architecture: |
backbone_dtype: int4 |
force_embedding_gradients: false |
gradient_checkpointing: true |
intermediate_dropout: 0.0 |
pretrained: true |
pretrained_weights: '' |
augmentation: |
neftune_noise_alpha: 0.0 |
random_parent_probability: 0.0 |
skip_parent_probability: 0.0 |
token_mask_probability: 0.0 |
dataset: |
add_eos_token_to_answer: true |
add_eos_token_to_prompt: true |
add_eos_token_to_system: true |
answer_column: translated_response |
chatbot_author: H2O.ai |
chatbot_name: h2oGPT |
data_sample: 1.0 |
data_sample_choice: |
- Train |
- Validation |
limit_chained_samples: false |
mask_prompt_labels: true |
parent_id_column: None |
personalize: false |
prompt_column: |
- translated_question |
system_column: system_prompt |
text_answer_separator: <|answer|> |
text_prompt_start: <|prompt|> |
text_system_start: <|system|> |
train_dataframe: /home/llmstudio/mount/data/user/oraca_with_long/train_orca_with_long.parquet |
validation_dataframe: /home/llmstudio/mount/data/user/oraca_with_long/test_orca_with_long.parquet |
validation_size: 0.01 |
validation_strategy: custom |
environment: |
compile_model: false |
deepspeed_reduce_bucket_size: 1000000 |
deepspeed_stage3_param_persistence_threshold: 1000000 |
deepspeed_stage3_prefetch_bucket_size: 1000000 |
find_unused_parameters: false |
gpus: |
- '0' |
huggingface_branch: main |
mixed_precision: false |
number_of_workers: 8 |
seed: -1 |
trust_remote_code: true |
use_deepspeed: false |
experiment_name: singGPT-danube2-1-8b-v6 with sys prompt |
llm_backbone: h2oai/h2o-danube2-1.8b-chat |
logging: |
logger: None |
neptune_project: '' |
output_directory: /home/llmstudio/mount/output/user/singGPT-danube2-1-8b-v6 with sys |
prompt/ |
prediction: |
batch_size_inference: 0 |
do_sample: false |
max_length_inference: 256 |
metric: Perplexity |
metric_gpt_model: gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 |
metric_gpt_template: general |
min_length_inference: 2 |
num_beams: 1 |
num_history: 4 |
repetition_penalty: 1.0 |
stop_tokens: '' |
temperature: 0.0 |
top_k: 0 |
top_p: 1.0 |
problem_type: text_causal_language_modeling |
tokenizer: |
add_prefix_space: false |
add_prompt_answer_tokens: false |
max_length: 7904 |
max_length_answer: 1152 |
max_length_prompt: 6560 |
padding_quantile: 1.0 |
use_fast: true |
training: |
batch_size: 2 |
differential_learning_rate: 1.0e-05 |
differential_learning_rate_layers: [] |
drop_last_batch: true |
epochs: 1 |
evaluate_before_training: true |
evaluation_epochs: 0.25 |
grad_accumulation: 1 |
gradient_clip: 0.5 |
learning_rate: 5.0e-05 |
lora: true |
lora_alpha: 16 |
lora_dropout: 0.05 |
lora_r: 4 |
lora_target_modules: '' |
loss_function: TokenAveragedCrossEntropy |
optimizer: AdamW |
save_best_checkpoint: false |
schedule: Cosine |
train_validation_data: false |
use_flash_attention_2: false |
warmup_epochs: 0.0 |
weight_decay: 0.0 |