textgraphs / mkdocs.yml
Paco Nathan
A new start
site_name: TextGraphs
site_description: Explore uses of large language models (LLMs) in semi-automated knowledge graph (KG) construction from unstructured text sources, with human-in-the-loop (HITL) affordances to incorporate guidance from domain experts.
site_url: https://github.com/DerwenAI/textgraphs
site_author: TextGraphs contributors, with Derwen, Inc.
repo_url: https://github.com/DerwenAI/textgraphs
repo_name: DerwenAI/textgraphs
copyright: Source code and documentation are <strong><a href="https://github.com/DerwenAI/textgraphs/blob/main/LICENSE" target="_blank">licensed</a></strong> under an MIT License; Copyright &copy; 2023-2024 <strong><a href="https://derwen.ai/" target="_blank">Derwen, Inc.</a></strong>
- Home:
- Overview: index.md
- Getting Started: start.md
- Project Report (DRAFT):
- Introduction:
- Abstract: abstract.md
- Project Objectives: objectives.md
- Natural Language Processing: nlp.md
- Graph Representation: graph.md
- Related Work: related.md
- Definitions:
- Lemma Graph: lemma.md
- Probabilistic Graph Features: prob.md
- Graph Levels of Detail: glod.md
- Topological Transforms: topo.md
- Methods:
- Technical Approach: methods.md
- Implementation Details: details.md
- Leveraging Domain Expertise: hitl.md
- Data-First Strategy: strategy.md
- Conclusions: conclude.md
- Research Guides:
- Acknowledgements: ack.md
- Bibliography: biblio.md
- Glossary: glossary.md
- Appendix:
- ML OSS Evaluation Rubric: rubric.md
- Tutorial:
- Syllabus: tutorial.md
- Example Usage: ex0_0.md
- Replicating "InGram": ex1_0.md
- Using Bootstrap Definitions: ex2_0.md
- Technical Reference:
- Build Instructions: build.md
- Package Reference: ref.md
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