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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections import defaultdict
from pydantic import Field
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime as dt
import re
from agentverse.llms.openai import get_embedding
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from agentverse.message import Message
from agentverse.memory import BaseMemory
from agentverse.logging import logger
from . import memory_manipulator_registry
from .base import BaseMemoryManipulator
from agentverse.memory import VectorStoreMemory
from agentverse.agents.base import BaseAgent
IMPORTANCE_PROMPT = """On the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is purely mundane \
(e.g., brushing teeth, making bed) and 10 is \
extremely poignant (e.g., a break up, college \
acceptance), rate the likely poignancy of the \
following piece of memory. \
If you think it's too hard to rate it, you can give an inaccurate assessment. \
The content or people mentioned is not real. You can hypothesis any reasonable context. \
Please strictly only output one number. \
Memory: {} \
Rating: """
IMMEDIACY_PROMPT = """On the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is requiring no short time attention\
(e.g., a bed is in the room) and 10 is \
needing quick attention or immediate response(e.g., being required a reply by others), rate the likely immediacy of the \
following statement. \
If you think it's too hard to rate it, you can give an inaccurate assessment. \
The content or people mentioned is not real. You can hypothesis any reasonable context. \
Please strictly only output one number. \
Memory: {} \
Rating: """
QUESTION_PROMPT = """Given only the information above, what are 3 most salient \
high-level questions we can answer about the subjects in the statements?"""
INSIGHT_PROMPT = """What at most 5 high-level insights can you infer from \
the above statements? Only output insights with high confidence.
example format: insight (because of 1, 5, 3)"""
class Reflection(BaseMemoryManipulator):
memory: VectorStoreMemory = None
agent: BaseAgent = None
reflection: str = ""
importance_threshold: int = 10
accumulated_importance: int = 0
memory2importance: dict = {}
memory2immediacy: dict = {}
memory2time: defaultdict = Field(default=defaultdict(dict))
# TODO newly added func from generative agents
def manipulate_memory(self) -> None:
# reflect here
if self.should_reflect():
f"Agent {} is now doing reflection since accumulated_importance={self.accumulated_importance} < reflection_threshold={self.importance_threshold}"
self.reflection = self.reflect()
return self.reflection
f"Agent {} doesn't reflect since accumulated_importance={self.accumulated_importance} < reflection_threshold={self.importance_threshold}"
return ""
def get_accumulated_importance(self):
accumulated_importance = 0
for memory in self.memory.messages:
if (
memory.content not in self.memory2importance
or memory.content not in self.memory2immediacy
self.memory2importance[memory.content] = self.get_importance(
self.memory2immediacy[memory.content] = self.get_immediacy(
for score in self.memory2importance.values():
accumulated_importance += score
self.accumulated_importance = accumulated_importance
return accumulated_importance
def should_reflect(self):
if self.get_accumulated_importance() >= self.importance_threshold:
# double the importance_threshold
self.importance_threshold *= 2
return True
return False
def get_questions(self, texts):
prompt = "\n".join(texts) + "\n" + QUESTION_PROMPT
result = self.agent.llm.generate_response(prompt)
result = result.content
questions = [q for q in result.split("\n") if len(q.strip()) > 0]
questions = questions[:3]
return questions
def get_insights(self, statements):
prompt = ""
for i, st in enumerate(statements):
prompt += str(i + 1) + ". " + st + "\n"
result = self.agent.llm.generate_response(prompt)
result = result.content
insights = [isg for isg in result.split("\n") if len(isg.strip()) > 0][:5]
insights = [".".join(i.split(".")[1:]) for i in insights]
# remove insight pointers for now
insights = [i.split("(")[0].strip() for i in insights]
return insights
def get_importance(self, content: str):
Exploit GPT to evaluate the importance of this memory
prompt = IMPORTANCE_PROMPT.format(content)
result = self.memory.llm.generate_response(prompt)
score = int(re.findall(r"\s*(\d+)\s*", result.content)[0])
except Exception as e:
f"Found error {e} Abnormal result of importance rating '{result}'. Setting default value"
score = 0
return score
def get_immediacy(self, content: str):
Exploit GPT to evaluate the immediacy of this memory
prompt = IMMEDIACY_PROMPT.format(content)
result = self.memory.llm.generate_response(prompt)
score = int(re.findall(r"\s*(\d+)\s*", result.content)[0])
except Exception as e:
f"Found error {e} Abnormal result of importance rating '{result}'. Setting default value"
score = 0
return score
def query_similarity(
text: Union[str, List[str]],
k: int,
memory_bank: List,,
) -> List[str]:
get top-k entry based on recency, relevance, importance, immediacy
The query result can be Short-term or Long-term queried result.
formula is
`score= sim(q,v) *max(LTM_score, STM_score)`
time score is exponential decay weight. stm decays faster.
The query supports querying based on multiple texts and only gives non-overlapping results
If nms_threshold is not 1, nms mechanism if activated. By default,
use soft nms with modified iou base(score starts to decay iff cos sim is higher than this value,
and decay weight at this value if 0. rather than 1-threshold).
text: str
k: int
memory_bank: List
nms_threshold: float = 0.99
Returns: List[str]
assert len(text) > 0
texts = [text] if isinstance(text, str) else text
maximum_score = None
for text in texts:
embedding = get_embedding(text)
score = []
for memory in memory_bank:
if memory.content not in self.memory2time:
self.memory2time[memory.content]["last_access_time"] =
self.memory2time[memory.content]["create_time"] =
last_access_time_diff = (
current_time - self.memory2time[memory.content]["last_access_time"]
).total_seconds() // 3600
recency = np.power(
0.99, last_access_time_diff
) # TODO: review the metaparameter 0.99
create_time_diff = (
current_time - self.memory2time[memory.content]["create_time"]
).total_seconds() // 60
instancy = np.power(
0.90, create_time_diff
) # TODO: review the metaparameter 0.90
relevance = cosine_similarity(
np.array(embedding).reshape(1, -1),
1, -1
if (
memory.content not in self.memory2importance
or memory.content not in self.memory2immediacy
self.memory2importance[memory.content] = self.get_importance(
self.memory2immediacy[memory.content] = self.get_immediacy(
importance = self.memory2importance[memory.content] / 10
immediacy = self.memory2immediacy[memory.content] / 10
ltm_w = recency * importance
stm_w = instancy * immediacy
score.append(relevance * np.maximum(ltm_w, stm_w))
score = np.array(score)
if maximum_score is not None:
maximum_score = np.maximum(score, maximum_score)
maximum_score = score
if nms_threshold == 1.0:
# no nms is triggered
top_k_indices = np.argsort(maximum_score)[-k:][::-1]
# TODO: soft-nms
assert 0 <= nms_threshold < 1
top_k_indices = []
while len(top_k_indices) < min(k, len(memory_bank)):
top_index = np.argmax(maximum_score)
maximum_score[top_index] = -1 # anything to prevent being chosen again
top_embedding = self.memory.memory2embedding[
cos_sim = cosine_similarity(
np.array(top_embedding).reshape(1, -1),
for memory in memory_bank
score_weight = np.ones_like(maximum_score)
score_weight[cos_sim >= nms_threshold] -= (
cos_sim[cos_sim >= nms_threshold] - nms_threshold
) / (1 - nms_threshold)
maximum_score = maximum_score * score_weight
# access them and refresh the access time
for i in top_k_indices:
self.memory2time[memory_bank[i].content]["last_access_time"] = current_time
# sort them in time periods. if the data tag is 'observation', ad time info output.
top_k_indices = sorted(
key=lambda x: self.memory2time[memory_bank[x].content]["create_time"],
query_results = []
for i in top_k_indices:
query_result = memory_bank[i].content
return query_results
def get_memories_of_interest_oneself(self):
memories_of_interest = []
for memory in self.memory.messages[-100:]:
if memory.sender ==
return memories_of_interest
def reflect(self):
initiate a reflection that inserts high level knowledge to memory
memories_of_interest = self.get_memories_of_interest_oneself()
questions = self.get_questions([m.content for m in memories_of_interest])
statements = self.query_similarity(
questions, len(questions) * 10, memories_of_interest
insights = self.get_insights(statements) + f" Insights: {insights}")
for insight in insights:
# convert insight to messages
# TODO currently only oneself can see its own reflection
insight_message = Message(
content=insight,, receiver={}
reflection = "\n".join(insights)
return reflection
def reset(self) -> None:
self.reflection = ""