Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 4,336 Bytes
0432453 68c2962 0432453 b745733 c4f372c b745733 68c2962 b745733 0432453 b745733 0432453 b745733 0432453 |
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import streamlit as st
import random
import pandas as pd
import os
# Cascadia Game Components
habitat_tiles = ['π²', 'ποΈ', 'π', 'π΅', 'π']
wildlife_tokens = ['π»', 'π¦
', 'π', 'π¦', 'πΏοΈ']
players = ['Player 1', 'Player 2']
save_file = 'cascadia_game_state.csv'
# Function to load game state from CSV
def load_game_state():
if os.path.exists(save_file):
df = pd.read_csv(save_file)
game_state = {
'habitat_stack': df['habitat_stack'].dropna().tolist(),
'wildlife_stack': df['wildlife_stack'].dropna().tolist(),
'players': {}
for player in players:
game_state['players'][player] = {
'habitat': df[player + '_habitat'].dropna().tolist(),
'wildlife': df[player + '_wildlife'].dropna().tolist(),
'nature_tokens': int(df[player + '_nature_tokens'][0])
return game_state
return None
# Function to save game state to CSV
def save_game_state(game_state):
data = {
'habitat_stack': pd.Series(game_state['habitat_stack']),
'wildlife_stack': pd.Series(game_state['wildlife_stack'])
for player in players:
player_state = game_state['players'][player]
data[player + '_habitat'] = pd.Series(player_state['habitat'])
data[player + '_wildlife'] = pd.Series(player_state['wildlife'])
data[player + '_nature_tokens'] = pd.Series([player_state['nature_tokens']])
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.to_csv(save_file, index=False)
# Initialize or load game state
game_state = load_game_state()
if game_state is None:
game_state = {
'habitat_stack': random.sample(habitat_tiles * 10, 50),
'wildlife_stack': random.sample(wildlife_tokens * 10, 50),
'players': {player: {'habitat': [], 'wildlife': [], 'nature_tokens': 3} for player in players}
# Streamlit Interface
st.title("π² Cascadia Lite π²")
# Function to draw habitat and wildlife
def draw_habitat_and_wildlife(player, game_state):
habitat = game_state['habitat_stack'].pop()
wildlife = game_state['wildlife_stack'].pop()
# Display players' areas and handle actions
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
for index, player in enumerate(players):
with (col1 if index == 0 else col2):
st.write(f"## {player}'s Play Area")
player_data = pd.DataFrame({
'Habitat Tiles': game_state['players'][player]['habitat'],
'Wildlife Tokens': game_state['players'][player]['wildlife']
# Drafting Phase
if st.button(f"{player}: Draw Habitat and Wildlife"):
draw_habitat_and_wildlife(player, game_state)
game_state = load_game_state()
# Tile and Wildlife Placement
placement_options = ['Place Habitat', 'Place Wildlife', 'Skip']
placement_choice = st.selectbox(f"{player}: Choose an action", placement_options, key=f'placement_{player}')
if placement_choice != 'Skip':
st.write(f"{player} chose to {placement_choice}")
# Nature Tokens
nature_tokens = game_state['players'][player]['nature_tokens']
if st.button(f"{player}: Use a Nature Token ({nature_tokens} left)"):
if nature_tokens > 0:
# Logic to use a nature token
st.write(f"{player} used a Nature Token!")
game_state['players'][player]['nature_tokens'] -= 1
st.warning("No Nature Tokens left!")
# Reset Button
if st.button("Reset Game"):
os.remove(save_file) # Delete the save file
game_state = {
'habitat_stack': random.sample(habitat_tiles * 10, 50),
'wildlife_stack': random.sample(wildlife_tokens * 10, 50),
'players': {player: {'habitat': [], 'wildlife': [], 'nature_tokens': 3} for player in players}
# Game Controls and Instructions
st.write("## Game Controls")
st.write("Use the buttons and select boxes to play the game!") |