of sharp spectral features. The search is based on the use of Gaussian process regression and can easily be expanded to include additional parameters or optimisation criteria. This autonomous experimental control is implemented on the SGM4 micro-focus beamline of the synchrotron radiation source ASTRID2.
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci", "cs.LG" ]
A Review of Neuroscience-Inspired Machine Learning
[ "Alexander Ororbia", "Ankur Mali", "Adam Kohan", "Beren Millidge", "Tommaso Salvatori" ]
One major criticism of deep learning centers around the biological implausibility of the credit assignment schema used for learning -- backpropagation of errors. This implausibility translates into practical limitations, spanning scientific fields, including incompatibility with hardware and non-differentiable implementations, thus leading to expensive energy requirements. In contrast, biologically plausible credit assignment is compatible with practically any learning condition and is energy-efficient. As a result, it accommodates hardware and scientific modeling, e.g. learning with physical systems and non-differentiable behavior. Furthermore, it can lead to the development of real-time, adaptive neuromorphic processing systems. In addressing this problem, an interdisciplinary branch of artificial intelligence research that lies at the intersection of neuroscience, cognitive science, and machine learning has emerged. In this paper, we survey several vital algorithms that model bio-plausible rules of credit assignment in artificial neural networks, discussing the solutions they provide for different scientific fields as well as their advantages on CPUs, GPUs, and novel implementations of neuromorphic hardware. We conclude by discussing the future challenges that will need to be addressed in order to make such algorithms more useful in practical applications.
[ "cs.NE", "cs.LG" ]
Generative Modeling for Tabular Data via Penalized Optimal Transport Network
[ "Wenhui Sophia Lu", "Chenyang Zhong", "Wing Hung Wong" ]
The task of precisely learning the probability distribution of rows within tabular data and producing authentic synthetic samples is both crucial and non-trivial. Wasserstein generative adversarial network (WGAN) marks a notable improvement in generative modeling, addressing the challenges faced by its predecessor, generative adversarial network. However, due to the mixed data types and multimodalities prevalent in tabular data, the delicate equilibrium between the generator and discriminator, as well as the inherent instability of Wasserstein distance in high dimensions, WGAN often fails to produce high-fidelity samples. To this end, we propose POTNet (Penalized Optimal Transport Network), a generative deep neural network based on a novel, robust, and interpretable marginally-penalized Wasserstein (MPW) loss. POTNet can effectively model tabular data containing both categorical and continuous features. Moreover, it offers the flexibility to condition on a subset of features. We provide theoretical justifications for the motivation behind the MPW loss. We also empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on four different benchmarks across a variety of real-world and simulated datasets. Our proposed model achieves orders of magnitude speedup during the sampling stage compared to state-of-the-art generative models for tabular data, thereby enabling efficient large-scale synthetic data generation.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG", "stat.AP", "stat.ME" ]
Privacy for Fairness: Information Obfuscation for Fair Representation Learning with Local Differential Privacy
[ "Songjie Xie", "Youlong Wu", "Jiaxuan Li", "Ming Ding", "Khaled B. Letaief" ]
As machine learning (ML) becomes more prevalent in human-centric applications, there is a growing emphasis on algorithmic fairness and privacy protection. While previous research has explored these areas as separate objectives, there is a growing recognition of the complex relationship between privacy and fairness. However, previous works have primarily focused on examining the interplay between privacy and fairness through empirical investigations, with limited attention given to theoretical exploration. This study aims to bridge this gap by introducing a theoretical framework that enables a comprehensive examination of their interrelation. We shall develop and analyze an information bottleneck (IB) based information obfuscation method with local differential privacy (LDP) for fair representation learning. In contrast to many empirical studies on fairness in ML, we show that the incorporation of LDP randomizers during the encoding process can enhance the fairness of the learned representation. Our analysis will demonstrate that the disclosure of sensitive information is constrained by the privacy budget of the LDP randomizer, thereby enabling the optimization process within the IB framework to effectively suppress sensitive information while preserving the desired utility through obfuscation. Based on the proposed method, we further develop a variational representation encoding approach that simultaneously achieves fairness and LDP. Our variational encoding approach offers practical advantages. It is trained using a non-adversarial method and does not require the introduction of any variational prior. Extensive experiments will be presented to validate our theoretical results and demonstrate the ability of our proposed approach to achieve both LDP and fairness while preserving adequate utility.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR", "cs.IT", "math.IT" ]
Late-time transition of $M_B$ inferred via neural networks
[ "Purba Mukherjee", "Konstantinos F. Dialektopoulos", "Jackson Levi Said", "Jurgen Mifsud" ]
The strengthening of tensions in the cosmological parameters has led to a reconsideration of fundamental aspects of standard cosmology. The tension in the Hubble constant can also be viewed as a tension between local and early Universe constraints on the absolute magnitude $M_B$ of Type Ia supernova. In this work, we reconsider the possibility of a variation of this parameter in a model-independent way. We employ neural networks to agnostically constrain the value of the absolute magnitude as well as assess the impact and statistical significance of a variation in $M_B$ with redshift from the Pantheon+ compilation, together with a thorough analysis of the neural network architecture. We find an indication for a transition redshift at the $z\approx 1$ region.
[ "astro-ph.CO", "cs.LG", "gr-qc" ]
Can Transformers Predict Vibrations?
[ "Fusataka Kuniyoshi", "Yoshihide Sawada" ]
Highly accurate time-series vibration prediction is an important research issue for electric vehicles (EVs). EVs often experience vibrations when driving on rough terrains, known as torsional resonance. This resonance, caused by the interaction between motor and tire vibrations, puts excessive loads on the vehicle's drive shaft. However, current damping technologies only detect resonance after the vibration amplitude of the drive shaft torque reaches a certain threshold, leading to significant loads on the shaft at the time of detection. In this study, we propose a novel approach to address this issue by introducing Resoformer, a transformer-based model for predicting torsional resonance. Resoformer utilizes time-series of the motor rotation speed as input and predicts the amplitude of torsional vibration at a specified quantile occurring in the shaft after the input series. By calculating the attention between recursive and convolutional features extracted from the measured data points, Resoformer improves the accuracy of vibration forecasting. To evaluate the model, we use a vibration dataset called VIBES (Dataset for Forecasting Vibration Transition in EVs), consisting of 2,600 simulator-generated vibration sequences. Our experiments, conducted on strong baselines built on the VIBES dataset, demonstrate that Resoformer achieves state-of-the-art results. In conclusion, our study answers the question "Can Transformers Forecast Vibrations?" While traditional transformer architectures show low performance in forecasting torsional resonance waves, our findings indicate that combining recurrent neural network and temporal convolutional network using the transformer architecture improves the accuracy of long-term vibration forecasting.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "eess.SP" ]
Generative AI for Controllable Protein Sequence Design: A Survey
[ "Yiheng Zhu", "Zitai Kong", "Jialu Wu", "Weize Liu", "Yuqiang Han", "Mingze Yin", "Hongxia Xu", "Chang-Yu Hsieh", "Tingjun Hou" ]
The design of novel protein sequences with targeted functionalities underpins a central theme in protein engineering, impacting diverse fields such as drug discovery and enzymatic engineering. However, navigating this vast combinatorial search space remains a severe challenge due to time and financial constraints. This scenario is rapidly evolving as the transformative advancements in AI, particularly in the realm of generative models and optimization algorithms, have been propelling the protein design field towards an unprecedented revolution. In this survey, we systematically review recent advances in generative AI for controllable protein sequence design. To set the stage, we first outline the foundational tasks in protein sequence design in terms of the constraints involved and present key generative models and optimization algorithms. We then offer in-depth reviews of each design task and discuss the pertinent applications. Finally, we identify the unresolved challenges and highlight research opportunities that merit deeper exploration.
[ "q-bio.BM", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Learning Disentangled Audio Representations through Controlled Synthesis
[ "Yusuf Brima", "Ulf Krumnack", "Simone Pika", "Gunther Heidemann" ]
This paper tackles the scarcity of benchmarking data in disentangled auditory representation learning. We introduce SynTone, a synthetic dataset with explicit ground truth explanatory factors for evaluating disentanglement techniques. Benchmarking state-of-the-art methods on SynTone highlights its utility for method evaluation. Our results underscore strengths and limitations in audio disentanglement, motivating future research.
[ "cs.SD", "cs.LG", "eess.AS" ]
Optimizing Adaptive Experiments: A Unified Approach to Regret Minimization and Best-Arm Identification
[ "Chao Qin", "Daniel Russo" ]
Practitioners conducting adaptive experiments often encounter two competing priorities: reducing the cost of experimentation by effectively assigning treatments during the experiment itself, and gathering information swiftly to conclude the experiment and implement a treatment across the population. Currently, the literature is divided, with studies on regret minimization addressing the former priority in isolation, and research on best-arm identification focusing solely on the latter. This paper proposes a unified model that accounts for both within-experiment performance and post-experiment outcomes. We then provide a sharp theory of optimal performance in large populations that unifies canonical results in the literature. This unification also uncovers novel insights. For example, the theory reveals that familiar algorithms, like the recently proposed top-two Thompson sampling algorithm, can be adapted to optimize a broad class of objectives by simply adjusting a single scalar parameter. In addition, the theory reveals that enormous reductions in experiment duration can sometimes be achieved with minimal impact on both within-experiment and post-experiment regret.
[ "cs.LG", "econ.EM", "stat.ML" ]
A Predictive Surrogate Model for Heat Transfer of an Impinging Jet on a Concave Surface
[ "Sajad Salavatidezfouli", "Saeid Rakhsha", "Armin Sheidani", "Giovanni Stabile", "Gianluigi Rozza" ]
This paper aims to comprehensively investigate the efficacy of various Model Order Reduction (MOR) and deep learning techniques in predicting heat transfer in a pulsed jet impinging on a concave surface. Expanding on the previous experimental and numerical research involving pulsed circular jets, this investigation extends to evaluate Predictive Surrogate Models (PSM) for heat transfer across various jet characteristics. To this end, this work introduces two predictive approaches, one employing a Fast Fourier Transformation augmented Artificial Neural Network (FFT-ANN) for predicting the average Nusselt number under constant-frequency scenarios. Moreover, the investigation introduces the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Long Short-Term Memory (POD-LSTM) approach for random-frequency impingement jets. The POD-LSTM method proves to be a robust solution for predicting the local heat transfer rate under random-frequency impingement scenarios, capturing both the trend and value of temporal modes. The comparison of these approaches highlights the versatility and efficacy of advanced machine learning techniques in modelling complex heat transfer phenomena.
[ "math.NA", "cs.CE", "cs.LG", "cs.NA" ]
Performance Gaps in Multi-view Clustering under the Nested Matrix-Tensor Model
[ "Hugo Lebeau", "Mohamed El Amine Seddik", "José Henrique de Morais Goulart" ]
We study the estimation of a planted signal hidden in a recently introduced nested matrix-tensor model, which is an extension of the classical spiked rank-one tensor model, motivated by multi-view clustering. Prior work has theoretically examined the performance of a tensor-based approach, which relies on finding a best rank-one approximation, a problem known to be computationally hard. A tractable alternative approach consists in computing instead the best rank-one (matrix) approximation of an unfolding of the observed tensor data, but its performance was hitherto unknown. We quantify here the performance gap between these two approaches, in particular by deriving the precise algorithmic threshold of the unfolding approach and demonstrating that it exhibits a BBP-type transition behavior. This work is therefore in line with recent contributions which deepen our understanding of why tensor-based methods surpass matrix-based methods in handling structured tensor data.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG", "math.PR" ]
Physics-informed MeshGraphNets (PI-MGNs): Neural finite element solvers for non-stationary and nonlinear simulations on arbitrary meshes
[ "Tobias Würth", "Niklas Freymuth", "Clemens Zimmerling", "Gerhard Neumann", "Luise Kärger" ]
Engineering components must meet increasing technological demands in ever shorter development cycles. To face these challenges, a holistic approach is essential that allows for the concurrent development of part design, material system and manufacturing process. Current approaches employ numerical simulations, which however quickly becomes computation-intensive, especially for iterative optimization. Data-driven machine learning methods can be used to replace time- and resource-intensive numerical simulations. In particular, MeshGraphNets (MGNs) have shown promising results. They enable fast and accurate predictions on unseen mesh geometries while being fully differentiable for optimization. However, these models rely on large amounts of expensive training data, such as numerical simulations. Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) offer an opportunity to train neural networks with partial differential equations instead of labeled data, but have not been extended yet to handle time-dependent simulations of arbitrary meshes. This work introduces PI-MGNs, a hybrid approach that combines PINNs and MGNs to quickly and accurately solve non-stationary and nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) on arbitrary meshes. The method is exemplified for thermal process simulations of unseen parts with inhomogeneous material distribution. Further results show that the model scales well to large and complex meshes, although it is trained on small generic meshes only.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CE" ]
A Noisy Beat is Worth 16 Words: a Tiny Transformer for Low-Power Arrhythmia Classification on Microcontrollers
[ "Paola Busia", "Matteo Antonio Scrugli", "Victor Jean-Baptiste Jung", "Luca Benini", "Paolo Meloni" ]
Wearable systems for the long-term monitoring of cardiovascular diseases are becoming widespread and valuable assets in diagnosis and therapy. A promising approach for real-time analysis of the electrocardiographic (ECG) signal and the detection of heart conditions, such as arrhythmia, is represented by the transformer machine learning model. Transformers are powerful models for the classification of time series, although efficient implementation in the wearable domain raises significant design challenges, to combine adequate accuracy and a suitable complexity. In this work, we present a tiny transformer model for the analysis of the ECG signal, requiring only 6k parameters and reaching 98.97% accuracy in the recognition of the 5 most common arrhythmia classes from the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database, assessed considering 8-bit integer inference as required for efficient execution on low-power microcontroller-based devices. We explored an augmentation-based training approach for improving the robustness against electrode motion artifacts noise, resulting in a worst-case post-deployment performance assessment of 98.36% accuracy. Suitability for wearable monitoring solutions is finally demonstrated through efficient deployment on the parallel ultra-low-power GAP9 processor, where inference execution requires 4.28ms and 0.09mJ.
[ "eess.SP", "cs.HC", "cs.LG" ]
When Dataflow Analysis Meets Large Language Models
[ "Chengpeng Wang", "Wuqi Zhang", "Zian Su", "Xiangzhe Xu", "Xiaoheng Xie", "Xiangyu Zhang" ]
Dataflow analysis is a powerful code analysis technique that reasons dependencies between program values, offering support for code optimization, program comprehension, and bug detection. Existing approaches require the successful compilation of the subject program and customizations for downstream applications. This paper introduces LLMDFA, an LLM-powered dataflow analysis framework that analyzes arbitrary code snippets without requiring a compilation infrastructure and automatically synthesizes downstream applications. Inspired by summary-based dataflow analysis, LLMDFA decomposes the problem into three sub-problems, which are effectively resolved by several essential strategies, including few-shot chain-of-thought prompting and tool synthesis. Our evaluation has shown that the design can mitigate the hallucination and improve the reasoning ability, obtaining high precision and recall in detecting dataflow-related bugs upon benchmark programs, outperforming state-of-the-art (classic) tools, including a very recent industrial analyzer.
[ "cs.PL", "cs.LG", "cs.SE", "68N30, 68T01", "D.3.0; D.2.4; I.2.5; I.2.6" ]
Stochastic Localization via Iterative Posterior Sampling
[ "Louis Grenioux", "Maxence Noble", "Marylou Gabrié", "Alain Oliviero Durmus" ]
Building upon score-based learning, new interest in stochastic localization techniques has recently emerged. In these models, one seeks to noise a sample from the data distribution through a stochastic process, called observation process, and progressively learns a denoiser associated to this dynamics. Apart from specific applications, the use of stochastic localization for the problem of sampling from an unnormalized target density has not been explored extensively. This work contributes to fill this gap. We consider a general stochastic localization framework and introduce an explicit class of observation processes, associated with flexible denoising schedules. We provide a complete methodology, $\textit{Stochastic Localization via Iterative Posterior Sampling}$ (SLIPS), to obtain approximate samples of this dynamics, and as a by-product, samples from the target distribution. Our scheme is based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation of the denoiser and comes with detailed practical guidelines. We illustrate the benefits and applicability of SLIPS on several benchmarks, including Gaussian mixtures in increasing dimensions, Bayesian logistic regression and a high-dimensional field system from statistical-mechanics.
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG", "stat.CO" ]
Error Feedback Reloaded: From Quadratic to Arithmetic Mean of Smoothness Constants
[ "Peter Richtárik", "Elnur Gasanov", "Konstantin Burlachenko" ]
Error Feedback (EF) is a highly popular and immensely effective mechanism for fixing convergence issues which arise in distributed training methods (such as distributed GD or SGD) when these are enhanced with greedy communication compression techniques such as TopK. While EF was proposed almost a decade ago (Seide et al., 2014), and despite concentrated effort by the community to advance the theoretical understanding of this mechanism, there is still a lot to explore. In this work we study a modern form of error feedback called EF21 (Richtarik et al., 2021) which offers the currently best-known theoretical guarantees, under the weakest assumptions, and also works well in practice. In particular, while the theoretical communication complexity of EF21 depends on the quadratic mean of certain smoothness parameters, we improve this dependence to their arithmetic mean, which is always smaller, and can be substantially smaller, especially in heterogeneous data regimes. We take the reader on a journey of our discovery process. Starting with the idea of applying EF21 to an equivalent reformulation of the underlying problem which (unfortunately) requires (often impractical) machine cloning, we continue to the discovery of a new weighted version of EF21 which can (fortunately) be executed without any cloning, and finally circle back to an improved analysis of the original EF21 method. While this development applies to the simplest form of EF21, our approach naturally extends to more elaborate variants involving stochastic gradients and partial participation. Further, our technique improves the best-known theory of EF21 in the rare features regime (Richtarik et al., 2023). Finally, we validate our theoretical findings with suitable experiments.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "math.OC", "stat.ML", "90C26, 74Pxx", "G.1.6; I.2.11; I.2.m" ]
Diversified Ensembling: An Experiment in Crowdsourced Machine Learning
[ "Ira Globus-Harris", "Declan Harrison", "Michael Kearns", "Pietro Perona", "Aaron Roth" ]
Crowdsourced machine learning on competition platforms such as Kaggle is a popular and often effective method for generating accurate models. Typically, teams vie for the most accurate model, as measured by overall error on a holdout set, and it is common towards the end of such competitions for teams at the top of the leaderboard to ensemble or average their models outside the platform mechanism to get the final, best global model. In arXiv:2201.10408, the authors developed an alternative crowdsourcing framework in the context of fair machine learning, in order to integrate community feedback into models when subgroup unfairness is present and identifiable. There, unlike in classical crowdsourced ML, participants deliberately specialize their efforts by working on subproblems, such as demographic subgroups in the service of fairness. Here, we take a broader perspective on this work: we note that within this framework, participants may both specialize in the service of fairness and simply to cater to their particular expertise (e.g., focusing on identifying bird species in an image classification task). Unlike traditional crowdsourcing, this allows for the diversification of participants' efforts and may provide a participation mechanism to a larger range of individuals (e.g. a machine learning novice who has insight into a specific fairness concern). We present the first medium-scale experimental evaluation of this framework, with 46 participating teams attempting to generate models to predict income from American Community Survey data. We provide an empirical analysis of teams' approaches, and discuss the novel system architecture we developed. From here, we give concrete guidance for how best to deploy such a framework.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CY", "cs.HC" ]
Double Duality: Variational Primal-Dual Policy Optimization for Constrained Reinforcement Learning
[ "Zihao Li", "Boyi Liu", "Zhuoran Yang", "Zhaoran Wang", "Mengdi Wang" ]
We study the Constrained Convex Markov Decision Process (MDP), where the goal is to minimize a convex functional of the visitation measure, subject to a convex constraint. Designing algorithms for a constrained convex MDP faces several challenges, including (1) handling the large state space, (2) managing the exploration/exploitation tradeoff, and (3) solving the constrained optimization where the objective and the constraint are both nonlinear functions of the visitation measure. In this work, we present a model-based algorithm, Variational Primal-Dual Policy Optimization (VPDPO), in which Lagrangian and Fenchel duality are implemented to reformulate the original constrained problem into an unconstrained primal-dual optimization. Moreover, the primal variables are updated by model-based value iteration following the principle of Optimism in the Face of Uncertainty (OFU), while the dual variables are updated by gradient ascent. Moreover, by embedding the visitation measure into a finite-dimensional space, we can handle large state spaces by incorporating function approximation. Two notable examples are (1) Kernelized Nonlinear Regulators and (2) Low-rank MDPs. We prove that with an optimistic planning oracle, our algorithm achieves sublinear regret and constraint violation in both cases and can attain the globally optimal policy of the original constrained problem.
[ "cs.LG", "math.OC", "stat.ML" ]
TernaryVote: Differentially Private, Communication Efficient, and Byzantine Resilient Distributed Optimization on Heterogeneous Data
[ "Richeng Jin", "Yujie Gu", "Kai Yue", "Xiaofan He", "Zhaoyang Zhang", "Huaiyu Dai" ]
Distributed training of deep neural networks faces three critical challenges: privacy preservation, communication efficiency, and robustness to fault and adversarial behaviors. Although significant research efforts have been devoted to addressing these challenges independently, their synthesis remains less explored. In this paper, we propose TernaryVote, which combines a ternary compressor and the majority vote mechanism to realize differential privacy, gradient compression, and Byzantine resilience simultaneously. We theoretically quantify the privacy guarantee through the lens of the emerging f-differential privacy (DP) and the Byzantine resilience of the proposed algorithm. Particularly, in terms of privacy guarantees, compared to the existing sign-based approach StoSign, the proposed method improves the dimension dependence on the gradient size and enjoys privacy amplification by mini-batch sampling while ensuring a comparable convergence rate. We also prove that TernaryVote is robust when less than 50% of workers are blind attackers, which matches that of SIGNSGD with majority vote. Extensive experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR", "cs.DC", "eess.SP" ]
GAN-driven Electromagnetic Imaging of 2-D Dielectric Scatterers
[ "Ehtasham Naseer", "Ali Imran Sandhu", "Muhammad Adnan Siddique", "Waqas W. Ahmed", "Mohamed Farhat", "Ying Wu" ]
Inverse scattering problems are inherently challenging, given the fact they are ill-posed and nonlinear. This paper presents a powerful deep learning-based approach that relies on generative adversarial networks to accurately and efficiently reconstruct randomly-shaped two-dimensional dielectric objects from amplitudes of multi-frequency scattered electric fields. An adversarial autoencoder (AAE) is trained to learn to generate the scatterer's geometry from a lower-dimensional latent representation constrained to adhere to the Gaussian distribution. A cohesive inverse neural network (INN) framework is set up comprising a sequence of appropriately designed dense layers, the already-trained generator as well as a separately trained forward neural network. The images reconstructed at the output of the inverse network are validated through comparison with outputs from the forward neural network, addressing the non-uniqueness challenge inherent to electromagnetic (EM) imaging problems. The trained INN demonstrates an enhanced robustness, evidenced by a mean binary cross-entropy (BCE) loss of $0.13$ and a structure similarity index (SSI) of $0.90$. The study not only demonstrates a significant reduction in computational load, but also marks a substantial improvement over traditional objective-function-based methods. It contributes both to the fields of machine learning and EM imaging by offering a real-time quantitative imaging approach. The results obtained with the simulated data, for both training and testing, yield promising results and may open new avenues for radio-frequency inverse imaging.
[ "eess.IV", "cs.CE", "cs.LG", "eess.SP" ]
FedD2S: Personalized Data-Free Federated Knowledge Distillation
[ "Kawa Atapour", "S. Jamal Seyedmohammadi", "Jamshid Abouei", "Arash Mohammadi", "Konstantinos N. Plataniotis" ]
This paper addresses the challenge of mitigating data heterogeneity among clients within a Federated Learning (FL) framework. The model-drift issue, arising from the noniid nature of client data, often results in suboptimal personalization of a global model compared to locally trained models for each client. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel approach named FedD2S for Personalized Federated Learning (pFL), leveraging knowledge distillation. FedD2S incorporates a deep-to-shallow layer-dropping mechanism in the data-free knowledge distillation process to enhance local model personalization. Through extensive simulations on diverse image datasets-FEMNIST, CIFAR10, CINIC0, and CIFAR100-we compare FedD2S with state-of-the-art FL baselines. The proposed approach demonstrates superior performance, characterized by accelerated convergence and improved fairness among clients. The introduced layer-dropping technique effectively captures personalized knowledge, resulting in enhanced performance compared to alternative FL models. Moreover, we investigate the impact of key hyperparameters, such as the participation ratio and layer-dropping rate, providing valuable insights into the optimal configuration for FedD2S. The findings demonstrate the efficacy of adaptive layer-dropping in the knowledge distillation process to achieve enhanced personalization and performance across diverse datasets and tasks.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.DC", "eess.IV" ]
Design of 2D Skyrmionic Metamaterial Through Controlled Assembly
[ "Qichen Xu", "Zhuanglin Shen", "Alexander Edström", "I. P. Miranda", "Zhiwei Lu", "Anders Bergman", "Danny Thonig", "Wanjian Yin", "Olle Eriksson", "Anna Delin" ]
Despite extensive research on magnetic skyrmions and antiskyrmions, a significant challenge remains in crafting nontrivial high-order skyrmionic textures with varying, or even tailor-made, topologies. We address this challenge, by focusing on a construction pathway of skyrmionics metamaterial within a monolayer thin film and suggest several promising lattice-like, flakes-like, and cell-like skyrmionic metamaterials that are surprisingly stable. Central to our approach is the concept of 'simulated controlled assembly', in short, a protocol inspired by 'click chemistry' that allows for positioning topological magnetic structures where one likes, and then allowing for energy minimization to elucidate the stability. Utilizing high-throughput atomistic-spin-dynamic (ASD) simulations alongside state-of-the-art AI-driven tools, we have isolated skyrmions (topological charge Q=1), antiskyrmions (Q=-1), and skyrmionium (Q=0). These entities serve as foundational 'skyrmionic building blocks' to forming reported intricate textures. In this work, two key contributions are introduced to the field of skyrmionic systems. First, we present a novel method for integrating control assembly protocols for the stabilization and investigation of topological magnets, which marks a significant advancement in the ability to explore new skyrmionic textures. Second, we report on the discovery of skyrmionic metamaterials, which shows a plethora of complex topologies that are possible to investigate theoretically and experimentally.
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci", "cs.LG", "physics.comp-ph" ]
Explainability for Machine Learning Models: From Data Adaptability to User Perception
[ "julien Delaunay" ]
This thesis explores the generation of local explanations for already deployed machine learning models, aiming to identify optimal conditions for producing meaningful explanations considering both data and user requirements. The primary goal is to develop methods for generating explanations for any model while ensuring that these explanations remain faithful to the underlying model and comprehensible to the users. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first enhances a widely used rule-based explanation method. It then introduces a novel approach for evaluating the suitability of linear explanations to approximate a model. Additionally, it conducts a comparative experiment between two families of counterfactual explanation methods to analyze the advantages of one over the other. The second part focuses on user experiments to assess the impact of three explanation methods and two distinct representations. These experiments measure how users perceive their interaction with the model in terms of understanding and trust, depending on the explanations and representations. This research contributes to a better explanation generation, with potential implications for enhancing the transparency, trustworthiness, and usability of deployed AI systems.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.HC", "cs.LG" ]
Quantum-Inspired Analysis of Neural Network Vulnerabilities: The Role of Conjugate Variables in System Attacks
[ "Jun-Jie Zhang", "Deyu Meng" ]
Neural networks demonstrate inherent vulnerability to small, non-random perturbations, emerging as adversarial attacks. Such attacks, born from the gradient of the loss function relative to the input, are discerned as input conjugates, revealing a systemic fragility within the network structure. Intriguingly, a mathematical congruence manifests between this mechanism and the quantum physics' uncertainty principle, casting light on a hitherto unanticipated interdisciplinarity. This inherent susceptibility within neural network systems is generally intrinsic, highlighting not only the innate vulnerability of these networks but also suggesting potential advancements in the interdisciplinary area for understanding these black-box networks.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR", "quant-ph" ]
Provably Safe Neural Network Controllers via Differential Dynamic Logic
[ "Samuel Teuber", "Stefan Mitsch", "André Platzer" ]
While neural networks (NNs) have a large potential as goal-oriented controllers for Cyber-Physical Systems, verifying the safety of neural network based control systems (NNCSs) poses significant challenges for the practical use of NNs -- especially when safety is needed for unbounded time horizons. One reason for this is the intractability of NN and hybrid system analysis. We introduce VerSAILLE (Verifiably Safe AI via Logically Linked Envelopes): The first approach for the combination of differential dynamic logic (dL) and NN verification. By joining forces, we can exploit the efficiency of NN verification tools while retaining the rigor of dL. We reflect a safety proof for a controller envelope in an NN to prove the safety of concrete NNCS on an infinite-time horizon. The NN verification properties resulting from VerSAILLE typically require nonlinear arithmetic while efficient NN verification tools merely support linear arithmetic. To overcome this divide, we present Mosaic: The first sound and complete verification approach for polynomial real arithmetic properties on piece-wise linear NNs. Mosaic lifts off-the-shelf tools for linear properties to the nonlinear setting. An evaluation on case studies, including adaptive cruise control and airborne collision avoidance, demonstrates the versatility of VerSAILLE and Mosaic: It supports the certification of infinite-time horizon safety and the exhaustive enumeration of counterexample regions while significantly outperforming State-of-the-Art tools in closed-loop NNV.
[ "cs.SY", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.LO" ]
Surpassing legacy approaches and human intelligence with hybrid single- and multi-objective Reinforcement Learning-based optimization and interpretable AI to enable the economic operation of the US nuclear fleet
[ "Paul Seurin", "Koroush Shirvan" ]
The nuclear sector represents the primary source of carbon-free energy in the United States. Nevertheless, existing nuclear power plants face the threat of early shutdowns due to their inability to compete economically against alternatives such as gas power plants. Optimizing the fuel cycle cost through the optimization of core loading patterns is one approach to addressing this lack of competitiveness. However, this optimization task involves multiple objectives and constraints, resulting in a vast number of candidate solutions that cannot be explicitly solved. While stochastic optimization (SO) methodologies are utilized by various nuclear utilities and vendors for fuel cycle reload design, manual design remains the preferred approach. To advance the state-of-the-art in core reload patterns, we have developed methods based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. Previous research has laid the groundwork for this approach and demonstrated its ability to discover high-quality patterns within a reasonable timeframe. However, there is a need for comparison against legacy methods to demonstrate its utility in a single-objective setting. While RL methods have shown superiority in multi-objective settings, they have not yet been applied to address the competitiveness issue effectively. In this paper, we rigorously compare our RL-based approach against the most commonly used SO-based methods, namely Genetic Algorithm (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA), and Tabu Search (TS). Subsequently, we introduce a new hybrid paradigm to devise innovative designs, resulting in economic gains ranging from 2.8 to 3.3 million dollars per year per plant. This development leverages interpretable AI, enabling improved algorithmic efficiency by making black-box optimizations interpretable. Future work will focus on scaling this method to address a broader range of core designs.
[ "cs.NE", "cs.LG", "physics.soc-ph" ]
Towards Financially Inclusive Credit Products Through Financial Time Series Clustering
[ "Tristan Bester", "Benjamin Rosman" ]
Financial inclusion ensures that individuals have access to financial products and services that meet their needs. As a key contributing factor to economic growth and investment opportunity, financial inclusion increases consumer spending and consequently business development. It has been shown that institutions are more profitable when they provide marginalised social groups access to financial services. Customer segmentation based on consumer transaction data is a well-known strategy used to promote financial inclusion. While the required data is available to modern institutions, the challenge remains that segment annotations are usually difficult and/or expensive to obtain. This prevents the usage of time series classification models for customer segmentation based on domain expert knowledge. As a result, clustering is an attractive alternative to partition customers into homogeneous groups based on the spending behaviour encoded within their transaction data. In this paper, we present a solution to one of the key challenges preventing modern financial institutions from providing financially inclusive credit, savings and insurance products: the inability to understand consumer financial behaviour, and hence risk, without the introduction of restrictive conventional credit scoring techniques. We present a novel time series clustering algorithm that allows institutions to understand the financial behaviour of their customers. This enables unique product offerings to be provided based on the needs of the customer, without reliance on restrictive credit practices.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CY", "q-fin.ST" ]
Private PAC Learning May be Harder than Online Learning
[ "Mark Bun", "Aloni Cohen", "Rathin Desai" ]
We continue the study of the computational complexity of differentially private PAC learning and how it is situated within the foundations of machine learning. A recent line of work uncovered a qualitative equivalence between the private PAC model and Littlestone's mistake-bounded model of online learning, in particular, showing that any concept class of Littlestone dimension $d$ can be privately PAC learned using $\mathrm{poly}(d)$ samples. This raises the natural question of whether there might be a generic conversion from online learners to private PAC learners that also preserves computational efficiency. We give a negative answer to this question under reasonable cryptographic assumptions (roughly, those from which it is possible to build indistinguishability obfuscation for all circuits). We exhibit a concept class that admits an online learner running in polynomial time with a polynomial mistake bound, but for which there is no computationally-efficient differentially private PAC learner. Our construction and analysis strengthens and generalizes that of Bun and Zhandry (TCC 2016-A), who established such a separation between private and non-private PAC learner.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CR", "cs.DS" ]
Improving Model's Interpretability and Reliability using Biomarkers
[ "Gautam Rajendrakumar Gare", "Tom Fox", "Beam Chansangavej", "Amita Krishnan", "Ricardo Luis Rodriguez", "Bennett P deBoisblanc", "Deva Kannan Ramanan", "John Michael Galeotti" ]
Accurate and interpretable diagnostic models are crucial in the safety-critical field of medicine. We investigate the interpretability of our proposed biomarker-based lung ultrasound diagnostic pipeline to enhance clinicians' diagnostic capabilities. The objective of this study is to assess whether explanations from a decision tree classifier, utilizing biomarkers, can improve users' ability to identify inaccurate model predictions compared to conventional saliency maps. Our findings demonstrate that decision tree explanations, based on clinically established biomarkers, can assist clinicians in detecting false positives, thus improving the reliability of diagnostic models in medicine.
[ "cs.HC", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "eess.IV" ]
Global Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting with Multi-modal Multi-scale Causal Autoregressive Model
[ "Xinyu Wang", "Kang Chen", "Lei Liu", "Tao Han", "Bin Li", "Lei Bai" ]
Accurate forecasting of Tropical cyclone (TC) intensity is crucial for formulating disaster risk reduction strategies. Current methods predominantly rely on limited spatiotemporal information from ERA5 data and neglect the causal relationships between these physical variables, failing to fully capture the spatial and temporal patterns required for intensity forecasting. To address this issue, we propose a Multi-modal multi-Scale Causal AutoRegressive model (MSCAR), which is the first model that combines causal relationships with large-scale multi-modal data for global TC intensity autoregressive forecasting. Furthermore, given the current absence of a TC dataset that offers a wide range of spatial variables, we present the Satellite and ERA5-based Tropical Cyclone Dataset (SETCD), which stands as the longest and most comprehensive global dataset related to TCs. Experiments on the dataset show that MSCAR outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, achieving maximum reductions in global and regional forecast errors of 9.52% and 6.74%, respectively. The code and dataset are publicly available at
[ "", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "" ]
Uncertainty, Calibration, and Membership Inference Attacks: An Information-Theoretic Perspective
[ "Meiyi Zhu", "Caili Guo", "Chunyan Feng", "Osvaldo Simeone" ]
In a membership inference attack (MIA), an attacker exploits the overconfidence exhibited by typical machine learning models to determine whether a specific data point was used to train a target model. In this paper, we analyze the performance of the state-of-the-art likelihood ratio attack (LiRA) within an information-theoretical framework that allows the investigation of the impact of the aleatoric uncertainty in the true data generation process, of the epistemic uncertainty caused by a limited training data set, and of the calibration level of the target model. We compare three different settings, in which the attacker receives decreasingly informative feedback from the target model: confidence vector (CV) disclosure, in which the output probability vector is released; true label confidence (TLC) disclosure, in which only the probability assigned to the true label is made available by the model; and decision set (DS) disclosure, in which an adaptive prediction set is produced as in conformal prediction. We derive bounds on the advantage of an MIA adversary with the aim of offering insights into the impact of uncertainty and calibration on the effectiveness of MIAs. Simulation results demonstrate that the derived analytical bounds predict well the effectiveness of MIAs.
[ "cs.IT", "cs.CR", "cs.LG", "eess.SP", "math.IT" ]
Towards Cohesion-Fairness Harmony: Contrastive Regularization in Individual Fair Graph Clustering
[ "Siamak Ghodsi", "Seyed Amjad Seyedi", "Eirini Ntoutsi" ]
Conventional fair graph clustering methods face two primary challenges: i) They prioritize balanced clusters at the expense of cluster cohesion by imposing rigid constraints, ii) Existing methods of both individual and group-level fairness in graph partitioning mostly rely on eigen decompositions and thus, generally lack interpretability. To address these issues, we propose iFairNMTF, an individual Fairness Nonnegative Matrix Tri-Factorization model with contrastive fairness regularization that achieves balanced and cohesive clusters. By introducing fairness regularization, our model allows for customizable accuracy-fairness trade-offs, thereby enhancing user autonomy without compromising the interpretability provided by nonnegative matrix tri-factorization. Experimental evaluations on real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the superior flexibility of iFairNMTF in achieving fairness and clustering performance.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.IT", "cs.SI", "math.IT" ]
Resilience of the quadratic Littlewood-Offord problem
[ "Elad Aigner-Horev", "Daniel Rozenberg", "Roi Weiss" ]
We study the statistical resilience of high-dimensional data. Our results provide estimates as to the effects of adversarial noise over the anti-concentration properties of the quadratic Radamecher chaos $\boldsymbol{\xi}^{\mathsf{T}} M \boldsymbol{\xi}$, where $M$ is a fixed (high-dimensional) matrix and $\boldsymbol{\xi}$ is a conformal Rademacher vector. Specifically, we pursue the question of how many adversarial sign-flips can $\boldsymbol{\xi}$ sustain without "inflating" $\sup_{x\in \mathbb{R}} \mathbb{P} \left\{\boldsymbol{\xi}^{\mathsf{T}} M \boldsymbol{\xi} = x\right\}$ and thus "de-smooth" the original distribution resulting in a more "grainy" and adversarially biased distribution. Our results provide lower bound estimations for the statistical resilience of the quadratic and bilinear Rademacher chaos; these are shown to be asymptotically tight across key regimes.
[ "math.PR", "cs.IT", "cs.LG", "math.CO", "math.IT", "stat.ML" ]
Hermite Neural Network Simulation for Solving the 2D Schrodinger Equation
[ "Kourosh Parand", "Aida Pakniyat" ]
The Schrodinger equation is a mathematical equation describing the wave function's behavior in a quantum-mechanical system. It is a partial differential equation that provides valuable insights into the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. In this paper, the aim was to solve the Schrodinger equation with sufficient accuracy by using a mixture of neural networks with the collocation method base Hermite functions. Initially, the Hermite functions roots were employed as collocation points, enhancing the efficiency of the solution. The Schrodinger equation is defined in an infinite domain, the use of Hermite functions as activation functions resulted in excellent precision. Finally, the proposed method was simulated using MATLAB's Simulink tool. The results were then compared with those obtained using Physics-informed neural networks and the presented method.
[ "math.NA", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.NA", "cs.NE", "math.AP" ]
Semantically-aware Neural Radiance Fields for Visual Scene Understanding: A Comprehensive Review
[ "Thang-Anh-Quan Nguyen", "Amine Bourki", "Mátyás Macudzinski", "Anthony Brunel", "Mohammed Bennamoun" ]
This review thoroughly examines the role of semantically-aware Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) in visual scene understanding, covering an analysis of over 250 scholarly papers. It explores how NeRFs adeptly infer 3D representations for both stationary and dynamic objects in a scene. This capability is pivotal for generating high-quality new viewpoints, completing missing scene details (inpainting), conducting comprehensive scene segmentation (panoptic segmentation), predicting 3D bounding boxes, editing 3D scenes, and extracting object-centric 3D models. A significant aspect of this study is the application of semantic labels as viewpoint-invariant functions, which effectively map spatial coordinates to a spectrum of semantic labels, thus facilitating the recognition of distinct objects within the scene. Overall, this survey highlights the progression and diverse applications of semantically-aware neural radiance fields in the context of visual scene interpretation.
[ "cs.CV" ]
A Decoding Scheme with Successive Aggregation of Multi-Level Features for Light-Weight Semantic Segmentation
[ "Jiwon Yoo", "Jangwon Lee", "Gyeonghwan Kim" ]
Multi-scale architecture, including hierarchical vision transformer, has been commonly applied to high-resolution semantic segmentation to deal with computational complexity with minimum performance loss. In this paper, we propose a novel decoding scheme for semantic segmentation in this regard, which takes multi-level features from the encoder with multi-scale architecture. The decoding scheme based on a multi-level vision transformer aims to achieve not only reduced computational expense but also higher segmentation accuracy, by introducing successive cross-attention in aggregation of the multi-level features. Furthermore, a way to enhance the multi-level features by the aggregated semantics is proposed. The effort is focused on maintaining the contextual consistency from the perspective of attention allocation and brings improved performance with significantly lower computational cost. Set of experiments on popular datasets demonstrates superiority of the proposed scheme to the state-of-the-art semantic segmentation models in terms of computational cost without loss of accuracy, and extensive ablation studies prove the effectiveness of ideas proposed.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Hand Biometrics in Digital Forensics
[ "Asish Bera", "Debotosh Bhattacharjee", "Mita Nasipuri" ]
Digital forensic is now an unavoidable part for securing the digital world from identity theft. Higher order of crimes, dealing with a massive database is really very challenging problem for any intelligent system. Biometric is a better solution to win over the problems encountered by digital forensics. Many biometric characteristics are playing their significant roles in forensics over the decades. The potential benefits and scope of hand based modes in forensics have been investigated with an illustration of hand geometry verifi-cation method. It can be applied when effective biometric evidences are properly unavailable; gloves are damaged, and dirt or any kind of liquid can minimize the accessibility and reliability of the fingerprint or palmprint. Due to the crisis of pure uniqueness of hand features for a very large database, it may be relevant for verification only. Some unimodal and multimodal hand based biometrics (e.g. hand geometry, palmprint and hand vein) with several feature extractions, database and verification methods have been discussed with 2D, 3D and infrared images.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Beyond Literal Descriptions: Understanding and Locating Open-World Objects Aligned with Human Intentions
[ "Wenxuan Wang", "Yisi Zhang", "Xingjian He", "Yichen Yan", "Zijia Zhao", "Xinlong Wang", "Jing Liu" ]
Visual grounding (VG) aims at locating the foreground entities that match the given natural language expression. Previous datasets and methods for classic VG task mainly rely on the prior assumption that the given expression must literally refer to the target object, which greatly impedes the practical deployment of agents in real-world scenarios. Since users usually prefer to provide the intention-based expressions for the desired object instead of covering all the details, it is necessary for the agents to interpret the intention-driven instructions. Thus, in this work, we take a step further to the intention-driven visual-language (V-L) understanding. To promote classic VG towards human intention interpretation, we propose a new intention-driven visual grounding (IVG) task and build a largest-scale IVG dataset named IntentionVG with free-form intention expressions. Considering that practical agents need to move and find specific targets among various scenarios to realize the grounding task, our IVG task and IntentionVG dataset have taken the crucial properties of both multi-scenario perception and egocentric view into consideration. Besides, various types of models are set up as the baselines to realize our IVG task. Extensive experiments on our IntentionVG dataset and baselines demonstrate the necessity and efficacy of our method for the V-L field. To foster future research in this direction, our newly built dataset and baselines will be publicly available.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Dense Matchers for Dense Tracking
[ "Tomáš Jelínek", "Jonáš Šerých", "Jiří Matas" ]
Optical flow is a useful input for various applications, including 3D reconstruction, pose estimation, tracking, and structure-from-motion. Despite its utility, the field of dense long-term tracking, especially over wide baselines, has not been extensively explored. This paper extends the concept of combining multiple optical flows over logarithmically spaced intervals as proposed by MFT. We demonstrate the compatibility of MFT with different optical flow networks, yielding results that surpass their individual performance. Moreover, we present a simple yet effective combination of these networks within the MFT framework. This approach proves to be competitive with more sophisticated, non-causal methods in terms of position prediction accuracy, highlighting the potential of MFT in enhancing long-term tracking applications.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Enhancing Surgical Performance in Cardiothoracic Surgery with Innovations from Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence: A Narrative Review
[ "Merryn D. Constable", "Hubert P. H. Shum", "Stephen Clark" ]
When technical requirements are high, and patient outcomes are critical, opportunities for monitoring and improving surgical skills via objective motion analysis feedback may be particularly beneficial. This narrative review synthesises work on technical and non-technical surgical skills, collaborative task performance, and pose estimation to illustrate new opportunities to advance cardiothoracic surgical performance with innovations from computer vision and artificial intelligence. These technological innovations are critically evaluated in terms of the benefits they could offer the cardiothoracic surgical community, and any barriers to the uptake of the technology are elaborated upon. Like some other specialities, cardiothoracic surgery has relatively few opportunities to benefit from tools with data capture technology embedded within them (as with robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery, for example). In such cases, pose estimation techniques that allow for movement tracking across a conventional operating field without using specialist equipment or markers offer considerable potential. With video data from either simulated or real surgical procedures, these tools can (1) provide insight into the development of expertise and surgical performance over a surgeon's career, (2) provide feedback to trainee surgeons regarding areas for improvement, (3) provide the opportunity to investigate what aspects of skill may be linked to patient outcomes which can (4) inform the aspects of surgical skill which should be focused on within training or mentoring programmes. Classifier or assessment algorithms that use artificial intelligence to 'learn' what expertise is from expert surgical evaluators could further assist educators in determining if trainees meet competency thresholds.
[ "cs.CV" ]
ReViT: Enhancing Vision Transformers with Attention Residual Connections for Visual Recognition
[ "Anxhelo Diko", "Danilo Avola", "Marco Cascio", "Luigi Cinque" ]
Vision Transformer (ViT) self-attention mechanism is characterized by feature collapse in deeper layers, resulting in the vanishing of low-level visual features. However, such features can be helpful to accurately represent and identify elements within an image and increase the accuracy and robustness of vision-based recognition systems. Following this rationale, we propose a novel residual attention learning method for improving ViT-based architectures, increasing their visual feature diversity and model robustness. In this way, the proposed network can capture and preserve significant low-level features, providing more details about the elements within the scene being analyzed. The effectiveness and robustness of the presented method are evaluated on five image classification benchmarks, including ImageNet1k, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, Oxford Flowers-102, and Oxford-IIIT Pet, achieving improved performances. Additionally, experiments on the COCO2017 dataset show that the devised approach discovers and incorporates semantic and spatial relationships for object detection and instance segmentation when implemented into spatial-aware transformer models.
[ "cs.CV" ]
On Good Practices for Task-Specific Distillation of Large Pretrained Models
[ "Juliette Marrie", "Michael Arbel", "Julien Mairal", "Diane Larlus" ]
Large pretrained visual models exhibit remarkable generalization across diverse recognition tasks. Yet, real-world applications often demand compact models tailored to specific problems. Variants of knowledge distillation have been devised for such a purpose, enabling task-specific compact models (the students) to learn from a generic large pretrained one (the teacher). In this paper, we show that the excellent robustness and versatility of recent pretrained models challenge common practices established in the literature, calling for a new set of optimal guidelines for task-specific distillation. To address the lack of samples in downstream tasks, we also show that a variant of Mixup based on stable diffusion complements standard data augmentation. This strategy eliminates the need for engineered text prompts and improves distillation of generic models into streamlined specialized networks.
[ "cs.CV" ]
ICHPro: Intracerebral Hemorrhage Prognosis Classification Via Joint-attention Fusion-based 3d Cross-modal Network
[ "Xinlei Yu", "Xinyang Li", "Ruiquan Ge", "Shibin Wu", "Ahmed Elazab", "Jichao Zhu", "Lingyan Zhang", "Gangyong Jia", "Taosheng Xu", "Xiang Wan", "Changmiao Wang" ]
Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) is the deadliest subtype of stroke, necessitating timely and accurate prognostic evaluation to reduce mortality and disability. However, the multi-factorial nature and complexity of ICH make methods based solely on computed tomography (CT) image features inadequate. Despite the capacity of cross-modal networks to fuse additional information, the effective combination of different modal features remains a significant challenge. In this study, we propose a joint-attention fusion-based 3D cross-modal network termed ICHPro that simulates the ICH prognosis interpretation process utilized by neurosurgeons. ICHPro includes a joint-attention fusion module to fuse features from CT images with demographic and clinical textual data. To enhance the representation of cross-modal features, we introduce a joint loss function. ICHPro facilitates the extraction of richer cross-modal features, thereby improving classification performance. Upon testing our method using a five-fold cross-validation, we achieved an accuracy of 89.11%, an F1 score of 0.8767, and an AUC value of 0.9429. These results outperform those obtained from other advanced methods based on the test dataset, thereby demonstrating the superior efficacy of ICHPro. The code is available at our Github:
[ "cs.CV" ]
Training-free image style alignment for self-adapting domain shift on handheld ultrasound devices
[ "Hongye Zeng", "Ke Zou", "Zhihao Chen", "Yuchong Gao", "Hongbo Chen", "Haibin Zhang", "Kang Zhou", "Meng Wang", "Rick Siow Mong Goh", "Yong Liu", "Chang Jiang", "Rui Zheng", "Huazhu Fu" ]
Handheld ultrasound devices face usage limitations due to user inexperience and cannot benefit from supervised deep learning without extensive expert annotations. Moreover, the models trained on standard ultrasound device data are constrained by training data distribution and perform poorly when directly applied to handheld device data. In this study, we propose the Training-free Image Style Alignment (TISA) framework to align the style of handheld device data to those of standard devices. The proposed TISA can directly infer handheld device images without extra training and is suited for clinical applications. We show that TISA performs better and more stably in medical detection and segmentation tasks for handheld device data. We further validate TISA as the clinical model for automatic measurements of spinal curvature and carotid intima-media thickness. The automatic measurements agree well with manual measurements made by human experts and the measurement errors remain within clinically acceptable ranges. We demonstrate the potential for TISA to facilitate automatic diagnosis on handheld ultrasound devices and expedite their eventual widespread use.
[ "eess.IV", "cs.CV" ]
Asclepius: A Spectrum Evaluation Benchmark for Medical Multi-Modal Large Language Models
[ "Wenxuan Wang", "Yihang Su", "Jingyuan Huan", "Jie Liu", "Wenting Chen", "Yudi Zhang", "Cheng-Yi Li", "Kao-Jung Chang", "Xiaohan Xin", "Linlin Shen", "Michael R. Lyu" ]
The significant breakthroughs of Medical Multi-Modal Large Language Models (Med-MLLMs) renovate modern healthcare with robust information synthesis and medical decision support. However, these models are often evaluated on benchmarks that are unsuitable for the Med-MLLMs due to the intricate nature of the real-world diagnostic frameworks, which encompass diverse medical specialties and involve complex clinical decisions. Moreover, these benchmarks are susceptible to data leakage, since Med-MLLMs are trained on large assemblies of publicly available data. Thus, an isolated and clinically representative benchmark is highly desirable for credible Med-MLLMs evaluation. To this end, we introduce Asclepius, a novel Med-MLLM benchmark that rigorously and comprehensively assesses model capability in terms of: distinct medical specialties (cardiovascular, gastroenterology, etc.) and different diagnostic capacities (perception, disease analysis, etc.). Grounded in 3 proposed core principles, Asclepius ensures a comprehensive evaluation by encompassing 15 medical specialties, stratifying into 3 main categories and 8 sub-categories of clinical tasks, and exempting from train-validate contamination. We further provide an in-depth analysis of 6 Med-MLLMs and compare them with 5 human specialists, providing insights into their competencies and limitations in various medical contexts. Our work not only advances the understanding of Med-MLLMs' capabilities but also sets a precedent for future evaluations and the safe deployment of these models in clinical environments. We launch and maintain a leaderboard for community assessment of Med-MLLM capabilities (
[ "cs.CL", "cs.CV" ]
Be Persistent: Towards a Unified Solution for Mitigating Shortcuts in Deep Learning
[ "Hadi M. Dolatabadi", "Sarah M. Erfani", "Christopher Leckie" ]
Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to shortcut learning: rather than learning the intended task, they tend to draw inconclusive relationships between their inputs and outputs. Shortcut learning is ubiquitous among many failure cases of neural networks, and traces of this phenomenon can be seen in their generalizability issues, domain shift, adversarial vulnerability, and even bias towards majority groups. In this paper, we argue that this commonality in the cause of various DNN issues creates a significant opportunity that should be leveraged to find a unified solution for shortcut learning. To this end, we outline the recent advances in topological data analysis~(TDA), and persistent homology~(PH) in particular, to sketch a unified roadmap for detecting shortcuts in deep learning. We demonstrate our arguments by investigating the topological features of computational graphs in DNNs using two cases of unlearnable examples and bias in decision-making as our test studies. Our analysis of these two failure cases of DNNs reveals that finding a unified solution for shortcut learning in DNNs is not out of reach, and TDA can play a significant role in forming such a framework.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CV" ]
DiffPoint: Single and Multi-view Point Cloud Reconstruction with ViT Based Diffusion Model
[ "Yu Feng", "Xing Shi", "Mengli Cheng", "Yun Xiong" ]
As the task of 2D-to-3D reconstruction has gained significant attention in various real-world scenarios, it becomes crucial to be able to generate high-quality point clouds. Despite the recent success of deep learning models in generating point clouds, there are still challenges in producing high-fidelity results due to the disparities between images and point clouds. While vision transformers (ViT) and diffusion models have shown promise in various vision tasks, their benefits for reconstructing point clouds from images have not been demonstrated yet. In this paper, we first propose a neat and powerful architecture called DiffPoint that combines ViT and diffusion models for the task of point cloud reconstruction. At each diffusion step, we divide the noisy point clouds into irregular patches. Then, using a standard ViT backbone that treats all inputs as tokens (including time information, image embeddings, and noisy patches), we train our model to predict target points based on input images. We evaluate DiffPoint on both single-view and multi-view reconstruction tasks and achieve state-of-the-art results. Additionally, we introduce a unified and flexible feature fusion module for aggregating image features from single or multiple input images. Furthermore, our work demonstrates the feasibility of applying unified architectures across languages and images to improve 3D reconstruction tasks.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation Method Based on Cross-pseudo Labeling Leveraging Strong and Weak Data Augmentation Strategies
[ "Yifei Chen", "Chenyan Zhang", "Yifan Ke", "Yiyu Huang", "Xuezhou Dai", "Feiwei Qin", "Yongquan Zhang", "Xiaodong Zhang", "Changmiao Wang" ]
Traditional supervised learning methods have historically encountered certain constraints in medical image segmentation due to the challenging collection process, high labeling cost, low signal-to-noise ratio, and complex features characterizing biomedical images. This paper proposes a semi-supervised model, DFCPS, which innovatively incorporates the Fixmatch concept. This significantly enhances the model's performance and generalizability through data augmentation processing, employing varied strategies for unlabeled data. Concurrently, the model design gives appropriate emphasis to the generation, filtration, and refinement processes of pseudo-labels. The novel concept of cross-pseudo-supervision is introduced, integrating consistency learning with self-training. This enables the model to fully leverage pseudo-labels from multiple perspectives, thereby enhancing training diversity. The DFCPS model is compared with both baseline and advanced models using the publicly accessible Kvasir-SEG dataset. Across all four subdivisions containing different proportions of unlabeled data, our model consistently exhibits superior performance. Our source code is available at
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Exploiting T-norms for Deep Learning in Autonomous Driving
[ "Mihaela Cătălina Stoian", "Eleonora Giunchiglia", "Thomas Lukasiewicz" ]
Deep learning has been at the core of the autonomous driving field development, due to the neural networks' success in finding patterns in raw data and turning them into accurate predictions. Moreover, recent neuro-symbolic works have shown that incorporating the available background knowledge about the problem at hand in the loss function via t-norms can further improve the deep learning models' performance. However, t-norm-based losses may have very high memory requirements and, thus, they may be impossible to apply in complex application domains like autonomous driving. In this paper, we show how it is possible to define memory-efficient t-norm-based losses, allowing for exploiting t-norms for the task of event detection in autonomous driving. We conduct an extensive experimental analysis on the ROAD-R dataset and show (i) that our proposal can be implemented and run on GPUs with less than 25 GiB of available memory, while standard t-norm-based losses are estimated to require more than 100 GiB, far exceeding the amount of memory normally available, (ii) that t-norm-based losses improve performance, especially when limited labelled data are available, and (iii) that t-norm-based losses can further improve performance when exploited on both labelled and unlabelled data.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CV" ]
Supporting Experts with a Multimodal Machine-Learning-Based Tool for Human Behavior Analysis of Conversational Videos
[ "Riku Arakawa", "Kiyosu Maeda", "Hiromu Yakura" ]
Multimodal scene search of conversations is essential for unlocking valuable insights into social dynamics and enhancing our communication. While experts in conversational analysis have their own knowledge and skills to find key scenes, a lack of comprehensive, user-friendly tools that streamline the processing of diverse multimodal queries impedes efficiency and objectivity. To solve it, we developed Providence, a visual-programming-based tool based on design considerations derived from a formative study with experts. It enables experts to combine various machine learning algorithms to capture human behavioral cues without writing code. Our study showed its preferable usability and satisfactory output with less cognitive load imposed in accomplishing scene search tasks of conversations, verifying the importance of its customizability and transparency. Furthermore, through the in-the-wild trial, we confirmed the objectivity and reusability of the tool transform experts' workflow, suggesting the advantage of expert-AI teaming in a highly human-contextual domain.
[ "cs.HC", "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Hierarchical Prior-based Super Resolution for Point Cloud Geometry Compression
[ "Dingquan Li", "Kede Ma", "Jing Wang", "Ge Li" ]
The Geometry-based Point Cloud Compression (G-PCC) has been developed by the Moving Picture Experts Group to compress point clouds. In its lossy mode, the reconstructed point cloud by G-PCC often suffers from noticeable distortions due to the na\"{i}ve geometry quantization (i.e., grid downsampling). This paper proposes a hierarchical prior-based super resolution method for point cloud geometry compression. The content-dependent hierarchical prior is constructed at the encoder side, which enables coarse-to-fine super resolution of the point cloud geometry at the decoder side. A more accurate prior generally yields improved reconstruction performance, at the cost of increased bits required to encode this side information. With a proper balance between prior accuracy and bit consumption, the proposed method demonstrates substantial Bjontegaard-delta bitrate savings on the MPEG Cat1A dataset, surpassing the octree-based and trisoup-based G-PCC v14. We provide our implementations for reproducible research at
[ "eess.IV", "cs.CV", "cs.MM" ]
TC-DiffRecon: Texture coordination MRI reconstruction method based on diffusion model and modified MF-UNet method
[ "Chenyan Zhang", "Yifei Chen", "Zhenxiong Fan", "Yiyu Huang", "Wenchao Weng", "Ruiquan Ge", "Dong Zeng", "Changmiao Wang" ]
Recently, diffusion models have gained significant attention as a novel set of deep learning-based generative methods. These models attempt to sample data from a Gaussian distribution that adheres to a target distribution, and have been successfully adapted to the reconstruction of MRI data. However, as an unconditional generative model, the diffusion model typically disrupts image coordination because of the consistent projection of data introduced by conditional bootstrap. This often results in image fragmentation and incoherence. Furthermore, the inherent limitations of the diffusion model often lead to excessive smoothing of the generated images. In the same vein, some deep learning-based models often suffer from poor generalization performance, meaning their effectiveness is greatly affected by different acceleration factors. To address these challenges, we propose a novel diffusion model-based MRI reconstruction method, named TC-DiffRecon, which does not rely on a specific acceleration factor for training. We also suggest the incorporation of the MF-UNet module, designed to enhance the quality of MRI images generated by the model while mitigating the over-smoothing issue to a certain extent. During the image generation sampling process, we employ a novel TCKG module and a Coarse-to-Fine sampling scheme. These additions aim to harmonize image texture, expedite the sampling process, while achieving data consistency. Our source code is available at
[ "eess.IV", "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Learning by Reconstruction Produces Uninformative Features For Perception
[ "Randall Balestriero", "Yann LeCun" ]
Input space reconstruction is an attractive representation learning paradigm. Despite interpretability of the reconstruction and generation, we identify a misalignment between learning by reconstruction, and learning for perception. We show that the former allocates a model's capacity towards a subspace of the data explaining the observed variance--a subspace with uninformative features for the latter. For example, the supervised TinyImagenet task with images projected onto the top subspace explaining 90\% of the pixel variance can be solved with 45\% test accuracy. Using the bottom subspace instead, accounting for only 20\% of the pixel variance, reaches 55\% test accuracy. The features for perception being learned last explains the need for long training time, e.g., with Masked Autoencoders. Learning by denoising is a popular strategy to alleviate that misalignment. We prove that while some noise strategies such as masking are indeed beneficial, others such as additive Gaussian noise are not. Yet, even in the case of masking, we find that the benefits vary as a function of the mask's shape, ratio, and the considered dataset. While tuning the noise strategy without knowledge of the perception task seems challenging, we provide first clues on how to detect if a noise strategy is never beneficial regardless of the perception task.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "stat.ML" ]
Probabilistic Routing for Graph-Based Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
[ "Kejing Lu", "Chuan Xiao", "Yoshiharu Ishikawa" ]
Approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) in high-dimensional spaces is a pivotal challenge in the field of machine learning. In recent years, graph-based methods have emerged as the superior approach to ANNS, establishing a new state of the art. Although various optimizations for graph-based ANNS have been introduced, they predominantly rely on heuristic methods that lack formal theoretical backing. This paper aims to enhance routing within graph-based ANNS by introducing a method that offers a probabilistic guarantee when exploring a node's neighbors in the graph. We formulate the problem as probabilistic routing and develop two baseline strategies by incorporating locality-sensitive techniques. Subsequently, we introduce PEOs, a novel approach that efficiently identifies which neighbors in the graph should be considered for exact distance computation, thus significantly improving efficiency in practice. Our experiments demonstrate that equipping PEOs can increase throughput on a commonly utilized graph index (HNSW) by a factor of 1.6 to 2.5, and its efficiency consistently outperforms the leading-edge routing technique by 1.1 to 1.4 times.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CV", "cs.DB", "cs.DS" ]
Grasping the Essentials: Tailoring Large Language Models for Zero-Shot Relation Extraction
[ "Sizhe Zhou", "Yu Meng", "Bowen Jin", "Jiawei Han" ]
Relation extraction (RE), a crucial task in NLP, aims to identify semantic relationships between entities mentioned in texts. Despite significant advancements in this field, existing models typically rely on extensive annotated data for training, which can be both costly and time-consuming to acquire. Moreover, these models often struggle to adapt to new or unseen relationships. In contrast, few-shot learning settings, which aim to reduce annotation requirements, may offer incomplete and biased supervision for understanding target relation semantics, leading to degraded and unstable performance. To provide the model with accurate and explicit descriptions of the relations types and meanwhile minimize the annotation requirements, we study the definition only zero-shot RE setting where only relation definitions expressed in natural language are used to train a RE model. Motivated by the strong synthetic data generation power of LLMs, we propose a framework REPaL which consists of three stages: (1) We utilize LLMs to generate initial seed instances based on relation definitions and an unlabeled corpora. (2) We fine-tune a bidirectional Small Language Model (SLM) using these initial seeds to learn the relations for the target domain. (3) We enhance pattern coverage and mitigate bias resulting from the limited number of initial seeds by incorporating feedback acquired from SLM's predictions on unlabeled corpora. To accomplish this, we leverage the multi-turn conversation ability of LLMs to generate new instances in follow-up dialogues. Experiments on two datasets show REPaL achieves better zero-shot performance with large margins over baseline methods.
[ "cs.CL" ]
KG-Agent: An Efficient Autonomous Agent Framework for Complex Reasoning over Knowledge Graph
[ "Jinhao Jiang", "Kun Zhou", "Wayne Xin Zhao", "Yang Song", "Chen Zhu", "Hengshu Zhu", "Ji-Rong Wen" ]
In this paper, we aim to improve the reasoning ability of large language models (LLMs) over knowledge graphs (KGs) to answer complex questions. Inspired by existing methods that design the interaction strategy between LLMs and KG, we propose an autonomous LLM-based agent framework, called KG-Agent, which enables a small LLM to actively make decisions until finishing the reasoning process over KGs. In KG-Agent, we integrate the LLM, multifunctional toolbox, KG-based executor, and knowledge memory, and develop an iteration mechanism that autonomously selects the tool then updates the memory for reasoning over KG. To guarantee the effectiveness, we leverage program language to formulate the multi-hop reasoning process over the KG, and synthesize a code-based instruction dataset to fine-tune the base LLM. Extensive experiments demonstrate that only using 10K samples for tuning LLaMA-7B can outperform state-of-the-art methods using larger LLMs or more data, on both in-domain and out-domain datasets. Our code and data will be publicly released.
[ "cs.CL" ]
GenDec: A robust generative Question-decomposition method for Multi-hop reasoning
[ "Jian Wu", "Linyi Yang", "Yuliang Ji", "Wenhao Huang", "Börje F. Karlsson", "Manabu Okumura" ]
Multi-hop QA (MHQA) involves step-by-step reasoning to answer complex questions and find multiple relevant supporting facts. However, Existing large language models'(LLMs) reasoning ability in multi-hop question answering remains exploration, which is inadequate in answering multi-hop questions. Moreover, it is unclear whether LLMs follow a desired reasoning chain to reach the right final answer. In this paper, we propose a \textbf{gen}erative question \textbf{dec}omposition method (GenDec) from the perspective of explainable QA by generating independent and complete sub-questions based on incorporating additional extracted evidence for enhancing LLMs' reasoning ability in RAG. To demonstrate the impact, generalization, and robustness of Gendec, we conduct two experiments, the first is combining GenDec with small QA systems on paragraph retrieval and QA tasks. We secondly examine the reasoning capabilities of various state-of-the-art LLMs including GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 combined with GenDec. We experiment on the HotpotQA, 2WikihopMultiHopQA, MuSiQue, and PokeMQA datasets.
[ "cs.CL" ]
M4GT-Bench: Evaluation Benchmark for Black-Box Machine-Generated Text Detection
[ "Yuxia Wang", "Jonibek Mansurov", "Petar Ivanov", "Jinyan Su", "Artem Shelmanov", "Akim Tsvigun", "Osama Mohanned Afzal", "Tarek Mahmoud", "Giovanni Puccetti", "Thomas Arnold", "Alham Fikri Aji", "Nizar Habash", "Iryna Gurevych", "Preslav Nakov" ]
The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought an unprecedented surge in machine-generated text (MGT) across diverse channels. This raises legitimate concerns about its potential misuse and societal implications. The need to identify and differentiate such content from genuine human-generated text is critical in combating disinformation, preserving the integrity of education and scientific fields, and maintaining trust in communication. In this work, we address this problem by introducing a new benchmark involving multilingual, multi-domain and multi-generator for MGT detection -- M4GT-Bench. It is collected for three task formulations: (1) mono-lingual and multi-lingual binary MGT detection; (2) multi-way detection identifies which particular model generates the text; and (3) human-machine mixed text detection, where a word boundary delimiting MGT from human-written content should be determined. Human evaluation for Task 2 shows less than random guess performance, demonstrating the challenges to distinguish unique LLMs. Promising results always occur when training and test data distribute within the same domain or generators.
[ "cs.CL" ]
RENOVI: A Benchmark Towards Remediating Norm Violations in Socio-Cultural Conversations
[ "Haolan Zhan", "Zhuang Li", "Xiaoxi Kang", "Tao Feng", "Yuncheng Hua", "Lizhen Qu", "Yi Ying", "Mei Rianto Chandra", "Kelly Rosalin", "Jureynolds Jureynolds", "Suraj Sharma", "Shilin Qu", "Linhao Luo", "Lay-Ki Soon", "Zhaleh Semnani Azad", "Ingrid Zukerman", "Gholamreza Haffari" ]
Norm violations occur when individuals fail to conform to culturally accepted behaviors, which may lead to potential conflicts. Remediating norm violations requires social awareness and cultural sensitivity of the nuances at play. To equip interactive AI systems with a remediation ability, we offer ReNoVi - a large-scale corpus of 9,258 multi-turn dialogues annotated with social norms, as well as define a sequence of tasks to help understand and remediate norm violations step by step. ReNoVi consists of two parts: 512 human-authored dialogues (real data), and 8,746 synthetic conversations generated by ChatGPT through prompt learning. While collecting sufficient human-authored data is costly, synthetic conversations provide suitable amounts of data to help mitigate the scarcity of training data, as well as the chance to assess the alignment between LLMs and humans in the awareness of social norms. We thus harness the power of ChatGPT to generate synthetic training data for our task. To ensure the quality of both human-authored and synthetic data, we follow a quality control protocol during data collection. Our experimental results demonstrate the importance of remediating norm violations in socio-cultural conversations, as well as the improvement in performance obtained from synthetic data.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Disclosure and Mitigation of Gender Bias in LLMs
[ "Xiangjue Dong", "Yibo Wang", "Philip S. Yu", "James Caverlee" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs) can generate biased responses. Yet previous direct probing techniques contain either gender mentions or predefined gender stereotypes, which are challenging to comprehensively collect. Hence, we propose an indirect probing framework based on conditional generation. This approach aims to induce LLMs to disclose their gender bias even without explicit gender or stereotype mentions. We explore three distinct strategies to disclose explicit and implicit gender bias in LLMs. Our experiments demonstrate that all tested LLMs exhibit explicit and/or implicit gender bias, even when gender stereotypes are not present in the inputs. In addition, an increased model size or model alignment amplifies bias in most cases. Furthermore, we investigate three methods to mitigate bias in LLMs via Hyperparameter Tuning, Instruction Guiding, and Debias Tuning. Remarkably, these methods prove effective even in the absence of explicit genders or stereotypes.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Knowledge Graph Assisted Automatic Sports News Writing
[ "Yang Cao", "Xinyi Chen", "Xin Zhang", "Siying Li" ]
In this paper, we present a novel method for automatically generating sports news, which employs a unique algorithm that extracts pivotal moments from live text broadcasts and uses them to create an initial draft of the news. This draft is further refined by incorporating key details and background information from a specially designed sports knowledge graph. This graph contains 5,893 entities, which are classified into three distinct conceptual categories, interconnected through four relationship types, and characterized by 27 unique attributes. In addition, we create a multi-stage learning model by combining convolutional neural networks and a transformer encoder. This model expresses entity-task interactions using convolutional neural networks and enriches entity representations in the query set with the transformer encoder. It also includes a processor to compute matching scores for incomplete triples, addressing few-shot knowledge graph completion problem. The efficiency of this approach has been confirmed through both subjective and objective evaluations of 50 selected test cases, demonstrating its capability in revolutionizing the creation of sports news.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Centroid-Based Efficient Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding
[ "Hiroyuki Deguchi", "Yusuke Sakai", "Hidetaka Kamigaito", "Taro Watanabe", "Hideki Tanaka", "Masao Utiyama" ]
Minimum Bayes risk (MBR) decoding achieved state-of-the-art translation performance by using COMET, a neural metric that has a high correlation with human evaluation. However, MBR decoding requires quadratic time since it computes the expected score between a translation hypothesis and all reference translations. We propose centroid-based MBR (CBMBR) decoding to improve the speed of MBR decoding. Our method clusters the reference translations in the feature space, and then calculates the score using the centroids of each cluster. The experimental results show that our CBMBR not only improved the decoding speed of the expected score calculation 6.9 times, but also outperformed vanilla MBR decoding in translation quality by up to 0.5 COMET in the WMT'22 En$\leftrightarrow$Ja, En$\leftrightarrow$De, En$\leftrightarrow$Zh, and WMT'23 En$\leftrightarrow$Ja translation tasks.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Direct Evaluation of Chain-of-Thought in Multi-hop Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs
[ "Minh-Vuong Nguyen", "Linhao Luo", "Fatemeh Shiri", "Dinh Phung", "Yuan-Fang Li", "Thuy-Trang Vu", "Gholamreza Haffari" ]
Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate strong reasoning abilities when prompted to generate chain-of-thought (CoT) explanations alongside answers. However, previous research on evaluating LLMs has solely focused on answer accuracy, neglecting the correctness of the generated CoT. In this paper, we delve deeper into the CoT reasoning capabilities of LLMs in multi-hop question answering by utilizing knowledge graphs (KGs). We propose a novel discriminative and generative CoT evaluation paradigm to assess LLMs' knowledge of reasoning and the accuracy of the generated CoT. Through experiments conducted on 5 different families of LLMs across 2 multi-hop question-answering datasets, we find that LLMs possess sufficient knowledge to perform reasoning. However, there exists a significant disparity between answer accuracy and faithfulness of the CoT reasoning generated by LLMs, indicating that they often arrive at correct answers through incorrect reasoning.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Controlled Text Generation for Large Language Model with Dynamic Attribute Graphs
[ "Xun Liang", "Hanyu Wang", "Shichao Song", "Mengting Hu", "Xunzhi Wang", "Zhiyu Li", "Feiyu Xiong", "Bo Tang" ]
Controlled Text Generation (CTG) aims to produce texts that exhibit specific desired attributes. In this study, we introduce a pluggable CTG framework for Large Language Models (LLMs) named Dynamic Attribute Graphs-based controlled text generation (DATG). This framework utilizes an attribute scorer to evaluate the attributes of sentences generated by LLMs and constructs dynamic attribute graphs. DATG modulates the occurrence of key attribute words and key anti-attribute words, achieving effective attribute control without compromising the original capabilities of the model. We conduct experiments across four datasets in two tasks: toxicity mitigation and sentiment transformation, employing five LLMs as foundational models. Our findings highlight a remarkable enhancement in control accuracy, achieving a peak improvement of 19.29% over baseline methods in the most favorable task across four datasets. Additionally, we observe a significant decrease in perplexity, markedly improving text fluency.
[ "cs.CL" ]
LLM can Achieve Self-Regulation via Hyperparameter Aware Generation
[ "Siyin Wang", "Shimin Li", "Tianxiang Sun", "Jinlan Fu", "Qinyuan Cheng", "Jiasheng Ye", "Junjie Ye", "Xipeng Qiu", "Xuanjing Huang" ]
In the realm of Large Language Models (LLMs), users commonly employ diverse decoding strategies and adjust hyperparameters to control the generated text. However, a critical question emerges: Are LLMs conscious of the existence of these decoding strategies and capable of regulating themselves? The current decoding generation process often relies on empirical and heuristic manual adjustments to hyperparameters based on types of tasks and demands. However, this process is typically cumbersome, and the decoding hyperparameters may not always be optimal for each sample. To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a novel text generation paradigm termed Hyperparameter Aware Generation (HAG). By leveraging hyperparameter-aware instruction tuning, the LLM autonomously determines the optimal decoding strategy and configs based on the input samples, enabling self-regulation. Our approach eliminates the need for extensive manual tuning, offering a more autonomous, self-regulate model behavior. Experimental results spanning six datasets across reasoning, creativity, translation, and mathematics tasks demonstrate that hyperparameter-aware instruction tuning empowers the LLMs to self-regulate the decoding strategy and hyperparameter. HAG extends the current paradigm in the text generation process, highlighting the feasibility of endowing the LLMs with self-regulate decoding strategies.
[ "cs.CL" ]
C-ICL: Contrastive In-context Learning for Information Extraction
[ "Ying Mo", "Jian Yang", "Jiahao Liu", "Shun Zhang", "Jingang Wang", "Zhoujun Li" ]
Recently, there has been increasing interest in exploring the capabilities of advanced large language models (LLMs) in the field of information extraction (IE), specifically focusing on tasks related to named entity recognition (NER) and relation extraction (RE). Although researchers are exploring the use of few-shot information extraction through in-context learning with LLMs, they tend to focus only on using correct or positive examples for demonstration, neglecting the potential value of incorporating incorrect or negative examples into the learning process. In this paper, we present c-ICL, a novel few-shot technique that leverages both correct and incorrect sample constructions to create in-context learning demonstrations. This approach enhances the ability of LLMs to extract entities and relations by utilizing prompts that incorporate not only the positive samples but also the reasoning behind them. This method allows for the identification and correction of potential interface errors. Specifically, our proposed method taps into the inherent contextual information and valuable information in hard negative samples and the nearest positive neighbors to the test and then applies the in-context learning demonstrations based on LLMs. Our experiments on various datasets indicate that c-ICL outperforms previous few-shot in-context learning methods, delivering substantial enhancements in performance across a broad spectrum of related tasks. These improvements are noteworthy, showcasing the versatility of our approach in miscellaneous scenarios.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Can Large Multimodal Models Uncover Deep Semantics Behind Images?
[ "Yixin Yang", "Zheng Li", "Qingxiu Dong", "Heming Xia", "Zhifang Sui" ]
Understanding the deep semantics of images is essential in the era dominated by social media. However, current research works primarily on the superficial description of images, revealing a notable deficiency in the systematic investigation of the inherent deep semantics. In this work, we introduce DEEPEVAL, a comprehensive benchmark to assess Large Multimodal Models' (LMMs) capacities of visual deep semantics. DEEPEVAL includes human-annotated dataset and three progressive subtasks: fine-grained description selection, in-depth title matching, and deep semantics understanding. Utilizing DEEPEVAL, we evaluate 9 open-source LMMs and GPT-4V(ision).Our evaluation demonstrates a substantial gap between the deep semantic comprehension capabilities of existing LMMs and humans. For example, GPT-4V is 30% behind humans in understanding deep semantics, even though it achieves human-comparable performance in image description. Further analysis indicates that the integration of description texts during the inference process notably enhances LMMs' ability to perceive deep semantics. Furthermore, our dataset is divided into multiple categories, and we conducted a more detailed analysis within these categories.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Grammaticality illusion or ambiguous interpretation? Event-related potentials reveal the nature of the missing-NP effect in Mandarin centre-embedded structures
[ "Qihang Yang", "Caimei Yang", "Yu Liao", "Ziman Zhuang" ]
In several languages, omitting a verb phrase (VP) in double centre-embedded structures creates a grammaticality illusion. Similar illusion also exhibited in Mandarin missing-NP double centre-embedded structures. However, there is no consensus on its very nature. Instead of treating it as grammaticality illusion, we argue that ambiguous interpretations of verbs can best account for this phenomenon in Mandarin. To further support this hypothesis, we conducted two electroencephalography (EEG) experiments on quasi double centre-embedded structures whose complexity is reduced by placing the self-embedding relative clauses into the sentence's subject position. Experiment 1 showed that similar phenomenon even exhibited in this structure, evidenced by an absence of P600 effect and a presence of N400 effect. In Experiment 2, providing semantic cues to reduce ambiguity dispelled this illusion, as evidenced by a P600 effect. We interpret the results under garden-path theory and propose that word-order difference may account for this cross-linguistic variation.
[ "cs.CL" ]
OneBit: Towards Extremely Low-bit Large Language Models
[ "Yuzhuang Xu", "Xu Han", "Zonghan Yang", "Shuo Wang", "Qingfu Zhu", "Zhiyuan Liu", "Weidong Liu", "Wanxiang Che" ]
Model quantification uses low bit-width values to represent the weight matrices of models, which is a promising approach to reduce both storage and computational overheads of deploying highly anticipated LLMs. However, existing quantization methods suffer severe performance degradation when the bit-width is extremely reduced, and thus focus on utilizing 4-bit or 8-bit values to quantize models. This paper boldly quantizes the weight matrices of LLMs to 1-bit, paving the way for the extremely low bit-width deployment of LLMs. For this target, we introduce a 1-bit quantization-aware training (QAT) framework named OneBit, including a novel 1-bit parameter representation method to better quantize LLMs as well as an effective parameter initialization method based on matrix decomposition to improve the convergence speed of the QAT framework. Sufficient experimental results indicate that OneBit achieves good performance (at least 83% of the non-quantized performance) with robust training processes when only using 1-bit weight matrices.
[ "cs.CL" ]
MMMModal -- Multi-Images Multi-Audio Multi-turn Multi-Modal
[ "Husein Zolkepli", "Aisyah Razak", "Kamarul Adha", "Ariff Nazhan" ]
Our contribution introduces a groundbreaking multimodal large language model designed to comprehend multi-images, multi-audio, and multi-images-multi-audio within a single multiturn session. Leveraging state-of-the-art models, we utilize the SigLIP encoder for visual inputs and the Whisper Encoder for audio inputs. Notably, this multimodal large language model is bilingual, proficient in understanding both English and Malay simultaneously. We proudly unveil two versions of this model: TinyLlama with 1.1B parameters, and Mistral with 7B parameters. With its ability to navigate diverse modalities and languages, our model represents a significant advancement for the Malaysian context and beyond. All models released at
[ "cs.CL" ]
EVEDIT: Event-based Knowledge Editing with Deductive Editing Boundaries
[ "Jiateng Liu", "Pengfei Yu", "Yuji Zhang", "Sha Li", "Zixuan Zhang", "Heng Ji" ]
The dynamic nature of real-world information necessitates efficient knowledge editing (KE) in large language models (LLMs) for knowledge updating. However, current KE approaches, which typically operate on (subject, relation, object) triples, ignore the contextual information and the relation among different knowledge. Such editing methods could thus encounter an uncertain editing boundary, leaving a lot of relevant knowledge in ambiguity: Queries that could be answered pre-edit cannot be reliably answered afterward. In this work, we analyze this issue by introducing a theoretical framework for KE that highlights an overlooked set of knowledge that remains unchanged and aids in knowledge deduction during editing, which we name as the deduction anchor. We further address this issue by proposing a novel task of event-based knowledge editing that pairs facts with event descriptions. This task manifests not only a closer simulation of real-world editing scenarios but also a more logically sound setting, implicitly defining the deduction anchor to address the issue of indeterminate editing boundaries. We empirically demonstrate the superiority of event-based editing over the existing setting on resolving uncertainty in edited models, and curate a new benchmark dataset EvEdit derived from the CounterFact dataset. Moreover, while we observe that the event-based setting is significantly challenging for existing approaches, we propose a novel approach Self-Edit that showcases stronger performance, achieving 55.6% consistency improvement while maintaining the naturalness of generation.
[ "cs.CL" ]
PhaseEvo: Towards Unified In-Context Prompt Optimization for Large Language Models
[ "Wendi Cui", "Jiaxin Zhang", "Zhuohang Li", "Hao Sun", "Damien Lopez", "Kamalika Das", "Bradley Malin", "Sricharan Kumar" ]
Crafting an ideal prompt for Large Language Models (LLMs) is a challenging task that demands significant resources and expert human input. Existing work treats the optimization of prompt instruction and in-context learning examples as distinct problems, leading to sub-optimal prompt performance. This research addresses this limitation by establishing a unified in-context prompt optimization framework, which aims to achieve joint optimization of the prompt instruction and examples. However, formulating such optimization in the discrete and high-dimensional natural language space introduces challenges in terms of convergence and computational efficiency. To overcome these issues, we present PhaseEvo, an efficient automatic prompt optimization framework that combines the generative capability of LLMs with the global search proficiency of evolution algorithms. Our framework features a multi-phase design incorporating innovative LLM-based mutation operators to enhance search efficiency and accelerate convergence. We conduct an extensive evaluation of our approach across 35 benchmark tasks. The results demonstrate that PhaseEvo significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline methods by a large margin whilst maintaining good efficiency.
[ "cs.CL" ]
PANDA (Pedantic ANswer-correctness Determination and Adjudication):Improving Automatic Evaluation for Question Answering and Text Generation
[ "Zongxia Li", "Ishani Mondal", "Yijun Liang", "Huy Nghiem", "Jordan Lee Boyd-Graber" ]
Question answering (QA) can only make progress if we know if an answer is correct, but for many of the most challenging and interesting QA examples, current answer correctness (AC) metrics do not align with human judgments, particularly verbose, free form answers from large language models (LLM). There are two challenges: a lack of data and that models are too big. LLM based scorers correlate better with humans, but this expensive task has only been tested on limited QA datasets. We rectify these issues by providing clear guidelines for evaluating machine QA adopted from human QA contests. We also introduce Precise ANswer correctness Determination and Adjudication (PANDA), a small, efficient, deterministic AC classifier (812 KB) that more accurately evaluates answer correctness.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]