import streamlit as st | |
from audio_recorder.streamlit_audio_recorder.st_audiorec import st_audiorec | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
import torch | |
from gtts import gTTS | |
from pydub import AudioSegment | |
from pydub.playback import play | |
from io import BytesIO | |
import streamlit as st | |
import datetime as dt | |
#import streamlit_toggle as tog | |
import streamlit_authenticator as stauth | |
import sqlite3 | |
from pathlib import Path | |
global FILE_PATH | |
FILE_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "translator.db" | |
class DatabaseConnection: | |
def __init__(self, database): | |
self.connection = None | |
self.database = database | |
def __enter__(self): | |
self.connection = sqlite3.connect(self.database) | |
return self.connection | |
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): | |
if exc_type or exc_val or exc_tb: | |
pass | |
else: | |
self.connection.commit() | |
self.connection.close() | |
def log_in(credentials): | |
authenticator = stauth.Authenticate(credentials, 'translator_cookie', 'translator_signature_key', cookie_expiry_days=7) | |
name, auth_status, username = authenticator.login("Login", "main") | |
username = username.capitalize() | |
if auth_status: | |
st.success(f"Zalogowany jako {username}") | |
st.sidebar.write(f"Zalogowany jako **{username}**") | |
authenticator.logout("Wyloguj", "sidebar") | |
USERNAME, LOGGED_IN = username, True | |
else: | |
if username!='': | |
st.error(f"Nieprawidłowe hasło dla użytkownika {username}") | |
USERNAME, LOGGED_IN = username, False | |
def register(usernames): | |
with st.form("Rejestracja"): | |
st.write("<p style='font-size: 28px;'>Rejestracja</p>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
username = st.text_input("Nazwa użytkownika") | |
password = st.text_input("Hasło", type="password") | |
password2 = st.text_input("Powtórz hasło", type="password") | |
register = st.form_submit_button("Zarejestruj się") # Change the button text here | |
if register: | |
if password != password2: | |
st.error("Podane hasła różnią się od siebie") | |
st.stop() | |
elif username in usernames: | |
st.error("Nazwa użytkownika jest już zajęta") | |
st.stop() | |
else: | |
with DatabaseConnection(FILE_PATH) as conn: | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
hashed_password = stauth.Hasher(passwords=[password]).generate()[0] | |
cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO Users (username, hashed_password) VALUES (?, ?)", (username, hashed_password,)) | |
st.success(f"Rejestracja jako {username} udana. Teraz proszę się zalogować.") | |
def enter(action): | |
with DatabaseConnection(FILE_PATH) as conn: | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Users") | |
user_data = cursor.fetchall() | |
usernames = [row[0] for row in user_data] | |
passwords = [row[1] for row in user_data] | |
credentials = {"usernames":{}} | |
for un, name, pw in zip(usernames, usernames, passwords): | |
user_dict = {"name":name,"password":pw} | |
credentials["usernames"].update({un:user_dict}) | |
if action == "Register": | |
register(usernames) | |
elif action == "Login": | |
log_in(credentials) | |
def display_row(h): | |
col1, col2 = st.columns([0.8, 0.2]) | |
with col1: | |
st.write(f"{h[0]}") | |
with col2: | |
st.write(f"{h[4]} → {h[5]}") | |
st.success(f"{h[2]} ➡️ {h[3]}") | |
st.write("---") | |
def view_history(username): | |
st.header("Historia tłumaczeń") | |
st.markdown("---") | |
with DatabaseConnection(FILE_PATH) as conn: | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM History WHERE username='{username}' ORDER BY ROWID DESC") | |
history = cursor.fetchall() | |
if len(history)==0: | |
st.warning("Brak historii tłumaczeń") | |
st.stop() | |
for h in history[:3]: | |
display_row(h) | |
if len(history)>3: | |
toggle = st.toggle("Pokaż więcej") | |
if toggle: | |
for h in history[3:]: | |
display_row(h) | |
def save_history(username, transcription, translation, og_lang, output_lang, date): | |
with DatabaseConnection(FILE_PATH) as conn: | |
cursor = conn.cursor() | |
# weryfikacja, czy pojawiło się nowe tłumaczenie | |
cursor.execute(f"SELECT transcription, translation FROM History WHERE username='{username}' ORDER BY ROWID DESC LIMIT 1") | |
last_row = cursor.fetchone() | |
if last_row==None or last_row[0]+last_row[1]!=transcription+translation: | |
cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO History (date, username, transcription, translation, og_lang, output_lang) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", | |
(date, username, transcription, translation, og_lang, output_lang,)) | |
def load_model(): | |
device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" | |
return pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model="openai/whisper-large", device=device) | |
pipe = load_model() | |
def transcribe(audio, lang='pl'): | |
outputs = pipe(audio, max_new_tokens=256, generate_kwargs={"task": "transcribe", "language": f"{lang}"}) | |
return outputs["text"] | |
def text2speech(text, language): | |
tts = gTTS(text, lang=language) | |
audio_stream = BytesIO() | |
tts.write_to_fp(audio_stream) | | | |
return AudioSegment.from_mp3(audio_stream) | |
st.markdown('''<style>.css-1egvi7u {margin-top: -3rem;}</style>''', | |
unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.markdown('''<style>.stAudio {height: 45px;}</style>''', | |
unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.markdown('''<style>.css-v37k9u a {color: #ff4c4b;}</style>''', | |
unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.markdown('''<style>.css-nlntq9 a {color: #ff4c4b;}</style>''', | |
unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
langdict = language_abbreviations = { | |
"Afrikaans": "af", | |
"Arabski": "ar", | |
"Armeński": "hy", | |
"Azerski": "az", | |
"Białoruski": "be", | |
"Bośniacki": "bs", | |
"Bułgarski": "bg", | |
"Kataloński": "ca", | |
"Chiński": "zh", | |
"Chorwacki": "hr", | |
"Czeski": "cs", | |
"Duński": "da", | |
"Holenderski": "nl", | |
"Angielski": "en", | |
"Estoński": "et", | |
"Fiński": "fi", | |
"Francuski": "fr", | |
"Galicyjski": "gl", | |
"Niemiecki": "de", | |
"Grecki": "el", | |
"Hebrajski": "he", | |
"Hindi": "hi", | |
"Węgierski": "hu", | |
"Islandzki": "is", | |
"Indonezyjski": "id", | |
"Włoski": "it", | |
"Japoński": "ja", | |
"Kazachski": "kk", | |
"Koreański": "ko", | |
"Łotewski": "lv", | |
"Litewski": "lt", | |
"Macedoński": "mk", | |
"Malajski": "ms", | |
"Marathi": "mr", | |
"Maori": "mi", | |
"Nepalski": "ne", | |
"Norweski": "no", | |
"Perski": "fa", | |
"Polski": "pl", | |
"Portugalski": "pt", | |
"Rumuński": "ro", | |
"Rosyjski": "ru", | |
"Serbski": "sr", | |
"Słowacki": "sk", | |
"Słoweński": "sl", | |
"Hiszpański": "es", | |
"Suahili": "sw", | |
"Szwedzki": "sv", | |
"Tagalog": "tl", | |
"Tamilski": "ta", | |
"Tajski": "th", | |
"Turecki": "tr", | |
"Ukraiński": "uk", | |
"Urdu": "ur", | |
"Wietnamski": "vi", | |
"Walijski": "cy", | |
} | |
def main(): | |
st.title('Tłumacz') | |
option = st.selectbox("Wybierz formę wgrania danych: ", ['Mikrofon', 'Gotowy plik audio [.wav]'], 0) | |
st.markdown("---") | |
st.markdown('''<style>body {padding: 10px;} .stAudio {height: 45px;} .css-1egvi7u {margin-top: -3rem;} .css-v37k9u a {color: #ff4c4b;}</style>''', | |
unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
with st.sidebar: | |
st.write('---') | |
st.title("Ustawienia językowe") | |
og_lang = st.selectbox("Wybierz język wejściowy: ", langdict.keys(), 38) | |
output_lang = st.selectbox("Wybierz język wyjściowy:", langdict.keys(), 13) | |
st.markdown("---") | |
st.write("Tłumacz stworzony przez:") | |
st.write("[Aleks Kapich](") | |
st.write("[Tymoteusz Kwieciński](") | |
st.write("[Michał Matejczuk](") | |
if option =='Mikrofon': | |
wav_audio_data = st_audiorec() | |
col_info, col_space = st.columns([0.57, 0.43]) | |
with col_info: | |
st.write('\n') | |
else: | |
wav_audio_data = st.file_uploader("Wybierz plik audio", type=["wav"]) | |
if wav_audio_data is not None: | |
wav_audio_data = | |
st.markdown("---") | |
if wav_audio_data is not None: | |
st.write('**Oryginalny tekst:**') | |
with st.spinner("Transkrybowanie tekstu..."): | |
transcription = transcribe(wav_audio_data, lang=langdict[og_lang]) | |
st.write(transcription, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
try: | |
st.write(f'**Tłumaczenie na {output_lang.lower()}:**') | |
with st.spinner("Tłumaczenie tekstu..."): | |
translation = transcribe(wav_audio_data, lang=langdict[output_lang]) | |
st.write(translation, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
save_history(USERNAME, transcription, translation, og_lang, output_lang,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) | |
sound = text2speech(translation, langdict[output_lang]) | |
if st.button('🔊'): | |
play(sound) | |
except AssertionError: | |
st.error('Nie udało się przetłumaczyć tekstu. Spróbuj ponownie.') | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
global LOGGED_IN | |
global USERNAME | |
LOGGED_IN = False | |
USERNAME = None | |
tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 = st.tabs(["🔑 Login", "✍🏻 Rejestracja", "🔊 Tłumacz", "📄 Historia"]) | |
with tab1: | |
enter(action="Login") | |
with tab2: | |
enter(action="Register") | |
with tab3: | |
if LOGGED_IN: | |
main() | |
else: | |
st.warning("Proszę zalogować się, aby użyć tłumacza") | |
with tab4: | |
if LOGGED_IN: | |
view_history(USERNAME) | |
else: | |
st.warning("Proszę zalogować się, aby mieć dostęp do historii") | |