import numpy as np |
from pytorch3d.ops import ball_query |
from helpers import * |
import cv2 |
import hoho |
import itertools |
import torch |
from pytorch3d.renderer import PerspectiveCameras |
from hoho.color_mappings import gestalt_color_mapping |
from PIL import Image |
def my_empty_solution(): |
return np.zeros((20,3)), [(0, 0)] |
def fully_connected_solution(vertices=None): |
if vertices is None: |
nverts = 20 |
vertices_new = np.zeros((nverts,3)) |
else: |
nverts = vertices.shape[0] |
vertices_new = vertices.mean(0)[None].repeat(nverts, axis=0) |
all_verts = list(range(nverts)) |
edges = list(itertools.product(all_verts, all_verts)) |
edges = [edg for edg in edges if edg[0] < edg[1]] |
return vertices_new, edges |
class GeomSolver(object): |
def __init__(self): |
self.min_vertices = 10 |
self.mean_vertices = 20 |
self.max_vertices = 30 |
self.kmeans_th = 200 |
self.point_dist_th = 50 |
self.th_min_support = 3 |
self.clr_th = 2.5 |
self.device = 'cuda:0' |
self.return_edges = False |
self.mean_fixed = False |
self.repeat_predicted = True |
self.return_fully_connected = True |
def cluster_points(self, point_types): |
point_colors = [] |
for point_type in point_types: |
point_colors.append(np.array(gestalt_color_mapping[point_type])) |
dist_points = np.zeros((self.verts.shape[0], )) |
visible_counts = np.zeros((self.verts.shape[0], ), dtype=int) |
proj_uv = [] |
for ki in range(len(self.gestalt_to_colmap_cams)): |
if self.broken_cams[ki]: |
proj_uv.append(([], [])) |
continue |
cki = self.gestalt_to_colmap_cams[ki] |
gest = self.gests[ki] |
vert_mask = 0 |
for point_color in point_colors: |
my_mask = cv2.inRange(gest, point_color-self.clr_th, point_color+self.clr_th) |
vert_mask = vert_mask + my_mask |
vert_mask = (vert_mask > 0).astype(np.uint8) |
dist = cv2.distanceTransform(1-vert_mask, cv2.DIST_L2, 3) |
in_this_image = np.array([cki in p.image_ids for p in self.points3D.values()]) |
uv = torch.round(self.pyt_cameras[ki].transform_points(self.verts)[:, :2]).cpu().numpy().astype(int) |
height, width = dist.shape |
uv_inl = (uv[:, 0] >= 0) * (uv[:, 1] >= 0) * (uv[:, 0] < width) * (uv[:, 1] < height) * in_this_image |
proj_uv.append((uv, uv_inl)) |
uv = uv[uv_inl] |
dist_points[uv_inl] += dist[uv[:,1], uv[:,0]] |
visible_counts[uv_inl] += 1 |
selected_points = (dist_points / (visible_counts + 1e-6)) <= self.point_dist_th |
selected_points[visible_counts < 1] = False |
pnts = torch.from_numpy(self.xyz[selected_points].astype(np.float32))[None] |
bdists, inds, nn = ball_query(pnts, pnts, K=3, radius=40) |
dense_pnts = (bdists[0] > 0).sum(1) == 3 |
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 200, 0.3) |
point_inds = np.arange(self.xyz.shape[0]) |
centers = np.zeros((0, 3)) |
assigned_points = [] |
if len(self.xyz[selected_points][dense_pnts]) == 0 or dense_pnts.sum() == 0 or selected_points.sum() == 0: |
return centers, assigned_points |
if len(self.xyz[selected_points][dense_pnts]) == 1: |
return self.xyz[selected_points][dense_pnts], [point_inds[selected_points][dense_pnts]] |
for tempi in range(1, 30): |
retval, temp_bestLabels, temp_centers = cv2.kmeans(self.xyz[selected_points][dense_pnts].astype(np.float32), tempi, None, criteria, 200,flags) |
cpnts = torch.from_numpy(temp_centers.astype(np.float32))[None] |
bdists, inds, nn = ball_query(cpnts, cpnts, K=2, radius=1.2*self.kmeans_th) |
if bdists.max() > 0: |
closest_nn = (bdists[bdists>0].min()**0.5).item() |
else: |
closest_nn = self.kmeans_th |
if closest_nn < self.kmeans_th or tempi == self.xyz[selected_points][dense_pnts].shape[0]: |
break |
centers, bestLabels = temp_centers, temp_bestLabels |
if centers.shape[0] == 0: |
centers, bestLabels = temp_centers, temp_bestLabels |
centers_selected = [] |
for ci in range(centers.shape[0]): |
assigned_inds = point_inds[selected_points][dense_pnts][bestLabels[:,0] == ci] |
if len(assigned_inds) < self.th_min_support: |
continue |
centers_selected.append(centers[ci]) |
assigned_points.append(assigned_inds) |
if len(centers_selected) == 0: |
print("Not centers with enough support!") |
for ci in range(centers.shape[0]): |
assigned_inds = point_inds[selected_points][dense_pnts][bestLabels[:,0] == ci] |
assigned_points.append(assigned_inds) |
return centers, assigned_points |
centers_selected = np.stack(centers_selected) |
return centers_selected, assigned_points |
def process_vertices(self): |
human_entry = self.human_entry |
col_cams = [hoho.Rt_to_eye_target(Image.new('RGB', (human_entry['cameras'][colmap_img.camera_id].width, human_entry['cameras'][colmap_img.camera_id].height)), to_K(*human_entry['cameras'][colmap_img.camera_id].params), quaternion_to_rotation_matrix(colmap_img.qvec), colmap_img.tvec) for colmap_img in human_entry['images'].values()] |
cameras, images, self.points3D = human_entry['cameras'], human_entry['images'], human_entry['points3d'] |
colmap_cameras_tf = list(human_entry['images'].keys()) |
self.xyz = np.stack([p.xyz for p in self.points3D.values()]) |
color = np.stack([p.rgb for p in self.points3D.values()]) |
self.gests = [np.array(gest0) for gest0 in human_entry['gestalt']] |
to_camera_ids = np.array([colmap_img.camera_id for colmap_img in human_entry['images'].values()]) |
gestalt_camcet = np.stack([eye for eye, target, up, fov in itertools.starmap(hoho.Rt_to_eye_target, zip(*[human_entry[k] for k in 'ade20k K R t'.split()]))]) |
col_camcet = np.stack([eye for eye, target, up, fov in col_cams]) |
self.gestalt_to_colmap_cams = [colmap_cameras_tf[np.argmin(((gcam - col_camcet)**2).sum(1)**0.5)] for gcam in gestalt_camcet] |
self.broken_cams = np.array([np.min(((gcam - col_camcet)**2).sum(1)**0.5) for gcam in gestalt_camcet]) > 300 |
N = len(self.gestalt_to_colmap_cams) |
R = np.stack([quaternion_to_rotation_matrix(human_entry['images'][self.gestalt_to_colmap_cams[ind]].qvec) for ind in range(N)]) |
T = np.stack([human_entry['images'][self.gestalt_to_colmap_cams[ind]].tvec for ind in range(N)]) |
R = np.linalg.inv(R) |
image_size = [] |
K = [] |
for ind in range(N): |
cid = to_camera_ids[np.array(colmap_cameras_tf) == self.gestalt_to_colmap_cams[ind]][0] |
sz = np.array([cameras[cid].height, cameras[cid].width]) |
image_size.append(sz) |
K.append(to_K(*human_entry['cameras'][cid].params)) |
image_size = np.stack(image_size) |
K = np.stack(K) |
self.pyt_cameras = PerspectiveCameras(device=self.device, R=R, T=T, in_ndc=False, focal_length=K[:, 0, :1], principal_point=K[:, :2, 2], image_size=image_size) |
self.verts = torch.from_numpy(self.xyz.astype(np.float32)).to(self.device) |
centers_apex, assigned_apex = self.cluster_points(['apex']) |
centers_eave, assigned_eave = self.cluster_points(['eave_end_point']) |
centers = np.concatenate((centers_apex, centers_eave)) |
self.assigned_points = assigned_apex + assigned_eave |
self.is_apex = np.zeros((centers.shape[0], )).astype(int) |
self.is_apex[:centers_apex.shape[0]] = 1 |
z_th = centers[:,-1].min() - 50 |
self.wf_center = self.xyz[self.xyz[:,-1] > z_th].mean(0) |
self.wf_center[-1] = centers[:, -1].mean() |
self.vertices = centers |
nvert = centers.shape[0] |
desired_vertices = int(2.2*nvert) |
if desired_vertices < self.min_vertices: |
desired_vertices = self.mean_vertices |
if desired_vertices > self.max_vertices: |
desired_vertices = self.mean_vertices |
if nvert >= desired_vertices: |
vertices = centers[:desired_vertices] |
print("Enough vertices.") |
else: |
vertices = centers |
if self.repeat_predicted: |
while vertices.shape[0] < desired_vertices: |
vertices = np.concatenate((vertices, centers)) |
vertices = vertices[:desired_vertices] |
else: |
if self.mean_fixed: |
added_one = (desired_vertices * self.wf_center - self.vertices.sum(0)) / (desired_vertices - nvert) |
else: |
added_one = self.wf_center |
added = added_one[None].repeat(desired_vertices - nvert,0) |
vertices = np.concatenate((self.vertices, added)) |
self.vertices_aug = vertices |
def process_edges(self): |
N = len(self.gests) |
image_ids = np.array([p.id for p in self.points3D.values()]) |
center_visibility = [set(np.concatenate([self.points3D[image_ids[pind]].image_ids for pind in ass_item])) for ass_item in self.assigned_points] |
pyt_centers = torch.from_numpy(self.vertices.astype(np.float32)).to(self.device) |
edge_dists = [] |
uvs = [] |
edge_types = {0 : ['eave'], 1 : ['rake', 'valley'], 2 : ['ridge']} |
for ki in range(N): |
gest = self.gests[ki] |
edge_masks = {} |
per_type_dists = {} |
for etype in edge_types: |
edge_mask = 0 |
for edge_class in edge_types[etype]: |
edge_color = np.array(gestalt_color_mapping[edge_class]) |
mask = cv2.morphologyEx(cv2.inRange(gest, |
edge_color-self.clr_th, |
edge_color+self.clr_th), |
cv2.MORPH_DILATE, np.ones((3, 3))) |
edge_mask += mask |
edge_mask = (edge_mask > 0).astype(np.uint8) |
edge_masks[etype] = edge_mask |
dist = cv2.distanceTransform(1-edge_mask, cv2.DIST_L2, 3) |
per_type_dists[etype] = dist |
edge_dists.append(per_type_dists) |
height, width, _ = gest.shape |
uv = torch.round(self.pyt_cameras[ki].transform_points(pyt_centers)[:, :2]).cpu().numpy().astype(int) |
uv_inl = (uv[:, 0] >= 0) * (uv[:, 1] >= 0) * (uv[:, 0] < width) * (uv[:, 1] < height) |
uv = uv[uv_inl] |
uvs.append(uv) |
edges = [] |
thresholds_min_mean = {0 : [5, 7], 1 : [9, 25], 2: [30, 1000]} |
for i in range(pyt_centers.shape[0]): |
for j in range(i+1, pyt_centers.shape[0]): |
etype = (self.is_apex[i] + self.is_apex[j]) |
points_inter = pyt_centers[i][None] + torch.linspace(0, 1, 20)[:, None].to(self.device) * (pyt_centers[j][None] - pyt_centers[i][None]) |
min_mean_dist = 1000 |
all_dists = [] |
best_ki = -1 |
best_uvi = -1 |
for ki in range(N): |
cki = self.gestalt_to_colmap_cams[ki] |
if not ( (cki in center_visibility[i]) or (cki in center_visibility[j]) ): |
continue |
if self.broken_cams[ki]: |
continue |
height, width, _ = self.gests[ki].shape |
uvi = torch.round(self.pyt_cameras[ki].transform_points(points_inter)[:, :2]).cpu().numpy().astype(int) |
if (uvi <= 0).any() or (uvi[:,0] >= width).any() or (uvi[:,1] >= height).any(): |
continue |
mean_dist = edge_dists[ki][etype][uvi[:,1], uvi[:,0]].mean() |
all_dists.append(mean_dist) |
if mean_dist < min_mean_dist: |
min_mean_dist = mean_dist |
best_ki = ki |
best_uvi = uvi |
if best_ki == -1: |
continue |
ths = thresholds_min_mean[etype] |
if min_mean_dist < ths[0] and np.mean(all_dists) < ths[1]: |
edges.append((i,j)) |
if len(edges) == 0: |
edges.append((0, 0)) |
return edges |
def solve(self, entry, visualize=False): |
human_entry = convert_entry_to_human_readable(entry) |
self.human_entry = human_entry |
self.process_vertices() |
vertices = self.vertices_aug |
if self.return_edges: |
edges = self.process_edges() |
else: |
edges = [(0, 0)] |
if self.return_fully_connected: |
zero_vertices = np.zeros((vertices.shape[0],3)) |
vertices, edges = fully_connected_solution(zero_vertices) |
if visualize: |
from hoho.viz3d import plot_estimate_and_gt |
plot_estimate_and_gt(vertices, [(0,0)], self.human_entry['wf_vertices'], self.human_entry['wf_edges']) |
return vertices, edges |