import datetime |
from concurrent.futures import as_completed |
from urllib import parse |
import pandas as pd |
import streamlit as st |
import wandb |
from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession |
from dashboard_utils.time_tracker import _log, simple_time_tracker |
URL_QUICKSEARCH = "https://huggingface.co/api/quicksearch?" |
CACHE_TTL = 100 |
@st.cache(ttl=CACHE_TTL, show_spinner=False) |
@simple_time_tracker(_log) |
def get_new_bubble_data(): |
serialized_data_points, latest_timestamp = get_serialized_data_points() |
serialized_data = get_serialized_data(serialized_data_points, latest_timestamp) |
usernames = [] |
for item in serialized_data["points"][0]: |
usernames.append(item["profileId"]) |
profiles = get_profiles(usernames) |
return serialized_data, profiles |
@st.cache(ttl=CACHE_TTL, show_spinner=False) |
@simple_time_tracker(_log) |
def get_profiles(usernames): |
profiles = [] |
with FuturesSession(max_workers=32) as session: |
futures = [] |
for username in usernames: |
future = session.get(URL_QUICKSEARCH + parse.urlencode({"type": "user", "q": username})) |
future.username = username |
futures.append(future) |
for future in as_completed(futures): |
resp = future.result() |
username = future.username |
response = resp.json() |
avatarUrl = None |
if response["users"]: |
for user_candidate in response["users"]: |
if user_candidate["user"] == username: |
avatarUrl = response["users"][0]["avatarUrl"] |
break |
if not avatarUrl: |
avatarUrl = "/avatars/57584cb934354663ac65baa04e6829bf.svg" |
if avatarUrl.startswith("/avatars/"): |
avatarUrl = f"https://huggingface.co{avatarUrl}" |
profiles.append( |
{"id": username, "name": username, "src": avatarUrl, "url": f"https://huggingface.co/{username}"} |
) |
return profiles |
@st.cache(ttl=CACHE_TTL, show_spinner=False) |
@simple_time_tracker(_log) |
def get_serialized_data_points(): |
api = wandb.Api() |
runs = api.runs(WANDB_REPO) |
serialized_data_points = {} |
latest_timestamp = None |
for run in runs: |
run_summary = run.summary._json_dict |
run_name = run.name |
state = run.state |
if run_name in serialized_data_points: |
if "_timestamp" in run_summary and "_step" in run_summary: |
timestamp = run_summary["_timestamp"] |
serialized_data_points[run_name]["Runs"].append( |
{ |
"batches": run_summary["_step"], |
"runtime": run_summary["_runtime"], |
"loss": run_summary["train/loss"], |
"state": state, |
"velocity": run_summary["_step"] / run_summary["_runtime"], |
"date": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp), |
} |
) |
if not latest_timestamp or timestamp > latest_timestamp: |
latest_timestamp = timestamp |
else: |
if "_timestamp" in run_summary and "_step" in run_summary: |
timestamp = run_summary["_timestamp"] |
serialized_data_points[run_name] = { |
"profileId": run_name, |
"Runs": [ |
{ |
"batches": run_summary["_step"], |
"runtime": run_summary["_runtime"], |
"loss": run_summary["train/loss"], |
"state": state, |
"velocity": run_summary["_step"] / run_summary["_runtime"], |
"date": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp), |
} |
], |
} |
if not latest_timestamp or timestamp > latest_timestamp: |
latest_timestamp = timestamp |
latest_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(latest_timestamp) |
return serialized_data_points, latest_timestamp |
@st.cache(ttl=CACHE_TTL, show_spinner=False) |
@simple_time_tracker(_log) |
def get_serialized_data(serialized_data_points, latest_timestamp): |
serialized_data_points_v2 = [] |
max_velocity = 1 |
for run_name, serialized_data_point in serialized_data_points.items(): |
activeRuns = [] |
loss = 0 |
runtime = 0 |
batches = 0 |
velocity = 0 |
for run in serialized_data_point["Runs"]: |
if run["state"] == "running": |
run["date"] = run["date"].isoformat() |
activeRuns.append(run) |
loss += run["loss"] |
velocity += run["velocity"] |
loss = loss / len(activeRuns) if activeRuns else 0 |
runtime += run["runtime"] |
batches += run["batches"] |
new_item = { |
"date": latest_timestamp.isoformat(), |
"profileId": run_name, |
"batches": runtime, |
"runtime": runtime, |
"activeRuns": activeRuns, |
} |
serialized_data_points_v2.append(new_item) |
serialized_data = {"points": [serialized_data_points_v2], "maxVelocity": max_velocity} |
return serialized_data |
def get_leaderboard(serialized_data): |
data_leaderboard = {"user": [], "runtime": []} |
for user_item in serialized_data["points"][0]: |
data_leaderboard["user"].append(user_item["profileId"]) |
data_leaderboard["runtime"].append(user_item["runtime"]) |
df = pd.DataFrame(data_leaderboard) |
df = df.sort_values("runtime", ascending=False) |
df["runtime"] = df["runtime"].apply(lambda x: datetime.timedelta(seconds=x)) |
df["runtime"] = df["runtime"].apply(lambda x: str(x)) |
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) |
df.rename(columns={"user": "User", "runtime": "Total time contributed"}, inplace=True) |
df["Rank"] = df.index + 1 |
df = df.set_index("Rank") |
return df |
def get_global_metrics(serialized_data): |
current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() |
num_contributing_users = len(serialized_data["points"][0]) |
num_active_users = 0 |
total_runtime = 0 |
for user_item in serialized_data["points"][0]: |
for run in user_item["activeRuns"]: |
date_run = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(run["date"]) |
delta_time_sec = (current_time - date_run).total_seconds() |
if delta_time_sec < MAX_DELTA_ACTIVE_RUN_SEC: |
num_active_users += 1 |
break |
total_runtime += user_item["runtime"] |
total_runtime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_runtime) |
return { |
"num_contributing_users": num_contributing_users, |
"num_active_users": num_active_users, |
"total_runtime": total_runtime, |
} |